#we are both aroace and it's honestly comical
sleepyjuice-juice · 10 months
high key would LOVE to write a story between two aroaces and put them into situations that are widely perceived as romantic. just to make the audience question the way they view love and relationships. just a sprinkle of relationship anarchy... oh whoops i accidentally poured out the whole tank of relationship anarchy on them let's see what happens
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samberrybay · 6 months
I saw someone talking about Cale not being innocent with relationships, which i agree with, so wanna also add my personal opinion on this rather interesting matter+a bit on his trauma!
Cale loved reading novels and comics, so he probably read some romance or smut among the way too. As we know, he is a quite curious person, thus i doubt he wouldn't be interested in it at least for a bit.
He also recognizes relationship stuff overall! Like for example in Korean arc with Kim Min Ah and Bae Puh Rum. They weren't a couple yet, however Cale noticed vibes around them so there is also a comment about them looking good together. Even if it was more of a "Ah, they were lovely-dovely since then", it is still a realization.
As a result, if we push back the idea of Cale being aroace, he isn't innocent! Cale knows enough to understand romance, sex, flirting and all that jazz on a basic level.
Here is the thing, right?
When literally anything relared to emotions or relationships, both platonic and romantic, includes HIM in the equations, Cale suddenly becomes a fool.
An obvious, absolutely traumatized and with little to no self-awareness fool.
Cale literally degrades himself and his feelings or emotions on a daily basis, guys, i don't think this depressed man is able to comprehend that people actually just enjoy his sole presence alone.
Again, the problem here not in Cale not realizing/recognizing that kind of stuff (what basically innocence implies), but in Cale not thinking that someone can like him or be into him.
People don't give enough credit to how severe his self-hatred, that was builded for tens of years and supported by hearing others hate him, is.
It absolutely distorted Cale's view of himself.
As Kim Rok Soo? Well, he was always average looking, the scars made him look even worse.
As Cale? Well, he might look better now, but his personality still trash, he is selfish and not emotional overall.
If nothing above works? Well, his self made inner image of a "Bad person" always does!
He wouldn't ever believe that someone can love him romanticly.
Because why? Why him?
He is absolutely disoriented when people show their care for him nowadays. In the novel it plays of as the silly moments of obvious Cale, but if you think about that?
It just Cale honestly not understanding why they care for HIM.
This is not about innocence. Not at all.
It is about a man who cannot love himself and as a result doubting everyone's love for him.
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time-woods · 5 months
this is really embarrassing to even ask even if it’s anon BUT IM LIKE REALLY STRUGGLING TO FIGURE OUT IF IM AROACE OR IM JUST THINKING THE WRONG THING ,, I dont know how to explain it but I really wouldn’t want to have a sexual stuff or anything in that manner and even being in a relationship makes me super nervous. But at the same time I really would really like to enjoy a relationship with kissing and closeness with only some intimacy. I was just wondering if you have any take on if I’m a part the that spec or I’m just delusional.
After seeing that your art with Sīdus and Carmine was kinda your way of expressing the relationship with your partner made me question myself man. Sorry if this is too much to ask I’m very bad with this type of stuff.
nono dont worry ! ! im no expert on anything queer- i dont even have real labels when it comes to being on the aroace spectrum- (and honestly i dont care too- i just know what i prefer and make that known to my partners)) but i get exactly what you mean ! ! everyone has their own parameters for 'romantic' and 'platonic' relationships and honestly any forms of intimacy can fall into both ! in my opinion i think that makes you fall into the ace spectrum, but its genuinely all about what you want for yourself and your relationships. you draw the lines in those.
for example ! im aroace(spec)- sex repulsed and have a very blurred line between whats 'romantic or 'platonic' in relationships and honestly dont get it ! but i want to get married ! have a family ! but not in an inherently romantic sense, i want to spend my life with someone, but it doesnt have to be romantic, but that doesnt mean there isnt love there. its just different, i still want to be close to my partners, let them know that i love them, but just in my own ways. and theres certain things that i dont care for and i let them both know that. you can still feel a strong connection with someone and not have those 'expectation' from them. in my books we all love in our own ways, and its ok to not know what that means for you yet, its sorta the thing you gotta test the waters with and find out what works.
long message short: most likely if you closely relate how you express/ want intimacy with my comics and art- you may be on the aroace spectrum and also autistic. cause i put way too much of myself into my art and yall keep catching on so i might as well say it
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archivomeow · 2 months
yelena belova is aroace.
Yelena Belova is canonically aroace.
Lately people dismissing that has been getting on my nerves VERY much, so I’m making this post lol.
First the terminology:
Aromantic — an individual who doesn’t experience romantic attraction.
Asexual — an individual that doesn’t experience sexual attraction.
AroSpec — spectrum that includes different aromantic identities, from aros who don’t feel romantic attraction to those who do under certain circumstances or rarely.
AceSpec — spectrum that includes different asexual identities, from aces who don’t feel sexual attraction to those who do under certain circumstances or rarely.
So first thing i will put here is this;
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This in my humble opinion should be enough of a proof, but apparently it is not.
First this part of an interview, the person speaking is a creator/co-creator of Yelena. She says she is most likely to identify as asexual than to follow Nat’s romantic path. Hinting at both aro & ace.
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So in the comics Yelena shows no interest dating, as far as i am aware she has no romantic interest in the comics. She is repulsed by sex, she calls herself „nothing” referring to her sexual identity.
