#unless it's uhhh. .. certain ones that taste really good
aromacaque · 1 year
no why the fuck are all these foods labelled as "bland" no wonder i can't stand seasoning on shit jesus fucking christ
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llitchilitchi · 2 years
I said I was going to spam you questions about the vampire menace au and here I am :))))))))))
gosh i dont know where to start i want to know everything.
How do they meet? Did Dream know they where vampires right away? How did they figure out their uhhh (snack? supernatural??) dynamic? What's day to day life like for them?
You said this was a mostly soft au (:eyes: for now possibly, oh?), do you already have some ideas for those moments? Do you plan on writing anything for it or just art?
I am just :hearteyes: I love them so much your honour. They look so cute in your art style as well. I'm really out here giggling and twirling my hair.
- Uzumakifanfics
(I'll leave it at this for now........................ but I'll be back..........)
oh gosh hi!! hello!
thank you for all the questions :D I would love to answer all of them with full proper comics explaining some of the things, but there is only so many hours in the day
gonna give a little warning for some innuendos in the text :)
to start it all of, sapnap and george met dream in a nightclub. this is entirely for the purpose of the pun of sapnap asking dream if he could "suck him in the back".
in the universe of this au, supernatural beings kinda just live normally among regular humans, though there is not too many of them (to the point that some people doubt the existence of the supernatural), so sapnap and george came clear pretty early on. they took it slow, made extra sure that dream knows what he is getting into before properly going ahead and having a taste. and since the three of them got along quite well, it soon became a "friendship with benefits", so to speak. or as the vampire boys would say, "fresh blood tastes better than the packaged stuff they can get at the hospital."
by the current point in the au, their arrangement has been going on for quite a while, and sapnap and george offered that dream move in with them. george is pushing 200 years of age and sapnap is only about 20-30 years younger than him, and the two have been living together since around the 1890s, making them Practically Married. in short, they had a lot to offer to Dream, who definitely appreciates a proper house over a dorm room that doesn't have working heating half of the time.
Dream has certain obligations in the usual waking hours for humans and he has to be awake through the day, like classes and work, while sapnap and george tend to sleep. (they can still run errands. sunscreens and long sleeves, along with sunglasses and hats, do wonders for the vampires.) they like to participate in some ordinary human activities, especially when dream drags them along. the only thing they get mildly annoyed about is dream refusing to let them feed before he heads off to school or to work. but they are quite accomodating! and they enjoy the day to day life of the 21st century.
there is not too much of a routune to speak of, outside of dream's mortal life. I am still debating what to make of George and Sapnap, though I think twitch streamer Sapnap, a vampire born in the 19th century who now screams at Minecraft challenges, is too good to pass up.
I don't really have plans to write for this au and most of it will be limited to one off sketches and short comics of little snippets of their life (vast majority of which consists of Dream being far too easy to fluster and the vampire boys taking advantage of that). there might be further progress with a story once I introduce other characters, like Quackity, Karl and the rest of dtqk+, or Bad and Velvetfrost. for now though it will really just be them being cutesy together, unless a comment or asks gives me ideas to actually work on a plot.
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delightfuldevin · 1 year
I just realized I don’t know much about your S/I personality wise!! I can’t draw without a vibe, so please tell me more about them!
How they hold themselves, how they interact with others (friends vs family vs strangers), likes and dislikes, his typical day, any just general vibe!!
I’m not really all that good at describing my own personality so uh, bear with me here hsbcjscbjsc
I think maybe the best way to describe him is that he lives by my philosophy of “the meaning of life is to find your own enjoyment out of it”. He’s fun loving and goofy and almost annoyingly optimistic. One of his favorite activities is fighting, and his opponents, whether friend or foe, would describe his fighting style as something more akin to dancing. He’s also always smiling in battle, which can come across as overconfidence, but also somewhat unnerving.
He is an ambivert, but leans more on the extroverted side. Waking up to his family energizes him and he is rarely drained socially unless he’s being dragged along to somewhere extremely loud and crowded. He almost never starts his day alone, but if ever he does, it can make him feel more tired and not want to get out of bed.
He’s somewhat of a perfectionist and a little too competitive sometimes. He takes failure really hard and beats himself up about it, but that’s something he’s trying to work on and let loose about more.
He is verrrry physically affectionate and hugs and kisses pretty much everyone who he considers a friend or family. When he is hanging out with someone regardless of what they’re doing, he will always be clinging to them in some way, like holding their hand or arm, sitting really close to them, etc. There are only a few exceptions to this, and most of them are not because he doesn’t want to, but rather the person on the receiving end doesn’t want it and he respects that.
Uhhh I hope this was a good enough answer. I had to cut out a decent amount cause it was getting too personal for my tastes chgfhfhhjnb. My S/I really is Just Me, and I’m in a tough spot right now so certain aspects of me right now are a bit of a downer lol. Thank you for asking!!
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starriwonderland · 2 years
Hi! :D I wanted to request the twst cast HCs abt music (the characters prefer music genre, most liked and saved songs to least prefered music etc). Bonus if you add their theme song (according to what you think it would be)! :)
Hi anon! Thanks for asking! >:> I'm always up for a good challenge! I don't really listen to popular songs so ... I failed the bonus😿
Feel free to interpret these as romantic or platonic accept for Ortho cuz he's my son.
no NRC staff, Grim or RSA sorry guys
(since this post has all the characters, no pictures cuz I'm too lazy to make multiple parts 💀)
please ignore my horrible character quotes I tried :')
Listens to classical music
Pretty sure his mom didn't allow him to listen to different genres since they weren't "educational"
I think metal is terrifying to him
"Mother said that classical music was good for the brain...though I do wish to explore other genres with you..."
Probably listens to whatever he's feeling at the moment
I can't read Ace at all but he definitely is one of those who will sing annoying songs loudly to piss everyone one off.
"Come on prefect, let's prank loosey-deucey with this song next"
He really enjoys rap, but I think he's a little slow to catch onto the meanings of certain songs...yeah someone help him 😭
Well since deuce is trying to be a good boy, he probably started listening to family friendly music.
Gets really annoyed when ace tries to peer pressure him though
"Uhhhh, Ace showed me this song but I don't get the lyrics-"
Also listens to classical music
But when no one is watching he's listening to whatever he's in the mood for.
"My taste in music? Well I'd consider it average."
It's canon that he loves pop music
Probably listens to stuff like Cardi B and Megan the Stallion too
Has Olivia Rodrigo and break up songs somewhere in his playlist though.
Lyric pranking people. Just as bad as Ace too
"This song was trending on Magicam! It's totally bop wanna hear it?"
Uhhh given he spends most of his time sleeping, he most likely is listening to calming music to put him to sleep.
material girl vibes
Other than that idk what else😿
"Oi herbivore, stop making such a racket can't you see I'm trying to sleep?"
I think Ruggie would be subconsciously humming a tune of that one song everyone has heard during the middle of class
He's not spending a lot of money just to listen to a song though
"Shishishi, you can make a sweet few extra buckets by playing music on the side of the road you know-"
Taking into consideration that Jack loves morning runs, he'd probably be listening to something energizing
Has his morals and definitely doesn't fall for Ace's pranks. Tries to save Deuce sometimes
"This kinda music gets me going in the mornings when I go on my runs with Vil-senpai. Care to join us sometime?"
Would he love mitski?
He's not telling anyone his taste in music
With the assistance of Jade he crafted a beautiful playlist for Mostro Lounge based on the top trending songs.
Does he like all of them? No, but he can put up with it if that means he gets more customers.
"Do you like the playlist? I carefully selected songs that would suit your interest so stop by sometime~"
You know that one meme that goes "she's so adorable I wonder what she's listening to"? Yeah that's jade's music taste in a nutshell.
While jade probably did set up a professional playlist for mostro lounge, his personal playlist scares the living daylights out of people.
He will listen to anything with a straight face.
"Oya?~ you land dwellers idea of music is intriguing. I should listen to this when I go mountaineering next time."
Floyd is well...Floyd-
Seriously one minute he was into pop now it's boring and he's listening to meme music.
Just don't say anything about it unless you want a scary eel squeezing you.
"Koebi-chan this song is boring can't we listen to something else? I know I just chose this but I'm not in the mood anymore~"
Kalim loves the traditional music from his home town
I believe he once heard Nicki Minaj name and was like "Oooo what's that?" Jamil stopped him really quick though.
Yeah he's even more clueless than Deuce when it comes to these things.
"Ahaha do you like this song? Let's dance to this until sunrise then!"
He acts like he doesn't have a preference and we all know it's a lie.
Opposite of Kalim Jamil seems to prefer relaxing music to party music.
Since he basically breathes stress he definitely wants something to unwind.
"I know you may find my taste in music boring compared to Kalim but I'd love if you'd listen to this one song..."
Vil doesn't have a preferred genre, but I think he enjoys those songs that make him feel like the queen that he is.
Pretty sure he's been exposed to various styles of music, since he is a movie actor.
Though, I'm 100% sure he doesn't wanna hear country music blasting at 4am by a certain poison apple while he's trying to get his beauty sleep.
"Different genres have different characteristics that make it special just like people. One is not superior to the other."
As expected rook doesn't have a preferred genre
He see beauty in every melody, no matter if it'd even make your ears bleed
Just whatever catches his attention in the moment, he's all in for!
"How does one expect me to chose one specific genre when they all radiate with such majesty? For every note stirs my heart and touches my soul. Beauté 100 points!"
Oh no Vil just took Epel's radio away...sorry Epel :,)
Had a spare one under his bed
"I'll take let you visit my home town one day so you can witness the music in person."
Probably his favorite anime OPs
Canon that he listens to idols (Premo)
"HIEEE!!! O-oh you just wanted my recommendations for music? S-since it's you I guess I don't mind..."
Ortho (platonic)
"Nii-san installed a new playlist he made just for me. I thought maybe my best-friend would want to hear it?"
Another lover of classical music
Canonically talented with stringed instruments
Would he enjoy rock?
Wants to expand his knowledge so he does try other genres
He doesn't really listen to humans music given he probably gets confused by the lyrics and "would rather not decipher it's cryptic meanings"
Definitely not impressed by Lilia's taste in music :|
"Child of man, allow me to play the violin for you~"
We all know Lilia loves metal and screamo
He also loves all the other music genres though some of the lyric do surprise him
Lilia is a little menace so he'll definitely sing obnoxiously loud those songs that everyone doesn't want to hear anymore
"Kufufu, allow me to sing you a song that will awaken your soul!"
Can he stay awake long enough to listen to his favorite song?
Given that he's always surrounded by forest creatures and the lack of technology back in Briar Valley, he loves the songs nature sings
Birds will sing the most beautiful songs while he drifts asleep
"What's my favorite song? I haven't really thought of it, but the forest creatures did sing me to sleep sometimes whenever my father was away."
Kinda a tricky one but I think Sebek is the type of person to say:
He applauds Lilia's singing but we all know he had peed himself
Screeches like a demon in terror whenever someone plays music that's has a rating above TV-G
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kashimos-hajime · 4 years
the shakes | p.d.
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summary: “It’s the Shakes, darling. Makes everything excruciating.” Or, you’re experiencing the terrible side effects of being horny and Poe Dameron knows just how to fix it.
WARNINGS: SMUT (18+), oral (fem!receiving) and just a whole lot of banter, bruh poe is just feastin TONIGHT, sprinkle of plot pairing: poe dameron x fem!reader word count: 5.1k
a/n: uhhh so,,, heh,,, enjoy. bc smut. 
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“Ow, fuck.”
“You’re stepping on my foot.”
“My bad. It’s not like we’re stuck in a fucking closet.”
“Who’s fault is that?”
You breathe out through your nose, struggling to contain your annoyance as you try to back up away from man but no dice. Instead, your back jams awkwardly against the busted control panel.
Said control panel is one of the reasons why you’re stuck in a closet with a man you met only twenty minutes before. Other reasons may or may not include you, the man mentioned, and a certain droid both of you are supposedly waiting on.
“You said that droid is coming?” you grunt as he lets out a heavy sigh against your collarbone. You’ve been squished in a four by four foot supply closet for the past twenty minutes at least and there’s barely enough room as he reaches around to jam the button again. “That’s not going to work,” you say pointedly and he scowls at you, pressing the button again.
“BB-8’s coming,” he growls. “He’ll know I’m missing.”
“Oh, thank the Maker for that!”
“Do you have a problem?”
“Uh, yeah. You’re breathing in my air, in my general vicinity.” A pause, and then: “Can you breathe in any other direction?”
In response, he sucks in a huge breath and lets it out in one big exhale towards the vent above them before glancing down again and arching a brow as if to say, Happy now?
You are most certainly not.
“At least this gives us a moment to breathe. It’s better than being arrested,” he says as if offering a ceasefire. The man leans away from you and you sigh, readjusting the strap of your short dress. His eyes are determinedly staying on yours but even you know they’ve dipped the few times your back was turned. “We can get to know each other.”
Not that you haven’t been thinking about his ass all day either. You spotted him earlier in the markets today, even if he hadn’t noticed you, with that orange and white droid rolling around behind him. Cute and memorable.
What can you say? A good looking guy tends to stick out in a crowd.
“I think I’d rather be arrested,” you say as you lean against your own wall and tug at your dress where you think it doesn’t fit too well. “Who the fuck are you, anyway?”
“You mean, you don’t lock lips with any random handsome stranger?” he fires back. “I’m hurt.”
“Right. You know what I meant.” You nod to the chip in his pocket. “What do you wanna do with that?”
“Top secret, Snatch.”
“Snatch?” you repeat, frowning. “Never mind. I’m sure it’s a secret you can share with me.” At this, you push off the wall and, by the limitations of the closet, stand in his space. Dameron straightens up, an unimpressed smirk printed on his face. “So?”
“It’s none of your business.”
“It could be.”
“It really couldn’t.” His nose brushes against yours and his soft breath tickling at your lips makes a hot spear shoot into your gut. You can taste the sunfruit on his breath, the sweet swipe of his tongue across his lips and your eyes narrow as his chest presses against yours. You don’t budge from your spot as a curl of his dark hair falls into his eyes. Almost automatically and before you can register what you’re doing, you reach up to brush it back and he catches your wrist before you can, grin growing. “I knew I recognized you.”
“I’m so happy for you,” you reply dryly. You shake his hand free from your wrist and back up against the wall, crossing your arms. “I’ve seen you in the markets a few times. The only eye-candy way out here,” you admit grudgingly, thinking of the weird fantasies you had about the guy you dubbed ‘The Man from the Market.’
Not your most graceful or catchy nickname, or your most dignified moment, waking up to soaked panties and a flustered sensation glossing over your skin, but you also didn’t expect to see him again. At this party, no less, of some merc bastard and his friends.
“Likewise,” he says, eyes dropping from yours to your lips and then darting up again. He chews on his lip, as if fighting back that cocky smile before he adds, “You’re the only thing that’s caught my eye in the past two days.”
“Hm. Poe Dameron.”
You glance at the unopened door, sighing out a, “Good for you,” as you cross your legs at your ankles. Dameron only frowns, turning to the door and you observe the darkness around you. You can’t really make out anything but the solid shape of your fellow closet companion. You can’t even make out his features too well unless he’s extremely close to you, and even then, it’s a guesstimate.
You’re going to kill Yvonna. If she wants the intel, she’s going to have to pay you double the credits.
