#we made groups and put up about 13 movies
perereiii · 1 month
[name] I swear to god
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chaoticace2005 · 3 months
Notice to Stop and Get Some Help
Notice to Cease and Desist
Mr. Vox of VokTek,
Please accept this correspondence as a formal notice to cease and desist all activity related to the Radio Demon.
While the nefarious actions you undertake as a CEO and member of a crime group, which includes but is not limited to mass brainwashing, invasion of privacy, conspiracy, and aiding in abuse, this is Hell so all of that is deemed acceptable by the non-existent law on place.
However, the amount of complaints received involving your continued correspondence, obsession, and harassment of the Radio Demon has made it so we’ve had to adopt a legal system for the sake of this law (so fuck you for making me do all this work.)
Four weeks prior, a Change.org petition with over 18 million signatures arrived on the desk of King Lucifer Morningstar. This, combined with the amount of complaints received involving your continued correspondence, obsession, and harassment of the Radio Demon has made it so we’ve had to adopt a legal system for the sake of this law.
For further specification, because this is Hell and sometimes we need to write this out, here is what you need to know:
1. No fights with the Radio Demon in public spaces or over transmission. (Seriously, this is annoying.)
2. No stealing his hair to make wigs.
3. No forcing your partner to wear aforementioned wigs.
4. No creating or requesting the creation of body pillows with a likeliness to the Radio Demon.
5. No highjacking a broadcast to slander the Radio Demon.
6. Just… no breaking out into song about the Radio Demon. Seriously dude what the fuck.
7. No putting cameras into vicinities of which he resides.
8. No getting other people to do that.
9. No taking over of “the Vees” meetings to complain about the Radio Demon for hours. That time is apparently for bitching about other entities, including an “Angel Dust” (which is a whole separate legal issue that will be further dealt with by Asmodeus, Sin of Lust, as well as Lucifer Morningstar, King of Hell.)
10. No requesting your associates to make porn that has likeliness to the Radio Demon.
11. No following the Radio Demon around in public.
12. No grand declarations of love to the Radio Demon (he’s aroace and it makes him uncomfortable.)
13. No calling your partner “Alastor” or “Al” in bed, regardless of how close their nickname may sound to it.
14. No screaming about how the Radio Demon getting injured is “better than sex” (it makes some demons feel inadequate.)
15. No crying about the Radio Demon having “new rivals.”
16. No placing a hit out on a random, bitchy, cannibalistic old lady named Susan. She bites.
17. No jacking off to videos of the Radio Demon being injured.
We, the people of Real Legal Company (a subsection of the Immediate Murder Professionals), are aware that this particular format may not follow the structure of previous legal notices and codes. And to this we say fuck you. It doesn’t fucking matter. This is Hell. We didn’t have any clients to kill and only know legal stuff from movies. And Stolas was too busy to read this over.
Any and all issues with this document are of the result of Moxxie Knolastname and should be taken up with him. NO DON’T WRITE THAT
Anyways, fuck you and maybe get help?
Document dictated by the people of I.M.P
Written by Fizzarolli (cause Blitzø can’t write for shit.)
Forwarded by Asmodeus, Sin of Lust
Approved by Lucifer with the addition that such restrictions do not apply to the King of Hell (which we doubted it would because he’s literally the king??? But anyways if you see Ol’ Lucy harassing the Radio Demon he wants to remind you it’s because he’s king and allowed to.)
Signed by the people.
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explorewithd · 4 months
Heyy, how are you doing, dear? I just stumbled across your prompt list soooo can I request number 11, 13 and 18 for Jongho? I'm not sure if you are willing to do the same prompt for OT8, but I just thought about them having their first serious relationship and I couldn't miss the opportunity. Thank you!
Hey! I'm doing pretty well, I hope you are too!^^ I'm sorry it took me so much time, but thank you for the request. I love the idea, so it's my pleasure to interpret it in my own way. I hope it turned out to your liking!
PS.: I love your writing!!
If you'd still like one for just Jongho let me know^^
There Is No Guidebook To Life
Summary: This is your first relationship, and you need reassurance. 
Pairing: poly!ot8 x fem!reader
"I've never been in a realationship before, so I don't know how this really works…" "Wait! Don't pull away… Not yet." "Quit smiling at me, I can't stop messing up my sentences with you looking at me like that."
Genre: Fluff, (maybe, but not really angst)
Warnings: Insecurity
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It is the first time that you'll be sleeping over at the guys' apartment. You have been together for two months now, but it still feels weird to be in a relationship. You weren't sure how to behave or what to say in some situations.
The guys have known each other for years now, but the relationship formed only recently. Some of them needed more time than others to realize their true feelings.
It was Wooyoung who had brought up a poly relationship when we finally all sat down and talked about the things that were bothering us. I was happy with the idea of sharing my love for them and being able to see the others with each other too.
But the guys had no experience with these kinds of things, which made them a bit unsure. I was glad that they were open to it, and I tried my best to reassure them.
Wooyoung and Mingi are very flirty, so they had no trouble telling you how they feel and showing their affection. Yunho is a bit more shy and needs some encouragement to be able to do those things.
San and Hongjoong were the two who needed more time to realize their feelings for the others. The group didn't talk much about those kinds of things before you came along. But they were open to it.
Yeosang was the one who didn't need a lot of time, but he still wasn't sure what to do, and he was afraid of making a mistake.
"What would you guys like to do?" San asked the group when you were all in the living room.
"I want to cuddle" Wooyoung answered, and the others nodded.
"We could do a cuddle pile?" Mingi added.
"Let's watch a movie together" Yunho said, and he sat down on the couch.
"That sounds nice" I said, and walked towards the couch to sit next to him.
Mingi took place on my other side. Wooyoung quickly walked towards the TV and searched through Netflix to find a good movie.
"What kind of movie would you like to watch, baby?" Yunho asked me while putting an arm around my shoulder.
I smiled and put my head on his shoulder.
"I would like a romantic one."
He looked at the TV screen and nodded.
"There is this one; it looks nice."
"Good, let's watch that" Wooyoung said and pressed play.
When he was done, he went back to the couch. I moved closer to Yunho and made space for him on my other side. He sat down and wrapped an arm around my waist.
The rest of the group sat down as well. Seonghwa and Hongjoong sat next to Mingi. Jongho sat next to Yeosang, who sat next to Yunho. San had moved closer and was now sitting on your lap. His head rested on your shoulder.
You looked around the room; everyone seemed happy and calm. It was a great feeling.
When the movie started, we were all silent. Everyone focused on the movie.
I loved being surrounded by my boyfriends. It was the best thing ever.
During the movie, San started to play with my hair. He ran his fingers through it and occasionally stroked my cheek.
I looked at him and saw a faint smile on his lips. His eyes were filled with adoration.
I felt Yunho's hand slowly moving up and down my thigh. It was a slow motion. He was barely touching my leg.
I could hear Wooyoung's soft giggles every now and then. When I turned my head a little, I saw that Seonghwa had his hand on Wooyoung's knee.
Hongjoong was resting his head on Seonghwa's shoulder. He looked like he was half asleep.
Yeosang had his eyes closed.
Jongho's attention was completely on the TV.
You looked back at the movie.
Time passed, and it was getting late. The movie was almost over.
Wooyoung's hands were holding your arm, and his head was placed on your other shoulder. He had fallen asleep a while ago.
San's fingers were still tangled in my hair. I enjoyed the feeling of him playing with my hair.
Yunho was still stroking my thigh. His touch was a lot lighter now.
"What should we do now?" Mingi asked.
"The movie is almost over. It would be a shame to wake up, Woo. He is sleeping so soundly" Jongho replied.
"I'll carry him to bed" Yunho said, standing up.
Yunho carefully lifted Wooyoung from the couch. Wooyoung opened his eyes for a moment and wrapped his arms around Yunho's neck.
"Go to sleep, Youngie. We'll join you soon" Yunho whispered.
"Okay" Wooyoung said softly. He closed his eyes again and let himself fall asleep in Yunho's arms.
Yunho carried him to their bedroom.
When he came back, he sat down next to me.
"How are you feeling, Y/n?" San asked.
"I'm fine; why are you asking?"
"Because you look a bit sleepy" Mingi replied.
"Well, it's late; we should all go to bed soon."
"I agree, let's go" Mingi said, and he stood up.
"Let's make a deal: we will not leave each other's side during the night" San said.
"Why not?" Hongjoong asked.
"Because it is a great opportunity to have Y/n close and be able to cuddle with her."
"That sounds like a good plan" Yeosang said.
"Yeah, I agree. Let's do that" Jongho added.
"So, are we all going to the same bed, or..." Hongjoong asked.
"We should probably make some kind of plan, don't you think? We can't all just walk into a bedroom and share a bed without a plan."
While the others were trying to decide how it would be best to sleep, Seonghwa came up next to you and wrapped you up in a warm hug. His arm wrapped around your shoulder, while his other hand gently held the back of your head against the crook of his neck. Instinctively, you slung your arms around his waist and held him close.
"Is everything alright?" you asked, quite flustered by his sudden action. He just hummed and continued holding you close.
His warmth started to make you sleepy, and his hold was just so comfortable. But you didn't want to fall asleep yet, so you gently gave him a squeeze and started to pull back.
"Wait! Don't pull away... Not yet." His tone was quite urgent, and it startled you, so you quickly held him tight.
“We can hug a li--aghh.” You whined; his gaze was so soft and his smile so big, his perfect teeth peeked through his lips.
"Quit smiling at me, I can't stop messing up my sentences with you looking at me like that."
"Like what? How do I look at you?" His question surprised you.
"Like, I don’t know, like I'm the only thing you see.”
"You are."
"And that's why I can't let you pull away." He continued. 
"Seonghwa, I'm not pulling away."
"Not physically, but mentally. I know that this is all new to you, to all of us, but don't pull away, please. Talk to us. I want you to talk to me."
"I'll try, but I'm not very good with words."
"Just tell me how you feel."
"I'm not sure; it's all a bit overwhelming."
"That's normal, just take your time. But I really need you to understand that I love you. All of us do."
"I've just never been in a relationship before, so I don't know how this really works... I feel like I'm walking on eggshells, not because I'm scared of your reaction but more because I'm not sure what to do."
"There is no guidebook to life. We can only learn and grow by making mistakes. We'll all make mistakes, and I can't promise that we'll never get upset or frustrated, but please don't give up on us, not before we've really started."
"I won't give up, I promise."
"That's all I need. And if there is something that you are not comfortable with, just tell us, okay? No matter what it is, we'll listen and discuss it." You notice him looking behind you, and not long after, you feel another pair of arms wrap around you. One is holding you, and the other is rubbing Seonghwa's back.
"Did someone say discussing?" Mingi asked with a big grin on his face.
"Oh, so you were eavesdropping again" Seonghwa said.
"Only a little, but the subject is quite interesting."
"What's there to discuss?" San asked, suddenly standing right behind Mingi.
"Nothing" Seonghwa sighed.
"Oh, I have a suggestion!" Mingi yelled.
"No need to shout" Yunho said and sat down on the couch, followed by Hongjoong and Yeosang.
"Okay, here it goes" Mingi began. "Let's sleep in the same bed."
"We already discussed that, but we haven't decided where we will sleep" Hongjoong said.
"And why not?"
"Well, you can't expect us to walk into the bedroom and share the same bed without talking about it."
"Why not?"
"Because" Mingi interrupted.
"Stop saying that."
"Why not?"
"Will you stop it?!"
"Why not?"
"You can't stop me, I will continue this for eternity."
"Mingi, don't test my patience, or do you want to come to my room later?"
"I'll stop when you answer my question."
"Fine, I will answer your question."
"Mingi! You're being a brat."
"Why not?"
"Oh, for fuck's sake."
"Ok, enough of that. Wooyoung is already sleeping, we should be quiet." Yeosang interrupted the never-ending banter. You couldn't help but laugh at them, some things would never change.
And you wished for them to never change.
San suddenly sprung up from the couch and dashed to the bedroom. "Everyone sleeps where they want, I want cuddles.".
With wide eyes, Mingi spared one last glance at Hongjoong and went after San.
Jonho came, took your hand, and walked over to the bedroom, only to find the three already cozy and warm under the blankets. Behind you, the rest followed, and Hongjoong was quick to throw himself onto Mingi and bite him in the shoulder.
"That's what you get for being a brat" Hongjoong laughed and settled in next to the younger.
"That hurt" Mingi pouted.
"Then next time, be a good boy" the leader chuckled and pulled him closer, pecking his lips.
"What the hell?" You muttered out loud.
"Oh, did I forget to tell you that Joongie is a bit into biting and being mean? Oops." San teased.
"Oh, shut up, Sannie." Hongjoong huffed, a blush forming on his cheeks.
"Aww, you're blushing." Wooyoung chuckled and pinched the older's cheeks.
"Since when is he up again?" You leaned toward Jongho, covering the side of your mouth as if to hide it. He just shrugged and shook his head.
"I will bite you too" Hongjoong said, but the threat wasn't very convincing due to the red color still lingering on his face.
"Do it" the black-haired man challenged.
"Okay, enough of that. We'll wake up San." Jongho said, pointing to the boy, who was fast asleep with his mouth open.
"Can't we all just go to sleep?" Seonghwa asked with a slight groan.
"Yeah, it's way too late" Yeosang said while lying down, pulling the blanket over his body.
"Finally!" Mingi sighed and did the same, the two of them cuddling closer.
"Well, let's get comfy," Yunho said, and he laid down, patting the space next to him. You didn't hesitate to lay down beside him, snuggling closer to him. He placed his arm under your head, his hand finding its way into your hair, while his other hand was wrapped around your waist. You put one of your legs over his and one of your arms around his torso.
It was really comfortable.
The others were slowly falling asleep. You could hear their breathing. It was nice and calming.
You felt Yunho's body relaxing. He was almost asleep.
Suddenly, you heard someone clear his throat.
"Y/n?" Jongho whispered.
"I'm cold; can you move closer?"
"You're even under the blanket, how are you cold?"
"I'm a cold-blooded monster. I need cuddles and body heat."
"Fine, come here."
You could hear him shuffle around, and eventually you could feel him lying down behind you. His chest pressed against your back. His legs intertwined with yours. His arm was draped over your waist.
His forehead rested against the back of your neck.
"You are so warm" he whispered.
"You are so annoying" Yunho mumbled.
"Shh, I'm not, now go to sleep" Jongho shushed him.
"Whatever, goodnight." Yunho sighed and closed his eyes.
"Goodnight, love."
"Goodnight, Sannie."
"Goodnight, Yunho."
"Goodnight, everyone" Wooyoung said quietly.
"Goodnight, Woo!" Mingi and Jongho said it at the same time.
"Goodnight, Y/n" Seonghwa said.
"Goodnight, everyone" Yeosang said.
You felt yourself drift off to sleep.
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dianawinchester03 · 2 months
Season 1, Episode 17 - Hell House
Series Masterlist
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Third Person POV
Dean is driving down Interstate 35, Y/N is fast asleep in the back seat after beating Sam in rock paper scissors for it, while Sam is fast asleep in the passenger seat with his mouth open. Dean smirks mischievously at the two, taking up an old spoon he found in the car and shoving it in Sams mouth gently.
Then taking a pen from his jacket pocket, and gently shoving it in Y/N's nose. He smiles proudly, flipping open his phone to take a picture of Sam and then one of Y/N. He then turns the radio up that's playing Fire of an Unknown Origin by Blue Oysters Cult. "A FIRE OF UNKNOWN ORIGIN TOOK MY BABY AWAY!!" Dean sings along loudly, drumming along to the beat in the steering wheel.
Sam jumps awake along with Y/N, panicking when he feels something foreign in his mouth, spitting the spoon out. "What the fuck!?" Y/N yells, startled when she feels something foreign in her nose, pulling the pen that's stuck in her nose out. Sam wipes his mouth as Y/N rubs her nose.
"Ha-ha, very funny" Sam says dryly as Dean chuckles, laughing hysterically. "Sorry. Not a lot of scenery here in east Texas. Kinda gotta make your own" Dean chuckles. "And my nose has to suffer for your boredom" Y/N scoffs, rubbing her nose. Dean smiles at her through the rearview mirror as she rubs her nose like a puppy. His heart flutters at how cute she looks.
"Man, we're not kids anymore, Dean. We're not gonna start that crap up again" Sam says annoyed. "Start what up?" Dean feigns confusion. "That prank stuff. It's stupid and always escalates" Sam snaps. Y/N chuckles a bit at a memory, "Awww what's the matter, Sammy. You afraid you're gonna get a little Nair in your shampoo again, huh?" Y/N teases her best friend.
