#this is just peter b just uh.... waking up... yeah
mel-kusanagi · 1 year
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trash-king18 · 11 months
m pt. 10
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this fic is far from over because i have a problem and am literally obsessed with miggy
cw: slightly suggestive
his eyes are closed but you can tell if you move too much you’ll wake him up.
his arm is draped over you so you do your best to carefully slip out from under him without him sensing and you’re 3 steps from the door before you hear him
“adonde vas?”
where are you going
damn it
“to get ready, we have work”
“what about breakfast”
“i don’t know grab a bagel or something from the food court, we’re already gonna be late”
he sounds half asleep still, he still hasn’t even opened his eyes
“a bagel? i don’t want a bagel”
“then get something else”
“no i don’t want that” he mumbles sleepily
you just shake your head in disbelief and start to go towards the door again
come back
“no get up we have to get ready”
you reach for the door but you feel something land on your back
“o’hará don’t you dare”
too late. he pulls you back into bed with a web and catches you before promptly.. rolling on top of you.
“see? mejor”
“get. off of me”
he still hasn’t even bothered to open his eyes he just cages you in with his body weight. he kept surprising you lately but you didn’t expect the needy cuddly thing. you thought he might be on drugs. you were honestly surprised he was still there when you woke up. also surprised you hadn’t woke up and snuck out yourself
“miguel lo juro por Dios- you’re making me late”
i swear to god
“you can be late, boss says it’s ok”
you sounded mad now, he opened his eyes and looked at you trapped underneath him
“get off! now.”
he groans and rolls off onto his back and you get up before finishing getting ready. he doesn’t move just remains laying on your bed listening to you storm around your apartment. you come back in fully dressed ready to go.
“are you gonna get up?”
“i have to go home first i’ll be at work soon”
“well get moving estupido you’re not staying here”
“why are you in such a rush”
“uh because we’re late”
“you’re leaving without breakfast?”
“ay coño what is with you and food”
“..i’m hungry.”
“what so we’d just get breakfast, together .. show up to work, together? late! act like this is completely normal”
he sits up “well i didn’t think-“
“no you didn’t”
“mi cariño i can see that you’re frustrated-“
“no no no. no cariño right now. none of that. right now we are going to work ~separately~. and we are going to do our work, like normal, and we are going to fight in front of everybody, like normal, and just act normal”
“i thought you said you didn’t want to act like this was normal”
“ay dios ok ok”
he hops up and follows you into the living room.
“well act normal, i’ll make sure i yell at you extra”
“not an excuse for you to yell at me for no reason”
“mamacita what do you want from me here”
you turn around and give him a warning look.
“fine. i will just.. be your boss today”
you sigh “thank you”
“but i don’t have to be your boss right now” he says before kissing you on the cheek before you have a chance to stop him and then dashing out to the terrace to avoid being scolded again.
“hasta luego”
“will you-“
but he’s already gone swinging away.
you get to the HQ 45 minutes late, which isn’t awful but unusual for you.
Gwen was sitting in there waiting for you while talking to Pavitr Hobie and Peter B.. and of course Mayday
“Hey Gwen sorry got a late start this morning”
you were helping her with a chem project for school and you frequently tutored many of the younger spider people in science since their grades tended to slip after you know.. becoming super heroes.
“All good, you okay?”
“Fine kiddo, gracias… ~Peter~ you know what i’ve said about bringing may into the lab”
“Yeah sorry Y/N i just.. you know can’t leave her out of my sight for a minute”
May reaches out for you and you grab her before she gets bored and decides to climb on the walls and knock stuff over.
“it’s ok, just make sure you.. keep her close”
“Alright let’s see what you’ve got so far”
the boys escort themselves out taking May with them while you and Gwen work on her project for almost an hour.
“Hey y/n can i ask you something?”
“is this about miles..”
“what no… yes”
“look i know what he asked of you is hard, but it’s for his own good. I haven’t met morales, but he has a choice to make and knowing will only make it harder”
“i know.. i just.. i miss him”
you look at her she seems so defeated, after everything she’s lost you can’t help but try and find a way to help her.
“ya know.. i’m sure they wouldn’t notice if you popped in just to check on him. as long as you promise to hold the universe together while you do”
“no ~he’d~ find out”
“i’m not gonna tell him niña, so as long as you play it smart while you’re there, and don’t talk to him”
“i don’t know.. maybe”
“of course officially i’m telling you to follow orders, you know for the good of the multiverse and all that.”
“right of course”
the boys come back in to come drag gwen to a training session. but they stay for a minute before leaving
Hobie “so did you ask her”
Pavitr hits his arm but he just shrugs
“Yeah i did”
they turn to you
“Hey. like i said officially i’m not saying anything but… play it smart, play it safe, and i tell him nothing”
“Tell who nothing?
Suddenly he’s in the doorway.
Peter B “shit”
gwen slaps his arm.
he looks at peter with distaste but instead of yelling at any of them or throwing them out.
“Don’t you have training sessions to get to”
“uh yeah right away”
“sorry boss”
Hobie “nah mate im good”
everyone turns to him, even for hobie who seemed to relish in pissing him off more than you did, you hated when he yelled at the kids. i mean really they were teenagers you got second hand embarrassment
“My fault boss, me and gwen were finishing a school project she was working on and i asked the boys to let her practice presenting”
He raises his brow at you.
Gwen “right”
Pavitr “yes just doing science things in here”
Hobie “i just don’t like being on time”
you shoot him a look, and the other two pushed him out the doors into the hall.
Peters still in there, looking between you two, you wait for Miguel to yell at him but he just opens the door again and gestures for him to leave.
—in the hall—
Peter B: is it just me.. or is he kind of sort of maybe in a little bit of good mood.. for him
Pavitr nods and looks at hobie
Gwen: less grumpy than i’ve ever seen him. He hasn’t thrown anything at anyone all day.
the boys chuckle
they turn to them “what?”
“can you guys not see what’s clearly happened”
Gwen “they’re gonna fight”
Pavitr “no— well yeah they’re always fighting but something.. changed” he quirks a brow at hobie
gwen mouths a silent O and Pavitr nods confirming
they burst out laughing
Peter B: “what? what happened”
Hobie “man’s got laid”
“hu- oh- OHHHH”
they just laugh more
“guess i owe you twenty bucks” pavitr says to peter
gwen: “wha- you guys bet on it”
pavitr “hell yeah we did, we’ve been waiting for this for years”
peter “you can pay it off by babysitting may day this weekend, apparently most parents don’t bring their kids to date night”
pavitr “no hell no here take my money”
—back in the lab—
“are you asking as my boss”
he sighs “yes.”
“then yes sir i help the younger recruits out with assignments often to help them manage their responsibilities and better keep their head clear for their work here.”
“good. that’s good”
“anything else? you’re not due for another infusion for a few days”
“that’s all you have to say”
“normal. remember?”
“well yeah but.. no one’s listening”
“you don’t know that. if they don’t hear shouting soon they’ll start to think somethings up”
he starts to get exasperated “you said don’t yell at you for no reason”
“yes, but i could always yell at you”
his voice is flat “i’ll pass”
“will you at least walk out the door looking angry”
“shouldn’t be hard”
“are you mad now?”
“~i’m not~.. mad.” he sighs “i just thought…”
“thought what?” you don’t even look up you’re just focused on the work in front of you.
“never mind.”
and he ends up genuinely storming out.
Gwen “there goes the good mood”
“you three training NOW”
later that night you were trying not to fall asleep at your bench as you worked on the new injection formula. you were getting so close but something just wasn’t right.
you hear the frosted glass doors slide open faintly but you’re barely paying attention.
y/n… y/n!
can you hear me.
“huh.. yeah yeah”
“what are you still doing here it’s 11 pm”
“.. you’re barely awake”
“i’m fine. go away i need to focus”
you always got like this, ever since you were a kid, you’d hyper focus and work for hours sometimes days on end without taking a break forgetting to take care of yourself.
you’d been in the same position since before lunch without moving, just running the serum slightly different every time
“you need to go home”
“deja de molestarme i will when i’m done”
stop bothering me
“if i let you stay will you be done soon”
“ay si”
“how soon”
“just a couple.. hours maybe tomorrow morning”
“yeah nope”
you go to protest but he’s already dragging you away from your work
“hey no no no just let me do this one—“
“no. you’re done i’m taking you home now”
he dragging you from the lab
“fine fine i will go home i promise just let me turn everything off”
he looks at you for a moment before he finally lets you go and of course you immediately run back in and try to close the door in his face and go back to working but he pulls them back open and grabs you before you can.
“hey! let go”
“then cooperate”
“i will”
“no you won’t, let’s go”
he throws you over his shoulder, much less gently than he had the first time he did it.
he turns all the computers off and puts the vials you had out back in the fridge/incubator while you hang trying to squirm out of his grip.
“miguel bájame ahora mismo así que ayúdame dios te dispararé en el pie”
put me down right now or so help me god i will shoot you in the foot.
“mi cariño if you shoot me i guarantee you will just made me more mad”
“stop calling me that!”
you hear him mutter to himself
“i’ll call you whatever i want”
before he reaches up and pulls the gun from its holster on your hip. he checks the safety’s on but he puts it back. you couldn’t grab it from this angle even if you wanted to.
you shout a string of things you would never dare repeat in front of your nephews in english and in spanish. there’s no spider people left as far as you can tell. he walks into the elevator with you still banging onto his back with your fists, but instead of pushing down he pressed the up button.
“my car is downstairs genius”
“we’re not taking your car”
the door dings open and he steps out onto the roof.
“oh no.. oh hell no you are not swinging me anywhere o’hara do you hear me?”
“not up to you”
he sets you down for a second to put his mask back on.
he grabs your waist with his lasso since you immediately headed back for the elevator and pulls you back
“do that one more time o hara”
“not sure what point you’re trying to prove but this is not helping your case”
“not proving anything sweetheart just being a gentleman, taking you home”
“you call this being a gentleman”
“i call this.. taking you home”
“god you are so infuriating do you know that”
but he doesn’t answer he just picks you up again by the waist and shoots a web onto the nearest rooftop.
“do not do it. i’m serious”
too late. he jumps and you’re swinging from rooftop to rooftop, suddenly instead of fighting your way out of his arms you’re clinging to him with your head buried in his shoulder.
you don’t look up until you feel him land on a solid surface.
he puts you down and you mutter to yourself
“god i always hated that”
he’s confused because he doesn’t remember when you would’ve had to but he doesn’t say anything
you look up and you’re ~not~ at you’re apartment. you’re on a rooftop close enough that you can still see HQ in the distance.
“where are we”
“no my apartment is the other direction”
“never said your home”
he just starts walking to the stairwell.
but he just opens the door gestures for you to walk in.
you look around and realize you’ve got no choice so you march past him.
“see? gentleman?”
you walk down into the hallway where his suite is. he picks you up out of the way, unnecessary, to unlock the door. and then holds it again for you to come in. you just stare at him refusing to move before he takes your hand to pull you in and shuts the door behind you.
“bathrooms down the hall on the left in case you wanna shower, i’m gonna go get changed”
you just keep standing there staring
“what are you doing”
“getting ready for bed, uhm there’s clean towels in there already you can use the black ones”
you just scoff and turn towards the door
“where the hell are you going”
“how you gonna get there?”
“no you’re not”
“yes i am”
“that’s not safe”
“i have a gun”
“i remember”
you go to unlock the door but he stops you
“o’hara i’m warning you, get out of my way”
“you gonna shoot me cariño?”
you sneer.
“i get you want to act professional at work but do you have to be so..”
“you’re not helping yourself.”
“it’s true”
“you can’t keep me here. that’s kidnapping”
“you’re an adult”
“not how that works”
“leave if you want, i’ll just follow you” he turns back around and heads toward what you assume is his room
“oh and when you turn on the water make sure you turn it all the way up first otherwise it won’t get hot”
and then he just closed the door and leaves you standing in his kitchen.
“son of a..”
you consider going home, you know he’s not bluffing, he’d probably just bring you back here anyway. but you end up in the bathroom showering, and when you get out you rinse your mouth with mouthwash since the jerk hadn’t even considered that you didn’t have anything here, including clothes. you dry off and wrap yourself tightly in the biggest towel you can find
you’re about to put your work clothes back on but you hear shuffling outside the door so you open it to find him right there, holding clean clothes out
but they weren’t yours.
“i’m not wearing your clothes.”
“feel free to stay naked, i won’t mind”
you grab them from his hand and close the door harshly in his smirking face again to get dressed. the shirt is huge on you and fits more like a dress and the only other thing.. is a pair of boxers.
they were clean but you didn’t want to give him the satisfaction. not that he could see them anyway.
so you opt for your own underwear and throw them in a pile with your clothes which you gather and stuff into your work bag.
you come out and he’s still right there. his eyes sweep down your body
“not one word”
“are you really still gonna act like this”
“you dragged me away from an important breakthrough and then basically made me a hostage in your apartment”
“you’re not a hostage i told you you can leave”
“so you can stalk me back to my place”
“..is it stalking if i’ve spent the night twice?”
you sneer at him and push past back into the kitchen.
“why did you bring me here”
“so i can keep an eye on you and sleep in my own bed. if i hadn’t you would’ve just snuck back to work anyway”
“why not just install cameras im surprised you haven’t already”
“that’s not fair”
“really? it’s not? because this whole thing is starting to go from annoyingly overprotective to controlling real quick”
“i’m sorry if you’d let actually take care of you i wouldn’t have to do this”
“that’s right blame your border line feral control issues on me.”
“i’m not blaming you!”
“it sure sounds like it.”
he sighs harshly and then takes another breath “nothing.”
“nothing. i brought you here so you wouldn’t overwork yourself and end up sleeping on the floor of your lab. as much as you all accuse me of just being a grump and needing an attitude adjustment or whatever; i have been trying to be restrained and keep my cool with you but i can’t do that if you keep turning everything into a fight because you don’t know how to talk to me like a grownup. i’m done yelling, i’m done fighting with you. it’s late. i’m going to get in bed. you can sleep out here i’ll get you sheets or.. in my room. or if you insist i will take you home, but i mean take you home you’re not walking in the dark by yourself. ok?”
you’re stunned. he had yelled at you countless times over the years, teased you, made fun of you, besides the day in the office recently it had never even come close to anything like this.
he sounded exhausted “will you please just say something”
you’re quiet for another beat.. but softly you finally say
“i’m hungry.”
“you’re— what?”
you ignore him and start opening cabinets. but there’s nothing besides ingredients. not a snack guy. so you open the fridge as he just stands in the hallway watching.
you look around until you finally see something you can just eat now. a container of strawberries. he must get his groceries in another dimension because no one was growing fresh fruit here.
you take them out and literally just start eating one after the other silently. he still hasn’t moved.
you look up at him finally
slightly defensive you offer up
“i didn’t eat lunch or dinner im starving”
he just walks over to you there’s no anger left in his face. he doesn’t say anything as you turn to him but he just gently places both hands on your hips and then picks you up.
“hey i’m eating tho-“
but he picks them up too with his free hand once he has you secured in his arm. wordlessly he carries you into his room and hands you the strawberries so he can open the door.
he walks in and places you down on the floor, puts the strawberries on the nightstand and pulls the covers back before immediately picking you up again to place you in bed.
“o’hara what-“
he walks out and comes back in a minute later with a glass of water and a plate. he leans down to set them down next to you. he stands back up and finally speaks.
“am i staying or going”
“am i staying in here or am i sleeping on the couch”
“i- that’s up to you it’s your-“
“i don’t want to fight about this in the morning, i want you to give me straight answer”
you stare up at him and realize he’s completely serious.
“i- i don’t know”
he sighs and turns for the door “don’t get food in my sheets please”
“o’hara— miguel wait”
he stops and turns his head.
“you can’t sleep on the couch in your own apartment”
“it’s fine i don’t mind, just try to sleep”
“~miguel~” you say slightly frustrated. he was really going to make you say it
“you can sleep in here”
he turns back around and pauses for a second before he finally moves to the other side of the bed and gets in. you both don’t say anything. he fidgets to take his watch off and set it on the nightstand and you self consciously pick up another strawberry. once you start you finish the whole container before you even realize.
there’s dim light from the hallway under the door and the moon in the window but other than that it’s dark and you both don’t speak.
he’s leaned back against the headboard next to you. his eyes are closed but you can tell he’s not sleeping
“im sorry”
“im sorry.. for today. i get really focused on my work and i hate when i get interrupted, but i also forget to eat and i just.. get a little aggravated”
he’s silent and you sigh before laying down when he doesn’t answer
“are you telling me.. this is all because you were hangry”
“i don’t get hangry”
his one eye opens and he looks down at you now facing him looking quietly amused
“if i had known all this time all it took to get an apology out of you was to feed you that would’ve made my job a lot easier”
you lay back on the pillow trying to hide the slight smile “shut up”
but he shuts you up as he rolls over and places a bruising kiss on your lips. you kiss back but he pulls away.
“mm strawberry”
you laugh “knock it off” you cover your face with your hands.
but he gingerly pulls them away.
“no te escondas”
don’t hide
you can just make out his face with the little light in the room. after everything he’d lost you never considered that he would want anything more than.. relief again. but you started to think maybe you were wrong.
you both fell asleep soon after, at some point in the night he had pulled you fully on top of him. you don’t know if it was when he was awake or not when he did it.
you woke up and looked at the clock.
3 am.
you realized he was awake too tracing lazy spider web patterns on your back
you push up just enough to look at him, he looked half asleep and exhausted
“did you sleep at all”
“yeah yeah just woke up a little bit ago, sorry i didn’t mean to wake you” his voice is groggy, you knew he was lying
“it’s ok, you didn’t”
you go to roll off him and resume sleeping on your side but he stops you.
you look at him
“que es?”
what is it
“i meant it”
“meant what”
“what i said earlier” he was starting to drift off “i don’t…” he yawns slightly “want to.. fig…”
and then he’s out.
you didn’t lay down again until your heartbeat returned to normal even though he was asleep now. you laid your head back down on his chest and tried to fall back asleep. it took a while but the rhythm of his breath and the warmth of his skin lulled you back to sleep eventually.
@urmotherswhor3 @marcswife21 @l3laze @kirke-is-my-name @rexxesgirl @simp4miguell @urmomisafinewoman @dammittjanet
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starchaserdreams · 1 year
Waking Up Slowly
James and Regulus wake up in the Gryffindor boys’ dorm, only to be heard by Sirius and Remus. Uh oh. (Here it is on AO3. 2000 words.)
James woke up slowly. He could feel the warm weight of another person in his arms, the comfortable scent of a familiar body overwhelming his senses. He wanted to run his fingers up and down those long, slender arms and wake that body up slowly, gently, softly, until they could lie together awake.
But something was wrong. Something about this morning was wrong, but he couldn’t tell what.
When he opened his eyes, it was immediately clear: they were in the Gryffindor 7th year boys’ dormitory. James’ dormitory. More importantly, Sirius’ dormitory.
And Sirius would not take kindly to his brother in bed with James.
They had never spent the night here together before. They had other places that they went, but they’d been drinking, and James supposed they’d wanted somewhere comfortable to spend the night. Lord knew how they’d gotten in here without waking Sirius up.
James intended to tell Sirius at some point, he really did. He didn’t like keeping secrets from his best friend, and he was even (almost) certain that Sirius would get over it. He did, after all, very much want both of them to be happy.
But it would not be a good start to the conversation for him to discover Regulus in his boxers in James’ bed.
James could hear Remus and Sirius talking quietly in the background, it must have been what woke him up.
He tried to think quickly through his exhaustion addled brain.
The curtains were drawn, so that was good: no one would see them unless they pulled the curtains back, which they were unlikely to do.
Maybe he should get up, distract them, convince them to leave.
He briefly considered waking Regulus up to key him into the situation, but he didn’t know if he could manage that without causing a scene. Regulus didn’t like waking up.
James pulled away slowly, trying to avoid jostling Regulus at all.
Unfortunately for everyone involved, the sleepy Regulus didn’t like that James was pulling away.
“Noooo, stay,” he said quietly.
Remus and Sirius went quiet.
“James?” Sirius asked, “do you have someone in there?”
Regulus’ eyes opened and he seemed aware of the problem immediately.
Neither of them could see Sirius’ expression, but James had a pretty good idea of what it would look like.
James checked his clothes and once he had determined that he was decent, climbed out of his bed without moving the curtains out of the way.
“No, just me, why?” he asked, trying to seem nonchalant.
Remus was just staring at him, but Sirius was raising an eyebrow slyly.
“You do!” he said cheerfully, “you said you were out flying but you brought someone back!”
James gestured for him to stop.
“In the interest of discretion, could you not right now? Can you imagine that this is not umm, the moment for it?”
Remus dragged Sirius by the arm out of the room. “James is right, let’s go Sirius.”
Sirius just laughed and allowed himself to be dragged.
Once they’d closed the door behind them, James chanced a glance at Peter’s bed. He was still snoring gently, having missed all of it.
Regulus’ head peaked out from the edge of the curtain.
James pointed silently towards Peter’s bed, and Regulus nodded.
“What do we do now?” Regulus whispered.
James threw his hands up in the air. “I would bet anything they’re waiting in the common room to ambush me, and they can’t see you leaving here.”
“God,” Regulus muttered, “I can’t deal with that right now, they can’t see me leaving here.”
James whipped around - Regulus had the answer, even if he hadn’t realized it.
He fumbled through his trunk before standing up with the silvery cloak in his hands.
“What is that?” Regulus asked.
James held it up, ready to explain, but Regulus beat him to it. “Is that an invisibility cloak?”
“Yeah,” James said, “it’s how I get around the castle to meet up with you sometimes.”
“Woah,” Regulus breathed. He reached out and touched the fine fabric in his hands before letting it slither away.
“I’ll go downstairs and talk to them, you go behind me and sneak out unnoticed.”
Regulus peered at him curiously.
“You’re just giving me your invisibility cloak to wear out of here?”
“Yes,” James said confidently. “I’ll get it back later. That alright?”
“Yeah,” Regulus replied. He took the cloak from James and put it on, a gasp filling the air where his body had been only moments before. “It works,” he said, sounding surprised.
James chuckled. “Okay, let’s do this.”
He walked down the stairs carefully. He could hear Regulus’ footsteps on the stairs behind him, but they were so quiet that they would be unnoticeable to the rest of the common room.
Sirius and Remus were sitting on the couch talking quietly among themselves when James came down, so he walked over to them.
Regulus’ footsteps didn’t follow.
“Where’s your friend?” Sirius asked gleefully. It was not often that James had exploits of this nature.
“Don’t make fun,” James replied slowly, buying time.
“Awww, we won’t bite,” Sirius replied. “We’re just happy for you.”
Remus had the good sense to look embarrassed at Sirius’ tone.
“I tried to drag him out before he made it weirder for you,” Remus muttered.
Sirius just grinned at Remus. “Yep, and to get us front row seats for the impending walk of shame.”
James heard the common room door open, but he made a point not to turn and look. Hopefully that meant that Regulus had escaped to freedom.
“No walk of shame needed,” James said casually, “I’m not ashamed to have had someone over.”
Sirius just laughed.
“Breakfast?” James asked.
Sirius looked him up and down. “Are you going to go wearing that?”
James looked down and laughed. Of course he was still wearing his pj’s.
“Shall we go back up?” Sirius asked, “see the state of the dorm?” He waggled his eyebrows suggestively.
“I’d imagine he’s not up there anymore,” Remus said calmly.
“He’s not?” Sirius asked at the same time that James said “he?”
James hadn’t been aware that that part was obvious.
“It was a boy’s voice,” Remus said with a shrug. “Too muffled to tell whose, but definitely not a girl’s voice.”
“Oh,” James said lamely.
Then Remus turned back to Sirius. “I’d imagine he hightailed it out of here under the cloak ages ago.” He gave James a small smile.
