#untamed game development
untamedeventuality · 11 months
so, i made a whole game
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missyandthemisfits · 3 months
Tokyo Rev X Apathetic!GNReader
Part II And I Already Know What To DOOO-
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Souya Kawata
He more than anyone understands that looks can be very much be deceiving, but he absolutely doesn’t judge a book by its cover, he’s not that type of guy. You guys are desk mates and greet each other everyday - or everyday he can get away from his brother long enough to attend class. You don’t speak to one another much but you guys enjoy the quiet company the other provides. No one at school dares bother either of you honestly, one of the perks of having a near constant unapproachable look. Takes a few weeks after the semester starts for you guys to have an actual conversation, though it did come about only after you managed to trip and fall face first in gym class.
“Are you okay?!” He looks to be scowling but you know better. Unsurprisingly, most of the other students keep their distance, some snickering. But surprisingly, Souya is at your side in a matter of seconds. Sitting up slowly, you blink.
“I think so.” By the time you respond he’s already pulled out band aids, cute ones no less, placing them tentatively over your scrapped knees. It’s hard not to blush at the thoughtfulness. Suddenly, you feel a warm liquid dripping from your nose. He looks up and immediately starts freaking out.
“Your nose!” 
Apparently there was quite a bit of blood, so much so that the next thing you knew, you’re waking up in the nurse’s office, dazed and pretty confused. You blink twice, peering over to see Souya twiddling with his fingers anxiously. He looks over, relieved to see you awake. You try to sit up and he motions for you to take it easy.
“How long was I out?” You finally ask after a few moments of silence.
“About 30 minutes..,” he verifies with a glance at his watch, brows knitting together, “How are you feeling?”
“Well that depends; did we miss gym?” He raises a brow.
“Um… yes?”
“Then I feel fantastic.” He snorts and shakes his head. There’s another few moments of silence before he speaks again, nervous somehow.
“I um…I could take you home on my bike, if you’d like. O-or actually it might be better to take the train in your condition-“ You shoot up so fast you make yourself dizzy again, startling him.
“Your bike? As in…your motorcycle?” You’ve got stars in your eyes at the thought, leaning in close and warranting a blush. 
“Yea. Is that okay?” It’s your turn to snort.
“Okay? It’s more than okay - clearly I need to break my nose more often-,”
You guys are very fast friends after that day, though it doesn’t take long for certain other feelings to start developing. It was awkward, it was sweet, it was first love hidden under the familiar guise of friendship. But, it would be a while longer before either of you would confess.
Nahoya Kawata
It was strange how well you meshed together. 
You with your deadpan expression and monotone voice, him with his wicked and untamed grin, neither of you ever as serious as you needed to be, with anything. It’s was like life was a game to you guys, all of it meant as entertainment at best. 
“Hey (Name), look it! Doesn’t this dude’s face look fuckin’ hilarious?” He gestured to 1 of 3 plebs who attempted to jump him not 5 minutes ago, said perpetrator’s face bruised and bloodied mercilessly. He might’ve gone just slightly more easy on these losers had one of them not grabbed your arm roughly with a disgusting smirk. That really set him off, big time. You crouched next to him, blinking briefly before nodding.
“Yea, you really beat the breaks off him. You angry about something?” His smile wavered slightly, though seemingly unnoticed. Your face would never tell, nonchalant as ever, but it was like but you were an expert at reading people - even more so once you were close to them. He smiled 90% of the time but after being acquainted for a few weeks, you knew exactly what he was feeling - the straining of his smile translating anywhere from awkwardness to anger, the smaller grins anywhere inbetween. It was pure insanity, he thought. It ticked him off too, at first. Still it was nice to have someone, besides his brother of course,  just… understand him without having to spell it out. He wasn’t one for words. Fists were another story. 
“Eh, m’alright.” He moved to stand upright, subtly glancing down at your wrist to make sure it hadn’t bruised before placing his hands in his pockets. “Hey, you wanna hit the arcade before we head to your place?”
You were relieved to see his true smile back in its place, granting him a small one of your own with a light shrug.
“Fine with me, but don’t you have homework?” It was his turn to shrug.
“No clue what you’re talkin’ about, (Name)!”
He totally did. 
What we’re you gonna do with him?
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edges-of-night · 11 months
Hi hi💕 I was wondering if you could do how the characters would react to having a vampire partner? Like how they handle reader needing blood and unable to be in sunlight
Also I love your work so much💕
Thank you for your kind words ♡ This is such an interesting and spooky idea haha! I went with a classic vampire who’s still somewhat pre-Christianity, if that makes sense. I hope you enjoy your post!
CW: bloodsucking
・゚✧ Aragorn.
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Aragorn would treat you with the same respect he extends to any creature. He knows and appreciates your physical strength and special powers. Being a ranger, he’d have no trouble finding a gorgeous little cave for the two of you to stay in to avoid the sunlight. He would either help you hunt animals for blood or offer his own, depending on your preference. One thing is for certain: you won’t lack anything with someone as considerate as Aragorn.
・゚✧ Arwen.
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Arwen had read about vampiristic creatures in her books before and is brimming with excitement when you tell her your secret – previously, you’ve only visited her on her balcony at night. From now on, you’d share beautiful nights under the moonlight and playful games with your fangs. Arwen would also play games with you that include counting, to ease your thoughts toward that compulsion. You’d slip into a romantic relationship very easily.
・゚✧ Boromir.
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Boromir has great respect for your powers – sometimes, he is even a bit afraid of the things you can do. Though he is wary of monsters and struggles to understand your specific needs at first, your vampiristic nature would grow on him so much that he’d eventually ask you to turn him – sharing an immortal life with you is just too tempting. He’d also tease you with garlic, in a very playful way.
・゚✧ Elrond.
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Elrond is a man of rules and habits – and even having an untamable vampire as a partner doesn’t change that. When he learns of your vulnerability against sunlight, he reschedules his days to spend time with you by night instead. He also creates a bloodsucking routine for the two of you. Letting you drink from his neck or wrist is no big issue for him due to his healing powers. He always makes sure you feed on time and hides the bite marks with his long clothes.
・゚✧ Éomer.
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Éomer is very wary around you at first. However, your striking beauty, elegant demeanour and immense powers soon bewitch him. You two could communicate without a single word, as he’d read every wish straight from your eyes. He will steal you away for nightly horseback rides where the two of you can truly be free from everybody else’s expectations.
・゚✧ Éowyn.
