#urban novel
learnwebdeveloping · 2 years
Read The Princess Descended From Heaven Novel
Chapter 1
Zhenguan four years.
Outside Chang’an City, Qin Family Village.
When the morning light appeared, Qin Changqing got up.
He came to the old banyan tree in the courtyard of the Qin Mansion, took a step forward, and punched a set of standard movements.
This is Qin Changqing’s habit in his previous life.
Yes, I have traveled by myself, and traveled to the most prosperous and prosperous Tang Dynasty.
After a set of punches, Qin Changqing walked into the kitchen and began to teach his cook to make a new type of food.
The door opened, and a woman in a blue skirt came out. Madam, wash your face and eat, this woman is Qin Changqing’s wife.
Two years ago, Li Huaner accidentally fell into the river, and Qin Changqing came to the rescue.
After that, the two fell in love with each other and have been living to this day.
After washing up, the couple sat at the table with porridge, pickles, and a few fried things.
Husband, what kind of food is this?
Fried dough sticks, with honey in it, are delicious.
Tentatively, I took a bite. It was crispy on the outside, soft on the inside, and had a sweet fragrance, which was not ordinary.
Li Huan’er has always been very strange that her husband thinks differently from ordinary people. The gentleman is far away from the kitchen, but Qin Changqing is deviant and goes into the kitchen from time to time to study new food with the cook.
He can always tinker with a lot of weird food, which makes Li Huan’er a feast for the eyes.
Not only the requirements for food and drink, Qin Changqing is usually very polite to his servants, and he has no consciousness of being a master.
When the interest came, Qin Changqing could still recite a few verses that were astonishing.
The strangest thing is that in early July, the husband began to let the farmers dig drainage channels and build granaries.
Li Huan’er has been reading poetry and books since childhood, and watching what Qin Changqing’s leading households did, it felt like he was dealing with the flood disaster that he saw in a century.
Husband, why do you always care so much about July?
Li Huan’er wiped her hands and patted her bulging belly after almost eliminating all the fried dough sticks.
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theaikomonett · 10 months
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Title: Obsidian Seduction
Genre: Romance Audience: 18+ TW: Some scenes will have blood, drug use, torture, and sex involved.
Description: Obsidian Seduction is a tale of ambition, love, and the relentless pursuit of one's dreams in the shadowy world of vampires. This story explores themes of societal prejudice, determination, and the transformative power of love as Seraphina Nocturne strives to break through the barriers that confine her to the world of a brothel owner and into the aristocracy she so desperately seeks.
Currently 3 chapters available
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learnelle · 2 years
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moments from dublin ♡
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dreamtydraw · 1 month
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You've been pining for your neighbor for a while, and tonight seems perfect to maybe confess your feelings... That if Alioth wasn't the most dense mage in the region. 
Sleeping Under Spells is a short urban fantasy romance between two idiots who banter a lot over nothing, when they really just should make out...
Features : 
20K Words
3 Endings 
2 CGs
1 male love interest
 Full voicing
Genderless mc ( custom name )
All my love ( no tears this time )
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radiantcircle-if · 3 months
The Radiant Circle
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The Radiant Circle is a work-in-progress contemporary fantasy interactive novel with elemental magic, a heavy hand of romance, and a salt-sprinkle of mystery. The story is rated 18+ and may contain triggering content for some.
↪ introduction (updated 7/22/24) ⟢ demo (upcoming fall/winter)
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You were born without any magic into a long lineage of sorcerers who serve the Night Circle—a division of the Radiant Circle, the central governing body that maintains order among sorcerers. Even now when you live outside of the magical community, you’re still required to report to the local leadership about the magic you still don’t have.
Of course, only after having accepted a life without magic, you awaken a latent magical power too great to be yours. Myths speak of such a sorcerer, a Resonant Soul capable of mastering all four elements, reincarnated throughout history to bring balance to the magic community. So little is truly known, but that can’t be you.
But what if it is?
Thankfully, as an investigative journalist, what you do best is hunt for the truth. To unravel the secrets of your soul, you’re forced back into the world of sorcery to navigate ancient rivalries and contend with those who may fear your newfound power and seek to bury it for good. 
Because while most didn't believe the myths to be true, others have been preparing for your return. Most of all? You four souls bonded to yours for eternity.
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Play as the main character ⟢
Choose your name, appearance, gender, and sexuality.
Develop your personality as a harmonizer or disruptor—will you bring unity or will you bring destruction?
Gain mastery over elemental magic as the Resonant Soul—how much mastery in each element is up to you.