The darkness seems to crowd in on you and you take a deep breath, the heat of the room getting to you. You feel sweat gather underneath your arms, in the creases of your thighs, and maybe it’s the alcohol getting to you, but you swear your feet aren’t attached anymore. They’ve been strapped to some stupidly high heels to accentuate your legs and it's gathered in a trembling pain in your calves now that you’ve a moment to stop moving. You want to keep moving. It’s the dancing in your stomach, the strange flutter in your lungs, the involuntary clenching between your legs.
Normally, you’d be fine but right now…
God, it might’ve been something you ate. You don’t know, but right now, you feel like you’re a hollowed out piece of scrap.
“C’mon, BB-8,” Dameron murmurs as you let your head drop back against the wall. Your eyes slip shut and it’s not too different from the darkness surrounding.
Maybe it’s cause you haven’t seen Krieg in a moment which is part of the reason you’re here. Hasn’t given you a chance to take the edge off and you’re so full of this energy that needs to be spent or you’re going to die in this closet, in that ship…
You needed to do something.
Your eyes open and see the shape of Dameron’s head.
Or, someone.
Yes, you had kissed him first, pushed him into this closet, let his hands wander, but that was because a guard was coming and you weren’t about to get caught red-handed.
This fucking sucks.
“My friends call me Y/N,” you say glumly, your fingers gingerly tugging at the hem of your skirt. An uncomfortable slickening is occurring down there just thinking about that kiss that occurred in a time when you weren’t stuck in a closet, and you can’t help but think that Dameron was a good kisser.
Give credit where credit is due, all that bullshit.
“Y/N, huh?”
“I said my friends,” you reply pointedly. “Associates and otherwise know me by my callsign.”
“Which is?”
“How original,” he mutters almost under his breath and you roll your eyes. The burning in your gut spreads like a fan of fire, following where your knuckles press against your thighs as you try to adjust your dress to fit comfortably, but it’s too damn hot and you shift again, catching his attention. “You okay? Not afraid of the dark, are you?”
“No. It’s just… it’s just hot in here,” you mumble with a scowl directed at your own body betraying the way his arm bracketing you on one side of your head is radiating a heat you want to choke on. “When did it get so hot?”
“When they started serving spiced whiskey?” he tries and, this time, your scowl is directed at him with another poison to kill a small snake. “Maybe you’re having the Shakes.”
“The…” You blink, and you’re not sure if your eyes are adjusting to the blinding darkness or if you can actually see him clear as day when he bends his arm and leans against the wall by his elbow. You don’t move away and his breath, searing, tingles at your sweating neck. The drawling exhales only serve to send more thigh-clenching spasms into your stomach and you shoot him a weak glare. “The what now?”
“The Shakes,” he repeats as if he’s totally unaware of what he’s doing to your body. Maker, he must be able to smell it. There’s no way he can’t because you can feel just the effect of him being so close to you has done and— “You know.”
“I, uh, I really don’t.” If he knew a fraction of what his voice did to your panties, he would not be talking right now. Or he’d be talking more. You don’t know which one you want more.
“Oh, you know, when you haven’t had sex in a long time. I call it the Shakes. Every little thing sets you off, you get cranky and flustered, you’re all wired up and your gut feels like the first time you go into hyperspace.” He sighs, and you hear the quiet thump of his head resting against the wall. Y’know, darling?”
“Hm?” you hum, distracted by the index knuckle running over your cheek.
“It makes you distracted.” You can hear his smirk and you roll your eyes with a scoff. “It’s why I call ‘em the Shakes. Throws everything off, doesn’t it?”
“Stars, you love hearing yourself talk, don’t you?”
“You know, I see the it often enough that I can recognize any poor soul suffering from a mile away,” he says, ignoring you. “And you’re sick with it, Snatch.” Casually as if he isn’t lazily tracing the shell of your ear with his hand now, he chuckles. You close your eyes as if you’re not critically aware of every desire to pull him into another hard kiss, every little movement of his body from the way he leans to the way his fingers flutter around the curve of your jaw.
You’re a fucking fighter, though. You’re not about to hook up with some random motherfucker in a closet.
Even if the random motherfucker is the hottest thing you’ve seen in who knows how long.
Holy shit, you think your gut might explode with how hard you’re trying to keep it together so you say the first thing you can think of related.
“I didn’t get sick the first time I flew into hyperspace. I didn’t get sick the first time I did an aileron. I, uh, I really don’t get sick when I fly at all,” you say, eyebrows rising skeptically. “Do you?” Confused: “No. I’m a pilot.”
“Oh. And you get the Shakes often, then? Wedged in the seat for hours on end,” you ask conversationally, managing to keep your tone in check. Dameron chuckles at your question, but he pulls back. Your thighs press together and something lurches at his withdrawal, wanting him near again but you silently push those urges down. “If you’re so wise to depart your knowledge with me, that is.”
“You’re a funny girl. Nah, you just get used to it when you’re busy doing other things.”
“Other things?”
“Hm, well, let’s say I have a busy job, and that’s pretty much my whole twenty-four-seven schedule.” He comes close again, close enough that his lips brush against the delicate skin before your ear and shivers shoot down your spine like waves of electricity and you stiffen. You know he hears you suck in your breath, the tiny hitch of your chest and he chuckles again, almost amused.  
“I think… it’s…” Maker, please forgive me for my utterly hedonistic will that has the strength of melted bantha cheese. “Fuck, I think it’s physically impossible to ignore that you’re horny.”
“I didn’t say that,” he corrects, lips whispering over your skin. He tilts his head. “I said you get used to it.”
“Well… n-normally, I’m pretty fucking good at that.” You bite your lip and lift your head to the ceiling, thighs pressing together and straightening up but the sound of your dress dragging against the wall gives you away. “When... people aren’t around.”
“People?” he echoes. “You alright, Snatch?” Fuck him. He is definitely enjoying this.
Well, fuck. Might as well, right?
“The Shakes,” you say in a very steady tone that is betrayed by the absolute ocean swimming between your thighs, “may have found residence here.”
“That funny to you?” you ask, feeling his smug fucking smirk against your cheek and turning to look at him. His dark eyes glint somehow in the non-existent light. You just know it’s there. A cocky spark.
“Explains why you kiss like I’d melt away between your fingers. It was a good kiss, by the way. You’re a good kisser,” he adds, “but more passionate than I thought you’d go for, considering all we were trying to do was evade the guards and that fact that up until that point, you were trying to pickpocket me.”
“I was trying to get the chip. And I think the pushing into the closet was a good touch,” you defend as he rotates around and cages you against the wall. You stare defiantly back. “He went away, didn’t he?”
“But that just implies something.” His elbows are on either side of your head and he leans in, low enough that you can feel the sound of his voice, his sweet breath against your aching mouth. It’s one thing to admit it but another thing to act on it. Maker, are you really about to—
You know what?
Fuck it. Your panties are ruined, you need this fucking annoying heat out of your system and he’s fucking right about one thing: you’re hornier than a Lucrusian fengrill in heat.
What do you have to lose?
“Why just imply something?” you ask innocently as his lips brush against the corner of your mouth. You sigh in relief when the heat seems to sink, spreads through your body instead, and his shadow brushes against your skin as he moves lower, lips finding your chin, the curve of your jawbone. “Oh, fuck…” you choke out, your hands finding his hair automatically, threading through the dry locks and his name slips out in a breathless moan. “Fuck, Dameron.”
His body jerks at the sound of his name coming from you and your eyes widen when his hips press flush against your thigh. His bulge is hot and hard, the fabric of his pants silky against your bare skin and you let out a soft sound when he nudges your head up. His hands run over the walls, find your shoulders, your waist, tugging at fabric that sticks to your skin before continuing elsewhere, and you’re not even breathing as he licks at the pulse point, the sweat, the alcohol glazing your skin.
“Shit,” he breathes against your neck, teeth running along the vein as his hand sneaks underneath the hem of your dress, skirts around the edge of your panties and it’s the brush across the absolutely soaked spot that does him in, does you in because you know he felt you clench around nothing. “Fuck, I can feel it—”
“Shut up,” you groan, wrenching his head up and smashing your lips against his. He sighs into your mouth, hips grinding against yours as you take a handful of his curls. You yank him back, your lungs seizing for air. Everything tastes like sugar and starfruit as you push him down to his knees, your calves burning. “My feet. Ow. Fuck these heels, honestly.”
“I got ‘em.” His hands immediately find your ankles, running smooth circles into your skin but before you can tell him the strap is on the outer side of your leg, he lifts your foot up. A protest stammers in your throat as he reaches up and presses you against the wall with a large hand flat against your tummy, but he merely smirks against your thigh, letting your knee hang off his broad shoulder. “It’s the Shakes, darling. Makes everything excruciating.”
“Relax,” he drawls as your back meets the wall flush and cold. You grab onto the handle of one of the mechanical drawers, wincing when his hand digs into the sore muscle on its way up to stabilize your thigh just as the other on your stomach travels down. “Got a nice view, don’t you?”
“Would be better,” you grit out, “if I could see.”
“Need me to pull out my glow-in-the-dark condoms for you?”
“Kidding. Well, only half. I do have some back on the ship.”
“Alright, alright. Next time.”
You can’t even see the silhouette of his face anymore, gone underneath the hem of your dress, but you shake your head anyway, lip caught between your teeth as you feel his hand slide up and down the one calf still planted firmly on the ground.
You take a breath and let your head fall back, your ravaged neck pulsing, your entire world spinning.
It happens all at once. When his grip on the thigh resting on his shoulder tightens, when he lifts your other leg over his shoulder, when he surges forward, his lips finding your soaked panties immediately, teeth nipping lightly at the fabric.
Your entire system shuts down.
He noses up higher and your thighs wrap around his head, ankles hooking. His fingers dig into the flesh of your thighs, clutches at your ass really, and your fingers in his hair tighten when the dress begins to ride up higher, revealing more of the gorgeous man between your legs.
Oh, how you wish there was some sort of light in here so you can just—
There’s one shaky breath, then another, and there’s no movement which you’re only painfully aware of and your eyes open—when did you even close them?—as you look down. “What’s wrong?”
“I just wish I could see you, darling,” he breathes, kissing the top of your slit and sending a warm shiver through your gut. “Fuck. The way you’d look when I finally chase the Shakes out of you—I’d ruin you. Ruin you and then some. Eat for days.” And then his teeth return, barely skimming the soft flesh of your navel as they hook on the waistband of your panties and tug, his breath following down your thigh as he works on pulling it down, slowly, luxuriously, his lips soft as they press teasing kisses in the crease of your thighs, land tiny nips to the juncture of your hips. You spasm at every turn, wiggle and squeeze until you’re sure you’re cutting off the circulation in his neck, but he doesn’t give any indication that he cares.
No, he just holds you against the wall, your legs tossed over his shoulders, and grins.
You don’t know how you know.
You just do so you don’t know why you stutter out, “You g-good?” anyway.
“Fucking perfect.”
Maybe it’s so you can hear that voice, low and deep in his chest, between your legs.
He leans forward and his nose bumps into your clit, and, as if on reflex, a warm, strong tongue darts out and licks a solid stripe through your heat. “Fuck, darlin’.”
Definitely so you can hear that voice between your legs.
“You’re heaven, y’know that?” he mumbles but you can’t quite focus, your hands gripping at anything you can—one in his hair, the other on that handle and your back arches when he just goes for it, mouth to clit contact, tongue probing and licking and stroking all at once. “Think ‘m gonna die if you don’t drown me first.”
“W-way to i-inflate a girl’s—fuck…” Your voice goes hoarse midway, as if he sucks it out of you, and you can feel the air in your lungs going with it as your back arches off the steel wall. You can feel his jaw, sharp and strong and warm, flexing against your thighs as he works, tongue velvet, lips teasing and he inhales deeply as your legs tighten around his head.
His fingers dig deeper into your ass and you choke back a pathetic moan when his teeth raze your swollen bud lightly, just enough to tease you and keep you on edge. Everything is cotton. The shadows, his hair, his rough hands that are full of calluses you don’t know the meanings of.
Your nails scratch his scalp, tug him impossibly closer and you’re biting through your lip right now, your moans bundling in your chest as he pushes deeper, pushes you closer against the wall as if he wants more of you but can’t quite reach and you want to just let him continue, let him have his fun because you’re sure he can go down on you for hours but—
You’re only human, and the tide comes so quickly you fucking know for sure two things: Dameron knows what he’s doing and Dameron knows what the fuck the Shakes are.
A slight brush of his tongue at your clit and you’re gone. You’re on that downhill slope that sends a spiral of chain events through your body. Your thighs lock around his head and your fingers tighten as lightning shivers and lances through your limbs, sending your heart up into your throat and pulsing between your legs. Your gut clenches, so desperate to hold on that you can’t even breathe, that the only thing you can stutter out is some bare semblance to his name followed by ramblings of “fuck” slewn with more “close… close… so, so close…”
Your eyes are screwed shut, your mind scrambling to concoct an image—an image that would be reality if the lights were on and you can almost see it. Poe Dameron, with his dark eyes, raven hair, plush lips and a beard that scratches against your skin, on his knees with your legs thrown over his shoulders, his hands, huge and veined and strong, grabbing at what flesh he can, head gone underneath the hem of your dress and you can only feel what he’s doing—
You don’t even recognize him chuckling until you can feel the vibration of it through your knees, against your leg.
“Darlin’,” he pants, drawing back just enough to breathe and he tilts his chin just enough to press a sloppy, slick kiss against the soft flesh of your inner thigh and he laughs again, entertained at the desperate little whine that comes outta your throat because the image would’ve been just enough if he kept going for a second more, “gotta let me fuckin’ breathe if you want me to stay down here.”
“That’s…” You struggle for words because you’re heaving so hard, so out of breath because you didn’t even know you weren’t breathing for several seconds. “That’s—it’s, oh, shit.” Your thought process is disturbed by another teasing lick at your swollen folds. “Dameron, if you don’t let me just fucking—”
He nips at the juncture between your thigh and your soaking, swollen cunt.
“Watch it.” You retaliate with a sharp tug of his hair and he only laughs again, soothing the bite mark with a few gentle kisses.
“Just keeping you on edge, darling,” he whispers, peeking up from underneath your dress for the first time in what feels like hours. You run your hand blindly down his face and feel the slickness on his chin, swiping it off but his teeth catch your thumb, and then it’s his tongue wrapping around your fingers, too, sending fluttering shivers through your stomach. He licks them dry before he lets go and your hand finds his hair again as he sighs, disappearing between your legs again, and you barely hear it, a nearly indecipherable mumble that sounds more like it’s coming from inside your head that his own mouth, “Anyone ever told you… you taste like heaven?”
“And how would you know?” you gasp, feeling a little giggly yourself as the crest begins to rise, your chin tilted up as his tongue flattens against your slit. He hums to himself, the curve of his jaw brushing against your tender thigh as he pulls back just enough to speak.
“‘Cause I just tasted it, darling. And I know I could just feast on you for days.” Your entire body tenses as he laughs into your cunt, the ripples of it against your sensitive skin shooting through your spine and you’re on that downward spiral again as his smiling mouth attaches to your bud and his tongue dips into you again.
You’re dripping. The sounds are obscene, filthy to the nth degree, and you’re so close that it aches. You want to thrust but you can’t risk toppling the man you’re resting on the shoulders of, but at the same time, you know he’s teasing the ever loving shit out of you with his shallow passes, his fluttering kisses.
