#where are my stories where they agree not to talk to each other on tuesdays
sonic-adventure-3 · 1 year
My general opinion on Sonadow is that like. Because it's the most popular ship in the fandom most casual enjoyers just gravitate towards it and produce content of it which doesn't exactly match the characters or their actual dynamic, which is totally fair but as a canon enjoyer means I just don't enjoy like 99% of the fan content. And the stuff that I do enjoy definitely doesn't fall within the bounds of a healthy, traditional romantic relationship. However I will say that because there's so much art of it there's some legitimately gorgeous/hilarious art even if the characterization in it isn't totally accurate to canon
anyway yeah i completely agree! personally it can get a little frustrating to see so much of it everywhere, as i do really love sonic and shadow’s dynamic, but dislike the most popular interpretation
and yeah the stuff that i do end up liking definitely doesn’t fall into the ‘stable and normal’ category. like personally i just don’t like romance much in the first place, and i still don’t like any romance with these characters whatsoever, conceptually, but there is some stuff out there that does some really interesting things and tells compelling stories even if i don’t agree with the premise of romance.
overall far more than the concept of the ship itself i personally just actively dislike 99% of the fanwork, cause it’s not catered to my tastes. finding good sonic & shadow characterization can already be like finding a needle in a haystack, and finding good characterization that also isn’t romantic (or at least doesn’t end in a romantic relationship) and tells a story i find interesting is like finding a tuft of cotton candy in an asbestos insulated wall
but fr there’s some really truly amazing and hilarious art and writing out even if i’m not the right audience for it!
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sluggzillaa · 3 months
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You Smoke?
Word Count: 3.6k
✧ Pairing: Joost Klein x GN!Reader
✧ Summary: You and Joost have been apart of the same friend group for a while now but haven't had the chance to get to know each other. Thats till they both go on a smoke break.
✧ Warnings and tags: pet/nicknames(Sweetheart and star) , smoking(cigarettes), just some fluff, acquaintances to lovers, cursing, alcohol consumption, implied smut ,  panic attack, fainting, claustrophobia, no pronouns, angst if you squint
✧ Authors note: I've recently gotten into Joost and his music. I'm usually not into blonde men but he flipped a switch for me. Enjoy this thing my brain came up with, i'm very proud of it. If I made any mistakes or missed a warning PLEASE LET ME KNOW. Also, my requests are open so please request something so I have an excuse to post more. ps, MINORS SHOO!
“Say it!”
“Okay, okay I will”
It's a Tuesday night and everyone is tipsy. You and your friend group had spent the majority of the day helping your friend Joost with a video shoot. You then all came back to Apson’s apartment to relax and have a couple drinks. A couple drinks then turned into a bunch of shots. Now you're all sharing stories, obviously extremely dramatized due to the liquor in your system.
“So I bring this girl home after a gig at Bolwerk” Joost starts
When Joost talks, everyone in the room listens. He is constantly the center of attention. He commands a room.
“We get to my place; getting in the mood.. I leave her on the couch so I can get a rubber, but when I get back this girl is passed out!”
“What did you do after?” Apson questioned 
“Opzouten! I went to bed and put her in a cab in the morning”
The group laughed and went into separate conversations. Joost stood up from his seat and grabbed his bag. 
“Alright, i’m gonna go have a smoke” 
“Mind if I come too?” You speak up
He nods towards the balcony and steps out. You follow and close the sliding door behind you. You admire the city as you learn over the railing. Joost looked through his small bag. He let out a sigh and cursed to himself.
“You got a lighter?” he questioned
You nodded and passed him the lighter that was in your pocket. He pulled out two cigarettes , placing one between his lips and handing you the other. He lit his, taking a drag to ensure an even burn. He inhaled then blew out the remaining smoke. He held the cigarette in between his lips and leaned over towards you. You placed the cigarette between your lips and looked up at him. He cupped one of his hands to the side of the cig and turned the lighter on. You scanned his focused face but your attention was stolen by him eyeing you. You took a pull and watched as Joost moved away, still never peeling his eyes from you. You leaned over the railing and watched cars pass below you.
“I had no idea you smoked” Joost broke the silence
“Well we don’t speak much to know anything about each other”
“Which is odd since we hang out so often”
“You hangout with the group often, we don’t hangout at all” You corrected
He chuckled at your snarkiness and finally looked away from you. He admired the skyline and took a drag from his cig. He turned back to you again.
“I know everyone in the group pretty well, besides you”
“What are you getting at?”
“Maybe, we could get some drinks or go out to eat or something”
“You’re making it sound like a date, Klein”
“You’re the one whos thinking of it like that”
You agreed to hangout with Joost but tried to find something that didn’t seem so ‘datey’. You decided on going to a local venue where a few underground hardstyle artists were playing. You knew you both had a love for music so you made your plans based on that.
You stood in front of the barricade as you watched people trickle in. You quickly took notice of a familiar blonde haired man walking in, dawning a pair of shades and an ushanka. He searched the crowd till his eyes finally landed on you. A smile pasted itself on to his face and he sped to you.
“Hallo!” He greeted
“Hey.. what's with the shades?”
“I didn’t want anyone to notice me”
“Yea, because no one is going to recognize that bright mullet and your very.. Distinctive style”
He gave you a sarcastic laugh before taking his spot at the barricade. He looked around and took in the venue.
“So do you know anyone in the line up?”
“Nee, but it's always good to support new artist”
You nodded in agreement
“I remember when I was in their position, it always feels good to know that people who are bigger in the scene are interested in your art” He continued
“Enough about me, tell me why you chose this spot”
“Well, I always come to shows like these. It's such a fun atmosphere.. Plus I know how passionate you are about music so I figured it was the perfect way to bring both of our likes together”
“You're very smart”
The comment slightly threw you off but you ignored it and tried to get back into small talk. Before you could even get a word in, the show started. The speakers immediately started blasting music and the room was now lit up by the stage lights above. Joost noticed the crowd begin to get rowdy so he quickly stood behind you and placed his arms on either side of you, hands gripping the barricade. You looked up at him and gave him a thankful smile. You turned back to the front of the stage and moved your body to the beat of the music. Joost looked down at you, ensuring you were comfortable and safe. He eventually let loose and enjoyed the music along with you. The bass and the volume of the music made it extremely difficult to communicate but you did what you could.
“Joost!.. JOOST!” You attempted to grab his attention
“Yea! What do you need?”
“Can you get me a drink?”
“You’ll be good on your own?” He questioned, you gave him a sly look and rolled your eyes
“I am a grown woman, I can handle myself”
He nodded and pushed through the crowd so he could get to the bar in the back. Once he left, you attempted to assimilate yourself with the crowd. Unfortunately, The crowd was getting even more hyped and seemed to lose any sense of awareness for others. Before you knew it, you were pushed into the center of the pit. You were being heavily shoved around and elbowed painfully. You tried to push your way out but the more you struggled, the more it became harder to get out. You’ve been in pits before but only when you intend to; you had never been forced into one. The large amounts of people and the pushing began to make you hyperventilate. Your chest was heaving and your heart was racing. There was a sudden ringing in your ear and before you knew it, black.
You weren’t sure how long you were out but you woke up to a bright light in your face and feeling insanely sweaty. You sat up and the light was moved from your face. The first person you saw was Joost, looking insanely worried. This was the first time you’ve seen him with any other reaction but happy. Once he realized you were awake, he quickly rushed to check on  you, looking all around for any marks on you or any signs you needed to be rushed to a hospital. The medics urged him to give you some space but he ignored them.
“Holy shit, are you okay?”
“Like I would fucking know.. What happened?”
“You passed out in the pit, Why the fuck would you do that after I left?”
“First of all, I got pushed into the pit.. Second of all, I don’t need your constant protection”
He donned an amused smile and looked up at the medics, ushering them away. He tucked his arm under your armpit and slowly helped you get up.
“Still just as independent as you were before you went out.. Come on i’m taking you home”
“No it’s fine, I’ll get a cab”
“I brought my car. Turn off your ego for a second and let me do something for you”
Joost pulled up to the front of your apartment building and put his car in park.
“Do you need me to take you upstairs or?”
‘I’ll be fine but thank you”
He nodded and stepped out of the car. Right as you were about to open your own door, he quickly swung it open.
“As the gentleman I am, I should be opening doors for you”
“Joost stop making it weird”
You stepped out of the car and shut the door, snatching it from him. He rolls his eyes and walks you to the door. 
“Let's do that again”
“Maybe not THAT.. I think we should just get coffee next time” He joked
You nodded and stopped at your building's front door. Before you opened it, you turned back to Joost and placed a quick peck on his cheek. You gave him a soft smile and opened the door.
“Thank you.. Text me so we can figure out the next time we can hang out”
Joost just stood there, frozen in place. No matter what you said he would just nod in agreement. 
You had spent the last week texting back and forth with Joost. It first started off with him checking in on you after what happened at the concert. It then turned into him just talking to you randomly. Now you two can’t go a few hours without talking. After being in the same group for so long, you finally feel like you’re actually getting close to him.
Star: I just finished all my paperwork
Moon: You’ve been working on that stuff for 2 days straight
Star: Yea but its finally over
Moon: Good good
Star: I am really bored right now though
Moon: I’m at the studio right now finishing a project
          All the guys just left so it's just me right now
Star: Are you asking me to pull up to the studio?
Moon: Maybe
Star: I’ll see you in 15
You knocked on the door of the studio and waited for Joost to open. He wasted no time; he practically swung the door off its hinges. He greeted you with a wide smile and ushered you inside. You greeted him with a nod and walked in. You spun around, giving yourself a mini tour of the studio. It was decorated with LED lights and had few plants in the corners. You looked at one of the walls which had a comfy looking brown couch against it. Joost sat down in his chair in front of the control panel. He patted the chair next to him, signaling you to sit. You plopped down in the chair and watched him as he quickly opened his music program on his laptop.
“Listen to this and tell me what you think”
You nodded and followed his every move. He placed the laptop on the desk in front of him and quickly pressed the spacebar, causing the music to play. The song was slower than what you were used to with his music. His voice was very soft, following the beat. The lyrics were extremely heartfelt. Full of love and passion. It was very enjoyable, arguably one of his best songs. He leaned forward in his chair and watched your facial expressions. The song came to a stop and he immediately bombarded you with questions about your opinion.
“It's a very beautiful song.. I love it”
“You don’t think it's missing something, though?”
You shook your head and leaned back in your chair. Joost rubbed the back off his head, thinking. Suddenly something clicked in him. He grabbed your hand and forced you out of your seat. He opened the door to the booth.
“I need you to go into the booth and record something for me, please”
“Fine but you owe me”
He gave you an excited nod and rushed back to his seat. You walked into the booth and shut the door behind you. You looked out the window and spotted Joost ushering you to put on the headphones. Once you did, he spoke through the intercom.
“Okay, so what I want you to do is say ‘Joost, take me to the moon’ but in a soft voice.. Not a whisper though”
You giggled at his specific instructions and gave him an understanding nod. You got up to the mic and gave Joost a thumbs up, signaling that you were ready. A red light turned on above the mic, showing that it was on and recording. You gave yourself an assuring breathe before continuing with the phrase.
“Joost, take me to the moon” You attempted to put on your most calming yet slightly sensual voice
You looked over at him through the window, He just sat there staring at his laptop with an earbud in. He nodded to himself and waved for you to come back out. You hung the headphones back up and walked out of the booth.
“How was it?” You asked
“Fucking perfect.. It was exactly what the song needed”
You smiled to yourself, excited by the praise. He packed up his stuff and grabbed yours as well. He shut off the lights in the studio, The only light in the room being an LED lamp he has on the desk next to all the tech. He stood for a second just admiring the silhouette of your features. Weirdly enough, you did the same. You took notice of the way his nose buttons out and how he constantly had a dimple peeking. Though you couldn’t really see them, you felt his eyes meet yours. The two of you moved together ever so slightly. You two were already so close, if you kept going at this pace you would be directly on top of each other. He placed his hand on your hip and the other on the small of your back. You turned your head to the side and dared to lean your face closer. Right when your lips were going to slightly touch, his ringtone loudly filled the room. He let you go and rushed to grab his phone from his pocket, it was Aspon.
“Shit.. Hallo?” He answered the phone and walked to the other side of the room
You huffed and turned away from him, attempting to snap yourself out of this flustered state. He said goodbye to Aspon and turned back to you. 
“Let’s get going”
You nodded in agreement and opened the door. You made your way downstairs and waited for Joost to lead you to the car. The car ride was pretty quiet besides you helping him with directions. You didn’t once acknowledge what happened upstairs. He pulled up in front of your apartment building and put the car in parked. He got out of the car and walked over to the other side, opening the door for you. You stepped out and walked with him to the front door.
“See you soon?”
“Yea, i’ll text you when i’m home.. Okay star?”
You nodded and headed back inside.
He didn’t
He hasn’t spoken to you in a week. He hasn’t even made any plans to meet with the friend group. You haven’t heard a single thing about Joost. You knew it was kinda awkward after what happened but you didn’t think it was that bad. You spent day and night last week waiting for any sign of him. The more time that went by with no contact, the more time you began to gave up. That was till you actually gave up. You no longer spent your mornings trying to get pretty in case he wanted to hang out. You no longer tried looking for new ideas of things you could do together. You just stopped trying all together. You had no interest in putting so much effort into someone who obviously didn't care much for you.
You laid in your bed on your laptop, doom scrolling. You hadn’t found a way to stop until your phone chimed. You turned your head to the device and saw a text from someone you haven’t spoken to in a while.
Moon: You busy?
You stared at the text and contemplated whether you should answer or not. It was like his words were a spell, pushing you to respond. You picked up your phone and quickly got to typing.
Star: No
Moon: I’m having a get together for the release of my new song
Star: Okay
Moon: And I was wondering if you’d like to come
Star: Where is it and when?
Moon: At my place
           Tonight at 8
Star: I’ll see
He sent you one last text but you didn’t bother to check. You wondered how he had the balls to contact you after leaving you in the dark for so long. You also wondered how he had so much control over you to make you give in so easily.
You knocked on Joost's apartment door. You had only been here once before for a get together that Ski had invited your group to. You don’t really remember it much because you started drinking as soon as you got there.
Joost opened the door. A slight smile creeped onto his face. It immediately dropped when he realized you weren’t as happy to see him as he was you. You walked straight inside and looked around to see if you recognized anyone. To your surprise, no one was even there. You turned to him with a confused yet slightly confused face. 
“Where did everyone go?” you questioned
“You’re the first one to arrive”
You scoff and walk further into the apartment. You spot the bottles of alcohol and mixers on his dining room table. You grab a cup and begin to fill your cup with a mix of vodka and cranberry juice. You took a sip, making a face at the taste of liquor. You turned back around and trailed to the couch. You plopped down and leaned against the arm of the seat. Joost walked towards you and gently sat down onto the cushion next to you. There was a moment of awkward silence before he finally decided to break it.
“I’m sorry”
“The other night..”
“Are you really sorry about the other night or are you sorry about going ghost?”
“What exactly are you sorry for?”
There was a moment of silence again. You watched him as he fidgeted and bit the inside of his cheek. He finally turned to you. His cheeks were a light shade of pink and his eyes were slightly wider. You sat on your legs and leaned closer to him.
“Are you sorry or do you just regret something”
“Maybe I do have some regrets”
“Was it not kissing me?” You said boldly
He kept quiet but his eyes kept flickering to your lips. You leaned closer, practically being pulled towards him. He let out a desperate sigh and leaned into you. Your lips brushed against each other. You closed your eyes, preparing yourself to finally get to kiss him. Then the bell rang. You pulled away and threw your hands up in defeat. Joost got up to answer the door. You grabbed your cup and walked out to the balcony. After that, there wasn’t a moment where the door was closed. The apartment was now full. Everyone was packed in like sardines yet everyone was still having a great time. Joost pushed through the crowd and rushed to you.
“I’m about to release the song, come!”
You stood up from your chair and followed after him. The two of you stood with your group of friends. He grabbed his laptop and pressed the upload button. Once it was up, he pressed play and allowed his song to fill the room. It was a slow and sweet melody. Everything you said in the studio stood to be true. It was a perfectly beautiful song. It was full of love and passion. The song was coming to an end, a part you had never heard.
jij bent het mooiste waar ik mijn ogen op heb gericht, mijn ster
(you're the most beautiful thing I have laid my eyes on, My star)
Your mind went cloudy. The name took you by surprise. To anyone else it would seem like a random nickname, but to you it meant so much more. In the background you heard your voice closing out the song.
Joost, Take me to the moon
Everyone clapped and cheered for Joost. You turned to him with a dreamy expression on your face. He was just smiling down at you, tuning out the entire room. He made your blank expression turn into a wide smile.
Joost said goodbye to the last few guests and turned to you. You stood directly behind him with a huge smile on your face that hasn’t gone away since he revealed the song. You threw your arms around his neck and pulled him into a long awaited kiss. His eyes fluttered shut as he melted into the kiss. He placed one of his hands onto the small of your back and the other on the back of your head. You reached your hand up and combed through the blonde’s mullet. He took a sharp breath in through his nose whilst pulling away. He gave you a goofy love struck smile. You panted as you attempted to catch your breath. You giggled at the sight of the very red Joost.
“So is that why you didn’t speak to me all week?”
“Yea.. I just got so caught up in making it perfect for you, Schat”
You pulled him back into the kiss, this time it was even more heated and passionate. He trailed his hands down and placed them on the back of your thighs. He tapped on your skin, signaling you to jump up. You did as you were instructed and wrapped your legs around his waist. He held onto you and walked you over to his room, never once breaking the kiss.
The Netherlands
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♡ ❍ ➣
joostklein “Love letter to a star” Out Now! ✨
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June 15
nelib0st: who’s the song about
yungpepsi: Omg is joost dating some1
missharli: Beautiful
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rom-e-o · 3 months
After Wolf and Bess get together, at a "small" gala the Twins and girls attend, an old, pretty face from their past shows back up. Not Isabel or Belle. They would be welcomed.
Turns out, years ago when the Twins were in their 30s, Marley took on another apprentice. She was quite young, early-early 20s, smart, but more ambitious than anything. Like, so ambitious it was both an asset and flaw.
She didn't stay working for Marley long as she was snapped up quickly by even bigger bosses due to her talents, both in numbers but mostly in bed. Yeah, she's one of those people. Which I mean, get your bag, I guess? Can't say I agree with the methods, but as long as you're not hurting people, better for my mind to keep out of it. (Also, yeah, she most likely got her position with Marley by exchanging some favors.)
She was never romantically or sexually involved with the Twins. They were rebuffing advances hard and barely registering people's sexes by that stage. But she was definitely interested, and in Wolf especially. She did a lot of the street work with him, always opting to accompany him even if she had other duties in the office. Yes, she propositioned him. A lot. Again, he never bit. Honestly can't tell you if he even ever considered that she was being serious. Not very long after finally getting the vibe this thing was never going anywhere, she dipped and got taken on by a fish bigger than Marley.
Then, years later, she shows up at this party. Successful, married, well known, stunning and vibrant. She's got everything.
Now, when I say she's stunning, here's the thing: she and Bess resemble each other somewhat. Dark curls, dark eyes (this chick's eyes are almost black they're so dark brown), cool complexion, freckles (this girl only has a few cute ones over her nose and cheeks), full lips, hippy and bootylicious, taller than average. Except this woman is willowy and petite in frame as opposed to Bess' stout shieldmaiden-esque build. She's also busty. Not Connie levels, but she's got some spectacular girls to show off compared to Bess. Woman is the definition of a bombshell, especially showing up in the dress she does which may as well just be a few strips of luxurious cloth sewn together. (But damn if they don't fit her amazingly and look more glam than the dress Bess has on.)
She's also extremely bubbly in a self-centered and sexually charged way. She sees the boys, rushes them to embrace them, and is almost immediately yapping about her life while skillfully working in references about her exploits. ("Sammy?! Charlie?! Oh my God, how are you?! I haven't seen you two in... Bloody fuck, how long has it been? At least a dozen CEOs I've been under since Marley! Hahaha! Oh, boys, let's catch up, shall we? Have I got tales to tell you! Where should I start? Oh, I know! I'll start with my first marriage. I met my first husband on his honeymoon in Bora Bora, you know. Without his clothes, he wasn't much to look at, but that's what alcohol is for, yes? He wasn't much of a fuck either, honestly, but he certainly did open my eyes to some new things I went on to try with my second and third husbands.")
Btw, she does this while the girls are away for a moment in the powder room, so when they come back they're smacked in the face with a strange woman loudly regaling their men with a story of how her first orgy was, funnily enough, in a board room. ("It certainly changed my bar for how board meeting should be handled, I'll tell you that!") Adonis looks uncomfortable to say the least. Wolf, who definitely got used to this sort of sexual talk from this woman so many years ago, has the look of, "Yep, just another Tuesday".
The women are introduced. The interloper quickly latches onto Connie being Adonis' fiancée. ("So you're what could finally get him to open up and settle down. Ha! Never thought it possible! Tell me, Darling, what's Sammy like without his clothes on? The time I had trying to find out! I thought maybe they didn't come off; maybe they were permanently sutured to his skin!")
Bess is hardly given a "howdy-do". Wolf does introduce her as his sweetheart, of course, but it earns Bess a particularly but subtly chilling gaze from the interloper. ("Girlfriend? Oh, how nice. Such a cute little thing. Young too. Finally sowing those oats, ey, Charlie?")
As the night goes on, the interloper remains latched to the group, especially the boys, especially Wolf. Wolf is always beside Bess, of course; never bites at all the hooks the interloper throws out... but he doesn't really rebuff her either? He kind of just seems... oblivious to all of her passes and insinuations. To be fair, they can be hard to pick up sometimes as every other thing that comes out of this woman's mouth seems to be related to sex. (The group is painfully aware of how many marriages she's had--on her seventh--and what each one really liked to do in bed.)
At some point Bess goes to get a drink. Much to her annoyance, the interloper comes with. As they're at the refreshment table, a conversation is struck up.
"So. You and Charlie, hm?"
"Yes. Wolf and me."
"Wolf? Your pet name for him? Haha! That's cute! Did he get that from the bedroom scene?"
"Um, no. No, he's always been Wolf to me. Even when we were friends."
"Ah. So he's not a wolf in the sack then?"
"... I really don't think that's any of your business."
"Oh, come on, Love. We're both adult women here. You're a wannabe midwife--you're not exactly uneducated about the relationships between men and women. I tried to shag your Wolf for years and couldn't make him bat an eye, and now a cherubic little girl like you comes along and suddenly, not only is he shagging, he's calling you his "sweetheart". Do a fellow girl and favor and satisfy her curiosity."
"I'd rather not."
"... Oh. Oh, I see. You're one of those."
"One of those?"
"Yeah, one of those little prudes. The little prudes that call liberated women like me "whores" and "sluts" because they're jealous I can get men and action they can't."
"Maybe you get called those things because you seem thirsty for anything with a dick that walks on two legs and actively pursue taken men."
"Ah. So the little cherub does have some bite. All right. Maybe you're not a prude."
"Maybe I'm not."
"Maybe you're something worse. One of those pious little girls that's "saving herself for marriage". As if that's something to aspire to."
"Not that it's any of your business either, but I'm not waiting for marriage."
"No. But "somebody special", I'll bet. Or "when you feel ready"."
Bess can't say anything. That's exactly what she's waiting for, what she's making Wolf wait for.
"Ha. In that case, Charlie's definitely going to need a real woman to show him what a good time is tonight. Well, doesn't the universe work in mysterious ways."
"The universe or your assistant reading the guest list for this party?"
"What's it matter when such amazing opportunities arise?"
"Aren't you remarried? Like, newly?"
"Hahaha! Oh my, little frumpy cherub, haven't you learned anything about me tonight? Rings never stop me, whether they're his or mine."
"You honestly think you can make Wolf give you a second glance when I'm right there beside him?"
"He'll have to give me all the glances if you're not here, won't he?"
With a quick look around to see if anyone is noticing, the interloper picks up the bowl of punch and just dumps it over Bess before she can even react. "Oh my god--I'm so sorry! Typical me--just can't control my intrusive thoughts sometimes. At least it's not a total loss--this look wasn't doing anything for you."
Bess can just stand in shock and boiling fury. She hasn't endured anything like this since high school. And maybe that's what sets her mindset back to make her react like she does from here on out.
"Go home, L&D nurse. Maybe your old Marley's daughter, but you and I both know you don't belong here. And you certainly don't belong with someone like Charlie."
And with that the interloper walks away back to rejoin the group.
Bess just runs after that. She doesn't think, she just leaves the gala without a word and catches a taxi back to the cottage. It's not until she's already on the way home she thinks to let the others know she's left, and it's only text messages that start coming in that makes her think of it.
Connie: ~Hey, are you okay? [Interloper] said you weren't feeling well and decided to leave? Do you want me to come home and help you?~
Wolf: ~Are you all right? [Interloper] said you were feeling ill and left. Do I need to come take you to a hospital?~
Bess just tells them not to worry and that she's fine, just going home early to rest, and they should stay at the party. After all, she doesn't want them to see her this way. And the interloper was right: She didn't belong back there. And who is she even kidding? She hardly belongs with Wolf either.
