#whatever happens happens and I'll deal with it after I'm not needing to sleep the world away
bread-of-death · 11 months
Keep having to remind myself that not only can I not eat I can't drink for the next twelve hours :((
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mcflymemes · 4 months
"I NEED YOU CLOSE AT ALL TIMES" PROMPTS *  assorted dialogue for protective moments, adjust as necessary
i'm stronger when you're near me.
if they want to get to you, they'll have to get through me first.
i can't be expected to do this without you.
whatever happens, i'm right here beside you.
you're important to me. maybe you don't realize just how important.
[name], it's you. it's always been you.
don't make me beg you to stay, because i will.
i don't like sleeping alone.
i'm going to hold your hand and i won't let go.
the bed is cold when you're not here.
i always feel better when you're near me. i smile more.
you have no idea what you mean to me.
if you left me, i don't know what i would do.
it would be better if you stayed beside me.
you won't be alone through this. i'll be right here the whole time.
will you stay up with me and keep me company?
i really can't deal with this alone.
would you hold my hand for a while?
we're a team. we can't do anything without each other.
you're the only one who has ever understood me.
no one else gets me like you do.
it's really nice having you close by.
thank you for being here when i needed you.
i can't do this alone.
i'd be better off with you, to be honest.
can you tell them we need to be together?
i won't let them separate us.
after what happened before, i can't let you out of my sight.
i'm not going to risk losing you.
maybe you don't realize how much you mean to me.
it would be better if we went together.
we would do so much better as a team.
i don't think they understand how much you mean to me.
you've always meant the world to me.
please stay close to me.
i like it when i can reach over and grab your hand.
your presence is a comfort.
i always feel reassured when i look over and see you.
never told you how much you mean to me.
they'll never understand our connection.
i'd be better off going with you.
what do you mean? of course i'm coming with you.
i don't really care what they think. i'm not letting you go alone.
you're going to need my help, and i need yours.
would it be okay if i leaned against you for a while?
you're riding with me.
i'll look after your wound.
i promise to take good care of you.
it's just us now. no one else is around.
i can't believe we spent so much time apart.
we were always made to fit together.
i think i was meant for you in some way.
i don't need anyone like i need you.
i promised i'd keep you safe, and i'm not about to break that promise anytime soon.
i don't think you realize just how much you mean to me.
i was made for you, and you were made for me.
we're a team. we're in this 'til the end.
i'm not giving up on you.
you can't die on me. we're a team.
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prettyoatmeal · 6 months
TF141 Taking Care of Sick Reader!
A/N: Guys I'm so sick right now. This cold has hit me like a truck at full speed. I literally slept 13 hrs today?!?!?!?!?!? So lets go guys, sick HC's because I need some comfort.
Masterlist here!
Price just doesn't care because he rarely ever gets sick. Whenever you catch a cold, he's just unfazed because he knows his body well.
This man will PAMPER you. He'll cook you whatever you're craving, and if you're not hungry, you're getting force fed a few cups of broth just so there's something in you.
He'll run you a bath with the soap you love so much, making sure it's nice and steamy in the way you like it. And while your nose his clearing up from the steam, he's massaging your shoulders and the back of your neck and wherever you ask him to. Because he'll be damned if his love has to spend one more second with their body aching.
Taking medicine with him is a chore for both of you. Him because he has to deal with your stubbornness, and you because liquid medicine tastes awful and theres no getting around it. He's just there holding the spoon with the burgundy coloured syrup and you're turning away every time he gets it close to your mouth.
"Sweetheart, I know it tastes awful but it's only here to make you feel better."
Ends up bribing you with taking you out to your favourite restaurant when you're better, but lets face it, he would've taken you anyway.
"See, that wasn't so bad, was it?"
And once you've finally taken it, disregarded the disgusted look on your face, he's actively kissing you on your cheeks, your forehead, maybe your lips as well despite how much you try to pull away from them. But you give in of course. He's only looking out for you and you love him too much.
Gaz I think would be a bit of a germaphobe at first.
Illness on the battlefield? Sure, he can deal with that, who cares Sickness at home?? Nope, the antiseptic spray is coming out and getting sprayed onto every surface of your flat.
You're not getting out of bed until you're sure you're fine because he'll be damned if he catches it from you. He's making sure every second of the day that you're fed, you're hydrated, you're comfy.
If you ask him very nicely, he'll let you cuddle up to him if you promise to not sneeze on him. But when you're finally in his arms, he sees your flushed face, your bleary eyes, the way you cling onto him so tightly even though you're so weak, fading in and out of sleep and he feels himself falling in love all over again.
"Poor baby. I'll take care of you, don't worry."
It happens every single time, it's hilarious. His mind changes every single time. Even if you sneeze on him, you'll get nothing more than a slight scolding as he holds a tissue up to your nose.
Medicine is different with him. Mixes it with your hot tea knowing just how much you hate taking it. If you question why it tastes so weird, he blames it on the temperature distorting the flavour and your messed up taste buds.
And it works, you never question it again.
After that, he'll turn your favourite show on just as background noise and it isn't long until you're falling asleep on top of him.
Ghost is not letting you lift a finger. If you stand up to go get something to eat or drink before he deems you of proper health, he's sweeping you off your feet and laying you back into bed.
"I can do things by- achoo! -by myself."
"No you can't. Stay put, lovie. I'll get your plate for you."
Doesn't want to make it seem like he's babying you.. but he definitely just is.
Simon is normally really good with letting you have your independence, he never wants to make it feel like you don't have a choice. But in times like these where you need to rest, he is having absolutely none of it and there's nothing you can do other that yourself be dragged back to your room.
This man will also chase you around the flat to make sure you take the medicine because you better get through this, and on his watch, you will be.
"Open up, Princess." while you keep turning your head away. Much like John, he definitely needs to bribe you with the shoes you saw on the way home one day or that new restaurant that opened a week ago. And only then you finally take it, gagging at the chemically taste.
After that, you will constantly be swaddled in warmth no matter what. Whether it be him since he's pretty much a radiator himself, a hot bath, or a million blankets and plushies. He just wants you as comfortable as possible for your weakened state.
For baths, it's almost certain he will join you. He'll let you lean back on him as he massages your shoulders, your arms, your thighs and legs. And you're left so dizzy and hazy because he's soothing your aching body so well.
He probably catches it a week after you, once you're already better and then it's your turn to take care of him :3 and you know just how Simon feels about being pampered and looked after.
Soap would be sick with you but stubborn as ever to let you take care of him.
He's just way too touchy and kissy and feely when you're infected, it's awful. Makes fun of you for having a bad immune system even though his is just as bad, if not worse.
"Shut your gob, Bonnie. I won't catch it. it's just a wee cold."
He catches it and it was more than just a 'wee cold'. You're both so weak, bodies throbbing and aching all over but he's still determined to make you his priority.
Going to the bathroom is a hassle because when you go, he'll go. He can't leave his love alone, not in this state! He'll stand outside the door like a cat does, just waiting.. and waiting.. and oh! You've accidentally opened the door on him because he can barely pay attention to whatever's in front of him.
To make up for it, you help ice his forehead.
He'll cook for you, infecting the kitchen with his boy-germs. But it's great because he can just put a few cups of broth up to a simmer and drink it with you on the couch.
Once it's time to take medicine, you both chicken out because it just tastes so gross. But knowing you have to take it, you made a deal to take it at the same time. You're both disgusted but clink your mugs together and use your tea as chasers.
Will sneeze on you more than once by accident. He's gross but we love him.
He definitely tries (keyword is tries) to stay awake long enough for you to make sure you're peacefully sleeping through your sick, but he definitely gets knocked out the moment he cuddles up against you.
GRAHHHHH I'm so sick I'm going to bed. Cheers guys, goodnight
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Hi I like your writing and saw your how housewardens react to you not sleeping at night to do things for other people
I was wondering if you can make one for leona, riddle (and ruggie if you want)
sleepless nights II
part 1 | join the taglist | masterlist | request rules | ko-fi
how characters react to you not sleeping at night to do things for other people
characters: riddle rosehearts, leona kingscholar, ruggie bucchi
𝑹𝒊𝒅𝒅𝒍𝒆 𝑹𝒐𝒔𝒆𝒉𝒆𝒂𝒓𝒕𝒔
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When he first catches you out late at night, he's confused by your hurried pace. He attempts to catch up to you to find out what you're doing, but he loses you too quickly.
The moment lingers in his mind for the rest of the night but is slowly forgotten over time as he deals with troublemakers who can't follow simple rules. He's reminded of it again when he finds you out late a couple of days later. This time, however, he can clearly see the strain and tiredness in your eyes.
Determined not to let you get away this time, he catches up to you before you disappear again. You're startled by his sudden appearance, and he apologizes before steadying your swaying form.
"Are you okay?" Riddle attempts to get you to look at him, but you're in a daze, drifting in and out of reality. He has to bring you back to his room in order to get you to talk or acknowledge him at all.
Concern is written all over Riddle's face as he tries to get you to snap out of whatever mind space you're in. You blink rapidly, shaking your head slightly as if you have to physically shake all the cloudiness out of your mind.
"Riddle… what-" You look around the room, not recognizing it from the previous location you remember being. "When did I get here?" You finally focus on Riddle, who's kneeling in front of you, a glass of water in his hand as he looks up at you sitting on his bed.
He's eventually able to get the answers he wants out of you, feeling anger and annoyance build up inside him when you tell him what's been happening. He knows how you are; how you'll try to help everyone you come across, even if it means hurting yourself in the process. Knowing this, he's annoyed at anyone who would try to take advantage of your kindness for their own gain, and he won't let them keep doing it.
When he watches you fall asleep on his bed, he takes it as his chance to find the person you're "helping." It's safe to say that you don't hear from them again after that moment, and Riddle constantly reminds you that he's here for you. Every time you want to help someone, make sure you're taking care of yourself in the process.
𝑳𝒆𝒐𝒏𝒂 𝑲𝒊𝒏𝒈𝒔𝒄𝒉𝒐𝒍𝒂𝒓
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When Leona first heard you go out at night, he ignored it. It wasn't his business anyway. However, as the nights went on and he heard you leave the room every single night, he grew irritated.
One night, when he heard you about to leave the room, he grumpily asked where you were going. You jumped at his voice, not expecting him to be awake when he was usually sound asleep at this time.
"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to wake you," you whispered, even though there was really no point since the grumpy lion in front of you was already awake.
"Where do you keep going every night?" Leona asked again, his voice groggy and eyes closed as if he might fall asleep again at any second.
"I just need to help someone with something." Leona forced his eyes open at this statement, glancing at the clock on the bedside table.
"It's 1 a.m. Do it in the morning." You wanted to tell him that technically it was morning, but you knew sassing him right now probably wasn't the best idea.
"I'll be right back," you told him, but you weren't right back. You didn't come back the entire night, which resulted in a very annoyed Leona when he kept reaching for you in his sleep and you weren't there.
He heard you finally walk back into the room well into the morning. He thought you were going to get in bed finally, but instead, he heard you shuffling around the room. He opened an eye to see you moving around as if getting ready for something.
"What are you doing?" You looked back at Leona, who was still sprawled out on the bed, stopping yourself in the middle of grabbing the folder on the desk at his question.
"I have to get ready for the day, which you should be doing too." You turned on the small lamp on the desk, causing Leona to grunt and throw his arm over his eyes at the dull light illuminating the room.
"You didn't sleep at all." Leona's voice was slightly muffled from his position, but he could still be heard clearly.
"It's fine, I'm not that tired." You were clearly lying, and he could tell. He could hear the tiredness in your voice and had seen the bags under your eyes in the brief moment he looked at you.
Before he could say anything else to try to convince you to stay, you were already out the door for the day. Usually, you would try harder to get Leona to get up for the day, but you knew the longer you stayed in the room, the more likely it was that he would be the one to convince you to stay instead.
Leona finally heard you come back for the day and let out a relieved sigh when he felt you get in bed next to him. It was already dark by the time you came back, so he figured now he could relax fully for the night. Oh, was he wrong.
Not even ten minutes after you lay in bed, there was a knock on the door. You moved to get it, but Leona grabbed you so you couldn't move. "Just ignore it," he grumbled with his face pressed into your neck.
However, the knocking didn't stop, and you soon found yourself having to squeeze out of Leona's grip. You could tell the last of his patience was breaking, but you wanted to answer the door in case it was the person you'd been helping recently.
It did turn out to be the person who needed your help once again. You were about to step out with them in order to talk when the door you were holding partly open, just enough to see the person outside, swung all the way open.
Leona was standing behind you, gripping the door harshly as he let out a snarl at the other person. You saw them start backing away from the door before Leona slammed it shut, flipping the lock and dragging you back to bed.
He was finally satisfied with you by his side as he slept and got the best sleep he'd had in the last few days. He didn't wake you up in the morning either, not that you would really want to be with as much sleep as you'd lost recently, and you two ended up sleeping the whole next day away.
𝑹𝒖𝒈𝒈𝒊𝒆 𝑩𝒖𝒄𝒄𝒉𝒊
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Ruggie notices something is off when you appear more and more tired than usual. You're usually one to get fully rested at night to prepare for the next day. He starts to pay closer attention to you as a couple more days pass, thinking maybe you just had a rough night, but you still don't seem to be getting much sleep. You're meeting this person almost every night.
He's confused about how you know them, not having seen them around until recently. When he sees you exchange things with them, he assumes that they commissioned you for work, but that thought goes out the window when he doesn't see them pay you anything after you say your goodbyes and leave.
Curiosity gets the best of him at this point, and he can't help going up to you to ask. You don't look any better up close. It's clear that you haven't been sleeping recently, barely registering that Ruggie's in front of you until he says something.
He comes right out and asks if you're working with that person. He's taken aback when you say you're just doing them a few favors that they've been asking for, and you couldn't find it in yourself to say no because of how desperate they sounded.
"You're doing all this work for free…?" Ruggie has to sound out the sentence for it to come out as he intends, even though it doesn't make any sense to him.
"Yes," you let out a breathy laugh, not knowing where he was going with this. They needed help and you offered. There's not much else to it. Of course, you haven't been getting much sleep at all this last week because of it, but you're happy you're able to help them out a bit.
Ruggie's completely stunned at the revelation, not knowing why anyone would even bother doing something so strenuous for someone without even a hint of payment. "You're losing sleep because you're doing someone else's work, do I have that right?" All he needs is your slight nod to know exactly what he needs to do.
He doesn't give you a chance to say anything else before he's grabbing the few things you have in your hands and dragging you back to your room. You attempt to stop him, trying to tell him that you need the things he took, but he's not hearing any of it.
Before you know it, he's out of the room faster than he got you to it, and you're left there without the materials you need to finish the request. You fall asleep as soon as your head hits the pillow, well overdue for some rest.
You don't see Ruggie until the middle of the next day, and you can tell that you aren't getting the materials you need back anytime soon, if at all. He's just happy that you finally seem to have gotten some rest, not regretting it in the slightest when he passes the work onto someone else and blackmails has them do the rest of the work for you.
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buy me a coffee ♡
⊱ ────── {.⋅ ✯ ⋅.} ────── ⊰
@akaneredsstuff @sad-little-miao-miao @hathay
⊱ ────── {.⋅ ✯ ⋅.} ────── ⊰
get tagged for future stories
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littlespoonevan · 2 months
I watched the first three seasons of 911 back when that was all that had aired and just didn’t keep watching after the break between seasons for whatever reason. I also didn’t really get buddie, I just thought it was a beautiful friendship. I’m now on a rewatch and just got to the end of season 4 and boy am I all in, Buck’s reaction to Eddie getting shot and the aftermath really made me get it. Anyway, I was wondering if you have any fic recs for a buddie newbie? I’m probably gonna speed through the rest of the show in a few days and need something else to occupy me hahah
hey bud, welcome back to the world of 911!! 🥰 okay so i have some previous fic recs that i've posted here and i also have 489 bookmarks on ao3 which you can have a scroll through here (i only ever bookmark something for rereading or reccing purposes so can confirm i've read and loved them all)
but i'll do my best to make a somewhat cohesive list below of some of my personal faves. i have no doubt i'll probably leave some out accidentally but they'll definitely be in my bookmarks so 100% check those out too!! ❤️
The Nearness of You by allisonRW96 / @homerforsure
Eddie reassured himself that he could do this. Other teams coming in were probably going to be staying at the same hotel in the same double rooms and it was very possible that none of them were going to be having sex. Or even lying awake at night thinking about it. Or: Buck and Eddie go on a work trip.
Leave the Light On (I'll Be Coming Home) by HMSLusitania / @hmslusitania
“We’re here for our grandson,” Helena says. “Chris is still sleeping,” Buck says. “I meant, we’re here to take him back to Texas,” Helena clarifies. “Yeah,” Buck says. He’s too tired, way too tired to be tactful. “Over my dead body.” -- An accident on a call leaves Buck with custody of Chris after Eddie is... missing presumed. While they navigate their new family circumstances -- and fight to stay together, despite Eddie's parents' best efforts -- a John Doe wakes up in a coma ward with no memory of his own life beyond the knowledge he has a son named Christopher and, somehow, he needs to get home.