Travel the world while earning or losing influence through your decisions—will your reputation precede you or will you remain unknown?
Five romance options ⟢
Two pansexual men, one lesbian, and two gender-selectable romance options... and a hidden sixth romance option... with the potential for more to unlock later.
Four soulmates who will be revealed over the course of the story—your bonds, whether platonic or romantic, are yours to develop.
And if you don’t like romance, you can improve your friendships instead.
Or if you’re a misanthrope, deteriorate all your relationships to your liking.
Good endings? Check. Bad endings? Also check.
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You ✦ 26-year-old journalist from Seattle, USA (ℹ) Rejected by the magical community because your magic never awakened, you once sought to understand why before later turning to a career of journalism to attempt to uncover truths that don’t have to do with magic. Your dissertation was titled “Unveiling the Hidden: A Comparative Study of Secret Societies and Their Influence on Modern Media." After landing your dream job as an investigative journalist, you're returning home to Seattle for your assignment.
⟡ tropes include main character (surprise! you're the main character), insider/outsider, the most wanted (because you are a…), person of mass destruction, (possible) living legend, (possible) lust object, (seemingly) cosmic plaything…
Arseau Nassiet ⟡ High Justicar 31-year-old water sorcerer (he/him) from Seattle, USA (ℹ) A talented water sorcerer, your older brother Arseau is well loved within the Night Circle's upper echelons, but he'd never brag about it. He has been away from home for over a decade, raising ranks within the circle alongside his best friend. He coordinates his visit home with yours during the holidays so he can see his favorite younger sibling (never mind that he has only one sibling—you).
⟡ tropes include protective older brother, brainless beauty (yeah, he's a himbo), the caregiver/caretaker, the confidant (if you want), the informant, nice guy (someone has to keep the peace between the Pico brothers), the reliable one...
César Pico (RO) ⟡ Archumbricar 31-year-old earth sorcerer (he/him) from Tijuana, MX (ℹ) One of the highest ranking earth sorcerers in the world, César is seen as the unofficial heir of the current Night Luminary—and he takes the role seriously. As your brother's best friend, he has been a permanent fixture in your life as far as you remember—another persistent reminder of the magic that has remained inaccessible to you and the community that left you behind. He's at least an attractive reminder, even if it's unfortunate that his rare smirk proves that he knows it.
⟡ tropes include the hero, the cold & brooding heir, older brother's best friend/forbidden love, age gap, opposites attract, danger deadpan, glory hound, tall dark & handsome (obviously) ⟡ solo-route (with a possible rivalry with his brother), borderline enemies to lovers, (possible first love), forced proximity, maybe the slowest burn
Rafa Pico (RO) ⟡ High Justicar 27-year-old fire sorcerer (he/him) from Tijuana, MX (ℹ) The younger brother of César....and also his left hand man even though he doesn't take his position within the Night Circle very seriously. He doesn't take anything very seriously except his freedom. Especially his freedom to flirt his way into anyone's good graces.
⟡ tropes include the explorer, the charming playboy, childhood/long time friend, (his) unrequited crush (on you), the (horny) bard, speed demon, hell seeker, elegant classical musician... ⟡ solo-route (with a possible rivalry with his brother), friends to lovers but he never really saw you as a friend, forced proximity, slow burn
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Gazi Gharib (RO) ⟡ Photojournalist 28-year-old (she/her or he/him) from New York City, USA (ℹ) Your roommate and best friend ever since you moved to NYC, they're always ready to help you investigate something new and dangerous.
⟡ tropes include the innocent, the best friend, the encouraging charmer, the serial romeo, the casanova, agent mulder (the believer), empathetic communicator, spirited competitor, the klutz ⟡ solo-route or poly-route with Deniz, besties to lovers (and you can start at the lover bit if you'd like cause this one is a...), faaaaaast burn
Deniz Yılmaz (RO) ⟡ Private Investigator 26-year-old (he/him or she/her) from Istanbul, TR (ℹ) Your next-door-neighbor and childhood best friend. You haven't kept in close contact, but they're the first person you think of seeing when you visit home.
⟡ tropes include the jester, agent scully (the skeptic), street-smart investigator, hardboiled detective, erudite stoner, literal-minded/snark knight combo, childhood friends, loyal supporter, gadgeteer genius ⟡ solo-route or poly-route with Gazi, childhood friends (or was it more?) to lovers, (possible second chance romance...), somewhere between slow and fast burn
Dr. Noel Sung (RO) ⟡ Journalist 41-year-old (she/her) from London, UK (ℹ) Your graduate school mentor who you credit for preparing you to land a job at The New York Times as prestigious as it is. She's now your direct supervisor, and she has quite the assignment for you.
