#we love our 100 word sentences here
bmpmp3 · 8 months
speaking of my best friends :, -, and ,, im an art history/visual culture major and i write these really fucked up 50-100 word sentences in a lot of my assignments and i joke about that often to classmates but earlier today i was reading an article about impressionism for class and i was looking at some of these quarter-page long sentences like damn. maybe im in the right field
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cillianmesoftlyyy · 8 months
As You Wish | Neil Lewis x fem!reader
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Summary| You've had your eye on Neil for a while now and Neil's friends can tell but Neil isn't so sure until you come into Gumshoe Video with a boy on your arm with horrible taste in date-night cinema. When the date goes awry, Neil jumps to action.
Warning| Age gap, reader (19) and Neil (27), rudeness, flirting, touching, Neil being a little creepy, Neil's dubious consent, talk of virginity and inexperience, kissing, blowjob.
Mastermind- Taylor Swift (yeah, I said it) 🎵
Colorblind- Counting Crows 🎶
word count: 4933k
*sentences in italics are quotes from The Princess Bride (1987)
Please read warnings before continuing- thanks!
“That kid keeps coming around. If you’re not careful she’s gonna fall in love and you’ll be in deep shit,” Lucien fixed the thick frame of his glasses on his angular nose and returned the fake pipe to his mouth. 
“Why don’t you shut up, Lucien. It’s not like that. Just keep your weird thoughts to yourself in my store.” Neil called over his shoulder as he stocked the shelves with returned VHS tape sleeves. He ran his elbow over his forehead, wiping away the thin layer of perspiration. 
“Everyone’s thinking it…” Lucien raised his hands in defense and Neil rolled his eyes. Jonathan came in from Neil’s office holding a milkcrate full of new movies, still wrapped in plastic. Neil whistled at him. 
“Jonathan, do you think that girl likes me?” Neil shot Lucien a look as Jonathan answered. 
“Oh yeah, 100% dude.” 
“What, no! Jonathan, you were supposed to say no.” Neil spoke with his hands, slapping his hand against his face. Lucien chuckled and Jonathan looked between them, confused.
“What? Neil, did you want me to lie or something?” Jonathan put down the milkcrate and leaned against the checkout counter. 
“He’s blissfully unaware of how much that girl likes him.” Lucien sucked on the empty pipe and coughed, swallowing his spit the wrong way. 
“How? Neil, she comes by like twice a week to talk to you and shows up at all of our softball games.” 
“She’s only nineteen! For all I know, she just wants a job here one day.” Neil shrugged and went back to stocking the shelves, a blush creeping into his high cheekbones. 
“Sure she wants a job here if it means that she gets to fucking talk to you everyday, all day about classic films and shit!” Jonathan laughed. 
“She’s nice!” Neil exclaimed defeatedly and massaged his eye sockets. 
“Yeah, so’s my aunt but she doesn’t come around here every week to tell me about the latest movie she’s watched.” Lucien mumbled. 
“That wasn’t as effective as you think it was,” Jonathan sighed, then just to Lucien, “don’t use a family member next time, ok?” 
“Ok, OK!” Neil interrupted them, shaking his hands. “It’s not like that and she doesn’t like me like that. I’m like eight years older than her…” 
“That’s never stopped people before,” Lucien reminded Neil and he withheld a few choice expletives as the shop door opened and a customer came in. The bell twinkled and Neil called out the familiar greeting. 
“Welcome to Gumshoe Video!” 
“Hi, Neil.” Y/N smiled shyly. Lucien and Jonathan’s quiet snickers stopped as a second customer entered after the girl. “This is Woody. Woody, this is Neil.” 
“Hey, how’s it going?” Woody waved to Neil and his friends on the back couch. They waved back in shocked silence. 
“What happened to you?” She asked, recoiling away from the employees who stared at her as if they’d seen a ghost. Neil blushed, still embarrassed. 
“I was just not looking forward to telling you that we lost the copy of um, The Virgin Suicides that you wanted. It’ll take another few weeks and I assume that’s why you stopped by.” Neil scrambled for a reliable answer, and one that was partly true. She blushed slightly when she heard Neil use the word ‘virgin’ and laughed it off. 
“It’s ok, I just wanted to show Woody my favorite place.” 
“We’re going to get a movie,” Woody smiled and began to scan the shelves. 
“Sooo what do you like? Classic horror, westerns, Spike Lee, Hitchcock, Coppola?” Neil listed off categories of films he viewed to be superior and Woody shook his head, oblivious to Neil’s edged tone. 
“I like action movies mainly. I haven’t seen much else.” 
Neil smiled at the girl’s embarrassed reaction. He knew well that she didn’t like action movies and refused to watch them even if Neil recommended one. 
“So like war movies?”
“Sports movies.” Woody corrected and pretended to shoot a basketball. “Anything about football or basketball.” 
Neil felt a sharp pain in his chest at the boy’s words. He was a walking abomination to the film community. Lucien made a sound similar to a whimper and Neil cleared his throat to mask it. 
“Well uh i’m sure that we can find something for you though we don’t tend to carry sports movies because we have so little demand for it,” Neil explained blandly. “Have you ever seen anything by Tarentino? His movies tend to be more action-oriented. That and the old Bond movies.” Neil started to list movies he was almost completely sure Woody had not seen. Every shake of Woody’s head scratched a strange itch inside his head. What was this girl doing with someone like Woody? 
“Ah maybe,” Woody shrugged. “Do you have Rudy, Bull Durham, Remember the Titans?” 
“No, we don’t.” Neil pinched the bridge of his nose and exhaled stiffly. “We do have the Air Bud movies,” Neil mumbled as a joke but Woody looked interested. 
“Where’s that?” He asked, looking around the store. 
“The kid’s section. It’s about a dog that plays sports,” Neil deadpanned and Jonathan and Lucien stifled their giggles. 
Woody was completely oblivious to Neil’s pointed comment and shrugged. 
“Sounds good to me,” he looked at the girl with a smile. Her lips were parted in a look of displeasure and shock. 
“You want to watch Air Bud?” She stressed the name of the movie like a bad word. Woody smiled, still not catching the tone of dislike in her speech. 
“Um…” She started and trailed off, totally caught off guard. Neil smiled, almost enjoying the direction that this interaction had gone. 
“I’ll get it for you,” Neil used his best customer service voice and turned around. He widened his eyes at Jonathan and Lucien, I told you so. Lucien narrowed his eyes behind his glasses, not wanting to admit defeat just yet. 
“Sooo are you two dating,” Lucien tried to sound casual but his tone was suggestive and Y/N blushed deeply from embarrassment. 
“No, we’re just friends,” she answered too quickly and Neil glowered at Lucien. Jonathan looked down at his hands, wanting to stay out of the conversation. Woody looked at her and frowned. 
“Well on that note, I think I’ll just get going. Forget about the movie, dude. Thanks anyway,” Woody snipped and left the store abruptly. The bell beside the door clanged loudly as he walked down the sidewalk, fumming. 
“Lucien!” Neil exclaimed and Jonathan swatted Lucien’s arm. 
“Sorry…geez!” Lucien deflected Jonathan’s hands and scooted away. Neil, holding a copy of Air Bud on VHS, lowered it and slid it onto the checkout counter. 
“Sooo no more Air Bud?” Neil tried to break the awkward silence. She gave him a look that quieted him immediately and left the store, going the opposite way that Woody had turned. She went around the side of the building where she knew there was a shabby basketball goal and a place to sit. She wanted to wait it out, to make sure that she wouldn’t run into Woody again that afternoon. It was safer to hide here than walk home. 
“Nice going, Lucien.” Neil sighed and returned the tape to the shelf. 
“You just fucking ruined young love,” Jonathan quipped and Lucien gasped defensively. Neil joined them on the long section couch and they sat in silence for a while. A loud bang made them all jump. 
“What the hell was that?” Jonathan turned to look where the sound had come from. The three of them stood to investigate. The second time they heard it, the shelf of tapes on the wall was josuled. They each jumped again and Neil drew his face up into a tight line. 
“Is someone throwing something against the wall?” Lucien surmised and spoke with his pipe in his palm. 
“I’ll check it out,” Neil looked at the shelf warily and backed away. He left the store and went around the side of the building. Seeing Y/N made him jump again and he clutched his chest briefly. She had a basketball and was chucking it at the hoop without much care for whether or not it went in. The ball hit the wall again. Jonathan and Lucien collected the tapes that had fallen off of the shelf only to have more tapes fall on their heads. 
“Maybe you should watch more sports movies, it might help you with your technique.” Neil crossed his arms casually across his chest and smiled. She dribbled the basketball slowly and caught it in her arms. 
“It was more of an exercise of rage,” she spoke between heavy breaths. 
“Sorry about Lucien,” Neil gestured to the store. “He’s not great with people.” 
“I could tell… but I’m not really upset about it-”
“You fooled me,” Neil interjected with a laugh. She rolled her eyes with a small smile. 
“He gave me an out but it wasn’t the right time. I shouldn’t have said it like that to Woody.” She dribbled the basketball again. 
“So were you dating?” Neil opened his hands, signaling her to throw him the ball. 
“Kind of,” she tossed him the ball and shrugged, “we’d gone out once or twice. We met at a party. Nothing was official yet.” Neil aimed and threw the ball, it fell through the hoop with a quiet whoosh before bouncing on the pavement below. She retrieved the ball and with one hand, she fixed the legs of her shorts, pulling them down over her thighs. He looked away quickly. 
“Did you know his taste in movies before you started going out?” Neil asked and watched as she aligned herself to toss the ball. It bounced off of the backboard and spun into the hoop. Neil applauded and she smiled. 
“He said he liked action movies but I didn’t know that he meant… sports movies. He’s a business major and I doubt he’s ever taken a film class or seen anything that wasn’t about sports in some way.” She nearly shivered. “And you had to suggest Air Bud?” She asked him pointedly and he pursed his lips defensively. 
“That was not an actual suggestion. I can’t believe he fell for it,” Neil dribbled the ball around his legs lazily and circled her before shooting. He missed and she giggled. “I think you dodged a bullet,” he told her honestly and when they held eye-contact, he felt his navel twitch. 
“Could you imagine if I had to watch Air Bud on a date?” She looked down at the ball and missed the hoop by a few feet. She sighed and fanned herself. This is exactly what she had been hoping would happen. She wouldn’t go as far as to say that she was a mastermind but she’d been trying to get closer to Neil for weeks. She’d liked Woody enough but taking him to Gumshoe Video was more strategic than cute. She hoped to make Neil a little jealous, and show him that she could get other guys. Nothing had actually happened between her and Neil besides long chats and lots of laughter. Maybe she could change that. 
Neil picked up the ball and bounded over to the hoop, jumping and shooting the ball. His fingers pushed the ball into the net as he landed back down on the ground. When he turned his eyes widened slightly. 
“It’s really fucking hot today,” she mumbled as she pulled off her t-shirt, having just a camisole underneath. Her cutoff denim shorts and black camisole left little to the imagination but Neil still tried. She tossed the shirt to the side and dribbled the ball, her eyes focused on the goal. Neil looked down her camisole, staring at her chest as her breasts shifted beneath the fabric in her bra. Her pink bra straps slipped on her shoulders and after shooting the ball, she had to snap them back into place. He blushed more and looked away. She crossed the small makeshift court and sat on the shallow ledge beside the store, swinging her legs up and underneath her. Neil held the ball awkwardly in his hands and approached her slowly. 
“What movie would you watch on a first date?” She asked him.
 “Uh,” his mind blanked, “definitely Air Bud,” he nodded and she laughed. He sat beside her and shoved his hands into his pockets. 
        “Neil! I’m being serious!” She pressed the toe of her foot against her chest.
“Ok, ok ummm,” he wrapped his fingers around her bare ankle with a smile and moved it back to the ledge in between them. She shifted her body so that she was facing him, both feet planted on the ledge in front of him. “Maybe The Wizard of Oz.” 
 “Why?” She asked with a soft smile. He rocked back and forth, using his hands to support himself. His large hands sat on either side of her feet, his chest directly over her knees. 
“Well it was one of the first movies to use color,” he said first, “and it would give me a chance to brag about how much I know about film.” He pursed his lips and raised his eyebrows. She laughed and shook her head. 
“I thought you hated musicals!” She protested and he looked away sheepishly. 
“I do but I can’t pass up an opportunity to impress someone, especially a girl.” He looked at her and then blushed, looking away again. “I mean,” he started and she nodded.
“No, I get it. Do you like romance movies?” She fluttered her lashes discreetly, making Neil second guess whether she had done it intentionally or not. “You don’t seem like one but we all have our secrets,” she dragged her hand up her leg, drawing his attention to the contours of muscle beneath her shin bone. 
“You could argue that every movie is a romance,” Neil sputtered slightly, collecting himself. 
“Even Air Bud?” She asked with a raised eyebrow and he scoffed, looking away. 
“I don’t know about that.”
“What’s your favorite romance movie?” She rested her forearms on her knees and leaned forward. He looked at her briefly, his eyes dipping to her cleavage before meeting her eyes again. 
“Uh w-what?” He asked and she giggled.
“What’s your favorite romance movie?” She asked again and he thought quickly. 
“The Princess Bride,” his eyes flicked to her’s for approval and that surprised him. 
“I love that movie,” her eyes widened as she recalled the plot. 
“What about you?” 
“Well The Princess Bride is the best answer but I like The Great Gatsby too,” she smiled shyly. 
“The Great Gatsby is a tragedy at heart,” Neil argued and she shrugged.
“As you wish,” she quoted from The Princess Bride and his eyes flicked open wider for one second before he cleared his throat. The sun was starting to set and the sky bled with a sated orange color. She looked up at the sky, showing the vulnerable underside of her chin and swallowed. Neil watched, letting his eyes wander over the soft expanse of flesh. 
“We should probably go inside,” Neil broke the silence, “or I-I should go back.” He jerked his thumb back to the store and she lowered her head again and let her head fall to one side. 
“As you wish,” she said again and laughed. He watched her silently and licked his lips. He felt like he was going to say something but no words came to his mind as he sat there. 
“Or do you want to come inside? Sorry, I’m not trying to get rid of you…” 
“Ok, sure.” She nodded and followed him around the store, pulling on her big shirt again. Jonathan and Lucien were arguing inside but stopped when they walked inside. 
“Basketball game?” Lucien asked over his pipe and Y/N nodded with a sigh. 
“Sorta, I had to blow off some steam.” 
“He’s sorry by the way,” Jonathan added and Lucien started to argue but she cut them off. 
“It’s ok. You saved me a night watching Air Bud.” She winked and started to browse the aisles again. Jonathan shoved Lucien. 
“What? What’s your problem?” Lucien protested and Jonathan gestured to the door, hinting that they should leave. “You have to be joking,” he muttered under his breath, irritated. 
“Hey uh, Neil?” Jonathan cleared his throat. Neil broke his obvious concentration on the girl and looked at his friends on the couch. 
“We’re gonna head out. Lucien owes me a beer and I want to beat the bar rush,” Jonathan grabbed Lucien by the shoulders and shuffled out the front door. 
“It’s not even seven yet-” Neil started but they were gone before he could finish. His heart started beating quickly and he glanced anxiously at the disappearing silhouettes of his friends. The girl walked through the aisles, biting her bottom lip slightly as she looked. He didn’t want to be alone like this with her, it felt weird. She was young enough to be his younger sister and it irked him… and yet, she looked so pretty beneath the yellowish fluorescent bulbs inside the store and her hair was sticky from the humidity. 
“We should watch something,” she said quietly behind a rack of VHS and Neil cleared his throat. 
“No, in separate rooms… yeah of course together.” She laughed lightly and showed him the movie she had found. He chuckled and shrugged. 
“The Princess Bride? Ok, sure.” He approached the small box tv in front of the sectional couch and inserted the tape. Y/N slipped discreetly to the front doors and turned over the ‘open’ sign to ‘closed’ and locked the door. Neil stood behind the couch and set up the box player, struggling with the buttons on the remote. She collapsed on the couch and rested her legs on the wide ottoman. Her hair spread over the back of the couch and covered Neil’s hand. He looked down at it and struggled to exhale normally. The movie started and she wiggled in excitement. Neil sat on a stool behind the couch, worried about sitting beside her. After the first ten minutes of them each reciting the lines back to the tv, she looked over her shoulder, flashing a toothy grin. 
“Neil, come on, sit with me. It’s weird to have you looking over my shoulder like that.”
“Um I- uh yeah ok,” Neil stammered and joined her hesitantly on the couch, his hands between his knees. His longer hair brushed the tops of his shoulders and she resisted the urge to sweep a strand into her hand. Slowly he relaxed and they acted to each other as well as to the tv, adapting the characters they liked best. As the movie went on, she braved looking over at him more and holding his startling eye contact. They laughed hard at one scene and bent over with laughter, shifting their bodies closer in the process. Eventually they were nearly arm-to-arm on the worn brown sectional. Neil’s breath escaped in pained bursts as he looked at her thigh, relaxed on the couch beside his leg. Her shorts had creeped up to her crotch as they sat and she’d made no move to pull them back down. He caught himself staring at the crease at her crotch and wondering if the tightness was uncomfortable for her, how warm the material would be against her like that… he shook his head to clear his thoughts and clenched his jaw when he felt his cock twitch. 
