#which meant I didn’t sleep until after 2 and I work in the mornings
madeleinelovescolours · 4 months
Weighted blankets are amazing until you have to mash your sheets and then you have to remove all your pillows and blankets and plushies from your bed and you regret all your life choices.
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hxltic · 10 months
ghost yellin pt. 2!! (and 2k followers. omg.)
(mention of blood n knives n stuff in here)
pt. 1~~~
It was still early in the morning when your puffy eyes blink open. Despite the mission that had your arrival around 3-ish in the morning, it was still the crack of dawn, which meant the start of your day, mission or not.
The warmth you had longed for encased you, but today, it felt unfamiliar.
You hadn’t forgotten about yesterday (or earlier today). And even though what happened upset you, you’d still wanted him, so you could feel the comfort your father never gave you after an argument. You’d never received a genuine apology from him, just an offer for new shoes or to go to your favorite restaurant that day.
Even in anguish after what he did, you still wanted his touch. Or that may have been what you thought, because now you were peeling his strong arms off you, and creeping to the bedside. You cautiously swing your legs over and slowly step to the door, but even though you were going unbelievably slow, the pain underneath your feet made you wince.
There’s a gruff voice that your back is turned to, making you jump at the realization he was awake. You had been taught all your life to fight when your fight or flight response flickers, but he noticed how you almost bolted towards your room.
He had been awake the whole time. He’d vouched to himself he wouldn’t close his eyes until your breaths were regular again, but even after they had, he’d barely gotten any sleep. If he had tears left to cry, one would’ve slipped.
Whenever he did fall to the night, in any circumstance, his body physically would prevent him from staying such. He was a light sleeper to another extreme. His body was trained by none other than trauma and instinct. So when he felt you raising his arm, he’d awakened and watched you do everything silently.
He would’ve said something, but he didn’t know what. An apology would sound fake in this situation.
Ghost was a hands-on man, so he moved. His large body flipped the covers off him and hastily brought itself to you.
The last time you’d let him get close, he screamed in your face. You took an involuntary step back, but had you thought about it you probably would’ve taken it anyway. His quick steps pause.
He gazes into your frozen eyes, glistening and pretty even in upset, but underneath carrying fear and shock.
Seeing him, one side of you wanted to apologize for not taking your job seriously, even though you did, or say you were sorry for the other things he mentioned. And you may have when you were 13, but you were a strong woman that built off men’s bullshit over the years, so you hold your ground.
He shrunk himself and moved effectively before you. No unnecessary movements.
“Please. Wait.”
You could tell he was trying to make his voice soft, but the octave and accent just did not allow it. He was trying though.
Do you book it, or stay?
You stay, to hear him. He recognizes your stance as one specifically military-taught, ready to move.
“I didn’t mean to yell at you. I should’ve been better,” he started. You’d come to realize even with small issues, he was an okay apologizer. “I’m sorry. You’re the last person who deserved that.”
He inspected the way you heard him but just stood there awkwardly. You were never awkward around him. In fact, he was the awkward one.
His heart dropped at how visibly uncomfortable you looked. He wanted to touch you—to take all your problems away, but it wouldn’t work this time. Not when he was the problem.
Ghost was the type of person to do anything for you, anything to get you back. You were the only one who saw him as Simon now, ever since the others died or were killed. He ruined that.
He let the mask get the best of him, finally turning into the murderous, scary man the world sees him as, everyone but you. You’d never been afraid of him, and he himself had changed that.
So in the silence he scans your beautiful eyes again, the brightness they usually reflect gone and replaced. You blink at him like a puppy. A small, scared puppy.
He’d made you cry. He’d made you cry.
He wasn’t expecting forgiveness, or your usual unconditional love, but the silence was too much to bear. He knows what he did, but he genuinely has no idea how he could make it up to you. Once you realize the conversation was over, and that’s all he had to say, you turn your head and limp past the doorway to your room. You were going to cry again.
But that was far from what he wanted to say.
He didn’t realize it when a tear of his own bundled up under his blonde eyelashes, a feeling so rare that people’s jokes about him being a robot could seem true. It had been so long, but watching you sadly walk away from him was enough.
The door was wide open, but he stood there, feeling more useless than he ever had.
These were the times he wished his mother was here. To tell him what to do. To spread the emotional knowledge of loving someone so much it pained you, something she had perfected over the years. Instead, he picked up the brutalities of his father. And he will never forgive him for that.
. .
You’d avoided him for an entire day, almost two, despite being in such close proximity and having to do everything with the squad. He didn’t know whether to leave you be or try again and again. Ultimately, he picked the first. That didn’t mean there weren’t subtle things to get your attention though.
He couldn’t think about yelling again. But it was only at you. So everyone else was graced with their lieutenant in a worse mood than he’s usually in, but they wouldn’t dare ask what was up or say anything to you. Actually, they had barely spoken to you like they had orders not to.
Ghost was rarely in the common room anyway, but now he was really tucked away in his quarters. He preserved his words, though even then they were still snappy. He had an attitude, yes, but he’d come to his senses enough to reflect and prevent himself from saying anything potentially hurtful.
He’d cherished the moments you had no choice but to be close to him a lot more than before, and his voice was barely even the tone of regular speech. Because now, he was scared.
He’d seen how bad relationships can turn, and it doesn’t help it was the man he’s seen all his life ruining what a woman gave him. He doesn’t want to be like that. And if he already has been, he tries to calm himself at night by running through his head “you’re already better than him by trying to fix it,” like a mantra. He’s cried the nights without you. He felt like he was floating away all the time, away from the Earth and the people around him. He barely knows himself anymore.
Little does he know, the time spent without him converted your sadness to anger. Rage.
He has the audacity to scream in your face? After all you do for him? After you put your life on the fucking line and take bullets for him every day?
With your father, it never did convert to anger, because you refused to let it. Being a child, you were way too dependent on him emotionally and physically. He was still your dad, you’d think.
And yes, while you loved Simon, there wasn’t the biological connection to pressure you to him. He was just a man. And if there’s anything you learned yourself, it was that you wouldn’t be pushed around by one.
So the day progressed on with an assignment. The troops were sent out, Ghost in charge.
He had made an order to surround the building, stay hidden in tall grass. A few would push in. They were armed and dangerous.
His voice was loud through the comms, going directly through the headset clear as day. Your team pressed forward alongside his. He had made every order around the fact that you needed to be right next to him, always in view, so he could keep his watchful eye out.
You crouched around the corner, waiting for command. You whisper in mic to your own squad, instructing them to watch for third-party while everyone’s idle.
The second he calls it, you all infiltrate right after smoke grenades set off. It was quickly cleared of the criminal within a few minutes because there weren’t many to take out, just a few in nooks and crannies, but one of them had caught you through a closet door. It had small blinded windows in it.
A quick sharp pain let you know there was a knife drilled into your side. It was small, and could be a lot deeper, but it still hurt like a bitch.
You had taken worse, so you gunned him down with a swift turn and ignored it. The adrenaline was medicine.
Once everyone returned to base with evac, people noticed the spot of red on your uniform but brushed it off as a battle scar. Until they saw the knife. It would be stupid to remove it.
“That looks pretty bad, you should get that patched up,” someone says. Someone you didn’t know, probably from another unit. You refrain from saying no shit and keep walking to the infirmary.
You finally decide remove it with added pressure to the wound, keeping the gauze close and the slim slit through your skin tight. The adrenaline was wearing off now and everything started to come back to you. You groan loudly when you touch it.
Red stains your fingers. It wasn’t deep but it had to be pulled out, and standing would be hard. You sit to see what you were doing.
“Fuck!” you yell.
The pain was ten times worse when you sat down, the fold of your body at the hip right underneath the opening. You feel like you could imagine the knife scraping other parts of your insides.
Suddenly the door opens. No one other than Ghost stands there, fully in gear, searching for the source of the cry. Once he locates you, you barely hear him murmur “bloody hell.” You glance up at him, then back down to what you were doing. He tries to ignore the equivalent stab in his heart at that, the one that matched the way his face drops at the sight of you. You would be able to see the white of his eyes through the mask if you’d look at him.
You were unconsciously trembling, attempting to mentally prepare yourself to pull the knife out slow. The man before you just watched.
“Get out,” you demanded.
“No,” he calmly replies. Once again, barely above a whisper, but heavy with accent.
You visibly roll your eyes and continue picking at the knife, trying to find the easiest way to retrieve it. Of course Ghost would take this time to be near you when you can’t run away from him.
