#well no one’s being erased. she’s bi. she can date a guy.
stars-in-our-skies · 2 years
“don’t tag as ship” why not. she’s bisexual. she could be polyam. canon and fanon can coexist i don’t see a problem
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alice-jem · 10 months
Personally I find the chemistry between Luz and Hunter obvious and if the show was created even 5-10 years ago no one would have much of a problem with Hunter and Luz shippers. It would’ve been what everyone expected to be endgame. Sure, I love lumity, it’s a cute sapphic high school romance. But narratively, there’s a case to be made for lunter while lumity is more just to be cute. Plus Luz is bisexual so any argument about erasing her sexuality doesn’t make sense. Plus it’s not like fandom is on the same level as the actual tv show like if a group of people want to imagine Luz and Hunter dating that does absolutely nothing to take away from the canon sapphic romance! I don’t have anywhere I feel like I can express this without getting literalky DOGPILED by Twitter teenagers who think the end all be all of queer liberation is making cartoon teenagers kiss.
I somewhat heard that type of rant that I've been interested to discuss before.. But I think it's better if Hunter has been introduced first than Amity tho. To make Hunter as a Male Lead. Yet the romance plot of TOH didn't go on that route. Because (ugh, another straight couple in Disney)
Unfortunately, everything has been already set by arranging Willow and Hunter as a pair instead Hunter is compatible to be paired with Luz because, Luz is with Amity now and both had feelings for each other before Hunter came. So I can understand what they're trying to defend the sapphic canon ship because THEY NEED LGBTQA+ REP, so if there is a straight couple in their favorite cartoon/show, the fans will gone RIOT and they will forced to make the straight couple to stay friends or platonic then shove it to everyone's throats. But their annoyance of not wanting Luz (who is a CANON BI) had a chance to NON CANONICALLY be together with a GUY who has 10x potential chemistry than Lumity. (I also love Lumity too from enemies to friends to lovers). The thing is, Willow shows to become the heroine for Hunter yet still GoldenLuz/Lunter scenes has more sparks even tho they're jumping to make a side couple (Huntlow) alongside with Raine and Eda (Raeda).
And the biggest and shittiest agenda they've got in the TOH fandom is to make these two characters (Luz and Hunter) as sibling-coded into their dynamic which is a HEADCANON. But FOR THEM IT'S A FACT because of the quarrel, all that banter and starting to helping and protecting each other away from danger/harm. And yet they theorize that when we look at Lunter, it's like there are both young Philip and Caleb.
So the issue of Lunter is because the TOH fandom can easily took it down or banish the ideas and options about Luz and Hunter to become a non-canon ship especially boy x girl ships in general media where the main protagonist is a BISEXUAL/GAY/LESBIAN or part of the LGBT rep. Some of them are a bit oversensitive by the "non-canon" ships might be ruined their canon gay/sapphic ship. Like only you can ship this MC with their same gender and NOTHING ELSE. I tried to keep away from the shipping discourse because the majority wants Lunter to see as siblings, and then they will despise somebody in every fiber of their being who ships Luz and Hunter where they are both BI for each other. Like who are they to have a right to demand a person who just wanna ship without their validation? Toxic TOH fans ain't had a right to accuse somebody because they LIKE a ship that they DON'T like. Yet also the Lunter shippers didn't wish for Lunter to be canon as well. Because they can ship them without a problem canon or not-canon as long as they don't attack nor cause such any harm to others. Yet these antis has so many claims to prove that their ship Lunter is wrong and there's nothing to support of shipping them romantically. So they will non-stop accusing Lunter shippers based on their ship which i migt turned out to become 'problematic' by many.
Luz and her bisexuality is the purest rep where she likes and attracted to guys and girls. Yet when they keep telling to such people that it will erase her sapphic love between her and Amity if Luz is going to be with Hunter in the long run.. That doesn't mean Luz isn't Bisexual anymore. How can these people pushing the hatred towards Lunter where they haven't heard the word "multishipping?" So every shipper has options which good ships to be shipped with this character. They never acknowledged poly ships too so, it's too late to speak up to toxic anti Lunters out there. Stubborn as hell lol. As a Bisexual, people must understand that they cannot ruined their Bisexuality by liking or dating a guy!
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fruity-phrog · 1 year
ok hi i read ur anon post i agree w everything n now i NEEED 2 know allll of ur thoughts abt colinmichael + colin's arc and also if u have any colinjamie/ bi jamie or roy hcs. love love love ur blog!!!!!😌💓💓💓🫂
First off, the serotonin you two anons are giving me is insane, this is such a nice ask and I am very happy rn. Thank you for actively inviting me to discuss my hyperfixation.
So most of my thoughts are compiled in the aforementioned anon post, but I have more so here you go:
Since you mentioned Colin's arc, there's something I've noticed. Ever since Colin has been canonicalized as queer, and even before when people simply headcanoned him as queer, his entire arc and history has been pretty much erased. He's not just this closeted guy on the team. He was a dick to Nate for the most of s1 and maybe even some of s2, but then had an uno reverse card pulled on him and got bullied. His character was developed throughout the seasons, especially when Jamie left. He began to change and stopped being Isaac's cocky right hand man. This is something most people forget as he progresses, something I think we need to remember simply because it's a part of his character.
I think that when Isaac and Jamie find out Colin and Michael are dating they will not let Colin forget Michael's height. Isaac definitely makes fun of Colin's height even though he's the same height as Jamie, so for him to be dating a man smaller than him? Instant comedy.
As for bisexual Jamie... firstly, just look at that man. Singular dangly earring. Ridiculous sitting positions. Eyebrow slits. Istg if he turns up one day with black nail polish I'm gonna throw something at my computer. But also, I think he doesn't really understand attraction to men. Obviously, with a dad like that, he has his fair share of toxic masculinity hurting his chances of coming to terms with any kind of sexuality. But I feel like sometimes, maybe as a kid or maybe as an adult, he'll look at a man and feel something and immediately go "Nope this is jealousy I am jealous nope nope nope". Also he definitely had a crush on Roy as a kid. But I'm not to sure about Jamie x Roy in the present. They strike me as more big brother/little brother vibes, but I can definitely see where the shippers are coming from.
And since we're talking about gay Ted Lasso - Barbara 100% has a crush on Rebecca. It's just a fact. She has a crush on her. Maybe that will segway into bisexual Keely being brought back because even though it's already canon no one talks about it.
Actually, I'm going to touch on that as well. Keely is canonically bisexual. Colin wasn't the first queer character - Keely was. "If I'm going to dip my toes back into the lady pool, I can't think of a better body of water to do it with than you." I know it was played off as a joke but it's still canon. I'll actually be quite disappointed if they don't revisit that because the GA has completely ignored it. Keely. Jones. Is. Bisexual. This is a fact.
Okay I've once again diverged from the plot of the ask so I'll steer it back with a theory (kinda). I mentioned this briefly in a post but I really want Colin to stand up against Isaac and the team's comments. Nothing much, just "That's rude". And when Isaac jokes about if Colin's gay, he just says "Yeah. I am. And I want you to stop it". He needs to address the things he said to stay in the closet and I'd love it to be like that.
I actually wrote a random fluff oneshot for Colin coming out. I still think he'll be outed, but I'd love for him to have some control before that happens.
Okie that is my rant. Thank you for asking, and thank you for the compliment about my blog! Have a nice and gay day <3
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whysojiminimnida · 3 years
Unpopular opinion I think? I don’t understand what’s the fascination with trying to analyze or figure out whether Jimin or Jungkook are attracted to women. I’ve seen many people, including jikookers, looking for clues. It’s weird. I don’t know whether they like women or not. But, I do know the Jimin said he had an unrequited crush on a girl and Jungkook had a girlfriend in the past. So there’s no need to analyze their reactions to female idols or wonder if they might be dating a woman. I know there were gay men who had crushes on girls or dated girls before they realized they were gay. Bisexuality is also a high possibility. Honestly, it doesn’t matter. If people think Jikook are a couple, why try to deny it this way? If Jimin and Jungkook are indeed attracted to women, it doesn’t erase their relationship or their attraction to men. I get why labels are important and we want to know for sure what they are. But, we honestly don’t know their true sexuality. We can only guess or assume but I personally don’t like that. Only Jimin and Jungkook know who they are.
Funny you should ask, anon - I just answered another one on this subject. For ME, it makes no difference if they're gay, bi, pan, or even straight (entirely possible if one of them is also trans or bigender but we don't know that either).
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I believe that they are attracted to each other, so any categorization beyond that is of less importance to ME. It may be super important to other people for many reasons, most of which you've addressed. One reason might be that people are dealing with a little Y/N Syndrome. In other words, they can handle a bi man who is also capable of being attracted to them (because the "them" in Y/N Syndrome is virtually always a cis het or bi female). It's not homophobia exactly, it's just that their fantasy requires their object be able to find THEM attractive. It's kinda hard to get off thinking about a guy who goes "ew, girls, gross".
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The other reason is an escape clause for their favorite. Bisexuality widens the playing field, so to speak. Sadly, it often also plays into the "so and so is a whore" narrative which gives them an excuse to anti or be cruel to the idol they don't like, or who is "in the way" of whatever ship they have going on in their brains. And sadly, the "slut" narrative is also seen in outright homophobia and transphobia as well as, well, all the other phobias.
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Back to your point, I would argue that Jungkook's girlfriend was either a fabrication to get out of a heteronormative line of questioning or a non-starter, because he was quite literally in MIDDLE SCHOOL at the time AND he forgot she existed, by his own admission, for weeks. I'm gonna go out on a limb and say that speaks to a young gay man more than to any other orientation, but that's just me. And nothing he has done in the intervening 9 years has convinced me otherwise.
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And Jimin, well, he's been pretty well occupied for the last, oh, FIVE YEARS OR SO. I think Jungkook has, too. So at the end of the day, anon, you're not wrong.
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unalive-blog · 3 years
Talking about Lunter
Someone has definitely talked about this before, but here’s my take on it.
I will say, that I’m a Lumity shipper. I see Luz and Hunter as siblings. But, I can definitely see why the ship exist, and why other people would ship it.
I’m not gonna lie, when Luz got up to Hunter’s face, I really did think they were gonna kiss, which kinda spooked me a little. 😂
But anyways, shipping is supposed to be fun. Threatening people for not shipping something that you ship is not fun.