“Neil?” She turned slightly to him and his breath hitched as he turned his attention to her. She bit her lip lightly and slowly pressed herself up onto her knee. He watched her, his eyes flicking between the tv and her face, inches from his face. 
Hear this now: I will always come for you. 
She exhaled softly and her breath rippled across his face. Her hands inched closer to his stomach clothed beneath his light blue shirt. Her bright eyes intoxicated him as she brought her lips to his, offering herself. When she kissed him, her eyes squeezed closed and she sucked briefly on his bottom lip, lacking technique from her barely nonexistent experience. When she pulled away slowly Neil’s brow creased as his brows flew up. 
“Y/N… we uh we shouldn’t.”  
But how can you be sure? 
Her eyes crinkled in embarrassment and her small cheeks flushed. “Oh, I’m sorry,” she whispered and sat back against the couch, pressing her sweaty palms against her thighs. Neil looked over at her and licked his lips, fighting an internal argument against himself. 
This is true love- you think this happens everyday?
She flexed her thighs anxiously on the couch and the movement sent a shock up Neil’s body, making his crotch throb slightly, weary from the close proximity to her warm skin. 
You mock my pain.
Neil brushed a shaky finger down the side of her thigh and felt her inhale quickly. She looked at him slowly, her lips parted. His hand slid up her body to her head and cupped her cheek. He leaned over and kissed her, not harshly but not subtle either. Their lips popped wetly when he pulled away. He looked down at her, she was panting slightly, her heart fluttering in her chest. 
“I shouldn’t have done that,” Neil whispered and fell back into the couch beside her, clenching his fists. They sat in silence, their breath mingling in the space between them like a mixture of heat waves. Neil smelled faintly of mint mouthwash and musk, the sweat worked up during their “game” clung to his body. 
Life is pain, princess. Anyone who says differently is selling something. 
And quick as a flash of lightning, their bodies flew together, their mouths finding each other like opposite ends of a magnet or a cap over a pen. She climbed onto his lap, straddling his hips and held his head in her small hands. He wrapped his arms around her waist, bunching the fabric in his hands. Her tongue slipped into his mouth and he greeted it with enthusiasm, his hands tightening around her waist. She licked his lips as she closed down around them, sucking everything out of him. He moaned softly against her kiss and his arms flexed, his cock hardening. She gasped when she felt him get hard against her crotch. He broke their kiss abruptly. 
“Fuck, sorry.” He loosened his grip on her waist and went to shift out from under her. “I didn’t mean to get…” he trailed off and moved her off his lap easily. She watched him, her mind already caught in a lapse. 
“This was a mistake. You’re in college. I shouldn’t have encouraged this,” he dragged his hands through his dark hair and pulled at the roots, mumbling incoherently as she looked up at him, her eyes wide like a doe. The front of his pants tented out and he started to walk to his office. She jumped and grabbed his hand, catching him before he disappeared into the backroom. 
“Please, stay.” She whispered and bit her lip, dispelling some of her pent up energy into the action. 
“You’re too young.”
“I’m nineteen.” 
“I’m too old for you.”
“You’re 27.”
“You’re a virgin.” 
She flushed redder and looked away, embarrassed. “Not really.” She looked back at him and shrugged. “We all have our secrets, right?” She cocked her head and tried to smile, her heart beating so fast that she felt dizzy. 
“I don’t know…” Neil added half-heartedly, having run out of reasons. “The customers!” Neil remembered and glanced, panicked, at the front doors. 
“You closed early.” She smiled embarrassedly and rubbed his wrist with her thumb. “Please,” she tried again and he looked down at her. His cock throbbed uncomfortably in his pants. He allowed her to lead him back to the couch and watched as she lowered herself onto her knees. Her hands rested on his thighs as she opened his legs wide enough to sit between them. He watched dumbly as she unbuckled his belt and slowly unzipped his fly. She tugged down the crotch of his jeans, exposing the waistband of his checkered boxers. 
“Wait,” Neil blurted and she looked up at him, “come here.” He asked softly and waited as she rose to her feet, her hands moving to his chest as she leaned closer. He pulled her back onto his lap, straddling her over his lap and kissed her, lapping at her mouth with his tongue. His small biceps flexed around her, his hands finding her hair and wrapping his fingers in it hungrily. She sat up on her knees and pressed her crotch against his chest, making him sit up taller to reach her mouth. She whimpered softly as he kissed her as if he was eating her, slowly getting deeper. His kisses felt so good on their own that she almost moaned into him, licking the tip of his nose. She licked the edge of his jaw and he let her, savoring the immature way she approached tasting him. His hands supported her back as she panted, bucking her hips against his chest as she kissed him feverishly. Racks of tapes shielded them from view but Neil hoped passerbys couldn’t hear them through the storefront’s display glass.
Slowly she slid down his chest and returned to her spot between his legs. She licked the warm mound at his crotch, leaving a wide wet spot. Neil sighed as he watched her, his cock twitched again. Her hands squeezed into his thighs and she licked his erection again through his boxers. 
“Oh god,” Neil gasped and looked up at the ceiling. She hooked her hands around his waistband and pulled it down slowly, finally releasing his cock which glistened with precum. She stared at it for a moment before kissing the head. Neil’s mouth fell open in pleasure and shock. “Look at you, god… fuck.” She smiled, self-conscious and wrapped her hand around the base of his cock, squeezing him slightly. He groaned and bucked his hips. She rubbed the head against her wet lips and slowly slipped him inside her mouth. Her mouth was already watering and he whined loudly as she took him in, hallowing her cheeks on accident but soon realizing that it made Neil feel good. She went as deep as she could and pulled away, allowing a thick line of spit to connect her lips with his cock. Neil’s eyes widened and his head dropped back against the couch. His hands flew up to his face and massaged his cheeks, unsure how to handle the things he was feeling and not wanting to force her head down on top of him. 
She took him back into her mouth and swirled her tongue around him, bobbing her head up and down. She rocked her head slightly and tried to create a rhythm that elicited the most pitiful sounds from Neil. His cock shook inside her mouth and she sucked hard against it like a lollipop. Neil’s hands tightened around his face and he moaned loudly, exhaling sharply. 
“Oh god, honey. What the actual fuck.” He whined between even breaths. He looked down at her pretty little mouth sucking him off and he nearly finished then when she pulled off of him and started to jack him off, her tongue pressed flat against his head. Her fist clenched around his length and he sputtered, unable to form words. After a dozen hard and fast jerks, she took him in her mouth again and bobbed up and down quickly, drooling heavily around him as she tasted his salty precum. 
“Oh fuck- fuck- fuck! Shit, I’m gonna cum.” He panted and moaned loudly, his hands finally finding her hair, the pleasure becoming so overwhelming that it was almost painful. The friction and sensation heightened and his knuckles turned white around her long hair. He thrusted his hips gently into her mouth, not wanting to gag her. She welcomed it, opening her throat and humming to let him deeper. She breathed deeply through her nose and her exhales feathered across his crotch, adding even more to the sensations he was already feeling. With a yell Neil spilled into her mouth, bucking his hips and falling back on the couch. She proudly continued to suck him off, pulling everything out of him. He watched her, breathing heavily. She swallowed his warm cum with a smile. 
I told you I would come for you…
Neil glanced up at the movie screen and chuckled. She licked him from the base up and plopped back onto the couch, breathing heavily too. Neil tucked himself back into his pants, leaving his belt unbuckled. She arranged herself proudly beside him on the couch, wiping her mouth with the back of her hand.
“That was fucking incredible,” Neil slapped his forehead and laughed breathlessly. “So so good…” he shook his head and looked at her, smiling lopsidedly. She snaked a hand onto his crotch again and rubbed him before wrapping her arm around his sweaty neck. He wrapped his arms around her and supported her body weight as she laid against him, their stomach crushed against each other. She shivered as she heard his heavy breath against her ear. “Good girl,” he whispered and sighed. He rubbed her back and kissed her shoulder through her shirt. She turned over, sitting nearly on his lap. His hands clasped around her stomach and held her tightly. Her soft belly shivered beneath her slowing breaths. They both relaxed again into the movie.     
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madebyrolo · 6 months
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Holding me and holding back
Pt.1 Rafe Cameron x pouge reader
Read pt.2 here!
Summary: summer fling with Rafe. Your typical kook vs pouge war but what if instead of gold it was love?
Obx masterlist
─── ʚɞ ⋅ ᯓᡣ𐭩 ⋅ ୨୧ ───
Walking through town with jj and Kiara. She's shopping while you and jj tag along, she has midsummer coming up, and even though she thinks it's just fascist bullshit she can't help but love dress shopping, she's just a girl.
You guys are in the 3rd store this afternoon, dress after dress Kiara still can't find the perfect one.
“How about this one?” jj said picking out a random dress from the rack.
“Jj you and I both know that's ugly.” Kiara said with a disappointed look.
“Ugh! I can't seem to find one decent enough dress. I'm gonna lose it.” Kiara said as she swiped through hanger after hanger.
“Why do you need a new dress you have plenty,” you asked walking around looking for a dress
“Because my mom said so, I can't keep wearing the same ones over and over ‘it looks wrong’ and I quote.” Kiara answers.
“And by that she means it looks poor.” you finish for her grabbing a dress from the rack and inspecting it before adding it to your pile.
“I don't blame you but we've been through so many stores and you still can't seem to find one dress.” you throw your head back still looking for a dress.
“Kie why do you even care about this dress, you'll wear it for like not even a few hours anyways.” jj said giving up and sitting on the couch taking his cap off.
“If I have to wear it, it's gonna be perfect.” Kiara said smacking her lips.
“Prech it girl.” you said from across the room.
Finally after 11 racks and 2 stacks of dresses, kie is finally in the dressing room.
“Heres this one, it's only better than the rest.” she said coming out from the curtains with a blue sequin dress.
“I mean it's cute-”
“For prom” jayj finishes your sentence.
“Yeah it seems much for midsummers” you say tilting your head.
“Ugh that's what I thought but I wasn't sure, the rest are as bad!” Kie groans looking at herself in the mirror.
“There's like 2 satin dresses I picked out, try one of those. Girls usually wear simple dresses.” you say laying back on the couch.
“Theres a light blue and purple, which one are we thinking?” she yells out.
“Lights blue” jj said with his face covered by hat.
“Mmm purple if you wear blue you're practiially matching with Rafe” you say looking at the celling unbothered
Until you hear the words Rafe come out your mouth.
“What do you mean matching with him? How do you know what he's going to wear?” Kiara asked popping her head out the curtain confused.
“And you've never been to midsummer too how do you know what they wear?” jj suspiciously asked.
Your eyes widen before you look at your friend on the couch trying not to become flustered before opening your mouth to lie the best you ever could.
“Uh cause kies mom always post a family pic on Facebook and I stalk for fun when Im bored. I see some girls in the background..” you come up with, its true the stalking part so did you technically lie?
“Oh yeah you do I remember when you accidently liked John bs old post” jj laughed at himself.
“You were so petrified even though you were literally sitting in the chateau with him across the room.” jj pushes you in the side.
“Even though he's our friend it's embarrassing when someone finds out you stalk them!” you defending yourself.
“What did you mean by the Rafe thing tho” jayj asked.
“Its blue, Rafe 100% is gonna wear it cause ‘it matches his eyes’ " you said the last part dramatic
“Yeah he is a self observed prick” kie said shutting the curtain continuing to try on dresses.
You sit back in relief, letting out a deep breath after almost getting caught by your friends.
The only reason you knew what he was wearing is because you were there. You helped him pick it out and when he was having it tailored in the living room of tannyhill.
You and Rafe were riding on a ferry on the way to the mainland. You were wearing a sundress with him in a matching polo shirt and khakis, both in ray bans he'd bought you.
He said his arm wrapped around your shoulder as he talked to you about the times he's snuck out and come to the mainland with him and his boys, with fake IDs and college parties they wessled their way in.
“Yeah and then Kelce was hooking up with a girl and then the cops came and we had to run! He got so pissed and yelled out cock blocking pigs!” he said chucking too himself.
You giggling finding the story funny but couldn't help but feel bad as you felt the buzzing of your phone that were obviously texts from your friends you canceled on.
“Whos texing you?” Rafe asked
“Just my friends” you say adjusting in the seat and grabbing your phone from your purse. Seeing notifications of the group chat of the pouches.
⌞ Pope hitting the Dougie. ⌝
What does the j stand for: Y/n don't you think we should at least have some kid balloons? Like dinosaurs or shit like that??
Kiki do you love me : its a highschool party.
What does the j stand for: and my birthday.
Hope 🥺: I don't see the problem with silly balloons 😲
Johnathan : I would go for the balloons but its a no for me cause the one jj wants is practically half a case of a beer 🤑
What does the j stand for: just say you don’t love me 🥲
You: I’m on the mainland I’ll buy some for your here. Their cheaper here anyways.
What does the j stand for: AYEE 😘
You: Hate you jay ☺️
What does the j stand for: y/n to save the day once again.
Kiki do you love me: favoritism 🙄
Hope 🥺: he’s just the birthday boy
Johnathan: he's just a girl.
“Youre gone for a day and their loosing their minds” He says with a smirk hugging you tighter
“Yeah they were planning Jj's birthday party today too. I told them to let me know if there's anything I can do while I'm gone but they said not to worry about it but as you can tell I think they're worrying.” you chuckled to yourself playing with your fingers.
“Jayjs party?” he scoffed “and I didn't get an invite?”
“Its at John bs place and besides even if you did get an invite you wouldn't even go. Thought you couldn't stand pouges” you looked at him
“And yet here we are..” he said before going in for a slow and passionate kiss.
The kiss was sweet. It tasted like mint gum and candy that you both shared. You couldn't lie to yourself, you loved these sweet moments with Rafe but you had to keep reminding you self that none of this was real. None of it was real.
Well it couldn't be anyways.
—end of flashback—
After kie finally picked the dress which was the purple satin one, you guys finally hit up a restaurant for lunch.
You guys sat in a booth and were handed menus by the waiter.
“Should we just get a pizza and split?” you offered
“Sure but we gotta get fries too” jj said looking through the menu.
After a couple of minutes getting your drinks and waiting for the food you guys were talking and jj hogging the fires.
Jj was smiling until the bell jingled and someone came in. He looked up and pure hatred took over his face.
“And look what the draft brought in.” he said throwing his fry in the basket.
You all looked up to see the one and only Rafe walk in. Wearing the Ray bans and his stupid (yet cute) button-up. He looked around and spotted jj, squinting his eyes and then placing a fake smile before coming up.
You groaned and slid down into your seat knowing what was about to come up.
“Ugh what does he want.” kie said giving dirty looks.
“Well well well, didn't know they served anchovie pizza here?” he said with his famous smirk, gabbing a chair and pulling it up.
“What do you want Rafe.” kie spat out
“Well I came for pizza cause its a pizza place..” he said smiling “didn't know pouges would be on my side of the island.” he said with any sign of fake happiness gone.
Him and Kie locked eyes practically having a staring contest.
You spoke up to hopefully ease the tension.
“Rafe I think your pizza is ready.” you said moving your eyes to the pizza sitting on the counter.
His eyes moved to you completely softening, but still had the hate look on his face. Complete whiplash it gave you.
“Didnt see you there princess.” he said looking you up and down.
“Okay you can go now.” jj shewed Rafe away.
“Don't want your pizza getting cold.” kie said.
You rolled your eyes, the typical kook vs pouge shit Rafe pulls. Rafe eyes linger on jj, then kie giving them looks that could kill. Soon he gets uo pushing the chair back, he goes up pays for the pizza. As he waits for the cashier to arrive he turns back around staring at your table.
“God he's so insufferable.” Kie says as the pizza arrives and you all start to dig in.
“Oh you got some sauce on your face princess” jayj says as he wipe the sauce off with his thumb.
Rafe watches jj as he licks his thumb and gets the smallest bit of sauce on your face
Didn't even need a napkin, could've just swiped it off yourself Rafe thinks to himself.
Soon the cashier arrives and handles the transaction. Finishing up Rafe huff out the store with the pizza. he gets to his car slamming the door and handing the pizza to Sarah who was in the passenger seat.
“Jeez what's your problem” she looks at her brother with a judgmental look.
“Those damn pouges.” Rafe talked through trough his teeth staring the truck.
“Let me guess, jj was sitting inside enojing a slice of pizza and minding his own business.” Sarah said smacking her lips.
“And Kiara.” he said looking at staah knowing the name would cause some spark.
“God that bitch.” Now the girl matching his energy.
“Hmm her cars right there…” Rafe said pointing to her blue nissan.
“Toolbox is in the back,” Sarah mentioned slyly.
Back in the restaurant the group of kids were eating and laughing when y/n got a notification. She picked up her phone looking at the Lock Screen.
Apple Pay Rafe 🕶️ sent $150: Get an Uber.
Y/n sighed in her spot, obviously her mood being ruined when another notification came.
Apple Pay Rafe 🕶️ sent $100: More Napkins wouldn’t hurt.
Y/n shocked her head and put her phone back down shaking the thoughts away as she focused on jayj talking about night surfing later.