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Éowyn strikes me as a person who would, upon first encountering a vampire, try to fight them. I feel like she would have an ‘enemies to lovers’ kind of thing with a vampire partner: learning of your incredible powers, helping you get through hard times, and eventually bonding over your similarities. Éowyn develops great empathy for your ‘monstrosity’ and that both of you simply want to live freely. Together, you can do just that!
・゚✧ Faramir.
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Faramir worships you no matter what – he is a stronghold for your self-esteem in a world that deems you monstrous. He is very weak for your fangs and practically begs you to drink his blood instead of settling for that of an animal, even if that poses no problem for you at all. He adores learning some of your vampiric magic and spells. He considers meeting you his greatest luck and would surely ask you to turn him eventually!
・゚✧ Frodo.
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Frodo would be extraordinarily mischievous when it comes to his vampire partner. He’d adore to plan pranks with you to scare unsuspecting Hobbits (and Merry and Pippin, too!), baring your fangs at them with a snarl and raised claws – and he’d also find your bloodlust amusing. With him, there is never any shortage of animal blood. And on special nights, he’ll let you drink some of him ♡
・゚✧ Galadriel.
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Galadriel would instantly bond over how similar you are in your demeanour, humour, and language. She is delighted to find her telepathy even more powerful when used with an immortal. By day, she’d have her best quarters ready for you, and by night, you two could hardly be seen separate. With the help of her magic mirror, you would finally be able to see your reflection again, which makes her very happy. She also has a huge weakness for your claws!
・゚✧ Gandalf.
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Gandalf doesn’t believe you at first when you tell him you’re a vampire. You’re his sweetheart – surely he would’ve noticed something so fundamental about you! He hasn’t, because he was so enamoured. So in the days after that, he’ll try and use several (mostly harmless) spells to ‘test’ that statement. He of course finds you were being truthful and is overjoyed – a magical creature, from before this age – he’d be incredibly happy to have an immortal being just like himself!
・゚✧ Gimli.
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As a vampire, life in a Dwarven mountain city or a dark mine would suit you very well – no sunlight, no disrespectful outsiders, just you and Gimli living your best lives. He is very smitten with your regal beauty and mysterious demeanour. Gimli also clearly wins the award for ‘best vampire meet-cute’ when he accidentally digs into your cave: “Oh! Blasted bats! Argh – what? Are you…? Oh, just a cave of bats, lads! Nothing to see here!”
・゚✧ Haldir.
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Though he tries not to let it show, Haldir is immensely fascinated with your vampirism. He grants you shelter in the shadowy forests of Lórien and turns a blind eye to you sucking the blood of its animals. He connects to you on a deep level, relating to your outsider status in normal society. You bond over your perceived differences. Haldir also cherishes that you are both ageless and can be together forever, should you desire so!
・゚✧ Legolas.
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With his Elven healing powers, Legolas is very adamant about you sucking his blood. No second-class animal blood on his watch – only the best for you! He cherishes you very much and enjoys the intimacy bloodsucking provides, be it chaste and cuddly or exciting and spicy. But I think, as much as he loves your vampiristic qualities, he would not share your true identity with anyone – for that, you are far too special to him ♡
・゚✧ Merry.
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Though he is initially a bit careful around you, Merry is very enthusiastic about being your partner. He even is proud to have such a peculiar significant other – so much so that he brags about you being a “gorgeous, mysterious night predator”! He definitely has a thing for your white fangs and bat wings.
・゚✧ Pippin.
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Once Pippin finds out about you being a vampire, he cannot and will not shut up about you turning into a bat. Watching you transform and fly through the night sky is his biggest joy. In a quiet moment, he’d tell you how much he’d love to fly, too. He’d have absolutely no problem being turned into a vampire himself, though he isn’t blind to the disadvantages that come with it.
・゚✧ Sam.
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After his initial time of adjusting to your special needs, Sam would definitely win an award for being the best boyfriend to a vampire – he’d substitute garlic in his cooking, builds you a giant parasol (so that you can still partake in Hobbiton’s social life), and helps you getting ready before you despair about not being able to see yourself in the mirror. He’s incredibly considerate and always makes sure you’re comfortable!
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zarniablue · 8 months
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Tiny Pixel Recesses on itch.io
This little MDZS/Untamed fan game is free to play online in any web browser, no downloads required!
Fight enemies in old school turn-based RPG combat to level up and earn new skills, or talk to characters for quests & minigames.
Recent Updates:
• New battle location & enemies in the Burial Mounds
• New enemy mechanics and updated talisman effects
• Two new minigames, one of which has chickens
Check the development log for all the latest news.
Play here!
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askew-d · 2 months
Can I ask your top 10 fav fics ever (from any fandom, if you don't mind)?
Also, just curious, is there a story behind your name "askew-d "?
hello, there! sorry for the long wait, i forgot to check my notifs :( i will do better next time. thank you for this question! i feel like i’ve waited ages for someone to ask me exactly that, lol. i could talk about well-written fanfics forever!! can i give you a hug? because this is wonderful, really.
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let’s go for it! my range of fanfiction that i enjoy vary, but one thing remains: i will adore your fic, no matter the fandom, if it’s written with passion and if it contains good, poetic introspection. i love poetry. for me, if there’s melancholic tropes of any kind i’m into it. immortal character and reincarnation? give me now. supernatural elements or slice of life with doomed narrative? i’ll ignore sleep to read it. angst with happy ending? my endgame, for sure.
however, i also adore silly, comedic, cute pieces of domestic life or otherwise. i had a hard time choosing from my bookmarks for this, and i also reviewed some of my favorites, it was fun. before we continue, here are some of the tags that i don’t dive into for whatever reason: porn without plot (it personally just doesn’t interest me at all), non-con, gore, a/b/o dynamics, soulmates au. sorry if you were hoping for it! i’ll try classify them into an order of what i like most.
1. jellyfish, by mystery twin, for the haikyuu!! fandom — i read this when i was finishing high school and coincidentally the story talks about finishing high school! i have a personal attachment that makes me reread it every year. it’s some sort of tradition at this point. not to mention i love kagehina dearly.
2. teen project to change the world, by animeloverhomura, for the mo dao zu shi fandom — respectfully speaking, i would find this author and give them a big hug. their writing is spetacular! if you've never seen this one and you're into mdzs, know it's a story where the characters get to see every event from the novel and donghua, even the dead characters. they watch wei wuxian journey, can you believe it? so goddamn entertaining. promptly waiting for the next update!
3. a hundred or so hellos, by iwillstillopenthewindow, for the haikyuu!! fandom — remember i said i love melancholic stories? well, this one broke me so hard, i had to mention how i hold it with tenderness (we love things that breaks us, dont we?). this fandom manages to write the cutest, most unhinged things sometimes. even it's an anime about sports. i always get amazed by it.