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As much as many like to say she is a lesbian, she is not, how fucking stupid you sound, honestly. She says it herself, if I said I’m not a lesbian, would you question it? No? Then don’t question her, she says she is not a lesbian, she has no wlw storyline. Drop the fucking lesbian hc.
Some possible foreshadowing in the MCU
1. When she is talking with a widow and a former Ana (show: Hawkeye), there is a line said by the widow accompanying her: „…you and Natasha can be reunited again and live your sex in the city fantasy”.
^ Yelena leaves the room, as soon as the word „sex” is mentioned her face drops, then we have this scene where she’s looking at herself in the mirror.
2. When talking about kids and family (movie: Black Widow) she mentions she wants a dog.
3. When describing „fake story” of her life she made up because her birth certificate was burnt she says Natasha has a husband and talks about her parents, but mentions nothing about her husband or possible spouses or children. (movie: Black Widow)
4. Yelena tends to wear a lot of aro/ace flag colors.
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green coat & purple lipstick (green = aro | purple = ace)
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yellow & blue colors = aroace flag
Overall Yelena wears a lot of green and white and black together, aromantic flag colors.
^^ can you call that „over the top?” yeah sure… let me remind yall something else:
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when enid wore this sweather yall went WILD.
but when Yelena is wearing aroace colors all the time it’s called „reaching”…?
I will continue this with even more, because while you can agree with me and say she is aroace, still there will be people who claim she is aroace, agree, but then this fucking argument comes into place:
Do you see what’s wrong with those sentences? Nothing.
There’s a „but” thoooo…
There is nothing wrong with those, but using those arguments to totally ignore her sexuality ship her and treat her like suddenly she is allo is not it.
Yelena has shown no interest in dating or sex, we can assume she is sex-repulsed as she has shows repulsion to sex and she is to me at least implied to be romance-repulsed.
And we’ve found the problem.
Sex Repulsed Aces are as you can imagine repulsed by sex. Romance Repulsed Aros are repulsed by romance… So how is someone repulsed by said things engaging in said interaction and is not repulsed by them???
I think it’s a great idea to write her into said situations to show she is repulsed and to show it’s okay, because her life, my life, the lives of other uninterested in such thing aro/ace, our lives don’t end here.
Using how some people navigate through their sexuality to justify this is wrong.
You wouldn’t write a lesbian with a man, because bi lesbians exist and she may be a bi lesbian, right?
^ just an fyi, that’s an example, the term bi-lesbian is extremely harmful to both bisexuals and lesbians. check out this for more.
The QPR dilemma is that you don’t understand what a QPR is… it’s not more than friends…it’s not in the middle, it’s out of the regular binary of relationships. Relationships I actually think are QPRs:
Friends with benefits — purely platonic, but you fuck.
Situationship — just friends that do romantic stuff together, unless you call it a romantic relationship, with the other person agreeing on that, it is not one.
QPRs are amazing and beautiful, but it’s not always about fucking and kissing and „acting like a couple” but being a QPR. It can be being friends and living together, not temporary. It can be being friends and co-parenting. It can be many things.
But as I said Yelena is repulsed, why would someone repulsed by sex/romance engage in said thing happily with no doubts, fears, negative feelings just because it’s a qpr, so it’s suddenly fine…?
This is for now all I have to say about this.
As an AroAce, who desires no romantic relationship or a sexual one please please please let us have this representation, for once in our fucking lives.
answering an anon-ask.
more talk about the comic panel.
harmful aro stereotypes.
shipping aroaces + yelena belova.
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chipper-smol · 1 year
2 for the artist asks! :>
2. 5 favourites of your own work?
ough this one is going to make me go digging so give me a second.
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My dragon AU design for Hornet. I just love it so much that i'm probably going to re-use this eventually for an original project if it'll fit in it.
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My married husband ocs, Trotter and Cygnus, lovin' on eachother. (Cygnus is a black hole and he's floating. Trotter has no concept of personal space)
I need to draw them more. Little Chip made them in highschool and was so valid.
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This was for my hollow knight space AU I had with Paya. We had a FUCK TON of good ideas adapting the lore to a futuristic setting. I just didnt have enough energy to flesh them out in art.
But space Quirrel genuinely makes me happy every time I see him. It's just a very good design.
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this one i made in a feverish state of hyperfixation in under 5 hours
i have no idea where my mind went, but when I came back this was on my screen
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This one was just really fun to do and came out really well. The designs are satisfying, the posing is engaging and dynamic, and it encapsulates both universes equally.
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my aroace girls :3c
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This was originally gonna be posted like my usual comics (frame by frame) but the page composition turned out REALLY NICE and honestly makes me want to do comic pages more frequently
also im surpremely proud of Macaque's face and the bottle
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the legs, the hesitant hand, macaque's ears over wukong's heart, the grass, the tree leaves shading, the grass, the colors-
im just really really really really happy with this one and might end up making it my first print (along with another piece im proud of but can't post yet)
There's 7 pictures here BUT THERE WERE SO MANY I PASSED BY
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peacerisendove · 8 months
Big Ethel Energy Season 2 Episode 29
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I'm reacting strongly to what feels like literal ace/aro erasure and honestly aphobia the more I think about it. Aromantic, asexual, and or aroace people are really just getting their shit kicked in the narrative of this comic and it's upsetting.
They made the antagonist/source of conflict in Ethel's Season 1 narrative Jughead, who in Season 1 was very strongly implied to be aroace, but now they're just backtracking on both him being ace and aro.
It's so sad and frustrating to see.
