#this is a lot right now
ascendingtostardust · 6 months
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visenyaism · 1 month
seven years ago in the name of tolerating free speech from all political perspectives my nasty ass evil university let an army of tiki torch wielding nazis shouting jews will not replace us march through grounds threatening the lives of students and community members with zero police presence. and today they retroactively changed campus policy around tents so they could send in the cops to bust up the gaza memorial vigil. genuinely fucking stomach turning
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caffeinatedopossum · 1 year
Me when I remember something I said ages ago that was wrong or my values no longer align with
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littlemsterious · 11 months
i was thinking about that post comparing Jessica Rabbit as an asexual to Barbie and an asexual and then i thought of the Neil Gaiman post (was it a post?) about Crowley and Aziraphale being asexual sexless and then this happened.
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anyways. thoughts?
sorry it took so long I meant to do this a week ago but my brain is full of rocks.
[Image ID a three sided venn diagram. the big circles show Margot Robbie's Barbie sitting in front of a mirror, Jessica and Roger Rabbit from the poster of Who Framed Roger Rabbit, and Aziraphale and Crowley from Good Omens standing back to back. Between Barbie and Jessica Rabbit it says "sexualised by society". Between Jessica Rabbit and Aziraphale and Crowley it says "Knows what sex is". Between Aziraphale and Crowley and Barbie it says "no reproductive system(?)". the center is the asexual flag. End ID]
Also i haven't seen the Barbie movie as of this edit so at least please tag your spoilers.
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cozylittleartblog · 1 year
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not that we didn't already Know belos was full of shit, but it's even funnier knowing the titan was still alive the whole time and probably judging him
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imma-dragon53 · 2 months
You’ve heard of “justice league doesn’t know Batman has kids”
Now prepare for “the Team doesn’t know Batman is Robins dad”
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stil-lindigo · 8 months
an ex-zionist jewish man recently went a bit viral on tiktok for sharing exactly how he sees zionism tie israel to the jewish identity and his personal experience with breaking away from it - I think it’s a really great watch.
He also made a follow up talking specifically about how he learned to humanise Palestinians, and a really integral part of it was his school, which would often bring in Palestinian speakers who’d share their perspective (here’s a link to it).
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creekfiend · 1 year
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I saw this on FB today and I wanna try and express something about it. Like, you know the curbcutter effect? Where when curbcuts are put in it benefits everyone (bicyclists, people with baby strollers etc) and not just disabled people?
There is also whatever the opposite of the curbcutter effect is. And this is that.
This isn't just anti-adhd/autism propaganda... this is anti-child propaganda.
Kids have developmentally appropriate ways that they need to move their bodies and express themselves and sitting perfectly still staring straight ahead is not natural or good for ANY CHILD.
Don't get me wrong, I was punished unduly as a kid for being neurodivergent (and other types of kid will ALSO be punished unduly for it... Black kids come to mind) and thus UNABLE to perform this -- but even the kids who ARE able to perform this type of behavior are not SERVED WELL by it. They don't benefit from it.
This is bad for everyone.
The idea that bc some kids may be capable of complying with unfair expectations, those expectations don't hurt them... is a dangerous idea. Compliance isn't thriving. Expectation of compliance isn't fair treatment.
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notbrucewayne48 · 6 months
"aphobia doesn't exist"
bitch literally not that long ago an aroace youtuber animator was insulted by almost half of its community for being it
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sealpup9 · 7 months
I'm not certain as to how many people checked the description of the new hbomberguy video but he linked a playlist to queer creators on youtube!
Your New Favorite YouTubers - Queer YouTubers you should check out, meticulously compiled by Kat.
It's worth a look! Please don't forget to support your fellow queer creators on YouTube whilst spreading memes and jokes about James Somerton and discussing the hbomberguy video!!
EDIT: @cursedgamerchild pointed out THIS REDDIT THREAD made by Kat
Which is a thread to share more discoveries of plagiarism and also to share more queer creators who could use some love! There's also a link to a google form if you don't have reddit and want to share said information.
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dimension-20-brainrot · 2 months
There were lots of legendary actions and reactions and prepared actions but that was FOUR ROUNDS.
24 SECONDS plus a few minutes here and there to answer academic questions?
So IMAGINE that you transfer to a new school where your adventuring party just kills rats in the woods and then you’re the designated cleric for the popular kids in their Big Battle.
They’re crushing it. They’re unstoppable. It’s been 24 seconds of battle and they’ve obliterated every monster that appears. You lock eyes with their cleric, the Chosen One of your god who strayed from the light. Then you die.
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daydreamerwonderkid · 9 months
I know WFA is too OOC for some people, but I need that shit right now.
I do love seeing the Batfam beating the shit out of each other. I like how messy their relationships are and I have always loved flawed characters.
But idk, man, Batman #138 just really crossed a line for me and I need a reminder that there are other depictions of Bruce that aren't so fucking heinous.
I'll take this shit:
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Over this shit:
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Any. Fucking. Day.
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ahhrenata · 5 months
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‘how quickly power can change hands’ | X |
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spiderziege · 1 year
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once upon a time, there was a player
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akanemnon · 7 months
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Intermission... (Quickly cobbled together this mini-comic to make the next one not seem as abrupt)
MASTERPOST (for the full series / FAQ / reference sheets)
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ludinusdaleth · 2 months
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"Did you just spritz the Spider Queen?!"
-Critical Role Campaign 3, Episode 93, "Bittersweet Reunions"
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