#this is why I keep saying I'm not a furry
I'm not an anime style catgirl but I'm also not a furry. I am a secret third thing (catgirl but change more of the body than usual)
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rose-tinting · 11 months
If I made an unhinged murderous evil character I would simply not tell the monster fuckers "UM ACTUALLY they would KILL YOU DEAD and not like you at all and it would be SUPER HORRIBLE FOR YOU and you would not be happy"
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syn0vial · 1 year
BG3 Companions' Reactions Following Scratch's Permadeath
The following lines are triggered when a character throws Scratch's ball after he's been permakilled (AKA, killed at camp rather than just as a summon).
Good riddance to the dog. Who'd miss that waggy little tail... (devnote: Pretending not to be sad and failing)
Does it have a sad squeak now? Is that even possible?
I suppose I'll just pick it up myself.
Can't believe the stupid dog isn't here to get the stupid ball. (devnote: Pretending not to be sad and failing)
You were an excellent friend, Scratch - and that's coming from a cat-lover.
I hope there's balls and bones galore, wherever you are...
Poor Scratch. I'm lucky to have met you.
I hope Scratch doesn't miss his ball, wherever he is...
I miss my dog.
Here, pup. (devnote: Sadly. The dog is dead and she knows this.)
Why am I doing this to myself?
Scratch should be here. With his family.
It's not much fun alone.
I really don't know what I thought would happen.
Solo fetch. A miserable pastime.
Can't believe I'm going to say this, but - I miss Scratch.
I need to stop doing this to myself...
I didn't do this enough, when I had the chance.
I hope Scratch has a new ball to play with, wherever he is...
It's silly... part of me felt like Scratch might still show up for his ball.
Fetch isn't much of a solo game.
Damn. I miss the furry fellow.
For old times' sake.
I miss you, Scratch.
I hope you are happy, wherever you are.
I am sorry, Scratch
I torment myself - Scratch is not going to come
Poor Scratch. I hope he is at peace.
Enough. This isn't helping anyone.
You deserved better, boy
Gods, but you'd miss the fuss. The noise. Gods above, even the smell.
Pointless, without a pup to chase it.
Scratch, come and... oh. How could I forget he was gone, Boo?
No game of fetch will bring Scratch back from death.
I know he is gone, Boo, but... perhaps this is a way of keeping him alive, no?
I miss him, Boo.
Everyone assumes I killed the dog. I liked the dog. (devnote: talking to herself. Comic edge to this.)
Scratch reminded me of my first displacer beast. A noble creature.
Withers! Be a good skeleton and fetch that ball. (devnote: joking—doesn't actually expect Withers to fetch the ball she just threw)
Gah. I miss the damn dog. (devnote: surprised by her own feelings)
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i-cant-sing · 4 months
Salauddin screaming and THROWING UP because Princess reader won't stop picking up stray animals from outside and bringing them into her bedroom because "it's too hot for them outside ;( " "you said my room was the coolest soo..."
on the contrary, Salauddin himself is an animal lover. They're Allah's creations that cannot speak, that cannot ask for help, they're just vulnerable. He cares for his horses very greatly, no expenses are spared for the their stables, their caretakers and the best medicine from around the world. The pain of thirst, its one of the worst ways to dies, so Salauddin makes sure no one in his kingdom ever goes to sleep hungry or thirsty, humans or animals. He's had special water systems and pots designed practically everywhere in Egypt so birds and dogs and other animals get to drink their fill.
BUT as much as Salauddin cares for animals, he doesnt... exactly appreciate his palace turning into a zoo because of all the animals you keep bringing in. Its kinda his fault really. All Salauddin did was get a pretty white kitten that had blue eyes- it was so cute, so he gifted it to you. When you asked him why, he couldnt say that its because the cute kitten reminded him of you. So he said that it was too hot outside for small animals like Fatima (as you had named her) and he saw the realisation dawn in your eyes as you looked out at the pyramids, nodding your head along.
Salauddin sighed in irritation as he felt something furry rubbing against his legs. He looked down under his desk to see a black kitten with green eyes- Bilal. You took him in and said "but Salauddin! Fatima is all alone and she needs a playmate! Besides, Bilal is bullied by the street kids cause he's black and they think that he was a jinn!" You used such excuses to adopt 3 more cats (Mustafa, Haider, Zahra) and now you spend dressing them in cute hijabs- yes even the males.
He picked up the black cat and tickled his chin as he began making his way towards your- or what used to be your room. On his way, he passed by servants chasing after your chickens- Emir, Ahmed and Riyaan.
The doors opened as he entered, the room was in complete chaos. Feathers were falling down as birds flew around the room with the maids hot on their tails. Your cats were resting in one corner with your dogs- Shams and Talia standing guard over them. And you? You were in the center of all this chaos, sitting on the ground with a pet sheep- Mihirmah in your arms as you sheared it carefully. You had found her last night on your way home, not even bothering to ask if you could keep her along with your rest of the petting zoo.
Then again, why would his wife need to ask him? Whats his, is yours.
He walked over and sat down beside you and you finally looked up.
"I found Bilal." He stated, petting the kitten that nuzzled his face against him. You smiled sweetly at him. "Thank you! I was so busy with Mihirmah, I didnt realise he had left. I think he escaped when they took the chicks out for a walk."
He hummed before nodding his head at the sheep. "And how many that makes it now?"
"One." "Y/n." He deadpanned. "Well, one sheep. In total, 52 animals."
"Y/n." He looked at you in disbelief. "How- what- it was 45 last week." You looked at him sheepishly. "Well... its not my fault, really. You see- um, well you know how we thought Shams and Talia were just siblings? I think they were confused and um, Talia just gave birth to 6 pups." You avoided his eyes as he stared at you.
"I am not getting rid of them, Salauddin." You warned him, petting the sheep in your arms. "They need us to care for their babies! They're new parents!"
"Yes, Yusuf?" You used his name, batting your lashes at him. You know how to get to him.
Ya hayati. (My life)
He sighed, petting Bilal in his hands. "I'm going to put Bilal down for a nap."
"Yeah! Just put him with his siblings-" "No. I'm going to separate him and his brothers. They will not be giving babies to their sisters." Salauddin grumbled as you pouted and muttered about how cute new kittens are.
Maybe he can give you a litter of your own to keep you preoccupied. (Not because he likes you or anything- he just doesnt want you to fill his palace with more animals.)
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Despite what Salauddin says, he still remembers each name of all your pets. All of them. He also talks to the cats, especially to Bilal about how he needs to behave for him mama and protect her and stuff.
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xxsabitoxx · 1 year
Pretty Witch | Kinktober
Kitsune Hybrid Giyu x AFAB Witch Reader
Warnings: fucking a stranger, human/kitsune hybrid, brief talk of witchcraft, raw sex, pussy eating, creampies, dom/sub themes, mentions of mating, biting
A/N: ohohoho kinktober is here and I'm stressed, not that that matters lol, enjoy!
WORD COUNT: 5.8k | Dividers are from @benkeibear
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You swallowed, eyes wide and mouth slightly agape as you stared at the creature you had summoned. You had every intention of getting a cat familiar, a furry little friend to keep you company since it was just you out in these woods. It wasn’t often that clients came by to get medicines from you, so the presence of another living creature would be greatly appreciated. “W-who the hell are you?” you nearly shrieked, watching as the man standing across from you, just beyond your caldron straightened. “Who the hell am I?” he quipped, dark brows creasing as he observed you. “You’re the one that summoned me, you should know who I am.” 
You swallowed, eyes trailing over his features. He was undeniably handsome, whoever the hell he was, but that didn’t answer your question. “I-I didn’t summon you.” you stated lamely, hands clasping the wooden stirring spoon. “Oh really?” he eyed you, navy eyes roaming over your body before focusing on your face again. “The cauldron says otherwise, little witch.” You stiffened at his tone, a gentle purring was the only way you could describe it. “W-well I did try to summon a familiar but I wanted a cat not… you.” You choked out, face warming as you realized it was rather insulting when you put it like that. “So you’re a newbie witch that managed to summon an ancient guardian for yourself instead of a cat?” Your face grew even hotter. 
“A-an ancient guardian?” You watched his arms fold, the smoke finally clearing enough for you to see the fluffy black ears perched at the top of his soft looking hair. “The name is Tomioka Giyu, no witch or warlock has been able to summon me successfully over the last millennium… yet you managed to do it by mistake. What a curious creature you are.” you were still clutching the spoon to your chest as Tomioka began walking around the cauldron. You knew he wouldn’t harm you, but it didn’t stop your heart from racing in your chest as he closed the distance to stand right before you. “I am at your service, pretty witch.” He bowed to you, blue eyes locking with yours as he straightened again. “O-oh well thank you I-uhh-I suppose.” 
He flashed you a soft smile, one that just barely curled the corners of his lips as he stuck his hand out for you to take. Reluctantly, you placed your hand in his, face burning hot as he brought your hand to his lips and kissed your worn knuckles. “Let’s sit and talk, I’d like to get to know my summoner a little better.” You nodded, half in a daze as Tomioka brushed your knuckles softly. You couldn’t lie, the guardian was rather beautiful with his fair skin and sharp jawline, pretty blue eyes as such long fluffy hair. You found the heat that had been bubbling in your cheeks was  now spreading its way to the rest of your body. “I take it you live alone.” he commented as he motioned you to sit beside him on your couch, books and papers spread over your coffee table. 
You nodded, suddenly self conscious of how cluttered your little cabin was. “I do live alone, I have no lover, if that is what you are trying to ask, Tomioka.” You weren’t sure where your bluntness came from, nor were you sure of why it made your body throb. Suddenly the room felt way too small and way too hot, but that was likely all in your head, all because of the mythical being sitting beside you. He huffed out a laugh, thumb still gingerly brushing your knuckles. “You’re turned on.” His voice was quiet but it seemed to shamelessly echo between the four walls of your living room. “Wh-what?!” you squeaked, hand nearly flying out of his grasp. 
“I can sense it, pretty witch. You’re very turned on right now… how odd.” there was a teasing tone to his voice, and for the first time you noticed three tails shamelessly swaying side to side just behind him. “You’re… you’re a kitsune?” you commented offhandedly, trying to desperately ignore the fact that he had just called you out for your own horniness. “I am, but that is beside the point. What has occurred over the last five minutes – give or take – that has caused you to become so bothered?” He hummed, all of his focus was on you and your raging hormones. But you wouldn’t dare admit that you haven’t been intimate with another in quite some time. 
“I-I…” you stammered, unable to formulate a lie under his intense blue gaze. “There is nothing wrong with it. I don’t mind if you find me attractive, pretty witch.” the kitsune nearly purred, hand still holding yours. “... I am at your service” he repeated, but this time his tone was implying much more. “Whatever you desire from me, I will do, without question or hesitation.” You blinked, tensing a bit as you shook your head. “Tomioka I… that’s not the reason I summoned a familiar… or at least tried too. I just… wanted company… I don’t desire to use you for my own… pleasure.” You choked out, quite positive your face was neon red at this point, but the ancient guardian didn’t seem to care. 
“You’re stuck with me until the end of your days, pretty witch. You’ll have no time to go out and find yourself a lover… you already have me.” You felt your heart rate quicken, somewhere in the back of your mind you had to wonder just what he had been summoned for in the past. “But—I…” you stammer, losing the battle quickly as the kitsune licks his lips. “Pretty witch, I can promise you endless days of bliss. So long as you keep me by your side, you’ll never desire another, you’ll never feel the loneliness you’ve got festering inside of you… nor will you ever have to satisfy yourself using your hands…” you swallowed, squirming a bit in your seat as he drew a little closer. “I can be your everything.” 
“Tomioka, we’ve just met.” You regain a little of your composure, thighs squeezing to try and alleviate the throb between your legs. His words had done a number on you, reminding you of how much you missed being intimate with someone… but still. “And we will have plenty of time to get to know each other over the course of your mortal life… why waste time on such trivial things when I can clear your mind for you here and now.” He urged you, still drawing closer as you inched away. “Tomioka…” you tried again, knowing if he got any closer, you would immediately give in. Though, somewhere in the back of your mind, you knew giving in to his desires was inevitable.
That was the thing you failed to remember about Kitsune… they were clever creatures who enjoyed mischief. The ancient guardian before you had over a millennium to perfect his craft, that much was clear. “Pretty witch, I am devoted to you and you alone. What more could you ask for?” In truth, nothing. He was presenting you with everything you could ever desire and yet your stupid morals were still holding you back. “Tomioka… I don’t want to rush you into anything… we just met…” the fact that you had quite literally just met was the only thing holding you. You would likely continue to sound like a broken record even after you gave in. 
“We’re not rushing anything, pretty witch. I’ve spent years alone with nobody to hold, not a single soul has been successful in summoning me and yet you did it by mistake. It would be my honor to serve and satisfy your every need… so please… pretty witch… let me taste you.” he had you completely entranced now, noses nearly bumping as he had managed to move closer without you realizing. “Please, pretty—” you stopped him easily with one word “yes…” you breathed out, watching his lips part in surprise before a real smile curled his lips. “Wonderful.” 
You made a noise of surprise as his lips roughly crashed into your own. His hand was still holding yours, fingers intertwining now as you used your free hand to cup his jaw. Tomioka’s free hand came up to hold the back of your head, as if afraid you would change your mind and pull away. He already couldn’t get enough of your taste, tongue sliding past your parted lips to sweep into your mouth and collect every drop of your sweetness. You must have had something with honey, a sickly sweet taste he hadn’t gotten the chance to experience in centuries. You whined as he groaned, lapping feverishly at your mouth and your docile tongue. 
It wasn't long before he was pushing more of his weight onto you, causing you to fall back into the armrest of your couch. Tomioka reluctantly untangled his hand from your own, mumbling something into your mouth as you whined from the lack of contact. That changed the moment you felt his now free hand sliding to push your dress up, the skirt had already bunched a bit around your knees and now he was pulling it up the rest of the way. You tore yourself away from his lips, ignoring his disgruntled growl as you gasped for air. “It’s been far too long since I've had my fill of a pretty mortal, but truly none of them could ever compare to you… pretty witch.” he sighed, lips slightly swollen from the force of your kisses as he watched your legs part for him. 
“You’re so turned on…” he smirked now, watching your hips squirm a bit at the comment. Your hands were twitching at your side, unsure of what to do with them as the kitsune observed the wet mark on your panties. “Gods I’ll give you everything your heart desires…” he breathed out, stealing the air from your lungs with the intensity of his words. “T-tomioka…” you choked out, watching his slender fingers dip between your thighs to press on the wet mark. You gasped, one hand reaching up to grip his bicep as the other dug into the material of the couch. “Sensitive…” another offhand comment that had your face glowing with heat, eyes struggling to stay open as he dragged his fingers along your covered slit. With each movement, the wet mark only grew. At this point you were convinced he just wanted to see how badly he could ruin the garment. 
“You smell so good…” he breathed out again, voice raspy as he brought the two fingers to his nose and inhaled deeply. You audibly gasped, legs instinctively trying to close out of embarrassment as he inhaled the scent of your arousal. “Ah-ah pretty witch, there is no hiding from me now… or ever.” he parted his lips and stuck the two digits between them, swirling his tongue around them before pulling them out again. Slick with his saliva, he brought them down to your cunt again, slipping them under the material to run through your slit. Your head fell back at the feeling of his bare fingers on your cunt, a desperate plea for him to take your underwear off slipped past your lips before you could stop it. The kitsune only huffed out a laugh, a single clawed nail ripping the material from your body. The sensation was oddly fascinating, especially as you pulled your head up to watch the claw return to a human nail. 
Tomioka felt a sense of satisfaction at the wonder mixing with arousal in your eyes, you were already wrapped around his finger. “Pretty witch, tell me what you want me to do. Whatever your heart desires… I’ll do it.” he did nothing to hide the way his cock was throbbing between his legs, watching you lazily look down at it before meeting his gaze. “Finger me… please.” Something about his aura caused you to lose your filter, you had never said such things with such a desperate tone before. “As you wish.” You moaned loudly as he shoved the two fingers he had been using to swipe along your slit inside of your dripping entrance. Tomioka made a noise with you, the warmth of your cunt enveloping his fingers was sending the kitsune into a spiral. “I forgot how warm you mortals can be…” he gritted out, three tails swaying wildly as he tried to ease the racing in his chest. “T-tomioka…” you whined, walls fluttering around his slender digits. 
“Tell me what you want me to do.” his chest was rising and falling in rapid succession as he panted, he had never felt like this before, and he was quickly becoming addicted to it. “M-move them please… pump them in and out… like this…” you reached down and wrapped your fingers around his wrist, moving it back and forth the best you could until he started doing it on his own. Tomioka knew how to do it of course, but he loved the sound of your voice, how needy it was when you instructed him so sweetly on what to do. It made his cock throb, the aching desire building in his gut was dizzying as your sticky arousal coated his fingers. It wasn’t long before your head fell back again, every moan was accompanied by a slick squelch as the kitsune fucked you on his fingers. “T-tomioka… please…” he knew what you were asking without even saying it, but the kitsune had other things in mind. 
You gasped as the kitsune maneuvered himself lower, mouth moving to hover over your pulsating clit as his fingers continued to pump into you endlessly. “Please!” your whine turning into a wail as his lips suctioned to the sensitive bud. You couldn’t recall the last time someone had made you feel this good, especially with just their mouth and fingers. Tomioka sucked harshly, tongue flicking across as his fingers curled within your heat. You felt it now, your orgasm building at a much steadier and much more reachable rate. He could feel your thighs begin to tremble as he worked, the hand that had been holding his bicep was now hazardously scratching at your own thigh. Your mind was far too dazed to even process what you were doing until the kitsune brushed over that one particular spot.
Your hips left the couch, a loud gasp of “there!” leaving your lips as your hand now found its home in the kitsune’s hair. He groaned as your fingers scratched at his scalp, three tails swaying excitedly as it sent a chill straight down his spine. The kitsune continued to rub against that one spot on the front of your walls, not stopping even after a considerable amount of your arousal started leaking steadily down to the couch below you. Judging by the way your noises only grew louder, the way your cunt only grew wetter, and the way your nails were digging into his scalp, you were close to coming all over his face and fingers. That edged the kitsune on, groaning against your sloppy cunt as you cried out his name over and over. It hit you like a ton of bricks, an orgasm ripping through your body in a way that had you seeing stars. 
The kitsune worked you through it, pulling his mouth away after a moment but continuing to rub circles within your walls until your body relaxed again. You blinked up at him, tears pricking your eyes as you tried to calm your racing heart. “T-tomioka…” You whispered, not able to make a noise any louder at that moment. He merely hummed, pulling his fingers out of your drenched core to shamelessly suck on them. “I’m not done with you, pretty witch.” he spoke after licking his fingers clean, wasting no time to bend down and slot his lips sloppily against yours. Your noises of surprise were swallowed by him, tongue licking into your mouth again but this time you were the one tasting something you hadn’t in a long time. Your own arousal was coating your tongue, making you whine as the kitsune moved to press his hips against yours.
It was an odd sensation, his covered hard-on pressed right against your slick heat, surely you’d make a mess of him. Though, the kitsune didn’t seem to mind, hips stuttering against yours as he rolled them tentatively, eliciting a soft groan from his lips as he pulled away from you. Salvia connected you still, his fair complexion flushed a shade of crimson as he tried to regain what little composure he had left. “Tomioka… please… my bed.” You watched him nearly sag, nodding wordlessly as he quickly climbed off of you just to bend down and scoop you up again. You grabbed ahold of him, not expecting such strength considering he seemed to have a slim build. You yelped as he dropped you onto your plush mattress, quickly climbing over you once again. 
Your legs spread wordlessly for the kitsune, moaning against his lips as he got more handsy. You couldn’t quite pay attention to his movements, but it wasn’t long before you were fully bare. Part of you figured you should feel some sort of shyness, but the way his eyes devoured you whole made you feel like you were the only woman on earth. At this point, you may as well have been. Nothing could pull the kitsune’s gaze from you, his lips parted as he admired your chest. “Pretty witch…” he murmured, one hand coming down to caress your breast while the other began hastily undoing his pants. You whined, back arching into his touch as he gingerly kneaded the pliant flesh. Your nipples had long since hardened, scraping against his rough palm in a way that had more arousal leaking from your center. “Please… fuck me.” 