He removes his gloves and opens the cabinets beside him, getting peroxide and other medical things. He walks to you with them in hand, and you bring it upon yourself to completely ignore him.
He steadily drops to a knee in front of you so you see eye to eye. You hiss when you pull at one side and it doesn’t work.
Softly, he breaks the silence, “When did this happen?”
No response. He was looking you dead in the eyes despite how horrible at eye contact he usually is.
“When did-“
“Earlier, Lieutenant.” You speak. He knows this was you digging at him. It worked, but he brushes it off.
He reaches his bare hands rid of the supplies up to help you. He was mad at nobody other than himself for not being there.
“Stop,” you shoo his hand away, tending back to your wound. Even though he wanted to help, he backed off.
To be honest, you had no idea what you were doing, and he’d probably had this happen a thousand times. He was inevitably better at medical anything compared to you.
“How did it happen?” He waits. Wasting time talking to him will have you bleeding out. The knife was a little under halfway visible.
“I was taking my job seriously, Lieutenant.”
He cringes at the words he’s shameful to call his own. He wants nothing more than for you to at least be on speaking terms with him, but even that he knows he doesn’t deserve. He sighs deeply.
“I’m sorry, let me help you. Please,” he begs.
“I don’t want your help, and you don’t want mine. So we can keep it that way.”
What he said that night was far from true; you did more than just help him. He was dependent on you. He surveys the way you hiss at the straining feeling, attempting to take deep breaths between tugs, but only making it worse. He won’t let everything you’re throwing at him break him down in this state.
“Grab it from the top, do it all at once. Then stop the blood immediately.”
You huff in annoyance at his words, causing yourself pain from your own irritation. But, he did know what he was doing, so you followed the orders. He inspects you.
You tug on the knife with a painful deep breath and moan at the pain, shutting your eyes. The view alone gives Simon whatever you’re feeling tenfold.
It only goes up about a centimeter. It hurt so bad though, your breaths were heavy and enhancing the stinging sensation. Your audible whimper was enough for the man in front of you to take action.
You almost forgot how mad you were at him from the pain, so when his hands reached up to you, you just let them. His right applied pressure to the sides. He couldn’t care that it stained his rough, pale hands. The left rests on your hand planted on the seat, then he instructs you to lay down. It’ll avoid scratching any more areas inside by stretching out.
“Relax. It’ll hurt, but you got it.”
You don’t respond to this, and stare up at the ceiling. You still didn’t want to look at him.
Simon has to remember you were still fairly untouched in comparison to his background in the military, the scars and scratches proof to where he’s been. He’s not used to being gentle. He’s around grown men for god’s sake.
And while he knows you’re strong, he wishes someone took the time to allow him some vulnerability back then.
You’re on your back, awaiting his next move. He hovers over you.
“I’mna to count to three, alright? I know you can do it.”
You blink, but he knows you can hear him. Somehow it hurts worse to breathe so your chest runs shallow.
“One,” he starts.
Were you ready? He was going to-
You scream loud enough to have the entire base questioning what was going on before he gets to three, but Simon’s face doesn’t falter from his soft expression as he accurately rips the object out of you. Your hands subconsciously reach for his, then grip him with a pure strength you didn’t even know you possessed. You yelled a long line of curses with tears pricking at the corners of your eyes until it all ended as fast as it came.
You were heaving and your face was hot, sweat gathering along your hairline.
“There you go,” he praises, his movements were quick and efficient. The tape was being placed over the filled injury. “Good girl.”
You were breathless, tired, and red. You wanted to lay down.
“It hurts, Simon,” you whisper.
“I know baby, I know.”
. .
You laid in bed with the dinner one of the soldiers brought you. Simon walks in sometime later, his hand cupped.
“You alright?”
He steps in beside your bed, sitting on the covers. He releases some painkillers right next to the water on your nightstand.
You just nod.
He nods approvingly back, then rests his forearms on his thighs. There’s an uncomfortable silence. An uncomfortable silence.
The ink on his arm was visible along with the scars he’s carried. Some new, some old. It’s a simple t-shirt that stops at the bicep, but he never likes to have his arms out because he’s never comfortable with them showing.
“I just wanted to say—”
“I…don’t want to hear it.” You shut him down.
His ocean eyes survey yours for some type of mercy, some hint you’ll hear him out again. He has concluded that he can speak, but the worst that can happen is you’ll stop listening. You can’t really walk away.
And this was the first time his please seemed to end with a question mark.
“I didn’t mean to yell, but I did, and it hurt you. Even though I just aided you, I did it as a partner. Not just a comrade. You are great at what you do, but you mean a lot more to me than just business—I love you, because you see me differently than everyone else.”
Knowing Simon, it probably did take him the whole day and a half to come up with that and relay it. This tugged your heart strings a little, but then it all came back to you.
“On top of calling me useless you yelled in my face. What were you so angry for anyway?”
Truthfully, he felt that had he told you the real reason, It’d make him look worse. But you deserved it.
“One of the soldiers in another unit looked into my background. Found out about an old mission and the people behind it.”
You hadn’t known much about Simon’s life, because he never talks about it, but you knew enough. It was the mission where he was set up. Betrayed.
You would be pissed too.
But his head hung low in shame, angry that he let an old part of him rekindle in the form of fury. He let out said fury on you.
“Regardless, it was uncalled for. Just think on it, yeah?” He pleads. He’s not sure what he’s telling you to think on, though he doesn’t know the active status of your relationship. But he understands how degrading what he did was, and he’ll never forgive himself for it.
But you already had an answer.
“I don’t have to think on it,” you say.
His head whips around, the sadness on his face replaced with shock, and the crinkles coming to form between his brows in confusion. He’d expected the worst, but the worst was what he deserved.
“I’m still very upset. But I don’t hate you. I want you to go to therapy,” you insist.
On the inside, Simon was thrilled. This is the best outcome, better than anything he’d conjured up in his head, and he’d been told a billion times to go to therapy. If it meant being able to hold you again, he’d stay the whole day on a little couch instead of downing prescribed medication that wasn’t working every night.
“I’ll think about what to do from there. But I don’t want it to happen again, because I promise I know what my decision will be the next time,” you declare. He took this message more seriously than he takes Price some days. There was a fire in your eyes to show him how serious you were, and that you’d get up extra close to him just to point your finger in his face if you could.
He understood you hadn’t forgave him, but was giving him some type of redemption. So he could prove himself.
And he was damn good at proving himself worthy of things, hence the Lieutenant in front of his name.
this a lil long. @thesecretwriter @jemandderkeinenusernamenfindet @jjmoonjj @bigmannico @bloodyquillink-blog @boggiesho @earth-to-lottie @e1fade @instantplaiddream @mentallyillartist @stillinracooncity @missborntodiex @rhyanna6012 @hao-ming-8 @starrrchiato @goth-boi-atlas @keiva1000 @pampeop @sleepy-time-dreamy @laurenbenoit70 @tojis-big-daddy-milkers @jstarrs23423 @madameducyberversailles @eri-channnnnnn @schmelscorner @commandertorinshepard @lua83727 @1234ilikecowsthanyoumore @nyannyanmochi020 @p1nkliquor
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sleekista · 5 months
you don’t have to be perfect
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barça fem x teen!reader, lucy bronze x teen!reader
request: here
A/N: also i would just like to say, if anyone has any feedback for my writing it’s greatly appreciated cuz i’m not the best writer ik that but i want to improve.
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It was apart of the contract I first signed with Barcelona that I continue my studies and finish school. Not ideal, but I get by with around 80% and sitting on a B for most my classes. What I didn’t factor in was the amount of stress I would have on top of the League and UWCL games when exams and assignments from 6 different classes were coming up. That’s hard on a 17 year old.
I felt myself start to drift away from everyone in the 2 weeks before mayhem. First it was denying to go out with the younger girls like Salma and Vicky, both of whom understood. Vicky being the same age as me and Salma only 2 years older than us. Then as expectations rose, classes became longer and filled extra information. All the time I wasn't on the pitch, I was studying. Or sleeping. (we dont talk about how even thats being cut down to maximum 5 hours a night).
Living with Lucy meant that she was bound to catch on to what was happening. It was inevitable. She took me under her wing when I first arrived along with some of the older girls and since I don’t speak Spanish natively, I was told to go with Lucy who was told to keep an eye on me. It’s nice, when you don’t want her to worry about how you’re ignoring everyone and have bags under your eyes whenever she sees you. She really does try her hardest to get me to do anything that’s not over analysing and over-studying the numerous topics, but no matter how much it pains me. I always turn her down.
