#tw cultural ableism
anyways reminder to stop armchair diagnosing literal fucking fascist politicians with NPD just because theyre horrible people its fucking disgusting and im tired of being told im like the people currently trying to kill minorities for existing thanks <3
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tudirkulosis · 5 months
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it is 2024 can we PLEASE stop w these kind of videos now. thanks
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Cluster b is hating Taylor swift for writing the line "you wouldn't survive the asylum they raised me in" and using electroconvulsive therapy imagery in her music video knowing full well her privileged ass hasn't actually gone through that like YOU have because YOU /WERE/ raised in a psych ward and /HAVE/ under gone electroconvulsive therapy and that's YOUR mental illness rep, not something for a privileged billionaire bitch to make an """""aesthetic"""""" out of.
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mommy-dust · 5 months
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This. Isnt. Fucking. Cringe.
If you’ve ever judged someone for using a pacifier, aac device, their special interests, the way they talk, using fidgets when they’re “not trendy”, using noise canceling headphones, stimming, making “random” noises, if you’ve ever called them cringe, used autism as in insult, bullied an autistic person, made fun of someone for struggling socially or being nonverbal, even having verbal shutdowns, FUCK YOU! Ableism towards neurodivergent people (and ableism in general) is only getting worse, because these fucking middle school boys think that its funny, you can’t call someone or something sped, retarded, cringe, etc. (keep in mind that it’s completely okay to reclaim these words AS A NEURODIVERGENT/DISABLED PERSON)
And a friendly reminder that nonverbal autistic people have said that they don’t like people saying they “went nonverbal” because it invalidates their experience as a nonverbal person. There are many other things you can say instead of this, and these people need to be taken seriously.
Fellow autistics, feel free to add to this in the reblogs :) I LOVE YOU
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deceiver-of-god · 4 months
Ableists will think of PwNPD as abusive assholes with tons of self esteem. Bestie, I'm terribly insecure and people-pleasing. I couldn't match your stereotypes even if I tried.
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nando161mando · 6 months
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ndcultureis · 2 months
Nd culture is telling your doctor about your executive dysfunction problems and them telling "well if we don't do the things then we will keep feeling bad about them" like wtf
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theautisticfroglord · 10 months
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I've been noticing for a while that there's a difference between what edgelords call "cringe" and actual cringy behavior so i made a chart
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bpd culture is having your disorder watered down by the media to the point that men will say they can ‘take it’ because they ‘like crazy girls’ then demonize you for symptoms and traits of bpd
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schizospec-culture-is · 2 months
Schizo spec culture is being damn near in a zombie state after a mental breakdown only to be accused of being on drugs at work because your brain is lagging.
I’m not on drugs, I’m just off my meds and had a really, really bad time before coming in, but thanks for making me divulge into my diagnosis to make you bite your tongue.
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uncanny-tranny · 1 year
I think when people talk about things like desirability, they can miss the deeper point of why it can be important to analyze why people are seen as undesirable. It isn't just that a type of person is just... not hot... but often, it's the dehumanization of a person based on marginalized features.
For instance, I had a conversation with somebody about disability portrayal in media, and we had agreed that, historically, disability had been portrayed as a horrific ordeal. However, I think they missed the point as to why the "undesirable disabled" character was so appealing to a broader audience. The idea that disability is other, inhuman, and something that depersonalizes somebody from society is partly why those ideas were and are prevalent in mainstream media and culture. It is the idea that "nobody likes you. Nobody needs you. Nobody wants you" because of the person's marginalized body or experience or whatever it may be.
It isn't some superficial "oh why aren't I seen as pretty by everybody?" It is the knowledge that you are portrayed as undesirable in this way because it is a way to separate you from everybody else. It isn't about beauty, nor is it a selfish desire to be wanted by somebody. It is the desire to be seen as a person - an equal, regardless of who desires you or who does not.
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npd culture is getting notifications like this and laughing so hard because, yes, quora digest, i am possessed by a demon because i have a mental disorder.
