#water dispenser tips
atlantisplus · 7 months
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chasejlondon · 4 months
Wikay Programmable Watering Timer 16 Droparrow Holiday Plant Watering Devices for Potted Plants with LED Display & USB Power, Indoor Outdoor Irrigation System for Gardening Lovers
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diymetalfabrication · 7 months
My 5 RV Modifications for 2024 - Rotating the Jack, Drinking Water, Stove Cover, New Doors, Dual TVs
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yandere-daydreams · 2 months
Title: Honeysuckle.
Pairing: Butterfly!Fae!OC x Reader.
Word Count: 4.2k.
Written For A Very Lovely Anonymous Commissioner.
TW: Non/Con, Fem!Reader, Aphrodisiacs, Dehumanization, Unhealthy Relationships, Unbalanced Power Dynamics, and Borderline Monster-Fucking.
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The moment you saw her, you knew that she had to be the most beautiful creature that you would ever see.
Her wings were what struck you first – about ten feet tall and five across, the upper arch curved downward to better complement the large, black splotches currently prying into you through the shadows of the unlit garden. Swirling patterns of orange and red danced across a rich, dusty sort of brown, while white framed the outer perimeter, standing out sharply against the dull foliage. Although you’d initially mistaken her for one of the large, nocturnal birds that’d taken to crashing into your sugar water dispensers in the early hours of the morning, it was clear that she was more or less a woman – her long, sculpted legs bent and tucked against her chest, the arch of her back clear even in the dim light of your lantern. What seemed like hundreds of thousands of braids cast in the same shades as her wings hung to her waist, a pair of furred antennae tangled among them, and domed eyes larger than your fist and blacker than the night sky stared you down, unblinking. It was only when your eyes met hers that you realized your own gaze must’ve been just as invasive, and found the will to turn your attention to more important things than her (admittedly, extremely strange) appearance.
Instead, you poured your energy into the only other thing you could think to do: speaking. Or, attempting to, at least. “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to—” And then, after a sharp inhale, a steadying breath, “I—I’m staying in the cottage this garden belongs to. Are you hurt, or injured, or—god, do you even speak English?”
If she had any intention of responding, she didn’t plan to do so vocally. The creature—the woman remained where she was, utterly motionless, utterly silent. It was only when you hazarded a step towards her that she reacted at all, her wings fanning to either side as she—
So she was hurt.
The position of her wings had hidden it before, but you could make out the cause of her distress clearly, now. From the uppermost tip of her left wing to the lowest curve stretched a jagged tear, as if someone had taken a knife to it. Instantly, a new irritation blended with your prior concern, but you forced yourself not to dwell. There were more important things to focus on, at the moment.
“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to scare you,” you repeated, edging that much closer. When she curled further into herself, you paused, lowering yourself onto your knees and placing your lantern on the ground in front of you. “I understand, you’re hurt, and there’s not much I can do to help you, but—” Holding up one hand, you shoved the other into a pocket of your apron, fishing out a single, palm-sized peach. You picked it earlier, planning on eating it yourself, but you’d never been so glad to have forgotten a meal. “You… You like sweet things, right? Are you hungry?”
Tentatively, you held the peach out to her, and before you had time to process that she’d moved at all, a hand had lashed out and snatched it away. You watched with rapt interest as her lips slit apart and a pair of pointed fangs (her maxillary palps, you figured, although you couldn’t be sure) dug into the peach’s tender flesh, her curling tongue lashing out to lap at the flesh and lick up the juice dripping down her fingers. While she was distracted, you moved closer, kneeling less than a full arm’s length from her wings to better admire the way they fluttered with every little movement, seemingly indifferent to her injury. There were more details you hadn’t noticed – she wasn’t wearing any clothes, but her entire body was covered in a fine, brown setae that grew thicker around her neck and chest and thinned as it reached her face and hands. She had an extra pair of arms, too, currently crossed over her chest, tucked so neatly underneath their more expected counterparts that you hadn’t been able to see them at all from a distance. Despite everything, you found yourself smiling. “If you’re in any pain, I can help with that. And—And, if you’re sensitive to temperature, you’re more than welcome to spend the night inside, but only if you’d like—”
Your attention drifted back to her face, and immediately, you cut yourself off. Her gaze was trained not on you, but on the space behind you – more accurately, on your lantern, still where you’d left it on the grass. “Oh,” you muttered, laughing to yourself. She must’ve been more moth-like than you’d realized.
Taking it by the handle, you offered it up to her as well. “I know it’s not much, but there’s enough oil in it to last until morning. If you get cold, I can bring out some blankets, too.”
It was obvious she didn’t understand a thing you were saying, but still, she eyed the lantern wearily. After a moment, she raised the lower of her right hands, angling her fingers and flicking her wrist. As if by magic (most likely because it was, probably, by magic), a perfect ball of light appeared in her palm, stagnant for a moment before rising a few inches into the open air. Wordlessly, she held it out in your direction.
For a long moment, you were silent.
In the even longer moment following, you were also silent.
Finally, when you started to think she might lose interest in you entirely, you managed to spit something out. “C-can you do that again?”
For the first time since you’d stumbled onto her, you saw the corner of her lips quirk upward.
You spent the rest of that night watching a strange, ten-foot-tall butterfly woman conjure strings of light until the sun rose and you fell asleep in the grass.
And at the time, you didn’t know to be anything but relieved that, upon waking, she was still by your side.
She healed remarkably quickly – a near-transparent chitin film appearing over the missing portion of her skin within twenty-four hours of her initial appearance. Still, Leo (as you’d started calling her when you realized she could only express her own name through a series of swirling patterns of light and borderline inaudible clicking sounds) seemed to have little interest in leaving your cottage and even less in leaving your line of sight. It took her less than a full two days to start trailing after you as you did your daily work around your garden and the forest that surrounded it, less than a week to start knocking on your windows at night, pouting when you tried to explain the concept of sleep through a language barrier, and today, on your one month anniversary, you’d finally gotten her to come inside properly. Currently, she was poking through your bedroom while you worked at your desk, transferring a never-ending list of borderline meaningless statistics from your roughly handled field journal to more appropriate sheets and charts. Or, trying to work, anyway. Admittedly, it was difficult to take your eyes off of her.
And, as you heard something large and fragile hit the floor and shatter, you were forced to give up any pretense of attempting to. Sighing, you twisted around your seat and immediately found Leo, standing next to your bedside table, what used to be a lamp sitting in shattered pieces at her feet as she stared down at it with a hawk-like sort of vigilance. Her wings were tucked cautiously against her back, lips pursed in concentration. You could only shake your head, grinning as you sighed. She was smart, but curious, and painfully unfamiliar with anything remotely human. It was cute – just how little she seemed to know about you.
(You were aware, somewhere in the back of your mind, that your judgement around Leo was skewed. Mostly, you could chalk it up to scientific curiosity, not wanting to disturb a live specimen as it would act in its natural habitat and all, but even you knew there must’ve been something else to it, something more selfish. It might’ve just been her naivety. It was hard to get mad at someone who didn’t know she was doing anything wrong.)
Eventually, her gaze shifted to you. “Broken,” she said, assertively.
You couldn’t stop yourself from chuckling. She was getting better at your language, even if the words still sounded somewhat awkward on her inhuman tongue. “Very broken,” you agreed, waving her over to you. “I’ll clean it up later – have a look at this for me, first.”
Turning away from her, you fished a thick, leather-bound book out of the chaos that was your desk and opened it to a marked page. “I think you might be one of these,” you said, pointing to an illustration of a half-moth, half-man type creature. Admittedly, the written description lacked many her more other-worldly traits, but there were only so many types of butterfly people to choose from. “They’re supposed to be—uh, extra-dimensional, I think, which would explain your more supernatural abilities, but they’re kind of, um—”
“Hideous. Very hideous.”
“Yeah,” you chuckled. “That.”
She reached over you, one left hand resting on your shoulder while the other flipped through yellowed pages. She’d only been searching for a minute or so when she seemed to find what she was looking for, pointing decisively to an illustration of an extremely beautiful woman kneeling in front of a disemboweled man’s body, her mouth dripping with blood and one of her hands still buried inside of his torn-open chest. The caption underneath it read ‘Fae, neighbors, folk of the air’ in golden illuminated manuscript.
You pursed your lips. Fairies weren’t real, but this illustration did look a lot more like Leo than yours had.
By the time you looked towards her, she’d lost interest entirely, instead fiddling with a picture frame that’d previously been on the corner of your desk. In an instant, you felt your blood run cold. You could’ve sworn you’d hidden all your framed samples before inviting her inside, found every single pinned-up dragonfly, moth, and butterfly and stuffed them all into the deepest, darkest closet you could find. You couldn’t imagine how you would’ve felt – stumbling into an alien creature home only to find a miniature version of your own carcass nailed down behind a pane of glass. She must’ve been so afr—
The frame tilted towards you, and you managed to pull yourself out of your panicked spiral long enough to realize that she was not looking at a preserved insect, but a picture of your housecat – a cute one, too, taken while she was leashed on your patio, sunbathing on her back. You sighed, sinking into your chair and smiling up at her. “That’s Missy. I thought about bringing her, but she’d be a terror on the local wildlife.” And then, more hesitantly, “Do you have any pets?”
You couldn’t imagine Leo taking care of anything, but she seemed fond enough of birds ‘and other insects. Plus, if she did have a pet, it’d tell you something about where she came from – if she had a house, or migratory season, or there were other people with wings and antenna and a spare set of limbs lurking just outside of your peripheral. It was a good place to start, but she didn’t seem to understand the question – only pursing her lips. “…Pet?”
“Like, an animal that you take care of, that you love,” you started, gesturing vaguely, as if that’d make your point any more clear. “Most people have cats and dogs, but—”
“No cats.” Her wings fluttered, her gaze narrowing at the picture. “Big teeth. Sharp claws. Violent.”
“Got it, no cats.”  You slung an arm over the back of your chair. “It’s too bad. Missy was a good girl. You two would’ve gotten along.”
She seemed to think for a long moment, considering. Finally, as one of her free hands came to rest on the top of your head, she glanced towards you. “You are… pet?”
You couldn’t help but laugh. “No, no, I’m a friend. Do you know what that is?”
If she wanted to answer, she didn’t seem to think of it as a priority. Her hand fell to your chin, another rising to cup your face entirely. Her thumbs traced over your cheeks as she smiled down at you, and with an airy laugh, you melted into her palms. “Good girl,” she cooed, her voice saccharine, her tony sappy. “Very good girl.”
It would’ve been a sweeter moment if you hadn’t heard the familiar sound of glass shattering at your feet, your picture frame dropped and discarded with just as little thought.
As far as you could tell, her wings were necessary for flight, but not actively a part of it. As the chitin film healed over entirely, the shape and color of her wings seemed to shift, taking on a luminescent green overtone, the eyes on the upper segments fading as their lower counterparts sprouted a pair of long, curling tails. Her fur and hair followed suit, and by the time she was able to get her feet off the ground, she was practically unrecognizable as the creature you’d first taken in. You were proud of her, even if you doubted she needed your support. Or, you wanted to be, at least.
Even after Leo had all-but recovered, she stayed nearby – rarely leaving your sight for longer than an hour. If you hadn’t been so curious, you might’ve been concerned. Butterflies were short-lived, migratory creatures. It wasn’t normal for them to stay in a single place for so long, not unless they were looking for a ma—
You were drawn out of your thoughts as you felt something light hit the top of your head – flower petals, you realized, as pieces of shredded coneflower and button bush trickled down into your lap. You tilted your head back, immediately finding Leo hovering about ten feet above you; tearing apart a handful of flowers petal-by-petal. She didn’t say anything, but she didn’t have to – grinning as she motioned for you to follow her. You didn’t bother trying to resist, only pushing yourself to your feet and trailing after her.
