#this little shit stole my heart for some reason
goldenamaranthe-blog · 6 months
Who Dares Summon Me: Human Vaggie & Charlie
Vaggie: (sitting in the living room of a piece of shit apartment and reading from a "demon summoning" book. the sound of gunfire and police sirens barely even registers to her ears anymore)
Vaggie: Okay, so I got the Pentagram, a goat (glances at two goat plushies she stole from a name brand toy store) Fuckers will live..... they make millions in a day.
Vaggie: Candles... (glances at the Bath & Body Works, cinnamon and vanilla scented candles)
Vaggie: And... blood.... uh.... (Looks at the bucket filled with water, corn syrup, red food coloring, and cocoa powder to help create a blood effect) Fuck... demons can tell the difference between real and fake blood, right? Dammit.
Vaggie: (cuts her finger with her pocket knife and lets] a few drops fall into the bucket) There. That should work. Now, let's see-
Lute: (comes out of her room half naked and throws a pair of panties at Vaggie) Yo, Vagina! Adam stole your underwear again as a prank, I guess. Here.
Vaggie: (gawks as she catches the garment and spikes it to the floor) Lute! What the fuck?! Can't you control your fucking boyfriend??? How did he even get into my room?! I keep it locked for that reason.
Lute: (grabs a beer out of the fridge, pops the cap off on the counter, starts chugging, and flips off Vaggie as she returns to her room for whatever round she and Adam are on)
Vaggie: Sick perverted sons of bitches... (turns back to the book) Read the forbidden script and make a pact. (Scoffs) Okay, edge lords. I'll give it a go.
Vaggie: (recites the script with some difficulty)
Vaggie: (relaxes her back against the couch) Can't say I'm surprised. I literally bought this online for six-
-Fire tornado erupts from the Pentagram and burning red eyes stare down at Vaggie from the inferno-
Demon Charlie: WHO dares summon the powerful Princess of Hell- Oh, fuck!!! (Trips over the bucket and falls face first into Vaggie's lap, revealing that she is wearing a red dress with black thigh high stockings)
Vaggie: Jesus Fucking Christ!!!
Demon Charlie: (face still pressed against Vaggie's crotch) You have a very comfortable lap.
Vaggie: (grabs demon's horns and pulls her up so they're sitting in front of each other) You're actually a demon?
Demon Charlie: (blinks) Considering the fact that you're still holding my horns, I have this adorable little tail (waves her heart-shaped tail in hello), and I came straight up from Hell because of your summoning circle. Yup! (Sees the plushies and gasps) Oh! You even gave Razzle and Dazzle their own conduits! You're so sweet!
Vaggie: ...........Who?
Demon Charlie: Razzle and Dazzle! You know. My pets. It's written in chatper six, paragraph five, sentence three. (Snaps her fingers and the two goat plushies turn into two living goat demons with wings)
Vaggie: (scouring the book) What?!
Demon Charlie: (snuggling her boys) Also, I know you had to use a little of your own blood to make this work, which I promise to help heal that cut on your finger by the way, but Thank You So Much for just using fake blood! I always feel so bad when people actually use a bucket of real blood. I usually let my dad take those summonings.
Vaggie: (glances at the bucket rolling across the floor then back to the demon) Y-Youre dad?
Demon Charlie: Lucifer, the King of Hell. (Light bulb goes off) Oh! I never completed my introduction! I'm Charlie Morningstar, Princess of Hell and heir to the throne. Pleased to meet you!
Vaggie: Uh.... Vaggie.... I never would have expected the Princess of Hell to be so..... bubbly....
Demon Charlie: I get that a lot. Now! What can I do for you? How can I help? Do you need money? Power? A soul you'd like for me to devour?
Vaggie: N-No... nothing quite like that....
Demon Charlie: Oh, thank Satan! I hate eating souls. Most of them taste so bad!
Vaggie: Uh-huh.... Well.... I don't really have anything for you. I got bored and decided I'd try this out...
Demon Charlie: (disappointed) Really? But you sold me your virginity. Surely, there's something you want in exchange!
Vaggie: I'm sorry. WHAT?!?!?!?!?!?
Demon Charlie: Drop of virgin blood and (holds up Vaggies lavender panties) an article of clothing that covers your most intimate desire.
Vaggie: (silently screaming)
Demon Charlie: H-Hey! If it makes you feel any better, I'm still a virgin, too! (Under her breath) Not from lack of trying on other asshole's accunts, but still....
Vaggie: Ay, Dios mio!
Demon Charlie: Well, I can't take your payment until you come up with something you want, soooooooo! (Transforms into a human)
Charlie: (snuggles up to Vaggie's side) I'll just have to stay here with you until you come up with something!
Vaggie: (catatonic)
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blingblong55 · 11 months
Matilda- Simon 'Ghost' Riley
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Photo creds:@ave661^
Based on a request:
Ghost finding out his s/o has a bad family, who she doesn’t keep in contact with but talks shit about and is like. Pretty open about how fucking awful her past was? if it’s too much I get it but like- I used to love your angst posts :3 they were so yummy! --- F!Reader, 18+, angst, comfort, family issues/trauma, mentions of SA/rape, mentions of eating disorders, toxic!family, mentions of child abuse, so...trigger warning!! ---
A/N: this is me trauma dumping so I'm sorry if it isn't perfect
Simon knew, he knew well that you weren't so open to starting a family with him for reasons he knew best to respect. But, one day, without him even realising he asked the question, you sat down and told him the story your teary eyes held for so long. As he listened to you explain the stories, he noticed how he wasn't speaking to his wife but to the little girl, his wife once was. The one who was left in a cruel world to people who shouldn't have had kids. "So, they...abused you?" He carefully asked and when he noticed you pause, he knew the answer you didn't. "I...I don't think so," your soft words spoke. 
Nothing about the way you were treated seemed especially alarming 'til now
"What I know is that they were mean, evil to me. I was a kid...how was I to know right from wrong so easily?" You held his hand, support you failed to have as a child. Then, you told him the story of a young R/N. "I don't remember the exact age, but I could've been 5 through 8. I was there, he took me to his room, I thought we were going to play and he said we would so would I have known, you know?" Your innocent voice spoke the fear he held. "I don't remember much of that day but in glimpses, if I look too deep, I can see his hands between my thighs, and how he...well...you know," you couldn't explain, it was like a knot in your throat prevented to cause your heart more harm. "And you didn't tell your parents?" His voice is soft. You shake your head, "No, I...as a kid, they never believed what I said," you chuckle out of coping with it all.
"There was one time when my older sister tried to suffocate me, I didn't do anything to deserve it, all I did was watch cartoons and she annoyed me but I knew best and didn't feed into what she wanted from me." You pause and wipe some tears away. Your gaze never fell on his, afraid to break down too easily if you stared at the man who became home to you so long ago. He was that, he was comfort and home and you knew that if you stole one glance, you would be sobbing the stories. Your hand held his tighter, he knew well it was for comfort. "She pressed the pillow tight on my head, I was sick and my stupid lungs couldn't take the fact I had pneumonia, so of course killing me would be easier," you chuckle again. His gaze never left your delicate face and even he had to admit he cried as you told him these stories. 
After a long sigh and pause you continue, "I somehow pushed her off me and ran to my parent's room, knocked loud and when my dad opened the door I swore I finally felt safe until I didn't," You know he was ready to ask why but you just laid your head on his shoulder. Looking off into the distance you continued, "My sister told them I pushed her, told her that I hated her, which is not true because hate is strong and she is my sister," you shake your head. "I cried when they didn't believe me, and had a panic attack in their room. and when I backed into a corner as my mother and father yelled at me...that's when they took my sister to the hallway and my mother stayed with me, she tried to hug me but I didn't need none of that...not from her." His hand rubbed your arm, knowing what you needed from him. You wipe some tears away, your breathing hitches and he wraps both arms around you. "I didn't hurt her Simon, I swear I didn't but no one believes me, no one," you whisper the last part. "I know you didn't, my love," he kisses your head and continues to rub your arm. 
"I believe you, I'll always believe you before anyone else," he reminds you. "I...my mother gave me water and sent me to my room, told me to just sleep it off," you stop and cry. "Oh my love," he whispers and carries you onto his lap. The pouty frown broke his heart more and more. The cosy home he and you made for the years of your life, warming up his belief that slowly, he will replace all those bad years. The fireplace radiates heat on the snowy winter day. "In this world, I'll always believe you, no matter what, okay, my love?" He looks down and you nod. "That's my girl," he says and places a blanket over you both. "Do you want to continue, my love?" He asks, rubbing your back with his warm touch. 
"I do," your voice is small. It was best to open about this and then burn it and let the ashes fly away than to keep it locked in for eyes to see. "I...as I grew up, I knew I had no place in that house. My mother shamed me for my body, and so did everyone in my family." Your head nuzzling onto his chest like a cat finding comfort. "So, I starved myself to be the perfect daughter. I did try to be perfect, I tried to get an I love you, a simple smile or hug." He nods, understanding where you came from. "One time, my mother grabbed my stomach, she told me I was fat and looking back at how I was at that age, I...I was healthy, nothing was ever wrong with me, nothing," you repeat in a whisper. 
After a long time of comfortable silence, you speak again. "As I grew older, they made me feel terrible about all of me, how I dressed, if I did my makeup, my hair, my body, the stretch marks that decorated my body, all of it and even I wasn't allowed to have one bad day, not one." He shook his head and in that instant, he understood why all those years of loving you, you always avoided starting a family conversation. You were afraid to be like them, to persist in a cycle of never-ending trauma. He knew you loved him, he knew how much you yearned to be a mum, to watch him and you become parents and do foolish things for and with your child. 
"I never understood why I was so insecure over my thighs or why I hated when people touched them, but as I grew older and noticed that I was...you know... I..um.." You could never be admitted, never say you were raped as a child, not when you were scared to acknowledge it again. "I know love," he responds so you don't torture your heart anymore. "But...when I realised what happened to me, that's when it all hit me and there was a time in my young life that I knew I would never forget," you kept holding onto his torso. "It hadn't been long after what that...person...did to me when my mum and sisters pinned me to the ground, they knew then that I disliked people touching my thighs so they pinned me to the ground and touched them," you shake your head, trying to forget the moment. "They...th-they touched my body as I cried and begged for them to stop and not once did anyone stop or help me. My father walked by and he...he just laughed and kept walking...how...how can you do that?" You cried. "How can a parent do that? I was a kid, Simon...a child," you broke down. 
"And don't get me started on why I felt like Christmas was just not a happy holiday anymore." Your mind went to a past Christmas, your family yelling, your father accused of his cheating, never denying, just lying and yelling at your mother. You hid in a closet, grabbed headphones and played music loudly. Hours passed and your mother saw fear within her eyes as she cried to you, why can he love me? she asked as she cried, you played strong. Your father drove away, leaving his family scared and cornered in a bathroom, crying as they listened to stories. 
"My dad used to hit me, well, my entire family really," you confessed. His eyes widened, he knew they were bad, but not this bad. "My dad had a belt he used to hit me with, my mother and sisters used to watch. One time, they added more fuel to the fire as they told him more lies to get me into more trouble, part of me thinks they loved to watch me cry and get hit." You so innocently say, "When I was a kid and even as I grew older, my mum and dad would hit me and tell me they did it because they loved me." He shook his head, "Never...never in your life do you dare think that way. If I even dare to lift my hand at you, you leave me, my love. Because no matter how much you or I love the other, abuse doesn't equal love," he cups your face. You nod. 
