#this man will be a captain until they drag him out of that truck kicking and screaming
dawntainbobbynash · 5 months
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Friendly reminder that Bobby has literally zero desire to get promoted or retire
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reds-skull · 9 months
Not Alive, Nor Dead
Shoutout to my Google doc for reaching 200 pages. Sometimes I'm worried it will crash and die because of how long it's starting to take to just load the entire thing :)))
Also on AO3, I give each chapter a title, which I never add here.
This one will be called "Our Story's End"
The courtyard is surrounded by bleachers, benches full of dark figures. Spectators for Graves’ twisted theater, soldiers melting into the night sky. The stars are so bright here, a passing thought graces Ghost.
“Simon?” Price’s voice fills his mind, almost a whisper, “get Soap out of here. Graves is going to-”
Ghost tightens his hold on Johnny’s hand, “I can’t. He won’t let you die, Captain.”
The onlooking Shadows turn their heads to watch Soap and Ghost walk into the court. Price and Gaz are held at gunpoint, made to kneel with bound hands.
Blood is covering Garrick’s left shoulder, the man shuddering periodically.
Gaz’s face screams of desperation, the Sergeant wordlessly asking Ghost to turn around, look away, just do anything to stop Graves’ plan.
Ghost continues walking.
“Our main guests are finally here.” the Shadows say as one, guns raised at them, “drop your weapons and keep your hands where I can see them, boys. No funny business, alright?”
Soap instantly throws his rifle to the side, motioning Ghost to do the same. His heart wrenches when he thinks he’ll have to let go of Johnny, but his Sergeant simply lifts their joined hands, glancing at him before glaring back at the Shadows.
“Good… now, I’m going to keep this simple.” the soldiers holding Price and Gaz press muzzles to their temples. 
Limbo screams at the back of his mind, warping and mixing with Price’s near begs to run away.
“All I want is Sergeant MacTavish. This entire… situation has gotten out of control, and for that, I’m truly sorry.” 
The Shadows stand up, rush down the steps to circle the 141.
“Deal’s this: give me Soap, or I kill everyone here, starting with these two.”
Ghost doesn’t know whether to laugh or cry. Everyone knows what Johnny will pick, the choice is obvious. 
Why is it, then, when Soap lets go of his hand, warmth leaving him in a frozen world, that Ghost reaches over to grab it again?
They both know how this story ends.
Johnny’s eyes, blue skies that hold an infinite number of stars, plea for him to let go. But Simon needs a different ending than this. It can’t be over, ripped away from him like that.
Johnny’s lips start moving, and Simon barely catches the words he mouths before he turns to walk into the Shadow’s arms.
“Find me on the other side, Simon.”
He will regret his inability to answer back for the rest of his life, body and mind so strong they could topple whole empires, yet too weak to do any more than watch Johnny be dragged away into dark vans.
The Shadows drive off, dust kicking up and engulfing the remaining taskforce operatives, the stars gone, muddled by clouds.
All other Shadows melt into the ground, the battle abruptly over.
People are talking to Ghost. Hands hovering over him concernedly. He paid them no mind.
All Simon can see are stars, weakly shining in the vast darkness.
Shining until they, too, leave him.
The Vaqueros drove everyone to the safe house, with many needing medical attention, and the main base still considered under enemy control.
Price and Gaz have stayed with him, when he took 20 minutes more to get out of the truck. When Ghost walked off to the barren lands surrounding the house. 
When he just stood there, in silence, staring at the sky slowly turning a pale grey.
Price eventually pushes Gaz to find someone to fix him up. Something about a bullet wound. Ghost couldn’t really focus.
“We will find him. I’ve already contacted Laswell, she’s working on getting information out of Shepherd. I trust we’ll have something by tomorrow at the latest.”
Ice-cold rage spreads through him at the mention of the General, and Ghost can tell Price notices it.
The Captain sighs, “I should’ve warned you, red tape be damned. I knew Shadow Company wasn’t comprised of actual people before shit hit the fan, but Shepherd fuckin’ stopped me.”
Ghost doesn’t take his eyes off the fading stars, “‘should’ve’ won’t help anyone now…” 
He lets himself indulge, for a moment longer, until the night sky disappears completely. Only then does Ghost let fury fuel him.
Price hurries to follow his fast pace back to the safe house.
They can sit here regretting all day. It won’t bring Johnny back, it won’t defeat Graves.
It’s time the American sees what it means to go against the Ghost.
Their allies have started planning without him, soldiers running here and there, bringing up every piece of intel they could find. Ghost approaches Rudy and Alejandro. 
The men order their soldiers in Spanish, their demeanor cool, but with Vargas’s hands constantly phasing through papers, and Rudy having to keep his own away since everything he touches freezes, Ghost watches a mutual anger take control over their powers.
“Fantasma…” Rudy notices him first, leaving the full table to face him.
Ghost doesn’t let the full force of his emotions waver his voice, “tell me you got a lead.”
The Sergeant Major looks away for a second, “I wish we did, hermano… all we know is Graves is likely trying to get to the border, get Soap over to his home grounds. Beyond that, how, when or where?” the Vaquero sighs frustratingly, “nothing. Shadow Company always covers their tracks.”
Ghost nods. He doesn’t dare putting hope on anything right now. Still, he tells Rudy, “Price got Laswell on intel. She’s close to Shepherd, and with Graves still under his command…”
“The General will know where they’re taking him.” Rudy seems to cheer a tad, “I’ll let Alejandro know, our forces will be ready to deploy the moment we get a location. You won’t be fighting this battle alone, Ghost.”
He doesn’t bother answering him. It doesn’t matter if they have a thousand revenants if they don’t know what to expect.
Graves have spat in their face twice now. He’s far too aware of each and every one of their weaknesses; in Alejandro’s inability to phase underground, in Price’s lack of physical prowess, in Farah’s attachment to Alex.
In Ghost’s vow to grant any of Soap’s wishes, and in Johnny’s greatest fear of seeing the ones he loves get hurt, in hurting innocents himself.
They were daft to think they could walk into the prison, while Graves expected them, and walk out with no major complications.
As he watches the revenants argue about plans of attack, soldiers gathering weapons, organising vehicles, Ghost understands that there’s only one way this could succeed.
Remove all other variables. Any leverage Graves could have on Soap and Ghost.
He must do this alone.
Ghost sharpens another set of knives. They’ll be useless in the upcoming fight, but the repetitive motions calm him, push back the incessant screaming at the back of his mind.
He found a small unoccupied room, and set to check all his weapons, disassembling and assembling guns, in a way Ghost wishes he could do to his brain sometimes.
Deconstruct, clean off the junk, put back together. More efficient. More deadly.
His pattern of movement is interrupted when someone knocks on the door. Ghost has half a mind to scare whoever it is away, but he fears he won’t be able to stop once he starts letting his anger out.
And so, he grunts a ‘come in’, watching the door slowly creak open to reveal Garrick, eyes sunken and arm in a sling.
The Sergeant takes stock of the amount of polished weapons strewn about the small room, and leans on the desk facing the chair Ghost is in.
Gaz seemed to hesitate for a moment, swallowing and exhaling, shoulders eventually drooping in defeat. “It’s my fault, sir.”
Ghost frowns in confusion, Garrick continuing, “I shouldn’t have gotten caught. Price tried to warn me, he told me to leave him behind, but I didn’t listen.”
Garrick’s eyes glance at his before they can’t take the eye contact anymore, “I didn’t want- I couldn’t leave him again. It was my fault the Captain was there to begin with, if I took him with me when we ran away from Graves, he wouldn’t… Soap wouldn’t be-”
“That’s enough, Sergeant.” Ghost sets the knife he’s been clenching on the table.
Gaz looks at him, “but-”
“I am your commanding officer, and so is Price. The fault falls on us.” Ghost raises from his chair. “We’re all to blame, and none of us truly are. I won’t accuse you of Johnny’s kidnapping.”
Garrick’s eyes shine with unshed tears, and Ghost’s tone softens, “and I’m sure Johnny will agree with me. What he wouldn’t have forgiven you for, is if you died out there anyway, after all his efforts. Focus on that.”
Gaz inhales shakily, “yes sir. What about the rescue? I can help, scout ahead-”
“You’re injured. Your job is to heal, nothing else. That clear?”
The Sergeant huffs, “crystal, sir.”
Ghost twirls a knife in his hands. His attempts at gathering his own intel have been fuckin’ useless at best. He has a new appreciation to just how much information they usually start with, and the amount of help Laswell lends them.
He has to find out where Johnny is before the rest do. They can’t barge in while he’s saving Johnny, it will destroy the only advantage Ghost has on Graves.
In one of his rounds, inspecting the papers Vaqueros have left on tables, and the markings on their maps, Commander Karim catches his attention, nodding him over.
They walk over to a quieter spot, Farah leaning out of a window to look at the rising sun. The light shines over her skin in an otherworldly way, flecks of gold embedded in her tan skin.
“I’m sure you want revenge. For your… partner.” she starts, assessing him.
Ghost squints, but lets her go on.
“I’d kill him, if I were in your place.” she straightens her back, “but I have a request from you, Lieutenant. I need to find my soldiers, my brothers and sisters. If there’s any chance they’re alive, I’ll do anything to bring them home.”
Ghost looks over the landscape, the golden hues the world sinks into. Farah has garnered his respect and trust, she worked time and time again to keep the 141 safe. 
They want the same thing, in the end. To protect the people they hold dear, to keep them by their side, despite the forces trying to separate them.
“Graves is working under Shepherd. The PMC probably doesn’t know where your people were imprisoned, but the General does. He’s all yours.” he turns to walk away, “I’d gladly bring him down after I deal with Graves.”
Ghost doesn’t wait for her answer, but he already knows how eager she is to find the American.
He harbors a similar taste for comeuppance.
Ghost doesn’t sleep. His frustrations build and build, desperation and despair setting into the Vaqueros, the 141’s heart.
Laswell calls them the next day, and he sees how everyone holds their breath. Something sours in him - she’s their last hope.
“Kate.” Price starts, taking his hat off, “tell me you have something, anything.”
The CIA chief sucks in a deep breath of smoke, exhaling it slowly. The silence is answer enough, but she still responds.
“Yesterday at 5:00 AM General Hershel Shepherd went off grid. His office was cleared out, computer wiped clean.”
Ghost swallows thickly as Limbo wails, begs to be let out and destroy everything. It mourns its light, its flame in the dark.
“Anything he ever had on Graves is gone. Any location of the revenants he hid - deleted. If you were here, I’m sure we would’ve found him eventually, but…”
Price lowers his head, “it would be too late for Soap.”
Laswell frowns, looking guilty of having to be bearer of harsh truths.
“I’m sorry, John.”
Ghost storms out of the room, his ears and eyes not sensing this world anymore. Limbo screams, violent more than ever, shouts at him to let them out.
He runs. Far, far enough that the void won’t consume what little he has left on this earth, and lets the realm break out of him.
The victims of the void cry around him, little moths littering the empty ground. Unmoving and lightless.
Ghost feels light trace down his cheeks, a worn path tears take again. He wipes them off, rubbing at his burning eyes. 
Oh, how he wishes the world would let him hope once more, the uncaring universe let him have this chance, just this one.
When he opens his eyes, Limbo is not as barren anymore.
Ladder-like patterns, as well as achingly beautiful, burning moths swirl around him.
“SIMON RILEY.” two voices call, one weaker than the other, softer.
Ghost feels a flame light in his heart.
This chapter really ties in a lot of the themes I've been going for in the fic. Hope it's obvious enough haha
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The Twin Flame - Chapter 4: "I Wish You Would"
"I wish you would come back, wish I'd never hung up the phone like I did. I wish you knew that I'd never forget you as long as I'd live..."
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“Could’ve used that shield,” Bucky snarkily quips, still laying on top of Sam after their woefully unsuccessful brush with the Flag Smashers.
“Get off of me,” Sam grunts, shoving Bucky off of him and into the grass. 
For a moment, they both lie in the overgrown field side by side. Bucky shuts his eyes, and though he can't remember the confrontation he had with you as the Winter Soldier, he imagines that his body ached as badly as it did in this moment. 
There were plenty of differences as the two of them went head to head with the Flag Smashers. Firstly, they didn't hold back. It was almost reckless the way they didn't hold back. The raging flames could've easily destroyed their own trucks along with the vaccines they so intensely fought to retain. 
Another thing that was immediately clear to Bucky, they didn't have any idea of how to control their abilities. 
He remembers one of the few conversations he'd shared with you one on one. You confided in him that you weren't always able to control yourself, in moments of extreme duress or panic, sometimes you slipped up. But you'd worked hard in your twenty something years to have an impressive grasp over yourself.
And, regardless of your goofy, effervescent personality paired with your sweet disposition and wide eyed gaze, you maintained formidable amounts of discipline.
The Flag Smashers didn't have years, they'd had months, if even that.
Up until this moment, he mostly agreed with Sam, you shouldn't be dragged into this when you were off on your own quest.
Up until this moment, he was content knowing that you'd found some semblance of peace without him dragging you down. It was how he'd justified doing what he did. 
Now, he just wishes you were here. He wishes you would come back.
"They were all like her, Sam."
“I know,” Sam roughly exhales, slowly sitting up. He turns to Bucky, still laying down in the grass, “You’re welcome, by the way.”
"Shut up, Sam," Bucky grunts, standing up in one smooth movement. 
Sam hauls himself up, dusting himself off as the two men turn to watch the new Captain America and his partner still fighting on top of the semi-trucks. They remain watching them, until the inevitable moment when the Flag Smashers overwhelm the two of them, kicking them both down onto the road.
Even though a chuckle almost escapes his mouth, Bucky could almost feel bad for them. Almost. 
Without exchanging any words, they climb out of the field, and begin their trek to the airport.
“Sorry about Redwing,” Bucky offers after a few moments in silence.
“No, you’re not,” Sam bluntly states. As they continue walking, he turns to look at Bucky's pensive expression. “What’s going on in that big cyborg brain of yours?”
“It’s computing,” Sam continues, snickering as Bucky maintains the thoughtful, furrowed expression on his face. "You know what? I can actually see the gears turning. Oh no, they're malfunctioning, shutting down. And now it's on fire."
They were a lot of things that Bucky was thinking. Like how was the man that was so incredibly overprotective of you suddenly so okay with letting you leave? How'd you come into your powers? He sort of knew the answer to that, at least, he had the answer that you, Sam, and Steve had: you were born this way.
None of you had the real answer.
He wonders if in your journey to find answers, had you figured that out? Where were you?
Were you okay?
He reconciles that he doesn't have the right to ask those questions anymore. So he sticks with the one that feels the most pertinent. How were those people exactly like you? "I know you saw that."
Sam winces, rubbing the scorch mark on his gear. It was just another way the Flag Smashers weren't like you, the scorch mark was large, uneven, and clearly uncontrolled. It painted almost the entire top of Sam's shoulder and upper arm. He was just lucky it hadn't gone completely through the fabric. "Felt it too."
"But how?"
"I dunno," Sam shrugs. He looks back to Bucky, a new, much more conflicted expression on his face. "What? What's with that look?"
"Sam, how else could a someone duplicate the powers of one person and give them to eight other people?" Sam doesn't want to say the words, as though speaking them out into the world will bring them to fruition. Bucky continues, "I know you saw it, it's just like-"
"It's exactly like-" Sam agrees, his words halted by the rumble of a truck quickly approaching the two of them.
“So that didn’t go as planned, huh?” John Walker dryly jokes from inside the truck, opening the door as an invitation. Both their eye’s flicker to the truck and they both silently agree to keep walking. “Look, at least we have an idea of what we’re up against. And we’re pretty sure it’s a part of the Big Three, so…”
“Aliens, androids, and wizards,” Sam triumphantly huffs at Bucky. "Told you, it's a thing."
“There’s no such thing as wizards,” Bucky insists, his voice laced with irritation. 
“Then it’s aliens, or androids…” John continues. 
“Or the Sunshine serum,” Sam quietly mutters to Bucky.
But not quiet enough for John Walker not to hear, "I'm sorry, the Sunshine Serum?"
“Nice,” Bucky scoffs, elbowing Sam in the ribs. Sam can practically feel the vitriol rolling off of Bucky at this point, but he also has to commend Bucky for keeping his cool so far. Bucky's eyes flicker back to John, still riding in the truck, and with his best unimpressed, cold expression, Bucky snidely offers, “Inside joke.”
“Well, then we gotta work together,” John decides, wearing a smile that's clearly meant to impress adoring fans and TV cameras.
It doesn't impress them one bit. 
“Yeah, that’s not happening,” Bucky curtly declines, continuing his walk to the airport. 
“I think we stand a much better chance if we all just- " John continues talking, though both Sam and Bucky are walking away from him. 
Bucky angrily exhales when the truck slows to match their walking pace, over the rumbling of the truck, he shouts, "Just because you have that shield, doesn't mean you’re Captain America."
"Look, I’ve done the work, okay?” John quickly defends. 
“You ever jump on top of a grenade?” Bucky asks, though it's clear to Sam that there's nothing John could say that would win Bucky over. 
“Yeah. Actually, I have. Four times. It’s a thing I do with my helmet, it’s a reinforced helmet. It’s a long story, but it’s 20 miles to the airport. You guys need a ride.” John opens the door again, gesturing for the two men to get in. 
This time, they pause, sharing a silent conversation with knowing, reluctant looks. 
And in spite of the hesitation coursing through their veins, they get in the car.
“So we’ve got eight super-humans on a bulk supply run. Why?” John immediately starts.
Another reason Bucky wishes you were here, you could probably make this car ride from hell just a little bit more bearable. By talking to him, keeping him from killing John, maybe you'd rest your head against his shoulder like you did that one time.
Or maybe you'd actually like John Walker, maybe you'd talk to him, laugh with him.
Bucky grits his teeth, forcing himself to be present for the conversation before he kills John over something that hasn't even happened. 
"They say their mission is to get back things to the way they were during The Blip. Maybe they're just trying to help," Sam replies. 
“They’ve got a funny way of showing it,” Bucky sarcastically retorts.
"But you guys think it was a serum?" John probes. "The Sunshine Serum? I don't get it."
"Inside joke," Bucky harshly repeats, shutting down the question. 
“Look, if it's a serum, we really need to get to the bottom of this as fast as possible. Serums like that don’t exactly have the best track record," John adds, turning to Bucky with a half-heartedly apologetic expression, "No offense."
“We need to figure where they’re going,” Sam redirects. The absolute last thing he wants is John Walker hot on your tail. It would mean all the time and effort spent keeping you hidden and out of the limelight would be pointless. And every precaution and protective measure he and Nick Fury made to keep you safe would be entirely meaningless. “How’d you track them here?”
"Well, we didn't track them. We tracked you. Through Redwing," Lemar sheepishly corrects. 
“You hacked my tech?” Sam fumes.
John chuckles, shrugging apologetically. Once again, the apology is superficial and feeble, upsetting both men even more, “Sorry, but it’s not exactly hacking. It’s government property. We’re kind of the government.”
Bucky's jaw clenches tightly as he stares at the two men sitting across from him. John feels Bucky sizing him up in the tense silence, "Does he always just stare like that?"
"You get used to it," Sam flatly responds. 
“Okay, look, things have gotten kind of…” John trails off, searching for the right word to describe the situation at hand.
“Chaotic,” Lemar offers.
“Exactly, chaotic," John repeats. "The GRC is doing the best they can to get things up and running smoothly, post Blip.”
“Reactivating citizenship, social security, healthcare,” Lemar adds. “Basically just managing resources for the refugees displaced by the return.”
“The Global Repatriation Council does all that," Sam states. "I get it. So why exactly are you two here?”
“Well, they provide the resources, we keep things stable,” Lemar explains.  
“Violent revolutionaries aren’t usually good for anyone’s cause,” John offhandedly quips. 
Sam scoffs, shaking his head, “Usually said by the people with the resources."
“Well, we got a lot of resources. If you guys, if you joined up with us, we could-” John starts proposing.
“No,” Bucky curtly declines, cutting off the offer out of hand.
“I got mad respect for the both of you," Lemar offers. "But you were kinda getting your asses kicked until we showed up."
“And who are you?” Bucky snarks.
“Lemar Hoskins.”
“Look, I see a guy handing out of a helicopter in tactical gear, I need a lot more than Lemar Hoskins,” Sam demands.
“I’m Battlestar. John’s partner,” Lemar clarifies.
“Battlestar?” Bucky scoffs, remembering your words of advice to him in one of the first conversations you'd ever shared. 
"Sunshine?" Bucky gruffly chuckles, repeating Steve's nickname for you. "Very fitting alter-ego."
You laugh, rolling your eyes at him. "It's not an alter ego, just a nickname that Steve won't let go."
"Ah," Bucky nods. "So what is the alter ego?"
"I don't have one. It used to be 'The Asset' but now," you sigh. "Now, I guess I'm just me."
"The Asset?"
You do a lazy two-finger salute, nodding your head once. "SHIELD owned and sanctioned."
Bucky finds himself at a loss for words. Partly because it really does sound terrible. But mostly because he knows exactly how it feels to be reduced to nothing more than a piece of property. "That's... shitty."
"Yeah," you agree, twisting your mouth as though you've just accepted your situation as was is, like you've resigned yourself to the knowledge that it's what you are and will continue you be. Before Bucky can say anything else, ask anymore prying questions, you nudge your shoulder with his, the first time anyone's initiated physical contact with him in a very, very long time, "But just between the two of us, you can't trust people who give themselves super-hero names. Especially bad super-hero names."
"Good advice."
“Stop the car!” Bucky shouts. 
“Look, I get it," John frantically tries to appease Bucky, who's already vacated the truck. "I get the attitude, I do. You didn’t think the shield was gonna end up here, I get it. And I’m- I’m not trying to be Steve. I’m not trying to replace Steve. I’m just trying to be the best Captain America I can be. And it’d be a whole lot easier if I had Cap’s wingmen on my side.”
Sam scoffs, already stepping out of the car. “It’s always that last line.”
The Twin Flame Chapter List AnonymityIsFun Masterlist
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demonsandmischief · 3 years
Come Home To Me Part 2
Marvel - A Sam Wilson Imagine
Sam Wilson x Female Reader
1K Words
Here's Part 1
TFATWS Spoilers Kinda
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-Part 2-
Finding you.
"This place is empty," Sam groaned miserably to Bucky into their earpiece. "I was prepped for full fire fight. It's just an abandoned warehouse."
"It doesn't look like anybody has been here in awhile," Bucky told him. "I've got some old newspapers, but that's about it."
Sam thoroughly went through every room in the basement. It was where you said you'd be, so why weren't you there?
"I'm sorry," Bucky said from behind him.
"I don't understand. Do you think she's okay? Does she even exist?"
It was hard to see Sam like this, a man normally so care-free and easy going. This had really taken a toll on him. It sucked that Bucky didn't have any answers for him.
"Maybe I remembered it wrong." Sam took a shaky breath, a million scenerarios running through his head.
"Hey," Bucky patted his back. "It's going to be okay."
"I'm sorry I dragged you out here, man. I know we don't always get a break." Sam shook his head, running his hand down his face.
"Don't worry about that," Buck said softly, observing the exhausted man in front of him. "Let's get out of here."
Sam stood from where he had been resting on the wall, a piercing pain flooding his temple as his vision went white. His knees buckled, and he released a startled yell.
"Are you okay?" Bucky asked, gripping his arm and helping him up.
"Please hurry."
Sam let out another groan of pain, reaching up to his head, "Do you hear that?"
"What the hell are you talking about?"
"I'm trying to find you, but you're not here," he yelled back to the voice, sending his foot into the wall with frustration.
Bucky furrowed his brows as he watched.
"They knew you were coming. They put me in a van, but didn't lock the door. I can jump out."
"Don't jump. Not until I get close." Sam didn't know how she was talking to him. Bucky was looking at him like he had grown another head.
"They took her in a van."
"I'm not sure I want to believe the man that just had a full ass conversation with himself."
"Shut up."
"You're Captain America?"
"You can see me? Bucky, that's the van, on third street." He said from the sky.
"Sam that street is an exit to the freeway. She's going to have to jump, otherwise other people are going to get caught in the mix. Are the people driving armed?"
"I don't think they'd drive a armored truck like that without some kind of weapon."
"There's two up front and three in the back with me. All with weapons."
The communication caused a dull ache in Sam's head. He was confused and scared. He'd never imagined having to rescue his soul mate, and it added a whole other vulnerability factor.
"How the hell were you planning on jumping if there's three in the back with you?"
"What's the plan, Sam? We're running out of time here."
Sam folding his wings slightly, allowing him to get closer, "You get the back and I'll get the front. On my count."
He knew Bucky never waited for his count. He had already launched himself into the van, yanking on the metal handles that opened up too easily. The doors came right off their hinge, flying into the busy street with sparks and chaos.
"My bad," Bucky yelled, jumping off.
Sam used Redwing to take out the drivers. The vehicle crashed full force into a lamp post with a metallic crunch.
He landed on his feet, eager to see who was inside.
Two large men staggered out disoriented, but, guns raised.
"There must be one still in there. We need to make sure he doesn't try to take off."
Bucky nodded, "I'll deal with these two. You go."
"He's waiting for you. Be careful."
There was a lot of smoke, and a sickening smell of gasoline.
"What exactly does Captain America want with our van," a greasy man sneered, blocking something or someone in the corner.
Sam squinted as his eyes adjusted to the low light. "If I wanted the van, I wouldn't have crashed it."
"You need to draw him out. You can't do anything if she's cornered in there," Bucky told him in his ear.