She landed on the very outskirts of your property – where your garden met the forest proper. It took a few minutes of wading through foliage, but eventually, you managed to join her in her makeshift clearing.
The smell of iron hit you, first.
Not rot, but blood – fresh and metallic, strong enough to make you reel back. You almost stumbled, almost tripped, but a larger hand caught your wrist, trapping you where you were. You made no attempt to pull away. No, you were too focused on the—on the corpse in front of you, all blood-soaked feathers and broken bones and spilled viscera. It must’ve been a hawk, or a falcon, something with an absolutely massive wingspan and claws to match. Any other identifying features had been crushed, bent out of shape, or reduced to a fine, liquid pulp that was slowly soaking into the ground.
Your gaze flickered back to Leo, her grin just a touch more satisfied than it’d seemed, before. “Leo,” you started, forcing an unsteady smile. “I know we talked about pets, but—”
“Not a pet.” The correction was as swift as it was sugary. “A treat. A gift.”
You didn’t remember teaching her that one.
It was more startling than you would’ve expected – waking up to the feeling of feather soft hands.
You guessed that wasn’t entirely true. They weren’t feather soft, and you should’ve known better than to say they were. Velvet would’ve been more a more accurate comparison, or satin – anything soft and rich that seemed to melt where it touched your skin. You couldn’t have been waking up, either, because that would’ve meant you were asleep, and there was no way you could’ve been asleep and staring up at the ceiling of your bedroom, feeling more exhausted than you ever had before. You would’ve liked to sit up, to see what was going on, but you couldn’t seem to move.
Leo was above you, straddling your waist. In her new form, she was practically iridescent – her wings reflecting the dull moonlight as if she was the one glowing. She was summoning her lights, again – drawing strings of silver drew drops with one hang while the other shaped them absentmindedly into a ring, one large enough to fit around your thigh. Or your neck.
For whatever reason, your mind was unwilling to linger on the thought.
She lifted her head every so slightly, her inky gaze settling on you. She was already touching you, one hand cupping your cheek while another brushed through your hair, but it took you longer than it should’ve to recognize just how warm your face felt, to put a name to knotted tension resting heavy in the pit of your stomach. You wanted to push her away, but your arms felt like lead at your sides, and— oh, she was already dipping down to your height, nuzzling gently against the top of your head before her hand found your chin, raising your head as her lips found yours.
It was less of a kiss and more of a prolonged collision, her tongue slipping easily past your parted lips, raking over your own with a measured kind of slowness. Her taste was as sweet as her voice, as her touch – all honeyed nectar and syrupy ambrosia and pure, liquidized sugar. It was beyond overwhelming. It was beyond euphoric. You were melting into her before you could so much as think about stopping yourself, letting out a fractured whine as you moved her lips sloppily against hers, as the tapered tip of her tongue hit the back of your throat and—
And you drew back with a sharp gasp, shuddering as you pressed yourself into your mattress. You shouldn’t be doing this. You couldn’t do this. She wasn’t an animal but god, she wasn’t far off.
“Leo,” you managed, trying to keep your tone gentle, soothing. If she heard, you couldn’t tell – her attention only falling to the crook of your neck, then the dip of your shoulder. “I—I’m not really sure we should be doing this, and I really wish you wouldn’t touch me, and—”
“Quiet.” Just like that, your jaw went slack, that sugar sweet scent intensifying and dulling any coherent thought you might’ve had to a numb, blank static. A deep, rumbling sort of reverberation sparked in her through as she nuzzled into your chest, her body slotted against yours. While one of her hands remained on your cheek, another found the hem of your dress, toying with the fabric for a moment before moving her attention to your neckline, instead. The first tug was gentle, experimental, but her impatience must’ve won over her curiosity; the sound of tearing material filling your quiet bedroom as a single, pointed claw traced a jagged line from the base of your throat to your midriff, the ruined fabric falling away without resistance. “Useless,” she muttered, half-under her breath. “In the way.”
It was an awkward position, her back arched, her wings clasped tightly against one another, but she didn’t seem to mind – her lips trailing over your collarbone, then the curve of your breast. You shut your eyes, but it would’ve been impossible not to feel her tongue lapping shallowly over your nipple. Your hands balled around the sheets as her lips wrapped around the sensitive bud, more of whatever awful substance she produced dripping down your skin, pooling on the flat plain between your breast, spreading a terrible sort of heat to everything it touched. She rotated between sucking and laving, a hand coming up to knead at the unassulted side of your chest with just a touch too much force to be for the sake of your pleasure.
You didn’t want to feel anything. You didn’t want to react. You didn’t want to, and yet, you couldn’t seem to swallow back the low, cracked moans and hitched whimpers spilling past your lips. Leo’s purring grew louder, her spare set of hands finding your hips as they bucked pathetically against nothing. It was almost a relief when she pulled away, lifting her head. Through your eyelashes, you watched her eyes narrow, lips pursing. If you hadn’t known better, you might’ve thought she looked disappointed.
You tried to call out again, to tell her to stop, but your voice remained despondent as Leo repositioned herself, slipping into the space between your open legs. What was left of your nightgown as done away with entirely, and with a hand wrapped around either of your thighs, she bowed her head, her tongue dragging over the length of your clothed slit. Instantly, her expression brightened, and for the first time, you were forced to acknowledge the slow, viscous heat slowly leaking out from between your thighs, forced to listen as she hummed in delight and tore through your panties, the silk as easily defeated as your nightgown had been. Tears formed in the corners of your eyes as her tongue dragged over your now-exposed pussy, lapping up the slick staining the inside of your thighs. Her nose ground against your overly sensitive clit as she buried herself in your cunt, less focused on your pleasure and more dedicated to eating you alive – pointed teeth scraping against tender flesh as she ran the flat of her tongue over your entrance, refusing to let a single part of you go uncared for. Because she was caring for you, like a lover, like a nurse.
Like an owner.
You dug your teeth into the inside of your cheek with enough force to draw blood. She was not a lover, or an owner, and she wasn’t taking care of you – nothing about this could be called caring. You tried to snap your thighs shut, to pull yourself up, but the blunt tip of her prolonged tongue dipped into your entrance and it was all you could do to scream – the noise tearing out of your throat as something pathetic and miserable. If Leo noticed your agony, she wasn’t in a place to care, too busy curling her tongue inside of you, grinding against the clenching walls of your cunt and abusing every spot that made you shake and moan and drip. It wasn’t hard to see what she was motivated by, what she was chasing after, but knowing why she was doing this didn’t make it any easier to endure. You’d never be able to look at her again, after this. You wouldn’t be able to let her stay with you, anymore. You’d have to make her leave.
That was, if you ever found a way to.
You managed to get an arm underneath you, but it didn’t matter. Her unoccupied pair of hands clamped down around your hips, your thighs forced onto her shoulders as she straightened her back and threatened to fold you in half, all-but devouring your cunt with a renewed gluttony. Fuck. Fuck. Her tongue was too fast, too flexible; twisting inside of you, filling you entirely. The pressure on your clit, while not deliberate, wasn’t helping, and it was only a matter of time until you could feel your legs twitching where they were propped on her shoulders, until your vocalizations turned form moans to whines to muttering – all ‘stop’ and ‘no, don’t’ and ‘not there’, hasty and incoherent and humiliating. You couldn’t stop yourself, though.
You were starting to think you’d never be able to do much of anything ever again.
She didn’t stop when you came. You doubted she even noticed; her purring only growing louder, the movement of her tongue taking on a more wild sort of pattern. No, she drew back after you’d gone limp underneath her, your voice dying until those little, keening nothings were the only noise you could make. Distantly, you could feel your body being lowered back onto your bed, Leo shifting above you, then two fingers swiping over your cunt. You felt something prodding against your lips, and too exhausted to resist, opened your mouth. “Good girl,” Leo cooed, her inflection mimicking that of someone talking down to something smaller, something lesser. The taste of your own slick mixed with her saliva flooded your senses, as vile as it was saccharine. “Sweet, and pretty, and good. My good girl.”
Her head dipped, her lips finding yourself. This kiss was softer than her first, tender rather than hungry, lingering rather than desperate. As she held you there, you felt something wrap around your throat – cold as ice and soft as velvet. When you found the will to open your eyes, you looked not towards Leo’s expression, her dazzling smile, but to her right hand and the beaded silver cord tangled around it.
You didn’t have to guess what the other end was connected to.
“All mine.”
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andersonfilms · 4 months
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tags: eighteen+, camgirl!abby, lowkey loser!reader, voyerisum, dub-con, dildo penetration (abby!r), minors hop off my shit, friends to lovers (eventually), nerdy!abby.
a/n. happy pride, my loves! here's the first part of a series i'm cooking. there will be blurbs, drabbles, and some sprinkle of fluff if all goes as planned. hope you enjoy!
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you aren’t supposed to be home, but it’s a slow night of bartending, so you’re sent early. pushing yourself into the front door despite your aching muscles, dispensing your keys in the small bowl, before grabbing yourself a cold glass of water. chugging it from the chilled glass, the cool liquid sending a sensation down your throat.
something feels off but you ignore it. 
funneling into your room, discarding your pants along with your tank left only in your undergarments. the tension has been building in your shoulders all night. the overwhelming stress of not making enough tips to cover your rent, classes in the morning, as well as the kink in your neck. you need to relieve yourself from all of it. a feather filled duvet has never looked so inviting, parallel with the vibrator tucked away into your night stand. 
bang! bang! bang! 
what the hell? 
taking a final sip from your water, you venture into the living room grabbing the bat next to your bedroom door. ready to swing, you’re met with silence in the still empty living room. odd. 
bat in your stronghold, your sock clad feet patter up the stairs into your roommate’s area of the apartment when you hear moans. soft, whimpering, moans. was she? no. it’s abby for fucksake. she’s too anxious to talk about sex with others much less fuck with her clit while you’re home. 
but you’re not supposed to be home and you’re intrigued. you shouldn’t be but you are. 
against the hardwood floors, your feet are quiet as you bring yourself closer to her room. her moans are louder, you try to ignore the throbbing of your clit, thighs nudging together as abby sounds like an angel — solely sent for your pleasure. 
the cream door is cracked open halfway and it’s then when you see her. for the first time, it’s all of her. the fucking bat nearly drops to the floor, but you catch it and cradle it to your chest as you take the scene in. 
entranced is the only way to describe it. she had lights, her phone propped up with an additional camera while they filmed the show she so clearly was putting it on. blonde hair cascades down her freckled back, completely bare ass on full display, unknowingly for your greedy eyes. 
you need to look away. she’s your best friend. stop. you’re being a fucking creep but then she’s bouncing on the dildo. 
fucking hell. 
your friend, the one you tease endlessly, the shy nerdy girl who can barely say two words when a pretty girl tries to speak with her is fucking herself on a baby blue dildo and filming it. for the first time, you’re seeing abby differently. it almost pains you. 
exquisite, golden hair shines in the moonlight as her delicious hips roll. she finds a rhythm that’s comfortable letting out a collection of whines and moans. the sound of her slick combined with the headboard hitting the wall over and over due to the power of her weight sends you into a frenzy. you’re thighs have never rubbed together so harshly, trying to satiate a need. if you could, you’d moan for her but the fear of being caught strikes you down but it’s festering within you. 
it’s growing. god, it’s for her only. 
you’re paralyzed with arousal but you need to leave. right fucking now before you cum. pathetically, you think you can just from watching her. abby’s soft voice practically nails your soft palms to the walls, crucifying you with every unspeakable desire. pink lips let them fly, gratifying you and somehow breaking the impenetrable wall between the two of you. 