She finds the cottage, mercifully empty when she gets there (except for Sunshine, of course) and just strips down as she beelines for the bathroom, throwing her dress in the trash on the way. Bess doesn't know how long she sits in the shower, but the water is cold before she gets out. And she cries the entire time.
(Why do I keep dreaming up all these horrible scenarios for Bess while you give me nice ones for Connie?)
OHHH BESS. ;; Bess, Bess, I want to hug her so bad.
First of all, Interloper has done the impossible - she's at Karen levels of annoying. Now, we don't know if she's abusive like Karen, BUT from the sound of her, she sound like an emotionally and potentially physically manipulative bully to others.
It is INTERESTING how she looks similar to Bess, but she's still obviously jealous of Bess:
Bess is beautiful. They look alike, after all. They're built different, but both are womanly and gorgeous.
Bess is YOUNGER than her. She seems like the type of person that would be annoyed by that, especially since she can't buy time back. she even tries to demean Bess by calling her 'cute' or 'cherubic.' Bess is a younger woman, and it irks her.
Annnnnd finally, Bess has Wolf; the prize SHE wanted but could never get, even in the 'prime of her life.' Even when they look similar. He never chose her. That must eat her up.
The way she flutters up and gets insanely personal with the Twins SO quickly is beyond tone-deaf. Like, time and place! Also, when someone clearly isn't in to you, you GOTTA take a hint!
I picture the ladies coming back from the powder room and seeing this woman accosting the boys. Wolf looks unamused and Adonis looks uncomfortable.
Connie sees Adonis looking flustered and goes in to redirect the woman's attention and help. Connie reads and clocks her pretty quick, I'd imagine. Her comment about him undressing earns a chuckle, and not a friendly one.
"Well, [Interloper] it's much easier to get one out of their clothes when there is mutual interest in the whole affair. I assure you, my Adonis and I have no such concerns. He is positively sterling in ALL regards." As then kisses Adonis' cheek for good measure and smiles. Then she gives Bess a nervous glance. You know the look, it says "girlfriend, watch out for this one."
This woman's attitude and verbiage toward Bess would catch Wolf's attention. He picks up on her choice of words, and with eat passive-aggressive taunt earns a squeeze from Wolf. His lips even skim the crown of her head as he calls her "sweetheart."
I don't think Wolf stops the Interloper from following Bess to the drink table because, honestly, it doesn't don on him that this woman would go for Bess. He thinks, "I can ignore her, so can Bess." He might not realize immediately that women play a little dirty with each other, and that perhaps she has other goals.
THEN, the punch situation. I don't blame Bess for leaving, poor woman. just to ... escape it.
When Interloper comes back, red flags are everywhere.
"Where did Bess go?" Wolf asks her, his tone only slightly suspicious. He's more concerned.
"No clue," she shrugs. "Feeling sick, she said. Stomach bug. Poor girl. Oh, but don't you worry, Wolf-y. I'll keep you entertained."
Annnnd the sirens go off. She should NOT know that nickname. His brow furrows.
Connie and Wolf text her, but her message that she left provides little comfort. She's safe, but ... it's not right. Connie stares her down, her face a mask of doubt.
C: Interesting timing of her illness, all things considered.
I: Just what are you implying?
Meanwhile, Wolf is obviously antsy. Looking around. He looks out of sorts without his Brightness at his side.
Wolf: Something isn't right. ... Sammy, you're going to hate me for this, but-
Adonis: Charlie, go check on her. I'll handle any speeches if we're called on stage, and Connie and I will ... distract our friend. It shouldn't be hard.
Wolf gives his a thankful squeeze on the shoulder and darts out. He grabs a cab and makes a beeline for the cottage. As he arrives, he texts her to let her know he's on his way. I imagine he has a key by this point, but he's not going to just creep in.
Then, he calls and leaves a voicemail:
W: Brightness, it's me. I'm outside. I wanted to check on you. You left so suddenly. If you're sick, I'd much rather help you feel well than spend another second in that stuffy ballroom and hear [Interloper] talk about ... ugh, I apologize for her. If she did anything, I need you to tell me. I can If you get this, can you just ... let me know that you're really okay? You know what I mean.
A part of him hopes he's not being too smothering, but ... he has a feeling in his gut. And he means every word. No gala is worth attending without her company.
It's the DRAMA, the delicious hurt-comfort goodness!
Meanwhile: Interloper continues to be loud and obnoxious, all while Adonis and Connie chug champagne to tolerate her.
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lambertdiary · 1 year
hey i love your work so much! im so glad there’s people writing for this lovely character
i was wondering if you could write about him meeting one of Chris friends, he is very intrigued by her but can’t find her anywhere after that brief encounter, one day Dalton is supposed to pick up Chris after class but since he arrived quiet early decides to explore the area since he doesn’t come to that side of the school often, one of the classrooms is open and there’s piano music coming of it and is the reader. They have a proper introduction and Dalton tries to be brave for once and ask for her number, little did he know chris was watching him and let’s just say the way back to the dorms she was teasing him about the girl.
A/N: i can't tell you how much i loved this request! sorry it took so long to write but i hope you like it! as always please let me know what you think <3 (also in this fic chris and dalton are still roommates)
Word Count: 1.9k+
Warnings: pure fluff
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Music To My Ears
Meeting new people never came easy for Dalton. He was very shy and reserved, but so loving and kind to his friends. Which is exactly why the most outgoing and confident person he’s ever encountered adopted him almost immediately after they met.
Right now, he was hanging out in his dorm with Chris, his best friend. They were currently watching dumb scary videos on her laptop with a big bowl of popcorn between them. They had been doing that for about an hour, an hour they were supposed to use to do their homework but whatever awful and fake scary video they could find on youtube was surely more entertaining than that. Most of the time they were not scary at all, sure there were a few screamers here and there but the rest of it was just a bad story, bad editing and even worse acting.
Their focus was 100% on the screen, until Chris’ phone made them both jump. She paused the video and picked up her phone, typing a few words before putting it down again.
“Everything okay?”
“Yeah, I’m just waiting for someone”
“Oh, so you double booked me?” He asked, acting offended. 
Chris rolled her eyes and pushed herself off of the bed “Your acting is worse than the guys on the videos” Now he was a little offended “No, she’s just here to return something” 
Chris walked across the room and opened the door, not all the way but enough for Dalton to see someone standing outside. A girl. 
“Hey” Chris said, and Dalton could see the girl smile “How did it go with the presentation?” 
“Hi! Really good actually, piano skills really do transfer over to this thing” She was holding Chris’ Melodica before giving it back. 
“See? Told you, if I can do it you for sure can”
“Yeah, thank you” She smiled again and looked at her hands while she played with them “I cleaned it too so don’t worry”
“Oh I’m not worried” Chris joked and both of them chuckled.
“Alright, thanks again. See you on friday!”
“Any time, see you!” She said before closing the door. Dalton quickly grabbed his phone and pretended to pay full attention to it “Now what? Should we keep watching or should we be responsible students and do some work?”
“There’s only 11 minutes left of this video, we’ll stop after this one, I promise” Chris agreed and went back to bed, where they ended up staying for another 2 hours.
Dalton couldn’t stop thinking about the girl. He wanted to ask Chris about her but he couldn’t possibly, what was he gonna do? Talk to her? Probably not, but if she and Chris are actual friends then he would for sure run into her again, right?
A week went by and there were no signs of the mysterious girl, not even on Friday, when she and Chris were supposed to see each other. But Dalton figured he would rather stay curious than be embarrassed.
It was Taco Tuesday and it was their special tradition to eat a lot of tacos after class. Dalton’s class was dismissed early so after dropping his things off in his dorm, he made his way to pick up Chris from the Math building. Once he got there, he checked the time and realized that he was a little early. He's not really familiar with that part of campus, going there every once in a while and only for a few minutes to wait for Chris, so walking around exploring for a bit while Chris’s class was over seemed like a good idea. He started wandering around, peeking at a few different open classrooms but not seeing anything interesting, he deduced it was just like any other part of campus. Plain and boring. 
He was about to turn around and return to his original spot, Chris was about to come down anyway, but before he could start walking, a beautiful melody caught his attention.
He looked around for a moment, trying to figure out where it was coming from, finally seeing an open room he didn’t see before, a sign with the words ‘Music Room’ above the big doors. As he got closer, the piano melody got louder. It was like a force was dragging him to that room, it was like his soul needed to see who was playing the piano so beautifully.
He stood outside, going in carefully as to not disturb whoever was playing there. The song kept going and Dalton could almost recognize it, it was so gracefully played it made him understand why someone would dedicate their entire life to music. As he got closer, he identified the person behind the large piano, he saw the girl that made him go crazy just last week. He felt his heart rate go significantly higher, debating on his mind if he should leave or talk to her. 
When the song ended, Dalton decided to go for it. I mean, who knew if the universe would give him another chance to talk to her? It was now or never.
She was about to start playing a different melody but was interrupted by a voice she has never heard before “That was beautiful”
She looked up at the person standing in front of her “Thank you” She was used to strangers complimenting her talent, it happened to her all the time, but thinking that he was listening to her play made her really nervous. 
“I’m Dalton by the way” He introduced himself and found his way next to the piano.
“Right, I remember you” She smiled “You’re Chris’ roommate”
“I am, yeah”
“Y/N” he repeated her name, slowly. Almost as if he was tasting every syllable “Nice to meet you”
“Nice to finally meet you, Dalton. Chris tells me a lot about you” Dalton knew his face was burning, there was no hiding it, and he was a little embarrassed by it “I take it your artistic self draws you to music”
“Well, I was just walking by and I heard you play so-” He didn’t wanna sound like a creep, the last thing he wanted was for her to think that he was stalking her. She didn’t think that, but she wanted to mess with him anyway.
“So… you interrupted my sacred rehearsal” 
“I didn’t- I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to interrupt you- your rehearsal uh- I guess I should get going— oh, you’re kidding. Okay” 
Y/N burst into laughter, wishing she had a camera to capture Dalton’s terrified face. Something about him made her feel some kind of way, a good kind of way  “Do you like piano?”
“My mom plays the piano”
Y/N raised her eyebrows in amusement “Do you play?”
“Just a little bit… but you’re like a professional so in your eyes not at all, I suppose” Y/N chuckled.
“Show me”
Dalton’s eyes widened, no way she just asked him to play piano for her “What?”
“Yeah, do you know any song you can play for me?”
“Uh- Just this one song my mom wrote years ago”
“Go on then, play it for me” Y/N scooted over a little, making space for Dalton to sit next to her. Dalton looked at her unsure of what to do, not wanting to make a fool of himself “You just heard me play an entire song, it’s only fair”
Dalton let out a nervous laugh, but sat next to her on the stool. He was nervous and he was having a hard time remembering the right notes, but after a minute of staring at the keys he finally started playing. He didn’t play much, he didn’t remember much of the song and even if he did, he wouldn’t know how to play it. But Y/N loved every second of it.
“That’s all I can remember”
“Well, tell your mom she’s very talented” She said, not looking at him “And if you can remember the rest of the song, I would love to hear it sometime”
Dalton paid attention to their hands, they were really close to each other. And after building up the courage he asked her “Can I have your number? You know, just in case I have to show you the rest of the song”
“Yeah, just in case” Dalton pulled out his phone and handed it to her “Text me” She said typing her contact information on his phone and then giving it back.
“I will” Dalton looked at his screen, admiring her name on his contact list. Then a notification appeared on top.
Chris: Sorry I made you wait, but I’m going downstairs right now
“Uh- sorry, I have to go, but we’ll talk later” Dalton said, standing up and walking to the exit.
“Okay, I’ll be waiting for your text” She smiled at him again.
They waved goodbye and he left that room behind, his heart was racing and his hands were sweating, he couldn’t believe he asked for her number. As he approached the building, he spotted Chris standing there waiting for him “Sorry, something came up” He said, gesturing to her to start walking.
“What? Miss music over there?” Chris said pointing at the music room. 
“What are you-?”
“Yeah, I saw you coming out and Y/N always practices there when it’s empty. Plus, I saw you eyeing her the other day”
Dalton blushed again “I wasn’t-”
“Don’t even try. I told you, your acting sucks”
Dalton sighed “Chris, please don’t-”
“Don’t worry, I’m not gonna say anything… But I bet she already knows”
“I mean, I think she can tell when someone is flirting with her. Or at least trying to”
“Hey, I’m great at flirting”
“We can ask her” She said, pulling her phone out of her pocket.
“Stop, please” Dalton took it from her hands and put it back in her pocket. He didn’t think she would actually ask Y/N, but just in case.
“Aw, you’re properly in love” Chris said with a fake british accent.
Dalton rolled his eyes and kept walking, pretending not to care about the teasing but his blushed face giving him away.
“It’s okay,I’ll keep the secret. She gave you her number didn’t she?”
“For your information, I asked for it”
“Oh, go Dolphin!”
After their taco date, Dalton went back to his dorm and planned to call his mum. First of all, he hasn’t called her as much as he promised he would and second of all, he wanted to ask about the song.
“Hey sweetie” Renai said on the other line “It’s so good to hear from you, how have you been?”
“Hi mom, I’m okay, what about you? How is dad?”
“We’re great! Busy getting his things back into the house. How’s school?”
“School is good. Uh- listen, is there any way you can teach me the song you wrote for dad?” He asked, it didn’t go as smoothly as he had planned. 
“You wanna learn my song?” Renai sounded confused, which made sense considering Dalton stopped asking questions about her music years ago.
“Uh- yeah. Well it’s been a while since I’ve heard it and I can’t really remember much” He chuckled in hopes of making the situation less awkward.
“Mhm” She hummed “I’m gonna pretend I believe you’re just genuinely curious about the song and that you don't have ulterior motives”
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lucaaazd · 4 months
Reibert bus shenanigans part 2. Read part 1 here. Anyways START SCENE
“Stay cool, stay cool,” The blond boy clutched the back of a seat, “All we gotta do is take the bus the other way, right?”
Bertolt was inconsolable. Take the bus the other way? What’s he talking about? He had no money. Why couldn’t Dad have given him a metro card with more than one ride on it? He cussed himself for losing his student pass in a school toilet on Taco Tuesday. He’d had too much beans and rice and was eager to leave the crime scene in case the next person who used the bathroom linked his presence to the radioactive stench. Being caught stinking up the already disgusting boys’ bathroom would be his social death, although to be honest he was getting there without the help of a poopy reputation. There’s no way he’s getting back home. Fluorescent street lights flew past the windows in a bright, ghostly arch, illuminating the run-down, industrial cityscape. Bertolt had only been to Queens twice to visit his family friends, the Galliards’. They lived in a three-story house with an overgrown backyard and chain link fences, and Bertolt had marveled at how much bigger everything was there. The streets were wider, the gas stations enormous, miles of parking garages the size of malls overlooked the highway. The highway. “We’re literally on the highway!” Bertolt sobbed.
“Eh, yeah,” the other boy agreed, “Hm,” he looked down at his feet, any residual pompousness evaporated.
“What’s wrong, darlings?” Squeaked an old woman with a walker. They had caused quite a scene. Bertolt went bright red, “Eh, nothing.”
“Dear me, you lads seem quite young to be taking the bus all by yourselves,” the lady said, “How old are you kids?”
“13,” said the blond kid, puffing up his chest.
“12,” Lied Bertolt. He was turning eleven in a week and a half.
“Oh my,” the woman stood up with difficulty, her shriveled arms shaking like mad above her walker, “Not lost, are you?”
Bertolt looked around quickly and registered the fact that they were the only people on the bus. “No,” both boys said at the same time and looked at each other, flabbergasted. “Hold on,” Bertolt remembered something, “Where’s your phone?”
“Right here,” the boy waved his ginormous iPhone twelve with its Spider-Man case and four cameras.
“Oh,” a hint of resentment flashed through Bertolt, “Can you look up where we are?”
“Eh, no.”
“Why?” Resentment quickly festered into annoyance.
“It’s dead,” said the kid, “Where’s your phone?”
Oh. Duh. “Dead,” said Bertolt bashfully.
“Why didn’t you charge it before you left?” The boy prodded.
“I did,” Bertolt felt defensive, “it’s old.”
“I saw you watching Ice Spice.”
“Hey!” Said Bertolt, “it’s none of your business. Why were you spying?” He bit back.
“You were playing it from your phone really loud. It’s kind of hard to miss.”
“No I wasn’t. I had my headphones in,” gasped Bertolt.
“Guess you didn’t charge your headphones either,” the annoying new boy shrugged.
Bertolt turned scarlet. So the whole bus could hear him. Great. Everyone probably thought he was a little weirdo.
“I don’t blame you. She’s hot,” said the other boy with a longing look. Bertolt’s ears started burning. “Barbie World is a really good song, okay?” he stuttered.
“Sure,” the kid towered over him, waggling his eyebrows, “You totally don’t wanna ‘undress her everywhere’.”
“Ew!” Bertolt protested.
“I wish she had more melons,” his eyes began to cross, “The things I would do to them…”
Bertolt felt extremely uncomfortable, “Please stop. Seriously.”
“I’m Reiner, by the way,” the boy snapped out of his daze with a sheepish smile, “What’s your name?”
“Bertolt,” Bertolt answered reluctantly, bracing for taunts.
“Burger?” Reiner repeated.
“Bertolt,” Bertolt said a little louder.
“Okay Birdsack,” said Reiner, “Let’s get off this fucking bus.”
Bertolt gasped at his audacity. He was disliking the boy more by the minute. For a moment, neither of them spoke.
“So,” Reiner whistled, jumping up and hanging onto the bar with one hand, “let’s - wait.”
“I think,” said Bertolt apprehensively, “We might be waiting for a really long time.”
Before Reiner could respond, bus driver barked, “No swinging!” It caught Reiner off guard and he fell right into a pole. “Ow!”
Bertolt watched with little sympathy as the older boy clutched his right knee, hopping on one foot with a pained expression.
“Easy love,” the nice lady with the walker cooed over Reiner, “Want to get off the bus, you said?”
Bertolt nodded furiously. The lady smiled and pointed at a red button next to her head that spelled “STOP” in all cap. She pushed it and a ��ding!” issued from the speaker. “Stop requested,” it announced.
“That’s it?” Bertolt said in disbelief.
“Never took the bus before?” The woman grinned toothlessly.
Bertolt stared around him like he’d never taken a proper look at the inside of a bus before. Now that he’s paying attention, there were indeed red buttons everywhere that said “STOP”. The answer was right in front of him this whole time. Bertolt wanted to slap himself. It’s true that he didn’t take the bus very often. Mom didn’t like them. She said it was a vertigo thing, plus they came rather sporadically. Bertolt’s mother was a career woman with very short patience and had sworn off the bus due to the one time they had to wait an hour for the M4 after her meeting at a partner hotel on the East Side. Bertolt had to listen to her rant about how disorganized and inefficient the MTA was as a company and in a lower voice, how rude the bus driver was when her card kept declining. Bertolt tuned out the rest as usual by thinking about that cute girl in his social studies class. He must have had a faraway look in his eyes because his mom had grabbed him by the ear seconds later, hissing at him to pay attention. “Well, there, that’s your stop, young man,” the old lady pointed at the back door.
The bus had come to a stop, sending Reiner crashing into the seat in front of him. “Come on,” Bertolt thought about lending him a hand but instead tucked both into his pockets.
“Okay,” Reiner grimaced as he followed Bertolt to the door. For a moment, they both stared at the glass screen, unsure of what to do.
“Touch the yellow tape to open door,” the same robotic voice from earlier said. Bertolt pushed the yellow strip and the double doors folded aside. “Thanks, ma’am!” Bertolt muttered before hurrying off the bus.
“Good luck, kids!” Said the woman, waving at them from the window, “The other bus is across the street!”
Indeed, the desolate, dimly lit little bus stop stood twenty feet before them. Bertolt looked both ways to make sure no car was coming before crossing the road in a jog. “Wait up, Borgat,” Reiner called after him, panting. Remembering that he had fucked up his leg earlier, Bertolt felt like an asshole. He turned around and reluctantly lent Reiner a shoulder, which the other boy clung onto for dear life. Together they wobbled to the sad little bench in front of a Viagra ad. Bertolt studied the twin cups with a curious expression. “Those don’t work,” said Reiner expertly, wincing as he eased himself down onto the bench.
“I don’t get why you can’t just get more toothpaste,” said Bertolt.
Reiner looked at him like he’d lost his mind.
“What?” Bertolt shot back.
“Nothing,” said the other boy.
They watched the scarce traffic go by the poorly lit street. “How do we know when the bus is coming?” Bertolt wondered out loud.
“Dunno,” Reiner shrugged, “Oh, I think you can text a number.”
“Great!” Bertolt clapped his hands together, “Let’s text the number.”
Awkward silence hung in the air. “Or,” Reiner coughed into his hand, “We just wait.”
They waited for what felt like fifteen minutes, during which Bertolt adamantly avoided eye contact with the other boy. He distracted himself by thinking about Annie, whose number he acquired last week during recess after half the boys in his class egged him on. They had looked shocked when he came back with ten digits scribbled on the palm of his hand and no bruises anywhere. “No way,” one of them held Bertolt’s hand like it was a piece of important evidence at a crime scene, “it’s probably fake. She’s messing with him. Let’s call it after school.” The same boy’s jaws were slack when she actually picked up later that day, sounding bored as ever. She’s the coolest. She wore her hair down yesterday and Bertolt found himself not so casually staring at her the whole period, earning himself a few extra head smacks from Mrs. Mcleod. For some reason Mrs. Mcleod had decided to dress code Annie as soon as class was over, and she returned from the principle’s office wearing an ugly wrinkly school T-shirt that said “MSC” instead of the blue tank top. She was still cute when she was fuming.
“What’s with that smile?” Reiner’s voice snapped him back into an Annie-less reality, “Thinking about Ice Spice again?”
How dare he make such a vile allegation? “No!” Bertolt bellowed.
“Chill. I have a proposal,” said Reiner.
Bertolt waited for him to continue.
“You see that deli over there?” Reiner gestured behind them at the sketchiest looking deli Bertolt had ever seen, its narrow doorway lit up beneath the man-sized Viagra bottle. “Let’s see if we could charge our phones there.”
“I don’t have a charger. Or money,” Bertolt worried.
“Me neither,” said Reiner in a mock sing-songy voice, “I could use some Taki’s though.” He made to get up and Bertolt had to try and stop him, “But your leg! Plus, I have a feeling we shouldn’t go in there.” Bertolt eyed the men hanging out outside the shop, smoking cigarettes with their backs against the graffitied walls.
“Fine, you wait here then,” Reiner pushed Bertolt’s hand away and strode towards the deli.
“Wait up! Don’t leave me here alone,” Bertolt whined. When Reiner didn’t answer, he gritted his teeth and followed the older boy.
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greypetrel · 3 months
Happy Talk Shop Tuesday! What's one trope/cliche that you would never get tired of (reading and/or writing)? What's one that you love but you think it's overdone/not typically done well? And what's one that makes you dnf? <3 - @fieldsofview
Hello! Ooooooh these are juicy questions eheheheh thank you! @fieldsofview
I never get tired of a good redemption arc. Call me naive, but as a person with anxiety problems, reading stories where people go back and fix their mess... It's hopeful. Even when they're not done as well as it could have been, I'd rather three Cullen done half-way than believing people can't change for the right reason. As long as the change comes from inside and not "I'll change for love"...
Also, I love cocky, flamboyant and highly theatrical characters hiding vulnerability like that. Give me an histrionic person that I would totally punch irl and I'm yours. (Dorian in Dragon Age. Jareth the goblin king in Labyrinth. Nikolaj Lantsov in the Geishaverse. That kind of character.)
I love enemies to lovers but I agree it's difficult to find one done well. I come from being in the ace spectrum, I NEVER understood meet-cutes. Enemies that just take one look at each other and jumps on each other... I don't like it, I'd love to see a buildup PARTICULARLY because they're enemies. Horniness is just not it if they are supposed to hate each other.
(and just to further my point: Pride and Prejudice is an enemies to lovers.)
My hugest nopes are incest, non-con, secret twins and "she's not like other girls".
Meet-cutes are annoying to me but if it's written well and there's an evolution after, it's fine.
My biggest pet peeve is justifying shitty plot twists in fantasy with "But it's historically accurate". When you have dragons flying and magic.
I'm all for taking inspiration by history! But if we're talking about fantasy, historical accuracy I feel is only ever used to justify shitty decisions that often involve abuse that's not even necessary for the plot, or lack of representation or harmful stereotypes.
These are of course just my personal opinions, of course, no shaming people who like those things to read and write! I'm just not their target audience.
