#war crimes on the daily baby!
That one character who thinks it's the "Geneva Suggestions"
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oldpotatoe · 1 year
"the first casualty, when war comes, is truth"
i wish i wasn't writing this.
i wish i didn't have to caveat this whole statement with "by the way, i strongly condemn the killing of innocent civilians in any circumstance whatsoever" because i am a muslim and obviously every muslim voice represents all 1.8 billion of us, right? but your faves can go on instagram and loudly proclaim there is no two sides to this - i stand with the apartheid state bombing and starving children! with no consequences whatsoever. right.
i wish i didn't have to filter every bit of information i saw because of rampant lies and misinformation boosted across social media, especially when it shrouds the actual atrocities happening. it's still unconfirmed whether 40 babies were murdered by hamas militants - if true, it is an awful, awful act done by the lowest of the low. but as we speak, 447 children have been confirmed to be killed - murdered - in gaza just in the last few days.
i wish i didn't see videos of those murders. i wish i could wipe away the horrific wailing of a father as he clawed his daughter's lifeless body out of rubble, falling to his knees as he cried for her to wake. i wish i didn't see mothers clutching small, bloodied bundles in their hands, screaming and screaming and screaming. i wish i could forget that i have been seeing iterations of these videos coming out of palestine from 2021, 2014, 2009, 2006 - oh, basically anytime israel decided to launch an offensive on gaza.
i wish children didn't make up 47% of gaza's 2 million population, of which 4 out of 5 were living with PTSD and depression as per a report from last year (aka before this latest shitstorm started), because living in an open air prison under constant threat of bombing really helps make those childhood memories extra special. i wish these children were considered as human as those across the border, their lives as important and meaningful.
i wish that literal war crimes were not taking place in gaza right now. this includes the war crimes by hamas of taking innocent hostages - hamas, may i remind the reader, is a palestinian terrorist organisation but not all palestinians are hamas - and also the war crimes of the israeli government by literally ordering a siege of gaza with "no electricity, no food, and no fuel." this is to ensure that the children who aren't already dead are well on their way, i guess.
i wish we weren't watching an ethnic cleansing literally taking place in front of our eyes.
i wish i didn't feel so helpless. i wish i could console my friends who are on the daily losing multitudes of relatives, and who now have no way of finding out who else they've lost until the electricity comes back on. i wish my words didn't feel so hollow.
i wish i could wave a palestinian flag in solidarity but i may get arrested for it here, in the uk, so better not.
i wish. i wish. i wish.
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goldenvulpine · 1 year
ok here is a helpful guide for Superman fans in Tumblr when referring to different eras of Superman:
Golden Age Superman: Kal-L. The Original. Very cocky. Very charismatic. Couldn’t fly as a kid. Has no solid code against killing. Chaotic Good. Can actually fly now. Has a disturbingly high kill count. Loves Toxic Women (Lois Literally Drugged him one time). Literal WW2 veteran. Not from Kansas. Smallville, East Coast (likely New York). Is now married to Lois. Head of the Daily Star (not Planet). Is Power Girl’s cousin. Is very aggressive. Still saved people from suicide canonically. Canonically religious (Married Lois in a Kryptonian Ceremony). “What trauma?” Seen everyone he loves die.
Silver Age Superman: Kal-El. The Most Popular. Speaks fluent Kryptonese. Total “50’s Dad”. The Strongest. Also the most conformist. Strict Code against killing. Lawful Good. From Smallville. Is canonically Religious (For Rao, his culture’s God). Has multiple cousins. From Smallville, East Coast (likely Maryland this time). Says he wouldn’t hit a woman. Probably has. Sneezed a Solar System Away. Somehow the WEIRDEST one. Also the biggest Prankster. Was Superboy. Was part of the Legion. Saw Pa die. Refuses to acknowledge his trauma. Needs a hug but won’t say it. Works for the Daily Planet. Alan Moore loves him.
Bronze Age Superman: Kal El. Actually just Silver Age Superman but “weaker”. Still the Strongest. Your favorite writer’s favorite Superman. Neutral Good. Originator of the Clex Drama. Met God. Is a pure scientist. Has Three Canon Endings. All of them are literal tragic endings. Is best bros with Batman. Is the Original Nightwing. His cousin is the Second Nightwing. Dick is actually the Third Nightwing. Loves his bro Jimmy Olsen. Smarter than Batman. Made a vow to protect life. Newscaster. Grant Morrison and Mark Waid love him.
Dark Age/Byrne Superman: Clark Kent (Kal El). Still moody. Weakest Superman. Thinks he’s Neutral Good, still Lawful Good. Doesn’t like Krypton. Designer Baby. Best Journalist. Canonically a Porn Star. Died. Came back. Most insecure Superman. Loves ‘Murica. Killed like three people one time. Strict code against killing. “Superman is what I do, Clark is who I am”. Legion who? Superboy who? Supergirl who? Football Star. Pure Sarcasm. Agnostic. People say they hate him but is the reason Smallville, Man of Steel and STAS exist. Literally wants to fuck Jimmy’s Mom. Triangle Era (90’s) Superman: Clark Kent (Kal-El). Is less moody now. Makes more Jokes. Still a drama queen. Smarter. Stronger. Wants to write a Novel. Married Lois. Jimmy is the Best Man. Good Leader. True Lawful Good. The Superman you probably think of the Most. Coolest guy. 90’s Superboy (the best) 90’s Supergirl (Matrix). Was once Gangbuster (Chaotic Neutral). Mind so strong, he killed a psychic in his sleep without knowing it. Christian (Married Lois in a Church). Still knows Kryptonian Kung Fu (Torquasm Vo/Rao). Dick Grayson’s 3rd Dad. Tim Drake’s 4th Dad. Slept with a Mermaid in Collage. Is fun.
Post-Crisis/2000’s Superman: Clark Kent (Kal El) Retcons out the ass. Kara comes back. Knows Boxing now. Knows Kung Fu. Held a Black Hole in his hand. Destroyed Moons. Agnostic. Still Lawful Good. Loves his wife. Loves his adopted son. Chris Kent. His son is Nightwing. His other son is also Nightwing. Walked the earth one time because of war crimes. Saves people from suicide again. Was a Kryptonian general one time. Literal Genius. Smarter than Batman. Is the GOAT. Hates the President.
New 52 Superman: Clark Kent (Kal-El) Very cocky. Very charismatic. Couldn’t fly as a kid. Has no solid code against killing. Chaotic Good to Neutral Good. Lower kill count than Post-Crisis. Loves Toxic Women (Loves the craziest version of Diana). Had a Mid-Life Crisis in his Mid-20’s. Was a Wrestler. Talks like Jason Todd/Wally West/Nightwing/Peter Parker/every mid-20’s white boi in the 90’s-00’s. Everyone hated him. Wasn’t as bad as they say. Is the Andrew Garfield/Spider-Man of Supermen. Killed off without good reason.
Rebirth Superman: Clark Kent (Kal-El). Is literally just Triangle Era Superman. With kids. No Chris tho. Still Lawful Good. Strongest of the Post-Crisis versions. Tries to be a good dad. Is a decent dad. Except for the time where he left Jon alone. So he’s a bad dad. I’m still not over that. Bendis loves him. Says please alot. Watches Anime. Kind of a dead beat. I miss Chris.
if you want summations of other Supermen I didn’t cover you are welcome to ask.
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asynca · 14 days
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if this makes you angry, good. Because it's true. Use that anger to go pressure the democrats to stop funding a fucking genocide. Not only is it the right thing to do and will save thousands if not hundreds of thousands of lives, but it's the #1 way to stop people voting 3rd party.
"it will be worse for palestinians under trump"
worse that genocide? worse that starving, getting polio, being ping-ponged around Gaza while trapped in a death camp, worse than routine horrific torture (including being raped by weapons), psychological terrorism, child abattoirs, sniping children, mass graves? worse that IDF soldiers livestreaming their war crimes with laughing and cheering? Worse than thousands of whole families being struck off the register? Worse than 30 metre craters in the sand where Israel bombed TENTS with bunker-busters, knowing it wouldn't be possible to put bunker busters in that ground? Worse than hearing EVERY SINGLE INTERNATIONAL DOCTOR saying it's the worst thing they've ever seen? Worse that your new born baby dying in your arms x hundreds? Worse than doctors being marched out of hospitals so their critical patients die? Worse than the whole Gaza city being turned into a moonscape? Worse that children literally dying of fright and PTSD? Worse than the horrific war crimes the IDF posts DAILY mocking the Palestinian civilians they've taken as prisoners?