After another night of studying until 2am, there’s an early morning training session and I know I’ve only gotten 4 hours of sleep. If I told the medical staff I’m sure they’d pale.
I’m aware that I probably look like death walking, but it doesn’t bother me. If I pass with above average grades, I’m happy and I know my actual parents will be too. I ignore the concerned looks that Irene and Alexia give Lucy, and get changed ready for the training session.
It’s gruelling, the lack of sleep from the past 2 weeks has finally started to catch up. When I least needed it to. Maybe I am working too hard. It’s too late for that though. I know I’m being watched by the captains, acting for a little bit longer won’t do much harm. Can it?
When the third water break rolls around, I sit on the floor and flop onto my back, closing my eyes. Too tired in the moment to do anything other than breathe. The sunshine above me dulls as Lucy and Alexia stare down at me. When I open my eyes. My captain has a raised brow, while my roommate has her arms crossed.
“Y/N, get up please. Now.” It’s Lucy who speaks first. I don’t give in. What’s their problem?
“No. I am fine where I am thank you very much.” I bite back. Lucy looks like she’s trying to hold herself together and Alexia looks furious. Unconsciously, I sink into myself hoping the ground could swallow me up.
“Nena, we won’t ask again.” The spaniard says, her voice low as she sticks out her hand.
I reluctantly take it, pulling myself up and staring at the two in front of me.
“Come.” Alexia says blankly, leaving no room for argument before walking toward the main building. I sigh, doing as she says or I know I won’t hear the end of it. Lucy trails just behind me, her jaw set and making sure I don’t run away.
When inside I’m placed on a couch, wishing and praying to any extra-terrestrial being that I can leave this confrontation. What is it even about? Why am I here? I’ve done nothing wrong.
“So, we noticed you’ve been pushing people out. You also look dead.” Classic Alexia, straight to the point.
“I have no idea what you’re talking about.” I look away.
“Really? Because when I go to bed, which is around midnight and sometimes 1 if I’m doing other work. Your light is always on. You better fess up now before we make you do extra laps, and clear all the equipment from training.” It’s Lucy this time, starring daggers into me. Still, I don’t let up.
“Maybe I left the light on.” I shrug. “And why do we have to do this right now? I have 2 exams tomorrow. So, if I may. Let’s finish training so I can get to study and do other things.”
“This is exactly what I’m talking about Y/N. You’re deflecting absolutely everything we say. You’re not taking the information in. I get you’re stressed but that doesn’t mean you isolate yourself.” She pauses, sighing deeply. “We are going home right now. You will not touch your school work, this has gone on for long enough. I know Alexia agrees with me.”
“Before you argue, just think. Is this really the best way I could’ve prepared? Yes nail in, do the study for good results. But also remember to utilise the support system you have, the team, the coaches, take a break.” By the end of the rant I feel tears well in my eyes. I feel someone hug me and I can tell who it is by the obscurely large hands.
“Nena, go home with Lucy. Get some rest, and not only will you feel better but it gives your brain a break. When the week is over we can talk more but for now go.” The Catalan smiles warmly. I nod my head saying thanks before walking with Lucy to the car.
“Do you feel alright? You do look very pale.” She places her hands against my face and frowns. “No temperature. I’ll get some food into you and we’ll have a rest day. Just us.” I nod slowly staring out of the window as my mind races.
When we get to the apartment, no conversation is made and I immediately go and take a shower. It’s there that I cry and let all my frustrations out, the stress finally taking its toll on my mind.
When I’m dressed and ready I walk out to the smell of pancakes and Lucy sitting on the couch with Narla next to her. She hears me and turns her head around, eyebrows furrowing at the state I’m in.
She pats the open spot next to her which isn’t taken by the Westie and hands me a plate, which I accept gratefully.
It’s a comfortable silence, but I know she’s waiting for me to say anything. And this time, I do.
“I’m sorry Luce.” My voice is quiet and more high pitched compared to what it normally sounds like.
She smiles lightly.
“Hey, these things happen. You’re smart, just as Alexia said give your mind a rest and you’ll do better. Myself, Keira, the rest of the team only want the best for you and your well-being. Let’s not talk about this now, take it step by step. You’ll be ok.” I nod wiping freshly formed tears as she pulls me into a big hug, giving the rest of her pancake to Narla who eats it happily.
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And ok it would be. I end up playing Fifa with Lucy the rest of the day before eventually falling asleep against her. As for the exams, I pass by with good grades and after everything’s done the team takes me out to a restaurant to celebrate. As much as I deny it, this team is the most important thing to me. I love and adore them all so much.
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rosewine-5 · 5 months
𝑽𝒊𝒓𝒕𝒖𝒐𝒖𝒔 𝑨𝒅𝒐𝒓𝒂𝒕𝒊𝒐𝒏 (𝟏)
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Billy the Kid x b!woc reader
Being the pastors daughter meant you had to always be on your best behavior, never stepping off the right path, walking the straight & narrow path, and her eyes towards heaven. That was until a certain outlaw rode into your life, and taught you sometimes it okay to have a taste of hell with a little bit of heaven.
AN: readers last name is Bennett.
Word count: 1.3k
Here’s the link to part 2 & part 3
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Divider by saradika
It was the same schedule: Wake up, pray, work, eat, give thank, sleep, repeat. It had been the routine for 20 years. Well, maybe just for you. The family consisted of her mother, father, 2 brothers, Michael and John, and then yourself. Father raised the 3 of you to have unwavering faith and trust in a higher power no one would see while you were still alive. In a way, if offered stability to your family, and yourself.
But it also came with rules, which in your case, sucked, especially being the only girl in the house. You weren’t allowed to go out late, while your brothers could come home as late as early morning. Your father wanted his “little girl” to be, as he said “the gem of the Bennett name” , and for the most part, you didn’t know what else to be, other than a farmer.
The town you resided in had enough fertile soil for people to grow their food, there was even a lake not too far from town with a few trees close by. You used to swim there, before some men decided to ransack the town. That night everyone met in the church since the raiders burnt the town hall to the ground. That very night the leaders of the community, including your father, all agreed to hire mercenaries to keep the town safe.
If this wasn’t desperation, you didn’t know what else it could be.
When everyone got back to the farm, you and your brothers questioned your father. His only excuse was “There are some times in which we can’t wait for God to save us”, and there was no further argument. “This is something we can’t pray our way out of, child! Maybe one day you’ll understand.” He shouted, making you shrink.
The next day you woke up early on the property and walked over the kitchen, where Michael was packing up a bag along with your other John. “What’s the occasion?” You asked. “Pa told us we’re going with him to meet the mercenaries the next town over.” Your brother, Michael said in a rushed tone, sitting down to stuff his belonging in a bag. “You never told me that.” You said, walking towards him. “Well you’re not my mother.” He said, not looking up at you. “But I am your sister, and older than you.” You added.
“By 5 minutes.” He said, smiling up at you. Your mother had given birth to you first on a winter day, and then Michael a few minutes later. You didn’t know if it was the fact you two were born on the same day or being twins, but you were closer to Mike then you were John.
“Are you two bickering again?” Your mother said, walking in. “We were just saying our goodbyes, Dove and I.” Mike said, putting on a smile and slinging his arm around your neck.
You had adopted the nickname Dove after your 10th birthday by your father. To him, the name symbolized what he wanted you to be: pure, innocent, peaceful. For the most part, you were pure, you didn’t have a choice to be anything but, being the pastors daughter and all. A part of you didn’t mind being stamped as “Holy” but that also meant you didn’t have the same freedoms or privileges you would’ve loved to have.
You were snapped oh of your train of thought when your father came from outside and called for your brothers. Three horses were already set up, belonging to them. None for you. “We’ll be back by the end of the week.” He said, kissing your mother goodbye, and then waking to you. “Best behavior, my dove, as always.” He said, kissing your forehead before riding away, your brothers behind him.
The next few days were full of chores, errands, and work. And boredom. Then came the day they were expected back, your mother stood next to you. “Penny for your thoughts, honey?” Your mom asked, making you nod. “He means the best for you.” She said, putting her hand on your shoulder, trying to stick her point. “He just doesn’t want to see you-.” “Act out of line? Have fun? Have a real life?” You interrupted, looking at her. “You know that’s not what I meant, love.” She said, putting some of the vegetables that were grown in a basket.
“Here, take this, throw them out, and get some air.” She said, basically leading you out of the room. “And honey?” Your mom called, making you look back, “We only treat you with different rules to keep you safe.” After throwing the vegetables out, you looked towards the town, and sighed. “Safe my god given ass.” You mumbled to yourself, walking towards the lake for the first time in a while.
