#when his hair goes floof
woundlingus · 8 months
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Supernatural 13x20 Unfinished Business
Loki moments that make me 🥰🥰🥰🥰
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freakadr0id · 1 year
Anyone want another Tang screenshot redraw? No? Too bad, you’re getting one anyway.
(Minor S4 Special Spoilers under the cut)
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Now that the season 4 special has officially released in English I finally get to share this. I’ve had this in my back pocket since I was spoiled from the China release and I’m happy to finally share it. I just love our resident nerd boy so much. I’m obsessed with his new fluffy hair and, I swear to god, if they don’t let him keep it I’m going to riot.
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agathazinha2009 · 8 months
Drawing of the day lol
the first one I did at school
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Cute ngl.
I didn't like the second one but I really like their position it's adorable ASJDSA
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dawnoftime22 · 11 months
just a little jealous.
| N.R
Warnings: None!
Summary: Natasha comes home to find out Liho has been taking her spot for you.
Word Count: 1.4k
Category: fluffy fluff <3
| Started on 12/10/2023, 6:45 AM |
| Finished on 28/10/2023 7:29 PM |
"But you are the first thing on my mind, always.
Does that count?"
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"Traitor." - Nat, aou
|——————————— ⴵ ———————————|
"Детка (baby), I'm home!" Nat calls out into the house as she closes the door on the way in, but all that greeted her back was the quietness the place had.
"Детка?" She says yet again, questioning if you just hadn't heard her, because she knows you get a little too lost in your music at times.
She checks the living room, nothing but the tv remote still in its original place since she was last here, then the kitchen, and still nothing.
Then, something else greeted her. Black paws quietly ran across the room and a soft meow makes her look down. Liho was pawing at her legs, and Natasha bent down to grab her, the soft fur instantly making her relax.
"Hi there." Liho curled up against her when she pulled her to her chest, the feline closing its eyes at the comfortable spot it's in.
"You know where Y/N is? Hm?" Her hand goes up to pet Liho in between her ears, and while it started purring against her, Liho started to move her head, making Natasha move her hand to let the little one look wherever it's wanting to.
When the yellow eyes stared up the stairs, where supposedly, is in the direction of your shared bedroom with Nat, she gets what Liho was trying to say.
Nat walks towards and up the stairs, her legs leading her off to your shared bedroom together. The quietness that still stayed had Nat waiting in anticipation on what exactly you were doing. If you were watching a movie, she would have heard it by now, with how close she was to the room.
The door was open just a crack, so you could only see a glimpse of the inside, but just her seeing even a small strand of your hair made her a little calmer.
She steps inside, pushing the door gently with her hand but it still welcomed her with a soft creak. Although she was hoping to see you on the bed, safe and sound, she also wasn't expecting you to be sitting opposite of how someone would usually lay down in a bed.
You laid on your side, an arm and a leg half hanging off the bed, with your feet just below where the pillows are, and your head resting on a folded blanket. She wondered how exactly did you make yourself comfortable in that position, but had gotten distracted by the adorable pout you had on your face. You seemed spaced out.
When you heard the creak and noticed Nat walking in the room, your face brightens.
"There you are." The both of you said. Yes. The both of you at the same time. It would make sense for the widow to have said it, but when she heard the words echo back to her from your own mouth, she furrowed her eyebrows in confusion.
Then, Liho let out a meow and jumped off from her arms, landing gracefully down to the floor to go over to you instead. You opened your arms up, wanting the floof against your skin again.
Liho settles herself beside you, and when you finally, as Nat thought, looked up at her, she had her mouth slightly open in shock at how you almost didn't say hi to her first and wanted to cuddle with the cat.
You had a smile on your face already before giggling at how shocked Nat looked. "Hi," you say softly, as if you hadn't just absolutely betrayed her.
"Don't 'hi' me!" She still stood at the door, lifting her hands up in made up exasperation until she shook her head with a small smile, walking to you, (or so you thought) no, walking by you, to grab a pair of comfortable clothes from the closet.
Now you were the one surprised. But the both of you were smiling all the while. You lift yourself up to sit up slightly, leaning on your elbows. "Wait, I only greeted Liho first because she wasn't here when I woke up from my nap!"
"I wasn't either!" She claims, and although it was undeniably the truth, you did sleep while Liho was next to you, and she was off at work, until you woke up with the black cat gone, similar to the morning you had with Nat's warm body missing next to you just a few hours ago. Missing black cat, missing black widow.
"I'm sorry, okay? But hey, I still greeted both of you!" You say in defense. She raises her eyebrows at you, grabbing her towel to hang it on one of her shoulders. Her mouth, almost making out a small pout. But you bet she's trying her hardest not to let it show much.
"Should've been me first." she mumbles, turning around to head towards the bathroom. You just barely hear her, and it took everything in you not to laugh or aw at how jealous she was.
"What was that?" You ask, taunting her with a smirk that you're glad she couldn't see
"Nothing! Nothing." She huffs, walking off to the bathroom to clean herself off from today's work with her hands swatting in the air towards you without looking, as if signalling you to stop or go away.
When you hear the door closing with a click, you let out a quiet laugh, leaning back on the folded blanket you laid on.
"Did you hear what I heard too?" You whisper to Liho, petting her soft fur. The curled up cat didn't answer, and only purred with its eyes closed from your gentle hands.
You soon heard running water come from the bathroom, and although you loved teasing Nat, you were glad she's home again.
|——————————— ⴵ ———————————|
Once Nat got back in the bedroom and put her clothes on, she sits down next to you, while trying to keep a small distance between the both of you.
"You know you're jealous over just one of the smallest, adorable beings on the world right?" you raise a brow at her, a smile ghosting your lips.
"Shut up." a chuckle comes out of you at her quick response, and you pull up the covers to cover up the both of you, making sure Liho didn't end up completely under them and suffocating or something. Nat's face softened slightly at the gesture as the covers warmed her up.
"You shouldn't be. You're the same, just more adorable." It clicked in that moment, that you were implying she was another small but most adorable thing in the world. Honestly, if she wasn't so in love with you, you'd probably be dead by now.
Natasha rolls her eyes playfully, and still a little annoyed, but the feeling doesn't stay much longer when you cuddle closer into her. Her heart can't resist making her arms put theirselves around your body.
Even if it was her heart, she kept her eyes focused on Liho, her hands slightly tightening around you, as if protectively keeping you away from the small unharmful cat.
You wriggle a bit out of her grip, which made her loosen her arms just a little, but watches you as she lets you turn around to make eye contact with the curious yellow eyes as Liho made its way to you.
