#this is more like an imagine than an incorrect quote
hisbucky · 1 year
Hen, bored: Truth or dare.
Eddie, also bored: Uh, truth?
Hen: Describe me what your life would be like if you'd never met Buck.
Eddie: If I'd never met Buck, life would be a lot more quiet, I think.
Hen: That so? Is that a jab at him?
Eddie: It's a compliment. He breathes life into the air for me - he's one of two reasons why my world can be so loud, in a good way. Before meeting Buck, it was like everything was deafened, there wasn't a time when I could sit down, and just, listen to life. He was a breath of air when I was nearly drowned by the silence.
Hen: ...Whoa. That's deep.
Bobby at the kitchen bar, cutting potatoes: Damn these onions, making me cry.
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vngful · 1 year
You know what . At this point i dont think im ever gonna get into a serious relationship bcus i find it impossible to believe that you can impress me more than my favorite character?! LMFAO
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theyellownoby · 11 months
The abridged versions of Jaden, Syrus, and Crowler are watching the FNAF movie. Abridged!Syrus: “Oh my god—” Abridged!Jaden: “Nobody wants to watch this stupid movie!” Abridged!Syrus: “Be quiet.” Abridged!Crowler: “Look, if you don't like it, you can leave.” Abridged!Crowler: “WE ARE NOT DOING THIS AGAIN.” The movied randomly changes to Freddy Fazbear twerking on-screen. Abridged!Jaden: “Ok but—” *looks at the screen* “Yo-oh GYAAATT!!!!” Abridged!Crowler: “NO!” Abridged!Jaden: “There's the Freddy Fazgyatt right there—” Abridged!Crowler: “GET OUT! YOU ARE BEING INAPPROPRIATE!!” Abridged!Jaden: “But no, I-I changed my mind! I gyatt to see the ending to this movie—” Abridged!Crowler: “SHUT UP!!!”
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fangirl-dot-com · 6 months
Incorrect Quotes - Part 2
All of these were taken from Pinterest - again, I am not this funny
Special thank you to @sinfully-yoursss for asking for another one!
Max: Do you ever do anything except whine like a little bitch?  Y/n: Sometimes I whine like a BIG bitch 
Arthur (propping his feet up on a table): So, I heard you like bad boys Y/n: What? No??? Arthur (immediately taking his feet off the table): Oh thank God, that felt terrible 
Christian: Where’s Y/n and the child?  Toto: Y/n is teaching him how to drive Christian: Y/n never learned to drive??????
Y/n: So there’s two pedals. Sometimes three but you can ignore the left one  Kimi: I don’t think…. Y/n: the lines on the road are more like suggestions than anything, like the speed limit Kimi: Are you positive that… Y/n: I’m not sure how to turn on the blinkers. Ready?  Kimi: Uhhhhh Y/n (shouting): GO GO GO GO  Kimi (screaming) *floors it* 
Nurse: I’m sorry sir, we can only allow family to see Miss L/n at this time  Christian: bold of you to assume I won’t legally adopt her right now  Y/n (sleepy, inside the hospital wing): you tell ‘em dad! 
Max: Your honor, my client is ready  Judge: And what does the defendant plead?  Max (mouthing the words): not guilty  Y/n (squinting at Max): hot milky Max (facepalms): take her away 
Y/n: Deck the halls with crippling depression  Charles: Fa la la la la, la la la la  Y/n: ‘Tis the season for emotional suppression  Arthur: Fa la la la la, la la la la  Max (passing through): what??? 
Y/n (on the phone): Hey Lance, can Arthur and I borrow $5000?  Lance: Why the hell do you need $5000?!  Y/n: For an escape room.  Lance: What kind of escape room costs 5 grand??  Y/n:  Y/n: Jail.
Max (answers phone): hello?  Y/n: It’s Y/n Max: What did she do this time  Y/n: no, it’s me, Max  Max: what did you do this time 
Y/n (on the floor): Go on…without me! Lando (crying while kneeling beside her): No! We can get through this together, just like we always do!  Y/n: There’s no time! You must defend our honor. Don’t let my death be for nothing!  Lando (sobbing): I can’t do this without you!  Y/n: Goodbye, old friend….(goes limp) Oscar (whispering to Max): They do realize this is just a dodgeball game, right?   Max (aiming at Lando): Oscar, this is war. Show no mercy. 
Oscar: One day, someone will think about you for the last time in eternity. You will be forgotten by the world  Y/n: not if I eat the Mona Lisa 
Yuki: I’m small but knowing  Y/n: You don’t be knowing what the top shelf looks like  Yuki:  Y/n:  Yuki: Bitch 
Y/n: Go big or go home! Vito (tears in his eyes): I am begging you, Y/n. For once in your life, go home. Just this once. Go. Home.  Y/n: I’m gonna go big
Y/n: I will do a lot of thing. But admitting I’m cold to Max after he told me to bring a jacket isn’t one of them 
Max: I sleep with a knife beside my bed  Carlos: I have a machete under my bed  Logan: I have a gun under my pillow  Arthur: Weak. Pathetic. All of you  Max: And what deadly weapon do you sleep with?  Arthur (putting on shades): Y/n 
Arthur: I will speak French between your legs  Y/n: That is the hottest thing I’ve ever been told  Lando: I’m just imagining someone screaming “Bonjour” to a dick Daniel: SACRE BLEAU MADEMOISELLE HON HON HON TITTY CROISSANTS  Logan (wheezing): TITTY CROISANTS  Max: None of you should ever be having sex 
Y/n: Hey do you know anyone who can teach me how to play the trumpet?  Alex: Why? Y/n: I wanna wander around the paddock and annoy Esteban  Logan: Technically, you don’t actually need to know how to play it for that  Y/n: You have opened my eyes Logan 
Max (not looking up from his book): what did he do now?  Y/n: HE SMILED  Max: At you?  Y/n: No, at Oscar and Ollie but HE LOOKS LIKE AN ANGEL  Max: go away  Y/n: shut up, I watched you pine over Charles for months – let me have this  Max: carry on 
Arthur: I came up with a brilliant idea for a prank  Y/n: Ooh, what is it?  Arthur: We should kiss.  Y/n: …I don’t get it  Arthur: Think about it! Imagine Max and Charles come into the garage, only to find us making out, hands all over each other. You can sit in my lap and we’ll really just go to town. Max will be like “WHAAAAAAA” and Charles might even faint!  Y/n: Oh, that’s hilarious! We totally should 
Esteban: The math problem isn’t so hard, it’s just a simple repetition of-  Y/n (frustrated): You’re a simple repetition  Esteban:  Y/n:  Charles: Did Y/n really just hurt Esteban’s feelings  Max: I’m so freakin proud 
Y/n (googling): snake bite leg what to do  Google: elevate and apply pressure  Y/n (lifting the snake really high): apologize or else 
Y/n: with all due respect  Y/n: Y/n: which is none 
Toto: If you took a shot for every time you made a bad decision, how drunk would you be? Kimi: Maybe a little tipsy?  George: Drunk.  Y/n: Wasted.  Lewis: Dead. 
