#tw: talk of suicide and eating disorders
firespirited · 1 year
My teen and early adult 'fixation' on suicide was vaster than i'd thought (hate to call it a special interest even if that's really the correct term). I kind of blocked it out as necessary learning that wasn't worth thinking about ever again the moment it truly hit me that dad could self sabotage but never hurt himself that directly - this wasn't like all the cases where people didn't think the person they cared about wasn't that unwell, I wasn't going to be blind sided after all - ... I immediately moved on and tried to forget every last bit. Deliberately avoided all related topics aside from euthanasia in the already terminal, the pros and cons from an advocacy standpoint.
Those of you who've been following for a while know i can infodump at the drop of a hat about how auto-erotic asphyxiation is really hard to differentiate from regular suicide (along with strongly worded "no breath play" screeds), about "no guns if you have mental health issues" being inaccurate and insufficient enough because escalating disputes often don't get a mental health diagnosis.
I was able to recognize intrusive thoughts of self violence and even repeated phrases as non-suicidal in 2021 and stop being so scared (which helped it ease off actually) so I guess it wasn't for naught.
But uh yeah, there's a huge folder in my brain about martyrdom: the personal, the collective, the societal. celebrated or unnoticed. religious or heroic. misguided ableism and ageism. this one is personal on multiple levels not just the ableism stuff, the martyr stuff I was raised to sort of wish for and folks i knew in the mindset. kept getting dinged by media not world events so I started using doesthedogdie and watching after a full season had aired.
(another folder: technically not suicide but also very much slow suicide tempting death and the will to 'not be'. This one gets triggered regularly. It's part of the reason I'm vocal about eating disorder content and patterns of behaviour like calorie counting, 'clean' eating... it's not because I have a problem with food or my weight but I know the death rates and know the various spirals and they're haunting.)
The past few days I've posted a couple of uncharacteristically glib sounding things. I'm okay and it's not out of character, it's just a piece of me that rarely appears and approaches very dark subject matter with near scientific detachment in the wording and a lot of unspoken resigned sadness that doesn't come across in text and i probably couldn't put into words if i dared to: a pain that's more suffocating numbness than spiky.
The way the subject matter takes over my brain as high priority despite fighting it (and of course life's doing its usual chaos LOL) mean that i haven't been as present as wanted. I see new mental patterns to break and am going to work on it. 💚 Stay safe everyone.
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bijoumikhawal · 7 months
a lot of the talk about Bushnell is reminding me of my "the "mentally ill" have their right to violence revoked" thing again
like. When you're deemed mentally ill, suddenly you must stress how you are more likely to be a victim of violence than a perpetrator to be deemed as human. Because any violence you commit, as a crazy person, is bad. It cannot carry rationale, because you are crazy. If I, as an autistic person, hit someone who was hurting me and got in legal trouble, I can be referred to as just "crazy" instead of as a victim responding to an aggressor. It's an underdiscussed area of dehumanization.
And that's before we talk about intersectionality, and before we talk about how this factors into the idea of ODD, and the "violent" responses patients have to doctors (including those who simply aren't white, and those forced on meds that hurt them, and those resisting sexual assault, and-).
But this is not just interpersonally political, it is political at scale. Black men were targeted by schizophrenia diagnoses during the Civil Rights era (and this is also around when schizophrenia became a "scary" illness). The crazy cannot have valid political criticisms, as a movement (remember that being "crazy" is a vector of oppression abd marginalization) or as individuals in other movements.
Ive seen both the sentiment of "oh Aaron is gonna be slandered as crazy" and exactly what the sentiment warns of- "we can't valorize suicide from the mentally ill". And the first isn't wrong, because society at large does view the "crazy" as lacking political agency, but it's lacking.
Bushnell had been trying very hard to get out of his military contract without being imprisoned at best, while witnessing genocide and knowing he was complicit. He may not have had clinical depression normally, but that would inspire a mental rational response of situational depression (and yes, mental health issues can be a rational response to horrible circumstances). Further, I know of instances of self immolation that WERE done by people who did have long standing mental health issues and were done to protest the treatment they'd experienced that caused them and that resulted from their existence. Mental illness and divergence from the norm is more complicated than just "these people are incapable of rationality, they are incapable of political thought, and they are incapable of agency".
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dietitian warned me the other day i may need to go inpatient if this keeps getting worse and it hasn't left my mind ever since. partly because i don't see the reason. i am literally gaining weight. and also because a non-zero part of me wants to go back inpatient and i don't know why
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aemiron-main · 2 years
many thoughts today and i promise this is not a vague about anything recent at all its literally just me thinking about things today but hot take: things that make you personally uncomfortable or are a personal boundary or trigger for you are not the same as something that is inherently immoral or harmful or shouldn’t be spoken about. sometimes these things overlap. sometimes they don’t. if something being spoken about or the way it’s spoken about makes you uncomfortable, that doesn’t automatically mean that it’s inherently harmful to speak about those things, or speak about those things in that way. sometimes it does! again, sometimes that overlap is there, but not always, and often, it isn’t there.
for example: not all discussion of disordered eating that isn't  “doom and gloom this is a completely serious topic that must be approached in a serious way at all times,” is inherently harmful, nor is it inherently romanticization. for me, getting away from that doom and gloom inherently serious approach was integral for me to be able to overcome it. i’m not saying that these topics should never be approached in that serious way, but rather, that it shouldn’t be forced to solely be approached in that way. and there is a huge difference between approaching something in a more lighthearted way versus active romanticization (hell imo  the solely doom and gloom approach feeds genuine romanticization and fuels the disordered mindset more than anything else ever could but thats a topic for another post).
im gonna make a full huge post abt this topic specifically AND the ways in which mental health discussions in general are often stigmatized and framed as inherently, wholly immoral/inherently harmful/inherently romanticization due to PERSONAL discomfort but these are just some thoughts for rn. 
if everywhere you go smells like dog shit, check under your own shoe. if every post about disordered eating or mental health issues or suicidality that you encounter/makes you uncomfortable comes across as romanticization to you, then maybe you’re the one romanticizing it. maybe you’re not as past your issues as you think you are. or maybe you just don’t understand what romanticization is and thats fine!! and maybe it is romanticization sometimes and you’re right!! but if it’s every single time something doesn’t align with you/makes you uncomfortable? avoid what you need to avoid! but don’t project those things onto other people and try to dictate their behaviour/the way that they discuss topics unless actual harm can be demonstrated, and even then, if something is harming your mindset personally or triggering you personally, that’s still on YOU to avoid and address and deal with, and is different from tangible harm as a whole. you needing to avoid something is not the same as that thing needing to stop existing. the call is coming from inside the house, quit accusing other people of calling you. 
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rxvera · 1 year
anyone else get really frustrated when someone has a food url and they like your post but it's a specific food that's really triggering and now you just want to starve to death?
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anaemiata · 2 years
Porquê??? Why???
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First up, I wanted to thank all of you for running this blog. It’s such an important resource for as I’m sure it is to many others.
TW: Possible child abuse (emotional neglect / slight physical / overall unhealthy dynamic). LGBT-phobia. Ableism, perhaps? Mentioned disordered eating and suicidal ideation.
I’m looking for something more in the advice or reassurance vein, please? So, I come from a more traditional family: I constantly have to walk on eggshells around my dad, he and my mom rant about how LGBT is “corrupting” the world (which is so stressful for me because I’m genderfluid), my mom called me stupid for sobbing in front of her and saying I felt depressed… that type of stuff. Only last year did I realise that these aren’t healthy family traits. However, as I speak more and more with my recently-acquired mental health counselor, I’m getting unsure on if my parents are actually abusive or not. We’re practicing stuff like reframing (this mental health help is for a limited time only, though, so it’s not full-on therapy) and part of me agrees with what my counselor says, but another is angrier and insists they might be watering down my problems because of my miscommunication.
For example, I explained how my mom once told me that “family is the only you can trust” and how she “bets my friends are talking about me behind my back right now,” yet they say my mom is communicating poorly and that she’s right; friends can and will drop you, unlike family. They highlight that I’ll always see the worst in my family because my parents will come home tired from a work day and might just be stressed. Or whenever I explain stuff like my frequent skipping meals or suicidal ideation, their response is a “it happens to the best of us” and then moving on to the next topic (apart from things like that, they handle most other problems well.)
But as I’m writing this, I feel like it’s all my fault, you know? Like I’m antagonising my first and only therapist for the sake of it. Like I’m grappling onto the tiniest, pettiest moments in my life to announce “I’m an abuse victim!” and demand others pity me.
I’m sorry if this is a too long/a confusing ask, but I’d like to know whether this seems like I’m blowing it all out of proportions or if it’s justified? (If you don’t want to answer or don’t have a clear opinion, that’s completely fine! /gen)
Thank you,
— Void
Hello Void,
My sincere apologies for taking so long to reply to this - thank you so much for your kind words, we appreciate them <3
I am so sorry for the things you are experiencing, it sounds like there is a whole slew of issues and concerns to unpack, and I’m glad that there is some therapy in place already - though I hope the short term develops into something more concrete as you slowly peel back the layers. Just from the examples you shared in your ask, I personally feel you are living in an unsupportive, abusive home environment, and have unequal relationships with your friends who are dismissive of your mental health and attempts to speak your truth in vulnerable moments.
