#this is still an open question because i didn't save her build. i have to redo it. and she's going to be either arcanist or magus
ervona · 4 months
idk what alignment my Thistle should be since I put her as neutral evil but idk if she should start as evil I'd rather make her neutral and see where she leans as I play. chaotic neutral maybe she's a bit of a cheeky scamp and can't stay in one place
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flippinpancakes64 · 2 months
hey can i request romantic moments between cullens and reader? btw i love your works🫶🏻
Romantic moments with the Cullens
Thank you so much! I think I’ll always be shocked whenever anyone says they like what I do so thank you.
And this one was a lot of fun to make! I did get a bit carried away at some points tho… I tried a new form of writing for me so hopefully it's good
Thank you for requesting and I hope you enjoy!
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You and Edward had been dating for almost two years now
You were about to graduate high school, your first time and his 100th
You had talked about doing so many things to memorialize your senior year
A scrapbook, a picture every day, a custom t-shirt
Literally everything
But you just kept forgetting
Between all of the stress of moving into your final year, saving up for college, working your part-time job, and all of your extracurriculars, fun stuff just slipped your mind
And now you were helping Alice set up for your graduation party and you’re realizing just how empty the place is
Not that there aren’t decorations, which there definitely are, it’s just nothing you wanted
The place was covered in black and gold and your favorite color
There were piles of your favorite foods
But then you looked at the empty table where all of your mementos are supposed to go
You have everything you technically need
Your baby pictures, all of your awards, your school picture from every year, and your acceptance letter to your future college
But it was still missing something, all of those little projects you had been wanting to do so badly but simply didn't
You turned away from your sad little table tucked away in a corner of the Cullen house when you see Edward standing in the doorway
He's carrying a huge box in his hands, stuff overflowing from the top
"Edward, what is all of that? Don't tell me it's more streamers, we don't have room. Unless you want to cover the entire house in them-"
"Shh. It's not streamers I promise. It's for you. I promise you'll love it."
He sets the box down on your memento table and instantly you recognize it all
The wooden box with your name on the side carved in fancy cursive lettering holds everything you wanted
You pull out a leather-bound journal, opening it reveals picture upon picture of you from every single day that year
Next is a basic white shirt, but scribbled all over it are signatures and notes from all of your friends and your favorite teachers
Underneath that is a framed picture of your senior parking spot, though it looks like Edward redrew it because you don't remember yours looking this good
In the bottom of the box lies a Build-a-Bear of your favorite animal dressed in a little cap and gown
You were speechless. He remembered every single thing that you wanted, all of your dreams that you forgot to fulfill, and he did them for you
"I have so many questions, but for right now just come here and give me a kiss"
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Today was your one-year anniversary of being turned into a vampire
And for your surprise, Alice decided she would take you to do something that you had always told her you wanted to do
Sit on the bottom of the deep end of the pool
And naturally, Alice went all out
You were out at the store with Esme when you got a call from Alice telling you to put on the clothes she laid out on your bed and to go into the backyard when you got home
To say you were confused would be an understatement
But you did it anyway
After you and Esme got home and you helped her bring in the new couch she bought, you trekked up to yours and Alice's shared room
Laying on your bed was a swimsuit that you had never seen before
It was your favorite color and it was adorned with jewels
Queasily, you wondered if they were real diamonds
Fake or not, you were still careful pulling it on
Of course it fit like a glove did you expect anything else
You walk out the back door and you see Alice sitting next to the pool, the sun reflecting off of her shiny skin with a big smile on her face
In her lap there was a small bag that was zipped tightly shut
"Okay, what's all this?"
"Well, remember when you were still human and you used to tell me all the time how all you wanted was to just go to the bottom of the pool and take a nap down there?"
"So that's what all this is? I can't even sleep anymore"
"Oh shush I know that, of course I have something else planned"
With that, she grabs the bag and dives headfirst into the pool
You can see her bright purple bikini as she makes her way to the bottom of the pool only stopping once she's 12 feet deep
You hesitate as you're about to follow her
You know that logically you'll be fine, but a human part still exists somewhere inside of you
Swallowing back your fear, you jump in, swimming down to the bottom to join Alice
"You don't need to hold your breath, silly. Go ahead, let it out"
You didn't even realize you were holding your breath
"Now, for the main event. Since it's your anniversary, I figured we could have a nice romantic dinner down here."
With that, she pulls out a small battery operated candle and flicks it on, the water above making it just barely dark enough for the candle to be visible
Next, she pulls out two pouches that have screw-on lids
"What is that?"
"Blood, of course. Fresh from the moose I caught this morning."
She hands you one, and underneath the pressure of the warm water, huddled around your little candle, you have the most romantic dinner of your life
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To be honest, you were having a terrible week
You completely forgot about a really important essay that you needed for one of your AP classes, your favorite shirt got eaten by the washing machine, and now, your friends cancelled on you last minute when you were all supposed to go to the fair
You were sitting on your bed, still dressed in the outfit you were going to wear for the day, staring down at the text message from your friends
And you just started sobbing
It was too much
Jasper was downstairs at the time, he could feel your creeping sadness, but when your tears erupted, he knew he had to step in
He flew up the steps and stopped just outside of your door
He knocked and waited until you permitted him to come in
"What happened?"
"My friends... what are the chances that all four of them had something come up so suddenly? Do they hate me? I bet they do..."
He just took your hand and crept his ability into your mind, easing your sadness at least a little
When your sniffling finally came to an end, he grabbed your face to look at him
"Do you still want to go? To the fair, I mean"
You just looked at him shocked
"But, Jasper, you hate being out in public. I would never ask that of you"
"That's why you're not asking, I'm offering. Come on, let's go"
With that he pulls you out to the car and drives you to the fair
You drag him everywhere
From all of the food stands to every single ride, he goes willingly
If he is uncomfortable being around all of the sweet-smelling humans, he makes no indication of it
As the night is coming to an end and the blinking lights on the tents illuminate your face, you stand in front of a Pop-The-Balloon game
Just within your reach, so close you can taste it, a giant orange monkey stuffed animal hangs on the edge of the stall
The only thing between you and the monkey is your terrible darts skills
You've easily gone through 50 bucks, Jasper next to you always ready to hand the Carnie another couple of bills
"Are you sure you don't want me to try at least once?"
"I got this, Jasper. One more try, this next one is the one I can feel it."
He just sighs and fishes another couple of dollars out of his wallet
Of course, this round goes just as well as all of the other ones, leaving you even more frustrated
"Now can I try?"
"Ugh, go for it"
He pops every single balloon so fast you wonder if he used his super speed to race behind the counter to pop them all
The Carnie reluctantly handed over the monkey, and you were all too eager to take it
You didn't even care that you were still in a very public spot, you pulled Jasper in for one of the biggest kisses you've ever given
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You had been talking for weeks about buying a one-of-a-kind action figure from a seller online
There was someone on ebay who repainted various dolls and sold them
There was one that you had been eyeing specifically because it reminded you of Rosalie
Personally, she didn't think it looked like her at all but whatever
The two of you were laying in bed one afternoon peacefully when all of a sudden you shot up and screamed
She is on her feet instantly, looking around for the threat
But then you turn your phone screen to her, screaming about how someone outbid you at the very last moment and that now the doll is gone
"You can't just scream like that! You scared me"
"But Rose! It's gone! I can't believe it this is so unfair"
Cue the waterworks
She feels bad, she tries to console you, but you can't be reasoned with
Over the next couple of days, she tracks down every single detail that she can find about the person who "stole" the doll from you
She hacks into ebay's security system to find their address
And then she tells you that her and Alice are randomly taking a road trip
When she comes back, she invites you out to a nice dinner
She books out the entire dining room of a fancy restaurant and brings you there
As your appetizer and entree come out, you two talk
She makes up some made-up story about her "road trip" with Alice
Just as the waiter leaves with your dessert order, you see Rosalie pull out a wrapped box with a silver bow around it
"What's that?"
"A gift for you"
She hands you the package and on the inside is the little Rosalie look-alike and one more doll that strangely bears a striking resemblance to you
"Is this... is that... oh my god"
"I didn't go on a trip with Alice. Well, technically I did. But we drove to that guy's house and stole the doll back. Since he stole it from you in the first place, it's only fair you got it back."
"And this one? Where did this one come from?"
"He had a couple more in his house, I thought you might like that one too."
So now there are two dolls standing on one of the shelves in your room <3
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You had no clue why Emmett was being so weird today
He seemed fidgety all day
That morning he woke you up with a plate of pancakes in bed, drizzled with syrup that he made himself
Then he took you out to the mall
He took you to a really fancy clothing store and had you pick out the most dazzling outfit you could find
He even got it custom tailored to you
After that he took you to the spa where you both got a deep tissue massage
You had tried to ask him multiple times what all this was for, but he never answered
He would just usher you on to the next thing
Now you were in one of Edward's nice foreign cars and he was driving you to somewhere else
"So... as much as I appreciate everything you've been doing today, really, what is this all for?"
"Oh come on, don't act dumb. And before you even ask, no, I don't need anything in return"
"You're literally not even making sense. What is today?"
"You know what day it is :) "
After that he doesn't answer any more of your questions
You just hold your complaints in the passenger seat as he finally parks the car in a spot along the pier
Out on the water, you see multiple couples floating in those pedal-powered swan boats
And then you see the grin on your idiot boyfriend's face
"Ugh, Emmett. Are we really getting on the swans?"
"Yes we are now come on and stop complaining"
You sit across from him floating atop the water, the fairy lights twinkling across your face
Emmett is smushed into his seat, it clearly wasn't made for someone as beefy as him
"So. Now are you gonna tell me what all of this was for?"
"Do... you really not know?"
He sounds hurt
"No I don't. I've been racking my brain all day. It's not my birthday and it's not yours. I haven't won anything recently or been promoted, and it's not an anniversary. Just help me out here"
"It IS our anniversary, though. Our three year anniversary!"
"Our anniversary is SEPTEMBER 28th... not August 28th"
You start cracking up laughing, doubling over in your little swan seat, the boat rocking with how hard you're laughing
He apologizes over and over again for getting the date wrong
You reassure him that it's fine
You spend the rest of your 2 years and 11 months anniversary seeing how fast you can make the swan boat go
You both get kicked out and blacklisted
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A while back, you watched Bridgerton
The plotlines and characters didn't really stand out to you too much
What really stood out was the clothing
You made Esme sit down and watch it with you
The whole time you were just raving about the costume design and how much you wish you could wear what they were wearing
Time passed and you eventually forgot about it
Working, going to school, watching different shows, you know, life
You were sitting in the living room, lounging on the couch while some random cooking show played
Edward and Bella were sitting on the couch too, not really watching either
All three of you were just sort of zoned out until you heard Esme yell your name as loud as she could
You and Bella jumped, Edward probably heard it before it happened
Instantly, you shot up and ran down the hall to Esme's workroom
You flung the door open and looked inside
"Esme! What's wrong, what happened?"
"Wrong? Nothing's wrong! In fact, it's all perfect! Come here, come here"
You stepped inside of her studio and instantly spotted it
In the corner was a mannequin that seemed too specific to your height and weight measurements to be a coincidence
Hanging off the mannequin was a beautiful outfit
It looked straight out of the 1600s, made out of fine silks, golden fabrics, and fine linen
There were various imperfections on it, the wrong color of thread used here, a hole in the fabric there, but it was beautiful regardless
"A while back you mentioned that you wanted to look like someone from that show, so I made you this! I hope you like it, if not I can change anything you want me to"
"You made this, all by yourself?"
"Yes! I watched so many tutorials and I even went to the tailor shop in town to ask them for some tips. It's obvious that I'm no seamstress, but I'm still pretty proud of myself"
"Proud? You should be overjoyed! This deserves to be in a competition, on TV, at craft shows, anywhere!"
When you tried it on after a couple of minutes of insisting that she did a wonderful job, you were blown away once more
It fit perfectly, you looked like you just walked out of a fairytale book
Her next project is making one for herself
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You had a little habit of leaving notes in Carlisle's packed lunch for when he goes to the clinic
He didn't need the food, but he did need to keep up appearances
It's already not a very human look when the best doctor in town willingly works almost every shift and is always on call and ready to work
So he needs something to bring him back down
You found out not too long into dating the little routine
Esme packs him a sandwich and a bottle of water, she takes it to him at work, eats it in the very public break room for everyone to see, pukes it up cause his body can't digest it, and then comes home
So the cycle continues after that
The first time you saw Esme making a little ham and cheese sandwich, you were confused
After she explained, you asked if you could put something in there too
So you started your own routine of writing Carlisle a cute little note
Usually just about how much you loved him, sometimes accompanied by a little doodle
A couple of times when he would come home, he would thank you for your note
But other than that, you thought that was it
Until one day you were admittedly snooping in his office
You were just bored and wanted to see what fun stuff there was to read in his office
You were pulling book after book off of his shelves, flipping through them, and then putting them back
But then you stumbled across a small book with only the word "Love" written on the front in the handwriting you recognized to be Carlisle's
Inside was every single note you had ever given him
Each one was lovingly placed on the page, making a collage
Some pieces of paper were lined, some plain
Some notes were written with black ink, some with whatever other pen was lying around at the time
The only similarity was that underneath all of them, Carlisle had dated them
You flipped through every page, until you got to the second half of the book that was still blank
Your heart surged, this man
"You caught me"
You whipped around to see Carlisle standing in the doorway, his white lab coat still hung across his shoulders, and a slight smile on his face
He walked over to you, grabbing the book gently from your hands
He set it on his desk and sat down in the chair, you peered over his shoulder
From his breast pocket, he pulled out the note that you wrote that morning
He opened the book to the next page, and glued the slip in
He dated it with a flawless ease and swiveled to look up at you
You just tackled him with a kiss
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Vampire! Bella:
You were really worried
You'd been dating Bella for a whole year now, but she still hasn't seen your bedroom
That wouldn't be an issue if she wasn't coming over today
And if your room wasn't a fucking mess
You knew that Bella would be coming over for like a week
You told yourself days ago that you had to clean your room for her
But now the day is here, Bella is on her way
You were frantically running around your room, trying your best to round up all of the dirty clothes on the floor, get all the trash picked up, and light a couple candles
But it was too late
From downstairs you could hear the front door open and your mom called up the steps that Bella was here
When she opened the door, you had a bundle of dirty clothes in your hands as you attempted to at least get one more thing done
"I'm so sorry, Bella. Really, it's not usually this bad, I promise. I just forgot to clean my room yesterday and the day before and this morning and-"
"Woah! Calm down!"