Before Nat could pull you back closer to her, Liho unexpectedly, at first slowly reaches up with one paw on your shoulder, and then boops your nose with her other paw gently, making you let out a soft giggle and scrunch your nose. Natasha's heart melted, and as if the scene to look at wasn't just adorable enough, she had to hear your little laugh.
You then turn back to snuggle against Nat, but then lean up to put a small soft boop on her nose, too.
"Hey!" Nat splutters out lightly in surprise as she laughed along with you, warmth enveloping the both of your hearts, and maybe even Liho's, though she might just be confused at what the two of you are laughing about.
While you both calmed down, the black cat pads over to Nat's side instead, laying down and flipping around to stretch then show Nat her stomach. She pets Liho's head, her hand straying down away to it's body covered in soft fur.
Although she had to admit she was jealous, she still loves the feline friend even though it almost seemed as if it was trying to steal you away from her. But of course, what she loved most was seeing your adorable smile.
taglist <3 - join here! :]
@notevenanna @ludasgf @lovelyy-moonlight @red1culous @justanotherteenpoet @fxckmiup @dmenby3100 @natsbraids
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enden-k · 2 months
would you ever be interested in making a tutorial on how to draw lycaon? i've admittedly never drawn anything furry or anime style before and i really want to learn how to draw lycaon
your art style is very beautiful btw and i absolutely adore all of your lycawise art as well <3
im not rlly good at these but i can try ......
for how to draw anthro/furry i suggest looking for actual furry artists, they would be more of a help! i can only show how i draw lycaon specifically + some observations/tips
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i basically just draw the same like when i draw human characters but just add the tube like shape for his snout, its like pushing nose chin area a bit forward etc. (again, for that look for furry artist to help w that, they prob have useful tips since this is more of their specialty than mine)
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lycaons snout is short and nicely shapey with a strong chin. his neutral expression is a bit frowney. what helps is to look at him closely and draw these simple shapes exaggerated and then smooth them out to look more natural. also add all his floof!!! it goes over smoothly into his hair n ears, lycaon takes great care of himself and grooms himself nicely so we gotta find a good middle thing between his immaculate appearance and floofy wolf nature
idk if this was of any help but good luck!!!
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Nonhuman AU Trey
Ironically this baker is a type of cinnamon bear, but you wouldn't be able to tell since like his siblings he inherited his dad's green fur, though he is a lighter shade. It's more obvious if you take a look at his mother.
Said siblings climb around on everything, including Trey himself. He likes swinging them around when they hang onto his strong arms and... would be willing to do the same for you if asked.
He’s taller and has more muscle than his human counterpart, but also a bit more squish. Has some very thick dark claws, and human hands with some dark padding on the palm and fingertips. He has a little tail that isn't that noticeable given its size. Sharp teeth and noticeable canines.
Very interested in your little dull human teeth and small mouth.
Fur is fluffy and he has a lot of it. Arms, legs chest, underarms, floof happy trail, above his tail and the same shade of green as his hair. Now bear fur texture is shaggy and thick, but unlike regular bears whose fur is rough, dirty looking, and stiff due to dirt, leaves, tree sap, and old food, Trey takes very good care of his fur so it's great for burying your face in. Similar to other beasts he can and will use it to lure you in for cuddles and to give him scritches.
Like dogs, bears lose some of their soft, dense insulating underfur as well as some of their coarse outer guard hairs when temperatures climb. By late summer, they can look quite scruffy. However, as the weather cools and they layer on fat for hibernation, their underfur and guard hairs grow back. He is very not pleased when his fur gets scruffy in those hot months and how much he ends up shedding. Don’t worry, it won’t get in the goodies he bakes, in a world full of magic where the majority of the population are types of fur-having beasts, they know how to make sure everything stays sanitary. 
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He very much appreciates you helping with brushing him out and unlike certain other guys, isn't a tsundere about asking, of course, he offers something yummy in return and will insist even if you say you're just fine with helping him out. It's totally because he just wants to pay you back and not because he wants to show off how good his baking skills are and how he can keep you fed.
Tbh even before you start dating you might end up gaining a pound or two because of him.
He’s too domesticated to hibernate but isn't opposed to taking naps when he can and can sleep pretty hard...unfortunately certain members of his dorm like to cause trouble and he ends up getting disturbed often.
Poor tired bear waking up all of a sudden and fur a mess because AceDeuce broke something and now Riddle is screaming.
The guy likes puns and dad jokes so if you think he isn't going to make any bear ones you're wrong.
Bear hugs. Human Trey already gives those warm comforting hugs, but bear beastman Trey? You will never feel more warm and secure in a hug. He smells like baked goods and has a comforting underlying musk. Loves how big and protective holding you makes him feel, you can't see it with your face smooched into his chest, but he has a very self-satisfied look on his face if you say anything about feeling safe with him.
Please scratch his back for him, his fur is thick, and it's hard to reach. You might even catch him doing this when he thinks no one is looking. He makes funny noises when you find a good spot. Is perfectly fine lying down with you sitting on his back and going to town on him with those nibble little monkey hands.
Speaking of noises, bears make a lot of them, and I don't just mean the growls they're known for.
Grunts are often used by mother bears to communicate with their cubs and can signal to cubs to climb trees for safety or to follow her. Now unlike regular male bears, bear beastmen are involved with their kids and do the same thing. Though admittedly Trey has a habit of doing this with you and his siblings when something goes down, though he doesn't expect you to climb up a tree, just get behind him. Though he can easily get you up there himself if need be.
Huffing is a warning to get away, teeth clicking is a warning but also a fear/stress response, and similar to humans, bears whimper when they are in distress or fear. It’s a sound that indicates submission or vulnerability. Hmm getting him to whimper because of submission though...
Adorably they snort when surprised or experiencing mild alarm but also when investigating a new scent or object. It makes me want to try sneaking up on him so he does it but I'm sure those adorable ears would hear me before I have the chance.
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But also...Trey unintentionally does it the first time he gives the cute new human some sniff sniffs.
Bear mating strategies vary by species/breeds, with some relying on scent-marking and vocalizations to attract mates, while others engage in physical displays of strength and dominance. Male bears may engage in fierce battles with rivals for the opportunity to mate with a female.
Trey isn't the type to act outright aggressively but he's not against using his stature to intimidate and to be a sneak to get between you and the other guys. He's good at always finding an excuse. Needs you for taste testing, being his little helper for baking, or helping with the mountain of tasks he has on his plate as Riddles right pawed man.