Esteban: Could you at least try to be nice?  Y/n: You’re still breathing. That’s me being nice. 
Oscar: Hey do you have a bag I can borrow?  Zhou: The only bags I have are the ones under my eyes, and they’re specifically designed to carry the burden of my existence  Oscar: Literally all you had to do was say no 
Max (at Y/n’s funeral): Can I have a moment alone with her?  Arthur: Of course *leaves*  Max (leaning over the coffin): Now listen, I know you’re not dead  Y/n: no duh 
Y/n: Ow!  Oscar: You dislocated your shoulder. Want me to pop it back in?  Y/n (grimacing): Yeah…okay Oscar: All right, on 3….0, 1 *pops shoulder back in*  Y/n: MOTHERFU- WHO THE HELL STARTS AT 0 
Yuki: Hey Y/n, did you eat all the powdered donuts?  Y/n: …No?  Yuki: Then what’s that white powder on your pants Y/n (panicking): cocaine
Y/n: Max, I think you should play the role of my father  Max: I don’t want to be your father Y/n: That’s perfect. You already know your lines 
Lando: Can I be frank with you guys?  Y/n: I don’t know how changing your name is going to help us here, but sure?  Charles: Wait, can I still be Charles?  Oscar: Shh, let Frank speak. 
Lewis: I have a bad feeling about this.  Y/n: What do you mean?  Lewis: Don’t you ever have that little voice in your head that tells you if something is going to get you in trouble?  Y/n: no  Lewis: That explains so much 
Y/n: What do you call a fish with no eye (i)?  Oscar (not looking up from his book): myxine circifrons Y/n:  Y/n: fsh  
George: Do you have any skeletons in your closet?  Y/n: Figuratively or literally?  George: Y/n, honestly, the fact that I have to specify 
Mitch: I know you took the last Red Bull Y/n Y/n (internally): play dumb  Y/n: Who’s Y/n?  Y/n (internally): not that dumb! 
Y/n: Big mood  Fernando: What does that mean…big mood?  Y/n: Uh well, it kind of means like, me too, I guess  Fernando: Thanks 
*1 week later before a race in the rain* 
Oscar: I’m kind of worried about this race guys  Fernando: Big mood, Piastri, big mood  Oscar: Y/n what did you do? 
Charles: What’s worse than a DNF at a home race? Y/n: realizing that dragons can’t blow out their birthday candles  Charles:  Charles: mate 
Y/n: You know what? Underneath it all, you’re actually quite nice  Max: Repeat that disgusting slander and you’ll be hearing from my lawyers 
Carlos: Now that I have explained the answer to this problem to you for ten minutes, do you understand?  Y/n: Yes.  Carlos:…Are you lying to me?  Y/n: Yes. 
Christian: Y/n, it’s your turn to give the pre-race talk  Y/n (claps hands): Fuck shit up, hit some barriers, run Charles off the road, don’t die  Max (proudly): succinct and informative 
Max: The FIA really seems to hate us  Charles: Maybe they’re homophobic  Max: We’re not a couple Charles  Charles: We’re not  Y/n: You’re not? 
Vito: Why is Y/n in the bathroom on the floor crying?  Max: She’s drunk  Vito: And? Mitch: She heard that Arthur has a girlfriend  Vito:…but she is Arthur’s girlfriend  Max: Yeah, we know that 
Max (wears lighter skinny jeans and a brighter blue Red Bull polo) Y/n: I see you’re busting out the spring colors 
Oscar: How do you two normally get out of these types of messes?  Lando: We don’t.  Y/n: We just make a bigger mess that cancels out the first one 
*Valentines Day* 
Arthur (reading Y/n’s texts): Y/n just said she’s going to give me 102 minutes of pleasure tonight Max: Oh wow
*Later watching Cars 2* 
Y/n: You look disappointed 
Y/n: Chillax!  Oscar: that’s not a word  Y/n: Sometimes the ones who deny “chillax” are the ones who need to chillax the most
Y/n: You know, water is pretty crazy. It can boil you to death, freeze you to death, drown you, or spin your car out of control, throw you into the barriers and kill you. But you still need it to survive  Max: Y/n, I love you, but its 3 AM 
Christian: Y/n, a word.  Y/n: BALLOON 
Max: I have the sharpest memory! Name one time I forgot something  Y/n: You left Charles in a Walmart like three weeks ago  Max: I did that on purpose, try again 
Vito: Y/n isn’t answering her phone  Arthur: I’ll call  Vito: Max and I have both tried, along with everyone else on the grid. What make you think she’ll answer?  *Calls her anyway* Y/n: Hello? 
