#this was just supposed to be chill and low effort and now look what's happened
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peace-coast-island · 2 years
Diary of a Junebug
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The Grand Treehouse of Maplewing Forest
I’d say that Maplewing Forest falls under the category of simple, pretty, and underrated. In all honesty if you’re not a scenery person, you probably wouldn’t find it too appealing. But for someone who likes looking at scenery, it’s a nice place to check out, take a walk around, and find a place to lie down on a blanket and chill.
To me, I think the appeal of the forest is how the colors scream autumn. There’s a lot of warmth - reds, oranges, golds, yellows, browns - even the climate give of autumn vibes. To experience cooler temps during a hot summer feels refreshing. The heat hasn’t been good to me these past few days at the camp so being out here has been good.
Before heading to the Grand Treehouse, Daisy Jane and I stopped at Rosevine for a couple days to meet up with Team Magic. It’s too bad that Almie and Pippa couldn’t make it but they have more pressing matters at hand that need to be done. What a shame - and bad timing too with Pippa supposed to be going off to college soon - but hopefully things will work out. Truth be told, it’s not really unexpected, kinda like preparing for the worst but hoping for the best sort of thing.
Right now Pippa says she feels okay so that’s a good sign. She also says her doctor’s pretty good so she trusts her fully, especially since she was immediately upfront to Pippa about her latest test results. Nothing is certain yet but the fact that her doctor caught on that Pippa might be heading for a relapse that early on is a good thing. Almie’s been on edge but if Pippa says she’s in good hands, then she’s in good hands. It might mean something, it might mean nothing, but whatever the outcome, Pippa’s bracing herself for what comes next.
It was Mariposa and Hunter’s idea to visit the Maplewing Forest as they both need to gather some leaves and twigs from there. I don’t know Hunter too well aside from how he and Mariposa didn’t see eye to eye on many things at first. He was once part of the coven - the same one Cassie left on bad terms with - as in he’s the nephew of the head, but due to a bunch of circumstances, he’s completely cut ties with them. As in he literally had to flee for his life and had one too many close brushes with death.
The more I hear about the coven, the more I’m convinced that it’s a glorified cult. Willow, Emmy, and Eddie’s parents are associated with that group too - at least their mother still is. No one knows for sure yet but there’s rumors going around that their father walked out and might be planning to file for divorce. The three don’t know anything for sure but they said he’s been making an effort to reach out to them and make amends so it looks like it might be true. For now other than checking in on the kids he seems to be laying low so that kinda confirms it. If so, then good for him.
Hunter’s had it rough, to put it simply. Aside from that, now that he’s away from a toxic and abusive environment, he’s been doing a lot better. For now he’s been crashing with Luna, Skully, and Mariposa and taking things slow. He was gonna run off with one of his uncle’s advisors who deflected with him, only for that to fall through for totally unfair reasons. And it’s not just that guy, it’s a group of other rebels as well who basically dropped Hunter despite the fact that it literally cost him a limb to make sure they made it out alive.
Out of all his close calls with death, Hunter said that one was the worst. Somehow he had a feeling that he wasn’t gonna able to bounce back like all the other times and in a sense he was right. His powers have gone haywire similar to what happened with Luna and Cassie, plus he lost one leg and while the other was spared, it’s been badly injured. To those people, now Hunter’s seen as excess baggage, so they dropped him. The worst part is that he says he’s been through worse with his uncle, not to mention that it wasn’t too surprising considering how they treated Mariposa and Luna.
I’m aware that he’s seen and endured a lot of shit but like wow, this guy’s got it so bad that being tossed aside when he’s no longer useful is considered a good thing for him. Maybe it helped that he kinda expected it - to be honest, he never got along with them so the extent of their connection is using each other as a way out. For someone who’s been through hell - probably literally on some occasions - I think Hunter’s doing all right.
In fact, this trip’s the first time Hunter has left Rosevine since he got there. He would’ve gotten back on his feet sooner if complications hadn’t happened but obviously that’s out of his control. A couple weeks ago he finally got his prosthetic, which was supposed to happen sooner but his remaining leg took much longer to heal than expected. Now he’s able to get around with crutches, which is a huge upgrade for him, and it looks like he’s gotten the hang of them. He says he has to since it looks like he’ll be using them for the rest of his life and he’s accepted that.
That’s part of the reason why Hunter was interested in Maplewood Forest. The wood from the trees not only have magical properties, they’re also super sturdy. Luna and Cassie are gonna help make him a pair of crutches since the wood’s magic is similar to his so not only it’ll help him get around, it’ll also alleviate some of the pain inflicted by various curses he’s been affected by over the years.
Right outside of the forest is a place called the Grand Treehouse of Maplewing Forest. Luna, Mariposa, and Hunter know the two who run the place and they’re an odd bunch. To explain, let me go a bit into the treehouse’s background.
A long, long time ago, the treehouse was once a castle, or so they say. In other words, it’s kinda like a historical sight and the same family has lived there for generations. The current generation is three siblings, Dave, Kanda, and Didi. The three are an odd bunch and not too long ago there was some big drama regarding ownership of the place that blew up on social media when Didi though it was a good idea to publicize the drama in hopes of making people side with her. Spoiler alert it made everyone look bad.
A couple people I know were unwittingly dragged into that drama - Luna, Mariposa, Emmy, and Manda - and in all honesty, it was basically clown on clown type of thing. What happened was that not too long after Kanda turned 21, she and Dave decided to kick Didi out of the business. They were in the right to do that as Didi did absolutely nothing to take care of the place, which was why their parents left it to Dave instead of her when they went off traveling. From what I’ve heard, Didi’s not easy to get along with and she’s basically a spoiled brat who thinks she’s the center of the world. So she threw a fit over the fact that she can’t live off the money her siblings rightfully earned - not that it makes much of a difference since the family’s loaded anyway and the treehouse isn’t actually as lucrative as Dave makes it out to be.
Then Didi makes a fool of herself by complaining on social media, thinking that when she goes viral people will automatically take her side. It blew up and then Dave and Kanda fought back, making themselves look bad in the process. Mariposa and Luna were roasting the three on the server while the rest of us were being amused by the whole thing. Like it’s three grown ass adults fighting like middle schoolers over a treehouse - it’s kinda embarrassing but it’ so ridiculous that you can’t help but pull out the popcorn and figure out who’s gonna self destruct first.
That being said, the treehouse really is a nice place to stay in, but it’s no grand castle. No one knows why Dave keeps plugging the place as something spectacular as if it’s some fancy five star hotel or something when in reality it’s just a humble but charming abode near the forest. After meeting the guy and getting to know him a bit, I get what Hunter and Luna mean when they say he’s a nice guy but also kinda infuriating.
I don’t wanna say that Dave is delusional or a liar but he seems like the kind of person who’s really out of touch with reality. I mean, he’s from a super rich family so that kinda explains it, but it’s like you can’t wonder what exactly goes on in his head. Hunter even went on to say that with all the stupid shit Dave does, it’s honestly a miracle that he’s survived to his thirties, which sounds kinda hard but I can get what Hunter means by that.
Kanda, by many accounts, is very unhinged but is also the sane one in the family. She’s basically the feral gremlin kid who grows up to be a terrifying force so most people try to avoid her. Aside from that, she’s the most reliable out of the three so once you get past her eccentricities, she’s the one who actually gets shit done without overcomplicating things. Not the nicest person to be around but she does keep to her word.
Thankfully I haven’t run into Dave and Kanda too much - good thing Luna warned me ahead of time on what to expect. Aside from that, I’d say they’ve been doing a good job running the place. It’s no grand castle but it’s definitely an upgrade from a motel. The place is kinda in the middle of nowhere but it serves its purpose as a stopping point for those traveling a long way, plus it’s worth checking out for the forest. The treehouse is modest, comfortable, and safe and sometimes that’s all there is to it.
It’s been nice getting lost in the forest surrounded by reds, oranges, and golds. With the weather back home being so hot and humid I’ve been staying indoors trying to stay cool and making sure I don’t hack up a lung or something. If I had to pick a lesser of the two evils I guess I’d pick high temps over humidity because sweat is gross but it’s whatever while asthma exacerbations don’t always resolve itself and I don’t wanna deal with that.
I’ve been spending my time hiking and chilling out on a picnic blanket. After deliberating over it for a long time, I’ve finally gotten started on knitting the ballerina wrap top. So far it’s been going well and raglan isn’t as intimidating as I thought. I’ve also been careful in making sure I have the right number of stitches and aside from one miscount that I easily fixed, I haven’t had any issues.
(Protip: instead of counting all the stitches at once, count by sections where the stitch markers are! Not only it makes counting easier but you also make sure the sections are even as well! I feel like this is basic common sense but for some reason my brain never registered it until now…anyway I should write it down so I remember in the future)
The weather’s so great out here, I could just sit and knit all day while surrounded by maple leaves.
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finelinevogue · 3 years
Obsessed with your imagines you so when they have 3 kids and they’re all older! What about one where Harry has to have a sex talk with his kids OR y/n and Harry come home to find their kids throwing a party? I think both could be super funny
this has me excited cause i love the idea of them throwing a party when y/n and harry are at date night!! (does contain smut)
oli - 21, felix - 19, belle - 16
“We’re so fucking screwed.”
“Belle, for the millionth time, chill the fuck out.”
But how the fuck was anyone supposed to be chill when there was a full-on house party, close to being a rave, occurring in their house? A house that was their mum’s life work. A house party that their parents new nothing about. A night where absolutely anything and everything could go wrong.
The three siblings stood at the bottom of the stairs, in front of the door, looking around at the scenes occurring between each room. There were girls whispering to each other on the sofas, there was a group of guys playing beer pong in the kitchen and there was a large group of people hanging around by the pool and some even taking a dip. What had meant to be a low-key party had managed to turn into the whole neighbourhood plus the next town over. It was completely overboard.
“Who’s idea was this again?” Belle asked, clearly not understanding the full reasoning behind a full fledged party in their house.
“All of ours.” Oli responded, when in reality it was really just his, and a bit of Felix, idea.
“Nope. I’m not getting grounded because you two dickheads wanted to be rebels.” Belle put her hands up as if to stop this whole situation. She did not want to be a part of this and yet had somehow got screwed up with it all.
“So what are you going to do?” Felix asked.
“Anywhere where this doesn’t have my name stamped all over it.” Belle gestured around her, all of them groaning when they heard something smash from a nearby room. They were actually going to be locked up forever after this.
“Belle, mum and dad are out for the night. Dad said he booked a hotel for them to stay over at, so they won’t even be back until tomorrow morning.” Oli explained, trying to calm down his very nervous sister.
“Yeah, plus if you’re so insistent on leaving why did you get so dressed up?” Felix did have a point. Belle had gone through the effort tonight to be looking as best she could. She was sporting a little black dress with black fishnet tights and her trusty Doc Martens. It was a very colourful outfit, as she would explain. Belle had even gone to the effort of adding glue-on gems to her makeup. Whereas her brothers were just wearing sweaters and trousers and trainers. Typical teenage boys.
“I’ll bet that’s why.” Oli nodded behind Belle and smirked as he watched his little sister turn around.
Megan Dover. Belle’s high school crush and cleverest person in the year. Felix and Oli caught Belle blush when their little sister looked at Megan, waving to her cutely. Belle was a lot more introverted than Megan, but Belle didn’t mind. She admired that Megan was so outspoken and kind and smart, but too bad they didn’t truly know of Belle’s existence. At least, not really.
“Alright fine, i’ll stay, but just don’t say I didn’t warn you.” Belle rolled her eyes and then walked off in the direction of the kitchen - if she was ever going to speak to Megan she’d need at least 4 shots in her system.
“Be safe little B.” Oli waved her off and then the two brothers looked at each other knowingly. “Is Heather here?”
“Not yet no, think she’s coming with the girls in a bit.” Felix checked his phone as his brother questioned him. “What about Bea?”
“She’s upstairs.”
“Why? I thought we weren’t allowing anyone upstairs?”
“Dude she’s my girlfriend, I think she gets a pass.” Oli patted his brothers back and then saunters up the stairs two at a time to go and find his girlfriend and reintroduce her to the party.
Another smash of something glass sounding came from the kitchen, along with a turn of screams and mumbles of oops.
“Fuck, we are so screwed.” Felix muttered under his breath as he made his way to the kitchen to clean up whatever was now broken.
Meanwhile, you and Harry were basking in each other’s presence at a fancy new restaurant downtown called Caste Inn.
Harry decided it was time for you to have a treat and so was taking you out for dinner and then retreating to a fancy hotel, where he would not let you rest for the whole night. He was already being really handsy this evening, but you kept swatting his prying hands away because you were in public.
“Babe, c’mon i’m dying here!” He whined as you swatted his hand away from the skirt of your dress for the fifth time since mains. You were lucky you were in a crescent shaped booth so it was hard for anyone to see what was going on underneath the table, but you still felt so exposed.
“Quit it Harry.” You sniped, returning your attention back to the desserts menu. The restaurant was that kind of place where the portions are sparrow sized and yet cost you as much as it would to donate a kidney, so there was no surprise that you were still hungry and had room for dessert.
“Just wanna love on my wife.” He pouted next to you, keeping his arm slunk around the back of the booth to continue to caress your far shoulder delicately.
“We’re in the middle of a restaurant, you’re crazy.” You snickered, trying your hardest to focus on the desserts; Tiramisu, Chocolate Orange Gateau, Pecan Pie, Creme Brulé and an endless list of more mouthwatering yumminess.
“Fucking crazy for you, yes.” He kissed your cheek once, twice and then bit it too on the third, making you moan slightly at the exposure of it all. “You used to let me do this kind of thing all the time, what happened hey?”
“I got old.” You laughed, but really you felt saddened by the thought of it. You were approaching your forties and you felt as though time wasn’t on your side anymore. Life was all flying by so fast and it was becoming so hard to stop it for a moment to see how beautiful it all is. Harry could tell you were faking your happiness in that moment and he hated that you felt this way. He loved you. He would worship the ground you walk upon. Nothing would ever be too much of an ask for him if it meant keeping your happy. Yes, you were getting older, but it didn’t mean that was a bad thing. At least you were getting older together and becoming maturer together.
“Talk to me, love.” He gently asked, knowing there was something on your mind that was bothering you.
“I just… I just feel like i’m getting older—”
“You are love, yes.” He interrupted you, which earned him a slap to the thigh. He didn’t let your hand go though, leaving it to rest on his tight thigh.
“And then suddenly that’s going to be it. No more Y/N.”
“Don’t say things like that to me, please love.” Harry shook his head, squeezing your hand a little tighter.
“And I feel like i’ll have regretted not doing so many things. Like I won’t have lived my life.”
“Things like?”
“Things like riding a motorcycle with you. Things like staying up all night with a bottle of wine and a good bit of Elvis. Reckless things, like skinny dipping or crashing a high school party. Things like, having my husband finger fuck me in a public restaurant. I remember when everything seemed so free and chaotic and I loved it. Now I feel stuck.”
“Stuck how, love?” Harry leaned in closer to you, his eyes full of love and determination because if that’s what you wanted he could give you all those things - especially the orgasm.
“I’m a mum, H. You’re a dad. We’re parents,m. Good ones at that. Aren’t we supposed to be grown up and responsible now? We don’t get to take risks anymore, because we have a family right? God, I sound so pathetic.” You sighed and put the menu down, not thinking about which pudding you wanted to fill yourself up with anymore.
“Babe. If you want to ride a motorcycle and go skinny dipping then let’s fucking do it. Why are you so afraid to hold back? Because we have kids, because darling believe me when I tell you - however much it disturbs me - our kids are out doing just as many reckless and crazy things as we used to do. Maybe we should fuck the prestigious system and show our children, all parents - including us - that adulthood, parenthood, doesn’t define the choices you make. We do.”
You couldn’t stop looking at your husband, drinking in every last drop of his beauty. His words filled your heart with rose petals and chocolates, warming you up delightfully. God, you were so lucky to have him. He helped you through the most toughest of times and continued to stick with you, not because a ring says he has to, but because he loves you. Undeniably and irrevocably loves you.
That was all it took for you to comply.
Quickly, you moved one of your legs under the table cloth so it draped over Harry’s thighs and made an opening between your legs. The cloth hid everything well, along with the dirty napkins that sat upon your laps.
“Wh- what are you doing love?” Harry asked confused, after not hearing a word back from you for his earlier speech.
“Harry I love you, I do, but will you just shut up and fuck my pussy with your fingers already.” You whispered wetly against his ear with your lips. He groaned at the words and tightened his grip around your leg, widening the gap he had to work with.
His hand slid underneath your dress slowly, squeezing the flesh of your thighs in tease, until he got to where your panties were. Or at least where they should be.
“Shit, you’re not wearing any pants?” Harry asked quizzically, pushing his fingers against your glistening pussy and feeling just how ready you were for him.
“Oh fuck!” You muffled out before Harry quickly slapped your slit because you were making too much noise, which only then made you squeal a bit more. He slapped your cunt hard enough the second time for you to get the memo that you needed to be quiet - but fuck was that a challenge. As much as you can be quiet, you just don’t like to be. You like knowing that your moans and whines turn Harry in even more, just as much as you love hearing his.
“Fucking hell, soaked already.” His fingers toyed with the folds of your cunt, feeling how puffy they were between his ringed fingers. “Gotta be quiet for me okay?” Just as he started pushing his delicious fingers inside of you, the waiter turned up at the table with a cheery face and not a bouncing clue what was happening between the two of you.
“Desserts?” He asked politely with his charming smile, but you didn’t see it for too long before having to close your eyes shut at the sudden movement of Harrys fingers. He wasn’t stopping on the waiters behalf, in fact he was more forcefully going for it. He moved his fingers in circles inside of you, thumbing over your clit in the way he knew you desired most. He was insatiable.
“No, just the bill please. Need to take my wife home to take care of some things.” Harry spoke for you both, not understanding why he was being so open with the amount of information he was giving away. But fucking hell you didn’t care because his fingers were providing you pleasures beyond reason.
“Yes Sir. I’ll only be two minutes.” He smiled again before he was gone, taking the menus with him.
“Here that baby?” Harry whispered into your ear, moving his fingers more freely now there was less of an audience, “you’ve got two minutes to cum.”
Questioning his authority would have to wait, for Harry got to work very quickly and perfectly. His fingers slicked in and out of you so erotically and if it wasn’t for the live music and loud chatter of the room, the sounds of his fingers driving in and out of you would be heard by everyone. His fingers curled to all the right places, touching the most sensitive parts of your walls and hell did it feel blissful.
“I’d say you’ve got about a minute left baby, and I think you can cum for me before then. Can’t you? Or am I not good enough for that kind of release anymore?” Harry taunted you and pressed wet kisses to your ear. You were too lost in euphoric paradise to notice, or even care, whether anyone could see or was watching you both. You were too focused on your husband. Your Harry.
“N-no. I can cum. You’re so good - shit - so g-good.” You stammered out, breathless from the air stolen from your lungs because of this erotic moment. This was so bad behaved of you both that you were starting to get a high off of it.
“Cum for me then baby. Do it. I’ve got you.” He kissed your lips to capture the moan that trailed off your tongue as you reached your high. You felt so high and yet so safe. Harry steadied you as your legs shook and kissed you senseless, to quieten your whines. He admired that you had been so willing for this and he would be lying if he said he didn’t have a raging hard-on right now.
“I love you,” you raced out quickly, “I love you.”
“I love you, Y/N.” He kissed your lips again and withdrew his fingers from your dripping cunt. You picked up a napkin but he quite quickly took it away from you, throwing it to the other side of the table.
“What are you doing?” You whisper shouted, needing to clean yourself up.
“More like what are you doing?”
“Cleaning my mess.” You said frustratedly.
“Leave that to me.” He spoke whilst holding intense eye contact with you, bringing his fingers that were coated in your arousal to his lips and sucking them dry. Every last drop worked its way into his mouth and he salivated at the taste - the smell.
“The bill Sir.” The waiter interrupted you without knowing. Harry took out his wallet and used his card on the card machine, before signing his name on the cheque as if to affirm that he has paid.
“Thank you.” Harry spoke kindly, completely different to how he was with you all but two minutes ago.
“Thank you Sir, Ma’am. Have a lovely rest of your evening.” And he wad gone again with his smile.
Harry turned to you with the largest grin on his face, “Oh we will.”
“Oli stop eating the leftover lasagne it’s for mums lunch!”
Belle was rushing around trying to chill everything down. The party was so out of control that even Oli and Felix were wasted. Megan was blowing hot and cold with her too, so she had no idea where she stood with them.
People were everywhere. Too many people that it was becoming claustrophobic. Felix was currently playing beer pong with a group of his friends, Heather attached at his hip, whilst Oli was sitting on the kitchen countertop eating cold lasagne. The boy was like chuffing Garfield. Belle was doing her best to keep calm, but as the night progressed it started to become worse and worse as it got harder to control.
As Belle turned to leave the kitchen, her brother clearly not listening to her, she bumped into someone. Kyle. Fucking Kyle. The guy who had obsessed over her to the point where Harry was seriously considering getting a restraining order on him to protect his daughter. He was a straight A creep and Belle hadn’t even realised he’d been invited to this party. Then again, over half of these people had most definitely not been invited.
“Oh hey Isabelle.” He stressed her whole name, knowing how much she hated it. Well, she didn’t hate her name she just hated him saying her name.
“Go away Kyle.”
“But I just got here.”
“And now you can just leave. Party’s ending anyways.” Belle stood her ground, but her hands were shaking from being even remotely close to this guy. He was disgusting to the point where if you were stuck between having to choose between being with him or eating mouldy cheese, you’d eat the cheese on a fucking silver platter.
“Looks quite alive to me.”
“Well i’m shutting it down and you’re going to leave. Now.”
“You need to liven up Belle.” Kyle chuckled through his nose, making him look scary as he towered over Belle, “let me help you.” He leaned forwards to grab her arm but she was quick to push him away.
“No! Leave me alone!” Belle shouted, trying to dodge around him but he was quicker. He grabbed her arm tight and pulled her back to him, chest touching chest. “Get off me Kyle.” Belle squirmed in his hold, which only made Kyle happier - the creep.
“C’mon Bella, live a little.”
“My name’s not Bella and I told you to get the fuck off of me.” Belle pulled back with all her might, whilst kicking him square in the balls - probably hard enough so he’ll never be able to have children - and then drove her knee up to crack his nose - successfully. Damn, that felt good. Heavily badass, actually.
“You fucking psycho!” Kyle held his nose and his balls in pain, straightening himself up as if to launch himself with fury at Belle. Luckily for her the outburst between the pair had caught attention of people - including Oli and Felix.
Oli was quick to step in front of Kyle, Felix just behind him. “You dare lay a fucking finger on my sister and I swear to you you’ll regret it.” Oli threatened, fists curled tight at his sides.
Heather came to hug Belle, comforting as she cried through the after shock of the situation. She’d been so brave and handled herself so well though. “You okay?” She kindly asked.
“Y-yeah.” No.
Everyone was now watching. The music had been muted to the point where you could tell it was playing but you couldn’t tell which song it was. Friends of Oli and Felix were standing close by in case things got messy, which normally only happened between the two brothers and not this way. Doors could be heard opening and shutting as people came in and out from places to watch the debacle occur between the hosts of the party and the unwelcome visitor. Oli and Felix knew they had to be careful though, because one wrong video and it could badly effect their dad’s career. Belle shook in Heathers arms and wished this nightmare of an evening to be over.
“Oh the whore’s not worth it anyways.” Kyle laughed, rolling his eyes as he pointed towards Belle.
“The fuck did you just call my daughter?”
Oh fucking shit balls.
“Dad?” Belle asked warily, seeing his dad stood in the doorway of the front door, her mum standing close behind him with her hand tightly clutched to his. As much as Belle was terrified that her parents had busted them, she also felt safe in their presence.
“Oh and here comes perfect-dad-of-the-year Harry Styles to the rescue.” Kyle teased which made Felix move forward in protest of his words.
“Fix.” Harry sternly called his name, making his son stop and look towards his dad who was shaking his head with a soft smile. Harry walked over towards Belle first, you still clutched tightly to him. “You alright?” He asked sincerely, not looking cross or disappointed at all. Belle nodded quickly and kept her head pressed to Heather’s chest. Harry turned to see his boys, raising his eyebrows to wordlessly ask them the same question to which they nodded too.
Harry dropped your hand, leaving you to stand with your sons, and left your forehead with a kiss before making his way to Kyle. “You okay boys?” You asked again, even though you knew Harry just asked.
“Yeah. Are you mum?” Oli asked, coming to wrap his arm around his mums neck to comfort her. He was so kind and thoughtful, just like his dad.
“Listen up, Kyle.” Harry started, keeping a good distance between him and the boy, “If you ever come near my family again i’m ordering a restraining order. That’s not a threat, it’s a promise. If you break that order you’ll be going to jail. Big league jail too. Again not a threat, a promise. So you’re going to leave my house, this property in its’ entirety and go home to sit in your room and think about whether you would prefer to be in a prison cell instead. Do you understand?”
Okay, you’d be lying if you said his authority didn’t turn you on.
“Y-yeah.” Kyle mumbled pathetically.
“I said do you understand?” Harry repeated again, clearly not satisfied with the answer given.
“Yes Mr Styles.” Kyle said more surely, before scramming from the house, from the party and from the neighbourhood.
“Now everyone out of my house before I call the police.” Everyone knew how that was not an empty threat and dashed out of his house. Some looked at him in awe, because this was probably their once and only chance of being in the presence of the Harry Styles. He sighed as he walked to the kitchen, leaning against the kitchen counter to think.
“Should we—” Belle started to talk but you cut her off.
“No, hunny. Let me go talk to your dad. You lot,” referring to your children and girlfriends who’d kindly stayed behind in support, “can go fetch some bin liners and start cleaning this all up.” You pointed around to the mess that was your house, before walking off to the kitchen.
You looked around at the mess. A broken vase. Litter everywhere. Half-drunken drinks left on the table. Bottle openers you definitely didn’t own before tonight. Trousers? You couldn’t help but giggle at the surrounding sight.
“What’s got you laughing?” Harry asked, still in his fancy shoes and fancy coat, you still in your fancy heels and your fancy coat. Yet, you were both standing in what looks like a garbage dump site. Harry moved his hand away from his face and looked at you with a blank expression.
“You were right!” You laughed.
“Your reaction as if that’s a bloody miracle, love, which kind of an ego crush, but continue.” He rolled his eyes and you rolled yours in response. You clicked your way over to him and wrapped your arms around his waist, he kept his wrapped around his own obviously still closing himself off.
“Our kids are being reckless and crazy.” You recalled dinners earlier conversation, smiling up at him in admiration.
“I didn’t actually mean it, it was just a quick way to make you feel better.” He groaned in frustration.
“Well gee thanks babe!” You laughed at the whole irony of this situation. “Harry, babe, look at me,” you had to used your hand to turn his cheek to face you, stroking his cheek to calm him, “adulthood - parenthood - doesn’t define the choices we have to make. We do. And our children, apart from that last little bit, seemed like they had the most freeing and most brilliant night yet! Let them be reckless H. Let them make mistakes. Just because this happened doesn’t make us bad parents, and it doesn’t make us bad parents if we decide no punishment—”
“Ha like that’s going to happen!” Harry cut you off and you glared at him to just shut up.
“Just shut up, you oaf. Let the kids live while they’re young.”
“You did not just reference one of my songs.” Harry looked to the ceiling as he smiled widely, before shortly laughing at how cheesy that was. “Oh my god Y/N!”
“What? Was is that bad?”
“Yes, babe. Yeah it really was.” He looked back down at you to see you smiling and he couldn’t help but cup your cheeks and kiss you silly. His perfect lips fit yours and you tasted him until you couldn’t breathe. “I love you.”
“I love you. Now go help clean up.” You ordered him, making him look at you confused.
“What the hell have I done to deserve this?”
“You booked the hotel for next weekend instead of this weekend you div. Now go.” You smacked his backside and he strolled back over to you and pushed you into the counter. You gasped at the sudden motion.
“Do that again and let’s see what happens.” He whispered dangerously against your lips.
“Go clean up and then see what’s waiting in our bedroom.” You bit your lip and tugged Harry’s hand to under your dress, giving him only a slight feel of how wet you were before letting his hand go and walking away.
“Kids, hand me a bloody bin bag. Now!”
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honeymoonjin · 3 years
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ᴘᴀɪʀɪɴɢ: ot7 x reader || ᴡᴏʀᴅ ᴄᴏᴜɴᴛ: 7.8k || ɢᴇɴʀᴇ: smut - rated 18+
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ᴡᴀʀɴɪɴɢs: threesome, nipple play, riding, unprotected sex, dom!taehyung, sub!?, restraints, blindfold, degradation, praise
A/N: it's my first time writing tgm smut in so long i hope it's okay ;;;-;
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Unable to fall deeply into sleep, when you wake fitfully at half past six in the morning, you decide to give up on it entirely.
A bath wakes you up slowly and gently, in no rush to clean yourself with a soapy loofah, the sweet smell of orange blossom lifting your mood just slightly. No matter how hard you scrub at your skin, Jin’s touch lingers beneath the surface like a tattoo, the reminder that you’d willingly chosen to cut him off from you that elimination day, and that your decision was keeping him from you.
The previous night, you’d spent hours with a hand cradling your cheek, trying to work out what the kiss even meant. A farewell, a consolation prize, a promise for patience? Either way, it just felt cruel to you. You rub harder, covering yourself in the foamed soap and watching it dissolve into the water.
By the time you dry yourself, well over an hour has passed, and the pangs of hunger start to flare off inside your stomach. You dress quickly, thoughtlessly, and sneak out of your door to the complete silence of the second storey. Nobody else seems to be awake yet, so you take your chance to go down and start on some breakfast.
The selection is relatively bleak to your lazy body, unwilling to make anything that requires the kind of effort the two eldest men tended to give for a meal. In the end, you tug some leftover curry from the back of the fridge, giving it a stir and setting it to heat up in the microwave.
The rhythmic whir and countdown combined with your lack of sleep is enough to have you feeling weak, slumping on the counter top. You rest your heavy head for a moment, pillowing it with your arm, and watch the dish turn around and around and…
“-matter, we’ll just wait and find out.”
“Are you sure?”
“Trust hyung. It’ll be fine. Can you pass me the- no, just beside it, the soy sauce- thank you. Should be ready soon.”
“Mhm, smells good.”
Adjusting to your sloped return to consciousness, it is the inviting smell that greets you after your hearing. A deep, meaty aroma is lifted with spices, making your mouth water.
The moment you shift, a sharp pain runs down your spine, settling at the back of your neck. You grunt, eyes squeezing shut at the ache.
“There she is. Must’ve been tired, poor thing.” The first one grows louder, sounding close to you as fingers reach out to tap your shoulder. “Wake up, sweetheart. Let’s get you something to eat.”
You groan again, lifting your heavy body up enough to prop your elbows on the table and press your hands against your eyes, willing coherence to sink back in. “Morning,” you croak, though by the way you feel, it could very well be evening.
The figure behind you - Yoongi, by his smooth rumbling voice - moves back around into the kitchen, and your ears perk up with the clink of bowls on the countertop. Blinking blearily, you yawn and focus in on the second person.
Jungkook is lifting a heavy saucepan and carefully pouring a stew into three bowls, the pink of his tongue trapped between his lips. “‘S that enough?” he questions, biceps flexing beneath his shirt as he hovers with the pan.
Yoongi nods once, fiddling in the drawer for spoons and chopsticks, and quickly hands you a set with your bowl, steaming lightly.
You smile gratefully, reaching out to feel the heat radiating off the ceramic. “Thanks, Yoongi.” The last of your sleep fades away, and you gasp suddenly, shooting up ramrod straight. “Wait - Yoongi, Jungkook! You’re back!”
“Keen eye,” Yoongi drawls sarcastically, but a fond smile plays on his lips nonetheless as he blows on a spoonful of broth. “Dad checked out of the hospital around 5. He’s doing really well.”
“Oh, Yoongi, I’m so glad,” you gush, relief filling your system.
Yoongi, however, seems to grow somber, eyebrows drawing together. “It wasn’t all good news, though.”
You freeze. “What? What happened?”
Like the news pains him, Yoongi grimaces. Jungkook, too, looks absolutely crestfallen. In unison, they open their mouths with matching frowns.
“The restaurant sold out of lamb skewers.”
“I didn’t see a single gho- Oh, yeah, the lamb skewers,” Jungkook tacks on, deflating. “But we stopped by a market on the way home to buy some lamb so we could make our own.”
“We?” Yoongi asks incredulously. “I didn’t see any ‘we’ when you refused to chop vegetables just now.”
Jungkook makes an offended noise in the back of his throat. “I just suffered a paranormal experience, hyung, I was too shaky to handle a knife.”
“You just said you didn’t see any ghosts.”
The youngest huffs. “I felt them.”
Your head darts back and forth, lamb stew forgotten as you watch the playful rally between the two men. Yoongi doesn’t miss a beat, raising a single brow. “What; was there a poltergeist petting zoo on the fourth floor I wasn’t told about?”
“Their presence, hyung. I felt their presence. Taehyung even said he could feel a chilling aura coming through the phone and into his body, but he thinks it could’ve just been Jimin’s feet.”
Yoongi presses a few fingers to his temples like he’s getting a headache. “You mean to tell me I had to get my sickly father to pretend you were his son all for you to stay the night, and the only thing that happened was Taehyung getting possessed by the ghost of Jimin’s feet?”
