#was gonna add a short drabble to this but
eldritch-nightmare · 1 year
hi- been lurking on your blog for a while lol_ I really like the way you write!!
so I got a really bad (not bad at all I just like the exaggeration) cold and
can I pls PLS have Zalgo taking care of a sick reader who gets petty af when sick & doesn't rest, resulting in him getting sicker ? ty !!
this is silly I know but idc I need fluff in my trying times </3
a/n: aw, thanks! i hope you feel better soon! kinda assuming you want male reader based on the pronouns used in the request so i apologize if you didn't.
zalgo taking care of a sick male!reader who doesn't take care of himself.
warnings: lazari is mentioned bc i refuse to accept the fact that zalgo is a deadbeat dad, very brief mention of murder it isn't important, mention of vomit, uh... mentions of eyes, it's actually all very tame and light.
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He does not understand anything about sickness in general. What do you mean you're sick? No. You can't be. He's terrible at taking care of things.
Fully under the assumption that you'll be taking care of yourself because he doesn't know the first thing about caring for others. He's already trying his best by being a dad and your 'boyfriend', as the mortals would call it.
Lazari also never gets sick due to the whole 'daughter of Zalgo' thing so like... he literally has no idea how human sicknesses and diseases work, it's a mystery to him.
So he isn't immediately worried when he sees you not resting, simply because he just assumes that's what all humans do. His perception of human behavior is heavily based on how you behave.
However, once he sees that you're taking a while to get better, Zalgo definitely starts to piece two and two together and realizes that, no, humans most certainly should not be walking around and working while they are sick. His human is just stubborn.
Precious, while you look rather handsome like this, perhaps it would be best if you sat down and rested for a bit.
He'll try to be nice about it because he's a good boyfriend for someone so evil but if you continue refusing care, he won't hesitate to force it upon you. He won't feel bad about it either, because he's doing this for you.
While he won't possess you, per se, he will definitely influence you if you make this harder than it has to be.
He understands that your sickness is common amongst mortals so he isn't going to force you to go to a doctor to receive care. He'll only do that if you get worse, but you're in his care! And he's not going to do anything that'll make your condition worse.
Once he decides that he'll have to care for you himself, it's a full day of research for him. He can't just go in blind, no, what if he accidentally gives you something that'll make you worse? And he takes the research very seriously.
Personally, I imagine him wearing librarian glasses and slowly typing on a really old computer while chewing on some gum but realistically he probably just... possesses some poor soul and uses their body long enough to learn what he needs to know before disposing of them.
Now that he's acquired all the knowledge he needed to know, he actually does a rather good job at caring for you.
He won't be disgusted or anything if you throw up or anything like that either because I mean... he has seen much grosser things so a little human being sick doesn't bother him at all.
He makes sure you're hydrated and he makes sure you take medication when you need to. He can't cook to save his life but he can influence people to cook for you so! He'll just randomly show up with neatly packed food for you. He won't lie to you if you ask where the food came from. I mean, you know that he's not a good guy. He's not even human. You signed up for this, so you shouldn't be surprised.
Eyes. Eyes everywhere. When he can't be there physically, he always makes sure a part of him is left behind so he can monitor your condition to make sure you're actually resting when he's gone.
And on the very, very rare occasion where he can't monitor your condition himself, he'll leave Lazari with you. She can't get sick, and she knows more about human care than Zalgo does, so.
He'll be very relieved once you're better. No offense, he's just not that good at being, well, good.
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How about Terumob with an overjoyed hug?
(thank you for the prompt!! <3 I went with an airport reunion because Feelings <3) - terumob airport reunion, fluff, future fic (think like 6-7 years post canon, no spoilers)
Teruki's feet hurt from pacing. He must've walked the whole airport at least twice--grabbed a coffee from one shop, canned melon juice from another, a handful of snacks he thought Shigeo would enjoy, another coffee... reasonably he could be doing something more productive with his time, but he's not been known for rationality when it comes to Shigeo.
Shigeo profusely encouraged Teruki to go home when he realized his flight had been delayed, but Teruki's having none of that. It's only been a week but he's missed Shigeo, and he'd rather pace the airport for five extra hours than be five minutes late whenever his plane finally lands.
As far as he's concerned, it's not that unreasonable.
He stops by a vending machine near baggage claim to check his phone. 11:37pm. Either Shigeo's fallen asleep on the plane or he forgot that Teruki paid for him to have in-air service, because Teruki hasn't heard from him since he boarded. He checks Shigeo's plane on his flight tracking app. He's supposed to be landing in ten minutes. He buys Shigeo a coffee and goes back to waiting.
Seven minutes later:
[Shige <3] we just landed! are you still waiting? I hope you went home :( I'm sorry it took so long
[Teru <3] welcome home!! <3 I'm at baggage claim, I'll keep an eye out for you. I got you coffee :D
[Shige <3] :( you didn't go home
[Teru <3] your coffee's getting cold love seriously I wouldn't have done anything productive at home. I brought my ipad and graded a couple papers while I've been waiting
[Shige <3] :( I guess that's not so bad the row ahead of me just stood up. i'll see you in a few minutes! <3
[Teru <3] !!! <3
Teruki shoves his phone in his pocket and takes another lap around the baggage claim. The airport is startlingly busy this time of night, but that makes sense. A lot of flights were delayed at the same time as Shigeo's, and the godawful storm that's been rocking Seasoning City earlier today. Every time a group of people exits the hall Teruki's on them at once, combing through them for any sight of his husband. He isn't the only person waiting, either: he watches several people get their reunions, families and couples and friends. He's let down each time it isn't Shigeo.
Teruki snaps around. Shigeo waves at him from the other side of the airport, beaming. He looks exhausted and he's standing a little lopsidedly, but it's absolutely Shigeo, wearing a scarf over one of Teruki's tye-dyed hoodies and washed denim jeans.
Teruki kind of forgets about not sloshing the coffee around. He guns it, heels slamming, and Shigeo half-runs, half-jogs to meet him there.
Teruki captures him in a hug so fierce his heart nearly flies out of his chest. He lets his aura take care of the coffee and squeezes Shigeo for all he's worth, and doesn't realize he's picked Shigeo's feet off the ground until Shigeo's laughter fills his senses and Shigeo's arms wrap around his head.
Shigeo's always swept him off his feet, and it's so gratifying to be able to do the same. Even if Shigeo is heavy and deadweight from exhaustion over a day of stressful travel. Shigeo's fingers curl into his hair and his forehead bonks the crown of Teruki's head. He smells like burnt plastic and he is so, so warm.
"I missed you," Teruki stresses. "I missed you, I missed you, I missed you--"
They probably look ridiculous, Shigeo wrapped around his head laughing while Teruki's knees tremble under the weight and a paper cup of coffee hovers on its own beside them. And yeah, Teruki's still got his vain streak about him--along with the rest of his reservations. God, he’s smitten.
Shigeo squirms and Teruki doesn’t want to set him down, but he can’t see Shigeo like this, either, so he obliges. Shigeo’s smile eradicates any clinging trace of anxious energy in the back of Teruki’s mind.
“I was only gone for a week,” Shigeo says, out of breath. He grabs his coffee out of the air and Teruki loosens his aura from around it. “Thank you for picking me up.”
“Of course!” Teruki squeezes his hand. “Come on, let’s grab your suitcase and get out of here before the storm kicks up again.” 
Shigeo lets Teruki lead him forward, familiar hand in familiar hand.
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good morning!! :D
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samaraxmorgan · 2 months
Your Roommate Sukuna
“That Time I Gave Him Covid”
Modern no curse AU, Sukuna X Reader
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Synopsis: This housing crisis sure is no joke huh? Rent is just too expensive to live alone, so you put out a listing for a roommate and ended up living with none other than the tattooed bad boy Ryomen Sukuna! This is part of a series of drabbles and oneshots showing glimpses into you and Sukuna’s living situation!!
Contains: pure fluff, Sukuna makes you watch The Human Centipede but nothing is described in detail, pining at the end but he’s in denial
Word Count: 1.08k
Series Masterlist - My Full Masterlist
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Look, a day off is nice, and a few days off could be a real treat, under just about any other circumstances. You’re sitting at the kitchen table, sipping coffee that you didn’t even need to add sugar to because the bitter taste can’t affect you when you literally can’t taste it.
You noticed the symptoms a couple hours ago, scratchy throat, can’t taste, can’t smell; you had an extra Covid test under the kitchen sink since you bought a two pack a couple months ago, and unsurprisingly you tested positive. And now you’re stuck in your little apartment for a week, trapped in the confined space with your oversized roommate who’s going to be just thrilled to hear the news.
He’s literally gonna kill me.