You can see all those things and more ON VIDEO all over the fucking internet, shot by both sides.
"we've got to put our own oxygen mask on first"
You can actually do both things you know. It's not either or. You can plan to vote democrats AND be up in their face 24/7 nagging them for a ceasefire and to stop funding genocide and ethnic cleansing. If you're only voting dems and occasionally saying things like "yeah it's awful about palestine" you're not helping
If you're mocking/harrassing/insulting 3rd party voters because they say they can't vote for a party funding genocide and doing literally nothing to stop the genocide don't you fucking turn around to tell people it's their fault for not voting for a genocide.
It's a genocide. It is not people getting snippy about paying an extra 1.5% tax or 3% pay rises. It's children reduced to mince meat en masse using your tax dollars, and you cannot be fucking serious thinking it's reasonable to mock people for not voting for that.
TL;DR: want people not to vote 3rd party? Use ALL your energy to pressure the Democrats to stop funding genocide. It's the pragmatic and effective way to get the Democrats back in.
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matan4il · 7 months
Daily update post:
This morning started with the horrible news about an independent Palestinian terrorist attack on the main road to Jerusalem. As workers come into the city in the morning, there's a junction where at this morning time, there's usually a traffic jam. Three Palestinians (from the Beit Lechem area, two of them brothers) started shooting from assault rifles at people sitting in their cars, as if they were fish in a barrel (hand grenades were found as well, but thankfully they didn't get to use them). Currently, the reports are of 1 person murdered (26 years old Matan Elmaliach), and 11 wounded (on TV, they're saying 13 more were wounded, including a young pregnant woman in very serious condition). A spokesman for Magen David Adom (Red Star of David) said that the terrorist attack scene was 500 meters long (about 1640 feet). Two of the terrorists were neutralized immediately, and the third was after a chase. The father of one of the wounded said his son just finished his army reserves service, noticed the terrorist attack, tried to stop one of the terrorists, and in the process was shot himself.
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On a personal note, my mom's cousin sometimes works in Jerusalem, coming in through that junction, and his wife sometimes comes with him, so after I woke up from a nightmare about a baby crying because its limbs were amputated by Hamas terrorists, I had to contact my family to check that they're alive, and figure out when it's okay to wake my mom up, so she doesn't get scared for her cousin when she hears the news.
A terrorist attack that was carried out about a month ago, has now been revealed as originally targeting the IDF spokesman in Arabic, Avichay Adraee. Turns out one of the terrorists, who was working in Ra'anana, walked into a restaurant and saw Adraee. The terrorist couldn't kill him on the spot, but returned with a weapon the next day and staked the area (assuming Adraee lived somewhere nearby) for a while, before he decided if he couldn't carry out a "quality" terrorist attack, he still wanted to carry out one. He got his cousin employeed, and together, the two murdered a 79 years old woman, Edna Bluestein, and wounded 18 others. I just think it says something, that an army officer, and an elderly civilian woman, are equally legit targets in these terrorists' mind, because they're both citizens of the Jewish state. Both terrorists were indicted today.
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Survivors of the Nova music festival carnage on Oct 7 are suing AP for hiring 4 photojournalists that were embedded with Hamas, and should have been identified as such by the news agency. The lawsuit names the men who were there in the middle of Hamas' war crimes, and documented, among other crimes, the kidnapping of Shani Lock's raped body, and of Yaffa Adar, a Holocaust survivor.
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In London, the anti-Israel crowd projected onto Big Ben messages that UK Jews have repeatedly said endanger them, including calls for the Jewish state to surrender to an antisemitic, genocidal terrorist organization, and the slogan that calls for, at the very least, an ethnic cleansing of Israeli Jews, but one which most Jews understand as genocidal, because if it were to be implemented, it would necessarily include the slaughter of the world's biggest Jewish community. According to one witness, he asked the police if projecting these slogans on Big Ben's tower is legal, was told it wasn't, but the police personnel present still wasn't moved to stop this. At what point is the UK going to wake up, and act as if its Jewish citizens, and their well being, counts?
And since I mentioned that demanding a ceasefire before Hamas has surrendered, is to ask the attacked (the Jewish state) to surrender to the attacker (an antisemitic, genocidal terrorist organization), I also want to remind everyone that allowing Hamas to continue existing, and ruling Gaza, is also BAD FOR PALESTINIANS. As the war goes on, more and more Gazan protests are being held against Hamas. I haven't mentioned them in a while, but this is a good moment to remind everyone that people who REALLY care about Gazans want Hamas destroyed for them, too. Here's newly released footage from a Gaza anti-Hamas demonstration, we're now getting more documentation like this practically daily.
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This is 19 years old Nimrod Cohen.
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On Oct 7, he was kidnapped to Gaza. His twin sister Romi and his parents have been fighting to have him released. The family says he's so sensitive, they can't imagine how he'd be able to survive captivity, and the kind of constant abuse they'd heard the hostages are undergoing from those already released.
(for all of my updates and ask replies regarding Israel, click here)
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hansolz-moved · 11 months
how you can look past the 2,000-odd children who have been murdered for existing the past 3 weeks, the children who have lost their parents, the 7 year old who now has to act as her siblings’ de facto mother, the little girl with her head blown off by israeli airstrikes, the father who died with his baby in his arms, the dead pregnant woman who had her baby cut out of her to save him, the doctors who are coming face to face with their dead family members as patients, the little boy with his head blown open, the hundreds trapped under rubble and presumed dead, the little girl who texted her sister that she was afraid before she died, the child with his limbs blown off by an israeli attack, the children brushing their hair before they sleep so they can look presentable when they die, the children on life support, the mothers writing their babies’ names on them so they can be identified when they die.
the families whose bloodlines have completely ended, who have ceased to exist because they have all been murdered, the children being pulled from the rubble embracing one another, the unidentified people being put in mass graves, the people being buried on top of others because they are running out of space to bury the dead, the ice cream trucks being used to preserve dead bodies, the amount of funeral prayers conducted for children daily, the father carrying pieces of his children in plastic bags, the amount of people who went to sleep with their families and woke up as the only one left… the fact that anyone could see these people as anything but that, innocent people. the fact that anyone could condemn them to a painful and torturous death, struck by weaponry, trapped under a building with no way to escape.
the fact that anyone can still say ‘israel has a right to defend itself’, and believe with everything in them that that is what is happening here, a defense of themselves against terrorism. the fact that you can see these numbers, you can see these children lying dead for themselves everywhere you look, and you can chalk it all up to ‘collateral damage’ and to ‘well, if hamas hadn’t started it…’ is insane and completely inhuman.
it’s ‘children and civilians are always off limits’ until they’re palestinian. then, somehow, when israel strikes a family home and kills everyone inside, they were just going after the bad guys. a full hospital. they were just going after the bad guys. a mosque. they were just going after the bad guys. a church. they were just going after the bad guys. they’ve spoon fed you a poorly constructed narrative that can be picked apart so easily and you’ve willingly accepted it. you can condemn all of these innocents to death because you thought they were sub human anyway.
collective punishment is fine. it’s self defense. who cares that doctors are amputating limbs without anesthetic because there is none left? who cares about the hundreds of babies who will die in about ~30 hours when the fuel reserves are gone? who cares that post traumatic stress isn’t post traumatic in gaza, it is ever present? who cares about the 50 day old twins who almost died under the rubble? who cares about the family who tried to have children for 16 years, only to succeed but for his quadruplets and wife to be killed before his babies could even take their first steps? it’s just self defense. they have that right.
evacuate every hospital is self defense. destroy ambulances is self defense. no fuel into gaza, leave babies to die is self defense. bombing malls, markets and family homes is self defense. 5,000 dead is self defense. they can admit that they care more about mass destruction than precision and you will still stand by them. it’s not an invasion, it’s not a war crime, it’s not genocide. the bad guys started it.
it’s not genocide. it’s self defense. self defense against the most harmless and the most innocent. it’s not genocide. it’s collateral damage. it’s not genocide. it’s everything but genocide, even though no other word in the dictionary can explain why these people are being meticulously and mercilessly slaughtered.