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maygrantgf · 1 year
temptation tuesday
tagged by @honestlydarkprincess 😘
another day another couple hundred ideas...will they ever become wips?? who knows!
buddie move into a "haunted" house crack exactly what it sounds like LMAO they move into a new house and its gonna basically be like
buck: babe our house is haunted that piece of furniture just moved RIGHT in front of us???
eddie: .... no i do not see it,,, im going to bed❤️
buddie first argument buck and eddie have their first fight and a couple and it leaks into the firehouse. chim and hen are nosy and want to know what they're fighting about (and bc they care!! like why are their friends fighting??) so they basically interrogate them separately and help them try to talk to each other like normal ppl
eddie buying anniversary present for buck cashier scares him with gambling story this is so sjfhjdks its really silly and came to me super randomly but eddie goes shopping with hen to buy an anniversary present and they come across this cute lil shop. eddie goes to pay and the cashier is VERY nosy and also VERY talkative. imma just say she tells eddie unprompted about her gambling addict (ex) bf who spent all of her savings and now shes broke but its so WONDERFUL him and his partner have been together 6 months happy anniversary!!!! eddie and hen leave the store like what the fuck? can we agree to never go back there?
buck is accused of murder or some other super serious thing uhh tbh idk if i'll ever write this its super angsty but im a sucker for this trope on tv soooo
buck disappears after almost running someone over OKAY so i pretty much have like more than half of this fic planned out i just. havent written it. u know how it is. y'all ready? okay lets do this under the cut:
this is def inspired by something ive watched before i just dont remember what. anyway. newly weds buck and eddie driving home from work (maybe) buck is driving. they're talking yknow shooting the shit and then all of a sudden this woman comes outta no where and runs in front of the car eddie yells "BUCK" and buck hits the breaks almost running her over but he doesn't. the woman has blood coming out of her eyes and she puts her hands on the hood of the car and tries to say something before she collapses on the ground. buddie get out of the car and try to help her but her heart stops and while eddie does cpr buck calls 911
so it goes the cops come and question them and buck is just sitting there like oh my god did I hit her? is it my fault she died and eddie is like um no !!!! it was obviously something else. anyway they get let go and they go home. there's an investigation n shit but no leads so the case goes cold. a few months later there's another victim and the 118 responds and it's the sameeee thing!! that happened to buddie and ofc they're freaked out
something something other things happen but I'm thinking buck somehow gets involved bc he's nosy and gets kidnapped by the baddie who did that to the other victims
the second part is the aftermath of his disappearance but imma leave it for another time bc this this is so loooong. hmu if yall want more tho !!
tagging @bigfootsmom @lovebuck @herodiaz @usercowboy @dollhousejee
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Nothing in the Parenting Books Prepared me for This
Chapter 66: Children's Museum trip
Synopsis: Daycare is having a field trip to the nearby children’s museum! Thor and Mobius come along as chaperones. At first, everything seems chipper, but Loki is so fixated and impatient about visiting the "storybook cottage" and Mobius' hands are so full, that it's only a matter of time before things start going wrong.
Word count: 6,575
Stand Alone?: yes
Warnings: 1 swear, Bucky's abandonment issues,
Notes: I think I need to stop using my plotting structure the way I have been because last time, I ended up needing to break the story up into 4 chapters, but this one is just really really L O N G
Read it on AO3!
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“So, how was daycare?” Mobius asked over dinner. 
Loki had been nearly vibrating waiting to talk to his whole family about it ever since he got picked up a couple hours ago, but every time he spoke it was only met with “you’ll have to tell us about it over dinner.” Now was his chance. 
“Um!” he started to make sure that he had everyone’s attention. “Daycare’s having a field trip,” he hummed happily.
Sylvie looked astonished and slightly offended that she had not been given this news sooner, slipping slightly as she asked “Where?!” 
“The museum.”
“Oh… ew.” 
“Mm! No, not the boring one-- The fun one.” 
“Fun one?” 
“The children’s museum?” Mobius offered. 
“That one,” Loki agreed with his mouth full of mushy yam, licking his fingers. 
“What’s that?” Thor asked. 
Mobius and Loki both paused as they tried to think of how to explain it to Thor and Sylvie.
“It’s a big play area,” Mobius began. “But it’s more than just a playground. They have crafts and activities, some have science experiments and demonstrations kids can do… Once I had a case at one that was filled with dramatic play rooms. Like your corner at daycare with the salon game setup?” 
“Um, it's grocery store now,” Loki corrected. 
“Grocery store is pretty common, too. So imagine that, but it's big.”
“...A real grocery store?” Sylvie asked. 
“No, no, littles and kids run it still, y’know? And the food is fake.”
“Oh,” Sylvie seemed intrigued.
“So, anyway,” Loki started up again. “They need chaperones and I think daddy an’ Thor should come.” 
Sylvie agreed with this. 
Thor shrugged and nodded. 
“I dunno kiddo. I’m kind of swamped after last week’s attack…we’ve got a meeting with the Indonesian government next Tuesday… What day is it?”
“Um… I dunno,” Loki admitted, pretending he was very distracted by his dinner. 
“Alright, well I’ll talk to Ms.Vaughn and see if we can work something out.” 
And they did. 
Thursday, at 8:30 am sharp, Mobius, Thor, Sam Wilson, Ms.Vaughn, and twenty excited littles waited outside the daycare in the freezing cold for the bus. 
A few of the tots shivered and sat still, others warmed up by hopping in place or chasing each other around the parking lot until they were caught and given stern a talking to about safety. 
Loki had chosen to climb up his brother’s back, overseeing the lot from about nine feet up, with his legs around Thor’s neck. 
A bright yellow bus pulled into the driveway. 
The chaperones worked together to shepard the little ones, ranging between 3 and 8 in headspace, onto the bus. But they didn’t sit down quite yet like the little ones did. Mobius and Thor left Loki and Sylvie to make sure there were only two littles per seat, breaking up groups of three or four, who thought they could get away with having a friend in their lap or scrunched by the window. 
Loki sat with his daddy at the front of the bus, in a spot where he could be supervised closely by several adults. 
Regardless of the supervision, Loki still stood up on his knees and turned around to talk with Scott behind him. “Have you ever been to a children’s museum?” Loki asked. 
“Loki, sit down!” Mobius chided him, tapping on the back of his thighs.
Loki ignored him. 
“Ah, yeah. But not this one. Momma looked it up for me though and it looks fun,” Scott answered. 
“Does it?”
“Yeah, there’s a big playground, lots of playrooms, science stuff, a big garden with mud, arts, and -- oh-- you and Sylvie are gonna like the storybooks cottage a lot.”
“Storybook cottage?!” Loki repeated. 
“Loki! Sit down, now,” Mobius hissed at him again. 
Loki sat down, but still peeked around the side of the seat to look back at Sylvie and Thor a few rows back. “Sylvie! Did you hear that?” 
Sylvie crawled over Thor’s lap to look at him. “I can’t hear you!” she yelled. 
“Sylvie, let’s use our inside voices,” Mobius reminded her as he pushed Loki off his lap and back up into his seat. “Jeez, I know you kids are excited, but can you just try and behave on the bus?” he chuckled. 
The facade to the building, in its old, colonial, red brick was horribly misleading. Its quiet, historic, nature gave way to absolute chaos once Loki stepped inside.
The inside wasn’t loud, but it was echoey. Most of the building was filled with many experiments, exhibits, and toys that wound and weaved around one another throughout a maze of short walls and boundaries, not quite attached enough to make individual rooms in a traditional sense. 
Things moved throughout on their own: screens with games flashed or moved with idle waiting animations, water cycled through one exhibit, and a tiny model train circled the perimeter of the building, and those were only things Loki could pick out of the chaos of 19 other littles and four adults all trying to herd them. 
Sylvie raised herself onto her tippy-toes, then back down over and over and over again, rocking back and forth and nearly bouncing in place, flicking her attention between exit doors, and the busy, moving toys, as if looking for sneaking figures. 
Thor put a hand on her back to steady her, providing a little comfort.
 This level of excitement seemed to be relatively common, Loki observed as he held on tightly to his daddy. The only one who wasn’t experiencing the same sort of pent up energy seemed to be Bucky. 
Well, maybe that was incorrect. Bucky had pent up energy, but it wasn’t the chatty, hyperactive, and curious sort of energy. It was fearful and cautious. He looked like he was about to cry, as Sam set a head on his shoulder and rocked him back and forth in a backwards hug while keeping a straight face.
Eventually, Loki and the rest of the group were instructed to put up their “quiet coyote” hands for another roll call, an introduction to the museum, a rundown of safety information, rules, and an itinerary. 
Even as they outlined the summary, this all sounded very very boring to Loki. 
He looked to his daddy, but Mobius seemed to be paying attention. So, then the little did the next best thing. 
“Psst Thor!” he tugged on the sleeve of his brother’s shirt. 
Once he knew he got Thor’s attention, Loki waved a hand, beckoning him closer. 
Thor leaned in to let his brother whisper something in his ear. 
“This is boring!” Loki whispered. 
“I know, brother, but it is important. Try to listen.”
Sylvie came around Thor’s backside to listen in. “It is boring,” she agreed. “Can we go play over there instead?” 
“Psst!” Mobius got all of their attention. 
The three looked up to realize that the presentation had stopped and most, if not all, heads were looking at them. 
Thor gave the both of them a small elbowing. 
As soon as the presenter continued, Loki stuck his tongue out at his brother.
Apparently, he chose the wrong time to do that, as Mobius quickly picked him up. Now he was really in for a stern talking to once the groups broke. 
Halfway through the safety presentation, while they were being told when shoes need to be off and what age groups are allowed where, a phone began to ring. Loudly. 
Loki searched for the source of it, only for Sam to apologetically reach in his pocket and say “Sorry I gotta take this.” 
He stepped away, taking a quick second to reassure Bucky that this would all be fine and Mobius and Thor were here-- He was safe and with his friends-- before kissing him on the cheek. It would just be a moment. 
Bucky almost looked angry. His entire body stiffened the second that Sam left, with his only perceptible movement being a trembling lower lip. 
Loki stared at him probably longer than he should have. 
Mobius maneuvered his little into one arm, with some slight discomfort and struggle, even though Loki was happy to cooperate. 
Then with his free hand, Mobius reached out behind him, ready to take another trauma-ridden and finicky little under his wing. At least, that was how Loki interpreted it. Maybe Mobius just felt bad and knew if Bucky could trust anyone who wasn’t his daddy, it would be someone from their household. 
Metal fingers clamped onto Mobius’ jacket sleeve. Not his offered hand, nor his arm itself, but the loose fabric around his bicep. 
Mobius tried to quietly soothe the other child, but since he couldn’t speak, physical touch wasn’t something Bucky particularly liked, and he had Loki sitting in his other arm, there wasn’t much he could offer besides a sympathetic look. 
There was a moment after instructions were explained and the littles were set free into the first exhibit, where Mobius was held in place by the pinch, while Bucky kept staring out the window. 
“You wanna run along with Sylvie?” Mobius asked. “I’ll catch up to you.”
Before Loki could wiggle down onto the floor and go play, Sam turned off his phone and came inside. He had missed his opportunity to get out and curiosity now held him in place, especially since Sam did not look happy. 
Bucky and Mobius simultaneously tensed.
“I… gotta go,” Sam said apologetically. “Fury said it’s an emergency.”
“...Yeah… take all the time you need.” Mobius said. He didn’t really mean it, and Sam didn't really want to hear it. 
“You’re going to be good for me, Bucky-bear. Mobius and Ms.Vaughn are right here. All your friends are here. It’s just like being at daycare.” 
Bucky looked down away from him, but didn’t respond at all, keeping his hands held firmly at his side.
“You’re gonna run around and have fun, and I’ll be back before lunch.”  
Bucky still barely moved. “...You promise?” he mumbled. 
“Yeah bud, I promise. This is just a quick errand. I pinky promise it.” 
Bucky hesitantly hooked pinkies with his caregiver as if it were an embarrassment. Then, he got a big hug and a rub on the back before Sam went to find the busy teacher and tell her about the situation. 
Mobius looked back at Bucky. “You ready to go try and have some fun? Sylvie, Scott, Thor, and Clint are all waiting for us. We shouldn’t leave them hanging, don’t you think?” 
Bucky followed behind them from a few feet away with crossed arms, dragging his feet. Neither Loki nor Mobius were unaccustomed to this behavior, and chose to let him mope, although staying close, just in case he needed it. 
“Daddy?” Loki asked. “Can we go to the Storybook Cottage?” He was slower with his words, leaving room for a childish cadence that snuck in between syllables. 
“Let’s put a pin in that one, pumpkin, and stick with the group for now. Just until Sam comes back. Then I’ll take you.” 
Loki frowned. “Can you play?” he asked. 
Mobius looked back at Bucky again. “I think I gotta look after this big guy. I know Sylvie and your friends wanna play though.” 
Loki bit his cheek and broke away from his caregiver slowly, walking towards a climbing net and starting to put his feet in the first holds. Maybe once he reached the tubes where Sylvie and his other friends were crawling, they’d have a game for him to join. 
Unfortunately, a climbing net of this size and scope was a little tough for Loki. It was easily ten feet up, and when you’ve only got socks on a thin, rope, surface, grip can be difficult to maintain. He slinked up it, making quite the effort. 
He could see Sylvie behind a clear plastic barrier a few feet above, snickering. 
He frowned at her and tried to climb up further, slipping and nearly falling down to the cushy, padded ground. 
“Loki, you wanna come over here? There’s a tot playground that may be more your speed,” Mobius suggested. It was apparent he really was trying to be helpful. 
But Loki was big today. He wasn’t a baby. Not totally at least. 
Sylvie slid down a slide a few feet away and stood behind him. 
“Here to mock me?” he asked, way more bitterly than he really meant to sound. 
“Only if you keep speaking like a grown-up… and trying to go up the net.” 
“What’s wrong with the net?” 
“That’s not how you climb up. Look! Here are the stairs.” She showed him to a tower with a small doorway in it. Surely enough, it was a spiral staircase. 
Loki began to walk up them. 
“Move!” Sylvie commanded, giving him a slight shove. 
“I’m going! I’m going!” he shouted back, beginning to jog. 
Although the jungle gym was expansive, and Loki enjoyed seeing his friends, he was decidedly relieved when a “Ding!” noise played over the intercom system and the chaperones helped the little ones into the next room. 
Thor slid down one of the slides with Loki in his lap and Sylvie right behind the both of them. 
He picked the boy up and seemed to understand that Loki wasn’t feeling very small yet. All the little energy had seeped out of him through hours in transport and a long lecture. Not even that 20 minutes on the playground had helped him regain the childish spark he usually had. 
Thor raspberried the boy’s hands.
Loki paused, a bit taken aback as something clicked. A grin crept onto his face. 
“He’s been revived!” he cheered.
Loki reached out and tried to wipe his spit covered hands on Sylvie. He made a gibberish yelp of “yuck!”
Thankfully for Loki, the next exhibit the littles were encouraged to explore was called the “messy room” and he was given the opportunity to wash his hands and put on a smock with all the other littles… and Thor… and Mobius? Oh! Everyone got a plastic yellow smock. 
The area was really two exhibits, not one. It was closer to a “smock zone” than anything: most of the room was filled with paints, bath crayons, paper, some sort of wheat-paste (to attach the paper to a wall), and even shaving cream, all sorts of messy substances to paint all over the room with, and on the other side was… Well, Loki didn’t care… Something else, he assumed. All he knew was he had to clean up before heading over there. His hands were too covered in child-safe liquidy-glue to think about that. He pressed ripped tissue paper against a small corner of the clear wall to create a stained glass effect, sitting on the paper-covered floor. 
A drop of paint fell on his nose. 
Loki looked up to see Thor above him, finger painting diligently and with an amount of focus almost unheard of for him. 
Then, Loki looked for the rest of his friends, still sticking scraps of paper to the wall. 
Sylvie was still at the materials table, squishing her hands in colorful slime that stuck to her. She didn’t actually seem interested in getting the mess- oh, no, nevermind. She flicked it everywhere, all over the paper floor and probably into the back of Loki’s hair. Definitely into Thor’s. 
Mobius was on the other side of the glass with Bucky, not many littles were. It was further from the materials section and the floor paper didn’t stretch so far, so most tots just stuck to the closer side. They were drawing with bath crayons and quietly talking. Mobius was trying so hard to be peaceful, really channeling his inner Mister Rogers. Just looking at them almost made Loki want to yawn and put his thumb in his mouth, an urge he needed to resist. 
Loki stood up to grab more paper, almost bumping Thor and a few other littles as he did so. 
“Loki! Look!” Thor called. “Come see what I made, brother!”
Loki stood close to him while wiping his hand on his smock. He could not figure out what he was looking at.
Thor must’ve noticed. “That ones me, and there’s Sylvie, and you, and then there’s da-- your daddy. When we got that big monster!” 
Loki sucked in his cheeks and nodded understandingly. 
“You don’t like it?” Thor asked, heartbroken by Loki’s reserved reaction. 
“Is good,” Loki hurriedly added, but maybe Thor didn’t hear him. 
“Sylvie! Look what I painted!” he called.
Mobius looked up from what he was doing at the same time Sylvie did. 
She brought her green goop with her, sliding it around in her hands, staining them as she joined the brothers in admiring the work. “Is that us?” she asked with a certain performative enthusiasm: Her caregiving voice. 
Thor nodded, rather pleased with himself. 
“We should get daddy to take a picture, don’t you think?”
“Yeah!” Loki agreed, slapping the glass.
Mobius paused and told Bucky something before walking around. His eyebrows were just slightly knitted with concern, but he smiled anyway. 
“Woah, hey Thor, did you paint that?” Mobius asked, looking at the stick figures. “We look great!” 
“Take a photo of it! For the fridge!” Sylvie  suggested.
Mobius fumbled in his pocket for his phone and took a snapshot, before showing it to the littles, and Thor just to make sure they liked it. 
Thor grinned and tapped his feet, making a girlish squeal.
“Saved!” he smiled, before patting Thor on the shoulder and returning to his own drawing. Later on, Loki would catch him taking a photo of his own handiwork, and several other of the littles’ creations. He showed Bucky his phone. “Should I send that one to your daddy?” he asked. 
Bucky had silently nodded. 
Meanwhile, Loki had decided he was done with this activity, even if the alarm hadn’t rung yet. He needed to see where the other littles were doing on the far side of the room. 
He washed his hands, and encouraged Sylvie and Thor to do the same. 
“You took me away from slime for this?” Sylvie asked incredulously. “For water?”
Apparently, the other, not-so-messy activity was a large water table. 
Although Sylvie immediately went back to her green ooblek, Thor definitely took interest, maybe even more than Loki. He picked up a plastic frog and set it into the water, running it under a waterfall and then setting it into the bucket of a water wheel. 
Loki stood next to him, but really didn’t get involved as much as he simply watched his big brother who… probably should’ve been watching other littles. Maybe that defense would still work. Loki looked up. There were two other tots at the water table. Three out of 20… not great, but still, that area needed a little supervision. 
Loki set some marbles into a run, sending them down a slide of rushing, babbling fluid. He clapped and giggled when they plunked into the water. 
Then, he grabbed one, and shoved it into one of the rushing water pipes with his finger. He pushed against the current with his hands, and then when he couldn’t use those anymore, he switched to magic trying to see how far down the clear pipe he could get it. Then, when the pumping fan began to sputter, he let it out, watching the ball float back up and out into the water. 
Thor raced a boat from one end to another as Loki messed with all the dials, buttons, and levers on enticingly lit and bubbling tubes of water, but even then, he had something else on his mind. 
“Um, Thor?”
“Yes, brother?” Thor asked, slightly distractedly.
“Can we go? I wanna see the Storybook Cottage…”
Thor grinned and almost agreed, but his face then fell. “I need to watch over the little ones…” 
“I’ma little one!” 
“Yeah but…” Thor drew a deep breath considering his words carefully. “I’m having fun.” … Okay maybe not too carefully. 
Loki whined and stomped his feet. “Please?” 
“Can’t you just enjoy all this? It’s magical!” 
Loki scrunched up his nose at that. None of this was magic. It was kind of interesting, but it was NOT magic. He knew magic. 
The plastic frog spit at Thor and waves upon waves began to rock the table, sending Thor’s wooden boat capsizing as the tides crashed against him. His whole front was being drenched. 
“Loki! Don’t lose your temper at me!” the god giggled as he was hit with a beam of spraying water from a “malfunctioning” tube. He really meant for it to sound intimidating, but how could it?
“Loki!” Mobius was not so lenient. He ran over and pulled Loki up against his clean smock, breaking the little’s concentration and the streams of water. “What do you think you’re doing?” 
Loki hesitated, trying to think of an excuse. Then he put a hand in his mouth and teared up. 
“That’s not gonna work this time. bud. You gotta talk to me. What’s got you spraying Thor with water? C’mon, I know you’ve got a nice big headspace today.” 
“He said no!” 
“No to…”
“Going to the storybook cottage!” 
“Oh, Loki, we’ll get there eventually. Be patient. You wanna maybe regress down a bit? Play with some of the extra stuff that the big kids don’t get to? That’ll keep ya busy.” He reached into his pocket, having trouble with the yellow smock around him to find Loki’s pacifier. 
Loki furrowed his brows as he took it. 
“You wanna hold my hand until we get to the next room?” 
“No?” Loki mumbled. 
Mobius didn’t answer that, and Loki knew he didn’t really have a choice unless he wanted to be sitting in the quiet sensory room the whole trip. 
The loudspeaker finally rang like the daycare bell, signaling the little ones to head to the next activity room (after they cleaned up, of course, which was a more daunting task for some than others.)
The next room, Loki didn’t really care about. He didn’t like that there was ANOTHER room. He wanted to go to the cottage, an outbuilding in the backyard he could see from the windows of the main museum. 
But he had already tried to make that known and look where it had gotten him, being pulled by the wrist into the next room alongside his daddy and fussy, sad, Bucky Barnes, who still refused to lighten up, even after a whole hour. 
Although, to be fair, Loki hadn’t done much lightening up, himself. 
Oh more science. How special. Loki wasn’t so big of a fan of the STEM push. No Migardian trick of science could impress him. Especially not something like wind. 
Clear, bendable tubes covered one wall, where littles were instructed to connect them together in interesting paths to float a ball of yarn through. 
Similarly, a tube of wind stood in the center of the room with written instructions about how to make and test the flying capabilities of different objects. 
Loki looked at it and slid his hand into the vortex before Mobius caught him by the collar and pulled him away, pointing to a red icon on the sign. 
The little frowned at him and then crossed his arms. 
“You can play with it, just maybe don’t stick your hand up there,” Mobius tried to explain. 
Any notion of fun had already been ruined though. Loki furrowed his brows, starting to stomp again and throw a fit. 
But Mobius didn’t listen. He was running over to talk to two kids who looked like they were getting into a fight and then stop three curious littles looking out the door towards the next exhibit. 
Thor was busy helping Sylvie connect wind tubes together. They appeared to be enjoying themselves, Loki noted. 
He sat in a corner with his back pressed up against the large windows of the room like a dramatic princess, people watching a little more than he cared to admit.
There was a moment where Thor seemed to remember why he was here and briefly left Sylvie’s side to attend to Clint and Scott who were asking him when lunch was and if he could do tricks with the wind too, if he was so good with thunder. 
Loki rolled his eyes at their praises of him. As if he was a celebrity and not their coworker and friend’s big brother. Why didn’t they ever talk to him like that? Loki pushed something invisible with his foot, administering a small kick towards the empty space in front of him. 
But, there was something he could use in this situation… 
“Sylvie?” he asked, as casually as he could. “Are you bored? As bored as I am?” 
She shrugged. “A little bit.” 
“Wind’s not very fun… Would you like to do something else?” 
She shrugged again, not really paying attention to him as she adjusted two plastic tubes to fit together. “Maybe…” She prompted. 
“Can we go to the story cottage?” 
Sylvie weighed her options, looked at the other littles, the adults, and then back at Loki. “Fine. But only for a moment so you can get a look at it. Daddy said we’re having lunch soon.” 
Loki grinned. “Thank you thank you thank you!” he repeated. 
He didn’t bother casting doubles today. He was already so tired, and Mobius’ hands were too full to really realize if they were gone. Bucky at some angles sort of looked like him. That would fill any gap he left in the classroom ecosystem.
Mobius looked around the room rather frantically. It felt like every time he solved one issue, another three cropped up. He wasn’t the only chaperone, but Ms. Vaughn was running around just as busily as he was and… Thor had seemingly joined the other team. As much as the god had said “regression wasn’t for him”, it sure did feel like it was. 
20 and a half littles to watch between two caregivers… that was a lot, especially with 6 superpowered ones. He wished Sam was back, probably just as much as Bucky did. He looked back at the little guy, just to make sure he was doing alright.
It also seemed like things had gotten suddenly quieter. None of the super littles were the ones being loud or aggressive with one another. It was mostly the normal ones Mobius found himself watching out for, as Thor kept the other fi-- wait.. Hang on. There were only three littles working with Thor… Then Mobius stopped, counted and… shit. 
The door to the cottage was unlocked and opened immediately, even though Sylvie had obviously planned on kicking it down. 
The inside was a bit cramped, but more in a cozy sense than anything. Loki crept inside, before realizing that the floor was heavily cushioned and his head clipped the top of the ceiling. So, he instead, after glancing at Sylvie, crouched down, and then crawled. 
“It’s just another baby exhibit, Loki,” Sylvie told him. 
She could still comfortably stand, even though she needed to avoid pillows, stuffed animals, and child-sized scene setting furniture. 