You learned one thing from Simon as he listened, that he was calm after the bad storm. He had his troubles, yes, but never would he be like them. He and you healed the other after all those years of a bad life you lived. You and him, sunshine to the other even in the darkest of the night. He has become light and a new beginning. Family. And as you admire the soul who can tell which smiles you are faking, you know that the little girl in you is finally safe. She has packed her dolls and sweater, moved to the countryside, grew up and fell in love with a man. A man who is home, a man who became the grown-up little R/N runs to when scared. For he is home, he is light and he is love. He is your man, your safe place and the one you find comfort in. 
I don't believe that time will change your mind In other words I know they won't hurt you anymore as long as you can let them go
"No more," he told you, you looked up at him in confusion. "No more?" you asked and he shook his head. "From this day on, you are not their blood, you are a Riley, you are R/N Riley and never will you be associated with them." He cupped your face. His tone was stern as he tried to make you listen to him. "They are not family, my love. They are strangers you lived with. And me...I am your family, we don't need another shit Christmas, we can...hm...we can have dinner here, or maybe get takeout and watch your favourite movies all day and night. Hey, who knows, maybe that Santa Clause man will come in the night as we sleep and hopefully you've been nice my love because I want him to bring you some good gifts," he chuckles as he cups your delicate face. You laugh a little, "Hey, look who's back, that cute laugh of yours my love," he kisses your lips and pulls you to him, closer than you already were. 
You can start a family who will always show you love You don't have to be sorry for doing it on your own
In this lifetime, you will learn many things and you will meet many people. Most of which will come and go. Those who stay, you may ask? Well, they become a family, maybe not a biological one but it's not blood that relates two strangers. It's memories, it's understanding, growing, living and loving. Family is him, family is the old lady or that professor you bonded with. Family is people who make you feel safe and at home. For if you are lucky, in this life you will find your Simon Riley. The person who wraps you in a warm blanket and loves you a little more when you hate the reflection in the mirror. And if you get even luckier, you will find that not only will it be Simon Riley who heals your old wounds and covers them in kisses and caresses. You will find yourself, maybe in ten years, getting covered in glitter, mud, and stickers and having the walls of your home drawn on by Simon's child. The love child that was created on a warm Christmas morning. The same one that wakes you up at six in the morning to go and see what the big red man brought them for Christmas. 
And if you are lucky enough, you will find peace. The same one you looked for since age 5, the same one you cried for throughout the years. Maybe it won't come this year, but if you are patient enough, you will find it and when you do, appreciate it because you cried for it many moons ago.
You don't have to be sorry, no
A/N: the tears I shed as I wrote this made a river. Anyway, thank you for letting me dump years of trauma with this one, love you all <3
@ghostslillady @liyanahelena @sans-chara @siwwayouu @allaboutirem0 @just3rowsing @mothcelestial @blankk3
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themotherofhorses · 2 years
im begging you, dark!aemond bodyguard of the president/king’s innocent daughter omggggg
pairing: bodyguard!aemond targaryen x president's daughter!reader
warnings: explicit language. oral sex. loss of virginity (kinda). daddy kink. slight breeding and housewife kink. small mentions of past obsessive tendencies on aemond's part.
notes: hello, long time no write. consider this me using this request like i'm saddling the horse after getting thrown off.
(also ik aemond might not seem AS dark as other times but like pretty pls read between the lines. thank you ☺️)
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For being the nation’s current president, your father was quite the fucking fool of a man.
He loves you, truly. How could he not? You were the spitting image of your late mother, and the youngest of his children- his sweet little chick that was barely beginning to spread her wings and leave the nest. He would never forgive himself if you ever got hurt due to his elected role as the commander-in-chief and head of state.
That was the main reason why he hired Aemond Targaryen as your personal bodyguard.
The man had a commendable record behind him, despite his young age. Your father was beyond impressed with him when he first interviewed him for the job. Two tours in the U.S. army as a sergeant and sniper before receiving an honorable discharge and a Purple Heart due to an eye injury while seeing combat overseas. According to some of the everyday politicians, he threw himself over his younger nephew during an ambush with enemy fire, and took a massive chunk of bomb shrapnel to the left side of his face; doctors saved him, of course, but his eye was too damaged to save.
They offered him a glass eye and a fully paid scar revision (along with special vet benefits and apparently some hush-hush money as well), but he refused it all. Instead, he accepted the purple heart, crammed a pretty and shiny sapphire into his empty socket, and made sure everyone- military personnel and civilian altogether- looked him in both eyes whenever they addressed him.
The rumors were true- Sergeant Aemond One-Eye was as terrifying as he was deadly.  
Perhaps that was the reason why it did not take very long for him to be buried between your thighs.
You never had a boyfriend before, always too devoted towards your college academic and hobbies, and way too protected and overshadowed by your father. But it was Aemond who stole your first kiss, two months into his new job as your bodyguard. He had been accompanying you on a small shopping trip to the mall, treating it as a sort of bonding experience. When you had mentioned the new lip gloss you were trying out (it was flavored ‘chai latte’), he had asked to taste it.
Okay! you giggled, thinking nothing of it; only for it to be a week later and with his head in between your thighs, eating you out like a starved man.
“Stop it…! Aemond! My daddy might walk in!” You cried, tossing your head back against the pillows as you bit down on your bottom lip to stop the moans from tumbling out. It was all in stupid vain; your bodyguard had you putty in his hands. Anything he wanted, you would happily give him- yourself included. “A-Aemond…!” How could he ever stop? Not when you sounded oh so fucking pretty, so sweet and yummy, his newfound favorite meal served to him on a silver platter, just ready to be completely devoured.
Aemond shook his head. “I don’t give the tiniest shit, babygirl,” he muttered as he sucked on your clit, only pausing every few seconds to kiss your soaked pussy. He had to be soft as well, considering this was a fucking dream come true for him.
The poor bastard remembered all the times he saw you on the television, in those paparazzi photos and the Christmas cards and those gorgeous social media posts of yours. No one would ever understand just how badly he wanted you, and the lengths he went just to have you.
And, well, maybe you should’ve thought first before stepping out in that sinful, short-cut and backless blue dress, the one that made you look perfect for him to knock up, his pretty little housewife. Perfect for him. Made for him. He kept your legs wide open with the tightest grips as he feasted on your cunt, ignoring your desperate (but adorable) attempts to push him away.
“If you can’t handle this, how will you handle my cock?” he tutted. “Poor baby, I’m going to fucking destroy you.”
Everything made your pretty face scrunch up in pleasure, especially when you felt him lick a large stripe up your pussy before he shoved his face in only deeper. You squealed, hiding your face from behind your hands. You could feel his nose, his chin, the heavy pants and low growls and soft kisses he peppered along inner thighs. “And what did I say to call me?” before he gave your ass a hard spank.
You whimpered, already on the verge of sobbing. Fat tears were streaking down your cheekbones. “I-I’m sorry…s-so sorry, daddy!”
Oh but your entire body felt like it was lit on fire- a burning yet tightening sensation nestled deep within your belly. It was so strange. You didn’t know what to make of it. Your head lolled to the side while your back arched up from the bed and your hand found Aemond’s long, whitish-blond hair.
(A common genetic mutation in his family, according to him. Some of the politicians mocked it as the ‘new Habsburg jaw’. You thought it made him look all the godlier.)
His hands soon slid up to your breast, palming and tweaking your nipples between his fingers. Your toes curled as you felt ready to explode at any second. “Daddy!” you mewled, peering down through teary eyes to watch as his face shook side-to-side. His own face held sheer bliss, especially when he brought a finger to trace along your drenched folds. “Daddy…! Daddy! Ah, gods, please!”  
“Yeah, that is right, pretty baby, I’m your new daddy now.”
Your father was none the wiser to the fact that, every night, his youngest daughter’s bodyguard had her in a mating press every night, whispering into her ear that it would not be long until she made him into a real daddy.
It was the least you could do in return, considering he was protecting your life with his.
After boring meetings and countless banquets and your a.m. college classes, Aemond would be quick to shove your panties in your mouth before bending you over the nearest furniture set.
You were his.
All his.
His pretty baby, his sweet little future housewife, the girl whose picture he used to secretly carry in one of the vest pockets during his days in the military.  
One day, your father pulled him aside and offered him a bonus.
“Truth is, son, you’re doing such a fine job at protecting her. I don’t worry as much as I did before you came along. We could not ask for a better bodyguard, Sergeant,” he admitted, patting him on the back. “Would there be anything you’d like in payment? A vacation? A bonus? Some free time with your family? I know you miss your mother very much; my little girl told me.”
But Aemond shook his head, declining everything. “Sir, with all due respect, your daughter feels like my new family now, considering how close we’ve grown in these past several months, and my duty in keeping her safe. I would prefer to remain by her side if you would allow it,” he said, and your father gave him a cheeky grin.
“Should I perhaps be worried, Sergeant?”
“Of course not, Mr. President. I adore your daughter, but only as a brother would his little sister.”
So it was true, it seemed- your father, bless his heart, was quite the fucking fool of a man. It should’ve been no surprise to him at all that seven months down the line from his conversation with your bodyguard, you would be trying to hide a swollen baby bump from everyone's eyes.
And if he really was smart, then he would’ve remembered the reason why the Targaryens were so often compared to the old Habsburgs of Austria.
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weird-an · 1 year
Halloween is stupid.
Steve always liked the parties, but dressing up? He spent enough time in a stupid sailor costume, thank you very much.
But...Dustin insisted Steve should put on the costume. The kids are having a party. Steve is a loser for going to it, according to Billy.
Steve stopped caring what people think about him ages ago. For some reason it still pisses him off, when Billy is the one judging him. Billy had just talked him into watching Escape From New York and well, Snake Plissken was a cool guy. So, Steve put on an eye patch and a leather jacket. Easy. He actually looks cool. Not that any of the nerds would care.
It's the first Halloween since Billy and him are a thing or whatever. Maybe that's why Billy is salty, because Steve is going to spend it with the "dorks" and not with his... guy?
Steve isn't sure what they are exactly. They fuck, they fight, they sometimes get drunk together and talk about what they aren't allowed to. About monsters lurking in the woods, about shadows in the mind, about another Hawkins.
But now Billy is here, sitting at the Byers kitchen table with a beer in his hand, glaring at a pumpkin Max had carved out and put a thin mustache on.
Steve stops dead on his tracks. Billy is wearing Steve's most expensive polo shirt. His mullet is slicked back a little, but a few curls have gotten loose, framing his face. He's even wearing Steve's cologne. He smells like Steve which is a little confusing.
"What the fuck," Steve says flatly.
Billy raises a brow. "Nice to see you, Harrington."
"Are you dressed up as me for Halloween?" Steve puts his hands in his hips. Is Billy fucking serious? "Is that my watch?"
"I knew you stole it, Billy," Max shouts from the kitchen.
Billy looks at Steve's watch like he's seeing it for the first time and then grins at Steve, batting his eyelashes at him. "C'mon, let me be King for a day, Steve."
It's kinda hot. Shit. Steve is going to fuck Billy until the bed breaks.
"Just don't try to date my sister," Mike Wheeler quips from somewhere in the living room.
Billy chokes on his beer. "That... won't happen," he coughs.
Steve snickers and sits next to him. "You wanna escape with me later?" he whispers.
Billy groans into his beer. "I hate that this works."
"I saw you stare at Kurt Russell," Steve says, voice still low. Billy knew that movie by heart. Steve caught him reciting the dialogue.
"Harrington, at least I'm not going home with myself." Billy rolls his eyes and tugs at the collar of Steve's polo.
"Like you wouldn't."
Billy's mouth snaps shut. His nose gets tinged a little pink.
"You know, that pumpkin just looks like-"
"Harrington! I swear to God if you finish that sentence-"
Steve just changed his mind. He loves Halloween.
