#tourist season is coming and I gotta be there for my boys
livefromsummerview · 4 months
PERSIE YOURE BACK!!! So much happened here while you were gone!! What were you up to while you were adventuring this time?
So I set out to go up to Tyle but I got a little lost so I ended up in uhhhh. Qto? For a while? It’s really nice there. The locals are really cool. They taught me some new tricks of the trade and I think I joined a thieves guild? Now I’m back home again.
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mysteryshoptls · 8 months
Happy Winter Holiday Gift Calendar 2023
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These are all the messages that you get from the boys when you log in during the Winter Holiday Campaign from 09 Dec 2023 to 31 Dec 2023! For those that want to read them again, you can find them in the Album, under GIFT CALENDAR 2023.
"How will you be spending the day?"
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I think I will go to the library today. There were someone's scribbles all over the book I borrowed yesterday, you see. It disrupts my focus, so I plan to find a replacement book. Seriously... It's a terrible crime to deface a book like this.
Today? Well, it's snowing outside, and I got no club practice, so maybe I'll check out on my streaming service a movie or show that catches my eye. I can stay warm and cozy in my room, all while munching on some snacks. Don'tcha think we deserve lazy days like this sometimes?
I'm going to try to finish the assignments I got today, before the day ends. That's what an honor student should do, right? But... The first question is already a tough prac app question...? Right! Just gotta hunker down and get down to it!
Maybe I'll surf Magicam for some 'cammable spots that're only available in the winter. Stuff like diamond dust, or hotels made from ice... Knowin' they're only limited to the season really gets me psyched up!
It's pretty cold every day now, so I think I'll stock up on lemonade-ginger syrup. It'll warm you right up if you drink some. What, according to the Queen of Hearts' Laws, we can't have lemonade after 8 o'clock? Well, this has ginger in it, so it's a completely different drink, isn't it?
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No plans worth mentioning. What, not what you were expecting? Well, too bad. The campus is completely covered in snow, so the best thing for me to do is just to get back to my dorm room and relax while solving some chess problems.
The track team has practice today. But since it's supposed to snow in the afternoon, it may just end up being indoor training. It takes a while or the body to get limber in the winter. That means we need to extra thorough in our warming up exercises.
Obviously, I'm gonna be workin'! Today, I'm at a cake shop, and tomorrow I'm waitin' tables at a restaurant... The holidays are coming up, so 'tis the season for a ton of high-payin' temp jobs to fill my pockets, too! Shishishi!
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As always, I will be awaiting everyone's visit to the Mostro Lounge. On a cold day such as this, we usually receive orders for dishes that are more common in the winter season. I'm sure today will be a rather busy day.
I thought perhaps I would make a herbarium. The atmosphere this time of year tends to be dry, so it is the perfect opportunity. How would you like to join me? No need to worry, I will show you how everything is done.
Yesterday I saw someone wearing these boots lined with fur, and it looked kinda fascinating, so I thought I'd try to find some in town. I wonder if it's hard to walk in? If I find a good pair, I think I'll buy 'em and try 'em out.
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Today, we have travelling salesmen from the Scalding Sands coming. I'm planning on buying a ton of stuff for the holidays! It's so exciting to think about what kind of treasure I might find! You should bring some friends over and check it out, too.
There's no club activities today, so I plan to look into a few things. My family will be going on a trip over the holidays, you see. Tourist attractions, climate, local cuisine, souvenirs... Never a bad idea to gather too much information, don't you think?
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I intend on picking up the spring coat I had on order. I'll also look for accessories that go with it while I'm out. Hm? It's too early to think about spring attire? If I wait to prepare everything for after it starts to get warmer, then I'll completely miss out on the season.
Snow's piling up again today, so I'm plannin' on clearing the magical shift field with the rest of my clubmates. Didn't bother me none, but the other guys were all dog-tired... Pathetic, ain't they?
I plan to check on the houseplants we are cultivating in the Science Club. Fufu, I wonder what sort of expressions they'll have today? I do hope there'll be some changes from yesterday that I'll get to enjoy.
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Obvi, just been hyperfixating on my online games, like always... Rather, why would you think I'd go out in cold weather like this in the first place? I recently overhauled the internet speed in the dorm, so it's crazy fast now lol. Gonna actually pull an all-nighter, it's been a while!
It'll probably be a game day with my roommates, since the new game that I ordered online arrived. Physical games might take up more space, but I just can't help but want to actually collect my favorite games, y'know?
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It's chilly today. The best thing to possibly do on days like this is to warm my room and enjoy some frozen treats. Perhaps I'll invite Lilia and the others later. Fufu... I suppose it's not a bad thing to be the one making preparations for them once in a while.
I will be practicing my swordsmanship with Father after this. I thought I would finish up my assignments beforehand, but... Before I realized it, I had fallen asleep and my notepad was completely blank. What should I do...?
I plan to read the book I ordered from the Mystery Shop the other day. It's a book that I've been eagerly awaiting. Grandfather was the one to recommend it to me, so I must read it over and over again and tell him my thoughts on it!
We have band practice today. However... When it gets cold like this, my fingers get numb and hard to move. Hm? Naah, I already have the songs memorized. It's really only about staying in rhythm with the other members!
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Brrr, it's cold~! Hey, henchie! Today we're gonna stay cozy under that "KOTATSU" thingie. We'll have some snacks and play some games together... Myaha! Today's totally gonna be a blast!
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Requested by Anonymous.
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writegoblin · 1 year
I have been severely craving my boy. No no, not Michael. Boseph uwu
Look at him. Unf.
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Bo Sinclair Headcanons!
- You ended up in Ambrose because your car alignment decided it had enough of these off road shenanigans.
- Your reasons for being out that way, for story purposes, are running from your old life. All your old family and friends are shitty so you an conveniently disappear bc smthn smthn deus ex machina
- HOW you find out about your car alignment is another story. Let's just say, tumbling in a car is much more painful than it looks. What's worse is landing in a roadkill pit. Yeah boy. You know what time it is B)
- Lester almost shit himself when you came from over the highway. He thought you were dead and was going to call Vincent when you punched out the front seat. That's hot. Alright stranger, you're coming with me!
- He tries to clean you up and get your name. Takes you back to his place because he doesn't want to catch the twins off guard. But the day you spend there is lovely.
- You get the Ambrose and immediately shits off. Long story short, you become something of a live in maid. They can't kill you because it would be a lot of hassle on their end (another deus ex. You're related to a cop or something idk), and they COULD turn this situation around. Get use out of you.
- Bo likes how witty you are. You don't like to be bossed around which is clearly why you ran away from home (what are you, 10?)
- At first he's very callous to you and makes no effort to understand you. As far as he's concerned, you're another spoiled out of towner, just impeding on he and his brother's strange get rich scheme (more on that later. I'll explain in end notes.)
- What's worse is you're argumentative. Whenever he asks you to do something (read: yells at you), you always gotta talk back. You say funny stuff sometimes but it's annoying mostly. Vincent enjoys it much more than he does.
- You make nice with Vinny first. When you aren't forced to do chores, he lets you help him with the wax. Bo sees this and eventually realizes that while you are certainly mouthy, you are human with like hobbies and shit.
- He's a chef he's a gourmand
- He cooks for he and Vincent because Vincent, due to some brain damage, has a weird palette. So anything he makes either has way too much seasoning, or it tastes like cardboard. Bo on the other hand, grew up running around the streets of Baton Rogue with his friends after school. He KNOWS how to cook good.
- He's also good at first aid. The actual surgery and medical stuff is Vincent's wheelhouse but once you broke your arm trying to fix some shutters he told you to fix. He felt bad so he very gingerly fixed your arm. It healed really nicely but you'll never forget the way those blue eyes of his were so warm when he looked at you, touching the bend in your forearm and his voice, gentle as the day you first met went, "does it hurt?"
- Yeah but you looking at me like that bout to get me pregnant hurts worse sir
- As a boyfriend he's only jealous/protective around tourists. But as a dude in a town with a population of technically 3.5 if you count Lester's visits, he gets it. He does not mind his twin ogling you. He does not mind sharing EVENTUALLY. At first, he's very apprehensive.
- Bo's love language is physical touch. Even nonsexual touch is nice. He likes laying his head in your lap while yall watch TV and you rake your nails through his scalp gently.
- When he gets night terrors he likes to hold onto you in the dark like hope. He puts his face in your chest and he's almost like a little kid for a second. You have no choice but to coddle aw noooo aw man can't believe I have this hot sexy guy in my lap crying ohbhughghh
- If you're pear shaped? He loves your hips. Man, woman, ethereal creature, it don't matter. He was born an ass man he'll die an ass man.
- If you like star gazing, he'll listen to you rattle off about constellations. He likes listening to people ramble about unique special interests because it gives him a little taste of variety in his quiet life.
- big. Thick. Cut.
- leftward pitch and he loves doing mating presses.
- much more inclined to rough sex (obviously)
- I do know he likely and unfortunately assaulted those ladies on the wall but in my HCs I like to think it was CNC instead. What stops him from doing the same here is you're too loud and mouthy, so the attraction is initially not there.
- As you soften up because of Vin though, and start opening up and smiling and being cute, he can't help but let his mind roam sometimes.
- Loves fantasizing you in different little costumes to dress up in. A visitor once visited and she was a cam girl! In your size! So lucky!
- please were garter belts this man will not be normal
- Loves intercurral. To punish you if he catches you masturbating, he'll fuck your thighs until he cuts, leaving you all hot and bothered.
- The basement does not come into equation until after the first time. And the first time is more of a gentle, romantic moment of vulnerability.
- Your first time was during a thunderstorm and you were telling him about your past and how so many people hurt you. Abused you. He felt so connected to you. You always held back your anger and he let you express it by throwing stuff and by the end of it you were a sobbing and screaming and laughing mess and he was standing in the debris and he saw himself and he reached out and kissed you in an attempt to ammend himself.
- When he made love to you that night, he decided your ass is never moving out sorry lol
- Exhibitionist. Likes to take you to Baton Rogue for little dates and fucks you in alleys and parks. The most exciting was a drive in theater he took you to where you gave him head. He fucked you in the wooded area outside after.
- Hahaha okay but what if you confessed and he fucked u in the confessional would that be crazy or what
AUTHOR'S NOTE: I have a few HOW headcanons actually!
- the boys do the whole house of Wax thing in an attempt to get rich. Bo decided "oh I guess I could be mayor but hm no money here" and he rubbed two cells together and was like "WHAT IF WE MADE AN ATTRACTION THAT WAS THE BESTEST."
- tricked Vin into it cause "they're carrying Mom's legacy :(((( she'd love this trust me we're gonna expand the house into a town it'll be great."
- Lester's there cause he loves his brother's and is also admittedly a bit crazy himself. He's definitely tied a few people up and intimidated people, but that's not his usual job. He's too baby.
- Canonically, where Ambrose is located, it would be a roughly 30 min drive (or 2 hours I forgor lol) to Baton Rogue! So fun fact. They're Baton boys uwu
- I think even though Bo is a good cook, gumbo is Lester's wheelhouse cause he's just got that swagger to him. Like if I met Lester and he was like "do u want me to make you gumbo" I'd say yes, no hesitation.
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theboysfromaustin · 1 year
The first year Gav can drink during a Sixth Street Halloween
October 31, 2010
Ian could tell Kazuo was getting pissed, because he could see his face getting flushed, even under all the makeup.  On his other side was Gav, who was getting progressively feistier the more he drank.  "Ruh ROH, Raggy! Re rotta unrask rhis rombie!" The college age guy dressed as Scooby-Doo - the Scooby-Douche - kept coming back because he was getting a reaction out of Kazuo.  He pawed at the black-haired man's face, and Kazuo shoved him away, "Lay off!" Nobody touched his face but his loved ones.  "Leave him alone," Ian's voice was sterner than the last two times, "He's made it quite clear he'd like you to fuck off." "Like, zoinks, old guy, what are you, his wife?" The Shaggy accompanying the Scooby got in his face.  "Yes," Ian replied, keeping eye contact.
The Scooby got in Kazuo's face again, at which point he pulled off the fake arm that Gav had tied to him, "You're a dog, be a good boy and FETCH!" And he chucked it - in all its very realistic fake flesh wound and bloody skin-covered glory - across the bar.  
The reaction was immediate.
It was a woman dressed as a nun who was the first to scream   this was followed by dozens of others as people scrambled to get away from it.  The Scooby and Shaggy were staring at Kazuo, who was now sipping his cocktail, "What's the matter, mutt?  You want me to throw my leg, too?" "Y...y…." Ian was trying and failing not to laugh, and it was at that point Gav fell off his barstool.
The bartender had finally gotten shit under control and now spun Kazuo's chair around.  "Hey, what's up?" "You can't cause a panic like that!" "Can and did." "Give someone a heart attack doing that…" "They started it.  Hey, Ian?" "Yeah?" "You know…." "Ah!" He pulled Gav back up into his seat, where the redhead slumped onto the bar, cackling, "GOD DAMN, KAZ!  THEIR FACES…" Ian patted him on the head and turned his attention back on the bartender.
"I'm an attorney, my client was being harassed."
"So?" Ian frowned, that USUALLY got them out of whatever scrape they'd gotten into. "You can't cause a scene like that.  You three gotta leave." Kazuo hopped off his seat, went to pick his fake arm up, and saluted the bartender with it.  Ian collected Gav, and all three walked out, everyone in the bar watching them do their walk of shame.  Kazuo was first the speak,
"That couldn't have gone better."
"At least least you didn't punch that puke," Ian steadied Gav, who lurched and brought up the kielbasa they'd eaten earlier.  Ian looked away, while Kazuo, seasoned as a former bartender, was unfazed.  "Spicy barf…" "Ooookay, big man.  Um…" Ian bit his lip, "We need to clean his mouth.  Jim Jim's is closed…"
Kazuo pointed through the throngs of people with his fake arm, "Tourist trap.  Water and a Gatorade for that drunk motherfucker."  Ian hoisted Gav into his arms, "We need to quit letting this critter drink.  He's too little." "I'm with ya," Kazuo leaned on him, "Maybe we should bounce, just go right for juice and food.  Star Seeds?" "You're clever.  Glad he got the barfing out of him.  Easier to get a cab."  Ian stepped to the curb, hailing a Yellow Cab, bundling Gav in, Kazuo following.
"Star Seeds, northbound I-35," Kazuo used the fake arm to hand over his card.  "Thank you, love." "You know, I'm disappointed Anders can't come 'til next year." "Oh, I'm not." Gav groaned, leaning on Ian.  "Well, he might remember this better than his birthday." "We need to stop making his drinking experiences so weird."
"Yeah, that ain't gonna happen."
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Day 2: "Guilty Secrets" Part 12
(sorry I don't have the proper background for this and I couldn't find a picture of Eddie in the wig)
The Islanders gather on the lawn, nervous and excited...There is a judge's wig and gavel on a mock courtroom judge's table...
Ariella: Oh my goodness anyone getting 2019 Season 2 vibes,When Bobby played a judge?
Dana: Omg yeah, You're right....I loved Bobby, he was hilarious...
Finn: Okay, We've all got a past now, Please no judging, Right?
Eddie sons the wig and gavel and holds a stack of cards containing 'Guilty Secrets'....
Kat: It's time to find out who we're really coupled up with, Huh Ariella!?....
Alfie: Come on then Eddie boy, let's 'ave it then...
Eddie: Oof starting strong! Which Islander once had a fling with their best friend's sister?
Dana: If there's a spark, there's a spark. Why not?
Suresh: Cos it's your best mate's sister!
Alfie: Sure you've done a lot worse, geezer....
Suresh: Nah, mate's sisters are off limits...My money's on you Alfie...
Kat: Sisters before misters, Alfie?
Alfie: Nah, not my style...
You notice Finn looks unusually sheepish...
Ariella: You're a little bit to quiet there, Finn?
Kat: Tell me you didn't?
Finn: I absolutely did...What can I say? She was a worldie...
Alfie: Never intro-ing you to my sister when we're out of here, geezer...
Kat: Spill the tea then, Finn...
Finn: We did spill the tea actually...Knocked it off the kitchen table when we got down to it...
Eddie: On the kitchen table, bro? That is hot to be fair!
Finn: I didn't plan it...My mate Jonno was having a bath after footy so I was having a wee chat with his older sister...
Alfie: You love and older woman l, don't ya?
Finn: Always: But to me age ain't nothing but a number...
Kat: I guess that's why you coupled up with Ariella...
Ariella: What's that supposed to mean? I'm only 24....Yeah I'm older than you but 2yrs younger than Finn...
Kat: I don't mean nothing by it...Just saying!
Finn: Anyway, there'd always been a cheeky spark...And before we knew it we were cracking on in the kitchen...
Ariella: While your mate was upstairs in the bath?
Finn: He was taking ages in fairness...
Dana and Alfie laugh....
Suresh: Bold move, bro!
Ariella: What did your mate say?
Finn: He never found out...
Ariella: You do know if he is watching he'll know now...
Finn: Oh, Yeah I never thought about that...Sorry Jonno, It only happened once, Please don't kill me...🫣...
Kat: Give me those cards, Eddie I want to have a go...
Kat snatches the cards the secrets cards from Eddie....
Kat: Oh my days...Who could this be? Better not be you too Finn! Ariella might rethink about who she's coupled up with...Which Islander once got a tattoo of a camel on their big toe?
Finn: This has gotta be Dana or my boy Alf!
Suresh: Alfie, seen Dana's camel toe yet?
Dana: He hasn't got close enough to me yet...
Alfie: Yeah we taking things slow...But, Yeah this one's me...Seemed funny at the time...There's not much I won't do for a dare...Got it removed of course...
Dana: Good to know Alfie...
Alfie takes the cards from Kat...
Alfie: Which Islander has a secret fetish for sex on boats?
Ariella: That's gotta be you, Alfie...You said you love having sex in weird places...
Alfie: This ain't me, people. Although I did get caught having sex on a bridge by a barge boat full of tourists one time...
Kat: Whatever floats your barge...
Alfie: Anyway, who's got a boat fetish?
Suresh gives you a cheeky grin...As of remembering something that happened with you two on a boat some time ago...
Finn: I think I remember a certain girl telling me about this on our date...Isn't that right Kat!
Kat: You know it! It weren't no boat though...More of a superyacht...
Dana: Now I'm curious....Who? Where?
Kat: Who? The captain...Where? Hot tub on the roof...
Alfie: Steamy!
Ariella: Who was piloting the ship if you were nailing the captain?
Kat: It was only a quickie...He probs had autopilot on...
Suresh takes the cards and glances at you naughtily...
Suresh: Which Islander once had to be rescued naked from a hotel rooftop?
Ariella: Why would you be on a hotel rooftop?
Suresh: I've been naked in a lot of hotels but never on a rooftop...
Dana: Hope it was somewhere exotic...Or your packages won't have been much to write home about...
Eddie: It was a warm night...
Eddie grins mischievously...
Eddie: There were six of us stuck out there...We were on a massive night out and it escalated...I heard a helicopter so I thought it'd be funny to all get naked, get on the roof and do the helicopter with our... equipment...
Kat: You mean swinging it round in a circle?
Finn: Just for the craic?
Eddie: Yeah! Total banter, until we got locked out on the roof for hours...Gave the builders renovating the roof a surprise in the morning...
Dana: Now, that's a sight that'll live on in their memory! Anyway, my turn! Which Islander once accidentally got paid for stripping? This is one million percent you, kitty Kat!
Kat: Nah it ain't...I get approached to do stripping work all the time though...
Alfie: Sorry, I'll stop asking ya now, Kat...😆😆
Everyone laughs...
Finn: You've never stripped?
Kat: I didn't say that....I just said I've never been paid to strip...
Finn: Maybe if Suresh is lucky he'll get a private dance one night?
Kat: Might tease y'all until the heartrate dance off!
Dana: Alfie! I could see you in fancy dress and someone thinking you're a stripper...
Suresh: I know this one and it's not Alfie...
Everyone looks at you...
Finn: This is you Ariella? Wish I saw that...
Suresh: It was a beautiful sight, believe me...
Eddie: I bet it was...
Alfie: Reveal the deets then?
Ariella: Well, Suresh and I were out for this big club night...He went to the bar and left me on the dances floor...And when he looked back...
Your eyes meet Suresh's and you start to laugh, which quickly turns into an uncontrollable attack of the giggles...Dana and Alfie look charmed by this side of you...
Suresh: Guess I'm finishing the story then, She was cutting shapes on a podium...The whole club was cheering her on...
Dana: Get it, girl...
Suresh: She was wearing this tight little black dress I got her for our anniversary...Looking unbelievable...Then one of her mates passed her some cash for a joke...And these boys assumed she was a stripper and started throwing notes up...
Eddie: So what did you do then, Ariella?
Ariella: I gave them a proper cheeky striptease...Yolo..
Suresh: Got us kicked out of the club...
Ariella: It was totally worth it...
Dana: Sounds like you're in for some competition in the dance off, Kat!
Kat: I love a bit of competition...But only if I win...
Ariella: Ok, My time to read one...Yes! This is a good one...Which Islander has had a foursome?
Alfie: Awesome foursome, Goals...
Kat: How many of which sex?
Ariella: It doesn't say...But I believe I know who this is...
Suresh: I got close once, but that's a story for another day...Boys, any of you?
Alfie: I wish....
Finn gives you a cheeky grin but stays quiet...
Ariella: Nothing to reveal Finn?
Finn: Let's just say I got four-tunate one night...
Kat: Tell your story then, Finn...
Finn: I've already told this story to Ariella..My old man said to never tell the same story twice...
Dana: Well, Finn wasn't the only one to score with four!
The group cheers and looks at Dana in surprise...
Kat: Total bucket list! Tell me you're gonna spill?
Dana: Two girls, Two boys...Would have invited more but we were the last four standing at the party...Except we weren't standing...
Everyone laughs...
Dana: Well, we were standing for some of it...But you don't need all the deets...
Eddie: I kind of want them...Bit of a turn on knowing you're that adventurous, Dana...
Ariella: Alright last card...
Finn: I'm all over it...
Finn takes the card and laughs in shock...
Finn: This is a biggie...Which one of you reprobates did this? Hmm...
Eddie: Get on with it, bro...
Finn: Which Islander hid a long-term relationship from a person they were flirting with? Relieved this one isn't me...
Kat: I'd bet Ariella have put you on the daybeds tonight if it had been and rethink who she's coupled up with...
Finn: This is not what you wanna hear about someone you've just coupled up with...
Kat: What if this was Ariella!?
Finn: Sorry but I don't believe she's that type of girl...She believes in loyalty...
The group looks at each other, tension hangs in the in the air...No one wants to admit it....
Ariella: Come on then, which one of you boys was it?
Dana: Who said it was one of the boy?
You catch Suresh looking at you, his trademark cockiness suddenly gone....
Finn: I see that look, Suresh! This was you wasn't it, fella?
Kat: Oh my days! Not that surprised to be honest...
Finn: Nah, I thought it was him too...
Alfie: This was when you and Ariella were together?
Suresh looks away guilty...
Eddie: Better explain yourself, bro...
Suresh: I don't need to explain myself to you, bro...
Ariella: You need to explain yourself to me and it better be a good one, you owe me that much...
Dana: Yeah, you really do need to explain...She needs a proper explanation...
Finn: We're all ears, Big fella....
Alfie: Is there anything you haven't lied about?
Suresh grits his teeth he's clearly agitated...
Ariella: If you want me ever believe anything thing you've said to me in the villa, you need to come clean 🫧🫧...
Suresh cringes as he looks deep into your eyes...
Ariella: You said it was just a one time thing! Was that another lie too?
Suresh:No, that was the truth...
Alfie: How's anyone supposed to believe that?
Suresh: I don't care what any of you think! All I care is what Ari thinks...
Ariella: You need to tell me the full story, Suresh...
Everyone stares at Suresh...
Suresh: This sounds worse than it was...So, the girl I got with that night...
Dana: You mean the one you cheated on her with?
Ariella: You mean the one I saw a picture of on your phone!
Dana: That's seriously how you found out?
Ariella: Yeah, I spotted a picture on his phone of him lying next to a girl with a turtle tattoo...