There was a cool breeze coming from the lake, one that you took in with a content look on your face. You laid down in the grass and took a deep breath in, before closing your eyes. After a few minutes, all you could hear was the breeze blowing and the rustle of the leaves. It almost drowned out the noise from the town, as well as the noise in your head. It even almost drowned out the sound of the twig that snapped behind you. Almost.
Your head snapped behind you to see a tall slender boy leaning on a tree staring at you, a small smirk on his face. From his face alone, you could tell he wasn’t a local, you couldn’t even recognize him. You looked him over, his rough appearance a clear sign he wasn’t one to walk over. But his eyes were the most enchanting part of him. Those blue eyes drew you in like a siren to a sailor. And as much as you wanted to drown in them, you knew shook out of the trance; who is this man?
“You new around here?” You asked, breaking the silence. He looked you up and down, before meeting your eyes with a wolfish grin, chuckling to himself. “You could say that.” He said, looking deep in your eyes. “I’m Billy.” You nodded your head toward him, “Nice to meet you, Billy.” “So what’s your name, honey?” He asked, the smile never leaving his face. “I’m Bennett.” You said, holding out your hand. Billy then took your hand and then kissed it, “You must be the pastors daughter, you and your brothers have the same eyes.”
Here we go again
He then smirked to himself, “If I may, humor me Ms. Bennett.” You immediately turned back around and looked at the water, “I doubt I could make you shut up anyway, so go on ahead.” You said, making him huff out a short laugh.
“What’s a lady like you doing by herself?” Billy asked, looking over you with a curious look in his eyes. “Like myself, huh? What’s that supposed to mean, cowboy?” You asked, not looking away from the water of the lake. You then heard his footsteps get closer, and then he was right behind you.
“I thought the pastor’s girl would know it would be safer to stay close to the house of the lord, than out here with her back turned, vulnerable.” Billy said, and you could see his shadow cover your frame, making you turn around, holding your shawl closer to your body, covering your shoulders.
In the moment you turned around, his eyes didn’t hesitate to look over your face, and then your body. Billy’s eyes went down to your neck and chest, making no effort to avert his gaze. “What a beautiful ring,” He said, getting your attention,” You engaged?” “No, it’s my purity band.” You said, holding it out so he could get a better view, and hoping he would leave you alone.
Instead, you saw a new look in his eyes.
One that let you know he wouldn’t leave you alone.
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gurugirl · 8 months
Just For Tonight | Ch. 2
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Series Summary: Harry spots an angel in the crowd and he can't keep his eyes off of her. And, as if by some cosmic pull, he can't help but ask her backstage. But it's only going to be just for tonight. Or is it?
Chapter Summary: Y/n's pretty sure she'll never see or hear from Harry again. They had a fun night but he made it clear that it was only just the once. Except Harry can't seem to follow his own rules.
Warning: 18+ only, smut
Word Count: 10,501
Commissioned by anon (thank you!! xoxo)
Just For Tonight Masterlist
Having a night with Harry Styles was like having one of those hot-girl secrets that only the most privileged were in on. But what that also meant was that she couldn’t really go talking all about it to everyone either.
She would have loved to have posted on Instagram all about it. Bragged about having seen his cock and then having it inside of her. She would have loved to have seen Dyna’s face when she told her that Harry Styles had eaten her out and spanked her. Dyna was one of those acquaintances in her friend group who was smug and pretty but rude. Thought her shit didn’t stink.
And well, she never would tell anyway. Not only would she never brag about what she’d done with someone during sex, but she wouldn’t want to betray anyone that way.
But it was kind of a bummer that she couldn’t talk about it all. Ady drilled her for information and Y/n had already decided that she’d only spill the details to her best friend, whom she could actually trust. Ady was a work friend at best. She trusted Ady, but not with that kind of secret.
All Ady knew was that Y/n had spent the night with Harry Styles. And when she arrived at the office on Monday morning, half of her co-workers had already heard about it.
“That’s why I didn’t give you details, Ady. You shouldn’t be saying anything to anyone.” Y/n replied as she bit into her sandwich. Ady was trying to extract more information from her.
“But I would never tell anyone those details, Y/n! Come on. Just give me something. Any tattoos we don’t know about? Is his dick as big as everyone thinks it is?”
Y/n rolled her eyes and stood up from her chair, tossing the crust of her sandwich into the garbage, and completely ignoring Ady on her way back to her desk.
After a few days, the gossip had died down and Ady had pretty much given up. Y/n was glad everyone had stopped talking about it and asking her uncomfortable questions.
And while on the outside it had appeared Y/n had moved on completely, on the inside she couldn’t stop replaying the night with Harry over and over again.
Especially when she was alone in her bedroom at night.
Y/n had a housemate. She lived in a two-bedroom bungalow with a microscopic backyard, street parking, and the tiniest closet known to man. And still, she could barely afford to make rent each month. But Brad was nice. And he allowed her to pay a little late sometimes. She didn’t often pay late. Maybe a handful of times over the year.
But it also helped that Brad had a bit of a crush on Y/n. She didn’t want to be that person but it came in handy in this case.
“I’m so sorry. I get paid next Friday and I’ll pay you first thing. Just didn’t keep track of my spending again this month.” It was slightly embarrassing. She wasn’t careless about how she spent her money but that month she had the Harry Styles concert, bought a hotel room (which she didn’t even sleep in), and spent a little extra on her cute new bodysuit. She had saved up her money but overspent just a tiny bit. Okay so maybe she was a little careless with her money at times. And she was getting too old to keep living paycheck to paycheck. It was time to start putting money away.
And she couldn’t do that with her current job and all the bills she had on top of that.
Y/n was going to have to find a second job. Anything so she could get her footing and pay off some loans, and then maybe she could breathe a little.
“No worries, Y/n. I’m good for it until then.” Brad smiled. She could tell he was getting tired of it, though. And for that alone, the embarrassment of having to ask if he could cover her part for a handful of days and to see his expression of pity and probably a little bit of annoyance, yeah. It was time to find a second job.
Her cousin was the floor manager at a posh, expensive restaurant downtown that Y/n would have never dreamed of stepping foot into. Not normally anyway. But there was a job opening for a server spot that her cousin had casually mentioned a week prior. She didn’t know if the position had been filled or not and if they would give her that prime weekend shift but there was only one way to find out.
“Y/n! Hi! How are you?” Laren answered chipper and sweet.
“Hi. Uh… good! How are you?”
Small talk commenced before Y/n finally got into the nitty gritty of why she was calling.
“Oh? The server position? It hasn’t been filled actually. We’ve been interviewing, though. You should come in and apply. I can put in a good word.”
The position was for two weekday nights and rotating a Sunday and Saturday every other week with a draw for the occasional Friday night (the coveted night to serve apparently). It wasn’t ideal but she figured she’d at least apply and see what happened.
Y/n had been a server in college so she was familiar with the work. It was hard, stressful at times, but tips could be good with the right tables.
And part of her didn’t want to waitress again. She was already working 40 hours at her office job. This would leave her with very little free time. But she needed to do something because every time she thought about how she was late on rent again it made her cringe and flush hot with embarrassment.
The interview process was fairly painless. And the fact that her cousin already worked there seemed to be in her favor because the very next afternoon she was getting a call to come back in to begin training. She’d gotten the position.
And it was just as hard as she imagined it would be. Shadowing one of the servers felt strange. She started on a Tuesday night since it would be a relatively slow night. Rushing from her office job to get home, changing into her uniform, and then racing through heavy traffic to get to the restaurant gave her a good idea of how it would be for her on the nights she worked during the weekdays.
Her past experience was a blessing. She only needed to shadow for two weeks before they started letting her have her own tables. Everyone on staff was easy to get along with on some level.
She did learn, though, that Vyra was upset that they were letting her take a weekend night shift so early on. Vyra was also a server who’d been at The Dulcería for a couple of years and wasn’t allowed weekend shifts until she’d been serving for a while.
“Tell them I’ll take your ten top tonight. I don’t think you’re quite ready for the level of service you’ll need to provide.” Vyra placed her tray down and faced Y/n as she spoke.
Y/n had just arrived at the restaurant for her first weekend evening shift by herself. She didn’t even know she had a ten top as she’d only just walked into the door.
“I… okay, well, let me at least put my stuff down. I’ll talk to Mannie and find out what he wants before I ask for that.” She was already annoyed. Not ready for the level of service… Just for that comment alone, Y/n was going to make sure she kept the table and was the best damn waitress that ten top could ever have that night.
