#which considering Sylvanian families are already like
oifaaa · 5 months
I feel so bad for American kids sometimes like I just found out Sylvanian families are not known as Sylvanian families in the USA nope they're known as calico critters which objectively is just a worse name I'm so sorry
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fluorescentbalaclava · 3 months
training season's over
chapter 1: Ground Zero
After 5 years of service in KorTac, they consider you capable enough to hold yourself in solo missions. Money and freedom, what else could you ask for? But what feels like a good start, progressively starts to backfire.
TF141/female reader, Konig/female reader
spy reader, forced bonding, slow burn, slow build, militar inaccuracies, suggestive language, language, canon typical violence
This is an introductory chapter. Mandatory mention that English isn't my first language so apologies in advance. Hope you enjoy!
Movies were absolutely right in one thing, one of the big parts in the life of a spy consisted in being shoved into small spaces for a bit too much time, mostly air vents. A little fact they forgot to add, is how fucking boring it could be while you waited for the for the moment to act.
They are late. You thought as you rested your head against the wall of the same air vent you’ve been in for the last forty-six minutes.
1900 – You were dropped in a nearby building by a car without a number plate, property of KorTac.
1920 - You’ve managed to catch a maintenance man smoking a cigarette on his break, successfully making him nap with an always handy syringe of tranquilizer, stealing his card, as well as his overall and cap, using it to sneak inside the building. Once you got inside, you saw the maintenance cart, and you used it to hide your tool bag. The way up wasn’t too complicated, as everyone seemed to respect the uniform, probably assuming something just needed to be fixed, and since you had the maintenance key card, you didn’t have to ask for permission to get through doors.
1945 – You were already on the roof, after what felt like a life climbing stairs to avoid most of the cameras, you discarded the uniform, and got everything needed from your bag before letting it hang from your back. You walked to the edge of the roof, big fall but not a big gap between buildings, you knew you could make the jump, but before that, you pressed the comm.
“Sage to Control, how copy?” You said quietly, while taking a moment while you wait to admire the view of the city. Perfect October day, the night already fell, the cold breeze hit your face, making you lift your face mask, only leaving your eyes uncovered. The streets beneath were full of traffic, full of lights, full of life.
“Control to Sage, send traffic.” Your station chief said through the comm, reminding you that you were here for work, not to admire the view.
“I’m in my first position, everything peachy so far. Remind me to check on the tied-up janitor in the alleyway on my way back”.
“For now, just try to get in there without a fuss. Remember---”
“I know, no execution authority, don’t get caught, recovery mission only. Get the intel without the 141 noticing, got it. I’m not a rookie anymore, remember? Playing on the big leagues now” You said with a hint of amusement, and the man behind the comm could hear the smile on your voice, which made him sigh.
“Listen, Sage, I know the first solo mission sounds exciting, but König was right to be worried when we left. The 141 is a dangerous unit, you must avoid contact by any means necessary…I don’t even know why they’re sending you alone in this, I think it’s a bit irrespon---”
“---sible to send a rookie? Don’t worry, I am not planning on getting caught. And for your information, I am being sent because all the other spies from the force are already in other missions, and I’m the only one left that fits into an air vent…but honestly, it’ll be fine, and if not, please bury me with my Sylvanian Families collection.” You said as you were eyeing the jumping distance, letting out a grunt as you throw your tool bag, which landed in the roof of the other building. “141 is supposed to be here at 2030 according to the intel, right? I should get going to get in position. I will listen but I will have to cut contact from my end, update me on the status”.
“You have a Sylvanian Families collection?” The voice now sounded confused on the other side of the frequency.
“Unimportant now. Update me on the status of the guests every 15 minutes. Over” You said before cutting communication on your side.
You took a few steps back, before running to the edge and jumping, landing on your feet in the next roof, which made you feel a small sense of pride, and it was a shame no one was there to witness your dexterity skills
The briefing for this mission made it very clear that this was a very important one, hour after hour spent studying the blueprint of the building, the map of the air system, and going through multiple contingency plans for every scenario that could happen. Alone, back in your bunk bed, you felt that the blueprint was already burned into your eyelids. Not only that, but four manila folders were often read back-to-back by you, and four names were constantly in your head.
The folders contained multiple transcriptions of some of their communications, information of previous deployments, and some of their personal data. You also got some files on your work laptop containing security videos obtained of them. They were not only clearly bigger than you, but their form didn’t stop them from being able to be sneaky and fast. If they found you around, for sure you were dead.
From the roof, you went down an air vent with the help of a rope, until you reached a horizontal vent, which allowed you to start crawling. It was easy from here, forward, then left, then right, and straight until you reached the vent over two hallways in the shape of a T, and in the hall at the side there was a large window with view to the city, where the 141 was supposed to arrive any minute now. The hall was empty, as the armed guards were outside, protecting the three doors that connected the main building to the halls, and there it was, a heavy metal door that led to the office when the needed intel was. Some files about imports and exports, you weren’t really given much information about them, only their label to be able to identify them and the order to burn the rest of the papers.
Going down the air vent to the office wasn’t an option, as it would trigger the security system, the only way was to get in from the front with the keycard but get it from the guards directly would get the attention of the rest of them, going against the orders of being subtle. You had to wait for the 141, and use them as a distraction, knock the guard, steal the keycard, create further distractions, steal the files and leave a charge of explosives in the office. Easy-peasy.
“Control to Sage. They were dropped by a helo on the top of the building. Get ready to act. Over” The words snapped you out of your boredom, and you already felt your body pumping adrenaline to get you ready to move.
Soon enough, a loud crash of glass broke the silence, followed by three loud stomps on the floor, making the shattered glass on the floor crack underneath their boots. They seemed even bigger in person but given their entrance they were stealthier in the recorded footage.
“Bravo 0-7 to Watcher-1. We are in position, waiting for contact” A husky voice said, and you recognized the man as Ghost, which wasn’t hard considering he was wearing the same skull mask as in the files. The three men had their arms ready, and you heard the sound of the keycard granting access, soon followed by gunshots. The first ones to go down were the guards of the hall that was beneath you, the two dead bodies falling into the ground. But the group didn’t have a rest as guards started shooting from the other doors, and from the fallen guards corpses you could hear how they others were calling for back ups through the comms.
Shit. Be fast.
You opened the vent grid, the sound of shooting covering the sounds of metal, and taking advantage of the situation, you threw a smoke grenade at their feet.
“Fuck!” Another voice said as smoke starting to cloud the vision of a part of the hall. You quickly dropped from the air vent, your feet barely making any sound against the ground, and you crouched, stealing the key card from the dead guard, and quickly making your way to the office, not before throwing another smoke grenade at them to keep them busy.
The key card granted you access, deactivating the security system, and you quickly entered the empty office, hearing some coughing from the outside, and more shooting and screaming that got muffled as soon as you closed the door. You quickly put a chair on the door, in case they would try to get in, it would grant you some more minutes.
You searched through the office, not bothering to be tidy, just dropping the papers on the floor…and then you found the file, a twinkle of excitement appeared in your eyes as you put the folder in your mouth, stepping over the desk and taking from your bag a little box of tools. You took out a screwdriver, and tried to rapidly, but calmly, unscrew the grid of the air vent. Your eyes widened when you heard a loud “Clear!” from down the hallway, followed by heavy footsteps. You managed to make the grid fell, and you swiftly climbed into it. Once up there, you threw the explosives down the office with a detonator, which grant you three minutes to crawl your way out of the air vent. As you passed by, you could see the task force going through the corpses to find a keycard.
“Found one, LT” You heard underneath you, as one of them stood up, holding a key card. Mohawk = Soap, you thought to yourself.
“Wait, you hear that?” Another one says. Pretty boy = Gaz.
You stopped on your tracks, not even breathing. Before you heard a gasp for air coming from a guard, followed by a shot.
“Found it” Ghost answered.
You felt relief flooding your body, but you couldn’t enjoy your small victory properly as the sound of the explosion left your ears ringing. A heavy warmth flooded the air vent, and under you, the sound of glass, grunts and three heavy bodies falling onto the ground. Your ears were still ringing, the heat was slowly becoming unbearable, and the smell of smoke flooded the narrow space as you tried to crawl faster through it.
As you reached the vertical vent, you used your ascender and quickly got to the top. You gasped for air as you felt the cold autumn breeze on your face. As your eyes adjusted to the night, you saw the ropes and some other equipment the 141 left behind them. It wasn’t time to rest yet, as you took the file out of your mouth, saving it to your bag, before throwing it across the gap and into the roof you came from. Soon enough, you followed after, jumping across the gap between both buildings.
Your fall wasn’t as graceful as the first, accidentally missing a step and landing on your knees with a grunt. But you let yourself fall on your back against the concrete. Your face felt like it was burning, the breeze was pleasant against your flushed skin, your clothes and hair reeking of smoke, but once again oxygen was filling your lungs. As you catch your breath, you pressed your comm.
“Sage to Control. How copy?” You asked in a low voice, panting.
“Control to Sage. Are you okay?” The voice quickly answered.
“Yeah, yeah, got the intel. I’m in one piece. Ready for extraction, a shower, and a nap”
“Copy, Sage. Picking you up on the alley, remember to untie the handy man”.
Back in the base the mission was considered so successful that for the next few months your rank went from sergeant to "Task Force 141 shadow" as the first mission and your survival rate apparently meant that you were the first choice for any mission that involved them. They considered the indirect approach worked better than directly engaging in combat against them, which left casualties between the KorTac ranks in the past.
Every mission for intel they had, you were behind them, lurking in the shadows, waiting for them to just start shooting to use the confrontation as a distraction to get to the target first. It was funny to hear them frustrated and annoyed over the comms when they realized that once more, they lost the intel. And then it's fate was obvious once KorTac put it on the market, selling it to the best bidder, or sometimes even using it to complete their own missions.
"You have to be careful, maus. I know you think it's fun, but they're dangerous, like us" You found cute when König used pet names. It was truly amazing how such a unit of a man was capable of being soft at the same time, ever since you started working there under his command until now.
But lately you didn't feel like a mouse, you felt like a hyena or a vulture, just scavenging while the bigger predators weren't looking.
"It's alright, don't worry, bud. I promise you I'm being as careful as I've always been" You said in a reassuring tone, a soft smile on your lips, and you squeezed his arm as he was sitting across you on the common room, a hot tea brewing in front of you.
"That's why I'm worried" König had an unsure look, under his sniper hood, his eyes fixated on your mug, rather than you. And you could tell he was anxious by the way he was shaking his leg. "Just don't leave any tracks, ja?"
What you weren't going to admit to him, is that you were growing slightly fond of the task force you so dutifully followed around. During these months you learned plenty of things about them, just by staying hidden and listening, like Ghost's dad jokes, Gaz unluckiness with helicopters, Soap's preference to play as a goalkeeper while playing football.
You blamed the growing one-sided familiarity by the fact that your new assignments made you spend lots of hours alone, lurking, stalking, in position ready to strike the moment things unfold. Back in base, and since you started to work alone, it was only in rare occasions you were at the same time as your old unit, the opportunities to catch up with them and being social becoming scarce.
And they seemed to be so close, so used to each other, so comfortable to even use their names sometimes. You had to admit you weren't used to that. You didn't even know König actual name let alone his face, and even if other members were more open about their names, their backgrounds were still vague. Not that you were an open book, as you only went by your callsign, your real name a secret between your contractors and you. But back in KorTac the less you knew, the better. It's probably for the best, anyway. Another very possible reason for your newfound fondness was the fact that after every successful mission came a very generous check. In fact, so generous that it was enough, plus your savings, to purchase a flat. Not too fancy, but cozy and big enough for you and your things, and something to call your own as well.
Moving in was tedious, lots of boxes and newspapers wrapped around the fragile stuff, and you were too tired from work to really unpack everything, leaving only the necessary items out. You definitely needed to have dinner and have a nocturnal nap before you keep on unpacking stuff, and the other things weren't as urgent. Besides, it would be a few weeks before your next mission, so you had plenty of time to enjoy settling down in your new home and looking around the neighbourhood. For now, you could really use some food, and at this hour you certainly weren't going to cook. You grabbed your jacket and went down the street.
Thankfully, there was a Chinese place in a five-minute walk. There were lots of people around, going to pubs, as it was a bit of a commercial area. It was nice, some fairy lights, some decorations, people sharing drinks, laughing, you could get used to walking around here. You ordered a serve of chow mein and three spring rolls, got it in a bag and made your way back to your flat.
The building you lived in now was a bit old, so you had a fob for the main entrance and a key for your flat. The door creaked a bit when you opened it, and you closed it behind you, but as you turned around you bumped into something that felt almost like colliding against a brick wall, you turned around and you saw some hands inside a mailbox.
"So sorry, si---" You said looking up and as soon as your eyes focused on the figure you felt how your face went pale, and how all the blood of your body went to your legs, your mind screaming you to flee.
Black eyes stared back at you, and that was the only part you could see, as the rest of the face was covered by a balaclava with a skull print on it. Fuck...
"Staring is rude" That husky voice you were so used to hearing through a comm sounded so clear, and the grip on the takeaway bag tightened.
The fuck is Ghost doing here.
"I-I..." You had to clear your throat, to manage any words out. "Sorry, I'm usually more polite, you just...caught me off guard."
"Haven't seen you here before" He lives here?! No way. This is a trap.
"Moved in this morning" You answered as flatly as you could.
"Ah" He said in an uninterested tone, as he went back to check the mail.
You couldn't help but stare up at him, completely dumbfounded. He was wearing a hoodie covering his head, blank pants, and heavy boots. Why isn't he attacking me? Does he know who I am? What the fuck is this? Jesus, I could throw up.
"Can I help you with something?" He answered in the same tone, not bothering to look back at you a second time.
"You live here?"
"Third floor" He answered plainly.
"Ah" Does he genuinely just lives here? No way, they're setting me up. "Why check the mail at night?"
"Just arrived" He answered as he broke one of the envelopes and checked it's contents. Light bill, and you heard him cursing under his breath.
He is so much taller up close.
"Right…alright, see you around…" You said before quickly going up the stairs, so taken aback that you completely forgot about the elevator.
You arrived to your flat, a bit agitated, and closed the door with the lock behind you. And added a chair under the doorknob, for good measure.
You left the food on the table, and quickly went to grab one of your guns. A SIG Sauer P320, and you checked every room, not that there were many rooms to check. The bedroom, the living-dining room, and the bathroom. Both for people and for cameras or mics, but everything looked normal, nothing out of the ordinary, nothing out of place. Lock the windows just in case.
After your thorough search, you sat at your dinner table, left the gun next to you, before beginning to unpack your food. You ate as your eyes were fixated on the door, waiting for someone to come in shooting, for a team, for a raid, anything.
0000 – No contact.
0100 – No contact.
0200 – Still no contact.
0300 – Fuck, I’m tired.
Not today, it seems...fuck, this isn't a coincidence, out of all the buildings in this fucking island he lives here? No bloody way. They know.
next: chapter two "charlie foxtrot"
if you like it leave me some kudos or suggestions on ao3! <3
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ubeetlebum · 9 months
The signs as old-ass kids shows.
Aries: The gutsy frog. Frog with anger issues sealed in a t-shirt. It would have conquered the world already if it wasn't for the fact that it is, well, sealed in a t-shirt, which belongs to a high school student. Instead, he gets him in constant trouble.
Taurus: The Mozart Band. Four classical music nerd kids LARP 24/7 about being their fav composers. (💥Flash warning)
Gemini: Heathcliff. Garfield's evil twin, basically. He bullies dogs and topples trash cans for fun. He also has a hot girlfriend unlike Garfield.
Cancer: Stories of Maple Town. Sylvanian Families x Animal Crossing vintage crossover.
Leo: Where in the world is Carmen Sandiego. A thief that wears red, tells you everything you need to know. I think it got a reboot recently.
Virgo: Once upon a time... Life. Whatever this had going on.
Libra: Punky Brewster. Coolest girl in Chicago, meets grumpiest old man in Chicago. Together they fight the cold-hearted bureaucracy foster care system. Also she has a puppy. And mismatched sneakers.
Scorpio: Dennis the Menace. Suburban kiddo terrorizes his neighborhood. Still makes himself look like an angel in front of the right people.
Sagittarius: Willy Fogg. Furry British rich lion makes a crazy bet, takes his butler on a trip, while the police tries to arrest him for a robbery he didn't commit and gets a girlfriend who he saved when she was about to get burned alive. Nothing boring in the life of this gentleman.
Capricorn: David the gnome. Everyone's dad. Looks after everyone and fights trolls.
Aquarius: Pippi Longstocking. Coolest girl in town, is rich, doesn't go to school, lives alone with a monkey and a magic horse, her dad is a pirate and can fight the police on her own. Mums banned their kids from watching this cause they considered her an awful role model. Kids thought she was the coolest.