Ship whatever you want! As long as you’re not shipping a minor with and adult, or a canon gay character with someone of the opposite gender. I guess it’d be okay if the creator was okay with it? I don’t believe Dana said it was okay to ship Amity with a guy, cause she’s a lesbian. So, don’t ship Amity with a boy, and don’t ship Edric with a girl.
There are creators that are okay with shipping characters even with canon sexualities, such as Vivziepop. She might be okay with whoever you ship with her characters, but, Dana isn’t Vivziepop, and she might not be cool with that.
Luz is a bisexual character, shipping her with Hunter doesn’t erase the bi representation like shipping Amity, a lesbian, with any male character would.
Of course, Hunter doesn’t have a canon sexuality, from what I know at least.
If he canonically isn’t attracted to girls, then there would be a big problem for this ship. But for now, there’s no real big problem.
I was also thinking about something. While I do love found family troupes, I feel like if Hunter was a girl, and supposed to be part of Luz’s found family, than most people wouldn’t be so rude about Luz being shipped with Hunter, but since Hunter’s a guy, almost everyone is being rude about this ship!
If you ship Lumity that’s fine! You just see Luz and Hunter as siblings, that’s okay!
If you ship Lunter, there’s nothing wrong with that! You just don’t see them as siblings, and that’s okay! Some people just don’t see other people’s visions and that’s fine!
If you’re a poly shipper and ship Lumiter that’s okay as well, as long as Amity and Hunter are just dating Luz, and Amity and Hunter aren’t dating.
If you’re a multishipper, that’s also awesome! If you like to ship Lunter separately from Lumity and/or Huntric, Whatever you might ship, that’s okay.
As long as you’re not being a jerk about what you ship, then it is okay.
Lumity shippers, don’t attack Lunter shippers. Lunter shippers, don’t attack Lumity shippers. Just shake hands and just agree that you both have opinions and you don’t have to agree with each other.
Everyone has opinions, and as much as it sucks sometimes, it’s the truth.
And people shouldn’t be being a huge asshole to people just because they like something that you don’t.
I think that’s all I have to say. Please, have a good day/night. These are all my opinions, I don’t care if you disagree with me or not, because you have opinions too, and I respect that.
EDIT: I forgot to say, also, not liking Lunter isn’t biphobic either.
EDIT 2: Also, if you’re homophobic and that’s why you ship Lunter and not Lumity. Why the hell? Are you even watching the show? And homophobia isn’t an opinion.
EDIT 3: Please unfollow me or just block me if you can’t respect people’s opinions on ships. Okay NOW I’m going to sleep.
EDIT 4: Sorry, another thing, Luz being 14 and Hunter being 16, it’s not really a big age difference. Steven and Connie from Steven Universe have those same ages and literally no one has a problem with that? 2 years isn’t that bad, that’s all I’m saying.
EDIT 5: And unless Hunter gets canonically adopted by Luz’s family, then just let the Lunter shippers have fun. If they do become canon adopted siblings, then there would be a problem with this ship.
EDIT 6: People don’t have to ship something just because it’s canon.
EDIT 7: I do realize now that all of this doesn’t really sound how I wanted it to, I was trying to sound as supportive as I could with these ships, but at the time that I was typing all of this down, I was really tired, once I got on Tumblr, I jut copy and pasted it all without really reading what I typed in. And then added a lot of unnecessary things (just like this). I will say, that I am not an adult. I’m 15, so….yeah, I understand that the things I say are really off and not exactly what you want to hear. (Or need to hear) It’s actually far from it. I’m not good at wording things or even talking about certain things sometimes, I actually suck at it a lot. I tried to sound respectful and chill, I guess? But yeah, I’m not so good at doing that. I apologize for how odd this all sounds. It is pretty late, so I’m just going to stop now. Please have a good day/night.
(Yes, I’m aware of how stupid I sound.)
EDIT 8: I Didn’t want to add more than there already was, but, no, you guys are right, Dana didn’t confirm Edric being gay, I thought I saw it, but I literally cannot find a tweet from Dana saying that.
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spookybreadstick · 4 years
💞 Embarrassing Secrets of the Pastas 💞
I did these as recent embarrassing secrets (that no one else knows about) but there are other embarrassing secrets/moments that have happened, both pre-pasta and not. 
These also range from semi-serious to silly. But most of them are silly. 
💞 💞 💞
🍬 LJ practices kissing on his hand/pillow/mirror, because he's curious about how to do it and how it would feel, but he's never had the chance.
🎮 BEN has a secret fictional crush on Zelda, no matter how much he protests otherwise. (He literally reads Zelda x reader fanfic in his spare time).
🎭 Masky checks out his own ass in the mirror every time he passes by. He doesn't even know that he's doing it.
🧣 Liu went through an emo phase as a child (Jeff never grew out of his emo phase) 
🪓 Toby doesn’t have too many secrets, because a) he’s bad at keeping them from people he’s close to and b) his tics usually are a factor in blurting things out or they are the root cause of the embarrassment. He’s lived through plenty of embarrassing moments with his tics that he’d really rather forget. 
💄Nina used to write really cringey self-insert fanfiction of not only her and Jeff, but her and any male her age that she was at least somewhat attracted to. There were NSFW scenes included, and they're as bad as you'd expect.
🧸 Sally likes to blame farts on other members of the mansion. She tries to act "how a princess would act" but sometimes bodily functions can't be helped. She's a talented little actress, and has caused arguments before over who just unleashed an ungodly smell. It both keeps up her "reputation" as a perfect little princess, and she thinks it's funny.
🔪 Jeff is bi, but he represses it. He’s not homophobic, but he can kind of come off that way. He’ll do something nice for one of the other male pastas and be like “no homo tho.” It’s just because he’s trying to deflect the attention away from his own issues with sexuality. It wouldn’t be an “embarrassing secret” if Jeff himself didn’t feel so ashamed of it. He did grow up in a homophobic household, so that is probably where this attitude came from, but unfortunately he doesn’t show any signs of being ready to accept himself yet.
🤍 EJ has a surprising amount of cat-like behaviors, but he tries his best to hide them. Yes, you could distract him with a laser pointer. And yes, he knows this because he tried it on himself.
🎨 Helen has drawn inappropriate art before. He denies it every time Jeff or BEN tease him about it, and he gets all offended about it, claiming that they’re being perverts because he would never draw art that is “in poor taste.” But they don’t need to know what he does on the down-low. 
⏰ Clockwork has a fondness for children's toys, but she'd never let anyone know that. It stems from her horrible childhood, where she wasn't allowed to have hardly any toys. If she suspects that Sally wouldn't miss a toy, she'd try to steal it away in her room.
🌲 Slender once fought a creature in the woods and lost. This was when he was quite a bit younger and didn't recognize woodland animals as well as he does now (he's practically an expert at this point). It was either a possum or a raccoon, something of that nature, but he can't quite remember now.  
🖤 Jane once dated a guy! This was before she really knew that she was a lesbian, and the relationship only lasted a month or two when she was about fifteen, but she tries to erase him from her memory. He wasn't a bad guy or anything, just an awkward fifteen year old boy that really liked her and she didn't know how to respond to that (like, he would lean in to kiss her and she'd shake his hand instead or something like that). It’s really embarrassing for her to remember being an awkward teen that wasn’t comfortable in her own identity yet. 
❓ Hoodie is Lactose-Intolerant and found out the hard way. It was very unfortunate, let’s just put it that way. 
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Hello there! I hope you are fine.Okaaaay so I'd like to have a matchup since the other one got erased!
So uh I'm 17, ENFP and a pan. I have short, straight black hair with black-ish big eyes. I have an round face with chubby cheeks even though I'm a bit of the thin side.I have long eyelashes and wear glasses. So basically I have baby face and I don't show my age at all! As for my height I'm 1.70 cm.
For my personality, I'm that mom-friend that every friend group has. Need some painkillers? BAM! Need some pads? Do you need 1 or 50? You are hurt? Don't worry I have an aid kit. Your stomach or head hurts? Honey, don't you worry I have a various kind of herb teas with myself.
If someone needs a shoulder to cry on, that person is me. If somebody hurts my friends I go like "So you are saying that he/she/they broke your heart? Okay give me the names and addresses. Now."I would deal with them and then say "So do I need to break some more faces?" I'm not that violent but if they touch my family and friends.... May God help them.
But I'm actually very kind and smiley. I'm the kind of person who smiles at strangers, hold the door for them, talk with a waiter casually and smile at them as well. I never judge someone for their nationality, skin color, language, sexuality etc. And If I see someone bully another person for these reasons or another one, I stand against the bully and if needed I beat them.
I may seem like an cold and serious person at first meeting but over time I'm the biggest goofball and crackheaf you can ever see! Sometimes I'm a bit sarcastic and tease my closest friends a lot- ofc I never offend them. I know what they are insecure about( if they are, WHICH isn't allowed on my watch.- and My friends always tell me that I kinda flirt with them but I never realize and When I actually try to flirt, I can't?
For the hobbies; I love watching anime, listening and observing people, comforting people or just listen their rantings, reading, listening music and singing.... I am not that good at gardening and stuff but sometimes I do this as well...
Thanks a lot in advance luv!
