#when it's like shipping ''gross'' things is like 2% of my personality at *best*
coockie8 · 1 year
So do antis realise that their assumption that the fiction we consume is "our entire personality" is pretty much only announcing to the world that the fiction they consume is their entire personality?
Projecting and all that.
Personally, I like to believe antis have lives outside of Twitter and Tiktok and shit, but when they claim proshippers entire personalities are what they show online, it makes me wonder if antis do actually have a life outside the internet, because surely if they did, they would understand that what someone shows online is actually a very small portion of that person' personality.
Their inability, or unwillingness, to understand this very simple fact leads me to believe that what they show is their entire personality. Because if you think what I'm showing is all of me, then that's probably because what you show is all of you.
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frownyalfred · 1 month
Can I get clarification on your pro shipping post? The example you gave was a 20 year old with a 40 year old, and that's "problematic" (not really), but not really what I think of when I hear "pro shipping". Usually it's the shipping of minor/adult or incestuous relationships that I see getting defended. Does being against fictional works/ships that depict pedophilic or incestuous relationships as normal/romantic count as puritanism to you? Do you see the ship of Bruce Wayne/Damian Wayne as a personal preference with no moral implications?
I think there's a huge difference between being personally against something, and wanting to shame others or ban others from reading or writing something. The Puritanism comes from wanting to limit and ostracize others who don't share your beliefs. It comes from believing that your perspective is the only morally right one.
I think there will always be people who want to write or read about ships like that, yeah -- incest, pseudo-incest, everything in between. By moral implications, do you mean for the person interested in the ship? Or do you mean for others? Because I see that concern a lot on here -- this idea that somehow, by wanting to read/write about something, people are either 1) harming others by spreading this morally wrong ship or 2) harming themselves by normalizing the ship, and therefore making it more likely that they'll pursue similar relationships in their real lives.
We don't have much evidence for either of those claims. People have been clutching their pearls and wringing their hands over "morally wrong" books for ages -- and yet, Game of Thrones is still available in every bookstore. Am I a bad or woefully misguided person for having read Lolita in high school? Is a 16 year old reading a Bruce/Damian fic likely to turn around, shrug, and say "guess fucking my Dad is okay now"? Did an entire generation of fans shipping Wincest somehow have lasting, moral effects? I really don't think so. Not at the scale anti-shippers online seem to think, at least.
I think we need to separate how we moralize people from the content that they consume. And acknowledge that shaming and excluding people for wanting to read something doesn't exactly do much to prevent "moral implications." There's also a huge difference between reading a book, and endorsing the ideas/events inside of it. Same things with fics.
Anti-shipping is very appealing to people because it purports to protect people from harm. Until you look a little closer, and you realize that that protection comes at the expense of free expression, creative license, and agency to choose what we personally do and do not consume. And that that protection isn't really airtight out of your anti-shipping discord or tumblr community.
I think the best we can do is let people write and read what they want -- whatever they want, with limited warnings/etc like ao3 employs -- and ensure that those pieces of content are tagged, warned, and displayed accurately. We need to understand that the only control we have is over ourselves, and what we choose personally to consume or not consume.
I don't generally read those fics you mentioned, but I'm not saying they should be banned from ao3. Just because I might possibly think they're wrong or gross doesn't mean I think the person who wrote them is wrong or gross, either. The more we go down that moral slip and slide, like I said in my previous post, the worse off we will all become.
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discoursecatharsis · 1 year
I've noticed this pattern with antis in fandom where, in their attempt to distance themselves from anything and everything "problematic" in their fandoms, they refuse to acknowledge when they DO enjoy something problematic. Therefore, they don't recognize the problematic elements of the ship, character, media, etc. They'll also heavily downplay or deny any problematic. aspects of their favorite fandom thing.
I just saw an example of this and it is blowing my mind right now and I need to share this with y'all.
It involves the comments on this video.
Some context for Princess and the Frog: the blonde girl is Charlotte, also called Lottie. She's the main character Tiana's best friend. Charlotte's goal was always to marry a prince, and she almost marries (who she believes to be) Prince Naveen, but once she sees that Naveen and Tiana are in love, she tries to help them turn back human so they can be together.
At the end of the movie, Tiana and Naveen get married, and this scene plays after. Charlotte dances with Naveen's kid brother, and says "I've waited this long" in response to him saying that he's 6 and a half years old.
Now Charlotte's line here, if you look at the context clues of her story line, implies that she's saying "I've waited this long for a prince to marry, so I can wait longer for Naveen's younger brother to grow up." It's just a joke. Albeit, a joke that many will find to be very uncomfortable and inappropriate, but a joke nonetheless. I highly doubt Charlotte is actually going to "wait for" this child to grow up to marry him. She's making a joke at her expense, about her desperation of her dream to marry a prince.
BUT FOR SOME REASON.... many of the comments are like "she means that she's been waiting to DANCE with a prince."
I'm completely and utterly serious y'all. Here are some of the comments along those lines, with thousands of thumbs up each.
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If you've seen this movie, you'll realize that these comments make absolutely no sense for more than one reason.
1) Charlotte danced with Prince Naveen (or at least with the villain disguised as him) earlier in the movie. She danced with a prince already. Why would that still be her dream if she already accomplished that?
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2) Lottie speaks multiple times (during her childhood and in present day as a young adult) about her dream of "marrying a prince." Not dancing with a prince. Not meeting one. No, she wants to MARRY A PRINCE AND BE A PRINCESS.
This video has some clips of her saying this, at the time stamps 0:20, 2:52, 4:08, and 5:21.
Charlotte does give up her dream of marrying Naveen specifically for Tiana, because she see that he makes Tiana happy. But with how she jumps in like a wide receiver to catch the bouquet at Naveen and Tiana's wedding, it's clear she still has her dream of marrying *A* prince, just not Naveen.
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But back to the comments on that video.
The comments seem to be downplaying the actual implication of her line. It's almost like they're desperately trying to ignore what she actually meant and make it more wholesome because they don't want to admit that their favorite movie has an uncomfy and inappropriate joke.
It's disturbing that this is yet another example where people in fandom (who are fantis or have been influenced by that fanti mindset) are downplaying a scene (or a ship, trope, etc) that is ACTUALLY problematic because they personally like the movie or the character and they don't want to admit that it has some issues. Instead of just admitting "yeah that scene/line was kinda fucked up and gross," they are jumping through HOOPS to make it seem more innocent than it was. And this is completely blowing my mind and is honestly concerning.
If you want to personally interpret it in a different way, in a way to make it more palatable to you, be my guest. That's what fandom and fanon is all about and I do that a lot too. But to see so many people outright deny the actual implications of this line is... bizarre af. It's one thing to be like "hmm yeah I don't like that, so I'm going to personally interpret this ship/trope/scene differently so it's more comfortable to me." It's another thing entirely to be in complete denial and ignore the actual context of the character and their story.