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Pisces: Muppet Babies. A bunch of toddlers having very vivid collective hallucinations all day long in a nursery.
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artificialqueens · 3 years
Me and You Together, 5/10 (Taywhora) - Ortega
fic summary: The cardinal rule of having flatmates is that you Do Not Catch Feelings For Your Flatmates, because everything inevitably goes to shit and gets made horrifically awkward. A’whora and Tayce both know this, but being in first year of uni and making good decisions have never really gone hand in hand.
a/n: I’M SO SORRY THIS TOOK SO LONG! i won’t bore u with a big long a/n but i will say thank u so so much for everyone that’s shown this fic love and been supportive to me over the writing process of this chapter, it means the world. this one has a content warning for…drumroll please…smut! enjoy u slaaaags xo
last chapter: October- The gang made plans for their first year together, Tia gave everyone plans for the evening, and A'whora had a realisation that would change the dynamic of her friendship with Tayce forever.
this chapter: February- Tayce has always hated Valentine’s day. But will hatching a plan with Lawrence and spending the day with A’whora change her opinion on it this year?
Tayce thinks it’s nothing short of a miracle that they’ve not been caught yet.
Honestly, she should’ve known how her and A’whora attempting to sneak around would go from the start; it’s not as if either of them are subtle people. Between A’whora always needing people’s eyes and attention to be on her and Tayce simply being unable not to attract attention, it’s hard for either of them to be covert in any way, shape or form.
The first time (or first three times in quick succession) back last month had been easy enough; by the time Bimini, Lawrence and Ellie had returned back to the flat from their day drinking expedition with Ellie’s friend they’d all been too drunk to see their hands in front of their faces, never mind notice that Tayce’s room smelt of sex and that A’whora’s top was on back to front. But living with four other people and trying to find a time where they’re all out of the flat at the same time is like gold dust, so a lot of the time Tayce and A’whora will disappear to one of their rooms (ten minutes apart, so as not to attract suspicion) and then have to spend the entire rendezvous talking in hushed whispers or biting down hard on their lips or whining into their pillows to make sure nobody boots down the door and demands to know what’s going on.
Still, even if it’s quiet and covert, Tayce is nothing short of addicted to this new layer of the relationship she has with A’whora. There’s something intoxicating about giving A’whora what she wants: it’s in the way her big, pleading doe-eyes flutter shut in ecstasy, the way her lips drop open from a bratty pout into a blissful gasp or a too-loud moan that makes Tayce feel like clamping a hand over her mouth. It’s surely only a matter of time before the others find out and ruin this whole thing for them so Tayce wants to make sure A’whora doesn’t blow their cover, because there’s part of her that loves keeping it all under wraps like it’s their own little secret they share.
Besides, the sight of A’whora biting down hard on her knuckles when she’s trying desperately not to make a sound is never one that Tayce is going to pass up on.
It’s the way she goes quiet when things get intense and Tayce has to draw her words out of her like she does her orgasm, because aside from the fact that she needs to know if A’whora’s enjoying everything Tayce is doing, the way she starts blushing whenever she tells her what she wants or how good something feels is sinful enough to make Tayce believe that maybe hell wouldn’t be so bad.
The juxtaposition of the devilishness A’whora manages to radiate whilst looking like and talking with the voice of an angel isn’t lost on Tayce. The way she’s so eager to please, the way she always asks if everything’s okay, the way she’ll look up from between Tayce’s legs with that ever-so-slightly deer in the headlights look with her juice smeared across her lips like gloss and wait for Tayce to tell her everything feels amazing before she’ll relax, and a mischievous grin will take hold on her face before she’ll continue pushing her increasingly closer to the edge. Tayce had always thought praise kinks were a myth but A’whora is the living Kelpie that disproves her theory. She only ever needs to tell her that she’s a good girl, or that she’s pretty, or that she’s perfect (usually with a princess tacked onto it for good measure) for A’whora to whimper and beg, greedy and impatient. The way she reacts to the praise is enough to make Tayce want to keep giving it, so she supposes the relationship is a symbiotic one.
It’s funny the way they seem to swap personalities in bed. Tayce- who usually can’t shut up or slow down if her life depended on it- likes hushed giggles, breathy gasps, biting hard on her lip to make sure she’s not too loud. She likes to draw out the foreplay and teasing until they’re both burning up and so wet they drip down their thighs and onto the sheets, and when she fucks A’whora she’s always painstaking and precise, slow and languid. A’whora, for her part, is the opposite. She moans and whines and bucks her hips in the air, always desperate for satisfaction and to satisfy Tayce in return. She knows exactly how to push Tayce to the edge and then over it and she never wastes a minute getting there, sometimes ripping two or three orgasms from her in quick succession with nothing short of relentless, smug determination. They shouldn’t work together but Jesus Christ, they do.
It’s because of all this that the way they sneak around has become a kind of foreplay for them. The trips to the smoking area on nights out just so Tayce can back A’whora against the wall and crash her lips against hers needily. The squeeze they’ll give each others’ thighs under the table if they’ve all gone somewhere for dinner together, and the twinkle in both of their eyes acting as a promise of things to come later. The text A’whora gives Tayce from the sofa opposite as they’re all sitting around watching whatever shite Tia has stuck on that simply says “i want to 👅 your 🐈 until you 💦” which makes Tayce almost choke on whatever she happens to be eating or drinking.
But she supposes the rest of her flatmates have been too wrapped up in their own feelings to even notice her and A’whora’s lack of subtlety. The end of January saw Tia finally make things official with Veronica who she’d been seeing for a few months already, so she’s been bouncing around the flat with a spring in her step and a permanent smile on her face and always humming or singing a cheerful tune under her breath. Tayce is happy for the girl, she really is, but even she has to admit the pair of them acting like little loved-up Sylvanian Family squirrels is vaguely nauseating; the way they’ll nuzzle each others’ noses while curled up together on the sofa and the way they happily belt along to Heathers while they make pancakes together at eight in the morning on a Sunday, which is never the hangover cure they seem to think it is.
In stark contrast, Ellie has been stomping through the flat for the past few weeks or so as if she’s an assassin with a bounty on Cupid. At literally any mention of love or romance she’s there with a fake retch or a huge roll of her blue eyes, talking about how she wishes every couple on earth would drop off the face of it. She has stark disregard for Tia’s happiness, preferring instead to wallow in her own misery. It’s immature and it’s petty and it’s completely ridiculous but Tayce supposes Ellie is hurt and heartbroken, and Tia and Veronica are getting the brunt of it because they’re the root cause.
If Ellie is bad then Lawrence is worse. If Ellie is pissed off then Lawrence is woeful, and she’s not much better whenever she’s forced to be around the flat’s new couple. Her usually cheerful jokes poking fun at her various flatmates are now entirely based around how single she is, all delivered as if Eeyore had a stand-up set. There’s only so many times Tayce can fake-laugh at each variation, only so much enthusiasm she can inject into the laugh she gives in response to “I’m so single I canny even get a bus to hit on me”. Combined with the constant way Crazy for You is getting blasted from behind her closed bedroom door on a loop, Lawrence has been acting like the lesbian reincarnation of Bridget Jones for entirely too long to be considered acceptable.
“Why don’t we just tell Els that Lawrence likes her?” A’whora had suggested, as they’d lain in Tayce’s bed naked apart from her duvet that was wrapped around them both and the opening drum beat to Crazy for You had cut through the wall for the third time in the past ten minutes.
(Tayce knows Lawrence had asked her not to tell A’whora about her crush on Ellie. She does feel bad for telling A’whora about her crush on Ellie. But when A’whora had asked her why she thought Lawrence had been behaving like a war-era mourning widow for the past few weeks it had just slipped out. Besides, the threat of a month without sex that Tayce had used as leverage so A’whora wouldn’t blab to Ellie about it has so far seemed to be good enough motivation. As it stands neither of them seem to be able to go three days without a shag, so she’s really hoping A’whora doesn’t open her big mouth for both their sakes.)
“It’s not that simple,” Tayce had muttered, threading some of A’whora’s long, straight hair through her fingers absent-mindedly as she spoke. “There’s feelings there, they wouldn’t be able to just fall together like we did. It’s messier when there’s crushes involved. With us it’s just good sex with a good friend, you know?”
A’whora had gone quiet as she nodded, a minute frown appearing on her face. Tayce supposes it had been as a result of the prospect of more Madonna ballads from Lawrence’s room for the foreseeable future.
Bimini, who Tayce has been the most concerned about picking up on something being different between her and A’whora, has been surprisingly and uncharacteristically imperceptive. Bimini being Bimini hasn’t let on that there’s anything different going on with them, but Tayce is sure it’s got something to do with the bashful smile they give their phone screen sometimes, or the way they seem to be at the flat with them all less and less of late, or the uni project they’re completing with their friend Asttina which seems to have been going on for about a fortnight. Whatever it is, they seem happier than usual; a little cheerful glow lighting them up from the inside out that Tayce just knows there’s a reason behind. She’ll let them tell her in their own time.
If the atmosphere in the flat had been full of mixed-up, chaotic sets of feelings before, then when it reaches Valentine’s Day it’s on another level entirely.
Tayce begins her day waking up, rubbing her eyes, and stretching as far as her bones and muscles will allow. She’s alone in bed- she and A’whora never sleep over in each others’ rooms, the overwhelming amount of suspicion it would draw the next day would be staggering- but Tayce sometimes wonders what it would be like to wake up with A’whora. Maybe she’d be curled around her, having sought her out in the night to cuddle. Maybe she talks in her sleep. Maybe she snores. Tayce doesn’t know why she’s thinking about this, or indeed why she wants to know what it would be like.
They’re just friends, after all.
She sleepily snatches up her phone from her bedside table, checks the time (10am, a decent enough lie in) and then checks her notifications. She’s got a Whatsapp message from A’whora and she ends up spluttering a laugh as she opens it. It’s a photo of her having clearly just woken up, hair all messy in its bun and bags under her brown eyes. She’s sinking into the pillow and pulling a face that gives her a double chin. She looks a state, but something about the photo makes Tayce’s heart happy. It’s the fact that A’whora- the same A’whora who took a month before she let her flatmates see her without makeup, does a full face before even going to Tesco, and fake tans twice a week- has sent her a selfie with a sleepy, bare, ridiculous face. Tayce has always felt a little like their friendship has been a series of breaking down A’whora’s walls and with this, another one has crumbled. It’s nice that she trusts Tayce enough with every little part of her, and it’s a responsibility that Tayce doesn’t take lightly.
The message that accompanies the photo says “Happy valentine’s day bestie xxx” and Tayce feels her heart flutter a bit. It should feel weird that A’whora’s acknowledging the significance of the day. It’s kind of overstepping the line they’ve drawn together, it’s sort of breaking an unspoken promise.
But regardless, Tayce doesn’t mind. She actually likes it, more than she probably should. So she taps her nails against the screen, smiling in spite of herself as her message starts to appear.
T: that selfie’s really doing it for me uno
T: got me all excited for the romantic valentine’s day sex we’re gonna be having xo
The screen tells her that A’whora’s typing, and she can feel the heat begin to pool in her stomach already at the prospect of some flirty texts to start the day off. That is until there’s a muffled drum beat and an oboe that drifts into Tayce’s consciousness through the wall, and she realises with visceral frustration that Lawrence is playing that god damn bloody fucking song again.
Tayce lifts her leg and kicks the wall that separates her room and Lawrence’s with a thud thud thud, hoping it’ll make it all stop- the soundtrack to her friend’s emotional pining doesn’t double up as a good soundtrack to dirty texting. To Tayce’s exasperation, however, her door flies open a few moments later, and she cranes her neck and buries her phone under her pillow to find that Lawrence has invited herself in.
“Did you knock?” she asks inquisitively. Tayce narrows her eyes.
“If ‘knocked’ means ‘banged on the wall to shut you up’, then yeah, I did,” Tayce deadpans. Lawrence doesn’t seem to take the hint and instead lets out a dramatic sign, flops down beside Tayce on her bed as if to fully illustrate the fact she isn’t leaving anytime soon.
“Tayyyce,” she begins, whining pitifully. Lawrence is never one to conceal how she’s feeling and always wears her heart on her sleeve, which Tayce can appreciate in a friend. If Lawrence is annoyed, she’ll tell you. If Lawrence is happy, she’ll show it. If Lawrence is pining after her best friend she’s been in love with for years, she’ll let everyone know…apart from the only girl it affects directly.
“What is it, babe?” Tayce asks sympathetically, rolling onto her side to give her friend a cuddle. She knows what the matter is, but she also knows Lawrence clearly wants to vent, so she’ll be a good friend and let her.
Lawrence huffs a sigh. “Tia’s all loved up with Veronica in the kitchen and Bimini’s probably off shagging their pal right now and Ellie’s never going to know I exist as anything other than a friend. I fuckin’ hate Valentine’s Day.”
Tayce would normally agree. Tayce usually hates it too. It’s corporate and cheap and tokenistic, as if the only ways people can show love are through red roses, chocolate or teddies. Pick one or all three, give them to the person you love the most otherwise did you ever really love them at all? Maybe she’d like it better if she had someone to spend it with, but she’s not. She’s never.
Apart from today, that is. Apart from A’whora.
“It’s bullshit,” Tayce nods, squeezing Lawrence’s side. “But hey, you’re not on your own, girl. I’ve not got anyone to spend it with either, and neither’s A’whora.”
Lawrence sticks her bottom lip out. “Yeah, but you two aren’t all sad with feelings and crushes. I mean, we all know A’whora’s not got a heart so she’s off to a flyer already.”
Tayce laughs at Lawrence’s joke even though they both know it couldn’t be less true if she tried. She pokes Lawrence’s arm, frowning and unable to stand her moping much longer. “Well, why don’t you try and make a move today? Y’know, show Ellie why you’re a good option as well.”
“A good option? Sorry, I didn’t realise I’m sat in a fridge next to a sandwich as part of a Tesco meal deal,” Lawrence rolls her eyes. Tayce nudges her with her foot to make a point.
“Fuck off. You know what I mean! Hang out with her, do something fun. Maybe dial up the flirting a bit.”
Lawrence rolls over onto her side to face her, as if to drive home the pointed stare she’s fixing her with. “Have you ever seen me trying to flirt? There’s a reason I’ve never brought a girl back here. I mean my vagina’s so out of use I think it’s closed up like a pierced ear nobody’s put an earring through in a while.”
Tayce lets out a screech, part-horrified, part-disgusted. Her stomach hurts as she tries to collect herself, and an idea forms in her mind. “You could so do it if you tried. Hey, here’s what to do, right? Tia and Veronica are going out for that big romantic beach walk Tia’s been talking our ears off about for weeks. Bimini’s missing in action, as you said, and probably will be for most of the day. And I’ll get A’whora out of the flat for a while. So that means you’ve got Ellie all to yourself, on Valentine’s day, ready to be…I don’t know, wined, dined and sixty-nined.”
It’s Lawrence’s turn to howl in disgust now, but the sparkle’s back in her eyes as she grins at Tayce. “I don’t think we’re at that stage yet, doll. But I don’t know, maybe you’re right. I mean she’s never gonna see me as anything more than a friend if I keep acting like only that, is she?”
Tayce smiles, glad to see she’s instilled some confidence in her friend. “That’s my girl!”
Lawrence claps her hands together decisively. “There we go, then. I’ll have her drippin’ like a knackered fridge in no time!”
The pair of them burst out into untethered shrieks of laughter, ones that draw footsteps from the hall and cause Tayce’s door to open again, this time to reveal both Ellie and A’whora. It looks as if the pair of them were together too, and Tayce thinks it wouldn’t be unusual if Ellie had been venting to A’whora about her own unrequited crush.
“What the hell is so funny? I’m trying to do a big emotional, dramatic monologue about my broken heart to this one but I can’t, because all we can hear is your monkey screeching through the wall,” Ellie grumps, sitting herself down at the foot of the bed.
“We were shagging. That’s just the noise I make when I come,” Lawrence deadpans. As Ellie and A’whora splutter a laugh, Tayce fixes Lawrence with an incredulous stare, one which she hopes communicates “if that was you flirting then what the fuck?”.
“G’wan, Els. Do your big monologue here,” Tayce encourages her, budging up as A’whora squashes onto the bed too even though there’s barely room for two at the best of times, never mind four. A’whora groans long-sufferingly.
“Please don’t make me sit through it again.”
Ellie turns to her friend, affronted. “Girl!”
“I’m joking, babe.”
Appeased, Ellie lets out a plaintive little sigh as she casts her gaze up to the ceiling. “I’m just fucked off. I mean I get that Tia’s happy, and I’m happy for her-”
“No you’re not,” Lawrence cuts in matter-of-factly.
“No I’m not, but that’s beside the point,” Ellie rolls with the interruption, making Tayce snort with her honesty. “I just wish they weren’t…rubbing it in my face all the time, you know?”