Loki stopped and took a book off a shelf, opening it to peer at the pictures while cushioned by pillows. 
“It’s no different from the reading corner at school.” 
He ignored her, shuffling on his knees into the other rooms of the cottage, exploring the kitchen and bedrooms curiously. 
“Loki!” she whined as she followed him around. “Don’t make me mummy for you right now… please? Now you’ve seen it, let’s just go back to Daddy and Thor. They’ll bring you over later! I’m too small to be a good big sister!” 
Loki paused when she finally caught him, pulling him back, away from the 3 bears beds and into her arms. He mumbled while pulling away from her grasp around his wrists until she finally restrained him into her lap. 
“We’ll come back after lunch! That’s what daddy said! There’s other baby things for you to play with in the normal room!” 
Loki thrashed against her, kicking into some of the pillows and started to cry. 
“Loki! You’re being loud!” She shushed him.
But it wasn’t the thought of having to leave that got Loki so upset. 
“I’m going and you’re going to come with me or not. Your choice.” 
When she let him go, Loki resigned himself to a corner, just like he had in the wind room. She was right. It was just like the reading corner at school or their living room at home. There was nothing special about it. Even the stories inside were the same ones he had been read over and over again. “The Classics” as the adults liked to call them. Hey Diddle Diddle and all those rhymes and songs that masqueraded as stories. 
The decor was… fine, but it was probably just as interesting as anything else in the museum. Maybe even less interesting. It did remind him of home, a bit, with its muted Victorian browns and bronzes but it wasn’t satisfying in any special way. 
Reluctantly, he took Sylvie’s hand and followed her outside, dropping the fringed pillow he was clutching.
She shut the door behind him and seemed almost satisfied with herself. They went back through the same glass door they had come through, but it looked like the group had already moved on to the next activity. 
The little ones searched the big, open, echoey areas for their daddy and Thor. Being alone in such a place almost seemed like a dream come true but neither of them really felt any mischievous inclination. 
Loki sat down, once they had circled the first floor and returned to moping. 
“Stop that!” Sylvie commanded him, administering a small kick to his midsection, more in a nudging way than one meant to cause pain. 
“There you two are!” Sam said. 
Somehow, in the time they were gone, there was a chance for the entire group to disappear, and for Sam to come back. He was carrying Bucky on his back, but the little’s face wasn’t visible. 
“You know where the lunch room is, right?” he asked. 
Loki shook his head and Sylvie stared at him blankly. 
“Here, follow me.” 
Loki took his hand and tried not to look like he had been crying too hard. 
Sylvie didn’t bother with either of those, simply walking within the caregiver’s line of sight to prove how much of a big girl she was.
The lunch room was behind a regular door that looked like it should have been labeled “Employees only”. It was small, too. Mostly used for birthday parties and the like. 
Mobius wasn’t there though, something Loki immediately noticed as he broke away from Sylvie, Sam, and the lunch line. 
The door to the yard was propped open, opening into a tall and thick garden of flowers and edible plants, filled with bees and butterflies. 
And, as Loki got closer, on the stoop, he saw who else, but his daddy, looking much more distraught than normal. 
Loki sat down next to him, blocking the doorway. 
Mobius wiped a wet eye with his sleeve. “Hey, there you are! You had me scared for a minute there,” he laughed. 
Loki wasn’t used to seeing him cry. He almost put his guards up, but instead decided to let his shoulders droop and share in a little momentary misery as his daddy wrapped an arm around him. 
“I didn’t realize how stressful it was looking after so many kids,” Mobius smiled. “I thought with two Lokis I’d be able to handle anything.” 
Loki nodded to show he was listening. 
“But jeez… ten littles! Handling ten littles alone, and the only ones I couldn’t keep track of were my own. You two made me feel like a pretty crappy caregiver.” 
Loki frowned a little more. 
“Well… You did! It’s not the same when you sneak off at the grocery store. This is different, bud. I’ve got a lot more things at stake here!”
Loki tried not to take it too personally, patting Mobius’ arm. If they hadn’t been at a children’s museum, the poor man probably would’ve been having a smoke. He wasn’t even much of a smoker but when he got stressed the rules tended to bend. 
“Where’d you even sneak off to, anyway?” 
Now it was Loki’s turn to stop comforting and start letting his emotions loose. “Story Cottage…” he answered lamely. 
“Not so fun?” 
The little shook his head and shuttered as he tried not to cry, trying to harness his big kid voice. “I-- I wasted all of it!” he spilled. “The whole day!” 
Mobius pulled him into his lap. “You know what I think we both need, little drama queen?”
“You too!” Loki interjected. 
“Yeah, I guess I’m a drama queen, too… but I think we could both get something to eat.” He picked Loki up and brought him over to wash his hands and grabbed him the lunches they had packed that morning. 
There were still many things left to play with and explore after lunch as Loki stayed tethered to his daddy, probably more than he really should have, insisting on being held after a filling, and quite frankly, tiring lunch. A task that really wasn’t so bad until Mobius realized he was about to try to climb two flights of stairs and was still supervising a good number of littles. At least Sam was there to ease some of the tension off, now. 
“Woah…” Thor said. 
“Oh,” Sylvie agreed. 
Loki furrowed his eyebrows, and turned around in his daddy’s arms. What was so great that they-- 
This wasn’t a room. It was a hall of rooms, probably a dozen. It was a little city, kitted with everything littles could ever want. Tricycles and riding toys were available on the “streets”, and in each of the buildings was a usable pretend play area pertaining to a profession. 
Sylvie however, was more drawn to an artificial treehouse on the far side. A massive climbable playground for the big kids that appeared to come out of the wall, with a tinier, baby area underneath it for aspiring climbers. 
“Why don’t we do that for you?” Mobius suggested trying to lead Loki over to the toddler area. 
But Loki was pulled in a different direction. “Loki! Come look at this!” Thor yelled excitedly. 
Mobius closed his mouth tightly, and looked up at the large climbing tree, unsure if he should leave Sylvie and a couple other littles there without a supervisor as Loki pulled him away. 
“Daddy! C’mon!” Loki shouted excitedly. 
“You go ahead… I think I need to stay here.”
Sylvie threw a foam apple at Mobius’ head. “Go! I’m a big girl! I’m safe!” She shooed him. 
Mobius rubbed his head as if that had hurt before giving her an “I’m watching you” gesture and backing away. 
Loki stepped behind the counter at a “pizza restaurant” with Thor. 
It was probably the busiest room in the whole little town, but with so many rooms to choose from, that still only meant it maybe had three or four other littles. 
Mobius tried to follow them into the kitchen, but Thor put his hand up. 
Loki understood what this meant. “Daddy,” he began as politely as he could manage, “you’re not allowed over here… We’re the chefs. You’re the customer.” 
Mobius got up on a stool at the front counter as he watched Thor try to give Loki a child-sized apron and Loki attempt to put it on, just to find it couldn’t tie in back and only covered his chest. 
Then, it seemed they went over the directions carefully together, with Thor reading the instructions slowly and out loud, as if he were just learning to read for the first time. He was always a slow reader, and Loki wasn’t going to wait around. Instead, he began rolling out the pizza dough with a roller as he carefully looked at the pictures. The dough itself was felt, or some sort of beige fabric like it.
When Thor finished reading, he didn’t immediately begin following the instructions, instead opening up the fake refrigerator and pantries to inspect what materials were at their disposal first. 
Mobius fake coughed, just to see if he could break either of them from what they were doing. 
Loki ran up first. He looked slightly annoyed to be distracted from his busy, busy task. 
“Aren’t you gonna take my order?” Mobius asked. 
Loki crossed his arms. “Okay… what do you want?” he asked. 
“I just can’t get any good customer service in a place like this, can I?” he sarcastically asked. “Hawaiian sounds good. Think you can make me a large Hawaiian pizza?” 
Loki nodded slowly, the gears turning in his head just a little harder to remember what that meant. It was unfortunate that the instructions didn’t include a recipe book. 
Mobius watched patiently as Loki put seemingly random velcro toppings from a myriad of labeled pots onto the pizza before putting it in the “oven” to bake. 
The “food” was taking ages, especially as the brothers got caught up “cutting” wooden fruit and giggling at the floppy, uncanny, rubber meats in the fridge. 
“Ding!” Loki suddenly said out loud. He ran over to grab his oven mitts and take out the pizza from the oven instead. 
Then, after “cutting” it, he brought the tray with the pizza to Mobius.
It was Thor’s turn to take over and explain. Loki had gone up and tugged on his sleeve. 
“We wanted to make you feel less stressed out!” Thor tried. “So we wanted to make you a pizza!”  
Mobius grinned and took an imaginary slice of pizza, “Send my compliments to the chef.” 
Loki nearly cried, whining and whimpering when the timer rang, and begging to stay. There was still so much to explore! Even with double the time of a normal exhibit, he still hadn’t played much with the train station or the post office. 
Mobius kept him in a cozy hug of a carry, while Thor lifted a giggling, screaming Sylvie over his shoulder and teased her about using her inside voice. 
She was crying with laughter and nearly couldn’t breathe through it. Whatever joke had been told might have been the funniest thing she had ever heard, and Thor’s rough, awkward way of carrying her had only exacerbated the condition. 
The last event of the day seemed to be more like a checklist item than a real activity. Next to the story cottage that Loki finally got the opportunity to show his daddy, was a puppet show theater. 
One of the museum’s employees was put behind the curtain as the littles were corralled and instructed to sit down to watch a retelling of Little Red Riding Hood. 
Loki positioned himself in Mobius’ lap, holding his daddy’s hands in place around his chest and playing with his arms. 
He felt Mobius come up to rest his chin on his shoulder, but it was hardly registered as anything more than a familiar reminder of his presence and a little bit of extra warmth around him. That was, until Mobius made a little grunt, which turned to a slightly louder, longer one. 
Sylvie looked over at them.
Loki stared at her back without any explanation. 
“He’s… asleep!” she whisper-giggled. 
“Shh… let him. He’s worked hard,” Sam told them.
Loki held his daddy’s hand a little tighter. 
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If you are looking for a guy in finance, don't.
Why is it always the men you didn't even find that attractive ending up hurting you the most?
I am yet again finding myself alone with mascara marks running down my face. The hellish difficulty level of modern day dating as a 30 something year old is a tale that skips like my most overplayed Taylor Swift vinyl record. But unlike one of the most successful billionaire pop sensation, her heartbreaks are sang by millions around the world, while I'm typing alone in this new personal blog; similar to Taylor Swift, I also am lucky enough to be at the company of my cat.
The hero, or shall we say the antagonist, of the story today, is this dashingly successful old-school investment banker, for the sake of the story, we shall just call him Banker, I am too polite to use the W word that would rhyme.
In classic 2024 fashion, I met Banker online. We were both working insane hours, and found comfort in each others' company in the hours past midnight through neverending text exchanges and personal stories. Our first date happened on a whim. I had just finished bowling and dinner with a group of friends, didn't want to head home, he had just finished work, so we agreed to meet up at this shabby cocktail bar with very limited drink choices. I remember the first thought I had seeing him in person was he's shorter than I imagined, second thought was huh he's got a disporportionally big head. It was almost a relief to feel I don't find him that physically attractive, without a stable job at the time, I didn't think I had any spare energy for anything more than a casual fling.
The conversation went on and on and on til the bar was closing down, this would be an usual occurance for our dates. We had talked about my dating experience with finance bros, his bad dating experiences back home, my spineless Aussie boss that got me laid off, and my gripe against Australians, for context, Banker is from down south. He would sympathize with my experience, and give me unsolicited, and probably inappropriate geo-cultrual background of different Aussie cities and what people from there are like ('Men from Adelaide are all cowards, they're just like that"). When he walked me home, gentlemanly ('Let me walk you to roughly where you live, I'm not asking you to show me exact location or anything.'), it was already 3 in the morning.
If I'd to be completely honest, I was intrigued but not super impressed. He was nice enough to listen to me, nice enough to pay for the bill, but I couldn't get over how judgemental he was, and, shameful to admit, how short he was, and of course, who can forget, the disporportional big head.
I went out with him again the coming Tuesday because we had already arranged and booked it even before our first date. I had been caught up in 2 very demanding project at the time, but didn't want to cancel because I hated, still do, canceling on people. We met up at this punk themed fushion Japanese restaurant. Right of the bat, I told him I've only got 2 hours because of work, and to my surprise, he even set an alarm for me on his phone.
Again the conversation flowed effortlessly. We people watched a bit and judged a group of strangers together. He was wearing this ridiculously formal suit, juxtaposing my super casual T-shirt and jeans, looked so out of place in the graffiti and sticker covered restaurant, with a full-size harley on display and Blink-182 blasting in the background. He seemded to take it as a mission to get me home in time. I said it's ok I could take a bus, but he insisted to share a taxi with me since it was quicker and he lived on the way. Before he got off the taxi, he handed me some cash to cover the taxi fee, which again, consistant with his old-fashioned gentleman behavior. I even joked, I usually charge more than that, and he giggled.
The third time we went out, would be the first time we kissed. We went to this quaint wine and dine bar, he loves wine. He'd order for the both of us, with my permission of course, and would serve the food on my plate first. I think that gesture might be the first time i felt impressed. In hindsight, it was never him always paying the bill, or his metal Amex card, or his fancy sea view apartment, it was always the small gestures made me felt he was taking care of me, that got me deeply hooked.
On that date, he'd start to share very intimate stories with me, about his family, his upbringing, his dad's unhinged cheating stories, which encouraged me to share my dad's physically abusive tendencies, and his cheatings. Then we'd start talking about politics. I think that was the moment he found himself genuinely attracted to me, I could see it from the most cliched spark in his eyes. He kissed me there with this intense passion, as the restaurant's waiters were burning our skulls with irritated stares, because as stated before, we've overstayed their business hours. As we were heading out, I was fully prepared to grab an uber home and call it a night. But my lightweight wobbly body disagreed with me. So I told him, I know you live close, I really need to lie down, this does not mean I'm sleeping with you, I purely, just need to lie down. So we went to his place, it was this incredible spacious 2 bedroom with open kitchen modern high rise apartment, overlooking the gorgeous skyline and the ocean. But I was too drunk out of my mind to look at any of that, I just saw he's got a playstation 5, and I wanted give it a go.
That night he was respective to my boundary, not with acceptable amount of trying though. It was too much alcohol, or unfamiliar environment, or his heavy breathing, or his cuddling, I didn't sleep at all. Around 6 am in the morning, I decided to take my exhausted body to somewhere I'm guaranteed a sound sleep - the sofa. That was when I noticed his book collection, many, many language variations of 1984 by George Orwell, together with Animal Farm, some classics, and also a poem collection by Keats. It was brand new. I wanted him to see me first thing in the morning, in the soft sunlight, reading poetry, in his oversized tshirt, like a scene straight out of a rom com, so I went to the bathroom to apply some light makeup.
He didn't wake up for at least another 3 hours, and poetry and Keats could start get boring after 3 hours. I had texted him jokingly, 'still asleep, so lazy, how very un investment banker of you'. When he finally woke up and stepped out of his undecorated bare minimum white bedroom, he had this most squished facial expression and simply asked me 'you alright?'. Not very romantic.
That morning, we had coffee together, watched Peep Show together, had takeout McDonald's, he worked a bit, until I had to go meet with my friend. 'I just realized this is the first time I'm seeing you in daylight.' I said, to which he agreed.
I think the anxiety came right after that day. He started to text me less, I'd wait for hours only to get a one sentence, or sometimes even 2 words reply. I'd check with him is everything ok? He'd only say yeah just work being busy. Then my past experiences of people ghosting me started to creep up on me. I'd start to spiral wondering if it was me rejecting sex, if I did anything wrong in the morning, was I not super ladylike chugging down the big mac.
When he still didn't ask me out on Thursday, I panicked. On Friday, I couldn't wait anymore for the other shoe to drop, so I asked him out for dinner on Saturday. To my pleasant surprise, he said yes.
It was this family run French bistro, quite pricy, but the food and drinks definitely matched the price. The joy seeing him walking into the restaurant shocked me, I wasn't expecting to be this happy to see him. It was in that restaurant I learned how particular he was about food ('Escargot needs to be presented in their shells so that I know it's fresh.'). Not surprised, very onbrandly rigid.
That night after dinner, we walked to a 7/11 to grab some lemon ice cream, then walked to the seaside, sat by the bay, next to all the kids and teenagers, old men fishing, families fishing. We saw an old uncle catching squids, the ink dyed the tinest area of the opaque ocean water black, easy to overlook, but I noticed it. Inking is the cephalopod's distress signal, fighting for its life. Perhaps I should've got the message and made a run then and there, but he interupted my octopus stories with kisses by the saltwater, so maybe it was already too late.
On our taxi ride back to his place, he did the Tom putting his hand down for Shiv thing from Succession finale, again, a giant sign that in hinsight I should've caught on, but at that moment, I vividly recall was the first time I felt the butterflies. We slept together that night, he came within like 2 minutes. It was a huge ego boost for me, to know that I've concqured a man that couldn't handle me in bed, to falsely think that I've got him wrapped around my fingers now.
Oh boy was I wrong.
The lack of texting or communication never picked up afterwards like I hoped it would, he never asked me out again like I hoped he would. The more distance there was, the more obsessed I became.
My friend would tell me, as a feminist as you claim yourself to be, if you want to see him, you should have no problem asking him out, which made me question a lot of my self-imposed disapointment. Yeah I am a feminist, a feminist don't wait around for guys to ask me out, a feminist go get what I want, a feminist shall not ponder but ask straightforward questions. And that's what I did. And I am so close to take the lesson of this experience as - feminists don't understand men.
So week after week, I asked him out, I made plans. I got him mini presents from my travels to Shanghai and Tokyo (side bar, I shared the same flight to Tokyo with his dad, which was an invisible string moment overly romanticized by me at the time). We slept together again and again, the sex picked up, one evening, I, eager to prove that I'm a true feminist, even laid all my cards on the table, and asked him to date exclusively, to which he gladly agreed.
But yet again, the lack of texting or communication never picked up afterwards like I hoped it would, he never asked me out again like I hoped he would. The anxiety of him ditching me for someone else, just evovled into the anxiety of him taking me for granted and not care about me at all.
In our 3 months situationship, this anxiety was painfully prominent, but I only brought up with him once. Maybe it's my fear of conflict, or fear of abandonment, or maybe it's me wanting to show I'm 'mature' enough to know I should be able to manange my own emotions, or maybe it's because everytime I'm determined to bring it up in person, I see his somehow-became-charming-to-me disporportionally big head and heavily waxed plastic hair, and all the frustration went away I'm left with nothing but affection. Or maybe it's because I don't know where I'm going in life, so I didn't feel I'm entitled to any voice in this situationship. I don't have a straightforward answer.
Which leads us to the night that changed everything.
2 weeks ago, we met up for wine after his weekly family meal. According to Banker, he was already a bit tipsy. As per usual, we talked a little bit about politics, i laughed at him being so out of touch with real people's real life, living in his above the cloud fancy mansion doing his handsomely paid banking job. Then it happened, he cracked. Prior to that night, he had shared a lot of stories of his life, his family. But that's all there is, stories, things that happend TO him. This time, he shared the things deep down ABOUT him. He told me his mom was having a very difficult time as a single mother with 3 kids, his dad was not around, so from then, he decided to do everything in his power to take care of them, as the man of the family. He went into finance for the money, he told me he felt like his entire goal was to pay off his mother's morgage, then he could die for all he cared. It hit me, at this moment Banker stopped being the banker, he became a fully fleshed out person, with purpose other than capitalism, with a heart bigger and softer than he ever cared to reveal. I never felt closer to him.
The next day, I talked about this with my friend over dinner, we both agreed something had fundementally shifted in this connection, he's showing vulneralbility and trust, you are actually building something substantial together. So later that day, with this exhilarating revelation in mind, I called him. I told him how much I appreciated him sharing this intimate truth, and I find that really attractive, and I felt we're becoming more closer. Then the cold water hit me like the sudden storm on a beach holiday, he said 'I can't remember what I said.' So it wasn't mutual then, he didn't mean to share it with me, it turned out we had completely different experience and takeaway from the same night. The scale has made it's final tip.
After the next two weeks of unreciprocated communication, which entailed leaving me on read for days, ignoring me for days, not having any time to spend with me, I called him again tonight. It was 1 hour and 9 minutes silent tear masked with the most calm monologue from my side, and him paraphrasing the same sentence over and over again: 'I'm sorry, I thought I've made myself really clear, I'm not in the position for anything serious, it's just work. I know comms has been poor from my end, but work is work, I'm not going to change.'
Which leads us to the begining of this story, sitting in my sofa alone with mascara marks running down my face, typing like a maniac on my laptop. All these time I thought I was competing with other women, when it's always been me competing with his work. Perhaps it was his hardwired mission to take care of his family, seeing that as all there is in life, which in return resulted in him neglecting taking care of himself, which resulted in him rejecting my care for him. Or maybe it's an open shut case of trust the man the first time. However to be fair, I trusted him, I was aligned with him, then I changed, I felt, I saw him.
Maybe somewhere there is a more profound lesson in this experience, but at this moment, my key takeaway is for things to remain purely casual, let your other person stay a cutboard cutout, once you see them as a flesh and blood three dimensional human being, you start to get too emotionally attached. Perhaps that's why I'm never a fan of casual relationship and probably will never try again, that is for it to work, it requires a certain level of dehumanization, and that is something I fundementally cannot stomach.
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kaceymique · 5 months
What is True narratives?
- true narratives are stories that is true based on facts and experience which contains real plot,settings, characters and etc.
- Essay that is based on experience
- Histories
- News
- Biography
An example of a true narrative and my critiques of it.
* One of the Example of True narrative is Tuesdays With Morrie by Mitch Albom Essay
• Introduction
1. The gift by Mr. Dwyer
2. the title is all about "The Gift"
3. Christmas morning in his household resembled a mismanaged zoo where all the animals are let out of their cages at once. The opening of gifts accentuated the portrait of chaotic festivity. An amazing union of order and calamity was forged much like a bellowing wind choosing fire as a dance partner.
3. The child met his father's stare with a syrupy shame that dripped over his naked innocence. The father, however, had found the gift. He smiled at his son. As he walked to the stone he redirected his son's focus to the life within the pond. He climbed on the inviting cool granite platform next to his son and they sat admiring the pond as the father would have years before. He held his son, perhaps forever, in that hour and they were content to follow the movement of the trout as the oblivious band of shoppers hurried about them.
• Summary
*The story revolves around a father and son as they go to a shopping center during the holiday season, which is Christmas. The father recalls his childhood memories of Christmas with his big family while searching for a parking spot and shopping for gifts. When the father realized that his son was missing, he started panicking before finding him safe in a trout pond, which made him realize that the real gift he was looking for was his son. The main point of the story is the father's realization of the importance of cherishing moments with his son, especially during the holiday season, and the bond of the father-son relationship.
* The evidence that this is a true narrative is because of how detailed the descriptions are, like the events where the place occurred, which is the parking lot and store for holidays, another is the emotion of the father for his son.
• Evaluation
1. I love how the story is all about the father and son bonding together and how important it is for the tradition to be kept alive through generations. It shows how strong family ties can be and how a parent feels a strong emotion toward their child.
2. It relates to a broader issue of family dynamics and how parents relate to their children. It also highlights how hard parenting can be, balancing responsibilities, and having strong relationships with their children.
3. The writer's point or main idea was very clearly shown in the story, it creates a meaningful lesson for every parent and reader about how important a relationship with your family is and how it should be cherished.
• Conclusion
1. I agree with the writer that the family is important and cherished because, at the end of the day, they are still family. The part of the story that made an impact on me was where the father panicked about his son and came to the realization that his son was safe and a very dear gift to him.
2. Everyone knows that having a family that is very dear to us is important, especially those who are close to us. Yes, we argue, fight, and have misunderstandings, but we still talk things out and find a way to get along with each other.
3. I like the piece, especially the realization of how children are a gift to their parents and how much responsibility and care they have.
What is testimonies?
- a spoken or written words by a person that is in a situation it is also used in gathering evidence.
- A suspect is giving a statement to the police.
- Bloggers Talking about their experience about a certain product or place.
- A student telling their experience in school.
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bluteatavern · 9 months
The Bittersweet Flight
Warning: contains gore, blood, murder, vomit, mentions of suicide and drugs...yeah, I guess I got everything covered.
This picture was in one of my school books, I wrote this short story with it in mind. Hope you enjoy it ;)
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Beth's father, John, was still sitting in his office when she got home. It was already past midnight, but after so many nights watching his daughter sneak out of the house and not giving any explanations by the next day, he gave up trying to stop her from leaving.
He earned all of the house’s chores after his husband, Michael, died in a sudden accident. A fire that spread through their old flat fast enough to leave nothing but his ashes behind, and a poor scared baby who survived by a miracle. The whole thing was never really explained by anyone, though John had a small hunch about it. He knew about his dear one’s condition, but he never expected Michael to actually take his life like that, especially while Beth was still inside their home.
None of these facts ever left John’s head, and his job had been consuming more of his time with each passing day since things at the office he worked at were not going smoothly. With so many worries and doubts about the past and the future, he had his reasons for sparing his mind from a rebellious daughter’s behavior, which was starting to irritate him a bit.