Y/n: Oi, where’s your boyfriend?  Max: Who?  Y/n: Charles, where is he?  Max: He’s not my boyfriend Y/n: Have you told him that? 
Fan: Max, what motivates you?  Max: My ambition and desire to push forward no matter what  Fan: Y/n, what about you?  Y/n: An unhealthy mix of spite, pettiness, the thirst for vengeance, and pure, relentless rage. That and a Red Bull in the morning 
TAG LIST: @fionaschicken @glitterquadricorn @laura-naruto-fan1998 @treehouse-mouse @sam-is-lost @kagatinkita @fangirl125reader @megatrilss1885 @myxticmoon @angsthology @cmleitora @fly-me-away @graciewrote @ashy-kit @slutofmultifandom @aexitizen-ln4 @sugarvibez @vellicora @thatgirlthatreadswattpad @33-81 @hoetel-manager @xcharlottemikaelsonx @jayda12 @ilove-tswizzle @justme2042 @itsjustkhaos @nikfigueiredo @stopeatread @cha-hot @sadg3 @iloveyou3000morgan @s4turnsl0ver @alessioayla @torchbearerkyle @leptitlu @awekbachira @shreks-sugar-daddy @v1naco @stan-josie @mellowarcadefun @badassturtle13 @beskardroids @callisposts @poppyalice2001 @juniper-july19 @lizzypiastri
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moonie-moon-o7 · 7 months
Big Mom Pirates Incorrect Quotes
Imagine being so unpredictable and random that not even Katakuri's observation haki works on you 💀
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Katakuri: Stop thinking whatever you're thinking. You: Huh? Katakuri: You always make that face when you're about to say something stupid just to piss me off. So cut it out- You: I love you. Katakuri: You: You: Also, cereal qualifies as a soup. Katakuri: I KNEW IT!!
You: It's not like I try to blow things up, exactly. It just sort of happens. You've got to admit though, fire is fascinating.
You: I hate you with every inch of my body! Katakuri: That’s not a lot of inches.
Big Mom: That’s the key slice of truth we need to complete the entire truth pie. You: Ooh, can we get some actual pie? Big Mom: I like the way you think.
Brûlée: Bottling up negative emotions is bad for your health, so you shouldn't do it. You: I know, that's why I bottle up all my emotions, both positive and negative, so it cancels out. Brûlée: Th-that's not how that works-
Pudding: How the hell are you still alive? You: Honestly, I’m just as confused as you are.
Katakuri: Would it be discrimination to only hire employees at my doughnut shop who have the same name? You: Legally, I don't believe that breaches any discrimination laws. Morally though... I don't know. Katakuri: I believe god is on my side when it comes to Duncans' Doughnuts.
You: Can I ask a dumb question? Katakuri: Better than anyone I know.
Pudding: My expectations are low, but they can always go lower.
You: What’s up? I’m back. Katakuri: I literally saw you die. You died. You were dead You: Death is a social construct.
You: Why don't humans have a specific noise that means "there are bees here, let's leave immediately." Why are elephants more advanced than us. Perospero: We do have a specific noise for it. It sounds like this: Perospero: "There are bees here, let's leave immediately."
You: How many vampires do you think have been hit by a car backing up in a parking lot because the driver couldn’t see their reflection? Big Mom: I’ve never considered it but you’re really shining light on what’s probably a very serious issue.
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venomous-qwille · 4 months
I've mentioned this in Misutamojis before, but just realised there was nothing about it here so:
Please don't create public lore docs or wikis for GITM.
I totally understand that the story is already sprawling and there are a lot of characters to keep track of, but here is my reasoning behind this request:
GITM is still in its very early stages, there is so little that you concretely know about any of the characters/story that it is likely that any character bios people write will be fundamentally incorrect. Same goes for lore about the worldbuilding and the Sight. It's much easier to spread misinfo than fact, and certain stuff in fic is kept deliberately misleading/vague for fun story purposes.
GITM is not a TV show and I am not a showrunner. I am just another DCA fan on the internet who wants to chat about their OCs, I should be allowed to do that without having my every word indexed. To be clear, as I have said many many many many times in the past: people quoting what I say in discord, analysing my casual art/magmas/drabbles, or screencapping casual convos and jokes to pull them apart to dissect details from it makes me really really uncomfortable. If people started screencapping what I say to stick it on a doc for proof of XYZ thing about a character you guys haven't even met yet... I would probably stop interacting on this server point blank. Please imagine how you would feel if people were screenshotting your desktop background to read your filenames so they could theorycraft. That has happened in this server. More than once. Please stop. Your FOMO is not more important than my boundaries.
The intended reading experience for GITM is... reading GITM. Yes sometimes I share my personal headcanons and tidbits for characters, but I promise that all of this stuff will be discovered in fic. I don't want people to learn about Fool's favourite songs from a google doc. I want you to learn about it from GITM. That is why I am writing GITM: to tell you about these characters.
I would like the opportunity to make a GITM wiki myself at some point in the future.
I understand this might be frustrating, I know the lore is overwhelming as it stands. As always, if you have questions about the characters, you are welcome to ask in one of the discussion channels- I don't mind people @ ing me for that- I love talking about GITM! I am always happy to answer new FAQs at length.