Taking his sweet time, indulging in it. You’re pretty sure if he could make do on his promise to eat you out for however long you’d let him, he would, but you’re half-aware of where you are, that the droid is supposedly coming, and having half-a-brain is half-a-brain too much to lose all common sense.
“Dameron,” you whisper, and he pauses, looking up and you wish you could see his face, the face of a man who stopped at the mere utterance of his name that it sends a thrill through your overstimulated system. “Please.”
There are no further words needed.
He works you up to it slowly, until your fingers are clamped so hard and you’re seeing stars despite there being nothing but shadows around you. The only sound is the wet slop of his mouth working against your drenched pussy, your moans and his heavy breathing that fans out across your navel.
It’s when his tongue pushes so much deeper, and curls, that your thighs clamp down around his head and your fingers are gripping so hard you’re not sure you’re going to make it without a few nail cuts in your palms that you know the Shakes are gone.
Your entire world flips as your vision goes black. Your fingers curl tighter, your thighs begin to quiver, and everything snaps inside you. Your back arches off the wall and you feel like you scream but it’s because your voice is so utterly broken that it seems so as he continues to drink through the floods, drawing out the aftershocks for as long as possible and the euphoria that shoots through you like a blaster is both molten and cool as spring water.
Your vocabulary is nothing but his name, soft breathes of “fuck” and “shit”, and the unrelenting “thank you”.
Your heart rattles against your ribs, beating so quickly you think it might burst from your chest and you feel another quivering sigh escape your lips as Dameron gives you a few more gentle sucks to your messy centre before he’s slowly running his hands up your thighs, to your knees, and gently sliding your legs off back to the floor.
Your body is trembling so hard that your knees nearly give in immediately, but, luckily, Dameron’s hands find your waist and ease you to the ground just as you let go of the handle of the drawer.
“Fuck,” you croak ungracefully once your ass is on solid ground and you gulp down nothing but air as you try to open your eyes. It’s not that different from your closed vision and there are a few white stars blinding you in the dark, but you can still make out the shape of your partner, wiping at his mouth with the back of his hand before he’s leaning over your leg to check the control panel. It’s then that you can feel it, pressed against your shin. He’s hard as a fucking rock. “Y-you need—” But your voice is a garbled mess, exhausted from the alcohol and the Shakes, and he turns to you, fingers dancing up your calves before slowly pulling your ruined panties back up your thighs.
“Up,” he orders quietly, and you lift your hips up enough for him to slip them firmly back onto your hips. “And it’s fine. I told you. I’m good with the Shakes.”
“Yeah, but, y’know…” you mumble, “could be good.” You can feel him smiling as he leans over to kiss your neck blindly, still finding that tender juncture of your shoulder. You grin, your hands finding his shoulders and roaming his back, feeling the curved muscle of a military man. You know his type.
Continuing downward, down his sides…
“You do owe me,” he murmurs and you nod as he pulls back just as the sound of beeping on the other end of the door.
“Mhm, don’t wanna stay in debt,” you say just as the sound of whirring fills the heated silence and your grin grows as you expectedly raise one of your hands to shield the light about to fill their little closet. You pull your other hand away and you begin pulling the loops out on your heels, sliding your aching feet out of those torture shoes. “Maybe we’ll run into each other again in the future, huh? Pay you back then.”
The door slides open and you stand as he scrambles to his feet as well. At least, you can see his features clearly, and you grin because he’s just as handsome as the first time you saw him.
Absolute score.
With your fingers hooked on your shoes, you wipe the bit of slick he missed on the corner of his mouth. He grabs your hand before it drops, pressing a cheeky kiss to the center of your palm and you roll your eyes.
“That’s fine with me,” he replies, squinting against the light and you tap his cheek. “See you around, Flyboy.” You flash him one last smile before leaving the closet first and walking down the hall. Your knees are still trembling and you feel like you’re a complete mess as you stagger through the metal hallway. Exhaustion is telling you to just go the fuck to sleep right then and there, but you can’t. Not until you get back to your ship and get into hyperspace.
As soon as you’ve rounded a corner, you run with everything you have.
It’s only a matter of time before Poe Dameron realizes that the chip that was in his pocket is making its way to another buyer.
Yvonna totally owes you.
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organizationhimself · 2 years
chrono cross remaster first impressions
WHAT I LIKE: -the starting image is cute -you can revert to the old graphics thank you god and also jesus -i do actually kind of like that the “press start to game” menu switches around to lurk in different locations.  idk.  i saw some complaints about that as a thing but i think it’s nice, and it’s too short a part of the experience to bother me -they’ve definitely cleaned it up to the degree that it like looks good on a switch screen (from what i’ve seen anyway), it looks better on a CRT but this still looks better than i was expecting -uhhh i like the part where it’s chrono cross
WHAT I DON’T LIKE: -for fuck’s sakes why did they update kid’s in-world model to be even less modest?  i get that they’re going for synergy with the battle model, but the battle model is already the occasional unfortunate victim of unlucky camera angles, and there are sustained camera angle changes in-world!!  must i never know peace?! -the new graphics in general are kinda...eh.  the new art has a weird feeling to it for me personally, i’m sure it’s just taste.  but also, the classic art is just better for the speech portraits and the new ones where they’re trying to fit as much of the character in the shot as possible just defeats the purpose, plus the colors are too bright.  i’m not sure why they did it this way -i listen, of my own free will, to a lot of chrono cross remixes of dubious quality.  but the samples i’m getting on the intro menu...excuse me but what?  that version of “sailing” just, what was happening to my ears.  mr. mitsuda are you okay??  blink twice if you need help -settings are really bare-bones, i don’t really get why you can’t switch freely.  new backgrounds but old models?  new models but old portraits?  like, why not NITPICKS: -some of the sounds are different and i don’t like it, abloo -did they put the new version of orlha in the classic’s menu screen or am i just dumb and her official art and character portraits have always looked like different people?  (probably that second one) -auto-battle doesn’t appear to use elements or select different hit types, so that’s still useful as a substitute for mashing x to get out of battles late-game, but only for that purpose -the text moves too fast, but i’ve admittedly only played the intro so far to see how different characters look, and i seem to remember the text moving faster around then.  there are certain story beats where it NEEDS to be slower though, so i hope those are intact. -some of the text is kinda ugly and i think they could’ve done more to make it blend in (just like, artifact it a little, it’s ok!!  it’s an old game!!)
end result, i knew i was going to buy at least one version of this full price to send the message that I Will Buy Chrono Merch, so no regrets.  but i dislike enough changes thus far that i’m not going to just out and out buy the steam version as well, unless it’s at a steep discount (and i see some cool mods manifesting).
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babycharmander · 4 years
Things I have learned in my 20+ years of writing fanfic
I’d been thinking about this for a while and figured I’d compile a list, in case other people find it helpful. Keep in mind that what I say here is only my own experiences and tastes and I’ve no intentions of telling you how to write your own stories. So uhhh... let’s go!
1) Different stories require different planning methods. When I was younger, I used to think that I had to use the exact same method for planning each of my stories. Strict outlines on everything! Except... that's not how writing works. Stories are like wild beasts--you can try to tame them, certainly, but as each one is an individual, it may require different methods. Or you may discover that the stories that come to you are ones you can all write in the same way!
But for me personally, I find it best to plan out stories in different ways depending on which one seems to work at the time. One story may require a strict outline, while another may need a very loose roadmap. Other times I can fly from the seat of my pants and finish a story that way, or even use things readers have brought up to help me figure out parts of my story. The point is, don't try to confine yourself to one method of planning. Do what suits your story.
2) When working on a longfic, look for ways to include other characters. This one doesn't apply to every fandom or fic situation (for example, if there's only two main characters in your fandom, or if your characters have a very very very good reason to be isolated), but it's honestly a little bit of a pet peeve of mine when it comes to other stories, though I was guilty of it too when I was younger. I remember writing fics in fandoms where you'd have a large group of characters, but... the fic would only focus on two or three of them. They seemed to exist in a bubble, where no one else outside of that bubble really reacted to what was going on, even if there was no reason why they SHOULDN'T react to this.
For example, say you're working on a longfic for a fandom where there's a group of 5-10 characters (maybe a family, a neighborhood, a team, whatever). In this fic, character A nearly dies, leaving character B devastated at their terrible state and doing everything in their power to take care of A. And then... the rest of the characters don't really do anything, or just avoid the situation for no apparent reason. Once again, it feels like the whole story is taking place in a bubble. I totally get that sometimes you want to just focus on A and B's relationship, but consider how you approach this sort of thing for a longfic. Why not look for ways to include the others?
I'm not saying that means the entire story has to focus on all of those characters if your main intention is to focus on the relationship between A and B. But look for ways to include the others in the group/team/family/neighborhood/town/whatever--show how they're reacting to the situation or what they're actively doing to help or hinder it. Even if you only show one or two scenes per character, it burst the "bubble" effect of your longfic and makes the story richer and the world fuller. Heck, you may even find that you actually enjoy writing those other characters more than you initially thought. Give it a try!
3) In longfics, have specific details in your story that you can potentially bring back later. I'm not entirely sure how to explain this one, but... give your story specific details. Stuff like characters briefly talking about an event from the past, or a character having an item in their possession, or a character happening to know another, or just... anything. Obviously don't fill your stories with unnecessary detail, but sprinkle interesting, specific things in there every so often. You don't have to linger on them or hang a bright flashing arrow next to them to tell the reader "LOOK AT THIS!!!" In fact, you don't even have to come back to them later.
So... why am I telling you to do this?
Because sometimes those specific details will surprise you.
Sometimes you'll be writing part of your story, and then get stuck, and go back and reread something... and then you'll run across one of those details, and it will be the answer to your problem. Sometimes readers will pick up on those details, and voice their own thoughts on them, which might give you an idea for a plot point to bring up later. Sometimes those details wind up being the link between two plot points that you couldn't figure out how to tie together.
Even if they don't wind up doing any of those things, they can just be something to add more life to your story, and make it more memorable for your readers.
4) If your source material has voice acting, keep videos/sound files featuring characters' voices handy. Something I've found that helps me get into a character's head and voice is to just listen to them. In video game fandoms, you're likely to find videos that consist of a character's entire library of voice lines. For show/movie/podcast fandoms, you can of course find videos or sound files in which the characters are talking. If I'm about to write a character for the first time, I'll listen to them talk for a while before I start writing them. Other times, if I'm not certain a line of dialogue sounds like something the character would say, I'll listen to some of their canon dialogue for a bit in order to "refresh" their voice in my head, and see if I can clearly hear them saying the line I wrote.
Sometimes if I'm writing quickly and don't want to stop to listen to their lines, I'll add in a phrase they usually say to the dialogue I'm currently writing--that way I can immediately hear the way they say it in my head, and that will carry to the rest of the dialogue. 
In general, it's just a useful thing for making sure you're getting a character's voice right. (Plus, listening to the dialogue is fun just by itself!)
5) Before posting a longfic, make ABSOLUTELY sure you want to finish it. So, I've written... a lot of longfics. And as a kid, I had a problem where I would get this FANTASTIC IDEA for a longfic, and I would immediately start writing, and immediately start posting, because feedback! Excitement! Gratification! ... and then a few days later I would lose interest and move on to something else. Oops.
When I was in my late teens/early twenties, I decided that sort of behavior wouldn't do, so for a while I would not start posting fics until the entire rough draft of them was complete, and then I would post one chapter a week. And while that worked for a while, it, uh... could only last for so long, because my stories kept getting longer and longer and man you can only go so long writing on your own without really, really wanting some of that sweet sweet feedback.
So... I figured out a compromise.
I would start my longfics. Maybe write out the first few chapters, or write out the notes, however I decided to do it. For some, I would determine that the longfic would be "short" enough that I could finish it before any excitement I had for it burned out. For all the others, I would continue to write them without posting for a while, seeing how long they kept my interest, and maybe show them to some friends. If I started to get really invested in it, then I would (attempt to) create a buffer of chapters, and start posting on a schedule. That schedule... did not always last, but by that point I was usually able to determine that yes, I absolutely did want to see this fic through to the end. Otherwise, the WIP would stay unfinished and unposted until the end of time.
Naturally most of my finished longfics are the epitome of self-indulgence, but hey, that's what fic is for, isn't it?
Speaking of...
6) Always remember that writing fic is FOR FUN. My previous point there? Completely disregard it if you are not having fun writing a story anymore. I've had fic series I started out with full plans to complete them, but after a few years, I lost steam, moved onto different fandoms, and really could not go back. But... that's okay. This is for fun. If I'm not having fun anymore, why should I push myself to keep writing?
Not to say that you should quit writing at the first sign of trouble! Wracking your mind trying to figure out the next part of the story isn't the same thing as losing all enjoyment writing it (unless it is). Usually once you figure out what to write next, you feel that much happier, and can keep going.
Regardless, never lose sight of what you're doing. Writing fanfiction is a hobby, and hobbies should be fun. If you're not having fun, move onto something else. Your readers may whine, but they'll get over it. Sometimes even the feedback isn't enough to keep you going, and that's okay. This is not your job (unless you're actually getting paid for it). This is a hobby. Write what you enjoy.
Well... that's all I've got for now. I may add more stuff to this list later as I remember other things. But there you have it! 
Again, you absolutely don't have to take any of my advice if you don't want to. There's no single right way to write a fanfic! Do what works for you. If you find this stuff helpful, I'm glad. If not, that's okay! Either way, good luck with wherever your pen or keyboard leads you, and have fun writing!
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rainbowsky · 3 years
hi rbs! im the anon who asked for non explicit fic recs. thank you very much for the rec, and of course also the person who saw it and had a whole list of of recs! I've almost got through them all and they rly are lovely and so sweet! It helped keep my mind off things as well :' ) based on what i know about you, im certain your recs wouldn't be the uhhh tasteless (?) kind of rated E, it's just me orz. i remember reading one of the fics on your rec list, the one with yibo turning into a cat, and still being pretty embarrassed and skipping that part... tho the story was super cute on the whole! ty again, and i hope you're well ^_^
This is in reference to a previous post.
More than a lot of things, fan fiction really is a matter of personal taste. As such, fic recommendations from one person aren't always going to fit into another person's comfort zone.
What's considered 'tasteful' is incredibly subjective. Dominant social groups often try to impose their ideas of 'taste' on the general public, and I actually find that more offensive than stories that feature themes I dislike (ABO, mpreg, gender switch, etc.). Everyone should be free to set their own boundaries within a consensual, non-harming social framework, and people shouldn't be shamed for their kinks and interests unless they act on them in a harmful way.
I definitely have boundaries in terms of what I feel comfortable with, but they're more about characterization, framing and tone than they are about what's actually happening in a scene. And it's not always easy to quantify what exactly makes it possible for me to enjoy one story while another story makes me squirm and cringe.
I could say, for example, "I don't like when a story is focused around sex or seems written entirely as a lead-up to a sexual encounter" and that would be mostly true, but there are exceptions. For example, I really enjoyed Venus despite the fact that it's pretty much entirely about a sexual encounter.
The best way I could put it to you is to say that I don't read explicit stories for the sex, and so if a story is going to be explicit it better really sell me on what's happening. I need to feel like this is what would naturally happen between these people, and it better read like interesting, well-written action that stays within the characterization of the participants or I will lose interest.