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good-old-gossip · 9 months
Daily Reminder - Israel is committing genocide in Gaza | Israel is butchering Palestinian babies, children and civilians | Israel is targeting journalists | Israel is committing war crimes in Gaza and the West Bank | Amplify Palestinian voices | Boycott | Post | Share | Protest |
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Karen Thompson for Abortion, Every Day:
Earlier this year Louisiana Governor Jeff Landry signed into law SB 276, a first-of-its-kind legislation classifying mifepristone and misoprostol as controlled dangerous substances. The drugs, commonly used to perform medication abortions, are responsible for 63% of abortions in the US. As a result of this new law, mere possession of mifepristone and misoprostol without a prescription in Louisiana can result in fines of up to $5,000 or “imprisonment of no more than five years with or without hard labor.”  We know what happens now: The outcome of this new layer of criminalization is entirely foreseeable. By putting the pills on a drug registry with special access rules, providers are no longer able to easily prescribe the pills and the ability of OB/GYNs to nimbly provide needed—and even emergency—health care if a woman is miscarrying is chilled. In Louisiana’s telling, mife and miso are the new heroin and medication abortion care puts pregnant people’s lives in jeopardy, not their own dangerous law. The lack of situational awareness around the law would be comical if the inevitable devastation of its effects wasn’t so horrifying. 
This is true even for people who are not using the drugs to end their pregnancies, but for the myriad other health issues the drugs treat—from softening the cervix for an endometrial biopsy to the insertion of IUDs. But the massive burden SB 276 places on pregnant people—particularly those seeking to self-manage their own abortions—is disastrous. By reclassifying a safe, effective, regulated drug used for a broad range of healthcare purposes into a dangerous controlled substance whose distribution and use can be entered and tracked in a state database, Louisiana, as one local health care provider noted, would “effectively be creating a database of every woman who is prescribed mifepristone and misoprostol, regardless of the reason, truly monitoring women and their pregnancies. That should be unimaginable in America.”
Such policing is not only very much imaginable in America, but has been the country’s sad truth for decades. Before the overturning of Roe v. Wade, state surveillance and criminalization of women during pregnancy and around their pregnancy outcomes—based on their alleged drug use, in particular—was the daily truth for countless women and other people who can become pregnant. A past truth is simply devolving into a dystopian present.  To be clear, classifying drugs in light of their potential harms is not a new thing. One of the most infamous classification tools, the Controlled Substances Act, has been in place since the 1970s, when President Nixon signed it into law. The CSA became the enforcing mechanism for Nixon’s “War on Drugs,” and gave both the Drug Enforcement Administration and the Food and Drug Administration power to determine which substances were fit for medical use. Such regulation can serve a useful purpose; the CSA is itself the legislative grandchild of the Pure Food and Drug Act of 1906, which required food and drug manufacturers to clearly label any product that contained dangerous substances, including morphine and opium, drugs often included in everyday products from soft drinks to teething medicines. 
But SB 276 is not trying to protect babies. As John Erhlichman, one of Richard Nixon’s Watergate co-conspirators, bluntly stated in 1994: “[w]e knew we couldn’t make it illegal to be either against the [Vietnam] war or blacks, but by getting the public to associate the hippies with marijuana and blacks with heroin, and then criminalizing both heavily, we could disrupt those communities. We could . . . vilify them night after night on the evening news. Did we know we were lying about the drugs? Of course we did.”  Once again, government actors are lying about drugs to criminalize women’s access to and control over their own social and bodily autonomy. Louisiana’s law unmasks in broad daylight what so many people and communities living with the consequences of bad drug policy have long known: the “war on drugs” is a political invention to construct fiscal and social power over individuals and communities, not to provide much needed public health services. 
[...] By criminalizing possession of abortion medication, the Venn diagram of overlap between the “war on drugs” and the war on reproductive freedom has, once again, become a perfect circle. The efforts to control reproduction and drugs are rooted in the same forms of bigotry: controlling women’s behavior and liberties rather than providing actionable solutions to satisfy public health needs. 
Karen Thompson writes for Abortion, Every Day the impacts of criminalization of abortion medication as the new era of the War on Drugs takes shape in the post-Roe era.
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ena341polaris · 3 months
The Atrw boys not canon (but could be) favorite foods, hobbies ect.
Warning: Can be inappropriate to some people.
Arcturus would eat lots of things but not like "weird" things in a sense. He wouldn't eat things like bugs or black licorice (like some psychopath that has destroyed multiple towers). Also he would not ever eat lamb. Never, if you put a cooked piece of lamb (even if it was cooked to perfection) he would not eat it. As for drinks, he drinks only caprisuns and danimals.
Arcturus, as we know, like to crochet and cook. He also probably likes to go to petting zoo's, not all of the time but I feel like when hes out on a scout he would stop by a petting zoo. But only petting zoos that had sheep. Arcky would also probably play sports, like baseball and soccer but he spuldnt be good or bad he would just be like "okay" persay.
Coffee grounds
Coffee grounds
Alpheratz's misery
Spica does horse riding, but he probably just does every now and again when he has time. He also probably has the longest lasting library member-ship known to man, every single library in Bound Arlyn knows him and he has a membership in all of them. He also probably likes to organize things a lot as well. But I dont understand why he doesnt sleep... to much and he also probably like bickering with alpheratz every now and again just because.
(He makes out with alpheratz all the time. That's why hes not sleeping)
Pollux is picky, obviously, and his go-to item at a restaurant is chicken nuggets with fries and ketchup, you cannot convince me otherwise. He also probably strictly drinks juice like caprisuns and other juice brands. Although, I imagine Pollux would eat all different types of sweets, hes not picky at all when it comes to sweets actually. You could put a moldy doughnut in front of him and he would eat it no question.
Hes probably a youtuber or influencer of some sort. He also probably does prank cams where he draws on Alpheratz's face when hes sleeping. He also is a minecraft kid. Don't ask why. He plays minecraft daily and he has a creeper plushie on his bed and maybe a keychain of an iron golem on his backpack. He also plays Mario games, especially Mario Kart with you and Arcturus!
Have any of you noticed that Vega only eats mushed food? Like he eats those go go squeeze apple sauce packets and ice cream which is essentially all mushed food. I imagine him eating baby food (I'm sorry) but like he probably does. He also probably eats popsicles. He also eats mainly fruit based things as if he were a fruit bat.
Baby girl-ing
Being a cutie patootie
Fencing and sparring
Anything that summoner does, says, breath, eats, looks at, smells, tastes, touches, notices, acknowledges, mentions, talks about, feels, looks at and comprehends.
Being talked to by summoner
Being looked at by summoner
Being touched by summoner
Souls of the dammed.
Misery of those around him.
Spiders, centipedes and other insects and reptiles
Other people (probably)
Your pet cat/dog or you siblings
Blowing places up
Stalking people
Blowing places up
Shooting the innocent summoner
Target practice
War crimes
Eats normally but in a more elegant rich type of way.
Really expensive foods and meals.
Zzzzzzzzzz 😴😴😴😴
Making out with spica
Running away from Schedar
Shaming pollux for being short
Sleeping but this time on top of summoner
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juliakeyoto · 11 months
You ever think about how Edelgard is just objectively right.