As if on cue, you could hear Sukuna’s footsteps thumping down the stairs, his eyes meeting yours as he turned the corner and a look of confusion spreading across his face.
“Don’t you have a job?”
You snort, oh he’s not gonna like this, “I’ve got bad news bud.”
“Don’t ever call me that again.” He shoots you a glare as walks into the kitchen, pulling a glass out of the cabinet.
You roll your eyes, a sheepish grin creeping at the corners of your lips as you prop your cheek onto the palm of your hand, “We have Covid.”
“Who’s we?” He doesn’t even look at you, his back facing you as he pulls a carton of milk out from the fridge and fills the glass.
Even though he can’t see it, you give him a quizzical look, “We literally live together? My germs are all over the place.”
He turns around, leaning his back against the kitchen counter and looking down at you in your seat with a nonchalant expression, “I’ve got a good immune system,” He brings the glass up to his lips and takes a sip, “I’m fine.”
You know he’s full of shit, cocky bastard can’t genuinely think he’s above getting sick, right? You look up at him dumbfounded as he casually sips his glass of milk, he’s got a completely blank expression.
When’s the last time we even bought milk? That has to have been sitting for a while now. Oh, oh wait…
Hah, yeah he’s so full of shit. He cocks a brow at the smirk you didn’t realize had grown across your face.
“What’s so funny, brat?”
“How’s the milk taste?”
He shrugs, clicking his tongue in his mouth, “Fine.”
“When did it expire?”
“It didn’t,” He raises the glass to his nose and smells it with no changes in his expression, he picks the carton up and turns his wrist to read the back of it, “It’s good ‘til-”
He stops himself short, his mouth dropping into a small surprised oh, you can’t even attempt to suppress the giggle that escapes you.
You let your arms slide down outstretched across the kitchen table, your cheek pressed against the smooth wood, “I guess we’re quarantine buddies.”
“I’m gonna fuckin’ kill you.”
I figured as much.
Your face is buried in your hands, shielding your poor, absolutely tortured eyes from the TV. Eerie music with muffled screams and maniacal laughter emit from the speakers and fill the room as Sukuna outstretches his leg to reach your side of the couch, prodding at your arm with his foot.
“You’re not even watching.”
“This is horrible.”
“This is payback.”
You peek through your fingers, immediately wanting to gag at his disgusting movie choice. The Human Centipede, really? He’s watching it so casually, somehow managing to have the stomach to eat popcorn as well, albeit most of the popcorn has been tossed into your hair from when he caught you squeezing your eyes shut during the teeth pulling scene. Now that was brutal.
“Can we please watch something else? Anything?” You whine into your hands.
“I’ve got the DVD for Cannibal Holocaust.”
You let out an exasperated sigh, flopping your head backward onto the couch cushion.
It’s gonna be a long week.
“Woman, how in god's name do I move?”
“You click where you want to go, and,” You lean forward and tap your finger onto your laptop's screen, “Click here.”
“That’s so fucking stupid.” He grumbles under his breath.
You roll your eyes but to be honest, you’re impressed he was actually willing to play one of your games. It seems the last few days of being stuck together have broken him down a bit, and now you’re leaning against his arm watching him attempt to maneuver around The Sims on your laptop.
Sukuna lets out a frustrated groan, “This game sucks, you can’t even kill people.”
You draw back in surprise, “Have you never played Sims before?”
He turns his head towards you, looking completely baffled that you’d even ask, “No? Obviously.”
Oh he’s in for a treat.
Within an hour he’s drowned 4 people, burned down someone’s mansion, got a call to come meet a child that he didn’t even know was his, and let out an absolutely delighted “Oh? What’s this?” when he found the tools to make prison bars. You can’t say you’re surprised by any means, but you’d be lying if you said you weren’t amused.
You’re watching his eyes flicker around the screen, brows furrowed in concentration and his sharp canine digging into the side of his bottom lip as he oh so meticulously picks out the least comfortable looking beds for each little prison cell. You’ve been slowly slouching against his side more and more over the last hour, and he either hasn’t noticed or is too invested in his mass murder scenarios to even care as sickly fatigue has your head resting on his shoulder and your eyelids feeling too heavy to keep open.
Little do you know, he’s well aware of your weight pressing into him; but, he’s willing to let it slide this time, deciding that you’ve pleased him enough for him to hold back from pushing your sleepy body onto the ground. Even though it would be hilarious to see the look on your face when you wake up to your back flopping onto the plush rug beneath you, and even funnier to watch you try to slap at him as he holds both of your wrists in one hand, he’s willing to spare you just this once, although he couldn’t possibly fathom the reason why.
It’s not because he’s growing a soft spot for you, no, because that would be ridiculous.
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A/N: I wasn’t planning to start with this one BUT I couldn’t stop thinking about this scenario so I guess we get him sick immediately asakjjaan Dividers by @adornedwithlight
Let me know if you want to be added to a taglist!!
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quitesins · 4 days
Deku’s Type!
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Tags: 18+, Sfw-ish, short drabble, fem!reader, aged up! characters, teacher! Deku, kinda vulgar and fucky, im gonna tag misogyny, reader is implied to be “fucked in the head” whatever you want that to mean ^0^!
The boys gather round for drinks and discuss the type of women Deku seems to be fond of, much to his dismay…
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“Sounds like Deku’s type,” Katsuki says, smirk in his voice.
Izuku frowns. “I do not have a type.”
Now that makes the table still for a second, not long enough for Izuku to predict the thoughts of his friends, but enough for the rest of the guys to come to the same conclusion.
Katsuki, Denki and Sero are the first to burst out in laughter. Katsuki’s cackle the loudest of them all.
“Are you fuckin’ serious?” Katsuki laughs so hard he doesn’t even care that Denki is half laid over him, “You don’t see that shit?”
“Come on…” Denki says, still slapping Katsuki’s thigh as he laughs, “you have such a type!”
Izuku frowns, sterner, deciding to ignore the immature three and turning to his other friends for support. Both Iida and Shouto look away, their expressions telling.
“I do not have a type,” Izuku reiterates, firmly.
Katsuki shakes his head, finally shoving Denki off him. “All those girls you’ve dated? Exact fuckin’ same.”
Even Tokoyami turns his head, eyes never leaving his drink but a twinkle of unfamiliar mirth evident within them.
“What does that even mean?!” Izuku exasperates, looking around for a single ally.
“It means,” Mineta chimes in, and although Izuku enjoys his company, he already knows he’s about to hear something deplorable, “you like them sick in the head!”
Shouto can’t hold in his sputter, finally contributing to the conversation— with a laugh. The rest of the table is hooting, a few groans at the wording but nothing at the sentiment. All while Izuku looks absolutely scandalised, clutching his chest, eyes wide open.
“That’s horrible!” Izuku cries, so stunned he can’t even trail off into one of his signature rambles in defence, “that’s- that’s. What?!”
“All the girls you’ve liked man…” Sero starts, “they’re not exactly little miss sunshines are they.” He stops, which Izuku almost takes reprieve in until he continues, “you seem to like them a little off putting.”
“Yeah so he can fucking fix them,” Katsuki snorts.
“It’s your saviour complex,” Denki adds, chin tilted up, trying to look profound.
Izuku is quick to interject, waving his hands around. “You’re the pro heroes.” The poor boy tries his best to convince. “We all have saviour complexes!”
“Not like you do, mon chéri,” Aoyama tuts, then winks before saying, “Hero of Japan.”
“Izuku, They do still call you an honorary pro.” Shouto is trying to be nice, Izuku thinks. “And I’m sure your students think the same.”
Izuku grimaces, he knows he’s always had a complex that encompassed so much more than just his dreams to be a hero, but he doesn’t need it sullied by… that.
“Don’t ruminate.” Katsuki presses a drink into Izuku’s hands. “You like women a little fucked up, so what.”
Katsuki’s words do nothing to comfort Izuku, instead it has Denki and Mineta laughing all over again while Kirishima attempts to calm them down. Iida scolds Katsuki a little, doing a half bow in apology to the passing waiter clearly peeved by all the noise. Deku pays no attention, beginning to spiral in his head.
It feels wrong to view you that way. To view the women he’s loved that way. But he’s not an idiot, maybe a little blind at times but now that the proof is there— oh god—
“Listen, Midoriya, I am sure there are many reasons you have loved the women you have.” Iida notices the growing dread upon Izuku’s face. “You also like to save people. There is nothing wrong with that.”
Tokoyami and Shouji nod in agreement, Ojiro giving his own sympathetic smile.
“Yeah bro.” Kirishima raises a fist in camaraderie, though it’s definitely out of pity. “It’s manly to want to care for others.”