“They can’t rub it in your face if they don’t know you like Tia, Ellie. You can’t get annoyed at them for existing,” A’whora pulls a face, honest to a fault. It’s something else that Tayce really appreciates about her; she knows she’ll never get bullshitted by A’whora, knows she’s truthful and upfront. It’s just another part of what makes their arrangement work so well- she knows A’whora’s not exactly going to be covering up any feelings anytime soon.
Ellie continues with a huff. “I know. And I know I’m being unfair, and I know I’m being immature about it all.”
“Give yourself some credit, girl, you only just turned eighteen about five minutes ago. You’re allowed to be immature,” Tayce quips, earning a laugh from A’whora and Lawrence and a scowl from Ellie that she knows she doesn’t really mean.
“It just sucks not being able to turn my feelings off. I want to get over her, you know? It’s just hard when we live together and Veronica’s round all the time.”
There’s a lull in conversation where the girls hum in agreement and empathy. Tayce chooses this time to sneakily elbow Lawrence in her side, as if to nudge her towards spending time with Ellie.
Lawrence takes the hint. “Ellie, what’re you doing today, hen?”
Ellie looks despondently at her. “Probs greetin’ into a pint of Haagen Dazs. How?”
“Well, I’m wanting to dye my hair,” Lawrence says, and the niche context for spending time together knocks Tayce for six a little. “And although I wouldn’t trust you to keep a succulent alive, I’d trust you to do a not awful job of hairdresser duties. You wanty help me out with it?”
Tayce tries not to look at A’whora because she knows they’ll end up sharing a knowing smile that’s entirely too suspicious as Ellie’s face lights up. “If anything would cheer me up right now it’s the prospect of fucking up your hair beyond all recognition.”
“Brilliant,” Lawrence deadpans, though there’s a little smile on her lips which suggests to Tayce that Ellie could very well completely shave her completely bald then dye her scalp yellow and Lawrence would still thank her.
Tayce turns to smile at A’whora. Time to hold up her end of the deal.
“Well, I don’t much fancy staying to deal with the fallout of this inevitable disaster. You wanna go for brunch somewhere?”
A’whora’s so clearly trying to bite back her smile, make it seem more contained and controlled, but it still spreads across her face like a sunbeam and it warms Tayce’s heart like one too. “Alright. S’pose I could squeeze you into the calendar somewhere.”
As the pair of them lock eyes and Tayce struggles to suppress her own smile, the girls are interrupted by a knock on the door. Tayce shouts them in, figuring they might as well squeeze a few more people onto the bed while they’re at it and attempt some sort of world record, but it’s Tia and Veronica and they aren’t staying long judging by the fact they’ve both got their jackets on.
“Just saying goodbye before our lil’ seaside adventure!” Tia smiles, her happiness completely uncontained and radiating from her; if A’whora’s smile was a sunbeam then Tia encapsulates the energy of the whole burning star. Tayce is happy for her.
“Have fun girlies, don’t do anything I wouldn’t do!” Tayce smiles, waggling her fingers in a wave.
“Aye, no sex on the beach!” Lawrence says, unsubtle and untactful as ever. Veronica flushes so red she borders on purple, and Ellie gives a laugh dripping in schadenfreude.
“Wind your bloody neck in, you menace,” Veronica bites back good-humouredly, the dregs of her embarrassment still colouring her cheeks. “Have you seen the weather forecast for today? It’s absolutely freezing!”
“That the only thing stopping you? Sure you wouldn’t be the only people in existence that’ve tried to shag wearing two jumpers and a parka,” Lawrence continues to joke, and by now Ellie is a collapsed heap on the bed.
Tia speaks for her girlfriend who’s still blushing fire-engine red. “Well usually, Lawrence, you wear sexy underwear for your girlfriend on Valentine’s day. Not that you’d know.”
A’whora and Ellie let out a little whoop of shock in response to the shady comment, which neither Lawrence nor Tayce join in with. Tayce deigns to give it a little smirk, but knowing how Lawrence has been feeling for the past few weeks kind of removes the humour of the comment for her.
“Here, watch it. Only I’m allowed to make jokes about how single I am,” Lawrence herself narrows her eyes in response, before smiling tightly at the loved-up pair. “Anyway, have a lovely time, you two!”
“We will!” Veronica practically squeaks in delight, flicking some of her blonde hair over her shoulders as she loops her arm through Tia’s and they leave the flat, the front door clicking behind them. There’s a silence in Tayce’s room before Lawrence speaks again.
“Smug wee gits.”
The rest of the girls dissolve into giggles, Tayce whacking Lawrence on the arm. “Shut up, bitter Betty. Go make your bad hair choices.”
“Right, let’s go!” Ellie claps excitedly before reaching out for Lawrence’s hand. She of course accepts gladly, a hint of pink blush to her cheeks as she’s dragged out of the room by her enthusiastic friend.
The moment Tayce’s door shuts A’whora shimmies up next to her side, a little twinkle in her eye that Tayce knows all too well.
“Hey you,” she smiles, throwing an arm and a leg over Tayce in a full-body hug. Tayce laughs at her clinginess, how she remembers A’whora describing herself as “not much of a huggy person” when they first met in freshers’ week and now she’s the human embodiment of a baby koala.
“Stop flirting, God,” Tayce shoots back playfully, watching the affronted expression take hold on A’whora’s face for only a second before pulling her in for a kiss that A’whora instantly turns up the heat of. Her lips are soft but her kiss is full of a hunger that makes something inside Tayce tighten up, and there’s something about the way A’whora clearly wants her that leaves her feeling ever-so-slightly breathless.
“Right, that’s enough of that,” Tayce jokes as she pulls away, and A’whora’s plaintive pout is almost motivation enough to keep going. But Tayce has made a promise to Lawrence, so she doubles down. “C’mon, get ready. And wear something classy as well, we ain’t going to some scaff caff we could spend any old hungover morning in.”
“Wait, were you serious about brunch?” A’whora’s expression changes, her smile becoming almost shy. It’s ever-so-slightly adorable and completely endearing.
“Yeah, girl! I said to Lawrence I’d take you out so that her and Ellie can have some alone time. Get your shit sorted,” Tayce explains.
There’s shutters that go down behind A’whora’s eyes suddenly, and Tayce narrows her eyes, confused. “Unless you’re not keen?”
“No, of course I’m keen!” A’whora brightens up a little, smiles at Tayce mischievously. “If you’re taking me out, though, you’re paying.”
Tayce blurts out a laugh. “Fuck off! Fine, I’ll pay today. Just means you have to pay next time.”
“Oh there’s a next time, is there?”
A’whora’s batting her lashes at her flirtatiously, but her words have made Tayce’s heart do a little somersault. She supposes what they’re doing is a little bit like a date, and that’s not what their relationship is. They used to hang out like that, though, used to do things just the pair of them like go to the library and pretend to do work, go for lunch at Nandos, watch films together curled up in bed. In a way, Tayce supposes nothing has changed. It would be weird to not hang out just the two of them just because they’ve started hooking up.
So Tayce just returns the smile, casual and chill because that’s what they’ve agreed to be. “I gotta get paid back somehow, don’t I?”
“Could pay you back in other ways,” A’whora winks, and Tayce splutters in a giggle.
“Shut your whore mouth or we’ll never bloody leave the flat.”
They get ready after that, anticipative energy radiating through the wall of A’whora’s room. Tayce feels almost a little nervous. She doesn’t know why. It’s just a brunch, and it’s just A’whora. If she thinks about it, though, A’whora’s never been just A’whora. Tayce has always found an element of joy in spending time with her that she hasn’t ever felt with the others. The spark that goes off in her heart whenever A’whora laughs at one of her jokes, the comfort she takes in just being in the same room as her. The way Tayce has always looked forward to the time they get to spend alone together and the way that, since they started whatever the hell this is, that feeling has only intensified.
It feels more intense now than it ever has before, though. Maybe because it’s a little bit like a date. Maybe because it’s exactly like a date. Maybe because Tayce shouldn’t be this happy about that fact. Maybe the way she used to fancy A’whora- the way she used to just want to kiss her and get her in her bed- has evolved since they started this whole friends-with-benefits situation.
She takes a little deep breath, frowning at herself as she does her lipstick in the mirror.
“Pull yourself together, girl,” she mutters under her breath; because really, what the hell kind of levels of freaked out would A’whora be if Tayce were to show or to tell her any of this? They’re just friends. Friends that hook up. Nothing more than that, and Tayce can’t let herself hope that hard either.
A’whora knocks on Tayce’s door just as she’s securing two gold hoops into her ears. She’s taken the wear something classy brief as seriously as Tayce knew she would, and she’s dressed in a short, black leather skirt and a black and white tailored shirt; one colour on each side, separated by buttons down the middle. Every little detail and accessory has been as thought out as an outfit from a fashion student could be: a pearl choker around her neck and a pearl headband through her intricately curled hair, simple silver earrings and a pink faux fur coat and the black Michael Kors bag that Tayce knows has been her pride and joy since she got it for Christmas. Her legs are bare and she’s wearing high black stilettos which make her legs look entirely too good, and in turn fill Tayce’s head with memories that she needs to push out of her head or else the outfit A’whora’s spent so long putting together is going to end up on the floor.
“Love this,” Tayce points at her approvingly, and A’whora’s smile is a little bashful as she gives a twirl. “You look stunning. I mean, you’ll be freezing. But you’ll be stunning and freezing.”
“Just means you can warm me up later,” A’whora winks at her, and Tayce hides a giggle behind her hand. She never used to get shy if a girl flirted with her, especially not one with the lack of flirting abilities that A’whora possesses. She could always give as good as she got, she still can.
Tayce doesn’t know, though. Something about the past month with A’whora has changed her a little now that their relationship is inherently more intimate. Tayce can drop the cool, calm and collected persona she always used to wear to get girls into bed. Instead she’s allowed herself to be a little more goofy, a little more wild and animated and energised. A little more herself.
“You look stunning too, though,” A’whora adds with sincerity, the little grin on her face only making matters worse. Tayce has decided on a white shirt dress she’s cinched in at the waist with a huge belt, and paired it with thigh high vinyl boots. It’s one of those outfits she owns which is low effort but high payoff, especially when A’whora’s got a little twinkle in her eye like that.
Tayce snorts, grabs her bag from the side of her bed and whacks A’whora with it. “Stop trying to flatter me into bed and let’s go, gorgeous.”
They leave the flat with a shout of goodbye to Ellie and Lawrence, but judging from the way the door’s open and the showerhead’s running and both girls are yelping and laughing in the midst of some water fight, they aren’t able to hear it. Tayce leads A’whora through the cobbled streets and winding, dipping roads of the city as she talks a mile-a-minute about where they’re going and how she hopes they’ll have a free table. She almost wants to reach out and take A’whora’s hand, entwine their fingers together like another piece of the puzzle they share clicking into place. She doesn’t, but she wants to.
She’s sure the feeling will pass, anyway.
She’s sure it’s normal for her heart to swell as much as it’s currently doing as she walks beside A’whora, for it to flutter like a moth to a light whenever she smiles and flashes her teeth. A’whora is beautiful, and Tayce is sure that even friends that didn’t fuck would get tongue-tied if one of them was as stunning as she is.
To her delight, the brunch spot she’d had in mind has a table free for them; one beside the feature wall of plastic pink, blue and yellow flowers which Tayce already knows A’whora will be asking to take her photo in front of. She’s never actually been here before but she’s seen pictures on Instagram of the pink painted walls and pastel blue chairs and the white marble tabletops with shiny gold cutlery on top. She’s eyed up the breakfasts; avocado sourdough, eggs with golden yolks, and something which they’ve branded ‘donut French toast’ which A’whora is currently telling Tayce how excited she is to order, her eyes sparkling. If this was a date, it would be the perfect venue.
It’s just a pity that it isn’t.
They order two mimosas with their breakfasts- because fuck it, it’s Valentine’s day, and Tayce wants to celebrate the fact she’s got someone to spend it with even if it is just a friend- and the two of them fall into easy chat about all kinds of topics; uni, their courses, life at home in Wales and Worksop. Dating somebody new comes with stilted conversations, awkward pauses, the potential to cover a touchy subject. With A’whora there’s none of that. They already know each other inside out so they don’t have anything to re-learn. Tayce tells A’whora stories about Cara and Cheryl and understands when A’whora doesn’t join in with stories about her own friends from home. Instead, A’whora brings up their flatmates.
“I get really existential about it all. Y’know, fate and stuff,” A’whora frowns across the table at her mid-conversation. “Like, what are the odds the five strangers I’d live with in first year would be people I all get on with and genuinely like? And most of them would become my best friends in the world. You know?”
Tayce nods understandingly. “No, I get that. And like, fate putting Ellie and Lawrence in the same flat when they’d known each other for that long. And Tia and Bimini on the same train up when they moved in. What a small world?”
“Everything happens for a reason,” A’whora says quietly, shaken out of her small reverie by the plate of sugar-covered toast that’s being placed in front of her and thanking the waitress politely. Tayce can’t help but splutter a laugh when they’re left alone together again, looking at how A’whora’s eyes have lit up at the food in front of her.
“You’re like a child! An actual child. Swear to God, girl, you’ve got the same eating habits as Will Ferrel in Elf.”
A’whora cackles a laugh opposite her. Tayce wonders why it gives her such a sense of pride when A’whora laughs at something she says. Well, no- she knows exactly why, and the reason makes her stomach flip over like clothes in a tumble drier. She can’t think too much about that, though, so she thinks of something else quickly to take her mind off it.
“Right. I’ve got a fun game. First impressions of the five of us, go,” Tayce says, the idea coming to her as a result of what A’whora’s said. In response A’whora’s eyebrows shoot up, a scheming smile on her face as she tilts her head to consider her response.
“Ooh, well…easiest one is Bimini, because obviously I loved them from the get go.”
“How could you not?” Tayce agrees, spearing a strawberry from the pancakes she’s ordered herself.
“They just had this calm, kind aura that just immediately made me feel loads better about being away from home,” A’whora continues, nodding earnestly. “Same with Lawrence, although she was different. I actually thought she was batshit crazy. Or like, an alien, because no one human could be that funny.”
Snorting, Tayce points a finger at A’whora in recognition. “Jesus, that’s so true! I mean I’ve told you the story of when I first got to the flat? I actually thought she might’ve been on something. But that’s just who she is; when she’s up she’s up and when she’s down she’s down.”
There’s a pause as A’whora eats some more of her French toast, her gaze fixing on the wall as she thinks. “Ellie was the opposite. I didn’t know what to make of her at first. She was dead quiet and I think my back was up because I hated her dress sense.”
Tayce splutters. “Of course it was.”
“But now, like…God, don’t you miss the days when Ellie was quiet?” A’whora laughs affectionately. “I don’t know what I’d do without her, though.”
“She seemed a little more reserved than the others at first. But then that comes back to what you were saying about fate, because Lawrence definitely helped bring her out of her shell a bit.”
A’whora nods as she considers Tayce’s words, then her face breaks into a smile and she hides a guilty laugh behind her hands. “Tia…I thought I would not get on with at all.”
Tayce sips her drink and shrugs. “Well, you didn’t get on with her at first.”
“True. She’s just not somebody I would’ve ever hung out with before. I mean she’s told me before she thinks I would’ve bullied her in school, which, to be fair, I might’ve done,” A’whora pulls a guilty face. “But I guess being somehow the only two bitches with the ability to clean the flat is one hell of a bonding opportunity.”
Tayce feels her jaw drop open, offended. “Hey! I clean the flat!”
A’whora smirks. “Oh what, you pour undiluted Zoflora into the overflowing bin bag so it doesn’t smell, instead of actually…I don’t know, taking the bin out? My mistake, sorry. You’re actually the second coming of Mrs Hinch.”
The pair of them giggle together and Tayce sticks out her tongue in response. She takes a bite of her own breakfast before thinking about the girl they’re considering.
“I thought Tia was nice. Fun. I never saw her becoming my bestie or anything, but you know,” Tayce shrugs.
“No, that title was reserved for me,” A’whora smiles smugly. Tayce decides to have a bit of fun with her, tilts her head and narrows her eyes a little.
“You mean Bimini?”
“Fuck off,” A’whora fires back instantly, and Tayce throws her head back in a laugh. The laughter dies down as both girls eat some more of their food, until Tayce frowns at A’whora suddenly.
“You never said me.”
“Oh!” A’whora realises. Tayce thinks for a second that she could be blushing, but the sun has begun to appear behind the clouds and the light is shining through the glass windows and hitting the pink walls. It could just be that.
She looks gorgeous for it regardless.
“Do you want me to go first?” Tayce smirks, breaking out into a laugh as A’whora gives her an unimpressed glare.
“No, because I already know you’re gonna tell me you thought I was a total weirdo.”
“Not true! I actually thought you were a lot like me. Scared, nervous, a bit emotional. Well,” Tayce reaches across the table and pokes her playfully. “Maybe a bit more emotional than I was, but you know.”