“I’m telling you that it’s going to be better for you to just give me the table. We’ll switch off. They’re gonna be here all night.”
Y/n put her purse in the locker and turned to look at Vyra, “How do you know they’re gonna be here all night?”
“Because the reservation was very specific about how long they would be here. Probably someone famous honestly. Just tell Mannie you’re giving me your section.”
Sighing as she clicked the lock into place and tied her apron around her waist she shook her head, “We’ll see.”
Y/n checked the schedule for the night and realized, the only table that she was assigned was the ten top Vyra had mentioned. Which was interesting. Looking at the name on the reservation it didn’t ring any bells for her as to who could be in the party that would require her to stay with them all night but she knew she could take care of the table on her own. Even if they were famous and picky and maybe demanding. There were only ten of them. And it was her only table.
After the first two guests had arrived and were brought to the table by the hostess, Mannie signaled to her to greet them at the table and get some drinks started.
“You didn’t tell Mannie to let me take over. You didn’t even ask. I think it’s in your best int–“
“I’ve got it, Vrya. I appreciate your concern but I’m fine. Really,” she spoke as she neared the private area of the dining room where her table was.
“No. I don’t think you understand, Y/n. You’re new at this–“
Y/n stopped abruptly and Vrya nearly ran into her, “Stop. I’ve waited tables before. And Mannie wanted me to have this one. Just… go back to your tables and give it a rest.”
The pair at the table were dressed extremely casually, which was unusual for the restaurant. Most people entering the doors of The Dulcería wore designer and dressed appropriately in smart casual.
“Hi. I’m Y/n. I’ll be taking care of you tonight. Would you like me to get you started with anything? Wine for the table or appetizers for when everyone else starts to arrive?”
The young woman at the table ordered three bottles of wine to start and a handful of appetizers. Easy enough.
When Y/n returned to the private area with a cart full of wine and water she stopped in her tracks. More of the party had arrived but now she recognized two of them. She blinked her eyes and swallowed as she felt her heart rate pick up before pushing the cart forward again and closer to the table. She could be seeing things, she told herself.
As she neared the party she honed in on the man with his back to her with chocolate brown curls and broad shoulders. Was this…? It couldn’t be.
And yet she was sure it was. Based on the fact that she was looking right at Jeff Azoff and his adorable wife Glenne… She gulped as she parked the cart at the edge of the room and plucked up one of the bottles of red wine to uncork.
Carrying the bottle and a glass of wine toward the young woman who ordered it, she was suddenly aware that all eyes were on her as she turned the label side out toward her. But before she could pour a taste sample the young woman pointed at the man with his brown curls at the other end of the table, “It’s his to taste.”
She let out a quick breath to ground herself and closed her eyes for only a moment before turning to see those bright green eyes already on her. The big grin on his face told her he recognized her immediately. Of course he did.
She smiled, taking a step back, and slowly walked toward Harry to give him the first taste of the wine.
Pouring the liquid into the glass slowly as she stood to his left Harry finally spoke, “I didn’t know you worked here. How have you been?”
Okay. A standard greeting. Even that alone got her heart aflutter. She wasn’t sure if he’d act like he didn’t know her or if he’d greet her kindly. She would assume the latter but of course, one never knows in these circumstances.
“I’ve been well. This is actually a new job for me. And uh, how about you? How have you been?”
Harry sipped the wine and nodded, “S’good. Thank you. I’ll have a glass of this one,” he cleared his throat while she poured a serving for him, “And yeah… I’m great. Thank you. We should catch up soon,” he leaned in closer and finished his thought, “Kind of wish I’d gotten your number.” He spoke the last sentence a little softer so only she could hear.
For the duration of the dinner it was difficult to have any kind of real conversation with Harry while she was taking orders and running back and forth but each time she returned Harry made sure to get in a comment or ask her a question. She noticed the looks from a few of the people sitting around the table.
Heading back into the kitchen to grab their meals she noticed Vrya walking toward her side of the restaurant where the private dining room was. By then, all the servers heard about who was in the private dining room. Most didn’t make a fuss about it but a couple of them were curious.
With the tray loaded she delicately walked back toward her guests and spotted Vrya next to Harry and chatting. Technically Vyra wasn’t allowed to speak to guests at Y/n’s table unless she requested help. It wasn’t a big deal normally, but since Harry was a celebrity, a famous pop star, it would be frowned upon. This wasn’t some Deux Moi tell-all Sunday sightings gossip rag. This was a posh, upscale restaurant where wealthy people and celebrities came to enjoy a quiet meal without being disturbed or spotted. Mannie was not going to be happy about Vrya taking it upon herself to check on Y/n’s table. She couldn’t wait to talk to Laren about Vyra as well. She wished her cousin was there that night so she could vent but she’d be calling her about this later.
Placing the tray onto the stand Y/n frowned at Vrya as they made eye contact, “I was just seeing if everything was going well. Since you’re new and all,” Vrya laughed and looked down at Harry, “Plus having such a big star here we need to make sure service is perfect.”
Harry smiled at Y/n, “Y/n here been more than perfect. You’ve nothing to worry about. I’m sure we all agree,” he gestured toward everyone at the table, “we are in the most capable hands here. Couldn’t be happier.”
The fake smile on the intruder was telling as Y/n began to bring dishes around the table, “Thanks for checking in on me Vrya. It’s unnecessary, though. I’ll call on help if I need it.”
Standing up straight and nodding at Harry she walked behind Y/n and whispered, “His water glass is low,” and then exited the room.
Y/n had no idea what she’d done that would have Vyra acting like such a child. She was polite to Vrya but she really wanted to yank her hair out and shove her out the window for sticking her nose into business that wasn’t hers. But she figured she was better off ignoring the whole thing.
“So, Y/n…” one of the guys at the table spoke up, “We hear that you and Harry met at a recent concert. How did you enjoy the show?”
She felt her neck get hot as she fumbled with the notepad in her apron pocket, “Oh… it was awesome. Yeah. I gave him a pair of sunglasses that he wore that night on stage. That’s pretty much how we met. Brought a co-worker with me. A blast. It was the first concert I’ve been to.” She smiled and then quickly corrected, “First Harry Styles concert that is!”
The look on Harry’s face was cheeky. He was holding in an obvious grin on his face as he gazed at her. She was a nervous thing in this setting. Harry remembered quite well how sure of herself and confident she’d been that night. How she was practically dominating him, leading everything that happened. Mostly.
And even though he made it clear that what had happened was just for that night, he realized he’d been fantasizing about her a lot since then. In fact, every time he touched himself his thoughts made their way to Y/n just before he could come. He hadn’t even slept with anyone since. Not that he’d been holding out for her or anything. He had been thinking about her a lot, though. Missing her even. He was quite delighted that she was his server and that he happened to meet her once again. It felt like fate maybe.
And Harry was a big believer in fate and the universe shifting and creating space and paths for humanity. He was a believer in karma and destiny and intertwined lives. And so because of that Harry was sure this meant something.
When the restaurant was shut down and the servers were calling it a night, Y/n was clearing the table and refilling the last of the wine for everyone. She was told not to rush them, and she had no intention of doing so. She was enjoying the table. Everyone was polite and easy to please. There were no difficult requests or off-the-wall dietary restrictions.
Though Harry was particular with his order (the man was clearly eating strictly healthy which made sense given the state of his body, which she was quite acquainted with) it was easy to accommodate. Plus his presence had set her in a good mood. He was gentle and sweet and everyone in his party was the same.
And the way Harry kept looking at her, as if he knew something she didn’t somehow… a teasing grin, slightly stifled… she was all nerves and butterflies and big smiles. It had been an amazing night at work. It hardly felt like work at all.
Exiting the bathroom after a much-needed bladder release she walked up the hallway but was stopped short when she heard his voice, “What are you doing after you get off?”
His deep rasp had her tummy boiling as she turned and saw him leaning against the frame where the hallway met the corner of the entry to the kitchen. Stepping back toward him she looked up at his sharp green eyes and shook her head, “Going home.”
That smirk, the one that hid what he was really thinking deep down slowly widened until he was grinning full-on, “Where’s home?”
Looking behind her and then over his shoulder to make sure no one was nearby she squinted her eyes at him, “Why do you want to know?”
Harry sighed and softened his stance, putting his arms down to his sides, “Because. I was gonna ask a follow-up question and figured it might be important to know if my place is closer or yours.”
She let out a soft laugh in surprise and now her ears were growing warm, “At this hour… A fifteen-minute drive away.”