“cock is so big, s’hard to take all of it.” abby whimpers, arching her back while her palms support her weight as she splits her pussy on the dildo. “yeah, you like that? mmm, love when my pussy swallows you whole, huh?” 
she lays her full cheeks on the mattress, pretty face pushed against the sheets as abby gives her audience a better view. she sounds goddamn breathtaking going nice and slow, her lower lips spreading so beautifully. this deserves to be painted and displayed in art galleries. 
the way she moves, golden strands moving as if she’s controlling every movement. abby anderson is fucking art. nowhere to be found is the shy, nose stuffed in her books, abby. this version of her is so different it’s causing you to see stars. 
moving her hips you didn’t even know was possible. you can’t even process fit her body actually is, the one she hides away. suffocated by thick cable knit sweaters, loose button downs concealing her burling biceps, and the chinos she wears on a daily basis. all of it is more than you can stomach. 
“like looking at my pussy, baby?” abby giggles. fucking giggles. “splitting my pussy open, feel you s’deep, almost in my stomach. yeah?” 
the urge to slip your fingers inside your pussy and touch yourself while she fucks herself is right there but you can seem to do it. settling for pressed thighs and tight grip on bat while you breath heavily. unable to catch on breath. 
“why don’t i spread it for you? give you a better view. after all, im such a sweetheart.” with one free hand, she pulls at the fat of her ass and you nearly choke on the air around you. her puckered hole, the sweet sin of her cunt staring right at you while you salivate. it pools to the floor along with your dignity. 
she leaves the shot there for a moment, letting her viewers tune in to take all of her in before she lets go. the fat of her ass bounces, increasing her speed as she slams over herself on the cock. the audacity of you to never think of her like this because fuck, this is everything. 
you want to be the one fucking her. your fingers pulling at her golden strands, pretty face smudged against the mattress as you take her from behind. a curious mind wonders what she would say to you, how good she would be taking it from behind. molding her strong body into whatever you fucking want. would she let you? 
abby’s voice breaks through the stance she has you under, permitting you of daydreaming any longer. instead, your eyes focus on the way she fucks herself. 
“need to stuff my pussy full, don’t you? s’all you can think about, yeah…i know. making a pretty girl like me cum is your fucking dream.” her back arcs, giving them a better view of her. another piece for everyone to enjoy, you included. 
her voice breaks, irrevocably but abby tries again. “t-this is what you wanted all this time? for me to be your whore? show you how much of a slut i can be?” you feel it in your stomach. the light pressure building as you clench your pussy around nothing, your thighs rubbing together continuously. if she cums, fuck, you won’t be able to control yourself. 
“i’ll do whatever you want. it’s all for you.” you’re fucking lost. abby picks up the pace, the way her hips stutter indicates she’s so close. without even touching yourself, you are too. “no one else can make me feel like this, i—”a low groan leaves her lips, the echoes of her slick invade your senses. jesus christ, you would do anything to taste her. 
abby doesn’t say much until she’s reaching her peak. just loud moans, intoxicating whimpers, and delicious sound of her cunt being fucked again, and again, and again. then you take note of her shakes, beautiful thighs trembling as they fail under the undeniable pleasure coursing through her veins. 
“s’close, gonna cum. fuckfuckfuck!” you see her white, hot cum soak the dildo, white substance spilling over sun-kissed skin, staining the sheets. it’s fucking everywhere. abby doesn’t stop. as if she knows you’re watching and wants to torture you. 
“please come for me baby? mommy needs your cum. gonna give it to me, yeah? i’m your sweet girl after all.” just like that, you lose it. white coated cum covers your boxers, staining you through. you feel every nerve in your body coated in her, begging to be trenched in her touch. 
“yeah? that’s it. s’all mine. just like you, baby. my fucking pussy.” your entire body twitches, clit throbbing at her words. only thing you hear is her heavy breaths slowing down as abby slowly calms herself. 
even when she’s shaking, trembling, she fucks herself through it. you can’t look away. not when she’s made you cum like that. no one’s ever made you cum with voice alone. abby’s soothing tone scratches the surface of the unbridled desire bumbling out of you. now, you’ll be sick until you can have her. is it pathetic? maybe. but your hands are greedy, aching to touch every inch of her body, make her feel whatever she wants. 
you make yourself scarce. the stakes of getting caught too high. shame. the overwhelming feeling almost settles instantly but you find it withering the more you think about the tsunami wave of the orgasm she unknowingly gifted you. 
with every passing moment, each turn in your sleep, you feel guilty for watching for as long as you did. you can’t sleep. always thinking of her. every waking moment is always about her. you’ll never be able to see abby the same. maybe it’ll be your demise or your saving grace. for now, all you can do is welcome the all consuming passion that is her. your dorky best friend and roommate who certainly does know how to fuck.
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warnings: smut, unprotected sex, slight pussy slapping, choking, praise, creampie
summary: in which yn has an attitude and harry fixes it for her
pairing: fiancé harry x reader
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harry cuts his eyes to yn for what seems like the thousandth time in the past hour, his teeth grinding together as he tries to keep his composure. he ignores the huffs and puffs from her again, and when she realizes that he won’t be giving into her games anytime soon, she huffs once more before pushing herself up off the couch and heads to the kitchen for a glass of water.
a deep scowl is prominent on her face as she stomps to the cabinets and snatches a glass out, slamming the door once she has the glass securely in her grip. more stomps can be heard as she moves to the fridge, pressing the glass against the water dispenser, chugging it where she stands.
she steps over and places the glass on the counter next to the fridge before turning around to head back out to the living room, but a surprised yelp falls from her lips as she turns around to face harry…less than 3 feet away from her. in the time that she takes to recognize his presence, he closes the distance between them with a single stride and his hand comes up to wrap around her throat, all in one smooth motion.
harry uses the grip on her to press her against the fridge, making yn’s heart race and her eyes flutter shut at both the cool feel of the appliance behind her and the shock of the situation at hand. she knows that if she opens her eyes, she will no doubt see harry with a deep furrow in his eyebrows and a scowl on his face, but she doesn’t have the courage to take a peek.
the two of them stay just like that for a while, harry’s eyes trailing over her face as he calms himself down. ‘open your eyes,” he demands, humming in satisfaction when yn’s eyes flutter open. “so you can listen. good,” he acknowledges.
harry knows her like the back of his hand after being together for 6 years, so it’s no shock to him when he hikes up her oversized t shirt and presses one of his legs between hers to spread them open for him before reaching down and feeling the slick coating her already ruined panties.
“ah, that’s it, hm? that’s what you needed?” he coos, the condescending undertone to his words only wrecking both her mind and her panties further. using his free hand once more, he pulls the ruined material to the side before speaking again. “needed me to be little rough, a proper slut f’me,” he hums. the tight grip he has on her throat as well as his ghosting touch over her folds are making her dizzy, and when he finally slides a ringed finger through her mess, she can’t help it when her knees buckle just a bit.
harry just chuckles at how desperate and gone she is for him, his breath fanning over her face and causing her to let her head fall back, her eyes fluttering closed all over again. the same finger that’s found a home between her swollen folds moves up higher until the tip is pressed tightly against her throbbing clit, pulling a broken moan from her.
he lets out a chest-deep hum at the sound and rubs right over the throbbing head of her clit, continuing that same motion until she’s so close that her legs are shaking and just stops. a pathetic whine leaves her lips at his cruelty, but he just moved his hand to land a sharp smack right onto where she’s throbbing for him. the pleasure riddled pain brings a wave of desperate tears to her eyes, already knowing that he deprived her for simply choosing not to ask for permission to cum.
harry’s heart melts just at the sight of the tears, a pout forming on his lips before he removes his hand from her neck and pushes his sweats down to kick them off. yn simply watches in anticipation, waiting for his next move. she expects them to head to the bedroom or even for him to place her on the counter. but no, when his leaking cock is finally free from the confines of his pants, he just grips her shoulders to turn her around to face the fridge, pressing down on her upper back just a bit to bend her over for easier access.
he grips the base of himself with his other hand, and with a slight bend of his knees and a quick run of his head through her messy folds, he’s sheathed inside of her pressing in until their hips meet. the smooth thrust nearly knocks the wind from her, her hands flailing to find something to grip onto. her face is pressed against the cool steel before her, hands holding onto the door handles.
“fuckin’ hell,” her fiancé groans from behind her, his hands gripping her hips tightly as he tries to hold himself back. not only for him, but for her as well. he needs this to last for her, even though she’s been a brat all day. yn, living up to that expectation once again, has a growing smirk on her face as she presses her ass back against him teasingly, intentionally fluttering her velvety walls around his already throbbing cock.
a throaty moan bubbles in his chest and he squeezes his eyes shut, gathering his bearings quickly. once he’s sure he can move again, he removes one hand from her hips and reaches up to grab her throat once again, catching her off guard as he pulls her toward him until she has a deep arch in her back and her back is pressed to his chest.
wasting no more time, he pulls out of her until his leaky tip is resting right at her entrance before slamming back in, forcing a loud moan from his fianceè. he repeats the action over and over, going slowly until he physically can’t take it anymore, speeding up his bruising thrusts to chase the both of their orgasms. “there we go, mama,” he grunts in between thrusts, speaking over the sounds of her broken moans as she takes everything he gives her. “takin’ me so well, all i could ever ask for. always give you what you need, don’t even have t’ask,” he admits. he knows just what praise does to her, and when he finishes his sentiment off with a line of kisses down the side of her neck, that’s all it takes for her orgasm to peak.
her orgasm causes her fluttering channel to tighten around him almost unbearably, her jaw slack as he continues to fuck into her in order to work her through the orgasm. harry starts to feel a slight drip at the base of his cock, and looks down to see his cock coated in a layer of her cream as she lets out every ounce of tension she’d been holding in. “son of a bitch, you’re creaming on my cock,” he says, a whiny undertone to his words as he feels the beginning of his own orgasm building quickly in his belly.
all it takes is two more deep thrusts into her creamy walls and he’s pressing his hips to hers as he fills her with his warm cum, his cock twitching almost painfully as he empties himself into her.
heyyyyy guys. uhhh it’s been a min😅😅
pls remember that this is my first piece back and take it easy on me LOL. this was hardddd omg. but i missed you guys smmmmmm😚🤍
also sorry it’s short, i’m taking baby steps back into this businessssss
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bachiras-toaster · 6 months
washing your hands at 1am meaning : ̗̀➛
SEISHIRO NAGI x gn!reader
contents. m!masturbation
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Being roommates with your best friend out of convince meant that you were more exposed to the strange quirks that came with living with him. Like how he washed dishes a certain way, or how he was the type of person to like all windows in the apartment open to ‘let the cool breeze in’, even if it was already freezing. But one of the strangest things that you noticed after living with him was his odd habit of washing his hands in the middle of the night for seemingly no reason.
It was always at the same time at around 1am that you’d be awoken by the abrupt creaking noises of the floorboard as he trudged over to the bathroom, the sound of water flowing from the faucet and the pumping of the soap dispenser following soon after. Nagi didn’t have any hobbies outside of football as far as you were aware, and he didn’t have any physical projects that created a lot of mess that you saw could contribute to him constantly needing to cleanse himself in the middle of the night. Yet, the same always happened when you expected it to. At around one am, when you’re presumed to be asleep.