“Think he more than cares for ‘em,” Katsuki slickly adds, in an artful voice that Izuku is more that familiar with, “the fucker get off on that shit.”
This time, it’s Shouto who scolds him, Katsuki’s implications clear enough for even him to catch on. They rest of the guys begin to bicker in the background, one half in defence of Izuku’s less than innocent tastes in women, the other intent on making fun of the golden boy for once.
Though the attention is finally off him, it does not help Izuku feel any better.
Because there’s a thought that lingers… it’s a sick thought, a terrible, horrible, awfully honest thought.
Shit, he does like them a bit fucked up.
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My truth is i still don’t know how to punctuate dialogue… pleek don’t look and none of dat…
Anyways I kind of wanna elaborate on Deku’s hero complex coming out in other ways in the 8 years of studying and becoming a teacher, like someone has to deal with it…
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bitchimasnake-sss · 28 days
Okay so.. what if the monster trios partner just randomly swapped from bottom to top in the middle of freaky time (pretend the word freaky has that funny ass font)
oh,,, you mean 𝓯𝓻𝓮𝓪𝓴𝔂 freaky. i hear you, i see the vision, and i must torment these men. ps: gonna add ace n law just for funsies <3
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🌙thinkin' about: the monster trio, ace 'n law! vs switchin' things up!
VERY SHORT DRABBLES, OKAY? OKAY. NOT PROOFREAD, OKAY? OKAY. cw: pussydrunk men. dom-ish reader. nsfw thoughts include: handjob, teasing, cocky and pathetic men, creampie, doin' it raw. oh, and pussydrunk men. okay, thats it. MDNI OR ILL HUNT YOUR PETTY ASSES. m.list
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🍒monkey d. luffy: tonight, let me be your little plaything.
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❤️he just laughs when you thread your fingers through his hair and pull it backwards so meanly, "hah, what's wrong?" "w-wanna be on top," you pull him downwards, trying to turn him around and your captain complies happily. too happily, perhaps. grinning, he turns around to be on his back and uses his firms hands to stabilize you on his aching dick. "are you sure? i can—" luffy tries to ask, tries to really show you what a thoughtful and careful captain he is. but you just tilt your face downwards, and you drink in any enquiries he has like it is water. his mouth parts, lewd strings of saliva glistening between you as you slowly sink down on his length, and promptly moan into him as he finally bottoms out. as he looks up at you, he cannot help but fuck upwards into you harder. your hair sticks to your forehead and chest, the strands plastered against your soft skin like modern art, your lips parted and lust-driven, haze eyes trained on him as if he was your prey for tonight. his voice stutters slightly, body tensing in anticipation as you gently run a finger across his taut chest, "w-what?" "shh, let me take care of you tonight." you swipe your thumb across his bottom lips as his eyes roll back as your neat, manicured fingers dig into his chest. as you bounce on his lap, he lets out such pretty, vulgar noises, "mhph baby, l- harder." "harder?" you circle your hips, the motion almost enough to send you both into a orgasmic bliss. luffy digs his fingers into the fat of your hips, bruising and breaking the skin. eyes barely open, his lips slack open as his pace falters, "s-shit, so good. keep going, fuck—" "as you wish, cap'n."
🍀roronoa zoro: don't try something you cannot keep up with.
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💚"hm?" the swordsman quirks an eyebrow, his flushed face looking down at you with tepid anticipation, "what now, woman?" you had been pawing at his bicep, weak fingers curling against the taut muscle as if to sway him physically. you pout, the expression enough to disbalance even the greatest, "i wanna be on top, today." "huh?" the swordsman grins in return, gliding his flushed tip against your clit easily, familiarly. as if it was a routine he was well-versed in. well, technically, one could say that. when he speaks, his tone is that of mockery, "think ya can handle that? your thighs start burning after two pumps, 'm not kidding—" "—shut up, why don't y-you, zoro!" your breath hitches at the sudden sensation of zoro abandoning your aching cunt. scoffing, he pulls you up, "alright then," the swordman lays down, pulling you on top of him firmly. gazing up at you with a challenge drawn into his features, he husks, "c'mon, show me what you're made of." "don't get co-cocky. i'm gonna ruin you tonight." you hiss as his length toys against your inviting opening. you throw your head back at the feeling the intimate veins and ridges against your gummy walls as he sinks in deeper and deeper and depper. zoro hisses, "shi- hah. easy now." rocking your hips, you both moan as he finally bottoms out. looking down at the (once) cocky swordsman, you're delighted to find a man entranced by you. his half-lidded gaze falls on you, lips parting as he raises his hips to slam into you, "go on, s-show me what you can do." you laugh, something sort of airy, as you thrust back into him with just as much vigor. your pace fastens and you swear you see his eyes roll back as he gasps, "ngh shit. w-wait a min—" resting your palms flat against his chest, you rasp, "don't order me around tonight, roronoa."
🫐vinsmoke sanji: whatever my girl says, i do.
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💙you could ask vinsmoke sanji to give his life up for you and he would in a second. so, don't expect him to question you as you close the door behind and push him onto your shared bed, unbutton his blue shirt and tell him you want him right now, right here. of course, he doesn't question, but that doesn't mean he doesn't quirk an eyebrow and address you breathily as you straddle his clothed hips, "what's with the haste, love?" "need you." you admit so quickly that you're surprised your words sound coherent at all, "need y'so bad." "hm?" the cook hums in delight as you rub against him even with all your clothes on. his strong arm wrapped around your torso, bringing you down to face him. his breath is hot against your lips, "that bad, darling?" before the cook can attempt to turn you around and pin your to the mattress, your hand tug his wrists to pin them up instead. he doesn't even struggle under you, accepting his fate all-too-happily as you rasp from above, "no. you're bottom tonight, vinsmoke." and you're crazy if you think sanji does anything but grin in delight, fighting an erection and the insane urge to submit to you fully within a second, "as you say, ma'am." the cook of your ship moans under you as rut against him. your lewd fluids seeping into the fabric of his dress slack and drenching his weeping cock in such an unholy manner. his breath stutters as your pace fastens, as you throw your head backwards and push yourself harder against him. "g-gonna tease me all night long, gorgeous?" the cook smiles deliriously and you tug his tie to pull him up and kiss him senseless. admitting through hot pants and restrained breaths, "if that's what you want, then sure." "i'm all yours." the cook admits dopily, his lips still entangled against you as your aching cunt rubs against his straining erection, "whatever you say, goes." "in that case," you pulled your top off easily, looking down at him unhurriedly, "strip."
🦋portgas d. ace: oh really? think you can do this? yes, yes you can.
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🧡"oh, baby." ace throws his head back, his pretty locks falling backwards to show his pretty face, "don't tease me like that." "like what?" you echo back, looking down at your boyfriend so innocently as his arms tighten around you, "i was s'posed to be finishing paperwork, angel." "do that, then." you softly take off his hat, putting it on yourself against the backdrop of his moans, "i'm not saying anything." "y-your hands are saying more than enough." and at his words, you tilt your head downwards to see the sight of your hands fisted around his pretty cock. your thumb swipes over his wet slit and ace moans, his arm going slack against you, "sh-shit, okay. i get it, you wanna fuck. i won't make you wait." his arm tightens around your waist once over as he picks himself up from the chair he was sitting on. dragging himself to the bed, he throws you just to cage you under him. "no." you say loud enough for him to stop, "what is it?" you entangle your index against his red-beaded necklace and pull him downwards just to ghost at his lips, "i'm going on top tonight." the section-commander just quirks up his eyebrows in delight, "really?" and in a minute you're on top of him, looking down at such a flush-faced, shirt-less man. ace hums, "okay, then. have your fun. i've missed seeing you like this." you adjust his hat, the beaded string dangling as you rid him of his pants, "and i've missed making you cry out my name." "hm?" ace hums hotly into the air, balancing himself on his elbows to peer up at you, "guess we have a lot of catching up to do." his voice waivers pathetically as you run your soft hand up and down his shaft, looking at him with your predator-like gaze, "seems so." you lick the tip languidly, tasting the salty pre on your tongue. moving your hand up and down, never once breaking eye-contact, you command, "now shut up, and let me do the talking." "as you wish, angel."
🪻trafalgar d. water law: don't give the man new kinks, please.