Female bears are pretty selective with mates, size, and strength are two big parts of attraction for them, so he's going to keep finding ways to show off his strength and draw attention to how much bigger he is than you. Catch this guy carrying around huge sacks of flour like it's nothing and playfully teasing you when you try and fail to lift a bag.
...Trey really likes teasing you. Oh, the feelings it gives him when you look up at him all flustered or even all huffy from his comments. He can't help but want to see how far he can take it, but he needs to keep a level head. Can get pretty horny grip about it though.
Regular bears follow females to assess their receptiveness, regularly sniffing areas where the female has sat and the female herself when possible. Couples often play and rest together during courtship. They also engage in various pre-mating rituals, such as nuzzling, and pawing at each other. 
...no, he isn't going to sniff your seat like some weirdo. I mean, yeah, giving some sniff sniffs is acceptable in this society but not to that extent. He gonna sniff the hoodie you borrowed tho. You're totally going to get sniffed during hugs or when he's looming. He gets growly when his trailing after you/interactions gets interrupted, especially when the territorial part of his brain kicks in and certain other guys are nearby.
Oh, he has so much fun playfully chasing you around. Especially when he catches you, wrapping his arms around you before lifting you into the air...maybe giving your shoulder a little nibble if he's feeling extra playful. Don't worry, he knows how to be gentle with his teeth.
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Don't expect to outrun him though, a bear can run 35mp and catch a horse.
The guy is great for napping and resting on and will encourage you to do so. He's going to want to turn your room in Ramshackle into a proper den for you two to rest and be away from the others.
Bear mating and junk info below. ⬇️
Mating season begins in May and lasts until early July. Mating mainly occurs during June.
Brown bears, American black bears, Asiatic black bears, sloth bears, giant pandas, polar bears, and spectacled bears all generally breed between spring and early summer.
A male bear recognizes an estrous female by her scent. He then walks behind her, shadowing her movements like he has a laser sight affixed to her rump. It’s certainly not uncommon to see a male following a female for hours and hours, he is biding his time until she's willing. Now I'm not saying he's going to stalk you but he's sure as hell going to want to stick close, especially if you have a mating scent...and pay a lot of attention to your butt. God, forbid you sit on his lap or bend over in front of him. As much as he enjoys the view, he's going to make sure to block it from others, just another reason for wanting to stick close to your back.
Male testosterone levels peak, not coincidentally, in June as well so he's definitely going to start getting some of that strong musk during that time.
Outside of the mating season, male bears pose real threats to smaller females (sometimes, albeit very rarely, killing them) so the close, persistent proximity of a large male is usually alarming at first. Eventually, hormones and habituation to the male overcome her initial trepidation.
With the bear beastmen females/the one the male is interested in don't need to worry as much about that, but Trey is def going to do a lot to show you that he's safe for you to be around and that you can be comfortable around him, he's very good at it too.
Alright so...bears have a penis bone, along with certain primates, rodents, shrews, hedgehogs, dogs, walruses, seals, sea lions, and raccoons.
It allows him to stay hard for longer, though with regular bears the actual mating process is typically brief, lasting only a few minutes, but can occur multiple times over a few hours or several days.
After mating some males have been shown to make intense tongue-clicking vocalizations and prevent the female from leaving, perhaps to give his sperm time to fertilize her eggs before she met another male. I'm picturing Trey getting pretty clingy after sex and using his great aftercare and cuddle skills to keep you from leaving and making that noise when you try to get up to use the bathroom.
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seullovesme · 7 months
welp, hi. any irene thoughts?🎀 irene cuddling reader to sleep because the reader had a long day...☹️☹️ oh god I need some floof🥲🥲I'm so overwhelmed these days lmao. Sorry for ranting, btw I love ur stories!!!😍
hihi, im sorry to hear that you're overwhelmed and i hope this helps you even a little bit 😖
cuddles w/ bae irene
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irene is always very observant. she can tell when you're happy, sad, angry, frustrated, it's like reading a book for her. so when you come home with a wrinkle between your brows, she can tell somethings up. irene asks how your day was, receiving a grumble that you're fine.
usually you always tell her what the issue is when you're upset like this, so she was caught off guard by you kinda pushing her away. she lets you know you can talk to her and that she leaves for your bedroom, waiting for you to show up. an hour or two later, you're still not there. she gets up to check and finds you laying on the couch, arms shielding your face from the kitchen light.
obviously, irene wouldn't let you sleep on the couch, let alone leave you to drown in whatever thoughts that made you so down. she goes straight up to you, pulling your arms off your face to see your exhausted state and the way your eyes look so drained. she picked you up off the couch and walked you to the bed.
laying you down, she tucked you in before getting in the sheets right beside you. she scooted in towards you and brought you into her, placing a hand on your head to press into into her chest. you listened to her heart beat as she played with the tips of your hair, the even thumps bringing you to a relaxed state of mind. irene's hand slowly traveled the your upper back, drawing little hearts into your shoulder blades.
she waited til she felt all the tension in your body drift away as you went limp in her arms, completely molded into her body. she kissed the top of your head and held you tightly, knowing you just needed to be in her arms before you could talk about what was wrong. with her arms wrapped around you in such a protective manner, you were lulled to sleep, the last thing heard a small 'i love you' as your eyes shut.
irene knew you like the back of her hand. she knew you just needed some love to make your head forget about such a tiring day.
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thegoldenavenger · 5 months
Mmmmm, thinking about Luo Binghe flying high on his sword when a magnificent bird veers close to him, flaring its wings and catching the buffet of wind around lbh and riding alongside him
The bird looks at him with steely, piercing eyes and delicately reaches its talons out to grip zheng yang's hilt. It settles carefully onto the sword, ruffling its feathers as it balances. Idly, it toys with the hem of lbh's robe, at the tie on his boot.
Lbh is heading to Qing Jing Peak, of course and this bird rides with him the whole way. Approaching the bamboo forest, the bird catches flight again, quickly looping around lbh before folding its wings and diving.
Not to be outclassed, lbh also tucks himself in and dives. Unerring, the bird and lbh are heading for the same figure.
LBH finally has to pull out of the dive, jumping off Zheng Yang and sweeping it back into its sheath in an elegant movement while the bird, like an arrow, drops almost directly onto Shen Qingqiu, who is waiting.
At the last moment the bird pulls up, it's talons reaching out and it's wings breaking its speed. It perches on sqq's arm, almost a third to half the size of sqq himself.
"Oh you brought home Binghe! How good!" Sqq scratches the bird's feathers around its face, and the bird floofs and twists its head appreciatively. It delicately nips at sqq's fingers and sqq let's out a little "Oh! Right!" And procures a little meat snack for it.
Lbh, totally not jealous of a bird, announces himself and sqq smiles at him, very gleeful.
