#very good batty here
bodybaggage · 25 days
Ghostly Heir or Batty Custody?
The Justice League Watchtower was an advanced piece of technology, housing the world’s greatest heroes. But even in a place dedicated to protecting the Earth, some things were simply unavoidable—like gossip.
It had started innocently enough, as these things often do. Superman, having just returned from Gotham, was discussing the latest developments in the Batcave with Wonder Woman over a cup of coffee. The conversation was meant to be private, but when you have people like the Flash who can be in and out of a room before anyone notices, privacy is a relative term.
“So, Batman has another kid?” Superman had said, trying to keep his voice neutral.
Wonder Woman raised an eyebrow. “Another one? Are we running a daycare now?”
Superman shrugged. “Not sure. But he’s different from the others. White hair, glows a little. Bruce is being… secretive.”
“Bruce is always secretive,” Wonder Woman pointed out.
“Yeah, but this one seems—” Superman’s words were cut off as the Flash zoomed by, pretending to be busy with something else. The two superhumans exchanged a glance but said nothing more, knowing that once the speedster got wind of something, the whole League would know within the hour.
And they did.
Back in Gotham, Bruce Wayne—better known as Batman—was oblivious to the brewing storm. He sat in the Batcave, going over the latest reports on Gotham’s criminal activity with his usual intensity. Beside him, a ghostly figure floated lazily, occasionally glancing at the screens with mild interest.
Danny Fenton—known to most as Danny Phantom—had been in Gotham for a few weeks now, lying low while he figured out how to deal with some supernatural issues back in Amity Park. Clockwork had suggested Gotham as a good place to lay low, citing the city’s reputation for attracting all sorts of weirdos. Besides, Clockwork had argued, Batman wouldn’t care as long as Danny didn’t cause trouble.
And for the most part, Danny hadn’t. He’d stayed out of Gotham’s wayward criminal elements, kept his ghostly powers under wraps, and only occasionally wandered the streets at night to stretch his legs (or float, as it were).
Of course, he hadn’t counted on the Bat Family.
Damian had challenged him to a duel within minutes of their first meeting, insisting that he prove himself worthy of staying in the Batcave. Danny had countered by turning intangible and letting Damian tire himself out, which only seemed to frustrate the young Robin more.
Tim had interrogated him about the nature of ectoplasm and ghost powers, scribbling notes furiously as Danny tried his best to explain without giving too much away.
Jason had simply grunted, muttering something about “another brat” before disappearing on his motorcycle, while Dick had been the only one to offer a somewhat normal welcome.
“You’re like, what, the seventh kid Bruce has taken in?” Dick had said, clapping Danny on the back. “Don’t worry, you’ll get used to it.”
“I’m not staying here permanently,” Danny had replied, but Dick had just laughed, as if Danny’s words were the punchline to a joke only he understood.
Things had been relatively quiet since then—until now.
It started as a low hum, a barely noticeable vibration in the air. Alfred, the ever-watchful butler, was the first to notice something amiss.
“Master Wayne,” Alfred said calmly, setting down the tray of tea he’d just brought in. “We appear to have… company.”
Bruce looked up from the Batcomputer, his eyes narrowing as the hum grew louder, evolving into a low rumble that seemed to shake the very foundations of the Batcave. Danny, who had been floating upside down, lazily spinning in midair, suddenly snapped to attention.
“Please tell me that’s not what I think it is,” Danny muttered, his expression turning from bored to annoyed in seconds.
“I’m afraid I cannot,” Alfred replied, his tone as even as ever, despite the growing disturbance.
The rumble turned into a roar, and suddenly, with a burst of green light, a swirling portal opened up in the middle of the Batcave. The vortex crackled with energy, and from it stepped a towering figure clad in ghostly armor, a crown of ectoplasmic fire atop his head.
Pariah Dark, the Ghost King, had arrived.
“BATMAN!” Pariah’s voice boomed through the cave, rattling the glass cases that held the old Robin suits. “I, Pariah Dark, King of the Infinite Realms, have come to challenge you for the custody of my heir!”
There was a moment of silence as the words hung in the air. Danny facepalmed, groaning audibly. “This is not happening.”
Bruce, for his part, remained as stoic as ever, though his eyes narrowed as he assessed the situation. “Your heir?”
“Yes, my heir!” Pariah bellowed, his eyes glowing with ectoplasmic energy. “The boy you have taken into your care! I will not allow this—this mortal to usurp my claim!”
Bruce’s gaze flicked to Danny, who looked thoroughly unamused. “Is there something you forgot to mention?”
“Oh, come on!” Danny threw his hands up in frustration. “This isn’t what it looks like! I’m not his heir, and I’m definitely not up for custody!”
Pariah seemed undeterred by Danny’s protests. “You defeated me in battle, boy. By the laws of the Infinite Realms, that makes you my heir! And now this Bat-creature seeks to claim you as his own! I will not stand for it!”
Bruce’s expression remained impassive. “I’m not trying to claim him.”
“See?” Danny gestured to Bruce. “Totally not trying to claim me. So you can just go back to the Ghost Zone, Pariah. No custody battle needed.”
Pariah’s eyes narrowed, his fiery crown flaring. “The only way to resolve this is through combat! Batman, I challenge you to a duel for the boy!”
Bruce glanced at the portal, calculating the odds. “And if I refuse?”
“Then I will take the boy by force!” Pariah declared, raising his massive sword, which seemed to materialize out of thin air, crackling with ectoplasmic energy.
Danny floated down between the two, trying to keep the peace. “Guys, let’s just calm down. No need for a duel. I’m fine. No one’s taking anyone by force.”
Pariah looked down at Danny, his expression a mix of paternal concern and royal indignation. “Do not worry, my heir. I will defend your honor.”
Danny groaned again. “I don’t need my honor defended. I need you to stop making this weird.”
Before Danny could protest further, Bruce stepped forward, his voice as calm as ever. “Very well. A duel, then.”
“Seriously?” Danny looked at Bruce, incredulous. “You’re just going to agree to this?”
“If it ends the situation quickly, yes,” Bruce replied, his tone as dry as ever. “This isn’t the first time I’ve dealt with an overprotective guardian.”
Pariah raised his sword, clearly satisfied with the outcome. “Prepare yourself, mortal! I will not hold back!”
“Hold on, hold on!” Danny zipped between them again, clearly exasperated. “We don’t need to do this! Pariah, go back to the Ghost Zone. Batman, you don’t have to fight him.”
Pariah looked genuinely perplexed. “But… the honor of the Infinite Realms demands it.”
“No, it doesn’t!” Danny insisted. “The Infinite Realms don’t care about some weird custody battle! Besides, I’m not a kid, and I’m not staying here permanently! I’m just crashing for a bit!”
Pariah frowned, lowering his sword slightly. “You… are not staying?”
“No!” Danny said, exasperated. “I’m not staying! I’m not your heir! I’m just Danny, okay?”
The Ghost King looked around, as if trying to process this information. “But… you are under his care. It was reported by reliable sources.”
“Reliable sources?” Danny echoed. “Who told you that?”
Pariah seemed to hesitate for the first time. “A rather talkative sorcerer in a trench coat. He mentioned it while muttering about ‘bloody bats’ and ‘undead nuisances.’”
Danny blinked, realization dawning. “Constantine. Of course.”
Bruce’s expression remained unchanged, though there was a faint glimmer of irritation in his eyes. “This… Constantine has been spreading rumors?”
Danny sighed heavily, feeling more tired by the minute. “Look, can we just forget this whole thing happened? Pariah, you go back to ruling the Ghost Zone. I’ll handle Constantine. And Batman, you can go back to doing… whatever it is you do.”
Pariah Dark seemed to mull this over for a moment before finally lowering his sword completely. “Very well. But know this, boy—if ever you require my assistance, you have but to call.”
“Sure, sure,” Danny muttered. “I’ll keep that in mind.”
With one last, dramatic sweep of his cape, Pariah Dark stepped back into the swirling green portal, which closed behind him with a final, ominous crackle.
For a moment, the Batcave was silent. Then Danny turned to Bruce, looking both sheepish and annoyed. “So… I guess I should have warned you about that.”
Bruce simply nodded, his expression as unreadable as ever. “Next time, try to keep your interdimensional family disputes to a minimum.”
“I’ll do my best,” Danny promised, floating back toward the Batcomputer. “But with my luck, that’s not gonna be easy.”
“Luck has nothing to do with it,” Bruce replied dryly, already turning back to his work. “And tell Constantine to keep his mouth shut.”
“Yeah, good luck with that,” Danny muttered, rubbing the back of his neck as he floated back to his usual spot, thinking about the supernatural messes that seemed to follow him wherever he went.
As the Batcave returned to its usual state of brooding silence, Danny couldn’t help but think that maybe, just maybe, Gotham wasn’t the best place to lay low after all. But with the alternative being another encounter with Pariah, he figured the Batcave wasn’t so bad—at least, not until the next interdimensional incident.
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ddejavvu · 3 months
could we get some more Remus fluff? Maybe something with the prompt: “Are you a bat? Turn the lights on.” (I found it on Wattpad). Maybe reader has been studying too much or reading and has lost track of time so if just there without the lights on in the common room, bonus if she’s an animagi and her form is a bat.
provided your requests are still open (:
Remus purposefully shuffles his feet through the carpet to warn you of his arrival, but your shoulders are tucked so tensely around your ears they may very well have blocked the sound out. You're still completely engrossed in your novel when Remus sets a hand on your shoulder, and to your credit you only jolt slightly before you realize who's touching you.
"Hm? Oh, hi Rem." You hum, eyes itchy as they beg for sleep, "What are you still doing up?"
"Wondering where you are," He counters, "My goodness, dove, it's dark in here. Are you a bat, for fuck's sake? Turn the lights on."
"That's not funny."
"That's very funny," Remus grins, images of your leathery-skinned, nocturnal animagus form flitting through his head, "But really, you're only supposed to be up late in the dark when you're in your bat form, darling. Otherwise you'll go batty."
"I'm going to bed," You decide suddenly, ignoring his fit of snickering and dodging his attempts to tug you back towards him as you pack up your things, "Not because you told me to, but because if I do, I won't be able to hear anymore of your terrible jokes."
"James is worse," He defends, grinning as he watches you climb the staircase, "He thinks you sleep upside down."
"I'll give you both rabies," You warn, glowering down at him though fondness beats in your chest just the same as your heart does, "Spend less time bossing me around and more time howling at the moon, Wolfy."
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haveihitanerve · 2 months
Oliver Queen was quite certain he was going to die. He had been holding in a laugh for the past ten minutes, which was dangerous under any circumstances, and downright fatal if it was an explosive, loud and hearty laugh, which this one was. Especially considering that no one else seemed to be as tickled as he was, and if he did laugh, he would be laughing at the Batman. The thing was, that Batman had brought his own coffee mug and thermos to the Watchtower (because apparently their coffee wasn't good enough, or something, as batman hadn't exactly offered an explanation) and both had phrases on them that would be amusing belonging to anyone, and were downright hilarious due to the fact that they belonged to Batman. The thermos said “I’m not saying I’m Batman, I’m just saying you’ll never see me and Batman in the same room together” which, sadly, no one else seemed to have even looked twice at, and his mug, which had a large black bat on it, which said “We’re a Batty little family”. Both items were very much not helping Oliver to win his fight with his mirth, when Batman caught his eye. “Oh shit.” he muttered when the Bat began to move towards him. Well, he was bound to die anyway. “Nice mug.” Oliver greeted the second Batman got close. To his surprise, Batmans lips twitched upward. “Thank you. My children got it for me. I’m surprised you're the first to mention it.” Oliver looked at him in surprise. “Oh my freaking gods.” Batman, the Batman, wanted people to comment on his mug. He was proud of it. Oliver finally released his cackle, and Batmans smile grew marginally in delight. “Oh man that is priceless.” Oliver chuckled when he had finally gotten himself under control. “But hey, kids are like that. I mean, mine got me a shirt with two arrows pointing up, with a bow that was sideways beneath it to make a simile face.” Oliver sketched on his own shirt with his finger to display the image. Batman chuckled lightly. “Thats… quite funny.” “Yeah.” Oliver agreed, thinking back with a smile how often he wore it, and Roy’s delight every time. “My kids,” Batman added, drawing Oliver out of his thoughts. “Got me a tie that says, uh, “Worlds Best Dad In Gotham. Which… o-k i guess..” Oliver stared at him agape before absolutely losing it at the tone with which Batman had quoted his tie. “That is… brilliant.” Oliver wheezed, wiping a tear from his eye. “Wow. Wow wow wow wow wow.” Oliver smiled with relish. “I love that.” Batman smiled back. “I do too.” “Uh, green arrow? Whats so funny?” Green Lantern called over. “Oh nothing, nothing.” Oliver called back. “Just some uh.. Dad jokes.” Hal made a noise of confusion, but Batman chuckled lightly. “Dad jokes?” Green Lantern asked, utterly befuddled. Batman and Green Arrow grinned at each other.  