There was a particular night where you had stayed up extra late on your phone, but your lights were off and you were completely silent, so if Nagi were to pass by your room, he’d automatically assume that you had already gone to bed. So when your eyes met the small time in the corner of your phone that read 1:24am and you realised that your roommate hadn’t washed his hands at the usual time, you got suspicious. Maybe he just wasn’t working on his supposed project tonight? Or maybe, like you, he had stayed up later that anticipated.
Due to the bubbling noise of your curiosity building up in your brain, you steadily began to climb out of bed, making as little noise as possible to see if you would be able to check if Nagi was still even awake at this time. Maybe if he was, you’d be able to catch a glimpse at what he had been doing all this time.
When you reached his room down the hall, the dim light of what you could assume was his lamp faintly lit the inside of his room, and the warm light poured through the small gap between the open door and its frame, allowing your eye to creepily peek through. You made sure to keep your back pressed up against the other side of his door so that even your shadow couldn’t be spotted as you glimpsed inside, noting what was going on in the scene that was set.
However, when your eyes laid on Nagi, he wasn’t at his desk like you had anticipated, he was instead at his bed. He probably hadn’t realised that he had left his door slightly open, which is why he seemed to be pleasuring himself so freely. His back was pressed up against the pillows of his bed and his knees were brought up a little as his hand jerked away at his thick cock, his head lifting up to face the ceiling at the same time. Seeing him in such a state caused your eyes to widen and to clasp your hand over your mouth to suppress an upcoming gasp. Was he—? Surely not… No, he definitely was.
His palm glided so quickly and so easily along the base of his dick that it was obvious that he had been at it for quite a while. Despite feeling like your eyes must have been violating something by just remaining behind the door, you couldn’t help but continue watching as his hand sped up. He was letting out strained gasps and grunts the more desperate he became to chasing his high, and his eyes were squeezed shut as he concentrated on following that path to completion. Your eyes were fixed on how his thighs were shaking a little the faster he became, and how his groans steadily evolved into whimpers with how he reached his climax.
Eventually, you found that thick ropes of white soon erupted from his throbbing, pink tip, and that his hand movements began to slow. Nagi even went on to lazily thrust his hips upward into his own unsteady palm, trying to ride out the pleasure that he felt for as long as possible before it all washed away.
You didn’t realise how your other hand had almost instinctively travelled down to just above your crotch, feeling a warm sensation building up between your legs as your face flushed at the sight. Your breath was shaky against the palm that was still cupped over your mouth as you watched Nagi groan softly when he realised that he would, once again, be responsible for cleaning up the mess he had made. His eyes looked irritatingly down at his palm, which was stained with the sticky ribbons of white satisfaction. And soon, you saw his lips mutter curses under his breath before he turned over in the bed and plant his feet to the ground, going to walk over to the door.
When you saw that he had gotten out of bed, you were already lunging back towards your room and shutting your door quickly, diving into bed as you hid under your duvet, blinking widely at your pillows as you contemplated on if you really had seen what you had just seen.
The time was now 1:33am and the sound of the bathroom door opening was heard once again, followed by the sound of the faucet running.
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yutxsgf · 1 year
I deeply love to imagine Bakugou as the grumpiest person walking on the earth when he grows up and pursues his heroic dream. But every grump needs his sunshine gf that's terrible at something.
✦ .  ⁺   . ✦ .  ⁺   . ✦ .  ⁺   . ✦ .  ⁺
"It's done!"
An ash-blonde tuft of hair peeked out from the kitchen doorframe before moving out from behind the wall with his softened scowl.
You glanced over your shoulder behind you at the tall male, smiling softly as you beamed him a loving gaze.
"Gonna pass me one or keep smilin' at me?"
He crossed his arms, a faint smile making its way on his lips before he began striding towards your bent figure as you took your homemade cookies out of the oven.
"Can't I do both?" You hummed before hissing when you accidentally touched the hot pan with your non-mittened hand.
His eyes barely widened before he quickly made his way over to you, looming over you as he stood behind you with your wrist in his overly large hand. "Idiot." He mumbled before rubbing your hand with his calloused fingers.
You huffed, rolling your eyes before pointing down at the cookies on the pan.
You were pretty adamant on learning how to bake. Why? Because you were absolutely ass at it. But that never stopped Bakugou from encouraging you and supporting each and every one of your pastries. But of course, since you weren't the best at baking, you can only guess how they'd come out.
"They look great, honey." He mumbled, kissing your cheek before taking a dark obsidian black, supposedly chocolate chip cookie.
You smiled brightly at your boyfriend as he took a hearty bite out of your cookie, your happiness never deterring as he kept a straight face.
That was all that mattered.
"So.. how are they..?" You whispered, turning around to face him as you craned your neck up.
He hummed in thought before throwing the rest of the cookie in his mouth and sticking his thumb up with approval.
He swallowed, clearing his throat before pointing behind you at the cookies, "Gonna give 'em to the group, that okay?"
"Of course!" You smiled, "Can I come? I wanna see their reactions and take some tips."
"'Course baby, go get dressed." And with a light tap on your behind, you were off to your shared bedroom with a small skip in your step.
"What are those." Kaminari whispered to Bakugou, pointing a slim finger at the cookies in a small zip lock baggy.
"My cookies." You replied before Bakugou could, glancing up at the charcoal in your boyfriend's hands.
The group froze before simultaneously nodding together. You took nothing of it, but Bakugou did as he sent a deathly glare to each of them.
"Go on, pick one." Bakugou grumbled, keeping his stone cold glare as he carefully opened the bag and spread it large enough for their hands to fit through.
Sero and Kaminari gulped, clearing their throat before reluctantly taking the so-called cookie from the baggy. Ashido, Kirishima, and Jirou following soon after.
"Hey, babe, can you go get us some water over there?" Bakugou asked quietly, pointing to the water dispenser near the corner of his unnecessarily large office.
You happily obligated, nodding before shuffling over to the dispenser with your fluffy winter boots.
"One negative thing, 'n I'm slitting all of your goddamn throats."
"Yes, sir." Kaminari and Sero saluted foolishly as the rest froze, seemingly lost in thought as they stared at your cookie. wondering how in the world did it get that bad.
You quickly came back with both arms full of plastic cups filled with water. Bakugou was quick to set the cookies down on his desk and grab all the waters from your grasp.
When you smiled expectedly at them, they all glanced at each other before sighing and taking a reluctantly large bite.
"They're– They're um.." "They're awesome!" Kirishima finished for Kaminari, nudging his arm behind their bodies before gulping down his bite.
You happily squealed, jumping up and down before hugging your boyfriend at his neck.
And then, he smiled.
"Say a thing, and I'll kill you."
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nohoney · 6 months
thinking abt being out at a bar or party and texting us!touya that someone is hitting on you and he pulls up 😵‍💫
omg omgヽ(>∀<☆)ノ
warnings: drug use (cocaine), reader is slightly drunk, rough sex that’s a little dubcon, lil bit of choking, kinda exhibitionism
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It’s loud inside the bathroom with so many girls crowding and waiting in line to use the next available stall. There’s three tasks at hand you need to do while you occupy a stall; pee first, do a bump of coke, and text Touya.
A third of those tasks are completed, flushing the toilet and pulling your panties back up before smoothing your little dress back in its place. Hand sanitizer is spritzed onto your hands but you know it’s not a substitute for actually washing up. You just need your hands to be as clean as they can be as you unzip the little pocket inside your purse for the little baggy. You dig your keys out as well, using the tip of Touya’s house key to dip into the bag. For just a second, you hesitate over the amount you’ve pulled up from the bag.
There’s already plenty in your system that you’ve been taking over the last few hours.
Maybe that’s too much…
You lean down anyway and inhale the bump quickly into your nostril, repeating the process on the other side.
There’s only one last thing to do.
“You done in there?! I heard you flush!” the person on the other side bangs on the stall door.
“Gimme a minute! I’m changing a tampon!” you yell back even though it’s a lie. It’s not like they’d be able to hear you actually pull one out to verify; it’s way too loud. You do intend to be quick though as you pull out your phone to quickly text Touya.
Aw fuck, your hands are a little sweaty. Maybe you are little bit more anxious than you had led yourself to believe.
[23:07] pls come get me, i dont feel like being here anymore
You shove your phone into your purse and undo the latch for the stall. You step out and two girls step in together, slamming the door shut. Either they both really need to pee or they’re also sniffing a little something together in there. It doesn’t quite matter anymore since you had your turn.
Only cold water dispenses from the faucet as you lather soap into your hands. Glancing up at the mirror, you peek up at your reflection and sigh quietly when you see the pupils of your eyes slightly bigger than they’re supposed to be. It doesn’t look discreet as you inspect your own nose and make sure that there’s no evidence of what you just sniffed. The bathrooms seems to get louder as more girls enter but thankfully your business is done and you make your exit.
You manage to find your friends in the same spot, thankful that you don’t have to go searching all around for them. Touching the shoulder of one of them, you manage to get their attention but you lean in close to tell them that you’re gonna be leaving. “You leaving? You’re sure? When?”
Pulling your phone out of your purse, Touya had already texted back that he’d be in the area in about fifteen minutes. You wish it would be sooner but it’s not a terribly long time to wait. It is a long enough time for you to be convinced to have two more shots—for the road, you know?
You blink a few times, alcohol resting in your stomach and warming your bloodstream and needing to take an audible breath before you speak, “‘Kay, I’m leaving now. He’ll be here in like… soon.” you’re disorganized as you speak, aware that you didn’t say a proper sentence, “You have fun, okay?”
One friend is willing to part to walk you out to the lot. Your arms are looped together with them and it feels like a whole different world as you step out of the loud bar into the quiet parking lot. “You can go back inside, it’ll only be a minute until he comes.”
It’s a small back and forth, but your friend bids you goodbye to walk back into the bar after you promise that you’ll text them when you’re back home. Really you just wanted the space to dig and do another bump of coke on your own and didn’t feel like offering to share.
“Mm… good.” you mutter to yourself as you carefully zip up the small baggy and shove everything back into your purse.
“Yeah, it’s good? You feel any better?”
You jump as you look behind you to see a single guy having approached you. Admittedly, he’s quite cute and he’s dressed stylishly but you keep a guard up around him. You make some noncommittal noise and nod your head, crossing your arms over your chest and dig the heel of your shoe into the gravel.
The guy circled around and makes you wary, sitting on the hood of a car and making himself comfortable. You can’t help but make a face, thinking it’s obnoxious of him to sit on someone’s car as if he owns it. He seems to read your mind, fishing out keys from his pocket and pressed the button from his keys. The car briefly lights up and clicks audibly.
“It’s a little cold out here to wait for an Uber. You wanna get in? I can turn on the heater.”
No, of course not.
For some reason you have a hard time finding your voice, only making a disagreeing hum and shaking your head. Your arms cross a little tighter over your chest and you take a small step back.
“No? I’m being a gentleman, I swear. I think it’s kinda fucked that your friend left you out here to go back inside. But then again, if they hadn’t left you then I wouldn’t have been able to come up to you.”
You only sent them away so that you could have some privacy to snort some coke. Now you wish you hadn’t done that, or maybe you wish that you hadn’t been convinced to have those two exiting shots before leaving the bar so that you would be more aware.
“You look like you could use a little more of your stuff. Tell you what, I’ll do one with you. Facilitate a little connection, yeah?”
Is that why that guy is here? Just to bum a line off of you?
“The prettiest girls I know always have the best coke.”