After an hour you guys finally finshed, you took the bill because with the $250 you now had should be going to the dinner Rafe ruined. Or was about too.
As you all walk out towards the parking lot, you see Kiara’s care with all 4 tires popped.
“That fucking asshole!” Kid said running up to her car looking at the damage he caused.
“Kooks always win.” jj said taking his hat and ruffling his hair
“What the fuck am I gonna tell my parents ?” Yk said bending down and checking her tires.
so that was the Uber was for.
30 minutes later a tow truck and Kiara’s parents are surround the mechanic dude talking about prices and damage as you guys sit on concrete side walk.
“Can’t believe Rafe would actually do this. What would even prevoke him to do damage this bad?” Kie said with her head in her hands feeling completely defeated.
“It’s Rafe, not like he needs any reason to terrorize us. We were just eating pizza man.” jj said laying against the brick wall of the restaurant.
“You guys wanna Uber out of here? I’ll pay.” You offered feeling bad. It felt like your fault.
“No I have to go home, my parents are absolutely are gonna flip out on me.” Kie said closing her eyes whining.
“Jay?” You asked
“Where do you have the money for an Uber?” Jj asked.
“Extra shifts I guess, do you want a ride or not?” You ask one last time.
“Yeah yeah I’ll go with you.” he agreed.
Soon enough you’re in the Uber, you and jj are in the back seat. He’s looking out the window as you text your parents jj was coming over. As you sent the text you grab your sunglasses in your bag and putting them on to block out the sun for a quick nap.
“So where are you getting all this extra cash?” Jj asked suspiciously.
“I work and save up jay. Saving up means I don’t spend my whole paycheck at the smoke shop.” You lied.
“Those are raybans. I thought you said you didn’t like wasting your money on materialistic stuff” he asked pointing to the glasses.
“They were on sale, and besides I can't own at least one nice thing jj?” you say avoiding eye contact.
“You picked up the whole check and now the uber-”
“Jj enough! I don't feel like being integrating by my own best friend. I work okay? I save up and am able to have these extra things.” you scoffed
“Okay okay chill out..” jayj let go of the topic.
Soon the 20-minute ride to the opposite side of the island's finally came to an end. You and jj got out with him follow you into your house and straight to your room.
“Are you staying the night?” you asked putting your purse and shoes to the side.
“Mhm probably not, I gotta work at the dock early in the morning.” he said grabbing his secret stash of weed and joint paper behide the picture of you and the pouges.
“Your welcome to join me?” he said opening your window and beging to roll a joint.
“No thanks jay” you say crashing down on your bed and opening up insta.
As you scroll through stories you end up on Rafes with him at the country club playing golf with his friends in the morning, then a few drinks, then him and Sarah with a screw driver with fake smiles caption with “🐟🛞”
As soon as you get off a insta you get a text.
Rafe 🕶️
Rafe 🕶️: just saw you viewed my stories
You: stalker
Rafe 🕶️: Whatever, come over tonight and bring extra clothes
You: sleepover?
Rafe 🕶️: yes ☠️☠️☠️
You: mhm alr
You: see you later ❤︎
*Rafe 🕶️ hearted a message*
You close your phone and turn over to jayj who’s in his own little world.
You began thinking to yourself, are you really gonna let Rafe get away with basically destroying Kiara’s car? And now he’s acting like nothing happened?
These are the moments where your morals stand in line. You know hooking up with Rafe, who all the pouges hate and you can’t blame them.
The sneaking around is fun and the sex is amazing.
It’s completely wrong.
Your typical forbidden love, Romeo and Juliet type shit.
But is it even love?
It’s a simple summer fling, but you know it’s more than that.
─── ʚɞ ⋅ ᯓᡣ𐭩 ⋅ ୨୧ ──
I got pt.2 in my drafts all ready to go 😈
Sorry for any typos.
Yall ate up my first smut 😲
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peacefxlmyko · 7 months
Family business
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Bradley "Rooster" Bradshaw x mom!Reader, Nick "Goose" Bradshaw x wife!Reader, Pete "Maverick" Mitchell x platonic!Reader
Ask: "I had an idea for Top Gun, the reader was “Goose”'s wife and Bradley's mother, she is in the Navy and trains the squadron for the mission with Maverick. When Maverick and his son's plane are about to be shot down instead of Jake saving them, she is the one who saves them. Cute ending if possible" by @motherofdragons1998
Tags: Fluff, Angst, obviously Top Gun Maverick spoilers, hints to Hangster 👀, Reader is a widow, Use of Y/N, Reader's callsign is Shadow
Notes: I am SO nervous to post this omfg. This is the first thing I ever wrote based off an ask and I hope I did everything right with it lmao. This is also the longest piece I have ever written. I am not 100% happy with it, but I did my best and I hope ya'll like it! Apologies for any Grammar or in general writing mistakes, English isn't my first language. I am also open for more requests/asks!
Words: 2500+
Story under the cut! ✂️
Getting the call to return to Top Gun after years definitely wasn't something you expected. And finding out that you had to train the best pilots in the world for a suicide mission didn't make your anxiety any better.
After you arrived at the Academy, you were met with Beau “Cyclone” Simpson and Solomon “Warlock” Bates and they introduced you to the Mission.
“Captain Y/N “Shadow” Bradshaw." Cyclone began. “I'm Admiral Beau Simpson and this is Admiral Solomon Bates.”
“Pleasure to meet you, sir.” You replied.
“I hope it's no problem we will be introducing you to the Mission without the other instructor.”
“Other.. instructor, sir?”, your eyes narrowed a little in confusion.
"Yes, you will be teaching the class with another instructor.” Your curiosity was sparked, but you didn't get to ask anything else as they started explaining the Mission.
“The target is an unsanctioned uranium enrichment plant built in violation of a multilateral NATO treaty. The uranium produced there represents a direct threat to our allies in the region.” Warlock started to explain.
After the explanation it as your turn to explain your view on the mission. Then, they revealed who the pilots tasked with the mission were. “We've recalled 12 TOPGUN graduates from their squadrons. We want you to narrow-”
As soon as you turned to the monitor your heart skipped a beat and your breath caught in your throat. Bradley.
“Is there a problem, Captain?”
“I just.. didn't expect to see my son there, sir.” You muttered, still a bit in disbelief.
“Bradley Bradshaw, aka Rooster. I understand his father was also a pilot? What was his callsign again?”
Ouch. “It was Goose, sir.”
“Tragic what happened.”
Daggers. With every word daggers were being stabbed in your heart. Not one day went by without you missing Nick. Your husband. The father of your son. The love of your life.
After the briefing, you headed to a nearby bar to try and gather your thoughts. As you walked into the bar, you suddenly saw a familiar figure sitting there. No, two. Two familiar faces.
The man turned around with a stunned look on his face.
“What the hell are you doing here?” You walked closer to him, a smile forming on my face.
“I could ask you the same.”
“He pissed off another admiral.” Penny commented and you cracked a smile. “It's nice to see you again, Penny” You smiled and sat down next to Pete.
“Don't tell me you're going to-”
“Teach a mission here?” You completed his sentence.
“So you are the other instructor! They wouldn't even tell me!” Mav chuckled at your complaint and shook his head a little.
You heard some noises at the other side of the bar and glanced over at the pool tables. There were pilots gathered and you recognised them as the graduates that had been recalled for the mission.
A few more people joined the bar. It didn't even take you two seconds to recognise your son. Hawaii shirt, sunglasses on his nose, that damn mustache like Nick had. Bradley was the spitting image of his father. You also heard someone call out “Bradshaw! Is that you?”
You didn't want to admit it, but sometimes it hurt a little. The way Nick would have been so proud of him hurt. And knowing that you were the reason his papers were held back because you didn't want him to have the same fate as Goose.
As soon as Pete recognised Bradley he quickly turned away, as if to hide from him. “Mav, you don't have to hi-”
“I cost him years of his career.”
“I know, but that was because I wanted it that way. You did it for me, because of Goose. Don't you think it's time he finds out it was me?”
“No, god no. It'll be fine, just.. let it be.”
You sighed and turned back to your drink, taking a few sips.
“How about ringing me up before the evening rush?” Maverick suddenly said to Penny and stood up. You glanced over at Bradley, watching him with his fellow aviators. Hasn't even noticed his own mother yet. You chuckled a little to yourself.
“It's been declined.”
You snapped out of your thoughts when Penny said that to Pete and laid his credit card on the table in front of him. You curiously watched and tried to hide your amused grin.
“You're kidding.”
Soon enough, Pete was getting carried out by three pilots and you watched, not even hiding your amusement.
Then, you heard a few tones coming from the piano and your heart dropped.
“You shake my nerves and you rattle my brain. Too much love drives a man insane.”
Rooster was playing and singing “Great balls of fire”. The same song Nick loved performing, a little out of key but it was still always the most perfect thing to you. You stared at him in disbelief, his back turned to you. Other pilots were standing next to him, singing along. The whole Bar was watching him. Your little boy.
After he was finished you watched him perform a little funny dance as the bar kept chanting “Rooster! Rooster!”. God, when did he grow up so much?
You stood up and slowly made your way towards him.
“I assumed you would at least let your Mother know when you're on a new Mission?”
You could see the way his heart dropped and he looked like a toddler being caught with their hand in the cookie jar.
“Mom?” He slowly turned around to you, you had an amused grin on your face.
“This is how I find out you're back at TOPGUN?” You grinned. You could hear his friends letting out laughs and a few comments in the background. “I- uh—”
“Oh, shut up and give your mother a hug.”
The next day, all the pilots sat together in a hanger, ready to be taught about the mission. Admiral Bates was standing in front of them all, ready to explain.
“Your instructors are TOPGUN graduates with real world experience in every mission aspect you'll be expected to master and they are considered some of the finest pilots this program has ever produced. I give you Captain Pete Mitchell, callsign Maverick and Captain Y/N Bradshaw, callsign Shadow.”
Maverick and you walked in together, walking up to the lectern where Warlock stood at first. The pilots turned to look at you both and you could see their faces drop as some of them realized they kicked out their instructor last night.
You shot Bradley a quick small smile, meanwhile he gave Maverick a look that could kill.
You both started to talk to the class, Mav doing the most talking. After some briefing, you all got your Jets ready and then took off into the sky for some training and to show what they are able to do.
The next few days were spent preparing and training, trying to get them ready.
But once during some briefing in a classroom, a fight broke out. Hangman had made a comment about Goose and it set Rooster off, almost going for his throat but you all managed to keep them apart. Maverick dismissed them all for the day.
Bradley went back to the base to calm down, Maverick went to meet Iceman and you.. Well, you drove to the Hard Deck and sat down at the Beach there. The whole time you were lost in thoughts. Was he ready for this? Was I ready for this? Was anybody ready for this mission?
“Oh Nick..” You started to tear up. “I don't want to send Bradley out there. He's not ready. No one is! I-I can't risk losing him too! I.. I just can't lose my son too… He's my little boy.. Our little boy.. When did he grow up so much…? I need you here.. god.. I wish you were here..”
Even though he wasn't here anymore, you knew Goose was still watching over you and listening whenever he could.
It felt like the time until the mission flew by. It almost felt like a blur, as if it wasn't real. And burying one of your life-long friends made it even worse. Iceman could finally rest, but it was still incredibly painful. Seeing Maverick grief him made it even worse.
But in a blink of an eye, you were all on a ship in the middle of the Ocean, about to choose which Daggers would fly. You were going to stay back as Backup and Mav was going to fly with them.
You knew he was going to choose him as his wingman, but you secretly begged it wasn't true. You wished it would be Hangman, but it was going to be your son.
“Choose your two Foxtrot teams.” Cyclone said.
“Payback and Fanboy. Phoenix and Bob.” You both had decided these teams together, but the Wingman was Mav's own choice.
“And your Wingman?”
After a moment of anticipation, he finally said…
There it was. Your son was flying the suicide mission. And all you could do was listen through the comms and pray.
Everyone went on Deck and walked to their Jets. As you stood by your Jet, you looked over at Rooster and noticed him talking to Hangman. You had noticed throughout the whole preparation there seemed to be some tension and.. closeness between them. There was at least something.
You turned back to your Jet, climbing inside in case they needed Backup during the mission.
As the mission began and the teams flew away, your heart was pounding. With every minute you felt your anxiety increasing, scared for the safety of your son and also your friend.
You listened closely through the comms, listening to everything…..
“Bull's-eye! Bull's-eye! Bull's-eye!"
Yes! God, yes! They did it!
But now it was time to get back alive…
The rest of the mission was a pure air fight, raw dogfighting. They just needed to make it out alive. Please.
But to your worst fear the enemy planes were focused on Rooster.
“Dagger Two defending. Shit, I'm out of flares!”
“Rooster, evade, evade!” You heard his uncle shout.
“I can't shake ‘em! They're on me! They're on me!”
You didn't know what was happening., you weren't there. You didn't see it. All You could do was listen. Listen and wait. It felt awful not being able to do anything.
There was a moment of silence, only the heavy breathing from the pilots.
“Mav! No!”
“Dagger One is hit! I repeat, Dagger One is hit! Maverick is down!”
Your breath caught in your throat. Mav was hit.
“Dagger One, Status. Status! Anyone see him? Did anyone see him?! Dagger One, come in!” You heard the panic in Rooster's voice.
“I didn't see a parachute.”
“We have to circle back!”
You felt your heart pumping, this was all so much. You knew this was a difficult mission, hell, a suicide mission but you still hoped this wouldn't happen!
“All Daggers flow to ECP. You have bandits headed for you.”
“What about Maverick?!” There was a strain in Bradley's voice.
“Dagger Square request permission to launch and fly air cover.” You suddenly spoke up. You had to help. You needed to help.
“Negative, spare.”
“Dagger, you are not to engage. Repeat, do not engage.”
“Dagger Two, return to carrier. Acknowledge.”
Bradley, please. Come home safe.
You also wanted to save Maverick, but not with Bandits in the air.
The silence was killing you.
“Rooster, those bandits are closing. We can't go back.” You heard Phoenix say. “Rooster, he's gone.”
It hurt, but Bob was probably right. He was gone. He was with Goose. “Maverick's gone.”
Maverick had sacrificed himself for Rooster. Your best friend had sacrificed himself for your son….
Your heart began to pound as you realized Bradley was flying back. He wanted to save Mav. You wanted to scream at him to get his ass back to the ship, but you couldn't. He wouldn't even listen.
The not knowing was killing you. Not being able to do anything. Being stuck on the ship while your son was out there fighting for his life.
After minutes that felt like hours you heard the words you only wished to hear in your darkest nightmares.
“Dagger Two is hit.”
Rooster was hit.
You could barely hold it together anymore. You wanted to scream, you wanted to cry, but you had to hold it in.
“Dagger Two, come in. Dagger Two, do you copy? Dagger Two, come in.”
You were horrified. You might have just lost your only child and your best friend. Now you were alone.
One Minute turned into two. Two into five. Five into ten. Nothing. No reply, no sign of life.
You had no idea what the hell was going on in the tower, they weren't talking to you. Not one word. Was there a trace of the two? Were they still alive? You didn't know and it was one of the worst things you've ever felt.
After what felt like an eternity, you were finally given permission to launch and fly to their rescue after they had detected Rooster's ESAT.
Soon you saw them, they were involved in an air fight and obviously losing. You managed to bring your jet behind the enemy's plane without bringing any attention to yourself. That was the way you got your callsign. You were a Shadow, you could easily follow any planes without being noticed.
Just as they were about to shoot down Maverick and Rooster, you fired a shot and hit the bandit. The bandit was down and they were save. They were finally save and back with you.
You flew right through the smoke towards the F-14, you had never been happier to see a jet.
“Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen. This is your savior speaking.”
There was a grin on your face, you had never been so glad.
“Hey, mom, you look good.”
“I am good, Bradley. I'm very good.”
“I'll see you back on Deck.” You flew back and were the first to land. You got out of the Jet and watched everybody put up a net to catch the F-14.
Once they were back on deck you didn't hesitate one second to run towards them. “Bradley!” You shouted.
Everybody came running towards them, cheering and congratulating them.
Maverick got out and first went to Hondo, while Bradley came running towards you.
“Oh, my boy, I thought I lost you. I thought you were gone.” You sobbed and took him into your arms.
“You're not getting rid of me easily, Mom.” He laughed and hugged you tightly, not letting you go for a while. “You're a hero, Bradley. I'm so so proud of you. Your- your dad would be so proud, god-” You teared up.
“I know Mom, I know.”
You parted from him so he could celebrate with the others. The other Daggers immediately came to him.
Once again you could swear there were looks between Jake and Rooster, but you didn't mention anything.
“Captain Mitchell! Captain Mitchell!” You then saw Bradley approach Pete. Without hesitating, Maverick pulled him into a hug. A hug that meant the World.
“Thank you for saving my life.”
“It's what my dad would've done.”
Days after the mission the whole Dagger Squad was sitting in the Hard Deck together, having drinks and cracking jokes. Bradley, of course, sat down at the piano and sang once again. The whole Bar chimed in and sang “Great balls of fire” with him.
“Oh! You're fine, so kindGot to tell this world that you're mine, mine, mine, mine!”
You could have sworn he took a glance towards Jake during that line.
