#this guy loves his noisy gut :]
s0urdoughs · 8 months
Could we perhaps see more of Matty enjoying his noisy belly? Maybe even with Graeme. The piece with his bloated, noisy tummy was one of my favourites of yours <3
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one more bottle of soda and that shirt is done for
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withlove-xixi · 29 days
— LAIOS NSFW THOUGHTS: laios x reader
ᥫ cw: nsfw, petplay, dom/sub, praise ★ laios appeals to me w the many possible sexual exploits he could be into #tbh — MINORS DNI! —
im sorry, i cant get it off my head .. he'd ... be really into petplay i think. he wouldn't be too ashamed of it too, in fact he's be pretty eager about it. he'd be on all fours and you could already see the imaginary tail eagerly wagging from behind him, and its endearing really. laios would love it if you pet his head or scratched his belly or even just combing through his hair. he wouldn't be against wearing a collar or some ears and a tail to complete the look (though i don't think he'd like being caged or leashed so much. something about feeling constricted too much freaks him out)
he's got that dog in him, what can he say?
oh he would absolutely melt too with praise. anything to let him know he's doing a good job, that you're feeling as good as he is. he loves it, before anything, it's reassurance, a sign to keep going or to change his pace/angle. he knows he's not the best at reading people, so something as simple as telling him how good it feels is enough to keep him going and going. though, immediately after reassurance, it's the unexplainable twist in his gut when you tell him these things. he just loves being called a good boy. argue what you want about if he'd growl or if he's whimper because the correct answer is he'd do both. i dont think he's particularly noisy in bed, but definitely he will make noise and when he does it's so obvious because he's just so loud. it's a bit jarring sometimes because he could be almost silent, save for deep breaths and pants, and suddenly a canine-like growl or whimper would escape his lips.
i like to think he's more or less quiet because he's just too focused on the act. any noise that slips out is simply primal response, written in laios' dna to respond so instinctively.
he's like petnames too! he finds a certain intimacy in the act. he loves calling you by them too, though they're quite unorthodox, things like "my wildflower" or "cheesecake" (since it's his favorite food!) he's definitely tried to call you by a monster's name ... and as sweet as the sentiment was, it wasn't something that lasted too long.
ohhh and back to petplay, laios loves being called "puppy". it's cute and honestly, he kind of is one, is he not?
i think laios can be a bit too excited sometimes too. it's easy for him to get carried away with things he wants to try or do, so you'd have to repeatedly ground him back to what's happening or what's reasonable. though it's not always a verbal cue. you could kiss him gently or pat his arm and he'd get the message, he'd slow down and give you time to breathe and stuff.
idk i think laios is a really sweet guy. similar to my falin nsfw thoughts, as much as he wants to try these new things, it's more out of curiosity and comes from a certain air of innocence. a lot of those things are new therefore something he must try lol. its endearing, it really is. but like his sister, i think he can be a bit timid about it. if he mulls it over too much, he'd end up shyly asking you about it, if it were something you were comfortable with or something you wanted to try. otherwise, he'd be asking you pretty directly, something straight to the point and along the lines of "i want to do this". that being said, i think laios could easily be coerced into trying things. you dont even need to bat your lashes or plead, if you play your cards right, you could instantly spark his curiosity and get him ready to take of his clothes.
oh but laios .. wouldnt be the best at aftercare. dont get me wrong, he tries his best, but somehow he feels a bit lost on what to do. on instinct he goes on autopilot, picking up clothes from the ground, handing you yours, getting dressed and preparing to sleep. but something sweet he does is talk to you though he'd do that regardless of sex. just something short and sweet before you go to bed, in a way, its his way of showing his love and care for you. he listens to what you have to say, he tells you something in return and then its off to bed with you both. it's nice especially if you two have finished doing something nasty, it's a slice of domesticity after something that feels so carnal and it's truly heartwarming.
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eroselless · 4 months
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series masterlist | part 1 | part 3
[charles leclerc x reader, carlos sainz x reader]
warnings: angst, talk of pregnancy, Spanish
note: Part 2! I already feel extremely invested in this and I started new adhd meds so I've been able to rlly hone in and work hard on it :) Let me know how you guys are liking it!
SPAIN, DECEMBER 2022, 3 weeks later
1st trimester/7 weeks/2 months
You sit idly at the kitchen table, face pale and drawn from another bout of morning sickness. You fiddle with the loose threads of a doily that sit trapped under a large bowl of fruit in front of you. Despite the warmth of the sun and the stillness of the countryside, you struggle to adjust. The noisy streets of Monaco seemed to bring you comfort, a reminder of Charles and how eventually he’d come home to you. But that was all gone, replaced by the dulcet tones of the birds outside and the gentle breeze clinking the windchimes on your aunt’s porch. 
Aunt Ines bustles around the kitchen, her movements brisk and efficient as she prepares a brebaje for you, a concoction to soothe your queasy gut. She places the mug in front of you and you recoil slightly at the smell. It wafts up, mingling with the scent of coffee and eggs. 
“Tomatelo, que eso ayuda con las náuseas,” she says drink it, it’ll help with the nausea. You take the mug, hands trembling slightly. You take a big gulp, ignoring the slight burn the liquid leaves behind. Your hands tremble slightly as you put the cup back down on the table.
“Gracias, tía,” you murmur, voice barely above a whisper.
Ines watches you, her gaze a mixture of concern and affection. She didn’t hesitate to pick up the phone when you called her that night on the train. Her heart ached for you as she watched how you would check your phone for a man who had let you go so easily. Your belly was growing a little every day but the life and joy in your eyes seemed to fade as each day passed. 
“Linda, ¿por qué no vas por un pancito a la panaderia?” She asks Sweetie, why don’t you go get some bread from the bakery? You let out a groan and she can almost see your old self appear briefly as you sag in the chair, arms flopping down at your sides.
“I don’t feel like going out,” you protest weakly. She places her hand on your shoulder, squeezing it gently. 
“I know it’s hard, but you need to get out a little. Some fresh air will do you good. And besides, you can’t stay cooped up in this house forever.”
You sigh, mumbling a quiet bueno, okay as you get up from the table. Ines watches you pull your shoes on with a huff. She twists a rag in her hands, recalling how spirited you used to be. As you bid her a quick goodbye, she can’t help but shake her head as you check your phone one more time before tossing it on the table by the door. You were checking for Charles again. 
You looked for him in the mirror every morning, in your sheets, in your dreams. She could hear you call out for him in your slumber. Or hear you cry in the early hours of the morning when you thought she was asleep. She could hear you talking to the baby, asking it questions, both love and anger pouring out in your words. 
Charles’s silence seemed to weigh heavy on your conscience. Was all the love shared in the two years you spent together just gone? Picked up by the wind and dropped into the ocean, sinking down to its dark depths? 
Ines would try her best to distract you from Charles and focus on the baby, gifting you a hand-knitted blanket and yellow booties. Each item was made with love and care, trying to remind you that you had love at your fingertips, in herself and the little bundle growing within you. 
You make your way to the bakery, the morning air cool against your skin. You can’t help but wonder what Charles might be doing. Were you occupying his thoughts as he was occupying yours? Maybe he was waiting on his phone, waiting for your call as you waited for his every day. You get pulled from your thoughts as a little boy skids in front of you, you let out a yelp as he scurries after a red toy car.
“Disculpa, señora!” He exclaims as he chases after it Sorry, lady! You watch him as he wanders off, finally catching it. Another boy, older, follows after him. You both watch as the little one, maybe 3 years old, flicks at the tires of the car, laughing as they spin. He beams up at the older boy and they smile at each other, conversing and giggling as they continue their way down the street. You smile as they walk away from your eyeline, a sad, bittersweet smile.  
The streets are lined with charming little buildings, bustling with kids and adults alike. You can soon smell the yeasty scent of bread trailing down the street. You breathe deeply as you reach the doors of the bakery, greeted by warmth and the delicious smell of freshly baked goods. Walking through the threshold of the bakery, a kindly old man smiles at you as you enter. 
“Buenos dias, señorita,” he says. “What can I get for you today?” You manage a small smile. “A loaf of your freshest bread please.”
He nods and disappears into the kitchen. You pull out some coins, moving to lean against a table that stands off to one side. You try settling in the warmth of the cozy bakery, trying to draw some comfort from the soft glow of warm lighting and the inviting scent of cinnamon and sugar. You close your eyes for a second, hand resting on your tummy. It's grown since the night on the train. If you pulled your shirt tightly against your body, you’d be able to see it starting to poke out. You wonder what the baby will look like. Would she look like you? Or would she inherit the features of her father? Would it even be a she? Or would it be a little boy, the image of his father? 
The baker calls for you, pulling you out of your brief daze and hands you the loaf wrapped in brown paper. You hand him the money and thank him before heading back home. 
Your walk back is easier, your mind occupied with thoughts of the baby. You cradle the warm bread against your chest, eyes flickering to its crispy outside. You’ll carry the baby like this someday. 
Back at the house, Ines is waiting for you. She leans on the doorway, a smile on her face. She takes the bread from you, walking into the kitchen. 
“No tan mal,¿cierto?” She teases lightly Not that bad, right? You nod, feeling lighter. 
Putting the bread down, she pulls you into her arms. 
She feels her chest fill with relief as you relax into her embrace, face tucked into the crook of her neck. You hold onto her, feeling the love that surrounds you. For the first time in the last couple of weeks, you don’t feel as if the world is fighting with all its might against you. You let out a smile. This time a little wider than before.
Laughter seems to bounce off the walls of the small home. You’re sitting on the kitchen counter, a bag of carrots in your lap. You bite into one, handing another to your aunt as she chops them up and tosses them into a pot full of celery and potatoes. 
“Do you remember when Jorge used to feed the dog his bottle?” Ines chuckles, shaking her head. Her children are older than you, occupied with their own families in different corners of the world. “He was so terribly convinced that the dog needed it more than he did.” 
You laugh, the sound bubbling up from deep in your chest. “And Mateo used to put his toys in the fridge! Mom would always find action figures next to the milk and cheese.”
Ines laughs again, a bittersweet smile on her lips. “Esos peladitos, always keeping us on our toes.” Those little guys. 
You laugh at her comment, hopping off the counter as you hear your phone buzz on the kitchen table. Ines chastizes you as you do so, telling you you shouldn’t be jumping around like that. You shake your head, a smile still playing on your face. You brush your hands on your pants, not caring for the slight orange residue they leave behind, and reach for your phone. 
The laughter seems to fade from the room, the joyful noise dying in your chest. You blink a few times, words on the screen not fully registering in your mind. A headline stares back at you, the words blurring as tears fill your eyes. 
You stare at your phone for a moment before tossing it carelessly onto the table and running out the front door. Your aunt looks back at you from her spot at the sink. 
“Mi amor,” she calls for you, moving quickly to follow after you. “¿que paso?” what happened? You don’t answer, heaving as you stop at the edge of the property. The world seems to spin around you and you try to catch your breath. Your chest feels tight and the air only seems to get hotter as you stand there. You want to scream. Inside, Ines watches you with confusion, wiping her hands on a rag before picking up the phone with the screen still on. Her heart fills with dread as she reads: 
Prince of Ferrari, Charles Leclerc seems to have parted ways with his illusive girlfriend after being spotted with new mystery woman in a Monaco restaurant. Who is his ex-girlfriend and why did the F1 star break up with her?
She swipes at the screen, eyes scanning over the pictures attached to the headline. Charles sits at a table, glasses perched on the bridge of his nose. He’s leaning into the woman, noses almost touching as he leans in for a kiss. There’s a smile painted on his face, his arm draped around her shoulders. The pictures show him gradually getting closer until his lips are pressed to hers. 
She presses a hand to her mouth as she puts the phone down, making sure to swipe the page away before making her way out to you. You’re sobbing, with your head in your hands. Your shoulders shaking with such force, Ines thinks you could heave. 
“Lo siento mucho, mi amor,” she consoles as she nears you I’m so sorry, my love. She pulls you into her chest, her own tears dripping down her face as your body wracks against hers. Her hands rub soothing circles on your back. 
The pain feels unbearable, a mix of betrayal and heartbreak. The man you love, the father of your child, moving on without a second thought. You think of the nights you cried for him, the mornings you searched for his presence. It felt like a cruel joke. 
“Casi ni siquiera ha pasado un mes,” you manage to choke out between sobs. “Y asi como nada.” It's barely even been a month, and just like that.
Ines pulls back slightly, looking into your eyes. She brushes away the hair that’s begun to stick to your cheeks. Your eyes look beautiful as they drip with immense sadness. There was so much beauty in your tragedy. 
“We’ll get through this,” she whispers firmly. “One step at a time.”
You nod, taking a small comfort in her words. They don’t do much to ease the crushing weight in your chest. Any hope you had for a future with Charles crumbles before you, replaced with an uncertain reality. You sink into her arms and let yourself release a sob, clutching tight to your middle. You whisper a quiet apology to the little bump, tears only streaming harder down your face. 
“I’m here,” Ines says softly, her voice steady. “And I’ll always be here. We’ll get through this together.” She holds you tight, her love wrapping around you like a warm blanket, offering the only solace you can find as the world seems to crash around you.
.˚ ༘ ⋆。˚ ✧ ˚ ༘ ⋆。˚.
The weeks pass slowly and you find yourself sitting on the porch day after day. It's almost like that one scene in Twilight but in the warm and bright climate of Spain. Your morning sickness dwindles, some days better than others. It's yet another crisp morning that you find yourself sitting there, enjoying the sound of the windchimes and birds once again. Ines pokes her head out the door, peering at you. 
“Linda, te puedo pedir un favorcito?” she asks, her face in a little grimace sweetie, can I ask a little favour from you? You look up, nodding your head silently. She lets out a sly smile.
“I’m running low on a few things for dinner tonight and I can’t go to the market with all the chores I need to finish.” she winces. You know what’s coming and you relent, getting up to grab a grocery bag. 
“Thank you, mija,” she says, pressing a kiss to you head. “I just need some tomatoes and carrots and maybe a loaf of bread.” you nod fervently at her request, not stopping the shadow of a smile that appears on your face as she hobbles away to grab a pen and paper. With now a list in hand, you step out into the bright morning light.
The market is just a short walk away, and as you make your way through the quaint streets, you try to focus on the task at hand, pushing any thoughts of Charles to the back of your mind.
The market is alive with activity, vendors calling out their wares, and the air filled with the mingling scents of fresh produce and baked goods. You wander from stall to stall, selecting ripe tomatoes, crisp lettuce, and fragrant herbs, your basket slowly filling with the ingredients Ines needs.
As you reach for a bundle of carrots, you hear a voice call from behind you. You turn, eyes widening as you see Carlos approaching you, arms wide and a smile playing on his face. 
“Es tan lindo verte,” he says, eyes crinkling with a warm smile it’s so nice to see you. He pulls you in close arms wrapping around you completely. You relax a little, finding comfort in seeing a familiar face. A mixture of emotions hits you as he holds you. His presence is a reminder of the world you left behind, a reminder of the love you lost. 
“Hola, Carlos,” you reply, managing a soft smile. He lets go, eyes looking over you. 
“You look… different,” he observes. His face is full of concern as he looks you over closely. Your smile fades as he does. Your bump is sticking out a little more as you enter your second trimester. Your shirt is taught against your tummy, fabric being pulled back slightly as he lets his arms drop. The growing babe causes your belly button to slowly start to poke out. “Yeah,” you murmur, tugging your shirt loose. “I guess I’ve been going through some changes.” 
You feel a blush rise to your cheeks as he reaches for your small belly, stopping abruptly before his fingers make contact with it. “Are you…?” he trails off, his voice filled with surprise. 
You nod, and Carlos can’t tell if your expression is of pride or shame. He nods sympathetically. He’d heard about what happened with Charles, whispers spreading quickly through the paddock as the news broke. But not this, no one had mentioned this. “Charles doesn’t know, he doesn’t need to,” you explain, eyes pleading with him. 
He nods, eyebrows furrowed. “Lo siento mucho,” he says, reaching out and placing a reassuring hand on your shoulder I’m so sorry. Though Charles didn’t share you much with the world, you did occasion a race every now and then, mostly hidden away from the cameras. When he saw Charles step out on town with someone else, he suspected something had happened. 
You nod, a lump forming in your throat. “Yeah,” you whisper. His hand lingers its spot, sending a strange sense of comfort to wash over you. Despite the pain you’d been carrying with you for the last few weeks, the genuine kindness he was offering you seemed to alleviate it a little.
"Listen," Carlos begins, his voice gentle. "I know things are tough right now, but if you ever need someone to talk to or just a shoulder to lean on, I'm here for you." 
His words catch you off guard, and you find yourself blinking back tears. "Thank you, Carlos," you whisper, feeling a swell of gratitude in your chest.
He offers you a warm smile, his eyes crinkling at the corners. "Anytime," he says softly. "Cuidate, okay?” Take care of yourself, okay?
With a final nod, Carlos bids you farewell, leaving you standing there in the bustling market square.
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tags: @kravitzwhore @janeh22 @apollosfavkiddo @leah-also-known-as-creatoronwp @tremendousstarlighttragedy
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padfootagain · 9 months
Black Dog Neighbour
Hi everyone ! Today, we’re answering a request made for my 6k followers event by @nobodyshomearchive : “hi hello lovely xxi have been hooked to your blog lately, and to say that is an understatement in all honesty. congratulations on 6k followers <33 so for your celebration can i get an enemies to lovers (ouh massive surprise 👀) with sirius black (preferably post azkaban but it's okay if you don't want to!) cause i'm literally so head over heels for that man. and i'm loving your something good series :) again, congrats and feel free to ignore the request if you don't feel like writing it/it doesn't hit your creative spot.
have a great day/night hun <;3”
Thank you so much for your request, and I hope you like this! I didn’t do post-azkaban Sirius, because he doesn’t exist in my brain. I have been in denial for so long, the Potters are living their best lives, didn’t you know?!
Anyway, still went for post-Hogwarts and post-war Sirius, simply didn’t include anything referencing to Azkaban or… anything canon compliant, to be fair. But as per usual for me when it comes to this character…
Hope you like this! Tell me what you think!
Pairing: Sirius Black x reader
Warnings: A small warning for an ex being an arse and showing up drunk on your doorstep (there’s nothing violent, but you do physically push him away, so heads up on that, just in case). But the rest’s cuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuute!!!
Summary: God, you hate that guy next door. Bloody annoying neighbour with his noisy motorcycle, his loud friends, his annoying laugh, his charming smile, his amazing hair, his effortless way to sport sexy leather jackets. He’s insufferable, you hate him to bits. The fact that he’s a talented wizard who can magically change into a dog to guard your door when your ex comes bothering you again will not change your first impression in the slightest, by the way. You still hate him to guts. Probably…
Word count: 4592
Sirius Black Masterlist – Main Masterlist
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Sirius fucking Black.
Your neighbour, aka worst enemy, aka the person you despise the most on earth.
He is loud. He is annoyingly pretty. He is getting on your fucking nerves... again!
Of course, it is Friday night, which means that his stupid friends are over for a “boys’ night”. What a scam…
In consequence, you are currently casting sound-proofing spells all over your walls in an attempt to shush their idiotic laughs. And especially Sirius’s; his unmistakable bark-like laughter, loud and boisterous and absolutely prone to draw a grin from your face even if you don’t mean to. By Agrippa’s hat, you will soon either cut his throat or call for an auror. Or maybe you could burst into his apartment and shout into his face just so he can see how bloody annoying that is. Or kissing him to shut him up sounds like a plan, too…
You shake your head, grinning at your own genius idea. Sirius and his friends are being rudely loud again, when you have already told them a thousand times – which is to say every Friday for the last six months, since Sirius moved in the apartment next to yours – that the walls in this old building of Diagon Alley are too thin, that you can hear everything going on in Sirius’s apartment despite sound-proofing spells… and that they need to keep it down past 11pm because you have work the next day. The absolute dread of working in retails does not, by any means, spare the Wizards and Witches of this world…
You look through your apartment for the object that would make the most noise. You give a few items a try, but settle for the good old pan and spoon. Ha, what precious allies these two are, never failing you.
You add a little spell to amplify sounds – just for good measure – find some earplugs, and then proceed to bang the shit out of that pan, right by your common wall with Sirius’s apartment.
It goes on for five full minutes before you manage to catch the quietened sound of something against your door…
And sure enough, when you stop and take your earplugs out, someone is banging at your door.
