#velocity profile
racinggirl · 3 months
Racing Hearts Masterlist
a/n: hello everyone, it's been a long time since I've written something on here. But I am back. And this time I'm creating my own story! I've never done this before on here, so don't mind any mistakes. I'm in love with the rich lifestyle genre, billionaire romance, grumpy X sunshine, he falls harder type of stories. You will be warned, it's not your average cute romance story, be prepared for loads and loads of angst.
If you want to be added to the taglist, please comment down below or send me a message in my inbox.
Chapter 1
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He doesn’t believe in love. For Lando Norris, it’s all about racing, entrepreneurship, and success. Besides being a Formula One racing driver for McLaren, he's also the founder of Velocity Estates, a luxury real estate company. He’s successful, wealthy, and accustomed to getting whatever he desires. However, when he meets her, life forces him to reconsider his priorities. Can he still have it all? Or is she the exception to his guarded heart?
She’s never experienced love. Her life consists of high-profile galas and maintaining her parents’ company’s image as a PR Director. She’s smart, talented and dreams of a life beyond the expectations of high society - yearning to travel, experience new cultures, and embrace adventures that challenge her. When she meets him, she can’t help but feel fascinated by how he seamlessly blends the two; the thrill of racing and the demands of running a high society business.  
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literallymechanical · 2 months
Zap Energy says that they’ve solved Z-pinch by “shear stabilization”, where they have different sections of the plasma moving at different velocities (faster outside, slower inside). Doesn’t shear like that cause instability, not suppress it? Or are plasmas not subject to that law of fluid dynamics
You’re thinking of instabilities in flowing plasma like it’s turbulence in flowing fluid. This is partially correct, but like... okay. So, the field of physics that governs the movement of plasma is called magnetohydrodynamics, where you introduce Maxwell’s equations into Navier-Stokes. It is horrible. I am but a humble mechanical engineer, and I leave the physics to physicists.
The physicists tell me that Zap Energy's science is solid.
Bit of context: Zap Energy is taking an old fusion energy concept from the 1950's called a Z-pinch, and revamping it with modern plasma physics.
A Z-pinch works on the principle that passing an electric current through a conductor generates a magnetic field, which in turn crushes (or "pinches") the conductor. The first observations of the pinch effect were in hollow metal tubes that were used as lightning rods, like this one from a factory in 1905:
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Image by Brian James, CC BY-SA 3.0, Wikimedia Commons
Plasma is electrically conductive, and is subject to the same compressive pinch effect as metal. Lightning itself is a plasma pinch, actually.
When you pinch a plasma, it heats up. The fast-moving, charged plasma particles repel each other and push back against the magnetic field until the system reaches equilibrium. The stronger the plasma current, the harder the pinch, the more pressure, and the more heat. With sufficient plasma current and the right hydrogen isotopes, you can create a pinch strong enough to induce nuclear fusion.
The pinch effect was first utilized by a class of fusion machines called Z-pinches in the early 1950's. However, those Z-pinches were extremely unstable. The most common analogy is that compressing plasma with a Z-pinch is like trying to squeeze jello with rubber bands.
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UK Atomic Energy Authority, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons
Both linear and toroidal Z-pinches have been built. The toroidal Z-pinch above shows some of the characteristic kink instabilities of a pinched plasma – it goes all squiggly. Researchers started adding external magnets to Z-pinches to help reduce instabilities (which eventually led to the development of the tokamak), but could never get a truly stable plasma. Z-pinch fusion research was largely abandoned in favor of the tokamak and stellarator.
However, the external magnets of a tokamak or stellarator are massive, complex, and use incredible amounts of power. The University of Washington and Zap Energy went back to the old concept of a magnet-less linear Z-pinch, but with a more modern understanding of plasma physics. They discovered that by using a flowing plasma rather than a stationary one, with a faster flow rate on the outer layers (a "sheared-flow" Z-pinch), they were able to achieve great stability with no magnets.
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Credit: Zap Energy
Rather than filling a chamber with stationary hydrogen and then pinching it, they blow a "smoke ring" of plasma around a cylinder into their chamber. An electrode at the tip of the cylinder then fires a pulse into the plasma, which creates a pinch with a complex velocity profile.
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Credit: Zap Energy
Zap Energy’s physics basis is good. They’ve pretty convincingly demonstrated that sheared-flow does indeed stabilize a pinched plasma, and if they can pull off magnetic confinement fusion with no magnets, it will be massively cheaper than any other method. The uncertainty that Zap is facing comes from mechanical considerations (in particular, electrode erosion is a tricky problem to solve), and the relatively thin margins for efficiency that are inherent to any pulsed fusion technique.