4. no certainty of doors between us, by betts, for the mo dao zu shi fandom — certainly the most silly little fanfic i've ever seen, it's hilariously sweet. i want everyone to read this masterpiece because, seriously, whoever did this deserves only the best. so, so, cute. it had to be in my top 10!
5. their kindred encounters, by fireflavoredwhiskey, for the untamed rpf fandom (bjyx) — you know those kinds of shows, books, any piece of media, that tears up apart? well, this one was it for me. it's a very famous one that deserves all praise, certainly well-written and enjoyable to the core, with doses of angst, romance and beauty overall.
6. as the clouds part and clear, we finally meet again, by 12262325, for the mo dao zu shi fandom — aaaaa, i was truly torn between putting this in the third or fourth place, but i ended up putting it here. come on, i love an age difference kind of story, especially for wangxian, and this one was perfectly done. sweet and funny. the development? the yearning?? outstanding!! i read this many times already, i'll never get tired.
7. pursuit, by emleewrites, for the haikyuu!! fandom — mystery, romance, lawsuits, poker games, adventure, slice of life, AMAZING depictions and so, so goddamn well-written? that's what you're looking for in any fanfiction. the author dedicated herself entirely for this story, and, like i said, i love stories that are written with passion, you can see it pouring through every paragraph. besides, highly entertaining. i'm not very into long fics, but once i started it off, i couldn't stop. that's how addicting it is.
8. linger by the door (i’ve always been yours), by piecrust, for the mo dao zu shi fandom — epistolary?? have i mentioned how i love it?? some of the phrases in this are gold, in my bookmarks you can check some of them (i ought to make a list of my favorite fic quotes, btw, i will sure do it). through each letter i could comprehend more of wei wuxian's feelings and his internal conflict. i love feeling this connected to a character.
9. all the world is ours to take, by khrys, for the fugou keiji fandom — i have more than one favorite fanfiction for this couple. you know these kinds of developing relationship where the transition from (maybe enemies too) friends to lovers happens so smoothly that it feels like they've been soulmates first and foremost at the end? i don't even know how to explain. i just love how, when they finally are together, it's like they've been together for years. and they just... made it official? i like it. i love my mr. kambe haru.
10. he won’t tell you that he loves you, by hellshandbasket, for the house m.d fandom — i found this to be the most fitting, perfect story for this specific couple. they deserved more stories like this, but we dont see it anymore. i would hightlight the feelings realization in this one, that is so fucking real? haha in any case, it's a fanfic that i enjoyed a great deal.
that's it, i guess! i wanted to add link click fanfics also, however i barely started reading fanfictions from its fandom, i'm drowning in it lately but it's just a start. perhaps very sooon!
oh, i’m gonna finish explaining about the name! in my native language, i’ve heard someone tell me before that ‘life’s a little askew, nothing’s ever perfect’, and that quote remained in every biography of any english website i ever went to. then in literature class someday i had to write about historical women and came across this one named anne askew (i wanted to write about the mostly barely-spoken women). it was the second time i saw this word. i didn’t think of it as a proper name before, but then i had to create a nickname for my ao3 profile and thought, humn, why not just ‘askew’? the quote has been engraved in my heart anyway, so i went for it. we’re all flawed and askew. so, yeah, it just… fit? the ‘d’ here on tumblr it’s only because my surname has a ‘de morais’ in it. i also liked that it resembled ‘alaska’, the john green character i was kinda of obsessed with back in my teenager grunge phase. i don’t like these kinds of books anymore, but i guess some details stay with you. do you think it’s weird? never thought of changing.
thanks for this outstanding ask, it certainly entertained me. and hope you have a nice sleep today, big hugs coming your way! 🤍
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antigonick · 5 months
In the Live of Night
DISCLAIMER: Everything belongs to Larian Studios, and no specific Warnings apply... yet? WHAT TO EXPECT: I said I would publish this here so here we go. This fic is supposed to follow my Tav, Hero, from night encounter to night encounter, as the game's plot unfolds—shifting POVs, character and relationship developments, hard conversations and harder decisions. We start small with the first night at camp in fair Faerûn where we lay our scene.
Chapter I: The Pied Piper of Hamelin
Tis me, the well-known cypher, the widely traveled Pied Piper, Whom this old and famous town, certainly needs to have around; Irregardless of how many rats, and snakes and weasels on top of that: I shall cleanse the town, you'll see; they all can't help but follow me.
Good-humoured though I am, I charm the children viper-like, The wildest ones follow along as I sing my golden fairy song; and be the lads sometimes defiant, and be the lasses uncompliant, I lead the untamed battery you see: they all can’t help but follow me.
Come close. Come sit. Come sit by me. Let’s go back to the beginning, shall we?
This story does not start with gods, nor with the astral plane, nor even in a shaking rumbling breaking Nautiloid. It’s a common mistake, I know; but tsk, tcht, clck—focus now. This story starts here, in the crackling light of the fire, under a swelling moon, as our characters set up for camp far and far between, a distrustful eye thrown above their shoulder even as they brandish a smile like an olive branch, a prayer for peace-sleeping, for life-keeping.
This story starts— (ut, re, mi, fa, sol, la, sings the lyre) This story starts with me.
To seduce easy and quick, you need two, two things: beauty creation and self-stripping. Around the fire, with my lyre, I am no-one, I am nothing. In the eyes of the beholder the true seducer is only a veil, and seven veils besides; a canvas, and thus a masterpiece; a projection, a mirror, a mimicking, a distorting, a bettering, yes, you understand. What do you love best but yourself, this familiar echo of what you could be if you dared?
My mother, the dusty bitch, always hated the fae sparkle of me; but fae sparkle I am wholly, I am only. You couldn’t touch me if you wanted; nobody touches a will o’the wisp.
Come on, try it.                           See? Yes. See?                                                     What do you see?                                                                                    Why do you looks like me?
“I do love this song,” the wizard says, dreamy and dreamily, his pretty face alight with shadow-dancing.
Of course he does: I’m playing The Ballad of Waterdeep.
Continued here (with better formatting).