“Y/N!” a voice that you easily recognize shouts. “STOP THIS FUCKING NOISE!”
You open the door wide, and have to bend to the side to avoid Sirius’s fist as it misses the door.
“Merlin! Sorry! You’re okay? I didn’t touch you, right?” Sirius asks with anger instantly replaced with worry.
“I have amazing reflexes.”
And anger is back into his dark grey eyes again...
“What the fuck are you doing in there?! Are you mental?!”
“I don’t know, Sirius. I didn’t notice anything over the cacophony of your friends shouting into my ears all night!”
His jaw clenches, and you hate yourself for noticing the trembling of the muscle there, and finding it terribly attractive…
“And you had to make all this ruckus instead of simply walking three meters to my door and nicely ask us to shut our mouths because…?”
“Because I’ve asked you dozens of times, this has been going on for fucking months, Sirius!”
He rolls his eyes, and Merlin do you want to punch him straight across the jaw… his very sharp, very pretty jaw…
“We’re just having a nice evening…”
“And I am trying to sleep!”
“It’s barely midnight!”
“I work tomorrow, you asshole!”
“Ermm… guys?”
“WHAT?!” you both exclaim, turning to face a shy-looking Remus.
“Sorry about the noise, Y/N. We’ll be more careful next time. We’ll leave for the evening.”
“You don’t have to leave…” Sirius complains, but James is already walking out, helping a drunk Peter to cross the corridor.
“It’s late, anyway. Lily’s gonna worry, I was supposed to be home twenty minutes ago,” James argues, and Sirius has to yield.
“Alright, see you on Sunday, then!” he shoots his friends a grin, and the group waves at you.
You rudely ignore them, crossing your arms before your chest. And as Sirius turns back to you, his frown is icy and he quickly matches your stance.
“You’re such a pain in my ass, Y/N…”
“And you’re a jerk.”
“You’re insufferable, you know that?”
“You’re one to talk!”
“Oh, you talk plenty enough for both of us. And loudly so!”
Before he can reply, you’ve stepped back into your apartment and slammed the door.
You hear him pestering after you for a moment, then nothing, and finally a door slamming.
Well, that went well…
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You are in trouble.
Big… huge trouble.
Your ex has just stepped into your shop, and you don’t know how to react.
You didn’t break up in a horrendous way, on the contrary! He wanted the two of you to remain friends, and you simply didn’t, worried that you wouldn’t be able to get over each other if you stayed in touch. And by the look he gave you as he stepped inside your shop ten minutes ago, and the many glances he’s thrown at you since, you’re pretty sure that you were right about this.
It's not like your relationship was terrible, by any means. Josh was nice, reliable, but also… not for you. You didn’t have much in common, at the end of the day, and if his personality and looks were nice, it was hard to build a lasting relationship on… nothing. It was for the best that you called it quits.
And as if your day needed any darkening, Sirius Black chooses this very moment to step into your shop. You don’t wait for him to aim for the counter to take out a large pouch in which you have gathered all the ingredients for his friend’s monthly brew. He smiles at the sight, moves towards you. And you hate yourself for the leap your heart makes as he comes closer.
“Hi, Y/N.”
It’s the first time you speak to each other since the ‘spoon and pan incident’, and you both hesitate. How are you supposed to act now? Apologise for being petty and kind of a dick? Ask for his apology for being a dick? Act like nothing happened?
“Thanks for Remus’s stuff,” Sirius says, voice quieter than usual, gentle, asking for a truce.
Outside, it’s snowing, winter claiming the streets of London, and there are little snowflakes caught in Sirius’s hair. It looks lovely.
All of a sudden, you’re longing for some eggnog, and some pumpkin pie.
His fingers are cold when they meet yours, tips brushing over your knuckles as he picks up the bag, and you hate your own heart for stammering.
“No problem. You know the drill,” you tentatively smile, while Sirius hands you some silvery Sickles.
“I would also need pearl dust, please. Here’s the amount.”
He hands you a parchment with quantities written on it, four small packages to be prepared separately.
“How many hearts do you intend to break with so many love potions?” you joke, turning around to get to work.
The brass scale is set on a small table, pushed right against the wall, behind the counter. It is an easy task for a professional like you, measuring quickly while Sirius laughs.
“No one, thankfully,” he replied.
“Oh… some Amortentia, perhaps? Trying to figure out who your crush likes?”
“No… nothing like that. It’s the properties for invisibility that I’m looking for.”
“If you plan on breaking into Gringotts, I don’t want to know.”
Again, a loud laugh. And you wish you could hold back your smile, but you can’t, the sound is too infectious for that.
You’ve forgotten that your ex is here, you’re reminded of his presence only when you turn back towards Sirius and he’s standing right behind your tall neighbour, a bag of potion ingredients in his hands.
You avert your eyes, and Sirius frowns at the sight. He glances over his shoulder, spots your ex, but says nothing. You only notice how he tightens his hold on the pouch.
“Pearl dust’s quite expensive,” you tell him, handing him the phials, before announcing the price.
“That’s alright.”
He hands you the galleons, takes the vials, but doesn’t step away just yet.
“You… you’re okay?” he asks, and you’re not sure what to do with his expression. It’s somewhere between annoyance and genuine concern.
“Yeah, sure.”
He nods, like he’s disappointed. He’s not bringing up The Incident, and so you won’t either.
“Right, good day.”
He turns in a hurry, not waiting for your answer, but you notice the way he throws a look back before stepping out into the street, snow falling over his dark coat and dark hair again. You hate how your eyes linger on his frame until he’s out of sight, walking down the busy street, but you can’t help it…
“Hello, Y/N.”
You’re brought back to Earth as your ex speaks, and you turn to him, your smile turning from genuine to polite.
“Hi, Josh.”
“How are you?”
“Good! Do you need anything else?” you ask, pointing at the ingredients he’s put on the counter.
“Huh… no, nothing else.”
“That makes two Galleons, 5 Sickles and 3 Knuts, please.”
He hands you some money, and you hand him his change. You see him hesitating, before diving.
“Look, I… I came here hoping to see you.”
“Yeah, I… I’ve been meaning to tell you. I’ve been thinking a lot lately, about what happened, and… Look, I know I could have done better when it came to us. And I thought… perhaps… if you were willing to give me another chance…”
“Just… hear me out...”
“No. I’m sorry, but no. We… we were not compatible, that’s all. I like you, you’re nice, but… It won’t work between us.”
Slowly, he nodded, apparently defeated. And when another client cleared their throat behind him, he finally left.
What a mess of a morning…
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It is Friday night, and the Marauders are keeping it down. You are surprised by it, but you can only praise these men for being, for once, well-behaved. 11:30, as you slip under the covers, ready for some well-deserved rest before waking up too early to open the shop in the morning. You are ready to fall into Morpheus’s arms and abandon yourself to slumber when someone knocks on your door.
You ignore the sound for a while, but it starts again, and again…
And you thought Sirius was making some efforts. You were ready to commit murder…
You stand up, grab a bathrobe and walk to the door, ready to throw hands with Sirius at this point. Only… only, when you actually open the door, it’s not Sirius who’s facing your wrath.
It’s Josh.
“What… What are you doing here?” you ask, too stunned to think about being polite. “It’s almost midnight.”
But then he looks up at you, and you notice at once that he’s been drinking. His eyes are glimmering, he sways slightly before finding back his balance…
“Y/N, I… I know that now is not the time, but… please, give me another chance. Please…”
“Josh, we’ve talked about this. Us… it’s over. We’re not getting back together. I’m sorry.”
“But I can try and be better. I’ll be better, let me show you.”
You push him off when he staggers forward, trying to hold you.
“Josh! Stop it!” you raise your voice, trying to get him to let go.
“I said no! Get off!”
He’s finally letting go, but doesn’t take a step back. Instead, he leans against your doorframe, not stepping inside, but making it impossible for you to simply go back in and close the door.
“Josh! Go away! I’m sorry, but this is over between us. You have to leave me alone!”
“But I don’t want to! Y/N!”
You’re both distracted by the new voice that comes shouting through the corridor. Sirius is standing before his front door, wearing a Queen t-shirt and some dark sweatpants, in what you guess his is nightly outfit. Still, when he comes nearer, hair tied in a bun, glowering, he looks intimidating, tattoos all over his arms on full display, traces of ink peeking above the collar of his t-shirt.
You think for a second that he’s going to make a scene because of how noisy you are right now, not ironic at all given his habits of messing your sleeping schedule, and you’re ready to get angry at him, because this truly is the last thing you need tonight, when…
“You leave her the fuck alone!”
You’re too stunned to react when Sirius comes to stand right by your side.
“She told you to fuck off, so you fuck off!”
“Who the fuck are you?” Josh replied, words a little slurred.
“Her boyfriend,” Sirius lies, but it works wonders, as Josh becomes suddenly very pale. “Now, you fuck off, or I’ll throw you out of the building.”
“You? With him?” Josh asks as he turns to you, and you feel pity for the pain in his eyes, but you don’t regret leaving him.
“Yeah. He’s my boyfriend. Now, please, Josh… leave me alone.”
But he shakes his head.
“I can’t. I can’t. I still love you…”
Sirius looks at you, but you shake your head.
“You have to leave me alone and move on.”
“No… I… I’ll come back later…”
Sirius notices your worry, it almost looks like fear, and he doesn’t hesitate when he grabs Josh by the collar.
“You listen to me now, dickhead,” Sirius growls, it’s almost animalistic, and you’re frozen by this threatening tone of his. “If you set a foot in this building again, if you go see her at her shop, if you so much as breathe in her direction or step in the street she’s in, I will come for you, and I will make sure you can never bother her again. Do you get that?”
“You’re bluffing.”
Sirius grins, something twisted and terribly dark, and even you shiver when he speaks again, voice low and terrible.
“I fought for the Order during the war. I’m a Black. Trust me, you don’t want to fuck with me.”
Slowly, Josh nods, struggling to swallow.
“So… will you leave her alone?”
Again, Josh nods.
“Good boy. Now get the fuck out of here.”
He’s barely released Josh that he’s sprinting down the stairs, stumbling and catching himself against the wall, before disappearing.
But you don’t see that. You’re staring at Sirius, and seem unable to look away.
“You’re alright?”
You’re startled by the softness Sirius’s voice is now wearing, such a stark contrast with the threatening tone he wore a minute ago.
“Y/N? You’re okay? He didn’t hurt you, right?”
“What? No… no, I’m fine! He just… showed up and I couldn’t get rid of him.”
“Yeah, I figured.”
“Thank you,” you whisper as he gets closer.
“You’re sure you’re alright?”
“Yeah, just… a little shaken, I think.”
Slowly, Sirius nods.
“Hey, no need to worry, okay? I’ll keep an eye out tonight. He won’t bother you again. And if he does, in the coming days or weeks, and I’m not around, then you come and tell me. I’ll give him a good fright, and he’ll leave you alone.”
“Thanks but… why would you do that for me? You hate me.”
Sirius chuckles at that, raising an eyebrow.
“I don’t hate you. You’re annoying, but I don’t hate you.”
His touch is infinitely gentle when he rests his hand on your arm.
“You can go back to sleep. Don’t worry, he won’t bother you again tonight. I promise.”
Slowly, you nod, a little too stunned to complain or argue or discuss what has just happened. Instead, you walk back to your apartment, lock the door, and go back to bed, thinking about the way Sirius’s hands looked gentle without his rings…
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You’re in a hurry this morning. Your brain has not finished to process everything that has happened last night, but this will have to wait. You must rush to the shop, and you can’t find your bloody wand…
Ha! There! What is it doing under the couch? Never mind, you need to hurry, and you need to hurry now!
Only, when you open the front door, you almost trip onto a large black door sleeping on your threshold. A huge black dog, as a matter of fact.
“What in Merlin’s beard…?!”
His ears perk up at the sound of your voice, and he looks up at you with dark grey eyes that remind you of someone…
But it’s impossible, of course. That must be his dog, though. Since when does Sirius has a dog though?!
The animal slowly stands, a real giant, all dark fur and intimidating growls, until he’s shaken some sleep off its frame, and then he looks up at you, as if expecting a command.
“Hi,” you say, feeling foolish, but finding nothing better to say.
The dog merely comes closer, slowly, ears down in submission, as if he’s worried to scare you away. You hold out your hand, and he hurries to rub his snout into it, licking your fingers.
You giggle at the sensation.
“You look intimidating, but you’re a good boy, aren’t you?”
He barks in agreement, and you give him scratches as a reward.
“Who do you belong to, huh? Are you Sirius’s dog?”
The dog merely licks your fingers again.
“You look the part, at least. You fit the motorcycle-and-leather-jackets aesthetic.”
A few scratches more, and you finally remember that you are running late…
You lock the door, hurry towards the stairs. But you stop the dog when he tries to follow.
“No, no, no! I’m going to work, you stay here. I’m sure Sirius will be back soon. You stay here.”
The dog blinks, but sits anyway, letting you go.
For the whole trip to the store, you wonder who this dog belongs to, and who would let him sleep outside like this. If he really did belong to Sirius, he would hear about this…
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Your day is a weird one.
After arriving almost late, but not quite, you spend your morning being busy and running around the store looking for the right ingredients for various potions and clients. And yet, several times during your shift, you feel someone looking at you.
The first time, it’s Sirius, who’s squinting on the other side of the glass door. He looks away the second your eyes land on him, and you’re almost certain that he blushes, although you didn’t think it to be possible to make Sirius Black blush.
The second time, it’s the black dog again, who remains sitting by the door under the falling snow for about ten minutes before leaving.
The third time, it’s the dog again, you see him being petted by a customer as she walks out of the shop.
But if the dog belongs to Sirius, then you guess that he’s been around several times throughout the day, which seems odd. Also, you want to chastise him for leaving the animal alone in the cold for extended periods of time throughout the day. Is he heartless?!
So, as you go home that night, you leave your coat in your apartment before heading to Sirius’s.
He answers on the second knock.
“Oh! Hi, Y/N!” he grins a welcome at you. “Need anything?”
“Yeah… I wanted to talk to you, if you have a minute.”
He merely nods, moving to let you inside.
You’ve been here a couple of times before, but you still appreciate the warm atmosphere of the large space that forms his living room. A huge Gryffindor flag is hung across the wall on the right, while windows let you see falling snow over the roofs of Diagon Alley on the opposite side of the room. A large chimney surrounded by comfortable armchairs and sofas, along with a soft red carpet seem to call for you.
“So? What can I do for you, Y/N?”
You turn to him again while he points at the sofa, silently inviting you to sit, but you remain standing. You cross your arms, and he frowns at the sight.
“Where’s your dog?”
Your tone is sharper now, and his frown only deepens, brows knitted together.
“My what?”
“Your dog. Huge. Black. Looks like he could bite my throat off.”
“I don’t have a dog.”
“Really? He’s been following me around all day. He was on my threshold this morning…”
“…Y/N…” he tries to interrupt you, but you don’t let him.
“No! Listen… Thank you for what you did last night. I was really… Thank you. Josh wouldn’t leave and you were most definitely helpful. But let’s be clear, I’m a big girl, and I can take care of myself! I don’t need your protection or anything, got it?”
You wonder why he’s smiling now, but he is all the same.
“Got it. Was just trying to be helpful.”
“You were.”
“Good. But your good action doesn’t mean that I’m going to accept any harm coming to this cute dog of yours!”
“I thought he wanted to bite your throat off.”
“He looked like he could. He was pretty sweet, though.”
“Anyway… what’s wrong with you!? Leaving him outside all night and then in the street while it was snowing!?”
“Y/N, relax. I don’t have a dog, let me explain.”
“Then whose dog is it? Cause we have to find his owner, I’m going to throw hands!”
Sirius laughs, his usual, bark-like laugh, and your puzzled by the sound. It resembles a bark even more than usual.
Sirius heaves a sigh, shakes his head, apparently hesitating, but eventually, he takes a step closer.
“You have to promise me that you won’t tell anyone about this.”
“Because if you do, I might be arrested.”
Your eyes grow round.
Oh dear… the…
“…Potion. The potion! You’ve done something illegal with it!”
Sirius laughs again.
“The pearl dust you mean? It’s just a trick for my godson, for Christmas. How do you think the presents get under the tree without anyone carrying them in? The fellow is a rascal, standing watch all night to catch Santa red-handed. We need to get more and more creative each year. No, don’t worry, it’s nothing like that.”
“Oh… but then… what are you talking about?”
“Do you promise that you won’t tell?”
“Have you killed someone?”
“Of course not!”
“I don’t know, you were pretty… scary last night.”
“Did I scare you?”
“No… but Josh was ready to faint.”
He laughs again at that.
“I haven’t harmed anyone.”
“Okay… then, I promise.”
Sirius hesitates some more, before warning you not to freak out. You don’t have time to question him though, he’s already transforming into…
“… the black dog!”
You gasp at the sight, but you don’t back away when Sirius approaches under his animagus form. Instead, you reach out for him, giving him a few scratches between his ears, making him wiggle his tail happily.
“Oh wow… you’re an animagus! This is beautiful…”
He laughs as he changes back into human, the sound still somewhere close to a growl.
“Am I a good boy, then?” he teases, making you laugh. “No need to call for the animal welfare…”
“But… what were you doing around the shop today? And last night? Did you sleep on the porch?”
Sirius averts his eyes, and you have to double-check, but you’re certain that he is blushing right now.
“Ha, that… I didn’t mean to look like a creep or anything. But I… I was worried your ex would come back. Just wanted to check on you, ‘s all. I didn’t follow you around or anything! I just… went to check that you were alright at the shop a few times.”
He looks up at you with a slight frown, as if it is obvious, as if you’re stupid for not guessing.
“Because… I was worried about you.”
“About me?”
“Is it so surprising?”
“You hate me.”
“Again, I don’t hate you. You’re simply annoying the shit out of me. I like it, actually.”
You blink, trying to make sense of all this, and Sirius looks at you with amusement.
“Is that why you were quiet last night? To not bother me?”
“Oh, the boys weren’t here. Busy week. We’ll be back at being insufferable next Friday.”
You roll your eyes at that, but Sirius laughs.
“I’m joking! I understand, okay? We’re too loud. We’ll keep it down from now on.”
“Right, okay…”
He bit his lip, ran a hand through his hair, in what you guess is shyness. God, you would have never thought to use this adjective to describe him. His rings catch the warm light of the fire burning in the hearth as he moves his fingers through his hair.
“Look, I… I’m sorry for the other night. Actually… for all the other nights. We’ll be more careful next time,” he says, and you raise an eyebrow in surprise.
You never thought you would hear an apology from him, even less so an earnest one, and yet…
“Thank you, Sirius. I’m sorry, too. It was petty and uncalled for.”
“No, you… you were right.”
He heaves a frustrated sigh, runs a hand through his long dark curls again, rebel strands falling before his eyes. You hold tightly onto the sleeve of your hoodie, refraining the sudden urge to push the curls away from his face, brush them behind his ear…
“Look, I… I don’t want us to be on bad terms,” Sirius goes on. “Could I make up for being a dickhead by buying you some fancy Christmas drink? My treat. As a token of good faith and a sign for peace in our building?”
He offers you his open palm, and you shake hands with a smile adorning both of your faces.
“Any afternoon free this week?”
“Then, I’ll buy you the fanciest cocoa I can find. And even some pumpkin pie, if you’re nice.”
“Sounds good.”
You’re reluctant to pull away but have to let go of his hand.
“Actually… scratch that,” Sirius shakes his head. “Would you go on a date with me?”
Your eyes grow round.
“A date? With you?”
“Yeah. On Wednesday?”
“But… with you?”
“Don’t act so surprised. You really think I play bodyguard for just anybody?”
You laugh at that, you can’t help it, even if you’re still quite stunned by the whole situation.
You weight your options, but then you look at him again, and the answer you want to give is obvious, even if he gets on your nerves all the bloody time…
“Okay. A date. On Wednesday.”
He grins, bright and infectious.
“Great! Awesome!”
You remain staring at each other for a moment, both of you trying to hide your excitement, until you finally clear your throat.
“I should…” you begin, pointing at the door.
“Sure… busy day?”
“You can’t imagine.”
You hurry towards the door, feeling overwhelmed by his nearness.
“See you on Wednesday then!” he calls after you as you reach for your own door.
“Sure! But it better be the best hot chocolate I’ve drunk, or I’ll ask for a refund!”
He laughs, and when you turn one last time towards him, Sirius is leaning against his doorframe, staring at you with a grin on his lips and mischief painted all over his features. He winks, and your heart skips several beats.