She walks over to you and takes the dirty clothes from your hands, throwing them effortlessly into the hamper across the room
"I promise, I don't mind. You should have seen my room when Edward left me a couple years ago... ugh, terrible"
"No, I'm- I'm so sorry. It's so bad in here. I promise it's not usually this bad. This is not the first impression I wanted to give you"
After some more back and forth, but really more of her being stubborn, you finally agree to let her help you clean your room
It only takes about 5 minutes
The place was covered in dirty clothes before, dishes piling up, trash on every surface
And now it looked brand new
You were cuddling on your freshly cleaned bed and watching a movie
"You know, that was pretty fun. You should call me the next time your room gets really dirty"
"... are you a psychopath?"
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pia-nor481 · 3 months
She Looks Like a Star- Chapter One
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Multidriver x reader (mostly Oscar this chapter)
With the growth of her fan base she decides it’s best to join a big company, what she didn’t expect was how scary it was actually going to be.
2.6k 18+
Series masterlist | Main Masterlist
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She was nervous walking down the hall, wearing obnoxiously loud heels and a tight skirt, not sure how to feel while wearing what was unusual attire for her. Typically she spent her time in lounge wear, lingerie or nothing so having to wear business smart clothes was a little unnerving. Every few steps she looked at the document in the open folder, trying to find the correct room for the meeting she was supposed to be sat in, in about twenty minutes.
With her head pointed down and her mind in a whole other world she walked straight into a man in the dark hallway. "I'm so sorry, are you alright?" She was momentarily stunned by the Australian accent. "Yes, I'm fine, I should have been looking where I was going." After overcoming her bashfulness she looked up, and was met with a sweet smile, only then did she acknowledge the hand on her waist, keeping her steady. "Are you sure, It seems quite hard to walk in those shoes." He said in a lower volume, looking her up and down. Only now was she able to take him in; His messy brown hair, unusually pale skin considering his accent and the tight navy blue t-shirt showing off his strong arms. She was so taken aback that her only reply to the question was a quick nod. "I'm Oscar by the way. I think we'll be working together at some point soon." She smiled finally gathering her things and straightening out her clothes. "It's nice to meet you Oscar." 
"I'm still pretty new around here, but I have a year of navigation experience on you so...Where are you trying to go?" He asked, taking the folder from her arms, trying to save her from carrying too much. "Board room two. I'm supposed to be meeting Christian to discuss my contract and well the logistics of working here." Oscar let out a quiet 'Ah', hooking his arm through hers. "It might help walking in the right direction." He gently laughed, turning around. Her face became warm as they walked. "Don't worry, my first day was a complete mess. I was locked out of the building, seriously late to my first meeting and I waited at the wrong set for about twenty-five minutes. So you're actually starting quite well." Her nerves eased slightly, she could tell Oscar wasn't a particularly chatty person but it was clear how hard her was trying to almost comfort her. "So where did you work before coming here, I'm sorry to say that I don't think I recognise you. Then again I'm not really a big viewer." He said almost shamefully, not realising before he started speaking that it could very easily be taken in an offensive way. "No, no it's okay. I didn't really work with a big company, I did more amateur and home-shot videos. I'm guessing you worked for another company before?" She was unsure as to why it was almost embarrassing that she made all her content on her own. "Yeah, I worked for a smaller company for quite a while actually. You must be pretty talented to make those videos on you're own, especially if it meant you've landed a spot here." Oscar spoke with a sense of excitement during the latter half of the sentence. She looked down as she spoke, entrusting Oscar with fully guiding her. "I now this place is one of the best, but why did you leave you're last company?" Oscar sighed just thinking about it. "I had almost no autonomy. There were certain things I wanted to do, not just because I enjoyed it, but because it makes for a good watch too. But they always shut me down with out even considering it." Oscar seemed genuinely sad about it, she quickly spoke up, questioning how awful that must have been. "Yeah, it was really annoying. But a lot of the videos were scripted like that corny rubbish with the awful acting you usually see with ads. That was the worst. Although you won't fully escape that here, that's one of Sebastian's favourites to film." He laughed at the end. 
"Oscar, stop boring the poor girl." She looked up to see Christian pen in hand standing outside of what she assumed to be bored room two. "Alright, alright I'll go." Oscar said smiling, passing her folder back. "Don't forget you have a scene wit Lando today." Christian shouted towards him. "I know, set room four." 
"Sorry about him." Christian said, guiding her into the room. "So I'm sure you've read the terms and conditions regarding pay and so on. But I do want to elaborate on what would be you're schedule with us. I'm aware and happy that you will continue to film and post you're own content in you're own hours. So here you will be filming a minimum of three videos a week, and a least one of them must be with another actor here, and a maximum of nine, Of course we do not expect or require you to reach that number. So dates, ideas, sets and time allocation need to be made at least three weeks in advance, four weeks if you require and permits or new equipment of any kind. In addition to this, you will be meeting the other actors today and you will be doing a scene with one of them next week. We will have an additional meeting regarding that and what we call a logistics meeting with the other actor to ensure everyone is on the same page." One of the main things she took away from that was how much Christian was able to talk with needing to take a breath, the other was how much work would actually go into this job. "Right, I'm happy with all of that." She spoke rather quietly. "Great. You will also be meeting a few members of the production team, mainly the camera and sound crew which Toto is in charge of." She nodded swiftly as he continued to explain how the company works and what would be happening in the future.
"So you will need to sign here...here...and here." She did so and looked back up waiting to be told what was happening next. "So you have you're own private room here, it's like an office with a bed and a wardrobe. You will be added to the schedule and as you now have your company email feel free to join in and ask questions when needed. So any last questions?" At this point she was feeling a tad overwhelmed but was happy with the outcome. "No, all is good." She spoke with a small smile, slowly standing up. "Wonderful. I'll see you on Tuesday for the next meeting." They shook hands before she left and as soon as she was out of the room and the door was close, she let out a particularly loud sign of relief. Only now did she realise how taxing this could be
She made quick work of finding her office, initially struggling with the key before placing all of her belongings on the desk. She sat down taking a deep breath deciding it would be best to log in and check what he schedule was for next week. Tuesday she had a meeting with all of the actors, directors and some members of the logistics team to discuss the increase in shooting hours for the next set of holidays and what ideas would be used for those videos. That same day she had a meeting with Christian and Charles about their scene on the 14th. She was more shocked than she should have been. Already she was supposed to be shooting, she didn't even know what he looked like and yet she needed to come up with an idea for the video, and be able to put into words what her limits actually were. Before there was no need to plan ahead so much. She could just put on a pretty outfit, turn on the camera and have fun. Now it felt all too much, as though it was more than a fun and paying pastime. She was quick to shoot up upon hearing the knock at the door. "It's just me." Oscar shouted through the door, opening it quickly before sitting down. "So, how was the meeting?" He asked, leaning in as close as possible. She didn't notice to start but Oscar was only wearing trousers and a robe, his blue shirt missing. "It was okay, pretty overwhelming, but good." She said, bringing her eyes back to the computer. 
"Since you want to know and wont ask, Lando gets pretty handsy sometimes, that's usually why I film with him last, or wait a few days to film with someone else. It not a territorial thing, he just likes to see the marks." He spoke softly as he stood up, pulling the robe off. His collar was covered in love bites and teeth marks, while his back was painted with scratches. "Oh wow." Oscar just laughed at her lack of filter. "It's not as bad as it looks, and he's not like this with everyone." He said, eyes closed as the robe began to cover his skin again. "Oh, so you get special treatment. I see how it is." She giggled, avoiding his eyes, scared he's begin to dislike her. "I wish...He doesn't really film with the guys much anymore, I am of course the exception."
He took a deep breath before making sure the door was closed. " Since we're both pretty new I'll fill you in with all the secrets. Lando gets attached very quickly, it's so easy for him to love. That makes him a great person, one of the best you'll ever be around. But that trait is bad in this industry. He joined five years ago, along with George and Alex, but they aren't important to the story. When you start, Usually you're paired with just once actor for a while. For him that was Carlos, and for a lack of a better term he pretty much fell in love with him, but not in a 'I want to date' way. It's complicated. After a few years Carlos left to go to another company for a while and Lando was completely distraught and well angry with Carlos." She was a little shocked that Oscar was so willing to tell her so much. Then again it didn't really affect him. "So Zak, the head of the logistic team, paired him up with Daniel for a while, thinking it would do him some good, they're pretty different, but in a good way." 
Oscar was hesitant to continue, checking his watch every now and then, but since he started he couldn't really stop. "Yet Lando resented him. Daniel didn't take it to heart, knowing the whole situation. He's been here for eight years longer than Lando so he's seen a lot and could tell Lando was struggling. I'll be honest Lando is a massive brat usually, so that coupled with the whole situation was a lot. It made some great content sure, but it was still difficult for every one around them. Long story short they began to get along and at some point Lando fell for Daniel, may I add, both times it wasn't completely one sided. But when things got pretty good for them, Daniel took a break from filming all together, it broke Lando all over again." She took a sharp inhale at the end, it sounded devastating just hearing about it, so she could only imagine how it felt. "So Lando decided he didn't want to film with any of the guys anymore. He started working on some more kink based content with different actors. But slowly he's been coming back. So when I joined last year he didn't want any thing to do with me. Not in a mean way, it was more like he was apprehensive. And of course Zak decided to pair us up and well, we've been filming with each other at least twice a week since." He said shrugging his shoulders, finally doing his robe up properly. "Oh wow that's a lot. Is he not worried you're going to leave him at some point? Not to be disrespectful to you, but surely that's a concern of his." She said as Oscar stood up, motioning for her to do so as well. "First, you need to get changed as Christian has instructed me to accompany you while you meet the rest of the actors, so I'm going to turn around, promise I wont peek." He laughed, checking his watch again. She was quick to start stripping of her clothes, reaching in her bag for some more comfortable attire. "Second, of course he worried, wouldn't you be? But we're adults about it so its usually okay. Now that you say that, that's probably the reason I'm covered in marks." He trailed off, shocked that he didn't think of it sooner. 
She placed her hands on his arms, turning him so they were face to face. "Is this okay?" She questioned looking down at what she was wearing. Oscars eyes followed hers, although stopped much sooner than she did, he couldn't help but stare, mainly at her tits as he could see all the way down her top. He may fuck on camera for most of the week, but he was no better than the average man. "You look perfect." He didn't know what was making him so bold, usually he's quite reserved, not particularly shy, just not talkative. He doesn't know what's gotten into him.
"Come on, it's getting late and it's kind of required that you meet everyone on your first day." They walked out the door and back into another relatively dark hallway, towards on of the many break rooms; Oscar was told to go to the second 'bed set' break room. "So, why'd you tell me all of that?" Oscar didn't expect her to ask him to explain his actions but it seems he really had no choice. "I care about him, so in a way it's just me looking out for him." She hummed with a smile. "If it wasn't me that told you, some else would have, its no real secret. Well the events were not a secret but Lando's true feelings and how bad he really was at the time is more of the secret." After Oscar's little rant she began wonder if they were actually together or if it was once again a two side love relationship without the relationship. "So who's the first one on you're calendar, and don't try to hide it. I know I'm on there but you wouldn't have been staring at that screen so intensely if I was the first." She sighed at his words, ever the observer he seemed to be. "Charles." Oscar was pleased with that, thinking there wouldn't be anyone better. "Actually that's really good for you. He's a lot more sensual and romantic so I believe that Zak thinks he's the safest option because you're content is just you getting off when ever you feel like it, not too focused on the production." He began, not realising he was rambling. "I thought you said you didn't know who I was." She huffed with a teasing tone, crossing her arms over her chest. "Well maybe I lied...Okay I looked you up when you were in that meeting." There was a long pause until they reached the door.
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Chapter Two
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storiesaplenty · 21 days
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Main Masterlist
I'll Always Wait For You (18+)
Armando Aretas x f/Reader
Just like all my other stories, this has not been proofread, but please enjoy.
Warnings. Smut. Unprotected sex. P in v. Creampie
Requested by @thedarkworldofhananerea . I hope you like it. Sort of made it part 2 to In love with an inmate
From my previous account plentyoffandoms.
©️ storiesaplenty 2024: do not repost or translate my work. This is the only place I post my work.
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I knew it was risky going to see her, but I knew I had to see her. The beginning of our relationship was anything but ordinary. Me saving her during a prison riot, and her just thanking me in a multitude of ways.
But even before all that went down, I found her extremely attractive. I would always be watching her, whenever I was near her. I couldn't help myself.
I still remember the last time I held her in my arms. It was after I was attacked in the prison yard.
I could tell how worried she was as I was looked over by the prison medical staff, but she stayed back, doing her job.
Once I was good to go, she was putting the handcuffs on me so I could walk to solitary confinement, as that is the only safe place for me apparently.
We were left alone, and even with cameras there, she still touched my elbow far longer than she should have.
"Are you sure you are okay?" I could tell by her tone of voice that she was scared.
"Querida, I am fine. If I wasn't, I would be telling you." She nodded her head once, and the two of us left, us walking down the hallway in silence and then I found myself in a cupboard.
I started to question her, but she placed a finger against my lips. "Camera in the hallway is broken. I checked before I had to come to you."
With my cuffed hands, I pulled her close to me and kissed her, instantly relaxing at just holding her, and she melted into me.
"Please be safe Armando." She told me, as she pulled back and looked at me in the eyes. At that moment, I became even more concerned, not for myself, but for her.
Whoever is after me, if they know about her, will go after her. Just the thought of something happening to her because of me, had me pulling her closer towards my body. I didn't voice my concern, as I didn't want to worry her even more.
When Mike and Marcus came and got me, she wasn't working that day, and I know she is probably worried sick about me.
I didn't have her number, I didn't have her address, but I knew someone who could help me with that.
I got a burner, and got in touch with Dorn. At first he questioned why.
"My girl. She moved while I was in prison and I wasn't allowed any visitors except for Mike and Marcus." Dorn gave me a skeptical look, but text me back her information as soon as he had it.
And now I am looking at the condo she lives in. It was nice, but I am just wondering how the hell I get in.
At that moment, two people left the building, and I pulled my hat further down my head, turning my head slightly as not to be recognized.
I took the elevator to her floor, making sure not to look up at the camera that was in the top-left hand corner.
I found her door, and raised my hand, ready to know, when I heard the ding of the second elevator. I didn't look at the person, but I could hear them slow down.
I took a chance, and looked at them out of the corner of my eye.
There she was, standing there with her hands covering her mouth, with tears streaming down her face.
"Hello Querida." Was all I needed to say as she closed the gap between us, kissing me, hard. Her hand cupped my cheek and I gripped her hips, pulling her closer to me.
She started to deepen the kiss, and I was about push her back against her door, when the elevator dinged, signalling that someone was getting off. That brought us back down to earth.
"Let's take this inside." I told her, and she quickly nodded her head, as she opened her door.