As for Beth, she knew about her father's situation. She did care about the fact she never got to meet her other father, Michael, except through photographs, and there were not many left. As for his job, its consequences began to be shown at home, with cheaper products on the shelves, and some second-hand furniture replacing those that were being sold. But she didn’t mind about it.
She had her own concerns, as any being who starts to understand how living works. Her sophomore year of school was terrible, filled with fake friendships that carved knife after knife on her back. But the tears in the hidden corners of the school were very real, and her passion for dreamy boy Bryan Wood, that sucker, that was real too. Her actions in their relationship, the kisses she gave, the words she declared, they were as real as the ground beneath her feet, but who ever said so were his?
Beth did not have great expectations for her next and last year of high school. She felt so stressed that it became a routine for her to go out of the house in the dead of night, and head to the same alley, where in exchange for some money from her allowance, she would get her those precious "sweets" that could numb her mind and stun her problems, causing them to look smaller. It was supposed to be just once, but after the first taste of what peace felt like in a lifetime, she couldn’t find the strength to stop anymore.
Who cared if she became thinner within weeks? Who cared if one of her teeth fell off last Tuesday? Who the fuck cared if her smile had cracks around her mouth? Not her, nor her friends, nor Bryan, and certainly not her father, the one who was always too busy looking at that stupid computer screen.
As you may have noticed, none of them talked openly about lack of money or any other of their headaches, and therefore, this incomprehension resulted in more and more frequent arguments at home. No matter how big Beth's problems were, they would always seem inferior to her father’s, and vice versa.
Both knew what they wanted the most. They wanted things to change. A transformation in their lives, whatever it would turn out to be, coming from one of them, or from an external action. At least on this matter, both could fully agree.
Beth walked past her father's office, which still had its light on, flickering once in a while. She didn’t even announce her return, as she walked straight into the bathroom as fast as her brain could allow her.
After undressing and discarding her clothes in one of the bathroom’s corners, she went into the shower box to let the water wash away any impurities that might have entered the house with her. With each new trance, a new mark would appear on her body later. Bites, bruises, signs that made her wonder where they had come from, and the most obvious answer have always made her sick.
After finishing her quick bath, she reached for the towel hanging outside the shower box and began to dry herself off. She wrapped the towel around her chest, which a new purple painful mark was closer to, and took her phone from the sink to check how much battery it still had left. There were no messages on the lock screen, of course. She could barely remember the last time it had any.
She was prepared to open the door and quickly go to her room where she could finally go to sleep.
That was when something caught her eye.
Right in the corner of the bathroom where she threw her clothes, part of her thin soaked blue blouse had begun to move up and down repeatedly, at a desperate pace. A shiver went down Beth’s spine, though it didn’t seem she had anything to be worried about yet.
The movements didn't stop, but it was moving now. A volume stirred under the fabric, and it was almost reaching the end of the waistband of the blouse. Beth watched its path closely, speculating what it could possibly be. Her doubt was resolved when a brown moth finally emerged from under her blouse.
Disgust invaded her head at the thought of coming home with a moth touching her skin. Of course, it was not a harmful creature, but in her defense, the feeling of small and furry paws grazing her body was quite uncomfortable. The small insect stood still on the floor, but when Beth motioned to grab one of her snickers while she was standing, brownish wings flapped, and the creature rose off the ground, flying nonstraight towards Beth.
Startled by the sudden action, the girl got out of the moth's path and ran into the box again with her cell phone still in her hands, closing the glass door behind her. She thought the insect would disorient itself in the bathroom light, and soon be on the floor again, but instead, the moth flew straight into the shower stall, pressing its body against the glass.
Beth studied the appearance of the insect. The body was covered in yellowish hair, the paws thick enough to be replaced by fuzzy keys, and the wings brown as dry leaves. But something was different, something she hadn’t noticed before was now being shown. There were two white ellipses on the moth’s larger wings, which now seen up close, resembled eyes with black iris.
The fear and repulsion were greater than her desire to leave the safety of the box, so Beth took another route. Figuring her father should still be in the office, she turned on her cell phone and texted him.
Dad, there’s a moth outside the bathroom box. Can you please come and kill it?
Dad seriously, it’s freaking me out
Dad, c’mon I know you are with your phone
The answer came not so long after the last message.
Daddy flew. Come join me
Just as she was about to write that it wasn't funny, the screen went dark. Her phone had gone out of battery.
Having no other options, Beth began to call out or John:
“Dad...Dad! Come help me! There’s a moth in the bathroom! Dad, c’mon, you know I don’t like insects…I’m freaking out!...DAD!”
A few minutes had passed since she last shouted, and all Beth could do was to stare at the moth, who was still glued to the bathroom box’s glass, like it had died there. The situation was infuriating. If her father wanted to teach her a lesson, and this turned out to be a good way to do it, it’d be such a low blow.
She came closer to the glass and slapped it, but the moth didn’t even flinch.
Her next words were quieter than before, rage on every syllable.
“Disgusting son of a bi-“
This time, a sound came from the door. The doorknob turned once to the left, once to the right, and stopped. Beth watched silently, and then suddenly, there was a loud click as the doorknob turned all the way to the right, and the door opened in a thin opening.
Strangely, this time, the moth left the glass of the shower box and clumsily passed through the door that was left ajar, leaving a trail of yellowish dust on its path.
Beth hesitated for a long time before leaving the box. What she knew was: an insect had emerged from her clothes, though she didn’t feel anything while walking home; someone opened the door, and it was not her father, because she knew he would knock first. And she was pretty sure she had locked it before getting undressed too.
She was too disturbed to want to put on her clothes considering the size of the insect that just came out of them, so she wrapped herself in the towel, with her curly short hair still dripping water, and left the bathroom, not bothering to turn off the light.
The hallway’s light was usually white and boring, but the first thing Beth noticed was that now it was orange, and a little brownish, like the Centennial Light Bulb she had to read an article about for a school project, but the glow was just as strong as before, letting it illuminate and paint the walls with its colors.
The hesitation on each step was so strong now that not even Beth was recognizing herself. All she had to do was go to the office, but now that simple task seemed to be tiled with red-hot coals.
Still, she went.
She had almost reached the end of the hall when she started to hear another sound. It was not an isolated sound, it seemed that a set of papers were being shaken together to build an out-of-step symphony, subtle and constant, with the world’s smallest drums setting the pace. A small creature, a moth, came around the hallway and attached itself to the wall. Beth couldn't help but notice the resemblance this moth bore to the one that had frightened her back in the bathroom.
A few more steps and she finally arrived at her destination...but instead of seeing her father sitting in his office chair, all she saw was an empty chair, and an orange light on the ceiling, which also was once white.
She turned her head slightly when she felt something touching her shoulder. It was another, smaller, butterfly. She quickly used her hand to brush it away. That was when she finally saw the living room, which was opposite the office. Its light bulb was white still.
John was there, not sitting on the couch, but lying face down on the floor, with a dozen moths walking over his body.
Beth ran towards her father's body, scaring off some moths that immediately flew away. When she turned him over, she saw his face covered in moth fur, with scratches on his cheeks, forehead, and nose. His eyes were upturned in their sockets. The sudden movement caused his mouth to open, since his body's reflexes could not contain it anymore. Under the skin of his throat, a mass began to move upward, like it happened with Beth’s blouse. It went up, and up, and up, until two blood-soaked butterflies crawled out of his mouth, and then dropped to the ground, their wings now too heavy to fly.
Horror washed over Beth’s expression as she released her father's body with a cry. Not even the impact was able to pull a response from the man. Life had already left his flesh long before his daughter had sent the first text.
When the truth finally caught up with Beth, she placed a hand over her mouth, and a painful scream echoed from her throat as she dropped to her knees on the floor. Hot tears flooded her vision, and her hiccups filled the house. The situation could not be processed any differently.
One of the moths that was startled by her arrival started to climb up to the back of her neck. When the girl felt its little paws, she clapped both hands on her back, trying to get rid of the damn tiny creature.
“I think she likes you...”
Even the girl’s tears stopped falling. She had never heard that voice before.
She moved her head very slowly in the direction the voice was coming from, which would be from an armchair across the room beside a lamp on a small table.
Someone was sitting on it. A man, with his head resting on his hand. He wore a knee-length coat, pointy black shoes, and white gloves on his hands. He wore a brownish top hat, and a blond messy braid ran down his left shoulder. His face was covered by a brown scarf with white stripes. His eyes were barely visible behind it.
“Who... who are you?” It was almost impossible to hear Beth's question.
“Who am I?” He lifted his head “No one...for many...but for you and your father, I am what you have been waiting for”
“W-What…What did you do to my father?!” She got up trembling, and the moth that was tangled up in her hair flew to join her sisters in the air “You bastard, it was you! Motherfucker!”
The audacity of using such tone against a stranger in her house spoke louder than the fear of a possible murderer standing right in front of her.
“Oh, my child…” He continued sweetly “...but it was not me who brought this fate upon your father. I am as guilty for your father not be breathing any more as I am for the end of spring...Your father just followed the course he craved”
“This is ridiculous! My father had never wanted to die” She had reasons to believe it “You killed him you sick fuck!”
Beth ran towards the man with her hands down her front. Her fingers were thirsty for that intruder's throat.
But before she could reach him, the man rose abruptly, and from inside his coat, hundreds of brown moths came out and began to fly through every corner of the living room.
The terrible symphony that had been heard from the hallway was now repeated, louder and more terrible. The last lamp in the house had now taken on a golden glow, and it drew the poor creatures into its treacherous light, which then fell to the ground. They all had the same chestnut wings, but something odd seemed to be happening to each of them. If Beth followed the path of one, she would see the ellipses on the wings, but soon enough it would fade away, just to be seen in another different butterfly.
Beth immediately backed away and watched in terror the result of the trick she had just witnessed. Goosebumps ran through her body as more and more moths flew and landed on the walls and furniture, leaving dust trails. None of them landed on her.
“Beautiful, aren't they?” The man reached for a cane that rested beside the armchair he was sitting on “They have been playing their part for all these years”
A little moth landed gracefully on a hand he stretched out, and she started walking over the palm, then his arm, his shoulder, until it finally hid in the safety of her tamer's scarf.
            Beth cling harder to the towel as she began to question if she wasn't dreaming. Soon she would wake up from this hallucination in an alley or at a hospital, and her father would lecture her for acting so recklessly, and then he would take her home, and she would promise not to go out at night, not buy any more drugs, and she would never start fights with him again. She would do anything to get out of this nightmare.
“Nightmare… it's a nightmare… it's a nightmare… it's a nightmare” She repeated over and over as she backed away. Without realizing where she was going, she ended up tripping over the leg of her father's corpse and falling to the ground.
The man walked slowly towards her.
“If this is a nightmare to you, then it must be the most enchanting nightmare a human can get the pleasure of having”
“You are a monster” She whispered before speaking louder through hiccups “...a monster!” Somehow, that comment seemed to deeply upset the man.
"Don't refer to me that way" He said, stopping on his tracks and putting both hands onto the ball on top of the cane.
“So...who...w-what are you?” She asked in a shaky voice.
“I am a messenger” He gestured as if saying a basic fact “I believe you could call me a ‘delivery man’. I advertise, and I carry what the miserable and the disaffected, and every single people desire the most...change. This is what I deliver to the homes of the afflicted, this is what I proclaim to those with good eyesight. And it is what I came to deliver to you and your father tonight” He gestured to the body covered with dust.
“W-What? How could this be what you came to give us?! You killed my father you maniac!”
Again, the man flinched, but did not lose his temper as he proceeded:
“Don’t you realize? This was the change he wanted so much...a change that actually might have started long, longer than you can imagine.”
Beth's lips trembled as the tears began to trickle down her cheeks once again. She looked down at her father's swooning body, who had his face turned towards her, butterflies patting their wings lightly and settling into his mouth and ears.
 It was at this point that all the anguish and disgust surged through her throat, and she turned her head to the ground before she vomited. There was no more anger, it wouldn't make sense to feel it now, for all that was left were her tears, and now there was also the taste of bile in her mouth and an acidic and disgusting liquid on the floor, where more butterflies were bathing.
Beth fought the urge to throw up again at the sight.
“I don't blame you. Changes can be hard to digest” The man continued, playing with his blonde braid as he laughed at his own joke.
The girl lifted her pitying gaze to the scarfed figure that covered the yellow light behind him, darkening his silhouette.
“What change... what change did he want?” She knew the end of the dream would come with her death, so it would be a good thing to  sort things out before.
Crouching beside her, the moth tamer whispered:
“One that would stop all the others. Just think about it…John Coulton left his home at the age of 16 after he assumed to his parents and grandfather he was catching feelings for one of his fellow boy friends. Five years later, there were more changes. By far, he was someone who gave my precious friends a hard work. But after the 4th of may, 17 years ago, he made a wish…he begged for something…” He tapped a finger against one temple “…though it was unconsciously”.
May, the 4th. The date of the fire. Michael’s suicide day.
“John Coulton got seriously tired of changes. Things seemed to be going according to plan, and then suddenly, they were not. Out of track situations began to distaste him so much, that if he couldn’t speak up what he wanted, his mind did…” The man stood up and stretched out his arms “…and the right ones heard it”
Beth no longer knew if she was breathing. Deep down she understood how melancholic her father was, but she never thought he would have this kind of desire. She didn't want to accept this, or any of what was happening here. Clinging to the hope that she was still dreaming, she tried, to get to her feet, but almost immediately fell back to her knees on the dusty floor, crushing one of the moths.
“Oh you poor thing…” The man took her by the elbows and lifted her off the ground, crouching down only to pick up the remains of the crushed moth “…nothing seems to make sense to you yet, so let me explain one last time”
Letting go of Beth's elbow, the man gently placed the butterfly in his hand on the arm of the sofa, where others came to rest in a kind of vigil for their dead sister.
“It's very simple actually” He began, tapping the tip of his cane on the floor, making a sound against it. “To climb every one of the steps of life requires much more than willpower. Life itself is not made of just that. No. It mainly requires change, and the courage to face it” His face turns to the lamp on the ceiling with the same fascination of an insect “…to abhor the concept of transformation is to abhor the growth of a person. To deny this is to deny its essence. Denying change is the same as denying life. That's why when someone wants the changes to stop, it's the same as wanting to stop living.”
"My dad didn't want this..." Beth replied, doing her best to make herself audible while wondering if it would be possible to wake up with a pinch on the arm, or if running out the door would be more efficient "...he was just... .tired” The girl took two awkward steps towards the door, still keeping her body facing the man who was still staring at the light.
“A tiredness that would last longer than the world could afford. This stagnation is an offense to us. And yet we were merciful, we came to grant John's wish.” Turning his head halfway to Beth's side, he calmly completed his sentence, “…just as we have come to grant yours.”
Beth froze in place.
"So…you are going to kill me too, right?" Reality was finally starting to hit Beth like a hammer hits an anvil. A constant movement that alternated between an ascent of ignorance and a descent of realization.
“We are not murderers Beth” The man approached, his cane tapping in time with his steps “We are the natural order of things. We are what reaches every being that breathes and alters the course of the air. We are what made many lock their doors because they thought we couldn't get in." Merely inches from where Beth was, he stopped, and all the moths suddenly ceased their trajectories, landing in every corner of the room except on the man and the girl.
An agonizing silence settled in the atmosphere of the house with the absence of the sound of butterflies flying.
The girl couldn’t feel the man’s breath through the scarf, but she could see his eyes. Completely white eyes, except for the black iris.
“We are the ignored, but always remembered. We are the union of all the will that each being has to achieve peace. We are undeviating and eternal...” The man slowly rose one of his white-gloved hands ”…we are the ultimate change”
The moths each lifted their wings, as if in an attack position. It was hostile in a charming way.
“It's time to fly, Beth” And just like that, the man snapped his fingers.
All the moths took flight in perfect harmony, forming a single circle around Beth, who was not trembling so much anymore. On the contrary, she found herself mesmerized by the swirl of wings around her. A longing began to form in her core as Beth let the towel fall from her body. She wanted to join them and dance this winged dance that seemed to be filled with peace. Looking up, the yellow bulb that was noticeable in the eye of that tornado seemed more beautiful and radiant than the sun.
Beth didn't care about anything but the soft sound of the moths and that holy light. She didn't care when the little paws of the moths brushed her bare skin, for now, she saw herself floating in the air, in the middle of that paradise. She didn't care when the bugs entered her ears and her mouth, opened in admiration. She could feel the butterflies crawling through her larynx, fighting the flow of blood in her arteries to reach her heart, and their wings beating in her stomach, but nothing else seemed to be as worthy of attention as that sensation of walking towards the light, leaving all her troubles and her wounds behind.
At some point, Beth realized what was about to happen, but she didn't try to do anything to stop the process. It would all be over soon, and she would feel no pain.
It was a delicious bittersweet thought.
The last moths left Beth's body, wings soaked in blood. The girl's eyes were rolled up in their sockets, and her mouth was open in a small slit from where the six-legged ballerinas were coming out, just like the human ones do after their performances. In pain in every part of their bodies and probably with some broken parts, but satisfied with the show they had delivered.
The Moth Man had sat waiting for the show to end, and now some of his loyal dancers were crawling to meet him. He picked one up by the wings and whispered softly to it:
“Excellent work as always, my darlings”
The man finally got up and went to the other rooms in the house, looking for the main power switch. When he found it, all the lights in the house were turned off, except for the one in the living room, which still glowed a faint yellowish hue.
That meant that his duty was done for the night. There was only one thing left to be done.
The Moth Man stood between the two bodies and proclaimed in the voice of a priest to his loyal believers:
“And thus the final change was made
The day sets with morbid grace
 The night welcomes you in her embrace
The blood and the flesh are left at ease
The soul makes its way to conquer peace
And while the smell of what rots silences your despair
A bittersweet song is left in the air”
0 notes
headkiss · 2 years
Happy Tuesday! :) Could I possibly request something where Eddie is trying to gather the courage to confess his feelings to the reader? Maybe Wayne or the Hellfire boys hype him up and help him practice what he’s going to say?
hi! happy tuesday to you too and yes you can!! i hope u like it and that it’s kind of what you were thinking! enjoy :D | 1k words and fem!reader
Eddie had a crush.
A big, fat crush that all of his friends, even his uncle, knew about. He thought about it all of the time. He wanted to go on dates and take care of someone and be fucking soft. How strange was that?
He had a crush on you.
You were the prettiest girl he’s ever seen, the kindest smile and eyes that he wanted on his. You were never mean to him, never called him a freak like everyone else did. In fact, he’s heard you defend him multiple times.
“You don’t even know him.”
“He’s a good person.”
“If you actually knew him, you would never say that.”
What’s even worse is that you’re even kind when you try to be stern, your voice soft despite the conviction in your tone. He thinks you’re really, really cute.
He considers you a friend, but he knows he wants more. He wants to kiss you and hold you and walk around with his arm around you so the assholes at school stop looking at you.
“Dude, you’re staring again,” Gareth snaps Eddie out of it.
“Shit, sorry. What were you saying?”
He tries to pay attention this time, he really does, but he hears you laugh and he has to turn his head to see it. It’s sweet, the soft cloud of cotton candy if it was a sound. God, he has it so bad.
“You should just tell her,” Gareth doesn’t bother with his story anymore.
“She won’t feel the same. No way.”
“Do you hear the way she talks about you? And when you two are around each other. Come on! It’s so obvious.”
The two boys make their way to Hellfire, Eddie listening to Gareth go on and on about how he should just be honest and talk to you, but he can’t. He’s too scared. You’ll turn him down and then he won’t get to talk to you at all. He prefers the moments he has with you already than that.
The night's campaign goes as usual, some yelling, some laughing, and Eddie having way too much fun getting to DM for it all. It’s his favorite thing to do, an escape, really. And things only got better when Dustin, Lucas, and Mike joined. He saw himself in them, especially Dustin, and they were great additions.
It goes as usual until the door opens and everyone’s heads turn to see you standing there.
“Oh my god. Sorry,” you turn around and shut the door, embarrassed as you lean against the wall.
Eddie’s eyes are wide, and he doesn’t say anything, simply stares at the door where you just stood. He’s itching to get up, to go after you and talk to you and tell you it’s okay, you’re welcome anytime.
“For god's sake just go ask her out,” Dustin says what everybody’s thinking, though he says it in that tone of his that makes him sound annoyed, which he probably is, at this point.
Eddie’s been talking about you forever and they’re all sick of it, as great as you seem. The whole of Hellfire agrees with Dustin, chanting ‘do it, do it’ until Eddie shushes them and finally stands and pushes his way out the door.
He startles you, and you startle him. He wasn’t expecting you to be standing right next to the door with your head in your hands muttering something to yourself that sounded a lot like ‘stupid, he doesn’t like you’ and he can’t stop himself from hoping you want him to like you. You weren’t expecting anyone to come out and look for you, and you can’t help but stare at Eddie while he does the same to you.
You’ve liked him since you met him. He’s energetic and charming in his own, unique way. The way he spoke drew you to him, the way his eyes were always shining and sweet like a puppy. His long hair and his rings and tattoos. He was, to you, perfect.
“Oh. Hi,” Eddie says it quietly, like he’s nervous.
“Hi. I’m so sorry for walking in, I forgot Hellfire was today,” you’re looking down, feet kicking back and forth against the ground.
“No, no. It’s okay.”
You wait for him to say something else, because he looks like he’s going to, but he doesn’t. So you turn to walk away with a small ‘bye, then.’
“Wait!” He stops you, a hand around your wrist. You like the way it feels when he touches you, even the slightest bit.
“I wanted to ask you something.”
“Yeah?” You look at him, eyes roaming around his face and the way he licks his lips and takes a deep breath before talking again.
“Do you want to maybe go out sometime.. with me?”
He’s even more nervous now, because he doesn’t know if you’re surprised that he asked you out in a good way or if it’s negative.
“Um, yeah. I really like you. A lot, and I want to take you on a date if you’ll let me. I’m sorry if I just sprung it on you but I had to get it out.”
You surprise him this time by taking his face in your hands and forcing him to look at you.
“Hey. I like you too. I’d love to go out.”
“You would?”
“I would,” you nod.
He can’t stop himself, he kisses you then. Your hands stay on his face and his hold your waist. He feels like he might be dreaming because you’re kissing him back and it’s even better than anything he ever dreamt of. It’s broken up by your smiles and giddy laughs, but it’s amazing, nonetheless.
That night, after he kissed you some more and said goodbye and left you his number, after he finished Hellfire and tried to stop himself from blushing (and failing) when they all cheer after finding out a date has been secured and feelings have been returned, he goes home the happiest he’s been.
Wayne notices.
“What’s got you all smiley, boy?”
“Got a date.”
“With that girl you never shut up about?”
Eddie nods, his face heating up because he never realized he talked about you that much. He thinks it might only get worse after tonight. He knows how you kiss and he won’t ever forget it. The smile is still on his face.
“Yeah, she likes me, too.”
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deeseelovez · 2 years
the cheerleader pt2
aged up!mike wheeler x cheerleader!reader. reader is slightly cry baby. reader can be read as any body type or race!
summary: y/n and mike are talking about their arrangement and make rules for themselves.
part one part three part four part five
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Y/n talks out into the break in the woods, it has a few picnic tables where she sees Mike. 
"Hey!" Y/n smiles at him with a wave and a jingle of her bracelets. Mike didn't wave or smile back. 
"Hey." In a monotonous voice is the only thing he said, "I want to know exactly your friend was talking about."
"Her name is Carmen." Y/n reminds him, "But, she is saying. We should fake date, so you can get the attention of Jane and I can keep cheering." 
"Why is cheering that important. All you do is be fake happy and yell things." Y/n rolls her eyes. 
"If I don't cheer, I'll loose my scholarship to my dream college." She smiles, "I have perfect grades aside from science and math isn't my strong suit but Will helps me that." 
"Why can't Will help you with this?" He asks. 
"You're his best friend and don't know he tested out of science this year." She says with an eyebrow raise. 
"Why do you know that?" Mike asks. 
"I'm friends with Will. I'm also friends with Lucas and Max. You're just not very observant." Y/n smiles at him, going up on the picnic table to sit with him. 
"I have a few rules," She tells him, "If we do agree to 'date'." She uses air quotes.  
"I have a few conditions, as well." Y/n took out a colorful notebook and she had a pink colored pen with a fluffy end.  
"Rule One," She thought for a minute, "You have to come to football games, pep rallies, parties, and things like that." 
"Rule One," She thought for a minute, "You have to come to football games, pep rallies, parties, and things like that." 
"Rule One," She thought for a minute, "You have to come to football games, pep rallies, parties, and things like that." 
"All of them?" He asks. 
"Just the home games," She says, "and the parties, just for a few minutes. I don't really like them." 
"Why did go to them?" 
"It's part of the job, Mike." She shrugs. 
"Sounds like a hard job." Y/n rolled her eyes. 
"Okay, whatever." 
"I'm okay with holding hands and kissing." Mike says and y/n nods. 
"Me too," She says, "But let's not be too crazy." She says.
"I don't want to kiss you, Y/l/n. I'm only doing this for Jane."