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docgold13 · 15 days
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Heroes & Villains The DC Animated Universe - Paper Cut-Out Portraits and Profiles
Elseworlds Addendum - The Flash (Barry Allen)
Barry Allen was a forensic scientist who worked for the Central City Police Department.  Late one night when he was at his lab, a freak lightning bolt struck a nearby shelf dousing Allen with a strange concoction of unnamed chemicals.  In some bizarre fashion, the result was that Allen could connect to ‘The Speed Force.’  
As such, he could now run at supersonic speed, had matching reflexes and could heal rapidly from injury.  Furthermore, this Speed Force also protected Allen from the frictional velocity of moving at such extreme speeds.  With these newfound powers, Allen donned a crimson bodysuit sporting a lightning bolt and dubbed himself ‘The Flash’ becoming a crimefighter patrolling the streets of Central City.  
The Flash would go on to help form the first iteration of The Justice League and also married his longterm girlfriend Iris West.  Allen perished in a valiant effort to save the multiverse during the Crisis of Infinite Earths; at which point his former sidekick, Wally West, stepped in to become the new Flash.  Allen returned from the dead several years later thanks to some complex machination of The Speed Force.  Reassuming the mantle of The Flash, Allen returned to protecting his city and serving on The Justice League. 
Wally West was the main Flash of DC Comics at the time that the Justice League animated series debuted.  As such, Wally became The Flash of the DCAU continuity (with elements of Barry Allen’s backstory incorporated into Wally’s character).  Although a colleague of Wally’s at the Central City Police Department who resembled Barry did make a cameo in the Justice League Unlimited episode, ‘Flash and Substance.’ 
The Barry Allen version of The Flash first appeared in the pages of Showcase #4 (1956).  
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wifetomegatron · 11 months
I’m not sure if you’re taking requests or not so feel free to delete but if you are how about some firsts! First date with First Aid in the First Contact!AU?
thank you for requesting anon <3 i hope you enjoy this !
a night full of firsts : what a first date with first aid would be like (sfw!)
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i) you weren't his first date ( he had dated a couple of times back in medical school, but that had been ages ago ), but you were his first date on earth. first aid had idled outside the door of the restaurant for about ten minutes, constantly re-checking the screen of his mobile phone — which, in his opinion, was ridiculous to carry around — to double and triple check your picture. he was fidgeting, servos twitchy as he entered the place. the funny bit was you had witnessed the whole thing, the wide, clear window giving you a full view of first aid desperately trying to soothe his nerves ( you tell him this months after and he nearly breaks apart from shame. )
ii) first contact had been established for nearly a decade now, and humans were surprisingly quick to assimilate. if anything, none of the patrons bat an eye at his presence — red and white metal, shining under the golden glow of the lights. there were only five other bots inside the place, including him. and when he was the only one obviously on a date, first aid felt singled out if not scrutinized. with a more integral involvement in the council of worlds, the people of this little green planet had opened themselves slowly to the idea of 'interspecies relationships.' it was only a matter of time before someone created a dating app specialized for that. ( the secondhand embarrassment in asking velocity to help him create his profile pales in comparison to the shame he felt when he saw so many of his friends there.) less than a week of being on there scrolling, the two of you had matched. and the sweet little messages had boiled down to this very moment: you sitting across him, cheeks dusted pink. he averted his optics, suddenly feeling shy for the first time in a long time.
iii) the first hour went smoothly, with a few bumps along the way such as the occasional slip-ups and misunderstanding — you had accidentally asked him if he thinks the carbonara is better than the aglio e olio while he had slipped and accidentally called your eyes 'fascinating' instead of 'beautiful'. those he could laugh off.
until you had wondered aloud at how interesting it was that humans and cybertronians were so similar. and off-handedly, out of instinct, the medic had responded with : more than you think.
you had a playful glint in your eyes when you responded, lifting the wine glass to your lips, ' is that a promise?'
at the innuendo, his already nervous knee had jerked upwards and bumped the underside of the table, knocking the glass of water all over the surface. he immediately stood up, reaching to undo the damage by plucking the glass, only to have one of the table cloths snag in the seam of his knee. in an instant, the plates and cutlery had toppled over, loudly crashing onto the floor. but he didn't even have the time to react, the candle — which in his opinion was an evil, dangerous, thing to have on a dinner table and nowhere romantic — had set several of the napkins on fire. a dozen frightened patrons and one, messy fire extinguisher later, first aid had yanked you out of your seat and away from the chaos. this was the first time, first aid wished — what was the human saying ? for the earth to swallow him up? judging from how your clothes were most likely irreversibly damaged by the wine and pasta, disappearing was the best option.
iv) he knows ratchet was trying not to laugh at the story, failing miserably the moment he excused himself out of the room to ( not so discreetly ) tell his conjunx about the incident. velocity gave him a pitying smile, even if she was hiding her amusement. he told her that he was never going to see you again — that he ruined a beautiful night with a beautiful person over a stupid accident. considering that he was flustered enough to disappear without a word. until you had showed up by the receptionist's desk, worried hands wrung together as you asked one of the nurses for him.
at the sight of him, your eyes lit up. this was the first time first aid found himself at a loss for words, spark racing as you explained to him how you were more worried about how he had deleted the app the morning after and left without a word. determined not to get ghosted by someone who clearly enjoyed the night, you had tracked him down to ask him for another date.