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findafight · 2 years
Oh my god!!! That Steve/baby sister fic!!! If you ever want to build it out more I’d be obsessed (ie the party + extended party’s reactions, hop + Joyce and how everyone pitches in)
╰⁠(⁠⸝⁠⸝⁠⸝⁠´⁠꒳⁠`⁠⸝⁠⸝⁠⸝⁠)⁠╯ awwww anon!!!!!
Honestly I have been thinking about it and I know I put in the tags of the original post, buuuut. Robin called Steve Bud or Buddy which morphed into Bubba when they are being particularly soft with each other, and the baby (who I am possibly leaning towards calling Tina so her nickname can be Tintin because it's cute idk) picks up on it so calls Steve her Bubba. Also because "he's my big brother" can sort of become "he's my Bubba!" If words are smushed together by baby babble
But before all that, Steve (who walked to work that day because he didn't have a baby car seat yet and wasn't going to leave his baby sister whom he always wanted and loves so dearly already ALONE or worse. With their FATHER.) goes to, of all people, Mrs. Wheeler for help. He'd go to Joyce but she's working and Karen Wheeler has the youngest kid he knows so is the best bet for maybe getting some tips and also maybe a carrier because the bjorn isn't going to cut it for long. So he goes and Mr. Wheeler immediately thinks Steve's Accidental Baby Acquisition is due to Steve's own recklessness. (Steve is a prolific lover, sure, but he's smart and safe about it! When he was thirteen his dad sat him down for a talk about not wanting the disgrace of a shotgun wedding and his grandpa gave him a run down of venereal diseases he saw (didn't mention having but. Well.) His pals have in WWII that put the fear of God in him regarding unsafe sex. Moreso than the potential babies. So. He's always very careful. For this very reason!! Except apparently his dad didn't use his own advice but Steve isn't complaining because, once again, he always wanted a little sibling.)
Anyways the wheelers are like ohhhh a Harrington Scandal not involving the boy our daughter dated? Okay sure here's Holly's old baby carseat. Hopper is just. He's like. I thought Steve and that kid I kept giving warnings to about selling dope to were a thing and Steve is like "will people stop assuming she's mine!! I know I am a bit of a slut but I am terrified of chlamydia!!! And even if this WAS my fault (which it is not and also she's a gift I love you little baby sister you're the light of my life) I am taking responsibility for it so maybe we all need to be a little less judgy hmmm??"
Joyce and Karen give him some hand me down baby clothes and books, some good tips about feeding and burping and things like that, and Claudia and Sue offer to come passive aggressively congratulate Steve's dad.
Dustin is a little jealous because this Steve Time is going to be encroached upon by This Literal Infant but Steve is like Dustin... you are my Little Brother... My silly pal...Now you have a sister too!! 🥰 And Dustin is like Oh Shit That's Right and proceeds to try to teach this Literal Infant, it cannot be stressed enough that she is a few months old and cannot stay sitting up by herself, how to build a radio.
Eddie is just trying to not have a heart attack from the concentration of Pure Longing activated by seeing Steve With A Baby and has also been forbidden from playing anything loud near them. He is fine and deals with this by writing ballads that make Gareth gag from their sweetness and Jeff have a very knowingly indulgent look when he sees the lyrics. But Gareth lets he hit his drums with he baby hands and Jeff pretends she stole his nose so they aren't that put out by it.
El is Fascinated by the tiny human and asks lots of questions and wants to play with her, give her experiences of softness and kindness right off the bat she knew she herself was denied, so she's often the official baby holder when Steve needs to do something when the Party is around.
The rest of the party is pretty meh on the baby. Sure it's exciting at first but she just kinda becomes part of regular life. They take turns doing actual babysitting for Steve so he can work or run errands or even, gasp, have some normal early adult fun times, but it's all pretty regular. Erica is glad she's not the party baby anymore.
They do however probably secretly fight over who gets to be baby's godparent. Steve isn't allowed to know.
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vashtijoy · 2 years
on forgiveness: best girl haru okumura
OKAY LET’S TALK ABOUT how most people’s idea of Haru (besides her being axe crazy or some shit) begins and ends with the first half of this line to Akechi. And also babble about how everyone reacts in the engine room for a bit:
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Just to be clear here: Akechi murders Haru’s father. Not only that, he murders him after his change of heart, at the point he has a chance to turn around and do better and stop being, y’know, kind of a tremendous asshole. Would it have worked? Haru will never know. Akechi stole that from her.
However. Haru is also not a tremendous asshole. I know, I know, y’all want her to go crazy ape batshit with vengeance and her axe. However, Haru doesn’t believe in vengeance (that’s Akechi’s gig, and maybe Ann’s). She does believe in redemption and giving people chances, and she (besides Joker, who like, doesn’t have lines) is the Phantom Thief who embodies this most in regard to Akechi.
so let’s take a look
Let’s start with the second half of that line. “I sympathize with you”. And let’s put it together with the next line:
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Haru understands why Akechi might have acted as he did. And when Cognitive Akechi arrives, she’s the one who tells Akechi it isn’t too late:
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Because, make no mistake, Haru is also a child of a terrible father. A father who used her to advance himself. Haru relates to Akechi. She sees what she could have become in him—someone just like her father.
This becomes clearer later on in the scene, when the bulkhead door comes up—and let’s just take a moment here to see what “unforgivable” looks like.
Here’s Ryuji banging on the door as it comes up:
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Here’s Yusuke:
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And Makoto:
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Now note that Haru and Futaba (and Morgana and Ann) have not come forward at this point. But what’s Akechi’s response, by the way, when you tell him you’ll hang on to the glove and keep your promise?
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He fucking smiles. Tiny little smile. Sad, barely there, but a real smile, behind the bulkhead where nobody can see it. I swear, people are like “oh, he only dies to save you because it’s the only way left he can get revenge, it’s all part of the manipulation” no, get out of my hair with that shit, I will literally eat you all. He passes up his revenge. He starts his arc as someone who has nothing but revenge to live for, and he ends it (for now) passing up that revenge for someone who matters to him. That’s important.
And that’s level 10: incidentally this is when he gets Endure, “survive an otherwise fatal attack with 1hp remaining”
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After this Cogkechi and Akechi face off, and that is when Haru comes forward:
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And Ann:
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... and then the gunshots, not quite in unison. Bye, kids, we’ll miss you. But note that it is Futaba who only speaks up now—to do her job, not to express any concern for Akechi. It’s Futaba who gives him a far harder ride in Mementos later in the third semester than Haru does. And yet I feel like I see Futaba easily forgiving Akechi all the time and Haru almost not at all?? idk.
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so what happens next?
Well, here’s Haru when they resolve to leave:
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She’s sad they couldn’t save him. Like her father, Akechi will never have a chance to do better.
what about the third semester?
So in the third semester Akechi comes out as an axe crazy killer and also kind of an interpersonal asshole, but he does seem to have laid off the hired killings, so that’s, uh, good?
This understandably impacts the way the engine room fell out: nobody wants to admit what went on there. Akechi doesn’t; Akechi wants to keep all of them at an emotional radius of ten thousand kilometres, for reasons of his own. The PTs certainly don’t, because third semester Akechi is an immense pain in the ass. and about as friendly as a porcupine on PCP.
Still, he comes back on the team for reasons, and Haru and Futaba understandably have feelings about this. Here are Haru’s:
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But this isn’t all that goes on. What about all those Mementos chats?
Akechi doesn’t talk to the other Phantom Thieves—if they say anything, he doesn’t respond. (Sumire also doesn’t, which gives me an image of her, Akechi and Joker stuck next to each other speaking only in Royal Trio in-jokes.) But he’s not saying anything unless he chooses to say something—when the others respond.
And who responds how? Well, there are moments of connection—more than a few. But responses to Akechi often range from passive-aggressive through mocking to outright aggressive. And this is perfectly fair: make no mistake, these guys are not friends.
How does the count stack up?
Yusuke has the lowest number of responses to Akechi—he has five. Ann and Makoto each have seven. Futaba, Morgana and Ryuji each have eight. And Haru?
Haru has nine chats in response to Akechi. She has more than anyone else. And the reason she has more chats than anyone else is that there is one chat that only she responds to:
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Yeah. Akechi is not someone who enjoys being cooped up in the back of a catbus. And when he complains about it, it’s Haru who’s the only one to reply. The Japanese is not that patronising, by the way
Haru is trying. She doesn’t want to sit down and hang out with him—she won’t join him in the Thieves’ Den, for instance. But her responses to him range from passive-aggressive through conversational. They are hard to interpret—she’s not comfortable with him; she’s keeping up her mask. She’s not necessarily concerned for him or welcoming—she’s saying the “right things”, making conversation; she joins in when they all laugh at him for bouldering. Haru’s mask has a lot in common with Akechi’s many masks. But she also has that one chat that only she replies to.
Here are her nine responses to various things Akechi says:
Haru: I think this [outfit] fits you better, after seeing how you fight. Haru: I've heard you don't actually need to be that strong to boulder. Maybe I should give it a shot. Haru: It's pretty hard to imagine a group of phantom thieves successfully getting around on bicycles. Haru: Well, the car does have ears and a tail, so I wouldn't say it's impossible to tell... Haru: Well, no one gives them orders, so it appears they just wander around. Haru: As long as you're fighting alongside us, we're happy to have you. Haru: Thanks for the concern. You should stay mindful of your health, too. Haru: I wonder... You can't underestimate the Tokyo subway system, though. It's pretty long. Haru: Then what say we take a little break when we reach the next rest area?
and what’s the takeaway here?
Pretty much this: forgiveness in P5 is complicated. The story is all about responsibility and redemption and the harm you do others. Even if you can’t forgive someone, that doesn’t mean you can’t work with them. It doesn’t make them not part of your group. It doesn’t mean you can’t take an interest in them. The Phantom Thieves have a bond with Akechi regardless of what he’s done. Regardless of whether they’re “friends” or “forgiven” or whether they will ever be close. That bond doesn’t have to be pretty, or fun, or even something most of them want too much to do with, but it is there. He is, in the end, as close to being one of them as you get.
And Haru does take an interest in Akechi: more than any of the others bar Joker, Haru is the one who seems to relate to him. Haru doesn’t model judgement (that’s Futaba)—Haru is modelling understanding, and reparative justice. She doesn’t want to be Akechi’s friend; they’re hugely unlikely to ever be friends. Any relationship they have is likely to be distant, based primarily on mutual obligation. But she understands him, to a degree.
Let Haru be the wonderful human being she is. #theend
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deangirlsstuff67 · 1 year
Catching His Eye
Jensen Ackles x Reader
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Warning: dry humping, fluffy Jensen
Summary: His distracted and you're the reason.
Authors note: I love Jensen and his family. I mean them no disrespect. This is set in set in a world where Jensen is single. This is a work of fiction for nothing more than entertainment.
Life had kicked your ass in every way possible. You still haven't recovered from you two year long relationship ending when he cheated. Not only did he cheat, but with your best friend.
You decided last minute to purchase gold passes for a convention to your favorite show. Supernatural had saved you when you hit rock bottom. Seeing Dean Winchester on your screen always made your bad days better.
Friends and family said you were obsessed, they just didn't understand. Jensen Ackles brought you a character who stole your heart, made you smile, and laugh. So of course you had a crush on the green eyed texan, who the fuck wouldn't.
That's how you ended up here. Arm stretching high in the sky, hoping they will pick you to ask your question. You hated public speaking but couldn't give up a chance to interact with Jensen.
Jared picked you out of sheer luck. An older lady brought you over a microphone. Jensen wasn't looking at you, in his own little universe there on stage.
Clearing your throat you stand up and just speak, "my questions for Jensen." He looks up at the spund of his name. Deep green eyes lock on your y/e/c ones. Your knees threaten to collapse right then and there with just one look at him.