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Look Mr. Lodge isn't generally viewed in positive terms. He's associated with and concerned with money, self-interest, and his businesses, but the fact we're just getting judgement calls without even seeing evidence of Hiram character or what even his goal is with running for city council once again forces the reader to side with Ethel and her friends.
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I love Nancy and her character, and of course when it comes to these situations you want the underdog who works hard and clearly cares about the city to win an election, but I don't think the comic takes into account that to be a contender in a political elections you need experience and resources to win. This panel might portray that it's Nancy's actions or resolve that is what might lead to her potentially losing this election, but honestly I think that it's a lack of experience and resources in which to convince people to vote for her for Mayor.
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Now this? After a whole fucking season of alluding and pretty much confirming in all ways except explicitly through the words that that Jughead is asexual and/or aromantic.
It feels like a retcon or wishy-washy writing in which the author purposefully kept Jughead's sexuality and romantic identity vague (aka did not explicitly state he was asexual and/or aromantic) in order to keep him open to potential future love interests. It feels like an insult because the way Jughead is written in the first season and in particular his explanation to Ethel that he has never wanted sex and never wanted anyone romantically (the only exception to that is Trula):
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(S1, Episode 58)
Yes, sexuality is fluid, but that is not what is going on in this case.
His sexuality in Season 1, which very clearly reads as Ace and/or Aro is just swept aside. The author is back tracking on their own writing and it's so frustrating and insulting to see because the Ace and Aro representation that we got with Jughead in Season 1 wasn't even remotely good or positive because he is put as Ethel's central antagonist in her personal story and narrative because he was an eighteen year old boy who has sex with Ethel in order to fully understand that he did not have any interest in sex or romantically attracted to her.
The whole first season, if you look at Ethel and Jughead's conflict, is simply the vilifying of asexuality and those who are aromantic. That's it. That is the crux of Ethel's entire conflict.
She blames all of her romance-based troubles on this one moment and one person without once looking inward. Jughead should not be held accountable or vilified because he had sex.
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-SIGH- It is just so goddamn upsetting that this is the narrative that was portrayed and one along the way said or thought that anything was wrong.
And you know what? This perspective is even more upsetting and disappointing because the comic appears or tries to be inclusive as we explicitly have gay characters, trans characters, lesbian characters, disabled characters, and more who are open in their identities, but asexuality and aromanticism don't even get an explicit mention. The words "asexuality," "aromantic," or "aroace" are not once mentioned in the comic. Jughead isn't even the only character who qualifies as aromantic. Trula is written in a way that suggests she's aromantic (Season 1, Episode 48; Trula after being described to pick up guys one after the other states that relationships don't interest her), and yet asexuality and aromanticism are utilized as a source of conflict, are treated as erasable, and simply not treated with the same respect or standard as other identities are mentioned in this comic.
As I have stated it's frustrating and infuriating as a reader and especially as a reader who cares about asexuality and aromantic identities and its representation.
There was more I had to say about this episode but honestly Ethel's elitism can take a back seat as I find the topic of how BEE represents, treats, and writes about asexuality and aromanticism insulting.
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fraudulent-cheese · 4 months
heatherra, dashawn, scottney
Ok dang, three interesting ones! Im gonna do these in the ship ask game format because fuck it we ball
Heatherra - don't ship it
Why don’t you ship it? IM SO SORRY I TRIEDDD MAN I TRIED SO HARDD i know about the fuckin "boyfriends come and go but girlfriends are forever" line and the idea of Sierra going from not liking her at all to being Heather's ultimate supporter is a neat idea but it just. Never clicked. That and the content about them doesn't tend to grab me. (doesn't help that i haven't watched WT yet and i don't have the time or motivation to commit to a full watch)
What would have made you like it? Idfk!!! Alot of Heather ships just don't click with me in general (like i either prefer them as friends or just. don't fucking get it), and canon Sierra is. a problem. give her therapy and then i'll consider it
also uhh im attached to the aroace Heather + aro Sierra headcanons too much oops
Despite not shipping it, do you have anything positive to say about it? I actually see where you guys are coming from at least! The fanart's great and they definitly work for me in some cases.
Dashawn - ship it
What made you ship it? I'll be real, @noahtally-famous's fics about these boys did. I love how they write them!!! They both have issues and are pretty opposite and their relationship 100% needs major amounts of compromise to work but damn they'd be cute i think
What are your favorite things about the ship? As i said, the opposites attract aspect here is pretty strong; Shawn is a survivalist who can hop from tree to tree, Dave looks like he spends 2 hours at most in the sun. Shawn could probably dive into a dumpster and be completely fine afterwards, Dave has a panic attack about grease on his hands. They do have some things in common: namely that they're both really weird. Only one is aware of it. Pretty funny to me.
Dave could probably calm Shawn down if he's panicking about zombies and Shawn can wash the dishes for Dave in return :D
Is there an unpopular opinion you have on your ship? There are like 5 shippers i don't even know people's general opinion on this ship??? so instead just have this image because i think it's cute
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Scottney - Don't ship it
Why don’t you ship it? I'll be real, it's just because i only like them as like. Fun stupid drama. That fucking clip of Scott eating dirt and asking if Courtney would cheat on him is peak comedy to me. comic relief straights. (it's a lesbian and a gay man)
What would have made you like it? Uhhhh nothing? lmao i already like them i just don't ship them haha
Despite not shipping it, do you have anything positive to say about it? They're really funny to me. Honestly this template's biggest issue is that it assumes you don't like the ship at all if you don't ship it lmao
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godteri-takk · 8 months
I hate that i cant remember names of other peeps oc SORRY
But u have coral? It think so
To them 2, 6, 9, 18, 37, 43
And to Kation: 12, 15, 18, 24,
Anddd to u
Coral: A, B, J
Kation A, B, J as well
Oh wow this is a LOT! This'll be so fun to answer thank you :D theres art too! Image:desc in ALT
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Coral (she/he)
2: How easy is it for them to laugh?