Oliver Queen was quite certain he was going to die. He had a meeting in Gotham today, which was always long and boring, especially since he usually only dealt with the lower members of Wayne Enterprises. Not that he had anything against status, not really, it was only that they were always such a drag, and it was clear they wanted a higher lifestyle. But, to his surprise, when Oliver walked into the meeting room, the CEO of WE was actually present, sitting at the head of the table in deep discussion with a man Oliver vaguely remembered was named something Fox. Lucy? “Ah, Ollie, so good of you to meet with us!” Boomed a voice and Oliver turned in surprise to see Bruce Wayne. “Bruce? Hey man! I didn't know you’d be here!” Oliver grinned in surprised delight, offering the other man a quick hug. Bruce shrugged, sipping some coffee. “I’m just here as a chauffeur. I’m taking Timmy out after this, but I’ll be a part of the meeting if you want some decent conversation.” He winked and Oliver laughed. “Not that my son isn't a good conversationalist.” He added. Oliver waved a hand, moving to his seat and offering the kid a quick smile. Tim glanced over, offering a wave before returning to his heated debate. “Naw I know he is. Wasn't expecting you guys to be here. Glad you are though.” Oliver sighed in relief. Bruce hummed in acknowledgement, taking a seat next to him. “Well I’m glad to see you too Ollie, theres, actually something I want to tell you.” At that, his son finally looked over for more than a second, something gleaming in his eyes. “Oh?” Oliver asked intrigued, leaning forward. That was when he saw it. Tucked just barely beneath the lapel of Bruces suit jacket…. A tie. A tie that said “Worlds Best Dad in Gotham. Which… O-k I guess..” Oliver sat back like electrocuted. Bruce and Tim watched him carefully, and Fox gave a very good impression of looking out the window. “You- uh- you're.” Oliver cleared his throat and Bruce leaned in intently. “Yes?” “Your tie.” Oliver blurted. “Its… nice. My friend has one too.” Bruce raised an eyebrow. “Does he?” He lifted his mug, which had a large black bat on it, and sipped. Oliver swallowed. “W-why me? Why now?” Bruce shrugged, glancing over at his son who was now also doing a very good job of admiring the ceiling tiles. “Because I trust you. And because I need a good friend.” Oliver smiled weakly. “Well, you already had that in Brucie.” Bruce smiled softly. “I know. But friendship requires trust. And Batman needs all the friends he can get.” Oliver chuckle lightly. “So… Dad jokes was the way to go huh?” Bruce smiled, pleased, leaning back. “Yep. Dad jokes.” Bruce Wayne and Oliver Queen grinned at each other. 
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riot-ghost · 9 months
Bartholomew Allen had lived a rough life. He has few memories of before the Blue Beetle Overreach, and has uprooted his own life, the little life of a soldier he'd carved out for himself, to save Earth and all of humanity. He knew how the past went, to a certain extent. He knew of the people he'd left behind. The good soldiers and family to him. He was grateful for the life he lived now, the mission he was on, but it was difficult. His hands shook and his body creaked and groaned. Vibrations seemed in tune with his very bones. His steps fell silent tonight, as he walked through the dimmed halls of mount Justice.
He jerked a bit, reacting to sounds he heard in the main room, where he'd been heading to the kitchens. Bart stops, slipping to stand against the wall, straining his ears to listen. It was talking, he could tell. "We'll introduce you in the morning when we debrief the team for their missions. Don't cause any problems before that." That was Batman. Talking to -what sounded like- a new recruit. Bart tried to wrack his brain for any heroes or sidekicks or someone that would join the Team.
"Got it, Batty!" Bart stills entirely, his heart dropping to his feet. He forgets to breathe, the voice so clear and familiar to him. He is thrown into the future, the young man they'd pulled from one of the Reach's camps. The young man was already considered one of the dead, Bart had started lifting him off of the cot to bring him to their dead. The boy's head would rock, his eyes slowly opening. Bart would only think about how he could finally see the color blue as something else than Blue Beetle.
Danny was the only person Bart had ever met his own age. They did everything together. Bart talked Danny through the apocalypse, as he had come from space before it had happened. He would hold the other boy as he would cry, grief not unknown to Bart Allen. Danny would become one of their greatest soldiers, as few as there were. Bart would hold him the longest when leaving. He would hold him tightly, trying to ingrain every bit of him to memory. Danny would hold him back just as close and tell him that they would see each other soon. He would think of him the most, now, in the past, laying awake at night.
Bart could practically see Danny now, the cheeky look on his face as he mock-salutes Batman. He fights against everything inside of himself to peek around the corner, his heart thundering inside of his chest. He's crying, he thinks, absently, as he stares at the shadow of Gotham's Knight. There's a slight glow around Batman, not coming quite from him, but from something in front. Someone in front of him. Hope is blooming inside his chest, and Batman shifts.
Not once has Bart ever felt something compared to seeing his love floating there, here, with him, in the past. The present. Whatever.
He cannot move. He doesn't move as Batman slinks to the Zeta tubes, only the draping form of his cape and cowl visible to Bart. He doesn't move as Danny's eyes- a shade of green incomparable to anything else Bart had ever seen.
"Bart?" Danny's voice is no longer cheeky. His face has softened, a hopeful but nervous smile wavering. Bart's chest seizes as he fumbles out from around the hallway corner. He is fumbling towards Danny, superspeed and elegance. Silence and years of militant training forgotten. He falls into Danny's arms, a feeling he thought he would never experience again. He holds him close, the cold the other boy radiates, enveloping Bart like a familiar blanket that feels so dear of home. Danny was home to Bart, safe and familiar.
Bart doesn't know how long they stay there. He does not care, he only cares that they are together. Danny lowered to the floor as some point, resting on his knees, Bart hugging him at the waist, laying in his lap. Danny simply holds Bart like this, running his hand through his hair.
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captain-mj · 4 months
Absolutely begging for more of the jealousy trope you just posted. That was so good holy shit. Even if its just headcanon or something, thats such a fun snippet you posted. (If not thats ok but figured it was worth a shot since I adore your writing sjekdwkdkdk)
I can deliver that!
Soap wasn't sure when his crush on Ghost started. He didn't really have a moment where it suddenly appeared. It was a very slow build that he could see throughout his journal.
Ghost himself was a good man. Kind to animals, even if he was a bit more prickly with people. Funny. Good listener. Strong. Attractive.
Soap adored him. Everything about him. His little quirks or problems. All of them just made up Ghost.
Recently, he had been avoiding being alone with him for too long. He had some... rumors. The idea of Ghost being with someone else drove him batty. He didn't own the man, though he certainly wanted to. They had known each other long enough though that Soap knew how to get Ghost on a topic.
Soap was lamenting that it had been a while since he got laid. It was just the two of them, with Price being elsewhere in a meeting and Gaz with the recruits. it was good, meant he could test the waters with Ghost. Right now, he was trying to gather intel over the rumors. He found if he was open about something, Ghost was a little more likely to be open back.
"Try harder." Ghost gruffed. "Plenty of willing bodies around here."
Soap paused. "Got someone on the side, Lt?"
"No." Soap bit the inside of his cheek as hard as he could to stay normal over this. Yes, there were rumors but this was close to a confession.
"Keep your mask on?" He prodded.
"Don't even get undressed." Ghost sounded amused, making a startlingly direct amount of eye contact with Soap.
Soap laughed. "What? You just take your snake out of your trousers there and go at it?" He was seething. All internally of course. He went through everyone Ghost interacted with in a day to day basis. Scanned through every interaction to see who made it clear what they wanted from Ghost. God, they weren't like Soap. There was no way they appreciated it enough. Soap would.
"Pretty much."
"Not much of a romantic, are you?" What a shame. He was sure he could convince Ghost to give him the chance.
Ghost narrowed his eyes at him. Soap realized he must've hit a nerve. "No one here wants romance. Least of all with me. They want to get off and get me off and that's where it ends." He looked down at Soap's clear hard on in his pants. "And I can see you're no different. Wanted me to fuck you, Johnny, you could've just asked."
Soap can feel his cock leaking in his pants. "Yes. Please."
Ghost rolled his eyes. "Fucking slag." He got up and walked away with Soap following right on his heels.
Soap couldn't help the grin on his face. After a round or two, he would convince Ghost to do it again with him later. He was sure he could play Simon like a fiddle.
"Oh, God please, Simon." Johnny had his face buried in the pillow as Simon thrust back into him. "You're so big." He was wrong. This man was a demon of some kind. He had come here to swallow Soap's soul and replace it with his fucking cock.
"I love flattery." Simon purred, pulling him back again. Johnny came hard, body tensing so much he worried he'd snap.
"Fuck, fuck, it's so good are you even close?"
"Nope." He popped the p at the same time he thrusted in deep, grinding a little.
Soap groaned. "Don't know how much longer I can take it."
"It's okay. Lot of people can't. I can always-"
Johnny arched his back and clenched tight around him. "No. No. Come on, you want to finish in me don't you?" He didn't want him to go to anyone else. No one else.
"Jealous aren't you?" Simon whispered before leaning down and sinking his teeth into his shoulder.
Johnny came again. And he teetered on a third. Everything shifted until all he could feel was Simon. Simon. Simon. Simon.
The stretch. His fingers. God, the way he smelled.
Simon thrust in hard and came finally. His hips rolling against him until he dragged every ounce of his own pleasure from Johnny.
"I haven't had sex in two years." Ghost informed him. "You never had anyone to worry about."
Soap glared at him.
"Those rumors were fake, love. But I promise, I'm all yours." HIs mask hit the floor with his shirt following shortly after
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lilydalexf · 3 months
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Here are some very good fics that involve the X-Files episode "En Ami." Enjoy!
Animus Possidendi by Aloysia_Virgata (@aloysiavirgata) “It looks good on you,” he said flatly. “It looks incredible, actually. But I still hate it. Get rid of it.”
As Friends by @heartbash Post-episode En Ami (715). Mulder and Scully have a hard conversation about the Smoking Man's manipulation of Scully and the nature of their evolving relationship.
As We Forgive Those by haphazardmethod Mulder was so angry in En Ami. What happened to reconcile him to Scully's actions? Barbara tells me most people said "sex." This is not that story. "The fact that forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us isn't honored more--I blame that on writers. Because the easy story to tell is the vengeance story, and it's known to satisfy. This guy shot my brother. How's the story gonna wind up? And what does a reader think? OK, that's settled. So it's just the easiest of all stories to tell. So it in fact encourages, makes reputable vengeance." -- Kurt Vonnegut. This is not that story, either.
By All Accounts, Today Was A Disaster and The Art of Breaking by @rationalcashew Post-En Ami. We know Mulder’s pissed, but so is Scully. Angst. MSR.
The Choices We Make by a_steady_wish “You need to see a doctor,” he insisted, hand on the small of her back, more forceful than usual; the tips of his fingers pressed into her flesh enough that although she knew she wouldn’t be bruised, there would likely be red marks for a little while afterwards; he was marking that curve as his own.
Coming Clean by @starwalker42 "Loving Mulder is as natural as breathing. It’s not lost on her that she’s currently underwater." Mulder and Scully deal with the fallout from the events of En Ami.
The Course of True Love by ML (No summary provided)
The Darker Side of Love by fragilevixen (@fragilevixenfic) Mulder does not want to talk but he does not want Scully to leave, either. “Betrayal stings in a bitter way but regret leaves an even bigger hole in a heart.” – Unknown
Devoured, cleansed by @frangipanidownunder Set post En Ami.
Divide and Conquer by @mldrgrl A post-En Ami drabble.
False Front by cecily_sass (@cecilysass) Scully comes home from her road trip with the Smoking Man. Mulder’s been waiting and worrying. No one likes to feel fooled. Missing scenes from the end of En Ami.
Haptics by Pam Gamble Another interpretation of the En Ami aftermath. Haptics: Information conveyed through the sense of touch.
Iconoclasm by Diana Battis Variations on a theme of truth.
In Milford by DarlaBlack (@sigritandtheelves) This time she leaves
Let Bygones Be Bygones by @mldrgrl Post En Ami/Chimera smut. Mulder's still just a wee bit mad about Scully running off and Scully's just angry that he can't let it go.
Momentum by @dreamingofscully The choices Scully makes in En Ami cause some unintended consequences for herself and her relationship with Mulder.
Nature's Dark Gift by bluesamutra Daylight is coming and the shadows are gone
No Quarter Given 3: Surrender by Mish It can only end in mutual surrender. (No Quarter Given part 1, part 2, and part 4 - part 4 is unfinished)
A Poison Tree by @rationalcashew Post-En Ami. Mulder and Scully are pissed at each other over the events of En Ami. There do be smut here.