Also, so many of the other comments on the video aren't even commenting on the actual scene or on what Charlotte said. They're just generic comments on how much they love Charlotte as a character or how they miss this 2D animation. It's like they're trying reallyyyyyy hard to ignore the joke that's being made.
On the grander scheme, this is concerning because these people are refusing to acknowledge something that's inappropriate at best and predatory at worse (an adult "waiting" for a child to grow up) because they don't want to be caught enjoying/supporting something "bad."
All their talk about normalizing and normalization, but they're the ones kinda normalizing bad things by downplaying them or being in denial of it when it's in THEIR favorite media. And that is very concerning and a big issue.
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howlsofbloodhounds · 3 days
Is yugo a proshipper/neutral? Genuine question because they’ve done some… questionable things in the past (shipping frans, using slurs they can’t claim in a comic (the f slur).
I mean I came across a post that said they were pretty chill with someone shipping epic with freaking Xgaster in march of this year and I was like??????? (Dude?? 1. That guy is an alternate version of your abusive father. 2. He’s basically Cross’s father (y’know your canonical best friend?)  who also abused by him. like what????)
(here the link btw https://www.tumblr.com/yugogeer012/745992208927293440/im-very-interested-in-how-yugo-reacts-to-the-fact?source=share )
And I find it weird that they seem to chill about that, but if you try and bring up epic in any way possible they lose it since they have unbridled hatred towards him and his fans. (bonus points when someone talks about shipping epic and cross, heck shipping epic with anyone male tends to make them annoyed, despite some early art depicting epic FLIRTING WITH METTATON) 
(also here the link: https://www.tumblr.com/sanicpluushy/761634810556039168/can-we-see-epicsans-flirtin-i-do-imagine?source=share ,
and my thoughts : https://www.tumblr.com/talonsirgo/761779011986800640/this-is-even-funnier-when-you-scroll-down-to?source=share)
I'm pretty sure they wiped Epic and his papyrus out of the comic just so they wouldn't have to deal with them anymore.
At this point i've already blocked them for their hostility towards all things epic/epic being gay/shipping him with xgaster and the whole frans stuff. I mean dude, even comyet is grossed out by anyone trying to ship ink with a gaster or his fathers (who are gasters and aren't even related by blood. Not that it matter tho, it's stil gross).
Come on yugo. You're better than this
(oooh btw did you se my where i @ you?? I found some pretty interesting analysis on cross thats been agreed upon by jakie herself, unfortunately it was done by the creator of dreamswap eugh.)
I don’t know if they are or not, because shipping Frans (or used to) and using f slurs while they actively seem to really really hate any gay ships but is very okay with lesbian ships seems a little strange. Potentially fetishizing perhaps, although maybe they’re just annoyed if they were constantly bombarded with sans x sans questions and stuff.
I don’t know Yugo, haven’t finished reading any of the Epictale content and i haven’t scrolled all through the blog, so I can’t say for sure. Maybe someone with more knowledge on this can chime in.
Although, after reading one of the links you sent me, i think you might’ve misread something.
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The asker and yugo didn’t say they shipped Epic x XGaster or were okay with that, they say were okay with Epic Gaster x XGaster. No alternative sons being shipped with alternative fathers, although DILFs (im using this word just because they are both fathers not because i personally want to fuck them 💀) who are the same person are being shipped and yugo at least doesn’t mind or doesn’t care.
I don’t know what their issue is with their own characters and people liking them, but I think yugo probably needs to set some boundaries with fans if they haven’t already.
rather than getting annoyed when people inevitably ship best friends and one of them is their character who they make flirt with men, perhaps they should just ask people to not send them questions about sans x sans ships, or crepic if it really makes them that uncomfortable. and if anyone does, just delete the asks or comments or reblogs.
getting annoyed when people bring up or ask about the characters you made seems pretty strange to me, it’s just a sign that people really like your character enough to be obsessed with them, but i can understand if they got annoyed if epic was all anyone focused on and not any of the other characters. but in that case, they should probably just delete anything they get about epic (from fans) they don’t want to see or answer.
but to allow your emotions and fans like of your character to cause you to change a story, or erase or get rid of the character, just to spite the fans/character or just so you don’t have to deal with them seems very odd to me. perhaps yugo needs to take a step back from the Epictale “fanbase” and stop engaging with it.
they can’t control what fans do with their work and characters as soon as it leaves their own eyesight, and they’d be better off not stressing over it. and fans should respect them, and stop bringing fandom stuff to them like ships or asking their opinions on ships—no one needs a creator’s opinion on a ship.
epic is a different thing, since he’s literally a character in the story, and a sans at that—which of course means people will bring him up and ask about him. if they don’t want to answer anything about epic, they should make that very clear and then don’t answer. Not answer just to give annoyed, passive aggressive replies. I think it’s sad when creators allow a fanbase to taint and affect their feelings about their work.
{ @talonsirgo }
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eatyourmaker · 2 months
If I don't come back from my indefinite break consider this the blog's requiem...
I love this community, and it will always hold a special place in my heart, and I'm genuinely scared of letting it go. I'm scared that my inner turmoil will have ruined the series and fandom for me.
But I've met such lovely people and made wonderful friends here. I've made art and seen wonderful art, and had great conversations and exchanges with people...
The small following I've accumulated? I've nothing bad to say about you.
You all are so genuinely lovely, and have made my experience here... So lovely...
Now onto the not so great things...
Being a creator in this fandom....
Feels like a fucking nightmare.
Seeing as this might be the last thing I post here I might as well leave no stone unturned and come clean, right?
It's so fucking anxiety inducing, and unfortunately I couldn't handle the heat.
Okay so here are some things that have been weighing me down.
1. Hostile responses to different types of content.
it's so confusing... it seems like the fandom's response to fan-created content is so... wishywashy.
On the one hand, if you create something with dark themes you run the risk of being called gross 'n weird.
On the other hand, if you create content that's just happy and silly you get the "this is unrealistic, where's the nuance?" comments.
Silly or Dark, it doesn't matter someone has got something to say.
Damned if you do damned if you don't.
The fuck am i supposed to do??? What do you want from me???
I try my best to just create whatever I know will make me happy, but the knowledge that wherever I turn there will be that type of response just give me such overwhelming anxiety, like...
And I know this sounds stupid and like a personal problem, and I thought it was too for a long time--- that's why I internalized it, but I've had conversations with my small circle of friends who are also creators and the space and from what I've gleemed they feel the same way.
They are also nervous to post the content they wanna post because of the same things.