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luxthestrange · 10 months
TWST Incorrect quotes#663 Stages
Stages of Love of Yuu Rabbit and Ruggie
Desk acquaintance
Ruggie: Jail is no fun, I’ll tell you that. Yuu*Blinks worriedly imagining tiny cute Ruggie in a cartoonish striped jail outfit being surrounded by big jail men*...You’ve been? Ruggie: Once...in Monopoly
That...Was the first time Ruggie had ever seen Yuu the resident Sex Symbol at par with Vil in way of suaveness and allure...Have a full-hearted laugh and giggle fit at his lame joke...To say he was taken aback and proud of it...was an understatement
Hanging out(You asked him on a date and he didn't catch it was a date-)
Yuu*heading out to see Ruggie* Rook: Don’t do anything I wouldn’t do!~ Yuu: I think I crossed that line when I got a date~
Favorite Regular in his work(After The Vil accident)
Vil: I know you love them Ruggie: I am not in love with Yuu! Vil* Staring at Ruggie,With a raised brow*I never said who... Ruggie*realizes*... Ruggie: Shit. Well, anyways-
Ruggie Inviting you to his games and saving you a good seat...to cheer for him
Yuu*Running towards him and picking him up for a celebration hug for winning* Oh, Ruggie!~You were magnificent!~
Rugg*Blushing and gives an excited little giggle with a cheeky grin,tail wagging* Was I really?
Yuu*Whispers into his ear* Better than Leona~
FINALLY confessing to eachother
You and Ruggie are lying on a picnic blanket together,Ruggie finally...confessing he likes you...and you hugging him and kissing him all over his face leaving red lipstick marks
Yuu*Kissing his lips once again lovingly holding his cheeks* Ruggie, darling!~ I want you to know I love you!~ I've loved you more than any Woman/Man/NB ever loved a Hyena!~
Rugg*Who mind is as soft as smashed potatoes and enjoying the moment of being cuddled and lovingly pamperd in kisses and compliment*Shyeheheeh~ heehe~
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Part 4 of:
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paintlier · 2 years
141 Incorrect Quotes
*The 141 is training as team*
Gaz: Are you upset you don’t get to be on the same team as y/n?
Price: Have you ever trained with y/n?
Gaz: No…
*Meanwhile, on the other side of the field*
Gaz: I haven't slept in seventy-three hours.
Ghost: Eighty. Democratically elected leader of insomnia.
Soap: Bitch, it's been ninety for me. I'm going for an even one hundred!
Price: You guys are fucking terrifying.
Soap: Words ending in 'ie' just sound so adorable. Like cutie, sweetie, cookie-
Gaz: Eyy, homie!
Price: But then there's cootie...
Ghost: Die.
Price: What’s up with Ghost? They’ve been laying on the floor for like….an hour now?
Gaz: They're just a little overwhelmed.
Price: Why?
Gaz: Soap smiled at them.
Gaz: Subs are so fun to play with. All you have to do is hint at what you might do, back them into a corner with a look, or grab their wrist in a certain way, and they're a wide-eyed mess.
Ghost: What the fuck kind of Subway are you going to?
Soap: Substitute teachers deal with so much shit.
Price: Guys.
Soap: I am darkness. I am an power. I am your worst nightmare. I could kill a man in more ways than you can imagine. I am the night. I am fury, I am a weapon, I am-
Ghost: A doll.
Gaz: A cinnamon roll.
Price: A sweetheart.
Soap: ...stop it.
Soap: Hey guys I just found a new song I really like-
Ghost: Is it about death?
Soap: No.
Price: Is it about drugs?
Gaz: Is it about sex?
Soap: NO- it's about happiness and peace and-
Ghost, Price, and Gaz:
When I said these incorrect quotes are giving me life, I wasn't lying. They are.
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frostyfoxx1 · 2 months
Runaway trio with Y/n :)
incorrect quotes w/ Luke, Annabeth, Thalia and Y/n
Word Count: 114+
talking about Y/n Annabeth: They are beauty. Thalia: They are grace. Luke, running into the room: THEY CAN DESTROY THE GOD RACE!
Y/n: I am darkness. I am power. I am your worst nightmare. I could kill a god in more ways than you can imagine. I am the night. I am fury, I am a weapon, I am- Thalia: A doll. Luke: A cinnamon roll. Annabeth: my big sibling. Y/n: Y/n: …stop it.
Y/n, teaching Thalia to drive: Okay, you're driving and Annabeth and Luke walk into the road. Quick, what do you hit? Thalia: Oh, definitely Luke. I could never hurt Annabeth. Y/n, massaging their temples: The brakes. You hit the brakes.
Thalia: A SPIDEEER!!!!!! Luke: KILL IT! SMASH IT! Annabeth: BURN IT! Thalia: STAB IT! WITH A KNIFE! GET ME THE DAGGER! Y/n: Awww, it’s so cute! Look at it!
Annabeth: Words ending in 'ie' just sound so adorable. Like cutie, sweetie, cookie- Thalia: Eyy, homie! Luke: But then there's cootie… Y/n: Die.
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theizzy102 · 3 months
Resident Lover incorrect quotes pt.2: Electric Boogaloo
(cause yall liked the last one)
Daniela: Would you slap Cassandra for a million lei?
Bela: I would roundhouse kick her in the face for free.
MC: Aw, you threw a party for me? That's so nice of you-
Angie: I accidentally filled one of the balloons with poisonous gas so if any of them pop we might die.
Elena: I hope you have a good explanation for this.
Cassandra: Actually, I have three. Pick your favorite.
Cassandra: See? She thinks I'm funny.
Bela: Statistically, I suppose someone has to.
MC: Imagine stabbing someone with a lightsaber knife.
Bela: It would instantly cauterize the wound, so the person wouldn't bleed. So it's not very useful.
Mia: If you want information, it is.
Cassandra: And, in order, we see a Gryffindor, a Ravenclaw, and a Slytherin.
Angie: Why would you stab a person when you can have VODKA?
Cassandra: There's the Hufflepuff.
MC: Alcina. Wake up.
Alcina: Ugh, it's three in the morning. What do you need?
MC: I need you to- Are you wearing makeup?
Alcina: I have to look good in case I die in my sleep.
Donna: MC, please, no one here knows we’re dating.
Elena, walking by: Yes they do.
Angie: I will now drink 8 cans of beer in 3 minutes.
Daniela: Nope! No you won't, because if you do that, you will die.