To Build a Home We Deconstruct Our Rituals by letmetellyouaboutmyfeels /@letmetellyouaboutmyfeels
After the shooting, Eddie realizes he needs to put some things in place. Like who will get his assets if he dies. Who will speak for him if he ends up in a coma. What might happen if his family contests Buck's guardianship. Luckily, he's got a simple easy-peasy solution that won't result in insanity, catastrophe, or heartbreak: Marry Buck.
standing on the brink of emptiness by woodchoc_magnum / @woodchoc-magnum
In which Eddie is struggling in the aftermath of being shot, learning how to take care of himself and realising he's in love with Buck; and Buck is dating Taylor, taking care of Eddie and Christopher and trying to figure out why he's so goddamn confused about everything.
across our great divide (a glorious sunrise) by catchingpapermoons 
“We’re working on it,” Maddie explains, shooting Chimney a look. He nods seriously. “In couples therapy.” “Huh,” Eddie says, and then he thinks about it. "Do you think Buck and I would benefit from couples therapy?" — or, Eddie gets Buck to come to couples therapy with him.
darling, the future's better than yesterday by rarakiplin (gmontys)
Eddie, ten years younger, in this awful 2010, blinks up at him. He's still sitting slumped on the curb, and for a second Buck thinks he might tell him to fuck off, but then his eyes fall shut and there’s something — aching and painfully vulnerable in the bend of his mouth, the faint tension in his brow. “My…um, girlfriend, I guess. She’s pregnant.” “Holy shit,” Buck says. - or, buck deals with some wonky dimensional/time travel and then breaks up with his girlfriend. eddie, obviously, is involved.
i'm here (i’m yours for the taking) by farfromthstars / @buckactuallys
“Everyone!” Around forty heads turn, and Buck shifts on his feet uncomfortably at the attention. “This is my old friend Buck and his husband, Eddie.” “Uh,” Buck makes, turning to Eddie with wide eyes. Eddie's looking just as stunned. “Connor, I think you got–” He cuts himself off when Eddie wraps an arm around his waist. ~ at the winter wedding of an old friend, buck and eddie pretend to be married to each other. the plan has no weaknesses, obviously, not even mistletoe or anyone’s secret feelings… they call it the season of giving i'm here, i'm yours for the taking
Your Fingerprints Smeared on My Heart (Lead Me Back to You) by letmetellyouaboutmyfeels
In 1880, Evan Buckley of the arriviste set is sent out west to oversee his family's railroad and recover from a broken heart - and meets Eddie Diaz, cowboy. When fate tears them apart, they make a promise: find each other again. In 2018, Buck walks into his fire station in Los Angeles - and meets Eddie Diaz, new recruit.
no kingdom to come by waywardrenegades
Family, FaceTime, guilt trips, phone calls, church, heart healthy meals, and learning how to let yourself be happy. Whatever that looks like. or; when his father experiences a health scare, Eddie flies to El Paso.
when i was shipwrecked (i thought of you) by catchingpapermoons 
Buck walks toward Jee-Yun’s room, still talking, and Christopher trails after him, asking excited questions in response, and Eddie’s smile grows. He wants this forever. Everything, every part of it; Buck, Christopher, and him—that’s all he needs. And— Oh. Oh no. He shuts his eyes for a moment, inhaling sharply. He’s looking at Buck, and feeling something strictly not platonic at all. or: Eddie needs to learn how to let himself feel, and one step at a time, he learns how to do just that. (And he falls in love with Buck along the way.)
i don't swim and you're not in love by hattalove / @hattalove
She turns to Eddie and says something else, but Buck is busy fighting the headrush he gets at the sound of Ana Flores calling Eddie and Christopher 'the boys'. Like they belong to her already. God, what’s wrong with him? What is this? or, eddie cooks, chris domesticates a slug, and buck tries to figure out why he hates his best friend's girlfriend. to everyone's immense shock and surprise, it goes badly.
everything's coming up milhouse by hammersmiths / @bucktommys
LAFD Updates (@L*A*F*D_Metro) LAFD Alert: Red-level traffic on Gardiner Road this morning. If you are trying to get into the city centre consider taking Westerley Lane. buck 🔥🔥 (@firebuck) so true bestie or, Eddie mans the LAFD Twitter account. Buck tries to be supportive.
said i couldn't stay, but it's different now by hattalove
“I think,” he says, watching Karen pull Hen out onto the dance floor, their eyes never leaving each other’s, “I think I’m just—sad.” Maybe. That feels like a close enough word to describe this gaping maw right in the center of his chest. It’s only really there sometimes, taking little bites out of him, easy enough to ignore, but today is worse. “About being single at a wedding,” Eddie says, not a question. Buck shrugs. “Sounds stupid when you put it that way.” or, the one with the four weddings (feat. a drunk karen wilson, shania twain, a single cheerio, and some confessions over cubed fruit).
cause i'm tired of sleeping alone by rarakiplin (gmontys)
Buck goes on dates now. Not often, and never with the same girl twice in a row, but he goes on dates. And the thing is — the thing is, Eddie can’t be mad about that, because he goes on dates too. - or, five (ish) times eddie and buck go on dates with other people, and one time they go on a date with each other
so far from being free by allisonRW96
"That’s Daniel. He was our brother. Buck doesn’t know what to do with the past tense. He never had a brother. He’s always had a brother. He gained one and lost one in the same breath and it feels impossible. But even if Buck was capable of doubting Maddie, the truth of her confession is evident in the way it throws every facet of his childhood into sudden perfect clarity. That yawning, arctic absence. The unnamable fear. The impenetrable target of his parents’ approval that he was never, ever going to be able to hit. That they didn’t want him to hit. He has a brother. A dead brother who has haunted Buck’s steps for his entire life."
don't let the tide come and wash us away by writerforlife
Buck develops a relationship with the ocean, avoids talking about the day Eddie was shot, realizes he might be in love, and drives. Order may vary. (a fic for the "Buck is going to break all the way down in season 6" truthers)
dance, for all that we've been through by catchingpapermoons 
The Los Angeles Ballet’s 2022-2023 season ends with a bang with their fresh take on a ballet staple, Swan Lake. Artistic Director Bobby Nash is in his eighth season with the Los Angeles Ballet, and it has flourished under his direction. However, his associate, Eddie Diaz, is the one whose reimagining of the choreography has caught our attention... (or, Eddie Diaz moves to L.A. to restart his dance career, and ends up choreographing a show, finding a family, and falling in love. Not necessarily in that order.)
I'll Scrawl it on Every Wall I See by letmetellyouaboutmyfeels
When Eddie joins the 118, he and Buck don't exactly hit it off on the right foot. Or continue to walk on the right foot. In fact they kind of can't stand each other. Good thing they each have a beloved anonymous pen pal to share their daily woes with, someone completely unlike their insufferable coworker. Or, in which Buck and Eddie love each other before they know each other, and know each other before they love each other. When Eddie joins the 118, he and Buck don't exactly hit it off on the right foot. Or continue to walk on the right foot. In fact they kind of can't stand each other. Good thing they each have a beloved anonymous pen pal to share their daily woes with, someone completely unlike their insufferable coworker. Or, in which Buck and Eddie love each other before they know each other, and know each other before they love each other.
never felt this way before (yes i swear) by withoutthetiger
It’s the summer of 2022, when Buck no longer wants to be called Evan, and it only occurs to his parents to mind. It’s after the pandemic – or so they say – and before whatever hell will befall the world next, when Buck can’t wait to join the LAFD in September, and he doesn’t know if he’ll ever meet someone as gently strong and fiercely protective as his big sister. It’s the summer he goes with his family to the One Eighteen Ranch & Lodge. *** A Dirty Dancing AU, set in Texas in 2022, featuring a whole lot of familiar faces in a not so familiar place.
Fragile lines (and wasted time) by Mellaithwen / @mellaithwen
“Hey Buck,” Christopher says a little shyly, before reaching out to grab Buck’s foot through the hospital blankets—shaking it in the same way he’s woken his father up on many a bleary-eyed morning. The familiarity of the gesture makes Eddie’s head spin. But of course, there’s no response from the comatose man on the bed. “I thought you said he was sleeping,” Chris mumbles, angrily swiping at his cheeks, and Eddie’s already broken heart shatters all over again for whatever hope his son had just lost when his expectations were so cruelly dashed. . While Buck sleeps, and dreams in the aftermath of the lightning strike, Eddie tries desperately to hold himself together.
Don't Take the Money by HMSLusitania
“You know, being stuck here isn’t actually the end of the world,” Chimney says, coming up to the table and picking up one of the smoke detectors. “It just feels like it, Buck. Trust me, I know.” “I’m pretty sure it might actually be the end of the world,” Buck says. “Considering this is the sixth time I’ve lived this day.” Chimney stares at him for a beat and then his eyebrows lift. “Wait, are you like – dude, are you in Groundhog Day?” OR The post-lawsuit time-loop AU literally no one asked for.
keep your eyes on the road by iriswests / @fcntasmas
Buck used to speed through yellow lights; now they’re his favorite part of the drive. -- or; a glimpse into buck and eddie’s developing relationship, told through ten moments stopped at a traffic light
Hot Ghost Problems by ebjameston
The ghost would prefer to go by Buck, if Eddie wouldn’t mind. +++ [Eddie is the newest firefighter at the 118. Buck is the ghost haunting the 118. Unfortunately for both of them, Eddie's also a witch and needs to put Buck's spirit to rest, because that's what witches do. Turns out, Buck's spirit? Super not interested in being put to rest. Very interested, however, in flirting with Firefighter Diaz, who is just trying to survive his candidate year. (Also turns out, Buck? Super not dead.)
as lucky as us by hammersmiths
One of the first things Ravi learned when joining the 118 was to, under no circumstances, think too hard about Buck and Eddie’s relationship. But brother, they could try make his job easier. “I mean, I get it,” Buck’s saying, overhead, and Ravi’s knee-deep in literal human crap and even he can smell that shit from a mile away. “You and Tommy have a lot in common.” or, Ravi continually suffers as a third-wheel.
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weird-an · 1 year
Jim is pretty sure that he's not qualified for whatever this.
He is a father though, once again - rather unexpectedly. Maybe it's that what makes him drag Billy Hargrove's ass from behind the Camaro's wheel when he's obviously wasted as fuck or it's too cold to sleep at the quarry. Because while the Hargrove kid doesn't admit it, Hopper has seen the ratty blanket and the fucking school books on the backseat.
"Hargrove," he grunts and can almost hear Joyce telling him that using his last name probably isn't helping.
"Billy," he corrects himself. "Do you need a place to stay?"
"I live at Cherry Lane. You know that." Billy chips a bit of black nail polish off his fingernails. "I'm not some hobo."
"Chief," he adds after a heartbeat, shooting Jim a calculating glance like he's trying to make a run for it. It wouldn't be the first time that happened.
"That's not what I'm asking," Jim grunts. He knows his tone is too rough, so he shoves a cup of watery hot chocolate towards Billy.
He wishes he had more patience, but he's just so angry. At himself, mostly and at Billy's dad. Because at first, he bought the whole "Billy needs a firm hand" act. He fucking fell for it. He drove Billy home several times and Neil Hargrove promised to take care of it. He gave a disapproving head shake towards Billy and gave Jim a long speech about America's youth and their queer antics and lack of manners. He has no prove, because Billy doesn't talk, it's just a hunch, but that kid needs help.
"I can stay at Harrington's," Billy mumbles. "When it gets too bad."
He takes the cup and gulps the chocolate down. Jim wonders if he's hungry, nervous or thirsty. Or all of it.
"Then why did I have to pick you up at the quarry again?"
"You don't have to do shit," Billy sneers. He sits up, hand crushing the paper cup. "I didn't fucking ask you to."
"Of course I have to," Jim barks. Billy has the talent to rile him up with ease. It's like he wants Jim to explode. "Every goddamn night I wonder if you're the next dead kid they'll find at the lake and I don't want to let this happen."
"I don't get you," Billy shouts back. "I don't get you ... or Steve .. What do you want? Why are you being so fucking nice? Why does he even like me?"
Jim blinks. Why should he know anything about Steve Harrington?
"Are you sleeping outside..." he asks slowly. "...because Harrington likes you and you don't know how to deal with that?"
Billy rubs the bridge of his nose. His voice grows smaller with each word. "He always... wants to talk and to cuddle and shit."
"Cuddle? That's sounds fucking qu-"
Billy flinches, eyes wide, like a rabbit about to bolt.
Hopper's mouth snaps shut. In his mind Joyce is already berating him softly to choose his words wisely.
"Do you want to cuddle with Harrington?" he asks. God, police school didn't brace him for whatever the fuck is happening right now.
"What?" Billy croaks. He looks as confused as Jim feels.
"Jesus," Jim sighs. "Let's go."
"What?" Billy repeats like a broken record.
"I'll drive you to Harrington's." Jim clears his throat. "So that you can... cuddle." He finishes lamely.
"What?" Billy seems to have forgotten any other words.
Hopper gets up. "Let's go."
He has no idea what he's doing. Maybe Steve and him can work together to make sure Billy is kinda safe.
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starlight-writer · 3 months
A)n: Heyyyy... I'm back :)
Warning: none, angst, yelling, arguing
Gn reader Masterlist
He doesn’t yell
But it’s that exactly that makes it worse
He refuses to yell, but he’ll be a sarcastic little shit
“Oh really? How lovely.”
“Oh my dearest apologies, my liege, I didn’t realize I had to agree with everything you had to say.”
Steven won’t back down, he’ll keep this energy until he’s done talking about it and then he’ll ignore you
He won’t ask how your day's been, he won't hug you, he won't even look at you
And it’ll drive you crazy
The only reason this started was because Steven missed a date and didn’t acknowledge that he would be late or wanted to cancel
He was working late for Donna again, but this time it just set off something in his head
Normally you wouldn’t be too upset about him missing a date, seeing as he’s got other people to take care of and he’s got a shitty boss, but when you asked him about the date, he blew up
“God, it was one date, why do you have to nag me about it?”
“Excuse me? I wasn’t trying to nag you, Steven, I just wanted to know what happened.”
“You’re not my bloody parent, you don’t need to know!”
“Take that back.”
And now you're in your room and Steven's sleeping on the couch
That night will give him time to realize he was in the wrong and he'll feel super guilty
When he wakes up with a stiff back and sore neck, he'll think he deserves it
He'll wait until you come out to get up
And then he's following you around like a lost puppy
He won't say anything, but he'll look so sad and just be following you everywhere you go
It would be cute if you weren't upset with him
You'll have to be the one to start a conversation, but as soon as you say a single word to him, Steven's apologizing faster than you can process
"Love, I'm so so sorry. I was an absolute knob, I was so stressed and upset yesterday and I know that's not a reason to treat you so terribly, but it was such a bad day. I promise I'll make it up with 3, no, 5 dates! We can do whatever you want today and tomorrow and all week! Please forgive me, darling. I know I don't deserve it, but please just give me another chance."
He looks like he's about to burst into tears and kneel for you
(Which would be hot in a different setting)
Depending on how passionate you feel about this, it might take some time to forgive him, but he's there every second of the day
Or if you want him to leave you alone, he'll respect that
You'll find little notes of lovey poems around the flat and your favorite snacks littered around the living room
He honestly feels like a terrible partner so when you do decide to forgive him, just give him a kiss and hug him
He'll cry and apologize a bunch more so just pet his head and tell him it's ok
He'll genuinely sit you down and ask if there's something he can do to get his 'anger issues' under control
Poor baby doesn't have anger issues, he just has a shitty boss <3
He yells
He yells loud and painful things
He doesn’t care, he can’t bother to care
He’s angry and that’s all he feels
He can’t think past it, it’s like he sees red
He’ll shout until his throat is raw, but he’ll get as many insults and sarcastic comments he can before that happens
He knows what he’s doing is wrong, he knows the only reason you’re arguing is because of him
But he’s not backing down
He wants to hurt you and he does
And it makes everything worse for at least a week
Marc came home absolutely wreaked from a fight and refused your help, preferring to drink and just sit there
If you weren’t so upset at the fact he refused your help and instead wanted the help of alcohol, you’d yell at him about staining the couch with his blood
You’ll either have to deal with Marc breaking out into an argument after the initial one, or leave to stay somewhere else
If you come back the next day, Marc will still be upset
He won’t start yelling at you again, but he’ll ignore you
And it really just stops there
It’s the silent treatment for a week
He'll make dinner for you and all that, but he won't talk to you
He'll stare at you, wondering if you'll be the one to apologize
Or he'll be staring at you to see if you're watching him
You're not
He'll stay silent for an entire week, festering in his anger and guilt until it overflows
And when you come back home from work or being out late, he's waiting for you
And he looks like a kicked puppy
It was no surprise Marc had no idea how to apologize and admit/accept his feelings but at this moment, none of that mattered
His guilt and the feeling of missing you outweighed his discomfort of voicing his feelings
He'll start with an apology, saying how sorry he was and how terrible he felt
He didn't give any excuse or reason for his anger, he just apologized and stood there
He expects you to yell at him, leave him, insult him
Just gently take him in your arms and kiss his cheek
You don't even have to tell him anything, he'll promise to never yell at you like that again
"If I do, you can hit me as hard as you want."