Remus really was the smartest one of all of them, even smarter not to have mentioned that to Sirius while it was all happening. James wouldn’t have put it past him to try to unmask James’ hookup, given that he didn’t know who it was.
“Fine, breakfast,” Sirius said somewhat petulantly. “Go get changed, and then you can tell us all the sordid details when we’re down there.”
“There aren’t any sordid-” James began, but Sirius just gave him a shove.
“Just go!” He flopped down onto the couch dramatically.
James trudged up the stairs, only at the last moment realizing that Remus had followed.
When they were upstairs, Remus closed the door carefully, looking transfixed as the latch clicked into place.
James just watched him nervously, not knowing what was coming.
When Remus finally looked up at him, his lips were in a tight line.
“You have to tell him,” he said simply.
James laughed awkwardly.
“Tell him what?”
Remus’ frown deepened.
“James, I know whose voice that was. You have to tell him.”
The sound of a groan came from the direction of Peter’s bed.
“Shut up you tossers or get out,” he said into his pillow.
Remus and James both laughed and grabbed pillows to hit him with.
Fifteen minutes later, as all four Marauders were scarfing down breakfast, Marlene sat down with them to eat.
After greeting everyone cheerfully, she turned to Sirius.
“Did you know your brother has an invisibility cloak?” she asked conversationally, spooning food onto her plate, “I saw it this morning, he took it off in the hallway outside the Slytherin common room.”
Sirius just looked at her and laughed.
“No he does-” he began, before his eyes widened and he turned to James.
His eyes narrowed quickly.
“You did not,” he accused firmly.
James laughed awkwardly. “Would you like me to say I did not?”
Sirius’ glare intensified.
“You’d better have a good explanation for this.”
“Uhhhh,” James said, dragging it out while he fumbled for words. “Well it wasn’t a one time thing and it means a lot-”
“It wasn’t a one time thing??” Sirius yelled out.
James closed his eyes, realizing his mistake. “Sirius…” he began, but Sirius didn’t let him get very far.
“I can’t believe you’ve done this more than once!”
Peter and Remus’ eyes were ping ponging back and forth between James and Sirius.
All at once, Regulus appeared behind Sirius.
“You,” he said directly to Sirius, “and you,” he added to James, “Outside, now.”
Sirius glared at him, but got up immediately. James smiled nervously and followed without complaint.
Every eye in the room was on the three of them as they left.
Regulus didn’t stop when they’d crossed the threshold of the castle, and Sirius and James followed.
“What in the name of Merlin is going on?” Sirius asked sharply.
Regulus gave him an appraising look.
“Well I know both of you, and when this is over you’re going to need a good fly around the pitch to get this out of your system.”
“Oh, you’re not distracting me,” Sirius said angrily.
“No, I said after. On the way I will talk.” James felt ready to add something in his defense, but Regulus stopped him in his tracks. “Let me do this, I can explain better.”
James just nodded, willing to let him try.
Regulus’ words were less harsh when he addressed Sirius again.
“You introduced us. You pointed out everything we have in common. This is your fault.”
Sirius’ eyes widened. “No! I did that so that you could be friends, not whatever this is.”
Regulus shook his head.
“No, you helped us see that we were compatible. That’s all that happened, not trying to go behind your back or anything. And just like you said I would, I like him. I really like him.”
Sirius raised his eyebrows. James wanted to beam at Regulus - and maybe grab him in a hug - but he resisted to prevent Sirius from exploding.
“Really? You’re not taking the piss?”
James just watched them, but let Regulus go on. Sirius was already taking his words to heart, it seemed.
“C’mon Sirius, you knew we were hanging out regularly and you heard me in his bed this morning.”
“That’s-” Sirius began, tone raising, but Regulus just went on.
“It’s not nothing. It’s really, really something. For me, anyway.”
James couldn’t hold in his smile this time.
“Yeah, it’s something,” he said.
Regulus nodded, not smiling exactly, but emotion playing in his eyes and threatening to come out.
“Are you dating then?” Sirius asked.
James nodded. “He’s my boyfriend, if he’s okay with that?” He turned to Regulus letting the words tip up into a question. They’d been on the edge of it for a while, and he’d wanted to ask for days.
“Yeah,” Regulus said, the corners of his lips turning up in what was a hesitant smile, “I want that.”
Sirius looked back and forth between them for a long moment.
Eventually, when he spoke, he didn’t sound angry anymore.
“You were right, Reg. I think we should fly now.”
James put his arm around Sirius’ shoulder.
“You know you’re always going to be my number one, right?”
Regulus just laughed, sounding almost exasperated, but he didn’t sound offended.
“I’d better be,” Sirius said, “You’re mine too.”
James led him in the direction of the pitch.
Regulus didn’t follow. James turned back to him in confusion.
“You’re not coming?”
Regulus just shook his head, and this time he did smile.
“Nah, I think you guys need this.”
Sirius nodded appreciatively.
“Cheers, Reg.”
Regulus turned back towards the castle, and James and Sirius headed to the pitch.
Sirius asked every question on his mind as they walked, and James let out a deep breath that he’d been holding in all morning.
“Thanks for taking this well,” he said finally, as they were preparing to take off into the sky.
Sirius just shrugged. “He was right. I knew you’d be good for each other. It’s why I introduced you. So you have me to thank for getting you a boyfriend. And you have me to thank for being okay with it. You’ll owe me one.”
James laughed. “Pfffft you know I’ll give you whatever you want, I don’t need to owe you one for that.”
Sirius just shook his head, pony tail swishing back and forth.
“You’re ridiculous.”
James grinned. “You, but you love me.”
Sirius laughed and kicked off.
“That I do,” he said, before speeding off.
James took off and followed as fast as he could, whizzing up into the air, laughter getting caught up with the wind.
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sir-adamus · 1 year
My absolute favorite thing about ATSV is the narrative repetition of not only literal religion but wanting to do both things / two things and the callbacks to walker scenes. Miles trying to catch Gwen after he startles her and the Spot kicks her vs her trying to save him from falling during the chase and he snaps the line on purpose
Miles and his two cakes and Pavitr saying “I can do both!” as we see he cannot hold the bus and save captain singh and the girl (but with help they do indeed save everyone)
Miles literally has DNA from two different dimensions he’s literally always been both since he got bitten!! That’s the point it’s so good!!
Spider-Man doesn’t always win. They don’t always save the day. But with this unique technology they have a chance to learn and make friends and new connections. If the issue was just universe hopping then the whole spider base thing would be a bad idea. I can’t wait for the power of friendship and trying even tho it seems hopeless to kick ass in Beyond it’s gonna be so good.
Gwen also has an "i can do both" thing - trying to keep the canon event happening and save Miles (and thinking she failed when he gets buried under the rubble, which is why she was so panicked in that scene, because she was right back at the night of the dance and seeing Peter crushed under the rubble)
and yeah the thing is it's like
this movie is hanging a lampshade on the idea that Spider-Man needs to have these personal tragedies happen to be a better hero - that these events aren't just unfortunate happenstance but Fated Incidents that have to happen in order for them to be correct in the role (and uh, just a note... doesn't apply to Miguel - literally none of his story lines up with the Peter archetype)
like - the Uncle Ben death is a tragedy because it could have been prevented, it was something Peter could've stopped and didn't because of his pride, and the resulting guilt of that forms his 'with great power must also come great responsibility' thing (which also a note, not originally an Uncle Ben line, it was just a narration bit, only got applied to Ben later) - but the point is it's a code he forms in the wake of tragedy, not a predestined event meant to teach him a lesson
and more importantly Miles in these movies never needed to learn that - because he outright quotes the line to Peter B during the first movie, and of course he did! he's about 13/14 in Into the Spider-Verse, Blond Peter had been Spider-Man for a decade and he marketed the hell out of it; every kid in New York grew up knowing the line (which is actually a factor i don't see people discussing when it comes to the 'Earth 42 Miles and Earth 1610B Miles swapped fates' thing, we don't know what kind of Spider-Man that the Earth 42 Miles would've become, or how our Miles would've ended up if he hadn't been bitten)
Uncle Aaron's death is rather erroneously framed like Ben's by Miguel, but a) it wasn't something Miles could've prevented but didn't, he very nearly died himself, and b) it's reinforced later as 'sometimes you can't always save everyone'
so in terms of 'canon events', Aaron's death fits the George Stacy death more than it does the Uncle Ben death, where it happens in a moment it is impossible for Spider-Man to prevent it as a result of the main villain of the story (Aaron is even trying to save Miles in that moment, who was wearing the red store-bought Spider-Man costume, and pointedly the kids George and Inspector Singh try to save in those moments are also wearing red) - however ultimately it's trying to fit all these personal, different tragedies into a specific box that's the problem, because that's not how life works (nor is it how the multiverse works, but Miguel thinks it does and he's convinced others of the same and refuses to accept any alternatives). Aaron's death isn't a variation on Uncle Ben's death, George Stacy's death or anyone else's death. it's the death of Aaron Davis
also, introducing other Spiders completely changes the surrounding context and the stakes - if Inspector Singh had died there, would Pavitr have come to the conclusion that he couldn't always save everyone? or would he have been angry and resentful that the people he thought were his friends sat there and did nothing when they could have helped? because he wasn't alone in that situation, which completely changes the ballpark even if no one else interferes, it would affect how he responds to it
so it's all questioning why these events need to happen - if we're looking at it in-universe, these things are just unfortunate tragedies. looking at everything bad that happens to you as predetermined fate meant to teach you a lesson is both incredibly unhealthy and fucking dehumanising to your loved ones - a community of Spider-People can help each other and mentor the younger ones to convey the lessons and codes the elders pieced together so they don't have to go through the same shit, be forced through the same pain under the bullshit logic that the suffering will make them 'better'
and from a meta-narrative perspective, the 'canon' is the stakes of the story; Earth-65B continues to run even with George quitting, because dramatically speaking, learning Gwen is Spider-Woman and nearly losing her forever, while Gwen avoids going home because she's terrified that her father hates her and - compounding that - is scared that if she does go home, he'll already have died. that drama is 'good for the story' and can resolve without anyone dying
Peter B literally only has Mayday because of Miles, the 'original anomaly', and yet Earth-616B is perfectly fine with a child who - according to Miguel's logic - should not exist. why? because Peter B has started putting in the effort to make his life work, 'making adjustments at half-time', and earning his happy ending
whereas Miguel deciding to skip all the hard work of trying to make his life better by just inserting himself into a happy life that belongs to someone else, and that reality crumbles apart because he didn't earn it - so the stakes had to be raised, and the resulting guilt is what turns Miguel into the uncompromising anti-hero we have in this film
Spider-people are capable of incredible things, and are capable of even more incredible things when they have each others' backs - they've just gotten too caught up in their guilt complexes to realise that
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avesssswrote · 7 months
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Tony..is loved.
Set after Civil War with a prompt i read on Pinterest hope you like it.
Tony was the one alone.
A thought that kept Steve Rogers awake, was one of the major reasons why he left that message on the flip phone. He always felt the need to include Tony more in every team activity in the past; locked up in his lab, working on something or the other which he loved flaunting about to others, but for Steve that was a reflection of his entitlement. But the more he knew him the more he understood the lonely mechanic, the more he spent time with him the more he saw a man in need of affection.
He tried to give him that but Tony never trusted him enough mostly because there was a big gap cause of the attention that Steve got for waking up from the ice at least that's what he thought was the reason. But later he came to know from Natasha about Harward being more obsessed with THE Captain America than worrying about his own child and maybe his coming back triggered some memories, but at heart, Steve still believed that Tony was over that and he just kept his distance from everyone.
And the return of Bucky made this distance worse, Steve fought for what he believed and knew was the right thing but, in the process, he lost the thread of the relationship he had with Tony.
Bucky made Steve's life so much better, the connection with life was back, but he knew how numb it felt not to have that connection and he felt guilty and sympathetic for Stark, he was the one alone. Might have fought with people, he knew Stark went home alone that night. Maybe Tony is surrounded by people with cameras but Steve knows that Stark has a life behind the camera's that is worrying.
These feelings burdened today,
When he was going to the Stark Tower.
To meet him.
People told him that Stark shifted his daily routine to just one floor, no surprises there. So, Steve was nervous to see the state he would find him in because there were times when he found Stark sleeping on paperwork in the basement with five coffee cups.
Walking in as the air hit him, also hit the moments he spent in there.
As he took a lift and it went down his heartbeat went up, and his little phone call...did it even mean anything? Was it even helpful? Will Tony even consider him his friend to ask for help?
Stepped out and lifted an eyebrow...because he was met by a soft smell of baked cookies. Move along, he thought. And then was met by a small cat who had attitude might we add. But that made sure the cat belonged to Tony Stark,
"Um.. hello is any-?"
"Yes! Rogers!" came the Colonel James, or Rodey. He was walking with a limb Steve hit the guilt train very quickly. "Come with me." Rodey commanded, and Steve marched right behind. They walked past something that took Steve's attention and Rodey answered with an eye roll, "Yeah THAT is a wheelchair but I don't need it anymore tony bought it to tease me."
"Sounds like Mr. Stark." a small voice snickered.
"Oh uh..Hello," Captain smiled at the small boy who apparently was Spider-Man...so awkward.
Peter's eyes went wide "Mr. Captain.. Captain..uh Sir? ..."
"Just Cap is fine."
"Yes Sir! Captain Sir!" he threw a salute and marched off. Steve turned to Rodey "Something is fundamentally wrong with that one.." the man whispered shaking his head.
"Alright, Steve wait here let me get those papers for you, uh grab something from the kitchen if you want."
"No thank you, James."
So Captain stood there and got the time to look around for a bit, he saw some books on the countertop, but they weren't that complicated then he saw little doodles on the textbook and named 'Peter B. Parker.' he understood who belonged to,
He looked at the small photo frame in which Tony was standing with Happy smiling and pointing at Peper who rolled her eyes, he assumed it was an old one of them. He looked around more and found small pieces of notes left behind by Pepper.. Some with 'Enough with the Coffee TONY!' and others just 'Tony you have a meeting and yes you are late.' one also said 'Happy we are missing Doritos.' He smiled at that..he remembered that nickname.
Then he could see a small transparent box with glasses which he recognized were Bruce's and he also saw some stickers on the refrigerator with timetables and dates, but these didn't look like just for the meetings..heck this timetable didn't look like for one person.
It looked like it was for a family, with due check-ups, picnic hours, laundry day, and chores day with everyone's name on each one.
His lips formed a smile that he didn't think he was going to have today, he turned around and was met with a small batch of baked cookies with an 'I know you liked them last time' note stuck on them.
Steve sighed.
He, after days, felt relaxed. Truly relaxed.
This place, this floor, wasn't for the tony he thought he knew, this home was for the tony he loved and admired.
His phone call was special but it didn't matter if Tony didn't turn to him for help. No, Stark had a home and place of affection now.
This is when Captain America sighed and realized,
Tony Stark never needed him. 
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love-granger · 2 years
You up?
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peter parker x reader
Summary: peters your best friend but you wish you were more, luckily Peter feels the same one problem though…he seems to be going out with someone.
A/n- I wrote this last night … uh so not edited?? Also a bit of angst?? Warnings: Cheating I think but they’re not specifically exclusive, a lil heated kissing (don’t cheAt)
Peter had been having trouble sleeping lately but luckily he had you to help him. You guys lived in the same apartment complex so whenever he’d have trouble sleeping he’d sneak into your window and usually fall asleep in your bed. Most of the time though you two would call and be on the phone until one of you heard the soft snores coming from the other end of the line.
You didn’t really know how to describe yours and peters friendship,obviously you two were best friends but there was always that tension of being more. Until recently though Peter started going out with Mj, he never even mentioned he liked her, yeah you’d catch him staring at her a couple times but you chose to ignore it. Peter would still come to you for help though especially when he had a bad nightmare , why couldn’t he go to Mj about this stuff. You felt guilty for feeling this but you were trying to set boundaries out of respect for you and Mj but Peter made it difficult at times.
Peter didn’t even know why he was dating Mj in the first place he was hoping she’d help him get over you. But you, you were incredible - with your smart comebacks and your endless teasing and god your kissable lips. This time though peter couldn’t go to you, he’d notice you were acting more distant and he didn’t know how to confront you about it. So here he was now, sitting on the roof alone with his thoughts.
You didn’t know what prompted you to wake up but you did, so you texted Peter hoping he was awake too.
Y/n: you up?
Peter: Hey! yes I’m up:)
Y/n: ok can I come over to urs
Peter: I’m on the rooftop!
You smiled to yourself, what a dork you thought. He was always so cheery when you guys texted,it was one of the things you loved about him. You quickly put on a hoodie and shoes and headed to the roof. Peter sensed you were here and turned to wave you over. You smiled at him and sat beside him resting your head on his shoulder.
“Hey” you smiled at him “how long have you been up here?”
“Not long” he assured you
You looked up at him “did you have a bad dream?You could’ve woken me up.”
“I didn’t wanna bother you” he smiled sheepishly
He tucked a strand of hair behind your ear, and started stroking your cheek. His warm hand felt nice against the cool of your skin. You let out a sigh and closed your eyes.
“Missed you this week” you admitted
“Yeah?” He teased
You looked so peaceful like this, your looked like you just woke up but nonetheless you looked beautiful to him. He pulled you closer without even realizing it until your lips were mere inches away from touching. Almost silently asking to kiss you, you nodded your head and leaned into him.
Doesn’t mean anything you tried to convince yourself.
You wanted to pull away but you were putty in his hands. Parting his lips, he put his hand on your jaw.
Peter traced your bottom lip softly with the tip of his tongue. You swiftly parted your lips, burying your hand in his soft locks.
It doesn’t mean anything you repeated to yourself
Peter felt you sigh into the kiss, pulling him closer by his neck while your other hand gave a small tug on his hair. Peter moaned against you, feeling his cheeks on heat up. You didn’t mind though and let out a small whimper. Peter could’ve died right there. You only kissed him harder. He groaned, reaching down and lacing his arms around your waist.
He started trailing his lips down to your neck and you let out a small sigh until you brought his lips back to yours and gave him one last peck. You kissed him on the forehead,cheek,nose and one last time on the lips. You rested your forehead against his,holding his face in both your hands. You both didn’t know what this meant, obviously you two idiots loved each other, but there was still things(more like one person in the way). It was going to be messy. You got up onto your feet and held your hand out to help him up too.
“We’ll talk about this in the morning” you said and gave him a weak smile
“Ok” he nodded
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darkomoth · 2 years
Grief and Longing 3/4
TASM!Peter Parker x reader
Summary: Your and Peter's relationship takes a turn, the two of you are figuring it out together
Notes: Shorter than the last two chapters, I know, but we're nearing the end here! :)
Word Count: 3.5k
Warnings: Angst
Part 1 Part 2 Part 4
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You wake up with your head resting against something warm and hard. Slowly, you look around yourself and realize you’d fallen asleep quite literally on top of Peter. You’re both on the couch still and Peter's arms are secured around you. You feel that familiar heat creeping up your neck and into your cheeks and try to remove yourself. He must’ve felt you stir because soon Peter was shifting and opening his eyes.
“Good morning.” He says with that little smile of his that you can’t help but return.
“Morning.” You reply. “Do you mind if I uh- well, I need to use the restroom.”
Peter realizes he’s still holding on to you and reluctantly starts to pull away. “Oh, yeah, sorry ‘bout that.” He laughs awkwardly which you join in on.
“No problem. Sorry I fell asleep and sorta trapped you.” You say, removing the blanket and getting up. You feel the cool air of the apartment as goosebumps bloom over your arms and legs.
“I didn’t mind.” Peter says, still laying down. He’s smirking and you don’t know how to respond so you just nod and leave the room as quick as you can. You swear you can hear him chuckling under his breath as you’re walking away.
You splash some cold water on your face in the bathroom to wake yourself up more. Well, that, and to cool down a bit before you go back out there. Peter just… does something to you. Something that nobody really has before. You’ve had childhood crushes before, small ones that you forgot about in a week, but this wasn’t like that. This was different, that’s for sure. You try to just focus on brushing your teeth and getting dressed, but your mind still wanders. Peter’s eyes, his lips, the way he holds your hand. You shake your head, ‘pull yourself together’ you think.
When you do finally get back to the living room, Peter’s disappeared. You’re sure he wasn’t in his room, the door was open and you could see that it was empty. “Peter?” You call out, making your way to the kitchen. On the fridge, you see a small note held up by a magnet. It reads in messy writing “getting breakfast, be back soon!” He drew a little spider on it, because of course he did, the dork. You catch yourself smiling at it.
Well, since he’s gone, you may as well be productive. You found today’s paper on the coffee table with a few other pieces of Peter’s mail. Picking it up as well as a nearby pen, you get to work on looking for suitable jobs in the area.
“Waitressing… I could do that.” You mumble to yourself, though you’re not thrilled at the idea. You’d done waitressing before, it’s not very fun. But you have experience and you were pretty good at it, if you do say so yourself. “Bartender, receptionist, hostess…” You list off, circling each one and jotting down the contact information so that you could call later and set up some interviews. Starting from scratch in a brand new world was gonna be difficult. Was your social security number the same? Did a version of you even exist in this universe?
That thought stopped you in your tracks. You hadn’t even considered that idea before now. What if a Y/N Y/L/N is out there right now living her life, looking exactly like you. What if you ran into her? Or one of her friends? What would you say, that you two were long lost sisters, separated at birth?
Before you could think on it any longer, you heard a window slide open. You turned your head to see Peter, in full Spider-Man attire, climbing through it with a brown bag in hand.
“Hey stranger.” He says, placing the bag on the island countertop and then removing his mask. His hair is messy and you suddenly wonder how soft it would feel between your fingers.
“Hey.” You reply, making your way over to him. “You get dressed in your superhero outfit to grab…” You look into the bag, “breakfast burritos and hashbrowns?”
“Why, don’t you?” Peter asks, his head quirked to the side making you laugh.
You take a seat at the counter next to him. “Oh yeah, all the time. In fact, I don’t even go to the bathroom without it on.” Peter joins in your laughter before handing you your food. “Thanks.”
“My pleasure. So what’s the plan for today? Cuz I was thinking we could take a look around, get you familiar with the area, see what’s different, what’s the same.” He says excitedly.
“Oh yeah, that sounds great, but I was actually uh- well I was looking through the paper for some jobs nearby. I mean, they’re all minimum wage and sorta not-fun but I’ll take what I can get.” You explain in between bites of your burrito.
“Mmm.” Peter hums, “You know, I could see if there’s an opening at the Bugle- the place I work at. They could use a good comic artist since ours quit a while back.”
“Really? That would be great, thanks.”
“Of course, but that can wait until tomorrow. Today is exploring day!” He jumps up, pulling you with him. “Get your suit on, we’re going swinging.”
You’d never enjoyed doing your job as much as you did right now. Technically, you and Peter weren’t trying to look for any crime to meddle in, but you and him were always on the lookout. Swinging about New York with someone else instead of alone was a totally new experience for you. Sharing in this indescribable feeling of flying through the air, relying solely on your own strength and instincts. Peter looked like a trained acrobat, doing flips and twirls. It was a sight to behold, for sure.
“Let’s stop here!” You hear Peter yell out to you as you approach a tall glass building you weren’t familiar with. You nod and pull yourself up to the roof before landing in a somersault. He’s panting and so are you, but the adrenaline rush has you smiling wide beneath your mask. Wordlessly, you both make your way to the edge where you sit, legs dangling in the air far above the rest of the city. The sun is high in the sky, there’s a warm breeze and it’s so peaceful. Peter removes his mask and you follow suit.
“Pretty.” You say, looking out at the view before you. The sunlight’s hitting the windows of the skyscrapers in such a way that makes the city glow with warm light. Pretty doesn’t even cover it.