"Umm... I'm just curious what you like to do when your having a bad day. What's your go to to make yourself smile?" There you asked. Shyly smiling you never look away from his gorgeous face.
He's just staring at you. Eyes running all over your face. Jared snaps his fingers in front of his friends face bring him back to the present.
"I'm sorry sweetheart, what's that?"
Jared and the audience laugh. Jensen has an embarrassed smile on his face when he realizes he was too distracted by you to actually hear what you said. Repeating your question for him, he gives you a breathtaking smile before answering.
You sit back down after he's answered you.
For the rest of the day you wander around the vendors room. Sit in on different panels. Even make conversation with some amazing people. This is truly the only place where everyone understands your way of thinking and obsession with these characters.
Halfway through the day, you find yourself looking for a restroom. You've managed to take a wrong turn down a hallway and are now completely lost.
You hear him before you see him. Large arms wrap around your frame, pulling you into a dark room, "you're very distracting you know that."
Spinning you around you come face to face with the guy of your dreams. The man whose been there for you without even knowing it. The guy you thank every day exists.
"I never do this. But I can't stop thinking about you and those beautiful sinful lips sweetheart."
Oh shit.
Then he kissed you. Soft and gentle. Testing the water with those soft lips on yours.
Breaking apart, you can see the nervousness written all over his face. Scared that he's crossed a line.
Smiling, a sense of bravery comes over you, and you reach up to drag his face back to yours, capturing his lips in another kiss.
It turns heated quickly. Jensen backs you up against the door. Strong hands rest on your hips. His thick thigh wedge between your legs, resting tightly on your soaked core.
Without thinking you begin to dry hump his leg. Moans slipping past both your lips as you rub yourself closer to an orgasm.
The need for oxygen breaks your kiss. Jensen hooded eyes watching you as your take your pleasure from him.
"That's it baby. Get yourself off on my leg."
Nibbling his way from your throat to your ear, "soak my pants baby."
It's all you need to get you over the edge. Your head knocks against the door as you scream out his name. Cocky grin plastered on his face as he watches you cum.
"Fuck. Sweetheart, that was sexy as hell."
Shyness takes over now. You drop your head to avoid his eyes. He won't have it though. Reaching his hand under your chin he moves you face so you have to look at him.
"Don't hide from me y/n. You have no idea how hot that was."
You gasp when you feel the large, hard bulge he has nestled him his tight jeans. His hand leading yours as he rubs himself with it. Groaning he kisses you again.
"I have to get back before they come looking. Can I please see you again?"
"Yes." It's a whisper, but Jensen hears you. With one more kiss and squeeze of his perfect dick, he sends you in the direction of the bathrooms before disappearing back to his handler.
Part two coming soon...
@syrma-sensei @yvonneeeee @nancymcl
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[Kieran Valentine Backstory Headcanons—Part 1/?]
Timeline: Him becaming a vampire and his first days as one
Okay so I was thinking about Valentine's backstory before everything, and I saw someone saying he was a war veteran (?) but when I searched for it, I couldn't find it anywhere.
So. I kindaaaa designed my own headcanon backstory for him and I swear I wasn't planning to add this much angst. (if I'm not exaggerating, this one is a bit angsty)
Anyways, this is suck and so OOC and I hateeeeee it.
Edit: omggggg why this shit is pure angst I HATE it, I wanted to make hurt/comfort with some cute moments, not hurt/no comfort and this took so that I couldn't add anything nice in it and this sucks:(((
Trigger Warnings: blood, manipulation, mention of death, self-hatred, general vampire themes
Monster High wiki says this about vampires
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It also says this about Valentine
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So I like to think he doesn't drink blood, that's why his eyes are pink :3
How he became a vampire
Valentine hated vampires with a burning passion. His father, who was his role model, who he wanted to be just like him when he grew up, died during a brutal attack by a vampire in hunger crisis when he was just 10 years old. Little Valentine, who witnessed this with his own eyes, hated vampires.
Until he turned 17, he began to kill vampires, who stole his life from him, by his own capabilites. Although he was still very young, he was hunting vampires without caring about what would happen to himself, thanks to his heart burning with hatred.
Of course, he wasn't as good at this as an adult, he couldn't even get close, but back then, Valentine's name was easily heard at the vampire council, since no one dared to do what would happen to them after killing a vampire. Most people didn't know the existince of vampires, and the ones who knee, were feared of them.
Stoker, who was assigned to take care of this business personally, decided to pay a visit to this novice hunter.
Completely headcanon: In order for a person to turn into a vampire, vampire blood must be mixed with their own blood.
There was a fight that lasted quite a short time, in which Valentine was deadly wounded. Stoker dropped his guard when he was about to suck the blood of Valentine, who was on the verge of death. Stoker had underestimated Valentine's hate too much.
Stoker's blood dripped on Valentine, who stabbed his sword into him just as the vampire's teeth were about to touch his neck. And Valentine, who does not know how people turn into vampires, was unaware that the vampire blood smeared on his open wounds would change his life forever.
He had turned into something he hated. He had become a terrible monster that he would have preferred to die a thousand times rather than to live as one.
He hated himself. He hated that his wounds healed so quickly, he hated some of his teeth fell out and new ones came out instead, he hated that his vision was getting better and better. He hated, hated, hated it.
But more importantly, he was afraid of himself.
Valentine, who started sobbing, did not know what to do. He was frozen. He had reached his hands to his teeth, trying to make sense of what was happening. But he couldn't even think of anything.
Valentine, who accidentally turned into a vampire, did not know what to do, he was in such a scared state that Stoker decided to show mercy for the first time in the hundreds of years he has lived and will live. The main reason for this was that he was quite impressed by Valentine's stubbornness.
However, of course, the older vampire would not deign to be nice to someone who did not have his own interests for no reason.
Stoker had agreed to take the young one between his poisoned arms in order to make him his henchman, who was charged with doing his own work. And there was no need for the boy who was standing in front of Stoker's, and disgusted with himself to know about it.
When Stoker bent down and held out his hand to him, Valentine looked at the gloved hand that was standing in front of him in tears. He did not know what he was supposed to do. He didn't know what was the right decision. Time had stopped for him, and it would never flow the same way again. At least, for him.
Stoker said a few sentences to convince him. But when he saw that Valentine was still looking at him with the same confused and undecided gaze, he was sure what he should say.
He told Valentine that he no longer had a place among people. He talked about how everyone would mention Valentine's name with pure hatred and not daring to approach him out of fear.
And he didn't forget to add that no matter how hard Valentine tried, he would always be subject to prejudice. The person who told him this was Stoker himself. Valentine could never be a part of society again.
As the tears that were slowly flowing from Valentine's eyes accelerated, Stoker knew that he had put his finger on the right point. He also talked about how Valentine didn't have to live like this.
If Valentine came with Stoker, he would be accepted among other vampires. No one would judge hin and hate him just because he was a strong creature. He would be free. And more importantly, he could be himself without being exposed to fearful eyes.
Valentine took the hand extended to him. And as he walked slowly towards Stoker's vehicle ahead, he left his old life behind along with his soul.
It was not going to be easy for him to adjust to his new life. He didn't know what kind of life awaited him when he got into a luxury car that he had never even dreamed of before.
At least he wasn't crying anymore, instead, hhe was just watching out of the window with curious eyes that they hadn't managed to take away from him. He was surprisingly calm as he watched his house, which he could never return to, disappear from sight every second.
The inside of the car was quiet, too quiet. The vampire, who had radically changed Valentine's life, gave his attention only to the book in his hand. Although he seemed to be paying no attention to his surroundings, Valentine knew Stoker could prevent him from making the slightest escape move. Valentine knew this because he could do the same thing himself now. His reflexes were highly developed compared to before.
When he entered the Council building for the first time, he felt some vampires' contemptuous, some vampires' curious, and others' only pity-filled stares on him. For the first time in his life, he had become the very centre of attention and strangely, he liked this.
Stoker took him to a room, and then said he could stay here until he was done and then they could go home.
So, Valentine did as what he was told until he learned every little detail in the room. And when there was nothing left that interested him, he decided to tour the council building.
He didn't expect to see the vampire who brought him here just as he opened the door. When they got into the car again, there was silence again, but this time it was the kind of silence that was uncomfortable for any type of creature.
Valentine had given all his attention to the road, which he could still see even though it was quite dark. That's why what Stoker said caught him off guard.
They also turned his mother into a vampire. Vampires cared about traditions, and being connected to each other was one of those traditions. Besides, their population had already decreased quite a lot and they needed new nobles. Of course, they couldn't make everyone they see a vampire, but they could turn a vampire's close family member who was still alive.
Valentine said nothing, he only blamed himself. His mother's life had been ruined by his own stupid stubbornness. Ruining the lives of everyone who was near him was probably the only thing he was good at.
They didn't speak at all the rest of the way.
Learning how to get fed
When Valentine first arrived, he was bombarded with intense teaching sessions. Vampires were noble and elegant creatures, so it was more important than anything that he received a proper education.
Fortunately, thanks to his sharp intelligence, he was able to understand his lessons quickly. In fact, he was learning so fast that if he continued like this, he might even go to the Vampire Academy next year.
Meanwhile, things weren't that decent between him and his mother. It wasn't good, but at least it wasn't bad. His mother wasn't angry at him or anything, she even thanked him for saving her life.
There was just something that Valentine couldn't quite put his finger on it. She was distant. She was cold, and it was as if she wasn't there even when she was with him. What had happened to his old loving mother?
His skin was cold. His skin was as cold as a dead person's and his heart wasn't beating. He couldn't see himself in the mirror. He couldn't even go out into the sunlight without taking the necessary precautions. And he didn't like it at all.
He could have been richer than ever before, he could have had more books than he would ever get in his whole life despite his dreams, and he could have even gotten a great education, but it was all just a sweet illusion.
Still, he thought that if he kept acting, one day all this wouldn't hurt so much anymore. If he never took off the mask on his face, he could forget who he was and integrate with the mask. That's what he should have done anyway, just like his mother.
He easily adopted the aristocratic clothing style of that period. The only thing that made him feel like the person he was was his clothes, which were extravagantly stylish and perfectly groomed. Moreover, many vampires also liked the style he had. He could even communicate with them if he felt ready. At least, this could have helped him feel like he belonged somewhere a few years earlier.
After about a month had passed, everything had started to go well for him. He felt that he was getting used to being a vampire, and he was scared crazy about it. But he was learning to drown his fears.
Gradually, he also began to get rid of his timid and helpless personality. He knew he was not the weak boy he had been the day he first came to Stoker's castle. He was trying to learn something new whenever he had the opportunity. He had a really curious personality, the kind of curiosity that would put him in danger.
He might have started acting like a vampire, but there was one thing he could never do. Valentine refused to drink blood.
Strangely, he believed that if he started drinking blood, he would never be himself again. And since that's what he really wanted anyway, he should have been able to drink blood. He didn't realize that he was lying to himself.
(it's a ridiculous headcanon because I don't exactly know how emotional vampires born)
Valentine, unlike his mother, had become an emotional vampire. Stoker attributed the reason for this to the intense emotions he felt before and after becoming a vampire.
Because he hadn't been fed in any way for the last month since he arrived, or used anything to support his iron needs, he had started to lose strength more and more.
He had huge eyebags that were growing day by day, his skin had taken on a too pale tone even for a vampire. He couldn't use his powers, he couldn't go out in the sun despite all the precauiton items he used. He felt so tired most of the time.
He was desperate, he felt weaker than ever, and he never once thought about drinking blood. However, since he was an emotional vampire, what he really needed were emotions. Blood would only give him energy. If he wanted to be strong, he had to feed on emotions.