Marc will say, though if you did actually hit him, he'd probably cry
He'll be so genuine with his words and.the nail in the coffin was the fact that he promised
Marc never makes promises, even if he knows he can fulfill them
But he swears up and down that he will never yell at you again
And he does everything in his power to reverse or heal the damage his words did to you
Even going out of his comfort zone
He loves you so much and he doesn't understand why you're still with him, but he thanks every God and Goddess that you are
He’s dangerously silent
He’ll stand there completely blanked face, eyes set in a slight glare as you argue about something that was definitely his fault
Maybe he missed a date and didn’t bother to let you know he wasn’t coming or wrote off your worry about a few injuries and called you ‘clingy’ and ‘overbearing’
Either way, he doesn’t respond to your anger, just standing there like he didn’t care
And it hurt
Once you were done explaining how you felt or what Jake did wrong, he’ll roll his eyes, pull out a cigarette and sit in the couch
He’ll play the baseball game he may have missed or just watch the news to really set in that something that boring was more interesting than your feelings
“Do you seriously find the news more important than our relationship?”
He won’t look at you
“I can’t believe this. If you care so fucking little, then why are you still here?”
“This is my house.”
“Then maybe I should go if it’s just your house.”
“You should.”
And you do
You go to a friends house, or a hotel, somewhere that you can rest for the night because you’re obviously not going to get anywhere with Jake and you can’t stand his attitude
The second you’re out of the room, Jake curses and throws the tv remote at the wall
He throws everything that he can without any worry of breaking something or getting a noise complaint
He'll throw bottles, plates, pillows, books
Once he's run out of steam, he'll shamefully clean up everything, throwing glass away and putting pillows back
That's give him the time he needs to realize 'oh shit, I fucked up'
He won't come out and admit it instantly, no
He'll fester in his guilt and figure out what exactly he should say
He'll even plan out when he should breathe during his apology
And when you get home, no matter when that is, Jake it waiting patiently with breakfast, lunch, or dinner
He'll give a nervous smile and walk up to you, giving you a hesitant kiss on your cheek before pulling you to the living room couch
Your plate of food is already made and somehow still warm despite Jake no knowing when you'd be back
He'll give an awkward apology, explaining how he's still not used to being something more than a protector for Marc and Steven, how he's still learning to let people in, how he loves you with all his heart despite being such a monster
He might start crying, but he'll try not to show you
He doesn't want to show vulnerability, but he knows it's important in a relationship
So he'll just ask very quietly if he can hug you
Is you say no, he'll nod in understanding as tears fall into his lap
He'll quietly mutter another apology and just sit there, unsure as to what to do
If you say yes, however, he'll gently wrap his arms around your waist and bury his head in your neck
He'll silently cry, muttering 'i love you' over and over again until you say it back
Just rub his back and kiss his head, tell him you forgive him or need time to forgive him and he'll understand either way
He loves you with his entire being, almost like he lives off of loving you
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turvi · 11 months
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The crowd in the Three Broomsticks was slowly dying down as the clock hands ticked closer to 8:00 pm. Y/n's eyes still kept looking for Severus. Out of habit, she started picking her nails, as her breath got heavier with worry. She looked up at the sky, and a shiver ran up her spine.
She has been feeling heavy all day. Y/n had been feeling something was off. She tried to convince herself it was nothing, but her intuition told her something was wrong.
She couldn't take it anymore. Y/n got up from her seat and climbed on the Hogwarts Express, but not before looking behind her, trying to find him. Her heart broke when she couldn't find him.
Her heart palpitated as she slowly made her way to the Slytherin dorm. But Y/n stopped midway when she spotted a familiar blonde boy pacing in front of the Hospital Wing.
Y/n had never seen Lucius so distressed. She slowly walked towards him. "What's wrong?"
He flinched. Lucius was so lost in his thoughts that he didn't realize when she came up to him. "Nothing. Nothing is wrong. Go back to your dorm." His stern voice tried to hide that he was worried.
"Fine, don't tell me." Y/n pretended to walk away. As soon as Lucius got away from the gate, she beelined for the hospital wing.
As soon as she entered, the sight in front of her almost made her lose her balance. Severus lay there on the hospital bed as Madam Pomfrey tended to his wounds.
His onyx eyes looked into the void. Y/n feared whatever thought was running through his head. Her heart broke when she heard him hiss as Madam Pomfrey applied a healing potion to his wounds.
Y/n held back a sob as she walked closer and more wounds appeared. "Severus." It hurt her throat to even speak. He looked up and looked paler when he recognized her voice.
"I'll be right back." Madam Pomfrey realized the couple needed a moment. Severus' eyes fluttered when he felt her warm hand on his cold one.
"I'm fine. There's no need to make a big deal about it." He retracted his hand. Instantly missing her warmth. But she shouldn't know what happened to him. She would see him for what he truly is. Weak. How is he meant to protect her when he can't even protect himself?
"Severus, please." She desperately held onto his hand, her breath shuddering as he looked into her eyes. Severus wondered why she looked in pain when he was the one with the wounds. "What happened?"
"You shouldn't be here." Severus looked away. He knew if he had looked into her eyes longer, he would break down and tell her everything. No. That would make him look weak. And she would leave him as everyone else did.
Y/n as a last resort, cupped his cheek. Her thumb soothingly caressed his cheek as she looked into his eyes again. "I'm here, and I'm not leaving you. You can push me away as much as you want. I'll fight you just to be with you."
Severus thickly swallowed. The passion in her eyes for him easily broke down the wall that he had built up over the years. His eyes were clouded with tears. "Can you please hold me?"
Y/n immediately but carefully got into the hospital bed and opened her arms for him like it was second nature. She tried her best not to cry. Severus wrapped his arms around her tightly and sobbed into her chest. Her heartbeat and warmth almost lulled him to sleep.
"The Marauders. They are still bullying me even after I stopped talking to Lily. What more do they want from me? Was it not enough for them to bully me just for existing?"
Silent tears dropped down her cheeks as his tears soaked into her skin. His body trembled, and she held him closer to her. Rage filled her heart. But couldn't leave him until she knew he was okay. Y/n started patting his head, softly humming as his breathing got normal.
"It's a lovely song." Severus weakly smiled at her. He closed his eyes as he felt her fingers tuck his hair behind his ear. Her breath shuddered as her eyes took in the wounds on him. Y/n blinked her tears away.
"My mother used to sing it for me whenever I used to have nightmares. Although it sounded better in her voice." Y/n's voice was heavy with sorrow. She couldn't see him in this state.
"Hmm, but it's your voice that makes me feel at home."
There was a beat of silence as the lovers held each other, trying to find comfort in each other.
Suddenly, Severus pulled away from her touch. Y/n frowned as he distanced himself from her. "How can you love me, Y/n? You deserve someone better. You deserve someone normal. Not someone like me who is weak and temperamental."
"I AM A DISAPPOINTMENT, Y/N!" Severus winced. His wounds burned as he moved further away from her. He felt it was selfish to keep her in a relationship with him. He didn't deserve her warmth and love. "The marauders are right, Y/n. I shouldn't even exist."
Y/n was at a loss for words. This is not the first time Severus has pushed her away, and this won't be the last time she fights to be by his side.
Severus flinched when he felt her arms around his waist again. How is he going to survive without it?
"You made mistakes, Severus. But you owned your mistakes too. You are not a disappointment. You are so talented, smart, and brave." Y/n held his hand, tracing the previous scar.
Severus, if you were terrible, you would not have lived with the guilt of how you were with Lily. You would not have tried to mend your mistakes. And I know it's not a small thing that will be easily forgiven with a simple sorry. But you are genuinely guilty of what you did. And you are still punishing yourself for it. So no, you are not terrible. And I'm going to be with you until my heart stops beating."
Severus turned around and hugged her tightly, ignoring the pain that was shooting up all over his torso. "Thank you for your forgiveness and love, Y/n. I don't know how I will ever repay you for being so patient and kind to me."
Y/n smirked, "You could kiss me." Severus chuckled as she wiped his tears. He looked into her eyes before he cupped her cheeks and tugged her closer. His lips clashed with hers as his tongue savored the traces of coffee and chocolate on her tongue. His hands frantically went to her back, holding her closer as he kissed her deeper.
They didn't realize when they broke the kiss until they were gasping for air. "I love you so much, Y/n." Severus desperately proclaimed.
"And I love you," she whispered against his lips. A promise that she won't let the marauders get away with this.
A/N: I wrote this on my phone so now I have an excuse for my shitty writing . REBLOGS AND COMMENTS ARE APPRECIATED
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sunnylands-world · 1 year
stepdad draco getting mad at y/n and smut after?
You little brat
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Pairing: step dad draco x fem reader
Summary: your way of coping with your mother's death is not okay with your step father. I mean why sleep with little boys when you have your step dad who is sexy as hell…
Word count: 1,371
Warning: squirting, aggressive Draco, daddy kink, mentions of spit?, unprotected sex, oral [male an female receiving], fingering, degrading kink, mentions of dead parent, spanking, slut and whore are said, possessive Draco, age gap but the reader is of age and yeah I think that's it let me know if I missed anything 🙃
A/n: Sorry it took all day, today was a bit of a mess but nevertheless I wrote it!! Hope you like it Also I'm obsessed with the banner for this one 😮‍💨
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You knew better than to sneak boys into your step dad's house but you did anyway, it wasn't like you'd been caught and after the first time you did it a few more times. Today your step dad was out grocery shopping for dinner which is when you'd snuck the next one in. With your door locked and your body pressed against your bed as Mike or whatever his name was thrusted into you, your headboard hitting the wall as he threw his head back groaning.
You were feeling like a sex doll as he chased his release and for a second you wondered why you were doing this until you felt that horrible ache in your chest, your mother. She had passed and you needed a way to forget, a way to feel better so you did hook-ups. This felt good or it was supposed to but it didn't, and now you were fucking people in the man's house who had opened his door for you after you'd been hurt by loss and every once and awhile you'd feel guilty but then it go as quickly as it came.
You were a grown woman who had needs, what did he expect but what you didn't expect was your step father to come back early. "Hey! [Name] the funniest thing happened. I went to the store and forgot my card!" his deep voice came booming through the manor and you moaned pushing at whoever this was chests and he halted in place, had he been that far gone? "Get up! My dad's here!" you whispered, pushing him. He looks at you in horror, grabbing his clothes.
Everyone knew Draco Malfoy and how possessive he could be over his little girl but it was too late, Draco had already started to unlock your door with his key assuming you were sleep when you didn't answer but to his surprise you were very much not sleeping, you were naked while a boy was pulling his clothes on. His eyes went to yours that held a look of panic sending you a piercing glare before looking back at the boy.
"Get the fuck out of my house or I'll lock you in my personal jail downstairs till your pissing your pants and calling your mother" the boy ran faster than he was thrusting early and you sighed. "Daddy i- ow! What are you doing?" He didn't answer because you could clearly see what he was doing. He was pulling you by your hair to the floor. You try to walk towards him to ease the pain in your scalp as you stumble. "So I go out to make us dinner, and you whore around spreading your legs for some coward?" He asked.
It's then that he drops you on your knees causing pain to shoot through you as you look up seeing him unbuckling his pants. "It's not that big of a deal, your-" he's shut you up, literally, forcing his cock into your mouth and fucking your throat. "Now, you're gonna actually listen to me and stop mouthing off" he says breathlessly, thrusting into you till your face touches his base, making you gag as drool runs down your neck to your bare breasts. "Fuck!" He hissed as you contracted around him. The room fills with your moans as you push at his thighs.
He pulls back a string of saliva the only thing connecting you as he picks you up, tossing you back on your bed. "You can't do this i-" "what? you don't want to fuck your daddy, I'm not your type" he pouts. "Sure seems like you don't really care about that, do you?" He says yanking you towards the end of the bed causing you to gasp as he pushes your legs apart holding them back so they're in the air, planting a kiss on your clit making you sigh. "But you know what I can do that they can't" he says, his breath against your wet center adding a cooling feeling.
He waits till you sit up before he finishes. "I can actually make you cum." His mouth latches onto you, licking through your folds rapidly and your head falls back with a loud moan. He smirks against you, practically making out with your pussy till your coating in spit, then pulling back to rub fast circles against your clit with his fingers. Your hips buck in need of more, he takes the hint adding two fingers into your empty hole; his lips taking the place of his digits working on your bud.
"See they didn't stretch you out properly, poor thing haven't been fucked right" he says biting down and you cry trying to pull away. "Ah, ah, ah don't run from daddy" he teased, kissing the pain away, stroking his tongue across everything that fit in his mouth, lapping up the juices as they come from you. Your body shakes violently as you arch like a back. "That's it, come on, give it to me" he says as he grabs your thighs holding them again because they were on the verge of shutting. He continues to fuck his warm tongue into your dripping cunt till your finished, slapping your face gently.
"Your not going to sleep yet darling, still wanna fill this pretty little pussy of yours" he chuckles, flipping you over, manhandling you till your Face is pressed in the mattress and your ass is up. He lowers down licking your throbbing entrance a few times causing you to relax into the bed, moaning softly. He pulls back hitting your ass cheek once watching as it jiggles from the empact before he thrust into you roughly, not giving you time to adjust as he slams his hips into yours. You grip the sheets weakly, your eyes shutting as you whine under him.
"Daddy" you call and he slaps your ass, you yelp as you shake again. "So sensitive" he teases, pulling back slowly leaving you feeling empty and clenching on nothing before bringing himself fully inside you again. His hand snakes around, grabbing you and pulling you upwards so your back is to his chest as he cuts your air short. It only adds to your pleasure to think about how he's got complete control on whether you breathe or not but he drops you as quickly as he'd picked up, letting you fall, grabbing your hips to bring them back Against his as he hits your ass again.
"Move" he says and you try to muster the strength to move against him despite feeling like you're gonna collapse while your body spasms from the intense pleasure. "Come on you little slut, you had all that mouth till you got an actual man's cock in you" he says and you just whine. "Pathetic" he scoffs, taking control of your twitching body, thrusting into you while you roll your hips back against his as they come forward. "Daddy I need to cum!" You cry out desperately and he hums in thought.
"No" he says before quickening his pace and you sob probably being heard through the giant house. "But" "I said no! you'll cum when I want you to. Do as you are told and take it!" he says and you can barely hold yourself together. Draco basically has to hold you both together because you've gone almost limp. He thrust into you with long strokes, rubbing his veiny cock against your battered walls. He's grown sloppy and begins rocking into you faster while planting kisses to your back. His hand moves down, toying with your button. You lay there only letting out quiet cries now.
"You can let go now princess" he says as his own climax approaches. He's gone haywire biting your skin, groaning and muttering how good you feel. Your whole body tenses as you clench around him and he groans loudly. "Oh my god, Draco" you wail squirting all on him and your thighs. He follows suit filling you full of him, thrusting a few more times falling on top of you. His breath kisses your skin before he lays beside you. Your eyes shut from exhaustion only seeing his Blue ones.
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Request open 👐
Draco's lovers and requests:
@alexxavicry , @sarahthehuffpuff,
@supercoffeeblogs , @thatwattpadobsessed
@amyclare04 , @kyracanwrite @animeloverfreak310 @imafangirl22
@phildunphyisadilf @jac1ndaa
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dragon-kazansky · 1 month
Heart of the Dreaming
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Morpheus x Female Reader
Soulmate AU
You are the daughter of Rodrick Burgess. You find out about the "demon" in the basement and decide you want to see it. Things take an unexpected turn when your soulmate connection is made with the man you find down there. You are the one he has been waiting for, and you're being taken away from. Not for long. Dream will protect his soulmate.
{Previous Chapter} - {Next Chapter}
Chapter Thirteen - Make it count
When you next awoke, you felt well rested. Without Dream, you were certain you would have seen the Corianthian again. You were worried about what he wanted, and what he was capable of doing.
You rose from your bed and got changed into some comfortable clothes. As you opened your door to leave, Dream was standing there with his hand raised to knock. You both looked as startled as the other.
"How did you sleep?" He asked instantly, lowering his hand.
"Good. Thank you."
His lips break out into a small smile. "You're welcome. Always."
"I, uh, I was coming to see you."
"As was I coming to see you," he chuckles softly. The sound sends a tingle down your spine. He has a very pleasant chuckle.
"Well, I was thinking..."
You sigh and try to find the words you want to use. Would he be upset with you? "Well, I was thinking, maybe, I could be used as bait for the Corianthian. See, it's this power he's after, and even though it's not your full power, he clearly thinks it's enough to use against you, and, well, if I go and pretend I'm on his side or whatever, we can lure him out and capture him."
Dream was taken back by your idea.
"No. I cannot risk anything happening to you." He is absolute with his words. He won't risk losing you.
"You have to let me help."
"No. I was coming here and to tell you I'm going after him alone. You will be safe here. Should anything happen to me, I've taken precautions to keep you safe."
"I didn't ask you to do that." You frown at him.
"No. You didn't. I did it anyway."
You want to tell at him for being foolish, but you can't bring yourself to do it. He's trying to keep you safe.
"You need me," you say softly.
"I'll manage."
You hate that. You hate that he's going to out there without you. If you're there, he isn't at full strength. He can't possibly expect to do anything.
"Please," you beg.
"I can't let you."
There was something about the tone of his voice that hit you. He wasn't doing this to displease you. He was asking in his own way for you to stay safe.
You back down. For now.
Dream hesitates to reach out and touch you. You can see his fingers twitch at his side. You do the only thing you can think to do and reach out, taking his hand. You bring it to your face and let him touch you softly.
Dream looks at you in awe. His thumb brushes along your cheek in a light touch. You feel warm.
"If I return, may we discuss our future?" He asks hopefully.
"When you return. Yes."