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n3ptoonz · 11 months
'Surprise Me'
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Pairing: Bodyguard!Raiden/Princess!Reader
Fandom: Mortal Kombat 1 (2023)
Warnings/tags: Smut! Fluff aspects, It's not crazy explicit because there's more of a romantic aspect here, but y'all get down. TRUST. Slight dirty talk. I hope the ending is alright I'm so bad at ending fics. Half proofread
Word count: 2.1k
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Raiden is one of many official straw hat bodyguards for the royal family. Their identities halfway concealed by the way the hat was shaped made them unique to this family alone. He had specifically been assigned to you, who--when you first met as teenagers--on the outside seems like the perfect daughter. In turn, it's not like you were a delinquent, you were just more casual in the way you spoke and more relaxed when it came to royal affairs, in contrast to your sister, who was heir to the throne.
He was always a kindhearted soul. So brave and ready to give his life for the royal family at any given moment. Especially you. Ah, right, you always say he's allowed to call you by your first name whenever you're alone. He has kindly declined a few times, feeling that it would be disrespectful not only to you, but his role as your protector.
It was just after a tournament that you fought in, losing to the champion of Earthrealm, Kung Lao, fair and square. Earthrealm was now up by one over Outworld, but that could be subject to change in 100 years when the next tournament takes place. For now, you accepted your loss gracefully and asked to be excused.
You didn't actually have to use the bathroom, but instead calm down and clear your head on a short lap around the palace. Through your mind was running many thoughts, one of which included the bodyguard you've fallen in love with over the last century. As you excuse yourself and begin to walk down the hall, you could immediately sense it was Raiden quietly following behind you.
"Did my mother put you up to the task?" you asked, not even needing to turn your head to know it was him. Your tone was calm, with a hint of something more.
"Actually, I offered to follow behind you for your safety, Princess." he said, not missing a beat and without hesitation. He kept a safe distance from you as he walked with you, subtlety keeping an eye out for anything.
"You really didn't have to, and what did I say about using formalities with me?" you stopped in your tracks, quickly turning to see him slightly caught off guard by your abrupt stop.
"'Just call me by my name', I know, you've only told me everyday over the last century." he said playfully, a small smile on his lips.
"And yet, you still decline. Why?"
Raiden contemplates for a few moments, carefully choosing his next words to say, "It is my duty to serve and protect you from harm's way."
"Alright. Now your real answer." you crossed your arms, walking closer to him as you see the expression on his face change from your statement.
"I'm sorry?"
"As a royal protector, you are supposed to say things like that. But even when we are alone, you still refuse to do something so small that would make me happy." you paused in between sentences to gather more of your thoughts, looking him in the eyes. "Give me a real answer, Raiden."
"I don't want to risk becoming too comfortable using your first name. First it's your first name when we are alone, and then it could potentially slip in front of Empress Sindel-"
"-There have already been many losses because of outward affairs in the last few years-"
"-I truly value our growing relationship and don't want to jeopardize-"
You grabbed his face and planted a savory kiss on his lips. Though, you may have gotten a little greedy and anxious at the same time, not knowing how to properly put your thoughts into words and just kept going. He didn't hesitate to kiss you back, yet his hands stuck at your sides as he didn't know where to place them. More like he didn't know if it was okay to grab your hips on instinct.
It really felt like time slowed down. Like the universe took a pause and let you have your moment. Little did you know, this was huge for Raiden. He had been in love with you since the day he was assigned to protect you. He couldn't believe that one dream he had was actually playing out almost exactly the same.
You slowly broke the kiss, getting a good look of his dazed face. You always thought he'd be a good kisser, but even for a man caught off guard he did a pretty solid job.
He blinked a couple times before focusing his gaze on your eyes. You dragged your palms down his arms, leading his hands to rest on your hips with a small chuckle. You truly adored him.
"You've trained at a young age to have the discipline you do now. What's the difference when it comes to me?" you asked, gently running your thumb over his cheekbone as you spoke softly.
"That's is the difference, Princess. All logic could go out of the window, and I won't know if I can control myself...That is my real answer." he replied truthfully and genuinely, laying his hand over yours that was occupying the left side of his face.
"Raiden, I give you full permission to speak and act freely around me whenever we are alone. I understand my duty and role as a princess of Outworld, but I'd like you to see us as equals."
You could tell he was really thinking about it, his mouth opening and closing in deep thought.
"I guess it wouldn't hurt to practice," he said, adding your name at the end of his sentence. You swear you could hear his heart beating louder at the simple gesture, but it made you smile ear to ear nonetheless.
"One more time?" you faked like you didn't hear him the first time, putting your hand behind your ear. You look over to him with the most playfully unamused expression ever.
He said your name again, this time with a flatter tone because of your antics.
"Hm...has a nice ring to it, don't you think?"
"You are something else, P-" he paused catching your eyebrow raising at him almost addressing you by your title again. He corrected himself, repeating your name clearly.
There were faint voices ascending down the hall, which the both of you assumed there were guards patrolling this part of the palace. You quickly shuffled into a nearby closet together that had little space. The good part is it was barely in use since it was too small to really hold the things the family held in high regard. There was just enough space to breathe in and out, but that's about it.
"Are you okay?" he whispered, searching for your face in the darkness of the room.
"Yeah, why wouldn't I be?" you whispered back, leaning up towards his ear, causing him to shudder. He could already feel you smirking from the tone of your voice.
He chuckles softly. "Careful," he said your name in warning, "You'd be surprised with how much can get done with very little space." His tone was quiet, but loud and clear.
The light from the outside shined through the crack of the door right onto his facial features. It peered right onto the side of his face and reflecting off his eyes that were solely focused on you. Though you couldn't fully see it, you could fully tell he was just about ready to show you what he meant by that.
"Surprise me." you said, closing the distance between you two. This time it was quicker to grow more passionate and intentional, your arms wrapped around his neck and his hands roaming your body freely.
Raiden softly groaned upon finally being able to act and do as he pleases. He holds you and the royal family with the utmost respect and dignity, obviously, but there was just something about being able to touch you like this that sent him into overdrive.
His hands glided down your hips to the hem of your pants, searching the for the fabric of where your underwear would be. He broke the kiss and looked down, almost in disbelief at what this could possibly mean.
"Are you...?" he whispered in question.
"Not wearing underwear? ...Nope." you had a cheeky smile on your face, watching as he tried to use every fiber in his body to control himself.
"You wanted this to happen, didn't you?" he backed you against the wall, sliding your pants off as he never broke eye contact. The pit of your stomach felt like it was fluttering from how fast he took charge. Any other time he was at your beck and call, ready to complete any and all commands with a smile on his face. But now? That same man was silently challenging you, and you were here for it.
"You hoped that I'd follow after you so you can have me all to yourself. That one day you'd be able to break me and get me to tell you just how long I've dreamed about keeping you silent while I..."
Your shaky sighs interrupted him. Before you even realized it you were already half bare before him, knees slightly bent while he stood over you. It was trippy to see such a kind face utter such dirty words that grind your gears like a well oiled machine.
He carefully lifted you in his arms so you could straddle him. You gasped at how easy it seemed to him, and even through the darkness, his eyes followed suit. His already dark eyes appeared even darker, if that was possible.
"We're going to see who's saying whose name by the time we leave this closet," he stated, adding your name at the end with a sensual whisper. The second, and I mean the very second he slid inside, it already began to become a challenge to not make any noise. It felt like he was perfectly molded just for you, which made it even more difficult.
"Damn it-" you buried your face in his shoulder in attempt to muffle your awaited moans, clinging to his body in desperation.
You almost want to purposely wait it out to see if he'd say your name first. However, the way he was filling you up was making you want to forget your competitive nature entirely.
Honestly that's why he said that. He knows you never back down from a fight or challenge, so what would be different about this? He thought.
The way he thrusted back and forth should be a crime. Just what was he so skilled for?! He had you bouncing on him like it was going out of style.
"I'm- I think I'm close-" you said, your words muffled from you refusing to lift your head because you knew for a fact you wouldn't be able to contain yourself.
"Not...Not yet." his breaths were irregular and heavy. He pulled out and let you down, helping you stand since your legs felt like jelly. He figured it'd be easier to hold you if you faced the wall.
It's almost as if you read his mind, nearly stumbling over trying to quickly turn around and keep going.
"You've read my mind, Princess." he whispered, sliding back in with both arms wrapped around your waist while your cheek was directly on the wall.
You wanted to protest and call him out for cheating, but the sex was just too good to focus on the little things. Around this time it's like both of you were being brought to your climax faster from this position. He reveled in watching you push back against him just to get all of him. Both your thrusts stuttered and became messier by the second, and the signal inside both of you was ready to sound the alarm.
"Cum with me." he pleaded, quickly covering your mouth with one of his hands right as you came. Your cries were successfully shushed by his palm, letting you shake and finish as much as you needed to. He came right after you, shuddering and burying his face in your neck to quiet his own self. You both said each other's name at the same time. Shocker!
Moments after you both calmed down, he turned you back around and kissed you with such love and appreciation behind it.
"I love you so much." he whispered, resting his forehead against yours.
"I love you too. I guess we both lost that." you said, softly chuckling, "You surely have a way with words."
"I surprised you, didn't I?"
a/n: it's finally here!! if you got this far, just know that smoke (smutty as hell), kenshi (smut, angst, and fluff), and sub zero (should be smut) are next (no particular order) I GOT IDEAS ALREADY🙏🏾 this isn't the last raiden fic i'll write, i just needed a warm up i promise!
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alreadyblondenow · 2 years
Who’s gonna drive you home? (Part 1.)
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Pairing: Racer Jaehyun x female reader x Racer Taeyong
Genre: Love triangle, racer au, fluff, smut, angst
WARNINGS: Unprotected sex which is not advisable in real life situation, mentions of alcohol, one night stand, cursing, mentions of being fuck buddies, kind of bathtub sex, kind of and almost kitchen sex, kind of illegal racing, betting. NOT PROOFREAD, SORRY.
NOTE: THIS STORY IS PURE FICTION AND A 100% MADE UP FROM MY MIND. Inspired by Jackson Wang’s ‘Who’s gonna drive you home’ song. Oh gosh i love that song :(( Part 1 is the chillest part of the story HAHAHA part 2 is crazy. Decided to put it in half because the story was so long. Pls enjoy, let me know what you feel through ask!
“You have to win today’s race dude, the car prize is absolutely gorgeous. Plus, we all can’t afford to loose any more money. The shop is—“
“On the line. I know. I heard Taeyong’s going to race tonight? How come I don’t see him around?” Jaehyun said while searching through the crowd. It was a normal race night where the crowd was wild, cars are all lined up looking pretty and such, they’re all just waiting for the number one contender. Lee Taeyong. The unbeatable racer, Jaehyun’s number one enemy in the streets.
“Alright people lets get down to business. Money and bets down!!!” Mark announced through his Megaphone excitedly.
“Taeyong hyung will be here in a minute” Mark continues and quickly glanced at Taeyong’s trailer.
“Five thousand cash and a date with Johnny’s girl” Jungwoo said which made everyone “oooh” in excitement, but Johnny is already furious about it.
“That’s not fair— dude, my girlfriend is not a prize” Johnny exclaimed, if Haechan wasn’t there to stop him, he will be punching Jungwoo this instance.
“Well Johnny hyung, rules are rules. We can only hope that Jungwoo looses— Jaehyun hyung?”
“Ten thousand cash and Taeyong’s car”
And the moment Jaehyun dropped those words, the area went quiet because what Jaehyun just said is a total shot to the moon. Impossible but everyone knew that Jaehyun is a good driver too, and if Taeyong looses his car his reputation as the greatest racer is on the line.
“Jeong Jaehyun, you know how to challenge me” Taeyong said out of nowhere, “Call. You want my car, I want your shop”
And in an instant, the tension became even more extreme for Jaehyun did not see this coming. He looked at his friends with worried eyes, seeing them shook their heads for neither one of them don’t want to loose the shop. But for Jaehyun, it’s all or nothing.
“Deal. Let’s race”
You on the other hand, is freezing at the back of Jisung’s car, waiting for the perfect timing to tell him to pull over.
“Aaah as expected, Taeyongie hyung is leading the race again” he said as cars passed by in front of you and Jisung now, seeing Taeyong’s car first.
“You never watch him race, how come?” The kid curiously asked you.
“I always wanted to watch him. But he kept our relationship secret, so I’m not allowed—“
“But you’re here tonight? Why?” He cut you off. What’s up with this kid you thought.
“And it’s my biggest mistake Ji, he broke up with me tonight because he told me—“ And in the middle of your sentence, it reminded you how Taeyong broke up with you earlier. Hot tears started falling uncontrollably, and you can feel your heart breaking into half… again.
Earlier that night
You were excited to surprise Taeyong tonight even though he told you don’t come to the race, but you haven’t seen him for days and you thought he was going to be happy and excited too once he sees you… but it turned out to be a disaster.
“You’re being childish, can’t you wait until tomorrow?” Taeyong asked in an angry tone.
“What is your problem—“ he’s never been like this.
“You. You are my problem. You have to leave” he was gently pushing you away, his arm is around your waist but still you don’t like what’s happening right now.
“Are you hiding something from me? Why do you keep me out from your world Tae? Were dating for months already. Do you have someone else? That’s why you don’t want me to go to your races?”
“Again. You’re being childish— I can’t deal with this tonight, the race is about to begin. Jisung will drive you home” he said with angry eyes, but before he leaves he tried to kiss you but you refused.
“I am here Tae. We have a problem to fix and your damn race is more important?” You scoffed, “maybe it’s better if we stopped this so I could never bother you again like this” you didn’t mean it, and for a second you really thought that he will stop you from breaking up.
But he didn’t.
“If that’s what you want. Do whatever you want. I honestly think that our relationship is already too much for me,”
And he left without saying another word. Just like that.
Present time
Jaehyun lost the race and at the same time he lost his shop and all his friends are mad at him for putting the shop on the line. He kept on thinking about his mistakes tonight while downing shots in front if him.
If only he was fast enough. Faster than Taeyong, he thought.
If only he could bet on something else other than his shop…. But he got nothing.
“Is this seat taken?” You disturbed him,
“N-no, I’m alone” Jaehyun said with surprise, stuttering because he was strucked by your beauty. The whole night that you were drinking beside him, he was secretly watching you with the thoughts of maybe driving you home because you seem so drunk already.
“If you got something to say, just say it” you said out of nowhere, it was obvious that he was watching you. And if you’re being honest it’s not a bad idea to start a conversation with someone so handsome… even after getting your heart broken tonight. What will Taeyong do? Surely talking to this handsome guy is not a crime.
But given that you’re both drunk and not to mention the sexual tension was quick to arise. Jaehyun leaned forward and drank your lost shot. “I think you should come with me, I’ll drive you home” he said with all the courage he has left.
He lost his friends, the race, and his shop. Of course he thinks he deserves a decent fuck tonight. That is… if you want it too, he thought to himself.
“How about you take me to your place?” You said, as if you were reading his mind.
Of course the two of you didn’t waste more time in that cheap bar, you and Jaehyun went to his place fucked the whole night until you say ‘stop’. He fucked you on the dining table, his bedroom floor, and of course his bed. He was good, big, gentle but can be rough if you ask him to. He was the perfect fuck you needed tonight.
“Fuck— please. I’m so weak” you pleaded as you feel your knees give up while he continues to fuck you from behind, your left hand was reaching behind to stop his lustful thrusts, but the man wrapped both his arms around your body and started touching your boobs… making you want more of it but you just can’t fucking handle it anymore.
“Give Taeyongie one last round” the man behind you whispers and started licking your neck and placed wet kisses afterwards.
Wait. Taeyong?
You looked behind you and saw Taeyong’s lustful eyes. Smiling weakly at you handsomely. It was one of those looks where you feel so loved and protected by this man. And it just makes you fall even harder for him. You shut your eyes gave in to his touch, letting him fuck you for another round. In fact, you were asking for more and moaning so beautifully to let him know that you love what we was doing to your body.
But by the time you opened your eyes, it was all just a dream. And then your broken heart greets you ‘good morning, you lost Taeyong last night’
“You’re awake” Jaehyun brought you to reality and reached for his thick blanket to cover you up. His beautiful face was the first thing you saw, realizing what you’ve done together last night but you didn’t have any regrets. So the good fuck from your dream was because of this man beside you.
A one night stand. That’s all.
After you cleaned yourself up and made yourself decent, you sat at the edge of his bed while he was looking so hot shirtless in bed. His face was lit up, pink and beautiful with those deep cute dinples. Beautiful and handsome at the same time. You couldn’t believe this man fucked you senseless last night.
“Please tell me you remember giving me your phone number last night” he started, teasing you in some way.
“Yeah I remember and that’s for emergency use only” you flirted back.
“I hope the man who left you regrets every second of it” Jaehyun said. You don’t remember telling him about that part but truth is Jaehyun dried your tears last night while you were sleeping.
Days after the breakup you haven’t heard anything from Taeyong. But little did you know, the man was having a hard time, now that you’re gone. If only he could tell you the real reason why he broke up with you… but he can’t.
“Jungwoo hyung was bold last night, asking a date with Johnny hyung’s girl” Mark informed Taeyong.