A’whora rolls her eyes. “Good.”
“But seriously, I thought we were actually quite similar, y’know, underneath it all,” Tayce says, her voice growing a little quiet as she thinks. “It’s weird, isn’t it? The first maybe…month of uni. Everyone’s figuring shit out and either building new facades or letting their old ones from school or their hometowns drop. It’s rare you find someone who’s just real from the get-go.”
A’whora nods. “I think that was another reason why I was so scared. Because I was one of the bitches in school, and coming here I didn’t have those toxic friendships around me anymore. And you coming into my room on that first day was like…the first time in a while someone had actually been nice? And kind? So I guess I didn’t have much of a choice to just be myself. But also there was a part of me that didn’t really know what that looked like. You know?”
The conversation’s taken a deep turn, and Tayce doesn’t really know why. It’s not a result of one singular mimosa, she knows that much. But she’s glad A’whora feels like she’s able to talk like this with her. She knows it’s not always easy for her to open up to her friends, she knows she’s been burned in the past.
So Tayce reaches out across the table and takes her hand. “Well, to me…Aurora is a caring, kind, loyal friend. She has the biggest heart and all this love to give to so many people. She’s a shady hound, but we all love her for it. And all her friends treasure her because they know how lucky they are to have her in their lives.”
Tayce can tell A’whora’s trying to stop herself from smiling, and her gaze drops down to the table bashfully as she tucks her hair behind her ears. It’s almost like she’s embarrassed, self-conscious of the way all the diamonds of her personality have been excavated and laid bare. For a second Tayce feels a flush hit her face, wondering if she’s overstepped a mark, but then A’whora’s eyes lock onto hers and she’s smiling gratefully.
“Thanks, Tayce.”
Tayce would love to take her other hand. Tayce would love to lean over the table and kiss her in front of everyone else in the room. Tayce would love to tell A’whora everything she’s feeling, all these little moments and emotions illustrating a bigger picture that Tayce just wants her to colour in.
But they’re friends. So Tayce gives A’whora’s hand one last squeeze and winks at her as she draws her hand away.
“You’re welcome. Slag.”
And then they’re smiling at each other, and the conversation moves on. A’whora never did say what her first impressions of Tayce were, and it’s too late to ask her again. Tayce supposes it doesn’t really matter all that much. She’s more interested in how A’whora feels about her now. For example- does she feel the same way Tayce is feeling? Is she sitting opposite her trying to stop her heart jumping every time she smiles, trying to stop the butterflies fluttering in her stomach? Tayce is an upfront, honest girl. She’s blunt, and normally she’d ask.
But this situation isn’t normal, and something’s stopping her. Tayce always used to be the girl in primary school who’d play with the boys, run around the playground roaring until her lungs were hoarse pretending to be a tiger or a dragon, roll across the dusty tarmac getting her knees scraped and dirty. One thing she always, always used to pride herself on was her fearlessness. She’d puff up her chest before the flu vaccines, the dentist, any remotely fearful situation and hit out with “I’m not scared of anything”.
Why is she so scared now? Because she’s older, and life’s big worries are no longer a needle or a tiny mirror in her mouth. She’s not afraid of anything physical, things she can see; it’s the things she doesn’t know, the things she can’t work out that scare her so much. The thought of telling A’whora that what she feels for her might not be strictly friendship any longer gives her an adrenaline rush worse than any rollercoaster she’s been on, and it’s not entirely a good kind either.
The waitress appears to clear their plates and Tayce slaps her card down against the little metal tray ready to be tapped against the reader to pay the bill, just like she’d promised. It’s funny, though, that A’whora’s lost all her gumption now the time has actually come for Tayce to follow through on her promise, and as the waitress reappears A’whora is protesting wildly.
“You honestly don’t have to pay. I was just joking!”
Tayce laughs incredulously. “Oh that was a joke, was it? Seemed like a legally binding contract when we were at the flat!”
“Shut up, hound,” A’whora sticks her tongue between her teeth as she smiles cheekily.
The waitress hands her card back to Tayce and she keeps talking as she puts it away in her purse. “Well, don’t feel bad. As I said, the next one’s on you.”
As A’whora raises her eyebrows, the waitress fixes them with a cheery smile. “Thanks so much for popping in today, ladies, and I hope you enjoy the rest of your Valentine’s Day! Is this your first one together?”
Tayce chokes a little on nothing, tries to stop her eyes from flying wide open. She doesn’t dare meet A’whora’s eye as she shakes her head. “No, uh, we’re-”
“Aw, I knew it couldn’t have been your first, I could totally tell you’d been together way longer! Well may I say, you make a lovely couple,” she continues breezily, Tayce finally meeting A’whora’s gaze and trying not to laugh. The waitress thanks them once more before disappearing, and the two girls are left in a small bubble of silence before A’whora releases her giggles, Tayce putting her hands up to her burning hot cheeks.
“Jesus, Mary and Nora, what the hell was that? The Spanish Inquisition?” Tayce babbles, and A’whora doubles over opposite her.
“Well it is Valentine’s day, Tayce. It’s not that wild to assume two good-looking girls like us with such obvious chemistry are head-over-heels in love with each other,” A’whora winks. Tayce feels her heart do a backflip at the mention of that word, and she’s got about a split-second to cover up the fact her whole body’s been rocked by a ten on the richter scale.
Just continue the joke.
“Oh, yeah. Long-term relationship, married, house, kids. The babas.”
A’whora splutters a laugh, gestures around her. “Except we don’t know where the little shits are!”
The two of them are in fits again, and for a moment Tayce could pretend that it is all real, that maybe in a different world this is a date, and they are together, and everything’s as simple as it was when she was little and not even scared of the dark.
They stumble back to the flat together all fizzy with anticipation, drunk off of one mimosa each and sheer excitable lust. The pair of them keep the joke going all the way home- they have a semi-detached house in the suburbs, their children are named Tarquin and Edith and they attend private school and go to hockey and rugby clubs, they have a live-in cleaner, they do their weekly shop at Waitrose- both of them making the story more fantastical and ridiculous with every new addition that by the time they arrive back at the flat Tayce’s stomach hurts from laughing and A’whora’s bottom lashes are smudged with mascara from her own tears of mirth.
Tayce shushes her as she turns the key in the lock of their front door, hiding her own giggles and pressing a finger to A’whora’s lips playfully. A’whora responds by opening her mouth and snapping like a crocodile, only serving to set Tayce off again as she takes her hand and opens the door, sneaking through it comically like a Scooby Doo character as they hang up their coats in the hall. Luckily, though, they don’t even need to be quiet. There’s a blast of a hairdryer from Ellie’s room which mingles with the sounds of Katy Perry behind the door, and two sets of screeching laughs that cut through the combination. Maybe Tayce and Lawrence’s plan is actually working.
Tayce feels a familiar flutter in her stomach as she pulls A’whora into her room, her anticipation building. When she closes the door she whips round to find A’whora has already dumped her bag on Tayce’s floor and is sitting on the edge of Tayce’s bed, frantically trying to unbuckle her heels. They don’t even need to discuss what’s to come. They both know it’s all the other has been able to think about all morning.
Tayce unzips her boots and sits beside A’whora, resting a hand on her bare thigh. She traces her fingers over her skin gently and presses a kiss against her neck, her heart thumping as she hears A’whora sigh gently in response.
Tayce brings her lips up against her ear as she whispers. “I think you should keep them on.”
“Fuck,” A’whora hisses, her reaction so visceral despite Tayce not really having done anything at all yet.
True to form, A’whora swivels her head around to meet Tayce’s, cups her jaw and brings their lips together in a kiss that’s eager and frantic. She can hear her breathing- heavy and laboured and shuddery as her hands push into her hair, her fingers wrapping around little sections and pulling gently in a way that makes Tayce pull back to hiss through her teeth, dig her nails into A’whora’s inner thigh in stark contrast to the way she’s been gently teasing her.
“Behave,” Tayce warns.
“You know I can’t,” A’whora murmurs, cocking an eyebrow in response. She’s got Tayce’s dark lipstick painting her own lips now and it looks too good, makes Tayce squeeze her thighs together when she thinks about the lipstick marks she wants to leave all over her bare skin.
“Can’t give you what you want if you don’t behave, princess,” Tayce responds, inching her hand up her thigh and stopping just short of where she knows A’whora wants her to. She wants it too, though. She wants to brush her fingers over the material of her underwear, feel how wet she probably already is. But not giving A’whora what she wants is just as fun as satisfying her, if only to see her being reduced to liquid form in front of her, full of frustration.
“Please, Tayce,” A’whora pulls her in again, pressing kisses to her lips between snatches of sentences. “Want it so much, fuck.”
“Already? So impatient,” Tayce runs her thumb over her soft skin again. She’s burning up too but she’s not going to lose her own composure, not when the payoff of staying in control is so good. “You gonna be good for me, angel?”
“Mm-hm,” A’whora pouts against her lips. Tayce pulls away and the sight of A’whora’s half-lidded eyes with her pupils blown from lust isn’t helping her keep a handle on the situation at all.
She gently pushes A’whora back against the mattress, straddles her whilst unbuttoning her shirt and punctuating each button with a featherlight kiss, which she knows is driving A’whora out of her mind if the way she’s squirming underneath Tayce is anything to go by. A’whora’s scrabbling at the buttons on Tayce’s dress but she doesn’t have the patience or presence of mind that she does, and Tayce almost wants to giggle at the way she’s only done two buttons by the time Tayce has got her out of her shirt.
“Fuck’s sake, why did we both choose to wear things with so many fucking buttons,” A’whora growls quietly in frustration. Before Tayce knows what’s happening, A’whora has grabbed each seam and pulled, ripping the buttons of her dress off to expose Tayce in her own bra with the criss-cross straps at the back.
A’whora’s staring at her slack-jawed and Tayce can only blink at her in response. She can’t decide if A’whora ruining her dress has pissed her off or turned her on.
It’s definitely turned her on.
“Oh, you’re in a whole world of trouble for that, missy,” she narrows her eyes, pulling the rest of her dress off before moving so she can tug down A’whora’s skirt. She’s left in a matching set of red lace which she looks so sinful in that Tayce’s brain hotwires. Judging from the way A’whora’s hips are bucking against thin air, though, she’s not the only one that’s wound up.
“Jesus, Rory, lie still,” Tayce insists through a laugh. “I’m not about to try and eat you out and get a bloody pelvic bone to the face!”
A’whora whines, and Tayce watches her chest rise and fall rapidly as she stares up to the ceiling in a petulant huff. Her pout cracks, though, when Tayce spreads her legs and kneels between them, replacing her fingers with her lips as she kisses all the way up the inside of her thighs. The way A’whora huffs in frustration and grips the duvet with white knuckles makes Tayce’s core throb, and the need to touch herself is clouding her thoughts like smoke.
She already feels like she’s on fire, so she supposes it’s apt.
So Tayce decides to have a little fun, pulls back from A’whora and sits on her heels as she lets a hand flutter across her stomach and under the waistband of her underwear. She’s not going to take it too far- she’s only trying to teach A’whora a lesson- but as she brushes her fingers over her clit Tayce can’t help but give a little gasp, the satisfaction flooding through her.
The way A’whora flinches in horror and disappointment as she sits up and realises what’s happening makes Tayce feel momentarily sorry for her.
“Tayce!” she whines pitifully. “Fuck off, that’s not fair!”
“Life’s not fair, princess,” Tayce smirks, resting her other hand on her thigh.
“Oh my God, you’re such a bitch,” A’whora pouts at her. She knows A’whora could very easily start touching herself too, but Tayce knows she won’t. Tayce knows she only wants her, and that thought is so intoxicating that it knocks her for six a little, turning up the heat from a simmer to boiling point.
“If you want something from me, you’d better start being nicer.”
A’whora sits up and takes Tayce by the hand, pulls her into a kiss that’s so intense and full of lust it almost topples her over. When she pulls back her eyes are so big and pleading that Tayce feels bad for ever teasing her in the first place. “Please, Tayce. You know I’ll be good for you.”
Tayce cocks an eyebrow at her, but she moves her hand and rests it against A’whora’s other thigh anyway. “That’s the best begging you can manage, is it?”
A’whora smirks. “I’m not used to begging, I usually don’t have much of a problem getting what I want.”
Tayce shakes her head, mocking her as she gently pushes her back against the sheets again. “Such a spoiled brat.”
“Your spoiled brat, though,” A’whora grins smugly, cutting herself off with a gasp as Tayce hooks her fingers over the waistband of her underwear and tugs it off.
Tayce knows she’s going to eat her out but seeing how wet A’whora is makes her consider fucking her with her fingers. It’s a tantalising thought; the way A’whora always has to clamp a hand over her mouth to shut herself up because her moans get too loud, the complete lack of self-control she has when she rides Tayce’s fingers and the way she’ll guide them into her mouth and suck her own juice off them afterwards- Jesus fucking Christ. Tayce needs some sort of release soon or she’s going to be too overwhelmed to speak.
She wants to hear A’whora beg just a little bit more, though. Wants to feel her squirm and taste her on her tongue and trace patterns over her clit that make her whimper and tremble. So she kisses up her thighs again but this time she doesn’t waste any time in brushing over her clit with her tongue, the broken whine A’whora gives at the contact sounding completely illegal. A’whora pushes a hand into Tayce’s hair needily, and Tayce can hear her breathing coming in short gasps as she licks over her slit, swirls her tongue over her clit in a way she knows is good but isn’t what A’whora wants. Tayce is being deliberately slow and lazy, everything A’whora doesn’t need.
“Tayce, please,” A’whora pleads. Tayce kisses against her, then makes a big show of licking A’whora’s juice off her lips. From the way A’whora squeezes her eyes shut at the sight, it’s had the desired reaction.
“What is it, baby?” she murmurs lightly. A’whora gives a broken sob, thuds her head back against the pillow.
“Please, fucking…I need to come, I’m gonna fucking die if I don’t.”
Tayce can’t help but splutter a laugh, one which makes A’whora narrow her eyes at her. She supposes she’s had her fun.
“God, well we can’t have that on the post-mortem, can we?” she deadpans, before dipping her head back between A’whora’s legs and running her tongue over her clit like she’d done before, only this time she allows herself to be a little more messy and unrestrained. She’s rewarded by the little gasps A’whora gives, the whining and the moaning that’s getting more and more frequent with every flick of her tongue.
Tayce pulls away a little, brings her head up to look at A’whora. She’s got one hand in the cup of her bra and the other limp by her side, her chest gleaming with a light sheen of sweat. Her eyes are closed and her cheeks are red and her lips have dropped open, her breathing heavy and rapid.
A’whora’s the most beautiful girl in the world, and fuck, Tayce is so screwed.
“Fuck, you’re gorgeous,” she says without thinking. She doesn’t know if she imagines it, but she swears A’whora’s cheeks grow redder.
“Does it feel good?” Tayce follows up her words, asks what she’d meant to ask in the first place.
A’whora bites her lip and nods her head. “Yeah.”
“You like it?”
“Fuck, yes,” A’whora squirms against the sheets, her frustration starting to show.
“Tell me how much.”
“Tayce, please-”
“Come on, princess. You’re being such a good girl using your words,” Tayce purrs, knowing that the praise will get a reaction out of her.
It does.
“Fuck, feels so good Tayce, so, so, fucking good…please don’t stop, please,” A’whora sighs out, then instantly cuts herself off with a cry as Tayce swipes her tongue over her clit again, gives her what she wants.
“Such a good angel baby,” Tayce murmurs against her, tracing over A’whora’s clit in circles and listening to her whimpers get more and more muffled as she bites down on her lip to shut herself up. She’s so desperate that she’s practically riding Tayce’s face at this point and it’s so hot that Tayce has to move a hand between her own legs, grinding against it as she licks A’whora again and again and surely she must be so close to the edge that-
Tayce launches her head back from between A’whora’s legs so fast she thinks she’s given herself whiplash. When she locks eyes with A’whora her eyes are wide open too, the pair of them unable to do anything but look at each other, frozen in panic.
When Ellie’s voice comes, Tayce swears she’s never been closer to committing homicide. “Tayce, A’whora! We did Lawrence’s hair, you should see it!”
“Leave it, don’t answer,” A’whora hisses frantically at her. Tayce wouldn’t even be able to reply if she wanted to, the way the blood is racing in her veins and roaring in her ears rendering her motionless.
“We know you’re in, your coats are in the hall!” Lawrence’s voice comes, louder and with a hint of accusation to it.
Tayce launches herself off the bed and throws A’whora’s clothes at her frantically as she shouts back. “Just…give us one minute!”
“The fuck are you doing in there that you need a minute?”
Tayce ignores her, trying to calmly turn her dress the right way round but it’s so inside out and jumbled up that it’s rendering the process a lot trickier than she needs it to be right now. A’whora’s in a worse situation, though- she’s got every button on her shirt to button up, and if she wasn’t able to unbutton Tayce’s shirt when she was horny she’s sure as hell unable to button her own up under pressure.