He smiles softly. Perhaps he can win you over after all. He caresses your cheek for a little while before dropping his hand. He looks at you, committing you to memory. He wants your face to be the only thing he thinks about.
He then leaves.
You watch him disappear down the hall and round the corner. You sigh softly. You then wait several minutes. Then you go. Down the hall, round the corner, and into the library.
Lucienne looks up when you enter and seems surprised to see you. She stands up and bows her head slightly. You feel strange being bowed to. You're not Dream. You're not a ruler.
"My lady."
You feel strange hearing that, too.
"Tell me how to get to where Dream has gone."
Lucienne hesitates. She swore to watch over you while he was gone. "I don't think that a good idea."
The librarian can see the desperation in your eyes and hear the plead in your tone. You're worried about him. She's worried about him. If dealing with the Corianthian wasn't so dangerous, she would possibly find this endeavor almost romantic.
"There's a gateway you could use..."
"Show me."
Lucienne adjusts her glasses and then looks up at the bookshelf where Matthew is perched. He understands immediately and flies down to the table in front of you.
"Follow me." He caws.
You look at Lucienne. "Thank you."
"Stay safe," she replies.
You follow Matthew out the library and down a couple of halls. He brings you to a lone door in the middle of one hall, and you go inside. There's a tall mirror standing on its own in this room. Matthew lands on top of it.
"You can pass through here, but it's kind of a one-way thing. You'll need Dream in order to come back here," Matthew explains.
"Thank you, Matthew. I intend to return with him. He needs me."
Matthew caws. "Yeah, we know."
You chuckle softly and look at the mirror. It looks unsuspecting. Just a mirror. Your reflection looks quite ordinary, but when you reach out and touch the glass, your hand passes through. Your reflection begins to ripple. You walk slowly through the mirror.
Dream walks with his hands in his coat pockets. His eyes are focused straight ahead. His mind is full of thoughts of you.
The Corianthian will not get away a third time. Dream will end this today, even if it destroys him.
He knew he needed to catch the Corianthian at some point, but him appearing in your dreams was the final straw. Dream can't let him roam any further.
He walks towar this destination. A hotel. Many mortals are gathering here. Dream looks around as he stands in the parking lot. Something felt very wrong about this place.
He enters the building.
In the trees opposite the hotel, Matthew lands on a branch and looks down, seeing Dream enter the building. Lucienne had asked him to come and keep an eye on things and to return to her if things turned sour. Matthew turns his head toward the entrance of the parking lot and waits for you to appear.
Dream walks through the lobby of the hotel and sees people queuing at the desk. He walks right past them. There's an outside area and then hall down to the left. It seems people need a pass to get down there.
He waits. Two people approach the table and sign in. Dream stands behind them a few steps, and as they turn to go down the hall, he simply slips past beside them. The man at the table is too occupied with other guests to notice him.
He walks down the long hall and passes several conference rooms. Each room is labelled differently. Dream comes to stand in the doorway of one. The people at the table have strange nicknames and they're saying strange things.
It clicks in his mind.
These people are some of the worst of the worst. These people kill others. The murdering. The slaughtering. The disgusting "art" they think they're providing.
The Corianthian was definitely here.
At the end of the hallway is a large assembly room. Much bigger than the others. A podium is set up at the front of the room, and many chairs have been set up to face it.
Voice and footsteps flood the hall outside the room, and Dream tucks himself up against the wall as people start to flood in. He watches as they walk past him, talking and laughing. Each of them finds a seat in this vast hall.
Dream watches from the back.
The first ten minutes of whatever this is just talking from the organisers of the event. Dream doesn't care for specifics. He knows who these people are, what they do, what they Dream about.
It's when they mention a special guest that Dream perks back up. From a side door enters the Corianthian, and Dream watches him closely. The Corianthian walks up on stage, shakes hands, and then takes the podium.
He talks about dreams. Their dreams. Their potential. It makes Morpheus sick to think about his gift being abused by one of his own creations. At least you're safe and away from here.
The Corianthian spots Dream lingering in the back and grins.
"Tell you what, all of you close your eyes. Think of what makes you happiest. Focus on that, and soon, you will find it feels so real."
Dream walks down the aisle of chairs and slowly joins the Corianthian up on the stage.
"It's not you I wanted," the Nightmare states.
"She's safe."
"Is she?" He chuckles. "You're here to stop me?"
There's something about the Corianthian's smile that doesn't feel right. Dream should know you're stubborn.
And just like that, Morpheus is afraid.
You reach the hotel and look up at the tall building. This is where they are? It didn't matter, you supposed. You walk inside. The lobby seems really quiet apart from a few guests and the staff. You walk past the reception desk and wander further into the hotel, going down the hall at the end.
It was quiet. Well, almost. The room at the end seemed to have something going on. You could hear what sounded like a voice. Perhaps some kind of presentation.
You didn't know where else to look and decided to take a peek. You walk over to the door and push it open.
Inside is not what you were expecting, and there was no one insight. You swore you heard a voice earlier, but there was no one here.
This room appeared to be some kind of... basement, perhaps? A bare room with a table in the middle of it. The kind of table you might find in a hospital.
"Well, what do we have here?"
You turn and find yourself facing the Corianthian. Yet there was no sign of Dream. What was going on?
"I knew you would come. Especially if he came after me. You wouldn't let him come alone." He chuckles.
"You hoped this would happen..."
"That's right." He grins.
"Where are we?" You ask, looking around again. Now, there is someone else in the room. A person you don't recognise. She is standing over a body on the table. In her hand is a scalpel.
"Oh, we're in the Dreaming again. These people are dreaming. You're bringing them all here." He chuckles. "All their dreams cam come true."
"I don't understand..."
"You alone were not enough to bring them all here into one dream. I knew I'd need Dream. I knew he would protect you if I was a threat. Now, don't worry. You don't have anything to worry about. We're currently feeding from his power. Soon, you'll be the master of the dream realm."
"I'm using this place to feed his power into you. You can do as you please with the Dreaming once we're rid of him."
"No! Stop it!" You yell.
A couple more people have appeared in the room. They're also doing horrific things with bodies. You're afraid. He's using you to destroy Dream and make these people stronger in their dreams.
"Please stop!"
"No can do, sweetheart." He clicks his tongue casually.
You feel your heart sinking and your breathing becoming rapid. You need to stop him somehow. You need Dream.
You need him here.
"Don't listen to him."
You gasp and turn around quickly. Dream is standing in the doorway nearby, but he looks a little fuzzy. He's not here, but he's projecting an image of himself here. It's probably all he can manage right now.
"Don't listen to him."
"What do I do?" You ask softly.
The Corianthian stands in front of you both. "Enough of that." Just like that, Dream fades from view. It takes everything in you not to call out for him, but it would be no use.
"Let's get started, shall we?"
Dream watched the Corianthian enter the Dreaming where he knew you were. You must have followed him to the hote, and the Corianthian had known. He was using what little power you possessed to cypher his own power, weakening him.
You weren't even doing it on purpose. From the waking world, Morpheus could feel your heart breaking. He needed to get through to you. He focused and tried to project himself into the Dreaming.
"Don't listen to him."
He can almost see you. You look afraid. He wants to reach out to comfort you, but he can't. The Corianthian severs his connection to the Dreaming, and you're gone.
His scar begins to throb. Hus rubs it.
He has an idea.
The Corianthian is manipulating the room around you. He's using your power. He's controlling it. No longer are you in that horrible little room with those horrible people, but now you're outside. The grass is green, and the trees are tall.
It's beautiful.
"This is Fiddler's Green. It's considered the most beautiful spot in all the Dreaming. We're going to draw all that power here." The Corianthian smiles. "Let me show you what we can do."
He takes your hand and waves it gently through the air. A woman appears in front of you. She looks around, confused, startled. She's tall, has dark hair, and is wearing comfortable clothes. She must have been at home.
"What is this? Who are you?" She asks.
"This is lady here is Lyta Hall." The Corianthian chuckles. "Her husband died some time ago. Why don't we bring him back?"
Another wave of your hand, and there's a man standing beside her. You're confused. What is this? What is this power he's using?
The man and woman look at each other.
Lyta reaches out as if to check if he's real. Her palm makes contact with his cheek, and she begins to sob. They wrap their arms around each other and hold each other.
"Lyta's dream was to have a family." The Corianthian tells you. "So let's make that dream come true."
He waves your hands again, and Lyta puls away from Hector to look down. Suddenly, she has a baby bump. You yank your hand away from the Corianthian and put some distance between you both.
"Stop it! Stop all of it!"
Your scar starts to throb. You rub it gently. You're not sure if it's because of him or not that it's doing that. You take a few deep breaths.
"I've had enough. I don't want this. I don't want Dream's power. I just want him here. I want him here with me..." You speak softly. You miss him.
You close your eyes and think about him. Everything he's done for you so far. Everything he's been through. Sure, you didn't want this bond at first. Everything was too much for you to cope with, but now... now you wanted him. You wanted to see his face again. You wanted to hear his voice again.
You wanted him.
A hand reaches out and places itself on your arm. You almost scream as you scurry away. You turn to find the Corianthian hadn't moved from his previous spot. No. You find yourself looking up into familiar blue eyes.
With shake breath, you lunge at Dream and wrap your arms around him. He lets you, wrapping his arms around you. However, he trains his eyes on the Corianthian, watching him carefully.
You cling to his coat. "I'm sorry. I'm sorry!"
Dream tilts his head down and brings lifts you lr face up with his hand gently. "You don't have anything to be sorry for."
You look up at him. You're trying not to cry. His thumb brushes your chin gently as he looks at you. You're safe. You're here in his arms.
"This isn't over." The Corianthian says. Once again, he's holding a knife.
"It is." Dream states. He turns to Lyta and Hector, who are holding onto each other and watching everything with confusion and fear. Dream waves his hand in their direction. Hector fades into dust in Lyta's arms. "The dead belong with the dead.'
"You bastard..." Lyta glares at him, tears threatening to fall. Dream does not care. He waves his hand again and Lyta wakes up.
Now it's just the three of you.
"I need to undo him," Dream says. "But I'll need your help to do it."
You look up at him softly. There's only one thing you can think to do. You grab him by the coat and pull him down, kissing him suddenly.
Dream is startled by your actions, but does not attempt to push you away.
You pull away and look up at him.
"Make it count."
Dream realises what you've done. You've given him your portion of the power back through a kiss. He can feel it in his veins. He stares at you in awe.
He raises his gaze to the Corianthian and gestures for you to get behind him. However, you don't let go of his hand. You watch the two.
"You can't stop me this time." Dream tells him. He lifts his hand up toward the Nightmare.
The Corianthian seems emotional. "I am what you made me."
"I didn't make you for this."
Dream doesn't respond. He focuses his power on undoing the Corianthian. He had thought the Corianthian had been made perfectly, but it seemed he was full of flaws. Dream would not make that mistake again.
You watch the Corianthian become nothing more than sand and a skull. Dream walks over to the sand pile and picks up the tiny skull, looking at it.
"Next time, I shall do better. I shall not make something so petty." He tucks the skull into his pocket and turns to you again. "Come here."
You look at him and walk over to him slowly. He does not falter his gaze from you. You come to a stop in front of him. Dream slowly reaches out and takes your hand. With a gentle tug he pulls you into his chest.
"You kissed me."
"I did..."
"Do it again."
You state at him in surprise. Was he serious? When you continue to just stare at him, he chuckles and makes the move himself. He brings his lips to yours and kisses you softly.
You feel like you're walking on air.
It's over relatively quickly, but he gently presses his forehead against yours and smiles.
"Let go home."
You smile. "Yeah."
@deniixlovezelda - @missdreamofendless - @kpopgirlbtssvt - @meganlpie - @thoughtsfromlayla - @ladyjbrekker
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@dreamingblueberries - @the-shadow-of-aurora - @novavida - @blackgirlmagicforever
@permanentlyexhaustedpigeon88 - @hopshusushi - @sloppyzengarden - @thecraziestcrayon -
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live-laugh-lenney · 5 months
S I C K A R T H U R H E A D C A N N O N | A R T H U R T V |
** author note before you read; mentions of sickness, throwing up, and brief talks of drugs in the form of paracetamol **
-> yn knows. -> she just knows. -> arthur is very rarely ill, and yn envies that about him, so it knocks him for six when he comes down with any form of an illness and it's not difficult to see a change in his behaviour. -> and it goes both ways.
-> if a cold hits him hard, or the flu really knocks him down, he can barely stay awake. -> if he had any plans with his friends then she would send them a text to inform them that arthur probably wouldn't be able to attend whatever they had planned - whether it be filming for a new video, a podcast, or just meeting for lunch... -> 'georgey, arthur's pretty ill and i'm not waking him up to tell him he's gonna be late for you. just letting you know he probs won't be able to film with you today. sending apologies on his behalf. xx' -> 'Bless his cotton socks. hopefully this teaches him not to wear shorts and a t-shirt during a ChrisMD shoot in these current baltic conditions. But give him some smooches and cuddles from me. x' -> 'fancy coming over to look after him instead? i'm sure you fancy him more than i do... it's okay though. fess up and we can clear the air, clarkey. xx' -> when he does wake up, he doesn't even question the time. all he can think about is how rough he feels. -> he's alone in the bedroom. his phone is on his bedside table. and his alarm had clearly been turned off - which, really, he was thankful for because he definitely would have felt worse - and there's a glass of water with two tablets beside it. -> he knows that she knows he's ill. -> he wraps himself up warm; makes sure to put some warm socks on his feet, puts on a hoodie and pulls the hood over his head, he grabs the blanket from the bed to wrap around his shoulders and slowly walks into the living room. -> and she's decorated the living room for a cosy day spent inside; candles are lit and emitting smells he wish he could smell through his blocked nose, the tv has netflix launched up and ready for them to choose something to watch, the curtains are drawn closed and the sofa is turned into somewhere for them to lay on with everything (from chocolates and biscuits to bits of fruit to paracetamol and cold and flu tablets) on the coffee table and in arms reach. -> and they spend all day on the sofa. -> film after film after film, a nap in the mid-afternoon, watching tik-tok and showing each other silly videos they stumble upon and she enjoys having him to herself for the day and not sharing him with their friends and missing him due to his youtubing schedule. -> they order in take-away for a late dinner; a chinese because that's always their go-to meal when they can't be bothered to cook.
-> if its sickness that hits him then he really spends all day in their bed, closest to the bathroom, doing nothing but sleeping because his stomach is in knots. -> and she's there for everything that happens, even though he worries about her falling ill, instead of dealing with himself being so ill. -> "i don't want you to catch this-" -> "i'll be fine. if i catch it then you can look after me." -> "but it's horrible, lovie. i don't want you to have it." -> "i'm not going anywhere, arthur." -> "but-" -> "no buts, arthur. i'm choosing to look after you. i want to look after you. i'm staying out." -> she kneels behind him and she gives his hip or his knee a gentle rub every so often to let him know she's still there, sliding her hand round his middle and rubbing his belly in between retching and his skin is sweltering and he's sticky and warm. -> the only thing he can wear is boxer shorts because he feels hot and she's pretty thankful that the only thing she'd need to be washing is the bedsheets and dirty pants and no sick-covered pyjamas. -> she's rubbing his back as he throws up. -> she's wiping the sweat from his forehead with a damp flannel when he's done throwing up. -> she sits on the bathroom floor with him and lets him fall back against her once he tires himself out. ghostly white and covered in sweat. practically falling asleep from the moment his head his her shoulder and his face hid in her neck. -> he gets better through the day. drinking green tea and peppermint tea when he needed a drink, sipping on glasses of water, munching on dry toast and dry crackers and dry biscuits. -> she runs him a warm bath, sits with him to make sure he doesn't fall asleep and drop beneath the bath water, tells him silly stories that she has definitely told him before but he keeps asking for her to talk to him. -> and he sounds and looks drunk; slurring his words when he speaks, barely making sense to her, and his eyes are hooded and low and he has a tired smile on his lips. -> "jus' love listening to you talk, lovie. so soothing." -> "you're such a simp for me, huh?" -> "how can i not be? have you seen you?" -> "have you seen you? i should be the simp in this relationship." -> "m'so naked in front of you right now and you're not simping?" -> "i'm not looking, mister television." -> "i'd be looking at you, all the time, lovie." -> "you're just a little pervert, arthur. my little pervert."
-> she absolutely babies him when he finally comes to terms with the fact that he's sick. -> and he just lets her. -> usually, he doesn't like to be fussed over - he's always telling her that he's old enough to be able to do things himself and doesn't need other people doing things for him - but he doesn't have the energy to argue when he's ill. -> she's happy to look after him and he's happy that she's happy to look after him but, deep down, he just can't be bothered to argue with her. -> but he's appreciative of her. -> so appreciative. -> all the time, everything she does for him, he's so thankful.
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levanterhaze · 2 years
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→ jungkook x reader
→ word count: 2.6k
→ your noisy neighbor has been disturbing your nights, so you decide to take satisfaction. however, there is a fine line between satisfaction and pleasure.
→ warnings: masturbation, penetration, protected sex, lot of swearing, dirty talk and sloppy sex if you're not +18 please do NOT read. (i decided to write this after watching those 2 episodes of the sex life of college girls)
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It was 10:54 PM.
It was the exact moment where it all began. First, there were the grunts and soft moans, then came the screams and the relentless clatter of the headboard banging the wall. And you were fed up with it.