Shadow of the Sword by Dreamshaper 'She had been used before. She would be used again. Spender Sr. might not have realized that she had finally allowed herself to love Mulder, but he had known all along that his deceptive promises would drive a wedge between them, and he probably considered that a perfect reward for his efforts...'
Shadows of Ashes by VivWiley Is the price of betrayal calculable?
Those Who Wait by OnlyTheInevitable (@gaycrouton) Punctuality seemed to be written into Scully's bones, yet when it came to Mulder, she never quite seemed to get the timing right.
Three Times - Overture, Overture Mirrored, and Restart by Joann Humby Scully's missing, having left home with CSM. When she returns, emotions are running high. / After a sexual misadventure in the aftermath of En Ami - Mulder and Scully still haven't talked about what happened. Mulder returns from his trip to England to find Scully considering fate.
Untitled by @mldrgrl Consider this a post-epish piece for En Ami
What Partnership is About by Anna Greenway A post episode story for En Ami. Mulder and Scully play Monopoly.
Wing and Prayer by Revely (No summary provided)
Yo Creo and The Payment by Elanor G Tensions run high between Mulder and Scully after the events of En Ami. A new lead on Cobra threatens to lead them further into darkness. / After En Ami, a conversation. And payment for services rendered.
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igotanidea · 11 months
Logical choice: Dick x reader part 1
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summary: apparently he was in love with two girls and had to chose. Too bad his way of making a decision was worse than bad.
massive thanks to Laura @gone-batty-fics for proofreading this <3 <3 I'm terrible with punctuation xD
Being in love with a taken guy is like….
No, wait, scratch that.
There are no words to describe that.
How can you possibly find anything to use while saying how you feel when your brain goes short-circuits when you think about the guy you like with another girl and your heart is aching every time you see those two together?
How can you possibly explain the constant urge to cry and scream and lie down and die and throw up and sleep the pain away, all at the same time?
How many synonyms are there for the word hopeless?
Bet you were broken-hearted at least once in your life.
Y/N Y/L/N cursed the moment she met Dick Grayson, with his pretty smile, all his charm and his the golden retriever energy. All that niceness, chattiness, and everything he was and everything he wasn’t, got her mind spinning and falling faster then she could have imagined.
And she had no idea what to do about it.
Especially given the fact he quickly became one of her closest friends, which was shocking even to herself.
Y/N was usually the person to keep her walls up (hurt one too many times), act rather cold and distant, not getting involved with feelings (she was not very good with that and her poor boy experience made her cautious). But hey, the heart wants what it wants and Dick Grayson had a way of getting her to open up, laugh, and just be her unfiltered self. He didn't seem to mind her innate sarcasm and twisted sense of humor. Maybe, since he didn't hate her genuine self, she could make it work?
here was some undeniable connection between them.  Maybe even something more than friendship, but for some reason none of them were able to speak their minds, instead circling around the subject, unable to meet in the middle.
Truly tragic how two souls yearning for one another could not connect just because the owners of those bodies were too shy and stubborn to say three words: I like you.
Even more tragic given the fact that Dick’s family were quick to notice something simmering under the surface, but decided to stay back since apparently it was none of their business.
“You do realize he’s in love with you?”
“What are you talking about?” Y/N frowned at Jason’s words. “Who are you talking about?”
This took her by surprise. Jason Todd wasn’t usually the person to go around gossiping and well, to be honest talking at all. He was the brooding type sitting in the corner, watching everyone with a murderous gaze trying to cover up for the fact how much he needed love and attention, instead using sarcasm to hide his vulnerability and sensitivity. Maybe, throwing a cutting, teasing comment from time to time, but this? This was completely not his style. And it made Y/N a bit uncomfortable.
“Cause I can’t watch you pining like this.” Jason scoffed, “It’s pathetic, you know” he almost rolled his eyes at the girl.
“You are pathetic, Todd.”She retorted, but couldn’t help the blush creeping on her cheeks and the sudden rise in her heartbeat. “What’s your business with gossiping? We’re not friends.”
“I know we’re not,.” Jason shrugged, “but apparently I’m the only one with the balls big enough to - ”
“Don’t flatter yourself,.” She cut him off with a smirk raising a gaze from her book,
“Is that what I get for helping you make your crazy little fantasy come true?”
“What fantasy,” she cried out in desperate confusion “Stop speaking in riddles!”
“You want to be with Dick. Whenever he's around, your eyes and body language practically scream it," he said, as if it was the most obvious thing in the world.
“You’re reading way too much Jane Austen,.” she muttered, “And what’s with the silent creeping on me!?”
“I’m trying to help you out here!”
“No, you’re mocking me!”
“Y/N!” Jason cried out in frustration, not sure how to put his point forward without Y/N accusing him of being mean. He was not good with words, despite all his literature knowledge.
Y/N was fully aware that she was acting erratically, but the realization that being 'more than friends' with Dick was even a possibility? All of her logical thinking was suddenly on a very long foreign holiday.
“He fucking loves you!”
“And how the fuck do you know that?!”
“You’re unbelievable!”
“I’m just being cautious! I don’t need a broken heart!”
Jason exhaled deeply. Apparently he had to be the reasonable one here. He had known a lot about being insecure.
“Come on, Y/N… I’m not lying. Really. Why would I?”
“Do you really want me to answer that question,?” she asked, her eyebrows raised sceptically..
“No you look, Jason…..” she raised her gaze at him, exposing all her vulnerability “I’m scared, ok?”
“I know. Trust me, I’ve been there. Still am…..”
“Why does it sound like you’re trying to use me as a guinea pig?”
“Huh?” her words got him confused
“You want to test whether it’s worth taking a risk, don’t you? Whether confessing is something that can actually end up in a good way?”
“Maybe a little.” Jason smirked
“Now that’s more like you.”
“Does it convince you though?”
She took a second to consider. Did it? Were Jason’s words enough to make her act on her feelings? To go to Dick and tell him how she feels? To create an opportunity to have a relationship? To be … happy in love, without all this worry.
“Yes…..” she whispered. 
“Yes?” Jason mocked clearly egging her on. 
“Fucking yes," she cried out, feeling a sudden surge of power and omnipotence.
“He’s in the batcave.”
She moved towards the door, ready to go and finish it all once and for all, to clear the messed up situation she found herself in. But before she rushed to the love of her life there was one more thing she had to do.
“Thanks, Todd. You’re not as bad as you try to look.”
“Keep that detail to yourself, will ya Y/N?” Jason said as he winked at her, being content she actually decided to listen to his advice and not see him as a villain.
Poor Y/N had to fight the urge to burst into the cave reaching the speed limit of Flash. It was like all those years of holding back her true feeling finally made her crumble and the façade broke down and she needed to tell him now, now, NOW!!
“Y/N?” he sent her his signature smile, turning up from behind the computer and taking a few steps towards her. It was truly touching how he always stood up whenever she was in the room, like a scene from a freaking regency era London. “everything good?” the man added seeing her reddened cheeks and shining eyes. “you look sick……” he involuntarily put his palm to the woman’s forehead checking her temperature.
Sick in love….. she thought to herself, but obviously couldn’t use that particular wording.
“I’m good….I’m good….” She shook her head “I just have to tell you something …… something important and ……”
“Hey Y/N…..” another voice chimed into the talk, causing Y/N to crash with reality.
It didn’t have to mean anything, right? The fact that Dick and Babs were all alone in the batcave? Surely they just talked about some Batman stuff Y/N was not let into?
She was not let in.
And that was emphatic enough, almost as if she wasn’t a part of the team.
Y/N blinked a couple times realizing she was so focused on Dick’s face, eyes and just generally on him, that ironically she didn’t notice his slightly messed up hair and blushing cheeks alongside with his disheveled shirt.
Her gaze involuntarily traveled to the other woman, eyes widening at the way her shirt were open, her bra revealed and the love bite on her neck visible.
Oh, shit…..
Fucking Todd…..
“What is it Y/N?” Dick asked fixing his hair, his blue piercing, concerned eyes focused on her. “Hey? Y/N? come back to earth…..” he put a hand on her shoulder gently trying to bring her back.
“What….?” Her mind was racing, her hands were trembling, her legs was close to giving up on her. She could barely register what was happening when Dick grabbed her hand and forced her to sit on the chair scared she might faint.
His voice reached her as if through a fog.
“She looks so pale…..”Babs was equally concerned now, and her tone finally made Y/N snap back to reality.
“And she’s back….” Grayson crouched next to her chair, smiling at her softly “you got us worried, it was like your soul left your body for a moment.”
Well, not so far from the truth, was it……?
“Sorry….”she muttered, averting her gaze from Dick’s, but he was not going to take the bullshit, grabbing her chin gently and forcing her eyes on him.
“You wanted to tell me something?”
“Yes…. No…. I mean……”
“So you two are a couple now?” she blurted the first thing that came to her mind, even though saying those words out loud made her sick to the stomach.
“Yeah…..” Dick blushed a little looking at Barbara, who had a similar expression on her face. “Life’s funny, right? Old friend who’s been around all the time, never really seen like a love interest and yet……” he smiled even more, interlacing his fingers with Bab’s.
It was supposed to be me!! Her inner voice cried out desperately bringing not only the sickness to the stomach but also a terrible headache.
“I’m so happy for you two…..” Y/N forced a smile. Fucking hypocrite.
“Thanks…..” the other woman beamed “I know how important you are to Dick so I was worried about your reaction of us getting together”
“Worried?” Y/N laughed only to cover for the scowl forming in the back of her throat “oh, you silly one…. You two match each other perfectly! I mean, Nightwing and Batgirl, it couldn’t get any better than this, right? Besides you …..we… know each other for so long…..it was bound to happen.”
I have to get out… I have to get out of here now!
“It really means a lot Y/N….. I’ve been wondering whether…..” Dick added and for a single second there was something inexplicable in his eyes, but he blinked and it was gone immediately. “nevermind…..”
Yeah, right, nevermind…..
It’s been two weeks of torture
Two weeks of bitterness.
Complete disaster.
Y/N was depressed, Dick was torn, Babs was confused and the atmosphere was far from friendly, since everyone could feel the tension and members of batfamily were trying their best to not takes sides, which was probably the greatest challenge.
But as the situation progressed, the one with the least experience in human relationships just had to break the peace. Forced, but peace nonetheless.
It was typical Friday afternoon and they were just hanging around, released from patrol, ready to have a movie night in the manor. Dick, Babs, Jason, Tim, Damian, Steph, Cass and Y/N, who were currently fighting with her own head and mind producing every excuse possible for a rain check on the marathon.
“why don’t you just tell him?”
“Hello to you too, Damian.”
“don’t change the subject Y/L/N.”
“Tell what to who?” she mocked almost rolling her eyes
“Don’t play dumb. It doesn’t work well for you.” Damian said with his usual flat tone.
“That does sound awfully like an indirect compliment…..”
“Just tell Grayson you like him.”
“You what?” oh, shit, the person in question was now standing in the door of the room, his eyes wide in shock, his whole posture screaming the feeling of betrayal.
“Shit, Y/n!”
“Stop yelling at me!”
“You’re the one yelling!”
“Do you want me to record your voice right now!?”
“You’re in love with me?!”
“How is that bad?!”
“Cause I’m with Barbara now!”
“Yeah, no shit!”
They were getting nowhere with this discussion and to tell the truth, neither of them probably wanted to. It was just dumping everything that’s been eating away at their livers. Suddenly Dick and Y/N found themselves in an unknown territory, their feelings completely exposed, unsure how to proceed without getting hurt and/or damaging one another.
Well there was not a good way out and at the moment screaming was something that at least helped them getting all that pain, fear and hurt out in the open.
“You can’t do that Y/N!”
“Maybe if you had the guts to tell me how you felt first it wouldn’t come to this!” she spat at him
“How I felt….?” Dick stuttered, clearly taken aback “what do you mean?”
“nothing….” She muttered, calming down in an instant. He was not supposed to know that she knew.
“fuck you!”
Whoops. Shit. Too much.
She was acting crazy, yes, but come on, cut her some slack, she was broken-hearted and a person with a damaged heart never acts sane.
“If that’s what you truly want then ok, fuck me….. you’re just making it so easy to make a choice here, Y/N!”
“You said it yourself, you are with Babs now!”
“It doesn’t change how I feel about you!”
“You what….?”
“You think I can just turn it off or something!?”
“No….. no you’re right… I’m with Babs…..”
God damn it! It was like walking in circles. Two adults behaving in a worse way than kids in the kindergarten and no one could possibly stop the incoming storm.
And now she was in love with a taken guy.
A taken guy who could have been hers if only she was slightly faster to confess.
Apparently timing is everything and instead of being happy in love she was now forced to grit her teeth whenever dick and Babs were around together.
Which was pretty much all the time.
Well, they were pretty much together all the time before, but not like together together.