Kat: Busted!
Finn: Sounds better than Alfie's tat at least...
Suresh: The details don't matter...Let me finish...Anyway, I met her at that cocktail bar I always went to with my workmates...I always had this chat with her...You know I'm a flirt! Never planned to take it anywhere...
Ariella: But you did!
Suresh: It was banter between us for months...I got to know her pretty well...Well, we'd always have a flirt and a laugh and she just assumed l was single...
Because of how much you were flirting with her?
Suresh: You never came up at first...And then we'd been chatting for too long I couldn't bring you up..
Kat: Three easy words, babe... I've got a girlfriend....
Dana: That's four words...Five if we're counting the apostrophe...
Kat: Whatever, Dana! He didn't want to bring it up 'cos he wanted to keep that flirty tension going...
Finn: That 'something might happen one day' vibe...Done it myself to be honest...
Suresh: Finn's knows what I'm talking about...
Finn: But I know where the line is, man...
Suresh:Yeah I know, And I paid the price for crossing that line...And it was a one time thing...
Kat: How's she supposed to believe it was only once after all?
Suresh turns away from the others and looks into your eyes - sincere , passionate...
Suresh: It was only once, you've gotta believe me on that..
Ariella: I don't know Suresh, How am I supposed to know what to believe right now? This is a lot...
Suresh: I know it is...
Alfie and Dana look at you, supportive...Suresh broods intensely...
Sures: Nothing happened with her apart from that one night...Like I told you already!
Ariella: So you were saving the details to avoid hurting me...
Suresh: shifts under your levelling gaze, his jaw harding in defensiveness...
Suresh: Pretty much, yeah
Finn: Yeah right, fella..
Suresh: Like you've told the whole story about everything, Finn!...
Finn: What's that supposed to mean?
Suresh: Nothing you want to reveal about what happened on one of your dates then?
Kat looks at Finn, who seems a bit sheepish...
Finn: Nah, nothing to admit on my end....
Kat looks surprised to hear this...
Suresh: You're not as good a guy as your making out...I'm sure of that...
Finn: I'm not the one making out I'm something I'm not...
Eddie: Come on, boys...Cool, clam collected yeah?
Kat: I'm feeling cool, calm neglected...Haven't been center of attention for at least four minutes...
This breaks the tension with everyone laughing, except you and Suresh...He holds eye contact intensely...
Ariella: Would you have ever told me about this if it hadn't come out in the game?
Suresh: I know you're pretty pissed off right now, but we need to talk about this alone...
Eddie: I don't agree with what he did, but I think you should him out, Ariella...
Dana: Nah, I reckon you've heard enough from him for now...
Finn: Maybe do the right thing for once and give her some space, Suresh....
Suresh: Maybe stay out of it guys! None of you were there and you don't know how many of this went down...Ariella, Gimme a chance to explain all this... Away from this lot... There's a lot we need to say to each other!
Ariella: Fine let's get this done, we can so to the swing seat...
Suresh looks at you with fiery determination...You walk over to Finn and put your arms around him...
Ariella: I'm so sorry babe...This is not how I planned our first night in a couple to go...
Finn: Babe, it's ok I'm right here I'm not going anywhere...Go talk to Suresh see what he's gotta say and come find me afterwards....
They give each other a kiss....You and Suresh head over to the swing seat...You sit down across from him...an awkward tension and large gap between you...the other Islanders stare at you both across the garden...Kat wanders over your way...
Suresh: Wanna mind your own business?
Kat: I know you ain't talking to me like that!?...Don't get your knickers in a twist , Hun...Weren't us who did her dirty was it? I just came to see if Ariella was ok?
Ariella: Kat I'm fine really...Please just go so we can talk...
Suresh shoots Kat a side eye until Eddie comes and leads her away...
Suresh: They all seriously need to back the hell off...
Ariella: Well it's kind of affects them too...All this stuff between us is kinda ruining the villa vibe...
Suresh: Well, they didn't need to make this a big deal!
Ariella: Are you say what you did wasn't a big deal? And they are just trying to have my back Suresh...It's normal and human to care for someones well being...
Suresh: I reckon everyone here has done what I did...
Ariella: What? And you think I have?
Suresh: Your telling me you never had a flirt with someone when we were together? Never delayed mentioning me to someone who was cracking on with you?
Ariella: No Suresh, I never flirted with anyone else but YOU...I only ever had eyes for YOU...
Suresh: I suppose I believe you on that...
Ariella: I brought you up as soon as anyone started flirting with me... That's what you do when your with someone and you love them... Not carry on for months with flirting and bantering...Like you don't have a care in the world...
Suresh looks away petulantly, clearly hating being the backfoot...
Ariella: Are you just going to sit there,and sulk?
Suresh: I'm not sulking! I'm thinking...
Ariella: Think about what?
Suresh: Honestly? Despite all this noise I'm thinking about how good we were for each other....
Ariella: Are you being for real right now?
Suresh: You brought out a different side of me...A more caring and thoughtful side I didn't know I had in me...And I brought out your impulsive, wild side more than anyone else had...You know you were my first proper serious relationship...And I doubt I'll ever have a girlfriend who gets close to you!...
Ariella: Theses are all nice words and all...But if what we had was that special...Then for you to cheat and blow it all...Is that just because that's who you are?
Suresh: You know how many girls I turned down when we were together?
Ariella: Do you want a medal? You want me to thank you for only cheating on me once?
Suresh: I want you to know how much effort I went through to be a good boyfriend to you!
Ariella: You might of tried Suresh... But you failed and the fact it had to be an effort says it all...
Suresh: Everyone has to make an effort to be a good boyfriend...
Suresh: No, Suresh they don't...I mean yeah if you are trying to make her happy and all that...But to make an effort of rather to cheat or flirt with other women while in a serious relationship... Shouldn't of even been a question...And everyone isn't you ,Suresh!
Suresh: Well it wasn't all on me was it?
Ariella: What the hell is that supposed to mean?
Suresh: There is more to what happened between us...
Ariella: Like What? Please enlighten me!
Suresh: All that matters now is that we move past it...I can't undo what I did....
Ariella: So you're not gonna enlighten me, Huh? And you're not even gonna apologize?
Suresh: I'm so done with apologizing to you...I've apologized a million times to I'm done with it!
Ariella: Are you actually being serious right now? It's not done till I say it's done...But I might be open, if you apologize properly...You've not even apologized for flirting with HER for months...How am I supposed to forgive if you don't think you did anything wrong?
Suresh: I didn't say that, did I?
Ariella: Ok, apologize then!
Suresh: I'm not apologizing with this lot gawping at me!
Suresh squirms as the other Islanders all stare at you again...
Ariella: It shouldn't matter if their around or not, Suresh...Be a Man for once and own up to your shit...
Suresh: This is going round in circles...
Ariella: Are you actually for real?
Suresh: At least you've heard was I've gotta say on this...
Before the words have left your mouth, Suresh gets up and walks away...You yell at to him...
Ariella: Are y serious just gonna walk away? I guess your reaction says it all!...
With everyone staring, you storm away into the villa....You sit on your bed, your head is spinning from the revelations about Suresh's cheating...As you glance at the side of your bed and look at the spot where Finn's going to be sleeping tonight...You think to yourself..."All I want is a nice cuddle and go to sleep and forget about all the drama that is your ex...Not to long after entering the bedroom Finn comes in...
Finn: You alright Love?, Just thought I'd check in on you... Looks like you could use a hug?
Ariella: Yes I really could use on right now...I'm sorry again about tonight..Suresh has got me fumin' I'm trying to be calm but it's not easy with Suresh...He just makes me so angry 😡🤬...
Finn: Too right, anyone would've lost their chill in your position...I couldn't believe some of what I overheard from your chat with Suresh!...That man has got a lot of cheek after what he did...He should be grovelling for another shot with you!
Ariella: Grovelling isn't really his style...
Finn: Anyway, I just wanted you to know I'm here for you, Beour...
Finn holds your gaze, now more serious with passion stirring in his eyes...
Finn: I know we're just getting to know each other,but...But I hope you I'd never do anything thing like Suresh did?
Ariella: I want to tell I can trust you I really do...But I can't say if I can fully trust you yet it's still early days....And I've been burnt before...
Finn: I get that, it's only day 2...I wanted to let you know you've been on my mind a lot today...Feels like we're already on the level and the chat always flows...But I really want to see how things go with us...And I meant what I said in my speech tonight...
Ariella: I loved you're speech it was rey sweet actually...
Finn: I can't help it, that's how I see you...And I can't help wanting to kiss you right now...
Ariella: Then kiss me Finn...
As Finn looks deep into your eyes just about to kiss you, Kat enters the bedroom...
Kat: Sorry to interrupt this little private moment...But y overheard some of this cozy chat for the dressing room...Thought I'd better chip in...
Finn: Can you not? We're in the middle of something, Kat...
Kat: Don't you think Ariella: should know the truth before you try it on with her? About what happened between us on our date..
Ariella: What is she talking about Finn?
Kat:Oh, he didn't tell you? I wanted to tell you the full story earlier about what happened between us on our date...But we got interrupted with the text about the challenge...But you should hear it now...Since he in here talking some big game and making moves...
Finn: I was just in here telling her I feel and checking on her after everything that went down tonight...
Kat: Well I'm just making sure Ariella doesn't get hurt again but trusting another player...
Finn: I'm not a player!
Kat: After our date I'm not sure Hun... Especially with you coupling up with her tonight...'Cos honestly I thought it was gonna be me after the date we had...
Finn: You're just being a drama queen! Nothing major happened with us on that date...
Kat: That isn't true though is it, Finn?
Ariella: What is she talking about Finn?
Finn shifts uncomfortably and looks into your eyes...
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fallinallincurls · 3 years
Four Times Nate Embraces Hot Boy Summer And The One Time He Falls In Love
so birthday fics are apparently my thing now. this is for the lovely @tonyspep​ who is celebrating her birthday today!! i’m beyond thankful to have such an incredible, kind and sweet friend in my life who never gets tired of talking about fic ideas or life updates ever. everyday is better because of you. enjoy today!  all the love to you, g!!
because we were talking about how nate needs to have a hot boy summer, this became an idea of gina’s  which she graciously let me write for her and it’s one of my favorite so far! 
gif credit to @gravesryan​
hope you enjoy!! feedback is always appreciated! xx
word count: 9.4k
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There is nothing quite like summer in Cole Harbour. The little town welcomes a fair share of tourists during the warm months, but the locals are the ones who bring life to the streets. Most of the days are spent enjoying the sun on the lake, catching up with old friends and creating memories to last a lifetime.
But arguably the most important part of summer in Cole Harbour is that two of the most well known hockey players return home after playing yet another season in the NHL.
Sidney had arrived in early June after the Penguins suffered another elimination in the first round at the hands of the New York Islanders. Despite the never ending pressure and emotions that had been weighing on him in Pittsburgh, most of those worries seemed to disappear the moment he got home.
But for Nate, his season came to an abrupt end a few weeks later when Vegas eliminated the Avalanche in the second round, preventing them from moving on any further. Again. The loss was heartbreaking and destroyed the entire team’s morale and hopes that this year was really going to be the one. As the star and face of the organization, Nate received a brunt of the criticism and overwhelming disappointment starting right at the post game interviews. There had never been a time where Nate wanted to go home so badly.
But this time, he swore the summer was going to be different for exactly one reason.
“You’re going to do what?” Sidney asks, not bothering to hide the shock in his voice. He tosses the ball for Sam to chase in his backyard before facing his close friend. Nate rolls his eyes for what feels like the millionth time since he got to Sid’s earlier to have a few beers and catch up.
“Fun! I’m going to have fun, Sid! Why does everyone look at me like I’m crazy?” Nate says in an exasperated tone, unable to believe how even his best friend thought the idea was ridiculous.
“Because you are? Just a little.” Sidney offers with a teasing smile before taking a sip of his beer at the same time Sam drops the ball at his feet. 
“Gabe and EJ said the same thing when I told them before we left Denver. Well, Gabe did more of the sensible talking while EJ just made fun of me the whole time. But neither of them think I can do it! And now you? Come on, Sid. Thought you would get it of all people.”
“Okay, you want to have fun? You can train by yourself this summer then.” Sidney replies with a smug grin, awaiting the reaction that is sure to follow within seconds. 
“What!? No! That is not what I meant.” Nate’s eyes go wide with panic and Sid is desperately trying to contain the laughs bubbling in his chest. “You can’t say shit like that, man. You gotta give me, like, at least a year to figure out the perfect person to train with. I have to-”
“Nate, I might not think you can have fun, but you do need to have a more laid back summer this year. And that,” He gestures to Nate as a whole, referencing his most recent flustered state and obvious distress. “is exactly why this hot summer thing is a good idea. Having a fantastic season like yours end the way it did, especially with all the expectations to win the Cup this year, is tough. Give yourself time to let up a little bit. Seriously.”
“I am. Just watch, Sid, I’m going to have the best hot boy summer, as EJ calls it, ever. I can relax and have fun. Trust me.” Nate says, almost trying to convince himself that what he’s saying is the truth. But as he takes another sip of his beer and watches Sid throw the ball with the same ease he always carries, he wonders if this is a reasonable idea. 
But he’s Nathan MacKinnon. Nothing’s impossible. And having fun certainly isn’t.
You’ve got to be kidding me.
Nate hasn’t seen Amber Hudson since he was fifteen. Not since he came home for Christmas during his sophomore year and found her in the kitchen with his older sister baking cookies. The flash of her kind smile and wavy blonde hair stuck with him all the way back to Shattuck, but he hasn’t seen her since then. It’s been years
But of course, he should have expected her to be here at Sarah’s engagement party. The one she specifically waited to hold until he was home for the summer so he would be able to attend. Amber happens to be one of his sister’s closest friends so her presence is no surprise.
Except Nate still isn’t ready to face his childhood crush in the backyard of his parents’ house during an occasion that celebrates someone important to both of them. 
Luckily, and maybe thankfully, he doesn’t have the opportunity to get too caught up in his own thoughts like he does before getting on the ice. Because while Sarah is rambling about something related to the wedding, she leads him right to the table of all her friends, god knows why, and he’s faced with the beauty that is Amber Hudson. 
A small rise of anger bubbles in his chest because he has a feeling Sarah knows exactly what she’s doing. It wasn’t a secret Nate had the biggest crush on her best friend when they were kids. In fact, the amount of embarrassing stories she could tell that always include Nate with rosy cheeks from blush and him stuttering over words in an effort to impress her friends is too many for his liking. 
Yet, here he is. At twenty-five years old and one of the best hockey players in the league, Nate knows he’s bound to make a fool of himself in front of this girl, again.
But as Sarah reintroduces everyone for good measure, pointing at each girl who then waves in response, his own words from the conversation with Sidney repeat in his mind.
Fun, I’m going to have fun.
And that’s all it takes for Nate to embrace the situation. This is hot boy summer after all and he isn’t going to let one girl he was in love with for years ruin it right from the start. 
Mustering up every ounce of confidence possible, he offers a kind smile and decides to make the best of this. Now’s the time to finally prove himself after all those years admiring her as his sister’s best friend.
“Hey,” Nate starts, claiming the spot right next to Amber and trying to focus on anything but the way her eyes sparkle or how she seems to carry a kind of grace with her that no one else does. He takes a sip of his beer, using the action to prolong the silence for a few seconds until he meets her expectant gaze. “I’m Nathan.”
It takes all of two embarrassing seconds and Amber’s sweet laugh for Nate to realize what he said. And who he said it to.
“You already know that, sorry. I’m an idiot. Forget I said anything.” He mumbles, already turning away to find his parents or Sarah or anyone to save him from this disaster.
But before he can turn away, a hand gently wraps around his wrist and pulls him back. Her smile is kind, but there’s a hint of playfulness hidden in the tilt of her lips. Nate feels his cheeks heating up even more under her gaze and tries to organize his thoughts so he doesn’t mess anything else up. 
“How could I forget who you are, Nate? You’re just as cute as I remember!”
“I wouldn’t say cute. There’s a lot of other adjectives to use.” Nate replies sheepishly, hoping Amber would get the hint. Except she keeps talking, either ignoring his efforts or further proving she’s right.
“How’s life been as one of the NHL’s biggest stars? You’ve come a long way since the last time we saw each other.” Amber says with genuine honesty and the words make butterflies erupt in his stomach. He knows the emotions are only present due to the reminiscence of the crush that existed forever ago, but he can’t stop the way his heart races. The fact she’s even having a conversation with him is more than he could have wished for when he was younger.
“Not bad. We had a pretty good season, but fell short again. It’s such a great group of guys though, so we’ll make it there.”
“I’m sure. Everyone here really loves watching you play. It’s kind of amazing how much this town loves you. And Sid of course.” 
Nate shrugs in response, trying to hide the smile that’s tugging at the corner of his lips by taking a sip of his beer again. He might not know much about relationships in general, but under the pretense of having fun, this seems to be going how he wants despite the awkward start.
Maybe he won’t be going home alone tonight after all.
“How’s Sarah been with the wedding planning? Have you been roped into any crazy schemes yet as a bridesmaid?” Nate asks with a laugh as Amber brushes her hair back behind her ear, brown eyes locking with his blue ones.
“Oh, trust me. More times than I can count.” Amber starts, leading him to a picnic table where they sit down together. Along with the wild stories of helping his sister get prepared for her big day, they catch each other up on the big moments in their lives over the last decade or so. Nate recounts being drafted to Colorado, a few highlights from the last few seasons and stories from spending the holidays at home. Amber recalls funny memories from college, her graduation and details about the job she’s currently at.
Hours pass and along with almost forgetting the real reason why he’s here, Nate feels at ease with arguably the prettiest girl he’s ever known. It seems impossible considering before now, every interaction with her involved ferocious rosy cheeks and tongue tied greetings. But he’s sure of himself this time, exuding confidence while embracing his promise of having fun.
Until the end of the night when he asks what he thinks is an inevitable question.
After the laughs, cheesy games and exchanges of congratulations over dinner come to an end, the guests slowly begin to leave. Sarah says goodbye to everyone, grateful for their time on such a special day. Nate watches his older sister in awe, as usual, and wonders when it’ll be his turn to bask in the joy of finding the love of his life, the one he wants to spend forever with.
He comes to terms with reality in an instant when he notices Sarah’s friends are all rising from the table to leave. The night is ending and despite still being right next to Amber’s side, Nate feels the opportunity slipping away.
So without another thought, he goes for it.
“Are you, uh, are you going home? You could come back to my place if you want?” 
Instantly, Amber’s bright laugh fills the air while her eyes twinkle with amusement. Pure confusion takes a grip on Nate’s thoughts, trying to figure out what he said to cause such a reaction. 
“Nate, you’re so sweet and if I was any other girl, I would’ve said yes in a heartbeat.” Amber starts, voice soft as she gently rests a hand on his bicep. He can already hear her next words before she says them, a simple rejection that he should’ve expected no matter how well the night went to his determination to have fun. “But even though you’re this really handsome, charming hockey player now, you’re still my best friend’s younger brother.”
“You’re cute, really cute. You know that?”
“I am not cute. Literally no one says that about me.” Nate says, realizing the moment is slipping away and he’ll never get the girl. Even if she’s his childhood crush. 
“Well, I am because you’re Sarah’s little brother. And I like you, but not in the I-want-to-go-home-with-you way. I’m sorry. There’s plenty of girls out there just waiting for you and that question though. I can assure you that.”
Nate nods, understanding what she means and accepting his fate for right now. So his first attempt at embracing hot boy summer isn’t successful. He will have a million more chances in the coming months. But something felt different, hopeful, when he saw Amber again tonight.
“It was really nice seeing you again. Hopefully we bump into each other while you’re home. Otherwise, good luck next season and have fun. Always rooting for you.” Amber murmurs, leaning up to kiss his cheek before stepping back and waving. Nate waves back, watching with a heavy heart as she walks to his sister to say goodbye.
Are all his friends right? He really can’t do this?
As he rubs a hand over his face and takes a seat at an empty picnic table to wait for Sarah, Amber’s reminder to have fun silently echoes on repeat. 
Have fun. Have fun. Have fun.
“You have a date.”
“I have a what?” Nate asks in disbelief, tucking the phone between his shoulder and cheek while trying to make his post workout smoothie. The simple statement is not what he expected at all when he picked up the incoming call from Erik. 
“A date, Nathan, with a girl named Holly. I figured you could use some help with your hot boy summer plan since I highly doubt it’s working, so you’re welcome. You have to pick her up at eight. She’s a good friend of mine so don’t mess this up.” Erik explains and Nate can picture the major eye roll that accompanies his words. 
Despite being one of the oldest players on the team, one of the few that was there when Nate arrived in Colorado, EJ is a menace more than anyone else he knows. Whether it’s constantly annoying him during warmups or pulling tricks like this, he is both one of Nate’s closest friends and the worst. 
“My hot boy summer is going just fine, thank you. And how do you know someone here? In Nova Scotia? Like, you’ve never been here before and are either in Minnesota, Denver or California so how can I trust that you really know a girl here?” No matter how hard he tries, Nate can’t hide the scepticism in his voice. There’s no way a teammate of his would know someone here to set him up with. Right?
“She works at Shelby’s.” Nate falls silent, dropping the chopped fruit into the blender and leaning back against the counter. That little cafe is one of the most popular in town and a place that Nate has stopped at countless times before. While lost in his own thoughts, EJ, however, laughs at how the line is quiet. “Told you. So eight tonight, okay? And remember, this is so you have fun so at least try to have a good time.”
“Shut up, old man. Your definition of having fun is antagonizing everyone else or spending absurd amounts of money on horses, so at least I’m doing better than that. Just send me her address and I’ll pick her up later.” Nate admits defeat, knowing that this won’t end until he agrees to the plan. He’s already racking his brain for last minute date ideas that would work with a girl he knows nothing about when he fires the last words back at EJ. “If this doesn’t end well, you owe me big time.”
“What are you gonna make me do? Try to convince Sid to use your gym? Or try to get you out of morning skate after you take a girl home? Neither of those things are going to happen, but keep dreaming.”
“Whatever. Thanks for the date I guess. You’ll get an update after I’m home again.” And with that, EJ chuckles through a goodbye before ending the call, leaving Nate standing in the kitchen reeling over the new information.
How is he supposed to go on this date? Eight o’clock is in like six hours. He has no idea what she likes, what he should wear, if he really trusts Erik and is more worried about the entire night being a waste than the possibility he might be going home with someone tonight. But through all the worrying and over the noise of the blender, Nate hears his teammates’ words repeat in his head.
This is so you have fun so at least try to have a good time.
So Nate decides on a nice Italian place, picks out an outfit that he hopes will impress Holly and tries to kill the rest of the day until he has to leave. The message on his phone containing her address and number seems to haunt him through every hour and he’s relieved to actually leave the house and pick her up. But the nerves of going on a blind date and knowing what’s at stake, his hot boy summer and ability to prove to everyone he can have fun, bubble up the moment he sees her.
Holly is beautiful, in that effortless, doesn’t try to be kind of way. And after the shock of realizing she somehow knows EJ of all people, he’s in awe of how she carries herself and is able to make his heart feel lighter with just her presence. Suddenly, he isn’t silently cursing Erik out for springing this crazy plan on him earlier today.
Except halfway through dinner, when Nate is enjoying himself and thinking how the night will end just how he wants it, Holly’s interest shifts in an entirely new direction. One that’s focused on Nate’s older, troublesome teammate.
“So, you’ve known Erik for how long? Eight years right?” Holly questions, leaning over the table ever so slightly as if she’s receiving top secret information about something she shouldn’t know. Her eyes sparkle with a new kind of curiosity and although Nate finds the sudden topic change a little odd, he goes with it.
“Going on nine which is crazy to think about. Still longer than I’d like.” Nate laughs, swirling the wine around his glass before taking a sip. He watches the smile on his date’s lips grow wider and can sense how the night is going to go. Usually the round of questioning he’s used to is about Sidney, but tonight, Holly has her focus set on the man who ironically set them up.