I couldn't keep my hands off of her.
Not when we walked through her place, the two of us practically ripping each other's clothes off.
There was no rush this time. It felt like we had all the time in the world, as I gently pushed her on her back kneeling on the ground at the edge of her bed, gripping her legs and pulling her down the bed.
Placing her legs over my shoulders, making her giggle, which turned into a squeal as gave her pussy one long lick, groaning at the taste of her.
Her hands went to the top of my head, gripping my hair as I started to eat her out like she was last meal.
Her back arched off the bed, my name falling from her lips. One hard tug of my hair, had me groaning against her pussy.
"Armando, baby, I need you." She cried out, pulling on my hair to force my mouth away from her pussy. I knew my chin was covered in her juices, and I didn't care. I never cared as I knew how to take care of my woman.
"Please." How could I resist that?
I kissed my way up her body, kissing every inch of skin I could.
I reached between our two bodies and gripped my cock, and placed it at the entrance to her pussy.
I kissed her as I slowly slid in, the two of us moaning into the kiss. She felt like heaven. As I bottomed out, my eyes screwed shut as I didn't move, just savouring the feeling of feeling her warmth around my cock.
"Come back to me, Armando." She softly said to me as I forced my eyes open to look down at her as I pulled my hips back until only just the tip was inside of her, and then I slammed back in. Her mouth fell open in a silent moan.
I leaned forward on my elbows, which were on either side of her head, kissing her, and muttering sweet words about how much I missed her. How much I love her.
This became all too much for her as she wrapped her arms around my back, trying to pull me closer as she came. I fucked her through her orgasm.
I couldn't hold back any longer. I tried to hold back, wanting this to last longer, but with a shout of her name, I stilled and came inside her pussy, which triggered a small orgasm for her.
I collapsed on the bed next to her, pulling her into my arms, as this is the proper first cuddle we have ever got to do.
"You had me worried Armando." She said as she looked up at me. I kissed her forehead, muttering how sorry I was.
"I didn't mean to make you worry. I am glad you are safe as that was my main concern when I was gone." I told her.
"You are still a wanted man, Armando." She pointed out.
"I know. I will just lay low for a bit until I can figure something out."
"Are you going to leave me?" She asked me, quietly.
"Where ever I go, I want you to come with me. I can not imagine leaving you behind. You have waited long enough for me."
"I will always wait for you, but wherever you go, I will go." She kissed me, and I kissed her back, not believing that this woman is willing to give up her life to be on the run with me.
"I love you." I told her once we broke the kiss.
"And I love you, Armando."
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mrsbuckybarnes1917 · 11 months
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Bucky isn't a fan of children roaming the streets in costumes and asking for candy. But it only takes one little boy to change his mind.
This is my Halloween contribution to the fandom and a shoutout to @jessybarnes, congrats on reaching 500 followers!
Word count: just over 1k
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He had just gotten home. Bloodied and bruised. There hadn't been any time for him to change. In fact, he had barely stepped through his front door when his phone pinged with a notification from you.
Went to the store to grab more candy!
Bucky scowled. Halloween. He didn't have time to think about such mundane things as your favorite pagan holiday. Naturally, you felt otherwise and had taken the liberty of decorating his home for him.
It was lucky he lived in an apartment building. What was the likelihood that any kids would-
"Trick or Treat!" A chorus of voices accompanied a knock on the door.
His shoulders drooped in disappointment. Maybe he could ignore it?
"TRICK OR TREAT!" There was only one voice this time but louder than before.
Bucky was a patient man who knew multitudes of silence and stillness. He would be patient.
"Come on, Mister! I saw you go inside!" The voice of a little boy who was far less patient than he was.
A sigh escaped Bucky's lips. He was exhausted and didn't particularly want to deal with the emotional baggage that came with the way he expected a child would react to his appearance. He knew people still saw him as a monster, despite his pardon. He had no desire to see fear reflected in the eyes of innocence. But the pounding didn't stop.
He looked around wildly for something to give the expectant youth. His eyes finally landed on a bowl beside the door. There was one candy bar left inside.
Well, it was better than nothing. Bucky grabbed the bowl and wrenched open the door. An audible gasp stopped him in his tracks. He looked down to see an eight year old boy dressed as Captain America standing before him, mouth agape.
"Here kid, this is all I've got," he held out the candy bar to the frozen child.
Both Bucky and the boy stood facing each other for what felt like an eternity to Bucky. Neither of them moved and Bucky wondered if the boy's jaw could drop any further. His silence was making Bucky very uncomfortable.
"Look kid, just take this and go," he dropped the bar into the kid's pumpkin basket. As an afterthought he added, "you don't have to be scared."
"Are you an Avenger?" The boy whispered.
"Not exactly, kid."
"But you're friends with Captain America?"
Bucky was loath to answer this question, but he couldn't exactly deny that he and Sam were friends.
"I guess you can call us friends."
"Do you have superpowers?"
Bucky shrugged. He thought of superpowers belonging to heroes. He would never describe himself as one.
The kid smiled and continued talking despite Bucky’s nonverbal state. “My dad lives in Washington DC now.” 
“That’s nice?” Bucky felt the need to respond to the wide eyes which hadn’t left his face since he opened the door.
“I went to visit him over the summer. He doesn’t live with me and my mom anymore.”
Bucky didn’t miss the glaze of sadness which washed over his face, and he didn’t like how it made him feel.
“Did you like it there?” he asked the boy.
“Yeah! He took me to the Smithsonian.”
Bucky finally understood what the boy was telling him.
“I read about you.”
“Oh.” Bucky’s face fell. The kid had read about the Winter Soldier and his past. “Look, I’m not-”
“You’re my favorite!” The kid was positively beaming up at him.
“F-favorite?” Bucky stuttered, utterly baffled by the response he was receiving. “Favorite what?”
“Howling Commando!” He bobbed up and down with excitement. “You’re Steve Roger’s best friend!”
“Yeah,” Bucky’s face softened and he replied softly, saddened by the thought of his oldest friend. He missed Steve. He looked down at the child before him, his bright eyes and blonde hair. “What’s your name, kid?”
"Steve," he smiled. "My mom named me after Captain America because he saved her life when she was pregnant with me. Dad tells me what happened as a bedtime story on my birthday." The light behind his eyes dimmed with his last words. "He missed it this year."
"I'm sorry, pal."
"Next time I see him, I'm going to tell him I met an Avenger!"
"I bet he will be real impressed!" Bucky smiled, choosing not to correct little Steve.
"When I grow up, I wanna be just like you!"
"I don't think you want that," Bucky answered wistfully.
"You don't think I can be a hero?" Little Steve's face fell.
"Of course you can!" Bucky inwardly cursed his use of language. He knelt down in front of the boy and laid a hand on his shoulder. "But you know my friend, Sam Wilson? Captain America?"
Little Steve nodded solemnly.
"He's the guy you want to grow up to be. Got that?"
"Yes sir, Mr Bucky."
"But if you ever tell him I said that, you'll never get candy here again. Understood?" Bucky said sternly, dropping his last candy bar into the kid's pumpkin basket.
"I'd better get going or I'll miss out on the good candy. No offense, but you gotta get something better than this."
"Working on it, pal," Bucky smiled as you turned the corner, arms laden with several bags. He unburdened you and emptied the contents of one bag into Little Steve's small hands.
He delighted in the sight of the boy's bright eyes and toothy grin. "Thanks!" he cried, backing away with his sugary horde.
"Don't eat it all at once!" Bucky called after him. 
You stood to the side watching the way Bucky had spoken to the little boy, giving him a smug smile.
"What?" Bucky frowned.
"What was that about?" You pointed between Bucky and the spot where Little Steve had stood.
"Kids these days, no respect. We didn't have the luxury of being given this much sugar when I was a kid."
"Is that why you gave him half of what I just brought back?"
Bucky shrugged.
"Come on, let's go inside. The kids may think that blood is fake, but I know better!" You steered Bucky into the apartment. "And if you're good, you'll get a treat too!"
“Did I mention that dress looks incredible on you?" Bucky smirked, eyeing your rockabilly cap sleeve dress with its sweetheart neck and flared skirt. True to the Halloween spirit, it was covered in a pumpkin and ghost design.
You put your arms around his neck. “There will definitely be treats tonight,” you purred into his ear.
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deblklesb · 1 year
[In This Economy — Abby x Reader OneShot]
[established relationship, fem!reader, angst, fluff and smut (MDNI)]
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a/n: again, so so sorry for the wait 😭😭 i hope you enjoy it!
cw: abby and reader fight, angst, reader is neurodivergent and goes in a slight verbal shutdown, scissoring, oral (r! receiving), fingering (abby receiving), pet names.
word count: 3,1k | not proof read
!reblogs are highly appreciated!
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You were thrilled; tired, but thrilled. Inside your backpack sitted a small box with a very expensive gift for the most amazing woman in the entire world, and you were looking forward to finally giving it to her.
It cost you tons of extra work, with more shifts at work and nights awake. During the time being, hiding the idea from her was the hardest part, your excitement so big you had to physically restrain yourself from spilling the secret. In the end all went well, and now you are heading home from the jewelry store after spending all your savings.
The familiar building with old painting called your attention back from your thoughts, you grabbed the keys and noticed shaky hands. Trying to calm yourself, you repeated mentally how she would like it, obviously, that you had nothing to worry about. The way your insecurities made every situation like this a stress was awful, despite your efforts to work on it. It was a long way, after all.
You breathe deeply one last time before opening the door to your apartment, the cozy living room visible from the corridor inside.
"Abs?", you called while taking off your shoes, making sure she was home.
"Hey, babe", her voice came from inside and, while relieved, you also felt a chill in your stomach. "How was your day?"
"You know, the usual…", mostly true; except for the gift, your day was the same. "And yours?"
"People at work got me a cake", the smile on her voice was noticeable. "It's pretty good, I put it on the fridge"
"Nice", your feet made contact with the old wooden floor, the window in the living room giving sight to the other side of the street.
Abby was at the table reading something, probably from her job. She worked so hard, you both did, and you just wanted to give her the world.
"Happy birthday, pretty girl", you kissed her face after leaving the backpack in the corridor, getting a smile and a hug by your waist. "I love you"
"Thanks, babe. Love you too", she looked up just to get more kisses, chuckling.
"I got something for you"
"Oh?", her blue eyes got filled with curiosity and you just wanted to squeeze her adorable face.
Quickly, you got the little box in the backpack and came back, putting it on the table. She was intrigued, especially considering your excitement exhaling from your pores. So she grabbed the small object and opened.
Sitting inside there was a ring. It was a simple silver ring with a golden line around it.
And the room was filled with silence. You could hear the cars outside and the buzz from the people walking, some birds and pigeons flying. You always loved this sound, the mixture of life happening in the world, and it wasn't nothing exaggerated, so you enjoyed it. But right now, due to the anxiety, all you wanted to hear was Abby's voice.
She picked the ring, analyzing it. The blue eyes wandering around the details as she turned it side to side.
"Why… Why did you buy me this?"
This wasn't what you expected to hear.
"You… Didn't like it?" That was the wrong question. You surely wanted to know whether she liked it or not, but it just blurted out because of the emotions, not rational at all. You shouldn't have asked this, because your heart was this close to breaking.
"I… It's beautiful, babe, but this must have been so expensive!", the frown in her brows denounced she was angry. Why was she angry? "We have so much with the house, and I know we work very hard, but we still have stuff to do. And instead you decided to buy me a ring?"
The bubbling inside grew, you wanted to hide. Suddenly you felt self-conscious about your bands and how you didn't know what to do with them while standing there. And the sounds of the cars felt too much.
"It's just… I can't accept it"
"What?" If the look you had on your face didn't denounce the amount of confusion you felt right now, it was a pity. "No, no. Abby, you have to. I worked double shifts for this…"
"That's why you've been getting home late?!" She stood from the chair, still holding the box on one hand and the ring on the other. Was she screaming at you?
"Well, yeah! I needed to get the money, I didn't want to buy it and get debts, so I got the full amount of money", you screamed back, frustrated for doing so.
"Are you serious?!" Her tone. It was angry. Why was she angry? This was supposed to be sweet, it was her birthday, she wasn't supposed to be feeling like this today. Did you do wrong?
"Why are you reacting like this?!" Your heart was beating so fast, face getting warm with the tears coming.
"Because you just worked your ass off to get a stupid ring while we still have stuff to do around the house. You could've got something for the both of us… Or the house!"
With heavy breaths and a confused mind, you took from the smallest pocket of your pants another ring, thinner, matching the one she was holding. Tears started to flood your face against your will, which made you more frustrated. You didn't want to cry. After showing it to her, you put it on the table, making a loud sound that irritated yourself. Abby, silent, stared at it.
"There. It was for us."
Then you went putting your shoes on again, so fucking affected in a way you couldn't put in words. It was just too much.
"What are you doing?"
"Going out. Again. I won't stay here while you're angry, especially because I don't understand why you're angry at me", you turned to her again while grabbing your coat. "I didn't do anything wrong. And, yes, I worked my ass off to get this. You should probably think better about that before I come back, because all I wanted to do was give you something nice, when we're always getting money to make repairs in the apartment and we barely have other stuff to ourselves, anyways"
Without giving her the time to answer, you just stormed out of the apartment, closing the door.
And immediately the cry intensified, which just made you so much worse. You hated to cry in front of people, and the amount of feelings inside right now kept coming up your stomach and forming a knot in your throat. Head aching, body feeling too much all of a sudden, and you just wanted to disappear from the earth. Not even the clouds outside, something you enjoyed to look at, brought you back from this disconnected state.
By the time you came home, it was already dark. The cars now had headlights on, which made you flinch every time one crossed the street. Still, you kept going until reaching your old building. The lights from your apartment were turned off, and you truly thought Abby was asleep already - even though it wasn't late, it would be much easier.
When you closed the door and flicked the lights, there she was. Sitting on the couch, holding what you noticed to be your ring, the thinner one.
You didn't say a thing. Just took out your shoes, wishing this discussion to be over. Wanting to forget you had this idea anyway.
"I don't have the energy to fight, Abby" you started to head to the bedroom, craving for some comfort right now and picturing your bed. Body feeling too heavy and head light. "Just… Let me sleep."
"I don't wanna fight", she said, captivating your attention again. You turned around in time to see her getting up, her clothes with tears' stains. Her blushed face confirmed the previous action and your heart sunk into your chest, like a punch in the guts. And you knew she felt the same when noticing your own cried out features. "I'm so sorry, babe…"
"We can do this by the morning", she kept her distance, respectful of your space. It was hard making contact in moments like that for you, and she knew it.