Dean laughs hysterically at the memory of a bald soapy hair 13 year old Sam, running out of the bathroom, butt ass naked, screaming in terror like he's in a horror movie after Y/N put Nair in his shampoo because he made cookies and replaced the sugar with salt, then offered it to a innocent Y/N. She's the way with cookies, the way Dean is with pie. You don't mess with her cookies. "Alright. Just remember, you two started it" Sam challenges.
"Oh no no noooo. I am not getting involved in your weird sibling rivalry. I always get caught in the middle of it. No thank you." Y/N protests, shaking her head and crossing her arms over her chest Dean smirks at her through the rearview mirror. "Wuss" He snickers and Y/N glares at him, flipping him off. "Bring it on baldy" Dean chuckles looking at Sam. "Where are we, anyway?" Sam asks him.
"Few hours outside of Richardson" Dean tells him. "Give us the lowdown again" Y/N asks Sam to explain the case they were working. Sam pulls out his file, "Alright, about a month or two ago, this group of kids go poking around this local haunted house-" Sam explains but Dean cuts him off to ask. "Haunted by what?" He asks.
"Apparently, a pretty misogynistic spirit" Sam responds and Y/N groans. "Just wonderful" She mutters sarcastically, rolling her eyes. "Legend goes, it takes girls and strings them up in the rafters. Anyway, this ground of kids see this dead girl hanging in the cellar." Sam continues. "Anybody ID the corpse?" Y/N asks, leaning forward in the backseats between the boys.
"Well, that's the thing. By the time the cops got there, the body was gone. Some cops say the kids were just yanking chains" Sam tells them and their eyebrows shoot up at this. "Maybe the cops are right" Dean suggests. "Maybe, but I read a couple of the kids firsthand accounts. They seem pretty sincere" Sam says. "Where did you read these accounts?" Y/N asks him curiously.
He chuckles lightly, a bit ashamed to answer her question, "Well, I knew we were gonna be passing through Texas to go to Y/N's safehouse. So, uh, last night, I surfed some local...paranormal websites. And I found one" Sam says lowly. Dean smirks as Y/N shakes her head, knowing what this might mean. "And what's it called?" Dean asks his brother. Sam chuckles again before sheepishly answering,
"HellHoundsLair.com". Dean scoffs laughing as Y/N chuckles, "Let me guess, streaming live out of moms basement" She jokes, making both boys erupt loudly with laughter. "Yeah, probably" Sam agrees laughing. "Most of those websites wouldn't know what a ghost was if it hit 'em in the 'persqueeter'" Dean chuckles. "Look, we let our dads take off, which was a mistake, by the way. And now we don't know where the hell they are, so in the meantime, we gotta find ourselves something to hunt" Sam suggests.
"You're right I guess. There's no harm checking this thing out" Y/N shrugs agreeing. Dean sighs, "Alright, so where do we find these kids?" He gives in. "Same place you always find kids in a town like this" Sam says as if it was obvious.
Richardson, Texas
A couple hours later, the trio pulls into the parking lot of the local diner by the name of Rodeo Drive to question the teens from the police report.
Boy 1: "It was the scariest thing I ever saw in my life. I swear to God."
Boy 2: "From the moment we walked in. The walls were painted black"
Boy 1: "Red."
Girl: "I think it was blood"
Boy 1: "All these freaky symbols"
Boy 2: "Crosses and stars, and.."
Boy 1: "Pentagons"
Boy 2: "Pentecostals"
Girl: "Whatever. I had my eyes closed the whole time"
Boy 1: "But I can damn sure tell you this much: No matter what anybody else says-"
Girl: "That poor girl"
Boy 2: "With the black..."
Boy 1: "Blonde.."
Girl: "Red hair, just hanging there"
Boy 1: "Kicking"
Boy 2: "Without even moving"
Girl: "She was real"
Boy 1: "It's 100%"
Boy 2: "And kind of hot...well you know in a dead sort of way"
"Okay!" Y/N exclaims, chuckling a bit awkwardly. Disgusted by the last comment. She and the boys, sitting across from the three teenagers in the diner. "And how did you find out about this place, anyway?" Sam asks them, the trio confused by the inconsistencies in the stories.
"Craig took us" The three teenagers respond in unison as the three hunters share a look.
The three hunters enter the record store after asking where the Craig guy could be found. "Gentlemen and Lady. Can I help you with anything?" A young man working in the store asks them, carrying a box of records to the register. "Yeah, are you Craig Thurston?" Sam asks him.
"I am" The young man confirms. "Well, we're reporters with The Dallas Morning News. I'm Dean, this is Sam and Y/N" Dean lies on spot, covering as reporters. "No way. Yeah, I'm a writer too. I write for my schools lit magazine" Craig chuckles, boasting a bit. "Ahh, well good for your Morrissey" Y/N jokes, Dean snorts at the reference.
"Um, we're doing an article on local hauntings and rumor has it, you might know about one" Sam says casually and Craig's face drops. "You mean the Hell House?" He asks them. "That's the one" Dean says smiling. "I didn't think there was anything to the story" Craig says. "Why don't you tell us the story, hun" Y/N says sweetly. Craig puts the record in his hand down and sighs.
"Well, supposedly back in the 30s, this farmer, Mordechai Murdock, used to live in the house with his six daughters. It was during the Depression, his crops were failing, he didn't have enough money to even feed his own children" Craig explains, sighing. "So I guess that's when he went off the deep end. "How?" Sam asks curiously as Dean checks out the records.
"Well, he figured it was best if his girls died quick, rather than starve to death. So he attacked them." Craig further explains, the three hunters listening intently. "And they screamed, begged for him to stop but....he just strung em up, one after another. And then when it was all finished. He turned around and hung himself" Craig finishes.
"Now they said that his spirit is trapped in the house forever, stringing up any other girl that goes inside" He adds. "And where did you hear all this?" Y/N asks him, cocking her eyebrow. "My cousin Dana told me. I don't know where she heard it from...You gotta realize. I didn't believe this for a second." Craig defends.
"But now you do" Sam says. "I don't know what the hell to think man" Craig responds lowly. "You guys, I'll tell you exactly what I told the police, okay? That girl was real, alright? She was dead. This was not a prank. I swear to God, I don't wanna go anywhere near that house ever again, okay?" He assures them fearfully.
Y/N cocks her eyebrow at his claims. Not fully convinced but she decided to go with it. They share a look before turning back to him, "Thanks" Dean says gratefully and they all leave the store.
Later the boys and Y/N ask around and found the location of, Hell House. Now walking down the path to the abandoned house. "Can't say I blame the kid" Sam says. "Yeah, so much for curb appeal" Dean agrees. Sam and Y/N walk around the side investigating while Dean pulls out his EMF that begins to make some noise.
"You got something?" Y/N asks him. "Yeah, but the EMFs no good" Dean responds, tapping it. "Why?" Sam asks confused. "I think that things still got a little juice in it. It's screwing with all the readings" Dean says, pointing to the power lines. "Yeah, that would do it" Sam says, looking up at it. "Yeah" Y/N sighs and Dean turns to her.
"What about you?" He asks her. "Huh?" She says confused. "You know....your whole ESP thing" He says, pointing to his head and she rolls her eyes. "1, I'm not ESP." She says firmly making him chuckle. "And 2, I actually don't feel anything" She says, crunching her eyebrows.
Knowing normally she feels a heaviness around areas where people have died violently, etc. "Really? No, 'I see dead people'? What about you, Sammy?" He smirks, teasing the two, now turning to his brother who is glaring at him. Y/N shoved him lightly making him laugh loudly. "Come on. Let's go" Y/N ushers the boys towards the house, them following behind.
Dean whistles lowly as they close the door behind them at the state of the house. It was completely trashed, most likely by stupid teenagers. With a bunch of weird symbols all over the room. "Looks like old man Murdock was a bit of a tagger during his time" Dean says, his eyes on the reverse cross painted on the wall.
Y/N notices that some of the symbols are relatively new. "And after his time too" She says, nudging Sam. "The reverse cross has been used by Satanists for centuries" He says pointing to cross. "But this Sigil of Sulfer didn't show up in San Francisco until the 60s" Sam finishes pointing the Sigil.
Dean stares at his brothers blankly, "This is exactly why you never get laid" He deadpans while Sam rolls his eyes, taking a picture of the sigil. "Hey! I get laid" Y/N says defensively. "Yeah, because you're hot. Sam's not" Dean blurts out, shocking the Sam and Y/N, their mouths agape. Only realizing what he said, after it escaped his lips. "You think I'm hot?" Y/N smirks, her tone teasing.
Dean freezes in his tracks as he was walking to the other side of the room. He looks back at the two, Sam with a smug grin on his face, wiggling his eyebrows at his elder brother suggestively, making mock kissy faces in Deans direction. Y/N with her arms crossed over her chest, an amused grin on her face, her back turnt to Sam, so she's oblivious at what Sam's mocking.
Dean clears his throat and gulps. Heat rising to his face. His eyes shifting between his bratty brother and even the brattier women he's in love with. "I- Shut up and work the case!" Dean retorts lamely as the two best friends burst out laughing. Y/N's heart skips a beat at the fact that she's sure now that Dean finds her attractive. Dean then notices a weird looking symbol on the wall, "What about this one. You seen this one before?" Dean asks them, tilting his head a bit to look at the symbol.
The symbol looking somewhat familiar. It was practically an upside down question mark with three lines going out the side of the dot. One on top and two on each sides. Y/N walks next to him and tilts her head also to look at it. "Nope" Sam responds, taking a picture of it. "I have...Somewhere" Dean says in recognition. "Yeah...me too. I don't know where" She agrees.
Y/N then leans forward to touch the symbol, the color of the paint staining her fingers. "It's paint" She informs them, showing them her stained finger. "Seems pretty fresh too" Sam points out. "I don't know, guys" Dean sighs. "I mean, I hate to agree with authority figures of any kind...but the cops might be right on this one" Dean says.
"Yeah, maybe" Y/N agrees. The suddenly, they hear rustling in a nearby room. They share a look before going to the door and pressing up against it on either side, Y/N next to Dean and Sam on the other side. They all nod before bursting in, only to be startled by lights shining in their faces by two guys, Ed and Harry, screaming in fear.
One with a camera and one with a bright studio light. "What the.." Y/N mutters as they all share confused looks on their faces. "Cut. Just a couple of humans" Ed scoffs as Harry switches the camera off. "What are you guys doing here?" He asks the boys annoyed, his eyes settling on Y/N, looking like he's practically in love. "What the hell are you doing here?" Dean asks them, just as annoyed.
Ed clears his throat, his eyes shifting back over to Dean, "We belong here. We're professionals" says cockily, shrugging as if it's obvious. Y/N cocks her eyebrow at this, "Professional what?" She asks them. A smirk rises on Ed's face, "Paranormal investigators" He boasts, pulling out three business, handing it to her. "There you go. Take a look for yourself, gorgeous" He winks at her.
She rolls her eyes, taking the cards from him. Dean glares daggers at Ed, his nostrils flaring. "Oh, you gotta be kidding me" Dean groans as he looks at the business card Y/N handed him and Sam. "Jesus Christ" Y/N groans in annoyance. "Ed Zeddmore and Harry Spangler. HellHoundsLair.com" Sam looks up as them. "You guys run that website?" Y/N asks them.
"Sure do, gorgeous." He winks at her again and she cringes. "What? Was Venkman and Stantz taken?" She retorts snidely, making them glare at her, a cheeky smile taking over her face. "Oh, yeah, yeah. We're huge fans" Dean says sarcastically, going over to the cabinet, rummaging through it. "And uh, we know who you guys are too" Ed says. "Oh, yeah?" Sam responds as Ed clears his throat cockily.
"Amateurs. Looking for ghosts and cheap thrills. Yeah" He says. The three hunters hold back a laugh at his cocky nature, sharing a look that says 'get a load of this guy'. "So, if you guys don't mind, we're trying to conduct a serious scientific investigation here" Harry finally chimes in. Their amused faces don't falter.
"Yeah? What do you got so far?" Dean asks them snidely. "Harry, why don't you tell them about EMF?" Ed says. Y/N decides to have a little fun with this, "EMF? What's that?" She feigns confusion, scrunching her eyebrows. Dean chuckles lightly at this, shaking his head. "Electromagnetic field" Harry responds smugly.
Turning around to go into his bag to grab his EMF. Sam has a small grin on his face. He and Y/N share an amused look as they begin to explain, "Spectral entities can cause entertainment fluctuations that can be read with an EMF detector. Like this bad boy right here" Harry shows them the EMF that begins going crazy.
"Whoa. Whoa. That's 2.8 MG" Harry points out. Dean and Y/N glance at each other, holding back snickers. "2.8!" Ed exclaims as Dean whistles lowly. "Wow" Sam says in a fake impressed tone. "Huh. So have you guys ever really seen a ghost before or...?" Dean asks them, putting on a curious face as Ed takes the EMF off.
"Once" Ed responds, turning to him. "We were uh investigating this old house..." He begins to explain taking a deep breath. Dean crosses his arms over his chest nodding as if he's shocked. "...and we saw a case fall right off the table" He finishes. "By itself" Harry adds in a low tone, "But we didn't actually see it...but we heard it" Ed explains, Dean looks down shaking his head in disgust.
Sam and Y/N roll their eyes. "And something like that...it changes you" Ed whispers. "Yeah, I think I get the picture" Dean says nodding, walking back to Sam and Y/N. "We should go, let them get back to work" Y/N adds sarcastically. Ed flashes her a wink. "Yeah, you two should go." He says to Sam and Dean. "You could stay, gorgeous" He grins widely at Y/N.
Deans head snaps in his direction, his jaw clenching. A laugh bubbles in Y/N's throat, amused at the fact that Ed thinks he has a shot, "Never gonna happen" She laughs at his lame flirting walking out the door, the boys following behind her. Ed's eyes fall to her hips as we walks away, trailing down. As she walks out, she gets the sense that Ed was staring at her ass, which he was.
"Stop staring at my ass, Venkman!" She shouts, making Sam and Dean laugh. Deans genuinely relieved at the fact that she wasn't into Ed, not that she would be. But the sight of Ed flirting with her just amped up and fueled his jealously.
I need to get laid and get these thoughts out of my head. Dean thinks to himself.
Yeah, sure. Like that's gonna help.
Sam and Y/N walk out of the Colin County Public Library, "Hey" They hail Dean. "Hey, what do you guys got?" He asks them. "Well, we couldn't find a Mordechai, but we did find a Martin Murdock who lived in that house in the 30s" Y/N explains. "He did have children's but only two of them. Both boys. And there's not record he every killed anyone" Sam adds.
"What about you?" She asks Dean. "Well, those kids didn't really give a clear description of that dead girl. I did hit up the police station. No matching missing persons. It's like she never existed" Dean tells them what he found. "Guys, come on. We did our digging. This one's a busy" He says to them.
Y/N sighs, agreeing. "For all we know, those Hellhound dorks made up the whole thing" She says. Sam sighs, "Yeah, alright." Dean says. "I say we find ourselves a bar and some beers and leave the legend for the locals" Dean suggest, giving Y/N a wink before jumping into the Impala. "Amen to that" She laughs, jumping in shotgun.
As they jump in, Sam has a devious smirk on his face. Dean then starts the car, Sam leans down to see their reactions and instantly salsa music starts blurring from the radio and the wipers on the windshield start moving, scaring the crap out of him and Y/N. "WOAH!" Dean yells turning off the wipers. "DAMMIT!" Y/N screams, quickly turning the radio off.
They hear Sam laughing as he jumps in the backseat. He licks his finger, putting up a one and pointing to himself with a smug look on his face and they glare at him. "That's all you got? It's weak" Dean scoffs as Sam laughs, closing the door. "That is bush league dude" Y/N adds as rolls her eyes.
The next day, the boys and I find out that there was a dead girl found this time in the Murdock house. Police are currently taking pictures and reports of the incident as we're walking towards it. "What happened?" Dean asks a man who was at the scene. "Cops say that poor girl hung herself in the house" He tells us.
"Suicide?" I ask him shocked. "Yeah. And she was a straight A student with a full ride to UT too. It just don't make sense" He says sadly before walking away. "What do you guys think?" Sam asks us as they're wheeling the body out. Dean turns and looks at us, "I think maybe we missed something" He says.
Later that night, the three of us are crouched behind a bush, waiting for the police to leave so we can go investigate again. But they haven't left yet which is strange. "I guess the cops don't want anymore kids screwing around in there" Sam huffs. "Yeah, but we still gotta get in there" Dean says. I then hear some whisper not too far from us.
I turn my head to see Ed and Harry with their geek equipment, trudging through the woods. "I don't believe it" I groan, rolling my eyes. Sam and Dean turn their heads also. "Those idiots are gonna get themselves killed" Sam grumbles. "I got an idea" Dean says, getting up slowly, he cups his hand to his mouth and yells loudly.