It is quite reasonable to me that you would feel anger, and several other emotions as well, surrounding all this, because you have been attempting to label, and advocate, for your needs, and (I assume) ask for the bare minimum: mutually respectful relationships. Because as much as several people keep trying to downplay what is being said/done to you, I wonder how they would feel if they were experiencing the same? Would they feel just as dismissed if they came to you sharing suicidal ideation and you replied with a “happens to the best of us?” I would feel sad if they felt this was the best standard to be found in friendships. And how would your mom feel if she were the one crying, sharing she’s depressed, and you replied by calling her “stupid”?
You have been working hard trying to see their perspective, but to me, by what you shared, they aren’t extending you the same courtesy, and you deserve mutually respectful relationships. We all do.
As for advice, I don’t think it’s as simple as “ghost everyone”, but perhaps tweaking how much you share with people whose track record is subpar at best when it comes to handling your truths of vulnerability?
Maybe an option to consider could be building your support system one step at a time - therapy is a fantastic start, because they can help work on a treatment plan with coping skills, as well as provide safe spaces to explore your feelings - but maybe also consider branching out where/how you meet people? Perhaps online groups of niche interests, or community volunteering programs, both can be a wonderful space where you might meet others on the LGBT+ spectrum who will honor your identity, and/or have connections to further mental health resources. There’s also support groups (both in person, and online) that might be an option as well?
I wouldn’t want anyone to spread themselves too thin between relationships, and potential commitments, and yet on the other hand, exploring your available options might be of service - in that the very least you can start building your own tribe, where you can let people in who are willing to extend you the same empathy and compassion you’ve been trying to do for yourself.
Regardless of what the next steps might be for you, I am so sorry for the things that have happened so far, and I hope that things improve <3
- Mod Kat
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When september comes again and you remember what happened...
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a year ago i was being severely abused by my ex boyfriend, its when i had my last suicide attempt when my cutting was at an all-time high when i was throwing up all my food and starving myself to make myself look 'pretty'
two years ago in september was the last fight i had with my older brother before he passed a month later, was the first time i thought i was in love, when i was also being severely abused to the pointed everyday was either mental hospital or suicide attempt
but... also a year ago i met the love of my life.... though we didn't know it until December 2nd, last year i got to take my little brother out for his birthday and buy him something he wanted, last year i started learning ASL all in September... so if you feel like ending it all or life feels like shit i get it but also know its not your fault and even if it feels it wont get better it will. i promise it will
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baby-anonymouse · 2 years
Tw: suicide, self esteem
I’m scared to make any changes to my hair (cut it, dye it, even trim it) because I worry about how I’ll be perceived
My hair is so long and shiny and beautiful right now and is a huge component of what makes me attractive, and now that I’ve gained weight, im scared to change the thing that I feel makes me attractive because then what will I be left with?
I have such a strong desire to change up my hair and I know exactly what I want to do with it, but im terrified of the idea of looking less attractive because I feel like I need everyone to think I look good, that my hair is the only thing making me pretty right now, that I’ll just be an ugly blob if I fuck with my hair. Obviously I have some self esteem issues.
On top of the self esteem shit, a bit of the suicidal/phrenophobic OCD plays into this too, because I have the thought that, okay, if my hair sucks and then I feel ugly and then that affects my self esteem and then that alters my long term mood and then I go into a depression and then I kill myself
That’s fucking ridiculous. I’m scared to get my hair cut because I think it will make me kill myself?? The sad thing is is that it seems totally rational to me. Like, I KNOW it’s not, but it feels like it is.
The way that OCD, EDs, and self esteem play into each other is truly incredible
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cagesings · 2 years
modern  foggs.  
 disclaimer:  mental  health  care  has  improved  massively  within  the  past  few  decades.  there  aren’t  very  many  insane  asylums  in  the  western  world  anymore.  i  have  heard  of  several  people  having  great  experiences  in  mental  hospitals  and  receiving  the  care  they  need.  however,  foggs  is  not  like  that  at  all.  it  is  still  an  incredibly  abusive  environment  that  should  not  be  running.  it  is  not  at  all  what  modern  mental  heath  care  should  look  like.  while  it  is  based  on  real  experiences  from  a  few  different  people,  it  is  fictional  and  made  out  to  be  a  very  bad  place.  please  do  not  read  this  and  assume  every  mental  health  care  center  is  like  this.  some  are  bad  and  some  are  good.  this  is  one  of  the  bad  ones.  i  am  also  not  a  mental  health  professional.  this  is  based  on  the  research  that  i've  done  based  on  other  people's  stories  and  aided  by  actual  professionals.  
 warnings  for  abuse  of  all  kinds,  suicide,  mental  illness,  hospitals,  eating  disorders,  general  things  about  mental  asylums  that  you  find  on  this  blog,  brief  mentions  of  grooming,  self-hatred,  etc.  
 fogg’s  mental  institution  was  started  in  1926  by  well-known  psychiatrist,  robert  john  fogg  who  claimed  to  have  been  inspired  by  the  mistreatment  he’d  witnessed  at  other  mental  institutions.  however,  many  people  would  disagree  that  was  his  mission.  this  hospital  originally  went  by  the  name,  foggs  asylum  for  the  insane  until  the  the  nineties  when  a  mental  health  act  was  passed  in  the  united  states  and  mental  hospitals  began  steering  away  from  the  term  ‘asylum.’  it  is  located  on  the  outskirts  from  london,  bordering  on  the  city  but  considered  to  be  a  safe  distance  away  for  the  safety  of  the  public  and  for  safety  of  the  patients.  
 from  the  almost  beginning,  foggs  was  overcrowded.  the  list  of  patients  requesting  a  bed  was  overflowing  and  expansions  were  quick  to  be  added  on.  however,  these  expansions  were  not  as  fast  as  previously  hoped.  it  did  not  deter  the  hospital  from  admitting  patients  anyway.  making  room  within  the  already  smaller-sized  wards.  by  the  mid  1930s,  foggs  was  a  chaotic  mess  with  patients  strapped  to  their  beds,  wandering  around  naked,  and  sickening  experiments  preformed.  their  peak  was  in  the  1950s  with  thousands  of  patients  with  no  hope  for  getting  the  help  they  needed.  it  was  often  compared  to  fellow  asylum  bethlem  royal  hospital,  well-known  as  bedlam.  
 with  the  introduction  of  medication  and  the  decline  in  mental  hospital  as  a  whole,  somehow  foggs  prevailed.  patients  were  moved  to  other  hospitals  or  taken  out  all  together  as  they  downsized  but  they  were  still  able  to  remain  a  functioning  mental  hospital.  everything  was  lawful  and  passed  tests  and  certifications.  
 however,  the  care  within  foggs  remained  infamous.  turpin  was  well-aware  of  foggs  and  often  made  the  suggestion  to  criminals  pleading  insanity  to  stay  there.  if  he  couldn’t  get  them  behind  bars,  then  he  would  get  them  into  the  most  sickening  hospital  he  could.  he  picked  this  hospital  carefully  for  johanna  upon  learning  her  plans  to  elope  with  her  high  school  sweetheart.  
 treatment  at  foggs  was  horrific,  johanna  learned  upon  entering  the  hospital.  she  was  taken  into  the  eating  disorder  unit  (  known  as  the  edu  ),  based  on  the  brief  time  when  she  was  twelve  when  she  experimented  with  disordered  eating  as  a  response  to  her  body  dysmorphia.  turpin  considered  this  to  be  a  safe  diagnoses  for  him.  he  did  not  want  people  to  believe  he  had  a  suicidal  ward/wife.  punishing  johanna  for  her  ungratefulness  when  she  developed  an  eating  disorder  pushed  a  message  across  for  her.  don’t  take  advantage  of  my  kindness  again.  
 the  staff  did  not  understand  eating  disorders.  they  believed  the  girls  in  there  to  be  spoiled  brats  seeking  attention  and  would  tell  that  to  their  faces.  most  of  the  other  girls  were  around  johanna’s  age.  the  oldest  was  twenty-one.  the  youngest  was  eleven.  no  one  tried  to  understand  why  these  girls  developed  these  disorders.  they  were  focused  on  getting  them  to  gain  weight  and  eat.  there  were  several  girls  who  seemed  to  be  competing  against  the  others  on  who  could  eat  the  least.  who  could  continue  the  loose  the  most  amount  of  weight.  to  have  a  feeding  tube  made  one  special  and  good  at  achieving  their  goals  to  those  girls  whose  illness  was  controlling  their  thoughts.  
 at  six  am,  the  night  nurses  would  wake  everyone  up  to  be  weighed,  wearing  nothing  a  hospital  gown  and  no  underwear.  nurses  would  make  sure  the  patients  weren’t  hiding  any  weights  underneath  before  stepping  on  the  scale.  often,  urine  samples  would  be  given  while  supervised  to  make  sure  the  patients  weren’t  water  loading  (  drinking  more  water  to  appear  as  if  they’ve  gained  weight  ).  after  the  weigh-ins,  medications  were  administered  at  seven  am.  johanna  was  able  to  dodge  most  medications  (  they  terrified  her  to  take  ),  although  she  was  diagonalized  with  several  other  mental  illnesses  as  well,  but  turpin  instructed  them  not  to  put  her  on  many,  but  there  were  blood  tests  almost  every  single  day  she  was  there  --  especially  when  she  first  arrived.  she  hated  getting  her  blood  taken.  