"No, please, let me." When you didn't move, she gave a step into your direction, careful. You stood there, waiting. "I'm sorry. I truly am. I just have been so stressed these days, no matter how hard we work, stuff doesn't seem to work out. And I just want to give you the best, all the time…" more steps, she was closer now and you were allowing it. The truth is that you wanted to hug her, feel her, because she was one of the only people you trusted to touch you in one of those moments, even though a time was necessary. "I got mad because I didn't want you to work so hard to give me something. Sometimes I feel like that's my job, it's hard to accept things"
"You work so hard, and you give me the best all the time, love. You're amazing. That's why I wanted to give you something this time. Spoil you a little bit, because you deserve it too", you murmur, feeling the warmth irradiating from her when she's close enough. "We can… Turn it back if that's your wish"
The blonde shook her head in denial.
"I shouldn't have gone mad at you. Sorry for being a jerk. Truly, if someone is to blame, it is the government. And the rich people making everyday life suck. And this economy", you chuckled lightly, nodding along. She caught your hand carefully, putting the matching ring on your finger. "It looks good on you"
"On you too", you finally made your perception of her ring on her own finger verbal.
"Can you forgive me?" Her blue eyes held honesty and care, all of this while she finally touched your face with both of her strong hands. "Please"
"If you promise not to do this again", the proximity metamorphosed your voice into a whisper, your previous anxiety in pure relief, the tension in need to give in.
Her breath reached your face and you held her by the waist, the strong muscles comforting your senses.
The small kiss bubbled your belly, it was so good. You loved her so much. Loved her taste and how the kiss, now deeper, consumed you whole. Frying your thoughts, taking you away from all the previous madness, noisy rhythm. Her hand on your nape, keeping you close, made you crazy. So little and so much.
Your hands traveled under her shirt, noticing how she wasn't using a top or bra and, all of a sudden, the sensation of her breasts against you was loud.
"I promise", she whispers under the kiss, love-biting your chin. And your chest is so full, you want her so bad from one second to the other.
Giving space to her lips on your neck and walking back when she does so forward, you sigh and pull up the clothing that covers her torso. She helps you finish the task, taking your coat next and pulling close by the waist, your bodies glued and needing to merge. The height difference made her tower you and it drove you crazy, weak knees and needy core.
Abby holds your face up to continue to kiss your neck, unbuckling your pants down until you have to move your feet to take it off completely.
The situation escalates fast enough, soon you're laying on the bed with her buff body on top of yours, hands feeling her muscles as your legs tangle and the wetness on your cores are mixing with friction. She moans, hair getting messy, and she's so hot all over that it has you speechless.
A strong hand wraps around your neck possessively, the way she does to drive you crazy, but she doesn't squeeze. It's just the positioning, the sight of you happily at her mercy, looking so fucking gorgeous as your clits bump into each other and her piercing blue eyes are fixed on your face. Your moans are like music to her ears, pleads for more, gasoline to her fire. Hips going faster, the free hand adjusting your leg so you can be nice and open to welcome perfectly her form. Her skin is blushed, freckles adorning her entirety in innumerous constellations and the muscles flexing compete for your attention.
"You're so good for me, babe", she murmurs, biting her lips as your pussy clenches around nothing and you're so close to coming with the friction. And her eyes fill with lust and passion, the hold loosening and her thumb presses your bottom lip, caressing there.
You just surrender. Partially because it's the natural reaction of your body to Abby: to let her get her way with you, with the knowledge that she'll do well to pleasure you both until you can react to act for yourself. But also because all the previous stress tired you enough. Abby knows it, and her plans involve taking care of you in the best way possible tonight.
Like reading your mind, her hips move faster and you're moaning louder. The sensation of her skin on yours, her pussy rubbing deliciously against yours with all the wetness around and between, your poor sensitive clit receiving friction all the time.
"So fucking pretty, taking me like that", she leans in, eyes glued to your expressions as you frown and holds up your leg like you're physically begging her to fuck you. "Gonna take care of you all night, uh? Come for me, babe, come on"
The idea of her having you all night it's enough to send you off the edge. Your eyes close and your whole body tenses, overwhelmed by her all over you. Your moans are literally whines now, but they vary with your guttural noises.
"So, so beautiful", her tone it's always nice, always pronouncing in a way to comfort you, as she kisses your face and moans with her own high flooding her body.
You just let her move you around like she pleases, now being put laying on your belly. The strong hands soon get into work, massaging your flesh as her lips trail pecks and licks into your skin. Abby takes more time on your ass, groping it.
Due to the position you can't see, but she's staring at you like the most beautiful work of art possible. Like she's infatuated with it, a specific glow in her orbs when she can capture the sight of your wet pussy between your thighs. Fuck, she needs to worship you forever.
The tall woman adjusts herself behind you, pushing your legs so they can give her space. Her strong arms wrap under your thighs and she locks her grip on you and elevates your hips, now face to face to your glistening pussy.
A loud sigh escapes your mouth as soon as her mouth makes contact with your core. Eyes rolling back, you're so sensitive already but you know she won't stop unless you ask her to. She keeps going, using her tongue to caress you whole, up and down, and it's so heavenly good. You can't help but grab the sheets and the pillow, contorting yourself all the time and moaning to show her how fucking done you're getting. How she can easily mess with you in the most profound way in these moments of intimacy.
The whole time she's eating you, you moan and call her name. It's the only way you can verbally externalize what you're feeling now, overflowing with heat and desire. Nipples and head pressed against the mattress, mouth falling open from the constant explicit sounds and head in the clouds due to her hot muscle against your most needy place.
It doesn't take long before you're on the edge again, the familiar feeling on your tummy and the involuntary faults of your body warning the scenario. Abby kept going, holding you in place with her strength when you kept contorting. Her own core was tightening constantly, she was going crazy tasting you, feeling you.
Abby was so obsessed with you, so in love, that the mere thought of making you upset made her feel like the most ridiculous person on earth. She just wanted to make up for it, fuck you down like you enjoyed and make sure to spoil you down the rest of the week.
With hands traveling through your skin, Abby received your high with a groan. Your juices on her mouth, clit hard on her tongue and folds against her mouth and face; she was in heaven.
"You're always so so delicious", she said, kissing your ass on both sides. "So good for me, babe"
Her kisses went north and soon she was laying next to you, a hand pulling you close as her lips touched yours. In a hazy state, you retributed the act while your hand rested on her face. The heat coming from her body made the duvet expendable, she was the warmth that could comfort your most cold days.
Passionately you keep kissing her, trying to show how much you loved her without using words. Abby feels consumed by that moment, melting under your touches as you take control for a moment. You don't say anything, just spread pecks around her face, going down to her neck.
"You make me crazy", she whispers, both hands still on you since she can't keep them to herself.
While you feel her on your palms, traveling your touch to her core, Abby keeps whispering sweet nothings to you. You accept every single one of them, groaning when reaching her wetness.
Soon you were looking at her face, drunk on her. Taking in each reaction, the way her cute lips were parting so she could moan and pant. Her freckles adorning those beautiful features, she held your face as your fingers worked skilfully on her. Her folds welcoming you, soaking in heat like she would only do for you. The smell of the moment filled the room and your digits filled her inside, reaching the places she needed the most.
Strong hips twitched in your direction, her legs separated like she was calling for you all the time.
"Please, bun, don't stop", she pleaded, frowning.
You collected some of her moisture to start massaging her clit. The bud excitedly against your ministrations as she moved her body, breath choppy and heavy.
The last straw was your lips going to her nipple, tongue circling the rigid place as your hand firmly moved on her soaking pussy.
She was seeing stars under the lids when her eyes rolled back and closed, body out of control as she repeated how much she loved you in that honey-coated voice. She was so beautiful, so fucking perfect, you could come with that vision alone.
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[png dividers by @cafekitsune]
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cutielando · 9 months
forever | r.c.
synopsis: in which you finally get your happily ever after
my masterlist
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"Will you marry me?"
That was the question that had changed your life a couple of months ago.
Your long-term boyfriend, Rafe Cameron, had finally got the courage to ask you to marry him, after being in a relationship for more than 4 years together.
He had saved up money from his job to buy you the ring with his own earned money, not with the money his family had.
The beautiful diamond ring has been beautifully sitting on your ring finger ever since the night he got on one knee, there being very few occasions when you would take it off. You often found yourself just staring at the jewel on your finger, mesmerized by the diamond and what it signified for you and Rafe.
A first step to your forever life together, side by side.
Planning for your wedding had been the most stressful, yet most beautiful period of your life up to that point. Getting to organize the wedding of your dreams with Rafe was magical, building up the ever growing excitement for the fast-approaching wedding date.
Before you knew it, you were waking up on the morning of your wedding day, stretching out to find Rafe's side of the bed empty and cold. 
You sighed, remembering that your families had insisted that you two don't see each other on your wedding day before the aisle, and you didn't want to admit it, but you missed seeing Rafe already and you had barely just opened your eyes.
A ding from your phone made you snap out of your thoughts and pick it up, smiling once you saw that it was a text from Rafe.
good morning angel, i hope you slept well <3 i know you're probably sad we didn't get to wake up next to each other, i'm just as hurt by that. but look on the bright side, in a couple of hours we'll finally be married and wake up next to each other every morning for the rest of our lives. i love you and i can't wait to see you walking down the aisle to me <33
Your heart could have exploded just because of that message, butterflies erupting in your stomach. Even after so many years of knowing each other and being together, Rafe still managed to make you shy and flustered every time.
You quickly typed out a response before you heard a soft knock on your bedroom door.
"Honey? Are you awake?" the quiet and muffled voice of your mother asked from behind the door, prompting you to get up and open the door.
"Hi mom" your smile was contagious, but your mother's was 10 times more so than yours.
Ever since she learned the news of your engagement, she couldn't stop talking about it and smiling constantly, over the moon that her daughter was finally getting married.
"Morning honey. How are you feeling?" she quickly looked left and right to make sure Rafe wasn't anywhere near you before she walked in and closed the door behind her.
Your mother and Rafe's sisters were tasked with guarding you from seeing Rafe and your brother along wit your father were tasked with keeping him away from you.
A task that was going to prove to be difficult because Rafe couldn't stand being away from you for long.
"Nervous, but excited at the same time. I just can't believe I'm really getting married in a few hours" you were giddy, holding your mother's hands excitedly.
"Oh, my sweet girl. You're all grown up" your mother's voice started quivering and tears suddenly appeared in her eyes, making you shush her and bring her in a hug.
"Mom, please don't cry. You're going to make me cry too" you said as you pouted, hugging your mother close. 
Ever since your mother had met Rafe, she had been sure that he was going to be the man you were going to end up marrying. Fast-forward, turns out she had been right.
Several hours later, with the help of your mother, Wheezie and Sarah, you were all glammed up in your dress, getting ready for your father to come and get you.
A knock on your door signaled that it was time for the ceremony, making your stomach churn with nerves.
"Are you ready sweetheart?" your father asked you as he gave you your arm, standing in front of the still-closed doors of the church.
You let out a big sigh and nodded, giving him a convincing smile. You held the bouquet in your other hand, feet tapping against the floor impatiently.
Once you heard the music starting and the doors slowly started to open, you knew the moment had finally come. Everyone in the room turned around to look at you, big gasps echoing through the big church.
However, your eyes were only on Rafe, who was waiting for you at the alter with your brother and Topper by his side.
"Hi" you mouthed to him once you made eye contact, making him smile widely and wiping a tear that had escaped from his eyes.
The walk towards Rafe felt like an eternity to you, when in reality it had only been a minute. You had got lost in Rafe's eyes, your attention only focusing in on him.
"Take care of my girl" your father told your soon-to-be husband once you reached the alter and Rafe took your hand from your father.
"I promise, sir" he said, gently helping you up the few steps.
"Hello, everyone" the reverend began speaking. "We are gathered here today to celebrate the marriage between these two exceptional young people, Y/N and Rafe. I can see how excited the bride and the groom are, so I won't make this any longer than it should be. Y/N, Rafe, have you prepared your vows?" you both nodded, and then the reverend motioned for you to go first.
You let out a breath, suddenly a little bit nervous. But as you looked into Rafe's eyes, you suddenly relaxed and realized there was nothing to be nervous about, not when it came to him.
"Rafe, my love, I can't even begin to explain to you how much I love and appreciate you. You came into my life at a point when I didn't believe that love was real, that I was worthy of being so passionately and irrevocably loved by someone. But you showed me what real love is, you taught me to push myself and achieve every goal I set for myself. You always push me to be my best self and you have helped me grow as a person and mature. You always know what to say, you can always read me even when I don't want to say anything, you know me better than I know myself. I promise to love and to cherish you from this forward and until the day we are no longer going to be on this planet. I love you and I can't wait to see what the rest of our lives looks like" tears had started pouring down yours and Rafe's cheeks, making everyone in the audience also tear up.
"How can I top that?" Rafe joked, making your families laugh as well. "Y/N, the love I have for you is consuming, it's so strong I don't even know what to do with it sometimes. You have helped me become a better man, take responsibilities for my actions and be more understanding of life. You showed me that I had a purpose in this world and that made me realize my life's purpose is to love you and to show you how much you mean to me. I know I'm not the easiest person to be with, but I'm trying to be better for you every single day, to show you that I deserve to be married to you because you only deserve the best. I promise to love you and care for you for the rest of our lives, keep you safe and I will make it my life's mission to make sure you never lack anything. I can't wait to spend the rest of my life by your side, baby. I love you so much"
Everyone in the room was crying by the end, including your father who you had never seen crying before.
"The rings?" the reverend turned to your brother, who fished them out of his pocket.
"Y/N, do you take Rafe Cameron to be your lawfully wedded husband, to live together in holy matrimony, to love him, to honor him, to comfort him, and to keep him in sickness and in health, forsaking all others, for as long as you both shall live?" 
"I do" you proudly exclaimed and slid the ring on Rafe's left hand.
"Rafe, do you take Y/N Y/L/N to be your lawfully wedded wife, to live together in holy matrimony, to love her, to honor her, to comfort her, and to keep her in sickness and in health, forsaking all others, for as long as you both shall live?"
"I do" Rafe slid the ring on your left hand as well, taking both of your hands in his after.
"By the power invested in me, I pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss the bride" Rafe didn't waste another second before he pulled you to him, taking your face in his hands and kissing you deeply.
The whole room started cheering and clapping, but you didn't hear anything else around you.
You only felt Rafe kissing you, sharing your first moment as husband and wife.
When you both pulled away, whispers of 'I love you' were shared between you, quiet so nobody could hear.
And as you both walked out of the church hand-in-hand, you knew that you were ready for anything life had to offer you as long as you had each other.
Mr. and Mrs. Cameron against the world, forever.