"My hands are tied, but I can kick him from behind. Let me take him. You grab the gun."
You really wanted to fight. He couldn't help but smile slightly at the eagerness. It was kind of adorable.
"You're a smartass and you need to get out," the man growled, pointing his gun and forcing Sam backwards toward the opening.
The man stumbled forward, and Sam took it as an opportunity to get the weapon. They struggled for a moment, and the triggered was pulled in the process, sending bullets ricocheting off the metal walls like a pinball machine.
"Shit," Sam yelled. He hoped you were okay.
Bucky snapped the gun in half, knocking the guy out in one clean punch. He threw the pieces on the ground. He stared darkly at Sam, silently asking him why he was such an idiot. "Should we be worried about more coming?"
"Yes," you spoke up for the first time. "The warehouse was full of them."
Sam walked hesitantly to the corner. Your hands were tied behind your back and around the seat, preventing you from moving.
"Now I really want to know how you were planning on jumping."
You shrugged with a smile, "I could have figured out a way."
Sam smiled back, working quickly to free your hands. "I'm Sam Wilson."
"Y/N, Y/L/N," you copied. "Thank you for getting me out of here."
He winced when he saw how raw your wrists were. "I have a lot of questions, but let's get going first."
Here's Part 3
Thoughts? I'm not an action writer so I was scared for this.
Tag List: @superwholockruleztheworld @imiiimargo @hiuahoe @idunnomayn @cable-kenobi @nialeesato @bklynxbaby @wolflover384  @mytbel0st @burnalley @heyarely16 @lilithknight1111  @loveyou5everr @yougottalovefandoms @lets-love-little-me @cxlpxrnia @taleah 
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fa-headhoncho · 3 years
Untitled TFATWS Fic: Part 2
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Bucky Barnes x Reader
Prompt/Background: After turning yourself in to the government following the events of CA:TWS, they lock you up for the crimes you committed during your time at Hydra. Spending years there until Captain America got you on parole during the blip to help fight Thanos. Now, after doing community service acts and helping the broken society, when they give the new Captain America the shield, you’re thrown back into a life you didn’t want.
Word Count: 1719
Reader: Female
Warning: parole officers? canon level violence, john walker
Author’s Note: uh, hi. i'm shit at fighting scenes so... Also, slow burn, I'm sorry. I'm a whore for slow burn fics. GIVE ME IDEAS FOR A TITLE PLEASE
Masterlist Part 1 Part 3 Part 4
“So, how’d you end up here?” Walker screams over the loud roaring of the helicopter, trying to make conversation as the pilots drive you where you were going. You roll your eyes at him, did he really not do any research before recruiting you on this mission?
“You’re the one who cut my parole.” You scoff, not looking up to speak to him. You were too busy fiddling with the tactical gloves they gave you. The velcro sticking to the material of the ridiculous suit frustrated you, it was too tight. It matched Battlestar’s, red and blue but yours didn’t have a star on the side and his wasn’t as fitted. “Why did you, exactly? I haven’t been on a real mission since my Hydra days and you bring me into what? Taking down a terrorist organization that we have little to no information on?”
The Captain shakes his head, a small smile slipping onto his face. “You’re a good asset, a great addition to the team I’m building.” He simply answers before looking out of the open door of the copter.
You roll your eyes once again, if he thinks you’ll be a part of his team then he’s really in for it. This was just one favor you were going to do for him before you would be released out into the public again. You owed him this but you weren’t about to become a team with this imposter.
Deciding it would be better to not respond, you just vaguely nod your head. You weren’t about to tell him off in fear that he’d just snap his fingers and have you back into jail for not complying with him.
“They’re right there.” He suddenly gets up and holds onto the tether above for stability. The helicopter carefully lowers as he exits, throwing his shield before hopping down onto the truck.
Standing up, you lean over to get a better look to see who else was fighting. Anger bubbles up as you see Sam being pinned down and Bucky being restrained by masked figures. “You guys didn’t tell me those two were going to be here!” You turn to shout at Battlestar.
The dark-skinned man just shrugs, a sly grin on his face, “You wouldn’t have come.” He merely offers before jumping out and swinging in to help his friend. Letting out a frustrated groan, you follow him.
Using the rope to drop down, you land on the other semi where Sam is. Two of the masked people have him pinned down. They were too distracted with the two landing and throwing the shield around to notice you sneaking up behind one of them.
You swiftly kick right under the back of their knee causing them to fold back slightly. You take the advantage and spin, the roundhouse kick sending them off the side of the trailer. Sam looks up at you from below, a pained expression on his face.
“Oh no, not you too.” He sighs out in which you return with a sad smile. He lets out a groan before turning to deal with the other enemy holding his right arm down. You help him stand up just as Battlestar lands right beside Walker.
“Sam. John Walker, Captain America.” Walker decides this was a good time for introductions and sends the Avenger a salute.
“Lamar Hoskins.” His sidekick steps in after they do their little forearm bang. The two look at you, waiting for you to introduce yourself but you just glare at them.
“And that’s (Y/N) (Y/L/N).” He points to you.
“Yea, we know.” Bucky spits out, side-eyeing you. You don’t even need to look at him to know he was pissed off. The guilt starts to wash over you but you push it down. It wasn’t the time now to talk to him, you needed to focus on taking down these abnormally strong people.
“Looks like you guys can use some help.” The Captain continues before turning and hitting the redhead with his shield. The rest of the Flag Smashers pounce as well. The four that were on your side try to come at you causing Sam to try to fly away. Noticing that they were all targeting Sam, you unhook the bolas from the side of your suits.
Using the rope to swing the balls at the end around, you throw it to wrap around one of the guy’s bodies. It tightens around him and you give it a hard tug, sending him to the floor. They still manage to pull him back down and attack him.
The guy you were fighting grabs the rope and pulls you towards him, you let out a surprised squeal at his strength. You release your grip on the rope before he could tug you down to his level but the person you thought you knocked off wraps his arms around your shoulders.
You struggle against the man, his fingers digging into your shoulders would definitely leave bruises but you didn’t care. It’s been a long time since you’ve been out in the field like this and you were trying to think back to your Hydra training to figure out an escape.
The man you pulled down finally gets up and drags his feet over to you. Behind him you see Bucky jump over and help Sam with the two other Flag Smashers. The man gets close enough and you use the leverage the other has on your upper half to lift your legs and swing them around his neck and jerk your body to the side.
The movement causes the guy to release his hold on you, letting you and his partner fall off the side. You luckily catch the side of the metal, watching the guy roll onto the grass on the side of the road. You turn back to see the other guy hovering above, his foot coming up to step onto your fingers that were gripping on for dear life.
Just as he was about the step on them, you see Sam’s wings hit him off. Letting out a sigh of relief, you pull yourself back onto the roof of the trailer. Sam was still fighting off two of the Flag Smashers but Bucky was nowhere in sight.
Then you hear grunting from below so you peak your head over to see Bucky hanging on by the bottom of the truck with a guy trying to stomp his arm off. Sam seemed to be handling the one person on him so you decide to help the super-soldier first.
“Bucky! Hang on!” You call out to him, looking around to figure out a way to get him safely off the bar.
“That’s what I’m doing!” He yells back while tightening his grip inside of the torn metal.
You watch the new Captain America and Battlestar struggle slightly to keep the soldiers off of them but you weren’t too concern about them, Bucky was your main priority now. Taking out your knives, you throw one at the woman attacking Sam. It slightly stuns her before she rips it out and throws it aside. “Sam! Go get Bucky, I got this.” You demand and he just nods.
The woman turns to you as Sam flies off right before the woman plows through the road sign. She lets out a roar before charging at you. She swings her arm to hit you in the face but you dodge it. It didn’t take a scientist to realize that these people were super-soldiers so you knew that the last thing you wanted to do was take a blow from them.
The years of training with the former Winter Soldier have taught you well for this standoff. She tries to recover from the miss but you elbow her in the ribs making her go off balance for a few seconds. Taking the opportunity, you kick her chest to send her lying on her back.
You walk over the woman, scowling down at her before leaning down and sending a hard punch to her head, knocking her out. You peak over at the other two just as the gunshot goes off. The person behind Battlestar retracts but doesn’t loosen his grip on him. The other takes advantage of Walker being distracted and throws him off the back of the trailer.
The man jumps over to you and tries to wind up a punch but you barely dodge it, tripping over the woman you just knocked out. “Fuck,” You whisper out, eyes flicking from the man in front of you over to Battlestar getting tossed off like a ragdoll. The rest of the group turns to you, seeing you as the last person standing.
They get distracted as the Captain appears again, a sense of hope washes over you but he just gets shit on. They were easily attracted to him since he was the star of the show so they let the one guy handle you. You look straight past him as he takes his time to stalk over to you. These people were cocky and you couldn’t blame them. They just took out four well-known figures, well-known fighters, and were left with you.
It wasn’t an ideal situation and you needed to find a way out. You couldn’t even keep count of the super-soldiers since they kept popping up and you weren’t enhanced enough to take them all on nor were you about to get captured. Seeing the road sign approaching from behind the man sparks an idea in your head.
Making eye contact with the Flag Smasher, you throw your last tool past him. He watches it zoom past his head and looks at the sign approaching. He braces himself for the impact, busting through the metal before whipping back around to look at you. But you weren’t there.
You used your last bola to wrap around the metal bracing and use a steel grip to hold onto your end. Letting out a grunt at the rough pull as the rope drags you off the trailer to hang from the sign. You let out a sigh, watching until the soldiers and trucks are out of view before jumping down onto the ground.
This was a lot more complicated than Walker said it was going to be.
taglist: @crowleysqueenofhell @mischiefmanaged71 @thewinterrbucky @lizajane3 @ahahafudge @spookycereal-s @a-girl-who-loves-disney @kittengirl998
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sanjuno · 3 years
Sanjuno’s Story and Fandom Masterlist
I’m going to pin this list of titles so that people can more easily figure out what they want to vote for each Friday. Anything labelled with Meta, WIP, or Concept can be voted for.
1.1.  Coordinates T by H: Eren’s coordinator abilities allow him to metaphysically bond with other humans, thereby giving everyone in the group the ability to psychically communicate with the rest and also boosting everyone’s healing ability exponentially to be on par with the Titan Shifters. Chaptered, WIP - Posted
2.    BLEACH
2.1. What Happens on Vacation: Crossover with YYH – turns out that Kurosaki Misaki was a senior ferry girl on sabbatical (which translates as living a mortal life unaware of her true nature) and she was late returning to work due to being trapped in Grand Fishers gut. Ichigo and Uryuu are very confused when their “cousin” Kazuma shows up to introduce his new bride to the family. Koenma is just really pissed off by all the paperwork he needs to deal with while cleaning up his father’s mismanaged pet project. Chaptered, WIP - Unposted
3.1.  A Code of Ice and Fire: Crossover with GOT – Lelouch, his two younger siblings, and Lelouch’s most loyal followers are reincarnated into Westeros. Lelouch proceeds to make it his lifelong mission to drive Cersei into frothing fits and strengthens the Baratheon dynasty to the point that even Tywin is impressed by his grandson’s machinations. Then CC shows up with dragons and Ned Stark starts to think that maybe Robert’s onto something with the “drinking to forget” idea. Meta
3.2.  Abandon Thyself: Post-Zero Requiem Suzaku travels back in time to the scene in the Shinjuku Ghettos when the truck explodes. Given that the people closest to him haven’t actually spoken to Suzaku in years, the origins of Suzaku’s obvious mental instability is hilariously misattributed by various outside PoVs. So when Suzaku hits his knees in front of Lelouch, swearing eternal devotion and vowing to make Lelouch the next emperor nobody panics. (They should really reconsider panicking.) Drabbles, Prompt Fill - Posted
3.3.  The Sun Also Rises: At the moment of his death in the Zero Requiem, Lelouch travels back in time to his childhood body. With only a week to go before Marianne is “assassinated by terrorists” Lelouch sets out to rearrange the board in a way none of the other players will see coming until it’s far too late. Lelouch has been given a second chance to make things right, and Lelouch wouldn’t be Lelouch if he didn’t plan big. This time around, Lelouch plans for his victory to be a bit more obvious. Chaptered, WIP - Posted
4.    DCU
4.1.  Time Enough: Terry McGinnis, his little brother Matt, and their dogs are the only members of their timeline to survive because Bruce Wayne was too old to see any more of his sons die in front of him. So they all got knocked out, shoved into an escape capsule, and ejected from the Batman Beyond timeline before it crumbles. Said time pod crashes into the middle of a Red Hood versus Match throw down, and Terry’s Wayne-inherited charisma is so powerful it allows him to banter his way into good graces of both villains. Jason drags them all off to his lair because every single member of the Batfam hoards orphans. Chaptered, WIP - Posted
5.1.  Saiyajin Pride: Alien biology has a larger impact on characterization that it does in canon. Mirai comes back to the main timeline live in sin with Videl and Gohan. Vegeta and Goku deal with some shit that comes from being the last full-blooded members of their species. Then just as things are settling down… Garlic is an idiot who thinks up a loophole in the “can’t wish people dead” rule and wishes Goku and Vegeta’s families straight out of existence and they end up in an entirely different reality. The only upside is that Vegeta finally gets to kill Frieza. Chaptered, WIP - Unposted
6.1.  Flight Of Dragons: Future!Lucy misses her target and ends up landing further back in time, during the same year Natsu and the rest of the Dragon Slayer kids were brought to when they were pulled forward in time.  Fairy Tail luck kicks in, and future!Lucy runs into child!Laxus as he escapes from his father after being fed the Lightning Dragon Lacrima. Laxus is handed a Prophecy and runs with it. Children have never needed Fairy Tales to tell them that Dragons exist, but they certainly help. Chaptered, WIP - Posted
6.2.  My Heart Overflows: Juvia and Grey have finally started dating, but the Fairy Tail Mage Guild has some interesting traditions when it comes to proving the validity of a romantic relationship. Oneshot, Prompt fill - Posted
7.1.  A Velvet Glove: Crossover with TMNT – Leonardo gets summoned to be Louise’s Familiar. Since all of his brothers are dead, Leo sees no reason not to make the most of this “lifelong bond of magic and spirit” and adopts Louise as his little sister. Halgenkia is not prepared for a Louise Francois le Blanc de la Valliere with ninja training. Henrietta is probably far too gleeful over making her best friend her Spymaster, but it’s not like anyone knows enough about what they’re doing to stop her. Reconquista gets exposed and smashed, and Wardes really should have respected his fiancée more. Chaptered, WIP - Posted
8.1.  A Dirge of Ice and Fire: Crossover with GOT – Several members of Avalanche and the Elite Soldiers are reincarnated as the spares and bastards of Westeros’ Great Houses. Given that Rhaenys Targaryen used to be Cid Highwind, the Sack of King’s Landing goes very differently. Meta
8.2.  A Feather’s Weight: Crossover with Naruto – Kakashi and Obito, along with their respective subordinates, are reincarnated in Wutai, and are thus in position to undermine a lot of Hojo’s plans simply by being themselves. Wutai still loses, but by a much smaller margin, and SHIN-RA realizes much too late that Wutai’s “concession” was a trap. Kakashi is a big shiny distraction for Sephiroth, the SOLDIERS revolt, and nobody knows who assassinated President Shinra. Chaptered, WIP - Unposted
8.3.  Antiviral: Woden and Gaia conspire to create antibodies to fight off Jenova’s infection. Cid and Vincent end up bearing the brunt of this decision, get roofied by Divine Intervention, and also end up the Gaian equivalent of demonic werewolves. Also the Planet is transforming all the SOLDIERS into werewolves too, yes, even the dead ones. Chaptered, WIP - Posted
8.4.  For Love Of: Cid Highwind crashes the Tiny Bronco into Lucrecia’s cave, does the metaphysical equivalent of tearing her heart out and eating it to absorb her power, and them proceeds to adopt General Sephiroth as his son because it’s not like anyone can stop him. Cid Highwind does what he wants. Sephiroth does what Mother wants. SHIN-RA soon regrets everything because Cid Highwind is a hell of a lot better at rewriting the social order than Avalanche is. Chaptered, WIP - Posted
8.5.  Hindsight is 20-20: CHAOS decides to rewrite time because they have a massive crush on Cid and they don’t want him to die. CHAOS fumbles the landing and Cid ends up in the body of some weird Lucrecia/Ancient-Cetra-Who-Was-Jenova’s-Host Clone and ends up giving birth to Sephiroth. Things only get worse from there. Chaptered, WIP - Posted
8.6.  Like it Rough: Cid likes Vincent a lot and also has a bit of a kink for scars. Cid walks in on Vincent naked, runs away to hide his raging boner, and Vincent ends up chasing Cid around the airship until he can pin his friend down in the Captain’s bunk because the demons are all drunk on the pheromones. Oneshot - Complete
8.7.  Names of Power: Jenova’s taint getting mixed into the Lifestream has far-reaching consequences, and Avalanche gets tapped to handle the fallout whither they like it or not. Series, WIP - Posted
8.7.1.     Small Packages: The Lifestream meddles in Avalanches lives even after the Planet has been saved. There are clones and ancient powers better off left alone but it’s not like Avalanche ever gets a say in the matter. Chaptered, WIP - Posted
8.7.2.     History Inverted: Jenova isn’t all the way gone and the Planet really doesn’t care if Humanity survives or not as long as the infection is burned away. Aerith shoves the spirits of Avalanche and their children into a new timeline because she doesn’t want to watch their souls get shredded. Avalanche proceeds to mosey along and wreak havoc in the way only they can manage. Chaptered, WIP - Posted
8.8.  To Earn the Sky: Echidna, Mother of Monsters and Heroes, and Jenova, the Calamity From the Skies, are at war. Hojo makes a very big mistake when he uses the Blood of Echidna’s Children in his Revenant Project. Cid Highwind is a good son, and his Mother wants to meet her new Grandchildren. Chaptered, WIP - Posted
9.1.  A Light of Ice and Fire: Crossover with FFVX – Noctis, his Retinue, and the loyal members of the Kingsglaive and Crownsguard are reincarnated into Westeros. Jorah Mormont is Cor Leonis, but Cor Leonis is not Jorah Mormont, and so the Northern Forces are something to fear in Robert’s Rebellion. By the time King Robert visits Winterfell, it will be a very different Northern Kingdom that he finds there. Meta
10.1.               Crossover Fixits to Help Westeros be Less Miserably Doomed: Various casts from other series end up reborn in Westeros and use knowledge from their previous lives to change the Game. Series
10.1.1. An Assemblage of Ice and Fire: Crossover with MCU – Team Iron Man focus, since Tony is reincarnated as Ned Stark. Starks are made of Iron, and Winter is coming. Tony’s genius intellect, knowledge of politics and economics, experience with magic and alternate realities, and the fact that Extremis carried over through his reincarnation and adapted to work with First Man magic means that the Stark siblings who go to the Tourney of Harrenhal are nothing like the canon versions. Rhaegar gets his Stark bride, and he proceeds to regret it for the rest of his life. Meta
10.1.2. A Balance of Ice and Fire: Crossover with SW – Qui-Gon Jinn’s three Padawan Learners and Padme (who got taken in Anakin’s place) are reincarnated as the Tyrell siblings. They proceed to follow the Will of the Force and prepare the Seven Kingdoms to win against the Long Night. Meta
10.1.3. A Code of Ice and Fire: Crossover with CG – Lelouch, his two younger siblings, and Lelouch’s most loyal followers are reincarnated into Westeros. Lelouch proceeds to make it his lifelong mission to drive Cersei into frothing fits and strengthens the Baratheon dynasty to the point that even Tywin is impressed by his grandson’s machinations. Then CC shows up with dragons and Ned Stark starts to think that maybe Robert’s onto something with the “drinking to forget” thing. Meta
10.1.4. A Dirge of Ice and Fire: Crossover with FFVII – Several members of Avalanche and the Elite Soldiers are reincarnated as the spares and bastards of Westeros’ Great Houses. Given that Rhaenys Targaryen used to be Cid Highwind, the Sack of King’s Landing goes very differently. Meta
10.1.5. A Dying Will of Ice and Fire: Crossover with KHR – The Tri-Ni-Sette holders and all those bonded to them are reincarnated into Westeros Noble Houses. Xanxus is born as Robert’s eldest trueborn son and Heir to the Iron Throne, and so all it takes is one look at the Wall to know that there is something to fear on the other side. Tsuna is busy swooning over Arya’s muscles but in-between reciting odes to his amazing betrothed he takes time to tell Nono’s ghost “I told you Xanxus would make the better Heir.” Meta
10.1.6. A Light of Ice and Fire: Crossover with FFVX – Noctis, his Retinue, and the loyal members of the Kingsglaive and Crownsguard are reincarnated into Westeros. Jorah Mormont is Cor Leonis, but Cor Leonis is not Jorah Mormont, and so the Northern Forces are something to fear in Robert’s Rebellion. By the time King Robert visits Winterfell, it will be a very different Northern Kingdom that he finds there. Meta
10.1.7. A Space Between Ice and Fire: Crossover with Naruto WCE ��� The Konoha Founders and their siblings are reincarnated as Starks and Baratheons and manage to save the Realms of Men while resolving their many and varied issues with one another. Meta
10.1.8. A Transformation of Ice and Fire: Crossover with TFG1 – Most of the Cybertronians who died during Unicron’s Awakening end up reincarnated as dragons (Seekers) and Direwolves (Autobots). The sapience of the animals causes significant changes to outcome of several key canon events. Meta
10.2.              Singing In A Different Key: SI is reborn as Jon Snow, who then precedes to Machiavelli the fuck out of the North in preparation for the coming Long Night and also to screw over the Lannisters. Because fuckthe Lannisters. Meta
10.3.               Wolf At The Door: When Ice takes the head of Eddard Stark, Valeryian magic mixes with the Blood of the First Men. It’s wild, uncontrolled, and Ned ends up as a four year old in Winterfell’s Godswood, staring at his reflection in the water. Eddara Stark, second-born child and first-born daughter of Rikard and Lyarra Stark looks back up at him. Ned, fully believing that this is his punishment for failing his family and best friend the first time around, decides to fix the Realm by fulfilling the Pact of Fire and Ice. The thing about being a woman is that no one ever expects you to be a threat, not even other women. The thing about being the Quiet Wolf is that everyone overlooks you until the moment your teeth sink into their throat. Concept
11.1.               Holy Days of Yore: Various celebration themed fic that explore Ban’s backstory as the “With Queen’s Grandson” and bring a bit more of that old black magic into the Get Backer’s lifestyle. Series
11.1.1. Lupercalia: Ban gets a magic matchmaker box in the mail and everyone wears their heart on their sleeve for Valentine’s Day. Oneshot - Posted
11.1.2. Oeastre: Ban gets roped into being the master of ceremonies for Maria’s coven and Easter gets interesting. (Everyone makes like bunnies.) Oneshot - Posted
12.1.               The Other Side of the River: One of the Jagermonsters manages to catch wind of Lucrecia’s plans and absconds with Klaus Barry during the confusion caused by the first explosion. This understandably causes some disruption in everyones plans when KB and his nanny run into Agatha during her time with the Circus. WIP - Unposted
12.2.               Threefold Path: Agatha, Gil, and Tarvek get their brains booted back in time during the si vales valeo and decided to run away and join the circus until they’re old enough to take over the world properly. WIP - Unposted
13.1.               Mistakes and Misdemeanors: Heero was on blockers for the entire war due to a series of implants, which did no favours to his mental health. When the implants run out Heero gets run over by a hormone train and absolutely nobody knows how to handle that. Chaptered, WIP – Posted (Under Revision)
14.1.               Black As His Name: Sirius Back lives! Because the Veil dumps his mind-and-soul into the empty body of his younger self in a world where Walburga Black lost it on her eldest son much earlier in life and Sirius was tortured until he was left brain-dead. Arcturus Black is pissed off over the treatment of one of his Heirs and since Sirius’ magic is still intact, names Sirius the Heir to House Black and proceeds to hold the Heirship over everybody’s heads for spite for as long as Sirius continues to “live”. Everyone in the Black Family is very surprised when the annual shaming ritual disguised as Sirius’ birthday party is crashed. By none other than the birthday boy himself. Sirius rolls with it and becomes a True Black in the most Marauder manner possible. WIP - Unposted
14.2.               Black Hunt Under Bloody Skies: Crossover with KHR – Regulus and Sirius both end up dumped into KHR because Death owes them a favour on its Master’s behalf. Things start to get weird after the Arcobaleno curse is broken. Regulus is actually Skull and Sirius is his Sky and they confuse the entire Mafia so much. WIP - Unposted
15.1.               A Jump To The Left Behind: Post game reality has all the races living in a Galactic Republic, and the Troll Ancestors and Human Guardians all need to team up in order to solve the mystery of the planetoid-sized meteor that just barreled into the middle of their busiest spacelane because their names are written all over it. In the process of exploring the meteor they accidently wake up the Players and Sprites. Chaos ensues. Concept
15.2.               Pandora’s Final Gift: A mermaid AU where a Deep Old One gives Eridan (and only Eridan) the memories of his Game Player Self as a lark. Eridan hits the level cap for his current reality, freaks out, saves Sollux’s life, and then absconds as far away from the center of the Empire as he can get. Concept
