#vent blogging
borderlesbian · 1 month
i was raised without love or i was born unlovable?
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jateshi · 10 days
I think I figured out why I just generally don't want to share anything right now.
I didn't write to compete with anyone, you know? I write because I like to write.
As soon as someone bitches about "competing" with other writers, using them as a measuring stick and saying that they must be shit look at this and the thing they're waving at is mine, I shut down.
Creating isn't a fucking competition. I'm not your enemy. I'm not someone you are being beaten by. I am a fucking person, doing something I love and you just used me to explain that my existence makes you feel like shit.
Fuck off.
It's not some fucking competition, and you made me feel like shit. You made me stop wanting to share. Fuck off.
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endreal · 1 year
Food issues stuff under cut.
Jeezus christ there's got to be a better meal planning method than "you have between 3 and 15 minutes between actually recognizing hunger signs and going into full crash meltdown mode, and outside that window cooking is an executive dysfunction void. Good luck." Is 16 years of dealing with food bullshit not enough? I hate—literally hate—the forces that led me here, that deceived my younger self into wrecking us in pursuit of a "wellness" that was tissue-paper lies. I just want to live in a world where every goddam meal doesn't feel like a crisis event.
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galaxiadecima · 9 months
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01922ventblog · 1 year
oh, still you take up all my mind
i dont even think that you care like i do
i should stop
heaven knows ive tried
one day, i will stop falling in love with you
some day, someone will like me like i like you
until then, ill drink my coffee, eat my pie
pretend that we are more than friends
then of course ill let you break my heart again
im just tryna understand
what i am to you
more than songs weve exchanged
midnight calls
sunset views,
promise i dont mean to cry
but i get overwhelmed and confused
if only you knew
what i felt like.
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nyanomachine · 1 year
I’ve managed to (unintentionally) alienate myself from nearly everyone I know. I didn't do it on purpose, as in with that goal in mind, but maybe subconsciously? My mental health has just gotten progressively worse over the last few years and everything in my life has suffered for it. I got a message from my (old) best friend today apologising for deleting me on discord, claiming he got drunk and blocked me. The saddest part is I didn't even notice and if he didn't message me on another app I wouldn't have ever noticed.
Actually no the saddest part is that afterwards I deleted his new friend request and all our conversations because in my mind it's better to be alone than to constantly disappoint anyone who tries to be friends with me because I can't even do the bare minimum to maintain my relationships. It's all just.. too much? I don't know how people do this, it's too fucking hard.
And that's only the latest event, I've had so many people try to reach out and reconnect with me and I just... don't? Do anything about it? If you're one of those people and you're reading this right now, I'm sorry, but honestly you're better off; I have nothing to offer.
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vilea777 · 6 months
sorry i cant hang out i forgot how to mimic human like behaviour
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commonzinnia · 1 month
yeah, sorry i exhibited symptoms of the disorder i told you i have. it will happen again because i have that disorder and will continue having it. hope this helps!! 🫶🫶🫶
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worthless-mess · 1 year
"Are you ok?" I'm actually tired bro. From the bottom of my heart I'm tired
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actuallymagsdump · 1 year
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lilasnow22xoxo · 2 months
nothing feels worse than watching yourself gain back the weight you lost
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boxingcleverrr · 2 years
Something my job has taught me is how much thin boomer women will talk endlessly about how thin they are, if given the chance.
"TWO of me could fit in the size small!"
Yes, you've said that three times now.
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so-worthless-so-empty · 4 months
It's painful when your presence is merely tolerated, not cherished.
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vilea777 · 6 months
sorry i overreacted i had no idea everything would be fine
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commonzinnia · 1 month
kinda wanna leave. kinda wanna ghost everyone. kinda wanna rot under a blanket. kinda wanna feel loved. kinda wanna feel wanted. kinda wanna
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worthless-mess · 1 year
"You’re so polite" thanks i was raised in constant fear of upsetting people.
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