Maybe Y/N should have known…..
It was highly unlikely that a vigilante would keep his relationship with a civilian and much more probable that he would end up with another self-appointed crime fighter.
And Dick seemed happy so what was she supposed to do apart from dwelling in poorly hidden misery and listening to sad love songs while facing the ceiling with one single question in her mind.
What if…..?
The second dick saw Y/N in the cave a week ago, noticed her sad, confused and a bit lost expression he knew. Y/N loved him the same way he loved her.
But he was with Babs now. He felt for the Batgirl and was not going to leave. That would be a shitty thing to do, right? To leave a girl just because he what? Got bored? Changed his mind or went through a change of heart?
On the other hand, however, how shitty it was to do this to Y/N? He’s been in love with her for so long, always keeping his mouth shut about it, hoping she would somehow figure it out. And now, that she was finally ready to make it a reality, he was with another girl.
Get yourself together, Dick. You can’t just back out on Barbara. You’re with her now. You love her.
But Y/N…..
His first true love.. from a very young age, even before he knew what love was. All those years of waiting only to give up on the final stretch.
And the vulnerability he saw in her whole posture every time she was around. Those pretty doe eyes that never looked at him ever since the scene at the batcave.
They were still friends, sort of, at least, because to tell the whole truth, the situation between them was more than awkward.
And he was very well aware he would have to choose between two girls, because being stuck in a situation like this, with all the knowledge he had, was way too much for him.
Too bad he chose a very devious way to make a decision.
"What is it?" Y/N asked upon seeing a single piece of paper in Tim's hands.
"Oh, come on, let me see...."
"Trust me on this, you don't want to." Tim shook his head passing the object to Dick, who quickly tossed it to Jason, who was standing the furthest from Y/n.
"All right, fine" Y/N shrugged "I won’t be playing your silly games here...." before any of the boys realized what was happening she snuck past Jason and ripped the paper from him, her eyes immediately focusing on the printed text.
"What.....?" she stuttered, running her eyes on the words yet unable to make any sense of them "Dick?" her hurt expression killed him at the spot.
"It was Jason's idea!" the man cried out as if that could serve as an excuse.
"Yeah, here's the part I was hoping would not come out." Jason muttered
"Y/N." the girl started reading out loud "cons. Tend to live in her own world. Keep her walls up. Stubborn as hell..... Wow.....Just.... just wow." A single gasp was enough of an indication of her emotional state.
“there are also plus points……..?” he almost cringed once those words left his mouth.
“How could you Dick….?”
"Y/n...." Dick took a step forward, realizing that Jason and Tim have already fled the room leaving him to deal with Y/N and her obvious pain alone. Cowards.
"On the other side " she instantly moved back, out of his reach "Barbara. Pluses and weaknesses..... You were comparing us like this? THAT was your way to decide......? By using what? Fucking logic? By trying to decide which one of us is more useful or something……? " her voice broke and she was unable to finish the sentence, while tears started brimming in her eyes.  
That was like a whole new level of betrayal. Like her heart was ripped out and tossed into the gutter.
"Y/n... please, it's not what it looks like...."
"It's exactly what it is. To put it simply, you just treated me like a goat for sale……”
"Please, let me explain.... Please, I'm begging you...."
“Just leave me alone!” she cried out running out to hide in the manor library, possibly the only place that could have given her some sort of comfort and shelter.
"Good luck with making it right, Dickhead...." Jason reappeared just in time to see Y/N rush past the hallway.
"Shut up!" Dick ran his hands through his hair in utter desperation, barely restraining from tearing them all out. It would be so much easier to blame it all on his brother and his stupid idea but deep inside Dick knew it was on him. He never should have listened to the bad advice in the first place.
Of course he was going to choose Y/N.
And there was never any reason to make some stupid list. How could there be when there has always been just one option to begin with?
And now, as much as he wanted Y/N, not Barbara, she was not going to forgive him for not letting his heart decide, but focusing on what seemed more comfortable.
How fucking selfish was that?
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zepskies · 2 months
Hi Zep! For the WIP game, can I ask about Lost on You?
Of course, Battie! Thank you for asking. 💜😘
Lost on You (Soldier Boy x Supe!Reader) is an idea I've developed and expanded on from this Soldier Boy imagine:
Soldier Boy dating a supe with siren abilities. 🧜‍♀️ He underestimates you. You give him a reason to think twice.
I've written Soldier Boy/Ben paired with a normal human in Break Me Down, which is set in the "present," or post-season 3. You're so very good at writing Soldier Boy in the past (40s and 80s), but for me, I thought it would be an even harder challenge to write something set in the '80s -- 1983 in this case.
He's still in his prime as alpha male supe at Vought, at the height of his glory, so to speak, with all the assholery and debauchery that's gonna entail. 😂
Here's some more detail on the premise:
Summary: 1983 is a big year for you. You’re finally chosen to join the ranks of Payback, led by the most (in)famous supe in the world: Soldier Boy. He’ll never admit that he’s trying his damndest to figure you out. You’ll never admit that he’s actually growing on you. But the problem with this game is deciding who's the predator, and who is prey.
Song Inspo: “Lost on You” by the Cubaneros (originally by LP)
(Speaking of music inspo lol^) And because I'm extra, I created the thumbnail before I've even finished writing the outline, also for inspo:
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(I'm still working on the outline for this one, so I don't have a release date yet. But I'll keep you guys updated when I'm ready to start posting!)
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cecilysass · 7 months
Milagro Fic Recommendations
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These are good for any time of year, of course, not just February 14. But here are my favorite fics related to the season 6 episode Milagro, a long time favorite. (And @sisterspooky1013's favorite episode of all time: happy VD, girl!) I’ve been reading and sifting through these for some time, and I have tried to include some from all eras: newer AO3 fics, some written right after the ep aired, etc. But I'm sure I've missed some, so hit me with your own faves, please.
Because of Milagro's ending, this entire genre of fic tends to be heavy on the hurt/comfort and angst (which is fiiiiine by me), but that’s not all that’s here. Many of these are smutty, but not all.
Adagio - Terma99 A meditative, peaceful take on the aftermath of Milagro by a veteran author that includes both agents realizing something they had learned. Lovely.
Alma - 6hoursgirl (@sixhours) A lovely hurt/comfort Milagro piece. This one is Mulder POV, which is a little less common for post-Milagro, I think, and I like this characterization of Mulder as desperately wanting to help Scully, desperately wanting to protect her, but also a tiny bit scared of the intimacy and relationship he feels they’re on the cusp of. He’s so good-hearted and also a little dysfunctional here, and I love it.
Bated Breath - dreamingofscully (@dreamingofscully) This one has an original take on Scully's experience; it leaves Scully with clarity and new direction in her relationship with Mulder. DreamingofScully tends to write a more confident, in-charge Scully in the MSR than some do, and I appreciate it.
Beyond the Strokes of a Typewriter - storybycorey (@storybycorey) When Scully is stricken and ashamed that it’s been so long since anyone has seen her as a woman as Padgett did, Mulder is pushed to revelations. Mulder 3rd person POV. Very good smut build up. And nobody does a gorgeous feelings reveal from Mulder like storeybycorey, man.
I Believe - Diana Battis There are a lot of lovely, heartfelt hurt/comfort fics about the aftermath of Milagro (for obvious reasons), but this one is especially well done. Viewed from Scully’s third person point of view, it focuses on Mulder’s capacity for tenderness and guilt. Plus some smut.
Don’t Look Up - ArtemisX5 After Padgett's hallway revelation, Scully is horrified that she has no secrets left. But you know, Mulder is much slower on the draw than she gives him credit for. There is also such moving hurt/comfort in this.
Intimacies with Strangers -mldrgrl (@mldrgrl) This mid- and post- Milagro piece has Mulder and Scully simmering in tension and then boiling over. Their relationship is complex and painfully entangled, and I love how it plays out. There is also excellent Scully characterization. This one helps me to get more fully why she might have been drawn to Padgett initially, something I struggle with in the episode.
La Madrugada - h0ldthiscat A carefully told tale of RST that takes both characters seriously and is sincerely moving. Excellent.
Lacuna - Aloysia_Virgata (@aloysiavirgata) This is a longer work, not really a classic post ep per se. But I love this moody, angsty casefile set right after Milagro. This Scully has not come to terms with her emotions, is thoroughly freaked by how she reacted to Padgett, and hasn't even entirely worked out how she feels about Mulder. There is Scully/other here, but the ship is steering home. The end of this is so moving, but cw: dark themes in the casefile, extreme violence against children, traumatized agents.
Still Life - Seek_Its_Opposite (@seek-its-opposite) Ah, this is such a thoughtful and exquisitely written Scully character piece — and it contains some truly beautiful insights about Mulder, too. It suggests the heartbreaking idea that Mulder’s way of showing Scully respect (giving her distance) is continually hurting her. So tragic (and consistent with canon, e.g. Never Again.) One memorable line: “Every one of their fights is about how to care for one another, every last one.”
Alma Gemela - matchingfabric (@matchingfabric) After the events of Milagro, Scully (and Mulder) get accustomed to platonically sharing a bed for comfort. This is a slightly different take on post-Milagro. Exceptionally, irresistibly sweet. Oh, and smutty.
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What did I miss? Tell me. And yes, I'm working on my own short Milagro fic that will be coming soon-ish.
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kittyball23 · 9 months
As a part 2 to the Floyd in World Tour thing, I think Floyd would take the hit in becoming a rock zombie to protect Poppy but used Hickory’s trick in using the gumdrops to prevent himself from becoming a rock zombie and while everyone thought Floyd was under the spell, Barb felt a hint of regret because she saw Floyd as a friend despite being a pop troll though felt conflicted about her choices when Poppy told her that what turning everyone into rock zombies is not harmony and Floyd openly admits about his past and how he was wrong to leave Branch behind and was not going to make the same mistake twice which brought the zombified Branch to tears as despite being a zombie, he was aware of what was going on around him and when Poppy destroyed the strings to turn the leaders of the other types of music, Floyd immediately ran to Branch’s side to check if he was okay and Branch just… broke down into tears of sorrow and joy, he was letting out his pain of Floyd and their older brothers leaving him but was happy that his favourite brother was staying by his side for good before they share a hug, showing their bond as a family and accepted that they can live in a world without music if it means staying together which touches those who watched them which they paid no mind too as Poppy joins the hug. That is when a heartbeat sound was heard and the ending plays out the same only with Floyd involved.
Alrighty, here' it is!
Between a Rock and a Hard Place - Part 2
The earsplitting guitar riff resonating in a reverberating echo throughout the entire, packed arena was many things - loud, skillful, powerful - but, above all, it was one-hundred percent authentic Rock.
It was one thing to don the look of a Rocker, but a whole other thing entirely to actually be able to play like one. That’s how Barb truly knew the strings’ power was working. And, while she would have preferred to have showcased it with the Queen of Pop, she supposed using any Pop Troll would suffice to display her point.
Only, this wasn’t just any Pop Troll. This was Floyd. The one who had been taken in by their very people and made one of their own with quite literally no strings attached… at least, until he had run away.
Barb could roll her eyes at that. Pop Trolls were soooo predictable, it drove her up the wall. Of course he would try to warn his own true kind. But, she thought with a malicious sort of grin, it was a futile effort in the end. Here he was, without a doubt one of them now, a Hard Rocker through and through, his fingers rapidly working the strings, tattooed chest puffed out in a display of boldness that she had yet to see in the reserved Troll, and black-streaked bangs swishing in front of his left eye with every motion he made. He was every bit Rock, down to his spike-studded bracelets and chic leather attire. Barb was proud of her work… but, strangely, another feeling pitted itself in her stomach. A strange feeling that continued to gnaw at her, almost like when Debbie had used her arm as a chew toy when the batty creature had been teething. One that the Rock Queen never fathomed herself having, and yet, it was there. Floyd, despite his Pop roots, had been a friend. Did he deserve this? To be reduced to nothing more than a mindless, headbanging zombie? And for that matter… did any one of the musical tribes’ Trolls?
But before she could allow herself to admit that it was in fact a feeling of regret she was harboring, Barb cast it away, zeroing in on what she had intended to do in the first place. This time, hopefully, there would be no other unforeseen circumstances to hinder her - namely, any other Trolls who would jump in the way to save their beloved Pop Queen, as first Branch, and then Floyd, had done.
“Finish her off.”
The order was firm and direct, not showing an ounce of hesitation. The sooner that this could be done the better for them all. She could only hope the Pop Queen wasn't this feisty once she was turned.
Floyd growled a noise of agreement, shredding out a few more hard-core notes from the guitar before aiming it at Poppy.
Instinct told the pink Troll to run, but she felt frozen in place. Floyd glared at her with glowering, red eyes and, not too far from him, Branch was as well. A chill ran down Poppy’s spine. They wouldn’t really hurt her, would they? It almost seemed like there was nothing that could be done.