Like, cut out all the war stuff, cut out all the war crime debates, let’s cut to the heart of it: nobility and the crest system. Units that are affected by their crest/being a noble/not being a noble/church stuff:
Ingrid (being passed around to get married due to her crest/her being a woman)
Sylvain (automatically assumes people will only love him for his crest, so he acts like a flirt and hates women)
Leonie (is unironically in debt so she could get a higher education)
Dorothea (I made a rant about this earlier, but she was kicked cast away by her noble dad, and had to do unsavory acts for a chance at her own future)
Felix (is an asshole cause his dad basically slapped him in the face when his brother died over his “knightly and noble” views of how Glenn died)
Bernadetta (is abused by her dad to “become the perfect wife)
Lysithia (is literally dying because of her second crest, which she has due to being used as a test dummy to see if it would even work, leading to all her sibling dying)
Edelgard ( same as above, but worse cause she’s being used as a weapon with barely any way out)
Ashe (his adopted older brother was scapegoated by the church, and when his adopted father looked for Justice he was killed)
Marianne (is literally SUICIDAL because her crest simply has rumors, is harassed by people when they find out)
Caspar (basically has nothing waiting for him at home unless he makes a name out for himself)
Mercedes (has to leave her house due to her dad wanting to make crest babies with her)
Jeritza (went insane or some form of insanity due to the above situation)
Yuri (was used by nobles due to his looks)
Constance (house fell apart since they supported House Hresvelg during the insurrection, so no help came during the Brigid offensive)
Hanneman (his sister was basically made into a baby machine for a cruel, uncaring noble, which lead Hanneman to leave his position)
Mikklan (was cast aside for no crest)
And these are just named characters. How many nameless faces met these same fates? How many died due to some noble scuffle? How many women were used and abused for children? How many died homeless while Nobles counted stacks of gold? When does it end?
And what does the church do? It makes a falling apart, underground “haven” called Abyss. I know any port in a storm, but if the church can afford 5000g a month for teachers that are doing well, they can cough up more money for Abyss. Or is that money better spent on Rhea’s private army, that can execute innocent people like Christophe? Is it better spent on the golden statues of the saints, in the already pristine church that is in the monastery? Is it better spent spreading Rhea’s lies about crests being given from the goddess, leading to people believing they need them to be successful in life? Rhea herself has twisted history and split nations, so she is obviously not corrupt at all. Regardless of her reasons why, her systems and regulations have caused thousands, if not millions to suffer.
So while you’re eating ice cream in Garreg Mach, the church preaches the goddess’s love, while thousands probably die daily due to the system the church supports.
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drarryspecificrecs · 1 year
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2023.09 ~ Top 10 longest fics posted on AO3
1. Saviour's Salvation by Belle_Lestrange101 [E, 342k]
►Two months after the war and Harry is struggling to cope with life. Having faced his mortality, and being plagued by incessant nightmares from the battle, he becomes a recluse as Summer gets underway. One day he is left to his own devices and finds an old potions textbook which may have the answer he needs. He decides to take drastic actions to relive the childhood he and Sirius never got to share. After the war, Draco was acquitted for most of his crimes, and is released on house arrest under the care of an appointed guardian. Having his magic suppressed and monitored is one thing, but his Mother's cousin was an entirely different matter. How is he going to cope when he has to live at Grimmauld Place with his cousin, Sirius Black, a baby Potter and no magic!
2. The Brightest Constellations of Our Souls by @thecouchsofa [E, 256k]
►Harry doesn’t know how to cope after the War. The only things that make him feel even remotely normal again are taking risks while flying and fighting with Malfoy. It’s not likely to end well. Or, Draco becomes obsessed with ‘Wonderwall’, reads Muggle books, and drives a campervan, while Harry slowly falls in love with Draco. A story about travelling around the British Isles in the late 90s while healing deep scars.
3. One Mistake by AstridEstelle [?, 174k]
►The fall of 1996, Voldemort makes a fatal mistake, murdering Draco Malfoy's mother in an attempt to speed the boy along. However that one murder proves to have astonishing ripple effects that no one could have seen coming. A new power is unleashed, sides are changed, and along the way two boys happen to fall in love.
4. Remember When I Loved You by @amillionregrets [M, 112k]
►When Draco Malfoy returns to Hogwarts for eighth year pregnant, vile rumours start spreading like wildfire. The Daily Prophet is full of wild speculations and outrageous assertions. Professor McGonagall seems to know something, and Malfoy's firm refusal to reveal the other father simply adds more fuel to the flames. Harry Potter is desperately curious about the identity of the father of Malfoy's child. He feels utterly dumbfounded when an ancient paternal bond activates in the Great Hall, proclaiming him as the father. And what's worse, Draco Malfoy looks just as shocked as he feels.
5. Always to you by MadameNightmare [M, 107k]
►After a lifetime of fighting and mutual dislike, the time after the war brought to the surface unresolved feelings that both Harry and Draco denied. Out of that union, for both of them almost insufficient and treacherous, came an unexpected result: the first baby born between wizards of the same sex in over six hundred years.
6. The Discreet Gentleman's Connection by pluto [E, 80k]
►The Discreet Gentleman’s Connection is the number one choice for discerning gentlewizards, offering only the finest floo call connections. Crave the voice of another man? We’ll connect you. Securely. Anonymously. Discreetly. Five Galleons per call. Warning: The company is not liable for damages if the user discovers that they’ve been having anonymous floo-sex with their lifelong enemy. Nor is the company liable for damages if the user ends the call without revealing their own identity, intending to forget this whole thing ever happened.
7. Orpheus’ Legacy by amberskiez [?, 71k]
►Harry and Draco get sent back in time to fourth year, except this time they know what they didn’t know before, and now their only confidants are each other.
8. More Courage to Live by emmettsforest [E, 63k]
►It wasn’t that the Dursleys abused Harry, really. There were no horrible beatings, no injuries that left marks, nothing like that. But they were cruel with their words, and they controlled his food to the point that some days he thought he might go insane, and Vernon did slap him pretty hard the one time, after Harry dropped a soapy dinner plate and it shattered. Sometimes Vernon flew into rages, but it wasn’t, like, horrible. Harry could always maneuver his way through. /// Or, the one where Harry is an American high school student, and Tom Riddle is a whole other kind of villain.
9. The Chosen One by @beauregardstaxicab [T, 54k]
►Draco's conflicted when he receives a new assignment from his editor: follow Harry Potter around on his dates. Sure it's a great chance to annoy Potter after not seeing him for a couple of years, but how will he handle it if Potter actually hits it off with someone?
10. Keep Steady by monroebegone [T, 46k]
►Harry doesn't talk. Draco doesn't sleep. Together, they heal.
※ Word count: 1k ~ 15k
※ Word count: 15k ~ 40k
The Destination Was Always You by @orpheous87 [G, 16k]
Heal to be Healed by Zulu777 [M, 21k]
Hogwarts - The House Unity Race by ProseMary [?, 34k]
Light that Persists by @rainjulyx [M, 39k]
No One Ever Told Me by Unforgotten [M, 25k]
the soft animal of your body by CheatsatUNO [G, 24k]
we are deaf, we are numb (just free and young) by muted_needs [?, 16k]
When it Alteration Finds by jellybeany [T, 23k]
who will receive you in love's offices by @jtimu [E, 30k]
Ongoing Fest/Exchange
※ Fics would be listed elsewhere.
Drarry Let’s Play Fest 2023 | @drarry-lets-play
HP Cottagecore Fest 2023 | @hpcottagecorefest
HP Drizzle Fest 2023 | @hpdrizzle
HP Law of Attraction Fest | @hp-lawofattraction-fest
HP Soulmates Fest 2023 | @hp-soulmates
Kill Your Darlings 2023 | @hp-mcd-fest
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x-0ophelia0-x · 10 months
Ezra x Jacen’s Nany Reader
Hear me out….. there’s NO WAY in the galaxy that Hera leaves Jacen with only Chopper, I repeat CHOPPER as supervision… that droid has committed war crimes on a daily basis as a form of entertainment, simply because he could.
Sabine has been to busy being a part-time jedi apprentice, and looking for a way to bring her idiot best friend/brother Ezra back home to their Mama Hera..
Kallus is simply too busy as a stay-at-home dad raising his horde of Lesat cubs, while his hubby Zeb is busy working as a part-time recruit trainer for the New Republic..
So.. what’s a VERY pregnant Hera to do when she comes across a young girl, who happens to be the same age as the Son she had just lost, in the streets of a still recovering planet after the fall of the Empire? Watching as the girl gently tends to the sick and injured that others seemed to ignore.. all while this child is clearly malnourished and weak herself.
Surprise bitch, you just got adopted by the coolest Mama in the Galaxy..