On the one hand, I'm glad I'm not alone in my feelings, but on the other hand, it saddens me that this is such a problem people are scared of posting their work.
2. Unreasonable expectations of creators.
I feel like some people here forget that the creators here are people too.
It's kind of annoying and disheartening.
And the "expectations" I'm talking about isn't like--- people expecting people to push out content like machines, it's not that-
It's the "This doesn't cater to me, i don't like this [character/ship/whatever] therefore it is bad, and I'm gonna make you feel bad about it.
I see this sentiment a lot when it comes to a particular pair of characters--- not gonna name names. But if you know you know.
These characters aren't the best in the series. They present as dislikable, yes. But nonetheless they are someone's favorite (and that someone is my friend)
This fanartist draws wholesome art of their faves interacting as a couple only to get vagued about for not presenting the characters with more nuance.
And it's SO painfully obvious whenever this conversation comes up that it's about them n their art bc they are like known as the fanartist for these characters—
And it's just so... Disheartening to see.
And no one challenges this view point, and it's just an echo chamber of "YEA!!! If you draw this character you gotta draw them right!!!"
And lately I've been seeing the same sentiment for Ignacio, and I can't say definitively if it's something that's meant to be directed at me, but either way it sucks.
So as a creator I wanna address this type of thing head on.
Fanartists/fanfic writers/whoever is not obligated to provide you with "nuance."
I mean good God. I kind of understand the hatred and the sentiment, these characters are implied to be not good to their child, right? So when confronted with this character— especially if you're a fan of the character they're victimizing— you might be compelled to go "this is bad!!! This is unrealistic!!! Provide nuance!!! Blah blah"
But remember, this creator is a person too.
There are a lot of creators who will make realistic/more canon based "nuanced" depictions of this character—
But if there's a person who isn't interested in that and they just wanna draw their faves being happy or lovey dovey, what's the problem with that? Do you really think shoving canon and your dislike of the character down their throat, will do anything?
Can you just think for a second?
Like okay.
The character has done some bad shit. But do you really think that drawing that character being abusive is gonna be fucking fun??? For some people, I'm sure it is. There are some enjoyers of dark content who wanna provide that level of depth. But there are also... Some who don't!!! There are also people who wanna draw their faves being happy!!!
But then, there's the earlier point of "If you make something too dark you'll be called gross" LIKE
And the idea that there's a "right" way to draw or write a character is so stifling. And if you don't fit within that you get shit on.
ok next point.
Just find an interpretation you do like and leave the other people alone. And if you can't do that, don't interact with that content and go about your day.
It's so simple.
3. People shoving canon down your throat.
There's not much to say on this point I don't think.
But some people forget that headcanons and aus exist and that fanartist and fanfic writers are not the fucking show writers
Some of y'all act like you don't know what the fuck fanon is.
Let people have different interpretations and depictions of characters. The canon isn't fucking going anywhere.
If you see something you don't like? Move along, or block, whatever. Just stop with the constant "but it doesn't make sense!!!" Within someone's headcanons and story it might.
If you don't like someone's interpretation of a character, it's fine. But just. Leave people be.
(I got an ask recently about my Dadnacio au asking to explain it— this is NOT about that, that person was respectful and genuinely curious. I'm talking about in general and what I've seen. That person was fine)
4. The vagueing
Do I need to explain?
I thought this community was really more mature but apparently it isn't.
Nothing could prepare me for the amount of vaguing that would happen here.
Y'all— the creators you're refraining from name dropping but still venting about be seeing the shit!!! And it doesn't do anything but make people feel bad like holy shit!
All it serves to do is make the environment uncomfortable and hostile.
All you do is make not only that creator but other creators scared to post anything.
I can't silence anyone and I don't intend to— nothing I can do but Jesus it's just— omg.
4. Shipping wars
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Need I say more?
If there's a ship you don't like between two consenting non related adults, scroll past, or block the tag, and mmmmoooOOOOOOOVE the fuck along.
It's insane.
If your ship isn't popular, or has an age gap (A LEGAL ONE, MIND YOU) you are genuinely at risk of getting hate and even losing friends or mutuals. It's ridiculous.
R i d i c u l o u s.
Also, this may be an unpopular opinion, but—
If there's a toxic ship, as long as it doesn't romanticize the toxic parts of it— who gives a shit.
Some people like to write darker themes, but again it seems like that's a goddamn crime in this fandom,,,
I think that's about it.
All in all, this fandom, while it has its good parts...
I'm sorry, I gotta cut the shit and stop sugarcoating it—
I'm sorry!!! I had to say it!!!
Yeah, I'm a sensitive person, I say it in my pinned post.
But in all my years of living, with all the fandoms I've been in.
This is by far, no fucking joke. THE WORST ONE.
I'm so deadass.
And I've been in the FNAF fandom as a kid at its peak! I was in the Danganronpa fandom, FnF! And SOOO many more in-between!!! You should see the mile long yet some how in complete fandom list on my hyperfixation blog like I'm so deadass right noe. But no. This is the worst one. /Srs /gen
How did you MANAGE? How is this one, the lighthearted turned mysterious cartoon about 2 spooky kids manage to be the most vitriolic that I've seen in all my years?!
And if it's like this on Tumblr I shudder to think wtf Twitter is like.
And all this and then people will eventually start to wonder why tf the fandom is getting bone dry— lemme tell you—
Instead of catering your own fandom experience and saying "live and let live" it's like the first instinct when people see something they don't like is just hostility! And it's so immature!
And it's not just me either!!!!!
I'm probably more openly affected because again, I'm sensitive, I have horrible anxiety, yada yada, but it's not just me, and that's really sad.
But anyway.
Yeah that's it.
Despite all my grievances, please know that I love you guys. You all who have shown me support and love, you mean the world to me, and if I don't end up returning, please know I'll never forget you.
Bye , 🫂💖💞🫶🏾
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minniiaa · 6 months
Sorry if this seems repetitive but I haven't been active on social media in yearsss
Is it true that there's a lot of lawlu hate on tiktok and Twitter? I'm so confused because there used to be so much love for the ship back in 2017/2018 from my perspective (Amino era).
The short answer: yes and no. Let me start by saying I'm not the best person to answer this since I purely consume on twitter. I made my personal twitter in 2007 like it's everyone I've ever known irl and has nothing to do with shipping or hobbies and I follow approx 0 accounts related to anime, manga, or lawlu. I just looked up lawlu a few times and browsed and suddenly it's my whole fucking timeline and there’s no going back and now I have a lawlu twitter (This makes me very happy).
So if anyone else has an opinion on this that is more in the community, please feel free to comment away. Otherwise, below are my observations.
First off, there IS a ton of love for the ship. Most of what I see is beautiful art (they got the nsfw ayo), memes, fanfics, and headcanons just like tumblr. There are tons of comments of people swooning over these posts, Lawlu IS one of the most popular OP ships after all.