 at  eight  am,  the  staff  went  to  the  ward’s  cafeteria.  breakfast  began  at  eight  on  the  dot.  johanna  had  to  get  her  food,  sit  down  at  her  assigned  table,  get  checked  she  had  all  the  food  she  was  supposed  to  have,  and  consume  all  of  it  within  twenty  minutes.  if  she  didn’t  eat  all  of  it,  she  would  be  given  a  supplement  drink  to  gain  back  those  missing  calories.  this  happened  even  is  she  ate  most  of  it.  there  were  different  tables  a  patient  could  be  seated  at  depending  on  the  severity  of  their  illness.  all  of  these  tables  were  supervised  extremely  carefully  by  nurses.  johanna  did  not  like  any  of  the  nurses  there,  but  especially  these  ones.  she  was  given  a  lot  of  food  in  order  to  put  on  weight.  if  someone  refused  to  eat,  they  were  not  afraid  to  shove  it  down  via  a  nasogastric  tube.  the  more  one  held  out,  the  more  likely  it  was  forced  against  their  will.  
 after  each  meal  and  snack,  nurses  checked  around  the  table,  every  tray,  and  every  potential  hiding  spot  for  food.  johanna  would  be  escorted  back  to  her  bed  with  the  other  patients  and  had  to  sit  quietly  in  view  of  the  nurses  for  an  hour.  this  was  to  prevent  anyone  from  exercising  or  purge  what  food  they  ate.  if  one  had  to  go  to  the  bathroom  they  would  be  watched  by  a  nurse  to  ensure  they  didn’t  attempt  to  burn  calories  or  purge  or  self  harm.  
 there  was  one  point  in  johanna’s  stay  where  there  was  always  a  nurse  monitoring  her.  it  happened  close  to  the  beginning  when  she  tried  to  sneak  into  the  bathroom  alone.  they  took  this  as  her  attempting  to  purge  and  the  nurse  was  with  her  for  about  three  weeks  until  the  doctor  cleared  her.  
 this  may  have  been  influenced  by  dr.  jonas  fogg  himself,  who  had  followed  in  his  grandfather  and  now  ran  the  hospital.  he  knew  turpin  well  and  had  taken  and  immediate  interest  in  johanna  when  he  learned  she  was  staying  at  his  facility.  his  interest  in  her  made  johanna  more  than  uncomfortable.  though,  it  wasn’t  far  from  what  she  encountered  with  the  judge.  with  the  nurse  monitoring  her  constantly,  fogg  couldn’t  talk  to  johanna  privately.  or  attempt  anything.  although,  fogg  never  did  attempt  anything  on  her,  johanna  almost  pretended  to  go  to  the  bathroom  privately  again  to  get  the  nurse  back  --  despite  how  much  she  hated  it  originally.  
 blood  pressure,  pulse,  temperature,  and  breathing  rate  observations  happened  often  throughout  the  day.  when  johanna  first  arrived,  it  was  once  every  hour.  by  the  end,  it  was  every  four  hours.  there  were  visits  from  dieticians  and  at  times,  psychiatrist  visits.  however,  those  never  helped.  johanna  spent  the  majority  of  them  talking  about  problems  she  did  not  have  (  ex.  being  diagnosed  with  depression  despite  not  having  it  )  and  getting  scolded  about  every  little  thing.  
 within  the  first  few  weeks  of  being  there,  she  formed  a  plan  on  how  she  could  elope  with  anthony.  johanna  was  not  allowed  to  make  calls  or  have  visitors  until  she  earned  being  able  to  see  people  in  person.  but  once  she  did  and  once  anthony  found  her,  she  would  give  him  instructions  on  how  to  fill  out  a  marriage  license  and  had  bribed  a  girl  to  sign  as  a  witness  and  anthony  would  take  it  to  someone  she  knew  could  sign  to  make  it  legal.  johanna  bribed  the  girl  by  trading  trays  with  her  and  hiding  food  for  her  for  a  week.  she  felt  more  than  terrible  about  it.  but  it  was  the  only  way  she  knew  how  to  get  out  of  there.  
 mealtimes  were  at  ten  thirty  am  for  morning  tea,  lunch  at  twelve  thirty,  afternoon  tea  at  three  pm,  dinner  at  five  thirty  pm,  and  supper  at  eight  pm.  after  each  meal,  they  were  always  monitored  the  same  way.  
 medications  were  handed  out  at  eight  thirty  pm.  johanna  was  prescribed  a  medication  for  sleeping.  she  hated  it  and  would  attempt  to  refuse  it  if  possible.  though,  she  quickly  learned  that  if  she  did  refuse  it,  they  might  hook  her  up  to  an  iv  to  administer  the  medication  that  way.  though,  some  nights  she  tore  the  needle  out  and  blamed  it  on  moving  in  her  sleep.  nurses  would  come  in  every  hour,  shinning  a  light  in  her  face  to  see  if  she  was  asleep.  johanna  was  extremely  restless  during  her  nine  month  stay.  
 rooms  were  searched  hourly  for  any  sort  of  weapons.  pencils,  pens,  needles,  books,  stables,  etc.  this  was  even  worse  for  johanna  who  had  been  labeled  as  suicidal.  turpin  allowed  that  because  it  was  not  the  ‘reason’  she  was  in  the  hospital,  but  he  would  be  made  out  as  heroic  for  saving  his  suicidal  ward’s/wife’s  life.  if  anyone  did  find  out  about  her  stay  at  the  hospital.  
 johanna  ended  up  becoming  close  to  the  younger  girls  in  the  edu.  she  truly  did  want  to  help  them.  the  older  girls  tended  to  be  more  ‘competitive’  which  she  always  found  too  sad  and  anxiety-inducing.  the  staff  did  not  understand  mental  illness  well  and  frequently  abused  her  mentally  and  emotionally.  
 bamford  visited  her  once.  it  was  about  four  months  in.  johanna  wasn’t  aware  if  she  was  allowed  to  have  visitors  or  if  he  said  something  to  the  staff,  but  she  sat  across  from  him  in  the  prison-like  visiting  room.  he  offered  to  bring  her  home.  back  to  turpin.  who  she  would  be  married  to  or  sent  back  here.  johanna  refused  before  he  even  finished  speaking.  
 her  stay  at  this  hospital  worsened  her  anxiety  and  paranoia  instead  of  addressing  it.  her  hatred  towards  food  grew  worse.  she  only  ate  because  she  was  afraid  of  them  punishing  her.  she  was  constantly  terrified  they  would  put  her  on  suicide  watch  (  which  strapped  her  of  what  little  privacy  she  could  have  in  the  edu  and  people  would  be  under  surveillance  24/7  and  it  horrified  her  ).  she  had  little  privacy  (  couldn’t  shower  without  a  nurse  there,  couldn’t  use  the  bathroom  without  a  nurse  there,  had  to  wear  the  hospital’s  pajamas  or  gowns  though  they  felt  too  tight  on  her  and  she  wanted  better  layers  to  cover  herself  with  ).      
 foggs  made  johanna’s  eating  disorder  worse  after  she  escaped  with  anthony.  she  hadn’t  had  any  problems  with  her  eating  since  she  was  thirteen.  at  the  point  she  was  admitted,  she  was  seventeen.  they  made  an  mostly  non-existent  problem  worse.  body  image  is  always  something  she  grappled  with,  but  because  she  was  terrified  of  going  through  what  happened  when  turpin  discovered  her  eating  disorder  again,  she  didn’t  try  again.  she  was  underweight  but  not  dangerously.  with  enormous  amounts  of  food  that  she  couldn’t  possibly  finish  in  twenty  minutes  practically  shoved  down  her  throat,  she  had  an  intense  self-hatred  for  herself.  even  worse  than  before.  
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youremyheaven · 5 months
The Internal Corrosiveness of Venus: Venusian Women & Self Harm
TW: self harm, abuse, suicide, violence, trauma
Claire had remarked that "Venus is internally corrosive whilst externally pleasant and Mars is externally corrosive but internally pleasant". This led me down a rabbit hole to try to understand whether this "internally corrosive" nature manifests as self harm & eating disorders and unfortunately, it does. Venusian women struggle with perfectionism and are extremely self-critical. Venusian energy is HARSH. Venus natives struggle to uphold a certain standard that they subject themselves too because if I'm being honest Venus is the OG "not like other girls girl", they believe they're better than others, and tbh in many ways they probably are but this also means they put undue pressure on themselves to keep being that way.
All Venusian naks are Ugra or "fierce" in nature and while I've talked about how Venusian violence and cruelty can be directed at others in my other posts, I think its worth mentioning how Venusians can be just as cruel to themselves. This is especially true of Venusian women as women internalise their problems while men wreak external havoc (like causing wards and killing people) but there are many male Venusians who struggle internally as well.