⟡ tropes include the magician, high-powered career woman, absent-minded professor(/former forbidden love?), age gap, charismatic intellectual, intuitive leader, pragmatic idealist, deadpan snarker, determinator, shrinking violet, (your possible unrequited crush on her goes here)… ⟡ solo-route, workplace romance (technically; she's your boss now), slow burn
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An ancient, hidden society of sorcerers ⟢
The Radiant Circle is the central governing body that maintains harmony and order among sorcerers, as well as keep their community secret. It was originally formed and led by the Resonant Soul (called the High Guardian—this is you) and the most powerful elemental sorcerers of the time (called the Founding Guardians—these are the four souls bonded to you) as an alliance of sorcerers from across the New Kingdom of Egypt.
After its formation, the magical community grew, and eventually, the Radiant Circle was divided into four smaller regional circles called the Ephemeral Circles: the Night Circle (you know the most about this one), the Dawn Circle, the Day Circle, and the Dusk Circle. These four circles, also called luminariates, are the main governing bodies of the current world of sorcery. Every known family of sorcerers lives under the eye of the Radiant Circle and one of the four Ephemeral Circles.
Only the Resonant Soul can be the High Guardian of the Radiant Circle. Only the four souls bonded with Resonant Soul can be the Founding Guardians. During periods where the Resonant Soul or the Guardians aren’t alive, these positions are left vacant and the Ephemeral Circles meet as the Radiant Council annually instead. Unfortunately, it's been so long since there has been a Resonant Soul that there aren't many people left who remember who sits at the top of the hierarchy.
You live as a Threshold—an uninitiated sorcerer, typically a child who can't use magic yet—within the luminariate called the Night Circle. You sit at the bottom of the hierarchy, but every other sorcerer you know? César is an Archumbricar, the right hand of the Night Luminary and leader of the Night Circle. Arseau and Rafa are César's High Justicars, his right and left hands. Your dads even play a role, advising the Luminary from their position in the Night Weave.
A single soul that can control all four elements, reincarnated once again—you ⟢
Before you became the Resonant Soul, you were a child born without magic to two prominent sorcerers sometime before recorded human history begins. Back then, it was common to put the child of every sorcerer through a resonance ritual, even children of sorcerers born without magic who always died in the process. But where there's a will, there's a way, and someone really wanted you to live and created circumstances that bound your souls together—one into endless reincarnation and the other into endless immortality.
You meet the four original Guardians over the course of hundreds of years. Your bonds are unique and have chained the fate of their souls with yours so that they are reincarnated in an endless cycle by your side. Even so, you've lived more lives without them than with them, lived more lives without magic than with it. Almost as if you're fighting a losing battle against knowing your true soul.
Only the Resonant Soul can resonate with all four types of elemental magic, but your magic remains locked away until you regain your memories (how're you supposed to regain memories you don't remember you need to regain? then again, how safe would it be to give you all that power and no recollection of all the mistakes you've made?). The Guardians are known for their extraordinary abilities in one element; their magic isn't sealed away, only their memories (which still isn't convenient—how are you supposed to know who they are if they don't know who they are?).
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⟢ retweets & asks are welcome! there is no better writing motivation ♡
〉 Sections: Profiles, Editorials, Articles, Ask Me, Answers, Quotes
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hellkeepers-if · 11 months
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DEMO (prologue out) UPDATES
Set in an alternate version of Singapore, you're a fresh university graduate bumbling through life as you desperately look for a job.
...Or that's what your mother thinks. In a world where occult ceremonies are as common as an existential crisis, there's no way you were ever going to be a perfectly average office worker. Just like your twin brother, you work for the International Society Of Exorcists (ISOE) which deals with supernatural occurrences, demonic rituals, and the like.
When a tragic event befalls your older sister, it uproots your entire life and everything you ever knew about the supernatural. With it, comes a forced need to come to terms with a family history straight out of the movies. 
After all, how the hell did it take twenty years to find out that you're descended from the freaking king of the underworld?
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"I have a duty to myself, but more importantly, my family."
Inspired by Supernatural, Fullmetal Alchemist, Noragami, and the Percy Jackson series, Hellkeepers is a +18 urban fantasy/paranormal interactive fiction, involving elements of Chinese and Southeast-Asian mythology. In every playthrough, you will...
• Play as a female, male, or non-binary Chinese demigod/ess.
• Determine the relationships between you and your family members. After all, they will play a big part in your story...