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💜"captain," you say the word so softly that law finds himself keening at just the sound of your voice. his voice is breathless, raspy, undone from the way he was thrusting within your gummy walls, "y-yeah, what?" you look into his eyes, words falling into an easy smile, "change positions, please?" and soon enough he realizes that that's not a question, rather a command, "i wanna be on top." and so, law complies. mostly, to flatter his own ego when you'd get tired and complain about your thighs burning like you always do when you're on top, but a little bit to make your bratty ass happy. with his tattooed chest on display and his arms tucked behind his tousled head, law looks up at your leisurely, "go on." you grin, hips moving down so suddenly to take all of him in, "wasn't waiting for your permission, captain." shit. and now, law might be the one going into a neuro-psychotic breakdown from the way you move your hips. up and down, sideways, sometimes circling him as your greedy, snug cunt swallows him whole. your gummy walls gnaw at him, pulling at him so greedily that he has no choice but to buck up fiercely, white-knuckle the linen sheets and purse his lips lest he utter something so embarrassing. "what's wrong?" you ask in that same airy tone, as if oblivious to the way your snug cunt was sucking him in and milking him dry, "having fun?" "ohmygod," the captain brings up a tattooed hand to his face, covering his eyes as his hips buck up into you wildly, "don't stop, don't fucking stop." his voice falters. it quietens pathetically, in a manner that is so unlike him, "p-please." "that good?" you ask softly, tracing your index finger up till it lands against the column of his throat. as you close your hands around his throat, you can feel the stuttering breaths under his skin, "law?" "wh-what?" his eyes widen as he takes his hand off, and you squeeze his throat in response, "ya like it?" the fact that you feel his hips stutter under you, his breath fasten and the familiar, warm fluid splatter against your walls should be enough of an answer. "seems like you do."
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a/n: how much do i love pathetic men? yes. AND OKAY YEAH THIS ONE'S FOR THE HOT GIRLS WHO GET TIRED AS SOON AS THEY GO ON TOP (like me 😞). anyways, my writer's block goes wild. either i don't write for two weeks or i write like five things in one day. anyways, this is a scheduled post, hope you hotties enjoy mwuah <3 m.list
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jeonginsleftcheek · 2 months
Wild (Felix drabble)
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pairing: dom!felix x afab!reader
genre: smut
description: your boyfriend is still excited after being on stage and he needs to use you so he can get rid of the surplus of energy.
warnings: unprotected sex (p in v), creampie, reader is called slut, hair pulling, squirting
a/n: i can't shut up about festival felix being absolutely WILD (this is really short i'm just feral okay)
~ check out my: Masterlist
Just imagine you and Felix coming back to the hotel room after the show and even after you shower and try to relax, he's still buzzing with excitement.
What starts out as his excited yapping ends up with him kissing you hungrily, hands roaming around your body roughly, not even giving you a moment to come to your senses.
He keeps kissing you like he's never kissed you before, his fingers leave bruises on your thighs, you can't even catch a breath as you grip onto his shoulders.
Your head is dizzy as he pushes you, your back hits the glass overlooking the city. His hands grip at the straps of your top and he pulls it down, lips attaching to your nipple immediately, hands squeezing your breasts.
He can't even wait anymore, he turns you around fast making you squeal in shock as he pushes your shorts down, knowing you had no panties under them.
He doesn't even slide them all the way down, just enough so he has access to your sweet pussy, sliding his sweats down, his cock is painfully hard and leaking already.
There is no warning as he pushes it between your folds, a low grunt escaping his lips. You moan loudly, your walls adjusting to take him, your hands clawing at the glass as he grabs your hips shoving his cock as deep as he can into you.
He then grabs your wrists, folding your arms behind your back and pushing you against the window as he starts fucking into you like a feral bunny.
You feel like your whole body is rattling as he fucks you so hard that your legs start shaking.
"F-Felix someone will see!"- you whimper.
"I don't care!"- he growls. "I want them to see how fucking desperate you are for me. My perfect little slut."- he adds, spanking your ass hard and watching it jiggle as he keeps shoving his cock into you at an erratic pace.
Your heart skips a beat cause you've never seen your boyfriend this feral but it made your legs feel like jelly and you couldn't hold your excitement in, squirting quickly all over his cock and your legs.
"Ah fuck, good girl."- he smirks, you see his face in the reflection of the mirror and a shiver runs down your spine with the intensity you see in his eyes.
Felix keeps moaning lowly in your ear, making your pussy clench around him constantly.
"Pussy sucking me in. Don't worry, I'll give her what she wants."- he says lowly before exploding inside you, making you moan as his warm cum fills you up.
You exhale, trying to move away but Felix pins you to the window, his lips brushing your ear as he smirks and whispers.
"I'm not done yet, I will use you as much as I want and you're gonna take it like a good slut, hm?"- he says, hand tangling in your hair and pulling it back.
"Y-yes, Felix."- your eyes are widdened, your pussy dripping with both your juices as he pushes his cock into you again, his hand grabbing at your chin before he presses two of his fingers on your lips. Your lips part and you suck on his fingers as he starts railing you again.
The night has just begun and both of you almost oversleep the next day before getting on the plane.
✨Taglist: @moonchild9350 @janepg @velvetmoonlght @hwanghyunjinismybae @jehhskz
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yazmarina · 4 months
this is FILTHY ok? ok! f!reader is a new wag and still getting used to all the media attention and paparazzi, F1 driver feels kinda guilty. After a particularly hectic outing for dinner, driver sits down to ask if she is really ok with it, she is like "ill get used to it, its worth it for you" and the man is swoon!! hes like "ok, lets get you used to being the center of attention then" with a smirk and its just him pleasing her all night, even photographing her to get used to flashing lights!!
picture you
lando norris x fem!reader
you could only expect so much, having a boyfriend who likes taking pictures
warnings/notes: smut, fingering, semi-nude photography, implied insecurity
a/n: very short, just a little bite-sized drabble to test the waters. lmk what you think!
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Dating celebrities is not for the weak. That much you knew. With all the media attention, tabloids scrutinizing every aspect of your relationship, curious fans digging into the recesses of your life, one must possess a certain degree of resilience.
But dating an F1 driver? Even the most tenacious of people might buckle under it all.
What was supposed to be a quiet dinner between you and Lando turned into curious eyes and less-than-quiet murmurs around the restaurant. Lando tried to steer your attention away from all the other people and you tried your hardest, you really did, to carry on a normal conversation, but Lando could see you were growing more uncomfortable with each passing minute.
So after your last bite of pasta, Lando rushed the waiter for the bill. So much for your shared creme brulee.
"Hey, are you okay?" Lando asks as the two of you step into his apartment. He flips on the light switch by the door and his whole living room comes into view.
You sigh, tossing your jacket onto the couch before collapsing on the plush upholstery.
"I'm fine," you lie. You busy yourself with the straps of your shoes, avoiding Lando's eyes.
"But you're not," Lando presses, plopping down next to you. "You can tell me if you're not."
"Eh," comes your noncommittal response. "Unless you can make every person turn away when we're out on a date, I'm afraid whatever I say won't matter at all."
Lando huffs, hands wrapping around both of your wrists. He coaxes you to look at him and you see the look of concern in his eyes. His eyebrows are bunched together, and for a moment, you think Lando looks like a scorned puppy.
"Don't be like that," Lando urges gently. "I can make them look away. I'll try."
You chuckle, leaning in briefly to kiss him right on the scar on his nose. Lando scrunches up his face, pulling away as if annoyed by the gesture.
"I just need to get used to all of this," you admit. Your thumbs find Lando's knuckles and you rub along them soothingly.
"I can bear being the center of attention if it means I'd be doing it for you," you add.
Lando's expression softens and you can almost see the twinkle in his eyes. He cradles both sides of your face and pulls you in to kiss you square on the lips, his mouth plush against yours.
"You're dating the Lando Norris, of course, you're gonna be the center of attention," Lando teases, nudging your cheek with his nose. You laugh, fingers threading through the hair near Lando's nape.
"Big talk for someone who begs for cuddles every night," you whisper back as Lando kisses his way down your neck.
His hands grip tightly around your waist as he adjusts the way you lay against the couch, pulling you fully underneath him. Your hair splays out against the throw pillows and your chest is heaving, Lando's teeth lightly grazing the skin over your jugular.
"You can be the center of attention right now," Lando murmurs near your ear, large hands sliding under the hem of your dress. He bunches the silky material up around your waist, exposing your lower half.
You huff as you're left bare from the waist down, Lando pulling back to grab something off the coffee table.
His camera.
Your breath hitches as he squints, angling his eye against the viewfinder. Lando snaps a picture, the flash going off just as you gasp in surprise. He takes another one, his hand coming down to rest against your breast.
"Lando...," you whimper. You hook your legs around his hips, pulling yourself closer, right against his thigh. You start to grind against the rough material of his jeans, your panties doing little to confine the wetness between your legs.
"Naughty," Lando chuckles, pressing a hand down on your abdomen to still your movements. He pulls the material of your underwear away, fingertips immediately pressing against your cunt.