“Wow, that is a long time. How is he with the team? The same goofy, can’t-take-anything-serious type of guy? I’ve only known him for a few months now, but he really seems like my type.” 
“Your type?”
“Yeah, you know. Tall, handsome, dirty blonde, plays a sport. And I hate to say it, but the missing teeth really do work in his favor. Have you seen his smile?” Holly lists while a dreamy look crosses over her facial features. Nate almost spits his wine out, either from shock that the girl he’s on a date with is literally confessing her love for someone else or the how hilarious it is that someone actually finds EJ attractive. 
This is not how he saw the night going, that's for sure.
“Well, I mean, I have all those things minus the missing the teeth so doesn’t that make me your type?” Nate tries with a smirk, making an attempt to bring the conversation back to them and not EJ, who is probably at some expensive winery in Napa Valley waiting to hear about how this date failed miserably. 
“Hm, I guess so.” She smiles, meeting Nate’s gaze before continuing on. “But you’re young and cute so maybe that’s the difference. I don’t know. He probably doesn’t even consider me to be anything else but a friend even though I’d love more.” 
Nate shakes his head, both trying to suppress his mischievous smile and hide the sinking feeling in his chest. It’s definitely ironic that Holly ended up on a date with the wrong Avalanche player and Nate can’t help but laugh at the thought of telling Erik that this girl is in love with him since that’s all she wants to talk about. But at the same time, it’s another rejection, proof that he can’t loosen up and get a girl to come home with him. It shouldn’t be this hard. Nate knows this, but the simple task seems to be one of the greatest challenges.
“You know, I think Erik would love to hear all of this firsthand. You really should tell him.” The words tumble past Nate’s lips, the subconscious decision to bring the date to an end becoming apparent. Why should the time be wasted if this isn’t going anywhere?
“Really?” Holly asks with an unbelievable amount of hope, her eyes lighting up at the possibility of what Nate is hinting at. With a nod, he confirms her thoughts and prepares for the excitement that is bound to follow. If possible the smile blossoming on her face makes her even more beautiful which makes Nate feel a pang of longing that it won’t work out with her.
“Absolutely. He’s a simple guy and even if he’s a pest, he deserves someone like you. I don’t know what his offseason plans are exactly, but I’m sure he’s just waiting to hear this from you.”
“I like you. I’m sorry. This probably isn’t what you were expecting tonight.”
“You could say that.” Nate chuckles in response. That bashful smile of hers continues to grow as she rolls her eyes and Nate knows right then that she is perfect for Erik. He can’t explain why, but she is.
“But I hope we can stay friends. You’re really sweet and have a good heart. There’s a girl out there just waiting to find you.” She finishes, taking Nate by surprise and squeezing his hand across the table. He doesn’t have the heart to tell her he’s not looking for anything serious at the moment, hence the hot boy summer plan. But he stores her kind words away for when he needs them.
And later that night, after dropping Holly off at home, he shoots a text to EJ like he promised while kicking his shoes off in the entryway.
to the old man: thanks for setting the date up, bro. holly is really nice and can’t believe you know someone like her. and no, she didn’t come home with me because she spent the entire date asking me questions about you. so do what you want with that information
“Man, what are we doing?” Nate wonders aloud, watching the sun dip below the horizon which paints the lake in a beautiful orange glow. He takes a sip from the beer in his hand while shooting a quick glance in JT’s direction.
Seeing his teammate on his doorstep early this morning took Nate by complete surprise. Even more so because JT should be in Chicago where he spends the offseason with his family. But after a quick explanation, the red head filled his friend in on this huge road trip he’s been on all summer. He’s already visited Tyson, of course, Cale and a handful of other players on the team before stopping to visit Nate. So the day has been spent catching up on the last few months of their lives and enjoying the warm weather on the lake.
Except now, Nate is realizing how lame that is. He’s young and in the prime of his life to have fun whenever possible. So why isn’t he?
“What do you mean? We’re chilling on your deck and drinking. That’s what we’re doing.” JT responds with what he thinks is the answer to his teammate’s question. But Nate shakes his head furiously and turns to face JT.
“No, no. I mean what are we doing? We’re twenty-something professional athletes, yet we’re sitting here like suburban dads or something. It’s ridiculous.” Nate says in exasperation, conveying his worry over such an odd realization. “Do you want to go out? I think we should go out.”
“Is this part of your hot boy summer plan? You need a wingman?” JT teases with a laugh and a look of pure shock crosses over Nate’s facial features. 
“How do you know about that? I never said anything to you about it.”
“Josty told me.” JT shrugs nonchalantly as if he doesn’t see the issue. But Nate rolls his eyes at the confession because of course Tyson would tell his best friend, it’s a known fact he can’t keep his mouth shut about anything especially when it comes to telling JT. “He said that Erik and Gabe filled him in on your mission to have fun this summer, but made him swear to secrecy.”
“Well, great. That means the whole team probably knows now, right?”  
“Maybe. Who knows with Tys. I’m down to go out, but only if you promise to bring a girl home tonight. I want to see this hot boy summer thing happen so I can brag about it to everyone else. And I don’t fully believe you can have fun.” Each word is said in a teasing tone and instigating a small challenge that Nate can’t back down from. 
“I can have fun. Everyone thinks I can’t, but just wait.” Nate fires back while rising from his seat on the deck, grinning at the thought that this time he might actually succeed and prove everyone wrong.
But so far, that isn’t how the night is going.
For a Friday night, the bar is a little quieter than usual. Not as overwhelmingly crowded or loud which Nate prefers. Despite the calmer atmosphere, and to both JT and Nate’s surprise, there are still plenty of girls to talk to and get to know before the fun has to come to an end. They’ve claimed seats next to each other at the bar, both nursing another drink each, when a smirk appears on JT’s face and he catches the other man’s attention.
“Hey,” He elbows Nate just slightly, interrupting the current conversation they were having. “What about her? You’ve got nothing to lose.” Nate follows his friend’s nod in the direction of the gorgeous girl who just took a seat at the very end of the bar. She seems to be alone and even from afar, without having said a word to her, she has a clear effect on him. He can feel the way his heart is racing just at the suggestion of going up to her.
“There’s no way, dude. She’s way out of my league.” Nate denies, trying to pry his eyes away from her but it’s no use. She catches his gaze for a few seconds and offers a smile that is full of nothing but kindness. And everything stops. He’s not anxiously turning the beer bottle around in circles anymore or getting caught up in his own thoughts. Instead, he’s trying to keep breathing while repeating the summer’s mantra in his head. 
Fun, I’m going to have fun.
“Not sure if you forgot, but you’re Nathan MacKinnon. Every girl wants you. Go get her.” 
“Fine. But you have to talk to the brunette who you’ve been eyeing up since we got here. And don’t play innocent, you know exactly what I’m talking about.” 
With a surge of sudden confidence, Nate leaves his astonished, but amused friend behind at the bar and walks right to the pretty girl who is still occupied by her own company. He pushes away all the memories of how every attempt to spend a night with someone has failed, miserably at best, and he hopes something about him will win her over.
Even if it’s his status as a hockey player which he hates to admit. Never in all his time playing has he used that to pick up a girl.
But hot boy summer is different.
“Hey,” Nate says softly, each word tender with emotions and apprehension. Her eyes meet his blue ones as another breathtaking smile tugs at the corners of her lips. “You seem like you’re lonely. Mind if I join you?”
“No, not at all.” She replies, gesturing to the open seat next to her that Nate happily claims. He waves the bartender down to order another drink for both him and the mystery girl he hopes to take home tonight. It isn’t until she’s sipping on another cocktail and looking at him in a way he recognizes all too well that she speaks up again. Nate tries to keep his goal in mind while preparing for the question he can see coming from miles away.
“You look familiar. Have we met before?”
“Nope. If we did, I’m sure I would’ve remembered someone so beautiful.” The pickup line is cheesy beyond belief and Nate can hardly comprehend why he said something like that to her. There’s something about her that sets her apart from others and he knows that the ordinary phrases aren’t going to work on her. But she just giggles, making his heart swell a little bit as she leans in and places a hand on his upper arm.
“I know what it is! You’re one of the really famous hockey players from around here. I remember that because my youngest brother attended a hockey school last summer and raved about the days you helped out. Between that and all the talk about you being a hometown boy, I should’ve known it was you.” She explains with a sparkle in her eye and pure enthusiasm in her smooth voice. And although he’s intrigued by her and her beauty, he has an idea of where this is going. “Nathan, right? Like Nathan MacKinnon?”
“Nate, actually. But yeah, that’s me.”
“I’m Sabrina. It’s nice to finally meet you.” She introduces herself, flashing an irresistible smile and Nate nods as they shake hands. Although he feels a little uneasy at her straightforward approach of addressing his career and the strong interest she seems to have in it, he can’t help but let curiosity get the best of him. He likes her, even if it’s just the idea of her, and that pushes Nate to continue the conversation.
“So what brings you here by yourself tonight?”
“It’s kind of a long story.” Sabrina admits, letting out a sigh while tracing the rim of her glass with one of her perfectly manicured nails. A look of despair crosses over her face for a split second before she meets Nate’s ocean blue eyes.
“I have time, trust me.” 
All night if needed.
But what Nate thinks is a kind offer in order for this gorgeous stranger to see his intentions are pure, ends up being a huge mistake. Turns out the reason Sabrina showed up to the bar by herself is because her boyfriend of three years recently dumped her. Over the phone. So after crying for days on end, pushing away all her friends and staying cooped up in her apartment since the incident happened, going out tonight was her first step to bouncing back. 
The next three hours are spent with Nate using all his patience to listen to everything Sabrina says even though all she’s doing, because he asked, is complaining about her ex-boyfriend and how horrible everything is. He tried getting JT to save him, but his friend is no longer at the bar,  probably on the dance floor with a girl and achieving what Nate was aiming to do earlier this evening.
Now, Nate is beyond exhausted and bored out of his mind although he feels bad for Sabrina. She is really pretty and deserves happiness, but he didn’t expect to become her shoulder to cry on tonight. Not when he was looking to take her home and finally say he’s having the summer he said he would.
So much for that idea.
“It just really sucks, you know? One minute, he’s the person I want to spend the rest of my life with and the next, we’re not even on speaking terms. I bet you wouldn’t treat me like that.” Sabrina continues talking, batting her eyelashes in a way that usually earns her a compliment or an invitation home.
“Yeah,” Nate mumbles, not fully in the moment anymore. 
As he’s finishing off a third drink and trying to figure out the most polite way to leave, he hears his teammate’s voice yell out over the noise that fills air.
“Nate! You ready, man?” JT is smiling like a maniac, happiness on display across his face. Nate immediately notices the brunette who is tucked into his side, wearing the same giddy expression. “This is Kate. You don’t mind if I take her back for the night, do you? Are you bringing her?” He references the girl next to him before nodding towards Sabrina who has gone quiet for the first time all night.
Nate shakes his head, saying the quickest goodbye of his life and follows JT and Kate out of the bar. Once the cool air hits him, he takes a deep breath in an effort not to focus on how much of a disaster the last few hours have been. JT opens his mouth as if to start a round of questioning to figure out what happened, especially because Nate is still alone and not fulfilling the promise he’s set for himself. But Nate beats him to it in order to avoid some of the embarrassment.
“Just- don’t say a word.” 
“I’m here! I’m here!” Nate calls out while rushing through the door of Andy’s gym at exactly six am. He usually isn't late, ever, but this morning he would’ve preferred the day off. The air is quiet except for the music playing through the numerous installed speakers and Nate is trying to mentally prepare himself for the early morning session until he rounds the corner and finds only a girl standing there.
“Who are you? Where’s Sid and Andy?”
“Hi Nate. I’m Y/N, the assistant who has been training with Andy this summer for academic credit at York University.” You introduce yourself with a sweet smile and extend your hand out towards Nate. He shakes it reluctantly, trying to figure out what is going on. “I’ll be leading the session today since Andy has other business to take care of. And last I checked, Sidney canceled at the last minute so it’s just you and me.”
Shock ripples over Nate as he processes everything you just said. Sidney never cancels and if he does, always lets him know ahead of time. And a session without Andy feels weird since it’s an extreme rarity in the last ten years Nate has been training here. Confusion is evident on his face, a look you’re trying not to giggle at, but there’s also the feeling of wild butterflies erupting in his stomach.
“But you don’t know the schedule. Or my past injuries to know what I have to take it easier on.” Nate lists off, panic setting in with the realization this is really happening. How can he trust some college student to run his workout? He doesn’t know anything about you and the sudden change is messing with his head. 
“All right here.” You reply, waving an iPad in the air for a few seconds. “Andy went over everything with me yesterday so I’d be prepared. You’ve got nothing to worry about.” A soft smile blossoms across your lips while your eyes meet his blue ones. For the first time since Nate arrived this morning, everything seems to stop.
For a few moments, he admires you. He’s seen his fair share of stunning girls in his life, but you’re different. Every part of you is strikingly beautiful in a way that steals his breath away. He can’t explain the way his heart is racing so fast he swears you can hear it or how an unfamiliar warmth rushes through his veins just from being in your presence. Even though your hair is tied up and you’re wearing shorts and a tank top that leaves little to the imagination, you look more gorgeous than he can even comprehend.
And Nate knows he’s in trouble.
But that’s when another thought crosses his mind. It is hot boy summer. Maybe he has been pretty unsuccessful in bringing any girl home up until this point, so what’s stopping him from keeping his promise and having fun with you? He’ll probably never see you again, especially since you’re a student who is most likely only here for the summer. In the end, he has nothing to lose. It’s a no brainer.
Except he realizes that how he’s already feeling about you is different. Which is strange. He’s not here to fall in love. Love and heartbreak is the last thing he wants right now, so he repeats the mantra in his head for the millionth time this summer.
Have fun. Have fun. Have fun.
“So, are you ready? Sid wanted a kind of light day today so we’re gonna stick with the original workout you two had planned.” Your voice snaps him out of his thoughts and he finds you waiting for his answer with a kind of patience he doesn’t deserve after his small outburst just moments earlier.
“Uh, yeah, yeah. That sounds good.” Nate murmurs with a bashful smile while getting in the correct mindset for an hour-long workout. He makes a mental note to call Sid later in order to show his disapproval of being left alone this morning, but otherwise he follows you through the gym while listening to the instructions for the first drill.
At the end, Nate is exhausted. A light workout to Sid is the equivalent to a normal person’s regular gym routine which means he was still pushed to the limits. Despite his doubts about not having Andy here, you amazed him by doing each exercise with him, seemingly without any struggle, and recalling the knowledge about what each movement will do in terms of benefitting him on the ice. 
That only fuels the emotions that are filling his chest with each passing second. The way he’s feeling right now is both new and familiar in an odd way. None of the other girls he’s met this summer have given him that giddiness or sense of peace like you do. He doesn’t know what it is about you, but he knows he can’t let you go just yet. But it takes until you’re packing up your bag and Nate finally stops drinking water, that he gets the nerve and courage to speak to you again.
“So what are you studying at York if this is for academic credit?” Nate asks, catching your attention. A grin that can only be compared to the sunshine lights up your face at his question. My god, how can someone be this perfect?
“Kinesiology and health science. My goal is to be an athletic trainer for professional athletes like you, which is why I’ve been here with Andy all summer. The program requires hands-on experience before graduating and there’s no better place to get that than here.” Each word is full of excitement that gives away how much you love what you’re doing. Nate is in awe of the obvious passion you have, making him want to know more about you.
“That’s awesome. How’s it been working with Andy?”
“A dream. This is exactly what I want to do and it’s been really cool learning about the job. Actually, this session with you was my first one completely on my own. And I think I did pretty well, not gonna lie.” “You were amazing. I’ll be telling Andy that I don’t need him anymore because I have you. And Sid can just fend for himself.” Nate laughs, cheeks heating up with blush at the second meaning of what he said. He sees the way your eyes drop in nervousness as you chuckle along with him, trying to hide your own blush from him.
“I like you, you know. Despite the fact you came running in here like a maniac earlier and acted as if the world was gonna end because I was here instead, you’re nice to be around.” You admit softly, standing to face Nate again. He’s wondering where you’ve been his whole life and unbeknownst to him, you’re thinking the same thing because something about this feels like everything is falling into place.
This is it. Just ask.
“I, uh, know this might sound a little weird considering we just met, but are you busy tonight? I’d like to take you out.” 
“Like on a date?”
“Like on a date. But if you’re not comfortable or don’t want to, I completely understand.” Nate confirms, letting out a tiny sigh of relief at how you don’t seem to be freaked out at all. The leap of faith might actually lead to something good, really good, and he can’t stop thinking about the possibility.
“No, I’d love to.” You reply, nothing but happiness radiating off of you.
“Perfect. Be ready by eight.” And just like that, Nate feels the entire summer turn around. He has the perfect idea for tonight and as he exchanges numbers with you before walking out to his car, he tries to ignore the way his heart soars and the anxiousness of getting everything right. Never in his life has he been this nervous for a first date.
But he’s this close to making his summer promise a reality. Hopefully in more ways than one.
When Nate sees you again later that night, dressed in a pretty navy sundress and looking prettier than ever, he’s speechless. Something has shifted since this morning and he knows it. He wants to take you home, for obvious reasons, but not in the way he’s been hoping for over the last few months.
���Do they start soon?” The cheerful question slips out of your mouth as you turn to look at Nate. You can’t get over how adorable and cozy he looks in his jeans, fitted t-shirt and a comfy flannel. It’s the total opposite of what he looked like at the gym earlier, but the sight of him still makes your heart race.
“Should be. 8:45, I think?” Nate responds with a smile, checking his watch for the time to find the hands hovering right over the correct numbers. “Any second now.”
His grand idea was taking you out to see fireworks on the lake. Nothing extravagant or impressive, but if this is a first date of many, he wants it to be memorable. And there’s nothing more magical than watching the large bursts of color explode over the lake. Nate wanted the night to be special and there didn’t seem to be anything more perfect than this.
“Oh! There’s one!” You exclaim, pointing towards the water as the first firework shoots into the sky before a beautiful shimmering of purple is on display. The happiness on your face makes Nate’s heart soar and he wants to see that gorgeous smile of yours for days to come. He knows this isn’t how he should be thinking or feeling about a summer fling, but the realization that he could have more than that with you seems to have a grip on his emotions.
Because maybe that’s what he really does want.
The show is too short for both yours and Nate’s liking. While the crowd admires each different firework that bursts into pretty colors, you find yourself leaning into Nate, his chest to your back. His strong arms wrap around your body in record time to keep you close while the two of you hold a conversation that’s mixed with sweet giggles.
For the first time this summer, and arguably in his life, Nate feels at peace. Who knew having a beautiful girl in his arms on a warm night watching fireworks would have made him this happy? He doesn’t want this moment to come to an end which makes the question he’s been waiting to ask for months after several failed attempts slip out of his mouth without another thought.
“Would you, uh, want to come back to my place? For a few drinks?” 
You turn around to face him, the last bright colors of the grand finale illuminating his handsome features in the best way. A smile instantly spreads across your lips as you nod in response. This morning when Andy assigned you to Nate’s workout, you hadn’t expected the butterflies or feeling of comfort that he brings to be so present. But now, you never want to let him go.
So under the hot boy summer expectations, he takes you home for one night and tries to ignore the ache in his chest and familiarity that strangely feels like fate.
One night turned into two years.
Now, you’re rolling over in bed to snuggle into your boyfriend’s side for just a moment longer, enjoying the warmth and comfort that’s always present in the early mornings. Especially with Nate by your side. His arms tighten around you subconsciously and when you look up to sneak a glance at him, your breath is stolen away by the sight. A slight dusting of stubble covers his cheeks and his blonde hair is a tousled, yet adorable mess atop his head. Every worry and expectation that usually weighs on his shoulders has disappeared, leaving him in a peaceful state which you cherish more than anything. He somehow manages to look handsome as ever even when he’s deep asleep with you in his embrace.
You take the time to admire him in the sunlight that’s seeping in through the curtains. This part of your life, waking up next to the love of your life, still hasn’t fully set in and is something you almost can’t believe you’re lucky enough to experience. 
Neither of you knew what the future had in store for you that night when Nate brought you home for the first time, but there’s nowhere else you’d rather be than right here. Nate knew it the first time he saw you that you were something special and going to change his life and he was right. Your love blossomed from that first date into days spent laughing, sharing beautiful moments in new places, exchanging kisses full of unbelievable emotion and spending every bit of available time together. Even with the distance and crazy schedules in the beginning, you both committed to making this work because nothing had made more sense than being together.
You might’ve thanked Andy and Sidney several times for canceling that day. Not that Nate knows that. Otherwise, you would’ve missed your person without even knowing and life would’ve ended up entirely different. Who would’ve guessed?
After taking a deep breath and committing this moment to memory, you press a kiss to Nate’s bare chest and playfully push his broad shoulder until his eyes flutter open. It takes a few mere seconds for you to slip out of bed, but your boyfriend’s hand catches your wrist just to pull you back onto the comfortable mattress.
“Where do you think you’re going?” Nate mumbles with a lazy smile, his blue eyes meeting yours for a second before he closes them again. His voice is rough with sleep, reason enough for you to crawl back under the covers with him.
But you can’t. A training schedule is a training schedule.
“For a run with you. So let’s go, bubs. Get up, we have four miles to cover today.”
“Four miles? Babe,” Nate huffs out, glancing over his shoulder at the alarm clock on the bedside table. “At five in the morning? You’re insane.”
“You signed up for this.” The teasing tone in your words isn’t overlooked by your boyfriend who rolls his eyes despite a smile stretching across his lips. 
“When I started dating you? Yeah, but the only downside to dating an athletic trainer is having to wake up at absurd times to work out when all I want to do is cuddle with you.” Nate replies cheekily, one large hand slipping underneath the warm fabric of his flannel that covers the matching bralette and panties you’re wearing.
The same flannel that he wore when watching those fireworks with you two years ago.
Over time, the piece of clothing has somehow become yours even though Nate has no idea exactly when that happened. Not that he cares one bit because he adores seeing you in his clothes, especially this particular oversized shirt that has become a reminder of your love together.
“Nate, we don’t have time to-” You start, trying to ignore the look of wonder in his blue eyes. But it’s no use. And who are you to complain about spending the morning in bed with your boyfriend? 
“I say we do.” And before you can argue again, he pulls you down into his chest while wrapping the blankets around the two of you. “You’re not going anywhere this early looking like that. I’ll run eight miles next time if I get to stay right here with you.”
There’s nothing you can say that will change his mind. Not when his eyebrows arch in a challenge and a mischievous grin lights up his facial features or when he places one, two, three kisses to your forehead. You melt into his embrace, resting your head against his chest again while he rubs circles onto your back.
A comfortable silence settles over the room and even though you’re trying to think of how to convince Nate to just go on the usual morning run, you can’t help but cherish the quiet moment. Any time spent together is precious with both of your busy schedules. So despite how Nate shouldn’t be cuddling up with you right now, the overwhelming love that envelops you keeps you in place.
“You owe me now, you know.”
“Oh, I know. And I won’t forget it. But not sure what you were expecting after waking me up at the crack of dawn and you’re wearing this shirt.” He points out bashfully, gaze meeting yours as he tugs at the hem of the flannel. “And don’t tell me you’d rather be running than getting extra cuddles. Because we both know the answer to that one.”
The sweet laugh of yours that Nate swears he would do anything in the world to hear forever slips past your mouth while leaning up to kiss the underside of his jaw. “Sure, blame the shirt and not how you just don’t want to get up and do anything.” You mumble, each word teasing him further. 
Nate laughs along and doesn’t protest because maybe you’re right just a little bit. If he’s honest, he’d trade anything to be tangled up with you in bed during the sleepy first moments of the morning. He’s grown to love this part of his life so he takes advantage any time he can. Even if that means missing a training session. It’s all worth it for you.
Sleep is seconds away from overtaking your body again when Nate speaks up, breaking through the drowsiness that you let yourself enjoy since the planned run apparently isn’t happening. But his voice is so soft that you miss what he says.
“Hm?” You hum, hiking a leg over his hip and moving to look up at him. His irresistible smile is on display, cheeks rosy with blush and that familiar twinkle in his eyes that appears only for you. 