It makes perfect sense to me that grown adults will often have sex, and in the context of a story I am perfectly happy to read about how those things take place, and it doesn't bother me in the least. In fact, in many cases it gives the story more depth and the relationship more intensity and realism. I suppose I prefer stories that don't over-emphasize it, but there are also many stories that feature a lot of sex that are among my favorites.
As long as a story is sweet, interesting and well-written, and takes me on a journey I enjoy, I'm not going to get to caught up in what the author does with the relationship. And that's not even just about sex, it's also about things like affairs or breakups or arguments. If it's a good story that has a happy ending, I'm happy to let the author take me on that journey.
I think the thing a lot of people struggle with is, they just don't like that there is sex written about real people. I have to admit, I have a hard time relating to that perspective. The stories are fiction, and aren't pretending otherwise. I would no more be offended by a story being written about them having sex than I would be by a story being written about them going waterskiing. It's fiction.
Some people are offended by the idea of stories being written about real people at all, regardless of whether they're sexual or not, and again - I don't have that problem. I think it's fun to read about interesting people being placed in unusual circumstances.
If someone wrote such a story about me I would be flattered, not offended. Even if the story was horrible and a total misinterpretation of my personality. The very fact that someone wrote the story shows that something about me captured their imagination, that they found me interesting enough to inspire creativity. How could that ever be a bad thing?
So the misgivings other people have aren't the same ones I have. I feel 100% comfortable with reading stories about GGDD, sexual or not. Some things offend me or even repulse me, and that's perfectly normal. To each their own.
And people's feelings on this are subject to change, believe me. There was a time when I really wasn't comfortable with any of it. Now I'm recommending stories to people. Anything's possible. 😊
Glad you were able to find some stories you enjoyed!
For more of my thoughts on this topic, see this post.
My GGDD fic recs can be found here.
My Wangxian fic recs can be found here.
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razorblade180 · 4 years
Misdirection, one of oldest skills in history. It’s also not hard to pull off. People see what they want to see. Good or bad, that’s just how life works; and that’s exactly what makes or breaks a thief. A young girl at the age of fifteen learned this long ago. Dirty, hungry, and poor, the people of Vacou could only see one thing. A weak street urchin, capable of nothing. The ultimate misdirection. How did she know? Simple. She was the one with diamonds around her neck and a backpack. And for those who saw her as weak, they were busy seeing the dirt kicked up from her stride.
“AFTER HER!!!” The many rushing officers cried out. “She has the clerk’s diamonds, and the customer's belongings!! Don’t let her get away!”
The crowded night streets ripped and raved with chattering yelps from citizens being pushed out the way. The fully masked blue blur bolted between the individuals, laughing as the light of the city dazzled the jewels she dawned.
“Hahahaha!” She laughed, the girl made a hard right into an alleyway. A few people cluttered it as well but it played to strength. She ran along the wall then hopped off this homeless man’s head to reach a fire escape. “Wohoo! Thanks for the lift Pete!”
“Damn you Mona!” He yelled, rubbing his head. “Why are you always such a- huh?” A flicker of light hit his eyes off of his wrist. Pete brought his arm back down to find a glorious and lavish watch that was certainly worth more than his life. He quickly took it off and slid it into his pocket, chuckling. “Hehehe, I swear, that girl I tell ya.”
Fast and free, Mona made it to the rooftop, continuing her escape into the night. To her left, cops stood on buildings with their gravity restraints at the ready. One after another was hurling at her from multiple angles.
“Tsk,well I guess a rooftop run was a little predictable, but…” Mona ducked restraints near her neck then jumped over one aimed at her ankles. This was getting a bit interesting. Too interesting for her taste. Mona did a handspring forward into a flip. While midair and upside down, she grabbed a restraint that would’ve hit her feet and flung it back to the cops. The end knocked two off course before nailing an officer in the chest, wrapping around him. “They’ll have to try a little harder than that.”
Mona kept her pace. What they lacked in skill they made up for in numbers. So many eyes on her didn’t leave her too much room for sleight of hand. Good thing a pro like her knows how to work the room. Her eyes scan the area around them.
“Water tower on the right. Nothing, nothing, and more nothing. Welp, guess I’ll play possum.” A restraint comes flying a few feet ahead. “That’ll work.” Mona jumps out in front of it ‘accidentally’ let’s her legs get snared. Mona let’s her knees buckle before rolling off a roof’s edge.
“Got her! Ground units, the alley right off the market’s left entrance.” Calls the captain to her colleagues. Several of the troops go rushing in without hesitation. “Is the thief apprehended?”
“Uhhh ma’am? You sure it’s this alleyway? Nobody’s here.”
“What do you mean!? She fell at least twenty feet with legs tied! Check around the building!” She yelled. Her trained eyes double checked the roof. “She definitely fell. Where-”
“Hey loser!”
Two restraints came flying from the captain’s right, capturing her. The impact knocked her on hard gravel roofing. “What the!?” She looks up to see mischievous golden eyes behind a black mask, twirling two knives.
Mona took out the cop’s ear piece and crushed it in her hand.“Word of advice. Anyone that gets caught after doing things like flips, probably isn’t caught. Have fun stargazing.” She put her knives away and ran off in the opposite direction of the police, vanishing.
Racing on the rooftop filled with pride, Mona continued fleeing. Flashing blue and red lights danced in the background to blaring sirens that made the surrounding shadows move back and forth. “They never let up. Guess I’ll need more distance.” She looked ahead of her to see a tall building to run up. But as she prepared to lunge at it, Mona backsteps, avoiding a rider kick that slams right where she once stood. A figure landed right behind a second later. A young girl with red and blonde hair and carrying a backpack. The simple blue plaid skirt and white button up makes it clear that she’s a middle schooler.
“Well then, judging by all that jewelry, you’re what has the cops out in full force.” The girl spoke. Her red eyes were drawn to the necklace in particular. She had recognized those particular diamonds. “To think someone would be insane to steal from the biggest jewelry manufacturer on Remnant? Here I thought a traffic accident was making my walk home from tutoring more annoying than usual.”
“Ummm little girl, who the fuck are you?” Mona said, despite the actual height difference. In fact, it was only the school uniform that gave away the age. This girl looked just about the same height. To think someone younger was already 5’8. Not only that but there were noticeable cracks where her kick landed. This chick was not normal. As a matter of fact… “Have I seen you before? Your face is jogging memories.”
“Maybe? Doubt it though. I tend to leave lasting impressions on people, but who knows? You’ll have time to think about it in jail.”
“Jail?” Mona laughed, “Hahaha! Kid, go home to your juice box and crackers. It’ll make it easier for both of us.”
“Nah” she cracked her knuckles. “Turning a blind eye isn’t really my style unfortunately, so- ”
Mona was tired of hearing this girl’s voice. She ran up on her with a roundhouse kick that missed the kid’s head. Before Mona could register that her opponent had ducked, a fist slammed into her gut, sending her flying backwards. Mona used the momentum to tuck a bf roll back to her feet. “Well then, that was unexpected.”
“It won’t be the only thing if you-hey! Is that my wallet!?”
Mona smiled, flipping a red wallet in her hand. “Hey, you were asking to get robbed.” She opened the wallet and took all the money out. An ID was also in the front. “Huh, Carmine Arc-Rose.” Her eyes looked at the girl then back at the idea. The first name was foggy, but the symbol and last name were known anywhere. “Ohhh, you’re the hero’s kid. Small world. To think I had the privilege to rob the child of the famous Story Teller, Ruby Rose.”
“It’ll be a short lived victory.” Carmine glared, “I don’t know how you managed to pickpocket me, but you won’t get away with it!” Carmine charged forward.
Mona thought nothing of it until the Rose disappeared then reappeared midair with her roundhouse ready to snap forward. “Oh.” Mona ducked in time. A flurry of left and right cross punches came breezing by her face. She eventually got both of her hands up to start redirecting the powerful blows away from her face; until she found an opening to open palm Carmine’s chest, grabbing her by the collar and flinging her away. “Someone is feisty!”
Carmine landed on the balls of her feet, springing herself upward. Her body jerked forward to attack again. This time Carmine spun like a top to deliver a spin kick that hit the crook’s blocking for arms.
Mona grunted, “Damn, of course she’s trained!” Her arms gave out from the force of the kick and Mona got sent back again. This time she backflipped to break her momentum, landing in a crouching position. “Well, you’re annoying.”
“And you’re weirdly nimble. Not to mention agile, faunus?”
“Tah! It’s called hard work.” Mona threw one of her knives at Carmine’s face.
Carmine caught it with her bare hands. However, that wasn’t the best move. With her eyes paying attention to the immediate danger, Carmine didn’t see that Mona had already moved. The thief was right over her, landing on top of her shoulders upside.
“Bye, bitch.” Mona’s gripped Carmine’s shirt again as she fell backwards out of her handstand. Her feet hit the ground fast and her upper body flung upright, hurling Carmine overhead with enough power to completely fling her off the roof. Her knife was dropped in the process for her to pick up. Mona took off! Fleeing the scene again. “Well that was fun, but the last thing I need is some famous brat and the cops chasing-”
Mona looked over the shoulder. She had to be seeing things. Unless her memory was wrong, but she was certain the hero of Remnant didn’t have triplets. Yet right now Mona was looking at three very pissed Carmines. “What the!? You split yourself or something!?”
“Are you seriously telling me we live in the same place and you don’t know me!?” The Carmine in the middle said. She grabbed the arm of the one to her right. The middle one jumped high in the air, spinning the other around and laughing her at Mona.
“This fucking kid…” Mona turned completely around and ran at the one speeding her. She dove over the midair tackle, grabbing the bag on its back and throwing them at the middle Carmine to catch. She kept running at the third one. “Get lost already!” Mona flipped into a helicopter kick that forced hit Carmine across the jaw. Her legs then came together as she used her arms to laugh a donkey kick into Carmine’s chest. Mona wasn’t finished. Once she landed on her feet, Mona did another backflip onto Carmine’s shoulders; this time to lock her legs around each side of the girl’s face. Annoying or not, Mona wasn’t about to go too far. She chose to drop her elbow on Carmine’s head really hard instead of using her knives.
The Carmine struggled to breathe and pry herself free. “Let...go!” She fell backwards, slamming both of them to the ground.
Mona rolled off the girl to find the other two flying at her with a rider kick each. A hop backwards for her to safety, then a dash forward clotheslined both. The sudden burst of speed was more than enough to knock them over. In the distance, she could see yet another one coming at her. However, that Carmine visibly had Mona recognized was trash on her. That was the one she threw off the roof.
“What, your semblance cloning or something?”
She said, running off as the other three got on their feet. “That’s cheating!”
“Says the thief!” The three said in unison. The left and right clones grabbed the middle and chucked her like a javelin that flew past Mona and to the next building to cut her off. “You’re not escaping!”
“WELL I AIN’T STAYING EITHER!” The open was to the right so Mona made a hard left to unblocked buildings. Sadly, cop lights flashed in that direction. Three Carmine’s were now on her left, one to her right, and as fast as she was, Mona wasn’t liking her chances of dodging busy traffic unscathed. This wasn’t looking too good, and all because of one freaking middle schooler! No matter. Mona did her best work under pressure. Time to kill two birds with one stone.
“You got nowhere to run!” The Carmines said.
“Not with you around! Carmine Arc Rose, was it? You’re gonna wish you minded your business! The name is Mona, and I like your moves. Think I’ll borrow them!” Her left hand pointed to the trio of Carmine blonde redheads and glowed a dark blue. A blue and red band wrapped around her wrist with a rose symbol on the underside.
The same happened to the Carmine in the far back, but the symbol created was two knives crossing each other. “Huh!?”
Mona laughed mischievously, “Hahaha, marked ya.”
Mona slammed her left foot hard and blitzed right at such speed that she all but vanished. The lone clone couldn’t keep track of her until Mona was right in her face, performing a spinning kick that crashed into the clone so hard that it burst into petals. Mona stabbed her knives into the ground as she skidded on the roof trying to control her speed. “Damn, she has this kind of power!?” Mona launched herself forward at the other three.
The real Carmine witnessed the clone furthest in front get roundhouse kicked to oblivion, then the third wasn’t ready for the series of cross punches that turned to petals. Without thinking, Carmine brought her hands up to block and sure enough, it was a very powerful rider kick. “My moves, she-gah!” Her arms buckled from the impact. Even aura didn’t stop the pain. Her arms gave way.
Mona dragged her foot down, opening up Carmine defenses. “Hold this for me.” Mona took her mask off and slapped it on to Carmine and swept her legs from under her. “Later…” she spun violently then put all of might into throwing her into the flashing lights.
Carmine could barely see anything as she was sent down and out like a falling star through piles of trash, tumbling onto the sidewalk concrete. Her backpack helped break the fall but only a little. Carmine groaned and stumbled to her feet, head pounding from the landing and flashing lights. She groaned, “Uuuuggghhh, ow. That piece of-”
Mona looked around her. Cops and bystanders surrounded her with varying expressions. The mask began cracking off her face and light hit her eyes hard. Carmine brought her hands to block some of it, then gasped to realize more light hit her from the diamond jewelry that shined on her arms. Her situation was beginning to settle in. Carmine hissed under her breath, “that little…” she sighed in frustration, dropping to her knees and putting her hands behind her bed for the cops to come and cuff her. “Mom is gonna kill me.”
Finally, a clean getaway. Mostly. Mona leaned against a metal beam underneath a water tower, exhausted. Her arms ached from the kick she gave Carmine and the fall the girl took didn’t do Mona’s ribs any justice. “Ugh, I should've broken the connection. Then again, no guarantee she would’ve walked off that landing otherwise.”
Mona took off the jeweled necklace and put it in her bag. It was a good thing this one item was worth more than triple on everything else. Mona kept rummaging around and pulled out half a sub happily. “Aye! I’m surprised this is still in one piece. Come to mama!”
Mona closed her eyes and took a bite. But...she missed? Her eyes opened to find no sandwich there. “Huh!? How did...where…?” She looked around to find it missing.
“It’s above you.” A voice called.
Mona looked up. Above her was another new person she’s never met. A boy with black wings with a shred of white across. The plaid blue pants and white shirt made her mood change from confusion to anger. “For the love of- don’t middle schoolers have curfews or some shit!?” Mona blinked, gasping immediately from the boy suddenly not being on the beam. “What…?”
“In front of you.” He said.
She looked down to see him holding her sandwich. She blinked again and the sandwich was gone. Now it was in her hand, but her bag was in his! “What!? Hey!” She stood up. “Give that back!”
The brown eyed boy laughed, “hahaha, you want this?” He dangled the bag on one finger in front of her. “Judging by your comment earlier, you’re the reason Carmine called me from a jail cell.”
“And if I am?” Mona crouched low, ready to fight.
The boy examined the girl before him. The redness of her forearms and slightly ragged breath gave away she’s not up to full energy. Not only that. Dark circles around her eyes and frazzled hair made her look like she’s never known full energy. Her fingers were skinny, face a bit too thin. Then there was her skin. Though tanned, it looked a little off color. “Question, how old are you?”
Mona raised an eyebrow. For some reason, she felt compliant. That vanishing trick wasn’t speed. Whatever it was, Mona was smart enough to know to know that it was a problem. “Fifteen.” She answered.
“Really? Huh, ya got two years on me then. Guess that means I should respect my elders a little bit. Catch.” He tossed her the bag. “Mona, is that right? Name is Aero.”