Aside from helping Hera around the Ghost with chores, making sure the ship’s baby ready, and studying (because Hera wants to help her new kid after clearly observing her passion for medicine) she eventually becomes Jacen’s teacher and basically the family’s personal Doctor.. (and I mean the WHOLE family.. Zeb tried to avoid his annual check-up once.. wasn’t happy that Kallus ratted him out and basically tricked him into Reader’s office)
The main draw back that Reader seams to have in her personal life though??? Her severe case of “Resting Bitch Face” nobody seems to show any interest in her, and only her adopted family seems to not be bothered by it.. she even tries to do things to make her face less intimidating.. constantly being aware of her facial expressions and doing her best to keep her eyebrows slightly raised and a slight half smile on her lips…
Then Ezra comes back… and you bet your ass as soon as the crying, hugging, lecturing and overall emotional reunion is done.. Hera is dragging Ezra by the ears to get a FULL check-up by the most trustworthy doctor she knows.. and Jacen is happily tagging along, holding his “big brothers” sleeves while waiting for him to meet one of his favorite people.. the outcome is… somewhat unexpected.. Ezra trying to be charming and calling Reader’s “serious face” cute..
And Reader being genuinely flustered by Ezra’s awkward attempt at flirting…
Jacen.. is getting ideas, and Chopper is going to help him because CHAOS WILL RAIN!!!
……. and he’s got years worth of pranks to pull on Ezra.. might as well start now.. 😉
a gremlins Nany.
pairing: Jacen‘s Nany!Readee x Ezra Bridger
warnings: none
word count: 2,1 k
summary: You’re Heras most trusted person. Not only did you take care of her beloved son Jacen, no. You were and still are his Nany and best friend. And not only that, after Ezra’s return, Hera ofc trusts you with his check ups. And Jacen and Chopper have a lot of fun about this.
authors note: It’s not proofread, pls bare with me! 😭 I‘m sick and I gave my best to make it as good as possible :´D I hope this makes sense, I‘m not really familiar with medical stuff, especially when it comes to Star Wars 💀
enjoyyyy <333
imagine this being Ezra waiting for his routine checkups, thank you xd
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As she walked through the streets she didn’t fail to notice a young girl, helping the people in need.
Her way with the injured and sick was more then just gentle.
Despite her own visible weaknesses portrayed by a weak body.
After each treatment she only left them to treat the next one if they reassured her that they’re fine.
„Thank you so much y/n, wouldn’t know what I’d done if it wasn’t for your help“
Said an elderly woman, truly a heartbreaking scene even if this girl was a complete stranger to her.
It didn’t take her long to approach the girl, she waited for her to finish the treatment on another injured citizen before she started to talk, startling the girl on front of her.
„Hey there..“
The girl turned around and met her eyes with the stranger, her gaze was shocked at first but soon turned into one of adoration as she looked at the pregnant woman in front of her.
„I‘ve been here for a little while and couldn’t help but notice your way of helping your people… could I ask you a question?“
The girl looked up to the green Twi‘lek while nodding a yes.
She didn’t know how to form the question since it was a rather personal one and let’s be honest.. they didn’t talk yet.
However, this planet belonged to the ones with the highest death rates, seeing the poor girl alone here, weakened and injured.. where were her parents?
„Do you have a family here?“
As if she saw it coming the girl nodded a no, a sad expression laying bare on her face.
The Twi‘leks heart ached for her. 
She just lost one child, seeing another one, assuming at the same age as him.. it was too much to just stand by and do nothing to help.
„Would you like to become part of my crew?“
y/n looked up at her, not fully believing her ears yet.
„Are you serious..?“
And just like that a huge smile appeared on her face.
„Of course I’d love to!“
The woman returned y/n‘s smile and offered her her hand.
„Name‘s Hera“
„Name‘s y/n“
A few months passed by from the moment where you firstly walked into the Ghost.
The ship wasn’t the biggest but oh force, you’ve never felt more at peace then when you got to enter your cabin.
The ship was cozy and it even had a medbay!
Hera then decided to inform you about the other crew members and their activities. 
That’s also the reason why it was so empty.. however.
Soon you were able to meet everyone, except one boy who Hera told you was missing.
Sabine grew the closest to you (after Hera and chopper ofc).
Even if her timetable was loaded with Jedi training stuff, you two always managed to spend some time together.
Zeb worked at a part time recruit trainer for the New Republic while Kallus stayed at home, making sure that their horde of Lesat cubs wouldn’t destroy everything.
Chopper is Chopper. 
There’s nothing more to that since we all know how he is.
There’s no way that Hera would’ve trust him enough with her still unborn child.
Soooo.. with Kanan gone and Ezra missing, there’s only one person left who she’d trust enough with her baby.
You were studying medicine, something you wouldn’t be able to do without Heras help.
She became something like a mother role for you and ohhh my goodness where our excited for the day the baby would be born.
She didn’t have to ask you, couldn’t even since you started to turn the ship into a baby safe place.. at least the most possible version of this since it’s a spacecraft after all .
Hera was moved to tears, seeing how much effort you put everyday to ensure her baby’s safety while everything that Chopper did was to mess with your stuff.
Yeah you were the right choice, no doubt in that.
„Hey, could I ask you to do me a favor? But before I tell you what it is, just know that whatever you’ll answer is allri-„
„Yes I want!“
The woman was too stunned to speak.
„But you don’t know what I’m going to ask you..?“
„If I want to take care of your baby right?? Please tell me that this was your question???“
There was a spark of excitement on your voice that made Hers heart to flutter.
She didn’t know if it were her hormones or her (for now) clouded judgement but she immediately hugged you, fighting back some tears.
„Thank you..!“
Some years passed by and thanks to Heras help, you were able to actually get an official status as doctor.
That wasn’t your only ‚job‘ tho. You were also a part time nanny for Jason from the moment on he was born. 
Being the most trusted person available on the ghost pushed your ego, making you think that you can perform both of your ‚jobs‘ at the very same time.
It did make some things harder for you, but it was her baby after all, he was worth it.
People who knew about your story would say that you’re literally shining in comparison to your state from when before Hera found you.
Others at the other hand were kind of scared off by your resting Bitch face, not showing any interest towards you.
Your new family didn’t seem bothered at all by it, not even Jacen, but you still gave it your best to improve your facial expressions.. they never faded tho.. .
So when the day arrived where the boy called Ezra returned, Hera instantly had an assignment for you.
She and basically everyone of the ghost crew used to tell you stories about him, how he made the ultimate sacrifice to safe his crew and Lothal.
Ten years had passed since then, since his disappearance and since you’ve been as good as adopted by Hera.
The days after the big news.. we’ll it’s safe to say that you never saw her this emotional in your entire ten years.
Not even when she was pregnant with Jacen, and this is a statement. 
You weren’t there when he arrived since you had some patients waiting for their treatments, but you soon found out about the happy news when Hera called you through your comm link.
And not long after you heard her knocking on your door, dragging an middle aged man by his ears, while Jacen tagged along, holding him by his sleeves.
She asked you if you could take a look at him, a very good one since he’s been absent for like.. I don’t know… 10 years?
Yeah, sounds reasonable. 
„Please do a FULL check-up. You’re my most trusted doctor on this galaxy.“
„Of corse Hera, well then Ezra.. Please take a seat.“
He freed himself from Heras and Jacens Grasp and went to sit on the special chair. 
Ezra seemed to be excited about the technical stuff that surrounded him.. you’d be too if you’ve been stranded in the middle of nowhere for a decade so.. .
„We’ll wait outside, just tell us when we should come“
Said Hera and with that she and Jacen left the room, leaving you and Ezra alone.
„Okay then.. how are you feeling? Are you injured? Sick?“
Knowing how Important he is to Hera you tried to somehow neutralize your „special“ expression.
And he seemed to notice this, you barely knew him and he already started to change his attitude around you.
„No, I‘m totally fine“
He had a grin on his face while you raised your eyebrow at his answer.
„I still need to take a look at you so-“
He already started to take his shirt off, I mean he didn’t have to, just you her push it slightly upwards but you weren’t complaining. 
Not at all.