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jasontoddssuper · 9 months
Dick being a good eldest sibling and team mom headcanons but written by someone who is actually those things because none of y'all understand how found family works
So first thing's first to avoid any confusion:I headcanon Dick as a tomboy trans woman mostly because i've seen so many transfem DC fans say she's an egg but also a bit because i'm an eldest daughter and she's one of my biggest comfort character's who i relate to a lot and i want representation!Now with that out of the way,let's get into this:
A master chef thanks to growing up being taught how to cook by Alfred!!She used to pack Jason and Tim lunch and still does for Duke and Damian and taught Cass a bunch of dishes
She's very openly affectionate both physically and verbally because of how loving she is and Kory and Roy's influence on her and it's common for her to give her younger siblings hugs and platonic kisses.They're all big fans of it except Jason who wants to keep up his 'i'm so cool and edgy' image and gets embarrased by it unless it's only the two of them and she teases him about it by reminding him how much he used to love it and return her actions when he was Robin and that gets him even more flustered
Extremely supportive of the other Batkids' special interests(Autism is a requirement for being a Batfam member).Her and Jason read classical literature together and she was actually the one who opened the gateway for him by introducing him to Shakespeare,Tim and her play video games often(and she may or may not have briefly developed an Ultra Blue Monster addiction briefly thanks to him,whoops-)and her favorites are the time management genre Animal Crossing and Tloz,participates in gothic subculture with Cass whenever asked,tells Duke all about her times living in the 80s and 90s,takes care of and researches animals with Damian and buys purple things she spots for Stephanie when she's out
Speaking of Stephanie,she took one look at her in her Robin costume and went 'There's no way i'm letting Dad handle her alone'.So Dick becomes her big sister/mother figure and Steph's time as Robin is gentler on her thanks to it and when Gotham ressurects her out of love for and belief in her,she goes to her as soon as she's finished revealing she's alive to Bruce and Tim and Dick is an odd mix between shell-shocked and unbelivably happy as Stephanie squeezes her up into a hug,grinning from ear to ear
Next to Damian,she's the shortest of the Batkids thanks to her estrogen making her shrink and they love making jokes about it and she finds it annoying but won't do anything about it other than glaring and threatning to take away [insert privilige here]
Cass finds out she's a butch lesbian super fast because like.Dick is helping Babs in raising her and Miss Nightwing is out there being built both like the Bat Equivalent to Power Girl and an Amazon while having a wolfcut and dressing like That and Babs is,y'know,*makes Batgirl gestures*.She's gotten an undercut by her Black Bat era and the only reason her and Stephanie pine after eachother for so long is that the mix of their trauma and being eachother's first real female friend makes things confusing asf(Also:They grow up to be only valid Batman x Batwoman ship)
She's constantly switching between encouraging them to be more responsible and mature and telling them to be as chaotic and untamed as possible.The eternal eldest daughter and mom friend conflict😔
Sometimes she treats them as younger than they are but not intentionally-It's just that she's so much older than them that she can't help but see them as little kids.Jason and Tim get the biggest brunt of this,with picking them up like she used to out of habit and 'Timmy' and so forth
The other Batkids have to deal with a LOT of thirst comments about her.Jason,Tim and Duke think they're nasty asf and want them to just end already,Cass wonders how they keep coming up with this shit,Damian dosen't get them and Stephanie thinks they're the funniest shit ever.Dick herself couldn't care about them one way or another
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satoshi-mochida · 4 days
Monster Hunter Wilds ‘1st Trailer,’ screenshots
From Gematsu
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Capcom has released the first official trailer for Monster Hunter Wilds, which introduces the game’s untamed landscape teeming with new monsters, as well as first glimpses of the story, characters, system, and more.
Get the latest details below.
In Monster Hunter Wilds, players join the ranks of a special Research Commission team investigating the Forbidden Lands. Fully voiced for the first time in the Monster Hunter series, the hunter ventures into the unknown with their companions, including Guild-appointed handler Alma, their Palico partner, and a mysterious child. Monster Hunter Wilds features multi-dimensional biomes that can transform in unexpected ways. The first locale to be unveiled is the Windward Plains, a vast region encompassing harsh deserts, twisted rock formations, and swaying grasslands abound with life. These immersive ecosystems are populated with wildlife acclimated to their surroundings, including smaller monsters like Dalthydon, an herbivorous wyvern that migrates seasonally, and Ceratonoth, who rely on males to shield the herd from raging storms with well-developed dorsal horns that serve as lightning rods. Of course, large monsters also roam the Windward Plains, including Doshaguma. While massive and territorial, these fanged beasts are curiously sometimes sighted stalking the plains in aggressive packs. Meanwhile, the formidable amphibian Chatacabra uses its surroundings and adhesive saliva to become an even stronger adversary by armoring its body with natural materials like ore. To help hunters meet the challenges that await in Monster Hunter Wilds, the beloved gameplay of the series has evolved with an arsenal of new features. Players will experience a seamless flow from story sequences to gameplay without interruption. To traverse this world’s sprawling environments, the game introduces Seikrets, a new type of mount. These nimble creatures can guide their riders to destinations and allow hunters to perform actions on the go, such as sharpening weapons, gathering materials, and wielding the slinger. Hunters can also swap to a secondary weapon with their Seikret, empowering hunting parties to adapt to the changing conditions out in the field without returning to base. All 14 of the series’ iconic weapon types return in Monster Hunter Wilds and have now evolved to include new actions. Additionally, the game introduces brand-new systems, such as Focus Mode, giving hunters more precise control over aiming, guarding, and attacking monsters’ weak points. The new Hook Slinger also offers hunters additional abilities, including contextual actions and the power to collect items from a distance – even when mounted atop their Seikret. Monster Hunter Wilds players who link their Monster Hunter: World save data can receive special bonus items. This includes the Felyne Leather Set (Palico Armor) and Felyne Acorn Spade (Palico Weapon) for linking Monster Hunter: World base game save data, and Felyne Duffel Set (Palico Armor) and Felyne Trekker Peckaxe (Palico Weapon) for linking save data from the title’s massive expansion Monster Hunter World: Iceborne.
Monster Hunter Wilds is due out for PlayStation 5, Xbox Series, and PC via Steam in 2025.
Watch a new trailer below. View a new set of screenshots at the gallery.
1st Trailer
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crazy-loca-blog · 3 months
I thought about sharing what's been my view during the last few days... I can't believe how much I needed to leave the big city for a while, my stress levels have mostly gone and the only reason I think I won't get rid of the constant exhaustion it's because I won't have enough days to sleep and fully recover! 😂
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Anyway, I'm not dead, I'm here, and I so want to have time to read all your wonderful fics and stories, but as I've been so exhausted, the moment I try to pick anything to read I start falling asleep and it sucks (it's not that your stories are boring, it's just that I'm too tired! 😂).