In ancient religions, Goddesses of love also had other functions or powers that had nothing to do with love
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the Egyptian Goddess Isis was the goddess of love, healing, fertility, magic, and the moon. She was the goddess of life and magic, Isis protected women and children and healed the sick.
She was a great magician, whose power transcended that of all other deities.
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The Mesopotamian Goddess Ishtar is the goddess of love and sexuality, and thus, fertility; she is responsible for all life, but she is never a Mother goddess. She is also the Goddess of War.
I'm using these examples to show that the ancients had a more complex and nuanced understanding of Venusian energy. One cannot worship love without understanding that "war" is a consequence of it. Love & war are not very different from each other. When someone believes in something and is willing to die for it, we find that to be very honourable. Sometimes this belief leads men to kill others over it and depending on the cause, we describe the war as "good" or "bad" (kill a bunch of fascists and then its a "righteous" war, if you kill innocent people, then its an unholy war etc). Being at a state of war describes Venusian nature very well since Venus is also connected to royalty and if you're born into royalty, you get to live a very "exclusive" very privileged life that few get to enjoy but the stakes are also that much higher since you could be beheaded or executed or exiled and live a life that is far worse than the average person.
In this post I want to explore how this "state of war" can manifest internally in an ordinary Venusian and contribute to self harm, eating disorders and drug abuse.
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Bella Hadid- Purvaphalguni Moon & Rising
Bella has admitted to smoking since she was a teenager and getting a rhinoplasty at 14. Her pro ana Tumblr from when she was a teen is infamous at this point. She has never openly spoken about it but it is widely speculated that she struggles with an eating disorder and possible drug abuse as well.
“I was the uglier sister. I was the brunette. I wasn't as cool as Gigi, not as outgoing,” she said. “That's really what people said about me.” I also feel like Venusians grow up feeling really ugly and completely unaware of their magnetism. They only really grow into their looks when they're older (obvs there are exceptions) and I think being bullied for what they have and don't have are also big themes.
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Demi Lovato- Bharani Moon
Demi has spoken about struggling with self harm, eating disorders and drug abuse.
Lovato said, “growing up, I had been bullied in school,” saying she “felt like an outsider," and "like an outcast,” but then she became friends with a girl who was popular. “One day, I asked her ‘how do you have all these friends?,’” Lovato noted, and the girl asked Lovato “do you party?" Lovato explained, "She asked me, 'Do you drink?,'" with Lovato saying that this was her first experience with drugs and alcohol, adding, “we experienced a lot of stuff together, drinking and using, and growing up.” Bharani being an outcaste nakshatra resulted in Demi feeling like one growing one :(((
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Taylor Swift- Purvashada Rising
Taylor opened up about her eating disorder in her documentary
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Lindsay Lohan- Bharani Moon
LiLo has struggled with self harm, drug abuse and battled eating disorders
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Oscar Wilde, Purvaphalguni Rising wrote The Picture of Dorian Gray
The plot goes like this : An attractive Englishman's image is captured in a painting that keeps him from ageing, when he exchanges his soul for eternal beauty. But for every sin that he commits, his image in the portrait rots.
This is a very deeply Venusian story, and very specifically Purvaphalguni esque because Purvaphalguni is the height of Venus. It can be said that its also true of Venusians in general. They are outwardly splendorous, they seem to have it all together but inwardly they tend to be inflicting wounds upon themselves in order to keep it all together.
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Johnny Depp- Purvashadha Moon
He has also battled eating disorders, self harm and drug abuse.
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Iggy Pop- Bharani Moon
"THERE IS EXTREME, there is legendary — and then there is Iggy Pop. Beginning in his earliest days with the Stooges taunting Ann Arbor frat boys and small town Michigan folk, Iggy made an art of excess: self-mutilation, self-exposure and self-destruction. His risky theatricality required an audience to respond, participate or get the heck out of there. And the sex and violence hardly stopped after the show was over."- this is how Rolling Stone described Iggy Pop and tbh this is a very Venusian description
In 1974, at his first solo concert dubbed The Murder of a Virgin. "Do you want to see blood?" Iggy asked the crowd, which howled affirmatively back at him. Then, at Iggy's urging, guitarist Ron Asheton, wearing a Nazi outfit, whipped Iggy repeatedly. Iggy began hurling racial epithets at a black spectator, hoping to goad the man into stabbing him with the steak knife he'd brought onstage. No luck, so he closed the set by carving an X into his chest himself.
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Marilyn Manson- Purvashadha Sun
He has struggled with self harm in the past (there are images online if you're interested) and in 2013, he tried to simulate self harm on stage by holding a knife to his wrist in the middle of a performance??
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Christina Ricci- Purvashadha Moon
Ricci has said she suffered from anorexia as a teenager and was sexually assaulted as a child. “There was no discussion at that time about trauma, and about recovering from those things, about PTSD,” she said. As a result, she ended up “acting out and coping in ways that weren't good."
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Robert Downey Jr- Bharani Moon, Mars in Purvaphalguni
its pretty well known that RDJ was severely addicted to drugs at one point and it started when he was a child and drugs was given to him by his dad:///
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Megan Fox- Purvashadha Rising
"I have body dysmorphia — I don't ever see myself the way other people see me," Fox said. "There's never a point in my life where I loved my body, never, ever." "When I was little, that was an obsession I had of, like, but I should look this way,"
‘However, at a certain point, I went through some trauma in childhood and I developed a pretty severe eating disorder and manic depression, which runs in my family, so there was definitely some wrestling with chemical imbalance going on,’ she shared.
its interesting how so many of these natives begin struggling with these issues very early in life
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Colin Farrell- Purvashadha Rising, Jupiter conjunct Ketu in Bharani
While he did not say that he had cut himself when he was younger, Colin Farrell had some self-inflicting behavior during his younger days. He spoke on The Tonight Show with Jay Leno and said that he used to actually enjoy pulling out huge tufts of his hair. 
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Pete Davidson- Purvaashadha Rising
'I used to bang my head against walls,' he admitted. 'If I couldn't deal with something -- if someone told me something sad or something I couldn't deal with I would bang my head against the wall, hoping I'd pass out because I didn't want to be in that situation because I couldn't handle that.
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Melanie Lynskey- Bharani Moon
“I stopped throwing up, mostly. It took a while. But that was a big one. I had, for a very long time, been on this diet that was basically 800 calories a day, and if I ate anything over 800 calories, I would throw up,” she said. “I was never bingey. Sometimes I’d be starving, and I’d have another teacup of Special K. Then I’d be like, ‘Well, now I gotta throw it up.’”
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Tila Tequila- Purvaphalguni Moon
On March 7, 2012, it was reported that Tequila had agreed to check into rehab after having reportedly "almost died" from an attempted suicide by overdosing on pills. The incident caused her to be hospitalized for a brain aneurysm. Tequila completed her rehab treatment on April 5, 2012.
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Jeffree Star- Purvashadha Moon
images of him self harming once went viral
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Till Lindemann- Purvashadha Sun
he's known for his SH scars and has even written poems about it in German??? its called "The poems: Knives on silent nights"
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Portia de Rossi- Rahu in Purvashadha 2h
she's struggled with an eating disorder
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Padma Lakshmi- Purvaphalguni Sun & Moon
"When filming "Top Chef," I consume about 5,000 to 8,000 calories a day,'' she wrote. "I typically gain anywhere from 10 to 17 pounds every season. Once I get home, what's taken me six weeks to gain takes me 12 weeks to take off. It's always a nail-biting extravaganza at fittings, praying that a few pretty dresses that came down the runway on a teenage model who is a size 0 will miraculously fit my 40-something body,'' she wrote. "Getting ready for the Emmys is always fun, and it's truly an honor to be nominated. But at the same time, in spite of my high metabolism, I worry each year that I'm not going to fit into anything nice. So, this year, I've decided my weight will not be my focus,'' she wrote. "If I need a bigger dress, so be it. That one day — or any day — on the red carpet isn't nearly as important as making sure my daughter doesn't measure her worth by her dress size."
i guess this is a more positive manifestation of Venusian self image struggles
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Jessica Alba- Bharani Stellium (Sun, Mercury & Venus)
“I was meant to feel ashamed if I tempted men,” she said. “Then I stopped eating a lot when I became an actress. I made myself look more like a boy so I wouldn’t get as much attention.”
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Katie Couric- Purvashadha Sun
“I wrestled with bulimia all through college and for two years after that,” she shared with Lovato while interviewing her, per Glamour. “I know this rigidity, this feeling that if you eat one thing that’s wrong, you’re full of self-loathing and then you punish yourself, whether it’s one cookie or a stick of gum that isn’t sugarless, that I would sometimes beat myself up for that. How do you have a healthy relationship with food, and say, ‘You know what, I can have one cookie and it’s OK?’ That is such a huge thing for people who wrestle with this.”
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Zayn Mailk- Purvaphalguni Moon
 In his 2016 autobiography, Zayn, he shared it would sometimes cause him to go two or three days without eating a single bite of food. “Something I’ve never talked about in public before, but which I have come to terms with since leaving the band, is that I was suffering from an eating disorder. It got quite serious, although at the time I didn’t recognize it for what it was,” he wrote. “When I look back at images of myself—before the final tour—I can see how ill I was. The workload and the pace of life on the road put together with the pressures and strains of everything going on within the band had badly affected my eating habits. Food was something I could control, so I did.”