A/N- Tumblr is really testing my patience today 🙂 anyways I’m sorry that happened, this probaly isnt the smae person I matched you with last time but oh well
Romantic Matchup
Iwaizumi Hajime
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𝐇𝐨𝐰 𝐘𝐚𝐥𝐥 𝐌𝐞𝐭
So I feel like Iwaizumi always admired you from afar
He just saw how you were always so kind to everyone
And how you always stood up for those you loved and what you believed in
And he always admired you for this
And admiration turned into a crush when he had taken a nasty fall while you were around
You quickly rushed into your bag and pulled out some bandages
And patched him up real quick
And after you were done you just looked up at him with the sweetest smile and asked if he was ok
My man was a blushing mess
But of course, you living that Y/N life didn't notice that 🙄✋
After this little interaction he continued to admire you from afar
But he would make some efforts to talk to you
You could even say that you two had become friends
Anyways fast forward a little bit
There was a little drama happening with one of your friends
Basically, someone made the oh so horrible mistake of picking on your friend
So you were just going to go have a little chat with them 😁
However, this little chat quickly escalated and the other person was about to get physical
That is until Iwaizumi grabbed their hand and told them that they better back the fuck up before he takes matters into his own hands
After the dude left Iwaizumi turned to you to make sure you were ok
Then he proceeded to scold you about knowing when to choose your battles
He wasn't really mad, just worried that you would've gotten hurt had he not been there
And you being the sarcastic little shit you are made s comment such as
"What do you have a crush on me or something"
Causing him to blush and mumble something about how he actually does have a crush on you
You thought you didn't hear him right so you told him to speak up
So he took your hands and confessed to you
Now it was your turn to blush
But Iwa is nothing if not a gentlemen so he asked you out on a date before he asked you to be his s/o
And I think you can tell where things went from there 👀
𝐖𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐓𝐡𝐞𝐲 𝐋𝐨𝐯𝐞 𝐀𝐛𝐨𝐮𝐭 𝐘𝐨𝐮
So he really loves how caring you are
Yes he enjoys it more when you're caring for him
But the fact that you care about everyone shows a lot about your character
He just overall thinks your a good person
He loves how kind you are
One time he took you to lunch for a date
And some jackass was being rude to the waitress
So you told them off
As you should 😗
And Iwa swears he fell in love with you all over again
This also transfers into how he loves your feistiness
Like you will fight someone on sight if they offend you or someone you love
Whether that be a verbal fight or a physical one
But Iwa prefers it not to go as far as getting physical
He loves how you're the mom friend
I feel like Iwa is the dad friend
But in that very tough love kinda way
𝐅𝐚𝐯𝐨𝐫𝐢𝐭𝐞 𝐓𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬 𝐓𝐨 𝐃𝐨 𝐓𝐨𝐠𝐞𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫
Ok, bi of a weird one but...
He really likes people watching with you
Like yall will just go to the park to chill or whatever
And whenever you see strangers
You guys will come up with little stories about them
You two have so many stories about people that you have to keep a journal in order to keep track of everyone
And you guys will do this anywhere
You name it you guys have probably people watched there
𝐑𝐚𝐧𝐝𝐨𝐦 𝐇𝐜
Oikawa really likes you
Only because you call iwa out if hes being to mean to him :)))
Iwa has stopped MULTIPLE fist fights from occuring berween you and other peopel
but one time he was pissed at the person too
so he just let you have at it
Iwa has become more prepared since hes dated you
Now you can find him carrying his own first aid kit
Or extra snacks and water
He likes to squish your cheeks
And he even says the word "squish" when he does it
He usually only does this whenever your mad at him
𝐎𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐚𝐥𝐥 𝐀𝐞𝐬𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐭𝐢𝐜
Golden Hour 🌇
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ravenadottir · 4 years
so i’ve been thinking a lot about s3 (i’m going through rough times lol) and i’ve especially been thinking about how i would change with the islanders or just throw them away completely. so that’s my question to you. which islanders would you tweak a little (or a lot let’s be honest) and which islanders would you just completely get rid of and create new one?
“so i’ve been thinking a lot about s3 (i’m going through rough times lol)”
but like, same! also, it must really be rough for you to think about season 3, and for that, i salute you, brave soldier!
now, i could create new ones, but i would give other islanders, from other seasons, a second chance. well, in their case a first chance, at all! let’s be honest!
☠ bill! you know i would throw him in the bin right away! nothing is salvageable there. not the looks, not the personality, and definitely not his shitty conversations and mayo talk! the only cute moments he has happens with every other islander, so that’s not exclusive to him. i have no reason to like the guy.
rohan > bill
☠ lily. i absolutely can’t say anything about her, but like, toss her too! no flavor whatsoever. that trope of the “flirty enemy” is garbage, and she doesn’t have enough personality to do it. ione would’ve been much better, and truly make me feels something, but lily??? nah, my guy. toss it!
priya > lily
☠ rafi... meh. not enough time in the villa, “flirty enemy” is really dull, and definitely not enough of anything to make me like him. there’s only one line i thought it was cool, and it’s when he tells us about his younger brother. that’s it. his entire personality is his facial expressions and i-
short king tim > rafi
☠ ciaran. sorry, but... toss it! absolutely toss it! i don’t wanna date a child! “but vena, he missed his hometown, that’s why he gives the tour!” my guy, he was there for less than 24 h!!! they took the “friendly, sweet guy, that has a dog” and took it to a 1000 in 24 hours! sorry, it doesn’t cut for me, not even as a secondary character! the reason why i say this is because there’s plenty of people i didn’t romance in season 2, and were still essential to the villa. ciaran is definitely not one of those characters. he could’ve disappeared and i wouldn’t have noticed. toss it, and toss it good, so he stays there!
rohan’s twin: roman. juggler/law student > ciaran
“stay the way you are” challenge:
❣ aj i would probably leave her the way she is. she’s not my cup of tea, romantically, but she is a good character, dumbness and puppiness included! she would stay the same.
❣ seb. i wouldn’t change anything. to me, he’s perfect the way he is, and i’m still butthurt he’s not an li.
❣ iona, to me, is great! i just wanted her to be more present, but aside from that, i like her! i like that she’s a bit prickly and if she was a li, even better!
❣ genevieve as well! i like her personality, and i think she’s really sweet. there’s nothing i would change, except for making her (if not your bff) closer to mc, regardless. ‘cause i do think mc and viv were meant to be friends, even if you don’t choose her.
tweaking a little bit:
✎ nicky. keep him the way he is, but like, less sister talk!! i can’t when he talks about her, once is enough. they really gave him the “big brother” persona and that’s honestly a waste of potential, because he’s such a sweet guy. oh, yeah, and MAKE HIM AN LI, for fuck’s sake!
✎ miki... probably give her some more screen time, and maybe more of a stronger persona, presence wise. she’s not a bad character, but i often forget she exists, so maybe more of her own, not just participating on the group conversations. she really disappears into the background, and i’m certain an influencer wouldn’t be like that at all.
✎ camilo. more personality, and keep it consistent to the end of the season! and also make him think twice before calling me ‘mamacita’, because that’s kinda gross... i’m no one’s little momma! also, also, the family talk could’ve been way more interesting! it starts out so sweet, when he tells us about how loud and united they are, then he never says a thing about it, ever again! unless is about game night, proving the season is lame as fuck. and appearance wise, i would erase his pointy shoulders! it drives me insane! also smooth out his harsh-lines abs. it doesn’t look good. he’s a very handsome guy, but they did him dirty with that body outline.
✎ elladine. they did her so dirty!! she has zero personality on the bff route, and outside of it, we only get a glimpse from her past romances/life. i need more from her! waaaay more! she could’ve been the girl we all craved not only because of her looks!! a shy, thick girl that discovers she’s not straight??? come on, fusebox! spare some crumbs!
✎ harry i think is a good character. in general, he seems to be in tune with the personality they gave him. i just wanted him to look older. the size of his torso doesn’t fit in with an adult’s size, and he’s so adorably dorky sometimes! he would’ve been a great addition in the li’s cast if he didn’t look like an infant.
✎ yasmin started out great! i was intrigued by her personality and looks, and i was looking forward to get to know her better... then... that was it! everything she had to offer was everything she gave on the first date! like... what a waste of pixels!! she’s so dull, and so... unidimensional i think. no! she deserved more personality, waaay more lines and screen time! they did her dirty too!
✎ tai. CAN WE GET ANYTHING REMOTELY DRAMATIC IN HIM? no? ok, thanks so much! i know ten days is not enough to make someone have an arc, but that’s on fusebox, not on me. they did this whole season the way they did because they were saving up in character designs and customization. and for that, we lost the opportunity of having a longer season, and with it, arcs to be developed. tai is gorgeous, and his personality is great, but like... what you see is what you get, and there’s nothing deeper going on. he’s a bi guy that is gigantic and makes pottery. THAT’S IT. no heartbreak from the past, nothing he mentions about why he teaches rugby, and doesn’t play it. no family talk or anything. he’s just there, ready to go, and we didn’t contribute with anything in his personality. that aches me so much!!
the season ruined amazing characters that deserved to be developed. i hate this garbage season, and i reckon it’s not the characters’ fault! we missed the opportunity of being an influence on their lives. so many boys and girls grow up from his insecurities in season 2, and it’s because of us! US!! for fuck’s sake, nothing happened in that villa. absolutely nothing!
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lokigodofaces · 3 years
Michelle, Marvel, & Pride 16
Link to questions.
What do you think the characters that are confirmed queer or you interpret as queer would do for pride?
Joey Gutierrez: (I haven't seen the Joey episodes in a while, so I have to actually think since I haven't seen him in forever). I think he'd go to pride with a date and go somewhere more quiet afterwards with his date. But all month, there would be lots of fun with friends and family, lots of drinks going around, overall a good time.
Peggy Carter: I don't know what was done in the '50's to celebrate not being queer, but I can see Peggy doing whatever that is. Mostly, I see her celebrating in a more private matter at home or something.
Valkyrie: Lots of alcohol, pre- or post- destruction of the valkyries. Hopefully even have a drink with a special guy or gal.
Ayo: I don't know how Wakandans celebrate pride, but I feel like Ayo would be involved. I also think the Dora Milaje would do stuff together.
Loki Laufeyson: Would go to pride but be more quiet. I imagine MCU Loki isn't very open about it yet, but he'd go to support others as a "cishet" (haha we all know that ain't true) ally. With the few people that know, he'd maybe do something with them at home or something.
Bucky Barnes: Bucky would be EXCITED to be able to celebrate being queer openly, since that wasn't really a thing in the '40's. He'd go to pride all decked out in rainbows, with a bisexual flag and a grey asexual (or just asexual flag; I've never seen grey ace flags but they got to make them, right? But maybe they're harder to come by) tied around his neck like a cape.
Wanda Maximoff: whatever traditions Sokovia had, she would do those! Lots of lazy days with Vision, who is also queer. She would have a crap ton of flag related clothing since she's abrosexual. One day, she could be wearing her denim jacket with the abrosexual, aromantic, and asexual flags sewn on. Another day, she could be doing pansexual make up and wearing black boots with pan colored laces. And some days, she only wears her abro flag necklace, because those are her heterosexual days.