Laughter doesn't always come easy to him, and for long he was ashamed of her laughter. It's a snorty laugh in short quick puffs, I think it's really cute! She feels comfortable laughing around close friends tho, especially late at night after a long hang-out with candy and music :)
6: Do they consider laws flexible or immovable?
She want to be rebellious but in his heart, he thinks they're immovable.
9: Do they swear? First swear word?
He started swearing only after he'd Fallen, and the first one was shit xD
18: What embarrasses them?
Being wrong, wearing clothes he's not comfortable with, not having control over his body, showing people his vent-art, stuttering, being judged, being messy, a lot of things honestly.
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37: Do they have a system to remember things?
She ties the thing she need to remember to a visual picture. For example, if needing to remember how to spell the word "carpet" she'll imagine a little kitty in a car. Car-pet.
43: how would they explain their sexuality?
Ooooh that could've been a post on its own tbh. No! I'll keep it brief! Coral is objectum. He's aroace when it comes to people. His beloved objects, his partners, are Boy! the bunny plushie, Rey the computer, Sugar the flip-phone and Stellar the chain. They're depicted in both the ref-sheets :) So the main type of objects he's attracted to are plushies, technology, chains and sometimes buildings :) But you know, just as with other sexualities, she's not attracted to EVERY object tn these categories, just as lesbians aren't attracted to ALL girls.
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Kation (hen/she/it)
12: How do they deal with a itch in a spot they can't reach? (Thats so spesific what XD)
Can only imagine that being its back. Use a stick or rub its back against something like a corner, a tree, the couch, anything
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15: How do they speak?
She talks on the spot and use a lot of slang and some swear-words, she's quite outspoken and its emotions affect their tone a lot. Its voice is kinda deep and rough/ragged, with a growl hiding just under the surface of the voice.
18: what embarrasses them?
Failing in things hen thought hen was good at, sharing vulnerable feelings, admitting flaws, being considered weak or mean
24: Are they comfortable talking about sex? With whom?
Kation is very confident in its sexuality and is comfortable with talking about it with anyone who wants to! It's just a casual topic to her.
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To Me!
A: What am I excited about these characters?
About Kation I love its design and powers and personality, I love to draw hen and Imagine hen in all kinds of scenarios, how hen interact with others, anything. Designing outfits for both Kation and Coral is super fun, about Coral i love his emotional life, her facial expressions, that she's objectum, his past, his inner conflicts and problems and worries.
B: what inspired me to create them?
Kation was created because I needed a main character in my comic. Hen is a fat, nonbinary demon cus those are all things i think we should see more in media. Well... mostly the first 2, there's a lot of demons lol. But i think those 3 things is a great combo! Coral, as first depicted here, I just drew him cus I wanted to redraw the album photo for Replicas Redux by Gary Numan (with Are 'Friends' Electric? in mind). But I didn't want to draw the guy himself so i just switched him out w a demon i designed on a whim. I liked her design a lot and decided to add her to the lore of the comic i made, and make him Kations best friend, soon with lore of his own!
Question J was only for fandom OCs it seems so ... yeah :)
Wow this was fun!!! Thank you so much I hope it was interesting, either way i now have a cool post with lots of OC lore n stuff!
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bazzybelle · 11 months
Current Tag Game
Thanks for the tag, @phinofthestorm @windsweptinred and @mentallyinvernation
Current time: 11:17 AM
Current mood: Honestly, emotionally drained. It's been a week.
Current activity: Answering this questionnaire, listening to Speak Now (Taylor's Version), procrastinating cleaning my house.
Currently thinking about: That's a loaded question my friend...Let's see: My rabbit's food intake (he's had a VERY rough week), cleaning the house, my WIPs...
Current Obsession: In general, definitely Sandman. I had wanted to read this comic series for years (since meeting my husband in 2012), but it's a very heavy series. Essentially, I wasn't in the right headspace to dive into Sandman's many existential themes, until 2020. So I listened to the Audiobooks and feel deeply into the lore and the characters and the amazing world building. Then the Netflix show came out last year and Dreamling became a Thing.... Yeah sorry, I'm stuck here.
On a smaller note... I'm way too currently obsessed with how much Hades is eating and pooping. He was in GI Stasis on Tuesday and we almost lost him. It's been... it's been rough over here. He's ok. Death is a mug's game for him apparently. But now husband and I are just obsessively checking his food intake and how much he's pooping while he recovers.
Current favourite song: The same one it's been for like the last decade. Dreams by Fleetwood Mac.
Currently reading: Dreamling fics (specifically You create me against your lips by @delta-pavonis) (GUYS... THIS FIC!) (no but seriously... it's SO GOOD, and the art by @teejaystumbles makes me feral).
I also bought this beautiful Jane Austen anthology, so I'm making my way through it (currently reading the intro/biography).
Currently watching: I got Disney+ recently and it's got BOTH Boy Meets World and Criminal Minds so... randomly watching eps from both shows.
The next shows I'm planning on watching are Silo and I wanna watch Nimona.