"I know but you are a boy, aren't you?"
"Last time I checked." He says nothing, "You have to eat lunch with me,"
"We can do a trade off, you sit with me on Tuesdays and Thursdays and I sit with yours, Mondays and Fridays." She rattles off. 
"And on Wednesday?"
"We come out here and eat together? And you can help me study." She smiles.  
"We study at my house on Sunday afternoon and if you need more help. Saturday evenings will also be open." 
"Sounds like a plan," 
"Carmen is the only person who is allowed to know aside from us." Mike says, sternly. 
"Of course." She says, "That seems like obvious one." 
"Hmm, anymore?"
"We have to go on public dates every Friday?"
"And who's going to pay for those dates?" 
"Good point." Y/n frowns, "Well, we have to post each other and just act like a couple in general."
"So that's it?"Mike says, "I just have to post a few times on my story, hold your hand in the hallway, and go to your dumb football games."
"How about, I go to a few of your D&D games with that Eddie Munson guy." It took her a second, "With Hellfire." 
"It'll sell the lie a little more, don't you think?" 
"Yeah. Did you write all of this down?"
"Yep!" She shows him the rules. 
"1. Mike has to go to Y/n's home football games, all the pep rallies, and parties and Y/n will go to Hellfire meetings. 
2. PDA is allowed 
3. We study on Sunday afternoons and if Y/n needs extra help then Saturday Evenings. 
4. Carmen is the only one who knows
5. Post each other."
"Do you agree?" Y/n looks over at him and he nods. 
"One more thing?" 
"Should I write it down?" 
"No," He shook his head, "Just don't fall in love with me."
"Wouldn't dream of it." Y/n says. . 
"Do we have a deal?" Mike asks, standing up. Hovering over her and taking out his hand. Y/n stood up on the bench. 
"Why do I feel like Ursula is going to come out singing, You Poor Unfortunate Soul."
"Like from The Little Mermaid?"
"Exactly like," Y/n says, going down to the ground, "But yes, Micheal Theodore Wheeler. We have a deal." She slapped her hand on his. 
"How-" Mike looked at her, "How did you know my middle name." 
"You're going to have work harder to know my secrets, Wheeler." 
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bluelove24 · 3 years
The Regular: (Gong Yoo x Male Reader)
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I’ve never written anything like this before, this is my first smut. I’ve been reading stories from “Kinktober” and kinda got inspired. This is in no way an accurate portrayal of Gong Yoo, this is just fantasy. I don’t own the gif and I did not make it.
Warnings: strong language, slapping, cursing.
As a full-time college student with a job, I didn't have much time for sex. I kept my head in the books and figured the rest would follow.
Most of the guys on campus didn't interest me that much. I knew for sure I was gay, but I hadn't managed to find that many men who turned me on. I had jerked a few guys off in high school, but overall I was still very inexperienced.
Mr. Gong was a regular at the coffee shop where I worked. Over time, we struck up a casual acquaintance, making small talk while I prepared his latte - the weather, how our days were going, things we saw on the news, etc. We eventually discovered a mutual interest in baseball, and that our teams were rivals, so we messed with each other about their wins and losses. I learned that he was an actor and that he had a dog, and I told him about my college classes. He was in his early 40s. Nice guy, friendly, relaxed, not looking to get on anyone's bad side. Masculine, without being a jerk about it, and not too much thought put into his clothes. He usually just wore jeans, a hooded sweatshirt and a face mask. He was a good looking guy, medium height, full head of dark hair and a great smile.
We kept talking for a few months she one day he stopped in to ask if I could take care of his dog. He explained, "I'm going out of town for a few weeks for work. I would obviously pay you. Would you mind feeding him once a day and taking him on a walk? If you can’t I completely understand.”
I said sure, why not? I can't lie, I felt excited about the idea of being inside Mr. Gong’s house and also having some extra money is not bad. We exchanged numbers and set everything up. I was starting to develop a serious crush on my favorite regular. I took care of the dog while he was gone, and everything went smoothly. He'd said he'd be home late Tuesday night and we had agreed that Tuesday afternoon would be the last time I'd come by to take care of the dogs. When I arrived at his house, I let the dog out in the yard, and as I was refilling the water bowl, I heard the key turn in the lock and Mr. Gong walked in. I jumped, spilling water all over the floor.
"Hey, you're home early, Mr... uh, Gong," I stuttered.
"Yeah, I managed to get on an earlier flight. Hope I didn't scare you." He grinned and almost smirked.
"Uh, no, not at all, just wasn't expecting you."
"I see. You know, Y/N, the truth is, I was hoping to run into you."
"You were?"
"Oh, yeah. I'm glad I caught you." His smile widened as he closed the door and set down his suitcase. I was confused and a little scared was this some kind of set up?
"Oh, you are?" I managed to get out, trying to keep my voice level.
"Don't fuck around with me, Y/N." His lip curled into a mean sneer.
"I know you've been thinking about seeing my cock. Smelling it. Tasting it. I can always tell when a young guy like you is cock- hungry. You think I was just talking to you for fun the past few months? I could tell from day one that you were a little queer bitch. I've just been waiting for the right moment."
I stared at him, at a loss for words.
"And I think I've found it. You want me, don't you." It was not a question. Lying seemed pointless, so I nodded.
"Good boy. That's what I thought." He started rubbing the crotch of his pants, and I didn't try to hide the fact that I was staring at the growing dickprint. I still felt surprised and nervous, but also very excited. Maybe this would finally be the day that my fantasies came true. To be honest, I masturbated nearly every day thinking about him using me for his pleasure, shoving his dick down my throat, and then stretching my hole while he fucked me hard and deep. Sometimes I even imagined him slapping me. Up to this point I'd been too nervous to act on it. But Mr. Gong wasn't giving me any time to be nervous.
He barked out, "Stop staring at me cock and clean up that water you spilled."
I found some paper towels and wiped up the water as fast as I could.
"Good. Now take off your shirt." I was self-conscious about being shirtless, but Mr. Gong seemed to like it. He was staring at my body with intense lust, continuing to massage his penis, now fully rigid, through his pants.
"Come here, boy. Get on your knees." I obeyed and crouched down in front of him. He unbuttoned his pants and slid them down, leaving only his dark boxer briefs, straining to contain his throbbing erection.
"Sniff it." I obediently leaned into his massive balls, and breathed in deeply through the fabric. The intoxicatingly heady musk made me lightheaded. I inhaled again and again, under his balls, and up along his shaft. The aroma varied in different places but was no less heady. I grew rock hard from his manly scents. When I placed my nose against the fabric stretched over his cockhead, I caught a whiff of his pre cum.
"You like the way a man's cock smells? Answer me, boy."
"Yeah? Tell me more." He gazed down at me with a stern look.
I took a deep breath and whimpered "I love the way you smell."
"Mmmm, good. That's right." He shoved my face into his balls again and rubbed his hard erection over my cheeks and forehead. He kicked off his shoes and shoved his foot against my aching cock.
"Wow, you do love that, don't you? Your dick is totally hard. You're a real slut, you know that?" Was I? I was shocked to hear him call me a slut, but I quickly realized that it made my dick throb. It was hard to argue with that. I nodded as I gently licked the fabric over his balls.
"Good. I love having a little bitch boy like you to work on me. With all the work I’ve had I’ve been horny all the time. I'm going to be your daddy from now on, so when you answer me you call me 'Daddy.' Got that?"
"Yes, daddy."
"Good. Now suck daddy's cock." He whipped out his erection and pushed it against my lips. I opened up and he slid it in roughly. I had imagined being able to discover his cock slowly, at my own pace, and gradually work up to sucking the full length, but Mr. Gon- Daddy was impatient. He grabbed my ears for leverage and began thrusting hard immediately, pounding my tonsils until I gagged. He pulled out and slapped my face with his dripping cock, leaving sticky trails of precum and spit on my cheeks.
"Open up for me, baby. I want to feel my whole cock in your throat."
I did my best to open up but I kept gagging as he thrust his meat in harder. Tears streamed down my cheeks as I choked and slobbered on his thick penis. I wanted to please Daddy so badly, but try as I might, I couldn't fit any more of him in my mouth. We spent a few minutes trying to get his whole length in to my throat when it finally happened. He bottomed out in my throat.
"There you go, boy. I can feel your throat opening for me. Now you're taking daddy's whole cock like a good little bitch. Daddy's going to nut in your throat soon. You want to taste daddy's nut?" I moaned around his cock, trails of spit and precum running down my face and neck.
"You're such a fucking whore." He pistoned his cock deeper still into me. "That's right. Let daddy fuck your tight throat."
Bracing himself with one hand on the wall for support, he grasped the back of my head firmly with the other, and continued his dominant assault on my mouth and throat. He groaned, louder and louder, until with a final roar of pleasure, he leaned back and began to drain his balls into my throat.
"FUCK! TAKE. THAT. CUM. EAT IT." He pulled his cock out just enough that I could feel it spurting on to my tongue, and taste his tangy sperm.
"Swallow all of your daddy's nut, like a good boy. That's what you wanted, right? Goddamn, that feels good. You've been waiting for this for months, haven't you." He grinned as he slowly withdrew his still throbbing cock from my mouth. A few strands of cum still clung to his foreskin.
"Clean it off, there's a good boy." I obediently lapped at this cockhead until all the sperm was gone. I started to jerk myself off, and was seconds away from coming, but Mr. Gong stopped me. SMACK! He slapped me hard on the cheek, knocking me almost to the floor.
"No jerking off! If you ever want this cock again, you cum when I give you permission, and only then.”
"But, Mr. Gong I-"
"You loved that, didn't you?" I nodded. "You loved me fucking your throat and feeding you my sperm, right?"
"Tell me 'yes sir."
"Yes, S-Sir." I stuttered, rubbing the sore spot on my cheek where he'd hit me. It hurt!
"Then save your cum. Don't worry, I'll make it worth your while. Get your things and leave, I have to unpack. But be back here tomorrow, 7 pm sharp."
"Yes, Sir."
"And don't let me find out that you've shot your load before then. You don't want to see me angry."
“Yes, Sir.” I gathered my things and left in hurry. I was shocked about what happened but also excited for tomorrow.
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watchmegetobsessed · 4 years
TO LOVE AND BE LOVED - Part One (Harry Styles)
a/n: oh my god i am sooo thankful for the love the masterlist got with just so little info about the story! it means so much to me and i really hope i won’t disappoint you with this story! i was planning to post the first part on tuesday but i got excited bc of all the feedback and reactions and decided to start earlier, so here it is, part one of TLABL, a story im kind of proud of and very happy to share! please drop by my ask box or leave your thoughts on the story, i would love to hear everything from you guys!
pairing: CEO!Dad!Harry X Reader
warning: mentions of death, cheating and divorce
word count: 11.2k
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“I hope you realize this holds nothing against you, we all love and appreciate you and your work, but we had to face some unexpected problems this past year.”
You sit in front of Claire, your boss completely dumbfounded, not even comprehending what she is saying completely. You came to work this morning absolutely oblivious that today is going to be your last day of work at the daycare you’ve been working at for over two years now.
“I’m sorry, but last time you let us in on the budget you didn’t bring up any complication that might have indicated someone could lose their job, so what possible problem could have come up so abruptly?” you ask with a shocked and nervous chuckle. Part of you kind of hopes this is just some stupid joke she is playing on you, but Claire is not one to make games out of such serious things. Letting out a tired sigh she pushes her reading glasses up to the top of her head into her carefully curled hair.
“Look, I’m really trying not to make a big deal out of it, but we had to make some cuts on the budget. The kitchen and gymnasium renovation was completely unplanned and it kicked us in the butt. We are making some changes about the groups this year and it was made that it can be solved with one less person on the team. I’m sorry it had to be you, but the decision had to be made.”
“But why me?” you press. “There are two people who have been working for a shorter period of time here, didn’t I earn your trust during my time here?”
“It’s not about that, Y/N,” Claire shakes her head.
“Then what is this about?”
“If you are so keen on knowing, we’ve… received a few… complaints.” Your eyebrows shoot up to your hairline, this is the first time you’re hearing about it.
“Yes. Some parents are not quite the fan of the kind of mentality you are using while teaching the kids.”
“What are you talking about?” you ask, feeling all the blood rushing out of your face. This is starting to get way too nasty. Claire pinches the bridge of her nose before leaning onto her desk, clasping her hands together.
“I know that you are quite the free spirit and want to teach the kids about openness and acceptance, but not everyone is as rainbow as you are. Some kids brought the word home about what kind of books you’ve been reading and we’ve gotten a few concerns about you basically promoting the LGBTQ community for the kids.”
“I’m not promoting, I’m trying to teach them to accept everyone just the way they are, how can that upset anyone?!”
“Well, it does. The committee had to make a decision on who we should let go and many agreed that it might be the safest decision to make it be… you.”
You’re about to faint. You are sure you are about to fall off this chair and just black out. How can someone get mad about you reading stories about acceptance and treating everyone equally? What kind of monster can see it as a bad thing? And now you are losing your job over such a stupid thing that you don’t even feel responsible for.
Though you’d love to stay and try to convince Claire to not let you go, you know the decision has been made and if you’re being honest, you don’t feel comfortable anymore working at a place where parents tell you off for teaching important values for their kids. Sadly, but you sign all paperwork about your immediate parting and you leave Claire’s office to pack your stuff.
“Miss Y/N! Miss Y/N!” Izzy, one of the sweetest girls in your group basically launches herself at you, smashing against your legs as she hugs you happily. “Do you want to see what I just painted?” She blinks up at you with her gorgeous green eyes and your heart breaks that you won’t get to see her again.
“Oh, Sweetie. I have to—you know what? Sure. Show me your painting,” you smile at her warmly. You can’t say no to her, not when this is the last time you get to see her.
As you’re cleaning out your locker in the break room, Heather walks in and stops in her tracks, seeing you with your gloomy face as you pack everything into a cardboard box.
“What the hell are you doing?” she questions right away. The two of you have known each other for years now, you did the same master’s programme and somehow ended up working here together, carrying on the friendship you’ve formed through your school years.
“I was… fired,” you sigh, wincing at the words.
“What?! Why?”
“Apparently, we are having some budget problems with all the renovations that was made recently and unbeknownst to me, some parents have been complaining about my openness with kids so I was the lucky one to part ways with.”
“That’s fucking bullshit! The kids adore you, how can someone complain about something like that?”
“Don’t know, ask them if you ever find out who they are,” you mumble under your breath as you shut the now empty locker closed. “I’m sorry we can’t carpool anymore,” you pout at her.
“No fucks given about that, what are you gonna do now?” she asks, seemingly very bummed at the news that you won’t be working at the same place now.
“I don’t know,” you shrug. “I guess I’ll have to find something new if I don’t want to end up on the streets,” you mumble.
“Oh girl, I’m so sorry,” Heather sighs pulling you into a hug. “Why don’t we go out for drinks on Friday? Everything is on me!”
“Don’t act like I’m already broke, makes me feel like a loser.”
“Sorry,” she scowls. “Just want to brighten you up a little. Meet me at seven at that Mexican place, how does that sound?”
“Stuffing my face with nachos and tequila? Sounds like the best plan I could wish for.”
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You waste no time arriving home after your worst day at work. You jump right into the job ads, looking for basically anything that might help you out of this impossible situation. Sending your resume to as many places as possible, you get a few callbacks the next few days, but you only make it to one interview on Friday and that doesn’t go well either. The man who calls in for an open position at a private kindergarten turns out to be a total snob and he doesn’t find your free spirit too fitting with the profile of his institution so you get rejected at the end of the interview.
You head out to meet Heather feeling like shit. You’ve been unemployed for four days, but it’s already breaking your spirits.
“You know what? Clair is a bitch for giving in to the complaints,” Heather slams her fourth shot glass on the table with a grimace. “She should have defended you!”
“I’m sure she just didn’t want to get into any disagreement. Some of the parents donate great amounts to the school and Claire would never risk losing that money,” you sigh rolling your eyes.
“Okay, but she is being very… not inclusive,” she narrows her eyes. “Firing someone for teaching the kids openness? Bullshit.”
“I’m just sad I don’t get to see the kids anymore. They really grew close to my heart.”
“The little fuckers can be so damn cute, almost make me want to have one.” Heather sighs, downing another shot before pulling the nachos closer to her. You laugh at her vulgar reaction, she has always had quite a dirty mouth but somehow she controls herself well around the kids. “How has the job hunting been?”
“Horrible,” you growl in frustration. There are not many that offer a good paycheck and the few that does are these posh places that expect you to treat the kids like they are made out of gold which is ridiculous. That’s not how you raise a kid!”
“I’m sorry, I’m sure something will come up soon. Why don’t you look into nanny jobs, have you thought about that?”
“What do you mean?” you furrow your eyebrows, popping some chips into your mouth.
“A lot of people prefer having nannies for their little children, some even want them to move in. My brother’s ex-girlfriend was a live-in nanny for about two years and she earned a shit ton of money, because she didn’t have to pay rent and a good chunk of the food, because the parents just treated her like part of the family and bought groceries for five people instead of four.”
“I’m not sure I’m cut out for that kind of stuff.”
“What, earning money?” Heather scoffs.
“No, living with a stranger.”
“Most of the time the nanny gets like a separated place so it wouldn’t be that bad, but you know what’s good for you. It was just an idea,” she shrugs.
Soon enough you drop any work talk not wanting to ruin the mood. You enjoy some time away from the stress of job hunting and you’re just trying to have fun with your best friend. You start talking about nostalgic memories from college and end up looking up people you graduated with on social media, checking out what they’ve been up to in the past years.
“Alright, I’m gonna go to the restroom quickly, watch out for my drink,” you announce pushing your drink closer to Heather as you head towards the restrooms.
There’s a bit of a line so you stand behind two girls chatting about some cute guy they just met and leaning against the wall you close your eyes for a moment, feeling the drinks hitting you in the head. You’re not used to drinking, haven’t really had the time to get drunk too much lately and it’s saddening to think that now that you’re unemployed, you could black out every day, you wouldn’t have anywhere to show up in the morning.
Getting deep in your thoughts you almost don’t even notice that your phone is buzzing in your pocket. When you finally realize you pull it out of your back pocket and look down at the unknown number with a scowl. You quickly leave your spot in the line and rush out to hear something as you answer the call.
“Hi, I hope I’m not calling at an inconvenient time, I’m Harry Styles and I’m looking to talk to Y/N Y/L/N?” you hear a thick British accent on the other end of the line.
“This is her.”
“Great. Sorry for the late call, I’m Isabelle’s father.”
“Isabelle?” you ask in confusion, the names not really clicking in your head thanks to the shots you’ve been taking.
“Isabelle Styles? Izzy?”
“Oh! Yes! Sorry, yeah. Mr. Styles, what can I help you with?” you ask, not sure why Izzy’s dad would be calling you.
“Well I just recently learned from my daughter that you’re not working at the daycare any longer?” “Uh, yeah. Unfortunately I was fired this Monday…” you awkwardly answer.
“I’m sorry about that. Izzy has been really sad about it, I wanted to ask if you’ve found a new job already?”
“Not yet, I’ve been looking but I haven’t had much luck yet,” you confess.
“In that case I have an offer to make,” he firmly continues and you perk up at his words. “I’ve been thinking about pulling Izzy out of daycare, but I didn’t want to do it until I found someone to take good care of her. You’ve been her absolute favorite and she’s been devastated since you’ve been gone. If you’re up for a job of this kind, I would like to offer you a spot as Izzy’s nanny.”
“Oh!” is all you react, completely not expecting this call.
“I know there are a lot to discuss, but if you’re interested, I would be more than happy to have a chat with you sometime this weekend? To go over the details and see if we can make it work.”
“I, uh… Um, yeah. We can meet, that sounds good. When would it be good for you?”
“How about tomorrow afternoon?”
“That can work.”
“Amazing!” he beams. “I’ll send you the address through text if that’s alright for you.”
“Yeah, of course. When should I be there?”
“Would three o’clock suit you?”
“Absolutely,” you nod, stunned at the turn of events.
“Great, thank you so much, and once again, sorry to bother you on your Friday evening. Looking forward to see you tomorrow!”
“Thank you, Mr. Styles, see you soon!”
You get back in line at the bathroom and then make your way back to the table where Heather gives you a puzzled look.
“Did you take a massive shit or something?” she jokes as you take your seat and stare back at her, still in shock.
“No, I had a very interesting call, actually.”
“With who?”
“Um, Izzy Styles’ dad just called and offered me a job as her nanny.”
Heather almost chokes on her drink, coughing at the news. You hand her a napkin as she dries her chin off from her cocktail.
“Harry Styles wants you to be the nanny of his daughter?” she gasps.
“You know Izzy’s dad?”
“Y/N, everyone knows him! He is the sexiest man to walk this planet and not to mention that he is like stupidly rich! Have you not seen him yet?”
“Not really,” you shrug. “Izzy was picked up by an old woman most of the times, I guess I never worked when her dad came for her.”
“That explains why you’re not squirming already,” she scoffs. “That man is like… crazy hot, I’m telling you. I bumped into him one morning when I guess he was dropping Izzy off, the way he said ‘Pardon me, Darling’ made my knees shake,” she tells you, faking an accent that’s nowhere near what Mr. Styles sounded like on the phone.
“Well, I guess I’ll see him for myself. I’m meeting him tomorrow to discuss details,” you shrug and Heather slams her hand on the table.
“Oh my God! You’re gonna work for Harry Fucking Styles! Get ready because your panties will be soaking wet all the time,” she laughs like a hyena.
“Heather, stop!” you shake your head laughing too.
Following Mr. Styles’ call you decide to cut the night shorter than you intended, not wanting to look absolutely wasted when you meet him. Arriving home to your small, one bedroom apartment you take a quick shower before climbing to bed, staring up at the ceiling, trying to collect your thoughts. You told Heather you’re not willing to do the whole live-in nanny thing and Mr. Styles might not even want you to live with them, but now that the option is there, you realize it might not be the worst case scenario. Especially since you’re not really swimming in other job offers and you are in desperate need of anything at this point.
Despite having consumed quite some alcohol the previous night, you wake up at a reasonable hour in the morning, finding a text from Mr. Styles about the address you’d have to be going in the afternoon. You make a quick trip to the grocery store and do some chores before you start getting ready for the meeting. You opt for a simple black dress that reaches your knees and pair it with a little funkier, flower printed blazer to bring some color into the outfit.
Punching the address into the GPS you see that it’s taking you to the outer skirt of the city to the neighborhood that’s known to have some quite luxurious estates and you immediately think back to what Heather said about him being ridiculously rich. Driving down the streets in your old Volkswagen you couldn’t stand out more at a place where at least three cars park on the driveways and one of them is a Ferrari or a Porsche.
There’s a massive security gate under the address that’s your destination and it’s left open so you can pull up to the driveway easily. You park next to a fucking Tesla, finding it extremely funny to see your car next to it, but it is what it is. Walking up to the front door you ring the bell as you take a look at the house that can easily considered to be a mansion. Guessing from the outside there are at least about five bedrooms in it and you can only imagine what other luxurious units are squeezed into it.
Soon enough the front door opens and you find yourself staring back at a breathtakingly gorgeous man, wearing a white dress shirt with the sleeves rolled up and black suit pants, his chocolate curls falling to his forehead as his emerald eyes fall on you, a warm smile tugging on his lips.
Shit. Heather was fucking right, you think to yourself swallowing hard.
“Miss Y/L/N, it’s so nice to see you. I’m Harry, Izzy’s dad, come on in!” he invites you inside before a short handshake.
“Nice to meet you too, Mr. Styles.”
“Please, just call me Harry. I don’t like formalities at home,” he asks you as the two of you walk further inside until you arrive to what looks like a living room, but it’s actually the size of your apartment.
“Only if you call me Y/N,” you smile at him and he nods right away.
“Miss Y/N!” you hear a small voice call out and turning around you see Izzy running down the hallway until she throws herself against your legs.
“Oh, hello Sunshine!” you hum, squatting down so you can hug her.
“I missed you!” she pouts, rubbing her eyes.
“I missed you too,” you smile at her, caressing her soft cheeks before standing up. An older lady walks in, the one you’ve seen picking up Izzy. She approaches you with a friendly smile as she extends a hand towards you.
“Hi, I’m Ruth, it’s nice to meet you.” “Y/N, nice to meet you too.”
“Ruth, would you take Izzy outside while I talk to Miss—erm, Y/N here?” Harry requests. Ruth nods and taking Izzy’s hand she lures her outside to look for ladybugs in the backyard and that immediately catches her attention. The two of them leave through the sliding door, giving you and Harry privacy.
“Please, have a seat,” he gestures towards the sectional couch. “Would you like something to drink?”
“I’m good, thank you,” you smile at him as he sits in an armchair across you.
The interior of the house is quite cozy, kind of modern with a hint of vintage touches that make it less rigid, a pop of color showing at most corners so it’s not too monochrome. You quite like it.
“Y/N, I once again apologize for calling you at such an inappropriate hour, but I often work late and I wanted to get in touch with you as soon as possible upon hearing the news.”
“Don’t worry about it, I understand.”