At least, until the guitar’s aim was unexpectedly shifted to face Queen Barb instead.
When Floyd blinked again, it was the serene magenta that Barb had been so familiar with instead of the blood-red, and the sight of it shocked her.
“Wha - ? B-but… you’re supposed to be a Rock zombie?!” she sputtered, unable to make herself sound as fierce as she wanted to.
Floyd offered a simple explanation. “Gumdrops,” he said, popping the said candy out of his ears. They were soundproof, and quite delicious, able to tune out the powers of hypnotic music. He glanced at Poppy and gave her a small nod.
Barb frowned. “Give me that!” She reached for the guitar, but Floyd backed away.
“No, Barb,” he stated firmly, standing protectively in front of Poppy. “We’re not going to let you do this to anybody else. A world where everyone looks the same and sounds the same?...” He shook his head, the image he’d conjured nothing like a place where he’d want to live.
“That’s not harmony!” Poppy concluded for him.
Barb had gone silent with deep thought, and Floyd took the opportunity to dare a few steps closer to her, speaking sincerely. “Barb, if you won’t listen to Poppy, at least listen to a friend. I know you think this might be what’s best. I’ve been there before. I thought I was doing what was best when I was younger, too. But instead, I ended up leaving my baby brother all alone. I said I would come back - I thought I would come back - but I didn't… because I thought he would be okay. I realize now that this wasn’t the best decision I could’ve made. I missed my brother, and there really wasn't a time I didn't think of him. I regret what I did to this very day. And I don't want you to regret what you've done, Barb…”
The Rock Queen was stunned. She didn't think she would be buckling in, her moral compass shifting to something softer.
And then, they heard a sniffle coming from behind them.
The magenta-haired Troll was surprised to find that it was Branch. Despite his zombified state, it seemed he was plenty aware of the happenings occurring around him, and had heard the confessions of his brother loud and clear. Tears had pooled in his reddened eyes, and the blue Troll shot him a gracious grin.
That was when Barb snapped back to the situation at hand. Seeing that Floyd was distracted and had slackened his grip on the guitar, she lunged, snatching it from his grasp.
Floyd gasped, while Poppy acted quickly. She ran past Floyd, latching onto the neck of the guitar and refusing to let go.
“Buzz off, Popsqueak!” Barb snarled.
“No!” the pink Troll shouted. “A good queen listens,” Poppy explained as they wrestled over the powerful instrument. “Real harmony takes lots of voices. Different voices!”
Managing to wrench the guitar free, Poppy raised it high over her head with both hands and then slammed it down onto the stage in a great big SMASH!
The guitar shattered into pieces with the terrible sounds of squealing feedback. And there, just like that, the six musical strings were destroyed!
A sonic-like explosion of color resulted, before it all got suddenly sucked away in a vacuum-like vortex. A bland, dull gray filled the arena - no Troll was left their vibrant, old self. But, they were not Rock zombies either. With the strings destroyed, King Trollex, King Quincy, Queen Essence, Trollzart, Delta Dawn, and all the other Trolls from each tribe who had been turned went back to their normal selves.
When Branch also returned, Poppy and Floyd immediately flanked his sides in a mixture of joy and relief.
“Branch! Are you alright?” Poppy asked worriedly.
He nodded slowly, offering a small gin of reassurance, and then turned to Floyd. “Did you really mean what you said?” he asked in a hushed tone.
“Every word of it,” Floyd replied. “And I’m not leaving your side again. Whether we have music, or not.”
At that moment, the tears returned to Branch’s eyes and he tugged his brother in for a tight embrace. Their elder siblings may not have been there, but for now, he was okay if they just had each other. Poppy snuggled into the hug as well, happy for them.
The trio’s moment, however, was short-lived. Barb had stood up, the initial shock of the strings having crumbled to dust also disintegrating, and making way for anger. “Give it up, everybody!” she shouted with raging sarcasm. “Thanks to the queen of Pop, we’ve ALL lost our music! History repeats itself. Pop has ruined EVERYTHING!”
All the Trolls looked devastated. Silence filled the air. A world where everyone was a Rock Troll was not ideal. But… neither was a world without any kind of music.
But then…
A rhythm was heard.
Cooper realized it was his heart beating. He held a microphone to his chest so everyone could hear it. Now amplified, his heartbeat sounded like a bass drum. THUMP-THUMP. THUMP-THUMP. THUMP-THUMP.
Next to him, his brother, Prince D, started beatboxing over the sound of the heartbeat.
Queen Essence beamed at her husband, King Quincy. “Those are my sons, making music!” she exclaimed proudly.
The Country Western Trolls began to stomp their feet in time to the rhythm, doing a line dance.
Poppy, Branch, and Floyd all looked astonished.
“Queen Barb can’t take away something that is inside us,” Queen Essence declared, “because that’s where music really comes from. Not from some string. Inside all of us.”
Nodding, King Trollex added, “It comes from our experiences…”
“Our lives…” Delta Dawn pitched in.
“Our culture…” Queen Essence finished.
Poppy realized that they were all right. “Queen Barb can’t take that away,” she agreed. She turned to the crowd, took a deep breath, and started to sing in time with the rhythms the Trolls were making. “Let me hear you sing….”
And, with Poppy’s voice echoing through the arena, Branch and Floyd added their voices alongside hers, singing in perfect harmony.
“Sing it together, louder than ever, forget everything, just sing….”
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dronebiscuitbat · 3 months
Oil is Thicker Then Blood (Part 37)
Hi, This is the Author, Bri, or Batty if you'd rather that. This Chapter is rough, and involves N and his “relationship” with J. Reader Discretion is Advised.
With that said, enjoy!
N had just landed at the top of the spire reluctant to even make himself known to the rest of it's inhabitants, he'd failed a hunt again, it was getting harder lately, with very few worker drones wandering out of the steel doors they'd sealed themselves inside.
Good for them, not so good for him.
His hunting effectiveness was always less then his squadmates, wanting to kill as quickly and painlessly as possible to not drag out their deaths, it had the added bonus of leaving them intact and full of oil he could ration for several days at a time.
It also resulted in the less then stellar wrath of his perfectionist boss, J.
What she expected was brutality, efficiency and a high body count above anything else, even oil harvesting took a backseat. Their own needs came second, the “company” first.
He was… none of those things.
But he couldn't stay up here forever, J would come find him regardless, there was no point in trying to hide from her, or delay what would be coming his way. Not for long at least.
He watched as V flew off, and he winced, dread filling each processor slowly, like a cold ocean. It was always worse if she wasn't here.
He landed with a thud outside the spire, already making himself look small, as he made his way through it, he didn't hear J, maybe she was already heading up to her nest? That happened sometimes, if she had already worn herself out hunting.
He was getting his hopes up, maybe this would be a peaceful night and he could get some rest.
That was a mistake.
Almost immediately after that thought finished something metal and heavy slammed into his back, knocking all the air out of him instantly, he yelped, his hat being knocked off his head and being tossed somewhere nearby.
“N. You were lagging behind… you weren't hiding from me, were you?”
“N-No! Of course not J, just uh-checking the perimeter before we called it a night! Yeah!”
“Oh Really? Are my lessons working then? Are you taking the job more seriously?”
She was still standing on his back, pressing him into the ice and snow, he could barely suck in any air through his vents.
“Y-yes. J.” He stammered out, breath already ragged, he didn't mean it, not really, but if he could give J what she wanted now, for him to submit, maybe this wouldn't need to go any further.
“Hmmm… you know, I don't quite believe you.”
Oh no, no nonononono-
He felt one of her fingers wrap around the cord of his tail near the vial, all his sensors lit up at once, sending a shaky, unwilling groan out of his mouth, he squeezed his eyes shut, bracing himself.
It would be over soon enough, so long as he listened to every word, followed every command, he could save himself the worst of it, she wasn't getting immediately violent, so she wasn't in the worst mood.
She straddled his back, putting more weight on him and refusing to allow him to move to accommodate it, his chassis groaned, but he did his best to stay quiet, obedient.
“I think you were hiding from me. Don't you know that always makes this worse?” She pulled his tail taught with her fingers, one of her favorite activities, he whined, crackles of oversensitivity crashing through his systems. It was ironic really, he'd been the first one to notice their tails were sensitive, he'd been the one to point it out.
Now it was the thing used against him the most often.
“I-I wasn't hiding! I k-know better J, Please- I'll be good!” She was the boss, always and forever, everything she wanted she got, even if what she wanted was him, in whatever way she preferred.
“I should hope so~”
Oh that artificial sweetness, that corporate approved, unsettlingly fake customer service voice that meant nothing but bad things for him, it meant she wasn't mad, it meant she was pent up, stressed out, and ready to unleash it all on him one way or another.
The tip of her tail slowly drug across his back, sending shockwaves of burning pain through each sensor it touched, alighting them with so much sensation he gasped, no matter how many times this happened, he never quite got used to it.
He whimpered and jerked underneath her, self preservation protocols already sending signals to his joints and servos to get away, to escape, causing him to squirm, even so, he made no attempt to truly fight back, he'd tried that once… the first time.
“Awww… look at you, I've got you wrapped around my finger don't I” She grabbed his canister, making him groan in a sick and confusing mix of pain and pleasure, but It wasn't pleasant, it was never pleasant.
“J… please… I'm sorry… I'll do better.” His last ditch effort to put a stop to it, pleading with her to give him a break tonight, he was tired, so tired…
“Oh hush, we both know thats a lie.” He heard claws unsheath, he gulped, that rarely worked anyway, but it was worth a try…
One of her claws dug into his side, making tears prick in his visor as he gritted his teeth. Oil pooled at the tips of her extended blades, as they traveled upwards, leaving deep scratches that were almost immediately healing over, only to be torn open again and again. It was like she was petting him, only way, way worse.
All the while, her other hand was grinding roughly into his canister, making his entire body shudder and twist uncomfortably, his tail always tried to flick away on it's own, but each attempt was met with a harsh grip that he was surprised didn't shatter the thing.
N wasn't one to curse, he didn't like it, always using family friendly alternatives, but like this? Sometimes they slipped out, sometimes it helped.
“Shhhhiiiittt” He groaned breathlessly as her claws made their path again, she laughed in response, yanking on his hair with her tail to get closer to his audio receptors.
“Ooooh, Naughty word N, that's not professional at allll~”
She flipped him, the sudden change in position making him dizzy, the wounds on his sides seeping now with oil as the nanites worked overtime to keep him in tip-top shape, he almost wished they didn't, if the wounds remained open, she couldn't cause more pain by reopening them.
He would have preferred to stay on his back, there was only one reason she'd want to hover over him like this, and that was to touch the most sensitive part of any drones body.
His Core.
“Look at me N. It's rude not to make eye contact with your superior.”
He did what he was told, gold meeting gold, her smile was wide, the same as the one she wore while tearing through workers just without the ‘X’, At this point he was wrecked, panting, hair disheveled and his tail already so oversenstive it felt like a thousand tiny needles sticking him.
“You know what I want right?”
“Y-yes.” There wasn't even a second of hesitation, why would there be? This song and dance was common, not every day but often enough he could reliably tell what mood she was in, today was no different.
All she wanted today, was to feel powerful.
Her claw tapped on the glass covering of his core, sending jolts of imput directly to it, this was the most pleasure he would get during this, the rest would be a blur of pain, he sucked in a breath.
And her hand plunged into the glass while he screamed at the sensation of his heart being ripped out-
He jerked awake with a silent scream, pain resonating from his core as he sucked in as much air both his vents and his artificial lungs would allow, his hand gripped over his core tightly as it throbbed in phantom pain. His eyes were hollow, tears ran down the inside of his visor as he took in his surroundings.
He was home, in bed, in the bunker.
The spire was outside. And J was dead.
He buried his face in his hands as he tried to calm himself down, his core was stuttering as if it wasn't sure if it was supposed to be online or not, and he gulped down a sob.
“Mmh? N?” Uzi's voice entered his head and he grew even more panicked, she didn't need to see him like this! No one needed to see him like this!
He tried to calm himself down before she looked over but it was no use, her purple eyelights were boring into him as she lifted the sheets off herself and closed the miniscule distance between them, her hand was on his in a flash, and her arm around his back.
“N what's wrong?” Her voice was laced with concern, but he couldn't bear anyone touching him right now, he gently shook off her touch, but found it impossible for him to speak a word to her, instead he curled in on himself, tail curled around his body as if it would protect him.
He shook his head as his only response, needing a miniute to collect himself, she kept her hands off him, giving him space but not going too far away to suggested she wasn't there.
He was here, he was home, and he was safe, J wasn't here, she was dead.
“N, are you okay?” Uzi's voice was gentle, like a warm blanket over him after he'd been out in the cold, he let out a deep breath, glancing over at her and feeling the unbearable tightness around his core loosen.