' this time,' you had cleared your throat, ' i can prepare us dinner back at mines and actually make sure there'll be no candles around. if you'd want, that is ?'
he was glad he had his mouth guard up because he could feel himself grinning, velocity in the back already calling swerve to break to him the news.
'yes,' first aid answered, ' i'd like that.'
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arc-misadventures · 1 year
Jeanne: Jaune how did you get only a C+ on the test we know that stuff like the back of our hands
Jaune: If we get straight A's then they will think we're prodigies and they will put us on pedestals and people will only want to be friends so we can help them
Jeanne:.... I hate it when you're right
Strategic Incompetence
Juniper: What are the greatest weak points of a, Nevermore?, Jeanne?
Jeanne: The wings; Particularly the shoulder joint.
Juniper: Correct. Jaune: The most effective way to flee from a rampaging, Grimm.
Jaune: From which kind of, Grimm?
Juniper: …
Juniper: Let’s say a… A beowulf.
Jaune: Something that can mask your sent so you can stay hidden from their superior sense of smell. Then hunker down someplace you can stay hidden.
Juniper: Correct. Jeanne: 9mm is a highly effective round to use against, Grimm: True, or false?
Jeanne: False.
Juniper: Wrong! The answer is, True!
Jeanne: While that is correct. However, the 9mm is most effective against, Creep, and Beowulf’s. It is recommended that .375 caliber rounds are used for anything else. Even larger caliber rounds should be used for larger foes, particularly against those with thicker hides.
Jaune: Recommended that most rounds a, Hunter should carry should also be, Armour Piercing.
Juniper: Uhh… Next question… Jaune!
Jaune: Yes?
Juniper: What is the average airspeed velocity of an unladen, Nevermore?
Jaune: Alpha, or Beta class, Nevermore?
Juniper: …
Juniper: Okay… H-How come you all got, B’s on your test scores?! These are all the questions you got, from that, Hunter Prep-school. You clearly know the answers to these tests. So why are you answering them wrong, are you doing it on purpose, or something?
JJ: Yes.
Juniper: …
Juniper: Okay… Why?
Jeanne: Yeah, why are we doing this again, Jaune?
Jaune: Because if we keep getting straight, A’s people will think we’re prodigies, and put us on a pedestal, and push unreasonable expectations on us. Further more, since we know things only seasoned, Hunters would know it would look suspicious. So, it is for the beat that we keep a low profile, to avoid any suspicion being place upon us.
Juniper: …
Juniper: Those… Those are some damn good reasons…
Jeanne: Yeah, I felt the same way when he said that.
Jaune: Hey, I’m just trying to keep a low profile. Considering the shear amount of stuff we know about, and the nature of the things we know about. Well, if any of it was made public, the results could be catastrophic!
Juniper: Oh, like what stuff?
Jeanne: Like if we told you it’s only a few years until yoi see your first grandchild. Imagine what would happen if we told you that?!
Juniper: G-Grandchildren…?
Jeanne: …
Jaune: Oh shit…
Juniper: H-How long until my first grandchild…?
Jeanne: Uhh…?!
Jaune: Great… You’ve fucked us, Jeanne. Nice going…
Jeanne: And, not in the way I wanted us to! Oh gods, what have I done?!
Jaune: …
Jaune: Okay, I’m leaving. Have fun you two!
Jeanne: No wait! Jaune, come back! Come back!
Juniper: You best leave him, Jeanne. You know your brother, he’ll… Oh, how does he put it…? Ahh yes! “Death will take me before I tell you my secrets!” But, you, Jeanne… Oh hohoho~! You, Jeanne are another thing entirely. So tell me; Who’s going to give me my first grandchild~?
Jeanne: …
Jeanne: Help…
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usafphantom2 · 8 months
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Don’t call the SR 71 the “Sled. “
The Blackbird is OK,
Habu is a better name
but the people who flew it only called it one thing: the SR.