During my time out I've managed to read some Choices' chapters though. And of course, I have some opinions no one asked for (but I need to share them anyway):
ALPHA is EVERYTHING Wolf Bride should have been. It was such a fun reading! But let me tell you, I'm going to need many answers in Book 2, Book 1 left too many unsolved questions.
I also managed to read THE BILLIONAIRE'S BABY. My biggest issue was that I didn't understand certain dialogues and attitudes because they weren't consistent with the game I was playing. I ended up restarting the book and that's when I realized that if you don't pick any diamond scenes until the story forces the MC and the LI to hook up, everything makes much more sense. I mean, the book is still awful (especially the ending... that was so "wtf?!?"), but at least now I kind of understand what I read.
The last book I finished was SHIP OF DREAMS. It's not a terrible book, it's not a mind-blowing book, it's OK. I can't compare it to the Storyscape story because I never read that one, but I honestly didn't expect the plot to be different to the movie, so no surprises there. The amount of smut was completely unnecessary, I think it ruined a lot of moments, especially because the characters in the book had very nice personalities that could have been further developed: both the nice guys and the villains were on point. The ending? Disappointing, as it didn't solve one of the big conflicts in the book.
Right now I'm reading UNBRIDED. Man... what did they do to Mandy? By the end of Untamable, she was the LI of my MC's brother, and then suddenly she becomes a LI for my new MC? It took a lot of chapters to understand what had happened between the end of Book 1 and the beginning of Book 2. Awful move! That should have been explained at the very beginning of the story! I also hate, hate, HATE the fact that you can't be a genuinely nice person without having some romance involved. Most of the time there is no choice and that makes me feel super limited in my game. Finally, I don't understand why the MC is so scared of telling everyone her secret. I didn't expect to get a good book here, but even if the story makes sense, I'm so limited in my choices that I end up feeling I can't play the book the way I want to and that kind of ruins the experience.
Anyway, I hope to be able to return to this little corner soon. I miss being here, but the constant exhaustion is not helping. I can't even keep up with all Choices' releases as I used to as I fall asleep mid chapter, so I'm reading books that have at least 10 chapters completed and that's kind of working better at the moment. I miss my life from a few years ago, where I was tired, but I had time to share stuff here. I'm on my way to fix it, but I really need my body to cooperate for it to work! 😅
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Do you have favorite BL dramas or movies? If you do, what's your top 20 Asian BL dramas or movies?
Hi anon! 💙 Thank you for this ask! I can make a list! I love it 🥰
Of course I have favorites and I am so thankful you ask for my 20 favorite bls, because 10 would be too hard 😅
I don't have any logical reason behind my choices. Most of the times I go with the feeling I have while watching the show. The following is not a best to last ranking, just my top 20 favorite shows 😊
Goodbye Mother
A vietnamese movie about a young man, Van, who visits his family for the first time after being abroad for nine years. He doesn't come alone, but brings his boyfriend Ian with him. Van waits for the best moment to come out to his family and present Ian as his partner. It is more of a family drama than the typical bl, but it is such a good movie. The grandmother is the heart and soul of it all. It provides everything, happiness, sadness, anger, pain, love...just a perfect movie. It is still available on GagaOOLala, but on the list to leave soon.
A Tale Of Thousand Stars
One of my feel-good-series. EarthMix is one of my favorite pairing and they went crazy with all the staring and pining. The story of Tian and Phupha who meet at a village in the forest where Tian works as a volunteer teacher and Phupha is the local Chief Forest Officer. We whitness how two people get to know each other, understand each other and develop feelings for each other. It is a romantic fairytale dealing with important and serious issues and I love it! You can watch it free on Youtube.
Moonlight Chicken
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Speaking of EarthMix...Moonlight Chicken is my newest favorite and one of the easiest decisions for picking as a favorite. It is a short series, but it tells so many stories in a perfect way. No character comes too short, no realtionship is undeveloped. It is such a perfect series. EarthMix are killing it, but GeminiFourth stole the show. Their depiction of a this first love between a deaf young man and an angry young man was just so beautiful. Both had their dreams and both felt unheard and unseen from the outside (especially the parents and guardians) and they developed such a pure and beautiful bond. I could go on and on about the beauty of this show. Perfect and free to watch on Youtube.
My School President
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And another GeminiFourth project. I am so in love with this show. It is something personal. The story about a first love and such a healthy love and Tin, our school president is one walking green flag. The show helped me on a very personal level to understand parts of my own history and choices and I am forever grateful and will keep this in my heart. And besides that it is such a comfort watch. Every conflict is dealt with before the episodes end and there is no drama, just love and respect. I love it! It is also free on Youtube.
This is something else. We have time loops and some supernatural stuff happening while the main character tries to rescue this young man who is as it turns out the love of his life. And when it looks like it finally can work out, destiny or in this case a higher entity, plays a little bit with time and fucks everyting up again. It is really interesting and tense and there are twists and it is just amazing!
The Untamed
Does this count as a bl? It is not the typical bl, more a censored adaptation of same-sex original work from China. Nevertheless you can see the love and affection between Lan Zhan and Wei Ying. This is a masterpiece. When I tell people about it, who don't watch asian dramas, I always tell them it is better than Game of Thrones for me, so they can put it in relation. This show wrecked me. I cried like never before. And I can't put into words what this series made me feel. It is on Viki and WeTV.
180 Degree Longitude Passes Through Us
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Speaking of non typical bls stuff. 180 degree is such a good series. It is difficult to watch, because it feels really raw at parts and it deals with so much stuff, like homophobia, grief, internal homophobia, trauma, loss, love different kinds of relationship, growing up and stagnation, resignation. And the cinematography, uuuhhh! Such a beautiful series and in everything you see on screen you can intepret something in it. As a person who studied language and the comparison between novels and their adaptations, this was heaven for my intepretation loving heart. You can watch it on GagaOOLala.
A First Love Story
Strongberry at its best. It is korean and a short film in two parts and perfect. It tells the story of two best friends who have feelings for each other, but one of them enlisted and has to go to the military soon. We meet them again after some time and get a very intimate view on a very short part of their lifes. The acting is good, the story is good, the chemistry is good. You can watch it on Youtube or soon it will be on GagaOOLala again.
Be Loved in House: I Do
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My comfort watch. This is nothing special. It is just a workplace romance, but it feels so cozy and I love the story. It makes me feel all the butterflies and happiness in my stomach and I love this shit! The company gets a new boss, who is very strict, has a bunch of rules and forbids his co-workers to date, because love can be a distraction and because of his own personal trauma. Can his stone-cold heart be warmed-up again? Oh the cuddles are everything for me! It is on Viki.