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Zoe Kravitz- Purvaphalguni Moon conjunct Ketu
“I think it was part of being a woman, and being surrounded by [fame],” she said. “I think it was definitely about being around that world, seeing that world. I felt pressured.” After playing an anorexic character in a movie, she hit her lowest of lows and was so malnourished that her immune system shut down. Months later, she decided to make a change. “I just felt it was different,” she said. “I don’t know… if a f—king spirit came over me and said: ‘You have to stop.’”
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Mel C, Purvaphalguni Rising
"When I was in the Spice Girls, the stress of suddenly being thrust into the limelight led me into an unhealthy relationship with food and exercise,” she told The Mirror in 2012. “I became obsessed about what I ate and I cut lots of food groups, like carbs and protein, out of my diet. I survived on fruit and vegetables and little else.”
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Nicole Scherzinger- Mars conjunct Rising in Purvaphalguni
"I really struggled with feeling like I fit in. I even had a hard time feeling like I fit into my own skin. I was really hard on myself and had a lot of struggles with self-esteem and a lot of insecurities,” she said. “Later on, that resulted in me having eating disorders because of my body dysmorphia.”
if you're reading this and struggling, you're not alone. please get help!! its not too late to turn things around!! youre so strong and you can do this!!
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spacebarbarianweird · 8 months
Oooh! Chronic depression Tav sounds right up your alley! I'm also chronically depressed and I have a similar living condition (messy room, not the horrific torture) to Astarion. Maybe a Tav who can empathize with his messy tent and his depression?
Oh yes, this hits my alley! I was diagnosed with anxiety disorder and depression a while ago plus it seems like I had a severe depression when I was 12-19 years old (but I wasn't taken to any specialists back then).
TW: Anxiety and depression come in different forms, my therapists always told me that I have a weird skill to look absolutely normal meanwhile tests show signs of severe depression. I've based this headcanon on my own experience.
TW 2: A suicide attempt, depression.
Astarion x Depressed!Tav
You feel off.
Something was utterly wrong with you for the last few years.
You barely eat, sleep too much
Decision-making is difficult as fuck, and you just do what you are told to.
The time is slipping through your fingers and you sometimes realize it's already winter when it was summer a day ago.
You feel like drowning in the dark void.
Maybe you should just end everything? Because life will never get better.
The tadpole suppresses your condition.
You suddenly feel good. You feel strong. You feel alive.
And the Emperor is particularly adamant that you embrace the tadpole potential.ccepting the tadpole potential.
"Remember how bad you felt before? It will get worse if you deny the tadpole. Once it's gone, your mind will drown in darkness again. But accept my offer, and you will never suffer again."
You recognize familiar patterns in Astarion's behavior.
His inability to make decisions.
The mess he made of his tent.
The way he sometimes sits and stares in the distance not moving at all.
That he doesn't really read, staring at the papers with mindless eyes.
Or quickly turning pages without understanding what is written there.
Or an extreme degree of anhedonia. He cannot taste wine or food, his senses are dulled, and nothing brings him joy except blood and sex (both of which have been unavailable to him for centuries).
You want to accept the tadpole. You don't want to go back to where you were. He doesn't want to either.
But when you take the astral tadpole, Astarion knocks it out of your hands and smashes it.
"You're in no condition to make decisions like that, dear," he says, grabbing your arm.
Neither is he.
You fear to have the tadpole removed.
When it is gone, it's worse than you expected.
You can't move. Can't think. The void is killing you.
You don't want to talk to anyone. You can't do anything. The only thing you are capable of is to crawl into the inn and lie there like in a coffin.
It will never get better.
Maybe, you should just off yourself?
And Astarion's absence only proves your thoughts. He isn't there, he's left. He doesn't need a burden like you.
The relapse is so bad you decide to find a way to end things.
You choose a lonely place and takes a dagger out.
You greet death like an old friend.
Only to wake up under a starry night sky.
With a familiar skeleton-like figure close to you.
Withers brought you back. But why? And how did he…
Before you manage to say anything coherent, you feel strong hands around your waist and a familiar scent.
Astarion cries holding you.
"I shouldn't have left you, I shouldn't have... I am so sorry..."
He was ashamed of himself. Of his own relapse.
But he could never thought you would kill yourself.
These six monthes were difficult for him.
Yes, he was free. He could do whatever he wanted.
But he was lonely. He had nightmares. Breakdowns.
He started looking for you only to realize you were dead.
Finding Withers was his only hope.
And you are back. Back to him.
Astarion takes you away from Baldur's Gate to the places you've never been before.
Basically making you run faster than your darkness.
Together you learn how to enjoy things.
You basically ask each other "What can we do rn to make ourselves feel better?"
A swim in the lake? A bath in the inn? A new piece of garment? Just staying together in the tent?
You hold each other from slipping into the void.
Eventually, you are advised to start taking some medicine made by clerics.
You take it once a day and you feel better, almost the same way you felt with the tadpole.
You take the double shot because Astairon drinks your blood to get this medicine for himself.
You both don't feel yourself that miserable anymore. You both cry less.
You sleep better, Astarion doesn't have nightmares.
You are good. Both of you.
It doesn't mean the darkness won't come back - but you are both ready to meet it.
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@tugoslovenka @marcynomercy @wintersire @vixstarria @not-so-lost-after-all @ashiro20 @theearthsfinalconfession @herstxrgirl @starlight-ipomoea @micropoe10 @astarion-imagine-archive @veillsar @elora-the-slutty-songstress @fayeriess @lumienyx @tallymonster @caitlincat-95 @tragedybunny @valeprati @lynnlovesthestars @marina-and-the-memes @waking-electric @ayselluna @connorsui @asterordinary @darkarchangel96
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theauthorinaugust · 8 months
Angst redacted headcannons.
TW; eating disorders, objectification, abuse, suicide attempts, body dysphoria, hallucinations, nightmares, and sexual assault. If you are sensitive to these subjects, please read something else.
More light hearted headcannons;
Random headcannons, redacted audio as things my friends have said.
Freelancer gets really bad anxiety when it comes to water. After what happened with Kody, they couldn’t bring themselves to shower for a few days- opting for perfume and cologne, instead.
After Tank got into the fight with the two vamps, they tried to call Milo. When he didn’t answer, they sort of gave up. They didn’t really care if they died or not.
Honey is absolutely terrified of Guy leaving them, but struggles to convey that. Or to convey any emotion, for that matter.
Lovely has hallucinations. More than once, Vincent has walked into the kitchen to see them talking to a wall, or to find them screaming in bed. It’s not something they can control, and it happened after Adam.
Because of the Lack of food in Angel’s home, they struggle to keep down a healthy amount. There have been times where they’ll throw up because their body isn’t used to eating a normal amount.
Sweetheart fears aging, more than that, they fear not having children or not living to the fullest. They haven’t told Milo, because he knows that’s not what he wants.
Angel is deeply self conscious about their body, opting to hide under baggy clothes instead of showing their actual frame. Their ribs are very prominent.
Freelancer doesn’t like to sleep alone. If Gavin is gone (for whatever reason) they’ll sleep over at Damien and Huxley’s place, and if they’re not available, they just.. don’t sleep.
Most days, Treasure feels more like an object than a person. Like they’re forced to be the ‘mom friend’.
When inversion happened, Angel screamed so hard and so loud they tore their vocal cords.
Tank avoids eye contact with all vamps, because Quinn used to trance them when they made eye contact. Forcing them to do things they didn’t want to.
Most of the ‘cool scars’ on Tank are self inflicted.
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jiggy-manda · 7 months
jennifer jareau x fem!reader
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jj and her girlfriend have to meet her mother, the woman obsessed with numbers and weights and calories
tw: disordered eating
wc: 4.3k
JJ has never had a healthy relationship with food.
Growing up as an athlete, she was always expected to be in tip-top shape, and it didn’t help that her mother was naturally a size two– “Naturally,” as her mom put it.
But JJ knew better.
Maybe her mother wasn’t aware of her own eating patterns, but JJ definitely was. She’d grown up with it. The first time she’d ever had a regular soda was at ten, and her mother nearly had a heart attack when she saw the red can. Roslyn had to be the one to tell her that talking about calories and sugar content to a ten year old wasn’t going to do anything but weaken her relationship with food.
But Roslyn isn’t here anymore.
JJ has never been skinny enough.
Even as a varsity soccer player, her mother still found ways to dote on her appearance. Whether she noticed that JJ only ate on the days she had soccer games or not, she didn’t let on. Whether she noticed the shower running after dinner every night or not, she didn’t let on. Even at ten, when JJ was still playing on the smaller field, her mother found ways to correct her. Your stomach is showing through your shirt. Your calves are too fat for those socks. Keep this up and they’re gonna put you on goal.
Roslyn was the only one that understood. She took JJ to get ice cream after her games, even if she lost. She bought ice cream for JJ, and then took it home every single time after JJ started refusing it.
But Roslyn isn’t here anymore.
After Roslyn died, everything spiraled out of control.