Your moral compass had completely gone out the window, all you could think about now was what it would feel like to get speared on the kitsune’s cock. “As you wish, my pretty witch.” he breathed out, letting go of your breast to roughly shove his pants down to his mid-thigh. The ancient kitsune had no patience to fully undress himself, too focused on entering your body and claiming you as his own. That was all it would take, to claim you as his and his alone, his mouth was filling with saliva at the very thought. “Can you take it?” he murmured, hand gingerly wrapping around the pale length of his cock, the tip an angry pink and leaking with precum. “Yes, fuck just… please Tomioka…” the kitsune squeezed himself, whining as he listened to you beg for him. “Please… fuck I want to feel you…” you pushed yourself up on your elbows. 
“Again. Say it again.” you felt your own face grow warm before uttering “fuck me, Tomioka.” but the kitsune shook his head, tugging roughly at his own cock. “Giyu.” was all he said, watching your face morph into confusion. “My name… call me Giyu.” The realization dawning on your face only made his fist move faster, something about the innocence of it had him melting. “G-giyu… oh fuck… Giyu please.” The kitsune’s name felt right coming from your mouth, and by the look on his face, it felt right for him too. “Promise me, pretty witch, promise me you can take it.” You nodded, fingers digging into the sheets below you as you remained partially upright. “I can take it, Giyu.” The kitsune gave in, angling the head at your entrance, one knee digging into the mattress while his other leg was planted firmly on the floor. You had a feeling that position wouldn't last. 
Your teeth sunk into your lower lip, eyes trained on where he was pressing the dull head against your entrance. One push was all it took for your cunt to envelop him, your body quivering as he didn’t give you much time to adjust. He wasn’t going to go easy, you had told him so sweetly you could take it, so he would deal you everything he could offer. You whined his name loudly, the sound echoing off of your bedroom walls as the kitsune bottomed out. “So good…” he uttered softly, panting as his nails dug into the flesh of your hips. He was completely entranced by the way your walls fluttered around him, hugging every inch he had stretched you open with. Your arms had quickly gone limp, forcing you to lay flat again as you panted and waited for the mild ache to disburse. He had gone in all at once, but you were thankful he was holding himself still. 
“Tell me… pretty witch… what do you want now…” his heart was in his throat, beating at the same erratic rate his cock was twitching inside of you. Truthfully he hadn’t moved yet because he had nearly blown his load while entering you. “Kiss me, Giyu. Please kiss me.” Your chest was rising and falling at a rapid pace, his eyes drawn to the way it moved before he shifted your positions. As the kitsune bent down to kiss you, he pushed you further into the mattress, using the new space to crawl on top with you. You whined, a pretty and high pitch noise that made Giyu’s head swim as his lips met yours again. The kitsune moaned with you now, happy to feel your tongue fight back against his. The kiss turned sloppy, melting into shallow thrusts of his hips against yours as he lost himself in you. 
Your arms wrapped around his neck, keeping his lips pressed to yours. You needed something to keep yourself grounded, the shallow drag of his cock was not nearly enough to satisfy the ache in your gut. The kitsune knew this, of course. His slender fingers were dragging down your skin before sinking into your thighs. You took the hint, legs wrapping around his waist as if to encourage him. Yet, the ever teasing kitsune kept his thrusts shallow, just barely pulling out of you before sliding back in. It felt more like a slow rock, just barely moving enough to feel it. You knew what he was doing, purposely holding out just so he could hear you beg again. Any other partner and you may have been more defiant, but you couldn’t explain in words how badly your body craved the mythical kitsune above you. “Giyu…” 
You struggled to speak, his lips still slotted over yours. He heard you, ears perking as he pulled away from you. “Yes? What do you require?” he was grinning a sly smirk, the devious glint in his eyes made you feel hot all over, walls clenching around him tightly. That simple movement wiped the grin clean off his face, a whine slipping past his lips as you clung to him. It was nearly painful, the force of your walls suctioning down on him felt like pressing into a fresh bruise. It sent a chill up his spine, pale flesh erupting in goosebumps. “Fuck me like you want me.” you choked out, the full feeling starting to make you antsy as he had yet to properly move. A look of pure desire passed over the kitsune’s face, any ounce of restraint he had was truly gone now. “Careful of what you wish for, pretty witch.” though, you had never been one to be careful anyways. 
The kitsune’s hips drew back until nothing but the tip was left inside of you. Just as quickly as he had pulled away, he was thrusting his hips back into you. Your head fell back, exposing your neck to him as he repeated the motion again and again. It took him a minute to find his rhythm, rough and fast but not nearly as forceful as the first few goes. Your nails were digging into his clothing, wishing desperately that he had taken the time to undress. Especially considering he had wasted so much time teasing you like he had. “G-giyu please… your voice bounced with each slap of his hips against your own, eyes watering as molten pleasure ebbed through your core. He was managing to drag along all the right places, the slight curve of his dick pressing into your sweet spot with every thrust. You felt your orgasm building already, dangling just out of your reach. 
“Hmm? Wh-ah-at is it?” he tried to keep his voice even but your cunt was far too sinful to not elicit pretty whines from the kitsune’s lips. “Take your clothes off…” you pleaded with him, eyes shining with tears as you yanked weakly at the haori he had been wearing. You had been so utterly engulfed in him that you failed to even notice the clothing he was dressed in. Not that you cared at this moment, you just wanted them off of him. “I don’t think so, pretty witch.” He grounded out, head dipping lower to drag his nose along the column of your neck. “W-why not.” you would have pouted if his nose dragging along your skin didn’t make goosebumps follow in its wake. “Because you haven’t earned that yet, my pretty pretty witch.” he cooed, voice cracking just a bit as he buried himself deep again. 
“E-earned it? I haven’t earned it?” you nearly cried, hands coming up to hold your own breasts as you tried to push away and alleviate the pressure of his cock head pressing harshly into your cervix. “You have to cum on my cock in order to earn such a sight… I may be desperate for you, pretty little witch, but I have my standards.” You fought back the urge to call the sly kitsune a whore, but if he was a whore so were you. “O-oh whatever! Just keep going, please. I’ve been so good for you… you swore to do everything I wanted.” You whined, letting go of your breasts to reach up and hold his cheeks. The kitsune smiled, a little softer than his other ones. “Don’t you worry, my pretty little witch…” he leaned down, pressing a tender kiss to your forehead. “... for I am only teasing you. My heart and body belong to you and you alone.”
“Giyu…” his name left your lips in a quiet, wonderstruck plea. Your heart was thumping erratically in your chest again, warmth blossoming behind your ribcage and spreading all over. The kitsune’s teasing demeanor changed, lips lowering to yours in a soft kiss as he shouldered off his haori and tossed it to the side. His hips found a new rhythm, slow and deep, dragging along your velvety walls until he was panting into your mouth. You parted again as he whined, forehead pressing to yours as his eyes closed, inhaling deeply to calm himself before it was over too fast. “G-giyu this doesn’t get you out of not stripping for me…” you teased as he tried to concentrate, his cheeks flushing red as he tried to pretend he didn’t hear you. 
“Have I really not earned it, my pretty kitsune?” you pressed him further, batting your lashes as his eyes snapped open at the use of the nickname. “...” he blinked, lips parted and hips shallowly thrusting again. “Answer me please… am I not worthy enough?” you urged him on, feeling a little bad about guilting him into an answer but you were desperate. The kitsune sighted, head dropping a little lower so he was speaking more to your neck than your face. “I’m…” he mumbled the rest, between the racing of your heart and the ache between your legs, you couldn’t decipher what he had uttered. “Giyu, my sweet kitsune, you need to speak up.” Your fingers threaded in his hair, ankles still locked behind the small of his back to keep him from pulling out and leaving you all together. “I said…” he swallowed, moving to whisper in your ear instead of your neck. 
“I’m shy.” your hands tightened in his hair a bit, eyes wide as he slowly lifted his head to reveal a pout on his pretty lips. “Oh… oh…” you smiled a bit, legs pulling him a little closer. “My pretty, pretty kitsune. You have nothing to be shy about, it’s me.” You encouraged him, lost in the haze of your lust, brain working on autopilot because he was still buried balls deep inside of you. You wanted to sound sincere, not lust driven, so you cupped his cheeks again and brought his lips to yours. You kissed him once, twice, three times, quick and soft, watching his eyes flutter shut as he relaxed into you again. “You do not have to shed your clothing if you are not ready, but know I will never judge you for your body, my pretty kitsune.” He swallowed,  eyes shifting away from you as he inhaled deeply. “Stop calling me that.” He wasn't angry, rather he was embarrassed of the way it made his stomach swirl with butterflies. 
You only smiled, watching him regain a little bit of composure as he pushed himself up on his hands to hover over you again rather than lay on you. Giyu sighed, hips drawing back finally before pressing into you again. “You have to learn some respect.” He drawled, jaw clenching as he focused solely on moving his hips in and out of your tight cunt. He straightened further, until he was sitting on his knees and his hands no longer needed to support him. This allowed the kitsune to bury his fingers in your pliant flesh, holding you still as he rutted his hips into you at a brutal pace. Every ounce of sanity you had left fled your body as the Kitsune began punishing you for flustering him so thoroughly. “Maybe I’ll mate you, would you like that, my pretty witch?” You choked out an incoherent, strangled noise, eyes nearly rolling back as each thrust hit your cervix. The kitsune would take that as an attempt at “yes”. Though, it wouldn’t happen just yet, considering kitsunes only had one mating season per year, one rut that wouldn’t arrive till winter. 
Though, he didn’t mind practicing until then. 
Giyu’s head fell back, hands now moving to force your hips to meet each of his thrusts. You were only growing wetter, now that he had found a steady rhythm with no interruptions, a slick squelch could be heard each time you connected. “Giyu please…!” you gasped, your orgasm was within reach now, you just needed that extra push. The kitsune only panted in response, one hand leaving your hips to rub rough circles on your clit. “Oh fuck…” you croaked, head tossing back against the mattress a the kitsune brought you to your second peak. He never slowed, working you straight through until you were overstimulated and clawing at the sheets begging him to ease up. The kitsune was too focused now, his end in sight as he fell forward to bury his face in your neck again. His hands left your lower half, instead moving to cradle you against him as he placed open mouth kisses on your neck. “G-giyu please oh fuck please…” you pleaded again, pain returning to pleasure as he fucked you through the aftershocks of your orgasm. 
The kitsune mumbled something against your neck, not that it mattered. You couldn’t think, not when he was still rutting into you so intently, canines dragging along your neck. He was close, so close he felt his body may give out before he could reach it. It had been far, far too long since he had been able to do this. The fact that he had managed to last as long as he had made his pride swell in his chest, especially when you were a wreck beneath him. “Come for me, please!” you gasped, it felt like the wind had been knocked out of you as the kitsune sunk his teeth into your flesh. Your back arched into him, his hips meeting yours three more times before he was burying himself deep and spilling his load into your awaiting womb. The kitsune collapsed on you, really knocking the wind out of you this time. Nothing but panting filled the room, your ears ringing mildly from the new silence that seemed louder than anything you had just done. 
“Are you… alright?” His head lifted after what felt like an eternity, stormy eyes focusing on his teeth marks on the junction where your shoulder met your neck. “N-never been better.” you wheezed, tapping his shoulder a bit until he realized he was nearly crushing you. “Oh… well…” he cleared his throat, moving to draw his hips away from yours. The feeling of him slipping out of you caused a shiver to go up your spine, the ache between your legs spreading to your hips and thighs. He had done a number on you. “Are you really okay?” The kitsune looked nervous, cheeks flushed red as he watched his cum slip out of your cunt. “I’m just a little sore… and sticky.” you chuckled, watching him turn a deeper shade of crimson before flopping beside you on the mattress. “I’ll clean you up, my pretty witch. Just… give me a second to regain feeling in my legs.” he confessed, hand coming up to rub his face as you laughed a little harder. 
“Best mistake I've made in a while.” You commented with a grin, head turning to meet his eyes as he blinked at you. “I better be the best mistake you’ve made, period.” Giyu shot back, a smirk dragging the corners of his lips up. “I guess you’re right.” you faked your exasperation, surprised when a small laugh left the kitsune beside you. “We can discuss that later… for now…” he pushed up again, rolling onto his side and resting his hand on your abdomen. “I apologize for not asking your permission.” this time you were the one to feel your face grow warm, hand raising to wave him off. “Don’t worry about it, it’s fine really!” You squeaked, watching him sigh before moving to grab your hand and bring it to his lips. “I’ll do better next time, pretty witch.” 
You nodded, finding it useless to try and ease his worries, he was set in his ways. “Thank you.” you sighed as he let go, moving to get off of your bed to find something to clean you with. 
“Why don’t we just take a bath? Easier than you rummaging around my bathroom.” you pushed yourself up, grimacing as the ache was starting to spread to your muscles. 
“If a bath is what you want, a bath is what you’ll get.” 
You had to admit, he was certainly better than the black cat you had initially tried to summon. 
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sabrondabrainrot · 1 month
Bring back LAES!
I'm steadily making progress on catching up on sun and moon show along with foxy and monty etc etc but it's pretty difficult when one of the main key plot lines is gone. I know a few spoilers thanks to fanfiction but I want to see the drama in person.
Here's some outfit ideas for tsams cause I'm a sucker for fashion and redesigns!
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Order is, SolarFlare - Lunar - NewMoon - Old Moon - Sunny (Solar's dimension) - Sun
closeups and more brainrot under the cut!
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Explaining my redesigns! Lunar - he's not really a redesign and more so an overdesign. I love adding tons of little details to him to really hammer home his star-ness. He's such an interesting little guy, like yes he acts childish but I can see he's really growing (SAD I CANT WATCH MORE CAUSE THE SHOW IS GONE). I saw the ep he killed Eclipse and homeboy revived. The entire time I was like "Waaahh Lunar??? Waaahhh???" but I love the drama ngl.
SolarFlare - Same as Lunar, not really a redesign I just drew him with no dirt. I really love his base design it's so neat it makes me think of like sci-fi concepts from the 80's. Something from fallout really. I think it's kind of funny Eclipse's aesthetics for SolarFlare when you compare him next to say Jack who Solar designed.
OldMoon - I just wanted to give him a sleek mad scientist cool guy suave vibe. I saw the more recent thumbnails of him with a turtle neck and idk that's just peak character design for me. I'm a simple woman put the dumb-dumb in a dark turtleneck. I want him to kind of look like the BadGuy TM (he's not actually) so he gets all edgy and hard edges and stuff.
NewMoon - I wanted to do a similar color scheme but instead he has lighter colors like more white incorporated into his fit. To give him the whole 'reborn' aesthetic. He's all like "old moon wore black well I wear white now I'm nothing like him so hah!" kinda thinking. I gave his cap a fur texture cause of that one ep he turned into a furry. I drew rounder stuff on him cause he's a big ol' softy sweety pie.
Sunny - Sunny is my headcanon of Sun from Solar's dimension. I think it's really interesting his default with no personality was theater performance and not say...doing daycare stuff? I feel like honoring the FNAF books with this design by leaning heavily into the theater performer look. I like to think in Solar's dimension Sun and Moon were originally made for theater. (so far in the show I've noticed Creator says 'they needed a daycare attendant' something like that so it comes off more like they were intended for the daycare from the start VS. Solar's dimension where Sunny's core seems to be more so for the performing arts.) I also wanted to make Sunny look different from Sun for the extra angst potential of "They're similar but not the same" so I leaned more into a blue palette for him.
Sun - I just wanted to give him big puffy everything. I took away the tutu. nothing against the tutu I just hate drawing the damn thing. I like to think Sun in main has white eyes because he's so burnt out from within. *badum tish* (eyes are the window to the soul-) I also covered him in stickers because he totally would just be covered in stickers from the kids. I also decided to give some of his rays cracks because I think he's extremely sentimental and even in a newly upgraded body (after using star power to defeat Eclipse the first time) he'd keep rays from his original body? I also put the cracks ones on the side of his face where Old Moon hit him. Why? Because it just seems like something Sun would do. I love him so.
Ok just some brainrot stuff, look away to avoid spoilers .
I love the drama.
Also, I love how every single kid vibe checks Sun and he passes every time. Francine? She loves Sun and learns from him. FC? He ONLY feels safe with Sun for a bit. Barry? He hugged Sun after gonad checking him (a right of passage for the bunny kid). Jack? I'm pretty sure he literally is just one room away from Sun at all times (he also calls Sun's cats his master???). I have yet to see Dazzle, but Dazzle 10000% loves Sun (I've seen the edits).
ALSO? When Lunar was first brought into the family the first person he hugged was Sun and then later on when Earth was in danger he ran into SUN's arms for safety/comfort. They're family your honor.
Sobbing and Crying laying on the floor over Solar's death but I think he'll be back.
Also the molten thing with Ruin? I'm excited to see more.
I don't have a youtube account to post about saving LAES but if anyone wants me to draw more LAES just to help the community please let me know. I'm planning to draw my idea of Earth next.
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phantomskeep · 1 month
The Early Bird Gets The Worm - Chapter 1
The Early Bird Gets The Worm
Chapter 1 -  9 Out 10 Doctors Prescribe Child Rearing for Emotionally Constipated Families
Written by @agent-sushi-fbi & myself uwu
Read it on AO3 here!
Masterpost | Chapter Two Was he still wearing traffic light colors? No. Was Bruce going senile as he got older? Yes, and he was gathering evidence of it every day.
Dick wondered once again why they were having so many issues between them as he swung to the next rooftop, landing almost gracefully amongst the leftover rain on the asphalt. Stumbling on his feet was embarrassing nonetheless and he grumbled to himself as he kicked a pebble across the roof, watching as it hit an old AC unit with a hollow clang. Honestly, he came to Gotham to help Bruce out of the goodness of his heart while Tim is out of town and how does the man respond? By treating him like he's still a little Robin meant to dutifully take orders without question!
“Fucking old man, treating me like I'm a kid,” Dick muttered under his breath, not caring who heard him nearby, he was alone on the roof anyway.
“This ‘fucking old man’ can still hear you,” Batman’s deadpan voice came over the line. Dick froze on the spot, shoulders tightening as he heard the quiet undertones of anger. Oops, comms were still on and open to the shared channel… “Either mute your comms or keep those thoughts to yourself, Nightwing.”
Dick pondered for a minute, putting his hand on his chin like he was really thinking on the idea before he responded. “Nope, I'll pass,” he told Batman cheekily, smirking to himself. He was an adult now. While Bruce may have taken him in and taught him all he knew at Dick's lowest point, it doesn't mean the man gets to treat him like a child anytime he comes by home Gotham.
He was his own grown man. Nightwing had his own city to protect now–he was even a well-established member of the hero community in his own right! He didn’t need some emo flying furry telling him what to do anymore. Covering his eyes from the light drizzle that had picked up again, he observed the area below him, staying alert for any sort of disturbance that may pop up and ignoring Bruce’s displeased grunts. It wouldn’t be good if Dick were to miss a crime after their little “spat” earlier, as Aflred would call it. A screaming match was a more accurate description if you asked anyone else, and he was not willing to let it open him up to more criticism from the “World’s Greatest Detective” later on when they were back in the Cave.
Stiffly, the black and blue clad vigilante stalked to the edge of the darkened rooftop, trying his best to not clench his fists like some angsty teenager. What was he even hoping to gain, coming back here? The man stood, pondering as he gazed down at the busy streets of his childhood home. A pat on the head, like the good little dog he was acting like? Bruce calls, so he comes running? Dick scoffed at himself, turning his head sharply. He aimed his grapple, firing it at the corner of a nearby building. With the grace born from years of practice, Nightwing danced between towering structures as he continued his Batman-approved patrol route.
“Nightwing, behave yourself over comms or you will go back to the Cave for the night.” Dick grit his teeth, jaw clenched tight as Bruce tried to basically ground him. He shook his head, preparing to land on the next rooftop, but stopping just shy to grab onto a gargoyle sitting on the edge of a lower office building. Leaning against the cold surface, Dick felt the sharp points of the creature’s horns digging into his back help to ground him in the moment. 
“Batman, you do not have a say over my actions or whether I am benched anymore,” Dick told him, evenly spacing out his breaths as he tried to keep the rage at bay. He felt like there was a ball of heat in his chest he was desperately trying to cool as he methodically rubbed his gloved fingers over the stone ridges of the statue's ugly face. 
“Nightwing–” Bruce started to grunt, so Dick turned off his comms as a response and took in a deep breath of the familiar, smoggy Gotham air. This city may not have been where he was born, and he may not live here anymore, but the man found peace flying through her night sky. This would always be his home. As ugly and villain-infested as it may be… This shithole was his shithole.