History 2: Crossing the line
I like most of the HIStory shows, but tis one I like the most. I do love the secondary couple of HIStory 3: Make our days count and HIStory 4: Close to you (I know...don't judge me), but as a whole series I really like this one the most. Perhaps because it is something different with the whole Volleyball thing or because I think the main couple is just so sweet. I don't know, I like to rewatch it from time to time. You can watch it on Viki.
Bad Buddy
My first asian bl ever. I am so happy I could start with this one. I love the story of Pat and Pran. Enemies to lovers is something else and they did a really good job. And their love was so vulnerable and sweet. Even though Pat always tried to be the strong kind of macho man, he was soft and sweet with Pran and it was so cute to watch. And the iconic rooftop scene! What a scene! It is free on Youtube.
Long Time No See
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Another movie. I don't want to spoil anything. This has assasins and mafia and love and romance and sweetness and blood and fighting. It is not the typical bl stuff, it is more mature, but a really good action movie in my eyes. I liked the drama and the action scenes. As it is leaving GagaOOLala soon, I just rewatched it and it is still good!
Semantic Error
I don't know how many times I rewatched this one. The enemies to lovers story that just melts my heart. I am reading the manhwa and this is so explicit! The series is so tuned down from the original. Nevertheless I love the story of how SangWoo made his way into JaeYoungs heart and melted our all hearts on the way. This one is on Viki.
Old Fashion Cupcake
The story of the 29 years old Togawa who tries to show 39 years old Nozue how beautiful life can be. And what better way to show him than to eat the most delicious sweets ever. I am always hungry and craving for sweets after watching this. This series gives hope. You are never too old to start enjoying life and to allow yourself to love again, even if the person is ten years younger. And another one you can watch on Viki.
Love Mechanics
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I guess this is here because of YinWar. I mean, their chemistry is through the roof! The story itself...well...cheating and pain and War is crying quite often. But it is still good and I can't stop rewatching it. Yes the story is hurtful and a little bit stupid, but VeeMark are adorable when they are happy and in love. It can be watched on WeTV.
DNA Says Love You
We all love some slow burn, right? I mean, this one is very much slow burning, but with a reason and it is a really interesting story behind all that. It is a complex story with some really good staring and pining and hurt and comfort. You have to watch carefully to understand everything, but it is worth it and the wait while our hearts burn away through the slow burn is worth it too.
Gaya Sa Pelikula (Like in the movies)
This one is...it is cute. I don't know what else to say. It is not the best production, but the story is good and the actors are doing a good job. Karl needs to live on his own because a family tradition says it is a good idea to show early on how to survive alone in this world. So he moves into his uncle's apartment where he meets his neighbour Vlad and because of some reasons the end up living together. I love the soundtrack and their whole story. It is free on Youtube.
Once Again
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My favorite bl series of 2022. It tells the story of Shin Jae Woo who deals with childhood trauma and because of some supernatural stuff happening, he jumps back in time to the year he was almost the victime of a crime, but Kang Ji Hoon helped him back then. JaeWoo wants to rescue JiHoon from this path. I was crying through most of the second half of this series. It is just so good. Painful and hurtful. Just watch is you can deal with sad stuff. Everytime I need a good cry, I come back here and it always works its magic. It si on Viki and GagaOOLala.
We best love: No. 1 for you
The true enemies to lovers story. The slow burn and the slow realisation is just so perfect. I feel with Gao Shi De through this whole story. I love to rewtach it and see things I haven't before. And the second season is good as well! Not as good as the first one for me, but still really good. You can watch it on WeTV.
Secret Crush On You
If you manage to get past the first episode full of cringe and you learn things about the characters, you see that these are all of us. The characters are not flawless, they make us cringe, because it feels too real. You can't act normal when you are living your secret crush. And you feel uncomfortable if you don't fit the norms. It is so beautiful to see that there are people out there who love you for who you are. And who isn't afraid to tell the world about it. This series makes my heart feel all the beautiful feelings. It is a little gem out there. And you can watch it for free on youtube.
Well these are my top 20 of all the bls I have watched. It was so much fun! Thank you for this ask!
I guess after this month there are going to be new favorites. Our Dating Sim or A Shoulder To Cry On are some really good shows and I hope they won't mess it up in the end like Oh! My Assistent did.
Have a beautiful day and stay happy and healthy! 💜
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lurkingshan · 8 months
BL/QL Ask game : The Ugly, the Bad and the Worst
Tagged by @clara-maybe-ontheroad to start some trouble. There are a lot of these, so I'm mostly going to do quick hits and maybe expand on a few that really get me going.
The categories are:
Worst soundtrack / weirdest song choice in a BL
It would be easier to list the BL soundtracks that are not horrible (offense intended).
Most cringe-inducing line (cute)/Most cringe-inducing line (actually bad)
I'm so bad at remembering specific lines of dialogue unless I think they're beautiful/heart-wrenching, so I got nothing.
Most stupid decision made by a character
In a BL?? Baby, I do not have all day.
Worst plot line
Hmmm I'm gonna give in to recency bias and say faking amnesia to get your fiancé to love you again after you iced him out and denied him sex for four years because of your tiger attack-related PTSD (no I am not making that up, never change actually Naughty Babe).
The most problematic show you've watched
Problematic is in the eye of the beholder, so honestly who can say.
A show people love but you find bad
LOLOLOL. There are. So many. Probably the one with the wildest fandom fervor :: Shan personal enjoyment ratio is KinnPorsche.
A show people find bad but you will defend
Theory of Love and y'all stay wrong about this. It is easily one of the best early Thai bls and the writing, character development, and narrative structure are all excellent, but people hate slutty characters so they can't deal with it.
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A show that is just objectively bad but you enjoyed it/were horny/because of that one character
Why r u? What can I say, I'm a Fighter/Tutor girlie.
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A bad show that you kept watching because you were intrigued/fascinated
Hmmm I usually just drop it if I'm truly not having fun. I guess you could count me finishing Minato's Laundromat 2 despite knowing any hope for it was over at the end of episode 9. I just needed to see how mad I was going to be in the end (pretty damn mad).
A bad show that you would still recommend
There is too much BL nowadays to be trifling with the bad shit.
The character that ruined a show the most/most awful character that you hated
PLERN PLENG (Together With Me). cc: @bengiyo the co-president of the Plern Pleng antis.
Most awful character that you loved
Boston, a beautiful chaos demon (Only Friends).
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A character that wasn't awful but that you just don't like
Anyone played by Podd or Jimmy (it's their faces I can't stand them sorry to those men).