“Did I ever tell you what I was doing the summer we met?” Nate repeats and even though it’s just a question, you hear the subtle tone of uncertainty in his words. You press a kiss to his chest and give a tiny reassuring squeeze around his waist, before holding his gaze as a silent go ahead. He almost forgets what he’s going to say when you look at him like that. Like your whole world is right in front of you, every ounce of your adoration focused on him. 
“No? Besides training and hanging out with Sid, your offseason pretty much looks the same every year.” You reply, brows furrowing in both confusion and curiosity. Your boyfriend shakes his head, strands of his messy blonde hair falling over his forehead. Instinctively, you reach up to run your fingers through his hair which Nate finds immediate comfort in.
Right then, you’re struck by everything that he is. Sure, he's the Nathan MacKinnon. But to you, he’s just the boy who’s stolen your heart and found a place in your life that feels like he’s always belonged there. Your home, your rock, your love. 
“Don’t make fun of me,” He warns with a playful look and a kiss to the tip of your nose. “but I was having a hot boy summer.”
“You had a hot boy summer? Okay, bubs, sure. Who’s idea was that?”
“Ugh, please don’t be like everyone else. Mine actually, although EJ technically coined it with that name. And I did have a hot boy summer, thank you very much. Things just might’ve not been going the way I thought and then I met you.”
“You met me?”
“Yup. Never in my life did I think the girl I’d fall in love with was going to be holding my workout. But after a summer of complete failures because, shockingly, I couldn’t get a single girl to come home with me, you turned it all around. Suddenly, I wasn’t just hoping for one night with you. I wanted a lifetime and that was an entirely new thought for me.” Nate explains honestly, each word holding an unbelievable amount of emotion.
“Oh, bubs,” It’s only a whisper, but pure love and the sense of home fills Nate’s chest. You cup his cheek and gently run your thumb over his smooth skin, a silent show of your affection. He nuzzles against your touch while forming the next sentence in his mind. 
“I’m only saying this now because you’re the most special person in my life. Like it might've taken me too long to figure out I was looking for the wrong thing, but I found you. And you’re it for me. I swear I’m the luckiest man alive just because you love me. Nothing, absolutely nothing, compares to you and despite the stupid plan I was trying to follow that summer, it brought me to you so that’s the biggest win in my book.”
“Nathan,” You pull back and shoot him a look of amusement and shock. “Are you proposing right now?” 
“No, no, not yet. One day. I’m just, I don’t know, overwhelmed this morning. I love you and even though I tell you all the time, it never feels like enough.” Nate’s eyes soften with the confession as he holds you even closer to his body. He never wants to let you go.
“I love you too.” The simple phrase is full of meaning and makes Nate beam with an unmatched happiness. You press your lips against his in a tender, soft yet passionate kiss that makes the rest of the world fall away. Nothing else matters in this moment except for the love you have for each other.
It doesn’t take long for the kiss to break and you both to settle into comfortable positions once again. Gentle touches are exchanged along with a slew of little pecks. Peace and comfort fill the room, reminding you that this is exactly where you belong.
Just before you drift off again, cheek squished against Nate’s shoulder with his arms wrapped around your body, you say one last thing which leaves the hockey player you adore with a chuckle.
“Can’t believe you were having a hot boy summer when we met. Didn’t know you could have that kind of fun. Happy a few of your friends convinced you though because look at us now.” A quiet, content sigh escapes while Nate tries to think of a good comeback but decides to drop it. “Eight miles tomorrow, yeah?”
“Eight miles tomorrow. Unless we just stay in bed again. That’s allowed, you know.” Nate chuckles, brushing your hair back to kiss your temple and admiring you in the morning sunlight. Who would’ve thought such a stupid plan would bring him the love of his life?
tagging some friends/mutuals who might be interested:
@tonyspep @miracleonice87 @hockeyunits @avsfans95 @musiclove-12 @barzysreputation @je-ne-regrette-rien @pebellemare @ilyasorokinn @broadstflyers @breezymichelle99 @zuks @islescanes @honeybearbarzal @ya-pucking-nerd @ch-ristiane @blueskrugs @cherrybarzy @beauvibaby @ims0golden @sourbarzal @idontgiveaflyinggrayson69​
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sslow-dancer · 3 years
“You Need Some Help?” (Josuke Higashikata x Reader)
Warnings: none!
tags: gender-neutral, gender-inclusive, josuke x reader, sfw, fluff, new school, new kid
Description: It’s your first day at Budogaoka High, Josuke notices your confusion and agrees to show you around the school. Along the way, he introduces you to his friends and decide to hang out.
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You walk down the streets of Morioh, doing your best not to get distracted by the numerous signs of shops you pass by. Your knees occasionally hitting the new school bag you have in your hands.
It was a new town, new school, new people to you and your family. However, despite having to create new (probably awkward) introductions in this town, your parents seemed extremely happy when you all arrived. Going from living in Osaka all the way to Morioh was a drastic change. Osaka was constantly loud and full of tourists, you almost felt like you saw more foreigners than Japanese citizens. Though, you still miss those loud noises and tourists in a way. Morioh is quiet, receives visitors in the warmer seasons and rather friendly for the most part, making your parents even more excited when you moved there.
You look at the time on your watch, it reads, 8:00AM. You sigh stopping in the middle of the sidewalk, meeting the entrance of the school. Your eyes dart at the multiple groups of boys and girls around your age laughing and communicating with their friends as they enter and hang out around the school. You bite your lip, scanning around to see if there’s anyone who can help you navigate the school. Gosh, I don’t want to be late! you think.
“You need some help?” A curious deep voice asks behind you. Your eyes widen, a little startled at this person’s sudden question. You turn around, you’re in aww when you perceive the person in front of you.
The person is a boy of around 6-foot height, his hair in a 1950s-like pompadour, a chiseled face, sapphire eyes and is wearing a uniquely decorated school uniform. You almost blush at his rather handsome appearance, but you manage to stop yourself from doing so. You stutter,
“y-yeah. I do. I’m uh- new here.” you laugh slightly, hoping he doesn’t point out your nervousness. Though to your surprise, he only replies politely with a kind smile on his face,
“Oh okay well, I can show you around-“
“Thank you so much-“
“but first, I’d like to know your name.”
You cringe at your rudeness of interrupting him, you clear your throat, ready to give him your name and your sincere apology,
“I apologize for interrupting your words but um, my name is L/N F/N. I go by my first name. It’s very nice to meet you.” you immediately bow after you’re done answering.
“Higashikata Josuke, nice to meet you.” he says with a bow back. Josuke smiles when he sees you nervously kicking at the pebbles on the ground. ‘They’re kind of cute’ he thinks. He breaks the silence,
“Now that that’s done, let me show you around. We got time for most of the school, I think.” He leads you to the entrance, you follow next to him as you both walk up the steps. He stops abruptly, his eyes scanning around the schoolyard,
“That’s weird...”
“What’s wrong?”
“Well my friends usually meet me around this time so we can go to class together, but they’re somehow not here yet. Huh, weird.” You bite your lip, he lets out a sigh,
“It’s whatever, I’ll just see them later. Let’s go. I don’t wanna be responsible for you being late on the first day. Come on.” He waves you over to show you around the first floor. You nod, placing your bag over your shoulder as you follow him in.
Though the school is large, Josuke managed to explain the different sections and hallways pretty well. You were impressed at how the map wasn’t very useful. He’s nice enough to lead you to your first home room class.
“So basically this is it, here’s your room and hopefully you remember your way around after.” You chuckle at his statement. You point,
“You aren’t part of 1A?”
“Oh no, I’m part of 1B but it’s not far from here. If ya want, I can wait outside for you once class is over.”
“Oh no! That’s alright, thank you though. I think I’ll be fine.” You chime, smiling at him. Josuke smiles, he waves at you,
“Well I’m off, I’ll see you later?”
And with that, the bell rings and you’re off to first period.
~ Time Skip ~
You practically sprint out of your seat once dismissal arrives. You were rather hungry despite having lunch earlier, the bento your mother prepared you that morning didn’t fill you up. You rush out the class to avoid getting pushed by multiple students gathering outside the schoolyard to walk home, get picked up and wait for the bus. You’re surprised to hear your name get called out once you’re close to the gates,
“Hey! Hey! Wait up!”
You turn around to see Josuke, his body pressed against the front doors stairs’ railing with 2 other guys standing next to him. They both turn their heads to look at you, one of them slightly taller than the other. He waves again to get you to come closer,
You blink, walking back towards their direction. He smiles when you meet face to face, he holds his hand out to them,
“These are my friends, Okuyasu and Koichi. Okuyasu, Koichi, this is Y/N.”
You blush, you aren’t one to be introduced to people, you’re usually the one introducing yourself. The slightly shorter one, Koichi, smiles and nods at you,
“It’s very nice to meet you. Josuke was just telling us about you!”
You nod, blushing even more at the fact that you were even worth speaking about. Okuyasu furrows his eyebrows, putting his hands in his pockets as he looks you up and down,
“Huh, you are pretty cute-“ Koichi nudges his arm harshly, Okuyasu lets out an “ow” and frowns as he backs up from you.
You giggle, “it’s okay Koichi,” you turn to Okuyasu and nod, “I bet he meant no harm.”
Josuke rubs at his neck, waiting for the slightly awkward introduction to end. You look behind you and sigh,
“I gotta go. It was lovely meeting you all but I’m really hungry and need to get back home-“
“You’re hungry? Well actually, we were just about to get some lunch together at that new Italian place that just opened. You wanna come?” Josuke asks curiously.
You bite your lip, looking at your watch. You let out deep breath and nod. ‘Josuke did ask so nicely so.. why not?’ you think.
You all decide to walk down to the restaurant. You make quick conversation with Okuyasu and Koichi. Josuke walks next to you, keeping quiet. He takes a few quick glances at you, wanting to speak but getting too shy to do so.
You are met with the friendly welcome of the main and only chef, Tonio. You learn that he’s originally from Italy and opened his restaurant in hopes of bringing people health and happiness with the help of his dishes.
You all spend around an hour there, talking and laughing as Tonio prepares the courses for you all. You are surprised when you learn about the bizarre things that happens to one’s body when one eats his meals. You about threw up when you gobbled up the pasta that Tonio claimed would help your sudden stomach pains. You were almost scared that he was trying to hurt you and that Josuke and his friends played you but luckily, that was not the case and definitely not something you’d expect out of the boys you met.
Josuke slightly glares at Okuyasu as he tries to continuously flirt at you. He didn’t know why he felt a sense of frustration but he did know that he wanted to speak to you. Perhaps it was jealousy? Though Josuke didn’t want to take that into consideration.
You wave a goodbye to Tonio, smiling as you think about how much you’re going to tell your parents about this place. You let out an exaggerated sigh of satisfaction as the four of you exit the restaurant. You jump excitedly,
“That was so fun! Thanks for inviting me guys.” You say with a huge grin on your face. You didn’t know you’d open up this fast but in a way, you were glad that you did.
“Sure! We’ll see you tomorrow, okay?” Koichi says, waving at you. Okuyasu walks next to Koichi, waving too “you stay cute, alright?”
You giggle nodding, waving as you watch them walk down the sidewalk. You turn to Josuke,
“Hey, aren’t you going down with them? Oku told me your neighbors.”
“Yeah but um.. I was hoping I could walk you home..”
Your eyes widen, his suggestion making your heart flutter. Josuke laughs nervously,
“That’s unless you don’t want me to! I just thought ‘cause it can be a bit dangerous to walk around this late especially when you’re new in town and I-“
You cut him off, “I’d love if you did that. Thank you.”
It’s Josuke’s turn for his heart to flutter. He was beginning to think that he liked you, but not so much in a friend kind of way. But then again, he had just met you so he didn’t know why he was acting so shy.
You lead him to your house, which was luckily not to far from Tonio’s place. The walk was fairly quiet, but not awkward at all. You enjoyed the silence shared between you two. You stop in your tracks, facing him,
“Well, this is it. Thank you again, I wish for your walk to be safe too.” You say to him, he smiles. God his smile is so cute, you think. Wait, what? Why am I thinking that?
Josuke sighs “yeah, thank you.” You notice the quietness in his voice, you chime,
“Hey, you alright? You didn’t talk much when we were with Koichi and Okuyasu.”
“I’m fine...I’m just-“
You nod for him to continue, he sighs,
“I- I wanted to ask if you’d like to hang out with me alone sometime after school this week? I wanna get to know you better...”
You blush at this. You look down at your feet, biting your lip as you think about hanging out with him. Well he is pretty cute...
“Again, if you’re not comfortable with that, that’s okay too! I’m not gonna force you or anything-“
You giggle at his nervousness, you nudge at his shoulder,
“Quit trying to take everything back. Of course I’ll hang out with you. After school, right?”
Josuke is taken aback by your confidence, but he manages to nod. You smile,
“Imma go. I’ll see you tomorrow?” You say, walking up to the front door. He nods again.
Josuke blushes hard once you’re out of his sight. He mentally beats himself up for being awkward as he walks back to his house. Though after a while, he manages to crack a smile once he realizes he was still able to ask you out.
A/N: Hi! So I’m back :P
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purplerose244 · 3 years
My thoughts on Seabound!!! 🌊🌊🌊 (4/4)
Here we are! What a journey, and while perhaps this season wasn't at MoM level it was REALLY good, with great new villains/allies, great little throwbacks and an awesome story! 🤩
How to get this was very good to great? Give me a very good ending Seabound!! 💕💕
Alright, here we go!
I genuinely got too much into this remaining four episodes and forgot to put any general thoughts 😅 So you'll see me rambling at the end, see you there 😉
This title really summarize my feelings so far, like, I'm seriously wondering how it will move on from now, but I do expect the outcome to be CRAZY 🤯
Aaahhhh, yep, the one in Shintaro is a fake 😅 I wonder when did the change happen? How did Kalmaar pulled that off, wow
Heeeeyyy, it's youuuu... huh... *watch scribble on hand* google snake guy, huh... Glucose... yep, good old Glutine and everything 😅
Are we having a "I may have made a mistake being evil" with this guy?
Jay: ah, Prime Empire! I was in that game you know! I fought for my life and the ones of all of Ninjago and I've seen my best friends and the love of my life die before my eyes... good times 🙂
Jay and Nya having fun at DDR has to be one of my favorite thing, they are so in sync and so lovable ❤💙❤💙
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MY SHIP 💙❤💙❤ They even gave each other high gives... this is neat, and it means something awful will happen right 🙂
Commissioner: he's saying something about a giant snake... and the end of the world... didn't we already have something like that?
Okay yep, he did the trick while fighting Nya, dang Kalmaar is sneaky! Not too shabby... but I gotta say, the summoning of the Great Devourer was a lot more dramatic 🤣🤣 Props to the serpentine, still my favorite snakes 💪💪
Wojira seems to be a little smaller than the Devourer maybe? His head way bigger than the bounty, while hers is not that massive even in comparison with Kalmaar
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I might be wrong but at first glance, I stand by my opinion and by the superiority of the OG giant snake 🤷‍♀️
Yep Glutine guy did have a change of heart, better late than never 🤷‍♀️
You're telling me that Jay doesn't do engineering anymore, okay... HOW IS KAI A BETTER SOLUTION??? 🤣🤣🤣 Lol look at the messy brothers, love Lloyd and Kai so much I miss them interact 💚❤💚❤
Thank you Kelly for the alert 😗
It makes me wonder if they actually do have simulations of evacuations often, it would be pretty smart considering the city 🤷‍♀️
OKINO IS THERE HI DUDE!!! 😍 I hope he's doing great! 🥰🥰
Gail Gossip! Been a while!
WOW, this is going Deluge like, my first Spinjitzu Master! 😱 How... how do we go with three episodes from here? Like, I'm guessing Nya will have to do what Nyad did before her (which TERRIFIES me), so are they going to struggle trying to find another way? IDK BUT I'M IN LET'S GO!! 🤯
Alright, pretty straightforward title, let's see what we got here!
Tourists?... that actually makes sense, I mean, I would want to visit all the places where history was made on this island 😍 Aww nice to see they remember the battle against Garmy of Hunted, also that it is known that Jay was the one who faced Unagami 👍👍
DARETH!!! 🤎🤎🤎
Where have you been you knucklehead, I've missed you! 💕 I think I've last seen him in a commercial from the Fire Chapter?
This is a terrible guide 😵 Not knowing the brown ninja? Owner of the dojo the Green Ninja had trained in? Brief commander of the Stone Army? Master of makeup and puffy potstickers? Unforgivable, someone fire this woman ASAP 😡😡
LOOK AT DARETH TAKING CHARGE!!! 🤩 He's right, he should get involved every once in a while, come on guys!
Ah okay good, I'm not the only one struggling with that google snake name 😂
Yay Bentho is fully integrated with the team! He is a great addiction, like, I know he'll probably take the throne at the end or something but I do hope we'll need his help again in the future! 💙
Sometimes I forget how much I love Kai and Zane interacting 🤣 The brainiac and the airhead 🤍❤🤍❤
Oh right, Cole came back from Shintaro! So... now in this extremely secret city there is a fake amulet hanging into a highly secured place... how is it always Shintaro the keeper of flukes? 😂😂
A bath as a boat but it has a whole 😂😂 I love this show's randomness
What ears are they supposed to cover 😅
I LOVE THIS ATMOSPHERE!!! 😍😍😍 Between the gray sky of storm and the sea underneath, this is the perfect scenario for Wojira and it's not even forced! I love how they are handling backgrounds for Ninjago recently, I really hope it gets as good as in the finale of Prime Empire 💙💙💙
AAAAAAHHHHHhhhhh okay for a moment I was scared Wojira was going to eat Jay 😅 After The Island this is already the second time Bluebell risks it... STOP
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NUUUUU WHAT NOW??? 😱😱😱 We have two more episodes, how is this going to end? I DON'T KNOW AND I REALLY WANT TO PLEASE GIVE ME A GOOD FINALE SEABOUND!!! 🙇‍♀️🙇‍♀️🙇‍♀️
Daaaang she can just float on that? She got super good at controlling water! Now I want her and Kai just randomly flying around with their powers 😂😂 Kai got missiles in his hands come on 🔥🔥🔥
What would Kai do? WHAT WOULD KAI DO?? DID YOU DECIDE YOU WANT TO DIE JAY WHY WOULD YOU THINK OF HIM??? ... although technically Kai is the only one with Jay who didn't straight up die before coming back to life in a dramatic moment... huh... Kai might be the most reasonable choice after all 😅
We grew up from Ninja never quit to NINJA AREN'T IDIOTS AND KNOW WHEN TO GET THE HECK OUT 😎😎 Even our motto got a character development 💪
BENTHO YAAAAAAASSSS 🥳🥳🥳🥳 Did I ever say that I love shark boy? BECAUSE I FREAKING DO!! 💙
Master prankster Wu once again, take that empty ship Calamari head 😎 Although the poor bounty doesn't deserve to get destroyed as many times as it did until now, it's my favorite ship... pun intended 😜
Ah more ninjajan, wait a moment
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"Auto Pilot". Fair enough, although I was hoping for a "psych" or something 😂😂
But Cole running to his best friend immediately? HECK yes 🖤💙🖤💙
NYA CARRYING HER BOYFRIEND BRIDAL STYLE THIS IS THE RIGHTEST THING I'VE EVER SEEN!!! ❤💙❤💙❤💙❤💙 Gosh this season gave me amazing Jaya moments, I've been fed 👌👌
Okay Lloyd pacing back and forth? Kai already mad at their enemies? All the guys eager to help Jay? MY FAVORITE NINJA FAMILY BABY!!! 😎😎
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Oh... oh gosh I knew Nya doing the Nyad thing was meant to happen, but this way? My heart is melting already 😭
I remember a post that said that Jay told Nya that he loves her many times, while she never did. Tommy reponded that she lets her actions speak... boy do I see it now, I see all of her love 😢😢
I never felt such conflicting emotions for a villain like I do for Kalmaar, like, he caused so much pain to Nya... but he is voiced by Giles... but he is the reason Jay is hurt... but that startle gag 😂😂😂
Okay this? Is adorable?
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What the HECK? The police in this city is generally not very helpful, but the Commissioner is very wholesome 💜
Nyaaaaaaa 😭😭😭😭 I didn't think it was possible to love her even more, she was ignored for so long during the show, but now we finally see all of her. She is an amazing warrior, a selfless person, and a real hero 💪💪 And coming from such a mature girl that doesn't like to act irrationally, this means so much more
Jaya grew up so much, it went through some very questionable phases yes, but what they have here? It's the result of all they had lived together 💙❤💙❤
I have chills, this is amazing so far, I'm legit scared of going further 😱
SHE SAID IT!!! 😭😭😭😭😭😭 Okay this moment, everything, EVERYTHING, is absolutely marvelous. Nya said I love you without a voice, alone, showing again that she values the actions more, but still her feelings are 100% truthful. Then the transformation (THERE IT IS HER BEAUTIFUL WATER FORM 😍😍😍), Jay getting saved, the realization of what she just did from everyone... DANG IT IT'S ALL BEAUTIFUL HOW LONG DID IT TAKE TO THINK OF THIS SCENE???
*slow clap for Bragi, Tommy, and the Ninjago crew*
Jay and water Nya with their hands together gives me big The Form of Water vibes... LOVE THAT MOVIE WHO'S READY FOR AN AU??
Jay wants to help her, I had no doubt 💙 They always help each other in these BOUNDs seasons 😍😍😍
Kalmaar: where are the ninja??
Commissioner: I don't know, they are ninja!
Oh, curious title? It feels a little vague, I don't really know what it could be
YES GIRL GO GET HIS CALAMARI BUTT HECK YES!!! Just how cool can you be for walking slowly while the attacks go straight through you? 😂
Hey Nya still recognizes Jay! 😃😃
HEY NYA GOT VAPORIZED WTH 😱😱 It's too early, I don't believe that's it!
WHOA JAY WENT BERSERK JUST NOW!! I don't think I've seen this before, this is the coolest thing! 💙💙💙 I just love when he shows how strong he is, you can be a comic relief AND kick butts 😎
What the- was... was that a cameo of the lightning chicken? Ninjago what the HECK I love your randomness 😂😂
BENTHOMAAR TAGS IN!!! Showing off why he is best boy of the season 💙 These fightings are very cool but I can't help imagining Wojira just chilling while there are midgets getting very angry at each other onto her head 🤣🤣🤣
WHOA, CALAMARI BITE! Kalmaar got the Pythor treatment... might change color by next season if he returns 😅
(Please return I loved having Giles' voice in this season 💙💙💙)
NYA IS A DRAGON!!! I REPEAT NYA IS A DRAGON!!! 😍😍😍😍😍😍 I was wondering where the dragon moment was, this is Ninjago after all 🤷‍♀️
Head empty, just Jay smiling softy at Nya because he loves her 💙💙💙
IT'S RAINING NYA, HALLELUIA IT'S RAINING NYA, HEYE!! ☔☔☔ This fight is MASSIVE! We had finales with big creatures before but now one of the ninja is big enough to face them and that's 🤯
NYA DID IT!!! 🤩🤩🤩 ... now onto the angst that I KNOW it's coming
Kai being unbelieving is tragic, and Jay's "don't leave me" broke my heart. Please end this misery, where is the deus ex machina that solves everything?
Wait she left?