“Good thing I won then,” Taeyong said without emotions while continuing to repair the damages from the previous race. “That’s why I couldn’t risk the world knowing about me & y/n— she couldn’t understand that I’m protecting her from my enemies…”
“But hyung, you love her—“
“And I will regret for the rest of my life if something bad happens to her because of my doing. This is for the better”
“Anyway, about Jaehyun hyung’s shop… should we visit him now?” Mark changed the subject,
“I just broke up with Y/n, Mark. I can’t handle business yet. I’ll talk to him soon… also dont you think what I did was too much? His shop was all he has, I’ll make another deal and talk to him”
“G-got it… I’m sorry about Y/n, hyung”
And when Mark left Taeyong to be alone, your ex-boyfriend can’t focus with almost everything he tries to do because he misses you. On days like this, you’re usually with him, watching his fix his car while he tells you how he won last night. He misses your curiosity, the randomness of every question you ask him. In other words, this is him regretting that he broke up with you.
But hearing about Jungwoo and Johnny’s bet last night made him think that he did the right thing even though you’re both hurting.
While Jaehyun was cleaning his shop and preparing it to its new owner, he couldn’t let go of the stress and heartbreak that’s happening right now. It has been days since he lost from the race, but Taeyong haven’t contacted him yet. Nonetheless, he was still struggling to let go.
The shop gave him friends, which are all mad at him right now and he’s too ashamed to call them. This place was their safe space, an escape from reality. Not to mention, everyone in town loved this car shop and they had loyal customers.
“Hello? Anybody here?” you knock on the car shop’s locked door… but the sign says ‘open’. But just before you leave the place, someone from the inside opened the door which made you both froze.
“Uh— well… uhh… this is a surprise. Do you work here?” You asked Jaehyun. Honestly, you’re not sure if that’s his name.
“I sorta… ehem… own this car shop— what do you have here? Looks heavy—“ he then carried the box that you were carrying and invited you in. It was clear as the day, that the place was indeed closed and he was just too busy flipping the sign.
“The shop is closed because?” You started, and your question gave hurt Jaehyun.
“Lost a bet. Long story short— well, well, what do you have here? These car parts are expensive… these yours? You drive?”
“Ex’s. Long story short” Jaehyun nodded and immediately got the message. You were trying to forget your ex. Good for you, you thought.
“Well, if were being fair right now… these aren’t technically yours… so,” he teased you, just making you smile. “How about, I take you to dinner in exchange for these good car parts?”
You got to admit, the man is smooth. It wasn’t a bad idea after all. He was a good distraction. “Okay, tonight then? Where are you taking me?” You smiled and leaned forward. Oh you missed his smell.
“Somewhere breathtaking,” he smiled back and placed a kiss on your cheek. He shouldn’t have done that, but he can’t help it he thought.
The sudden sweetness made your heart flutter, you didn’t expect that he’s capable of being this sweet. “What a gentleman,” you giggled, “pick me up at 7?”
But Jaehyun arrived earlier than expected, he was that excited to see you. Maybe, this wasn’t out of desperation to forget his current situation and problems. Maybe, he really wanted this to work. And change his life.
Little did he know, you were actually trouble.
As you were looking through the window to see Jaehyun outside, you suddenly remembered how Taeyong took you out on your first date. Back then you didn’t know anything about his world, you just knew that Taeyong is so handsome and you scored a kind hearted man. That night, Taeyong brought you to a fancy restaurant and ate steak, drank expensive wine and had a great time in his bed until the sun comes out.
Now you’re just not sure anymore if going with Jaehyun is the right thing to do. It’s not right to see someone who’s nice like him, while you’re still hurting from your past. So tonight, you decided to be honest with Jaehyun. You will finally tell him about Taeyong, and that you are not emotionally ready for him. Yet.
“You race? Guess I was too drunk to realize that your car was fast, during our first night” you gave him a hug before you get in his car. You noticed how his car was like Taeyong’s. Shiny and expensive.
“I wasn’t driving fast that night. Figured I might startle you— do you know something about racing?”
First of all, you wanted to say that it will not bother you even if he goes fast because Taeyong always drives fast. Second, you didn’t really want to talk about Taeyong now, you’re saving it for later and admit that you know a few things about racing.
“I can drive, let’s just leave it to that,” you smiled and put your seatbelt on, “you can drive fast, I don’t mind” you added. He just smiled his usual handsome, dimpled smile. “So where’s this breathtaking place?”
“Oh you’ll see” he smiled again, and started driving. “I should drive safe. Especially that you’re with me. That will put me at ease”
The date went on beautifully. You learned a lot of things about Jaehyun, while he gets nothing from you. Yet. But Jaehyun wasn’t in a rush, he was simply happy and thankful that you’re okay with spending time with him. Yes, he may be handsome and all the girls wanted to date him, but he never really gave them attention. But you, you have his attention. And even though he was nervous and unprepared, he liked this feeling that you’re giving to him.
“Did you enjoyed the dinner?” Jaehyun asked, keeping his eyes on the road while peaking from time to time on your side, just so he could look at you more. “Sorry if you’re expecting something grand for tonight— it’s my first time taking someone out on a proper date—“
“Jaehyun, I have to be honest with you— I’m not yet ready for this, I literally got my heart broken the night we first met. And I’m secretly, still wishing that he will come back, that T—“
“Don’t do this tonight. I understand. I really do,” Jaehyun let out a heavy breath before stopping the car just so you two can talk better. “Just let me try, let things flow and if we don’t work out then at least I didn’t let the most beautiful girl I’ve ever met go without taking the chance”
And again, the sweet words got into you. “And besides, you need a distraction” he added and showed you a very handsome smile.
When you let Jaehyun enter your life, you didn’t expect great changes in your life. He was supposed to be a distraction from your heartbreak, a guy who’s willing to make you cum and warm your bed almost every night. But the more Jaehyun stay in your life…. The more you want him to stay for a little longer.
It started when mornings felt light because you knew he stayed and his face will be the first thing that you will see in the morning.
When his kisses felt different and you love receiving them especially when you haven’t seen him for hours or days, and you just miss him so much. He would kiss you in public, in front of the people he knew, wrap his arms around you and whisper, “You don’t know what you do to me when were apart” and spread kisses on your face.
The day you admitted to yourself that you love him, you knew that you’re with the right person. And that you’ve completely understood what love really means. Although Jaehyun never told you he loves you, but you can see it as clear as the day.
When he takes you out on a cheap date because he wanted to do something special for you.
When he goes an extra mile with making you home cooked meals.
When you just kiss lovingly before you two go to sleep.
Jaehyun knew he won already. And that his love is already accepted, he’s just waiting for you to tell him.
“I’m almost done, where are you?” Jaehyun spoke through the phone. He was still in the car shop, he works there now. He’s not the boss, but at least he can still be with the place. “I’ll be home soon, let’s have dinner together, I haven’t had lunch. Cook for me?”
“Mhmm. I’m already cooking right now, so you need to be home fast— you know you can move in with me, I’d love to share my place with you” you said which made Jaehyun giggle. You hate how he can’t take care of himself when you’re not around.
“We’ve talked about this,” he giggled again, “I’m saving up for our place. I don’t want to be a freeloader, and besides it’s good investment for our future” he teased you, you knew he was talking about marriage.
When Jaehyun was on his way home, he was so excited to see you that he was going too fast that other cars were pissed at him. And that gave him an idea. If he can go back to racing again, he can save up fast and he could ask you to marry him. Jaehyun smiled at that thought, but he immediately remembered that it’s a life he already left because, well, now that he has you… he has someone to lose now.
“Wow you’re dirty…” you greet him the moment he enters your place. His white shirt was full of grease, hands were dirty too, but he was still handsome as ever. “How many satisfied customers today?” You kissed him on the lips as part of your way of saying ‘welcome home, you can relax now’.
“A lot” he smiled back and pulled you closer. “How about we shower together?” He suggested with a smirk.
“How about I give you a bath and clean you up? And then we’ll have dinner. Thought you were hungry?” You tug his shirt and push him towards your bathroom and prepared a warm bath for him.
He was quiet while you were washing his hair, careful not to put shampoo in his eyes. His right arm is resting on the tub, while the other one is reaching for yours as if you’re going somewhere any minute. You wonder what’s on his mind.
Of course it was the racing. Jaehyun was thinking long and hard about it, over and over again. He never told you about the reason why he stopped from racing, he never told you the reason why he lost his shop. You just know that he is not in trouble, and that he’s genuine as he can be. And that’s one of the many reason why you love him.
“There all clean,” you sat beside the tub, playing with his clean fingers under the warm water. He was still quiet while his eyes were glued in the ceiling.
To catch his attention, your hand traveled through his hard rocked abs and touched it softly. No reaction.
You then reach for his hand, and licked his point finger and put it in your mouth that’s how you got his attention and went hard in an instant. With no other words, he attacked you with kisses and helped you remove your damped clothes. Joining Jaehyun in the tub and sitting on top of him. “What were you thinking?” You moaned out when you feel Jaehyun suck you boobs and knead them, pinching the other with his wet hand, making you real sensitive.
“You. Are you tired?” He asked, while putting shower gel on your body and applying it gently in your skin. Making it slippery for his liking, kneading your boobs, your ass cheeks and gently massaging your back.
“Do you want me to give you a massage tonight?” You asked, stroking his hard cock under the water while he was rinsing you with the shower head.
“I want to make love like crazy tonight” he said which made you both giggle.
You don’t know what’s up with Jaehyun tonight, but you can feel that he’s longing for you almost like he was saying through his kisses that he’s afraid of losing you. He was pulling you closer, whispering sweet things, and the things he want to do to you tonight…. Starting with flipping your body on the mattress, face flat on the clean and fluffy sheets but your ass is up in the air. You shivered when Jaehyun blew cold air on your wet slit. Running his fingers up and down until you’re wet and good before he licks you softly.
It’s his hand placed on your hip, soothing you whenever he feels like you’re giving up.
But he wanted more. And so he spreads you ass cheeks, licked your entrance oh so fucking slowly that your legs couldn’t take the tingling. Earned a light smack in the ass, before Jaehyun continues to lick you from behind. Enjoying how your ass would shake in front of his face. And the moment you came, Jaehyun was kissing your ass cheeks, teasing you further and making you giggle. He made his way beside you, checking if you’re still awake.
“Can you stop playing already?” You said with a small laugh. He rolled on top of you, spreading kisses on your face and neck while he made you swing your arms around him. Oh he loves being close to you like this.
You feel his hand sooth your left leg before he spreads it and line his cock. You moan at feeling of the tip of his cock teasing your wer entrance. “You know, I can cum with just gliding my cock on your slit” he said with a low voice but of course he will not be satisfied. He then slowly pushed in, watching every inch of his cock go inside you and watch you melt with his stroke. He did not move for a few minutes, kissing you one too many times and telling you how much you feel so good around him, even asking you if you’re okay. And when he finally pulled out, he sees his cock glisten with your pussy juices and was happy that he made you so wet.
Moving slowly with a slight force, your boobs were moving up and down and Jaehyun loves the sight of it. You reached for his hand and made him touch your boobs, but he decided to pinch your nipples instead and put it in his mouth. He was moaning so hard, moving his hips rhythm while you receive every ounce of pleasure and admiration. And whenever you peek at him, you see him looking straight into your eyes with all the love he has for you.
“I love you too,” you said moaning. He heard it well. He stopped for a second to let it sink in, reached for your hand and kissed it.
After your confession, his thrusts became sharper and made you weak in an instant. Gripping Jaehyun’s hands so hard as he fucks you, begging him, moaning his name, and making the night even memorable for the two of you when you reached for his face and before you came. You breathing so hard. So hard that you wanted to push him away, but you can’t be apart from him.
“Oh she’s sleepy, don’t you want to make the night longer?” Jaehyun said, teasing you while kissing your hands again. He was giggling when you fell asleep while still gripping his arm like you’re still telling him to stop. He was the one who put on clean clothes on you and made sure you’ll have a warm bed tonight. But even though he was the reason for your beautiful sleep, Taeyong is the one in your dreams and still make you tear up in your sleep.
Jaehyun hold on to you. Physically and figuratively. He reached for your hand and intertwined your fingers together,letting you know that someone is waiting for you. And that he loves you, more than you can ever imagine.
“Good morning” you didn’t have second thoughts with waking him up with kisses. You missed him already and you can’t get enough of him.
“Aren’t you tired?” He smiles and pull you close. Oh he’s so cute.
“I am but I really want to start our day already,” you poked his dimples m. “It’s our first day, officially”
Jaehyun’s eyes went big immediately and smiled sweetly. He rolled on top of you and showered you with kisses, making you feel so loved this morning. So this is love you thought.
The day went on slow. You’ve never flirted like this before and if you’re both being honest, it fees like you haven’t been seeing each other for months already. Everyday together is a new feeling, like a new gift you’re excited to open. That’s how excited you are with your commitment with Jaehyun.
And to think that, you’re the one who pushed him so many times because you weren’t sure with your feelings and you still love Taeyong… you just hate yourself with the thought of hurting him that way.
“You made me skip work, but you’re the one who’s not here with me” he giggles and nuzzles his nose on your nape which tickled you and brought you back to reality. “What are you thinking?” He smiled, curious while leaning towards you by the kitchen table.
“Hmm. Nothing. I just remembered how I used to push you away and look at us now” you said, racking his soft hair and pulling him closer in between you bare legs.
“Told you. I’ll keep coming back,” he smiled back put his hand on your waist and started kissing your neck with want. As if his kisses were telling you that he’s not going anywhere. Soon his hands traveled under your borrowed shirt and feel his cold hands on your skin.
“We haven’t had breakfast” you whispered near his ear.
“You’re my breakfast,” he smirked and put his hand inside your panties, not wasting anymore time and started making you wet with his fingers. Slowly gliding it up and down, not rushing and rather taking his time with torturing you. This time, his kisses were slow but hungrier, his tongue made you weak and made you want for more. You can’t stay still because the pleasure was building up and it’s building up fast. “Spread your legs” you asked nicely with a sexy tone, you wanted to melt right then and there but you can only follow what he says. “How do you like my fingers?” He asked once again while you’re getting comfortable on the kitchen table with your legs wide open and Jaehyun in between them. “Slowly like this?” He ran his middle finger on your wet slit oh so slowly which made you weak and moan his name. It was a slow, feather like touch from him. No sign of pressure from his fingers, just pure teasing and pleasure.
Jaehyun saw the effect from he did, he smiled and went back to kissing you with want as he continues what he was doing down there. And when he felt your legs closing, and everything was already too much for you, he focused on your clit and made you cum from teasing it. You were so frustrated and wanted something other than teasing, but your boyfriend was enjoying. You can only roll your eyes at him but still give him the kisses he asks for. “We have all day. I’ll make it up to you” he giggled and you two continued kissing each other while talking, having a sweet time together.
Until Jaehyun’s phone kept on ringing. Which he continues to ignore because it was an unknown number. After a few missed calls, it stopped ringing.
Then your doorbell rang. By this time you hate how the world continues to ruin your quality time together. “Ugh. I’m not expecting anyone today—“
“It’s okay, I’ll go check on it. You can go fix yourself first” he kissed you and helped you down. Jaehyun then grabbed his shirt from the couch before opening the door, and there Taeyong was standing.
Taeyong was surprised but he didn’t show it. He saw Jaehyun wearing his shirt as he opens the door.
Then you arrived to the scene shortly, wearing a man’s shirt and short shorts.
It wasn’t hard to solve Taeyong thought. You two completely slept together… and now he’s boiling with anger. But of course he’s not showing it.
“Tae… what are you doing here,” Your heart was breaking again as you said his name. He changed so much. He got thinner, the sparkle in his eyes were gone and you almost didn’t recognized him.
“Came to talk to you,” Taeyong answered coldly, “but I see that you have company already,”
It’s been months since the breakup and you didn’t thought that he wanted to fix what you had together. You wanted so bad to hear what he has to say, and truth be told you wanted to talk to— but suddenly, Jaehyun interfered.
“She doesn’t want to talk to you” Jaehyun said with pride.
Taeyong gets what he wants. Always. But this time Jaehyun is the one leading in this race, and he will not let Taeyong win.
“And who are you to speak for her, Jaehyun?” Taeyong replied and by this time you were shocked to the core that they knew each other.
“Jae, you know him?”
“I’ll explain everything later,” Jaehyun said to you.
And while Taeyong was watching you two talk, it was clear to him that he lost you already today. And so with a heavy heart and no goodbyes or whatsoever, he walked away from the two of you. But you were quick to follow him. And as you chase Taeyong, Jaehyun on the other hand hot hurt with your actions. He didn’t stopped you anymore and let you follow Taeyong. Clearly you wanted to talk to him too, Jaehyun can only hope that you wont forget that he exists.
“Tae— how are you?” You stopped Taeyong from getting in his car. He turned and faced you, sadness in his eyes were visible.
“Do you love him?” Taeyong asked with a firm tone. Almost mad but this time he didn’t want his anger to ruin what he can still fix . “Do you love him?” He then once again asked with a softer tone.
“Because I’m here to bring you back Y/n,”
You stand in front of Taeyong in shock. Confused to what is happening right now, but most importantly… why can’t you answer his question when you just said to Jaehyun that you love him. Last night while you two were making love.
