#two sides same coin
iznlover · 4 days
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honestly they’re just like that idc
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devilsofficialfanfic · 2 months
Lotor B: (holding Lotor A like a cat) please can we keep him??? Look at him 🥺 baby 🥺
Sendak B: that’s a grown ass man
Lotor A: :3
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crinkle-eyed-boo · 1 year
Honestly these two.
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acourtofquestions · 4 months
One day later and I happily stand corrected
SJM has done it again
All aboard Rowaelin!!!
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Demona: I'm a reverse necromancer. Jolene: Isn't that just killing people? Demona: Ah, technicality.
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red-enby · 3 months
have my favorite one i’ve made
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aerismoon · 5 months
Quick! While Merlin is randomly trending: I went to the Renaissance Faire this weekend and made a Merthur coin necklace!
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Dragon for Arthur and triskelion for Merlin!
Two sides of the same coin and all. I was proud. I had to in depth explain this to my friend that I went with.
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nyxi-pixie · 5 months
90% of the problems in bbc merlin are caused bc that fuckass dragon was a committed merthur shipper but only in the sense that he had a crippling addiction to tragic yaoi
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swedenis-h · 7 months
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Aww… anyway! (X)
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eilidh-eternal · 8 months
John “on yer fuckin’ knees” MacTavish
John “over my knees, doll” Price
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Jason’s phone rings as he’s in a stakeout. The number is marked unknown caller. He answers reluctantly.
Jason: Who is this?
Bruce: Don’t. Hang. Up!
Jason, taking a deep breath and then exhaling exhasuted: How did you get my real number?
Bruce: That's not important.
Jason: That is insanely important right now.
Bruce: …
Jason: Who gave you my number? Thing 1 or Thing 2?
Bruce without hesitation: Thing 2.
Jason: I knew Tim would do something that stupid. I never should've trusted him.
Tim: Dr. Suess characters… that’s what he thinks of us? And wait why am I thing 2?!
Bruce: Tim stop talking, I can’t hear him. Jason we need to talk-
Jason: Man, I have to go there's a... Person holding a... Gun at my head.
He shoots his gun.
Bruce: Stop lying, I hear you shooting someone!
Jason: In the thigh, they're fine. Can I go now?
Bruce: No! I had to call you from a burner phone because my number is blocked and I know it's blocked! Now Jason, why is my number blocked?
Jason, seething and annoyed: Cause I don’t fucking like you!
Bruce: Okay, so I’ll stop paying your phone bill then.
Jason sighs realizing he needs the unlimited international caller plan.
Jason, gritting his teeth: I will unblock it. Ass.
Bruce: Right back at you, kid.
Call ends.
Bruce: See? I can handle things with him.
Dick, while playing a game on his phone: Yup. You're both equally mad at the world.
Bruce: That's why I like him.
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lousolversons · 4 months
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"I may end up looking like you, but I'll never be like you." The Ghoul + Lucy Maclean in Season 1 of FALLOUT
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ekko-idk · 5 months
Laios: people are hard to understand... There's way too many social rules to follow, popular conversation topics, eye contact, etc. They also rarely say what they mean and often they say the opposite, so much so that misunderstandings happen regularly.. Monsters are predictable animals with a set of rules and precautions you can follow to either tame or defeat them. if you know what to do, they're very easy to deal with!
Kabru: monsters are wild creatures with jerky unpredictable movements.. Their attitude can change in a second and if you don't have an insane amount of knowledge about them they can be, and often are, very dangerous. Human cultures often have strict and easy to follow rules that depend on certain communication strategies that are somewhat agreed upon universally. People no matter of background also react the same to many things (smiling, frowning, pupil dilation, etc.). if you know what to do, they're very easy to deal with!
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thefabledpheasant · 7 months
I was watching the episode where Merlin disguised himself as the “dolma” and I was feeling frustrated at Arthur’s lack of concern to Merlin’s whereabouts. It goes against everything we’ve ever seen of him. He never forgets Merlin and he’s never calm when Merlin is in potential danger.
So I was thinking to myself, why? Why would Arthur forget Merlin? And I remembered that, despite being an old woman sorceress, he immediately felt like he knew her somehow. She is everything that Merlin is not (to his knowledge), and yet he somehow knows her. Just like he did with “Dragoon”.
“You seem familiar, sorceress” - Arthur
And as the “dolma” points out he’s forgetting something, he jokes with her the exact way he does with Merlin. “Ah, I thought things had gone unusually smoothly” + other lines. Why would he do that?
Because a part of Arthur knows Merlin is standing right in front of him. He’s unable to recognize that he’s forgetting Merlin, because he can feel that he’s standing right there. He bickers with her because that’s Merlin. She has to explicitly point out that it’s Merlin he’s forgetting, in order for his brain to override his feelings.
Arthur always knew the true Merlin. Even if neither of them knew it.
“I would recognize you in total darkness, were you mute and I deaf. I would recognize you in another lifetime entirely, in different bodies, different times. And I would love you in all of this, until the very last star in the sky burnt out into oblivion.” - Recognition
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From this.
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(I'll answer this one for Demona and Jolene.)
🕷️ : three words to describe your f/o!
Jolene: "Determined. Angry. Independent." Jolene: "Also fun to annoy, but that doesn't really count."
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(I'll answer this one for Tony and Jackie.)
🌹 : favorite physical attribute of your f/o?
Jackie: "His hair, hands down."
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(I'll answer this one for Owen and Alice.)
🪦 : do you have pet names for your f/o ?
Alice: "Oh yes. They're more of the common ones, "love", "dear", "darling", but sometimes I break out the French with things like "mon amour", "cher", "chéri".
Owen: "She doesn't know any other French. Just pet names."
Alice: "Hey!"
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theperplexedpoet · 2 years
sour milk III (Uncle Sam)
Uncle Sam had a country its people weren't too well let heaven legislate them the country went to... hello operator, what of lessons learned we wrote them down in the books but now the books get- Burning Man is the vibe a sweaty, toxic mess Uncle's milk is still sour and causing us dis- stressing over problems will not ease the brunt no need to be a snowflake you stupid, dozy- country first and foremost the lie that we're spoon-fed when what they want is profit they'll work us 'til we're- dedicated workers are essential tools still the system games them playing them for- fool us once and shame on you but then you press your luck for you truly have no shame and do not give a- functional dysfunction it's Uncle's brand of brew wash it down with Kool-Aid this cup was poured for- U.S. domination all hail the stars and stripes hope that's enough distraction no talk of equal- write the legislation that makes the margins wide the culture war still rages the dream has long since- dyed in the wool Trumpers the ever-insurrect still face a lack of justice like those whom we- elections are so sacred except when they are not Uncle Sam had a country one that was prone to- rotten little rhymers those leftist libtard runts with better propaganda than all these fascist- country first and foremost did we mention that felt it was worth repeating now let's see...where are we at? (3/8/23)
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