Ever since Jason passed, Dick knew things needed to change so he could preserve this feeling and keep this dysfunctional family intact. Tim helped a lot in the beginning, when Dick was too bitter to do more than practically tell a thirteen-year-old to handle a drunkard on his own. But, he's trying to make up for it now by helping on patrol and making them all participate in family dinners twice a month. It wasn't much, and he could admit it wasn't really working since he'd noticed Tim wearing sound proof headphones more often than not when Dick and Bruce were together. It broke his heart that another little brother of his felt like he needed to prepare himself for an inevitable screaming match from his family members. 
Dick was trying, he really was. But Bruce just made everything so hard. 
He was brought out of his thoughts by the sound of multiple trash cans falling over each other nearby. His face twisted in confusion, eyebrows scrunching together as his head whipped around to find the source of the noise. Body becoming a tightly coiled spring of focused intent, he silently crept closer to where he heard the cacophony. The noise became apparent in the way of a metal lid rolling out of the alley below and into the street like a quarter, spinning and spinning for a moment before falling flat. Dick cautiously peered over the edge of the roof, eyebrow raised at what he could imagine he'd find. A goon passed out drunk? A working girl kicking the nuts of a deadbeat harassing her? An internet famous Gotham-patented radioactive raccoon?
What he certainly did not expect was an unruly mop of black hair peeking out above the trash cans, only visible against the dark of night in contrast to the silver metal they clung to with tiny baby hands. He watched in disbelief as this child (so tiny and cute, he had to admit) stumbled to their feet, swaying as little as they reached for the contents of the trash. Dick felt sick just looking at the spill, but he felt worse knowing the child was doing this out of desperation. Tapping on his lenses, they zoomed in on the kid and he saw how small they were and how scrawny they looked. Alfred would faint at the sight of how skinny this child was and Dick would be right there with the old butler.
Making a quick decision, Dick hastily hopped onto a pipe that clung to the building he stood on and quietly slid down it like a fireman's pole. He didn't want to scare the small child who, at closer inspection now that he was on the ground, looked similarly disgusted at their options before them. The kid was still swaying, the movement picking up in speed before they plopped onto the asphalt, groaning. 
Dick rushed forward, panicking, but his sudden burst of speed startled the child. The tiny twig of a human scrambled back, a weakened wheeze of panic bursting from their lungs as they held out a small hand to ward off the vigilante.
“Hey, hey now,” Dick soothed as he crouched down to make himself seem smaller. “It’s okay, you’re okay…I’m not gonna hurt you.” The practiced “soothe the victim” voice was easy to fall into as domino-covered eyes worryingly took in the shaking child. He wanted to reassure this kid as much as possible, but he knew that he couldn't promise them anything. Making a promise to a child was important, he learned young that if you couldn't keep that promise the child would see it as a loss of trust.
“S-stay back!” The kid’s squeaky voice tugged at Dick’s heartstrings with how much terror it held. “Yo-you can’t t-take me!”
Dick slowly lowered himself to fully sit down on the filthy, trash-covered alley. He grimaced at the smell (was that sludge on his glove?) and he crossed his legs, letting his arms hang disarmingly on his knees. Keeping his body language loose and unassuming, Dick smiled goofily at the other. “My name’s Nightwing, I’m one of the heroes here in Gotham tonight. You’re safe now, no one’s going to take you while I'm here.”
Icy blue eyes peered out from behind a dirt-stained hand, reminding Dick of a different time, a different alley-found kid who was taken too soon. By Batman's stinky cowl would he let another one be lost to the horrors of this city as well. When the kid spoke, their voice was full of doubt. “How can I trust you? For all I know you could be some weirdo looking to kidnap me!”
A surprised laugh burst from Dick before he could contain himself, causing the filthy child to flinch away with a startled squeak. He sobered up quickly at that reaction however, leaning away from the kid to give the illusion Dick was no longer directly in their space, but still close enough to keep an eye on them. He's met children like this before, wary of adults or the world around them in general, only relying on themselves at an age where they can't do enough to keep their heads above water. Blinking rapidly at the thought to hold back his tears, Dick remembered when Jason first came to the manor. Even as distant as he was with his brother at the time, he saw how the pre-teen acted out of self preservation even months into Alfred's mother-henning.
This kid had the same fear written in the lines on his young face, as well as the same steel of determination in his eyes. Dick respected it, but he still was worried about this child who looked like they hadn't eaten a proper meal or slept in a bed in months. 
“I might be a weirdo to some people for sure,” Dick agreed casually. The kid blinked in surprise and he grinned a little in triumph, quickly smothering it with a serious expression. Exaggerating his actions, Dick twisted his head this way and that around the alley as though checking for anyone listening in, before he leaned a little bit forward with his hand blocking his mouth. The child shuffled forward a few inches, alternating between staring him down and checking the alley themselves with wide eyes. Dick resisted the urge to laugh again, focusing on trying to ease the kid into believing that he was safe.
“Between you and me? My friends think I'm a super big weirdo for putting peach jam in my pb & j's,” he told the kid, nodding his head sagely. All he got was a deadpan look in response, all of the sudden interest he got was lost from the kid before him.
“So you're not just a weirdo, but also super lame with no taste buds?” 
Wow, okay, so Dick was a little offended… or maybe he was impressed? The kid gave him a look that was reminiscent of Alfred or Jason when he tried to argue he could help in the kitchen. The “are you seriously this stupid to defend yourself like that” look. 
Yeah, maybe a little more offended than anything. Didn't mean the kid wasn't cute while doing it. 
Quick thinking made Dick grab at his uniform with striped fingers, gripping the fabric around his heart. “Ouch!” He wailed dramatically, flopping his legs forward as he used his toned core muscles to lean backwards, careful to not let more of the filthy alley touch him. “Ah! Truly a strong opponent, I cannot win!”
Quiet giggles echoed around the alley, causing Dick to grin in triumph. He titled his head to the side a bit to better see the small child. Their face was scrunched up in mirth, both hands covering their mouth in an attempt to better muffle the joyful sounds trying to escape. Encouraged by this, Dick resolved to continue to give the best performance of his life.
“I will simply never recover,” Dick moaned, making his body twitch dramatically. “This is how I die…the great Nightwing, struck down in a battle of wits by a toddler!” He gasped, reaching one hand up to the sky as he gave his big finale. “I can…see the light! It’s calling me…must…go…” He murmured quietly before giving a final spasm with an extremely convincing “blegh”, letting his arm drop to his chest and sticking his tongue out of his mouth.
As the giggles continued, they got closer. Peaking an eye open just a bit, Dick could see the kid toddling closer to the felled hero. “You’re silly,” they said, poking at Dick’s cheek hesitantly. “That’s not what death looks like.”
Dick could feel his heart shatter. This kid, no more than, what? Maybe four or five years old? This poor, tiny child was trying to correct Dick on what dying looked like. It made Bludhaven’s protector want to just scoop them up and wrap them up in a giant, fluffy blanket and protect them from the world.
“It’s a good thing I’m not actually dead then, huh?” Dick said with a grin, trying so hard to not let what he was feeling filter through. Bright smile for the tiny concerning child, bright smile.
The child cocked their head to the side like a curious puppy. “Well, duh,” the little thing scoffed, relaxing a bit at the horizontal hero. “I'd know it if you were actually dead.”
He really needed to get some meat on this kid’s bones, like immediately. Dick felt like he was carrying a small bag of potatoes while he grappled through the streets of downtown Gotham towards Wayne Enterprises to meet B for their patrol check in. Maybe if he showed the kid to Alfred, he could just keep him safe at the manor and he wouldn't worry about the tiny thing in his arms being so tiny anymore.
“Where are we going?” A squeaky voice shouted in his left ear. Was there a ringing bell nearby? 
Dick smirked, glancing quickly at the child before shooting his gun at the side of Wayne Enterprises, clicking the side button and rocketing them up the side of the skyscraper. He heard a soft gasp over the rush of wind before his world was filled with small, uncontrollable giggles and Dick tightened his hold.
“We gotta meet up with someone, little one!” He cheerfully shouted back as the duo landed at the top of the tower. With his feet squarely against solid concrete, Dick set the child down to face away from the large drop off the side of the building. He was worried the kid would either get scared, or want to try jumping off and he wasn't sure which was worse right now. A quick glance around told Dick that Bruce was still doing his own patrol. “Just stay away from the edge, okay?”
“Yeah, yeah,” the little sass monster said as they shakily walked towards the center of the helipad. “I’m not dumb.”
“Uh huh,” Dick sassed back as he hovered over the kid. “You wanna tell me your name yet?”
Cold eyes narrowed as the child looked up at Dick. “No, you’re still a weirdo.”
Yikes, Dick thought. Whoever this kid's parents were deserved an award for raising such a menace to society. “Okay, okay,” he said airly. “I’ll figure it out one day, just you watch.”
“Oh, so now you’re a stalker, too?” The kid said as they flopped onto the concrete flooring. “Maybe I should’ve run away. Stranger danger and all that nonsense.” They flapped an itty-bitty hand dismissively.
“I thought we established that I wasn’t a stranger already?” Dick wasn’t pouting. He was an adult, and adults don’t pout at children winning in a battle of sass.
“No, we just established that you don’t know what it looks like when people die. Do you even pay attention to anything?”
Dick rolled his eyes, sauntering over to nudge his foot against the kid's thigh. “I paid enough attention to notice that you're good at avoiding questions. Why is that?”
“Nunya,” they told him. Dick felt the urge to pinch the bridge of his nose. No, he would not act like Bruce.
“Nope, I'm not playing that one,” Dick told the kid, who pouted that they couldn't finish the joke. “Come on, I can't keep calling you ‘kid’ or ‘that tiny child lighter than a grape’ now can I?”
They squinted at Dick, crossing their arms awkwardly since they seemed to refuse moving from their starfish position on the ground. “Rude. You talk to every kid you meet like that?”
Dick smirked, “Just the ones who think they’re tall enough to talk back? Where do you reach on me again?” Dick mimed checking the kid's height against himself and stopped with it below his knees. Was it petty to make fun of the small child’s height? Yes, but he didn’t care. “Oh right, sorry but you're not tall enough to verbally attack this adult.”
“Whatever,” they muttered, turning away from Dick. But he noticed the kid kept him within their peripheral vision, just enough of an angle to pretend they couldn't see Dick even if his every movement was being tracked by blue eyes. It was just like how Jason acted, back when he was first introduced to life in the manor. Luckily, that meant that Dick had more than enough experience with snotty scared children to make sure this one kept feeling safe around him.
“So,” Dick said after a few moments of silence. “Like I said earlier, we’re gonna be meeting up with someone. But what I didn't mention was that it's Batman.”
“What kind of name is that?” The kid said, their spunk seemingly reviving itself in the few minutes where they didn’t speak. “Who wakes up one morning and decides to name their kid things like Nightwing and Batman?”
Dick spluttered. “It’s a superhero name, kid. It’s meant to not be normal.”
“You should’ve been named Jeff. Now Jeff is a good name.”
Dick paused, scrunched his nose a little in confusion before responding. “So, do you want me to call you Jeff since you like it so much?”
The kid scoffed, not fully paying attention and obviously still insulting him mentally. “Pffsh, no, call me Danny because my name isn't Jeff, stupid.”
Dick smiled like the cat who ate the canary. “Well, well, Danny is such a nice name,” he told Danny. Dick was enjoying the expression on his face when he realized that he messed up, the horror seeping into his features and a devastated tilt to his lips as he turned to Dick. “Thank you for telling me, now is Danny short for anything?”
Danny pouted and it was so cute Dick wanted to coo and squish his little cheeks. “No, just Danny, you weirdo.”
“No last name?” Dick prodded, poking at Danny’s thigh.
“You’re subtle.”
“And you’re going to answer!” Dick cheerfully said, walking around to stand at the front of the black-haired boy.
“You can’t make me do anything,” Danny glared up at Dick, arms still crossed. “You’re not my dad.”
Dick wasn't sure why that comment stung unlike the others, but he moved past it. He scoffed obnoxiously and mimicked Danny's pose, jutting his hip out in a move of pure sass. “Well I may not be but–”
Dick froze with whatever bullshit he'd pull out of his ass dying on his lips. He saw Danny raise a questioning eyebrow at the scene, clearly interested in the drama, but Dick didn't focus on it. Instead, like always, he responded to Batman's voice. It didn't matter he wasn't Robin anymore and someone else held the title, it didn't matter he was all grown up and had his own name now. When Batman called, a Robin always whistled back, standing at attention like the “good little soldiers” they were. 
Sighing, he turned around and put his hands behind his back, feet spread apart as he nodded at Batman. Because this wasn't his father figure, the man who raised him despite the emotional intelligence of an ant. This was Batman, who didn't take disappointment or inadequacy from his sidekicks. No matter what happens, we'll always be little soldiers reporting for duty, won't we?
“Batman, no unusual activity for the night. There were the two robberies I reported on patrol, as well as stopping a street girl from being taken into an alley and shot. Oracle has the recordings from my suit already uploaded for review.” Simple, to the point, just the way Bruce liked it. All done.
What? What did he forget?
“Hey! Why do you go around with your underwear outside your pants like that?” Danny interrupted.
Oh…right, he forgot about Danny for a minute there.
The silence across the rooftop was louder than any words shouted into the night sky could be. Dick tensed as he shifted, covering more of Danny from Batman's view as he watched the man's cowl wrinkle up. Internally he winced, wishing he had honestly thought this out better but at the time, he had only been focused on gaining Danny's trust. Once he had it, something in him wouldn't let the kid go and, frankly, he didn't want to. But in hindsight, this was definitely not one of his best ideas. He snorted lightly, thinking Jason would have made fun of him for being an idiot right now–like the time he tried to catch a runaway ice cream cart and slipped into a pile of cold sugar that spilled on the ground instead.
“Why do you have a civilian child here, Nightwing?” Batman practically growled, causing Dick to frown and tense his shoulders in a defensive response. He knew the man had been having problems since Jason's death. Tim had been trying his best to help Bruce out of a dark place, but sometimes he seemed to fall back into those old, angrier patterns on them. It was not appreciated, but he knew it took time to work through grief. It was small mercies the man wasn't sending people to the hospital or himself into an early grave on the daily anymore.
He cleared his throat awkwardly. “Well, during my patrol I noticed a disturbance in an alley and–”
“He met me! So, why are you looking at Nightwing like he's a bad guy, Batman? Aren't you two friends?” Danny popped up at his side all of a sudden. Dick startled, quickly shooting a glance at where the boy had been five feet away and he wondered at how he didn't hear so much as a squeak until Danny spoke. “You shouldn't be mean to your friends,” he nodded sagely at his own words and Dick held in a snort of amusement. “That's what she always used to tell me.”
Dick paused. Danny hadn't mentioned anyone he knew before now. Ignoring Batman's glowering, he tilted his head down to catch Danny's eyes. But the kid was gazing past them both, the bright blue dulling in the throes of some kind of possible memory. Telegraphing his movements slowly, Dick lightly touched the tips of his fingers to Danny's shoulder and whispered his name. “Danny? You okay in there, bud?”
It took a moment for the kid to shake his head like an old, wet dog, blinking slowly and gazing back at Dick. He nodded, glancing down at his tiny hands as though they held all of the answers to the universe’ most difficult questions. “Yeah, I’m good. Why?”
“You spaced out there a little bit,” Dick carefully told him. He watched Danny’s eyebrow’s furrow and mentally debated pushing. He was curious if the child would open up to him a little despite the hulking bat furry standing behind him like a living shadow. Cautiously, he held his hand a little more firmly on Danny’s shoulder and asked him what he was wondering. “Danny, who is this ‘she’ you mentioned?”
“Uhh…” Danny stalled, titling his head and giving an awkward smile that was barely more than a tick of the lips and didn’t reach his eyes. “I don’t know?”
“Alright, kiddo.” Dick murmured, a bit disheartened hearing the response, but doing his best to not show it. He gave a sharp nod and turned his head to look at his mentor. “But, yeah, B he’s right. Shouldn’t you be nicer to me?”
“You’re endangering a child, Nightwing.” Batman growled, disapproval practically flowing off the man. It took years upon years for Dick to understand the different levels of Bruce’s inflections and what they meant, like learning a whole new language. But now? It was clear as day to him looking at the man. The big, bad bat was pissed and disappointed at his oldest protege’s actions. Dick tried to not let it hurt him (and show on his face) as much as it did.
But he also felt a flare of anger swell up in his chest. Indignant, Dick stepped forward, close enough to block Danny completely from Batman's sight and get in the Dark Knight’s face. “You want to talk about endangering children, B? You would know all about that, wouldn't you? Picking us up off the streets like party favors.” 
Dick shook his head, a scoff falling from his lips as his hands vibrated with the anger now burning his veins at the hypocrisy of the moment. A quick tug to his leg made him stumble though, and he almost fell when Danny barged past him. A cry on the tip of his tongue, Dick watched as the little tyke stomped over to Batman and crossed his tiny arms. 
“Hey! He may be a total weirdo, but Nightwing is really nice and he's been taking good care of me!” Danny pointed a finger at Batman and Dick realized with dawning horror and amusement that this child was lecturing B, for him. He felt his heart beat as tears pricked the corners of his eyes. “So you stop bullying him right now!”
“Kid,” B started gruffly, reaching a hand to grab him, probably. But Danny smacked his gloved hand away and took a shaky step back. He stumbled over his feet closer to where a stunned Dick stood, gaping at the scene before him. 
“NO! I DON'T WANT YOU TO TOUCH ME, I DON'T CARE WHAT YOU SAY! HE'S NOT NICE!” Danny shouted at the top of his lungs, shaking arms firmly clung to either side of him. His body faced Batman, but his head was turned to a spot just over the man's shoulder. The kid started swaying side to side again, and Dick knew that tears were welling in Danny’s eyes even if he couldn’t see the boy’s face.
Dick scrambled forward, recognizing the signs from earlier. The vigilante caught the child in his arms and pulled out his grapple gun. “We will discuss this more later, at the Cave. But right now Danny is upset, so I'm going to take him to Agent A. For the rest of the night, you're on your own.”
He whispered comforting nonsense to the shaking, brooding child in his arms as he walked away and didn't look back. Not even when Danny heavily propped his chin on Dick's shoulder to keep an eye on Batman as they left. “What was all that about Danny? Who were you yelling at?”
Dick was sure Danny wasn’t talking to Bruce at that time, his head had been tilted too far to the left and he spoke as though he were talking about Bruce to someone else. But no one had been there. It made him a little concerned he might have something in his system and resolved to have Alfred examine him after they got some real food into Danny. 
Danny cut him a quick glance out of the corner of his eye, not bothering to move his head’s position and smirked maliciously. If he didn't think everything about this kid was adorable, he'd probably be unnerved at the expression, paired with little baby fangs poking past his lips he hadn’t noticed earlier. Danny replied to him, but in a loud enough voice so that it would carry across the roof to where they left Bruce, no doubt standing guard as he watched them leave.
“I was talking to the ghosts that follow him, duh.”
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specsthesecond · 1 month
Witch Troubles #3
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It's a fairly common practice among witches to form pacts with demons.
It's not necessary but it's an age old practice meant to strengthen ones connection to magic. The witch gains a stronger connection to magic and in exchange the demon gains easier access to the mortal realm.
You've debated this decision for awhile and you finally think you're ready to forge your own pact. Worst case scenario is the demon refuses your offer, which would be embarrassing but not the end of the world.
You shut the door of your room, close the black out curtains and light a few candles. Squinting at the diagram of the summoning circle in your grimoir you try to replicate it perfectly on the old wooden floorboards in white chalk. When it's done you dust off your hands and place the candles in the right places around the circle along with a good amount of enchanted salt around the circumference for your protection. You stand up and take a breath before reciting the ancient words in your book while channeling all your energy into the circle.
The flames burn higher, so hot you have to shrink back a little. It takes all your effort and concentration to keep the chant going without misspeaking or burning the house down. A giant fire now billows in the centre of the circle, something large rises from the middle. You finish the spell and the flames gradually flicker away to reveal exactly the entity you were trying to summon. The little candles around the circle are the only source of light now, barely illuminating your guest. Smoke smoulders off its skin as it rises to full height and stares right at you with it's flaming eyes.