“Oh, don’t worry. You won’t regret this.”
Taglist :
@reg-arcturus-black @hells-escapees @omgrachwrites
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lesbianoms · 6 months
(CW: Cruel pred and neglect for prey's humanity, but digestion is still painless. Old draft I finally decided to share with y'all)
Pred/observer wlw couple with petplay dynamics~~ 🥵
The observer is a generous mistress. She keeps her pred pampered and submissive, leashed and collared. And she always sees to it there’s a steady diet of men to fatten her up.
Make no mistake, the observer loves the pred and isn’t just using the live feedings for her pleasure. She absolutely adores her pet and treats her like a princess, giving her belly rubs and kisses and spoiling her rotten.
The pred is madly in love too, and living the dream. Her hazy, hungry mind only knows bliss. Maybe she’s on the smaller side— or at least, she was on the smaller side. Now after churning up so many struggling meals, the weight of her lifestyle is evident, constantly bulging off her middle <3
Maybe she’s aware of what actually happens to the prey she eats, or maybe she’s not. Either way, her partner does all the hard work for them both, all the scheming and planning to lure unsuspecting male meals towards their gurgly fate.
A typical feeding night might go like this:
The observer flirts with a guy at a bar, acting like she’s interested in him. He may respond. As they engage with each other, she usually makes her decisions based on the vibes she gets from him. The chauvinists always taste better.
She takes him home, promising him the threesome he’s always wanted. He happily obliges and has most of his clothes off by the time they reach the bedroom. The pred— who, depending on the night, was either in the middle of a nap or nursing a hungry, empty tummy— sees the observer enter and her eyes light up excitedly.
And what’s this? Her mistress has returned with a delicious looking treat~
“Here pet, I brought you supper,” the observer tells her with a sweet yet mischievous grin.
The man is confused. He’s about to ask what she means… but before he knows it he’s already been pushed to the ground, the wind knocked out of him, and a drooling girl on top of him.
Compared to her prey, the pred doesn’t look threatening— not even taller than him, not strong physically— but the minute her instincts take over, it’s the end for him…
The observer watches in delight as her pred-pet devours the screaming man whole, watches as he slips down her throat and fills out her gut, rounding out her empty stomach. She’s all ready with the praises as her pred manages the final swallow. His cries for help get lost inside of her, and now he’s sealed away inside of her greedy belly… walls squeezing in, acids bubbling…
“Good girl~!” The observer cooes, pleased that her pred managed to get yet another victim to go down so easily. “Good puppy!!”
The pred tried to sit back up but she’s completely overwhelmed by the sensations of her living meal inside her. She wriggles on the carpet, whimpering in pure pleasure, weighed down by her hefty gut. Feeling every frantic movement of her prey as he struggles inside of her, desperate to escape. All that he manages to do is muster up a burp from the mouth of his pred as she pants and drools like a satisfied dog.
Her mistress’s words snap her back to attention. “Come here, sweetie, I’ll help your food settle down~”
Loyally, obediently, the pred pads over on all fours with enthusiastic steps, her belly hanging low to the ground. She rolls over onto the bed and purrs as the observer begins to stroke her huge stomach…
“He’s a feisty one,” the observer hums, admiring the futile squirming of the prey. “But don’t worry, honey, he's no match for your hungry tummy~”
The pred stares up at her owner with hearts in her eyes, as the observer traces small shapes over her belly. At this point, both women are aware of how active it is, gurgling and growling and setting to work on the man inside. His protests are muffled by the thick, churning walls. Not that either of them would listen anyways.
“You have a noisy belly, pet,” the observer murmurs, giving the overstuffed organ a firm pat. It groans in response as it twitches under her touch.
“T-thank you... mistress...!” the pred gasps between moans, blushing.
The observer lowers herself onto the pred and starts kissing the swell of her stomach.
“I love it when you get all plump like this,” she continues. “You’re so pretty when you’re stuffed with men…”
“Huff... I can feel him-” the pred whines. Before she can form a coherent thought, a meaty belch makes its way up from the burbling, slimy chamber below.
She feels her dinner thrash around in response, and she squeals and squirts all over the bedsheets, mumbling incoherently as she’s overstimulated by the sudden surge of movement in her belly.
“Oh, my good girl. You really like feeling him in there, don’t you, princess?” Her mistress teases. “Yes... you love destroying those pigs with your belly…”
The pred can only make animalistic sounds of pleasure, mewling as her owner holds her close and fondles her belly.
The observer can’t keep her hands away, caressing every rounded inch, every bit of its softening surface. She’s kissing her pet’s pretty lips, fingers buried in her hair. The two of them are extremely aroused, growing wet, rubbing their bodies together…
And after they come together, they lay back in their orgasmic bliss, holding each other like they’re all that remains in the world.
“My sweet, gluttonous puppy,” the observer trills, staring into her pet’s big, beautiful eyes. “My little man-eater.”
The rest of the night is soft. The observer coos to the pred how much she loves her, what a precious thing she is… all while her food kicks and struggles weakly, his quiet pleas for mercy competing to be heard over the erotic sounds of digestion.
After her prey stops moving, the look in the pred’s eyes glazes over and she clings to the observer, nuzzling against her like a large cat. They make love to each other while what’s left of the man sloshes around in the pred’s belly, eventually slipping deeper into her guts, pumping through her intestines…
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nrdmssgs · 1 year
Best part of his life
Masterlist Angst Pairing: König X afab reader TW: No mentions of death, but this all is an allusion. AN: Sorry, guys, I know, you come here for comfort. I'll be back with it in some time, promise.
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The best days of his life started with a mission. It was a huge success: he and his team were so effective, they managed to end a whole operation a week earlier than it was originally planned. König was proud of his men and happy to return home, return to her so soon.
He can barely restrain himself from calling her - he doesn't want to spoil the surprise. A bouquet of fresh cut flowers is lying on the seat next to him. König touches tender petals and smiles, remembering her soft lips. The lips, that he hasn't ever kissed yet, but this time he sure will - now that she confessed her feelings before his deployment - he is not afraid, that they are on the different pages.
König never noticed, how close to the KorTac base she lived. Previously, the journey from the base seemed endlessly long, but now he only managed to get on the train and barely look around - and it was already time for him to get off. For the first time, he isn't bothered by a crowded station, noisy streets and cars leaving little to no space on the sidewalks. All that matters now is his destination and fresh flowers with drops of morning dew on green leaves.
He doesn't have to knock on her door, as someone left it open. König slips into the hallway just before the front door slams shut by the wind.
"Schatzt?" He calls her, and, not receiving any answer, searches for her in every room.
He's already starting to worry when he finally gets to the kitchen. She sits at the table, staring straight ahead. Large tears roll down her cheeks.
"My love, what's wrong?" He lets go of the bouquet and rushes towards her. She doesn’t answer him - she just exhales and her whole body shakes with a strangled sob.
König takes her hands and kisses them. Once, then again and again... Then he turns his gaze to the table. In front of her lies an opened envelope from the KorTac.
"Verdamte Idioten, diese Mistkerle hätten mir diesen Brief schicken sollen, wahrscheinlich ist es nur eine Gehaltsabrechnung für das Finanzamt!*" Konig notices, he is shouting. She was always afraid, when someone raised a voice in her presence. But now, she doesn't flinch or cover her ears. She sits absolutely still, looking down.
"Oh no-no-no, I'm so sorry, Schatzi! I didn't mean to scare you, my poor little love. Here, look at me, I'm smiling, I'm happy, no drama here, I promise." She doesn't react to his words, so he continues to cover her hands in kisses, hugs her tightly, strokes her hair. In a desperate attempt to distract her, König cups her face and gives her a long and incredibly soft kiss on the lips. When he realizes what he just did, his heart skips a beat. He shuts his eyes for a long moment, too afraid to see fear and anger in her face. But when he finally looks back at her - she looks calm.
"I'm sorry, I didn't want our first kiss to be this... out of blue, I guess." He presses his forehead to hers. "Its just... I've been dreaming about it since you sent me that message with confession. I was daydreaming to come back home and do it. I had this crush on you for god knows how long, but hadn't the guts to make the first move... A-a-a-and, I'm talking too much, yeah?"
He laughs, brings her closer and hides her subtle figure in a tight embrace. Peppering her face with kisses, he mumbles, "Don't worry, my love, I'll never leave you from now on. No more letters from KorTac - I won't come back to them. From now on, I'm yours. Only yours."
If anyone asked him - König won't be able to say, how did he grow so bold with physical touches suddenly. Must it's her charm, or he just never was so desperately in love before.
Every next day of his life is better than the last one. They walk together, he helps her learn German, tells her stories from his childhood, reads her his favorite books, or just lays his head on her lap, as she is watching TV, sitting on the sofa.
König couldn't ask for a better life. He is so happy with it - he is even ok with her crying sometimes and never setting her kitchen table for them two. He genuinely understands, how overwhelming this love can feel - König himself is ready to burst into happy tears every other minute, he sees her. So there is no big problem in him to drop whatever he is currently doing and rush to her when he hears sobs. And when he sees only one set of tableware ready... Who is he to judge - König lived alone for so long, he would probably do the same automatically. So he just chuckles, takes out another plate and sits near her.
At first, he hesitates to sleep in her bed. "It's ok, I'll spend this night on the couch," says he, watching, as she goes to a bathroom before going to sleep. But one night he wakes up from whispers from her bedroom.
"I'm so cold without you, König... So cold."
He gets up from the sofa, hesitantly approaches her bed, and freezes. No, he's not going to lunge at her the minute she lets him get closer. But he still remembers how scared she was when they first met. He obviously seemed too dangerous, too big, too strong. Now König is ready to do anything just to prove to her that he needs all this strength, all his skills in order to protect her. For her, he is absolutely harmless.
"Why aren't you here, under this blanket..."
"I... I didn't know, you... needed me." Suddenly his mouth goes dry. He carefully climbs under her blanket, presses against her back, and drowns in the sweet scent of her hair.
"I love you." He brushes hair from her face.
"You will never be alone. Never be cold again, I promise." His lips brush against the back of her neck.
"I won't ever hurt you, love." He holds her in the most tender and warm embrace and watches as she slowly falls asleep. König is happy that her body is no more as tense as it was every time, he stepped too close. He is so happy that he does not even notice how the morning comes.
For breakfast, she again sets the table only for herself. But this doesn't upset him. Nothing will ever upset him.
Verdamte Idioten, diese Mistkerle hätten mir diesen Brief schicken sollen, wahrscheinlich ist es nur eine Gehaltsabrechnung für das Finanzamt!* - Damn idiots, those bastards should have sent this letter to me, it's probably just a payslip for the tax office!*
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keirawantstocry · 7 months
hi tis i 💋anon. Im running out of ways to convey my love for your writing. Just kissing you is no longer enough, I need you to kill me- Youll still get kisses ofc but- AHHHH. anyways
So ive been having Thoughts about current tubbo. I think he needs to snap and be Covered in blood. Remember day 1 that he was back? where he Immediately threatened the Chocobos cause they were noisy, yeah just snaps and kills all of em. Then just, goes about his day after, not bothering to clean anythin. I feel fit would maybe have a moment of 'WHO DID HE KILL- oh okay', maybe quietly fawning after idk, camera cut to pac. jaw on the Floor, unable to get himself together, Bright Fuckin Red.
I Dont Know i just need more of Pac (and fit lets be honest) being obsessed with men that could(and would) kill them. I also just want Tubbo covered in blood. Thats also my agenda now.
Hope youre having a good day :> (srry that these Keep Gettin Longer)
darling I need you to know that I think ab this ask every day. kisses aren't enough, you need me to kill you?? that's the most romantic thing I've ever heard in my life. I get flustered everytime I read it. gah anyway enough about me you're here for the freaks (affectionate) also never apologize for how long they are i love it
Fit's first emotion when he spotted Tubbo was concern. The second was something deep in his gut that felt eerily similar to the feeling he got seeing Pac kill people in Purgatory. Which sort of made sense considering Tubbo was currently covered in blood. 
Tubbo met his eyes with a strangely empty look. “Hey Fit.” 
“Why are you covered in blood?” And why did his voice sound so strained when he asked?
Tubbo blinked at him slowly with eyes full of emotion that contradicted his emotionless face. “I got annoyed.” 
The deep feeling in his gut overtook the concern when he realized that Tubbo hadn't hurt an islander or child. “And you haven't cleaned the blood off why?” 
Tubbo's eyebrows dipped down. “I don't know.” 
Fit took a step forward and put his hand on the least bloody part of Tubbo's shoulder. “Why don't you come home with me and let me clean you off, yeah?” 
Tubbo nodded slowly. “Yeah okay.” 
Fit had forgotten one tiny detail. The tiny detail in question was standing in the doorway of Fit’s house with an open jaw and wide eyes. 
“Pac,” Tubbo said with a stupid grin before pushing past him into the house. Fit and Pac both watched as he walked straight over to the bathroom and slammed the door. 
Pac grinned with a stupid expression that Fit knew was the one he made at the men he liked. “Who did he kill? Did you watch? Do you think he’ll let me lick the blood off his face?” 
Fit choked on air. “Excuse me?” 
“C’mon,” Pac said in a whine. “He’s strong.” 
“Are you attracted to that?” Fit asked in half disbelief. 
“You’re saying you aren’t?” Pac asked. 
Fit froze. Took a long moment to consider it. It made a lot of sense. The way he couldn’t keep his eyes off him. The intensity of the feeling in his gut that seemed to grow with every second. “Holy shit.” 
Pac laughed wildly. “You spent all that time in the wasteland and you’re telling me you never got a boner for some guy covered in blood?”
Fit spluttered turning bright red but before he could respond, the door to the bathroom was swinging open again. 
There stood Tubbo, shirtless, holding a damp cloth in his hand. “I can’t reach my back, can one of you-” 
“I’ll get it!” Pac interrupted, rushing over to take the wash cloth from Tubbo’s hand. Fit followed them both into the bathroom silently. 
Fit sat at the edge of the bathtub as Tubbo lifted himself up onto the counter. Pac’s mind was clearly out of it considering the long looks he was not subtly giving the man. And the fact he was cleaning blood off his chest and not his back like he had originally asked. But nobody was complaining. 
Fit had to admit there was truth to Pac’s line of thinking. There was something about the mess of blood on Tubbo’s chest that made his mind dizzy and his heart race. So yes. Nobody was complaining. 
Pac motioned for Tubbo to stand back up and he did so with a sigh, standing in front of Fit so Pac had room to work. Fit watched as Pac ran the washcloth under cold water again before wiping it quickly down the blood covering Tubbo’s back. He averted his gaze from his chest up to his face to see the slight pursing of his lips and the hiss at the evident chill of the water. 
“Fuck dude couldn’t made it any colder?” he bitched. 
Fit slapped him lightly on the arm and didn’t think about how warm his skin was. “Leave him alone. He’s helping you.” 
“And why aren’t you? If I remember correctly you said you would help clean me up. I was fine with being bloody, you're the one who insisted on this.” 
Pac paused and peeked at him over Tubbo’s shoulder. “Really?” 
Fit swallowed feeling dizzy and nodded. “Well, yeah.” 
“Then do it.” Tubbo was reaching behind him and taking the wash cloth from Pac’s hands. Fit saw it all in slow motion but with sharp vision. The washcloth was cold. The washcloth was in his hand. Tubbo was looking at him expectantly. 
“There’s no blood left on your chest,” Fit said stupidly, feeling incredibly out of his depth all of a sudden. 
Tubbo shrugged before taking a step forward and turning to sit himself down on Fit’s lap. Fit didn’t even know it was possible for his body to freeze up more but it did. Pac met his eyes, nervous trepidation meeting awestruck joy. Waving him on with one hand, Pac leaned back against the counter to watch them carefully. 
Slowly, Fit took a deep and careful breath. He brought the washcloth up every so gently to rub at the blood staining the skin at the top of Tubbo’s spine. The man’s shoulders slipped down as he relaxed and let the silence fill the room. With his non-metal hand, Fit held the curve of Tubbo’s bicep to keep both of them steady as he scrubbed at a particularly stubborn smudge of blood. The skin under his hand was so warm it was hard to focus on cleaning the blood off. Pac’s eyes were boring into him and the strangely soft lighting in the bathroom made this moment feel much more intimate than was to be expected. 
Simultaneously it felt as if it stretched on forever and also was over way too soon. 
Fit dropped his hand, letting the bloody washcloth fall to the floor. “There,” he said gently. 
“Thank you,” Tubbo said in an even quieter voice before he stood. “I’ll get out of your hair now.” Before either of them could protest, he was pulling his shirt back on and leaving. 
They both stared after him, feeling as if part of them was now missing. Pac giggled suddenly and Fit’s eyes darted over to him. “What are you laughing about?” 
“That was the most-” Pac laughed again. “That was just crazy. You two are something else.” 
“Shut up,” Fit grumbled. 
Pac just laughed once more before standing up to give Fit a quick kiss. “I’m going to go see what Richas is up to, okay?” 
Fit nodded, trying to clear his head. “Yeah, okay, I’ll see you later Pac.” 
“See ya, querido.” 
Fit’s head spun as he stood up. He had a lot to fucking think about.
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cts-ryu-writing-desk · 9 months
This is not to my usual writing style, but this was a fun little one to work on. And I've had the idea in some regards for a while now. So getting it penned feels good. Enjoy!
As the rain poured down outside, a rather beefy man in his late twenties rushed in. More flabby than beefy with a wide frame. He came in quickly carrying only a bag of Chinese takeout. This large fellow was Neil, a quiet guy, he usually and preferably kept to himself.
He went through the lobby and over to the elevator and rode it to the fourth floor. He could hear them shouting through the walls again. Those noisy neighbors down the hall.
As Neil approached his door he noticed the noisy neighbor's door opening. Neil quickly undid the lock and rushed inside. The rustling of his takeout bag was all the noise that echoed in his dark apartmen.
He could smell the savory aroma filling the room. Getting everything on what he could feel was the counter he turned the light on to his kitchen. A single loveseat with a coffee table facing the TV. There was only one room and it led right to his bedroom and bathroom.
Cleaning off one of the only two forks he kept went channel surfing , so he had something to listen to while he ate. It didn't matter what as long as he didn't have to think about his shifty day.
Neil was pulling out family sized portions of fried rice with shrimp, char Sui, minute chicken, sweet and sour pork, and an order of dumplings. Neil looked through the bag, he eventually found it. His order of three orders of spring rolls. Everything looks delicious. The dumplings must’ve gotten mixed in with his order by mistake. He didn't order any. Neil shrugged his shoulders, "free food," he said to himself
He set in his love seat the spread of food in front of him. Looking at the spreadsheet wondered where to start. This was like something out of a piss poor comedy scene: a big guy eating a lot of food in one sitting.
Neil's eyes were drawn to the dumplings. An order of three, if it was up to him he'd have ordered more. But free is free. He quickly swallowed them up practically whole. He went on to the char Sui, after a few bites he started to hear his stomach groan. "Hungrier than I thought," he mumbled to himself
Over the hour he was eating Neil was shoveling down every morsel of food. His stomach would feel tight as he finished off each plate. Yet he'd still feel an intense hunger.
He was completely unaware of the swelling going on around his stomach.
Neil's stomach was getting round and tight as it ballooned out. His attention stayed at finishing off every last bite. It took him an hour and twenty minutes to scarf down every bit to the point that there wasn't so much as a crumb left.Once completed he felt nice and stuffed. He always knew how to stretch a budget.
Part of his usual ritual was to wipe his hands down his chest and over his stomach. Giving it a few good hard slaps for a meal well devoured. This time as he let his hands glide over his chest he felt his stomach at last. Finally noticing the intense weight and spherical protrusion. He quickly looked down, seeing the prominent globe of a belly.
He found getting to his feet quickly cumbersome. The weight made it difficult to run, or walk with haste. Shuffling as best he could to the bathroom. He looked at himself in the mirror quickly, looking himself over.
Neil was already a rather large gentleman, never the skinny kid and always hefty. His large frame now had an accentuation of a globular orb now resting on his stomach. His shirt couldn't even cover it all. Not flat, flabby or even a hint of a roll in sight. Just a perfectly round, taut gut.