There's just a vocal minority that are very against the concept of shipping and in that subset there are those who are very against Lawlu. There people out there that will literally list accounts to block that ship lawlu or write lawlu DNI in their bios. The same can be said for other ships, it's not just this one it’s any they deem a ‘pro ship’ (problematic ship) and Lawlu is generally considered one of these. Below as is an example:
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The biggest issues I’ve seen with Lawlu are the following 1. luffy is aroace and cant be shipped period 2. law groomed luffy and the age gap is gross. IMO I think most of these people are just infantilizing Luffy as some goofy autistic kid that doesn't know what love and sex are when in reality he's very self-aware and happy does not equal stupid. Also he's 19 he’s not underage. He met Law twice when he was 17, one of which was saving his life as a doctor and Luffy was unconscious most of this time. Let's not forget Luffy's a war criminal kicking the asses of people 4x his age in a pirate world, age doesn't really work the same as irl.
BUTTT Not that any of this matters because you can ship whoever the fuck you what because guess what? It's ~fiction~. I could rant about how people can ship whatever the hell they want all day but I'll save my breath for now. (my opinion of course)
Also there are just mentally ill people who enjoy telling others to kys if you like something they like do. Lawlu shippers are just their chosen target demographic. Creators get foul messages in their inboxes, rude comments, just general hater behavior. Twitter is just a firey cesspool and all fandoms have 'fans' who do nothing but hate. We live in an age of negativity where being a hater is the cool thing to do.
HOWEVER, I see more people posting about why those people are wrong and stupid than the actual negative tweets but maybe that's because I actually support the ship and the algorithm sees that. Not sure how twitter works, nor do I want to know about that dumpster fire there's a reason I came over to tumblr.
As for tiktok, I don't really consume a lot of tiktok so I can't speak on it besides seeing cosplayers and cute animations/art. I'll leave that to the tiktok people to look into.
For argument's sake, I went through the lawlu tag and picked some lovely tweets to share with you so you can see the toxicity for yourself. Sadly only 10 images per post but I think you get the point. Thanks for the ask hope this was informative. :)
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stawpny · 14 days
I’m bored and ao3 is kinda dry (atleast for the wttt ny tag)
so here are some NY ships I NEED to see more of 🙏
MassYork: ok, I used to be almost totally opposed to this, seeing them having more of a brotherly relationship but with history n stuff it’s kinda not possible. But anyway, probably my main ship for now, bc OHMYGOD “nobody can kill you but me”? GET OUT, GET MARRIED, PLEASE.
like if it’s Mass/Cali/York or Mass/Jersey/York I will eat it up.
no questions, it is already in my mouth. I am eating the fuck outta this.
GeoYork: in my mind they have a cute dynamic. I feel they would be best friends as younger colonies and then have a very complicated relationship until they finally get together. Slowburn kinda, also kinda they have been in relationships dozens of times but something always happens. and isn’t Georgia called the “Empire State of the South”? or am I just hearing things
peach + apple? cobbler + pie? idek but I love them
TexYork: guys pls. southern gentleman and city boy? literally perfect for each other. they would make fun of each other endlessly. accents, vocabulary, actions, plus so much more because they’re very different.
TX taking York to his ranch to meet bro’s cows??? yes please. I’d like to meet Betsy too .
^TexaCaliYork: also a fire ship (see what I did there?) like the ship above, but with the hipster in it aswell. Texas and Cal constantly bicker like children and York sorts it out like a teacher would.
NY: you hurt his feelin’s, go apologize.
TX, scoffing: fine, but don’t expect me to get along with him after.
(spoiler alert!! York forces them into a cuddle pile afterwards to get over there lifelong beef)
IlliYork: they’re enemies, they’re lovers, the whole kit-and-caboodle. they’d switch hats sometimes and hold each others hand when they’re in their cities. they’re idiots and the Midwest and the Northeast hate them for it. It’s kinda gross but in a good way.
they’d be the couple who like hold hands in public but not make a single move other than that to show that they love the other. absolutely no kissing in public, they would just sit there in silence with a death grip on the other’s hand. they would totally insult each other to the face and then say, “Love you, tho.”
FloYork: fun fact: they are absolutely insane together. They influence each other and constantly say stupid shit. Florida would force York outta his comfort zone from time to time but the inner extrovert masked by New York’s fake introvert personality will do it almost willingly. he puts up a “fight” but he would deadass do it bc he thinks this shit is hilarious.
NY would be a little like Florida even if they weren’t dating. like NYC is absolutely batshit so that would mean York would have to be a little too.
NY/CA/TX/FL/LA: little crazy, ik, but I remember reading fics abt these five (including gov, but I’m still questioning if he would be in here or not) and absolutely devouring them. spectacular ship. it’s like a little bit of everything, except the Midwest and the other western states, but almost everything. I would love to see more of them.
they would def fight over each other. (who got to hold hands with who, who got to sleep/cuddle with who, etc.)
I’m not forcing you to give into my opinions, but if u like these, I like you 😼
some of these hc’s are not entirely mine, some were influenced, tho most are from the rotting part of my brain
I hope u use these ships in the future or I might spontaneously combust
(spoiler alert 2!! I will still explode [out of love] if u write about them)
ily guys
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rise-my-angel · 7 months
Rhaegar and Lyanna shippers and their stans are their own worse enemy. If they stopped being so weird about both they would probably not get that much shit from the fandom, but instead they have to write dumb metas/essays about how Rhaegar isn't problematic and RxL isn't problematic. But they are so weak that they can't even admit it, it's honestly pathetic.
People ship so many wack pairings and stan so many insane characters, that their dedication to forcing Rhaeyla to be romantic, ended up shooting themselves in the foot. It could easily be a gross ship that most people ignore, but they are so passionate about Rhaegar being the best guy protagonist that it ruins it.
Rhaegar was an emo loser who had no friends and was obsessed with prophecy. He put his wife through 2 dangerous back to back pregancies then kidnapped a child and impregnated her by force. Then he got crushed to death with a hammer by a guy with antlers on his helmet. He is a creepy asshole loser.
But if they just admitted that, then I wouldn't care as much. I love Euron Greyjoy but I would be the first person to sprint full speed and drop kick him off the top of the Wall. I've never defended him and I never will, but he's still one of my favorite characters. I'd rather beat him to death with my bare hands before pretending he isn't a complete irredeemable monster. Which makes my discussions about him not really offensive because I have never pretended his flaws are defendable.
People still get away with shipping Sansa and Sandor, another child girl/adult man pairing, so why do Rhaelyas stand out? Because they refuse to agnowedge a single thing about their ship being gross and problematic.