The demon, male it seems, stands in the middle of the summoning circle as tall as your book shelf and just about as wide. True to the drawings and diagrams in your texts he stands on two thick furry goat-like legs. The soft looking tuft at the end of his long thin tail swishes against the old floorboards as they creak under his weight. The rest of his body is charcoal black but otherwise fairly human save for the large goat-like skull that is his head. Beautiful horns, much too majestic for a demon, sprout from the white bone and curl into a thick loop on either side of his skull.
In short; he's the definition of tall, dark and handsome.
Two flaming pits behind the eye holes in the skull serve as eyes, they burn red and hot like the flames of hell as he glares down at you. You assume it's a glare, it's hard to tell.
You clap your grimoir shut, unable to look away from the demon yet. He seems the same, quietly observing you.
"Good evening, I'm sure you know why I've summoned you."
You say as calmly as possible. The demon looks you up and down and hums lowly, sceptical.
He grunts and crosses his arms over his chest. You have to use all your self control not to look down at the incredibly distracting package he's carrying between his legs as it bobs with the movement. Obviously you were prepared for him to be naked, demons don't wear clothes but actually having to practice that self-control is another thing entirely.
You're snapped out of your thoughts when the demon speaks, low and gravely like you expected.
"Witches used to dance for us around fires, bathe in the blood of sacrifices, throw orgies. This is all I get for my pact proposal?"
That's not what you expected. You were expecting some doubt sure but he sounds... offended? He's complaining?
"I don't need to do any of that to show you my worth. You can already sense my magic capabilities, I can show you- ."
He growls again. When he speaks his jaw bone doesn't move, the voice sounds like it reverberates around the skull on its way out.
"Its about devotion, witch. You show me your devotion and I'll give mine in return. No one cares for presentation anymore."
Who needs presentation? Sure, devotion is important in a pact but he's being ridiculous. You look around the room for a moment before saying flatly,
"My apologies but I will not be sacrificing anything or throwing any orgies and I cannot dance."
The demon scoffs and adjusts his crossed arms, thick biceps flexing as he does.
"All witches dance. Your ancestors where very good at it."
You scoff, telling him about your magic capabilities definitely isn't going to work. Why'd you have to get a difficult demon? Why couldn't you get a normal power-hungry one?
"Are you truly that compelled by naked dancing women?"
You attempt to needle him in hopes of avoiding what you know is inevitable. He doesn't respond, just stands there expectantly.
Some demons may agree to pacts based only on the power of the witch but others don't care for power and value the devotion of the act much more. You were very much hoping for the former but you're going to have to deal with what you got.
After a few moments of staring at eachother you finally crack and bend down to make quick work of your shoes and socks. You dropped your skirt around your ankles, take a deep breath and slide your panties down your legs. You see the demon shift his weight in your peripheral but you don't look at him as you unbutton your blouse and unclip your bra. You leave your black pointy hat on your head, assuming that's part of the appeal.
You only look back at him when you're completely naked, standing Infront of him and crossing your arms over your tits, mirroring his own stance.
He seems amused at that, You can see the little flames in his skull move up and down in a way that indicates he's soaking in your nude body.
"Unfortunately, dancing naked around a fire was not passed down to me like the magic was."
"A pity."
You scowl and the demon huffs smoke through the holes in his skull, chuckling.
"You're a witch, magic exists in your very veins. Use it. Caress your body. Sway your hips. Feel the power in your body and worship it as you would a god."
He says it like it's incredibly obvious and you actually feel inclined to listen to him. You close your eyes and try to "feel the power" whatever that means. You uncross your arms and place them on your thighs, slowly moving them up your waist and back down again.
Your skin feels especially sensitive being completely bare in front of such a powerful being, who is also naked. Just the light touch of your hand makes your skin prickle as you move your fingers slowly across yourself.
You start to arch and sway, hands moving up your thighs, across your stomach, along your neck. You free yourself, offering your body to this demon. The demon growls lowly and says in a deeper tone than before,
"The point of the pact is the connection. You summoned me, This is your pact to forge so show me your devotion."
His fiery eyes follow your every move, every sway of your hips and bounce of your tits.
You carefully run your hands from your waist up to your tits, briefly feeling the soft fat before moving up your shoulders. You stretch your arms high, now putting your tits on full display for your demon guest, the attention and cool air makes your nipples harden.
You turn around, your back facing the demon and he huffs irritably at being denied the sight of your perfect tits. His grievances are smothered when you bend down and run your hands up the back of your legs all the way to your ass, gripping the fat just enough to make it jiggle for him.
You can feel the room getting hotter, you can see his cock getting harder and you can feel the wetness In-between your legs as you dance.
You give one last tantalising hip sway before slowly dropping to your knees in front of him, on the edge of the salt circle. You look up at him while sliding your hands up your thighs, from here you have a perfect view of his half hard cock, looking so thick and heavy the sight has you nearly panting like a dog.
You rest your hands behind you, now presenting your entire body to him, tits perked and pussy drooling, devilishly tempting.
"Does that satisfy."
You say gazing up at him sultry gaze flicking down to his cock, you swear you saw it twitch.
"You know exactly what would satisfy me."
His voice is deeper than before, more gutteral and it makes you squirm. You might have been embarrassed about being so open about his effect on you if it wasn't for his obvious arousal for you. You're honestly just glad this is going well so far.
You lean forward, shuffle closer to the salt barrier and stick your tongue out, mouth open and waiting, silently begging for him.
The demon's hand goes to hold his cock immediately and he steps towards the barrier holding his cock out, but before he can place the tip on your hot tongue, you pull back slightly with a sick grin on your face.
The demon tries to grab your face but you retreat further, past the salt circle and therefore out of reach. You look up at his collosal frame with a smug smirk as he growls in irritation and the candle flames flicker violently.
"Don't forget, this is a mutual pact, demon. You don't call the shots... I want to be on top."
"What makes you thin-“
"I'm on top or you can go back home."
He grumbles something unintelligible, shaking his head in disbelief. One hand goes back to his cock idly stroking the thick member as he nods his head, accepting the terms.
You stand and steel yourself before wiping away a portion of the salt line with your foot, breaking the circle. You reach out for his hand and he accepts it with the hand not stroking his dick, stepping out of the circle and into your bedroom. His hands are immediately on your skin, thick fingers running along your waist and down to your hip. His skin is so warm, like the blood running through his veins is boiling hot giving the surface skin a pleasant warmth.
He stares down at you in suspense waiting for your go ahead.
You bring your hands up his chest and around his broad shoulders, and pull him down to your height only to push him down your body until his skull face is right Infront of your pussy. You let him get a good sniff of your smell before pushing him down to the ground with your foot, standing above him looking very tryumphant.
He doesn't have much time to marvel at your figure above him because before he knows it you're sitting on his dick, pussy pressing right against his cock, he bucks on instinct, the wet warmth of your pussy against the heat of his cock makes him let out a gutteral moan.
You slowly rock your hips back and forth the length of his cock, an impressive length but one you could manage. Neither of you can stand the foreplay any longer, his hands grip your waist at the same time you finally slide his cock into your waiting cunt.
You both groan at the feeling as you pop the mushroom head into your cunt and you slide your pussy down to the hilt, feeling every vein of his hot cock against your walls. You're so slick and needy the fat cock slides in with surprisingly little resistance. That makes him chuckle, which you cut off with a deliberate thrust of your hips.
Your screams are muffled and gargled but the sound of your wet pussy slapping and squelching around his cock as you cum echos throughout the room. He growls and snarls into your mouth when he gets close, tilting his head back in absolute bliss.
You plant your feet on either side of his waist, moving all the way up back to the tip and then plunging back down again taking him as deep as he'll go. You bounce and hump on this demons fat cock, tits bouncing in tandem, pretty face in the throws of pleasure. It's a sight to see and he loves every minute of it, clutching your hips but letting you control the pace.
The fur covering his legs is soft and warm against your ass as you ride your new pact mate. Your hands rest on his strong chest as you lose yourself even more in the intense pleasure. Panting and groaning, as you approach your high, your thrusts get more frantic as if you're trying to get him even deeper into your cunt. Your eyes are locked onto the way his pretty cock disappears Into to your cunt, the fur at the hilt becoming wet with your slick.
"Ah~ cum inside, cum inside, cum inside me!"
Your frantic pleas are heard when he wraps one arm around your shoulders and pulls you into his chest, his other hand firmly on your ass pushing into you as deep as possible. You finally cum around the throbbing cock clenching your walls deliciously, pressed into his chest. He cums seconds after you, shooting abnormally hot cum deep inside you. Your body stills as you cum down, his strong arms move you body against him in shallow thrusts as he bucks up into you, riding out his high.
You limply lie on his massive chest catching your breath as you come down, ignoring the drool you left on his pec. You realise he's eerily quiet and look up only to find he's staring at your face in a manner you think is expecant? Only then do you actually realise that his dick hasn't gone down at all. You can't help but laugh, pussy involuntarily clenching making the demon clutch your hips tighter.
"Is this all for me or is it just a demon thing?"
He huffs out camp fire smelling smoke from his skull and leans up into a seated position. The change in position makes his cock adjust and you moan softly at the feeling while grasping his large biceps.
"You've got jokes."
He looks down at you, you try to read his expression but it's really hard when his hands are massaging your hips so nicely and his cock is touching new spots inside you making your head all fuzzy. He smoothly lifts your thighs and flips you both over so that you're laying on your back and he's hovering above you.
It's such a glorious sight. This massive sexy otherworldly creature staring down at you with such lust. You can't stop yourself from pulling him in closer by the back of his neck and mumbling,
"Do demons kiss?"
The demon huffs again and opens his jaw showing his razor sharp teeth, from the darkness behind the skull comes three appendages, long and wet. Those are his tongues, and you moan a little when you realise that. He leans closer and the prehensile tongues worm their way to your mouth where you greet them, mouth ready and open. All three appendages slip into your mouth to explore and rub against your tongue, it's so messy and gross it makes you clench around his cock.
He grunts and thrusts into you, thrusting his tongues deeper into your mouth making you gag. You stick your head in his open maw, pulling him in closer by his thick horns. You take the tongues with vigor and suck on them like you would a cock. He seems to like this quite a bit as he grabs both your legs and pulls your knees up to your ears, bending you in half and presenting your dripping pussy to him. He starts thrusting his cock much deeper in your pussy than before while thrusting his tongues down your throat simultaneously.
The pleasure is so intense as he gradually speeds up, working up to a brutal pace. He fucks you into the floor, so deep, so good. It's so animalistic it makes you go feral. He tongue fucks your throat with fever, his dangerous maw wide open. Knowing that he could tear your flesh easily if he just closed his jaws around your head turns you on an unthinkable amount as you take his tongues deeper down your already full throat.
You want him deeper in your throat even as you choke and gag. You want him deeper in your pussy even as he pounds you raw and hard, reaching so deep he kisses your cervix. Your brain is mush and your thighs burn, you scratch and claw his back for some kind of grounding as you quickly reach your peak again.
He wraps his arms under your thighs and around your back to lift you up and squeeze you against his hot body. He pounds you even harder now with gravity on his side, forcing you down on his cock as he thrusts up in time.
Suddenly your body gets hot, he gets hot. His hold is like a hot vice and you struggle against it on instinct but he just holds you tighter. You almost scream when you feel a red hot flash in every artery and vein in your body. The heat is gone just as quickly as it came and you sigh in relief before looking up at him in shock when you suddenly realise what he just did.
His tongues leaves your mouth suddenly as he cums hard, groaning loudly as he fucks his seed deeper into your already soaked cunt. With your mouth free you groan like an snimal, tongue out, tears streaking down your face, spit running down your neck. You soak up the feeling of being folded in half and filled to the fucking brim by this demonic beast.
Your moans mix in the hot air between you. His cum is so thick and hot inside you, filling you up once again. You're so full you can't contain it all as it pours out of you and onto the floor. He gives a few slow, deep thrusts, milking his cock with your tight pussy as you lay limply in his hold.
You sit on the floor for a few minutes holding each other close and catching your breath. He nuzzles his head into your sweaty neck and moves your body into a more relaxed position so that he's hugging around your waist and your legs rest around his torso. You feel each other for a moment, his cock still plugging up your messy cunt. Hes quiet, like he's thinking about something. You're not sure you can even speak but if you could you don't really know what you would say.
He leans back to look at your face, you realise you probably look an absolute mess, tear streaked face with spit all over your mouth and chin. He looks into your eyes like he's looking for something specific and you look back into his two small flames. He slightly nods and then holds you close to his chest once more, enveloping you with his body.
He accepted the pact proposal.
You let out a breathless laugh and lean up to place wet kisses all over his skull head.
He growls low and irritable like a cat.
"That's not necessary."
He grumbles like he's annoyed but doesn't move away from you as you give a few more kisses along his jaw. His tail swishes idly behind him.
"Well neither was fucking me. Twice."
You tease him while reaching for your discarded hat and plopping it back on your head. You shakily stand up on wobbly legs, he holds his hands out to your hips to stabilise you. Cum drips out of your cunt and his gaze is drawn to where it oozes down your thighs.
"Not that I'm complaining."
You balance yourself with your hands on his shoulders and clear your throat, trying to seem a little put together as he stares up at you. You very casually lift your leg to rest it on his shoulder, presenting your puffy, dripping cunt to him.
"Are you the fuck and leave type or do you stay for the cleanup? "
The demon chuckles and opens his maw again, wet tongues slipping out and reaching for you, licking up your cum covered thighs and up to the source of the mess.
You're both going to make very good use of this pact.
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vivwritesfics · 1 month
Hungry Like The Wolf
Chapter Fourteen
She hadn't seen her best friend, Lando, in years. She didn't run into him the last time she was visiting her father and she doubted she'd see him this time. Things were different now. She wasn't aware of his furry little problem. Just like she wasn't aware of the vampires plaguing the town.
Vampire!Oscar x Reader x Werewolf!Lando
Series Masterlist
Dedicated to @faithshouseofchaos
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Lando disappeared out of her house that night. He didn't care about getting caught as he ran down her stairs and leapt through her window.
The shattering glass had her entire family waking up, but Lando didn't care as he chased the unfamiliar scent. NOT SAFE! NOT SAFE! NOT SAFE! His mind screamed at him as his paws hit the ground.
Before Toto could leap out of bed and discover what all of the commotion was, Lando had disappeared into the woods, chasing after the unfamiliar wolf. He was going to do anything to keep her safe.
As soon as Lando had disappeared into the woods, she had her phone up to her ear. Panic had her heart thudding in her chest as she waited for the phone to be answered. He wasn't quick about it, either. She couldn't understand why it was taking so long for him to pick up, why he wasn't answering the phone immediately.
"Hi," Oscar said, voice groggy like he'd just woken up. But that didn't make sense, since Vampires didn't sleep.
But she didn't have time to unpack that. "Oscar, he's gone," she said quickly, her gaze fixed on the woods. It was almost like he'd reappear if she looked hard enough. "He was in my house and then he just ran off! I don't know what to do and I'm panicking!"
"Okay, okay, I'm on my way." He didn't say goodbye, but she knew it would only be a matter of minutes before he was there. A matter of minutes for him to get across town and into her house.
A knock at her door had her jumping. Before she had a chance to open it, her father was striding into her room, eyes wide with panic. "Are you okay?" He asked quickly, looking around for any sign of an intruder.
"Dad, I'm fine," she replied and slipped her phone into her pocket. She glanced back towards the woods before returning her gaze to her father. "I asked Oscar if he could come over. Is that okay?"
"More than okay," Toto said as he released a breath. His family was okay, and that was all that mattered.
It was moments later when the door bell rang. She stepped around her father and rushed down the stairs to pull open the door. There stood Oscar, chest heaving as he stared down at her. "Are you okay?" He asked as he stepped into the house and wrapped his arms around her.
"I'm fine, Oscar," she said quickly. She looked past him, but she could see nothing. No sign of Lando. "But he just ran off. He went through the window and disappeared!"
But Oscar looked past her. "Mr Wolff," he said as his fingers moved through her hair. "Have you guys got anything you can board the window up with? I can help."
Toto looked around. "We'll find somewhere to stay for the night," he said, his arms around his family. "Do you think you and that other boy can come by tomorrow and help me fix it?"
"Of course, Mr Wolff," Oscar replied. His arm was still around her and he walked her past them and up the stairs. Toto looked at him, but his expression was more grateful than anything else. Grateful that her daughter had found someone so caring.
Oscar got her into her bedroom. He sat on the bed as she began packing an overnight bag. "What way did he go?" Oscar asked as he looked out of her window.
"The woods," she said as she shoved a pair of jeans into a bag. "Osc, he jumped through the fucking window! What if he's hurt?"
"Relax, sweetheart" said Oscar as he stood up. "I'll find him, okay? I'll make sure he's okay and bring him home, okay?"
"Okay," she said and wrapped her arms around him. "You be careful too, yeah?"
"I will," he reassured her and kissed the top of her head.
Oscar disappeared out of her window. He pulled it open and jumped out, landing like a gymnast (get it?) before he disappeared into the woods.
Oscar wasn't a gifted tracker. It was usually Logan who did the tracking out of the vampires. But calling him to help track down Logan was suicide, especially under the light of the full moon.
There were so many scents to pick up, it was hard to sort through them all to find Lando's. But it was there, leading him in the direction of the Pack house, or leading him further into the woods. The one further into the woods was the freshest, so that was the one Oscar followed.
He moved swiftly and listened carefully. The wolves were too far away for him to be able to hear them, but he was still careful. There was no telling what they'd do if they found him, not with the full moon affecting them.
The scents of the woods and a new scent were distracting, but Oscar kept on. He was getting closer to the edge of town, and more smells were filling his nose. It was headache inducing and he just wanted to stop. Shut it all out and stop.
But Lando was close, he could tell.
And there he was, at the edge of the woods. A road separated them and the next town over and Lando was just staring. He was on two feet, body naked and chest heaving.
"Lando," Oscar called as he approached. He pulled his hoodie over his head and held it out towards him.
Lando's eyes were yellow as he stared at him. His teeth were still sharp, not all the way transformed back into a human. "Lan," Oscar whispered. He held his hand out, tried to grab a hold of him, but Lando was still.
Oscar stepped closer. Close enough to grab his hand. Lando didn't move as Oscar's hand closed around his own. "Come back to me, Lan."
As if hearing him for the first time, Lando sucked in a deep breath and squeezed his eyes shut. When he opened them again, they had returned to their usual pretty colour. "It was another wolf," he said as he stared across the road. He didn't care for the cars zooming past, but stepped back when Oscar pulled him back. "Smells like a pack."
"Tell me what happened," Oscar said gently. He took the hoodie from Lando's hands and pulled it over Lando's head, helping him to get dressed into it.
Lando kept the hood on his head, almost as if he was trying to hide himself. "He was by her house, just watching. What if a new pack encroaches on our territory? And why was he waiting by her house?"
Oscar's hand was gentle as he placed it on Lando's back. "It's okay," he said, much like what he had said to her in her bedroom. "We'll talk to Mark and the Pack and see what we can do."
Lando gave a nod. At the slight pressure Oscar placed on his back, he started forward. "Do you know you jumped through her window?" Oscar asked him with a slight laugh.
Lando's eyes went wide. "I did?" He asked.
"Yeah." Oscar laughed slightly. "We're helping Mr Wolff to board it up tomorrow."
Lando looked at him. "Is she okay?" He asked, voice quieter than Oscar had ever heard it before.
"She's okay," Oscar confirmed.
Good. That was all that mattered.
Permanent Taglist: @biancathecool
Series Taglist (CLOSED): @cmleitora
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latanyalove · 9 months
When You're Injured Pt Three
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So sorry for posting this late! Thank you for all of the support in the previous part, which is here! There might be another part coming soon! WC: 3,513.
Please support me by liking, reblogging and commenting on this! Also please follow for more content!
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Tag list: @veroxbarnes, @afrillisdark, @phsycochan, @airwolf92, @punem699, @pascalmode, @drakulana, @laufeyslegacy, @sunnys-day, @mugiwarasoul19, @yunacxo, @stuckinthewrongworld and @purpledemonnnn
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"Hey Captain! Is that-"
"Get the surgery room ready!"
The captain's crew member sprinted down the hall, feet pounding against the floor. The sound of their running echoed through the hallways, loud enough to be heard from a mile away.
You weren't going to die. Not on his watch.
