#voltron humor
iri-desky · 7 months
Um...oh no. Oh no no no no. KOSA is coming back.
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Is this legit? Oh God. OH fuck no. This can't pass, this seriously cannot pass. Everyone, help. Fandoms of Tumblr, we need to fix this. Reblog with EVERY. FANDOM. YOU CAN FIND. And make your own posts the same way. EVERYONE needs to know. STOP. KOSA. CALL THE GODDAMN PRESIDENT IF YOU CAN. CALL SENATORS. ANYTHING. THIS. CANNOT. HAPPEN.
CHECK badinternetbills.com FOR MORE INFO!
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soulvtude · 4 months
lance probably has scrunchies in his pockets so when keith needs a hair tie he can just force him to wear the scrunchies
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acherontia-art · 22 days
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drawing on memes that were on hype a hundred thousand million years ago is my creed :D
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idoweirdcrap · 5 months
Does anyone else ever get the unresistable urge to just Klance?
Klance [ˈklaːntsɛ]
Being way too fucking obsessed with Keith Kogane and Lance McClain's fictional relationship.
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existwound · 26 days
to breathe in this mirage by existwound
E | 12k+ | 1/4 | Keith/Lance
The light reflects on a piece of silver metal on Keith’s hand as his fingers play with Lance’s. He zeroes in on it, his breath catching in his throat. It’s a thin silver ring that sits nicely on his left ring finger, adorned with an even thinner golden band around it, perfectly matching, and mirroring, the ring that Lance found on his bathroom counter this morning. Oh, no way. No, no, no, no. Absolutely not. This has to be some kind of cruel joke. There is no way that the person he’s married to in the future is Keith.
or: Lance unwillingly takes one for the team and wakes up ten years in the future.
read chapter one now on ao3!
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keithkog · 15 days
Waking up angry is the worst. I don’t have the most pleasant dreams, especially after hard days. Do you know how angry I would be if that guy actually landed a single blow on me or Lance? He got mercy because he didn’t. Anyways, going to try to get my mood up somehow now.
Hope you guys days are starting off better than mine. Drink some water, take care of yourselves. That’s what I’m going to do, my tongue drier than Pidge’s humor right now.
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mossyghostsstuff · 3 months
Lance absentmindedly: “F is for friends who do stuff together”
Hunk joining in: “U is for you and me :]”
Pidge under their breath: “N is for anywhere at any time at all”
All 3: “Down here in the deep blue sea!”
Keith: “what the fuck.”
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yeetyeet1 · 8 months
Some of my favorite lines from the Voltron fanfic I've been writing
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Here is the fanfic if anyone wants to read it:
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wench-on-a-bench · 21 days
"Lance summoned his Bayard.
Aim. Breathe. Shoot.
The resounding shot echoed in his ears. Except it wasn’t from his gun.
Lance’s legs gave out before he even realized what’d happened. He’d been shot. Square in his right ass cheek."
Lance McClain, Blue Paladin and Red Lion Pilot, has survived many trials out in space: Strenuous battles, relentless pining over Keith Kogane, being shot in truly embarrassing places ... but when he ends up on a solo mission it may prove to be his hardest challenge yet. Especially since he's stuck on a planet that doesn't even like Voltron. But it can't be any harder than trying to reconnect with Keith (who's been extra closed off since his returned from the Quantum Abyss), can it?
What results is many laughs ... and many tears.
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"Hey Keith! Are you a parking ticket? 'Cuz you're got 'fine' written all over you."
Pidge shook her head. "That is so cliché, Lance," she muttered dissaprovingly.
Keith, however looked plain confused. "What? Do I look like a piece of paper to you? I know I'm pale, but is this a weird way of insulting me?"
Pidge choked on her own spit and cackled. "This is entertainment"
The next day, Lance tried again. "I think there’s something wrong with my phone. Could you try calling it to see if it works?"