In fact, Valentine didn't actually make up the information that he had to break a heart to be strong on his own. The person who told him this was Stoker himself.
Valentine's refusal to drink blood in defiance of vampire traditions was getting on Stoker's nerves. And that's why he believed that if he led Valentine to a rather difficult way of eating, he would have no choice but to drink blood. He also used hatred because it was the most intense emotion that the young vampire felt.
According to Stoker, Valentine was a vampire who fed on hatred because of his previous life, and he needed people's hate to be strong.
Valentine, who was still very new to it and was suffering from a lack of strength caused by not eating anything, asked how to do it. He had been hungry for so long that he no longer cared about opposing his own personality as long as no blood included.
Stoker said the first thing that came to his mind, who could be more hateful than a girl whose heart was broken into a thousand pieces by her darling love?
And Valentine believed it. Moreover, for hundreds of years, he continued because no one even cared to offer him another option.
After the first heart he broke, he gained the ability of hypnosis thanks to his vampire powers. It was actually quite an ironic situation. He had acquired the ability to make people love him by making them hate himself.
Stoker saw that despite all the hearts he had broken, the stubborn vampire still insisted on not drinking blood. That's why he gave up on his goal.
He was looking with disgust at the iron supporters who entered his castle for the first time because of Valentine. Although feeding on emotions restored Valentine's strength, he still needed more blood or iron supporters for some features, such as being able to go out in the sun.
After Valentine learned to eat, he had only one thing left in front of him; getting used to his new life.
And Valentine still hated vampires with passion.
Bro listens Malice Mizer because I say so(I'll say this in my every Valentine writing)
I kinda want to write him with Spelldon to make this up but I know nothing about Greek Mythology, not even the basics so it would be really weird lol
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desiderio-dixon · 7 months
Seesaws and Stray Dogs
Pairing : Daryl Dixon x Negan's sister!reader
Genre : angst!! some comfort and fluff
Warnings : violence, gore, the lineup, mentions of Daryl's time as Negan's prisoner, guilt, toxic sibling relationship, please lmk if I missed anything!
Word count : 1.2k
Request (by anon) : "daryls wife coming out as negans sister how will everything unfold when she learns????"
A/N : I could definitely expand on this universe more in the future! Hope this is along the lines of what anon was looking for!
The last time you'd seen your brother, it ended in yells and tears. You were furious to find how he'd been treating his wife, the same wife that was wasting away each day. You'd told him, "Don't call me." And left his apartment. He didn't have much of a reaction, that stone cold expression, never meeting your eyes. But he'd stayed true to your request, and hadn't called ever again.
When the world turned upside down and the dead began roaming, you figured he was dead. Of course you still cared for him, had fond memories of seesaws and stray dogs. But you couldn't stand to think of the person he'd become, so it was easier to believe he was dead. To mourn, and then move on.
And move on, you did. You found a group, a group that quickly became family. To add, you even found love.
Daryl is a big heart hidden behind a gruff exterior, and he stole your heart before you even knew it. After months of pining, you finally threw in the towel and kissed him. It was clunky and awkward but it made your heart grow ten sizes. It wasn't long before he'd found a ring for you. A simple thing, a dainty band with a small green gem in the center. It isn't much visually, but it means the world to you.
Now, on the worst day of your life, you twirl the ring anxiously around your finger over and over. Beside you, Maggie trembles, pale and sweaty. A little further down the line is Daryl. He's hurt, bleeding and doubled over. You want to crawl to him, to stretch your body over his and protect him. Let his blood seep into your clothing. But you can't, you know that. Around you, the saviors keep alert, waiting for someone to act out of line. For someone to give them a reason. You won't.
And then the trailer door snaps open. "Pissing our pants, yet?" At first, you think you're hallucinating. Some sick and twisted trick your brain is playing on you. There's no way that your brother is the big bad wolf.
But then he sees you, and he laughs. A big, hearty laugh that crinkles the corners of his eyes. And then he's strutting over to you, bat swinging at his side. "Holy...shit!" He exclaims, leaning down to face you eye-to-eye. You meet his eyes, searching them. In your peripheral, you see Daryl begin to struggle, trying to reach you. You want to tell him that it's okay, that this is your brother, but you're not sure that's even true anymore. Who has he become? "Definitely did not expect to see you here!" Negan bellows, a happy grin on his face.
You can feel the confused gazes surrounding you, both from your friends and his. You don't dare look away from him, eyes steely and jaw set. But still, your hands move on their own accord, twirling the ring over and over. "Now this here...is an absolute plot twist! That is my baby sister, y'all!" He looks at your hands, at the ring you obsessively touch. "Oh! Now don't tell me my little sister is married to one of these pricks!" Daryl squirms.
"I am, not that it's any of your business." You spit. Negan twirls around, giving the lineup a good once over.
"Now wait! Don't tell me! Let me guess." He walks back and forth, exaggeratedly rubbing his chin in mock-thought. He stops in front of Rick, glancing to see your reaction. You don't move. And then Glenn, but when Maggie cries out, he swiftly moves on. Right to Daryl. You swallow harsh, holding your breath as he raises his bat to him. "I think I hit the jackpot! Get up, kid. Come sit next to your husband." You stand on shaky feet, sending one last lingering glance to Maggie before stumbling your way to Daryl.
When you reach him, falling to your knees, he shuffles forward, hiding you behind his frame. Negan laughs at the display. "Well, now that we've got that settled, let's get started!"
When all is settled and done, you can't look away from the patch of dirt and leaves you're perched on. Because if you do, you'd see your friends. Abraham and Glenn, or what's left of them. A mangled mess of gore, the soil below drinking their blood and tinging a crimson red. And you'd see that he's gone. Your love, ripped from you as you kicked and cried and screamed. You're not sure how long you sit, staring at the ground. But night turns into morning.
And then Maggie stumbles toward her husband. All the girls leap up, yourself included. You, Sasha, Rosita all help Maggie. Like some kind of widows club, you think bitterly.
There's a sense of guilt too, that this blood was spilled by someone of your own. That the same evil that runs through him could be in your veins, too. Rick can hardly meet your eyes.
In shame, you exile yourself to Hilltop with Maggie and Sasha. There's nothing for you in Alexandria anymore. You knew Negan wouldn't hurt you, but everyone else was free game and you didn't want to be there to see it. Let him believe you were dead. Maybe then he'd let Daryl go.
Hilltop is where you and Daryl reunite. It was somewhere around a week after the lineup, a week of hell for everyone. Daryl was weakened, beat and starved and sleep deprived. He practically falls into your arms.
The tears roll freely as your hands roam over his back, confirming that he's really there. Really with you. You're overcome with a strange mix of gratitude and guilt. "I'm sorry. I'm so sorry." You cry into him, tears staining his shoulder. He doesn't say anything, but he squeezes you tightly. That says more than words.
That night, as you both ready for bed, Daryl tells you all that he went through at the hands of your brother. You run your hands over the fresh bruises and the aged scars. "I'm sorry. I thought he was dead." You mumble, pressing a kiss to his bare shoulder. The dim light of the lamp casts an intimate glow over the two of you.
"He will be." Daryl grunts, but then he timidly adds. "...if ya want him to be." You know he's no stranger to a morally gray (or rather morally black) brother. His own brother was once his enemy too.
"I don't know, honestly. He's my brother but he hasn't been the same since even before all this." You sigh. "I wish things were different." The things Negan has done, they're unforgiveable. And yet, he may be the only blood you have left in the world. Doesn't that mean something?
You settle into the bed next to Daryl, wrapping your arms around his frame. His skin is warm and comforting against your own. Familiar. You begin to doze off, feeling safe knowing he's here with you, but before you reach sleep, you hear him. "Me too."
At that, you make a promise to yourself. You won't let your brother hurt Daryl anymore, no matter the cost. No one, including Negan, will take Daryl from you ever again.
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veryajunice · 7 months
i couldn't watch the documentary without crying. my xuxi... i really don't know what to say, it hurts so much. literally he said that he wanted to die. what if it had happened? what if he had committed suicide? all the stupid creatures would have loved him and been sorry for him if that had happened, right? but after a incident like that, every single those cruel who caused it would have been an 'angel' and said things like "we love you, we are so sorry, we'll miss you etc." right? after it was all over, we would literally have lost someone because of the bullshit they said without knowing anything about the truth. like what happened to moonbin, to sulli, to jonghyun, to hara and to more innocent and beautiful people like them... you remember how they left us? yeah because of some human garbage saying bad things about them, causing them for nothing and bullying them for no reason. what if we had lost one more person again, how would you live with it? even one word you say can change someone's life in every way, you know? a word can make a person live or a word can cause their end...
he was a sunshine but they stole his brightness. he lost his precious smile since then, he looks so fucking tired. when he said he couldn't eat for a while or lost his hair, i couldn't help myself crying, i felt so bad for him. and maybe some people don't know that but every single thing he said he had been through during his hiatus like not getting out of bed or losing appetite etc. are literally major depression symptoms... and it's so sad to see that someone who has the brightest smile like him was in depression like for 6 months or maybe longer... guys, he is a HUMAN like me like you like us.
a fucking stupid sasaeng ruined his life and the most heartbreaking part is that people believed that bich not him and forced him to apologise for something he even hadn't done. and the funnier thing is the "company" haven't done any single thing about it, hah- ah sorry wait the company has done something, right?! yeah just have made him apologise to this shit again and again. even he himself exposed that person, yeah because our really thoughtful (!) company never takes action. so he had to get his life in order.
and the other heartbreaking thing is when he said "i really want to be with them". lucas has always been the sunshine of the group, the mood maker of the group, the giant baby of the group... he has been there for every single of them since the beginning. and actually he still is as we have seen even though the company tried so hard to not make him obvious with a mask and a beanie lol. but you know how nct members are important to him and how he is important to the members. i really don't know how they felt about this situation... especially every wayv member, mark, haechan, chenle, renjun, taeyong and jungwoo. they all couldn't say anything about it and forced to act like nothing happened. but at least it still makes me happy to see them together and supporting each other no matter what.
though everything has been hard, my baby is so strong. i'm so glad he opens his heart to us and sharing hard times he went through. maybe we failed to protect the most loving person, our sunshine but i'm sure he will get over every single bad thing. because he has his fans, his friends, his members... i hope everything will be better for him. he deserves the world. we still love you like the first day our little giant baby. i want to see you smiling brightly again. we care about you a lot, darling. we love you wong yukhei. and i'm looking forward to seeing your new activities! fighting my man!
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teddypickerry · 2 years
Hi, i really love your posts, i was wondering if you could perhaps do dating jess mariano hc’s. No problem if you dont want to but anything for jess would be amazing🤍
d a t i n g j e s s m a r i a n o h c!
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pairings! jess mariano x fem! reader
a/n! oh my goddd i love him so fucking much guys. it’s practically an illness at this point. anyways i hope i did you justice ;)
+ being with stars hollow's own troublemaker was a front page story itself
+ everyone told you your heart would get broken and to not fall for such a rebellious kid
+ but he’s so much more than a gnome stealer with good music taste
+ he always brought you food when you were alone
+ and honestly got a little flushed when you walked into the diner one day in a mini skirt
+ he'd never admit it though
+ but he pulled you into the supply closet and placed kisses all over like he'd lose you in ten seconds if he didn't
+ "is it my birthday today?”
+ getting caught by luke right before the good stuff was gonna happen
+ "really you two? you're that rabid that you couldn't have gone upstairs? you're on food kids, this is a business. you can't multiply next to my cheese!”