“Y-yeah, I am now…” He responded shakily, still feeling that little bit of phantom pain from his dream- memory.
“What happened? You looked like you thought you were going to die.” She asked, scooting a little closer but still not making any move to touch him directly, he really appreciated that… but now he wanted nothing but her touch.
“I uh… it's- I” How was he supposed to explain this? To her? To anyone? That he'd been used like this, had V even known? J has always managed to get him very alone.
“You don't have to tell me if you're not ready. I know the look of deep-seated trauma when I see it.”
“No, it's… I wanna tell you, I just don't know how.”
“I'm not gonna bite you no matter what you say… at least not in this instance.”
He smiled at her attempt in levity and leaned into her shoulder, giving her permission to wrap one arm around him, tracing shapes in his back while the other interlocked their fingers.
“J didn't like me.”
“But… she liked… what I could offer for her own, uh, stress relief?”
Uzi thought for a moment on what that could possibly mean, it didn't help that she'd been jerked awake by his movement and was possibly still waking up, but as the gears got to turning her face fell.
“Stress relief?”
N let out a shaky breath, he should have known that would be too vague…
“She would take out her frustration on me… sometimes it was because I would make a mistake… and sometimes it was- well just because. Her- Her favorite thing was to uh-” He gulped, words catching in his throat as he forced them out. “-pull my tail n’ rub the vial until it hurt.”
“Oh N…”
“B-but the- the worst thing was-” He looked at her, she already looked so worried for him, he was a little wary that she might never look happy again after he finished. “-my core.”
Uzi dragged him into the the most protective hug she could muster, which was a little difficult considering their height difference. A drones core was… them, it was their power core and main processing unit, it was the most sensitive, most intimate part of someone.
And his had been abused.
“Is… is that why you pulled back yesterday?”
“Y-yeah- I'm sorry about that…”
“Don't. I definitely should have asked before I… attempted that. We hadn't talked about it.” She looked a little ashamed about it, but swiftly turned to topic elsewhere, focusing on him and him alone.
“I'm sorry.”
“You didn't do anything!”
“I know, but… I'm still sorry, that shouldn't have happened to you.”
“C-can you… kiss me?”
She blushed at his forward question before leaning in and giving him the world's sweetest kiss imaginable before pulling him in to cradle his head into her chest, he could hear her core-beat, thruming gently, warmly, safely.
“Do you want to go back to sleep, puppycat?” She was even more flustered now, but she'd wanted to make him happy and that was one of the only things she could think of at the moment.
He liked that, he really liked that pet name, it sent warmth and cotton into his head and core and he purred as the rest of his pain melted away from the sound of her core, she meant safety for him, just as much as he did for her.
“Yes… please.”
Next ->
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zaccosnacco · 4 months
More of my furry au! Heres the geeks and the Hatzgang
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First we have Kevin, he’s a simply tuxedo cat- when I was thinking about what animal he could be I thought about the annoyed side of cats, the grumpy side- and plus they tend to be a bit jumpy I myself have a black cat whos scared of his own shadow
Radford is a Rabbit, so simple really bunnies are often energetic and it’s perfect for the movie mans bubbly nature- they also can get scared too though
Streber is a Fruit Bat, but he tries to lean into being a vampire- this one was easy because Streber is literally the batty guy and he seems like the type to dramatically suck an apple dry
Ethan is an unnamed dog breed, he probably doesn’t even know what he is- however he reminds me of a dog in multiple ways, since he canonically has adhd he can be very energetic and distractible like one and he would honestly be the best friend to have
Now to the Hatzgang! It wasn’t intentional that the animals names start with R but it’s really funny that they do
Ross is a Raven! I thought he’d fit the mark perfectly with his edgy self, and of course Ravens make good friends too
Roy is a raccoon, a trouble maker and mischievous creature- it fit him wonderfully
Robert is a rabbit too, sharing the same nature as his brother, it really made sense that the family was the same animal
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the-kitty-trio · 5 months
Kitty Trio Masterpost!
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Who are we?
We are a group of friends who decided one afternoon to create a blog about our ocs! We are not the same person, there is three people running this blog
@battywirdo @animaliacomics @samicarabarbaru2137 <- People running blog! Feel free to check them out
Let's introduce ourselves individually! Let's start with...
Heya! I go by Was, Maxie or Eddie, but you can call me Sox’s dad.
Age: 18 (birthday is march 21!)
Pronouns: They/them (nonbinary)
What I like: Tadc, indie animation and cartoons in general, video games (especially indie), drawing, oc making/rambling
Sexuality: Bi 
About me: I’m just your average furry and multifandom artist from Sweden with autism and t1d. My current hyperfixation is tadc and two of my tadc ocs, Sox (the one prominent in the blog) and Foofi. When I’m not doing tadc stuff I’m currently developing my upcoming story with my original characters.
Wonderful! Now it's the turn of...
Hey y'all, I'm Batty.
I'm a 19 years old french cartoonist who loves TADC and other cartoons, and I also think monsters and guts are neat. I go by they/them pronouns. I'm the owner of Aslan, the big drag queen of the crew. Very proud of my OC, and I hope you will like him! Anyway, that's all. Horror art is very cool btw.
Great! And now last but not least, there is...
Hi! I'm pery!
I'm old, I go by She/her and I'm Bi!
I like to draw silly things, listen to music and do some acting from time to time. TADC is my hyperfixation and uhh caine is the best character.
Im working on my own au but that's not what im here for.
A bit about myself:
I'm just a simple polish girl (/ref) and I won't admit that im a furry. I'm a big fan of cartoons and kitties so…I combined the two to make nuzzle! She is the smol grumpy kitty. If i make some spelling mistakes i'm sorry i'm just bit stupid LOL
Our Ocs!
- Sox
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- Aslan
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- Nuzzle
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- Foofi
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Now, one last thing but still very important
Boundaries + Q/A
Does this blog contains ships?
Yes it does. There's canonxcanon but also OCxcanon so if you don't like the ships which are going to be depicted or OCxcanon, just don't interact. Don't like it, don't watch it.
Can I make fanarts or fanfics?
Of course! Feel free to show us!
If there's comics, can I make dubs?
Sure! As long as you credit us, it's all good!
Can I ask questions to canon characters?
Feel free to do so. Just, this blog is focused on our TADC OCs so asks focused on them will be prioritized, but canon characters have their importance too!
Can I draw NSFW? Or ask NSFW questions?
Please don't. At the very least, suggestive asks are okay, but nothing more. We're not here for that.
Important: this post will be updated from time to time! So don't forget to check on it sometimes.
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bogusbyron · 1 month
Show notes from my double show day on 8th august 2024. 2nd show was largely very similar so any extra notes i took on that show are added onto the emds of the relevant scenes. Enjoy!!!
(Ignore the amount of times i mention jordan)
1) Stew snapping the book shut in the prologue real sharp will always make me giggle
2) fun little stolen time pause before stew delivers "do not forget me", makes it short and snappy (SHOW 2: stew threw the yellow slip so jvj would have to go collect it.)
3) valvert stare-down before javert's exit. Okay
4)  at this point i wrote "can't find harry. Worried" because i was scanning the ensemble for harry lake and he WASNT THERE mad as hell
5) verry good low note on "dirt beaneath" in the prologue .. milan❤ (SHOW 2: in that little bit when he steals the coin from the child they messed that the hell up girl you caught jackshit)
6) understudy bishop! Every other time ive been it was Adam Pearce . I think i prefer him but the u/s had a really nice rich voicr which i fw , not quite as deep as adam but i liked him. He was a lot more stern & firm as bishop, with bits like "remember this"  and "passion" being quite harsh.
7) valjean wincing when the bishop helps him stand (SHOW 2: when talking to the policeman after the robbery, valjean shakes his head at the bishop who then nods back at him. Heartbreakinf ohmy gyat)
8) "my life was a war" line being half-spoken, in a very distressed manner... quite liked that. Also he sobbed a bit after "allow this man" which got me in the feels.. let valjean cry 2024 (SHOW 2: harsh on "hate" in I had come to hate the world)
9) higher note on  "god above" which scratched the brain
10) jesus christ milan can hold a note . The whole "eye for an eye" crescendo drives me batty and milan does not disappoint
11) swallowed before "he told me that i have a soul" not sure if that was intentional like at all but considering his nervous delivery on future lines like "ill escape now" i thought it fitting
12) ENSEMBLE TIME🗣 tom is so hard NOT to spot, ginger ass hair. And also during At The End Of The Day he was hunched and staggering dramatically which made me giggle. Also bonnie langford spotted leftmost factory woman. Not important but i saw her. Also jordan was one of the workers and he cheers on the fight between fantine and the other woman but as soon as he sees valjean comes down the stairs he hurriedly goes back to looking busy writing at the desk. Again i giggled .
13) idk if its just me being stupid but katie's wig lookee different to how i remember it last time did she get a new one. ⁉️⁉️
14) "when i was young and unafraid" almost spoken.  Ate🗣
15) THE BRASS ON THE  I DREAMED A DREAM CRESCENDO UUUUGGGHHHHHHHHHH I ALWAUS GET GOOSEBUMPS ON "SHAME" UEGGGGHHH  goosebumps also on "i had a dream life would be"  katie's voice ao good ans clear ill go nuts
16)  i think jordan was the first  dude in lovely ladies  and he also got his arse  tapped by one of them so that was fun . It was harry lake last time but he really got his arse slapped like he stumbled offstage and everything
16) the woman with the hat in lovely ladies i forgot her actress' name but i LOVED her voice . I gotta know if she understudies anyone cause wowzer.
17) bambatabois was pissed as hell he was screaming his head off like a toddler
18) here i wrote "JORDAN POLICEMAN ON DA STAIRS🔥🔥🔥" handwrote the fire emojis and everything. He was playing one of the policemen and he climbed the stairs. I liked that
19) little fantine sob after javert says "i have heard such protestations" which BROKE my heart ohmy gah. Also katie always  eats the crescendo on "you let your foreman send me away"  that whole bit drives me crazy the music and strings bruh ohmy
20) javert's "monsieur le maire"  very curt and sharp almost a hiss which i dont think ive delivered like that before ? Looove snappy javert
21) like when i saw stew & milan on the 14th they have homo moment at the cart when javert holds valjeans bicep for far too long and his voice even goes up higher on "a memory stirs" as he stares into his eyes for Way too long
22) low note on "comes to court" which scratched the brain
23) valjean snatching his coat from javert LMFOAOAOO
24) his whole mini-monologue was so funny cause he was REALLY pronouncing his "k"s so it was just like  traCK🗣ed him down through thICK🗣 and thin. And to maK🗣e the matter certain theres the brand upon his sK🗣in. He will bend. He will breaK🗣 this time there is no mistaK🗣e
25) slight pauses between the last "i am damned" in who am i like  I. Am. Damned
26) i feel like milan is a lot more determined and deliberate and sure of himself as compared to chris' much softer and "mature"? valjean. Which i find interesting
27) katie somehow so good at singing even when "frail"  helloooooooo shes actually cracked  Get out
28) valjean so soft with fantine though  godbless she makes my heart ache. He had her face against her cheek which i thought sweet
30) Valjean scoffing before "men like you can never change" made me giggle hes so sick of his shit
31) gay as fuck fight. Will never get over stewart's insane gagging coughing and whimpering when hes thrown to the ground after being strangled. What the hell. I have a slur to say (SHOW 2: as javert was knelt down in front of valjean (🧐), when he pulled back his fist to fight back it looked like he was about to punch valjean in the balls but luckily valjean knocked him oit before he could do this)
32) BONNIE LANGFORD🗣🗣🗣🗣🗣 shes really witchy as mme thenardier kind of obsessed. I like her a lot . Her naturally high pitched voice creates a very interestinf tone when singing as mme thenardier which i LOOOOVE
33) when cosette asks her not to be sent out alone she kind of like steps back almost like shes afraid of cosette . Dont know whether this was fear or her being taken aback that cosette would reply but still made me laugh
34) JOOOOORDDAAAAAANN🗣🗣🗣 FUCK YALL KNOW ABOUT THE DUDE IN THE RED JACKET , hes the one who shouts  "over here landlord" or some shir and "this place has gone to hell" before the song properly starts. The WHOLE song he was such a delight to watch, hes so camp and did the gayest of walks and dances and whatever the fuck , ohmy god he was so funny . If anyone goes to see the show soon and jordans ensemble please watch our for him in master of the house, tall bloke in the hat and red jacket. You cant miss him hes camp as hell. Im obsessed with him deeply and i wish i couldve watched master of the house on repeat PURELY so i could see the bloke in the red jacket. (SHOW 2: he did a kind of silly gay walk in which he did the wallace (like from wallace and gromit) hands) Here are some doodles i did of him:
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35) tom was on as thenardier BTW (ginger thenardier gang) i like the way he shakes his epaulettes on "content to be". I loved tom & bonnie's rapport as the thenardiers too, so good . Tomardier on top . They were dancing together and shit during the  chorus they were fun. Apparently thenardier put mme thenardier in a headlock at some point as well which is funny
36) bonnie did a little r roll on "regular voltaire". Not impoerant at all but i liked it. Also did a low note on "master and a half" which i also liked
37) kept the bit where mme thenardier says "where the fu" before realising valjean is there . And the bit where she sprays perfume up her skirt. Always a good gag (cause like i get it)
38) bonnie's pretending to be worriwd abt cosette was so good . Her comedy acting genuinely endearing and im hype
39) tom, like last time i saw him, goes really high pitched on "like our own, monsieur" which is SO funny god i love tomardier
40) on "treacherous people about" they kind of advance on valjean but then immediately cower away when he stands up to challenge them LMFAOAO
41) marius appears. Jac yarrow has a  GREAT voice , but Is he better than harry lake ? 🤫 maybe im just biased . Harrius sweep
42) jordan as claquesous (which is the only character of his that gets a name) is so funny . Hes swinging around his little corner of the set a lot . Swinging from the beams and shit. I do not  blame him id do the same
43) Ok first of all yaz eponine was AMAZING  her "ITS JAVERT!" is so chilling. Shes awesome godbless WHAT  a voice. Javert also keeping it curt and snappy and hissing "square"  in Another brawl in the square. Hilarious
44) i love the way tomardier tries to escape being held by the policemen on "HE'S ---! THE ONE YOU SHOULD  ARREST!" it always makes me laugh. Also voice crack on "chest" in Brand upon his chest. The way he and bonnie strut offstage after being freed is SO funny
45) OK TIME FOR THE STARS INFLECTION NOTES.  Sharp & curt on "there" which i dont usually hear. Soft on "fugitive". Pronounced "god" like  god-uh which was funny. Soft on "yield". Slight stolen time hold on "mine" ("is the way of the lord" as a result came out sharper). Soft on "scarce" rather than the usual hiss i hear. Dribbling a bit . Growled on "returns". VERY clear note on "bars". Sounded a bit like he struggled with "then" on Until then, but delivered as usual on the final Stars. Hoo boy go stew (2ND SHOW: only one i got was "exasperated "Always"" on  And is always the same. I cannot remember what i meant by this but usually my inflection notes are somewhat accurate so let ur imaginaton run wild)
46) for some reason i noted how gavroche had really long eyelashes. I have no idea if i was just seeing things or what but yeah
47) jac has really solid vibrato honestly . His voice is GREAT . I will refrain from comparing him to harry cause i think we all know how much i like him already . But i have things to say .