16.1.              Hunter’s Moon: The standard “Demon Mating Season” idea that draws on the infectious nature of demon energy in the Sengoku Jidai and runs with it. Everyone over the age of eighteen gets some. Kagome gets to go home and take a nap. Chaptered, WIP – Posted (Under Revision)
16.2.              Cry Wolf: Playing straight with the crack concept that Inuyasha and Kouga were betrothed as children. Kagome isn’t in the picture because she got yeeted back to her own time when the Shikon no Tama got purified. Chaptered, WIP – Posted (Under Revision)
17.1.               A Dying Will of Ice and Fire: Crossover with GOT – The Tri-Ni-Sette holders and all those bonded to them are reincarnated into Westeros Noble Houses. Xanxus is born as Robert’s eldest trueborn son and Heir to the Iron Throne, and so all it takes is one look at the Wall to know that there is something to fear on the other side. Tsuna is busy swooning over Arya’s muscles but in-between reciting odes to his amazing betrothed he takes time to tell Nono’s ghost “I told you Xanxus would make the better Heir.” Meta
17.2.               Black Hunt Under Bloody Skies: Crossover with HP – Regulus and Sirius both end up dumped into KHR because Death owes them a favour on its Master’s behalf. Things start to get weird after the Arcobaleno curse is broken. Regulus is actually Skull and Sirius is his Sky and they confuse the entire Mafia so much. WIP - Unposted
17.3.               Burning Salt Water: Crossover with OP – Xanxus gets dumped onto the Oro Jackson during the Pirate King’s last voyage when Nono’s Zero Point goes sideways and he ends up adopted by Rouge and Roger while he heals. After the execution Xanxus ends up raising the ASL trio to take over the Pirate Throne and Ace sets the Moby Dick on fire when Whitebeard kidnaps him. Meta, WIP - Unposted
17.4.               Cat’s Paws: Uri has seen enough Time Travel bullshit to know how it works, and so when Hayato gets himself killed she grabs his soul and flings herself backwards in time because fuck the timeline this is her human and he’s not allowed to abandon her again. The other Box Animals think it’s a great idea and do the same with their humans, and this results in the kind of alternate timeline that gives Byakuran a headache. In other words, Uri creates a timeline where Flame Actives are a lot more Alien than they used to be and now everyone thinks Youkai and other myths are real. Chapters, WIP - Posted
17.5.               Fire Shall Waken: All of Nono’s sons are still alive when the Cradle Affair happens and it results in the entire 10th Generation gathering up their Harmonies, rolling Xanxus into a blanket burrito, and taking off to Japan under assumed names where they proceed to spend the next eight years coddling Tsuna and being spoiled rotten by Nana in return. Meta
17.6.               Gremlins Della Varia: Mammon’s experiments with the Curse have had some odd side effects on the Varia. It all comes out during the Ring Battles and the other Arcobaleno are Judging You, Viper. Oneshot, Prompt Fill - Posted
17.7.               Karma, and the Repercussions Thereof: Crossover with Naruto. Legendary Ninja from the Elemental Countries get reincarnated into KHR and proceed to adopt all the Magic Rainbow Fire Children. Nono and Iemitsu suffer. Series, WIP
17.7.1. Karmic Balance: Kakashi and Obito are ninja married from the very start because of metaphysical bonding and some minor haunting during their last lives. Between Ninshu Shinobi needing to be in Clans and Flame Actives needing to be in Harmonies it does not take long before the child stealing begins. Gokudera Kakashi is the best wife and Dokuro Obito repents, repeatedly and often, while also having the time of his second life. Tsuna loves his Kakashi-sensei and wants to be just like him when he grows up. Chaptered, WIP - Posted
17.7.2. Karmic Justice: Madara and his brothers are reborn as Fon’s nephews and do not take kindly to the Arcobaleno curse being put on one of their relatives. The Hibari Clan proceeds to start hunting for the Man in the Iron Man en mass. Madara and his brothers hit Namimori during Nono’s visit and witness the sealing of Tsunayoshi. They don’t take well to this either. Things go worse for Tsuna than they do in canon and Madara hunts down Tobirama because he needs the resurrection to be done perfectly. Tsuna loves his Madara-shishou and wants to be just like him when he grows up. Oneshot - Posted      Karmic Justice – Hubris: Madara comes across Xanxus in the ice while investigating the Vongola and despite Xanxus being a bit older than the usual target for child stealing decides to steal him anyway. After resurrecting Tsuna, Madara and Tobirama’s next project is defrosting Xanxus. Concept      Karmic Justice – Providence: Madara finds Xanxus on the streets while hunting in Italy for the Man in the Iron Mask. Wrath Flame calls to Wrath Flame and Madara instantly adopts the delightfully savage little boy. Then Namimori happens, and Tsuna’s seal gets him temporarily killed, and Xanxus reaches 100-year-vengance-plot levels of overprotective big brother. WIP - Unposted
17.8.               Music of the Spheres: Crossover with SM – Post Stars Usagi and Post Vongola Inheritance Tsuna are cousins who meet for the first time ever only after the Vongola’s enemies kidnap Ikkuko and Shingo. Usagi gets taken into protective custody by her Mafia relatives without being given the chance to say she doesn’t need it. Usagi then proceeds to seduce all the women, charm all the men, and accidently throw Iemitsu out the nearest window every time he’s in the same room she is. Chaptered, WIP - Posted
17.8.1. MotS - Celestial Chorus: Chibiusa’s arrival has Usagi dragging her family to Namimori to prove that Chibiusa isn’t their cousin and things get wildly out of hand. Meta
17.8.2. MotS - Sing In Exaltation: The Shingo from The Sharp Knife Of A Short Life hears the name of his ‘cousin in Namimori’ and immediately begins to meddle. Meta
17.9.               Overlooking the Obvious: They say that to truly know someone you need to walk a mile in their shoes. The adage is proven true rather dramatically when a misappropriated Possession Bullet ends up switching Gokudera and Hibari into each other’s bodies. Oneshot, Prompt Fill - Posted
17.10.           Reach For The Sky: Kamen Rider Sora and his team are the protectors of Namimori against the invasion of Youma from the dark dimension. Reborn shows up to tutor the last remaining Vongola Heir and ends up in the middle of a longstanding battle against the Forces of Evil. Does the World Greatest Hitman have what it takes to guide the mysterious masked Rider towards his true strength? Stay tuned to find out! Drabbles, Prompt Fill - Posted
17.11.           When the Nightingale Sings: Sky Flames are Dragons, and when a Sky is Sealed they turn into True Dragons once said Seal breaks. Tsuna has the Best Treasures Ever. Reborn is confused but willing to roll with it. Hayato needs to do all the research. Drabbles, Prompt Fill - Posted
17.12.           Where the Sky Meets the Sea: Crossover with OP – The ASL Trio are reborn as Sawada Tsunayoshi’s younger brothers, and the Will of D means they remember everything. Sawada Iemitsu might once have been Akagami no Shanks and despite lacking his memories knows better than to keep secrets from his wife. (Iemitsu does keep a lot of secrets from Nono, such as the fact that he has more than one son.) Iemitsu redirects Xanxus’ attention to the Family traitors, Nono never meets Tsuna, and nobody gets sealed. Then Reborn shows up, and everything is now on fire. Oneshot, Prompt Fill - Posted
18.1.              The Needs Of Our Natures: Wolfram decides to prove exactly how much his mother’s son he really is and seduces Yuuri. Wolfram seduces Yuuri like it’s his job. (Yuuri likes it.) WIP - Unposted
19.1.               An Assemblage of Ice and Fire: Crossover with GOT – Team Iron Man focus, since Tony is reincarnated as Ned Stark. Starks are made of Iron, and Winter is coming. Tony’s genius intellect, knowledge of politics and economics, experience with magic and alternate realities, and the fact that Extremis carried over through his reincarnation and adapted to work with First Man magic means that the Stark siblings who go to the Tourney of Harrenhal are nothing like the canon versions. Rhaegar gets his Stark bride, and he proceeds to regret it for the rest of his life. Meta
19.2.               Iron Laced: Crossover with TMNT – Maria Carbonell was actually Oroku Karai in disguise because she was on vacation from being a member of the Council of Shadows. Karai and all the Turtles accessed magic ninja dragon powers when they took over the Council and Karai-as-Maria passed that down to Tony. So Tony is actually a dragon and an encounter with the Enchantress leaves him locked in his dragon form. WIP - Unposted
19.3.               Miles To Go: Post-MCU Civil War almost-Time Travel where Tony grieves so hard he sends an Extremis injector capsule to the year before the Winter Soldier murdered his parents. Said capsule lands in front of a wasted 15-year-old Tony in the aftermath of a frat party. Cue the face hugger scene. Tony gets an Extremis upgrade about 30 years ahead of schedule and it’s the only reason he survives the memory download without his brain turning into mush. WIP - Unposted
19.4.               Perception: Instead of killing Scott in X3, Dark Phoenix instead fixes the brain damage that prevented him from controlling his optic blasts and then shunts him trough time an space. Scott wakes up 18-years-old in Stryker’s lab and proceeds to hijack Wolverine’s rampage so that they can both escape. James Howlett is impressed, and Cyclops hates everything but especially time travel because it ruins all his fallback plans. Chaptered, WIP - Posted
20.1.               A Feather’s Weight: Crossover with FFVII – Kakashi and Obito, along with their respective subordinates, are reincarnated in Wutai, and are thus in position to undermine a lot of Hojo’s plans simply by being themselves. Wutai still loses, but by a much smaller margin, and SHIN-RA realizes much too late that Wutai’s “concession” was a trap. Kakashi is a big shiny distraction for Sephiroth, the SOLDIERS revolt, and nobody knows who assassinated President Shinra. WIP - Unposted
20.2.               A Space Between Ice and Fire: Crossover with GOT – The Konoha Founders and their siblings are reincarnated as Starks and Baratheons and manage to save the Realms of Men while resolving their many and varied issues with one another. Meta
20.3.               A Widening Gyre: Rin survives the Chidori and her existence is now an S-class secret. Said S-class secret distracts Obito on his way to ambush Kushina’s labour and several different chase scenes take place. They all end up in the ROOT base made from one of Tobirama’s old labs and instead of Kyuubi getting loose Team Ro, the Fourth Hokage’s team of bodyguards, Obito, Anko, and all of ROOT plus Danzo himself get dumped into the Warring Clans Era. Obito kills Danzo in a panic when he realizes that taking the Bijuu means killing Rin, Kakashi sacrifices himself again, and there is a lot more running around. Kakashi suborns ROOT en masse, Obito is stupidly overpowered and homicidal but it’s okay because Kakashi is playing damsel in distress and distracting him. The Senju and the Uchiha are all really confused by these kids, there are far too many mistaken identities, and Konoha gets founded much earlier than in canon. Meta
20.4.               According to Custom: Hashirama and Madara should not be left unsupervised (that’s why Mito and Touka tend to lurk nearby when they have tea together) because it causes them to get Brilliant Ideas. This time they decide to make friends with one another’s little brothers. How Madara went from being “nice” to Tobirama to courting the oblivious younger Senju is still something of a mystery, but there are several bets riding on when Tobirama is going to realize what’s going on. Oneshot, Prompt Fill - Posted
20.5.               Around the River Bend: Tobirama feels Itama die and runs to the river to mourn. Quite predictably he meets Madara there, and the course of History changes. Oneshot, Prompt Fill - Posted
20.6.               Colours and Promises: Set a decade after the Evil has been defeated and life returned to normal, Tobirama (once the magical superhero Dragon) is still living with the side effects of sacrificing everything to save the world while he was still a teenager. Notes on a piano, and a familiar voice singing a familiar song. Tobirama finds Madara (once the magical superhero Phoenix) and finally gets to enjoy his victory. Love can be killed, but it never dies, only ever taking on new shapes as we move on with our lives. Oneshot, Prompt Fill - Posted
20.7.               Dare Not Speak Its Name: Madara is Demi as all get out aka Madara’s a virgin with a shy dick. Also known as the AU where Madara proposes marriage to Tobirama for the sake of peace and the children. The only reason Izuna approves is because the thought of Tobirama suffering a lifetime of blueballs is hilarious to him. Meta
20.8.               Heavy as the Mountain: Team 7 is losing the fight against Kaguya, but Obito and Kakashi perform a last-minute sacrifice that means the kids survive. It also causes them all to be de-aged by over a decade and thrown back in time to the Warring Clans Era. Kakashi and Obito die, Team 7 gets adopted by presumably-Hatake Kanna, then a few years later they run into Uchiha Izuna and it all descends into chaos. (Team 7 takes total advantage of everything to get their revenge on Zetsu and maybe fix some of Konoha’s longstanding issues at the same time.)  Oneshot, Prompt Fill – Posted
20.8.1. Crumble To The Sea: The adventures of time travelling Team 7 as they get adopted by the Uchiha Clan, arrange to make Izuna’s life miserable until he proves worthy of courting their An-chan, and get aggressively mother-henned by Uchiha Madara. (The last one came as a bit of a surprise.) Kurama ends up adopting the Uchiha Clan because he likes frustrating Zetsu, and Team 7 appreciates the extra time to grow taller before they need to go weed whacking. Concept
20.9.               In Konoha We Dance: The Uchiha Clan has a tradition of belly dancing and it fixes everything that was wrong with Konoha in canon. Series
20.9.1. O-Bon Appetite: Thanks to his dance training Izuna manages the core control to dodge Tobirama’s sword enough to avoid a fatal wound and Konoha starts off on more equal footing. Tobirama then walks into a traditional Uchiha celebration and his brain shuts off. Oneshot, Prompt Fill - Posted
20.9.2. Hot Like Burning: Kushina drags Minato to the Uchiha Police Office Party so she can make time with Mikoto and there is so much skin, Minato was not emotionally prepared for this. Fugaku takes advantage of the Yondaime’s weakness as only an Uchiha can and the glorious ‘ship FuMiKuMi sets sail. Oneshot, Prompt Fill - Posted
20.9.3. Got This Fire Burning: Overnight shifts at the Mission Desk gets boring. Konoha ninja like to dance, because dancing isn’t boring. Kakashi shows them all how it’s done when a member of Team 7 hits it. Oneshot, Prompt Fill - Posted
20.10.           Karma, and the Repercussions Thereof: Crossover with KHR – Legendary Ninja from the Elemental Countries get reincarnated into KHR and proceed to adopt all the Magic Rainbow Fire Children. Nono and Iemitsu suffer. Series - WIP
20.10.1.                Karmic Balance: Kakashi and Obito are ninja married from the very start because of metaphysical bonding and some minor haunting during their last lives. Between Ninshu Shinobi needing to be in Clans and Flame Actives needing to be in Harmonies it does not take long before the child stealing begins. Gokudera Kakashi is the best wife and Dokuro Obito repents, repeatedly and often, while also having the time of his second life. Tsuna loves his Kakashi-sensei and wants to be just like him when he grows up. WIP, Chaptered - Posted
20.10.2.                Karmic Justice: Madara and his brothers are reborn as Fon’s nephews and do not take kindly to the Arcobaleno curse being put on one of their relatives. The Hibari Clan proceeds to start hunting for the Man in the Iron Man en mass. Madara and his brothers hit Namimori during Nono’s visit and witness the sealing of Tsunayoshi. They don’t take well to this either. Things go worse for Tsuna than they do in canon and Madara hunts down Tobirama because he needs the resurrection to be done perfectly. Tsuna loves his Madara-shishou and wants to be just like him when he grows up. Oneshot - Posted  Karmic Justice – Hubris: Madara comes across Xanxus in the ice while investigating the Vongola and despite Xanxus being a bit older than the usual target for child stealing decides to steal him anyway. After resurrecting Tsuna, Madara and Tobirama’s next project is defrosting Xanxus. Concept  Karmic Justice – Providence: Madara finds Xanxus on the streets while hunting in Italy for the Man in the Iron Mask. Wrath Flame calls to Wrath Flame and Madara instantly adopts the delightfully savage little boy. Then Namimori happens, and Tsuna’s seal gets him temporarily killed, and Xanxus reaches 100-year-Xanatos-Gambit-vengance-plot levels of overprotective big brother. WIP - Unposted
20.11.           Look the Innocent Flower: Orochimaru gets the Hat instead of Minato because instead of working for Danzo he creates his Baby-no-Jutsu (the same one that produced Rogu and Mitsuki) and that’s how Orochimaru accidently turns Tenzo into the Orochimaru-and-Tsunade lovechild while field testing some gene-splicing adoption techniques. Sarutobi is so delighted by all the babies he names Orochimaru his successor without any further debate. Konoha proceeds to become a somewhat androgynous, gender-fluid utopia full off affectionate, friendly people who only want you for your body. Orochimaru refuses to allow hypocrisy in his Konoha and loyalty to ones comrades is not only encouraged, it’s enforced. Meta
20.12.           Negotiation is an Artform: Remix of The Art of Negotiation by Kage88 – Konoha’s Founders take a trip to Uzushio and the Uzumaki are annoyingly persistent in their attentions, even when said attentions are unwanted. Tobirama’s political savvy is not to be underestimated, and Tobirama’s just as ridiculously overprotective of his loved ones as his relatives are of him. Bitchy pining resolves into dating, and the only reason Tobirama lets Hashirama get away with betting on his love life is because Hashirama was the only one who had faith in Tobirama making the first move. Oneshot, Fandom Exchange Fill - Complete
20.13.           No Evil Abolishing Resentment System: Post Kaguya’s return, Madara gets bound by a System determined to help Madara turn all his Resentment Level into Love Points via a quick transmigration plot. Transmigrator!Madara gets to kiss-kiss fall in love with Reincarnator!Tobirama 55 times in a row. I promise that all the gratuitous makeout sessions are plot relevant. Meta
20.14.           Only Fools Rush In: Also known as the Uchiha Get Catnipped AU – the scene of Rin’s suicide is a few seconds off from canon and this not only results in Rin remaining alive, but Obito is also welcomed back to life so enthusiastically by his teammates that his Makengyou spontaneously manifests. A year or so later, Danzo attempts to use an experimental drug to weaken the Uchiha Clan enough for ROOT to have an easy time killing them and/or an excuse for eradicating the entire Clan. Only the drug is a happy-making drug that has every single member of the Clan manifest the Makengyou and immediately run off to snuggle their friends, family, and sundry other precious people. Meta
20.15.           Red in Hand and Claw: Madara has Raptor Summons. This fact is significantly more terrifying than anyone outside of the Uchiha Clan is really aware of. Oneshot, Prompt Fill - Posted
20.16.           Roads Diverged: Kakashi from a Darker-Than-Canon AU ends his fight with Obito with mutual destruction, and as they both lay dying Kakashi confesses to having always loved Obito. Obito being Obito and therefore unholy levels of Extra even for an Uchiha, proceeds to use Edo Tensai on Team 7 in order to heal Kakashi and then fling him through dimensions until he lands in a Lighter-Than-Canon AU where Kakashi sees Rin in time to avoid hitting her with the Chidori. Things spiral from there. Chaptered, WIP - Posted
20.17.           Spite And Fury: A crossover with the “Original Goods” Proud Immortal Demon Way from Scum Villains Self-Saving System – Uchiha Madara and Shen Jiu get combined into a single person and Cang Qiong is not ready for this much concentrated asshole. Too bad for them, the new-and-improved Shen Qingqui is here to stay. Meta
20.18.           That We Answer to Our Stars: Crossover with SW – Kaguya’s reality warp has some strange side effects to the point of ridiculousness. All the Uchiha to ever exist are resurrected and then dumped wholesale onto an alien deathworld that is essentially what Training Ground 44 would be if it was allowed to cover an entire planet. The Uchiha proceed to seduce the Jedi and foil all of Palpatine’s plans for galactic domination. Meta, Chaptered WIP - Posted
20.19.           The Memory Remains: Canon divergence via the reincarnation of Uchiha Izuna, his wife Kanna, and Senju Touka as Uchiha Obito, Hatake Kakashi, and Nohara Rin. Yes, they retained all their memories. Yes, Konoha is going to suffer for its sins against the children. Yes, this is going to end in a Team Minato threesome. Meta
20.20.           The Thin Line: Kakashi loses patience with the Sandaime when no appreciable action is taken to remove Danzo from power even after Kakashi literally reports to Sarutobi’s face that he was ordered by Danzo to assassinate the Third Hokage. So Kakashi crashes an Uchiha Clan meeting and asks them to run away with him and his cute little brothers to a lovely tropical Island. Cue the Uchiha Exodus That Fucks Over Canon. Kakashi and the Uchiha Clan proceed to re-found Uzushio and collect a few S-class missing nin along the way. Meta, WIP - Unposted
20.21.           The Waters and the Wild: The Senju are High Court Fae, and the Uchiha are Wild Hunt Shapeshifters. Tobirama attempts to interrupt Hashirama and Madara during their riverside meeting, only it backfires when he realizes that Madara is his Soulmate. Also the Uchiha are “clothing optional” and Tobirama was not emotionally prepared for this. Oneshot, Prompt Fill – Posted
20.22.           To Linger In Dreams: After Kaguya takes over his body Madara gets yeeted out of reality into the Void. An eldritch Void god takes an interest in Madara and chucks Madara into a Magic Fantasy AU and Madara is even more not-Human than he was before. Also known as that really fucked up AU with cursed ABO dynamics. Meta
20.23.           Truth in Hyperbole: Shinobi are what happen when Aliens and Humans have kids, Bloodline Talents are what happens when Kami and Youkai ancestry gets added to the pot. Most of the time Shinobi stay mostly Human. Sometimes they don’t. Sometimes they really don’t. Series - WIP
20.23.1.                Blood Price: Tobirama wakes up after being killed and proceeds to resurrect his little brothers and Madara’s little brothers. Tobirama would resurrect Madara too but Madara had already managed to resurrect himself. Oneshot, Comm. Fill - Posted
20.23.2.                Still Waters Run: The Sage of Six Paths gets his ass kicked by his ex-wife, his daughter-in-law, and Tobirama’s mother. Oneshot, Prompt Fill - Posted
20.23.3.                A Thing With Feathers: Madara’s side of the story of their transformation into minor kami. Oneshot, Prompt Fill - Posted
20.23.4.                Come Away: Zetsu is targeting Obito in another attempt to create the Rinnegan. Kakashi has his first “near death” experience and Obito is not amused at all. Neither is Rin. Team 7 is overprotective and codependent regardless of the generation in question. Oneshot, Prompt Fill - Posted
20.23.5.                Quoth the Raven: Danzo’s schemes got him chased out of Konoha to escape execution, and he invades during the Chunin Exams in order to get his revenge. Summoning Tobirama using the Edo Tensai was probably not the best plan. Oneshot, Prompt Fill - Posted
20.24.           Tsukumogami No Kankurou: While he is still very young, Kankurou signs a Summons contract with the Tsukumogami (aka the Muppet Theater Troupe) and then proceeds to interrupt Yashamaru’s “attack” on Gaara while simultaneously wreaking havoc across the entirety of Sunagakure. All of this is done to get back at Rasa for not letting Kankurou play with his baby brother. The Middle Child Syndrome is strong in this one. Never underestimate the power of petty spite. Oneshot, Prompt Fill - Posted
20.25.           Twice is Happenstance: As a side effect of the battle against Kaguya breaking through dimensions, the ghosts of the Uchiha Clan send their memories as far back as possible. On the eve of his younger brother’s assassinations, Uchiha Madara wakes up with memories of being Indra and Sasuke. All the Uchiha have memories of their past and future lives combining with their current selves, and it causes something of a fracas while it gets sorted out. Cue the Uchiha Exodus That Fucks Over Canon. Oneshot - Posted
20.25.1.                Enemy Action: The building of Uchihatlantis, the knockback effects of remembering more than one lifetime, and what happens when the Uchiha start to go back out into the world in order to hunt down their spouses and mess up Zetsu’s plans. Meta
20.26.           Two Steps Back: Retired Rokudaime Hatake Kakashi accidently has his first vacation ever interrupted when he visits the Uzushiogakure ruins and gets slingshot back an incarnation or two due to triggering a derelict seal. Kakashi being Kakashi, he proceeds to continue with his vacation until he has a drunken bar hookup with Uchiha Izuna and now the beloved younger brother of Uchiha “I-can-fight-five-armies-and-win” Madara is stalking Kakashi in order to recite (hilariously awful) poetry about the beauty of Kakashi’s kenjutsu. This is not the retirement Kakashi signed up for. Drabbles, Prompt Fills – Posted
20.26.1.     TSB – And a Jump To The Left: The epic courtship confusion which descends upon the Land of Fire when the Time-Travelling King of Trolls and an Angry Weasel Brat attempt to out-romance each other. Meta
20.27.           Two Truths and a Lie: Mikoto and Kushina have been fake!dating for years to keep the more annoying Uchiha relatives from trying to get her married off. It’s a brilliant plan, and it works perfectly. But times change, and Kushina’s eyes are very pretty. Oneshot, Prompt Fill - Posted
20.28.           Wills of Fire and Conquest: Crossover with OP – Kakashi is Rouge’s little brother and ends up raising the ASL trio while also searching for other reincarnated shinobi. Obito and the rest of Akatsuki become the Red Dawn Pirates and Kakashi eventually founds a new Uzushiogakure on the Red Line. Ace decides he wants to be the Nidaime Uzukage, and Whitebeard accidently insults Ace’s mother so badly during the “recruitment” debacle that Ace spends 100 days trying to beat an apology out of the arrogant old goat. Shinobi-versus-pirate culture clash is frequent and hilarious. WIP - Unposted
20.29.           Worth of a Thousand Words: Political Hostage!Tobirama gets caught by the Uchiha just before he manages to use Hiraishin in battle for the first time. The Uchiha are all sensors that use Ninshu techniques otherwise since lost to time to communicate among themselves. This results in a much more united Uchiha Clan who are perfectly willing to let Madara push for a peace treaty with the Senju now that Tobirama’s capture has given them the leverage to do so. Meta
21.1.               1001 Demonic Nights: An AU Rikuo who was dragged into Yomi along with his Hakkai Yakko during the battle against the Nue manages to escape from hell by jumping into an alternate reality where his mother Wakana had a threesome with Rihan and Otome. Wakana left to take over her family shrine without telling her lovers that she was pregnant. The Rikuo who was born as a result died as an infant from the Nue’s curse on Nurarihyon’s bloodline. Both Rikuo and Otome’s daughter were conceived on the same night and are both half-demons due to Rihan shifting forms for kinky species-play. WIP - Unposted