I get the idea of Jon being born from rape is an undesirable thing to think about, but at least if the shippers owned that fact as horrible, I could look passed their cringe fanart posts.
This is a series full of horrible people who should never be shipped together, but still are. Its the common denominator of trying to white knite for indefensible characters that bothers me.
Rhaegar sucks. Its okay to still like him though. But he shouldn't be defended. I make fun of Euron Greyjoy every single chance I get and hes one of my favorite characters.
I challenge Rhaegar/Rhaeyla stans to unironically do the same. It's fun dunking on characters you like.
I literally refer to Jon Snow as a caught in the rain wet dog asking to come back inside. Its not a compliment, I'm making fun of him. Its fun to mock things you like.
I just want them to understand it's fine to not defend things you like to the point it drives everyone else away from your ship or character.
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aesterblaster · 1 year
Ik you said to send hot takes but what about your hot takes 👀👀
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*clears throat*
IsagiRin as a ship just doesn't work for me. Odk why just. Sorry I can NOT see your vision bestie. Half of the Blue Lock ships don't work for me especially when centered around Isagi because that boy switches side characters like they're pairs of shoes. In Blue Lock one or two sus or even sweet moments doesn't really amount to much to me because everyone has them here. That doesn't automatically mean date on a riverside resturant. On the other hand I totally could see Bachira x Isagi but I just think of them as really close friends because that's what gives me the most comfort being as some of the people who really saved my life were friends. I think it would be better if Bachira had a friend first and focused on himself before getting into any big relationship. Idk I guess that's more of a personal preferance
SPEAKING OF, I hate people who write Blue Lock smut w a burning passion. I'm not even gonna hit the whole iTS IMMorAL train it just usually sucks all the fun and personality out of the chosen character and is just trying to be as gross ans shocking as possible and twist them into somehow being pervs just bc they get all hyperactive when they play soccer. Like GET THERAPY. Half the time I go to the bllk tag im just scrolling like HE WOULD NOT FUCKING SAY THAT.
The anime gets a lot of slack but like... It's very difficult to transfer things from one medium to the other especially things as philisophical as Blue Lock
Fandom interpretations of Shidou are usually weirdly ooc because they wittle him down to like how cray cray he is or whatever and completely ignore for example, his respect for people who are also creative and out of the box or his ability to deal with lonliness and being othered by everyone
Characters that shouldn't be hated nearly as much as they are: NOA NOEL. You heard it here folks. I genuinely believe he's just trying his best and honestly most coaches would've asked to drop half the player he has to deal with by now like cmon you got an emo gymrat who was forced to become like you, you got a playee whos EYESIGHT IS FAILING but will literally start falling apart if you bench him, you got..kaiser and his lapdog ass cronie who dont listen to your plans at all, you got an entire rift between new and old players. Like how do you even fix that when you can't send people home (i think)? He gives good advice sometimes ngl and they're winning games so like...
Cont. Sure he isn't as funny or amusing to read as Lavinho or Chris and he isn't as open as Snuffy but DAMN IT he's doing his job ok? And all the dad son moments between him and Isagi are to die for.
Naruhayas little miniarc is honestly has the saddest backstory implications to me. THERE I SAID IT. Rin's is indeed tragic and heartwrenching but can be fixed, he can move on and heal if he so chooses. Bachira...ok nvm bachira's ties with it. Hiori's is an absolute tear jerker but he is still in Blue Lock. He still has some time to grow. Naruhaya? There's nothing that could be done to fix his position or bring him up or cut him from the weights dragging him down. We see so many characters in the Blue Lock universe rise from their poverty through soccer but DAMN IT NARUHAYA EXISTED TO SHOW THAT THAT IS A LUCKY AND FEW 2 PERCENT. HE PROBABLY HAD TO GIVE UP ON EVERY SINGLE ONE OF HIS DREAMS JUST TO SUPPORT THE VERY FAMILY HE LOVES SO MUCH. HIS PARENTS LITERALLY DIED. DO YOU UNDERSTAND? BACHIRA STILL HAS HIS MOM, RIN AT LEAST HAS HOPES OF RECONCILING WITH HIS BROTHER AND HIORI MIGHT ONE DAY SAFELY CUT HIS PARENTS OFF BUT HIS ARE IMPLIED TO BE GOOD PEOPLE JUST..STRAIGHT UP DEAD. AND THE WAY HE STOLE FOOD ALL THE TIME???? IM GOING INSANE.
Ok thats all for now LMAO
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riordanness · 3 months
omg hi congrats on 800 again!!!! for ur event i have to go w i can fix him no really i can 😫 ok so the basics r i’m a cabin 4 ravenclaw infj taurus (i always start w these soz LOL) and also the ambivert final boss like genuinely i don’t lean towards introversion or extroversion and if the mbti had an a for ambivert i’d def be an anfj 🙏🏼 im a HUGE perfectionist it’s so bad actually i cannot function if something is imperfect i’ll lose my mind 😭 (i also have ocd so 🙁) when i asked one of my friends what the pros and cons of dating me are she said my perfectionism may cause problems LMAO😣😣😣 i get told im kind a lot so i like to believe thats true 🙏🏼 im super soft spoken which is a struggle cz im always having to repeat myself 🙁 (did a french speaking exam this year where i was recorded n when i say i was YELLING the entire time so that the recording device thing could pick up my voice….) im super super stubborn and persist in things until they go the way i want them to LMAO (this might be my fatal flaw) i refuse to settle for less in all aspects of life it’s either up to my standards or i’m not claiming it 😬 i LOVE LOVE LOVE reading and music those 2 r the most consistent things in my life !!!! for my type in men this may be a shocker but jason grace is an anomaly because irl + in other forms of media i tend to go for the dark haired sassy sarcastic funny guys (idk if you’ve read better than the movies but if you have wes bennett is a very good example of my type) some characters i’ve been compared to (because for some reason i get compared to a LOTTT of characters) are hermione granger, annabeth chase, rory gilmore (pre uni DUH), amy santiago, caroline?? from tvd? (idk her but my friend said i’m very similar to her so!) ummmm idk what else to include… i’m a HUGE germaphobe and get grossed out super easily LOL would rather die than go hiking or camping or anything like that soz demeter kid but not one w nature i just like flowers and gardens 🫣 i’m also super sensitive and have been told i’m emotionally intuitive!!!! i cry often about everything LOL soz if this is too long love u SOOO much 😚 also would like a pjo guy pls !!!