You jump in your spot, looking left and right quickly before turning around to see Touya walking briskly in your direction. Relief has you relaxing your body as he walks forward to you, although his expression also tells you that he’s kind of pissed. “I thought you were waiting at the front, I was holding up traffic looking for you at the entrance.”
“Sorry, sorry…” you finally manage to speak and face towards him, “I just didn’t want to be with all those people anymore.”
Touya glances up to the guy sitting on his car, making a face at him. He’s already bristling over the presence of another man nearby you. “And you are?”
“Just keeping her company, that’s all.”
“Well your company isn’t needed anymore, fuck off.”
Your head snaps up at your boyfriend for speaking rudely, but there is a part of you that’s relieved that Touya is sending them off with no kindness either. All you want is to curl up now under a blanket and just wait for sleep to come to you.
“Sure, no problem. Good to see that my friend is gonna get home safe.” The guy stands up on his feet, sure to lock his car first before walking off. The asshole has the nerve to wink at you as he walks away. And of course Touya noticed because the way he grips his hand around your arm is none too nice.
When the two of you are sure that he’s gone, Touya drags you off in the direction of where he had parked. You trip over your feet twice but manage to keep up with him, more than relieved when you see his car and actually managing to pick up your feet to get to the passenger seat.
“Backseat, now.”
Your eyes widen a little as you glance up at him but nod your head. You bend down a little and pull the lever to push the passenger seat forward, giving you ample room to climb into the backseat. Managing to shut the car door, you sit back against the cushion as Touya enters from his side of the car but startled with how much force he used to shut his door.
Touya joins you in the back seat, grabbing your hips and dragging you to lay horizontally on the backseat cushions. It’s a little bothersome to be handled so roughly, especially since you’re still drunk and your head is swimming a little from the motions. The moan you let out isn’t one of pleasure, your hands coming up to press your palms against your forehead to try to soothe you. But Touya’s hand goes under your dress, his fingers roughly tugging your panties down and grunting over how your legs just fall limp instead of keeping them open.
“I’m trying to take these off,” Touya growls before reaching to cup your jaw along his hand, “fucking help me over here.”
“Can’t it wait until we get home?” You whine but you know that there isn’t really a choice in the matter here. Your eye lids droop down, your eyes feeling tired and wanting to just shut even though your brain isn’t ready for rest any time soon. So you gather what little energy you have, your hands helping in bunching up the skirt of your dress and pull it up.
Touya slides your panties off and shoves your purse to the floor of the car, the contents rattling inside and the baggy sliding out. Just from seeing it alone, you’re perked up and you point to it. “Do one with me.”
“Fuck, yeah hand it to me.”
Managing to grab the bag off the floor, you’re careful to open it and hold it out to Touya as you sit up. “Got your key? ‘M too lazy to grab mine out of my bag.”
He lifts his shirt and grabs the pocketknife that’s clipped inside his pocket. Wordlessly he flicks the blade out and dips the tip of it into the baggy. You honestly hate it when he just whips out the knife without telling you first, it scares you every single time. There’s no complaint from you as he offers the first bump by holding out the knife towards you before doing himself. The knife is put away but he dips the tip of his finger along the inside of the bag.
He rubs the pad of his thumb along your lip slowly, intimately. The little exhale that leaves his chest has you sitting up a little straighter. When your tongue peaks out a little to lick at his finger, the bitterness of the coke also has you sighing. It’s not pleasant, but the numbing is a welcome sensation on your lips.
His hand grasps at your neck and his fingers pressing into the sides. “I don’t like seeing you around other guys, you fucking know that.”
“Careful,” you gasp out, “the bag.”
It’s still held in your hands but Touya just tosses it back to where your purse lays. You hope that it was closed properly and that none of it spilled onto the car floor.
“Something happen between you two? Hm? Being all buddy while you were out?”
You manage to shake your head with what little movement you could manage, cocaine once again flooding your bloodstream and awakening you. Your eyes are a touch wider and your heart races a little faster, you bite your bottom lip and savor the numbness from the coke your boyfriend had rubbed into your plush lips.
Touya hand slides to the back of your neck, his fingers massaging for just a few seconds before grabbing a handful of hair and pulling your head back. You gasp out in surprise, your eyes fluttering when he leans in bites at your neck hard. It doesn’t sting in a good way but you know it’s because he’s mad over how he found you. He’s insanely jealous and only tolerates one other man to be near you.
He lays you back down onto the cushions of the backseat, this time using the grip has on the back of your head to turn you to kiss him. The air between you two is getting warm and if things progress further, it’ll fog up the car. You pant anxiously, slightly frightened for people to pass by or worse— a cop.
There’s no care from the other party, not from Touya as he suffocates you in a kiss and desperately tries to undo his belt and zipper with one hand. Your own hands slide up along his back and you try to comfortably widen your legs as much as you can in the small space. It’s a little awkward but the need for one another right now trumps the choice of just waiting until you get back home.
“Fucking spit, spit onto my hand.”
It’s not exactly elegant the way he cups his palm just underneath your lips, and it’s certainly not sexy the way you spit and some of it slicks against your chin. It’s a frantic and needy moment that needs to be dealt with on the spot. He tells you to spit again, needs just a bit more to smear on his cock so that he doesn’t hurt you too bad. Your tongue lolls out and licks off your bottom lip of the spit that didn’t quite catch onto his palm.
You can still taste the coke on your bottom lip.
The head of his cock bumps against your cunt, slightly slick but not quite as wet as the two of you would like. It has to do for now, and you grit your teeth a little as Touya pushes the tip in. It stings but it’s nothing that you haven’t done before. Before Keigo, he’d hissed over how tight you always were when he’d first get in and then fuck you open. After Keigo, he’s gotten a little spoiled by not having to do as much work anymore because he enjoyed sliding in you after your other boyfriend had already made you slick and ready for him.
The small little hiss you let out is gone after a few seconds, your eyes rolling back a little as your legs are pushed to your chest. Your cunt is fluttering around him, the delicate skin stretched to allow him inside and you’re choking out his name.
“T-Touya, Touya!” You’re whimpering for him, your eyes briefly glancing to the window above you and seeing the moisture trapped inside the car. It’s going to reek of sex in his car.
“Oh fuck, you’re turned on huh? Your little cunt squeezed around me.” Touya laughs a little and tries to adjust himself, hating the small space of his car but just needing to make it work. He had to make do because he needs you now.
He fucks quick, the jingling of his belt moving along with his momentum. The air is warm and starts to feel sticky, your sounds are stifled and he’s gritting his teeth as he tries to fuck fast and be out of the area. Between breathless moans, he hears you bed, “Choke me, choke me please!”
Touya can’t fuck you properly, not like this in this annoyingly small space, but he just needs this quick fuck to help him feel better. He needs to hear your struggling gasps as he chokes you, a little rough as a small punishment for not waiting at the front of the bar with other people. He needs you to cum first so that he can fill you up.
Your mind buzzes, completely awake now not just from the drugs but from desperate and frantic fucking you’re being given. A small part of your mind thinks is the coke bag spilled or not, wondering if you could ask Touya to smear more of it along your inner lip this time. You want to be high on three things; the coke, the fucking, and from Touya.
You’ll have to settle for two at the moment, which is also fine with you.
“Your cock…” you brokenly whisper, grasping at his hand and slightly tugging it off, “your cock Touya, love your cock!”
He laughs a little and flashes you a lovesick smile. A drop of sweat drips along his brow, sliding along his skin to his cheek. It’s disgustingly sweaty and hot inside the car, but now the two of you are so intoxicated from one another that it’s not a bother anymore. Who cares, who cares!
“I know you fucking do, cockslut.” Touya chuckles, “Always fucking drooling to get dick inside of you. Bet ya when we’re done here, you’ll be bouncing on Keigo as soon as we’re home!”
The thought of Keigo pressing your head to the mattress while he fucks you from behind has you giggling, exhilarated at the thought of your other boyfriend also shaming you for being so hungry to get fucked all the time. It makes you cum on the cock that’s fucking you but you’re not exhausted from your own orgasm. You’re eagerly nodding your head and reach your hand forward to grab at Touya’s shirt and pull him towards you. It’s damp with sweat which would normally disgust you, but you hardly notice as you beg, “Fuck me, fuck me! Want you to cum in me and then watch Kei fuck me afterwards!”
Touya fucks franticly now, sloppy and urgent now that he’s excited at what’s waiting at home for him.
“Fill me, fill me with your cum please!”
How could he deny his sweet princess?
Without a warning, he slaps your cheek and chokes you to reach that finish line. His muscles are straining and his neck is uncomfortable being conscious to not get too rowdy so that he doesn’t bump his head along the car’s ceiling. The tensions snaps in him, cum flooding into your pussy and he notices that he’s shaking a little.
Yeah… that was a good fuck.
The two of you lazily kiss in the backseat for a little to calm each other down, but it’s getting late and Keigo is expecting them at home soon. No doubt he’s probably texted where you’re at.
You’re sitting in the passenger seat and shifting a little as cum leaks into your panties. It’s not pleasant but you don’t want to mess up the car seat. It’s a relief to have the windows rolled down, airing out the car that reeked of sex not too long ago. Touya navigates his way through the parking lot to find the exit but stops in front of the car of that guy who seemed to want to bum coke off of you.
“Touya?” you call to him when he exits the car and approaches the side of it. He briefly surveys the lot and deems it clear, flicking out the knife again but this time using the knife to slash the tire of the vehicle.
“Touya! What the fuck?!”
He slashes open two tires before getting back into the car and driving off.
“Was that really necessary? What if that guy finds out that it was you? There could be cameras to identify you!”
Touya waves his hand dismissively at you before setting his hand on your knee. “If I thought that there’s anyway I could be caught, I wouldn’t have fucked you in that lot and fucked that asshole’s tires up. He can suspect it’s me all he wants but it’s not like he’ll be able to find me so easily.”
“And what if he does? What if he presses charges?”
It’s another one of those times when he looks at you and you just shut up. He’s clearly gotten away scot free before and you don’t know how, but he decides how he wants to handle it and it’s not your business.
“There she is! Did you have fun, baby bird?” Keigo greets you immediately when you walk through the door. His embrace has you relaxing, his hand petting your back and also dropping a kiss has you smiling. “You guys fucked, huh? And you forgot to pick up takeout for me.”
“Ah shit,” Touya tuts as he drops his wallet onto the kitchen countertop and hangs his keys on the wall hooks, “fucking forgot. I’ll make it up to you after she gets cleaned up.”
Keigo playfully smacks your ass and starts to push you towards the bathroom, “You better. We’ll be taking a bath while you make my food.”
“But… but I thought…” you pout over at Touya, “I wanna… y’know.”
“She wants me to watch while you fuck her.”
He says it so easily and even though it’s a regular occurrence between the three of you, you squeal his name in embarrassment. But he promises you that he’ll be there shortly, turning away to rest his hand along his hard on and hiding the giddy smile on his face.
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imperator-titus · 2 months
Favorite Party Banter [Druid Edition]
[Astarion (Ascended)] [Halsin/Jaheira] [Gale] [Karlach] [Lae'zel] [Minsc] [Minthara] [Shadowheart] [Wyll]
I often miss party banter because of party comp (and sometimes just straight up can't hear??) so here's a collection of my favorite bants while going through dialogue files. I know the wiki has the banter (most? all?) but I added the file names and dev notes.
Either Jaheira or Halsin is the main speaker/subject or I think their reaction is good shit.
Not in any particular order.
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Astarion: Cazador always warned us to stay clear of this neighbourhood. Never said why, though.