22.1.               Burning Salt Water: Crossover with KHR – Xanxus gets dumped onto the Oro Jackson during the Pirate King’s last voyage when Nono’s Zero Point goes sideways and he ends up adopted by Rouge and Roger while he heals. After the execution Xanxus ends up raising the ASL trio to take over the Pirate Throne and Ace sets the Moby Dick on fire when Whitebeard kidnaps him. WIP – Unposted
22.2.               How Far I’ll Go: Roger had other lovers before he met Rouge and one of them was a Fishwife that he met at a Peacemoot. Their daughter was a mermaid and thus needed to remain on Fishman Island for her own safety. The World Government is so Human-centric that they don’t bother looking into any of Roger’s lady friends from the other races. Gol D Ann gives no shits about anybodies prejudices and when her mixed up genetics mean her feet come in about 20 years early she immediately takes off to track down her baby brother. Goldfish is Luffy’s favourite sibling and Ann is delighted to find three baby brothers for the price of one. WIP - Unposted
22.3.               Rumour, Slander, Hearsay: Garp is even worse at interpersonal communication than in canon and now the entire Marine fleet thinks that Monkey D Dragon is an oversexed degenerate who keep dumping his illegitimate spawn on his poor heroic father’s doorstep. Otherwise known as Dragon adopts ASL and they seek a glorious Revolution. Meta
22.4.               Those Who Favour Fire: Ace survives Marineford, even if only in spirit, because the Goddess of the Sea answered the prayer of another version of Ace. Waking up in the place of his 17-year-old murdered doppelganger, Ace now has to deal with raising a 7-year-old Luffy and escaping the notice of the Marines. Oh, and his murdered younger self is hanging around as a ghost, all the younger versions of Luffy’s crewmates keep showing up on Ace’s boat, and Ace keeps getting tripped up over how much more horrible this world is compared to the one he came from. Chaptered WIP - Posted
22.5.               Where the Sky Meets the Sea: Crossover with KHR – The ASL Trio are reborn as Sawada Tsunayoshi’s younger brothers, and the Will of D means they remember everything. Sawada Iemitsu might once have been Akagami no Shanks and despite lacking his memories knows better than to keep secrets from his wife. (Iemitsu does keep a lot of secrets from Nono, such as the fact that he has more than one son.) Iemitsu redirects Xanxus’ attention to the Family traitors, Nono never meets Tsuna, and nobody gets sealed. Then Reborn shows up, and everything is now on fire. Oneshot, Prompt Fill - Posted
22.6.               Wildfire Hearts: Ace goes back in time from his death to the Grey Terminal Fire, figures out how to use natural fire to heal himself, saves child!Ace and child!Luffy, changes his name to Portgas D Riot, runs away to the Grand Line with his baby brothers, puts together a new pirate crew, and hits on Marco so hard the Phoenix forgets how to complete his sentences. Everything works out for the better. Oneshot, Prompt Fill - Posted
22.6.1. WH – Heave A Sigh And A Wish For Me: SI-Clearfin Lionfish Mermaid named Occhio D Vittoria gets tapped in by the Ocean Goddess to help Riot et al from Wildfire Hearts succeed in their adventures.Oneshot, Prompt Fill – Posted
22.6.2. WH – Today Is The Day Of Reckoning: Riot is gathering up his new crew, forming the Anarchy Pirates, dealing with Garp, seducing Marco the Pheonix, and discovering that Sabo survived when his little brothers gatecrash a Revolutionary Army mission. Meta
22.7.               Wills of Fire and Conquest: Crossover with Naruto – Kakashi is Rouge’s little brother and ends up raising the ASL trio while also searching for other reincarnated shinobi. Obito and the rest of Akatsuki become the Red Dawn Pirates and Kakashi eventually founds a new Uzushio on the Red Line. Ace decides he wants to be the Nidaime Uzukage, and Whitebeard accidently insults Ace’s mother so badly during the “recruitment” debacle that Ace spends 100 days trying to beat an apology out of the arrogant old goat. Shinobi-versus-pirate culture clash is frequent and hilarious. WIP - Unposted
23.1.               Event Horizons: Leon isn’t human, and that changes things in the aftermath of the confrontation with Papa D. Count D wants to unravel the mystery of his favourite Detective, and Leon is starting to wake up. Hopefully they both find the knowledge they’re looking for before it’s too late and their enemy finds them. Chaptered WIP – Posted (Under Revision)
24.1.              The Hero Of His Own Story: When Green Oak is replaced as the Kanto Champion less than a full 24 hours after winning the title, he runs. Right into a Celebi that was looking for an assistant. Green Oak gets over his bullshit really fast because oh shit that’s an Angry Legendary. Green is also supremely unimpressedwith Red’s bullshit when he learns that Red was supposed to be dealing with all the world-saving events but is instead hiding in a depression cave. Meta
25.1.               From Olympus to Mu: The Senshi go to college and Mamoru reunites with the Shitennou. Basis of headcanons and characterization for any further post-canon SM fic. WIP - Unposted
25.2.               Music of the Spheres: Crossover with KHR – Post Stars Usagi and Post Vongola Inheritance Tsuna are cousins who meet for the first time ever only after the Vongola’s enemies kidnap Ikkuko and Shingo. Usagi gets taken into protective custody by her Mafia relatives without being given the chance to say she doesn’t need it. Usagi then proceeds to seduce all the women, charm all the men, and accidently throw Iemitsu out the nearest window every time he’s in the same room she is. Chaptered WIP - Posted
25.2.1. MotS – Celestial Chorus – MotS Spinoff AU: Chibiusa’s arrival has Usagi dragging her family to Namimori to prove that Chibiusa isn’t their cousin and things get wildly out of hand. Meta
25.2.2. MotS – Sing In Exaltation: The Shingo from The Sharp Knife Of A Short Life hears the name of his ‘cousin in Namimori’ and immediately begins to meddle. Meta
25.3.               The Sharp Knife Of A Short Life: SI is reborn as Tsukino Shingo under the aegis of the Roman God Janus and then proceeds to merrily say ‘screw canon, my sister gets to be happy or else’. Oneshot, Prompt Fill - Posted
26.1.               Spite And Fury: A crossover with Naruto and the “Original Goods” Proud Immortal Demon Way from Scum Villains Self-Saving System – Uchiha Madara and Shen Jiu get combined into a single person and Cang Qiong is not ready for this much concentrated asshole. Too bad for them, the new-and-improved Shen Qingqui is here to stay. Meta
27.1.               Infinite Blue: Zelgadis starts paying more attention to the deeper practices of Shamanism and gets in touch with his demonic side while achieving deeper harmony in himself. Xellos approves and it all results in magic explosions and very strange demonic courtship rituals. WIP - Unposted
28.1.               Skipped Tracks: The triplets from Underground end up transmigrating into the recently deceased bodies of their counterparts in a SatAM reality and proceed to rock out and confuse everyone. WIP - Unposted
29.1.               A Balance of Ice and Fire: Crossover with GOT – Qui-Gon Jinn’s three Padawan Learners and Padme (who got taken in Anakin’s place) are reincarnated as the Tyrell siblings. They proceed to follow the Will of the Force and prepare the Seven Kingdoms to win against the Long Night. Meta
29.2.               A Robe of Stars: Crossover with TMNT – The turtles and Karai help Obi-wan save the Initiates and babies in the Jedi crèche before the Temple gets razed. Once the children are safe, Obi-wan and his new allies turn their attention to saving the Vode. WIP – Unposted
29.3.               That We Answer to Our Stars: Crossover with Naruto – Kaguya’s reality warp has some strange side effects to the point of ridiculousness. All the Uchiha to ever exist are resurrected and then dumped wholesale onto an alien deathworld that is essentially what Training Ground 44 would be if it hadn’t been fenced in. The Uchiha proceed to seduce the Jedi and foil all of Palpatine’s plans for galactic domination. Meta, Chaptered WIP – Posted
30.1.               A Robe of Stars: Crossover with SW – The turtles and Karai help Obi-wan save the Initiates and babies in the Jedi crèche before the Temple gets razed. Once the children are safe, Obi-wan and his new allies turn their attention to saving the Vode. WIP - Unposted
30.2.               A Velvet Glove: Crossover with FOZ – Leonardo gets summoned to be Louise’s Familiar. Since all of his brothers are dead, Leo sees no reason not to make the most of this “lifelong bond of magic and spirit” and adopts Louise as his little sister. Halgenkia is not prepared for a Louise Francois le Blanc de la Valliere with ninja training. Henrietta is probably far too gleeful over making her best friend her Spymaster, but it’s not like anyone knows enough about what they’re doing to stop her. Reconquista gets exposed and smashed, and Wardes really should have respected his fiancée more. Chaptered, WIP - Posted
30.3.               Iron Laced: Crossover with TMNT – Maria Carbonell was actually Oroku Karai in disguise because she was on vacation from being a member of the Council of Shadows. Karai and all the Turtles accessed magic ninja dragon powers when they took over the Council and Karai-as-Maria passed that down to Tony. So Tony is actually a dragon and an encounter with the Enchantress leaves him locked in his dragon form. WIP - Unposted
30.4.               Paper Flowers: Leonardo and Michelangelo reconnect after years of separation and deal with some leftover issues from their childhood while they prepare to welcome the next generation of Ninja Turtles into the world. WIP - Unposted
30.5.               Patching the Trousers: Starting from the end of the Fast Forward arc, Leonardo gets lost in the multiverse and proceeds to adopt all the secondary turtles. All of them. Leonardo is the Mom Friend, only he’s not a friend he’s just a Mom. Chaptered, WIP - Posted
30.6.               Stained Bandages: Realistic resolution to the most common dark!Splinter tropes. Leo doesn’t really care about himself, but if you touch his brothers he will kill you. Splinter touches Raphael. Karai is gifted with Splinter’s decapitated head in a box. Oneshot- Posted
30.7.               Unraveled Sleeves: After First Contact and Splinter’s death from old age, the Turtles scattered to live their lives. Leonardo is the only one who stayed in the Lair. Making peace with the Karai was only the first step towards healing, and Leo makes peace with himself as he takes on students and his family grows again. Chaptered, WIP - Posted
31.1.               A Transformation of Ice and Fire: Crossover with GOT – Most of the Cybertronians who died during Unicron’s Awakening end up reincarnated as dragons (Seekers) and Direwolves (Autobots). The sapience of the animals causes significant changes to outcome of several key canon events. Meta
31.2.              Action Equals Reaction: There is a time and a place for everything. Even things like learning that your Air Commander is pregnant, and his parents are wingnuts. The middle of battle is neither the time nor the place. Oneshot - Posted
31.3.               Compromising Positions: Bay’verse Shattered Glass – Megatron knows that there’s something wrong with his brother, but nobody will listen to him. Oneshot - Posted
31.4.               High Stakes Wagers: Decepticon Romantic Gestures at their finest. Series
31.4.1. The Bet: Soundwave saves Starscream’s life after he gets blasted away from Unicron and they proceed to have wild, kinky spark-bonding and that’s it that’s the plot. Oneshot - Posted
31.4.2. The Rebirth: Starscream and Soundwave head off Galvatron and Zarak’s attempt to destroy Cybertron (and Earth, but that’s really secondary to them) and earn their just rewards for being on the winning side. Oneshot - Posted
31.5.               Nine Rings of Vos: The Epic Seeker Saga where Starscream is the uncontested leader of the Seekers and he’s using the Great War as a cover to renew his people’s population numbers, add some variety to their core coding, and also destroy the Cybertronian Government because they liked to make Seekers into their slaves. Seven-part Series, Chaptered, WIP - Posted
31.5.1. Before Dawn: A Rings spin-off where the Seekers are actually all sparklings who disguised themselves as their parents in order to survive the Great War. Crash-landing on Earth precipitates the Big Reveal and also the actual adult Seekers get woken from Government sanctioned stasis thanks to the energy surges caused by resource shipments coming in from Earth. Chaptered, WIP - Posted
31.6.               No Evil: Starscream is a scientist who wants to stay a scientist but he’s so damn good at being Air Commander that he gets promoted anyway. Also, his best friend/roommate from the War Academy is the closest thing to a therapist that the Decepticons have and that means Starscream stays mostly sane. Concept, WIP - Unposted
31.7.               Thundercracker’s So Crazy in Love: Seekers Go Into Heat and that will put the War on pause for a bit because of the crazy. Series
31.7.1. Always the Quiet Ones: Thundercracker terrorizes the Decepticon forces on Earth while displaying for his Wingmates and accidently kills Megatron. Oneshot - Posted
31.7.2. Decepticon Service Announcement: Thundercracker is the new Supreme Leader of the Decepticons and he’s decided that they’re in a good position to negotiate peace terms with the Autobots now. Oneshot - Posted
32. YU-GI-OH
32.1.               Old Game, New Rules: Sentinels and Guides are a built in part of society and a certain playing card game ties into that a bit more than most people would expect. There’s a lot of gratuitous soul-bonding smut, worldbuilding runs rampant, and there’s a lot of social commentary on the futility of stereotyping any portion of the population based on a single point of commonality. Chaptered WIP – Unposted
32.2.               The Future of the Past: Jounouchi’s past life left a surprise in their soul that the trip to memory world triggers and now Katsuya is living through all of Jono’s memories. Chaptered WIP – Posted (Under Revision)
33.1.              Bonds: Koenma and Yusuke are soulmates and Enma Daioh interferes because one his brat son is properly wedded and bedded Enma can take a long overdue vacation. Oneshot – Posted
33.1.1.                  Ties That Bind: Koenma and Yusuke are just starting to get used to being bonded mates when a new/old-and-forgotten enemy shows up to complicate things. WIP – Unposted (Under Revision)
33.2.              What Happens on Vacation: Crossover with Bleach – turns out that Kurosaki Misaki was a senior ferry girl on sabbatical (which translates as living a mortal life unaware of her true nature) and she was late returning to work due to being trapped in Grand Fishers gut. Ichigo and Uryuu are very confused when their “cousin” Kazuma shows up to introduce his new bride to the family. Koenma is just really pissed off by all the paperwork he needs to deal with while cleaning up his father’s mismanaged pet project. Chaptered WIP - Unposted
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capseycartwright · 3 years
i've been down on my knees (praying things i don't believe)
it had only taken a split second for eddie's life to change forever - the bullet ripped through his shoulder and everything changed, and the safety and comfort he had build for himself in los angeles was gone - another bullet had taken another part of eddie, the universe damn well determined to make it as hard as possible for eddie to make it to 40.
it took a split second for eddie's life to change, and six days for his recovery to slowly begin.
or - a post 4x13 coda that got wildly out of hand.
ao3 link
Buck couldn’t breathe. If he breathed, now, if he breathed properly – he knew he’d taste Eddie’s blood. His best friend’s blood was all over his face, and Buck felt panic rising in his chest as he watched Eddie start to fall, too scared, too shocked to move.
How –
How had he been shot? There – there hadn’t been someone with a gun, on the street. Surely someone would have yelled out, warned them, if there had been. Buck didn’t remember seeing a gun – but someone had shot Eddie.
Eddie, Eddie, Eddie.
The rest of the world felt like background noise, and it was only when Captain Mehta body-slammed into him, that the chaos of the scene started to flood Buck’s ears. He barely felt the pain of the older man slamming him, full force, down onto the concrete, barely heard anything as he watched Eddie, his best friend reaching out for Buck, blood pooling around his terrifyingly still body.
“Firefighter down – I repeat, firefighter down!”
Firefighter down.
Eddie, his name was Eddie – Buck wanted to scream it, as he listened to Captain Mehta relay the information to the LAFD channel, knowing the whole of the city was listening. His name was Eddie, and if he died, Buck wouldn’t survive it.
“Buckley, stay down!” Mehta roared in Buck’s ear. “Stay down! There’s – there’s a sniper.”
A sniper.
That made sense – Buck thinks, at least. High vantage point, not likely to be noticed, easy to pin down your target.
A sniper made them sitting ducks.
Made Eddie a sitting duck. If whoever shot him, wanted to finish the job, Eddie was lying in the middle of the street, unprotected, and ready to be used for target practice.
He needed to get to him.
Buck could feel Mehta’s grip tightening on him as he tried to move, the Captain giving him an incredulous look as he tried to move. “I have to help him,” Buck didn’t realise how desperate he was until he spoke – every word was weighted down with sheer desperation and terror.
“And get yourself shot in the process?” Mehta was normally one of Buck’s favourite Captain’s – he was a nice guy, had three daughters, and always joked around when they were stuck on a scene. But, right now, Mehta was the only thing stopping Buck from getting to Eddie, and Buck wasn’t such a big fan.
“If that’s how it’s got to be!” Buck practically yelled back. “Mehta – he matters more. I need to get to him.”
Mehta seemed to realise he was fighting a losing battle, but his grip on Buck’s neck remained iron tight. “I am not explaining to Nash that I got two of his firefighters shot,” he said firmly. “We follow protocol, Buckley – LAPD are clearing the scene.”
Eddie didn’t have that kind of time.
“Fuck protocol,” Buck managed to wriggle free of Mehta’s grip, inspiration dawning as he looked to his left, the gap between the truck and the street just about big enough for Buck to squeeze underneath. All – all he needed to do was get to the other side of the truck, and to Eddie.
If only he’d been faster – if he’d reacted, when Eddie got shot, instead of standing there, frozen like a total idiot, they’d both be stuck on the wrong side of the truck and Buck could be helping him.
You can have my back any day.
Or, you know – you could have mine.
“I’ve got your back, Eddie,” Buck growled to himself, wedging himself under the fire truck. He felt the material of his shirt tear as it caught on some the undercarriage of the truck, Mehta screaming into his radio that he needed the scene cleared and a medic on scene before a firefighter bled out, damnit.
The concrete was rough against Buck’s arms, and face, as he dragged himself underneath the truck even further, inching closer to Eddie. He was awake – sort of. Eddie had a glassy look on his face that made Buck’s stomach churn in panic, the blood-loss clearly kicking in.
There was so much blood.
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honeypirate · 3 years
Feet First
Obi Akitaru and Fem!Waitress reader
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“His face smiles when he’s tense, he can’t help it” the man with the glasses says as you bring over more drinks. They were already a few in and were so far your favorite table of your shift. They were talkative and joking around, you loved it.
You tuck your drink tray under your arm and place your elbow on the high table, resting your chin on your palm as you gazed at the young man with a smile and unblinking eyes.
The handsome biggest man in the middle, the famous Captain of the Fire Force 8th division, stares at you with a grin and stars in his eyes “is that so?” you ask softly and lean in closer to the young man, hoping to see if it was true. You watched as the corners of his mouth twitched a few times as he tried to control it, you lean in farther and he can feel your soft breath hitting him as his face tenses into a smile.
You start laughing along with the handsome man in the middle, the one with glasses just takes a drink of his beer. “Sorry kid, I had to see it” he just nods, his cheeks turning as pink as his eyes.
“I think it’s really cute though. Dont worry” you wink at him before looking into the eyes of the one you were currently crushing hard for “do you guys need anything else right now?” you smile at him and his cheeks start to flush a little from your gaze “no, we’re good for now. thanks ..” he looks at your name tag, like he hasn’t known your name this entire time, “thanks y/n” you nod and turn around, heading back to the bar for more drinks for your other tables, feeling his eyes on you had made you grateful for wearing your good jeans tonight.
“Did you see who's at my table 12?” you whisper to your best friend and co-waitress, Jane. She slyly looks over your shoulder and then leans into your shoulder with a whispered squeal “oh my god y/n they are all so handsome, that one in the middle is SCRUMPTIOUS and aren't they..?” you nod “fire soldiers. I’m thinking about giving the one in the middle my number” she chuckles and her eyes widen in recognition “dude do it! That’s Captain Obi! He’s looked back at you like 50 times already”
You feel your cheeks warm up as you place the drink glasses on your tray and hold it above your shoulder as you turn back around, making eye contact with the Captain.
You smile at him and wink then smile harder, butterflies making your stomach flutter when his cheeks turn pink. You walk over to a different table, setting down the drinks and taking food orders, popping your hip out just a little extra because of their table directly behind you.
When you walked back to the bar and kitchen you set another glance over your shoulder at the Captain who was watching you, grinning when he winks at you this time. You feel your heart skip and you stick your tongue out at him just a little making him laugh.
After ten minutes of dealing with some kitchen problems you’re back out at their table “Here are your nachos and cheese fries” you place between them, all three moaning as they take bites immediately, not even waiting for the plates to touch the table. “You’re burgers will all be out shortly”
you chuckle as you set down the drink refills as well “thank you beautiful” Captain says and your cheeks flush “calling a girl beautiful when she doesn't even know your name, it doesn't feel right to me” you grin up at him and he returns it
“Obi Akitaru, now can i call you beautiful?” you nod with a flirty smirk “you can call me tonight if you want” he almost chokes on his drink and the kid next to him beats on his back a few times.
Guy with the glasses who you’ve heard been called Hinawa, just rolls his eyes and puts another chip in his mouth. If you spent long enough looking at him you’d realize how jealous he was, but you didn’t, your eyes easily found Obi again as you waiting for his response.
“yes! I would like that a lot ” his words stumble out and you chuckle, taking out your pad of paper and pen writing out your name and number with a small heart “here is my number. I look forward to hearing from you Obi” your fingers brush his when you hand him the paper and then you turn and head back into the kitchen for your other orders.
Hinawa rolls his eyes so hard it hurt.
You feel your phone immediately buzz in the front pocket of your apron and you chuckle as you slip into the back fridge to check. sure enough it’s from a new number asking when you get off work. You send back “45 minutes, what do you wanna do tonight Obi?” you squeal as you exit the fridge and go find Jane who was now sitting in her closed section because she got cut and closed.
You tell her everything and she quietly cheers for you before you have orders up to deliver, noticing someone else has dropped the burgers at their table.
After the dinner rush slows down, and you get a little more time, you notice the two other guys with him leave. you finish talking to your boss before going over to their table and clear off some of the plates “are your friends coming back?” you ask and he chuckles “no they’re going home, now i’m just waiting on you, doll” you grin as your cheeks warm again, your heart skipping as you refill his water glass
“15 minutes then I’m all yours” you heft the tray to your shoulder now covered in empty plates and glasses “i’m really looking forward to it.”
he hands you the black book with the bill and cash in it “ready whenever you are” you shove the book in your front pocket and laugh “see you in a bit” you say before walking back into the kitchen with a smile on your face and excitement in your veins.
You finish your silverware rolling and cleaning in the back, before sweeping your section and wiping off tables, making small talk with Obi whenever you are around him. Talking about when you started working there and how he hasn’t ever seen you since he’s been coming here for years.
You shrugged “i don’t know how you haven’t noticed me, I notice your handsome self every time you come in” you say and make eye contact with him smiling. Watching as he gets so flustered he speechless for a moment. He’s not a player, you can tell from his actions that this is new for him, flirting and having it be successful, he could hardly believe it. It’s why he switched to water after one beer that his big stature hardly even felt but he wanted to be clear headed with you.
You wipe off his table and pick up his glass “I can meet you out front in five minutes” you say and he hops off his stool “Okay, i'll see you in a bit beautiful” he winks and walks towards the front of the house, looking if his shoulder and smiling every few steps.
Your section is checked, your jobs are checked, and your receipts and cash are checked before your boss opens the safe to give you your extra tips from cards. Obi had surprisingly left you a hefty tip but you still had a great night with all your other customers. You shove your apron into your bag and pull out a sweatshirt and perfume. You take your hair out from it’s low pony and put on your hoodie, spraying it with perfume so you don't smell like fried foods and beer, before heading out to see what Obi had in mind.
When you exit he is waiting by the front door, looking up into the night sky before looking at you and grinning. He pushes off the wall and holds his hand out and you take his hand without hesitation, making him smile warmly.
“so where are we going tonight captain?” you ask and he chuckles, giving your hand a squeeze “it’s a surprise” you laugh until you notice you’re walking towards a fire force truck “we’re going in that?” you ask and stop in your tracks. Obi laughs at your reaction and nods “of course” you beam and start to bounce on your toes “this is the BEST” you say before practically dragging him with you to his truck.
“Okay put on your seat belt” he says but you’re too enamored by the interior that you don't really register. He chuckles before reaching across you to grab the belt “‘huh?” you say as you see his arm but it quickly grabs the metal end and pulls it out, clicking it in palace “sorry” you say sheepishly and he smiles “you’re so adorable” he says and you grin, your cheeks flushing “thank you, you're not so bad yourself hot stuff” he chuckles, holding out his hand again for you to take it before he’s backing out of the parking space.
“A park?” you ask as you hop out form the truck, he was holding your door open and holding your hand, helping you down. He nods “a park on a big hill on a nice night where he can swing and talk” you smile wide, hardly believing this big sexy man was taking you to a park so you could talk and star gaze. It was perfect.