“Isabelle mentioned it to me on Thursday that the other workers told her you no longer work at the daycare so I asked around a little yesterday and was informed that they let you go earlier in the week.”
“It was quite sudden for me as well,” you chuckle lightly, feeling a little anxious to talk about it.
“I know it’s not too appropriate, but I asked why they chose you to part ways with and I have to say it’s outraging that some parents are so ignorant and wayward. I’m really sorry this had to be the reason out of everything.”
“Thank you.” It actually feels nice that he thinks the same, this whole firing was ridiculous and you were losing hope in humanity, but Harry is now very much restoring it.
“Let me walk you through what the situation is here and what I was thinking about.” You nod and listen carefully. “I’m president of a record label and it consumes most of my time, I sometimes work sixty hours a week which I know is not ideal and healthy and I’m trying to change it, but it’s not an easy situation. I thought that putting Izzy into daycare was a good idea, but it’s been getting harder to work around her schedule as a single parent with so much work on my hands. Ruth is a family friend who has been helping tremendously with Izzy, but she is not getting any younger and she would like to retire fully and spend more time with her own grandkids. So I’ve been thinking about hiring a nanny for Izzy and try to make her days work around mine while I’m able to do that. She is going to start preschool in little over a year and I want to spend as much time with her as possible, but it’s not easy when the schedule depends on an institution. When she told me about your firing I had the thought that you might be interested in taking the spot as her nanny. She is obsessed with you, wouldn’t stop talking about what you do every day, and I might have also looked into your professional background. I like what I’ve seen and I’m very much into the way you’ve been dealing with the kids at the daycare. Openness is really important and I want Izzy to grow up in an environment that teaches her about being equal and supportive towards each other. I would be more than happy if you’d be the one taking care of Izzy while I’m not available.”
To say the east you’re stunned at how forward and open he was about the offer and his compliment about your professional background is quite flattering. You can tell he is doing an amazing job at raising Izzy as an open and accepting human, she was always one of the nicest and sweetest kids who always made sure to include all her peers in the games you played. And it’s obvious Harry is not just being a hypocrite, his tattooed arm, painted nails and ring clad fingers are not quite what you’d traditionally imagine a man like him wear, but he does it well and clearly doesn’t give a fuck what others might think about it.
Harry continues with how much he thought you’d be earning for the job and you almost choke on your own saliva. It’s almost three times as much as you’ve been earning at the daycare and you’d be able to save a good chunk every month which is quite amazing.
“I have to ask, were you thinking about a situation where I live with you or I’d have to be coming here every day?”
“Well, essentially it would be the easiest for everyone if you moved in. I have plenty of rooms you could choose from and you’d have access to everything else as well, of course, including the home gym, the pool, the sauna and the entertainment room. But I understand if you are not willing to make that commitment. If you choose to live here you wouldn’t be charged anything, naturally.”
This actually sounds like a dream, moving into this luxury mansion from your cramped little apartment and being able to save the money you’ve been paying on rent.
“And what would be the time management? If I moved in it would easily make me fall into a habit of always working, which is not quite ideal,” you point it out.
“Of course,” he nods. “I like to take care of her morning routine so you’d have to start around nine when I leave to the office. If we can make this deal working I’d like her to start taking some extra classes during the day, moving her activities earlier in the day so her afternoons would be free. She takes piano lessons on Mondays and Wednesdays, a swimming instructor comes here on Thursdays and she is taking French lessons every Tuesday and Friday. Everything takes place here, I would reschedule her activities to take place between nine and twelve. You wouldn’t have to worry about her during those times. You’d cover lunch time and then the afternoons. I try to get home between four and six and just work from home if it’s possible so I can be around her. You’d have to only help out whenever I can’t make it home in time I have urgent works that have to be done from home. We could have dinner time together and then her night time routine is my duty again. Ruth is willing to help me out on Saturdays and I spend Sundays with her strictly without any work distraction so you’d have the weekends off unless something comes up. In those cases I would check in with you beforehand and arrange it however it works best for you.”
You’re speechless for a moment. What he just shared doesn’t seem too bad, you might have to work a lot more, but being one on one with just one kid is much easier than dealing with fifteen of them at once. Not to mention that the money is still amazing compared to what you’d have to be doing.
“I’m gonna be honest with you, it’s an amazing offer. Izzy is such a sweet girl, I would be more than happy to take care of her.”
Harry smiles at you warmly, clearly proud of his daughter, as he should be.
“Can I ask for some time to think about it? It would be a huge commitment.” “Of course. Take your time and let me know whatever your decision is.”
“Thank you.”
Harry offers a quick tour in the house regardless, the kitchen is massive, they have a nice dining area with floor-to-ceiling windows looking out to the green slopes of the backyard that seems to be Izzy’s kingdom. She has a playhouse that could almost function as a real one, the pool is filled with floaties for her and she has her own playground further in the back with slides, monkey bars and a swing set. Your assumptions were almost right about the number of bedrooms. Beside Harry’s master and Izzy’s own room there’s one that’s been used by Ruth, one that’s for Harry’s mother and sister for whenever they are staying over and there are three additional rooms now serving as guest bedrooms, one of those would be turned into your room if you chose to move in. The gym seems better than the one you’ve been going whenever you felt like being a little active, the entertainment room has everything you could ever think about for a room this sort of and the sauna is already calling your name. Living and working here might actually feel like a vacation.
“Miss Y/N! Look what I found!” Izzy runs up to you when you and Harry step out to the backyard, holding her pointing finger up. A ladybug is wandering around her tiny finger, not even bothering with the amazed girl that’s inspecting it.
“Wow! How many dots do you see on it?” you ask and she knits her eyebrows together, counting the black dots.
“Yes, good job!” you ruffle her curls as she smiles up at you proudly. She really is an angel, you’ve grown to like her a lot and you would be lying if you said you didn’t get emotional over thinking about never seeing her again. Being able to take care of her and give her the best possible childhood would be such a dream and the chance to do that is right in front of you.
“I’ll be waiting for your call, Y/N,” Harry smiles at you walking you towards the front door.
“Harry, I don’t think you need to do that,” you speak up and see his face fall, he obviously took it the wrong way, thinking that you want to say no to his offer.
“It’s not that,” you chuckle softly. “I would love to take the job. And if you’re still okay with that, I’d like to move in, it would make everything just so much easier.”
You watch as his expression changes from disappointed to hopeful as he cracks a smile nodding.
“Yeah, the offer is still there. When do you think you can start?”
“How soon do you want to pull Izzy out of daycare?”
“As soon as possible. If I have to I can go in on Monday and do all the paperwork. You could move in sometime during the week maybe?”
“I have to talk to my landlord about my lease, but I’m fine with moving in during the week,” you nod smiling and you can’t help but feel excited.
“That would be wonderful. Thank you so much. I’m looking forward to working with you.”
You discuss a few more details and then you head out, thinking about how the next time you’ll be coming here, you’ll be moving in.
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“If this one doesn’t go to the donate box, I’m leaving right now.”
Heather holds up a pair of denim shorts, painted in the colors of the flag of the States. She holds it pinched between her index finger and thumb as if it was something nasty and disgusting
“You know I only bought that for that stupid frat party. I never wore that anywhere else, so you can put it into the donate box.”
“Thank God!” she groans and throws the shorts into said box.
It’s Sunday evening and your place looks like a warzone, boxes taking up the place everywhere as you’re packing your life up to officially move into the Styles mansion. You agreed with Harry to bring over a good chunk of your stuff on Monday and then settle in for real on Tuesday. He is pulling Izzy out of daycare first thing on Monday and you’d stay at home with her for the first time on Wednesday. It’s been a fast paced change, but you couldn’t care less. With the amount Harry is gonna pay you, you’ll be able to save up a good chunk every month, like you always wanted to.
As you finish putting your books away you reach the shelves that contain all your photo albums. Photography has been your passion for a long time. It started as a simple hobby sometime through your freshman year in high school, but in senior year, your photos filled the yearbook and you even did the design of it too. You’ve had a few gigs since then, some weddings and pregnancy shoots and you like to sell your photos individually as well. You wouldn’t have imagined how much a simple nature photo costs.
Flipping through the one on the top, you can’t help the bitter smile on your face as you see the photos from your brother’s 14th birthday three years ago. There are tons of family pictures with you, your brother Trevor and your parents, seemingly being all happy and joyful. Things were different back then and you didn’t see anything coming.
It’s past midnight by the time you more or less finish packing, you’ve filled three big boxes with things to donate so you have significantly less stuff to move to the Styles mansion in the morning. Heather spends the night, but leaves early in the morning since she needs to go to work. The moving van you rented out arrives a little after eleven and the two guys from the moving company helps you load it with about two thirds of your stuff. Harry is at work when you arrive and Izzy is still at the daycare, Ruth is the only one at home, she helps you out even though you tell her not to break a sweat over it.
“Let me help, makes me feel needed,” she chuckles sweetly when you try to get her to stop, but she insists on bringing in some smaller bags and boxes.
You’re still unpacking when Ruth arrives back with Izzy a little after four. You hear her little feet tapping against the floor as she runs down the hallway, bursting into your future room.
“Miss Y/N! You’re here!” she cheers, throwing herself into your arms as you sit on the floor, being the perfect level for the little girl.
“I am! How was your day, little Sunshine?”
“We finger painted and I made a painting for daddy, do you want to see it?”
“Of course!”
Izzy disappears to get her backpack from Ruth who is making her some snacks in the kitchen. She soon returns with her painting, presenting it to you proudly.
“Look! This is me and this is daddy!” she points at the two human-like figures, the only thing giving away who is who is that one of them is bigger than the other one. “And then this is mommy!” she then adds, pointing at a star in the upper corner of the painting and you freeze.
In the midst of everything, you didn’t even have the time to question why Harry is a single parent. To be honest your first guess would have been divorce, but Izzy’s painting is telling you something a lot more tragic.
“It’s beautiful,” you smile at her, trying to hide your surprise at the new information. “I’m sure he’ll love it.”
Ruth makes sure Izzy is busy while you finish up unpacking and when you’re about to be done, Harry arrives home. Approaching your room even though the door is open he knocks on the doorframe, catching your attention.
“Hello, just wanted to see how things are going. Do you need help with anything? I’m sorry I couldn’t be here to help with the boxes and all…”
“Hi! Oh don’t worry about that, I had plenty of help,” you shrug smiling. “Everything is going fine, thank you.”
“Great. I did all the paperwork today, tomorrow is going to be Izzy’s last day at daycare. You’re still up to start on Wednesday, right?”
“Yeah, of course. I only have a few things left at home so I’ll be all set by tomorrow.”
“Thank you so much,” he smiles warmly. “And thank you for being so quick about everything. It means a lot to me that I can spend more time with Izzy thanks to you. I really appreciate it.”
“I should be thanking you the opportunity. I wasn’t really drowning in the job offers,” you chuckle making him smile as well. “Please let me know if you want me to change anything, I have a plan I would like to go around with Izzy’s days, but of course, your word is the most important.”
“I trust you to take good care of her during the day. The only thing I want is to have her home when I get home. Ruth couldn’t always pick her up before and I really hated to do the extra trip and pick her up from daycare instead of coming straight home to be with her.”
“Understandable. I’ll make sure to plan accordingly,” you nod smiling.
“Y/N, I want you to feel home as much as possible. This is your place just as much as it is ours now. Izzy and I go grocery shopping every Sunday, it’s kind of a father-daughter thing we do every week. We keep a list on the fridge, feel free to add whatever you need and we’ll get it.”
You can’t help the smile that stretches across your lips, because this is such a sweet thing to do, when Harry could easily afford someone to do the work for him. Yet he still uses this time to be with his daughter.
“Yeah, sure, thank you!”
“I’ll get out of your hair now. Would you like to stay for dinner?”
“Oh, no, but thank you. I still have some things to take care of before tomorrow.”
“Alright,” he nods before walking out. He leaves you thinking hard about him. You wonder what really happened to Izzy’s mom and if he is dating someone right now. A man like him is basically a dream to any woman, you doubt he is having a hard time finding a partner, but you haven’t seen any sign of another woman around the house. Guess you’ll have to wait and figure it out yourself.
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The apartment is awfully empty on your last night here. When you moved in about a year ago you didn’t think you’d be moving into a mansion from here. You spend the evening cleaning out a bit so you leave the place in good condition. Your landlord was terribly nice about your early leave, you could easily agree that you’d pay for the two more weeks that’s left from the month and that would be all, no extra costs for moving out before your lease was up.
You’re cleaning off the kitchen counter when your phone starts ringing, it’s a video call from your brother.
“Hey there! What’s up?” you ask, propping up the phone on top of the microwave while you move around, doing your thing. Trevor seems to be lying in bed, a black hoodie covering his upper body.
“Hello, just wanted to see how the moving has gone today.”
Despite the ten year age gap between you and Trevor, your relationship couldn’t be better. Probably because you were old enough to see what a blessing a sibling really is when he was born.
“Everything went smoothly. I only have a few stuff to bring over, that can fit into my car tomorrow, so it’s fine.”
“Cool. How is the dude? What was his name again?”
“Harry. Harry Styles.” You see him pull his laptop to his lap and probably searches up Harry’s name before his eyes widen at the screen.
“This dude is big! He is the president of HES Records, they run some of the most popular singers these days.”
“Yeah? I was sure he is a big name judging from his mansion,” you chuckle.
“Have you looked him up yet?”
“Not really.” “Want me to read what’s here about him?”
“Sure,” you hum, continuing to clean while you listen to Trevor.
“Alright. Apparently he is thirty-one, took over the record company when he was just twenty-five because his father wanted to retire early. The number of talents working under the label has doubled since he has taken over and many of his clients have won Grammy Awards. Impressive,” he hums, scrolling down on whatever site he has just found. “He is known to be a private person, the last time he made an appearance… Oh shit…” Trevor breathes out and you turn to your phone with furrowed eyebrows.
“Wow, this shit is heavy. It says the last time he made a public appearance was in 2017, not long before his wife was killed in a car accident.”
You freeze, feeling your stomach drop to the floor, immediately thinking back at Izzy’s painting of her family. It very much makes sense why she said the star was her mother, it must be the way Harry explained to her what happened to her mother.
“It happened in 2018, she wasn’t in the fault, a drunk driver ignored the red light and ran into her car at a crossroad. This is terrible, oh God.”
“Poor Izzy, she probably doesn’t even know what really happened.”
“Must have been hard on him, there’s not much about him since then.”
“Can’t blame him for not wanting to be in the spotlight after losing his wife.”
Trevor shows you a few pictures of him from years ago, he has always been handsome, but your favorites are the few from the times when he had long hair. He looked so different, like a whole other person, but still, he rocked it perfectly.
Then you show Trevor around in the empty apartment before loving to the couch, turning all your attention to him.
“How have things been?” you ask with a sigh. Trevor purses his lips and shrugs.
“Other than the constant screaming matches on the phone and endless fights every time dad comes over for more of his stuff? Everything is rainbows and butterflies.”
“Is it really that bad?” you scowl.
“It’s like they never run out of stuff to throw at each other, but I feel like this much couldn’t happen even in their twenty-eight years together,” he scoffs making you chuckle.
“I’m sorry you’re stuck in the middle of all that.”
“It’s like payback,” he hums and you give him a puzzled look. “You had it bad growing up for being the surprise baby, making them teen parents. Then I came at a reasonable time, they already knew the drill, but now that you’re out of the house I’m getting all the shit, having to deal with their divorce.”
“I’m really sorry, Trev,” you sigh, feeling guilty that he is all alone at home.
“It’s fine, I don’t blame you,” he shrugs. “But you could make it better if you asked your millionaire boss if I could hang out at his house sometimes.” He grins at you slyly and you roll your eyes. Of course he is already thinking about using you for his own good!
“I don’t want to push the boundaries just yet, but I’ll see what I can do.”
You talk a little more about school and what he’s been up to with his friends before ending the call. You take a shower and go to bed right away, feeling extremely worn out from all the packing you’ve done through the day.
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The next day you pack the remainder of your stuff into your car and then your landlord comes over to do a checkup, though he fully trusts you took good care of the place.
“Again, thank you for your understanding, I didn’t plan to leave so early, but it just kinda came up,” you tell him, handing him over your keys.
“Don’t worry about it. I hope your new place will treat you right,” he smiles kindly at you.
You chat a little longer before you leave and head over to your new home. Once again, Ruth is the only one home and being the angel that she is, she helps you to carry your stuff up from the car before leaving to get Izzy from daycare. Since there’s not much left to unpack you finish quite fast, leaving you some extra time alone in the house. Walking around you try to learn your way around, still finding it a bit of a maze. You find Harry’s home office’s door open and after a bit of hesitation you step inside, just taking a look around. Yeah, it’s kind of a nosy thing to do, but you couldn’t help yourself.
His space is quite clear, he keeps his stuff neatly organized. Certificates and plaques are hung up on the wall, showing off his many successes in the business. There’s a huge bookcase near his desk and there you see some family photos… ones that include his late wife as well.
She was beautiful. There’s a picture of the three of them in the hospital from the day Izzy was born, Harry has an arm around his wife’s shoulders who is holding baby Izzy, both of them radiating happiness as they just become parents. Your heart breaks when you see the photo next to it, it’s just Harry and her in Paris, the Eiffel tower standing tall behind them as they are grinning widely at each other, foreheads touching. Harry has his arms wrapped around her slim figure while she is hugging his neck. They look so happy and in love, like they were always meant to be with each other. Knowing what tragedy hit them is just hard to process even for you, who never even met the woman.
You hear the front door open and Izzy is laughing at something, so you rush out before anyone could catch you snooping around.
“Hi Miss Y/N!” she chirps upon seeing you when you meet them in the living room.
“Izzy, you don’t have to call me Miss Y/N, Y/N is perfectly fine,” you smile at her, caressing her rosy cheeks.
“Okay. Ruth, can I please have some ice-cream?”
“I’m afraid we ran out of ice-cream, but I’ll put it on your grocery list,” Ruth tells her, a pout tugging on Izzy’s lips.
“How about this: I’m gonna make a delicious smoothie, that’s almost like melted ice-cream, would you like some?” you offer and her eyes brighten up immediately, nodding right away.
While Ruth puts away Izzy’s things they brought home from daycare, while the two of you move to the kitchen to make the smoothie together. You find some frozen berries in the freezer and pair them with bananas, putting them all into the blender with oatmilk, blending it all together.
“How is it?” you ask Izzy, who is sitting on top of the counter, tasting the pink smoothie that leaves a cute little mustache above her cherry lips.
“I like it!” she smiles, scrunching her nose.
“We can make it some other time then,” you smile, drinking up your portion.
Izzy is dancing around the kitchen, babbling about her last day at daycare while you clean the glasses and the blender when Harry arrives. He is wearing a baby blue suit with a crispy dress shirt underneath, looking fashionable but still business appropriate at the same time.
“Daddy!” Izzy launches towards her daddy, who catches her, throwing her into the air before holding her in his arms, joining you in the kitchen.
“Hey baby. How was your day?”
“Good, all my friends hugged me but I told them we would meet in the park.”
“That’s right, and I have the number of all your friends’ parents, we can have playdates with them whenever you want to,” he smiles before his eyes meet yours. “Hi Y/N, everything went well with the rest of your moving?”
“Yeah, I’m all set,” you smile back at him.
“That’s great. I have a few calls to make, but I’ll be done in thirty probably. Would you mind looking out for Izzy in the meanwhile?”
“Of course. She promised me to take me around her room, so we could do that, what do you say?” you ask the little girl who nods in excitement.
Harry disappears in his office and Izzy pulls you to her room, showing you just about every toy she owns. Her room is a typical girl’s room, the walls are painted a light pink color, her bedframe resembles a castle and she has a dollhouse as big as your previous bathroom. Harry clearly spoils her rotten, but what you noticed is that she is not one of those annoying bratty only children who can’t take no. She was clearly taught how to behave and always listen to the adults.
While Izzy is putting her stuffed animals away after introducing you to all of them, you spot a photo frame near her bed, decorated with macaroni. You remember when you all did that together at daycare and now you get to see the photo that ended up behind the glass.
It’s a photo of Izzy and her mother, she was just a baby and doing quick math in your head you realize it must have been not long before her accident, might even be the last picture taken of the two of them. Her mom is smiling at the camera while Izzy is sleeping in her arms peacefully. Izzy looked a lot like her when she was a baby, the bridge of her nose and her lips resembled her mother’s, though now she appears to take more after her dad with her chocolate curls and piercing green eyes.
“That’s my mommy,” she tells you when she sees you looking at the photo.
“It’s a nice picture,” you smile at her, trying your best to hide how heartbroken you feel even just looking at the photo.
“Daddy said she had to go up to the sky, but she is watching me from there,” she explains, clearly not entirely sure what it means, but you can tell she misses her. “Daddy said she is living between the stars now and that she loves me very much.” You need to fight your tears back at her words.
“I’m sure of that too,” you breathe out smiling at her.
“Izzy, do you want to help me make dinner?” Harry walks in smiling, though it disappears for a moment when he sees the two of you looking at the photo of his wife, but he is quick to control himself.
“Yes! What are we making?” she runs over to him, jumping up and down.
“Uh, chicken and veggies.”
You step away from the photo, pretending like nothing just happened. You’re dying to discuss it with Harry, hear him talk about it, but you won’t push him. If he wants to share it, he’ll come to you.
“Alright, come on then,” he smiles down at her. “Thank you for watching her, I’ll take over from here. Food will be ready in about an hour, Ruth is staying with us as well,” he informs you.
“Great, I’ll… I’ll be in my room,” you nod.
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The first two weeks on the job brush past smoothly. It takes you some time to get used to your new home, but taking care of Izzy doesn’t feel like work, so you’re feeling amazing in your new job. You easily fall into a schedule with her.
The mornings are always Harry’s duty. He wakes her up around seven-thirty, makes her breakfast and dresses her for the day before he leaves around nine. Thanks to this habit of his, you’re able to sleep in until eight, leaving you plenty of time to get ready for your day with Izzy before Harry has to leave. Depending on the weather, the two of you then either take over the back yard or move to her room for some play time before her class of the day starts in the noon. Piano with Rosaline on Mondays and Wednesdays, French lesson with Lyon on Tuesdays and Fridays and then Izzy’s favorite on Thursdays, swimming class with Kitty.
Izzy loves to help in the kitchen so you usually make lunch together. Once her tummy is full she takes a nap before you sit down to learn something new every day. You’ve been teaching her the numbers and the alphabet, or some days you just talk about anything that interests her and learn at least two things she hasn’t know yet, all through games so she doesn’t even realize what you’re doing. You’re usually done by around three, leaving you time to take a visit to the park, if Harry is not planning to take her himself later that day.
You’re strictly home by four, unless it’s Tuesday when she has her dance class until five. Those days you drive her to her class, run some quick errands and pick her up. Harry usually uses his extra time in the office on these days, but he is always home by six to have dinner together with his daughter.
Once Harry is home you’re off duty, though you like to stay close, not just in case something comes up for Harry, but because you genuinely like spending time with Izzy and Harry, seeing them interacting.
Harry sometimes has to work on Saturdays as well, but just as he promised Ruth is always here to take over duty on those days, leaving you free for the whole weekend. It’s been working perfectly for you and those very few concerns you had about moving in dissolve quite fast as soon as you start working.
Though it’s been pretty clear to you before, you now one hundred percent sure that Harry is living for his daughter. She is always a priority, he doesn’t hesitate to decline any work calls he gets in the evenings if Izzy needs him, if she is a little fussy and wants her daddy’s attention or when they are in the middle of a game. He is clearly trying to keep a balance between his work and role as a father and from what you’ve seen, it seems like he is doing an amazing job in that. However you haven’t learned much else about him. He is all friendly towards you, but makes sure to keep it business casual, not quite keen on getting to know each other better as just friends, maybe.
A Friday afternoon you’re having a little tea party in the backyard with Izzy when Harry arrives home, but this time, he is not alone. Through the sliding door you spot him with a blonde guy who is talking very articulately as Harry is typing on his phone. The man looks about Harry’s age, but you can’t tell if he is a friend or a business partner, but if Harry brought him home, he is more likely to be a friend of his.
“Uncle Niall!” Izzy gasps when he spots the man through the glass and abandoning the tea party, she starts running towards the door. The man spots her and slides the door open grinning widely before she jumps into his arms.
“Little bugger! How are ya?” the man laughs, holding Izzy in a tight hug before leaning back to take a good look at her. You notice his thick Irish accent and it suits his appearance quite well. You head inside as well, in case Harry needs Izzy busy for a little longer, though he doesn’t mind having her around, kissing the top of her head before finishing up whatever he was doing on his phone, watching Niall and Izzy smiling.
“I’m having a tea party with Y/N, wanna join?” Izzy invites the man, who then looks at you for the first time, smiling widely.
“Hi, I’m Y/N, Izzy’s new nanny,” you introduce yourself, holding out a hand that he shakes, keeping Izzy in his other arm without a problem.
“Nice to meet ya, I’m Niall.”
“Y/N, Niall is an old friend of mine. He is joining us for dinner, hope you don’t mind,” Harry informs you and you find it funny how he is kind of asking for your approval when it’s his house.