"Who you gonna call?!" I bite back a laugh at his Ghostbusters reference. "Hey, you!" A police officer spots Ed and Harry. They panic when they see the officers, "Freeze!" The officer yell, running after them. They begin running away, their equipment partially slowing them down. "Get back here!" They yell at them.
"Come on, don't leave me here!" I hear Ed plead with Harry who's running quicker than him. They boys and I take the clearing to run into the house quickly through the backdoor without them noticing, we shut the door behind us. Sam drops the bag, taking out three rocksalt shotguns, handing one each to me and Dean.
We cock our guns as I shine my flashlight around the house. The light lands on the symbol and I try to remember where I've seen it. "Where have I seen that symbol before." I grumble as I point my flashlight to it. "I know right, it's killing me!" He exclaims. "Come on, we don't have much time" Sam says to us.
We nod and move towards the next room. Walking down into the basement, Dean goes up to a shelf that has a bunch of jars with a weird looking red liquid inside as Sam and I check out the other side. Picking it up, he smirks, "Hey guys, I dare each of you to take a swig of this" Dean says to us, we look at him like he's crazy. "What the hell would we do that for?" Sam cocks his eyebrow.
"I double dare you" He smiles, wiggling his eyebrows at me. I give him a blank stare and shake my head. We then hear creaking by a nearby cabinet, giving each other a look. Me and Dean cock our guns at the door as Sam moves next to it, on the count of three. He quickly opens it and some rats run out squealing.
I grimace as Sam laughs and Dean shudders in disgust, "Ugh. I hate rats" He groans. "You'd rather it was a ghost?" I ask him chuckling. "Yes" He says and I shake my head smiling. Then suddenly I feel the familiar chill run up the back of my neck and I turn my head quickly to see the shadow of a man in a cowboy hat, his wrists slit, holding an axe, ready to chop me.
"Fellas!" I scream, ducking before he can chop me and the boys spin around in an instant, shooting him but he doesn't budge. Disapparating into a black smoke "What the hell kind of spirit is immune to rocksalt?!" Sam yells. "I don't know" Me and Dean respond. "Come on, come on, come on" I grab them to run out of the room.
But the spirit destroyed the shelf of jars and it topples onto me and Dean, throwing us to the ground. The spirit tries to hit Sam but he breaks with his shot gun, "Go! Get out of here!" He yells at me and Dean. Then kicking Murdock in his stomach, we all run up the stairs and bolt for the front door that was board up.
We all crash our bodies through it, breaking it on impact, we fall off the porch and through the police tape. When we get up, we see Ed and Harry with their cameras, "Get that damn thing out of my face!" I yell at them angrily, shoving Ed roughly. "Go, go, go!" Sam shouts. "Get out of here!" Dean shouts at them warningly as we make a break for the Impala.
After fleeing for our lives, we are back at the motel. The next morning after getting some rest, Dean is on his bed with his sketch pad, doodling, while Sam and I are at the table doing research. "What the hell is this symbol. It's bugging the hell out of me" Dean says frustrated. "This whole damn jobs bugging me" I agree with him, shaking my head, already fed up.
"Tell me about it, I thought the legend said that Mordechai only goes after chicks." He says. "It does" Sam says. Dean nods, twirling his pen in his finger. "Alright, I mean that explains why he went after you and Y/N. But why me?" Dean mutters, scratching his head. I snort a bit at his burn and Sam's eyes snap over to Dean, glaring at him.
"Hilarious" Sam deadpans. "The legend also says he hung himself. But did you guys see those slit wrists?" I ask them. "Yeah" Dean responds. "What's up with that? And the axe too" Sam points out. "Ghosts are usually pretty strict. Following the patterns over and over" I add as I scroll on the HellHounds website.
"But this mook keeps changing" Dean says. "Exactly" Sam sighs, handing me the book he was reading. I take it from him and hand him the laptop. He then begins scrolling on the website as he rubs his eyes from exhaustion. "Im telling you. The way the story goes...wait a minute" Sam goes to say but pauses, turning the laptop to me as he's found something.
"What?" Dean asks him from his bed. My eyes cork up as I quickly read the new post. "Someone added a new posting to the hellhound website" I tell Dean. "Listen to this: 'They say Mordechai Murdock was really a satanist who chopped up his victims with an axe before spitting his own wrists. Now he's imprisoned in a house for eternity" Sam reads the article out loud.
"Where the hell is this going?" I mutter. "I have no idea" Sam mutters back. "I don't know. But I think I might have just figured out where it all started" Dean says, pointing to his doodle of the symbol. He gives us a smug smile before getting up and grabbing his jacket.
We all enter the record shop we were at earlier after Dean explained to us what he figured out. I gotta give it to him, he's smarter than he makes himself out to be. "Hey Craig, you remember us?" Dean calls out to Craig as we enter. From his body language alone I could tell he was annoyed. "Guys, look. I'm really not in the mood to answer any more of your questions, okay?" He says exasperated.
"Oh don't worry, hun. We're just here to buy an album, that's all" I tell him and he sighs relieved turning back. I give Dean a look and he smiles at me as I shuffle through the records and hand him the Blue Oyster Cult album. "You know, I couldn't figure out what that symbol was. And then I realized it doesn't mean anything" Dean says with a smug tone as we walk towards Craig.
"It's the logo for Blue Oyster Cult" Dean calls him out on his bullshit. Craig freezes, instantly giving himself away. "So tell me Craig, you into BOC or just scaring the hell out of people" I narrow my eyes at him and Dean hands him the album which he takes. "Now why don't you tell us about that house. Without lying through your ass this time" I say in a snarky tone.
I could see a smirk rise on Deans face at the corner of my eyes as Craig sighs heavily. Panicking. "Alright. I- My cousin Dana was on break from TCU. I guess we were just bored, looking for something to do. So I showed her this abandoned dump I found. We thought it would be funny if we made it look like it was haunted. So we painted symbols on the walls. Some from some albums. Some from some of Dana's theology textbooks." He begins to explains.
"Then we found out this guy, Murdock, used to live there. So we-" He pauses, taking a deep breath. "So we, made up some story to go along with that. So they told people who told other people. And then these two guys put it on their stupid website" He adds rolling his eyes as we listen intently. "Everything just...took on a life of its own. I mean. I thought it was funny at first, but...now that girls dead" He says, absolutely horrified.
I sympathize with him because he's a stupid kid that didn't know any better and was just looking for a kick. They don't know about what's out there but at the same time. It created a mess. "It was just a jokes. You know, I mean, none of it was real. We made the whole thing up. I swear" He stresses, tears forming in his eyes.
The boys and I nod understandably as he sniffles back his tears, "Alright. Thanks" I say to him calmly, offering him a small smile which he returns lightly. The boys and I turn to walk off, "If none of it was real, how the hell do you explain Mordechai?" Dean questions as he walk out. Me and Sam sigh, shrugging. Absolutely stumped.
Later, me and Sam are at the motel room while he's taking a shower, I'm by the window smoking a cigarette, waiting for him to finish so I can shower. Dean walks in and throws his keys on the table, a mischievous look on his face. "Hey Princess" He smiles at me, closing the door behind him. "Hey charming..." I cock my eyebrow suspiciously as he pulls out a little familiar looking baggy.
His head pans over to me slowly, before bringing a finger to his lips, "Shhh" He shushes me with a smirk on his face. I shake my head as I take I drag from my cigarette, chuckling lightly. "Hey I'm back!" Dean announces his arrival to Sam as he rips the bag open. "Hey! Where were you?" Sam asks him from the shower.
"Oh I went out!" Dean responds as he throws the itching powder all over Sam's pants and boxers. "Seriously dude. Itching powder?" I grumble at him, dusting my ash into the ashtray. He just winks at me. "Game on, sweetheart" He whispers back, a smirk on his face, blowing me a kiss. I roll my eyes chuckling. "So me and Y/N may have a theory about what's going on!" Sam says from the shower.
"Oh yeah?" Dean questions, still throwing the powder on Sams clothes. ""Yeah, what if Mordechai is a Tulpa?" I suggest. "Tulpa?" Dean questions. Sam then opens the door, walking out from the shower as Dean quickly hides the powder in his powder. "Yeah, a Tibetan thought form" Sam says as he walks out of the shower, naked from the waist up, a towel around his waist.
Dean scratches his head, trying to mask his mischievous actions. I shake my head, holding back a snicker as I crush my cigarette in the tray. "Yeah, no, I know what a tulpa is...Hey, why don't you get dressed. Me and Y/N can go grab something to eat" Dean says quickly, pulling me by my hand before I can protest.
He grabs my leather jacket before giving Sam a cheeky smile, closing the door behind us. "He's gonna kill you" I snicker as he helps me put my jacket on, pulling my hair out from behind it. He smiles at me, flashing me a wink. "Wait till you see what I got in store for later" He brags, I just roll my eyes chuckling. "Boys" I scoff.
Third Person POV
They're all now at a diner in town, "There you go, love" The kind man at the counter hands Y/N and Dean their trays of food. "Thank you" She says sweetly, taking her tray as Dean takes his. Y/N turns around as they're walking to a table to see Sam itching away at his pants. Y/N and Dean share a look of amusement as she bites back a snicker at this. "Dude, what's your problem?" Dean asks Sam feigning confusion.
"Nothing, I'm fine" Sam tries to brush it off, still itching. "Yeah?" Y/N asks him innocently. "Yeah" He assures them. "Alright? So uh, keep going. What about these tulpas?" Dean asks me as they take a seat at the table. Sam rests his bag down as he takes a seat. "Okay, so there was this incident in Tibet in 1915. A group of monks visualize a golem in their heads. They meditate on it so hard, they bring the thing to life" Y/N explains while she pops the lid off of her coffee and stirs it up, taking a sip.
"Out of thin air" Sam adds. "So?" Dean questions, taking a sip of his coffee. "That was 20 monks. Imagine what 10,000 web surfers could do" Sam says, pulling his laptop out of the bag. "I mean, Craig starts the story about Mordechai, then it spreads, goes online. Now there are countless people, all believing in the bastard." He says, typing on his laptop.
Sam cringes in discomfort, still scratching his legs. "Okay, wait wait wait. So you're trying to tell me that just because people believe in Mordechai, he's real?" Dean cocks his eyebrow. Y/N and Sam shrug. "I don't know, maybe?" Sam says, typing on his laptop, grimacing from the itching. She bites back a smirk as she eat her fries at his discomfort.
'I feel a bit bad for the kid but I'm not saying anything because I'm not trying to be pulled into this.' Y/N thinks to herself.
"People believe in Santa Claus. How come I'm not getting hooked up every Christmas?" Dean says sarcastically. "Because I'm pretty sure you're the first name on Santas naughty list" She shoots back with a cheeky smile. Dean glares at her a bit but a slight smirk rises on his lips.
"I'll show you who's on the naughty list" He whispers to her lowly in a husky tone so Sam wouldn't hear. But he damn well heard, rolling his eyes at their stomach churning flirting, he's too irritated by the itching in his pants to care. A blush rises on Y/N's face but she covers it up with a stunned look. She then raises her foot, kicking his shin below the table with her boot.
Dean huffs a "Ow" as she shoots him a warning look. Dean snickers at her reaction, pleased. "Don't test me, Winchester" She flirts back, matching his tone. Deans smirk grows wider. He seems pleased with her response, she takes notice of the way his chest heaves.
'The things I would do to this breathtaking women. Son of a bitch.'
Dean thinks to himself as he pulls his lower lip in between his teeth, causing her stomach to flutter, a familiar heat rising in her southern region.
'Fuck, what I would do just to get a taste of his lips. Oh god, not now. Seriously y/n? The dudes biting his lip and you're turnt on? Get a grip girl! Thirsty ass bitch.'
Y/N practically mentally reprimands herself for feeling so flustered by Dean.
'Hey God? It's Sam again. Please, I'm begging you. Just make these too lovesick puppies fuck already for Christ's sake.'
Sam internally groans.
"Here, look at this" Sams voice breaks us out of our heated gaze. "Hmm?" We both say innocently as Dean clears his throat, Sam then turns the laptop to us, showing us a picture of the symbol we found. "That's a Tibetan spirit sigil. On the wall of the house" Sam says. "Craig said they were painting symbols from a Theology textbook. We're thinking they painted this, not even knowing what it was" Sam explains to Dean, cringing from the itching again.
So I decide to take over. Dean bites back a smirk when he realizes the itching is getting worse. "What Sam's saying, That sigil has been used for centuries. Concentrating meditative thoughts like a magnifying glass. So people are on the Helldweebs website, staring at the symbol, thinking about Mordechai" I add as Dean nods. "I mean, we don't know, but it might be enough to bring a tulpa to life" I say, taking a bite of my sandwich.
"It would explain why it keeps changing" Dean agrees, taking a sip of his coffee as Sam continues to scratch his legs. "Right. As the legend changes, people think different things, so Mordechai himself changes. Like a game of Telephone. That would also explain why the rock salt didn't work" Sam says, pointing to the laptop with one hand, grimacing as he itches.
"Yeah, because he's not a traditional spirit, per se" Dean says. "Yeah" Sam huffs, cringing still itching. "Okay, so why didn't we just uhh... get this spirit signal thingy off the wall and the website?" Dean suggests and I shake my head as I wipe my mouth. "It's not that simple. You see, once tulpas are created, they take on a life of their own" I say. Dean sighs, wiping his nose.
"Great. Alright, so if he really is a Thought-form. How the hell are we supposed to kill an idea?" Dean asks a bit frustrated. "Well it's not gonna be easy with these guys helping us" Sam says, me and Dean roll our eyes at the thought. "Check out their home page" Sam turns the laptop and pulls up the helldorks page to the video they posted of Mordechai. "Holy shit" I gasp in shock as I look at the views.
"Yep. Since they posted the video, the number of hits have quadrupled in the last day alone" Sam stresses, nodding at my reaction. "Huh. I got an idea. Come on. You done?" Dean asks me quickly. "Yeah, I'm finished. Where are we going?" I tell him, gesturing to my empty tray as we pick up our coffees and Sam closes his laptop.
"We need to find a copy store" Dean tells us. Sam gets up, still itching his legs. Shakily putting his laptop into his bag. "Man, I think I'm allergic to our soap or something" He groans. I can't hold in my amusement anymore so me and Dean begin laughing hysterically at this. "You two did this?" Sam asks us shocked. I shake my head and point at Dean with my thumb.
"It was all him" I snort as Dean continues walking away laughing. "You're a frigging jerk!" Sam shouts at Dean who's still laughing. "Oh yeah!" Dean retorts back chuckling.
The boys and I pull up in the trailer park, near Ed and Harrys trailer. "Gosh, can they get anymore geeky" I cringe as I step out of the Impala. "You guys ready?" Dean asks us. "Like Freddy" Sam nods with a smirk. "Let's punk some dorks" I snort. I knock harshly on the door, I'm pretty sure I heard someone squeak. "Who is it?" Harry asks fearfully. The boys snicker at his reaction, "Come on out here guys. We hear you in there!" Dean bellows.
The two open the door and I snort when I see the shelf behind them. "Oh look at that. Action figures in their original packaging. What a shock" I say sarcastically as Dean snickers. I notice Ed biting his lips as he looks at me and I cringe. "Guys, we need to talk" Sam says. "Yeah, um, sorry guys. We're a bit busy right now" Ed says smoothly as they step out of their trailer.
Busy my ass. I roll my eyes, "Yeah, well, we'll make it quick. We need you to shut down your website" Dean says plainly with a fake smile which Ed finds funny for some reason. "Man, you know, these guys get us busted last night. We spend the night in a holding cell" Ed laughs while Harry looks annoyed. "I had to pee in that cell, in-front of people. And I get stage fright" Harry complains. "Why should we trust you?" Ed narrows his eyes at us.
"Look guys, we all know what we saw last night. What in that house. But now that's to your website, there are thousands of people hearing about Mordechai" Sam says. "That's right, which means people are gonna keep showing up at the Hell House, running into him in person. Somebody could get hurt" Dean warns them. "Yeah?" Ed smirks. "Ed, maybe they've got a point" Harry interjects.
"No" Ed shakes his head. "Nope" Harry suddenly says. Jesus, Harry's practically this dudes Yes Man. "Okay, we have an obligation to our fans, to the truth" Ed says cockily. I chuckle annoyed at this, "Well I have an obligation to kick both your asses right now-" I snap angrily, fearful looks taking over both their faces but Sam and Dean cut me off.
"Y/N/N, hey. Just forget it, alright?" Sam says calmly. "These guys. You could probably bitch slap them both" Dean adds, making the two idiots chuckle arrogantly. I narrow my eyes at them. "I could probably even tell them that thing about Mordechai..." Sam adds suggestively, Ed and Harry becomes a bit intrigued by this. "But....they're still not gonna help us" Sam sighs.