He ran as fast as he could, holding you tight in his arms. He could feel your heart racing, and he knew he had to move quickly. He ran faster, his heart pounding in his chest as he raced down the hall. He cursed under his breath, knowing he had to get you to the surgery room as soon as possible.
He ran faster, pushing himself to the limit as he rounded the corner and burst into the surgery room.
He gently placed you on the bed, ensuring that you were comfortable and secure. He then quickly got himself ready for the surgery, putting on a mask and gloves and preparing the necessary instruments. He took a deep breath, focusing on the task ahead.
He had to act fast and make sure that you would make it out alive. He was determined to do whatever it took to save you.
As soon as Law laid you down, other crew members came running into the room, eyes wide with shock. They had seen the green spots that had spread across your body and knew it was serious.
They quickly began to assist the captain, gathering the necessary materials for the surgery and setting up the instruments.
You were going to live. Whether you wanted to or not.
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You slowly opened your eyes, a wave of pain washing over you. You slowly opened your eyes to see that you were in your room. The sun was streaming in through the window, and you could hear the faint sound of birds chirping outside.
When you realized you were in your own bed, a wave of relief washed over you.
Why were you here? You don't remember how you got here. You just remember being in the forest with Ikkaku but then the both of you separated and then-
You remembered what happened. Your Master had found you somehow and was straggling you to death until-
"Law," You said out loud, remembering the rest of the events that had happened.
"Gosh! How could I have been such an idiot!" You muttered into your hands, ignoring the pain you received for using your limbs.
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"Law?" Your lips trembled as your gaze wandered unconsciously across his chest.
"Yes Y/N? I'm right here, just keep talking."
"If I die, I just want you to know that I've liked you for a while now."
In the middle of his steps, he froze in place.
"I thought I was being too obvious but it seems that even the Surgeon of Death can't even catch on to things like that." You chuckled to yourself yet there was no amusement on your face.
As you glanced up at him, hoping to see if it was a smile or a grin, you were surprised to see that it wasn't either, but rather one of horror.
You knew it. He never did like you.
"Leave me here. More reinforcements are going to come now and they're stronger than ever. I'll keep them back so you can escape-"
"Stop talking."
In an instant, a glance had you stop what you were going to say, instead you paid attention to your breathing and not the reaction that he showed to your confession.
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Of course he didn't like you! It was obvious that he thought of you as a friend or just a crew member like the others.
A harsh shrill noise which came from the door made you jump which also made you groan in pain at the sudden movement.
Quick footsteps were heard coming closer to you and you braced for an attack.
"Y/N! Are you okay?" A furry hand was gently placed on your shoulder and you opened your eyes to see a worried looking bear in front of you.
"Bepo?" You asked in a hoarse voice.
"Ah! I should get Law now that you've woken up!" Bepo said to himself as he got up from kneeling down beside you.
"No!" You yelled, grabbing his hand tightly, "Please don't get him,"
The bear looked sympathetic before nodding quickly and sitting down on a chair beside you.
"Law looked terrified when he rushed back to us with you. I'd never seen him that terrified before. He made you his first priority and did the surgery mainly by himself for ten hours,"
"Ten hours," You repeated in awe and Bepo nodded quickly, rubbing your hand with his.
"Yeah, he didn't even tell us what had happened to you, he just locked himself inside his office,"
"How long has that been?"
"3 days,"
"3 days!" You screamed in shock, unable to process what Bepo had said. "I was in a coma for 3 days?"
"Has he eaten anything at all?"
"We don't think so though we've heard his stomach growling before so we just assumed not,"
Why are you working so hard Law? Was there an emergency in which it needed your at most attention that you couldn't even eat?
You thought deeper. Is it because of you? Were you the reason for blocking everyone out?
"Please can you talk to him?" Bepo asked pleadingly, "I hate seeing him like that and you usually help in this,"
"I'll," You stopped, "I'll try Bepo,"
A smile suddenly appeared on the bear's face, showing warmness and relief.
"Thank you, now it's time for your medicine," Bepo said, holding the bottle and the spoon in his paws.
You reluctantly took the medicine even though it tasted like sea water and mold cheese. Instead you thought of what Law used to say about it, "If you take this then you can stay in the office with me,"
At the time, all you cared about was the office. The large room, full of work papers and most importantly, the books which infected the office. Every month ten books at most are added to the large collection that most of the time they are just placed on the sofa.
Being new to the crew and having to set out soon, you only had found comfort in books, especially Psychology books. You were fascinated by the behavior and the minds of humans.
Law obviously saw how much you loved the books, more of them appearing in his bookshelf without him saying a word.
"Y/N? Are you okay?"
You were brought back to reality by Bepo's concerned voice. You looked at him and nodded slowly, pushing the thoughts aside. "Yes, I'm fine," you said, forcing a small smile as a sign of assurance.
"Okay, well don't push yourself for a while," Bepo warns before leaving you alone by yourself again.
Even if you were to talk to him, what would you say? Were you the cause of his workaholic ways? Did your confession scare him that much?
You groaned again into your hands, frustrated and confused. How did it come to this? You had no answers and the more you thought, the more questions you had. You had to talk to Law and find out what was going on, but you were scared.
What if he didn't want to talk to you? What if your words had pushed him further away? These thoughts were overwhelming and you felt powerless. . . .
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You woke up not even realising you had fallen asleep, your thoughts still lingering in your head. It must have been the deep thinking that made you tired and caused you to drift off.
You sat up, feeling a bit more rested, but still confused and scared about what the outcome of talking to Law would be. You took a deep breath and slowly exhaled, trying to find the courage to confront him.
Looking out the window, the darkness of the night was illuminated by the stars and the bright moonlight. The crashing waves of the sea glistened in the moonlight as the submarine gently rocked back and forth. The sound of the waves was calming and peaceful, and the smell of salty sea air filled the air.
Everyone must be asleep by now, you thought. It was the perfect time to go see Law.
You would find yourself walking towards his office, always on guard for some crew members, who would instantly send you back to your bedroom.
There was a light under his office, which told you everything you needed to know.
Law was asleep so deep that he couldn't be bothered to switch off the lights. He probably had some work paper stuck to the side of his face and his hat was definitely off for sure.
You didn't know why you knew all of that. Maybe it's because you've observed everything about him, for research obviously!
Slowly, you opened the door small enough for you to fit into the room and as soon as you laid eyes on him, all of your suspensions were correct.
Law had been peacefully sleeping on a messy pile of paperwork, his spotted hat on the floor which left his jet-black hair out for anyone to see.
Law, you thought sadly, why can't you rest in your bed? Was there something keeping you awake that you had to stay here for? Was it you?
You removed all those thoughts and got back to reality, advancing forward to start cleaning the office.
The papers were picked, the books were back and the last thing was the hat.
Glancing from the hat to Law, you sighed before walking over to stand in front of the 'terrifying Surgeon of Death', who didn't seem to notice your presence at all for these twenty minutes you've been near him.
Strange, you noted, usually he would be up in seconds if anyone was at least one meter close to him.
As you were going to place his hat on and leave, a hand grabbed onto your wrist as if to stop your actions. It took you seconds to realise that it belonged to Law and he was awake.
Great, now you have to talk to him.
"You're not getting Y/N back," He stated in an angry tone, his eyes unable to stay on your face.
Great, now he's hallucinating that you are someone else. But who?
"Law," You said sternly, "It's me, Y/N,"
Law's expression changed immediately from anger to relief as he realised it was you and not the person he thought it was.
His grip loosened on your wrist and he looked up into your eyes with a newfound understanding. He sighed and let go of your wrist, his expression softening as he smiled weakly.
"Oh Y/N," he said, his voice barely a whisper. "You're alive, I'm glad it's you."
You didn't even notice how he had let go of your hand and was slowly glazing your side as it found its way to your hip, his grip becoming firmer as if he was scared you would disappear if he let go.
You didn't know what to do, so you stayed still, looking into his eyes.
He seemed to be searching for something in yours, so you just stayed still, not wanting to break the moment.
"Who did you think it was?" You asked, placing the hat on its owner's head.
He looked away, and then back at you, as if he hadn't been expecting the question. "I don't know," he said. "I just thought of someone else."
"Like my Master?" You joked, placing a hand on his arm.
Suddenly, Law's expression became serious and his grip tightened on your hip. He looked away, and then back at you. "No," he said firmly. "This is not something to joke about."
"You don't have to fake it while you're with me," He said in a soft tone.
"That goes for you too."
"I heard that you hadn't eaten in three days." You started, moving closer to him without realizing. "Was the reason me? Am I the problem?"
Law looked at you with a bewilderment expression as you rant out the thoughts that have been tormenting your mind for hours.
"Did my confession scare you that much?"
Tears began to well up in your eyes as you said the words. You were scared that he didn't want you anymore and that your confession had pushed him away.
You felt embarrassed and ashamed, wishing you could take back the words you had said. Law looked at you with a kind and understanding expression, and he placed a hand gently on your cheek.
"Y/N," he said softly. "It wasn't your confession that scared me."
"Then what?"
There was a long pause. A slight blush formed on his cheeks. "Losing you scared me,"
You took a moment to look at him; regret, worry and relief were written all over his face. He seemed to be struggling with his own emotions, unsure of what to say or do. You could see the fear in his eyes, the same fear that you had felt moments ago. He opened his mouth to say something, but no words came out.
Then the puzzles came together.
You took his face into your hand, shocking him as he looked into your eyes for an explanation. You felt the warmth of his skin as you cupped his face, and saw the surprise in his eyes. You gazed at him tenderly, with an understanding that he didn't expect.
"I'm not going to end up like him Law," You whispered.
Law's eyes widened in surprise as he realized the meaning of your words.
"How do you know?" He whispered.
"Luffy told me after the feast we had with them."
He made a mental note to have a little chat with the Straw Hat.
"I'm going to stay by your side until you don't want me to," You reassured, gently pushing a strand away from his eyes.
He didn't have any words left to say; no one other than him had passed through his wall of protection and got him this vulnerable.
He didn't know what to do or say. He had never felt such a strong connection with someone before, and it made him feel exposed and vulnerable. He had built up walls around himself, ones that no one else had ever been able to penetrate until now.
He felt like he could open up to you, like he could tell you anything. He was stunned by the fact that you had seen through his walls and seen the parts of him he had kept hidden away.
He knew that he could trust you, and it made him scared and excited all at the same time.
You felt a sudden wave of dizziness and your vision blurred for a moment. You tried to focus on Law's face and the ground beneath your feet, but the ground seemed to be shifting and moving.
Your leg started to wobble and you felt yourself losing balance.
You felt your legs giving way beneath you, and you thought for sure that you were going to hit the floor. But before you could, you felt Law's strong arms wrap around you in an instant, catching you and holding you up.
When your mind finally caught up with the situation, you realised that you were sitting on Law's lap. He had swept you up into his arms and was now holding you close. You felt a warmth in your cheeks as you looked into his eyes, feeling embarrassed and exposed.
You felt his strong arms around you, and you could feel his heart beating rapidly. You felt a sudden wave of emotion come over you and you closed your eyes, resting your head against his chest.
"I think I love you too,"
"You think?" You teased, looking up to see the flustered man.
He seemed to be malfunctioning as he felt a sudden wave of emotions come over him. His heart was beating rapidly and he felt exposed and vulnerable. His mind was running wild, and he felt like he had no control over his own body. He had never felt such a strong connection with someone before, and it was overwhelming him.
He was struggling to process the situation, and he didn't know how to respond.
"I'm just joking Law-"
You started to speak, but your words were lost in the moment as soon as you felt Law's lips on yours. Your heart raced and you felt the warmth of his body against yours. You were lost in the moment, your mind in a daze as you felt his lips gently move against your own.
All of a sudden, the world around you seemed to stop, and the only thing that mattered was the two of you in that moment. You felt like you were standing on the edge of a cliff, and the only thing keeping you from tumbling down was Law's strong arms around you.
You felt a sudden wave of emotion come over you and you closed your eyes, savoring the moment.
Reluctantly, you moved back to take a breath and to look at Law. His eyes were intense, searching your face as if he was trying to figure out what you were thinking. His mouth was slightly open, and his breathing was heavy.
He seemed to be in a state of shock, as if he was in disbelief of what had just happened. You felt a sudden wave of embarrassment wash over you, and you quickly looked away, not wanting Law to see your blush.
"I wanted to show you how I felt about you." He muttered, eyeing your lips.
"Or you just wanted to kiss me," You replied with a small grin.
Suddenly, Law's face changed from flustered to a warm grin. He seemed to have regained his composure and he looked at you with a sparkle in his eye.
"Maybe I did but don't you think you're off the hook for not telling me that you had an injury,"
"How did you-?"
"The green spots came from the injury but it had time and bacteria to mutate and get worse than it should have."
"I thought it wasn't that bad?" You tried to reason.
"Well for ignoring your injuries, I think you need to be punished."
His face softened, and his eyes twinkled with mischief.
You could feel his grip on you tighten, and you felt your face flush as you looked away. His gaze lingered on you for what felt like an eternity, and you felt your heart beat faster at the thought of what he might do next.
"L- Law, the crew members are asleep-"
"Then make sure you don't wake them up," He smirked.
You quickly tried to argue with him, but it was in vain.
"Rooms Shambles,"
☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ 
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yan-lorkai · 10 months
Would you consider writing a drabble about Leona (And who ever else you want) The reader has a pet they adore and spoiled with love, and the boys are green with jealously over it. The mc is going somewhere and asks Leona (or whoever) to watch the pet for a bit, the boys think this might be their opportunity to take the pet 'out of the picture' but as the mc leaves they say to their pet "Be good for daddy while I'm gone~" How do they react to that and what changes
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.⁠。⁠*⁠♡ LEONA
Many people are jealous of their loved ones' pets, but you wouldn't expect Leona to be one of those people. True, he was attached to everything he could call his own - a consequence of the way he was treated, you suppose. But jealous of a pet? As incredible as it may seem, Leona was jealous, he always wanted to be with you in his arms and he growled low, or as low as he could, to keep the little animal from coming running towards you, wagging its tail like a stray.
Still, even though he was jealous, you trusted Leona to take care of your dog while you had other tasks that day. His green eyes sparkled with mischief when you finally handed him your beloved pet, leaving a soft caress on his head.
"I need you to take care of my baby while I'm gone, Leona," You murmured and left a tender kiss on your beloved lion's cheek. "I won't be long, and I trust you to take good care of them."
Leona smiled, inwardly enjoying the opportunity to finally have your undivided attention. As you turned to leave, you remembered something and leaned into your pet, whispering in a tender, cute tone. "Be good for daddy while I'm gone!"
Leona's smug expression faltered as soon as you were gone, and a strange warmth settled in his chest at your words. You were at a stage where you hadn't discussed whether you wanted children or not once you finished your studies at NRC but now he is reevaluating everything he had thinked before. The way you act all cutesy, your little hums and smiles when you spend time with your dog, somehow simple words are making his hearts pounds like crazy in his chest.
Initially, he considered moving the pet "out of the way" as he had planned, but he could no longer do that even if he still wanted to. Leona hesitated, but bent down to gently stroke the furry companion who wouldn't let go of you. Your dog responded with a satisfied bark and wagged his tail. And for a second, Leona thought he might get used to it all. With the dog, with the silly way you acted, with the promise of a future.
For now, he'll spend time trying to understand your dog's mind and why this furball doesn't want to sleep with him in the botanical garden.
Levi is the personification of envy, it's clear he's jealous of the time you spend with your pet. It's not fair, it's not fair, it's not fair!!! He was with you all this time and you prefer to prioritize this little animal? If you say that he does the same to Henry he will quickly silence himself.
He realizes how foolish this jealousy is, but he can't help it. He wants all of you, all of your attention, all of your thoughts and emotions, your mind, your body, everything must belong to him, or he will cry. You don't want him to cry, do you?
So when you tell him that you have a test to take and that he needs to take care of your bird, Levi feels everything around him shake. Not only can he not spend time with you because you have a test and he has online classes, but he still has to listen to your bird singing non-stop, exploring his room and pecking at everything it finds. He must protect his figures and games, and... Did your bird just climbed into his shoulder and is nuzzling against his neck?
"Take care of our baby, Levi." You smile at him and Levi feels like he's on fire, like someone threw holy water on him, his cheeks pink. "Be good to daddy, okay my dear? I'll see you both later!" You leave a peck on Levi's mouth and then kiss your bird affectionately, smiling when it chirped.
Levi ceases his movements, words and phrases forgotten on the tip of his tongue as you leave him with your bird. Baby? Daddy? Oh heavens, he feels like at any moment he's going to pass out, heat rising from his neck to his ears and cheeks. He had never thought about it before; having a family with you before, after all he was happy living with you and his brothers, without having thought about children yet. He turns to see the bird relaxing on his shoulders, preening its feathers and sometimes looking at his brightly lit computer screen. Now that he stops to think it is so cute, Levi can see why you love that little creature.
He reaches out a finger and scratches the bird's head, watching as it closes its eyes and enjoys the affection offered. He sees himself no longer caring about your pet, even though he feels jealous of the little creature. But he doesn't need to be jealous if he steals your bird to spend time with him, his daddy. So you will also spend time with him, win-win!
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michibap · 22 days
okay so here me out. schlatt with reader who has constant allergies and their nose is always itchy and red, like all the time. their crying when they wake up bc their eyes create too much water bc of how dry it always is for them, and they're always sneezing
he'd definitely be polite and say bless you after the first sneeze, but after the 4th he's telling you to stfu already 😭
idk chat, I think I'm projecting rn
-def the type to be like “you get one bless you and that’s IT”
-sneezing like eight times in a row and looking over to see him staring at u in horror
-on your ASS about taking your medicine
-one of the things on the checklist he has for you before you leave your house
“Bye baby, love u. Phone? Keys? Wallet? Allergy medicine?”
-when you nod he’ll smack a wet kiss to your forehead and send u out the door with a lil pat to ur bum
-will ask ahead of time if there is going to be a furry creature at the function so he can make sure you take your meds beforehand
-bc he KNOWS your ass will be petting that animal whether it’s a detriment to your health or not
-refers to your tissues as snot rags and WILL NOT TOUCH THEM
“Eugh u have boogies”
-fine with runny noses or whatever but if your throat closes up or your eyes get too puffy he WILL freak out
“What the fuck?? Should we go to the hospital??”
“Nah, get me a Benadryl and I’ll be fine in 30.”
“I- Are you sure??”
-has 100% dragged u to the hospital against your will JUST in case
“And now we’re getting charged $350 for benadryl that we had at home for free. Really saved the day, babe.”
“Ya, sorry I didn’t want to see you go into fucking anaphylactic shock.”
-makes fun of u for your inferior genes
-bc wdym you’re allergic to OUTSIDE?? fucking loser
-hay fever probably makes him a little anxious at first bc like ARE YOU SICK?? DO U NEED MEDICAL ATTENTION??
-once you explain it’s just allergies he uses it as an excuse to baby u to the MAX
-bc he can coddle you without any concerns of getting sick 😋
“Dude get OFF me I already can’t breathe.”
“I’m healing you.”
-indoorsy dates when it hits peak allergy season movies, aquariums, art exhibits, etc.
-if you’re allergic to jambo it’s gonna be a problem.
-not rlly
-will try do everything in his power to keep the two of you apart
-but can’t help but melt when he walks into the room and finds jambo perched in your lap, purring as he presses his little head up into your palm
-cats ALWAYS choose ppl who r allergic to them don’t ask me why
-fucking FINE you can pet the cat. just wash your hands after
-takes special care to vacuum and wash his sheets before you come over so any fur on there doesn’t have ur allergies acting up
this was very cute. ty
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christinesficrecs · 9 months
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I had a request for newer fics, so here you go! Also, some other recent fics were posted here.
They’re all together ooky, the Hale family… (Snap, Snap) by DropsOfAddiction | 12.4K | Explicit
Derek realises that he’s probably squashing Stiles a little bit, right at the same moment that Stiles apparently realises that he’s still holding onto Derek’s face.
They both definitely acknowledge Derek’s nakedness at the same exact time, judging by the alarmed look on Stiles’ face.
“So, you have no clothes on,” Stiles removes his hands and holds them above his head in surrender, cheeks a muddy red.
“In my defence, I was covered in fur less than two minutes ago,” Derek rolls his eyes and he pushes himself up and off him, hands covering his junk for Stiles’ sake.
“You’re still kind of furry now…” Stiles sits up, blinking rapidly, clearly just as weirded out as Derek. “Oh my god, pretend I didn’t say that. I’m not looking or anything.”