Every night your neighbor would get some girl and end up disturbing your night's sleep. And it was derailed how the screams progressed further and further, being able to wake up the entire building. You wondered how they managed to be so loud. It was nasty.
But today was your day off. You were curled up on your comforter in your comfiest pajamas, watching a 90s rom-com and eating an extra greasy pizza when your sex maniac neighbor started the bedlam.
And every time you tried to be friendly, not caring too much about other people's sex lives, it was impossible to hear any line from the movie with that girl screaming her lungs out on the other side of the wall.
Yes, yes, Jungkook!
Oh my god, Jungkook!
At some point, you were starting to think that this guy must be a sex god so that all girls act the same way, always, all of them. Or they just faked it every time, which to be honest, was a bit suspicious.
The headboard slamming on the wall was so loud that you had to move your bed to stop yours from swaying too. Damn thin wall. The screams continued and it seemed that the girl was coming to an exquisite and long orgasm.
You walked up to the wall and threw two punches as if they’d hear over all those moans. “Can you be fucking quiet? Jesus."
Realizing you weren't going to be able to finish your precious movie, you just decided you'd better grab a coat and change and go for a long walk until the whole thing is over.
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The next morning you heard giggles coming from the hallway and guessed the neighbor's girl was leaving. It was nearly seven in the morning, the time for you to go to the gym before work. Lucky that your condo has a private gym that residents could access for free.
No one was using it at the time, so you took the opportunity to do your routine exercises. Until a slender figure, dressed all in black and tattoos, appeared in your peripheral. You knew it was him, your neighbor. You happened to see him coming into his apartment the other day.
But dammit, he was really…attractive?
He gave a gentle good morning grin, revealing his lip piercing.
Jesus Christ.
You did the same, out of politeness. However, it was the ideal time to go up to him and finally tell him that he was bothering all your nights with that insane sex screaming that came from his house. You schemed how you would say it, as it's not a very nice subject and you had no other way of saying it than directly.
Jungkook was choosing some music on his phone when you slowly approached.
"Hey. You're Jungkook, right? I'm your neighbor."
"Hey. I know."
Does he know? All right, whatever.
“Look, I don't know how to say this properly, so I'll just say it. You are very noisy. Look, I understand that you love sex and you do it constantly but the wall is really, really thin. So I would really appreciate it if you could… You know…?”
You had no idea how your face felt, but you could feel the burning in your cheeks and the extreme sweat on your hands. You hate being put in uncomfortable situations where you have to step out of your comfort zone and deal with unpleasant things.
But that was a problem that needed to be settled.
Jungkook's lips draw a thin line as he bit back a smile, you can tell.
“Oh, okay. Can you lend me your phone?”
You blink a few times, wondering if you've misunderstood.
"Your number. That way you can let me know if I'm too loud."
He can't be serious.
You realize then that he is indeed being sincere when he reaches out for your phone. And you just hand him the device, being slightly distracted by the dozen drawings painted over his arm muscles.
“Thanks, I guess.” You hold the phone back and try to ignore his glare and that slutty smile that spreads across his lips when you drift away.
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Almost two weeks passed and, incredible as it may seem, your neighbor seemed to have come to reality, because the insane noises had ceased for good. And you were even a little surprised, for a person who did that every day, going almost fifteen days without having sex, it seemed like a grand slam.
It was late at night and you were exhausted after working an eight-hour shift. Your friend had called to share some news about a date she had gone on extremely badly.
Until your nightmare started again.
"What the fuck? Are you watching porn while talking to me?” Your friend's voice was grossed out.
“It's my stupid neighbor. I swear to god, he’s a sex maniac. This is not normal."
"At least he is hot?" Your friend asks and you think too quickly about those muscles pressed by the black shirt. Thick, well-defined thighs in the shorts he'd been wearing to the gym. The broad shoulders… “Never mind. What will you do?"
“I'm going to stop him or call the police or something. I'll be right back, I'll call you later."
"Good luck."
"Thanks. I'll need it."
This time you were determined to make a fuss if possible. You could hear his groans from behind the wall and it was insane. You just wanted to close your eyes and go to sleep, without having to think about your extremely hot neighbor having sex right next to you.
You put on a robe and left the house. There were two loud knocks on the door and a long wait for Jungkook to answer the door. And honestly, you wish you hadn't. Because he looked like a Greek god with his long hair falling into his eyes, his shirt a little open, and his sweatpants hanging awkwardly on narrow hips.
Right. Focus. You're here for a reason.
“Good night, neighbor.” He beams sweetly, exposing the piercing, and you almost gulp strongly because he's too good-looking to be true.
“You’re doing it again.”
"Doing what?" He frowns, pretending to be baffled.
"You know very well." You point the finger at him. “I just want you to tell your friend to be quieter.I just want to sleep.”
“So I disturbed your sleep?”
"Yeah?" He tongues his cheeks. “And what are you going to do about it?”
You didn't want to admit it, but an absurd heat rose in your body, spreading mainly between your legs.
“I could call the cops.” You cross your arms, trying to dismiss the flaming feeling in your body.
“Sounds like a plan.” He smiles and then looks over his shoulder. “Or you could come in.”
"In your house? With someone in there? Why on earth would I do that?”
Jungkook scowls, this time really looking stumped.
“There’s no one here.”
He seems to be amused by his accomplishment. “I should go back and…”
“I have good wine. You look tense. And I owe you an apology.”
OK. Wine sounds good. And you really were tense and it was because of him. And he really owed you an apology. You analyzed the situation for a few seconds before deciding that it was okay. If he really wanted to apologize, you could at least listen to him, that wouldn't hurt.
The interior of Jungkook's apartment was very clean and tidy. He appeared a few seconds later with two glasses of wine and indicated the sofa so you could both sit down. Inside, you were feeling a little bad because he was alone and the sounds you heard… That was a little too intimate.
"Then. Wine. Now the apologies.”
He drinks down his wine and then looks at you curiously.
“You missed something.” Jungkook stares at you earnestly. “You’re still tense.”
You gulp down the wine quickly, trying to disguise how sweaty you were by the way his eyes stared at you. "I’m fine. Thanks for the wine. I really need to go.” You get up quickly, but Jungkook follows you to the door.
“Or you could stay.”
He leaves the glass on the table and approaches slowly. You try to focus on his face and not that sinewy body walking towards you.
"And why would I do that?" Your voice comes out as a tired whisper.
Jungkook moves even closer and you shudder as you feel his warm breath blow over your skin. “Because you’re also disturbing my sleep.”
Your breathing is so shallow it's embarrassing. Your heart beats a mile a minute in your chest and you know he's noticed how much you're giving in to his charm, like magnetism. And the wine seems to loosen you up, untying all the tangles that bound your body, taking the tension out of every muscle at once.
And you feel so vulnerable. Your body is craving for his touch because your mind wanders on outrageous thoughts of Jungkook thinking about you while… It's crazy. You've always been so tired, not enough time to have a good night of casual sex, that maybe you could enjoy it. Just once.
You throw your sanity to hell and grab Jungkook's face just to kiss him. His arms envelop you deliciously and the world seems to burn with a burning desire in a blue flame. His lips are greasy and he tastes divine, the wine mixing with his essence so deliciously that you wail into his lips.
He helps you out of your robe and you can see it in the dim light as his pupils dilate at the sight of that stupid skimp nightgown, you're wearing. His hands are agile and large and you gasp as his thumbs graze the sides of your breasts and his body pushes you to the edge of the table. Jungkook slides between your legs, cupping your face and moving his lips down to your chin and then your neck.
“Jungkook…” You roll your eyes as his tongue wriggles across your skin, painfully crawling to your throbbing spot.
“Wanna taste you.” He whispers into your skin. “Wanna feel you so bad, baby. Fuck."
And you don't look out for the fact that your legs are parted so he would do anything to you. You were already sure you were past the shame stage and the alcohol was helping that aspect.
He continues kissing your skin as he squeezes your thigh and lifts the narrow fabric of your nightie to your waist. You hold back a loud sob when he touches you right where you want him. Then, Jungkook groans into your skin. “You're dripping. God."
And that was embarrassing, but what the hell. He shoves the fabric aside and you clasp the cloth of his shirt as his skin makes contact with yours. Jungkook looks at you, your brows are wrinkled and your lips are parted. It's quite a sight. He thrusts his fingers inside you, enjoying how easy it’s to slide inside you.
"Shit." You pull him closer. You spread your legs even wider, feeling your body gain immediate weakness. He touches you so unhurriedly as if he wants to see you suffer and it's nice and painful at the same time. "More."
“Need more?” He reaches until there’s no space left. And as much as he's fascinated by the sight of your pussy taking his fingers so hungrily, it's your face he focuses on. He kisses you clumsily, licks you, and sucks on your lips like he's starved for it. And he was. For you.
Your forehead sticks to his chest, hiding the rest with every eye roll. You drag him tight by his shirt, biting your lip to keep from moaning the loudest you've ever wanted to moan in your life. “Jungkook.” A restrained groan escapes your lips.
"I want to hear from you." He slows down and you look up in disbelief. “Let me hear you.”
“Please…” You plead softly, but he ignores it. Shit. "Harder, please!" Your voice comes out much stronger and he does exactly what you ask.
With his mouth, he trails kisses to your breasts and tugs at the fabric with his teeth until it falls gracefully across your shoulders, exposing your rawest skin. And his tongue devours you. He plays with your breasts, nibbles on your skin, and drives you wild.
You're almost there, your hips undulating quickly to maintain more touch.
You wanted more. You need more.
“Jungkook.” And he seems to understand your darkest desires because he pulls out a condom from God knows where and you're not surprised to see how hard he is, ready to ruin you.
Your feet are on the edge of the table and he's flattening your stomach, making you lie down.
“Shit, you’re so fucking hot.” He caresses his cock with one hand and your clit with the other, in equal rhythms. Your back arches with delectable friction and you think you're going to come right then and there, but he amazes you when he enters you. “So damn good for me.”
"My God!" You cry involuntarily and make your body shake.
His hand is pressing down on your stomach, but he's still touching your sore clit with his thumb, very slowly. He looks for your eyes to see if he can go faster and you don't hesitate to approve immediately.
He moves like a god. Hips crushing your skin, the sound of skin hitting skin. Nimble fingers traveling over your breasts. Your leg going up on his shoulders. Jungkook's long hair is damp and falling over his forehead. The tattooed arm presses you deliciously. It all felt like a lucid dream.
His whines are melodic and it makes you even more turned on knowing that he’s worshiping every moment of it just as you are. He hammers his hips harder, teeth clamping down on his lip until the skin’s whitened. There's a small crease in his forehead and you feel he's as close as you are.
You move your hips against him as much as possible, feeling that intense fire burns every cell, every inch of your body from the inside out.
“Fuck, fuck, fuck.” Jungkook cries, squeezing the edge of the table tightly as he lunges faster and faster, barely able to withstand the clench of your pussy on his cock
“I’m gonna…” You swallow hard, your voice cracking.
"I got you. Cum for me.”
And like magic words, your body convulses underneath Jungkook's body. Orgasm hits you hard, arching your back and melting your brain to jell-o. Jungkook lays down, licking your neck and then smooching your lips, making you devour erotic mutters in a hot, slippery kiss. He groans huskily and pleasurably in your ear and you pull his hair once more, just to end the kiss.
You're both sweaty and out of breath. He's still up and inside you. He is everywhere. The hickeys on your skin, the marks on your body, and the electrifying orgasm he just gave you.
“So…” Jungkook lifts his head, brushing the hair past your face. "Wine. You’re no longer tense. Do I still owe you an apology?”
You stare into those doe eyes and a laugh reverberates in your chest.
“I think we're good.”
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anadiasmount · 8 months
limit - jude bellingham series.
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quick sum: shy and innocent uni student by day but a notorious street racer at night, meets now currently best footballer jude bellingham under certain circumstances. what happens when these two are forced to get along, in order for them to get out of trouble? will they sacrifice their careers in order to protect themselves?
wc: 4.7k | masterlist | jude’s masterlist
psa 🗣️: hello! this is a request mixed with an idea i had. this is a small five-part series since I didn’t want to do a large fic. i really hope you enjoy since it’s a enemies to lovers, ‘she fell but he fell harder’, car girl! reader, and jude being somewhat cocky and mean but a huge teddy bear. pls note that i don’t condone any street racing or hectic driving! this series will have mature content so minors DNI 🔞. it will also contain other issues dealing with family domestic issues, mentions of being insecure, etc, but I'll place the warning then :) please enjoy chapter one, and let me know your thoughts! 🤍
“Now class I hate to stress this enough but you have to take exquisite and thorough notes. It will not only guide you but help and take you to the correct path for this course,” said Professor Alto. I felt like rolling my eyes and walking out of the lecture room, but instead, I just turned over and laughed with Marie, who was already staring at me. “He says that every class period, I'm starting to get annoyed because we’ve been taking this class for the past month,” Marie snickers.
“True but in all honesty he does have a point,” I raise my eyebrow and look back at the Professor who was now walking back and forth presenting the slides. “Shut up. We get it you’re smart,” Marie groans and pushes my shoulder, taking out some gum and then paying attention forward. “I'm sorry, I would like to run my own business one day, and this is where I have to start first.” This time I push her shoulder, and hear her mutter a ‘Yeah yeah whatever…’
I grabbed my bag and pulled out my notebook, took different coloured pens, and began to write down the slides, using other different coloured pens to write important texts and or highlights. It’s just girly things. We would be here for a while, as this lecture would take up to three hours, so I got comfortable. “What are you wearing tonight?” Marie whispered, leaning her head on my shoulder as she typed away.
“Probably something black,” I shrugged, “I might wear this new corset top and black jeans since I'm racing tonight.” Marie looked over at me with wide eyes, “But isn't your car still in the shop?”
“No, it got fully fixed two days ago, and tonight I wanna see if the new adjustments are working properly,” I say, taking a sip of water and rubbing my eyes as they feel dry. “Y/n are you sure that’s a good idea though? You just got your car back, and knowing how you race, especially after just getting it back can be dangerous. If something happens, all that work that was done would go to waste,” Marie stresses, and I notice that because she began to talk with her hands.
“I know the risks, trust me. But I need this money for me, my mom, and my little sister. I'm working two double shifts and if I win tonight, I'm set for the next two months. It won’t be an easy race, but at this point what more can I do?” I sigh and rub my temple, a small migraine wanting to form.
It wasn't easy anymore. It became harder when we had to move out of my dad’s place as he began to become a different and mad person. It wasn’t the environment I wanted to be involved in, let alone my mother and sister. It became especially harder when he came and did mass destruction on our property, and tried to hurt us. The night repeatedly lives in my head, the screams, the yelling, the smashing windows, the red and blue lights, it's hard to sleep as any time I close my eyes I just see him.
I always had a great relationship with him. We were close and happy. I grew up wanting to be him, and he always set examples and tried for us. He would do my hair, teach me how to cook his chocolate chip cookies, and even go on to show me how to play the piano. We spent every weekend working in his mechanic shop, working on dear old Darla for one day to be driven by me. The old black Ford was now ruined into pieces when he went crazy after discovering he would be arrested.
What changed in him to become that way, was the question I kept repeating over and over again. If the truth comes out one day, maybe we can be at peace. But for now, it's being cautious and assuring the safety of my family. I sacrificed a lot to be able to support us, as well as my mom. The car racing was something I randomly got into, my mom didn't like it, but in a way for me, I escaped reality.
The adrenaline rush. The speed. The rush overtakes my body. The determination to win as the prize in the end holds a lot of possession. Maybe even the idea of it being illegal also took a more motive of why not, as bad as it sounded. I became a hell of a driver, I was the best of the best, and some people took that personally.
The tracks and races became a second home to me. The ability to conduct and take charge of my own was truly an honour. For once, only I listened to myself instead of others. For once I could do something that made me happy, as much as it felt wrong to do. I met people, good and bad, and stayed away from the bad as they reminded me of my dad. A weekend like tonight started at the tracks but indeed by the city in the underground club Sahara.
I saved enough to buy myself a 2014 black Dodge Challenger. Slowly I made work by changing the motor from a V6 to a V8, running to almost 470 horsepower. The rims were also replaced with all black, and I added other features like a loud exhaust and a cold air intake system, just recently. This would’ve never been done if I didn't have Jimmy, an old friend of my dad’s. He never questioned what I did to my car, just wished me ‘good luck, and be careful’.
When my mom found out about my car, she threatened to kick me out. That same night I brought back $1,800 and left them on the table, muttering a quick “This is why I do what I do”. Since then she hasn’t questioned, just used the money for savings, groceries, and bills. I would of course help out, especially on bigger and expensive things, like Uni. Uni was expensive, and I sure as heck was lucky to afford what I could.
My first race was over a year ago, in the older tracks leaving Madrid. It was a secluded area only known to nearby residents, or people like me who raced, or those who went to live life a little. You could expect anyone there. I knew of this place after Marie and her girlfriend Kaia took me. My first race was that same night after a girl got pissed at me for accidentally bumping her shoulder with her boyfriend.
One thing led to another, and then you saw me at the finish line in Marie’s Grey Nissan Altima. That baby could run, period.
Part of me could say I also got addicted to how much money it would bring home. I didn't care if it was clean or dirty money, it met my needs, and I was grateful for it. Multiple people have gone against me but they can’t race like I can. There are tips and tricks to it, whether it is releasing the clutch early or letting the car struggle a bit before making the shift. Slow down or maybe speed up. You learn along the way.