“Not at all.”
“Harry has told me he hired a pair of new hands to help, but he didn’t mention it’s a stunning young woman!” Niall beams, making you blush right away.
“Ni, I would appreciate it if you didn’t try to pick up my daughter’s new nanny,” Harry warns him lightly, though there’s some firmness in his tone, not that it scares Niall in any way, he even winks at you.
“Oh come on, you can’t expect me not to flirt when you surround yourself with so many pretty women! First Ruth and now Y/N!”
You smile at him, something is telling you he wasn’t joking and he tried to flirt with Ruth as well. Harry just rolls his eyes at his friend, taking Izzy from him.
“Keep it in your pants, Niall,” Harry tells him and though it’s nothing vulgar, it catches Izzy’s attention.
“What should he keep in his pants?” she questions, making your and Harry’s eyes grow big right away. Luckily, Niall keeps his cool and takes care of the situation.
“My attitude, Sweetie. Your daddy is just jealous because I’m more handsome than he is,” he smirks at the little girl, successfully avoiding an awkward conversation about what it is that Niall should keep in his pants.
You smile at his reply, even though you are not that sure about the comparison he just made between himself and Harry.
“Izzy, do you want to continue the tea party?” you ask her and even though just a minute ago she was inviting Niall to join her, now she shakes her head no. “Alright, I’ll pack it up then.”
“Oh, don’t worry about it. We’ll do it, right Izzy? She brought it all out, she is going to be the one packing it up,” Harry reminds her and she nods.
The two of them move outside to put her little tea set back into the basket she keeps it in, leaving you and Niall alone.
“So Y/N, how did you end up here?”
“I was working at Izzy’s daycare, but they sent me away not long ago. Then Harry contacted me and offered the job which was a lifesaver, truly.”
“That’s great! Well, not that you got fired, but that you ended up here. I know it means a lot for Harry that he can spend more time with Izzy, you’re making everything a lot easier for him.” Niall walks over into the kitchen and grabs a water for himself as he leans against the counter. “I can see that he is a lot more relaxed now already.”
“Really?” you ask, surprised.
“Yeah. I know he always used to stress about picking Izzy up, or forgetting something the daycare asked for. Now he can make it all work just how he wants to, that fits him a lot more. It hasn’t been easy on him since Maggie’s death.”
This is the first time you hear anyone talk about Harry’s wife and now you just learned her name. Maggie.
“Being a single parents is never easy,” you add with a soft smile, not wanting to interrogate Niall about Maggie. It’s Harry’s place to tell you about her, if he wants to, of course.
Soon enough Izzy and Harry take over the kitchen, Niall helping them this time and you leave them alone, taking some time for yourself in your room. Later you go out to check if there’s anything you could help with, Harry asks you to set the table as he finishes up the cooking.
“So, Y/N. Tell me a little bit about yourself!” Niall asks you over dinner.
“Um, what do you want to know?” you ask, feeling a little flustered to be in the spotlight.
“I don’t know, family, friends, hobbies?”
“Well, I have a younger brother, Trevor. He is seventeen and already taller than me.”
“Oh, that seems like a big age gap.”
“Ten years, to be exact,” you nod. “He was planned, I wasn’t,” you add with a soft chuckle. “But we have a great relationship, so it’s all good. We talk almost every day.”
“I’m sure you’ll get well along with Gemma then!” Niall beams, glancing at Harry.
“Gemma is my sister,” Harry explains. “Though she is not that much older than me.”
“But you can bond over being stuck with a younger brother who outgrew you,” Niall jokes making all three of you laugh.
All through dinner you realize how different Niall is from Harry, but in a good way. While Harry is more quiet and calm, Niall is kind of all over the place, buzzing and chatting every chance he got, but the two of them make a great pair, bringing what the other doesn’t have to the table.
After dinner you attempt to leave them again, but Niall makes you stay as they open a glass of wine. Harry puts on a movie for Izzy to keep her busy, giving the three of you a chance to sit out at the terrace from where you still can keep an eye on the little girl inside.
“Alright, Y/N. When are we going on our first date then?” Niall asks out of the blue, a cocky smile tugging on his lips.
“Niall, for fuck’s sake,” Harry breathes out as you let out an awkward chuckle.
“What? I think there’s some electricity going on between us.”
“I, uhh—I don’t…”
“Please don’t turn me down!” he sighs dramatically, making you smile.
“You’ve been great company, but I’m not sure we should go out,” you tell him. He huffs in disappointment, but it’s clear he didn’t take it to his heart.
“Is it because you’re taken? I didn’t even ask, are you dating anyone? You can’t be engaged, because I don’t see any rings,” he points out, nodding towards your naked fingers, however his words make you suck on your breath.
“I’m not engaged. Not anymore,” you admit and you watch their eyes go wide at the information.
“Wait, you’ve been engaged before?” Harry asks, clearly surprised, if not shocked.
“Yeah. For about four months,” you nod, running your tongue over your lips as you reach for your wine, taking a few large gulps.
“And what did the fucker do?” Niall bluntly questions, earning a look from Harry. “What? I’m just curious what twat it takes to lose a woman like her!”
“Maybe she doesn’t want to talk about that,” Harry presses, but you shrug.
“It’s not a secret. We dated for about two years before he proposed. I said yes, started planning the wedding and everything, then found out that he had been cheating on me with his assistant for about a year. We broke up, simple as that. It’s in the past, happened a year ago.”
“That’s some next level asshole bullshit,” Niall shakes his head while Harry is just staring at you with an unreadable look before he turns his attention at his glass, still clearly deep in his thoughts and you wonder what he thinks of you now. Here is the loser who not only got cheated on, but lost her job, all of that just in one year.
Harry doesn’t react, and a moment later Izzy comes out because she is thirsty, so daddy duties call him away. Niall stays a little, but heads home soon as well.
“It was nice meeting you, Y/N. The date still stands though,” he smirks when he pulls back from the short hug he enveloped you in.
“Alright,” you chuckle, slowly getting used to his flirty act.
You was the wine glasses and head back to your room while Harry walks Niall out and then takes Izzy upstairs to give her a bath. You don’t cross paths until later when you leave your room, already in your pajama pants and an oversized t-shirt to grab some water for yourself and he walks out of Izzy’s room just then, probably done with putting her to sleep.
“I’m sorry if Niall made you uncomfortable, he didn’t mean to be rude or anything,” he apologizes as the two of you walk together.
“Oh, don’t worry about it,” you chuckle softly. “It was kind of a boost to my ego, if I’m being honest.”
Harry huffs with a smile and stops at the kitchen island, his fingers tapping on his lips as you grab yourself a bottled water.
“I’m… I’m sorry about… about what you told us earlier.”
Closing the fridge you look at him, seeing that he is kind of hesitant, like he is not sure he should have spoken up, but you appreciate the thought.
“It’s alright. Just water under the bridge,” you shrug.
“I just feel bad you had to go through that.”
“It wasn’t your fault,” you chuckle softly. “It sucked, yeah. I really thought I would live happily ever after with Keith, but instead I got a lesson.”
“A lesson?”
“When we broke up I was obviously on the floor, both literal and theoretical way. I thought it was my fault, that I did something wrong and that’s why he did what he did. I even thought that I’m not worthy of being loved and being in love again. Took me time to realize that no matter what happened, I still deserve to be happy and to find someone to love and who can love me back.”
It appears that your words touch him deep, staring back at you, he just nods shortly, not replying to anything you just said. You’re not sure he is so silent because he doesn’t really understand what you just talked about or if it hit too close to home. Whatever it is, he keeps it to himself.
“Good night, Harry,” you smile at him before walking out of the kitchen and up into your room.
You’re lying in bed already when you hear him open his room’s door and then close it and suddenly he is all you can think about. The way his eyes sometimes pierce down on you, the way he taps his fingers against his lips when he is thinking hard or the proud smile that always plasters across his face whenever he is watching Izzy do basically anything. But you do see some pain in those beautiful green eyes of his and your desire to take just the smallest fracture of it away grows, even though he is not showing any sign that he is willing to share it with you.
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The next morning, despite having the day off, you wake up quite early. You toss and turn, try to fall back asleep a little longer, but you just can’t. It’s a nice, warm morning and you decide to take advantage of the little balcony attached to your room. Wrapping yourself in your fluffy robe you grab the book you started reading a few days ago and sit out, enjoying the morning Sun that’s shining right at you on the balcony.
You don’t even realize for a while that you’re not the only early riser. When your eyes wander down to the big oak tree that’s near Izzy’s playground, you spot Harry doing what appears to be yoga on a green mattress, wearing nothing else, just a pair of black shorts. No shirt.
For a moment you think about going inside, feeling like you’re invading his privacy in a way, but you have the right to enjoy the morning Sun on your balcony, it’s not your fault he decided to have yoga at the exact same time. And it’s just hard not to look at his shirtless body stretching in all directions, twisting and turning as he goes through the motions, his tattooed body on full display.
It’s been clear since the moment you laid eyes on him for the first time that Harry is probably the most beautiful man you’ve ever met and that includes all your exes. Paired with his kind of mysterious charisma and the way he takes care of his daughter, he is the whole package, but you have been busy with Izzy to dwell too long on how attractive he really is. But right now, you are not working and he is very much shirtless in the backyard, teasing you with thoughts you definitely shouldn’t be thinking about when it comes to your boss.
A shaky breath leaves your mouth as you let yourself watch him just for a few more minutes before heading back inside, not wanting to get busted for being a stalker and also not wanting to see him in more positions and have even more unholy thoughts about him.
But what you don’t know is that just as you step inside, Harry catches your figure disappearing in your room, knowing well you saw him too.
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buckybarnesowl · 3 years
It Never Ends - Chapter 7
Pairing: College!AU Bucky x fem! Reader
Series description: Bucky and Y/n are fourth-year undergrads with the same major. They’ve always had a crush on each other but were too reserved to do anything about it. One horrendous night pushes them together and they’re forced to navigate the fallout, for better or worse.
Chapter summary: Reader’s struggles continue as they deal with some flashbacks and some slightly unhealthy (albeit completely understandable) coping mechanisms. But it brings them and Bucky closer so we all end up getting a bit of a fluffy break in the end. Phew.
A/n: Sorry this is coming out so late. I will continue to thank each and every person for reading and sharing this story, and for being a witness to reader as a survivor. It’s not for everyone and I truly appreciate you all. Take good care of yourselves. My DMs/asks are always open if you need someone to talk to xx
Chapter 7 word count: 2.9k
Chapter 7 warnings: losing control, drinking alcohol, using sex as coping (no actual sex happens, just makeouts), flashbacks, reference to non-con, mention of vomiting (no graphic description)
Chapter 7 prompts: (none)
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“So what happens next?” Wanda’s concerned voice carried through Y/n’s headphones.
As soon as Y/n had texted her two friends about her decision, the group FaceTime rang on her phone.
“There’s some office that deals just with reporting.”
“God, it happens so fucking often they have an entire office dedicated to this shit,” Nat seethed.
“Right? Uggghhh,” Wanda agreed.
“So yeah, I have to go through them. But first I have an appointment with SVR on Tuesday--”
“SVR?” Nat interjected.
“Yeah, it’s the office for, uh…” Y/n struggled to remember the meaning of the acronym Dr. Cho had explained that morning. “...Sexual Violence… Reporting? Response? I forget. But that’s who’s going to help me through the reporting process.”
“Fuck, you must be so nervous.”
“Nat! Jesus!” Wanda reprimanded her friend’s bluntness.
Y/n chuckled at her two friends. “No, no it’s fine. I mean I should be. But... I’m kinda just numb to it? Like actually almost feeling good? It’s sort of scary,” she admitted with a low voice, turning her gaze away from the screen.
“Oh, hun, that makes perfect sense,” Wanda consoled. “Your body can only handle so much. It’s ok to just feel neutral for a bit. You probably need the break.”
“She’s right. I remember when that dude assaulted me in the mall. I didn’t really have any feelings about it, until I was fooling around with Clint one night and then boom! So I get it.”
“Oh my gosh, I forgot about that! And Clint! That was during first year, right? Whatever happened to him?
“Yup. He graduated last year. I think he lives on a farm now. Wife and two kids.”
“Wow, never would have guessed it,” Wanda said, eyebrows raised.
“Yeah, me neither. He was one of the good ones,” Nat reminisced with a smile.
The three friends hummed in agreement.
“Speaking of good ones, where’s Barnes?”
“I told him I needed a nap after the appointment. Don’t worry, he made sure I got in safely. Said you’d kick his ass if he didn’t,” Y/n rolled her eyes.
“Damn straight,” Nat confirmed.
“Are you sure you don’t need us to come home early? We could come back in time for your appointment on Tuesday. There’s a train every two hours.”
Y/n sighed, seriously considering her friend’s offer.
“I… let me think about it? Like right now I feel fine about it. But I feel like it changes from one hour to the next.”
“No pressure, Y/n. Seriously,” Nat added. “Anyways, we’ve seen our families now. No one is off this week so we’d just be chilling in town doing nothing.”
“Whatever,” Y/n dismissed her friend’s justification. “You both deserve the break. Cable TV, someone else buying groceries. That’s what going home for reading break is for.”
“Well you’re our family too, babe. And if you need us then we’ll come back. It’s as simple as that.”
Y/n’s cheeks were burning and her stomach filled with warmth. “Thank you, both, so much. I’m so fucking lucky to have you.”
“We’re lucky to have each other,” Wanda returned.
Y/n yawned suddenly.
“K, I think I need to lie down. This morning really took it out of me.”
“Yup, go rest. We love you,” the two chimed in unison.
“Love you too.”
The three blew kisses to each other before ending the chat.
Y/n blinked, the afternoon glow of autumn sunshine warming the wall of her bedroom. A quick glance at her phone revealed she had passed out for just over three hours.
Rubbing her eyes with one hand, she unlocked her phone with the other and opened her chat.
Y/n: i’m up. what are you doing tonight?
Bucky: how’d you sleep? And whatever you want, doll
Y/n: like a log. i want to get drunk
She watched the three dots appear and disappear several times before a response came in.
Bucky: i can be your chaperone
Y/n: noooo lets get drunk together
Bucky: Nat made me swear on my life to take care of you while they were gone.
Y/n: you can still take care of me if we drink, it’ll just be sloppier lol
Bucky: someone’s feeling impetuous
Y/n: English major pulling out the big words
Bucky sent through a series of eye roll gifs, before offering a solid response.
Bucky: fine. So where is this debauchery taking place?
Y/n: yours? I need a change of scenery.
Bucky: cool. We’ve got beer in the fridge and some other left over booze I think. Come over whenever.
Y/n: k dinner’s on me then. We could order pizza?
Bucky: sounds great.
Y/n: Awesome. Gonna shower then head over. See you in a bit.
Bucky sighed, closing his eyes as his hand flopped down onto the couch, still gripping his phone. His stomach flipped nervously at the sudden one-eighty in Y/n’s demeanor. Something didn’t feel right about her plan. But he had vowed to follow her lead, so that’s what he was doing.
He resolved to simply take it easy on the drinks. He would make sure she didn’t feel like she was drinking alone, but he wouldn’t get carried away. Nat and Wanda had made him swear he would look out for their friend and he had no intension of seeing the two redheads in protective mode—not against himself, at least.
“What have you gotten yourself into, James?” he huffed out loud. Another sigh, and he was up off the couch to tidy up for the impending evening.
“What the fuck kind of question is that?” Bucky exlaimed, his ears turning crimson and a blush surfacing on his cheeks.
Y/n let out a full belly laugh. She was four beers in and definitely feeling it. Precisely what she had wanted.
“You don’t have to answer, Barnes, jeez. But you’re the one that picked truth. If you don’t answer then you have to drink.”
Bucky exhaled loudly, making sure she saw his discomfort. Though he kept the small grin on his face.
“Fine. But after this we take a break and order pizza.” It wasn’t lost on him that Y/n had lapped him twice in her alcohol consumption during the two hours she’d been there.
“Deal. Now spill. Have you ever kissed any of your guy friends. And if not, what guy would you kiss?”
“I… well, I’ve actually kissed both Sam and Steve, if you must know,” he admitted, but with his chin held high. “You know guys like to have fun too sometimes.”
“Woooow… that’s… fucking hot.” Y/n burst into laughter again at her own admission.
“Well I’m glad you think so, doll,” Bucky said with a smile, genuinely relieved. He’d always been attracted to people, not gender. It was a relief to know Y/n wasn’t weirded out by it.
“I’ve made out with Nat, and once all three of us did a topless photoshoot together. It was really tender and beautiful and—” suddenly Y/n smacked her hand to cover her mouth, shocked at her openness. “Fuck. I think pizza’s a good idea,” she muttered.
“‘S’all good” Bucky chuckled, “I was definitely going to ask you the same next time you picked truth, so you just beat me to it.” He hesitated before adding with a lowered voice, “And if it’s any consolation, I think that’s hot, so…”
Y/n felt heat rise to her cheeks as her eyebrows shot up at his level-up flirtation.
“Shit. Sorry, that’s super fucking creepy and insensitive given everything that you’re—”
“No! Jesus! Bucky, it’s fine. Just...” Y/n felt the excited heat be overtaken by familiar all-devouring flames. The ones that raged at all hours of the day, keeping her awake at night. The ones she’d been trying to douse with alcohol.
She stood up suddenly, but stumbled. Bucky’s arms reached out instinctively, catching her before she toppled into the coffee table.
“Whoa, sweetheart. You good?”
“Yeah, just, s-stood up too fast,” Y/n slurred. “Gonna go pee.”
Bucky shook his head as she disappeared down the hall.
At himself, at her, at the situation. How was he supposed to do this? How could he take care of someone who was going through what Y/n was going through, while he was simultaneously falling for. Scratch that, someone he’d fallen for already. Years ago. From that first time she had asked him if the seat beside him was taken during their Intro to Literature and Composition course in first year. Y/n occupied the empty spaces in Bucky’s mind and he had swore to himself he would come clean in their final year. Until that fucking Arts party.
Bucky shook his head as if to clear away the memory of that night, followed by actually clearing the empty bottles from the coffee table. Placing them next to the sink, he then filled two water glasses before ordering two large pizzas. He could never order pizza and not plan for left overs.
Just as the order was complete he heard the bathroom door open and turned to see Y/n padding into the kitchen. She had a determined look on her face that Bucky couldn’t quite read. Walking with purpose towards him, she only stopped once she had him backed against the counter.
Oh. That was what the look was.
“Y/n, I, uh…”
“Shhhh, no talking,” she hushed, placing a finger on his lips. “I’ve wanted to do this for a long time and I think you have too so… fuck, here we go.”
All of a sudden her arms were wrapped around his neck, one hand lacing through his thick chesnut hair, the other hand pressed between his shoulder blades. Here finger nails softly trailed over his t-shirt as she closed her eyes and pushed her lips into his.
For an instant, time stopped in the warm glow of the dorm kitchen. There were no mid-terms. No final papers. No GPA to maintain. No worried friends. No appointments. No Brock Rumlow. No Quentin Beck.
Only Bucky and Y/n, heat radiating between their chests as they pressed into each other. Bucky’s prosthesis pulling Y/n closer by the small of her back as his flesh hand tenderly cupped the side of her head. Their lips professing years of unspoken desires. Teeth clashing as their tongues dared to connect.
Eternity was cut short. A sudden flash of saliva and beer breath flooded Y/n’s mind.
Bucky, she was with Bucky. She clenched her fingers around his hair.
Forceful hands on her chest and pants.
No, she wasn’t there in that room. She was with Bucky, she reminded herself again. She pressed her lips harder into his.
Told you we’d see you around.
Bucky sensed the shift just as Y/n pulled away from their kiss. Both of them were heaving, Y/n gasping for air as Bucky searched her eyes for confirmation that she was ok, hand still cupping her face as he rubbed a thumb across her cheek.
Until he saw what it was. It was written in the terror hidden just behind her glassy gaze reflecting back at him.
He couldn’t find the right words. He didn’t want to make it worse. Slowly he tilted his head to press his lips into her forehead. She kept heaving until suddenly she was leaning over the sink, retching.
“Shit, Y/n. ‘S okay, sweetheart, you’re ok,” he comforted, rubbing circles into her upper back.
She was sick a few more times before finally straitening herself, wiping her face with the back of her hand. Tears tracks were streaming down her face, whether it was from being sick or because she was crying, neither could say.
“I’m so s—”
“Nope, we’re not doing that. Not gonna let you appologize,” Bucky said with a firm tenderness. “Want some water?”
She nodded, accepting the filled water glass Bucky handed her.
“Thank you,” she managed out between gulps.
“You good? Or you think you’ll need to again?” Bucky motioned towards the sink with his eyes.
“Nope, think I’m good now,” Y/n replied quietly, unable to meet his gaze.
Bucky immediately started rinsing out the sink while Y/n finished her water, finishing as she set the glass down on the counter with a shaky hand.
“Let’s go sit on the couch then and wait for the pizza. Unless you want to go home, or…”
Y/n continued to stare at the linoleum tiles as Bucky trailed off. She was fully trembling now, teeth chattering as she wrapped her arms around her waist.
“You don’t have to do this,” she let out, barely above a whisper. “I’m so fucked up right now. I’m not your responsibility. It’s ok if you want me to go.”
Bucky had lost count how many times his heart had shattered this past week, so this instance was simply added to the undetermined tally.
He brought his hand to her cheek once more, fingers begging her softly to look at him. After a pregnant pause, she obliged.
“Sweetheart. I need you to listen to me right now. You hearing me?”
Y/n nodded.
“You are not a burden. You are not a problem. You are the most charming, intelligent, and sweetest person I’ve met on this campus—no, fuck that, ever—and I will never stop wanting to take care of you. So if you want to leave, I understand. But please don’t leave because you think I don’t want you to stay.” He paused, scanning her face to make sure she was still with him. The resurfacing of tears at the corner of her eyes confirmed that she was. “If it were up to me, you’d never leave.”
He then pressed his lips into her forehead again. It was all he could think of to show how much he meant every word.
Y/n’s chest began to heave again as sobs echoed through her ribcage, stuttering her shoulders and forcing her eyes shut. Bucky wrapped his arms around her and held her. Tight, strong, grounding. A few minutes passed before her tears subsided, allowing her to respond finally.
“Couch sounds nice,” she sniffed with a smile, breaking his embrace so she could rub her sweatshirt sleeve across her face.
Bucky chuckled at her wit. Even in the bleakest of moments, her light still found a way to break through.
He led her to the couch, guiding her to sit first. Then he grabbed the velvety throw blanket and draped it across her lap. Finally, he positioned himself beside her, his flesh hand clasping hers.
She immediately leaned into the gesture, wrapping her free arm around his torso and let herself fall into his shoulder.
“I can’t believe you’ve cleaned up my barf twice in one week,” she groaned.
Bucky couldn’t help but laugh. “And I’ll do it again if I have to.” He pulled her hand up to kiss the top.
“Aside from that, how about that kiss?” She asked, the sudden confidence brought out by how at ease Bucky made her feel.
“Best kiss I’ve ever had,” he muttered into her hand, lips still pressed to her knuckles. “I’ll do that again too if I have to,” he smirked, letting their threaded fingers drop back down to her lap.
“I’m sure that can be arranged. Though maybe after I’ve brushed my teeth? And eaten something.”
“Hmmm, sounds like a plan.”
Allowing a comfortable silence to fall, the two remained leaning into each other, hands still laced together. Until Bucky broke the peace.
“Y/n?” he asked quietly.
“Did you, I mean, did I remind you of that night?”
It was Y/n’s turn to feel her heart shatter. She turned to look at Bucky in the eye. “Now I need you to hear me, k?”
Bucky nodded, grip tightening on her hand.
“You will never remind me of them. Never. Do you understand?”
Another nod, his grip still holding.
“I… I’m going to have to work on… that—” she sighed before continuing, “—but, no. You, James Buchanan Barnes, are nothing but sweetness and caring and pure good rolled up into an unbelievably attractive package so please do not lower yourself by even hinting that you could be in the same category as those two douchbags.”
A smile tiumphed over the concerned look Bucky’s face had been fighting.
“You’re something else, you know that?”
“I’ve been told, but usually more in a you’re weird context,” she chuckled softly.
“Y/n. You have to know that if you’re never ready to go further, I don’t care. You’re the only one I’ve had eyes for, ever since first year. And if this is all you can ever give me, it will be enough. You are enough.”
Y/n blinked at him, stunned by the sincerity of his words. She could feel it radiating between them and it made her tremble all over again. Before she could process his words further, she flung her arms around him.
“Thank you, James,” she whispered into his chest.
“Always,” he whispered back, kissing the top of her head.
His phone buzzed, disrupting the moment.
“Pizza’s here,” he muttered softly.
“Hmmm, I feel like I could eat an entire one to myself.”
“Good thing I ordered two then,” he mumbled into her hair.
“Hot and a talented pizza orderer? I think I’ve landed my dream guy,” she chuckled.
“I’m all yours, doll.” He pressed a final peck into her head before reluctantly breaking their embrace to grab the delivery.
Bucky had definitely stopped falling. He had hit solid ground, hard, and he didn’t care if he ever got back up.
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