“Race ya” you say and take off towards the swings “no fair! You got a head start” he says laughing as he runs behind you. You grab on to a swing just a few seconds before he did “i won so that means you have to give me something” he laughs “what would you like?” you both sit down in the seats of your swings as you think “hmmm” you walk backwards until you are on your tiptoes before jumping up and swinging forward kicking your legs out “is it too early to ask you for a kiss?” you say, boldly, and he laughs “i don't think so” he says and you look over at him, swinging at the same speed in tandem “perfect. Then that's what I want you to give me tonight” you can feel your cheeks are warmer than ever but your heart feels like it was on a swingset of its own. You cannot believe how bold you’re being tonight.
“So tell me, Obi. what made you become a fire soldier?” you lean back as you swing high, watching the ground come up to you quickly, feeling like you were on a roller coaster. He chuckles at you and then says “I wanted to help people” you can tell there is more to it but don't press him, he’ll tell you when he feels comfortable with you. “Do you like working at the restaurant?” he asks and you let yourself naturally slow down as you stay leaned back “mmhmm! I meant to only be there as a part time thing to pay for school but I really enjoy interacting with people. I’ve graduated already and can get a job in my field at any moment but I’ll stay here as long as I get paid well.” You lean back up to sit normally and smile at him when you make eye contact.
“What’s your field?” he asks as you both slow down speed “I majored in Biochemistry with a minor in chemistry” you place your feet on the ground to stop yourself and twist so you were facing him, he does the same and you lean in close
“i’m also a second generation” you whisper and then pull back with a little smile. He has wide eyes and a smile “seriously?” he asks and you nod, pulling a lighter from your pocket you flick it and the fire flies into your palm, you make it dance around your finger tips before closing it inside your palm and putting it out. “Mostly party tricks. My parents didn't want anyone to know so as a kid I always hid it. It actually works really well in chemistry so once i was an adult i decided to use it freely. My parents were just worried and did what they thought was best.”
when you look back up into his eyes he’s looking at you with stars in his eyes again he leans forward, capturing your face in his large hands “god you’re amazing” he whispers “can I give you a kiss now?” he asks and you grin with a chuckle, nodding your head in his hands and he quickly but gently brushes your lips with his own.
When he pulls back you’re smiling softly up at him with eyes so sweet he feels his heart melt for you. “Do you like pancakes?” He asks and you chuckle with raised eyebrows ”pancakes?” You ask and he nods with a chuckle
“I love pancakes” you say and he grins “Wanna have breakfast with me in the morning?” He ask as he’s standing and pulling you with him, his arms wrapping around you as your swings wobble back into place.
“I’d love to get breakfast with you” you say and he leans down to kiss you again “youre so beautiful” he whispers against your lips then you push up on your toes and seal your lips against his.
Your hands bury into his hair as his tongue licks against yours, making you chuckle softly as his hands reaches down and gripped your ass, pulling you up against him as he kissed you hard.
“Breakfast” he said after he broke away and his hands rested softly on your neck, his forehead pressed to yours.
“9am. I’ll pick you up” he says and you chuckle, giving him a soft kiss before taking his hand “can you also take me home tonight?” You ask and he nods with a laugh “of course doll”
He opens the door to the truck and helps you in, lifting you up and placing your butt on the seat before he steps on the rail and kisses you again.
he hops down with a smile and walks away to his door, turning the key as you put your seatbelt on this time, reaching out for his hand at the same time he reaches for yours. He chuckles softly as you bring his hand to your lap, his stomach filling with warmth.
He walks you to your door and leans down to kiss you, soft and warm, making your heart flutter and your spine tingle as he hugged you to his chest.
“I’ll see you in the morning beautiful” he says and gives you one last peck before he heads back to his truck, blowing you a kiss as you wait by door, waving as he drives off.
You close the door to your apartment and sigh as you lean against it. It seems too good to be true but his eyes are so honest you can’t help but trust him. God what a man. Your fingers brush against your lips softly as you smile and head deeper into your apartment. You know you won’t be able to sleep tonight, not with him on your mind.
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jeeperso · 2 years
D&D Quotes Without Context
Treasure Island edition, Chapter 17
"This ends....today...maybe....unless we drag it out until the morning..." OOC: Don’t forget your genie damage. "Smith, for all the pain you have help cause, for everything you did while pretending to be a simple wooden leg in our midst, it is time to die. Slash and burn!" impressed iguana noises. “You’re right Dingo, I haven’t seen a tree get fucked up like that since the Once-ler went away.” "Oh crap, it's that spring break I spent in Innsmouth all over again." “Counter the Fuck Spell. Sicko!” "I don't think.. it's a... oh, there are tentacles... nevermind." Janus: "When we kill you, I'm gonna whittle a chamber pot out of your stump you morally bankrupt piece of driftwood." Archie: "And I'm gonna make a radical boogie board." MJ: “Can I get a bong?” Janus: "There should be plenty of wood so why not?" OOC: Oh, shit, he’s got truck parts? He’s one of those freaky wood transformers! MJ: “Lightning bolt no Justu!” Amber: "MJ, you aren't a shinobi." MJ: “Wait… I’m not?!? Then how did I shoot lightning?” Cookie: "What is a ... shinobi?" MJ: “Thinly sliced raw fish.” Amber: "Trained warriors from the far east who can cast what they call jutsus with various hand signs." Cookie: "Spellcasting spy fish from the east... got it..." OOC: Put the boots to him, Bizarre-style. “Does it feel like we’re beating up a one legged guy in an ass kicking contest?” We just hold a conversation as their screams echo behind us. “So… did that seem too easy to anyone else?” Oh gods, why have you forsaken us? Was it when we peed in the holy water fountain? Amber: "Now, no one say anything to jinx us and bring down more trouble on us. Especially not that Flint is still alive and waiting for us at the main treasure horde. Darn it! I've spent too much time with you guys." “Oh, hi, Melfina with karate chop action.” "You be a dick you get large phallic burning objects put in you.”
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"She knows what she was saying..." "Ded also pirate. Ded just not asshole." "Close only counts in Ogres and Oubliettes." “This seems like it would be more tragic if you’d been a likable father figure instead of some mutinous asshole with a tree-man for a leg.” Pete can be on corpse-dragging duty. As an object lesson. “Anyone want one last puff?” "Thank you, but i'm sure the sight beyond will shock us sober." "Ever get that feeling like you're walking into a monsters mouth?" "Ded actually do that once." "How'd that turn out..?" "Monster surprisingly tasty." * Impressed Tortle Noises * "Ded get feeling economy not ready for this much cash injection." "We'll buy a new economy... Don't worry about it..." "This is Melfina's money after all, do keep that in mind." “Melfina, I need to tell you about student loan debt, and why it is bullshit.” “Nope! Black ships, wrecked or not are a sign of Eldritch NOPE!” "Unless the sword is also wood, I doubt it's a vampire." "Hail and well met, Princess Leshavna. I am a servant of your brother, Kevosh, Prince of Worldly libations. He's the one that likes looking like a nine foot tall owlin." “Oh, hey, is this a Dragonborn? Is your junk on the inside or out?” "I cannot answer that, Lady Jonni, there is a child present." “What kind of sick fuck calls Vesh when there are kids around? Do you know what we’re doing 70% of the time?” “No.”
"Gold zombie..." "I knew it, no place could contain a soul that evil. Even if he died they would boot him out for trying to take over." "Please don't be a dracolich, please." GM: Next time, The Final Boss: Captain Finatrax Flint! OOC: Riftrax Flint? Sounds like a great time. OOC: I'll give them another few minutes and if they aren't on we'll get started without them. OOC2: They’re usually late due to dinner. And could be taco night. Taco night goes longer. OOC: My parents made rack of lamb. Our oven sucks. OOC: Alright, it's past my bedtime. Got to brush my teeth and put plastic wrap over my eyes. Night!
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barcaavengers · 3 years
Weakness || Bucky Barnes Imagine || Pt. 4
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Note: Here we go! This part is mostly a short fluffy moment. Reader being there for Bucky when he talks to Yori, and supporting him when he admits he will always be missing a key person in his amends. Next part will probably be more fluff, domestic and carefree Bucky cause we all know the Wilson's bring out the best in him. I'm thinking of what else to add to it so I want you guys to tell me what you'd like to see in part 4!
Updated: The first posting was all messed up and cut parts for some strange reason so it is now updated correctly!
Disclaimer: Gif not mine. All credits belong to @ryangoslings Tag List: ❤️ @hanakin-im-panakin, @evie-pr, @justinekomwriterkru, @felicityofbakerstreet, @maaaaryx, @ijustwantedplums, @winterberryfox, @ttatum14, @pastelbabygirl19, @love-buckybarnes, @forever-aimless, @izzlenizzlebizzle @pastel-boy-sungjae, @johnmurphys-sass, @ren-ni, @rachelizabethgraham
"This looks so different…" Bucky says as you two walk down the streets of Manhattan. "Steve and I would come to a hot dog stand on that corner after school. I would get him the same order every day" he says as you two walk.
"Wow, the same order" you smirk.
"He felt bad whenever I paid him, it was the cheapest order so he always asked for it no matter how many times I told him he could order something else."
"I have always admired your loyalty to each other" you say. "Never gave up on each other, always had each other's back no matter what."
"There was a time we were all we had left" he says and you could hear the nostalgia in his voice.
"Well, things change now" you bump into him and he chuckles, hands tucked in his jacket pockets. "You are not alone. You got Sam and you got me" you smile at him and he looks at you, smiling back. How much you loved this happy side of him was beyond words.
"I couldn't be more thankful," he says. His hands fall from his pocket and for a moment you see him hesitate after lifting one hand, until he realizes you were on his left side, so he drops it.
"You can do it, you know?" His eyes go wide for a moment, like if you have read his mind.
"Was it that obvious?"
"A little" you giggle and you can see his cheeks flushing. You reach for his gloved hand, but he moves it out of your reach. "Easy steps, remember?" You pause as you look at him. He nods his head before moving his hand to yours and you hold it. "So…" you trail off and get close to him, taking his arm and wrapping it over your shoulder. "This is what you wanted to do, right?" You ask him with a smile.
"Too predictable?" He asks.
"Not at all," you grin. You notice he is almost hovering it, he is touching you alright but not letting it actually drop on your shoulder. "Relax," you say. He let out an air through his nostrils before he rests it completely. The arm wasn't that heavy, or it wasn't to you. You haven't said anything about the Serum still having a slight effect on you although you have slowly felt it leaving your body.
"Thank you, for being so patient," he looks down at you as you two walk down Central Park.
"I told you I'd wait for you, I meant that" you admit. "I'm sure you will get the hang of being around a girl real quick again" you tease.
"I wonder what Steve said to you about me" he chuckles.
"That you got all the girls, even the dates you got for him" you smirk. "A true charmer" you say playfully.
"Jerk" he chuckles. "I didn't even try."
"With those looks? Of course you didn't try. One word and girl's would show you their ankles in one go" you laugh.
"Now I see enough ankles" he looks around and you elbow his side playfully and he pretends to be hurt.
"Don't you dare look other girl's ankles, Barnes" you tease.
"I'll try," he chuckles. "How have you been feeling though?"
"It's...almost gone" you shrug. "I mean, I feel it still but it isn't like the first time."
"I don't like that," he frowns.
"I know. If that stays in my system you won't see me as someone you have to save or help cause I can take care of my own."
"It has never been about that, doll" you duck your head so your hair falls and covers your cheek. The word making your cheeks flush instantly. "I'll still be there to save you, and you don't need saving so it isn't even that. You don't need help. I'm just worried of the toll it could have on you. That was a prototype, we don't know the side effects it could have…" he admits.
"Hopefully none" you bite your lower lip.
"We will figure it out," Buck says as he stops to pull his phone out when it starts ringing. "Sam?" You eye him curiously as he answers.
"Look at those lovebirds, taking a walk through the park like old people" you hear Sam on the other side of the phone. Your eyes look around the green areas, but he was nowhere to be found.
"Considering I'm a hundred and six" Bucky is looking for him too, dropping his arm off your shoulder.
"You dumbasses realize that I can fly, right?" That makes you two look up and you squeak at the sight.
Sam was above you, his wings and uniform were different, more white than the colors that Steve used to wear for his Captain America uniform. It was a sight. He lands perfectly in front of you, wings extended before they get concealed.
"Holy shit, is that what you asked Shuri to do?" You ask Bucky.
"Just a little something," he shrugs.
"Damn, Sam." You laugh as you go around him, his wings coming out scaring you off making him laugh.
"You like it?" He asks.
"I do" you say and squeak again at the shield on his back. "Oh, that's awesome." You say as you poke the shield.
"Thanks, man." Sam says to Bucky with a grin.
"No problem." Bucky says with a nod of his head. "What's up?"
"Karli is going to try to sabotage the votes in the GRC tonight" Sam says.
"If you give me a chance to change to something more comfortable I can be there."
"Alright. Voting starts in an hour. I'll send you the coordinates" he says and the jetpack initiates. "Sorry for ruining your date!" He shouts as he goes up to fly away.
"Right," your lips pressing together and you turn to Bucky. "You are going to change too?"
"Nah, I think I'm good. I'll go with you."
"If you want you can go and meet with Sam. I'll be quick" you shrug. He eyes you and you tilt your head, "I'll be fine, Buck."
"Be fast," he says and pecks your lips before he walks away without a glance back at you. It takes you a second to process that gesture before you start running back to your place.
When you get into the building, Sam, Bucky and Sharon were already inside in their respective places for the mission. Karli was forcing everyone out, which you had to admit, it was quite smart. Then you find yourself in the garage of the building where the armored cars with the Senators were leaving from. "Bucky?"
"I'm here," he says as he comes from your side. "Karli distracted me on the phone." He says as he takes the keys from one of the bikes, tossing it to you before he gets on one of them. "You are coming with me."
"Seriously guys, you had one job," Sharon says from your earpiece.
"You worry about your guy" Bucky says as he accelerates the bike. "Stay behind me." You nod your head before reviving the engine and taking off as instructed.
When you arrive at the meeting point of the Flag Smashers, Bucky turns to you, "You still have that adrenaline rush?" He asks, not stopping his bike.
"I think so!" You shout.
"Get ready!" And with that he hits the break of the bike, sending him forward and he tackles one of the group.
You jump off yours before taking the bike by the handles and flinging it forward to the group, taking down two of them at once. You are quick to run to them and kick one on the side, sending him back a few feet away, the other one comes at you and you avoid their hits for a moment before they take both of your arms. You screech as they try to hold you back but you are quick to kick the back of the knee of one of them, making her lose her grip before you move backwards behind the other person, making them follow you for a moment which gives you the chance to use their weight to your advantage and fling them over you and to the floor with a loud thud.
"Karli!" You shout as you see the group lighting up both trucks. Bucky is quick to try to open one and you go for the other one but to no avail.
"Morgenthau!" Walker's voice echoes and your eyes widened and you look at Bucky.
"How the hell does he keep showing up?!" You ask, but not really expecting an answer.
John is getting beaten by the Flag Smashers and Bucky is quick to save him from one of them, and you get to Karli, kicking her on the side, sending her against a fence. "Don't make us do this, Karli." A member of the group catches you off guard and wraps their arm around your neck, Karli delivers a few punches into your stomach that takes your breath away before punching you in the face. You are let go of and drop to your knees. Yep, the Serum was wearing off. Your vision was blurry, but you see Karli kicking Bucky and you see him sliding to the edge of the construction site before falling, hearing his scream. "Bucky!" You shout and are quick to stand up and run to the edge.
Everything keeps happening in quick blurs. John helps hold back the falling truck you couldn't open, and he manages to almost do it until the group kept going at him making them all fall to where Bucky was. Sam stops the truck from falling and is able to open the doors thanks to Redwing, so you help the Senators before jumping down to where your friends were. Batroc throws smoke grenades and Karli and her crew escape your sight until Sam identifies them and you follow, along with Walker.
Next thing you know, Sam is bringing Karli's body and talking with the senators and you had to lean against one of the trucks to process her death. Of course you didn't know her, but she was just a kid fighting for a very good reason but in the wrong ways. She was just a kid.
The next morning, the sound of a knock on your door woke you up. You lazily stand up, dragging your legs across the floor to your apartment door. Usually you would ask before opening the door, but you were too tired from the fight from last night to even be careful. When you open the door, you find the Sergeant right in front of you. "Hi" he breathes out. "Sorry, I- I didn't mean to wake you up."
"No. It's okay. Um...Come in" you step aside and he walks in. His cerulean eyes look around your apartment while you close the door. "Is everything okay?"
"Uh, yeah. It's just...I want to go visit someone, you know, about what Sam talked to me about...I was wondering if you wanted to come with me. If not it's okay. It's early but-"
"Yeah," you interrupt him and he sighs in relief. "Just let me change real quick before we go" you pat his chest as you walk to your room, leaving him behind you. You pull your shirt over your head, tossing it to the side and grabbing a bra and pulling it on, then throwing a shirt on. You reach for your jeans and step on them in front of the mirror, only to catch Bucky's eyes before they drift away like the gentleman he is.
He takes you in his bike to his destination, your arms wrapped around his waist. This felt too... intimate and your head can't help but wander off at the situation, you have to shake your head when things get heated in that daydreaming you were having. He parks the bike on the street side and turns it off. He was quiet, jaw clenched, eyes showing his concentration.
"Buck?" You call as you step out of the bike, following him. "Are you sure you are ready?" You ask him as you step in front of him.
"Yeah…" he clears his throat and your head tilts to the side.
"I'll be out the door, okay?"
"I don't know where to start…" he admits, looking at the entrance of the building. He was nervous, fidgeting with his own fingers, his voice slightly trembling.
"You will when it comes to it" you nod your head. You take his vibranium hand in yours and give it a reassuring squeeze. "Just one more name and you will be free, Bucky." A smile goes up your lips and his head nods.
"I know... It's just...he trusted me from day one. Telling him this about his son after so long…"
"I'm sure Yori will understand, not right away, but he will" he returns the squeeze of your hand before letting go. He walks inside and you follow him closely. He hesitates in front of the door before knocking. You lean against the wall, he looks back at you and you nod your head before his eyes return to the door as it opens.
"Hey, what are you doing here?" Yori asks as he looks at James. "It's early, come in before someone calls the cops" the man says before he catches your form a few feet away. "Is she with you?" He asks.
"Uh, yeah, but don't worry about her…" Bucky waves off. You nod your head to the man with a smile before Bucky walks in and the door closes.
You wait patiently outside, your head resting against the wall and closing your eyes. Not even twenty minutes go by until you hear the door opening and Bucky walking out, shutting the door close behind him. You could see he was on the verge of tearing up, the tip of his nose red, his shoulders hunched and his head hanging low. "Bucky," you call quietly and he looks at you. He walks up to you and you wrap your arms around him. "Hey, it's okay. It's okay…" you coo as he holds you close to him, the few tears he let out wetting your shirt. "You gave him closure, Bucky. You gave yourself closure. You did the right thing…"
"He won't forgive what I did. What I did to his son…" his voice was shaking and it broke your heart into a million pieces.
"He won't forget, but he will understand later that it wasn't really you. I promise" your hand moves to the back of his head, your fingers soothingly moving along his scalp.
After a few seconds, he pulls away before taking his book out of his jacket pocket, taking out a pencil as well and scratching the name off his book. He stares at the book for a moment, looking at all the names he has crossed. Your hands place on top of his and you press your lips against the back of his palms, he looks down at you and nods his head before sighing and putting the book back on his pocket. "I need to do one more stop…"
After taking the bag with the book and an envelope with Bucky's gratitude. He takes you back to your place. You don't remove your arms from around his waist until after he turns the bike off. "Feeling better?" You ask, your chin resting on his shoulder blade.
"I do," he says with a nod of his head.
"Come on," you say and pat his back before stepping out of the bike and walking to your apartment. He is quiet as he walks with you and comes through the door, sitting on your couch. "We have to drink for today" you say as you walk to your fridge and pull two beers out, tossing one to him which he is quick to catch with his vibranium arm. "For closures, for partners, and for the beginning of something new" you say with a smile as you sit beside him.
"Cheers to that" he raises his beer before the two bottles make a crystal sound as they bump into each other. He takes a sip from his drink and stares at the bottle afterwards, his mind somewhere else.
"Steve would be proud, you know?" The mention of his best friend's name makes his eyes light up. "I know I am" you say as you take a swig.
"I thought I would never be able to finish that list," he says. "There's still one person I couldn't even apologize for what I did back then. I know they hated me for it but-"
"You are talking about Tony?" His head nods. "He never brought it up after what happened" you say. "Tony felt betrayed, Steve kept that from him, never mentioned it. That alone and the accords complicated things to a different level."
"That was a horrible moment…"
"Tell me about it" you say and take a sip of your beer, so does he. "I had to step out, I couldn't fight Tony, I couldn't fight Steve or you. The best thing I did was to stay out of it. I couldn't have forgiven myself if I fought any of you…" you say. "Tony wouldn't have admitted it...but I know he knew it wasn't something you could've controlled."
"Even then, I never got a chance to say something about it…" he says as he fidgets with the bottle. His cheekbones doing that thing you couldn't describe but you found attractive…
"I'm sure he understood in the long run…" you assure him. Bucky was looking at the floor, lost in thought.
"Hey, no. Let's not ruin the good moment we were having" you whine as you lean against him and he let out a soft chuckle. "We have to celebrate later with Sam. He is officially out there as Captain America," you raise your bottle and grin.
"True" you can see how proud Bucky was of Sam by the smile that appeared on his lips. "I'm glad he took the shield back."
"I'm sure he is too, and he will do a great job. He already did with that speech." There is a moment of silence. "I'll go get another one, you want one too?" You ask him noticing his beer was about to be empty.
"Uh, yeah, sure" he lifts it up.
You walk towards the kitchen and open the fridge, pulling two beers. "I have to restock-" you say as you turn around only to be met by Bucky's body a few inches away. His gaze was soft as he looked down at you. You could feel his hot breath close to you, and you were sure he could hear the fast beating of your heart. His tongue runs along his lips, and you can't help but bite on your lower lip as you look up into his eyes. "Bucky-"
"I just...want to try something…" his vibranium takes the beers from your hands and sets them aside, then resting it against the fridge, caging you, but where in any other situation you would've been defensive, you were calm because this was all Bucky, not the Winter Soldier. His other hand moves to the side of your neck, his fingers resting on the nape of it, moving ever so slowly. You can feel your cheeks flushing, your breath hitching as he leans in, his lips pressing against yours slowly. Three times you two have kissed, three times he has kissed you differently and three times you have felt different.
The first kiss was an impulse of yours, very out of place, but he kissed back anyway, even if it was a liplock kind of kiss. You felt guilty about it, you felt like you took advantage of the situation and you two had a small argument about how you shouldn't apologize for it. The second back at Sam's house which he initiated. It lasted somewhat longer than the first one, it was something that happened with the moment because you were talking about your status. Now this, which you wanted to kiss him as much as he wanted to try that something. You melted into the kiss, trying to mold your body against his. Your hands rest on both sides of his hip ever so lightly, your lips moving slowly against his, his tongue brushing your upper lip. Your head tilts, deciding to test the waters by deepening the kiss, and you were glad when he didn't pull away like the first time.
His body presses closer to yours and your fingers curl around his shirt, unconsciously pulling him closer. Your teeth graze his lips and he hums, and gosh you would lie if that didn't awaken something in you. He pulls away slightly, and you take the chance to get your breathing in check, your eyes open slowly while his remain close for a few more opens until his eyelids lift. "You good?" You ask under your breath and he nods, noticing he was short of breath as well. One of your hands let go of his shirt, moving up his side and wrapping around his neck, the one on your neck moves to your waist, holding you close to him but he leaves against the fridge his metal arm.
His lips connect with yours again, this time isn't slow, it's more urgent and you can't help but give into it. You bring him closer, if possible, as you tilt your head to deepen the kiss. Your tongue trails his lower lip, and he grants the access, a soft moan escaping your lips as his own intertwine with yours. His finger traces your skin where your shirt rolled a bit and you shiver under his touch at the contact of his hand touching a part of skin he hadn't touched before.
Then your phone goes off and you break the kiss, your forehead resting against his as you pant, so does Bucky. "I-"
"Yeah. It could be urgent…" he clears his throat and drops his left hand from the fridge and the one on your back. You look at his lips one last time, catching your breath before walking to the table and picking up your phone.
"Hey, Sam" you say as you look at Bucky who slowly turns to face you.
"Hey, kiddo. Just wanted to invite you and Barnes to a cookout my family will have tomorrow."
"Oh, uh" you look at Bucky who shrugs. "Sure, I'll let him know."
"He already knows, huh?" Sam chuckles.
"Shut up, Sam," you say playfully.
"Well, be safe. Have fun. Not too much fun though" Sam chuckles.
"Weren't you the one to tell us to take baby steps?"
"Depends on how big the baby already is."
"I'll see you two tomorrow! Bye now!" And he hangs up.
You stare at the phone in your hand before sighing. "Cookout tomorrow?" You offer the man an apologetic smile, tapping your phone against your palm.
"Would be nice to go back," Bucky shrugs, leaning against the kitchen counter. "I go if you go."
"Only if you want to" you walk to the counter, standing on the other side of it so it was the only thing between you two. "We can take the first flight tomorrow. I can go and pick you up," you shrug. Then you have that idea… "Or you-" you stop yourself. Nope. Too straightforward. "Nevermind."
"What were you going to say?" His head tilts, eyeing you curiously.
"Oh, nothing" you put your phone down on the counter and scroll through the airline app looking for a flight. "There is a flight tomorrow at 5am. We can get there early to spend some good time there." Best attempt to change the subject, but when you look up, Bucky is eyeing you. "Oh, no. I'm not gonna talk."