"Let's just go Princess" Dean says, giving me a knowing look. I get where they're getting at and nod. Putting the plan into action. "Yeah you two are right" I sigh and we begin walking off. The two following behind us like lost puppies. "Woah woah woah. Wait wait" "Hold on a second here" Harry and Ed stutter in unison.
"Yeah, what thing about Mordechai, you guys?" Harry asks us as we walk away, a slight smirk on my face. "Don't tell them, Sam" I say lowly, staying in character. "But if they agree to shut the website down, guys" Sam fake protests. "They're not gonna do it! You said so yourself" Dean denies as we continue walking, the two following behind us. "No, wait wait! Don't listen to them, okay? We'll do it" Ed finally agrees.
We all share a amused look before turning around to them. "It's a secret, Sam" Dean adds, fueling the act. Sam sighs, "Look, it's a pretty big deal, alright? And it wasn't easy to dig up" Sam says. "So only if we have your word you'll shut everything down" I add, pointing at them firmly. "Totally" Ed smirks at me, his eyes scanning me up and down. I cringe at this.
"And wipe that look off your face, not even an ocean could quench your thirst dude" I snap at him and he looks down guilty. "Yes ma'am" He salutes, causing me to roll my eyes. "Alright" Sam says, pulling a paper out of his pocket. "It's a death certificate from the 30s. We got it at the library" Sam begins to feed them the fake story as Dean hands them the paper we printed at the copy shop.
"Now according to the coroner, the actual cause of death was a self inflicted gunshot wound" Sam tells them as they look at the paper, then up at us. "That's right, he didn't hang or cut himself" Dean says. "He shit himself?" Ed asks us, shocked. "Yep. With a .45 pistol. To this day, they say he's terrified of them" I respond nodding.
"As a matter of face, they say if you shoot him with a .45, loaded with these special wrought iron rounds. You'd kill the son of a bitch" Dean adds. The two look at each other in glee. Harry then runs to the trailer. Presumably to post the story. "Thanks gorgeous" Ed winks at me. I scoff as he runs behind Harry. "Harry. Slow your roll, buddy. They're gonna know we're excited" He calls out to Harry lowly.
I notice Deans jaw clench whenever Ed flirts with me. "Dorks" I snort as we walk back to the Impala. "I think one of those dorks has a thing for you, sweetheart" Dean snickers, his jaw still clenching. I roll my eyes as Sam laughs at this. "Please, y/n/n's standards aren't THAT low" He snorts. I shove him lightly as Dean laughs. "I hate you two" I grumble chuckling, causing Sam to laugh more.
Due to Deans never ending hunger, we're now again at a diner. Sam on my laptop searching the website, while I'm reading a book about tulpas. I'm next to Dean while Sam is on the opposite side of the booth. Dean, being the man child he is, is currently playing with a string machine that's next to up on the wall.
Where when you pull the string, a man plastic man with a fish in his hand, starts laughing. This has been going on for about five minutes and it's getting annoying. Sam pulls the string, stopping it while we both glare at Dean. "If you pull that string one more time, I'm gonna kill you" He deadpans. Dean stares at him blankly. I look back down at my book and pulls the string again, making it laugh.
My head snaps up so instantly raise my foot and kick him in the shin under the table with my boot. "Ow!" He exclaims, a smile on his face. Sam pulls the string to stop it, glaring at Dean who chuckles at the both of us. A cheeky smile on his face. "Come on, guys. You need more laughter in your lives. You know? You're way to tense" Dean chuckles as Sam sips his beer, annoyed.
"I'm fine, thank you" I grumble. "Yeah, sure you are" Dean snorts, making me glare at him.
"Did they post it yet?" I ask Sam, who then turns the laptop with the article to me and Dean, picking up his fork and stabbing his pancake. "We learned from reputable sources that Mordechai Murdock has a fatal fear of firearms." Dean reads off of the site as Sam nods.
"Alright. So how long do we wait?" I ask them as Sam chews his pancake. He shrugs, shutting the laptop. "Long enough for the new story to spread and the legend to change" Sam suggests, picking up his beer in a toasting manner, "I figure by nightfall, iron rounds would work on the sucker" He smirks, me and Dean pick up our beers and cheers with him. "Sweet" "Hallelujah" Me and Dean say in unison, picking up our beers and gulping them down.
When I go to rest it down I realize it's stuck to my hand, my face contorts to confusion until I see Sam with a smirk on his face, bursting into a fit of laughter, clapping because Dean couldn't put his down either. I clench my jaw in annoyance, "You didn't" Dean says. "Ohhh, I did" Sam laughs, holding up the super glue. I groan, "Dammit man, I didn't do you anything. Why did I get superglued!?" I exclaim. Sam laughs shaking his head
"You saw him throw that itching powder in my clothes and kept your trap shut, you're in this whether you like it or not crackhead" He smirks, sipping his beer. I narrow my eyes at him, "Oh, you're on dipshit" I challenge him, glaring at him. He laughs, pulling the string on the machine, as it blurs out it's annoying ass sound, laughing along with it as Dean and I try to get the bottles off our hands.
After practically having to pry our hands off of the beer bottles Sam glued ours to. We stole that weird ass noise making machine that Dean loved playing with at the diner and turned it on outside in the woods for the cops to go looking for the noise, stalling a bit so we can run in, kill Mordechai and shag ass out of town.
The boys and I creep into the Hell House, shining our lights and aiming our guns around after bursting open the door. "I barely have an skin left on my palm" Dean complains. "Quit whining, you started this stupid prank war" I grumble back at him. "I ain't touching that line with a 10-foot pole" Sam retorts as we move into the other room. Scanning it, Dean then kicks the door to the basement down, we all file in carefully.
"Well, you think old Mordechai's home?" Dean asks us. I shrug. "I don't know" Sam responds. "Me either" A voice behind us says, scaring the tartar sauce out of me. We all quickly turn around, aiming our guns in the direction just for it to be those Hell Dorks with their stupid equipment on. "WOAH WOAH!" They both scream, putting their hands up in surrender.
We draw back our guns, "What the hell are you two dumbasses trying to do!? Are you trying to get yourselves killed!?" I yell at them angrily like a disappointed mother. "We're just trying to get a book and movie deal, okay?" Ed says shakily. Then suddenly the sounds of an axe sharpening comes from the door behind us and we all aim our guns at it
"Oh, crap" Harry mutters. "Uh, guys, you wanna...You wanna go open that door for us?" Ed asks us fearfully from behind us, gulping. "Why don't you?" Dean retorts, absolutely fed up. The door unlocking alone scares them and then, Mordechai comes bursting through the door yelling. The boys and I empty our clips into the bastard who screams in pain and disapparates into a black smoke.
Dean nods at us, giving us a look. We return the nod, "Sam, upstairs, I'll take the rooms, Y/N, stay with dumbledorks" Dean orders as they begin the check the rest of the room. "Oh, god. He's gone, he's gone" Ed gasps in shock. "Did you get him?" Harry asks him. "Yeah, they got him" Ed responds, still frightened. "No, on camera. Did you get him on camera?" Harry asks him shakily. Ed begins to fidget with the camera.
"Well, I...uh..." He tries to look but Harry grabs the camera. "Let me see it, let me see it" That's when Mordechai appears and knocks the camera out of Harry's hand. "Fuck!" I yell startled, ducking when he tries to chop me, disappearing into a black smoke again. They boys enter back the room, "Mordechais still kicking fellas" I inform them.. "Didnt you guys post that bullshit story we gave you?!" He bellows at Ed and Harry.
"Of course we did" Ed says. "Yeah but then our serves crashed" Harry adds and I roll my eyes annoyed. "So it didn't take?!" I ask him. "Uhhhh-" They stutter. "So these- These guns don't work?" Dean asks. "Yeah" Ed answers guiltily, I angrily toss my gun aside. "Great, just great" Dean mutters sarcastically.
"Fellas? Any ideas?" I ask them a bit panicked, they both give an 'I don't know' expression. "We are getting out of here" Harry says, rushing off but Ed is stuck in place. He runs back and grabs Ed. "Come on, Ed" He drags him out in a hurry. Then we hear Ed and Harry screaming. "Jesus, he's gonna kill them" I mutter, Sam goes to play hero.
Running in to save them. "Let's torch this sucker" Dean suggesst, "Yeah, fire always works" I agree nodding, we rush into the kitchen to get lighter fluid, dousing the ground it in. "Dean! Y/N!" We hear Sam yell. I grab an old can of bug spray and a lighter. "Hey!" I yell at Mordechai who has Sam up on the wall with his axe, choking him.
Igniting the lighter with the bug spray. "Go! Go!" I yell at Sam who breaks out of Mordechais hold. "Come on" I help him up, grabbing him to run over to Dean. "Look, if Mordechai can't leave the house and we can't kill him" I say quickly. "We improvise" Dean adds. He then lights the lighter and throws it where we doused the place in lighter fluid.
The whole room sets aflame. Sam looks baffled but we all run out of the house and into the bushes as the whole house sets on fire. "That's your solution? Burn the whole damn place to the ground?" Sam asks us. "Well no one will go in anymore" Dean defends "I mean, look. Mordechai can't haunt a house if there's no house to haunt" I say. "It's fast and dirty but it works" Dean adds. "What if the legend changes again and Mordechai is allowed to leave the house?" Sam says baffled.
I pause. Why the fuck did I not think of that? "Well, then we'll just have to come back" Dean shrugs. Sam looks at us in disbelief, breathing heavily, "Kind of makes you wonder, out of all the things we've hunted. How many of those things existed just because people believed in them" Sam wonders out loud and I can't help but agree with him as we watch the house burn.
The next evening, the boys and I are hanging out on a picnic table at the trailer park as Ed and Harry walk out towards their car that's attached to their trailer, holding grocery bags. "I was thinking that Mordechai had a really super high attack bonus" Ed says to Harry. "Dude, I got the munchies right now" Harry snickers.
"Gentleman and gorgeous" Ed greets us, a wide smile on his face. "Hey guys" Sam responds back. "Should we tell them?" Harry asks Ed. "Eh, might as well. They're gonna read about it in the trades" Ed says boastfully. Me and Sam share an amused look as they begin to brag. "So, this morning we got a phone call from some important Hollywood producers" Harry brags as we follow behind them.
"Oh yeah, wrong number?" Dean retorts with a snort. "No smartass" Ed glares at him. "He read all about the Hell House on our website and what a to option the motion picture rights. Maybe even have us write it" He says boastfully as he puts the bags in their car. "And create the RPG" Harry adds.
"The what?" Dean cocks his eyebrow in confusion as me and Sam bite back laughs. "Role playing game" Ed says as if it's obvious. "Right" Dean says, still confused. "Just a little lingo for you. Anywho, excuse us, we're off to La-La Land" Ed smirks, his eyes panning over to me.
"Well, congratulations guys. That sounds really great" Sam says sarcastically. "Yeah, that's awesome. Best of luck" Dean adds, snickering. A smug look takes over Eds face. "Oh yeah, luck. It's got nothing to do with it. It's about talent. You know, sheer, unabashed talent" He says as Harry nods proudly.
Ed then bites his lip and I roll my eyes, bracing myself. "You're welcome to jo-" He goes to flirt again. "I'd rather eat my own filth, Venkman" I snap back, narrowing my eyes at him. He shrugs nonchalantly, "Your loss, gorgeous. Later" He winks at me before giving us a peace sign, jumping into their car. Cocky bastard.
I scoff at this, not feeling bad whatsoever for setting them up. We watch as they drive off. The boys and I share an amused look as Dean mutters "Wow", while we walk back to the car. "We have a confession to make" Sam breaks, holding back his laugh. "What's that?" dean asks us, looking down smiling.
"We uh- we're the ones that called them and told them we were producers" I admit. Me and Sam chuckle as Dean looks at us shocked. Turning back to look at their car, bursting into hysterics. "Well, I'm the one who out the dead fish in their back seat" Dean confesses. I laugh loudly along with the boys. "I knew I smelt something!" I laugh as Dean grins proudly.
"Truce?" Sam ask Dean. "Yeah, truce. At least for the next hundred miles." Dean says, getting into the Impala along with Sam. "Don't worry, Princess. We won't drag you into it this time" Dean assured me, starting the car as I'm still outside. Too late for that, darling. I take a step back from the car and then BOOM!
The second the ignition starts, flour explodes inside of the Impala. Coating them all over, inside of Baby. They both cough, glaring at each other angrily. "You said truce!" Dean growls at Sam. "I didn't do this!" Sam exclaims. Their gazes snap over to me as I laugh hysterically, bending over, clutching my stomach. I pull out the flour bag from my jacket and wave it in the air victoriously.
"You didn't!" Sam exclaims. "Ohhh, I did" I mock his words from earlier when he stuck our hands to the beer bottles. Jumping in the back seat, “Victory is mine!” I claim proudly, grinning at them. "This is gonna take me forever to clean dude!" Dean groans in annoyance. "Maybe next time don't drag me into it" I shrug innocently, smirking as the boys glare at me.
This makes me laugh even more. “Awwww, turn those frowns upside down fellas. At least for the next 100 miles at least" I tease them, leaning over to fix Deans frown with my fingers. I notice he holds back a laugh, Sam shakes his head in amusement.
Authors Note: Hiiiii, sorry this one took be a bit longer. I went on a trip recently so I’ve been pretty busy but I hope you guys enjoyed this one. This chapter is unedited but I do plan on coming back and editing it so just ignore any mistakes. Just a little insider, Y/N’s flour prank was symbolic to Sam’s cookie prank when they were 13. Let’s just say, she’s still salty about that one LOL. Make sure to leave your honest comments and thoughts, I look forward to them, love y’all😘
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jhugas · 8 months
‘C’mon baby, sit.’-Kim Namjoon
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Genre: smut
Pairing: Namjoon X 8th member! Reader
Summary: Namjoon has always protected you since you were young… but now that you were older, he still protected you the same. But you, you wanted to prove him that you grew, and that this feeling that grew on you for him, wasn’t just childish love.
Word count: ~1,5k
Warnings/tags: unprotected sex (no creampie), making out, teasing, age gap (reader 26, Namjoon 29), fwb?, reader is bold, big dick Namjoon, he cums on her breast, she jumps on it, "good girl", "baby", "hun".
You’re the same age as Jungkook, 26 years old and Namjoon is 29, but it wasn’t always that way.
Ten years ago back in 2013, you were 16 and him 19, and you met when you were only 13 and him 16. So in short, you’re his baby.
As the leader of the group, he felt the absolute need to take care of both you and Jungkook, making you two live your teenage years and have fun. Consequently, he was protective over you if not overprotective, and as time passed and you grew up, he didn’t change and kept protecting you. But you, you did change.
When you were young, Namjoon protecting you just made you feel safe, but now it feels different… more like a protective boyfriend.
Of course you liked to play with him, when interviewers asked if we were dating someone, you looked suspiciously at Namjoon to piss him off. You used to hold his hand, sit on his lap, and kiss his cheeks… of course, he only let you do this, which made you feel even more special to him.
And as more time passed, no only did you catch serious feelings for him, but you also started to get sexually attracted to him. Sitting on his lap made you feel something, kissing his cheek seemed more intimate too, but he never really understood that you were serious after all these years of joking… until now.
You entered his bedroom, finding him laying on his bed, back against the wall and watching a movie.
‘You’re here?’ he asked with his usual deep voice that you loved, without even looking at you once. But you, you put your prettiest lingerie on purpose for him to see, you wanted to impress him for once, you wanted him to tell you sweet things about how good, sexy and beautiful you looked, but not like he always did.
You were tired of him looking at you like the 16 year old girl you were once. Today, you’re 26 and you’ll prove it to him.
You get closer to the bed and put your legs on each side of his body while keeping your hips high, looking at him and blocking his view of movie on the tv.
‘Y/n~’ he whines, ‘you’re blocking my—‘ he stops talking when he notices your lingerie and position.
‘Y/n, don’t you think that’s a little too much?’ he says, disturbed by this unusual and unexpected situation, ‘just get on my right if you want to watch the movie, you don’t have to stay like this…’
‘I don’t know, I like this view.’ you boldly said as you finally lowered your hips, them meeting with his as your panties feel his crotch.
You’re not usually so bold, but if you weren’t clear this time, he wouldn’t understand.
‘Y/n, what’s wrong?’ he asks as he starts to feel something he never did. Feeling your crotch on his made him feel… something different. Something he maybe didn’t want to admit with you.
‘What? I’m alright, why?’ you ask back as you lean in, creating a friction on both of your crotch and giving him a view of inside your lingerie.