“Where the fuck is my thong? Where did you put it?” A’whora hisses at her, scrambling at the duvet in desperation. Tayce’s eyes dart round her floor, cursing herself for not having an immaculately tidy room like A’whora’s. With a sigh of relief she finds it sitting on top of a floordrobe pile and she snatches it up and throws it to A’whora quickly. She turns her attention back to her dress and can almost feel a stress headache growing at her temples. Why won’t the fucking thing turn the right way-
“Have we to stand out here all day like a pair of lemons?”
“Give us a bloody minute, Jesus!” Tayce yells back, feeling like punching the air as she finally sorts her dress out. Her blood runs cold, however, as she makes to tug it over her head and Lawrence’s voice comes again.
“For fuck’s sake, girls, I’m sure it’s not that bad, we’ve seen each other in worse states.”
The doorhandle moves and A’whora and Tayce both yell in tandem. “Nonononono!”
The door bursts open, Tayce is standing holding her unbuttoned dress in her bra and pants, A’whora’s on the bed in her thong and half a buttoned up shirt, and there’s Ellie and Lawrence in the doorway with their eyes wide and jaws slack. Lawrence, in all her freshly lilac-dyed glory, is the first to turn around, pushing against Ellie frantically as she tries to exit the room as quickly as she came in. As she’s leaving, Tayce hears the start of her sentence.
“What possible heterosexual explanation could there fuckin’ be-”
Tayce can only look at A’whora, whose head is in her hands in embarrassment. Her heart goes out to her and she crosses the room and sits beside her on the bed, placing a hand on her knee to comfort her.
“Well. They know.”
“And so will the whole flat in about five minutes’ time,” A’whora deadpans into her hands. When she pulls her head back her face is beetroot red, and even though Tayce is embarrassed too she can’t help but laugh at the state her friend is in.
“Fuck’s sake,” Tayce shakes her head as she giggles, resigned to the fact their secret is out. There’s a pause of silence before A’whora frowns.
“I’m sorry.”
Tayce frowns back at her affectionately. “What’re you apologising for! It’s not like it was either of our faults.”
There’s a silence again in which A’whora brings her knees up to her chest and hugs them.
“Do you still want to…you know. Do you still want to keep doing all this? Now they know.”
Tayce nods quickly. A thought occurs to her and she frowns. “Unless you don’t want to?”
“No! No, I still do,” A’whora insists, a shy smile growing on her face that lifts Tayce’s hopes a bit.
Tayce pokes A’whora’s arm, slyly grins in realisation. “Well. Guess if the whole flat knows then there’s no real reason to be quiet from now on, is there?”
When A’whora meets her eyes there’s a spark between them, and when they fall against the mattress together in a kiss then Tayce thinks maybe the others knowing about the pair of them won’t matter a single bit.
As long as they get to keep doing this together.
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stimsensory · 4 years
Getting Diagnosed: 2
After I had been referred for assessment, I was apparently seen in school by a Community Paediatrician. I don’t actually remember any of this, but apparently the meeting was fairly short and, according to my parents, I asked some rather blunt, inappropriate questions, such as asking whether the doctor (who I assume had an accent) was speaking English. Now, I can get how embarrassing and rude that must’ve been, but at the time I probably only asked because I was struggling to understand them (I still struggle with strong accents sometimes, or even no accents when overwhelmed, but I wouldn’t ask that now!).
The paediatrician basically summarised that whilst I showed quite a lot of traits of Asperger’s Syndrome, they wanted to wait and get more information before coming to a conclusion, which is fair enough. The appointment was fairly short, and it can be very difficult to get a full view of someone’s development after only a single, short, meeting.
At this point, my parents started looking into private options. For readers outside of the UK: most British people don’t use private healthcare, as we rely upon the NHS for many, if not all, of our medical needs. It is not common for people to buy private healthcare. It tends to allow you to essentially jump from a long queue to a shorter queue, and can mean longer appointments. Nowadays, the NHS still provides amazing physical healthcare. However, it’s mental healthcare has long waiting lines. Once you finish waiting, the care can be great. But many are forced to wait for months, if not years, for assessments for disorders like ASD.
Luckily for us, my dad had private healthcare from his employers (again, not a very common occurrence as far as I know) so we were able to seek private help. I saw a Child Neuropsychologist for around an hour a week for 6 weeks (as far as I remember). This allowed her to get to know me better and see me for longer. Rather than just seeing me once, she saw me across a longer timeline and therefore had a better understanding of my problems.
From what I remember, essentially I went to a lady’s house every week, and sat with her in the kitchen whilst my parents waited in a little room with a sofa. I remember we would do a variety of tests, that I actually enjoyed because they seemed like puzzles. For example, I remember I had to read a paragraph and recall some of it (not really interesting), and decode some symbols (way more fun). So I thought that was pretty cool, even if I didn’t actually really know what was going on or why. To be honest, I don’t remember caring that much. Maybe I thought it was tutoring, or some kind of test for school.
I did not realise my social skills were also being assessed, which is actually very good as it meant I would not have been tempted to camouflage any ‘odd’ things I did. At that point, I wasn’t really aware of which of my behaviours were considered ‘weird’, or which of my social skills were lacking. All I really knew was that I did not understand people and most of them did not understand me. I would much rather read than socialise, because other people were confusing and stressful. I had no clue why every other child could easily make friends, but rejected me almost instantly. Even according to my diagnosis, most of my classmates apparently found me annoying, whilst a few ‘tolerated’ me. So overall, I understood that I was not behaving ‘normally’, but I had no clue how to figure out what I was doing ‘wrong’ or how to change it.
Anyway, one specific aspect of the social evaluation always stood out to me. I remember at one point the Neuropsychologist told me I could bring in toys if I wanted. I took this to mean that I ought to bring some toys in, and therefore took some Sylvanian families toys in to the next meeting. From my own perspective, she never brought the toys up during the session, which confused me. I assumed I was meant to play with them, because why else would she have told me I could bring them? So I just stopped a task and played with them, because I wanted to and because I thought that was what I was supposed to do. Now, according to my assessment, “[I] would suddenly break away from a task we were in the midst of to take out a toy to play with”. Which, whilst technically true from the view of an observer, does not really fully explain my behaviour. As a side note, that is one of the main problems I find in many aspects of autism research. Many researchers make assumptions from their own, non-autistic perspective, and often assume that is the only possible reason for engaging in a certain behaviour. They often also use autism theories to explain them, which again may rely upon inferences. If the Neuropsychologist had asked why I brought the toy out I could have told her (which is not possible for many non-verbal autistic people).
Other than the above though, the Neuropsychologist noted a lot of my autistic traits. She reported after around 20 minutes I started to get fidgety in my chair (something still true today!) and was very observant of visual details. I did not engage in conversation without prompting, and made variable, occasionally inappropriate eye contact. I apparently lacked a ‘Theory of Mind’. I agree that at that point, I did not really have a well developed ToM, but now I do believe I have a fairly good ability to understand and empathise with other people, if I can figure out what they are feeling and why. I think this ToM developed in secondary school, when I essentially realised and reluctantly accepted that others did things for reasons I did not know, and would not tell me. I did not understand why others did seemingly inexplicable things, and kind of took too long to realise they don’t automatically know what I mean or experience.
When she did IQ tests, she found I had an uneven skill-set. I won’t say what my exact IQ scores were, because many people (myself included, some of the time, unless it is specifically asked) find it pretentious. But basically I did very well on the ‘Perceptual Reasoning Index’ which had stuff like visualising 3D objects I think, and a lot lower on my ‘Working Memory’, ‘Verbal Comprehension’, and ‘Processing Speed Index’. I also had a very low executive skill score, along with a low visual-motor skill score. That is the reason I was allotted extra time in exams; my processing speed is far slower than would be expected from the other scores.
At the end of all of this, I was diagnosed with Asperger’s Syndrome. In more recent documents, this is usually referred to as ‘High Functioning Autism’ of ‘Autism Spectrum Disorder’, as Asperger’s is no longer diagnosed in the DSM-5. My parents told me about the diagnosis a few months after I got it. I remember reading a few notes that suggested they were told to wait until I was around 15-16 to tell me. I am very glad they told me earlier, as it meant I no longer felt like I was just failing at socialising whilst everyone else was passing without even trying. I do not exactly remember how they told me, but I think my reaction was a little anti-climactic, as I had never really heard of autism or Asperger’s before that, which is probably good as I did not have to deal with all of the fear mongering in the media. I had no previous assumptions about autism, other than ‘huh, that’s a thing that I have that explains why I struggle with social stuff’. Once I started researching autism, it was amazing to read other people’s accounts and just think ‘hey! I do that!’ and feel like you weren’t the odd one out any more.
My actual diagnostic assessment had a lot more in it (it’s a fairly long document), but I’ve kept it brief because it’s quite personal, and because this post is already pretty long.
From what I’ve read and seen, diagnostic assessments have changed a lot over the past few years. It can apparently take months, even years, for that fairly short initial appointment. I was also lucky to have a Neuropsychologist who was aware of the differences in how autism often presents in females vs males. Nowadays, there is more attention being paid to autistic females who may have gone undiagnosed, which is hopefully a step in the right direction.
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mayor-nicola · 4 years
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Day 86- Have you already named your town?
Not yet. I have a few ideas that I’m simmering on though. I really like the name Sylvania, which is the made up land of the Calico Critters/Sylvanian Families. They have a very similar aesthetic to Animal Crossing and I think it’d fit pretty well. I’ve also been obsessed with the new Anne of Green Gables series (Anne with an E) that CBC/Netflix is doing (or was doing. Thanks for canceling one of my favorite shows again...). So, I was also considering either Green Gables or Avonlea, considering it’ll be an island like Prince Edward Island. I don’t think I’ll be recreating Aquarine, except for my characters because I love them.
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stimtoybox · 5 years
My Stim Toy Collection
Given that there’s a lot of people like me who don’t like buying online, I thought I might go over in more detail what I’ve gotten that HAS worked for me in the recent past as I find online shopping intensely overwhelming.
I live in Canada in the Fraser Valley, and have to get around by bus, so all of this is focusing on Canadian chain stores, as finding all the tiny corner-shops with niche items is almost impossible, even though I absolutely know they exist here. I’ll group the items as best I can by place, but this is still going to be a long post.
WALMART (Classic Fidgets):
Zuru Fidget Cube; I believe mine cost about 8.00 - 9.00 CAD, you can find it on Walmart.ca too right now for 8.77. It works quite well, the weight is nice and the plastic is that lovely texture. It has the silent and clicky buttons, and all the parts move quite smoothly (except possibly the joystick, but I might just find it inferior to actual game controller ones.) However, it mixes really poorly with my love-hate relationship with clicking and inability to NOT use those sides even when the noise is bothering me intensely.
Zuru Tangle Jr.; their website currently lists them for 24.00 CAD, but I found mine for I think 10.00 or 12.00 CAD in store when I went recently. I’d tried someone else’s recently and found in to be very engaging but horribly clicky; the one I bought is dead silent unless it brushes against itself. It moves like an absolute dream, and I love it to pieces. I am SO happy.
Kitty in My Pocket; these are a mystery grab bag item, for 3.47 CAD. The kitties are about the size of a large adult’s thumbnail, made of hard plastic, and absolutely adorable - they are also FLOCKED. It’s a lovely texture and I’m super happy I got one. Walmart (and Superstore) both have a ton of mystery package items right now and I had been wanting to try one out, and this was the first where I liked the potential results. If you love cats, I’d definitely suggest it.
PARTY CITY (Tiny fidgets):
Woolly Balls; singlets for 40 cents, or a pack of twelve for 5.00 CAD. These are like my ideal work fidget, as they’re small enough to go in a pocket discretely, they look fairly non-descript despite their colour, and can vanish into my palm or back into a pocket on a moment’s notice. I love rolling them across my palm for texture, or crushing two together for a different feel.
Puzzle Erasers; also singlets for 40 cents, I didn’t look for larger packs as this isn’t my favourite toy but I’m glad I tried it out. There was a lot of extra material from molding that I had to pick off but that wasn’t too much effort to do. I got a box that breaks down into six pieces and can be slot back together again, but I believe they may have had other things too.
Keychain Plush; “YooHoo and Friends” are fairly high quality tiny (smaller than my palm) minky plush, for 4.00 CAD. It’s stuffed very tightly, except for the arms and tail that are empty fabric. The keychain seems securely attached, but I pulled off one of the felt paws already while stimming. The seam seems undamaged by it, though, so while he only has three paws left it didn’t cause on-going flaw.
Mermaid sequin keychain; this was the last one of that particular style in-store at the location I went to, but they are still stocking online also 4.00 CAD. The backing is minky plush, which is what I’d wanted from a sequin keychain as the sequins themselves can be overstimulating for me. The plush part is kind of low, and the seams are a bit rough - enough I’m considering the relative risk of unpicking a seam to add either more plush or some poly pellets to increase the volume. The sequins however flip quite well.
Spiky Light up Ball: I actually bought mine at a local hardware store, but when I was trying to find things online to check prices, I found that Party City had packs of four for 4.00 CAD as well at least online. The one I got has a finicky light; sometimes it goes off sitting still in the wrong position, other times I can shake it three times and not get it to go. Still, the spikes feel great and the ball is pretty firm (although I can’t say I’d call it ‘bouncy’ as Party City does.)
TOYS R US (BABIES R US): (teethers)
IIRC Canada’s still supports A$, but I wasn’t aware of anywhere else to look for the kind of silicon baby toothbrush I needed for self-care.
Teethers: I got a Nuby round teether for I believe 3.00 - 5.00 CAD on sale; most were potentially on clearance when I went in last, so no idea if this is eve still an option. If its not, there’s a Canadian website for that that’s possibly a better option. However, if you’re like me and the thought of buying online makes you sick with anxiety, I’m not sure what other baby stores even exist? Either way I’m not the best judge, as both teethers I got don’t actually work well for me due to my sensitive gag reflex (a thing I suspected, given I was looking for a finger toothbrush for precisely that reason.)
Perhaps more relevant, I don’t think I saw anything super stimmy in Toys R Us that wasn’t also present for much the same price in Walmart or Superstore. The only thing that was significantly different was that I found a single-pack for the toothbrush (you could buy it with other stuff for slightly more money from Superstore, which I compulsively avoid waste) and teethers of any kind. If you don’t need either of those, you can happily stick with the other department stores.
SUPERSTORE: (Plush, slime, Playdough, Kinetic Sand, mojmoj squishies)
*Much of this is also at Walmart, but I currently work at Superstore with this stuff so I know their selection better. What I mentioned about Walmart is basically what I could not find at Superstore. I cannot review playdough for allergy reasons and I’m not interested in buying kinetic sand, but for people who want to know a retailer that has it in store, Superstore does.
Slime: Currently a seasonal item (IE it will no longer be stocked after Easter clearance is gone) but they have “Easter Putty” that is actually quite a nice slime. The marbled effect vanishes after some use, and the egg-shaped container is useless once opened, but it has a nice vibrate to it, it doesn’t melt so quickly you can’t keep up with it, and it cost 5.00 or less to try out if I like slime at all. It leaves a watery feelign residue that vanishes even if you don’t wash your hands immediately, and has no scent. Its prone to tearing if you’re not careful, but if you’ve been wondering if you’d even LIKE slime or not it might be worth checking it out.
Plush: Superstore store-brand plush are the absolute best so far, I stg. I own two of their seasonal plushies from Christmas - giant rotund cats - and they are SO soft and so well-stuffed and they were 15.00 CAD for plush 16" tall and 12" wide (approx. 40 cm by 30 cm). Currently their seasonal plush are rabbits, sheep, and llamas, plus others - the most expensive at the moment is a 34.00 CAD giant rabbit that’s 3-4 FEET tall. They have in the past carried mermaid sequin plushies too, but not for the current season. If you are a stimmer who collects plush, I’d highly recommend checking regularly to see what’s in stock - not in the toy aisle, but in the back corner seasonal stuff. There always seems to be some kind of stuffy offered.
If you want the most amazing plush blanket EVER, I’d go in the next two weeks for the faux rabbit fur blankets but they should be sold out before long too.
(I’d review the mojmoj squishies, but handling them as a retail employee who has to clean up after others is just. Heavily biased towards the “OMG dirt magnets” end of things. Do NOT drop your squishy in a department store??? There are, however, currently giant plush mojmoj puppies and unicorns, but as they are 34.00 CAD I will not be going more than “Cute looking” about them anytime soon.)
I found a decent spinner at Pharmasave, but they were all on sale so I don’t know if they’ll still be available anywhere else. I’ve seen decent plushies offered at Indigo Books recently, but haven’t been in of late to see what all they have. I heard that Odin Books in downtown Vancouver has Tangles as well, but that’s quite a long ways for me to go to see. The only other location I could suggest to people who want tiny shops in Greater Vancouver would be Commercial Drive or Kitsilano along 4th Avenue.