Cassandra: I'm the type of person who likes to think things through.
Daniela: Remember that time you tried to eat a marshmallow while it was still on fire?
Daniela: What if mayonnaise came in cans?
Cassandra: That would suck because you can't microwave metal...
Bela: Good morning to everyone except these two people.
If you want more than leave a like or a comment or whatever!
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stellocchia · 1 month
I had some more fun with incorrect quotes! This time with just Killer and the Epic Sanses.
Color, holding out a cookie for Killer: Look! This one's a heart, that’s how I feel about you! Killer: Ugly crying Color, holding out another cookie for Delta: This one's like Michigan, that’s how I feel about you! Delta, throwing their hands in the air: What does that mean?!
Killer: Here are two pictures. One of them is your bedroom, and the other is a garbage dumpster. Can you tell which is which? Epic: Epic: This one is the dumpster. Killer: They’re both your bedroom.
Epic: Remember everyone, violence is never the answer. Delta: You're right, Epic... Violence can't be the answer. Epic: Correct, Delta. Now, on to the next lesso- Delta: Violence is the question. Delta: And the answer is yes! Epic: Delta, no!!
Epic: iuegrukfhoeuhfeoruhf Color: What is that? Epic: it’s a keyboard smash Color: How do I do it? Epic: just press anything Color: 7
Color, on the phone: What’s up, Killer? Killer: I’m sitting in a pool of blood. Color: …Um, is it YOUR blood? Killer: I think so. Color: Do you know where the blood’s coming from? Killer: Probably the stab wound. Color: YOU’VE BEEN STABBED?! Killer: Oh, yeah, definitely.
Killer: sighs Delta: You bored? Killer: Yeah. Delta: Wanna start drama for no reason? Killer: I thought you’d never ask.
Killer: Love is weakness and an evolutionary mistake. Epic: You are literally making a Valentine’s Day card for Color. Killer, pointing their hot glue gun towards Epic: You’re on thin fucking ice.
Delta: I am darkness. I am power. I am your worst nightmare. I could kill a man in more ways than you can imagine. I am the night. I am fury, I am a weapon, I am- Killer: A doll. Epic: A cinnamon roll. Color: A sweetheart. Delta: Delta: …stop it.
Delta: I know what you're up to. Killer: Really? Because I barely know.
Epic: Delta got into a fight. Color: That’s bad. Color: Color: Did he win?
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its-elioo · 3 months
Incorrect quotes Part 3 (RnM fanfic related)
Part 1, Part 2
Knock Out: I just can’t believe you would do this to me.
Rarity: I’m sorry, I had no idea…
Knock Out: It’s called a betrayal of trust. Does that mean anything to you?
Rarity: Of course it does. I didn’t mean to hurt you-
Knock Out: You don’t just get me a gift out of nowhere and I have nothing prepared for you! Now I look like a big old jerk!
Sideswipe: If your leg gets cut off, would it hurt?
Rainbow: Duh!
Sideswipe: How tho?
Rainbow: Cause your leg got cut off, foo.
Sideswipe: Where you gonna feel the pain?
Rainbow: In your le-…
Sideswipe: Exactly, bruh.
Sideswipe: How you gonna feel the pain—
Both: If your leg is gone!
Steeljaw: It’s really cute that you’re gonna defeat me with the “power of friendship” and all but again I am the devil from the bible so—
Sunset: You mf, you didn’t let me finish!
Steeljaw: Uh-huh, go ahead.
Sunset: I have all this power in my hands—
Steeljaw: Dadadadada— shut up, shut up, stfu- I’m the- I don’t care. I DO NOT CARE.
Predaking: Your existence is irritating.
Fluttershy: How so?
Predaking: Your presence is annoying, but the thought of anything bad happening to you upsets me.
Reporter: Hello miss, did you witness anything strange in the area?
Rainbow: Wha- witness?
Reporter: Yes.
Rainbow: Is this camera on?
Reporter: Yeah, we’re live!
Rainbow, trying to distract her while Sideswipe is slowly sneaking away: Ohhoh- Oh nah, I ain’t seen nothing. Ha, I ain’t seen nothing. Matter of fact, I’m blind in my left eye. And 43% blind in my right eye, I don’t see much of nothing. A matter of fact I can’t even see you, sir!
Pinkie: And if I run and leap at Smokey, he will most certainly catch me in his arms. COMING IN!
Smokescreen: NO WAIT- I’M HOLDING ENERGO- [drops it on the ground and catches her]
Rainbow: Giraffes, they can fight.
Sideswipe: You’re more afraid of a giraffe than a gorilla?
Rainbow: Hell yeah, I’m more scared of a giraffe than a gorilla.
Sideswipe: Imagine you’re in a zoo, you mean to tell me you’d rather fall into the gorilla pit?!
Rainbow: Yes.
Rainbow: How tall am I?
Sideswipe: 5.7
Rainbow: How tall is a giraffe?
Sideswipe: Probably like 12ft.
Rainbow: Exactly.
Sideswipe: How strong are you? Very weak and fragile. How strong is a gorilla?
Rainbow: I could talk to a gorilla—
Sideswipe: You’re gonna TALK TO HIM?!
Ultra Magnus: I’m not going to lie, Optimus. I’m a little scared of your daughter.
Optimus: Sunset? She wouldn’t hurt a fly.
Ultra Magnus: Well, that’s reassuring--
Optimus: She would kill a man, however.
Rarity: Why are there little handprints all over the walls?!
Wheeljack, whispering: Why are there little handprints all over the walls?
The CMC: Because we have little hands.
Wheeljack: Because they have little hands.
Bumblebee: What am I doing wrong?
Sunset: You want me to answer as a therapist or your friend?
Bumblebee: Friend.
Sunset: Go see a therapist.
Applejack: What do ya think Wheeljack will do for his distraction?