Current favorite character: Hob Gadling from Sandman. He's just SUCH a guy. I already liked him a whole lot from the comics, before Ferdinand Kingsley rocked on up all "yes, but what if you loved him MORE?"
Not only do I love Hob's zest for life and hunger for everything, I love what he represents. He's the Human Everyman in a story about eldritch beings and supernatural magical beings. Hob's just there loving life. On the other hand, he is also the representation on what it means to be human. He is NOT a good man, but he keeps trying to be. Like humanity, he keeps trying to be better and to learn. Like humanity, he strives to grow and experience. He serves as a grounding presence for the otherwordly beings we meet in The Sandman series.
I dunno... I just think he's pretty neat.
Current WIPs: Oh God... Ok... so... I've got two in my Carry On list (Youth Without Youth and No One To Save) and three in my Sandman list (Hob Hanahaki, Reincarnation AU, and Grey's Anatomy AU). I also have a Renaissance/Queer coming out novel that I've been plotting out.
Tagging (no pressure): @carryonsimoncarryonbaz, @amywaterwings, @ninemagicks, @namistrella, @aroace-genderfluid-sheep, @wellbelesbian, @yellobb, @tryan-a-bex, @artsyunderstudy, @facewithoutheart, @stardustasincocaine, @blackberrysummerblog, @ivelovedhimthroughworse and @forabeatofadrum
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rainbow-universe · 1 year
This is random but do you have any favorite aro characters in media? Or characters who give you aro vibes?
No pressure!!
Ack! Oooooh good question!
Ok so idk many canon aro characters (which is sad there needs to be more and i am finding more but alas we have not met yet) but i do know some!! as for headcanoning, honestly i need to headcanon more characters as aro lol. disclaimer,, i went around looking at other peoples headcanons and agreed with them and now i share them with you :)) but also like for these characters i just have vibes and no explanation, solely going off what headcanons i saw that made me go “oooh yes” with no solid reasoning
Jughead Jones from the Archie Comics: an iconic aroace
Yelena Belova from the Marvel Comics: is canonically aroace afaik so go her, she’s fantastic
Georgia Warr from Loveless (Alice Oseman): is aroace!! 😭😭 her story devastated me in its relatability but it’s fantastic and i love her
Gwen from An Accident of Stars (Foz Meadows): an alloaro in a polyamorous relationship and has a kid. It’s canonically mentioned offhandedly but it’s NOT Her Entire Personality™️ !! Plus she’s a kickass character (And the whole book is filled with polyamory!!) i love Gwen, she’s a really cool character
Garfield: i saw it. i liked it. fuck yah
Edmund Pevensie from the Chronicles of Narnia: yes. why not. yes. i saw the headcanon and just,, agreed with i.
Saiki K: haven’t watched the anime or read the manga but it’s on my list and therefore so is he. why not
Elatsoe from Elatsoe (Darcie Little Badger): canonically ace, not stated that she’s aro BUT THERE WAS A MOMENT WHEN A FRIEND OF HERS WAS LIKE “you can bring a friend or a zucchini” or something AND I SQUEED BC QPR’S FOR THE WIN !! that little mention made me really happy. anyways yah she could totally be arospec
Bruce Wayne from Batman Comics/DC: i mean,,, the fact that im pretty sure he’d never give up being Batman for anyone, like sure he’ll have relationships and w/e but like,, idk it makes sense to me
Damian Wayne from Batman Comics/DC: yes. aro or arospec Damian just makes sense for some reason. i would also go as far as saying arospec Jason Todd as well ….
Bakugou Katsuki from My Hero Academia: aspec Bakugou just,, i love aspec Bakugou. it just makes sense to me. and i love it.
Todoroki Shouto from My Hero Academia: yes. he just has them aro/arospec vibes tbh
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Natasha Romanoff from the MCU: ive heard this before and i agree w aro or arospec Natasha. just yes.
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Bruce Banner from the MCU: yes. not to mention the Hulk is green 👀 we love aro colours (and his purple shirts?? aroACE vibes !! 👀)
Loki from the MCU: absolutely. have y’all seen the amount of green he wears? and just his vibes. yes.
Tony Stark from the MCU: ya know now that im thinking about it, he’s got aro vibes.
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The Doctor from Doctor Who: yes. never watched Doctor Who but i did read that one tumblr post about aro characters being passionate about their interests and i loved the headcanons from it so The Doctor makes the list
Enjorlas from Les Misérables: from that same post so yes
Newt Geiszler from Pacific Rim: again the same post, and yes i see it (kaiju!!)
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Sherlock Holmes: as much as i love Johlock as a ship, aro or arospec Sherlock just Makes Sense™️ (and can still work with Johnlock heh)
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Elsa from Frozen: aroace or wlw (or both 👀)
Merida from Brave: yes. totally aro. i love her.
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Milo Thatch from Atlantis: The Lost Empire: from that one post lol. (and like,,, yes. yes.)