“Yeah.” Peter sighs, but he’s not looking out at the skyline. His head’s tilted in your direction and he’s eyeing your expression. He loves this. Having someone again to share in his secret. Ever since Gwen, he’s been almost completely alone. Of course he has Aunt May, and he doesn’t know what he’d do without her, but it wasn’t the same. Not even close. He follows the curve of your lips, how your eyes crinkle with a smile, it’s hard to look away from.
“So, what do you think?” He asks as nonchalant as possible.
“It’s very similar. Really, it’s almost an exact replica. Like, okay, you see that building over there?” You lean over Peter to point to a smaller concrete building with a big red sign out front that reads “Anthony’s Pizzeria.” The left side of your body is fully touching his right and it’s hard for him to think for a second.
“Ahem- yeah, yeah I see it.”
“Back home, that’s where I’d go out to eat almost every weekend. It was called “Tony’s Pizzeria” though. Weird. The owner always gave me a discount.” You smile fondly before it dawns on you that you’d never go there again. Well, you could, but it wouldn’t be the same. A wave of homesickness came over you suddenly.
Peter noticed the change in your demeanor. Not sure what to say, he just reaches an arm around your shoulders and brings you closer to his side. Your head rested on his shoulder now, the silence not uncomfortable. You didn’t think you’d feel like this about leaving your world. What was there to be sad about? Nothing was left for you back there, no family, no friends, no… Peter. Your Peter was gone.
Another couple minutes passed before Peter spoke up. “I know that this can’t be easy, but I want you to know that I’m glad you’re here.” You look up at him then and his breath gets caught in his throat. Your eyes are glossy but there’s an upward turn to your lips and you’re just so beautiful, he thinks.
“Thank you.” Your heart’s racing. It’s making it difficult to focus. You and Peter haven’t stopped looking into each other's eyes until he breaks contact to glimpse at your lips. Then you’re licking them and he’s getting closer to you. He hovers there, his nose brushing yours.
“Really, really glad.” Peter whispers and leans in more. You meet him halfway, impatient now. Finally your lips connect and you just melt into him completely. It’s perfect. The way he caresses your head with one hand while the other grips your waist. His lips are soft and you sigh into him, tangling your hands in his hair. It is soft, you think.
Slowly, you both break apart. Peter leans his forehead on yours, his eyes are closed and he has the most beautiful smile on his face. “I’ve been wanting to do that again.”
“Again?” You ask, brow furrowed.
He looks at you then like he was caught in some awful lie. “Oh, right, sorry. You don’t remember the um…” Peter fumbles with his words, his hands still resting in your hair and on your waist, unwilling to let go now that he has you. “Before the spell that made you forget, like literally right before…”
You blush and look down, letting out a weak breathy laugh. “Oh… I’m sorry I don’t remember.”
“Hey,” Peter rests his hand under your chin and lifts your head a little so you have to look at him. “It’s not your fault. I’m just glad we got a do-over.” You laugh and lean your head on his chest.
“Yeah, me too. I promise not to forget it this time.” He chuckles and holds you to him.
“Better not.”
Peter and you sat there for a while longer, hours it seemed. It was a relatively quiet day for New York. The warm breeze soon became chilly, the afternoon sun lowered in the sky, settling a beautiful array of pinks and oranges in the clouds. You could stay here with Peter forever, you thought. This was perfect.
The two of you came across a few petty criminals on the way home. They were hijacking a car and it took all of ten minutes for you and Peter to deal with them. One spider-man against a group of criminals was hardly a fair fight, but two? They might as well have not put up any fight at all.
It’s dusk now back at the apartment and you and Peter have changed into comfier clothing. You’re in a tank top and shorts, Peter in his white T-shirt and sweatpants. The plan was to order take-out and watch another movie. But it feels different now. The energy between you two has changed, you both notice it. You’re both so aware of one another. Peter looks at you and runs a hand down the length of your arm. Goosebumps rise on the skin he lingers over. He’s so gentle, you think. It’s endearing and simultaneously frustrating because all you want is for him to grab you and kiss you again. Like he’s read your mind, Peter dips down to catch your mouth with his. It’s faster this time, almost desperate.
He’s pushing you back, more, more until you trip and fall horizontally onto the couch. You don’t get the chance to catch your breath because Peter’s on top of you, hands roaming the length of your body and god you just feel amazing and it’s all so… familiar. You know you haven’t done this before, but what if you had? With your Peter back in your universe? Is that why being with this Peter is so easy and comforting? Was that the only reason?
Peter can’t believe any of this was happening. He was hoping for it, of course. But he didn’t know if you would reciprocate any of these feelings, especially since you had no memory of ever liking him before now. It was a slight ego boost, he admits, to have you here like this after only a few days of knowing you. You’re under him, hands caressing his neck and back while he nips at your jaw, then neck, then lower.
A knock at the door stops the both of you in your tracks. “That’ll be our chinese food.” Peter says, voice hoarse. You can only nod up at him, flustered. “We could just leave it out there.” He jokes with a smirk.
You exhale a breathy laugh, “That certainly is an option, but I think I heard your stomach growling just a minute ago.”
Peter looks offended, “If anyone’s stomach was growling, it was yours. I have control over my body.”
“Oh do you?” You ask with a smirk of your own. He just inhales sharply, shakes his head and steals one last kiss before getting off of you and heading for the door. He comes back, bag of food in hand and gestures for you to scoot over so he can sit down next to you.
“I had a thought earlier today.” You say while unpacking the styrofoam boxes. Peter only hums in response. “Well… there was a Peter Parker in my universe, right? So logically, that means there’s a possibility that there would be a Y/N Y/L/N here, maybe.”
Peter has a mouthful of food that he stops chewing on for a second. He shrugs and swallows, “Hm, yeah, maybe.”
“You never met her or anything?” You ask.
“No, I never had the pleasure.” He smirks and you smack him lightly on the shoulder, but you can’t help but to smile back at him.
“I’m serious. What if I run into her one day? Or someone mistakes me for her? I have no idea what her life is like here.”
“Hey, New York’s a big city, alright? It’s very unlikely you’ll ever run into that issue.”
“But not impossible.”
“Has anyone ever told you you’re a worrier?”
“It’s come up.”
Peter laughs then groans. “Okay, okay, well, how bout we look her up? Shouldn’t be too hard to find an address. Maybe even a criminal record.” He side-eyes you, “Maybe she’s your evil twin!”
You laugh and shove at him, “That’s not even funny.”
“Says the girl who's laughing.” He snarks while standing up to retrieve his laptop from his room.
Peter returns with laptop in hand. He plops back down on the couch and shoves his half-eaten food to the side of the coffee table to make room for his computer. He opens up a google tab and types in your name after confirming with you for spelling.
“Okay, let’s see.” He mutters, scrolling down a bit and clicking on the first site that includes your name. It’s a link to a facebook page- a memorial page. “Oh…” Peter isn’t sure what to say. There’s a photo of you, younger and smiling wide. Your hair’s slightly different but it’s unmistakably you.
You’re looking over his shoulder at the screen and you’re also at a loss for words. You clear your throat, “Uh 2015, that was what… seven years ago? I would’ve been eighteen years old. Wow, she died so young…” Your brows were furrowed as you thought about it. What are you supposed to be feeling? It’s not grief, really, can you grieve your own death?
Peter’s looking at you a little worriedly, not sure how you’re going to react. You’ve already been hit with a lot of heavy information the past couple days and this didn’t seem like it was going to help. “It says here she went to Midtown high, graduated the same year as me… I can’t believe I never met her. Or at least, don’t remember meeting her.” He says, feeling guilty all of a sudden. How could he have possibly not noticed her? You’re very difficult to miss, he thought.
“Does it uh- does it say anything about how she died?” You ask, more curious than anything.
“Mmm…” Peter scrolls a bit. “Yeah, it seems like it was some sorta accident. Oh.” He felt his blood run cold.
“What?” You ask, holding onto Peter’s arm. “What is it?”
“She died in the uh- the crossfire of a fight between Spi- uh- me and Electro.” His heart feels ten pounds heavier and suddenly your presence is feeling very surreal. He dares to glance over at you, but you aren’t looking at him. Your eyes are glued to the screen, but you seem far away. “Y/N?”
You snap out of it and turn to Peter. He has watery eyes and your heart aches for him. “Oh, Peter, you don’t think this is your fault, do you? Because it isn’t. At all.” You say, snaking your arms around his torso, trying your best to comfort him. “Sometimes people are just at the wrong place at the wrong time.”
“I feel like I should be the one comforting you here.” Peter lets out a shaky laugh that you join in on.
“It’s strange, I don’t know what I should be feeling… I’m sorry that she’s gone and at such a young age, but I had no idea who she was. I mean, was she even anything like me? It doesn’t seem like she became Spider-Woman here…” You’re rambling on, not sure what else to do.
“No, I think I’d have known if she was.” Peter says. “You told me that you and your Peter were bitten at the same time by the same spider and that you worked together. I was always alone in this.”
“I wish I remembered. I wish I knew… I can only remember being alone too.”
Peter grabs your hand, interlocks his fingers with yours. “Not anymore.”
“No, not anymore.” You’re both smiling those sad smiles and Peter can’t help but to lean over and give you a kiss on your cheek. Your smile widens and you lean into the contact. “Thank you.” You say suddenly.
“For what?” Peter asks with that cute tilt of his head.
“Convincing me to come here and stay with you. I’ve always had a… difficult time accepting help.”
“Me too. But if I’m being a hundred percent honest with you, I didn’t do it completely altruistically…”
“What do you mean?”
“I wanted to stay with you. You made me feel… I don’t know- hope? That I could actually, maybe, be happy again. I never thought that I could feel like this again, not after Gwen.”
Your heart hurts for the boy in front of you. He’s been through so much pain, that much you had in common. You didn’t know what Gwen he was referring to, but you made it a note in your head to bring it up later. Right now, you just wanted to sit here next to Peter, holding each other contentedly.
That night you and Peter fell asleep together in his room, in his bed. You didn’t feel any pressure around him, just happy. It felt good to even be near him, but to have him like this? In your arms, quiet and warm, wrapped in a comforter while you drift off, was something entirely indescribable. He would place small, sweet kisses on your forehead and you would sigh happily before returning the favor.
When you closed your eyes and finally drifted off, your dreams were plagued with images of Peter. You saw him in the halls of Midtown High. It was filled with hundreds of other kids, but all you focused on was Peter. The way he skated through the crowd so he could get to you faster. And when he reached you, he’d hold out his hand for you to take. The way he smiled and laughed was music to your ears. He looked young and full of energy as he dragged you along all the way to the roof of your school. The air was crisp and cold when you reached the top and Peter was quick to steal a kiss from you, his hands caressing your face. You closed your eyes, but started smiling into it so wide that you had to break apart. Your foreheads touched and you just stood there, not sure for how long. Eventually you looked back up at him, seeing a dismal expression on his face. Your happiness was replaced with worry and before you could ask him what was wrong, Peter spoke.
“Wake up.”
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marauderundercover · 3 years
The Strings that Bind Us: Ch. 4
When Bruce asked Marinette to stay the night at the manor for a couple days while he went out of town for work, she was a little nervous. Sure, they’d been dating for almost four months, and yes she’d met Jason and Dick before, but this was the first time she’d be spending time with just Jason. Without Bruce there to mediate. But so far, it’d been fine. They’d gotten closer over the past two months, and Jason was actually a sweet kid. Standing in front of Gotham Academy, Marinette frowns at the sky, willing the rain to stay away. The bell rings and she shifts, nodding at the kids who waved at her, probably recognizing her from the cafe. She shifts to the balls of her feet, trying to see if she can spot Jason in the crowd of kids. Spotting him, she waves excitedly, grinning widely. 
“You’re so embarrassing.” He says, walking up to her and shaking his head. But the grin on his face definitely contradicts that. 
“I’m just excited to get ice cream.” She teases, nudging him gently. Even though he was only twelve (and much shorter than Dick and Bruce), they were close to the same height. Damn her Maman’s shortness. As they walk to the ice cream stand near her favorite park, Marinette listens to Jason explaining his day, frowning as she realizes: he’s being bullied. 
“But it doesn’t really matter.” He adds after telling her about the boys picking on him. Her eyes narrow. 
“Bruce didn’t tell you that, right?” She asks. He shakes his head. “Good, I thought I was going to have to add him to my list.” 
“What list?” Jason asks, frowning. 
“The list of people whose asses I have to kick.” She says, smirking at Jason’s surprised laugh. 
“Mari, you can’t- you can’t just beat up my bullies.” He says, laughing. 
“And why not? I’m short. I’ll say I go to public school. What’re they going to do, call my parents?” She snarks, working hard to keep a straight face. As Jason continues laughing, though, she finds it impossible to keep a straight face and instead joins him. “Seriously though, sweetheart, if these kids are bothering you, I can go up to the school. No one should be treated like that, and if you’ll let me, I’d love to give the principal a piece of my mind for letting it happen.” She adds. Jason sighs. 
“They won’t listen to you. Those kids’ parents have money and shit. I’m nothing to them.” He grumbles and she stops, turning him to look at her. How could this sweet little boy, someone who meant the world to her, say that he’s nothing. 
“Jason Peter Todd, you listen to me. You are not nothing. The amount of money a person has doesn’t mean a damn thing. How you treat others, what you choose to do, who you are as a person, that is what matters. That’s what makes you so much better, so much more than those little pricks at your school.” Marinette rambles, looking right into his eyes, desperately hoping he believes her. He’s silent for a minute, before he lunges forward and wraps his arms around her. Marinette sighs, wrapping the boy up in a big hug, kissing the top of his head. They stand there for a few moments before Jason pulls back, quickly wiping at his eyes. 
“Yeah, uh, if you really wanna go up there I guess you can.” He says, clearing his throat. Marinette smiles, ruffling his hair. 
“As long as it’s okay with you. Wouldn’t wanna embarrass you.” She says and he snorts. 
“I don’t think anyone could be more embarrassing than when B signed me up for school and he was acting like Brucie.” He says and she sighs. She’d heard all about ‘Brucie’ and though he’d never acted like that around her, he definitely still acted like that in public. But without the excessive flirting with models. Finally arriving at the small ice cream cart, Marinette and Jason each get a cone before starting their walk around the park. It’d become something of a tradition when she picked him up from school. She couldn’t always do it, because of the cafe, but that just made it that much more special. They’re halfway down their favorite path when her luck runs out and the rain that had been holding off for a day and a half comes down with a fury. It wasn’t warm rain either. No, the rain was ice cold and chilled her to the bone almost immediately. Gasping, she grabs Jason’s hand and tugs him under a pavilion to try and get some shelter from the rain.
“God, I’m so sorry Jay. I didn’t realize- it looked like it was gonna rain for days.” She says mournfully, teeth chattering as she digs her phone out of her purse, praying that it’s not soaked too. Alfred would definitely come pick them up if she asked. 
“It’s fine M, it’s just rain, it’s not like it’s gonna kill us.” 
Bruce walks into the manor, frowning when he doesn’t see Marinette. He’d expected her to still be around, even though Jason was definitely at school. He sighs, guessing that she’d had to leave to deal with something at the cafe. He shuts the door, and is about to go to his study when Alfred appears. 
“Ah, Master Bruce. Your turn.” He says simply and Bruce frowns. 
“Sorry, what?” He asks. 
“Miss Marinette, sir. I’ve tried to help her, but she is extremely stubborn. Thus, your turn.” Alfred says before walking away. Bruce frowns. What happened while he was gone? 
“M’fine.” Jason mumbles, swatting her hand away as she tries to feel his head. 
“C’mon Jay, just lemme check. If you have a fever you need more medicine.” She says, sighing in relief when he stops struggling and lets her feel his head. She hums, sitting back in the chair by his bed. “Do you need soup? Or maybe some cocoa?” She asks. 
“No. Just sleep.” He mumbles. Marinette nods in understanding, singing to him quietly despite the tickle in her throat. The poor kid was sick, and she blamed herself for letting them get caught up in the rain yesterday. Just as he falls asleep and she feels her own eyes droop, the door swings open. 
“Mari?” A voice says and she groans, waving whoever it is away. 
“Shhhh. He’s sleeping. Gimme a minute.” She mumbles, glancing at Jason once more before standing and moving outside the room, shutting the door slightly to not wake him up. 
“What happened? Why isn’t he in school?” Bruce asks, his face scrunched in concern. She frowns, knowing he’s probably going to hate her for letting his youngest son get sick. 
“We went for ice cream yesterday and then to the park, but it started raining and we got soaked and now he’s sick and I’m so sorry, but I’ve been giving him medicine and making sure he’s eating and drinking water so he’ll be okay but he definitely couldn’t go to school today.” She rambles. Bruce frowns and reaches forward, putting a gentle hand on her forehead. 
“Mari, love, are you sick too?” He asks worriedly. She scoffs. 
“No, of course not.” She says. 
“Yes she is.” Alfred says as he walks by, continuing down the hall as if he didn’t say anything. Marinette frowns, glaring after the man. 
“Traitor.” She mumbles under her breath. 
“Love, maybe you should take some medicine and go to bed.” Bruce suggests, but she shakes her head. 
“No, Jason needs me. He’s sick.” Marinette argues. Bruce frowns. 
“Have you at least taken some medicine?” He asks, and she pouts. 
“It makes me sleepy. I was afraid I’d fall asleep and not know if Jason needed something.” She says, and he sighs. 
“Mari, my love, you aren’t going to get better if you don’t take medicine.” Bruce says, gently wrapping his arms around her. She sighs and leans into his embrace, feeling safe and complete in his arms. Until she hears Jason start having a coughing fit. She immediately pulls away from Bruce and rushes back into the room, grabbing the glass of water off of his night table and holding it, waiting for him to stop coughing before she passes it to him. 
“Careful kiddo.” She says, setting the glass back down on the night table. She sits on the edge of his bed and gently pushes his hair out of his face. He sighs, his eyes shutting again almost immediately. 
“Thanks Mom.” He mumbles sleepily, and soon his soft breathing is the only sound in the room. Marinette is frozen. Mom. Mom. He’d called her mom. Was it just because he’s sick and exhausted? Or did he actually look at her as a mother figure? Was he going to be embarrassed about it when he wakes up or will he accept it? Would Bruce be okay with it? Or would he be angry at her for it? Would he-
“Marinette, honey, are you okay?” Bruce asks softly, she kisses Jason’s head before standing and burrowing herself into Bruce’s chest. Realistically, there was no reason for him to be mad at her about this. Or Jason. It was just hard to combat her thoughts sometimes. Letting out a shaky breath, she looks up at Bruce with a soft smile. 
“I’m fine. I think I’ll take that medicine now.” She says, letting out a happy sigh as Bruce holds her hand and leads her out of the room. 
“Besides the rain, how was your week?” He asks once they’re back in the hallway. She opens her mouth to ramble about how fun it was, until she remembers Jason’s scowl as he talked about the group of boys at school. The way he clung to her when she promised to do something about it. 
“Actually, I was wondering if you’d be against talking to the Principal at Jason’s school. If I could, I’d like to go with. Some boys are picking on him and I promised him I would try to do something about it.” She explains, nearly missing the loving smile Bruce gives her. 
“I’ll set up a meeting for Monday afternoon, how does that sound?” He asks and she nods. 
“That should work.” She says, tilting her head in thought. “If it doesn’t work, I’m going to kick his ass.” She adds. 
“Okay, love, let’s get you that medicine and get you into bed.” Bruce says with a chuckle. Mari smiles and nods, knowing he thinks she’s kidding. She’s not. No one messes with her kid and gets away with it.
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potter-imagines · 3 years
Being Thor and Loki's Little Sister and Dating Peter Parker Would Include...
Notes: wow I haven't written a marvel one in a long time pls don't read too much into the timeline lol I know things overlap but just go with it (:
Warnings: none... I think ??
Word Count: 3.6k (sorry its a bit long for a write like this but I couldn't help myself)
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You managed to do a decent job at keeping your relationship under wraps from your brothers for quite some time
Of course every other member on the team knew before the two of you even begun officially dating
Peter had spent three months ranting and raving to Tony Stark about how cute he thought you were and how much he liked you
Tony insisted time and time again he should tell you but Peter’s fear of rejection was much too large for him to find the courage for that
Unbeknownst to him,
You had spilled about your crush on Peter to Wanda and Nat almost a week after living in the compound
Being the only other girls there besides Pepper, it was easy to confide in them
Day after day you would wander to Wanda’s room and lay on her bed and gush about how handsome Peter was and how kind of a heart he had
Wanda found it adorable
And Bucky, Steve and Sam had placed the pieces together after days on end of watching Peter and yourself flirt like school kids in the gym during training
Even after being frozen for years, Steve recognized the look of smitten on Peter’s face when he talked to you
Bruce on the other hand had to sit through most of the kids talks with Tony in the lab so he figured it out fast
So when the two of you finally confessed your feelings for one another and Peter asked you out, there was only one road block holding the moment back from perfection
Your brothers
You and Peter shared the news with all the other team members expect the two, possibly most important in your case, members
You’ve been close to your brothers since you were brought into this world so it wasn’t like you didn’t want to tell them
It was more or less how overprotective they could be that made you bite your tongue
And as nervous as you are, Peter is 1,000% more worried about your brother’s finding out
Like honestly can you imagine how petrified Peter would be to tell Thor and Loki you two were dating
He’d purposely walk in the opposite direction every time he saw either of the two for the first week
Couldn’t stop fumbling with his words when he spoke to either of them
Like he was terrified
It’s sort of a cliché to have protective older brothers but older brothers who were also both Gods ????
Peter felt like a deadman walking
When the day finally came that you did tell your brothers about your relationship with Peter, it was absolutely cringe worthy
Peter had been coming home to the tower after a long day at Midtown High School when he spotted you the second he stepped foot out of the elevator
His excitement had clouded his judgement as he failed to check and see if the coast was clear
“Y/n! Hey!”
He nearly tumbled over his own feet as he rushed over to you
His face was gleaming with happiness and for a brief moment you felt a smile creep to your face until you were pulled back to reality by his hand reaching out to grasp yours
Your eyes widened in shock as you stared at Peter and before you could warn him to stop, he had planted a soft kiss on your cheek
That adorable smile was glowing from his face as he reached down for your hand only to fall once you pulled your hand away
He gave you a look of confusion, clearly surprised by your lack of response
But when an awkward cough sounded from behind him, he suddenly knew why
Peter didn’t have enough time to make any sort of a move when a husky, all too familiar voice spoke up,
“Hello, man of spiders. May I ask why you just kissed our little sister?” “Oh shit- I uh, well you see I…um...she had something on her face so I uh…”
Loki would snicker in amusement at seeing the boy squirm and prolong his torture “So you kissed her?” “Yeah…” “Hm, there something you’d like to share, little one?”