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twstfanblog · 2 months
Woooow Jamil jr really out here framing his dad for a crime he didn’t commit lol
HEHEHEEH, the first meeting story of the Evil Dad AU unlocked!
Yeah, Jamil kicks off the search because THERE'S A WARRENT FOR HIS ARREST. Kalim: Kalim: So…we should look into this right? Jamil: OBVIOUSLY
They get to the city and everyone they suspect of being a part of the gambling ring gives Jamil answers so easily. Because they think he's their boss and he looks pissed, nothing good comes from a pissed-off boss. they manage to get led to the main hideout building of the gambling ring on their first day in the city. But things can't be that easy right?
They get to the back table, both of them stunned to see a perfect copy of Jamil working a table and winning big.
Kalim: Kalim: Jamil? "Jamil": JJ under his UM, looking like Jamil, just bolts after catching Jamil's expression of pure murder. It's chaotic chase scene that ends with Jamil losing the fake in an alleyway. Jamil has no idea where the bastard went, so their stay extends until they can catch him. This happens on and off for like a week. Then, after one failed chase, Jamil noticed that there's a small opening in the wall. He takes note and goes back to the other alleys he lost the fake in. They all have small openings pointed to the walled off center of the city. Jamil: Hey…what's on the other side of these walls? NPC: Oh. That's all abandoned houses back there. They put the walls up so tourists didn't have to look at them.
Kalim and Jamil go in the middle of the night to explore the abandoned part of the city, not really sure what they're looking for other than scenes of life. Which they do find in the form of the local homeless population. While Jamil talks to them Kalim keeps looking through the houses. Kalim manages to find Yuu's hideout for JJ, noting how everything in the house looks decently new and well taken care of. Walking around, he finds actual JJ on the couch asleep. Kalim notices he really does look just like Jamil but much younger. Kalim isn't very bright but boy does have eyes Kalim: Kalim: By the seven. Jamil has a SON….
A statement that wakes JJ up and he instantly pulls a knife on Kalim. Jamil shows up to find 'Fake Jamil' with a knife to Kalim's throat JJ: Stay away or he's dead! Jamil is about to use deadly force. Impressed or not, he needs Kalim to maintain control over the Asim's trade lines but Kalim calls out to stop him. Kalim: Jamil no! He's just a kid! JJ: Shut up!? Kalim: It's an illusion! He's like 9! JJ: FUCK YOU, I'M 11-Damn it. JJ goes for broke and shoves Kalim at Jamil to make a run for it. Final parkour chase scene of Jamil chasing down JJ in the abandoned city. It ends with JJ trying to scale a building o escape Jamil, only for a part to break off and he goes falling down. Jamil manages to save him and now he's got an armful of a tiny version of himself. Jamil, thinking: 11...11 Years ago. Who was I even with 11 years-? *Flash of Yuu in a belly dancer outfit asking him about the 'fabled' snake scepter that she stole the ruby eyes out of * Jamil:
They take JJ with them back to the house they're staying in and interrogate him. The first question being, 'Where's your mother?'. To which they find out that JJ hasn't seen Yuu in about a year, but she still sends JJ his monthly allowance to buy food and do general home upkeep, so he assumes she's still alive. And Kalim asks the most burning question he has.
Kalim: What's JJ stand for? JJ: JJ: I wanna talk about something else- Jamil: No. What does it stand for? JJ: JJ: Jamil Junior- Jamil: REALLY???? JJ: LOOK- Jamil: YOU KNOWINGLY FRAMED YOUR OUR FATHER!? JJ: LOOK
JJ spends the night at their home, Kalim and Jamil prepping to bring JJ back with them. This is Jamil's kid! Kalim can't leave him to fend for himself and Jamil plans to use JJ to try to lure Yuu out of hiding so he can FINALLY put her in a cage himself. Only for the two of them to wake up the next day to find JJ GONE. Luckily they both know where he is and it's back in the fucking illegal gambling house, disguised as Jamil, AGAIN.
Jamil: JJ! JJ, counting his money: I'm busy- Jamil: Get over here. Get over here, right now. JJ: In a minute. Sorry folks, my brother and I gotta talk about something. Back in a few! JJ shoves Jamil and Kalim out into one of the alleys and drops his UM; an angry, small 11-year-old boy glaring up at Jamil. JJ: WHAT!? Jamil: Don't you fucking raise your voice at me... Jamil states that they are LEAVING, JJ is coming with them whether he likes it or not. JJ counters that while it's nice having such a 'loving father', he doesn't plan on leaving. He will try to not get another warrant sent for Jamil's arrest though. Jamil, counter-counters by just picking JJ up and tucking him under his arm. Which while the fastest move was not the best move. JJ is screaming and kicking the whole way out of the city, Kalim beside them all smiles and saying how much JJ is gonna love their house and how much new stuff they'll get him. At a point, Jamil Snake Whispers JJ to sleep, so that he'll stop pitching a fit. Cue JJ waking up nearly a day later in a new city, in his new room, all decked out like a mini Scarabian prince. Sleepily glaring at Jamil bringing him some food.
Jamil: Jamil: Good morning- JJ: You motherfucker- Jamil: That's right. I did fuck your mother. That's how you got here. You're welcome. From there, it's multiple failed escape attempts. But, JJ is getting harder to keep trapped and then Kalim delivers the news that Yuu's been captured and an execution date has been set.
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bats-and-birds-24 · 4 months
Chapter 2:
Talia could hear the muffled sobs from behind the door.
Her father must have informed him then.
The two sentries standing guard before Jason's room acted as though they heard nothing. The result of intense disciplinary training from the league.
She dismissed them with a mere wave of the hand. Talia barely noticed their deep bows as they left their post.
She knocked twice. No answer. She cracked open the door to see a young man on his knees, eyes red and puffy from crying.
Talia lifted Jason's face up to hers. 
She found no trace of the bright young boy with a sharp tongue and sharper wit left in him. What she had before her was a young man broken by the burdens of life placed on him at too young an age.
His body no longer had the scrawny build of a malnourished child. Now, he was a tall teenager with a fighter's lean build.
There was still time for him to grow and Talia knew that in time, her sons would surpass Bruce in both height and strength.
"How could he replace me?" Jason croaked out.
The question broke her stream of thought.
"He didn't replace you habibi, he most likely had to take on another Robin after your death. You know how Gotham is." Talia soothed him, wiping the tears from his eyes.
"I know how Gotham is, that's why I'm mad that he has a new Robin. He got lucky with Dick, and he should have learned a lesson about putting kids in spandex and having them jump off roofs and fight costumed asylum escapes when I died. Now there's another stupid kid who's following Batman around and will probably get himself killed as well." He raged.
Talia's heart hurt as she hurt her son speaking ill of her beloved, but she steeled herself.
He needed to know the truth.
"Jason, are you aware that the reason Bruce made you Robin, is because you were marked?"
"What's that mean?" Jason asked, confused as he collected himself.
Talia sat on the floor beside him and began to explain, "There's a curse in Gotham where a select group of people are marked with a symbol of the bat. They are destined to become vigilantes by choice or by circumstance."
His eyes widened, he got up and began to take off his clothes and turned his back to the mirror. 
"Why didn't he say anything?" His voice barely a whisper.
Talia sent a fond glance towards Jason, "He wanted you to have as normal a childhood as possible. Also, at the time, Bruce didn't have much proof aside from the matching marks. He needed to know more. You know Bruce, he never says anything, unless he has all the facts."
Jason staggered back to his bed, "I think I'm going to need a minute."
"Of course." Talia nodded.
She shut the door behind her.
The muffled sobs were now replaced with an eerie silence.
Her footsteps were the only sounds left to be heard.
Jason stared up at the ceiling, his entire worldview shattered for the third time in two months.
The first was when Bruce, his dad, failed to save him from the Joker. The second was when he realized that not even death was concrete in his life, as he clawed his way up from his own grave. The third, when he was told that he was marked, the choices he made, not really his.
The last one grated on him the most. He could live with Bruce not being as perfect as he once thought, he could live with coming back to life, but when faced with the prospect that the life you lived was already decided for you, that crossed the line.
It was as though he was a kid again, back in Crime Alley, where society already decided he was a criminal, and given the lack of opportunities, it really was the only viable path for him.
He grit his teeth. Everything he had gone through, nearly starving to death every winter in the Alley, watching his mother get high on drugs, becoming homeless after her death, to becoming Robin after a fateful encounter with Batman. It was all predetermined, his choices irrelevant.
He could live with the fact that he got blown up by the Joker thanks to his own mistakes, but if it was already meant to be, what was the point of doing anything? Was his life just to suffer for Gotham's sins? 
Jason contemplated offing himself with one of the many weapons at his disposal, but then decided against it. Odds are, his mark won't let him die that easily, at the very least Talia wouldn't. He'd probably get dunked in the Lazarus pit again and lose what little sanity he had left.
In thought, he glanced out the window, at the rows of assassins training.
He wondered what his replacement was up to. Feelings of resentment aside, he felt for the kid. Bruce probably didn't tell him about the mark either, out of concern for his childhood (Jason had to roll his eyes at that, if B was so concerned about their innocence, then he wouldn't have them beating up criminals in the streets) or fear that he'd run away.
Jason tamped down a surge of jealousy, it wasn't fair that some rich kid from Bristol was living his life.
He stretched and headed out to the training grounds. If his life was already destined to be a mess of vigilantes and criminals, preparing for it was the least he could do.
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fairykazu · 10 months
misunderstandings ft. childe
inspo: “I know you don’t like labels, so will you be my married-person-thing?”
it's hard to be in love with someone who's so obvious that they like you back but refuse to admit it. unfortunately, that's the situation childe has with you. everyone could see the love and affection in your eyes whenever you see the ginger male. but no matter hard they try to make you admit that you like him, you shut your mouth and change the subject.
well, you have had admitted it quietly in your friend's ear once but maybe too loudly because childe's ear perked up when you said his name. you immediately changed the subject right away.
"name? did you say my name?" childe asked as you tried to play off your flustered look,
"no? i was talking about albedo's sister. i mean, it's amazing how hes able to work around her. because um... children! i meant to say children not "childe". you have selective hearing! thats what you have." you spluttered up as amber whispered in your ear,
"good save."
he smiled hoping not in an awkward way and said, "ohh! thats what you mean."
that was so not what you meant and sadly, it's gotten so obvious even the subject of your affection noticed. it's not that hard to notice. even though, your state of denial does annoy him when he tries to court you like a peacock, he does like the chase. but the real question is, is he the prey or the predator in the situation?
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you noticed that childe has been... not himself? not at all, in a bad way, of course but it's interesting that your boyfriend is acting like he has fallen in love all over again. do you have to worry about how his eyes only glimmer around you? maybe, but his eyes are pretty. speaking of the devil, he just texted you.
\\ 🍊: name
\\ 🍊: i need to talk to you rq
\\ 🍊: pls 🥲
he's so silly sometimes. you remember when he barely used emojis when you first began being friends. but as your relationship grew, he started to adapt how you texted. it's cute.
\\ 🍓: call?
\\ 🍊: ummm no. come to my house.
\\ 🍓: rn? it's like 7 😭😭
\\ 🍊: yes... well no 😞
\\ 🍊: you know what im coming over rn
\\ 🍓: RN?
\\ 🍊: yes.
what just happened?
childe arrived at your doorstep, out of breath. it was cold. too cold and it was snowing. he loves the cold and his favorite memories with you was building a snowman and a snow woman together with teucer. teucer isn't really picky with people but he approves of you a lot. childe remember how happy you were when he told you that his little brother likes to hang out with you. despite it all, he still has the balls to confess and ask you out. or if you don't like labels. thats fine. if he's able to relax in your warmth somehow, he'd be content. no dating? it's okay. he will wait for you. he slipped into his pocket, looking for his phone, texting you.
\\ 🍊: pls open your door.
\\ 🍊: it's too cold and you know i can handle the cold
\\ 🍊: name pls
\\ 🍊: berry berry pls
the door opened wide, the warmth of your apartment escaping to the chilled breeze. he was bundled up in different layers. one hand has his phone the other was buried in his pocket. you were confused. he would be confused too if he was you. he was guessing what kind of thoughts ran in your mind like why you are here out of breath? wouldnt you be sick? while you welcomed him into the apartment, closing the door behind him and helping childe take off one or two layers of clothes. once he was warmed up and comfortable, you asked him, "did you run here? we live 2 hours away from each other. why didn't you take your car? why couldn't just call?"
he nodded off your questions. he looked up at you and you looked kind of pissed and annoyed. "okay, i will answer that if you just listen to me."
your stance changed from closed off to open, you crossed your arms though. "okay?"
"okay. um, i wanted to do this in a nicer and different setting. it'd would be much better than this and i promise i'll do it in a different way too." he looked at you again for approval. your hand moved in a circular motion, signaling him to get to the point. "well, i like you and i think you like me too. i know you don't really like those labels of being-" he fakes quoted with his fingers. " 'together'. but would you be my significant-married-person-thing with me? if you don't, it's fine."
after he got that off his chest, he sighed deeply. he waited for your response. half hoping that he didn't get rejected by you just now. but all he heard was laughing. nervously, he looked at you again. "what?"
"i thought we were together." you sat next to him, trying to snifle your laughs. he could see the tears outlining your eyes. instictively, he wiped off a tear off your face.
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you watched how your words finally were processed in childe's brain and you could vividly see a lightbulb light up just now. "what?"
"i thought we were dating already."
"when did you think that???"
"well, in like highschool or middle school, when we were sleeping on my bed for one of our saturday sleepovers. you said, 'name, i want to be together with you forever.' and i replied with, 'i'd like that.'"
childe's face morphed, "but i didn't ask you officially. you knew i liked you from the start???"
"only because i thought we were dating from the start. gosh, my boyfriend is so stupid."
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BOYFRIEND?? VGBHJMAKLS;VPNEF L YAYY WHOOSH BOYFRIEND... wait a minute. "if we are dating, why did you ignore me at school and become flustered?"
"good question. i don't remember."
"i'm just kidding, childe. also were you dreaming because the only time that happened was like highschool. i feel like we shouldve had a chat about this."
"you think??"
"im sorry childe. here's your apology gift." you pecked his lips. he melted instantly.
"don't you think... this makes you forgiven."
"oh how dare i think that! so... do you want to watch tangled again?"
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theyjusthowl · 7 days
WIP whatever day it is
Hmmm, hi! So. Sterek is still going strong and I found my groove again but I did something different this week so here's a 911 WIP. Working title for this is "unsteaddie // not readdie".
Aaaaah I'm nerevous, never dabbled into buddie before!
Here's two truths and a lie about Eddie. Shannon was the love of his life. Eddie is a nester. Eddie is not a commitment-phobe. Number two and number three cancel each other out, so one of them must be the lie.