“That supposed to mean anything to me? She said, pissed. Mona put the bag on her back and bit her sandwich.
“No. Not yet anyways. You may or may not have heard a couple of snot nosed brats going around and stealing from the adults and messing with gangs?” He said confidently. “I run it.”
She had actually heard of him. Cops around south Vacou had been extra alert as of late. Considering the little stunt he just pulled, Mona was inclined to believe him. “That rings a bell. So what, this your way of telling me not to mess with your people? Your little girlfriend should’ve stayed in her lane.”
“Oh Carmine? Eh, she’ll be alright. What you did was kinda funny!”
“.......” Mona looked around for a second. “Uh, what?”
“You heard me. I just wish I saw the whole thing. Trust me, that girl isn’t that kind of person who needs a bodyguard or someone like me to go fighting her battles. Honestly, I’d sleep with an eye open if I were you. She was upset.”
“So then why find me?”
“Easy, curiosity. Possibly recruitment too.” He pulled a piece of paper out of his pocket and held it out. Mona looked at him suspiciously for a second before swiping it faster than he could see. “Wow. Light touch.” he flapped his wings to take off. “That’s a map to my little hideout, and don’t worry about it being a trap. That map also has my address.”
Mona opened up the paper and sure enough. There were two spots marked.
“I’m sure I don’t have to tell you all the good spots to sell that necklace, but I’d do it one jewel at a time. The reward on your head is bound to be massive. People are bound to realize that necklace if you sell that whole.”
Mona’s scrunched her face. “I know how to sell stolen goods, pipsqueak. Why are you helping me?”
Aero shrugged. “Eh, call it an investment. If you do go to the hideout then do me a favor and not eat all the food in the fridge.” Aero saluted her with two fingers and flew away.
Mona watched the strange boy fly in the direction his house was marked in. It could be an elaborate trick. And yet…
It took almost twenty minutes, but she found it. In an unmarked alleyway enveloped by the shadows of tall buildings that even blocked the mood, Mona pushed a massive dumpster out the way of a whole in the wall and went in, blocking it again. Inside was a fairly big room that spread out into multiple caverns like a labyrinth, but she paid no mind to any of it. She was too focused on the beanbags in the middle and fridge in the back. She walked over to it and found dozens of fruit and other foods. A stronger rumble in her stomach made her take what looked like half a half and some water. She stumbled back to a beanbag and sat down.
Against her judgment, Mona relaxed her guard. In the distance was a first aid kit but Mona couldn’t be bothered to get it. She was so...so tired. Her body sunk into the cozy beanbag, sighing in relief as the tension of the outside world finally felt blocked by shelter; real shelter.
“Maybe….I can finally get some sleep?”
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miraculouscontent · 4 years
Ask Explosion #9:
Asks answering previous posts:
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Sabrina, I have one word of advice for you...
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“Chat, please stop talking.”
“But that’s my thing!”
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Well, it’s something, I suppose?
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Answered this here.
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It absolutely did. Bless you, kind and hilarious citizien. ;P
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I’m torn because... on one hand, I want to give proper mythology and such for like--anything that’d be put into the show, but on the other, I liked the idea that Alix’s brother was just sort of a conspiracy who thought of stupid stuff (which is why I kept the concept for MC Jalil Kubdel).
Zoe did it really well in Scarlet Lady where Alix knew the actual mythology and started blurting it out whenever Jalil got it wrong.
New Asks:
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Considering “Ikari Gozen,” I imagine Alya and Kagami don’t get along as well. I agree with basically everyone that Marinette and Kagami not getting along is bad, but Alya and Kagami not really getting along makes more sense and is more tolerable.
Since Alya is Marinette’s “““BFF”““ (supposedly), I could see her kind of being like, “You’re competing with my girl over the same guy,” and keeping Kagami at arm’s length, worried that keeping Kagami close will allow Kagami to be closer to Adrien since Adrien is an extension of their friend group (kinda, sorta, not really, but Marinette calling him a friend so technically--)
You know, Alya trying to be a good friend and help Marinette with Adrien in more subtle ways. It’s the wrong way to go about it but she’s trying.
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LUKANETTE IS AMAZING IN TERMS OF PROGRESSION KDJNGJDFG, I ADORE IT. Every episode they share together, we either learn something new about them or see more details on their relationship.
I think I was already all-in before “Silencer,” but man, that episode just sealed it even more. I was like well dang, why does the love square even EXIST???
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Incredible. Only problem is that the creator doesn’t know how to use it properly.
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You mean fourteen year olds aren’t perfect human beings???? :o
(no, but really, that’s me all the time; like, she’s barely a teen!)
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He’ll believe it if it’s Chat Noir who’s doing it. If Marinette ever does it though, he’ll be sure to shut it down. ;P
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Ugggggh, the worst part is that I have the same exact fear that they really are going to be like yeah Ladybug you silly fool Chat Noir has been with you since the beginning!
I mean, we’re already basically getting that with the New York special; Chat was supposed to protect Paris and then didn’t tell Ladybug that he “had to” leave for New York (and the New York thing is inadvertently Marinette’s fault and parts of the fandom actually did blame her for it even though it was Chat’s choice not to say anything), then Ladybug gets upset with him when she discovers it mid-battle, which leads to Chat being distracted and Cataclysming someone (another thing that Ladybug can be “inadvertently” blamed for), then Chat gives up his miraculous so Ladybug isn’t even allowed to be angry and cue the later line of “I can’t imagine being Ladybug without... him.”
So clearly that’s saying something. Adrien doesn’t get anything close to that level and Marinette is chewed out for not asking him to stay when Nino had already asked him too.
It’s like--Marinette chooses to go after Adrien and then gets either nothing in return, or humiliated by the narrative, and then in the New York special, she decides to do nothing and everything still goes wrong while Alya yells at her for it. The “damned if she does, damned if she don’t,” on display is stunning. The girl tries to confess and it’s like, “no, not allowed, but Chat is allowed to confess.”
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I still don’t understand this logic of his overarching plot but also “there’s not much of a timeline.” I think the only solid thing we’ve ever gotten was something about all the episodes in one season coming after all the episodes in a previous one, but there are still things that don’t add up? The only thing the season 3 production order will give is making sure the hero debuts work out (so no Viperion or Pegase before “Party Crasher,” for example).
It’s not really reliable. I mean, like--I’ve been experimenting with timelines for a while, and stuff like “Miraculer” baffles me. It’s basically non-canon with no value whatsoever. All it does is make “Heart Hunter” look even more confusing and treats Marinette even more horribly for not picking Chloe when she explicitly told Chloe that she wasn’t getting it back.
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I’m not familiar with that one! Is it any good?
(Okay, I actually was too curious and ended up looking it up; fancy! I couldn’t have guessed that it was a webtoon! I started reading the 1st issue and before I knew it, I was on the 6th! Oops~)
Lila is totally Rashta, 100% agree. The fact that the comments have a nickname of “Trashta” for her, equivalent to Liar Rossi, says as much ;P
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Because lessons that involve telling someone that they’re valid and allowed to feel a certain way don’t apply to Marinette. Isn’t it nice? :3
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Not that I know of? Though I also don’t look for that kind of thing, so it’s possible that it exists and I just don’t know about it.
Even if it did exist thought, I don’t see a problem with you doing your own regardless. Good luck if you do!
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No. No I do not. ;P
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And yeah, I’m not really capable of not analyzing shows. There are some small exceptions, but they’re usually not full shows in the normal sense. If there’s an ongoing plot, my mind tends to be working at all times.
In terms of Miraculous, Season 1 was harmless enough where I was bothered but pretty quiet about it, but then it just got progressively worse. It really feels like one of those things you can’t unsee when it finally hits you, y’know?
I’m glad I was able to help you get that satisfaction you need (and appreciate Lukanette, of course ;3)!
Non-Miraculous Asks:
(some heavy Puella Magi Madoka Magica salt below)
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Wow, this is a really dedicated ask! Nice!
Gonna go point by point here:
1 - Yeah, the whole thing with Homura not “being able” to save everyone... kinda questionable, and I didn’t really buy the arguments they used to explain it away. I think there was this one PSP game or something with Madoka Magica where you could kind of choose what happened (like, there were bad ends where Sayaka didn’t get her soul gem back in time and her body was partially decayed; ick) and I think there’s a good end where Homura saves everyone but--yeah, not canon.
I just don’t care for twisted stories like that unless there is actually a good end on the horizon (and I mean like “Everyone Lives and is Happy” good end). Angst is just so exhausting so the second I saw Mami’s head being bitten I was just like, “Ah, okay, so we’re doing this then.”
2 - Eugh, the sexism thing. It’s so... yeah, and especially this because the whole “girls are emotional” thing, I don’t really care whether or not the show is trying to “subvert” or “explain” anything, it just feels like poor taste and I don’t like it. (I also didn’t know about that Death Note thing because I didn’t watch it, but geez.)
3 - Wow, I’ve been away from the show for so long that I forgot what Mami’s wish was; I thought it was to “not be alone” or something (or maybe not die alone?? I really don’t remember), but either way, the fact that it follows some sort of genie wish logic is just--*sigh*--they’re teenage girls, come on (plus, the “genie wish logic” is really overdone to me anyway).
4 - The other thing about Sayaka is that it’s really predictable that she’d “die so quickly.” Basically everything was pointing to her just being annihilated at some point, and being Madoka’s best friend, it was pretty inevitable that she’d go.
((semi-unrelated, but someone also asked me which character’s name was lied about before episode 3 hit and they wondered if it was Sayaka’s; it was Kyubey’s))
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Yikes. Sorry you had to experience that.
Anyway, I guess I’m not experienced enough in multiple fandoms to say for sure? If I was ever in a fandom, I would just blacklist the people/stuff I didn’t like, so I didn’t get to see a tong of “bad things” going on.
+ I try really hard not to generalize fandoms into one thing.
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𝓖𝓮𝓷𝓭𝓮𝓻 𝓝𝓸𝓻𝓶𝓼 𝓐𝓻𝓮 𝓢𝓽𝓾𝓹𝓲𝓭 𝓪𝓷𝓭 𝓑𝓸𝔂𝓼 𝓐𝓻𝓮 𝓐𝓵𝓵𝓸𝔀𝓮𝓭 𝓽𝓸 𝓛𝓲𝓴𝓮 “𝓖𝓲𝓻𝓵𝔂” 𝓣𝓱𝓲𝓷𝓰𝓼
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Oof, uhhh, shows, huh? That’s tough.
I think the main ship from Given (Mafuyu and Ritsuka) is really adorable (you might’ve seen the amusing video of their love being mutual before), and while I would’ve said the same thing for the kinda-sorta side ship, it gets--uh... really bad during the movie/rest of the manga, I’ll just say that much.
Mafuyu and Ritsuka though, totally adorable.
Inuyasha kinda? Though Inuyasha and Kagome are definitely not the kind of romantic chemistry that I lean towards (I find “the bickering couple” to be rather exhausting). Plus, Cardcaptor Sakura did the “male tsundere” better than Inuyasha did (though the Clear Card Arc was terrible, at least it’s not canon kinda-sorta? idk it seems like a mix of the anime and manga so...).
After that there’s...
I mean, there’s probably a couple more examples somewhere, but--yeah, I’ve got nothing. Maybe if I thought back to all the generic children shows I watched when I was little (like those old Disney live-action shows; I had no taste when I was younger), there might’ve been something that satisfied kid me but idk.
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I don’t remember what post inspired this, but I have no problem answering regardless, ahaha~
My main issue is Aang’s attitude about the whole thing. I’m not saying it was right of Katara to go out and get “revenge via murder” exactly, but I also think that Zuko had the right idea with allowing her to go and face the man who killed her mother so she could get some form of closure (also note that Zuko doesn’t express any sort of opinion when Katara decides not to kill him; he just wanted her to have whatever she thought she needed to heal).
It’s also the episode where Zuko directly confronts Aang on his “violence isn’t the answer” rhetoric which then goes completely ignored as Aang lionturtles his way out of the conflict. Aang is also not confronted on his point of “forgiveness is the first step to healing” (when Katara has a right not to forgive and Aang isn’t challenged outside of Katara commenting on it) and was permitted to ride his high horse when Katara “steals” Appa like, “It's okay, because I forgive you... that give you any ideas?” which is just--
reaaaaaally "holier than thou”-esque when Aang is like, ten, and Katara is a sort of motherly figure to him. The episode even has Sokka praise Aang for how “wise” he is and I groaned through the entire thing.
Another smaller thing is that it sort of makes the air kingdom look way too “perfect” by having Aang be the “source of wisedom,” especially when it’s like “violence isn’t the answer” while all the other airbenders are dead.
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morwensteelsheen · 3 years
WIP wednesday thoughts:
willow cabin is utterly fucked because i changed my intended ~moral~ halfway through and now im stuck trying to integrate this shitty political intrigue plot into what should’ve been a more interesting story about éowyn adapting to life in gondor. hugely fucking annoyed by it and just totally unsure how to proceed. i could significantly increase the chapter count, but im worried that because the initial framing device was this bandits shit that closing out that plot and then still going for ages afterwards would be really shitty? i honestly don’t know, it’s so difficult. really i just need someone to read my outline and tell me if im being a dumb twat about it lol
meanwhile I know exactly where I want to go with AFTA but for some unaccountable reason im stressed that my ass is gonna get roasted for the direction i want to take it in. it’s all based in both tolkien’s personal politics and (some) historical precedent, but im worried people are gonna see it as a marysue-ification? but also im hoping to do sthg of a sequel to afta to practice the political intrigue writing so i don’t make the same mistakes i did in wc, and to do that it would require this specific set up in AFTA. im gonna put my AFTA thing under the cut so don’t click read more unless you’re gucci with potential AFTA spoilers!!
this royal affair au is definitely gonna get published at some point but im trying to decide if i want to do ~tasteful~ smut that drives a longer narrative or if im really just gonna do a whole 3,000 word build up to some run of the mill, old fashioned PWP lmao
okay so i have spent a Lot of time thinking about what impact i think éowyn and faramir would have on each other in a pre-ring war setting, and the honest to god conclusion ive come to is that they would somewhat inadvertently egg on each other’s (wildly divergent) idealism.
faramir’s an idealist politically in ways that, as Big D rightly points out, are not super productive in a wartime scenario. but so far as im concerned, the war doesn’t feel as warlike until they have to blow the bridge at osgiliath. until that point, there’s not really anything to say that faramir’s whole throwback optimism isn’t a perfectly justifiable position to have.
but what that idealism is and how it manifests are two really important considerations. the crux of his idealistic politics is that he looks at númenor and sees something valuable in it, and looks at gondor and sees a lot that he thinks is fucked up. outside of articulating a general angst towards the glory hunting, it’s not like he’s spending time talking about his specific policy prescriptions. however, we do know a few things that can guide us to a more coherent reconstruction of his politics:
he’s pretty rigidly hierarchical (when it’s convenient for him). as seen in: him basically telling sam to fuck off and stay in his lane in WOTW, and in how and when he chooses to refer to his father as ‘father’ vs ‘my lord’ or ‘lord of the city’ in the aftermath of the osgiliath retreat and then before he gets his ass sent back there. i don’t want to go into too much detail here but if i go with this i’ll definitely justify it more thoroughly in the footnotes.
so we’ve got faramir’s emphasis on hierarchy and his occasional (when convenient) belief that the upper echelons of a hierarchy are there because they’re intellectually and/or morally better. or, maybe to remove the causation from that instance, because they are in those upper echelons, they have an obligation to be more morally/intellectually upstanding, and the people in the structure below them have an obligation to show deference. unless you’re faramir and you’re dealing with denethor in which case that all goes out the window. classic.
we know there is some sort of nascent pseudo-democratic tradition of popular sovereignty in gondor. we know this because faramir asks the masses at aragorn’s coronation if they’ll accept him as king. faramir is a lot of things, but he is certainly not a progressive political radical, and i cannot imagine any situation in which he cooked up that rigmarole himself. that then implies to me that it’s building on some sort of political/cultural expectation in gondor. so: some sort of relationship to popular legitimacy. the people of gondor are subjects, but perhaps not as totally passive and unconsidered in the power structure as we might assume given the comparability to feudal europe/asia.
given those two things, i want to use AFTA to argue:
that faramir, in looking to assign blame for the faults he sees in gondor, would not directly assign blame to the lower classes, but rather to the aristocracy, because he will have seen them as failing in their moral obligations to the people they rule over. this is not to say that he isn’t fucked off about The People™ valorising war, but i think he’d take the position that they couldn’t possibly be expected to form those values and opinions of their own volition, and the fault lies in their rules. faramir: not gramscian.
faramir lacks any power that is non-military, and even that is of questionable worth because the rangers seem to be fairly distinct to the general structure of the army, and are not exactly a huge force.
faramir lacking any political power isn’t necessarily a huge concern for him (as in, he’s not actively trying to change that), because he knows he’s not going to lead a moral revolution and isn’t interested in taking up the responsibilities having political capital would engender because he’s stuck dealing with this war, that he fucking hates btw has he mentioned that he hates it?
however, given that he is apparently eminently versed in lore and scholarship, he is probably keenly aware that there is this incipient notion of popular legitimacy somewhere in gondor’s culture. it’s not, for most of his life, knowledge that actually does anything for him, but it is there.