• Peel apart the full truth behind you and your siblings' birthright. Your parents can't hide it forever.
• Learn more about Chinese and Southeast Asian mythology as you warp into different dimensions, unlike anything you've seen before.
• Learn more about who you were in your past life.
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| Nishimura Kazuo (he/him)
Age: 26
Ethnicity: Japanese
With a penchant for mischief and a charm that woos even the most stubborn of grandmas, Kazu is the wildcard of your organization. You think he's an anarchist, and the only reason he's tied down to the ISOE is so that he has an excuse for whatever havoc he wreaks on the supernatural. 
The A-ranked exorcist is your colleague and your brother's mentor, though you rarely ever see him in his office. But if you ever need him for demon fighting, he'll be there. Most of the time.
"Mind taking that pesky thing out for me while I take a quick nap?"
| Quentin Khanh (Quan) (he/him)
Age: 25
Ethnicity: Vietnamese
Quentin, more affectionately known as Quan, was your childhood friend. After he moved overseas, the weekly texts you sent him fizzled into nothing but a lost friendship.
Since then, he's returned to Singapore as a forensics pathologist and researcher under your organisation. Whether you like it or not, you have to no choice but to work with him for most of your investigations.
"If your bribe doesn't involve a penthouse worth of money, don't talk to me."
| Reyna Aliyah Santos (she/her)
Age: 23
Ethnicity: Mixed (Filipino-Chinese)
You've never quite met someone like Reyna. A halfling with a demon mother and a human father. Being raised in Singapore all her life with little knowledge of her parents, it's natural that Reyna would come to the ISOE for help at the mere instance of a fox tail and white fur.
You've been tasked to help her mask and get comfortable with her supernatural powers, but she won't make it easy for you. After all, foxes do bite. 
"Technically, I'm not stealing anything if they don't notice."
| Song Huayun (she/her)
Age: ????
Ethnicity: "Uhh...from Hell?" Chinese
| You don't know too much about Huayun, except for the fact that she lives in Diyu, the Chinese Underworld. As Diyu's gatekeeper, Huayun has seen countless depravities committed by humans before their deaths. That alone has made it hard for her to like them, and the contempt she shows you is no different than what she shows everyone else.
But with time, maybe she'll finally learn what it is like to feel human…and what a smile is.
"If it isn't the star of tonight's show. Welcome to Diyu."
| The Arbiter of Fate (m/f)
Theyre a stranger, or so you say. But this deity knows everyone...especially you.
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writingwithfolklore · 20 days
"We're all imposters and we all don't know what to do except write the next sentence." - Taffy Brodesser-Akner
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when-i-wake-if · 4 months
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It has been 18 years since humanity was brought to the truth that monsters, creatures and deities they were all too sure were myths are in fact real well most of them anyway with these new realizations comes new mysteries, problems and hope but dawn (MC 1) never paid too much attention to it but after the death of their father they have been sent reeling the perfect life they had crumbling slowly forcing them into positions they never would have dreamed of. their life colliding and slowly meshing into the unknown creature's deeper darker world. Across the city in a dingy alley badly hurt dusk (MC 2) awakes to no memories other than their name and something they were told that stung like a dagger in their heart for some reason. As Dusk tries to make sense of what is happening they somehow fall into a rabbit hole of crime, mysteries and dark truths all because they are trying to find out who they are and how they ended up in that alley
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~Customize your MCs looks, gender identity, clothing style and name
~ Choose your legal job! (Dawn starts the game with a certain job but that job doesn't stay long)
~ Make deals that will change the course of your life
~Customize your room and apartment aesthetic style
~As Dawn manage the relationship with your mother, your ex your, past relationship and current feelings about your dead dad. As Dusk unravels your past try to figure out what happened to you or set It all aside and attempt to make a new life for yourself
~Romance 4 different characters for both MCs and hey if you want to romance a god as one or both MCs!
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Dawns ROs
Xeno || Xe/Xem || 21 || Human
"Hellooo how is my favourite co-worker! I brought you your favourite drink, I'm amazing! I know~"
Description ~ Short coily dark brown hair, lean build with a Bronze complexion, dark green eyes, Nubian nose, Xyr height is 5’11, Xe has a full tattoo sleeve on Xes right arm and a tattoo on the side of Xyr neck when outside of work Xeno tends to wear ripped black jeans, no sleeve neck length shirt, runners and a bunch of rings, necklaces and one stud earring.