The Lead Sled was an unaffectionate name. The SR-71 was nicknamed the Sled by a few people after Jerry O’Malley and Ed Payne dropped 60,000 feet over Vietnam in 1968. This quote is from “Velocity and Speed with Direction” by Aloysius Casey
O’Malley and Payne have the distinction of logging the second combat sortie for their Blackbird. (They also have the honor of having the first successful combat sortie.) After refueling, they coasted near Saigon and headed north to cross the DMZ into North Vietnam. Near the end of their run, a message was received to abort the remainder of the mission based on confusion in the command chain on exactly what President Johnson meant in a speech he made that day about restricting “strike” aircraft flights north of the 19th Parallel over Vietnam.
As O’Malley eased back on the throttles, both engines rumbled in a compression stall and immediately flamed out! Jerry pushed the nose down to get to the denser air needed for an air start of the big engines. They decided that if they could not achieve an air start at 23,000 feet, they would call it “MAYDAY” and bail out at 14,000 feet. Attempts at 40,000 and 30,000 feet failed, and Ed Payne noted 26,000 feet. As he made ready for the call, he called out, “MAY. . .” the aircraft shook, and O’Malley said one engine had started. By the time they made 20,000 feet, Jerry had both engines “turning and burning.”
Jerry headed south and prepared for the descent. Jerry discussed at length the data he wanted Ed to record as they flew the normal profile back to the home base. When it came time to ease back on the throttles, the engines spooled down normally, and they landed back at Kadena without further incident. The double-engine flameout was the precursor to several similar incidents that followed over Laos and served to reinforce the undesired nickname of Lead Sled …. back at the SAC Reconnaissance Center.
Later, as time went on, the term sled was used affectionately, mainly by the U2 crewmembers. When I left Beale in 1973, the crews that flew the SR-71 only called it the SR. Or by its tail number.
*According to The Complete Book of the SR-71 Blackbird by Richard H. Graham, the Blackbird was dubbed ‘Sled’ because the U-2 pilots didn’t like calling the SR-71 by its proper nickname, so they came up with a derogatory name of their own, calling it the ‘Sled.’
I was privileged to know Jerry O’Malley and Ed Payne personally. I ate dinner with them at their homes. I was close friends with their daughters.
Linda Sheffield
@Habubrats71 via X
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sasheneskywalker · 11 months
batfamily fic recs where original characters are main characters
The Pros and Cons to Digging Your Own Grave by vermillion_crown
[+] Well, at least you know where it is.
[-] Like you don't have enough to do already.
Or another tough debate on which is worse: falling to your death from about 100 ft up onto wet concrete, or experiencing the still nebulous but unspeakable horrors of child trafficking?
Given the bluff profile of the average 10-year-old, maybe the terminal velocity can be increased significantly if that 10-year-old curls up during descent? While undesirable, instantaneous death still ranked higher than drawn-out suffering and mental trauma (if not also death). At least, that's the personal evaluation here. No prescribing this scenario's weightings onto anyone else.
So, the only thing left to do with that solved is to start climbing; bat-people have a schedule to keep, after all.
(The smart thing to do, when in way over your head, is to avoid trouble when you see it—animal-themed vigilantes first and foremost. But sometimes, they are the lesser evil.)
(Dick Grayson pulls a Bruce, gets bullied by a child, more at 11.)
T | Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings | Dick Grayson & Original Male Character(s), Barbara Gordon & Dick Grayson, Barbara Gordon & Original Male Character(s), Tim Drake & Original Male Character(s), Undisclosed Relationship(s)
Singing in the Dead of Night by shesgotthespirit
Bodies are dropping in Gotham--children, brain dead and tortured, numbered and tagged like cattle. The Bats are on the case, but with little to no physical evidence left behind, they’re faced with more questions than answers. But when a mysterious metahuman involves herself in the case, the investigation turns in a new, disturbing direction--and it turns out she might need their help just as much as they need hers.
“Has anyone else noticed that the cooling-off period between Bruce’s dubiously-legal child acquisitions seems to be getting exponentially shorter?”
M | Graphic Depictions Of Violence | Cassandra Cain & Tim Drake & Dick Grayson & Jason Todd & Bruce Wayne & Damian Wayne, Cassandra Cain & Tim Drake & Dick Grayson & Jason Todd & Damian Wayne, Bruce Wayne & Damian Wayne, Dick Grayson & Damian Wayne, Stephanie Brown & Cassandra Cain, Tim Drake & Original Female Character(s), Bruce Wayne & Original Female Character(s), Cassandra Cain & Original Character(s), Dick Grayson & Original Female Character(s), Damian Wayne & Original Character(s), Batfamily Members & Original Female Character(s), Tim Drake & Bruce Wayne, Jason Todd & Original Female Character(s)
Mama's gonna buy you a Mockingbird by Blazonix
Your name is Catherine Todd. It’s not the name you went to sleep with last night, but that’s the name printed on the ID card tucked away in your bra. It took a while to find because you were a bit distracted by the fact you have a completely different face.