Jaheira: The last spawn who tried was sunk into the cobblestones and left for the sun to find. I had an unfortunate taste for theatrics, in my youth. {Devnote: A little abashed, but shrugging it off}
Astarion: Ah. Yes, that was probably it.
Halsin: Ah, a glimpse of nature. Like a sip of water to parched lips, eh, Jaheira? {Devnote: content}
Jaheira: Baldurians think all druids to be hay-haired idlers, Halsin. Perhaps we ought not speak of nature - but high art, or politics? {Devnote: ‘change the record, all these city folk think we’re hippies as it is’ A little tongue in cheek, she agrees with him entirely}
Halsin: I think on them also. But nothing matches the splendour of an ancient tree. {Devnote: Unfazed}
Jaheira: It is so. And, should one favour bear-form, that tree in particular makes for excellent back-scratching… {Devnote: Idle, teasing - offering a direct tip to Halsin under the guise of a hypothetical}
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Shadowheart: Halsin, if I were a druid, what animal do you think I’d be? {Devnote: Idle banter, either Loyal/Reject Shar arc}
Halsin: Given your memory issues, perhaps a goldfish? {Devnote: Gently teasing}
Shadowheart: I’d hoped for something a bit more exotic… but would you carry around my fish bowl, feed me flakes of food?
Halsin: Only the finest, of course.
Lae’zel: You’ve quite the appetite, Halsin. I’d wager you’ve bedded more of your foes than you’ve felled.
Halsin: Hmm. A challenging sum. The chimera has three heads… but does it still count as one? {Devnote: Not offended, thinking back}
Lae’zel: Must have been a challenging kill.
Halsin: Kill… yes. {Devnote: ‘Yep, that’s definitely what I mean.’}
Halsin: The birthing ground of those steel monstrosities. I would feel little sorrow if this place should close forever. {Devnote: some disdain (in a factory making robo-sentries)}
Shadowheart: Oh come on, you have to be at least a little impressed by the craftsmanship. There's only so much you can do with wood. {Devnote: gentle poking}
Halsin: Not so, in my experience. There is little I cannot whittle.
Shadowheart: Did you do that on purpose...? {Devnote: half-amused groan}
Gale: Halsin, you must have accumulated considerable wisdom on matters of the heart in your long life.
Gale: Anything you'd like to pass on to a strapping, love-struck wizard such as myself?
Halsin: Dispensing advice on matters of the heart would be like swapping boots - what suits me may be a poor fit for you.
Gale: Ah. Well, there's no faulting that logic. At least you didn't tell me to 'be myself'. {Devnote: Accepting the answer. Thinks 'be yourself' is naff advice}
Halsin: Oh no, perish the thought. That can be outright cruel advice to offer in certain cases.
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med4g · 5 months
Has anyone ever thought how weird minecraft HDWGH speedrun setups are?
Like, there's no neatly placed series of dispensers tipping over splash potions perfectly onto the player, or sealed enclosures of arguably dangerous mobs (like the elder guardian or shulker). There's no carefully placed conduit fully submerged in large pools of water, no optimally placed beacon at bedrock level, nor meticulously organised setup of water channels and trapdoors.
Instead, we get shattered glass shards everywhere, a dolphin flown hundreds of blocks over via a fragile lead, a conduit with just BARELY enough water to function, and a beacon just sitting out in the open. Some explosives might still be on the ground, our shulker just sitting in a boat, exposed to all the elements, and the player probably has some level of injuries from jabbing spectral arrows straight into themselves. All of that mess and you'ld still find bees at most 10 blocks away, peacefully minding their own business, unaffected by the alchemy happening not too far off.
But it works, and I can't say nothing more.
pic: Feinberg 2:14:25 1.16 rsg AA WR -- HDWGH setup
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nardo-headcanons · 7 months
Writing Scientist Characters
this post is mainly an excuse to post a certain list of lab supplies I've made for a friend and infodump about lab work. but feel free to use this as a little resource when writing characters who are scientists and/or lab nerds. who knows, maybe it'll be of use.
General thoughts
Many people think it's a stereotype that scientist or nerd characters talk using complex technical jargon. While that is true to an extent, there actually is some kind of lab jargon. It varies across different labs and fields, but one thing they have in common is that it seeks to simplify, not the other way around.
gelelectrophoresis becomes elpho
microbiology becomes mibi
deioninized water becomes aqua dist
biochemistry becomes BC
sodium hydroxide becomes NaOH
They will probably not call a glass of water "silicon dioxide and h2o".
...and more. feel free to get creative. If you're writing in any other language than English, you can throw in one or two anglicisms as well. Also, most scientists will never gatekeep their work, and in an opposite fashion, will not shut up about it unless you make them. And no, most chemists do not know the entire periodic table by heart, only the most relevant elements. (main groups and a few commonly used metals of the subgroups) When it comes to characters doing the lab work, keep in mind that there are a lot more people involved than the scientist themself. Most scientists are more occupied with paperwork and data analysis, it is the laboratory technicians and assistants that do most of the practical work. They often have more lab experience than the scientists themselves.
Things you can have your lab nerd character do instead of making random chemicals explode
writing a lab report (and losing their mind over excel)
degreasing the glass bevel stoppers
removing the permanent marker from beakers (labeling is important)
complaining about the lack of funding of [their field] research
cleaning glassware
preparing specimen for examination
googling the most basic equations for their report
checking if the glassware and utensil collections are complete
steal single use plastic pipettes from their lab
pirating expensive textbooks
A list of laboratory supplies and utensils you can have them work with
Laboratory general (chem + bio)
Erlenmayer flasks, beakers, precision scales (3 digits), glass rods, metal spoons/spatulas, screw on glass flasks (autoclave compatible) test tubes, stopcock grease, dispensers with sanitizer and hand cream, gas burners, heating plates, eppendorf pipettes, pipette tips, Peleus pipetting aids, squirting bottles, liquid and powder funnels, incubator/drying chamber, round watch glasses, magnet stirring plates.
Microbiology Autoclave, petri dishes, agar plates, innoculation loops (reusable and metal), clean bench, microscope slides, microscope, drigalski-spatula, test tubes with clamping lids
Paraffin bath, water bath, scalpels, scissors, razor blades, microtomes (rotating microtome, slide microtome and freezing microtome), histocinette, tweezers (various kinds), ocular
Sequencing robots, eppendorf tubes, gelelectrophoresis chambers, centrifuge
Analytical Chemistry
Photometer, kuvettes, burettes, mass spectro meters, UV bank (for chromatogrophies), pyknometers, melting point meter, porcelain mortars, pH paper, analytical scales (4 or more digits)
Prep Chemistry
Tripod/standing material, miniature lifting platforms, spiral condenser, colon condenser, round bottom flask (three necked and y- necked), filtration material, Separating funnel
Electrical engineering
Electric generators, Soldering iron, Clamp connectors, plugin connectors, ohm’s resistors, plug in lamps, condensers, transistors, PCBs, amperemeters, voltmeters, multimeters
Tripod/standing material, metal hooks, metal rods, mechanical stop watches, marbles, metal springs, Newton meters, laser motion detectors
Prisma (various kinds), various glass lenses (concave, convex, biconcave, biconvex), laser pointers, optical bench, mechanical iris diaphragm, looking glasses, monochrome lamps, lamp filters
Most used chemicals
Deionized water, ethanol, NaOH, HCl, H3PO4, NaCl (+ physiological NaCl solution 0.9)
Useful websites for writing science stuff
DNA sequence generator (simple): http://www.faculty.ucr.edu/~mmaduro/random.htm
DNA, RNA and protein sequence generator: https://molbiotools.com/randomsequencegenerator.php Annealing temperature calculator: https://tmcalculator.neb.com/#!/main
Medicine name generator: https://www.fantasynamegenerators.com/medicine-names.php Anything chemistry related: https://www.wolframalpha.com/input?i=chemistry
Commonly used software:
MS Excel
Scientist friends, feel free to add onto this.
Have fun writing!
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nourishandthrive · 2 months
Eco-Friendly Cleaning Products: Safe Alternatives for Your Home
Keeping your home clean and safe doesn’t have to come at the expense of the environment. Traditional cleaning products often contain harmful chemicals that can negatively impact your health and the planet. Switching to eco-friendly cleaning products is a great way to maintain a clean home while being kind to the environment. Here are some safe alternatives you can try:
Vinegar and Baking Soda
All-Purpose Cleaner: Mix equal parts water and white vinegar in a spray bottle for a versatile cleaner that can tackle countertops, sinks, and more. Add a few drops of essential oil for a pleasant scent.
Scrubbing Paste: Combine baking soda with a small amount of water to create a paste that can scrub away tough stains in the bathroom or kitchen.
Castile Soap
Multipurpose Cleaner: Castile soap is a plant-based soap that can be used for everything from washing dishes to cleaning floors. Dilute it with water for various cleaning tasks.
Foaming Hand Soap: Mix Castile soap with water and a few drops of essential oil in a foaming soap dispenser for a gentle and effective hand soap.
Lemon Juice
Natural Disinfectant: The acidity of lemon juice makes it a powerful natural cleaner. Use it to disinfect cutting boards, clean glass, and remove stains.
Deodorizer: Add lemon juice to your cleaning routine to naturally deodorize and freshen up your home.
Hydrogen Peroxide
Disinfectant: Hydrogen peroxide is an effective disinfectant that can be used to clean surfaces, sanitize cutting boards, and whiten grout. Use a spray bottle for easy application.
Laundry Whitener: Add hydrogen peroxide to your laundry to brighten whites and remove stains without the harshness of bleach.
Essential Oils
Antimicrobial Properties: Essential oils like tea tree, lavender, and eucalyptus have natural antimicrobial properties. Add a few drops to your cleaning solutions for an extra boost.
Aromatherapy: Use essential oils in your cleaning routine to create a pleasant and calming environment in your home.
Eco-Friendly Store-Bought Products
Green Brands: Look for cleaning products from brands that prioritize sustainability and use natural, non-toxic ingredients. Brands like Seventh Generation, Method, and Ecover offer a wide range of eco-friendly cleaning products.
Refillable Options: Choose products that come in refillable containers to reduce plastic waste.
Reusable Cleaning Tools
Microfiber Cloths: Replace disposable paper towels with reusable microfiber cloths. They are effective at picking up dirt and can be washed and reused multiple times.
Natural Sponges: Opt for natural sponges or scrubbers made from sustainable materials instead of synthetic ones.
Switching to eco-friendly cleaning products is a simple yet impactful way to create a healthier home and contribute to a more sustainable future. By using natural ingredients and choosing environmentally friendly brands, you can keep your home sparkling clean without compromising your health or the planet.
Do you have any favorite eco-friendly cleaning tips or products? Share your recommendations in the comments below!
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desswright29 · 8 months
CLASS 58 (Prolouge)
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A/N: Soooo I wasn’t gonna do anymore Series but damnit this shit won’t turn me loose! So Here is a new MINI Series I’m introducing called CLASS 58!
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“Alright! Everyone have a seat at the desk where you see your name tag. Do NOT touch the paperwork until instructed to do so!” The instructor yelled out.
You and the vaguely familiar faces around you, slowly walk around finding the seats that held your first and last names. Eager and full of anticipation for what lies ahead of you all for the day. You find your seat and run your finger across the name tag. New beginnings. You scan over the first paragraph of the papers sitting in front of you as you sit.
I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the …
“What the fuck are we getting ourselves into?” A feminine voice said from behind you. You turn to face her. She was short, brown skinned, and chubby. Her hair was cut low, and she had perfect teeth surrounded by pretty lips and a beautiful dimpled smile. She held out her hand to you, and you took it, giving it a short shake.