+ jess pulling you out of the room before you could apologize (taking luke's advice and taking you upstairs)
+ making you a tape of some random songs that made him think of you
+ lots of the strokes, the smiths, inhaler, nirvana, pixies, and a bunch of random rock songs
+ obviously and i love her by kurt cobain
+ can't forget a few halestorm songs
+ a random knock at your window while you brushed through your hair made your head turn, already knowing who it was
+ he was sat there and raised his eyebrows at you as you opened the windows and he pressed a kiss to your lips
+ he handed you the tape, laying on your bed in the process
+ he denied whenever you teased him for the sweet gesture
+ even though it was all true
+ random visits through your window on a daily basis
+ your mom heard them nearly everytime but did nothing to stop the interaction as long as you were using protection
+ walks through stars hollow with his arm around you are by far his favorite activity
+ besides maybe reading together by a tree
+ ooh and gifting you books he annotated for you while he should have been working
+ taking little pins that say weird shit from record shops and putting them on your bag and on his jacket
+ so you're like always together
+ falling asleep on the phone and luke finding jess after he closed up, cuddling the phone to his ear
+ and don’t worry, he didn’t let his little lovebot forget
+ when you guys were just friends, he stole a photo booth slide from your mirror and kept it in his nightstand every since
+ and not for any weird reason but simply to see that pretty smile whenever he pleased
+ getting pissed off whenever you interact with a guy your age
+ even if you're just being polite or doing your job, he's all "hi" and giving you a wet kiss to make sure that guy knows
+ getting a stick and poke of your initial on his hand because he can. he's jess.
+ and since you're not quite there yet, you wrote his initals on your favorite pair of sneakers
+ "why did you yell at that guy at work he won't talk to me now?" "i told him if he did talk to you... i'd cut his tongue out and make him swallow it." "very mature jess, your psycho is showing." "good, thought i lost my touch."
+ calling into radio stations or camping out by himself just to get you concert tickets
+ luke trying to take a picture of the both of you
+ you smiling awkwardly while jess is simply annoyed but looks over at you, his eyes softening and a small smile falling on his face
+ that picture being framed above the fireplace the two of you share in new york <333
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cecilebutcher · 1 year
ღLove Songs I Associate With Different Twst Charactersღ
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Characters: All of the nrc students minus ortho(plus some of my Oc’s because I can)
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Riddle rosehearts: Photograph by, Cody Fry
“If I wished myself a superpower. I would make this moment last for hours. If I had my will, time would just stand still. Wait for me until I find some magic film. To take a photograph and live inside. The sun is going down. Your skin is like a painting. The light is perfect now. But I can feel it changing”
Trey Clover: To you from me by, Naethan Apollo
“See, your smile makes me smile, no, that's cringe. Your laugh makes me laugh, that's even worse. If my journey on this path could ever lead to losing you. I know which path is not my path. You're a blessing from the sky. You're the thief that stole my mind. You're the reason why I think of you all the time. You're the little tiny bug that found its way inside my ear. And now I can't think a thought. without wishing you were here”
Cater Diamond: Loverboy by, A-Wall
“Kill the lights. Oh, baby, close your eyes. The way you're looking at me. You've got me mesmerized. Something I can't escape. Feel like I'm lost in space. You've got that good loving. Girl, if you leave me I might throw my heart away. You know my heart can't take the break. Nothing will ever be the same. We'll meet again some other day. Oh, yeah””
Ace Trappola: Best Friend by, laufey
“But I promise that I love you. Even with that hair-do. I'm sorry I made fun of it. It's not your fault it looks like shit. I have never tolerated someone for so long. I've never laughed so much. I haven't written a sad song. There's no one else. I'd rather fall asleep with and dream with. You're my best friend in the world”
Deuce Spade: Best Friend by, rex Orange County
“And that's because I wanna be your favorite boy. I wanna be the one that makes your day. The one you think about as you lie awake. I can't wait to be your number one. I'll be your biggest fan and you'll be mine. But I still wanna break your heart and make you cry”
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Leona Kingscholar: Nothing Bruno Major
“There's not many people.I'd honestly say I don't mind losing to but there's nothing like doing nothing with you. Dumb conversations. We lose track of time. Have I told you lately. I'm grateful you're mine. We'll watch The Notebook. For the 17th time. I'll say "It's stupid". Then you'll catch me crying”
Ruggie Butchie: Absolutely Smitten by, dodie
“That girl just there, yes, she's the one. With Cupid's arrow in her bum. Handsome stranger, you have made her happy. The first in a long time. Did you just whisper in her ear? Words she only dreamed to hear? Pretty lady, look at how he's smiling. I think he likes you”
Jack Howl: This side of paradise by, Coyote Theory
“Are you lonely? (Are you lonely?). Our fingers dancing when they meet. You seem so lonely (are you lonely?). I'll be the only dream you seek. So if you're lonely, no need to show me. If you're lonely, come be lonely with me. Lonely (are you lonely?). Passion is crashing as we speak. You seem so lonely (are you lonely?). You're the ground my feet won't reach. So if you're lonely, darling you're glowing. If you're lonely, come be lonely with me”
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Azul Ashengrotto: Only girl by, Stephen Sanchez
“Baby, won't you be my girl Baby, won't you be my girl? Baby, won't you be my only girl Baby, won't you be my girl? Your love, that's got my head in a. twirl, lady. So baby, won't you be my only girl?I don't want nobody else. No, I just want you to myself,So,won't you please forever be my only girl Only girl”
Jade Leech: Mine by, Bazzi
“Hands on your body, I don't wanna waste no time. Feels like forever even if. forever's tonight. Just lay with me, waste this night away with me. You're mine, I can't look away, I just gotta say. I'm so fucking happy you're alive (huh, yeah). Swear to God, I'm down if you're. down, all you gotta say is right (yeah, yeah)”
Floyd Leech: Until I found you by, Stephen Sanchez and Em Beihold
“I would rather die than let you go. Juliet to your Romeo. How I heard you say”I would never fall in love again until I found her". I said, "I would never fall unless it's you I fall into" I was lost within thе darkness, but then I found her.I found you”
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Kalim Al-Asim: Paper Rings by, Taylor Swift
“Kiss me once 'cause you know I had a long night. (Oh!) Kiss me twice 'cause it's gonna be alright. Three times 'cause I've waited my whole life.( One, two, one two three four!). I like shiny things, but I'd marry you with paper rings. Uh huh, that's right. Darling, you're the one I want. I hate accidents except when we went from friends to this”
Jamil Viper: I wanna be yours by, Arctic Monkeys
“Secrets I have held in my heart. Are harder to hide than I thought. Maybe I just wanna be yours. I wanna be yours. I wanna be yours. I wanna be yours. Wanna be yours. Wanna be yours. Wanna be yours. Let me be your 'leccy meter. And I'll never run out. Let me be the portable heater. That you'll get cold without”
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Vil Shoenheit: La seine by, Vanessa Paradise
“She's resplendent, so confident. La Seine, La Seine, La Seine. I realize, I'm hypnotized. La Seine, La Seine, La Seine. I hear the moon singing a tune. La Seine, La Seine, La Seine. Is she divine, Is it the wine. La Seine, La Seine, La Seine”
Rook Hunt: Ma belle Evangeline by, Jim Cummings
“Look how she lights up the sky. Ma Belle Evangeline. So far above me, yet I. Know her heart belongs to only me. Je t'adore, Je t'aime Evangeline. You're my queen of the night. So still. So bright. That someone as beautiful as she. Could love someone like me Love always finds a way it's true. And I love you, Evangeline”
Epel Felmier: I’d rather be me (with you) by, Rebecca Sugar
“… I'd rather be me with you. Wherever we go. I already trust. I'd know what to do if it were us. I'd know what to say. I'd know how to be. I'd know your entire syllabus. I can't think of any other thing in the world I would rather do. If I could be. I'd rather be me with you”
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Idia Shroud: Numbers by, TEMPOREX
“Things just really aren't that bad. I got a nice mom and I got a cool dad. I just stay in my room too long. But I finally got a girlfriend, and she's the bomb”
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Malleus Draconia:100 years by, OR3O
“They call me crazy. They call me mad. It'd been so many years I could barely stand. But I remember the days we had and the bad days start to disappear. I hope the best though I'm no longer here. Musical kittens make me think of you Every little thing here makes me think of you. So I wrote this little song hoping you would hear someday. It's been a hundred years and I am still in love with you”
Lilia Vanrouge:O sol e a lua by, poqueno Cidadão
“O sol pediu a lua em casamento. E a lua, disse. Não sei, não sei, não sei. Me dá um tempo. E 24 horas depois o sol nasceu a lua se pôs e. O sol pediu a lua em casamento E a lua, disse. Não sei, não sei, não sei. Me dá um tempo”
Silver (Vanrouge): Hidden in the sand by, tally hall
“We were playing in the sand. And you found a little band. You told me you fell in love with it. Hadn't gone as I planned. When you had to bid adieu. Said you'd never love anew. I wondered if I could hold it. And fall in love with it too. You told me to buy a pony. But all I wanted was you”
Sebek Zigvolt: Valentine by, Laufey
“What if he's the last one I kiss? What if he's the only one I'll ever miss? Maybe I should run, I'm only 21. I don't even know who I want to become. I've lost all control of my heartbeat now. Got caught in a romance with him somehow. I still feel a shock through every bone. When I hear an "I love you". 'Cause now I've got someone to lose”
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Ibhana “Vesper” Baske: Soft Bitch by, Rio Romeo
“Love made me approachable. Love made me sweet. It's fucking miserable. But it can't be beat Love made me cordial. It never ends. I want to terrify you. But instead we're friends. Love made me soft. For the best”
Tao Yùchi: I won’t say (I’m in love) by, Susan Egan
“I thought my heart had learned its lesson. It feels so good when you start out. My head is screaming get a grip, girl. Unless you're dying to cry your heart out. You keep on denying. Who you are and how you're feeling. Baby, we're not buying. Hon, we saw ya hit the ceiling. Face it like a grown-up. When ya gonna own up. That ya got, got, got it bad”
Igor Kazentoc: love like you by, Rebecca Sugar
“I always thought I might be bad. Now I'm sure that it's true. 'Cause I think you're so good. And I'm nothing like you. Look at you go. I just adore you. I wish that I knew. What makes you think I'm so special. If I could begin to do. Something that does right by you. I would do about anything. I would even learn how to love”
Junto Shuisha: would you be so kind? By, Dodie
“Oh, would you be so kind As to fall in love with me? You see, I'm trying I know you know that I like you But that's not enough. So if you would, please fall in love. I think it's only fair. There's gotta be some butterflies somewhere (wanna share?). 'Cause I like you but that's not enough. So if you will. Please fall in love with me”
Jasper Spade: first love/last spring by,mitski
“Wild women don't get the blues. But I find that. Lately I've been crying like a. Tall child. So please hurry leave me. I can't breathe. Please don't say you love me. 胸がはち切れそう��. One word from you and I would. Jump off of this. Ledge I'm on Baby. Tell me "don't". So I can. Crawl back in”
Najih Al-Amin: Don’t you dare by, Kaden MacKay
“Just gеt out of my daydreams. You’re an unwelcomе guest. And stop making me miss you. ‘Cause you leaving’s for the best ‘Cause I just couldn’t stand having you as my crutch. You’re a simmering stovetop I was tempted to touch. If you ever return, it’ll burn me too much To bear. So don’t you dare”
Aikat Spanos: Passing papers by, Egg
“Cause Smiles are my weakness and I think yours is the prettiest. And you show it quite a bit when I'm with you. It's almost entertaining how we're searching for the same thing. But I could never try to see it through. Yes I meant it when I said that you were pretty. We never knew each other well and it's a pity. Sometimes I wonder if when you hear 1950. I come to mind”
Phobes Spanos: Dance with me by, Topline Addicts
“You say "Come and dance with me". But I'm a bit too shy so I just smile politely. I know you want me to. What have I got to lose? You said, "Let me dance with you". But I got two left feet, no rhythm, or groove. I'm dancin' anyhow. But I still walked home by myself”
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Ngl this was a lot of fun to do. I might do a part two with the staff and rsa, probably with the rest of my OC’s too^^
Likes and comments are more than appreciated. but reblogs help the content reach more people so please reblog if you want to like<3
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genesis-otto · 3 months
My headcanons of the losers favorite animals because I can.