Lance Hunter: goes into work with a bisexual flag wrapped around him like a shawl. He gets compliments from all the S.H.I.E.L.D. agents. One person even told him she thought she was bi, but wasn't sure, because the flag let her know he wasn't queerphobic. Coulson does nothing to stop him. As long as he gets his job done, Coulson couldn't care. Hydra doesn't know what hit them when a tiny, snarky British guy in all black except a bright bisexual flag defeats several of their men.
Daisy Johnson: Daisy does her make up as pride colors every day. She switches off between bi colors and demi colors. She's not normally one for make up, but this is a fun way of celebrating pride. She gets several compliments, and even does Jemma's make up every once in a while. She takes time off to go to pride. She notices a new trend of Inhuman queers banding together, and she absolutely loves it.
Jemma Simmons: tries to sprinkle the bisexual flag everywhere. Sticky notes in the lab, what pens she uses, her outfits, even the food she eats. She gets Daisy to do her make up occasionally too. Lots of fun stuff, just her and Fitz. She also gets Fitz, Hunter, Daisy, and any other queer agents that want to join to go do something fun together. They normally end up going to a bar or a bakery that sells cute pastries and will decorate them to look like your pride flag(s).
Leopold Fitz: Honestly, Fitz isdn't that enthusiastic about pride. He's queer always, why should everyone make a big deal out of it only 30 days of the year? But he does stuff with Jemma and the others because he likes to have fun with them and have queer talk with others.
Steve Rogers: This man will go to pride and stand in front of the hecklers. How can they say that Captain America is going to hell? He usually scares most of them away just by existing, with bisexual flag face paint on and Bucky standing next to him decked out in more color than Steve has ever seen him wear.
Hela Odinsdottir: Hmm this is hard. I don't think she'd do much to be honest.
Carol Danvers: Carol would use that thing to change her suit colors to either the rainbow flag or the lesbian flag. She'd fly over parades like a lesbian angel.
Peter Parker: He'd go to pride in order to support MJ. He either would be uncertain about himself or only out to Ned and MJ. MJ would tell him it's alright to be in the closet, and he could still go to pride and celebrate. So he did, supposedly to support MJ. He buys a shirt somewhere at some point with the bisexual, pansexual, omnisexual, and polysexual flags with a saying about mspec solidarity.
MJ: She'd go to pride with Peter. She'd wear lots of pride pins. She'd be very supportive of Peter, and would buy bi pins to give him later.
Tess: There's probably not much they can do to celebrate on the Lighthouse, thanks to the Kree. Since records were erased by the Kree, I don't think she would know she is aroace or what aroaces are, so she wouldn't be celebrating.
Sam Wilson: He'd attach aromantic flags everywhere. His wings, on his boat, everywhere. When he becomes Captain America, he'll take over Steve's job of scaring off hecklers. Him and Bucky would do cute QPR stuff.
Mantis: She would be super cute at an intergalactic pride event. Someone (probably Drax) would come with her, but she would be adorable the entire time.
Nebula: She would kill homophobes.
Vision: Would have fun with Wanda. He'd become a walking queer dictionary. And would calmly explain about non-binaries when the "two genders" thing is ever said.
Well, there you have it!
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y’know, i will never ever ever argue with someone about their headcanons for a fictional character’s sexuality if there is no explicit canon on that topic. Like, Korra from Avatar: Legend of Korra? To me, she reads as a lesbian. One who didn’t realize she was a lesbian until well after she’d y’know. dated some boys and thought she was into them, but a lesbian nonetheless. (Asami I see as bi, but not because she’s femme, just ‘cause she seems to know herself and what she wants really well and I don’t think she would’ve dated Mako if she didn’t actually want him.) But like. I’m fully on board with bi people claiming rep on that, and writing her/imagining her bi, etc etc.
But there are characters like Willow from Buffy the Vampire Slayer, and I will throw down over people trying to say she’s bi. Because here’s the thing: Willow says, multiple times in the later seasons, “gay now”. As in “i’m gay, I’m not into guys”. 
“But Mags,” I hear you saying in my imagination, “she dated boys and had crushes on boys before! That’s perpetuating the stereotype that bi people need to just ‘pick a side’!!”
No. Because here’s the thing: I had “crushes” on boys when I was younger. I had a boyfriend who I was fucking nuts over, you can ask my wife, she knew me while I was dating him, I was always talking about him and thought I was so into him.  But I’m a lesbian. I’ve identified as a lesbian since shortly after he and I broke up and I got my first girlfriend. You want to know why?
Because I realized I wasn’t in love with my boyfriend I was in love with the idea of him. I wanted someone to find me attractive and appealing. I wanted someone to care about me. I wanted to be seen as successful as a young woman. And I was living in a world where it had never really been made clear to me that I could just be with a girl instead.
So honestly? Yeah, I am the epitome of “gay now”. Joss may be a shitbag and there may be many things about Willow’s sexuality and coming out and relationships that were handled poorly, but the fact that she went from having been apparently solely interested in guys to “gay now” is not one of them.
I know she’s not a real person, but I will throw down for characters like Willow because I will throw down for REAL LIFE PEOPLE like Willow, like myself, who didn’t realize that what we were in love with was the idea of being accepted and loved and we thought we could reach that by dating someone we cared about as a friend. We exist. We are OUT HERE, and we deserve our stories to be told, too, even if it makes some people who are determined to be assholes be assholes about bi people. I will fight and throw down for my bi sibs just as readily, but you don’t get to tell me that characters like Willow aren’t lesbians when they canonically are, and you don’t get to tell me I can’t headcanon characters like Korra as being lesbians when they canonically aren’t specified as bi or gay.
I deserve representation, too.  All of us gay folks who had het relationships because we didn’t realize we were gay or that gaynes was an option for us until we were older deserve representation. I will not steal any explicitly bi characters from y’all, and I will not argue that your bi headcanons for ambiguous characters are wrong, but you DO NOT get to take our explicit gay rep from us just because they had het relationships in the past. You do not. It’s ours.
Willow fuckin Rosenberg and all the (very very few) girls and boys like her are ours, and you don’t get to erase their homosexuality just because they didn’t understand themselves until they were a bit older.
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boyfriendsmalec · 4 years
I absolutely want more positive bi representation in books, films, and tv shows but the number of posts expressing disappointment or anger about Victor being gay and not bi is starting to make me a bit uncomfortable.
Victor knows from the beginning of the show that he likes guys but he is questioning himself on if he may like girls too. And while being bi is in NO WAY easier than being gay (especially because bi people are constantly having their sexuality erased or called into question due to being attracted to the opposite gender), to Victor it almost seemed that he was hoping he would be bi or pan (as we could see him reading up on definitions of different sexualities online) as it could present him an opportunity to hide his attraction to men. Victor even says in 1x07 he just wants to be normal, and even though he knows he isn’t attracted to Mia at this point, he feels like life with her would present him this sense of normalcy.
From the get-go his peers and his family are pressuring him to date Mia. Felix is well-meaning but he does pressure Victor several times. Insists Victor is blushing (despite his protests that he’s not) after meeting Mia. He tells Victor he has to wear yellow to declare his feelings for Mia and Victor reluctantly does so. Despite earning a bad rap at school initially for his argument with Andrew, the kids at school love him after he rides on the Ferris wheel with Mia. The basketball team praises him. He becomes popular and accepted because of his association with Mia. In his family, Victor’s father loves the idea of Victor dating a girl, and his grandparents like it too. Additionally, Mia and Lake also try to pressure Victor into having sex with Mia, though Victor draws the line there since he has no attraction to her in that way.
I think it’s good to see on this show that you can explore your sexuality without having to put a label on yourself. Exploring your sexuality doesn’t mean you can’t later label yourself as gay, or bisexual, or pansexual, or straight -- or maybe you’re like me, and are someone who doesn’t want to label themselves at all.
I certainly understand the desire and wish for my bi representation but too often I have been finding people getting mad about a character being gay but not bi or bi but not gay. For example Petra in Jane the Virgin came out as bi and many people were mad she wasn’t a lesbian, same with Valencia coming out as bi on Crazy Ex-Girlfriend. And I’ve also seen people mad Cheryl on Riverdale is a lesbian and not bi, since she seemed to be interested in guys in the first season.
I completely understand people questioning Victor’s sexuality while watching the show since the character himself was, and this whole season was centered around questioning your sexuality. But I don’t think they were baiting Victor being bi. Not even in the trailer. From the trailer they make it clear that Victor is questioning himself. He quite literally says “I don’t even know what I like” not that he likes guys and girls. I’ve seen multiple people saying this trailer was bi bait but I honestly feel like it was just showing that this show is centered on a teenager who is questioning his sexuality. The trailer wasn’t making any promises about his sexuality one way or the other.
From 1x06 it was clear Victor was not interested in Mia sexually. Heck, all they ever did was have these super chaste kisses for like 4 episodes and after 1x06 their relationship was basically over since Victor began avoiding her and Mia started low-key pining after Andrew. The only slight hint of Victor having any attraction to Mia was him telling Simon he had butterflies during their first kiss, but that was likely just nerves from having his first kiss, because he never mentions it after that. Other than that there’s no real mention of Victor finding her attractive or being into her in any way beyond a close friendship.
I think more than anything Victor was trying to convince himself he could like Mia. Because he did actually like her. Just not the way he wanted to.
TLDR; Definitely push for bi representation on Love Victor for other characters (I could see Felix or Lake being bi or pan for sure) as well as for other shows in general. But please don’t try to take away from the fact that Love Victor’s titular lead is a gay Latinx boy. There’s many LGBTQ+ stories that need to be told, and just because Victor is not the representation you wanted doesn’t mean he’s not representation that is needed.
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hecksupremechips · 4 years
Lgbt movies, musicals and shows
Hey y'all so Christmas is coming up and we're bored so I thought I'd compile a list of all the LGBT stuff that I've seen! This list definitely doesn't include everything there is to see, just what I've seen. Hopefully you can look at this and find something you like!
Note: some of these movies/shows I really love, some... not so much. I put how many stars (in my opinion) they get at the end of each title. If you like a movie I don't, good for you. Vise versa. If you want me to go more into depth about a particular movie or show and my opinion on it or possible content warnings, please leave a comment or an ask. I love talking about this stuff so I'd be more than happy to answer questions (as long as they're not weird or inappropriate).