Jungkook blinks once. “There was a vending machine that gave out free lollipops,” he offers.
“A vending…” Yoongi sighs, eyes slipping closed. “Jungkook, I think that’s for patients who get low blood sugar. For emergencies.”
“Oh.” Jungkook considers this for a moment. “I took five of them.”
“Of course you did. Alright, eat up, please. It’s getting cold.”
You quickly thank Yoongi for the meal with a bemused smile, chest feeling light at having the two back in your company, and Yoongi in a visibly better mood than the past two times you’d seen him. The three of you fall into an easy silence for a few moments, but it doesn’t last long as the others in the house begin to wake.
Namjoon is first down, getting over his initial surprise quickly and rapid-firing countless questions to Yoongi about his father, ensuring he truly was alright. Taehyung and Jimin are next, the former just about barrelling into Jungkook and Yoongi, tugging them into a bear hug as Jimin watches fondly from behind. When a bleary-eyed Hoseok comes down, he notices the breakfast before the company, letting out a relieved groan at a mouthful of broth and promptly choking on it as he processes the presence of Jungkook and Yoongi.
Finally, it’s Jin that takes the longest to wake, and when he turns the corner and spots them, his only response is a wordless sigh, and a silent hug. Despite that, his emotions radiate off him in waves, and you don’t doubt there are unsaid words shared between him and Yoongi. To your surprise, he breaks away after a moment and pulls Jungkook into a tight albeit brief embrace as well, patting him on the back with a quiet murmur you don’t catch.
It feels right, comfortable and calming to have all eight of you back in the Villa together. The short absence feels so much more extended when you’re used to the same company twenty-four hours a day, and having them all back in your immediate vicinity again feels like a hit of some intense high. The relief rushes through your system, and you catch yourself unconsciously counting heads over and over.
“So I guess we just sit here?” Hoseok asks at one point, interrupting the blanket of quiet that had descended over you as you ate. “Do you think we should text Sejin and tell him to come debrief us or what? It feels like we’re in limbo.”
“No need.” A new voice resonates from behind you, Sejin himself walking through the doorway.
Taehyung narrows his eyes to the point of almost closing them, glaring first at the producer and then at the dormant cameras in the top corners of the room.
“Don’t worry, we aren’t rolling just yet. I’ve just been waiting a while for you all to get sorted. I figured you deserved to at least eat first, Yoongi, Jungkook.”
“Well, we’ve eaten,” Yoongi confirms, oddly stiff, an unreadable expression darkening his features. “I guess that means it’s showtime again.”
Jungkook looks up at him from his hunched posture leaning on the countertop. “I bet a lot of them missed you, hyung. The viewers. They seemed really worried on Twitter.”
Yoongi blinks, shifting. “Missed-? I- I suppose it was sudden. We should probably get this thing up and running again so they aren’t concerned.”
As Sejin nods in confirmation and pulls out his phone to relay the message, you nearly miss the quirk at Jungkook’s lips at changing Yoongi’s attitude so easily. The two of them seem at ease with each other like nothing you’ve seen before. No doubt due to the time they’d spent together last night, and it warms your heart to see them standing so closely.
“Come on, then,” Sejin announces, belatedly lifting his gaze and putting his phone back away, the cameras installed around the room blinking back to life with their steady red blip. “Let’s move to the couches again.”
“Just like the good old days,” Jungkook sighs dreamily.
Jin raises a brow, taking a seat in the center of the middle couch, the two youngest jumping in on either side of him like toddlers ready for a bedtime story. You do your best to ignore him, still feeling sensitive from the night before. “You mean ‘just like four days ago?’”
From his left side, Taehyung huffs lightly, though makes no effort to distance himself at all from the eldest. “Time is a social construct.”
“Can we make a start?” Sejin questions, perched on the corner of the coffee table with his hands on this thighs. “I doubt the viewers are here to listen to you bicker.”
“Right you are,” Taehyung notes, nodding sagely, “they’re here for the good stuff.” He shares a glance with Jungkook, and in unison the two of them place their hands side-by-side directly on top of Jin’s crotch, glancing up at the cameras expectantly.
Jin clicks his tongue like his dick being used as a prop is little more than a mild inconvenience, making no move to push their hands away.
They do, however, when Sejin flattens a stare at the two of them. The youngest properly chastened, the producer finally looks around at all of you as a group. “For the sake of continuity and coherence, we’re picking up where we last left off: Limited Edition week. Yoongi, you’re the only one to already have completed your prompt-” the man puffs his chest at this, sharp eyes darting to you as Sejin speaks, “-so you’re done for the week. Namjoon, Hoseok, Jungkook and Jimin, I’m afraid you’re left with very little time to complete yours. Because of this, you’re no longer required to wait for a text message to start your scenes, and I’m also postponing the Fan Favourite vote until Monday morning to give you some additional time. We’ll unfortunately have to merge it with the elimination meeting. Today is already Friday, so do the best you can.”
“We won’t let you down,” Jungkook promises fiercely, conspicuously glancing down at Jin’s lap as if he’s about to use it for emphasis again.
Sejin sighs, shifting back, continuing on as if he didn’t hear the strangely passionate pact. “If anyone has forgotten their prompt, don’t hesitate to ask, otherwise the show is back on as per usual. Producer Kang is coming in at midday to set up the confessional booth again, so from this afternoon onwards, feel free to use it again to share your thoughts. I’m sure the viewers will have their fair share of questions for you as well. Understood?”
Most of you nod, content with the update. You try and fight the sickly flutter of anxiety in your chest that creeps up at the reminder of elimination, focusing instead on the side of you that’s relieved to have this level of normalcy back, and secretly pleased to have your cards filled up for the next few days. It feels like it’s been longer than it has, and you shift in your seat wondering who will approach you first out of the four men yet to fill their prompt.
Perhaps it won’t be Jungkook; he pushes himself off Jin and tiptoes to Sejin’s retreating figure, asking for a reminder on his prompt with shy pink cheeks. The producer lets out a weak laugh of bemusement and guides him out of the front door to escort him to the producing van outside.
The others seem to know what they’re doing, and you spy Namjoon and Hoseok with heads ducked together, Hoseok grinning at something Namjoon’s saying. The two have been growing closer lately, almost out of nowhere, and you’re curious if they’ll stick as two peas in a pod when it comes to the game, too.
The four of you that remain chill for a bit, making lazy conversation on how strange it feels being back on the clock again. It’s nice, being able to enjoy the time relatively care-free. Despite the overall weirdness of the competition in context to real life, it’s become a comfortable familiarity, and you welcome it back.
You could happily spend the whole morning there, were it not for the sharp bolt of pain that rushes up your spine when you turn to listen to something Jimin has to say.
Gasping, hand coming up to cradle the back of your neck instinctively, you squeeze your eyes shut at the sensation. From beside you, it takes no time for Jimin’s hands to find you, gently settling on your back and arm as he asks you if you’re okay.
“I fell asleep on the counter this morning,” you admit, trying not to move your head at all as you speak, “I think it messed up my neck.”
As your eyes untense and open again, you see Jimin’s rounded in concern, first at you and then glancing over at Tae in sober worry. His teeth are running over his lower lip over and over, a habit that he does in moments of stress and helplessness, and through the ache you can’t help but feel warm at his reaction.
“When does it hurt most?” you hear Taehyung ask, and it’s habit that makes you turn your head to face him.
“Fuck,” you curse thickly, shoulders hunching up against the tight feeling, “just when I turn it. Feels like a tug that shouldn’t be there.”
Yoongi and Jin are silent, and from your new angle of vision, you can see their apt focus on you, Yoongi going so far as to be shuffled half off  his couch, ready to jump up and give medical aid.
“It’s probably a crick in your neck,” Taehyung asks, and you spot his mop of browl curls fill your vision as he crouches in front of you and looks back over his shoulder. “Right, hyung?”
Yoongi hums in agreement. “Sounds like it. I can get a heat pack?”
“I have some upstairs,” Taehyung answers, “I think a massage would help a lot. Y/n, do you think you can make it upstairs?”
You take a moment to consider this, and gently shift your head around with small motions. Up and down seems to be fine, and left and right hurt the more you turn. “I think it’ll be okay,” you decide, “I didn’t really notice it that much until just now.”
“Okay.” Taehyung presses his lips together and stands up again, holding out his hand to you. Slowly, with several check-ins, he guides you upstairs and into his bedroom, assisting you in sitting down on the bed, propped up against a mountain of pillows. You leave Jin and Yoongi downstairs, but Jimin insists on following, his hand warm against the small of your back the whole way up.
Feeling a little embarrassed at the fuss they’re making, you nonetheless soak up the chance to be at the center of their attention, Jimin linking your fingers together from the side of the bed as Taehyung rushes around, grabbing a single-use heat pack and some massage oils.
“You’ll need to turn around so your back is facing me,” Taehyung instructs, getting on the bed behind you. It’s a little awkward shifting around with three of you on the bed, and you unable to really move as freely as you’d like, but after a moment Jimin has replaced your original spot against the headboard, your knees bumping his as you sit cross-legged with Taehyung behind you. “Okay, that’s good. Just relax.”
Your shirt has a relatively low, round neck, and even though it’s not quite loose enough to push past your shoulders, Tae doesn’t want to make you take it off and risk hurting yourself further, so he just makes do, warming some oil between his fingers.
The soothing smell of lavender fills the air, and your shoulders go lax as Taehyung slips gently presses down on them with his still-dry knuckles, thumbs sliding up to hold your neck steady. As he pushes the hem down as much as he can and begins to slide his fingertips over your skin to spread the aromatic oil, you fight the urge to let your head loll back. It’s been a long time since Taehyung gave you a massage, and though you have no doubt he’d do it anytime in a heartbeat if you asked, you always felt strange approaching it. A crick in the neck was not ideal, but certainly a nice excuse to have his hands on you again.
In front of you, Jimin watches you carefully for any sight of pain. While a month ago you may have been intimidated or even put off by his intense stare, you know he’s there to make sure you’re alright, and you’ve seen him vulnerable enough to feel okay sharing this with him.
It is still a little awkward, however, and as Taehyung lets his fingers dip as low as they can between your shoulder blades, you send Jimin a crooked smile. “Do you want some popcorn?”
He scoffs warmly with a shake of his head. “If I’m bothering you…?”
You almost shake your head, sucking in a sharp breath through your nose as you fight the automatic urge. “No, you’re fine. I just don’t think me getting my neck fixed is very-” Your voice is abruptly cut off by a staccato groan punched out of you by Taehyung pressing his thumbs right into the knots on either side of the base of your neck. He crawls them up carefully but confidently, beginning to smooth out the tension, and you can’t help your eyes fluttering shut. “Very entertaining,” you finish, breathier than when you started.
“That’s where I’d have to disagree,” Jimin responds in a buttery whisper. With eyes closed, you don’t see him move, and are caught off guard by the tickle of sensation that arises on the sensitive skin of your inner ankle as he slowly sweeps a single fingertip in lazy circles around the bump of the bone. The touch isn’t particularly sexy in its location, but nevertheless feels dizzingly intimate with the knowledge of whose finger it is roaming the fine details of your body.
“I see how it is,” you manage to respond, but the fight is drained from you from both ends; Jimin at your ankles, Taehyung at the nape of your neck. Taehyung’s touch is distinctly heavier and more decisive than Jimin’s, and it becomes harder to resist lying back against him as he works at the sore muscles of your neck.
“My clients aren’t normally so chatty with someone that isn’t me,” Taehyung remarks from behind you, lightly flicking the side of your neck in playful complaint.
“Client?” you question with a pout he can’t see but can definitely hear. “Are we not even lovers, Tae?”
He hums, so low in his chest that it’s a soft growl, and his hands converge on your sternum, face coming forward to press at the side of your cheek as he hugs you from behind. Your heart rate picks up at the proximity; his lips so close to yours, but impossible to reach from the angle. “You know I can’t touch you like a lover should. Not now.”
“Would it be so bad?” you wonder aloud, even as you recall the rule that would get him kicked out should he touch you intimately. The rule wasn’t so harsh were it you to touch him, however. “I could.”
His breath comes out in a rush that tingles your jaw. “Don’t tempt me,” he warns, sitting back upright and pressing the sides of your neck to straighten you up again, “you’re injured.”
“I’m injured?” you retort, “I thought you were meant to be fixing me. You mustn’t be doing a very good job.”
This time, the sound that leaves him most certainly is a growl. His fingers dig into the dips in your upper spine with a ferocity that while measured is distinctly more authoritative. You feel manhandled into wellness, the pain malleable and easily manipulated by his touch. Your body is heavy, barely able to hold itself up, but inside you feel lighter than air, so thrilled to be at the receiving end of Taehyung’s dominance after such a long time under Jimin’s strong hand.
As if following your thoughts, Taehyung mutters out a low, “hyung?” Jimin hums in response, his fingers circling your ankle and letting the lax weight of his arm pin you to the mattress. “I want to touch her so bad.”
You let out an unfiltered moan as you hear Taehyung talk about you to the man on your other side as if you’re not even there, though his fingers never stop for a second, leaching away every last ounce of pain.
“You can’t,” Jimin replies simply.
“But you can,” Taehyung fires back. “Do you trust me?”
Your eyes open wide as you hear the hidden meaning behind his words. Jimin seems to recognise it, too, as he looks past you with lips parted in surprise. It takes him a moment, but he eventually does respond. “I trust you.”
“Get the blindfold.”
It’s clear Jimin is hesitant about letting Taehyung take control. Not the kind of resistance you’d expect he’d give someone else trying to dom him, but simply the delay of uncertainty, of inexperience. He gets up on his knees after a moment to reach into the bedside stand’s drawer, pulling out a soft black sleeping mask.
Taehyung’s hands finally slow, fingertips slipping just under the hem, fiddling with your bra straps. “Put it on, hyung.”
“Tae,” Jimin breathes, eyebrows furrowed in worry, but he goes along, slipping it over his head and adjusting it, lips pursed. You see the way his Adam’s apple bobs with a harsh swallow, his toes curling and staying tucked.
“How’s your neck?” Taehyung asks you, and in your daze at seeing Jimin gingerly submit, it takes you a second to even realise he’s addressing you. You quickly assure him it’s fine, and feel your heart race as he takes his hands off you and backs away, pulling you backwards as he does. “Lie down for us,” he commands softly.
Your breathing is elevated, and you can’t seem to calm it as you watch Taehyung in your peripheral pull up a chair to the side of the bed. His knuckles are white as he clutches the arms, but his face is darkly focused.
“You can’t fuck her with all those clothes on, hyung,” Taehyung states simply, and you can see the way Jimin’s brows lift above the blindfold.
Obediently, Jimin moves towards you, but with his vision obscured he pats around to find you, fingers running blindly up your side to seek out the lower hem of your shirt and lift it over your head. There’s something strangely exciting about Jimin being the one to disrobe you, when only Taehyung will see your naked body, and the clumsy way the older man fiddles with the zip on your jeans before slipping them off makes it feel like he’s touching you for the first time.
It takes him no time at all to unhook your bra once he finds the hinge, and soon enough your panties, the only scrap of fabric left on your body, are being tugged down your legs impatiently. Once they’re gone, however, Jimin’s hands hover uncertainly over you, awaiting further instruction.
Taehyung grins, though Jimin won’t see it, and wets his lips. “So you can be a good boy, hm? Who would’ve thought the big bad wolf was just a little puppy?”
Jimin swallows, nostrils flaring as he struggles with his own submission. He offers no answer, but Taehyung doesn’t seem to mind, sitting forward in the chair.
“Are you hard, Jimin?” The blue-haired man grits his teeth at the intentional lack of honorifics, but confirms reluctantly that he is. “Show us.”
After opening and closing his mouth, Jimin swallows hard again and his fingers pat against his waistband until he reaches the button, undoing it and dipping a hand in to release his cock. True to his word, he’s hard, the tip glossed with precum and angry red.
A wave of arousal rushes through you so strong that you clench around nothing, wanting nothing more than to push him back and take what you need yourself. But it’s fascinating seeing him like this, and you don’t want to even speak, too scared to break the spell Taehyung has somehow constructed.
The younger man just lets out a flat noise as if unimpressed. Jimin’s dick twitches as his cheeks heat in shame. “Tae,” he breathes, fingers digging into the tensed flesh of his still-clothed thighs.
“It would benefit you to give my name more respect than that. I’m not your boyfriend now, not your pet. I’m your boss. I say what you can and cannot do. So what do you say to me?”
Jimin’s lips are parted, a pretty pink that trembles if you look closely enough. He stays silent for a moment, thinking it through. “Mister Kim,” he says, going so far as to duck his head shallowly in an imitation of a bow.
A dark smirk tugs at Taehyung’s lips. “I like that,” he decides, “good boy. Why don’t you touch our girl, then? She’s arching so nicely for you, Jimin, I think she wants to feel you on her pretty little tits.”
Your eyes couldn’t be wider if you tried, fingers twisted harshly in the bedsheets on either side of you. It’s true, your back hitching off the mattress in need. Truth be told, you’re shivering in the desire to feel him anywhere, but the thought of him flicking at your sensitive nipples has you letting out a shaky whimper.
It’s not Jimin’s hands that greet you, however. Instead, he uses them to catch his fall when he hangs forward, face burying in the soft skin close to your right hip. You can feel the hard tip of his nose, the tickle of his eyelashes, and the plush warmth of his lips.
You tremble beneath him at the way his breath heats your naked skin in pants. Jimin navigates higher with his nose, running it over you, lips dragging against you just enough for you to catch scrapes of his bottom teeth occasionally as he works from left to right, seeking out the swell of your breasts.
It’s not long before he crawls high enough, but it feels like an eternity of absence has been broken when it’s not his fingers but his hot, wet mouth that closes over your nipple, sucking it in like a man starved.
You gasp at the sudden bloom of sensation, a moan getting clogged in your throat. Once Jimin reaches you, you can feel the confidence of his usual dom persona return in the intense way he laps and nipples at the stiffening peak, but the hastened breaths that have his chest heaving above you are entirely due to Taehyung’s invisible grasp on the both of you.
It’s not until Jimin fastens his teeth around your nipple and tugs once, harsh enough to make you keen and grab at his shoulders, that he moves to the other side, repeating the previous treatment with twice the hunger and desperation as before.
“Mm, atta boy,” Taehyung praises in a borderline sarcastic drawl. Jimin huffs through his noise noisily against you as he places sloppy kisses on the pebbled skin around your nipple, and your eyes roll back at the overwhelming situation you’ve found yourself in. There’s something unbelievably obscene about being at the whim of Jimin touch but Taehyung’s command, of hearing and seeing and feeling Jimin be just as affected by Tae as you are.
Jimin’s still mostly dressed, but you can feel the heat radiating from his unsheathed cock as it presses against your leg, and you will Taehyung to demand Jimin fuck you, feeling out of your mind with need.
“You want to taste her somewhere else, don’t you?” Taehyung asks after a few moments of ecstasy. Jimin groans lowly against you, and you feel his hair tickle your breast as he nods. Taehyung’s voice hardens. “That’s a shame. On your back, Jimin. Clothes off.”
You and Jimin whine in unison as you’re parted again, but the latter wastes no time in undressing, throwing his shirt, pants and underwear away blindly, almost hitting Taehyung with them.
Taehyung lets out a cheeky smile as he ducks out of the way, before steeling his expression again and standing up to join you at the bed. You prop yourself up on your elbows to watch as Jimin lies down beside you, head propped up on the pillows.
Making him wait in silence and darkness for a moment long enough to make Jimin hold back another whine with a bit lip, Taehyung suddenly reaches out and rakes his nails up Jimin’s chest from his lower stomach to his collarbones, flicking his nipples on the way.
Jimin hisses and almost comes clean off the mattress, arms flying down, but Taehyung catches him at the wrists and tugs his arms up with a roughness that takes Jimin by surprise, leaving him pinned open with reddening lines across his torso.
“Fuck,” he curses, head thrashing back and forth once in frustration. He looks overwhelmed already, though you’re beginning to suspect this is his first time subbing, at least in many years. “T- Mister Kim, Mister Kim, please.”
“Y/n’s going to take what she wants now, Jimin,” Taehyung instructs gruffly, sending you an expectant gaze for you to get up, “and you’re going to give it all to her. Isn’t that right?”
“Please,” Jimin repeats brokenly, fingers curling in the open air as Taehyung holds his wrists up.
Heart racing violently in your chest, you find yourself straddling Jimin with barely-restrained excitement. His cock is lying against his lower abdomen, leaking steadily, and the moment you reach out and take it in your hand he lets out a low, keening sob, thighs lifting as if to curl in on himself.
“Colour, Jimin,” Taehyung demands, loosening his hold on the man’s wrists briefly.
Jimin lets out a frustrated whine, foot stomping against the mattress. He’s panting like he’s run a marathon, even with your hand still on him, and it almost seems like he’s about to end the scene with the pained look on his face. “Dammit, green. Fuck.”
Taehyung pauses for a moment, but suddenly a booming laugh is leaving him as he stares down at the figure on the bed below him, with restrained arms hanging uselessly in the air. “Oh, you dirty fucking boy,” he gushes, bending down to nip at the already-swollen flesh of Jimin’s lips, making the older boy whimper, “you love this, don’t you?”
Shaking his head, Jimin can’t hide the way blood rushes to his cheeks, tinging his face and neck pink as his cock pulses in your grip. It encourages you to move again, and you lean down to spit on it, hearing him hiccup wetly at the feeling of it before you’re jerking him off steadily to spread the slick around.
As much as he tries, Jimin can only hold back the sounds of pleasure for so long, and by the time you’re straddling him, lining him up at your entrance, his chest is heaving and every breath out is tinged in a moan. He all but trembles in anticipation as his tip bumps against you, and you suck in a single slow breath to prepare yourself before you’re sitting on his cock, feeling it part your walls deep inside.
Jimin shudders, and his arms, still in Taehyung’s grip, tug towards his own face to cover it, fingers curling into claws at the flood of sensation.
“Is it good?” Taehyung asks rhetorically, allowing Jimin to pull his hands over his face before cruelly spreading them wide again, leaning down until their noses touch, voice dipping to a gruff whisper, thick with arousal. “You don’t get to hide from us.”
You’re propping yourself up with one hand on Jimin’s heated chest and another on the mattress, letting yourself adjust to the intrusion, and you see the way his lips tremble every time you clench around him.
Though it hasn’t really been that long, you feel the stretch more than usual, especially without the foreplay involving any fingering. But, if you’re honest with yourself, you wouldn’t want it any other way.
There’s something so divine about rocking your hips against him and having his cock open you up through your own movements. You control the pace despite the whines and weak growls of complaint, and you take your time with it. While Jimin might prefer more friction, more motion, you’re enjoying the deep grind, his pelvis pressed to your clit every time you lean forward.
You look up from him, at Taehyung holding him down for you. His hair is messy, but no more than before, and he’s still fully dressed. His eyes are dark with lust and glimmering with excitement, and once he feels your gaze he looks up at you sharply. Your heart jumps, and you squeeze unintentionally around Jimin, making him groan.
Still looking at Taehyung, however, at his sculpted lips, strong gaze and hooded lids, you’re overwhelmed with the urge to lean forward and kiss him. It’s like a string is tied between the two of you, being cranked tighter and tighter. It would be so easy just to give in and-
“Don’t be mean, Y/n. Jimin is being good for us.” Taehyung grins at you, teeth glinting. “Make him come.”
Jimin’s chest hitches, and his hips rock shallowly up at you, unable to get the momentum to do much more. Still, it causes him to drag against your walls, and the pleasure shoots up your core at the feeling. Inspired by both your own pleasure and the need to please the two men with you, you steel your thighs and begin to ride Jimin in earnest.
It’s harder than you expect to keep a rhythm up. Every time you get a good downstroke that reaches your g-spot, it makes your legs tremble, and before long your thighs begin to ache. Nonetheless, you’re determined as you watch Jimin’s blindfolded face contort in pleasure, and you shift your position and bounce harder.
In the back of your mind, you hear Taehyung praise you, but you barely spare him a glance, chest lowering so that you can put all your energy into the tight motion of your hips. Your fingers dig into Jimin’s shoulder, and his muscles tense beneath them as he tries to reach out for you.
Every time he’s reminded of the grip Taehyung has on his arms, Jimin thrashes just a little beneath you, but his cock just keeps on getting stiffer inside you, and as you suck in harsh lungfuls of air, you know he’s getting close.
The sounds that leave his parted lips are nothing short of pornographic, losing all sense of shame or hesitation as he approaches that peak.
You fight off your own orgasm, tightening around Jimin as you try and hold back and distract yourself with him. You’re losing stamina quickly, the rhythm falling apart into unsteady jerks and bounces.
Taehyung watches you carefully, before bending down again and biting right into the plush flesh of Jimin’s cheek, addressing him only after he soothes the blooming red with his tongue. “Why don’t you return the favour and fuck her a little, my good boy?”
Jimin sobs, and his abs tighten as he attempts to get up, but Taehyung just tuts, instructing him to do it right where he is. Clearly too far gone to protest, you feel Jimin prop his feet up against the mattress with a shaky sniff. That’s your only warning before he makes full use of his core strength to piston his hips up into you with toe-curling speed, purely seeking out his own end.
You cry out, knees buckling at the first thrust, and your chin hits his shoulder awkwardly, almost biting your own tongue. Clutching at his arms, you attempt to hold yourself up enough not to bear your dead weight on him, and go along for the ride.
Even from his unwieldy position, Jimin manages far better than you did, and his his moans quickly raise in pitch and shorten in length, until he’s whimpering in desperate yips, thrusting up into you with such ferocity that your teeth chatter.
He’s deep inside you, deeper than he’s been before, and your eyes begin to well at your own impending orgasm.
Closer than you, however, Jimin freezes for a split second before he’s shuddering violently and spurting inside you. Taehyung holds onto him for a moment longer before he releases his wrists, and suddenly you’re being caged in by Jimin, his arms holding you flush against his heated torso as he grinds his cum into you, still blindfolded and barely able to catch a breath.
It’s this rocking motion that tips you over the edge, your clit gaining enough friction to break the dam, and you sob hard as the pleasure wracks through you. There isn’t a single inch of space between you and Jimin, and just as you think you’re in pure ecstasy, you feel Taehyung’s hand tangle in your hair, stroking it as his lips brush the shell of your ear with praises intended for the two of you.
Your face is wet and your body is trembling uncontrollably as you let your climax run through you, and when it fades you feel hollowed out, boneless.
Jimin is clearly the same, because he quite contentedly lets you lie atop him, panting just as hard as you are. His eyes remain closed long after Taehyung slips the blindfold off, pressing kisses to Jimin’s eyelids and the flush on his cheeks.
After a sweet eternity, you gather enough energy to roll off Jimin and sit up, separating yourself from him. He sighs out weakly, and you’re shocked to see just how drained he seems. For a moment, your heart stutters, but as you reach out and grab his hand, matching Taehyung who has his other one sandwiched between his, a drunken smile stretches across Jimin’s face.
“What the fuck?” he asks breathily, chuckling slightly despite his exhaustion. A single eye cracks open, looks up at the two of you with a warm gaze, before slipping shut again. “Oh my god, I can’t believe… I can’t believe that.”
“Can’t believe you liked it?” Taehyung questions, and even after the scene you hear a tinge of nervousness in his tone.
“God, Tae, I think I get it now,” Jimin gushes, voice lowering into a sleepy slur, “it’s- that was fun.”
Taehyung beams, squeezing Jimin’s hand fondly.
Jimin sighs in bliss. “And next time I’m going to edge you so much you cry, Mister Kim.”
The smile drops off Taehyung’s face in an instant. “Hey! That’s not fair. I let you come.”
Whatever protest Jimin would normally fire back is dissolved in his post-orgasm bliss. Instead, he just hums sweetly, entirely unbothered by the sticky mess his lower torso has become.
“Come on,” you jibe softly, feeling your own skin growing tacky, “let’s get you in the shower.”
Jimin groans at the thought of standing up, but Taehyung is having none of it, digging his hands under Jimin’s back to lever him up like a crowbar. “Yeah, we’re not gonna stop taking care of you just because you busted a nut, asshole. Get up and let me clean your dick like the good dom I am.”
Though Jimin huffs all the way to the shower, as the two of you clean him up, dry him off and dress him in a pair of Taehyung’s sweats and a baggy shirt, his eyes never stop gleaming for a second, not-so-secretly enjoying every minute of it.
The three of you spend an hour or so post-shower chilling in Taehyung’s room before hunger overcomes you one at a time. You’ve certainly missed lunch, but there is plenty still left in the fridge, and Jimin takes on the duty of reheating it as a silent thank you for the scene.
He’s quieter than usual, and you know it has to do with the intensity of it, at least for him. It was a big deal, actually submitting to another, and both you and Taehyung keep a close eye on him, filling the silence between the two of you so he doesn’t feel the need to exert himself, but keeping him close nonetheless.
At one point, Jimin goes upstairs to take a nap, insisting he’s fine on his own, and Namjoon and Hoseok return inside from where they’d been having a picnic of sorts (or perhaps fucking on the lawn, though they refuse to deny nor confirm your teasing accusation). The four of you put on a random reality show you’d been meaning to watch, and it isn’t long before Jungkook is joining you too, piling on the couch between the two subtle lovebirds. When Jin comes down, he half-watches from the kitchen, preparing some side dishes for dinner, but Yoongi is nowhere to be seen.
Your mind doesn’t linger on the thought for long, getting distracted by the dating show that somehow is just as ridiculous as the one you’re on, and you let the time slip by as you watch episode after episode. It’s nice to rest up, aching a little bit in a new place than before, but satisfied.
When Yoongi comes down, you’re so caught up watching television that you don’t even see him. It’s not until he cuts into your line of sight and holds out a decisive hand that you blink into focus and notice his presence.
“Y/n. A minute.”
You stare at him for another minute, brain not catching up. Yoongi huffs and bends down, grabbing onto your hand and tugging you up off the couch.
The others stare at you in bewilderment, and you return the confused gaze over your shoulder as he tug you out of the room.
Stumbling through the hallway, you furrow your eyebrows as he leads you up the stairs, almost frantic in his pace.
Arriving at your own door, he throws it open and pulls you inside and shuts it behind you. Your brain catches up, and you let out an uncertain laugh. “Yoongi, you already did your prompt, you don’t have to-”
You’re cut off by a pair of lips on yours.
Yoongi’s body knocks you back and pins you firmly to the door as his mouth slants against yours. Both hands cupping your face, he kisses you like there’s no tomorrow, tongue darting out slightly to flick at your lips.
You let out a surprised moan that gets entirely swallowed by him, knees weak and held up only by his hold. Frantic, hurried, his kisses convey a thousand praises, and your mind whirls with the sudden passion.
This close, you can smell the musk of his cologne. It dizzies you, and you feel as if his hands on your cheeks and his lips on yours are the only thing anchoring you to the world. They move against you, exploring your mouth with a desperate sweetness. You can’t wrap your head around it, can’t catch up, and so you let yourself drown in it instead, clasping at the fabric of Yoongi’s shirt to hold yourself steady.
When you finally part, he rips himself away with dazed eyes, pupils blown with desire. “Y/n,” he breathes, staring at you in wonder as if for the first time. He steps back again, after a moment, touching his swollen lips with a disbelieving smile. “I really tried, you know.”
You frown in confusion, stepping forward to get closer again. “Tried what? Yoongi, I don’t understand.”
“I tried not to fall in love with you like the rest.”
You have no words, mouth hanging open. Before you can think of anything to say, he’s moving past you and letting himself out of your room, the door half-ajar as his footsteps recede into silence.
You stay up in your room for what must be hours, replaying his words over and over in your head, lips tingling.
You miss dinner that way, too occupied in your own thoughts to even notice the knock at your door. Even as the sky darkens outside your window, you feel too wired to sleep, running through every single interaction you’ve ever had with Yoongi. Reading them in every possible way you could.
Working out if you would be telling the truth to say it back.
Your mind runs in circles, unable to land on a single answer, on a single perspective or truth or belief.
Late into the night, and further to the early hours of the morning, you force yourself to think about every other member in the house, too. About how they treat you, how kind they are to you, the way they look at you.
About the way your heart races when you’re around them, even as they comfort you with their presence alone.
You manage to fall asleep shortly before sunrise, eyes aching and body exhausted, every line of thinking and internal interrogation whittled down to a single two words.
I’m fucked.
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latte-fairytaekwoon · 3 years
𝐷𝑖𝑙𝑓!𝐴𝑡𝑒𝑒𝑧: 𝑆𝑒𝑥 𝑇𝑎𝑝𝑒 𝐺𝑒𝑡𝑠 𝐿𝑒𝑎𝑘𝑒𝑑 (𝑅𝑎𝑡𝑒𝑑)
Warnings: NSFW content. Aged up/Older Ateez but age differences are still within legal boundaries. Allusions to infidelity. Also contains major spoiler for the dilf!Yeosang fic.
❥𝓚𝓲𝓶 𝓗𝓸𝓷𝓰𝓳𝓸𝓸𝓷𝓰
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"Hongjoong? Hongjoong baby?"
You lightly tapped his cheek in an effort to wake him up from his nap on the couch. Fluttering his eyes open, he yawned softly, almost an exact replica of how your son often would.
"What? Is it dinnertime already?" He asked while sitting up.
"Almost, but I noticed your phone was going crazy with notifications so I thought it must be something important."