Omg the grief in this is beautiful, nice to see Jay and Maya so close to each other! Also Kai leaning onto his mom while Cole is comforting his best best friend? Amazing, they really do these scenes great 👌
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EVERYONE SHOWED UP I LOVE THIS CITY SO MUCH 😭😭😭 Aww Ed and Edna, wasn't this such a sad situation I would be so much happier to see you guys 🥺
Master Wu even mentioned that she built Samurai X, you really want to make me cry now do you? 🥺🥺
Omg look at Cole being there for his best friend, he is amazing 🖤💙🖤💙
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I have such Rebooted vibes from this... is it hopeful? That Nya comes back like Zane? She's no nindroid but still... oh my gosh they got her symbol on the vase I just noticed, I need more tissues 😭😭
"In loving memory of Kirby Morrow". Always in our hearts 🖤🖤🖤
I'm speechless... like that's true, have A LOT to write over here 😅
This type of plot twist reminds me of our early seasons. Zane sacrificing himself, Garmadon giving up his life, those moments that made me so curious and excited about the following. I have no idea what will be the outcome for this, but I can't wait to find out
With that out of the way, AMAZING SEASON 😍😍😍 I think this finale beats MoM's, just because it was really unexpected and opens up a SEA of possibilities... yeah too soon 😭
I'm still shaken, my world, they did something HUGE and I do hope it will be a good shake to the entire Ninjago plotline. Nya is "gone", we still don't know about the person behind all that vengestone, we haven't heard from Garmy in forever, there are so many good ideas out there now that they've set the ground for more 🤩🤩
Voice acting was *chef's kiss*, not only for the villain which I already stressed enough about, I think Kelly reached a new level of emotional intimacy with Nya and I'm so happy she showed her skills 💜💜
Animation is TOP, there's little to no point into saying anything else since they showed it very clearly in the latest season ☺
This was the emotional, witty and engaging writing I was looking for! Good jokes, meaningful dialogues, emotional scenes, everything was really good and I'm gonna rewatch some scenes especially for that 😍
It turned out having Maya and Ray back was kind of a distraction to fool us all 😅😅 Well played actually, and it was very cool seeing them again in any case 🙋‍♀️
And now? Jay lost his love, I have no idea if the show will work on him getting over her or hold onto her memory (thinking of Jay probably the latter, although I do think that handling the first would be an interesting idea). KAI LOST HIS SISTER 😢😢😢 I have no doubt he's gonna beat himself up for it, like he did when Zane was gone too. Everyone lost their friend, she had become such a vital part of the team and now she is not here anymore it will be hard...
They are back with the four plus one green savior formation, I sincerely don't know how I feel about that 😅 I'm always happy when we get the OGs, but this is about going on without Nya... maybe Skylor will be called? Or Pixal will be more active? That could be interesting to see, who knows 🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️
Gosh, how are they going to handle the next season? It will have to give A LOT of answers to the millions questions we all have right now. Man I can't wait, it could be anything!!! This is a Ninjago revolution!
But if I have to mention a little complain, and I'm a fangirl so I absolutely have to, Kai didn't show much of a reaction to Nya's "departure". Okay, she didn't straight up die like in Skybound (I'm gonna fear all BOUND seasons from now on 😱), but he's her brother and he loves deeply his family. Either we're gonna see him go all out next season, or the writers really did only focus on Jaya. A tiny bit salty... but you got me a fantastic finale so I'll move on 👍
Outstanding, I'm blown away. Whenever I think I'm used to this show they do stuff like this. I'm so glad and sad you guys 😅 But mostly happy that despite everything I still get very strong emotions while I watch this long time favorite show of mine 💜💜💜
What else can I say at this point? ONTO NEXT SEASON!!! 🤩🤩🤩
Thank you for reading me freaking out over LEGO spinning ninja as always! It helps me calm down but this time it might be harder thant the others... *sobs*
I need to lay down and process all of this, I'll be on my way 😂😂 BYE!!! 💜
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rudysrings · 4 years
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The lifeguard at the beach yesterday inspired me to write this...y’all tell me that’s 👆👆👆not JJ!!!!
Summary: The reader has to train a new lifeguard, a certain blonde who can’t seem to stop hitting on her.
Word count: 4.1k (Holy shit what did I do)
Warnings: Uh mentions of drowning, weed, fluff? Not much this is really just a sweet oneshot
Credit to @alexa-playafricabytoto for the killer idea...I don’t think I did it justice but here we go anyways 😂
DISCLAIMER: I don’t know shit about lifeguards and was too lazy to do research so this it’s extremely likely that this is HIGHLY inaccurate and I’m sorry about that but just go with it for fanfic purposes, eh?
“Hey, Y/N!” Mr. Rodriguez, your manager called out for you from his office in the beach’s visitor center. You had just clocked in, still in your jean shorts and tank. 
You quickly walked over, popping your head in the doorway of his office. Seated in front of him, you noticed, was a blond in a red snapback, a Kildare County Marina T-shirt on. “Yeah, boss?” You asked.
He gave you a rare, sweet smile, gesturing for you to sit down. 
Confused, you cautiously walked over, sliding into the empty chair beside the blonde boy. You felt him glance at you but you looked straight at your manager.
“So Kyle’s out on some family emergency this week…” Your manager started.
You scoffed inwardly but didn’t say anything out loud for the sake of being professional. Kyle’s family emergency was most likely him passed out and hungover after a night of drinking, smoking and a shit ton of coke or molly or acid or whatever he was taking these days. 
“And seeing as he was your partner and was supposed to train the newbie,” Mr. Rodriguez continued, gesturing towards the boy beside you, “So meet JJ Maybank, your new partner until I decide he’s learned enough from you.”
Your beach’s lifeguards worked on a partner system, due to its size. There were always two lifeguards in every tower to maintain maximum security.
You tried not to groan. JJ Maybank? Of all the people in the world, you had to get stuck with the one notorious for recklessness, theft, and starting fights? Of fucking course, you did.
“Right,” You nodded, giving your manager a tight-lipped smile, maintaining your politeness while subtly letting him know you were not happy with the cards you had just been dealt.
Again, without looking at JJ, you stood up, your hands on your hips. “When do we start?” You asked.
“Right now.”
You nodded, turning on your heel and calling over your shoulder. “You coming, Maybank?”
You heard shuffling as he followed after your long strides. You grabbed a rescue buoy for yourself and tossed one to JJ, who caught it with ease. You walked toward the front desk, smiling at Cheri, one of the receptionists your own age who was always nice to you, letting you get away with things she probably shouldn’t have. Picking up two whistles, you walked out the door and finally greeted the boy.
“So you lifeguard now?” 
He shrugged. “I do whatever to pay for my pot.” 
You rolled your eyes, walking down the beach towards your assigned tower for the day. “I can respect that.”
“So there are a few things you should know,” You began, to which JJ listened intently.
“I figure Rodriguez has already been through the list of your duties?” You raised an eyebrow in question.
JJ nodded. “Thoroughly. He doesn’t think I’ve a single brain cell, that man. He tried to draw me a picture of the lifeguard tower.”
You held in a smile. “If you ask me, he’s right to think that,” you quipped, making JJ pout.
“Anyways, apart from that, you need to know a few other things that are kind of unwritten. For example, don’t bother telling people to get off the rocks, just be ready to save them if they fall.”
JJ wrinkled his brows. “The fuck kind of rule is that? Not even going to warn people?”
You shrugged. “Unless you want to make a scene with a bunch of Karens shouting at you for dictating rules on a public beach, then you’ll do as I say.”
JJ grumbled. ‘Yes, ma’am.”
“Bob your head every once in a while so you don’t miss the people right below you.”
“Yes, ma’am.”
“Keep the buoy on you wherever you go.”
“Yes, ma’am.”
“And lastly, don’t ever think someone is faking anything. Doesn’t matter if your friend is pranking you, we gotta do what we gotta do. We have to save every last imbecile on this beach.”
“Yes, ma’am.”
Frustrated, You turned towards him, stopping in the sand, one hand on your hip. “Oh, shut your trap with that ma’am nonsense, Maybank. Trust me, you lucked out with getting me as a partner over Kyle—”
JJ nodded. “I sure did, guy’s a total tool. Besides, hot girl over junkie guy,” he whistled low, “no debate there.”
You tried not to blush at JJ calling you hot, but you felt the tips of your ears turn pink.
“Right, well, you can’t be hitting on me while we’re working together, Maybank.”
“Why not?”
You stepped forward, poking him in the chest. “Because you’ve known me since we were kids, yet we’ve never spoken. So don’t go pretending that I’m not invisible anymore.”
JJ frowned. 
You turned, “Come on, there’s work to do.”
One the two of you climbed up the tower, you put on your whistle and gestured for JJ to lean forward, so that you could toss it over his neck. He did so, accidentally knocking his forehead on yours. “Sorry,” he mumbled, stepping away. 
As he settled in, you stripped your shorts and tank, now left in your ruby red lifeguard one piece.
Today was slow, being a Wednesday off-season, and JJ tried to start a conversation. He pulled out a joint and offered it to you. 
You gave him an “Are you kidding me,” look and he shrugged, unbothered, lighting it up and taking a long hit. “So what’s Keith really doing if he’s not having a family emergency?”
“Kieth? You mean Kyle?”
JJ nodded. “Right, him.”
You laughed dryly, “Probably wrecked after popping ten too many pills and sleeping with a few too many girls. Guy doesn’t know when to stop.”
JJ didn’t look at you, looking out at the sea. “So when did you two break it off?”
“What—We—” You spluttered.
JJ took another long inhale from the joint. “It’s easy to see, babe.”
“I don’t think that’s any of your business,” you snapped, pulling down your sunglasses from atop your head, hoping to hide the emotions that were most definitely swimming in your eyes. 
“S’not, I know,”
“Then why ask?”
“Just curious as to how a girl like you ended up with a douche like him.”
You were quiet for a moment, before you said, “He wasn’t always like this.”
“Only doing coke, not into molly yet?” JJ joked.
You chuckled. “No, not like that. He was incredibly kind, he had the biggest heart.” You fingered the wood on the arm of your chair.
“Then what happened?”
“Then his mom died, and I wasn’t enough.” Your hand retreated into your lap. 
“He dump you?”
Your eyes narrowed. “No, I dumped him. I’m smart enough to know when I’m getting less than I deserve.”
JJ hummed. “I think I have a chance then.”
You laughed. “You’ve got nothing more than wishful thinking, Maybank.”
“Come to the kegger tonight. I’ll show you wishful thinking.”
You almost gasped at his forwardness. “No, you idiot.”
He turned towards you, meeting your eyes, pleading. You didn’t relent. 
“Fine, miss, I’ll just let you keep that stick up your ass then.”
“I’m going to pretend you didn’t say that.”
When lunch came around, you let him go first, and when he returned, smelling of way too much weed, you asked, “You mind if I catch some waves? Think you can hold your own for a half hour?”
JJ gave a toothy grin. “Hell yeah, and watch you ride those waves? It’s going to be hard for me to watch anything but you.”
You smacked him over the head. “Do your job or we’ll both be in trouble, Maybank.”
You grabbed your board and climbed down, racing across the sand towards the water. Finally, you let yourself relax, sinking into the waves as they came. You even caught yourself doing a couple tricks, unconsciously trying to impress the blonde boy who was watching you from the tower. You felt high as a kite when you even managed to successfully execute several cutbacks in a row. You thought you heard a celebratory whistle from the direction of the tower and you jokingly gave a salute towards the beach.
As you climbed back up, JJ cheered. “Holy shit! I knew you were good, but god damn, Y/N! You gotta teach me how to do that Rodeo Flip! I’ve been trying to get it down for years!”
You laughed. “We’ll see, Maybank.”
His hands tugging at his hair in excitement, he asked, “How are you not going pro?!”
You shrugged. “I don’t do it for sport. It’s just something I do for me.”
JJ nodded, a renewed look of respect in his eyes. “Word.”
You spent the rest of your shift laughing at the ridiculous tourists on the beach, especially the ones that forgot sunblock.
You told JJ to go on ahead of towards the visiting center as you had a couple of things left to tidy up. 
When you returned, he was chatting up Cheri, a thousand watt smile on her face as she enjoyed the attention from the pretty blonde.
You rolled your eyes, shoving past them to dump your equipment and clock out. You didn’t know what that bubbling feeling in your abdomen was, or why your stomach lurched at the thought of Cheri and JJ, or maybe you did, but you chose not to think about it too hard, afraid of the conclusion you’d come to.
As you walked out of the visitor center, turning towards home, you heard JJ call your name. You stopped, closing your eyes and muttering a silent prayer for the patience to deal with this boy.
He jogged out, making his way to you. “Hey!” He greeted, out of breath.
“Here to give me another half-assed invite to some kegger?” You asked.
JJ frowned, shaking his head. “No, I just wanted to clarify something you said this morning. You-You said that I thought you were invisible, because we’ve never spoken.”
“And?” you didn’t see where he was going with this other than to insult you.
“We’ve never spoken because I had the biggest crush on you Y/N. I’ve avoided you everywhere. You were hardly invisible to me. If anything, I didn’t think you saw me.”
You laughed. “Sure, Maybank.”
JJ shuffled his feet, shoving his hands in his pockets. “It’s true,” he mumbled.
You smiled, “Have fun at the kegger, JJ.” You gave him a peck on the cheek before walking off into the night, the darkness hiding your flaming cheeks. 
You heard a celebratory whoop from behind you and bit your lip as you smiled. 
Your heart felt light all week as you got closer to your partner. He was actually great at his job, especially with the children patrons on the beach, which greatly surprised you. 
You remembered one day in the middle of the week, when you were dropping your equipment off, JJ didn’t have his whistle. 
When you asked about it, he simply laughed. “This kid near the docks kept pestering me for it. Little guy wanted to be a junior lifeguard. Couldn’t say no…”
It was at the end of the week when you met his friends, the infamous, self-proclaimed pogues.
The trio had shown up near the end of your shift, claiming to be curious of the job that JJ actually managed to keep for longer than a day. JJ saw them approaching and immediately swore, turning towards you to say, “I’m going to apologize now for what you’re about to experience.”
Before you could ask what that meant, he had left, climbing down the towers to stop his friends from reaching you. 
Confused, you made your way down, too, watching as a boy with shaggy brown hair clapped JJ over the back, ruffling his hair aggressively. “So this is what you’ve been missing out on pogue days for?”
A dark haired boy, who looked nervous about simply existing, added, “Not what, who,” nodding at you, standing with your arms crossed over your chest and an eyebrow cocked. 
JJ had a permanent blush on his face, but you couldn’t puzzle out why. Meanwhile, you received a slightly reserved smile from the girl holding hands with the nervous boy. She waved politely. 
The boy with shaggy hair marched forward, arms wide open to give you a hug. You thrust your hand out on instinct, which he looked at like a difficult algebra equation, before brushing it away gently and pulling you into his tight embrace. The boy gave great hugs, you had to admit. The kind of tight bear hugs you expect from your mom. 
You laughed nervously, patting him on the back and looking over his shoulder at the other three, who all laughed. JJ mouthed I’m sorry at you and you responded with I’m going to kill you.
When he finally let you go, he tussled your hair and said, “Nice to meet the girl who’s got my boy tripping over his own feet to get to work. I’m John B.”
You flicked your eyes over to JJ, who was as red as a tomato. He buried his face in Pope’s shoulder, muttering something. You snorted. “Hardly. I’m Y/N.”
The dark haired boy grinned, “Trust me, we know. I’m Pope and this is Kie,” he introduced himself and what you assumed was his girlfriend.
In the next hour, you learned that JJ’s friends were loud, blunt and lacked basic manners in some ways, but they were youthful and thick as thieves, clearly a family. 
There was something warm about Pope, something that allowed you to trust him immediately, completely. So when the other three were surfing, and he joined you on the sand, asking you, “So are you feelin’ my boy or what?”, you weren’t afraid to be completely honest.
Giving a short laugh at his bluntness, you admitted, “I don’t really know. There could be something there. There is something there, I think.”
“Then what’s stopping you?”
You would feel pathetic to confess this to anybody else, but Pope seemed like he wouldn’t judge you if you admitted to having three children. “I don’t know if we want the same things. I don’t see a guy like that in a serious relationship. Doesn’t seem like the type to settle.”
Pope grinned. “You know him well, then.”
Your heart fell as you thought that Pope was confirming your fears.
“But not well enough, I think. You’d be surprised. He’s kind of...obsessed with you. But not in the “Pokemon gotta catch ‘em all!” kind of way. He doesn’t see you as some sort of spiky eared Pichu…”
He trailed off and you looked at him, absolutely baffled. “I’m sorry...I don’t follow?”
Pope cleared his throat. “He likes you, Y/N, like really respects you and wants to make you happy. Any fool can see that.”
You were sure your entire body was on fire with how hard you flushed. “Oh.”
“Yeah, oh. Well, you keep him on his toes so we don’t mind. And it’s made him a little softer, a little more careful, which we definitely don’t mind. He needs to be checked, that one.”
Pope stood up, reaching his hand out and pulling you up. “Now, JJ tells me you have a killer cutback. Wanna show me?” He asks.
You give him a big smile, grateful for his kind words and ability to seamlessly bring you back to reality from that heavy conversation. “I’d love to. If you can keep up!” 
Laughing, Pope followed you into the ocean, JJ giving you an excited smile as you joined him in the water, content to see you getting along with his family.
Later that night, when his friends left, and JJ was helping you towel off your hair while shaking his own like a wet dog, making you giggle and shriek at the sensation, he asked, “You wanna actually catch some waves outside of this beach sometime?” 
It was your conversation with Pope earlier that gave you the confidence to say, “How about tomorrow? It’s our day off…”
“I’ll pick you up before dawn then?”
You nodded, “Sounds perfect.”
He tossed you your towel, casually throwing an arm over your shoulder as the two of you walked back to the visitor’s center.
The next morning, you were a mess. JJ had never seen you in anything aside from your lifeguard uniform and you nearly lost your mind trying to figure out what to wear. You felt like a middle schooler deciding what to wear on the first day of school to impress their crush. 
Eventually, you thought to hell with it, and just went with a blue romper over your swimsuit, letting your hair down for once.
You didn’t bother with makeup since you were planning to get soaked anyways. 
When you heard the distinct sound of a large engine approaching, you walked out of your house, curious.
When the image of JJ on a dirt bike came into focus, you couldn’t help the cackle that tittered out of your mouth. 
He slowed down to a complete stop in front of your driveway, swinging his leg over and walking up to you, spinning the key ‘round his finger.
“Hey, dude!” He greeted, sweeping you up in an unexpected hug. Still, you melted into his frame, letting your usually rigid spine relax, feeling JJ nuzzle into your shoulder slightly and sighing.
You pulled away after a moment and JJ rubbed the back of his neck shyly, shuffling his feet awkwardly. “Sorry, I-uh, I really needed that today.” This boy was touch-starved. 
You patted his chest as you walked towards the dirt bike. “S’alright, it happens to the best of us.”
JJ followed you. “You ever ridden one of these before?”
You cocked your head at him. “Oh yeah, all the time.”
He looked surprised, before handing you the keys and raising his eyebrows in challenge. “Prove it.”
You simply smirked and mounted the bike, pretending you didn’t hear JJ mumble “That’s hot,” under his breath. Instead, you started the engine and nodded at him to get on behind you.
JJ smiled before climbing on behind you, scooching forward until every inch of your back was flush against his front. 
“Let’s go, babe!” You said, before taking off down the street. 
JJ gave you directions, steering you into areas of the Cut you had never been, which was saying something since you knew this town like the back of your hand.
Finally, he pulled up to a small cove, where you saw a small patch of sand. It was the farthest land towards the sea, meaning you would probably find the biggest waves.
“Holy shit, how did I not know this place existed?”
JJ grinned, bringing you to a small shack where a couple of boards were hidden from view in the foliage. 
He handed you a board. “I’m full of surprises. Your hair smells nice, by the way.”
“Stop that!” You laughed.
“Stop what?”
You slapped him over the head. “Making me blush.”
“Don’t think I will.”
You rolled your eyes and simply unzipped your romper, ignoring the whistle from JJ as you stepped out in only your swimsuit. You laid the fabric over the handle of his dirt bike and turned towards him. He was still in his T-shirt and swim trunks.
“Aren’t you going to take your shirt off?”
JJ gave a shit-eating grin, “My, my, Y/L/N, at least take a guy to dinner first.”
You shoved at his chest. “No, you dumbass, I meant you can’t surf in that.”
JJ opened his mouth as if to say something before pausing and wrinkling his nose. “It’s just not a good idea for me today.”
“What did you eat a little too much? I can promise I’m not afraid of a food baby, Maybank, I can deal.”
JJ tried explaining before just giving up and pulling his shirt off, leaving you shocked and incredibly confused, not to mention concerned.
Bruises littered his body, beginning at his shoulder and ending far below his ribs. Involuntarily, your hand brushed his skin. “What the fuck happened, JJ?”
He shrugged. “S’my Dad, you know. Gets angry sometimes is all.”
You shook your head sadly. “You don’t deserve that.”
JJ laughed darkly. “That’s up for debate.”
You stomped your foot. “No, it’s absolutely not! No one deserves that, especially not you.”
JJ softened. “You really think so?”
“Of course I do.”
He gave a small smile. “So you won’t make fun of me for not being able to keep up with you today? It’s only because I got my ass kicked, otherwise I’d surf circles around you all day.”
His words made you frown, but you recognized the coping mechanism and simply said, “Oh sure, Maybank. You know as well as I do that there’s not a world where you can surf better than me.”
He shrugged, walking towards the water. “I can sure as hell try, babe!”
Surfing with JJ was an experience on some whole other level. Sharing a wave was something even the most experienced surfers didn’t attempt, but something in you trusted JJ and the two of you tried it out. It was absolutely surreal, until JJ didn’t resurface.
Your euphoric smile quickly turned into a panicked cry. “JJ? JJ?!” You looked around and caught sight of him hanging on to his board, eyes closed. You swiftly untied your board from your ankle and swam over to him, pulling him towards you. He was like dead weight. You dragged him over to the shore and dumped him there, immediately leaning down to check his pulse. 
You felt it clear as day, but tears filled your eyes. “JJ! Wake up!”
You began chest compressions immediately. Before you even got to ten, however, you heard a giggle. 
Bewildered, you looked at his smiling face, his amused blue eyes laughing at you.
You instantly flinched away, retreating from him. “You were faking?”
JJ nearly choked on his laughter. “You-you should have—” He tried to breathe through the guffaws “—seen your face! Priceless!”
You slapped at his chest with your fists as he sat up, ignoring his slight winces given his prior injuries. “Ay, ay what’s up with that! Stop it, Y/N!”
“You bastard! I thought you were dying!”
JJ softened, before holding the back of your neck and pulling you towards him, leaning in to capture your lips with his. It was sweet and short and he pulled away quickly, asking. “Was that alright?”
You shook your head, pouting. “No, another!” 
He smiled, but gave in to your pleas gleefully, his other hand coming over the front of your neck, pulling you closer to him by your throat. You bit his lip harshly, still angry from the stunt he had just pulled and his whined quietly, moving his hand down your spine, hands brushing the bare skin that your swimsuit exposed. 
He lay back, pulling you on top of him. You straddled him, allowing him to deepen the kiss. You didn’t realize how much you had wanted this until you were doing it. You were kissing JJ Maybank. And it felt right. It felt as right as surfing did, maybe even better, you dared to think. 
Maybe it was the fact that he kissed you like he had all the time in the world and didn’t care, because he was hungry right now. Maybe it was how he held you like he was afraid you would let go. Maybe it was how he managed to wordlessly beg for your skin on his, clearly touch-starved. Whatever it was, it solidified the growing feelings you had for the blonde, blossoming into something new, something stronger, something better, until you couldn’t hear any of your own thoughts other than his name--over, and over and over again. 
When you finally broke that time, you smiled into his neck, trying to catch your breath. “Wow,” sighed JJ, “That was some kiss, babe. If you kiss me like that forever, I’ll die a happy man.”
You giggled, but sat up slightly, flicking his nose. You knew you had to get this awful, insecure doubt of yours out of your mouth right now before you let it fester into something that could ruin this beautiful thing you were creating with JJ. “If you ever break my heart, JJ, I swear to God, you better not cheat on me.”
He frowned. “Wouldn’t dream of it. I’ve wanted this forever. Can’t fuck it up now.”
You smiled, bending down for another kiss. JJ stopped you. “Wait. While we’re making promises, let me just say, if you ever get back with Kyle, I will sue.”
You thought the whole town probably heard your laugh then.
K so not my best work but hope y’all liked it!
Tagging @rretrophilee @jjsbxtch @drewsephsmiles @uwubonebabie bc we talked about it! You don’t have to read if you don’t want to lol 💛
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AIGHT Y’ALL I wasn’t tagged but I’m doing this anyways because f u c k  i t
It's the year 2021 and you're obsessed with The Karate Kid. How are you feeling?