His lips purse and he walks around the counter and you curse under your breath. "Would it be that bad?"
"Terrible actually," you swallow harshly as he stands in front of you, his arms crossing against his chest making his biceps bulge out. Why was he like this? His head nods in agreement, but he has that face that you know he won't let go of it until you speak up. You sigh. "Fine," you pause. "Can I walk you through a hypothetical?"
"Using my words. This sounds promising" he says, and you see that playful smile on his lips which purse as he waits for the answer. No matter how many times he smiled, you were glad about two things. One, that he was now falling to the Bucky he once was, he was getting his personality back. Two, that his smiles were around you, that you in a way have helped him. Yes, there was still a long way to go because he still hesitates about some things, but it was okay. Every new thing he tried you took it as a huge step.
"So, what if, hypothetically, you…" you trail off, "you stayed the night and we go to the airport." His gaze softens, and you see he is thinking of your words. "Hypothetically, okay? Like, just an idea. That way we just go straight to the airport." You can't help but chew on the inside of your cheek nervously.
"That's- I would- I would like that" he was stammering. "But, um...I don't want to make you feel-"
"If you say uncomfortable after you kissed me not more than five minutes ago I'm gonna kick your ass" you say and he smirks, but he remains somewhat serious. "You can sleep on the couch" you were regretting this. The more you say, the more you felt you were screwing it up. "I mean, if you want, Buck. It was a random suggestion." You wave off and turn around to continue looking for the flights.
"Hey" Bucky calls and you continue on your phone. His hand rests on your back before it reaches your waist and turns you around, you avoid his gaze but he bends down a little to meet it. "I would like nothing more than to stay with you, doll" he starts. "But I- I don't trust myself enough to stay around you while the nightmares are still there. I don't want to hurt you."
"Bucky," your hand rests on his cheek, his stubble poking the inside of your palm, feeling his warmth. "I trust you." He leans against your hand and kisses the inside of it, sending warmth all over your body. His cerulean eyes were looking at you with such affection that was making you weak. "I know the Winter Soldier is gone. It's just a matter of time that the nightmares will stop, when you feel more at ease."
"I know, doll" he nods his head and you smile softly at him. He pulls you closer to him, leaning in and kissing your forehead. Lips lingering there for a moment. "I'll go get my things. Text me which flight you choose" he says as he pulls away, letting go of your body before walking out the door.
You felt like this trip could help him. There was nothing to be worried about. No Zemo. No Karli. No Flag Smashers. He could now be at ease and sort his thoughts out now that he has finished his book. This could be the perfect getaway if things planned out right.
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3 Simple Rules for Dating a Centenarian - ch. 3
Fandom: The Falcon and the Winter Soldier Pairing: Sam Wilson/Bucky Barnes Rating: T Chapters: 3/3
Read chapters one and two on Tumblr.
Chapter three summary: Sam and Bucky take a breather from Sharon’s party in High Town.
Sam walks back into the room from before. The one that could be a high-end boutique, or the lobby of a shady but untouchable law firm, or the backdrop for a photoshoot featuring an Avenger who wanted their surroundings to exude enviable elegance and expensiveness without at all detracting from their presence. Not to name names, or speak disdainfully of the dead.
Shrugging off the brown leather jacket Sharon leant him, Sam tosses it at the couch. Yeah, technically it’s on a collision course with the back of Bucky’s head, but since Bucky dodges without turning to look, he figures he can claim poor aim. Which Sam would normally never do, especially to Bucky, but he has downed a few drinks tonight. Sharon wanted them to blend in at the party; Sam couldn’t see an easier way to blend than by doing his bit to deplete the contents of the event’s bar. He sure as hell wasn’t going to stand there pumping his arm to the beat like that motherfucker Zemo. Sam doesn’t know exactly what to blame for the Baron’s excruciating dance moves, he’s just glad he got away. Being near enough to Zemo for people to assume they were acquainted? Come on. That’s just insult on top of injury.
Bucky’s head swivels to follow him once Sam tracks into his line of sight.
“Where’s Zemo?” is the first thing he says.
Sam avoids his gaze until he’s good and comfortable on the couch at his side. It’s closer than he meant to be, since the damn thing has a curve to it, but the chairs don’t look comfortable. Unless, he supposes, you’re a percher, like Sharon. Sam doesn’t perch.
To cover for the fact that he picked his seat without thorough reconnaissance and is, with his inhibitions a little lower than usual, both far too nervous and not nearly nervous enough, Sam spreads his knees to take up even more of the couch, draping his arms along the back. Finally, he glances at Bucky.
“Sharon’s doing her shift as babysitter,” Sam says.
“Hasn’t she done enough?”
“You wanna go back down there and spell her, be my guest.”
“Nah,” Bucky says, “I think I’m good.”
Bucky’s jacket is gone too, Sam notes, moving his own from where it landed to the chair opposite. Briefly, he lets himself be curious. Why does Sharon have a wardrobe of men’s clothes in enough sizes and styles to reasonably clad himself, Bucky, and Zemo for the evening? Are these things expensive? Are they valuable, like the Monet he saw on the way in? Maybe the clothes on his back belonged to some celebrity and are set to be sold off to the highest bidder. If that weren’t a selling point before, it could be now—everything itemized and tagged as having been worn by Sam Wilson, the Falcon, the Man Who Wouldn’t Be Captain America.
In the short silence, Sam feels himself beginning to frown, but he’s just the right side of buzzed to prevent those thoughts from dragging him down. He’s a cheerful drunk. Always has been. A hugger, a giggler, a piggyback ride-giver in his younger years.
“Do you think she’s doing alright?” Bucky asks, forever ready to be morose. “Sharon?” Sam wants to stick his finger in the indentation between Bucky’s eyebrows and wiggle it until the seriousness drops from his face. He wants to smooth his thumb over Bucky’s chin, wipe out the memory of Zemo’s touch when he offered Bucky to Selby like a thing instead of a human being. “I know she took your deal, a favour for a favour, but I’ve been trying to work out what my debt to her is. My notebook—”
“There’s no math for it, Buck,” Sam says. Though his tone is lazy, his words are certain. “Who owes what to who. We just have to make it right.” Mildly annoyed that he’s been drawn back into a heavy conversation, he sighs and slings his foot up to rest his ankle on his opposite knee. The movement bumps Bucky’s thigh momentarily. “Think I might owe Sharon a little less now that she made me wear a turtleneck to that party.”
Bucky snorts a laugh. Sam turns his head and gives him the finger, though he’s also smiling.
“I’m laughing at what you said,” Bucky claims, “not the shirt. You coulda picked something else.”
“It’s black and doesn’t have a pattern. After that Smiling Tiger getup, I felt like being inconspicuous, ok?”
“Ok. You don’t need my approval.”
“You’re damn right I don’t,” Sam agrees, still grinning.
“Suits you,” Bucky half-mumbles.
Sam huffs from his nose, all his laughter in that puff of air as he faces forward again, then tips his head back to check out Sharon’s high ceiling. With nothing but night through the tall windows and the room under-illuminated by the two lamps either left on by their host or switched on by Bucky, the ceiling’s dark grey instead of white. Shadowy. Unlike the menacing shadows that seemed to stretch after them on the streets of Low Town, sending an unpleasant tickle up the back of Sam’s neck, these are soft. It’s a surprisingly peaceful end to the day, considering what the past 24 hours have encompassed. Suddenly, Sam feels as though he’s been awake a long, long time. Doesn’t mean he’s ready to sleep yet.
“So,” he says, “downstairs. Why’d you leave? Most date-like thing we’ve done yet and I tear my eyes away from the trainwreck of Zemo’s dancing to find you gone.”
“The noise, the crowd, Zemo,” Bucky emphasizes, “like you said.”
“You brought him.”
“I know, I just…” Bucky slumps forward and hangs his head, hands clasped between his knees. He turns pained eyes on Sam and Sam moves his hand from the back of the couch to Bucky’s shoulder. From there to his upper back. From a grounding pressure to a gentle rub. Just a couple times, but he doesn’t pull away, perennially touchy when less than sober. “I don’t want him to control me.”
“He doesn’t,” Sam says firmly. “You were yourself at Selby’s.”
“His version of me. I don’t like the reminder. I don’t want to find out if I’d do it again, in that crowd of people, attack someone just because he told me to.”
“Of course you wouldn’t. I’m trusting you not to.”
“Is that smart?” Bucky asks, expression raw. Sam can feel the heat of his back through his shirt.
“It’s not totally smart. Can’t be, with you involved.”
Bucky rolls his eyes and smiles and Sam wants to cheer.
“I don’t know about that date,” Bucky says lightly, crossing his arms in front of his chest as he leans back into the couch once more. It was a t-shirt under that jacket of his and Sam’s gaze slides to his arms, trying to look without looking. Only because the Vibranium one isn’t on display a lot. That’s all.
“Oh, here we go.”
Sam’s amazed at how his complaint sounds in this room, in this light, on this couch. Like the ceiling, it’s soft.
“It was too loud.”
“The last thing you called a date was a fight on the top of a truck speeding down a highway. Wasn’t exactly quiet.”
“Well,” Bucky tries again, “there were too many people.”
“Again, extra people weren’t a problem last time. Half a dozen Flag-Smashers, as I recall.”
“That was fun and all—”
“Which part?” Sam asks, smiling. “The part where you got hurled into a windshield by the woman you’d assumed was a hostage? Yeah, that part was fun for me too.”
“Can it.”
Bucky accompanies the words with a look that Sam could pick out a mile away as fake-grumpy. It cracks him up and he lifts his hand from Bucky’s back to shove his arm as he laughs.
“You called tonight a date,” Bucky says suddenly.
“No, I said… I said…” Sam squints at nothing as he retrieves his words in his mind. “Date-like.”
“Zemo got in my head and I got in yours.”
Instead of saying this miserably, Bucky looks quietly smug at his joke. Sam needs to set him straight; of course he didn’t think tonight was a date. With a massive bounty on their heads at the other end of Madripoor? With Zemo the third wheel always only an arm’s length away? And the current circumstances are beside the point because, fundamentally, Sam doesn’t know whether or not Bucky’s been joking from the start. Intentionally wrong-footing him, messing with him, like they’ve been doing as long as they’ve known each other.
“You’ve definitely done something,” Sam volunteers.
It’s his fourth drink talking, or maybe the fucking pickled snake organ he forced himself to swallow earlier. His jaw clenches fleetingly at the memory. Sarah’s gonna laugh her ass off when he tells her. Should be enough to balance out whatever ire she’ll be sending his way for that dumb shit he said about laundering money. Although she’ll get that he only said it to avoid getting shot (he won’t tell her how narrow that success was), she still won’t be thrilled that he made himself out to be a criminal. It’s the furthest thing from the kind of people the Wilsons are. He could always point a finger at how Bucky behaved—dropping everyone who ran at him with icily efficient twists and kicks—but he knows how Sarah would look at him, what she’d be thinking. That he and Bucky aren’t held to the same standard, externally or internally. That he talks about Bucky too often, so often that if he let his sister in on this stupid running joke they have about their ops being dates, she’d take it all wrong, think this was something serious and inevitable.
Sam swallows and laces his fingers together in his lap so he won’t reach out for Bucky again.
“I know I should’ve let you in on the plan to spring Zemo from prison,” Bucky says. Oh, he thinks Sam’s words were a subtle criticism, not an admission. That’s… good.
“No excuses,” Bucky promises, stretching his neck from side to side. “I shoulda told you. Once I explained it, you would’ve seen that I was right and agreed with me.”
Sam gives the side of Bucky’s head a hard stare until he catches the smirk hiking his lips up on one side.
“Wow,” Sam says dryly, “that was almost you taking responsibility.”
“I take responsibility all the time.”
“The notebook, right?”
“Yeah. Can’t believe Zemo put his fuckin’ hands on something so private, but I guess I shouldn’t be surprised.”
“I get that it’s private,” Sam assures him, “but you can tell me shit. If you want.”
Bucky’s folded arms loosen and he shoots Sam a sideways glance that scans all over his face, measuring, cataloguing, computing with that cyborg brain Sam teases him about. Sam blinks back. He means it, and he meant it before when he said he’s trusting Bucky.
“Feels a little one-sided,” Bucky says.
“That’s because you won’t come home with me to meet Sarah and the boys. You already got your invitation into my personal life, you just haven’t used it.”
“We’ve been a little busy, Sam.”
Sam sighs loudly and pushes his sleeves up his arms against the warmth of the room.
“You can make time. Once we’re not on Zemo’s schedule.”
“He was supposed to be on ours,” Bucky mutters. “I don’t know how that happened.”
“It happened because you’re an idiot who didn’t tell me the plan.”
“It’s my fault we keep getting shot at.”
Sam ignores that, the happy looseness surging up inside him battling the gravity of Bucky’s self-pity.
“It’s your fault if you didn’t like the date,” he counters. “You got Zemo out of Germany, Zemo brought us to Madripoor. Low Town, Selby, Sharon—all that happened as a consequence. You didn’t like tonight’s date? That’s on you.”
“Date-like,” Bucky corrects with a sly smile. “The noise and the fighting last time were fine—”
“Were they?!”
“—I just thought the next date should be different.”
Sam laughs softly because this isn’t the first time Bucky’s made this sound like more than a joke, but it is the first time he’s done this at night. And without Sam’s sister and nephews in the next room, or the potential for anybody to drive past them on a country road that runs alongside untidy fields, but when they’re truly alone.
“How so?” Sam asks, heart pumping like the bass in the basement, where the party’s carrying on without the two of them.
Bucky loosens his arms even more, until his forearms rest on his thighs, until—when he rocks to the side, repositioning to face Sam—he can rest one on the back of the couch where Sam’s used to be. His hand hangs down and his fingers skim Sam’s shoulder.
“More private,” Bucky confesses.
“I didn’t know that’s what you wanted,” Sam says with an easy laugh because Bucky’s face is still a little too stern, but that could be self-consciousness. “Tell me how to get more than four stars, man.”
“And you’ll do it?”
“Depends. Try me,” he blurts.
He watches Bucky’s face pinch in then relax, going especially slack at the mouth, which gets closer when Bucky angles into his space. Sam’s fingers release and his back straightens as he shifts to square his body to Bucky’s. They’ve done something like this before, locked into stubborn, confrontational posture when Bucky makes Sam’s life difficult by refusing to go along with what he says, but not this. Not this exactly.
Sam doesn’t stiffen or jerk away, so Bucky keeps coming.
“Are you…?” Bucky asks, eyelashes fluttering as his lids raise and lower, looking from Sam’s eyes to his lips. “Is this…?”
Always talking.
Tilting his head and closing his eyes, Sam stamps his mouth to Bucky’s. He goes to break away after a few stunned seconds, but then Bucky’s hand lands on the back of his neck—warm; not the metal one—to hold them together. Sam meets Bucky’s seeking tongue with his own and feels scruff against his face as their mouths test and react to each other. Reflexively, Sam grips the front of Bucky’s tight, black t-shirt. The kiss is quick and feverish and, when Bucky’s fingers untense on his neck, Sam rests his face against Bucky’s.
He wouldn’t say he’s scared to move, but he’s wary. He can’t tell if they’ve fucked up their whole dynamic or taken it, at last, to a level it was always going to reach. Raising a hand to pat the side of his head and check that his goggles are in place, Sam stops, remembering he won’t feel the strap because he’s not in the air. It’s been a while since he felt lightheaded on the ground.
He clears his throat and draws back. Bucky starts to remove his hand from Sam’s neck, but Sam reaches up to keep it there. He juts his chin out challengingly as he holds Bucky’s eyes, thinking, for a second, of their joint session with Dr. Raynor.
“What’s the verdict?” Sam demands.
Bucky stares back solemnly.
“Four and a half.”
“I’m leaving you here in Madripoor,” Sam declares, pointing a finger down at Bucky’s abruptly and broadly grinning face as he pushes up from the couch.
He strides over to Sharon’s crystal decanters, laughing to himself and looking for water. There isn’t any, but she does have an insulated canister of dissolving ice cubes. Sam scoops a few into a tumbler and turns back to look silently at Bucky. He cups the base of the glass in his hot palm. Slowly, the ice starts to melt.
55 notes · View notes
Day 14: The Test Results - Santiago ‘Pope’ Garcia
Day 14: The Test Results - Santiago ‘Pope’ Garcia 
Todays story was requested by @itspdameronthings​. Thank you so much for the request and I really hope you like it. This is the longest of all the stories I have written for the November Writing Challenge.
November Writing Challenge Masterlist 
Day 13: Water Flowed- Llewyn Davis 
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Day 1 
“Do you have to go?” Your voice is quiet as you watch him pack his bags from your seat on the bed. 
“Querida, you know I don’t want to but they are asking me back as a favor AND I’m being compensated. I worked in Columbia for three years, it's where my mother was born. I feel like I need to do this,” he kneels in front of you, taking your hands in his own. “It’s only four months and I promise I will call and text you every single day. It’s killing me to leave you but...I feel I have to do this.” 
Santiago ‘Pope’ Garcia was a former member of Delta Force in the US Military before leaving to go work for the DEA in Columbia. Three years ago, he left Columbia to return home but not without one final mission. He got together a few of his old buddies from the force and robbed a drug lord before killing him and fleeing the country. But something went wrong. Well… a lot of shit went wrong, resulting in the death of his old captain, Tom, and forcing them to leave millions of dollars off the side of a cliff buried in the snow. 
Santiago had accepted a temporary assignment with the DEA to return back to Columbia and train some new recruits. You were not one bit okay with this plan but the one thing you loved and also kind of hated about your husband was how headstrong he could be. Unfortunately, you are just as stubborn as him. The last few weeks leading up to his departure had been fraught with arguments. You didn’t want him to go. Even though it had been years since that last mission, you didn’t know what the situation down there was. Were they still hunting for the men who had robbed and gunned down Lorea? Was he walking into a trap? No money was worth losing the man you loved, and he didn’t seem to understand that. 
“You don’t have to do anything.” The words are bitter on your tongue and Santiago winces, before moving to stand. “We don’t need that money, and you have no idea what you walking into baby…” 
“Y/N, we have talked about this enough. I am going!” He slams the top of his suitcase closed before pulling the zipper harshly and walking towards the door. He turns sharply at the door pointing at you, “Why do you keep arguing with me about this? I have told you a million reasons why I need to do this! Instead of supporting me you're just fighting with me!” 
“I do support yo-” 
“Well, you sure have a funny way of showing it.” he swings his backpack on his back, puts on his hat and walks out the door. You’re on your feet in a hurry. “Goddamnit, Santiago! Will you just fucking listen to me for two minutes?”  You grab his shoulder and turn him to face you. He’s fuming and you can tell the volcano is seconds away from blowing. “I DO support you! I understand WHY you feel the need to do this but I LOVE YOU and I don’t want to LOSE YOU!” 
You're out of breath from shouting, and you see the anger slowly fade from his face as he comes to stand closer to you, “Querida...baby you're not going to lose me. I love you….so … damn … much. I never really felt alive until I met you, and no one,” he puts a finger under your chin and raises your eyes to his own, “no one is going to take me away from you.” 
“You can’t promise that…” Your words come out broken and a choked sob escapes you. “You don’t know what’s going to happen. Santi I can’t lose you. I won’t survive without you…” 
“Shhh.” He pulls you close and you collapse in a sobbing heap into his chest, your tears soaking the front of his t-shirt, his hands are strong as he holds you close. “I know nothing is one hundred percent but I love you and I am going to come home back to you. Nothing could ever keep me away.” He pulls you away from his chest, wiping your eyes before kissing you gently.
“I love you too Santi, so much.” You sigh into the kiss and hold him tight before he pulls away, walking towards the door, grabbing his duffle bag from the floor and walking out, taking your heart with him. 
Day 31 
Santiago kept good on his promise and called and texted every single day, each time letting you know he was safe and how much he loved you. He was working hard down there, and he loved the adventure, even if he missed you like crazy. You missed him too and the combination of being without your husband, taking care of the whole house, your shared basset hound, and work was draining. It was only a matter of time before you started feeling under the weather. You had been feeling fatigued, sore throat, cough, and after two days of vomiting throughout the day you had to admit it, you were sick. 
On your nightly call with Santi the worry in his voice warmed your heart. “Baby, you need to go to the doctor and get checked. Remember when you got bronchitis last year? It was pretty bad.” 
You hack into the receiver “Yeah, maybe you're right. I just feel like shit Nauseous all day long. Jonathon actually sent me home today. Said he was worried about me ‘infecting’ the office.” 
Santi mutters under his breath but you hear him and snort. “Yeah I agree he is a dick, but I appreciate being sent home. I’ll go to the urgent care tomorrow.” 
“Do you promise?” 
“Yes, I promise. I want to feel better...I just hate going to the doctor.” You recall the many times Santi had to drag you kicking and screaming (sometimes literally) to the doctor. 
“Why don’t you ask one of the guys to go with you?” 
“Maybe...Frankie mentioned he was off tomorrow when I called him yesterday....” 
“See. It was meant to be. Why don’t you text him after you hang up with me and he will make sure you go? Then I can rest easy tonight knowing you’re ok. I wish it were me though. I would take such good care of you baby.” 
“Oh yeah?” What would you do if you were here?” You snuggle down into the comforter with your box of tissues, hot tea, the humidifier and his deep soothing voice lulling you to sleep. 
It doesn’t take long before your soft snores fill the phone and Santi smiles to himself. Listening to the sounds of his love finally feeling at rest. When you wake up three hours later to throw up the light from your phone signifies a message. 
I called Frankie, he’s going to come by at 10 o’clock to take you for an appointment. I booked it online through the app. Get some rest and drink lots of fluids. I love you. - Hubby 
You smile before brushing your teeth and crawling back into the warmth of your bed and falling back to sleep, dreaming of your husband. 
Day 32 
The next morning Frankie rings the doorbell at exactly 9:45.Like all the other Delta Force guys (except Benny), they are meticulously early. You greet him with a cup of coffee with his own special airplane shaped mug, complete with his name engraved on the side. You knew that when you married Santiago, Frankie came as part of the package. 
“Hi Garcia, how ya feeling?” He wraps one arm around your shoulder and you lean into the embrace, placing your head on his arm. 
“To be completely honest Cat? I feel like shit.” 
Frankie lets out a small laugh before rubbing gentle circles on your back. “Well then let’s get you to the doctor. You got your insurance card?” 
“Yeah it’s in my bag.” You grab your brown knit bag, swinging it over your shoulder. 
“Then let’s get going.” He guides you out to his truck, helping you into the seat before running around the front to the driver's seat. 
About twenty minutes later you're pulling into the parking lot of your doctor. Frankie walks you inside helping you get signed in. It's another thirty minutes before you're put back into a room, sitting on crinkled tissue paper, Frankie reading back issues of People. The door opens and you sit up a little straighter. 
“Mrs. Garcia?” You nod. “I’m Dr. Jacobs. What can I help you with today?” 
You proceed to tell her what’s been going on and she goes through the motions, asking you all about your symptoms, checking your ears, nose, throat, and chest. When she's done she types everything into her tablet, “one more question, when was your last menstrual cycle?” 
You open your mouth to answer before closing it slowly. “When was my last...Oh. Uhm,” you laugh nervously at a loss for words, “about a month ago it should be starting any day now…” 
“Is there any chance you could be pregnant?” she asks, looking between you and Frankie. 
“Oh, he’s not my husband!” 
“I’m her husband's best friend. He’s out of the country.” 
“Well it sounds like you may have the flu but I would like to run some labs as well if that’s alright with you, and maybe a pregnancy test just to be sure?” 
You laugh. “Sure doc whatever you need, but I am not pregnant.” 
Day 35 
You swing your car haphazardly into the driveway narrowly missing a planter box and running over Mia’s pink bike. The front door slams open. Frankie is running down the driveway, yanking the car door open and pulling you into his arms. Your sobs are staining your cheeks and you're a blubbering mess. 
“Garcia! What the hell! Are you ok!?” Frankie checks you over. You shake your head frantically. 
“NO! No I am not ok!” you shout! “The test results came back!” 
“Oh god, is it bad!? Cancer? Diabetes? Fuck! Did Pope give you some kind of STD because I swear I will kick his ass for you!” 
“NO! God...no...I'm...Pregnant!” You break down in sobs and hold onto Frankie who starts to laugh. “Stop laughing! This is serious! Frankie!!” 
He chuckles squeezing you tighter, “Garcia this is wonderful! You're gonna be a mom and Santiago is going to be a daddy! Mia will have someone to play with. Fuck, I’m so happy for you guys.” You pull away to see a huge smile on his face. 
Some of his excitement rubs off on you and you rub your nose on the sleeve of your shirt before you smile, “I’m gonna be a mommy…oh shit Frankie what do I tell Santi?
“We will worry about that later. But right now let’s get you home and back to bed. You still have that cough and you need your rest.” 
Day 36 
“Hey baby. How is my favorite man?” 
“Oh Querida I miss you so much. I think I forgot how much I love being out in the field. The rush, the thrill. It’s addicting.” 
Your heart drops and for a minute you say nothing. How the hell could you tell him about the baby? He would want to come straight home and he’s loving the work.
“Everything is great here. Yeah, I got the test results yesterday from the lab and everything is normal. I just have the flu and since I’ve been off the last few days I’ve rested and drank lots of fluids and I am feeling much better.” 
“Oh good, I was so worried about you.” He sighs. “I got a new app on my phone that counts down to the second till I get to be back with you.. I love you so much Querida.” 
You bite your lip to keep from crying before letting out a shaky breath, “I love you too baby, and I can’t wait to see you soon.” 