Harry nodded and reached a hand out to her apron, pulling gently at the bow, “Got it. Would you be interested in having me over tonight?”
Cocking her head and keeping her eyes squinted in scrutiny she responded, “And why would you want to come over to my place?”
She felt like this was obvious. She could have answered this question on her own. But she wanted to hear it from him. Wanted to be sure she was on the same page as him.
He leaned in and lowered his voice, keeping a finger looped into her apron’s bow, “Seeing you tonight has reminded me of how much fun we had. I know I said it was only a one-time thing but maybe we could make it a two-time thing,” he smiled broadly and shrugged.
Harry was a confident guy. He wasn’t typically turned down. In fact, on the rare occasion he was turned down it usually had nothing to do with him. So he was pretty sure Y/n would be happy to have him. But even as sure of himself as he felt, he was feeling his nerves peak at the idea she would say no.
“A two-time thing. Okay… well I do have a roommate. His bedroom is connected to the wall next to mine. Privacy is an issue. If you’re okay with that then I’d say… sure.”
Harry let out a laugh through his nose, though it was more out of relief than due to anything being funny, “What makes you think I want to be in your bedroom? Maybe I just wanted to stop by for a movie. Or we could bake cookies or something.”
Harry laughed at the obvious nonsense he’d just spewed. They both knew what this was.
“Oh? So you want to like watch a movie and bake some shit? I’m down with that. I don’t think I have the ingredients to make cookies or anything but I’m sure we could stop somewhere and grab flour–“
Harry pinched at her hip and stepped in close, “I was kidding…”
Now it was Y/n’s turn to laugh before she straightened her back as much as possible and put on a serious face. With his proximity, she was bent slightly back to look up at him, “You were? So you mean you don’t want to bake cookies with me?”
Harry’s grin and his hands at her hips were soft, “I don’t want to bake cookies with you. I want to get you in bed again.”
Well okay. There it was. She knew that’s what it was but to hear him say it out loud had her head spinning and her heart pounding.
She nodded, “Right. So… how do we do it? You want me to drive or…?”
Harry shook his head with a laugh, “Give me your number.”
.           .           .
Harry and his crew left before Y/n did. She’d given him her number and he texted her back right away. It was surreal. Just like how she felt the first time she met him. She almost didn’t believe it was happening.
Vyra was cold for the rest of the night but after the huge tip left, Y/n could understand why. Harry’s table had been her only table of the night. Her shift was only four hours but they stayed the entire time. She figured Vyra knew that some celebrities tipped well and wanted in on that.
In fact, the tip had been so big she had to sit down when she realized the number written in the tip line with a small smiley face next to it. She’d have a talk to Harry about this. It was far more than necessary. Even after splitting the tips up between the kitchen and the bussers in the system, it left her with enough money to cover rent and all her bills for a month. Yeah. Excessive.
She texted Harry the minute she parked her car in front of her house. It was well after midnight. She wasn’t sure he’d actually come, still in disbelief about it all. The fact that he was there and that she was assigned to that table felt like pure luck. Fate if you believed in that kind of thing. Which she didn’t. Not normally anyway.
His return text came back quickly.
On my way.
Quickly showering off her sweat and the smell of cooked food then shaving her legs she tried to calm herself down. The night with Harry in the hotel room she’d been perfectly groomed and ready for anything that might happen. Not that she expected it that night, but one never knows. Going to a Harry Styles concert and having the chance to catch his eye wasn’t something she’d half-ass. She never in a million years would have thought he’d have pointed her out while he was singing and then proceed to bring her back to his suite. But he did.
And this evening, she wasn’t fully groomed but smooth legs and clean bits were the least she could offer in such a short amount of time. She laughed to herself as she thought about it all. Wondered if he’d even care if she was a little sweaty. She wasn’t going to chance it.
When he texted that he was out front she took a few deep breaths and looked in the mirror one last time just to be sure before dashing to the front door as quietly as possible (so as not to wake Brad) to let the famous pop star into her small, rented bungalow.
She gestured to Harry with a finger to keep quiet, “My roommate is sleeping. Do you need water? The bathroom?”
Harry’s grin revealed that he needed only one thing. And neither had anything to do with what she’d just offered.
“I take it no baking cookies, then?”
They grinned at each other as she led him to her room.
Her bedroom was cute. She had cream curtains that draped down to the floor, a wooden dresser with a framed photo of Y/n with her family atop, a coaster from a local bar, a box that appeared to be a jewelry case, and a carton of tissues. Her bed was made and the comforter looked fluffy with a pretty pink and yellow flower pattern all over it. Framed prints of plants and flowers on her walls and a standing lamp in one corner. A closed door, which was definitely hiding a closet behind. A nightstand on either side of her bed.
“Cute,” Harry spoke as he looked everything over and then brought his gaze back to the woman he’d been fantasizing about since their last night together.
“Yeah. Uh… this is it.” She shrugged and felt her tummy warm up under his scrutiny. He was staring at her and she knew he was there for one thing only.
Sitting on her bed she sighed and attempted to lighten the mood, “So… that tip was way too big, Harry. I can’t possibly accept such a thing. I don’t think–“
Harry shushed her as he sat down and took her hand in his, “Nonsense. You are an amazing server and deserve every penny of that. Probably more even.”
His light eyes were scalding. Every inch of skin he took in she felt sizzle.
“Thank you. Just feels weird. Especially now that you’re here…” she laughed quietly.
“Now that I’m here? What do you mean?” His fingers wound into hers, his thumb moving along the edge of her hand. Such an innocent gesture, giving her goosebumps. Though she was well aware his intentions weren’t innocent.
“I mean… Like you just gave me a bunch of money and now you’re in my bedroom,” she smiled and tried to maintain eye contact but it was hard with how gorgeous he was.
“This is separate from that, Y/n. You should know that. I just missed you which is why I wanted to come here. You’re just really good,” he looked at the bed and then back to her, “You know… in this setting.” He grinned wide.
“In this setting?” She laughed at his words and shook her head.
The grin dropped from Harry’s face as he brought his free hand up to cup her jaw, “Can I kiss you? I missed these lips so much. I’ve been thinking of them since that first time with you.”
Nodding her head she felt him pull at her thigh just as his lips found hers.
Things had shifted since the last time she saw him. Somehow it felt a little different. Maybe more intimate in some way. It was probably because they were in her bedroom rather than a hotel suite, and this was the second time they’d be seeing each other in this context. But there was something else there too. She was feeling… less sure of herself. She still had the confidence she needed to kiss him back and unbutton his shirt, but unlike last time when she was feeling very forward, this time something kept her slightly reserved.
And Harry noted her softer demeanor. He didn’t mind it, though. In fact, this time he was feeling like he wanted to show her how good he could be. Give her a taste of him taking the lead and maybe have her begging him a bit. He was in a bit of a mood that night. He was glad that he saw her in the restaurant because it’d been a month since he’d gotten laid (and it just so happened the last person he’d had sex with was Y/n) and she was the only girl he could think of that would scratch the itch he had.
Y/n was pressed back into the mattress as Harry pulled her sweatpants off, “Do you want to feel good, Y/n?”
She nodded and puffed a laugh out, “Well… yeah…” She thought that was an obvious answer and the way she responded told Harry she was mocking him.
Harry paused the movements of his hands as he stuck his fingers into her panty’s waistband. He cocked his brow up at her in warning before he popped her thigh with a smack. She laughed and sat up with her mouth dropped open in surprise.
“Behave. I was just asking a question. Wanna try that answer again?”
She swallowed and blinked her eyes, “Yes, Harry. I want to feel good.” She smirked at him. Her answer was still lined with cheek but he’d give her a pass. He wanted to see her.
He smiled and nodded before proceeding to pull her panties down her legs, “Good. Because that’s what we’re here for. To feel good. Take your shirt off for me.”
Y/n was relieved that Harry seemed to pick up where she was lacking. She didn’t know what had her feeling so permissive but they seemed to be on the same page. She peeled her shirt off over her head and Harry spread her legs apart, fitting himself in between her thighs.
He was still mostly dressed. His shirt was unbuttoned and his jeans were undone. Both Y/n’s doing, but that was as far as it had gone with getting him out of his clothes before he stopped her and began to tell her he was going to get her naked.
“Can you take your bra off too? Need it all off.” He waved his hand toward her chest as he directed his sight to the space between her thighs. It felt so vulnerable to have him clothed while she was naked. But she did as he said and removed her bra for him.