Deadasss weird as fuck, my dude. Like...out of all the things I could’ve predicted happening in our lord’s year 2021, it definitely was NOT getting hyperfixated on a hammy gay ship with a punk and a nerd from a goddamn karate soap opera. And yet...here we are??? I will never understand hyperfixations, my guy. But I’ve met a lot of really cool people in this fandom, so I can’t really complain.
Did you grow up with TKK or are you new to the series?
I have never seen a single Karate Kid movie in my entire life. When I was a kid, it looked kinda dumb so I never got into it XD But then I saw my roommate watching Cobra Kai on Youtube Red one day (he has every streaming service known to man) and I was hooked. And...here I am!
We gotta do the basics. Favorite character:  
Literally EVERYONE except for Kreese, Yasmine, Kyler, and Tory, sorry stans
Okay but if we gotta pick, Johnny Lawrence is my Problematic Fave. Also I love my boy Daniel, he’s trying his best!!! And Amanda LaRusso, we stan a queen!!!
Among the kids, definitely Miguel, with Demetri as a close second. I also love Sam, Aisha, Moon, and Hawk (pre- and post-Bastardization Arc, anyways XD)!
Favorite ship:  
Take a look at my username and take a WILD FUCKING GUESS lmao Yes it’s Eli/Demetri because DUH, every interaction they have is so fucking gay and Eli fucking saved him!!! And came back to him!!! And betrayed the world’s most terrifying dojo with a WAR CRIMINAL SENSEI all for Demetri!!! And how Demetri was willing to forgive him for everything at the drop of a hat because he always had faith there was still good in his best friend??? That’s TRUE LOVE motherfuckers. Please let them kiss in Season 4. I will sell you all of my limbs. Sam/Miguel is a close second because they’re cute as shit and it’s just so lovely to see two people so unapologetically smitten with each other. They are in LOVE, and I will RIOT if they break up again!!! Keep Sam and Miguel together 2k21!!!
Underrated character:
SAMANTHA LARUSSO!!! The amount of hate my girl gets for acting like a normal teenager and fucking up occasionally JUST like the rest of the cast makes me want to start punching things. She cares SO MUCH about her friends!!! And she loves the shit out of Miguel!!! She hasn’t always been the best friend but you know what??? Neither has Hawk, and we still forgave his ass!!! Also LET HER BE FEMININE but also kick utter ass, my god!!! Femininity should not be synonymous with being weak, y’all! ALSO DEMETRI, like yes, he likes to complain and occasionally run his mouth, but guess what else he likes to do??? Never give up on the love of his life his best friend Eli Moskowitz and refuse to lose faith in him no matter how much of a little shit he’s become, and I for one think that’s very badass of him. Also the way he takes care of Eli pre-Cobra Kai in his own snarky bastard way makes me absolutely Weak and needs more appreciation. Like the dude has charisma and COULD have probably made other friends and left Eli behind if he wanted, but did he??? No, he wants the weepy loser with the lip scar in the polo shirts and dorky sweaters and will protect him as much as his wimpy ass is able!!!
Underrated ship (don’t say therapy, lol):  
Among the adults, Daniel/Amanda!!! Like maybe I just don’t watch that much tv, but it seems kinda rare to me to see a happily married hetero couple, and it’s just nice to see a married couple who genuinely love each other and where there’s not like...lingering resentment or some shit. I feel like this ship gets overshadowed by Lawrusso a lot (which like--okay, fair!!! Daniel and Johnny do have a ridiculous amount of chemistry, and the gay undertones are undeniable, so I get it), and it makes me kinda sad. I do love Lawrusso, but I don’t like when Amanda has to get her heart broke for it to happen, you feel? Among the kids, honestly YasMoon. Like I really love the idea of Yasmine trying to better herself because of Moon’s influence on her and because Moon like...inspires her to be a better person, I guess? With their pretty strong friendship, it just makes more sense to me for Yasmine to get a redemption arc through Moon than through Demetri. ALSO girls DO often pull the whole “mean girl” shtick to cover up being closeted lesbians, and Moon IS canonically bi, so it could work!!! I just think this one could be a really interesting Friends to Lovers take, and could make a really nice coming-out arc for Yas. And MoonPiper too, honestly!!! Like they only got 5 seconds of screentime so I understand WHY it’s underrated, but I still love what we DID get and loved that there was a canon gay ship (even if only for 1 scene lmao). I’m really excited to potentially see more of them in Season 4!!! Please, I’m begging!!!
Wax On, Wax Off or Sweep the Leg?
Sweep the Leg because it will always be deeply hilarious to me how Demetri took note of the first move Eli ever used on him and spent presumably weeks perfecting it OUT OF SPITE just to get him back with it at the soccer game MONTHS later. Just goes to show how OBSESSED Demetri is with Eli and their little karate rivalry which is just NOT straight, I’m sorry
Which of Daniel’s dumb little outfits is your favorite?
There’s something so funny about this pretentious little fuck walking around in fancy suits once he becomes a #SuccessfulBusinessman, and still occasionally trying to do karate in a full-ass suit (take THAT, Tom Cole’s boba!!!) I’m also a big fan of how he looks in his gi with his little headband. Still killing that look as a 40-50-something!!!
Character from the films you most want to return, who’s not Terry Silver:
Tbh I have still never seen a single Karate Kid movie (they took them off of Netflix, RIP), so...I don’t really care if they bring anyone else back??? I’m invested in the characters we already have in the show, I don’t need some rando from the movies to make a cameo to have a good time XD The only character I really wanted them to bring back was Ali, and they already did, so like...I’m good??? That’s all I really needed, I can die in peace now XD
Scene that lives in your head rent-free:
Basically any fluffy Elimetri scene, but 5 in particular: ~Miguel first meeting Eli and Demetri at the lunch table, and Eli looking at Demetri like he hung every goddamn star in the sky ~Demetri going off at a terrifying, “unhinged” karate sensei on the first day of Cobra Kai because he made fun of Eli’s lip and Demetri is not about that shit ~ELI STEALING DEMETRI’S NACHO AND SMIRKING AT HIM, LIKE EXCUSE ME SIR PLEASE BE A LITTLE LESS HOMOSEXUAL IN FRONT OF YOUR GIRLFRIEND ~Eli yanking Demetri onstage during Valley Fest to hold a board, and Demetri being visibly like...extremely turned on when Eli breaks said board ~ELI SAVING DEMETRI DURING THE CHRISTMAS FIGHT, ELI APOLOGIZING, DEMETRI AND ELI KICKING COBRA ASS TOGETHER AKSBDCUWYVCBU
Will Anthony LaRusso ever be relevant?
I hope not! He’s kind of a funny meme character to pop up now and again but I don’t think he deserves a serious plotline when there are so many more interesting characters to follow.
You live in The Valley and are forced into the karate gang war. Which dojo do you join?
Miyagi-Do because Cobra Kai would eat me alive. Also I’d probably straight up get stuck and die in that cement mixer, if I even made it that far XD Besides, being salty that your friend who you have a crush on likes martial arts better than you and starting martial arts to impress them but also being too lazy to join anything TOO intense is a Big Mood and I am certainly not speaking from personal experience here, no sirree
What’s your training montage song?
"Shut Up and Drive” by Rihanna for a weight-training and bicep-flexing montage, “Whatever It Takes” by Imagine Dragons for a more intense punching-and-kicking-shit montage. I don’t know why this is, I just feel it in my heart.
It’s the crossover event of the century! Which TV show are you combining with Cobra Kai for an hour-long Saturday night special?
*Briefly panics because I don’t actually watch that much TV and most of the stuff I do watch is fantasy/sci fi shit that absolutely would not work for a CK crossover*
Hmmmm okay but ACTUALLY
You know what would be fucking funny as hell would be an It’s Always Sunny In Philadelphia crossover. Allow me to elaborate: ~The Gang goes to LA on vacation during the height of the Karate Dojo Wars. They literally can get barely anything done without all these goddamn karate-fighting teenagers getting in the way. ~They are all very annoyed by this. Even the most obscure of tourist attractions is eventually intercepted by karate fights. ~Mac tries to join Cobra Kai because he sees all this karate fighting on, and wants to unquestionably prove both his badassery and masculinity. Both Johnny and Kreese are like “Wtf are you doing here? Aren’t you like 30?” ~Mac gets a planet-sized crush on Johnny after all of 5 minutes and endlessly gushes to the gang about him. The gang mercilessly roast him about this and about how much of a pathetic loser with his life together in no way whatsoever Johnny sounds like. They proceed to have exactly 0 self awareness about this. ~The Waitress is in town visiting family or something, and Charlie is stalking her, as per usual. However, every time he’s about to go up and talk to her, a pack of battling Miyagi-Dos and Cobra Kais throwing punches and kicks everywhere blocks his path. One times, Mac is among one of these packs and Charlie is like “???? He didn’t get kicked out of that teen karate dojo yet???” ~Seeing how much the Kids These Days seem to like fighting, Charlie drops by a local high school to try and sell Fight Milk to the kids doing karate. Only Kyler and Brucks buy into it, and subsequently get the entire West Valley High wrestling team sick. Charlie is inevitably arrested, as Counselor Blatt thinks he’s selling the kids drugs. ~Dennis makes a plan to have sex with every hot chick he can in Los Angeles. He meets Ali on a dating app post-divorce, and inevitably tries to bang her. It doesn’t work. ~Frank crashes the rental car, and inevitably the gang ends up at one of Daniel’s dealerships. Dee quickly takes a liking to Daniel and is like “Watch, assholes--Imma homewreck this guy’s marriage.” She starts frequenting the dealerships to attempt to flirt with Daniel, until one day she walks in on him having sex with Johnny in a back room and she’s like “Is that the guy from Mac’s goddamn dojo?!?!” ~Dennis, of course, tries to sleep with Amanda. Amanda is not having it, and rebukes him in the most snarky, Amanda-esque way possible. Dennis is just like “Oh not AGAIN--the women in this goddamn diva city have too high of standards!” ~Later on, the gang is at the beach and Dennis spots the blonde lady he went out on an ill-fate date with, and decides to give it another shot--that is, until he sees her go up and kiss another woman and he’s like “IS THAT THE LADY FROM THE CAR DEALERSHIP??? STUPID-KARATE-KICK-COMMERCIAL’S WIFE?!? YOU HAVE GOT TO BE KIDDING ME.” ~Dee complains to Dennis about her lack of luck getting laid, and Dennis is just like “Oh come ON, is everyone in Los Angeles gay???” Smash cut to Hawk and Demetri having sex, Moon and Piper making out, Bert and Nate holding hands, Chris and Mitch doing oral, and Amanda, Ali, and Carmen having a threesome. ~Frank tries to scam Kreese into buying cheaply-made karate equipment for his dojo. The gang ends up having to leave LA because Kreese is quite literally plotting all of their murders.
For tagging, uuuuhhhhhh @jackonthelongwalk @soe-leo @max-eagle-fang @cc-tinslebee @backawayfromthegay @asphodel-storm do the thing, if y’all haven’t yet!
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childofhalloween · 3 years
A Story With No Name Aka Why You Don't Ask Idoits for Dating Advice
So this was a short little one shot I got an idea for after binging Graystillplays Sims videos for days. If the formatting or anything seems off it's because I wrote it all on a phone. Well this short one shot turned out 9 pages long opps. So I hope you enjoy. Also writing an Austrillis slow burn not really sure where it goes but if anyone is interested let me know. Anyways onto the show! Thomas Alan Wenis better known as Tommy looked down at the paper in his hand. This address had to be a mistake. He had just flown down to Florida to get away for a while, see the ocean, maybe even clear up his depression. He hadn't brought much with him just an old suitcase and what little money he drained from his savings account.
That was exactly what attracted him to the random message board offering low rent living. With the price of rent all Tommy was expecting was a cot in a closet somewhere. Not that he minded as long as he had a roof and somewhere to put his black boots he didn't care.
But this, this wasn't right. Couldn't be right. The place was huge. Probably the biggest house he had ever seen. 4 floors are least and he could see the corner a large pool in the back.
He checked the address of his contact Melvin, and it matched. This had to be some sort of scheme. He knew it was too good to be true, like everything else in his life.
With a sigh he picked up his bag walking to the front door. Maybe they would be able to at least point him in the right direction.
Ringing the bell he sat out on the front step for a moment before the large oak door opened and a man dressed only in a towel and some sneakers opened the door.
"Uhhh hi. I'm sorry to disturb you but I am looking for someone at this address. His name is Melvin." Tommy said avoiding eye contact with the red haired man.
"Yeah that's me! Melvin Eugene Johnston. But everyone just calls me Florida Man." He said holding out his hand Tommy awkwardly taking it. "You must be Tommy!"
"Uhhh yeah. I'm sorry did I come at a bad time?" He said motioning to the towel.
"Huh this? Nah. Just like to feel a cool breeze if you know what I mean." He joked opening the door motioning for him to come in.
The place was almost too much for Tommy to take in but nonetheless followed Florida Man on a tour around the house.
"I uhhh….I hate to say I think I miss understood about the price." Tommy said knowing their was no way he could ever afford a place like this.
"Oh don't stress about it. Just get me the $300 whenever. Everyone here is pretty cool. We all just pitch in when we can ya know? We all take turns cleaning and cooking….well except for Aussie. Fire department said they are gonna fine us for another kitchen fire." He said casually. Tommy couldn't help but wonder what he was getting into.
"Then toss in some cash for some beers or food when ya can. Everyone just kind of does their own thing. You will see all kinds of people come and go. Right now we got a lot of our 'lifers'."
"How can you afford this place?" Tommy said looking at another large staircase.
"Oh it's already paid for. I bought it with the money from my lawsuit with Madonna."
"You sued Madonna!?!" Tommy said, not believing what he was hearing.
“Oh yeah I did. Her show was supposed to start at 8 she didn't go on till 10. I wasted so much money on overpriced water down beer I don't even remember the damn thing. Next thing I know I'm in the hospital. Apparently I fell down 12 rows of concrete stairs trying to get some nachos from concessions." He said casually as he continued. "Then I used the money I won to buy this place but it got lonely & quiet by myself so I started renting out rooms. Made for one big odd family."
Opening a door he motioned to Tommy "So here's your room. Get comfortable. When you're done feel free to head on down to the kitchen, meet everyone."
Tommy had hoped he could even find his way back down to the kitchen. It was going to take a little while to get used to this place. He still couldn't wrap his mind around all of this.
But unbeknownst to him the craziest part was yet to come. His new roommates.
Finally finding the kitchen he saw Floridaman busy having a beer next to a tall man with the most epic red beard he'd ever seen and a smaller but seemingly louder blond wearing sunglasses. And behind them both a slightly deranged looking man with jet black hair.
They all seemed to get quiet as he walked awkwardly into the kitchen.
"I was wondering if you were going to find us." Florida Man said thrusting a Bud Lite in Tommy's hand not bothering to ask if he'd want one. "Boys this is our newest guest Tommy Wenis"
The blond let out an almost mocking laugh.
"Wenis!?! Ya gotta be bloody kiddin me. Bet that must have been a rough primary career. The names are just endless!"
"Don't listen to him, he can be a jerk but he doesn't really mean it." The redhead said standing up holding out his hand cordially. "Names Tim by the way."
"Ahhh I'm just taking the piss with ya mate...kinda. Name's Trevor but everyone here likes to call me Australian Man. Ya know obvious reasons."
Finally the dark hair man with the slightly odd shaped face spoke up. "And I'm Colono. Colono Scopy"
"Uh huh...so is this everyone who lives here?" Tommy said looking at the motley crew in front of him.
"No the girls are off doing something or another. I think they mentioned girls day. I don't know I wasn't listening." Florida Man said, looking at the clock on the stove. "But they should be back any minute."
As if on cue the door opened and the sound of over lapped talking was heard.
"Speak of the devil mate." Australian Man said slightly in awe of Florida Man's timing.
A brunette wearing what looked to be a thrift store tourist shirt walked into the kitchen.
"Hey Whitley come here meet our new roommate Tommy." Florida Man said.
"Hey I'm Whitley " she shook his hand. He couldn't help but notice the slight smell of cheap bottom shelf vodka radiating off her.
Next a woman walked in with the best blond afro Tommy had ever seen.
"Hey Bab this is our new roommate Tom-"
"Maybe he'll last longer then the others." Bab said almost miserably as she walked out the back door not stopping.
"Sorry she's kin-d of…." Florida Man tried to think of the word.
"Manic Depressive." The girl with blonde and pink braids said matter of factly. "Text book diagnosis really."
"Are you a Dr?" Tommy asked everyone just laughed.
"Not in the slightest. Just been through a lot of psychologists."
"Ellis Dee, meet Tommy." Florida Man introduced.
"Tommy Wenis." Australian Man said with a snicker.
"Oh my God do people call you Tiny Wenis?" Ellis said with a giggle.
It didn't matter though because all Tommy's attention was now focused on the tall blond with golden hair walking in. He had never seen anyone like her. She was like nothing he'd ever encountered. She was…..she was…..she was absolutely stunning.
"Whose that?" Tommy asked Tim quietly.
"Huh? Oh that's Beth. Be nice, she's a sweet girl." Tim whispered back.
"Hey Beth say hi to Tommy the new guy." Florida said.
"Hi name's Beth." She introduced herself in a thick Southern accent.
"I….uhh...I'm Tommy." Tommy managed to mumble out.
All the guys exchanged an odd look.
"So where are ya rollin in from?" She asked with a smile.
"....I uhhh… I come from….places. I gotta go." He said, scrambling out of the kitchen to his room.
"That was odd." Colono said all the others nodded.
As the months went on Tommy found he had more in common with this rag tag bunch then he ever had with anyone else. He spent his days joking with Colono, drinking beers with the Florida Man & Australian Man, discussing art with Bab Ross, hitting the occasional bong with Ellis Dee, and pretty much bonding with everyone.
Everyone that is except for Beth. It seemed like every time they had a moment together his mind just blanked. Like it shut down to nothing and he couldn't figure out what the hell to say so he would say something awkward and just excuse himself.
It became apparent to everyone what was going on, everyone that was except Beth as she walked into the living room one day.
"Mind if I sat by ya hun?" She asked. He looked up at her eyes wide.
"I….uhh….murder show…..its over…..here you go. For you." He said, tossing the remote at her feet before running out the room.
"Ouch that was painful to watch." Australian Man looked up from the card game the guys had been playing.
Tommy pulled out a chair and plopped down not responding.
"Hey man, it's0 ok you will get her next time." Florid Man said putting a hand on his shoulder sympathetically….well really trying to sneak a peek at Colono's cards
"Ughhh. It's like everytime I try to talk to her I look like a total ass." Tommy grumbled.
"Yah we know, we all seen it." Australian Man joked as threw another chip in the pot.
"Well what am I supposed to say? Hey I think you're gorgeous, will you have a coffee with me?" He said, causing all the other men to laugh.
"No, no. You're thinking too much into it. What women love to hear is compliments." Tim Horton said as Bab Ross happened to walk past. "Watch this."
"Hello Bab you are looking positively radiant today!" Tim said, putting on a charming smile.
"Whatever you say Tim." Bab said with a shrug as she kept walking.
This caused all the other men to crack up.
"Laugh all you want but she acknowledged me. That's progress."
"Nah ya got it all wrong mate. What birds really dig on is a badass." Australian Man said getting up walking to the back yard. "This is how it's done boys."
Strutting slightly he slid up to Ellis Dee who was sitting outside enjoying the sun.
"Hey Ellie." He said acting casual.
"Oh hey Aussie what's up?"
"Did I ever tell you about the time I fought off a whole colony of bog frogs?"
"No I don't think you have."
"Yeah I was out with some blokes and came across these wee little bog frogs must have been mating season or something because next thing I know I'm surrounded by the little wankers! So I start beating them off me. Kicking, punching them in their little frog faces. Just throwing them off left and right. Turns out the little bastards were poisonous. Woke up in the hospital 2 weeks later handcuffed to the hospital bed. Turns out those little piss frogs are on the 'endangered species' list. Luckily for me though the judge granted the coma as time served. All I got was probation and I'll be off that by next year." Australian Man said cooly before something hit him.
"Probation…..OH SHIT! My probation meeting!" He said looking down at his watch. "I'm 6 fucking months late! I can not be arrested again! FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK!" he said running into the house leaving behind a very confused Ellis Dee.
All the guys watched as Australian Man ran through the house screaming obscenities as he looked for his cell phone.
"Anyways….what about you Florida Man. How do you talk to the ladies?" Tim Horton asked.
Florida Man shrugged and got up walking to the kitchen to see Whitley at the table drinking a large glass of orange juice.
"Bud Lite?" Florida Man offered holding out a beer. She looked at him confused.
"Its only 11 not even noon. Too early for beer." she said.
"Ok." Florida Man said walking back with both beers.
"Mornings are for screwdrivers." Whitley said to herself pour more dollar vodka into her drink.
"No, no I am sure I called. Yeah right when I landed. No I made sure I message with a Shelly? Or maybe a Jan? Or was it a Steven? I'm not sure. Mighta been a new?.....oh maybe a temp! Bloody hard to find good help huh? I'm sure it's there just check the last few months. Ring when this is all cleared up." Australian Man said, hanging up his phone not waiting for a reply on the other end. "Bloody cunts..….so what'd I miss."
"That's it. That's the only move I got." Florida Man said with a shrug.
"You guys are hopeless. No wonder I'm the only one in a relationship." Colono complained before turning to Tommy. "Tommy don't listen to them they are all going to die alone."
"Fuck ya too!
"That was rude….but true."
"Women, they love romance. You can sweep a woman off her feet just by words. Just watch my example gentlemen." Colono said as he sauntered out the door to Flo Cane who was watching tv.
"Oh there she is mi amor. I was looking everywhere for you." He said sliding next to her.
"What is it? On no! Are you having issues again? Is the burning back? Have you been taking your meds? Do I need to call the Dr for you again?"
"What!?! No! That's not it!" Colono said in a panic as the sound of laughter came from around the corner.
"Hey don't listen to them. You know stress makes it worse." Flo comforted.
"It's not that!" Colono said frustrated.
"Are you sure? I know how cranky you get when you forget to take your meds."
"I'm not cranky!" Colono yelled as he stormed off.
"I'm making you an appointment just to be sure! I know you are scared of making phone calls." She shouted after him as he stormed off.
The other guys were currently in a huge pile on the floor in total hysterics none of them were able to stand. It took almost 10mins for them to calm down to breathe.
Finally collecting himself Tommy stood up straightening out his clothes. After all that advice he had finally figured it out. He knew what he had to do. Mustering up all the courage he could he moved forward before he could chicken out.
"Where are you going?" Florida Man asked as Tommy made his way outside.
"I'm going to do what I need to." He said walking out into the back yard where the girls currently huddled together talking about how weird the morning had been.
"Hello ladies. Can I talk to Beth alone please?" He asked.
Suddenly a lot made sense as they gave each other a knowing look.
"She's all yours." Whitley said with a l knowing smirk.
Silence still overcame the 2 as they sat there totally obvious to the group of 8 peering around the corner.
"What did you want to talk about?" Beth asked looking over slightly confused about what had been going on. From what she heard it's been a very confusing day.
"I…..I…." He took a deep breath before blurting out quickly. "I think you're absolutely gorgeous and would you like to get coffee with me?"
It took Beth a moment to even figure out what he had said and then another for it to really register.
"You, you think I'm pretty?" She said shocked no one had said anything like that before.
"Gorgeous actually." He said his face was burning red. "Look if I offended you, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to-"
"Yes." She cut him off.
"I would love to get coffee with you." She said as a big smile crossed her face.
"Ok when?"
"Now?" She suggested.
"Sounds great." He said getting up offering his hand to her. "I know a great place."
They both walked right past the group of the gawkers so invested in their conversation they didn't even seem to notice.
"Oh my God that is the sweetest thing I've ever seen!" Whitley gushed.
"Guys are never that romantic. She's so lucky." Flo said wistfully.
"Man I wish I could find someone who thinks like that." Ellis mused.