Kissing his sleepy face, you chuckled and returned to the kitchen before anything accidentally burned. Fixing his hair, Hongjoong picked up his phone to see about 10 missed calls, 20 unread messages and a dozen emails all from different people, most of them from his fellow teachers at the university. Scanning through the first few, Hongjoong became wide awake and immediately began looking back to see the email he had sent right before going to sleep.
"Ok food is- what's going on?" You noticed how agitated he looked.
"Um...well.... funny story. You know how I was supposed to send in my report to the administration? I might have accidentally attached the wrong file on there.." He sheepishly admitted to you.
By his tone, you knew it was probably something serious.
"Ok and what was the file?"
Hongjoong grabbed your arm and placed you next to him.
"You're gonna want to be seated for this."
Hongjoong opened the file and held the phone out for you to see. You widened your eyes as you saw it was the old video he had taken of you sucking him off for the first time when you were at the university. You couldn't help the tiny grin tugging your lips as your loud slurping sounds blasted through the speakers.
"Fuck! Miss Y/N, do you really enjoy sucking cock so much?" Hongjoong's raspy voice was heard on the background, one of his hands holding the back of your head to plunge your mouth further down onto his length. You were seen moaning dramatically as you pulled away slightly, drool falling down your chin.
"I used to, but now I think I'll only love sucking cocks that are as big as yours." You winked as your hand pumped along his shaft, your tongue coming out to swirl around his head.
"Still think a pretty young thing like me can't take a cock like yours Mr. Kim?"
Getting so flustered, Hongjoong stopped the video and ran a hand through his hair as he waited for your outburst. When you were silent for a while, he looked over and was confused to see you smiling.
"I can't believe you kept that after all this time." You giggled as your hands cupped his cheeks.
"Well I.... I just like reminiscing about the old times when you used to give me the best suck of my life."
You raised an eyebrow at him. "What do you mean used to Kim Hongjoong?"
Hongjoong flushed even more when you came down and sat in front of him as you began pulling his pants down.
"I can still give a blowjob that'll leave you breathless."
❥𝓟𝓪𝓻𝓴 𝓢𝓮𝓸𝓷𝓰𝓱𝔀𝓪
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"Well it seems your wife and her lawyer have decided to stoop low in methods to stop the divorce from happening."
Seonghwa's lawyer seemed uneasy about telling you guys about it.
"What did that witch do now?" Seonghwa could already feel a headache coming.
"She submitted a video for the judge and other attorneys to view and hopefully use against you.. but the nature of it...... well it's not exactly something we can show in the courtroom but most of us lawyers have unfortunately seen it."
Leaving the laptop open and sliding it forward to you both, the lawyer stood up and cleared his throat.
"I thought perhaps you two would want to take a look and decide what you'll want to do after this." The poor man left the room, feeling embarrased for you.
You were the one who leaned forward to press play. Seonghwa and you stiffened in your seats when you saw it was an old video you had taken during one of the nights he often went over to your place after one of the many fights he'd have with his wife.
"How did she even get a hold of this?" You asked but you weren't really paying attention to your question and neither was Seonghwa, both of you just watched the screen in front of you, seeing the erotic action unfold.
"Shit! Look at you, all stuffed to the brim with my cum, it's leaking out of you."
Your body jolted underneath Seonghwa as his hips once again slammed into yours, your body aching from the overstimulation he had already been giving you for the past hour but you didn't want him to stop, even after he had cum inside you three times already.
"Keep my cum inside your body my little slut. Don't drop any of it out." His voice was raspy and hoarse as he continued his merciless pounding into you.
You looked like a mess by then, your face was buried on the pillow, nails nearly tearing the sides of it and even though it was muffled, your screams of pleasure could still be distinguished through it.
"I'm gonna breed you my little bunny. Stuff your little hole until you're carrying my babies."
Yanking your hair, Seonghwa pulled you so your back was pressed against his chest.
"Cause that's what you promised me right? You promised you'd let fuck my babies in you right?" He cooed as he nipped at your neck.
You whimpered loudly and nodded at him, tears falling out of your eyes.
"Yes! Please! Breed me Mr. Park. I wanna get fucked with your babies." You begged him, your face scrunching up as another orgasm was being pulled out of you.
Seonghwa and you sat there silently after watching all that, taking it all in. It was him who broke the ice by spinning his chair to you and looking all too smug.
"Well I did knock you up didn't I?"
❥𝓙𝓮𝓸𝓷𝓰 𝓨𝓾𝓷𝓱𝓸
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Yunho calmly scrolled over the messages in the group chat he had with his friends, all of them bragging or retelling about what they had done over the course of their vacation.
"What'd you do Yunho?" "Something boring probably."
He rolled his eyes at Jongho's sense of humor.
"I actually had a lot of fun at the waterpark with Y/N and my son. I even have a cute video of it."
Scrolling through his gallery, he didn't realize he accidentally clicked on the wrong video thinking it was the one you took as your son was learning to swim. Confidently pressing send, Yunho waited for them to coo over his boy as they always did when anyone shared pictures of their kids.
"Um.... Yunho? What exactly am I watching?" Seonghwa asked while Hongjoong just replied with a shocked faced emoji.
"Damn, did you have fun turning that bed of yours into a waterpark?" Wooyoung added with a winky face emoji.
Wondering what the hell they were talking about, Yunho opened the video he sent and his face fell when he realized what it actually was that he had sent.
"Yu-Yunho.... too big. I can't." You whimpered pathetically on his screen, your hands rubbing along where his bulge poked out on your abdomen.
"Yes you can baby, you've taken all of me before." He reminded you as he slowly stuffed more of his cock inside you until he bottomed out and his cock was enveloped in your walls.
"There? You see. Your tight pussy can fit me just fine."
Feeling so full yet not having him move inside you, you began whining and clenched around him.
"Yunho, please fuck my tight pussy. I wanna get destroyed by your cock. Please." You begged him.
"Awww do you want me to fuck you dumb with my huge cock? Is that what you want?" His mocking tone was unmistakable even if his face wasn't shown.
"I'm gonna fuck you til you're crying baby, don't say you didn't ask for this."
The rest of the video transpired with his grunts and your whimpering. Yunho's cock disappeared in and out of you at a brutal pace, one of his large hands holding you down so you couldn't move away from him. He ripped orgasm after orgasm out of you until your eyes rolled to the back of your head and you began squirting all over the sheets.
"Fuckfuckfuck! Yunho!" You cried out, unable to stop shaking as he just continued his pace and made you squirt all over again.
"That's it. Be a good girl and squirt more for me. By the time I'm done, all you're gonna remember is this feeling of me breaking you."
Yunho was giggling out of embarrassment now that he knew what his friends saw.
"All of you delete this right now and pretend it never happened."
❥𝓚𝓪𝓷𝓰 𝓨𝓮𝓸𝓼𝓪𝓷𝓰
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Yeosang looked down beyond the railing on top of the staircase. Although he should have been horrified, disgusted or the slightest bit sad, his face showed absolutely no emotion whatsoever. He just looked at the scene with no remorse, no emotion and nothing at all.
"Sir?" His trusted butler immediately came up, hands behind his back as he awaited for any instructions
"Take care of this Damian. And make sure no one knows about this. If anyone else knows.... take care of them too." He ordered.
The proper English butler let out a chilling smile as he adjusted his cuff links, happy to be able to put his hidden talents to use.
"Rest assured Sir, no one will suspect a thing." He walked away with chest up and shoulders back.
Meanwhile Yeosang turned his attention back to you, who was sitting with back pressed against the wall, eyes shot wide open as your body couldn't stop trembling and shaking from what had just happened. Kneeling in front of you, Yeosang cupped your face, trying to get you to calm down he began hushing you close to your ear.
"It's ok baby. You're ok, you're going to be ok. And our baby is ok." He cooed at you as he stroked your hair.
"She's..she's..." You couldn't form a proper sentence as your mind replayed everything what just happened.
You had just returned from a small trip to the store and went to your room, only to find Mrs. Kang in there, back turned to you.
"Madame? Is there something I can help you with?" You offered.
When the lady turned to look at you, her face was tear strung and red from all the crying she had done, not from heartbreak, but from rage. In her hand, she had your phone and your heart dropped as you heard what it was that she had been looking at.
"I knew you were probably nothing more than a low, poor common whore, but to actually know you slept with my husband!"
You gasped when she came up and slapped you harshly across the face before yanking your hair and throwing you on the ground. Your hands immediately clasped around your belly protectively and the lady's face fell in shock.
"Don't tell me that the bastard you're carrying is actually..." She clasped a hand over her mouth as it all made sense to her now.
You couldn't help the tears that sprung out from your eyes. This was not what you wanted to happen
"I'm sorry, I-"
You began screaming when she suddenly pulled you up and began dragging you out of the room and into the hallway. When she pressed you up against the railing, you began to fearfully fight back for your and your baby's life, desperately trying to get out of the mad woman's grip.
"I'm going to fucking kill you! You and your child! How dare you do this to me?!"
❥𝓒𝓱𝓸𝓲 𝓢𝓪𝓷
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"How was I supposed to know there would be a camera right in the middle of the beach placed on a totally secluded place? I mean come on! Hardly anyone ever goes to that spot, why install security cameras on a place hardly anyone goes to?!" San tried to justify himself as you both looked at the computer screen in front of you.
"Maybe precisely because people prefer going to secluded places to do illegal activities?" You glared at him.
"In my defense, it's not like we were hiding a dead body." San wanted to lighten up the mood.
You groaned as you covered your face.
"Why did I even agree to letting you fuck me in public at a beach?"
San rolled his eyes at you.
"Oh stop. You could have said no many times but instead you actually begged me to go harder on you. Don't believe me? I got evidence to back me up."
Pressing play once again, San nudged you so you could look at the video playing again. The good thing about it was that it happened during the night so your faces weren't that visible. But it was clear enough for anyone to see what was going on.
It happened during the vacation you two took to the beach. While talking a midnight stroll through a lonely part of the beach, San had gotten a little too wild and began groping you.
"San! Right now?" You squeaked when he cupped your breasts from behind, pulling your biking top to the side so he could squeeze them better.
"I'm feeling a little romantic babygirl. Wanna have my way with you right here." He whispered in your ear as a hand dipped inside your bikini bottoms, rubbing along your clit.
Your legs were turning to jelly the more you felt his caresses and the steamy kisses he pressed along your shoulder blades.
"If you'd rather go back to the hotel room, I'll carry you there right now." He offered as he began his pull his hands away.
"No! Fuck me right here." You told him.
"I knew you'd open up to the idea." He chuckled as he layed down on the sand, pulling you on top of him.
Both of your swimwear was soon discarded and you were bouncing on top of your husband's cock as the moonlight illuminated your sweaty and dewy bodies. Even after you had both came, you were begging San to keep going, which prompted him to grip your hips and start ramming up into you as he sputtered out words about making another baby with you.
Your lips were still pursed tightly even after the video was over. San stroked your hair and kissed the top of your head in an effort to calm your worries.
"If it makes you feel better....... the camera really captured your gorgeous figure." He snickered and held his hands up protectively when you started smacking him.
❥𝓢𝓸𝓷𝓰 𝓜𝓲𝓷𝓰𝓲
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"You like that my little slut? Like being treated like this?" Mingi's deep voice asked as he tugged on the leash that was wrapped around your neck.
You grunted when he pulled you forward, the tip of his cock pressing against your lips and nose. Your mouth instantly parted, tongue licking the underside of his shaft.
"Such a dirty little cockslut." He teased you.
"Only for you daddy." You winked up at him but were met with a harsh slap on your face.
"Did I say you could talk slut? I don't remember giving you permission to talk." He harshly said.
"Why don't you shut me up then?" You challenged him.
Mingi plunged his cock deep inside your mouth, stuffing himself down your throat, making you gag around his long length. Using the leash, he kept pulling your face to and fro so he could fuck your face. You were moaning and choking all over his cock, spit running down your chin and onto the floor as his tip hit the back of your throat.
"Oh fuck!" Mingi cried out as he pulled out to cum on your face, splattering his hot liquid all over your forehead, cheeks and your tongue as you had it stuck out to eat up some of his cum. Mingi's thumb grazed over your swollen and red lower lip, pinching it slightly.
"You look so pretty like this." He said as he began tightening the leash around you.
"Well you did look pretty." You laughed when Mingi spoke up behind you.
"Shut up!" You pushed his face away when he began nuzzling his face against your cheek as he tried to keep you from freaking out over the fact one of your private videos had accidentally ended up online.
Mingi just chuckled and pulled you onto his lap.
"What are we going to do?" You sighed.
"Look on the bright side, your face was covered by the mask and no one really saw me so as far as anyone is concerned, it's an anonymous couple." He assured you. Wanting to get a little funny, he joked:
"Maybe we could even start an OnlyFans account."
You slapped his chest.
"Song Mingi!"
❥𝓙𝓾𝓷𝓰 𝓦𝓸𝓸𝔂𝓸𝓾𝓷𝓰
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Although Wooyoung should have been furious over the fact the CCTV footage of you two in the strip club you used to work in got uploaded without your permission onto an adult site, he was surprisingly calm.
"I could have sworn I payed them to turn the cameras off?" He questioned as he knew fully well that customers weren't allowed to touch the strippers, hence why he paid an expensive amount just to be able to get alone time with you.
"Clearly that didn't happen." You stated as you just watched the video play out in front of you. You weren't going to lie, besides the slight arousal it was giving you to watch the sex tape, it also made you feel fuzzy to remember how your relationship with Wooyoung started in the first place.
"One thousand dollars if you hop your pretty ass over here and bounce yourself on my cock."
Your naked figure wasted no time in going over to take him out of his confinement before fucking yourself on top of him. Wooyoung was spilling out a clutter of curses as he watched your ass bounce on his lap. Soon enough he was landing slaps on your skin until it became red, his hips fucking up into you.
"Your own place, monthly allowance and anything else you want if you leave this place and become my own personal fuck toy."
You nearly came at his words when he made his final offer.
"Fuck! Yes! I accept!" You exclaimed.
Shifting positions, Wooyoung got you on all fours on the couch as he began to relentlessly thrust into you from behind, his cock hitting deep inside you.
"You're my little fuck toy now beautiful. No one else gets to fuck this cunt of yours but me."
You let out a loud yelp that was probably heard outside the door when you felt his hand slap your clit.
"No one, got it?" He snarled at you.
Your thighs clenched together as he remembered how possessive he was, and still was, towards you.
"Did the video affect you so much?" You heard Wooyoung ask as his hands came up to rub your shoulders. You shivered when his teeth grazed at your earlobe.
"Cause I know it affected me."
❥𝓒𝓱𝓸𝓲 𝓙𝓸𝓷𝓰𝓱𝓸
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"Which one of those fuckers hacked into my personal computer and leaked this?"
Jongho single handedly split an apple which terrified the person in front of him.
"We don't know s-sir...." He trembled.
"Well find out who they were and report back to me, I want you to work fast too. Now get on it!" He ordered harshly.
You came into the office and were confused when a poor intern sped out of there looking like he saw a ghost. Closing the door behind you, you handed Jongho a folder.
"The vein on your forehead is sticking out, what happened?" You knew he was majorly stressing over something and it was probably no small thing.
Huffing, he turned the computer so it could face you.
"One of those fuckers out there got a hold of the systems and managed to hack into my computer. Not only that, they decided to spread a certain video around." He explained, fists clenching and unclenching.
"What video?" You asked.
"Press play and find out."
Doing as he said, you blushed when you saw it was an old video of a time when you and Jongho were still a secret couple. He had stayed over at your house and during the night, he had snuck into your room and crawled his way into your bed, which you allowed him to.
"Shhh. You gotta be quiet princess. Don't want to get caught by your dad right?"
You shook your head and bit down onto one of the plushies laying around you in an effort to muffle the sounds coming out of your mouth as Jongho's thick dick kept sliding in and out of you.
"This is so fucking dirty. I'm ruining you even more by fucking you in the bed you grew up in. Tell me how does it make you feel? To have me shove my cock deep in your pussy in your childhood bedroom while your parents are asleep? Are you enjoying it?"
You whined loudly and clenched more around him as your breathing became more labored and you panted like crazy.
"You enjoyed it so much, you ended up pregnant by me."
You lifted your head to see Jongho wink at you which made you giggle.
"You enjoyed it too, don't even lie."
Gifs not mine. Credit goes to their respective owners
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tothemeadow · 3 years
I haven't seen much people requesting for snake bby so obanai x demon reader pls?Reader is like a succubus type of demon and when sent on a mission to kill her he falls into her clutches and it ends with smut 👀
‘in my dreams’ / Iguro O. x Reader
warnings: NSFW, Obanai is a boob man, dream fucking?
words: 2,793
(a/n): I might’ve gotten carried away a bit
He’s always heard that sharks can smell blood on the water.
He isn’t a stranger to blood himself, used to the sightly images of gore and the rancid odor. It’s simply another part of his hellish life, bearing witness to mutilated remains of bodies and hunting down their killer.
It’s all in a day’s work.
It’s strange, though, when there aren’t any bodies to be found. Rumors of disappearances plague the night, travel from lips to ears, slowly spreading throughout the small town.
Takahashi’s daughter disappeared last night.
The doctor’s oldest son? Haven’t you heard? He’s gone.
For such a large number of people to be suddenly up and vanishing, it’s no wonder concerns have risen. It’s why Obanai’s here in the first place, determined to sniff out the culprit and promptly execute them. He’s dealt with similar cases before – finding the missing persons, only to find their remains or couple of bones – but this time… Well, it’s weird, to say the least. Not one person in this town knows where anybody could be, no strange sightings or feelings, nothing.
And, if Obanai is going to be completely honest, it’s infuriating as hell.
He’s not a patient person in the slightest. Perhaps that’s his curse and the sole reason why this case isn’t going anywhere; still, with the lingering danger hanging over these poor people’s heads, he needs to end this quickly. And so, cooped up in a small room at the town’s inn, he pours over his scribbling of notes, wondering just what kind of force he’s dealing with.
A demon’s nature can vary, depending on what kind you encounter. Obanai’s had his fair share of strange interactions – whether it be demons with multiple arms, pygmies, the facial features of a fly - he's nearly seen at all. But to take victims without leaving a single trace? That's where things get complicated.
"Dammit," Obanai grumbles, dragging a hand over his face. Kaburamaru flicks his tongue in concern, sensing his owner's unease.
This isn't going anywhere. The amount of time or effort spent trying to figure out where everyone has vanished isn't amounting to anything. How could this be? Obanai isn't some low level slayer, for gods' sakes - he's a Pillar. It shouldn't be this hard to put two and two together, yet here he is, staring blankly at his collected information. The idea of sending his crow to summon for help crosses his mind, but he hastily throws away the thought. No, that's not how this is done. He isn't willing to give up so easily.
As the hours drag further into the night, Obanai grows restless, twitchy. His striped haori sits to the side, folded neatly along with the shirt and overcoat of his uniform. Kaburamaru is already fast asleep, coiled into a tight circle at the edge of the futon. The wooden hatches of the window hang open, the night breeze drifting into the room with the sound of a singular solemn cricket.
A long, ornate kiseru dangles between his spindly fingers; it’s a rare occasion whenever Obanai smokes, so much to the point that the ones closest to him don’t even know he possesses such a fine pipe. He takes a slow drag as his he stares up at the moonlit clouds, the chilled breeze whipping the choppy strands of his hair against his bared cheeks. He wonders, truly, just how the hell he’s supposed to get to the bottom of this case if he can’t find anything to work with.
Perhaps the gods heard his woes - or he’s finally lost his mind - for an intoxicatingly sweet scent fills his senses.
As far as Obanai knows, he hasn’t seen any jasmine plants when he came into town. This had to mean something - it had to. Opting his kiseru for his blade instead, he easily slips out the window, feet hitting the ground without a sound. Taking off into the night, he races through the town’s streets, eyes darting back and forth for anything out of the usual.
He comes to an abrupt stop when the scent of jasmine grows even stronger. He’s sure now that whatever he’s been looking for is here. A slight shuffling catches his attention; whipping his head to the side, a wooden hatch to a window bangs against the side of a house, but there’s no one to be seen on the other side. 
“Found you,” Obanai breathes.
Rushing over to the house, he drops into a crouch as he creeps closer to the window. Jasmine floods his senses, the irresistible aroma gripping onto his consciousness and practically demanding for him to come closer. Swallowing thickly, he ignores the sudden wave of heat flushing over his body as he peeks into the darkened room. A family of five lays on the floor, their bodies moving gently with the deepened breathing of a heavy slumber. Even now, Obanai has to resist the urge to shut his eyes and succumb to the flowery scent.
Although the room is dark, he can make out a strange pillar of smoke; ah, so that’s where the origin of the smell is coming from. Is it some type of mist demon? Flower? He isn’t entirely sure, but he doesn’t have the time to care. He needs to get rid of it now.
Slowly, ever so slowly, he unsheathes his blade, not wanting to attract attention to him yet. It’s a wish in vain, though; as soon as his blade is hanging in the air, the pillar of smoke rushes towards him, slamming into him and sending him flying. Obanai grunts as his back hits the ground, the sharp edge of rocks biting into the skin.
“Don’t you know that it’s rude to sneak up on others?” a low, creamy voice drawls. Goosebumps break out across the surface of Obanai’s skin and a shiver races down his back. The smoke dissipates, then, revealing a feminine figure.
Obanai’s breath catches in his throat. This demon - you - are unlike any other he’s encountered. Immediately, his eyes latch onto the pair of horns protruding from your skull, pearly at the tip and then fading into ebony. You’re strikingly beautiful, facial features soft yet demanding. Embarrassment warms Obanai’s face as his eyes drift across the curves of your body; your breasts swell over the tight, strappy top while the entirety of your legs and hips frame the long loincloth-like garment between your legs. Both your arms and legs have the same pearly sheen towards the end, just like your horns.
By the gods, you’re ethereal, even if the claws on your fingers could easily tear Obanai’s throat out.
“So is breaking into other’s homes,” Obanai manages to croak. Bringing himself to a stand, he takes a defensive stance, his blade held out before him. He feels strangely heavy, almost like his body craves to stay flat on his back.
Much to his surprise, you pout at him, arms crossing beneath your chest and pushing your breasts further up. “But it gets so lonely at night, you know?” you say, that seductive lilt in your voice deepening. At that, you make a show of sweeping your eyes over Obanai’s bare torso, and a slight smile grows on your pretty lips.
Obanai clears his throat. He can’t let himself fall for your tricks, no matter how incredible you smell or alluring you look. If these are the methods you rely on, chances are you’re a weaker demon.
“What did you do with the missing persons?” he asks, eyes narrowing.
“Missing persons? Is that what they’re calling them?” you say, a giggle following your words.
Obanai growls at your nonchalant confession. If there’s one thing he can’t stand about demons, it’s their inability of basic human emotion, the inability of compassion. Yeah, he decides that your head is going to look even better once it’s separated from your body.
“You see, pretty boy,” you purr, pressing a hand to your throat and dragging it downwards, brushing over a luscious breast and tracing over your exposed tummy, “in return for making their dreams come true, I get to have a snack.”
“Enough,” Obanai grunts, switching to an offensive stance. “Maybe I’ll be gracious enough to meet you in hell someday.”
Before you even have a chance to react, Obanai springs into action, launching himself off the group in a great leap, lungs tightening as he releases a breath form.
It doesn’t hit.
It doesn’t fucking hit.
In fact, you’re nowhere in sight. Instead of the dusty, moonlit road, Obanai finds himself in an onsen; a great bamboo pavilion stands tall above the pool of water, blocking the golden rays of sunshine from hitting him. Thin trees are scattered about the area, riddled with stone lanterns and garden rocks covered in moss. With a chorus of birds singing overhead, it’s like he’s in an entire new world.
Muttering to himself, Obanai scans his surroundings, wracking his brain and trying to figure just what the hell happened. One moment, he’s about to slice your head clean off and put an end to your terror -  the next, he’s in broad daylight in some overt paradise.
“Your dreams are beautiful,” that wonderful, wonderful voice of yours speaks.
Whirling around, Obanai sends splashes of water flying. “What did you do to me?” he spits.
You flash him a sly smile. “Why, I merely put you to sleep, pretty boy. Can’t be much of a threat if you’re not wide awake, no?”
Obanai curses under his breath. Of course you’re a dream demon - no wonder why there hasn’t been any bodies turning up. If only he had acted faster, got here sooner, more lives could’ve been saved. With a huff, he slithers further away from you, sinking below the water until only his face can be seen. “So what now? You’re going to try to kill me in my sleep? That’s a low blow and you know it.”
Sucking air through your teeth, you shake your head. Now that the two of you are no longer shrouded by darkness, Obanai really gets a good look of how utterly stunning you are. Again, he curses himself out, calling himself a fool for thinking such things when he should be killing you instead.
“Your blade isn’t here, if that’s what you’re wondering,” you tell him, a look of mischief crossing your features. “Silly boy - this a time meant for the two of us, not for you to end my forsaken life. Allow me to help you... relax.”
As you step to the edge of the onsen, Obanai finally notices the feeling of water caressing his thighs, his bare buttocks. You just had to make him naked in his dream, huh? What are you trying to accomplish, anyway? His eyes widen incredulously as your hands find their place on your torso, slinking over the swell of your breasts and around your neck; with a simple tug, your top comes loose. You merely let the garment fall to the rocks below, a small ‘oops’ slipping from our mouth.
Heat immediately floods to Obanai’s face and his groin; his insides squeeze in on themselves and he swallows thickly, thankful for the hidden protection the water provides. The look on your face is simply irresistible. Hell, even your breasts are as pretty as he imagined-
Shit, he inwardly curses, I shouldn’t be thinking like that.
But oh, you’re just so tempting, your hands squeezing your breasts, fingers rolling your hardening nipples as you stare directly at his flushed face. “Pretty boy,” you purr, “what’s your name?”
It’s out before he even knows it. 
He really likes the way it rolls off your tongue, the dark glint in your eyes as you say it. Perhaps you can tell by his reaction alone - or maybe you like saying it - but you repeat his name, once, twice, thrice, and fuck does it drive Obanai insane. And then you’re reaching down, unfastening your lower garment and dropping it unceremoniously to the ground. Obanai’s cock twitches at the sight of your glorious body, the soft curves and glowing skin.
“Naughty boy, my eyes are up here,” you say. Again, you squeeze those beautiful fucking tits, a soft groan spilling from your lips. Obanai nearly goes feral from the sound; without further thought, he wades over to where you are. Jasmine clings in his nostrils, clouds his mind in a delicious haze, and he loves it.
You’re all too willing to meet his touch, body slipping into the heated water as he wraps his arms around you possessively. His body kicks into autopilot, mind going blank as he presses his lips to your throat. He should rip your throat out with his teeth, but there’s something magical about the way you arch into his touch, breasts pushing lewdly against his chest.
A breathy moan spills from your lips as Obanai kneads your pretty tits, long fingers gripping possessively, wantingly. It’s almost ridiculous how hard he already is, his cock sandwiched between your bodies. He jolts as your hands land on his face, thumbs brushing against the ragged scars lining either sides of his mouth. 
“Don’t,” he grits, but it goes ignored. The air is sucked from his lungs as you brush your lips over his scars, murmuring something about how pretty he is before stopping at his mouth. You kiss him fervently, clawed fingers scratching his shoulders as you tongue the inside of his mouth. You swallow the husky groan that spills from his mouth, hand dropping down from his shoulder and wrapping around his hardening cock. 
“Ah, shit,” Obanai murmurs into your mouth. 
“Tell me what you want, pretty boy,” you whisper, hand slowly jerking on his cock. His breathing picks up as you quicken your pace, the water rippling with the movements of your wrists. “Your wish is my command.”
“Gods, you’re such a fucking tease,” he pants, eyes practically glowing against the pink hue of his face. Ducking his head, he sucks a nipple into his mouth, the wet warmth enveloping your breast and eliciting a delicious moan from you. Obanai wastes no more time, opting to prop you in his lap and pressing your back against a smooth stone. “I shouldn’t... but fuck...”
“It doesn’t seem like you’re angry with me anymore,” you husk in that damned sexy voice. A moan bubbles from your throat as Obanai starts rocking against you, cock slipping against your folds. It’ll only take a little push for him to fill that pretty cunt of yours, to stuff you full of his cock and fuck you raw. It’s what he wants.
“Shut up,” he grunts, mouth latching onto your nipple, his hand beginning to play with the other. A low, drawn out curse gets muffled by your chest as he finally slips his cock into you; it shouldn’t be physically possible, but your velvety walls seemingly clench around him and suck him in, your arousal making the slide impossibly easy. He hiccups on a breath, his entire body twitching as he pants. 
“The thing about succubi,” you drawl, sharp nails tracing down his spine, over the muscles in his back, “is that we’re the demons of sex and dreams. Oh, pretty baby, how much I’ve lucked out. Everyone else seemed like an appetizer - and you...” You pause, suck air between your teeth. “You’re like the damn main course.”
A helpless little grunt graces your ear as you fuck yourself on Obanai’s cock. His hips match your movements, your sopping cunt eagerly sucking him back in and squeezing around him. You’re so damn wet that it’s infuriating; Obanai wants more, more of your touch, your voice, that sweet scent clogging his senses. He can’t bring himself to stop touching your breasts, whether if it’s his hands or mouth. They bounce with the erratic rhythm of your hips, way too beautiful and hypnotizing. 
A breathless whine breaks through your cute little pants whenever Obanai smacks a hand against the ample flesh of your ass. “Is that you meant when you said you make others’ wishes come true? Have them fuck that tight pussy of yours? Huh?”
“Obanai, don’t be mean,” you pout. 
“Says a fucking demon that eats people.”
You hiss as his cockhead hits against your g-spot. “I can eat you too, so don’t get cocky, pretty boy.”
Obanai clicks his tongue, his brows furrowing. “You better keep that promise,” he grunts, thumb grazing your bottom lip. “I won’t take no for an answer.” He growls as your walls clench around him. 
“If that’s your wish, Master,” you purr, a slight chuckle following your words, “then it is my command.”
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sondepoch · 3 years
Silence Starts to Overflow (Venti x Reader)
Barbatos’s voice, whispering gently in the wind, stirs you from the slumber you were about to give into. How cruel, that you would allow yourself to pass without saying farewell to him.
Death isn’t quite the right word for it.
It would be more fitting to say that you’re passing—because passing is something that precedes catching, catching is something that precedes continuing, and continuing is something that precedes life.
Though to say that this state you’re in can precede life is a lie at best.
Where are you?
Barbatos’s voice, whispering gently in the wind, stirs you from the slumber you were about to give into.
How cruel, that you would allow yourself to pass without saying farewell to him.
The final remnants of your strength—the strength you’d been saving for a final, devastating blow against Baal, the strength you never got to use because Rex Lapis ambushed you first with an cataclysmic meteor—fly out from your fingertips in a single beacon of light that pierces the clouds as it broadcasts your position to the world.
Instantly, you feel the wind turn.
A smile crosses your lips at that. Channeling your Lumino into the sky so freely is a risky move, especially given that every archon in the area now knows where you are. You can already sense the familiar pulse of Geo and Electro growing closer as Rex Lapis and Baal doubtlessly venture back to you to finish the job, but, of course, Barbatos is faster.
Geo is slow, after all.
Electro is marginally faster, given the right medium.
Nothing, however, can trump the speed of Anemo.
Nothing but Lumino, though you suppose that will cease to exist with your passing.
“You’re a fool,” Barbatos whispers in that breathy, exhilarated voice of his. “Someone could have seen,” he says. “You’re lucky I was so close.”
Ah. It appears that he hasn’t seen your wounds yet.
Well, that’s not so bad. 
You allow yourself to relax as Barbatos gathers you in his arms at the speed of wind, holding you close against his chest as he rides a breeze of his own making into the sky. 
“There are less than a hundred gods left, now. You and I can keep a low profile these next few days and wait for the numbers to dwindle, and then we can start working together to…”
You say nothing as Barbatos continues.
To die like this, in the arms of your lover, the sound of his laughter in his ear and the element of his soul surrounding you...would be a peaceful death.
A nice death.
As Barbatos eagerly tells you about his fight against Beleth, you press your head deeper into his chest. You take a deep breath of his scent, the scent of cecilias and happiness and youth and freedom, and you begin to let yourself drift away, the strength of Lumino finally fading from your gnosis and from this world, and…
How cruel.
You can’t bring yourself to part from your lover just yet.
Not without a proper goodbye, at least.
“Barbatos,” you whisper, just strong enough to lift your head off his chest. “Barbatos, please.”
It’s at this moment that Barbatos looks, properly looks, down at you, and you can see the adrenaline of his victory sap from his expression, beautiful blue eyes turning from overjoyed to mortified in a single second.
“No,” he mutters when he sees how the light has already begun to fade from your eyes, the natural waves of Lumino that used to radiate off you so naturally now turned dim with your impending death. “No. No, this can’t—no, no. No. Please. No. No.”
Within a second, he has your back lain against a cloud, as if the stoppage of movement can do anything with your elemental energy so far dwindled. 
“Who—who did this—”
You smile gently. 
“It doesn’t matter.”
Baal isn’t an especially dangerous woman: you know Barbatos can defeat her; but if she’s managed to obtain an alliance with Rex Lapis, God of War, then the last thing you want is for your lover to attempt to avenge you and get himself killed just like you. Not when Barbatos is already so strong. Not when he already has a chance at becoming one of the Final Seven.