The conversation shifts and when you hang up with your husband you shoot a quick text off to Frankie. 
Don’t mention ANYTHING about the pregnancy to Santiago. I’ll tell him when he gets home. 
What? Why? 
He loves being there and if we're going to have a baby then he's not going to be able to do this again. If I tell him you know he will just come home early. 
Ok...I still think you should tell him. You're going to need support though...he’s still going to be gone for three more months. 
Your right...Frankie...will you be my person? 
... of course. Get some sleep Garcia. 
Day 100 
Four months doesn’t seem like a long time. But when you're pregnant and missing your husband it seems like a lifetime. It had been one hundred days since Santi had left for South America and only twenty-two more days till he came home. When you did the math in your head you had become pregnant two weeks before Santi had left. Meaning you were well on your way to being a very noticeable pregnant woman. 
You had been shopping a couple times with Benny to Motherhood Maternity store to get some bigger clothes because yours refused to fit. Also a very interesting trip to Babies-R-Us where after much convincing he did not purchase the entire store for his future niece/nephew. Will had been attending your doctor and lab appointments with you. And sweet Frankie had been helping you around the house, getting groceries when you were too tired, keeping up the yard, and taking you and your dogs for walks to keep you moving. Your husband’s brothers had become your own, and you loved them for it. Only 22 more days. 
Day 120 
You're sitting at the kitchen table doing a puzzle with Will when Frankie comes in carrying takeout and a squirming Mia. He puts her down and she rushes toward you. 
“TIA GARCIA!” she screams, launching herself into your arms. 
“MIA!” you shout, squeezing her tightly before tickling her sides. She giggles before shimmying out of your lap and running to the kitchen. Coming back a moment later carefully balancing (at least as careful as a three year old can) a plate filled with watermelon to you. 
“Papa says this is for the baby,” she tells you in what could be called an attempted whisper but more like a shout. 
“Why are you whispering Mia?” 
“Papa says that I have guts to be quiet because the baby is sleeping.” She leans forward and hugs your slightly protruding belly before climbing into the kitchen chair across from you. 
You give Frankie an amused look and he smiles with a shrug before plating out the food. Pizza for them and watermelon for you. It’s all you seem to want anymore. “Oh come to mama.” You spear a piece before placing it in your mouth, moaning as the cold sweet juice goes down your throat. 
“So I’m taking you to the airport on Friday to pick up Santiago. Any ideas on how you're going to tell him?” Frankie asks, taking a large bite of pizza. 
“Well I think he’s going to know.” You gesture to your stomach, spearing another piece of melon. 
“I’ve been looking up ideas on how to tell people you're pregnant, and you could give him a jar of pasta sauce,” Will says and you all look at him like he’s nuts, “No, hear me out it’s Prego pasta sauce...get it, Prego?” 
You groan before taking another bite, “I think he’s going to notice I’m pregnant before I can even give him a jar of pasta sauce Will.” 
“Not if he doesn’t see your stomach first…” Frankie says, “what if you made a sign?” 
“A sign?” 
“Yeah like when we used to come home from a tour and the families would have signs. You could make a sign!” 
You think about it for a minute before you fall in love with the idea. You go to the office and come back with a couple poster boards you kept for work presentations. You place one in front of Mia who squeals and grabs one of the markers you provide. You get to work outlining the words and filling them in with his favorite colors blue and red. When completed, you lift it up and show it to the others.
“That’s perfect!” Frankie beams. 
“Bet you 50 bucks he cries,” Will says. 
“Deal,” they slap hands and you glare, before smiling at the two. Only two more days. 
Day 122 - Santiago Comes Home 
You feel sick, what if he doesn’t want to have a baby? Will he be mad I kept this from him? Shit, maybe this was a terrible idea. What the hell was I thinking? 
“Garcia, you need to calm down, you're making me stressed.” 
“What if he doesn’t want this? What if he is disappointed? What if-” Frankie stands up and puts his hands on your shoulders. 
“Garcia listened to me. Santiago loves you more than anything in this entire world and he is going to love this baby just as much maybe even more. He may be surprised yeah but trust me. Once he wraps his brain around it, he’s going to be ecstatic.” He pulls you in for a hug and you take a deep breath, calming your nerves. 
The constant flow of travelers does nothing to lessen your anxiety. You take a deep breath and almost choke on the smell of espresso from the nearby Starbucks. Frankie gives you one last squeeze before handing you the sign and stepping back as people flood out of the gate. 
You rise to your tiptoes in search for a familiar head of salt and pepper curls. When in a break of the crowd you see him, running in a full sprint towards you. His face split into a megawatt smile. As he gets close enough to touch, you hold up the sign. He slows down slightly as he reads and you watch the smile fade only slightly before it’s replaced by shock. 
Welcome home daddy 
He reaches forward, holding tight to the poster board and slowly lowering it, eyes transfixed at your swollen belly. Silence. His hands shake as they put the sign on the floor, his eyes never leaving you. Your heart races and you feel the urge to vomit return again before he drops to his knees. 
You wince, “Baby, your knees…” reaching down to pull him up, but he makes no move to stand, his hands coming to your stomach. Placing his lips gently over your shirt. His forehead rests against you and tears drench your shirt. The baby chooses that moment to make their presence known kicking softly against his cheek. You run your hands through his curls and he looks up at you with a watery smile and a small laugh. 
“Querida, you’re pregnant. We’re...we’re having a baby…” he sniffles and you can’t help the tears in your own eyes. “Why...why didn’t you tell me? I would have come home…”
“That’s exactly why I didn’t. You’ve been so happy these past few months and I knew you needed to do this. Yes, I was scared as hell about losing you but...I understood.” 
“I don’t deserve you,” he whispers before shakily getting to his feet and clutching you tight, his hands frame your face and he pulls you close getting lost in the kiss, “I love you...so fucking much,” he whispers putting his forehead against your own. “I love you too. I’m so glad your home… I mean the guys have been great but I’m excited to go shopping for baby stuff with you, attend my doctor appointments together, and have you bring me platefuls of watermelon.” 
He laughs pulling back, “Watermelon? Is that what you’ve been craving?” 
“Oh god yes, even talking about it makes my mouth water.” 
“If that is what you want Querida, then you can have as much as you desire,” he kisses you again. 
A cough sounds from behind and you turn to see Frankie smiling at you.  Santi reaches out to give him a slap on the back, the two conversing in Spanish. You hold your hand out and Santi latches on, never letting go as you make your way through the terminal and out to the truck. 
The world passes by in a kaleidoscope of color as Frankie drives you both home. Arriving, you thank him before leading Santi by the hand and into the house. When the door is latched behind you, he presses you into the door gently. Every touch, every caress, left you breathless. His lips warm and wet against your own. When you take a breath his tongue snakes inside and he drags you from the door, striping each other, leaving a trail of clothes to the bedroom. 
After you’ve been thoroughly fucked and your wrapped up in Santiago’s strong arms, legs intertwined together, and he’s rubbing your belly do you finally relax. Sighing into his chest, and kissing it lightly. “Your really happy about the baby?” you whisper, breaking the comfortable silence that had settled between you. 
His grip around you tightens, “I promise you, I am very happy about the baby. You made me a daddy Querida. I love you...so much.” 
You sigh, “I love you too.” 
3 months later 
Eight months of pregnancy has flown by. After Santi got home from Columbia he took over doing everything. Attending your appointments together, buying and building things for the nursery, and bringing you platefuls of watermelon at all times of the day and night. Santiago takes the roll of daddy very seriously. All of those year in the military have come into play the last few months as he has transformed your house into a fortress. God help anyone that tries to hurt you or your unborn daughter. 
It started small with a few extra cameras on the perimeter, then installing a new indoor security system. A new fence was put up around the pool two months ago, and most recently the baby monitors set up throughout the house. He was beginning to drive you a little insane and you honestly just wanted him to lay off a bit. The perfect opportunity arose one fateful morning during breakfast. 
“So I’ve been thinking Querida, how do you feel about putting carpet on the floor of the nursery?” 
Part 2: Carpet (If you haven’t read it, check it out!)
Day 15: Just Walk Away- Ezra (Prospect) 
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moonknightly · 4 years
and you keep me holding on : santiago garcia x reader (seven)
Word Count: 1.8k+ — a short one today, fellas
Excerpt: “Some nights he goes to the bar and finds a warm body to bring home, one that doesn’t care about the wedding band on his finger or the women’s perfume coating his sheets or that goddamn stuffed wolf that now occupies what was once her side. Some nights he sits on his kitchen floor and drinks himself into oblivion.”
Warnings: I said a few bad words. This chapter is pretty light. 
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Santiago hates October. He hates October so fucking much, he can’t even put it into words when he’s asked to explain himself after he casually mentions it to one of his co-worker’s, someone who wasn’t around a year before when his entire life went to shit. He hates talking about it, hates thinking about it, doesn’t know how he could even begin to explain it.  
So he doesn’t answer. He only shrugs, and rolls his eyes when he looks up and catches the horrified expression on his captain’s face.
Santi’s past the breaking down and the sobbing. He’s past the uncontrollable emotions and the erratic behavior. He doesn’t need people to continue to be so careful around him, he just needs things to finally get back to normal-
He stops before he can continue on with that thought, with that wish, because nothing will ever be normal again. Not like it was, at least. He takes a deep breath and reminds himself that he has a new normal, a new routine.
He wakes up in his new apartment each morning, fixes the covers and pillows on just one side, makes breakfast for himself and only himself. He showers by himself, pays for one coffee from his new favorite coffee shop. He does the grocery shopping, does the laundry, remembers when the bills are due all by himself, no longer looks to the fridge for a sticky-note reminder. Some nights he goes to the bar and finds a warm body to bring home, one that doesn’t care about the wedding band on his finger or the women’s perfume coating his sheets or that goddamn stuffed wolf that now occupies what was once her side. Some nights he sits on his kitchen floor and drinks himself into oblivion.
That’s his normal. That’s his routine.
He fucking hates it and he fucking hates October, but it’s his life now, and he’s just going to have to get used to it.
And so he ignores the look on his captain’s face, ignores his co-worker’s persistence, and shuts his computer down the second it hits 5 o’clock — another unfamiliar part of his new routine. He’s always off work right on time, hasn’t had a second of overtime since-
He sighs, and pushes away from his desk, shrugging his coat on. He feels like it’s one of those nights where a bottle of whiskey is all the comfort and company he needs. His thoughts, those emotions are getting too close again. He can’t let them get too close.
Santi can’t remember how much is left in the bottle of Maker’s Mark he has at home. He can’t even remember if there’s another bottle tucked away behind that one, so he stops by the liquor store on his way back to his place and grabs three bottles off the shelf. The guy behind the counter recognizes him now, and the judgment in his eyes is always clear, but Santi always ignores it. He pays, and at that point he’s only a few blocks from his apartment, so he walks.
He walks and he doesn’t think about a damn thing. He’s gotten good at that, turning his thoughts off on command.
And he’s so lost in his nothingness he almost doesn’t notice when he gets home and his front door’s unlocked, deadbolt and all.
He’s never left the door unlocked. Not even before.
Santi slowly, silently sets his things down on the ground, and his hand easily finds the gun on his hip. He pulls it from its holster, flicks the safety off, but keeps it aimed towards the floor even though his first instinct is to shoot first, ask questions later. There’s only one person he thinks it could be.
But still, he keeps it pointing downwards, and pushes the door open with the toe of his boot.
The light in the hallway is on, and so is the one in the living room. He always makes sure all of the lights are off when he leaves in the morning, and Santi frowns. If Nathan broke into his place, he’s sure as hell not being subtle about it.
But once he makes it down the hall and into the main living space, he sees Jay standing against the island. Not Nathan. Just Jay.
He should’ve suspected the man with the key first.
“Jesus Christ, man,” he sighs, running a hand through his graying curls. Jay eyes the gun in his hand, like he isn’t surprised to see it pulled on him, and Santi sighs a second time before turning the safety back on and setting the weapon on the endtable by the couch. “What the fuck are you doing?”
Santi heads back to the door to grab his things, and he hears Jay’s shoes hit the hardwood floor as he moves into the living room and sits on the couch. Santi’s eyebrows furrow when he doesn’t say anything, and after he has his whiskey stored away for later, he finally looks at him. Really looks at him.
Jay’s face is pale, eyes a little puffy. He’d been crying, that was completely obvious, and as Santi moves closer, he can tell his hands are shaking.
“Hey, what is it?” Santi asks, sitting on the coffee table, hands resting on his knees as he leans forward.
The other man starts to bounce his leg, his eyes looking everywhere but at Santi. It takes him almost a full minute to finally speak, and when he does, his voice wavers.
“They found her,” he mumbles, a small, humorless laugh following his words. “We found her.”
Santi can tell from Jay’s tone that it isn’t good.
“We got a call from State Patrol earlier, about a girl they found in a ditch on the way out to Montauk. They needed someone to ID her so I went and-”
Santi feels that all too familiar bile rise in his throat, and he’s up before Jay can finish his sentence, running towards the kitchen so he can heave into the sink.
His head’s spinning. His arms and legs feel numb and the panic comes back full force. The pain, the grief, all of it hits him so violently in the chest he forgets how to breathe. It feels like the air had been forcefully knocked from his lungs and he feels like he’s getting ready to black out and-
And Jay knows he’s fucked up.
He quickly moves to Santi’s side and puts his hand on his shoulder, shaking his head almost frantically. “No, no. Santi, listen, hey, we need to get going.”
Santi just looks at him while his chest heaves, while sweat starts to drip down his forehead. “What?”
“I came over to take you to the hospital. Come on, you need to see her.”
Santi looks positively horrified, and it’s been months since Jay has seen him look so close to breaking down.
“You want me to identify her body now? Fuck, Jay, I thought you-”
“No.” Jay cuts him off, shaking his head again, mentally kicking himself for not starting the conversation this way, but to be honest, he still can’t wrap his head around it. He’s still in shock. “Santi, she’s alive.”
“Stop fucking with me man-”
“I’m not!” Jay promises, hands reaching out to grip Santi’s shoulders. He shakes once, twice, then laughs again, but this time, it’s in relief. “She’s alive. She’s alive and we need to get you to the hospital now-”
Santiago does black out.
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He doesn’t remember much about the next hour. He doesn’t remember Jay peeling him off the floor when he finally came too, doesn’t remember being dragged downstairs to Jay’s truck, doesn’t remember the drive to the hospital out on Long Island, though he does briefly remember wishing they’d been able to get her back to the city. He trusts the doctors and the nurses at her hospital, wants them to be the ones taking care of her. He wants her closer to home, closer to something, somewhere familiar. 
But even so, Santi doesn’t fully snap back to reality until he’s standing in front of Graves, and the numbness subduing his body and mind quickly fades into anger.
He’s so fucking angry. All he sees is red.
“You didn’t call me first? You were supposed to call me first, not anyone else.”
Graves holds his hands up, almost as if he’s afraid Santi’s going to rush him, and honestly? He thought about it.
“We wanted to make sure it was really her before we-”
“You had enough time to send Jay to my place. You could’ve called me at work, fuck, you could’ve just shown up-”
“We didn’t think that was a good idea-”
“Will you two shut up.” Cameron’s suddenly standing between the two, a hand on each of their chests, gently pushing them back from each other. “This is the last thing either of you should be doing right now.”
Santi knows she’s right, it’s the last thing he wants to be doing.
He just wants to see her, to touch her, to make sure she’s really there and breathing. His anger evaporates as quickly as it came, and he can’t pick an emotion to describe the feeling that replaces it.
“Can I see her?” he asks Cameron, coughing gently to hide the way his voice cracks, though she catches it. So does Graves, so does Jay.
Jay turns Santi to face him when neither Cameron nor Graves say anything, and he sighs, taking a moment to think about his words carefully before he speaks. “Santi...listen, she’s been through hell-”
“You think I don’t know that?” he scoffs, shaking his head. “You think I haven’t thought about that every damn day for the last fuckin’ year?”
Jay flinches, but he’s quick to relax. He reminds himself that everyone’s emotions are running high, he shouldn’t take it personally. “I just, I mean...fuck, it’s a lot, okay?” 
He looks almost scared, and Santi suddenly understands why he’d acted so scattered back at the apartment.
Santi nods, but doesn’t say anything, mostly because he doesn’t know what to say. He just wants to see her. They all know that.
So Jay leads him down the sterile white halls, and Santi shoves his hands into his pockets. His stomach twists the deeper into the building they get, but he pushes down his fear of hospitals and doctors and instead focuses on the fact that she’s still alive.
She’s alive. They found her. She’s alive.
She’s alive.
Though she doesn’t really look it.
Santi stops the second his eyes fall on her, motionless in her hospital bed, hooked up to different wires and tubes. And just like earlier, it feels like the air has completely escaped his lungs. He thinks he might be sick again.
It’s her. It’s definitely her, but she looks so, so frail — so unlike herself, and though Santi expected it, he’s not prepared for it.
He blacks out again, and just like always, Jay catches him before he hits the ground.
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vxlkyrieee · 4 years
first blood
Endgame!Steve Rogers x Nurse!reader
Word count: 3352
*set during the latter part of endgame (some mentions of infinity war)*
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Who would have ever thought that Captain America would need saving?
He appeared the picture of flawlessness. With a tall muscular build, pretty white teeth and a daunting stare, it was so easy to categorise Captain America as completely perfect and invulnerable.
Surely, living with a reputation like that would be exhausting. As someone that was expected to do no wrong all of the time, Steve was constantly on edge. He only ever disregarded his prestige if his moral compass took the unconventional route; he'd done that so many times, especially for Bucky. It usually cost him more than he would've liked.
But he's in too deep this time, and he can't pay for his salvation. Only you could do that for him. And it would cost you all your innocence.
You were never supposed to be a part of this shit. Steve mentally cursed himself, and he may or may not have mumbled a "fuck" when he first realised Thanos was attacking the compound, because you were still here with them. Why didn't you just go home when Steve insisted you'd worked enough hours?
You were his best girl, sweet and oh so gentle. Of course, you always held your own with more than enough handfuls of grit, but Steve believed you would never hurt a damn fly, and now you're all caught up in his mess.
The rubble seemed to deliquesce around your limbs as you try to recover from Thanos' artillery attack. Bruce, Rocket and Rhody, who were stuck with you, point out the arrival of water. It cascades down, sloshing into the confined space, and you couldn't help but start to sob. With every movement, the wreckage would attempt to submerge your body, leaving you struggling to keep your head above the surface. Rhody held your hand with cold, armoured fingers and Rocket clung to your arm for dear life. Here you were, just a mere woman among heroes.
Yet, that didn't matter right now.
Because Rocket was crying with you, The Hulk was struggling to hold up remnants of thick concrete, and War Machine couldn't move right without a full functioning suit. Just as the last flicker of hope was dimming, Ant-man squeezed his tiny body through the splits of rock and rubble, and added more sparks to your optimism. Still panting, Scott gives the three of you a hand and pulls you out.
"C'mon, guys! I'm pretty sure the whole band's back together now."
Making your way out into the open, you watch as the two adversarial sides yell their battle cries, and merge into a disorderly fight. A war, if you will. Leading the chaos was Steve, who now had everything to lose. The love of your life was throwing himself at a fucking Titan and his army, and all you were doing was spectating.
What the hell were you supposed to do? Wait on the sidelines until someone screamed "medic"?
It was as if that thought had climbed out from your skull and materialised before your eyes, when Steve took a particularly heavy blow. His shield was cracked, and if the vibranium was so easily broken, then what of Steve's bones?
As soon as he staggered to the ground, the cracks and fissures in your confidence began to make themselves known. Slowly, they paved paths along your heart, because what if Steve doesn't make it? What if he can't get back up? What if he's already dying?
Your sight becomes tunnel-visioned and you run towards Steve: the light at the end of the tunnel, as both earth and sky become one ash-ridden thing.
He saw your figure amongst the other Avengers, and they all fought tooth-and-nail around you, making sure you made it to Steve without an extra scratch.
"No! No, you've gotta get outta here now, Darlin'! Go!"
You hadn't moved from his side, and this was the only moment Steve ever wished you weren't so stubborn.
You stare at him, his face mottled with blood and freckles. At this point, Steve had trouble blinking without dirt invading his eyes. Instead of obeying his demand, or answering him, you ignore him completely. There were still many other Chitauri, that much you were sure of.
What you weren't sure of, was if Steve could make it to the end of this fight alive with the injuries he had, even when he could wield Mjolnir. His forearm had been torn open, the muscles just hanging onto their ligaments and bone. Steve being Steve, merely tightened the strap of his shield around the forearm, hoping that that would keep it in place. Another deep wound was opened on his thigh, blood soaking through the thick fabric of his uniform, forming a dark stain. He could feel the pain, like electric shocks, tingle down from his leg to his feet.
The same feet that you had once taught to dance.
The last five years haven't been easy. The first year was especially bad. There were days where you and Steve didn't get out of bed, hoping that your heads would stop spinning if you buried them under pillows for long enough.
This would count two times where Steve survived, and his best friend didn't. What made him so worthy of living?
Everyone would all tell him, the thoughts will pass. It's all in your head. But that was the problem. His head was so full with what he could've done, weighted and heavy like a dumpling, bursting and pounding with tears that never seemed to stop.
Steve could be all cloak-and-dagger sometimes. He was a marvellous arrangement of welded armour plates and kevlar, hiding behind a facade. But if you said the right words, touched him gingerly, held his gaze long enough, he'd dismantle and out would escape his affliction. Defences would crumble as he'd break down in your arms, and you in his. Castles and kingdoms collapsing together.
Even on the good days, Steve's blood flowed differently in his veins. His limbs were almost always exhausted, tired of waiting for some sort of breakthrough, holding on white-knuckled to a weakening hope that threatened to dissipate out of existence. Just like his friends.
But on the good days, the flurry of guilt and dust and Bucky and Sam, would shrink a little, even if by the tiniest fraction, to make enough room for something new. Those days meant slow dancing barefoot in the compound, cable-knit sweaters, ice cream flavoured kisses, filtered sun rays through windows, and tender bear hugs.
Those were the days where you had managed to get Steve's smile to reach his eyes: piercing blue, watery with laughter and flecked with tiny mellow greens. Eyes that glued themselves to your feet as he held your frame, swaying to the beat of soft jazz in the background.
On those days, he'd say "good morning." He'd have one hand in his pocket, and the other one wrapped around a steaming mug of coffee. His eyes adorned with dark circles, almost a purple tinge to the skin, but smiley nonetheless.
On those days, he'd buy you a double-scoop cone when you passed an ice cream truck in Central Park, even when it was so cold, your breath would become mist in the air. He'd even try leading the dances you'd have in the afternoon sun, waltzing a little faster so you'd follow in kind, giggling as you did so.
And he'd stumble sometimes, but never once did he give up.
It reminded you of the Avengers' early days, when Steve had planned on courting you. When you were still somewhat an unfamiliar face, only appearing sometimes by Dr. Cho's side. But Steve had his eye on you. Determined to confidently allure you, despite how many times he stumbled over his words in your presence. Instead, he had slipped, fallen really, into a romance he couldn't ever recover from. It was like having his feet swept from under him in a panicked rush, only to land face first into your welcoming arms. It was scary, but he loved it.
And the closer you got to Steve, the closer you got to the rest of the Avengers. Even after the snap. You tried to distance yourself from them at first, as to maintain a professional relationship, but they had a pretty strong magnetic field. Especially the girls. It was like gradually being pulled by gravity into the orbit of a planet you hadn't known existed. It was only then you realised that the Avengers were people too. Human. Well, most of them anyway.
You'd found sisters in Natasha and Wanda who were lost much too soon, and unexpectedly strong bonds with both Nebula and Rocket. There were times before all of this time travel, that you and Nat missed Wanda so much, you cooked all her favourite Sokovian dishes together, from chicken Paprikash, to stuffed Sarmale. It was in her honour you supposed. May as well mourn with good food, right?
On one particular day, you'd made Smazeny Syr, and Nat absolutely insisted the two of you eat it in the unconventional way Wanda loved: with blueberry jam. The smell of frying cheese had lured Rocket and Nebula into the kitchen and you took both their hands, hurriedly dragging them towards the stove.
"It's fried cheese. But, you guys have to try it how Wanda used to eat it. Otherwise you get none," you said with a giggle. Nat cut a piece, stabbing it with a fork before adding a generous dollop of jam.
"Ugh, no thanks I'm out," Rocket sneered.
"Your loss."
Natasha lifted the fork, and Nebula accepted it, albeit with a grimace painted on her face. As she chewed, her expression gradually changed from disgust, to surprise, and finally, delight. She nods her head, humming as she swallows.
Rocket waved off Nat's 'I-told-you-so's, shaking his head in a disapproving manner.
"Some freakshow you guys are."
You gave him a pointed look, raising an eyebrow and crossing your arms for emphasis. His demeanour faltered under your stare a bit, and he clumsily tried to save himself by favouring you. "'Cept you, (y/n). I kinda like how ya scratch behind my ears."
The room erupted into laughter and muffled complaints from Rocket. "Okay, that's enough outta you, racoon," Nat smiled smugly.
That signature Black Widow smirk. The one that either meant she was amused, or she was gonna kick your ass. You miss that smirk. And your memories of her were smothered with it, mocking you, the memories themselves unraveling into demons of sorrow.
Because now your heart has been broken once again. Your sisters are gone and they'd left you behind. And you will mourn of course, go through the motions of unbearable pain, until eventually it becomes tolerable enough to go back to routine.