But you had to keep yourself professional.
„Why did you take your shirt off?“
„For the check-up..? If I’m not wrong that’s what patients to for the lung part?“
„Ah- Yeah sorry. Yes, ehm, thank you“
You checked his heartbeat, his lungs and everything you could do at the moment.
There was one thing that concerned you.
Not his health since it was in a good state.
But the way how he made you feel.
You tried to keep a straight, neutral, friendly face while looking him up, but he made it impossible for you.
„You’re cute“
Your movements froze for a short while, this kind of comment was unusual.
„You’re cute. You know.. the way how you try to keep your face straight“
„You’re serious?“
„Yep. Why shouldn’t I be?“
He was charming, handsome, kind, you only knew him for a very short time. Like for real. But there was something positive around him.
And it flustered you.
„Thank you“
„Just telling the truth“
Unbeknownst to you two, a very curious Jacen was leaning right against the door, squeezing his ear as close as he could and boy did he smile when he heard Ezra talking to his best friend.
„Jacen, you know that it’s rude to-“
„He told her that she’s cute“
He whispered, loud enough so that Hera understood him.
And her face lit up.
„He what??“
„Shhh.. come here and listen“
This private moment, at least to your knowing, made you happy.
There was finally someone who immediately found interest in you, someone who wasn’t blinded by your facial expressions or your attempt at looking natural.
Weeks passed by and he turned out to continue to be as charming as he was the day you met him.
His genuine, true, loving self made you fall im love with him and the same goes for him with you.
Hera was happy to see how both of your presences affected each other for the better and Jacen was sure that he was destined to play your matchmaker. 
And chopper didn’t let this chance go by.
Jacen wanted to help his best friend and his big brother and Chopper had years worth of pranks to pull on Ezra. 
Chaos will rain
And even if Ezra had warned you that he sensed that something would happen, nothing could ever prepare you for what was to come.
It was a peaceful day at your office.
Your last patients for today waited in the waiting room and Ezra was one of them.
Hera didn’t leave him any other choice then to go and get frequent check ups from you just in case that he really didn’t catch anything on Perridea.
His frequent check ups became known to Jacen and Chopper and they saw the perfect opportunity in this to pull their first prank on you two.
Jacen hid behind the shelf with a music box while Chopper disguised himself as something fitting to his surroundings.
They knew that you’d welcome him into your office with a hug, your relationship witch him had gotten better and better and Jacen didn’t fail to notice this.
Knowing this was the base for this prank.
As Ezra neared himself to open the door to your room, opening the door and greeting you, Choppers mini metallic arm reached out and electro shocked his leg, making him loose his balance and fall straight into your eyes.
The pose you found yourselves right now was more then unexpected as his fall took you by surprise. 
Jacen then didn’t waste any more time and played on the ‚play‘ button of the music box, playing some semantic song which seemed to be popular. 
Chopper then took a photo, beeped some things and left the room with a grinning Jacen as fast as he could.
Your patients where beyond confused at the scene and went to your office to check if everything was alright. 
As you saw them looking you two up and down… your face became the deepest shade of red known to humanity.
Ezra’s too.
This ‚incident‘ may have helped you two to get closer but you were still shy about it.
Jacen and Chopper however had other plans and lets just say that this was just the beginning.
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tellywoodtrash · 2 months
My dad's been in hospital since last one month, we went through literal hell n only now things are looking a bit better TT, thus I thought of you sis..how are and how's your cat doing??any new fav itv drama?or are you still in love with Thai bls(as an AO3 reader I TOTALLY understand you)??I watched only one Pak drama named 'rah-e-junoon' recently only cause of The beautiful Danish Taimoor😍 it's not bad specially he with his love n obsession makes me wana SIGHHHHH😩😩😩 dreamily..also HAVE YOU SEEN JUNAID KHAN IN 'MAHARAJ' (not the Sethupati one) MOVIE??his n Sarvari's reels are everywhere and they are so Wattpad coded... reminding me of those period couples in novels😍😍 he's so dreamy..6'2" tall, nerdy, kinda awkward and has this soft boy vibes going on and did I tell you he kinda looks like Henry Cavill??and Rami Malek??😩😩 life hell ho jaye par tharak na jaye🤤 now tell me how everything is going on your end✨
Hi Darling,
I hope your dad is feeling better, and you are taking care of yourself too, friend! (Caretaker burnout is reallllllll and I am sending you all the strength and healing vibes 🤗🤗🤗)
ITV seems to be a closed chapter for me; the rapidly progressing degeneration of that genre is just notttttt inspiring any confidence (or interest.) The wholeass industry needs a major major shakeup. Same with Bollywood, nothing's really pulling me anymore. Laapataa Ladies (which I still haven't watched yet) is LITERALLY THE ONLY MOVIE calling my name in all of the 2024 releases. Junaid seems like a promising nepo kid; the Cavill vibes are definitely there. Let's hope that he picks good scripts and doesn't fall down the usual wormhole.
Things that I have been watching and enjoying in the past few weeks:
The Acolyte: I literally know/care nothing about the Star Wars universe, but Manny Jacinto. Enough said. I need to rewatch coz god his character has me going awooooooooga like a fuckin' cartoon wolf. I am obsessed.
Abbott Elementary: Giving B99-ish (but much more mellow.)
Modern Family: Just a rewatch (during my mealtimes)
Late Night with Seth Meyers/Last Week Tonight/The Daily Show for US election shitshow in palatable doses
Meet You at the Blossom: A chinese BL which is fulllllllllllly delivering on the toxic romance from the Tellywood of yore
This Love Doesn't Have Long Beans: A thai BL that is again, giving v Tellywood romcom vibes (Gul Khan types), with not one, BUT TWO WHOLE ENEMIES TO LOVERS couples. Noice.
Love Sea: Ridiculously high heat/good chemistry; one half of couple is the greenest fuckin flag in the history of human existence.
My Love Mix Up (Thailand): My cutest lil kuchupuchu babies. I wanna put them in my pocket and squishhhhhhhh them allllll like a goddamn stress ball. Wholesome wholesome lil show that makes me feel warm and sunshiney inside.
4 Minutes: No real idea what's really going on here with the time skips and background crimes and shit, plus this show feels like an anxiety attack in audiovisual form, BUT I'm here for Bible Wichapas giving me morally-grey himbo with hilarious (to me) gay panic.
So yeah...... That's what I've been up to! Hope you and yours keep well, lovely. <33333333 And yes, keep that tharak flag flying high!!!!!!!!
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madameaug · 9 months
Promise Me || Bucky x Black Reader
Synopsis: This occurs maybe about a year after the events of Captain America: Civil War. The reader is a black woman and should be imagined as such :) Bucky is 37, and the reader is ideally 32/33.
Very angsty (reader and bucky are getting a divorce). Not edited at the moment. First non-BTS imagine/fic so I'm super nervous. I love Marvel too <3
I didn't think forever for us would end so soon. Four years seemingly going down the drain. Two years of dating, eight months of engagement, and barely a year of marriage. I felt like I was giving up. Quitting. Like I wasn't honoring my vows.
Til death do us part.
But when I took those vows I believed I was giving them to James Buchanan Barnes. Who I lovingly refer to as Bucky. A man a slightly older than me, but didn't look a day over thirty. He was the man that I envisioned as a little girl marrying.
A man who was tall, easy on the eyes, with a look of danger, but a heart of gold. Bucky had the perfect mix of both. A veteran turned firefighter. He risked his life daily, saving those in a life-or-death situation. He was second chances, personified for these people. He was a light of hope in the darkness of succumbing to a burning fate. He was a hero.
A hero.
A hero more in the literal sense than what I could have possibly imagined.
Bucky Barnes wasn't a thirty-seven-year-old man who was technologically challenged. Not a man who liked listening to music artist from the 1930s. He was sophisticated and romantic.
Doll was his favorite name to call me. Initially, I thought he was just trying to hard not to use generic pet names like 'baby' or 'bae'. Or that maybe his fascination with the olden days carried into his pet names for his girlfriends. But now I wish the truth was that easy and simple to understand. It didn't involve decades of high-profile assassinations and the bringing down of governments.