48) JORDAN UNNAMED STUDENT NO1 WITH THE GLASSES 😭😭😭😭😭😭 half moon glasses he ate that. Cafe scene started off with him arguing with enjolras which i thought funny. He seemed really prim and bitchy with i loooved, dont ask me what anyone else was doing for this scene cause my eyes did not leave him
49) grantaire shouting *YOU* talk of battles to be  won  while pointinf at enjolras made me giggle
50) jordan scoffing off to the side @ grantaire  as he starts playing catch with his bottle. Im obsessed with him. Maybe id be a les amis fan if he was there. Also he's the one who chimes in "OUR WORLD !🗣" so whatever
51) grantaire spinning around across the stage on "red" during marius' verse
52) jordan did NOT need to stand on that  chair at the red & black crescendo girl you are tall Enough
53) enjolras did a silly little "HA-HA!!" I think after "blaze in their eyes"
54) jordan helping move the big staircase setpiece during do you hear the people sing... hashtag stagehands represent BIG UP STAGE MANAGEMENT🗣🗣🗣🗣🗣🗣🗣🗣🗣💥
55) Lulu may not have my favourite voice ever but she is cute as  cosette i cannot  lie she does little toe bounces every now and then i like that .
56) milan had a little stray loose hair that fell over his face and i couldnt take my eyes off it
57) jac quite harsh on the "burst" in She has burst like the music which was fire. Spit yo shit marius
58) yaz has SUCH  powerful voice it was always so shocking everytime she sang GET HER ON PRINCIPAL NEEOOOWWW!!!!!!
59) marius did a little awkward ass wave to cosette after she comes out on the balcony to see her, like he just lifts his hand up a little, DIDNT EVEN SMILE? just ✋😦 looking slightly startled. So good. He also did a deep ass bow to her when she comes down which made me giggle
60) so jordan had like, a stick  as a weapon as claquesous in the attack on rue plumet and as he runs onstage he kinda fumbled with it. Whether this was intentional or not i dont know but regardless yes i laughed. (2ND SHOW: thenardier tries to get up onto the balcony twice, instead of the usual once. The first time, claquesous gets down on hands and knees like a stool. Thenardier steps on him and claquesous immediately collapses under the weight.)
61) i dont seem to remember this happening in other shows  does thenardier always hit eponine after "you'll scream alright"? Or am i insane. Because he did this show (2ND SHOW: marius blows a kiss through the fence to cosette before he runs off.)
62) YAZ DURING ONE DAY MORE BEUHHHH ohmy days.... so sosososoop good so strong... djavan also as usual strong, the way his voice always rips through the theatre is just amazing godbless (2ND SHOW: bonnie sticking her leg up in the air as she's carted off.)
64) Grantaire was kinda creeping up behind enjolras for whatever reason at some point. Was funny as hell
66) Yaz was so delightfully gentle as Eponine i liked it . Made her powerful voice a lot more standout for me . As for on my own inflection: short on "silver" in Shines like silver. The string pickup as it builds up to the crescendo on "and i know its only in my mind" is always insane ohhumy gyat. Harsh on "the trees" in the trees are bare and everywhere. Harsh and almost spoken on the final "without me". The last crescendo was utterly gorgeous . Yaz eat yuor heart out❤
67) on jod theres usually fog for the barricade reveal. No fog this show. Disappointing..  i love fog
68) army general's bit .. as usual harsh on "you" which i like but i think he skipped a beat . Didmt note where but i remember there being a missed beat and it was a bit fast (2ND SHOW: this might have been for the 2nd attack but regardless, when theyre shouted to get down, jordan's student who was way downstage (audience) left he almost fell over when he went to kneel down . Very clumsy job there boss. Obsessed)
69) stew's baker boy matches jordan's now... last time i saw stew he was in brown. Hes in the green/red now ‼️⁉️
70) yaz's eponine seemed content to submit herseld and die in marius' arms which was so heartbreaking . The key up. Also voice break on "her name was" which made me want to punch a wall
71) gavroche hands marius eponines hat :-(((((
72) i think milan was struggling to get off the barricade he almost stumbled and had to be helped down ajdhdifhd
73) javert just kinda admitting defeat and slumping to his knees with a haunted look in his eyes ❤ getting his lapels grabbed until "youre free" will always fuck hard as well. Theway hes grabbing onto valjeans wrists though I KNOW WHAT YOU ARE (2ND SHOW: during drink with me milan and jordan were off to the side next to each other chatting away. Jvj starts to chug whatevers in his cup. Jordan goes to take the cup from him but jvj turns away so that he cant take it. Jvj alcoholism era. Additionally jvj puts his arm around jordan's character just before the final battle.... ouff... Here are some sketches i did of them:)
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73) milan's vocal range is sooogood. His whole Bring Him Home just scrumptious. Plus the crescendo on the strings UGGHHHHHHH. It SOUNDED like he struggled a tad on that final "him" but Home came out GREAT ... godbless
74) final attack. I noticed jordan's student wedged away in the crevice to the (audience) left and everytime hed fire his gun hed turn away and scrunch his face up. Obsessed. I did NOT see where he died though. This tells me he did not actually die and hes alive and well❤
75) javert kissing the cross over gavroche 😔😔😔😔😔😔😔 (i THINK valjean does this too earlier? Possibly he did this in the 2nd show)
76) tomardier holding the dead body's jaw and making it say "breath away from hell" in a stupid voice". He also did a silly posh voice on "thankyou sir im in your debt". "And god in his heaven" almost spoken i think. I alsofind it funny how he kicked over marius' body and stepped up on his arse
77) Javert seemed to almost miss & run past valjean ans marius LMFAAOOO i had a little giggle.
78) Jvj looking so sick of javert will never not be funny hes sooooo fucking done
79) I very much liked the slight distant stare like a moment of reflection before he sings "take him valjean!" adds a little to that bit i think. Yum. Thanks stewart
80) Soliloquy inflections.  "Who is this man/what sort of devil is he" GROWLED rather thsn the usual scream he does . Liked it i cant lie. He was quite shaky especially on "caught in a trap" which was LAAAVELY...... spat "back" in Gave me back my life . Harsh  on "mocked" which is always delightful to hear, a classic . Absolutely delectable tone shift  and becoming quite weak and almost croaky for "how can i now allow this man". He was even hoarse for "gave me freedom", and weak on "die as well". As per the Stewart Clarke Special there was a tremendous glob of spit escaping him on "sins"  in Shall his sins be forgiven . Absolutely delightful voice crack on "begin to doubt". Another glob of spit in "lost in shadow".  SUPER shaky "i am reaching". Yet another glob of spit on "stars are black". Low note on "escape now". And, as per, hit that shit (2ND SHOW: voice crack on "he" in "devil is he". Whimpered "gave me my life". Snarled "it was his right". Another glob of spit on "sins" like the first show. Whimpered "and must i now". Another glob of spit for "escape now".)
81) anyway , empty chairs time. Quite short on "on and on". Lovely and rich delivery of "never came" (thats a hard note to hit comfortably!).. again jac's vibrato was very notable to me !!!!! He delivered "phantom shadows" very upset like a half-sob. The following "empty chairs" very harsh. SHOUTED "don't ask me".
82) i liked his distant & haunted stare during every day ughhh mawius...
83) lulu as usual hitting those insane notes Go girl!!!
84) i really liked milan's acting during the confession - i personally preferred chris' performance but both absolutely stellar. His expressions were wonderfully desperate
85) i think someone (djavan?) almost missed their cue as ome of the servants during the wedding i saw them jogging onstage to help with the table LMFAOAOOO
86) if you didnt know already, bonnie langford does the splits when she curtsies when she appears. She also seems more interested in the drinks djavan servant has to offer than the plan to scam marius . She keeps trying to set thenardier right and then tiptoes off to take a swig of wine. Giggled
87) when marius tells them to go away thenardier turns around and says "for god's sake" LMFOAOAOAO
88) after thenadier is punched by marius (does his classic 270° spin) he falls over and gets stuck on his back, flailing around like a tortoise while mme thenardier cackles like a witch
89) they do the littlw pointy toe gay dance together hashtag true love (2ND SHOW: tomardier blowing a kiss at the lord.)
90) milan during the epilogue always heartbreaking he is wonderfully frail. Absolutely lovely  gentle low notes . He was almost sobbing on "on this page" which made me want to start killing. Sniffed before "its a story". Very shaky voice on "to my keeping". ... suicide tomorroeeeeee
BONUS) since i had nothing more to note down in the epilogue i drafted the next chapter of my fanfiction.
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queer-ragnelle · 10 days
Hi there! Is there a retelling where Lot is a good, well-written character? So far I've seen he's usually portrayed as a full-blown villain or at least a complete jerk, and it makes me sad because I think that he is much more complex in the Vulgate and Le Morte (and also at the beginning in Les enfances Gauvain, 10/10)
I'm a King Lot enjoyer and apologist, I got you. Good Lot is so hard to find. Actually the best Lot is trapped in a mediocre book, The Winter Knight by Jes Battis. He’s a single dad working constantly to support Gawain. It’s so cute. Sleepy depressed dad ily. But it's a reincarnation urban fantasy drowning in "quirky" modern references that really killed the vibes for me. Canadian Lot ain't cutting it. :^/
For a more medlit-abiding story, I like Lot in Bedivere by Wayne Wise particularly because even though Gawain (and eventually Agravaine) bend the knee to Arthur against his wishes, Lot is kinda proud of them for having conviction it was sweet. He was like "Noooo don't be your own men haha ;^)" And then he just....let's them do what they wanted without giving them shit for it. Refreshingly normal parent. He didn't fight [much] with Arthur either he's like, "Alright whatever me and my hot wife are going back north to the babies bye."
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Lot and Morgause are both kinda funny in The Story of Sir Launcelot and His Companions by Howard Pyle just because Gareth is their favorite and they spoil him lol It actually made for a compelling kitchen boy story because it explains where Gareth gets his attitude which is what gets him in trouble with Kay. The whole court fawns over him to be in the king and queen's good graces and made Gareth a brat (affectionate).
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Lot is barely a character in Sharan Newman's trilogy but he's a good dude and Agravaine is the only kid he actually sired so he likes him best. Surprisingly upstanding interpretation of them both. Here's a quote from The Chessboard Queen.