‘I don’t know what you’re doing, but I don’t think this is okay… do you understand?’ he says with a gentle voice to not upset you, but the truth is, he already has his hands on your hips and no wish to make you move, he’s just scared of what could happen once it’s too late.
‘It’s okay Namjoon… you should relax for once. You don’t have to control everything, you know?’ you answer as you lean even closer, caressing the side of his face and hair.
‘Don’t hold back, please.’ is the last thing you said before slowly and carefully, approaching your lips towards his, meanwhile, you noticed him slowly nodding.
Then in a moment, your lips were tied together.
The kiss is still awkward, tense, like a real first kiss in between two inexperienced. But after a few seconds, his grip on your hips got rougher and his lips had softened. Quickly, the kiss became more natural and sexual, from a soft peck to sucking in each other’s lips without any remorse, and as expected, Namjoon started to take the lead.
It’s you that initiated it, pushed your hips and lips on him, but it was him having his hand around your neck, tilting your head to taste you deeper, and starting to guide your hips.
Indeed, his strong hands began to make you grind on him, your lips dividing on each side of his now boner. It was your lucky day, you had large and thin panties and he wasn’t wearing anything under his pyjama pants.
Your clit rubs against his length as your panties get wet and you feel more and more needy.
Having such a strong man that you wanted since forever touching you made you feel dizzy, contrasting with his strong grip making you stay in place.
You felt so safe and secured that you already felt yourself falling onto his arms, giving him freedom to do as he pleases with you with your full consent.
Wet kissing sounds resonate in the room with the movie in the background though you were so much into it that you couldn’t hear anything.
You enjoyed hearing each other’s tongue tasting yourselves, but this friction on your sensitive bud was getting too intense, you had no control over yourself whatsoever and began to moan against his lips.
‘Fuck…’ he muttered in between kisses, finally feeling relieved enough to express himself.
You got a bit shy but it was so hot for him, hearing you moan because of how good he feels though you were just getting started.
‘Want some more hun?’ he asked with an even deeper voice.
‘Yes…’ you managed to answer. He then lifted your hips, managed to take off your panties and his pants too, leaving you two bottomless.
And when you looked down and saw his cock for the first time, your view couldn’t please you more. It was exactly how you imagined it. Big, thick and standing tall by itself.
‘C’mon baby, sit.’ he ordered.
His dick was impressive, this would be the first time you take such a big cock so you were a bit worried, but truly, you couldn’t wait to have it inside of you, destroying your insides and making you jump high.
You lower your hips slowly as he aligns his tip to your entrance, before finally feeling it entering you, his hard inches giving your walls something to clench on.
You can’t help but roll your eyes back as Namjoon groans, biting his bottom lips as if he was holding back.
‘You good?’ he asked, but you couldn’t hear anything. Instead, Namjoon observed your body as an answer as you started bouncing on it carefully to not hurt yourself. His dick kept hitting the right spots while he was staring at you intensively and enjoying your tits bouncing.
It was so good, your wetness making the clapping sounds sound louder and heavenly. When suddenly, Namjoon started lifting his hips, synchronizing with you to make it rougher because he needed to be sooo deep inside you.
‘More!’ You scream as your orgasm approaches dangerously.
Namjoon was now fucking you all on his own, lifting you to make you jump on him as he thrusted into you, you were completely losing yourself.
‘Cum baby…’ he said with his deep voice. And before you could even think about it, you found yourself releasing your sweet juice around his big cock.
‘Good girl… I’m right here…’ he said as you were reaching your highest, then coming back down to earth.
As you calmed down and were catching your breath, Namjoon lifted you up and laid you down on your back, positioning himself on top of you, his dick towering over your breast.
‘Where d’you wanna cum?’ You whispered. He pointed your breast and you nodded immediately.
He then started to pump himself, his red cock now begging for some relief as his breath fastened.
‘Cum for me…’ you said with the strength you had left, and he did.
Right after you said those words his thick white cum came out flying from his tip to your breast, and your face. He even managed to wrap your nipples in his cream.
‘You were so good…’ you told him as he laid on top of you, his head resting beside yours. ‘Really?’ he asked. ‘Of course, thank you…’. and the praising went on. For a first time together, it was so good… and trust, from the way this happened, this won’t be the last time fucking with him.
Thank you for reading! Likes, reblogs and comments are so so so appreciated!! Thank you^^
Ps: I forgot the tags😭
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homestuckreplay · 10 days
Violin Concerto in the Key of Meteor Strike: Who Is Rose Lalonde?
Character Deep Dive 2 - 6/2/2009
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Homestuck’s narrator formally introduced us to John Egbert right as the comic opened, but our getting to know Rose Lalonde has been slower and more natural. From her earliest conversation with John on p.63, to her becoming a ‘playable character’ of the comic on p.139 when she and John begin playing Sburb, to our switch to following her in person actions on p.214, we already knew a lot about Rose before we had her name and list of interests. She’s just as weird as John but with a spooky gray filter applied, she’s a regular kid who will probably summon a demon, she’s an absolute control freak who’s still kind of a failure at video games, and she is our second Main Character, set up as a contrast to John as well as a friend.
Much like with John, I’ve used Rose’s list of interests to group the information we know about her, and to discuss her relationship with the other characters and with some themes of the comic so far.
Essay below the cut - about 3.6k words.
Quiz here - 13 multiple choice questions.
1. You have a passion for RATHER OBSCURE LITERATURE.
If this was the first thing we learned about Rose, I might see her very differently. I’d definitely take her more seriously. But I saw her destroy the plumbing and put the bunny back in the box, so learning this now comes off very differently.
With John’s ‘passion for REALLY TERRIBLE MOVIES’, we were given posters to illustrate his taste, and based just on critical reception, ‘really terrible’ is a huge oversimplification. So we know that the narration isn't completely objective, and we know from other clues that Rose's interests in psychoanalysis and games are fairly surface level, which makes it an easy leap to ‘Rose reads a lot of HP Lovecraft and thinks of that as way more obscure than it is because she’s 13 and gets book recommendations from forums’.
There are two posters on the left of Rose’s wall that could be book characters - they look like amateur art of regular, non-tentacled people. I wonder if they were birthday presents from one of her friends, whether it’s John or TG sending her original concept art made by the author of a book she likes, or fanart if one of her friends is a visual artist (GG, perhaps?)
John not only loves movies, but imagines himself in their stories (for example, p.223) and the things that happen to him reflect his movies in response. Without any specific titles, it’s hard to say if the same is true for Rose - but if so, it raises questions of genre. John’s story has been lighthearted action-comedy with darker themes below the surface, light fantasy and countdowns leading to an explosion that’s almost comically absurd even while it has our hearts racing. Rose’s story is already darker both in literal color and in tone. Her inventory system is still terrible but she uses it more pragmatically and she’s far more skillful about skulking around her own house. This, the design of her house, and the sudden flashes of lightning illuminating the sky red or revealing a shadowed figure give her story a survival horror feel. If that’s her taste in literature, it would make sense that she’d imagine herself in that type of story.
2. You enjoy creative writing and are SOMEWHAT SECRETIVE ABOUT IT.
Where a normal person might say ‘hey I heard you got the sburb beta’, Rose Lalonde says ‘I understand you have recently come into possession of the beta release of "The Game of the Year", as featured in respectable periodicals such as GameBro Magazine’ (p.63). It’s the first thing we hear from her, so we learn immediately that she likes the sound of her own voice. She’s the only kid in her friend group who uses perfect capitalization and grammar in her messages, and she criticizes game walkthroughs as ‘horrendously written’, suggesting a focus on the technical aspects of writing.
Her creative interest is seen in ‘I think I will write my own walkthrough’ (p.204) where she moves beyond criticism and at least believes she could make something better, and ‘It’s not especially practical. But I think they are elegant’ (p.154) which shows an interest in the style and aesthetics of things. We also get great glimpses of her prose in lines like ‘Its lurid glare has moved on to younger timezones’ (p.174) - I can imagine Rose writing fanciful mood and setting pieces that focus on description over dialog.
In her eccentric verbosity, Rose’s character voice is more similar to the narrator’s than any other character’s is. The narrative text on p.82, for example, feels more comfortable in itself than Rose’s messages do, but it’s not a million miles away. I’ll come back to Rose as a narrator figure in the section on knitting, somehow. 
Rose is not only secretive about her creative writing, she’s secretive in general. On page 164, she tells John not to investigate after she rips out his toilet. She asks him for ‘space’ to fix it and sends him away, and clearly prefers to work unobserved especially when she’s uncertain. She also shuffles her purple package into the closet (p.218) and her writing journals under her bed (p.220) when she feels the narration’s scrutiny. The narrator states ‘You would only resort to such an embarrassing activity while no one was watching’. Rose is clearly ashamed of some of her interests and personality, and hides a lot of herself from observers to make herself seem cooler and more mysterious than she is.
(I have to note that this does not work, at least not where her friends are concerned. Before we hear from Rose directly, we learn about her from TG, who says ‘maybe you can play with TT shes been pestering me all day about it. shes mackin on me so hard all the time i start to feel embarrassed for her’. Definitely not the way she’d want to be introduced to a mass audience).
3. You have a fondness for the BESTIALLY STRANGE AND FICTITIOUS, [...]
The 'bestially strange and fictitious' is what's being referenced in the tentacle of tentacleTherapist, not an innocuous interest in marine life. This is one of her shared interests with John, who apparently liked paranormal lore. It's interesting that these beasts are 'fictitious' according to the narration, but Rose's grimoire is specifically for 'summoning' the zoologically dubious, not just learning about them. This positions Rose as a more active character than John (summoning instead of learning lore) and as someone who has grand designs and fringe beliefs - kind of an Ellie Arroway in Contact figure.
I've talked about Rose and John as scientists based on their chumhandles, versus TG and GG as religious. We now know that Rose lives next door to an impressive sized lab broadcasting from an antenna. Depending on how good their security systems are, she might have explored here, or at least peered through the windows at the strange, unethical science experiments they're surely doing (aka the extremely routine lab work that she's interpreting as mad science). Growing up with scientists as her only neighbors might have inspired this interest and got her started on weird experimentation of her own. As it's unlikely she has formal training beyond middle school, it makes sense she'd be into weird tentacles in jars instead of a more academically accepted field.
I've been wondering how many of Rose's interests are from childhood and how many go further back. The cuddly Cthulhu plush and the very cartoonish monster on her shirt suggest this was a childhood interest, even if the specific monsters she likes have changed over time - some of her more unsettling posters might be recent additions. We don't know enough about her mom's parenting style to guess if she was mostly unsupervised on the internet and able to look at horror from a young age, or if she was held back from something she had an interest in until her mom felt like she was old enough, and how that might have impacted her either way.
4. [...] and sometimes dabble in PSYCHOANALYSIS.
This is the 'therapist' half of Rose's chumhandle, and the easiest interest to guess based on her early appearances. Psychoanalysis, to Rose, appears to be the idea of knowing people better than they know themselves and guessing their underlying motivations and thought processes - therapy through telling people what's going on in their head instead of talking it through with someone. From what we've seen so far, the vibe is 'she's read Freud's Wikipedia page and cares more about putting her basic knowledge into action than reading more theory'.
In Rose's first chatlog on p.63, she accuses John, 'You're wearing one of your disguises now, aren't you? You are typing to me right now while wearing something ridiculous.' She says this right after John mentions going to get the Sburb beta from his dad - 'mom' and 'dad' are activation words to someone with an amateur interest in Freud, and she's immediately putting herself in John's head and making assumptions about his life. (She's right, but probably only because they're already good friends).
On p.160 she tries to pull a similar move, saying 'Is this how your pent-up frustration with your father manifests itself?' and John shuts her down. But in her efforts to analyze other people, she tells on herself more than she wants to - her previous message was 'I am not sensing a lot of regard for the personal property of others' and considering this message comes as she throws John's personal property around his house, leaving his things on the roof and in the backyard, I'm going to call this one projection.
Rose's only direct statement about her mom is on p.174 - 'I'd rather not risk an encounter with my mother. I battled through her cloud of gin and derision once already this evening.' In this same pesterlog she compares her situation to John's, suggesting that she thinks John's situation of 'cake, jesters, unfaltering love and support' isn't really that bad. While she's not wrong, it's a very unproductive thing for a so-called therapist to say, and it shows a lack of self awareness - Rose seems like she would hate being coddled with cake and having a business clown cramping her goth style.
I really think Rose is more of a lab scientist than a therapist, but being able to perfectly understand and predict people is such a helpful skill for someone who is insecure and wants to project an image - if you can understand how someone thinks, you can influence what they think. She definitely wants to control how she's perceived, and likes to have information in general (see: immediately looking up GameFAQs when she couldn't figure out Sburb right away). Psychoanalysis is also used in literary criticism, so it's also possible that she uses this to advance her creative writing, if she's open to any kind of self reflection.
5. You also like to KNIT, [...]
Knitting stands out from Rose's more esoteric and highbrow hobbies. It's not something we've seen her mention, but her sweaters, scarves, socks and hats scattered on her floor look finished, so she has skill and commitment (but lacks a good storage space). I bet she knits while listening to audiobooks. It's a hobby that needs some perfectionism and attention to detail, which seem like traits Rose prizes even if she doesn't possess them (see p.170 where Rose reveals that she placed the Cruxtruder without rotating the room to check if she was in the way of the door).
Rose calls her shot about Sburb's punch card alchemy on p.157, and doesn't confess to reading walkthroughs until p.178. While it's possible she was reading them sooner, it's also possible that she's familiar with punch card knitting, maybe even has a knitting machine somewhere in the house. Knitting is fundamentally the same principle as (punch card) alchemy - taking an abstract image or code laid out on a 2D card, and using it to generate a physical object. The totem lathe and alchemiter could function similarly to a knitting machine, using build grist or cruxite instead of wool, but creating patterns in similar ways.
Following this logic, knitting is a generative hobby, as is creative writing. Rose makes things in a way that John really doesn't (he's clearly never finished coding anything) and has been doing so before playing Sburb. It's interesting to associate her with creation in light of her underlying god complex. Frankenstein is another 'obscure' book Rose has probably read and loved. She is a Dr Frankenstein type of scientist, she is going to knit Fluthlu and bring them to life. The Sburb server player is such a godlike role, and she slides into it so naturally, immediately taking full control and giving orders.
When she's the player character but we haven't seen her yet (p.139-201), she feels like an invisible but omnipresent narrator one layer below the actual narrator, a watchful presence that John can't escape. On p.145 she tries to select John with the Sburb cursor. It doesn't work, but what the hell was she going to do if it did? Drop him outside? I keep coming back to how she seems aware she's being watched by the narrator on p.218 and p.220, in the same way that John knows he's being watched by Rose (but doesn't seem aware of the narrator, despite reacting to their commands). Is it possible, even, that she's (consciously or unconsciously) trying to emulate the narrative voice with her messages in her efforts to take on a similar role?
Her conversation with John on p.204 is fascinating. John tells her there's a meteor heading for his house, and her response is 'I see'. She stays cool and collected and completely unattached throughout the conversation, trying to solve the problem through citing GameFAQs, talking about how much smarter she is than other people, and refusing to compromise on her incessant use of inconveniently elongated words. She fits the stereotype of the Objective Intellectual scientist so well, too concerned with what's possible to care about its fallout, taking notes on John's reactions in her lab notebook while feeling no emotions about the whole thing. It sure is interesting that a video game might be able to cause a meteor strike. Sure would be an intellectual exercise to figure out how to stop that. She is so perfectly above it all.
6. [...] and your room is a BIT OF A MESS.
I never realized John was neat until we had Rose, who definitely isn't. On p.160, she says she's 'tempted' to clean up the mess in John's toilet for him, but everything she does actually makes his bathroom worse. We've actually seen John clean (p.67) and the only out of place things in his room on p.4 are things his dad left there, if we assume that Dad left the hammer and nails for John to hang the painting. All his mess comes from accidental sylladex misuse - he even makes his bed. Rose will simply leave an expensive violin balanced precariously against the wall, drop a pre-punched card on the living room floor instead of placing it on the coffee table, and fail to return John's magic chest to his room even after she's 'got a feel for the controls' (although this last one could be her being silly on purpose). I can't decide if Rose is being an asshole by leaving John's house in a complete state or if she's just Like That and doesn't even notice.
Rose has an inventory system that she knows how to use, so it's easier for someone to be clean if they want to be. Maybe she just doesn't. The rest of Rose's house is empty besides dope ass wizards - on p.230-235 we see that Rose's house is filled with long, expansive corridors, has at least three floors, and is large and modernist with strange towers and extensions and bubbles. If Rose's mom is minimalist and Rose feels like her house is missing something, of course she would expand to fill that space, with her physical possessions as well as her personality.