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exosorcery · 1 month
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"My dearest child! Can you say MOMMA? MOM-MAH?
"Mmmm! The soup is yummy, isn't it? Can you say soup? SOOOOP?
"Can you say my little nonsense baby? Shit. Maybe that's too hard..."
Seeing as I've been away for a bit, I figured a full-on language lesson might be in order.
Here we go!
I must confess, I have a thing for Kel' Dor youngsters. Who doesn't?
Everyone who has kids (or kid brothers and sisters) 100% HAS HAD this happen to them. Dadaa is supposedly easier to say than Momma... but apparently ANY swear word you can think of is easier than either of them. We weren't allowed to swear as kids, or even teens - but they didn't have to hear us to know we did, because our newly verbal baby sister (in particular) would do things like point at us at dinner exclaiming "Sit! Sit!!" (which was SHIT). Or, after she got a little vocabulary under her belt, would be waking them up at 3 AM saying things like "Dammit, Mummy -wake up!" Or, "Fuck! My bottle!" (as it dropped out of her crib). Ah, the memories 😬
I love the formal way KD's speak. Keldeorin'yaa is very unembellished and literal. Yet their endearments for their little ones are utterly precious.
Mum will have some explaining to do at dinner, I think.
I can hear it all the way from here. "Vek, Vekkk!"
Explore all the language - and all the language rules - here! keldeorinyaa conlang dictionary - Google Sheets
...by the one and only @plokoonsdisapprovingeyebrows.
Have a cool day! - KC
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mellowsadistic · 2 years
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Mindy wailed and thrashed as her Nanny spanked her forcefully, aiming for the top of her thighs, what little of her bottom that wasn’t protected by her thick, crinkly, heavily loaded naptime nappy.
“Bad girl, Mindy!” Nanny scolded, “Very bad girl! You do not yell at Nanny, and you especially do not complain about your treatment!”
“Ow! Ow! Ow! STOP IT!” Mindy cried.
“You need to learn your lesson, little girl, “ Nanny continued sternly. “Your loss of night-time bladder and bowel control is a good thing. Waking up with a soaked and stinky diaper sagging from your bottom shows that our regression training methods are working.”
“But I don’t want them to work!” Mindy shrieked. “I don’t wanna be some big baby freak!”
Nanny’s arm began swinging down with all her might, smacking against the skin of Mindy’s rapidly reddening bottom with so much force that the girl’s squealing doubled in volume. “BAD GIRL!” she shouted. “VERY BAD GIRL! You’re here to be punished, young lady! The court sentenced you to four years as a two-year-old, but since you were too proud to allow your boyfriend to treat you accordingly, he had no choice but to enrol you here! State-run discipline nurseries have a 100% success rate at putting regressed girls in their place, and you’re not going to be any exception, missy! A big baby is exactly what you’re going to be!”
“OW! OWIE! PLEASE!” Mindy begged, tears streaming down her face. Her bottom hurt so badly. She didn’t even know what she was begging for. For the spanking to stop? For her adulthood back? To be let out of the discipline nursery and get sent back to her loving boyfriend? How could she have pushed him to enrol her here? If she could turn back time, she would. Who cared if she had to live like a two-year-old, to have her boyfriend change her wet and messy nappies, to have him feed her and bathe her and burp her like a baby, if this was the alternative? Spending her time playing with baby toys and dancing along to toddler songs, and spending hours a day gazing into those screens, swirling colours and faint music that infiltrated your head and whispered to you.
Mindy could never remember the exact words, but the results were clear. After a few days she noticed her bladder and bowel control beginning to weaken, her hands becoming slightly uncoordinated, her walk turning into more of a toddle – and when she’d asked the nursery staff if it could be reversed, they’d only smirked at her.
And now she’d woken up from her nap to find her nappy absolutely drenched, and worse, packed with a yucky mess that she certainly didn’t remember making. The evil bitches at the discipline nursery had turned her into some kind of oversized two-year-old who filled her diapers in her sleep!
“Once we drop you off with your boyfriend at the end of your training, you’ll be a completely different girl!” Nanny said happily, not letting up with her furious swats. “Just like your little friends that are almost done with their conditioning!”
Mindy sobbed and screamed and kicked her legs over her Nanny’s lap. She couldn’t become one of them. She couldn’t! Not those dim-witted baby-women she shared the nursery school with, the diaper-dependent losers with their adult minds still more or less present, but so heavily conditioned with spankings and hypnosis and all the other foul training methods the nursery employed, that they may as well have had their personalities reverted back to toddlerhood – nothing but babbling, screeching, pants-wetting babies in the bodies of beautiful young women.
Mindy wanted to fight it. She couldn’t think of anything worse than ending up like one of them. But it was hard to think straight when her bottom was blazing like it was on fire. She couldn’t help herself. It was just too horrible! She wanted it to stop! She needed Nanny to stop!
“I’m sowwy, Nanny!” she wailed, hating how easily the baby talk came to her. Another gift of the hypnosis programs. “Baby was just cwanky ‘cause she did a poo-poo!” She cringed with shame as she said it, but she knew it was what Nanny wanted to hear. She wasn’t complaining because she was being turned into an oversized toddler who waddled around in full Pampers all day. She was just being cranky. “Pwease, Nanny!” she sobbed.
And then, mercifully, Nanny did.
“That’s a good girl,” she cooed, her voice soft and sweet, but with a definite note of condescending satisfaction. “What a good baby. Well done for taking your punishment, little Mindy. I’m sure you’re right. You were just being a little cranky because of your yucky, stinky nappy! But I’m afraid I’m not going to change you anytime soon, sweetheart. Babies need to get used to being in full diapers. You need to learn that you’ll be changed at an adult’s convenience, not when it’s convenient for you. Is that clear?”
“Yes Nanny,” Mindy whimpered.
“Good girl! Now let’s get you over to the playroom. We’ve got some lovely programs for you to watch this afternoon. Isn’t that nice?”
Mindy sobbed and sniffled, but didn’t resist as she was led off to sit in front of the television in the nursery’s main room alongside all the other infantilised women, to stare into the screen and allow herself to slip further and further into her new life.
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planetyandere · 2 years
Yandere Naga Izuku Midoriya
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Imagine Izuku taking care of a injured mate
"Ah what are you doing!" Your mate rushed to where you were attempting to stand.
"Izuku please I'm already mostly recovered you don't have to-" you didn't get to finish your sentence as you were wrapped in a strong coil.
"Izuku!" You huffed in frustration as you were once again laid in your nest of blankets.
You went to protest again but he gave you a stern look. Well as stern as he could get.
"I told you you need to rest until you're 100 percent better! What if you fall and hurt yourself even more?!"
You crossed your arms, sick of being treated like glass and not being able to do anything for that past 2 weeks.
"But I'm going crazy Izuku! I'm already not allowed to leave the cave and now you're not letting me leave the nest, it's not fair!" You knew you were being brattier than usual but you couldn't help it this time. You threw yourself back and rolled away from his touch.
Izuku was now distressed. He hated when you were upset with him. And even more so when you rejected his touch.
"But I'm just trying to keep you safe, please don't be upset... How about I bring you back some of those berries you like?!"
You remained silent knowing he would hate that too.
"Well what about...oh I know! How about a new blanket for our nest??" He suggested hopeful that would satisfy you.
His heart broke when your next words were a mumbled, "Just leave me alone already, aren't I miserable enough..."
He hated you being sad he really did. But there were just some things he couldn't allow you to do for your own safety. After all you were a human. Humans were always hunted by Nagas for mates and if he didn't keep you hidden away, another might attack.
That was how his parents were and that's how he had to be with you. But he never expected when he took you that you would be so unhappy. Especially when he loved you so much.
"Would....do you...do you want me to take you outside?"
You jumped up at this, eyeing him for any hint of joking. But all you found in his eyes were concern and worry. But still you couldn't believe what he just said.
"D-don't tease me...I know you're lying.." he had never let you outside since you arrived, claiming that your scent would draw out predators and that it was safer for you hidden away.
"I'm not I promise, and although I don't like the idea...I'll take you out for a little while ok?"
"R-really?" You could have cried, scratch that you already could feel the corners of your eyes burning. How long had it been since you'd seen the sky, and not through the cracks in the high cave ceilings.
"If it'll make you happy yes, but just this once ok! There are so many dangerous creatures I cant risk them knowing you're here".
Quickly you nodded, not really hearing anything he was saying, just hyper at thought of finally getting a taste of the freedom you missed.
Gently Izuku wrapped his tail around you lifting you Into his arms. You held on tightly, no matter how much time had passed you still weren't used to being held like that.
Slowly he slithered toward the cave entrance hidden by large vines and leaves.
"You might want to close your eyes sweetheart" and he was right, soon the light felt piercing sharp. You squinted as your eyes slowly adjusted. It had been a long time since you'd seen such direct light after all.
When you were finally able to open them more you gasped at the view.
Izuku took you to the edge of the cliff where for miles all you could see was a ocean of lush forest. It nearly brought tears to your eyes. Had long had it been since you saw a view like this?
"Huh? Wait why are you crying?! Are you in pain?! I knew we shouldn't have moved you around so much-" you surprised him by placing a kiss on his cheek.
He immediately blushed at the voluntary display of affection.
"Thank you Izuku" you leaned against his body as you gazed across the beautiful land. So close yet so far to someone like you. You knew escape was impossible, so you learned after a while that it was better to please your captor rather than upset him. He'd be more willing to bend every now and then after all. And seeing how he broke one of his firmest rules for you today, you realized you might have more power over him than you thought...
A.n, lemme know what you guys thought! This is a new blog for me:) I'm also taking requests! More info to come���
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oceansssblue · 20 days
NOTES: Here we have a fluffy and sweet/sensual one for our dear Tech. Oh, how I love that man... Let me know if you' ve liked it and reblog if you can. We've only got 3 more prompts for the 100celeb left (with our boys Rex, Cross, and Echo). See you on the next one! Xx, Blue.
Tech had a strict rule; he would not use his mind-reading ability on anyone if not for safety reasons exclusively. That meant, for example, that he was able –and would– use his telepathy to find out Cid's ulterior plans –plans the Trandoshan never mentioned to Hunter– ; but he would control himself and refrain from reading his brother's minds outside of missions and the like. If Tech didn't consider someone in danger, he would silence the thoughts that so often slipped uninvited into his mind.
However, even his own strict rule had to be broken on the rare occasion. Sometimes, the few people he cared about weren't in inminent physical danger; but experimenting some sort of emotional stress that they couldn't always resolve by themselves. Watching them suffer in silence when he might have been able to help if only he had been informed of the nature of their affliction... Well, in those cases, Tech felt morally obliged to intervene.
All this considered, there's no valid reason for him to use his telepathy on you today; but he can't help himself. He had tried to reach a logical conclusion for your behaviour around him lately; to no avail. What he knows is that you can't stand to be in the same space as him for more than a few minutes at a time. He had brushed it aside as mere coincidences at first -you had forgotten something, or had to help Omega with another-; but after a whole month of quiet observation, Tech can't deny the truth any longer. It hurts, the thought of you finding him so irritating or disliking him so much that you inmediately shied away from his presence; but he wants to know what exactly you can't stand about him. Perhaps he can find a solution to it... Tech isn't fond of many people; but he is of you, and he values the friendship that had slowly blossomed between the two of you. He thought you did too, he was sure of it. He needs to know what has changed.
And so the next time you rush out of the cockpit to the sonic, after putting an abrupt end to your conversation with him once again, Tech tunes your thoughts in. Your voice echoes inside his head in a series of stressed whispers. He has to concentrate to discern the jumbled words from one another; your mind is working light speed.
"Oh my god, will I ever stop messing up my words every time I talk to him? With how impossibly smart he is, he probably thinks I'm stupid by now!"
Then, a firm, clear sentence -Tech can imagine you pointing at yourself at the mirror, frustrated-.
"Get your shit together!"
He hears the door of the sonic opening and your footsteps moving in the direction of the bunks.
Alone with his own thoughts again, Tech ponders the new information around. He's relieved to know that at least you don't seem to be angry or irritated at him per se. You just seem to be intimidated by his intelligence; which is more of a compliment than anything else, really. Still, he can't help but feel guilty. Had he ever acted in a way that has made you feel undervalued? Had he off-handedly critiqued any aspect of your psyche? Made an unfortunate comment on how your mind processes things? He doesn't believe so; but it wouldn't surprise him either. For all the intelligence he posseses, he knows he often lacks of emotional tact; something that his brothers -Wrecker, in particular- seem to be well versed in.
Ah, there's always things to learn, mm?
He'll try to make you feel more at ease next time.
Tech is pleasantly surprised to have you tagging along in his exploration of Arkana's forest. The rest of The Batch had decided to stay in The Marauder, catching up on some sleep; but he had prefered to take the chance to observe the planet's rich ecosistem before they had to make their way back to Ord Mantell the following morning. You had inmediately jumped at the oportunity as well. Tech would have thought that an hour expedition would have been too much for you to be in his presence; but you had joined him with a bright smile, and half an hour later, your mood is just as friendly.
Arkana's forest is a surprising mix of bright colourful flora. There's not as much green as one would have expected; but instead, trees and flowers grow in vibrants blues, pinks and yellows. Your eyes widen in awe at a bright neon magenta flower that is as tall as yourself; steps slowing down to admire it.
"What's its name?" you ask him, curiously.
Tech doesn't need to consult his datapad; he knows exactly what it is.
"Fluoridium flowers. Their shine is not a property of the plant per se, but a result of different kinds of neon-like minerals in Arkana's soil. It is often used as..." Tech notices the way you're silently staring at him, an almost lost expression on your face.
He remembers your thoughts on him; and the rest of his explanation quickly dies on his throat. He doesn't want to overwhelm you with unnecessary information. He ends his info-dumping -as Crosshair used to call it- with a few brief words.
"Let's just say it has a lot of uses".
He nods to himself, and then re-starts their walk through the forest. You follow him inmediately, frowning in confusion at his interrumpted explanation.
"For example?" you ask him, and Tech shoots a carefull glance back at you.
"I didn't think you'd be interested in knowing that".
His words bring a honest, surprised expression on your face.
"Why not?" you sound highly confused.
You can't help but think you've done something wrong. It had looked like Tech had wanted to share the information with you; and then he had stoped himself from continuing after taking a look at your face. Had you done something you weren't aware of?
Tech's eyes flicker around the forest almost avoiding you.
"I wouldn't want to bore you" he answers, voice quiet and hesitant.
Tech is never hesitant. He might not know everything; but even then, his usual way of talking is always confident and self-assured. He has no problem in admiting a lack of knowledge in something; he'd admit it in the same firm tone he uses for everything. Why is he acting so strange now?
His words tug at your heart. Perhaps something has happened without you noticing it. Perhaps there had been some sort of discusion between the brothers; or some fleeting comment Tech had taken too personal.
You are enamoured by him; he could never bore you.
For the first time in perhaps forever, you reach your hand towards his wrist; tugging him into a stop and looking up into his eyes with your cheeks lighted up in a faint blush.
"I find all your explanations interesting" you sum up the courage to add "I like hearing you talk, Tech".
You shoot him a small, soft smile; fingers squeezing his wrist softly before letting him go.
Tech is momentarily stunned. He is first confused by the contradiction between your recent afirmation and the thoughts he had heard from you just a few days ago; he is also surprised by the tender affection he reads on your eyes. Your honest little admission sends a warm feeling to his heart.
You're still looking at him; perhaps waiting for an answer, a reaction from him. Tech's heart speeds up. He feels the need to listen to your mind tingling through his veins; and he allows himself that little exception again, just this time.
"How could you ever be boring? You're like a living encyclopedia. And you look so adorable when you're explaining something, specially when you raise your index. I like seing how excited you get, how you come to life. Ah, Tech, if only you knew... I could hear you talking all day".
Tech blushes instantly; slipping out of your mind and trying to hide the way hearing you "talk" about him is making him feel. He must have gotten something wrong. You evidently still enjoy spending time with him; you... Care. Those first thoughts he read from you last time must have been born of your own insecurities; insecurities he would try to help you leave behind.
You like when the cockpit is at it's maximum capacity. It means you're able to watch Tech with other posible distractions claiming his attention; masking your unwavering interest. Right now, for example, he's listening to Wrecker's and Omega's chattering; making a few brief interventions here and there. He's also piloting The Marauder back to Ord Mantell; and shooting some carefully concerned glances at Hunter, who was injured in The Batch's last mission in Targa. He has always been an expert at multitasking.
You, on the other hand, are focused on just one thing; Tech himself. How his hair is slightly ruffled after the mission, and the way his eyes seem to softly shine with the hyperspace lights. His pouty lips; and the way his long legs look when he spreads his knees apart, turning in the direction of his brothers once The Marauder is set on autopilot.
Fuck, how you wish you could be standing -or kneeling- between those legs...
Tech suddenly stutters in his speech, his cheeks blushing perhaps as a result of something one of his brother's had said. It pulls you out of your thoughts for a minute; your eyes focusing on how cute he looks with the soft tint of embarassment on his face. It's not an expression you often see on him.