It wasn’t exactly the way you were hoping to break the news to your brothers
But it was certainly one way of doing it
The rest of the night was filled with awkward tension as you and Peter had to confess the truth to your brothers, who then made you share the news with the rest of the team
Thankfully, the rest of the team pretended they were just hearing about your new relationship for the first time, seeing as no one wanted to deal with an angry Thor
Now let’s get into your relationship with Peter
Peter Parker is the most caring person in the universe
And dating him certainly came with it’s perks
You can expect to wake up every morning with a fresh coffee and a pastry on your nightstand, courtesy of Peter
He’ll also write you a sweet little ‘good morning’ note with a sketch of spider-man hanging from a web
(( he’s actually pretty talented in the doodling department ))
Makes cute sketches of him as spiderman and you as a princess ( vv fitting)
But also draws you as a total badass saving the galaxy bc… well you are
Count on him to be the first person to greet you when the sunrises and the last person to wish you a goodnight when it falls
Gets Mr. Stark to buy you an iphone so he can teach you how to use it
Has your name as “goddess” in his phone
The first thing he does is teach you about texting so he can pay you in imessage games
Refuses to play you in battleship since you somehow have crushed him every single time
Gets slightly annoyed with the overwhelming amount of random photos you snap of him
But he knows its all new to you and finds it irritatingly adorable
Loves it when you walk home with him from school
Will also keep reminding you that you shouldn’t have walked alone all the way to Midtown High School alone
Peter often forgets that you’re Asgardian and can protect yourself just fine
But it’s so cute how protective he is
He’s very observant and notices nearly everything
Like when you’re feeling a bit homesick
He picks up on it right away and will ask Thor and/or Loki for advice
Or when you start to become bored and tired at one of Star’s parties
Peter made his way over you before you even had the chance to turn and search for him
He’d escort you back to your room and lay with you until he was positive you had fallen asleep
Kisses to the top of your head
Is the boyfriend that will take your makeup off for you if you wear any
(( and sets yours lashes on the nightstand so neatly and labels which eye they were on cause the poor boy doesn’t understand ))
Spends weeks learning how to master the intricate braids that adorn your head
It’s so cute cause he’ll sit and look up Youtube videos and try to learn how to make the different braids and is just so confused but so determined
Taking Peter to visit Asgard
“Woah- this place looks like something from Lord of the Rings! It’s awesome!” “Lord of the Rings? I’ve never met that God.” “Uh, no, it’s a movie from Earth. We can watch it when we go back.” “To Midgard?” “Midgard? No, to New York.”
Loves it when your people refer to you as “Princess Y/n”
For some reason it makes him blush
Will tell everyone back on Earth that he’s dating a princess
I could def see Peter getting annoyed and frustrated with the Asgardian men trying to flirt and win your heart
Although that’s something that already belong to Peter
And even though Peter trusts you entirely
He’s still insecure from time to time
Especially when he sees how much taller and stronger Asgardian men look in comparison to him
But he finds reassurance in the feeling of your hand in his and the gleeful smile adorning your face as you show him around your homeland
Attempting to help Peter study
Although you’re not much help to Midgardian school work “Peter, darling, I don’t have a clue what a watergate is and I haven’t an idea how that could be scandalous.”
Maths however you excelled in
And Peter was thoroughly surprised to find you had the sequence of PI memorized to the one hundredth number- and in song form
Holding your hand 24/7
Endless cuddles on the couch
And when you’re walking around together, he does that thing where he swings your hands and back forth
Movie theater dates… at the tower b/c your brothers feel the need to be in close proximity the you guys at all times
Trying ice cream for the first time with Peter at two in the morning
One of Peter’s favorite things to do with you is take you through a walk in his world
At least three times a week Peter and you will walk around the city and find new things your Asgardian self has yet to experience
Like pizza
New York pizza to be exact
And hot chocolate
Ice skating at Rockefeller Center once the weather got cold
Loves to take you for drives in the more woodsy land of New York once fall set in and the leaves began to change
But by far his favorite thing is showing you Midgardian films and movies of all sorts
He loves that you don’t judge him for nerding out over his love for films
Not to mention you actually sit and watch Star Wars with him
(( maybe it was the whole space element but Peter was just thrilled you liked it ))
But then he shows you ‘Alien’
And it was an instant regret
It took him the rest of the night to convince you that the movie was fake
You made him sleep in your room just for reassurance
Your favorite out of the films Peter played was called ‘Toy Story’
Buzz Lightyear reminded you of Thor
In terms of TV shows
F.R.I.E.N.D.S. which quickly became your guys comfort show
Parks & Rec too “That Andy fellow looks an awful lot like Starlord, don’t you think?”
Peter refuses to let you watch Black Mirror
After the whole incident with Alien
Black Mirror didn’t seem like a good idea
Constantly teasing from the rest of the Avengers
Tony just can’t help it
He loves tormenting the two of you
Especially when Thor and/or Loki are around
“Hey Peter, I thought I saw you go into Y/n’s room last night but I didn’t see you leave until the morning. Heard a lot of noise too- thought Y/n was getting attacked. What was that about?”
“Kid, I got you those condoms you asked for. How’d you manage to run out of that last box so quick? I just bought it for you a week ago!” “Messing with you, they’re just sugar packets- Thor put Peter down right now!”
Aunt May absolutely adores you
Always tells Peter how sweet you are and is constantly inviting you over for dinner
Lets you two have sleepovers in his room at her place
As long as the door stays open
Peter can’t stop laughing when you compliment May on her ability to make an amazing bowl of cereal
She thought it was a joke seeing as she burned dinner the night before to a crisp and laughs until she’s in tears
And you’re literally sitting there so confused, clearly not understanding the joke
Peter then takes you on a trip to a grocery store for the first time to show you a whole aisle full of cereal
It is then that you realize Aunt May didn’t hand make the fruity pebbles
She still laughs about it to this day
Befriending Ned and listening enthusiastically while he gives you a full speech on the franchise Star Wars
And his rant on how terrible Star Trek is in comparison
Is shocked when you ask questions out of genuine interest
Ned immediately takes a liking to you after that and asks Peter daily to invite you to hangout
Whenever Stark adds an upgrade to his suit, you’re the first person Peter shows it to
He shares quite literally everything with you
As do you to him
The rest of the Avengers love gossiping about you guys
Nat and Wanda have already started planning the wedding and Pepper has the perfect venue in mind, much to your brothers dismay
For some reason
Thor and Loki are always within reasonable distance, enough so they can keep an eye on you but also give some sense of privancy
Thor is def always the first one to step in
“Peter, please remove your hand from my sister’s behind.” “Oh uh, ye-yeah… sorry, Mr.Thor.”
Loki would find Peter amusing
He loves to mess with him whenever given the chance
“Ah, Peter. Good to see you. I’m sure Y/n informed you of our task today. Very impressed that you offered yourself as the sacrifice to the aliens-” “Wait, what? Y/n?!” “He’s kidding, Peter.”
Everyone in the Avenger’s tower knew Peter was lactose intolerant and knew the repercussions of the boy consuming any sort of dairy
(( he physically cannot leave the bathroom for a full day ))
Yet Loki regularly will swap Peter’s specially labeled almond milk with a jug of skim milk just for the hell of it
There’s something so hilarious to him about the look of panic and alarm that smacks abruptly across Peter’s face as he quickly stumbles out of the kitchen to his room
It keeps him laughing for days
You’ll just shoot your brother a look of disapproval, clearly certain it was his doing
“Loki, why did Peter run off?” “Not sure, darling sister, maybe he’s got one of those stomach bugs. I’ve heard Midgardians are prone to them…weak bodies and such.” "You switched out his milk again didn’t you.” “I haven’t the slightest clue what you’re accusing me of, little one.”
Thor is a bit more hesitant on accepting your relationship with his fellow Avenger
He trusts that Peter would never harm you
Although he did not trust that you would never be harmed because of Peter
It was risky enough that both your brothers were big names in space, as well on Earth, however
Thor knew Loki and himself were capable of protecting you but Peter?
He was just a kid, in Thor’s eyes
However the one thing that kept him from telling you this was seeing how happy Peter made you
As your older brother, Thor trusted your judgement and tried his best to be accepting of his little sister dating
And as much as he wanted to deny it, he saw crystal clear the care and love Peter gave to you and he wasn’t willing to break that for you
Thor is the type of brother to barge into a room and shove himself between Peter and yourself without warning
This man does not care at all
At least Loki has the decency to give you two space as a couple
Thor does not
He is constantly third wheeling on your dates and will ‘accidentally’ walk into rooms he knows you two are in claiming he forgot something
Not that he ever grabs anything,
He’ll usually just stand and stare at the two of you until you either leave the room or ask him to leave
To which he always answers,
But with a smile
A smug smile
PDA is something he will never be okay with
Thor will yank Peter back by the collar every time he sees his lips on yours and glare at him, “Man of spiders, I know you’re in love with my little sister but kissing her infront of me is too far.”
And Loki will physically gag just to piss you off
For the most part, your relationship with Peter is nearly perfect
It would be entirely perfect if you weren’t constantly worrying about him dying on a mission or getting hurt
But still, just like any couple, you had your moments
And when you did fight, it was typically over Peter’s safety or him not wanting you to tag along for a mission
Your common way of dealing with conflict was the silent treatment
Which is pure torture for Peter
Not only does he miss the sound of your voice
He misses having you around
Seeing your smile
Hearing you laugh from something he said
He felt terrible everytime
He’d go to Tony for advice and spend hours rambling on to him about how sorry he was for yelling at you and for adding to the fight
Tony would half listen while he worked away on a new system and suit, offering a ‘yeah’ and ‘hmm’ every few seconds which pleased Peter who thought his mentor was fully listening
And after almost two hours of his non-stop talking, Tony Stark had reached his limit
Setting his wrench down on the metal table with a thud he turned around to face the young boy
“Kid, why’re you saying all this to me and not her? I mean, I’m all ears but I’m also not Y/n. I know we’re both good looking so I can see why you mixed us up, but you should be talking to her right now.”
Similar to Peter you also had someone to confide in when the road got rocky
Loki had always been the one you shared all your secrets with
As children you were attached at the hip to both your brothers but Loki a smidgen more than Thor
Your father, Odin, had Thor at his side 24/7 growing up
While he was busy learning the ropes to ruling Asgard, Loki and yourself run amuck causing trouble left and right through the royal palace
Through the years of bonding Loki become your best friend, and you his
So when trouble struck in paradise, your older brother was the one you ran to
He’d welcome you with open arms and a questioning gaze
Loki is by far the best listener in your family
Instead of telling you what to do, he asks what you want, which is a refreshing change
After a long talk with Loki you’d search the tower high and low for Peter while ironically Peter was doing the same thing
When you did finally make-up, it felt like coming home
The apologies were so sincere and genuine
You’d end up having a sleepover in your room watching 80’s films that Peter claimed were ‘iconic’ and laying in his arms
And that’s where you felt complete
Fights never occurred often but bickering ???
You two bickered playfully over everything under the sun
Like who’s the better superhero; Ironman or Captain American
Debates between living in New York and living in Asgard
Loves to pull up Midgardian inventions and ask you to guess what it is “Princess, what do you think this is?” “Oh! Oh! I’ve seen this one! Tony has one in his kitchen!” “Okay, so what is it?” “Yes, it’s a chicken nugget maker!” “It’s actually an air fryer but we only ever make chicken nuggets in them so I’ll give you a half point.”
Peter sneaking out of your room at the crack of dawn and sprinting to his
As much as Thor and Loki liked him and supported the relationship
He was sure they’d both team up to murder him if they caught him sleeping in your bed
Steve and Tony, who seem to be incapable of sleep, have watched him tiptoe out of your room numerous times but they only share a look of amusement then go back to their previous discussion
Playing hide-n-go-seek and tag on rainy days at the tower
Cuddling in Peter’s bed while he asks you to tell him stories about Asgard
Loves hearing about your childhood and what it’s like to grow up with siblings
Is fascinated when you tell him about Heimdall
Stealing Peter’s hoodies
Especially his Midtown High School ones
They’re insanely soft
Sweet little kisses throughout the day
He's just so sweet and gentle
Loves getting to hold you and snuggle in his bed
Most weekends you spend lounging on the couch with Peter’s head in your lap while you play with his hair
Other times you’re sitting next to Peter on his bed watching him play some video game and asking a million questions “Who is that man, Peter?” “That’s me, he’s the main character of the game. That’s Mario, babe.” “You’re not Mario- you’re Peter.” “No, the main character of this game is Mario, I’m just playing him.” “Oh… and what is that green dinosaur creature?” “That’s Yoshi!” “Adorable.”
Making out between games
In terms of... y'know... sex
Neither of you were keen on rushing the process
You had tip toed on the line multiple times yet never fully crossed it
Until you had decided to make the first real move after being together for about five months
You trusted him with all your heart so it wasn't exactly scary, but rather exciting
He had a way of making you feel safe, comfortable, and loved all at once
Lets be honest, Peter nearly fainted the first time he saw you naked
And still, no matter how many times the two of you have sex,
He worships every inch of you like it was your first time all over again
You couldn't have asked for a better lover
Dating Peter means a new adventure everyday
You’re constantly learning new things about each other and from each other
Despite coming from two very different worlds
You’ve never felt more connected to a soul until Peter came along
393 notes · View notes
calpalirwin · 3 years
Mosaic Broken Hearts
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Summary: More secrets spill out the more your relationship with Bucky grows
Word Count: 4.4k
And away, and away we go!
Bright flashes of light, explosions, blood spattered everywhere, pain, indescribable pain. You screamed for it to stop.
“Hey,” a voice was calling out, a hand nudging at you. “Hey! Y/N! C’mon!”
You screamed louder as your eyes snapped open, scrambling to get out of bed, and promptly face planting on the floor in the process. “You have exactly five seconds to explain who the hell you are, and what the fuck you’re doing in my room before I kill you. One!” You made your voice as threatening impossible, as you pushed yourself up into a sitting position. Where the fuck was a prosthetic when you needed it? Could you kill this guy from the floor? Well… It’d be messy, but you sure as hell would try.
With your mind racing, it took a minute to register that your intruder was laughing. Why the fuck were they laughing?
“It’s me! It’s Bucky. You had a nightmare.”
Different flashes went through your head. Screaming in the lab for a knife. Bucky offering to carry you to your room. You asking him to stay. “Oh…”
“C’mon,” he said softly as he appeared in front of you. One of his arms went around your back, the other hooking under your left knee as he picked you up and set you back in bed. “Do you wanna talk about it, or just leave it?”
“I- Gimme a minute,” you told him, taking a series of long, slow deep breaths as the adrenaline pounding through your veins slowed. “Fuck… You’re just seeing every ounce of vulnerability I have, aren’t you?”
“Could have just as easily been me having the nightmare.”
“Only you wouldn’t have face-planted out of bed in the process. Or at least you would have been able to get up by yourself if you had,” you replied bitterly.
“Can you not play that tough guy role who has it all together all the time?”
“I dunno, let’s ask my pride.”
“I’m not going to judge you, if that’s what you’re worried about. Or think less of you, or whatever else your head is telling you I’m gonna do. You can’t scare me off, Y/N. The only thing you’re fighting here is your own pride.”
“Yes, I’m well aw-” you started, then sighed. “Thank you. I’m, uh… not used to this. So I’m probably gonna be bad at it for a while. But thank you. For staying and stuff. Now… if you wanna go ahead and be the vulnerable one for a bit, that would be fantastic.”
Bucky chuckled, his arm snaking across your shoulders to hold you loosely at his side. “I’m sure it’ll happen eventually. I’m pretty broken myself. And rumor has it you have a soft spot for broken things.”
“Aw, he pays attention, how sweet,” you teased, squishing his cheeks in your hand.
He chuckled again, and you admired the throaty sound of it. “So, the nightmare?”
You let out a sigh. “It’s always the same one. Two car accidents. Two explosions. Lots of blood. Lots of screaming. Which is ridiculous to me because one of the car accidents I wasn’t even there for. It was my parents, and I was just told about it. But I still dream about it like I was there.”
Bucky stiffened, and you assumed it was in sympathy to having nightmares about memories that weren’t your own. “And then the other accident is yours and Tony’s?”
You nodded. “Yep. My family should just stay away from cars. We don’t exactly have the best track record with them.”
“How old were you when it happened?”
“When what happened? My parents, or my leg getting blown off?”
“Both? If you feel comfortable. It’s fine if you want me to shut up.”
“No, it’s fine. I was��� Let’s see… I was 11 when my parents died. And I was 28 when I lost my leg.”
“You said after your parents died you went straight into the Army. How could you do that if you were 11?”
“Okay, so I left out some steps. My parents died. I finished school. Went to Westpoint, became an officer, then got shipped overseas. All the while Tony did whatever the hell it is Tony does.”
“And you were 28 when you had your accident, which means…”
“That I’m 36, yeah. Still younger than you, even though all that time spent frozen and whatever magic in that serum slows the aging process makes you look about 32.”
“I was going to say it means we were the same age when we had our incidents. But thanks for reminding me that I’m technically 99.”
You snorted. “God, my boyfriend’s old.”
“Shit… Jumped to conclusions… Fuck, sorry.”
“No, don’t be. I, uh, it’s fine. It’s more than fine.”
“Yes. I happen to like you quite a bit, Y/N. In case I haven’t made that obvious.”
“Good. Cuz I happen to like you quite a bit as well.”
Waking up in the morning with Bucky’s arm thrown around you was nice in a way you didn’t expect. While your friendship with him up until this point had already made you feel better than you had in longer than you could remember, the dating part was already adding to that feeling, even though it’d only been a handful of hours since you made the change from friends to boyfriends, most of which had been spent sleeping through the night. Bucky made you feel seen in a way you weren’t used to, and while it scared you, it also thrilled you. And it was more than just being able to see you. He understood you. He understood your pain. And it didn’t scare him. It was a relief to not feel so fucking alone, or have to put up a front.
Your problem now was not wanting to wake him up. He looked so peaceful, the long locks of brown hair acting as a curtain in front of his face. You knew if those fluttering eyelids flashed open, you’d find the most stunning pair of blue eyes, which was quite the statement considering you’ve known Steve for five years. Was it an unspoken requirement that you had to be god-level hot to be a super soldier? Or did the serum do that? Either way, it was grossly unfair.
You were awake, and your stomach was growling, and now you were in a predicament. One, despite your hunger, you didn’t want to leave your bed. There was a hot man in it with his arm flung around you. Two, getting out of bed when your prosthetic limb was still in the lab wasn’t going to be an easy task, unless you woke up said hot man sleeping in your bed. Which you didn’t want to do, because A.) he looked so peaceful and B.) you knew how hard peaceful sleep was to come by, so you didn’t want to be the one to ruin it for him. But god damn, you needed food. And to get to the lab to build a new leg.
It was fine. You could do this. You could get across the room to your closet where you had a pair of crutches without waking Bucky in the process. You were the king of stealth.
Through some small miracle, you managed to make it out of your room without waking Bucky, leaving behind a small note as to where he could find you.
As you made your way to the giant kitchen area, you remembered why you usually either hid in the lab until you made a new leg, or used an office chair to scoot about the place. These crutches were a pain in the ass, beads of sweat forming on your face by the time you got to the kitchen, where you came face to face with what could possibly be your worst fucking nightmare: the full team of half awake Avengers staring at you in shock.
“Morning,” you greeted, making it the rest of the way to a countertop, and leaning on it.
Mumbles of “hey”s and “morning”s chorused back at you, with the exception of Tony who went “Kid, get a chair. With wheels.”
Peter looked up from his bowl of cereal. “Got it, Mr. Stark,” he replied before dashing off.
“Tony, that’s not really necessary,” you started. “I’m just gonna grab something and head to the lab.”
“Don’t play the stubborn hero act. It’s annoying,” was all he replied with as Peter reappeared with an office chair. “Thanks, kid. Sit, Y/N. Toast?”
“Thanks, Peter,” you smiled gratefully, easing into the chair, leaving the crutches leaning against the counter. “And yeah, toast or whatever’s fine, Tony. Thank you.”
“So cordial, are you sure you’re a Stark?” Steve teased.
“Ha-ha,” you deadpanned, scooting your way over to the table.
“Your leg okay?” he followed up with genuine concern.
“Which one?” you asked sardonically.
“Yep, definitely a Stark.”
“So hanging around the Manchurian Candidate helping you embrace amputee life finally?” Tony asked, setting a plate of toast before you.
“Actually it was an explosion that made me embrace amputee life. You were there, remember?”
“My brother, the comedian,” he said with an eye roll. “You know what I meant.”
You shrugged your shoulders. “I mean I guess. It’s still not something I’m gonna go around mentioning for the hell of it. Kinda like how you don’t go around mentioning certain things.”
“Mentioning your business isn’t my business, Y/N, it’s yours.”
“I appreciate the discretion.”
“I’m sorry,” a man spoke up. “Is anyone else lost, or just me?”
“Scott, this is,” Tony started, but thought better of it. “Fuck it, it’s your business, you tell it.”
“Y/N Stark. Tony’s younger brother. Ex-military. Not an Avenger, I just live here,” you rattled off the basics. “Oh, and my right leg below the knee is fake thanks to yours truly,” you pointed at Tony. “Well, right now it’s non existent because I had to stab the prosthetic I did have. Different story, different time.”
“Whoa, whoa, whoa,” Tony interjected as people stared at him with their mouths open in shock. “I did not blow off your leg. Stark weapons did.”
“Same difference. And it wasn’t meant maliciously. Just a fact. Anyway, I’m pretty easy to find if you need me because I’m usually in the lab. Speaking of, do you need me today, Tony?”
“No, we’re fine.”
“Cool. Cuz I gotta make a new leg.”
“Aw,” Bucky’s voice pouted from behind you, “and I was starting to like carrying you around.” He pressed a quick kiss to your cheek. “You could’ve woken me up,” he murmured.
“Um… what is this?” Tony asked, waving a finger between you and Bucky.
“None of your concern,” you replied bluntly.
“Bullshit it’s not. Hanging out with him is one thing, Y/N. But whatever that is, shut it down, and shut it down now.”
“I’m going to say this as respectfully as possible 1.) because we’re family and 2.) because I don’t want my morning to become more of a spectacle than it already has been. But you don’t get a say in how I live my life. You had your chance to be involved after Mom and Dad died, and you ran away from that chance. And I try really hard not to hold a grudge against you for that. And I appreciate everything you’ve done for me since our accident. But I’m a grown ass man, Tony. Who I chose to involve myself with is none of your concern.”
“Oh, so you’re fine with your new boyfriend being a mass murderer?”
You laughed. You laughed so hard you doubled over in your chair, your sides aching and tears forming in your eyes. “That’s the best fuckin’ joke I’ve ever heard!” you kept howling with laughter. “Mass murderer boyfriend, do you hear this shit? Cuz the rest of us in this room are so innocent, right? Cuz our hands aren’t covered in the blood of someone else? Oh, God! Yeah, you’re gonna have to try a lot harder than that, Tony.” You snorted. “Mass murderer. Yep. That’s a good one.”
Your brother’s eyes flashed darkly. “So, you’re aware that part of his mass murder history includes our parents? Or did Sergeant Barnes conveniently leave that out?”
You stopped laughing as you glanced upwards at Bucky. His hands were gripped tightly on the back of your chair, the knuckles on his right hand white from the force of the grip. His body was rigid, eyes screwed shut. “What?” you croaked out in a barely audible whisper.
“Yeah. The reason you got robbed of a childhood with Mom?” Tony clicked his tongue, pointing at Bucky. “Right there.”
You continued to look up at Bucky who stayed in his frozen state. “Tell me he’s lying,” you pleaded quietly. When Bucky still didn’t move, you shoved a hand into his chest. “Tell me he’s lying, Bucky!”
Slowly Bucky opened his eyes, his face, his gorgeous face, a painting of pain and sorrow. “I’m sorry…”
You hated this. You hated Tony for blowing up your life a second time. You hated Bucky for not telling you this himself. And you hated yourself for daring to believe that for once you could be happy. But you’d be damned if you’d let them see you break. You took a slow breath, sealing yourself off, the walls building around you. “I have work to do,” you said, starting to push away in your chair, but Bucky’s grip still held you in place.
“Y/N,” he said in a cracked voice. “Y/N, please.”
“You have exactly five seconds to let go of my chair, Sergeant Barnes, before I break your hands. One,”
“Please, let me explain.”
“Three. I swear I’ll break those hands. Metal or not.”
“Love, please don’t do this…”
“Four,” you continued to count, feeling your voice start to shake at the way he called you “love.”
He let go, and you pushed yourself quickly out of the room, not daring to look back.
In the lab, you tried to distract your brain, but it still raced. There were so many swirling parts, and you were so angry that you couldn’t pinpoint what was actually making you angry.