You can't help the moan that escapes you, the cool touch of Lando's fingers a contrast to the warm liquid that's leaking from your hole.
"Smile, honey," Lando encourages, taking another photo. You shiver at the thought of these images of you, tucked away only for you and Lando to see.
"You're a star, baby," Lando continues, circling your entrance once, twice, before plunging two fingers in. You mewl, hips shooting up to meet Lando's hand.
"You're a natural. So good for me, yeah?"
Lando starts to pump in and out of you, curling his fingers periodically against that one spot inside. You stare straight at the lens through your lashes and you can see the grin that spreads on Lando's face from behind the camera. He takes a burst of shots as you play it up for him, biting your lip and grabbing onto your boobs.
"Oh, I wanna see you cum on my fingers, baby," Lando says mischievously. "Wanna take a picture so it lasts longer."
He quickens his pace, the loud squelch of his fingers echoing around the space of Lando's living room. Your eyes roll into the back of your head when you feel Lando angle his fingers deeper, your walls clenching around him.
"Come on, let it go for me, sweetheart," Lando implores, snapping more pictures as you start to unravel.
Your fingernails dig into one of the couch pillows, your other hand reaching down as you shove your fingers beneath your panties, rubbing at your aching clit. You hear Lando grunt at this, zooming in on your hand so artfully outlined in your thin underwear as you frantically work your nub closer to orgasm.
"Filthy," Lando practically spits out. "So fucking filthy, my love."
Your release rips through your entire body and your back arches impossibly high off the couch. You hear the camera shutter go off again but it's faint, overtaken by the loud ringing in your ears as waves of your orgasm wash over you.
You're panting a few moments later once it starts to fade, your vision bleary and Lando barely coming into focus in front of you.
He places the camera back on the coffee table, leaning down to kiss you fervently. He licks into your mouth and you groan, fingers tangling in his hair.
"There's more where that came from," you whisper against Lando's lips.
You can only yelp as Lando flips you over on your stomach.
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kauuni · 3 months
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𓇼 ᅠׅ ᅠ ݁ 𓂃 I WISH YOU ROSES — rafe cameron . . !
female! reader. black reader in mind n’ most canons are black reader coded. fluff &&. smut! mdni pls. different rafe’s like friends w benefits! rafe, mean/soft! rafe, love-sick! best friend! rafe, perv! rafe. . . might add more as i think of them.
꣖ surprise! was gonna do a drabble or sum but i just can’t bring myself to do it sooooo brain rots instead ꣓
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soft! boyfriend! rafe who lets his girl kiss his face all over, getting lipgloss all over his face, no matter where he’s heading to.
rafe cameron buys you a necklace with his initial on it to ask if he can be your boyfriend.
soft! biker boyfriend! rafe who lets his girlfriend put flower stickers on his bike helmet cause she wants to.
soft! boyfriend! rafe who loves looking at your pussy. after you’ve creamed on his dick, the pink of your pussy coated with a white cast that makes your brown lips appear shiny.
perv! boyfriend! rafe adores how small your clothes get as it get hotter. the shorts and small skirts without panties getting him a good show throughout the day.
boyfriend! rafe adores the curve of your ass. always putting his hand into the back pocket of your short shorts when walking with you or kissing you, getting a hand full of it then.
soft! boyfriend! rafe gets obsessed with anything your obsessed with. but, he acts like he isn’t HARD but will always sit down and watch your favorite tv show all day. most of his days really revolve around you so it’s kinda hard not to.
boyfriend! rafe who takes a hand full of your ass and hits it every time you walk away from him.
perv! boyfriend! rafe who watches you change all the time, without shame. eyes glue to your ass as he tries his best to get a glimpse of your pussy when your putting on a swimsuit.
boyfriend! rafe who, when introducing you to someone, will always put “my girl” before your name.
fwb! rafe w feelings for you who’s little sister notices his feelings for you and he has to confess to her about it so she stops threatening to tell you.
fwb! rafe w feelings for you who will scare off every dude you will ever try to date. so much, that now if you try to talk to anyone they’ll be like “your rafe’s girl, right?”
fwb! rafe w feelings for you who has been yelled at many times (like a child) by you for going around telling people that your his. but, he continues to shrug it off and tell you it’s not that big of a deal.
fwb! rafe w feelings for you who gets you to stay so he can really apologize by promising to never do it again. although he promises, he continues to pound you into his mattress while telling you how your his and how much he needs you.
boyfriend! rafe who loves the attitude you give him. always just sitting and listening as you yell at him about whatever. when you notice he's just staring, you instantly get angry and try to walk off, saying he’s not listening but he swears he is. ( he definitely wasn’t, he was too busy watching your lips and thinking about you sucking him off )
boyfriend! rafe who lets his brain go to complete mush once feeling your nails on his scalp.
boyfriend! rafe who finds that’s the only way he can really fall asleep.
boyfriend! rafe who flashes the gun that sit in his waistband at any guy who tries to talk to you. any guy. whether it’s someone trying to talk you up at a party or a waitress that smiled a little too hard.
fwb! rafe w feelings for you who is so frequent with asking to films the two of you fucking that you finally cave. and, he doesn’t let the opportunity go to waste either. him filming everything from you sucking his dick to him coming on your brown skin.
perv! boyfriend! rafe who rubs himself a little when seeing you bend over in your small bikini’s and gets a peek of your pussy. “jesus christ,” he says, sucking in air through his teeth before landing a hand right on your ass.
love-sick! best friend! rafe who hates when you introduce him as your best friend to other guys, even though that’s what he is to you. he just wishes he could get a chance with you.
love-sick! best friend! rafe who’s face when watching you talk to another dude is so intimidating that they practically run away from you. so intimidating that you have to tell him to smile or at least not sit and stare.
boyfriend! rafe who knows what you like and always picks the best clothes that compliment your skin.
fwb! rafe w feelings for you who leaves things at your house to have an excuse to come and see if any other guy has been there.
boyfriend! rafe who’s the #1 pantie stealer without shame. even has a favorite pair.
“rafe, put ‘em back!” you would groan at him, watching as he picks them from the floor. “why?” he grins, continuing to stuff them in his pants that are unzipped. “they’re seamless, i need those for next week, for the party.” he nods as if he cares, even turns up his lip playfully before kissing you and leaving with them.
fwb! rafe w feelings for you who’s favorite thing to do is finger you. your back against his chest as he watches your chest cave into its self, moans falling recklessly from your lips while the rest of your friends are downstairs. him loving the fact that they can probably hear you, but he’s the only one that gets to see you take his finger deep inside.
boyfriend! rafe who loves coming inside of you. not only because he loves feeling you gush onto him while he fills you up but the way your pussy looks with cum dripping out of it. especially because of the extra contrast between your brown lips and his white cum.
mean! boyfriend! rafe who doesn’t mind not giving you what you want. with holding his dick from you all day even when you beg for you. so when he finally has you all you can do is whine and beg.
fwb! rafe w feelings for you doesn’t believe in him getting a girlfriend if it isn’t you. has tried many times to get one, but can’t seem to replace you.
boyfriend! rafe gives an annoyed look to any girl who smiles too hard at him.
mean-ish! boyfriend! rafe who, when you have on a bathing suit or anything slightly thin, will grab the string of your underwear or bottoms and pop them against your skin.
perv! boyfriend! rafe who asks you to lean down to get something for him 90% of the time so he can see the outline of your pussy.
fwb! rafe who once said that you couldn’t last more than a month without his dick, so you took it as a challenge and did. for more than 2 months actually. he, of course, couldn’t handle the pressure and ended up taking his last couple months of frustration out on you.
soft! boyfriend! rafe who definitely kisses your ankles when he’s deep inside, mumbling praises off his lips.
boyfriend! rafe who has laid you across his legs and done a lines of coke on your ass. almost as a party trick at a party.
fwb! rafe w feelings for you who daydreams about coming inside of you but never brings it up. since he can’t replace you, he always just fists his dick to the thought when you can’t make it.
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ꪆ ݁ ᳝  2024 starher . . . ( pinned )
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caraphernellie · 3 months
hiiii!! I saw a really good fanfic of yours about Ellie finding out that the reader has praise kink and I was wondering if you could do one where Ellie finds out about the shy reader having degradation kink. anyway, thank you <3
find the og drabble here... but omg ur mind… im sighing dreamily right now… warnings for degradation and slight humiliation obviously. she's going to be a lil mean. this is really short um... yea. this was a nightmare bc i couldn't figure out how to finish it without it seeming really abrupt tbh. and i took the pic for visual ref btw xxx
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"oh, no."
ellie moves beside you, free hand grappling with you for the pillow you're using to cover your face. she reigns victorious in the small battle, ditching the pillow somewhere off the bed. she shushes you with haste, lying beside you. her other hand is working her fingers into your pussy, the digits curling with each flick of her wrist.