You're really helpless when it comes to Tech. Your mind inmediately swings to dirty thoughts; pondering wether he'll get a similar expresion if he'd get flustered at sex. Would he be shy, cheeks set on fire and a timid, adorable wide-eyed expresion on his face? Or would he be as confident and firm as usual, making you melt at his feet with a few caresses and well aimed words? You'd be eager to please him either way, that's for sure.
Tech stands up abruptly; clearing his throat nervously, face impossibly flushed now. His eyes flicker everywhere around the room, and he inmediately makes a hasty exit muttering a rushed excuse. Your eyes trail after him in concern; asking the rest of The Batch about him in case you got lost on something important that would explain his sudden and unexpected retreat.
"What was that?" you whisper to his brothers, half confused and half concerned.
Hunter's eyes snap back at you. He looks uncomfortable; shifting in his place.
"You tell me" he answers, criptycally, inmediately turning his attention to Meg.
What does that even mean? He... He couldn't have known what you were thinking about, could he? Well, with how perceptive he is, perhaps he might have guessed the direction of your thoughts with those heightened senses of his... But certainly not Tech, right? He's smart, yes, but you hadn't been that obvious, had you? Or were your thoughts so clearly written in your face?
Wrecker bumps his shoulder into yours, trying to integrate you into the conversation and diffuse the sudden weird atmosphere that had set around you. You shoot him a soft smile; though your mind is still being pulled in Tech's direction, who had all but ran away to hide in the bunks.
Tech had been fighting your thoughts for one whole month now. And fighting was the apropiate word; because it had been madenning difficult to focus on anything else but the way you seem to lose your atention on the outside word when you focus on him. It had been a complete shock at first; his mind needing a few days to process this change of perspective. The realisation that your only problem with him was that you liked him a bit too much, that he made you impossibly nervous, had been hard to accept. Tech would have thought you'd go for someone like Hunter; but no, you were utterly interested in him. He didn't really understand why at first; but as weeks passed, he had listen to all kind of thoughts about him -from sincere admiration to soft tenderness to hungry lust-, and he guessed he could understand your reasons now.
Needless to say, he had been a mess. He was always so composed; but your thoughts about him had shattered his control to pieces. He spent most of his days either flustered, or lost in your own thoughts; to the point the rest of his brothers had noticed it. Hunter, who knew exactly what was going on, had encouraged him to bring the conversation to you; but even if he knew how you saw him, he was still a bit unsure. He didn't want to make you uncomfortable; and he still felt guilty of invading your privacy. What if you got furious at him? Never wanted to see him again? That would be heartbreaking.
The situation couldn't continue for much longer, though; he was distracted, and he needed to be focused on their missions -to keep all of them as safe as possible-. He had no other option than to confront you. Though perhaps... perhaps his way of going about it wasn't the most wise.
Hunter had gone to Cid's to deliver their part of the deal; while Wrecker and Omega had decided to celebrate with a few games of dejarik and Mantel Mix. Echo, though tired, had tagged along as well; if only for keeping a responsible eye on them. You had claimed to be tired as well; so you had stayed in The Marauder with him.
You were currently sitting next to Tech; watching him tinker about with an old datapad of his he was trying to fix so Omega could have her own one. He could feel the weight of your stare on his face; momentarily glancing down at his hands each handfull of minutes. The tension was palpable between the two of you; and Tech couldn't help but tune in into your thoughts once again. You were practically screaming them to him...
"Fuck, look at those fingers... So long and skilled... He really does have beautiful hands. If only I could feel them on me..."
Tech feels a small rush of excitement slowly igniting inside of him. He tries to focus on the task at hand; a futile attempt. Your thoughts keeps slipping onto his mind.
"Inside me. Fuck, wish I could feel them inside me. Clench on them while he licks my clit with his tongue and I could dig my fingers into his hair, push him against me, and he'd get me ready for his cock and... Oh, god, what would his cock feel like?"
Tech is so dizzy with the raw hunger and need laced in your words he blurts out an answer without wanting too.
"I wouldn't be opposed to trying that".
He realises, far too late, that his thought hand't stayed in the safe privacy of his mind; but exposed out loud for you to hear as well. His eyes widen in surprise.
"W-what?" you stutter, terrified of having spoken your own thoughts out loud.
Tech blushes and watches you nervously. The cat is out of the bag, now.
"I-I... Please forgive me, you were thinking very loudly and I could not help but listening in and..." he explains hurriedly, your expresion only switching from confused terror to terrified surprise.
"What do you mean? You... You can read people's mind?" You almost squeak, shocked at not having heard of any of this until now.
Tech nods, guiltily, and the realisation of your crush being aware of all you've fantasized about him makes your cheeks burn in pure embarassment.
"I'm sorry!" you inmediately apologise, wanting nothing more than to stand up and run away. "I-I..."
"It is not your fault" Tech inmediately cuts in, taking a deep, calming breath as if he is nervous himself. "There is nothing for you to apologise for. In fact, I am the one who should. Please forgive me, mesh'la. I did not intend to invade your privacy like this. I first thought you had a problem with me, and so I peaked into your mind twice to figure out why, and... And I should have stopped there, but the way you continued to stare at me made me curious and... I'm sorry, mesh'la".
You soften at the honesty of his words; and the affectionate way he calls you beautiful in Mando'a. You glance up at him cautiously; embarassment slowly melting away with his positive reaction.
"So you're not... You're not uncomfortable, then?"
Tech's cheeks are still slightly red; though he forces his eyes to stay on yours.
"No. It was a shock at first, I must admit; but your thoughts have never made me felt that way. Nervous, distracted, turned on... Yes, but not uncomfortable" he pauses and carefully adds "like I said, I wouldn't be opposed to try any of them".
You almost jump at the chance; but there's something else holding you back. You don't want this to be a one time thing. You don't want this to be merely sexual. He knows all your thoughts on this; it's just fair you get to find his.
"Did you... Did you hear all the non-sexual thoughts about you too? About us?" you ask him quietly.
Tech responds to your vulnerability with a warm smile. His hand slowly reaches down to yours; sending a shiver through your spine.
"I did. And I'd like to try those as well, cyare" he whispers, a confesion that stays just between the two of you.
Your heart soars; the explosive rush of happiness pushing a radiant smile on your face, happy tears on your eyes.
"Yes, yes, yes, yes" you chant in your head. And then, in case he's listening... "Kiss me, Tech".
You catch a brief glimpse of his answering smile before his lips join yours in a soft, passionate kiss. You sigh into him, melting against the carefull hands that slowly come up to craddle one side of your face and your left hip. Tech hums in contentment. His own swirl of excited, tender thoughts mix with the ones that slips from your mind into his. You kiss and kiss; and the passion and affection burning in both of you is so similar he does not longer differentiate in between.
You can read the other prompts for the 100celeb here:
And you have a lot of other clone wars and bad batch stories here:
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exoticabl4 · 5 months
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How to actually stick to your habits ?
Hello, my loves. This post will be, as you've read it in the title, about how to stay committed to your habits. So without further ado, let's start.
1. Don't start off too strong.
You've got to know that your brain always wants your safety and your comfort. Your old habits provided you with both of these, even if they were unhealthy, and even if the pleasure was very short and temporary. Therefore, it is very normal that your brain will keep dwelling in your old habits and routines. So never start off too strong, otherwise it'll be very hard for you to stay committed. What I recommend doing, is to identify 8 habits that will highly benefit you, and get you closer to your goals. Instead of adding those 8 habits to your day all at once since day one, you're going to add 2 habits a week. Focus on progress, rather than perfection. At the end of your first month, you'll find yourself with 8 new habits. Give yourself the time to get used to each habit, so about a week or more (depending on how hard the habit is).
And before you come to me, I know that the average duration to implement a habit in your life is 21 days, but the goal here is not to be used to it at a 100%, the goal is to lessen the unfamiliarity, so that the brain can stop dwelling in the old habits.
2. Focus on the end-goal.
Sometimes, we tend to focus on how hard the task/habit is, rather than the end-goal that will result from the consistency of the habit. Therefore, try to remind yourself of the end-goal. My experience with this has been IMMACULATE. To focus on the end-goal, I make Pinterest boards. Personally, studying and reviewing for exams is something that I absolutely dread, so in order to get myself to enjoy it or make it more bearable, i made a Pinterest board with the lifestyle i wanna have in my early 20s. So it contains pics of my dream uni, the country i wanna be living in, the life i wanna be leading. Whenever i feel too lazy or demotivated to study or review stuff, i go back to my Pinterest board to remind myself of my end-goal. And when I tell you that each time i do this, i get the best grade of my class, and when i really put my mind into it, i get the best grade of my whole promotion.
3. Realize how simple your task is with this technique.
Many times, we don't see the habit for what it is, but rather for some kind of absolutely dreadful and unbearable task that's impossible to achieve. So what I do to simplify it, is that i write down in my notes what my most productive day would look like, and compared to the tasks that I set to myself, i start to view that as some really simple stuff. To give you an idea of how it works, I'll do what i do best : give an example.
I wanna learn Spanish, last year i was very consistent with it, but the last few months, I really procrastinated and got lazier, like, even spending my daily 15 minutes of Duolingo seemed like a torture, so i decided to use this technique. I wrote down what my ideal spanish learning session was, and it kind of looked like this :
45 minutes of Duolingo
Learning 3 new pages of vocabulary from my notebook
Using each newly learned word in a sentence
Do a conjugation lesson/ learn the conjugation of an irregular verb
Listen to a short story in Spanish, and write down new and unfamiliar vocabulary
Next to this routine, 15 minutes on Duolingo looked very simple and easy, even too little, and now it is wayy easier for me to stick to habits.
4. Always have an alternative.
You got me there, we all have our bad days, low-energy days, and it is very hard, if not impossible, to get anything done on these days. That's why you should give each of your habits an alternative. Let's say you wanted to workout an hour a day, but you came back home absolutely exhausted. Instead of the intense 1 hour workout, have a less intense and easier alternative for it, or maybe a shorter one, or you could go for a walk instead, after all, the end goal is to move your body, you do you, you know what works best for you.
That was all for today's post, hope it helped. Bye, my loves 💗
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ladylooch · 1 year
Nico Hischier smut with maybe honeymoon sex? he loves calling you Mrs.Hischier and falls in love with the matching wedding bands
A/N: K yes. Like.. I saw the first sentence and was 100% invested in this. Mostly because I planned doing some sort of honeymoon smut for What My World Spins Around AU. But also because who doesn't want what's below this cut??? So here we go. We can always go back to the wedding if we want to 😉
Word Count: 1.6k
Warnings: SMUTTTT (18+ Content)
Salty ocean air mixes with warm coffee in the early morning. The sunlight glitters off the sea as I savor the quiet moment by myself. Nico and I got married two days ago. It’s hard to believe the day already came and went, even as the large, diamond rimmed wedding band weighs my left hand down. We had everything we needed. Great company, incredible food, flowing drinks, and willing wedding guests that kept the party going well past 3 am. Nico and I were in a daze when we got to the Costa Brava region of Spain yesterday. We collapsed into bed, curled into each other and slept until this morning.
We rented a private villa along the coast with gorgeous Mediterranean views. The villa has five bedrooms, a large kitchen, multiple living spaces, and a pool-hot tub salt water combination that looks to die for. I am itching to get in there. I bring my coffee to my lips again, looking over my shoulder into the bedroom. Nico is there, stretched out on his stomach, arms crunching the pillow under his head. His few days of stubble and long eye lashes make his dreamy, prince charming look complete. The comforter has slid down his back to just below his hips. My eyes focus on the two distinct ridges of muscle that come together in a V there before disappearing beneath his boxer briefs.
The pool isn’t the only thing I’m itching for.
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Weddings are a whirlwind of fun and exhaustion, so was getting here from Switzerland, and we haven’t had a chance to celebrate intimately. I look down at the robe I’m wearing, grinning at the white, provocative lingerie that waits for him whenever he decides to join me. 
I don’t have to wait much longer. The sun shifts up the bed into his face and he squints out at me. When our gazes connect, I give him a coy smile.
“Good morning, Mr. Hischier.” He bites down on his bottom lip, tossing the comforter to the side and strutting towards me. He looks so damn good- toned and hard, but safe. He comes to the table, resting a hand on it and the back of my chair to enclose me into our kiss.
“Good morning, Mrs. Hischier.” He murmurs against my lips. His tongue snakes out, gently gliding along the seam of my lips. “Ooo, that coffee tastes good on you.” He licks his lips, reaching for the cup I extend to him. He takes a sip and closes his eyes in a brief moment of appreciation. 
When he hands me the cup back, he sees a peak of my white bra. His fingers hook into the shoulder of my robe, pushing the fabric down to expose more of the top. His eyebrows peak in excitement as he runs a finger along the taut white strap, down my chest to run along the top of my right breast. Goosebumps pebble along my chest, following his finger as it moves to the other swell. My nipples tighten into hard buds against the lace fabric. Each of Nico’s fingers trail over them causing a feminine grunt to drop from my mouth. He loosens the tie of my robe to see the rest of the set. Two, thin bands hold the panties in place- one around my natural waist and one around my hips. The piece is finished off with white lace along the front and not much on the back. 
“You’re going to be worth the wait, aren’t you baby?” He asks me, pushing the robe off my other shoulder.
“You tell me.” I whisper.
He kneels down on the ground to get level with me. His hands gently glide my legs apart so he can come closer. I watch his approach with hooded eyes. His head dips, lips pressing gentle smooches along my large, plumped breasts. My eyes close completely, fingers racing through his hair to gently scratch at his scalp.
He grabs the straps of my panties in his hands, pulling them off my legs to expose me to him and the ocean air. My chest is rising and falling in anticipation as he takes in the view. 
“Mrs. Hischier, you’re soaked for me.”
“Make me come, babe.” I beg him as he takes his time raking his gaze over me.
“Right here?” He acts all scandalous. “Where the neighbors can hear?”
“Yes, please.”
“Mmm, only since you asked so nicely.” He chuckles. His large palms slide under me, gliding against the seat until he takes my full ass cheeks in his hands. He brings me slightly up to his mouth. I think he’s going to tease me, but he doesn’t. His full lips close over my clit, suckling my slick flesh into his mouth. My eyes close, then burst open in excitement as he laps his tongue generously against my folds. My inner muscles pulse, catching his attention. He glides a finger through my excitement, smearing it up my folds until I’m equally soaked all over. “You look so pretty, baby. All wet and pink, wearing my ring.”
This for the rest of my life? Fuck.
I drape my leg over his shoulder. His left hand moves from my ass, dragging his fingertips down my thigh. Each inch of my leg savors the coolness of his wedding band. It’s a new, exquisite feeling that I’m not sure I want to get used to. It accelerated the desire bursting through my veins. I look down at him working his mouth on me. He looks so good. He pulls away to focus his tongue against my clit. I snap my head back between my shoulder blades, howling to the sky.
“Little quieter, sweets.” Nico snickers against my quivering folds.
“No, It’s too good.” I moan as he works his tongue in just the right rhythm.
“Tell me more.”
“You’re perfect, Neeks. Please don’t stop. Fuck.” My body trembles as I feel the orgasm begin to descend. It starts from my core, slowly leaking, begging Nico for more as I push his face deeper in with my left hand. My wedding rings shimmers in the morning sunlight against his dark hair. I jolt, abdomen tightening, then turning into pudding as I come loudly and wetly against his face. Nico kisses me through the aftershocks, working his lips up the thigh still draped around his shoulder.
“I’m going to worship you like that forever.” He promises me as he places my leg back on the ground.
He stands, sporting a seriously large erection, reaching down to wrap his arms around my waist. He lifts me into his arms, carrying me back inside the bedroom where he tosses me onto my back, then nudges me to roll to my stomach. He hovers above me at the side of the bed, looking down at my spread legs, flushed cheeks, rapid breathing and wild hair. He likes what he sees, grinning, as he leans over me, underwear removed to slide into me.
As he pushes into my wet heat, he laces our left hands together. Our matching rings catch one another with his first thrust into me. I lay my head back against his shoulder as he begins to pump steadily. My teeth annihilate my bottom lip at the pleasure sweeping through my body. My breasts get heavy, begging for release into the air- for someone to touch them. I reach back half-heartedly to unclasp the band. Nico bats my hand away, undoing the hooks with his expert touch. My breasts bound free. Nico’s hand comes around, stroking my right nipple as he pushes deeper.
“Ohmygod.” I groan, letting my forehead fall to the bed. I arch my back into his thrusts as he increases his motion. He is pounding forcefully into me, giving me everything he’s got as the pent up emotions and celebration and lust guide his aggressive hips.
“Wish you could see how beautiful you look taking me like this.” 
That gets me.
Stars explode behind my screwed shut eye lids as I come on him. I’m so loud. Swear words and groans fall from my lips as my breathing hitches higher and higher. I can feel his grin on my shoulder as he fucks me harder. I jolt, feeling a second orgasm come just after the first, making me wiggle against his firm grasp on my hips. He doesn’t relent, pushing us both over the edge again as I feel my overstimulated muscles grip his sputtering cock.
“Fuuuuuck.” Nico yells, slapping his hands over mine as he jerks his hips into me a final time. “Baby.” He moans when he is done. I can’t respond. My face is shoved so deep into the mattress that I can’t breathe or speak and I don’t care. He tries to pull out and my muscles clench in protest. He coasts himself back in, working himself out slower in small, gentle thrusts. “You’re not done with me?” He asks, reaching a hand around to grope my breast., thumbing my nipple into a hard peak.