7. And on occasion, if just the right one strikes your fancy, you like to play VIDEO GAMES with your friends.
John has a poster of the Problem Sleuth heroes on his bedroom wall, as well as a copy of the game, and Rose has a poster of the Problem Sleuth beasts and demons. It would be cute as hell if they played it together. Rose playing a video game has been most of what we've seen of her so far, so I've kind of covered that in other points - I want to talk about the 'with your friends' part, and specifically, how she and John met.
They seem so different, and based on Rose's strong reaction to the intelligence of GameFAQs writers, if she just encountered John on a forum she would not give him the time of day. John definitely isn't stupid, but I think he can come off that way in a first interaction, and I think Rose makes quick judgements about people. John can definitely banter with Rose - my favorite early interaction of theirs is 'TT: Can a disorder also be a complex? EB: in your case, probably!' (p.160) - so all it would take is getting over the initial hurdle of starting a conversation. So I have three theories.
The first is that they did meet on a forum, and John was just so charming in his silliness that Rose eventually warmed on him. Maybe John got stuck on the loading screen of a game and couldn't figure out how to press start and Rose helped him out and John just kept liveblogging his game in the thread. Maybe John asked a question about Slimer from Ghostbusters on a cryptozoology forum and Rose gave him a weirdly anatomically detailed answer that referenced a worrying home use of concentrated sulfuric acid. Maybe Rose posted some of her writing online and John left a glowing comment.
The second is that they met through TG. He seems to have a fair bit in common with both of them - on the surface, more than they do with each other. He could have noticed one of their shared interests and put them in contact, or he could have been trying to fuck with them by setting them up to hate each other and it backfired. Either feels plausible from what we've seen of him so far.
The third is that Rose just used to be different. John has the childlike spirit of the clown and I get the sense that he's always been the same, whimsical on the outside with a malaise hovering within. But Rose is trying to put on such a sophisticated affect, which could be recent. Rose could have been bubbly, accepting and open to talking to anyone a few years ago. She's changed as a person, but stays loyal enough to her friends to brave the evil red storm for them.
Final Thoughts
I find Rose easier to analyze than John - she's not less complex, but her complexities are made more obvious in the text. We also don't get the luxury of sitting with Rose and learning about her organically like we did with John. The meteor countdown is flashing in my mind even when it isn't on screen, and the text needs to take shortcuts, telling us about Rose instead of just showing her. As such, I don't have as many questions hanging as I usually do, but there's still a few.
What's up with both John and Rose being really talented at music, but this not being listed in their interests or directly acknowledged by the narrator? Does the narrator fucking hate music? The narrator of a webcomic which has so far included five original music tracks??
Is Rose consciously aware of the narration? Is it something that just began for her when we saw her, or has that been part of her life before? Is this why her personality is so cultivated, because she feels like she's always being watched?
What exactly is Rose's relationship with her mom? Is her mom a mean alcoholic who mocks Rose's grief over her cat, or is this a story Rose is telling herself about her very average mom?
Is Rose a weird kid who actually has a pretty normal life, like John, or is her life weird for real? Does she live in a massive haunted house or are we getting her exaggerated perspective?
More broadly, what sources of information in Homestuck are reliable? The narration and chatlogs are both biased perspectives, but what about the images? Are we seeing the characters' worlds as they actually are, or are we seeing things as the point of view character perceives them?
I love Rose. She and John have both been really easy to connect to, are extremely likeable, and feel like real people I could run into on the internet. I love how average they seem and how they really have more flaws than strengths - it adds to the realism, and sets them up with a lot of cool options for story arcs. A Rose who's a loser and kind of sucks is so much better to me than a Rose who's actually good at the things she claims to be, and my only hope is that we solve the imminent crisis and see more of her being truly silly.
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sturnstvs · 1 month
finding out
warnings: talks of sex, teen pregnancy, use of y/n, toxic friends, mentions of periods
a/n: I hope you guys will enjoy this series! what I should add and shit should be added to the comments if you deam necessary
third person POV
y/n and the sturniolos were childhood bestfriends. matt, nick and chris became friends with y/n shortly after kindergarten. they found each other on the play ground one by one. nick was the first one to say hi to y/n and introduce himself to the girl.
chirs was the next to introduce himself when nick said he had a new friend. then it was matt.
y/n was good friends with all of the triplets however her and Chris had a different bond.
they where attached to the hip as some might describe it. they were best friends. all of them were.
when they got to jr high however the friend group got a bit complicated.
you see chris and y/n had made some friends on the first day of 7th grade. they were a little bit older being 9th graders. however at the time cahris nor y/n knew that. (big mistake) they introduced the older kids to matt and nick. the other boys thought that they seemed a little wired and they seemed older.
chris and y/n brushed it off as a 'their just overreacting' turns out they weren't
in 8th grade the now 10th graders invited the whole group to a party. matt and nick said no. nick was hanging out with this girl alahna they he had met recently and matt, well he was just matt. so chirs and y/n decided they would go by themsleves
long story short chris and y/n ended up having sex that night. they where pressured into it mainly. but the two fully decided to carry it out. and its not like they were drunk or anything they were 13 for god sake. the next morning they both decided that what they did the night before was a mistake and should never happen again.
which brings us to here right now, in present time.
y/n had been feeling under the weather recently. it was the colder months of the year so she didn't think anything of it. of course as a 13 year old your not going to automatically think the worst. so she didn't. she didn't think it was a problem. until her friend sophie started saying something about it.
"I saw in this movie that these could be the symptoms of pregnancy" sophie told her as they where walking into the school.
"no way! I mean I know I'm not stupid but there is no way I'm pregnant" y/n shrugged off
"well...you do have the symptoms that my older sister had before she told everyone that she was expecting" shopie said
"are you sure I mean I dont even think its possible, I mean yeah me and chris had sex during winter break but there's no way" y/n told her
"well I'm pretty sure as long as you have your period and you didn't use a condom, its a huge possibility" sophie shrugged as she and y/n walked to class after they put their books in their lockers.
"whatever I'll take a test just to put your mind at rest after school if you promise to come with me" y/n told sophie as they sat down in their first period.
latter that day after school chris came up to y/n after a long day just ready to go hang out with his favorite girl.
"hey! y/n! wait, slow down your going to fast" chris yelled running after the two girls walking out of the school
"what chris?" truth be told y/n didn't want to deal with his hyperactive ass today
"where are you going? aren't we supposed to hang today? my moms waiting in the car" he spoke
"oh, actually change of plans, I have to do something, sorry we'll hang out later" y/n said apologetically as her and sophie walked to the nearest convenience store.
matt and nick who had watched the whole interaction cringed when they saw y/n walk away leaving chris with a frown on his face.
"that was rough" matt comented
"why do you think she ran away so quickly?" chris asked his brothers
"I don't know but I think it might have to do with sophie I mean she has been hanging with y/n way more often" nick said
"yeah" was all chris said as the three walked over to his moms car. he couldn't help but think this was about something much bigger.
it was about a half hour later when sophie and y/n got to the convenience store.
"come on" sophie dragged y/n over towards the aisle trying to find the pregnancy tests.
once both of the girls found the aisle they decided to get the one that was somewhat cheep but also worked.
"I don't have any money" y/n pointed out
"its okay. I have some just pay me back later. this is important" sophie said
"okay" y/n said hesitantly
sophie grabbed the one that seemed like It was the most accurate and cheep.
"should we get two just in case?" sophie asked the girl
"i don't know? should we" this was all very overwhelming for y/n and she didnt want to do any of this.
sophie looked at y/n sympateticly and sighed grabbing another test.
both the girls got in line at the checkout. there wasnt many people in front of them so they got to the coaunter pretty quickly.
the older lady that was at the counter looked at the two girls suspisousely
"hope these are for an older sister" she said scanning the items
the girls just nodded not wanting to say anything.
sophie kindly payed and got handed the tests. she then started walking out of the store while y/n was still standing there.
"I cant go back home and take those" y/n panicked.
her parents werent the most supportive so she knew this was going to freak them out.
sophie nodded while y/n walked over towards the lady behind the counter. as if she knew what she was going to ask, the lady pointed towards the back of the store
"thanks" y/n whispered
as she walked to where the lady pointed thoughts began rummaging through her brain. what if she was actually pregnant? what about Chris? there both only 13, there's no way they would be able to keep it. and their parents. what are they going to say? once she got to the bathroom she let out a shaky breath.
theres no way this was happening.
y/n did everything that she had to once she had read the instructions. then waited.
while she was waiting sophie kocked on the door.
"you good in there y/n"
y/n opened the door and sophie immediately wrapped her arms in a hug. in the time of waiting the was tears streaming down her face.
after a little longer the timer had went off. with shaky hands y/n flipped over the test to revel two very prominat pink lines. y/n immediately broke down. what was she going to do
after a good few hours of crying and trying to adjust the reality of the situation sophie had convinced her to tell chris.
she invited him to her house later that night. chris with a happy face, strolled into her house not knowing his life was about to change.
y/n told him what had happened and obviously he was shocked. they both just cried into each others arms not knowing what they where going to do.
"I guess it sucks that I got my period only a couple weeks before that huh" y/n sniffled a laugh trying to cheer both of them up.
if they had each other they were going to get through this.
note: I want to point out that i feel like this isnt very realistic but that's okay it was a fun idea and it kinda came to me at night? I hope you guys liked it anyway. no hate please.
also give me requests of what if should do make sure you click the info page for more details!
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brittany-studios15 · 3 months
I wrote a lil fanfic about Damian learning to love from his family, I like to think it was gradually and he figured out how he loved each them
Love is an unusual concept,
we say we love food, animals, material things, music and people.
I don't get it, loving people, was always an outlandish idea.
I thought I loved my mother but know that I look back on it, she brainwashed me into thinking that what is was.
Then I met this group, clan a family if you will.
Everyone was imperfect and I thought I was above them.
But I soon realized I was no better than them, I had my flaws and instead of punishing me they embraced it.
 I think this was my first time feeling love,
we're I didn't have to pretend to be the best,
to show that I'm worthy of of it,
but they showed me that I'm worthy of love no matter what.
Father showed me by giving me materialized things, giving me art supplies and books and the latest tech.
Grayson took me places, such as the zoo and to museums, took me out to get ice cream or our once a month brother dinner date.
Todd never seemed to care, or so I thought, he would bring me strays when he found them just walking the streets.
Drake, it took him time far longer than the others to adapt to me and I don't blame him. But he was always by my side whenever I had nightmare, it didn't matter if he hates me or not.
Cain was always nice, quiet but when she did talk it meant something and she showed me through her actions, whenever someone in the family was mad at me, she would come and comfort me. Sometimes never speaking a word, just there for comfort and when she did talk she made me feel better.
Gordon, wasn't an official part of the family but it felt like it, she was more of the affection type always giving hugs and forehead kisses and making jokes about the people she loved, it was annoying as hell but once I got used to it I started to appreciate it.
Thomas, not an a official part but still there, he is the most normal-ish out of the family, scared of me but non the less one of my favorites, he showed me by almost getting in a fight with 13 year old racist kid who teased me of my Arabic decent.
Brown was the one to make you gifts, they were ugly but she put her heart and soul into and that's what matters. I would never tell her this but I have a secret box in my room filled with her ugly gifts.
Kyle, is more of mother than my real one will ever be, she's kind and sweet and when I don't want socialize at events will calm me down and take me into another room. She'll make us food and give pennyworth a break, she can stop fights in seconds and the best person to watch a movie with.
And finally pennyworth or grandfather as I should say. The most efficient man I have ever meet, cooks the meals, gets the children ready, tend to the house garden and pets, and makes sure to patch us up at the end of patrol, my favorite in the family.
I love my family more than I'd like to admit.
I love our idiotic actions and stupid fights.
I love our movie nights and going out on patrol.
I love each and everyone one of them.
Though I would never ever tell them under any circumstance.
But I have feeling they know
and I'm okay with that.
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proxima-writes · 1 year
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**All fics are “x female reader” unless otherwise noted. Tags and warnings are available on the individual posts**
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the satanic rites of eddie munson | au | explicit | chapters: 4/6 
Eddie was just trying to have a normal Thursday when some band from out of town decides he’d make an excellent virgin sacrifice for their get-famous-quick plan. Except he’s not a virgin, and the ritual unleashes something much more sinister that lives in him now, hungry for flesh and possessive of you, the pretty cheerleader he’s always been drawn to. Which means anyone that touches you? Needs to die. Inspired by the movie Jennifer’s Body. ON HIATUS.
↳AO3 | Tumblr: chapter 1 | chapter 2 | chapter 3 | chapter 4
something perfect | au | explicit | chapters: 9/9
While your mom heads out on her grand honeymoon with her new husband, you find yourself spending your summer before senior year in the sleepy town of Hawkins, working at your dad's comic book shop. It's shaping up to be a pretty monotonous time until Eddie Munson enters your life. 
bat out of hell | vampire au | explicit | chapters: 6/6
Convinced Eddie might still be alive, you travel to the Upside Down to find him.
You weren’t expecting the monster that finds you instead.
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nothing else matters | rockstar au | connected work
PART 1 of the “nothing else matters” series
It’s been a few months since Corroded Coffin has played at The Hideout. Ever since recording an actual album and having one of their songs picked up on the radio, they’ve been securing actual shows, with actual crowds.
But whenever they’re within fifty miles of good ol’ Hawkins, they drop into the grimy dive and put on a show. The crowds are bigger, with fans coming in from surrounding towns and cities, but there’s one constant he looks forward to every time.
The new bar owner. As of two years ago, crotchety old Hank finally sold the bar to the hottest woman he’s ever seen.
↳AO3 | Tumblr
change your mind | rockstar au | explicit | connected work
PART 2 of the “nothing else matters” series
Five times Eddie Munson asks you to marry him, and the one time you say yes.
↳AO3 | Tumblr
'til the sun burns out | rockstar au | explicit | connected work
PART 3 of the “nothing else matters” series
Your wedding night to one Eddie Munson.
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we are the dreamers, you are the dream | rockstar au | explicit | connected work
PART 4 of the “nothing else matters” series
You pee on the stick as instructed and set it on the counter, staring at it as you bite your nails.
“This is insane. There’s no way. There’s absolutely no—“
Two pink lines.
Well, fuck.
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the mark you saw on my collarbone | vampire au | explicit | connected work
A oneshot in the bat out of hell series
A snippet of life with your human and your monster.
secret’s out | vampire au | PG-13 | connected work
A oneshot in the bat out of hell series
Dustin and Steve meet Kas.
It goes about as well as you’d expect.
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this is for real (this time i mean it) | au | explicit | one-shot
Five times your best friend Eddie Munson kissed you, plus the one time it meant more.
your name like a prayer | au | explicit | one-shot
The list of mistakes Eddie Munson has made in his life is not short, but he’s pretty sure “calling out your best friends name while fucking your girlfriend” has jumped straight to the top of the list.
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spilling our guts | au | explicit | one-shot
Eddie Munson has been your best friend for years, and your secret crush for longer than you care to admit. When Chrissy Cunningham shows up at his house one day, you’re thrown for a loop, thinking they’re together.
Eddie proves to you just how wrong your assumption is.
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blue jeans and leather (even better on the floor) | au | explicit | one-shot
It’s Friday night, and some band is playing at the bar, a punk group with loud guitar and even louder vocals that make his eyelid twitch slightly in annoyance. Work sucked today and he’s not in the mood to deal with belligerent bar patrons, especially when most of the crowd is sporting spiked leather clothing that make getting them to physically comply way more painful than Steve ever signed up for.
He’s waving through one such dressed group when he hears the shatter of glass. The distinct sound of crunching bone reaches his ears, followed by a cheer.
“Son of a bitch,” Steve groans, leaving his rickety barstool and fighting his way through the gathered crowd.
Tony, the bar owner that Steve is pretty sure was once part of the mob, holds back one large leather clad man who’s got blood dripping from his nose. There’s another guy getting up from the floor and Steve catches a glimpse of curly brown hair and bright brown eyes that he hasn’t seen in years.
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demon’s are a girl’s best friend | incubus au | explicit | one-shot
Since returning from the Upside Down, something dark exists in Steve Harrington and Eddie Munson. Something that is satisfied by only one thing - sex.
And they've set their sights on you.
↳AO3 | Tumblr
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diabolicalcunt · 1 month
I feel the need to pin this cause I’ve always been notorious for people loving me when they first meet me, and then finding out that my political views are not extremely liberal. So here’s all the reasons you will hate me once you get to know me. Or not. I honestly don’t care I’m just sick of the ‘You aren’t who I made you out be in my head!’ conversations.