Bulkhead: Who knows? He’ll probably throw a rock or make a noise that’s what I w-
(a big explosion appears behind them)
Bulkhead: …or he could do that.
Twilight: Can I be frank with you guys?
Grimlock: Sure! But I don’t see how changing your name is gonna help.
Pinkie: Can I still be Pinkie?
Smokescreen: Shh, let Frank speak.
Ratchet: We call that a traumatic event.
Ratchet, turning to Rainbow: Not a ‘bruh moment’.
Ratchet, turning to Sunset: Not a ‘major L’.
Ratchet, turning to Sideswipe: And DEFINITELY not an ‘oof LMAO’!
Sideswipe: Maybe you shouldn’t pick fights with people bigger than you.
Rainbow: Then I wouldn’t get to fight anyone.
Twilight: Do you ever want to talk about your emotions, guys?
Ratchet and Arcee: No.
Fixit: I do!
Twilight: I know, Fixit.
Fixit: I’m sad…
Twilight: I know, Fixit.
Pinkie: Never stop wishing Smokey and all of your dreams will come true!
Smokescreen: [sarcastically] Even the scary ones?
Pinkie: [laughs]
Pinkie: [seriously] Yes.
Strongarm: Why are Rainbow and Sideswipe sitting with their backs to each other?
Twilight: They had a fight.
Strongarm: Then why are they holding hands?
Twilight: They get sad when they fight.
Sunset: Watcha doing?
Bumblebee: Looking for my will to live.
Fluttershy: [walks in]
Bumblebee: Ah, there it is.
Rainbow, listening to the radio: I really like Eminem.
Sideswipe: I prefer Skittles.
Rainbow: No, like the rapper.
Sideswipe: Why would you eat the wrapper??
Predaking: I only had Fluttershy for a day and a half.
Predaking: But if anything happened to her, I would kill everyone on this planet and then myself.
Fluttershy: PLEASE DON’T—
Rarity: You know, not every problem can be solved with a sword.
Wheeljack: That's why I carry two swords.
Pinkie: That’s one of my biggest fears. Like, if I ever woke up as a donut...
Smokescreen: You would eat yourself?
Pinkie: I wouldn’t even question it.
Bumblebee: What are you doing?
Fluttershy: Cooking pancakes for the squirrels outside.
Bumblebee: …why are you cooking for the squirrels outside?
Fluttershy: Because they don’t know how to.
Sunset: What is it called when you kill a friend?
Bumblebee: Homicide.
Twilight: Murder.
Sideswipe and Rainbow: Homiecide.
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dreamy-starlie · 4 months
🌈Incorrect Quotes: Smiling Critters Edition🌈
I got bored and I don't have anything to draw at the moment so here's some incorrect quotes I made.
Slight Language Warning!
Kickin: Truth or dare? 
CatNap: Dare. 
Kickin: I dare you to kiss the hottest person in the room. 
CatNap: Hey Bobby? 
Bobby, blushing: Yeah? 
CatNap: Can you move? I'm trying to get to DogDay.
Kickin: There was a motor close to where I am right now. Kickin: A motor- a motorcycle? Kickin: Oh sorry, a murder. Bobby: That escalated quickly.
Picky: I just wanna be called cute 21/7. 
Bobby: Why no 24/7? 
Picky: Snack breaks.
Bubba: If I ever had a child, I imagine they would be a lot like you. 
Kickin: Aww, thanks— 
Bubba: Which is probably why I’ve never reproduced.
DogDay: Oh, they left the bowl out? 
CatNap: It says, “Take two pieces of candy.” 
Picky: Nobody around though… 
*Picky grabs the entire bowl and runs off with it* 
DogDay & CatNap: NO—
Hoppy: I am strong! I beat Kickin at arm wrestling! 
Bubba: Anyone can beat Kickin at arm wrestling! 
Kickin: Hey-
Kickin: I tried to write ‘I'm a functional adult’ but my phone changed it to ‘fictional adult’ and i feel like that’s more accurate.
DogDay: What's worse than a heartbreak? 
Crafty: Waking up in the morning and your phone wasn't charging. 
Hoppy: Waking up in the morning. 
CatNap: Waking up.
Bobby: Can you recommend a book that'll make me cry? 
CatNap: General Mathematics 8th Grade Edition.
Picky: I’ve never smoked marijuana. I ate a brownie once at a party. It was intense. It was kind of indescribable. I felt like I was floating. Turns out there was no pot in the brownie. It was just an insanely good brownie.
Bubba: I currently have 7 empty notebooks and I have no idea what to put in them. Any suggestions? 
Kickin: Put spaghetti in it. 
Bubba: I am currently taking suggestions from everyone but you. 
Hoppy: Put spaghetti in it. 
Bubba: I am currently taking suggestions from everyone but you two. 
Picky: Put spaghetti in it. 
Bubba: I am no longer taking suggestions.
CatNap, to the group: The real secret to immortality? Not dying. You want to be immortal? Okay, that’s easy. Just don’t die. That’s it. Refuse to die. There you go. 
Hoppy: But how- 
CatNap, ignoring them: “But how”, you may ask. Well, easy. Just don’t do it. Refuse to. Say “no thanks”.
Crafty: The joy of hanging out with Picky. You look away for 5 seconds to make sure something is set up correctly, and they bite the tip of a marker off.
CatNap: Sometimes I drink milk straight from the container. 
Hoppy: The cow?? 
CatNap: What?
Bobby: Hoppy, W H Y?
Bobby: Where's Kickin? Bubba: Don't worry, I'll find them. Bubba, shouting: Hoppy sucks! Kickin:, distantly: Hoppy is the best person ever! Fuck you! Bubba: Found them.
Picky: Hey, CatNap. These candies you gave me? They sucked. CatNap: But you ate them all. Picky: I had to make sure they all sucked.