Maleficent from Sleeping Beauty: aroace icon. (we love villainous aroace’s lol /just as genuine as sarcastic) all that green and purple?? yessssssssss
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Hiro Hamada from Big Hero 6: (i need to rewatch this movie lol) i saw headcanons for it and immediately agreed. i love aroace Hiro. it makes sense to me
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Castiel and Dean Winchester from Supernatural: ya know, arospec Cas and arospec Dean just seem to make sense to me. idk why couldn’t tell ya but it does
Luke Skywalker & Rey from Star Wars: they just have aro vibes. even if Rey’s in a polycule w Finn and Poe, she’s still aro or arospec imo
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That one tumblr post in question:
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javasquats · 10 months
Heartstopper season one came out right as I was having the crisis that would lead to me realizing that I am aromantic. I watched it with a person I was seeing at the time. We had met on a dating app and they’re a lovely person but we were both sorta awkward and still getting to know each other. I was having a difficult time because I didn’t know what was wrong with me that things didn’t feel right and I couldn’t bring myself to do simple romantic gestures because of this feeling of, I don’t know, dissonance. It caused me a lot of anxiety, not because there was anything wrong with person I was seeing, but because I liked them and things still weren’t falling into place.
Anyway, watching heartstopper just sorta added to this internal struggle. I hadn’t read the comics, though I knew of them, and I’ve only seen the show once, so this isn’t intended to be an in depth analysis. I also know that the creator is aroace, and I don’t know how that played into their experience creating heartstopper. But speaking purely from my experience, heartstopper embodied a lot of the hurt that I experienced from amatonormativity.
The whole premise of the show felt centered on the underlying assumption that romance is the magical source of queer happiness and is the purest good, the happiest of endings. I know the story may go in different directions, and I know there is aroace rep along the way, but the Netflix season 1 felt like a culmination of everything society told me I should be feeling and prioritizing and be infatuated with. I subscribed to that idea for years as a lonely, openly trans teen. When the perfect romantic opportunities presented themselves and it still felt wrong, I felt like a bad person and a lost cause.
I still feel a little sick and depressed when I hear my friends talking about how comforting and joyful and pure the show is. I’m not here to convince everyone that the whole show and comic is bad; I have no authority to speak on that. I’m just sharing my own true experience and wondering if anyone relates.
I know there’s aroace rep in the second season but honestly I’m still wondering if it’s worth it to me to watch it, if the overall tone of the show is unchanged. It just makes me uncomfortable.
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thegoldfiles · 1 year
In one of your posts, I did not know mobox was aromantic and asexual?? So aroace??
I'm aroace-spec myself but it's just pretty shocking to me since she (if that's the right pronouns now) is aroace
For anyone who needs more context, we all know asexual means someone who is limited to not having sexual relationships or just don't have any sexual attractions at all (either no sexual attraction or limited to having any!) Aromantic is like that but romantically
From my knowledge, aromantics can still date people, but sometimes it's either platonically or that their limited romantic attraction is possible.
I wouldn't talk about it if mobox is aroace-SPEC,,, but she stated perfectly she's Aromantic || asexual, I wanna know how she met her boyfriend then 🤔
Because mobox is shown to be a pathological liar, idk if I even wanna believe her own identity until when she gets to open up about it. Mobox has answered my ask before on her comic Tumblr account where I was explaining a gender identity (and lesbianism too) to her to help develop the character, Lena's girlfriend, (Logan) and she said to me that she doesn't know much about the LGBTQ, this really confuses me!
I can understand that she doesn't have to state down her identity (only queer identity) since it is private information, but it's like she's different people when it comes to her talking about herself compared to Facebook, Tumblr and etccc 😭😭😭
So like I'm just confused as to who she is. she's even dating a pedophile and a zoophile and is fully aware of it because she had to defend him at some point.
She's been saying she's been Aromantic/Asexual for years actually, like since... 2016? 2016 or 2017 I think? It's kind of funny to me because, like, if you've been saying you've been apart of that community for years, wouldn't you research other parts of the community and know a lot about them?
And yeah, she's defended Nicolai before I believe, and Nicolai's defended her on numerous occasions, meanwhile both of them are proshippers
It's confusing to me too, honestly, all of it's just confusing
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juulz · 11 months
Hi Juulz, welcome back! I'm glad you had a good trip!
It pumps me the fuck up to know you enjoy my analyses and that based on the tags, find them helpful in arranging ideas. That is the highest honor for a little fangirl such as myself. I am a shameless lore whore, so getting to piece things together and unraveling the backstory is so much fun. So is brainstorming additional story details canon leaves out or unclear.
I've heard people say that, "assuming makes an ass out of you and me both," and I think I see why lmfao. Between me being a hopeless romantic, calling on common narratives and assuming there would be an overaching theme of love between the Misfits and AWSB AUs (even if they ultimately played out differently), I read into things a little off. That said, I'm not disappointed in this take and I'm actually curious about how it's going to play out. Be it something as simple as Misfit! Silver being an Aromantic Pansexual, or something as deliciously tragic as him being too emotionally broken down to acknowledge his own feelings, or hell, being capable of geniune love at all. There's plenty of options for you to chose from, and either way, it's content for me to eat.
Leaving the concept of Silver's ex a blank slate is good for me as well, as I can play around with different ideas and scenarios when I'm bored and adapt it to whatever I'm craving.
And yeah, I see your point of Silver caring for his ex and possibly Gold in a non-romantic/non-familial platonic way. Honestly, platonic love is more sacred, Western Culture just hypes romance up too much (and I'm a victim of that brainwashIng). I have to laugh, because the more we chat about the AUs the more I kin your Golds. This particular conversation really makes me feel connected to Gold as I remained infatuated with my first love for years despite him being in and out of my life and usually not a good influence. I've crushed on a guy-friend I went to highschool with who was aroace. I loved one of my childhood friends before I understood I was bi, and watched her love other people and watched get her heart broken repeatedly, but grew to love her only platonically later. I had pretty strong feelings for a girl who cared about me so little she laughed when she heard about my botched suicide attempt. And I had a massive crush on a guy-friend from college who had a limerent crush on someone else and we became even better friends after he rejected me.