The above are things and places I’ve been in looking with stim toys in mind in the past couple of weeks, so hopefully the information should be more up to date and helpful to people.
This is an epic resource, and I am always here for posting about more offline resources outside of Australia. (There’s so many reasons why stimmers can’t purchase or easily purchase toys online, so conversations about alternatives are so important!). Thank you so very much, @tassledown, for all the time and effort you’ve put into such a fabulous post.
And yes: flocked toys are great little palm fidgets! I have a childhood Sylvanian Families (Calico Critters for US-based folks) collection, and I keep a few of the knock-off Lil Woodzeez figures just for stimming so I don’t wear the plush off my expensive (and vintage!) Sylvanian figures. I know there’s a surprise box set of Lil Woodzeez babies available in the US, which I’d love to own...
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sportymama · 7 years
We traveled 11.75 miles this morning after breaking camp in 5-hours! We were a tad motivated to get to Red’s Meadows. As we hiked, we talked about the upcoming luxuries of SHOWERS. REAL FOOD. CELL SERVICE. Among many, one of the things this trail has lended me was to absolutely and constantly be thankful for the little things. As I paid the $15 for 15 minutes of clean water in an actual shower I considered people who do not have this option and how easy it is to take for granted. I couldn’t believe the MUD that rolled off of me and down the drain. Serious filth! Even though I was bathing daily in whatever body of water was available to us each evening, it just didn’t compare to a warm, clean, shower. How much this relates to Jesus! I would’ve paid $100 for this luxury. We laughed! Us girls. We all three went into the shower at the same time, finding three empty stalls and as we plopped our tokens into the coin operated machine and stepped in, we laughed! Hard! We stood under the rush of warm water and felt like pampered princesses and REALLY felt clean! We didn’t shave the entire trip. It was our pact. The feeling of wanting to now was SO incredibly overwhelming. It was part of the journey and being all in. We may be clean princesses but we are hairy! And so was our dude! His facial hair was reaching epic proportion! For me, this shower washed so much more than dirt away. It washed away my bad attitude from the days before, it washed away feelings of guilt over decisions I have made, expectation I’ve placed on myself and ones that have been put there by others, it washed away things I’ve been holding on to that needed desperately to be let go of, past hurts, pride issues, being judged, negative feelings, mistakes, times in my life that I fell apart, fear, the mess of the last year and the dirt of the past…..It all ran down the drain in a puddle.
Red’s Meadows is such a great place. Magical. The gathering place for all wanderers just outside of the beautiful Mammoth Lakes/Devil’s Postpile area. Full of wonderful, backpacking, happy people. It’s no wonder I loved it! (“My People” as my hubs refers to them) We quickly recognized some of our trail family. Those we’ve met along the way, and continue to see on the daily. Leap- frogging along, but always ending up camping alongside each night. Our Sylvanian’s whom we met WAY back on Glen Pass; two buddies hiking together, one of them barefoot. Tony, our dreadlocked farmer, who gave up an organic farm to hike the JMT, and of course the sweet 50th-anniversary couple, Brooks and Rita. We all filtered in little by little to the showers, the Mule House Cafe (that had the BEST cheeseburgers, fries, and fruit pie on the planet, ON THE PLANET!) and little general store that held our resupply. Interestingly enough, none of us rushed for our resupply. We opted instead for a shower, food, beer and hanging in the sunshine talking with other hikers…. in that order. We met Sam, a guy from the UK who is hiking the PCT. He is 3 weeks from finishing his 6-month journey and even though I have suffered some pretty rotten things out on this trail, I yearn for the opportunity to hike the PCT at some point. I was a little jealous. We talked to 2 women hikers from Maine that were having issues with sleeping bags. They were freezing at night and were asking opinions from everyone about new sacks that they were considering purchasing in Mammoth Lakes. We met a group of 4 women hiking together that were sharing a jar of queso dip and chips from the store. HEAVEN! We listened to the stories of fun and laughter, of animals, of heartbreak, of spiritual journeys, of blisters and sprained ankles, of sleeping COLD, of favorite and least favorite passes, the stories of their journeys and what brought them out here in the first place. I was happy to see so many solo-female hikers, and Ladies of the JMT (all of us wearing our blue bandanas on our pack to signify who we were) I was fascinated by these people and their stories and just wanted to take it all in! Sometimes I thought; man we must have a screw loose to do this, to want this, to enjoy (to some extent) the suffering of almost a month in the wilderness. The isolation, being dirty, being in the complete silence, the remoteness…but then I realized…Nah, it’s passion. It’s passion that drives this and every. single. one. of. us.  has. a. story.
This was some DANG good coffee!
With our “Sylvakians” Igor (who hiked most of the trail barefoot and Jakob (Jakub)
We picked up our resupplies from the little general store and sifted through the contents. I dug….WAY down to the bottom for my note, but quickly saw that Greg had added a few other goodies to this bucket. A can of Pringle’s (oh sweet Jesus) about 5 lbs of Starburst, blister care items (first aid) and a few bottles of Fire Ball. That man knows exactly what I need even from thousands of miles away and not hearing from me in over 10 days! This would be our last resupply. My last note. The last little bit of correspondence until we finish this out. It excited me as much as it grieved me. It was bittersweet in several aspects and as happy as I was to be finishing up this incredibly, epic experience, I was deeply SO saddened at the same time.
My note to myself.
Wild Mama, just because you cried today doesn’t make you weak, Allow the tears to come and wash your spirit clean. You’ve come a long way baby! You’re at Red’s Meadows. Reflect on where you have come from and where you’re heading. Continue to celebrate all that lies within you. God has created in you and adventurer, a lover of nature and of stars and extraordinary views. This is why you’re out here. Breathe it all in. You are stronger than you ever give yourself credit. Keep it up, badass warrior! Thanks be to God. Remember, you planned well and are ready for the next few days to the finish!
And from G.
Look at you, Lady! Wow! Bad-assery in its truest form. Your body is probably a little beat up and tired, but that’s ok. Better this than a lump on the couch. Embrace it all! You can make it this last stretch, dig in and remember, LOOK UP! Hopefully, you remember me at the end of this. I will be the guy standing with a cold beer, a super-soaker, and a razor. Ha-Ha! I love you, G
I roared with laughter as I read this. Along with his funny note, and myriad of additional goodies, he had packed the baggies of my re-packaged dehydrated meals (yes RE-PACKAGED because weight is EVERYTHING when it’s on your back) and had renamed a few for me, which brought some great laughter around our little Jet Boils as we cooked dinner at camp.
We had to say goodbye to Red’s Meadows  in the morning and start our way up Donahue Pass. It was hard leaving. We ate an AMAZING breakfast with WAAAAY too much coffee from a pot. Donahue is a big pass with 23-ish miles to the top. It’s long and gradual reaching 11,703 feet. We camped part way up around the Shadow Lake area. We had decided to bite this last section off in chunks. This was a gorgeous camp, with a waterfall right outside my tent door. (and for me, besides sunrises and sunsets, waterfalls rank HIGH up on the food chain of gorgeous-must-sees for me. I LOVE them) I climbed to the top of the falls and spent some alone time with God thanking Him for his creation, for His love for us through his creation. The beauty here and along this entire journey has been unsurpassed. I thanked Him for the opportunity of being out here, for His healing on my feet and body. I thanked Him for my hiking partners and keeping us all healthy (for the most part.) and safe. Out of the four of us, we had one common thread before going into this hike….our dude! K and I knew one another, but not to the depths that we did now. J and I met the day she, K and her hubs picked me up in San Bernardino to head to Lone Pine. Talk about really putting your faith into your hiking partners. So for us to make it this far with only a few small scrapes and bumps along the trail (so to say) I think I was in good company. I was so thankful for their underserved patience, and their inspiration, and kindness. I know we all had days where the raw emotion was high and we wanted to scream at one another, but in the end, we showed love, appreciation, devotion, fortitude, humility, mercy and grace. We showed friendship.  I was so grateful for that. Complete and utter favor in the most extreme conditions Their compassion was incredible. I know full well that some days, probably most days, I was deserving of NONE of it!
That one day that J fell and K had to bandage her up with a Maxi-Pad!!
I took a deep breath as I climbed into my tent and into my mummy, the cascading sound of the falls outside the door making me dizzy with relaxation and tiredness. It had started to rain and we all retreated to our tents early. The daylight still lingered. I sat up and re-read the note from G and giggled. He has the greatest way of always making me and those around him laugh! He would love this spot. I cannot believe this journey is almost ending. I didn’t want it to. It had changed me in some pretty profound ways already. What would going home be like? What would matter to me that hadn’t before? What things would I cherish more and what would I no longer need or care to have? Would I want to go home and buy a Tiny House in the woods after living in Big Agnes for the past 3 1/2 weeks? What would I appreciate more and find unnecessary? What would food and water taste like? Different? Possibly. I do know the need to see my family was so colossal. To breathe them in deeply was all I wanted. That, and to lift and inhale the sweet, dirty, earthy, grass-smell of my puppy’s paws. (this is something her and I do several times a day) Those things that on a daily we become so accustomed to, that are so ordinary at times, that never will be again. They just can’t be.
Start my JMT journey from the beginning HERE 
Tales From the Trail -Red’s Meadows We traveled 11.75 miles this morning after breaking camp in 5-hours! We were a tad motivated to get to…
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dandelliongirl · 5 years
Summer is here
and I’m living my best life. ♥
So my last post was from my birthday week literally two months ago! Whoops.. In my defense May was crazy busy.
So I celebrated my birthday with lots of friends. I went on a picnic on my birthday and to a restaurant and for a walk the day after. Me and my friend got to celebrate our combined 50th birthday (25+25) with pizzas and free dessert. My guy got me a glass nail file, some cute lingerie and a DVD of the first season of Miraculous Ladybug for my birthday! ♥
The week after my birthday we celebrated May Day at our place. We had three friends come over, we made doughnuts, talked, ate lots, played Captain is Dead and Spyfall. Spyfall was surprisingly fun and I was pretty good at it. I’m generally not good at games that require roleplaying, creativity and spontaneous storytelling but it was nice to be rewarded for going outside my comfort zone.
All of May was super busy with housing board meetings, last minute ballet rehearsals, lots of stuff to do at work, dance rehearsals for graduation, ballet recital and finally graduation weekend. On the 12th we had a mother’s day lunch with my mum, grandmum, grandpa and uncle at our summer house. They also got to see my new cottage that grandmum and grandpa have been such a big influence in designing and decorating.
The week of ballet recitals was really busy. I went on a work trip from 4am until 9pm and had my only dress rehearsal right after that. My guy’s sister came over and she’s had some big life changes happen to her lately so it took a while talking with her and catching up. I tried out an Abs & Booty class and a HIIT 45′ class that week since ballet classes ended and I ended up really liking the HIIT class. I mean - it was really painful and hard but that kind of made me really motivated to get better at it. I felt like I did so much more than I thought I could and really drove myself to my limits, so although it isn’t as fun as BodyCombat I still felt really motivated! Besides it’s only 45 minutes and a really effective workout. On Saturday me and my guy had graduation dance rehearsals from 12 to 3pm, and my ballet recital started at 3pm. I didn’t go on stage until before 4pm so I made it there well on time. It was pretty nerve racking to go on stage without a proper dress rehearsal since I had to skip the morning sesh, but nothing awful happened and all went well. On Sunday I had two more recitals at 3pm and 6pm. The weather was amazing and I felt really sad staying inside all weekend though.. Especially since the next week was pretty rainy and cold.
The last weekend of May was filled with graduation. Friday morning started with the last dance rehearsal for the dinner ball. Then we rehearsed the actual confermement ceremony. I got out at 3 and starting at 5:30 pm me and mum went to the garland weaving ceremony and dinner. Mum made my garland for me and we had tons of fun at the ceremony. The food was really good as well, and having mum weave my garland for me felt really special. She can now say she made both the graduate and her garland. ♥ ♥ After the garland weaving I went with mum to spend the night at home. I got barely any sleep at all because I was so nervous I’d oversleep and/or screw something up at the confermement ceremony.
On Saturday morning I got dressed and put on my makeup at home. My stomach was incredibly upset and I even lost some weight just from having such a bad nervous stomach. My skirt felt like it was falling off of me. I had to be at the university by 11:15 am and the ceremony started at 12 with a procession into the hall. We had to unpin our garlands from our jackets and walk on stage to have the garland put on our heads and our rings touched before bowing to the professor, turning around and bowing to the principal and walking off the stage. It was really scary but nobody tripped. A few of the doctors almost had their hats fall off when they bowed but other than that it went off without a hitch. There were about 100 masters and 100 doctors though so the whole ceremony took a good 3 hours. Grandmum came to watch me graduate, which was really special. ♥ After the ceremony we were supposed to have a procession to the city church but the weather was pretty rainy and so we had a bus drive people there. I stayed at the uni main building to take graduation photos with my family and grandmum. Dad’s friend, who’s a photographer by profession, took my photos and they turned out really nice. Especially the pictures with my family and grandmum. ♥ I can’t wait to have them printed out.
I was done with the photoshoot around 5 pm and came to the apartment to get changed and eat a bit. Me and my guy went to the dinner dance at 6 pm to get our photo taken and settle down for dinner. It was a really formal dinner with lots of scary etiquette and several utensils for different dishes and I felt really awkward because our table was also a pretty quiet one but we had an enjoyable evening nonetheless. There were a lot of speeches, a really cute poem and some pretty decent food. Obviously dad would’ve made better food but that was fine. At 11pm it was time for the dance. It went pretty well considering people had had some alcohol by that time and we never rehearsed at the actual venue. The photographer came and messed up my guy’s steps a couple of times since we were in the front row, but other than that we did pretty well! Later on they carried a lot of important people on a carrying chair and the doctors formed a guard of honor with their swords that the professor went through. It was all very special and traditional and we stayed up all the way until the speech for the rising sun at 2 am. Then we walked home and I was glad I took my running shoes with me since I had been wearing the same heels since 10am that day. It was quite the weekend and I can’t believe how some people managed to attend Sunday’s cruise, lunch and the after party because I was completely wrecked from just two days of festivities. Also the sleep deprivation from that weekend meant that I was pretty much out of it the entire following week. I’m glad I took a day off on the 31st so that I got a 4 day weekend the next week.
We had a swelteringly hot last few days of May and beginning of June. On the 30th me and my friend both escaped work early to go on our traditional spring picnic and it was +30 degrees Celsius outside. On the 1st of June I watched two movies (Pretty Woman and Bridget Jones’s baby) with my friend from kindergarten. It was so good to see her again and hear about her busy summer plans. Her boyfriend applied for sports biology at the uni and it’s an insanely hard field to get accepted into with all the physical entrance exams, so he spent the entire evening exercising. Keeping my fingers crossed for him!
The next weekend my guy drove me to granny’s place on his way to work. I spent the day with grandmum helping her out with various little tasks and talking a lot. In the afternoon we picked up my childhood bed from my uncle’s storage and drove it to my cottage to be put together as a sofa and two extra guest beds. We missed 3 parts of the edges that have been lost somewhere but otherwise all parts were there and mum and i put the bed together over the weekend. I love having pretty much all my childhood room furniture in the new cottage. It’s been even more emotionally important than I ever thought since my room back home has been renovated and looks nothing like it did back when I lived there. I’ve gotten a piece of my childhood back and I wouldn’t change it! It’s perfect and I love my cottage more than almost anything else in the world. I’m already dreading autumn and the upcoming winter... I want to spend every waking minute at our summer house to get the most out of this summer. ☼
So holy wow - E3 and Nintendo Direct happened. At first I had the same reaction as a lot of the Animal Crossing fandom did with the trailer for New Horizons dropped. First of all I’m not in love with the whole island idea for a game that’s called Animal Forest. Secondly, I really don’t like how muted and blown out the textures on some of the items and terrain look compared to New Leaf. Also I’m still not sure about the whole paywall of Nintendo Online.. Also crafting and the Nook miles thingy seem really iffy as gameplay mechanics.. It really depends on the way they execute online and if a paid subscription is required to use any online features or not if I want to buy the game (and a whole ass console for it) in March. A lot of my concern for how I’m going to live through next winter was brushed aside with “At least I have Animal Crossing Switch to look forward to”, and not for a moment do I believe Doug Bowser’s excuse of “we don’t overwork our devs at Nintendo” and “we believe in a good work life balance for our workers”. Hello?!? Nintendo is a Japanese company and I really doubt it’s 100% because of localisation in the Treehouse team that the game has been delayed.. Anyway a 3 month wait isn’t really a big deal and it’s not like I didn’t see it coming. It’s still disappointing though, but I hope those 3 months help the team add some contrast and texture to the game because DAMN... Fingers (and animals) crossed.