CatNap: Wow, Doggy, you want to hold my hand before marriage? How awfully lewd of you. DogDay: We literally slept together yesterday. CatNap: That's NOTHING compared to the lewdness of holding hands.
Bubba: If you bite it and you die, it's poisonous. If it bites you and you die, it's venomous. Kickin: What if it bites me and it dies?! Bubba: Then you're poisonous. Jesus Christ, Kickin, learn to listen. Crafty: What if it bites itself and I die? Bubba: That's voodoo. Bobby: What if it bites me and someone else dies? Bubba: That's correlation, not causation. Hoppy: What if we bite each other and neither of us die? Bubba: That's kinky. CatNap: Oh my god.
Kickin: I don’t want to talk about it. Bubba: Good, I don’t wanna hear about it.
Kickin: I am a responsible adult! Bubba: *raises brow* Kickin: I am an adult.
Kickin: Hey, can I get a sip of that water? CatNap: It’s not water. Kickin: Vodka! I like your sty- CatNap: It’s vinegar. Kickin: …What? CatNap: It's vinegar, PUSSY.
Hoppy: Who the fuck- DogDay: Language! Hoppy: Whom the fuck- DogDay: No.
DogDay: Where’s my chair? Bubba: Kickin broke it over Hoppy’s back while they were wrestling. Hoppy: Correction, Kickin was wrestling. I was eating soup.
Kickin: Hey, how did my phone break? DogDay: You were drunk yesterday. Kickin: And? Bubba: You threw it. Kickin: Why? Picky: You turned on airplane mode and kept screaming “FLY DAMN YOU!” Kickin: And why didn’t you stop me?! Hoppy: We were busy laughing our asses off.
CatNap: *coughs blood* Bobby: Don't die, CatNap! CatNap: Don't tell me what to do!
Crafty: Do you ever feel bugs on you when really there’s nothing there? Kickin: Those are the ghosts of the bugs you killed before. Crafty: Crafty: *sobs* Bubba: You scared them, you idiot.
Picky: *is visibly upset* Bubba: Picky, what happened? I haven't seen you like this since you found out candyland wasn't an actual country.
Bubba: What are the hardest things to say? Hoppy: I was wrong. Crafty: I need help. Kickin: Worcestershire sauce.
Bubba: What are you guys playing? CatNap: Go Fish. Bubba: That’s a nice, safe game. Bubba: But don’t you need cards? CatNap: Where do you keep the spear gun?
Picky: What's the most efficient way to burn calories? DogDay: Exercise more! CatNap: Set yourself on fire. Bubba: There are two kinds of people.
Thats all for now. Thank you! 💖
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i love the incorrect quotes, but i dont agree with your political views. if its not much, could you explain why ur so anti bjp?(thats what i assume anyway)
You know, I actually think that the memes and the quotes are sort of a natural extension of our political views. I'll explain but it might get a little long. Stay with me here.
Firstly, I want to say that I think this way of perceiving politics is so fundamentally wrong.
"Anti-BJP", "Pro-BJP", "Anti-Congress", "pro-congress" etc etc. This isn't a cricket match where you're rooting for your favourite team. Politicians, as a general rule, are a bunch of liars. They lie to gain power and control. It's OUR duty, as CITIZENS, to keep them accountable and in their lane so they actually do their goddamn jobs. That's how the democracy is supposed to work. If they don't do their job properly, you vote them out of the seat. They work for us, and not the other way around.
In India, we grow up with this idea of not questioning your elders. Papa ne keh diya, bas keh diya. As children our natural instinct of curiosity and inquisitiveness is stifled. We go to schools and the same pattern follows. Don't question the authority. Keep your head down and colour inside the lines. We internalise this lesson to colossal degrees. Is it any wonder that we all struggle with critical thinking? If you're spoonfed "the correct answer" your entire life, you never learn to find if what you were told is correct or not. This exact thing is used by all politicians across the entire political spectrum. They use our learned behaviour of deferring to authority and never questioning power against us. The leader of the country becomes the patriarch. Papa ne keh diya, bas keh diya.
I have various issues with various political parties in India, in fact. I have no love lost for any of them. I don't exactly believe in unconditional loyalty to politicians.
Since you brought up the BJP, let's talk about that. My biggest issue with them is their politics of communal hatred. All they keep yapping about is hindu-muslim this and hindu-muslim that. For what? They could spend their time talking about actual issues but the low-hanging fruit of stoking communal hatred is easier to grab onto. Remember when the British did the same thing? It was bad then and it's bad now. All this unrest just to get votes. Imagine fucking up the mind of an entire nation like this and then demanding to be praised for it.
Their foundational roots are from the RSS and that entire organisation's existence is just insane to me. It's even more insane that they managed to go from a fringe ideology to becoming mainstream. "Hindu rashtra", it seems. Who even wants that? WHY do they want that? Is it such a bad fate to live in peace and harmony with other religions? A lot of their talking points are about how much they hate the islamic nations and how those are horrible and then they want to turn around and do the same thing?!? Is the hypocrisy not clear? So what if other countries are religious states? Why can't we try to be different? Maybe I'M the stupid one for thinking all humans are the same that we should treat everyone the same. Who knows.
There are also a bunch of other issues that the BJP has racked up during their rule. The demonetisation disaster, mismanagement of government funds to create public infrastructure, letting the interests of billionaire business ruin PROTECTED FOREST AREAS for mining coal that they didn't even need, introducing and passing HORRIBLE bills through the parliament without any thought or discussion, literally ignoring the plight of people dying in riots, CORRUPTION, destroying the public sector and letting for-profit capitalists free reign in a country which has practically no proper labour laws, aiding in creating a historical record of INCOME INEQUALITY that is higher than it was during the fucking colonial era, fucking up the press even more somehow to the point where they control all of the media houses.
This is not even scratching the surface. I could keep going.