"i said there'd be no more of that, what happened to being a good girl?" ellie coos, looking down at you now. she's leaning over you, making sure to invade your space, leave no room for you to hide or look away. "are you gonna listen to me?"
as much as ellie feels bad for you always trying to hide, somewhere inside her really, really loves the shyness. being able to tease and make you feel helpless just with some eye contact, boring into you as unfalteringly as her fingers are.
"can't talk to me? is it because you're too dumb to form any words or you just don't want to?" 
"oh," you gasp and try to cover your face once more, this time with your hands, until ellie stops you. between soft moans you barely manage to whisper, "that was mean."
"mm," ellie agrees, "but let's not pretend you aren't moaning about it like a whore, yeah?" you're letting out the sweetest sounds she's ever heard, and to add more insult to her words she curls her fingers deeper into you, pressing up against your inner walls. she thought the praise kink was fairly discernible for you to have, but she just called you dumb and you're gushing over it. the reaction it's garnering is even greater than that of her praises, and all she can do now is smile cruelly and continue to degrade you.
ellie continues pumping her fingers in and out of your wrecked pussy, eliciting more and more of those whimpers, and glaring down at you. you try to close your legs, muscles tensing, and yet you're stopped by ellie once again. she moves her leg over yours, pinning you so you're splayed out for her.
"you're- e-embarrassing me," you whine, spluttering all kinds of pleas despite there being the tiniest semblance of a blissful smile on your dry lips, half-lidded eyes fluttering.
to that, ellie fucking laughs, shaking her head in disbelief. "you think you're such a good liar. you sound pathetic, babe, can't focus on anything, can you?"
she's toying with you to the point where she's right. you're lightheaded, unable to do anything but squirm and rut against her hand, every word she utters another trigger that stirs the butterflies in your stomach.
"didn't know i had such a filthy slut all to myself."
masterlist <3
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rr311 · 4 months
katsuki bakugo , izuku midoriya & shoto todoroki
¡summary you’re sick and you want their presence.
↳ a.n ; next story i’ll add a few more characters to the mix ☝🏽, there gonna be short little drabbles but it’ll be worth it! enjoy the story :).
katsuki ;
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not even a minute in a loud knock was heard on your door, chuckling as you got up. you stumbled a little due to dizziness but you made it to your door pulling down the handle to open it revealing your hot headed boyfriend with a hoodie and your favorite snack in his hand, “awwww kat, you really do care about me.” you teased but he only groaned pushing past you, closing the door behind you. “of course I do idiot. why wouldn’t I?.” he asked giving you his hoodie, shrugging placing the blanket you had covering you on the bed to change into the hoodie, mumbling “ask mina or something.” you mocked hearing him scoff, “so funny.” he was going to come anyways despite how he responded. he liked being an ass, it was funny getting the many reactions from you but you knew it was just him being an asshole. either way he was still going to come because he loves you. even though your like a stick up his ass he still does stuff for you. when you both got settled in the bed, you were quick to wrap your arms around him as he did the same around your waist. “if you cough on me i’ll kill you.” he joked, you groaned heavily rolling your eyes cuddling more into his chest, “whatever you say kat.” you muttered , starting to falling asleep. he knew by the way your breathes were slowing down, soon enough you had fallin asleep. he caressed along your back to give you the comfort you needed, softly smiling. though he hates admitting stuff, he loves being in your arms.
Izuku ;
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It was so fucking hot in your room. the ac and the fan you had blasting in your face wasn’t helping your case the slightest bit, you tried using your wings to fan yourself but despite that nothing wasn’t really helping. you hated summer. you groaned loudly letting your wings spread out as you lazily laid in your bed sniffling, being sick while also suffering from heat was going to make you go crazy. after you sent that text to Izuku, 20 minutes had passed hearing a light knock at your door, not bothering to get up you used a feather from your wing to open the door. Izuku stood there with a bag of your favorite snacks and ice packs, his face softened but chuckled a little. you were spread out like a star fish, when you heard him walk in placing the bags down you looked up, “took you long enough.” you grumbled hearing him hum, bending the ice pack in half letting it get cold. “endevour made us patrol a little longer for our last day, but i’m here now right?.” you groaned rolling over to lay on your back, “I guess so.” you huffed but sighed in relief feeling the cold pack on your forehead, “that feels nice..” he smiled, continuing to hold it to your head as he sat down next to you, “how have you been holding up?.” — “I almost died from suffocation. It’s too damn hot.” you complained, Izuku nodding his head in agreement caressing your hand with his, “I do agree, we had to get new suits by how high the temperature rised.” humming you turned on your side using the hand he held with yours playing with his fingertips, “at least you don’t have to suffer every damn year, but you just being here makes me feel better..so thank you.” he felt you give his hand a squeeze, smiling down at you. he lifted your hand close enough to his lips pecking the back of it, “of course my love, just rest for the day. I’ll be with you the entire time.” and he did what he said. when you fell asleep he stayed with you the entire time, he placed your head on his lap as he kept the ice pack on your forehead making sure you don’t overheat. the whole time he made sure you were comfortable and relieved.
shoto ;
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It took some time but once shoto was done with his dad and the others, you heard a knock at your door. you coughed a little into your sleeve, walking to open the door revealing your boyfriend with a bag of snacks and a hoodie, “you don’t look good.” you rolled your eyes playfully stepping aside to let him in, “gee, thanks shoto totally didn’t know that already.” you sniffled, closing the door, walking back to your bed to sit on it watching as shoto set down the bag on your desk, “are you feeling ok?.” he questioned as he walked up placing his hand on your forehead, it was hot. “now that you’re here yeah..but keep your hand right there..it feels nice.” you leaned more into his hand feeling the coldness radiate off his palm, softly smiling. shoto gave a small grin also, “i’m going to need my hand if you want your snacks.” you pouted slightly but by the sound of your stomach grumbling you nodded your head, feeling his hand leave your head. as the night slowly went by, you both were cuddled up on your bed both watching a movie eating the snacks he had gotten you. his hand wrapped around your waist as you laid comfortably on his chest, the comfort of his warmth mixed with his cold was putting you to sleep. he caressed along your waist intrigued into the movie not even realizing you were dozing off. but when he heard soft snores and breaths hit his collar bone he looked down to see you fell asleep, he softly smiled. you look so cute, despite the sick look, you still look cute. he leaned down to give your forehead a soft kiss before turning off the tv to get you both more into a comfortable position, he laid you on your side as he also laid on his side holding you close to his body. soon, sleep started to take over as well.
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shares-a-vest · 5 months
Prompt: Gym Shorts (Discord Drabble)
Eddie secures his black bandanna on his head and licks his lips in anticipation.
He thinks he should probably do some star jumps or something.
That's what jocks do, right? Get all pumped up and possibly too sweaty and exhausted before a game of good ol' fashion Laundry Baskets?
That's right, he's here to... He gulps up at the basketball hoop... Play a round of baskets with Steve.
He glares at the hoop – hanging there all mockingly over his head like the Sword of Fucking Democles as his mind conjures up images of Steve sweating, what usually makes Steve sweat when Eddie has anything to do with it –
" – You ready?"
His opponent sounds rightfully cocky and Eddie remembers his worry, his nerve endings twisting up as his pea-brain melts into a swirling vortex of memories of gym class.
Jocks yelling at him... Coach Summers and that dumb whistle of his (Eddie did tell the asshole where he could shove it on more than one occasion)... The awkward rituals of the locker room – the fine line between trying to keep to himself and not being too isolated and weird about it... Sticking close to Jeff, who at least had the cred of being on the Swim Team...
But those thoughts quickly fall onto the scorching-hot asphalt of the Harrington's driveway when Eddie turns around and is confronted by Steve's shorts.
They are teeny-tiny, like a pair of green hot-pants that have been painted on. Eddie is sure his eyes pop out of his skull and burst into nothingness like he is some sort of Looney Tunes character as he looks down, further down and fully takes in... well...
Steve isn't exactly looking all that modest in these life-ruining, heart-exploding shorts, is the thing.
In fact, Eddie can see the outline of his boyfriend's dick.
"What the fuck are you wearing?" he blurts as his attention snaps back up to Steve's face.
He presses the back of his hand to his clammy forehead, his stupid bandanna doing nothing as the summer heat overwhelms him.
Steve smirks, "Just my gym shorts."
He puffs out his chest, which is covered by an equally form-fitting yellow tank top.