On the 15th of June me and dad made a most important purchase. We split the cost of a 300€ SUP board for the summer house and I haven’t regretted a single cent of that price. I’ve spent literal hours standing, sitting and laying on the board, exploring the lake and even doing planks and downward dogs on it. There aren’t many things I love more in this world than SUP boarding.. ♥ ☼ Dad made his first fish, crepes and paella on our new barbeque/firepit and we got to enjoy some delicious food. I also bought my first set of Sylvanian Families (Calico Critters for the US I think?) toys and furniture. I’ve wanted some for years but couldn’t justify buying any because I had no space to store them in. Now that my childhood dream has come true with the new cottage I decided I’d finally start my own dollhouse collection over there with Sylvanian families. I bought a second hand house for them and borrowed some furniture from my boyfriend’s sister’s dollhouse. I can’t wait to take them over to the cottage!
Last Monday the student services at my uni took a summer trip to a national park. We took a bus to a little port, a boat where we had some fish soup and then we went on a hike on top of a mountain to a viewing spot. There were a ton of mosquitoes there so my hamstings looked like a pincushion after the trek but the weather was hot, the sun was shining and I enjoyed the exercise. We had some food back at the campsite and some brave souls took a dip in the lake. Then we took the boat back and drove to town. I pretty much slept on the bus because I was exhausted from all the food and fresh air. It was midsummer week so we only had Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday to work.
I’m glad I got a 3 day weekend, because I got to drive over to our summer house early on Thursday and spend the evening on the SUP board. I even swam for the first time this summer since it was such a hot day. ☼ I can’t remember the last time I’ve swam before midsummer! Dad made pizzas on the barbeque, my guy came over after work, we went to the sauna and spent the night in my little cottage. On Friday we had breakfast at my summer house and then drove over to his summer house to see his extended family. We spent the day making doughnuts, I raided (and cleaned up) my guy’s sister’s dollhouse, we had some quality time with my guy’s cousins and their partners, raised the flag for midsummer, went to the sauna, swam, started a midsummer bonfire and went to bed at 11-ish to drive to my friend’s wedding on Saturday. We started off after 6am so we got very little sleep.
The wedding was nice. We drove over with a friend and after a lot of searching for an actual gas station with bathrooms we managed to find a campsite/nature trail place with changing rooms, saunas and bathrooms to get changed in. The wedding took place in a fortress on an island so we had to be at the harbor an hour before the actual wedding. We had plenty of time to take a ferry, buy a quick snack and eat it on our way to the church. The ceremony was short and sweet, and after the ceremony we walked over to the venue. It was a cute rustic tile basement used originally for storing gunpowder. It was really nicely decorated with fairy lights and they had a super cute recycling/eco/nature theme going on (partially because transporting actual dinnerware on an island would be really hard and they were on a budget). It was a really sweet and cute wedding and much better than the previous one I went to. Still, I would’ve loved to know a bit more about the guests there as well as the couple since I basically don’t know the husband at all. There were a lot of things I would’ve done differently, and having been to two weddings now it increasingly looks like I would never want to bother organising one. It seems like so much work for one day, and people aren’t even going to enjoy themselves a whole lot... I would really want to involve my family and friends in the planning and the actual celebration, have lots of activities and take friends into consideration more as they know none of the relatives there.. Anyway right now it doesn’t look like I’ll ever get married - or that I’d even want to. Regardless it was really nice to get to be a part of my friend’s special day and I wish her the best. ♥ We drove back the same night with one stop for dinner on the way. I was back home at 1 am and in bed around 2 am. Sunday was spent shopping for groceries, napping, cooking and recovering from the midsummer festivities.
In the spirit of my return to childhood I started rewatching H2O Just Add Water for the first time in years. I love how it brings me back to being a preteen, waking up in the summer mornings to watch TV and spending endless vacation days swimming and hanging out with dad at home. It makes it truly seem like summer and like I’m on vacation even though I’m at work.
Work is really busy and we’re under a lot of pressure right now with people going on holidays and sending millions of emails and support requests daily. I don’t mind it too much, I’ve reached a chill place of “this is just work and I do what I can without compromising my freetime and wellbeing” and I’ve learned to let a lot of things go. I’m excited to see where we’ll be at on the 1st of August when everything should be ready to go with the new data system. Right now it looks pretty bad but we don’t want our end users to know that. Heh. I’m starting my holidays in pretty much exactly two weeks and my colleague and boss are starting theirs tomorrow. I’m excited to have a chill few weeks by myself. I’m also really looking forward to going on a road trip with my guy to hopefully go buy more stuff for my Sylvanian chocolate bunny family! I have so many things to look forward to this summer.. ☼ ♥ I just hope the weather stays nice so I can get a lot more swimming and SUP boarding in before autumn comes. I need full batteries to survive the winter.
I went rollerblading with dad today for the first time this summer and it was a lot of fun! I can’t wait to do more of that. My guy came home since he has a day off tomorrow and had Kendo practise tonight. I’m going to go edit some of the wedding photos so that I can share them with my friends and especially the bride. I’m hoping to stay more up to date with blogging now that life is more chill and I’m on the PC after work a bit more often. I won’t stress about it though, I just really like to record my life and thoughts every now and again, and I start feeling all scattered if I don’t do it for a while. Also I dislike these mega long posts because I always miss important details and it’s a whole ordeal that takes hours to write down. Anyway going to watch Mischa play Twilight Princess and edit photos. I just cried hearing the Wii start screen music for TP and realized what a truly lifechanging experience this game was for me, and how nothing else can really take it’s place. I’m excited to watch someone experience it for the first time. ♥
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peppafunnyig09-blog · 7 years
Best 4 Imaginative Ways to Keep Your Beneficial Units Away from Kids' Hands and fingers - play doh kids toys toy Packing containers for youngsters - Chance for Understanding and Enjoy - Children's peppa pig compilation toy - Sylvanian People play doh videos toys Are the most useful
Peppa Pig Portugues toy Boxes for kids - Chance of Discovering and Participate in
What should you do in case you have numerous Peppa Pig Brasil toys for your children with out destination to set the play doh toy absent? This is where it's time to select among the numerous practical peppa pig english episodes toy bins for children and get rid of your 'peppa kids toys dilemma'. It is easy to accumulate numerous peppa pig full episodes toys in just a matter of a few weeks. Once you have young children there may be generally a person who chooses that any new peppa pig portugues brasil toys will be the ideal gift idea which just enhances the already cluttered search in your home.
You can always aim to stay along with the situation and help your kid position the doh toy lower back on a shelf or in a storage room when playtime is finally over, but this training can rapidly lose its appeal. With a kids play doh videos toys chest muscles you could get rid of several issues right away.
Young children Peppa Pig em Portugues 2017 toys chests should be purposeful goods in your home. With one of the numerous peppa pig playthings chests for kids which are available today you will have a convenient storage for his or her peppa pig dublado toy and you may take advantage of the decorative attractiveness of play doh videos toys containers for the kids at the same time.
 pig toys chests are a wonderful solution to support your kids understand accountability and business capabilities while they are youthful. Having a brightly colored play doh learn colors toys torso appeals to kids given that they will want to apply it to have their Peppa Pig em Portugues 2017 toys correctly set aside. Using a Peppa Pig English Episodes toy chest that belongs to them your kids simply cannot only keep their playthings organized they may also obtain them every time they desire which fosters a feeling of accountability and genuine possession.
A number of the peppa pig dublado toys chests have even more features including built-in shelving or little cubbies that can help make organizing a large selection of pig toys a great deal more enjoyable. These peppa pig toys chests could be colored to suit a particular room decorations or pick a tone option which is a favourite of your baby.
Now you will need to learn how to select the best Peppa Pig em portugues brasil toy cases for youngsters to use. It is best to begin this technique by beginning with the sort of building materials that you just like. A large number of play doh videos toy chests are constructed from possibly wooden or a form of plastic material. The solid wood chests will be more long lasting and are generally a lot more creatively appealing as opposed to plastic variations.
If you need to customize your kid's play doh peppa pig toys torso by painting it to suit their space or stenciling their title in the top next the wood made torso will probably be your best bet. You will discover unfinished kinds of these chests readily available which can be stained or coloured any shade that you hope. Then you could add more stenciling, decals and other decor to develop a genuinely extraordinary storage area for play doh kids toys.
Larger sized size play doh learn colors toys bins for kids are often preferable to small ones that have been available available. Even if your kid has only a couple of doh toys now the probability is this set will increase rapidly above merely the next several months. It is better to possess a very little additional bedroom at the start than attempt to restrict the amount of Peppa Pig em Portugues 2017 toy in the future.
Ensure that the play doh learn colors toy torso satisfies how big the space. A upper body that may be too small or too large will appear awkward in the child's place. Measure the obtainable space at your residence and evaluate it into the proportions shown for your merchandise you are considering.
Think about flexibility when choosing pig toy bins for kids Some have wheels to support relocate them in regards to a room. You will find other people that come with internal book shelves or a cover that was designed to be used as a reading counter. A Peppa Pig English Episodes toy upper body which has a padded top notch will be a good place to maintain people peppa pig completo toy tidily put away and will provide your kid with a cozy area to stay and play, or read through.
A basic safety cover is important have attribute on any Peppa Pig em Portugues toy chest developed for children. This attribute will prevent your kid from receiving their hands and fingers trapped by way of a top that instantly 'slams shut'. Ensure that you will discover air-flow gaps slice to the aspects of your play doh kids toys toy torso. It becomes an extra safety characteristic which offers a air flow just in case any inquisitive kid decides to confidentially investigate the interior of the play doh learn colors toys box.
Natural colors will even create further importance to the Peppa Pig English Episodes toys torso. Rather than pink Peppa pig em Portugues Brasil toy cases for ladies and blue colored for guys why not select sex basic hues rather. This enlarges the use and interest of play doh toys toy bins for the kids.
Regardless of what form of young children Peppa Pig Portugues toys chests you might choose to choose you may speedily understand that play doh videos toys boxes for youngsters are one of the most useful and practical goods that one could buy for your child's area.
Nicole Roberts
Welcome to My Kids Participate in Time, inside of you will discover a wonderful range of cheap and excellent good quality peppa pig toys packing containers for the kids
Leading 4 Creative Strategies and also hardwearing . Important Units From Kids' Hands and fingers
The "Always keep out of reach of youngsters" message is really a main issue for all parents, particularly if your phone, PDA, as well as other essential bit of equipment receives reclassified being a Peppa pig em Portugues Brasil toy with the kids plus they don't realise why they can't play with it. Peppa Pig em Portugues 2017 toy are their territory, and the devices look and act like peppa pig compilation toy.
This is often a intricate scenario, because the kids will also have an incorrect communications from the "Don't effect" method. They can feel they're being naughty with out seriously realizing why, or older children might think that they're being treated like youngsters, that can be aggravating, and produce a negative, uncooperative reply.
The security information
The greater number of powerful information would be to weblink "Don't effect" to the very good, comprehensible purpose. Your phone may not be dangerous, but it can be used for instance of the group of grown-up units which may do things that are sudden. The intimidating, unanticipated factor assists strengthen the potential risks.
There are a variety of grownup devices and devices which can create unexpected results. This can be the "real danger" message. Little ones naturally know to generally be cautious of strange things that take action all the more strangely. Whenever they recognize that playing with these matters implies a thing which might be terrible, like fire or another uncomplicated outcomes, they'll find the message.
Recognition of gadgets and uses
Small children should be able to identify what tools are, and their work. That helps these people to create a solution to total kinds of systems typically. They cease getting mysteries, which cuts down on the desire which causes most complications.
This is such as the tradesman's dilemma of retaining youngsters away from their trade's possibly dangerous instruments. This type of tools are respected by young children mainly because it's "Daddy's or Mummy's function things", and so crucial family property. This is a diverse perspective, plus it does the project of spotting the value of the instruments.
Fundamental studying gadgets for early on electronic knowledge
Reputation delivers an opportunity for some training, and it's a valuable time to give young children some abilities and understanding of these unusual adult things. Electrical mastering play doh peppa pig toy and academic peppa pig kids toys for children are fairly amazing today, and you will really attain good results by purchasing some practical gizmos for little ones.
The child-pleasant method of gadgets
Young children peppa kids toy include developmental Peppa Pig em portugues brasil toys and most importantly artistic better business bureau playthings which can really help them check out gadgets properly. They can clear up secrets much like a phone, which is usually a irritating gadget to make use of. Pcs and netbooks can be quite uncooperative, and don't manage to function when little ones reach just about every obtainable switch. This is the answer to definitely resolving the situation, supplying coaching and knowledge.
These peppa pig toy systematically consider children through basic studying procedures, and offers having the various kinds of electrical systems. The Peppa Pig Brasil toy are made to be smart, intriguing fun, plus they can produce a lot of details as the youngsters are experiencing their selves.
Yogee.com.au is really a top Aussie on the internet peppa pig play doh kids toy retailer. Pay a visit to yogee.com.au for any wide range of Children play doh toy at discounted prices. To economize on your own upcoming get, please go to play doh kids toys On the web.
Children's play doh kids toys - Sylvanian Households Peppa Pig em portugues brasil toys Work most effectively
Peppa pig em Portugues Brasil toys present an imaginary entire world for kids and also the ideal Peppa Pig em Portugues toy can help inculcate reasoning faculties and imagination in your children. Starting from foundations to clay modeling units to figure doh toys and table game titles, all of the Peppa pig em Portugues Brasil toy get their unique value in shaping and honing a child's imagination.
There are many varieties of Peppa Pig Brasil toy young children use a trend for such as exclusive figure Peppa Pig Brasil toys and accessories like Shrek, Legend Battles, Hannah Montana, Newborn Annabell, Peppa Pig and more. Between these, the Sylvanian Loved ones peppa pig compilation toy include the earliest and typically the most popular.
The Sylvanian Family members peppa pig kids toys initially came from in Noth United states and then Japan. These were manufactured from the very idea of anthropomorphic dog character types which has been extremely popular during the 1980s. The people had been created to ensure that they might stroll, discuss, sing out and try to eat as with any people have. This became a greater appeal for youngsters, and they also simply designed an bond using these figures, because of the commonalities for the human beings as well as their lifestyle.
The children's peppa toys was comprised of various people much like the Beaver family members, the Hedgehog Household, the Mice family, the Guinea Pig loved ones plus the Bear loved ones. Every this sort of friends and family enjoyed a surname of their and different companies for those different members of the family. For example the Guinea Pig friends and family experienced the surname Pettyfur.
The Perryfur loved ones contained the subscribers Andrew, Penny, Nicola and Peter. The Pettyfurs also experienced two infants of their own, named Simon and Lindsay. The peppa pig toy companies tried out producing every thing resemble an actual loved ones domestic, the key reason why they presented the tiny bungalows designed specifically for the several Sylvanian family members. The cottages had mattresses and sofas for unwinding, a dining room table the place that the loved ones ended up being to have an evening meal together with each other and the a cup of coffee table in which the families would stay and still have their evening teas or coffee.
 The Sylvanian friends and family babies also enjoyed a small mattresses or cradles of their, with very little containers for them to drink dairy products from. Lately, the Sylvanian Family members Caravan release was released, that had the history in the Sylvanian people venturing out for trade, similar to their ancestors. The caravans possessed exactly what was essential for a typical household, and therefore was actually a extremely fascinating and widely used notion for little ones.
Little ones Peppa Pig em Portugues toy 4 You
Kids peppa pig portugues brasil toy 4 You are founded Peppa Pig Brasil toys shops who supply an array of play doh peppa pig kids toys and activities, whether it is persona play doh kids toys toy, exterior games, table games smooth play doh kids toys toys, music devices or gambling components. Children Peppa Pig Portugues toys 4 U also specials in top quality young children play doh peppa pig toys, and stocks and shares the best assortment of Peppa pig em Portugues Brasil toy and game titles that you will not find any place else on the web.
Should you be on the search-out for cheap Peppa Pig English Episodes toy that suit your bank account funds, then arrive at kidspeppa pig dublado toys4u.co.uk. You will discover a range of peppa pig toys toy, with good discount rates and offers. You can even take advantage of the clearance profits provided by the corporation occasionally, when children play doh learn colors toys are let along to consumers on the cheapest prices. Just in case you tend not to locate a children's peppa pig dublado toy or Sylvanian Young families in this gallery, never get disheartened. Just call us at 01634 408808 and we will have when we can set up it in your case and deliver it to you immediately. So, stop by Children Peppa pig em Portugues Brasil toys 4 You to get the best Peppa Pig Brasil toy with the best prices.
Choose the best Little ones Trip peppa pig portugues brasil toys On-line - Holiday Peppa Pig Brasil toy Searching
Getting peppa pig play doh kids toys for your holidays for kids is among the most entertaining and gratifying behavior all through the year. Even as you consider this list of kids Peppa Pig toys and games for any holiday seasons, you will definately get a grin in your confront picturing them opening an excellent present. Children are so innocent and they are usually surprised at the present they wide open, even if they idea they had been getting a selected peppa pig portugues brasil toys. For me personally, it really is that seem to be of genuine elation that only occurs when a son or daughter opens up an unanticipated surprise during the holiday seasons.