That last one is particularly funny for me because my mom, shortly before she passed, had really shipped us and said, "I can tell he loves you, maybe not in a romantic sense, but he loves you regardless. I wish he was in love with though, because he sounds like a young man I'd trust with my daughter". I don't care if anyone else sees this, it's the internet, it's anonymous. Besides, it's my canon event, it happened, I survived and got better.
Oh, and thank you for linking the flashback image. I remember seeing it before, but I think I had paid more attention to Gold's half, while overlooking one of the potential implication's of Silver's. I'm not sure how I missed that. Catholic school boy probably means more than religious trauma. Lastly, would you be interested in hearing some songs that make me think of Silver? I've been wanting to make a playlist. It'll probably be multiversal though so I don't have to make specific playlists for different characterizations.
Thank you, it’s been fantastic! Trying to get back into the grind now.
I enjoy reading all feedback and especially when it’s so thought through and thorough. It can be hard to pack all the details and nuances into a couple of panels, so I’m always down to talk about the AUs to clarify and/or expand upon or just to chat in general. As long as it’s not a spoiler ;)
The overreaching theme of love may yet be possible, but if we’re talking about “Nothing” comics, it’s too early into the story to be anything but one-sided. After realizing his crush (and losing some of his 'clients' and out of fear for his life) Gold starts hanging more around that pub where Silver’s band plays and practices. They do drugs, fuck around after gigs and in between, but in the end Gold’s no more than a groupie competing with the other groupies for some dick to suck.
I recall mentioning it somewhere, possibly twtr, Silver’s response comes off as harsh, but this has not been the first time Gold’s confessed. Not even the second. An obsessed fan threatening to off themselves unless they get a return confession. He’d seen this before, he detests blackmail, and still Silver breaks that door down and drags Gold’s pissy ass to the A&E for he wants no one else OD’ing on him, willfully or otherwise.
If I ever write a fic this would be covered, but as things are I don’t mind leaving it vague even if it paints Silver more of an asshole than he really is. It also makes Gold lessmore pathetic.
Thank you for sharing this with me. I’m sorry you had to go through this, but I’m really glad you’re doing better now.
I tend to see bits of myself in both of the characters, as most creatives do. Losing a friend to an intentional overdose, trashy underground parties and gigs and overall nonconformity being my canon events. Not autobiographical of course, I wouldn't (probably even be able to) let my life get as fucked up as theirs, but that’s the fun of cooking up these AUs, exploring the extremes and subjecting my faves to the what-ifs.
Catholic school boy probably means more than religious trauma
You may assume the worst here.
Oh, please do! I’d be stoked to hear which songs you associate with the lads. I myself don’t have a playlist assembled for Misfits AU, but there was one for AWSB.
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sage-nebula · 1 year
ask ship game: sonaze and sonknux :))
Why don’t you ship it?
I'm an aroace Sonic truther, so . . . ships that involve Sonic himself tend to be off the table for me, lol. That said, I don't have anything against seeing Sonic/Blaze fanworks, or anything like that. I don't know too much about Blaze (I haven't played her games, so all I know of her is from the IDW comics), but I like her a lot and she and Sonic seem to have some nice chemistry! So I definitely like their friendship and think that some fanworks are pretty, even if I don't ship it myself.
What would have made you like it?
I mean, I don't dislike it, lol. But if I didn't see Sonic as aroace / that wasn't so important to me, I'd probably ship it more. (Also, I do feel this would be a LDR in the most drastic sense of the word, but that's not necessarily a deal breaker for me. I've had OTPs that ended up separated in different dimensions before.)
Despite not shipping it, do you have anything positive to say about it?
Like I said, they have nice chemistry! Blaze is meant to be a partial foil to Sonic, and foil ships are always fun. I don't blame people for shipping them at all, I can see the appeal!
Why don’t you ship it?
So this is a weird one because I'm still an aroace Sonic truther, so I don't romantically ship him with anyone. But I also see Knuckles as aroace, so I think that these two could work in the sense of a queerplatonic partnership, albeit one that does not involve actually living together or anything like that. Like their bond is one that's like "less than family, more than friends." It's difficult to describe. But while I wouldn't say I ship it because that would lend people to think more of the typical romantic ship, I do qpp it, I think. So I'll answer questions for both.
What made you ship it?
Honestly, Frontiers really put it on my radar, lol. A lot of their interactions in that game came across as flirty. Again, being the aroace truther I am, it still didn't make me ship it . . . but the chemistry was undeniable. Plus, Sonic was one of Knuckles' very first friends (along with Tails), and Knuckles was likewise one of Sonic's (along with Tails and Amy). So they have a long history, and a bonus in that neither of them would really want to be in a committed, domestic relationship. Even outside of how I see them as aroace, Sonic likes to be on the run and Knuckles is supremely introverted, so just seeing each other every now and again suits them just fine.
Also, I believe with my whole heart that Knuckles is the one Sonic would choose to look after Tails if anything ever happened to him. So there's that appeal, too.
What are your favorite things about the ship?
I just think they have good chemistry, like I already mentioned above, lol. Plus there's a strong foundation of trust there given everything they've been through together. Neither would readily admit that they trust each other more than almost anyone else, but they still do. It's really nice.
What would have made you like it?
I would probably like it in the traditional sense if I wasn't an aroace truther for both characters, LOL.
Is there an unpopular opinion you have on your ship?