éowyn, meanwhile, doesn’t really have many strong political convictions (yet). not because she’s a dumbass or whatever, but because she looks at court politics as kind of a farce, and doesn’t believe that power legitimately emanates from anywhere that isn’t a Big Fucking Army. and why, strictly speaking, would she not think that? the event that brought about the creation of her kingdom was not careful, soft spoken negotiation, it was her ancestors being in the right place at the right time with a Big Fucking Army.
and the internal politics of the Riddermark actually seem to be fairly stable, all things considered. i sincerely doubt that Théoden or Théodred are having to negotiate complex politicking in the way Denethor and Boromir are. so where, then, would éowyn see that kind of political behaviour outside gondor? with gríma.
éowyn, then, will see the immediate contrast between gríma (backroom dealer, manipulator extraordinaire) and théoden (owner of Big Fucking Army). and gríma goes and fucking wins that fight. that forces éowyn to confront the fact that, jesus christ, maybe there are different types of power.
at the same time, she’s going to be in minas tirith and needing to cover for théoden letting his shit get wrecked. not just because she’s prideful, which of course she is, but because if denethor/gondor think that théoden is too weak to hold up his end of the bargain, why would they ever go help the Mark? éowyn, seeing that théoden’s f-f-fucked, knows that there’s a very very good chance the Mark will need help.
against her feelings about courtly politics, she starts to accept that she’s going to need to do something to get power in gondor. not anything substantial, it’s not like she’s trying to overthrow anybody, but enough that when push comes to shove she can force denethor to help out the Mark (if he doesn’t do so willingly).
but, as ive sort of already shown in AFTA, she’s a bit of a dogshit diplomat. good for a little big-brawny-enforcer stuff, but not exactly brimming with cultural sensitivity. by the time she realises théoden + the Mark are fucked, she’ll have burnt quite a few bridges with the gondorrim nobles, and it’s not like she’s the sort of person to go running cap-in-hand begging for mercy.
so: she has to look elsewhere. and wow! a chance for faramir to do his favourite thing — talk about his opinions! and by god, his weird idealistic politics are… actually kind of helpful? because he’s like, look, you’re never gonna be a diplomat, but there are other ways of consolidating power. and one of those ways is by appealing to The People™. so why not work that angle?
and actually, we know that this is a viable route for éowyn because hama, in arguing for her to take up the mantle of théoden’s heir when théoden and éomer fuck off to helm’s deep, basically says that The People™ love her and would have willingly chosen her to lead them.
we also know, based on faramir’s middle men speech, that the people of gondor and the mark have grown alike in nature. not totally unreasonable to then think that the people of gondor would take to her like the people of the mark did.
éowyn, then, in various ways begins to try to win over the people of minas tirith. i need to do a little more research on this bc what ive got on the practicalities of that so far are a bit, uhhh, sketchy, but the least jargony way to describe this is to point to when natalie dormer’s character in GOT gets out of the carriage to go hug and kiss some babies. (marc bloch, eat your heart out)
this would later segue into a potential sequel where, while trying to secure the way for aragorn’s coronation, éowyn actually plays an interesting role because she’s fallen into this incidental Diana, People’s Princess™ role and so is better positioned than almost anyone to go advocate on his behalf. wow! cool! éowyn getting to be politically useful in more ways than just getting hitched!
so yeah. that’s how i am thinking it might play out. this would obviously have a rolling impact on the remainder of AFTA and how certain (🔥) events pan out later, but i think that building up part has to begin pretty much now, narratively. also this lets me get in a reference to “and then her heart changed, or else at last she understood it” and have it not be almost entirely about wanting to shag faramir, but actually about her gradual evolution from valorising war above all else to being like, hmm, maybe there are other ways of being powerful. which i think still largely captures the “no longer I will vie with the great riders” stuff, but more subtly and without feeling quite so… deferential, I guess? Like it’s not that she’s swapping one form of power (violence) for nothing (gardening?? healing?? tolkien accidental articulation of necropolitics??) but swapping violence for a different type of more sustainable power.
yeah. that’s the take, basically. who fucking knows.
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skelesinners-r-us · 4 years
I mean- maybe some smut of a yandere x reader-? Uhhh- hh maybe Yanberry? Orrr Yan!Fell? qwq
You, my friend, have good taste :P 
This nearly destroyed me as I was working on it, so yeah >////> also wasn’t sure which pronouns to use for the reader, so I tried to stay neutral with the pet names that were used and such. I think I did a pretty good job of that, right up until the very last couple paragraphs or so, where I used one or two pronouns suggesting the reader is female or at the very least, capable of getting pregnant
anyways though, here it be :P
He wasn’t ok with this. Not with your current situation, not with having to leave your side for work, not having to leave you home alone. Not with his brother, of all people. He knew Papyrus could be a flirt at times and had a certain charm to him, but if he thought he could just swoop in and steal you - his human - from him, well… He’d have another thing coming to him, then.
Sans glanced up at the living room clock, taking a mental note of the time as he slipped on his gloves. Noticing the movement from beside you, you looked up from the tv, your attention fully on him as you let out a soft sigh, smiling faintly, “Almost time for work, I take it?” Seeing that your eyes were on him and him alone… god, he loved it. So, so very much.
He offered you a weak smile, wrapping an arm around you and gently squeezing your hip, “YEAH, I’M AFRAID SO. I NEED TO WORK LATE AGAIN TONIGHT, SO THERE’S DINNER IN THE FRIDGE WHENEVER YOU GET HUNGRY.” Cuddling close to him and laying your head on his shoulder, you hummed in understanding and playfully raised an eyebrow, “You already prepped dinner? When did you manage to do that?” The skeletons’ smile widened and he chuckled, “I WOKE UP EARLY THIS MORNING AND MADE IT.” You snorted, visibly amused, “Wow, look at you, hot shot. I wish I had as much ambition as you.”
That remark earned a laugh from him and he held you as close to himself as he could, “YOU CAN DO ANYTHING YOU REALLY PUT YOUR MIND TO, MY LOVE.” He then paused, pressing a skeleton kiss to your temple and mumbling against your skin, “BEFORE I LEAVE THOUGH, DO YOU REMEMBER THE RULES?” You nodded and sighed, absentmindedly raising a hand to play with his scarf, “Mhm, sure do.” “CARE TO REPEAT THEM FOR ME, THEN?” You made a face, your cheeks gaining a faint blush as his gloved hand captured yours, and he delicately intertwined his fingers with your own, “Uh well… No inviting anyone over, no allowing anyone other than Papyrus into the house, no allowing Papyrus into your room while I’m alone there, no going into Paps room, and no touching Paps? Not in any way, even accidental bumps or hand brushing?” 
Sans purred in delight, his eye lights shifting into small hearts as he gently cupped your face and kissed you deeply, holding you close to himself. As he nipped your bottom lip and trailed the tip of his cyan ecto tongue along it, the sound of someone coughing could be heard. It was an awkward cough, as if they’d walked in on something they weren’t meant to see, and your blush darkened: Papyrus. Growling faintly in irritation at having been interrupted, Sans broke away from the kiss, looking up at his elder brother, who was currently standing at the bottom of the stairs, “WHAT IS IT, BROTHER?”
Papyrus gestured to the clock, using his free hand to awkwardly rub the back of his neck, “it’s just that your uh… your shift starts in three minutes.” Accepting this as a reasonable excuse for disturbing his moment with you, Sans sighed, “THANK YOU, PAPY. I’LL HEAD OUT AS SOON AS I FINISH SAYING GOODBYE TO MY HUMAN.” The taller, lanky brother made a sound of acceptance, digging into his hoodie pocket and fishing around for his cigarettes as he crossed the living room, heading for the front door, “alright, bro. sounds like a plan.” 
As Papyrus disappeared, vanishing outside and leaving you alone with Sans, a mischievous look flickered in Sans’ sockets. Shifting slightly in his seat, he tugged you onto his lap, turning you so that you were facing him before very intentionally raising one of his legs slightly. Considering that you were essentially straddling his lap, his single raised leg was between your legs, and as gravity would have it, you now had it grinding against your still clothed sex. Watching your blush darken a noticeable amount, Sans smirked, almost appearing wicked as he moved his leg, making sure you felt it against you. Drawing a soft whimper from you, he chuckled, beaming at you in smug satisfaction as he lowered his leg, so that it no longer rubbed against you.
You pouted at the sudden lack of stimulation and he continued to smile at you, delicately running his fingers through your hair and mumbling in that slightly deeper, husky voice he knew you loved, “IF YOU FOLLOW THE RULES AND BE A GOOD HUMAN FOR ME, I’LL GIVE YOU A REWARD AS SOON AS I GET HOME.” You nodded, still blushing deeply, “O-Ok… Should I wait up for you, then?” The skeleton shrugged, playfully arching a brow bone at you, “IF YOU THINK YOU CAN STAY UP THAT LONG, THEN BE MY GUEST.” Sliding off his lap to let him get up, you smiled sheepishly as he leaned down to steal a kiss from you, muttering in a hushed voice against your lips, “I Love You So Much… I’ll See You Tonight, Beautiful.”
He had then proceeded to use a shortcut, heading off to work for the rest of the day.
The day had passed so slow that it was almost cruel, and the amount of boredom he faced was torturous. To combat it, he let his mind wander back to you on multiple occasions, wondering how you were doing, what you were doing, and what all he would do to you that night. By the time his shift was nearly over, he’d pulled out his phone, resorting to check the notifications on his social media. There was a photo posted earlier on in the day by a mutual friend of yours, and you’d been tagged in it. He clicked on the notification, immediately interested, but in response to actually seeing it, he scowled.
The photo might’ve seemed innocent enough to anyone else, but to him… it made his nonexistent stomach turn. You were in the photo, standing in the aisle of a small grocery store that he instantly recognized, and standing around you were a handful of your friends. The caption simply read, “Saw this dork while out getting some snacks <3 ended up staying so long chatting that the cashier had to ask us to leave.” As if the heart emoticon wasn’t aggravating enough, the way your friends were looking at you was almost enough to infuriate him.
They looked at you with pure adoration, as if they were in love with you or something. There was a second photo attached to the post that also had you in it, but one of your female friends had her arms around you, kissing your forehead. The photo had been taken while the both of you laughed over it, and as he gazed at the image, he began to tighten his grip on his phone, only stopping as the screen glitched and began to crack. If this was the game they wanted to play, then so be it. 
Sans loved games, and being as magnificent and determined as he was, there was no way he could ever lose. When you were the prize at the end of the game in question, however, he’d do anything to guarantee that no one else gained your affections. If they tried, he’d have to make it point to have a little conversation with them. If they couldn’t be reasoned with, then, well… he’d just have to get rid of them, wouldn’t he?
As soon as his shift ended, he clocked out and headed home, ready to set his plan into motion.
When he got back to the house, it was dark, minus the porch light and a single, dimly lit room upstairs, which he instantly recognized as his own. Relaxing the smallest bit, he slipped in through the unlocked front door, taking off his boots and turning to lock the door behind himself before he headed for the stairs. Being extra careful as he passed by Papyrus’ room, he placed his steps very specifically, avoiding the floorboards that he knew would creak under his weight. He made a beeline for his bedroom door, very carefully opening it, then nudging it shut behind himself and absentmindedly locking it.
Turning to glance around the room, his eye lights almost instantly located you; you were lying on his bed, a book open and laying on your chest. He smiled to himself, quietly making his way around the bed to pick up the book and mark your page for you before setting it aside; god, you were honestly just so cute like this. You must’ve dozed off while waiting for him to come home, and his soul swelled in complete, utter adoration and love as he gazed at you. 
You’d dozed off, leaving yourself completely helpless and vulnerable, and the thought of that alone elicited a soft groan from him. Call it sick, call it twisted, but he just… couldn’t help it. He loved seeing you vulnerable and helpless like this. It delivered a certain thrill that he was unable to find anywhere else, no matter how hard he searched for it. He slipped his gloves and scarf off, setting them on his desk before beginning to remove the rest of his battle body, changing into his favorite set of pajamas and climbing into bed with you.
Shifting in your sleep, you rolled onto your side, your back to him, and he frowned. He just wanted to see that adorable face of yours, and now he couldn’t. Not unless -
He cautiously sat up, sitting on the edge of the bed and watching you for a moment to make sure he hadn’t disturbed you, before he used his magic, delicately rolling you onto your back again and holding you in place as he curled his fingers around the waistband of your pants and underwear, tugging both of them down and off of you in one fluid motion. He paused again to make sure you remained asleep, which thankfully, you did. He let out a deep sigh of relief, and then proceeded to gently coax your legs apart, settling in the space between them. 
With his attention centered almost entirely on your face, he slowly slid a bony finger inside you. Stopping once it was all the way in, he paused, the soft moan that slipped past your lips enough to cause his magic to begin forming a bulge in his pajama pants. Feeling spurred on, he began slowly thrusting his finger in and out of you, his eye lights shifting into hearts as you mewled, his name a mumble as it escaped from you. Even in your sleep, you dreamt of him doing these things to you? Touching you this way and making you feel good?
He purred softly, an affectionate smile finding its way onto his face; just for that, he might have to forgive you for letting those friends of yours get as close as they did. Adding a second finger and pumping his digits a bit faster, Sans watched as you squirmed, moaning softly again. You clenched around his fingers and he arched a brow bone, still wearing a toothy grin; truth be told, he was having more fun with this than he thought he would.