Derek smirks, because that… that was a lie and he cocks an eyebrow at him.
as dear as a brother by endversed | 10.3K | Explicit
“You are not allowed to sleep with him,” Scott says.
“You’re not the boss of me,” Stiles scoffs.
Stiles and Scott become best friends at college. Derek is Scott's hot older brother.
Take Me Away From Here by Hedwig221b | 33.5K | Explicit
Derek Hale looked terrifying. With his broad frame and muscles, with his wild black hair and thick beard, with his eyes the color of blood and fangs of a killer. Despite his kindness and his apparent attraction to Stiles, he was still a stranger, a predator, a wolf.
The thing is, Stiles would deal, but others might not. People found Lord Hale horrid, monstrous and unapproachable.
If Stiles stood behind him, no one would touch him.
He’d be safe with the wolf. If not from him, then definitely from everyone else. And that was enough.
Messily Ever After by KaliopeShipsIt | 20.3K
When Stiles and his blue slushie have a literal and quite splashy run-in with an adorable five-year old flower girl and her panicking daddy in the middle of the mall, the last thing he expects is to get a date to a stranger's wedding out of it.
Let alone, a boyfriend and a kid.
His Accidental Touch by Hidden_Orchard | 12.8K | Explicit
It happened accidentally, the first time. All the many and varied times afterwards, Stiles would hold his hands up and admit full responsibility for. But that first time – pure chance.
Derek needs a cuddle. Stiles - generous man that he is - would never deny Derek something he needs.
An Alpha's Misunderstandings by Dexterous_Sinistrous | 48.5K | Mature
And Derek was there, as if it was a simple twist of fate.
There were so many ways Stiles wanted to forgive Derek, but then he came to his senses.
He wouldn’t risk Charlotte’s safety for that hope–never again. ~*~ Stiles and Derek are parted by war and misunderstandings, only to find each other again.
Red, Red, Red by loserchildhotpants | 9.4K | Explicit
“Just… it’s weird, I’ve been - uh. You ever, like, dream of something? Something you’ve never seen before, but then you see it out in the world?”
everywhere, everything (every day) by nerdy-stilinski (Captain_Ameriyeah), S3anchaidh | 14.3K
Derek’s never been the best at making decisions. That’s how he keeps waking up with Stiles in his arms, but never under the right circumstances.
Or: Derek agrees to a pack vacation and instantly regrets it.
Matchmaking in Fandom by isthatbloodonhisshirt (wasterella) | 13K
It wasn’t like it was a secret that the showrunners made terrible decisions when it came to their own show, so why he’d had actual faith in them not fucking the movie up, he had no idea. Really, it was his own fault.
He hadn’t even set the bar high for the movie! The bar was so incredibly low, like mid-shin height, and they somehow managed to get it subterranean. That was talent. A bad talent, but still a talent.
if i'm not made for you, then why does my heart tell me that i am? by EvanesDust | 13K
When Derek’s kids write out their Christmas lists, they insist he writes one too. Not long after it's deposited in Santa's mailbox, he's reunited with the man of his dreams.
Derek can't help but fall for him again. It's really too bad Stiles is so obviously taken.
...or the one where Derek’s a grump who makes assumptions about his pregnant omega neighbor.
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mehiwilldoitlater · 9 days
I felt so sorry for the prince rat. It's like, little baby needs to be protected at all costs and urgently needs a friend. 😭😭🤲❤️
Wouldn't it be a bother to continue? I just want to see a happy ending for the rat prince (I'm not pressuring you!).
"Came on, everybody! Togethere!"
A big number of small monkeys, cubs, and youngster were frolicking the old well at the edge of the forest. With the help of the rope, they were trying to take up the water. Or, better say, something in the water.
You were on your way back to the mountain; being the only human gave you free access to the mortal village, holding one Bing Tanghulu in your hand and another in your mouth, already half eaten, and it was there that you noticed the crawd of monkeys, busy in that activity. The well was used by them, and the small basket of water wasn't such an issue to rise up, so something was on there.
"Hi little ones! What are you planning this time?"
"Miss y/n! You're back from town!"
"We're trying to get the funny thing out of the well!" Said one of the smallest ones in the group, holding the rope rather than pulling with its brothers and sisters.
"Trying to get the funny thing out of the well, uh?" You poked your face near the edge of the rock structure. "Well, that's one I never heard before!"
And, as you ended that sentence, a low moan escaped from the same well, letting you loose the grip of the candy from your hand.
Without another request, you grabbed the rope, helping the monkeys to rise whoever was so unlucky to fall in a well. Finally, a silhouette started to appear from the shadow, and... Two pairs of yellow irises, an old and rattled prestigious armor, a furry face with some rodent features.
There, face to face, you were dragging out the same rat prince that you met at Yellow Wind Ridge. 
His eyes suddenly got bigger, fueled with refound glimps.
You screamed, alongside the children, loosing the grasp on the rope and letting the giant creature fall back in the well.
"Ok everyone, ready for everything!"
Now, the youngest were replaced by the oldest ones, stronger and ready to attack the intruder of their land. Yuán Fèn, the destined one, was covering you with himself, his staff ready to strike at every chance of danger for you, while you were trembling, wondering how that creature was able to follow you two to Mount Huagou.
The group was able to rise the Yaoguai like before, but this time. Once out, the creature searched for something, and, once he had laid his eyes on you, he found it.
"FRIENDY!" He freed himself from the ropes, fell ungraciously on the ground, and started to move with that same level of agility towards you.
You gasped while your monkey friend was ready to point his weapon at the unwanted guest, making him stop in his tracks.
"Not another step! You seem to remember my staff, so you better keep your distance!"
The gargantuan rodenmt seemed concerned by the warning of the simian but kept on moving, hoping to get a glance at you, while you were still shielded by Yuán Fèn and garded in distance by others, all of them armed with their own staff.
"How the heck did he find this place?! How was he able to follow us?!"
"Maybe he followed your smell, Y/N; you stayed in that cave for some time, and he must have memorized!"
"Hihi, rats have the best smell! But they're not big as this one here!" The children, mischievous as always, didn't fled like the second time and watched from the trees the scene in front of them. Since they were used to normal kinds of rats, a Yaoguai one like that must have been news for them; that's why they were calling him the funny thing when they were recovering earlier. You, on the other hand, were less enthusiastic about his presence since your last encounter.
"My, oh my...our Bián huá had cought quite the catch, um?" An old and calm voice emerged from the small corwd; the elder monkey appeared, laughing a little, observing the scene that was unfolding.
"I swear! It wasn't my intention! He just...followed me here!" You pleaded, hoping to not have endangered the monkeys.
"Oh, he's not something to be bothered about. I was most interested in how this distinctive creature had followed you two."
You both explained the happening: the destined one falling in an ambush, you being captured, and this Prince behavior. The eldest, listening, had sniockered a few times, mostly for your ignorance on the rat's intention, but kept shut.
"Clearly," Yuán Fèn said, "he can't stay here. This is not a place for him, and his people still need him, especially since his older brother and his father abscence."
"I believe," the elder continued, "that he won't go away even on his own." He gestured towards another attempt of the prince to grab you or touch you with his tail, always prevented by a move from you or from Yuán Fèn.
"And I REALLY don't want to set another foot at Yellow Wind Ridge; they'll believe we have abducted him or something!" You said again, finally deciding to scoff away the tail with a small kick.
"Um, if he can't go back...and we can't accompany him...someone has to come and fetch him, don't you think?" The leder seems to have someone in mind; he has been always kept informed of all of your adventures and meetings, and he must have already had someone in mind.
"The third prince, maybe?" Yuán Fèn suggested, remembering the man that you two met at the Pagoda realm.
"Oh! You right!" you suddenly gleemed again. "We can inform him! He's his brother; he's his responsibility after all! And, besides, it could be a good way to get his family together, no?"
It seemed like a reasonable idea! Even if you were a little afraid of the possibility of the third prince tò refusing.
"In that case," the elders keep it on. "Why don't send him a message about it?" In the mean time..." He took a little pause; that reminded you more of a dramatic pause. "Y/N, why don't you help him around?"
Yuán Fèn instantly got beat the elders; even he didn't like that idea. It was one case if it was having a Yaoguai running around and making a mess; another was all of these things and having him following you like a shadow!
"Old One, this is impossible! He clearly doesn't have good intentions; leaving him with the Bián huá is a danger to us and the mission!"
"Or," he stopped the younger, "he'll behave...and act properly...as the same Bián huá asked." No?"
He looked at you, arching on of his hairy eyebrown. 
You looked at the rat; you know he had understood everything all of you had said; in fact, he was... It was a puppy face? He was making a puppy face to convince you?! You let a sigh escape from you; there's no way out of that.
"I guess... I can try to make him eat any monkey...
The elders smiled, patting your shoulder with a satisfied voice.
"Let's send the letter right away then."
And so, without if or but, you were stuck... with him. It wasn't easy for Yuán Fèn either, with all his brothers and sister snickering at the idea of the prince stealing his girl.
"No! This is my room; you can't get in!"
Fighting with a giant rat that is trying to bring an entire plum tree in a small crevice into another one is quite hard, especially if you're just a human.
For the last week, you've been the only caretaker of the big fella. And oh boy, your entire adventure and task seemed like a nice walk in the park.
Hua and Fang, the two female monkeys who occupied the room with you, were utterly scared by this creature trying to get inside, only causing more ruckus from the other females.
"Present! Nice flowers for friendy!"
"You can put them outside! Stop! I'm coming, okay?! Cut it out already!"
You apologized to the two and tried to get the prince far away from the sleeping area. From a branch, observing with some worry, Yuán Fèn couldn't shake the idea that you've been far too soft on him. This wasn't the first time that he had crossed a line; man, the worst was when he started to follow you and the other female to the bathing zone. At least he and the other males were ready to stop him with some food, a second thing that could help them to get you some free time. From the rest, he seemed like there was zero chance to get you alone.
You took him away from the place that you helped him, with the assistance of the others, to make him a surrogated house for that time, a simple fabric, some sticks, and an old mattress for him. You had to stop up on a rock to look at him in the eyes.
"Listen up, big guy," he seated down, understanding the seriousness of your tone. "You can just keep doing this! Bursting into everyone's room, my room! Oh, and don't let me start with the bath story; I know everything! Have you any idea how many mess you caused? And how many of them do I have to clean?!"
You massaged your temples; he seemed hurt, but it was unclear if the message cut through.
"I know you just want to be nice; bring gifts and what you catch in the woods, but...listen, I just want some time for me!"
There was a moment of silence where you thought that he didn't get a thing of what you said; he always heard what he wanted to hear. But maybe he got that you felt frustrated, and he started to shake the tree, still in his grasp, gently over your head. A soft and gentle rain made of petals started to fall over you, the sunset only making the colors shine more. After some seconds, you giggled, covering your mouth.
"Is that a way to say sorry?"
He didn't hear a thing; as usual, he was only there, admiring your smile.
Despite his attempts to take you out of the water, every time you just shove him away. Everyone was supposed to help the community, and today you were supposed to catch some fish.
He seemed agitated, like a dog that can't reach his owner, and kept on crying and howling to get him back.
"He's going to scare away all of the fish like this!" Fu, the young male, was right. You both were there for more than an hour and didn't get anything. Sooner or later, you both have to return to the village and confess your unluckiness since your guest didn't like the idea of you in the water.
"Prince, please, I'm fine! Let us catch the fish in piece, then we can go back!" 
Here some silence, finally! The two of you started to come back to your duty when a huge splash and a thunderous blast made both of you lose your balance and fall.
"WHAT THE F-" another blast, more splashing water.
The prince must have thought that, by helping you get more fish, you would have finished sooner and came back with him! So he started to use a huge log to hit the water, causing the fish to be hurt by the wave from it. Soon, the net was full of very much dead fish.
"Well, look at that! We're full for the day!" said Fu, with a frefound joy.
You laughed, and when he got closer, you hugged the prince's arm.
"You see?! You're amazing! Good job!"
The moonlit was coloring the dark skies. Sitting in the grass, his tail tried to warm you up while you were too connected to look at the stars, maybe searching for a deity that wandered too far from the celestial court.
"I wonder if people are missing me at home." You finally spoke, ending the silence. "I've been away from home. I hope they're all okay."
A moan made you change your gaze from the sky to the prince. He had never looked at the sky once, to be fair.
"And you? Don't miss home a tiny bit." He just shoked his head. "I guess they miss you instead. You cared for them, and they do it too. They're just rodents, I guess."
You sighed; they seemed to care, so they wanted to feed him with you. It has passed an entire week now, and still no response from his younger brother. You started to worry that they had forgotten him, or worse.
His finger poked your face, worried from your expression.
"Home away," he spoke. "You here now. Me happy. You here. Very happy."
You smiled again, touched by his words, unaware of a bird coming to the village.
The next day, Yuán Fèn seemed to be pondering, a little in his own world and not too far connected to his surroundings. That was an easy catch to let get away.
"BOO!" While almost trip from the stone, you laughed holding your stomach.
"Ha ha, laugh as much as you want. I'll take my time next time a Yaoguai tries to eat you."
"We both know that you would never do that." You sat next to him, holding him a khaki. "And I'm here with GREAT knews! The third prince responded to our letter and is coming here!"
"Oh! How long till he reach Mount Huagou?"
"He said he'd be on his way immediately, so I guess he'd just be near! Your vacancy away from me is almost over; savor the last days!"
"You hurt me!" he laughs, putting an arm around your shoulders. "I do enjoy our time together! I would like to not prepare for your way back home even."
"Hehe, I know, I know, I keep forgetting that I have to go back sooner or later. In that case, I'll savor these moments with you!"
And while the two of you shared a nice moment, a pair of eyes watched with jealousy, and some ears listened with grief.
That morning, when you woke up, you thought to find your new friend around, waiting for you to follow you around like every day by now; instead, no one was there. Did he decide to leave you alone? Strangely, every demand had passed through his ears.
"Hey," you stopped An, another of the youngest monkeys. "Did you see the Rat Prince?" He's usually here at this time."
She pondered a little rather than remembering.
"I heard him going to the training ground!"
Oh, so he wanted to train a little? Not exactely.
In that moment, Yuán Fèn was taking care of his duty by helping the youngers to train with their weapons, like mostly of his days there on the mountain, and heard the giant footstep of the rat. Despite their past, in these days he tried to be as gentle as you with him, even if he met only some poorly manners towards him, but he passed every one of them.
"Ah, look who's showed up here! Are you here for?" Before he could finish his sentence, a powerful blow from the prince Chui hit him with a direct blow that threw him away. The other monkey started to scream, showing teeth and trying to get closer, but the prince had nothing but his prey in mind.
Before he could have struck another blow, Yuán Fèn was fast enough to summon his staff and stop him in a stall. A small blood drop escaped from the simian mouth, trying to match the strength of the prince with his own.
"Did you lose your mind?! What are you doing?!"
"We settle! Me fight you! If I win, I take Y/N away! She won't leave; she stays with me! You disappear!"
So that's what he wanted?! A fight over you?! He knew you wanted to go home, that the mission needed you, and you wanted to help. What all of this against your wishes?! Yuán Fèn was enraged, not for the fight itself but because everything was born from the egoistical desire of that monster.
"As you wish!" And so the fight began. The two, under the watchful eyes of everyone, fought with surch brutality that they feared for the worst. That rat had proven to his people that he was strong, but he had never fought the destined one. He wasn't just strong; he was capable of many tricks and faster. No matter how many blows he received, he was ready to get back on his feet.
More blows were shared, more avoided, and some not, but the fight wasn't made to last.
Your voice echoed, and the Rat stopped his last shot, allowing Yuán Fèn to get more space between himself and his opponent. You were there, at the entrance of the training ground, looking at the scene in disbelief.
"What...what are you doing?! Why are you fighting Yuán Fèn?!"
"Me settle! So we can stay together! Home, with me!"
"...W-what?" You looked at him confused, giving him the chance to get closer. Now, his enraged expression was more soft.
"You don't need to leave; you stay forever with me! We stand at the village; we are happy!"
"But... I don't... I don't want to..."
His look changed again; something hurt this time. 
"I want to go back home, I told you! ...I need to stay and help the Destined one!"
"But I want you with me; we can be happy together!" He reached his hand towards you, one that you smacked away, offended by his words.
"I said I stay! I don't want to follow you!"
He looked at his hand. You had never smacked away like that. He grabbed your arm again, pulling it with violence. The sudden move was the last straw for Yuán Fèn; he had heard the clear sound of something broking and your scream. Before the prince could loosen his grip on you, the staff of the Destined one launched a last strike that launched the rat away, and he immediately took you in his own arms.
"You...VILE BEAST! Enough is enough! We had let you stay, we had fed you, and we allowed you this because of her, and you are repaying us with this?! HURTING HER?! I swear, if I even see your mutt at the entrance of the village, I'll kill you!"
Your pained scream echoed while Yuán Fèn rushed you to the elder monkey, aware that now he looked more like a rabid animal than the one that had vowed to protect you. 
The prince, stuck in his tracks, could only see the crow disappear.
In the follow days, just once the prince tried to get near you. He was spared because you begged Yuán Fèn, and that was the last time.
He didn't show up, not even in his small house. He seemed disappered.
You were cured; the healing wine was able to fix your arm, but it still hurt a bit, and your Yuán Fèn never left your side while you were anguishing in your pain. He should have known that that could have happened; it was clear that the prince planned something with you, but he never thought that he could go as far as attacking him or hurting you. Maybe your case was an accident, but he didn't care, not at all.
Finally, the day of the third prince's arrival came, and you had to tell him everything. Everyone wanted to greet him with nicety and some fun; instead, he arived with relief, knowing that he would have brought away his brother.
"I truly apologize; I cannot shake the fact that it's also my own fault. If I had never left my kingdom, nothing would have happened."
"It was meant to happen," said Yuán Fèn, "and we know you'll do what is necessary for him."
He hummed, worried more about your silence than all.
"Y/n, it's something bothering you?"
"I wish we could say goodbye properly." Yuán Fèn looked at you shocked. "I just want things to not end like this! I endulged him; it's also my fault!"
The destine done sighed, looking at the third prince for some assistance. He nodded a little, knowing that maybe you and his brother needed that.
You founded him not far from the village, enough to see you all, or better you, but not enough to get beaten to death by the other monkeys. It was something about you and him, but even in that case, the third prince and Yuán Fèn stayed in close reach to avoid another accident like the last one.
The rat stayed there, too focused on breaking some sticks, unaware even of the presence of his own blood. When he saw you near, he seemed surprised, excited, or even afraid for something.
"Today is the last day; your brother is here." He didn't say anything, just staring at you, meddling with the sticks. "I know that you mean well; I know that you had suffered for a long time, but... the things you offer are not what I want. You must respect that, do you understand?"
He did; this time he did listen to you. But it was painful to him.
"I still want to be your friend. Do you still want to be mine?"
You smiled at him. You graced him again with that gentle smile that could break his heart every time you wanted. He wanted more, but it wasn't what you wanted after all. He toked the hand that you had offered him, holding it gently. It was so small compared to his own, soft and warm. He wanted to be the one to hold it. But it was set there that you belonged already to someone else.
At the end of the day, the two princes and some of their followers left Mount Huagou, leaving the monkeys behind, so they could keep back their daily lives. The second prince left, with a broken heart but a healing friendhip.
"He really did want to keep you with him." Yuán Fèn spoke, watching with you the group merging in the forest, "But I don't think he treasured you enough to know what you really wanted."
"And you?" your eyes met. "Do you treasure me enough?"
The young one decided to not speak, deciding to just hold your hand and squish it.
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queers-gambit · 6 months
prompt: in an effort to help your boyfriend with his trauma, you rescue a furry feline together - a white cat named, Alpine - who rescues you both in return.
pairing: Bucky Barnes x female!Widow!reader
fandom masterlist: Marvel
word count: 6.9k+
note: been seeing a lot of Alpine recently and got inspired.
second note: no, it's not comic / canon compliant so just have fun. author did some research but there's not a LOT written / known about Alpine, so, again, just have fun!
warnings: post Endgame, pre tfaws; cursing, Lord's name in vain, small angst, mostly hurt and comfort, Nick Fury calling reader a bitch playfully, Bucky's trauma responses, small spoilers, Dr. Raynor / therapy.
other works with Widow!reader and Bucky NOT necessary to read
read here: Damage Done
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"Are you angry with me?"