"Oh, really?" Eddie is supposed to sound annoyed, but it comes out a little more like he is gasping for air. He folds his arms and adds, "And you always wear this very ensemble for a casual game of Sporting Ball?"
"Mhmm," Steve nods emphatically, a glint twinkling in his gorgeous brown eyes.
Eddie purses his lips and tucks his balled-up fists in his armpits, folding in on himself as he succumbs to his –
Steve props a hand on his hip and turns around, popping out his ass as he goes. Twirling like a goddamn model and revealing a back view that showcases a bottom sliver of his plump, biteable cheeks.
"Screw this," Eddie splutters, throwing his hands in the air before he launches himself at his partner.
"Huh?" Steve grunts as Eddie crashes into him.
He places his upturned palms square on each cheek with a little smack and squeezes. Steve pushes back into his touch, grinding against him.
"We are going back inside," Eddie whispers through gritted teeth.
"Awww..." Steve tuts, all high-pitched and far too obscene for the great open doors, "Thought you were gonna play baskets with me?"
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dabisbratz · 2 years
do it again ; aizawa shouta x himbo!male reader
w.c: 0.8k
cw: mentions of creampie(s), large chest (pecs), teasing, anal, headlocks, fingerhooking, drool/spit, dumbification, veryyy minor dirty talk
a/n: i tried really hard to add a read more tab but whenever i do it deletes half the drabble ): i’m so sorry!
himbo!reader who takes pride in his appearance and makes sure to look good every day. Polar opposite to your boyfriend, Aizawa, who slaps on a routinely black on black attire and calls it a night. But he likes that about you, your handsome face always so soft and your lips always so plump and moisturized. Kissing you feels like heaven, and Jesus weeps when your soft lips are wrapped around Shouta’s cock, sloppy and clumsy and so, so messy. He wants to ruin you, until your perfect hair doesn’t look perfect anymore, until your lips are swollen and kissed raw, until you can’t stand on your feet.
himbo!reader who brightens up the room the second Aizawa walks in, a smile weaving across your face as you wave at your boyfriend despite being the only two accompanying the house. You sit under the kotatsu, crisscrossed and eager as Shouta places a kiss to your forehead, holding you in place with a big hand to your throat. You whine and cry when he pulls away, following his movement with your lips until you can feel him again.
himbo!reader who agrees with everything his ‘Sho’ says. He hands you a shirt much too small for you, holding it up in your hands is almost like holding junior clothing, but you put it on anyway because you can’t wait to see how happy it makes your Shouta. Plus, it looks a bit like compression-wear. And it does— it makes him so happy he can’t help but grope the pillowy skin of your pecs, your nipples hard and poking straight through the thin, silky fabric while you keen and your brain shuts off at the contact. You think it looks good, it compliments your body well, and onlooking strangers seem to think so too. Their gaze glued to your chest confuses you a bit, but there’s nothing wrong with admiration!
himbo!reader who doesn’t realize just how much of a pervert his boyfriend is. He watches your pecs bounce when you wiggle in excitement, his gaze lingers on your lips when you lick them to keep them moisturized, he claims to be keeping you on a steady path when he walks with his hand in your back pocket, but he’s really just squeezing the flesh of your ass so he can feel it can jiggle against his palm while you walk.
himbo!reader who’s eager to please. You let Shouta play with you whenever he wants, whether it’s fucking your used, sensitive hole in the middle of the night because your big chest squeezed so tight against his got him hard, or because he woke up that way. You lay on your tummy, ass exposed and propped up with a pillow as he presses his cock inside you, easily sliding right in while you moan at the sensitivity. He holds you open, watching the rim catch on his head and suck it back in, fluttering around him while you squirm with overstimulation. Sometimes he’ll fuck his cum back into you, “Y’gonna take it f’me? Let me use you when I need to release some stress, shit, gonna let me take it out on you? Good boy— good booy, keep my cock warm.”
himbo!reader who’s too dumb to do things for himself, he always needs his boyfriend's help. Your capable, of course, but a little floaty, your brain clouded with thick fog that only Shouta can get to. He helps you with cooking, he helps you setting up gym equipment because every time you try to read the directions you do so upside down, and he helps you cum, when your brain shuts off and all you can do is drool onto your chest and buck your hips up pathetically. As Shouta puts it, “You’re smarter when you think with your dick.”
himbo!reader who doesn’t mind his mean boyfriend, his boyfriend who teases him within minutes— almost makes him cum in his shorts three times while he whispers mean things in his ear about how much of a dumb cockslut he is. You can shake your head, ‘S’not true, Sho!’ but the second his hand is squeezing your body your pout is gone, your eyes glazed over and you can’t help but repeat everything he says back while he coos in approval.
himbo!reader who giggles when Aizawa manhandles him, his hands digging into his hips until he’s bent in different positions. Sometimes your legs are over your head— or just one. Sometimes your hips are raised in the air until your knees nearly hit the ground, Shouta’s tongue fucking into you while your toes curl and you sob. And, sometimes, Shouta fucks you in a headlock, hooking his fingers in your mouth so you can drool all over the place, your tongue rolled out of your mouth while your hips rock to and fro. You’re the perfect fucktoy, Sho’s personal onaho.
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elsweetheart · 2 years
ellie comforting her sensitive girl when she’s crying ‼️‼️‼️
i see i have summoned all the crybabies to my blog …… we gotta stick togetha 💋
sensitive girl
🎀 ellie bein a sweetheart, short drabble
so, she wouldn’t out right realise you were crying at first because she just walked into the room - but she sees you sat on the edge of the bed facing away from her and she know’s something is up.
“whats up, bug? you’re quiet.” she breathes as she removes her jacket, dusting down her jeans from the dust it had collected from her climbing around god knows where. you didn’t respond and she frowns a little, walking around the bed to stand in front of you and seeing you with tear streaked cheeks and a wobbly bottom lip. “oh, man.” she sighs and calmly kneels down infront of you, taking your hands in hers as she studies your face. “whats with the tears, babe? who did this?” she softens her voice as you sniff and stare down at your joined hands.
“i don’t wanna say. don’t wanna be annoying.” you choked out, blinking your sticky wet eyelashes. at this she pushed herself up to sit next to you on the bed, closing the space between you as she wrapped an arm around your shoulder and pulled you to lean against her.
“you could never annoy me. talk to me.” she reassures and you sigh, lifting your head slightly to look up at her with big sad eyes. she raises her hand and cups your wet cheek in her palm, swiping tears away from under your eye with her thumb. “it’s okay.” she adds in a whisper at the close proximity.
“just feel like i’m in the way lately. i’m not strong like you n’i’m scared you’re gonna get rid of me cos i can’t—i can’t like do the things you all do, and—” your own words made your hiccup and cry a little harder, and that was all she needed to hear to pull you even closer.
“hey, hey. come on, that’s not true. you know i love you and i’m not going anywhere. pretty girls should never cry, especially not my pretty girl.” she pulled you closer until you were on her lap and she could hold you, rocking you side to side as you whimpered into her shoulder. you tried to explain yourself more but she gently shushed you, silencing you by jogging her knee beneath you slightly. “don’t talk, just cry. i got you.”
once you had calmed down a little bit and were ready to listen she took your cheek in her hand, wiping your tears again and staring into your eyes with a solemn look that was full of love and emotion. “i don’t wanna hear you say you’re not strong, alright? you’re plenty strong. remember how good you were getting with target practice the other day when i was teaching you? and you’re my helpful girl, could never get rid of you.” she kissed you a bunch of times on the lips, loads of small ones where she doesn’t pull her mouth away between each peck and you smiled, which made her feel like she’d succeeded.
“see, you’re strong in lots of ways… just a big old crybaby. but that’s okay.” she smirked, her lips curling against your cheek where she dropped another kiss and you stifled a giggle in offence, pushing out your bottom lip in an exaggerated pout making her chuckle.
“heeeey.” you complained and she grinned, turning your cheek with her fingers so she could plant another long kiss on your lips but before she did she was sure to mock you with a smile.
“heeeey.” she repeated quietly before kissing you, and you couldn’t help but smile too.
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formulateez · 1 year
1:32am | oscar piastri
pairing: oscar piastri x fem!reader
genre: literal pwp, except there is minimal plot, random horny hour drabble prompt(s): "i'm going to fill you up so good and make you mine." and "someone's going to hear us!" summary: classic fwb troupe where y/n and oscar try to fit in a quickie during a sleepover with their mutual friends asleep in the rooms next door word count: ~520
requested?: no, teehee, but i got faded than a hoe a few nights ago and wrote this at like 5am and it's been sitting in my drafts for a little bit because i've been too scared to post it LMFAO there also isn't enough op81 content so i wanted to add to it :) but, please reblog and leave feedback !! (but pls be nice otherwise i will cry)
extras: banners made using template by @/cafekitsune !!