Selena || She/Her || ?? || Ghost
"Please! Don't be scared i mean you no harm le-let me explain"
Description ~ Shoulder-length ginger hair that is curled at the tips, She has a chubby build and pale skin, greyish blue eyes, a button nose, height if she could stand on the floor would be 5’3, freckles kiss her face and shoulders, she forever dressed in a light blue tea length swing dress and stockings with a pair of black flats, adorned in pearl earrings and necklace, to most she appears slightly translucent
Brier || He/Him or She/Her || Gender selectable|| 228 || Vampire
"Oh, sweetheart are you okay? please don't cry how about a rose? will that give you back your pretty little smile"
Description ~ Chin length afro-textured dark brown hair, Slim build and ebony complexion, Dark red eyes, button nose, height 5’7, outside of work they typically wear wide cuff pants, cropped blouse with a sweetheart collar, 4-inch heels or black dress shoes, round glasses, realistic heart shaped earrings, ruby necklace, silver rings
Míng || They/He || 30 || Dragon
"Well maybe if you watched or read the news more you would know how shitty it is, for people who aren't human like you."
Description ~ bleached white shoulder-length hair, lean build light brown complexion, black sclera and piercing yellow iris, flat nose height being 5'7, scales litter their body colours mainly being yellow and orange with some red ones sprinkled in, typically wears graphic tees , with a worn-out black bomber jacket, cargo pants and platform boots
Both MCs
Is || she/her, he/him or they/them || Gender selectable || ??? || Minor God of death {and dreams}
"Is it truly a lie or is it just not the truth you want to hear. darling, you have so much to learn"
Description~ Long straight black hair that reaches past their ass typically in some kind of intricate hairstyle with silver jewellery woven in, curvy build with a tanned complexion, pale white eyes, roman nose, height 8,5 when not forced to dress modestly they are always wearing a short dress with a marabou robe or a satin robe and six-inch heels, adorned in many silver bracelets, necklaces, rings and flower earrings and they have belly button piercing
Dusks ROs
Sire || He/Him || 26 || Kelpie
"you should watch where you going around here kid someone will end up killing you if you are not careful"
Description ~ Shoulder length wavy dark green hair so dark it almost appears black Sire's hair always seems to look wet/damp, he has a dad bod and Ivory complexion, black eyes, Greek nose, His height is on the slightly shorter side standing at 5’4, usually wearing black leather pants, dress shoes and a button up shirt that never fully buttoned up
Loralie || They/Them || 24 || Siren
"you are so adorable I could eat you up~ how about I buy you a drink gorgeous"
Description ~ Mid back length black goddess braids, Athletic Swimmer build and Dark brown complexion with dark blueish grey scales scattered about, piercing grey eyes, Flat nose, height 6’2, a large scar down the middle of their chest, gills most noticeable upon their neck, outside of work they typically wear cargo pants, muscle shirt, converse shoes, a gold locket, dangle earrings, spectrum piercing
Joshua || He/They || 20 || Werewolf
"Plan?? I never said I had a plan did I? ...oh well I didn't but don't worry I can get us out of this"
Description ~ Short messy dirty blonde hair, muscular build and tan complexion, amber eyes, Greek nose though it has obviously been broken in the past, scar along the right of their jaw, freckles speckled over his face, height 6’0, typically wears work boots, jeans and a muscle shirt with a flannel jacket
Z || She/He/They || ?? || Undead
"pay me back? how about you let me eat you and I'll take that as your repayment I'm quite hungry and you're starting to irritate me"
Description ~ Messy straight chin length black hair with strands of grey hairs throughout, skinny build and pale olive and appears slightly greeny yellowish, black eyes, hawk nose, the height of 5'6 the left corner of her mouth is carved away revealing most of their teeth and flesh and their left hands pinky and ring finger are just bone the surrounding area seems to have a hideous burn scar though he typically covers it up by wearing white gloves, black turtle neck, beige torn pants and two different pairs of dirty runners
How do you climb up from rock bottom what are you willing to do. to sacrifice. to find out the truth what will you do when you get those truths what if they aren't what you expected or wanted will you help others or push the world aside? how far is too far to achieve your goals
Demo: TBA || My other IF || Charater Portaits: coming soon
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ahb-writes · 8 months
Fantasy Worldbuilding Questions (Clothing and Fashion)
Clothing and Fashion Worldbuilding Questions:
What is considered typical or everyday dress for each region?
What values or status does society confer to clothing (or is it entirely functional, or even non-existent)?
Who is permitted to wear what? Are there taboos, superstitions, or laws governing dress? Why?
Who has access to clothing? Which fabrics are cheaper and which more expensive (and why)?
Where are fabrics and other materials used in clothing sourced, and is their production ethical or problematic in some way?