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Not the step-dad but the dad who stepped up Lot? More likely than you think.
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Lastly I wouldn't say Starz Camelot (2011) has a good Lot, but he's very sexy. He's in the first two episodes (and comes back as a vision in a later episode). He's definitely a bloody warlord killing whoever but he's really into Morgan. I mean duh, look at her. Things go downhill quickly but...James Purefoy the man that you are....
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This turned into a long way of saying Gaheris is never the favorite kid. Anyway that's all the King Lot I have for you. Take care!
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mrsarnasdelicious · 1 year
Trash Romance Novel Geralt Smut
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You see him for the first time when he opens the door of the carriage for you.
Your mother had been so cross with you for flirting with the stunning red haired lad from over the way, that she had send you to the countryside. To your Aunt's estate, because surely the fresh air and lack of peers would set you right. Your aunt is an old spinster with no husband and an abundance of cats. And several horses.
He is gorgeous. His hair is ashen and his eyes an exotic sort of amber. He takes care of your Aunt's horses and lives in an apartment above the stables.
His name is Geralt.
"Madam, may I carry your suitcases?" He asks. He is so gentle it makes you feel all fluttery. "Oh ... yes, please." You nod. He takes your suitcases and follows you and your mother inside. Your aunt is waiting there and dismisses him right away. He gives a little dip of his head and takes his leave.
You spend the first few days meeting your Aunt's rich old batty lady friends. They assure you they have very handsome nephews and sons. Between cups of tea and scones they take your measure for their eligible male relatives.
At first you get no chance to go find Geralt again.
But then your Aunt tells you you can borrow one of her horses. You take the chance gladly. "Pick any of my horses." Says your aunt.
So you pick a pretty red roan mare. And Geralt comes right over to help you with her.
"What is her name?" You ask him. "Her name Pionny." Geralt replies. He shows you how to saddle her. You can barely concentrate on what he explains though. All you focus on is his strong arms and his deft hands.
"Ma'am?" Geralt asks.
You fluster and look away. Geralt chuckles softly. "Were you looking at me?" He teases. "I ... erm.. Yes." You mutter. You feel it senseless to lie to him. "Why?" Asks Geralt. You cast your eyes back at him. "Are you kidding?" You reply. "Look at you!" You exclaim. Geralt flusters a little, but a grin tugs at his lips.
"Look at me?" He asks.
"Oh all day long." You reply. "Genuinely?" Geralt takes a little step closer. He is in your personal space now. Your heart beats in your throat. Pionny nickers and gives you a little nudge. Suddenly you are pressed against Geralt. He looks down on you and sends you a charming smirk. Fluster rises to your cheeks at how handsome he is.
Oh if only be would take you in arms..
But instead he pick you up by the waist and hoists you in the saddle. You can't stop a little yelp from escaping your lips. "Don't be afraid." Geralt says. You huff softly. "I am not afraid." You tell him. "Good." Geralt smiles up at you.
He takes Pionny by the briddle and leads her outside.
"Can you handle it from here, or should I walk with you?" He asks. You are tempted to ask him to join, but decide it too greedy. You can't have it all at once. "I can handle it." You say.
You take up the habit of taking Pionny out riding every day.
Every day Geralt insists on helping you saddle her. And every day he smiles at you so handsomely. He still calls you ma'am, in that wonderful rumbling voice of his. And every time he does, your underbelly fills with butterflies.
"Geralt." You say, on a sunny summer day. "Yes ma'am?" Geralt replies gently. "Come with me today. Ride out with me." You invite him. "Gladly ma'am." Geralt smiles warmly down on you.
He saddles his black stallion and you prove you can saddle your horse just fine by yourself. Geralt elects not to say anything about it, though. You ride out into the fields.
You have been prudent enough to have a maid go ahead to set up a picnic. And once you arrive, you know for certain it was wisdom.
"You have been planning this, haven't you." Geralt murmurs. You send him a wide smile. "I might have." You cooe. You dismouth and let Pionny graze. Geralt also slides out of the saddle and sets his stallion loose.
You sit down on the picnic blanket and smooth out your skirts. Geralt sits down beside you. "You are a very clever woman." He murmurs. "I would like to think so." You smile up at him. You are almost sucked into those strangely coloured eyes.
Geralt leans forward ever so slightly and his hand places over yours. Your heartbeat quickens and your breath catches in the back of your throat. But then Geralt reaches into the picnic basket. "Let me see what you had us brought." He rumbles.
You try not to expel your breath too loudly...
Geralt smirks, retracting his hand from the basket. His fingers instead find your chin. He tips your head back a little. "Close those smiling eyes." He rumbled. You oblige, albeit slowly. You prefer to keep looking at him. You feel he leans in by the heat rolling off of his body. Your heart rate picks up a little. You know what will happen now, you are no fool.
Geralt's lips caress yours in the barest ghost of a kiss. It might not be much of a touch, your heart begins to race. You can't help a moan. Geralt groans in reply. You hear how lustful he sounds. "Already?" You whisper. "Already what?" Geralt asks. "Already excited." You reach out and place your hand on his thigh. Geralt flusters a little. "I ... I can't deny I am rather excited to be so close to you." He rumbles. You grin and squeeze his thigh. "You can be even closer." You tease.
Geralt cups your cheek with a large, warm hand. "I would like that." He murmurs huskily. He lips press upon yours in a genuine kiss. Another moan rises from your throat. It is so good to be kisses by a man like Geralt. You scoot a little closer. Geralt reached out to you and reels you in yet closer. Before you know it, you are in his lap.
And oh, he is firm against you. His muscles are clear under the fabric of his clothes. You shudder at how strong he feels. "Do you like what you feel?" Geralt murmurs. "Absolutely." You whisper. You run your hand over his vast chest. He feels so incredibly strong.
You lay down and beckon Geralt to come hither.
He licks his lips.
No time is wasted in crawling on top of you. Geralt closes the distance and kisses you fiercely. You moan eagerly into his mouth.  He groans and lowers his pelvis against your. You feel his cock is hard in the confines of his trousers. “Oh .. oh gods.” You whisper against his lips. Geralt pulls back a little. “Too much?” He asks. You hesitate to answer.  He might be a bit too large indeed. He’ll need to prepare you well. "No." You answer. "Are you sure?" Geralt murmurs. "Yes, but you will have to prepare me well. You are so shapely and large." You whisper. "No need to worry, sweetling. I know by now how to make a woman wet." Geralt rumbles. 
You feel jealous of the women he has been with before you. But you try not to think of them. He is with you now. He is going to make you feel so good. Better than you have ever felt. 
Carefully, Geralt helps you out of your dress. An arduous process if there ever was one. There are so many layers and laces. You are sort of surprised Geralt is still hard when you are in only your thin white underdress. The cloth of which is so thin it is all but translucent. 
He draws you into another kiss. His lips are so fierce on yours it makes you weak in the knees. You moan ever so softly. Geralt makes use of this opportunity to invade your mouth with his tongue.  You tangle your fingers in his hair, tugging at his pale locks. He groans at the sensation, sucking gingerly at your lips. You whimper and pressing your body firmly against his.  Geralt moves his body firmly against yours. You can feel his cock through his breeches and your shift. It’s grinding down on you, catching on your clit with every roll of Geralt’s firm body. 
“Will you undress for me?” You whisper against his lips. “Hm.” Does Geralt. 
He backs off and stands up. He undresses himself in a hurry. You look breathlessly up at him. What he unveils is nothing short of art. It is like the old masters have all come together to create him.   “Gods... Geralt.” You whisper. He smirks down on you. “That bad?” He murmurs. You shake your head. “That great.” You whisper.Geralt flushes a little, but grins down on you. 
“Now you.” He rumbles. You nod and take off your under dress, sitting before him in your small clothes. “Those too.” Geralt seems not to care for them. “Say please.” You cooe. “Must I do it myself?” Geralt growls. He draws you against him, pulling at your bustiere and then your knickers, drawing them from you, the flimsy fabric tearing under his large hand. 
“Those were my nice smalls!” You scold. “They were very nice, but they were in my way.” Geralt rumbles. 
His hand travels over the length of your body, from neck to ass. You quiver in his embrace, whimpering softly. You are yearning for more of his touch, but he keeps his hands only on your skin, not on your most sensitive parts. He kisses you deeply though. His tongue thrusts into your mouth and you moan. Geralt replies with a loud groan. He draws you into his lap. You feel his cock against your thigh and your belly. He is so large. How is he ever going to fit inside you? You squirm a little, but this rubs you against his cock. Geralt groans into your mouth. 
You reach down, to carefully caress the head of his cock. Geralt groans darkly.  “Do-don’t.” He rasps. “Why not?” You ask him, innocently and slightly confused. “I won’t be able to control myself.” Geralt replies. “I will throw you down and fuck you, no holds barred.” He tells you. You nuzzle at his throat. “Maybe I want that.” You purr. “No you don’t. It will hurt when I do that.” Geralt replies. “No, no you won’t hurt me.” You cooe. You are convinced that Geralt will be good to you. 
The stablehand throws you down, hovering over you. “Don’t be a fool, Y/N.” He rasps.
You open your legs for him, slowly, trying to be seductive. “Fuck.” Geralt swears under his breath.  He wastes no more time in getting his face between your thighs. You squeal as his lips connect to your folds. Geralt groans in reply. 
His tongue parts your folds and you moan loudly. You are glad only Geralt and the horses can hear you. Carefully, Geralt sucks down on your clit. You cannot control the sounds that pour from your mouth. It is just too good. It is pleasure like you have never experienced before. “Oh g-god.” You whine. Geralt smirks against your womanhood. He shoves his tongue inside you. You cry out in pleasure and Geralt begins fucking you with his tongue. 
Swiftly, he brings you to a climax. You feel like you are floating and on fire at the same time. 
Groaning, Geralt laps up your arousal. “You taste amazing.” He growls. You flush brightly. Your mind is still spinning and you most certainly need a moment to gather your wits about you again.  Geralt smirks at you and licks ever so carefully at your clit once more. You moan and try to squirm away. But Geralt is not letting you. He keeps you pinned to the blanket.
“Please, please.” You whimper. “Please what?” Geralt rumbles. You fluster, but know he wants you to say it out loud. “Please, fuck me.” You whisper. You dare not look at him. But he chuckles softly. “I will, my sweet.” He murmurs.  
He crawls up your body, kissing you fiercely. You taste yourself on his tongue.  His cock kisses your opened folds. Your breath hitches. You are no innocent fool, you know what comes next. And gods does he feel large.  Geralt grinds down on you and groans darkly. “You are so wet.” He growls. He grabs his cock and teases your core with the head of it. You whimper loudly. It feels so good. 
“I-inside. I need you inside me.” You whisper. 
Geralt wastes no time in obliging to your desire.  He pushes into you slowly. You flinch a little at the stretch. He is just so fucking big. He opens you so wide that you almost fear you’ll tear. But then he starts rubbing your clit. You moan and forget all about the stretch. All you focus on is the pleasure. 
“Fuck, you are so tight. You’re wet, and tight. I’ll need to do my best not to cum when you do.” Geralt grunts. “J-just be ge-gentle, please.” You whimper. “Of course I will be.” Geralt rumbles.  He rubs you while rolling his pelvis. It hits all the right spots. You arch your back, curls your toes and moan. You moan lustfully for Geralt. And Geralt groans in reply. 
“You feel so good.” He growls.  “Y-you .. you do too.” You moan softly. He feels so amazing. He’s got you so close to the edge already. You need only just a little more. Just a little while longer. All he’ll have to do is keep going. “Like that. M-more ... Just like tha-that.” You manage to gasp. “Okay.” Geralt nods ever so slightly.  So he keeps rubbing you, while also thrusting slowly into you. You moan, clinging ot his shoulder with one hand and running your other into his hair. You give a tug and Geralt groans darkly. 
“Fuck.” He growls. 
His thrusts grow more fierce, but he keeps rubbing your clit in the same way. You squeal in pleasure. Geralt helps you tilt your pelvis ever so slightly, his thrusts aimed right at your g-spot. It is enough to tip you over the edge. Fire spreads through your extremities and lightning strikes down your spine. Your core contracts on his cock and you feel tingles all over. It is so fucking good to cum on his cock!
“Fuck.” Geralt groans. “You’re gona milk my cock.” He slams into you without any mercy. You cry out his name and cling to him. “Do it, give it to me, cum for me.” You encourage him hoarsely.  Geralt stills and grunts as he spends himself inside you. “Oohhoo fuck yes.” He growls. You moan at the mere sounds of him. It is so sexy. Everything about Geralt is so fucking sexy.
Slowly he pulls out. You whine at the loss. 
“That was so good.” You whisper. “Yes, it was, thank you.” Geralt rumbles. “No, thank you.” You cooe, arching up to press a kiss against his lips. Geralt happily kisses you back, taking you into his arms. 
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