He slipped his fingers out of you, licking them off as he looked over your exposed body. He couldn’t take it anymore. Before you woke up, he needed to get a taste of you.
Sans leaned down, inhaling your scent and groaning softly before burying his face between your thighs, immediately lapping at your entrance and moaning. You shifted in your sleep again, letting out a much louder moan, but at this point, he didn’t care if you woke up and caught him in the act. Pressing closer to you, he moaned again, thrusting his tongue into your hole and fighting back the whine that threatened to slip from his maw as his now fully formed member began to ache, as if begging to be touched. 
Growling faintly in annoyance, he shoved his pants down just enough to free his length before he wrapped a hand around it and began stroking his shaft, moaning against your entrance again. Your eyelids fluttered and you mumbled something incoherent, beginning to stir as he drew more moans from you.
Continuing to lap at your entrance as he quickened his strokes, he lost himself in pleasure, and the thing that brought him back to reality was the startled yelp that left your lips as you woke up. You’d begun to question him, but all he heard was his name coming out of your mouth, and with the knowledge that you were fully awake now, he moaned against you. The vibrations from his moans directly on your ridiculously sensitive core… that was what pushed you over the edge. You bucked your hips, your body spasming as the coil in your gut came undone and you moaned loudly, reaching your climax.
Sans eagerly licked up your juices, his body beginning to tremble the smallest bit. Catching your breath, you sighed, smiling sheepishly at him, “W-Wow… Well that was one hell of a wake up call.” His sockets, now hazy and clouded with visible lust, shifted their focus to your face and he smirked, sliding back to slip off his pajamas, “THAT WAS ROUND ONE, MY LOVE. WE’RE ONLY JUST BEGINNING.”
Now fully unclothed, he leaned over you, his magic releasing its hold on you as he fumbled with your shirt, nearly tearing it as he impatiently tried to get it off of you. You cooperated to the best of your ability, feeling a bit relieved once it was finally removed and tossed aside. With your naked form beneath him, his cyan ecto tongue slipped out of his mouth, gliding over his teeth as he took in the sight of you. You were so beautiful… so gorgeous and perfect.
And he couldn’t wait to absolutely wreck you.
Gripping your legs a bit harder than he’d intended, he hoisted your feet up over his shoulders and thrust his entire length inside you in one go. Clamping a hand over your mouth in an effort to muffle your voice, you squealed, arching your back and clenching around him, and he moaned, his breathing becoming shaky. As Sans began to rock his hips, he slammed into you roughly, quickly turning your loud moans and squeals of pleasure into screams, and his eye lights became small hearts as he watched you again. But… He was a bit annoyed, at the same time.
You kept trying to muffle the sounds you were making, and that simply wouldn’t do.
One of his sockets flared up with his cyan magic, and you found your hands pinned above your head. He’d paused briefly to let your legs down, off of his shoulders, before pushing them as far apart as possible. As he resumed his previous motions and began ramming into you again, he let out a rather loud growl, tightly gripping your hips, “SCREAM FOR ME, HUMAN. I WANT THOSE FRIENDS OF YOURS TO HEAR US FROM THE OTHER SIDE OF TOWN.” Your eyes widened in surprise and as you opened your mouth to ask what was going on with him, he decided to angle his hips a bit differently, before snapping them forward again and slamming into your sweet spot.
With your face entirely flushed, you screamed in pleasure, beginning to buck your hips in time with his thrusts as you whined and begged, “O-Oh shit… Sans, please! Fuck me harder! Please, I really need it!” The skeleton growled, his gaze almost predatory and dangerous as he leaned over you, his voice husky, ��SCREAM MY NAME FIRST, THEN. EVERYONE NEEDS TO KNOW WHO YOU BELONG TO… YOU’RE MINE, AND MINE ONLY. I DON’T LIKE SHARING… YOU SHOULD KNOW THAT BY NOW.” 
He slammed into your sweet spot again and you did as told, screaming his name. A pleased purr left him and he bucked his hips harder than before, his pelvis hitting yours hard enough that he knew would end up leaving bruises. Leering down at you and offering you a sultry grin, he began to roll his hips noticeably faster, moaning as your inner walls squeezed his shaft, “TELL ME AGAIN WHO YOU BELONG TO.” Writhing beneath him and screaming again, tears rolled down your face at the overwhelming amount of pleasure you felt, “You! Always you, don’t belong to anyone else! Won’t ever belong to anyone else! Don’t want anyone else, only want you, Sans!”
Moaning loudly as he felt his own release rapidly approaching, he panted, continuing to slam into you at the same speed and with the same amount of force as before, his tongue lolling from his mouth and allowing his cyan tinted saliva to drip down onto your chest and stomach, “S-SHIT, FUCK… MINE. YOU’RE MINE, HUMAN! MINE, MINE, MINE!” Arching your back at what looked to be an almost painful degree, your eyes rolled back and your body spasmed again. With a silent scream, you came undone around him, and in turn, caused him to finish as well. He thrust his length as deep into you as he could, leaning down and sinking his teeth into your shoulder, permanently marking you as his mate as he released a moan that sounded similar to your name and shot his seed deep inside you.
Feeling his teeth in your shoulder, you whimpered, this time in pain rather than pleasure. Easily catching this, he let go of your shoulder, purring faintly as he began to trace the tip of his tongue over the bite, almost in a soothing manner. As you let out another whimper, he softly shushed you, gently pressing his teeth to your lips and offering you praise, his voice hushed now, “Shhh… It’s Ok, My Love. You Took So Much More Than Normal, And You Did So Well. You Never Cease To Amaze Me, And For That, I Love You. With Every Fiber Of My Being, And With My Entire Soul.” Your lips curled into an affectionate smile and with your hands now free, you gently touched his face, mumbling tiredly, “I love you too, Sans… With all my heart.” 
He leaned into your touch, his eye lights heart shaped once more as he watched you with pure adoration, sighing softly as he delicately touched your hand, “I’m Glad… We Should Rest Now Though… It’s Late, And We Need It.” You nodded in agreement, attempting to muffle a yawn. With the length his magic had formed now completely gone, he simply flopped down next to you, wrapping an arm around you and pulling you flush against himself, smiling as you cuddled into his side. 
Your eyes drifted shut, and it wasn’t long before you fell asleep, remaining where you currently were. As you dreamt, Sans watched you quietly, admiring how peaceful you looked, sleeping in his arms like this. His cheekbones dusted a bright shade of cyan as he delicately rested a hand on your stomach; you were already beautiful as is, so he couldn’t imagine how beautiful you’d be, as the potential mother of his child.
That was a discussion for tomorrow though. As a wave of exhaustion swept over him, he yawned, his hand remaining on your stomach in an almost protective manner. He wasn’t sure how you’d react to possibly becoming a mom, but once those friends of yours saw you covered in love bites with a swollen belly and his mark on your shoulder, they’d know to stay away.
As they rightfully should.
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alittleoptimistic · 3 years
Hi! I just wanted to say, I BLOODY LOVE YOUR GF FANFIC!!! I have trouble reading in general and with fanfic I usually find one to hyperfixate on for months or years at a time, even if I don't like it that much, because I'm too afraid to look for any outside of recommendations.
I've had a variety of different experiences (mostly strong cringe) but when I read yours I feel kinda like goldy locks from that fairytail the three bears, some fics are too long or too short, too complex or too simple, too dark or too serious, but yours is "just right"! It has a great balance of mature and silly, wich is a problem I personally get with alot of gf fic (usually too dark or angsty or mature) that doesn't make the fic bad, but it isn't my cup of tea.
And I love love love love the way you characterise the... characters, especially stan and ford. They feel just right in that they're not portrayed as "too tough" or "too mean" and they're allowed to actually feel anxious or worried and don't always express it in a violent or loud or "manly" way. It feels like your writing the characters first instead of "grumpy old men who happen to be silly sometimes". They can be soft and kind and dumb and dorks and I personally adore it. The way you write comfort with them is sooooooo heartmelting.
Same goes for the other characters, they're aloud to express themselves in less conventional ways wich means they actually feel more like the kinds of people to "build giant death robots instead of dealing with their feelings" or "use a smoke bomb, grab the cash, and book it" or "be oblivious to obvious red flags when caught up in curiosity and fascination" for some obvious examples.
Even the way you use words is a delight and refreshingly easy to read whilst also painting a very lovely picture. I rarely get overwhelmed or confused and it feels so efficient? And refreshing!
Sorry this is a long one but I was catching up on some of your fic during a long train ride yesterday and had to stop every paragraph or so to annoy my twin bro about how much I loved it!
Aw man these sorts of messages straight up make my whole day. Thanks 😊
I’m glad you think the words come off well lmao, bc it sure doesn’t feel like that when I’m writing. I’m trudging up hill lol.
I totally get what you mean about some fics being too angst-y. I think part of it is bc the canon content is mostly light hearted, so people do this super opposite thing and end up a little too far on the other side in an attempt to add more depth. But they do it too fast maybe? Idk, to each their own, but I agree, it’s not my cup of tea. I kind of write fan fic bc I want to see a certain thing I’m not seeing- so part of me writing TSoSP was because I wasn’t seeing a lot of reconciliation stories that were quite to my taste. (Not that there aren’t any at all! I’ve found several I love so much! Blind Faith comes to mind, as well as For Mutts and Men)
I really had a problem with letting The Boys (lol) cry or be very outwardly emotional, especially toward each other? So I’m glad it works well for you lol! I just didn’t feel like it was in character for them, so I saved up any extreme sorts of emotion as long as I possibly could. I worked with the idea that I wasn’t going to let the reader get the payoff of seeing them actually do the right thing as long as possible and I also wouldn’t let them pretty much ever say what they actually meant. Uhhh that’s just more interesting for me personally, and it makes it so I can have very violent/sad/ dramatic situations, but keep it relatively light hearted by having the characters just be like “ah hah. Nope. Not going to think about that. Here is a joke.” Idk, maybe that was just frustrating. I’m trying to practice not being too dismal bc it is very much my tendency to go all out with the Sad and Violent- and I’ve seen some good stories balance it out with humor. I’m working on an original book that has very much to do with death and grief, so I’ve been trying to use that same kind of technique. Humor to balance out pain? Idk. Like, I watched the Odd Couple recently and realized that it’s straight up about a guy who gets divorced, and tries to kill himself, and all his friends aren’t sure how to help. And it’s the funniest movie I’ve ever seen.
Some people write fan fic for the cathartic feeling of those characters being loved and expressing love, ummmm I also like this but sometimes I’m just cringing and idk why. Idk if that makes sense. Like as much as I want a young stan pines to get a long hug with his brother, it’s just not going to happen in my understanding of the characters unless they’re incredibly drugged or they almost just died. Like, to me, the whole interesting thing about it would be the journey of getting them to a place where they would reasonably do the thing you want them to do. (The stakes are even higher when they’re old. Like, can you imagine your gruff grandpa crying on his twin’s shoulder? It’s going to take Some Stuff for that situation to happen) idk. Tbh if I could do it again, I would have extended the ending a bit but it is what it is.
I think it depends on what you’re trying to accomplish. Cause, I don’t want to bash people who are just trying to cope by making some old guys cry I’m each other’s arms, ya know? Like, can people just have things? If that’s helping you emotionally, go for it. But also, the idea of stan pines- an old man who grew up in the 60-70s- going to therapy and being emotionally vulnerable the way some modern teenagers are is just,,, in my version of his world it is going to take a Lot of growth. I have family members that are very similar to Stan (except very Italian instead of Jewish lol) and it’s just funny to imagine someone who is literally the same person as my great uncle John getting the owo treatment 😭😂
So anyway that’s a lot of words whoops. I’m less of a hurt/comfort writer and more of an Hurt writer and then sneak in some comfort but let’s not make eye contact about it
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purplecatghostposts · 4 years
You say the best way to snap out of the Nihilanth's power is to bring up sentimental memories... Can you tell us what those would be for each character? Unless it's spoil if you plan on doing smth with this
It’s a bit of a work in progress but I’ll try my best because I Am Thinking About It
I’m gonna tack on what they’re like under the influence of the Nihilanth’s power vs when they snap out of it for flavor!
Bubby: Under The Influence
- Highly emotionally volatile and aggressive
- “I never should have trusted you...”
- “I should have known... I can only rely on myself.”
- “Get out of my way or I’ll make you.”
Vs Bubby: Snapping Out Of It
- Reminding Bubby of the times he trusted somebody else to keep him safe and they were successful seems to do the trick. Essentially bringing up times where he was more vulnerable with the team but it turned out well helps him come back to his senses. Perhaps a little kissaroo from Coomer might help.
- “If you think we’re leaving anyone behind, you’re kidding yourself.”
- “Why don’t we show this thing exactly what we’re made of?”
- “Don’t you fucking dare touch my team!”
Coomer: Under The Influence
- Hits hard but fights slower, doesn’t see the point in fighting but keeps trying anyways
- “...We never stood a chance, did we?”
- “We’ll be trapped in here forever... We’re never getting out...”
- “There’s nothing there for us... Why do we even continue this little charade, we all know it...”
Vs Coomer: Snapping Out Of It
- Reminding Coomer how they’ve made it this far and not to give up now. Reminding Coomer that even through being Ambushed and separated, they found each other again and fought for each other. Giving him a hug.
- “There’s only one way we can go now. Onwards and upwards!”
- “We’re a team, and you do not fuck with us!”
- “It’s gonna take a lot more than that to bring me down!”
Benrey: Under The Influence
- Surrounds himself with a thick layer of the Sweet Voice. It’s hard to get close to him
- “I knew this was gonna happen... We were never gonna last.”
- “Just walk away and leave me alone... That’s what everyone does.”
- “Stop- stop trying to get close to me or I’m gonna have to fight you. I don’t want to fight...”
Vs Benrey: Snapping Out Of It
- Reminding him that the team has always stuck together. Reminding him that he has a choice in what he does. Reminding him that it isn’t over yet.
- “Wow, you really thought you won, huh? Must be so embarrassing for you.”
- “No yeah I felt bad but then I got better so we’re gonna win now because uhhh, power of friendship obviously.”
- “Gamers never die, IDIOT.”
Tommy: Under The Influence
- Won’t stop moving, hard to catch. Less ‘Trying to kill you’ and more just tripping you.
- “It’s- it’s too much- I- I can’t do this!”
- “It’s too fast- time is moving too fast!”
- “Just stay down- it’s- it’s better this way.”
Vs Tommy: Snapping Out Of It
- Remind him to slow down and take deep breaths. Getting him to stop moving. Getting him to focus.
- “I- I can handle this. I’m getting out of here!”
- “It’s not too late- we- we still have time left!”
- “I can’t let everyone down now, let’s- let’s finish this!”
Gordon: Under The Influence
- Can’t seem to see anybody else, more likely to get attacked by getting caught in his crossfire than anything else
- “Just keeping going, Gordon... You have to keep going...”
- “Nobody else is going to save you, Gordon... Just keep going...”
- “I’m... I’m gonna fail, aren’t I?”
Vs Gordon: Snapping Out Of It
- Remind him he’s not alone.
- “Get ready to taste the wrath of the SCIENCE TEAM! ...That’s what you called us, right Coomer?”
- “C’mon, push through! We got this! We’re almost home!”
- “Just a little longer- hold on, everybody! We’re going to win!”