Footsteps and a throat clearing had you snapping up your head, body tense, not ready to face either Bucky or Tony. So when you saw it was Steve, your defenses fell. “Hey, Steve,” you greeted half-heartedly.
“Hey. How you feeling?” he asked, testing the waters as he slowly made his way to you.
“I’m not gonna bite your head off if that’s what you’re worried about.”
“Don’t think I could blame you if you did. What happened back there was… intense. Tony was out of line.”
“When isn’t Tony out of line?”
“Fair point. But hey, I’m here if you want someone to scream at. Someone to help answer any of the thousand of questions running through your head.”
“I don’t want to scream at anyone. Kill Tony, maybe. But I’m kinda used to that feeling. I just… Fuck, I dunno, Steve. I don’t know what to be mad at, or about. I just know that I’m mad. Hurt. I’m hurt.”
“So start at the beginning. Work through it.”
“It’s true, right? What Tony said about Bucky?”
He nodded. “Yeah. I’m sorry.”
“How long did everyone know?”
“It came out when we brought Bucky in. So a few months now. Obviously Bucky knew longer.”
“Obviously,” you snorted, then sighed. “Well, that explains Tony’s feelings towards Bucky.”
“But it’s still not an excuse for how it came out. There was a way to handle that situation and that wasn’t it. So if you want to be angry with Tony for that, you’re well within your right.”
“Oh, I’m livid. Like don’t trust myself alone in a room with him, livid. And I hate the position it puts me in. Being mad at him for telling me the truth. Sounding like an ungrateful, spoiled brat.”
“You can appreciate what Tony’s done for you while hating the circumstances that led to it. It doesn’t have to be black and white.”
“I deal in absolutes, Steve. It’s what makes the most sense to me. Facts. Fact: my parents died. Fact: Bucky caused their accident. Fact: their death shaped the way I lived my life, and the way Tony lived his. Fact: Tony’s actions ruined my life, not once, but twice now.”
“And where does that leave you with Bucky?”
You sighed. “That’s where things get convoluted. Fact: he was brainwashed as the Winter Soldier. So I can’t hold that against him. And I don’t. Me knowing Bucky caused their accident doesn’t make them less dead. So as stupid as it seems, I’m not mad about that. I’m mad he didn’t tell me himself. But even then? Part of me can still understand why he didn’t. I mean, there were things about my past I kept from him. And at what point do you drop a bomb like that?”
“So where does all of that leave you?”
“I don’t know. That’s the problem. Part of me wants to clock Tony for running his mouth. Part of me is screaming that this is exactly why I don’t let people in. And part of me is still stupidly head over heels in love with Bucky, even though I feel like my trust in him got betrayed.”
“In love with him? Does Bucky know?”
You shook your head. “We barely started dating. And I mean barely. Like it happened last night barely.”
“And now it’s already potentially over.”
“Well. And you can do whatever you want with this advice. But, it sounds like the real issue is with Tony, not Bucky. So try not to confuse the two.”
“But how do I trust him, Steve? I laid everything out on the line, and he couldn’t do the same for me.”
“Sounds like you trust him just fine if you’re able to do all that. So is your real hurt, with Bucky at least, in the fact that you feel he doesn’t trust you back? I mean, and correct me if I’m wrong, but this is just my observations. You don’t let that vulnerable side of you show often, if ever. I mean, everyone back there expected you to rip Tony’s head from his shoulders and you barely raised your voice. You have a very tight control on your feelings. You have a very tight control on what you let others around you in on. So if you allowed yourself to be vulnerable to Bucky, I can understand how that powershift makes you feel out of control. I can see how any indication of him not trusting you back is a huge act of betrayal in your mind. It’s like you loaded the gun, and handed it to him yourself.”
“Have I ever told you how much you scare me with how observant you are?”
Steve chuckled. “I knew Bucky a long time before he was the Winter Soldier. He’s not gonna be the guy to let you down. But me telling you that, and you believing it are two totally different things.”
“So what do I do, Steve?”
“You gotta figure that out for yourself. But talking might be a good place to start.”
“Thanks. Seriously. This helped me a lot.”
“Anytime, Y/N.”
Your next visitor was Tony. “So…” he started, peering over your shoulder at the leg you were halfway finished with. “Break up with him yet?”
“So… find a new way to blow up my life yet?” you fired back.
His jaw clenched. “Blew up your life by telling you the truth?”
“Blew up my life by fucking ruining everything, actually. I was happy, Tony. Actually fucking happy. And you let me have that for all of what? 30 seconds?”
“So you’d rather your happiness be fake? Be a lie then?”
“It wasn’t fake, that’s the thing! Look, I get that you hate him. I get that you and Steve were at odds with each other because of Bucky. And I get that hearing the news that he’s the reason for our parents’ death doesn’t make you exactly keen on being his friend, or having him around here. But, God, Tony! There were a million different ways you, or Bucky could have clued me in on things. And of course, you went with the one that would hurt him the most, not even hesitating long enough to think about how it would hurt me in the process. I knew you were a spiteful bastard, but this is a new low, even for you. Whatever happened to ‘it’s not my business to tell’?”
“That’s why I’m here to apologize.”
“That was an apology?”
“It would be if you let me get there.”
“Well, go on then.”
“I’m sorry. I’m sorry that I let my issues with Dad get in the way of me being there for you after they died. Not that at the age I was in any way ready or capable of taking on the responsibility of looking after a kid. And I’m sorry that it led you down a path of eventually getting caught in the crossfire of my mistakes with the company. And I’m sorry for how I handled the news of you and Barnes and the subsequent fallout.”
“Wow,” was all you could come up with to say. Tony wasn’t exactly the apologetic or remorseful type. He was the “throw money at the situation in hopes it went away” type, a classic Howard Stark trait Tony had been unfortunate enough to inherit, alongside the arrogance. And yet, here he was, apologizing to you for everything. And all you could say was, “Wow.”
“Yeah, great talk. If you connect those two wires, you should be good,” he said, nodding his chin at your leg.
You looked at it, “Oh. Thanks.”
“I mean it,” you said as he started to walk out. “The apology? Thanks.”
“Yeah, if we could not mention it, that’d be great.”
You let out a small laugh. “Works for me.”
Your final visitor was Bucky. “Been wondering when you’d show,” you said, as you walked around the lab, testing the newest prosthetic.
“Yeah, I, uh… would’ve been by sooner but I got caught up in a few things.”
“Is that so?”
“Yeah, I might have gone off on Tony after you left. And then Steve might have banned me from seeing you until I calmed down. And by the time I did that, he had already talked to you, and Tony was in here. So I talked to Steve. And… yeah.”
“You mean I missed out on another fight between you and Tony? Damn.”
“Heh, yeah… And look, I’m not here to act like an apology is going to magically make this all okay-”
“Good,” you cut him off. 
He sighed. “But I am sorry.”
“I don’t want your apology. I don’t need it.”
“Then… Could you yell at me, or something? This eerily calm thing is really freaking me out. Yell at me, Y/N. Tell me you hate me. Tell me I’m the reason you’re broken. Something. Anything.”
You paused in your small laps around the lab, looking at him in confusion. “Why would I do that? I’m not the starry-eyed prince who cries when his knight in shining armor isn’t real.”
“I- What?”
You winced at your words. “Bad analogy. I meant that I’m not the type who’s going to cry and scream every time my feelings get hurt. So if you’re waiting for that to happen, it’s not going to.”
“Y/N, please… I don’t know what to do here. I want to make this right. Tell me how.”
“There’s nothing to make right. I’m not mad at you, Bucky.”
“You’re not?”
“No! You were fucking mind-controlled for half of a god damn century. And Howard wasn’t exactly winning Dad of the Year Awards. Fuck, I can’t even find it in myself to be mad that you didn’t tell me. I’m hurt, Bucky, but I’m not mad.”
“I didn’t want to hurt you, that’s the thing. And I know. I know I had so many chances to tell you, and I didn’t. But how do you tell someone that without hurting them?”
“God damn it!” you snapped, your temper flashing before you could reel it back in. “That’s not why I’m hurt, Bucky. I’m hurt that I trust you, and you feel that you can’t trust me back. I’ve trusted you with parts of me I don't let anyone even get near. Hell, I’ve known the original crew of Avengers for five years, and today’s the first time they figured out I’m an amputee. That’s how hard it is for me to let my walls down. And I let you break them like they were nothing. And as great as it is to feel chosen for once, I cannot fuckin’ stand that it’s one-sided. Trust me back, Bucky. Let me choose you back!”
He took a step towards you. “Love, I-”
There it was again. “Love.” God, did he know what he was doing to you when he called you that? “Can’t do it? Think you’re too broken, and you’re gonna scare me off?” you asked.
“No, that’s not what I was going to say.”
“Then what were you going to say?”
“I...don’t know actually.” He took a few more steps until he was mere inches from you.
“Well, you know where to find me when you figure it out.”
You turned to leave, but his hand wrapped around your wrist, twisting you back around the strength and suddenness of the movement causing a splintering sound in your newest prosthetic while you collided into his chest, both of your eyes wide. “Shit!” Bucky swore. “Okay, that was not supposed to happen.”
“Bucky…” you growled, both in agitation that your new leg was already broken, and in slight desperation of if he didn’t hold you steady soon, you were going to face-plant into the floor.
Thankfully, he understood the hint, and more. His arms snaked around you, holding you upright while his head tilted down, his lips crushing into yours. “Please choose me back?” he whispered desperately against your mouth.
“Not choosing you back was never an option, Bucky,” you assured, your arms wrapping around his neck and deepening the kiss.
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@cxddlyash​ @stanofalotofthings​ @philthepegacorn​ @youngblood199456​ @binxiboo​ @creator-appreciator​ @felixtok​ @iknowyouthinkimbulletproof​ @jessalyn-jpeg​ @lilyoflower​ @mychemicalimagines​  @milea​ @partiesandblurrypolaroids​ @summerdaughter​
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I’m Fine! (Stark!Reader)
Request: “the reader was snapped instead of Peter and it was Tony’s Daughter and that’s why he snapped his finger and when she comes back Peter has moved on with Michelle and the reader has to get over losing Peter and her father”
Word count:1205
I hope this is good
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MCU Masterlist
Y/N looked around, “Dad?”
She walked over to him, “Dad, dad, please. I don’t wanna die.”
She fell into his arms and he held her. “It’s okay.”
“Dad, I don’t wanna go. Please, I don’t wanna.”
“You won’t. I promise.”
She slowly felt herself fade, “I’m sorry.” 
Tony fell slightly as her body disappeared. Nebula stayed away and Peter placed his hand on Tony’s shoulder, “Tony, we need to go.”
“Tony, c’mon.”
Tony turned to Peter, “She was your girlfriend. Why are you wanting to just leave?”
“Because I know the sooner we back to Earth, the sooner we can get her back.”
“Yeah, yeah, you’re right kid. Let’s go.”
Y/N ran over to her dad, “Oh my god! You won’t believe it! I thought I had died, but I guess I just fell asleep because when I go t back you and Peter weren’t there but Mr. Strange was and he was like, ‘c’mon kid, we gotta go, it’s been 5 years.’ And then he did the sparkly thing with his hands and --oh, this is nice.”
She wrapped her arms around him. “It’s good to have you back kid.”
“Yeah, so what’s going on? What happened?”
Y/N ran over to where her dad was there sitting. She slid and kneeled down next to him. “Dad? Dad please. I just go back. I can’t loose you.”
Pepper moved to be next to her. Y/N numbly listened to Pepper speaking. She just leaned her head into his chest and held in the sob as she felt his chest stop rising.
Y/N stood in front of the apartment. Waiting for him to answer. Surprised when someone else opened the door. “Oh, MJ, I’m sorry, I must’ve went to the wrong door. I’m looking for Peter.”
“Yeah, he thought you’d be coming by. I’ll go get him.”
Y/N stood awkwardly in the hallway. She shifted her feet back and forth whilst waiting for Peter. “Y/N.” 
She looked up at Peter and smiled, “Hey, uh...May told me you lived here now. I didn’t know you lived with MJ now.”
He closed the door behind him and walked out into the hallway with her. “Yeah. 3 years now.”
“Wow. Um...so--”
“Listen Y/N. I didn’t think we would get you back.”
Her face fell, “Oh.”
“Well, I did at first, but then a year past and I realized maybe we wouldn’t. Then about a year and a half after you disappeared, MJ asked me out and I said yes. I didn’t think it would matter because--”
“Because you thought I wouldn’t come back. I get it. You moved on. It’s alright. But I was wanting to tell you, the funeral is tomorrow at the cabin.”
“I’ll see you there.”
“It’s alright Peter. I’m fine, really.”
Y/N sat in the living room. Everyone else was outside while she cried silently. She quickly wiped away the tears when she felt the couch fall a bit. “Hey kid.”
“Hey Happy.”
“I noticed you were missing. What’re doing hiding up in here?”
“I’m fine.”
“That’s not what I asked.”
She looked at him, “But you were gonna.” 
He laughed lightly, “Alright, I was. But just like with Tony, I can tell you’re lying.”
“I’m not! I’m fine! I mean, sure, I come back after 5 years, my dad died immediately, and I find out the guy I was in love with moved on and I hadn’t even died! I’m fine!”
She sobbed and he pulled her into a hug. He rubbed her back as she cried, “I know kid. It’s alright.”
“W-why did it have to happen? Why di-did it ha-ave to be m-me? W-why did i-it have to b-b-b-b-be dad?”
“I don’t know kid, I don’t know.”
It had been a few weeks since it all happened. She was getting adjusted to school again. Actually, she was happy because Ned had disappeared too so she still had him.
“It was so weird! Like, one minute I’m sitting in my room rebuilding the Death Star and the next I hear these people screaming!”
Y/N laughed, “Try waking up and immediately going back to fighting!”
“That had to be crazy!”
“It was! I lowkey was thinking, ‘can I have like 5 minutes? No, ugh, fine!’.”
“Oh, did you hear about about Peter and MJ?”
“What about them?”
“Apparently their engaged.”
“Yeah. I haven’t really seen them much. Still mad that he just replaced you.”
Y/N smiled lightly, “It was weird, but now I guess I just realize how it was bound to happen.”
“But still! It’s not fair! I mean, you loose your dad and feel like you lost the only guy who actually understood you!”
“I didn’t loose Peter.”
“You kinda did.”
“I guess kinda goes.”
“Sorry, how are you doing about everything?”
“Alright. It was hard at first. I mean, loosing my dad and finding out I’m single was hard, but now, I’m slowly getting over it.”
“That’s good. Oh! Wanna come over and we can play some games?”
“I have the Death Star.”
“Yeah! I got it Freshman year. Dad put it in storage after I disappeared. I can pick it up and we can build it.”
“Let’s do it!”
Pepper got up from her corner in the living room and walked over to the door after they heard a knock. Y/N and Ned were still building the Death Star and she stopped when she heard Pepper speak. “Oh Peter! Come in dear!”
Y/N looked at Ned and smiled, “I’m fine! Just caught off guard!” She placed the Lego in place.
“Sorry for the surprise. I just needed to speak with you.”
“Of course, come into the living room with me.” Y/N looked over and saw Peter and Pepper walking into the room. She turned back and continued to help build it.
“Oh Pepper, I think I really should just tell you now.”
“Well what is it then?”
“MJ and I are going to get married.”
“Oh! Well--I--that’s wonderful!” She turned to Y/N, “Isn’t that wonderful.”
“Yeah, thanks for telling me Ned.”
“Anytime girl.” She held her hand out and they did the handshake of Ned’s and Peter’s.
Y/N flipped the page of her book. “Y/N?” She looked up and saw MJ standing at the door, “Can I ask you a question?”
“You just did.”
“I mean, are you okay? I never see you around when I’m with Peter at the new compound and I thought you were an Avenger.”
“I am. I just have been busy with school.”
“Oh right, you’re in your Junior year, right?”
“Yeah, I’ll be a Senior in about 6 months.”
“Yeah, it feels like such a long time since I was one.”
“It’s been like, 4 years. But okay.”
“That’s not what I wanted to ask.”
“Then what was it?”
“Are you over Peter?”
“Yeah? I am. Why wouldn’t I be?”
She shrugged, “Was just asking.”
“Okay, well, could you leave?”
“Cause it’s my room.”
“Is that really all?”
Y/N watched as MJ left. Y/N  still liked Peter, but she was slowly getting better. It was just her dad she worried about. Since everywhere she looked still reminded herself of him.
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non-stop-imagines · 3 years
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The Man with the Metal Arm (Part 13)
Here’s Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7 Part 8 Part 9 Part 10 Part 11 Part 12
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Black!Reader
Word Count: 4.2k
Warnings: Cute, slightly suggestive, mention of ex, plot thickens
A/N: Heeyyyy, how y'all doin?? 😎 I know it’s been more than a while since I have written, and I apolagize for that. School, as always, got me all the way fucked up, luckily summer courses have started which are shorter and (for me) all online soooo. Also my 21st b-day is coming 🥳 so you know I’m excited for that. Anyway, I started writing this like half way through TFATWS bc Bucky with personality was good inspiration. Anyway, hope y’all enjoy. Love you all!💛❤️💛❤️💛
Man with the Metal Arm TAGS LIST: @storibambino @cutiepiemimi13 @this-chan @elaindeereads @letsshamelessqueen-m @lokislilcaribbeanprincess @shakzer00 @lahjatheblackbrat
UNIVERSAL TAGS LIST: @beautifulwisdom2001 @thottio @jetaimeamore @mixedfandxms @here-for-your-bullshit
Requests are Closed, if you want to be added to the tags list for this series or wrting with Bucky in general, just ask.
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A couple weeks later you find yourself moving around your place, picking up dishes here, wiping off a surface there, moving to the music of your 60s Playlist that played to the lone earphone in your right ear. Louise was taking a nap in her room and has been since 4 that afternoon. It was now 6 pm. Were you gonna regret it later when all she'll want to do is play or watch a movie or dance to music at 11 pm? Possibly. But right now all you know is that the house was quiet, everyone you know and love are safe, and tomorrow was one of the few Saturdays you had off and all you were planning to do was watch TV in either the comfy pajamas you own or in your underwear. You still had to choose, and maybe you could just have Peter watch Lou. If so you should text him now. Your thoughts began to drift, wondering if May would be there to help Peter, wondering if you could plan some sort of day out with her and Imani soon, but the thoughts were brought to an abrupt halt when you hear a knock at the door. You quickly move over to look out the peephole, swiftly pulling back to open the door when you see that it's Bucky.
"Hey, how are you doing today?" Bucky chuckles as you jump into his arms, squeezing his neck in a tight hug. "Woah there, we just talked last night."
"Yeah, but I haven't had affectionate contact, or any physical contact for that matter, from the man that I love for 3 weeks. I'm touch starved, you can’t blame me.” You speak into his neck, taking hefty sniffs of the cologne you love so much and rubbing your face on his few day old stubble. Bucky continues to hold onto your clinging body as he takes a few steps inside your place to close the door.
“Fine, I guess. Where’s Louise?” Bucky sets you down and lightly pulls at a few coils that stuck out of your pulled back puff as you continue to rub at the stubble that adorned his face and study his tired eyes. He always looked tired, even if he had a full night's sleep.
“Taking a nap.” He cocks an eyebrow at your word with unsaid concern. “I know she’ll be up all night, but I’ve gotten so much done.” You whine, gesturing to the kitchen. That doesn’t stop Bucky from looking around the entrance and the living room, which is currently slightly cluttered with Lou’s toys and coloring apparatuses. “I know, I’m not working as fast as I should be, I may have taken a couple short naps here and there.” Bucky just sighs and gives you a lingering peck on the forehead before moving around you to start picking up toys.
“What are you doing for dinner?” Bucky stands and turns to look at you, stretching and groaning as he does.
“I ordered pizza.” You smile, rubbing his jaw as you head back to the kitchen.
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Right as Bucky closed the door after accepting the pizza from the delivery person, almost as if it was staged, a small voice came from the door of Lou’s room.
“Do we get pi- BUCKY!” The little girl with her hair still askew, sprints to Bucky and clings onto his right leg.
“Woah there, Puff. Let me set this down first.” You watch through the pass-through from the kitchen as Bucky limps over to the living room table. “What is it with you and your mom and clinging to me today.” A squealing giggle is earned from his comment before he finally sets the pizza down, swiftly picking up Lou in return and swinging her around.
“Is Uncle Steve and Uncle Sam coming, too?” Lou runs her little hands through Bucky’s hair as Bucky’s eyes met yours before he made a choice decision.
“Uh, no. I thought it could just be you, me and your mom.” Lou’s hands stop what they’re doing and Bucky watches as tears well up in her eyes. The next moment consisted of a hard toddler yank to Bucky’s hair, that had you running in to pull her off of him and setting her on the ground.
“What in the world, was that?” Your voice was stern, but it wasn’t a yell, and it definitely held your four year old’s attention.
“I want to see Uncle Sam and Uncle Steve.” Lou inexpertly crosses her arms and scrunches her face. The attitude doesn’t go fully unchecked when you change your stance to match hers, shifting your weight to one side and crossing your arms, but instead your face sported a cocked eyebrow.
“Fix your tone, little girl.” Silence rests between the two of you, with Bucky standing off to the side, not knowing what to do. “Now,” you squat down at first to meet your daughter's eyeline, but when your knees begin to fail on you, you go for a straight kneel before you continue. “I know you like when Steve and Sam come around. They are a lot of fun aren’t they?” Your question receives a small head nod which allows you to continue. “Your Uncle Steve and Uncle Sam love you very much, but they can’t always be here. I will see if they can come over soon, but you cannot do this again. When you want something, you ask nicely, and if you can’t have what you want right now, what you just did is a no-no. Now apologize to Bucky for pulling his hair.”
“Sorry Bucky.” Lou’s voice trembles as she walks over to Bucky. He picks her up onto his hip and hugs her close after using his unoccupied hand to help you up off the ground.
“Hey, kiddo. It’s okay. I’m fine.” Bucky’s calm voice soothes her before the crying even starts.
“Hey, let me take her. Can you go get some plates?” Bucky nods and hands Louise off, but fluffs her hair once before he goes to get the plates. “I love you, babygirl. So much.” You bring her close to kiss and take a whiff of her scent that honestly hasn’t changed since she was born. “You want some pizza?” Lou nods lightly so you set her down on the couch and head back the kitchen to get everyone something to drink, right as Bucky comes back with the plates. “Show Bucky what piece you want.”
A couple hours later, two empty pizza boxes laid empty on the table and a tired four year old layed asleep with her head on Bucky’s thigh and her feet occasionally kicking you. “Thirteen hours of labor and this is the thanks I get.” You grumble under your breath after receiving one last kick before standing up to clean the dinner dishes. You take one last look at Bucky and his loving gaze on your daughter before heading back to the kitchen. As you put the cups in the sink you laugh at the devious thankfulness you have for your daughter's temper tantrum and crying earlier because that never fails to knock her out and hopefully her circadian rhythm will take over.
“I’m gonna go put her down.” You jump out of your thoughts when you hear Bucky’s voice behind you at the entrance of the kitchen. “Oh, sorry.”
“No, it’s fine. I was just, in my head.” You shake the water off your hands and turn around. “Uh, yeah. Go ahead and put her down, if you don’t mind.”
“No, not at all. Uh, do you want me to wrap her hair?” He gently adjusts her on his hip, freezing when she shifted in her sleep.
“Nah, not necessary. It might wake her up, and I don’t want her to wake up. I might regret this choice later but right now, I don’t care.” You finish your spiel with your lightly bubble covered hand against the counter behind you. Bucky just slowly nods and heads back to your daughter’s bedroom.
Fifteen minutes later, you found yourself in your room, quietly making out with your boyfriend. He sat on the foot of your bed, hands gripping your ass as your tongues fervently danced together. Once the moment to come up for air came, you took that opportunity to push Bucky back onto the bed, and then sent a welcomed attack on his lips that had him pulling you closer than what would be considered humanly possible. After some time, his lips moved down to your neck, the scratch of his facial hair sending goosebumps all over your body.