Except for JJ’s diet.
Once Roslyn died, JJ started obsessively counting her calories. Her sister was gone, and she was left only with her parents. Her dad was absent most of the time, leaving her in the care of her mother.
Her mother stopped commenting on JJ’s weight and what she consumed.
Instead, these comments were then replaced with compliments.
“Jennifer, darling, your collarbones are absolutely stunning.”
“Jennifer, you’ve been looking amazing lately. I’m not sure what you’re doing, but whatever it is, it’s working.”
“Jennifer… Ros would be so proud of the woman you grew into.”
It made her sick.
Anytime anyone mentioned Ros— her Ros— she felt sick. They didn’t know her. Not like JJ, anyway. They didn’t cry with her at three in the morning; they weren’t there when she had panic attacks in the bathroom. Nobody was there for Roslyn when she was alive, and nobody was there for her when she just couldn’t take it anymore. Nobody but JJ.
Nobody else knew about Roslyn’s girlfriend. Nobody but JJ.
JJ’s mother was never there for Roslyn when she was alive, but she was there at the funeral, playing the grieving mother who was oh so sad and had done absolutely everything she possibly could to save her.
JJ knew the truth. Her mother had just as much of a part in Roslyn’s suicide as everyone else, if not more. JJ found her mother’s grief almost laughable. She might as well have just done the job herself, with the way she treated Roslyn.
Over the years, JJ only kept in contact with Roslyn’s old girlfriend, Emily.
Roslyn had died when JJ was eleven. Now, almost 23, JJ is almost just as broken as she was more than a decade ago.
JJ sat down on her bed as she quickly tapped her thumb and middle finger together, an anxious habit she’d picked up from Ros. Today was the anniversary of Ros’s death, and while she’d much rather spend it with her girlfriend, she knew her parents would never allow it.
A movement causing the weight of the bed to shift caught her attention, and she turned as you sat down next to her.
“You doing okay?”
JJ gave you a pointed look.
You heard her sigh, and you took her hand into yours, tracing the patterns in her palm. “You’re so beautiful,” you whispered.
JJ smiled and covered your hand with hers, a silent sign of appreciation.
“When do we leave?” You asked her.
“Um,” JJ looked down at her phone for a moment. “We have about half an hour.”
“Okay,” you said with a smile. “And, um…” You trailed off, not quite sure how to segue the conversation into what you wanted to discuss.
“She’s not coming, is she?”
Your heart dropped when you saw the disappointment and sadness on her face. “No.”
JJ let out a deep breath and looked up to the ceiling, trying to control her breathing. “Okay. That’s okay,” she said, convincing no one.
You frowned. “JJ… you’re allowed to feel upset.” You put a hand on her shoulder. “Emily is the only current connection you have to her right now, besides your family. And… Emily is the only one who really knew you guys. Both of you. It makes sense that you’re upset, just… try not to blame her too much. It’s… a lot. This time of year. Mom and Dad worry about her, and I do too.”
Blue eyes met yours as JJ lifted her head up to pay more attention.
“She...” You hesitated, not wanting to approach unwarranted territory.
JJ heard the shift in your voice.
It wasn’t just any shift. It was a shift she knew perfectly– the shift of tone where she immediately knew that someone was about to bring up food in front of her.
“Y/N, it’s okay. Just say it,” she said with a sad smile.
“She doesn’t eat,” you said guiltily. “This time of year. Especially today. And I think… I think she’s scared that if she sees you today, she might spiral. And it’s not about you, or your eating habits,” you quickly corrected. “It’s about the situation as a whole, and I just don’t think she can mentally handle it. Not yet.”
You squeezed JJ’s hand, and she returned the gesture, giving you a smile.
“I get it. It’s just… I wish we saw each other more often. I know she’s busy, and I know I’m busy, but I just wish I didn’t have to invite her to the memorial of her dead girlfriend to get her attention.” JJ flinched at the bluntness in her own voice, still sensitive to her sister’s death.
You squeezed her hand again. “I know.” You swept some hair off her shoulder, leaning in to give her a quick kiss on the cheek. “Now,” you started, leaning back and situating yourself comfortably. “Your mother…”
JJ groaned and covered her face with her palms, falling backwards on the bed. “I hate her,” she mumbled.
Adjusting yourself to lean back, you crawled to cuddle into her side and gave a soft kiss to her neck. “I know.” Another kiss. “But we need to figure out a way for you to interact with her that’s not triggering to you.”
JJ looked at you as if you’d just suggested she swim across the pacific.
“Listen, your mom is an asshole who bullied you to the point of an eating disorder. She’s a piece of shit, but she’s your piece of shit, and until we can completely cut her off, we just have to do what we can. Bare minimum. We won’t even stay that long, okay? Two hours, tops.”
JJ gazed up at you, her sad doe eyes breaking your heart. “Promise?”
She grinned as she sat up to hug you, grateful for the support. “Thank you,” she whispered.
“I love you,” you responded.
Her grip tightened.
JJ’s house was big. Not nearly as big as you and Emily’s, but big nonetheless. You’d only ever been there a few times– JJ wasn’t big on bringing people home, and since you both lived together, she didn’t really feel the need to bring you around often.
JJ’s parents didn’t know about you guys, but they didn’t not know. JJ never sat down and told them that she had a girlfriend; she sort of just started bringing you around everywhere and people made assumptions accordingly.
You held onto JJ’s hand as you walked through the hallway, passing the fireplace and living room. Her mother was standing near her father, likely having a silent argument solely through stares. Once JJ’s mother caught sight of the two of you, she immediately made her way over.
“Jennifer! You look amazing, dear.” She rested her hands onto JJ’s shoulder, allowing herself to take a longer look.
JJ’s skin prickled; she could feel the judgment coming off of her mother in heatwaves. She felt as her mother’s eyes traced over every line and curve in her body, and she felt sick at the thought of ever even having curves.
“You know, Jennifer, this dress is actually really beautiful. It hugs your body in just the right way– I can finally see your beautiful hips!”
You felt JJ get stiff next to you, and you gripped her hand just a bit harder, a silent reminder that you, too, heard what she just said. “Thanks, mom.”
The words tasted like bile in her mouth.
“You know, you’ve always been so skinny. And you have such a beautiful figure! I always wondered when you’d grow into it, but it seems like you’re finally filling in! Be careful though,” she added with a smirk, leaning in to wink at her daughter. “You don’t wanna look like all those girls with the fake butts and hips.”
You looked over at JJ, giving her a what the fuck? look. You knew her mom was borderline abusive– that much was true, but it seemed as if she was trying to purposely trigger her. Your mind was racing, and you couldn’t even imagine what was going through your girlfriend’s.
The entire event was extremely uncomfortable and heartbreaking, but thankfully JJ had other family members that wanted to catch up with her. You mostly sat back and listened, trying to digest everything while also keeping an eye on JJ.
The memorial itself went smoothly up until dinner.
You were sitting next to JJ as she ate her pasta when you heard her mom speak up. “Jennifer, are you really gonna eat all that? I mean, pasta, it just– the carbs and the calories.. You’ve been doing so well with watching your food around us. Do you really wanna…” She trailed off for a moment, breaking eye contact with her daughter before frowning. She looked as if she were about to say something more, but shook her head as she decided against it.
You looked over at JJ, and it was as if you could hear the gears turning in her head. She was angry, that much was obvious. But she was also smart, and she needed to play it accordingly. It didn’t stop the whole situation from breaking your heart, though. You could hear the gears turning in her head, but you could also see the tears forming in her eyes.
The blonde sighed, giving in and looking up at her mother. She took the bait. “What, mom?”
Mrs. Jareau guiltily looked at her daughter for a short moment before speaking. “Well, you have gained a little bit of weight recently.”
“What the fuck?”
All heads turned to you, eyes bulging out of their sockets, watching your response. Your eyes widened in fear as you realized what you’d just said in front of your girlfriend’s family. You looked over at JJ, and she had the same expression in her eyes.
JJ scooted her chair out and stood up. “I’m going to the bathroom.”
You quickly scrambled to your feet to follow your girlfriend down the hallway.
“Y/N, you don’t need to come with me,” she said as she walked.
“Yeah, like hell I’m letting you go into that bathroom alone.” A hand on her elbow stopped her in her tracks. “I know what you’re thinking. I know you, and I’m not gonna let it happen.”
JJ just glared at you.
“Do you wanna talk about it?” You asked.
The older blonde let out a sigh before grabbing your hand and dragging you into the bathroom, locking the door behind her.
She stared at you, willing you to speak. You knew it was common for your girlfriend to shut down during uncomfortable situations. She had trouble speaking, even simply forming words. It was even worse when it came to her eating disorder, because her emotions almost always took over her rational thoughts, preventing her from clearly articulating her feelings. All her energy went into controlling her emotions; there was none left to form words.
You decided to break the silence with something lighter, not wanting to bring up exactly what her mother had said just yet. “JJ, I’m really sorry for what I said. I usually have such a good filter; I don’t know what happened…”
JJ smiled slightly, rubbing a hand up and down your shoulder. “I know. Neither of us were expecting her to say it so explicitly like that; it took us both by surprise.”