Not Rated | Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings | Catherine Todd & Jason Todd
oh, well imagine by blenderfullasarcasm
A union.
For goons.
A goon union.
…Eh, beats customer service.
T | Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings | No Relationships
Reddit Posts of a Crime Alley Kid by Beachfox
Conrad's just your average 20 year old Crime Alley street-rat. He's no one special. Just another (Second) Robin worshiping, baseball bat wielding, Hench Work avoiding, homeless kid wrangling, street patrolling, Red Hood work for-ing, formerly homeless gay street-punk thug.
And sure, there's that time Robin slammed him off a wall hard enough to change his life, and that time he accused Batman of murder, and the time his sister Joker Gas bombed a playground. And sure, most of his family are active Henchmen for various Rogues, and sure Red Hood seems like he might be flirting with him, and sure despite his best efforts the Bats keep showing up in his life more and more often. But he's still just a normal average guy.
He also has a crippling Reddit addiction.
A character study of a hot trashfire of a human being in the DCUniverse as told through his many many Reddit posts.
T | Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings | Jason Todd/Original Male Character(s), Batman & Robin - Relationship
Nay, I Can't Resist Thee by Gement
"If that's what you're up for, 'kay." Oh god, he'd embarrassed Batman. Zach was too far gone on adrenaline and panic to shut up. "But I'm a masochist, and you're Batman. Look, I'm sorry. I know that makes it weird."
The one where a total stranger asks Batman to hit him in the face and, against all odds, this is an effective meet-cute strategy. It spirals out from there. Way, way out.
(Come on in, the water's fluffy-kinky-queer.)
E | No Archive Warnings Apply | Bruce Wayne/OMC, side Clark Kent/Bruce Wayne, side Selina Kyle/Bruce Wayne
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itsgerges · 9 months
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Best Greetings
Planet Diameter Is Created As A Function In The Rotation Period
First/ The Equation Definition
The equation proves planet diameter is created by a mathematical equation-
Planet diameter is NOT created by random process, BUT By A Geometrical Rule-
Means–Planet creation data is defined based on geometrical rules and NOT randomly 
The airplane industry helps to understand, the manufacturer needs exact equations to define the airplane length, width, weight and all dimensions - otherwise this airplane can't fly safely- similar to that- the planet creation data (diameter, mass and all data) need to be defined based on exact equations otherwise the planet can't move safely-
Let's see the planet diameter equation in following…
Second / Planet Diameter Equation tells ((v1/v2)=(s/r)=I)
(v= planet velocity, r= planet diameter, I= planet orbital inclination, and s= planet rotation periods number in its orbital period- the factors v2,s,r and I are belonged to one planet and v1 is belonged to another planet)
The equation works from the Earth to Pluto only (the discussion explains the reason)
The planet (v1) is defined by minimum error test- 
Earth Equation uses Neptune velocity
Mars Equation uses Pluto velocity
Jupiter Equation uses the Earth moon velocity
Saturn Equation uses Mars velocity
Uranus Equation uses Neptune velocity (As Earth)
Neptune Equation uses Saturn velocity
Pluto Equation uses the Earth moon velocity (As Jupiter)
Neptune Equation (89143 /49528) = 9.7/ 5.4 =1.8         
89143          = Neptune rotation periods number in Neptune orbital period
49528 km    = Neptune diameter
9.7 km/s      = Saturn velocity
5.4 km/s      = Neptune velocity
59800 days = Neptune orbital period (and Neptune rotation period =16.1 hours)
1.8 degrees = Neptune Orbital Inclination
The Equation Concept
The equation tells, planet diameter is created as a function in its rotation period and the rotation period is a function in its velocity and the velocity is a function in its orbital distance – but why??
Planet diameter should be a function in its orbital distance for the planet safe motion otherwise this planet can be broken by its motion as a result for the inconsistency between the planet diameter and its orbital distance
BUT- the designer couldn't create Planet diameter and its orbital distance in one function only- Because if the planet changes its orbit its diameter will be broken also- for that- the designer created the planet diameter a function in its rotation period and the rotation is a function in its velocity and the velocity is a function in its orbital distance- and
In case the planet changes its orbit around the sun, its diameter wouldn't be broken but the planet would change its velocity, its rotation period, its orbital period and its orbital inclination but the diameter will be saved.  
The equation tells – for example- Uranus diameter is created 51118 km and never changes since its creation during the history.  