My biggest rivals of them all were Jacey and Jacqueline. They made my life a living hell a week before finals. They insisted and threatened me to race them or else I would be kicked out and can’t ever place my foot on the tracks. They were the best anyone had seen, but I knew what they wanted. They were a part of a malicious gang in the northern part of Spain. If I won, I would be free and they were to never bother me, but if I lost I would do laundering and drug exchange.
I won that night, by some miracle. It turned out Jacey was racing unfairly and it didn't count as he had cheated. They would always go against me, and it became sort of a rival race whenever we did go against each other. Like tonight. Tonight would be a big night, it would be a packed race, and surely every young adult would be there.
“Wait, wait, wait. You’re going against Jacqueline tonight? How could you have failed to tell me this?” Marie ran, her back across the wall as I got myself a redbull to survive the rest of the day. We had a 20-minute break, and now we were seated outside waiting to go back in.
“I didn’t know either, Max texted me this just a couple of hours ago,” I said, taking a sip of the energy drink. I pulled out my phone and showed her the message. “Well, I can see why you’re doing this then,” Marie points to the text of the amount of cash I could win. “What did you end up fixing in your car?”
“I did a bit of mostly everything. I added high-flow catalytic converters, high-flow mid pipes, high-flow fuel injectors, high-flow air induction systems, an upgraded header, and upgraded pulleys. Just newer stuff that the new challengers have nowadays,” I say, laughing at Marie's confused face staring back at me. “Well whatever you said, let’s hope it works out.”
“Trust me it will. Because you’ll be in the seat next to me to see” I smirked.
“Bitch no I am not, the fuck?” Marie gives me a puzzled look. I give her a look for using such profanity. I hated it, I didn't like such strong and hateful words, especially those that meant hurting someone's feelings. I never cursed, I just didn't see the fun or thrill of it, which shocked many.
“You are because you lost the bet last week. And Sheila is out of town. So better bring your mask and helmet,” I say, opening my iPad to get some studying done before my business class after this lecture. “Plus when have you ever turned down the opportunity to ride with me? I know you secretly love it,” I wink at her to which he just shakes her head and smirks.
“I'll do it, but only if you wear the black midi skirt I got you. As a matter of fact, I’ll ride with you only if you let me get you ready and get you sexy,” Marie says. I blush profusely and immediately shake my head no. I would rather die than be seen wearing anything more revealing than my boobs. I'm just too shy and not confident for it. I can’t rock outfits like Marie can.
“Funny but no. You know me, I am good with a revealing top and maybe some tight jeans,” I brushed her idea once again, but knowing how she could be, especially when she's a fashion major, it would be hard. “Either deal or no deal. You know you need me in order to race,” she tries to intimidate to which I finally agree. “I will make you the sexiest girl there. Who knows maybe you’ll be lucky and get laid,” she taunts, an evil grin on her lips.
“Oh quit the act. We know you are shy and innocent, but you become a freak and a total show when you race. I'll see you tonight,” she winks and walks out, completely leaving the lecture.
—/— Jude’s Point of View —/—
After matches came recovery. And after recovery, it was either a day off or prepping for the next match. Luckily I had the gym area to myself, working with a physical trainer on my knee and doing a few exercises that were as much work. I just needed something to preoccupy my mind before I met with my publicist. It's not that I hated him, I just didn't tolerate such a person like him.
I dragged out this meeting as far as possible but knowing how he is, he wouldn't care. After briefly talking with the PT about a few stretches I could do at home, I walked down the cafeteria and met up with Eduardo, who invited lunch for the both of us. We sat down and just talked about the game plays and the upcoming international break.
Lunch went by quickly, now I found myself walking down the small hallway into the office that belonged to my publicist. I resented him even more for working at the training grounds. I would rather be anywhere else but here. I put myself together and walked into the office only for it to be empty. I just take a seat and go on my phone bored. When Jaime does walk in, he hangs up and opens the manilla folder, where stacks of papers are in.
“Jude you have to quit going out so much! Look at all these articles!” Jaime raised his voice and threw the printed papers onto the marble desk. I rolled my eyes and sunk into my chair, my legs naturally spread apart, as my hand came to my temple.
“Real Madrid’s new star boy stars on and off the pitch. Ancelotti’s new golden boy has a record similar to Grealish, could we expect to see the young player get involved in the same stuff? Oh, my favourite, Jude Bellingham is seen leaving the strip club after the place was recently investigated by local authorities!” Jaime read off the articles, leaning forward to slap the side of my head, when he noticed my unfazed look. “Okay, I get it! Shit!”
“No Jude you don’t get it! How many times have I told you this isn't England? You're in Spain. Dealing with both countries who are on your ass to find every single detail of you. They follow you around with a camera because you let them, you give them a reason too. It's already the fans doing it, but the paparazzi, no I won’t let that slide,”
“Okay, so what do you want me to do? I’ve done everything you’ve suggested me to do! I can’t stop them, or else I'll end up on the cover the next morning. I can’t just quit my fun, because of them. I deserve to have a nice evening with my friends and family, but they're always there!” I bite back.
Not even my mother keeps tabs on me like this man does. I appreciate Jaime, but it's moments like this where I want to get up and leave and do the opposite of what he tells me to do. He takes his job too seriously and overworks himself way too much. I can’t exactly be the person he wants me to be. I hate being driven around or being forced to be someone I'm not.
“We have no say and do on the paparazzi, you know that. But if you keep doing what you do, I'll have to get you a stricter PR contract, and I can assure you, it will be hell. You choose Jude. One more fuck up and it's the first text you’ll receive the next morning,” Jaime threatened.
“You can’t be serious. Jaime, I can’t be hidden away the entire time! I don’t give a shit about what they think of me! I'm focused on football and my family. I told you to let them be and write what they write!,” I say, standing up and grabbing my training bag to leave. “It's my job to protect your image as a person and footballer, Jude. And it will be like that. If you have such an issue, go ahead and fire me, but we both know what that will do for the both of us…”
“One more fuck up Jude, and you will see.” I scoff and walk out, slamming his door. The office workers jump in their seats, while I mumble out curses and insults towards him. Would he really go that far just to keep his job? Threaten my image for his self-satisfaction? Yes, he would. I sigh and scratch my chin impatiently, trying to come up with a different plan to avoid the PR contract he was talking about. But all I could do was come up with reasons and stuff to piss him off.
The idea of a PR stunt sounded stupid. Sure, I have had my share of scandals but nothing too serious like he dramatises. People just can't seem to stand the idea of no commitment, especially if it involves girls. They also couldn't stand the idea of a footballer wanting to go out and enjoy a night of themselves. Some people can be so unreasonable, like Jaime, I would say what I had to say, and I didn't care for anyone’s feelings especially if I spit out the truth.
“Yo! Hey Jude! What’s up? Looks like you got back from speaking with Carlo,” Eduardo comes up and dabs me up, teasing me for my stressed look. I chuckle, “Nah man. My publicist is pissing me off. Trying to tell me what to do and giving me shit about all these articles.”
“When will they learn,” he comments, his brow nudging to the obvious. “For the moment mine hasn't given me ‘advice’ or ‘warnings’ after our trip to South France.”
“Well lucky you. I just can’t stress about this shit right now. We have the upcoming important games, and I am determined to win. And if I do go out, he shouldn’t be up my ass about it every time,” I groan, taking out my phone and seeing a call from Aurélien. “Tchou, how can I help you?” I joke, referring to when he dealt with his situationship while on our trip to France.
“Ha ha, very funny. What are you up to tonight? We’re free tomorrow.”
“Probably nothing. Just walked out on my publicist, so If you have anything in mind to do, say it,” I put the phone on speaker so Eduardo could hear, and let him know. “Me and the guys were gonna head out the city to go to a car meet, out of Madrid,” he says. I give a look to Eduardo who just shrugs his shoulders not retaining the information.
“A car meet? Those exist here?”
“Yes, dumbass. You’d be surprised but, they're very fun. Although we shouldn't be there, it's the only place where people and paparazzi can’t recognize us. They treat each other and us like royalty, plus who wouldn’t mind some fun?” Aurélien says to us. I hesitate, only because of what just happened inside, but also the idea of it being illegal and caught. “You guys in or not?”
“Count me in.”
Jaime wouldn't know. And if Aurélien is saying we wouldn't be recognized, then why the fuck not? I'm not here to just pose for cameras and play. I'm also a regular person who deserves to live his life the way I want. Part of me thought of how bad this idea could be, but truthfully I didn’t give a shit, I just wanted to piss off Jaime. Aurélien advises us to dress nice since people who attended those car races often thought of them as fashion shows. Which is found myself calling the only girl who could help me out.
“Hey, Sunny? Sorry for the late call, could you help me out with an outfit for tonight? Just don't mention it to Jaime.”
—/— (Your Point of View) —/—
“Ok no- That’s like way too revealing! I couldn't pull that off” I brushed away the shortest skirt she found. “Nuh uh- No way. You're going to wear it, and it's going to be worn with these shoes and lace meshy top,” Marie comes behind me and puts both hangers to my front. “My whole butt is out in this skirt! People are gonna see my-” I waved with my hands to my lower region to which she snickers.
“Either you race or don’t,” Marie says, to which I just squint my eyes together. “Fine! I will at least pick out my jacket!” I pick up the clothes and quickly change into the pieces of clothes she gave me. My makeup was already done, a simple and not too heavy look since I had to wear a mask and helmet underneath while I raced. All I had to do was take my hair out of my rollers and apply some deodorant and jewellery and we could make the drive down.
Marie gasped as I walked out, clapping her hands excitedly as she approached me. “You look so fucking hot, I could make out with you!” Her hands roam and fix my skirt so they pull lower and hang around my hips. I give her a look but she quickly shrugs me. I go to the mirror and tug on both items. “I don't know whether to pull this up or or tug it down,” I say shuffling.
“Hurry! Fix your hair and put your boots on. You have a race to win!”
I pose for a selfie when I see Marie point her phone towards me, my hands on the steering wheel as I pull into the gravel road that heads to the main road to the tracks. Goosebumps raise my skin as I hear the music and loud car exhaust as we pull in. Other cars are doing donuts, which I find silly, or showing off their engines. “Hi Matty, how are ya tonight?” I ask the middle-aged man who sighs and hands me my racer number and time slot. He’s tired of his job, but just like everyone else here, he has his reasons. “Same old same old. I bet money on ya tonight, so you better win against that trashy girl Jacqueline,” he points out, handing me back the cashback after I paid. “Good luck tonight, make us proud!” he winks.
I smile and shift to one as I drive down to the start of the line. The tracks are old and kinda messy. They can shift from gravel to normal roads, which causes some drivers to lose focus. “Nervous for tonight?” Marie asks to which I nervously nod. “I mean it's against Jacqueline, we’ve had our shares in the past and she’s good,” I say.
“Yeah but not as good as you. Keep that in mind. Just think of the money, it will be your motive,” she says. We open the door and step out, I hear commotion and then look up to people cheering for me. I wave and thank them before walking over to our group who’s standing by the starting line. We all hug and chat about the race, which is filled with a lot of rivals going head to head.
I could feel my blood pumping as I watched the two Mustangs take out, their exhaust fumes following. The excitement you face also comes to anticipation as you watch which car will make it first to the end. The yellow Mustang wins by .4 seconds after they race for almost two minutes. I turn to the side when I hear my name being called, “Y/n, when are we gonna race?”
“As soon as you let me see what’s under your hood,” they scoff and walk off. It would've been too easy…
—/— (Jude’s Point of View) ---/—
The black LV suit was perfect for the occasion. Aurélien was right, people do dress as if they were attending fashion shows here. We all decided to go in two cars, making the almost forty-minute drive down to this closed-off restricted area. We followed the guide who led us up to the almost ‘VIP’ area.
The commotion was loud. People were either drinking, making out, or dancing. Or those who wanted to feel lucky, gambled money by playing poker. This truly did feel like a bad idea now, but I couldn't care less now that I was drinking a beer. We had clear and perfect views of the track, I was lucky to attend an F1 show in the past but this? This was completely different.
Fancy or new cars racing, and it was just the beginning. I talked with Eduardo for a good time as I observed the loud car go head to head towards the finish line. Music played loudly, but as Aurélien had said, no one recognized us. We step out and that’s when I notice the black challenger pull in. Two girls step out, but it's the driver who gets my attention. She chews gum and listens with boredom as they explain the rules to her.
My eyes roam down her slim and fit body, and I get a closer look when she quickly puts on her mask and helmet. I find myself not being able to look away, especially after she faces her opponent, ignoring their truce handshake. She’s too confident and now has my full attention.
Her windows are rolled down, her hand on the wheel, and the other is on the gear shift, patiently waiting for the light to turn green. “Who’s that?” I finally speak, completely forgetting I was in mid-conversation with Eduardo. “That’s Y/n in the black challenger. And in the red camaro is Jacqueline. They hate their guts, biggest rivals after Jacqueline's brother cheated on a race. Y/n, she’s the best of the best…” speaks a different guy. “Word on the street is that Jacqueline is involved in a gang, but who knows,” he says.
Y/n pulls out her thumb signalling she’s ready, and then quickly drives off when the light turns green. Just like the guy had said, she was the best of the best, quickly drifting and turning onto the tracks. Her car was faster than the red camaro, and you could tell the determination to win was there. I just waited for it to go the other way.
Soon yelling and commotion started when Jacqueline caught up, and took the lead, Y/n just maintained her speed and control as before. “What is she doing? She’ll lose if she doesn't catch up!” said another guy. I furrowed my brows and crossed my arms, looking back at the two cars on the race track. I didn’t understand how this worked, but it looked like not even I could make those turns, especially at those speeds.
Everyone gasped or oohed when the camaro lost control and failed to do the sharp tight turn correctly, cheering when Y/n went back to the lead and quickly made it to the finish line. We walked down to the starting line where she got out, and put her hands up, and cheered. She took her helmet and mask off, and that's when I truly was drawn to her facial features. “Bro? You’re drooling,” Brahim joked to which I just pushed his shoulder.
The crowd went quiet as the red camero pulled in, an angry Jacqueline and passenger getting off to confront Y/n. “You cheated!” she points at her to which the girl wearing all black just snorted and chuckled, “No babes. You just suck. I won, just like the other times before. Now go whine somewhere else and leave us alone for once.”
Her eyes connected with mine, and it felt like time just slowly flew by. Her lips parted, as she took me in, her hand holding the helmet and now stack of cash. She looked away and shyly smiled towards her friends, them congratulating her. She would nod then and there and only stick with those friends. “I’ll be back. Going to congratulate the winner,” I say and smile at Eduardo who wishes me luck. I don't need luck I'm Jude Bellingham.
I was determined to know more about her. Who she was, and why she raced especially. But before I could introduce myself, a loud bang and glass shattering prevented me from doing so. The last I saw while we ran was Y/n getting into her car and driving away. A loud car pulled near us, the familiar face and eyes locking with mine.
“Hurry! Get in!”
---/--- ( author's note) ---/---
hiiiii! first chapter eeekkkk! I hope you all enjoyed it and didn't think this was too long! I truly enjoyed writing this, and can't wait for you guys to read the rest. I'm also praying this doesn't flop or I'll be really upset... have an amazing day!
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syrena-del-mar · 10 months
Very Rarely Do Men Know How to Be Altogether Good or Altogether Wicked
The last five minutes of today's episode left my mouth gaping, it really felt like I was watching a catastrophic accident happen in front of me and I just couldn't look away.
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I wasn't completely sure on how Sand was going to learn about Ray and Mew's history, but I sure wasn't expecting that Ray's feelings would be exposed in such a volatile way. Maybe I’m in the minority here, I’m not exactly sure because I’m seeing a mixed bag of reactions, but I don’t necessarily agree that Sand ever needed to find out about Ray’s feelings for Mew. Much less from Boston.
This is partially going to be a bit of a continuation of my thoughts that Boston has a Machiavellian personality, followed up with SandRay's relationship becoming the unsuspecting 'victim'. Again, I'll be using pulling from Machiavelli's The Prince, but I'm also using his work Discourses on Livy. [Title credit to ch. 27 of Discourses]
Boston, still the Machiavellian 'Prince'
“Another difficulty to be added to the one mentioned above is that a state that becomes free creates for itself enemies rather than friends.”
― Niccolò Machiavelli, Discourses on Livy
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Let me be upfront, I don't hate Boston, I actually enjoy the chaos he brings, but he's a fascinating character to break down and really analyze his actions. The last five minutes was, in my opinion, the most chaos that he has caused out in the open. This was never a situation of Boston 'saying what needed to be said.' This was Boston seeing an opportunity to take control of someone and doing so by unfairly outing Ray's feelings. I, again, stand by the idea that Boston is not a narcissist, but rather a Machiavellian personality type. This doesn't make him a 'villain'; Only Friends does a good job at showing that there are no villains in real life, just incredibly shitty people. Boston is simply a dick, who chooses to play with his friends to feel a sense of control when he doesn't have it. Has he ever cared for his friends? Does he keep them around simply for convenience? Hard to say. That doesn't make him evil, it just makes him a first-class jackass.