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Disabled culture is getting really upset at how little people on this website seem to care about people with OCD. Like, reblog bait all you want but dont tie morality and shit to it. Dont make it a ‘ill know if you dont reblog this!’ or ‘i dont trust you if you ignore this’ or ‘reblog to save a life’ or whatever, cause that wont make a person WANT to reblog it more, itll just fucking stress people out, which is made WORSE if any of said people have OCD (like myself)
Am I making ANY sense?
Yeah, that makes a lot of sense! I really hate that too. I don’t even have OCD and those sorts of posts still have had a horrible affect on my ability to engage with anything of that kind, politics especially, even when it is something I find important to talk about. I cannot imagine how awful it can get with OCD or similar disorders added to the mix.
For anyone who needs to hear it: the sort of person that you are is not determined by what you don’t reblog. You do not need to interact with anything or anyone to prove you’re not an evil person. If people start bringing morality into it, it is alright to block them! Take care of and protect yourselves!
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(content warning: maybe internalized? externalized? ableism)
Questioning ASPD (or at least traits) culture is: Um. No I can't have ASPD. I'm so Nice. I spend so much energy being Nice. My Rules make it so I have to be Nice. I like the Rules. They keep me Nice. I like to be Nice. I've even developed Rules which make me think Nice. When people complain to me a lot, I logically get angry at the root of their problems instead of them! When I fuck up and make people upset for no reason I feel Guilt because I've broken the Rules, which is close enough to Empathy? It's not Feeling their Feelings but it's good enough? Right? It only makes sense! It's in the Rules! Isn't that Nice of me? Aren't I Nice?
I am so very very tired.
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batwynn · 7 months
Almost every day I think about that first post I saw a few years ago where someone decided that people enjoying the cuteness of otters needed to be destroyed for the sake of ‘reality’ and ‘facts’. The post was open from start to finish that they were telling you that otters did ‘horrible things’ because they wanted to ‘break the illusion’ or whatever. It was full of language and tone that implied or outright said that people were ‘stupid’ or ‘foolish’ for liking otters, and that they should be punished with this information. This fact. This fact that was a twisted form of humans applying their moral concepts on to wild animals, to begin with, but was also simply being put out in to the world to hurt people for liking that animal. And then I think about how everyone started sharing this ‘fact’, post after post sharing the same tone and language of punishment, of implied ‘stupidity’ for ‘not knowing’. People gleefully commented this ‘fact’ on thousands of otter picture posts, they posted it a million times on the otter fan facebooks, they made tiktoks, they hammered it in over and over again. Don’t like otters. Don’t think they’re cute. They’re Bad™️. You’re a Bad™️ person if you like them. And people genuinely believed that. I saw so many people genuinely hurt by this, who thought they were a bad person and needed to stop liking or sharing otter pictures. Or they’d add a little note at the bottom, ‘I know otters are Bad™️ but I still think they’re cute.’ And I can’t not think about how pointlessly fucked up and cruel that entire thing was from the start, and how manipulative and shitty it was. And how it spun out into the universe until even now, on an otter video posted earlier this year, there’s dozens of comments about how otters are Bad™️ because one person decided that this wild animal doing something that is repugnant to humans, the animal with no knowledge that this is Bad™️ or with malicious intent (because it’s a wild fucking animal), meant they needed to hurt and punish anyone who liked that animal. And, finally, that people were so afraid of being seen as morally wrong/Bad™️ that they destroyed their love for this animal on the word of some fucking rando online without stopping to look internally at their own moral compass and understanding of animal behavior.
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deceiver-of-god · 1 month
Point and mock the ableist!
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Of course I feel good when people show kindness and love to me, what were you expecting? I'm sorry for having a healthy and caring bond with an amazing person lol.
You are annoyed if I'm "evil" (exactly what do you base on saying that I'm evil, if you don't know me at all?) and you're annoyed if I'm being nice. What do you want me to do exactly? To die?
Oh, don't say it, we all know the answer.
It is impossible to argue in a civilized and coherent way with the self-proclaimed "empaths".
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