“Ah, James…” The words quietly drip from your mouth, and the vibration from his chuckled response causes you to moan quietly.
“Oh, it’s James now. Okay.” His right hand begin to trail up and down your torso, gently lifting your shirt until its finally up over your head. He flips the two of you over and sits back on his heels to get a look at you. “Say my name again. Please.” His voice is deep, sultry, and you watch as he slowly gets up from the bed and move to the foot of the bed, lightly griping your leggings.
“James.” Your words start Bucky’s removal of you pants, hooded eyes keeping your gaze on his, but after a few seconds the removal stops.
“Again.” You do as told and he continues, slowly pulling at leggings with help from you shimmying. This repeating continued until your pants are finally off, but a small detail that Bucky didn't pay attention to was how your words began to slur together and fade off, and how your shimmies became less vigorous, so by the time Bucky had removed his own shirt and pants, all he saw when he looked up was you asleep, head fallen to the side and a small amount of drool already escaping from your mouth. “She did seem pretty tired.” Bucky goes into the top right drawer of dresser to get one of your big night shirts then reaching into the adjacent drawer filled with his own items that he brings over whenever he stays the night for a pair of pajama pants. He pulls on your night shirt for you and tries his best to tie on your scarf before finally climbing into bed next to you, pulling you into his body before finally falling asleep.
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Lou’s little feet pad along the wooden floor, first to your side of the bed to attempt to wake you up, but when the effort led to a fruitless reward, she moves over to where Bucky was laying.
"Bucky." Lou begins to shake at his back which was currently facing her direction, and once she sees him stir slightly she continues. "Bucky, wake up Bucky." She climbs into the bed and sits on her tucked under legs and starts to play with his hair again. He got a rather drastic hair cut a week ago, and she's just been trying to familiarize herself with the style. The light touch of her fingers and the sing-songy way say repeated his name eventually had him awake enough to flip over and look at her.
"What's up, Puff?" He wraps an arm around her as she pushes the Rouge hairs on his forehead out of his face.
"I'm hungry." Her focus still on Bucky’s forehead.
"What time is it?" Bucky tries his hardest to stall fully getting out of bed, but deep down he knew it was a frivolous effort.
"Time for breakfast." She now begins to lightly tap out a beat on Bucky's head, so he answers quickly to get it to stop.
"Okay, okay. Go turn on something for us to watch. I'll be out there in a second." The child immediately leaped of the bed and ran to the living room, giving Bucky room to look at his phone on his night stand for the time. 6:00 am. He slowly makes his way out of the bed, pulling on his shirt that was still sprawled out on the floor and heads out to the kitchen to start breakfast, but not before giving you a light peck on the forehead.
Your internal alarm clock had you stretching and reaching for your phone at 8:45 am. It just so happened that as you scrolled through your notifications, eyeing texts from Imani and Sherry about their dates with Steve and Sam respectively, you nose catches a whiff a heavenly smelling breakfast, and the equally heavenly sound of both Louise’s and Bucky’s laughter from outside your bedroom door. So after going through and responding to said texts, you get up and pull some shorts on under your nightshirt and head out to the kitchen.
"Hi, mommy! Me and Bucky are making breakfast." Lou's little head pops out from around Bucky’s torso. “He let me pour the waffle dough.”
“It’s called batter, Puff.” Bucky turns his head to smile at you. “Morning.”
“Morning.” You walk over and lightly kiss his lips then look over his shoulder to see the waffle iron closed and steaming. “Be careful, baby.” You feel your child’s, now daunting, curls, and watch them bounce as she nods to display that she was listening.
“Hey, we should go on a date tonight.” You blink from behind the refrigerator door, watching as Bucky unknowingly lifts Lou off of the step stool and moves the waffle iron next to the sink but back toward the backsplash.
“Uh… okay. Where did this come from?” You grab orange juice from the fridge and close the door, reaching in the upper cabinets to grab cups.
“It would be a redo of our first date.” You totally forgot the night was cut short due to Louise being sick. The part of the date that had occurred was nice, and having him there to help you was also great, but it did suck that a whole portion of the night had to be cut.
“Oh yeah. Well, uhh, if you have something in mind, I just have to see if I can get someone to babysit at such short notice.” You finally sit down at the table with your plate filled with a waffle, a couple pieces of bacon and some eggs.
“Well, I can tell you that Imani and your other friend, uh-ah-Sherry, yeah, they won’t be available.” You look up from scrolling through you phone with a playfully cocked eyebrow.
“And you know this how?” You take a bite of waffle, eagerly awaiting his answer.
“Well, Sam is still trying to woo Sherry, and apparently,” He raises his hands in defense before continuing. “Apparently, Imani has been keeping Steve very busy.” You nearly choke on the waffle your were chewing on trying to stifle your laugh, but the noise and the subject at hand earned your daughters attention from the living room.
"Do I get to see Uncle Steve and Uncle Sam today?!" Her question came out as an excited squealing as she whipped her head back to look at you two.
"Uh, no, babygirl. Not today, but you might be able to hang out with Peter. How does that sound?” You watch as a bright smile spreads across your daughters face and her curls begin to bounce as she hops up from her spot at the coffee table.
“Peter! Yay Peter! My boyfriend!” You and Bucky both stop and look at each other, stifling your laughs.
“You like Peter, huh?” You finish your text asking Peter of he’s free to babysit tonight, and take another bite of waffle.
“Yeah, he’s my bestfriend!” You nod, still holding in a chuckle as Louise smiles brightly.
At that moment you receive a text back from Peter:
Peter Parker (Babysitter):
I would love to watch Louise tonight! I just have some homework to do that I can do while I watch her. But is it ok if I come over there to watch her? May has a date tonight.
Perfect, now you don't have to take Lou there then come back and you can just leave from your place instead. You answered Peter confirming plans and then look back up at Bucky. "Wait, where exactly are we going? I haven't seen you make any reservations recently." You finally place your phone down to finish your breakfast.
"We won't need them." He just give you a toothy grin as he gets up from his seat to clean up his spot. Then you watch him with your signature cocked eyebrow as he comes around to give you a kiss on your scarved hair. "Always so skeptical."
"Fine then Mr. 'I Got This', what should I wear to this date that you got all planned out?" You get up from your spot to clean your dishes and Bucky heads to the living room to say bye to Louise. He thinks for a second before answering.
"Remember the outfit you wore when we took Louise to the giant Toys R Us? The outfit with the cardigan and the jeans?" You nod from your spot as you continue cleaning dishes. "Something like that, kinda casual."
"Well, thank you for being so specific." He nods and finally gets to Louise, whose focus was being held by Saturday morning cartoons, in this case it was Looney Toons.
"Hey, Puff. I'm heading out but I'll be back tonight to take your Mommy out, okay?" He picks her up so she could be at eyeline with him.
"Okay. Where are you taking her?" Lou's hands wander back to Bucky's hair, the little hands rubbing at the short hair bringing Bucky a sort of peace.
"It's a surprise. But I'll tell you all about it right after, promise." Lou nods at Bucky's words then gives him a kiss on the cheek goodbye, that being Bucky's cue to set her back down. "Alright, I'll be back to pick you up around 7, alright?" Bucky's keys jingle as he pulls his shoes back on.
"Okie dokie, love you." You speak to him from the sink thought the pass through.
"Love you too. Both of you." And with these words he leaves, leaving a hopeful feeling for tonight's festivities.
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It was now 6:30, and you were still stationed in the bathroom, a bit past starting your make up.
"Ms. Y/L/N, can Louise have some ice cream? She keeps asking and I just wanted to check." Peter pops his head into the bathroom. "You look very nice by the way."
"Thank you, Peter. Um, has she eaten all of her dinner yet?" You go back to dusting some shimmery maroon eyeshadow along your eyelid.
"Well, it looks like it, but I have an odd suspicion that she hid her broccoli." Peter responds, still only having his head poked into the bathroom, holding onto the door frame.
"She would do that." You sigh, giving your eyes and hand a break. "Lightly grill her to make sure she did eat her broccoli. If she did actually eat her broccoli, then yeah she can have ice cream. 2 scoops."
"And if she didn't eat the broccoli?" Peter's face contorted to a questioning expression.
"Hold out on he a bit. She'll crack and eat the vegetables. Then you can give her some. Have you had anything to eat? Dinner or anything?" You go back to swiping on eyeshadow, now a deeper brown color.
"I got a small pack of powdered donuts before I got here, but I really haven't had anything since lunch." You stop again watch look at him, chuckling as he begins to cower under your gaze.
"Peter, go eat some food. Fridge is open to you, okay? I don't want you starving while you're over here." You take glances back at him using the mirror, smirking at the smile growing on his face.
"Okay, I will. Thank you Ms. Y/L/N." Peter's head finally disappears from the door frame and you hear the boy questioning your four year old, knowing either way he will most likely just give her ice cream.
Eventually 6:30 became 6:55 and you found yourself fixing little bits of your appearance in your full length mirror, checking out your outfit, which comprised of a dark brown cardigan, a basic flowy white t-shirt, leggings and black calf high boots. "This is gonna have to be casual enough." Just as you speak to yourself in the mirror, you faintly here the knock at the door and Peter letting Bucky in.
"Hey, Peter. Thanks for watching Louise tonight." Bucky keeps his attention on Peter as he limps over to the couch with a squealing four year old clung to his leg.
"Oh, it's no problem at all. I love watching her." They both look towards your room when you ask for a couple more minutes then go back to their conversation. "Um, I actually have a question for you, if you don't mind?"
"Kid, I am not helping you with your history homework again. Don't you have the inter-" Bucky begins to rant before being cutoff by a now more nervous Peter.
"No, I actually was wondering if you could help me with this girl at school. You know getting her to notice me." Bucky just cocks a curious eyebrow at him and he continues. "Well, when you and Ms. Y/L/N started dating you weren't t-the most approachable, ya know,"
"Thin ice, kid." Bucky has now put some of his attention into helping Louise color a page in her coloring book.
"S-sorry, it's just, I was wondering, well, hoping you had some pointers to help me talk to her." Bucky hadn't noticed until now that Peter has moved to the other end of the couch which wasn't far from where he sat but the increased distance was noticeable, so be took a breath and gave his advice.
"Don't overthink it, and stay relaxed. That's really all the advice I can give because Louise is the only reason I got the opportunity to talk to Y/N. So, yeah…" Bucky's eyebrows furrow when he sees Peter frantically typing into his phone, about to ask what it was, that was until you exclaim your emergence from your room.
"Ta-da! This casual enough?" You hold out your arms and quickly step to turned around, displaying not only your outfit, but your dangly "diamond" earrings, and your hair, currently in its natural form but done up a bit.
"Perfect. Absolutely perfect." Bucky walks over to you with his arms open and give you a light kiss while gently pulling you towards him by your upper arms. While he was coming towards you, you got a glance of his outfit, dark jeans, burgundy quarter sleeve henley, and leather jacket, a common combination for him that he wore so we'll.
"Well you look great too. Shall we get going?" You go over to the pass though to grab your purse and then the living room to give Louise one last kiss. "Be good for Peter. Love you, babydoll."
"Yes ma'am, love you too mommy." She grabs your face with her little hands to pull you in for another kiss, and then goes back to coloring. "Thank you again Peter. We should be back around 11:30."
"Okay. Bye Ms. Y/L/N. Bye uh- Mr- B- uh…" Peter frantically looks back and forth between the two of you, and you just stifle a laugh and look towards Bucky.
"It's just Bucky kid. We've been over this." He leads you out the door by the small of your back. "Have fun you two." Finally, you and Bucky were out the door and off to the mystery date location.
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"So you having fun?" Bucky asks as you two sway back and forth, slow dancing to the music of an acoustic guitar being played on the stage of a small amphitheater-like area decorated for a date night event.
"Who knew eating a box of pizza in the car and then slow dancing in Central Park would be so romantic.?" You lift your head from Bucky's chest to scan his face, admiring how soft he looks in the light glow of the twinkle lights above. "I like your hair like this." You run your finger up and though his short hair, scratching his scalp and eliciting a deep groan from him.
"You did that on purpose." A mischievous grin grows on his face as his grip tightens slightly around your waist, one hand beings to slip down to grip your butt. "I will not hesitate to bring you back to the car. You owe me from last night anyway." You playfully hit his arms, making him laugh then go to kiss your nose.
"I was tired. You can't blame me, blame my severely messed up circadian rhythm." You giggle your last few words due to the tickle of Bucky's stubble on your neck as he begins to sprinkle kisses up and down.
"You smell good. You always smell good." His kissed being to move along your jaw.
"You have never smelled me after a 12 hour shift, huh?" Bucky's lips finally reach yours, starting with light pecks and ending with deep passionate kisses boarding on inappropriate frenching.
"Woah there, I'm sure you could take this party somewhere more private. Thinking about it, you weren't one to be very modest were you?" That voice. You know that voice. You hate that voice. No, it can't be.
"Trevor." Is all you say, not looking to the man standing a few feet from you and Bucky, seeming to be with someone.
"You know this guy?" You can tell by his voice that Bucky was on edge, hugging you close to him and turning you away.
"Unfortunately. Bucky, this is my uh- ex-husband."
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Tony is loved.
Tony is loved.
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Set after civil war with a prompt i read on Pinterest home you like it.
Tony was the one alone.
A thought that kept Steve Rogers awake, one of the major reasons why he left that message on the flip-phone. He always felt the need to include tony more in every team activity in past; locked up in his lab, working on something or the other which he loved flaunting about to others, but for Steve that was a reflection of his entitlement. But the more he knew him the more he understood the lonely mechanic, the more he spent time with him the more he saw a man in need of affection.
He tried to give him that but tony never trust him enough mostly because there was big gap because of attention that Steve got for waking up from ice at least that's what he thought was the reason. But later he came to know from Natasha about Harward being more obsessed with THE Captain America than worry about his own child and maybe him coming back triggered some memories, but at the heart Steve still believed that tony was over that and he just kept distance with everyone.
And the return of Bucky made this distance worse, Steve fought for what he believed and knew was the right thing but, in the process, he lost the thread of relationship he had with tony.
Bucky made Steve's life easier so much better, the connection with life was back; but he knew how numb it felt not to have that connection and he felt guilty and sympathetic for stark, he was the one alone. Might have fought with people, he knew stark went home alone that night. Maybe tony is surrounded by people with cameras but Steve knows that Stark has a life behind the camera's that was worrying.
These feelings burdened today,
When he was going to the Stark tower.
To meet him.
People told him that Stark shifted his daily routine to just one floor, no surprises there. So, Steve was nervous to see the state he would find him in, because there were times, he found stark sleeping on paper work in basement with five coffees cups.
Walking in as the air hit him, also hit the moments he spent in there.
As he took lift and it went down his heart beat went up, his little phone call...did it even meant anything? Was it even helpful? Will tony even consider him his friend to ask for help?
Stepped out and lifted an eyebrow...because he was met by a soft smell of baked cookies. Move along, he thought. And then was met by a small cat who had attitude might we add. But that made sure cat belonged to Tony Stark,
"Um.. hello is any-?"
"Yes! Rogers!" came the Lieutenant James, or Rodey. He was walking with a limb Steve hit the guilt train very quickly. "Come with me." Rodey commanded, and Steve marched right behind. They walked past something that took Steve's attention and Rodey answered with an eye roll, "Yeah THAT is a wheelchair but I don't need it anymore tony bought it to tease me."
"Sounds like Mr. Stark." a small voice snickered.
"Oh uh..Hello" Captain smiled at the small boy who apparently was SpiderMan...so awkward.
Peters eyes went wide "Mr. Captain.. Captain..uh Sir? ..."
"Just Cap is fine."
"Yes Sir! Captain Sir!" he threw a salute and marched off. Steve turned to Rodey "Something is fundamentally wrong with that one.." the man whispered shaking his head.
"Alright Steve wait here let me get those papers for you, uh grab something from the kitchen if you want."
"No Thankyou James."
So Captain stood there got the time to look around for a bit, he saw some books on the counter top, but they didn't that complicated then he says little doodles on the textbook and name 'Peter B. Parker.' he understood who that belonged to,
He looked at the small photo frame in which tony was standing with Happy smiling and pointing at Piper who rolled her eyes, he assumed it was an old one of them. He looked around more and found small pieces of notes left behind from Pepper.. Some with 'Enough with the Coffee TONY!' and others just 'Tony you have a meeting and yes you are late.' one also had saying 'Happy we are missing Doritos.' He smiled at that..he remembered that nickname.
Then he could see a small transparent box with glasses which he recognized where Bruce's and he also saw some stickers on the refrigerator with time-tables and dates, but these didn't look like just for the meetings..heck this time-table didn't look like for one person.
It looked like it was for a family, with due check-ups, picnic hours, laundry day, chores day with everyone's name on each one.
His lips formed a smile which he didn't thought he was going to have today, he turned around and was met with a small batch of baked cookies with 'I know you liked them last time-May' note stuck on them.
Steve sighed.
He, after days, felt relaxed. Truly relaxed.
This place, this floor, wasn't for the tony he thought he knew, this home was for the tony he loved and admired.
His phone call was special but it didn't matter if tony didn't turn to him for help. No, Stark had a home and place of affection now.
This is when Captain America sighed and realized,
Tony stark never needed him.
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waitimcomingtoo · 4 years
Heyyyyy baby! Okay, I don't know if I'm the only one who's experienced this but did it ever happen to you that you're really good friends with someone in a platonic way and then one night you have a dream about them and you just wake up with this weird crush? Making you notice things about them? Maybe you could do a Tom x Co-star reader oneshot based on this? I'd want reader to be working on Spiderman then we could explore her relationship with the rest of the cast. But that's up to you. ;*
Don’t Dream It’s Over
Pairing: Tom Holland x reader
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“Don’t be scared. I got you.” A smirk lit up Peters face before he slipped his mask on as you peered off the ledge hesitantly.
“What if I fall?” You chewed your bottom lip.
“Don’t worry about that, pretty girl.” He said softly as he held your chin between his thumb and pointer finger. “I’m always gonna be here to catch you.”
“Okay.” You agreed, and Peters pumped his fist in the air.
“You might wanna hold me a little tighter.” The eyes of his mask widened in excitement as he wrapped his arm around your waist. “For safety reasons, of course.” He added timidly.
You rolled your eyes at him but complied. You wrapped both arms around his neck and fit yourself as close against his body as you could.
“You ready?” He asked you and you nodded.
“You’re gonna love this.” He said excitedly and stepped off the building. You began to fall freely until and a scream ripped through your throat. Peter shot a web at a nearby building and you were suddenly lit flying upwards, wind rushing in your ears.
“Don’t let me go!” You squealed and tucked your face into Peters neck.
“I won’t.” He laughed in delight as he swung towards another building. Sensing your fear by how tightly you were clutching him, he decided to land. He swung towards a building and landed gracefully on the rooftop. You still held him tightly and he let out a chuckle.
“You can let go now.” He said shyly, not that he wanted you to. You slowly slid your arms down and opened your eyes.
“How was that?” Peter asked you as he removed his mask. He noticed the look on your face and worried that he had upset you. “Did you not like it? We don’t have to do it again.” He said apologetically. You flung your arms around Peters neck and pressed a kiss to his lips. When Peter recovered from the surprise, he kissed you back and let his hands rest on your hips.
“I love you.” You mumbled against his lips when you pulled away. The corner of his mouth tweaked up in a half baked smile. “I’ve felt it for a while. I don’t feel scared when I’m with you. I feel like I can do anything. Isn’t that love?”
“I think it is.” He nodded, eyes full of hope.
“Then why are you just standing there?” You asked him and he made a face that showed he didn’t understand. “Kiss me.”
The moment your lips touched Peters, your eyes fluttered open and you found yourself staring at the ceiling of your trailer. Your heart was beating out of your chest as you sat up in bed. Even though it was just a dream, you felt a sinking feeling in your stomach that it was over. You felt oddly disappointed, and a little dazed. You had hours upon hours worth of fittings and rehearsal to look forward to that day, but there was only thing on your mind: Had Peter Parker always been that cute?
You’d seen Tom in his Spider-Man suit a million times since filming began, but the thought of him in that red and blue was making your heart skip a beat that morning. You rushed out of bed to get dressed, suddenly feeling eager to see him. You threw on a dress he had complimented once before and smiled at your appearance before something dawned on you.
“Oh shit.” You whispered.
You now had a crush on Tom Holland.
You sped walked out of your trailer on high alert. You spotted Zendaya by the makeup trailer and waved her over.
“DAYA!” You shouted. “Daya come here.”
“What’s wrong girlie? You look like you’ve had a fun morning.” She folded her arms and laughed at the panicked look in your eyes.
“You know when you have one of those dreams that make you wake up with a crush on a person you thought you could never have a crush on?” You asked her quietly and she raised her eyebrows.
“Oh shit. Are you asking me out?” She teased you and you clenched your jaw.
“No, Daya. It wasn’t you.” You looked around for anyone who might be listening and quieted your voice. “It was Tom. Well, it was Peter. But now I think I like Tom.”
“Everyone knows that.” She shrugged you off and you scoffed.
“No, everyone speculates that.” You corrected her and she pursed her lips. “I honestly never had feelings for him until now. How am I supposed to act around him?” You whispered harshly.
“Just act like you always do.” She said and you groaned. You ran your fingers through your hair and tugged it.
“I can’t even remember how I used to act. All I can think of is that damn suit.” You folded your arms and blew out a breath. Zendaya looked you up and down and cocked her head.
“Damn, girl. What kind of dream was this?” She raised an eyebrow and you shoved her playfully.
“It wasn’t like that. It was romantic. I kissed him.” You insisted and she nodded skeptically.
“How did the kiss feel?” She interrogated you.
“I mean, I left my earthly body and saw the time knife but that’s it. It wasn’t anything special.” You dismissed it and Zendaya let out a laugh.
“So mediocre then?” She asked sarcastically. “Just talk to him. It’s the only way to tell if these feelings are real or just from your dream.”
“What do I say?” You asked desperately.
“I can’t think of everything. You need to take it from here.” Zendaya told you and you nodded reluctantly.
“You’re right. I’ll talk to him.” You squeezed her arm and walked away. You only got a few paces before you ran into a lady from the props department.
“Hey, Y/n.��� She greeted you. “Could you take this to props please?”
“Oh, sure.” You smiled at her and took the fake knife she was holding. You kept walking and tried to think of a plan for what you were going to say to Tom.
“Hey there Juliet.” Jacob nodded at you. You stopped in your tracks so hard that your shoes skidded.
“Juliet? What have you heard?” You held the fake knife up to his throat and he held up his hands in defense.
“Woah there ku’uipo. Relax.” He chuckled and you lowered your knife. “I was just referring to the knife. You know how those crazy kids killed each other in old England.”
“Romeo and Juliet takes place in Verona.” You said and Jacob made a face like he didn’t understand.
“It’s in Italy. And they killed themselves.” You corrected again. “Why are we talking about this?”
“You’re right. What we should be talking about is what you think I heard.” Jacob smirked. Knowing Jacob wouldn’t drop the subject, you confessed.
“Have you ever had one of those dreams that makes you wake up with a crush on someone?” You whispered and he nodded.
“Yeah. I had one just last week and now I’m in love with Jake Gyllenhaal.” He said seriously and you glared at him. “Why, have you ever you ever had one of those dreams?”
“No.” You said quickly.
“Then why did you ask?” He challenged you.
“Ask what?” You played dumb.
“I…I don’t remember.” He blanked.
“You asked me if you could bring this knife back to props. And I said yes.” You lied and handed him the knife.
“Okay.” He shrugged and began to walk towards the props department. Jacob turned around again with a cheeky smile on his face.