"Binghe, welcome back! You may not have noticed, but your Liu-Shishu had a little qi deviation and turned into a bird!"
The bird makes a trilling noise after it—he—snapped up the snack, and goes back to nibbling at sqq's hand, pulling softly at his sleeve. Lbh makes a face.
"How long is he going to be like that?" Lbh asks, edging into sqq's space, not so subtly planning how best to oust bird-lqg from sqq's arm.
"Mu Qingfang said that he would likely have to clear the resentment that caused the qi deviation, before his energy can rebalance and return to normal."
"And... he can do that?" Lbh looks VERY doubtfully at lqg, who is busy trying to fit his head back into sqq's palm, begging for more scritches.
"Ah, well. Probably?" Sqq says, "He has times where he seems more lucid. Yang Yixuan is, uh, dedicated, but I don't trust Bai Zhan to have the delicacy required to take care of Liu-Shidi while he's this indisposed..."
"They might still try to fight him..." Lbh agrees.
"Exactly! He's still so intimidating!" Sqq says this while cooing, dragging his hand down the bird's chest. Bird-lqg obligingly raises a talon, showing off wicked finger-length curving claws to Sqq's obvious delight.
Lbh starts, in reflex, as sqq holds his hand out and bird-lqg curves his talons around it, but bird-lqg is exceedingly delicate, exerting a control that normal birds wouldn't possess.
"And he can't stay on the beast mountain?" Lbh asks
"Well, they have so many other responsibilities..." sqq says, almost pouting at lbh.
Lbh thinks that is entirely unfair. He is the one who should be crying in this situation, seeing as his husband has, once again, done backflips in order to arrange lqg into their care.
"You just want to study him." Lbh accuses, finally burrowing his way into sqq's shoulder, leaning on it enough that it unbalanced bird-lqg. Lbh keeps an eye out, but as expected, bird-lqg launches off of sqq with a few powerful flaps of his wings instead of risking harming sqq to readjusting his perch.
"I could turn into a better animal for you to study." Lbh says, petulant, into sqq's hair.
"Ahhh, it will only be for awhile you sticky husband." Sqq says, but dutifully pets lbh's hair.
Lbh shuffles them back into the bamboo house, intending on visiting the kitchens then heading to bed, but he's stopped by the mess of straw and woodchips spread along the floor. A large, wickedly gnarled branch leans haphazardly across the home, almost wall to wall.
"Shizun......" lbh says in despair. "Shizun, he is not staying in the house, is he?"
As if in punctuation, a beautiful feather floats down lazily in front of lbh's face.
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fangirltothefullest · 5 months
just curious: have you ever made a tutorial on how you draw hair? it always looks so flowy and delicate and I'm immensely jealous
I just kind of go for it and if it doesn't look right it usually needs more volume lol. XD It would take too long to like... go step by step but here's the general shapes of each side. The secret: There's a lot of S shapes going on to give volume.
We'll start with the shortest to the longest:
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Short and pushed up in the front because he's trying to keep it neat. Spikier looking strands. Less flowey and with less S shapes means less volume. Many much triangle for maximum pointy.
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Shorter but his bangs are down like Virgil. Covers human side of his face more because that's fun. He and Virgil have the same hair but Virgil tends to have more volume covering his face and sometimes I shorten Janus's bangs even more than what I actually did here to make him look more put together. It's either that or make the top part flatter like Logan's to be more clipped.
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Completely covering the side of his face of course- I usually hide his eye a lot. Much spook, very emo. As you can tell, volume usually goes off to one side as opposed to both for the way I do hair. Something something balance in the unbalanced or whatever.
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Fluffier! Lots of S shapes this time! But it doesn't carry around the whole face like Roman's does. It's a higher kind of floof making him look more bouncy and approachable.
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THERE HE IS THE FLOOF PRINCE HIMSELF! So many swoopy S shapes everywhere and they carry down past his chin giving him so many curls to work with. Still the floof is catered to one side over the other (I default to the side with the bangs), but Roman's is as swopy as I can make it. Usually I have to go back and adjust the volume because it goes out to the side AND up higher because it's meant to make him look flouncy and flamboyant. A kind of "I woke up looking this good" vibe.
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Aaand Remus! Opposite bangs of all the sides, I did this on purpose because the consistency in his being off-kilter compared to the others shows up immediately with the visual switch. But it means the opposite side gets the heavier floof so his ponytail (when I draw it, I don't always) gets to show up on the opposite side to balance him out. He has such long bangs in my style that it feels necessary lol.
I don't know if this helps but maybe it does? XD
Here's some like.... general bangs variations??
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If I'm doing long hair I just lengthen the S shapes and usually I curl them at the bottom because I hair does that.
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A/N ::: So, I was trying to work something out about Kafka's ass and the sparse amount of hair on it that he's self-conscious about but holy god, I couldn't do it. I started like 4 different things, all of which were not even close to what I was going for. So, here we are. With another idea I had about Florist!Kafka. I had this idea yesterday, I think. Thank goodness I can check this off of my to-do list. There are too many now. It's getting bad, guys. My feelings for this man are becoming an issue lol. Anyway. I about vomited when I finished this because the ending could not have been more perfect (for me?). I love it. I hope you guys like it too!
C/W ::: None. Just more smooshy lovey shit. Sorry not sorry. Maybe I'll carry on with this after the fact. Idk. Let me know if I should whip something up for later? Like after the initial thingy happens?
WC ::: 621 ish
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Florist!Kafka has seen you walk past his little pop-up shop every day for the last 2 weeks and he feels like if he doesn't get to talk to you, he'll burst. He does what he can to get your attention and he'll smile at you. You smile back, politely, sure. But that's becoming not enough. He wants to talk to you. With you.
Florist!Kafka has had enough when he sees you making a run for it from one side of the street to the other when it's raining and he's sitting comfortable and dry under the large umbrella that covers his portable cart. He calls out, jogging toward you with an extra umbrella he has.
Florist!Kafka who trips over his own feet and goes flying through the air, knocking you over, too. You're both laying in the biggest puddle you've ever had the displeasure of encountering. Not only that, but he's lying on top of you, face to face. You can feel his breath fanning across the bridge of your nose.
Florist!Kafka who jumps up faster than he ever has gets right to work on helping you, making sure you're ok and that you didn't hit your head or anything like that. He apologizes profusely, offering you to come sit down at his cart to rest for a moment - to collect yourself, were his exact words.
Florist!Kafka who wanted nothing more than for you to take him up on the offer so he could spend more time with you. More importantly, so he could ease his mind and actually see you get some rest. You're always rushing off to one place or another and he wants to see you just "BE".