Okay let's go
The following movies are on Netflix
The Half of It- a smart girl befriends a kind jock when he asks her to write love letters for his crush-also her crush. Asian Lesbian protagonist. Five stars
Handsome Devil- a socially awkward boy at an all-boys boarding school that worships rugby is horrified to find that his roommate is a talented rugby player. Gay protagonists. Four stars
Alex Strangelove- a teenage boy and his girlfriend plan to have sex for the first time, but he questions his sexuality when he befriends a gay guy. Gay protagonist. One star
A New York Christmas Wedding- a woman gets to see a version of her life where she gets to marry her childhood best friend. Also it's Christmas. Lesbian/bi protagonist. Four stars
Moonlight- shows the three stages of the protagonist's life: his childhood and his relationship with his father figure, his teens and his relationship with his childhood friend, and his adult life. Gay Black protagonist. Five stars
Saturday Church- a teen questioning their gender forms a familial relationship with trans women after the death of his father. Queer, implied trans Black protagonist
Yes or No- a traditional girl starting college is horrified to find out her roommate is a butch lesbian. Asian lesbian protagonists, background bi girl character. Three stars
Disclosure- a documentary discussing the history of trans representation and its impact on trans people and society. Many trans actors are in it. Five stars
Other People- a man moves back in with his family to help his mother with cancer. Gay protagonist. One star
Freak Show- a new boy at school makes a reputation for himself by dressing in outlandish costumes. Gay protagonist. One star
Straight Up- a man with OCD who identified as gay begins to question his sexuality and forms a complex relationship with a woman. Queer Asian protagonist
These movies are not on Netflix. They might be found elsewhere, but I am unsure
Booksmart- two best friends who spent all of high school making good grades decide to spend the night before graduation partying. Lesbian protagonist. Five stars
But I'm a Cheerleader- a girl is sent to a conversion camp when her friends and family fear she's a lesbian. Note: the camp is treated very jokingly so it's not a terrifying/completely accurate portrayal. Lesbian protagonist, background gay men and lesbian characters. Four stars
Love, Simon- we all know it I assume. A closeted teenage boy befriends another closeted kid at his school and he is threatened to be outed to the whole school. Gay protagonist. Three stars
The Way He Looks- a blind teenage boy dreams to study abroad to prove himself and he begins to catch feelings for the new kid at school. Queer male protagonist. Four stars.
Boy Erased- a memoir telling the story of the time a gay teen spent at conversion therapy. CW: this movie is very dark and definitely do not watch it if you are triggered by sexual assault, suicide, and aggressive homophobia. Gay protagonist. Three stars
The Miseducation of Cameron Post- a lesbian is sent to a conversion camp where she befriends two outcasts who rebel against the Christian ideologies of the camp. CW: this movie does make fun of conversion therapy and has many lighter moments, but it still has dark content like aggressive homophobia and self harm. Lesbian protagonist, background queer and trans characters. Three stars
Hidden Kisses- a new kid faces bullying when a picture of him kissing another guy gets posted online at a party. CW: this movie doesn't seem to be for LGBT people at all. It's a lot of oppression porn. That's the movie. Gay protagonist. One star
GBF- a gay kid gets outed and becomes the "GBF" of the popular girls at school. Gay protagonist. One star
Falsettos- a man name Marvin goes through a terrible divorce after being discovered as gay, but he tries to keep his ex, child, and boyfriend all in one family. Gay protagonist, background lesbian characters. Five stars
Fun Home- a musical based on Alison Bechdel's coming out memoir following her life as a college student coming out and her relationship with her secretly gay father. CW: while this musical is very fun and lighthearted, there is suicide, implied pedophilia, and verbal abuse. Lesbian protagonist. Five stars
Spies are Forever- an American spy in the 50-60s struggles to work again after the death of his lover. Gay protagonist. Four stars
I'll give a description of the show and then of the representation in it
Trinkets- a girl at a new school forms an unlikely friendship with two other girls at a shoplifters anonymous meeting. The main character is a lesbian and forms a relationship with another girl. Lesbian protagonist. Two stars
Special- a man with cerebral palsy lies about his condition to his new coworkers, saying he was in a car accident. Gay protagonist. One star
She-Ra- we know this one mate. A girl from an evil group discovers a sword that can turn her into a powerful princess. There's a large amount of LGBT characters so you won't be disappointed. Five stars
Kipo and the Age of Wonderbeasts- a girl named Kipo finds herself on the surface surrounded by strange creatures called mutes. One of the characters is a gay black boy and he actually has a coming out scene where he says the word gay. All the main (human) characters are black or mixed as well. Five stars
Pose- a woman named Blanca takes in a homeless gay boy, a trans sex worker, and a former drug dealer to form a family and walk in balls. This show has great representation of trans women of color as well as queer men of color. Five stars
Twelve Forever- a young girl travels to the fictional land known as Endless to escape her fears of growing up. She is shown having crushes on girls and you can possibly also hc her as trans. Four stars
Steven Universe- we also know this one y'all. A half- human half-gem boy named Steven defends his town and the universe with the help of the crystal gems. Many LGBT characters, primarily wlw. Four stars
Never Have I Ever- a teenage girl tries to fix her reputation after the death of her father by becoming more aquatinted with the most popular guy in school. One of her friends has a coming out arc where she realizes she's a lesbian. It also has a very diverse cast and age appropriate actors. Five stars
One Day at a Time- a sitcom about a single Cuban mother and former veteran trying to juggle her family, job, and love life. Her daughter Elena has a coming out arc in the first season and dates a nonbinary character later in the show. Five stars
Queer Eye- a reality TV show about five gay men helping people get their shit together. We know this one. Five stars
That's about all I can think of. If anyone has any additional movies/shows they like, feel free to add! I am always desperate for more representation, specifically trans representation and some bi male rep. Have a gay ass Christmas you funky lil shits 🤡🤡🤡🌈
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casualotptrash · 3 years
Why the Persona 3 FES vs Portable Debate Makes Me Want to Fly Into the Sun Pt. 3
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3
Da da da daaa!
Part 3 of this lovely emotional rant is here, for anyone who wants to spend their time reading these. With the last two posts, I have mostly tried to be informative or just complain a bit about why this debate makes me want to fly into the sun, but for this post it’s going to go a little different. Perhaps a bit more subjective than the others.
In this post, I’m going to go over everyone's favorite clusterfuck...a definitive version of Persona 3.
Now, as we established in the previous post, we know that the argument of FES vs Portable is essentially pointless because everyone’s opinion on either game is subjective. However, I have neglected to bring up this topic that puts a huge ass nail into this dusty old coffin: the fact that there is objectively no definitive version of Persona 3.
Everyone can argue all day and night about which version of P3 is better, but no one can deny that either version are “definitive.” By definitive, I mean that the game has the most content that is offered, like Persona 4 Golden or Persona 5 Royal. The reason none of the P3 games are definitive is because base P3 lacks stuff from FES and Portable, FES lacks stuff fro Portable, and Portable lacks things from FES. It’s a gamble of whether you want to experience cutscenes, an overworld, and The Answer, or a whole new route with the FeMC and the brand new option of dating male party members and saving...you know who.
One might be able to say FES is definitive because it has The Answer, which I believe is considered canon according to the Arena games. Another could say Portable is the definitive version because it came out after FES, added the FeMC (who is technically canon as per the second Persona Q game), and removes The Answer (which a lot of people said The Answer messed with the core theme of P3). However, the definition of definitive in this case, and with all of the other games, is that the game offers the most content. Arguably, FES and Portable provide the same amount of content, just in different ways. This is why this whole conversation of which one is better, or which to play first, spawned in the first place.
The reason I am bringing this up in this post, about why this whole discussion physically pains me, is because having a real, definitive version of the game could finally put this discussion to rest. At least, it somewhat would. People would probably still argue that FES is the best for some reason.
Now, the argument becomes...well, what does a definitive version of Persona 3 look like?
I have seen quite a bit about this topic, and people seem to really miss some common sense points. For example, they get caught up in whether it would be considered a remake or a remaster. I know some use those terms interchangeably, but the “official” definition for each is that a remake is a game that is made from scratch, while a remaster is made by updating the existing assets and engine. For example, the upcoming Nocturne HD release is a remaster. Personally I find it difficult to neatly fit the typical persona definitive editions, like Golden and Royal, into either of these categories. It may just be me not fully grasping the differences between the two, but I believe they would fit into more of the “remaster” category. It is true that there are new assets and content being added to the game, but it’s so minor that I’m not sure it could be considered a remake. On the other hand, because new content is added it couldn’t just be defined as a remaster because typically the effects and such aren’t even changed that much. It’s just gameplay and story content that is tweaked.
When people get so caught up in what it would be considered, logic seems to...go out the window? For example, in a debate between a P3 remaster or remake, a person made a comment that if a remake was to happen then people would demand that all of the social links be available to anyone. Now, that just isn’t possible for a variety of reasons. There’s no way we could ever mix and match social links to get a preferred grouping. Another issue with this is that if just a remaster was made, then one of the two games would be left out.
This is why I don’t really think about whether a definitive edition is a remaster or remake, because using such strict labels make it harder to judge what could, or should, be in one. This is why I’m just referring to this process as making a definitive edition. That being said, I would consider a definitive P3 game to be more of a remake (not that it really matters) because my ideas would essentially combine FES and Portable, in a way?
So here we go, into my idea of what a definitive version of Persona 3 would look like. (Warning: This will contain spoilers for all of the P3 story and *gasp* may be a bit biased toward Portable because I like it more)
1. Presentation
In simple terms, I would want the game to essentially be Portable...but with updated graphics, cutscenes from FES, and an overworld. It’s easier to use Portable as a base because it’s already closer to the format of P4 and P5, so then adding in the good parts of FES with the cutscenes and overworld are par for the course. As far as graphics go, I would like the models and environment to look more like P3D (aka whatever engine they used for Persona 5?) because damn did the characters get a glow up.