A hero that should have been a villain
This is an interesting one! I’m not sure this counts, but I’ll just say I did not love the way The Untamed white washed Wei Wuxian and removed his culpability for all his worst choices (I recognize this was largely due to censorship). I much prefer the more morally complex and deeply flawed version of him we got in MDZS.
A morally bad character you're into/you're not into and you wish people would stop being into
I don't believe in holding fictional characters to real life moral standards. Bad behavior makes for good stories.
The show that disappointed you the most
Let me take this opportunity to drag Plus & Minus again, a show that had all the right ingredients to be a top tier friends to lovers narrative and absolutely blew it to do some beyond clichéd noble idiocy and breakup bs that violated character and undercut the relationship to such a degree that I can never rewatch or enjoy anything about it again.
The Worst Show of Them All Because of Your Own Reasons
Hmm I do not have one. It's rare for me to not be able to find something of value in any media I consume.
Tagging @chickenstrangers @sorry-bonebag @kayatoasted @blmpff @twig-tea in case you want to play!
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untamedeventuality · 11 months
i made a patreon for my game, and it would mean a lot to me if y'all could share it
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warabola · 4 months
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Another for the bandwagon!
"Infamous Society Bachelor Still Untamed! Will This Season's Socialites Finally Make A Match For Magnate?"
"Readers, there's nary one of who hasn't heard of the escapades of the disreputable director themself. From the thrilling pieces rumoured to have been written by the Lord Regent about the Director's own adventures when they first arrived on scene (I know no modern woman who doesn't have a well-worn copy of the Regent's earliest, steamier works!), to the scandalous scenes caused by their continental attitudes at all of London's finest salons, the Director keeps our column busy. Only just last season they were at the center of a whirlwhind of gossip when they were spotted in close company with the Discerning Marquis! And yet, despite all the controversy surrounding them, cunning matriarchs are looking to make a match with the roguish magnate. We know they're likely eyeing the impressive wealth the Director has managed to accumulate through their razor sharp instincts in the markets, an exceptional enough feat that it convinced the Crown to delegate a task as important as the Hinterland Line to a foreigner. With no marriage made even into their thirties, London is watching with bated breath to see what might pass, knowing there's no current heir to their vast investments and the railway itself. But we will be here to cover all the latest developments as always, printed every fortnight at-"
Avci is a hassle to wrangle into these kind of games, if only because their personality, preferences, and actions are all dependent on their company, the current reputation they're trying to cultivate for the public, and whether or not they're just fucking with you. They are behind 100 walls of varying persona and cannot be touched. They rank fairly easy to start something casual or physical with, but nigh impossible to manage anything long-term or emotionally intimate. Alas, they've also likely already met their ideal partner, but the two of them instead act like permanently divorced parents to Lira. We don't discuss their last partner.
Their songs are "We Should Hang Out" by Con Bro Chill when they're being incredibly unserious, and "The Loneliest" by Måneskin during their rare genuine moments.
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medic-tf2-gayming · 11 months
I feel like people see “difficulty spikes” as inherently bad game design- something that should be avoided when making a game, but I honestly don’t agree with this view. I think that there are plenty of reasons that a game can include sections that seem overly difficult for the game’s skill progression and have it be a net positive for the game.
First off, a difficulty spike early on can be a necessary push to force players to familiarize themselves with the controls. Celeste, for instance, is a very execution-heavy game, but if you pick it up for the first time, as with most platformers, you’ll make tons of misinputs starting off. This was an issue with me all the way until the badeline sequence for chapter 2. Towards the end of it, there’s a very long sequence where you’re being chased downward by 5 of them, and while none of the jumps are very difficult, having to do all of them with no mistakes or be sent back to the start of such a long section makes it a very frustrating part, but by having to develop a muscle memory for that one section, I got a lot better with the controls, and suddenly had a lot fewer misinputs.
Another reason for early difficulty spikes is to encourage the player to interact with certain game mechanics. Pokemon generally isn’t a difficult game series by any stretch, but Ultra Sun & Ultra Moon stand out as one of the few exceptions, with the second island being particularly brutal. The fire-type and grass-type totems, which vary between game versions, all come with massive stat boosts, and ally pokemon to support them while also making it a 2v1. However, the fights become a lot more manageable if the player uses the Z-crystals they get right before each fight (since they get the waterium Z right before the fire type challenge and get the firium Z right before the grass type challenge), then it’s easy to make quick work of the fights. However, if the player wants to try and beat it without the generational gimmick, an entire team of 6 might lose even if they’re the same level as the totem.
Difficulty spikes don’t always happen at the start of the game though. Bug Fables has a TON of optional bosses that, if challenged as early as possible, are significant jumps in difficulty. The earliest, and most notable example of this is the devourer. Despite being challengeable as early as the halfway point of chapter 2, it’s harder than even the boss at the end of chapter 5. And the puzzle required to get to it isn’t easy either- although it can be trivialized by some of the movement abilities you get later on in the game, it can be rather tedious to challenge the boss as soon as possible, making the area feel untamed, off the beaten path, and somewhere you perhaps aren’t prepared for. But if the puzzle doesn’t deter you, the devourer itself most likely will. It’s got a ton of health, and a powerful attack that traps a party member, likely shutting down any plan you may have had to take it down with the limited skills and TP you have at this point in the game. It’s certainly POSSIBLE to beat it this early on, but it’s insanely difficult, and will most likely stick in the player’s mind when they find no choice but to come back to it later. By forcing the player to run away from an optional fight, the game not only encourages the player to come back later and keep exploring and revisiting difficult optional areas as they progress through the game and get stronger, but it also shows the player that running away is a perfectly acceptable option, especially for later optional fights like Monsieur Scarlet, who isn’t quite as much of a difficulty spike, but can still be ignored until later now that players don’t feel like they HAVE to beat him as soon as possible.
A similar situation exists in Fallout: New Vegas, where the player could technically march straight North to New Vegas, but it’s stupidly difficult to go the direct route, and the player is better off taking the long way around, finding the game’s various important locations and learning that their best option is usually to avoid fights as they manage their limited resources.