In my post where I had stated that he was more of a Machiavellian rather than narcissist, I came to the conclusion that, 'In his viewpoint, he is the kingpin, even in his group of friends, because he believes that he's the one that controls how his friends move since he knows how Mew is developing feelings for Top and is aware of Ray's feelings for Mew.' This time around, he practically admits it right after purposefully revealing Ray's feelings for Mew, "I just want to keep track of my best friends' romantic moments.' Boston hoards information so that he can throw it in people's faces when it fits him the best, there's no 'good intentions' on his keeping tabs on his friends.
Boston knows that TopMew are going to sleep together, they're serious and he's out of the running. Is it simply ego or is it because of self-interest? Whatever the catalyst is, he essentially has nothing holding him back anymore. He's seeing his "friends" getting "serious", while he's out there dealing with known (and unknown) filming of one-night stands he had being used as revenge porn. That'd hurt and anger anyone, but from what has been shown, Boston thrives off of control and so having his sex life used against him would feel like an even bigger blow. They're minor events that are snowballing and Boston likely needs to feel that control again. It's why he pushes Nick down without a second thought when Nick is trying to pull him away (opposed to how Ray lets Sand pull him back). So he claims that control back, he deliberately reveals what he knows, purposefully taking Ray down with him. While he may be feeling like shit, at least he'll be better off than Ray, who's left to pick up the pieces.
Sand and Ray, the intentional destruction of the 'kingdom'
“In general you must either pamper people or destroy them; harm them just a little and they’ll hit back; harm them seriously and they won’t be able to. So if you’re going to do people harm, make sure you needn’t worry about their reaction.” ― Niccolò Machiavelli, The Prince
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Yes, Sand and Ray are in a “situationship.” Yes, they’re constantly getting both physically and emotionally closer. Yes, Sand is developing feelings for Ray (arguably vice versa too). But that’s it. They started off as friends with benefits and while they’ve been shifting around, neither one has fully crossed that line. There was no defined area in the relationship, at least not before the implosion. They’re barely getting to know each other, Sand even calls Ray out because he knew that Ray had never noticed him before, not in a way other than just the Bar Performer.
Ray is working through who he is without Mew, without his crush on Mew. He's come to the realization that while he put Mew as his #1 for many years, he's knows he's not that for Mew, and is slowly coming to the realization that he may have never been. These are his feelings to work out and his alone. Sand and Ray are first and foremost friends, as they had agreed upon and they happen to hook up often. This was what they agreed upon. Even if one or both of them are catching feelings, it does not mean that Ray has an automatic obligation to come clean to Sand.
Arguably, Boston was unaware of this set up, but honestly he didn't need to know. This was not his business, Boston didn't suddenly spill the fact that Ray has had feelings for Mew for years to look out for Sand. No, this was an intentional hit on Ray, where he was positive that it would hurt. Boston has repeatedly used Ray's feelings for Mew for his own convenience (Exhibit A: Meddling at the pool party), whether it be to get Ray to react in a certain way or to have a punching bag. He knew how defensive and reactive Ray would get when he brought up RayMew's kiss and supposed sex (was this ever confirmed?) that they had.
Boston speaks in definite presumptions when he talks about others, he does this to Top and he did it to Ray. He spins realities to how he sees fit and with the confidence that he speaks in, he makes others believe him. It's why Mew never questioned that Top is accustomed to sleeping around and didn't think that Top really wanted anything more than sex, because that's what Boston specifically told him that Top was like. It's why now Sand believes that he has no hour in Ray's life, even when Ray gives him the opening to ask more, because Boston purposefully spoke in definite terms. Even the most secure person would be left feeling unsure and unbalanced.
So when Sand, who knows that their relationship is based on being friends with benefits, is confronted with words from Ray's supposed friend who explicitly states that Ray is in love with Mew and that he's being used as a rebound, what else can he do but believe that?
What little trust and rapport that they had started to build up has come crumbling down. They're frantically gathering the pieces of a 'kingdom' that has been turn into dust, the aftermath of the Prince's wrath. It's why Ray scrambles for the bottle and it's why Sand shuts down. How can they react to what Boston did, when they're struggling to salvage the little remnants left behind of what was supposed to be a blossoming relationship?
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svltzmans · 9 months
it's nice to have a friend - f.g.
a/n: hiii i love fiona so much and i love writing for her 🫶 thank you to dinosaur anon for requesting this one! it actually brought me tons of comfort to write so i appreciate it so much
warnings: cigarette smoking, mentions of sex, not proofread!
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"debs, can you please just eat the lunch i make you?"
"but i just had peanut butter and jelly yesterday."
"we've been over this, peanut butter and jelly is the cheapest and easiest."
debbie huffs, storming off and taking her paper lunch bag with her.
monday is fiona's least favorite day of the week, for countless reasons. she has to return to making lunches and hundreds of other chores to make sure every one of her siblings is ready and at school on time.
it hurts to not be seen and appreciated for the work she does every day to keep her family afloat, even though she knows her siblings are still young and don't understand the magnitude of the impact she has on their worlds.
after successfully encouraging liam to take a nap and sending the others off, fiona finally gets to sit on the couch and breathe.
before she knows it, she's waking up to lip and ian walking through the front door. she figures she must have fallen asleep, her exhaustion having finally caught up to her.
"you're such an idiot," lip sneers, clearly in the middle of a fight with his brother.
fiona sighs, rubbing the sleep from her eyes and standing up.
"god, i need a cigarette," she mutters to herself, stepping outside onto the stairs and grabbing a lighter from her pocket.
"rough day, huh?" a voice asks from the sidewalk. fiona looks over to see her neighbor, y/n, standing in front of the house.
"to say the least," she responds, taking another puff of her cigarette.
"you know, if you ever want to sleep in or go out or something, i can watch the kids."
"for what, 100 an hour?" fiona asks, laughing to herself. she expects y/n to laugh too, but she's stonefaced.
"no, for nothing. i'm serious. i know it can't be easy dealing with this shit every day. you deserve a break."
fiona is shocked by y/n's response. she wasn't sure what to expect, but it wasn't free childcare.
"i'll let you know."
"cool. see you around."
fiona watches as y/n leaves, walking toward the grocery store on the corner. she can't help but be slightly suspicious of her offer, thinking she must want something in return. regardless, she smiles to herself, feeling like someone finally recognized how hard she is working.
"she definitely wants to get in your pants," lip insists. "she doesn't want any money?"
"no, she said she didn't. it does seem kinda suspicious, but she sounded so genuine about it."
"she must just be a really good flirt then."
"i don't know, lip. it seemed like she actually just wanted to help."
"okay, so let her. see what happens."
fiona lets herself imagine the possibility of having a few hours to herself. she could take herself out to eat, go on a walk, go to the store. she could do whatever she wanted with her day and not have to worry about her siblings being taken care of.
"i'll do it."
fiona stands tentatively on y/n's doorstep, debating on whether she should actually knock or not. lip could be right, or he could be completely misjudging the situation.
eventually, she forces herself to gently tap on the door, and it only takes a few seconds for y/n to open it.
"oh! hey fiona, what's going on?"
"i'm here to take you up on your offer."
"to watch the kids? yeah, of course. want me to come over now?
"that would be great, v and i are planning on going to get some dinner and drinks."
"sure, i can hang out with the kids until you get back."
"you're a lifesaver. how much do i owe you?" fiona feels inclined to pay y/n for her kind gesture, despite her declining money before.
"fiona, i told you you don't owe me anything. now, go enjoy your time with v."
reluctantly, fiona leaves for her dinner with v, silently praying that her siblings are in good hands.
y/n decides to cook something simple that she knows all the kids would enjoy, opting for pasta with a few different sauces to choose from.
fiona had told her siblings that their neighbor would be spending the afternoon in the house to make sure everything was under control, but they weren't expecting a meal.
"this is great, thank you y/n," ian smiles, finishing his plate and heading to his room.
the other kids nod in unison, agreeing with their brother's compliment.
y/n notices that liam had pretty much covered his entire face in sauce, and she can't help but to giggle to herself. she wipes his face clean with a cloth and gets the youngest gallagher ready for bed.
the rest of the siblings were used to their own routines and were in their rooms after dinner. in her solitude, y/n cleans the kitchen behind her, and eventually ends up giving the entire bottom floor a quick clean. she knows it would give fiona one less thing to worry about.
when fiona walks through the door at around midnight, she finds y/n sitting on the couch, watching whatever was on the television set.
"hey, welcome back. how was dinner?"
"really great. thank you again for doing th... did you clean the house?"
"yeah, i made the kids dinner and started by just cleaning up after myself, but i ended up just kinda doing the whole bottom floor."
"y/n this is... thank you so much. can i please pay you? at least a little bit? you are seriously amazing and i..." fiona stops, feeling herself start to ramble. she is in pure shock that anyone would care this much about her and her siblings. just out of the goodness of their heart.
"i'm happy to do this for you guys, seriously. you better not even dream about paying me, fiona," y/n smiles, feeling her heart grow warm seeing how much this meant to fiona.
"do you wanna, maybe stay? chat a little bit?"
"that sounds really nice, actually."
fiona and y/n quickly fall into stride with one another, and before they know it they have been talking for hours. they talk about just about everything, and by the end of it they are both feeling much more connected.
"shit, it's 3am," fiona laughs, finally looking at the clock.
"damn, that flew by. i should probably get some sleep."
"you and me both," fiona stands, y/n following suit.
y/n turns, facing fiona.
before y/n knows it, fiona is pulling her into a tight hug.
"thank you so much, again."
"any time. i mean it."
"before you leave, i have to give you something," fiona says, speed walking into the kitchen and returning with a small piece of paper.
"my number. if, you know, you wanna watch the kids again. or hang out with me, maybe," fiona smiles, nervously handing y/n the paper.
"both of the two will definitely be happening again," y/n responds, finally leaving the gallagher home and returning to her own.
the next day, fiona pulls lip aside.
"she's so amazing, lip. she really didn't want anything in return. she wanted to help. and she talked to me for hours."
"well, you better ask her on a date then, huh?"
"you think i should?"
"it seems like she's actually into you. and not just in a sex way."
fiona's cheeks turn a deep rose shade as she cracks a smile, earning a dry laugh from her brother.
"fi's in love!" he yells, running around the house as fiona chases.
when y/n wakes up the next morning, she's surprised to hear a gentle knock on her door.
when she opens it, she's surprised to see fiona on the other side, holding a bouquet of flowers.
"i know it's kinda early, but i wanted to give you these. and i wanted to ask if you wanted to go out for breakfast. my treat."
"it's never too early to see you, fiona. i'd love to go to breakfast with you. can i just have a second to change out of my pajamas?"
the pair both burst into laughter at the image of y/n in her pajamas, standing on the doorstep.
"that might be a good idea."
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yunarim · 10 months
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╰┈➤ summary : you and your reliable partner grim are the most famous interdimensional travelers under the Official Isekai Association. you're used to traveling into psychological thrillers and horrors. however, this time something goes wrong, and you suddenly turn into the protagonist of… an otome game?!
— characters : jade leech, leona kingscholar | kalim al-asim, azul ashengrotto | lilia vanrouge, idia shroud
⌞tags⌝ : gn reader, fluff at times, occasional angst, typical manhwas tropes, mention of a typical isekai manhwa death by truck hit... yeah, you go from the first route to the last (from jade to idia), hence the parts are connected — w.c. : 4.6k+
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⌞notes⌝ : i've been reading too much isekai mangas/manhwas lately and here we go lmao. also forgive me for not writing for so long, i've been experiencing a huge burnout ;; i originally intended to write for dorm leaders but then gave it a second thought and came up with another plan hhhhhh i hope i'll manage to finish other chapters on time but pls be patient with me, i'm preoccupied with too much work lately 😭😭
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You sigh and stretch out your hand, looking at it while lying on the bed, and wonder, how in the dimension did you manage to land in an otome game realm. You heard your colleagues complaining how annoying those can be, not to mention many of you forgot about romantic relationships long long ago—when you probably got hit by a truck in your original world?—and to think you somehow appeared in a world which didn’t belong to your department. 
Your specialization was horror and psychological thriller stories, and even if you possess no magic (which is strange, given after transmigrating for so many times, you don’t remember getting magic abilities at least for once, but whatever), you’ve got an excellent, strategic mastermind. And if something dangerous happens, you have your partner and friend, Grim.
“It’s been a while since we’ve isekaed into a high school setting,” you say to yourself, system windows appearing before your eyes. 
“Main goal: TO GET A HAPPY ENDING WITH *name*!!”
Ah really…
You set a reminder and throw a quick glance at already fallen asleep Grim before going to sleep yourself. If you can’t escape the world until you complete it, then so be it.
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One mention of a school student council you’ve encountered in many worlds (though possessing not really sweet memories of dealing with many psychological intrigues and schemes), and the local headmaster named Crowley happened to be fairly overjoyed and excited to proclaim you as a council’s president, much to everyone’s indifference chagrin. 
You were quite surprised to realize that the school that large didn’t invent such a common structure. On the second note, it was easy for you to operate and deal with information provided through leading the council. Much to your chagrin this time, you needed to pick a route to escape this world.
It was an otome game. You couldn’t care less at first, assuming you and Grim landed in another horror, however a fantasy atmosphere lingering everywhere made you two slightly confused. And the conclusion was made right after you saw heart-shaped indicators above six people’s heads. 
“Do you remember what our colleagues told us about otome games?..” You asked Grim, sitting in the auditorium that Crowley assigned as the Council’s room. 
“Nah,” Grim yawned. “Not my field.”
“As if it’s mine,” you frowned. “What, not even MC’s words? She ended up transmigrating into a closed apartament and had only 11 days to get an ending…”
“Come to think of it, we have 11 days till the festival.”
You raised your head, turning to the voice’s source, and slightly parted your lips. 
“Jade,” you said, standing up. “Good afternoon.”
Jade Leech, to be more precise. You’ve scanned through his profile when you first interacted with him two weeks ago when you ended up transmigrating here in Twisted Wonderland. As expected of a fantasy world, he wasn’t a normal human being, but belonged to merfolk. You don’t remember having much experience with them, and maybe picking him as your first route wasn’t exactly your best choice.
“Good luck on surviving the event,” Grim said, jumping off the chair he was sitting on, and headed to the exit.
“Ah,” Jade’s feigned surprise made you blink at him questionably. “How unfortunate, you’re supposed to help us with the preparations, Grim-san.”
You saw a system window popping up above your head as a reminder of not forgetting your main goal, and sighed.
“Not this kind of event he meant…” You mumbled, knowing exactly well that Jade heard you. 
“How about we discuss the budget, Yuu-san?” Leech took a seat beside you, to which you nodded. 
Appointed as a council’s treasurer, Jade actually managed his sources with an outstanding performance. Since you had no experience in entering otome realms, it was quite hard for you to predict what was going to happen next. Your fellow transmigrators you barely saw in the interdimensional space used to exchange their thoughts on their journeys before traveling to the next world, and somehow you, who witnessed a ton of horror stories, possessed psyche of a solidity, while otome novels and games travelers happened to be constantly overworked and heavily damaged in terms of their minds.
You never asked why. They’ve mentioned the necessity to go through an endless amount of routes and paths, to make people fall in love with them, and then leave them behind in their worlds. You also heard the system was erasing their memories, so they would live happily after experiencing love and joy of being loved, but the system never really cared about the travelers themselves. 
The department you were assigned to provided you with a psychotherapists’ help if needed after coming back to the office, so you would heal after experiencing terrible things and emotional drainings, but your and Grim’s emotional state has never reached the point of damaged position. 
Some of your colleagues even stated that you were emotionless and—
“Yuu-san?” you found Jade leaning closer to you, his face showing slight hints of a false worry made of politeness. “Is everything alright?”
“Yes, I am sorry. Let’s continue.”
“I’ll be honest with you,” Leech stood up and came to the bar counter of the Mostro Lounge you’ve been occupying for the council discussions regarding the upcoming festival. 
“You don’t seem like the type to be honest with people,” you let the conclusion slip of your tongue before meeting his gaze you couldn’t decipher. 
“Then would you like to consider this an observation? A remark of sorts.”
“Alright then.”
“Sometimes it’s quite peculiar how you’re so composed and calm for a magicless person who got here in a school of magic,” a majestic coffee aroma filled the room. “Not to mention we’re fairly… uncommon individuals here.”
“You seem quite normal to me,” you answer emotionlessly, closing your eyes. “But you can say my opinion of what ‘normal’ is may differ from others. Yours, too.”
“Then I would be really willing to know how exactly.”
His voice suddenly appeared really close to your ear, but you didn't even raise an eyebrow, accepting a coffee cup from his elegant hands and looked at him.
Normally you wouldn’t want to have people interfering in your business, but a heart-shaped vitreous icon with a pink liquid in it made you widen your eyes in surprise. 
There was no liquid in it before. 
Now that you think about it, yes, your colleagues said there were indicators showing your progress, and apparently you really made it further, somehow managing to get Jade interested in you more than he was. 
“You’ve seemed to be spacing out a lot lately, Yuu-san.”
“Now that the festival is almost here, I guess I’m slightly nervous.”
“You don’t seem to be the type to get nervous so easily.”
You suddenly chuckle with a light grin on your face at his reversed pun and sip a coffee he brewed.
“It’s brilliant,” you compliment his work, staring straight at his mismatched eyes and seeing something in there. “May I ask you to brew this exclusively for me when the festival comes? In order to celebrate our successful and thoughtful work.”
“It would be my greatest pleasure.”