CYNTHIA HII (also idk why i always tag your other acc and not this one i legit always forget this url idk why 😭) anyways tyy soso much you’re actually the best fr
so. i put like way too much thought into this cause i didn’t want to just, like, stick you w jason bc that’s the easy answer yk?? BUT on that note, based on what you’ve said, i actually pair you with him?? like… if y’all were my friends irl i would ship you so bad fr.
you’re both perfectionists, tho probably in different ways yk, you bc of mental stuff and him bc he was raised by camp jupiter and literal wolves. so that would make it good for you both bc there’s nothing worse than being a perfectionist and living with someone who makes chronic messes (i can attest)
you’d both have really intuitive kindness and understanding of each other and others and that would bond you together soso well. also jason wouldn’t be a loud talker. like at all, so he’d be totally fine hearing you perfectly bc he’s used to quiet talking
neutral and very faded colour palettes for you both, light light blues and pinks and white and cream and gold everywhere (if you moved in together🤭)
jason would love to listen to you speak french btw
he does NOT strike me as a very outdoors person (in the hiking and camping and dirt way) he’d much rather sit on a porch with you and read than do any of that stuff (also he’s roman. they’re famous for their baths he would love being clean no germs here)
would totally understand your ocd and be soso nice about it like. this man would be so careful not aggravate you with unnecessarily untidy or uneven things like that.
music and book dates >>>
anyways y’all are cute i ship it so bad
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gengarghast · 6 months
Lilith Dusk: The Wraith of the Leviathan
A short explanation of my Destiny 2 OC.
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Warning: This post is going to be VERY LONG!! Do not open below the cut if you don't want it to go supernova.
TLDR: She was trapped on EVIL MUSHROOM SHIP and got dragon ghosts all up in her brain.
Background (For people new to Destiny)
A while ago in Destiny, there was this guy called Calus. Alien space emperor type. He hosted tournaments and games on this giant ship called the Leviathan, and he showered the winners in praise and treasure. And then, he vanished. Roughly around two years ago, during the Season of the Haunted, the Leviathan reappeared, covered in this gross shit called Egregore fungus that feeds on the psychic trauma created by death.
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On the Leviathan
Anyways, Lilith was one of the Guardians¹ who were participating in Calus' games, but unlike the others she didn't leave the ship before it vanished. So she was forced to hide and skulk around and steal and survive all the while the ship was overtaken by the Egregore and the Darkness. Her armor is of her own creation, forged from stolen scraps of Ahamkara² bone as well as gold and silver and whatever else she could scavenge- Including the armor of other fallen Guardians who suffered the same fate as her.
Over time, the many, many fragments of Ahamkara bones that made up her armor began developing the ability to psychically communicate with her, and they forged an uneasy alliance- Her wishing³ for basic things in order for her to survive, and the bones keeping her alive so that she could keep wishing.
During that time, she also obtained her two favorite weapons, both also having Ahamkara bone modded into them- Dead Man's Tale, an old-fashioned lever rifle, and Bad Juju, a pulse rifle adorned with the skull of a small Ahamkara.
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Eventually with the Leviathan's reappearance, she was able to escape the ship. During that time, she had grown fond of the collective Ahamkara voices that had been bound to her, and they had grown fond of her in turn. And so, she continued to wear that scavenged armor, with some minor professional tuning and tweaks to make it not just bones stuck to armor.
She also ate, like, a lot of Egregore. Like a LOT. Which is how all those Ahamkara bones formed such a strong bond with her mind, because Egregore spores open your mind up to outside influence, or in this case, psychic dragon ghosts.
Lilith "Lily" Dusk
In terms of her personality, her time aboard the Leviathan made her paranoid and jumpy, but very loyal to those she sees as trustworthy. Aside from that, she is also very prone to angry outbursts or getting overwhelmed when faced with confrontation and judgement. After being isolated on the Leviathan for years with only her Ghost⁴ and the Ahamkara voices to keep her 'company', she is terrible when it comes to social encounters and usually bungles it, being rude, blunt, and abrasive without even realizing it. Despite this, she tries her best to be nice.
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Also, she doesn't like to take off the armor. She probably sleeps in it tbh-
Guardians are the player characters in Destiny, super-powered people who can come back from the dead with the power of Light.
Ahamkara are a species of 'dragons' in the Destiny universe- They wield paracausal abilities that allow them to grant monkey's-paw wishes and remain semi-sentient after death, whispering psychic messages to the one who wields their bones.
Wishing feeds Ahamkara, as they consume the cosmic chaos/energy that results from wishing.
A Ghost are a Guardians' companion, they supply their Guardian with the power of the Light and are able to resurrect them when they die.
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drago-boy-the-grate · 7 months
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eyup it's a real person woah, not actually Claus EGAD!! ok just want to clarify this, so here's 10 reasons as to why i will smite any shippers who interact with this page:
1) Shipping kids is gross
2) Only canonical ships are tolerable here (e.g, Hinawa x Flint and Black Sesame Seed x White Sesame Seed and things like Ness x Paula etc. only things that are done right and would actually make sense, like Jeff x Tony where they're like best friends but a bit closer, no kissing or yucky stuff at all thabk you very much)
3) Love and romance is very eugh yucky disgusting gross
4) Ness and Lucas don't even know who eachother are because Ness is most likely quite literally dead when Lucas was born, and even if they were around at the same time, Lucas would probably hate him. And Claus literally eats mud and calls couples "gooey goblins with smelly breath", why would he want to be one himself like broski 😭
5) I would rather die than interact with shippers
6) The Mother community must remain cleansed of yucky shipping
7) Shipping is straight up nasty, leave them alone
8) I don't wish to associate with people who ship characters at all, ever, in any series at all i dont care
9) I just don't like it at all so keep it away from here
10) eugh
i will instantly block any people who i think ship characters from the Mother series because i don't want you on my page, sorry not sorry broskies. i won't answer any asks from shippers either, unless i myself don't think "EUGH YUCKY THAT SHIP IS GROSS GO AWAY" so you can still submit one idc. however, if you are one of those gross Nesscas, Ninten x Ness, Ninten x Lucas, Clausten or.. i dont even want to think about that other one, then please bugger off you disgusting little maggots, you don't get any stupid Claus content that i put time and effort into eeughhhh
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helluva-dump · 10 months
for the ship bingo thing: stolas/blitz
oh man the ultimate question of all, I wanted to save this one for last to give my full thoughts on this ship
Warning: I have a VERY unpopular opinion with this ship that you guys may not like to hear. So I suggest scroll and ignore this if your a St*litz shipper. You have been warned.
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So once upon a time, I had used to be a fan of this ship at one point… Well I didn’t ship them hardcore, I shipped them as a dumb crack ship at first when they treated them more like a gag. But when the Ozzie’s episode came along, I think you can say this is when I was liking the idea of them together.
Now granted, it’s one of those toxic relationships that intrigue you due to how awful both characters are. (Much like Chucky and Tiffany from child’s play) And I like the idea of two messy people starting out as friends with benefits but slowly come to terms to want to do something serious and to try and their their shit together.