The dim lamp in her room kept everything visible. Harry could tell she was already a bit wet. The gleam peeking out from her labia had his tummy on fire. He couldn’t wait to feel her again. Slip his cock right in and drive into her. He imagined he’d need to keep her mouth covered while he was fucking her to keep her quiet because he recalled how loud she was the first time they’d been together.
But before he could indulge himself in feeling the juicy stretch of her around him, he was determined to have her come in his mouth and on his fingers first. She didn’t orgasm when he ate her out the last time and that was something that stuck with him. He had nowhere to be the following morning and given that it was a Sunday he figured she was free as well so they could play for a lot longer this time around. Not that that stopped them from having a good romp and then a quick fuck in the morning the last time, but he planned to take his sweet time with her now.
He smoothed his hands up her thighs and licked his lips, “I’m gonna lick your pretty pussy until you come and then if you’re still well behaved maybe I’ll let you taste my cock for a bit before I fuck you. How’s that sound?”
She nodded and moaned softly, “Mmm… That sounds so good.”
Harry smiled and pressed his thumb over her clit and gently began to rub back and forth, “It does doesn’t it? I missed this with you, angel. Can’t believe I thought it was just going to be the one time. Seems as though fate had a different idea.”
She scrunched her brows and an ooh feel from her mouth at the feel of his thumb on her clit and his soft words.
Harry leaned over her body, the fabric of his shirt dragging over her tummy as he dipped down to wrap his mouth around her pebbled nipple. She craned her neck back into the soft pillow and sighed at the feel of him on her. His lips on her breast and his thumb on her wet nub.
By the time he’d licked and sucked the expanse of both of her breasts, she was completely on edge. On fire. His teasing thumb gently rolling her clit back and forth was making her lose it.
“Fuck… please, Harry,” she whispered as she stuffed her fingers into his hair. He lifted off her breast and looked up at her, “What is it, angel? Please what?”
“I just… I want you to fuck me. Now.”
Harry sat back onto his haunches and looked at where his hand was at her pussy. All wet and shiny for him, “What did I say?” He looked back into her eyes, “Don’t you remember what I said I was gonna do first?”
She let out a shaky breath, “I do. I just thought you could skip it if you wanted. Really want to feel you again.”
He kept his thumb working her clit as he groaned, “I want to feel you too. But I have to have a go at you first. Want to put my mouth right here,” he slid his thumb upward and pressed down, “and make you come.”
Her tongue poked out from her lips as she kept her mouth parted. Heavy lids and wiggly hips.
Harry loved the way she looked. Like she was ready for whatever was to come. She was desperate for him and he already had her saying please. He loved a little begging when he could get it.
“Little tongue coming out to say hello,” he reached forward and pressed his finger onto her pink muscle and she immediately wrapped her lips around his digit. His own mouth dropped open at her desperation. Her tongue pressed into the pad of his finger and she sucked him in.
“Shit, angel. I’m gonna make you feel so fucking good. Okay? Don’t worry.”
He felt her lift upward into his hand and he got the hint. She needed something.
Pulling his finger out of her mouth and taking his hand from her pussy he pulled his shirt off over his shoulders and knelt down, pressing his fingers through her crease, coating his digits in her slippery essence.
He looked up at her face as he plunged two fingers into her hole and then lowered his mouth over her cunt and she bellowed loudly before putting her arm over her mouth to keep herself quiet. She’d have to keep herself in check with the noises but her concern about Brad being right next to her room was slowly dissolving.
Harry chuckled into her labia as his tongue slipped up and down, lapping at her arousal.
It was soft but every time he puckered his lips and ran his tongue up and down her clit she felt a spark lighting up her insides.
Her moans were muffled under her arm. But she was so wet that everything in her room sounded exactly like what was happening. Harry’s lips and tongue and fingers moved through her wet labia and creamy arousal and she wished she could record the sounds to listen to later.
Harry’s heart was pounding in his chest and he curled his fingers and dragged the tips along her soft ridges on the inside. He flattened his tongue over her clit and slurped before quickly sweeping his tongue back and forth. Her little squeak was a good sign. He smiled.
When he felt her fingers in his hair, pulling gently she began to roll her hips into his face. He lifted up to take a look at her as much as he could with her fingers on his head. She was gorgeous. Her wet pussy was smeared all over his face, her tits swayed softly as she arched and writhed, her hair was splayed out across her pillow, soft thighs parted.
Then he noticed the way she was fucking herself down onto his fingers. Her hips began to move faster and her pathetic mewls were falling muffled from her mouth.
Harry lowered his lips back to her pussy and she sighed in relief. But he only applied a sloppy kiss to her mound before looking back up at her. He moved his free hand up her body and pushed her arm off her face, tilting his head up to speak, “Keep your eyes on me, angel. You can be a good girl stay quiet. I know you can,” he pumped his fingers into her as he spoke against her pussy in hot breaths.
She adjusted her body slightly, using the pillow to help keep her neck angled so she could watch him. To keep her eyes on his. She gasped and tried to stifle her moans as she watched him dig in with his whole face.
His pretty green eyes were mostly pupil, dark with only the edges of crystal green surrounding. She put her other hand into his hair and cradled the back of his head. The hand he wasn’t using to finger her had her thigh held down, his fingers pinching into her soft skin.
But then he used his tongue to move quickly back and forth over her clit while thrusting his fingers deep, curling into the right spot. And there was something about his eyes watching her that made her flush hot. His steady gaze seeped into her brain and wrapped itself around all those bits that supplied dopamine and caused a craving that would be hard to shake.
His fingers were stuffed so deep inside of her that she knew he must be getting his knuckles drenched. Probably his whole hand given how wet everything sounded. The bend of his fingers inside of her and the pressure on her clit, when he sucked her, pulled a loud groan from her lungs. But it didn’t stop him from continuing the sloppy lapping and slurping.
Pulling his hair tighter between her fingers she bucked her hips into his face and tried to close her legs slightly by instinct. Harry kept her one thigh pressed down hard and he used his shoulder to hold her other side down.
She cried out, “Oh god!” And threw her head back, removing her eyes from Harry’s just as she felt the spark turn into a harsh current that began to tip her into the edge of her orgasm. She knew it had been too loud. Knew that it might have woken up her housemate but she was too far away from caring about that just then. Her pussy was being snacked on in a way she’d never experienced in her life.
Harry dug himself in deeper when he could tell she was close. Her loud cry and the quiver of her thighs were a good sign. He kept at what he was doing and looked up at her soft tits as she arched her back and moaned his name.
When she began to clamp down on his fingers and her moans moved into a steady stream of whining and whimpering and her muscles tensed he knew he’d gotten her to come finally. He allowed her to have her eyes closed because he could tell it was intense. He’d have her watching him next time he made her come on his cock.
Which reminded him of what sort of state he was in. His hard dick was painfully achy. But the anticipation for what was to come had him reeling as he licked her through to her end, keeping his fingers inside of her, working her until she slowed her hips and loosened the grip on his curls.
He sat back, grabbing her hands from his hair, and looked over his handiwork. Her pussy was ready to be fucked. She was ripe for more. He knew she’d be good for another orgasm. Her body was made for this.
When she finally opened her eyes she giggled as he leaned over her frame. His face was all wet. His chin, his cheeks, and his nose were shiny with her. She followed him with her eyes as he climbed over her.
Somewhere in between her coming and right then, he’d removed his pants and boxer briefs. His cock hung heavy over her face, “Open.”
She was flat on her back as she opened her mouth for him, reaching a hand up to grasp the base of his cock to guide him to her mouth. She felt his warm tip against her lip, the smear of his precome and her slippery arousal wetting the edge of her mouth before she wrapped her lips around him.
The groan he let out was the sound of pure sex. She had barely done a thing but she was already smiling to herself at the way she made him whine.
Harry held onto the headboard with one hand and used his other to grasp the back of her head as he pushed himself down into her throat. He’d only dip in a few times. Make her swallow and gag around him once her twice because he wanted to fuck her. Wanted to feel her again.
She closed her eyes when Harry’s tip dragged against the back of her throat. He pumped himself into her a few times and she swallowed as she gagged around him. The whimper he let out made her brain swirl. She was thoroughly enjoying having her throat fucked. He wasn’t going in too hard but he was taking control of her and dipping in until she was coughing and drooling.
He pulled himself out and looked down at her, moving his hand up to her cheek with a grin, “My god, angel. Just so fucking perfect.”
She was still catching her breath. From her orgasm, from having his cock in her throat, from the intensity of the moment…
She could hear him ripping the condom wrapper open before he was back in view. He sat between her legs on his haunches as he softly moved his palms over her thighs and up to her hips, “Gonna give me another one? Come on cock this time?”