Thanks a lot – please read
Physics Nobel Prize For Imaginary Ideas! (Revised)
Gerges Francis Tawdrous +201022532292
Peoples' Friendship university of Russia – Moscow
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kultofathena · 1 year
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Ádám Bodorics – Beham Messer with Ring Hilt and Brass Frame Boxwood Grip
This Beham style Messer by specialist swordsmith Ádám Bodorics is a wonderfully agile sword in the hand that strikes with velocity and power – its wide and well-tempered blade bites deeply and its thin profile along the main cutting portion of the blade passes through a target with little drag and resistance – a truly fierce performer in a scrap of a melee! The thick ring at the hilt gives impressive protection to the entire hand from even notably larger weapons and the grip is a unique composite with the thick tang riveted and embedded between two halves of smoothly polished boxwood which is framed in strips of finely worked brass. The wood grip halves may look cracked, but they are actually created from a deliberate reconstruction of smaller pieces with strong and colored bonding filler in order to give the grip a unique theme and appearance that is perfectly apt to the troubled times of early 16th century Germany.
The sword is matched with scabbard of well-carved wood which is wrapped in linen for a binding to aid in durability which is then finished with overlaid tight leather with a compartment for a matching byknife which is included. Integrated and knotted to the scabbard is a thick sword belt with an adjustable buckle for wear. Below is Ádám’s own words on his unique creation offered here:
Messers take a huge variety of form and construction. This piece is based on a 1540 woodcut by Hans Sebald Beham with a subtle Memento Mori theme. In the 16th century, knifelike sidearms undergo several changes, one of them being the increasing regularity of hidden tangs. Illustrations from the period sometimes show rather complex grip shapes that would be complicated with a full-tang construction, but a hidden or a frame tang makes them much more trivial. Hans Sebald Beham often shows interesting grip shapes even in a bucolic setting, and it’s one of his woodcuts I based this piece on.
The straight and nimble blade is ground from 51crv4 (6150) high-carbon steel and is heat-treated to 50-52 HrC. It is optimized for cutting and slashing. It has plenty of distal taper and a wide fuller along it’s length. The cross has a gentle S-shape and a sidering instead of a Nagel. It is still affixed to the blade with a rivet o make sure it’s not mistaken for a sword or falchion or storta. The finials of the cross echo the trilobate design of the grip. The real tang of the blade reaches to about two-thirds of the grip. A thin steel plate was cut to the intended shape of the grip with a brass strip formed and soldered along it’s edges. The grip panels sit on the edges of the frame with the cavity between the panels and the tang filled with adhesive following the style of  surviving frame-tang sidearms.
The byknife is hand-forged and ground from 80crv2 with integrated bolsters and a forge-welded mild steel tang. The grip panels are affixed by glue and tubular brass rivets of increasing diameter. The grip panels are boxwood, buxus sempervirens. These pieces were hand-picked to highlight the effects of the blight eradicating old growth, namely the aggressive checking from quick drying following rapid defoliation and the cloudy dark discolorations. There is evidence for boxwood’s continuous use for over two millennia, but as specimens large enough for larger carvings take an immense amount of time to grow, preventive culling or neglect of infected trees both make it near-impossible for this material to stay for long. To me, using these specific slabs was like erecting a gravestone, removing the need for any overt Memento Mori or Totentanz motifs.
The scabbard has a wooden core, linen wrapping and a vegetable tanned leather wrap with an integrated subsheath for the byknife. It is dyed a light brown and is undecorated to keep the attention on the hilt of the Messer. There is a belt threaded into two slits in the back of the sheath, crossing over to either side.
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techreviewdaily · 1 year
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Lamborghini Aventador SVJ
The Lamborghini Aventador SVJ is a raging bull that tames the asphalt. Equipped with a ferocious V12 engine and an aerodynamic profile that generates downforce like a fighter jet, the SVJ holds the Nürburgring lap record. It’s the epitome of Lambo’s relentless pursuit of speed and style.
Fun Fact: The SVJ’s “SV” stands for “Super Veloce,” Italian for “Super Fast,” while “J” represents “Jota,” signifying track-focused performance.
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iltaimpi · 4 months
YOU. Tell me a little-known fact about one of your OCs or your interpretations of canon characters. I must know.
{Mm, a fun fact about Zatta that I don’t mention in either her outdated profile or the upcoming redux; for a woman with low vision, her reflexes are rather good.
She instinctively grabs at anything that approaches her unexpectedly, including anyone who tries to grab her shoulder or anything that’s flying/heading towards her from behind.
This, however, also leads to problems if the object in question that she’s catching happens to be dangerous to touch, like a fucking knife or something like. And she tends to try to catch more often than she bothers to try to get out of the fucking way.