“T-This isn’t a time for—”
“Shh,” you whisper, reaching for his hands. The touch calms him. You channel what little power you have left into his hands, praying that he can feel it. Feel you.
“Tell me,” Barbatos says, tears beginning to build in those mesmerizing eyes. It’s hardly the time to be thinking about it, but this form that he’s chosen is truly beautiful: skin like porcelain, perfect and fine and untouchable, stunning dark blue hair, thick and nearly-black at every inch, and eyes that hold your entire world in them, blue and green and Barbatos. “I—please, they might still be around here. I can defeat them and give you their gnosis, and—”
You force yourself past your limits to lift an arm up to Barbatos’s chin. It takes all your effort to press a single finger against his lips, a wordless seal on the conversation. 
“You’re dying,” he whispers, the tears now spilling forth. “You’re—you’re—”
You press your finger against his lips again, silently asking him to speak not of your death, and the god breaks down next to you, sobbing loudly as he pulls you closer, now holding you in his arms instead of allowing you to remain flat on the ground.
It’s quite uncomfortable, actually.
Yet, you prefer the warmth of your lover’s arms to soft chill of the clouds, prefer the sensation of his salty tears spilling onto your hair, prefer the way you can savor the feeling of him a little bit longer this way.
“S-Sitri should be near here. I-if you can last just a little longer, he’ll be able to heal you and—”
Your heart falls. This must be karma.
“I killed Sitri this morning.”
The devastation in Barbatos’s eyes when you say that is more painful than the spreading darkness in your gut.
“Ph-Phenex might—”
“Sitri killed Phenex. He told me.”
The sound that spills past Barbatos’s lips at that is something between a wail and a whimper, a sob and a scream. It’s nothing like the beautiful music you’re used to hearing from his lips, and it hurts you to know that you’re the cause of this awful noise, this awful pain that will hurt him so much more than it can hurt you.
Though that’s the nature of this war, isn’t it? The very notion of thousands of gods, thousands of elements, all fighting against one another in an attempt to sit on one of the final seven seats in Celestia is something that can only occur with death, with sacrifice.
You and Barbatos were naive for ever thinking that both of you would be able to make it.
“Barbatos,” you say, cupping his cheek gently, admiring the silky softness of his skin because you know this is the last time you’ll be able to do so. “I want you to live.”
“Stop it,” Barbatos says. “Stop—stop talking like you’re going to—to—”
“To die,” you finish for him, and your hand falls from Barbatos’s cheek. You don’t have the strength to hold it up anymore. “But I don’t want you to die.”
“N-no, please, I—” Barbatos sobs, an ugly sound. “I don’t want to live in a world without you.”
“I want you to live,” you say, stubborn. “Live for me.”
“I don’t want to,” Barbatos whispers. “Not without you. S-so if you want me to live, please just try to—”
“I can’t.” Your smile is sad as you stare at him. “I can’t, Barbatos, but you can.”
“I don’t—”
“Take my gnosis.”
Your lover physically recoils at that, shock painted on his beautiful features before denial takes over.
“No,” he says, shaking his head furiously. “No, no, no. No. I won’t. I—you’ll only die faster without your—”
“Barbatos,” you say, wishing you had the strength to reach out and grab his hand. “Barbatos, for all purposes, I'm already dead.”
“No!” he shouts, and when he sees how you wince at that, he lowers the volume of his voice. “No, you’re—you’re not dead. You’re alive, you’re here, and you don’t have to—”
“I can’t control it if I die.” You turn your gaze from Barbatos to the sky, vaguely wondering what heavens are above the heavens. “But you can make sure you don't. Take my gnosis.”
“I don’t want it,” Barbatos whispers, and his eyes shimmer with tears he’s trying to hold back. 
“Take it,” you say. “Take it and live. And remember me. And build a world where no one else needs to die like this.”
“I don’t care about anyone else,” Barbatos whispers, but his hand is on your heart, now. “I just want you. Please. Please don’t—”
“Take it.”
The power of Lumino comes to a peak as you allow the source of it to expose itself, raw elemental energy radiating off your body.
“Hurry,” you whisper. “Someone will come.”
“I-I don’t—”
Barbatos lets his hand grip the gnosis, but he can’t seem to bring himself to take it out from you. Doubtless, it’s because he knows that this gnosis is the only thing allowing you to cling to life—but for him to be able to absorb its power, he has to take it from you when you’re still alive. You need him to take it now. If you want to make sure he has the strength to become one of the Final Seven, this push is the only thing you can offer him.
“I love you.”
The words fall from your lips naturally, and the power of saying them—a power that inevitably rises because those three words, that declaration of your heart’s true sentiments, are the reason you’re able to get up every day, a power that gives and gives and gives and is the sole reason for which you live—sends you a final boost of strength.
You thrust your hand onto Barbatos’s and hold it. 
With the gentleness that only the shadow death can bring, you lift his hand, still closed around your gnosis, from your body. 
The second your gnosis is off of you, it binds to Barbatos.
You can see the power travel into his body: the power that manifested as Lumino in you being absorbed into his body as the tips of his braids turn bright at the edges, a beautiful blue as bright as the sky where the edge of Barbatos's hair was once nearly black. You can feel, then, as the gnosis amplifies his power: it happens in a shockwave that jolts your body, a shockwave that shakes you to the core with the original source of your power now gone.
Barbatos stares down at you with wide and teary eyes. Where you seem mesmerized by his transformation, it seems that he’s horrified at yours. No doubt, just as the light entered him, it must be equally visible that it’s left you.
A chilling breeze draws towards you. You shiver under it. 
“Cold,” you mutter, and Barbatos instantly pulls his cape off to wrap you in it. Somehow, it does nothing to warm you up. The cold, it seems, originates from within.
“Stay with me,” Barbatos says, cradling you in his arms. He presses his lips to your forehead. “Stay with me, love. Stay with me. You can live through this, I know it, just stay…”
It’s so cold.
The chill that begins from deep inside you spreads, branching towards your fingertips and your toes and up your neck. With it comes a darkness, one that your power has always protected you from. Now, though, Lumino is weak. It stands no chance at being one of the Final Seven elements. You failed it as an archon. 
“...with me. Please. Please don’t go. Stay. Please. Please…”
You want to respond to him. You’ve never heard Barbatos sound so miserable, so broken. You stare up at him, trying to make your lips form the shape to words that will comfort him. 
You can’t seem to move your lips.
You can’t seem to move your eyes, either. 
Numb, you stare up at Barbatos, unblinking and unmoving. Your gaze is fixed on him, a darkness creeping in at the edges.
No, you think. No, stop. I want to look at him longer. 
The darkness doesn’t oblige. It creeps closer and closer, and a desperate fear begins to overtake you. Is this the last time you’ll see your lover? Why? How? How can that be? That can’t be right. You and Barbatos were supposed to win this war. You and Barbatos were supposed to survive this war. You and Barbatos were supposed to rule a nation together and save the world together and build a life together and—
Why is it all going away?
Stripped of the power of light that had always protected you, the darkness you’d always feared crawls closer. 
Stop, you think. Stop it. Don’t take him away. I want to stay. I want to stay with him. I don’t—
Despite the chilling cold that’s wrapped around all your body, you feel a tear fall.
I don’t want to die.
You hear something that sounds like a scream, but it’s so distant. It’s like a howl: monstrous and enraged and furious and terrifying, yet...familiar. Suddenly, you can’t figure out who this wailing reminds you of, but the thought of the person sends a strange sense of warmth to you. 
It’s nice, you think.
You can’t be quite sure what’s happening anymore. All you know is that it’s cold and dark, so horribly cold and dark. 
The howling sound grows louder. Vaguely, you feel something grip you, shake you, cling to you.
Something about you is instinctively soothed by the touch. Amidst all this cold and all this darkness, you think you can find comfort in this sensation. You know you shouldn’t like it—that the feeling of your body being shaken and clung to and howled and wailed at isn’t something you should like—but there’s peace in it. 
It’s a nice feeling.
It’s a nice feeling. 
Word Count: 2.3k
Notes: freedom sword come home
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I do not own the rights to Genshin Impact or any of the characters within it.
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Neil x F!Reader
Summary: Plot what plot.
Warnings: 18+ (and I really mean it this time), they're both trying to dominate and I've no clue what's going on.
Author's Notes: Suppose this is what happens when an image won't leave you alone and you crave a self-indulgent one-shot... I don't even know, but this took remains of my sanity. Challenged myself with more graphic and this is what we ended up with.
Thank you Shet for reassurance through writing this and not having enough of my whining.
Feedback is greatly appreciated and I hope you'll enjoy!
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It is always the same. That brilliant idea to go for lunch and do a round of sightseeing in the afternoon because surely it wouldn’t be too bad. Right?
Well, whoever thought of that was owed an excruciating death in the fires of Hell. Or Orcus, as would be more appropriate for the current location. Who knew the Italian coast transforms into the Death Valley over summer? Sighing with exasperation, you waited not so patiently as Neil slipped the key card into the door and opened the room with a typical flourish. Feeling the constant trickle of sweat down your back, you pushed him inside unceremoniously and let the door close with a thud. As the cold air enveloped your body with the sweetest of embraces, you could not hold back a pleased groan.
“Fuck” the curse not enough to express the internal pain “Jesus fucking Christ, I hate this heat,” accentuating the meaning you aggressively lowered the aircon temperature to 18C “Did I mention that temps above 25 Celsius should be made illegal?” remembering about Neil’s presence, you glared at him.
It was his shit idea in the first place. And you were never letting that one go. He was staring at you with amusement glimmering in the blue eyes. Another reason to punch him in the teeth. Or something.
“More or less twenty times within the last hour, why?” answering your question, he opened the minibar and took out a bottle of water.
Nonchalantly perching on the desk, he took a longer sip, still watching you with curiosity. No remorse whatsoever over the tortures he put you through. Annoying.
But not more so than the sweat still running down your skin, making the fabric stick to your body in places you never deemed possible. When leaving the hotel three hours ago, the linen shirt sounded like a good idea. Now, with half of it drenched, you were sure nudity was the only viable option to go outside. Groaning with frustration, you tugged at the garment, grimacing at the feel of the damp fabric.
“God, everything just feels… wet” uttering the word with loathing, you added, “Like soaking wet,”
That got Neil’s attention. He glanced up with the lips slightly parted, one eyebrow raised.
“Everything?” a quick scan of your body, swallowing hard as though the suggestion triggered thirst that no water could quench.
Uh-huh. The irritation too high to give in just yet. Instead, you allowed yourself to sweep your gaze over his form leisurely. The only sign that he too was bothered by the heat was the glistening forehead and flushed cheeks. The usually fluffy mane tamed, strands sticking to the temples. Still devilishly handsome. With the long legs crossed and the blue polo shirt perfectly bringing out the colour of his eyes, he looked godly. Unfair. Prompted by that thought, you closed the distance and snatched the chilled water bottle out of his hand:
“It’s not like you’d get it, though. Even soaked in sweat you look like a bloody… male Aphrodite” throwing in the slight, you quickly downed the rest of the water.
Another look at your boyfriend was enough to assure you the metaphor worked. Neil was gaping at you, utterly puzzled, and then slowly looked down as if to check himself out. You snickered when he lifted the edge of the shirt and touched his abdomen with a dream-like expression. Fondly: idiot.
“Is that an insult or a compliment? Because I admit I lost you there” shaking off the stupor, he met your watchful gaze with a frown.
It was difficult to stay mad for much longer. And so…
“Whichever one you want,” shrugging, you unzipped the skirt, letting it fall to the ground, “I need a shower. ASAP”
Without waiting for Neil to respond, you started taking off the shirt. With a disgusted sound, you threw it next to the skirt and positioned yourself underneath the AC. Still too many clothes. The noise of plastic bottle hitting the bin and then:
“Whoa…” the playful tone making you look up straight into the mischievous sparks in Neil’s eyes, “That’s giving me all sorts of ideas” he eyed you slowly, gaze taking in your body clad only in underwear.
Not that it was anything new. And usually, you would play along with pleasure, curious about where it might lead you this time. Now, however, that fire of annoyance burning bright still needed tending. And shower sounded much better than whatever Neil might offer.
With a huff, you reached to unclasp the bra and let it join the carnage in the hallway. One look at his hungry expression was enough to prompt an idea. You gave him a quick peck on the cheek and, without leaving time to react, pressed the bathroom handle:
“I won’t lock the door” an off-hand remark rather than an invitation.
But you knew it would work. It always did.
Once inside, thanks to the striptease you indulged in, all that was left was to take off the panties and step into the shower. You turned on the rain head and sighed with happiness when the chilly water cooled off your body. That is what bliss felt like. You closed your eyes, contented enough to stand under the running water. Grounding yourself in the feeling of your palm pressed firmly to the tiled wall. A smug smirk spreading on your lips when, finally, you heard the bathroom door open and close. So predictable.
You kept your back turned to the entrance to the shower, eyes closed if only to keep up the act of mild irritation. Not so mild, in fact, but enough not to give Neil satisfaction by throwing yourself in his arms. He would have to work a little to get something out of it.
At first, a tentative touch running up your spine in the familiar expression of his presence. Enough to trigger the light flicker of passion. With the cold water, it was easy to pretend the goosebumps were not his accomplishment. Encouraged by your stillness, Neil took a step, wrapping his arm around your waist and pulling you close. A traitorous gasp swallowed with effort. You heard him chuckle lowly while slowly caressing your body. A puff of warmer air against the side of your neck:
“Ever since I saw you in that sundress, I wanted to do this,” Neil whispered the confession with confidence.
Lips grazing over the shell of your ear, alighting the nerve endings with precision. You knew which dress he meant. The clothing choice from a day earlier, haunting with an accompanying pride. Good to know.
“What exactly?” feigning nonchalance, you kept your hands pressed against the wall and the glass window.
For now, it was easy to ignore the need slowly pooling in your lower stomach. You wanted to keep on playing the game a little longer. To see how far he was willing to go.
Neil tightened the grip, winding both of his arms around your waist. No space left between you.
“Pull you flush against me,” the explanation complemented with a brave sweep of hand over your stomach “Feel your skin and curves under my fingertips” instinctively, you pressed your thighs together, the desire building up steady “Feel the way you shiver whenever I touch you like this” his fingers teasingly running up and down your navel.
The assumption was enough to give back that spark of annoyance. A fight to keep up the role a little longer. Struggling with the overwhelming breathlessness, you whispered back the question:
“Aren’t you giving yourself too much credit?” you reached behind you to run a ghostly touch over his hipbone.
Feeling the skin and the relishing in the shallow gasp. In retaliation, Neil let his hands venture higher, cupping your breasts and circling the nipples. Fuck. At that move, there was no way of stopping the shudder running through your body.
“Am I?” you heard the amusement in his voice, palms executing death perfectly.
Nothing left to do but sigh and press up against him in search of fulfilment. But the teasing was far from finished. You felt his lips experimentally glide over the nape of your neck, collecting the water droplets and leaving a trail of fire in their wake. Searching for support, you firmly placed your hand on his hip, gasping at the feel of him pressing into your backside. The hardness never failing to cause a rush of excitement flowing through your body. As though sensing your growing arousal, Neil continued the teasing in a low, soft tone:
“I wanted to kiss down your neck, graze my teeth over your perfect skin” making his words come true, he trailed kisses down the nape of your neck.
A sigh each time he lightly bit your shoulder, a groan with every single butterfly touch along your shoulder blades. Carefully tiptoeing the line between animalistic passion and tender caress that seemed to define your relationship. Only this time, with anger still fresh on your mind, you began getting impatient, suddenly eager for him to speed it up. To give you something more substantial.
Using the strike of courage, you reached your hand further back, curious fingers dancing over him in the mildest of provocations. To give him a sign that patience was running thin. It worked for Neil let out a strangled groan and stopped the careful study of your neck with a painful hickey over the pulse point. That was bound to leave a deep red mark. He did not give you time to react, pulling you somehow even closer and delving the hand between your legs with ease:
“To slip my fingers between your thighs and feel how wet you are because of me,” the sentence murmured with an unmistakable tint of want hazing his mind.
He wasted no time, instantly parting your folds, collecting the arousal, and spreading it to ease whatever was bound to come next. The feeling was familiar yet still clouding your brain with need. Because now even the cold water was not helping the rising temperature. Nothing left to lose. Time to give in and take what he would offer. As he repeated the torturous move, barely touching your clit or putting pressure on the throbbing parts, you decided to take matters into your hands.
“And?” using the question as a distraction to encircle his wrist.
And raise the offensive hand to your lips. Licking his fingers clean before the water could. A sharp gasp told you it worked. Using the momentum, you turned around in his embrace and met the shocked, darkened gaze with a smirk of your own. Neil glanced at your lips as though tempted to collect the remains of your taste from them and locked his eyes with yours:
“Get down on my knees and have a taste of my favourite drug,” a murderous glint within the blue depths.
Knowing well enough how much you enjoyed that. How often you would ask for it.
Your thighs clenched on their own accord, anticipation heightening the senses. To find a brief relief, you rose on your toes and crashed your mouth into his, knowing Neil would meet you halfway. The tumultuous kiss filled with chaos, hunger, and need, betraying the love underscoring every other adjective befitting your connection. The tongues easily slipping in, curling around each other, seeking the ultimate pleasure.
“What’s stopping you?” after a long snog, you broke the contact and panted out, resting your forehead against his.
Allowing yourself a second of gentleness. Admiring the affectionate look in Neil’s eyes, you slowly caressed his body. Returning the previous torments with your dose of playfulness. Letting him remember that you were not the only one that was so ready. That the attraction was mutual, and you knew that very well. Explorative touches down his length, enjoying the way he swallowed hard and closed his eyes, trying to find the lost thread. After a beat, he met your gaze once again. The darkness startling.
“Nothing” using a second of hesitation, Neil took your courageous hand in his and searched your face, “Only… say please” the satisfied smirk added the wicked gleam to his face.
You considered scoffing and pushing him out to keep the pride intact. But… with the core practically dripping with the need for a release, that had to be forgotten. Clenching your jaw to stop the shame from springing up, you uttered the word with apprehension:
“… Please,” making sure to show him the extent of annoyance.
A retaliation already forming in your mind. Revenge would be sweet.
“Good girl” thought processes cut short with the two words.
Oh fuck. Simple, yet more effective than anything else. A jolt of want passing through your body as Neil tipped your chin, arrogantly pleased with himself. He could read you like a book, knowing well what praise would do. This time there was no holding back. No shame or reluctance.
“You fucking-” spitting out the words with annoyance, your rant got stopped with a finger pressed firmly against your lips.
“Shush,” the stern tone, shutting you up with yet another wave of arousal.
The steel look in Neil’s eyes only increasing the sensation. It was bound to get interesting. As if drawn by your dark stare, he closed the gap and captured your lips in a heated kiss. The water, running down, slipping in the gap between you, failing to satisfy the craving. Prodded by the sudden flash of need, you let your teeth catch Neil’s lower lip and tugged at it forcefully. A clear signal to stop stalling. Ending the contact with a chaste kiss on the corner of your mouth, he met your wild gaze with a calculating assessment. You knew the game well, frozen by the multitude of feelings. Not that it would’ve made him speed up. He enjoyed the control too much to give in.
A final searching look, your hand helplessly clinging to the gaps between the tiles.
“The louder, the better, you know that” brushing his nose over your ear, he whispered the command huskily.
Another reason to hold on tight. A flare-up of anger within your chest, mixing with the increasing frustration.
“I hate you,” you got as far as seething out the sentence before the voice died in your throat.
Neil grinned and lightly pushed you at the wall to give himself the needed space. Without wasting a moment, he started leaving kisses down your body. Gentle pecks on the shoulders, softening the previous damage. Tongue swirling around your nipples, causing a whimper to escape through your parted lips. Your free hand instinctively latched onto his head, finding an anchor in the wet blonde strands. Slowly, Neil inched his way down, kneeling at your feet, hands running up your thighs, creating sparks in their wake.
“Let’s see how long that holds true” he looked up, nothing but a smug smile and dark, hungry eyes.
Fucked. Terrifyingly so.
There was no time to react as he left a trail of kisses up your thighs, getting closer yet taking his time. And then, something you would never get tired of. The first, experimental kitten lick along your slit, parting the folds and spreading the arousal. As if that was needed. Lapping up everything you were offering and making you tighten the grip over his hair. Shocks passing through your body upon every single touch of his tongue. As you yanked on his mane with force, letting out a string of curses, Neil raised his head. Your eyes were drawn to the glistening lips which he licked clean with an unhidden expression of delight.
“God, how I love this taste,” the compliment aimed with lethal precision, satisfaction lighting up his eyes.
Only to pick up the action the very next second. Temperature constantly rising, no mercy given. It only got worse when Neil added his skilful hand to the mix. Stroking the clit, eliciting moans and gasps. Your eyes screw shut, focusing on the way it felt when his finger entered you and started curling inside in search of that sweet spot.
“Jesus fuck” the profanity escaping when he added the second digit, all the while letting his tongue circle the sensitive bud.
Chuckle vibrating through your core, the unoccupied hand contradicting the moment with tender strokes along your hip. As if to soothe and support.
The haze, getting heavier, overcasting everything with the tint of need. For a release. For that high, the explosion of pleasure you were slowly edging. The scales tipped with two fingers curling inside you, hitting the most sacred of places, and Neil’s lips sucking on the clit without moderation. Taking everything with eagerness and delectation.
With the heat almost unbearable and the edges of your vision darkening, you could only pull at his hair with force and rasp out:
“Neil, I can’t-” the intent lost in the outburst of pleasure.
Every nerve, existing to receive what Neil was offering. Every cell, burning with ecstasy. You could feel the incoming wave, ready to succumb to it without a fight. Until he raised his head once more, feeling your muscles clench around his fingers, everything synced up perfectly.
“Come… on. For me,” the emphasis not escaping your overflooded mind, gaze meeting his helplessly, “Don’t be shy” a whisper, darkness tinting the vowels.
The feeling of defeat, adding a dose of shame into the whirlwind, fuelling the ideas of vengeance.
But there was no time to concentrate when Neil finished the act with the third finger easing in. Tipping you off the edge with a piercing cry and a desperate tug on his hair. The strength of the pull making him groan loudly, tongue collecting the arousal with frantic moves. Pleasure flooding your vision. Nothing but the water, Neil, and his body, solid beneath your shaking hands.
Your knees buckled, the force of the aftershocks ripping through your system. Feeling the high course through the veins, you shut your eyes and let out quiet whimpers, unable to process the reality. Sex with Neil was always memorable, but it has never been this intense. Especially only for an entrée.
Feeling your body relax, Neil retracted the hand and placed a final kiss on your clit with saintly reverence. You opened your eyes in time to see him look up, the dark blue irises rimmed with long dark eyelashes. Adoration. Want. Weak from the strength of that release, your legs wobbled as you tried to change position. Foot slipped on the slick tiles, and you already anticipated the fall when an arm wound around your waist, pulling you upright. Startled, you barely comprehended when he got up and saved you, making use of the smooth moves and long limbs.
“Got you,” a whisper against your temple as Neil hugged you close, cradling your body with care, “Always” his gaze met yours, tenderness overshadowing every other feeling.
On reflex, you mirrored his soft smile in an expression of gratitude. For much more than saving your ass from the bruises. Despite the maelstrom of emotions, you gave in to the gentle moment and returned the embrace, pressing your cheek against his chest. Listening to the fast, familiar heartbeat, you whispered:
“You nearly killed me just now,” the breathless tint only giving evidence to the statement.
It’s not like he wouldn’t know. With screams like those, he had to. Neil chuckled, one of his hands venturing up to cradle your head, the other tracing shapes onto your back. Water flowing down with the steady stream, enveloping your embraced bodies in comfortable warmth.
“That wasn’t the intention,” he murmured, nuzzling the top of your head.
You could hear the pleased tone there, indicating what you suspected. Following the playful thread, you leaned back enough to meet his gaze and asked:
“What was it then?” a hand running through his hair, watching the strands darken when wet.
At the roots, his natural light brown colour was beginning to show, adding a surprising edge to his startling physique. For you, that meant another evening soon spent sat on the edge of the toilet seat, laughing at his attempts at dying the hair on his own. Those were fun moments.
Catching your absent gaze, Neil tipped your chin to bring you back to the present and then grinned:
“To show you how much I adore you,” the simple answer laid with a soft kiss on your lips, signing off the sentiment.
You opened your mouth to let his tongue in instantly, breathing in the air he was willing to share and relishing in the familiarity of the moves. Lips slowly gliding over each other, tongues caressing and teasing. This one was filled with tenderness, an expression of love and devotion rather than hunger. A breather.
Not for long. Using the kiss as a distraction, you switched the positions, making sure Neil would have his back pressed against the wall. For convenience’s sake. Breaking the contact, you whispered the single-worded response:
“Mutually,” unable to wipe the devilish smirk from your face, you waited for a beat to let him catch up.
Those widening eyes were a perfect cue to grin with satisfaction at the perfectly executed setup for the payback. Neil stared back at you with confusion deepening on his face, slowly taking in the reality. Finally, a single word, a prelude to the mountain of questions:
“What-” his brow furrowed, giving you the needed moment to step in.
“Vengeance,” you winked, and wasting no time, lowered onto your knees, “Let me just… now that’s a wonderful view” shifting into the most comfortable position, you gave him a long admiring look from the new vantage point.
It really was. Never failing to make you that tiny bit more eager and hungrier since the first time. Especially when knowing what he is capable of.
The flood of specific memories flushing up your cheeks and giving needed courage to begin. You glanced up, searching for consent, and met Neil’s hazed stare. He seemed transfixed as if already well under your spell, one of his hands mirroring your desperate move from minutes prior, clinging to the tiles in search of support. You raised an eyebrow in the silent question. Yes?
Please. The fervent nod accompanied by the way he swallowed hard was all you waited for.
Never breaking eye contact, you licked your lips thoroughly, all the while using your hands to stroke him lightly. Enough to elicit a gasp. Emboldened by the reaction, you opened your mouth, letting out a warm puff of air to tease him. Neil groaned, the free hand reaching out to cup your cheek with tenderness you did not anticipate. As if distracting himself, he brushed away the damp strands of hair sticking to your face and brushed the pad of his thumb along your lower lip. Gratitude. A signal to start.
A few kitten licks along the length, letting him get used to the sensation. Sharp exhales, muscles tensing. Upping the game, you started focusing on specific areas, using the sound cues and the way his hand tightened the hold over the nape of your neck. Now and then, you would look up to see the darkened pupils and lips parted in the purest expression of pleasure. The furrowed brow and the clouded gaze, telling you when the right time was to bring his tip into your mouth. Gently swirling your tongue around the head, savouring the taste with quiet hums. Stroking the shaft with one hand, you used the other to rake your fingernails over his abdomen. Returning the markings he inflicted earlier.
The string of curses leaving his lips amongst the moans and groans was a good indication that it worked. Noticing the hint of impatience in how he quivered, hips thrusting on an impulse, you slowly inched your mouth down his length, enveloping him as far as you could without it becoming uncomfortable. The answering loud moan told you it was exactly what he needed. Meeting his dark stare, you nodded, permitting him to start moving his hips. The adoration meeting desire in his eyes as Neil sped up. Adjusting to the pace he needed, you started sucking on him. Cheeks hollowed, tiniest of moans drawn out to let him know you enjoyed the act, tongue collecting everything he was giving, anticipating the end with a familiar heat pooling between your thighs once again. Because seeing him like this, was more exciting than you deemed possible.
Then his thrusts got sloppier, knuckles of the hand clinging to the gaps in the tiles whitening; groans replacing any other sound. Soon. Suddenly he seemed to sober up a notch, blinking twice as though forcing the brain to work and then rasping out:
“God, I’m going to-” the meaning interrupted by a whimper when you took the opportunity to increase the pressure by a notch.
You could see the ridiculous dilemma flash in the blue eyes as if he worried about something like that. As if he has not just devoured you like the god’s nectar. Certainly, an idiot. Continuing the bold strokes with your hand, you made sure to meet his gaze before echoing the encouragement:
“For me,” a hint of recognition reflected at you, adding the mischievous tint to your smile, “Please,” grinning widely, you quickly put your mouth back to the task.
Intensifying every move to make sure he would be satisfied. It did not take long. Neil moaned out your name breathlessly before he tensed and came with a shudder ripping through his body. The hand cupping your cheek fell onto your shoulder, fingers digging into the flesh with the force of the release. Swallowing every drop of what he gave you with delight, you made sure to show him the extent of satisfaction in your gaze.
Once Neil was done, he leaned heavily on the tiled wall, quick breaths escaping through the parted mouth. Eyes still clouded yet watching you constantly with evident fascination. Licking your lips clean, you accepted the hand he reached out to pull you up. Resting your palm over his racing heart, you leaned in close to whisper:
“Every inch a gentleman, I see” an appreciative glance down, as if he could miss the innuendo.
His eyes flashed, the familiar darkness creeping at the edge of the blissful fatigue. To your advantage, there was still a moment left of this more subdued Neil. Afterwards? Who knows. The spark of excitement lit up in your chest as you closed the gap and took him by surprise with a heated kiss. Pushing him further up against the wall and taking the lead with your tongue instantly prodding him to open. The grip on your laced hands, tightening as Neil started reciprocating the kiss with an equal eagerness. As if you both have been starving for each other. There was never quite enough oxygen to fulfil needs, and so, after few long minutes interrupted with stolen breaths and fleeting pecks, you broke apart, staring at one another with awe. Neil’s eyes wandered over your face with almost dream-like enchantment written all over.
“Wow,” he breathed out the word with a small smile creeping on the edge of his lips.
It was difficult not to grin back, overwhelmed with love for the man. With your heart close to melting from the tenderness and softness, you chose to strike:
“Is that all the praise I’m going to receive?” quirked eyebrow and feigned dismay.
If only to push him where you needed him to be. Because as much as this gentle and affectionate side of your relationship was everything you could have asked for, currently, you needed more. More than this. Using the palm pressed firmly against his chest, you trailed your fingers south, watching with satisfaction at the tiniest of twitches, betraying the hidden desire, confirming the assumptions. As if slowly waking up from the daze, Neil caught your curious fingers in his and raised your hand to lay a kiss on your knuckles. The playful glimmer already there.
“I’m afraid you stole my breath away. Again” a shrug with an apologetic tint to the tone.
As a contradiction to the meekness acted out, he let go of your hand and wound his arm around your waist, pulling you closer. Pressing your bodies against each other, every curve and edge fitting like two pieces of a puzzle. Like two halves of a whole. You glanced up at him, trying to judge the current mood, finding nothing but beauty. The wet hair, sticking to the forehead, water dripping down the slope of his nose and onto the bruised lower lip. Up this close, he looked as if he belonged in Michelangelo’s workshop, fine features chiselled with precision. Ocean blue eyes framed with long and dark eyelashes drawing you in, the longer you kept on staring. Mouth curled up in a soft smile as if even the sight of your lovesick gaze was something he wanted to commit to memory.
With a sight like that, there was only one thing you could do. Feeling the need pulse in your veins, you reached out to turn off the water. It was time to act. Neil looked at you questioningly as if willing to follow the tempo you were about to set. Biting down on your lip, you met his gaze with poise.
“Good. Because that was rather… enjoyable” lowering down your voice, you noticed how his eyes widened; using the tricks learned from Neil himself, your hand ventured down once again “I love how you taste. The way you shiver as I make you come apart” as your fingers danced along his length, he gasped, a shudder running through his body “Sculpted by the gods yet falling into pieces at my command” whispering out the punchline, you gently stroked him to elicit a groan.
A satisfying response. Feeling courage surge through your chest, you smirked, observing as he seemed to absorb your words slowly. He swallowed hard, Adam’s apple bobbing with effort. The pupils widened, darkening the irises and bringing out the predatory flicker. Mission accomplished. Once again, his hand darted out, stopping your teasing with fingers encircling the wrist tightly.
“You’re asking for trouble,” the husky voice sending shivers down your spine.
You met his gaze, noticing the evident change. It was bound to get interesting. Once you tasted the power, it was hard to give it back. Stepping out of the embrace, you noticed:
“Am I? I thought we’re done here” without waiting for him, you made a move to exit the shower.
Knowing he would follow. You made it as far as grabbing the towel hanging on the hook and wrapping it over your body before his strong arms encircled around you from behind. Pulling you against his chest, just as it all began. Then, a whisper with lips brushing over your ear:
“We’re far from done” oh.
Good. You barely had time to react when Neil lifted you, bridal style, and opened the bathroom door with a kick. Bewildered, you looked at him with curiosity, relishing in the way he cradled you. Possessiveness and care making your head spin with the implications. However, you barely had the time to think of the right question when he stopped abruptly by the long desk lining one side of the room and set you down on the counter. Oh. Consciously adjusting the towel covering your body, you risked a glance at Neil. The blue eyes clouded with need; pupils dilated. The taxing gaze, sweeping over your figure like a predator measuring up the prey. Stunned into silence by the sudden tension, you mirrored his look and allowed yourself a self-indulgent stare, appreciating what the universe gave you in the form of your boyfriend. And his godly body, as you have more than once noticed. Finally, Neil took a step closer. You watched in fascination as his fingers danced along your collarbones and over the skin on your shoulders, taking additional time to brush the fingertips over the forming bruises on your neck. The distant look, telling you it was an open admiration of his work. A shiver ran up your spine, the anticipation of whatever might happen almost stifling.
“All that talk made me a little hungry” the remark made you look up, straight into the marvellous blue eyes.