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You had no idea about how romance works, but you did know you needed to get on Jade’s route as quickly as you could and come back to the office immediately. You wanted to get the detailed information about how you ended up transmigrating into an otome game, so now, sitting in the library and reading mycology books, you hoped to find something useful.
“Aha!” You exclaimed, summoning your transmigrator’s interface and taking a screenshot of a book page containing a mushroom’s drawing. “This is it!”
A mushroom which could be served as a component of a firework supplement, making it iridescent in rainbow colors right in the sky, which also was overflowing when put in soil. You found yourself smiling at the thought of Jade’s reaction, and headed to the mountain near the school.
Unfortunately, you’ve spent all the transmigrator currency you’ve earned during the previous isekai on preparations to the festival, thus you couldn’t afford any equipment for climbing. Well, even if something happens, you still have the system to save your progress, so you could reload and try again. Thinking about the demerits you could get for being not careful and damaging your body made you cringe, though.
You've reached the mountain, and a deep dark forest loomed before your eyes, a cold and moistened fog made you shiver in displeasure. How unfortunate that such a beautiful colorful mushroom grew in such an obscure place.
You made your way further, checking the map with the system tools, and took one more step to darkness. A small iridescent light on the ground made you rash towards it, and you grabbed the mushroom you were looking for.
“Here you are!” You smiled, grabbing more of them, but…
A sudden feeling of ground slipping under your feet made you scream in horror and turn off all the system signs, alerting you about the danger you’ve encountered. 
Who knew there was a cliff?! 
You tried to grab onto the branches of the occasionally falling trees to slow down your uncontrolled flight, but they were more likely to do more harm than good. You somehow felt someone’s gaze on you, but there was no time to think it thoroughly. You were ready to collapse on the damp ground, but a sudden prehensile grip prevented your fall, and you opened your eyes in a daze.
“Are you alright?!”
You could promise a genuine—this time—worry slid over Jade’s confused face, but he quickly tried to regain his composure. You took a look at his grip and wondered if he’s going to let you go, but at your gaze he instead tightened it, holding you even closer.
“What were you thinking, going to the forest unequipped…”
“Don’t worry,” you’ve tried reassuring him, but receiving only a frown. “I would have survived.”
“Falling from this height?” He asked, his voice raising slightly. 
“”... I believe you’re not the type to worry about others,” you mumble.
“What made you think I was worried?” He chuckled, still not letting you go. “Would have been troublesome if you died on the school grounds.” 
“No,” you answered with a suspicious calmness you’d better hide. “You’re worried. Your pupils tremble.” 
“... Let this be at least in theory,” he sighed. “But what made you come here?”
“Oh,” you sigh and finally unclench your scratched fists and hand over only one mushroom you’ve managed to preserve. “Here. I wanted to give you this mushroom. It’s iridescent and can be used for— Huh?”
Jade chuckled, looking into the sky which suddenly shone pretty bright with glimmering stars, and sighed heavily, finally letting you go of his grip, but holding your shoulders nevertheless, obviously scared of you falling. 
“So you did this for me.”
“Yes, I did, but what… Ah.”
You looked up at his head where the heart icon was, seeing the liquid feeling almost to the top, and gasped. 
So he was genuinely worried.
“It seems you’ve realized something,” he said, fixing a strand of your hair and smiling rather wearily. “I’ve never thought you’re the type to risk your life for getting gifts, Yuu-san. Especially for me, given how actually twisted I am.”
You found yourself giggling softly at his remark.
“I’m the twisted type myself. I believe.”
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When the festival came, you thought you wouldn't be able to see Jade due to how busy you two were.
He was busy with calculations, and also constantly disappeared in the kitchen due to the insufficient number of workers, but somehow everything went smoothly.
You were greeting the guests by showing them the area and were up all day long actually dreaming of laying down, while Grim helped with the special effects on stage spraying his blue flames along with the rest of the guys.
Finally, it was time for the fireworks show, and you, making sure everything was under control and the visitors were enjoying the show, went to the roof of the school, dreaming of relaxing on the bench alone.
Being in an otome was tiring you out more than you thought it would, and you laughed at how you presumed you would just allure the love interests and get back home. 
You grew to genuinely like Jade maybe not as a love interest, but maybe even someone closer than a character of another world. 
“Resting here all alone?” 
A familiar voice was heard, but you didn’t dare to look, continuing keeping your gaze fixed on the night sky, knowing exactly well who came.
“Ashengrotto has finally freed you from the kitchen?”
“You could say so, even though Leona-san asked for an extra meat dish I’ve created yesterday…”
“Is that so…” You smiled as Jade sat right next to you, lying on the bench. “The fireworks show is going to start soon, right?”
“Not just soon,” he chuckled. “Right now.”
There were loud bangs just after a thin thread of light pierced the night sky and burst into a bouquet of multicolored lights that shimmered in rainbow colors right under the stars, and you released a smile from your lips, surprised at your sincere joy.
“It’s beautiful.”
Jade silently watched the show with you and then bent over your face, covering the view of a clear night sky when the show was over. An unfamiliar expression on his face made you blink in surprise. 
“It is beautiful, indeed.”
“Somehow I feel you’re not talking about fireworks?..” You questioned, chuckling, and gasped the second after.
The heart icon was fully filled, a bright pink light radiating from it and covering Jade’s cheeks with a slight pink hue. Or wasn’t it an icon?..
“You know, Yuu-san,” Jade smiled. “You were right when you said I’m not the honest type, but right at this moment, let me tell you something.”
“I’m all ears.”
“Thank you for your beautiful gift,” he said. “I’ll treasure it. And also… you.”
You couldn’t bring yourself to say something, stretching your hand and touching his cheek, cold because of a night breeze and maybe just because he was always naturally like that, and dared to cover his eyes with your hand. 
“Thank you for appearing in my life. I’ll treasure you too.”
And with that his soft chuckle dissolved in a bright light and system notifications, congratulating you with getting a happy ending.
Happy ending, starting again in your room with a piercing pain in your heart.
“Ah…” You said, seeing Grim sleep peacefully next to you. “So that is why they said otome games are hard to escape.”
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Shit, you thought, waking up the next morning. 
You came to the conclusion that it wasn’t really necessary for you to fall in love with the love interest (it was enough just to open up to him?), and weren’t sure if Jade really grew to like you. 
But you definitely came to a realization that it was painful to see him in the hall, talking to his brother and noticing you, nodding in a greeting way with a familiar feigned politeness, a glimpse of warmth, which appeared in your previous walkthrough, was no longer lingering underneath his eyes. 
You found yourself wanting to taste a coffee he brewed for you exclusively, but he was no longer here by your side, his profile image became gray, and a ‘COMPLETED’ line appeared in capital letters in the system interface. 
Was that it? All the feelings both of you developed turned into a finished story without any chance for rereading it? Otome games were unfair. But transmigrating still was your main job you couldn’t decline, and even in thrillers and horrors you used to enter so often there were people who you genuinely liked and treasured.
Still, you knew that once the story ended, you got back into the office and traveled to another world, then another, and another, and… There was no point in developing feelings anymore.
You chuckled to yourself when Jade passed through you, and raised your head, meeting someone else’s intense gaze.
Leona Kingscholar. The system made a melodious sound, letting you know about your next ‘target’. You quickly checked his profile, appearing right before standing in front of you Leona, and wondered, what type of a character he would be. 
Slightly older than his classmates, and he also belonged to royalty, how very interesting. You closed the system interface with a snap of fingers and greeted your next… target.
“Good morning. May I help you… Eh?”
Leona approached you, his face suddenly extremely close to yours, and sniffed your neck, then clavicles and stared at your eyes, allowing you to notice how beautifully the emeralds of his were shining.
“What a strange smell.”
“Excuse me, I took a shower in the morning.”
“Not that,” Leona sighed, a heart above his head being absolutely empty and transparent. “The smell, not of magic, but similar. Also like that fish guy.”
“Fish guy?..”
He was probably speaking about Jade, but how in the world did he manage to sniff that?! Your eyes widened in shock for a brief moment. 
“If you’re talking about Ja… Leech, then maybe it’s because hu just was there.”
“Whatever,” Leona shrugged, sniffing you once more, to which you attempted to distant yourself. “There’s also a dirt smell. And also raining, alcohol, hospital… A blood? What the hell, herbivore?”
Now this wasn’t funny at all. The last world you’ve transmigrated into was centered around a story about doctors, crimes and, well, the usual horror stuff you had to deal with, and how did Leona manage to casually sniff it on you like that?
Naturally, you wanted to get rid of any suspicions and shrug it off, but you also needed to get him on your side and find a way to reach a happy ending with him. A slight fearful thought of collecting people’s hearts like some sort of a hobby slid through your mind, making you nauseous, but you swallowed the feeling and forced a cheeky smile.
“Care to figure it out?”
Leona looked at you with an unreadable emotion and made his way to the exit, leaving you all confused.
“It’s not my business, herbivore. But do something about this smell, it’s disgusting, Savanaclaw students are really sensitive to the smell this strong.”
“As if I can just wash it away…” You mumbled to yourself, following Leona’s distancing figure with your gaze and parting your lips in a surprise way when noticing a little amount of pink liquid in the heart above his head.
So you did pique his interest, after all.
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The progress with Leona’s route was incredibly slow and strange. You took the sequence the system suggested automatically, providing you with calculations regarding the difficulty on each walkthrough, and at first you blinked questionably at Leona’s one, seeing only 40%, since now you’ve been feeling all 100%. 
He wasn’t hard to find — the botanical garden was his second alma mater, and yet when his words he said to you the first day of his route lingered in your mind, ‘It’s not my business’ line repeating in your head like an annoying pop song, you almost thought that it really was not his problem at all, as if he totally didn’t care.
You almost convinced yourself, but small steps you took towards him also helped you in discovering concealed aspects of his character.
At first you visited the botanical garden just out of a habit you’ve managed to form in other isekais, and ended up finding Leona there without fail every time. At first you were silent, observing him and his unwavering composure—you thought of that as indifference—but not so long after you took the first attempt to start a casual conversation.
“Leona,” you once said, seeing him sleeping under the tree and knowing he heard you talking. “Do I still, uhm, reek?..”
“I sense the strong smell of that fish guy.” 
How in the world did Jade’s lingering scent still remain on you?
“And also that bat.”
“Bat?” You asked, wondering who he meant. 
“Lilia Vanrouge.”
You knitted your brows together at his reply. You saw Vanrouge only once, right before Leona came into the garden one day, and briefly talked to him. Lilia was also listed among your potential ‘love interests’, but a 100% difficulty level was confusing to you, and the one talk you had did really confirm that he’s going to be a tough character to deal with. To make him fall in love with?..
“I see… I wonder how it works for you beastmen, your sense of smell.”
“Like a second skin,” Leona opened one eye and glanced your way. “I don’t get how you humans live with such a short range of smell.”
“I think that’s only about you,” you suddenly said, meeting Leona’s gaze. “No one from Savanaclaw other than you mentioned what I smell like.” 
A short pause stretched between you two, but somehow you didn’t find it unpleasant, more like relaxing and thoughtful. Kingscholar chuckled, tapping on the spot beside him with his tail and attracting your attention.
“Come here.”
You did as he said, wondering what was that about, and ended up being held in his arms. He sniffed you once again, but with more care and politeness than he did the first time, while you couldn’t tear away your fixated gaze on his bright focused eyes.
“Those strange scents are still on you. What kind of life did you live before getting here, herbivore…”
“And you said it’s not your business, huh,” you grinned and gasped the second after he suddenly laid on your lap. “Hey!”
“It’s still not my business though.” He answered, closing his eyes and resting comfortably. “But don’t get near other Savanaclaws. It’s really a disgusting smell.”
“Which is why you’re on my lap, am I being correct?” You chuckled. “Still, I don’t think others have the audacity to come near me. Or such a strong sense of smell like you do. You’re impressive, Leona.”
For a moment you thought he stopped breathing, but then heard a bitter laugh coming from his lips.
“One day you’ll take your words back.”
Till today you really wondered what he meant by that, seeing no particular reason to actually question his skills. Even despite his poor attendance and self-deprecating lines, he really was an amazing, outstandingly clever person you really did want to get to know more.
And today an occasion came up, when you visited the botanical garden again, now it was more out of a habit, and found Leona with the first-year students you didn’t know, challenging him in chess. 
“Good afternoon everyone,” you greeted them, hearing excited ‘hello’ from other students and receiving a light nod from Leona. “What are you doing?”
“Miserably failing to win Kingscholar-senpai in a chess match,” one of the students answered. “No one has succeeded yet…”
“Check and mate,” Leona announced, when the first year he played cried out of indignation. 
“How are you so talented in chess, Kingscholar-senpai!!..”
“Hmph,” Leona chuckled, but you somehow knew somewhere underneath his ever-so-mighty persona he was genuinely happy to receive those compliments. “Right, herbivore. Come play with me while I’m in the mood.”
You tilted your head, thinking beforehand. You couldn’t remember the last time you played, but possessing a naturally inquisitive and quick-witted mind due to your job, you nodded, taking a seat in front of him.
The match was silent, and if at first you heard first years hitched breaths, during the second hour passing of the match, even those students left, leaving a silence lingering between you two. 
“I really admire you, Leona,” you dared to break the silence, seeing Leona’s hand holding a chess piece stop for a second. 
“Flattery will take you to nowhere,” he replied, performing an en passant of your pawn, to which you pouted. “Huh, you can be cute sometimes.”
“And you can be sweet, I see,” you flirted back. “But… I’m sorry. Checkmate, Leona.”
Two knights endgame, huh. 
Leona was staring at the chess board for a fairly concerning amount of time before bursting into laughs. 
“W-what’s wrong?..”
“Remember I said you’ll take your words back?” He raised his gaze to meet yours. “Take it now. Tell me I’m not impressive anymore now that you’ve outsmarted me.”
You raised an eyebrow at him, feeling annoyed.
“What are you saying.”
“I can’t believe it, huh,” he laughed again. “You, a magicless human, out of people… Hah! What a ridiculously clever herbivore you are. It pisses me off.”
“You know what? Shut up.”
You grabbed his shirt, seeing his absolutely unimpressed expression, and clenched your fists with even more force than you thought you would, and pressed your forehead to his, chess pieces scattering around the table. 
“Even when you have no one to believe in your abilities, even you yourself doubt them…” You took a deep breath. “I myself will be that one person who will believe in you AND believe you.”
You heard a splash, realizing it was the liquid in the heart above his head filling half of it, and then a genuine laughter came from Leona’s chest.
“You’re insane, herbivore.”
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You really were insane, indeed. 
To the point you couldn’t even take a quick look at Leona in the past week due to him being anywhere but near you, which annoyed you for sure. You had a whole month planned for you two to spend together in case his route appeared too difficult to reach an ending, so many things to witness, but instead…
Instead you managed to meet Jade thrice or even more, then stumble upon Lilia ‘ku-fu-fu’-ing at you cheerfully and mysteriously, and all those were driving you crazy slowly. You wanted to have a chat with Jade who portrayed no such interest you used to witness in his route, much to your dismay, but you also wanted to finally find Leona and genuinely get to know him more.
“Oh, Yuu-san.”
You were resting at the school yard, students walking here and there, chatting and playing, and you saw Jade approaching you, nodding to him.
“Good afternoon.”
“Oya, isn’t it Yuu?”
… Jade and Lilia. And no signs of Leona or whatsoever. You blinked at them, trying to conceal your honest feelings, and listened to them talking.
“It’s rare to see you all alone,” Jade noticed. 
“Indeed, you could be often seen in Leona’s company. Did you two have a quarrel?”
“We…” Despite how much you wanted to protest, you weren’t sure anymore. 
“We have not.”
A sudden warmth spreading in your chest and a heart pounding faster than it was made you turn to Leona, who appeared behind your back, and you smiled at him.
“Herbivore,” he called you, shoving his nose into the crook of your neck and making you giggle. “One week of me being busy, and you already have such a strong scent of those two. How come?”
“Look who’s talking.”
“My my, do you have a problem with us?” Lilia obviously tried to tease Leona, but the last one suddenly fell silent.
“Yeah, I have one.”
His arms enveloping you made you yelp softly, and an unfamiliar burning on your cheeks made you bite your lips and stare at Leona’s cheeky expression.
“I liked it more when you had an aroma of garden’s flowers on you more. And also…”
A kiss he pressed on your lips was bright, passionate, also confusing to everyone else, and very much awaited by you. 
“That way I don’t need to worry anymore. Care for another game of chess, herbivore?”
You smiled at him, wanting to reply instantly, but the heart icon above filled to its max, and splashing beats of bright light covered your watering eyes. 
“Yes, let’s play one more time, Leona!..”
You really were growing to hate otome games to your very heart.
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© yunarim 𝐚𝐥𝐥 𝐫𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭𝐬 𝐫𝐞𝐬𝐞𝐫𝐯𝐞𝐝. 𝐝𝐨 𝐧𝐨𝐭 𝐫𝐞𝐩𝐨𝐬𝐭, 𝐜𝐨𝐩𝐲, 𝐦𝐨𝐝𝐢𝐟𝐲, 𝐨𝐫 𝐜𝐥𝐚𝐢𝐦 𝐚𝐧𝐲 𝐨𝐟 𝐦𝐲 𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐤𝐬 𝐚𝐬 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐨𝐰𝐧.
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