But Steve was different. Steve was riddled with more guilt than was possible to endure. And now he could bleed out right in front of you if you didn't do something. But amongst a cold-blooded war, you'd have to avoid being killed too.
You had no weapon on you, and Nebula appeared to be the only one who noticed. So she tossed you a dagger, one that was idly sheathed on her leg anyway. A Chitauri warrior ran straight for you, and Steve was already rendered helpless laying in the dirt. You did the first thing that came to mind. You plunged the dagger right into the warrior's abdomen with a grunt, then ripped it back out, effectively killing the alien without leaving Steve's side.
Steve wished he could have done something. He wished you didn't have to do that. Because although the Chitauri wasn't human, you had just taken the life of a living being, in order to save his. You killed for him, with no reluctance whatsoever.
That was an action that would never be reversed. It was an action that came along with a side dish of guilt that would always make a home in the depths of a person's mind. Steve knew this all too well, coming back from a world war, and having to experience killing other opponents on many occasions. But that was something he wanted to isolate you from. He was the soldier, and you were the nurse. That's how it was always meant to stay, so he could suffer the mental trauma for you. So you'd stay safe from the horrors of having blood on one's hands.
Unlike your usual nature, you end up killing many more Chitauri while trying to clean the site of Steve's wounds.
All you could see was red. The anger and anxiety was so potent, it pressed heavily on your chest, rendering a physical ache in your ribs. Thanos had ruined a lot of things for you. And right now you'd kill as many of his sons of bitches that would dare come near you and the love of your life.
As you apply pressure on Steve's leg, a wave of 5 years worth of longing crashes into you with the force of a meteor shower, when scarlet coloured sorcery crosses your vision. Soon you're up, leaping, flying into Wanda Maximoff's arms. A bone crushing hug steadies the way you tremble against her, and before you know it, her hair is wet with your tears. Of course, time had passed differently for Wanda, but her eyes were apologetic as she caressed your cheek for a second, and you knew she understood how much her absence hurt you.
"C'mon, Princezna. I'll help you with Steve."
Wanda assists you in her progress, stitching Steve's wounds quickly and messily with magic and thread.
Steve notices how his head feels detached to his own body, all his thoughts flooding and melding into one giant entanglement, making it impossible to take a proper look at who was tending to his injuries. Shit, he couldn't even lift his head, weighted by the beginnings of dizziness.
"Is that you, (y/n)?"
"It's me, Baby, it's me. I'm gonna fix you." Fix him. Haven't you already tried countless times? You had thought you could smooth over his creases with love and affection, with time and effort. That was before you realised, no one can fix anyone.
However, Steve knew your efforts weren't wasted. You could never fix him or make him forget about the damage done to him over time. But you always helped him adapt. You helped him carry his burdens. You'd given him space and time to open up his baggage, then even unpacked some of it with him. You had done so much more than fix him.
You made him a new person. Different, sure. But still yours.
Once you had Steve in a stable condition, your adrenaline begins to wear off, and all the noise that previously pierced through the air, had suddenly dissipated. You weren't sure how the battle ended, but
you begin to realise exactly what you had done.
It felt good. As much as you hated to admit it, the bite of sharpened metal into wicked alien flesh was exactly what you needed. Or maybe you needed a minute away from everything. Weren't you supposed to feel apologetic? You were a nurse, for goodness' sake. Your purpose was the exact opposite of what you'd just done. Regardless, you knew Steve would be right there to comfort and console you if need be.
But right now, he needed you.
Bucky makes an appearance amongst the other avengers, and he comes forward, taking Wanda's place beside you. He helps Steve lay down on a stretcher, and into a helicopter sent by who knows who. All you know is, it isn't Thanos, and that's enough consolation for you.
Steve slips from consciousness while in the air, and you catch up with Bucky. He tells you you look different. You tell him you like his hair half-up, half-down.
You all end up inside the home of Tony and Pepper, and it becomes a sort of refuge. A place where everyone can wind down after the chaos and just be. Bucky carries Steve into one of the spare bedrooms, and you properly attend to his wounds. You start by unclipping and disregarding his helmet, before passing your fingers through his flattened hair. Bucky takes it from you, putting it by the window sill.
The bottom half of his face was painted with ash, which despite his predicament, makes you bite your lip to keep from giggling. He smirks at you, and you smile back warmly, wiping his face with a washcloth and a bucket of warm water, careful not to disturb his blooming bruises. You examine them softly. Your fingertips tickle against Steve's chin, but he doesn't complain. You hand him the bucket and he spits in it, ridding most of the blood in his mouth.
Whilst the bucket became more and more clouded with the backwash of the battle, Steve looked more and more like himself. You were so tangled up in Steve, you almost forgot Bucky was there until you hear the sound of his voice. His tone seemed to be sweetened by the sight of how his two friends have grown so much closer than when he left them.
"I'll give you lovebirds some space."
Before he turns to leave, (and supposedly find Sam) Steve clasps his hand on Bucky's arm. "It's good to have you back, Buck. We missed you."
Bucky gives you both a warm grin, nods, then leaves the room, closing the door behind him.
You take off Steve's uniform with languid movements, and he releases a sigh of relief. He was still sore, and unbelievably lethargic, but being this close to you made his brain all fuzzy, blocking out physical pain, to just feel you. He leans forward, resting the weight of his bare shoulder on you as he kisses you softly. The kiss was full of a strong ardour that seeped right into your bones, yet fragile enough, so that both your insecurities shone through. You'd have to rebuild much of yourselves later on, especially after today. Brick by broken brick, you'll both assemble your castles again. But for now, the kiss was enough to put a band-aid over everything.
"Love you, darlin'"
His voice spirals down your ear canals like melted chocolate, almost making you forget your own name. It made you drunk and alert at the same time, a familiar buzz running through your body. And when you smiled down at him, as sweet and soft as whipped cream, you didn't have to return the phrase. He knew. Steve had always been sentimental in that way, even when he wasn't there beside you. Like the months he spent AWOL as a fugitive after the whole Winter Soldier incident in Washington. He'd send you cuttings of your favourite flowers in an envelope, every now and then. No address, no name, no sender, but you knew it was him. You knew they meant 'I love you, be safe, I'll be back when I sort everything out.'
You pull away slowly from his lips, giggling, eliciting Steve to chuckle too. Such a sound was too rare nowadays, and you savoured it, locking the sound in your head to replay over and over later on.
"Okay, Cap. No more distractions, I gotta get you all clean and patched up."
"Only if you kiss me like a war just ended," he bargains.
"Alright, baby. But no frisky business. I'm exhausted."
Steve winks, adding a flirty little salute on the end "Yes, ma'am."
You'd left the curtain half open, hanging the fabric over the top of the window frame like a limp puppy ear. That way, the sunlight came through the window pane in mellow slices, coating your skin in a warm blanket of light while you indulge in Steve's kisses again.
He tasted like salt and cinders, but among that, after five long years, he finally tasted like Steve again. He was starting to heal. And it had cost him the mantle of Captain America, but planning to place it in Sam's care, it was a price he was willing to pay.
@asgardiangurll @avengingnatasha​ @whyamihere-bro​
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His Own Hands | Chapter One
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Pairing: Bucky x Reader
Words: 1,682
Summary: Bucky is settling in well with the Avengers but he keeps having nightmares - flashes of repressed memories of a girl being tortured by his hands and then vanishing into a swirling black portal. He's not sure who she is until Fury introduces them to their newest potential team member, a girl Bucky recognizes on sight and Fury calls "Portal".
Warnings: Hurt!Reader, Lack of Communication, torture, trauma, PTSD
Written for Nanowrimo 2020
Betaed by Saxxxology and Amory
Cover art edited by me
“Just ask him out already,” Irene says, dark curls bouncing as she checks all her mirrors and looks over her shoulder.
You shake your head, annoyed but smiling a little at your friend’s insistence. “Not gonna happen.”
She rolls her eyes, throwing the car into reverse. “There’s no one behind me, right?”
You do your own check, smiling at your best friend’s cautiousness. She almost backed into her brother a few weeks ago and now she’s a little paranoid. “Nope, you’re good.”
“Awesome.” She backs carefully out of the driveway and onto the street. “I hope the traffic isn’t too bad. I’m starving.”
“Me, too.”
“I’m serious, though. You need to stop beating around the bush and ask Quinn out. You know he’s never gonna do it himself.”
Your cheeks heat up at the reminder of Quinn’s obliviousness. “Shut up. He’s never gonna do it ‘cause he doesn’t feel that way.”
“Girl, I’ve seen the way he looks at you. That boy is in love.” A red light brings the car to a halt.
“Shut up,” you mumble, watching the “walk” sign begin counting down.
“Just calling things as I see them. You two have been dancing around each other for years. It’s about time you sorted yourselves out, got your heads out of your asses, and, ya know-”
The light turns green and the car moves forward. You fix your attention out the window instead of looking to where your best friend is definitely gesturing wildly with one hand, as is her style, and years later you’ll thank god you did because otherwise? You wouldn’t have seen the truck.
“Irene!” you shout as the world turns into the screech of tires on asphalt, the crunch of metal on metal, a blur of pain and screams and a moment of darkness and then suddenly you’re sitting on the sidewalk with Irene by your side, blinking in the afternoon sun.
“What the fuck?” she gasps, turning to you with wide eyes. “What just happened?”
You open your mouth but you can’t seem to find any words, especially after you look around. You see people staring, whispering, and then your eyes land on Irene’s car where it sits about twenty feet left of where you remember it being, crumpled around the front end of a huge red truck.
“Oh my god,” Irene whimpers. “Oh my god. Y/N, your arm!”
Your brow furrows and you turn your head to see her pointing at your right arm. Your stomach lurches at the sight of your forearm bent in a grotesque way. It doesn’t hurt, though, which you find really weird right up until your arm starts moving on it’s own.
“Holy shit,” someone - maybe Irene? You’ll never know - says.
You watch in horrified fascination as your forearm straightens out, the scrape of bone against bone as it sets itself as bad as nails on a chalkboard.
“That chick just healed herself,” you hear from the crowd that’s beginning to form.
“Did you see? She opened a portal and got them out of the car.”
“Who is she?”
“Maybe she’s like that Hulk thing from a few years ago?”
“God I hope not. That was a mess.”
The words keep coming, dozens of questions, too many to focus on at once. Your head is spinning and you’re faintly aware of Irene calling your name.
A deep voice cuts through the overwhelming noise of the gathering onlookers. “Get back, give them some space, let the paramedics through.”
“Y/N?” a new voice says. This one is closer, unfamiliar but lighter than the deep voice. Softer, filled with gentle concern. “Y/N, I need you to breathe with me. In, out. Come on, with me. In, out. In, out.”
You force yourself to focus on the voice, following its lead as you draw deep breaths. Gradually, your heart begins to calm - you hadn’t even realized it was racing.
“There you go, that’s it. In, out.”
Your vision clears and you find a kind-looking woman in a paramedic’s uniform kneeling in front of you. She smiles when she sees you looking at her.
“Hi,” she says. “I’m Amelia. I’m gonna lay you down, okay?”
You manage a small nod, allowing her to guide you to lay down on something - a backboard, you’ll later realize. She shifts to kneel by your head, gentle hands holding your neck still while someone else secures you. Amelia talks the entire time, soothing words that keep your attention on her and away from the fear that wells up when you realize you can’t move.
“I’m not hurt,” you protest as they shift you onto a gurney and cover you with a blanket.
“Just being careful,” she explains. “We have to take every precaution.”
You try to shake your head and realize you can’t. “I was hurt but I’m not anymore.”
Amelia doesn’t respond to that, too busy helping get the gurney into the back of an ambulance.
“Wait up!”
A new voice - a man. Someone else climbs into the ambulance. When they sit beside Amelia, you see it’s a man with the familiar blue uniform of an NYPD officer
“How is she?” he asks as the door closes and the ambulance begins to move.
“In shock but conscious,” Amelia answers. You feel the prick of an IV in your arm.
“Y/N,” the officer says, leaning over you. He’s about mid-thirties, you decide. Handsome, with a clean-shaven face and blonde curls. He reminds you a little of Quinn. “Can I ask you some questions?”
“Yes,” you say, fingers twitching under the blanket.
“Can you explain what happened?”
You try to shake your head again, forgetting you can’t move it. “I don’t know,” you whisper. “I don’t know what’s happening. What’s happening to me?”
Your breath catches in your throat, pinned there by the wave of panic that surges through your body.
“Hey, hey.” Amelia places a hand on her cheek, drawing your attention to her. “It’s okay. We’re here to help. We’ll figure it out.”
You can’t hold back a whimper, tears welling in your eyes.
“Y/N,” the officer murmurs, tone softening. “Did you know you had powers?”
“No,” you manage. “I didn’t… I don’t know.”
“What do you mean?” he prompts.
A memory. You’re climbing a tree and you fall but there’s a flash of something dark over your vision and then you were sitting on the ground. Safe. And that wasn’t the only time.
“Things happened when I was little?” You furrow your brow. “But I thought… those were dreams or something. That I made them up.”
He nods. “Gifted but with semi-dormant powers. Makes sense. Opening the portal must have been purely instinctual.” He lays a hand on your shoulder. “You saved your friend’s life, Y/N.”
You squeeze your eyes shut. Portal. What the hell are you?
“You wanted to see me?” Coulson says, knocking lightly on the frame of Fury’s open office door.
“I just received a report of a new gifted in New York,” Fury replies, holding out a file without looking up from the one open on his desk. “She’s at Mount Sinai.”
“A new gifted? Like Captain Marvel?”
“Different.” Fury shakes the file a little. “I want her brought in, for protection and potential recruitment. I’m certain other organizations have heard by now.”
Coulson sighs, accepting the file. “You do know it’s gonna take me forever to get there.”
Fury smirks, finally looking up. “Better get a move on, then.”
You’re alone in a little curtained off “room” when they come for you. The triage nurse already checked you over and now you’re just waiting for the doctor to clear you to go home. Last you heard, Irene has already been discharged and is waiting to be picked up by her parents. Your own are supposed to be on their way but you have a feeling neither are going to show.
That’s nothing new, unfortunately. Maybe Irene’s parents would be willing to drive you home.
You swing your legs a little, glancing around the room like there will be something new to see. It’s the same as before. Whitewashed wall to your right, pale blue curtains on all other sides, fluorescent lights above doing their best best to steal what little color there is.
The sound of something loud interrupts your thoughts- a popping sound you’ve heard. For half a second you think it’s fireworks before realizing it’s definitely not and yes, you have heard it before. Coming from the gun range you bike past on your way to work.
You leap off the bed at the sound of people screaming and men shouting. The men seem to be getting closer.
Coming for you.
You look around, looking for somewhere to hide but there’s nowhere and besides, it’s too late. The curtains are ripped open to reveal a huge man - long hair, piercing blue eyes glaring over a mask, six feet and broad as a house, black leather all over except for the very shiny, very scary, very metal arm with a red star on the shoulder.
He says something in a rough language you can’t understand, slinging his massive gun onto his back and reaching for you with leather-gloved hands.
“No!” you scream, suddenly finding your voice. You kick out and actually manage to make contact with his shin, but the man might as well be metal all over for all the good that does you and he continues to advance. “No, no, no-”
He growls, gripping your arms and dragging you out into the hallway where more masked men in black leather wait. None of them have metal arms but that doesn’t make them any less terrifying. You struggle in your attacker’s grip, screaming for help even though you know, deep down, that no help is coming.
The man snaps something to one of the others in the foreign language. That man pulls a hypodermic needle from a pocket on his bullet-proof vest and stabs it into the meat of your bicep.
You’re unconscious almost before you even realize what he’s done.
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dragons-socks · 4 years
Baby Bumblebee chptr 3
“Hey, Captain Lennox, Bumblebee isn’t here if that’s what you’re looking for.” Sam said as Ironhide pulled up and the captain jumped out. Mikaela waved from her spot inspecting the old engine of Sam’s replacement car when Bee is out in the field.
“I know. That’s why I’m here.” Something about the way Lennox said it had both teens dropping what they were doing and turning fully to him.
“Is he alright? Did he die. I swear if you wrecked him, I’m going to beat-” Sam began frantically threatening Lennox when Ironhide’s passenger rear door popped open and tiny light-the-night yellow sketchers popped out followed by black overall-shorts over a yellow t-shirt, but was drowned out by an overly large bee-themed jacket. The kid slipped on the last few inches out of the truck, landing smack on his bottom. Instead of crying out like most children do, he let out a series of clicks and chitters.
“I said I’d get you in a second, kid.” Lennox sighed, walking over and picking the child up to his feet. Sam looked between the kid and Lennox. He turned to Mikaela to make sure she was also seeing the kid as well.
“Uh, I didn’t know Epps had a kid?” Sam asked. “What’s his, uh, name?”
“Bumblebee.” Lennox said, face flat. Sam wanted to laugh, but the kid just looked down at his shoes, scuffing his toes in the grass.
“No way.” Sam knelt down to take a closer look at the little boy. “Like, my car? Like the 18 foot alien robot?” The kid let out a sad whine.
“Why is he a child? Shouldn’t he be older, even if he was turned into a human.” Mikaela asked, standing closer to Lennox.
“We think that is the purpose of the weapon, not to just turn the autobots into humans, but also small and defenseless.” Lennox explained the battle and how Bee saved Optimus from their weapon. Sam ruffled Bee’s fluffy blonde hair.
“He looks more like you cheated on Sarah with some cute African mama while on tour, then Epps and his girlfriend’s kid.” Mikaela cooed at Bee.
“I think my babysitter has the same idea.” Lennox groaned. “We tried to say he was a dead friend’s kid, but I’m not sure she completely bought it.”
“Sarah would have you sleeping in the dog house if that were true.” Mikaela assured.
“Oh, I’m in the doghouse either way. Apparently it’s a little traumatising to experience being a human than just observing them.” Lennox laughed as Bee let out a series of grumbles and chirps.
“So I have to stick with the crapper?” Sam bemoaned. Bee turned to him, letting out chirps and chitters. His tiny hand rested on Sam’s cheek, a determined look taking over his whole face as he promised he didn’t become a human to shake his duties to and for Sam.
“It was a joke, buddy. Don’t worry.” Sam laughed.
Judy walked out and completely went heads over heels for the kid little kid in her front yard. She snatched him up instantly, pinching his chubby cheeks and gushing about the brightest blue eyes she’s ever seen.
“Ma! Mom! MOM!” Sam shouted as Bee struggled against the matriarchy of the Witwicky family. “You’re freaking him out. Will you put him down?”
“He’s so small, you were this small once. Oh, I remember when you used to just rip your overall’s off cause you didn’t like them at all. But look how cute he is!” Judy at least set Bee down, who ran and hid behind Lennox’s legs, glaring at the woman from behind them.
“Yeah, yeah, ma. Why are you out here anyway?”
“Dinner is almost done. We have enough for you two as well, Captain Lennox.” She turned to the other adult.
“I’ll have to decline. We’re supposed to be picking up the last of the supplies for Bee and then headed back to the wife’s dinner. She’d kill me if I came with a full stomach.” Lennox gave a tight smile. Judy went on about being a good husband and yelling at her own to take notes. Ron yelled back about having been her husband for long enough to know how to handle his marriage.
“We’ll be able to see Bee at the base, right?” Sam asked.
“No. Optimus isn’t a fan of having him with the other Autobots and my superiors feel the same with having a child running around base. So he’ll be at my house until we figure out how to get him back to normal.”
“And if you can’t?” Lennox didn’t answer, not verbally, but the look on his face said enough. Bee let out a grumble, folding his arms and shaking his head. He wouldn’t rest until he could kick ass and drive fast again. “Well, I could always look after him if you need someone. I owe him for looking after me all this time anyway.”
“Thanks, kid. We’ll be around.” Lennox said. Bee wrapped his arms around Sam, who picked him up and helped him back into Ironhide, finding a kid’s car seat. Sam suppressed the need to laugh. An autobot that’s been in wars, has killed, and can take a brutal beating, has to also resort to being put into a car seat for his own safety.
“See ya later, Bee.” Sam ruffled the soft curls one last time. Bee waved goodbye.
Lennox was a little surprised that it wasn’t like pulling teeth to get Bumblebee away from Sam. He was almost positive that the autobot-turned-boy would try to stay with his ward. Maybe it was the promise of seeing Sam again that eased the separation. But Lennox wasn’t complaining. He wasn’t lying when he said he still had to get Bee a few more supplies for his room and Sarah was expecting him home at some point.
Bumblebee’s eyes went wide as they walked into yet another store. Lennox had been dragging him in and out of them all day. He’s been shoved into clothes for hours, and made to choose sleeping supplies and shelves. He was placed in front of plastic toys, but he didn’t want to look at those. Lennox held out a newer version of the yellow toy car and put it in the cart. Bumblebee didn’t want to acknowledge it’s presence so he turned away. His hand brushed against something soft, which made him stop in his tracks. Peaking to the side, he found a large box filled with fake earth animals. It was staring into his spark with beady black eyes, long drooping ears rested around its face.
“You can have the bunny if you want, Bee.” Lennox said, lifting it out of the box and placing it in Bee’s hands. Bumblebee’s fingers gripped automatically to the soft fur. He let out a stream of happy clicks.
The bunny was now in his room at the house, safe, protected. This new store was different. It was just shelves and shelves of books. Lennox wasn’t really browsing as he had done the other stores. No, he was walking straight to the counter where a girl sat, typing away at her computer. She ignored the duo until Lennox cleared his throat. She let out a sigh, turning to him with bored eyes.
“The children’s section is down the hall and to the right. The education corner is up the stairs all the way in the back.” She went back to her computer.
“I’m William Lennox. I called earlier.” He said.
“Oh, yeha, my boss said something about that. We’ve pulled some books for you.” She spun around, digging around a different shelf behind her before she pulled out a stack of large books. “These are the ones we’ve found.”
“I’ll take them all.” Lennox said. Bee went on his tiptoes and pulled down a small thin book. The cover had a cartoon child smiling, their hands in an odd position. The title was colorful and in big letters, ‘American Sign Language for Children’.
The first time Lennox got back to the autobot base wasn’t until a whole week after getting into a healthy routine with Bumblebee. The kid was picking up sign language faster than Lennox could relearn it, so communication was still rocky, but it was getting better. They also had a grid of pictures and words that Bee could point at to help let Sarah know what he needed.
“Lennox, good to see ya back.” Epps clapped him on the back. “How’s the kid?”
“10,000 years of prior knowledge really makes ‘em smart, you know.” Lennox tries to smile, but it doesn’t quite appear. He drops his facade, running a hand down his face. “He’s upset on good days, throws tantrums on bad ones. He gets stressed easily and frustration runs high every minute.”
“That doesn’t really sound like Bumblebee. He’s usually so upbeat even in tough situations.” Epps commented.
“Ironhide thinks Bee is reacting to his physical age due to the human chemicals and endorphins bumping through his body. I’m inclined to believe so as well. Also, it’s a situation none of us has ever gone through before. He’s in unknown territory without his family to help him. He’s been abandoned and outcast and everything is a constant reminder of what he’s lost. He sacrificed himself for his leader, for the one he looks up to for guidance and safety. And because of the outcome, he was pushed away by that very man.” Lennox tried to explain the feelings that have been tearing Bumblebee into pieces.
“Yeah, that does sound stressful.” Epps slouched. “How’s Annabell taking having an older brother?”
“She hates it.” Lennox groaned, sliding down to the floor.
“It can’t be that bad.” Epps laughed at his friend’s pain.
“She’s just fine sharing, as long as its in the way she wants, which Bee usually gets overwhelmed with her demands and ends up with Annabell throwing a tantrum and Bee hiding away in Ironhide.” Lennox took a deep breath.
“Do I even want to know how Sarah is taking this?” Epps helped Lennox to his feet.
“Oh, she’s loving how much room she has in the King bed without any company.” Lennox gave a dry bark of laughter.
“She loves Bee, didn’t even take a second to warm up to him. She is mad that I made this ‘life-changing’ decision without her.”
“Well, we’re wife and kid free here, man. So just come down to the hanger and see what the bots have been up to.” Epps led the way to the large warehouse where the autobots were walking around and talking with other military faciliants. Or they were trying too. Ironhide was shouting at Optimus and anyone else who tried to argue with him or try to calm him down.
“I’ve got tear stains in my leather upholster, because he thinks he’s been abandoned! And you know what, he ain’t wrong.” Ironhide folded his arms, glaring at the leader of the Autobots.
“We’ve been over this, Ironhide. He would not be safe here. I’m not going to change my decision.” Optimus huffed, getting frustrated at this endless cycle that was getting them nowhere.
“Oh, I know. But I want you to live with the guilt of that decision riding on your conscience till the All Spark has mercy.” Ironhide spins his cannons, but doesn’t engage in any violence with his commander. Lennox was surprised the weapon’s expert held back. Ironhide had been overheating with rage for the whole ride here.
“Don’t start a fight, Ironhide. Bumblebee knew the risk.” Wheeljack said. “Besides, being alone isn’t the worst. I’m by myself all the time.” Wheeljack didn’t get to continue his thoughts as Ironhide slammed his fist into the other’s face.
“Hey, hey, Ironhide! They’re not going to change their minds with senseless violence. We’re here to do a job. Just keep it civil, big guy.” Lennox said, running to break up the bots.
“Yeah, yeah. I’m going to the range.” Ironhide transformed into his truck and rolled away from the others.
“Thank you for understanding, Captain.” Optimus started, but Lennox shot a glare up to the large mech.
“Don’t think I’m on your side, Prime. I just hate cleaning up the messes that happen when you guys fight.” Lennox turned away from the bot to organize his men.
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