2. Gameplay
Along with the format of Portable, I would also want the gameplay of Portable to be in this definitive version. That means no jealousy system, no fatigue until after you leave tartarus, the vision quest, and the other changes I mentioned in the first post. Sorry FES fans, but yes...I would still want the option of controllable party members. However, a new change that should be added is backup members earning exp. I don’t think baton passes or anything should be added, we don’t want a clone of P5, and the combo attacks in P3P kind of fill this role anyway. The idea of having social links give certain perks with ranks, like how confidants work in P5, is interesting but I don’t think it would be necessary. I would also say that the soundtrack should be exclusive for each side, like how it is in Portable, and that there should be an option to choose which skills are inherited.
3. Social Links
The stance I would take with social links would essentially be how Portable did it, but with a slight tweak. No matter how much it would be cool to date Rio or Saori as the Male MC, or vice versa with Kaz or Keisuke and FeMC, I don’t think any mixing of the two sides would really be feasible. However, I would love to see cameos of those characters in the opposing routes. For example, you see Yuko and Kaz in the female route, but in the male route you could see Saori and Rio at school. That being said, and this is probably one of the biggest issues, I would want the male protag to be able to have social links with the entire party, men included. This brings up the issue of what social links you would cut out because you can’t have two social links be the exact same arcana. Unless they want to add more arcanas to the game, which would probably not go over well either, the best option is probably to prioritize the male party members and then have who would usually be in their place just show up sometimes. For example, Kenji would show up in the social link with Junpei instead of the magician social link just being about one or the other.
I know this seems weird, but it does kind of avoid shafting one or the other. If it was too hard to fit the two together (such as Chihiro and Ken both being Justice), perhaps a few more school scenes could be added where the MC interacts with the school friends that are not seen as much (Kenji, Chihiro, etc.) However, and this might piss off 1% of people but whatever, but the moon arcana with Nozomi (Gourmet king dude) could just be completely taken over by Shinji. Nozomi is a meme, but he is not needed in any way. Also, I would prioritize Yuko in the male route over Koromaru since, although he is a very good boy, he is still a dog. Also, please get rid of the option that you’re forced to romance every girl in the male route, and personally I would say keep in the fact that you cannot date Junpei. In a headcanon sort of way, I totally dig the idea of the MC being able to help Junpei through his rough time after Chidori dies (if she dies?) and feelings grow from there, but from a story perspective I think it’s integral to his character that he friendzones the player if they try.
So TLDR; who the social link is about would mainly stay true to the original route (male route with Kaz, etc. and female route with Rio, etc.), however in the male route the party members would take priority (so Akihiko would take the star arcana place and Mamoru (track guy) would just be featured in the link sometimes), and in both routes Shinji would take Nozomi’s place as the moon. Important note that besides including the other character, the main substance of the social link shouldn’t be changed; aka they should not change the format of the social links to operate more like P5 social links where the MC is just solving all of their problems.
(Sidenote: This is imply my idea on how to include party members into the social links for the male route, however if they just decided to keep the social links the exact same as Portable with no male party member social links with the male route then I’d be fine with that too. It wouldn’t really take away from the game as a whole for me, personally.)
4. Romance Options
Riding off of the social link talk...and I know this is like the least likely option of happening, but please make some gay options Atlus? If we can romance every single girl in the male route, why not just add the romance option for the men too? Yes yes there’s the whole argument about the issue of “making everyone bi” (thanks for erasing sexuality that care more about connections rather than gender?), but I say look no further than how Dragon Age 2 did it. Every romanceable option in that game can be romanced be either the male or female main character (barring a DLC character who is only romanceable by females), and it works just fine. Turns out, no one really gives a shit if it’s “realistic” enough (aka only having one or no bi/gay people apparently?) because it’s a video game and people want to romance whoever they want...because it’s a video game. Even if you really, really don’t like this approach there is also the option of going the Dragon Age Inquisition route, where characters are able to be romanced by certain genders and not by others (race also plays a role in this in the game, since there are elves and other fantasy races and such, but this is not applicable to Persona obviously). This is simply a hypothetical example, but how this would work is that like Fuuka can only be romanced by the Male MC, Akihiko and Yukari could be romanced by either MC, and Mitsuru could only be romanced by the FeMC. Obviously social links specific to a run would be a romanceable option to the MC in their route (as in Yuko would only be romanceable by Male MC because she’s only in her run, and social links like Saori could be a romance for FeMC because she’s specific to her route). I have a gut feeling this would cause an even bigger uproar with the fandom, so having any romance option (barring route specific social links for the route they’re not in) be available for either male or female MC is the best option in my opinion.
Take out Ken’s romance option altogether though. I know some of the language is different, so it doesn’t say you “spend a long night together” or whatever, but that doesn’t really make it any better. I do think it’s fine if Ken has a crush on the MC, and maybe has a whole Kenji thing of thinking they are together cause he’s 10 and kids can be like that, but the MC wouldn’t actually act on this and the player could be given the choice to actively dissuade Ken. The only good thing that came out of Ken’s romance option was the fact that him and Akihiko can argue in Tartarus if you romance them both, and I don’t want to lose that hilarious dialogue.
5. Tartarus
Tartarus...uh...to be honest I’m not really sure what to do with this beast. It’s boring and tedious in the first place, probably by design for symbolism in the game, but I’m not sure how to make it interesting without copying the dungeon/palace format. Perhaps the blocks could be restructured to act more like a big puzzle that needs to be solved, like certain sections of palaces in P5, but also have bosses and shadows thrown in. For example, perhaps one block could be more reminiscent of hide-and-seek stealth tactics while another is formatted like a series of arena-esque gladiator fights. Also probably lower the number of floors you need to climb? It gets a bit ridiculous when you realize there are 264 floors of Tartarus and 99% of them are the same but just with more funky music and slightly different decorations. This job is suited for someone with actual video game making experience though, and not me.
6. Awakenings and Pacing
Let’s talk about some quick fixes to awakenings and pacing of the game. Now, since this is a definitive version and not a true remake, I wouldn’t want them to rewrite the entire story or something. Most of the party member’s original awakenings happen off screen, which can be kind of lackluster. The MC’s and Fuuka’s are the only two we really see, and those moments were really cool in my opinion. Obviously we wouldn’t see Mitsuru’s, Akihiko’s, or Shinji’s original awakenings, but that is fine. Yukari and Junpei also fall into this boat because Yukari awakens before the MC gets to the dorm, and it would be hard to show Junpei’s awakening while also having his whole “reveal” moment when he comes to the dorm to live there. I don’t know if it’s ever mentioned when Ken awakens to his persona, but making a scene to show both his and Koromaru’s would be helpful instead of just saying Ken has the potential and he’s joining, and hearing about Koromaru awakening but not actually seeing it. As for the pacing, I’m mainly talking about the summer time where you can’t hang out with a good number of social links. I would just change this so that you can hang out with school social links during this time more readily, like if they’re just hanging out somewhere in town if they’re not at school. Like I said, this isn’t a remake (and I’m not a video game designer) so I didn’t want to get into how to fix the overall pacing of the story, which can be pretty slow until October or so. My one suggestion is maybe adding in a few extra scenes with Strega before October so it’s not like we run into them a couple times and suddenly they’re a major villain.
7. Shinjiro
(Spoilers for after October) I know certain people will definitely not like this point, but I think the option to save Shinji should remain in the game (and Chidori too). I’ll go into this in another post, but my main reason for keeping this in is because some people really do like this option, so it would be kind of unfair just to get rid of it because other people don’t like it. However, I would suggest a change to his social link so that there is the option to save him or not while also being able to complete the social link. Perhaps after rank 10 would be when you could give him the pocket watch, so that people could get the rank 10 and not be forced to save him. 
8. Extra Content
(Spoilers for the ending of Persona 3 and The Answer) Each definitive version has extra content in the “third semester” (because Persona 4 and 5 both essentially end after December), but in Persona 3 the natural game ends in January. I am not sure if they would try to add another whole months or so on, but because The Answer already exists, but I assume they wouldn’t add extra content in February or something for the MC. For The Answer, I would keep this in the game as sort of the “extra content” but add a FeMC version of this. Obviously it would be largely the same, except with the FeMC and perhaps the male party members could get more of a focus since the female party members get a larger focus in the male route (ie. Yukari breaking down with the keys. Maybe Junpei or Akihiko could take on this role as the people who don’t want to let go). Also, as a possible new addition to The Answer, Shinji could be a part of it if he is saved during the main game. In the NG+ run of Portable FeMC route, if you romance Shinji he comes to the rooftop for that final scene, so in a way it could be possible for him to recover by the time The Answer happens in March.
Now, if Atlus decided to add a more typical “extra content” thing, I hope they wouldn’t try to cram The Answer in on top of that unless they were able to do it cohesively. It might be a lot to have the whole ending of the game in January, come up with a reason to have extra content in February (presumably with the MC still alive, but also combat would need to be a part so then the issue arises of Tartarus coming back or something?), and then have the answer take place right after near the end of March.
Well that’s the end of that I think. This will also be the last post in this little “series” because I pretty much went over everything about this debate that makes me want to fly into the sun. I know the things I talked about in these posts will probably never stop, but I really hope that if a definitive version comes out at least the discussion will change to saying what is good or bad about each game rather than FES supremacy or whatever. That being said, above all I really hope this debate doesn’t discourage new fans from Persona 3 or the series in general, because that would probably be the worst outcome from all of this. It’s a great game, and it’s a shame that the game itself is kind of held back by being split into two (I’m not counting base Persona 3) different forms.
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hey Steph! I wanted to know if you knew of any fics that dealt with the topic of consent, and very explicit consent, and not even necessarily for sex, but just, explicit consent and conversations of boundaries in a relationship. "hay can I kiss you? it's ok if I hold your hand? can I hold your hand when we're outside?" people talking boundaries, that type of thing... you know anything like that?
Hey Nonny!!
You know, I ABSOLUTELY KNOW that I do, but I didn’t have the foresight to pre-tag all of them as I read them, so I can’t give you ALL of the ones I have in my bookmarks, but I can definitely give you the fics I do have tagged with “Consent” or “Negotiation”, so I hope that’s okay!!
If any of my Lovelies have any that they remember or have their own fics, PLEASE add them!!
Personal Space by probablyquantum (T, 1,814 w., 1 Ch. || Pre-Slash, Cuddles, Nightmares, Awkwardness) – John and Sherlock renegotiate the rules governing personal space. Pre-Slash.