I'm an aroace truther . . . not only for them, but for Tails, too. And we all know that seeing even one character as aroace in a fandom is usually seen as gasp-worthy, so to headcanon all three members of Team Sonic as such? Truly I'm all alone here on my little island, lol.
Despite not shipping it, do you have anything positive to say about it?
I've said lots of positive things already! As a queerplatonic partnership, they're immaculate. But only as that. Less than family, more than friends. That's them, and I mean it in THE most positive way.
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kara-zor-els · 13 days
I am late but for the character meme, Batman (Bruce Wayne)? Because you don't like WonderBat and Superbat so I wanted your opinion
1: sexuality headcanon
Honestly idk. I know most people headcanon him as bi but I never saw it the same way I see it for other characters? In my ideal world he's aroace but I guess I'd have to go with demi. In general I don't think he should be that interested in romance and probably gravitates towards unavailable people as a result of his own fear of actually opening up (rip to any leage ship for him basically).
2: otp
I do have a soft spot for batcat but primarily for adaptations outside the comics (I loved them in both Gotham and The Batman). Same thing goes for bruharvey. In general I think that Bruce should be with a fellow gothamite. Although I also find ghostbat interesting, mainly as exes.
3: brotp
Him with his robins (especially Dick), Alfred, Jim Gordon and Harvey.
4: notp
Superbat and wonderbat lol. I'm also kinda indifferent towards brutalia but I don't dislike it the same way as the other two.
5: first headcanon that pops into my head
He only let's himself and Alfred cut his hair. As a kid we went through a phase where he grew it long over the summer until Alfred convinced him of the dangers of lice before the school year began.
6: favorite line from this character
I don't really gravitate towards batman comics enough to have one.
7: one way in which I relate to this character
We both had emo phases and have a hard time managing our emotions at times.
8: thing that gives me second hand embarrassment about this character
His "I know everything better than everyone else" attitude, especially towards his teammates.
9: cinnamon roll or problematic fave?
Neither tbh
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pyrrhicraven · 2 months
You’re so creative!! I love your fics so so much and they’re so good! Can we have some headcanons for a few of them please? I love seeing what you do with the characters you write with!
I'm at a loss for words! Thank you!
I've recently been playing with ideas for some stuff but here are a few headcanons I'm playing with. I do love that everyone's interested in my headcanons but it's also kind of funny because most never actually make it to a story-like a hint of them show up but rarely outright lol
Super Mario: Lu can drink Mario under the table. I might have mentioned that one before but I think it would be really funny, and once both are drunk af their personalities kind of swap? Maybe not swap-Mario gets all shy and Luigi confident. The morning after a drinking binge Lu is super embarrassed of course because he would be but I think it would throw people off. Mario clinging to a suave Luigi who depending on who you are, is a little flirtatious.
Danny Phantom: Vlad collects lesser-known paintings like he's rooting for the underdog because he knows how rough it can be because sometimes beauty is in the eye of the beholder and sometimes he likes things that might seem a little... garish to others.
Star Wars: Anakin learned how to swim from other young padawans. Obi-Wan bless him completely didn't even think about it given all the crazy shit they had to go through early on and how the council basically pestered Obi forever about his choice.
Ahsoka learned from Plo naturally. Obi-Wan was a natural, took to water like a fish. No one could figure out how Obi-Wan did it other than he had to have something other than human in his veins.
Invader Zim: The moment he could Dib got a tattoo. And it isn't a weird (what the heck is that) kind of tattoo, instead, he got his mother's name (I headcanon that he's not a clone even though he looks pretty spot on for a clone lol) Gaz went the what the heck is that (The map of one of her favorite levels in her favorite game)
Batman: Not so much headcanon but an explanation of sorts for how I write everyone- it's a combination of all their interactions/variants. For instance, Joker. I give him Hamil's voice, Ledger's looks, and several versions of his personality (BTAS, Arkham games, and a bit from a couple different comics)
I do that for anything I write that is multiple forms of media as it makes it easier for me to pick and choose canon stuff for characters to either warp or play with. But Batman is the most obvious place I do this.
Hazbin Hotel: As much as I enjoy writing RadioApple. I still like Aroace Alastor. Even if he possibly got changed to just Ace. He was alive in a time when he really wouldn't have been able to explore what that might mean for him- in death, there's a lot more information it seems. So I like to canon him researching it and then hitting everyone with Aroace puns. I can not write puns to save my life so that's why they haven't appeared in any of my Hazbin stuff 😂
Miraculous Ladybug: All of Marinette's friends think she's a little weird for liking Felix because he looks just like Adrien so they obviously make assumptions. Felix won't show it but he hates that, hates that anyone would say that even though he starts to wonder if maybe they are right he won't say anything. Marinette basically calls him out of it because he keeps pranking her friends 😂
Yu Yu Hakusho: Hiei is a stray cat no matter what way you look at it honestly. Kuwabara has been dealing with stray cats all his life and eventually, the thought comes to Kuwabara and they start to be a little more friendly.
Gravity Falls: Dipper randomly finds the statue and after that visits it on the anniversary. He won't admit even to himself why he visits.
Death Note: Light would have been a serial killer even if he hadn't picked up the Death Note and would have still met L at some point.
Valdemar Series: The companions are Angels or at least Valdemar's version of them
TMNT: It's easy to see them all become a bit Jaded and angry, especially someone easygoing like Mikey. I've always thought he'd go dark out of all of them with just the right motivation. Last Ronin was far more than I expected for that route and I adored it.
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