Neil lifted his shirt taking in the sight. He couldn't believe it . He was lost in a state of panicked daze and surrealness. Seeing the skin he was nice and tight. Not a hint of a mark, cut, nothing. A true ball belly. "What the fuck," left his lips looking at his reflection
He felt a flutter in his stomach. The skin pressed out stretching and retracting suddenly from his rounded shape. Neil froze. It happened if not on a different area of his stomach. Then again and again shortly after. Suddenly there was a flurry of these sensations throughout him.
"Ah, what the fuck!" Neil cried out in his quiet apartment
His stomach was alive, so to speak. He fumbled to get his phone out of his pocket. What was he gonna do, how would he explain this. He felt a surge of pain rush through him. It brought him to his knees. A loud rip down his backside took out his pants. A bad day to freeball.
He felt it again. It came quickly and suddenly in fast waves. An overwhelmingly strong sensation to piss. The pain rushed down his body straight through every fiber of his being and down to her bones. What was happening? What could he do? The pain kept him in place. An intense pain washed over him as he felt his cock expanding. Widening like trying to push an orange through his urethra, such overwhelming pain. Neil nearly blacked out.
It was stretching out the tip of his dick. Opening the eye and creeping out slowly, pushing like he was forcing out a piss. He groaned in pain when he suddenly felt a huge relief from the pain and pressure. The calm didn't last. It came again. Struggling to squeeze out another, and another soon after that.
Exhausted from the pain, and now feeling incredibly empty. Neil managed to see their little bodies covered in bile, wiggling their umbilical cords still in his now numb and stretched cock. Neil's eyes widened.
Days later the headlines read “man births triplets” the lesbian finally knowing someone else got their special order of dumplings.
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badaseyebags · 4 months
to all the boys that tried to love me ⋆ ˚。⋆୨୧˚ Ch2
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word count: 1,4k
warnings: new unlocked character
authors note: hello, as i promised here’s another one! i hope those who are reading (if there’s anyone) enjoy this chapter, feel free to share your thoughts! - 🍞
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okay, what the actual hell was that? first party? more like first disappointment, because how on earth do people spend their weekends like this? maybe i’m still too childish to understand the hype, or maybe i simply don’t belong in there because my intentions don’t align with the majority of the people attending them. how the hell did the party end up with the tsurugi dude lying on the floor outside and bawling his eyes out? i thought he was the sunshine itself or something.. i guess even the sun goes down.
when he came inside and sat down on a chair nearby sobbing into his hands, i couldn’t help but ask him if he’s okay. all he did was nod with tears still in his eyes and boogers coming out his nose. okay, i’ll take that as a no. how the hell does someone so popular not have friends rushing to his side seeing him in this state? or are they not really his friends? ugh, club people are so damn strange.
it’s been about a month since that event and for some reason, my friends and i wanted to give it a second try. why? not sure honestly, that remains a mystery. apart from ryujin wanting to get the chance to hook up with that one jimin wannabe. she found his instagram account recently but was too much of a coward to text him, or even view his stories.
so who had to do all the dirty work? me of course! i had to do all the stalking and story viewing to update her on this “handsome man”. jesus christ he’s so cringy. all his posts are making me have a bad shiver and the ick in me is making me sick. he doesn’t have the guts to show his face but he shows his abs? the irony. ugh.. how can she think this is attractive, she has no idea what his face looks like. whatever, if she doesn’t want to be caught stalking i’ll take one for the team. my poor little eyes.
so it became a routine, i went on his profile to check out if he has posted any stories and sent them to her. not sure why she didn’t want to be noticed by him in the first place, but i didn’t question it too much. it became natural at this point, without her even having to tell me, i would check his account and update her. i noticed the app linked to his instagram account, tellonym..? i have that app, it allows people to send anonymous messages. my bestie can send him hints about herself, and let him know how she feels, I’m a genius! i told her about the plan and she was excited, however once again she didn’t want to be the one being involved. she’s a flirt master and i suck at flirting, so i have no idea why she left it up to me. is she seriously making me send a man that makes me audibly go “ew” anonymous pick up lines… what has this come to. i just do what she tells me, cringing at every letter i type out, dropping hints about her and trying to spark his curiosity. was i doing a good job? probably not, but i tried my best and it seemed to get his attention, so i did my part.
speaking of guys.. i remembered how many friends tsurugi seems to have. maybe there’s a possibility he will know about the guy i’m curious about? the quiet guy that looked more like he belongs into a cozy cafe rather than a noisy, stinky club. hmmm… it wouldn’t hurt to ask, right? the worst that could happen is him saying he doesn’t know this dude at all.. but that’s a lie, they definitely interacted that night, i’m sure of it! so i do what any sane person would do, and i shoot him a message. maybe making new friends would make parties more enjoyable, and he could introduce me to that dude! win win situation right here.
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miffybaby: hi, you were at that party right?😊
tsurug_i: hey i was😄 have we spoken before? i don’t remember what happened that night at all😅
miffybaby: are you feeling better? you didn’t look too good.. 😳 we didn’t really speak i just asked you if you were okay
tsurug_i: i just went a little crazy with the alcohol but thanks 😅 are you coming to the next one? it’s in a few days i think you should come
miffybaby: yeah i’ve noticed 😂 i might, my friends want to go and we are headed to that city so.. might as well
tsurug_i: oh😂 hope to see you there! but you have to remind me, i might not recognise you
miffybaby: if i don’t change my hair colour by then, you will notice my pink head
tsurug_i: damn i really don’t remember seeing a pink haired girl.. i had to be wasted af. i just saw your photos.. don’t change your hair, it’s pretty. i’ll recognise you for sure
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woohooo i can’t believe i just made a friend! well, kind of. i’m so excited for the next party. i feel like it won’t be like the previous one, i can feel it!!!
the day of the party came but this time the party was in a brand new club, much much bigger one. way more space, even the outside area is pretty. there was even a boxing machine like in arcades, we gotta try that later! this is all so exciting and omg… i think i just saw that dude i’m curious about, i freak out a little and nudge my friends and they hype me up, today i will learn his name! his outfit is cute.. i just gotta ask tsurugi to introduce me to him. speaking of tsurugi, there he is i can hear and see him from miles away, hmm.. do i come up to him? should i just wait? he probably won’t recognise me tho. i turn to my friends to ask them what to do but before i can finish he’s already tapping on my shoulder.
“Hi! is it you?” he smiles so big, showing all his teeth and his braces reflect the lights in the dark room. funny contracts to all the tattoos covering his arms and his big frame. i just smile at him and shoot him a friendly hi, i thought that would be all but he just went all in and squeezed me into a tight hug. i guess he’s just like that.. i awkwardly pat him before pulling away and he introduces himself to my friends. “you look just like your photos i didn’t expect this” huh.. what is he on about.. how else am i supposed to look. i just laugh awkwardly as we walk to the bar getting some drinks, only cider for me. they’ve told him i’m not good with drinks so that was all i could of gotten, great now i got 3 people telling me not to drink and babysitting me. i take little sips and start feeling a bit tipsy, so i tell myself it’s the perfect time to ask. “hey i wanted to.. i wanted to know your friends name.” my eyes subtly glance over at him.. he’s sitting with a few people, barely interacting just observing and sipping on some drink. how mysterious, i really wanna know who he is. he looks over at him, pauses for a second. “oh him? he’s.. how can i say this” he stutters, scratching the back of his head.
“yes him! i wanted to know his name” i nervously look up at him hoping he will get the hint.
he leans down to my level as if to whisper but he’s almost screaming to overpower the volume of the music. “it’s a girl, her name is … s.. her name is hwa.”
i can feel my eyes widen and my heart start beating quicker. why do i feel so much relief and why am i suddenly so excited? i have to get to know her. there’s no way i can’t. i’m so damn gay and lucky.
it’s odd how tsurugi ditched his comically large friend group to spend time with us.. all his time.. i didn’t think he would do that, it’s really nice of him but.. why is he not introducing me to hwa yet..
“so, can you introduce me to her?” i poke him hoping he will do it, but instead he grabs my hand, holding it tightly in his suddenly as he pulls me a bit closer. “don’t worry about her, let’s go for a walk.”
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culturenosh · 1 year
Pop music emergency
In 2018, I told someone I knew that I thought the next big popstar would be a Britney - that is, an artist who metabolizes the innovations of a previous generation, who success symbolizes that what was once transgressive and unique is now just a part of the playbook. At the time, I thought this fabled artist would take after Lady Gaga, reintegrating her art-shocked tendencies into something more normal.
But it turns out Gaga didn't need the help, and anyway, the next generation was tuned into Taylor Swift instead. Taylor is absolutely not for me - her work maintains a thread of conservative selfishness that I find utterly repellent, even when the songs are good - but I understand the appeal. She approaches her own life with a resolute sense of dignity and an ear for a good story, using the structures of pop to elevate the daily humiliations of womanhood into myths of power. Of course every artist in her wake would love her: she demonstrated a way of entering pop stardom without surrendering normalcy.
The first warning shot was Clairo's Immunity, one of the most sneakily influential albums of the last five years, which transposed Taylor's confessional style to the introvert's bedroom and proved that her disciples could succeed without relying on Taylor's more tabloid-y tactics. Olivia Rodrigo took that lesson and ran with it. Sure, Sour was very explicitly about one guy, but I'd argue there's a vast difference between Joshua Bassett and John Mayer. When Taylor wrote about the latter, the A-list sheen served both as a newsy hook and a noisy distraction; Olivia's comparatively smaller target allowed her own feelings to take center stage.
This is the point. The video for "Vampire," the lead single from her second album Guts, depicts Olivia performing at a VMAs-esque ceremony before her set collapses; the audience takes this as part of the performance and applauds her. But Olivia will not stop singing, even after security arrives to escort her offstage. What she feels is literally too big, too important, and too urgent to be held within the frame of the performance. It gushes out of her like blood.
The song's conflicting impulses swing between rage and pity - anger at this guy who used her for clout and made her compromise her morals, pity that he can never feel real emotions in the way that she can. He presumably wants to be famous, or is drawn by fame, but doesn't have the strength to handle it. This animates her delivery of the chorus' most important line: "Bloodsucker/ Fame-fucker." Sure, it describes his actions, but it also drives home something. He will never have fame, fucker. Because what does fame demand? Blood, sucker.
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zoroara · 10 days
Some questions for you too Shade!
21. If you're a fic writer and have written for this character, what's your favorite thing to do when you're writing for this character? What's something you don't like?
25. What was your first impression of this character? How about now?
annnd Levi
4. If you could put this character in any other media, be it a book, a movie, anything, what would you put them in?
Hope you have a nice day 💜✨
After Xanxus' I'm gonna put a read more cause that'll be long enough. When writing Xanxus? I'm not really sure if there's anything I don't like, I like putting that man in situations and challenging his character. I guess I don't like anything that is too plain with him? But I wouldn't know what to be. I love to write out his thought process when he's puzzling out other characters, the man is incredibly good with his intuition so it's fun to put into words. I also like to catch him off guard with situations that he's not used to, giving opportunity to explore things that you probably wouldn't get to see. If you're like talking about like. to get into his mindset though uhhhh <3 I don't he just lives in his little office and yells at me when he feels like I need to change something. He gets in fights with his au versions I have too the office is noisy(so do the rest of the varia really).
Squalo hahahah I hated that man's GUTS at first. I found him annoying and wanted nothing more than him to shut the fuck up for ten seconds, was VERY pleased when he was eaten by a shark for that reason. I very much had a WHAT DO YOU MEAN reaction to him coming back at the end. Mellowed out a bit about him during future arc but did not care for him. It took me several months of rumination caused by my friends for me to care about him and then i was stuck with the bastard. To me now? Absolutely amazing, the dude fucking sucks but like now it's a good thing. He's very good and very horrible at the same time.
God that's a question with Levi though. Hmmmm See the problem is I do not fucking do enough with other medias that it causes me to have a little brain snip when trying to think of them. Well Right now I have digimon, give Levi a little guy who will help him grow as a person/bounce off his personality well and that he has to help take care of to potentially help save the world because it always ends up apocalyptic one way or another. I think it would be funny.
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gilbirda · 2 years
Third Law of Motion
Established everlasting trio.
Danny and whoever he wishes to bring are invited to a week at the beach with the Waynes. Tim says he wants to talk, but does he know he is already dating his best friends?
[Read on AO3]
Befriending the Justice League at first had been kind of a rocky situation. There was a lot of misunderstandings, a lot of mistrust, and for some reason Superman hated his guts with passion.
But after some years Danny had settled as one of the fixed members, and one of the most powerful ones, if he can say so himself.
Batman took a while to warm up to him, and maybe helping him create a weapon that could take down the Ghost King helped a lot, but in the end the man revealed himself as the billionaire philanthropist Bruce Wayne.
It was… an experience, not gonna lie.
Danny’s track record with rich men were Vlad, which despite having mellowed with time AND with losing his right to the throne on the grounds of being a loser, was still a bit of a creep; and Lex Luthor when the man tried to summon him to ask for a wish or something, or maybe try to enslave him to his will? It wasn’t really clear what he wanted, Baldie talked and talked and talked and Danny just got bored and set everything on fire.
Anyway, Bruce Wayne turned out to be kind of a nice guy? The real one, since the public persona was kind of an idiot. The Bruce Wayne he met when he came over to visit for dinner one time, Bruce’s butler-slash-father insisted, was a tired man trying to keep up in a world where gods walked among humans.
Danny respected that.
Also, the man had a huge family. It was stupid. He had an adoption problem, definitely; but also he had such a big heart to accept so many people as his own - not only the officially adopted, but the friends of the family that were considered family too.
Danny left the mansion feeling warm and yearning for a family like that - noisy, rowdy, not afraid to throw down on the living room and wrestle for the remote. He wanted that so much that he couldn’t stop the mini-heart attack when he was invited to come over again, and then again for Thanksgiving and when he realized he had the contact information of everybody saved in his phone.
The Waynes were not afraid to touch his cold skin and call him out on his bullshit, to make jokes about being dead (well, that was more Jason, the dude he found out had some ectoplasm in his veins), to ask about his Kingdom without apprehension in their voices.
They were weird, but amazing.
Also, the Waynes invited him and whoever he wanted to bring to a one week beach vacation. They would take care of everything - transportation, food and where to stay. He and his people would only need to bring their own luggage to the airport, where they would meet.
Turns out, they flew in a private jet to a private island. “This way you can be yourself without thinking of being seen.” Bruce had said when he saw Danny’s shocked face.
“Isn’t it neat having rich friends?” Tucker adjusted his glasses as he sat down on Danny’s bed, watching him look for his bag of toiletries in his suitcase and put it in the ensuite gigantic bathroom.
Because the summer mansion was big enough so everyone had their own room, of course.
“Don’t let Sam hear you, she was pissed off enough about the environmental impact of using a private jet.”
“I think Damian’s rant about Wayne Enterprises’ eco projects and plans for the next five years will shut her up for the rest of the week.”
“I love that kid. I have decided he is my favorite only because of Sam's sour face as he talked.”
Danny chuckled. It had been a success to bring his best friends and partners to this trip. He knew they would get along with the Waynes, but after the flight it became clear that Sam and Damian would get like a house on fire and that Tucker had found his techno geek equal in Tim.
There was a knock on his door.
“Danny? Are you decent?”
“Morally? No, but I have clothes on, if that’s what you are asking.”
From the other side of the door, Jazz’s long suffering sigh was heard perfectly. “That joke got old after the first three times.”
“It’s funnier the more you hate it,” he said as she opened the door and walked in, already wearing her bathing suit and beach dress. “Excited much?”
She blushed a little. “It’s been a while since I went on vacation.”
“That’s what you get when you are such a workaholic.”
She blushed harder. “Shut up, as if you were better,” Jazz smiled as she crossed her arms over her chest. “When was the last time you slept more than three hours at night?”
“I plead the fifth.”
Her face when he said this could rival some of Alfred’s worse ‘im not mad, just disappointed in you’ moments. But she didn’t make a comment on it. Good, as if she held the higher ground morally speaking - she got worse when she was invested in a new project.
“I came to tell you that everyone is going down to the beach, and that refreshments will be served soon. If you want food then don’t take too long.”
With that, she turned and left the room, her steps quiet as always.
“Sometimes I forget how hot your sister is.”
“Tucker!” He hit his friend on the shoulder, growling. “What the heck?”
“What? We are all adults!” The young man rubbed his shoulder. “And it isn’t like I’m interested or anything - hell, she’s like my own sister at this point. I’m just appreciating how good the years have been with her.” His friend looked at him with a pensive gesture. “And you as well, my friend. Blessed is the day you agreed to go out with me.”
Danny rolled his eyes, going back to his suitcase to get his swimming trunks and change in the bathroom. He looked at himself in the mirror once he had changed. It wasn’t like he thought he wasn’t pretty, he knew attracted attention; it was just he didn’t care that much about it, you know?
Not that he was actually looking for someone else - he had two amazing best friends that were too good for him and actually beat into his head that they really liked him and wanted to try a relationship. They made him feel special already and he had lucked out on the partner department. Why care about more?
No kidding, the food was half devoured by the time he and Tucker made an appearance at the beach. The Waynes had set up a dining table and chairs in a wooden platform close to the beachline, since the whole place was for them.
Jazz had saved him some, but both knew it wasn’t enough to feed his ghostly metabolism, so Danny proceeded to grab a plate and stuff there anything that looked half decent.
Who was he kidding - rich people's food was amazing and it wasn’t either his parents’ ecto contaminated food or Jazz’s bland cooking.
With a full belly and after being bullied by his sister and partners to get suncream on, despite insisting that he was already dead and wouldn’t be affected by human ailments; Tim had convinced him to try out a monster of an inflatable floaty that was shaped like a giant avocado.
“Alright now what?” He watched as the young man pushed him and his inflatable platform further from shore. Sam and Tucker said they would follow once their floaties were ready.
“Now we wait.”
“For what.” Danny carefully moved a little so Tim could sit beside him on the inflatable avocado.
“For a big wave and then we ride it.”
“Like surfing?” the halfa frowned a little. The sea was calm for once. “And when will a wave come?”
“Anytime now.”
There was a bit of silence, but Danny didn’t mind. Between the sounds of the sea and the quiet companionship, he realized it has been a solid minute since he just… stopped and lived in the moment.
Tim was a cool guy, a bit weird, but the kind of weird that he was used to. He could talk for hours about something and didn't realize he had been rambling about a million things at the same time - Sam said they were very much alike in that sense, usually with a small knowing smile.
Okay he was cute. Danny wasn’t afraid to think it (now, to say it out loud…)
“Okay, I wanted to, uh, talk.”
“Alright?” Talk? About what?
When he turned to look at the other, he had his face hidden under his hair. Danny’s eyes went for their feet kicking the water, trying to decipher what the other would want to say.
“You wanted to talk?”
“Talk? Who, me?” He laughed, sunking his head further. Danny saw the other’s ears when he moved, and they were red. He was blushing?
“What do you want to talk about?” And why did he need Danny alone? “Do you need help with something?”
Tim, instead of answering, took a deep breath and turned to look at him with a smile. There was no trace of a blush anywhere.
“You know what? It can wait.”
The halfa narrowed his eyes, detecting his own bullshit deflecting techniques - it could wait, but that didn’t mean Tim was gonna actually talk to him later in the trip, or maybe ever.
“Tell me. Is something bothering you?”
Maybe something he was too embarrassed to say? Or something he didn’t want his brothers to know and that’s why he was coming to him for help. Danny would help him hide a body if that’s what he wanted-
Woah, okay. Where did that come from?
It’s true that they were friends, but…
Tim shook his head. “Nah, everything is fine. So, about those waves.”
Danny narrowed his eyes but let it go. “No waves are coming. But, we can do something funnier.”
“Oh?” The other seemed interested. “Please enlighten me.”
Without further words, Danny transformed, ignoring the way his friend shivered when the rings phased through him at being this close. Sam and Tucker always said it was like a cold breeze.
“Now look who is overdressed.”
“Har har. Check this out.”
Using a bit of flight, Danny stood on the inflatable avocado and extended a hand. He focused, his green eyes turning a shade of blue that wasn’t quite human, and a freeze ray emerged from his fingers. The water on the side of the avocado was now slippery ice.
“I don’t understand where this is going, but that was kind of useless. You can’t freeze the sea.”
“I’m not planning on freezing the sea,” was Danny’s only warning before he shot a normal green beam from his other hand.
For those with basic physics knowledge, you’d know that Newton’s third law of motion says that every action has an equal and opposite reaction. In this case it meant that the poor floaty and its passengers were propelled forwards and placed on the patch of ice.