That was until the Circus episode came along…. THE FUCKING CIRCUS EPISODE 🙃🙃🙃🙃
They literally retconned things, did the childhood lovers cliche, and just woobified Stolas as a OwO baby boi who can do no wrong…. That whole episode frustrated me so much… we didn’t even get to see Stella’s pov than being a very bland kke note bitch (btw that is NOT how narcasstics work) and I was hoping he and Stella were equally messy to another like Clay and Bloberta from Moral Orel or Jessie’s parents form Big Mouth.
Dude Paimon wanting to buy Blitzo as a playmate for his son was so gross… that’s like when white aristocratic a buy child slaves as a playmate for their white children. Does Viv not realize how unitionally racist that is???? Since Stolas is white coded and Blitzo is POC coded???? This is why racism allegory never works if you don’t research history books…
Blitzo always found Stolas interest boring and Stolas literally sees blitzo as just as sex toy and nothing more! And they failed to address what happened with the Ozzie’s episode!
Also, I feel like shipping them both together soley because they’re both messy dads with angsty goth daughters feels kind of shallow…. Hell, I think that will make shit worse for Loona and Octavia. All that’s gonna do is make them fuck constantly while they dump Octavia on Loona. And as much as I don’t like Loona, she doesn’t deserve that.
I still think Loona and Octavia can be sisters WITHOUT hooking their dads up together. Best friends that are sisters by soul are a thing you know. I have close friends I consider my sisters without our parents hooking up.
But my hatred for this ship is mainly due to Octavia and how much of a neglectful asshole Stolas is to her… HE NEGLECTED HER TWICE BECAUSE BLITZO DADDY 🤪🤪🤪
Octavia is my favorite that I personally relate to because her situation REALLY hits close home or me as I have a dad like Stolas… I’m against this ship since I worry about her mental health.
I can go on and on but these are my thoughts about Stolas x Blitzo.
Now I will say, this ship is written so bad I’ve noticed some people that do ship them then complain about how they do NOT like how Viv is writing them in season 2. I can relate with that since I felt that way for Apriltello (tmnt 2012) and Haida x Restuko (Aggrestuko) since I used to be a fan of those ships but the way the writers dragged shit out too long and executed them killed mh joy for them… I don’t think it’s really fair and I think fans deserve more authentic chemistry for their ship.
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x0401x · 5 days
Hi, if you don't mind, can I ask from this ask game :
For no. 4, 6, 8, 13, 14, 15, 16, 18, 20, 23, 24, 28
Thanks if you want to answer whichever that you want.....
Ayyy, sure! Sorry for taking so long to reply to this!
4. Least favorite anime character: Kinoshita Kazuya
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This one was hard. I usually have lots of characters I like and lots that I’m neutral about but none that I quite hate. One character that left me particularly grossed out, though, was this guy. I can’t say I hate him, but I’ve never been so instantly put off by a fictional character. The combination of being plain disgusting and stupid with having absolutely no redeeming qualities and nothing going on for him was particularly unsettling. It’s not even that he gave us nothing; he really only gave his worst.
6. Popular anime that you didn’t like: Violet Evergarden
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Y’all know me. Y’all know where I’m coming from. 🫠
8. Anime character you’re the most like: Honestly, no idea. I’d like to know people’s opinions on this one.
13. Funnest anime you have watched: This one is kinda abstract. I have no idea how to measure the fun. My all-time favorite isn’t exactly what I’d call “fun” and I have too many that I consider fun animes.
14. Saddest anime you have ever watched: Midori Shoujo Tsubaki.
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I know that this one aims to be a lot of things way above its intention to be melancholic, but it’s definitely the anime where I’ve felt worst about the protagonist. The ending is surrealistic yet too real at the same time. It’s probably the anime that had me going “damn, that’s sad as hell” the most.
15. Anime you never get sick of watching: Sen to Chihiro no Kamikakushi
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I have quite a few anime that I’d rewatch anytime if I felt like it, but this is the only one that I feel like rewatching whenever I see anything related to it. I probably have answered this in every anime ask game I’ve played, but Sen to Chihiro is my all-time favorite anime and movie.
Another anime that I never get tired of rewatching is Gakkou no Kaidan. I used to rewatch it every year on Halloween as a personal tradition when I was a kid and I have a physical copy of all the books in the series. I only don’t rewatch it anymore because I hardly have time for binging nowadays, but if I could do it again? Damn right I would.
16. 10 best animes you have watched: That’s tough! I have a long list of favorites. Aside from Sen to Chihiro, in no particular order:
1. Heike Monogatari
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2. Fullmetal Alchemist (I’m combining the first one with Brotherhood here because I love the whole franchise and I’ve always felt that they complete each other)
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3. Mushishi
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4. Card Captor Sakura
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5. Inuyasha
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6. Rurouni Kenshin (the first one)
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7. Soul Eater
8. Nana
9. Yu Yu Hakusho
10. Monster
18. 10 worst anime you’ve watched (this one is also in no particular order and there’s actually way more than just 10 but here we go):
2. Diabolik Lovers
3. Drammatical Murder
4. Kaze no Na wa Amnesia
5. Nora
6. Ghost in the Shell: SAC_2025
7. Berserk (2016)
8. Mahou Shoujo ni Akogarete
9. Ro-Kyu-Bu!
10. Kamierabi GOD.app
20. Least favorite anime ships: Literally any inc*st and p*do ship.
23. Unpopular character you love: I don’t really have unpopular characters that I love, but there sure are characters whom I love yet a good chunk of the fandom detests.
24. Popular character you hate: Also don’t have any. I’m either neutral or love them. But then again, there are characters that the fandom is obsessed with yet make me feel next to nothing.
28. Most upsetting moment in anime and why: The entirety of Tsurune, lol. Because the novels (albeit not well-written) are leagues above it in content, depth, overall plot and character handling. It’s pretty much a spiritual experience once you realize what the author is trying to convey, which the studio not only didn’t understand but also tried to run from like the devil runs from the cross. Pretty sure the author also wasn’t too hyped about some things in the anime, as implied in one of her afterwords.
This was fun to do! Thank you!
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golbrocklovely · 9 months
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these asks are very oddly similar. almost like the same person wrote both. but maybe i'm wrong about that lol
imma keep it a buck fifty with you, we're just gonna have to agree to disagree. and that's totally fine.
you have every right to never indulge in conversations you don't want to partake in, and that includes ones about colby's love life. if that is not your cup of tea: totally gucci, anon. feel free to ignore when i get asks about it or talk about it in general.
that being said, there are a couple things, in both asks, i want to discuss.
first, i wasn't defending myself in the previous ask you were mentioning. i was explaining my thought process, which i guess came cross as defensive.
second, i need to express that while i agree with you there are fans that do take it too far and go above and beyond when it comes colby's love life, realistically - even if i were to say "hey, stop talking about his love life. it's weird" to every anon i get, that wouldn't stop anything. just basing it off the numbers on youtube, they have ~11 mil + ppl watching them at any given time. that is ~11 mil + ppl paying attention to their every move. that's more than the population of nyc looking at them rn. do you know what would happen if i ignored an anon or if i told them they're weird for wanting to know something they think i know? they would go to someone else. and the longest game of telephone plays on.