“Not even close.” I say as I snap my head up hair whipping against his face as he jolts back in surprise. “Fuck me like that again.”
“I need a minute.” He says, eyes wide at my reaction. He strokes his hand along his softening cock, eyes glinting as he watches the fire in my eyes. “Who is this?” His smirk has me licking my lips greedily.
“Nico Hischier’s hot wife. You going to take care of me like you promised?” I challenge. 
He launches forward, silencing any other words that want to come out of my mouth.
We don’t see much of Spain after that.
I’m a bit disappointed on the flight back to Switzerland, but Nico assures me we’ll be back again soon.
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Has anyone written a guide on
How to write New York AAVE - for Miles & Miles!42
?? If so let me reblog it but if not I might write something. I don't really read for them but there are a lot of New York specific terms I can drop if anyone wants. Some of them I use in my posts (like saying 'I'm weak' in place of 'I'm laughing really hard).
Follow up question:
Do you notice any AAVE in my posts? Do any of my sayings or terms confuse you? I'm so curious cause EVERYONE IRL around me speaks fluent AAVE 24/7 unless they're in an office setting.
Every person in my school spoke it. Because it's our default way of speaking and we switch out of it, I don't notice the large differences sometimes.
[One time I was overseas and I was speaking and a British dude (granted drunkness was happening) was like 'OH you're from Texas right :) I can hear the twang' and I was like ?????????????? Absolutely not my friend now take it back ??????????
The Midwestern girls next to me was like 'ummmm he sounds extremely New Yorker, like it's not even funny'
I realized he probably thought I was Texan because I say 'y'all' A LOT. I use it 100% of the time. Saying 'you guys' here is seen as really formal. But at the time because I didn't realize I was saying y'all and speaking AAVE in front of foreigners, and since it isn't really spoken in movies or on TV - it sounded foreign and very very thick in front of them]
That's why I try to write in AAVE when I can. It's quicker, has a lot of fun sayings, and it's a legitimate writing and speech pattern with it's own words, some words having changed meanings in AAVE (like feigning or scary), and lots of other small things.
But if someone has already written it let me share it cause I wanna read
[It takes less than five minutes of your time and involves listening to a song]
If you've read this far and you wanna see the post, I'd love to try a little experient.
I'm really curious how knowledgeable everyone is in AAVE, and how much if it is completely lost in translation. So idea:
Act Up by City Girls is a popular rap song written completely in New York AAVE.
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It's 2:30 minutes long. Can you do me a favor and go listen to it? (If English is your second language, I'd love to hear your thoughts too!) And just notice:
How much you do understand their accent, as in are you making words out of it, even if the sentences sound confusing?
How much of the lines you feel like you comprehend or get the joke?
And for fun, are there any words you either don't know at all, or words you know being used in a weird way?
Like in the song Yung Miami - her name itself being AAVE for 'Young' Miami - says the lyric
'Hood bitch, good pussy
I ain't average
He can't come around with that cabbage
Pop a pussy bitch quick like a bubble gum'
Did you understand that the first time she meant a literal pussy, and the second she meant it as 'someone who isn't about their word'. Meaning she'll punch the hell out of a girl who she thinks is asking for it.
Or that cabbage is supposed to mean money?
These are just some of the lighter lines. But if you have the time, like 3-4 minutes, please check out the song and let me know your thoughts!
Also do you already know the song or City Girls?
I'm just really curious about how much AAVE people know and how in depth to go if I do write it. I'm SO SO CURIOUS.
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rustybutterknife · 4 months
I’m bored and gay so here’s some reasons why I love my boyfriend
Before we moved in together, when I would have bad flare up days he would massage me with lavender lotion until I fell asleep (which would take less than 10 minutes) and when I was asleep, he’d help me out by cleaning the kitchen and doing the dishes for me ❤️
One time during a really bad flare up, I hadn’t showered for a few days since I was so physically exhausted and in pain. So he carried me into the bathroom, ran me a hot bath, and washed my hair for me while I rested my head on the side of the bathtub
Is the only person who’s earned the trust of our shyest child alter to the point that she’ll have basic conversations with him (she usually doesn’t speak more than a few single word sentences, if at all)
One time when I had a really shitty day (I was a nervous wreck all day and ended up having a seizure on the CTA because of it), he stopped at Target after work to get me a care package with kettle and buttered microwave popcorn, a candle, some turtle chocolates, and some new towels to replace the ones that my sister stole from me.
For our 11 month anniversary, he took me to Olive Garden and an arcade afterwards. He paid extra money so I could be able to get a Rilakkuma arcade card (idk what they’re called) and get a couple Rilakkuma cups that come with it if u pay like $100 in tokens. We ended up getting enough tickets to get a cute little apple frog plush that was hella caked up
Is helping me to get my GED
Makes sure to text me good night before bed every night we’re apart. In return, I kiss him good morning every time I wake up next to him
Helped me move out of my sister’s place and go no/low contact with my family
Helped me learn to become comfortable with intimacy again after my assaults in 2022
On days I don’t have the spoons to run errands, he’ll do them for me.
Let’s me know how much he loves me and reassures me when I need it most
Is incredibly patient
Wants to teach 6-12th math so he can be the cool queer teacher that he wishes he had in high school
Wants to help me learn math since I have dyscalculia and it’s what I struggle most with
For my birthday, he wanted to try and replicate one of my favorite photos of us with legos (he hasn’t finished it yet but that’s okay cause I know building complicated stuff with legos take a long ass time)
Has seen me at my worst and still thinks I’m a bad bitch
Lets me chew on his fingers if I need to stim
Is helping me become a better person
I love my BF!!!!!!!!!!
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formulawonu · 2 years
seventeen & drunk conversations
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prompt: how svt would be in drunk conversations
a/n: hi i'm back and got kinda carried away... tag yourselves i'm a combination of woozi and lee chan 🤠
seungcheol: "i love you i love you i love you" "SAY IT BACK WTH" gets all pouty dkxhsjhb would also attempt to talk to you seriously about whatever is going on with your life <//3 big believer of a drunk persons words are a sober persons thoughts
jeonghan: "ha i knew u were a lightweight" "bet u can't take one more shot" DEADASS what an enabler u both would already be drunk and he'd still be challenging u to drink more. the competitiveness just jumps out i guess???? but it would be a fun night. 50% chance of tears if the mood is right
joshua: stopppppp he'd be holding ur hand or leaning his head on ur shoulder i know u all saw that tipsy dingo live. he'd probably also just be muttering stuff under his breath or singing along to whatever song is in the background he is my king of sitting pretty wherever and whenever he'd also be making sure ur ok
junhui: im sorry this man is in a whole other different dimension. u would THINK ur talking to him then realize mid sentence that he is just.....not there... he would probably think he's having a conversation with u but actually it was all just happening in his head and he was really just staring into the distance zoned out irl fml
hoshi: "yo yo yo listen to me im not drunk i actually love you" "IM BEING SERIOUS IM NOT DRUNK I LOVE UR PRESENCE IN MY LIFE?!?!?!?!?" everyone knows hes drunk. even he knows hes drunk. does it matter? no. he would also actually try to have a deep n heartfelt conversation with u:( pls value the mans drunk words they actually mean a lot and come from the heart :/
wonwoo: ok depending on the vibe he either gets even more quiet or hes literally just laughing at everything im gonna cry diusfkghjfj,cm (sorry that was my bias talking) like if it's a drinking situation where deep conversations are happening he's probably really internalizing everything going on and paying attention to whoever is speaking so he really remembers the moment but if its a fun drinking time he's 100% laughing at whoever tf is acting up and throwing sum jokes in here and there:/ HES TRYING HIS BEST OKAY
woozi: yeaaaaaaaa we got our resident sentimental drunk here 🤠 like he's kinda like wonwoo in the sense that he's really basking in the moment and noticing every detail about what's happening and who he's with but he's really just... a soft guy when he's drunk i think he'd be the type to take out his phone in the middle of the night to just write about how he feels/drunk thoughts in his notes just so he could think abt it when he's sober or potentially get inspiration from it :( brings up nice past memories n all... LEE JIHOON I LOVE YOU
minghao: he's just giggling the entire time and maybe just a lil more snarky... "sorry? did u say something? i couldn't hear u over the shot i poured out for u that u didn't take" would also initiate several group toasts and takes pics of u/whoever he's with to capture the moment. becomes more vocal abt his feelings in general actually. would 10/10 want to get drunk with minghao
mingyu: hes a flirty drunk stop it rn. opens all ur bottles/cans for u and hands it back to u with a wink, takes shots for u, has his arm draped across ur seat.... HES JUST NATURALLY LIKE THAT OK PHYSICAL TOUCH IS HIS LOVE LANGUAGE :/ its just even more pronounced when hes intoxicated. asks u ever so often if ur ok if u need water :/ "i'll take the shot for u just remember u owe me something" MOVE!!!!!!!!! but he's v receptive of u and that translates in how caring he is... ugh what a man
seokmin: byeeeee hes also so touchy. hes showering u with kisses and hugs. "i actually LOVE you though!!!!!! return my love!!!!" ur in for a long night if u put him and hoshi together. im being serious good luck. but he's suddenly down to do anything now - cook a feast? go night swimming? karaoke? he's ur guy. would not stop letting u know how much he appreciates and loves u:/ romantic or not:/ if hes sweet sober hes even more drunk:(
seungkwan: omfg he nags at u so much "ANOTHER SHOT?? REALLY???" "WHY ARE U ASSUMING I WANT TO TAKE ANOTHER SHOT" then takes the shot anyway lmao he'd be easier to fool into doing smth stupid to make everyone laugh bec he just wants good vibes n good memories :/ and he's even more doting on whoever he's with like he would 100% get u water and u could trust him with anything. my dream wingman for real he would know how ur feeling and how the night is going without any words needed. he is ESSENTIAL
vernon: he's the one finishing all of the snacks on the table while everyone is talking. he is pure vibes. nodding his head to whatever music is playing in the background and listening to the conversations going on. inputs here and there but hes happier going with whatever vibe is of the night. great person to have beside u imo if u wanna go crazy he'll jump with u if u wanna sit down and talk he'll do that too. might even share a cig with u if the mood calls for it. vernon is on my night out dream team as well
dino: THE LIFE OF THE PARTY!!!! like he doesn't even ask to be it -- he just naturally draws attention and everyone loves playing with him jiskfdhrkd "guys ive literally been the only one taking shots this isnt fair" "WHAT DO U MEAN I LOST THE GAME I HAVENT PLAYED" but he just goes with it because he wants a good time. however as the night progresses and the group gets smaller n smaller he starts becoming serious lee chan and tries to heart to heart with whoever is there. :/ he has a lot of valuable thoughts to let out so whoever is with him pls LISTEN!
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Day 8: Breeding | Try for a Baby
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Pairing: Namjoon x Fem!Reader
Words: 1.2k
A/N: DOUBLE POST I AM FEEDING YALL HUNGRY ASSES! Edit: Updated cover because the last one didn't do him justice, I'd let him breed me all he wants if he approached me in the ICONIC red, DAMN!🎃 Kinktober 2023 m.list right here! 🎃
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“Awww, Minhi, your baby is adorable.” You cradle the baby in your arms, bouncing him on your knees as the toothless child smiles up at you, eyes twinkling with innocence. Your heart skips a beat. You love your new nephew.
“Yes, Junha is a sweetheart,” Minhi replies to you as she watches you play with her baby as her husband returned along with her brother.
“We got the food. Korean Fried Chicken good enough for ya, sis?” Namjoon asks while scratching his neck, setting the plastic bag of food on the dining table before making his way over to living room to see his nephew once more.
“Yes Joonie, that’s fine.”
“Hey honey.” Namjoon wrapped his arms around you for a quick hello hug as you carefully shifted the baby over in your own grasp. It seemed like he was watching how your husband interacted with you carefully.
“Welcome back. Isn’t Junha adorable? I’m sure those shoes you got for him will fit perfectly on his tiny wittle feet.” You say in a baby voice, making Namjoon raise his eyebrows but softly his confusion turns into happiness as a little smirk makes its way onto his face.
“Yeah, he is pretty cute,” Namjoon takes his nephew into his arms. “He kinda looks like me, makes sense since I am his uncle.” He said a matter-of-factly.
“You would make adorable kids.” You comment, meaning it only in passing. Namjoon gave you a double take when you weren’t looking. He’d been thinking of it before but now more than ever, especially after his sister went through the delivery, naturally…Namjoon made sure to wife you up, hard.
You met in the park, while he was taking his dog for a walk and you were jogging. You were mutually attracted to each other and after running into each other by accident a few more times, he asked you out on a date. You hit it off immediately, and within six months you were engaged. And about six more months later, you were married. However, you were still somewhat still getting to know each other. You learned new things about each other every year and this journey of marriage with him was fun for you. You love him, and you would literally die for him.
You never talked about children before though.
After three hours visiting Minhi and her family, you and Namjoon got back to your own home, sighing and sitting down on the living room couch with two glasses of wine. You stare into his eyes while you both went through your nightly routine as newlyweds. It had only been five months, and you were barely a year into your marriage anyways.
“Y/N, you ever thought about having kids of our own someday?” Namjoon asks as he rubs your hands soothingly.
“Not particularly but….have you?”
“Yeah. I’ve always wanted to be a dad.” Namjoon says.
“Well, would you like to make one?”
“Make a baby. With me.” You were HALF-joking. Only slightly. But then again if it meant you could get dicked down really well by your husband you were seriously in love with, you didn’t give a shit.
“Y/N?” You straddle his lap, staring into his eyes to ensure he knew you were 100 percent serious.
“Oh…Joonie.” His name rolls off your tongue easily as he moved his hands down the sides of your thighs, before slowly brushing his fingers against your inner thighs.
“You’re seriously…” You didn’t let him finish his sentence before pressing your lips against his in a heated manner. You want him, now.
“Joon, let’s try for a baby, right now.”
“Y/N, we…we can’t just…do that. We have to talk about it…” He rubs your thighs while staring into your eyes. You could tell he was struggling to hold himself back.
“Fuck a baby into me, honey.” Nothing more needed to be said as the primal desire filled your husband’s eyes as he finally gave in.
“You want to be bred that bad?” Namjoon’s deeper rasp comes out as he grabs your thighs, sinking his nails into them.
“Yeah..” You rock forward, rubbing your body against his, desperate to feel some relief from the friction of your panties rubbing on his clothed cock. Your clit is throbbing.
“You’re so needy for my cock, aren’t you, honey?” Namjoon asks, as he continues kneading your thighs as he had been for a few minutes as you grinded against him. Until you were begging. “Beg for it, beg for me to fill you with my cum,” You stop grinding against him and undo his belt, pulling off your dress and your panties slowly when Namjoon suddenly holds your arms, keeping you from sliding your panties fully down. “Y/N, beg for it.”
The dominance in his gaze awakened something within you as you look up at him. Fierce brown eyes piercing into your e/c ones. Your breathing quickens.
“Breed me, Joonie. Put a baby in my belly…I beg of you. Do it quickly….please….I can’t wait any longer…” 
“Course, sweetheart.” Namjoon smirks with a shit-eating grin before ripping apart your panties with his bare hands and sliding his cock into you instantaneously, and the deed was done. He’s inside, partly.
“Oh god,” Your eyes roll back. “Shit…” You close your eyes as your husband continues thrusting upwards, reaching, reaching for the back of your womb. “ Mmmm, gimme that sweet semen of yours, Joonie.” You whine, bucking your hips at the same time, your eyes filled with nothing more than lust for the man in front of you.
He digs his fingers deeper into your flesh, your thighs burning from both how he gripped you but also the sheer force of his movements. Underneath, your thighs smacked against his. Over and over, a raunchy rhythm of sorts, as you fuck your husband on the couch of your living room, your drinks long forgotten on the coffee table as he brought his hands up and stared up at you in bewilderment. He’d never quite seen you like this before, even on your wedding night. Reduced to a beautiful shell of a human being, only begging for his cock. HIS. He watches you as you move your hips along his, unable to tear his eyes away from the sight.
“Honey…” He calls out to you, almost in a strangled voice. “Baby?” He gulps.
“Don’t worry Joonie,” You breathe deeply, slowing down as he looks at you with concern in his eyes. “I have no intention of getting pregnant, but sometimes my breeding kink gets the best of me..” You say sheepishly. “Now how about it? Wanna attempt to impregnate me?” You ask.
“Thought you’d never ask,” Namjoon understands now. He grips your hips, pulling you back down. “Take the cock you were made for,” He thrusted hips even harder than before, making you squeal in pleasure. “Shall we try harder? Maybe I should hit it from a deeper angle?” You groan as he smacks your ass before picking you up, standing. You were fucked with a deep rot passion, eyes rolled back as he thrusted while throwing you up in the air, and you could only take it like the cocksleeve you were meant to be.
“Oh, Oh, Oh! Namjoon, NAMJOON!” He grunted, cum dripping from your hole as he fell back with you on top of him. His cock fell limp as you twitched on top of him. 
“So, ready for round two?”
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