“I’m Benson. Kia Benson” You give her a smile, as she takes the seat next to you.
“Y/n Y/l/n”
“Nice to meet you Y/l/n.”
“Likewise” She sat, enthusiastically turning towards you in her chair, manspreading, and throwing her arm over the back of her chair. She stared at the side of your face until it started to burn, causing you to look over at her.
“Excuse me?” You say. She bit her lip as she looked you up and down.
“May I ask how a pretty little thing like you ended up here?”
You smirk, and raise a brow sitting back in your chair. “You first.” She gave you that pretty smile once again.
“I was curious and let’s just say I enjoy challenges. I took a chance, applied and after an excruciating eight months of interviews my charm eventually landed me the position.” She gave you a wink and you rolled your eyes.
“Oh I'm sure it did. You seem full of charm.”
“You have yet to see the levels of my charm.”
“Mmm, can't wait.”
“I bet you can’t pretty lady. So what's your story?”
“I was recruited. Directly out of the military, Army HSC 601st Aviation Brigade. I should reintroduce myself. Staff Sergeant pretty little thing. As you so charmingly put it.” You held out your hand again and Benson lifted both of hers in defense.
“Oooh shit my bad boss lady! Ion want no smoke.” You chuckled at her dramatics.
“I know you don’t.” You said, once again raising your brows.
The sound of the heavy classroom door slamming behind someone interrupted the banter between you and your neighbor.
“Ay, Whaddup Udaku. Late as fuck as usual I see!”
“Ah Ha ha haaaa. Shut the fuck up.” The thick, sexy accent dripping in sarcasm caught your attention, and when you turned your head to see the woman donning such an attractive voice. Your heart dropped into your stomach. There she stood. Tall, shaved sides and a curly top. Her biceps bulged from a black compression top, and she wore shorts that read Army on the bottom left corner. A camelbak backpack was strapped to her shoulders, the rubber tip that dispensed the water rested between her lips as she walked down the aisle dapping up various people.
“Damn” you whisper to yourself.
“Man, damn! Here go this cock blocking bitch!” You hear come from next to you.
“And just what cock was she blocking? You glued the zipper on your backpack as soon as you opened your mouth.”
“Ha! You got jokes.”
“Fuck all that, who is she?” You said your eyes following her, as she sat in the desk front and center of the room.
“That’s Udaku. Another Army recruit. She’s been interning here for six months already. She comes and does P.T. with the canine team every morning and everyone knows her. And every woman in the force is trying to get her.”
“Well I might have to toss in my hat.” You sat forward in your seat, elbows on the table as you got an eye full of the African goddess. Benson smacks her teeth.
“Or, you could just be with someone who’s already interested” She opened her arms wide, and again there was that smile. You couldn't help but return with a giggle. “Benson, you're really cute. But I don't intend on dating anyone during this process. I have to be laser focused. We can be friends though. You seem pretty cool.”
“Pretty cool. I’m the shit!”
“See that’s what I'm talking about right there.” The two of you go back and forth until the instructors make their way to the front.
“Alright everyone settle down! Face forward!” The room quiets as everyone looks towards the front anxiously awaiting the man's next words.
“I’m Mr. Kaufman, your lead instructor. This is Mrs. Santigo, and Sgt. Sanders. These are my assistants. Your only job here for the next several months is to do as we say. Everything that we say to you will be for your benefit. We know what we’re doing, which is why we’ve been tasked with educating you all. It would behoove you to listen. Ms.Udaku! Please stand for me.” Shuri stood to her feet, turning to face the rest of the class. Her eyes scanning over the room.
“This is Udaku. She will be your class Captain and point of contact. If you have any questions after hours, contact Udaku. If she doesn't have the answer, she will contact us. If you're sick, call Udaku, If you have a family emergency, call Udaku.”
“If you need to ease the ache between your thighs. Call Udaku” The girl behind you whispered, causing snickers around the area. Shuri’s eyes landed on the group before settling on you. You were stuck in place as she looked you over, placing the straw of her camelbak back into her mouth. She bit into it and gave you a smirk and a wink before turning around and placing herself back into her seat.
“The oath that lay in front of you. I suggest you become very familiar with it and learn it by heart. That Oath will become your life. The line between a good or great officer. We will break you, and build you into some of the strongest people this world has to offer. This will be emotionally and physically demanding and not all of you will make it. But those of you who do will become a family. We’ll get ready to begin our first lesson here in a few but before we do. I want to say welcome Class 58 to The Federal Bureau of Investigations.”
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sommerregenjuniluft · 8 months
@jegulus-microfic january 27 - scene - 1653words - nsfw!
aka jegulus watched saltburn together and after a long week things escalate in their bathroom aka boydinner is served *giggles*
Regulus swallows another sip of red wine, tips his head back with a sigh and sinks deeper into the warm bath, feeling his muscles uncoil as the burning heat starts seeping through his skin.
It’s been a hell-ish week at the office and he’s more than ready to unwind, yearning to curl up on the couch with James and Mochi and cuddle the afternoon away once his fiancee is home.
As if on cue, Regulus hears steps in the hallway and then a gentle rap of knuckles on the bathroom door.
“Come in, baby,” Regulus calls.
The door opens and James steps in with a crooked grin on his face, eyeing him fondly where he’s splayed in the tub.
“Hi, love.”  
Regulus gives a sigh of pleasure, eyes raking appreciatively over the thigh slacks and the fitted long sleeve that might as well be a compression shirt.
James chuckles and shakes his head as he pads over, socks on the tiled floor. He goes to wash his hands, not taking his eyes off Regulus even as he misses the soap dispenser twice. 
There’s not really any suds in the water, clear and stained a gentle sage green from the essential oils bath extract.
Regulus stretches out, lets his head loll back and to the side, eyes lidded and a smirk tugging at the corner of his lips when James’ mouth falls open.
“Like what you see?”
James seems robbed of any clever comebacks, breathing a simple, “Yeah,” as he distractedly wipes his hands on a towel.
Regulus hums, low but impossibly sweet, a little contemplating, “What are you gonna do about it?”
James moves as if in a trance, staggering over to the tub and slowly descending to his knees on the small step it stands on. A little throne of its own.
Regulus sits up a little straighter and reaches a dripping hand out to tangle them in James’ wayward hair, tilting his head and gouging him for subtle reactions. Doe eyes widen behind his wire-framed glasses and the peak of a pink tongue swipes out to lick over his supple bottom lip.
The desire blankets over Regulus, thickening the steamy air and permeating the blood in this veins with a consistent thrum.
James goes with a quiet whine, breath shaky, as Regulus reels him in and shamelessly licks into his mouth. Greedily shoving his tongue behind James’ teeth, sucking on his fiancee’s tongue. 
There’s a squeak of dry skin against porcelain, James’ knuckles turning white against the grip on the edge of the bathtub and he whines sweetly when Regulus experimentally clenches his fingers in the back of his hair.
Regulus pulls back and gleefully takes in the flushed and dazed state of the other man. His grip relents and he shifts his hand to dig a thumb into the underside of James’ chin, right above his throat. “Touch me.”
James proceeds to strip his shirt, panting, leaving his torso bare, and dip a hand into the scalding water, squeezing Regulus where he’s hard against his stomach. He wraps his palm around the shaft only a few moments later and starts stroking carefully, the bath water rippling and lapping at the sides of the tub. 
Regulus feels a tremor whack his body and he throws his head back with a soft groan that makes James moan helplessly in return.
“Jamie,” Regulus breathes.
“Fuck,” James makes and his eyes flash with desire, cheeks tinting an even more vivid shade of scarlet. Regulus is obsessed with him.
James steals his next breath right out of his mouth when he dives in again for another obscenely open-mouthed kiss. All spit slick tongues, soft lips and greedy mouths.
The hand under the water keeps stroking Regulus, deft and firm, a hint of roughness from the thin chain of calluses on the top of James’ palm that Regulus relishes in.
When he breaks the kiss to suck in some oxygen, moans spilling free and reverberating off the tiled walls, James whines in disagreement. Always one to have his mouth be busy—orally fixated, terribly sexy, idiotic man—so Regulus promptly shoves two fingers between his lips that James gives a startled moan around.
James’ brows furrow and he adjusts restlessly in his kneeling, undoubtedly uncomfortably hard in his own pants.
His hand squeezes, making a bolt of arousal shoot through Regulus and his body shakes in the water. 
Regulus hisses, another loud moan spilling from his lips when James hallows his cheeks around his digits, “I love you, I love you, fuck–”
James groans and his eyelids flutter as his thumb circles Regulus’ leaking tip underwater, like he’s getting off more on the touch than Regulus is. 
His fiancee wheezes lightly, swallows before he presses out, “Need you in my mouth.”
Regulus whines, half in protest of having to rise from the hot bath, half at the prospect of feeling James’ slick mouth around him properly.
They scramble a little, the water lapping dangerously high against the side of the tub and James desperately chasing Regulus’ mouth once he withdraws his fingers.
Regulus is absolutely sopping wet as James manhandles him out of the tub, snatching his bathrobe from the little tray next to the tub and clumsily tugging it on him as he refuses to let him breath, continuing to kiss and lick into Regulus’ mouth.
A Lo’ you mumbled against his lips and he feels James palpably running out of patience as he yanks at the robe’s belt, pulling them flush together and barely giving Regulus the chance to wind his arms around his neck before he’s is sitting him down on the edge of the bathtub, legs splayed wide and taking another kneel at his feet.
Regulus’ curls are dripping on James as he looks down and watches him smooth along the inside of his thighs before hungrily swallowing down his flush cock in one go.
Understandably, it doesn’t take long after that for Regulus to feel his orgasm start to coil in the pit of his stomach.
The grip on James’ curls must be painfully tight as Regulus moans out, “Gonna cum.”
And then James pulls back but before Regulus can so much as make a sound in protest another groan punches out of him when James keeps jerking him off right above his open mouth, tongue sticking out and glancing up at Regulus through his glasses like a starved man.
“Oh, fuck.” 
And then Regulus is shuddering through his orgasm, cock kicking and spurting white cum all over James’ face as this one keeps milking him.
It’s terribly intense. The way he keeps fully stroking him through it as wave after wave of the climax hits. The way the cum is settling against James skin, sliding down the curves of his nose and cheeks, pooling on his tongue. The eye contact—James doesn’t even close them, the nutter.
Regulus gently stills the other’s hand when the sting of overstimulation becomes too much and, before he can think better of it, hooks the pad of his other thumb behind the lower row of James teeth to keep him from swallowing.
His fiancee sucks in a stuttering breath through his nose and Regulus keeps dazedly watching the cum pool around James’ tongue as his breath mellows out. Gaze skipping over his marked face, the dollop on his glasses, the streak in his hair, the smudge running down the side of his nose, the bit sliding down his chin.
There’s a blurry picture popping into his mind suddenly, a cutout of a scene, and Regulus doesn’t know what possesses him to do what he’s, against his better judgement, definitely about to do.
He murmurs a gentle, “Don’t swallow,” before he retracts his hand and reaches over to where he placed down his almost empty wine glass earlier.
James dutifully does as told, fingers digging into Regulus’ naked thighs where they spasm over now and then.
Regulus swallows down the last bit of his red and then goes to hold it under James’ still open mouth. “Spit, baby.”
And James tilts his head back down and slowly lets the cum trickle out and into the glass, a thick string of Regulus’ spent mixed with his own saliva falling from between James’ swollen lips. 