Confirming the words, Neil slowly licked his lips, hand toying with the end of your towel tucked in to keep it fixed. With heart racing in your chest, you made sure to throw a suggestive glance at his body before asking:
“Only a little?” the dose of provocative tone to make sure he would be within your control.
Because the level of arousal on his side was startling. Impressive, too.Your mouth watered at the sight, thighs clenching tighter together to somehow ease the ache pulsing between your legs. At once, you wanted him to ditch the games and take you this moment, and to wait, to extend the fascinating duel of passion.
Neil gave you no time to consider which one was more tempting, for he used your moment of reverie to tug at the towel to unravel it in one move.
“A lot” the answer perfecting the move with precision.
Fuck. Next thing you knew, you were sat on the towel, naked once more with no way of hiding from him and his look of starvation. Neil closed the remaining gap, blocking your escape and caging you between his arms, palms resting on either side. One last long look as if judging the best course of action before he parted your knees by inserting a leg between your thighs. A hand delving in the newly opened space, drawing out a sigh from your lips as you stared in complete fascination, frozen with the thrill of curiosity and need running through your veins. The pulsating core dripping with desire for him, shame missing from the equation when Neil finally gave in to the pull and slipped a finger between your folds. You knew how bad it was from the single look at his face. The determination slipping for a split second to give way to surprise, a short gasp soon replaced with the smirk worthy of the Lucifer himself. The daring finger parting your inner lips in a teasing move before he raised the hand to his lips, never taking the gaze of you:
“You’re still soaking wet for me,” a remark thrown with something close to mockery.
A flash of anger burning in your chest; mouth opening to prepare a retort. Only to freeze once more when Neil grinned, the hand glistening with the signs of your disgrace licked clean, mirroring your brave actions from not that long ago. Double fuck. A groan, interrupting the train of thought, that spark of irritation helping you to gain back the momentum. A look down his body offering the needed cue:
“Says you” raising one eyebrow, you reached out to repeat the lazy strokes from before.
The deepening darkness in his eyes luring you in, tempting you to push him further than ever before. If only to find out what he is like without any restraints. Without care or apprehension. Only the animalistic lust and craving left. Noticing the familiar hungry glow, you increased the intensity of your moves, smile widening when he let out a frustrated growl and slapped your hands away. In a flash, Neil wrapped his arms around your waist, pulling your bodies flush against each other.
“Careful, or I might-” his voice lowered to a whisper, the husky tone reverberating through your chest.
It was the unspoken threat and the way it felt when he pressed against your navel that made you take up the initiative. Leaning back enough to catch his eye, you interrupted the sentence:
“What?” a challenging smirk to irk him further; your legs wrapped around his waist “Destroy me. Fuck me senseless” completing the request by rubbing over him openly, showing the extent of need “Wrap that hand around my neck and take what’s yours” the addition breathed out with the scarlet tint on your cheeks.
Neil let out a whine as you pressed up against him, lacing your hands on the nape of his neck to get better leverage. He hesitated for a split second, hips already responding to your teasing with fleeting twitches. Somehow you knew what was missing. Leaning back, you tilted his chin to lock the gazes. Depths of lust enveloping your mirroring looks.
“Please,” the word dropped in between your lips, separated by a breath of space.
The trigger.
You could barely perceive his actions. The bottom lip caught between his teeth, a forceful thrust eliciting a sharp cry from your throat. Gentleness was left behind as he filled you up in one single move, stretching out your walls and making you gasp. Searching for something to hold on to, you grasped the edges of the desk, helpless gaze locked on his dark eyes without a break. Neil slightly shifted, one hand travelling up your chest to wrap loosely around your neck. Exactly as you asked. The other palm, pulling you closer around the waist, finding the needed grip. A shudder coursing through your body, the core clenching around him in the most basic of reflexes. An irked sigh escaping through your lips was all he needed to begin.
No kissing or hesitation, just the rough rhythm, delving deep into your centre with each thrust, hitting the perfect spot without tenderness. Each move complemented by your moan, pleasure flooding in, making you forget about everything that was not Neil. His gaze was fixed on you, watching with visible fascination how his tip disappeared between your folds with every thrust. The chokehold, tightening a little, increasing the frenzy, and hazing your mind with need. Only once you got used to the set tempo could you shift the position, placing your hands on his biceps. Digging in the nails to show how well that was working. Increasing the intensity of his moves, Neil groaned, his hand tightened over your neck. A clear signal to let you know who is in control. Obedience. Only, you were not that keen on compliance.
With sweat trailing down your body and your arousal wetting the conveniently placed towel, you decided to reach out for more. An assessing look, taking in Neil’s widened pupils and the startling resolve painted on his face. The clenched jaw, highlighting the sharp angles. Split lip from how he bit into it, drawing out blood. Unable to take your gaze off from his mouth, you used the second of hesitation to get closer and crash your lips into his in a hard kiss. Neil gasped, surprised by the shift, opening his mouth underneath your prodding tongue in an instant. Syncing up the way your lips glided over each other with his thrusts, you used the opportunity to gain back the lead. Meeting him halfway, relishing in the groans he let out against your mouth. And then, grabbing a fistful of his blonde locks, still damp from the shower, and leaning in to whisper into his ear:
“Harder,” the word dropped with certainty.
A further act of temptation. To see what Neil would be capable of if you drove him to the edge.
You did not have to wait long to find out. Tightening the chokehold, he sped up the movements, delving into you with a force that was ripping cries from your lips. The lascivious sounds filled the room, moans, and gasps interrupting the tempo. Soon it was nothing but the eruption of pleasure every time he hit the spot, making you rake your fingernails over his shoulder blades, deepening the marks and bruises. Using the grip you had over his shoulders, you changed the angle, bringing your pelvises together with every thrust. That seemed to be what Neil needed. He groaned, hand shifting from its position on your neck to grasp your chin and force you to lock the gazes. The feral look in his eyes, making you clench your muscles around him, giving in to the waves of feelings coursing through your body. It was that perfect balance between tempting darkness and astonishing want that you found reflected that was the final push you both needed.
Neil’s tempo waned, shuddered breaths coming out through the parted lips, watching you closely as if the ecstasy written all over your face was a drug he could not get enough of. A string of curses replacing the silence with their harsh simplicity. The grip over your waist tightening, fingers digging into your skin, bruises confirming the facts. His. Just as he tensed, moaning your name with the desperate tint to the tone, you captured his lips in a kiss. Hoping to take the edge off, to give him what he needs. Neil responded by biting hard into your lower lip, pleasure exploding before your closed eyes as he came, a shudder running through his body. Cradling you closer, breaking through the roughness and betraying the underlying feelings. Love, want, need.
It was the sensation of having him come inside you and the harsh kiss that did it. You whimpered, his name and love confessions on the tip of your tongue, spilling out in the silence. Hiding face in his neck, you stiffened, the force of the orgasm ripping through the fracture of reality. Nothing but the overwhelming euphoria, darkness underneath your eyelids dotted with stars. Neil’s skin underneath the shaking hands. His warmth enveloping you in the gilded cage of safety. Completeness. As you came to, riding out the high with your face pressed against the crook of his neck, you heard his soothing voice whispering sweet nothings, nuzzling your head. The tender ‘I got you’ and ‘I love you’ filling the quiet moment with reminders about your perfect reality. With a sigh, you slowly unravelled from the embrace; arms still wound around his body to prolong the touch. As your gazes met, the previous darkness was nowhere to be found, replaced with a soft smile and affection pouring out of his blue eyes. Cupping your cheek, Neil whispered the question:
“Alright?” he searched your face as though worried something could be amiss.
Fighting with the breathlessness, you chose to give him a grin first before responding:
“Yeah,” trailing your fingers down his chest, relishing in the peaceful moment, “Christ… You should fuck me like this more often,” the straightforwardness getting out without a hitch.
After what just happened, it was no big surprise. Neil did not seem shocked either his eyes glimmered playfully, as he traced the outline of your lips with the tip of his finger:
“Your wish is my command, darling,” the low murmur complimented with hand tilting your chin upwards to capture your lips in a kiss.
A slow and gentle one, softening the bruises and cuts, eliciting a contented sigh from your throat. Afterwards, you rested your forehead against his for a split second, soaking in the feelings. After a beat, you finally leaned back, acknowledging the mess on the hotel room floor covered with your clothes. The bathroom door was left ajar with the ventilation running. The towel you sat on, ruined. Wet hair trailing droplets down your naked body, mixing with the layer of sweat. A frown invited itself onto your face.
“I need another shower though… and a nap” yawning, you pushed Neil back to jump off the desk.
Only once you could properly stand, the fatigue caught up, making you sway on your feet. Without a word, Neil reached out a hand to steady you, pulling you into his side for an additional hug. Nothing to complain about even if you wanted.
“I should get you hot and bothered more often” it was the casual remark that made you look up.
Straight into the suspiciously satisfied face of your boyfriend. Surely not… right?
“… was that the plan all along?” schooling your features, you chose to ask the simplest of questions.
Neil shrugged, the trademark smirk gracing his features.
Bastard. Stepping away from him, you snatched the towel and hastily wrapped it around your body. If only as a retaliation. Because dragging you out to wander in the bloody scorching sun was a low blow. …even if it just gave you one of the best sex experiences in your life. Maybe. Perhaps.
“I hate you,” you hissed before storming over the pile of clothes to the bathroom.
“Uh-huh,” you refused to give him the pleasure of turning around at the sound.
Bastard. Squared.
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rick-rayson · 3 years
Subway Cereal (Klarion x Robin!Reader)
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Klarion gets kicked out of the Teen Titans after a mission gone wrong. You decide to seek out your former teammate.
The existence of concern for a certain witch boy did not exist within the hearts of your fellow Teen Titans members. Only such a feeling lived within you.
So when the other Teen Titans finally put their feet down and declared through gritted fists, "You are no longer a Teen Titan." To the boy, Klarion was happy to leave.
You, however, were not so happy. And so without as much of a second thought, you sought out your friend. The sound of a can crumpling under your feet and the blinding lights that struck you as a train passed filled you with sudden homesickness. This wasn't home, not to you, not with this scent that made your nose crinkle and your hand reach for your mouth.
"Filthy isn't it?" You turned your head and locked eyes with the familiar witch boy just as you were struck with high wind from another passing train.
"How odd," you muttered.
"What is?" Klarion beckoned you closer.
"Two have passed. None have stopped." You replied before stepping closer to the boy to be met with a tap on your shoulder. A plume of purple smoke made an appearance when he tapped you and long dissipated into the cold air.
"Because they don't know of the stations existence, and now they won't know yours." A smile crept to Klarions lips.
"Always know how to make things sound nefarious, don't you?" You'd managed a hearty chuckle out of the boy. Your face contorted in confusion as you felt a sudden weight on the top of your foot. There sitting below you, an orange cat, its fur flowing upwards and its chest pompous, its body appeared to have been made of the finest fur.
"A low move to have stuck a tracker on my back." Klarion picked up his furry familiar and flashed an expression so whiny it reminded you of a cartoon character.
"Yeah sorry, but you gotta hand it to me." You tapped onto the yellow 'R' symbol neatly pressed onto your costume. "It is something a member of the Bats would do."
"You're a bird, not a bat." Klarion rolled his eyes before walking to a wall and waving his hand, the sound of incoherent whispers leaving his mouth before a large hole in the wall suddenly came to vision.
"You better not have come here just to ask me to join the Team Toddlers again! Better not be because they want something from me!" Klarion fixed himself a bowl of what looked to be sugary cereal, he wolfed down a spoonful before sitting on a makeshift bed of his creation.
"I'm here because I want to speak to my friends. are my friends. okay?" You noticed his movements halt for a brief moment, he was tossing around the contents in his bowl and swirling the spoon to make a rather obnoxious noise. With his free hand he pet Teekl behind the ears, earning soft mewls from the feline.
"They're alright. Now are you done?" Klarion's brows furrowed for a moment when you sat next to him, his eyes kept glued to his bowl. The chill of the bowl evaporating with the heat of his fingers.
"And are we okay?" You wanted to reach out. He knew this. He knows that you care. But he doesn't know what that means.
"We are." His sentence ended in a whisper, but it was enough to put a smile on your face. He blinked continuously before realizing that you'd placed your hand on his shoulder. When he turned his face to meet yours he didn't expect to be met with such warmth.
"About what happened-" Klarion ripped out of your loose grip at the sound of your words.
"I did what was right. I did what the others were too afraid to do." He had spat, chowing down on more cereal to stop himself from blowing a fuse.
"I don't doubt you think what you did was right, Klarion. But we are supposed to be heroes, Titans. And we are not judge, jury, or executioner." You replied.
"That doesn't stop the police and look at them!" Klarion remarked followed a scoff.
"Exactly, and do you really wanna be compared to Owens at GCPD?" You raised a brow.
"I...oh." Klarion registered your words and found himself in genuine awe. "Oh goodness, Y/N, I think you're onto something."
You began to beam as the tension you once felt subsided gradually by the passing second. "I know, right? Why would anyone wanna be like ol' Owens? I saw that guy use the toilet paper under his shoe as a tissue!"
"Gross!" Klarion chuckled after he made a look of disgust. When the laughter had died down Klarion found himself at a loss for words. And perhaps words weren't needed in this situation, the silence was comfortable. Klarion found himself questioning if he should break it.
"Let's be frank, I never really suited the Titans."
"Yeah you really didn't." You responded almost too quickly that it caused Klarion to pout. Harsh, but true.
"Let me finish!" He placed Teekl on his lap before duplicating another bowl for you, a spoon soon appeared in your hand and the cereal was already inside the bowl. You took the liberty of pouring your own milk with the same carton Klarion had used, not before taking a peek at the expiration date.
"I'm better off lonely." He said.
"You're better off alone, I'll give you that. But no one is ever better off lonely, Klarion. Not even you." You were closer with Klarion than the rest. You were the only one in the Teen Titans that ever wanted to get to know him. Klarion Bleak. And despite the fact he's well aware of that, you still managed to reduce him speechless.
Your sincerity, he finds it sickening. He knows you care, but he asks himself again: what does that mean?
Will he find the answer by looking into your eyes? Will they let him know? Or lead him astray?
What will he do when he realizes they already have?
"No one's ever said that to me before." His words came out a whisper, laced with feelings he knew not the existence of.
"Well I'm telling you now." You had hit him gently on the elbow, but you didn't know the fact you'd hit him on the inside too. He's not used to this. Being cared about so much.
"You know... You are.." Klarion's lips parted, "You're alright, Y/n." He gulped, just alright? Why couldn't he say anything else? Stupid.
"Thanks, you're alright too." You snorted at his speechless form. It was a sight to see. You felt warmth in your chest, akin to sipping a hot drink on a rainy day.
You hadn't even noticed the distance between you and Klarion was gone, and you'd found yourselves sitting shoulder to shoulder as you ate. Teekl was curiously eyeing Klarion, of which the boy desperately tried to avoid.
"Oh—fine! You're more than alright. You're good. You're kind. You're.. you're-" Klarion made gestures with his hands, it took you a great effort to not laugh in his face about it. As he finished he brought a hand to his heart. "Perhaps I was upset about being ostracized from the Titans, and- and not because the getting kicked out part but maybe because—"
"You'd miss me." You answered boldly, half of you was joking, the other half hoped you were right. Klarion's face felt hot, and his ears changed a different shade. Teekl was enjoying this thoroughly.
"And.. is that okay?" He coughed up the courage to meet your eyes once again. "If I did miss you?"
It lasted for a moment. And only a moment. But Klarion wished for it to last much, much longer. Your lips on his cheek made his heart lurch and his eyes go wide, and when you pulled back he got a whiff:
Sugary cereal.
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Part 2 of my Azriel Fic.
Please see the first part of content warning and remember, minors please do not engage or interact as this is a 18+ post!
“Alpha- Male Bullshit”
Part 2
Azriel x Female Reader - part 2
Warnings- See part 1 for all warnings. All parts will be available on my Masterlist, Soon 💞☁️
Azriel was dumbfounded. What had happened?
Had you felt the mating bond? Did you reject it? His head was buzzing, he couldn’t get his thoughts in a straight line.
He made his way back up to his own room but found Lucien waiting outside the door, grinning.
“You know for someone who’s supposed to be her mate, you’re sure a lousy one. She doesn’t even KNOW it. She needs a real man in her life”
Azriel sneers. His blue Siphon’s glowing in warning under the low light.
“And I suppose that’s you?”
Lucien laughs.
“Well obviously”
At that, Azriel didn’t hold back. A loud crunch! echoes through the landing as his hand connects with Lucien’s jaw.
Bruises form as he tackles him to the floor, skin breaks and blood oozes down the delicate fae’s face.
Azriel continues to pummel Lucien, all sense of control lost, even his shadows had disappeared.
Azriel didn’t even feel Rhysand appear behind him with Cassian and Feyre.
Feyre gasps as it took both Cassian and Rhys to pull the shadowsinger from Lucien, who was now completely unrecognisable.
Azriel let out a low nasty growl. A warning.
“Let. Me. Go.”
Both of his brothers had him pinned up against a wall, as Feyre attended to the injured male on the floor.
“Get him out of here” Rhysand commanded his wife, the rare tone of authority evident.
Feyre wastes no time removing Lucien from the scene, taking him far enough so that the others could release their brother in arms.
I leave you two alone with my son for a night and THIS HAPPENS? What the hell Az?!”
Rhys exclaims.
“He treats her like she is his property! It’s wrong. He can’t go around thinking he can just help himself!”
Neither Rhys nor Cassian could find the right thing to say. They knew exactly how Azriel felt. The bond clicked in place for him, he was just out here on edge, waiting for a response...
When I awoke the next morning, I was surprised to see what I slept through. Lucien’s face was filled with shades of blue and purple, his only working eye was swollen and there was a majority of cuts slowly healing.
I stood still, taking in his appearance, trying to hide the shock.
“What the, erm, what the hell happened?”
My mouth was dry. What had I missed?
“Your mate, that’s what happened. Your precious Azriel” Lucien growls.
Lucien wasn’t happy. He had spent the night with Rhysand discussing the lady that now stood in front of them both. Rhysand needed to keep the spring court ties available but that didn’t stop him from telling Lucien that he needed to keep his toe in line. What he did was wrong, and Lucien knew that. He didn’t have a leg to stand on.
“10 on him lasting two thrusts” Rhys whispers to Cassian.
Cassian scoffs “50 that he comes the moment his dick is in her mouth”
But for me, the word Mate just spun around and around in my head.
I felt my throat close up as I spun around on my heel.
My body lunged forward, and I begin to sprint up the staircase.
I found myself outside the spy masters bedroom and I was knocking rapidly on the door.
It flung open and I lost my footing. I landed in a familiar pair of arms.
Tears well up in my eyes as I stare into his own. It was like peering into another’s soul.
“You’re, you’re my ... my mate” I whisper.
I felt a sudden nudge and was pressed against his body.
Those pesky shadows.
Azriel places his scarred hands against my soft rosey cheeks. I lean in but I’m hesitant.
I try to pull away but Azriel brushes his thumb over my lip. He has his own glossy tears falling.
“Please” he begs.
It didn’t take much convincing.
“Okay” I mouth, slowly wrapping my arms around his broad shoulders.
He kissed away the stray tears from my face before our lips joined, they were damp, and the kiss was gentle.
I run a small hand through his raven hair, he pulls back, and I rest my forehead against his, eyes closed tight.
I felt his breathing become steady, matching my own.
I didn’t have to speak for him to know.
“I accept you as my mate forever and always shadow-singer, just as you accept me”
He lifted me with very little effort and carried me to the king sized bed in the middle of his darkly lit room.
I felt him harden against me, causing me to groan, just as he drops me smack bang in the middle of the mattress.
I immediately wrap my legs around his waist bringing him back to me.
He leaves a trail of harsh kisses down my face and travels to my neck. He stopped in the middle and bites down gently, just piercing the skin slightly, as a trickle of blood slides down, he licks it and sucks on the wound causing me to gasp.
He laughs ever so softly as I reach to undo his belt and wrestle with his top. Azriel mirrors my actions, ripping away the satin nightgown, leaving me exposed.
I felt the sudden urge to cover up, but he stops me.
“Don’t” he whispers.
“Do you trust me?”
I couldn’t do anything but nod.
He pinned my hands above my head and let go. When I try and pull them back down, I am met with resistance.
I look at him for a moment slightly confused until I take notice of his missing shadows.
I look back up to my wrists and see that they are keeping me in place.
Azriel is smirking proudly and if I didn’t sound crazy, I’d say his shadows were laughing at me.
Azriel looks down, surveying every inch of me, like he was committing it to memory.
I was suffering from the lack of contact and released a small whimper to alert him of my needs.
His fingers dance down my body as I wait in anticipation.
The first lick of his tongue sent a chill down my spine. I moaned in approval as he continued to tease me while I remained unable to do anything.
Soon his fingers replaced his tongue and the first pump almost had my eyes rolling to the back of my head.
My body arched, completely at his mercy as my climax neared.
“Your mine” he snarled, just as I went over the edge.
“I’m yours” I whispered, half sobbing at the intense pleasure I was feeling.
I ride out my orgasm and his shadows release me, hiding within my lover, as if they didn’t want to spoil this moment.
My arms shoot up towards him and a wicked gleam enters my eye.
I stroke his right wing and watch as he shudders.
He gives me a look of warning dominance, but I just continue my actions.
His cock twitched.
I caress his body as delicate whimpers escape him. I wanted to play the long game, but it looked like Azriel couldn’t wait any longer.
He nudged my entrance and looked at me for reassurance.
I nodded and he slid in.
I could hardly breathe as he slowly filled me. It burned slightly but that soon disappeared as he begun to play with my breasts. Taking his time with each nipple as he moved carefully inside me. My eyes fluttered shut and once I had adjusted, I’m opened them to see him smiling down at me.
It was a vulnerable smile; one I doubt anyone else would ever see.
The pace quickened as I let out a series of moans, each louder then the last.
He thrusted deeper and faster each time and that’s when I felt it.
That familiar sense of euphoria I experienced that night in the kitchen, I knew it wasn’t just a climax. It had to be the bond. With each pound into me the sense of euphoria grew ever more intense and the bond became clearer and clearer.
My body lifted from the bed as release tore through me, Azriel following suit shortly after, a low rumbling roar that definitely echoed though the house, escaped him.
Our bodies were damp and limp by the time we had finished, I curled into him for the night.
I felt at peace lay upon his chest, holding his wounded hands in mine. He was reluctant for me to hold them at first, but I just kissed them softly, words weren’t needed but I said then anyways.
“Never be ashamed Azriel for I love every part of you, no matter how scarred, no matter how damaged. I love you”
That night Azriel slept, a true deep sleep, for the first time in long time.
I awoke the next morning with Azriel’s arms wrapped tightly around me as memories from yesterday evening came flooding in.
I smile and cuddle back into him, only to find him awake.
“Morning” I mumble.
His voice was husky, and his chest was bare. I tried to ignore the pooling wetness between my legs but to no avail.
I sat a top of him and slowly move down to his shaft. I lick slowly and watch him as he tries to show restraint.
I continue the slow and tortuous pace before a series of bangs on the door scare me enough to fall back into the bed.
I roll my eyes as Cassian’s voice travels through the wall.
“Good morning lovebirds! Let’s get up and out, we have training”
There was a pause and I could practically hear his smirk in the next sentence that left his mouth.
“Oh, and Y/N if he didn’t make you scream loud enough, I sure as hell could”
I didn’t even see Az leap from the bed and throw open the bedroom door.
A wild snarl ripped itself from Azriel as he whirled on Cassian.
Cassian laughs as Azriel’s fist clashed with his jaw, but before it could get any further, I grabbed a pillow and launched it at both of them. It caught their attention long enough for me to say, “Cut it out with the alpha male bullshit already”
Rhysand’s voice boomed from the bottom of stairs.
“Y/N is right, take it to the bloody training ring. Stop ruining the house”
It was two hours later that Azriel returned looking like he had just faced death itself and survived.
I look up from my seat in the bed where I had been reading my book and simply said.
“I don’t even want to see the state of Cassian”
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uvobreakmylegs · 3 years
Catch and Release
Long fic with over 9k words in which the reader is a bodyguard working for the Nostrades and is present at the events of Yorknew. Events in the Yorknew arc have also been altered
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Warnings: kidnapping, threats of violence, degradation, kink talk, mentions of death, the reader makes some not very good choices
To say that it was nerve-wracking to be sitting in such close proximity of one of the Phantom Troupe would be a massive understatement. You, along with the other remaining bodyguards of the Nostrade family, had witnessed this man – the one Melody had heard being addressed as 'Uvogin' – slaughter an entire group of mafia bodyguards and four of the Shadow Beasts completely on his own.
And now that same man was sitting next to you in the backseat of the car, the only thing keeping him in place being Kurapika's chains.
Luckily, though, his attention wasn't on you.
“Hey, driver. You think these chains can hold me?” Uvogin sneered at Kurapika, “if you don't kill me now, you'll regret it later.”
“Shut up.”
It seemed that you and Melody had the same idea to keep quiet and avoid attracting attention to yourselves, as you both kept your mouths shut and avoided eye contact. You didn't feel safe in that car. With either of those men. Even though he was on the same side as you, Kurapika had been out of control earlier, and with how much clear hatred he had for the cannibalistic murderer sat next to you, you worried that he would snap and endanger everyone again. Hopefully Melody would be able to calm him down if it came to that.
“Don't you understand? This is a golden opportunity,” he continued to taunt.
“Stop wasting time and just-”
The chains around him tightened and you could hear him grunting in pain.
“I told you to shut up!” Kurapika yelled, as he went as far as to turn around in his seat to glare at his captive, ignoring Melody's pleas for him to watch the road.
Uvogin was clearly taken aback by Kurapika's abilities, struggling against the hold of the chains as best he could in his weakened state. He had been shot at point blank range with a anti-tank cannon, and now it was chains that were doing him in.
You silently prayed Kurapika's hold on him would remain tight; it would be so easy for this giant to lean over and take a bite out of your head. You happened to have the binoculars at the exact moment he did that to one of the Shadow Beasts, and of all the things you had witnessed tonight, that had been among the most disturbing. Either Kurapika's chains were able to keep his movements restricted enough, or Uvogin just hadn't thought to do that yet.
The death-glares were still being exchanged between the two men with Melody becoming increasingly insistent for Kurapika to keep his eyes on the road. Not wanting the car to crash, you were about to try and get Kurapika's attention back on the road as well when Dalzollene suddenly called.
“Kurapika, floor it! It's a tail!” your boss's voice sounded over the phone.
“A tail? But who-”
You all seemed to have the same thought, using gyo to look over Uvogin. A needle stuck out of his thigh, a thin nen thread leading past your face and out the window.
“Shit,” you hissed, pulling the needle out and tossing it through the window as you rolled the glass down. It vanished into the night as Kurapika sped up. It had to have been the rest of the Phantom Troupe following.
You stayed twisted in your seat, looking back at a car that was following. It would be hard to lose them in the desert, and it seemed unlikely that your group would be able to make it to the city to ditch them.
Then, though you had a hard time making it out, you saw something fall onto the hood of that car, and it suddenly began to move about like no one was controlling it. The headlights behind Dalzollene's car completely vanished after that brief commotion, and after a few moments, it seemed as though they had been stopped.
“I don't think they're following us anymore,” you said. One could hope, at least.
“Not sure why they stopped, though,” you added.
“It doesn't matter,” Kurapika said.
Surprisingly, Uvogin had been quiet the whole time. When you turned back around and glanced over at him, he was staring blankly at the ceiling of the car, his anger from mere moments before seemingly dissipated.
“This is our chance to hurry back to the city,” Dalzollene spoke again.
“Roger that,” Kurapika answered.
“We'll switch the location to pattern C,” Melody said. She then looked back to you.
“We don't want muscles here putting up a fight. You can do that, right?”
“Of course,” you answered.
Now was not the time to lose your composure; right now, you needed to prove that you did have value as a hunter working for the Nostrade family.
Bringing up your arm and holding your palm so it was facing up, you focused your nen, and a small anemone bloomed in the center of your hand. You turned to face Uvogin, who was looking at you now, an eyebrow raised in question as he looked at the flower made of nen in your hand. You blew softly at the flower, causing the petals to flutter off and into his direction.
“The fuck is that supposed-”
Uvogin couldn't get any more than that out before the petals hit him, vanishing as your nen entered his system and forced him into a deep sleep. He slumped forward, and you were finally able to relax slightly, now that you didn't have to fear immediate death from a man who proved he could kill without the use of his arms or legs.
“Don't relax just yet,” Melody chided, “we still need to get him into a secure location.”
You nodded.
“Right. Sorry.”
You felt better when he awoke next. For one thing, you weren't stuck with him in a tiny, confined space, instead standing to the right of Dalzollene and having more than just Kurapika and Melody with you, as the entirety of the remaining hunters were surrounding him. It also helped that he had been completely strapped down to the metal table that took up the majority of the room, various restraints and wires around his neck and limbs keeping him secured.
Though with the way those bonds seemed to be straining against his muscles, you had to wonder if they'd be as effective if he didn't have the drugs that Dalzollene had pumped into him earlier.
He looked about the room after waking up, taking in all of you that surrounded him. His gaze seemed to linger slightly longer on Kurapika, you noted.
“Do you understand what's happening here?” Dalzollene asked, “where did you put the stolen merchandise?”
Uvogin seemed unconcerned, sighing a bit as he glanced at the hunters around him.
“What time is it?” he asked.
He spotted you, and asked “how long have I been asleep?”
You kept your mouth shut, instead looking over to Dalzollene, who seemed to have grown angry with Uvogin's nonchalance about the situation. Pulling his sword forward, Dalzollene readied himself for a strike.
“It seems that you don't grasp your current situation,” he growled, “I'm asking the questions here!”
He thrust the sword downwards, intending to stab the spider in the leg.
Uvogin's aura flared, and the tip of the sword broke off as it struck him. The piece of metal went flying into a breaker box on the other side of the room, lodging itself deep inside of it.
The noise echoed in the room briefly, and then silence overtook it. To think that even with those drugs in his system, Uvogin still kept his composure and was still able to use his nen so freely. He stayed quiet, looking blankly at the ceiling again. This man truly was something else.
He looked to Squala.
“Let's make a deal.”
You hadn't even realized you had said that aloud until he looked over at you in response.
“I'll spare your lives, so let me up now,” he said to you.
“Huh? Wh-what is he saying?” Squala asked, looking to Melody, “is he insane?”
Although you and the rest stayed quiet, you were certain that sentiment was shared by most of your fellow bodyguards.
“He's serious. I think,” Melody answered.
It was easy to write this man off as just being insane, but when you thought about it more, it wasn't like that: the Shadow Beasts, nen masters who were more powerful than you could ever hope to be, had been so easily disposed of by this man. If he could take care of them within a matter of minutes, the rest of you didn't stand a chance. And he knew this. He was literally only making this offer because it would be less of a hassle for him.
Strange to think that this was likely Uvogin being charitable.
“Let me make something clear: We're after the auction merchandise that was stored underground,” Uvogin explained, “if you guys don't know where it is, I have no business with you.”
A beat of silence passed as everyone took in his words, broken by Basho as he began to talk, clearly annoyed by Uvogin's words.
“Wait a moment,” Melody said, interrupting him.
“You didn't steal the merchandise?” she asked Uvogin.
“The safe was empty when we arrived. The Shadow Beasts had already taken it all. I guess they didn't bother telling grunts like you.”
His words stung a bit, forcing you to acknowledge just how low the Nostrades were on the mafia social ladder, but to you, it didn't seem that he was trying to pick a fight or get a rise out of anyone. He was simply explaining the situation and calling it as he saw it: you and the others were insignificant, and even after going as far to kidnap and drug him, he saw all of you as being so little of a threat that he was willing to forget about it.
You didn't need Melody to tell you that he was telling the truth.
Squala was sent into a mild panic at the realization that Uvogin wasn't bluffing, and the way the spider smirked at that panic made everyone tense.
And then his gaze went to you.
“Everyone makes mistakes. We haven't stolen anything yet,” he said, and then looked back to Dalzollene, “so take these off, and pretend you didn't see anything.
“If you do that, you get to live.”
His words sent a chill down every spine in the room, and despite your best efforts to stop it, your hands began to tremble, forcing you to clench your fists so hard that your nails dug into the palms of your hands.
Everyone seemed to be in a similar state as you.
Everyone, except Kurapika.
“What about the guests?” he asked.
“The guests who were in the auction hall. Some of our colleagues were there.”
It was a terrible thing to admit, but in the midst of everything that had happened that evening, you'd managed to forget about the hunters who had gone to the auction. They were likely dead. And Kurapika had to have known that.
Another thing you had managed to forget was Kurapika's reckless behavior from earlier. Perhaps you should have been impressed that he had kept his composure for this long. But if there had been any chance of your boss deciding to take Uvogin's deal in exchange for your lives, you could just feel that Kurapika was about to put an end to that.
“I see. That's too bad,” said Uvogin, “we killed them. It was part of our plan-”
Kurapika punched him in the face as anger clouded his judgment again, his expression turning to one of rage has he yelled “how many lives do you think you took to carry out that plan of yours?!”
Before he could get another punch in, Basho stepped forward and pulled the younger man away, yelling at him to stop.
Uvogin didn't seem upset at all, despite the bruise on his face and the blood coming from his nose. If anything, he seemed amused.
“If the merchandise is in safe hands, we don't need him. We'll hand him over to the community,” Dalzollene said, having regained his composure during Kurapika's outburst.