Richie : I think that all his childhood, his favorite animal was the wolf. I mean, wolves are badass and cool. And because adhd and autism, I'm sure that he had done many research on them and was an expert. Wolves was his hyperfixation when he was little and when he heard about werewolves for the first time he was so excited because like 'I could be a wolf?!!?' Being a werewolf soon became his new purpose in life and he was waiting for the full moon every month in hope that he would transform into a wolf. He was disappointed each month. But then he get to see the horror movie with werewolves that he craved to see since a long time. He saw it with the losers and was left with a fear of werewolves and the losers had to comfort him for weeks before he got over it. He decided that wolves weren't his fav animal anymore and turned to ferrets because 'Look at them they're just like me I love them!!'
Georgie/Bill : I don't think that Bill had a favorite animal when he was little, but Georgie's was definitely the turtle. And after he passed away, it became Bill's fav too. He just felt like this animal was one of the only things that could connect him to his little brother somehow. And after a moment he realized why Georgie liked them so much. They look like tiny dinosaurs no?
Stanley : Well birds? I don't know shit about birds so I can't go any further and it's horrible because Stan is my fav-
Eddie : I think that Eddie is a dog person and you can't change my mind. It's just a compatible match. They both have a lot of energy, they're playful and I don't know how to explain it but I'm sure that older Eddie would go jog with his future dog all the mornings. Plus dogs are cleaner and they LiStEn. I'm sure that he despises cats for the reason that they're the opposite of dogs. They go in the trash, attack you if they feel like it and don't ever move their asses. I think he's a little scared of them too.
Ben : If you asked that question to Ben, he would respond to you that his favorite animal is the phoenix. But the phoenix isn't a real animal? He DoEsN't CaRe. He likes phoenixes. It's pretty, it has a beautiful meaning and it shines just like Beverly Marsh. Winter fire January embers guys. (Get him out of the library please he read to much romantasy).
Mike : Mike hang out with a lot of animals at the farm. There are sheep, cows, chickens, maybe horses? But none of them are his favorite. Not even a classic like a dog or a cat. Not even a cool tiger or a shark. No. Mike likes fishes, especially jellyfishes. Of all the animals on earth, it's these little guys that stole his heart. It doesn't do much except turning around but it's his fav neitherless. It's just calm, pretty and funny to look at.
Bev : When her dad wasn't at home, Bev would go out as much as she could. But before meeting the losers club she didn't have many friends so she would just go in some alley, take a cigarette and sit there waiting for the time to pass. But then one day, she saw a stray cat and she tried to pat it but the cat run away from her scared. So after that she began to bring food with her for the cat. The cat eventually went to her with other stray cats that wanted to eat and this became a routine where she would always bring them something to eat. They would cuddle with her until she had to get back home and wait for her to come back. They weren't pretty, most of them were sick actually because nobody was taking care of them besides Bev. But they were there. And Beverly loved them with all her heart. They were a little like her. And she would always pinch Eddie when he talks shit about them. So yeah, Bev's fav animal is cats.
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It’s the way derision is a legitimately awful episode for me
Hello, Hey, how y’all doing, I’m still grieving Luka, And it’s time for another miraculous episode review!
And lord I fucking hate this one!!!
So Marinette and Adrien go on pool date, and Marinette keeps having panic attacks over it, until she’s almost akumatized and has to dig deep in memory lane to not get Akumatized (and this is where the majority of this episode takes place)
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So. I hate this with all my heart! This motherfucking show. Really just said “yeah guys, so all of Marinette’s creepy stalker behavior? Yeah guys it’s Chloe and Kim’s fault she’s like this it’s trauma and therefore she’s fine!”
…so let’s unpack this.
With Chloe, this is nothing new, the show keeps demonizing her and taking away from any nuance or chance she has at redemption, and the show needs us to some reason believe that Chloe (and Lila) is worse then the little abusive father terrorist in this show! Because they are probably planning on making her the next Lila in the show as Lila becomes Hawkmoth!
To the fucking point they decided to take her bullying from random mean comments and hun on a sit in season one, To fucking roaches in lockers and panic attacks!
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And before you ask, no I don’t believe that every single character needs to be redeemed and complex (some people really do just suck) but the show takes that to an extremist degree! The show needs viewers to believe Chloe is more evil then literal monarch because if she got a redemption or had dimension (as she had in season 2) marinette by comparison looks awful and creepy!
To put a long analysis short, I don’t hate Chloe for being bitchy because I think everyone should be complex, I hate her for being bitchy because the show only does this to make marinette look like a saint in comparison, to the point that they will make child abusers look better then her, just so marinette can stay “the good guy”.
“Oh yeah kids ever wondered why marinette broke into Adrien’s house, harassed him, sniffed him, stole his schedule and personally belongings and information, hurt anyone that was a rival to her, broke into his house on multiple occasions, and literally got so many people akumatize from her selfish behavior? It’s because she was traumatized by Kim, who’s suddenly cruel, and it’s all Chloe’s fault!”
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And it’s just… so fucking upsetting!
Not only did the show demonize Kim (and everyone is just fucking buying it) out of nowhere to be this asshole (this is not the misguided himbo I know and love and I fucking hate it) the show basically erased every mistake marinette ever made under the guise of trauma, when it’s so fucking unfair and biased!
Like, by the show’s logic, if Marinette is justified for all the literal crimes she committed because of trauma, why not Chloe? You can easily just argue that her mom not being there is justification to committing literal crimes!
But the show won’t do that, because Marinette needs to be the good guy and can’t be wrong.
The show had to literally demonize and change characters entirely (boy in Lila episodes and specifically this episode) just to absolve marinette of any fault, and it’s just bad writing!!! The show doesn’t want to admit that marinette is frankly an awful person and will morph the plot around her to prove it!
Because reality is? Shit isn’t black and white! Even if marinette had this awful experience (which I will not minimize) it doesn’t justify the constant hurting and awful things she did to others, just like Chloe’s extremely bad childhood doesn’t justify her hurting and bullying others!
The show yet again just demonized and morphed the plot and characters to justify marinette, in order to make sure she’s always good and always in the right, so that they don’t have to change anything about the story, so they can drag on this show forever to make lots of money.
And frankly? I’m fucking tired of it.
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(Also Adrien is officially nothing more then love interest, he’s out-of-character threatening murder on Kim because “marinette deserves people will kill for herrrr”)
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bronx-bomber87 · 9 months
Happy Monday Lovely fandom. Not a ton in these episodes for them. Gonna combine these two. Thank you for idea D ❤️ These are my least fav of the season. Not gonna lie whenever I reach the Simone eps in a rewatch I skip around her stuff LOL Never resonated with me. So it’s funny the first ep is called Simone and I won’t really be covering her much at all. Probably be a shorter one with some crumbs. Let’s get going though shall we?
4x19 Simone/4x20 Enervo
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We start off with an actual bang. John and Lucy respond to a suspicious activity call. It's near a power station in Griffith Park. They find a bomb and get out just in time but not before they’re thrown to the ground by the blast. They get thrown pretty damn far and are fairly banged up. It's insane how much damage they took even clearing the building.
Tim shows up to the scene and does a worried husband look I love. Checking in on her by doing a once over once he makes it to them. Does a silent check in as he reports it’ll take 12 hours to fix the damaged power station. The silent check in is everything. Once again it’s the little things I cherish especially in low content episodes. It's subtle but noticeable once you know it's there. Trying to contain his concern with her all banged up. It’s ok love your wifey is fine hehe
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I love these two shots for quite a few reasons. One you know I love the tall/smol shots. I wish I could put into words why I love it so very much. It’s just aesthetically pleasing is one of the reasons I suppose. All I know is I’m a sucker for it. Second how in-sync they are in their movements and how they mirror one another in the second one.
Third the lack of personal space. Especially in that first gif. Theme of this season I adore so much. Always that gravitational pull of theirs. Lastly look at them. They’re gorgeous just standing next to one another. Also it is unfair Lucy is covered in dirt and soot and looks amazing still. Not fair haha
Oh right there’s a SL too LOL Not me just gawking at them haha The feds show up because this is a terrorist attack. They ask Nolan and Lucy about what they remember about the bomb. Nolan of course is no help. Smh Lucy is able to describe little better for them. FBI says they’re taking over from here. Grey fights it since John and Lucy were almost killed discovering the bomb. Garza concedes and they’re able to work together on this one.
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We rejoin our ship headed towards National Guard Armory. They’ve deduced this guys real target was this. Reason he shut down the power was to gain access inside there. They’re en-route to catch him. They find out he’s already on the move and they’ve gotta catch him. Which leads us to this car chase. First off let’s note Lucy getting to drive in this intense moment. It is more common these days for them. I just love seeing Tim trust her so implicitly nowadays. That this is new normal for them. *heart clutch*
Control freak in him has eased up quite a bit with her at least. Maybe not with anyone else LOL Once again it's the little things to love. The spurts of growth. They make me happy. Anyways dude stole a friggin Humvee so taking him down will not be easy. Nolan says they need to stop this guy. No shit John...What do you think the purpose of this chase is? To have fun at a high speeds in a shop for kicks?
Sometimes the words out of his mouth floor me..and not in a good way. Tim is using his military experience in this moment. (Yum) Explains why that’s not going to be easy. He’s basically encased himself in a mini tank. Their usual pit maneuver isn’t going to work on this guy. Nolan offering up another solution. I adore the silent communication and the look. That automatic instinct to check in with each other. I'll never be over it. I love watching them in the field so very much. Just a well oiled machine. Tim is considering Nolan’s suggestion then checking in with wifey before executing it. Love it.
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Tim explains their plan to Nolan while Lucy listens in. Tim advices they both hit the doors. Tells them it has to be at the same time though. To avoid the wheels at all costs. Lucy needing to know the why of course. Asks why they can’t hit the tires? Tim explains they’ll die and be a cautionary tale for future rookies LOL Gotta love Lucy questioning why they can't in the middle of a high speed chase. I'm sure she wasn't expecting that to be his answer ha.
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Her comment about her mom cracks me up. Anything to prove to her mother she’s wrong and she is right about being a cop. Her first thought not being she’ll die. No it’ll be about her mother being right about her career choice. Lmao Oh Lucy Chen I love you. Also I relate to this train of thought all too well sadly. I do love her saying they’ll be disgraced together. Be more married please.
Tim doesn’t even fight her on this thought. Lucy basically saying if I’m going down you’re coming with. Tim isn’t fighting her at all. His silence is saying lead the way. They’re in this together and I love that so very much. Being a literal ride or die right now in this moment.
I love me some crumbs in a low content ep. Also only they could banter during a high pressure situation and still get the job done. I love them so much. They are successful but find out the driver isn’t their guy but a decoy. Wah Wah.
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They regroup at the station after their chase. Nolan asking Lucy if she got any sleep? She then calls out Tim for getting some. Not only does she call him out but nicknames him 'Sleeping beauty.' Looking directly at him the entire time. Making sure he know she is talking about him and only him. All aboard the flirt train Nolan is an unwilling participant in the matter haha
Such blatant flirty flirts. Tim fires back a sassy reply to her jab. Just openly flirting and doing heart eyes out in the open. Ain’t no thang this season lol Shoots back not to be jealous he was allowed to sleep and she hasn’t. Lucy’s reaction is the best. That fond exasperation they’ve had all season long. So used to her husband antics at this point but has to let him know she’s annoyed at him. Damnit I love them sfm.