She’s also broken and/or sprained her wrist multiple times trying to catch objects that are too heavy and/or coming at her at too high a velocity. Such as kicked footballs or things of a similar size that are propelled at a similar force. Especially since she usually only tries to catch with one hand.
Sometimes when she catches something someone threw at her, she throws it back. Sometimes she accidentally does this on reflex if someone (like a teammate) tosses her something. One of the few times she’ll actually openly say “my bad” or “sorry” in a sincere way.
If catching someone trying to grab her behind, she usually tries to break their wrist or otherwise injure them (especially if it’s some man trying to harass her). She is not to be trifled with.}
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barstoolblues · 11 months
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assorted diagrams from my marine geology course
descriptions below the cut:
1. convection of heat in the upper mantle
2. example distribution coefficients of elements graphed as functions of liquid magma/original rock concentrations over fraction of partial melting
3. different ophiolite formation mechanisms
4. classification chart of meteorites
5. diagram of how sonar works
6. graph identifying lithospheric rocks by their % mineral composition
7. depth profile of p-wave velocity through ocean lithosphere and its corresponding layers
8. diagram of earths magnetic field and the direction of magnetic field lines in different hemispheres
9. bathymetric profiles of mid-ocean ridges by type of spreading rate
10. ophiolite model of the rock layers of oceanic lithosphere
11. crust of the juan de fuca ridge color-coded by age found from magnetic field polarity reversals preserved via remnant magnetization. bars of the barcode on the left correspond to periods of normal (colored) polarity and reverse (white) polarity
12. degree of partial melting of the mantle during asthenospheric upwelling beneath mid-ocean ridges
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breadly-art · 2 months
I thought your profile picture was Val velocity for a second holy shit
Haha :) No, it's just my Vulture OC - Leta Sokolova. Btw, I want to make more content with her 👁️
Although... She's also red-haired, and a little crazy.
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vermillioncrown · 2 years
upcoming batman fic
for all of you wishing that si!kagami would call the clowns out through a megaphone, or that zyx lost their shit and threw a fit for real for once in their miserable life, or can only be teased by my never-to-be-actually-written college aus
this is the one. this is the fic.
i will respect that canon exists and it can exist waaay over there. i know nothing, own up to nothing, and let fandom brainrot take my fingers over
pre-under the red hood, tim is robin, dick is nightwing
idc too much about other characters besides core batfam
the whole thing i skimmed about cataclysm and no man's land hurts my head?? so i'm just dancing around it and it didn't go THAT bad but it was still not a good time in gotham
at least other isekai's have some obvious silver lining. this one is fucking abject misery, but i'm not me unless i'm trying to laugh my way through suffering
it started as a dream where i was in the pov of a street kid or whatever, and then lucid-realized and said out loud both dream and irl
"i can't survive on the streets, i have eczema"
The Pros and Cons of Digging Your Own Grave
+ Well, at least you know where it is.
- Like you don't have enough to do already.
Or another tough debate: which is worse—falling to your death from 30 stories up onto wet concrete, or experiencing the still-nebulous but unspeakable horrors of child trafficking?
Given the bluff profile of the average 10-year-old, maybe the terminal velocity can be increased significantly if that 10-year-old curls up during descent? While undesirable, instantaneous death still ranked higher than drawn-out suffering and mental trauma (if not also death). At least, that's the personal evaluation here—no prescribing this scenario's weightings onto anyone else.
So… the only thing left to do with that question answered is to start climbing—the bat-people don't linger on the same rooftop all night.
(The smart thing to do, when in way over your head, is to avoid trouble when you see it—animal-themed vigilantes first and foremost. But sometimes, they are the lesser evil.)
(Nightwing pulls a Bruce, gets bullied by a child, more at 11.)
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paleparearchive · 4 months
Character profile - Watteau
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GENERAL DISCLAIMER: please keep in mind that I got access to these game profiles from gamerch, but unfortunately not all of them have all the information. Wherever you see a "//", it's because that info wasn't on the site and I couldn't find anyone who unlocked it. If you happen to have it, please send it to me! Also, some characters will have more infos than other because they had more cards in the game.
Other note: know that, in this case, "strength" is their painting technique or what they use in paintings.
Name: Watteau (Antoine Watteau)
CV: Okamoto Nobuhiko
Catchphrase: "A Hedonist in Search of Love"
Hobby: Partying, drinking, watching plays
Likes: Events and other fun activities, fortune-telling
Dislikes: Documents, troublesome things
Height: 174 cm
Birthday: October 10th
Favourite food: Sweets, sandwiches
Disliked food: Lightly seasoned food
Strength: Soft colors, touch with a feeling of velocity
Special skill: Entertaining others
Relationships with artists: Monet, Renoir and Kuroda are his close friends who go out for drinks. He often drinks with Giotto. He's extremely bothered by Raffaello's popularity. He has a bit of a hard time with Velazquez.