"Yeah it was pretty nice." Bab said in her bored Bab tone.
"Are ya fucking kidding me right now!?!" Australian said, throwing his hands up in the air as he stormed back inside.
"Seriously? That? That's it? Thats romantic?" Colono complained following behind.
"Wow guy did have some skills after all." Florida said patting Tim on the back sympathetically as Tim mumbled to himself annoyed.
"What's their problem?" Bab asked.
"Men are weird." Whitley said all the other girls nodded in agreement.
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xxgoblin-dumplingxx · 4 years
I Learned That From You: Two
You sat at the counter and stared out the front window of your shop, debating the merits of closing up early. No one had been in all day, though that was surprising. The spring tourist season hadn’t started yet. There was still too much snow in the mountains for anyone but seriously outdoorsy people and those people didn’t usually come to antique stores in search of curios and depression glass. 
“What do ya say, Rocky?” you hum at the mutt, sunning himself in the window and idly watching to trickle of foot traffic, “Are we gonna head home?”
At the sound of your voice his head turned and he eyed you lazily, yawning. 
“Silly boy,” you sigh, picking up his leather leash, “C’mon. Maybe a treat.”
The word treat was, like always, a magic word. And the elderly beagle hauled himself to his feet with a soft woof and a swish of his tail. When he sits, waiting patiently for you to shove the money in your safe, you keep a running string of commentary up for him. Partly because with the shop being empty you got lonely. And partly because… well. You needed to talk but. Who else were you going to talk to? It’s not like you had a man waiting for you at home. 
“Did I tell you I saw him on the news again?” you ask the dog. 
He doesn’t answer, but he does cock his head listening. 
“Yeah. There was some fancy party or something. He looked good. Tired, though.” You sigh and glance at the dog. His big brown eyes looked, to you, slightly judgmental. “I know but…” you stop. You aren’t sure why you’re explaining yourself to someone that licks his own ass. But. You’ve never met a dog with such judgy eyebrows. “I loved him, ya know? Still love him.”
The soft grumbles from the dog make you chuckle and rub his ears. “Don’t worry, Rock,” you tell him, kissing his head, “You’re the number one man in my life… Besides. He knew me a long time ago. And I’m pretty sure he’s gotta beat women off with a stick.”
The dog huffed at you and you shook your head, “Tinder hook ups don’t count,” you snort. “I could stand on the porch and yell “come get it! And they’d line up. Especially here.”
If dogs could roll their eyes, you were sure Rocky would have and you smiled. “Let’s go, huh?”
And he didn’t need telling twice as you clipped the leash to his collar and tugged you out the door. 
You paused at the door, taking the time to engage the security system and lock it before letting Rocky pull you insistently towards the doggie boutique where they had treats he found especially tasty. “Ready for your paycheck?” you ask him, laughing as his tongue lolls out. 
Six months ago, he’d been in a shelter. Someone had dropped him off to make room for a baby or a puppy or some damn thing and because of his age, no one had wanted to take him home. But. His calm demeanor and the coloring on his eyes that made him look like he had eyebrows had been… just what you didn’t know you needed. And it had only taken a couple weeks for him to get comfortable being a shop dog. And more comfortable still getting gourmet treats and a heated doggie bed. He was old. And spoiled. And you were reasonably certain he might be your favorite person. 
“There’s my favorite customer!” The woman behind the counter said laughing, easing herself off of a stool and going to get Rocky’s favorite biscuit. “Closing up early today?” 
“Yeah,” you sigh, pulling two bottles of water from a cold case and your money out of your bag, “No tourists to sell to,” you snort. 
“Isn’t it just the pits?” she sighed, “Honestly I wish they’d hurry up.”
You smile, “No joke, Mari, no joke. Sure. Online business is fine but… god I hate the post office.”
She made a sympatheic noise, “Did you ever figure out how to ship that end table?”
You nod, grinning, “In one piece even.”
Rocky made a soft grumpy sound on the floor and you roll your eyes, taking the treat from the other woman, “Alright, ya old grump,” you tell him, “here’s your paycheck.” You hold it out to him and he takes it from your hand gently before crunching down happily.
“Ah, Happy crunching sounds,” Mari giggled, “And another satisfied customer.” She turns and goes to ring out the order. “Hey!” she said abruptly, “I just remembered. Mom wanted me to ask if you’d take a look at the old wash tub in her shed. See if you could make it into a planter or something.”
“She’s not going to use it in the produce stand any more?” you ask taking your change. 
“It’s too heave to lift,” Mari said shaking her head, “She almost threw her back out last year trying to get it set up.”
You make a soft sound of understanding and nod, “I’ll take a look at it… I may be able to some up with a good planter. Put some nice perennials in there. Make it less fuss.”
“Perfect! I’ll have her give you a call.”
“I’ll keep an eye out for it,” you tell her with a wave as Rocky, now done with everyone now that he’d had a treat, started towards the door. Making you laugh, “See you tomorrow!”
At home, you sit in the kitchen, sipping a cup of tea. You aren’t entirely sure why but, the kitchen has always been your favorite room in this house. Maybe, it was because you’d spent time crafting it in to your dream kitchen. One that felt like it came from a fairytale while still having modern comforts. 
And against your better judgment you pull out your laptop. 
You’d wondered what would become of Clint. Worried for him. Cried over him. Even though you’d been the one to leave. You had grieved. The fairytale that could have been. The boy you’d loved. And now? He was a hero now… And. You’d be lying if you said that that didn’t hurt. That you weren’t reason enough to change. 
But. As your scrolled through pictures and articles, you couldn’t help but be proud. He wasn’t the boy you knew anymore. But. He was a man with a purpose. And you hoped he was happy.
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freddie-weaselbee · 4 years
E2: The One in New York City//F.W.
Series Summary: FRIENDS but with Harry Potter characters after Hogwarts graduation, trying to figure out their lives and relationships. Non Voldy AU. Begins around the end of FRIENDS season 4 with The Wedding and semi follows plots in season 5. 
Pairing(s): Fred Weasley x Fem!Reader, Romione, Ron x Lavender, Hinny, Georgelina
Warnings: Language, mentions of sex, planned pregnancy
Summary: Years after Hermione came back into their lives, the gang finds themselves traveling to New York City for the wedding of the one and only Ronald Weasley. As tensions rise and feelings are revealed, the group has to take on New York and hope for the best. 
Word Count: 3.6k
A/N: A little taste of the story:  “I’d pee on you any day of the week.” “What the hell did I just walk into?” Message me to join the series or general taglist!
May 2004
“Guys, hurry up! The flight leaves in four hours! It could take time to get a taxi, there could be traffic, the plane could leave early! When you get to New York there could be a line at customs, come on!” Hermoine Granger was racing through the flat of Fred and George Weasley, the one above their infamous joke shop, Weasley’s Wizard Wheezes. She grabbed clothing from their drawers and tossed it haphazardly into suitcases, while the twins in question were lounged out on their sofa observing the scene. 
You sat wedged between the two boys, leaning your head against Fred’s shoulder with your legs draped across George’s lap. You laughed as Hermione was practically hysterical about getting everything ready, even though she wouldn’t even be going to America. 
“Good thing she’s not gonna be on the flight,” Fred whispered into your ear. “A six hour trip to New York? That’s a lot of Hermione.”
Smiling you turned to look at Fred who was holding something in his hand. “What’ve you got there?”
He grinned cheekily and gave you a better look. “Condoms, Y/N! You never know what American hotties I might meet overseas.”
Rolling your eyes you turned to George, who was giving you the same grin. “And I suppose you’re just as prepared as your brother?”
“Of course! Y’know, I feel bad for poor Ronniekins, getting himself all tied down to one woman. Me and Fred, we know how to live, isn’t that right mate?”
“You said it.” You sighed and settled into Fred even more, relaxing for a few minutes before Hermione would drag you all to the airport and you and Harry would be stuck trying to teach the Weasleys how Muggle planes worked. 
There was an audible pop as Ron apparated into the room, standing off by the kitchen. 
“Hey!” he greeted, causing you to sit up from your comfortable position wrapped in Fred’s arm and go meet your friend with a hug. 
“Hey.” You squeezed him tight, noticing how his nerves had overtaken him. 
“Are you ready yet?” he asked, fidgeting with his wand. 
Before you could respond Hermione came barging out of George’s bedroom and threw two suitcases onto the twins’ laps with what could only be described as superhuman strength. “She’s ready. You have the tickets?”
“Harry and Gin do, they’ll be here any second.” The only current couple of the group, and an engaged one at that, suddenly arrived with another loud pop, startling Fred who had begun to count his condoms to make sure he had enough. 
“Hey big brother!” Ginny hugged Ron with enthusiasm, but not as much as Harry showed as he threw himself onto his best friend. 
“You’re getting married Ron!”
“I know!”
They stayed wrapped in their hug as they jumped around and around, George clapping along and laughing at the duo. 
“Don’t know why Lavender would want to marry a specky git like you,” said the younger twin, “but at least we get to travel to the states for it.”
“And have wedding food,” said Fred. 
“Oh and you can’t forget the hot bridesmaids, right boys?” you questioned jokingly. 
They shared a mischievous look. “Never.”
A loud bell sounded through the loft, signaling that someone had come in. 
“That must be Luna!” Ginny exclaimed. She sprinted down the stairs and wrapped the blonde girl in a hug, being gentle as to not crush her or her pregnant belly. 
“Hello Ginny, how are you?”
“Never better! Thanks again for offering to help Hermione watch the apartments and oversee the shop and employees. Ron really wishes you could make it to the wedding, but seeing as you’re about to burst--”
Luna interrupted her old friend with a soft laugh. She was 8 months pregnant with twin boys, and was left home alone for a few weeks while her husband dealt with a work issue in Eastern Asia. Which meant she had plenty of free time to make sure things were running smoothly in London while her friends were overseas. 
The two girls were joined by the rest of the gang who had been pushed down the stairs by a frantic Hermione. “Get going, all of you! You’re going to miss your flight.”
“New York baby!” The twins had jumped down from one of the landings, somehow managing not to injure themselves. Although they were now 26 they were never without their childlike energy. 
“I’m walking here!” cried Fred in a horrid New York accent. 
“Yee haw, cowboy!” said George, doing a little cowboy dance.
You sighed and slapped your head with your hand. “Okay, cause that’s not gonna get annoying.”
They ignored you and continued with their yelling and dancing, dragging as much luggage as they could out the front door of the shop. 
“Well,” said Ron, “we’re all here and ready. I guess we should get going!” Harry and Ginny gave Luna one last goodbye as they followed you out to the alley, leaving only Ron, Hermione, and Luna left in the shop. 
“So, we’re off,” said Ron, a little awkwardly. He and Hermione had a bit of a rough past, having dated on and off for the past few years. But that was all behind them now, and she was happy that he had reconnected with their friend Lavender from Hogwarts and had fallen in love. 
“Have fun, Ron,” replied the bushy-haired girl. 
“Thanks,” he said, giving his friend a tight hug. “Ugh, I can’t believe you’re not gonna be there!”
Hermione sighed and pulled back. “Oh I know, I’m sorry.”
“So-so come! Why don’t you come?”
“To New York!” Ron was holding Hermione’s hands and jumping up and down. “Come to New York, please? It’ll mean so much to me.”
Hermione hesitated for a moment. She wanted to go, to have a great trip with her friends and visit the historical places she’d read so much about. But she didn’t have it in her to watch her ex-boyfriend get married to someone else. 
“Yeah, well, I gotta work, I’m sorry. The Ministry is really up my arse these days, pardon my language.”
“Mione, this is my wedding,” he said, giving her his best puppy dog eyes. 
You stuck your head back through the door and called out to them. “Alright, y’know what? Now we really are late, let’s go, let’s go, let’s go!”
Ron sighed and let go of his friend, grabbing his suitcase before heading out the door. “I’ll see you when I get back, Mione. Bye Luna!”
Luna and Hermione both gave small waves as Ron pulled the door shut. A resounding “New York, baby” could be heard even from deep inside the shop, and Hermione giggled as her friends made their way to the London airport. 
“Alright,” said Ginny as you all stepped out into the streets of New York City. “Harry and I will help the groom and bride-to-be get everything set up for their big day. Which means you, Y/N, get the honor of babysitting my older brothers.”
“Ginny I can’t handle them all by myself! We’ve been here for less than 5 minutes and look at what they’re doing already.” You all turned to look at the ginger twins, who were standing on top of a map of the city and staring down at it. 
“What is going on with you two?” you asked, but you were quickly silenced as Fred placed his finger on your lips. 
“We’re concentrating. We went in the map so we can figure out where we are.” He kept his finger there until you finally removed it and looked at the map they had made, complete with little pop ups of all the important places they wanted to see. 
“If you see a little version of me in there, kill it.” Harry laughed at your quip and grabbed Ginny’s hand, waving goodbye as the couple and Ron made their way to meet Lavender and her family. 
“We got it!” screamed the twins. They stepped out of the map and started walking right, on to their first tourist destination. “Here we go.”
“Okay, listen,” you said catching up to them, “we’re not gonna have to walk this way the entire time are we?”
Fred shushed you and George groaned. “Y/N, you made me lose it!”
George put the map down and stood back on it. “A lot harder when the map doesn’t change specifically for you and show you exactly where you are, huh?” you asked, referencing the parchment the twins used for years back in Hogwarts. 
They ignored you and took off down the street again, their long legs moving so fast you had to almost sprint in order to keep up the pace. This was going to be a long day. 
Meanwhile Harry, Ron, and Ginny had made it to the Brown’s apartment in New York. Although Lavender was raised in England and attended Hogwarts, her extended family lived in the States and her parents moved there after she graduated. The apartment was rather large, but that was no surprise as the Browns were a wealthy family. 
“Oh Won Won!” Ron was greeted at the door with a vibrant Lavender throwing herself into his arms. Ron laughed and spun her around, giving her a quick kiss before finally setting her down. 
“Hey Lavender, I missed you.” He smiled warmly at his fiancee, soon to be his wife. After Padma left him right before he was going to propose years ago, Ron decided not to waste any time in popping the question once he and Lavender started dating. They’d only been going out for a few months before he asked, but despite the worried opinions of their friends they were convinced that this was the right thing to do. 
Lavender pulled Ron down for another kiss, this one much more passionate than the last. “I missed you too.”
They were pulled apart by an awkward cough from Harry, an arm around Ginny who was covering her eyes to avoid watching her brother make out with someone in front of her. 
“Sorry Harry, Ginny,” said Lavender. “It’s great to see you both. Come on in, will you, we have a few last minute preparations to attend to.”
They followed the brunette into her family’s apartment, which was decked out in reception decorations that still needed to be set up. “Where’s the rest of your group? They are coming, aren’t they?”
“Y/N and the twins are out exploring the city,” said Ginny. “I figured you probably didn’t want Fred and George to be around anything important, especially with their history of pyrotechnics. And I don’t trust them alone in the city, so Y/N’s making sure they don’t burn down half of New York.”
Lavender laughed and poured some tea for her friends. “And what about Hermione, is she at the hotel?”
The room suddenly got very tense and Harry quietly sipped his tea, trying to disappear from the awkward scene. 
“Umm,” Ron began, “Hermione’s not coming. She can’t get time off at the Ministry and she’s helping watch over our apartments and take care of Luna.”
Lavender nodded sadly, sighing deeply at the news. “I guess it’s all for the best then. She never did like me, did she?”
“No, that’s not true at all,” Ron argued, taking his fiancee's hands. “She’s just...she takes a while to warm up to people. She really wishes she could be here, but you know how work is.”
The girl smiled slightly at Ron’s comforting words. “Yeah, thanks Won Won.”
He squeezed her hands gently. 
“Alright then,” said Ginny, “what needs to be done? Even though Parvati is your maid of honor and I swear I’m not upset about it--” Harry elbowed Ginny hard, “--I’m still one of your bridesmaids, and I want my big brother’s wedding to be as amazing as possible. So, what should we do?”
“Well,” Lavender said, clapping her hands, “I need a new venue. The one I had was going to be absolutely gorgeous, but they tore it down early, which means we need a new spot.”
Although Lavender said these words calmly, it was obvious that she was on the verge of tears and the stress was getting to her. 
“Got it,” said Ginny. “Let’s go check out the old venue and see if there’s anything we can do. I promise you Lav, this day is going to be amazing, for everyone.”
“This is going to be horrible!”
Hermione was pacing around her apartment, the one she shared with you and Ginny. She was packing up Ginny’s belongings for when everyone returned from the wedding. Once Ron moved out of his and Harry’s shared apartment across the hall, Ginny would move in with her fiance, leaving only you and Hermione to share the space. Hermione decided that packing for Ginny would help take her mind off of the wedding, but unfortunately her assumptions were incorrect. 
“What’s the matter?” Luna asked from the sofa, leaning comfortably against a pillow with the Quibbler in her hands. 
Hermione sighed as she continued to pack. “I’m just bummed about the way I left things with Ron. I shouldn’t have lied to him about having to go to work. He seemed so mad at me.”
“Oh, don’t be so hard on yourself,” the blonde said, not looking up from her reading. “If someone I was still in love with was getting married…”
Luna jumped as a vase hit the floor and shattered. She looked up to see a wide-eyed Hermione staring at her. “Still in love with?!”
“Yes,” she said matter-of-factly. 
“I’m not in love with Ron!” Hermione screamed. 
Realization flooded Luna’s face. “Oh, no, good! Yeah, me neither.”
Hermione sat down across from her friend, ripping the Quibbler from her hands and attention. 
“Luna,” she said, “I’m not going to Ron’s wedding because he is my ex-boyfriend and that would be really uncomfortable. Not because I’m still in love with him! I mean, I like Ron as much as the next girl. Clearly I still have feelings for him, but feelings don’t mean love! I mean, I still have loving feelings for Ron. But, but that doesn’t mean that-that I’m still in love with him! I-I have sexual feelings for him, but I do love him--oh!” she gasped at her own words. “Luna why didn’t you tell me?”
“We thought you knew!” she said, surprised that Hermione was for once in her life so oblivious. “We talk about it all the time!”
“You all know?” Hermione asked. “Does, does Ron know?”
“Oh no,” Luna answered calmly. “Ron doesn’t know anything.”
Hermione started pacing once again, this time much more frantically. “Oh, I can not believe you didn’t tell me!”
“We thought you knew!” Luna replied. “It’s so obvious. That would be like telling Ginny ‘hey, you like to play Quidditch,’ or you know, ‘George, you’re gay.’”
The pacing girl stopped dead in her tracks. “What?”
“Oh please,” replied the younger blonde, “she’s always got a broom in her hand!”
“Alright! The Empire State Building. Hands down, best State building I’ve ever seen.” George pulled out his Muggle camera, still trying to figure out which buttons did what. They were a lot smaller than the one Colin Creevey used to carry around at Hogwarts and George still hadn’t gotten the hang of using Muggle items. 
“What do you think of the Empire, Y/N?” Fred turned his head to you as he asked his question. Your legs had gotten tired from jogging to keep up with the ginormous twins so Fred had offered to let you ride on his back the rest of the way, an offer you couldn’t refuse. 
You hopped down and quickly covered your eyes to hide from the bright flash of George’s camera. “I don’t know, I can’t see it with that thing blinding me, George.”
He quickly apologized, but not before snapping a picture of Fred wrapping his arms around you and smiling while you glared at the camera. 
“Someone’s grouchy today,” Fred said, swaying you back and forth a few times before releasing his grip. 
“I’m just tired, jet lag y’know?” He nodded and pointed to his back, letting you know it was alright to get back on. You didn’t hesitate to jump onto the redhead as he followed his brother into the massive building in front of you. 
After waiting in line for what seemed like hours you finally made it onto the elevator to take you to the top of the building. George continued to take pictures of anything and everything, including you flipping him off from on Fred’s back. As the doors opened and you stepped out onto the observation deck, you were amazed by the incredible view before you. 
Thousands of tiny buildings filled with thousands of tiny people stood before you, or rather below you. It was like you were on your broom and flying high in the sky, except this time time you didn’t have to focus on keeping your broom in check. You could just stand and stare. 
“Beautiful, isn’t it?” Fred came up next to you, leaning on a railing in front of him. He hunched down enough that his face was right next to yours as the two of you stared at The Big Apple. 
“It really is.” You looked around for George, but he was off pestering other tourists to take pictures of him and the city behind him. “Remember when we were playing Quidditch at the burrow, and I flew up this high and stayed there for hours?”
“How could I forget,” Fred laughed. “We had to send search parties for you, thought you had been snatched up by dementors or something.”
“Nope, just got a little distracted by the view.” You continued to watch the amazing landscape and incredible sky, not missing the looks Fred was giving you. “What’re you looking at, Weasley? Don’t tell me that I’m more enchanting than the city. I mean, we all know it’s true but try not to make it so obvious.”
You pinched his cheek and he swatted your hand away playfully. “Don’t be stupid,” he said. “I was just remembering the time I peed on you to combat the jellyfish sting.”
“Fred!” you whisper yelled, laughing as he put his hands up. “We said we would never talk about that again. I don’t need that reminder!”
“I’m sorry, it’s just too good of a story! Really shows the strength of our friendship.”
You rolled your eyes at your best friend. Technically you would’ve considered Ron to be your best friend, as you’d known him the longest and had been the closest with him for so many years. But the past few years, living close to Fred and hanging out with him almost every day, he had become the most important person in your life. He was always there to make you smile or laugh when you had a rough day, or wrap you up in a blanket and watch a movie after a horrid date with some arsehole. He was one of a kind, and you were so glad he was in your life. 
“Y’know what Fred?” you asked, scooting closer to him. “If you ever got stung by a jellyfish, I’d pee on you too.”
Fred wiped away fake tears from his eyes. “I’d pee on you any day of the week, Y/N,” he said, pulling you into a tight hug. 
“What the hell did I just walk into?” George was standing behind you and Fred, having only heard Fred’s last sentence. The two of you cackled with laughter, bringing George into the hug with you and just enjoying the moment. 
“Hey Luna?” Hermione called from her bedroom. She and her friend had spent the day discussing her feelings for Ron and trying their best to help her get over him. Apparently recounting the horrors of their relationship was not helping in the slightest. 
“Yeah,” Luna called back from the kitchen. 
“Do you remember where the pygmy puff food is?” Her muffled voice sounded rushed and anxious, even more so than Hermione usually was. 
“Yeah, it’s under the front counter of Fred and George’s shop. Why?”
Luna turned her head to see Hermione come flying into the room dragging a packed suitcase behind her. “Because I’m going to New York.”
The pregnant girl nearly had a heart attack at Hermione’s declaration. “What? What do you mean you’re going to New York?”
Hermione grabbed a few more essentials from around the apartment, rushing in order to catch the next flight. “Yeah, I have to tell Ronald that I love him. Now Luna, you take care, you don’t have those babies until I get back.”
“I--but what about all of the finding his flaws and burning his picture rituals we’ve been doing?” Luna asked, straining to stand up and chase after her friend. 
Hermione easily moved past the slow-moving girl, zipping up her bag and heading to the door. “Yeah, that didn’t work. I know he loves Lavender but I have to tell him how I feel! He deserves to have all of the information and then he can make an informed decision.”
Phoebe shook her head and continued to hobble around the room. “No, Hermione, it’s too late, you missed your chance! I’m sorry, I know this must be really hard, it’s over.”
The other girl paused for a moment and took a deep breath. “Y’know what? No. It’s not over until someone says ‘I do.’” And with that she took off out of the apartment and to the streets of Diagon Alley, on her way to another country to declare her love for Ron Weasley. 
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gauloiseblue · 3 years
The Man Who Stood By The Ocean
[Chapter 2]
June, 1992
"Come on, Bruno! We'll miss the show!"
You pull the boy's hand closer as you slip into the crowd, gently pushing through the sea of people. The grip on your hand become tighter as your friend exclaimed something to you, but it's too soft for you to hear it. Glancing to your back, you see Bruno groans when his head was accidentally being hit by someone's elbow, you look at him apologetically but keep moving forward. As you reach the exit from the crowd, your eyes lit up when you see the small parade in the center of the city park. Soldiers—or the men in uniform formed a harmonious lines, with one man in the very front, holding a ceremonial mace in his hand. Everyone who watched it was captured by the lines of well-organized parade, somehow it gave them a sense of proud to the nation.