Eddie is not a commitment-phobe. He committed to Shannon alright. He committed to her into the afterlife. That's rock solid commitment there.
He's almost proud of himself. It's just that this truth and lie thing is just another exercise from Frank, to better understand himself, to rediscover his identity in the wake of Christopher's departure.
Eddie is alone with his thoughts, and he has many of them. He's just not comfortable sharing them with Frank. So he hands back the booklet to Frank.
Frank looks at the three lines written on the page and taps his pen over them, thinking. Eddie can already see how much he's going to hate where this is going.
"Eddie, tell me. Is this how you see yourself?"
"Yes," he says. After a brief pause, "No."
"Care to explain?"
Eddie mulls it over. "No."
"Alright, Eddie." Frank sighs. "You know we can skip the topics you don't feel like talking about, but we can't skip everything. Try to name why you don't feel like telling me about what you wrote."
The thing is, Eddie thinks, they're all truths. And they're all lies.
Eddie committed to Shannon because it was easy. There was never a question about it. Eddie got her pregnant, because Eddie didn't think to use a condom, because his Catholic upbringing only contemplated celibacy and it was more than their teenage hormones could handle. It was open and shut. Eddie had to be a man, do the right thing, so that Shannon didn't have to be ashamed of what he did to her.
Eddie committed to the army, because he had a baby on the way, and the bills were racking up, and he wanted to be a good husband, dutiful, attentive, a provider. Eddie did his first tour, because he's a nester. He wanted Shannon to buy a house with him and build a family, maybe have another child in a few years, when they were settled into their married life. He wanted to buy and put together a crib and paint the walls of the nursery in their new home, he wanted to give that baby, that boy, his son, a good life. He wanted to be there for the little milestones, so he did a tour, came back for Christopher's birth.
Eddie committed to his son when it became clear that his marriage wasn't working. He did another tour, saved up some money and tried to be better for Shannon, but it was too late. He tried to learn about his son's condition and be a good parent to him, moved them to LA and became a firefighter. That was an easy commitment too, because then there was Buck, and he wasn't alone anymore, and all he had to do was follow orders, clock in, clock out, grab a beer, go to PT nights, be present, be a father.
Eddie committed to all these things and built his identity around them because it was maybe easier than accepting that Shannon had her part in it too, that maybe she was his first love but not the love of his life. Shannon's ghost protects him from other people's prying. No one wants to disturb a widower. Shannon and Eddie didn't really fit, she was probably right about that. She'd moved on, wanted to rediscover herself as a person before jumping into being a wife. Maybe this new Shannon would have loved Eddie. Chances are she probably wouldn't have. Maybe Eddie would have hated this new Shannon.
So maybe Eddie is not a commitment-phobe. Maybe he is, but he's really good at submitting and has that mistaken for commitment. Maybe he can fool some people into thinking he's got a handle on things.
He doesn't.
"I feel… Unsteady," he says.
"That's a big feeling. Why do you think you feel that way?"
Eddie takes a deep breath.
"I'm not sure who I am. If I'm not a soldier, I'm not a husband and I'm not a father."
"You're still a father, Eddie."
Eddie thinks of Buck, telling him these exact words every other night when they hang out.
"I know. I just don't feel like I am. I'm not comfortable with this much free time."
Cue the beginning of Eddie's undoing.
He goes home with the same homework and instructions to take a good hard look at himself and think about who he is, what defines him. He rings Buck and asks him to come over on Friday night, even though he knows Evan has plans with Tommy.
Here's a truth about him.
Eddie Diaz is a possessive bastard on a power trip.
Buck is just the unlucky fixer on the receiving end of Eddie's recklessness.
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dc-marvel-life · 9 months
Pairing: Carol Danvers x Diana Prince x reader 
Request: Can I request some carol x reader x diana prince or just some diana prince x reader fluff? I've read 'Works Every Time' and it's really good :) - @starryskiesandboys
Summary: Carol and Diana miss a very important day of the year 
Word Count: ~1.3K
Warnings: Angst with fluff ending 
A/N: Sorry it took so long. I haven’t done angst in a long time, but it was still fun though. If you want to request something please do so!!!
You were in your shared apartment, eagerly waiting for your girlfriends to return home. They had been on a mission for a week now, and tonight marked the night they'd finally be back with you.
It was the perfect time for their return because today marked your two-year anniversary with them both. While the public knew about your relationship spanning five years, they didn't know anything about you for safety reasons. You had met Carol and Diana on the day they saved you from a building collapse. Impressed, they asked you out for coffee.
Initially, it was innocent, and you were just friends with one of the most powerful superhero couples. After a few months of hanging out, feelings developed for both of them. You hesitated due to their obvious love for each other, but one drunk night at their place, you confessed your feelings. To your delight, they admitted having feelings for you since they first laid eyes on you, hesitant to mention it. Polyamory wasn't a problem for you, and that's how your relationship with Carol and Diana began, leading you to the present two years later.
Unable to go out to celebrate, you decorated the apartment with balloons, rose petals, and a candle-lit dinner with soft music playing in the background. Your aim was to express the love you felt for the two women over the years.
As you kept checking your phone for the time, it got late. This was normal for missions, but they had texted you hours ago about returning tonight. You reassured yourself with the thought that maybe they were still helping someone.
Turning to your phone to pass the time, a news article caught your attention. The headline read, 'Captain Marvel and Wonder Woman’s new girlfriend!?!'. Expecting it to be about you, you opened it, only to find pictures of Carol and Diana at a bar with Valkyrie, hands all over each other. The time stamp indicated it was taken tonight.
Heartbroken, you tossed your phone on the couch and cried for five minutes. Remembering your mom's advice, you decided it was time to take action. After finishing your cry, you blew out the candles, popped the balloons, discarded the rose petals, and put away the food. Now, you waited for your girlfriends to return home, despite your upset feelings.
A couple of hours later, you heard them outside, trying to open the door.
“SSSHHHH, we have to be quiet so we don’t wake her up. I would hate to wake her up this late,” Diana said through the door to Carol, who was attempting to open it.
“I know, but I hope she's up because I want to cuddle her so bad right now,” Carol said.
You sighed and paused your show as the door opened.
“Oh my gosh, sweetheart, you're awake!” Carol exclaimed drunkenly, rushing over to hug you. However, you didn't reciprocate the hug. She still cuddled you.
“Hey there, sorry we're home so late,” Diana stumbled over, attempting to kiss you. Unresponsive, you moved your head, causing her to kiss your cheek. Diana gave you a questioning look as you stood up, leaving Carol to fall onto the couch.
“I made dinner; let me go and heat it for you guys,” you said, walking into the kitchen to prepare a plate for them. After they finished eating, you cleaned their plates and got them ready for bed.
“Come on, guys, it's time for bed,” you announced, helping them change into sleepwear and tucking them into bed. After a few minutes, you heard them snoring.
Quietly returning to the room, you grabbed your to-go bag and, with a last glance at your sleeping girlfriends, left the apartment.
A few blocks away, you reached a safe place to spend the night. Despite the late hour, walking alone didn't worry you, knowing how to handle yourself in a fight, a skill Carol and Diana had made sure you acquired early in your relationship.
A couple of minutes later, you arrived at the apartment of your friends and knocked on their door. Dinah answered, and upon seeing your tearful eyes, invited you in.
“Hey sweetie, what are you doing here this late?” Dinah asked, concern evident.
“Come inside, sweetie, and we'll talk,” Dinah offered, leading you into the apartment where your friends Natasha and Wanda were present. After explaining the night's events, Dinah assured you that you could stay as long as needed.
The next morning, Carol and Diana woke up to each other but not to you. Calling out your name brought no response. Confused and concerned, they called you, but it went to voicemail. A knock on the door brought Monica, who informed them about the events of the previous night, showing them pictures of their night out.
“No, no, no, this can't be happening,” Diana checked her calendar, realizing they had missed the anniversary.
“I feel like shit now,” Carol admitted. Monica warned them not to go to the compound for a couple of days and left.
Distraught, Carol and Diana started to clean and decorate the apartment with gifts they had bought over the past few months for your anniversary. They showered and changed into your clothes while awaiting your return.
That was the thing about your relationship; you all couldn’t be long without each other’s clothes or scent. When they go on a long mission, they ask you to wear multiple of their clothes and to take some of your clothes. They will do the same for you. 
At Dinah’s place, without their clothes or scent, you couldn't sleep. Deciding to return, you walked back to your apartment. Opening the door, you found it decorated even more lavishly than you had arranged. Your girlfriends were asleep on the couch, wearing your hoodies. You smile at the two and give them both kisses on their foreheads. That was enough to stir them awake.
“You are home!!!” Carol exclaimed with an uncertain smile.
“Yeah, I had to come back because I couldn't sleep. I didn't pack any of your guys’ clothes in my to-go bag, so here I am,” you said, observing the gifts and feeling a mix of emotions.
“It is nice in here. It almost looks like last night before I tore it all down,” you noted. Seeing the pile of gifts, you sighed, “You didn't need to get me all those gifts to say sorry.”
“No, my dear, we bought all of those gifts for you over the past couple of months for our two-year anniversary. If you want proof, then we can show you the receipt,” Diana explained.
"We have been planning for this anniversary for a long time now. Sweetheart, we know that we messed up big time, and we will be making it up to you every day for the rest of our lives. This will never happen again, and that is something we can promise you. We love you and want you in our lives forever,” Carol says, nodding in agreement.
"I am not going to lie and say that I wasn’t hurt by your guys’ actions, and that will take time to heal fully with a lot of work. The thing is, I love you guys so much too. It was just a tough week at work, I did not see you guys, and the new article just sent me over the edge. I am sorry that I just ran away from the problem and did not talk about it. Can you guys forgive me?” you say with tears in your eyes.
"You have nothing to say sorry about, dear. It was mainly our fault. We will all do better next time,” Diana says.
"There will be no next time,” Carol says, and you all laugh. You guys come in for a group hug and kisses. The rest of the night, you express gratitude for the thoughtfulness of the anniversary preparations, cuddle, and watch movies.
Hope you enjoy!!! Please request if you have any other ideas.
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cool-fancier · 1 year
Unlikely Heroine
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Synopsis: The mysterious Bada Lee lived in the peaceful building next door. Her beauty first drew you in despite being distant. When your ex-boyfriend stormed in one night, Bada saved the day, establishing a connection that grew stronger over common interests. You both revealed your feelings to one another on a rooftop under the night, beginning a remarkable relationship that led to the intriguing neighbour becoming a beloved friend and love interest.
Living in the peaceful flat next door was Bada Lee, a mysterious and graceful woman. She appeared uninterested in the world outside her door as she went about her regular tasks.  But you couldn't help but be drawn to her; she was a picture of beauty and grace that had you captivated.
You had been living in the same building for months and often caught glimpses of Bada in the elevator or hallway.  Her flowing dark and blonde highlighted hair, perfect sense of style, and the mysterious aura that enveloped her were all things you couldn't help but notice. She appeared distant and far away, like an unreachable star.
You eventually gave up trying to talk to her as time passed. She didn't seem to be much interested in her neighbours, so you decided to content yourself with observing her from a distance.
One awful night, when you were relaxing in your flat after an exhausting day, your door got an unexpected and unpleasant knock. When you unlocked it, your ex-boyfriend was there, angry and drunk.  His motives were obvious. he wanted your return no matter whether you want him in back.
Your heart was bursting with fear as you struggled to fight him off, but he persisted without restraint.  His loud voice caused a disturbance that echoed down the hallway and drew the attention of your neighbours.
When you believed there was nothing else to do, Bada Lee appeared at the door next to yours and swung it open. Her typically cool, collected demeanour had changed to one of furious determination. She gave your ex-boyfriend a burning gaze that caused him to shiver.
She spoke the words, "Enough," in a voice that would not allow for debate. "Get away immediately and leave."
She enters the room with authority, and your ex-boyfriend was startled by it. He stammered, "Who are you?"
Bada's reply was straightforward yet effective. "In this building, I won't put up with harassment. Now go."
He stumbled away while cursing under his breath because of her comments and attitude. Bada held her ground until he was gone from sight before turning to you and giving you a worried expression.
Her voice softened as she questioned, "Are you okay?"
Even though you were still in shock, you were able to nod. "Yes, I'm grateful. Without your help, I don't know what I would have done."
Bada gave a comforting grin. "Everyone gets a little assistance from their neighbours. I'm hoping he won't bother you ever again."
Your luck was beyond words.  The modest neighbouring woman had not only seen you but had also helped you out when you were in trouble. It was a kind act that showed a lot about her character and made you once feel appreciative and intrigued.
You said, "Thank you, Bada," your voice full of genuine appreciation.  "I don't think I've introduced myself properly.  I'm [Your Name]."
Bada held out her hand as her cheeks were somewhat flushed. "I'm Bada Lee. It's nice to meet you, [Your Name]."
You couldn't help but feel as you shook her hand that this chance contact marked a new chapter in your life—one in which the mysterious woman next door was no longer just a gorgeous stranger but an unexpected heroine who had saved you at the crucial moment.
You became more and more drawn to Bada in the days that followed. Her brave  and thoughtful deed stayed in your mind. You had been captivated by her strength and compassion as well as her lovely beauty because she had shown them to you when you were weak and in need.
One evening, as you and someone else were both in the lobby of the building checking your mailboxes, you gathered up the nerve to start a discussion. "Bada, I wanted to thank you again for helping me that night. It meant a lot to me."
The corners of Bada's eyes wrinkled as she grinned. "You're very welcome, [Your Name]. I couldn't stand by and let someone harass my neighbor."
You continued, encouraged by her warm response, "I've always noticed how quiet you are, but you truly shocked me. You're not just a lovely neighbor, you're also incredibly brave."
Bada's flush grew stronger and she took a minute to look down before catching your eye. "I appreciate you saying that. I guess I've been quite private for a while."
As your conversations grew in frequency, you realised that Bada was much more sophisticated than first appeared. She loved to dance and was a talented one at that and she had your enthusiasm for classic literature. It seems that she had a sophisticated and detailed world hidden underneath her guarded appearance.
You couldn't help but think that as your friendship grew, it may one day develop into something more. However, you were cautious since you weren't sure if Bada shared your views or if she was merely acting as a good neighbour and friend.
Bada turned to you one night as you were both relaxing on the building's rooftop and admiring the distant city lights. "[Your Name] knows that I cherish our friendship more than words can say. You've brought a lot of light into my life."
Your heart was thumping as you gazed into her eyes. "Bada, I feel the same way about you. I've loved having you as a friend, and I cherish our time together so much.