"Disappointed? Annoyed? Frustrated?"
"No, doll."
"Then why won't you talk to me!?"
"Nothing to say."
You wiped a hand down your face, lifting it only to pinch the bridge of your nose. Your head shook to shake away your thoughts, sniffling emotion, sighing when you dropped your hand to slap against your thigh. "I'm really trying here, Bucky, I swear to you, I am. But I can't help if you don't talk to me," you softened your voice, beginning to understand this was a losing battle.
"I never said I needed help."
"You never have to ask me for help, Bucky, I just give it because I want to! Because I love you! That's part of being in a relationship!"
"Maybe I don't want it!" Your boyfriend snapped, rounding on you with unfiltered emotion in his eyes. The horrors swam in his baby blues, vivid memories he was unable to escape haunting him, terrorizing him; creating a shell of a man who could no longer hide his avid pain. "Did you ever think about that? Ever consider that I don't want your help because I don't need it?"
"Everyone needs help sometimes, Buck."
"No, not everyone - I'm not one of your pet projects, you don't get to treat me like a broken thing that needs fixed! I certainly don't need your pity - not yours."
"I don't pity you! Fuck's sake, Bucky, I love you and want to see you heal. I know you better than anyone - "
"You don't," he sneered, cutting you off. "You don't know me, not really, not as well as Steve - "
"Oh, for fuck's sake, Steve isn't here! He's not coming back!" You snapped, instantly regretting it when Bucky's eyes coated with glassy emotion he fought vehemently to keep down. "I-I'm sorry, that was - that was really mean of me and totally out of line," you apologized, both sighing deeply. "All right, look, let's just talk this out, please."
"There's nothing to say."
Your hip cocked, arms crossing, "She called me, you know."
"Dr. Raynor."
"Fuck's sake," he growled. "Why would she do that?"
"Maybe because today's session was, apparently, supposed to be a couples session. She thought I was refusing, called to say I was impeding on your progress and if I want to help you, I'd have to show up to your appointments. Which is really funny because you never told me about today, so I had no idea what the hell she was talking about - but that didn't stop her from tearing me a new asshole!"
He frowned, avoiding your eyes. "I didn't need a couples session. Not today, I just - I wanted today to focus on other shit."
"And I can respect that, but you're not doing yourself any favors by hiding shit from me. To get the best results from therapy, you have to actually do the work, and not just do what Dr. Raynor says, but actually listen to her advice - "
"I don't need you on my back about this, Raynor does that enough for you both," Bucky growled. "I do the fucking work - I'm the one in that room, I'm the one applying silly little rules to my life - "
"Obviously not if you didn't even tell me Raynor requested my attendance! You should've told me, and then you should've said you weren't ready! I would've respected that, but I can't do a Goddamn thing if you don't talk to me!"
His jaw flexed as he clenched his teeth, skin twitching and distinct muscles tightening. "Like I said, there's nothing to talk about," he practically spat, shaking his head at you before grabbing his sneakers from the closet.
You didn't mean to sound harsh, but demanded, "Where are you going? We're in the middle of a conversation."
"No, we're not, 'cause I'm ending it," he scoffed, sitting on the corner of your shared mattress, exchanged his shoes. "And I'm going for a run, need to clear my head."
You shook your head before leaving the bedroom, "Absolutely unbelievable."
Bucky left your shared apartment a few minutes later, somewhere you've only lived five months - the time it's been since Tony Stark, Iron Man, snapped the other half of living beings back into existence. He lost his life in return, the ultimate sacrifice, but he managed to reverse the damage Thanos created five years prior. Five months of living in this apartment without a lick of warmth, personal touch, or real sentiment; it being dreary, dark, and mostly empty. Hell, Bucky didn't even feel comfortable in bed, so he camped in the barren living room, giving visual to the way your relationship was beginning to fray, unravel, crack.
He didn't want anything personal in your apartment - thinking it was ridiculous to settle down after all you two have endured, witnessed, and fought for. You agreed to keep things at the bare minimum, only stocking what was necessary, knowing this was part of his healing process and didn't want to drum-up further anxiety. It made everything impersonal, boring, bland, and down right depressing - but it was a small accommodation you could provide your lover.
You hated the distance. Hated how alone Bucky felt after Steve. Hated how reclusive he became, the anger he projected. Hated how no matter what you did, you weren't enough - not this time. For years, you've loved him despite his flaws, his brainwashing, his trauma responses, but whatever he was enduring now was something you weren't equipped to handle. Didn't mean you weren't willing to try, but Bucky was the one pushing you away; thinking his demons were his sole responsibility, never letting you be the pillar that helped support him. God, you hated the distance.
You left the apartment, too. Nick Fury had employed you for creative, solo, high profile missions; wanting to utilize your Widow training, especially now that Natasha Romanoff was deceased. And you wanna know what? Bucky hadn't even asked about her, never tried to offer comfort, only quietly attending the funeral service you hosted with the remaining Avengers to give her a proper sendoff - despite there being no body. Bucky knew you and Nat were as thick as thieves, family without blood, two lost souls who leaned on each other in trying times; bonded by trauma, encouraged by resounding bravery, disciplined by strength. The fact that your boyfriend never even checked in with you after Nat's passing obviously hurt your feelings but you remained silent.
Again, to avoid generating more anxiety for Bucky.
You met the one-eyed man at a local, bustling coffee shop, finding the sight of the hardened, burly man eating a scone amusing. "Got you one of these," he nudged a dessert plate to your side of the table when you sat down with your desired coffee, "know you like 'em."
"Blueberries are my favorite," you half-smirked, regarding the moist muffin and sighing sadly. "All right, sir, what's on the docket?"
He stared at you for a moment, chewing thoughtfully before leaning back in his chair. "The fuck's going on with you?" He asked.
"What do you mean?"
"You look different today."
"Mh," you nodded, joking, "got a hair cut."
"No, it's your aura. Something bothering you, kid?"
"You do realize I'm a fully grown adult, right?"
Nick shrugged, "I don't see age."
"You don't - nobody sees age, Nick, Jesus."
He took a sip of his green tea. "There's still something bothering you. Not sure if you should go on this mission if you're wound tight."
"I'm just dealing with shit at home."
"Oh, right, the cyborg. How is the hundred year old psycho?"
"You you want me to stab out your other eye? 'Cause I fucking will," you threatened with a fork clenched in your grasp, perking your brows up your forehead. "Say that shit again, see what the fuck I do, Nick, I absolutely dare you."
He chuckled, hands held in defense, "Sorry, sorry, that was uncalled for. What's wrong with Sergeant Barnes?"
You shrugged, "It's complicated."
"Bitch, aliens opening a wormhole in space and time to invade Earth is complicated - relationships aren't. Try me."
After an amused chuckle, you told him, "He's struggling right now. You know? After everything, it's been a lot for him and now that things are relatively back to normal, he's having a hard time trying to assimilate himself back into the populace. You know, learning to live in this day and age - a man out of time, outside his comfort zone, forced to adjust himself after living as a weapon of mass destruction for so long. Add in the fact that his best friend passed, marking another forceful adjustment he's unprepared for..."
"Hm," Nick nodded, "heard he's got a full pardon."
"He does."
"Which has a contingency he's gotta go to therapy, right? Part of rejoining society?"
You nodded, "Right, again."
"So he's in therapy and still struggling?"
"It's not like there's an on-off switch, Nick, therapy takes time and dedication. I just don't think he feels at peace, calm, in control - like he deserves any of this; the pardon especially. Think the stress, fear, and confusion is eating at him."
"Well, he's got you."
"I'm not his mother."
"No, you're his girlfriend, and it's a girlfriend's responsibility to support him, ain't it? Help him through this?"
"I can only do so much, Nick," you scoffed, "I'm just one person and he's a stubborn jackass - he just pushes me away. I'm sure I don't help the situation by accepting your contracts."
Fury considered your words for a long moment, then asked, "You said he's lonely?"
"Wouldn't you? Given his situation? He won't say, but I know losing Steve caused a part of him die."
Nick shrugged, "So get him a dog."
You never wouldn't guessed those words could ever pass Nick Fury's lips, head cocking, eyes narrowing, arms crossed over your chest. "I'm sorry, do what now?"
"It's obvious, ain't it? Dude needs company when you're gone, a sense of purpose, to feel like there was something - or someone - depending on him. Might help whatever limbo he's lingering in."
"A dog?"
"A dog. He can take it for walks or whatever."
You considered his recommendation, asking again, "A dog?"
"Do we need to get your hearing checked again? You lose the last functionality of your ears? Yes, a dog."
"I don't know..."
"It's just a suggestion, might promote his peace, help him process grief and guilt. Telling you, a dog would do him good. Now," he took another sip of tea, "onto business."
"You give me whiplash," you chuckled. "What's this job?"
"Simple and easy," he pulled up a tablet from the chair beside him, tapping it three times and handing it to you.
"None of your jobs are simple or easy, Nicky-Nick."
"I told you, don't call me that. Look, I just need you in London to investigate a string of potential terrorist activity. Just some recon, you won't be gone more than a few days - if you behave and stay on task."
You scanned the document, "When do I ever do that?" He chuckled briefly, you wondering, "Flagsmashers? Jesus, what a name. C'mon, you can't be serious. These guys are just radicals - you know, trying to vouch for those displaced after the Blip. It's actually kinda endearing, I mean, they're trying to give a microphone to those without a voice."
"They're escalating - too quickly," Fury informed. "They haven't raised any international flags yet, but something ain't right about them. I just need you as eyes and ears, maybe report if you think they're worth the worry."
Little did you know, in only about a month, you would join forces with Bucky and Sam Wilson - The Falcon - to dismantle the organization.
"When do I leave?"
"Tuesday would be ideal. But I can push it to Friday if you wanna go get that dog."
Your laughter was endearing, handing the tablet back over.
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Bucky liked holding hands, though, he often wouldn't ever voice it. It made him feel tethered, anchored to reality; instilling a sense of pride to have such a gorgeous lady - such as yourself - at his side. However, the part he liked most, was being reminded he wasn't alone; even when on crowded, overpopulated streets, he didn't have to be afraid because with his hand in yours, he looked just like everyone else. You protected him even without intending to or without even knowing what you were doing.
"I'm sorry about yesterday," he sighed, people on the street sidestepping and avoiding running into you two. "I was upset, stressed out, you know how I get after seeing Raynor."
"It's okay, baby," you assured, ever the patient, loyal, and supportive girlfriend he needed. "I'm not holding it against you, but just promise me, when you're ready, you'll tell me."
He nodded, "I will - I mean, I promise." You hummed and pet his bicep with your other hand, giving his arm a hug. "Now are you gonna tell me where we're going?"
"I told you, it's a surprise."
He was ready to reply when a small commotion echoed from the alley you were passing, Bucky coming to a jarring halt that yanked on your arm, swinging you around. You were ready to ask what was happening when you clocked one of Bucky's "friends", an older man named Yori Nakajima, arguing with one of his neighbors.
"Hey, hey, Yori," Bucky intervened, you watching from the mouth of the alley, "woah, hey, what's going on?"
You couldn't hear whatever Yori was saying, but Bucky turned to the other man and growled something at him that made the neighbor scurry off. He glared at you, lip curled in a sneer, disappearing amongst patrons of the crowded sidewalk. You frowned and approached Yori and Bucky, your boyfriend still trying to calm his friend - well, 'friend' was a very generous term. See, Yori was the father of a young man that died by the hand of the Winter Soldier, being a name on Bucky's list he needed to make amends with.
However, when you took your place beside Bucky, Yori was waving you both off and shuffling down the alley, towards one of his apartment building's doors. "What was that all about?" You asked softly, taking note of the disgruntled expression your boyfriend usually wore these days.
"Just," he sighed, shaking his head, "Yori's upset with some of his neighbors - thinks they're encroaching on being disrespectful."
"When doesn't he?" Bucky sighed, you wondering softly, "You think you're ever gonna feel ready to tell him?"
"I'm working on it," he sighed sadly. "All right, c'mon - "
You both paused with furrowed brows when there came a series of shrill meows from under a couple of soggy, cardboard boxes beside a dumpster. "Did you hear that?" You asked.
Another elongated meow was heard, Bucky curiously approach the discarded trash coated in sewage sludge. He slowly squatted, you approaching his shoulder when another meow cried out. Now, normally, you'd never investigate animal noises out of fear they were feral and carrying disease, but something just felt sad about what you heard - apparently, to Bucky, too. Gingerly, he reached out and lifted a piece of dripping cardboard, seeing a bundle moving under the next piece. He moved that one, too.
"Oh, my God!" You cooed when a tiny kitten was revealed. White fur was stained with dirt, sludge, and other nasty juices; nose pink, eyes a piercing, clear blue with brownish tear stains rimming them. The kitten mewed in greeting, pacing a tight circle before trying to back up in the brick wall; hunching its back and hissing slightly when you lowered yourself into a squat beside Bucky. "Baby, it's all alone, should we help?" You pouted.
"I don't think it wants our help, doll," he sighed. "It looks scared of us. Bet the mother's around somewhere, be a shame to move it if she's coming back."
"It looks too skinny, maybe it's alone?"
"Or maybe it's not," Buck countered. "C'mon, sugar, we can't take it."
After a bit of back and forth, you finally relented and had to walk away. You frowned for at least two blocks, but upon your halt at a crosswalk, you were greeted by another shrieking meow. Whipping around, you and Buck both looked down to discover the wee little kitten had followed you and was practically yelling for your attention. You grinned.
"Well, now we really have to help it," you told Bucky.
"We take it to a shelter," you answered, shrugging, "good thing I know where one is."
"What's it doing?" Bucky asked nervously, the kitten dancing around your legs; brushing up against you both, meowing the whole time.
"I think she wants you to pick her up," you smirked.
He sighed and stooped to scoop the little creature in hand, regarding it carefully; weighing it, checking paws and other vulnerable spots. Bucky muttered, "All right, yeah, fine, let's take him to a shelter. Little beast needs some food it feels like, definitely a flea bath and some fresh water."
"You big softie."
"Lead the way to the shelter, princess, c'mon," he ignored your jab, tucking the kitten into his chest protectively. "He feels fragile," Bucky worried, "maybe you should carry him, I might crush him."
"You've got the little babe, Buck," you assured, "you're not gonna hurt him - I mean, if it's even a him."
"By the attitude, could be a girl," he joked, making your heart lighten. He'd been in such a funk that you missed his teasing, soft words; the little jokes he cracked, his smile - God, you missed seeing his smile. During your time on the run after DC, while seeking refuge in Bucharest for a couple years, you grew accustomed to seeing his radiant smile; remembering how easily he offered it when just the two of you. For a moment, you considered how your relationship was no longer just you and Bucky - but his trauma, too.
Arriving at the shelter, it was like an assault on the senses. Dogs were heard barking from the kennels, the pungent smell of urine and wood chips smacking you in the face, and a sort of humidity lingering in the air - a sharp contrast to the crisp outside.
"Hi," you greeted the receptionist, offering a kind smile.
"Hi, there. How can I help you two?" The man with long hair asked.
"Well, uh, two things," you explained, "one: we'd like to tour your kennels, we're interested in adopting a dog - "
"We are?" Bucky gaped.
" - and two: we found this little fella in an alley," you pointed to the kitten curled protectively against Bucky's warmth. "We wanted to make sure he was okay, maybe leave him here for adoption?"
"Oh," Man Bun blinked, regarding both Bucky and the kitten, "wow, uh, yeah, that's really nice of you guys, rescuing the little guy. You know, since everyone came back few months ago, there's be an influx of strays. A lot of people gave up their animals when their loved ones came back."
"Well, that's super fucked up," your eyes rolled.
"Tell me about it," he sighed. "Look, I'd love to help you guys out, so, tell you what. I can let you back in the kennels - no problem! Help match you to your new companion, but, uh... I don't think I can help you with the cat. You see, we, uh, we've had to start euthanizing the overflow animals or the ones who don't get adopted in a timeframe. We're at our max capacity, so... If you wanna leave him here, uh, I can't promise he'll have a place."
"You'd put him down?" Bucky growled.
"It's not what we want to do," Man Bun swiftly explained, "but it's just necessary - we don't have the room or resources to take him."
"Do you know of any no-kill shelters? Maybe one that has room?" You asked, feeling Bucky's disgust rolling off him in waves.
"Not in the area," Man Bun frowned. "Honestly? I think the closest no-kill shelter's in Maryland. Maybe Virginia?"
"Jesus," you frowned, looking at Bucky.
"Look, my best advice?" Man Bun offered, "Take the little tike home, clean him up, and call around to other shelters to see if they have space. But if you intend to adopt a dog, maybe bringing back a kitten isn't the best timing. If you give him up to us, he'll probably be sent directly to overflow..."
"We'll take him home," Bucky instantly decided, shocking you.
"We will?" You asked softly, lips curling in a small smile.
"Why not?" He sighed.
"I would've thought you'd be more of a dog person..."
"I'm not an animal person, but we're not leaving this little guy here just for him to be euthanized. We can handle him for a few days, you know, until we find a shelter with room."
"I think that's a great idea," you grinned.
"But was this your plan? For us to adopt a dog?"
"Well, yeah..."
You shrugged, "Just thought a dog would be nice company when I'm outta town for work. You know, could go on walks or runs together, you'd have someone looking out for you, maybe a dog would help with your stress levels?"
He eyed you for a moment, sighing, "I appreciate that, doll. Maybe another time, though? At least let us find somewhere or someone to take this guy."
The kitten gave a prolonged squeak - seemingly agreeing. "All right, noisy, we hear you," you chuckled, giving the kitten's head a scratch. You asked Man Bun, "Do you guys have the means to check him over, you know, before we go home? Make sure he's not injured or something?"
"Yeah," he nodded, "let me go get one of the technicians."
After the tech's exam, you were given the paperwork from that day's visit, the name, number, and address of a recommended vet, and before you knew it, found yourselves at the local pet store. You would've been ashamed by the absurd amount of money you spent, but Bucky rationalized the need because you weren't sure how long your new companion would stay with you. So, you ransacked the store, buying a sizable litter box, 50 pounds of actual litter, a bag of kibble, case of wet food, several different treats, a balm for the baby's feet, too many toys and stimulation activities, a carrying case in the event of transporting the kitten, and a tiny collar - if you decided to keep the little noise machine.
The sight of Bucky with the little fuzz ball warmed your heart. He still seemed hesitant and stiff, as if afraid to hurt the kitten, but he wasn't so tense anymore. However, he handed the pet over for you to hold while he carried the supplies back home; biceps bulging to support the weight. In that moment, walking familiar streets with his arms full of cat supplies, he questioned how he got here - to feel all domestic and out-of-place. He was Bucky Barnes - a Sargent in the Army, prolific hitman, something of an Avenger now. He didn't adopt cats and buy toys!
However, watching you talk to the kitten softly, he smiled - something small at first that grew like a germinating seed to split his face. You seemed so... Bright, excited, rejuvenated, even. He knew the past five months since the Blip had been rough on you, what with losing Natasha, fighting Thanos and his army of aliens, then ricocheting into 'normal life' only to deal with his emotional baggage. Watching you walk down the street with a fuzzy white ball of energy, pointing out different things, cooing and narrating the city to the kitten as if he could understand was refreshing after seemingly seeing nothing but a frown on your lips recently.
To Bucky, as long as you were happy, he was happy - and it seemed you were very content with your new little buddy. So, he was happy with your new little buddy and figured a dose of domestic life wasn't the end of the world. In fact, he actually felt... Intrigued by the newest addition to your little family.
When you returned home, it was to an empty apartment. Bucky dropped the supplies in the living room, hands to his hips, looking around, "Well, uh... At least there's room to run around, right?"
You nodded, "And no risk of ruined furniture."
"Yeah," he sighed, watching you set the kitten down. "All right, pip squeak. C'mon, lemme give you the tour - pay attention. So, in here," he moved around the wall, kitten following and listening intently, labeling, "this is the kitchen, this is where you'll get your meals - and no, you're not allowed on the counters." He pointed a warning finger, "Don't let me catch you up there or there's gonna be hell to pay. I don't wanna find your hair in my morning bagel."
"Buck, you don't eat breakfast."
"Fine, then I don't wanna hear my girl found hair in her bagel."