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"Oh-fuck, Oscar-" You choke out, your hands running through Oscar's hair as his lips found all the spots that draw out heavenly sounds from you. “Please, Oscar, someone’s going to hear us!” You fail to sound stern as the Australian continues to ravage your neck.
“Fine with me, ‘cuz I wanna hear how good I’m making you feel.” he mutters out in between each kiss that he trails down your front.
It had been a couple weeks since you and Oscar originally made a special friendship agreement. You had invited him over one night to watch a movie or two, and the night ended with his face lodged between your thighs.
Oscar’s mouth and free hand occupy themselves with your nipples, while you buck your hips up to grind against him. “Oh shit, please.” Your plead leaves your lips softly as you ache for him to give you more.
“Please what, baby? Am I making you feel good, hmm?” Oscar hums as he continues to suck on your nipple, while he’s flicking your other nub between his fingertips. “Wanna hear you say it, pretty girl.“
“Yes, yes- fuck, yes. Please, Oscar, more-“ your pleads earn you a slight chuckle out of the guy above you as his fingers find their way to the waistband of your shorts.
“Quite talkative for someone who’s worried about being heard, don’t you think?” His lips are leaving faint marks along your collarbone and the tops of your boobs. Man, does he love seeing the very faint marks peek through the lower cut tops that you often wear during the summer. “You want more? Tell me what else you want, doll.”
As his fingers dip into your waistband, they start to lightly brush over your core as another soft, yet sharp, moans leaves your lips. You grab what you can of his hair and lightly tug him upwards to meet face to face with him. “Fuck- please fuck me, Oscar.”
“Yeah?” Oscar draws his hand out of your shorts as he starts to tug them down, along with your underwear before he throws them off to the side. “You want me to fuck you, hm? Is that what my pretty girl wants?”
“Yes, Oscar, please,” you breathe out, lightly tugging on the hem of his shirt, wanting less barriers between the two of you. “Want you inside me, so bad.”
It doesn’t take long before both of you finish undressing each other, and his lips are finding themselves attaching to your neck once again. His tip is just barely teasing your entrance and he continues to work his way all over your neck and chest.
“I’m gonna fill you up so good and make you mine, princess.” Oscar groans into your ear as he slowly starts to push himself into you, enticing the sweetest of moans from your lips as you savor the feeling of Oscar filling you up as promised.
You both were, in fact, not quiet enough, as Lando was tortured with faintly hearing both of you moan. He quickly threw on his noise-canceling headphones, making a mental note to clown the both of you the next morning.
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Something Good - A "Kissing You" Drabble
Pairing: Frankie Morales x f!reader Warnings: Brief mentions of sex, but nothing beyond that. It's fluff city. Word Count: 1250 Prompt #47: "I've had a terrible day, so just kiss me." a/n: I RISE FROM THE DEAD! It's been (checks notes) like a YEAR? Idk, life happened. I have too many side gigs. But I'm HERE. I'm BACK. Here's some FLUFF.
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Nothing could have prepared you for the shitstorm that was your day. Nothing.
Even if you had woken up in Frankie’s arms this morning (you hadn’t), even if you’d managed to get more than one bite of your breakfast in your mouth (it was only half a bite, actually), even if work hadn’t been one dumpster fire after another (total dumpster fire count = 7), it still wouldn’t have been enough. Add on an extra half hour of traffic because of road construction, a lack of a lunch break, and a rainstorm that caught you just as you were walking to your car and it had been, in fact, the worst day you’d had in a long time. 
You’re still sopping wet when you open the door to the house you share with your boyfriend, wincing as your clothes drip on the floor you just cleaned last night. You can hear the clank of a pot in the kitchen as you set down your bag and try to make sense of the mop that is your hair, leading you to follow the sound. 
His back is turned to you, broad shoulders stretching the fabric of his well-worn grey t-shirt as he moves seemlessly around the kitchen. You stand there, in the doorway, staring at him because you’re helpless to do anything else, droplets of water still dripping on the floor around you. 
“You’re home, Cari…” he says, stopping short when he’s turned to face you fully, eyes raking over your body with a mixture of what you know is love, concern, and the desire that always lives in his retinas. “What happened?” 
“Shit day,” you begin, giving him the sparknotes version of your day fresh out of hell. “Traffic, someone quit, no lunch, drowned by the rain.” 
Frankie’s gaze softens as he steps toward you, enveloping you in a hug just before you let the tears fall. He rocks you back and forth softly, hushing in your ear as you shiver from both the cold air on your skin and the sobs that are coursing through your body. 
“Gonna get you all wet,” you squeak out, trying to pull back. 
“Nope, you need this,” he replies firmly, arms keeping you in place. You don’t fight it, absorbing his warmth, his scent, his presence, everything you need to feel a bit more like normal. It’s only when your tears begin to subside that he allows you to pull away, his thumbs quickly wiping at your cheeks. “Go take a shower and when you get back I’ll have everything set for dinner, okay?” 
You don’t argue, and he presses a kiss against your cheek before shooing you toward your bedroom. The shower helps, so do the dry clothes, especially when you slip one of his shirts over your head. It was your favorite - the one you’d stolen from him when your fourth date had turned into the fifth and the sixth when he’d brought you home and didn’t let you leave his bed the rest of the weekend. 
When you stepped down the hallway, you found that the floor had been cleaned again and the lights were dimmed to a soft glow. He wasn’t in the kitchen where you’d left him, so you chased the smell of whatever he’d made for dinner straight into the living room. 
And there was Frankie. 
He was in the midst of throwing a blanket onto what appeared to be a makeshift bed on the floor, a nest of sorts complete with a layer of cushions from the couch, every pillow from both your bed and the guest room, and a wealth of blankets to top it off. Two plates were sitting on the table pilled high with food, a glass of wine next to each, and when you finally drew your eyes back to him, he looked almost nervous. 
“I thought that maybe we could have a movie night?” he explains, shifting from one foot to the other as you draw closer. “And I made chicken parm and there’s wine and…”
He’s cut off when you kiss him firmly. His hands splay quickly across your hips, hauling you against his body. You’re both breathless when you reluctantly come up for air. 
“I’m guessing you like it?” 
“I’ve had a terrible day. Just kiss me.” 
He does, returning his lips to yours in a bruising battle for dominance. When his hand finds the back of your head, you nearly lose control. You feel like climbing him, like you can’t get enough. Of his warmth, of his smell, of him. “Frankie…” you groan, your lips chasing his when he pulls back again. 
You lean toward him, eager to continue, but he dodges your advance. “Dinner’s going to get cold,” he reminds you before running his hand down to grasp yours, pulling you onto the mess of pillows and blankets. He almost falls in the process, and he would’ve taken you down with him had he not caught his balance at the last second. Once you’re settled, he leans over to the table to grab your dinner and the remote. “I queued up your favorite,” he tells you proudly, and you can’t help but lean over to kiss his jaw when the opening notes of The Sound of Music come to life in your living room.
When you’re finished with dinner, you snuggle against him, his arm wrapped around you in a protective embrace, and when the intermission hits, he kisses your forehead before untangling his body from yours. “I’ll be right back,” he reassures you, and you watch him go as he grabs your dishes and leaves the room, returning a minute later with a couple of packages in his hand. 
“What are you up to, Morales?” 
The smirk on his face has you practically melting into the blankets, and it isn’t until he’s next to you that you realize it’s a pair of face masks. “Thought your face might be dry after being caught in the rain, so I figured…” he trails off, eyes scanning you as he gauges your reaction.
“You really did think of everything,” you whisper as you pull one of the masks from his hand, ripping open the top and pulling the sheet from the package. He smiles brightly, opening his own as you lean into his space, your fingers guiding the mask onto his face and smoothing out the edges. He follows your example, although you have to help him line the sheet up on your face before he presses it down onto your skin, your eyes falling shut as you relish his careful touch. 
“You look ridiculous,” you tell him once you’ve opened your eyes again, trying your hardest not to laugh and disturb the mask on your own face. 
He hums, “funny, because I think you’re still the most beautiful woman I’ve ever seen.” He’s serious, you know, but you roll your eyes at his cheesy comment anyway, reaching to set a timer on your phone. When the intermission ends, you let your hand find his in the space between you, threading your fingers together. His thumb runs in a soothing pattern over your skin, and if his gaze lingers on you instead of the TV, you don’t seem to notice. 
And later, long after the masks have been discarded, when the movie is drawing to a close and you’re wrapped in his arms again, you wonder what you did to deserve him. 
Although, you suppose, it must’ve been something good.
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