So my unpopular opinions in no order-
1. They/them is something that’s being encouraged by big brother to see yourself as non or less human.
2. DID isn’t real and you just disassociate a specific way. I look like I’ve been drugged cause I fall down ‘inside’ myself like a well and have no reaction time and can barely speak. I’m like a sloth. You pretend to be a anime character. It’s just coping.
3. The concept of trans genocide is fear mongering by big brother and means to keep boundaries between social groups.
4. To build off 3, the push to medically transition underage children is a move by big pharmaceutical companies to create a permanent customer. Because whether you decide to stay transitioned or de transition, you’re going to be on medication for the rest of your life whether you like it or not. There’s also the whole issue with child exploitation. You’ll be judgmental against Dance Moms, but you won’t say anything about a mom who transitioned her child when they were two years old and made them a social media star.
5. Trans men and women who have been charged with a crime belong in LGBT prison wings. Because we have created a culture where male rapists can put on its dress and be rewarded with a permanent stay in the hen house where they can victimize more women and the system will just cry transphobia and call the victims liars. You got a problem with that? I have never seen a trans man pushing to get put in men’s prison. I wonder why… 😐
6. Blair White is queen.
7. I will fight Henry Cavill on sight. I don’t give a shit how bad you want motorboat him. He’s a fucking pedophile.
8. Same goes for David Bowie. When I get to the afterlife I’m gonna make him wish he could die again. Ask me if you want my full on sight list. 😂
9. I stand with Palestine. Yes I think Islam is a horrible religion that is anti woman. I still don’t think kids should die for the grievances of adults and I think it’s fucked up Israel is doing the same shit Nazis did to them and expect us to nod and smile!
10. Qu**r is just as much of a slur as f*g*t or n*gg*r. I don’t use it and if you do I will block you no questions asked. Say gay! Say lesbian! Say…bisexual! 😱
11. Butch women are valid as fuck and I adore y’all . They aren’t trans men, fuck your lesbian phobia.
12. To build off 11, the new LGBT movement has been infected by woke homophobia and the new trans movement is nothing but conversion therapy in a mask.
13 . Radical feminists are women’s last hope.
14. Marvel movies always sucked, we were just kids and ate up the pretty colors.
15. Dune is a white male savior story.
16. Your fave is not autistic, trans, gay or whatever. You just need validation cause you have no confidence.
17. The Boys should have never cast Jensen Ackles and the Supernatural fandom needs psychological help.
18. Too many of y’all try to primp and posture as the gods of your fandom and yes I say that as someone who did the same and stepped away when I realized how cringe I was. Lording over autistic adults and actual children is pathetic. Get therapy and a real hobby.
19. While gender neutral fanfiction has its place. The trend that all fanfiction needs to be gender neutral is literally killing the creativity and frankly the spice to fanfiction. I hate this trend where piece of media needs to be sterilized so it can be consumed by anyone, even people just passing by. It goes against the concept of creating at its core. Sometimes things are made for specific groups. Sometimes it’s made just for you. The things you create do not need to be sanitized to the point there’s no substance, just a hollow consumption. Think of it this way. Would you rather have a hot pizza of your preference or would you prefer to just drink a bowl of water because someone on the other side of the world might not like pizza?
20. The WWE Divas belt was iconic. I get the whole take women wrestlers seriously movement and I agree! But god damn it, it’s a Bratz belt!!! Gimme!!!!!
21. I fucking HATE koalas. They literally only exist because humans have dumped millions of dollars and keeping them alive. If natural selection were allowed to take his course, they would’ve died off 100 years ago. The food they consume has so little nutrition that they have evolved to have the smallest brain to cranium capacity of any animal to create a built in helmet!! Why? Cause they are so stupid they literally fall out of trees and drop their infants!!! They shit on their young and have permanent diarrhea due to the 0 nutrition thing. They carry chlamydia. They’re so fucking stupid they can’t fuck and have to be artificially inseminated to continue the population. If I couldn’t get laid on my own, the government would not drop millions of dollars into making sure I do!! So why did koalas get it? Literally a waste of resources that could be going to feed thousands of hungry children and instead we’re keeping a fucking retarded (I’m on the spectrum fuck you) animal alive who should have gone extinct hundreds of years ago cause it’s supposedly ‘cute’!! God! I hate koalas!
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I just realise one thing that only on bayverse and only Michael bay and brave enough to make film that autobots got hunting by humans, I meant if we look in previous cartoon even the ones that considering as dark and mature ones they never dare to make autobots vs humans.
Also so far i know there's like never government decided to hunting autobots like they are evil like decepticon, like in bay films. So far the only tension in cartoons about autobots and humans have different opinions and end up argued to each other but never 'autobots are evil like decepticon, so let's hunting them like animals and do genocides to them' and even go wrong autobots only end up cutting from government and government mostly leave them alone.
So bay really have balls to make story about what if humans betraying autobots after everything they done for them. AOE definitely heartbreaking film, specially for optimus and Joshua said humans no need autobots anymore, I was like ' bitch, if you no need them again then send them away and don't kill them. How ungrateful are you'. Seriously AOE definitely for so many hate from fans (mainly because they killed ratchet and how ungrateful humans are)
AOE definitely went all out, and it made me sad. Still a good movie, but it was quite heartbreaking.
Bay was able to do that because of its rating. It's a PG-13 whereas I think a lot of TV shows are supposed to be for little kids, so they can't exactly do things Bay does.
Putting the rest under a read more for TF Prime SPOILERS. Do not read if you don't want TFP spoiled.
However, Transformers Prime was the only other show at least that I know of currently, that had more mature themes. And at one point did have a human vs Autobots part.
I mean TFP has Silas and his group that somewhat 'hunted' the bots. I mean they captured bots, and they stole Bumblebee's T-cog.
It's been a while since I watched TFP but I'm pretty sure they experimented on Breakdown.
The Bay movies were the only ones allowed to show such horrible stuff such as hunting the bots and killing them off, because the rating allowed them. But TFP (to me) is a close second in maturity level.
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hearts4golbach · 9 months
Light Shower. (Sal Fisher x Fem!Reader)
part 5
"I'm screaming like a kettle on a stove. You cranked the heat up,"
Y/n passed me the blunt that Larry had just lit. usually, I didn't smoke. but today, I decided different. "You're cute, sally. you never smoke with us."
Larry gagged. "Get a room. but yeah, the fuck is up with that?" Larry giggled like a little girl before wiggling his eyebrows at y/n, making her roll her eyes and push him.
I gave him a weird look. "I don't like the smell, or the taste, you know?" I looked around my room as I noticed my high had already hit me like a damn truck.
sal and I sat at the park behind his house. it was around midnight when we had decided to steal my mom's weed and get high for the first time together. neither of us had ever smoked anything before, so we didn't know what to expect.
"were going to smoke it, then go home, right?" sal asked, fiddling with his fingers. I held the tightly wrapped blunt between my fingers, proceeding to light it.
"yeah, I'm too nervous to stay out here and your bed is so comfy."
he laughed and took a small hit and inhaled before passing it back. he put his mask back down and started coughing up a storm.
"damn, ladies first, I guess." I said before taking my first hit. I had taken two hits before I looked up and my world was spinning. "woah, what the fuck?" I looked at sal and laughed.
we got up and continued smoking on our way home. a group of teens followed behind us, occasionally laughing extremely loud. my anxiety quickly went through the roof and I began to hold back tears. I didn't know why I was so anxious, but I was. I could barely breathe and all I could think about was the negative shit.
I looked at sal, who seemed more calm than usual during his high.  "you okay?" he asked.
"uhm, I don't know. I don't feel good." I stuttered, rubbing the tears from my eyes.
"It's alright, we're almost back." sal sounded a little panicked by my response as he looked over at me once more.
we got back and laid in his bed, eating whatever food our fatasses could find, which was a big bag of chips, as we watched back to the future. whenever we had settled, I actually relaxed.
"is she over here trying to bang her own son?" sal mumbled, taking a swig of the mystery drink next to his bed. I never figured out what that was, and it was always next to his bed. and no, it wasn't for his eye. he threw his mask on the floor somewhere.
"have i ever told you how beautiful I think you are, sally face? you're my pretty princess!" I giggled, pinching his cheeks. I kissed his scarred cheek as he wrapped his arm around my waist. pretty bold for a 13 year old sal, if you ask me. "why do you think she's trying to bang him?"
"she's like, all over him. it's so weird. he's her son from the future, she's his mom from the past." he said in a higher pitched voice.
"I don't even understand nor remember the plot of this movie do I have no comment." I laughed.
I felt sal shrug. "I love this movie."
"i love you." I smiled up at him. I don't know why the fuck we were being so bold, but that was the night we started cuddling. God, I hate the word cuddling.
Y/n looked at me and gave me a smile that made my heart stop. God, I needed her so bad.
"dudes, I gotta take a shit." Larry grunted and stood up.
"wow, thanks for sharing with the class." I said sarcastically, making yn giggle.
Larry walked out of thebroom and y/n looked at me. our eyes locked and a weird tension filled the room. maybe the weed was mind fucking me, but I wanted to kiss her so bad. she broke eye contact for a second as she looked me up and down. I moved my hand to gently hold hers. my eyes flickered down to her lips then back into her eyes. she scooted closer, our knees touched. she reached up and unclasped the bottom strap of my mask. she lifted it up slowly to see my face, leaving it resting at my forehead with the top buckled. whenever she noticed the blush on my face, hers began to glow brighter. she glanced down at my lips. we sat like that for what felt like eternity before I bit the bullet. I placed my hands on either sides of her face and quickly pulled her in. I squeezed my eyes shut, worried about her reaction. our lips melted against one another's, and I felt a warm relief wash over me. I leaned in further, pressing our lips together harder. her hand gently ran down my neck and gripped the neckline of my hoodie. she pulled me closer to her.
she slowly pulled back, her eyes fixed on me. she had an expression that I couldn't read. she began to speak. "i-"
Larry burst into the room with a loud yawn and flopped onto his bed. "what's up?" he greeted us as i had just finished strapping my mask back on.
"Uh, hey." Y/n said awkwardly.
I waved, too nervous to talk. I wanted to know what y/n wanted to say.
"Did someone die? what happened, bro?"
"No, your shit smell wafted in here with you, so you might have a few deaths on your hands soon." y/n joked, going back to normal quicker than I could.
"Preach." I responded. She gave me a small, abnormal smile.
I fidgeting, spinning the thick black ring on my middle finger. Y/n rested her head back to look up at the ceiling and took my hand again, putting my mind at ease for the moment.
Larry began rambling about something, but I had zoned out, rubbing my thumb against the back of Y/ns hand. I reminisced the feeling of her lips on mine, closing my eyes to relive the moment. my body felt like I was floating. I took a drink of the flat diet mountain dew next to me.
the next couple of  days were weird. no texts, calls, or even answering the door from y/n. I got nervous, thinking she probably hated me now for that obviously stupid mistake. I texted her, 'Everything okay?'
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deedeelaz · 10 months
13 Things that would’ve made me (a hardcore obsessed fan of Mission) walked out satisfied after watching DR1.
Note 1: This points are written under the premise of Ilsa being a 100% dead.
Note 2: If she’s not dead, then the cuestionable decisions I’m mentioning here would actually make a lot of sense, but we’re only gonna know once DR2 is out.
Note 3: IMHO
Let’s start:
1. I would’ve loved a sequence of Ethan and Ilsa fighting together, shoulder to shoulder, both kicking ass in synchronised movements like (or better) than the one we got in Rogue Nation. That would’ve been exhilarating and successful in showing us, for the last time, their powerful dynamic. McQ could’ve sacrificed some of the Rome car chase and the train sequence (those were a little too long) for something like this.
2. During the Venice run, when The Entity says “But you could Ilsa…” GIVE us, more than the fraction of second we got, of Ilsa’s face trying to decide whether to escape or go to Gabriel, this movie was so fond of close ups… a longer quiet moment of Ilsa’s eyes/face (Silo style) would’ve being perfect.
3. Give us more than a fraction of second of Ethan’s troubled face or even have him saying something to Ilsa through comms.
4. Give us back that kickass line you took out in the editing room, before Ilsa engages in the fight.
5. Show us a “hard to win” fight for Ilsa… like, make us believe Gabriel is more competent with knives than the Bone Doctor.
6. Put corny flashbacks of ilsaethan during his run to save her (A deleted scene would’ve brought us fans, to ecstatic tears) Fan-service us McQ please! for the first and last time! For what I heard in those podcasts, you weren’t thinking about this group of fans who would appreciate some real mundane bonding between characters, you were only thinking about the fans who come for the action.
7. Make Ethan hold her. Get his shirt stained with her blood.
8. Don’t show us Grace appearing behind Ethan’s shoulder with that change of music. He is mourning Ilsa, Ethan even turns his face a little to acknowledge Grace. Like, there’s nothing more important than “the person you cared about the most” lying dead there. Show us Grace in a close up, looking at Ilsa with remorse instead, makes us feel she’s paying some tribute to the woman who saved her life.
9. Show us a close up of Ethan’s teary eyes in the Venice balcony. Add a shot of Ilsa’s calm face. Show us that Ilsa would’ve wanted Ethan to finish the job and only then show us him convincing Grace into the mission. Jumping so fast to the recruitment scene made us think of Grace as a replacement. She’s a great addition to the franchise, but McQ is making us hate her.
10. Luther said “Why else do you think the Entity wanted Gabriel to kill someone you cared about?…” Why wouldn’t he say “Why else do you think the Entity wanted Gabriel to kill Ilsa? My point is, no mention of her after she died.
11. Benji yelling “Ethan! It’s dead, it’s very very dead!” When the ‘mask making’ machine fries, is a tasteless remark considering the circumstances.
12. Don’t show us any face of any woman, before Ethan makes the motorcycle jump , that was unnecessary and corny (McQ tries to avoid that kind of stuff but when he decides to use them, puts those scenes in the wrong place)
13. When Ethan is over Gabriel with a knife on his throat, even though I saw Gabriel’s blood on the knife, I didn’t feel Ethan determined to kill Gabriel to avenge Ilsa or Marie. Maybe the flashbacks of them would’ve worked better at that moment.
All this would’ve being great to give us, fans, closure. I would’ve gone home slightly less frustrated and maybe return for more viewings.
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blackwolfstabs · 7 months
30 Day Writing Challenge: Day 29
The Core Four go to the beach (but it's all about TARAcon).
based on @michiganstray's headcanon about Tara having her own convention called TARAcon :D (i will link the headcanon once she posts about it)
It was finally summer, and only a few days after college let out for the semester, Sam, Tara, Chad, and Mindy drove down from New York to California. They had planned to stay there for 2 weeks, Martha opening up her home to her children and the Carpenter sisters—whom anyone would’ve thought she’d adopted into the family already—to stay. Taking a plane would’ve been faster, but Sam and Tara hated flying and it was more expensive, so Operation: Road Trip Core Four Style was a go. 
They left New York City on Monday at 7:00 in the morning, drove 14 hours for 2 days, then arrived in Woodsboro, at the Meeks-Martin residence, at around 8:00 at night on Thursday. Sam drove the first day, Mindy on the second, and then Chad finished the last 13 hours. They didn’t own a car in New York, so they rented one, which came out to be a 2013 white, Chevrolet Tahoe. 
And as expected… Chad had to name it. So, for the duration of their vacation, it became known as The Core Four Tour Mobile.
Friday and Saturday had both been chill days with catching up on the past year in NYC, but Sunday, they headed down to the beach to have some fun under the sun.
That was where the Core Four were now…
“What are we even making?” Mindy asked as she clawed another handful of wet sand out from the hole they created to make a base for their sandcastle. 
“Uh, a castle,” Chad replied flatly, clearly conveying an ‘duh, obviously!’ kind of tone.
She rolled her eyes, “Yeah, no shit, Sherlock. I mean, is it something specific? Like, how should we build it?”
To her left, Sam added to the small mound beside her. “TARAcon,” she suggested, sounding rather neutral but actually joking.
However, Tara, who was on the other side of the sand pit, wasn’t joking and immediately looked up with big eyes. “Um… YEEES! This is TARAcon. Tara-approved, so you all better make it the best thing on this beach.” 
TARAcon was something Tara randomly made up one day that was basically a convention including everything Tara-coded and based. Joking around, Tara claimed she had fans because of the social media blow-up about Sam and insisted TARAcon was somewhere they could all hangout with the one-and-only Tara Carpenter. However, she grew fond of the idea, parodying it from the disastrous event, TanaCon, that wreaked havoc on social media in 2018. But TARAcon wouldn’t be anything like TanaCon, Tara assured. She’d make everyone homemade crafts, Chad and Danny would be her security, she’d have a million different snacks and drinks, and she would talk to everyone at some point. 
It’d be great, because it’d be Tara’s.