JJ always knew how to make you feel better. She was perfect like that.
“But, um..” You danced around on your feet, feeling a bit uncomfortable and out of place, not quite sure on how to lead into your next question. “Are you okay? Because what she said— it’s not okay.”
JJ’s smile faltered. “I’m okay.”
You tilted your head, giving her a warning look. “Really, JJ? I’ve known you for years; you could at least try to make your lies believable.”
The tall blonde frowned and looked down. “You’re right. I’m sorry.”
“Hey,” you interrupted her, willing her to meet your eyes. Her head lifted a bit, and you took your chance. “I’m not mad at you. You don’t have to apologize; you didn’t do anything wrong.”
Your eyes trailed across hers as you observed her expressions, admiring the beautiful features that adorned her face. “It’s not your fault.”
JJ’s eye twitched slightly, and your stomach clenched in pain.
“None of this was your fault. What happened to you, to…” You trailed off, not wanting to bring up her sister while she was crying over her mom. Your voice hardened as you locked eyes with her, hoping she wouldn’t look away. “It wasn’t your fault, JJ.”
JJ blinked, looking down as a tear escaped her eyes. “I know.”
Your heart clenched as you listened. That didn’t sound like JJ. Not the JJ you knew. JJ was strong-willed and opinionated; the voice you heard was small and broken.
“But it feels like it is.”
The upset in your stomach was soon replaced with anger, and all you could think about was a ten year old JJ confused as to why she could only have one piece of chocolate per week. Fury, hatred, and rage soon followed, and the feelings festered in your gut, bubbling up and fizzling out every few minutes.
You knew it was only a matter of time before your usually-perfect filter went out the window completely.
You knew it was bound to happen. You just didn’t know when.
“JJ, I need to be completely honest. If we go back out there, I don’t know how much patience I’ll have.” You looked at her cautiously, monitoring her expressions for anything that could give away what she was feeling.
She gave you a small smile and squeezed your hand. “I know. I could see it happening earlier. But Y/N/N, seriously, you’re doing an amazing job. You don’t give yourself enough credit. I know you lost your patience earlier, but that’s a rare occasion.” She squinted her eyes a bit, thinking about what to say. “And this is also a very specific situation, so really, I wouldn’t say your reaction was… unwarranted,” she added. “You’re just protective of me.” She smiled. “And that’s okay.”
You grinned back at her.
“Ready to go back?” You asked as you took her hand.
“Yup,” she sighed, moving away from the counter. “Might as well.”
You and JJ hadn’t missed much; it was mainly still just the same group of relatives conversing with each other. Her mother was there, as well, obnoxiously laughing at a joke that seemed way too funny to be told by her father.
The two of you walked over to the living room, taking a seat next to each other on one of the couches and making small talk with some of JJ’s aunts and uncles.
It was interesting to see JJ interact with her family; they were all really sweet, for the most part. It seemed as if her mother was the outlier of the bunch, which both angered and confused you at the same time. You knew people’s filters deteriorated over time as they grew old and cared less about how they were perceived, but it was as if JJ’s mother never had one to begin with.
You were shaken out of your thoughts by a tight grip on your wrist, immediately swiveling your head to see what had happened.
JJ’s face was sheet white as she stared at the woman in front of her; you hadn’t heard what her mother said, but judging by the expression on your girlfriend’s face, it couldn’t have been good. Not that anything her mother said was ever really great, anyways.
“JJ?” You looked at your girlfriend, willing her to reply, but she wouldn’t break her gaze; she stayed staring directly in front of her.
You picked up on her energy fairly quickly; you knew if she tried to move or change her expression she’d likely breakdown, and there was nothing she wanted less than to have her family see her cry.
You stood up quickly, taking hold of JJ’s hand as she turned her gaze towards the ground, likely trying to keep her tears in.
“Jennifer, don’t ignore me.”
Her mother’s voice was warning, as if JJ were a child giving her the silent treatment.
“I can’t do this,” JJ whispered, just loud enough for you to hear.
You squeezed her hand before speaking, turning your gaze to her mother. “We’re leaving,” you said with a tight smile.
Her mother scoffed, looking you up and down as if you were nothing– just one of her daughter’s playthings.
“I wasn’t talking to you.”
Your skin prickled with the insult, and your grip on JJ’s hand grew even tighter. She turned to her daughter once again, willing her to speak. “I asked you a question, Jennifer, and you should really look at your mother when she’s speaking to you.”
You had to fight the urge to scoff at her mother talking about herself in third person; how dramatic could someone be?
JJ’s mother changed her stance to a more relaxed position, tilting her head to the side as she examined her daughter.
“Jennifer, how much do you weigh?”
“What?” The question almost knocked you over, taking you completely off guard.
JJ stiffened next to you and stood up straight, no doubt trying to make herself look thinner in the eyes of her mother. Mrs. Jareau ignored you and continued staring at her daughter, acting as if you weren’t even there.
“What the hell is wrong with you?”
That got her attention. She whipped her head around to you, giving you another once-over before clicking her tongue. “Jennifer, wi–”
“No, seriously, what the hell is wrong with you? Are you so out of touch with reality that you can’t see how much of an asshole you’re being?”
JJ looked over at you with a warning glance, the only acknowledgement that she’d heard you during this entire conversation.
“You think that just because you have issues with food you can just force it on your daughter? She was a child. You didn’t even give her a chance,” you accused, feeling yourself get more and more worked up.
“Y/N,” JJ warned, her voice deep and gravelly, the voice she used when you were speaking out of turn or going out of line.
“Oh, please,” her mother replied. “She doesn’t have issues with food; she has issues with discipline and self control. You think she would look like that if she had ‘issues with food’? Plenty of women are able to control their cravings; I know I can.”
You shook your head in disbelief as she spoke, in utter shock of the cognitive dissonance the woman had.
“And if you’re gonna talk about issues with food, it certainly would not be my daughter. You wanna talk about choices? There are thousands of girls with food issues; my daughter is not one of them. Those girls never even had a chance, but Jennifer did. She chose to be selfish over being healthy; there’s nothing wrong with pointing it out.”
JJ’s grip on your hand wasn’t even tight anymore; it was loose, as if she had given up, as if it was taking a significant amount of energy to even hold on. You knew she was exhausted, and you knew this was only making it worse.
“Didn’t have a chance? Didn’t have a chance? What the hell would you call JJ’s experience then– a choice? You think she just chose to stop eating out of nowhere? Where the hell do you think she learned it from? It sure wasn’t her friends. Her whole life has been about you; you and your desire to have the perfect daughter. You did that.
So maybe those other girls— Maybe they didn’t have a chance. But your daughter did, and you took that away from her. So while you wallow in your own puddle of self pity, maybe you should reflect on why she started restricting in the first place.”
You took a deep breath, trying to control your thoughts and calm yourself down.
Next thing you knew, an iron hard grip on your wrist was dragging you out the door. “What the hell was that?” JJ’s voice was low and demanding.
You just stared at her as if she’d asked one of the most obvious questions in the world. “What was what? You saw the way she was acting.”
“She was acting like that the entire time, Y/N,” she warned. “I’ve told you multiple times how she is; you’ve met her before. We literally talked earlier today about what to possibly expect from her.”
“JJ, your mom–”
“Right— my mom. Not yours,” JJ interrupted, eyes narrow.
You felt a ball of anxiety in the pit of your stomach.
“I understand that you want to protect me, but this was not the time nor place. And quite frankly, it is not your place to speak on my ‘issues with food.’ You were out of line; you do not get to decide how or why I developed an eating disorder.”
Your heart dropped. She was right.
You bit your lip, looking down as tears formed in your eyes. You knew it wasn’t fair to cry, not right now, but it was becoming increasingly harder to control your emotions. You didn’t like upsetting JJ, and you knew speaking on her eating habits was out of line, especially because her mom had been doing it incessantly for years.
You coughed, trying to hide the hiccup that came with your tears. Clearing your throat, you spoke up. “You’re right. I’m sorry, JJ.”
You were still looking down, too ashamed to meet her eyes.
Next thing you knew, you were being pulled into her chest, engulfed in a hug as she held you close, swaying a bit as she tried to help you calm down. “I love you,” she whispered, keeping you attached to her. “I’m sorry for snapping.” Her voice was soft; it had returned to the usual loving tone she used with you.
You buried your face in her chest, gripping her jacket and holding her close.
“All you were doing was sticking up for me, I know. But baby, my mother is just… You can’t win with her. I know you wanted to help, but really, it wouldn’t have done anything.”
Your heart broke as she spoke those words, because you knew they were true.
“And Y/N, I really do appreciate it. I probably could’ve handled it better; I’m not used to people defending me like that, so it took me off guard.”
You were still wrapped up in her embrace, her hand on your head as she held you and continued to sway back and forth. “Also… I was absolutely terrified because I had no idea how my mom would respond. I’ve never said anything like that to her, so I couldn’t even imagine what would happen if someone she barely knew talked to her like that.”
You sniffled a bit, nodding your head as she explained herself. You pulled away, looking her in the eye for the first time since you’d left. “I really was just trying to help,” you said guiltily.
She gave you a sad smile. “I know, honey.”
You smiled back, reaching for her hand.