“You okay there?” Danny looked at his legs, where the poor human had latched on to not fall into the water.
“Yeah. And I see where this is going.” Quickly and carefully, showing off his nigh perfect balance control, the vigilante stood as well on the avocado. Tim fretted a little about where to place his hands, but decided to simply grab Danny’s shoulders. “Hit it.”
Not needing to be told more, Danny launched them both in a stupid yet incredible show of power - with one hand he froze the water in front of them and with the other he propelled the floaty like it was some kind of raft turned into a speedboat.
Both were laughing as they zipped from one end of the beach to the other, doing loops and stunts that nearly had them fall and eat ice and maybe break some bones.
Danny was having the time of his life, until his friend gasped.
“What’s the matter?” He asked, but his eyes were fixed on their paths and his concentration on using the freeze beam and the ecto beam at the same time.
“I think your sister is flirting with my brother.”
It took one moment, one second he looked towards the group of people gathered under beach umbrellas, to break his focus. It didn’t matter that his eyes confirmed it - Jazz was talking to Tim’s older brother, Jason, with a big smile on her face -, because when he stopped looking at where they were going his freeze ray stopped and physics did the rest.
Halfa, human and floaty were launched into the air and back into the water at a speed that would make the crash really hurt. In the last moment, Danny grabbed Tim and made them both intangible so the force of hitting the water at that speed didn’t break any of his bones.
They swam back to the surface, Danny now in human form, completely drenched and breathless from the scary fall.
“You guys okay?” They heard Dick call from the shore.
Danny did a thumbs up, but couldn’t really see with his black mop of hair in front of his eyes. He combed it back with his other hand, finding Tim really close.
“Hello there.”
The other’s cheeks flushed. “Well, that was fun.”
They looked at each other, the sound of the waves crashing in the sand filling in for conversation. Danny felt his cheeks burn a little, his eyes roaming toward the other’s lips when he licked the salt water from them. He had a healing cut in his lower lip, probably from crime fighting.
He wanted to kiss it.
“I-I wanted to talk, yes.” Tim looked away for a moment, before frowning and turning back to him.
Danny heard Tim’s heart start beating faster and connected the dots. “I think I know where this is going.”
“You do?” There was a spark of fear in the blue. “Then what’s your answer?”
“I’ll have to talk with my partners but-”
Danny blinked. Tim blinked.
“Dude,” he deadpanned, “I’m in a polycule with Tucker and Sam. You… you didn’t know?”
By the panicked face and the looks he gave the the group on the shore, and specifically, Danny’s best friends still getting ready to get into the water (the fuckers probably knew this was going to happen and set them up, Danny had to have a talk with them); Danny understood that Tim had no idea he was taken before trying to confess.
“Oh my god, I’m so sorry. I will shut up now. This didn’t happen. Forget I said anything.” He covered his eyes with his hands.
“How didn’t you know? I never hid it.”
“I just thought you guys were very good friends!”
Danny threw his head back and laughed.
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padfootagain · 9 months
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Masterlist - Requests are closed - The tag list is open!
I hope all of you have a wonderful time for the end of this crazy year! Here is the posting schedule for the upcoming three weeks, I'll have some time to write during the holidays, right before exam season strikes in January, so hopefully we can keep this rhythm up through January and February!
We're also welcoming a new character that I'll be adding to the masterlist! Because I have no self-control, and am going to hell for this... hope you like it! :D
Wishing all of you a merry Christmas for those who celebrate, and a happy new year! Hope you like the new fics!
19/12/2023 - The Car Trap
Hozier x Reader, angst, hurt/comfort, fluff, angst with a happy ending, friends to lovers, oneshot
Summary: You're offered a job in Switzerland, and you're ready to accept it. It would offer you a new beginning, a way to forget about the love you have for your best friend. But a trip through a snowstorm with Andrew might change everything...
22/12/2023 - Chapter 23 for Something Good
Ben Barnes x Reader, Professor AU!, angst, fluff, slow-burn, enemies to lovers, on-going series
Summary: Coming out of a divorce and trying to get used to being a single mom, while teaching your classes at University, you thought your life could not get more complicated than it already iss. But when you are asked to take care of the theatre club with the colleague that you really can’t get along with, you realize that everything can still get ten times more complicated in your life. And when you start actually liking Professor Barnes, the troubles only grow exponentially…
25/12/2023 - Home For Christmas
Hozier x Reader, fluff, nothing but fluff, oneshot
Summary: Andrew is on tour during the Christmas season. Unless... he's got a surprise for you on Christmas Eve!
28/12/2023 - Black Dog Neighbour
Sirius Black x reader, enemies to lovers, fluff, requested by @nobodyshomearchive for my 6k event, oneshot
Summary: God, you hate that guy next door. Bloody annoying neighbour with his noisy motorcycle, his loud friends, his annoying laugh, his charming smile, his amazing hair, his effortless way to sport sexy leather jackets. He’s insufferable, you hate him to bits. The fact that he’s a talented wizard who can magically change into a dog to guard your door when your ex comes bothering you again will not change your first impression in the slightest, by the way. You still hate him to guts. Probably…
31/12/2023 - Chapter 4 for The Last Ones on Earth
The Darkling x reader, angst, fluff, on-going series
Summary: You and the Darkling are a team, even if no one knows it. Beyond being a team, you are the only one he trusts, and he's the only one you care about, and you're each other's true love. But if you've kept your secrets hidden for a long time, now that the Sun Summoner is fighting against you, it's time to reveal who you are, and what you are capable of...
03/01/2024 - Pink Helmet
Sirius Black x reader, friends to lovers, angst, fluff, requested by @wolfmoonmusic for my 6k event, oneshot
Summary: You get jealous on a night out with your friends, because Sirius is flirting with some random girl at the bar. Your anger is about to cause a chain reaction that will bring unsuspected consequences… for the better.
06/01/2024 - When We Were Lying
Hozier x Reader, angst, friends to lovers, fake dating AU, angst to fluff, oneshot
Summary: Your ex is attending your family gathering for Christmas and there is no way you're going to face that alone. Of course, you drag your best friend into this, and he's too smitten with you to say no when you ask him to pretend to be your boyfriend. Although, the fact that you both have feelings for each other might end up being a problem...
09/01/2024 - Chapter 6 for You and the King
Caspian x reader, Sequel to The King and You, angst, fluff, on-going series
Summary : After meeting Caspian in your own world, you decide to follow him to Narnia, your love for him too strong for you to keep your old life. But as you discover the magic of Narnia, you soon realise that this extraordinary world is as dangerous as it is magnificent. Will your love for Caspian be enough to defeat your new enemies?
12/01/2024 - Bookshelves
Ben Barnes x reader, fluff, domestic bliss, requested for my 6k event, oneshot
Summary: Nothing’s better than reorganizing your bookshelves with the love of your life on a crispy autumnal afternoon…
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feeder86 · 2 years
Embrace the Chase
Daddy? Was that guy really serious, grumbled Dan to himself as he took himself off home alone. The gay scene was such a bizarre place and Dan had struggled to find his way within it. Having only recently decided to explore his attraction to guys, at the grand old age of thirty, he had frequented many different gay venues and left them all feeling completely out of place. He couldn’t help feeling that he had missed out when he was younger; fresh out of the box and ready to take on one sexy guy after another. 
Like his father before him, Dan’s hair was prematurely turning a little gray in places. He began to feel like an old man amongst a sea of slender, fun-loving gay guys, who clearly felt none of the guilt about their sexuality that had plagued Dan’s life up until now. Going to the big gay clubs had certainly been an error. Being over twenty-five seemed to automatically discount him from being flirted with. If he got up on the dance floor, he felt the judgemental eyes of them all, wondering what the old guy was doing there. But even the small successes were hollow. To the girls, Dan’s pepper gray hair made him appear distinguished. However, here the rules were all different here.
Dan had to admit that he hadn’t expected it all to be so hard. He had his boyish good-looks and an athletic build, with strong shoulders from his many years of playing the drums for his old band. His dress sense was a little dull, he realised, looking at some of the outrageous things a few of the boys were wearing out. However, he didn’t want to draw attention to himself in the way that some of those guys clearly craved. That was how he came to find a bar, tucked away on a quiet back street, that he felt much more suited to. Here, the men were a mix of older and younger; the beer was good and the music didn’t suck quite as badly as everywhere else. But that didn’t mean that it was perfect either. There was an odd hierarchy that Dan couldn’t immediately put his finger on. On a Friday night, a noisy crowd of large, bearded men sat at the table below the front window, chatting loudly with their big, booming voices and seeming to know every person who came in. They watched them all, seeing the inevitable drama unfold, whilst nursing a beer in their large hands, resting on their guts.
“Come sit with us,” a large, tall guy ordered as Dan looked around the room, clearly alone. Dan had only been there a minute or two, and yet he already got the sense that he was being invited to sit at the ‘cool table’. 
He sat down shyly, but the large, boisterous personalities gathered around soon drew him out of himself. They hadn’t been put off by how new Dan was to the scene and they were the only ones who seemed to be able to hold a discussion about cars and decent music. Dan clicked with them straight away, but he was still an odd fit, sat there with them all. The old boys were not in the sort of shape that was conventionally thought of as attractive; all of them, every last one, was carrying a large, rounded stomach that filled their lap when they sat down. In fact, it was odd how cool they were about being so big, and how little it seemed to affect their confidence or bravado.
“Put your tongue away,” laughed Roger, seeing Dan checking out a cute, skinny guy across the room. “It’s bro-code, you don’t want to upset Jim, checking out his ex.”
Dan pulled a face, waiting for the punchline that never came. “Jim… you dated that guy?” he asked in disbelief. They must have been playing with him. Jim was in his mid forties with a 400lb body and gut that literally could have passed for a beach ball.
Jim squinted at the dance floor and then nodded in recognition. “Oh, yeah, um… what’s his name?” he asked the gang.
“Harry,” a couple replied.
“That’s it!” Jim nodded. “He was fun. Nice and flexible!”
Dan felt like the rules had been turned on their head again. He tried to consider how to phrase what he wanted to ask, without coming across as rude. If this had been a straight venue, there was no way a huge, fat guy like Jim would be taking away the pretty, young, fit girl home. “Was it just a drunk, one night thing?” he asked.
“No,” chuckled Roger. “Jim dated him for about three months. I was only joking about the bro-code though. If we implemented that rule, there would only be a couple of guys left in here for you to flirt with.”
“You really don’t understand the whole bear thing, do you?” Vern laughed, mindlessly running his hand over the large expanse of his monstrous gut. The guys all laughed, looking thoroughly pleased with themselves and Dan simply laughed with them. He liked his new friends, even if he didn’t quite understand them.
Being so much further on in their careers, Dan’s new friends had a lot more disposable income than he did; newly single, renting a crappy little apartment to save the embarrassment of having to move back home after breaking up with his girlfriend. Dan felt like the pauper of the group, struggling to scrape enough money for a few beers with them on a Friday night.
“Ah, here he is!” Roger called out, the moment Dan walked in. “He’ll take the cabin.”
“Cabin?” Dan asked, feeling a little alarmed.
“We’re going on a cruise in two weeks, but Roger’s buddy had to pull out. So, it’s yours if you want it?” asked Paul.
Dan flushed a little red and felt awkward to reply. “Thanks, but, there’s no way I can afford that,” he mumbled, wondering how pathetic he must have sounded.
Roger pulled a face. “The cabin’s already paid for, buddy. We just need someone who can get two weeks off work at short notice. If you can make it, it’s yours.”
The guys started giving the cruise the big sell. They’d done it every year and could answer any of the questions Dan had about it. He felt awful, accepting something so big from guys he’d only known a few weeks, but he was humbled that they liked him enough to offer such a gift. “Sure,” he smiled. “Why not?”
Dan could hardly believe his luck when he looked around his own cabin a few days later. Going on a cruise vacation had seemed like something so far out of his reach and yet, here he was. Before long, there was a knock at his door so loud and firm that Dan knew exactly who it was right away. Upon opening up, he was greeted by the sight of four of the guys, strolling straight into his cabin.
“Sorry to give you the smallest room,” Roger said cheerfully. “But you’re the smallest guy, so it made sense” he grinned, rubbing his own large gut in a way that seemed completely habitual.
“It’s perfect,” Dan smiled back gratefully, suddenly sensing that his once spacious and breezy cabin now felt more than a little claustrophobic with these four enormously overweight guys in here with him.
“We’re going up to Paul’s favourite restaurant,” Vern explained.
“What you’re wearing is fine,” Roger jumped in, leaving Dan in no doubt that they expected him to come along.
Dan grabbed what he needed and followed the large men down the long corridors and up onto the deck. The sweet aromas from the many restaurants flooded the entertainment spaces and the hungry boys were eager to get started. Dan had made the mistake of following the crowd and ordering similar quantities, not realising that the portions would be so big. He struggled after some time, finding it amazing that the guys around him had eaten so fast and were still chatting away as if all this food wasn’t affecting them at all. His mouth chewed, but there was no enjoyment to be had from it. His stomach was tight and even swallowing felt laboured. 
“Geez! Help the boy out, would you guys?” Vern called from the head of the table.
Dan looked up, realising that Vern was gesturing to him. Chubby hands came in front all around; the remaining food disappearing before his eyes.
“Don’t worry, man,” Roger offered, slapping Dan on his back as if he was someone to be pitied in that moment. “It’s all inclusive, so just order as much as you want. There’ll always be one of us greedy lot to help you finish! ”
Following the other guys up to the deck, Dan sighed quietly as he realised that they had all decided to head up onto the deck for a swim. His stomach felt so bloated and full, Dan just felt like he needed to lie down in his cabin for an hour. But, remembering that he hadn’t paid for this vacation, he dutifully collected his swim shorts so that he could join them. 
The sun was shining but the deck chairs were easy to find. “Geez! You’re all skin and bone!” Jim laughed when he saw Dan gingerly taking off his shirt. 
Dan immediately put his hand to his bloated stomach, feeling anything but skinny at that moment. But, looking around him, with all the guys and their rounded pot bellies and ball guts, he supposed that he probably did look tiny in their eyes. 
“Don’t worry. A couple of weeks with us will soon sort you out!” Vern chuckled, rubbing sun cream onto the shelf of his gut. However, just then, his attention was caught on a waiter who strolled by: skinny and probably no older than twenty; even Dan’s gaydar was lighting up; that tight little ass of his practically crying out to be fucked as he strutted about the deck. It was uncanny how, even here, Vern seemed to be getting checked out, sat there like a hairy beached whale on his deck chair. “Chaser alert!” Vern whispered, seemingly very pleased with himself. He stood up, waddled over to the bar and immediately started flirting until the guy handed over a napkin for Vern to write his number down on.
Dan watched from the side, completely fascinated. Just how did Vern do it?
“You coming in for a swim?” asked Sam; one of the crowd that Dan had only met that morning for the first time. Being the closest in age to him, Dan could sense that he was going to get on well with Sam during the vacation. The guy hadn’t seemed quite so overweight with his shirt on; however, now Sam was only in his swimming costume, it was plain how much of a swollen, hard-looking pot belly he had on him. It looked odd on him, like it didn’t quite fit, and it was littered with tiny little stretch marks that Dan had never seen on a guy before.
“No swimming on a full stomach!” Jim called out before Dan could answer. overhearing the conversation. “Sit your big ass down, Sam!” he laughed.
Sam nodded, almost obediently and tapped his forehead like his inclination to go for a swim had been a bad one. He sat himself down on his deck chair, like the others, and rested his hands on the top part of his rounded gut. “Is someone getting the beers?” he asked.
“Don’t worry, boys!” came Paul’s voice. “Beer and snacks are on their way!”
Dan simply lay back, glad that he hadn’t had to make an excuse for not going for a swim. He accepted his ice cool beer gratefully and tried to rest his eyes as the sun stroked his skin.
Within a few days, the guys had seemed to sniff out every gay guy aboard the ship. Vern had regaled the story of how he had seduced the waiter, whilst Paul, Jim and even a few of the others, had found their own romances to engage their time with.
Sam seemed to be the only exception to this. More than anyone else, he seemed to spend his time eating under the watchful eye of someone else in the gang. There was some sort of power dynamic that Dan couldn’t quite put his finger on. Sam appeared subservient to everyone else and he picked up, more than a few times, knowing looks between him and the older guys.
“Did Sam make it for another lunch this afternoon?” asked Jim, looking around at the others.
“He’s a little late, but he’s up there now with Paul, getting something,” Vern replied, checking his watch.
Dan’s brows furrowed as he licked the large ice cream cone one of the guys had brought over for them all. The more time he spent with the guys, the less he understood them at all. Why would they care about Sam’s eating schedule? It was as if they all enjoyed holding some sort of power over the guy, and Dan gradually became convinced that their preoccupation with Sam’s diet was a part of a kind of domination play between them all.
“You okay?” Dan asked as Sam joined him later that evening at the bar, getting another beer, away from the rest of the table.
“Never better,” Sam replied, sounding anything but. He seemed almost short of breath and he rubbed his stomach as if it hurt. Wearing the same shirt as he had worn on the first night, Dan was almost a little embarrassed to be stood there next to him. The cruise was clearly having an impact on Sam’s waistline. The buttons strained and his portly stomach, that had been fairly concealable at the start of the cruise, now seemed to have amassed a new spherical shape to it, pushing itself forwards like it was graduating into something much more imposing.
“Is everything all right with you and the guys?” Dan asked, feeling concerned. “I can’t help getting the feeling that they sometimes…” He paused, trying to think of the right word. “It sometimes seems like they bully you a little.”
Sam smiled and held back a laugh; his double chin forming as he did so. “Yeah, yeah…” Again, he seemed like he was trying not to laugh. “It’s all good, man. When you get to know the guys a little better… you’ll understand, trust me.”
“Understand what?” Dan asked, feeling more confused than ever. But just as Sam seemed about to answer, Vern’s loud voice sounded from across the room. 
“Hey, Dan, don’t bother getting another beer. We’re heading off for some waffles,” he shouted, standing up along with everyone else.
Dan’s eyes lit up. He hadn’t realised how much he was in the mood for something sweet until Vern had said it. “You coming?” he asked Sam.
Sam exhaled as if psyching himself up for something. “You bet I am!” he nodded.
“Shit!” Dan exclaimed as he dressed for work the day after getting home. He stood in the mirror, flabbergasted at how difficult it was to button his dress pants up. He squeezed the two sides of the material together and growled, seeing for the first time how much blubber had formed on his stomach. Standing back after finally succeeding, he stared in horror at the small, fleshy love handles that dripped ever so slightly over the waistband and turned to gaze in disgust at how much fuller and more padded his butt seemed, filling up the material. This wasn’t an isolated incident; every one of his pants appeared to fit with the same embarrassing tightness. He’d stepped on the scales; eyes widening as he saw the number climb up twenty pounds over his usual weight. Who the fuck gained twenty pounds in two weeks?
Dan had expected everyone to comment on his weight at work. To him, it seemed obvious: the puffier cheeks on his face, his chest, butt and, of course, that frustrating little paunch that seemed to have arrived from nowhere. But, bizarrely, no one had commented, and it was only when Dan was back with the other guys at the bar that Friday night that he finally got the whole thing off his chest. He’d never known them all to be so quiet, listening intently as he recounted trying to get his pants to fit and his alarm at how much he had gained.
One by one, the guys all shared similar tales of tight clothing since they had got back and the atmosphere seemed to change completely. The guys were all closed in on each other, rather than pursuing the crowd of guys on the dance floor below as they usually did. Their talk seemed intimate; almost erotic.
Standing at the bar that night, Dan felt a hand brush against his love handle which, despite choosing the loosest shirt in his closet, still seemed rather apparent. He turned to see a cute-looking guy he’d seen at the bar a few times before, smiling at him flirtatiously as he walked along to the dance floor.
Returning to his seat with the guys, Dan noticed the hot guy making eyes at him while he danced. “I think I’m getting flirted with,” he whispered to the boys, turning his head and nodding back in the direction of the young guy who had smiled at him at the bar.
Immediately, the guys all grinned. “Oh, Kevin!” they all laughed, seeming a little impressed and yet unsurprised at the same time. “Yeah, you’re exactly his type after your little vacation gain.”
Dan looked at them perplexed.
“He likes the dad-bod types,” Vern explained. “When you chat to him, push your belly out a little bit more. He’ll be putty in your hands.”
Now it was Dan’s turn to laugh, stopping only when he saw the blank faces staring at him. “You’re joking, right?” he asked.