Florist!Kafka who is delighted beyond words when you agree to go sit with him for a moment, "to collect yourself," as he put it. You thought it was sweet how he was fussing over you. He wouldn't take no for an answer when he offered you a bottle of water. So, you took it, graciously. Thanking him for his kindness but reiterating that he doesn't have to go through this much trouble for you.
Florist!Kafka who disappears around the other side of his mobile stand for a couple of minutes and comes back with a single yellow rose with a bunch of black tulle floofed up around the stem and an unnecessary apology for you. He blames his uncharacteristically clumsy nature on how pretty you are - this isn't the first time you've made him slip up.
Florist!Kafka who blushes when he sees how happy his observation (and the rose) made you. He wants to ask you out so badly but he's not feeling the bravest right now - despite his ability to fight actual monsters when he's really "working". Love is a beast he has not conquered yet. Though he's reveling in the strength you give him just from being there. He could kill a thousand kaiju after a single kiss from you.
Florist!Kafka who hopes you are ok when he lets you leave him to go off and take a second shot at your day. He watches you all the way until you turn the corner at the end of the block and disappear. He smiles for the next 15 minutes straight because he got to be with you for a short amount of time. But still, he had some lingering thoughts.
Florist!Kafka who worries you won’t find the little note he put in the tulle. 
Florist!Kafka whose lingering thoughts were all shattered when his phone alerted him to a new notification; a text. From you! He opened his phone, scrolling right away to read the message ...
"Meet me where I fell for you. Come hungry. - Y/n"
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@kazutora-kurokawa @southside-otaku
@reiners-milkbiddies @darkstarlight82
@bakubunny @supersecretsaga @katkusuo
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velvet-games · 3 months
things I love drawing (for radiostatic):
alastor's swoopy hair
vox's shark gill markings
vox's clear lashes
alastor's chest (trongle)
their extremely heavily padded suits that leave a lil socket for the arms
vox's thighs
alastor's fluffy tail (I like extra floofs at the bottom)
alastor's hooves
vox's triangle pupils that I sometimes make into hearts because I keep thinking canon vox's eyes are hearts
cloth wrinkles (tbh that's a fav in general, but I love it in dress shirts specifically)
the little heartrate monitor looking squiggle on vox's jacket sleeve that I always forget
alastor's hips (esp when they are v angled)
vox's face when it goes . _ . or o^o
vox's blushies (between the eyes especially)
alastor's lashes (weirdly enough I mean the ones on the sides and not the bottom)
alastor's lapels (mmm v satisfying when it breaks the silhouette of his chest)
the diagonal straps on alastor's harness (and the way the cloth bulges out a little around the edges)
the part of their suits where one lapel crosses over the other and goes to the side
the little curl that covers alastor's cheek
vox's triceps
the lil peek of alastor's gums when he smiles really really wide
the top of their lapels where you can see it wrap around their necks a little bit
their claws .^^^^> <^^^^. (look at their little claws)
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punkeropercyjackson · 4 months
Jaypercy brainrot hours so headcanons
t4t autistic4autistic black love obviously,otherwise they'd be ooc
Percy's tgirl ass is so happy to be in love with a guy who's actually taller than her,even if it's literally by 1 inch
And she's the first transfem Jason's age he became friends so he's eternally screaming in flusteredness at how hot and cool she is
Percy has her hair down to her hips and wears it naturally and Jason has shoulder length dreads so he plays with the floof with her consent and she makes 'dread/dreadful/dreading' jokes about him pre-getting together
They could not fucking stand eachother at first,she thought he was a tryhard edgeloser douchebag and he thought she was a pretentious bossy normie with no real problems but as they worked together in hero work and ended up accidentally running into eachother in civillian form often enough they started seeking the other out,they realized they actually had a lot in common and jumped to the defensive and petty to avoid admitting it
Percy has kryptonian dna on Sally's side thanks to Abuelos Jackson dimensional travel to escape Krypton before it exploded and Jason's learned to be a greek mythos gageteer by working to gather items and use them properly
Their nicknames for eachother are 'Jaybat' and 'Bluey' and they go on dates to Dairy Super,Batburger,the beach and cat cafes(so Jason can read without Percy being forced to go to the library)and skateboarding and to punk shows
Pastel punk girlypop x Goth punk masc-leaning.Jason's not a pissbaby so he gladly lets Percy do his makeup and nails and diy's her plushies and other feminine stuff and has no shame in being openly soft with her and is smug over her returning/initiciating it and Percy's happy to play indie horror games with Jason and go cryptid hunting and get deep into the macabe elements of gothic.Percy also dyes her faded from gray to white streak sea blue to blend in the mortal world and wears crop tops a lot and Jason is LOOKING RESPECTFULLY and Jason's jacked i.e buff AND fat and dosen't shave the lower half of his face and if you caught Percy checking him out she dosen't even who this nigga is
Percy has so much older man trauma-Gabe,the gods AND Luke-so Jason came off as a red flag to her but proved himself to her without even knowing about it and is the most comforting,patient and protective boyfriend ever
They love picking eachother up thanks to their super strengths(literally in Percy's case + Jason gained it from the Lazarus Pit)and Jason learned kryptonian romance rituals to court Percy who pretended to be oblivious but was internally screaming in embarrased delight
Milf4Dilf and Mermaid4Ghost
They're the 'When i ask my bf to come cuddle with me but i forget how muscular he is' meme and same for goes for the Tv Girl colorins and Demolition Lovers redraws
"I'm sorry,Miss Jackson.I am for real" "BOY SHUT THE HELL UP"
@insomniac-jay made the finale LMFAO Also @st4r-fire @refrigeratedboombursts @mayameanderings and @theautisticcentre !!!
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“Ooooooh, that looks interesting!”
Keith groans, as loudly and dramatically as he can. He tries to emulate Shiro every time he was finally forced to actually do his job and mark student papers after weeks of procrastinating.
(He’s pretty successful, if he does say so himself.)
“Please,” he begs the red paladin, yanking on his sleeve to dissuade him from turning into the store. It does nothing.
“C’mon,” Lance says, ignoring his agony. “One last store, okay?”
“You’re a dirty liar. You said that two hours ago.”
Lance reaches back blindly to pat Keith patronizingly on the head, missing by a mile and smacking him on the face instead. Keith has to bat his hands away. “There, there. You once tried to fight a ten thousand year old zombie dictator with your bare hands. You will survive.”
“Fistfighting Zarkon wasn’t nearly this painful,” Keith grumbles, but lets Lance pull him into the store, anyway.