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They end up finding his base of operations. Lucy of course breaking the case. Cause she’s brilliant finds a word he’s written down by doing an etching off a wall he used. ‘Enervo’ Garza telling them it means 'To deprive of power.' John asks Tim what the military’s first target is? I love watching Tim flex his military background again. It’s sexy af. Seriously gets me hot and bothered *fans self* Tim and Lucy cracking this case right open. You’re welcome everyone haha That’s it for this one. Low content one since it was meant to launch rookie feds. Next one has even less so this is why we’re combining them.
Side notes-Non Chenford
I do love when Nyla and Angela work together. Two bad ass woman just doing their jobs like confident BAMFS.
4x20 Enervo.
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We find out he’s rented U-Haul’s and it’s going to take out the biggest roads with them. Crippling the city and killing thousands. They can't get a warrant right away to track them so everyone is in on the hunt. As always I love watching them in action in the field. That second gif their cop eyes have been activated. You can see them combing the street together. They’re so in-sync as they search the streets for one of the five U-Haul’s. I could go on and on about how much I love their work dynamic I really could. But I'll stop there ha
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The trucks are divided up into states. Cause well that’s U-haul haha if you’ve ever driven one you’d know. Always got graphics or other states on them. One has already exploded unfortunately so they're down to 4 trucks that need to be found. Lucy and Tim spot ‘Florida’ and are in pursuit of it. I love how calm they look. They’re chasing down a bomb and look determined af. Like I said before well oiled machine. The gifs above represent that. They are poetry in motion in the field. What made 5x22 battle scene so epic. Was that on steroids ha
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That’s kinda it for them in this one. I can add this last lovely gif of them in the field. Seeing how they move in motion together. It is impressive to see how in-sync they always are. Shared brain thing I love so much. I’m sorry there isn’t more. I mean it’s not my fault but I’m still sorry LOL
We shouldn’t hit this again. Even the light one in S5 is really good and would fill a review well so this will be the last scant ep for them. Probably won’t combine them again ha
Side notes-non chenford
Smitty reporting in he got ‘Utah’ Grey being ecstatic and saying he took back every negative thing ever said about him. Poor Smitty is all sad ‘You’ve said negative things about me?’ LMAO
Thank you as always for those who like, comment and reblog these reviews. You’re all amazing and I appreciate you more than you’ll ever know. Shall see you all in 4x21 :)
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fandomtherapy44 · 6 months
Dean x reader So American One-shot
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Summary: A vague plot based off this incredible song and my love for Dean Winchester
Paring: Dean Winchester x reader
Word count: 2,011
Song: So American-Oliva Rodrigo
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Drivin' on the right-side road
He says I'm pretty wearin' his clothes
And he's got hands that make Hell seem cold
Feet on the dashboard, he's like a poem I wish I wrote
I wish I wrote
Dean Winchester the guy that stole my heart and shattered my heart in the span of three months. It was my last year of high school. In the last stretch I was the top of my class. Going to Harvard, I never went out of line, always on time for curfew. My parents expected me to be perfect. So I never went out with friends or party’s I was asked out but the answer was always no. My whole goal was to get there and to continue to be perfect but then I met him.
It was the last three months of school. A normal school day with me focused on my work and my teacher announcing that we were getting a new student. All of my classmates were talking about who would join a school in the last three months. Then everyone went quiet when he walked in I wondered why so l looked up and it was the most handsome guy I had ever seen. “Uh hey my name is Dean Winchester and I'm looking forward to all the party’s for the end of senior year!” He fist bumped the air and everyone whopped and clapped in agreement but me. “Dean, why don’t you take a seat next to Y/n.” Damnit. He walks over to me with an egoist bob of his head. “Hey I’m Dean.” He held out his hand with a smirk. “I know.” “Well miss Knowitall what’s your name.” “Look dude can you leave me alone and focus on your work.” “Gesse I was just trying to be friendly.” 
Couple weeks had passed and Dean did not stop try to talk to me which got really annoying. “Hey Y/n you going to the football party this weekend?” “No” “Why?” “Because Dean I have to work on the Graduation speech.”  “Ooh you're the valedictorian smart and pretty.” I was a little too flabbergasted to respond so I just kept working as I always did.
The bell rang and I got up quickly to not have to look at Dean but my teacher had other plans. “Y/n just one minute You too Dean.” Why me!? “Yes Mr.Baker” Dean and I were now at the front. “Dean these last few weeks your grades have not been the greatest.” “Mr. Baker, what's the big deal? It's almost the end of the year.” “That’s exactly the problem Mr.Winchester if you do not pass the next test you won’t graduate.” Damn that sucks but why am I here. “Seriously!?” “Yes Seriously but I think a tutor would really help you.” Oh no no no. “That’s why I have Miss L/n here.” NO “If she is willing to take you on I think you can pass she’s top of the class.” Both of them look at me in questioning. I looked at Dean’s face and for some reason I did something I never thought I would I said yes.
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That was over ten years ago I went to college and continued to be perfect but I never forgot that Damn handsome Dean Winchester. I got my dream job at the top too. I never really dated after Dean. I couldn't, I couldn't give my heart again. 
And he says I'm so American
Oh God, I'm gonna marry him
If he keeps this shit up
I might just be in lo-lo-, lo-lo-, lo-lo-, lo-lo-lo-lo-lo
“Thank you for doing this.” We were at the coffee shop early in the morning before school. “Yeah sure but you have to be committed, that means no party’s no girls…” “Hey I am going to be Mr.School I might even go above you.” “Okay Mr.school when you get more than a c then we'll talk.” I tapped his book. “Damn ok so Miss scholar has jokes.” He gave me his smile and that was the first time that my heart quicked a little bit. 
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I was getting drinks with friends. The music was loud and lights blinding but I could still see him through all of that. I was sure it was him even though we were both eighteen when we last saw each other. That golden brown hair the green in his eyes looked like the sun mixed together with the tops of pine trees. The freckles dusted over his face like glitter. It didn’t matter if it had been ten years since I had seen him, I memorized every detail of him. He was chatting up some beautiful blonde woman and it was like I was back in highschool before he and I got together. 
I gave my friends an excuse that I had to work early the next morning and got up at a quick pace and shuffled my bag over my arm and I practically ran to the exit. When I entered the dance floor there were so many people that I couldn't see my footing and I tripped over my own foot. But luckily someone caught me. 
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I was pacing back and forth in the hallway sweat running down my forehead looking at the clock every minute. The door opened very slowly and Dean walked out with head hung low. “Oh Dean, maybe I can talk to the teacher for you and you can retake it.” He holds up his head and brings a smile on his face. “No need cause I passed!” I paused for a second and I hit his shoulder. “Dean Wincheseter! Don’t you ever do that again!” He was laughing at my fake hits now. “OKAY okay I won’t teach now let’s go celebrate me gradienting highschool.”
I start to follow him and then think about how it’s almost eight. “Wait Dean, it's almost eight and I have curfew.” “Come on Y/n this is a big accomplishment on both of us. And you deserve it more than any of us.” He was right, I had worked my ass off. I deserve this. “Okay well if I'm going to break a rule then we are going to do it right.” “Great what’d you have in mind?”
We were on this cliff that overlooked the city that I found when I was a freshman and that was probably the last time that I was here. I looked over to Dean biting into his burger and the juice dripping down his lips and I couldn't stop thinking about… “Y/n y/n?” Dean was waving his hand in front of me. “Huh sorry.” “So how does it feel to break a rule miss perfect?” I sipped my drink to really think about his question.
“I haven't been here in years because I wanted to put my all in school work so my parents could know that their sacrifices meant something. I haven't had a damn burger in so long so I could only eat “brain food” my parents would say. I haven't breathed in the night cold air in the fear that I would get a cold. So to answer your question Dean it feels fucking amazing.” I grabbed my burger and took a huge bite. Dean looked a little shocked at that but happy too.
“Well it looks like we both taught something to each other. I’m glad I can leave you like this.” “Leave? You're leaving?” “Yeah my brother and I only went to school here while our Dad was doing … work.” “So this is kind of also a send off for me and I couldn't imagine spending it with anyone else. I just wanted to thank you for helping me.” “It was nothing really.” “No Y/n you are the first person who’s looked at me and saw more.” “Well you saw more then miss perfect.” “As I said before smart and beautiful.” At this point we had gotten closer on top of the old chevy impala and he leaned in and kissed me.
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I apologize if it's a little too much, just a little too soon
But if the conversation ever were to come up
I don't wanna assume this stuff
But ain't it wrong?
I think I'm in love
I looked up and it was a very tall handsome man with shaggy brown hair. If a moose had a human from this would be him. “Are you okay?” I stopped to shake my head. “Yeah I’m fine thank you.” “Here, why don’t you sit down.” He brought me over to the bar. “Hey can I please get some water for…?” He looked at me for my name. “Y/n.” “Here you go.” “Thanks.” “No problem.” I glugged down my water. “Oh I didn't even get your name.” “It’s-” “Sam!” A voice called out from behind him. I looked up and nearly choked it.was.DEAN. I got up quickly and spilled the water all over me but that didn't matter. “Ah thank you but I got to go!” I got up and ran out. Dean came up to Sam. “Who was that huh Sammy?” Dean raised his eyebrows up and down. “No, just some girl needed help.” “What was her name?” “Y/n” “Y/n? Huh”
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It was the next morning and the whole night my head was filled with sweet fluffy dreams of him and that's how I knew I woke up because it's not reality. I went to my regular coffee shop. It was the same one from those years ago. I turned with my drink in my hand and I collided with a hard chest. “AHH Im so sorry.” I grabbed napkins and started to wipe and I looked up and it was the man I had been trying to avoid. “Y/n?” “Dean Hi” I wanted the earth to swallow me. “How are you doing?’” “Good look Dean I got to-” “Go work of course well if you want to catch up I'll be in our spot tonight.” Dean walks out. And I'm left to wonder what to do.
I drove to the spot it was still abandoned as the last time we left it and just as breathtaking. I got out of my car and I saw that old chevy Impala and Dean standing there. I breath in deeply to prepare myself. “Hey.” “Hi.” “So how’s life?” He asked me. “Uh good you?” “I wish I had the same answer.” He leaned against the Impala. “That bad huh.” “You have no Idea.” “And I'm guessing you went through college being the badass you are.” He always made me laugh. “Badass I don’t know about that but yeah college you?” “Yeah, college was never really for me. I went into my dad’s business.” “Well, whatever makes you happy, but college is missing out on one of the smartest people I've ever met.” He laughs.
“Wow, that coming from miss.Scholar is huge.” “Oh, shut up.” I pushed on his shoulder. “Look I'm really sorry how we left things.” “It's okay Dean you to go.” “No, it's not I regret it every day.” “We were kids we couldn't control our situation.” “Still.” “Well, were adults now so how do you feel now after seeing each other again.” I said standing closer to him like all those years ago. “I feel like I should have held the girl tighter who changed my life closer.” “And I feel like I should have held the boy closer.” At this point we were right up against each other. And I did something I thought I never would do again. I kissed him. 
And he laughs at all my jokes
And he says I'm so American
Oh God, it's just not fair of him
To make me feel this much
I'd go anywhere he goes
And he says I'm so American
Oh God, I'm gonna marry him
If he keeps this shit up
I might just be in lo-lo-lo-lo-lo-lo-lo-lo-lo-lo-lo-love
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