Vern sat back a little. “Fine, don’t believe me,” he smiled, raising his hands innocently. I’m only much older and wiser than you, what do I know about how to seduce guys?”
Now it was Paul’s turn to jump in. “Just trust us,” he stated earnestly. “We’ve known Kevin a good couple of years. Just push your belly out a little. He won’t be able to keep his hands off you.”
Dan still wasn’t sure if he was the subject of some elaborate joke, but as he stood up to make his move on the handsome young guy on the dancefloor, he didn’t hold back his stomach as he had done the rest of the week. Then, as Kevin’s smile got wider and wider as he approached, Dan did something he would never ever have believed he would do. He pushed a little with his gut, making his stomach seem even more bloated than it had already become. “Hi there,” he smiled. “Fancy a dance?”
It took less than a few minutes for Dan to work out that the boys had been absolutely right in suggesting to him that he emphasised his newly padded stomach. As he and Kevin slipped over to the side of the dance floor, Dan could feel the hot guy’s hands exploring his body, rubbing over his small paunch and love handles, moaning with appreciation.
“How come I’ve not seen you around here before?” Kevin asked between kisses.
“I’m here every Friday night,” Dan replied, only a little offended that Kevin had not noticed him until now. “Maybe… maybe it’s because I’ve gained a few pounds recently,” he smiled, taking Kevin’s hand and putting it back on his stomach, where it had been roaming around for the last five minutes.
The lust in Kevin’s eyes was more than plain to see. “I think it really suits you!” he marvelled.
Dan enjoyed the feeling of being in the centre of such love and adoration. He pushed his stomach out even more. “So do I,” he nodded, staring at Kevin’s sexy lips that he wanted to kiss again. “So do I.”
It had been so long since Dan had had good sex! He hadn’t realised how much he had needed it until afterwards. He strutted about the next week feeling like he was king of the world.
“So, what time does Kevin usually show up here?” Dan asked the guys as they settled down for their Friday night drinks.
The guys rolled their eyes. “Forget Kevin. He’s just a hot mess. You can do better!”
“But… you were the ones telling me to go for it last week,” Dan grumbled back.
“There are plenty of other fish in the sea,” Jim laughed, swiping his hand, showing of the slowly building sea of guys in the bar.”
“Take your pick,” Paul added. “Between us, we’re pretty much experts on all of them. We can help you get whoever you want.”
The idea intrigued Dan and he looked around. “There was a guy in the corner who had always caught his attention in the past. Tall, slender and with the face of an angel. “What about that guy?” he asked with interest. The guys squinted towards the back and clarified which of the boys Dan was referring to.
“That’s Jake,” Paul nodded. “He’s a chaser. He’s more into guys bigger than you. Although…” he pondered,sitting back to get a better sideways look at Dan’s stomach, “...you have clearly gained a few pounds recently.”
Vern shook his head dismissively. “Nah, no chance. I’ve never seen Jake hook up with a guy less than two hundred pounds.”
“What are you now?” Paul asked, sounding almost hopeful on Dan’s behalf.
“One-eighty,” Dan mumbled.
“Not too bad then,” Vern nodded. “A couple of weeks and you would be big enough to be in with a shot with him.”
“What? You mean, gain twenty pounds?” Dan scoffed. “I’d never get laid again!”
“This bar is full of chasers. It’s famous for it. Why do you think it’s always so packed, even though the big gay venues are ages away? Trust me, in here, you get fat, you get laid!”
Before now, Dan hadn’t really understood the whole ‘chaser’ culture that the guys would occasionally reference. He recalled in his mind how fixated and horny Kevin had been, rubbing his hands over Dan’s swollen middle. He wasn’t about to rush out and gain a whole bunch of weight just for the sake of it, but those ideas fermented in his brain over the coming weeks, making it easy for him to not do anything about the pounds he had gained over the cruise. Besides, he had other matters to think about. Thanks to all of the advice of his new friends, Dan had networked his way up the career ladder and was starting to feel his finances ease slightly. The price for that came from the many evenings he was spending at his desk, catching up on training and upskilling himself for his new roles. The idea of joining a gym was laughable and takeout meals became all too convenient. 
For most single men in their thirties, gaining weight would have been a disaster. But, for Dan, the experience seemed to coincide with the biggest uptick in his sex life that he had ever experienced. He was so close to two hundred pounds, why not just… let it happen? It felt so freeing and empowering to let go of the anxiety and self-imposed rules that he had always had about his eating habits. Now he could eat what he wanted, when he wanted. The years of hiding his attraction to guys and caring so deeply about what other people thought of him had left him feeling exhausted. Most of his old friends had drifted away after he finished with his long-term girlfriend and now, more than ever before, Dan needed to be completely selfish. He wanted to experience the awesome sex he should have been getting all those years ago when he was too shy to embrace his sexuality. He loved sex, he loved guys, he got on better with his new friends than he ever had with his old ones. Life could be so sweet if he just allowed himself the freedom to take it.
“What did you think of those beers I sent over?” Jim asked.
“Yeah, they’re great!” Dan nodded, delighting in the fact that Jim’s job gave him ready access to such strange perks; like free packs of European beers that he was more than willing to share with his buddies. “Nothing better than coming home to a couple of fresh beers every night,” he nodded gratefully.
One by one, Dan saw the guys’ eyes drift down to his little paunch. A few months ago, he would have squirmed awkwardly, but in this group, having a gut was a source of pride and masculinity. Yeah, he was getting a beer belly, but so what? His fuller figure was also making him one of the most popular guys at the bar. There was just something about having a guy get so horny, rubbing his gut; it was a phenomenon he couldn’t really put into words. Finally bedding Jake last weekend had properly cemented the idea that Dan didn’t want to go back to his old lighter, punier body.
“You should come over to Vern’s place on a Wednesday night and have some pizza with us sometime,” Jim grinned, looking around at the other guys.
“He’s not ready for that yet,” Vern shot back, giving Jim a harsh, warning look for making the suggestion.
“You guys meet up every Wednesday?” Dan asked, surprised that none of them had ever mentioned it before.
Vern sighed and decided to level with Dan right there and then. “You’ll get your invite, don’t worry. I just think you need to get to know us all a bit better first.”
Dan was about to ask Vern what exactly he was referring to; after all, surely he knew pretty much everything about the guys by now. But at that moment, his attention was caught elsewhere. A stunningly hot guy had just strolled in: young, tall, pretty and athletic, he seemed to have the best parts of all the best guys in here, all rolled into one. “Who the fuck is THAT?” Dan spat; his tongue practically hanging out. “Please tell me he’s a chaser too!”
The guys all looked across, then chuckled, looking at each other. “That’s Robbie,” Paul explained. “He must be back from college.” He paused, as if wondering how to phase what he wanted to say next. “He’s a chaser, alright. But… he’s definitely a bit too kinky for the likes of you.”
“Do you reckon I’m in with a chance?” Dan asked, sitting up properly and feeling an urgent need to go and try his luck in chatting the guy up before someone else pounced on him.
“Careful, Dan!” Vern cautioned as the guy stood up to make his move. “Paul’s right. Robbie may be little too kinky for you to handle.”
“Can I buy you a drink?” Dan asked as he stood behind the handsome young guy at the bar.
Robbie turned, delighting Dan as he looked him up and down, grinning with approval at what he saw. “Well, hello there!” Robbie sang back playfully. “You can certainly buy me a drink,” he smiled.
Raising his arm for the bartender’s attention, Dan realised that he had never felt so excited to be chatting someone up before. He’d heard the guys’ warnings, but what did it matter? However kinky Robbie could be, he was all up for it. Robbie was someone he just had to have; just look at that tight ass and bulge in the crotch!
“So, how come I’ve not seen you here before?” Robbie asked, accepting his glass and gazing confidently into Dan’s eyes.
“I’m only here on Friday nights,” Dan replied. “Plus, if you were here a few months ago, you might not recognise me now.” He patted his stomach, which he pushed out a little in the hope of ensnaring the gorgeous chaser. “I’ve put on a little weight recently.”
As chat up lines went, the weight thing was definitely a strange one. However, Dan always found that it worked like a charm for him. Guys were always interested to hear about his new belly and eager to compliment him on his look. Robbie appeared to be no different. The words landed on him and lit up his face like a slot machine. “Freshly fattened!” he teased, reaching his hand out to rub Dan’s little paunch. “You hanging out with the big guys over there?” he asked, pointing back at Vern and the rest of the guys. “No wonder you’re packing on the pounds!”
“They’ve certainly opened my eyes a bit,” Dan nodded, deciding to rub his belly; knowing that it was his best feature to keep a guy like Robbie interested. They took the drinks into a quieter corner and chatted flirtatiously for the next hour, until they could stand it no more; getting a cab and heading back to Dan’s place for the rest of the night.
Robbie was so much more into the belly than any of the other chasers Dan had been with. In the cab, his hands had slid underneath Dan’s shirt, before he finally unbuttoned it as they kissed. He grabbed at the new fat, pinching it and jiggling it; growling with lust. But Robbie was so incredibly sexy; Dan’s dick ached for him. Wanting to head straight into the bedroom, Dan felt dismayed when Robbie wanted to slow things down and sit on the couch, kissing.
It was hard to not feel like a king, sat there on his couch, legs spread and having Robbie working him to perfection with his mouth. The guy had found some ice cream in Dan’s freezer and seemed to enjoy the sight of him eating it. More than once, Robbie got him quite close to climaxing, but the experience kept rumbling on. After the ice cream, Robbie found some chips, then chocolate and other snacks. His hands kept rubbing over the increasingly tight stomach and he lifted his head up to kiss it and worship the small belly as often as he could.
Things seemed to switch as Robbie took him into the bedroom. Dan had the exciting feeling that he was being controlled. His gut was surprisingly heavy and full. When Robbie offered to sit on his crotch and do the hard work, Dan didn’t complain. He lay back against the pillows, eyes rolling into the back of his head as Robbie’s tight, perfect ass cheeks slipped over his dick.
“Open up,” Robbie whispered, grabbing one of the cupcakes Dan had bought for his work friend’s birthday and forgotten to take with him that morning. Dan obliged, feeling that he would do anything in that moment for the gorgeous guy gently bouncing on his dick. “I love guys who know how to eat like you can,” Robbie went on, delighting in the huge, enthusiastic bite Dan took, desperate to impress. 
Once again, Dan felt ready to come, and yet that moment never seemed to arrive. Here he was, six cupcakes down and still feeling on the edge of it all. 
“Let me fuck you,” Robbie suddenly suggested, climbing off Dan’s hardness. 
Dan took a moment to catch up. He’d rarely been asked to do this by the guys he’d brought home, but there didn’t seem to be any inclination in his head to refuse. Rolling onto his front, Dan felt sluggish as he went onto all fours, presenting his spread butt cheeks for the incredibly sexy guy he had brought home. He winced slightly as Robbie’s thick erection worked its way inside him and then slowly built up momentum.
Dan’s gut felt heavy as it sank down to the bed. He could feel all the weight he had gained over the past few months, rocking, jiggling and bouncing a little as Robbie took over the fucking. More than that, he could sense Robbie watching it all; his fingertips gently sliding over the flesh of his love handles and underneath to find his belly.  “Mmm, I love fucking fat guys!” the chaser growled with surprising authority.
Feeling his dick leaking, Dan realised that he had never been dominated like this before. The feeling was overwhelming; giving up control, letting someone else do whatever they wanted to him. So when Robbie’s hand stretched to grab another cupcake, Dan willingly opened his mouth to take it whole. Robbie’s fingertips pushed it into his mouth as the guy’s hips continued to pound.
“That’s it!” Robbie called out. “Eat like a fucking pig for me!”
Dan didn’t really know where it came from, or why. Feeling the desperate need to please, his mind conjured the image of a little pig and he immediately snorted like one as he chewed the cupcake still pressed against his mouth. As he did so, he felt the throb of Robbie’s hardness and the guy physically shook with lust. Abandoning the cupcake, Robbie’s free hand now went straight to Dan’s hardness, milking it with a speed and determination that the guy knew could only have one inevitable conclusion. He needed to come; he’d never been so horny in his life. He oinked encouragingly, hoping it would spur Robbie on to let him finish. He squealed and grabbed at the last cupcake himself, smashing it into his mouth.
“Oh… FUCK!” Robbie marvelled, working his hips, leaning over Dan’s back and stroking his hardness furiously. They both made an almost pained sound as the feeling of climaxing overtook them. The pleasure was so great, so powerful and long lasting. When Dan finally flopped back into his bed, he knew that he would need to do that again sometime. And again. And again.
“So, we heard that you and Robbie had a good time last weekend,” Jim asked with a coy smile.
Dan eyed them all suspiciously. “Yeah,” he nodded. “He sat on my dick very nicely!” he explained with the masculine bravado that he always tried to use when discussing his conquests.
“Really?” Vern asked, chuckling a little to himself. “We heard that he stuffed you full of cupcakes and then fucked you while you oinked like a little pig for him.”
At once, the guys all erupted into laughs; the ones closest to Dan slapping him on his back.
Dan hated the way the guys all talked in here. No intimate moment was a secret. “Well, it wasn’t quite like that,” he tried. “There was a lot of build up and stuff…” he fumbled, trying to salvage his reputation with the boys.
Sat next to him, Jim patted Dan’s belly, which looked and felt bigger than Dan had ever known it. Three times last week he had been horny and invited Robbie around for more fun. “Oh, we heard all about the build-up too,” Jim grinned. “Cakes, chips, ice cream…”
Once again, a roar of chuckles sounded around the table. “Relax!” Vern finally declared as Dan could feel his cheeks flushing red. “We’re all kinky as fuck when it comes to food and sex. We’re just glad we don’t have to hide it from you anymore.”
“I can’t even come unless my gut is packed tight like a drum, full of food,” Jim immediately jumped in, nodding knowingly. 
“My ex used to wake me up at 3am every morning to get me to drink a calorie shake and blow me off,” Paul agreed.
“And as for Sam…” Vern chuckled, looking around at the group of guys. “Well, let’s just say, he’s a very good little eater when he’s horny!”
Dan thought back to the younger guy he had met on the cruise. Sam never came out with them on Fridays as he was always working, but Dan remembered how intrigued he had been with the guy’s relationship with the other men. 
“You should come over to my place next Wednesday,” Vern announced. “You can see how little Sammy is doing now,” he grinned excitedly at the others.
His curiosity piqued, Dan nodded, pleased that he would be getting the opportunity to at least catch up with Sam again.
There was a manly cheer as Dan stepped over the threshold of Vern’s penthouse apartment that next Wednesday. Vern’s shirt was missing and as Dan stepped around the corner into the living space, he could see that none of the other guys were wearing one either. Chubby, blubbery flesh was everywhere as the guys lounged all over the two large sofas. Vern grabbed a plush chair from the dining table and Dan sat, slightly detached from the group, but still very much a part of it. 
“What pizzas do you want?” Jim asked, throwing over a large tablet screen for Dan. Already the amount of pizzas the guys had added was astronomical, and with their fat bellies out, it was obvious that this was going to be quite the feast.
“No shirts allowed on a Wednesday night,” Roger called across the room. “Those are Vern’s rules.”
Dan looked up at Vern who nodded in agreement. He huffed slightly but felt a strange sense of excitement. There was a smell of lust and anticipation in the air that Dan felt strangely aroused by. He pulled off his shirt, allowing his small paunch out, rubbing it a little self consciously as the guys all cheered in approval. He didn’t quite know what to do with his arms. How could he own his look when he was so new at this and so much smaller than everyone else?
“Do you remember those first thirty pounds, Vern?” Jim asked, gazing with an odd nostalgia at Dan’s small pot belly.
“Barely!” Vern chuckled back, slapping his monstrous tank of a stomach. “I quickly moved on to bigger and better things!”
The intercom sounded into life and Dan heard the distinct tones of Sam asking to be let into the building. He sat up a little, pleased that he would get to see his buddy again. The pair of them had formed a nice friendship during the cruise, but had not seen each other since. 
Seeing Sam turned out to be the biggest shock of the night so far. The guy was greeted at the door by Vern. But as the big man stepped aside, Dan got a full view of what had become of the chubby boy Dan had met a few months ago. His shirt was far too small for him, which probably made Sam look even bigger than he was. It was obvious what Sam had been doing since Dan had last seen him. The guy had been eating hard. A large, stout belly sat under his chest, pushed out now into a jiggly looking sack. His love handles had exploded above his hips and his chest had puffed up with blubbery looking nipples. Even Sam’s face was harder to recognise now he had a full ring of fat under his chin.
Dan stood up, his mouth open in shock. But as the freshly fattened guy spotted him and walked over, it was Sam who chuckled in surprise. “What the hell is this?” he laughed, outstretching his finger and prodding Dan in his little paunch. He then reached his arms around Dan and gave him a quick hug in greeting. Stunned into silence, Dan could only feel the mass of Sam’s large gut pressing into him. “The guys told me you’ve been putting on a few pounds recently. It suits you!” he smiled, patting Dan’s middle in approval. 
“You can talk!” Dan finally managed to say, staring now at the huge gut on his friend.
Sam smiled proudly and lifted off his shirt. His stomach jiggled as the material picked up his gut and then slid off it. Dan could hardly believe his eyes. Sam looked even fatter without that tight shirt on. “I’m getting there,” Sam nodded, fingering his deep belly button. “But I still have a long way to go. I’m excited you’re here though. I was wondering how long it would be until you got an invite to one of my stuffings.”
“Stuffings?” Dan mumbled. He was confused by the word, but Sam had already moved on to greet the other guys, who all commented excitedly on the guy’s gut and patted his surprisingly broad and plump butt.
The conversation moved on and it was only when the pizzas arrived that anyone moved again. Several were placed down on Vern’s enormous coffee table and all of the guys reached forwards and began gorging greedily. Dan had forgotten the seriousness of how the fat guys ate. They were stacking the pizzas and nibbling quickly, taking massive bites. The conversation stalled, as each one ate as if they were worried the supplies would dwindle before they could eat enough of it all. Greasy hands reached over each other, patting and rubbing the bellies and Dan could even see Jim getting a hard-on, right there in Vern’s lounge. But, sitting in the chair opposite, Dan could see Sam working just as hard as any of them. He was guzzling and chomping on the pizzas as if this was the main event of his week. Sodas and beers were being slurped. It wasn’t long until a chorus of burps began erupting throughout; pride seeming to derive from the biggest and loudest of them. 
Dan stacked his pizzas too, feeling a strange expectation for him to conform. He could feel his stomach tightening, yet he continued to eat, noticing that no one else had given up yet.
“I managed twelve,” Jim finally announced, looking exhausted and stuffed.
“Fourteen!” Vern grinned with a look of superiority.
Dan listed as the other men reeled off numbers. It took him a few moments before he realised that they’d all been competitively counting their slices. They looked at him in turn, making Dan stutter out a number he had rounded up so as not to look silly in front of them all. “I did ten,” he lied. The number was the lowest so far, however, they all still nodded in approval.
Pretty soon, Sam was the only one still eating. Vern stood up, placing a fatherly hand on the back of the guy’s neck, watching keenly as Sam continued to push the pizza in. “That’s it. Good boy. Keep up this pace,” he said encouragingly.
All eyes were on Sam. Vern’s hand smoothly rubbed the distended gut and Sam’s eyes smiled in gratitude. 
“What’s that?” Dan asked as Jim carried in a funnel, alongside a large quantity of thick brown liquid in an enormous measuring jug.
“Vern’s special recipe,” Roger replied, grabbing a handful of his own belly fat and jiggling it as if in explanation.
Sam seemed to spot the funnel coming towards him and he gently placed his head back on the cushion on the chair. He parted his lips and left his mouth open, however Vern’s hand still grabbed his cheeks, pushing his fingers against them so that Sam’s mouth would not be able to close. Jim slotted the funnel straight into the open-mouthed boy and held the jug aloft. Then, without a word said, he began pouring.
The mixture was even thicker than Dan had guessed. It slopped into the funnel and slid down the sides. As soon as it reached Sam’s tongue, he began swallowing. Dan could hear the great effortful gulps as the funnel filled more and more. Sam’s hands fell onto his belly, as if he could feel it inflating with every swallow he made, yet Dan could see that the guy’s eyes were locked with Vern’s the entire time.