Where are specific dress codes or uniforms enforced, and what are they?
When do styles or what people typically wear change, are there seasonal, spiritual, customary or other aspects to this?
When have (or will) clothing styles change in the world, and what are the economic, environmental, or other contributing factors?
Why is clothing in this world the way it is, what are the aesthetic beliefs, meanings or symbolism ascribed to colors, and other contributing factors?
Why does gender, class or race impact what people wear (for example, a group may have spiritual or familial meaning attached to the type of jewelry or body modification members embrace).
❯ ❯ ❯ Read other writing masterposts in this series: Worldbuilding Questions for Deeper Settings
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learnwebdeveloping · 2 years
Restart the heyday Chapter 2
Chapter 2
 Wang Taika, damn you!
“Tick, tick…” ​​It seems that the sound of water droplets can be heard, and the sound is so slight, but it feels like it has hit people’s hearts, making people feel unbearable and flustered.
​​Wang Taika made a painful sound, slowly felt the existence of her body, and slowly regained control of her body.
Probably because of the lack of sleep all the time, after Wang Taika gradually woke up, he didn’t feel that his head was muddled, but there was a trace of comfort that he had not seen for a long time.
After struggling to get up from the ground, Wang Taika still felt a little powerless. Looking at the time, it was already night. There are two missed calls on the phone. One is stupid, and the other is… Wang Jingjing? ? ? “I go!”
Wang Taika’s mind is still a little jumbled, and she struggles to keep up with her thoughts. After some thought, I began to piece together the fragmented memory. “Zhien sauce…”
Wang Taika looked at the name on the contact and hesitated for a while, but finally did not press the dial button.
Although I don’t know what the reason is, Zhien-chan’s performance is already obvious. This silly girl is afraid that something has happened, so she has to carry it by herself. I’m afraid of hurting myself…
Wang Taika is a little sad. It is estimated that she gave the crown platform before and was scolded to this day, so Zhien Jiang has doubts. But she clearly knew that she didn’t care about that.
These things are not clear on the phone, so let’s find a way to meet some other day. I really don’t know what’s going on, to make Zhien Jiang do it so seriously.
Wang Taika is feeling very bad now!
When Zhien Jiang was gone, it was as if someone had used a knife to gouge out a piece of meat in his heart. It felt as if something had collapsed, covering up a lot of more precious things. Only a pile of ruins remained.
But… what makes you think you’ve forgotten something?
Wang Taika’s thoughts are still present in her mind. Many things have been piling up in her mind for some time, and she has no idea how to deal with them.
Read more,
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traegorn · 3 months
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Hey everyone, I know I announced it a couple of months ago, but I'm excited to tell you that Bloody Damn Rite, the sequel to my novel The Witch and the Rose, is now on sale on Amazon! You can pick it up in both paperback and Kindle ebook formats (and it's also available on Kindle Unlimited). If you liked the first book, I think you'll enjoy where the series is going. It picks up a year after the events of The Witch and the Rose, and there are vampires in it. I tried to come up with a clever way to work that into this post, but I'm writing this quickly before work this morning so I'm just flat out saying it. There are vampires in this book. This installment has a bit more action than the first book, but the tone is the same (and Mia and Riley are still Mia and Riley). And maybe a piece of that past Mia tried to leave behind her in Boston is about to show up in her new life in Parrish Mills. Go read it and find out.
(Note: There will be a non-Amazon version available in a few days with the ISBN 979-8-3302-2037-3, but I'm currently waiting for a file from my printer to approve it.)
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juliaillustrator · 2 months
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Illustration is based on novel "Drowning sorrows in raging fire" by Priest.
The summoned demon LinYuan breaks free to find the person who summoned him, and listens to his tragic story. The spell letters are ready to wrap around the demon at any moment, forcing him to obey the wishes of the caster.
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ominous-feychild · 2 months
Hey! I've been here for a while and I've somehow amassed a shocking amount of followers and mutuals, so I figured it's finally time for me to force one of these out for you guys!
(And you know... a masterpost... when I get around to it. 😅😭)
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About me:
✦ Barlowe (she/her)
✦ In my early 20s
✦ A writer of 10 years ✦ working on novels for 6 of 10!
✦ Less dedicated to—but still interested in!—drawing, animation, photography, and cinematography
✦ AuDHD and a grey lesbian (aka I'm leaning asexual) ✦ (my writing may or may not be a special interest)
✦ I have a whole bunch of other neurodivergencies besides AuDHD but I don't think y'all want me to get into all of them, haha. ✦ oh, and I say "haha" a lot. I apologize in advance.