One man could bring down an entire government regime.
And that man, is my husband?
My James?
My Bucky?
The man sitting across from me in this stuffy monochrome conference room. Well the conference room was quite large. It's just the tension was sucking out any air circulation.
When I took my vows to James Barnes, I hadn't realized I said them to this 'Winter Soldier' to. A man wanted by hundreds of countries for international crimes that date back to the Kennedy administration. A man hunted down by the Black Panther for killing the king of the most powerful nation.
No, surely there was a mistake.
But I would be foolish to argue with evidence. Pictures of his stalky figure I curled up to several times at night. Blue eyes were the portals to his true thoughts. Shoulder-length hair I raked my fingers through mindlessly when listening to him recount his twelve-hour shift at the station. His wardrobe wasn't anything special, which explains why he could slip under the radar for so long.
That was him. He was responsible but not at the same time. Fourteen hours after being interrogated by Maria Hill, I better understood the double life Bucky The Winter Soldier had been living. Believed to be dead by the Allies, he was held hostage by Karpov, who brainwashed him and tortured him until he became the Winter Soldier. Breaking his mind, and piecing him back together to become he perfect killing machine in human form.
Helmut Zemo managed to get his hands on the book containing the words that activate the Winter Solider. He awakened the monster and manipulated him into the bombings that killed King T'Chaka. He used the Winter Solider to effectively divide and dissolve the Avengers. Zemo was responsible for taking away the Bucky that I knew. The hero.
"I'm glad you and your client could be civil and agree to our demands." Your lawyer, Jennifer Walters, spoke. You and Bucky's lawyer had been talking for twenty minutes, but you couldn't focus on their legal jargon. You were tuned out, tracing your steps on how you and Bucky were sitting in this office. On the opposite end of the table, staring at each other as if we'd become opponents. No longer players on the same team.
Bucky's eyes dragged across to scan Jennifer's face. In his heart he held no misplaced hatred for the woman. She was a professional doing her job, representing the interest of her client. He didn't spend long reading the lists of things that you wanted from the marriage.
The house was yours, he wouldn't dare try to live in that house if you weren't there. It wasn't good for him to stay in open spaces, for too long it freaked him out.
Most of your demands were reasonable and he put up no fight. He didn't want to fight with you. When he finally got his head on straight, he wanted to explain his disappearance. He wanted to be the first person to tell you about the Soviets and the Winter Soldier Program. He wanted to tell you about the bad things that he's done, but his memory was a jigsaw puzzle with missing pieces. He wasn't sure if you would believe him, until he had all the pieces. When he did come across a piece, he was scared that it would show more harm than he did.
Confirming his belifs that he wasn't worthy of a second chance. That he could find happiness living a solo mundane life. Even with his slow aging, he could blend in his environment and live a good life. He would keep intact what little of his humanity he had left. But after Zemo got his hands on him again that little sliver of his humanity was gone. He was a tool designed for slaughter and destruction. Becoming a firefighter saving people wouldn't undo all the lives he took. Marrying you, the love of his life, wouldn't give him the normalcy he sought. He was reminded of that every time he looked down and saw the metal arm. The brute strength granted him the ability to kill with ease. The same metal arm that would now be a reminder of everything he was getting ready to lose with his wife.
The lawyers summarized the documents, and everything signed up to this point. The deed to the house, papers to change your last name, insurance paperwork, everything was discussed. Bucky even took it upon himself to hand you his 401k from firefighting.
Never had the lawyers seen a divorce proceeding go so smoothly. Usually, they have to clear out the rest of their calendars for divorce calendars. Would today be the day that they get out before the late lunch rush? Oh, let it be true.
Jennifer was smart in her word choice. Avoiding the emotional minefields that the couple has. The room was somber, as you shared your emotional hardships. Dealing with the sudden disappearance of your husband. Preparing for a funeral without a body, dreading adopting the label as a widower. Becoming behind on the mortgage and personal family issues flaring up.
Even though it was emotionally heavy, it was easy to formulate the words. You thought long and hard about what you wanted to say. However, you didn't truly have the words for the physical hardship, which was much more challenging to hide. Your right wrist in a sling. A fracture of the ulna and three smaller bones. The one place Bucky has been fighting with himself not to look.
From an instance of right place, wrong time. It would be your first time revealing the details of your broken wrist out loud. Even when Jennifer asked, you were short with your explanation. But looking at Bucky for probably the last time, you were moved by emotion. Emotions of hurt, frustration, and sorrow.
"I see that you haven't signed the restraining order." You gathered your tone to sound as unemotional and far removed as possible.
"I'm not signing it."
The tension in the room deepens as this is the first time you have directly spoken to Bucky. Your lawyers were doing a lot of the communicating for you.
He didn't want to word vomit his emotions and potentially mispeak. Widening the divide between the two. So he opted to sit in silence, letting his heartbreak in silence. Divorce from the only woman he ever loved was going to take a lifetime to heal. On top of that, a restraining order would send him to an early grave.
"What? I thought you agreed to all of our terms."
"That's why I wanted to talk in person. I cant get myself to agree to this. I can't."
Bucky sat across from you with a plea in his eyes. He didn't want to let go of the connection he spent four years building with you. His heart and mind fought each other for days when he got the divorce paperwork. His heart wanted to fight for the marriage. Fight for the sacred union yall made in front of your friends and family. Fight for the love he knew deep down that you still had for him. But his mind hit him with the harsh truth. You weren't safe around him. Having all these enhanced abilities, having this metal arm could protect you. That it wasn't a curse, but a blessing in disguise.
But that wasn't true. And his brain reminded him of that fact with a mental image of your arm in the sling.
It was before Steve managed to track down Bucky's coordinates to that apartment building. When he was still hiding in plain sight. You just happened to be there. Browsing different vendors, as it was the city was hosting a market.
Bucky was right beside you, you knew his scent from anywhere. And the fact that his head slightly turned in your direction, upon calling him confirmed it.
"Buck is that you?"
You raised a hand to touch his face. "It's me. Remember?" His metal hand gripped yours tightly. His hand clapped down on your wrist, leaving you at the mercy of his strength.
You attempted to snatch your hand back. Eyes swelled with tears, as the pain was escalating. Buck remained silent, as he twisted your wrist, to an almost 180 point.
"STOP IT! JAMES STOP!" Your shriek brought unnecessary attention to him. In a frustrated grunt, he huffed before completing the snap. He walked off into the crowd without looking back at you. Those eyes that were the portals to reading his mind was closed. There was nothing behind those eyes. Even in the presence of his wife, his eyes didn't change. I was a stranger. A stranger that he could very easily hurt with little provocation.
Holding onto your broken wrist you were soon comforted by a stand manager. He got you up on your feet and walked you in the direction of the nearest medical aid.
"Please, Bucky. Let this be a clean break. It's for the best."
"The best for who?" His voice a mixture of frustration and vulnerability. "I've been through a lot. We've been through a lot. I want to fight for us. This restraining order snuffs out any chance of us rekindling this."
"We've changed Bucky. The world has changed. I need a fresh start, and I think you need one too."
"You are my fresh start. Don't you see!?" Bucky couldn't go into much detail. His lawyer was unaware of his assassin's past. He was more skeptical than ever about what details he shared about his personal life. Lawyer, doctor, psychiatrist or not. There could be more Zemo's looking to play puppet master with his mind.
"Think about your safety."
The lawyers attempt to mediate. They could sense that something was being left out of the conversation. Something that was connected to your arm in the sling. You were standing firm in your position to sever any ties to Bucky. This was the best decision for the both of you.
Bucky didn't have to worry about his superhero work trickling into his personal life. Not having to worry if some vengeful villain would come searching for you, and harm you to even out the score with Bucky. It was just another concern that didn't have to cloud his mind.
While you wouldn't have to worry about Bucky not coming back home. Getting the news from SHIELD agents that Bucky had died protecting the world from some global threat. The heartache would be too much.
"This is getting us nowhere. Did you and your client really come here to waste our time?"
"Mr. Barnes is just as entitled to getting all of his demands met.
The lawyers started bickering. The couple with actual grounds of argue sitting in silence. You spoke up first, your raised voice silencing the room.