My issue is not whether people vote for the BJP or not. Even if you like the BJP, my issue is that people seem willing to turn a blind eye to all the issues with the government and not even hold them accountable for it.
Vote for whoever you want. My only request is to keep your government accountable. Keep the power in check. The politicians should be SCARED of the citizens fury if they do something wrong. They shouldn't be free to do whatever and get off scot free.
That's our political stance, really. It's Pro-Exercise-Your-Democratic-Rights-As-Citizen.
We will always encourage others to be wary of people with too much power.
Now coming back to why I said the memes reflect our political stance, it's because it's obvious to see why we happen to be willing to risk being a little critical of a literary text. You have to be a little transgressive, in a sense. Perfect obedience and perfect reverence stifles people from engaging with something to their full potential.
I'm sorry to say that if you enjoy the memes and the quotes, you are also being a little transgressive like us. You're also questioning the authority of a religion to an extent. Perhaps our political leanings aren't as different as you might believe.
-Mod S
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Bengiyo's Queer Cinema Syllabus
For those of you who don’t know, I decided to run the gauntlet of @bengiyo’s queer cinema syllabus, which is comprised of 9 units. I have completed four of the units (here is my queer cinema syllabus round up post with all the films I’ve watched and written about so far). It is time for me to make my way through Unit 5- Lesbians, which includes the following films: The Incredibly True Adventure of Two Girls in Love (1995), Bound (1996), Water Lilies (2007) [Skipping for now until I can get access to it], Saving Face (2004), D.E.B.S. (2004), Set It Off (1996), The Handmaiden (2016), Carol (2015), Imagine Me and You (2005), Two of Us (2019), Rafiki (2018), and The Color Purple (1985).
Today I will be talking about
D.E.B.S. (2004) dir. Angela Robinson
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[Run Time: 1:31, Language: English] [Content Warning: there is one use of the r word] Summary: Plaid-skirted schoolgirls are groomed by a secret government agency to become the newest members of the elite national-defense group, D.E.B.S.
Cast:  -Sara Foster as Amy -Jordana Brewster as Lucy Diamond -Devon Aoki as Dominique -Jill Ritche as Janet -Meagan Good as Max ___
This write up will not be very long because this movie is not working with substantial, in-depth, layered messaging. BUT HOLY SHIT IT WAS SO MUCH FUN. This is a shitty little cult classic that sees a paramilitary agent (who was recruited from some secret questions in the SATs) and a supervillain falling in love and running off into the sunset together. 
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So, I’ve seen low budget films that have quite a lot to say and know it can be done, so I was curious about how in-depth this film might go into discussions of law enforcement, mostly because in the evil lair there is a sign that says The Only Good D.E.B. is a Dead D.E.B. But this is a light hearted comedy piece so though we do get Amy literally saying she’s a cop, there is not a whole lot of like anti-cop sentiment or anything in the film. 
The premise is a spy and a supervillian literally crash in to eachother, have some level of instant connection, the spy has her queer awakening and runs off with the supervillian, is rescued essentially mid coitus, and the supervillian is inspired to start returning all of the things she’d stolen over the years in an effort to get Amy to leave D.E.B.S. and just be in love with her. It’s riddled with hilarious sound effects, forcefields made of plaid, and a SECRET TUNNEL! 
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What it does is show that the world’s most wanted supervillian is pretty chill, very gay, and has maybe been portrayed as more ruthless than she actually is (yes that is in fact Madam Super Villan dancing with her henchman in the gif above). What it does show is that little Miss Perfect Score on the secret spy test does not want to be a spy but felt obligated to do so because she was good at it. I did enjoy the repeated questioning of standardized testing, Lucy asking what the spy test tests for and Amy realizing that she doesn’t know and never bothered to ask yet that test was deciding her entire future. 
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But again this was SO. MUCH. FUN. to watch and I would recommend it to many people even as just like a silly little wind down film if they were in need of a quick pick me up.
Also there was lots of gay kissing, which I feel is important to note. 
Favorite Moment
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My favorite moment was Lucy breaking in to the D.E.B.S house to see Amy the first time. What an iconic piece of comedy: the plaid forcefield around the property that matches their school uniform, Lucy cutting a hole in the forcefield with what legitimately looks like a sonic screwdriver from Doctor Who, jumping over laser detectors on the grass that are also plaid, and climbing up the wall with those like hand-held suction cup things with the most hilarious and incredibly incorrect popping motion every time she sticks the suction cup to the wall. 
Favorite Quote 
“Yes, well, the poster child doesn’t know it yet but she’s into me.” 
I love when queer people recognize queer people, and appreciate that because Amy is young and was just getting out of a relationship with her boyfriend that she might not know her own sexuality yet or have a full understanding of what she is feeling. But Lucy Diamond is an established, adult, queer woman who definitely sees the way that Amy is acting around her and understands immediately what is happening. 
For this moment alone
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THAT SAID. I do feel the need to justify this scoring. I tend to score things by what they put forth, so a show with campier premises and executions like this one would be scored almost exclusively by vibes. Things like The Miracle of Teddy Bear, for example, which takes itself incredibly seriously, has multiple layers of messaging, and incredibly realistic depictions of queerness, homophobia, and domestic violence is something I would score with a number of actual story telling factors in mind. 
This gets a 10 for vibes, I don’t think I had a single critical thought in the entire hour and a half watching it and I was having a fucking BLAST.
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Back with another Incorrect Quote! I got like a long list of quotes I'm planning to illustrate at some point in between working on commission arts. Also sorry Zuma, but you're really like the least intimidating puppy in the bunch and they all know it too XD
If you can't read what's in the pictures:
Zuma: I am darkness. I am power. I am your worst nightmare. I could kill a man in more ways than you can imagine. I am the night. I am fury. I am a weapon. I am--
Chase: A doll.
Marshall: A cinnamon roll.
Rocky: A sweetheart.
Zuma: ... Stop it.
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