Again, all Lance was rewarded with was a glare.
"Are you messing with me? You know we don't have phones out here."
"Oh. Huh, I forgot about that," Lance said to himself.
That night, Keith went through his usual routine to get ready for bed. He then slid under the covers, careful not to mess up the already made bed (because he was too lazy to mess it up and then remake it every morning). He eyelids drooped. Why was Lance acting so weird? Had he been drugged? Maybe Keith would have to ask Coran to give Lance a checkup in the morning...
"PARKING TICKET!" he gasped, bolting upright. (So much for not ruining the bed.) His face turned bright red with embarrassment.
"Damn it."
Wait I have more:
"I always thought happiness started with an ‘h,’ but it turns out mine starts with ‘u.’"
"That makes absolutely no sense Lance"
"Lance, buddy, it's hopeless."
*Shiro shakes his head in that disappointed dad way*
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ohromeoraine · 3 months
Y’all, Shinsou Hitoshi’s character development is actually pretty subtle, but definitely noticeable if you rewatch the first season he appears in mha after watching later seasons. This is most likely due to him having a mentor now, and yes he was an ass in the sports festival arc, but he’s definitely grown as a person(character) since then. Although I have not gotten to watch season seven yet, you can really see a clear example of the way he applies himself in the class a vs class b training battles.
First off, he now has support gear, which is super important(in my opinion) for heroes in training to have and even pro heroes. Because quirks are just tools if you think about it. I’ll go into a rant about that in another post, but the point is our insomniac has more versatility with his quirk than in the sports festival arc.
Also, he’s a very clever guy. Dude taunted people in the sports festival just to gain control of them. Not only is that super smart, but it’s also chaotic af and I love that he’s an actually menace to society. In the class training battles, his support gear helped alter his voice so his opponents would be more susceptible to responding to his voice. It’s absolutely insane and I love the thought that was put into his costume design.
I’m not entirely sure if Shinsou is planning on being an underground hero like Eraserhead(I’m almost positive he is, but I don’t want to spread false information), but his quirk would excel in hostage situations, robberies, and assisting with arrests.
I feel like he’s an amazing character for mha! I just love analyzing characters, so if you have any requests feel free to use up my ask inbox!!
Stay groovy, friends!
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iri-desky · 7 months
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we can't let this happen. Oh no, oh no... quote a reblogger on my pinned post about this on my blog; "oh shit, the abomination has been reanimated". Indeed, while I'm a big fan of abominations, NOT THIS ONE. THIS IS THE MOST DISGUSTING ABOMINATION I'VE EVER SEEN. FANDOMS OF TUMBLR, UNITE.
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icypantherwrites · 4 months
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New Fic: A Little Mistranslation
Patreon Link | AO3 Link
Summary: “And there was this one component that we found that translated out to ‘shrink ray,’” Pidge steamrolled over Lance. “And we thought you know, cool, right? Just like in the sci-fi movies.”
Lance was starting to get a very bad feeling as to where this was going.
“Pidge,” his eyes darted to Pidge’s hands — empty — and then to her cargo pants pocket half-expecting to see a miniature sized version of his best friend, “where’s Hunk?”
Except ‘shrink’ ray doesn’t actually mean ‘shrink’ as in 'tiny.' It means ‘shrink’ as in ‘de-age’ and while Pidge figures out a way to reverse it Lance is now spending the day babysitting an adorable baby-version of his best friend.
If you read and enjoy the story comments are much appreciated ♥
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acherontia-art · 4 months
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sweet-baby-bird · 10 months
My VLD Shiro profile icon on Netflix brings me so much joy and so much psychic damage. I don't dare change it, lest I forget my roots.
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klanced · 1 year
“Keith is like a little purse dog to lesbians” where do these thoughts in your head come from? I’d give me heart, body and soul, to one day perhaps understand even a sliver of your operation.
there's just something about voltron specifically that gives me access to the sublime
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