Even at the end of the game, a difficulty spike can be used to punctuate a story beat, usually to emphasize the scale of the obstacle the player is overcoming. In UNDERTALE’s genocide route, the player must kill every enemy in an area, thereby leveling up as much as possible, making most of the game’s bosses go down in one hit, save for just two of them. The once fun and unique fights being ended so unsatisfyingly is one of the ways the game discourages the genocide route, another one being just how difficult the other two are. Undyne the undying might be the thematic final boss, with all of monsterkind’s determination empowering her to make one final stand against the player before you wipe out everyone in the last area, but anyone who’s gotten past her knows she’s not the toughest bout in genocide- that award goes to Sans. Sans is a very notorious boss for MANY reasons, not the least of which is his difficulty, which for some people is enough to not get past that last hurdle. The player is designed to be at a disadvantage here, and Sans doesn’t exactly play fair either. If you want to beat him, then as the game says, you have to stay determined. If you really wanna see the ending so badly, you gotta EARN IT.
So you’ve beaten the game. Nothing left you haven’t conquered, right? Well, depending on the game, the hardest challenges don’t come until AFTER the main story is finished. This is generally more common in indie games, where the developers are passionate enough about the game being made and have enough flexibility in the release date to add in some extra challenges for diehard gamers that are ready for a sudden jump in difficulty in the postgame and are willing to claw through it to see everything the game has to offer. Hollow knight, for instance, is considered somewhat difficult just to beat the base game, but for those who were drawn to the game’s challenge and wanted more, the game’s DLC brought even bigger challenges, culminating in a boss rush where you fight all 48 of them, one after the other, with a final segment that’ll be a challenge for even the most seasoned gamer when you reach it for the first time. And honestly? It can be as big of a difficulty spike here as it wants, since the main story is already over, and this gauntlet is only there for people who WANT the extreme challenge. Now, although indie games tend to be more infamous for their brutal postgame content, perhaps the most famous bonus challenge comes from a time long before these games, one that if you ask your parents, they might still remember those 9 digits.
Mike Tyson’s Punch-Out comes from a time where games were about 260 kilobytes rather than 50 gigabytes, so developers needed to stretch 30 minutes of content into a 20 hour experience, and the most common way of doing so was making games really really hard. Even for that era though, MTPO is tough as nails, each fight enough to feel like a difficulty spike from the previous one in any other game. And even then, even with as unforgiving as the road to defeating Super Macho Man is, there’s still the fight with the titular Mike Tyson. And it’s built to remind you that you’re playing as a scrawny kid from the Bronx fighting Mike Fucking Tyson. And your first attempt is probably a recreation of how that’d go in real life. He hits you before you can even react. You go down instantly. Repeat two more times and you’ve lost in under a minute. That’s just how it went for most of Tyson’s opponents during the height of his career. Maybe you’d dodge once on your second or third attempt and take off a sliver of his health in a counterattack, but it’d still be a resounding defeat. You need basically perfect reflexes to dodge one of his punches, and getting hit even once in the first minute and a half is an instant knockdown. It’s not a fair fight. It’s a fight against Mike Fucking Tyson. I asked my dad about the game and he said “I must have put in that code in at least 300 times before I beat it. And I’d probably need to put it in 300 more times if I wanted to do it again today.” (He proceeded to try it on an emulator and then insist it wasn’t possible because there was like 2 frames of input lag, so I feel less bad about never making it past sandman). The point is, it’s one of the most difficult challenges in gaming. But it’s justified because it’s meant to feel like such a huge accomplishment when you finally do the impossible and beat him.
In summary, games don’t have to follow a linear slope of increasing difficulty. Sudden challenges can be crafted in such a way that it forces you to learn the game’s mechanics, encourage you to try another way or come back later, or even just make a win feel all the more satisfying. Difficulty spikes might not always add something to a game, but the next time you find one, maybe consider if it has some silver lining to it.
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demifiendrsa · 1 year
Star Wars Jedi: Survivor - Official Reveal Trailer
Star Wars Jedi: Survivor, the sequel to Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order, will launch for PlayStation 5, Xbox Series X|S, and PC via Steam on March 17, 2023.
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The story of Cal Kestis continues in Star Wars Jedi: Survivor, a third-person, galaxy-spanning, action–adventure game from Respawn Entertainment, developed in collaboration with Lucasfilm Games. This narratively driven, single-player title picks up 5 years after the events of Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order and follows Cal’s increasingly desperate fight as the galaxy descends further into darkness. Pushed to the edges of the galaxy by the Empire, Cal will find himself surrounded by threats new and familiar. As one of the last surviving Jedi Knights, Cal is driven to make a stand during the galaxy’s darkest times—but how far is he willing to go to protect himself, his crew, and the legacy of the Jedi Order?
Key Features
Continue Cal’s Journey – No longer a Padawan, Cal has come into his own and grown into a powerful Jedi Knight. Carrying the memories and expectations of the Jedi Order with him, his crusade against the Empire has only become more perilous. The Dark Times are closing in, and with enemies new and familiar surrounding him, Cal will need to decide how far he’s willing to go to save those closest to him.
Go Beyond Your Training – The cinematic combat system returns with additional Force abilities and new lightsaber fighting styles. Creatively leverage all these abilities and weapons to strategically take on an expanded host of enemies, sizing up strengths and weaknesses while cleverly utilizing your training to overcome your opponents and solve the mysteries that lay in your path.
Explore an Untamed Galaxy – Discover new planets and familiar frontiers in the Star Wars galaxy, each with unique biomes, challenges, and enemies. Master new skills, equipment, and abilities that will augment the ways you explore, fight, and roam. With larger areas to explore and more to discover off the beaten path, players who adventure beyond the horizon will find hidden rewards.
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justadumbasskid · 8 months
Two addictions in one!
I'm slowly, ever-so-slowly working on a Stardew Valley X RimWorld crossover fanfiction. Since I'm somewhat of a perfectionist, I can't help but focus on the problem of how to faithfully transplant the quaint and low-stakes setting of Pelican Town. (From the wildly successful 2016 game "Stardew Valley" by solo developer Concerned Ape) into the much harsher setting of an untamed and ancient Rimworld. (From the cult-classic 2013 game "RimWorld" by Ludeon Studios)
The main issues I'm currently tackling would be how to...
Faithfully recreate SDV characters in the RW setting. Changing backstories, motivations, and goals for each individual character.
Explain how Pelican Town would be able to survive without radically changing its cultural structure, population, and layout.
Write in SDV events both in-playtime and in-lore. Like the Joja occupation of the valley and the Ferngill/Gotoro war.
Write in SDV locations like Zuzu City, Castle Village, the Fern Islands, the Gem Sea, and Grampleton.
Write how beloved SDV characters would deal with the daily traumas of the RW universe and everything therein.
Expand on (Fanmade) Rimworld lore...
I already have a few ideas written out, but I'll need some more preptime before I'd be ready to show them off. In the meantime, I'd love to hear other people's opinions, thoughts, and suggestions. Is anyone even interested in seeing this?
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