Once James’ mouth is empty Regulus gently swipes his fingers over James’ cheek, digits scooping up some of the sticky liquid and he wipes that on the edge of the wine glass too, hearing James’ make a strangled sound as they watch the cum sliding down the round inside of it.
It’s not a lot but it’ll do and Regulus leans down to kiss James once before he twists and carefully lets some of the bathwater pour into the glass too.
When he turns back James chestnut eyes are impossibly big, mouth completely slack. His fingers clench around Regulus’ legs again.
Regulus breaks into a little smirk, swirling the liquid mixture around in the glass like a fine wine before he cocks it in imitation of a toast, voice playful when he says, “Cheers.”
James groans brokenly, already reaching for the glass, “I love you so bad.”
He breaks into a grin too, and gives a quick nip to Regulus’ thigh, face still spoiled with his cum and then dutifully tilts his head back and swallows the fucking mix of Regulus’ cum, bathwater and his own spit.
It’s a big gulp and James swallows it all down in one go.
Regulus can’t help himself when he lets out another small groan, trapping his bottom lip between his teeth.
James keeps looking at him, mischief in his eyes, suddenly the hand that’s still on Regulus’ thigh slides higher and then he lavishes his tongue along the rim of the glass, dipping inside and humming obscenely.
Regulus rolls his eyes with a badly concealed smile. “Now you’re just exaggerating.”
James shakes his head, teeth glinting, looking ruined and agonisingly handsome, “Mhmh, never.”
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illuminatedquill · 7 months
Worship Me
A Sabine Wren & Ezra Bridger story
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Story Summary: Tucked away inside their watchtower during a snowy night on Lothal, Sabine Wren and Ezra Bridger ponder the future and their relationship.
The beverage dispenser whirred and deposited the last of its contents - sweet, sweet hot chocolate - into the mug; Ezra watched the steam waft up from the dark brown ambrosia, bringing with it the tantalizingly sweet aroma that made his mouth water.
Even with the heating unit at max, the watchtower's interior was still chilly. Outside the temperatures were approaching near freezing and bringing with it fresh concerns of an early, bitter winter with its sleet and snow. But, for now, the snow was harmless and provided an endless frosty wonderland for all the children - and not an insignificant number of adults - to enjoy. Ezra took the fresh mug of hot chocolate in one hand and grabbed another less recently filled one in his other and moved to the watchtower's balcony.
His partner, Sabine Wren, was standing there. Wrapped in a comfy gray shawl - a gift from her departed master, Ahsoka Tano - she leaned against the railing, watching the snow drift lazily down. Just beyond, lit brightly against the snowfall, was Lothal's Capital City with its gorgeous array of spires and skyscrapers. Ezra smiled wistfully, thinking of all the families living in those towers, their children's faces pressed against the glass to watch the snow come down.
He remembered with a pang of melancholy of doing just that with his own parents, Ephraim and Mira, many years ago. Waking up to see the snow, riding a sled down the hills of Lothal's fields, scampering after the loth cats to find their hidden burrows . . .
"Enjoying the view?" Sabine called to him, jolting him out of his reminiscing. He blinked, re-focusing on her.
Even after all these years, she still took his breath away with her beauty. Sabine's hair had grown a little longer, the dyed orange tips just brushing the top of her shoulders now. He knew she wouldn't grow it any longer, purely for practical reasons, but oh how he yearned to see Sabine with longer hair. Underneath the shawl, she wore casual clothes: a bright orange tunic, yellow combat pants, and maroon boots. Once upon a time, he had teased that her outfit was similar in style to the one he wore during the Rebellion and had received a sharp poke in the side for his observation (but he had noted slyly that Sabine was blushing as she did so).
Playing it cool (ha ha), he replied, "Yup."
Smooth, he thought dourly. Very cool, Ezra.
Sabine snorted and took one of the mugs to sip at. "Charming as always, Ezra."
He batted his eyes at her in, hopefully, a smoldering fashion. "Hey, it's a part of the package. Prince Charming, that's me."
She choked on the hot chocolate.
Using his sleeve to dab at her mouth, he said, "That wasn't meant to be a joke."
In between gasps of air, Sabine choked out, "You're going to kill me with any more of whatever this is you're trying to do."
Ezra sighed and took her gently by the arm. "Let's just head inside."
Once Sabine had settled down, they settled onto the couch and wrapped a large quilt - a gift from Zeb and Kallus (with an apology note from Kallus about the quilt's clumsy construction but Zeb tried really hard, and he hadn't the heart to tell him otherwise) - around themselves. Sabine was sipping at Ezra's mug of hot chocolate, since he was the reason why hers had been spilled. Normally he would have protested, especially since it was his favorite beverage, but Ezra had learned long ago that certain arguments were futile with Sabine, so he gladly acquiesced.
They sat there in silence, just listening to the watchtower's gentle mechanical hum and the occasional mewling from Murley, who had taken up the usual perch at his favorite window.
Ezra closed his eyes and took in the ambience, enjoying the simple feeling of being at home and beside the person he loved the most in this galaxy.
. . . And trying to ignore the fact his hands were shaking ever so slightly.
Sabine set down her mug on the table in front of them. He felt her turn towards him, leaning in close, her warm breath tickling his ear . . .
"Your hands are shaking, cyar'ika," she said quietly.
Ezra's eyes opened as he grimaced. "You caught that," he said glumly.
Sabine arched an eyebrow at him. "You can't hide anything from me, Ezra," she replied. "We're partners."
Ezra shrugged off his side of the quilt, glaring at his traitorous hands. "I don't know why they're doing that," he confessed. "It's been happening more and more lately."
She cocked her head at him, thinking. "Not during our missions," she said. "Only when we're home."
"Yeah," he said. "You think they'd be acting up while we're fighting off pirates or negotiating trade disputes or any number of stressful situations we've been in . . . but no. Just whenever we're home."
Sabine gently grasped his shaking hands. They stilled in her touch. "It's fear, I think," she surmised, studying his face. "And something more."
Ezra frowned at her. "What am I scared of when we're home, safe and sound, alone together?"
"Talk it out. Let your thoughts flow along with your feelings, cyar'ika."
Ezra sighed. "Okay," he replied. Closing his eyes, he reached out to the Force for calm and just . . . listened to himself, breathing in and out. He felt Sabine's presence beside him - a constant fierce light, radiating love and belief and support -
The quiet.
He opened his eyes, feeling the hairs on the back of his neck raise unsettlingly. "That's it," he murmured. "That's what it is."
Sabine looked at him, frowning. "What is it?"
"It's the quiet," Ezra said. "It's the peace. I'm not used to it."
He leaned back into the couch, processing this revelation. After a few moments he said, "Sabine, do you realize we've been fighting for most of our lives?"
Her grip on his hands tightened. Ezra looked and saw the discomfort appear on her face. "It's not something I like to dwell on," she said. "But, yeah. I know."
"I think it's come to the point where I feel more at home in a battlefield than I do at our actual home. The peace, the quiet . . . Sabine, it scares me. I'm scared it could be disrupted at a moment's notice, that it could be taken away."
Ezra stared at her, his vision going blurry. "I'm scared you could be taken away. Or me, taken from you. It all feels false, somehow. I can't truly enjoy it."
Sabine reached out and cradled his face to her chest. He heard the gentle, re-affirming beat of her heart. It calmed him a little.
"The galaxy's a scary place, Ezra. We've already lost each other once. I wish I could guarantee that it will never happen again . . . "
Ezra said bitterly, "You can't. No one can."
She turned his face upwards towards hers. "I love you, Ezra. That's all I can promise you. I'll love you until the stars go cold."
"Is it enough, Sabine? Love doesn't promise anything. It wasn't enough for Kanan and Hera. It didn't save Kanan. It killed him." The mention of his former master, Kanan Jarrus, brought a bitter taste to his mouth. He felt awful for saying it, but it held true. Kanan had loved Hera deeply - enough to give his life to ensure hers and everyone else's future on Lothal.
But he had still died. And he knew Hera still felt that loss keenly everyday.
Yes, the love had been there. But it hadn't changed anything.
Kanan still died. Hera had told him of the regrets she felt; things that should have been said but were put aside in the foolish hope that there would be another time to say them.
"You don't mean that, Ezra," said Sabine sharply. "I know you don't."
Ezra turned his face away, hiding his shame. He shrugged in response.
Sabine grabbed his face and wrenched it back towards her. Her brown eyes, normally bright and compassionate, burned with a fierce anger. "Listen to me," she said. "Do not let this fear turn you into something you're not, Ezra. You're better than this. I know you are."
Ezra let out a frustrated breath, bowing his head. "I know. I just . . . I don't know, Sabine. Will this be enough for us? With the lives we lead? I don't want there to be any regrets between us."
"You mean like Hera and Kanan?" asked Sabine. "I get what you mean."
He looked at her, feeling lost. "So what do we do?"
Sabine looked back at him. Then, with a soft touch, she placed a finger under his chin and titled his face up ever so slightly.
"If the love is not enough," she said softly, "then I will ask you for more."
Ezra stared at her, entranced. "What do you mean?"
Sabine leaned in close; the scent of her, a lilac fragrance, filling his nose, intoxicating his mind . . .
"Adore me, Ezra Bridger," she whispered. "Worship me."
His mind went blank. "I . . . how?" he heard himself ask.
With her other hand, Sabine reached behind his head, running her fingers through his hair. Silvery sensations erupted from his scalp; Ezra could hear his heart pulsing loudly within his ears. The fingers clenched, and she pulled him into a deep, searing kiss.
After what felt like an eternity, she let him up for air. Breathing heavily, she placed a hand on his chest.
"I will worship you too," she said huskily. "All of you."
She leaned forward and kissed his chest. "I worship your heart."
His forehead. "I worship your mind."
Sabine reached for his hands, still shaking but for different reasons now. She brushed her lips lightly against each of his fingers. "I worship your hands."
Ezra shivered at her touch. When she was finished, she gazed deeply into his eyes. "Your turn now," she said with an impish grin.
"Are you sure about this?" Ezra asked. "I haven't . . . I mean, this is my first time."
"Mine too," Sabine admitted.
Ezra's eyes widened. He smiled, feeling surprised - and a little gratified. "You waited for me?"
Blushing, Sabine punched him gently on the arm. "Obviously, goober."
He grinned at her. "So, who will take the lead then?"
"Me," she said bluntly. "Unless the Noti gave you directions."
Ezra laughed, feeling some of the tension slide out of him.
Sabine poked him in the chest. "Hey. Focus. Back to worshipping."
He reached out through the Force and dimmed the watchtower's lights. Sabine quirked an eyebrow at him. "Trying to set the mood?" she asked.
Ezra glanced at his hands - they were steady as a rock.
He slid his hands underneath the quilt, searching . . .
Sabine frowned at him. "What are you - oh."
Ezra gently pressed himself against her and returned her kiss with a fervent ardor that left them both breathless. Blinking at him, stunned, Sabine asked, "Where did you learn to do that?"
"Maybe the Noti did teach me some things," he teased. "Oh, I've got tricks that will blow your mind, Sabine Wren."
A sly smile grew slowly on her beautiful face. "Yeah?" she challenged. "Are you willing to show me some more of these tricks?"
"Certainly," said Ezra. "If you're not busy this evening."
She rolled her eyes. "I've got some free time, sure," she replied dryly.
"Excellent," said Ezra. And he promptly got to work, worshipping her, adoring her.
*Author's Note: One of the craziest lines I've ever heard in romantic fiction is a woman saying to her lover, "Worship me." I immediately knew it was something Sabine would say to Ezra and, well, here we are.
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