Uvogin wasn't paying attention to him, but instead was still grinning up at Kurapika.
“So no deal?” he joked.
You all left the room as Dalzollene stayed behind to double-check the restraints on Uvogin, but before you could exit, he instructed you to wait for him in the next room. Kurapika, Melody and the others went down the hall to another room while you stood outside the cell door. It worried you that Dalzollene had asked you to wait, and you had a bad feeling he was going to tell you to keep watch in the room where the prisoner was being held.
“I just made sure that he was attached securely to that table, and I've put in another dose of those muscle relaxants,” Dalzollene said to you as he came out of the room, “but just to make sure he doesn't do anything, I want you to wait in there until people from the community come for him.”
God fucking dammit.
“You think he'll be able to get out even with all of that?” you asked.
“No, but I want to make certain that he can't try anything,” he answered, “we've all seen what he's capable of, and I don't want to risk him bringing down this whole building just from his shout. If he looks like he's going to do anything, I want you to knock him out again. Among those of us who are left, you and Kurapika are the only ones who can do that easily.”
He sighed.
“And with how Kurapika has been acting, I can't trust him to not do something stupid, especially if he were to be left alone with him. So that just leaves you.”
“Okay boss,” you said, nodding slowly.
“If you think you can get any information out of him, then do it,” he continued, “but overall, just keep him in line.”
Dalzollene dismissed you with a wave of his hand, heading to the desk on the other side of the room, presumably to make whatever calls he needed to the community. You could hear him muttering something under his breath, something about wishing Baise were here instead.
Going back into that room was the last thing you wanted to do – especially when you would be completely alone with him – but you forced your legs to carry you back to that door.
Uvogin's eyes were on you the second you entered that room, making a chill run through you as he looked you over. You ignored it as best you could, situating yourself next to the door and leaning against the wall.
“So you'll be keeping me company while we wait for those mafia idiots to come and get me?” Uvogin asked.
You had really been hoping that he wouldn't talk, that he would be more like he had been in the car, or after he'd woken up. Dealing with him not speaking and staring at nothing would have been easier, but it seemed like he was riled up after Kurapika's outburst, and now you were the only one left for him to take it out on. And of course, now you had no excuse to disobey Dalzollene's orders to try and get information out of him.
“Looks like it,” you answered.
“Hm. Guess I lucked out with that,” he said, “you're easier on the eyes than some of those others in your group.”
'Please just shut the fuck up,' you thought to yourself.
“What, going to give me the silent treatment? You were pretty quiet earlier, too.”
He paused, thinking of something.
“You mad about your friends, too? Did we kill someone important?”
“.... Not really. I barely knew them,” you admitted.
He let out a low whistle.
“That's cold. At least that other guy cared.”
“It is what it is,” you said.
Maybe if you just kept your answers short, he'd give up on talking to you.
But probably not.
“So then this is purely business for you?” he asked.
You said nothing, keeping your gaze on the floor.
“Is it worth losing your life over this?”
You couldn't help the way you tensed, and he chuckled at you when you when you crossed your arms over your chest. You were trying to appear nonchalant, but he saw right through it.
“It looks like the others have made their choice,” Uvogin said, “but my deal is still open for you: let me go, and I'll make sure you live.”
“I can't do that,” you answered.
“You were watching while I took out those mafia, right? You really think it's safer to side with people that weak? When I get out, you can be damn sure they won't be able to protect you.”
“If I let you out I'd need protection from them,” you snapped, “and right now I'm more scared of my boss than I am of some guy who's going to be tortured to death.”
“Hmm. Your boss, huh?” he said, looking back over to where the sword tip was still jammed into the breaker box.
“Can't say he impresses me. And you can't be anything special if a guy like that can keep you in line.”
Your eyes stayed on the floor, and you refused to react to the taunt. It wasn't like he was wrong.
“I can't help but wonder. Why the hell is someone like you involved with a mafia family?”
You stayed quiet.
“I asked you a question,” he growled.
His tone sounded dangerous, and it spurred you to reply.
“I need the money,” you said.
“What for?”
“That's private.”
He laughed.
“Well now I really want to know. What, you looking to save up for something? You got a boyfriend waiting for you back home?”
It wasn't anything like that, but you weren't about to explain yourself to him. You worried you might need to tell him something anyway. He seemed amiable enough at the moment, but it looked like his mood could change pretty fast.
“What's your name?” he asked suddenly.
“.... Why?”
“Because I want to know.”
Uvogin was the prisoner of the Nostrade family, and yet he was clearly in control of the conversation you were having as you complied with his request and told him your name.
“So how long have you been working for these idiots?”
“Oh come on! Is it going to hurt that bad to answer a few questions? You said yourself that I'm going to be tortured to death, what's the harm in humoring a dying man?” he asked, “you think they're going to ask me about you?”
The 'you' at the end was virtually spat out, as if to cement the fact that you really meant nothing to anybody. Looking over to the camera that was in the far corner of the room, you wondered if Dalzollene could hear the two of you. If he could, he hadn't yet felt like he needed to step in. Your boss had told you to get information if you were able, but given how this was going, you weren't sure if it was possible to accomplish that.
“I... I only just started working for them,” you answered, “a lot of us were hired just for this job.”
“Just for the auction?”
“Yeah. Our boss wanted to bid on some of the items.”
“I'm guessing your boss wasn't among those that we killed,” he said.
“What makes you think that?”
“Because why would you grunts go after us if there was nobody to sign the paycheck for you? If it was just one of you with a vendetta I'd get it, but all of you? Nah. The majority of you would have run off the second you lost your reason to care.”
…. His reasoning was pretty sound, though you hated to admit it.
“So who all did die at the auction?” he asked, “just a bunch of the new hires?”
“No,” you mumbled, “only one of them was.”
Uvogin scoffed.
“Too bad for them. But I'd say they were luckier than you.”
“They were lucky?”
“Yeah. They're deaths would have been pretty quick. But none of you are going to have a that luxury when the rest of the troupe finds you.”
It would be telling him too much to mention that you were almost one of those casualties. Originally you had been assigned to go to the auction with Tocino and Ivlenkov, but Baise had approached you and asked to swap places. She said that she was curious about the auction and wanted to see it for herself. It didn't matter much to you either way, so you had agreed, taking her place outside the auction house with Linssen and Basho. It was a simple decision, and one that had saved your life while it condemned hers.
Telling him all that would be far too much.
“You've gone quiet again,” Uvogin said, “you sure we didn't kill someone you cared about?”
“I told you, this is just business for me,” you answered, “I'm surprised you care at all. I would have thought it would be the same for you.”
“Oh, it's business for me as well. But this is a job I do because I enjoy it. If I see something I want, I take it. I don't give a shit about money.
“You'd probably be happier if you didn't care as much about money.”
“Good for you; not everyone can live like that,” you said dryly.
“More people should. It would make things more interesting.”
“I'm sure it would,” you sighed.
“Don't be like that. We'll probably be stuck in here for a while before those idiots come for me, so might as well make the most of it.”
“..... You're not worried about the community getting you.”
“Why should I be?” Uvogin asked, “you saw what happened with the Shadow Beasts, right? If that's the mafia's best, what do I have to be worried about?”
“Might be different when you're in custody,” you said, “they might have someone who can get through that nen shield of yours.”
Uvogin snorted.
“Doubt it. No one can take me down.”
“Except my colleague.”
Uvogin scowled at that and glared at you. You tensed again, readying your nen in case you needed to knock him out, unsure if he would let out another earth-shattering yell or start spitting pieces of human skull at you. With the strength and power he had demonstrated, you were grateful for the drugs Dalzollene had put into him, because the more you looked at that muscled body, the more you were certain that the restraints on their own weren't enough to keep him down.
“Yeah, except for him,” he hissed, “and you. I'd say it was impressive that you two incapacitated me and managed to not die afterwards, but sneak attacks have never done much for me, and they never work twice. Neither of you will catch me off-guard again.”
“I don't think we really need to,” you answered carefully, “you're not really going to be our problem after you're collected.”
He grinned at you again.
“Feel free to believe that.”
There wasn't much you could respond to that with, so you stood there in silence. The community couldn't get here soon enough. This situation was stressing you out more than anything else you had ever been through, and this was only your second day in Yorknew. If the mafia was able to get things under control, there would still be a few more days of the auction that you'd need to participate in for Neon's sake. And that was if the rest of the Phantom Troupe didn't try anything else for the rest of the days.
If the Phantom Troupe was as tight-knit as Uvogin was making them out to be, there was a chance they would come after all of you in retaliation.
Why the hell did you get yourself mixed up in underworld business?
“Oh, that reminds me – I might die before the community comes to get me,” Uvogin said.
“That fat bastard from the Shadow Beasts infested me with leech eggs,” he explained, “apparently they're going to hatch inside of me and when they do I'll die. You might want to help me out with that unless your boss wants to hand over my dead body to the mafia.”
“..... I saw you being shot at by an anti-tank cannon. You seriously expect me to believe that you'd be done in by baby leeches?” you asked.
“It's a bit different when something is hatched inside of you,” he said, grinning as he continued “but I guess I can't force you. It's not like it's on me if I die before I can be interrogated.”
There was no doubt it would be bad if he died before he was in community custody, and since you were the only one with him, the blame would probably fall on you.
“How long before they hatch?”
“Who knows.”
The way he said that made it seem like he was lying, and with the way he grinned, it seemed like he knew that you knew and that you couldn't do anything about it. The man's body in the picture frame at the Nostrade mansion came to mind, and if that was what Dalzollene was capable of when it came to a slip-up, who knew what would happen if you failed on this.
Pushing off of the wall, you sighed.
“I can't take out the leeches,” you said.
“But,” you continued before he could say anything else “I can slow down their hatching process.”
Holding out your hand, another flower bloomed in your palm. This time it was a lotus. Just as you had done earlier, you blew on it softly, and the petals fell off and flew towards him, vanishing as they landed on his abdomen.
He watched in silence as the petals vanished before looking back to you.
“You said you were only slowing it down?” he asked.
“Yeah. I usually only use this to slow down a bad wound from bleeding out too much,” you explained, “but it should work for this. However long it'll take for those leeches to hatch, it'll take twice as long now. So if you only had 24 hours, it's now 48. That should be long enough for whatever the community does to you.”
“Hmm. You did something different in the car,” he mused, “what nen type do you have? Conjuration?”
You didn't answer, not wanting to tell him any more about your nen ability.
“So I'm right?”
“C'mon, sweetheart. You can't answer that question?”
“I think I've been pretty good about answering your questions,” you said.
“Yeah, and I've got a feeling it's supposed to be the other way around. That boss of yours told you to interrogate me, right? And you can't even do that much,” he sneered.
“I came to the conclusion that trying to ask you anything would be a waste of time,” you snapped back, “you're not going to give me any meaningful answers so why bother talking to you about anything important?”
He seemed amused by your reply.
“Took you a while to finally snap. But how long will that last?”
'Stop responding,' you told yourself. That brief burst of anger that had built up purely because of how annoying he was insisting on being dissipated before he had even finished speaking, and by this point, you had just been ridiculed for far too long.
Uvogin demanded that you speak again, and even though you tensed again at the way he growled that order, this time you refused to say anything. He glared at you, and you readied your nen, preparing to knock him unconscious.
He tsked, but did nothing else, looking bored as he watched the ceiling. You didn't lower your guard, though, still watching for any sort of sign that he would try something.
You weren't sure how long you stayed like that, waiting for him to make a move.
When he did say something again, you managed to not come off as startled as you were.
“Was it also part of your instructions to be staring at me the whole time?” he asked, “not like I'm going anywhere.”
“I was under the impression that you liked having eyes on you.”
“Sure, I like the eyes of my victims on me before I kill them.”
You couldn't help letting out a little bit of a laugh at the corny threat. His eyes snapped over to you instantly.
“Something funny?”
His voice was low and dangerous, and the more sensible part of you knew that it was smarter to ignore him again. But the petty side of you wanted to see if you could upset him as a miniature vengeance for how the conversation had gone earlier.
“Yeah,” you answered, “I was just thinking that you're pretty lucky that it's me watching you and not one of my colleagues that you killed. She had the ability to make men fall in love with her by just kissing them. If she'd been here, she'd have had you spilling your guts about everything. She also would've had you liking the way you were tied up. Maybe have you begging her to step on you.”
You tilted your head to the side slightly as you smirked.
“That would have been pretty embarrassing for you, but it also would've been pretty funny for the rest of us.”
He didn't say anything.
You expected some sort of response. Maybe some outrage, maybe some threats, maybe even managing to flip your taunt back on you in some way and continuing to dominate the conversation as he had been the whole time. There was definitely anger in the way he looked at you, someone so much weaker than himself mocking him, but he still said nothing, just frowning as he looked back to the ceiling.
That made you more on edge than if he had begun to yell at you.
The air between you two was far more uncomfortable than it had ever been, and you found yourself wishing that the people from the community would show up already.
“You really don't pull off the tough act very well, sweetheart,” Uvogin said.
“But congratulate yourself on managing to piss me off.”
He said nothing more than that, continuing to stare at the ceiling as if he hadn't said anything at all.
Fuck you messed up.
The regret from saying the things you did hit you like a bucket of cold water. Why the hell did you do that?
The sound of the door opening made you jump, forcing you to stand to attention as Dalzollene walked in.
“The people from the community should be here soon,” he told you, “I'll meet with them when they arrive, so you go to the room where the others are.”
Before you could answer, you heard Uvogin scoff behind you.
“Making sure all of your subordinates are gone so you can get the full credit?” he asked, the distaste clear in his voice. He looked over to you, asking “why do you follow a guy like this?”
“You should be worrying about yourself, not her,” Dalzollene snapped.
He motioned for you to leave, which you did. You looked back one last time before the door closed behind you.
Uvogin looked bored again.
Not even five minutes had passed after entering the room with the others when Uvogin's roar echoed through the building, shaking the foundation and making you cover your ears in a feeble attempt to protect your hearing. There was no time to question what had happened; Melody ordered everyone to follow her, and you all did, running down to the express elevator and piling yourselves into the car as you heard walls being smashed behind you. For whatever reason, no one came after you, and you were all able to escape back to the hotel where Neon was staying.
It wasn't hard to figure that Dalzollene had been killed, and now there was no leader and a very angry spider who would be coming after you for revenge.
The events that followed were like a whirlwind for you: Kurapika was voted in as the new leader, Light Nostrade was coming in the next day to take Neon back, and then Kurapika realized that sensitive information regarding the Nostrades and the buildings they owned in Yorknew was available on the Hunter website, and from that, he had determined that Uvogin would find your current location. You'd then needed to move Neon and all of her things into a new room at the same hotel while Kurapika stayed in the top suite to wait for him.
“His focus will be on me,” Kurapika had said, “as long as the rest of you stay in the new room and don't come out, he'll leave you alone.”
You were happy to listen to his instructions and had been ready to wait for him to take care of Uvogin once he arrived.
But then Neon started complaining about something.
Evidently she had lost a cellphone charm, probably in the other room, and was throwing another tantrum until she could get it back. The two women who worked as her servants were, understandably, a bit nervous to go out into the halls while everyone waited for the spider to arrive. So you had volunteered to go for them, making a bit of a show for Neon as you said that you would go get it and for her to wait for you to come back. That had seemed to calm her down, and the one servant, Elisa, whispered a small “thank you” as you left. You weren't stupid enough to go back up to the top suite, however. The last thing you wanted was to be caught in the crossfire. So instead you planned to hang out somewhere on one of the lower floors, and then you'd go back up for Neon once you had gotten confirmation that everything was safe. Hopefully during that time the servants would be able to placate Neon until you got back.
You made your way down a few flights of stairs before picking a random floor where you would wait.
The door opened before you could grab the knob.
Uvogin stood there.
Time seemed to stop as the two of you looked at each other, his eyes widening in surprise as you looked at him in shock. You were completely alone with him, again, and this time there was nothing restraining him.
You were going to die unless you did something now.
It took only a few seconds for your nen to conjure a flower you could use to get out of this situation. But it was a few seconds too long. Before you could bring your hand up Uvogin had grabbed you by the throat and slammed you against the wall in the stairwell, holding you at eye level so you were several feet off the ground. Your hands went up to your neck as you tried to pry his fingers off when he began to squeeze.
“I was wondering if I'd see you again,” he said, “I thought maybe you'd have run away from Yorknew after last night. Good to see that you stuck around.”
Black splotches were starting to appear at the edge of your vision, and you let out a pathetic wheezing sound as you tried to get in a breath.
“Need to breathe already? I guess I can do that if you do something for me first. Blink if you understand.”
The grip around your neck left you unable to concentrate and form something with your nen, so you complied, blinking at him.
“Good. Now, blink once for 'yes', twice for 'no',” he said, “is the chain-user up there?”
You blinked once.
True to his word, his grip on your throat relaxed slightly, and you took in a few desperate gulps of air while he chuckled at you.
“Not so fun when you're the one being held against your will, is it?” Uvogin asked. When you didn't respond, his eyes narrowed and he growled “huh? Didn't I ask you a question?”
“N-no...” you said, finally finding your voice.
“That's what I thought,” he sneered, “before the night is over that chain-user is going to learn a few things, too.”
He looked up at the stairway.
“I'm guessing he's waiting up there for me.”
“Yeah,” you whispered, “he-he knew you'd be coming, and he wants to f-fight you by himself.”
That blood-thirsty grin appeared on his face and you shuddered.
“That's great. I can't wait to pummel that guy into nothing.”
He looked back to you.
“But what do I do with you? I can't just let you go, can I?”
His grip was becoming tighter again. Your struggles were renewed, clawing as best you could against him and trying to push him away with your feet.
“Wait-!” you began.
“Settle down.”
He pushed himself against you, the arm that held you up now pressing uncomfortably against your chest while the other went down to hold your leg in place against the wall.
“Where'd that sass from earlier go? Or were you acting like that just because you thought you were safe when I was chained up?”
“Wait-!” you tried again.
“Should've taken my deal,” said Uvogin, “then you wouldn't be here, begging for your life like a pathetic wretch.”
“The underworld is a nasty place, sweetheart. You should've realized that before you signed up for this. I gave you a chance and you threw it away. Now you have nobody to blame but yoursel-”
You had continued to struggle, your free legging pushing against him as best you could, and somehow, one of his legs had ended up between yours, and when his thigh had brushed against your clothed cunt, you gasped.
He stopped talking, looking slightly confused until he looked down.
Moments that felt like small eternities passed in silence while you continued to pull at his hand, managing to wrap one hand around his thumb.
Uvogin began to laugh.
“What, you like that?” he asked, pushing himself harder and grinding against you. You couldn't help the way you blushed, and the shame you felt was overwhelming when he continued to laugh at your expense. The noises leaving your mouth didn't help either, and they didn't stop even when you bit down on your lip to try and keep quiet.
“I didn't peg you for a slut, but I guess you learn something new every day,” Uvogin said, clearly enjoying himself as he continued his ministrations.
“Stop! I don't want this!” you yelled.
“Don't lie to me sweetheart. Not when it's written all over your face just how much you enjoy this.”
He grinned at you.
“You mentioned something earlier about me liking being chained up and wanting to be stepped on,” he whispered, “was that you trying to tell me what you wanted to see?”
“I can't believe that. It was too specific of a thing to bring up without being into it. You liked seeing me tied up, huh? Do your colleagues know about that? Do they know how much of a desperate slut you are? I wonder....”
He trailed off, then leaned in closer to whisper directly into your ear.
“Do those nasty little kinks of yours go both ways? Would you like it if I chained you up and tossed you around? What else are you into? I'd love to find out.”
Your hands left his one that held your throat, pushing against his face to try and get him away from you. He didn't budge, not even slightly. All you accomplished was him laughing at you again while your pride was slowly torn to pieces.
Without any warning he let you go, and you tumbled to the floor in front of him. You scrambled back into the corner of the stairwell, one hand raised as you prepared to defend yourself. Uvogin remained relaxed, smirking down at your shaking form in the corner.
“Don't bother trying to do anything; I'm not going to let you hit me with that again,” he said, “if anything you should be grateful.”
“.... Grateful?” you asked incredulously.
“Yeah, because I'm going to let you live.”
“Tch. That's all you can say to that?” he scoffed, “be a little more happy; you're not dying tonight.”
He pointed with his thumb over his shoulder.
“Once I take care of that chain-user, I'll be back for you. I was actually thinking you might be worth leaving alive anyway; I think my boss might like certain aspects of your abilities. And once he's taken them, I'm sure he won't care if I keep you for myself afterwards.”
You were lost for words and could only shake your head at him.
“I told you earlier,” he said, “the underworld is a nasty place; you've got no one but yourself to blame.”
Finally, finally, he turned and began to make his way up the stairs, leaving you in that corner while you tried to process what just happened and the things he had said. You wanted to run, to at least get out of that stairwell and into a space that felt safer, but until Uvogin was further up those stairs and far away from you, you stayed still.
He paused when he began up the second flight of stairs, looking back to you and speaking your name in a way that made you tense again.
“You can try to run if you want,” he said, his tone more serious and seeming much more collected, “but if you try that, I will find you. And things will be much, much worse for you if you run away, you can count on that.”
He grinned, and somehow this one seemed deadlier than any other you had seen thus far.
“I'll be seeing you.”
And with that, Uvogin continued to make his way up the stairs and to the top suite where Kurapika waited. You heard his footsteps echoing against the metal of the stairs, getting softer as he went further and further up, but you still didn't move. Only when you could barely hear him on the stairs did you finally get up.
Bursting through the door, you all but scrambled to get to somewhere safe. You were a mess, your thoughts all over the place and emotions running wild, and all you could do was pray to whatever God might be listening that Kurapika would be able to dispose of that man.
In his state of zetsu, Shalnark standing behind a corner went unnoticed by you as you ran off. Had he not been listening to your conversation with Uvogin, he would have killed you right there. But instead, he smiled to himself, waiting until you were out of the way completely before entering the stairway himself and continuing to follow Uvogin as he had been all afternoon.
Kurapika didn't come back.
The late night had transformed into morning, and he didn't come back.
The immediate thought shared by the group was that he was dead, and the second one was that Uvogin was going to be coming back for the rest of you.
Basho and Melody were the ones doing best at keeping level heads and trying to keep the group calm. Just because Kurapika isn't back yet doesn't mean he's dead, Melody had told all of you. He'll be back, she assured you.
God you wished you could believe that.
It had been determined that you all should wait until Light Nostrade made it in, then he and Neon would leave with a few of the bodyguards while the rest moved to a different building to continue with the auction. At this point, bidding in an auction was one of the last things you wanted to do, but you had a bad feeling that you wouldn't be one of the lucky bodyguards that would be leaving with the Nostrades.
Uvogin's words repeated themselves in your mind, and every time his name was mentioned you couldn't help the way you shuddered. No one seemed to notice that, however.
Except Melody.
She caught you in the late afternoon when you were alone and asked what was troubling you, citing how rapidly your heart would beat when Uvogin's name was mentioned.
The emotions that you'd been trying to bottle up overflowed and you broke down, full-on crying in front of her as you told her everything. From the time with him in that room to when he'd caught you in the stairwell, you told her every little thing he had said to you, every threat he had made and just how terrified you were of him coming back to get you like he said he would.
Melody had been horrified at your confession, and for the first time in what felt like a long time, you felt genuine compassion from another human being. She held you and rubbed your back in a soothing motion as you sobbed into her.
“He won't get you, I promise,” she said, “everything will be okay. But I'll make sure that you go back with the boss tonight, alright?”
You didn't answer. You just tried your best to calm yourself, wiping away your tears while sobs still hiccuped from your throat.
“Maybe some fresh air would do you some good. Basho was complaining that there weren't any good snacks in the building. How about you run down to the store and grab some things for everyone?” Melody suggested.
“Should.. Should I really leave? Right now?” you asked.
“I'm sure it'll be fine. It's just a quick run to the store, right?”
“.... Okay.”
Grabbing a hoodie on your way out, you pulled up the hood and kept your face down, trying to hide the fact that you had been crying. It felt strange to run such an errand during a time like this, but maybe Melody was right and it would be good for you. And maybe by the time you came back, Kurapika would have returned.
With two plastic bags full of junk food and a few drinks, you had exited the convenience store at the corner, the bell on the door ringing as you stepped outside. There had been a bit of a line behind you so when you were given the change from the cashier, you had hastily thrown it into one of the bags as you were eager to keep the line moving. After leaving the store, you stepped to the side of the building, your back facing the street as you began to dig through the bag you had thrown the change into. It wasn't like it was even that much, but you didn't like the idea of just leaving it in there with everything else.
As your sole focus was on reaching around inside of that bag for the change that had made its way to the very bottom, you didn't notice the large group of people that had come up and were passing by you.
Not until you heard a familiarly deep, boisterous voice that made you freeze.
He was talking to someone, saying something about still being mad that they had followed him. A different voice responded saying that it was a good thing they had done that. There was an answer from him, but you couldn't hear it very well with the way your heart was beating in your ears.
The voices were getting further away now. You tentatively peeked out from under your hood to see if it really was who you thought it was.
Even from behind, there was no mistaking Uvogin in a crowd.
He walked with a group that you recognized some of as being the other spiders that were there with him on the night of the auction attack. Others you didn't recognize, but if they were traveling together, they must have also been part of the troupe. At the head of the group was what looked like a man in a long black coat, seemingly leading the group.
Right in the direction of the Nostrade's hotel.
You swore that your heart was beating so loud they all should have heard it and then you would have been at their mercy. But they continued walking, not paying attention to anyone else around them. Realizing that you hadn't taken a breath since you had heard Uvogin's voice, you let out a soft, shuddery breath as they walked further and further away. They were still close enough for you to see clearly when Uvogin gave a playful slap on the back to the samurai in purple robes, who stumbled forward slightly and began to curse out the taller man.
When he had pushed him forward, you noticed a small piece of folded paper that slipped out of his robes.
The group turned a corner, and only when you couldn't see any of them anymore and you could no longer hear any of their voices did you move, slowly walking forward down the sidewalk, constantly checking to make sure none of them came back as you went for that slip of paper.
Your hands were trembling as you picked it up. Why you were concerning yourself with something they had dropped you didn't know. There were more important things, like getting back to the hotel before them and warning the others, but your brain was in a horribly familiar panic-mode and you weren't thinking straight.
Unfolding the paper, you found a set of pictures – headshots of the Nostrade family bodyguards. Dalzollene's picture had been crossed out, but Basho's, Squala's and everyone else was featured.
But what truly sent you into a panic were the two pictures that had been circled in pen.
One was of Neon.
The other was you.
All you could hear for a bit was your own harsh breathing, unable to focus on anything else while you looked at that bit of paper.
He was doing as he had promised. Uvogin and those others were going back to that building and they were going to kill everyone and then take you.
The remaining time you had to warn the others was slipping away and you stood petrified as you tried to figure out what you could do.
You couldn't fight them.
None of you could. The only one capable of that was Kurapika, and if Uvogin was still walking around, then he had to be dead.
You couldn't fight them.
The paper and the convenience store bags you had been holding fell to the ground as you bolted off in the opposite direction. You ran as fast as your legs could carry you until you were out of breath and aching all over. And even then you continued running. Uvogin's words, the things he did and the way he looked at you were still fresh in your mind. You couldn't face that; you knew you wouldn't win and you just needed to do whatever you could to get away from him.
Even if it meant only saving yourself.
Your kept running, sometimes bumping into people or cars, ignoring them as they yelled at you so you could keep going.
When you were thoroughly exhausted and ready to fall over, you made it to the airport, taking a few seconds to stop and catch your breath, resting your hands on your knees as you were ready to heave out your lungs. One of the airships would have to be departing soon. Buying a ticket wasn't an option; you'd need to go with a riskier route.
You jumped the fence into the airfield and were stopped almost immediately by a security guard.
“I don't know what you're thinking,” he yelled at you, “but you'd better be ready to-”
You focused your nen and a hyacinth formed, and you blew at the petals in the direction of the guard. When the petals hit him, he stopped his rant and his gaze turned blank as he stared at you.
“Let me on to the next departing airship,” you ordered.
“Yes miss.”
He moved robotically, leading you to an airship at the end of the field. Luckily nobody else approached you two. When you controlled someone with this ability, you could only give them three simple orders, and you could only use it on only a few people during a short period of time, and you didn't want to waste any of it using the guard to keep people off your back.
When you reached the airship, you told him “go ask the stewards to meet me at the entrance. And when you're done with that, I want you to go back to your station.”
“Yes miss.”
Once your last order was completed, he would be out of your control and would have no memory of you or anything that happened.
After ordering the stewards to take you to an empty cabin and to not let anyone enter during the flight, you let them go, slumping down in the window side seat after you had locked the door. The airship was taking off, and soon you'd be away from this nightmare.
The others wouldn't, though.
The reality of the situation struck you then, that you really had just run off and left them to fend for themselves. Unless some miracle happened, they were going to die. Melody didn't deserve that. Neither did Squala. Or Basho, or any of the others working for the Nostrades. Neon was a brat and she had proven that she didn't care for you or anyone else who worked for her, but that really wasn't her fault. And even if it was, it didn't mean that she should suffer for it. Not like that.
Tears began to roll down your cheeks, and you wrapped your arms around your knees as you curled up into your seat, cursing yourself for your cowardice and for just how pathetic you were as the airship lifted you higher.
The story you read months later was that of a mystery disappearance of multiple people in the hotel owned by the Nostrades. The bodyguards and employees had all vanished, leaving behind hotel rooms filled with signs of violence, but no sort of blood or bodies in sight. The only one left was a thoroughly traumatized Neon who could barely speak and was unable to offer any explanation as to what had happened. Not even her father was able to get her to speak. Nor could he get her to use her ability, and without his daughter's fortune telling, he lost that place he had carved for himself in the mafia community and quickly fell from grace.
The articles in magazines and newspapers focused more on that aspect of the story, of the millionaire who fell from his high social standing. No one seemed to care much about the people that had vanished. Very few articles mentioned the bodyguards, and fewer still bothered to name any of them. Your name had been listed in one of those articles as one of those who were missing, but what had made you sick was reading the names of the others and knowing that they weren't missing, but that they were dead.
'This was what you chose,' you told yourself bitterly. Instead of trying to take on the troupe in an effort to save them, you ran away like a coward. Though it wasn't like anything would have changed if you had confronted them, but maybe if you had, you wouldn't need to live with the guilt of knowing that you did nothing to try and help.
You were just too weak.
The world of the hunters, that thing that you had worked towards for so long, having gone through that exam so many times and coming so close to death every time you did, was no longer something you wanted to be apart of. The dream that you had of everything being alright in your life if you could just get that license was shattered after learning about nen. Even with that treasured license, you were still so horribly insignificant in this world, and the power that you held was ultimately meaningless in the long run.
After that eye-opening experience, and after everything you had been through in Yorknew, all you wanted was to go back to a normal life.
You sold your license and made a new home for yourself on the other side of the world, far away from Yorknew and anything remotely to do with the mafia community. You lived in a humble apartment and worked a decent job while you lived life with your head facing down, staying under the radar as best you could. Just existing with yourself as best you could.
Not a day went by that you didn't think about the people you had abandoned, or the words Uvogin had said to you on the stairs. That he would find you if you ran, and that the consequences would be worse for you if you did that. Months had gone by since that day, but your anxiety didn't allow you to relax in the slightest; he had been confident in his words, and after everything you had seen, you were certain that he wouldn't give up on finding you that easily.
Time had continued, and you were coming up on almost a year since the incidents in Yorknew. Returning late to your apartment after your shift, you were struggling to keep yourself awake as you slipped the key into the front door lock. You were ready to pass out as you entered, turning as you shut the door behind yourself. Had you been a bit more alert, you might have noticed the light that was on within your apartment that shouldn't have been on, or the shadow that loomed behind you the second you turned your back to lock the door.
What you did notice were the two strong arms that wrapped around your form and pulled you against a solid chest, and the breath that tickled against your ear as a terribly familiar voice whispered to you, putting you on full alert as you realized who held you.
And like that, your time of living in hiding came to an end.
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elvish-sky · 3 years
How Gandalf and Pippin Put Aside Their Differences for the Greater Good {Faramir x Reader}
A.N: OK GUYS- i literally tied my hand to my sister’s to figure out some of the logistics of movement for this. She thinks I’m crazy now. But I loved this request! I’m currently catching up on requests and also dealing with some personal issues, and I haven’t been happy with anything I’ve written in a really long time, but I’m really happy with this! It would mean so much to me if you guys liked it too, I put so much work into this and I’m so proud of it!
also- a thousand thank you’s to @gossip-girl-of-middle-earth for giving me an idea for this fic. i appreciate you letting me use it so so much. thank you.
Requested by @raineeace on Tumblr: Your recent request you wrote was beyond cute! You’re an amazing writer, so catch me reading the rest of your LOTR content !! I also wanted to request something as well! Can you do a Faramir x Fem!Reader and Gandalf and/or Pippin try to get them together? I loved the how you wrote Aragorn as cupid, and I wanted to ask if you could make these two matchmakers as well? Lots of fluff please and I can’t wait to see what you come up with! :)
Word Count: 2,334
Pairing: Faramir x Reader
Summary: You and Faramir have been mooning over each other for months, but nothing has come of Pippin’s efforts to get you together. What happens when Pippin enlists the help of a certain wizard?