As the green-white-red flag of Italy waving proudly in the air, a clear shout rings from the platform. With that, people cheers as Festa della Repubblica is officially reaching its peak, shiver runs down on your body as the spirit of the crowd leaking through your surrounding. Looking to your side, you giggle when you see your friend still rubbing the sore spot on his head.
"Stai bene?" (You alright?) You asked softly, reaching up to touch his head. He hisses when your fingers pressed the painful bump, but didn't move as you stroke his crown.
"Uh—yeah, I guess." He replied with a sulky face, "... I told you to slow down."
"I'm sorry," You kissed the top of his head, "There, it's all better now."
A wide grin betrays you as your lips cracks open when you see your friend become all flustered.
The park in the very heart of Naples is packed with people celebrating the national day of Italy, families are setting up their picnic blanket, and tourists nor civilians are admiring the afterglow of the celebration. The street has become as lively as ever, with many conversation happened at once. You follow Bruno as he walks towards the cotton candy stall, the man behind the cart beams when he saw his new customer.
"Benvenuto! Would you like a cotton candy for one Lira, young man?"
Your friend nods before rummaging through his pocket, taking out a silver coin with the side profile of il Buono printed on the surface. You watch in awe as the man works his magic on creating the fluffy treat, the pink fibers slowly entwined to one another and into a giant castle of cloud.
"Grazie!" Bruno chimes as he exchanged the coin with the fresh cotton candy, he'd then offers the first bite to you as the two of you walks down the street.
You pluck a heaping amount of sugary cotton before stuffing it into your mouth. The treat immediately melt as soon as you bite into it, Bruno just laughed as he wiped the stray sweet fiber off your cheek.
There's a street performance near where you stand, your ear perks at the familiar tune softly playing. As if your curiosity is written on top of your head, your friend just smile before he tugs your hand towards the source of the song. There's a small group of people surrounding the performers, but with the advantage of being kids, you and Bruno could make it to the front line.
A woman with red gypsy skirt taps her feet with the rhythm of the song before she swings gracefully, the floral print fabrics she wore flutters around her body—it reminds you of a gentle wave. With a sharp jingle of tambourine, the woman continues to mesmerize the crowd.
Bruno leaned closer to whisper in your ear, but you were too captured by the dance, you didn't quite catch it at first so you let out a small 'huh?'.
"Look at that sweaty old man across from us." He retold the thing he had just said, you squinted to see where exactly he's pointing at, "He's drooling."
And you found the exact man he just described, a middle-aged man with balding head has a slobber dripping from the corner of his lips while his eyes are still glued to the dancer. You instantly cover your mouth to suppress your giggle before smacking his back, he laughs.
"I had a lot of fun today."
"Me too."
You rolled your head to the side to see the raven-haired boy, and your eyes met with a small grin when you looked at him. The two of you have been laying down on the pier for quite a while, enjoying the rare weather where the sun is hiding behind the clouds. The wind calmly blows from the ocean, and makes his bangs flew gently off from his face. A sheer of pink tinted his cheek as a result of being exposed to the sun for a little too long, but you bet he could say the same to you.
"You know," You muttered, "We should've had self control."
Bruno breaks into giggle.
"Yeah, maybe we really should have." He replied before he groans when he tries to sit up, rubbing his belly. "Dios mío, I'm so full."
"Of course you are full, you ate so many zeppole and I could hardly got one bite!"
"And you ate my fried calamari more than half." He smirks when your face flushed in red, "I'd say we're even."
You pouted, "It's not fair..."
Joining your friend to sky gazing, you rose up and instantly regret for getting up too fast as it upsets your stomach just a little. You huffed, but complain nothing about it. Comfortable silence fills between the two of you as the seagull's call makes the most sound aside from the rolling waves. Bruno took a glance to your figure before his eyes fall to his lap, seemingly preoccupied by his thoughts. You asked him what's wrong, but he just replied with a simple 'I feel bloated'.
"Oh, it's almost 6 PM!" You blurted out when you see your watch, "I gotta go."
You missed to see a pang of dismay on his face as you were too occupied to get up and straighten your shorts, but it quickly vanishes when your eyes returned to him.
"Oh, I see." He spoke as he got up, "I'll walk you home."
"You don't have to," You shook your head, "My ma will kill me if she saw me with a boy." You smile sheepishly, "Besides, your father must be worried about you too."
Bruno didn't like the idea of you walking alone, but he has to admit that you were also right. His dad must be worried about him, and maybe he's already home by now. Although it's almost high season in Naples, there's barely anyone renting his father's boat so his father has been spending most of his days at home.
"Okay, be careful on your way home."
He hugged you in the way he used to when it's time to go home, you closed your eyes as you enjoy the warm gesture from your best friend.
"I'll see you tomorrow at the bookstore."
As you walked away from him, you look back over your shoulder. Bruno still stands by the sea with his eyes fixed on you, your breath hitched when you witness such adoration, determination, and chaste love pouring out from his gaze. Was the fondness in his eyes only shown whenever you said goodbye? Or has it always been there whenever you weren't looking?
You force yourself to smile and give him a little wave, hoping it'd be enough to mask your confounded heart. He returned your gesture with a gentle smile, so gentle that your chest tighten with fear it'd break once you turn your back on him.
And you went home that day with a daydream about you and him, not knowing it'd be the last time you'll ever see the innocent boy your heart longed for.
You waited at the bookstore just as you promised, yet he never came. You had read all the books you've been buried at the lowest in the pile, but the words slowly became inexplicable as your mind drifts to somewhere else. The first day without him made you stomping with anger as you curse him for not coming as he promised, but your head become clear once you calmed down. Tomorrow, he'll come.
And you told that to yourself the next day, and the day after, and days after until terrifying realization crashed into you. You didn't know where he lives, you didn't know any of his family member, you didn't know where to find him. You didn't know anything about him at all.
A horrified cry escaped your lips when you realized you might never be able to meet him anymore. You lost him, you've lost him.
The door of your room slammed open as your confused, but alarmed mother comes into your room. She was shocked when she saw you broke down on the floor, with your hands on your face as tears escape from between the gap of your fingers.
Your mother instinctively cradles you into her arm as she tries to ask you what's wrong, but her question only meets with incoherent wails. You want to speak, you want to tell her everything, but you're choked on your words.
In the arm of your mother, all of your fear, your heartache you've been holding bursts out like an open floodgate. Two weeks and three days after his missing, you couldn't bear to think that the tomorrow you both promised might never come.
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I absolutely LOVE Sketchy Saturdays and I always look forward to them!! As for my question(s)? What made you decide to start doing it(I'm glad you do but I was just curious!)?
Hoooo boi the Sketchy Saturday Origin Story: I suppose there's two versions.
The short version reads " Moving stress, deployment depression, and isolation VS. my utter determination to DO SOMETHING whilst trapped in my home " -- Sketchy Saturday was the result of that title fight, so I guess the fandom won in the end? XD
The long version, however... Well, buckle up, cause this is gonna be a ride.
It may surprise y'all to know that two years I was eyeballs-deep in the South Park fandom. The blog still exists; my mainblog, JustCallMeButtlord, built to interact with the audience of my fanfictions-- the New Kid Stories, called NKS for short [gonna be porting those to Ao3 soon, just gotta figure out what robo-reader I'm gonna use to make a quick n dirty podfic out of the series as well as help me hunt down typos my eyes galze over]. The first 'season' of stories had ended, 8 completed fics, and I was puttering about with a bonus holiday story that was several months out of season. Not that I CARED because I was on GUAM where seasons don't exist and my time blindness gets even worse becasue without seasons changing it feels like time never progrsses even after being on the island for three cocksucking years.
I don't hate Guam, I am just not built for constant heat. I am a snow creature; I like below-freezing temperatures so I can layer up in fuzzy, fluffy things and drink hot drinks and cuddle loved ones and/or furry animals. It's a lovely island, I adored my first week there... I just wasn't made to live there.
HIlariously, NKS started out of the stress of moving to Guam. Two years and 8 fics later, the place we were renting was no longer within our price range and my hubby and I were forced to move onto base. Under the leader whom I refuse to name, military pay was given a precentage raise... but it was ripped out of bonuses and OCONUS pay. OCONUS is what a military member is paid when they're stationed Outisde the CONtinental United States. This usually means overseas bases like Japan, but it also means Hawaii, aaaaaand... GUAM. So that percentage pay increase for the military at large meant belt-tightening for every service member abroad, and we were forced to move onto base.
In case y'all haven't noticed by now, I'm a raging socialist with some issued with authority. I DO NOT LIKE EXISTING ON BASE. I do not like existing in a place where the national anthem plays twice a day, every day, at 6 AM and then again whenever the hell sundown is that day. And there's an unspoken rule no one tells you that when it plays you're supposed to stop what you're doing, face the nearest set of speakers playing the song, and stare in that direction with your hand over your heart until its over. That, if you're driving, you have to put on your emergency flashers and pull over. No one tells you this. NO ONE TELLS YOU THIS.
And then, before we had secured a place on base but we had set a move out date for the rental house, the Pandemic happened. While we were between homes. The base is talking full lockdown, Guam authorities want to shut down the island but businesses are terrified of not getting the tourist season business, we don't even know if we'll be allowed to move on to base.
Surprise, I stopped writing for a while... but I picked Fallout 4 back up again. I had been forced into the series years earlier by a toxic relationship, but the game itself hadn't been bad-- just the way I'd been forced to play it by someone who was firmly not in my life anymore. When confronted with character creation, I wasn't sure whom I wanted to make... but decided to go back to an old character. A VERY old character, whom I hadn't thought of since I'd finished ME3 at least 4 years prior, and a character I first conceived of when I was 14-ish... which is now about 15 years ago.
I've talked before about how well Paige's story maps onto Fo4, but this was before I knew that. I knew the opening, her losing her kid, and that fit with her-- but something clicked while I was playing and the part of my brain that likes to create started wandering off. Soon enough I've got a couple chapters of a ficlet that I'm TOTALLY just writing as a personal one-shot to de-stress, no way I'm publishing this, I don't wanna get distracted from NKS, I got a whole 'nother season to write! Who cares if no one is reading it anymore because South Park Fandom doesn't like continuous plots.... right?
I was burnt out as hell, the move was looming, the Pandemic was getting worse and everything was getting scarier.
Then the news came through that hubby would be deploying again.
He wasn't supposed to, but the Navy decided the safest place for their sailors was the middle of the ocean, so if you WERENT in quarantine you were going on the boat and you were living there. Didn't matter if your spouse would be alone, unpacking a whole home by themselves.
I had a friend on base. We hung out. I met with my DND group on weekends; we all lived on base now, so we could meet up in like five minutes... and then restrictions tightened. You could be fined up to 5 grand for gathering in groups greater than 5, even outdoors, and detained if suspected of going to a home that wasn't yours. I still met 2 of my friends once a week for walks; get outside, be active, talk to other humans, but besides that? I was locked up alone in a new house in a place that I did NOT like existing in.... with a fresh new hyperfixation developing.
I think it was about a week into the new house that I made the new blog. At first I tried to run it side by side with the South Park stuff, but it wasn't long before all my attention was here... aaaand it also wasn't long before I was confronted with a lot of my own despair; of lockdown, of isolation, of watching a broken system crumble and not being able to DO anything about it, and I started to kinda lose my shit. I fuss-- I can't leave things alone, and I couldn't leave this feeling alone; of being fully and entirely helpless and hopeless.
And then I sketched a thing for a friend, and it made them happy. They were having a rough time, too, and I put something together because I couldn't think of anything else. And it helped. It lifted them up, and it lifted me up, too. Someone else had recently reblogged one of those pallet challenges that floats around Tumblr, and I decided FUCK IT LET'S DO THIS THING AND CALL IT SKETCHY SATURDAY!
Little secret, the very first Sketchy Saturday request? Was me. I was so scared no one would noticed the event, I sent myself the very first request, back when the event still took anons. Soon as that first picture was up:
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BANG, suddenly four more; some people off anon. I met people that day, talked to them after the very first Sketchy weekend was over, chatted about the games and characters and art and writing and just... felt human for the first time in a really long while.
I figured I'd hold on to Sketchy Saturday until the deployment was over-- once hubby was back, I'd decide whether I was keeping it or not... but he came back, and I was still super into it, and he was supportive, sooooo I kept going! And then we did Sketchy Secret Santa, and people loved it, and my volunteers are excited about being Sketchy Elves and Secret Helpers and just OH MY GOD I DID A THING GUYS. I DID A THING-- that was just me all December and January long lmafo.
AND JANUARY! Because AH HECK, WE MOVING AGAIN! Because hubby finally got orders, and OH MY GOD we're going back to WA... but it's still a move half-way around the globe, and I was SURE I'd have to shut down the event for a month while we got our shit in order and NOPE, because here come the volunteers from Sketchy Secret Santa, and they wanna fill in all month long! Like... I didn't even ask for that shit, guys. They offered it so the event wouldn't have to take a gap.
Jesus I'm getting teary just remembering it.
So yeah. Sketchy Saturday is here because I got really lonely and stressed out while Fallout 4 provided me with some... catharsis for my situation, and then a pandemic happened.
And then y'all happened, and I'm still here. :D
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northcarolinanative · 4 years
𝙲𝚘𝚕𝚕𝚒𝚜𝚒𝚘𝚗  / 𝙲𝚑 𝟷𝟺
Chapter 14: On Your Side 
A/N: Hi guys, it’s me, I know it’s been ages but I’m back, I have finally started to feel a little revived about this series so we’ll see how it goes. I feel low-key like a Riverdale writer because there are so many of my season 2 predictions that I want to put into this, but I don't really know how to. Anyway as always my requests/ask/messages are always open. I hope you enjoy:) 
Description: John B’s Sister comes home from staying with their mom, only to find out that her brother is missing and her dad was murdered. JJ may have just lost his best friend. Her and JJ have to figure out what to do and how to pick up the pieces.
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Need to Catch Up? Previous Parts
I woke up to the sound of thunder cracking through the house. I turned to the other side of the bed to see JJ’s back. I saw the movement of his shoulders, rising and falling with his breathing. I got up making my way to the kitchen and fixing a glass of water. I leaned my back against the cool counter looking over the papers that sat there. The clock on the microwave read 4:45am I had a lot to figure out moving forward. I sat down, flicking on a dim lamp for some subtle light. My early bedtime making it impossible for me to go back to sleep. I reached over to the counter for my phone. The light was bright enough to make me squint before looking at the messages on the screen. 
The top message from my mother, asking how I had settled in with John B. I lied, of course, telling her that things were fine and that we were getting along great. I knew that she could say that she kept up with John B all these years, saying that she cared, but I knew the truth. This even further proves that evidence. She wasn’t meant to be a mother, she tried her best but being tied down and in the same place just wasn’t for her. I can’t help but think that if my father had won custody of me if she would have turned away from me too. 
I shook my head, trying not to fall down that rabbit hole in my brain. JJ was turning over in the bed. He rolled over, bunching the blanket up in his arms and holding it into his chest. I smiled to myself as I turned back to my phone. I have no idea what is going on between the two of us right now but I know that I am thankful for him. During my sleep, I missed a text from Kie. She told me to be at the Wreck around 7:30 to help open the breakfast shift. I texted her a quick I’ll be there before, beginning to pull out the papers and maps of John B’s possible whereabouts. 
I shuffled through the papers, trying to find as much information about the ship that I could with the info on the ship maps, as well as a binder that I pulled from my dad’s office. It detailed the kind of ships and had basics for each one. I was not sure how this could help, but I was doing something to move forward. The lack of internet at the Chateau was proving to be an issue as I needed more information. I thought about the few things that I need to look up and jotted them down in my notebook. I folded the maps and the lists into the book before pushing into a bag with my old laptop. The Wreck had the internet, so I was hopeful that Kie wouldn’t mind me using it after my shift. 
My research seemed to do the trick as it killed enough time for me to begin getting ready for my first shift at The Wreck. I quickly showered and got ready, wearing the light blue shirt that read “The Wreck” in obnoxiously large letters across the back. I was slipping on my shoes at the edge of the pull out when a voice started me. 
“Why are you ready?” It was JJ’s rough voice, obviously just waking up. “The sun is barely out.” 
I laughed at him before pointing to the logo on the back of my shirt. “Work calls my friend,” I said with a laugh, but JJ just rolled his eyes falling onto his back. “Feel free to stop by and entertain us?” I questioned. 
“Haha Y/N, I have to get at least 9 hours of beauty sleep, but we’ll see.” He said rolling on his side to face me. His face and tone shifted before his next sentence. “Be careful, okay? That place may be for the tourists, but the Kooks love to stir up trouble over there alright?” I just nodded and smiled slightly before turning to head for my car. 
My shift at The Wreck was nothing special. All the same as the country club, serve with a smile, a pretty self-explanatory menu, but the only difference was the overwhelming amount of tourists. Not that I minded, as they had no idea who I was, which I liked.  I wasn’t worried about the work, more so the people. I knew JJ was overprotective of the rest of us and meant well, but his words were in the back of my head the whole shift. The last thing I need is a kook making trouble and Mr. Carrera letting me go. 
Kie had me rolling silverware and working in the bar area. She said it was a good intro place before being put out on the floor. It also meant that we could chat and catch up. I liked Kie a lot, she was the closest thing I had to a best friend, even when I was back home. I was still hurt by her words, and hesitant to tell her anything, but I still love her. We were chatting while she went about her side task when I decided to ask about staying around. “Hey, is the Wifi back up here?” I asked, but kept my eyes trained on the task in front of me. 
“I think so?” She answered. 
“Do you think I could use it after my shift? I mean I brought my own computer and I’ll stay outta the way?” I bargained. I just got the job and didn’t want her father to think I was taking advantage of his offer, even if I was. 
“Sure!” She smiled. “We can sit outside at one of those tables when we get off. Pope is coming by and I’m sure JJ will be here before you leave.” I didn’t miss her wink at me after her last statement, the blush more than obvious on my face. Kie was super observant, of course, she noticed something going on between the two of us. 
“Okay yeah,” I said, sighing as she left to carry out an order. While I wanted to spend time with her and Pope, I don’t want to tell them what we’re doing. She’s made her feelings about John B’s accident completely known, and I didn’t want to give them false hope. 
“You look really familiar.” a voice spoke. I looked up from the silverware that I was rolling to be met with blue eyes and frosted tips. 
I’m sure he could see the confused look on my face as I just responded with an “interesting” and a soft smile. I could totally tell that he was a kook by the way that he was dressed. He was dressed in a pastel polo that was only halfway buttoned up and the styling of his hair that no doubt had too many products in it. 
He picked up a menu flipping through it before trying our conversation again. This time being more upfront. “Maybe a name would help you remember me, Y/N?” He said looking directly at me. I felt my skin go cold as he spoke my name. My only run-in with the kook being Rafe and his friends when Kie went full kook. I studied his face as he seemed to laugh a little. He seemed familiar. “Relax, I am on your side here. I figure you heard about your brother and my girl-” He coughed quickly before correcting himself, “my ex-girlfriend.” 
Then it all clicked. “Topper” I breathed out. I hadn’t known him well enough to meet him but had seen him with a few of the other kooks hanging around the boneyard in the past. I remember JJ telling me about the way that he was led out of the church disguised as John B. “What exactly are you doing here?” I asked.
“I figured that you know what happened by now. I’m sure the pogues told you, but I need to talk to you if anyone knows anything it has to be you.” He spoke. I looked up to see Kie trying to get away from her table to come help. Topper seemed to notice. “Meet me outside after your shift? I really need to talk to you.” He said before getting up. “Oh and a stack of pancakes to go please.” He flashed a smile before walking to the side. I quickly wrote up his ticket and pinned it to the wheel as Kie came up beside me. “Don’t worry about Topper, he’s been pretty harmless lately. He keeps asking a lot of weird questions and showing up here. He’s like so obsessed with Sarah it’s crazy.” She paused rolling her eyes. I was hoping that you could get out without an awkward kook visit.” She laughed and nudged my shoulder. 
I let out a sigh. “Yea and to think in the last 5 minutes of my shift. Are the boys on their way?” I questioned. If I was going to go meet with Topper and JJ saw, he would without a doubt start a fight. Something about the way that Topper spoke seemed serious. Also, he helped John B getaway, took whatever the consequences are, so I had to at least give him that. 
“Yea. Pope has to finish up some work with his dad, then they’ll be here.” She said with a smile. “You can go ahead and clock out, I’ll finish up here.” 
I nodded and said a quick “thank you” before making my way to the backroom to put everything away and clock out. My hands shook as I punched in the numbers, turning and putting tips away in my front pocket. I ran my hands over my head, letting out a shaky breath. Just gotta go get it over with. What's the worst that could happen? 
I walked out the back door to see Topper leaned against the front of his Jeep. I looked around for any sign of JJ, Pope, or Heyward’s old beat-up truck. “Okay Topper, this is weird. What the hell is going on?” I said walking to stand in front of him, crossing my arm over my chest. I could feel the way that my glare was harsh on him. 
“Look, Rafe’s losing his shit. I know he’s lost it before but he has really lost it.” He spoke, his tone heavy, almost panicked. 
I couldn’t help but let out a laugh. “You're kidding right?” He just shook his head obviously. “Why the fuck do you think I’d care?” I started to get angry, turning to walk away. 
“Y/n! Wait, please!” He said, stepping forward to follow me. I turned to look at him with my eyebrows raised. “Look I believe y’all, that’s why I helped John B.” He admitted. “The way that Rafe has been acting I believe it too, he’s lost it. I think he’s dangerous.” 
I scoffed again. “Really?” I pointed to the now healing split on my cheek and motion to my neck. “I had no idea, Topper.” My voice was laced with sarcasm and anger. “Get to the point please.” I sighed. 
“He’s literally going crazy. I mean he says that he’s seeing Peterkin like he’s hallucinating her. He is dead set on pinning this on John B, saying that’s the only way that she’ll leave him alone. Ward tries to keep him locked up as much as possible, but you and the pogues” He sighed running a hand through his hair, messing it up, “need to watch out for him. You don’t know what he might do.”  
“Well, he is a murder.” I retorted coldly. 
“I know the pogues, they haven’t given up on John B or Sarah. You probably haven't given up on your brother either. I think that they are the last chance at putting this to rest. I wanna help you find Sarah, and your brother” He finished with a heavy breath. 
I tried to keep a poker face and the best way to go about this situation. “Topper, there is nothing we can do,” I spoke slowly trying to think of exactly what to say. I didn’t want to push him away in case we ended up needing his help later, but like the others, no need to involve him in something so uncertain. Not to mention that I had zero intentions of trusting him. “The police have given us nothing to work with, we’re just as in the dark as you.” 
Topper dropped his head to look at the ground. “Right.” He nodded. ”I guess I was just hoping that it wasn’t real, ya know?” His voice was quieter than before. His tone was soft and sounded broken. “Hoping that she wasn’t really gone.” 
I felt bad for him, even if he was pining after my brother’s girlfriend. He lost his girlfriend, to a pogue, then she might have died and his best friend, Rafe turns up to be a murder in a matter of a week. “Trust me, I know Topper,” I said, causing him to look back up and nodded before turning back to his car. “I’ll let you know if we find something though?” 
He smiled as he pulled himself into his Jeep as I headed to my car to get my bag before going back to the restaurant to meet with the pogues. 
Taglist: @nikki082489 @lovelymaybankk @dolanfivsosxox @alexa-playafricabytoto @downbytheouterbanks @heyhargrove @heywards​ @kayln021 @readysteadygo23​ @im-a-stranger-thing​ @thatsonobx​ @dumbxgurl​ @ameeraaa21@zehnuhrfunf​ @imagines-and-preferences1216​ @mileven-reddie​ @sw-eat-ing​ @tangledinsparkles @shawnssongs @karleeluv @rockyyc77​ @omigodyall @whoreforouterbanks @bqbyl0n @hmsjiara​ @kaelyn-lobrutto24 @softstarkey​ 
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