#tw alcoholic
butwilltherebealcohol · 5 months
Me: thats it Im gonna kill myself tonights the night
Me: *stands and feels the last6 drinks hit all at once*
Me: hnnrnghrhrgr moreee of tht pls
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antvnger · 1 year
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((Hey, Anon! Sorry it took so long, but I had to really think about this one.
((I decided if the man would ever show up after all this time was for one of two reasons: one, he was in a much better place and wanted to make amends or two, he needed some help because his temper and drinking problem got him in trouble and decided maybe approaching his Avenger son would be worth the risk. I went with the first option this time. The second may be written eventually, but we’ll see.
((See below for the whole encounter. Hope it’s what you were hoping for or better.))
The man at Scott’s door looked almost unrecognizable, but he would recognize the man anywhere.
Those were his own eyes looking back at him, and that’s the only genetic resemblance he inherited from the guy.
Charlie Lang. “Dad”.
The man who hit him at eleven years old, just for standing up for his momma against his father’s drunken temper. The man who haunted his childhood and forced his momma to take him and his sister as far away from Florida as possible. The man who messed up their lives so much and taught him how to be a good father by what not to do.
Scott stiffened at the sight of him, and he didn’t speak. He didn’t trust himself to.
Charlie looked at his boy in awe. Sure enough, there he was, the Avenger. The man who made something of himself and has become far more than Charlie ever could have imagined.
He was also a man who looked like he could beat him to a pulp. And maybe wanted to.
He couldn’t blame his son for looking at him like that. This was the first time in decades he had seen his son. The first time since Charlie…
Charlie cleared his throat and coughed. “Hello, Scott.”
“What are you doing here…”
Yes, well, Charlie had earned that kind of cold greeting. The tone was cold, but those eyes burned a hole in Charlie’s stomach. “I umm, I came to talk to you if that’s alright.”
Charlie knew this wasn’t going to be easy, but he was going to give it a shot. “To…to make amends.”
That doused the fire in those eyes for a brief moment. “Seriously?”
“Well,” he shrugged. “Better late than never, son.”
“Don’t call me son,” Scott practically growled, the fire burning in his eyes again. “You don’t have that right.”
“You’re still mine though.”
“Only in blood but in no other way. No way that matters.”
Ouch, but Charlie accepted it. Old Charlie would have lost his temper. New Charlie had to take a breath to remain calm. He nodded once, slowly. “Okay. Okay that’s fair. Umm, may I come in?”
“No.” Scott adamantly shook his head.
This was too sudden, too much. Having the man on his doorstep without warning after so many years felt like a violation, a sting that wouldn’t fade.
He was on the defensive, prepared to protect himself if necessary. Good thing Cassie was at a friend’s house right now, but he wished his mom or big sister or brother or anyone he could rely on was there.
If Hank was there, Scott felt pretty sure he would slug Charlie.
Scott felt like a scared little boy again, even though the man in front of him looked like half the man he used to be. And he hated how he felt right now. He was an Avenger, a superhero shrunk down to an emotionally small and fragile size. 
“Can we talk at least? I want to apologize and see if we can make amends and then maybe…” Maybe see his granddaughter, he hoped.
Maybe nothing, Scott thought. Normally, he’s all about second chances, but this felt like one time where he couldn’t live up to that belief. “Say what you have to say already and then go.”
“...Alright,” Charlie took a breath before he began, “Scott, I am so sorry for ever laying a hand on you. I’m sorry for my behavior and my temper and my drinking. I’m sorry for the turmoil I caused for you and your mother and your sister. I’m sorry I never reached out and did this sooner. I’m sorry you grew up without me.”
I’m not, Scott thought, although a part of that didn’t feel true. It wasn’t the fact he grew up without Charlie, it was the fact he grew up without a good dad. “Okay.”
Charlie tilted his head some, hoping for a little more than that. “Oh. Is - is that all you have to say?”
“It’s all I trust myself to say right now.”
Charlie nodded once again. “I see…Umm well. I’m staying at the Fairmount, and I’ll be there for a week. If - if you want to talk further, I’ll be there. Okay?”
Scott shrugged noncommittally. “Okay I guess.”
“And umm,” he pulled a card out of his pocket and offered it to Scott. “Here’s my cell phone number too if you want to reach me that way.”
He held the card out for a very long awkward moment before Scott took it, looking more like if he took it, then the man would leave.
Charlie backed away slowly, hesitantly. He didn’t want it to end like this. He hoped for more, but maybe he was reaching for too much. He knew the reunion wouldn’t be a good one, but he hoped for a little better than this.
And he couldn’t bear to say goodbye, too afraid that would be final and permanent, so he settled with, “See you around, Scott.”
“Bye,” Scott muttered flatly.
Charlie finally left, and Scott closed the door harder than he meant to and locked the door before he slid against it down to the floor and curled up wanting to hide, his emotions finally breaking through and overtaking him. He shook and cried and felt very much like a scared, hurt little boy who wished his mom was there.
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film-bones · 2 years
Yeah, on top of my really shitty work day, none of my friends or family remembered I’m two years sober today. So…
Drink, anyone?
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How do you write a character who is an alcoholic and his S/O is very worried about him? I dont know how to write this part of my book lolz.
You will need to do research on alcoholism, what it's like, how it affects the person with alcoholism, and how it affects the people around them. Luckily there is a lot of information available on the internet or from your local library.
WQA’s Guide to Internet Research
Good luck with your research!
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as newspapers today dont tend to hire children, a modern day Tintin would run a clickbait YouTube channel, except the clickbait is 100% real every single time
he starts off as an irritating conservative pundit at 14, meets Chang then leaves the think tank paying him and launches his own independent channel and blows up shortly after. Chang helps with video editing and managing his socials and they often chat on video calls between adventures. Haddock, his foster dad, has absolutely no knowledge of his earlier videos.
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yamujiburo · 8 months
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[All comics in order here]
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lambment · 7 months
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request: "What do your bishops look like and how does the lamb think of them?"
I haven’t decided (or started) on designs yet. As for my lambs opinion, they process everything through humour, I would say this is their surface level opinion on the bishops. There’s obviously the deeper-seated issues they have w them tho.
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“how do you not eat all day haha” “how is your liquor tolerance so high haha” “how do you never get cold haha”
In my head: listen to me. Listen To Me. I do not know how to feel anymore. Pain is the only reminder I have that I am living, and it is all that I deserve. There is nothing in my life but either hurt I’ve caused others or hurt l experience. I am passing time until I’ve paid my dues, or until I make severe enough a mistake that I do myself in “accidentally”. Everyday I pray for the latter.
Me: Oh, you know me! :)
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eddiediaaz · 2 months
(you don't have to be a frequent enjoyer of either to vote. weed can mean any type of marijuana products: joints, edibles, oils, etc.)
add where you're from in the tags if you feel like it!
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diavalkitty · 20 days
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sm-baby · 4 months
TOON AU by @the-amazing-animated-circus
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my heart likes to think he cares, my brain knows that he'd snitch-
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attyrocious · 8 months
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like hiring a horse to dogsit
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incorrectbatfam · 6 months
Bruce: There he is, my sweet baby.
Jason, holding a cigarette and beer: What?
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