Sam had made a serious dent in the amount of thick liquid in the jug and as he finally finished the last of it left in his funnel, he moaned softly as it was pulled out of his mouth. A noisy, entirely involuntary burp roared from his throat making everyone, Dan included, chuckle with amusement. He’d worked out what this was about. Sam clearly wanted that belly he had grown and the other guys were all in on supporting him with that goal.
The other guys immediately began clearing the coffee table of pizza boxes and Sam stood up, looking a little unsteady on his feet and still burping up the gas from his stomach. No one batted an eyelid as he slipped down his shorts and underwear, stepping out of them entirely. The guy’s dick wasn’t all that big, but it was clearly as hard as concrete. Vern gave his chubby butt a little pat and then Sam’s knee bent as he actually climbed onto the coffee table. On all fours, he moved up until his fat body was on display like cattle before them all. If his head had not been lowered, he would have been looking straight at Dan. 
A large tray of cream-filled doughnuts were carried in and Roger immediately grabbed one, sitting forwards so that he could push it slowly into Sam’s mouth. Now that Sam’s head was up, his eyes met with Dan’s and, for the first time, Dan could see the lust within. He let Roger’s fingers press the doughnut in and he swallowed it with absolute obedience. 
No one seemed to be in the least bit surprised at the events unfolding and none of the men were making an effort to explain it to Dan; being far too caught up in the spectacle themselves. Vern, who had briefly disappeared from the room, returned, carrying a large dildo in his hand. He rubbed oil into it, standing at the opposite end of the table, where Sam’s butt cheeks were splayed for him. Without much effort to ease him in, Vern pressed the lubricated toy straight into Sam’s butt, making the man sigh with pleasure, even as the other men stepped up to take a turn pressing doughnuts into him. Pretty soon afterwards, Roger was oiling up his hand, reaching it under Sam’s body and finding its way to the guy’s hardness. A deep moan sounded from Sam’s throat and Dan watched as the man’s eyes rolled up into his head.
“Easy, Roger. Not too fast,” Vern instructed.
“I know what I’m doing,” Roger chuckled, using his other hand to grab Sam’s hanging belly fat and jiggle it. The blubber rippled all over the guy’s body, giving Dan the chance to see just how much pure lard had been packed onto Sam’s form over the last few months. He watched calmly, wondering how he would have reacted had he been invited along to something like this a couple of years ago. These days, he couldn’t judge. He’d eaten and gorged himself with Robbie in a manner not too wildly dissimilar. He’d enjoyed letting Robbie feed him and getting off on taking control, just like Sam was now. Maybe that was why Dan’s dick was leaking just like everyone else’s.
“Your turn,” one of the guys whispered to Dan, passing him a doughnut to feed Sam.
Dan fumbled for a second, having not expected to be invited to participate like this. Sam’s eyes looked up at him, waiting. Dan slid off the chair, onto his knees in front of Sam. He thought about his experiences with Robbie recently and how much that horny bastard would probably get off on doing something like this. And so, Dan pushed that doughnut in, just as everyone else had done. Roger seemed to speed up his pleasuring of Sam at that very moment, so that as Dan’s fingers pressed the doughnut into the greedy open mouth, Sam was writhing and swallowing with pleasure. Without even thinking about it, Dan grabbed another, pressing his whole doughnut-filled hand over Sam’s mouth, stifling the moans of pleasure as Sam came, looking straight into his eyes.
“I told you to take it easy!” Vern grumbled at Roger. “He hasn’t even finished my gainer shake mix yet!”
Roger didn’t reply. He simply nodded in the direction of Dan’s crotch, where his hardness was pulsing furiously against the material of the pants. “I just figured the newbie needed a win tonight,” he chuckled. “I’m guessing that you enjoyed that, Dan?” he asked, sounding pleased with himself.
Dan could sense all eyes on him. The entire focus of every one of them shifted. He had never felt so exposed in his. Yet, it was all so erotic.
“Take your pants off,” Vern ordered, pulling the dildo out of Sam’s butt so that he could get up off the table. “We can’t send you home with that boner ready to explode like that. Paul, go rinse out the funnel.”
Dan sat up, eyes wide with realisation that Vern was absolutely serious. The water was running in the kitchen as Paul set to work, cleaning up the funnel for HIM! “Maybe another time,” he stuttered, feeling his heart racing.
“Nonsense!” Vern spat dismissively. “Get your pants off.”
Dan did as he was told, feeling strangely submissive as his dick bounced out and showed itself to all of the guys at once. These people were his friends and he wasn’t massively attracted to any of them; yet, the situation he found himself in was one of the most erotic he had ever known.
Roger used a towel to wipe off his hand and the coffee table. But then he was oiling it up once more; this time for Dan. All of a sudden, the large looming figures of both Vern and Roger seemed to surround him. He looked over at a completely spent Sam, flopping into the armchair; the remains of the last doughnut still smashed over his mouth. If that was what they had done to him, what on earth was he in for?
“Robbie would be squirting all over himself if he was here to watch this!” Vern chuckled to the other guys.
“Wait! I’m really not sure about this!” Dan tried. “Doing this stuff with Robbie is one thing, but…you guys are my friends.”
Vern laughed and placed his hand on Dan’s shoulder. “Trust me, Fatso,” he teased. “For the next ten minutes, I’m not your friend. Nothing bad is going to happen to you. You’re just going to drink a little calorie shake and bloat a little. Roger here is going to work his magic hands on you and you’re going to have an awesome time.”
“Ready to give it a go?” asked Roger; his oiled up hand positioned, ready to start.
Dan slowly nodded. What did he have to lose?
Immediately, Dan’s whole body shook as Roger’s hand started stroking his shaft. His eyes widened and he made an involuntary sound of complete shock and surprise at how immediately stimulating the fondling was. Throughout the room, men laughed watching the reaction. They clearly all knew how skilled the guy was in this area and were simply waiting for Dan to feel what they had all experienced as well.
“You like that, huh?” Vern called from above. He licked the end of his thumbs and leant over so that he could place them both on Dan’s nipples, rubbing against them gently.
Dan moaned again. He couldn’t get over how sensitive his nipples actually felt. No one had ever played with them like this before. He felt Roger’s free hand clamp over the roll of belly fat he had amassed over the past few months, looking up at Vern like he wanted to laugh. It made Dan feel exactly the same way Robbie managed to make him feel: like he wanted to submit, to give in to everything those around him wanted.
“Are you a good little piggy?” Vern asked him, using that same teasing voice that Dan had heard him use with Sam.
Dan nodded, trying to speak but finding his brain was almost too foggy to stitch any words together. It was then that he felt Vern’s finger lifting his chin up; his other hand pushing down on his forehead. Already his head was being positioned, resting back entirely on the back of the chair. He felt Vern’s fingers pinch his cheeks, opening the jaws. Dan’s heart was beating fast. He looked up at the ceiling before seeing Jim coming in to view, carrying the funnel from earlier. Dan watched the spout as it lowered and fell perfectly into his mouth, hitting his tongue and resting between his teeth.
“You’ve just got to swallow it, buddy,” Dan heard Jim’s voice state. He also felt a new hand rubbing his bloated stomach, before giving it a gentle couple of pats and then retreating. 
Just then, Dan felt the heavy weight of the thick liquid hitting the funnel. It oozed down and didn’t hit his tongue for a good couple of seconds, but once it did, Dan could feel it filling his mouth quickly. It was sweet; so sweet and gooey and creamy. Dan swallowed, almost in a panic, racing to keep up before he became overwhelmed. He felt Vern’s hand tenderly stroking his hair as if to calm him, whispering softly. “Atta boy. Keep going…”
The funnel seemed to go on forever. Dan could hear Vern trying to coordinate Roger down below, telling him to slow down, take longer and deeper strokes, or speed up and focus on the head. They’d clearly practised this many times, for their technique was faultless. 
“Robbie is going to be so pleased,” Vern called out to the group. “Look at his little piggy now!” he laughed, as Dan felt a large hand stroking his belly.
Dan swallowed, swallowed, swallowed. He could feel how tight his stomach was getting but concentrated only on the blissful feeling of the funnel getting lighter and lighter above him. Vern lifted it out of his mouth, allowing the last drops to dribble over his face. Dan lifted his head and looked down at his body. What had they done to him? His stomach had never looked so huge in his life. Roger was there, smiling up at him as he sped up his stroking, going in for the kill. Dan went to moan with pleasure from it all when the gas from his stomach rose up, loud and long, seemingly without end. That was when he came, right there at the start of that monstrous burp, his hands exploring the tight, bloated stretch of his gut. He felt the jets of ejaculation as they flew up onto his shoulders and down onto his new belly. Still Vern’s hand stroked his hair soothingly; reassuring him that this was all okay.
Accepting a towel to clean himself off, Dan had expected to feel shy afterwards, but the guys had already moved on. A couple of the other men had been playing with themselves whilst watching Dan taking the funnel and they came not long afterwards as well, taking the focus away from him. All Dan could do was gaze down at that marvellously round belly on himself. He felt the size, rubbing the sides and over the top of it. He imagined how much the chasers would love him if his belly was always this big; how turned on it would make Robbie. He knew then that he needed to see how far he could go with this, reaching out and slyly taking one of the doughnuts as one of the other guys came, rubbing his own enormous gut.
The pinch of Dan’s clothes had become a frustrating and yet highly erotic sensation. The week that followed was filled with more mixed emotions than Dan could ever have anticipated. He turned to look at his thicker middle in the bathroom mirror at work; conjuring feelings of revulsion and delight at what he was becoming. He twisted more, getting a look at his butt. His pants felt so tight around his hips, his glutes puffy and round. Robbie had told him how much he loved to fuck a big, doughy ass on a guy; those words now singing through Dan’s brain as he felt himself getting hard. He lifted his cell phone from his pocket and snapped a picture of his reflection in the mirror. Robbie was bound to come over tonight if Dan played his cards right: ate the right things for lunch, promised to be a good little piggy for him. ‘How’re you liking this fat ass?’ he typed as he attached the picture into Robbie’s message; breathless with anticipation, waiting for the inevitable, horny response that would follow.
Dan felt pride as he took off his shirt at the next Wednesday night gathering. Vern had been working away for the last couple of weeks and the transformation of Dan’s little paunch in that time had been strangely remarkable. He’d seen Robbie almost every night and was riding a vast, unimaginably erotic wave of pleasure in giving into the kinky guy’s demands. Everyone commented on how bloated he was looking. They patted, rubbed and offered their approval, expecting the same appreciation when their shirts came off too.
“Where’s Sam?” Dan asked as the pizzas arrived and there was still no sign.
All of the guys looked guiltily at each other. “He can’t make it. He’s working,” Jim simply replied.
“Oh,” Dan mumbled. “I thought the purpose of these nights was to…” He looked around, realising that the guys had sat him in the same chair they’d placed Sam last time.
Vern was walking back to the couch with a bottle of beer and placed a large, calming hand on Dan’s shoulder as he went behind his chair. “Don’t you worry about Sam,” he stated soothingly. “He knows he’s got a good stand-in,” the big man chuckled to the other boys.
Dan’s heart was racing as he ate, feeling the eyes of all the men drifting back to him, seeing how much he was eating. He thought of how he would recount the tale of tonight back to Robbie and make the guy rock hard; ready to fuck him in that rough, dominating manner that Dan simply couldn’t get enough of.
After a while eating, Vern was back behind Dan again, this time rubbing oil all over his torso; his hands sliding over the new softness Dan had acquired. “We’ve got to grease up the pig!” Vern joked to the other guys. When Roger appeared at his side, Dan knew they were ready to start the funnel again. He stood, slid down his pants and then sat down again, spreading his thighs a lot more, like a pro. He was still nervous, lifting his head to the ceiling and waiting for the funnel to be placed into his mouth, but this time the butterflies in his stomach were undoubtedly those of excitement. 
“The mix is slightly different to the one you had last time,” Vern explained as he was handed the jug. “You’re at a different stage to Sam and this mix has never failed me for guys still gaining their first sixty pounds. It fucks the metabolism right up!” he chuckled as he started pouring. 
Yet again, Dan was swallowing. This recipe wasn’t as thick, but it filled his mouth faster and he had to gulp it down at a very brisk pace in order to stop it from overflowing from where Vern was still mercilessly pouring; Jim steadying the funnel in his mouth. He was allowed a short break where he burped up the gas he had accidentally swallowed with it. Roger coaxed him on, massaging his dick to perfection, but he could tell, even as the last drops fell into his mouth, that he wouldn’t be allowed to climax yet, even with his gut feeling ready to burst. The sensation was even more intense than it had been last time. He grumbled, holding his aching gut and trying to burp up more gas in the hope of finding relief. He couldn’t take anything more tonight.
“Hi, Robbie,” Vern chirped, talking to the screen of his cell phone. “We’ve got your little piggy here, telling us he’s too full.”
Dan looked up, shocked and amazed to see Robbie’s face staring at him from Vern’s cell phone. Immediately, his heart fluttered and his dick pulsed.
“Oh, dear!” Robbie called out in his most deliciously dominant voice. “What’s he had so far?”
Vern took the cell phone back up to his face. “Eleven slices of pizza and about…” he considered for a moment, trying to calculate in his head, “...maybe two thousand six hundred calories in gainer shake. Your piggy is feeling pretty bloated!” he chuckled wickedly.
“Let me talk to him,” Robbie demanded.
At once, the cell phone was held up in front of Dan’s face. He sat up, feeling like he might be in trouble, but was excited to hear how kinky Robbie might get with him.
“Climb up on that coffee table,” Robbie ordered.”Spread your cheeks. I’m going to fuck you whilst you eat for me.”
There was a gentle wave of chuckles around the room and Dan saw one of them heading off to get the dildo he’d seen Sam take last time. Boxes of pizza were cleared from the table and Roger tapped the surface of the wood. “Come on up, little piggy!” he teased. The guys on the other side placed their hands down on the table, helping to balance it whilst Dan, unbelievably, found himself climbing on. Vern took the cell phone camera on a tour of the whole thing. “Robbie told you to spread those cheeks properly,” the fat man declared, tapping Dan’s wider butt until he wriggled his knees further apart.
Dan felt cool lube getting massaged by chubby hands into his hole; the cell phone capturing it all. He braced himself for the penetration, feeling more exposed than even last time.
“Just relax,” Roger whispered, already taking his hand back to stroke Dan’s dick. Only when he moaned did they insert, That was when the pleasure seemed to turn up more than Dan had ever expected. Vern’s cell phone was brought to his face and there was Robbie, staring at him victoriously. It really was like being fucked by him.
“Feed him!” Robbie called out to the room. 
Right away, Dan felt a doughnut getting pressed into his mouth by Paul. He opened his jaws obediently, chewing and swallowing as fast as he could; staring into the eyes of Robbie, who had clearly started to touch himself as he watched from across the city. Several times Dan thought he was going to come, but he was always brought back. Another doughnut, another pizza slice, another chug of soda to wash it all down. Only when the stretch became almost agonisingly tight, did he feel the powerful release, making him moan so loudly it was as if all awareness of his surroundings had abandoned him entirely.
“I did warn you about Robbie,” Vern chuckled as he cancelled the call. He stroked the back of Dan’s head as he still presented himself on all fours on his coffee table, completely diminished. “Pretty soon, you’re going to be just as fat as the rest of us…”
It was a few months later, when Vern’s attention was caught on a new guy at the bar. He wasn’t following the conversation at all well, but seemed deep in thought. “Not your usual type,” Dan commented, following Vern’s gaze over to the guy, looking like he was in his mid thirties and completely lost in this bar. He was handsome in his own way, but his flat stomach was never going to get him any attention in here.
“I’ve got a feeling about that one,” Vern grinned.
“Really?” the guys all asked, looking over at the loner at the bar. 
“Am I ever wrong?” Vern smiled, looking more certain than ever. “I know a potential pig when I see one!” He wrapped his arm over Dan’s shoulders and pushed his hand into the rounded gut that had blossomed on the guy he had introduced himself to just over a year and a half ago. The fat Dan had gained in that time had completely transformed him. He sat, nursing a beer on the new shelf of his belly, with love handles that touched both Vern’s and Roger’s to either side of him: over one hundred pounds of pure lard added in the last year alone; his dick and feeder boyfriend hungry for more. He could have told Vern to leave the guy; to spare him from all of this: the mind games, the subtle training and manipulation that they had worked out so perfectly between them. Instead, his dick throbbed as he watched Vern make his first move, inviting the guy to sit with them. 
It was amazing how the small talk was almost exactly the same as it had been that first time Dan sat with the guys. They were charming, they were funny and friendly. They were already playing their games.
An hour later, Roger went up to get a beer and Dan’s sexy boyfriend slid in, having just arrived that night. Dan lifted his big arm up over the guy’s slender shoulders and allowed the feeder’s hand to slide across the tank of belly he had grown. They kissed in that drunkenly erotic way that always happened after midnight; hands roaming everywhere. When Dan came out of it, he saw the new guy looking on, perplexed. Although he didn’t say anything, Dan could tell exactly what the newbie was thinking in his head; wondering how such a lardass like him could get himself such a stunningly hot boyfriend.
“Let’s go back to your place,” Dan’s boyfriend insisted, slyly pinching his love handle from behind.
“Right, guys…” Dan called to the table, standing as best he could and manoeuvring his large butt out to follow his kinky feeder to a cab. “I’ll catch you all on Wednesday.” He reached over and shook hands with the new guy, leaving him in Vern’s capable hands; knowing with absolute certainty that in a few months time, they’d all have a brand new piggy to play with. Then, placing his hand on the tiny butt of his boyfriend, he left them all; feeling that familiar hunger in his stomach that he always got when he was horny. He was sure he would have to eat a lot of food before he was allowed to climax later, but he was absolutely ready for it. And always would be.
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Hi!!! First time messaging, long time reader and huge fan of all your Blair fics.
I was looking at your currently being written list and wanted to request some additions to: *Sick Blair, first time sick with Dakota*
+++ She hasn’t had a bug since pre school and doesn’t remember much. She has no idea what symptoms and warning signs to look out for so Dakota actually notices her bloated belly and hears it gurgle before she does, and he has to break the news to her. She gets very anxious, admitting she doesn’t remember what a stomach bug is like and she doesn’t know what to do for herself. Dakota promises to stay with her the whole time, gently preparing her for what’s coming. He has her describe how she’s feeling every so often, knowing she might not know when it’s time to get to the bathroom.
This request lined up pretty nicely with what I already had planned! It's fun when things work out :) Thank you, 🙊 anon!
Like before with Madix's fic, this is Blair's first time sick with her respective partner, Dakota. Of course this takes place near the beginning of their relationship.
First Time Sick: Blair
Six months into the relationship and Dakota was not shameful about burping in front of his date. 
Blair not so much. 
She wished she had his easy-going nature, but sadly she was just a blushing mess when it came to vulnerability. That night she was more flushed than usual as her stomach let out wet gurgles. Every burp that bubbled up from her belly was quickly pushed down, creating a knot of discomfort and gas in her abdomen. She didn’t understand why she was feeling so gross. The food they ate for dinner had been good. Healthy. Chicken breast with steamed veggies. It was simple because they were acting as each other’s coaches, helping the other in the gym, and encouraging good eating habits. 
They had met in the gym and bonded over their shared goals. Dakota was her biggest cheerleader as he lifted her up by the waist so she could reach the pull-up bar. And Blair was always giving him tips to improve his form with each squat. 
Of course, this level of friendship came later. At first it had been awkward smiles and hesitant requests for a spot. Blair didn’t like doing bench presses, but she soon grew to love them because it’s what got them talking. She needed a spotter and her gym crush had been conveniently hanging around. She saw her shot and she took it. 
Dakota gave her a firm pat on the back after lifting the bar out of her trembling arms. “Damn that was good. You sure you don’t do this often?” 
“Not really,” Blair had said as she shook out her muscles. “It’s not my favourite exercise.” 
“Then why do it?”
“I guess I just wanted an excuse to talk to you.” She swung her leg over the bench and stood up, extending a hand towards the guy. “I’m Blair.” 
“Dakota.” He shook her hand.
Blair was suddenly hyper aware of the sweat between their palms. She wiped her hand on her leggings. “Sorry about the sweat.” 
“Don’t be. You train hard,” Dakota said. “I see you almost every day.” 
“So, you’ve been watching?” 
He shrugged and grabbed the back of his neck. He gave a nervous laugh. “I uh—it’s hard not to. I don’t mean to make you uncomfortable or—”
“It’s fine. I’ve been watching too.” She winked, making Dakota’s face turn red from something other than the workout. “Do you maybe want to get breakfast afterwards?” 