“Tom.” He stated, and your heart stopped.
“What?” You faked a laugh.
“You dreamt about Tom.” He said, sure of himself this time.
“What? No.” You tried to lie but saw no use. “How did you know that?”
“Hawaiian intuition.” He tapped his head twice.
“That’s not a thing.” You accused him.
“Oh yeah? Then how did I know you’re crushing on Tom?” He asked you with a knowing smirk.
“I think Props is really missing that knife.” You tried to get out of the situation by sending him away.
“Alright. See you around, Juliet.” He saluted you with the knife and walked away. You swallowed thickly and soon as you turned around, you were met with Tom smiling face.
“Hey Y/n!” He greeted and you jumped back.
“Christ on a bike, Tom. You scared me.” You clutched your hand over your heart.
“Sorry, love.” He laughed softly, making your knees weaken beneath you. “Why was Jacob carrying a knife?”
“It was a prop knife. You could find it at a dollar store. It’d probably be more than a dollar, though. My guess is $3.99. Are you excited for the holidays? I am.” You rambled and Tom tilted his head in confusion.
“Are you okay?” He chuckled, taking a step closer to you and stuffing his hands in his pockets.
“Are you kidding? I’m fine. It’s almost crazy how fine I am. How are you? Are you parents doing okay? They were so nice to me last time I saw them.” You said through a smile and Tom snorted.
“Yeah, you are pretty fine.” Tom commented and you gulped loudly.
“God in Heaven.” You said in a straggled voice and looked up at the sky.
“I’m sorry, Y/n. I didn’t mean to offend you.” Tom said, thinking he offended you. “I just meant that I think you’re pretty. I’m sorry if that was inappropriate.”
“No, no, no.” You stammered and he relaxed. “Totally appropriate. Don’t even worry about it. I don’t even remember it. What were we talking about again?”
“That I think you’re pretty.” He played along and you pretended to remember.
“Were we? That’s crazy. You’re a crazy guy, Holland. One crazy son of a gun. But I uh, I think you’re pretty too.” You said quietly as you looked down at your shoes.
“Hey uh, did you hear about the crazy actress who killed her costar?” You asked suddenly and he furrowed his brows.
“No, oh my God. Who?” He wondered.
“Reese.” You nodded and looked past him.
“Witherspoon?” He asked in shock.
“No. With her knife.” You gave the punchline and grimaced. “I’m so sorry. That was a bad joke.”
“I thought it was funny. I always think you’re funny.” He smiled. Your breath hitched in your throat at his gaze. You’d never noticed how pretty his eyes were, or the little flecks of gold embedded in them.
“I , well, you — but you know, it’s just — I didn’t even uh, it was just a joke so, you know.” You stammered.
“Are you sure you’re okay?” He asked you and you felt your palms beginning to sweat.
“Never been better, Peter.” You gave him a thumbs up, not realizing your slip up.
“Peter?” He repeated and your face fell.
“I didn’t say Peter.” You said quickly, eyes shifting to the left.
“I’m pretty sure you did.” He looked you up and down, wondering why you were acting so funny around him today. His stare only made you worse.
“Really? That’s funny, you must be hearing things. Hold on a minute, COMING DAYA.” You yelled behind you as if you were being called.
“I didn’t hear Zendaya calling you.” Tom said skeptically, beginning to think you didn’t want to talk to him.
“Wow Tom, you better get your ears checked. They are all out of wack, my man.” You laughed nervously as you began to back away. “I gotta go help Daya with something but I’ll catch you later.”
“Okay. Have fun.” Not too much fun, though.” He joked and you pointed finger guns at him, immediately killing you inside.
“Fank yew! It’ll be an alright time, it will.” You shouted in a cockney accent. You shut your eyes and covered your face with your hand. “I’m so sorry. I regret that so much. Can you please forget I just did that?” You pleaded with him.
“Might be a little hard to forget, love. I think it seared itself into my frontal lobe.” He tapped the side of his head and smiled at you. You gave him a big smile and hurried away. You stormed all the way to Zendaya’s trailer and shut the door behind you.
“I cannot believe that just happened.” You whined and covered your face with your hands.
“Woah there. Why are you all red?” Zendaya put down her script and laughed at your appearance.
“Because Tom just tried to talk to me and I forgot how to person.” You yelled in frustration, only making her laugh harder.
“I’m sure it was fine. It’s just Tom.” She insisted in dismissal.
“Exactly!” You exclaimed. “It’s just Tom. So how come when he looked at me, my brain told me to go EFF myself and put on a Nikki Minaj song.”
“Oof. That bad, huh? What song?” She asked you, amused with your embarrassment.
“Super Bass.” You half smiled. “The whole time Tom is talking to me I hear “this one is for the boys with the booming system. Top down, AC with the cooler system.” I couldn’t even think straight!” You whined.
“You’ve been friends with Tom for years.” She pointed out. “What happened?”
“It was that stupid dream! I had a dream we were in love and now I’m whipped. Whipped like…” You trailed off when you couldn’t think of the right word.
“Whip cream?” She raised an eyebrow and you glared at her.
“Shut up. I feel ridiculous.” You sighed and took a seat on her bed. You rested your head on her shoulder and she rubbed your back.
“I’m sure he didn’t think you were ridiculous.” She said quietly. “And look on the bright side.”
“Which is?” You asked her as you plopped down in her swivel chair.
“There are worse people you could be crushing on. Tom is a really great guy. He ill, he real, he might gotta deal. He pop bottles and he got the right kind of build.” She said in a serious tone.
“The way I’m about to shadow kick you right now.” You said gravely as you looked up at the ceiling.
“I’m serious. He’s one of your best friends right? What’s so bad about him being your boyfriend?” She nudged you gently and you sighed.
“There’s nothing bad about it. But what if that’s not what he wants?” You asked quietly as you played with your fingers.
“Take a look at yourself in the mirror, model.” Zendaya spun your chair around to face the mirror as she tucked some of your hair behind your ear. “Of course that’s what he wants.”
“You better be right.” You looked at her in the mirror and she smiled at you.
“I am. Now come on. We have rehearsal on the Crown Jewels set.” She held you up out of the chair.
“I’ll meet you there in a second. I have to grab my script.” You told her before leaving her trailer. You went back to your trailer as she went to set.
“Is this mace real?” Jake asked as he weighed it in his hands as the rest of the cast went over their scripts.
“You really think they’d give us a real mace? Especially with you on set, Donnie Darko?” Jacob teased him and Jake began to play with the mace like it were a sword.
“Do they even make maces anymore?” Zendaya wondered, backing away from Jake a little as his swings gained momentum.
“Who’s they?” Jacob laughed.
“The blacksmithes.” Jake said seriously before we went back to moving his mace.
“Yeah, Jacob. Don’t you know about the blacksmiths?” Zendaya asked sarcastically, making a face at him.
“This thing is kinda heavy, though. Makes me want to swing it around and take down the leader of the Huns or something.” Jake realized as he began to swing his arm in a circle.
“Jake, put the prop down.” Jacob laughed nervously as Jake got a little too close with the mace.
“I physically cannot put it down. It’s in control now.” Jake insisted as he swung it around even harder.
“How are you the oldest and most childish person here?” Zendaya asked as she hide behind a suit of armor for protection.
“I feel so free.” Jake smiled wildly. “Is this how the vikings felt?”
“How would anyone here know that?” Zendaya sassed.
“And why do you want to know how the Vikings felt?” Jacob added.
“Hey guys.” You greeted the room happily only to get smacked in the mouth with the mace upon arrival. You collapsed to the floor and felt warm blood trickling down your face.
“Y/n! I am so sorry!” Jake covered his mouth with his hand when he realized what he had done. He bent down beside you and sent the mace down.
“Jesus? Is that you?” You asked groggily as you looked up at Jake.
“Yes. Jesus accidentally hit you in the mouth with a mace. But Jesus was just trying to feel like a Viking. Do you forgive Jesus?” Jake as he he picked your head up a little and let it rest on his hand to keep you elevated.
“Yes?” You asked in confusion as the corners of your vision began to blacken.
“She’s okay guys!” Jake called to Zendaya and Jacob. “But can we get a medic?”
Zendaya rushed out of the room to get a medic right as Tom entered it. He took one look at you on the floor and bloody and dropped to his knees.
“What the hell happened here?” Tom snapped as he took your hand. He dabbed some of the blood off your chin with his sleeve and saw a large cut on your mouth. He looked up at Jake for answers and Jake looked very sheepish.
“Someone hit Y/n with a mace.” He said quietly.
“Hm. Could it be the man holding the mace?” Tom asked in sarcastic anger as he pointed to the mace. He turned his attention back to you and slowly helped you sit up. He held you against his chest and tried to get the hair unstuck from your face.
“Jesus hit me.” You whined and Tom looked at Jake with a raging anger.
“You hit her? I’ll kill you.” He tried to move towards Jake but you patted his chest.
“Jesus hit me accidentally.” You added, and Tom calm down.
“Are you okay, darling?” Tom asked, switching to his most gentle tone. He pulled a pack of tissues out of his pocket and held it against your mouth to slow the bleeding.
“I’m all dandelions and fruit cups down here, handsome.” You giggled, vision still swirling.
“She’s losing consciousness. Where is the medic?” Tom growled and look towards the door right as a woman in white came in.
“Right here. Move aside, please.” The medic ordered. Tom reluctantly laid you down on the ground and backed away to give you space.
“Pickle side, pickle side.” You laughed to yourself and moved your hands like you were conducting. The medic transferred you to a gurney and began to roll you towards the door.
“Where are you taking her?” Tom asked as he followed them.
“We’re gonna take her to the closest hospital. It looks like she needs stitches.” The medic told him and his heart sank.
“I love that song.” You mumbled and began to hum Stitches.
“Can I come?” Tom pleaded as he helped push the gurney along.
“Are you family?” The medic asked him.
“Yes.” He said quickly but she didn’t look convinced. “No. Please. I need to be there when she wakes up.”
“Fine. Get in the back of the ambulance.” The medic nodded towards the ambulance and Tom climbed inside. He waited until you were loaded in and took your hand in his.
“This is just like Grey’s Anatomy.” You smiled a little, then stopped when it hurt. “Nobody knows where we might end up. Nobody knows.” You sang to yourself.
“Thats right, Y/n. Just hang tight, sweetness. It’s gonna be okay. We’re almost there.” Tom said soothingly as he stroked your hair. You smiled at him softly before you fell unconscious.
“We’re almost there. Just hang tight.” Peter looked over at you, taking your hand in his to kiss the back of it.
“Is she gonna like me?” You asked him, hoping for an honest answer.
“Sweetheart, May is going to beg you to move in before dinner ends.” Peter chuckled. “She’s gonna love you.”
“How do you know?” You worried, trying to distract yourself by looking out the window.
“Because I love you. And I’m her kin.” Peter shrugged and you snapped your attention to him.
“That’s the first time you ever told me that.” You smiled softly at him as the streetlight lit up his profile.
“Is it?” He raised his eyebrows to play along. “I didn’t know.”
“Pull over.” You pulled your bottom lip between your teeth.
“What?” He laughed, his smile fading when he saw that you were serious.
“Pull over.” You repeated. Peter obliged and pulled over as soon as he could.
“Is there something you needed?” He asked you with a coy smile.
You smirked at Peter before unbuckling your seatbelt. You leaned across the gear and pulled him into a long kiss.
“I love you too.” You told him, and kissed him again.
“Love? You awake?” Toms voice pulled you out of your dream. Your eyes fluttered open and you looked over to where his voice was. He was sitting in a hospital chair, pulled right up to your bed. “How you feeling?”
“Like I got hit with a mace.” You tried to sit up and he immediately went to your side to help you. You gave him a grateful smile and rubbed your eyes.
“Yeah, I figured. Jake said he’s really sorry. He’s been calling me every five minutes to see if you’ve woken up.“ Tom smiled softly and touched your cheek. He kept his touch light, not wanting to hurt you.
“Thanks, Peter.” You leaned into his touch and rubbed his wrist lightly with your thumb.
“Back to the Peter thing, huh?” He laughed softly. “They told me they got you on some crazy pain killer that was gonna make you loopy.”
“You wanna know something?” You raised your eyebrows suggestively.
“Tell me, darling.” He took a seat on your bed and gave you his full attention. You walked your fingers up his arm and drew patterns on his shoulder with your fingernails.
“I’ve been dreaming about us.” You told him, something you’d never admit if you weren’t on the medicine.
“Have you?” He raised his eyebrows. “What are you dreaming about us doing?”
“You’re mine.” You leaned into him with a sleepy smile. “And I’m yours.”
“You’ve been dreaming about us being together? Like as a couple?” He asked for confirmation and you nodded.
“Uh huh. And then I wake up and I’m sad.” You pouted and stuck out your bottom lip.
“Why are you sad?” He asked quietly, his heart beginning to speed up. You looked up at him through your eyelashes and gave a sad smile.
“Because it was just a dream.” You told him. Tom let out a shaky breath and tried to process what you were saying.
“Are you saying your want us to be together?” He tilted your chin up so he could see your reaction. He knew you were high on medicine and probably had no idea what you were saying, but a part of him hoped you were telling the truth.
You leaned in with a dopey smile and pressed your nose against Toms.
“You’re the boy of my dreams, Peter.” You cooed and he pulled his face away in annoyance.
“Right.” He sighed and looked away. “Peter.”
“Are you mad at me?” You worried when you noticed his reaction. Even with the medicine compromising your mentality, you could tell he was angry.
“No. No darling, I’m not mad. Not at you.” He mumbled, avoiding your gaze.
“Come here.” You pulled at his shirt and he cradled a smile. “I want to be close to you.”
“Okay.” He obliged and scooted closer. You shut your eyes and rested your head against his forehead.
“Can I ask you something?” You whispered, and he could’ve sworn you were sober for a moment.
“Anything.” He nodded against your head.
“Can you hear my thoughts?” You asked seriously and Toms face fell in disappointment.
“No. No I can’t hear your thoughts.” He told you and pulled away.
“Good.” You cupped his chin and turned his face back to you. “Because they’re all about you.”
You let your thumb slowly drag down his lip, laughing a little at the sound it made when you let go. Toms throat tightened at your action and he gulped.
“You’re so pretty.” You smiled as your eyes trailed down his face.
“You’re pretty too.” His lips tugged into a grin.
“Peter.” You whined as you pushed him away.
“What?” He asked, confused with your mood change.
“You’re giving me butterflies.” You said timidly as you played with the edge of your hospital gown. “But I like someone else. I can’t like you too.”
“You like someone?” His face paled. “Do I know him?”
“Yeah. He’s like a really, really good friend of yours.” You blew out a breath.
“Is it someone on set?” He questioned you.
“Maybe.” You said in a sing song voice and shrugged.
“Who?” He asked, getting more worked up by the minute.
“I like Tom.” You whispered loudly and Toms eyes widened.
“What?” He whispered back.
“Shhhh, Peter.” You pinched his lips between your fingers. “You can’t tell Tom that I like him.”
“I think he might already know.” Tom said when he pulled your hand away from his face.
“What?” You panicked. “Who told him?”
“Whew, I don’t know.” Tom played along. “I think Zendaya did.”
“Daya? No. She swore she wouldn’t. It must’ve been Jacob.” You hit your fist against the bed.
“You told Jacob before me?” Tom exclaimed.
“I didn’t tell him. It was his Hawaiian intuition.” You tapped the side of your head twice.
“His what?” Tom tilted his head to the side.
“I have to go to sleep now, Peter. I can’t talk about this right now.” You waved your hand and pulled the sheets over your lap.
“You’re gonna tell me that you like me and then go straight to sleep?” He whined. 
“I don’t like you, Peter. I like Tom.” You corrected him. “I like Tom and his curly hair and his brown eyes and his cute ass nose. God, what a nose. And I like his accent and his smile and his ambition and FUCK, his nose.”
“You mentioned that already.” He chuckled shyly.
“I did?” You sat up slightly and shrugged. “Because I love it. I love it all. And if you’ll excuse me, I needs my sleeps.” Tom sat back in his chair and sighed, knowing he wouldn’t be getting any real answers until you woke up.
“Good morning.” You said weakly as you reached for the ice pack next to your bed. You held it against your cheek and sighed in relief.
“Hi sunshine.” Tom smiled softly. “Are you feeling any better?”
“Yeah. I don’t feel like someone put my brain through a pasta maker anymore.” You said as you rubbed your eyes.
“Aw. How about your mouth?” He questioned. 
You gave him a weak smile until it hurt and returned the ice pack to your face.
“There she is.” He smiled back. “You may want to keep the smiling to a minimum until those stitches heal.”
“That wont be a problem.” You groaned in misery and leaned against his body. He hesitantly brought his hands to your head and stroked your hair.
“Hey, can we talk about before? About what you told me?” He asked softly as he combed the tangles out of your hair.
“Tom, if you think I remember a single thing since this morning…” You shook your head as you trailed off.
“You told me that you liked me.” He got straight to the point. “Or, you told Peter that you liked me. But I heard, o-obviously.”
“Oh God.” You buried your face in your hands to hide your shame.
“Jacob knows, Zendaya knows. You told everyone but me.” He said softly. You began to panic now that he knew. Even if he was cool about it, it’d never be the same between the two of you.
“Sorry, no.” You blurted, back to forgetting how to act around Tom.
“Sorry, yes. You told me a few hours ago, love.”
You turned away from him in shame and squeezed your eyes shut, wishing you were anywhere but in that hospital bed.
“I’m sorry if that creeps you out. I guess I don’t really have control over the fact that you’re…” You trailer off with a loss of words.
“The boy of your dreams?” He humored you and you huffed out a breath.
“Leave me alone.” You groaned and put your head back in your hands. Tom gestured for you to scoot over so he could take a seat beside you, and you did.
“You know, those stitches come out in a week.” He brought you and you looked at him quizzically.
“And?” You asked, unsure of his point. Tom took your chin between his fingers and placed a kiss on the corner of your mouth. Your entire body froze as he pulled away and gave you a half cocked smile.
“Find me in a week.” He winked.
“Pssh.” You smirked. “In your dreams.”
Tag list 🏷
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lemonpeter · 3 years
STARKER by Peter B. Parker
Chapter 4: Reunion
A/N: things are moving along! we can’t wait to hear what you guys think! - bloo and bri
Warnings: death mention, Peter is still 17 (that isn’t changing), marriage discussion, resurrection (in a way), mention of trauma
Masterlist ao3
Ned stared up at the overly large glass doors in front of him. “Whoa.”
The new SHIELD headquarters was pretty impressive, mirrored glass making up the entire outside. An interesting choice for a building that got attacked quite a bit, but maybe it was reinforced glass. It wasn’t his place to judge.
The agent that had been sent to pick him up simply looked at the teenager blankly before snapping his fingers a few times in quick succession. "Inside, please."
"Oh, yeah, okay right." Taking a step forward, Ned walked through the doors when they slid open. "So, uh, do you know where I am supposed to go, exactly?" He looked over at Grumpy expectantly.
"Front desk," was the only response he received as the man walked away from him.
So much for that. "Thanks," Ned muttered to himself, clutching the straps of his backpack and making his way to said front desk. Not off to a great start. The first guy definitely was not the most helpful person in the world, but maybe someone else would be. He hoped that would be the case.
The blonde woman sitting behind the desk looked up at him, pausing her typing. "May I help you?" She didn’t sound unkind, so Ned decided to try his luck.
He cleared his throat. "Uh, yeah, I think so. I'm here to see-"
His head jerked up as he heard the voice. That was not at all something he had expected. It was hard enough to convince himself that the email was real, but he hadn’t even dreamed that he’d be having any direct interactions with the man in front of him. "Holy shit, you're Nick Fury! I mean- uh- yes, Ned Leeds, that's me.”
There was a moment of tension before the director narrowed his eye in Ned’s direction and spun around on his heel."Come with me. You need to be fingerprinted and we need to get you a badge."
“A badge? Like- the kind someone who works here gets?”
“Not exactly.”
Throughout the whole process, Ned was wide-eyed with amazement. Everything was so cool. The whole thing had to be a dream, and he was sure he was going to blink and wake up in his bedroom. He repeatedly did his best to hold back streams of thrilled babbling and little noises of excitement.
He still hadn’t held back as much as the director had hoped.
“You’ll be working with one of our agents,” Fury groused, pausing as the door to the briefing room slid open to allow them to enter. He stepped away from the teen to sit in the dark leather desk chair placed at the head of the long glass table. Looking down at his watch, he sighed before raising his gaze back up. “Oliver will be your point person. You’re not to bother anyone else, understood?”
Ned nodded his head a few times in quick succession. “Yes sir, Mr. Fury, sir.” When the man’s eye narrowed at him, he hastily corrected himself. Shit. “Sorry, sorry- Director Fury. Sir.” He hurriedly let himself fall into another desk chair to Fury’s right and waited for further instructions.
None came. The only sounds to be heard were the ticking of the clock on the wall and the soft whoosh of their breathing. What was with no one giving him any information? It was unnerving, as was the silence, and Ned couldn’t help himself-
“So, uh-,” he started, fiddling with his backpack, which he was now clutching in his lap. “When’s this Oliver guy supposed to get here? What like, department is he from?”
Fury merely stared at him blankly, expression giving absolutely nothing away. “That’s classified information.” His eyebrow twitched minutely, betraying the fact that he was fucking with Ned, but the teen didn’t pick up on it.
“Oh, oh okay. Well what can I know? Like- How am I supposed to help you guys-”
The door burst open, a slight female form rushing into the room, arms full. “Sorry I’m late, Director,” she breathed, nearly gliding along the floor as she made her way to a seat on the opposite side of the table from Ned, beside Fury. Her glasses were slipping down the slope of her nose and she hurriedly pushed them up with the side of her hand. She took a deep breath before tucking a strand of hair behind her ear that had come out of the intricate braiding atop her head. “I-”
The man sighed and shook his head. “I don’t wanna hear it Oliver-”
Ned’s mouth was open wide as he stared at the girl woman across from him. “Huh? But you’re-”
His interjection made the young woman turn her attention on him, a smile overtaking her kind face. “Oh! You must be Mr. Leeds! It’s nice to meet you, thanks so much for coming in. We could really use your help to locate your friend Peter.” She stuck her hand out, delicately French-tipped fingers shining in the light. “Paige Oliver, SHIELD Agent.”
Palm slightly clammy, Ned’s fingers twitched as they shook hands. “Paige,” the teen whispered, awestruck, before catching himself. “I mean, um, Oliver?” His cheeks flushed a little and he cursed himself and pulled his hand back. How was he supposed to address her? He had not been prepared to be working with a girl, much less one as pretty as this agent was. She couldn’t be that much older than him, probably an older teen, but only 25 at most. Fuck. “I’m uh, I’m Ned. Guy in the chair.”
Paige grinned at him, dark eyes lighting up behind her lenses. “Welcome to the team.”
Fury just rolled his eye with a huff as he waved a hand through the air. “If you two are finished- Oliver, catch him up to speed.”
Peter looked up from his notebook when he heard footsteps padding across the carpet of the sitting area. His eyes burned slightly and he couldn’t help but wonder just how long he’d been working. It was hard to keep track of time in the illusion. “Hey T,” he smiled, running a hand through his hair as he looked back at Tony.
“Hi yourself,” the older man replied, looking rather cozy in his sweatpants and t-shirt as he sat down on the couch beside his fiance. His arm wrapped around Peter’s shoulders and he pressed a quick kiss to his temple. “Whatcha workin on? Wedding stuff?”
Peter sighed, snuggling into the embrace. It was so nice to just be held. “How’d you guess?” Like it hadn’t been all he’d been working on since the proposal.
Tony chuckled. “You get this little wrinkle- right here,” he poked the middle of Peter’s forehead before smoothing the pad of his finger over the area. “Means you’re focused too hard on something.”