God, he’s fucking whipped. He’s embarrassed of himself. Truly.
He dutifully takes the basket Lance hands him (on top of his twelve other shopping bags, full to the brim, Keith might add) and holds it out whenever Lance gasps excitedly and swipes something off a shelf or a hangar.
“Allura would look great in this skirt!”
“Wouldn’t Pidge look adorable with this hair bow?”
“Oh, Hunk has been looking for this!”
“Gasp!” (He actually says the word gasp, out loud, with his mouth.) “Hair chalk! Maybe Shiro will let me dye his floof!”
“You’re ridiculous,” Keith tells him. He sounds so fond that a random passer-by raises an amused eyebrow at him, which makes Keith want to melt into the floor. “Like an irritating wind-up toy.”
There. That should cover his tracks.
Lance pauses for a moment, turning to face Keith and squinting at him. For a brief, foolish moment, Keith feels something like hope — maybe this horrible torture will come to an end!
“Didn’t you collect wind-up toys when you were a kid?” he questions, head tilted. “You had like four boxes of them in your shack. I stole a little stegosaurus.”
Keith opens his mouth, then shuts it again. His ears burn.
“First of all, you have a kleptomania problem,” he points out, instead of stop knowing so much about me and let me live in peace. “Second of all, you are a snoop and I hate you.”
Lance snorts. “Yeah, yeah.”
Keith is about to say something else, something scathing, something to make him the clear winner of this dumbass, not-real argument, but then Lance absentmindedly links his arm through Keith’s and pulls him close as he strolls down an aisle full of puzzles and games.
Keith’s throat goes dry. Lance smells faintly of something floral, sweet.
Briefly, he squeezes his eyes shut and prays for strength. It will do nothing, because the universe likes to put Keith in horrible situations and laugh at him, but he tries anyway.
They walk in mostly silence for a the next little while, interrupted only by Lance’s quiet humming and occasional points of interest. He’s agonizingly slow to walk through the store — Keith is sure at this point that he’s doing it on purpose, no one likes shopping for this long, he’s definitely punishing Keith for drinking the last of the red juice packs — but perks up excitedly when he sees an aisle lined with jars on one side, and various tubes and pallets on the other.
“Look! Look look look! They have a skincare and makeup section!”
Keith turns his head to the sky. “Why do you despise me,” he mutters to it.
He is never getting out of this goddamn store.
“Come on, you drama queen,” Lance says, dragging him towards the first shelf of various products. “Shiro and Pidge keep stealing all my products because they are horrible people who don’t know how to ask for things. I need to replenish. Come help!”
He yanks Keith forward. Yelping, Keith stumbles after him. “I’m coming, you goober, yeesh! Ease up a bit.”
Smirking, Lance ignores him. He reaches for a shiny pink pot, unscrewing the lid and taking a sniff. He makes a face. “Blegh. Here.”
Keith indulgently smells it and almost gags. “That smells the way final exams feel.”
He trails after Lance for the next fifteen minutes, smelling weirdo products and laughing himself to tears at Lance’s various reactions. He has the pleasure of making Lance laugh, too, with all his creative descriptions; making his brown eyes light up and his bright smile making Keith’s heart do dangerous things.
He’s so fucked. He’s so fucked!
“Oh, hey, I have an idea. Close your eyes.”
It doesn’t even occur to Keith not to listen. That’s the embarrassing part. Lance tells him to close his eyes and immediately his world goes dark.
He feels something approach his face.
“Smell this,” Lance says.
Keith grimaces. “Can we be done with the nasty smells?”
“This one isn’t nasty, promise. It’s lip gloss. Guess the flavour.”
Keith hesitantly leans forward and inhales. To his surprise, the scent is pleasant, familiar.
“That one was too easy,” Lance says. “Keep your eyes closed, smell this one.”
Less wary now, Keith does. This one is even better than before.
“Oh, oranges!”
Lance grumbles to himself. Keith hears rustling, like Lance is digging through something, and then a sharp intake of breath.
Keith peeks an eye open. “Everything okay?”
“Close your eyes again,” Lance orders. Keith does, hesitantly, noting that Lance’s expression is very particular, in a way he can’t place.
“Guess this one,” he says quietly.
Keith does. He frowns, tiling his head in confusion.
“D’you give up?”
Lance sounds closer. Much closer, actually. Keith’s breaths get heavier.
Lance says nothing for a moment, and Keith is tempted to open his eyes. He feels Lance get closer, feels the heat of his breath on his cheeks. He’s still for a moment, and Keith’s heart pounds as he breathes rapidly, strangely familiar scent of the lipgloss getting closer and closer.
“…You want a hint?”
Keith nods rapidly. The smell gets even stronger, and then something warm and sticky presses against his lips.
Lance is kissing him.
He pulls back as quickly as he leaned in, but not far. The scent of the lip gloss is still cloying, intermingling with the scent of Lance, sweet and fruity.
“I don’t think I’ve ever tasted it before,” Keith rasps. He cracks open his eyes, barely, and finds them level with Lance’s nose, close to those shiny lips.
Lance hums. “It’s sweet pear.”
“Oh.” That makes sense. “It’s nice.”
Lance leans in again, and Keith does too, like a magnet drawn to Lance’s polarity. “Wanna taste again?”
As if Keith would ever say no to that.
based on this post
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amybizarre · 4 months
Welcome Home Cottagecore AU
Yeah boi, here we go- I posted about it already on Wattpad and AO3, but I wanted to offer it to more people! ^^ I only have a scribble of Cottagecore Wally rn, but hopefully a more proper drawing will come soon! Aside from that, enjoy some facts about Wally and introductions for the other neighbors under the cut! ^^
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About Wally
1) He is 3ft smol! :3 (Yes, canon height >:3)
2) Wally is a little menace. But he's cute. So he gets away with it.
3) He always rolls up his pant legs a little, otherwise they'd be too long.
4) Of course Cottage Wally always wants to look dapper, so he wears his pompadour, a now green ascot, well worn dress shirt, olive waistcoat and his usual or brown shoes.
5) His absolute favorite piece of clothing however is his giant, oversized, beige cardigan, that the newest neighbor in their village (that neighbor being YOU) "lent" him.
6) You'll never get it back.
7) The sleeves are so long, they cover his hands most of the time. Which comes in very "handy" when "borrowing" apples from Howdy's farm.
8) Without his cardigan he gets very cold and upset.
9) That's why he wears it ALL the time. :)
10) All his clothes are mostly brown, beige or green.
11) He loves drawing outside! That's why he always has twigs, leaves and flower petals stuck in his hair. And the occasional bandaid on his "nose" or cheek, cause man's a little clumsy.