The kitten mewed loudly, trotting to keep up as Bucky walked around the barren apartment - giving a literal tour. You unpacked the supplies, setting up a raised food bowl beside a full water bowl. You left the treats in an empty cupboard, the litter box ready to use in the bathroom, and tossed some toys around the open, empty living room floor. You meandered, stashing other supplies, hearing the scampering thuds of excited little feet.
When your head popped out of the kitchen, you grinned at what you saw. Bucky was sat on the floor, flicking a feathered stick over the hardwood floors for the kitten to race around and try to catch. The longer you watched, the more defenseless Bucky seemed, and dare you say it, he looked calm - maybe even happy. His eyes were locked on the animal's antics as if he didn't want to miss a single movement he made; small smile making him look younger and brighter.
You made a mental note to thank Nick Fury for his suggestion. Sure, he actually said to get a dog, but this kitten seemed to have the same effect.
"Hey, baby?" You called, hanging up your phone after calling the recommended vet. "So, uh... Listen, you know how I have to go outta town on Friday?"
"Yeah?" He glanced up, letting the kitten wrestle his booted foot.
"So, I managed to get a vet appointment but it's for Friday. Is that okay? Or do you want me to reschedule for when I'm back so we can go together?"
"Oh, uh, no, that's all right, sugar, keep the Friday slot. I can take him, it's not a big deal."
"You sure? I hate having to saddle you with this responsibility."
"I'm sure," he nodded, "I can take him, it's okay."
For the rest of the week, you had a front row viewing of an incredible bond being formed. The kitten liked you, you two had many moments together, but it was obvious the little guy adored Bucky. He was stuck to your boyfriend like Velcro, following him everywhere, shrieking for attention when Bucky was preoccupied, liked being held when he cooked, even tried to get in the shower with Bucky. They played together, Bucky's laugh warming the entire apartment; positively obsessed with one another, the little guy even sleeping between you and Bucky.
It was as if you both forgot to look for the kitten a permanent home, the lack of furniture providing wide space for play and entertainment. Bucky even got one of those cat trees, couple individual scratching posts, and a laser pointer that drove your furry friend up the wall. There was some unspoken rule about naming animals - where if you named them, they were yours officially. So, one evening over dinner, you proposed a few names, Bucky giving his opinion; but then you began to consider "theme" names. Because your little buddy was white, you mused over names like Noelle or Snow, but finally settled on Alpine after narrowly beating out Aspen.
The day you flew to London, you warned both Bucky and kitten to behave themselves. Later that night, while you were sat in a tinted SUV for surveillance, your phone rang with Bucky's contact. "Hey, baby, how's it going?" You answered, refocusing through your advanced camera lens to snap necessary photos.
"Good, yeah. Uh, how's London?"
"Pretty dreary, it's been raining all day. Hey, how was the vet appointment?"
'Oh, yeah, no, it was, uh, yeah, it was good. Gave Alpine a buncha shots, microchipped her, started her on antibiotics - "
"Did you say, 'her'?"
"Yeah, that was the other thing - turns out, Alpine's a girl."
You chuckled, "Well, I'll be damned. How're you feelin', Buck?"
"I'm... Okay."
"I'm sorry I'm not there," you sighed. "Nightmares again?"
"Sleeping in the living room?"
"You know it."
"TV on?"
"Reminds me I'm not where I dreamt I am."
"Well, I'll be home in a few days."
"What's this mission?"
"Just a little recon, I'm only to observe. Nicky told me to keep an eye on some suspicious activity."
"Don't tell me you're sitting in a white van?"
"No, sir, it's a Rolls Royce this time," you chuckled.
True to your word, you were home by Tuesday night. The transatlantic flight was long and tedious; a storm creating steady turbulence, making it absolutely impossible to get any shut eye. When you landed, you made a beeline to the Starbucks and got the largest coffee possible with an added 2 shots of espresso before exiting the bustling airport. Outside, waiting at the curb, Nick Fury himself stood before a sleek and shiny car that probably cost more than a 4-year education at an American university.
He smirked, "Welcome back, kid."
"Nice of you to pick me up, Nicky-Nick."
"Don't call me that."
"Don't call me 'kid'."
"Get in the Goddamn car, I'm not having this argument again."
After storing your luggage, Nick drove you back home while listening to your mission report. You didn't think the Flagsmashers were extreme enough to warrant intervention, but all Nick heard was that now was the time to strike before there came the need, before a chance for escalation could occur. You left the tablet full of notes, observations, photos, and data with the one-eyed man, and before you fully departed the car, paused to lean in the open window.
"Hey, uh, I've been meaning to thank you."
"What for?" Nick asked, face hardened in a permanent look of disagreement. You never took it personally - Nick Fury having professional Resting Bitch Face (RBF).
"Your advice about getting Bucky a dog."
"No shit," he chuckled, "you actually got him a dog?"
"Uh, well, no..."
"What'd you get?" Nick asked in suspicion, watching your lips roll between your teeth to restrain your smile. "Ah, hell no! You didn't! A cat? A fucking cat?"
"I know you don't like them - "
"Bitch! One scratched out my eye!"
"But our cat didn't."
"Doesn't matter - fuck all them felines."
You laughed and slapped the metal door, "Well, thank you anyway for the idea of a companion animal. Bucky's a lot calmer it seems."
Nick Fury sighed, waving you off like a pesky insect. "I'll call you when I got another job. Have fun with the little demon."
"You talkin' about Bucky or Alpine?"
"The cat - wait, Alpine? The fuck kinda name is that?"
"You know, Alpine... Like the Alps?"
His head shook, "I know what fuckin' alpine is."
"Why don't you head off - looks like you're gonna give yourself a stroke. Didn't realize getting a kitten would stress you out this bad."
"Get out my Goddamn window and I can leave."
You grinned and dropped a wink, again, patting the car and stepping back onto the sidewalk. Nick peeled off, leaving you alone to shoulder your duffel bag and head inside your apartment building. When you got to your desired location, the door opened without the usual creak, Bucky obviously WD-40'ing the hinges. "Hello?" You called softly, hanging your keys on the little peg in the foyer, toeing out of your shoes, glancing around the empty apartment.
Ready to call out again, you actually almost choked on air when you inhaled but stopped abruptly. You pouted your bottom lip at the sight of Bucky sound asleep in his nest on the floor, TV's lighting flashing and creating shadows, giving clear sight of Alpine curled in a tight ball on Buck's chest. His flesh hand was raised to rest on his chest, keeping Alpine cuddled to his warmth.
Quickly, you pulled your phone from your back pocket, snapping an adorable picture of your boyfriend before silently tiptoeing away to dispose of your duffel and purse. You sent the photo to Bucky's phone, positive you were keeping the kitten. After a long, hot shower that washed the travel from your body, you changed into loungewear, pulled your hair back, then reentered the living room where you knelt at Bucky's side. In-sync, your presence made both Alpine and Bucky flinch awake - your boyfriend jerking away from your warmth as the kitten hopped off his chest.
You winced, "Oh, shit, I'm so sorry, baby, I didn't mean to wake you."
His head shook, "No, it's all right, doll, I wasn't sleeping."
"You were, don't deny it," you grinned, settling on the mound of blankets.
Bucky chuckled gently, "I tried to stay up for you. C'mere," his arm opened in invitation, smirking gently. You settled down and turned into his side, his arm now coiled around your form, constricting to pull you closer so his lips could plant on your forehead. "How was London? Your mission?"
"Easy peasy," you sighed, "nothing too strenuous or stressful. The most 'complicated' part of the whole thing was using a different car each day to avoid suspicion."
"Hmm... Who was the target?"
"Some radical group," you sighed, head resting on his pectoral. "How was it? Just you and Alpine?"
"It was pretty good, nothing to complain about. She's nice company."
As if understanding she was the topic of conversation, Alpine mewed several times in a row as she walked up the seam of your body pressed to Bucky's. She turned in two circles before settling down between you; your grin authentic as a manicured fingernail extended to scratch her head.
"Actually, sweetheart, I've been thinking..."
"Hmm? About what?" You mumbled, eyes drooping with each passing second.
"About how we should keep her - Alpine, we should keep Alpine."
"You're just figuring that out now?" You teased, sluggishly lifting your head to smirk at him. "I knew she was ours the moment you picked her up. It'll be nice having her around, don't you think? I know she's not a dog you can take on walks but with Alpine, you don't have to be alone."
He nodded, "I like that idea. She's a good cat."
"Check your phone in the morning."
"Mmmh, I sent you a picture, you'll see - but it's just confirmation that Alpines part of us now, part of our crew."
"Our family," Bucky agreed softly. He watched you resettle on his chest, spending the following couple hours in the glow of the TV, watching you and Alpine. Bucky's heart warmed to a degree he's never known, making the comparison of himself to Jim Carrey's, the Grinch - a movie you made him watch. Eventually, exhaustion outweighed his domestic thoughts; falling asleep with you safe in his arms and Alpine curled up between you.
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"Well, this certainly is a surprise... I was beginning to think James made you up."
"Oh, please, nobody could make me up - I'm too complex, nobody's got that kinda imagination," you smirked, legs crossed, seated beside Bucky on a sofa; both facing his therapist.
"I'm glad you could finally join us - I've been asking James to bring you for a while now," Dr. Raynor's eyes darted between you and Bucky, making you feel as if she was seeing right into your soul. However, her tone was accusatory, as if scolding Bucky.
So, you swiftly defended, "Well, I'm happy to be here. Bucky's one of my top priorities, I'd do anything for him - including attending any of these silly mandated sessions. Which are bullshit, by the way, because he's not the Winter Soldier anymore so why is Bucky being crucified? Why is this being pinned on him when he technically didn't do anything? The Winter Soldier did."
"Well, healing often takes time and dedication, and must be done in a series of steps. That's how you see real progress. These sessions are a condition of his pardon - "
"I can't believe your government would even enforce these silly little rules considering Bucky's assistance. He fought against Thanos, he fought on our side, and by all means, helped restore what was lost. I just find it pretty dehumanizing to force him to jump through hoops. I mean, for Christ's sake, half the universe was snapped away, you'd think after that, there wouldn't be need for pardons or contingencies - or for holding onto grudges."
"This is simply how we keep order in a post-Blip society. Everything changed in those five years, it's necessary to keep balance amongst all worldly citizens."
You scoffed lightly, "Ever consider these sessions might be doing more harm than good?"
Raynor frowned, "Despite the Winter Soldier being decommissioned, James still has trauma to process and skeletons to clear out of the closet. Yes, the Winter Soldier is gone, but the man remains - and James needs to focus on healing that part of himself. Whatever he did as the Winter Soldier wasn't Bucky's doing, but he still remembers all he did, which creates a heavy toll on the mind. That's part of the reason these sessions are mandated - because the assassin might be gone, but the residual effects still linger."
You hummed, "Well, let's get into it, Doc."
"You know... I've heard a lot about you. James paints you in a very bright light, says your bark and bite are equally as vicious."
"Hm," you nodded, brows perked, "yet I don't know shit about you."
"Perfectly natural. Typically, most people don't gossip about their therapists. It's nice that you could join us for this session."
"Nice to be invited."
She clicked her pen and settled her pad securely on her lap, just staring at you and Bucky for a long moment. You were ready to snap at her when she opened her mouth, "So, I hear you adopted a cat?"
"We did," you confirmed.
"Alpine," Bucky supplied, body rigid with tension and nerves.
"Right... Alpine," Raynor nodded, leaning her elbow to an arm of her padded chair. "How did this cat come into your possession?"
"We rescued her from a dumpster," Bucky answered stiffly.
"Really?" Raynor perked both brows.
"She was under some pieces of cardboard, screamin' her li'l head off," You chuckled. "Though, I think it's safe to say she chose us, adopted us as caregivers."
"How's that?"
"She wouldn't let us pick her up and we were afraid to take her in case her mama was lingering around. Turns out, she followed us. We were at a crosswalk when she caught up, demanding we pick her up and take her home."
"Is that so?"
"I'd like to think so," you nodded. "We were already on our way to the shelter, so, we took her with us, got her checked out."
"Why were you heading to the shelter to begin with?"
"Oh, uh, to adopt a dog. I had a colleague recommend an emotional support animal - or a companionship animal - to help Bucky feel less alone."
Raynor made a note of something. "You work often?" She asked.
"Often enough that I feel guilty for leaving. Figured getting a dog would instill a sense of dependence, you know, help Bucky feel like there was someone depending on him. Help usher in comfort and stability, help keep him calm, focused, distracted. But Alpine does the same thing - no dog necessary, apparently."
Raynor nodded, her wrinkles dimpling as she frowned and wrote down another note. When her eyes lifted, so did her lips; a smirk on display as she praised, "I actually think that's a wonderful idea. You know, there's been a lot of research about soldiers with PTSD benefitting from an emotional support animal. You're right, they promote peace, stability, distraction - gives patrons a tangible purpose, taking care of another life not their own."
"For sure, again, anything to help," you agreed, holding Bucky's gloved hand he kept covered by leather - only worn in public.
"Although, I wonder, why get a pet? I ask because James speaks highly of you, credits you for keeping him stable and on-track. Do you feel as if she's not enough, James? Is that why you kept Alpine?"
"No," he answered instantly, "she's my best girl and will always be enough. Watch your mouth, Doc."
"But sometimes extra help is nice," you tacked on, tightening your hand in Bucky's. "But for what it's worth, Dr. Raynor, Bucky keeps me sane. I keep him balanced. We keep each other safe. Alpine's just an added bonus, a quiet menace to help quell the business of our brains."
Raynor smirked, "I must say, you surprise me, Miss."
"I'm no stranger to mental health. But as I said before, I just want to help." You looked up at Bucky, finsihing softly, "He deserves peace in this lifetime - and if a little ball of fur can help, sign me up..."
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lovelybucky1 · 11 months
Pass the Time
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Kinktober Day 15: Praise Kink
warnings: AFAB!reader, vaginal fingering, fwb(?), dirty talk, smei-public sex, 18+ minors dni, inspired by @hanasnx's han dirty talk thoughts
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You sit in the cockpit of the Millennium Falcon with your feet kicked up on the control panel in front of you. Han and Chewie sit in the seats closest to the windshield in similar positions.
You're bored out of your goddamn mind. Traveling from Tatooine to Dantooine takes forever, even in hyperspace. You're crossing the whole galaxy to get to the rebel base, but right now on the ship, you have nothing to do but wait.
You groan loudly and Han tilts his head back to glare at you. His arms are crossed over his chest and his eyes are half lidded like he was on the brink of sleep before you disturbed him.
"What's wrong?" Han asks, clearly annoyed.
"I'm bored," you say with a groan.
Han rolls his eyes while he sits up and spins around his chair to face you. He is slouched in the seat, legs spread obnoxiously wide.
"You can play cards with Chewie," he suggests, looking over at his furry friend. Chewie grunts in response. "Shut up, they don't cheat."
You narrow your eyes at the back of Chewie's head. If anyone cheats, it's him. "I don't wanna play cards."
"You could mop the floors." You cross your arms and give him an unimpressed look. "I don't know what to tell you, kid. I can't make this thing go any faster."
You groan again, leaning your head back against the chair. Han closes his eyes again, still facing you, trying to resume the sleep that you interrupted.
Making yourself busy is a difficult task on a ship full of nothing but nuts and bolts. You spun around in the chair for a while, considered taking a nap, and now you've taken to drumming a rhythm on the armrests of your seat.
"If you're gonna be a pain in my ass this whole time, you can wait in the cargo hold," he says, voice gruff.
His voice breaking the silence scared you but you quickly recover. "There's nothing to do on this rust bucket. What do you do to pass the time normally?"
Han stays silent but raises his eyebrows at you suggestively. Your face curls into an expression of disgust. "Not in my seat, I hope."
"Everywhere, sweetheart," he smirks.
Han turns back around and you're left to wait some more. Eventually Chewie retires to his bunk for a nap, and you take his spot next to Han.
The unending silence got you thinking, Maybe Han's way of passing the time wouldn't be so bad. Being bored does make you horny, and it's not a terrible way to kill some time, especially if you did it together. He's an attractive guy and it's always better with someone else, right? At the very least, you know he can please a woman based on the stories he tells when he's drunk.
"Han." His eyes flick over to you. "I have something we could try."
He stretches out his legs and turns to face you with a neutral expression. "What's that."
"We could..." he looks at you expectantly. Honestly, you thought he would pick up on your intention before you had to spell it out for him. Now you're not sure exactly what you want to ask for.
"We could, what?"
"You could help me... you know," you say, raising your eyebrows trying to signal to him your meaning.
"I'm not quite followin' you," he says, but the slight smirk on his lips makes you think he's playing dumb.
"You could help me get off," you blurt out.
A slow grin forms on Han's lips and he allows his thighs to part even further. "Well shit, kid, why didn't you just say so in the first place? Could've saved us all that time just then."
Han pats his thigh and you get up from your seat and step over to him. You perch yourself on his thigh and he wraps his arm around your middle to keep you stable.
Being close to Han like this should feel weird. You've been nothing but platonic up until now, but he's looking at you like this isn't the first time he's pictured you in his lap.
"You really wanna fuck me or are you just bored and horny?" he asks as his fingertips trace circles on your thigh.
"Will my answer change the outcome?" you ask.
"No," he smirks.
Han grabs your hips and positions you so you're straddling his thighs. His hands then drift down to your ass and he gropes you shamelessly, not caring when you roll your eyes in his face. He touches all over you and while his large, calloused hands feel nice, it isn't taking the edge off.
"I thought you were helping me get off," you say.
"I can't play with your pussy if your clothes are on, sweetie," he says smugly.
You stand up and begin to strip. You feel a little nervous under Han's gaze, but he's drinking you in like you're the best thing he's ever seen. You know that's far from the truth; he's fucked princesses and queens and every beautiful woman on every planet.
Before you have the chance to turn back around to face Han, he is pressed up against your back and walking you forward to the control panel.
His hand is splayed across your stomach and his chin tucked over your shoulder. "Always knew you had a nice ass," he says in your ear.
He slides his hand down your front to the apex of your thighs. His fingers tease along your mound, dipping low enough to get your heart racing but not enough to quell the rapidly building ache.
"You want it, pretty girl?" he asks. You nod, but apparently that's not enough for him. "Nah, you gotta use your words. If you can't be a big girl and tell me what you want then you don't deserve it."
You sigh and lean back against his chest. You can faintly see your reflection in the windshield, but it's hard to see with the bright lights of hyperspace behind the glass.
"I want you to make me cum."
You can feel Han smirk against your neck as his fingers slide down between your lips. "Shit, you're wet already. Have you been workin' yourself up over there this whole time or do I just do it for you?"
"Shut up," you breathe.
Han's finger makes contact with your clit and you gasp. Noticing that you're sensitive there, he avoids the area so he can save it for the grand finale. He touches every inch of your cunt, swiping his fingers through your wet folds and dragging the mess around.
"What's a good girl like you doin' with a needy pussy like this?" he asks. "'s enough to make me fall in love."
You elbow Han in the side but he only laughs. Mercifully, he dips his finger into your cunt and eases it inside, allowing you to get used to the stretch of his large finger. He groans into your ear like he's starring in some cheesy holo porn, but you can't deny that the rasp of his voice is hot.
"You don't love me," you say.
"Not yet. As soon as I get my dick in this cunt I'm gonna, though."
He fucks you with his finger slowly and the drag of it against your sweet spot makes you curl with pleasure. Even with one finger he has this much of an effect on you. You can't imagine what his dick would do to you.
He works you up to fitting a second finger inside, but it's a tight fit. You're cunt squeezes around his fingers as he tries to scissors them in an attempt to open you up.
"Tight as a fuckin' vice, aren't you, baby? You're not a virgin, are you?" You shake your head no and give a small whine in response. "Didn't think so, but what a fuckin' idea that is, huh? Pretty little girl saving herself for the smuggler who can show her a good time."
Han's lips attach to the skin underneath your ear, sucking a hickey shamelessly onto your skin. You squirm, but the arm around your waist keeps you from getting far.
"Don't run from me, sweetheart. I'm being good to you, don't you think?"
"Uhhuh," you reply.
"Damn, kid. Just a little fingering and you go dumb on me?" Han curls his fingers and rubs them against your g-spot while his thumb rubs circles over your clit.
You can feel your walls fluttering aroud his fingers and you know you're getting close. Han's hand grips your hip tightly and the possession and roughness he's displaying serves to bring you to the edge quicker.
"Han," you whine.
"Cum on my fingers, kid. Get 'em soaked like a good girl," he says. "Make Daddy proud."
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