How he became an exclusive member: One day, while enjoying life, he met you on the street and was picking up on you when he heard about the artist selection exam at the Palette Museum. Then he decided to take the exam on the spot.
What he wants to do: //
Sleeping time: "Sleepin' time, ya say… What you're thinkin' 'bout, deputy director? No no, just kiddin'! Well, it's 8 hours for me, y'know? On days when I'm not all out, though."
What he wants now: "'Course, a fateful encounter! And if it's a pretty girl, even better!"
Daily habits: "Popularity research! I'm serious 'bout these things, see? So, how's that?"
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usafphantom2 · 1 year
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The story of the SR-71 Double-Engine Flameout over North Vietnam that led to the Blackbird’s nickname the “Lead Sled”
Former SR-71 Pilot and now Reverend recalls when his Blackbird had a double-engine flame-out at Mach 3. He was able to Restart the Engines after it Fell for 25,000 Feet.
The SR-71 was nicknamed the “Lead Sled” by a few people after Jerry O’Malley (pilot) and Ed Payne (RSO) dropped 60,000 feet over Vietnam in 1968 during the second Blackbird combat sortie.
Developed from the Lockheed A-12 and YF-12A aircraft, the first flight of the SR-71 Mach 3 + spy plane took place on Dec. 22, 1964, and the first aircraft to enter service was delivered to the 4200th (later 9th) Strategic Reconnaissance Wing at Beale Air Force Base, Calif., in January 1966.
Throughout its nearly 24-year career, the SR-71 remained the world’s fastest and highest-flying operational aircraft. From 80,000 feet, it could survey 100,000 square miles of Earth’s surface per hour.
The SR-71 was unofficially known as the “Blackbird” and nicknamed the “Sled.”
According to the book Velocity Speed With Direction – The Professional Career of Gen. Jerome F. O’Malley by Aloysius G Casey and Patrick A Casey, the Lead Sled was an unaffectionate name.
The SR-71 was nicknamed the Sled* by a few people after Jerry O’Malley and Ed Payne dropped 60,000 feet over Vietnam in 1968.
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That time an SR-71 deployed Ladies Underwear (along with the drag chute) upon landing to adjust the attitude of a new Blackbird pilot
O’Malley and Payne have the distinction of logging the second combat sortie for their Blackbird. (They also have the honor of having the first successful combat sortie.) After refueling, they coasted near Saigon and headed north to cross the DMZ into North Vietnam. Near the end of their run, a message was received to abort the remainder of the mission based on confusion in the command chain on exactly what President Johnson meant in a speech he made that day about restricting “strike” aircraft flights north of the 19th Parallel over Vietnam.
As O’Malley eased back on the throttles, both engines rumbled in a compression stall and immediately flamed out! Jerry pushed the nose down to get to the denser air needed for an air start of the big engines. They decided that if they could not achieve an air start at 23,000 feet, they would call it “MAYDAY” and bail out at 14,000 feet. Attempts at 40,000 and 30,000 feet failed, and Ed Payne noted 26,000 feet. As he made ready for the call, he called out, “MAY. . .” the aircraft shook, and O’Malley said one engine had started. By the time they made 20,000 feet, Jerry had both engines “turning and burning.”
Jerry headed south and prepared for the descent. Jerry discussed at length the data he wanted Ed to record as they flew the normal profile back to the home base. When it came time to ease back on the throttles, the engines spooled down normally, and they landed back at Kadena without further incident.
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SR-71 print
This print is available in multiple sizes from AircraftProfilePrints.com – CLICK HERE TO GET YOURS. SR-71A Blackbird 61-7972 “Skunkworks”
The double-engine flameout was the precursor to several similar incidents that followed over Laos and served to reinforce the undesired nickname of Lead Sled …. back at the SAC Reconnaissance Center.
Later, as time went on, the term sled was used in an affectionate way.
*According to The Complete Book of the SR-71 Blackbird by Richard H. Graham, the Blackbird was dubbed ‘Sled’ because the U-2 pilots didn’t like calling the SR-71 by its proper nickname, so they came up with a derogatory name of their own, calling it the ‘Sled.’
Be sure to check out Linda Sheffield Miller (Col Richard (Butch) Sheffield’s daughter, Col. Sheffield was an SR-71 Reconnaissance Systems Officer) Facebook Pages Habubrats SR-71 and Born into the Wilde Blue Yonder for awesome Blackbird’s photos and stories.
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