Warnings: Fluff, Humor
How Gandalf and Pippin Put Aside Their Differences for the Greater Good {Faramir x Reader}
Pippin leaned over the banister, watching you and Faramir walk together below. You smiled at something the man said, then nodding your head goodbye and walking away. The hobbit watched as Faramir stood there, watching you go, looking oddly lonely.
Pippin had been watching/trying to get you and Faramir together for a while now. He had first noticed the chemistry and romantic tension between you when everyone was gathered waiting for Frodo to heal, and decided to do something about it. Now, months later, nothing had happened. Pippin thought that at this point neither of you was ever going to confess your very obvious feelings for the other.
At least, not without some extra help.
“Come on, Gandalf, please?”
The wizard shook his head, “I cannot believe you are still going on about this.”
“They need the help,” Pippin told him, “Plus, getting them to admit their feelings to each other would help them, and ease your exasperation with the two of them for walking in circles around each other!”
The wizard shook his head. “I’m not going to help you with this!”
“It’s for the greater good! Can you really stand to see the two of them mooning over each other all the time?”
“That’s true. It’s getting ridiculous,” Gandalf sighed, “Fine. I’ll help. Where do we start?”
Back in your room, you lifted your head from your desk as a loud, hobbitish whoop rand through the air. You chalked it up to Pippin hitting another elf, probably Legolas, with an apple, and returned to your work. You hoped that it wasn’t Legolas that Pippin had hit, because the last time that happened Legolas had promptly eaten the apple, and Pippin had bemoaned the loss of his snack for weeks.
That night, you left your room, closing the door behind you and setting off down the hallway. You’d barely made it fifteen feet when another door opened right in front of you and Faramir came rushing out, crashing into you.
“Y/N!” he exclaimed. “I’m so sorry, I didn’t see you there, I feel terrible!”
“It’s okay!”
You shuffled your feet, nervous to be so close to the person you’d been in love with for months.
It was also weird how close your rooms were- Aragorn had given everyone from the Fellowship and friends special quarters after his coronation. You could understand why the hobbits’ rooms were so close together, but wondered why Aragorn had placed you and Faramir almost directly across from each other. Probably because the two of you worked together the closest on negotiations with the other kingdoms.
Eventually, Faramir broke the silence with an awkward laugh.
“So, late to dinner?”
You smiled, glad he’d spoken first.
“Yeah. I got so focused on drafting that new trade agreement with the Iron Hills that I didn’t realize how low the sun was.”
He nodded. “I completely understand, I’ve done that far too many times, working on something like that or staying outside the city for far too long.”
Laughing, you looped your arm through his. “We should get to dinner before Aragorn yells at us.”
You entered the hall together, pushing open the doors to see your friends all seated around the high table. Dinners with the group had started when everyone was waiting for Frodo to heal and wake up and had just continued on, everyone reluctant to give up the time spent together.
Letting go of Faramir’s arm, you took your usual seat between him and his brother.
“What prompted you two to arrive together?” Boromir winked at you as he whispered.
“Huh? Oh, we just bumped into each other in the hall.”
“Sure, sure,” he smirked as he spoke.
“Pass the potatoes, please, Boromir.” You were determined to change the subject, and, happily, it seemed to have worked.
What you didn’t notice was Gandalf staring intently at you and Faramir, muttering something under his breath as Pippin watched gleefully.
You yawned, pushing your empty plate away with a groan.
“I’m stuffed. And tired. I think I’ll head to my rooms.”
Everyone said goodbye, and you pushed back your chair and went to stand.
But you couldn’t.
There were handcuffs on, one on your wrist, and the other on Faramir’s. And they hadn’t been there a moment ago.
“Who handcuffed us?” You were bewildered.
“Gandalf…” Faramir glared at the wizard.
Gandalf glanced behind himself, and, seeing no one, turned back around with an innocent expression.
“What could I have done to make this happen?” He gestured to your hands, still handcuffed together.
Faramir said, “I don’t know, but it had to have been you!”
“Ask yourself this, Faramir. What motivation could I have possibly had? I think one you probably just ran astray of something else?”
You sucked in a deep breath.
“Okay, then, how do we make it stop?”
“Only time will tell,” the wizard nodded sagely.
“What are we supposed to do until then?” You exclaimed.
“Just stay together? Do everything together?” Pippin looked all too pleased by this.
“Fine. C’mon Faramir.”
The man rose, and together you marched out of the hall, handcuffs clanking, never moving further than five inches apart.
Once in the hallway, you turned to Faramir, panicked.
“What do we do? We’re stuck five inches, or less, apart from each other for Eru knows how long, we both have important duties.”
“And there’s going to the bathroom, and sleeping, and eating..” he was just as freaked out as you.
You turned to each other.
“What are we going to do?!”
“Y/N, Faramir, chill.”
You tried to turn, but the clanking and tug on your wrist stopped you as you spun the wrong way, twisting yourself with Faramir.
“Ok, no wait,” he backed up, accidentally taking you with him.
“Here, go this way, move your hand left.”
“No, no, my left, my left.”
“Spin this way?”
“You go under, I go over?”
“Aha! Yes, that worked!” You high-fived each other clunkily, and turned, making sure to bring your arms over your heads so that your hands fell back again.
“Oh, Pippin! What were you saying?”
Pippin smiled at Faramir. “I can help.”
“Would you mind telling us how?”
“You just have to accept it!”
“WHAT?” You screamed in unison.
Back in the hall, Aragorn winced at the echo of the yell.
“Are you sure this was a good idea?” He questioned the wizard.
“Of course not,” Gandalf replied, “but it was not mine. It was all Pippin, and if anything goes wrong that’s who we’ll blame.”
Legolas chuckled. “Alright then. We’ll leave it all on Pippin.”
Boromir raised a mug of ale. “TO-”
He was cut off by a resounding shush, and, chastened, began again.
“To Y/N and Faramir”
Everyone echoed the sentiment, quietly, and clinked their mugs.
Back in the hallway, you and Faramir were glaring at Pippin.
“You want us to just live like this?”
“Yes! You’ll be fine, maybe it’ll wear off soon, and maybe you’ll learn something.”
“Ughhhhhh,” you stormed away, dragging Faramir behind you.
Approaching your door, you were suddenly stopped when Faramir halted behind you.
He shuffled his feet. “Whose room are we staying in?”
You considered. “Which one is bigger? We’ll need all the maneuvering space we can get.”
You walked together over to your doorway, poking your heads inside before moving back to his.
“Mine?” He asked.
“Yeah. You have more space and a bigger bed. Let’s just go back to my room so that I can grab a few things if I’ll be staying with you indefinitely.”
“How are we going to do this?”
You stared at Faramir’s bed.
“I have absolutely no idea.”
You hadn’t thought this situation could get any more awkward, but there it was. The crown jewel of awkwardness, coming out to torment you. It had been bad enough attempting to change into your nightclothes, which you’d managed by turning your backs to each other to put them on, and only wearing one sleeve. But this was worse.
You decided to just go for it, and climbed into the bed, sliding under the sheets. Your movement pulled the handcuffs so that Faramir went with you, and you ended up on one side of the bed, him on the other, hands cuffed together in the center.
“This is not very comfortable,” Faramir observed.
That was true. You were lying flat on your back when you always slept on your side, and you were literally handcuffed to another person. Unable to stand the absurdity of it all, you broke out into laughter.
Faramir joined in, and you laughed together until you had tears in your eyes. His smile was so bright in the dimly lit room, and you could listen to his laugh for a thousand years without getting sick of it.
When the laughter subsided, you decided nothing could be more uncomfortable than the position your body was currently stuck in.
“Do you usually sleep on your side?”
Faramir nodded, looking a little confused.
“Ok. I’m going to try something, it’s going to be really awkward, but we might actually be able to sleep.”
“I trust you, Y/N. Whatever you’re going to do will be fine.”
You smiled at him, internally still freaking out that you were sharing a bed with Faramir. But there was no time to panic, your shoulder was killing you.
Taking a deep breath, you flipped so that the handcuffed arm was now underneath you, chain stretching up to where Faramir’s arm hovered.
“Would you be alright with putting your arm over my waist?” You wanted to make sure he was comfortable with all this.
Craning your neck, you saw a faint blush creeping up his face in the dusky light.
“Only if it’s ok with you,” he seemed nervous.
You were too, but you nodded and felt him slowly settle his arm around your waist.
Once it was there, his hand gently hanging near your stomach, you both relaxed, letting out sighs as the tension left your bodies simultaneously.
And then you giggled. Again, because this was just too ridiculous.
He laughed too. “You alright?”
You nodded, the movement of your head bumping into his chest as he sucked in a breath.
“I’m good.”
It took a while for each of you to fall asleep, brains spinning with thoughts of the person next to you. But eventually, you did.
It was the best you had slept in years.
The next day, the two of you began to figure out how to go around with your hands stuck together. You ate by spooning the food into each other’s mouths one at a time, which you were pretty sure Boromir was sketching to memorialize forever.
You blinked your eyes open the next day to sunlight streaming through the windows, and soft breathing behind you. Carefully, you turned around so that your hands now rested between your bodies.
Faramir’s face was glowing with the light of the morning sun, hair spread on the pillow. You’d never seen him so peaceful, and he looked gorgeous like some Vala come across the world to Gondor.
Unable to resist the impulse, you leaned in and pressed a quick kiss to his cheek.
You quickly moved back, only to notice that the weight on your hand was gone.
You looked down.
The handcuffs were gone.
“Faramir! Faramir!” You shook him awake.
“What, Y/N?” He asked groggily.
His morning voice was perfection itself, and you had to bring yourself back to reality.
“The handcuffs are gone. Look!”
He shot up at this, looking down at his now-free hand.
“Wow! We should probably go let Gandalf know.”
You nodded. “Meet you in the hall in ten minutes?”
He gave you a thumbs up, and the last thing you saw as you closed the door was Faramir marveling at his now-free wrist.
Later, in the room that Gandalf had claimed as his office right next to the large hall where you usually ate, you sat together.
The wizard inquired, “What exactly happened?”
“The handcuffs were gone when I woke up,” Faramir told him.
“That shouldn’t have just happened. They were supposed to disappear when a physical manifestation of your affection for each other happened.”
“You did this?” You were outraged.
“Yes, Y/N, I did.”
Sensing that you were about to interrupt in outrage again, he added on.
“It should have been a physical manifestation of affection that was not circumstantial because of the handcuffs.”
You sighed, knowing what it was.
Faramir turned to you. “Do you know what it could have been?”
You stared straight at the floor.
“I… kissed your cheek when I woke up this morning.”
He blinked at you, shocked. Gandalf discreetly slipped out the door.
“You just looked so handsome in the sunlight with your hair glowing and I couldn’t resist and I’m so sorry and I’ll leave Gondor right now and never come back and what you must think of me no-”
You stopped rambling, looking at Faramir. He leaned closer to you, and in the depths of his eyes, you saw nothing but love. He paused for a moment, head tilted as if asking for your permission.
You nodded your head.
Faramir moved closer, tilting your chin up so that his lips met yours, kissing you oh-so-gently. Then somehow you were standing, lips still touching his as he surged closer and kissed you harder, like all the passion and feeling in the world was just pouring out of him and into you.
Finally, you broke apart, smiles on both your faces.
“I think I love you.,” you said, then clapped a hand over your mouth.
Faramir smirked. “It’s okay, Y/N.”
He pressed his forehead to yours. “I love you too.”
You gazed at each other for a few moments, before you grabbed his hand.
“Now, let’s go kill a wizard.”
Opening the doors to the hallway, you saw said wizard suddenly disappear.
You corrected yourself.
“Let’s go kill that wizard once he returns from wherever he’s hidden himself.”
Faramir laughed. “Let’s kill Gandalf later. For now, would you like to go for a walk?”
You smiled at him, looping your arm through his and pressing a kiss to his lips.
“Lead on, my love.”
Everything tag❤️: @entishramblings @itgetsatadhazy @boyruins @anjhope1 @kumqu4t @katbby16 @thewhiteladyofrohan @kirstenscaffeinateddisaster @beenovel @shethereadinghobbit @guardianofrivendell @hey-its-nonny
Fic tag: @eru-vande @annkdarar @lust4crust @the-reformed-ringwraith @ethereal-earendil
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heavyns · 4 years
smut ; kuroo x f!reader
warnings: yandere tones and behaviour, dubcon/noncon, size kink kinda, aphrodisiac, overstimulation, corruption kink, a mix of praise kink and degradation kink, lots of vulgar language, whatever the fuck horny 2 am me thought was dirty talk
important note : okay this is nasty and in no way should be condoned in real life. THIS IS NOT LOVE. consent is important and even if someone does consent, if theyre under the influence of alcohol, drugs, etc. that still does not count as consent.
anyways again, this is super self indulgent but some of you all might enjoy it so i'll leave this here. i might write a part 2 wherein the s/o is actually not under the influence of anything and kuroo's manipulative and possessive self really jumps out but idk
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kuroo was someone who didn't get drunk easily, didn't get hooked on things easily. but when it came to you, he was addicted. obsessed. he knows its not healthy and his actions would be deemed disgusting but he couldn't help it. not when his sweet little kitten was always so much more compliant this way. you had enjoyed it anyways.
he remembers the first time he's done this. you were so eager to please him. even when it was your first time, you took his cock so so well. and he remembers the time after that, and then the next and the next. it's been a few months since he started doing this but each time he does, you still think it's your first.
well he was partly to blame for it of course. you'd already be drinking yourself into a blackout drunk stupor at a party and he'd add a drug to the last drink he'd let you take, causing your hormones to act up and make you feel like a bitch in heat. it also makes you conveniently forget everything when you wake up.
you both had gone out to get some air, the red cup you were holding already empty of its spiked contents. a small smirk plays on his face seeing you fidget with the outfit you donned for the party.
"kitten are you feeling alright?" you turn to him and start giggling.
"never better!" you singsonged as you step closer to him and flashed him the same dazzling smile he's hooked on.
with the close proximity you had put yourself in, he can already see your half-lidded eyes blown out and your chest heaving labored breaths. your gaze flashes down to his lips and in a second, you gave him a peck. and then another. and another. until it melted into something more heated.
you didn't even try to fight for dominance as you submitted yourself to him. god, how can someone taste just so addicting? he's already feeling a semi grow the moment small mewls and moans come spilling out of your lips. the kiss breaks off as soon as he starts feeling your nails dig into his arm, signaling that you need to breathe.
"you've had too much to drink, how about we head home already?" he whispered to your ear, sending chills down. you only absentmindedly nodded at kuroo and proceeded to let him lead you. it was so endearing how much you trusted him. you didn't even question why he was bringing you over to his place instead of yours, already used to waking up on his bed with legs slightly sore but a smile and thanks as kuroo supposedly kept you safe.
you really had trusted him too much. it makes him want to just lock you up, keep you hidden from the rest of the world. it's so so tempting in all honesty, especially as he could be the only one to taint you. no, he should be the only one who can corrupt you. he is and will be the only one who stains your purity.
and he'll make sure of that.
who else can make your body elicit such reactions from just foreplay, if not him? who else can make your mind blank with thoughts of only him and pleasure? who else can make pure, delicate and oh-so-innocent you moan and say such sinful words?
it was addicting. being able to taint you over and over again. it's so cute how each time he does this, the look you give when you first see his cock is always the same, a mix of awe, anticipation and maybe even horror. he knows you were wondering if he can even fit but he already knew the answer.
a small plea leaves your mouth as he rubs his tip against your heat, collecting slick as he goes back and forth from your entrance. he chuckles as he can already see your mind go into overdrive from the teasing.
"please what kitten? i can't hear you."
"put... put it in, please, tetsuro."
"it? be more specific. and besides isn't this your first time, we should take it slow." he whispers to your ear in response. you let out a small hitch as at this point, he had aligned his cock right at your entrance already. he gave your thigh a squeeze as he watches your body squirm, eyes saying he won't let up until you say what he wants you to say.
"your cock! please! i'm begging you i'm ready just pleasepleaseplease-" you trail off as he lets the tip in, your body already welcoming it greedily. he watches your expression twist into that of pain, pleasure, confusion, and lust.
"your wish is my command, my love."
kuroo lets out a hiss as he pushes more of his length in, your walls already squeezing against him. it amazes him, how tight you still are. his hands grip your hips, keeping you in place as the sensation of him filling you to the brim was too much.
"t-tetsu- oh my god. pull.. pull out please you can't-" tears start forming as your former thoughts of you being able to take all of him dissipated. he quickly starts kissing you with fervor, swallowing your cries as he continues his actions, stretching you out entirely.
this was definitely one of his favorite parts from this regimen. the sight of you under him looking so small, tears streaming down your pretty face with his cock balls deep in you. if he could snap a photo to preserve this moment, he would. but he settles to commiting it to memory instead. its not like he needs a photo when he's seen you make this same face each time he makes love to you.
but soon enough, he can feel you tightening around him, confusion further settling in your face even more as the pain slowly fades into something else.
"see kitten, it's fine. you can take me. your body is all ready, adjusted to my cock so quick. like it was made to be fucked by me." his hips start thrusting into you, setting a slow and dragging pace at first. making sure you feel every vein, every inch of his cock.
"look at you, already making such a slutty face just from this pace? first time taking a dick but your pussy is so fucking eager, sucking me right back in." you could only moan from the dirty words that come tumbling from your boyfriend's mouth, hips starting to buck up into him, wanting to feel more.
he tutted and pulled out, a whine escaping you instantaneously. with little to no effort, he flipped your body over on your knees, his hand grabbing your hair and pulling your back to an arc. his length already probing back at your entrance and without warning, slamming back inside you with full force. a rough pace replacing the sensual one from before.
"i was taking it slow since this is your supposed first time, but you're such a whore aren't you? you really want to get fucked that badly? you really want to feel just how ruined you can get?" he asked but your mind couldn't form anything comprehensive from the way he was treating you. only your moans, his low groans and grunts and the lewd sound of skin slapping can be heard.
ah, how much he had loved this part as well. every single time he starts out slow, fully knowing just how needy you'd be from the aphrodisiac and foreplay, you'd always start begging to be fucked into oblivion. and who was he to deny the desires of his goddess?
he starts leaving open-mouth kisses to your body, careful not to leave any marks because as much as he wants to, he didn't want you to find out what happened the next morning. one hand trails up to play with your breasts and give your neglected nipple the much needed attention it wants. the other hand slithers down from your hips to your clit, causing a sharp inhale from you.
"fuck, you take me so well. even on your actual first time with me back then, you've done such a good job too. and still so tight- ah- i can't count how many times i've fucked you raw like this." his words were barely registering in your head as you start to feel lightheaded from the overdrive of pleasure and lust he's put you in.
"you forgot, but your body clearly didn't. you're so fucking wet, you're dripping onto my bedsheets. did you really miss my cock that much? you missed it didn't you? tell me how much you missed it." he prods as his hand comes back to your hips and helps you meet him halfway into the thrusts.
"i- ah fuck- missed you and your cock so so so much tetsu it feels so- oh! - good to have it in me again!"
"tell me how much you want it- no- need it, kitten."
"you t-taste so good- oh god! - i don't know how i lived without your cock before. it's so- ah! - thankyouthankyouthankyou!" you exclaimed as he pressed his chest flush against your back and brings his lips close to your ear.
"such a whore i've turned you into. you were such a good girl too, pure like white, just waiting for me to taint and stain. and now you're a cock-loving slut. all for me. my cock-loving slut. my perfect little kitten. my goddess to corrupt."
he starts leaving kisses all over your cheek until you turn your head and meet his lips with heat, saliva dribbling down the corner of your mouth as your hands travels up. one to entangle in his hai and the other to start playing with your nipple. you can feel it, the twisting and tightening of something like a knot in you.
then you start seeing stars, as kuroo hits a certain spot in you. a whole new wave of pleasure crashing into you as he keeps hitting the same spot repeatedly. and soon enough, his name starts tumbling out of your mouth like a mantra, a prayer. and the knot snapped.
he lets out a curse as you trap him in a vice-like grip, stars dancing your vision as you moan out his name. your body goes limp and leans onto kuroo's for support as he holds you up, hips still bucking into you.
"tetsuro- a-ah! - it hurts! fuck p-please no more i'm-" you protest as the overstimulation kicks in.
"it's okay kitten. you'll be okay. just one more, you can take one more. you'll be a good girl right? for me?"
he chooses to ignore your pleas and opted to leave kisses on your neck as tears start to wellin your eyes from the pain, mind screaming that enough. but he knows you'll be enjoying yourself soon, you always did.
and soon enough, you feel yourself melt back into his ministrations and submit into the lust, a high derived from the pain and pleasure nearing. he can feel himself reaching his high as well, the pace becoming erratic. then it became too much, your back arcing and your vision nearly going white as you drawl out his name, your walls clenching around him, and he couldn't pull out in time.
"ah! ah shit- fuck kitten! shitshitshit-" he cursed as his hips sputter into you, hands gripping hard on your hips, pulling your body closer into him. you were too good to him, milking his cock dry streak after streak. he hasn't cummed this hard for a long time, and he was sure every inch of your womb was painted with his seed. but as much as he loves the feeling of filling you up, he doesn't know if you're on the pill.
once the orgasms died down, he pulled out, a thick, heavy flow of his cum leaking out. and fuck, kuroo would be lying if the sight of your fucked out body under him bathing in the afterglow as his seed pours out of you didn't make his dick twitch.
rolling your body over right side up, he bends down and starts leaving a trail of kisses from your lips down to your abdominal area, eliciting small whines and mewls from you.
giving one last kiss atop your womb, he meets your eyes with a loving gaze. well, he supposes you getting pregnant from this isn't so bad.
he just has to make sure you remember your next time.
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anystalker707 · 3 years
Spicy horror
Pairing: Frank x [fem] Reader Word count: ~ 4 000 Genre: Smut / Fluff Summary: It's Halloween, and (y/n) and Frank finally confess their crushes to each other when binge watching horror movies on Frank's place. Kind of content: Praising / Protected / Oral
Requested by @thisisjustforrequestingfanfics (can't tag you, sorry hhh my T*mblr is acting weird)
a/n - I'm sorry that I coudn't proofread, I might do it soon; I was supposed to be asleep rn
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"You're just annoying, old man," I tease with a grin. "But don't whine or else you'll ruin the makeup!" I continue spreading the white concealer over his face, careful to get it on the corners around his nose and around his eye, though not to irritate his eyes.
"No, fuck you," Frank groans, his face twitching to suppress any expression. "Why can't we watch it again tonight? They're the best movies! And stop calling me old man, it's just my birthday! I'm not decomposing or anything!" Despite his words, he smiles, opening his eyes once I pull away, leaning back against the chair of the desk – I roll my eyes.
"Yeah, I agree." I grab the eyeshadow palette from the desk and move closer to him again. "TCM is a great series and all, but can we not watch it for a single week? It's your birthday and we can watch literally any horror movie! And it can be special, like, not something we've watched a thousand times already to the point we already know most of the lines." I glare before motioning for him to close his eyes.
Frank sighs grumpily, leaning his head back. "What are you planning on, then? Alien? Jaws?" He lets out a weird cry when I slap the side of his head lightly, though he is soon chuckling.
"And then you complain when I say how annoying you are!" I spread the dark eyeshadow over his eyes, humming. "It's been a while since we've watched The Howling, Evil Dead, House of Wax. I mean, 'm not gonna complain if we decide on Alien and Jaws either." He hums, pouting. "Don't worry, you're still my favorite old man." I press a kiss to his head.
"I hate you," he laughs.
After a little bit of fake blood and retouching on my makeup, the two of us are leaving Frank's house to go to school, waving his mother goodbye. We don't look like what most of the kids will go dressed up as – not putting enough effort nor choosing the same themes as the jocks and popular people and not invisible enough just to throw on whatever in a black theme. Frank looks like a chill vampire with Bela Lugosi's Dracula references, though still looking like a punk, while I decided on one of my favorite characters. Nothing too extra, but still in the vibe.
"You look ridiculous with that hair slicked back." I kick one of the pebbles on the sidewalk. "I prefer the hedgehog or whatever it is in the normal state."
"I honestly feel like I could kill someone just from biting their jugular off." He grins, throwing his nose in the air – I can't help but to chuckle; he's adorable. "But not gonna be anyone from school, they're not worth it neither their blood would taste good." He twists his mouth. "I feel like most I'd get would be booze, botox and steroids."
"Damn," I snort, "awfully accurate. You're gonna starve, sorry."
Frank pouts, looking down, but a smirk soon tugs on his lips as he takes a step closer. "But you're not that bad, baby, you know?"
"Oh, fuck off!" I roll my eyes, clicking my tongue. "You just want to get in my jugular!"
Both of us burst out in chuckles and our conversation eventually dies down when we walk past the gates to inside the school, replaced by jokes at other people's costumes, sometimes needing to hold onto each other from laughter.
We walk into the first class, already a bit late, but all it does is to attract everyone's attention the moment we step in.
"Ridiculous, as always," some girl mutters under her breath. Funny.
Frank wraps a hand around the length of the coat to stupidly bring it to cover the lower part of his face, looking around with narrowed eyes then wide ones. "I smell not just a lot of blood here," he says in a low and raspy voice, "but also stupidity!" He points at the girl judgingly, making her twist her mouth disgusted.
"I hope Freddy Krueger visits you tonight," I say when walking past her, patting her shoulder. A scream comes from her when noticing the fake blood stain I leave behind on her white outfit, having Frank and I chuckling on our way to the back.
No one really pays attention to the classes – it's Halloween, we're even in stupid clothes and anxious for whatever is going to happen later in the day, so the teacher doesn't even bother scolding Frank and I for talking nonstop in the back of the classroom. To be honest, I think only the goody two shoes are actually doing something, sometimes turning around to glare at the others.
"Okay, okay, shut up for a minute!" I tell Frank, taking a look at the messy words over my notebook to check if I forgot to write something down. "We've got The Howling, Alien, Evil Dead, House of Wax, Dawn of the Dead, Funhouse, Pumpkinhead..."
"Fright Night," Frank continues, "Opera, Cannibal Holocaust, Texas Chainsaw–"
"I said no TCM! Fuck you," I curse, rushing to write everything down, crossing out TCM when I accidentaly write it down.
"Friday the 13th, Poltergeist, Near Dark and Elm Street," he finishes, glaring at me. He hits my shoulder, not enough to hurt. "I'll make you watch TCM with me until you have memorized every single frame of it!"
"Your TCM phase will have died down by then!" I twist my mouth bitterly. "Sorry to kill the hype, baby!" I throw my nose in the air with a chuckle at his sulky manners. He furrows his eyebrows, sucking in a breath for words he never really gets to say. "And we still got to watch all these goth movies and shows lying around! Do you think it was easy finding the 60s Addams family show on DVD? Or that one Frankenstein version on cassette." Okay, the last one was easy to find in a yard sale, but still, it was just luck.
"Okay, mommy, please just don't punish me," Frank says with a groan and a fake moan. I stare at him as he's not able to contain his laughter before starting to hit him with the notebook.
"Too bad you're not a good boy, hun."
For once, school ends up actually being nice and just because Frank and I were getting in the character sometimes and pissing people off. By lunch, he had pulled on some sunglasses and looked like the stupidest fucker while eating his sandwich and smudging more of the lipstick and fake blood around his lips. At some point, we had pretended to have a fight and pierce the other's chest with a pair of scissors just to squeeze a bag of fake blood at whoever walked by – mostly some of the jocks or plastics. So much fun.
The house is quiet when we arrive back at it, a couple hours after school ended, and we find out, later, a note from Frank's mom apologizing she can't be here during the rest of his birthday, though she's sure he'll have fun with me.
"Imma take a shower," I sigh, pointing upstairs.
"Sure," he hums, looking up from the note for a moment to smile at me.
Thankfully, I always leave some clothes at Frank's place because I'm here far too often and not always have the chance or disposition to go back home and grab some clothes. It doesn't prevent me from stealing his hoodie, however, and walking out of the bathroom without all of that sticky makeup or fake blood is the best thing ever. Later, Frank is the one to go take a shower while I take care of the food he had already started to prepare.
"Much better!" I raise my eyebrows at the sight of Frank with his hair back to normal and only a bit of black makeup smudges the underside of his eyes now.
"Y'know, I never said a single thing about how you looked," he mutters with his brow low, coming to lean against the counter, next to me, "still, you've been attacking me every chance you got!"
"Does it offend you?" I smile.
"No, but it still hurts!" He sniffles, a hand flat against his chest. "I know I'm too badass for you to handle, but you don't need to let it be that clear!"
I look at him from head to foot. "I hate you, y'know that?"
"Love you too, hun!" He grins and moves closer, cupping my face exaggeratedly to peck my cheek before we head upstairs with everything we need.
We turn the lights on to organize everything, soon sitting down against a pile of pillows and with food surrounding us, though most of it is on the bedside tables since Frank, mainly, gets extremely uncomfortable with it falling on the bed. It doesn't matter, though, since the food and half empty cans end up going forgotten halfway through the movie at the same time the chatter dies down and we watch The Evil Dead as if it was the first time.
Some funny part comes on – well, not exactly funny, but enough to make us chuckle quietly – and brings us back to reality, sighing and glancing at each other, adjusting our postures as we'd slid down the pillows.
Frank yawns.
"Already tired?" I tease, poking his shoulder.
"No." He pouts, crossing his arms over his chest. "Getting tired is for losers." He does glance at the clock on his bedside table, however, and the red glowing numbers say it's six something.
"You're my favorite loser, then." I smirk lightly, exhaling.
Frank's eyebrows knit together as he looks at me, but then rolls his eyes. "Well, duh, of course I am! Who else? I'm the best." He scoots closer until his head is leaning on my shoulder and I can't help but to smile.
"No, I am," I groan, arms wrapped around him.
"I am!" He glares and, at some point, we end up in a wrestling match, pushing each other around the mattress among laughter and curses, which comes to a stop when we start getting too tired and I just let Frank lie down on top of me, head on my chest, still watching the movie. "Do you like anyone, (y/n)?" he asks suddenly. "Like, got a crush?"
Random. Why does he want to know? I mean, I do have a crush, but telling him about it is difficult.
"Um, yeah, I guess, why?" I blink, startled when he suddenly brings himself up on his elbows to stare at me.
"I swear to God I'll hunt them down if you forget about me because of them, do you understand?" Frank presses his forehead to mine. "You're the only one I got, sometimes I'm so worried you'll even leave me for whatever reason."
"What?" I breathe a chuckle, though there's not exactly anything funny here. "Never in my right mind would I do that! And you can't hunt my crush down if my crush is actually you," I laugh in a sudden rush of confidence, which wears out awfully quickly, leaving me lying there and rethinking every life choice.
"Me?" Frank widens his eyes. At the lack of answer, he takes a hold of my collar, straddling my hips. "Did I hear it right? Please, (y/n), (n/n), soulmate? I'm your goddamn crush? For how long?"
I shake my head lightly, shrugging. "Months? A long time."
"And you just told me now?" He cries, forehead pressed to my shoulder. "Slow motherfucker."
"I didn't want you to leave me either, c'mon!" I sigh in defeat, running a hand through his hair. "I remember that time a girl confessed to you and you'd simply vanish whenever she showed up. What if that was with me? I'd not be able to live like this, y'know that."
"Y'know, yeah, seeing it from that point..." Frank shrugs, bringing himself up to face me again. "Still, I wouldn't avoid you like that! Dunno, but it doesn't matter now because you just relieved me of months of suffering. Looking at these pretty lips without being able to kiss it." He furrows his eyebrows, eyes on my lips. "Can I kiss you, tho? Now that we feel stupid for all these months. Damn. At least I feel."
I breathe a chuckle. "Of course! Do you think I wasn't dying to do it either?"
Next thing I know are Frank's lips pressed against mine softly, soon growing firm with confidence. His fingers run along my neck lightly, in a caring manner, dropping to trace my collarbones.
"Also," Frank breathes, pulling away; his face never moves farther than a couple of inches whilst he adjusts his position, lying down beside me on the mattress. "Maybe it's wrong to say and I've always tried to say it in a subtle manner, but–" his eyes meet mine, "–you've got the body of a goddess! Like, dunno, sometimes you comment about not having an 'ideal', skinny body, but you're just so perfect," he groans, wrapping his arms around me tightly.
"Frank!" I tap on his back lightly. It's not that I don't like what he said – no, damn, it sends my heart fluttering, this warmth taking over my chest –, but is it really the truth? I didn't think it was possible for anyone to tell me this.
"No, I'm telling the truth!" Frank grins. "Like, your thighs and all. I just want to squeeze and bite you! Not in a bad way, I mean." I must give him a funny look because of how flustered he grows, tongue playing with his lip ring as he looks away. "There's a lot to unpack, fuck, I thought it was obvious how I always sit there gazing at you and shit, but..."
"Likewise." I glare playfully, making him chuckle.
"Y'know–" Frank smiles lazily, "–this is the best birthday I've ever had, by far." He brushes his lips against mine softly, watching me through half lidded eyes. "Never knew you'd actually like me back. Never believed it was possible, to be honest."
"I never cogitated you like me," I breathe.
"Well, okay," he says, "we've already gotten through this. I think we should focus on now."
"I'm not the one who keeps bringing back past thoughts!" I chuckle at how he pouts, scowling funnily.
"Shut up, shut up, I get it!" Frank rolls his eyes and presses his lips to mine before I can say anything, having me smiling against the kiss until returning it, wrapping my arms around his neck to pull him closer. Now that we've finally kissed, keeping our lips off each others' feels almost impossible – letting go of each other feels almost impossible. "God fucking damnit," he groans under his breathe, moving to press kisses down my jaw, soon reaching my neck.