12) Wally blinks owlishly (like, one eye at a time) when he doesn't understand something.
13) Home is a tree house in this AU!
14) Underneath Home, Wally has a flower garden, where he grows his own special "spiral flowers".
15) Wally can see through these spiral flowers.
16) Wally has given each neighbor a spiral flower as a symbol of his friendship and platonic love. :)
17) Wally has an especially fluffy bed of flowers underneath Home's entrance, so he can just jump down into them without getting hurt.
18) Wally loves to nap in flower beds. No matter where.
19) He has a swing made from vines.
20) Flower crowns all day baby! One for every occasion and weather.
21) If his flowers wilt a little, he will ask Julie to drop by and talk to his flowers to figure out whats wrong with them.
22) Wally has freckles in this AU! :3
About Howdy
Howdy is a farmer in this AU, who does both: Grow crops and raise animals. Whatever his neighbors may need, be it wheat, milk, butter, cheese or wool - no matter! - he's got it all and is happy to sell or share. It's a lot of work tho, to maintain a farm. Even when he's got four hands! So naturally he appreciates any help he can get and will repay accordingly. A jolly, big floof with a big heart, who adores a good joke to lighten the mood during work.
About Poppy
Poppy loves to go on walks in the woods. She has a little nack for collecting all sorts of mushrooms. But fret not! She knows each and every one of them by heart! Same goes for all types of herbs, nuts and berries and everything else you can forage for. She usually ends up cooking stock, conserving/drying the things she collected, to make tea from it or even home made medicine. She always makes wayyy too much for just herself tho, so she gives a lot of it away to the neighbors. Sweet, gentle and caring as usual.
About Frank
Frank is the local librarian, who keeps the small community building (where the library is in) in check. He's also keeps bees as a hobby. His bees usually fly around either the community area or Howdy's fruit trees. He knows a lot - and I mean A LOT - about all sorts of insects, with his favorite still being butterflies. Frank always seems to act a little off when Eddie's around. He is usually very disciplined and stern, but likes to loosen up every now and then.
About Eddie
Eddie is your local mailman! And if he isn't delivering newspapers or letters, he helps Howdy out on the farm. He just looooves the animals there. He's quite clumsy and gullible, sure, but he has the potential to be the best friend you could ever ask for. His favorite spot to hang out in is the community area of the village. A big guy, who is (not so) secretly an even bigger softie.
About Frank & Eddie's relationship
Now, both of them are obviously gay. For each other. A LOT. Eddie is super chill and open about his feelings towards Frank and likes to flirt with him whenever he gets the chance. Or he flatters him with small gestures like giving his hand a smol kiss, when they meet.
Now here's the thing: Everyone knows that Frank is gay. Except for Frank himself. He's just way too stubborn and proud to admit to himself that he's fallen in love with Eddie. Thus he hasn't even figured out he's gay yet. But: He still gets this fuzzy feeling and red cheeks when Eddie's around. Frank still gets flustered and worked up, when Eddie gives him a compliment. Which annoys Frank to no end, because he cannot figure out why he's feeling the way he does. But Eddie is blissfully unbothered by this, knowing exactly what's going on with Frank. So he keeps up his flirting and patiently waits for Frank to come out of his shell.
TLDR: Shenanigans ensue. In a comical way. And yes, they'll become a couple later on. ;)
About Sally
Sally is an aspiring musician and poet, hoping to swoon the world one day. She can often be found just lounging around in scenic spots, strumming away on her guitar or banjo and humming these sweet, sweet tunes. She is a dreamer and more easygoing character, who adores poetry and duets with her friends.
About Julie
Julie is the local florist in the village. She knows every single flower by name, considering she can speak to them. She likes to help her friends to tend to their gardens and keeps the flowers in the community area in check together with Frank. She is a very chipper gal, who enjoys quality time with others which may or may not involve taking them on little adventures outside of the village.
About Barnaby
Barns is still Wally's best friend and tells his jokes like there's no tomorrow! But the Funny Business isn't his only one! He usually helps Howdy with herding, when Eddie isn't available or does all sorts of odd jobs throughout the whole village. His friends and neighbors appreciate him for his helpful and relaxed nature. When anyone got a problem, he usually calms them down by already having a good solution and offering to help. The only downside? They'll have to endure his petrifying puns all the while!
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cartooemcanhis · 1 year
Bugbo hcs for my wacky dacky au
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🐜 He's this odd combination of an ant, a dock bug, and a cockroach.
🐜 Believe it or not, he used to have wings but they got ripped off in some kind of accident(Presumably the same one he got his antenna bent in), theres only a tiny bit of his wings still left
🐜 He does just want the best for his friends but he can come off as very passive agressive often
🐜 His friends and him all live together
🐜 The way he met his friends was..odd to say the least, he just randomly showed up one day and noone really questioned it
🐜 Never admits it but he probably goes out late at night to go like pilage random farmers crops just for the hell of it
🐜 He may look fluffy but trust me, don't touch the floof, it's like caterpillar hair, it WILL give you an itchy rash
🐜 Doesn't let Gerbo drink chocolate milk in the middle of the night because it's HIS chocolate milk
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🕷️Very silly fellow!
🕷️ Despite being a spider he cannot make webs :(
🕷️ He can climb walls and stuff though, he just doesn't do it often because he often gets stuck on ceilings
🕷️ Hoppo and him have this sibling like relationship where they do all sorts of wacky stuff together, The main two things being playing adopt me on Roblox and watching YouTube kids for hours on end
🕷️ He really really looks up to Bugbo
🕷️Big fan of chocolate milk but he's never allowed to have it 💔
🕷️Unlike Bugbo, Gerbo's fur is actually safe to touch and it's decently floofy.
🕷️He still secretly collects rocks for no rhyme or reason but that's ok
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Gradient Joe!
⚫ Starting off with a slightly cocnerning one,his Gradient is kinda like a parasitic non-sentient being, it's slowly taking over all of his body, don't worry though, it doesn't hurt him. (He also theoretically could spread his gradient to other people but hes never intentionally done that.yes, he has done it by accident before.)