"I'm not asking you to change who you are. I know you've been through a lot. And it is a lot." You reached your hand out to grasp his. You wanted to convey that your heart was full of love for Bucky. You could see a broken and scared man in front of you. A man with more skeletons in his closet than you would like to imagine. But you loved him. And with that love, you had to make the tough choices for both of you.
"You need space and time to collect yourself. Fight those battles in your mind. Get better and heal."
A singular tear runs down your cheek and hits the wooden table as you continue spilling your heart out.
"I love you. I love all of you, and I forgive you. You were unwell and need true help. As much as I want to remove that pain from you, I know that I can't. My love isn't enough. Sometimes love requires letting go. Let me go. Please."
"Even when I was sick, I still had dreams of you. I couldn't make out your face, but I found myself reliving our dates. The time I took you to the drive-thru movies. You said I made you feel like you were in high school again. Or the time I accidentally used all your leave in conditioner on wash day.
Then I started dreaming of a family with you. Raising mini versions of ourselves away from the chaos my life brought. The woods were our backyard, and we were happy. With you I was happy. I still want to make that dream a reality. I'm willing to give up anything to ensure our future."
You listened to his plea. You could tell he was genuine. He would if he could give up his enhanced abilities to be with you. No doubt about it. However, you knew that Bucky was meant for something greater. When he was a soldier who fought the good fight. He was destined to be a hero. A would-be alongside Captain America, fighting threats the world doesn't know about. Ensuring that we live in a world, where us regular people wouldn't have to.
"I can't be the reason you give that up, Buck." You said gently. "It's a part of who you are. Even when you've made mistakes, I've seen you try to right your wrongs. That's the Bucky I know, the hero."
The room was silent again filled with emotion. Bucky had to come to terms that yall were on different paths. Two paths diverged into a left and right. That even under the premise of love, you were right. Bucky was too vulnerable. It wasn't the first time something like this had happened. The Winter Soldier was an ugly part of him that he had to live with. He has to make room for that identity instead of pretending it never existed.
He would be working with Steve and Sam Wilson on hunting down any of the remaining Winter Soldiers. He was thrusting himself into danger. Danger that he didn't want you to be apart of, danger that he felt responsible to end.
You leaned over to whisper in Jennifer's ears. Maybe the restraining order was too much. You were making a rash decision that you may come to regret in the future. Jennifer following the request of her client, placed the restraining order papers in the shredder.
"My client had a change of mind." She stood up packing up all the signed papers in her briefcase.
"Well all the paperwork is signed, our work is done here."
The divorce meeting came to a close and both parties went their separate ways. There you stood discussing the next steps with Jennifer. Out of the corner of your eye, you saw Bucky alone. He waited at the bottom of the stairs.
Jennifer took her cue to dismiss herself. With your eyes low, you carefully walked down the courthouse steps to stand before Bucky.
"Promise me we will find a way back to each other."
"I can't promise that Bucky. And you shouldn't make promises you can't keep."
"I would keep that promise. I would stake my life on it." He brought your left hand to his chest. Your wedding ring still on your finger. You hadn't thought about when you would take it off.
"Promise me." His lips were a few inches away from yours. Your eyes were conversing in another language of their own. Saying their goodbyes, and final 'I love yous.'
You brought Bucky into your arms. Arms wrapping around his shoulder as you cried silently to yourself. Bucky tightened his arms around you, his warms rubbing circles in your back. A hypnotizing pattern that would put you to sleep. It was settling over the both of you that this could be the last time that you held one another like this.
You let go of the hug first. Your hand on his chiseled face again. This time not worried that he would harm you again.
"I love you." You laid a tender kiss on his lips. Capturing your affection and goodbyes.
"Promise me." Bucky spoke during the kiss. "Promise me Doll."
You placed your thumb over his lip. You looked deep into his eyes. He was hanging onto every word that you said. Bucky's phone rings, breaking the staring contest you had. To no ones surprise, Steve was on the other end. A bitter reminder of the double life that Bucky was apart of.
"I need to hear you say it."
"I promise."
Bucky leaves a passing kiss on your lips before walking away from the courthouse. He picked up the phone, walking with haste. In a few short seconds, a red-headed woman joined him on his side.
My hero.
My Bucky.
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mariacallous · 3 months
In February 2022, French-American writer Jonathan Littell, who won France’s most prestigious literary award in 2006 for a novel narrated by a former SS officer, finished the manuscript of another book about Nazi crimes: a work of literary nonfiction about the 1941 Babi Yar massacre in Ukraine. Two days later, Russia launched its full-scale invasion of Ukraine, and less than two months after that, another place in the Kyiv region became synonymous with an invading power’s atrocities against civilians: Bucha. Littell soon returned to his manuscript to update it for a world in which war crimes are not just a horrific chapter in Ukraine’s history but part of its daily reality. The result, titled An Inconvenient Place, was published in French in late 2023 and features photographs by Antoine d’Agata. Now, Meduza has published the book’s first-ever Russian-language translation. To mark its release, journalist Dmitry Kartsev spoke to Littell about the difficulty of drawing parallels between wars, the bureaucratic nature of authoritarian regimes, and reckoning with the complexities of Ukrainian history. You can purchase the Russian-language edition of An Inconvenient Place here.
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matan4il · 7 months
Daily update post:
I wrote about a recent terrorist attack in which one Israeli young man was murdered and 13 people were injured. The most seriously injured casualty was Adi Zohar, a young pregnant woman (five months along, and with another little baby at home). She and the foetus are doing good, and she's been giving interviews from her hospital bed. In one, she mentioned that the traffic jam they were stuck in, was actually caused by a staged car accident.
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I wrote about Yonatan Samerano's murdered body having been kidnapped to Gaza by two Hamas terrorists on Oct 7, one of which was also a UN worker, while they used a UN vehicle for this crime. There's nothing new on that front, but this quote from his mom Ayelet is one I think everyone should hear...
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I wish I could record, translate and upload this. I got to hear an interview with an IDF officer who came out of Gaza after fighting there for a while, and he talked about having seen with his own eyes how Hamas terrorists were using Gazan civilians as human shields. He mentioned that there was an area, where they had a curfew during the night, so that if they come across anyone after dark, it would be clear that it's a terrorist. But one soldier came across a 4 years old kid walking there alone at nighttime. Even though it was dark, the soldier was thankfully able to recognize in time that it's a kid. She wouldn't speak, but the soldiers were able to locate a terror tunnel shaft not too far from where they were, and from which the terrorists sent her into this area, to test how vigil about the curfew the IDF is. While I couldn't record this specific interview, reports about Hamas' use of kids, both as human shields and as active members of the terrorist organization, are not new.
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In order to improve the supply of humanitarian aid to Gaza, Israel will start allowing aid trucks directly into the northern side, rather than just allowing them into the southern part, and then having it driven from the south to the north by Gaza-based organizations, such as UNRWA. These have been allowing hundreds of trucks' worth of aid to remain lying around idle, leading to this new measure by Israel. So far, over 14,000 aid trucks were allowed in since the start of the war.
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A Palestinian terrorist, who was arrested and convicted in 2004 for planning and participating in the Carmel Market terrorist attack, in which 3 people were murdered and over 50 were wounded, wrote a book while in prison, and it's now nominated for the most prestigious literature award in the Arab world, which comes with a prize of 50,000 dollars. The event's site mentions that the author is in jail, but not what he's imprisoned for.
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This is 19 years old Oz Daniel.
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Based on evidence collected in the past few days, he's now been confirmed as having been murdered on Oct 7, and his body was kidnapped to Gaza. There will be a funeral, which suggests that parts of him can be buried. Let it sink in that it's been 4.5 months since the Hamas massacre, and we're still identifying people who had been murdered on that day.
The news about this was aired along with a confirmation that out of 134 hostages in Gaza, 33 are kidnapped bodies. That means there are 101 living hostages there at most (with possibly at least 20 more also murdered, info awaiting debunking or confirmation). In the image below are the pics of the hostages, alive and confirmed killed, the ones with a light blue frame around their pic, have been in Hamas captivity for years.
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(for all of my updates and ask replies regarding Israel, click here)
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