Husband by jinglebell (E, 2,003 w., 1 Ch. || Est. Rel., PWP, Anal, Multiple Orgasms, Fluff, Toplock) – Sherlock orgasms when John refers to him as ‘husband’.
The Marriage Proposal Negotiation by Goddess_of_the_Night (G, 2,161 w., 1 Ch. || Dev. Rel., Possessive Sherlock, Insecure Sherlock, Fluff, First Kiss, Post Mary) – Sherlock hasn’t ever really done anything the traditional way, so of course it wouldn’t bother him to propose to John even though they’re not even dating. And the fact that John is already on a date with someone else when he decides to do it? Tedious.
Perfect Solo by Itsallfine (E, 2,384 w., 1 Ch., || PWP, Solo Kink, Fantasy, Pining, Dirty Talk, Sex Toys) – Sherlock couldn’t decide how he wanted to have John that night. (The one where Sherlock uses his box of sex toys to take himself apart in every way John might have him.)
Everything by patternofdefiance (E, 4,409 w., 1 Ch. || Snuggles and Cuddles, Bed Sharing, Frottage, Vulnerable Sherlock) – John wakes up with an armful of Sherlock. This – situation – is unusual, yes, and definitely unfamiliar, but in no way does it feel wrong. Rather, it feels the exact opposite. Part 13 of I Blame Tumblr
Uninhibited by 221b_hound (M, 4,293 w., 1 Ch. || Bathing/Washing, Naked Cuddling, Non-Sexual Intimacy, Big Brother Mycroft, Relationship Negotiation, Massage, Sherlock Has a Low Libido, Pet Names) – Sherlock and John have been apart for the first time since Sherlock returned from the dead. Neither of them has had a good day. John’s gets worse when Mycroft comes to Baker Street in Sherlock’s absence to warn John Watson against disappointing his brother by expecting things to change. Mycroft has misjudged things rather badly. But finally he sods off and leaves John and Sherlock to reconnect, to give and receive comfort, and show each other that they are, indeed, perfectly matched. Part 15 of Unkissed
Beg for Mercy (Twice) by Solitary_Endeavor (E, 7,060 w., 1 Ch. || Est. Rel., Bottomlock, Bearded John, Edging, Rough Sex, Idiots in Love, Canon Compliant) – Sherlock hasn’t left the flat in four days, the itch of impatience beneath his skin too great to allow him to suffer interaction with any human being who isn’t John. This is probably a mercy that goes both ways, as he’s driving even himself mad. Sherlock supposes there is a lesson to be learned here about having himself to blame, but of course he blames Mycroft.
The doctor is in by PlainJane (E, 7,581 w., 1 Ch. || Omegaverse || Sex Therapist, Anal, Hand Jobs, Frottage, Virgin Sherlock) – Sherlock is a young alpha with an aversion to his cycle. John is a gender medicine specialist. Nothing could possibly go wrong… Part 1 of Doctors and detectives
Caves in the Mountains Are Seldom Unoccupied by starrysummernights & TheMadKatter13 (E, 7,925 w., 1 Ch. || Were-Creatures, Werebear John, Pseudo Bestiality, Rimming, Dub Con, Rough Sex, Come Inflation / Eating, Size Kink, PWP, Bratty Sherlock, Rutting) – “This isn’t something to play at, Sherlock,” he snapped. “If it doesn’t work out- what you’re asking of me- we can’t shrug and say ‘oh well, at least we tried’. If we do this… I could seriously hurt you. Do you understand? I could lose control. I could… I could kill you.” (This one is… REALLY REALLY kinky, heavy dub-con warning)
Just Like That by sussexbound (E, 8,442 w., 1 Ch. || First Time/Kiss, Frottage, Virgin Sherlock, French Kissing, Anal, Emotional Lovemaking, Enthusiastic Consent, Tenderness, Crying John, Bathing/Washing, Insecure John, Toplock) – John doesn’t want to talk anymore. He wants. Oh dear god, how he wants. For the first time in what feels like years he WANTS.
Evening Ride by LapisLazuli (E, 8,632 w., 1 Ch. || Public Sex, Alternate First Meeting, Humiliation Kink, Groping, Frottage, Consent Issues, Come Play) – John has a series of unexpected meetings with a stranger on the Tube.
C. sapiens by patternofdefiance (E, 8,813 w., 1 Ch. || Tentacles Porn, Magical Realism, Bottomlock, Anal / Tentacle Sex, Pheremones) – “A few weeks ago I would have thought you were impossible,” Sherlock begins, walking into the kitchen in his blue robe, and John – not quite catching on – wants to scoff and argue, No, actually, you are impossible, but then Sherlock continues: “But now I’d say you are improbable.” John thinks this might be flattering, if he could wrap his head around it, but he can’t – Sherlock is standing near, steaming his sun-baked-clean-sand smell, like the beach after rain, an alive smell, an other smell. It’s intoxicating, and John has been studiously avoiding it, but he can’t shift away now it’s so near. Now Sherlock’s so near. And then Sherlock ruins the probable-loveliness of his words and the definite-beauty of his presence by saying: “And by ‘improbable’ I mean ‘not yet scientifically acknowledged.’” Part 1 of Gifts from the Sea
John Watson’s Moon by patternofdefiance (E, 11,314 w., 1 Ch. || Werewolf John, First Time, BAMF John, First Time, Anal, Fleeting Depictions of Violence) – Sherlock finds out John is a werewolf and wants to see the transformation. It, uh, gets really kinky.
Kintsugi by distantstarlight (E, 14,772 w., 1 Ch. || Post S4, Emotional Hurt / Comfort, Regret / Remorse, Loneliness, Separation, Drug Use, Healing, Protective John, Sad Sherlock, Dev. Rel., Complicated Relationships, Love, Angst With Happy Ending, Sherlock is Called Freak, John’s Penance, Voyeurism, Doctor/Caretaker John, Guilty John, Detox, Fingering, Love Confessions, Cuddling, Slight Non-Con Turns Enthusiastic Consent, Virgin Sherlock) – Sherlock Holmes becomes estranged from the man he had once considered his best friend after John lets him down horribly in public. It seems that the world’s only consulting detective will be on his own once again…or will he?
Lacuna by coloredink (E, 15,607 w., 1 Ch. || Angst, Consent Issues, Drama, Amnesia) – God, it must have been terrible, to think that he would never have this again.
The Midas Touch by flawedamythyst (E, 32,231 w., 1 Ch. || Magical Realism, John has a Magical Cock, Dub Con, Healer John) – John Watson has a medical condition that means everyone he sleeps with is instantly healed of all illness and injury. This causes complications when Sherlock breaks his arm, and even more complications when Sherlock falls in love with him. Yes, this is a story where John has a literal magic healing cock. It’s a lot less cracky than you’re probably imagining. Warning: Contains complex issues of sexual consent, although not between Sherlock and John.
In the Dark Hours by hubblegleeflower (E, 51,639 w., 12 Ch. || Friends to Lovers, Unreliable Narrator, Closeted Bi John, Angst, Miscommunications, Slow Burn, First Time, John’s Blog / Epistolary, Selective Mutism) – John, wounded and silent, drifts back to Baker Street for healing…and then goes home again. He visits, gets more upbeat, chattier, smiles, jokes… and still goes home again. Sherlock wants him to move back in - it just makes sense - but John shows no signs of doing so. This is the story of how John and Sherlock learn to say what needs to be said when they’re both so very, very rubbish at talking.
Coventry by standbygo (E, 52,020 w., 26 Ch. || Dollhouse AU || Case Fic, Slow Burn, Sci-Fi / Fantasy, First Kiss / Time, Attempted Rape, BAMF John, Falling in Love) – “Let me get this straight,” John said, wondering when his life had become a science fiction film. “Some guy orders up a personality, a person, to his specifications, and they program this into a real live person, who has consented to do this, and she goes to this person and acts as his wife, or lawyer, or Royal Marine, or Navy Seal or what have you, and she has all the skills, all the knowledge, everything? Then you say the magic words, and she follows you back to The House, and they erase it all until her next appointment?”
Just To Hold You Close by sussexbound (E, 70,841 w., 18 Ch. || Alternate First Meeting, Sherlock POV, ASD Sherlock, PTSD John, Demisexual Sherlock, Bisexual John, Cuddling/Snuggling, Platonic Cuddling, Enthusiastic Consent, Bed Sharing, Love Confessions, First Kiss/Time, Sexual Tension, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Cuddle Negotiations, For a Case Until It Isn’t, Hair Petting, Sexual Negotiation, Anxiety, Trust Issues, Slow Burn, Panic Attacks, Frottage, Hand/Blow Jobs, Referenced Self Harm / Abuse / Suicidal Ideation, First Kiss/Time, Anal, Autistic Sherlock) – When a woman is murdered and the last person to see her alive is recently invalided army vet turned reluctant (and prickly) professional cuddler, John Watson, Sherlock Holmes is pulled into a world of intimacy and intrigue he never could have imagined. John is a conundrum and mystery: frank yet reserved, tender yet angry, open yet afraid. Sherlock is instantly drawn into his orbit, and begins to feel and desire things he never has before.
A Cure For Boredom by emmagrant01 (E, 81,665 w., 8 Ch. || Dirty Talk, Threesomes, Light Dom/Sub, Sex Club, Experiments, Anal, Mildly Dubious Consent) – They’d never talked about sex in the year they’d known each other. Well, that wasn’t quite correct: Sherlock had never said a word about sex; John had bemoaned his personal dearth of it on many occasions.
Thermocline by J_Baillier (M, 83,557 w., 14 Ch. || Scuba Diving AU || Adventure, Angst, Hurt/Comfort, Marine Archaeology, Asexual Sherlock, Horny John, Relationship Drama, Technical/Scuba/Wreck Diving, Slow Burn, Underwater /  Medical Peril, Doctor John, Hurt Sherlock, Anxious Sherlock, John POV, Protective John, Body Appreciation) – John “Five Oceans” Watson — technical dive instructor, dive accident analyst and weapon of mass seduction — meets recluse professor of maritime archaeology Holmes. As they head out to a remote archipelago off the coast of Guatemala to study and film its shipwrecks for a documentary, will sparks fly or fizzle out?