Bada rarely showed vulnerability, but her stare indicated more. "I have to admit something, [Your Name]. I came here with the hope of a new beginning free from the burdens of my old life.  But since meeting you, you've encouraged me to look for more than just a new beginning. I now want to actually live because of you."
Your hope swelled making your heart skip a beat. "Bada, I feel the same way. I had no intention of meeting someone like you, who makes my heart beat faster every time we talked."
Bada reached out for your hand with a kind grin on her lips, sending a shiver through your veins as her touch. "I'm glad we found each other, [Your Name]. Maybe it was fate that brought us together that night."
You both realised that this chance encounter was unique as you sat next to one other on the rooftop under the starlit sky. It was a bond forged in the quiet moments, in acts of bravery, and in the shared dreams that filled the night.
And as your hands joined, you sensed the start of a new chapter, one in which the mysterious neighbour was no longer just a lovely stranger but a treasured friend who had saved you and won your heart in the process.
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webnovel-deluxe · 1 year
Isn't Being A Wicked Woman Much Better? Side Story Chapter 17
i also upload this chapter in my YT, feel free to read there to support my effort, click👉Link
“I didn't expect you to get your diploma so soon.”
What a summer semester graduation!
The dean of the Academy's Faculty of Magic, my uncle, the Marquis of Wert, puts down his teacup and grinned.
He seems cold and cynical at first glance, but seeing the same face often, he knew he wasn't in a bad mood today.
“To be honest, the picture is strange for a single magician to teach the saint who saved the empire. ”
“But it is true that graduating too early according to the school rules… I thought the dean would be against it.”
“Do I not look so inflexible like your father?”
Addition adds more, but it doesn't look less.
I swallowed the hard words that came to my throat.
“Honestly, I didn't want to make an exception either, but I can't help it. Because of you, my work is almost paralyzed.”
“I’m going to see you, and even the graduates come to the undergraduate building from time to time, and I feel like I’m going to die.”
He shakes his head with a rather troubled face.
In fact, when the academy started, it was much more serious than it is now. The formula lectures I was giving were like taking a break.
“I respect you! Lady! Sign it!”
“Call my name just once!”
“Lady! Just say one word that you will pass your graduation thesis!”
“I feel like I will be able to pass the matriculation exam after receiving the saint from afar!”
There were people who didn't listen to lectures telling me to listen, and treated me as a totem of ups and downs.
'Of course, even if you only open your eyes wildly, you close your mouth right away.'
In the past, when I appeared, everyone was busy bowing their heads and politely giving way... .
‘I don’t really want to go back to the days of a villainess, but there were definitely things I was comfortable with.'
Still, it seems that some polarizing fans were in school, It seems that he was finally able to escape from the space called the school thanks to the trouble he made to the dean and president of the Academy.
The long compulsory education period, 5 years of undergraduate life, and hard work at the academy passed like a lantern.
“… It’s too long.”
While relieving, Marquis Berthe suddenly murmured.
“I thought you were good at teaching. If possible, I was thinking of making a teaching assistant. Because that's the fastest way to become a professor.”
'Hey, it's not too harsh, oh!'
With the creepy remark that he wanted to pamper me like a grad student, he casually pushed the cake in front of me. with a small box.
“This… .”
When I opened the box, it contained a rose-shaped brooch, and his scar trembled for a moment.
“When I see you, I think of Marien. She was the junior she wore. She was a good lecturer, so she was going to be a teaching assistant, but I don't think my younger brother would run away with her.”
Surely, not a love triangle, but a favorite graduate student No. 1?
Having written several chijeong novels in my head, I erased the questions that came to mind. Sometimes it's better to just leave it unaware.
“Your mother was a beautiful bride to match May. Marriage, congratulations.”
“Thank you, dean.”
“What dean when you get your diploma? Call me uncle.”
At the name that came out a little awkwardly, he smiled softly, incomparably with the previous one.
“I’ll see you at the wedding, Deborah.”
Upon hearing the news of Isidor's marriage, the Marquis of Jaba Slein hurried up to the capital with her family. It was to help her nephew's wedding preparations.
In the Empire, instead of the bride bringing the dowry, the groom prepared the wedding preparations, so Isidor would have a lot to worry about.
“Originally, this kind of preparation has to be led by an adult in the family… ”
In the mind of the Marquis, the childhood image of Isidore, who was like an angel from the past, was etched in her mind. Perhaps that's why his nephew, who had to carry out all the preparations alone, felt pity for him.
But after a while, instead of sticking her tongue out in pity, she sticks it out in exasperation.
To put it bluntly, perfectionism is a long one... … .'
He is a person with a reputation for being meticulous, but his nephew is a bit more sophisticated.
'I don't think there's a way to skip something.'
Isidor, who visited the wedding venue in advance, not only looked at the seating arrangement, but also the banquet room curtain decorations, candle holders, wine glasses, carpets, and even cutlery used by guests.
“This tableware is a trendy style?”
The vassal quickly responded to Isidor's point.
“Yes. There are a lot of nobles in the capital who prefer this kind of tableware these days, so I prepared it.”
“But it’s a formal place, but you don’t feel too heavy. Also, it’s not a flower pattern that suits the season, is it?”
“I will change it right now.”
The Marquis of Vaslein approached Isidor, watching closely the number placed on the tablecloth.
“May I give you a heartfelt message to the Duke of Visconti?”
Isidor, who had even taken off his gloves and checked the texture of the tablecloth, lifted his head at his aunt's call.
“Speak at ease, Auntie.”
“Yeah, don’t be shy. It would be a headache just to sort out the guest list, but if you look at every little thing like this, your nerves won't be left behind.”
“As soon as this place, which you rented for a dinner party, became known, the empire was turned upside down. If it had been this way, Seymour's first headmaster would have been satisfied.”
“The little things make the best quality. Visconti’s invitation.”
“… The invitation left such a saying?”
“Yes, I remember.”
Seeing his nephew, who said he was only following the laws of the Visconti, to stop nagging, the Duchess of Vaslain shook her head as if she couldn't do it.
“You really remember everything.”
“aunt also has a good memory. I want you to forget about my immature childhood... .”
She often glorified Isidore as a child. Little Isidor, with rosy cheeks, dazzling blonde hair, and big eyes, was as real as her face, like an angel who had just descended from the earth.
“Isidor, when have you been immature? You grew up too early for needlessly because of your rude father.”
“I did the exact opposite because my father didn’t like it, but I look like I’m mature.”
“… Well, on the other hand, he was a perfect guy to be a teacher.”
I say it lightly now, but what the former Visconti owner, Albert Visconti did, was beyond my imagination.
As the only son was a mess, the former family's affection for the genius grandson grew and the conflict between the father and son deepened.
'It was terrible... .'
As she recalled the past, her eyes fell deeply.
In the long past, the Visconti Castle was always noisy due to the clamor of Bardo Visconti, the former headmaster. Even the sound of the rough waves crashing into the Alea Strait could not sweep away his shouts of force.
“There are drug dealers in the castle. Albert, are you crazy!?”
“Ah, father… !”
“Aren’t you ashamed to look at Isidor!? While you marred Visconti's impeccable prestige and defiled the stature of a noble bloodline, your son has awakened the talent of a magic swordsman! whopping! At the age of eight when you hid in an underground warehouse and stole alcohol!”
When Bardo Visconti provoked Isidor, Albert Visconti, who was trembling, suddenly bubbled like a mad dog.
“father! Where the hell is my son?”
“I know it all. Isidore is actually my younger brother, so I'm wearing it like my own son, right?”
“this… this guy! What nonsense are you talking about now?”
“Also. If you are stabbed, you are revolting.”
Albert rubbed his eyes like a madman and teasing his tongue.
“Anyway, Olga, I’ll have to pull the girl’s hair out and let Chidogon go. I'm playing with my sister-in-law, how dare I take a sip of my behavior on the topic of an affair?! The person who will receive the huge alimony is me!! dare! Dirty bitch!”
Olga, a victim of an arranged marriage, was fed up with Albert's Visconti's chaos and divorced after giving birth to Isidor.
After the divorce, the news that she died of an illness had been heard five years ago, and Bardo Visconti could not overcome his anger and drew a decorative sword, seeing his son tarnishing the honor of the deceased.
“After hanging out with the backstreets, every time I open my mouth, the smell of stinking vibrates! I will rip off your tongue today.”
“Hey, hey!”
Albert, who drank too much and couldn't even use his sword properly, was frozen by the blood of his father, the sword master.
“You poor bastard! The spirit is not as strong as that of a ten-year-old Isidor. I don't know if you are really my son!”
Just as Bardo Visconti was fed up and was about to cut his tongue with a knife, Agat broke in and stopped them.
After staying in the Bar Slaine estate, she stopped by the Visconti Castle after a long time and had no choice but to become a flagship at the sight unfolding before her eyes.
“Agat, go away!”
“father! Isidor is watching!”
Why is it that the father slaps his brother so loudly at the place where the child sees it? Isn't it too harsh to show that young child the cruel sight of his grandfather cutting off Jea's tongue?
“Ugh! Huh”
“Albert, you just owe your sister a tongue.”
The sharp blade that had dug into his shabby lips slowly fell away.
“ugh… uh... ”
Blood cascades from Albert Visconti's long slit lips and chin.
“Isidor! Don't stand here and go to your room.“
“Agat, you are the older sister who only looks at that child too young. My grandchildren don't even blink an eye at this. He's a bold guy like a Visconti.”
Little Isidor, who was standing loudly beyond the chaotic door, thought as he watched his father's tears, runny noses, and blood.
it's dirty.
The thick bloody smell and the smell of man's dung pee mixed together, and his nasal passages throbbed. It was tens of times more disgusting than the smell from the barn.
When I met my father's hazy eyes, I suddenly felt an insect crawling all over my body. Goosebumps rose from the forearms and the nape of the neck.
No matter how many times I wiped and wiped, the unpleasant sensation never went away. Bardo Visconti sighed briefly as he watched Isidor wiping his hands all day with an expressionless face.
“You are truly a Visconti even in this respect.”
Most of the Visconti's who ran away had a chronic tuberculosis. So Bardo Visconti was rather happy to see the child's fingertips that had been split and had blood on them.
A natural perfectionist temperament, the talent of a magic swordsman, a superhuman memory, and even the habit of raking gold by any means. Even if it was called the reincarnation of the invitation, it was not strange.
Target is 20 Likes and i will upload the next chapter if you all complete the target.
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crxmxnzl-c0rpzes · 5 months
What if meantor!Ellie x tributer!reader? Like a relationship like Coriolanus Snow and Lucy Gray??
The other tributes were sleeping on the rocky, dirt covered floor. You stayed awake not wanting to fall asleep because of your overthinking. But your thoughts were interrupted by a voice you knew. It was Ellie, your mentor. You immediately got up towards her. The last time you two were together it was where the hunger games was going to take place. Tributes and mentors were taking a look at the arena but then bombs took place and destroyed most of it.
And now she was in front of you, inches away but on the other side of the metal tall fence. You couldn't bare away from her green eyes. They were mesmerizing. Even though it was dark and the only that was giving light was a street lamp. They still shined.
"Those bombs have changed everything. They blew the walls up. So, that means you can't escape up in the stands." She explained quickly and quietly. She was out of breath and frantic about it, "There's a hole in the floor. You gonna go there. It leads to tunnels. I went there myself." Her eyes darted between yours. You nodded, letting her know you were listening. "So, once you hear that fucking bell ring. You fucking go. You- You ignore everyone else. You just go. You go alone." She continued. Your face dropped at the last three words but you nodded. "Okay, there's a hole" you repeated her words, more to yourself so you don't flip the fuck out. "You don't trust anyone. You just lay low down there until it's safe to come out." She simplified.
You breathe in deeply, "Thank you... For taking care of me." You never thought you'd ever say that towards someone. "I can't let you die" she stated, "You saved me."
The roof came trembling down, electricity started fires, the walls fell down and pillars came with. Who would've known your mentor would be crushed by one.
She screamed in pain causing your attention to dart towards her. Your eyes widened and your breath hitched. "Shit, shit, shit." You repeatedly muttered. You ran towards her and you hands fell to the pillar. You grab underneath it to pull it up but it was too heavy. You looked at Ellie, she was shocked that you stayed to try and help. It made her go silent until she saw a tribute escape. "What are you doing?" She yelled, "The exits open!"
You looked at the exit and watched the tribute run but then you looked back down at Ellie. You tried lifting the pillar again, ignoring her comment on the exit. "Go!?" She continued. You shook your head no, "You got a breathing heart. You're not in these tournaments. Why do you wanna die?" You yelled, barely hearing yourself from the collapsing building. You struggled pulling the pillar up. "Help!" You shouted, praying that one of these stupid guards would come and help.
You looked between her eyes then towards her lips. That's bad. That's really bad. "Is this real?" She interrupted your thoughts once again. "Just tell me, if I'm gonna risk everything. That song?" She questioned you. "That song was payback. That's it." You shook your head, "My ex cheated on me with my friend, used-to-be. They dated behind my back, thought I didn't notice. The mayor's daughter-" "The girl from the reap" you nodded, "was my friend but she had a liking to my girlfriend at the time and I guess my ex would rather have a fucking beaver than me. My friend was psycho, she was crazy jealous and had her Pa read my name on that fucking stage. But now everyone will know what they did to me." You concluded.
Ellie looked down at the ground and bit her bottom lip. She nodded at your words in understanding. She reached her hand into her jacket and pulled out a compact, handing it towards you. "Take this" she whispered quieter than before. She quickly pushed the tiny makeup container into your hands. You frowned in confusion, "No, it's too fancy" Ellie was quick to reply, "No, it's not a gift. What's in here, you don't touch. Fuck, don't even breathe it in because small amounts can kill you. Listen, I know what wars and battles do to you, okay? I've seen it and there will come a time you will need this." She looked between the compact in your hands and your eyes.
Once you finally look up towards her she says, "We all do things we aren't proud of to survive." You clench your jaw and your eyes are widen in shocked and fear. You look back down towards the rat poison in your hands. You're gonna need to use this. You don't want blood on your hands, but it's the only way to survive when it comes to you and one other person or maybe several people.
"We're gonna win this" she mutters. "We're gonna win this together."
I was listening to Can't Catch Me Now by Olivia Rodrigo and had the inspiration to write this. Thought of making this longer but it's 2AM and I wanted to post this before I go to sleep...
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mamaskillerqueen · 1 year
Hysteria || Jake Seresin x Reader
Warnings/AN: This is finally part two of Panic! So there is a lot of mention of anxiety ticks and triggers based on how I experience them. Otherwise, I don’t think there is much to warn. If you feel I need to add something here though, please let me know!
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A week and a half.