Another excellent pleasure in your life would be to check out young children mature and all of the different kinds of features which they like at various age ranges. Child peppa kids toy are very basic and often educative, but they also give young children a lot pleasure. Young child peppa pig full episodes toy don't generally have to be flashy or even all of that beneficial. On condition that the child can understand or take advantage of the young child peppa pig portugues brasil toy in a pretend play situation, then you definitely have created them content.
Some widely used Young child play doh kids toys toys for the Vacations during 2009 will be Tricycles, Trip On Automobiles, Pretend Participate in play-doh toy, Action Kitchen tables, Art Products and Educational peppa kids toy. The many things shown will aid in baby advancement in one shape and other. Physical and mental Improvement for preschoolers and kids is very important and it is important that peppa pig full episodes toy for toddlers are involved in their developmental period.
As children get older, so carry out the intricacy of kid's peppa pig completo toy to the vacations. In some cases, simple kid's Peppa Pig em portugues brasil toy will nonetheless be sufficient, but more often than not, the older a child, the better state-of-the-art the peppa pig portugues brasil toy that need to be given to the kid. Small children are normally enthusiastic to obtain Scooters, Trampolines, Area pig toys, Foundations, Action Results etc. A unique style of mental and physical excitement is needed for older children plus your variety of kid's peppa pig completo toy are required to follow go well with.
During the holiday buying year you can be bombarded with different advertising promotions trying to sway you into obtaining the most used youngsters peppa pig completo toy for your holidays. The largest work of the majority of corporations is to buy anyone to buy computer games and other varieties of mindless entertainment. This year, dismiss important organizations as well as their promotion promotions and get your young ones Peppa Pig Brasil toys with informative and developmental value. We request you to view the most popular peppa kids toy organization beneath. They concentrate on peppa pig compilation toy that can assistance your child's discovering, advancement and enjoyment component.
Wooden Kid Peppa Pig Brasil toy concentrates on educative and developmental little ones play doh peppa pig kids toy. Timber Young child play-doh toy has an On the internet Price Match up Ensure, Shipping And Delivery Gives and also a Fantastic Return Guarantee. Go shopping at for any wonderful range of youngsters and toddler peppa kids toys to the trips.
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peppa pig portugues brasil toy Storage space Packing containers - Tips On How To Reclaim Your House In the peppa pig compilation toys Invasion - Give Your Children Equally Entertaining and Learning Using the peppa pig compilation toys From your Sylvanian People - Strengthen Your Kid's Washing Expertise In Bathtub peppa kids toy
Give Your Youngsters The two Fun and Education With the playdoh toys Through the Sylvanian Households
It is rather needed to give kids convenience off their regular frantic daily schedule. When you look at the prerequisites of your own kid you need to go for good youngsters play doh kids toys toys thru which you can provide them with optimum satisfaction. A very good play doh learn colors toys for your personal children will help these to be fast paced and therefore meet their out of the ordinary dreams.
Youngsters doh toy should not only offer a reason for exciting but all at once they must also aid your youngster instruct in the ideal approach. Attempt to obtain peppa pig english episodes toys which could create the important capabilities within your young children.
Right now there are lots of companies that take care of peppa pig games for the kids. You will discover action play doh kids toys toys for your kids offered by means of which your young ones can remain busy as well as studying anything. Do look at the level of the peppa pig dublado toys after you find them. The standard is associated to the fitness of your kid. They ought to be created from fantastic resources to ensure that they be sure the greatest basic safety of your own little one.
When you are trying to find some good little ones peppa pig play doh kids toys you can always think about purchasing the play doh peppa pig toys from the Sylvanian families. Sylvanian families cope with collectible playdoh toy including Ty's Beanie Babies towards the set of Teletubbies.
These kinds of youngsters play doh toys are quite well-liked by youngsters considering that quite a while. If you purchase the Sylvanian households Peppa pig em Portugues Brasil toy on your children, they can absolutely like it. These play doh kids toy include feelings of jewel search towards the connection with your sons or daughters selection.
 An cartoon range based on the collection of the pig toys is a well known and well-known fact about these play doh toys households. These range mostly meet the needs of the requirements your young children. The characters within the sequence which are arranged into households normally element the woodland critters.
From the the last few years, the Sylvanian young families unveiled new belongings in their series. With the creation of the Dalmatian Friends and family in their series, these youngsters Peppa pig em Portugues Brasil toy grew to be further preferred.
You are able to consequently supply the ideal surprise on your baby whenever you buy the Sylvanian families Peppa Pig English Episodes toy. The guinea pig household is an effective selection within the set from those play doh kids toys toys. This loved ones incorporates associates like Andrew, Peter, Dime and Nicola. You will additionally receive their newborns in this particular friends and family. Every one of them provides a sleep as well as a bottle together with a pair of garments that happen to be typically detachable. If you believe you can buy each of the parts as a stand alone likewise. You can aquire your children peppa pig toys from various options.
Even so, the perfect resource to purchase your kids peppa pig kids toy is kidsPeppa Pig em portugues brasil toy4u. Listed here you would get warm and friendly staffs that could assist you to to choose the best peppa pig full episodes toys. Additionally you can get kinds of collection from your sylvanian people. They focus not only in top quality Peppa pig em Portugues Brasil toy but all at once they give these peppa pig english episodes toy at the cheaper rate. As a result, without any postpone log on to the site and purchase what you may desire for your young ones.
peppa toys Storage space Cases - Ways To Reclaim Your Home In the Peppa Pig English Episodes toy Attack
A person looks close to your own home and also your center kitchen sinks all over again. There are actually Peppa Pig Brasil toys everywhere. Within their rooms, within the bath room, the kitchen sink, the garage area as well as the backyard garden. At the rear of the television and also in the washing machine clothes dryer. No person single place in your own home is safe fro the possibility of play doh videos toys attack when your children are playing at total tilt - it usually doesn't require much time for the home to start out looking like somebody piled peppa pig completo toys from the heart and set off of some sort of blast inside.
To generally be acceptable on the minimal men unless you have some type of play doh peppa pig toy storage space program set up they (virtually) hold the excuse to simply distributed peppa pig toy everywhere. Should your youngsters have play-doh toys containers that they can take the Peppa Pig Portugues toy from then you can train them that section of the taking part in process will be to position the Peppa Pig em portugues brasil toys back again when they're accomplished. Here is the exact same notion your children are taught in kindergarten when they're enjoying there. As well as in the event you get a peppa pig dublado toy field making use of their beloved animation character onto it then that's better still.
The answer? peppa pig completo toys storing bins naturally - give your kids a place to save their peppa pig full episodes toy in the first place. Just keep the kids age group under consideration when you're shopping for them - you don't want them being either far too complicated or way too childish (you probably know how children are) and to guarantee that little hands and fingers don't get trapped in lids that close as well very easily.
1 quick and easy option for saving better business bureau toys and games is to apply a rack or bookshelf. This is great for keeping small peppa pig english episodes toys of course books also it helps keep the soil away from play-doh toy fairly quickly. Also, since it's open up your young ones are able to see what they need to relax and play with right away. Or else you run the chance of them emptying the full pig toys pack to the floor to find that you one peppa pig compilation toy they wished for to start with. With racks you'll must make them long lasting and be well repaired into the wall structure - children possess a habit of ascending things so probably take this under consideration too.
It is possible to choose between a play doh learn colors toys field you see in a retailer or have just one palm made by a carpenter or local tradesman. The store purchased boxes can be extremely high priced sometimes but they're created exclusively for the position of keeping Peppa Pig em Portugues toy effectively and securely - they must complete really tough level of quality exams when for sale to be used by kids. A shop got variations also are usually built with kids favored TV or video characters in your mind.
You can aquire a nearby carpenter to produce a peppa pig portugues brasil toys box for you personally also and this generally charges way less than you'd anticipate. Kids tend to recall the hand-made peppa pig kids toy during their early on several years and the same is true of these doh toys packing containers. In all honesty I have a peppa kids toy field in this article that my mother obtained manufactured for me when I was approximately 10 - I take advantage of it now for stocking old keepsakes and albums (yes vinyl albums). There are plenty of memories connected to that play doh peppa pig toys box now I could possibly hardly ever remove it.
There's also the cheap option of just using silicone containers to hold your kids Peppa Pig Portugues toys in. They are cheap and can be used storing play doh peppa pig kids toy for the simple or long-term. Which brings me to a different one stage - maybe your kids only have way too many play doh kids toys toy? If they're overloaded with peppa pig dublado toys then you might put some of them into lasting storage within the garage area or loft of your property. And maybe even request your sons or daughters if they need to give away a selection of their peppa pig english episodes toys to rewarding charitable organizations close to you? The children's ward associated with a nearby hospital will always be happy for virtually every Peppa Pig em Portugues 2017 toys they are able to get - throughout every season.
Trying to keep charge of a tidal wave of play doh kids toy is rarely easy for any mom or dad. When you've sorted out individuals old Peppa Pig Portugues toy possibly you'll have area for a new one... similar to a radio control water tank. Once you find one of them wonderful play doh kids toys actually in operation it'll be challenging to refuse. Figure out a great deal more information on them listed here.
Improve Your Kid's Baths Knowledge About Bathroom Peppa Pig Portugues toys
 Most youngsters are stressed naturally, their awareness span is brief, they already have issues resting or position at 1 position for a long period and once you don't accomplish their demands, you will find a higher likelihood that they may start sobbing.
These elements allow it to be tough to suit your needs as a parent to bathe children because they see practically nothing exciting in bathing except for the reality that they may play with water.
Most young children cringe when you lather them and can perspective themselves and facial looks in every guidelines in order to prevent from this.
Children also love to splash water around the people today bathing them, something which can generate you ridiculous particularly when you find yourself wanting to give them bath.
Nonetheless even we all know that kids are wired to act in this sort of way and now and then all of us can have a good laugh at these kinds of pranks. But if this scenario that can take location each day, confident ample, some days later you can be in your tether's finish.
From time to time frightening actions can cow kids into syndication but over time, these techniques never job. Therefore you should try introducing new techniques to make sure that young children start off loving their bathtub and in this way, bathtub peppa pig play doh kids toys can be quite a amazing selection that you could explore.
All youngsters really like their baby peppa pig portugues brasil toys and there is no various in regards to bathtub Peppa pig em Portugues Brasil toys. These baby play doh peppa pig toys made from often rubberized or gentle towel are playthings which you can keep in your child's bath tub when you are baths them.
Kids can simply get engrossed with their Peppa Pig em Portugues 2017 toys which suggest that you will have a lesser amount of difficulty washing them. The bath tub Peppa Pig toys and games which most young children enjoy to have are the type which can make squeaky sounds and peppa pig english episodes toys that don't submerge in normal water meaning that they can always have it in their grip. These children peppa pig toys will never only enable you to give the kids a lot solution bath but also aid accomplish it well in double speedy time.
Hence for those who have kids who loathe having baths, you then think about acquiring bath play doh toys toy to them. Nonetheless even though purchasing these, maintain your safe practices element in your mind and avoid acquiring kids play doh learn colors toy with well-defined or pointy corners and ones that have tiny areas like control buttons because they can frequently get separate in the play doh kids toys because of consistent utilization and you will discover a probability that your particular little one may then mouth area these.
Try out purchasing infant Peppa Pig em Portugues 2017 toy that happen to be vivid colored and attractive towards the eyesight because you want the youngster to keep engrossed during the Peppa Pig English Episodes toys when you are baths them. It is actually best that you just get your son or daughter together with you while you are searching for bathtub play doh peppa pig toys mainly because then you can measure their tendencies to make your option correctly.
This writer, aside from as a kindergarten instructor can be a massive enthusiast of infant pig toys and child check. He advises individuals to get infant items on the web simply because just one will get to select from numerous types of merchandise on this page.
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mayor-nicola · 5 years
✨21 Questions ✨
Tagged by: @fxwne (thank you so much <3 ) Sorry it got a little long 😅
Rules: Answer 21 questions and then tag 21 people who you want to get to know better! (I’ve answered a lot of these already in another ask meme, so I’m going to switch up a few of the questions)
Nickname: Frankie (my real name is Frances Jean, but I’m not an old lady yet, so I’m going to save that one for later)
Chinese Zodiac: Boar 🐗 I was born in 1996, however, my birthday is February 5th which was on/before Chinese New Year that year (this year it’s on my birthday again)
Occupation: Unfortunately, I lost my job at the toy store because of my school schedule. However, I’ve been interviewing around and am hoping to get another one at a bookstore near my school. (like I’m taking 1 class that’s 2 days a week. I can handle it employers. I promise. Please! I need money for study abroad.) 
I also work at my local convention every year in the celebrity photo ops department. I’ve got a lot of tales from the con.
My current relationship status: A Train Wreck™ I don’t know what I’m doing between the crush on the guy I only get to see 4 days a year and the guy who’s literally the most wholesome thing on earth (who’s kindness is probably being misinterpreted for greater feelings)
Favorite movie: Labyrinth (1986) I don’t remember when exactly when my fixation on this movie began, but I just love it to death. I remember watching it my grandma’s house a lot. I’ve got the VHS, DVD, board game, comics, visual history guide, art prints, etc. I also went to the Jim Henson exhibit a couple years ago.
What do you collect: Well, the big one right now is Calico Critters/Sylvanian Families. I used to collect them when I was younger and after I started working at a toy store, my collection has spiraled out of control. I also collect vintage Pokemon and Sailor Moon merch (90′s) Polly Pocket compacts, Labyrinth stuff, and Harry Potter stuff.
Song stuck in my head: Complicated by Dimitri Vegas Like Mike vs David Guetta (I heard it at a house party last Friday night and had never heard it before. Now it wont leave)  
Youtube channels you watch: h3h3 and pyrocynical are probably the big two right now. (I’ve also started watching pyro’s friends like imallexx and WillNE) MischaCrossing is probably my favorite girl gamer (I don’t meant that derogatory. I love her content.) So, a lot of gamers and reactionary channels. (Dan and Phil, Dylan is in Trouble, Call Me Kevin, Polygon are a few others)
Fashion sense: Mostly comfy, however, I’m also interested in Japanese fashion. I’m a Lolita (not the gross kink, the very modest fashion based off rococo and Victorian era clothing). So, sometimes I’m wearing a sweater and jeans, and then other days I’m wearing a big frilly dress with at least 5 layers of petticoat.
Favorite store: For clothing, Cath Kidston and Angelic Pretty. And (although I haven’t been there yet. I’m 98% sure I’m going to adore it) The Sylvanian Families Shop in London.
Three things you wish you did but don’t: Exercise more🏃‍♀️, socialize more😂 (me attending that house party was rarer then finding a shiny Pokemon in the wild. I never go out), and write more 📝.
Lucky Number: 3
Most embarrassing moment: I was working an event shift at the aquarium and needed to be on the other side of the building after my break. So, I’m rushing back and just so happen to stumble across the octopus feeding. There’s a big crowd and I figure I’ll cut under the stanchions of another exhibit to get there. I duck under and tumble to the ground, scrape my knee and somehow manage to prop my other leg on the wall during my fall. Also, during the fall the zipper on my skirt broke, so when I went to stand up it started falling off.
Your favorite mythological creature: I’m not sure if I have one. I have a favorite magical creature though. It’s the Niffler. 10/10 good boi.
Do you have a crush on a fictional character: Tom Riddle was/always will be a garbage boy, but when I was younger he was a dream. I also like Enoch from the Miss Peregrine’s series (which is ironic, considering the latest book dragged me so hard. I’m Frankie. Literally.).
Introvert or extrovert: I think I’m somewhere in between. A reformed introvert.
Best prank: One time I put hot sauce in a guy’s hot chocolate when we were on a class sailing trip (we were in maritime together). Why’d I do it? Oh boy. When you hear what he did to me, you’ll be like: “Yeah, he deserved it.”
Goals for the next three months: I hope to do well in my class (it’s about women comic book writers), get a job, see my convention family, and head back to study abroad in London for the 2nd time a more mature and accomplished person.
Patronus (or spirit animal): Harbor Seal or a Rabbit
Describe yourself as aesthetic things: pastels, vintage, flowers, ocean, cottage. (basically the aesthetic of the Calico Critters, tbh)
Some things you hate: I hate gum and other loud crunchy things (I’ve got hypersensitive hearing and it really screws up my focus)
I tag @tealeify @starry-mayor @hootcrossing @aforestlife @kxavierreyes @acnl-claytown@sammie-crossing @0carnations @chewy-and-the-porgs @crossing-a-starr @notexing (nearly the same crew I tagged last time, but I literally changed like all the questions so you should be good)
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