Mindy nodded with a chuckle. “Alright then. How about these two towers are where people get their tickets to get in?” she pointed to where her and Sam had parallel sand piles.
“Like Admissions,” the eldest of the group put a name on it.
“Yeah, admissions.”
Tara nodded, “Yeah, that’s fine.” She smoothed out a path that led to what looked like an igloo about a foot away from the hole. “This is gonna be a private area… Like, solely VIP. The Core Four Cave.” 
Sam scoffed, “Sounds like a hideout, to me.”
“It is! Well, kind of… it’d be dark in there most times with, like, lights and a lot of other awesome shit. Maybe it’ll have a huge screen, like a media room, where we can watch movies. And we’ll probably have an aquarium in there. It’s really like a multi-purpose cave for us and maybe a few others.” Her younger sister dug out a small entrance to the said-cave. “VIP-access isn’t easy to get at TARAcon.”
Chad glanced up to observe the secret base. “How do you get over there though? There’s no path.” The trail that led to the cave’s entrance was a dead-end right into the pit. 
His girlfriend thought about it for a moment, before shrugging, “I don’t know. We can’t build the actual TARAcon, because I’d need to make blueprints. It’s just a sandcastle, so just know that there’s some secret way to it, okay?”
“Aye-aye, Captain!” was the understood reply. Then, he jumped to a side-note, “Oh, can we name this hole Love, by the way?”
Sam didn’t look up, but her brow furrowed. “Why?”
“So we can watch people fall in Love,” he said, receiving a snicker from Tara. He gestured towards his sister. “Maybe Mindy can find herself a girlfriend at TARAcon.”
Mindy just rolled her eyes and scoffed sarcastically. “Oh, yeah, TARAcon is the place to meet Tara and find the love of your dreams. That’s really promising.”
“Maybe if you met them online first,” Sam added.
She laughed, “Yeah, meet them on Tinder and be like ‘Hey, are you going to TARAcon, we should meet up!’ for real.”
“Hey, don’t judge what goes on at TARAcon!” Tara was covering the dome of the cave with a wet sand design that looked like stacked aggregate concrete pieces. “Anybody can do what they like as long as it’s not illegal, immoral, or stupid.”
This made her older sister share another comment. “Wow, you sound like Mom…”
“Except Mom’s done stuff that falls under all three of those categories, so she’s not allowed into TARAcon.” The younger glanced over to where Chad was digging the hole even deeper and advised, “Chad, baby, you can start building the wall. Gotta have the territory marked, you know?”
Mindy nodded for him. “That’s a good idea. Sam, you wanna start on the wall over there?” From the looks of it, she was close to being done with her tower.
“Yep,” she replied and moved back to branch it off the flank.
That invited Tara to move onto the next idea. “I wish we could keep that car. I’d get a license plate customized for it that says TARAcon.”
Her sister jumped in, “You haven’t even driven it!”
“Yeah, but that would make me drive it.”
“No, we’d need it to say Core Four!” Chad intervened. “We could make all the o’s zeros and the e a 3.”
The youngest huffed, “Okay, fine, but we’d get a sticker that says TARAcon, and it’d go on the back windshield.” She glanced over her shoulder at the Tahoe that had been backed-in to its designated spot. “Actually, if the plate says Core Four, then we should each design a sticker that represents us to go on the back.”
“We’re not keeping the car, guys.” The older Carpenter met the base of the sand-wall with the one Tara made that led to her cave.
“It’s fun to think about though…” Mindy mumbled.
“Yeah, you’re such a mood-killer sometimes, Sam,” Tara groaned.
“I know, but I don’t really care.”
Chad gave a short chuckle, but it was nearly cut off by a loud exclamation from his sister, which caught all of their attention. The built wall that was connecting her tower to her brother’s had collapsed into the pit, the base sliding out from beneath it.
“Oh, nooo!” Tara watched it melt away with a sigh. “It was almost done, too…”
“Sorry, T…” Meeks-Martin tried to hold the last of it together, but she was told to just let it go.
“It’s fine. It wasn’t gonna last forever, anyway.”
“TARAcon’s over-con,” Sam concluded.
Her little sister gave a nasaled scoff, “L.O.L.”
Chad did the same. “More like, S.O.L.”
“Or F.M.L.” was Mindy’s input.
Tara laughed, then pulled the last member into it. “Alright, Sam, you gotta come up with one, too!”
Samantha paused in her contribution to the sandcastle to think about what kind of acronym ended with an L but still fit the subject. “Hmmm…” Then, she smirked, “How about just L? L TARAcon, because this sucks.” She gestured to the crumbled part of the castle.
“Hey!” Tara grew offended at this and threw her next handful of building material in her direction. “You take that back! TARAcon is the best!” It was all in good fun, of course.
Sam jumped back with a small yelp but shook her head, rubbing splattered sand from her cheek away with her shoulder. “No,” she giggled, “I’m not taking that back, it’s true!”
“TARAcon’s the best ever!” the other repeated, mock offense showing past the smile clear on her face. “Say it!” She raised her hand again, another round of sand in her fist, “Or else…”
But it wasn’t taken seriously. “Or else, what? You’re gonna throw sand at me?” She rolled her eyes and put her hands up in fake surrender, “Oh, I’m so scared!”
“Or else, I’m gonna get you!” She threw her sand-ball as she said this. “Say it, Samantha,” she demanded.
“No.” Sam pushed her boundaries as she grabbed some of the sand already placed on the wall, “Welcome to LoserCon!” She flung it in Tara’s direction.
Tara tried to swat it clear, but it didn’t work. “Okay, you asked for it!” she growled and lunged for her, “Get over here!”
“No!” Her big sister twisted to not be caught and got up to bolt away. “You guys heard it here, Tara’s a loser and so is her convention!” she hollered over her shoulder. “You’ve all been juked!”
The said-ressembler of that remark raced after her. “Chad! You’re TARAcon security, what are you doing?!” she barked, “ATTACK!”
And Chad was up in a flash. “TARAcon security incoming! Loyalty breach! LOYALTY BREACH!” His legs were longer than both sisters’, so he was able to catch up and gain speed like a predator to prey.
“Target: Sam Carpenter!” Tara howled, hot on her boyfriend’s heels as he passed her up. 
Sam’s lungs were in a struggle between balancing breathing and laughing at the same time, so all that was heard from her was the product of breathless laughter.
And so, the chase was on to defend TARAcon, leaving Mindy to figure she might as well start picking up all of the shovels and buckets so they could head home afterwards. The sun was starting to make its way towards the horizon, and the drive back would take 45 minutes, at least. They had told Martha they’d be home before dark. So, once the puppies had chased each other ‘til they couldn’t anymore, they’d be leashed up for the day.
And that’s exactly what happened.
The TARAcon sandcastle was left to spend the rest of the day standing with the stubbornness of a mule, just like its owner, who had fallen asleep rather quickly on the road back to the Meeks-Martin’s. Both twins had also crashed in their seats, Mindy behind the passenger seat, where Chad was. His sunglasses blocked out the ability to see that his eyes were closed, but Sam knew. The oldest of the Core Four had one hand glued to the steering wheel, while the other held her head as she leaned against the car door. The highway was fast, but clear and quiet. And that time alone allowed her to go down Memory Lane to when she would babysit the twins and Tara. How they’d be wild and crazy and then drag her into their foolishness. There were days when they’d run themselves down into the night. Then, they’d go inside to wait for Martha to show up and Christina or Mr. Carpenter to get home. 
And Tara, Chad, and Mindy would all fall asleep on the sofa before then, leaving Sam to wait the longest for rest.
Even after all this time… some things never change.
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idk how i feel about this one but it's lighthearted and fun soooooo
All my best and more ♡ - parker
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allylikethecat · 5 months
January OTP Prompts
Literally had crawled into bed to go to sleep when I realized I forgot about todays prompt. Then I had to get up and get my laptop back out and write it. But we did it! Here she is. Prepare to be underwhelmed (I was so focused on finishing up the Ducklings chapter that this totally slipped my mind!)
22. Walking through the park
“I love you,” said Matty, giving George’s hand a squeeze as they made their way through the park. He felt like he was living out some kind of romance movie montage, holding hands with his partner, the sun shining down on them as the flowers began to bloom around him. He took a sip of the coffee he held in the hand not intertwined with George’s and smiled. He never thought that he would be here. He had never even let himself even hope and dream for it, not wanting to be let down, having spent his teenage years desperate for love, but feeling undeserving of it. He didn’t let himself think about the way he sometimes hadn’t even thought he’d make it to twenty eight, let alone thirty five. 
“I love you,” said George, putting emphasis on the word and squeezing his hand back, flashing Matty his own crooked smile. He held tight to Mayhem’s leash, the dog trotting happily beside him before pausing to sniff at a patch of grass. George and Matty stopped as well, letting him sniff to his heart’s content. They weren’t in any kind of rush, they didn’t have anywhere to be. The entire day was just for them to exist, enjoying each other's orbit. 
“Your dog is so cute!” said a girl walking towards them, she looked to be somewhere in her late teens and early twenties. Matty couldn’t help but wonder when people that age started looking so young. 
“Thanks,” said George, smiling back at her. “He’s a menace.” 
“No,” said Matty, unable to help himself. “He’s Mayhem.” 
Mayhem looked up at the sound of his name, fixing Matty with his dark gaze. George snorted in amusement at Matty’s bad joke. The girl looked between them, confused. 
“His name is Mayhem,” George explained, “and he lives up to it.”
 Matty opened his mouth to explain that he was actually named for the Norwegian metal band, but thought better of it, choosing to lean into George’s side instead. 
“Can I pet him?” she asked. 
George nodded, “yes of course, he’s very friendly, probably too friendly if we’re being honest,” George said with a chuckle. The girl bent down, and gave Mayhem a pat on the top of his head. 
“Thank you so much,” she said, giving them both a smile. “Have a great rest of your day!” 
“Thank you,” said Matty, “you as well.” 
George gave a slight tug on Mayhem’s leash, encouraging him to start walking again as they continued their way across the park. Matty let go of George’s hand to take a few steps to the side and throw away his now empty take away coffee cup, his phone buzzing in his pocket as he did so. 
“You two are disgusting,” sent Adam in their group chat and Matty frowned, before clicking on the link he had included and breaking into laughter. 
“Hey George,” he said, returning to the path, “that girl knew who we were.” 
“What?” George asked and Matty shoved his phone into George’s face, still chuckling. There was a photo, taken from an interesting angle as if the photographer was trying to be discreet, their hands intertwined, Matty’s head resting against George’s shoulder. 
@ 75fan99 Just met Matty and George. I managed to play it cool AND they let me pet Mayhem #bestdayever #evenifMattymadeadadjoke 
“That was a pretty bad joke,” George said, bumping Matty’s hip with his own.
Matty huffed, “yeah well, you love me anyway.”
George smiled, leaning down to kiss his cheek, “that I do.” 
Day: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20 | 21
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By: Shreya A Cadwell
Published: May 7, 2022
One of the best movie characters I have seen portray PTSD symptoms is Charlie in “The perks of being a wallflower.” Throughout the movie, his silent suffering and disturbing symptoms affect his life quality and relationships. Charlie experiences several flashbacks and relives the trauma repeatedly with a racing heart. Scenes play on in the back of his head with memories that are so painful to remember that he has forgotten large parts of the whole story. He has suffered a series of unfortunate events during his life, something I can relate to, which made me develop PTSD myself. Today, there are many productions that display mental illness, “13 reasons why” is another example, and one of the reasons why mental health is more widely talked about than ever before.
In real life, PTSD is a diagnosis that often comes with great empathy from people around you. Known as a common stress disorder among veterans, it is almost like wearing a badge of honor in today’s society. Let me explain why this can become troublesome for us that live with a mental disorder.
The feeling of constant shame
It is lunchtime, and I am on the subway on my way down to the city core of Stockholm. I have carefully chosen a spot on the train close to the doors where I can see people from every train angle. I listen carefully to every sound around me, and every person that might look or act a little odd has my full attention. I can feel sweat running down my back.
“Does anyone notice how nervous I am?”
At the third station, a woman enters the train. She walks through the sliding doors and sits down with her friend in front of me. She is one of the people on the train that I find odd.
She wears a pair of black sunglasses and a black cap, and she holds her friend’s hand as she rocks her body slowly back and forth, seemingly nervous. It looks like she has a panic attack.
What struck me in this situation is how she acts out her stress in front of everyone and has her friend’s full attention the whole trip. She strokes her hand. They both have that look in their eyes,
“Can you not see that she is suffering?”
I know many people with severe disorders, from having one myself. We have one thing in common: the feeling of shame. Shame for what we have been through, guilt for letting it happen, and shame for letting it happen again.
When you feel this intense amount of shame for what you are, you are not so eager to show it in front of other people, not even in a group meeting with people who deal with the same feelings.
Most of us would not dream of putting ourselves in such a vulnerable situation where so many people publicly got to see our worst moments of fear.
No, we suck it up, avoid and hide.
We become chameleons in a society that praise people who are open with their imagined illnesses.
A mental illness is not a badge of honor. Many self-diagnosed people out there get to represent an illness they do not even suffer. There are many tests and articles online and a generation of social media awareness on mental health problems. That leads many to self-diagnose a severe illness, and we do not just diagnose ourselves but even the people around us. How many life coaches out there put up clip after clip on tackling narcissists?
Can we self-diagnose cancer?
No, and how do we feel about people who fake serious illnesses? We despise them. But you have to pretend many symptoms psychically for cancer and other serious diseases. It is easier to put on a spontaneous show of having an anxiety attack.
Yes, the woman on the train may have a mental illness. I can’t be the judge of that. Her behavior felt staged and didn’t align with how many of my friends act or how I operate. It was a bit too much of everything. We all show emotion and handle difficult situations differently. I respect that some people might act out that way, but I would not consider it the norm. Most of us want to fit in so well with the rest, so we act our way through situations or avoid them.
“Emotional numbing is a way for many to cope with life.”
It took me years to get diagnosed with PTSD and to get help. I felt that the health care system did not take me seriously when I entered the room at the therapist’s office. I managed to talk about what I had gone through in a civil matter. After meeting several therapists, I met the right one, who chose to look at my background and how my body reacts to situations instead of what I decided to show openly.
One of my first therapists wrote in my journal that I was in a very sane state of mind when talking and just needed a little help and support. Therefore I was not in such need of direct assistance. Today, I know it is called emotional numbing, a character trait for someone with PTSD. It is how I have learned to cope with what I have on my brain when adrenaline rushes through my system. That is how many of us who have suffered severe trauma copes with life.
The consequences of self-diagnosis
Although we have a greater awareness of mental health issues, our openness has helped destigmatize them. It has also affected people by attributing it to symptoms of imagined mental illness. A professional medical diagnosis is hard to obtain for a reason.
I believe that one of the consequences of a society where people now self-diagnose severe mental health disorders is that those who suffer for real do not get the help they need. It is more convenient for a therapist to take on patients who need a few meetings, a couple of pills, and then it is over and done. They are paid the same for that type of patient and a patient like me, with a history of multiple fallbacks and repeated trauma patterns.
Most of us who suffer from high functioning mental illness hide it pretty well, and the only ones who get to experience and suffer with us to some degree are often family members and partners. But all around us, our coworkers and friends use the complex word anxiety when they mean that they are stressed. Stress and low moods such as sadness or grief are normal and healthy coping mechanisms that are part of life. Anxiety is a deep-rooted rumination that something will go wrong, all the time and in every situation.
It enhances the feeling of isolation and loneliness you already feel because you are not coping on the same level as your friend who has self-diagnosed. All of a sudden, “everyone” suffers from anxiety. Everywhere you turn and it downplays the suffering you feel yourself.
Another problem with self-diagnosis is that it can prevent you from seeing the real issue, for example, an underlying medical issue.
“You do not have a monopoly on pain.”
Some happenings are part of life, which are such joint suffering for most people. Then there is the sudden or long-lasting trauma of an event that is so specific to you that it’s hard to get other people to understand the suffering and fear you’ve experienced.
To hear that you can be diagnosed with PTSD for going through a divorce or think you can because you experience some complicated emotions. It downplays the suffering of more complex situations where your life has been in great danger. It takes away the real struggle from those who are suffering.
The lines get more blurry for diagnostic requirements for mental illnesses that affect your daily life and it has severe consequences for us. Eventually, that can take us down a very dark path instead of staying put on the road to recovery.
Shreya A Cadwell is a writer with a particular interest in psychology, politics, and sociology. She is diagnosed with PTSD and, therefore, has a burning passion for how mental health reflects our society and how we live.
Self-diagnosis is much like blaming the devil for your failings, or blaming your astrology sign for your bad behavior.
Self-diagnosis is also the exact same thing as "self ID."
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