(and of course, not every ~11 mil + ppl talk about his love life. obviously i know that. however, if you genuinely think a good majority don't partake in some way... you're wrong. before i even knew anything about snc, i knew about colby's love life. and this was back when they barely had over 2 mil subs.)
they'll go to twitter or tiktok, even worse, to see what ppl know. and there, they'll be told lies or hearsay or rumors. at least with me, when i get an ask saying "hey is colby dating X" i can tell them directly "no he's single", and hopefully that ends the search. i know in most instances it won't, but i'm not here to police what ppl do in their free time. i'm not the snc police. it's not my job to do that. and if i were to ignore asks that i get about his love life, which i do often, ppl would just find someone else that knows. so again, the cycle doesn't end.
but i agree that some fans go extremely far in their search to know about colby and who he's with. i've seen how fans befriends girls that were seen with colby and act like they are their biggest fans, only to drop them when colby does bc they no longer have a connection to him. i've seen the hate his girl friends get. i've been in this fandom for a long time. i've seen the lowest lows. i've seen the stalker-adjacent fans, and actual stalkers. it is gross. which is why i do my best to call out ppl when they are freaking out too much about him being seen with a girl. or i try to calm ppl down or straight up hide the identity of the girls he's apparently seeing bc i don't want them to get hate.
reality is, i'm not the only one who talks about his love life. hell, i'm not the only one that talks about his love life on here. if it wasn't getting talked about on here, it would be happening somewhere else. and it already does. does it make it right? i'm not here to argue that. if colby had a deep issue with it, he's a big boy. he can tell the fandom to fuck off. and he hasn't. the most he's ever said is "i don't like being shipped with my girl friends bc it makes it weird".
i do my best to defend colby bc there are plenty of ppl in this fandom that see him negatively bc of his love life. but i can't exactly defend him if i can't mention the thing that has caused the problem, aka his love life. it's a catch 22 of a situation. and i do know about the contracts you've mentioned. it's a shame that that occurs. and it's a shame that fans feel the need to hate on anyone that they're a fan of or that their idol is seen with. i don't get it personally. i think a lot of it stems from jealousy and believing you own your idol. and of course that applies to colby. but i think in an odd way, him having a love life shows others that they don't control him or own him, which is why i wish him to go and do whatever the hell he wants. it humanizes him in a way, especially when so many ppl see him as this untouchable "person".
also if you genuinely believe that "human curiosity" does not play a major role in why ppl seek out anyone's love life and info about it; gossiping - which is essentially what ppl do on here and other social media sites, has existed in its modern definition since the 1500s. the first ever printed newspaper, circa 59 BCE, is believed to have HAD gossip in it, along with other social related things. we are social creatures, who seek to learn about ppl. part of that includes love and romance, and the gossiping nature around secretive ppl. sorry, but this type of shit existed long before fandoms were ever a thing. granted, it's definitely evolved in both a good and bad way since then bc of the internet, but let's just be honest here.
again, you don't gotta listen to what i say or do. if you don't like these topics, feel free to go ahead and move about your day in other ways and ignore me. when i'm not on here, i don't really think about snc or what colby does with his free time. and i imagine a lot of other fans are the same way.
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darkangel0410 · 1 year
this might be the best asks of all time bc our DMs are nothing but hater-nation and we are ultimately the correct ones. SOOOOO; 1, 2, 3, 6, 7, 12, 16, 18, 19, 24 - i had to ask so many bc your opinions are my FAV lmaooooo but feel free to *not* answer any you dont want!
We ARE always the correct ones - eventually people will realize it 🙄
the character everyone gets wrong
Listen, I have a list of players I'm going to take away from fandom because of crimes of mischaracterization and the list includes, but is not limited to: Matthew (Tkachuk), Jack (Eichel), Trevor, Jamie. Sometimes I swear people haven't ever spoken to a real live boy when they write the convos these guys have in fic
2. a compelling argument for why your fave would never top or bottom
I'll be strong and not turn this into an opportunity for my bottom!Jamie agenda, and instead say: Jack Eichel isn't a top - he wants to be fucked often and well, and would also like a few smacks on the ass before and after, thanks. He won't hesitate to tell whoever's fucking him what they're doing wrong, either.
3. screenshot or description of the worst take you've seen on tumblr
THERE ARE SO MANY WRONG TAKES ON HERE, WHAT IS WRONG WITH PEOPLE???? but easily the worst take I see on any given day is every single take about Matt (Tkachuk) and how his dad hates him and how he needs a fake gf because his dad's is ASHAMED of him or whatever the fuck people have decided is the new hot trauma to put him through - they've turned Matt into the fandom crier and I hate it with every fiber of my being
6. which ship fans are the most annoying?
for me, personally, it's any x reader/ yn or whatever writer who doesn't put their shit behind a read more (Also Nolan Moyle is not a dom, like come the fuck on people)
7. what character did you begin to hate not because of canon but because how how the fandom acts about them?
Crosby, full stop. I cannot stand the way fandom is with him and I can't even watch him play hockey and enjoy it any more
12. the unpopular character that you actually like and why more people should like them
The Knights. Just. The whole roster lmaooo
16. you can't understand why so many people like this thing (characterization, trope, headcanon, etc)
Rule 63, full stop. I don't get why people write it, why they never put in any actual character work into it when they do, and it gives me homophobic vibes (like in general, as a trope, not a specific fic). Like you change everything about someone, and the way the world sees them, the way it interacts with them, and I'm supposed to believe that every single thing happens exactly the same???? Pull the other leg, it has bells on
18. it's absolutely criminal that the fandom has been sleeping on...
Alex Turcotte, My Beloved - truly he's so pretty and sweet and plays good hockey and is just someone fandom needs to pay more attention to
19. you're mad/ashamed/horrified you actually kind of like...
I don't do shame, but I do find it kind of funny how much I love a/b/o now because I used to absolutely hate it when it first showed up lmaooo
24. topic that brings up the most rancid discourse
Censorship, 1000% because besides being gross on it's own, it's always dragging purity wank in with it and I've seen so much of that shit, I hate it
Thanks for asking bestie!!!!!!! ❤️❤️❤️❤️ (choose violence ask game)
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