A sigh escapes my lips at the kisses, though it turns into quiet pleased sounds at the feeling of his teeth pulling at my skin and sometimes closing around it, sucking on it whilst all I can bring myself to do is tugging onto his hair. Suddenly, however, feeling his hands traveling down to my hips and squeezing them makes me gasp, probably reacting a bit more than I intended.
"What?" Frank pulls away at the same moment, eyes wide. "Did I do something wrong? Please– Damn, I'm so sorry!"
"N-No, no," I finally bring myself into speaking up, feeling my cheeks burn bright red. "I, um, I actually... liked it. A lot. Sorry if I scared you, I just wasn't expecting it. I don't mind, really," I insist as he continues looking at me with furrowed eyebrows.
"You sure?"
"Yeah!" I smile, bringing him for a quick kiss before he's trailing down my neck again.
Frank's hands go down my body, experimentally at first and then squeezing my hips again, receiving another reaction this time, including just a soft gasp as I push my hips up – a shiver runs down my spine with it, a nice one. Fuck.
"Damn..." Frank breathes, hands running down to my thighs then up again to slide under my shirt. "It's a bit early, maybe–" he shrugs, looking at me, "–but... is it okay if..."
Holy hell. "Of course," I say without thinking much – he continues to stare, so I nod.
"Fuck yeah," he mutters, lips against mine for a few seconds before he's pulling my shirt over my head and the expression on his face carries such admiration that I can't help but to feel embarrassed for a moment. He never lets me cover myself, nonetheless, hands flying to my waist to hold firmly onto it as he's pressing kisses from my stomach to my hip. "No, seriously–" he sits up again, "–how can someone be so perfect?" He seems to be talking mostly to himself, getting rid of his shirt.
"Dunno." I grin. "How does it feel to be so perfect, baby?"
Frank exhales shakily. "You'll be the death of me and I ain't even joking." He presses a kiss to my collarbone, starting to nibble down at the skin again, trailing down to my chest, lips sometimes lingering over my breasts – sure as hell he leaves a few marks behind, considering how invested he gets.
Something tells me he doesn't know what to focus on. His hands never stay in the same place for too long, going down my thighs then trailing up to my waistband, up my torso, and then he repeats it.
"C'mon," I mutter, placing his hands on my waistband. He's a bit hesitant, but quickly undoes the buttons and starts pulling it down – I help him, kicking the pants away in the end.
A string of curses slip past Frank's lips as he quickly gets rid of his jeans too and, when coming back, he kneels down between my legs this time, spreading them apart. Our lips are yet again locked in a kiss, different from the others, more heated up and urgent this time as we hold onto each other. I play with the hair on the back of his neck and tug onto it instead at the feeling of his hands around my ass, groping.
"Frank, damn," I breathe quietly for a second we pull apart and, opposite to earlier, he gets the hint and does it again, humming against my lips. Once he stops groping, his hands just run along my skin, up and down my body, sometimes lingering. The most lovesick look decorates his face when he pulls away. My heart.
I place my hands on Frank's shoulders as I sit up, changing our positions. He observes me with wide eyes and I smile at him before pressing kisses to his neck, leaving behind a hickey before I can go lower and lower until my fingers are around the waistband of his boxers and I pause, looking up at him, and continue after he nods.
Frank's already half hard, a breath hitching in his throat as, after discarding his boxers, I assume my previous position.
Even if it's not the first time I've done that, this nervousness still lies under my skin as I wrap a hand around him, pumping him lightly before wrapping my lips around the head experimentally. He breathes sharply.
Only halfway through it that I allow myself to look up at Frank, pausing for a moment after finding out he's been watching, propped up on his elbows, eyes focused on me and jaw slack, but I don't look away, hollowing my cheeks instead and watching him break under my gaze, letting go of all the tension for a second.
I repeat the motions a few times and pull away, licking up along the underside, around the tip, and he's suddenly pulling me away – eyes wide and face flushed this time.
Frank mumbles something I can't quite understand, but it doesn't really matter. He moves closer, both of us soon assuming the position we were in minutes ago, pressed against each other. Now, he removes my underwear and his hand slips between us, however.
Pleasure is sent ringing up my spine at the feeling of Frank's fingers slipping past my lips, quickly finding my clit and wasting no time on working his thumb on it while a couple of fingers tease my entrance. Moans just escape my throat easily after he breaks the kiss, mouthing his way until the inside of one of my thighs – he bites and sucks on the skin there. His tongue is suddenly there, then, against my clit, working around it before being replaced by his lips and my vision goes fucking blank when I can feel him sucking on it.
"Fuck," Frank curses once pulling away, moving to frantically rummage through the nightstand's drawer; I groan at the loss of touch, pushing my hips up into nothing.
Hearing the sound of foil being torn makes me understand what's happening, and I watch him rush to slip the condom on, giving us a moment to catch our breath before he's positioning himself, a hand on my hip whilst another holds himself up.
"Tell me if there's something wrong, okay?" he asks slowly, "I'll stop right away. Don't be afraid."
"Same to you," I say softly, cupping his face to pull him for a soft, quick kiss.
Frank smiles with a nod and looks down before I can feel him against my entrance, pushing in slowly. I wrap my arms around his shoulders tightly, feeling his chest vibrate against mine with the low moan coming from him, replaced by a sigh once he sinks in completely. He starts moving right away, hips jerking experimentally before attaining a heavy and slow pace which doesn't last long due to how needy we are already.
I gasp at how he thrusts in harder, wrapping my arms around his shoulders to hold him close and having my legs around his hips, instinctively.
Curses and praises are breathed into my ear among moans, somehow making the pleasure pool down in my lower stomach even more intensely, summed up to feeling his hands groping on my ass again, fingers sinking into the skin.
"You're just so perfect, (y/n)," he babbles, "and even better that now you're all mine."
Suppressing a louder moan turns out to be impossible at the feeling of Frank's hips reaching a certain angle and, soon, the answer I had in my slips away from my grasp and all there's left is just how good he feels. I travel a hand up to his hair, remembering how he reacted to it earlier, and tug on it in a form of response, though also wanting to hear how pathetically he moans at it.
"'M gonna cum," I manage to say before being cut off by a moan, arching my back.
"Me too, babe," he groans, "almost there."
Frank pauses, adjusting himself so a hand is under my thigh and another on the mattress for major support and his thrusts are suddenly harsher. I throw my head back at the same time, holding onto him tightly, and it doesn't take long for all the pleasure that had been building up so far to unravel at once – it apparently triggers the same on him, considering how tight his grasp gets whilst a higher pitched moan comes from him.
Coming down from the high, I feel almost numb, in a good way. Frank pulls away and I'm only aware of him when he's lying down next to me, both of us breathing heavily and unable to do anything aside from staring at the ceiling for a long moment.
"Damn, I love you so much, so much," he mumbles again.
I breathe a chuckle, feeling him cuddling up to me, arms wrapped around me. "And I love you, dumbass." I press a kiss to his head.
"My girlfriend now, right?" he asks. "Nevermind, you don't get to choose." He chuckles, though it quickly dies down. "Just kidding, okay? Tell me to and I'll fuck off."
I laugh, still breathless. "Of course I am. I didn't confess for nothing."
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underrated-love · 3 years
Building a blanket fort
Characters | Lev, Tendou, Akira
A/N | I’ve built a lot of forts in my time, they are amazing 10/10, but I lot can happen while building them. Tendou is fun a fun guy to write for.
He’s a giant kid
He probably saw someone build one on tv and immediately wanted to aswell
Who are you to say no?
“Y/n hurry up! That’s the last thing we need,” Levs calls from the living room of your home, where he’s crouched over all of your blankets and pillows, holding them in place to make a fort.
You walk in with a bag of pegs in one hand and a half eaten bar of chocolate in the other.
Lev was looking at you with confusion and slight betrayal when he saw you clearly weren’t going to share the chocolate with him, but the thought left his mind when you threw the pegs toward him. With one hand holding the fort together, the other was pegging blankets and pillows together to keep the fort from collapsing.
He was done by the time you finished your snack, and you walked over to observe his work.
“It’s cool yeah? Get inside, I made a bed out of pillows,” he lifted a corner one one of the blanket walls and ushered you inside.
It was surprisingly good, the floor was lined with cushions, the blankets kept out the glare from the sun, there was only one problem, “Uh, Lev? I don’t think you’re gonna fit in here.”
Immediately he’s poking his head through the entrance, “What’s that supposed to mean? Of course I’m- Oh.” He pouts as he realises it’s definitely too small. He only has his torso inside as he lies on the floor, but it’s already taking up all the room.
Bringing his head to your lap, you run your fingers through his hair, “It’s fine you big baby. I’ll help you make it bigger in a minute.”
I can see him building so many forts when he was young
A little safe space for him
So A. He’s probably great a making them
And B. He’s absolutely a menace
Coming home from getting food you set the bags down in the kitchen before wandering into the living room. You’re met with a large fort made from blankets and pillows.
“Tendou? What’s up with the fort?” You ask, looking around for your red headed boyfriend.
“You’re back! Hey, baby!” Looking down you see Tendou peering out from a makeshift window in his fort.
“Hi,” you smile, leaning down to face him, “Can I come in?”
He ponders for a moment, bringing his hand up to tap against his chin, “I don’t know, this fort is only for cool people. But you can sit out there if you want, the company would be nice.”
You turn away from him, missing the way his mouth curls into a mischievous grin. Getting up to grab something from the kitchen you can hear him protesting behind you.
“Chill out, I was just getting a snack,” you say, returning to sit outside his blanket fort.
“Ooh? Can I have some?”
“Hmm, I don’t know,” you start, copying his words from earlier, “I think you’re too cool to eat this.” Turning away from him to stifle your laugh.
The next moment you feel arms wrap around you and you’re being pulled backwards into the fort.
“Ah fine, I guess I can make an exception for you, just this once,” he smiles, littering your face with kisses.
He takes a lot of naps, why? No one knows
But he’s a low energy man
So when you leave him in charge of building a blanket fort?
Not much gets done
“Akira?” You start, shifting lightly from where you lay on his chest to look down at him, “You know what we should do?”
“Hm?” He hums, opening his eyes to look at you. It’s times like these where they hold the most love; when he’s sleepy and clingy, and smiles at you so fondly.
“We should build a blanket fort,” You’re already pushing yourself up, and pulling the pillow out from under Kunimi’s head. “Come on, it’ll be so fun!”
Slowly he gets up, he was about to fall asleep, right before you started talking, but he’s not gonna tell you that now. Instead he just wraps the blanket around his body, and gathers the other pillows from the bed while you raid the storage cupboard to get more blankets.
You both meet in the middle of the lounge room and dump everything onto the soft carpet. Sifting through, you pull out the pillows and lay them just to the side of the blanket pile.
“Ok I think we have everything, and if we set it up here we’ll be able to watch a movie later! Oh wait! I should go get some more snacks, I think we ran out of chips. Think you can man the fort while I’m gone?”
With a groan at your pun he nods his head anyway, picking up a blanket to start building. You dash off to put your shoes on and grab some money.
“Akira, have you seen the car keys?” Wandering back to the living room you didn’t expect to see your boyfriend sprawled out over a makeshift bed of blankets and pillows. You can’t have been busy for five minutes, but it’s looks like he’s already asleep.
Kneeling next to him you brush some hair away from his head, leaning down to press a kiss to it. The second you make contact, Kunimi is pulling you down to lay next to him, “Stay here.”
“What happened to the blanket fort?” You don’t make any effort to leave, only snuggling closer to his arm.
“I got tired. Now shush, I wanna nap.”
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solarwonux · 3 years
Champagne Kisses 
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soft!dom wonwoo x f!reader x soft!dom minghao 
W.C: 4.6k
Summary: Minghao get’s a special gift on his birthday.
Warnings: threesome, blindfolds, sex tape?, pictures, soft!dom Wonwoo, Soft!dom Minghao, daddy and sir kink if you like squint, spanking, praise, cream pie?, cum fucking, double penetration. I’ll see myself out.
Note: Hi again, I’m unhinged lolol. This was supposed to go up on Minghao’s birthday but you know life happens. I hope you enjoy it let me know your thoughts.
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“Why are you out here by yourself?’
Minghao smiled as he felt your arms wrap around his shoulders, your hands going down his chest toying with the buttons of his silk shirt. He turned his head to the side and pecked your lips lightly. “Just thinking, where are the guys?” Minghao raised his hand and moved a strand of hair behind your hair, his thumb caressing your cheek softly.
“Too drunk to know we’re gone.” You kissed his cheek and retreated your arms. Minghao sighed and watched as you made your way to sit in front of him. Blocking his view of the moon reflecting against the river, his father’s stolen yacht was sitting on.
“We’re stealing your father’s yacht for your birthday?” Seungcheol had asked earlier, dropping his flamingo floatie to the floor. The slight hint of disappointment erupting from the back of his throat.
“Technically when his father dies it’s not his yacht anymore but Minghao’s, so he didn’t really steal it.” Jeonghan winked, clapping his back making him stumble slightly. “I say we leave before they find out we’re here.” You giggled while lacing your hand in Minghao’s and tugging him down the dock. A course of agreements sounded as they followed the two of you onto the deck of the yacht. Seungcheol followed along mumbling underneath his breath. He had forgotten about the whole scenario after a few glasses of Minghao’s father's overly expensive champagne and now he was passed out in the hot tub clutching an empty bottle to his chest.
Minghao smiled smugly, his hands pushing away the fur coat that had once sat in the back of his mother’s closet untouched. He sucked in a breath, his pupils going wide with lust as he took in the black pearl lace lingerie that was adorning your body. His long finger hooked under the string of pearls that hooked onto the band of your fishnets and pulled it gently. “No one has seen you?” He let go the string of pearls, watching in awe as it ricocheted against your skin.
“Only Wonwoo.” You whispered, grabbing his hand in yours bringing it up your body slowly. His fingers dancing around the lace and pearls of your lingerie making his heart race. “He’s waiting for us in the back cabin.”
Minghao wrapped his arm around your waist and pulled you to straddle his lap. “Not yet, let me take this in a little longer.” His hands snuck underneath the fur coat and traveled up your back slowly before pushing it off your shoulder. He let out a content sigh before attaching his heated lips against your soft skin. He couldn’t get over how exquisite you looked underneath the white light of the moon, wrapped up fur, lace and pearls. And he was a little annoyed that Wonwoo had seen you first than him. “He hasn’t touched you yet right?” Minghao whispered against your skin, peppering kisses from your shoulder following the trail of pearls that cupped your bra, stopping at the navel of your breast. His eyes gazing up at you, patiently waiting for your answer.
“Nope, he only walked in when I was about to walk out. I don’t think he really saw anything.” Your hands went up Minghao’s back and into his hair, your onyx nails tugging on his roots lightly making him groan.
“Good.” He winked and leaned back against the bed of the deck. “Let me take a picture of you first before we go meet him.” He tapped on your hip, signaling for you to get up as he fished out his phone. The one time leaves his film camera at home is the one time he desperately needs it. He was itching to have it in his hands, to watch you through the lens as the night sky pours down your heated body. While his fingers desperately dial up the film before he releases the shutter making his need for you grow in anticipation. It was a feeling he knew too well, and now was craving it and if you hadn’t rushed him out of the apartment that afternoon he would be relishing in it now. His phone camera would do for now.
“Where do I stand?” You got off his lap and walked to the railing of the yacht, the fur coat sliding off your shoulders exposing the lace and pearls as they glimmered against the fluorescent lights of the deck.
Minghao mindlessly opened the camera app on his phone and looked over at you as you turned around, inches away from the white railing. Everything about your attire that he hadn’t been able to see coming into view and he felt his lungs give out. No matter how used to he was seeing your body decorated in all sorts of fabrics, you always took his breath away which is why he had decided to photograph each moment with you in case one day he’d forget. “Lean against the railing.” He held his phone up and adjusted the lighting settings before snapping a shot. His pants grew harder by the second and if it wasn’t for the fact that his boyfriend was waiting for him he would’ve taken you against the railing.
You opened the fur coat a little more as Minghao silently took a few more shots. His hands were shaking you could tell. A smirk formed on your face, your mouth had started to water as you noticed the straining of his slacks against his cock. “One more Hao, before I beg you to fuck me here where our friends can see and it ends with Wonwoo punishing us both.” You pulled the fur coat up your body again and closed it. Minghao whined as he brought his phone down and closed the app.
“I thought you said they were too drunk to notice.”
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“What took you guys so long?”
Wonwoo stood up from the navy blue lounge chair he was sitting in, a new glass of champagne settled in between his fingers. His white button down opened revealing the soft ridges of his abdomen, your hands desperate to touch.
“Hao, wanted to take some pictures.” You pry Minghao’s hands from your waist and walk over to Wonwoo, taking the glass of champagne, pecking his lips and sitting on the bed, legs crossed, your fur coat still closed. “You decorated?” You tilted your head to the side and leaned back on your hand as you watched Minghao make his way to Wonwoo and kiss his lips gently.
When you had left the room to get Minghao, the room was annoyingly bare. The gold accents around the room obnoxiously reflecting against the harsh light. But now as you looked around beyond your boyfriend’s clinging onto one another, the gold accents were muted against the soft candle light of the many candles Wonwoo had without a doubt set up. Rose petals were thrown messily and in a hurry around the floor of the room and white linen bed, the chilled champagne you had snuck in earlier was now on display. It took everything in you to not get down on your knees and beg for their touch. But you had been the center of attention for many of your sexual escapades with them that now it was time to take a step back because it was Minghao’s day.
“If I had known the two of you were gonna have an impromptu photo shoot I would’ve put a little more effort.” Wonwoo rolled his eyes playfully and kissed Minghao’s temple before sending you a playful wink and walking over to where the champagne sat. “Did you bring your camera Hao?” Wonwoo asked, taking the chilled bottle in his hands and pouring a decent amount into the glasses.
“Nope, our baby doll here dragged me out of the house before I could get it.” Minghao sat next to you and wrapped his arm around your shoulder. He kissed your cheek, then your lips and finally took the glass out of your hands. You silently protested and watched as he slyly brought it up to his lips.
“Bummer...I would’ve loved to use it right about now.” Wonwoo walked over and squatted down in front of you and Minghao. He hands you a glass and raises his own, You and Minghao copy his movements. “Happy Birthday baby.” Wonwoo smirks at Minghao as the three of you cling your glasses together.
“Happy Birthday Hao, I hope you’re ready to unwrap your presents.” You wink at him and down your glass in one gulp before standing up and walking over to the windows that looked out into the water. You set your glass down onto the table and push the fur coat off your shoulders, letting it slide down your body. “I want to be the first one.” You turn around to face your boyfriends, the air catching in the back of their lungs, eyes bulging out of their sockets. Your body looked good enough to devour underneath the glimmer of the candles around the room.
“You went out like that?” Wonwoo exclaimed tugging onto his slacks making you smirk as you nodded and walked over to the two of them. He looked over at Minghao who for the third time that night couldn’t wait to get his hands on you. “And no one saw you?”
“Nope only Minghao.” You smiled and straddled each of their thighs, your arms settling against their shoulders as they drank you in like bittersweet alcohol. “I told you he hadn’t seen Hao.” You sent Wonwoo a wink before kissing Minghao’s nose. His hand found purchase against your waist toying with the pearl waistband of your garterbelt.
“I wouldn’t have let you leave the room if I did.”
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“Kiss me.”
Minghao cupped your face with his hands turning your attention away from Wonwoo making the older boy pout. Your cheeks flushed as you leaned in and kissed him softly, whimpering against his lips. He tasted sweet, but with the bitterness of overly expensive champagne that wasn’t half as good as the cheap one you always bought for family dinner every month, but it was addicting and expensive and it made you want more.
In your desperation you unbuttoned Minghao’s silk shirt as fast as you could, a low chuckle erupting from Wonwoo. You pulled away and glared at your boyfriend as Minghao’s lips trailed down the side of your neck until it reached the pearl strap of your bra. “Want a kiss too?” Mingao’s tongue toyed around with it as he looked over at Wonwoo who had discarded his shirt and was now looking at the two of you with an overwhelming amount of hunger.
Wonwoo didn’t answer, instead he reached over and brought your face up to his. His lips attacking yours in a hungry and messy kiss, a full juxtaposition of Minghao’s tender one. It was always like this and you should’ve been used to it by now considering how long the three of you had been together, but it still managed to catch you off guard.
Minghao’s hands had disappeared from your body in the midst of your kiss with Wonwoo and you could only assume he was rushing to get his phone. When the shutter went off your suspicions were proved right only making you laugh at his antics. He always made false claims about you and Wonwoo being his muses and Minghao did everything in his power to prove it to the two of you. The amount of pictures and sketches that laid around the house were a few indicators, but it was his tender touch and sinful words that made you believe his claims.
Wonwoo pulled away, leaving you panting as Minghao laid back on his elbows continuing his impromptu photoshoot. “On your knees baby.” Wonwoo kissed your cheek hitting your ass lightly making you jump “I know Hao misses having your mouth around him.” He winked and stood leaving you and Minghao behind.
“If you hadn’t interrupted us this morning in the shower maybe I wouldn’t be missing it so much.” Minghao rolled his eyes as his phone camera followed  you closely. You got off their laps and sank down onto your knees. He put his hand on your cheek caressing it softly, his thumb swiping over your bottom lip tugging it lightly. You hummed taking it in your mouth, your doe eyed look driving the two lust ridden men insane as you sucked on his digit.
“I didn’t want to miss out on all the fun.” Wonwoo captured Minghao’s lips in a heated kiss, his hand snaking down his toned chest until it reached Minghao’s slacks. “Plus, making you wait was fun.” He licked his lips as he popped open the button of his pants. He moved his hand and gripped Minghao through his boxers earning a guttural grunt from him.
You pulled away from Minghao’s thumb and sat onto your knees. “You sound so pretty sir.” You moved your hands up his thighs before meeting Wonwoo’s. “Not your turn daddy.” You slapped Wonwoo’s hand away, earning a glare from the man as he pulled away from Minghao’s lips.
Minghao’s chest heaved against the cold air of the cabin. The two of you always managed to overwhelm his senses no matter what and the constant fight for dominance didn’t help his case either. Though he never found himself wishing for less.
“Use your mouth baby girl, show me how good you can be for me.” Minghao panted. His wet digit caressed your cheek before guiding you to his angry cock.
“Yes sir.” You stuck your tongue and toyed with his slit humming at the bittersweet taste of his precum. You looked up at him through hooded eyes and you slowly took him into your mouth. His head falling back in ecstasy at the feeling of your hot mouth taking him in.
You had missed watching him and Wonwoo fall apart at your mercy. Just like they had missed watching you and each other succumb to sensual pleasure.
“Give me your phone.” Wonwoo breathed, taking Minghao’s phone before letting the pleasure-filled man answer. You moved your head slowly, along with your hand that squeezed around the rest of his cock that wouldn’t fit in your mouth. Minghao’s low moans filled the room as he lost himself. He pushed your head further down making you gag. Wonwoo moaned at the sound and palmed himself through his slacks. Usually he had unbelievable self control but you could blame the drinks he had and the sexual frustration that had been building up for months on end for caving in so early on in the night.
You bobbed your head faster along with your hand as Minghao started thrusting his hips into your mouth. “You look so pretty on camera baby.” Wonwoo coed as he pulled Minghao back in for another kiss, this time it was slow and short not wanting to lose the cinematic masterpiece Minghao had started creating. The three of you didn’t do this often—the video thing. But every time you did you found yourself wanting to perform your best even if the only people who were gonna watch were you and your boyfriend’s.
“Fuck, she never stops looking pretty even now as she gags and cries around my cock.” Minghao groaned. He pulled your head away with a sultry pop. You sat back panting, wiping your mouth with the back of your hand. Missing the way he felt inside your mouth, but you knew he had been close from the way he had started to pulse against your tongue. And he didn’t want to come undone so early in the night.
You whined. Minghao shook his head and kissed your head lightly before tapping your ass lightly. “No one’s coming until you cum at least three times.”
“But today is about you.” You pouted and rested your chin on top of Wonwoo’s thigh. He had put the phone down and continued to please himself while you watched. Your mouth watering at the sight.
“And my birthday wish is to see you cum on my tongue.”
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Minghao, Wonwoo and you had been together for four years. Two of those years had been kept a secret from everyone around the three of you. It would’ve stayed a secret if the three of you hadn’t been careless at Vernon’s Halloween party one year, where your friends thought you were two timing them when Mingyu had caught you making out with them on separate occasions. Your friends had confronted you and eventually the truth was out.
Point being that after four years you should’ve been familiar with the way they liked to touch you. But you weren’t and they knew this as they always switched it up on you to keep you on your toes and wanting more. Which is where you found yourself now blindfolded, half your carefully crafted lingerie torn apart and two orgasms post dazed and still no clue who was giving them to you.
“Last chance to guess right baby.” Wonwoo whispered in your ear and kissed his way down your body. You only knew it was Wonwoo because he liked to bite down and suck on your skin in order to leave a trail behind. Or maybe it was Minghao who had decided to pick up Wonwoo’s quirk. Whoever it was it was driving you insane.
“And if I don’t?” You arched your back as two mouths attacked your breasts, licking and tugging against the sensitive buds.
“It’s my birthday I decide what happens.” Minghao snickered two hands, one warm and one cold made their way down your body until they reached your mound. “Do you want to cum again?”
“Yes, please sir please.”
“Then guess right.” Wonwoo said, you could almost visualize the smirk plastered on his face knowing they were gonna get their way and you were going to end up on the receiving end like always. They both tugged at your nipples with your teeth once more before they retreated. You sighed digging your fingernails into the palms of the hands you were holding. A sign of comfort in the midst of torturous pleasure.
You laid there agonizingly waiting for their next move, whispers being exchanged with one another until there was silence. Your labored breathing being the only thing that could be heard inside the room.
“You guys go—oh fuck.” You arched your back as their tongue ran up your slit repeatedly, savoring your already fucked out juices. “A warning would’ve been nice.” You breathed your grip on their hands getting tighter as a finger replaced the mouth that had been desperately lapping at your entrance.
None of them spoke to not give themselves away. Those little shits.
Your thought was soon interrupted by the two fingers that delved into your soaking pussy making you moan loudly. A mouth wrapped around your clit and wasted no time in savoring you, fingers thrusting hard inside of you. The sinful squelching noises throwing you overboard.  Your moans had started to form incoherent words inside of you as the pressure in the pit of your stomach increased for the third time that night.
“F-Fuck please don’t s-stop.” With one last thrust of their fingers you came undone, your release traveling down your legs and soaking the sheets underneath you. By now you were sure you had created a pool. And just like how quickly you had fallen apart the source of your orgasmic afterglow had disappeared from your body leaving you wanting more.
“Who was it?” Minghao questioned. Two fingers tapped your swollen lips and you took them in tasting your release making you groan. “If you guess wrong we stop here, but if you guess right we keep going until we’re all satisfied and more.” Their thumbs caressed your palm gently, almost as if they weren’t making your succumb to their torture.
“Do I get a hint?” You tried your best to sit up a little, but your body was starting to ache and you still hadn’t recovered fully.
You heard Minghao chuckle before the black silk blindfold fell down your face. You hadn’t felt any of them move or reached over to take it off but your ears were still very much ringing and your focus was somewhere else. Your vision was spotty as the candlelit room and your lovers came into life before you. Both of them smirking down at you, “come on baby girl who was it?” Wonwoo tisked his cock standing proud against his toned stomach and you wanted so badly to ignore his question and take him into your mouth.
“Fingers Hao, mouth Wonwoo.”
They shared a knowing look before turning to face you. Minghao put your hand up to his lips and kissed it lightly before giving Wonwoo a nod. The go ahead he needed to reveal your demise.
“You’re right. But we can stop here if you need a break.”
Your eyes widened in panic as you shook your head furiously. You liked to push your limits, and thankfully you hadn’t reached them yet because you were still selfishly craving for more.
“I don’t need a break. I need you to ruin me.”
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“Are you sure?” Wonwoo massaged your hips while you straddled his lap. You didn’t answer instead you smiled and leaned down to kiss his lips. He hummed against your mouth, his fingers toyed with the torn lace against your skin serving as a brutal reminder to not buy anymore lingerie if it was just going to end up half of the floor and the other half still adorning your body.
You grind your wet core down on his hard cock, his grip on your hips getting tighter as he guided you against him. Breathy moans swallowed by each other’s mouths. You jumped slightly when you felt Minghao’s fingers twinkle up your spine making you shiver. You sighed against Wonwoo’s lips as they moved to the front of your body, his movements soft and calculated until they reached your neck and he tightened his hold around it. You whimpered, pulling away from Wonwoo’s kiss, Minghao’s front against your back as his lips found the shell of your ear.
“Are you ready for the two of us?” His teeth grazed your earlobe. Wonwoo watched closely his blunt fingernails digging into your skin as he pressed you hard against him. “Gonna let us fill your holes up with our cum?” Minghao quirked. The hand that wasn’t around your neck toyed with the rose colored glass buttplug that had been stretching you out for the last half of the night.
“Mmm, y-yes.” Your croaked, your eyes rolling to the back of your head as Minghao’s grip against your neck got tighter. Wonwoo stopped his movements and squeezed your hips, his mouth leaving open mouthed kisses against your collarbones and around Minghao’s hand.
“If it gets too much, tell us to stop okay.” Minghao whispered, his hold faltering as he slowly removed the buttplug from your body. You whimpered missing the feeling of being full. Wonwoo raised your hips and aligned himself against your pussy, his eyes silently burning holes into yours while you sank down on his angry cock, your velvet walls stretching out aroundt him and you almost fell apart.
Wonwoo threw his head back against the headboard, moaning your name out like a prayer. “H-Hao, hurry up I-I don’t want to cum yet, without you.”
“Lean down a little baby.” Minghao kissed your shoulder, the head of his cock circling around your stretched out hole. You obeyed, burying your face into Wonwoo’s neck, Minghao’s hand around your neck had disappeared. You hadn’t noticed until both of his palms came down onto your ass cheeks hard while he pushed himself into you. His eyes rolled to the back of his head, feeling the heat wrap around him, and the bulge of Wonwoo’s cock against his own.
“F-Fuck so full.” You moaned. They waited before moving, as you came down from the overwhelming painful stretch, waiting for your go ahead. Wonwoo caressed your head across your back in comforting kisses. “H-Hands please.” You shakingly moved your hand behind you resting against your back as the other one searched for Wonwoo’s.
Minghao intertwined his fingers with yours, his mouth disappearing from your skin, “You’re doing so good for us.” He praised, Wonwoo copied his movements, “You’re made for us, angel.” He said, winking at Minghao, earning a throaty laugh from the man behind you.
“Please move.” You breathed out as the pain started to replace itself with blissful pleasure. Minghao thrusted in first, earning a groan from both you and Wonwoo who then started moving his hips as well.
Their movements started out slow and careful. They alternated their thrusts so they wouldn’t leave you hanging. You moaned out their names almost incoherently, the pleasure building up in the pit of your stomach again. The hold you had on their hands got tighter as their thrusts became more and more sloopy, their need to release taking over their bodies.
It was rather provocative. Their cocks snug deep in your ass and pussy, grinding against one another through your skin. The sounds of desperate, breathy grunts, mixing with the raw sounds of skin slapping against one another bounceing off the walls. “I’m close baby, do you want to come?” Wonwoo gripped your breast in his hand, rolling his palm against the hard bud. You arch your back against Minghao’s chest.
“A-Answer him...fuck baby.”
“Yes, daddy, yes please I-I need it.”
“Then go ahead, come for us.” Wonwoo thrusted once more into you, meeting Minghao’s thrusts simultaneously and you came undone. Your body convulsed with pleasure as you yell out their names, desperately riding out your orgasm. Minghao followed next, his mouth biting down your shoulder as he spilled his hot sticky seed inside of you.
“You t-two...mmh look fucking sexy.” Wonwoo let out a guttural grunt before releasing himself inside of you, pistoning his hips up into you as he rode out his orgasm, fucking his cum into you.
Minghao pulled out first, his fingers replacing his cock as he pushed his cum into you. “You’re a work of art angel.”
Your body falls limp against Wonwoo’s chest, the overstimulation becoming more than you could handle but you didn’t want it to stop and soon enough the coil in the pit of your stomach was forming again. “Give us one more please.” Wonwoo almost but begged, the desperation and lust laced in his deep voice sent you overboard one last time, your vision becoming spotty, the ringing in your ears getting louder.
“Good girl.” Minghao removed his fingers and helped you off Wonwoo’s lap. Your body felt weak and in a state of euphoria that wouldn’t have been possible to reach unless it was with your boyfriends. You falter onto the bed, your eyes tiredly closing. Minghao moved next to you, his hand pushing your hair out of your face, his chest rising as he tried to catch his breath. He and Wonwoo carefully helped you lay down comfortably. Wonwoo whispered reassuringly in your ear leaving behind soft kisses, his own body trying to recover from his own high.
You wrapped your arms around Minghao’s neck, a smug smile forming on your face as you brought your face down to yours. You turned your head and kissed Wonwoo’s cheek lightly as a silent thank you. He hummed, wrapping his arm around your waist bringing you close. You sighed happily feeling safe in their arms. Slowly, you leaned up and pecked Minghao’s lips repeatedly, he had taken it upon himself to massage your hips gently as you tried to regain your breathing again.
“Happy Birthday baby.”
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