It passed by so quickly and so agonizingly slowly all at the same time. You’d been so wrapped up in work, at least that’s what you kept telling yourself, that you never typed out that text message to Mysterious Bar Guy. Even though Mysterious Bar Guy has been on your mind the entire time. It was hard to get someone like that out of your head after such an unbelievable meeting. You often found yourself questioning if it was fate, something you rarely let happen.
The project the office had been working on was harrowing for everyone, apparently. Or they were just excited to have finally found a nice bar to frequent because plans were already being made to visit the Hard Deck again. In a week... After your last experience, you weren’t sure if you wanted to go but ultimately agreed due to much pleading from your friends. The only issue was that it put just a bit more pressure on to get that message sent off to the man who had turned the evening around the last time.
For an hour at the end of your day, you sat at your desk with an open and blank text message. The slight blink of the cursor was taunting you, your own phone making fun of the fact that you couldn’t tap out even a simple message. Surely it shouldn’t be this hard but it has been so long. You were pushing two weeks since you'd last seen him. Has it been too long? He probably forgot about the whole interaction by now.
A knock on your office door had you nearly jumping out of your skin, your head snapping up from your phone screen to see a coworker standing in the doorway. They offered a small smile in apology for scaring you as you clutched your chest.
“You coming? We’re heading out now.”
You nodded, muttering a complaint of their scaring you. It was met with a chuckle as they backed away from your door. Quickly you gathered your things so you could follow your friends out of the building for the day, they didn't like to wait around. The text message that was never formulated would have to wait a little longer. Maybe cooking dinner would bring inspiration. At least you hoped because there was no way you could wait any longer than tonight to text him. He really would forget about you if you didn’t get the show on the road, so to speak.
Your entire commute home was driven on autopilot as you thought far too hard about a good opening text. By the time you pulled into your driveway, you still hadn’t decided if he would even want that text now or not. Somehow, driving on autopilot was quicker for you because you had more time left in your evening than usual after dinner. Which unfortunately meant far too long to let you overthink a text message that really shouldn't be so difficult to formulate.
Once dinner was put away, and the dishes were loaded into the dishwasher you’d sat back down with your phone. The couch welcomed you with open arms and being comfortable helped settle some of the racing thoughts you were trying to fight off. You have always been able to think a little more clearly when you were in a comfortable setting. Several messages were typed out though, and then deleted before you finally settled on one that was going to have to be good enough. There was no way you could convince yourself to spend any more time on this.
Settle any good anxiety-riddled women on a deck outside of a bar lately?
You weren’t expecting a reply so quickly but before you could even get up off the couch to start your nighttime routine your phone chimed.
Mysterious Bar Guy: No, I save that for the really special ones. Didn’t think I’d hear from her again though.
A sense of calm washed over you at his quick and easy reply, even if you felt a little terrible about making him wait so long. The conversation lasted about half an hour, you apologized profusely and blamed a busy work schedule. He was quick to accept the apology and plan a date for the next evening. A date he refused to disclose any information on, and insisted happen so soon because too much time had passed already. When you demanded to know enough for a dress code, well as demanding as you could bring yourself to be, he relented in telling you to dress like you would for the bar.
At first that made you nervous. He seemed too good to be true so dragging you back to the bar you met for a first date might have made him a little less perfect, but he seemed to realize how that answer had come off and quickly sent another text message. This one to assure you that was not what was happening, he just wanted you comfortable. You wondered all day at work what he could have planned. Texts were sent back and forth all day as you tried to get more info out of him. He was sealed tight though, and very proud of his plans. That would be why you spent the last half of your free evening pacing your house until you needed to get ready.
There was practically a trench in your living room by the time you decided what you’d wear and how you’d do your makeup. A mental game plan was needed before you even attempted to look at your closet or you would never pick anything. When the time was appropriate and the game plan was set, you made your way to your room to settle into an easy routine. Something about doing your makeup always relaxed you. So, by the time there was a ringing of your doorbell you weren’t as nervous anymore. At least until you had to make your way to the door to let him in. Butterflies raged on in your stomach, almost making you wonder if they had gone away at all, while you descended the stairs.
With a shaky hand, you pulled the door open and as soon as your eyes met his, everything dropped. Your shoulders were no longer hunched up to your ears, a steady smile pulled your lips upwards, and you let out a breath you’d been holding since before you even got home this afternoon. Jake didn’t let onto it, but you could tell he noticed. It was only slightly embarrassing. 
“Hi,” you breathed while stepping aside and motioning for him to come inside.
He stood in the doorway with a small bouquet of wildflowers, not too much but definitely not empty-handed. Normally, you wouldn’t consider yourself a flower kind of person but you couldn’t help but be tonight. They were so pretty and the giddy feeling you got thinking about how he considered what he has learned about you so far to pick such a small bouquet made you understand why someone would enjoy this. It was almost scary how easy and comfortable everything was with him. It was the complete opposite of how you usually felt around strangers.
“Hi, these are for you. You look gorgeous.”
You could feel the heat flood your cheeks and decided to avoid eye contact as you reached for the flowers and took a sniff. Your eyes met his for one second, only rushing that heat to your ears.
“They’re beautiful, thank you. I’m gonna put them in water, and then I’m all set.”
When you returned from the kitchen, Jake was leaning against the entryway by your living room. His eyes following your every move. As soon as you stopped to stand in front of him, your fingers began fidgeting with bubbling anxiety, he pushed off the wall to grab your hands. He quickly bent at the knees, just a bit, so he could look you in the eyes a little easier as you refused to bring them back up to meet his.
“What’re ya scared of darlin’?” He asked, no judgment or accusation in his tone.
“That this could all go horribly wrong and I could end up never seeing you again.”
Your reply came so easily, so quickly, it startled you. It was the most honest you had ever been with someone you barely knew. Maybe the most honest you have ever been with another person in general.
“I don’t think that’s anything you need to worry about.”
His reassurances were nice and came almost as quickly as your honest answer had a moment ago. It was just as startling, which held a vague comfort. It was nearly impossible to lie that quickly, right?
The rest of the evening couldn’t have gone by any better, or smoother. Jake was the perfect Southern gentleman, holding doors and offering his hand to help you in and out of his truck. He didn’t disappoint with a small, quiet little diner for dinner. You both ordered burgers and milkshakes and chatted for well over an hour before he insisted it was time to go. He checked in on the drive to the surprise main event, making sure you were okay and comfortable. When you said you were fine but started to fidget with your fingers, he offered one hand from the steering wheel. You took it gratefully and immediately settled. It didn't matter where he was taking you. Some surprises could be good. You had to know that. So, you allowed his touch to relax you as much as you could manage.
He had known that a fancy, busy restaurant would have probably caused a little anxiety. It had taken him forever to find the small diner that seemed to be nearly empty at all times. The food was great though, and when you were comfortable enough to chat for so long he had known he’d made the right decision. He filled you in on this as he drove, trying to distract you from the fact that you had no idea what he had up his sleeve. It was also a great way to fill the silence that had settled into the vehicle, it wasn't quite awkward but you're sure that if he hadn't started talking it probably would have reached that level eventually.
When the door opened and his hand stretched back out to you to help you back out of the truck, your eyes nearly bugged out of your head and a small gasp left your lips. Your feet hit the ground but you barely noticed as you turned to look at him, the shock still clear on your face.
“You didn’t...”
It was easy to read the pride on his face as he nodded and informed you that he had in fact done it. During one of your texting conversations, which had happened right before this date, he had told you all about flying. You had mentioned your love of sunsets and he said they were best while up in the air. The exact response you gave him was long forgotten since the wee hours of this morning but you know it was along the terms of wanting to see that. You’d ask how he managed this on such short notice one day, but today you were blithely excited as you both bounded toward the giant hot air balloon.
Light changes quickly, you knew that from a brief stint in the photography field. So you were both compliant to all rules and information given as they filled the balloon and you started to ascend into the air. You had never had a first date even close to as good as this. His arms wrapped around you and held you close to his chest as you both whispered your awe for the beauty of the changing sky. It took a conscious effort to not start crying over how good this was. Something in the back of your brain was nagging that it couldn't be real, or wouldn't last at the very least. While you floated through the sky with his voice in your ear, talking all about what it's like to see this in the jet he flies for work, you settled. His chatter and body language was enough to shut up your traitorous brain for now.
When the basket touched the earth again, and it was time to end your evening, anxiety and dread started to bubble in your chest though. You couldn’t have had a better time. It was perfect. He was perfect. And that was terrifying because when would the other shoe drop? Jake did a phenomenal job of keeping you from a downward spiral while you chatted on the way to your house. His hand was placed firmly on your thigh, his thumb rubbing soothing circles. The wind from the downed windows whipped through your hair, and a faint country love song played on the radio. He even walked you to the door, kissed your cheek, and whispered a perfectly raspy goodnight in your ear. It wasn’t until he was gone that you panicked again.
That trench in your living room only worried deeper as you refused to sleep the rest of the night. The fact that you had to work first thing in the morning be damned. There was so much to think over, so much to dissect from the evening. Perfect evenings like that only happened in your dreams, movies, and fanfics. They didn't happen to you. Let alone the way you met the man of your dreams. In the modern, real world that you actually lived in, people met on apps like Tinder and wondered why it wouldn't work out. So many reasons why you shouldn't be getting a fairy tale ending, or how they weren't real raced in your head. Your pacing only stopped long enough to read the text Jake sent to let you know he was home safe, per your request. 
You didn’t reply.
In fact, you didn’t reply to a single text he sent for the next almost two weeks.
His messages never stopped being sweet, even as the beautiful flowers he’d gotten you died on the counter. As each petal fell, you knew you were losing your chance. You were losing him. But, did you ever have him? What if the amount of talking you’d actually done was annoying and he just wanted one thing? What if he would drop you immediately after he got it? What if he found something better? It was infuriating that all you could think about were the terrible things that could happen. You were singlehandedly making your worse fears come true but nothing you did could make you reply. Even his adorable little pleas for you to at least let him know you were alive. 
The first day you didn’t receive a text from him, you found yourself with your head between your knees as you tried to calm down enough to not throw up all over your office. It didn’t help that it was Friday, finally, and the plan was for everyone to go out to the Hard Deck for drinks, that you had made them push back last week. Not a single one of your friends would let you out of it now. They didn’t know you were self-sabotaging, not that it would have made a difference. Honestly, it probably would have made them take you sooner to find the very nice, handsome pilot you could already picture a future with. If you hadn’t messed it all up.
He was the first thing you noticed the minute you walked into the bar that night. Luckily, he hadn’t seen you yet. You needed a drink, a strong one or five before you attempted to confront your mistakes. Your best friend from work volunteered for the first round, and as you slid into the booth you couldn’t take your eyes off of him. He looked just as perfect as the first night you met him. His uniform fit way too well to not have been tailored. The megawatt smile he wore, while he played pool, tugged at your heartstrings. The stupid voice in your head told you he was clearly happy without you. You were overthinking and he was fine.
Round two came far quicker than anyone was expecting and you jumped at the chance to buy just so you could move. You had no room in the tight booth to do any form of fidgeting, and when your brain wouldn't shut up, moving seemed to help at least slow the Gilmore Girl-esque dialog a bit. As you stood at the bar you decided that five seemed like a good number before you went to him. What you hadn’t expected was that just someone accidentally stepping too close at the bar would bring back unpleasant flashbacks of being pawed the last time you were here in this very spot.
“Please don’t touch me.”
The plead was weak, and therefore deaf to the man who was practically stomping on your heels as he attempted to wave Penny down. He moved closer to squeeze between you and the other person next to you, all while your shoulders pulled further up towards your ears and the air began to feel thick. Clearly, his beer was more important than the people who were already waiting patiently. Your stomach rolled with unease, and when he finally noticed he was making you uncomfortable he laid it on a little thicker. A tactic to get his drink first, you were sure but as his hands found your waist you bolted. As you practically sprinted across the bar you decided that ordering drinks was no longer your job, ever again at any location.
There was only one person in this entire bar, hell the entire world, who could make you feel less like throwing up, and you went running for him. His name had left your lips in a terrified gasp before you were even close but his head whipped around to find you, and his arms opened wide. When you collided with his chest he had to take an unsteady step backwards to keep you from knocking both of you over. Before you could register much, you were outside.
Jake had passed his pool stick off and had shuffled you both out the back door. Your breathing was a little ragged but with his arms so tightly wrapped around you, and his scent relaxing everything in you, you were slowly returning to yourself. The salty spray of ocean air wafted through your hair and licked at your skin, a soft humming rang in your ear, and when it paused for a soft pair of lips to press a kiss into your hair, you melted.
“What happened after our date, sweetheart?”
The very long silence that had preceded his question wasn’t bad, the silence that followed was awkward. You tensed in his arms but did nothing else to move, you felt him give you a subtle squeeze in reassurance. He did not attempt to rush you and still made sure you were okay. It was almost like he could read your mind. The response you gave him had to be mumbled into his chest because there was no way you could lift your head and meet his eyes yet. One drink was not enough to prepare you for this.
“What do you mean?”
Smooth. If you could smack yourself in the face, you would have.
“I mean, where have ya been? I thought we’d already be a couple by now. That date went really well, didn’t it?”
“I-yo-wait.. what?”
You struggled your way out of his tight grasp and stared up at him with evident shock written on your face. He stared at you with a quiet acceptance that had you feeling even more guilty. There was something in his eyes that you couldn't bring yourself to even think about at the moment. Your brain would find a way to take the feeling and make it terrible if you ever thought of naming it. He didn’t say what you thought he did, did he? He couldn't have. If he had just said what you thought you definitely needed to not cry right now.
He just continues to stare at you for a minute, that look you can't name never wavering, knowing all you need is a second to wrap your head around what you want to say. So silence stretches on for a few seconds, that felt like hours. You open your mouth and then close it at least ten times before your brain allowed you to form a coherent sentence that kind of explained everything that has been going on for you in the last two weeks.
“It did go well. Very well. I just… well, you know,” you motion to your head, swirling your finger in the air like the whirlwind that is always happening in your head, “it gets crazy up here and I can get a little lost sometimes. I’d really love that second date if you’ll have me.”
The only indication that you might have a second chance at this is a faint smile. He barely lets you see it, his face schooled into a stoic mask. Your heart beats rapidly as you think about how you probably don’t deserve a second chance. He would be better off with someone who could function as a social human and answer his texts and pleas to let him know you were still alive. And then he speaks, and your heart stops dead in its tracks.
“For you darlin’?” He pauses for dramatic effect, a smirk pulling his lips up further, “I’d do anything you’d ask.”
And then it starts pumping again. Back in full force. Hard enough to completely break your chest. You’re going to marry this man one day, and if you don’t get that chance, it’ll be the end of you.
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