Not Broken, Just Bent by Schmiezi (E, 87,585 w., 43 Ch. || Pining, Love Confessions, Rape/Sexual Assault, Torture, Hurt/Comfort, Heavy Angst, Villain!Mary, Suicidal Ideations, Main Character Death, Sherlock First Person POV, Parentlock, Sherlock’s Mind Palace, Grief/Mourning, Emotional Love Making, Possessiveness, Depression, PTSD, Kidnapping, Virgin Sherlock, Eventual Happy Ending) – “For a second, I allow myself to remember teaching John how to waltz. There is a special room in my mind palace for it. A big one, with a proper parquet dance floor. For a second, I go there. I remember holding him, closer than the World Dance Council asks for, excusing it with the fact that we are training for a wedding, not for a competition. For a second, I feel his hand on mine again, smell his sweat, hear the song we used. For a second, I allow myself to love him deeply. For a second, only a second, that love reflects on my face.” Fix-it for S3, starting at the end of TSoT. Evil Mary.
31_Days_of_Porn_Challenge_2017 Series by distantstarlight (E, 96,540 w. across 31 stories || Prompt Ficlets, Assorted Kinks, PWP) – A collection in response to the 31 Days of Porn Challenge issued by AtlinMerrik! Thanks for doing that because this has been buttload of fun (that joke never gets old). All stories will be brief stand-alone one-shots.
Shatter the Darkness (Let the Light In) by MojoFlower (E, 109,683 w., 23 Ch. || PODFIC AVAILABLE || Genie/Djinn AU || Magical Realism, Kidnapping, Genie Sherlock, First Kiss / Time, Case Fic, H/C, Angst, Clubs, John Whump, Mild DubCon, Hand / Blow Jobs, Torture) – Fairy tales are for those who remember how to dream; not John Watson, broken and hiding from his bleak future in a beige bedsit. But then he discovers a lamp and finds himself in the dangerous riptide of an enigmatic man whose very existence is unbelievable, murder charges against his sister, and the growing pains of feeling alive once more.
The Gilded Cage by BeautifulFiction (E, 326,887 w., 31 Ch. || Omegaverse || Omega Sherlock / Alpha John, Friends to Lovers, Dub Con, Reproductive Rights) – In a world where Omegas are the property of the elite Alphas, locked away and treasured by those wealthy enough to buy them, John never questioned his flatmate’s secondary gender. Sherlock Holmes was an Alpha through-and through. Wasn’t he? A chance discovery turns the world on its head, and John is left grappling to come to terms with Sherlock’s past as events conspire to threaten their future.
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angelhummel · 4 years
unpopular op: i never wanted bi blaine. bc when blaine met kurt he was already out and proud with himself. he was gay. if he was introduced as bi, it'd be ok. but him being bicurious after that kiss with rachel wouldnt make sense to me bc he was the one who pulled kurt up and made him feel okay with being gay, being out and proud. it'd be like, so yeah blaine is more masculine so make him bisexual and that'd be very stereotypical. but it could be ok if he was introduced as bi at the beginning
Okay so if we had bi Blaine then obviously I wouldn’t want it the way it was in canon. That was a big ol mess. So here’s what I would’ve done 
Starting with their first meeting when Kurt is like “Can I ask you guys a question? Are you guys all gay?” and then Blaine is like “No, no, these two are straight. But I’m not” so Kurt obviously takes that to mean he’s gay. And then Blaine tells him about being bullied for being with a guy and that’s why he came to Dalton and so it’s not brought up again for a while 
Blaine can have the crush on the Gap guy, same as canon. Then Rachel’s party comes around and maybe Blaine says something about how he’s enjoying being around girls for a change (maybe something about Brittany since she’s running around half naked) and Kurt is like “?” and then later in the night he kisses Rachel and Kurt is like “...” and then he acts interested in Rachel later on and Kurt is like “!” and so he confronts Blaine about it and he’s basically like “what are you doing?? I thought you were gay?” And Blaine is like “When did I say that?” and Kurt’s like “When we first met! You said you weren’t straight” 
And Blaine is like “I’m not. There’s more than just gay and straight you know?” and so that’s their argument at the lima bean and kurt feels a little hurt and betrayed bc he thought blaine was just like him and it turns out he’s not. so kurt feels like blaine was leading him on even though he wasn’t, bc it’s not like blaine had to disclose his full sexuality to kurt five minutes after they first met. and so kurt’s feelings are more understandable and also it’s not biphobic bc i’m writing this and i’m not biphobic rip to rm but i’m different
and maybe like kurt can voice some common misconceptions of bi people and it’s like a nice teaching moment for him and the audience. like saying something about how if blaine is with a girl then he’s “straight passing” and blaine is like “well being with a girl doesn’t erase the other parts of my sexuality, and being with a girl wouldn’t make me straight just like being with a guy wouldn’t make me gay. i’m still bi, no matter who i’m with” and he still dates rachel but he just realizes that there’s no real spark there and decides to end it 
and then in sexy when the girls give blaine their numbers kurt can say something about like ooh it must be blaine’s lucky day and blaine doesn’t really respond but he has this look on his face so we know he’s not really interested in them and he just passes the numbers on to one of the other warblers or something 
and so of course by the next ep blaine has realized he’s in love with kurt and they get together and that’s that. BUT just like in canon there’s lots of things left unsaid and bubbling under the surface and creating doubts and fears that our poor boys don’t know how to properly communicate just yet 
so maybe in s3 blaine gets to dalton and he’s like the new kid so people are interested in him. and of course he’s got all his duets and roles with rachel and that stirs up feelings of last year for kurt. and maybe some other girls at school are flirty with him and he enjoys the attention but also doesn’t pay it much mind. and so when sebastian comes along he’s just like the final nail in the coffin for kurt
and then instead of that fucking alpha gay bullshit nonsense there’s some other type of nonsense about how like kurt is worried cause blaine has guys and girls all over him and it’s really intimidating and he doesn’t know what to do bc he’s always scared blaine might feel like he’s missing something and “switch teams” or whatever. and of course blaine is like “i would never do that. i love you bc of who you are, not what parts you have” etc and so that’s what they argue over in 3x17 but of course blaine reassures kurt and kurt feels better and he stops feeling jealous or like he’s not enough and yeah
also bi blaine means he could date tina in s4 hooray no unrequited love triangles
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theflannelwizard · 4 years
are you still doing those TAWOG headcanon ask things? may i have some about, hmm, juke, perhaps? (i'm thirsty for juke content p lease)
oh if this is who i think it is i’ve seen your blog and i’ve been hoping you would send this!!! juke truly is an excellent lad :)
gender- it may be starting to look like i think everyone is nonbinary. it’s not my fault you keep giving me nb characters. juke is transmasc and nonbinary!
sexuality- hmmmm...... my instinct is to say juke is Not Straight but idk if he’s gay or bi/pan. the only ppl i’ve seen him shipped with are teri and bobert, and since both of those are valid and interesting ships, i’m gonna go for bi.
OTP- juke and teri! teri is patient with juke when he has trouble expressing himself to her, and juke is patient with teri when she gets overwhelmed or anxious. i like to headcanon juke as a pretty decent artist, and maybe he would draw outfits for teri that she could recreate when she got dressed the next day! juke is pretty old-school when it comes to romance, and he likes to do things like bring her flowers if they go on a date, but if the flowers have thorns they can snag and tear teri’s arms or hands, so he’s always careful to bring her daisies or other harmless flowers. he makes her mixtapes and she choreographs little dances to them for fun. and once teri finds juke’s music to voice switch, the conversations they have are really deep and personal. sometimes juke will jokingly erase teri’s mouth or teri will jokingly switch juke off of his voice setting, but they would never do that to each other out of spite, just in fun when they playfully argue/debate, and they always make sure not to strand each other without a voice. neither of them is especially tough, but they’re both bffs with bobert, who makes sure they don’t get picked on or pushed around.
BroTP- bobert!!!! juke and bobert bond over being seen as more machine than human, and they open up to each other about their experiences navigating the world as part machine and part real person with feelings. juke stands up for bobert if people try to take advantage of his poor social skills, and bobert defends juke if things get physical. bobert also acts as a wingman, albeit a very straightforward one- “teri, would you like to go on a romantic outing with juke? he is hiding over there and hopes you will say yes.” juke makes mixtapes for bobert, too, and bobert often remixes them or makes mashups of the songs.
NoTP- i don’t think anyone actually ships this, but gumball. juke could maybe eventually become friends with gumball, but he wasn’t treated very well by him in his one episode, and i don’t see that working out even if they tried.
A fun dynamic they would have- i’m gonna take this opportunity to talk about the power trio that is juke, teri, and bobert all together. bobert never minds third wheeling, he’s just glad to be part of the squad. juke is obviously the most musical of the three, but with his musical inclination, teri’s affinity for dance and jpop/kpop, and bobert’s mixing skills, i like to think they form a little band. teri is their singer and the (adorable) face of the group, bobert mixes a backing track ahead of time, and juke plays the track and writes all the music. they’re pretty underground and it’s just for fun, but they really enjoy it! also, teri tries to convince her friends to join cheer squad, but they both prefer to stay on the sidelines supporting her. the fact that nobody was able to find juke’s switch implies to me that he’s a pretty lonely guy, and he probably doesn’t live with his parents, so what if he lives with bobert? teri visits the two of them all the time, and when juke wants to spend time with her alone, he picks her up or goes to her place. bobert is like a brother to juke and a best friend to teri, and he will physically fight anyone who hurts or bullies them. luckily this doesn’t happen much, especially once people figure out the consequences. i also think juke and ocho could be friends! ocho can be a little intense and impatient, and juke is more the fun but sensitive type, so when they hang out it’s usually at an arcade or playing tag team video games with ocho on offense and juke following his lead. juke has met all of ocho’s uncles and honestly isn’t too impressed, which makes their friendship easy and ocho more comfortable and trusting around juke.
Any other fun headcanons or things i wanted to elaborate on- the second i saw juke i fell in love with his design!!! he’s so cute and it’s obvious his intentions are always good. it also seems that he grew up pretty lonely because of the language barrier, so he never forgets to treasure his friends and girlfriend. he’s special because i don’t think loneliness turned him bitter, just a little shy and sometimes self conscious. but once he finds his people, he really opens up and gives everything he can to them, in terms of affection and fun little surprises like mixtapes, surprise parties on special occasions, and other homebrew gifts.
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