“I think it was a good idea we left our stuff in the car,” you said with a slight chuckle. She repeated the sound, taking your hand in hers. “There’s no way I’m going back in there.”
“Yeah, well don’t worry about that because I wouldn’t let you,” she joked, pulling on your hand as she began to walk to the car. “You and that mouth of yours.”
“Hey!” You protested, lightly hitting her on the arm. “I told you my filter could only last so long.”
She snorted, grinning as she walked around to the driver's side.
“You’re silly,” she said as you both took your seats.
“Yeah, yeah, whatever,” you replied. “You love me.”
She grinned at you as she started the ignition. “Yeah, I do.”
a/n: hii i hope you guys enjoyed this <3 i wrote this like a year ago but never moved it from ao3 to here.
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thelunarsystemwrites · 2 months
Lunar's mental health. An update.
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TW: bad mental health, EDs, depression, s/h, personal stuff, suicidal thoughts, anxiety, vent, self hate, heavy topics.
Sorry I haven't been posting!!
An update on me.
...Hi, you might know me as Lunar, or, TheLunarSystemWrites! I'm just an artist on here, trying to do things I like.... right?
Well, unfortunately, real life doesn't really... care. It doesn't care if I have friends to talk to, art to make, things I like to do.
I've been exhausted, physically and mentally. I've been busy working a lot in our home. (Painting, building, packing, inside work, cooking, etc) and it's always stressful... we're starting to get a little tight on money.
I've spent majority of my time in my bed. I don't wanna face my family members, so I've hidden away. It's hard to get up every day, and try to find the will to take care of myself.
I also recently relapsed with Bulimia, a disorder that, essentially means I throw up whatever I eat. I've been purging since September 16th, 2022. But I had awhile where I only purged once a day or none, but I'm back at it with full force. So my body doesn't have any energy left. I've also now lost my periods do to it.
I don't sleep well. It's much easier to stay up all night than waste my only free time sleeping. So I have no energy from sleeping well unless I sleep a whole day away, which makes me groggy.
Self harm is also something bothering me too, I'm too tired to do it and yet I keep doing it. Wasting precious spoons on it, I literally can't be clean for a whole year this year, that dream is dead. But, I am a few days clean as I type!
Suicidal and intrusive thoughts have been.... pesky. But I can't just leave my friends, plus I have prizes to make.
But, I'm unmotivated. I can't seem to write or draw anything. All my art is looking... regressed, to me. Everything is repetitive.
I've hated myself now more than ever in my life, I'm in a pretty bad place and I hate how self aware I am.
SPEAKING of regression! I have like, regression block. My brain isn't working with me, isn't regressing unless Involuntary. So my main coping mechanism is.... out of order.
I've been angry at the world, really pissy and moody. Tired, hungry, sad, then happy but not much. Numbness is a huge factor, I'm feeling depressed.
Not to mention, there's drama everywhere I look. This creator gets bullied, that one turns out to be disgusting. People get doxxed over opinions... it's constantly anxiety that I'll be wrongly accused, ridiculed, or abandoned. It's terrifying that people will go at each other's throats. It's exhausting to deal with it and be dragged into drama with problematic people.
Every day has been the same for me for the past 3 years. I'm tired, bored, understimulation controls me.
My friends are my lifeline right now.
I feel uncomfortable in my own body all the time, unsatisfied with my art, everything is essentially falling apart in my life.
Depression, anxiety... not a good mix to wake up disoriented and anxious, then gave zero spoons throughout the day. I'm not in a good home situation right now.
So... I kinda just... haven't been posting, role-playing, answering DMs, answering asks, etc...
I'm burnt out.
I feel like I'm a walking corpse.
Useless even.
I don't feel like myself anymore, I barely have the energy to talk to friends, every little bad things sets me back. I just can't bring myself to really engage much anymore.
So... sorry. I'm sorry, if I wasted your time. Or if this isn't like what you wanted to hear. I'm just not okay anymore, April was the last good month I had this year. APRIL.
I just wanted to update you all, there's a lot of other stuff I didn't share because it's nit important. I swear I'll get to the prizes eventually, I just ain't up to it right now. Might not be for awhile, apologies in advance!!
Hope you guys can understand, I might or might not be back to doing art, who knows. But I'll definitely get things done before that if I ever stopped. It just doesn't bring me joy, I used to hope I'd make an AU people cares about, and I've barely achieved that ^^"
Hope you're all well!! Stay safe, take care!! Remember to hydrate and to try eating if you can, you're spectacular!!!
Daily clicks!! ^^
Previous pinned post.
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yinastra · 6 months
✩ The Waves Overhead ✩
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Freminet x gn!reader
Summary: Freminet has had an imaginary friend since he was little.
A/N: Can be romantic or platonic.
CWs: Heavy angst
TW: Suicide, death, self harm, eating disorder, starvation, PTSD, delusions, READ AT YOUR OWN RISK.
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Freminet has always been a quiet boy. Met with conversation, he retreats back into his shell, locking his heart away.
He'd like to open up to people, to trust them, but how could he?
Instead, he enjoys sitting by Fontaine's 'sea' in their company.
They conversate for hours on end, the only divider being the setting sun and the dawn's light.
Even then, they are with him everywhere he goes.
In his dreams, in his heart, in his memories:
he wouldn't have it any other way, of course.
This person understands him so well- it could even be considered uncanny.
Nothing seemed real without them by his side.
They were real.
He'd take walks with them by the shoreline.
How strange was it that nothing was clear anymore?
When did all the shade blend together?
All the colors mushed into each other.
This was real.
This was reality.
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Freminet has always had an imaginary friend.
Ever since he was little, there's always been someone by his side.
Someone he felt he could speak to freely, someone he depended on.
Someone who got him through the days.
Starving to the bone.
The days where his mother couldn't afford to buy them food, so she instead tucked him in extra tightly into the small, handmade quilt, telling him that the next day would have something to fill his empty stomach.
The days he'd cry in bed because his mother didn't come home that day. He was always so afraid for her, what if she never came back? What if the debt collectors─
There they were.
His light, his beacon of hope.
The person he'd talk to about all his problems, he'd even forget his hunger when he spoke to them.
The person who'd reassure him through everything. It wasn't all in his imagination, he swore!
They listened. They replied. They helped.
Freminet has always had an imaginary friend.
Everyone always thought it was delusion. It wasn't. He knew. How could he ever speak to another person?
They were a person.
He knew them.
They knew him.
He swore it.
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The hunger ate away at him, even now.
He could eat whenever he wanted now, but he couldn't.
He couldn't bring himself to fill his stomach─ it made him feel sick.
The days where he couldn't eat anything, they had lasted for so long.
So, so long.
Food no longer looked appetizing. He could barely deign to put it into his mouth, the texture making him want to puke it all up.
He used to be so excited to eat food– to be able to eat food consecutively, days in a row. It used to be an occasion worthy of celebration. But now? Now he can't..
He can't stomach food. He can't eat it continuously.
He'll throw up any food he eats on the second day in a two day cycle.
That's how it became after–
What he saw?
No, no.
What he didn't see.
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The waves swallowed him up.
Falling into the serene "sea", he found himself lost in his mind. His thoughts echoed off of the sides of his helmet.
The dark.
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That bright, bright day. He had just fixed an old broken clock they had. His mother sold it, and they ate that day! Two days in a row, a true gem.
He walked to the house by the shore. The small shack looked desolate, the windows boarded.
His imaginary friend's home.
His imaginary friend.
He opens the door.
The small, tattered couch was in the corner, the small coffee table and lamp accompanying the atmosphere.
Had they gotten some new type of decor? How interesting, he thought.
How interesting, that their friend's hair hung onto the motionless dummy's scalp.
How interesting, that their favorite shirt clung onto the dummy's body just like he remembered.
How interesting, that it had their eyes─ dull, of course.
Laughable. Hysterical. That wasn't his friend.
His friend's eyes were bright. As bright as the ocean underneath the sunlight, as the light reflected.
His light.
His hope.
This "decor" was much too cool to the touch.
This was not them, it couldn't be.
It wasn't, he said.
It wasn't.
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The water's motions return him back from his memories.
The coolness of his surroundings chills him.
He makes his way back to the surface.
There was the house on the shore.
He swore it was a person. He swore they were real.
He drags his heavy feet to the entrance, turning the door knob.
The couch was there. It was real.
It was...
He sits down on it, a wave of familiarity rushing over him.
The coolness of the seat, the hard back.
The seat had to have been covered with dust with how grainy it felt. Even like..
He lightly traced the carvings on the stone-hard, gray back.
Their name and a date engraved on the stone.
There was a tree outside of the window, he remembered it well.
He looks up, tracing the stars.
The stars looked different.
Blobs of faint light, burning out constantly.
Running his hand along the branch above that couch.
He'd sat by that couch for hours before.
That was right.
That couch.
The distorted grey shape behind him.. the one he leaned on.
It was the couch.
It was.
The coarse rope beneath his fingertips give him a feeling of Déjà vu.
He'd just hang here for a while.. right?
Yeah. That's right. He'll stay here to watch the sea.
Next to them.
Where they'll meet again.
Under the waves overhead.
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