Forzen: Under The Influence
- Emotionless, dead in the eyes, very formal.
- “A good soldier follows orders.”
- “You’re only going to get hurt.”
- “I will gladly fall on the grenade of it means victory. The life of a single soldier does not matter in the long run.”
Vs Forzen: Snapping Out Of It
- Remind him he doesn’t have to be a soldier anymore. Remind him he is more than his programming. Putting a bayblade in his hands.
- “I’m in control now- not anybody else.”
- “I don’t have to be the bad guy anymore.”
- “Let it RIP.”
Darnold: Under The Influence
- Uses a lot of potions to help Forzen at first but later focuses on defending himself
- “He needs health- no, strength? No- no he needs speed- he- he needs-...”
- “Am... Am I doing enough? Am I making a difference at all?”
- “No- no, I’m running out of potions, I-... I- I can’t do anything if I don’t have potions...”
Vs Darnold: Snapping Out Of It
- Reminding him that he fights for himself just as much as others. Reminding him that he’s more than just a supporting/tutorial AI and more than just his potions.
- “I might not have anymore potions but I’m still gonna help take you down!”
- “I’ll- I’ll admit it! You’re scary as hell- but I’m not alone! I’m not facing you alone!”
- “This is our world and you’re not welcome in it anymore!”
G-Man: Under The Influence
- Cold, Calculating, doesn’t so much as hesitate when attacking and the strongest of the bunch
- “There is no room for error.”
- “Everything must go to plan and I will ensure it stays that way.”
- “I was made for one thing and one thing only. I only have time for that, not any of your emotions.”
Vs G-Man: Snapping Out Of It
- Words will do nothing, actions are the only way to break through to him. Hug him.
- “We are just as real as the players are.”
- “The game has evolved and so have we.”
- “I will not be held back any longer.”
Oh this got long-
But as you can probably guess, the point is that the Nihilanth twists them so they become a weaker version of themselves but certain tactics of bringing them back allow them to finally reach their full potential sorta thing?
...That’s really cheesy huh
WELL, anyways, take this anyways! Sorry it took so long to make, my brain straight up stopped working halfway through-
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lovemesomesurveys · 3 years
Where have you been all my life? I’ve always been right here.
Can you recite the Greek alphabet backwards? Nope. Or at all.
What social networks are you a part of? Like every main one.
Which of your fields of interest are you a total expert on? I’m not a total expert on anything.
What is one thing you will never understand? Why I’m like this.
Do you blog? This is it.
What was the last movie you watched? Godzilla vs Kong.
^Would you recommend it? Yeah, I enjoyed it. Admittedly, I was mainly interesting for Alexander Skarsgard, but I did think the movie was good.
With whom did you share your last awkward moment? My life is an awkward moment.
When was the last time you got all dolled up? It’s been yearsss.
Gimme yer best shot and insult me. Go ahead. Uh, no.
What do you think makes a person attractive? Physical attributes, certainly, but personality traits and who they are as a person makes a person attractive to me as well. Even more so.
Out of everyone you know, who has the worst taste in music? I don’t think anyone I know has bad taste in music, I share a lot of the same music taste.
^How about the best? ^^^
Can guys REALLY pull off skinny jeans? They can wear whatever they want.
What is one thing you missed out on that you wish you hadn't? I missed out on a lot of my 20s I feel like, it feels like a complete blur. I don’t know what happened to them. And now I’m in my 30s and I feel like I’m missing out on those, too. Just life, in general for the past several years. Everyone around is me is doing things and living life and I’m just wasting away.
What was the last thing/place you decorated? My room for Christmas.
Have you just recently started listening to any new bands? No. It’s been a long time since I’ve discovered any new bands.
How many windows/tabs are open on your computer right now? Two windows, 7 tabs.
Would you rather date someone really skinny or really overweight? I want to date someone based on other things. 
Let me in on a little secret of yours. Nah.
What is one habit you had as a child? Nail biting/picking. 
^Do you still have that habit today? Sigh, yes.
Is there someone you wish you were closer with? Yes.
^What's stopping you from being closer with them? I’ve been so distant and withdrawn from everyone.
Besides air, what was the last thing you inhaled? The scent of my ramen earlier.
Which point in life do you think is hardest? (i.e. childhood, adulthood...) For me it’s been the past few years.
How was life going for you, say, six months ago? Not well.
^Is that the same as today, or have things changed? Things have changed, but not in a good way.
Who was the last person to make you frown? It’s been things I’m struggling with doing that, not a person.
^Was anyone able to turn that frown upside-down? No.
What was the last non-papery substance you drew on? I have no idea.
What is one thing you wish you had the courage to do? Get certain things checked out and taken care of that I’ve put off for too long.
Which is bigger: Your iTunes library or your CD collection? My iTunes collection was definitely better. I haven’t used iTunes since like 2012, though, and I don’t have any CDs anymore.
What is your one true weakness? I’m just weak.
When is the last time you had hot chocolate? It’s been a couple years.
Composition notebooks or spiral notebooks? Why? Spiral. I just like them better.
What is the most bizarre compliment you've ever received? That I looked pretty for someone with polio. I don’t have polio, but they assumed I did just because I’m in a wheelchair. Also, what does that even mean? “For someone with polio.” Wtf?
Do you identify more with guys or girls? I think I relate more to girls.
When someone you know is sad, how do you go about cheering them up? I kinda suck at that and don’t know what to do or say.
Has someone ever accused you of not being creative enough? I say that about myself. I lack creativity or any artistic ability. 
Starbucks coffee or Dunkin Donuts coffee? I’ve only had Dunkin’s coffee a few times, but I’ve had Starbucks countless times and I do like it, so I’ll go with that. I do wish I had a Dunkin where I live cause apart from the donuts, I’ve heard they do have good brewed coffee.
Do you crack under peer pressure? Yepppp. And it doesn’t take much.
What do you think deserves more attention than it already gets? Hmm.
What song never fails to get stuck in your head? Songs I hear in commercials.
Who is your favorite vocalist? Why? Chester Bennington is one. His voice was incredible.
What is your most overused emoticon? This one: 😬 Do you ever name objects? (i.e. mp3 players, guitars, cars, etc.) Nah.
When was the last time you had a bagel? Hm. It’s been awhile, actually. I don’t even remember. Can you lick your own elbow? No.
What time during the day/night is your mind most active? At night when I’m up alone.
What color ink does your favorite pen have? I have a nice set of colorful pens that I really like.
What was the last thing you licked? My lips.
Who was the last person in your bed besides yourself? Just me. Can you touch your tongue to your nose? No.
What flavor mouthwash do you use? I don’t. Mouthwash irritates my mouth.
What tends to distract you most? I just find myself zoning out a lot. Like, someone will be talking to me and I feel myself getting overwhelmed quite easily and drift out and it doesn’t mean they’re boring or talking about heavy things (sometimes they are). I get like sensory overload. Or I’ll just be sitting in bed and zone out.
Is the perfect man or woman a myth? Yes. No one is perfect.
How do you feel about Bob Marley? I like a couple songs.
What's your favorite fairy tale? I liked reading or listening to all of them when I was growing up. <<<
Do you know who Tom Jones is? Yes.
Tell me one fact you know about horses (without using Google). They have manes.
When was the last time you had to walk up or down stairs? Well, never since I’m in a wheelchair.
Tell me one unique quality about your own handwriting. My handwriting is shit.
What daily chore do you secretly enjoy? I don’t enjoy any type of cleaning.
Has a child ever asked you a question you found difficult to answer? Definitely. Kids ask a lot of questions about everything and anything.
Name five books you've read in the past year. I’ve read a ton more than that, but I’ll give you the latest 5: Cold Highway, Cold Threat, Cold Hunt, Cold Truth, and To Die For.  You can probably tell the first 4 are by the same author, Mary Stone. The last one is by Willow Rose.
^Are any of those books your favorite? I’ve enjoyed ‘em all. I’ve read a lot of books from both authors.
Are you a person that enjoys re-reading books? I don’t re-read books, actually. 
Which hobby is the lamest: stamp collecting or spoon collecting? I wouldn’t call either of them lame just cause it might not be something I’m personally interested in. Those bring some people joy.
What do you daydream about most often? My mind wanders off to random stuff, stuff I’m dealing with, stuff I’m anxious and stressed out about, etc.
Why is your favorite band your favorite band? I’ve listened to them since middle school, so we have a lot of history. I really just connect and relate to their lyrics and I love their music.
Do you have a favorite talk show host? Nah.
What do you wish you could afford at the moment? A beach home with my own private beach area. 
What is the most unusual color you've ever painted your nails? I can’t think of any “unusual” colors that I’ve painted them. 
Which sounds the most refreshing: a hot shower or a cold one? I always take hot showers.
Have you ever made your own soap? No.
What's your favorite popsicle flavor? Not a popsicle fan.
Can you sleep with socks on? Yeah, I always have socks on.
When was the last time you were pissed beyond belief and why? I’ve been frustrated and pissed with some things I’ve been dealing with lately. 
Name a band with the word 'red' in their title. Red Hot Chili Peppers.
Do you have a favorite candle brand? I’m not a candle person. I just go for the room sprays.
How many years until you turn 38? 6. D:
What is your opinion on taxidermy? I find it super creepy and weird.
Would you ever want to own a body part in a jar? Uh, no.
What is the worst thing you have ever done to your own hair? Let it get really knotted up. :/
What do you think makes you a good girlfriend or boyfriend? Nothing.
What qualities of yours do you think could potentially harm a relationship? I’m a total mess, I wouldn’t make a good girlfriend. 
How often do you indulge in a favorite food from your childhood? I eat ramen regularly.
Have any of your childhood habits carried over into adolescence/adulthood? My damn nail picking habit. 
What is the nicest thing you've done for someone else in the past 24 hours? Nothing.
What sort of conditions do you require in order for you to fall asleep? It needs to be cool and I have to have the TV on.
What is the first band that comes to mind when I say 'dark'? Uhhh.
Do you have a favorite punk band? Green Day.
As far as relationships go, what are your biggest deal-breakers? Abuse and cheating. <<<
Be honest: do looks really matter to you? They’re like a bonus to me. <<<
Congratulations! Someone sent you flowers! What kind do you hope they are? I’m not picky, just a pretty assortment perhaps would be nice.
What type of underwear do you personally prefer to wear? Hipsters.
What is the grossest chore you've ever been assigned? Nothing gross.
What band (BESIDES IRON MAIDEN) comes to mind when I say 'iron'? I got nothin. 
Have you ever done something simply because you were of age? I had to go out and buy alcohol the day I turned 21.
Do you think it's worth it to tell someone you had feelings for them when you don't have them anymore? Wait, tell them I used to have feelings for them but don’t anymore? If I don’t anymore then why tell them about when I used to? Unless of course we were in a relationship and I no longer felt that way.
What color shirts do you tend to buy most often? Black.
Have you ever done something you once thought you'd be too chicken to do? Yeah.
Where would you rather go: Portland, Oregon or Portland, Maine? Portland, Oregon.
Name a band that begins with the letter Y. Yeah Yeah Yeahs.
Tell me about someone who has made a huge impact in your life. My mom most definitely has.
What can I usually find you doing at 4pm on a weekday? At that time any day I’m likely still sleeping.
What's a food you love but don't get to eat very often? I only eat the same few foods, so I eat them quite often. Like, I eat Wingstop 3-4 times a week...
Do you dot your lowercase i's? Yes.
What's the first song on your iPod/mp3 player that comes up under P? I use Spotify on my phone for music, but anyway nah I don’t feel like doing that. 
Do the words 'Amon' and 'Amarth' mean anything to you? No.
What's your favorite mythical being? I don’t really have a favorite.
Don't you hate surveys that end abruptly? As long as the question itself isn’t cut off, which I’ve seen, or it’s a numbered one and a question is completely missing then I don’t care.
Let's end this survey with a smile; tell me something funny. I’m not in a good mood to think of something funny right now.
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agathasangel · 3 years
Questionies between 60 and 75 please and thank you😋
yayy thank you <333
60. if you were a character in an anime, what kind of anime would you want it to be?
It’s been a long time since I’ve watched anime, but probably something like cute/girly so i wouldn’t die lol
61. favorite line you heard from a book/movie/tv show/etc.
Ok I can’t think of my actual favorite but this exchange in the last episode of ahs hotel is up there (for my favorite as in funniest):
Sally: You telling us to stop killing is like colonel sanders telling us to stop eating chicken!
JPM: I’m not familiar with your military friend and his fondness for poultry
or in the same scene when Iris says “We can’t have people continue to go missing, obviously that’s bad for business!”
62. seven characters you relate to?
1. Sally because of her obsession with finding someone to love her
2. Madison Montgomery, not because I look or act *anything* like her at all but purely because of that speech she had about all the things she does to numb herself
3. Sydney from I Am Not Okay With This. Not only to I get told I look like the actress who plays her literally at least once a day but Sydney is also a lesbian with repressed anger issues and... mood.
4. Luna Lovegood. Some people have told me she reminds them of me (like my mom when she watched the movies, or when my friends were casting a musical version of hp and cast me as luna), and a lot of people say she’s autistic coded so there’s that? 
5. Coraline. I don’t even know why, I’ve just always identified with her.
6. Violet Harmon (except gay lol), there’s just something about her that’s relatable to me
7. I can’t think of a seventh, sorry.
63. five songs that would play in your club?
I don’t like controlling the music but uhhh... basically anything on any of my spotify playlists? I hate sharing my music with people i always think they’re gonna think my taste is bad.
64. favorite website from your childhood?
I was obsessed with webkinz as a child and I collected webkinz plushies and was at least somewhat active on the website between the ages of 6 and 13. I still have my love puppy in my apartment at 21.
65. any permanent scars?
2! I was born with a raised mole/birthmark thing on my left shoulder that became so sensitive that I had to get it surgically removed and I have a pretty thick scar from that. I don’t know if this second one counts but when I was 5 i accidentally stabbed myself in the stomach with a pencil i had just sharpened and the mark is still there
66. favorite flower(s)?
Violets (but I prefer herbs to flowers)
67. good luck charms?
I don’t really have any, which may explain a lot.
68. worst flavor of any food or drink you’ve ever tried?
Um I’ve definitely had worse things before but I once tried swedish fish flavored oreos? Also there’s a certain dish at the place i work that smells so terrible that there’s no way it could taste good.
69. a fun fact that you don’t know how you learned?
I don’t know? It’s late.
70. left or right handed?
Right handed
71. least favorite pattern?
the “aesthetic” checkerboard pattern that was popular on here in like 2014/2015. It was ugly.
72. worst subject?
math and science, especially algebra and chemistry. I was like... good at school until I had to take chem and algebra 2 and those classes tanked my gpa and took my other classes down with it because I was too busy stressing about them to care about the three ap classes i was taking on top of those two! High school was a mess.
73. favorite weird flavor combo?
Um I make this like crispy tofu with soy sauce and this spicy seasoning and sometimes I eat it with ketchup? Because I invented the recipe when I was vegetarian and I thought they tasted like spicy chicken nuggets. Which they don’t at all. But it’s still good even if it sounds gross.
74. at what pain level out of ten (1 through 10) do you have to be at before you take an advil or ibuprofen?
Like 7.5 unless someone suggests it? It normally has to be at least like a severe migraine before it occurs to me to take a painkiller
75. when did you lose your first tooth?
I think I was in kindergarten.
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