⚫ Unlike what Bugbo says, he's probably just average intelligence lol
⚫Every part of his body that has gradient on it is oddly cold to the touch
⚫ Probably good at cooking but he can't eat so he doesn't bother to
⚫Has a very small crush on Bugbo but he knows that Bugbo won't ever like him back, but he's fine with that
⚫He's the one that pays the taxes in the house
⚫ uncomfortable around small children, it's unclear why
⚫ ABSOLUTELY locks his credit card up in a high security safe whenever he doesn't have it on him because he knows Hoppo will steal it and use it to buy 5839920202 shells worth of robux to waste on pet sim x on roblox
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🦗 the giggler
🦗 Ultimate ipad kid and yet somehow a girlboss and war criminal at once
🦗Uses internet slang when talking often
🦗Collects bones and other odd stuff and trinkets
🦗Scams so many kids on adopt me Roblox and on pet sim x
🦗 Absolutely slaying in the bug war, they're having fun somehow
🦗 Always off doing stuff
🦗 Physically cannot sit or stand still, always stimming in some way
🦗 Occasionally joins Bugbo on his late night "pilaging crops" outings
🦗He is a massive prankster, whenever it's April fools day you better lock your windows, doors, and chimneys, she is coming, they will show no mercy
🦗Can and will produce and spit acid at you if ur making xe angry or uncomfortable, they will then giggle at you and hope away
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🪰His backstory is fake as hell, every time he's asked about his past he'll make up a new backstory because he genuinely can't remember his actual backstory/past
🪰 Absolutely stims whenever he's explaining his devious plans (Yes, this includes his goofy rat looking tail wagging like a dog lol)
🪰Legit doesn't have a bed, he just sleeps on the floor of his evil lair like a cat lol
🪰Said lair used to be an old Swatter Inc building that got abandoned and he decided to live in
🪰All of his clothes are WAY too big for him since he's thin as a twig and flatter than a pancake
🪰Actually does use his hands and tail swatters as actual flyswatters (do not shake this man's hands they are nasty)
🪰His feet are flyswatters as well so whenever he doesn't have shoes on and he walks he makes funny af slapping sounds and waddles like a duck sorta
🪰 Litterally drinks bugspray, he just sprays it right in his mouth like a weirdo
🪰He's tried to kill Bugbo like 90 times now and every time he tries to Bugbo acts like he's never seen him ever in his life
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Hiii, Harpy anon again.
I have more thoughts. Instead of making Idia a dog boy, I say we make him an insect. Mostly because there are some insects out there that just make sense for him. (Also because he kinda look like bug to me tbh)
For example, spiders. (Yes I know they aren't insects but they look insects and that's all that matters) Spiders specifically have a lot of significance in Greek mythology, so it would make sense for Idia (who is based off a Greek god) to have some kind of connection there. But also spiders tend to be solitary creatures, they don't live in groups and only come together during mating. And a lot of the time, during mating the males are killed by their female mates. Which..I feel like is why Idia would avoid Yuu like the plague. Because all he can think about near them is "Mate.Mate.Mate.Mate.MATE-" and he's scared if he tries anything he'll get killed immediately.
Now I don't know if we've talked about Ortho yet but I feel like he's a little robot bee. I know it doesn't really go with spider Idia but Robot bee Ortho would be so gosh darn cute. There was a study done on bee's that came to the conclusion that when bee's bump into eachother they make a little "Whoop" noise. IMAGINE BUMPING INTO BEE ORTHO AND HE JUST GOES "Whoop!"
Ahem, sorry got carried away there for a sec. Bee's are also very protected of their hive and other bees in said hive, so I can't help but imagine if Yuu gets picked on Ortho immediately just pulls out the laser beams. Bee's can also smell fear. Giving bee Ortho this trait is like giving a toddler a glock and telling them to go do a crime. It is both horrifying and hilarious at the same time.
Robot Bee Boy.
BeeBot that makes cute noises when bumping into things.
So very cute. I don't have much to add to that except look at this cute bee butt.
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Now...spooder Idia...
Did anyone else see Kar'niss from Baldr's Gate 3 and thought he was hella fine?
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What kind of spider would he be? If he's one of the fluffy kinds I love the idea of his floof matching his hair. Would he have multiple eyes? Fangs on top of having those already pointy teethies?
Did you know an interesting thing that bee's and some spiders have in common his helping with pollinating plants?
Hmm drider's are usually big and people in general already don't like regular spiders very much. Poor Idia is just going to keep getting more reasons to not leave his room. 😔Oh Jeez Jamil would prob freak out seeing him.
Man, Idia and Azul have it bad. For females of both of their kind if they don't kill you after sex cuz doing the diddly works up an appetite, they might kill males that they simply rejected...or just because they got too close.
Another thing that both male octopuses and spiders have been shown to do to lower the risk is present their possible mate with food. Azul's an amazing cook with his own restaurant and Idia has a surplus of every kind of snack/junk food you can think of so at least they have that going.
Still, I would like to think that even if that happens with their kind in that world it's not nearly as bad or quite as common. Funny though to think of Idia screeching when he sees you and tossing a few bags of gummies and chips at you.
Also....to avoid getting eaten after sex some male spiders will actually tie the female up in his web and set her free after. Do with that info what you will.
Some spiders also do a mating dance, but you have a snowball's chance in hell of seeing him do that.
Still, it's just more things that get these types of nonhuman boys thinking that you the little would be the best choice when it comes to finding a mate. AMAB? Cool. AFAB? Well, human ones don't cannibalize so it's all good....well once the guys learned that they don't.
Plus, once he gets to actually know you and see how you're the least threatening thing in the school things will be easier.
Once he's comfortable around you get to see something amazing...
That he's a snarky little shit with so much sass. He's a weird combination of having issues with self-loathing while also having an ego.
One time you tried to bite him for mouthing off and he was legit scared for a sec but once he saw those little teeth of yours couldn't even make a scratch on the exoskeleton on his arm, he gets super freaking smug, and now he's even more of a shit when teasing you.
One of the cool things is that you can legit ride him places cuz he big spooder. It's too bad it rarely if ever happens with being a shut in.
He'll still let you sit on him like that when you guys are in his room.
A cool thing he can do is climb on walls and ceilings, does it often when trying to sneak to the vending machines on campus without being seen. He has unfortunately been seen once or twice though and it scared the hell out of the poor student to see a giant freaking spider on the ceiling and almost made Idia drop his snacks.
His webs are pretty and glowy, he kind of has them around his room set up like fairy light.
Weird fact, spiders can taste with their feet.
Cute fact, some spiders will keep a frog as a pet. Frog helps keep the spider's eggs from getting eaten and the spider protects the frog from other things.
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I'm kind of picturing Idia as the spider and you as the frog. You are his emotional support human that he keeps close when he has to leave his lair.
He unintentionally gives you scary dog privileges.
Imagine working your shift at Twisted McDonald and a little human comes up to you with this big-ass sharp-toothed spider dude behind them, you are scared out of your mind but then the human says "Excuse me, he asked for no pickles."
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