✦ I think I'm hilarious and make jokes constantly
✦ I use a lot of emojis and tone tags to help convey tone. Please forgive me if it's annoying, it's to cope with my inability to communicate. /lh /hj
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✦ General ✦ Worldbuilding ✦ Sun and Shadow ✦ The Arcane Rifts ✦ Rising From the Ashes
(will be added eventually)
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My Obsessions:
✦ Fantasy, horror, mystery, action, and exploration of realistic characters' reactions to the things they go through.
✦ Fairy tales, mythology, and folklore
✦ "Ye Olde History" and language
✦ Explorations of "evil-coded" characters and abilities--aka, not just showing them as evil. Show them as people (for characters) and tools (for abilities)!
✦ Traumatizing my characters just like I've been
✦ Traumatizing my characters in ways I haven't been!
✦ Learning!!!
✦ Talking way too much about the things I like to the point that I need to make a whole separate post to share it so it doesn't clutter my intro post... oh, hey, why is this linked?
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My Aesthetics:
Those who've been following me for a bit probably know that I adore "the aesthetic" and try to make my posts look nice... even if there's no real reason to besides that it gives me a little serotonin. Here's my favorite aesthetics!
✦ Starry; night sky ✦ Dawn / dusk ✦ Sunrise / sunset
✦ Nature! ✦ Forestry ✦ Cottagecore ✦ Rustic ✦ Ocean
✦ Literally all of them, please and thank you
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My Writing:
✎ Sun and Shadow
Everything goes wrong for Freya Ula when she leaves her simple life as a fisherwoman to get engaged overseas. Her ship gets wrecked, she finds out her dad's been hiding secrets from her for her whole life, and, oh, she gets framed for a terrorist attack. Wait, WHAT!? After the city's greatest detective is attacked and disappears before she could consult with him, Frey has to enlist the help of his kid and her would-be fiancée to find out who framed her and clear her name. If only Crow was half as good a detective their dad was supposed to be.
Main characters: Freya, Crow, Daleira
✦ Urban-esque high fantasy ✦ purposely very tropey in places ✦ however, as always, I love throwing in curveballs. Wonder what's played straight and what I'm going to emotionally destroy you with. Definitely won't be Crow.
✦ Slow-burn romance between Frey and Crow ✦ immediate interest between Frey / Daleira ✦ oh, look, it's a love triangle? ✦ JOKE'S ON YOU, IT'LL ACTUALLY BE POLY ✦ it's just... going to take a while.
✦ Lesbians, lesbians everywhere ✦ though Crow is actually genderfluid and uses they/them for the first book ✦ despite barely having anything written I've already plotted a bit of book 2 ✦ I desperately need help.
✦ Unsurprisingly is a detective mystery with action mixed in ✦ I'm not typically a romance writer, I excel in action fantasy ✦ please have mercy on my soul
✦ Lots of magic, it's high fantasy + victorian aesthetic ✦ (aka "gaslamp fantasy" if you've heard of it) ✦ Frey's got sun-themed magic ✦ gasp, I know ✦ Crow's got shadow magic ✦ wonder why this sounds familiar ✦ Daleira's got, hm, well it's also shadowy! ✦ spoilers 😘
✦ About to be updated en-masse for a writing contest!!!
✎ The Arcane Rifts
Ghosts of past tragedies haunt the town of Kavo after decades of neglect. Fantastical creatures desiring nothing but fear and destruction hide in invisible tears in reality. Gangs and the police are at constant war with one another, there's a shapeshifting monster running amok, and the mayor's assistant suddenly wants a disabled orphan kicked to the streets. A year ago, Gene was discovered in the forest on the outskirts of town, half dead, amnesiac, and unable to even speak the local language. As he had nowhere to go, he was brought to the orphanage of Kavo for a place to stay. Now Caspar, the assistant of the mayor and the man who funds the orphanage, wants him kicked out. When Gene's left to the cold, cruel streets of Kavo on his own, he has to navigate through a town ravaged by decades of neglect and intrigue. Has the corruption truly been purged from the government? Why are godly forces active in Kavo, a small town in a backwater country? And most importantly--will Gene survive?
Main Characters: Gene, Tazin, Mislav, Ludmila, Rada ❧ Gene and Tazin for book 1 ❧ the other 3 start being MCs books 2 and 3 ❧ I guess Nikolai is also a MC tho
❧ Industrial-era rustic high fantasy ❧ mixes fantasy, action, horror, and mystery! ❧ oh helloooooo "ominous feychild" origin? ❧ very strong folkloric and traditional fantasy inspo ❧ except I mean "traditional fantasy" as in ❧ "we don't understand this magic stuff but we're used to it" ❧ not "travel the world adventures!"