Letting out a little huff of a laugh, the teen let himself relax a bit more, head falling to rest on Tony’s shoulder. He liked how the man picked up on some of his body language or little quirks. “Yeah, some of this is just- it’s taking a lot more work than I thought it would.”
The billionaire made a soft noise. “Anything I can help with, baby? You know I don’t mind.”
Peter shook his head. “No, I… It’s okay, thank you, though. I really wanna do this- wanna surprise you, y’know?”
“Well, how about I-” Whatever Tony was beginning to say was cut off by the sound of Peter’s stomach growling. Loudly. He laughed before continuing, “How about I go get started on some lunch? You keep working, and I’ll call you when it’s ready, okay?”
“That sounds amazing, Tony, thank you.”
“Of course. Love you.”
“I love you too.” Opening the notebook back up once he could hear Tony banging around in the kitchen, Peter stared at his next task, one he’d been avoiding: the guest list. The blank guest list.
Other than himself and Tony, there were only a few people that he wanted there. He wanted his family to be there to see him get married, to see him finally get his happy ending.
Too bad everyone he’d ever loved was dead. (Except for May, but- He didn’t want to think about that.)
But...maybe he could bring them back. Just like he’d done with his new fiancé.
Just the thought made his heart beat faster in his chest, the possibility of seeing them all again. Uncle Ben. Fuck, his mom and dad. He’d give anything to hold them, to see their smiles and hear their laughter-
Before really even thinking about it, his pen was flying across the page. Mom. Dad. Ben. May.
He paused after the last one. He felt- Was it wrong to bring May back? She wasn’t really gone, not in the same way that the others were. She was just- missing. Fuck, he missed her so much. But maybe this was something he would have to do without her. Tears stung his eyes as he crossed her name out with a shaking hand.
Mom. Dad. Ben.
No. It looked incomplete with one of the most important people in his world missing. Wiping the tears away, Peter started writing again.
Mom. Dad. Ben. May.
“Have you guys tried to access EDITH?” When no one responded, instead just looked at him blankly, he furiously began flicking through the holograms in front of him, looking back and forth between it and his laptop. “Okay so EDITH is this really cool AI that Mr. Stark-”
Fury was quick to interrupt. He was doing his best to make sure there was no more rambling than was truly necessary. “We know about the tech, Leeds. But what reason would Parker have for creating illusions or utilizing the world’s most powerful armed-drone weapons system?”
“Look,” Ned sighed, fiddling with a pen. It made him feel weird, talking about Peter like this. “I know Peter. Probably better than almost anyone else. He...never really dealt with Mr. Stark’s death, and all of that stuff that happened in Europe with that Mysterio guy really didn’t help. Add in him being outed as Spider-Man?” He’d done a lot of thinking about this. And if he was honest with himself, he’d kind of known what was going on as soon as he knew his best friend had gone missing.
He desperately wanted to be wrong, but he knew that he wasn’t.
The young man shook himself out of his thoughts and continued. “He’s...hiding. He doesn’t want to be found because, well- Everything’s gone wrong here, for him. So he’s gone somewhere where nothing can go wrong.” His words only served to further convince himself as he said them out loud for the first time.
Nick stared at the teenager. “You’re telling me that Parker is creating his own alternate reality where everything is sunshine and fucking rainbows? He’s running around making daisy chains?”
Paige’s brows were furrowed as she tapped the cap of her pen on the table. “It’s a fairly normal and reasonable reaction, actually. Healthy, in some circumstances, though I’m not sure about this one. Mr. Leeds is right, Mr. Parker has dealt with extreme levels of trauma recently, and he’s most likely gone untreated if he’s anything like his older counterparts. He’s attempting to protect himself.”
Rolling his eyes, Fury turned his attention from the young agent back to their new ‘consultant’. Lord help him. “So you think he’s out there, unsupervised and unstable, with a multimillion dollar piece of Stark tech? Great. How do we find him, Einstein?”
Ned began typing furiously on his laptop. “Well, uh, I kinda already tried? I asked Paige, I mean- Agent Oliver, sorry, for access to SHIELD’s file on EDITH from last summer. I was able to look at the program logs and analyze their code. Once I figured out what I was working with, I was able to bypass some of the encrypted security features and download the logs up til now.” He frowned a bit, pausing. “I can see that the EDITH program has been in use recently- but the dispatch data for the drones… The location is scrambled.”
“So what you’re saying is we still don’t know where he is.” Paige’s voice was slightly amused.
“Are you fucking kidding me?” The director’s most definitely was not.
“Hey, we might not know where he is, but we can at least get in contact with him now. Well- hopefully. Maybe. Since I was able to access EDITH’s archives and- basically, I think I can hack deeper into her programming and alter Peter’s illusions remotely.”
He thought back to the footage he had seen when he’d cautiously (read: uneasily- there had been things he’d never wanted to witness his best friend doing) made his way through the most recent files in EDITH’s archives in order to make sure Peter was indeed the one using the tech. And he definitely was. There was a lot to unpack there, especially considering the amount of time Peter was spending wearing the glasses.
But he was thinking specifically about the way Peter had written May’s name down on the notebook page titled “Guest List” before scratching it out, then repeated the whole process all over again several times.
This was definitely going to hurt his friend, Ned knew. But he also knew that it was for Peter’s own good. Hopefully the other teen would realize that in time, too.
“I think we should send May Parker in.”
Tony and Peter were laying on the couch in the living room, watching TV and cuddling. Or, well, their legs were cuddling. The older man was seated on one side, while Peter was stretched out on the other, their lower limbs entwined with each other under the fluffy throw blanket that the teen had claimed as his own.
Tony pointed his toes, pressing them into the meat of Peter’s thigh. “What’s up, baby? You aren’t even paying attention- this is your favorite show.” He waved his hand through the air, the gesture pausing the program. Narrowing his eyes slightly, he turned to study the young man’s face. “You look...anxious, Pete. What is it?”
Quickly trying to school his facial expression into something more neutral, Peter made eye contact with Tony for a second before directing his gaze to the giant flatscreen in front of them. “I’m fine,” he said softly. “Just thinking, y'know? Sorry for getting distracted,” he trailed off as Tony started the show back up again.
He had made up his mind about bringing his family back. He missed them and wanted to spend time with them, share this part of his life. There was no reason not to; it wouldn't hurt anyone.
Anyone other than Peter, that was. But he’d already worked on coming to terms with that.
So he was starting to second-guess himself. What would happen when it was time to say goodbye? Could he handle that?
Or- actually, he never got to say goodbye to them in the first place. His parents had died miles away from him. He'd been young enough that he couldn't really remember them dropping him off with his aunt and uncle when they left for their trip. He hadn't been with Ben when he was murdered. Maybe this time he could finally get the closure he so desperately needed, on his own terms.
This would help him in the long run, he was sure of it. The whole thing would.
With his mind now made up, Peter reached his arm out to grab at Tony's hand, which squeezed his comfortingly. He watched the action on the screen without really following what was happening, debating the best way to move forward.
Peter took a deep breath and closed his eyes, focusing for a moment.
Then the elevator gave a soft ‘ding’ behind them, and FRIDAY’s gentle voice rang out through the penthouse, signalling that someone was on their way up.
Peter felt like all the tension he’d been holding in his body released at that moment. He was ready.
Tony, however, jumped a bit in surprise, the sudden interruption pulling his attention away from the TV, and turned to look at Peter with a confused look on his face. “Who- Are we expecting someone, Pete? Did you order pizza or something?” Waving his hand again, the program paused once more.
A nervous chuckle escaped Peter’s lips as he wiggled his way out from under the blanket. Thankfully the AI hadn’t mentioned exactly who was on their way up. “Or something,” he said, pushing himself off the couch. He walked up the two little steps to the main area of the penthouse, stopping a few feet from the elevator. The LED screen above the door indicated that it would be arriving momentarily, only two floors away.
The older man slowly made his way towards the teen. “Peter?” He sounded a bit anxious too, feeding off of his partner’s energy.
Shaking his head, Peter shot Tony a quick smile, one that he hoped was reassuring. He thought he’d had more of a grip on his emotions, at least from the other’s point of view. He would have to do better, couldn’t let his control slip so easily. “It’s nothing bad, I promise. Just- There’s some-”
Another ding, this one a bit louder, and the doors opened.
Tears immediately welled up in the young man’s eyes when he heard the voice say his name. A sob erupted from his mouth as he brought his shaking hands up in an attempt to muffle it. “Mom,” he cried, barely even glancing at her before he was all but running into the arms that hadn’t held him in over a decade. “Mama- I-”
Mary ran her hand through her son’s curls, pulling him close to her chest. “Oh, Petey, it’s okay. It’s okay, baby, I’m right here.” She hummed softly, squeezing him tighter.
Peter shook his head, forehead digging into his mother’s collarbone. He didn’t want to let go, never wanted to let her go ever again. He felt like he was back to being six years old. She still smelled the same, like honey and vanilla. Like safety and home. “Missed you, missed you so much-”
Richard laughed softly from his place beside his wife once his son had started to calm down a little. “And what am I, Pete, chopped liver?”
“No, of course not,” the teen mumbled, turning his head to smile shakily at the man. One of his hands came up to wipe some of the tears away while the other stayed clutched around the fabric of Mary’s sweater. “But you’re not Mom.”
His father only laughed some more, moving to wrap his arms around them both. “It’s good to see you, bud. We’ve missed you something awful. Look how big you’ve gotten.”
“I’ll say!” Ben's exclamation made another choked sound bubble up from his nephew's lungs. His warm, booming voice broadcasted his happiness as much as the grin on his face. “Not a rugrat anymore, are ya champ?”
"Hi Uncle Ben," Peter said through more tears, overwhelmed at the sight of the man he'd grown to love as much as his own father.
After a moment and a few more pleasantries, the group started to move towards the sitting area, and Peter didn’t stray far from them, content with letting himself be enveloped by all the love he’d missed for so long, even as he heard Tony begin introducing himself to everyone.
But someone was still missing. He glanced behind his family in the direction of the elevator, trying to focus again.
May was supposed to be there too. She had to be, he couldn’t do this without her.
“Dammit, Leeds, patch her through,” Fury urged impatiently, closely watching the screen where they could see the illusion playing out in real time.
Ned winced in response, switching around a bit of the coding in what he hoped would be the last step. He hadn’t really had enough time to perfectly add any more tech to the program, but even his minor modifications would be helpful. They needed anything they could get in order to try and get through to Peter.
Hopefully his attempt would work.
He turned to look at May, who was watching everything with wide eyes. "You ready, May?"
And for a second, she didn't know how to answer that. The woman wasn’t so sure about getting involved with SHIELD, but she was desperate to have Peter back. She wasn’t sure what was going on with him. Things had been weird ever since Tony Stark died- well, weirder than the new normal of her teenage nephew moonlighting as a superhero. So there wasn’t any hesitation on her part when she agreed to going into his illusion.
It seemed complicated, but maybe that was just because she hadn’t ever been very into technology. Anything other than her phone seemed to be beyond her understanding.
Ned had managed to get an old virtual reality headset semi-patched into the EDITH program. In theory, it would allow May to see and participate in the illusion that Peter was living. And the hope was that he’d just think she was part of it until she could get to him. Then she could talk some sense into him and convince him to come home where he belonged.
“Alright May, here we go,” the teen spoke up again despite her silence, eyes back on his computer screen. “Anything coming up yet?”
May sighed and shifted her position in the chair, about ready to pull the stupid headset off. She knew that she probably looked pretty ridiculous to everyone else in the room. And for what? All she saw was a black screen, mocking her with its emptiness. “No. Nothing. It’s just-“
Suddenly there was a flicker of light that turned into a hazy mess of colors- It almost looked like what she saw without her glasses. “Wait, I think I might have something!”
A hush took over the room as all eyes were on May, everyone waiting with bated breath to see if their efforts would be successful.
“Remember what we discussed earlier, you have to act like you’re part of his world. He can’t know that you’re actually you yet. It is imperative that you assimilate into his alternate reality,” Paige said from where she was standing across the room, watching as the older woman began to turn her head about, clearly trying to explore her surroundings. “We might only have one shot at this!”
May took a deep breath and nodded. Yeah, no pressure. She definitely remembered. She had been instructed to keep her feelings in check until they either got Peter to shut the whole thing down or they learned his location. No matter how much she wanted to, she couldn’t act differently than how Peter expected her to in the scene he’d set. Which was going to be- challenging, to say the least. Because she definitely had a lot of feelings about this whole situation going on between him and Mr. Stark.
Ned’s hands flew across the keys, his whole focus on successfully getting May into the illusion and to Peter. He had to save his best friend. He wouldn’t be able to live with himself, otherwise.
The whole picture slowly came to life before May’s eyes, blurred blobs sharpening into recognizable objects, and she could no longer hear the commotion of the people around her. All she heard was-
She heard the sound of Ben's laughter, mingling with the voices of Richie and Mary, and her heart somehow sank to her stomach and jumped up into her throat at the same time.
He’d really brought them all back.
The elevator dinged once more, the missing piece to Peter’s puzzle walking out with a gentle smile on her face as she looked around the open layout apartment. May made eye contact with Peter and her face immediately lit up. “Oh, Peter. Hi baby, it’s so good to see you.”
Peter’s own eyes widened, and he grinned as he took a step towards her. He heard his uncle cry out happily behind him, “There you are, May! What’d you do, get lost?” At the same time, the hair on his arms stood on end and a shiver ran down his spine. And huh- he must’ve missed his aunt even more than he thought, in order to be excited enough for this type of-
With a gasp and a panicked cry, Peter’s eyes flew open as he fumbled with the glasses until they went flying from his face. The sound of them hitting the padded floor vaguely registered in his mind. He turned his head left and right frantically, while simultaneously springing to his feet and leaping up into the corner where the ceiling met the wall.
His heart was racing in his chest and thudding in his ears as his eyes darted around the room, trying to locate the threat that his extra sense was picking up on. (He refused to call it the Peter-Tingle on principle.)
It was silent for five minutes as he sat there, shaking and blinking back tears. Nothing had happened- Karen said there were no other heat signatures within a 70 mile radius. There was obviously no threat but- What the fuck was that?
His spidey-sense had been haywire for a while, yeah, ever since he came back after the Blip. But it was always a case of them not alerting him to potential threats, never had they been overactive like that, unnecessarily hyper-vigilant.
Maybe it was all the stress finally catching up with him.
Trying to control his breathing, Peter let himself drop down to the floor, landing in a crouch. He stood up and slowly made his way over to the gym mats he had been lounging on. The teen spun around in a circle once he reached them, searching the ground for the blue-framed lenses.
They weren’t too far away so he retrieved them in a couple steps and ran his finger over the dark glass. There didn’t seem to be any damage, thankfully. He’d never forgive himscame backthing happened to the glasses. They were the only good thing he had left.
Tucking back into his prior position, Peter curled up on the cushioned surface. After looking around a few more times, listening as hard as he could, he sighed and placed the glasses back on his face.
He had a family to get back to, and he didn’t want to keep them waiting any longer than he already had.
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darksapphire29 · 4 years
Imagine #5
Peter being afraid of needles.
Warnings: blood, needles, inaccurate description of wound-fixing (basically; don't copy how the reader fixes Peter cuz idk what I'm doing)
You pumped your legs harder, faster. Your heart pounded in your ears. Your limbs ached with every swift movement and you had a stitch in your side. Your pursuers followed with an energy you had left in the camp.
“This way!” Peter hollered from in front of you. He turned suddenly, your exhausted brain making you nearly ram into a tree. Luckily, Peter had slowed to grab your hand. He dragged you along through a thicker and darker part of the forest. After a minute, he pulled you around behind a tree. He pressed his back into the bark, his arms wrapped over your stomach as he clutched you to his body.
The two of you stood immensely still, huffing and puffing, sweat dripping down your back.
The pirates ran right past you.
The stupid men hurried off into the woods, and when their grumbles were out of earshot, you slackened against Peter. A relieved laugh bubbled up in your chest. Peter’s chest shook behind you. His angelic giggles filled your ears, and soon you were both trembling with mirth.
Not 10 minutes earlier, that codfish Hook had somehow found his way into camp. But it didn’t matter. You and Peter and the Lost Boys were prepared and hungry for a fight. Before you ran off to play tag, half of them were bleeding on the ground. It was grand fun. It still baffled you how they ever thought they could win.
“How many… did you get?” He gasped from behind you. You were still laughing, ignoring your ever-worsening stitch.
“E-Eleven.” You turned to face him, and he was grinning, his eyes sparkling with joy. It was a rare and beautiful sight. But then, he winced, and your laugh caught in your throat.
“You alright?” You took his hand, feeling familiar tingles from his skin on yours. It gave you butterflies, but something was wrong.
“Yes, I’ll… I’ll just walk it o—” He cut himself off, collapsing into you. You caught him, you hand touching something warm and wet on his side. He cried out.
“Peter! H-Hang on, we need to get you b-back…” You looked around quickly, trying to remember where you were. You had never been to this part of the forest before. You looked back down at Peter. The side of his shirt was soaked in his blood, and some of it dripped onto the leaves.
You lowered him onto the floor, peeling back his shirt to look at it. A long line of his skin was split open, blood leaking down the sides and staining his paling skin. It wasn’t too wide, but it was deep. You guessed he had been sliced by a sword. It was a clean cut. Easy enough to fix. But that didn’t make it easy to look at. Against your wishes, you started to tear up.
“Oh my gosh…” You whimpered, staring down at the red in shock. “A-Alright. L-Let me see if I h-have anything…” You searched your pockets. Normally, you would bring supplies for something like this. You were basically Neverland’s doctor. But you hadn’t, this time.
“Peter, I-I don’t have anything!” Your hands were shaking. Peter grabbed them.
“(Y/n), it’s okay…” He croaked. He closed his eyes, frowning a little. Suddenly, he was lying on a cot, and you were kneeling beside him in your healing chambers.
“Oh, Peter, thank you.” You scrambled to your feet and ran to the cupboard. Gathering ointments and disinfectant and stitches and bandages while Peter groaned in response. You placed everything on the table beside the bed, gathering some cloth and a bowl of warm water.
“Okay. This is gonna sting, so, on three?” Peter nodded; eyes squeezed shut. You breathed out slowly. “One…” Peter’s breathing sped up a little, and your chest tightened. “Two…” You got some scissors and cut open his shirt so you could get to the wound. “Three.”
You dabbed gently on and around his cut. You swiped away any dirt and washed the cloth in water a few times when it filled with blood and grime. All the while Peter squirmed and grunted and whimpered. It broke your heart to know you were causing him this pain.
"For Neverland's sake, Peter!" You grumbled, washing out the cloth for the third time. "Were you running even... even with this?"
How could the poor boy even move with such a wound, let alone run around in the forest?
Peter shrugged while lying down, which you weren't afraid to admit looked really weird.
"What could I say?" He smirked. "You were having such a good time, after all. It was fun... you don't smile like that often." You shook your head.
"For the record, Pan, you hardly smile at all." He laughed, but his eyes showed his pain. Both physical pain and emotional.
There was one speck of dirt that wouldn’t budge, you using the corner of the cloth to try and move it. Peter squeezing the mattress, you finally got it out.
When you finished cleaning, you rinsed off the cloth again. Your hands were a little red. You gagged at the sight. There was so much of Peter's blood; on your hands, in the bowl, on his shirt, on his skin, on the cot... it worried you. And it had to be fixed up before he lost any more.
“Peter.” He groaned again, opening his eyes to look at you. There were swollen and misty. “I’m going to need to stitch it together.” Peter’s eyes widened. He recoiled into the bed.
This was always the part you and every Lost Boy hated most. You just hoped Peter wouldn’t kill you; on purpose or accidental.
You’d had stitches before, and it sucked. The only difference here was, you were all out of poppy seeds, and Peter wasn’t about to fall asleep any time soon. Besides, he was the lightest sleeper on the whole of Neverland. So, you were going to give him a needle.
He seemed to read your mind, and you saw he was trying to prepare himself. You gathered your things, dabbing disinfectant around the wound. But when you brought out the needle, he was stiff as a board. “You okay?”
“Of course.” He said a little too quickly. You giggled.
“Are you afraid of needles?” He glared at you, trying to look intimidating. You waved the needle in his face. He flinched.
“Aw, Pan, it’s alright. (Y/n) will be gentle with the scary needle.” You teased.
“Just get it over with.” He growled. Your gaze softened.
“Really, Pete. It’ll be alright. Loads of people are afraid of needles.” You tried calming him down, the playful mood dissipating faster than it appeared. Peter scoffed.
“I am not afraid of needles.” You smiled softly. It was cute that the tough and intimidating Peter Pan was afraid of needles, but it was a pretty big needle. You weren’t about to mock his pride. Not again, anyway.
“Wanna hold my hand?” You held out your other hand for him to take. He looked away from you before he (somewhat begrudgingly) grabbed it. You smirked.
“Shut up.”
You positioned the needle over his skin, and he looked over into your eyes. His gaze steering clear of the small but sharp object.
“No.” He grinned sheepishly, before it was replaced with a look of fear. He gulped, clutching your hand. Just before you pushed the needle through his skin, a vase nearby exploded. You and Peter jumped, a few shards of glass flying across the room. One of them nicked your cheek while another got your arm.
"(Y/n), I'm so sorry! Are you alright?" You shook a little, the needle still in your hand. You looked over to where the vase used to be, little pieces all over the table and ground. Some were even sticking out of the wall behind it.
Lucky for you, th vase was on the other side of the room. So aside from a scratch here and there, you were fine.
You looked back down at Peter. "Uh... yeah! Yeah, let's just finish this."
He didn’t move while you injected him. And to your relief, nothing exploded this time. He watched you with guilt in his eyes.
He fell asleep almost right away, and you went to work sewing him up. When it was done you washed the blood off his and your skin, taking off his shirt completely and putting him in a fresh one. Then, you sat in a chair with a book and waited for him to wake.
When he finally stirred, the first thing he searched for was you.
“(Y/n)?” You heard, and you put the book down.
He was looking around the room for you, eyes blinking slowly and his arms stretching above him. It was adorable.
“I’m here.” You smiled. His head turned slightly to the side, finding you. He smiled lazily.
“Come here.” You sat on the bed beside him, he not even bothering to sit up yet. Which was good, since it would ruin your human needlework. He grabbed you shirt and tried pulling you down. But he was still weak from sleep.
“Oh, stop it, Pan.” You giggled, taking his hands away. He just linked his fingers with yours. “Your still injured, and there isn’t enough room, anyway.”
Peter pouted. “You know you… want to.” He tried, but then yawned slightly. You laughed at his attempt to seduce you. He frowned.
“You’re tired. Get some rest.” You kissed his forehead, standing up to walk away. But his hand was still holding yours.
“I just was resting.” He argued, going to sit up. You quickly grabbed his shoulders.
“Don’t!” He stopped. “You’ll hurt yourself. Pop the stitches I was working on for hours.” He chuckled.
“My hero.” You ignored the sarcasm, forcing him to lie down.
“And as your hero, I am ordering you to go back to sleep.” He rolled his eyes, letting go of your hand and sighing (rather dramatically).
“Only if you stay with me.” You thought about it for a second, biting your lip. You weren’t a sound sleeper. What if you touched his stitches? Or took all the blanket? Or rolled on him? Or pushed him out of bed? Or—
“Just get in, (Y/n)!” He laughed at your thoughts, and you gave up. You climbed under the blankets next to him.
He went to roll on his side to face you, wanting to hold you. But then he winced and stopped himself. Instead, he put his arm under your neck and tucked you into his side. You laughed at the awkwardness of it all.
“Happy, now?” You giggled. He smirked at you.
“More than happy.”
“So, All-Powerful Pan… wanna talk about your fear of needles?”
“Shut up.”
You laughed.
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