Dakota felt like her couldn’t speak fast enough. “Yes. Yes, absolutely. I’ll meet you outside the locker rooms.” 
Obviously, the date went well because they were still dating six months later. Blair still hadn’t warmed up to the point of burping in front of him—or anything else for that matter—and it was turning her stomach into a noisy mess. 
The food tasted fine, except she still had this feeling of heavy nausea settling into her gut. Her skin was prickly with warmth and her muscles were sore as if they’d done a workout that morning. This achy, sick feeling came on quickly and out of the blue. It made Blair anxious since it had been a while since she’d thrown up. Was this nausea enough to make her sick? 
She was one of those people who was proud of her no-vomiting-streak. Thank God for this streak because she hated vomiting. She hated the total loss of control that came with it. Shaky and at the mercy of her body. It was horrible. As a kid, she never managed to make it to the toilet on time. One moment she was feeling a little queasy and the next she was losing her lunch all over her desk at school. Or she was lying on the couch with vomit down her front, yelling for her mom to come quick. Yeah, she did not want to experience that again.
A belch died in her throat—she smothered it, not letting the pocket of air burst out of her mouth. It tasted bad, like rotten eggs, and she shivered. The two of them sat on the couch, watching a movie while their dinner digested in their bellies. Blair wasn’t sure that her stomach was doing much digesting. It felt like a tight ball of gum, with everything knotted up inside her. 
Dakota frowned at his girlfriend. He was still blown away by that word. His girlfriend. The girl he’d been so taken with at the gym was now nestled in the space between his arm and his torso. It felt right to him, but still something about his girlfriend was off. She seemed restless. He could hear the noises that her stomach made and wondered if she was okay. The rumbling didn’t sound like hunger. Her tense posture also told him that something else was going on. 
“Dinner sitting okay?” he asked, rubbing her shoulder with the hand that he had draped around the couch. 
“Um…yeah. Why?” 
“Your stomach is making a lot of noises.” His frown deepened as he saw her press a fist into her mouth. Her throat moved like she was swallowing something. All that came out was a hiccup. He took his hand away from the back on the couch and looked at her properly. “You know you can burp, right? I really don’t care.” 
“I know.” 
“Do you? Because it sounds like you’re suffering.” 
Blair’s stomach chose that moment to voice its agreement. It let out a long whine. She curled her arms around her torso and blushed. “Sorry.”
“Nothing to apologize for. Do you want tea or something to settle your stomach?” 
“No. I’ll just be right back.” And she left quickly in the direction of the bathroom. 
Blair closed the bathroom door behind her, then leaned against the sink. She was thankful that the room was clean, unlike the bathrooms of other boys that she used to date. This one was free of beard hair around the sink, and the ground was not littered with wet towels. She’d been in Dakota’s bathroom before but never to moan miserably over the sink. 
Her stomach was killing her. She pressed her palm against her abdomen, feeling air and food squirm around insider her. A burp escaped past her lips. It was deep and wet, and felt good to bring up.
The second belch did not feel as good. It coated her tongue with saliva, making her lean toward the sink. Nothing came up but empty burps. She definitely felt sick enough to throw up, but she didn’t know how high the nausea had to climb before she did. It was not something she wanted to discover in her boyfriend’s apartment.
She hadn’t realized how long she’d been in the bathroom until Dakota knocked on the door. It made her jump. 
“Blair, are you okay? Do you need anything?” 
She sighed. He was so sweet. But it wasn’t his responsibility to deal with her right now. And she didn’t want him to see her throw up—if that was really about to happen. Her body was shaky as if she chugged an entire cup of coffee. It was happening. She was losing her grip on her own body. It was this feeling of betrayal. And shame. 
She had to leave. 
Instead of answering Dakota, she opened the bathroom door. It startled him and he stepped back. His intense look of concern made her want to throw her hood over her head and pull the draw strings tight. God, his eyes were so soft and understanding. And he was holding a mug of tea! 
“I know you said you didn’t want anything, but I thought ginger tea would help.” 
“That’s nice, but my stomach is really upset.” 
“I know.” He looked almost sad. “That’s why I made you this.” He extended the cup towards her, and she could feel the warmth spread up her nose. The smell wasn’t bad, but her tummy couldn’t take any strong scents. 
Blair spoke with her hand over her mouth. “I think I’m going to leave. I don’t know why I feel so sick.” 
“Oh…” he set his mug on the kitchen counter. The two of them had wandered back out into the open space. With better lighting Dakota could see that she was flushed and shaky. He was sure that if she had taken the cup of tea, that she would have dropped it. “I don’t mind if you stay. You don’t look well enough to walk home.” 
Blair moaned. “Ugh I don’t know what’s wrong with me.” 
“You know,” he started, thinking about the fact that the food hadn’t upset his stomach, “you might have caught a stomach bug.” 
“God, I hope not. I don’t even remember what that’s supposed to feel like.” 
“Well…” He laughed nervously. There was one definite thing he knew to watch out for. “Do you feel like you’re going to throw up?” 
“I don’t know.” 
“How can you not know?” 
“I been a while okay.” That’s when Blair crossed her arms over her chest. She didn’t like this. Not one bit. Her tummy was swirling, her head was stuffy, and a really nice was guy was worried about her. Nope, didn’t like that. 
“Alright.” He put his hands in the air, not wanting to make her more anxious than she already was. He didn’t want her to do this blindly, without any sense of what to expect. “What does it feel like now?” 
Blair swayed on her feet. She felt all sorts of thing that she didn’t want Dakota to know. Hell, she couldn’t even burp in front of him, and now he was asking for a list of symptoms. 
“Blair please, I want to help.” He took a small step towards her. His voice got much softer. “It’ll be less unexpected if you tell me.” 
“It feels like…” she began. He did feel safe, like nothing could be that bad as long as he was there with her. “…like my throat is tight and I need to burp. And my stomach…just hurts so much.” Her voice cracked on the last part. She didn’t know how else to say it. “My roommate had a bug a few days ago.” 
“Oh, Bee” he said, pulling her into a hug. She hated being called bae, but she seemed to like Bee, so that’s what Dakota stuck with. She accepted the hug and buried her face in his chest. He was warm. His sweater soaked up her tears. He heard her sniffle. “Don’t cry. It’s gonna be fine.”  
From inside the hug, Blair hiccupped, and then let out a long burp. It was wet and left a rotten taste in her mouth. 
 Dakota’s firm pat on her back startled her, then she felt his chuckle come through his ribcage. “There you go,” he said with a smile. He grabbed her shoulders to break away from the hug. “Did that help?” She shook her head, and Dakota’s smile faded. “Do you feel worse?” 
She nodded just as another burp made her shoulders hitch. Something about her face must have worried him because he started to lead her back to the bathroom. 
“You just got really pale,” he said, gesturing for her to sit on the floor by the toilet. “What does it feel like now?” He sat down with her. 
“Like my stomach’s in my throat. And my mouth is flooded with saliva.” 
“Yep, yeah, that’s not a good sign.” 
Blair burped again, sending shivers over her entire her body. One second she was hot, and the next, icicles lined her bones. Goosebumps broke out across her skin. She knew that this was the right spot to be. The next belch splashed the back of her throat with something acidic. She gagged and slapped a hand over her mouth. 
Dakota put his hand flat against her back. “Come on, lean forward. That’s it.”
Blair’s shoulders rolled forward with another gag. She did not open her mouth, knowing that saliva would drip out. She felt like she was drowning in the choppiest of wasters. 
“Don’t fight it,” Dakota said. “It’s the only way you’ll feel better.” 
Blair knew that he was right. It was still overwhelming to lean into this feeling. But she did. With his gentle on her back, she opened her mouth just as a wet belch came out. It was immediately followed by a gush of vomit that splattered into the toilet. Her tummy spasmed painfully. It was a terribly weird sensation, not to mention unpleasant. 
“There you go. Good job,” Dakota said, giving her firm pats between her shoulder blades. “You sure you don’t do this often?” 
She wanted to smirk at the memory of their first meeting, but the next wave came surging up her throat. She let out a choked sob. The worst part was that every gush just kept coming, leaving her no time to breathe in between. Her belly kept tightening, her chest hitching, her eyes squeezing shut. And she could do nothing but wait it out. This was the feeling that she dreaded.
“Oh God,” she mumbled between burps. Her lips were slick with saliva and her nose was running. She sniffled, feeling the irritation in the back of her throat. 
She heaved, spewing more of her undigested dinner into the toilet. At least she had made it to the toilet, she thought, with big thanks to Dakota for actually knowing what to do. God this was embarrassing. She was an adult, and totally incapable of reading her body’s own signals. Well, she did know one thing—she liked the feeling of Dakota’s heavy hand on her back. She liked feeling secure and looked after. It gave her some semblance of stability. 
With each retch, she was surprised that he was still with her. “I’m sorry,” she coughed out. Her stomach was beginning to calm down. She wondered how long she had in between rounds. She had definitely lost this round and would probably lose the others as well. 
“Why do you keep saying that?” Dakota said but it wasn’t really a question. He had wet a cloth and handed it to her. “It’s really no trouble. I’m just sorry that you’re so sick.” 
“I just…I hate feeling like a burden. I didn’t want to impose this on you.” 
“Man, you must have had some terrible boyfriends in the past. Who told you that you’re a burden? Because that’s a load of crap.” 
Blair let out a shaky exhale. It was a mix between a laugh and sigh.  “I learned it all on my own.” 
“Nope. No,” he said matter-of-factly. “You’re never gonna feel like that with me so unlearn it.” 
“Wow, you’re very passionate about this, aren’t you?” 
“See, I know you’re joking,” he said, shaking his head, “but I need you to get it. You’re not, or ever will be, a burden. Do you understand?”
Blair didn’t know what to say. Here she was with the taste of vomit in her mouth, trying not to fall too hard for a guy who she hadn’t been dating for very long. In the end she ended up just nodding her head. Her eyes were teary from her fever and the vomiting, but a small part of her wondered if there were other reasons for her glassy eyes. 
Dakota wiped his thumb over her cheek. All he needed was that simple nod. “Good.” 
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The Husky and His White Cat Shizun - Chapter 28
Original Title:  二哈和他的白猫师尊
Genres: Drama, Romance, Tragedy, Xianxia, Yaoi
This translation is based on multiple MTLs and my own limited knowledge of Chinese characters. If I have made any egregious mistakes, please let me know.
Chapter Index
Chapter 28 - This Venerable One is A Little Confused
Elder Yuheng broke the rules and was punished. He might as well have sprouted wings. There was no need to wait until the next morning; Almost all the disciples of the sect had heard about it that same night.
Two hundred strikes; if he were replaced by any other ordinary person, they would probably be beaten to death. Even a cultivator isn't indestructible.
Xue Meng jumped up after learning about it: "What?! Master went to the Court of Discipline?"
"Young Master, go and talk to the Lord. He's already injured. How could he stand two hundred strikes?"
Xue Meng was going crazy: "My father? I can't. My father is still at the Snow Palace and hasn't returned yet. A carrier pigeon wouldn't even get there for another day. Why didn't you guys stop Shizun?"
Mo Ran and Shi Mei glanced at each other.
Stop Chu Wanning?
Who in this world could stop him?
"That's out of the question. I'm going to find him right now." Xue Meng roared and ran towards the Court of Discipline. Before he entered the courtyard, he saw a group of Elder Jielu's disciples blocking the entrance of the main hall, whispering about something.
"What are you standing there for? Move! Get out of my way!"
"Young Master!"
"Ah, the young master is here."
"Make way, the young master is here."
The disciples quickly separated and gave way to Xue Meng. The gate of the Qingtian Temple was open, and Chu Wanning was kneeling silently, his posture straight, his eyes closed. Elder Jielu, with an iron rod in hand, was reciting the laws of Life-Death Peak. Every time he finished reciting one, the iron rod slammed against Chu Wanning's back.
"The ninety-first law of this sect: do not indiscriminately hurt the innocent, and do not use cultivation against a mortal. Under this rod, do you have any objections?"
"The ninety-second law of this sect; do not act arbitrarily, do not act selfishly. Under this rod, do you have any objections?"
Elder Jielu didn't dare hold back and had to execute the punishment as he would with any other disciple. After more than ninety sticks came down, Chu Wanning's white robes were stained with blood.
Xue Meng respected Chu Wanning the most. When he saw this, his eyes went bloodshot, and he shouted: "Shizun!"
Chu Wanning ignored him. His eyes were still closed and he frowned slightly.
Elder Jielu glanced at the door and muttered: "Elder Yuheng, the young master is here."
"I'm not deaf, I heard him." Blood dripped out of the corners of Chu Wanning's mouth, but he didn't raise his eyes. "He's a noisy child, don't worry about it."
Elder Jielu sighed. ". . .Yuheng, why are you doing this?"
"Who is the one that is always punishing my disciples for being disobedient?" Chu Wanning said indifferently. "If I'm not punished today according to the law, how will I be able to face my disciples in the future?"
". . ."
"Carry on."
"Hah. . ." Elder Jielu looked at his pale, slender neck protruding from the edge of the wide collar that hung gently like thin smoke and asked: "Then can I at least make them lighter?"
". . . This is nothing more than deception." Chu Wanning said. "Don't worry. It's only two hundred strikes, I can bear it."
"Elder Yuheng. . ."
"Jielu, if you don't have anything more to say, carry on."
The iron rod finally fell again.
Xue Meng's voice was frantic: "Elder Jielu! Are you not going to fucking stop? Do you know the situation you've put me in? That's my shizun you're beating!!! My shizun!!!"
Elder Jielu had no choice but to bite his tongue and pretend he didn't hear him.
Xue Meng was about to explode: "Can't you hear me, old man? I'm ordering you to stop! You - If you dare hit him again, I'll, I'll, I'll—"
He thought for a while and couldn’t come up with anything to say. After all, he was only a fifteen-year-old boy. Regardless of the fact that he was "the proud boy of heaven," his strength and qualifications are far less than those of the elders. He could only blush and throw out an outrageous claim --
"I'll tell my father!!!"
Elder Jielu: ". . ."
Chu Wanning let out an almost inaudible sigh.
Ninety-seven strikes. Ninety-eight strikes. Ninety-nine strikes. One hundred sticks. . .
His clothes were torn and blood was glaringly seeping out.
Xue Meng couldn't hold back anymore. His eyes were red with anxiety, and he was about to recklessly rush in, but Chu Wanning suddenly opened his eyes. He waved his hand and a barrier instantly lowered, blocking the entrance. Xue Meng bounced back a few steps, almost falling to the ground.
Chu Wanning coughed up blood. He shifted his glare, narrowing his fierce phoenix eyes.
"Disgraceful! Leave!"
Chu Wanning sternly said: "Since when can the Young Master of Life-Death Peak order an Elder to bend the law for his own personal gain? Leave now!"
Xue Meng stared at him. His eyes widened and it looked like little beads of water appeared in them.
Next to him, Mo Ran stroked his chin, and the corner of his mouth was still playfully curled upwards: "Oh, that's not good. Little phoenix is going to cry."
Hearing these words, Xue Meng harshly turned his head and fiercely glared at Mo Ran. His watery eyes were red, but he kept any tears from rolling down.
He had no more objections and no more talk back.
He climbed up from the ground with a single movement. He lowered his head, grit his teeth and wiped the dust off his body. Then he knelt down facing the Qingtian Temple: "Shizun, I know my mistake."
Chu Wanning was still being tortured by an iron rod. His straight posture never wavered, but his face was pale, and his forehead was coated with a fine layer of cold sweat.
Xue Meng stubbornly said: "But I'm not leaving. I'll accompany Shizun."
He said while kneeling.
Mo Ran rolled his eyes towards the sky. Xue Meng, courtesy name Xue Ziming, the proud son of heaven, was only ever humble in front of Chu Wanning. In front of others, he was a phoenix, and in front of their shizun, he became a quail. If he wasn't positive that Xue Meng didn't like men, Mo Ran would start to suspect that this guy was probably in love with Chu Wanning, so much so that he would throw himself in front of death itself for him. If Shizun slapped his left cheek, then this little bitchy quail would humbly slap his right cheek.
Real convincing.
Like an obedient little puppy.
Although he despised him in his heart, he couldn't understand why he was feeling somewhat upset. Mo Ran looked at Xue Meng. The more he looked at him, the more uncomfortable he got and he felt that he could not let him show his loyalty alone.
Chu Wanning already didn't like him. If Xue Meng made such a fuss, does that mean Chu Wanning wouldn't be as harsh with him in the future?
So he simply went over and knelt beside Xue Meng.
"I'll also accompany Shizun."
Of course, Shi Mei also knelt down, and the three disciples all knelt and waited outside. When disciples under the other elders heard the circulating rumours, they all hurried to the Court of Discipline to watch the excitement.
"Oh my god, why is it Elder Yuheng. . ."
"I heard he went into a rage and beat a civilian."
"Ah! He's that cruel?"
"Shhh, keep your voice down. If Elder Yuheng hears you, he won't hesitate to whip you!"
Others: "Why is the young master kneeling?"
"Young Master Mo is also kneeling. . ."
Mo Ran was handsome and he had a way with words. He didn't know how many female cultivators he'd earned goodwill with over the years, but right now, there were several people who couldn't help but feel pity for him and whisper: "I feel so sorry for Young Master Mo. What should I do? Should we intervene?"
"We shouldn't concern ourselves with their shizun - disciple issues. Do it if you dare, I'm not that brave. Do you remember the senior sister who was whipped hundreds of times by Elder Yuheng..."
". . ."
The two hundred strikes were completed.
The barrier was finally removed.
Xue Meng quickly got up from the ground. He ran into Qingtian Temple and approached the scene. Seeing Chu Wanning's appearance, he cried out. He turned his head and grabbed Elder Jielu's collar. "You're dead, old man! Couldn't you have hit him a little lighter!!!"
"Xue Ziming." Chu Wanning closed his eyes, his blood-stained lips moving, and his hoarse voice carried a hidden deterrent.
". . ."
Xue Meng's knuckles creaked. He violently pushed Elder Jielu away, letting him go. This was when Mo Ran came in. He was still smiling, thinking that Elder Jielu must have taken into account Chu Wanning's status and wouldn't deal heavy blows. But looking down at Chu Wanning's injury, the smile on his face suddenly fell.
Didn't Chu Wanning tell Elder Jielu that he had a shoulder injury?!
The two hundred strikes had all more or less slashed across the older wound on his shoulder.
New wounds overlapped old wounds.
Chu Wanning, you. . .
Are you insane?!
His pupils shrank sharply, and a strong resentment surged into his heart.
Mo Ran didn't know what he was resenting, or what he was so annoyed about. He only knew that he felt a blazing fire in his gut, torching through all his organs. He was used to torturing Chu Wanning to death himself, crushing his self-esteem and tarnishing his purity. Mo Ran couldn't stand seeing injuries on Chu Wanning that were made by someone else!
He could move on from his past memories because Mo Ran subconsciously felt that this person was his. This person, whether dead or alive, hated or hated, was all.
He originally didn't care about Chu Wanning being punished because he thought that, since Chu Wanning was an elder, the two hundred strikes would hardly be considered a severe punishment.
At the very least, they would avoid the fresh wound on his shoulder.
But Chu Wanning didn't say anything! He didn't even mention it! What was this lunatic so stubborn? Why did he put up with this? What point did he so stupidly and stubbornly need to prove?!?
His mind was in turmoil. Mo Ran raised his hand to help him, but Xue Meng was already one step ahead of him. He took Chu Wanning in his arms and helped him up.
". . ." Mo Ran's hand hung in the air, and after a while, he slowly lowered it again.
He watched Xue Meng help Chu Wanning walk away, not knowing the feeling that was stirring in his heart.
He wanted to catch up with them, but he wasn't willing to move.
What happened in his past life was all in the past.
Nowadays, Chu Wanning was just his shizun.
Any chaotic, hateful, or intimate entanglement hadn't happened between them yet.
He shouldn't have such thoughts. Whether Chu Wanning was beaten by someone, supported by someone, loved someone, or was even killed by someone, it had nothing to do with him.
Shi Mei came to him: "Come on, let's join the young master and go take a look."
"I'm not going. It's enough having Xue Meng there. I wouldn't help much. Any more people would just create chaos." Mo Ran's face remained unchanged, but his heart was a bit confused.
He really didn't understand what he was feeling right now. What was this feeling called?
Was it hatred?
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