❧ VERY involved story with strong themes of discrimination, poverty, exploitation, trauma, and the recovery from trauma ❧ each main and secondary character is one flavor of discriminated against or another in-universe ❧ obviously I try to write it respectfully, but you can't really write bigots being bigots "respectfully"
❧ Has two "main plots" going on simultaneously; technically three ❧ I periodically give the reader updated "character guides" ❧ like they get more recent plot info added kinda like a red-string board to keep you, the audience, up-to-date with info you might've otherwise missed ❧ I think it's really cool and people seem to enjoy it ❧ I know it seems like a lot but please give it a chance
❧ I've literally plotted out pretty much the entirety of the first and second books, and know most of how book 3 will go, yet there's very little out for the current version of the story ❧ part of that is because I'm paused on the 3rd draft
❧ There's lots of timeskips throughout the first two books, but they're mostly to age up the protagonists! Gene, the MC, starts the series at 7. I promise it's not a kid's story though.
❧ The "secondary MC", Nikolai, is the police chief investigating magical stuff going on at the same time. They tie in with the main story involving Gene, though won't appear to for a long while.
❧ The "golden child" series I love more than SaS; however it's on hiatus because I promised people to work on SaS first and SaS is more popular as a romance-focused story. :/ ❧ I would never be salty about that.
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For everything: @honeybewrites @the-golden-comet @illarian-rambling @ashirisu @urnumber1star
@the-letterbox-archives @48lexr @aalinaaaaaa @thecomfywriter
For Worldbuilding: @paeliae-occasionally
For Sun and Shadow: @mysticstarlightduck @paeliae-occasionally
For the Arcane Rifts: @paeliae-occasionally
For Rising From the Ashes: N/A
To be tagged in tag games: @honeybewrites @aalinaaaaaa
Ask and ye shall be added
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Divider by @cafekitsune
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goodluckclove · 3 months
Blind Trust Reviewer's Edition!
Hi Friends! I've had a few people wanting to read Blind Trust, the start of my asexual hopepunk, speculative fiction epic, but not being able to afford to buy it. That's totally fine! If you'd still like to support me, I'm now offering a PDF and EPUB of the revised Blind Trust ebook for free, under the vague hope that you might take the time to review it on Goodreads when you finish. And like, maybe shoot me a message if you get to a part you like. i like hearing the reactions of readers, it really makes my day.
Download Blind Trust Here!
Want to know what you're getting into? Blind Trust is a meandering, magical realism meet-cute between an abused, escaped wizard and a Very Tired sorcerer who's desperately trying to find the love of his life before he's fully taken over by the separate dimension that's taking him over for years. No one really has any idea what's going on. Everybody needs a hug. And they all get hugs, it's awesome.
Read below for a little overview slideshow I made! TW FOR EYES ON ONE SLIDE. I GOT FUNKY.
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mxxnlightwriting · 6 months
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✨ A Spark of Magic Book Cover Reveal ✨
It's finally here! After teasing it for so long and saying how happy I was with the book cover, I finally get to share it with you 🥺 @.catarinabookdesigns did a wonderful job with it, and I couldn't be happier with it!
I'm not kidding when I say this cover has many easter eggs. I love covers that take a new shape once you've read the book, and I wanted to do something similar with this one. A Spark of Magic is a story wrapped in mystery where each answer leads you to more questions, and I wanted that sort of vibe for the cover. Where does this connect to? Whose character is this related to? Oh, so this is what that means!
This is the ebook version of the cover. The paperback has a few other details on its spine and back and I'll show those to you at a later date once I have the physical copy with me.
For the time being, I hope you enjoy this cover! If you're curious about what each element connects to/its meaning, you can drop a comment, stop by inbox or reblog with what you'd like to know.
A Spark of Magic is one step closer to being yours. You can pre-order the ebook from most retailers here! (Note: Amazon's link will only be available on release day. I apologise for the inconvenience) Paperback pre-orders coming soon.
allowing me to share each step of this journey with you 💛
✨ About A Spark of Magic ✨
A Spark of Magic is a YA urban fantasy novel, the first in the A Spark of Magic series. If you like witches, merfolk and shapeshifters, and the struggles of having to keep your magic hidden while navigating high school, then this book might be for you.
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nerdby · 3 months
I can't believe there are people on this planet who think The Boys wasn't always a political TV series.
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