She planted her gaze on his and nodded, “Yes…” her words were a whisper.
The cheeky grin Harry returned to her had her heart fluttering. He was so painfully attractive she felt like this was all a dream.
“Good. Need you to keep your eyes on me this time, okay?” He paused as she nodded, “Want to watch your face when I make you come. Might have to cover your mouth if you get too loud like you just were. Is that okay?”
Another quick nod and a moan told him she was on board.
Harry moved his hands up her sides, pressing his fingers into her soft skin and up to her breasts, kneading at them for a moment before lining himself up to her hole, “Look at me.”
They kept their eyes locked as he slowly pressed in past her tight opening. Harry knew that if they went without a condom he might come inside of her and not want to pull out. If she felt as good as she did with a condom, he knew he’d be falling in love and down on one knee if he felt her without.
Her puffy, juicy pussy was taking him in just as he remembered. He had to work himself in and out a bit before he finally got himself into her balls deep. He would have loved to tuck himself in further but he was halted from his thick, full balls.
“Feel that, angel?” He groaned quietly as she nodded nodded in gasps. “Yeah? It’s so fucking deep, isn’t it? Love the way you spread open for me,” he rocked into her and pulled back, listening to the slick sounds it made.
He put his palms on the mattress with his body leaned over hers, using his strong back and thighs to fuck into her as deep as he could. He just wanted to be stuffed inside of her guts, fucking into her as far as humanly possible. And she felt that too. It was deep. The sharp ache made her keen but the drag of his pelvis against her clit felt otherworldly.
Her thighs were pushed back, bent at the knee as Harry laid himself into her over and over again. Thick, deep, languid strokes.
“Ahhhh!” She cried when he smacked into her, pushing her upward slightly.
Harry groaned and kept his eyes on hers, “Yeah? It’s that good, huh? Gonna have to cover your mouth now because I’m about to go a little harder.” She wanted harder. Liked soft too, but hard stuck around for days. Loved the feeling of having her pussy fucked so good she was reminded of it later on. Just like the first time they were together. She felt him every time she sat down or stood up for two days. Felt the leftover ache on her thighs and the burn on her bottom.
Harry angled himself down, pushing her thighs apart further with one hand and covering her mouth with his other. And his sudden punishing thrusts had her eyes going wide. It hadn’t been expected so quickly but he got right to it.
He could feel the vibrations of her moans against his palm as he buried himself in and pulled back to his tip before he hammered back into her repeatedly. Long, deep, fast strokes.
She was already rolling her eyes into the back of her head. He wanted her to watch him but he’d give her a small break and make her open them when she was coming. He wanted to watch her face and her eyes as she reached her peak.
Her bed creaked and the springs danced loudly. Muffled sounds of moans and the wet slap of skin filled her bedroom. Harry didn’t necessarily want her roommate to hear them but he did enjoy all the noises that came with sex. And in all honesty, they were both being as quiet as possible given how hard he was fucking her.
His thighs burned from the thrusts and his back muscles held himself steady over her, “Listen to that, angel. Our bodies connecting like that. How wet you are for me…” he moaned his words as he watched her face screw up in ecstasy. Her muted noises were stifled with his palm as he wrecked her insides.
She felt every inch of him taking her. Every slip and thrust, drag and pull, every deep nudge inside… She opened her eyes to see him already looking down at her and she nearly lost it. His hair was in his face, curls swaying, sweat building at his temples, his arms were flexing as he held himself up over her, his chest flushed and glistening from the intensity of his thrusts into her. He was so strong and so overpowering she felt like a rag doll under him flopping and grunting under his hand. She was just a hole to fuck as she clenched down on him when he pasted his hips to hers and rocked inward sharply.
“Keep those eyes open, angel. I can tell you’re about to come on my cock and I need you to look at me so you know who’s making you come,” he spoke his words through gasped breaths as he pushed into her deeply, slowing his thrusts so he could control his own orgasm. He was too close and he knew she was nearly there.
He rocked his hips into hers he ground himself down when he stuffed himself in fully, making sure her clit was being smushed against for friction. Repeatedly he fucked her little hole with slow plunges and smoothed against her clit. Every time he screwed into her to the hilt he felt his balls pressing into her bum, being wetted by her creamy arousal. He keened at the feel of her around him. Every little ridge of her insides taking him in like they were made for that very thing had him spinning.
Harry removed his hand from her mouth. He wanted to see her whole face as he fucked into her. Wanted to watch her mouth drop open as she creamed on his cock when she came, wanted to hear her cries, fuck anyone else that might hear. In that moment it was all about his angel and how good she was feeling. All he cared about was that she was being taken care of and that he was making her feel as good as she deserved.
“Harry, please… oh my god please…” she gasped as she clung tight to his back. His cock inside of her felt full and had her walls tingling and fluttering. She was reeling with pleasure and having him inside of her. Never wanted that feeling to go away. If she could bottle it up and take it with her she would. So she tried to stave off her orgasm for a moment longer.
“Begging me, baby? Want to come so bad don’t you? But it feels so good like this doesn’t it?” He used a hand to hold the side of her face as if he were being gentle with her. As if he wasn’t fucking into her deep with harsh ruts inward that had her gasping for air. His words and his soft touches and his hard cock were doing her in.
She tried. She really did. She wanted to have him fucking her like that for hours but she couldn’t hold on any longer. She began to moan, starting with a low, quiet sound, until she was crying out his name and shaking under him.
She kept her eyes open but found the task difficult as she started to come. And she realized that watching Harry while she came only intensified her orgasm. Her head swirled with his handsome face hovering over hers, looking directly at her as he made her come felt like she was being dominated in a way that she’d never experienced. He hadn’t tied her up or whipped her or anything like that, but it was the sensation of being watched while she was coming that made her feel like he was taking control. The experience of having the man who was making her come as he looked down at her at that moment felt like he’d claimed her as his. He was watching his own work come to fruition and it was a dominant act.
“Fuck, angel. Just like that. Come all over me. She me how good it feels.”
Y/n babbled an unintelligible response and moaned around her syllables and vowels. She didn’t know what she was saying as she forced her eyes to stay on his.
And it had been worth it to keep her eyes open when she saw Harry’s face pinch up and his mouth drop open. She could hear his groan and the harsh thuds into her cunt before he stilled and clenched his teeth as his cock throbbed inside of her. He was coming and she got to see it on the tail end of her own orgasm and it was the hottest thing she’d ever seen.
“Ahhh!” He panted as he sucked in a deep breath and choked out a loud moan. The release was heaven. He came so hard he wondered if it could be possible to leak out of his condom. He pumped and throbbed and worked himself to his end as he looked down at the pretty angel under him all fucked out and smiley on his cock.
His chest heaved as he twitched the last little bit and his features relaxed on the comedown. He kept himself over her as he began to smile, “You okay?”
She was melted below him, a soft smile on her lips as she nodded, “So fucking good. Oh my god…” she whispered.
Harry gently pulled himself off of her and checked to verify that he hadn’t in fact leaked out of his condom before pulling it off and tossing it onto the floor. He’d deal with the cleanup later. In that moment he needed to hold her and kiss her for a while.
She felt her body pulled against his and then his lips caressing over hers. Soft and reassuring. Her orgasm had been intense. Maybe the most incredible orgasm she’d ever had. The eye contact was something she hadn’t expected. She thought it would feel silly. At first, it made her feel vulnerable but when she could tell how much he needed it, needed her eyes on his it felt like a rush. Adrenaline coursed through her veins and she came so hard.
She kissed him back and put her hands up to his shoulders. Lazy and soft and sweet.
Harry pushed his nose into hers and spoke softly, “That was really, really good, Y/n. You don’t mind if I stay the night here, do you?”
Shaking her head she scraped her nails against the nape of his neck, “I want you to stay. Please.”
.           .           .
Waking up in her bed with Harry next to her felt like a wild fantasy. She considered pinching herself as she fluttered her eyes open and saw his sleeping face smushed into her pillow. The night before he’d been a sex god. A man so fine with a masculine and well-muscled body that he made her mouth water and her clit throb. He’d fucked her so good and it was so hot it gave her goosebumps just thinking about it. But there he was lying in her bed asleep, pink lips and glossy eyelids, small puffs of breath coming from his nose, and adorably messy hair. She couldn’t quite wrap her brain around how he went from the man who took control of her the night before to the soft, cute, sleeping beauty the very next morning.
He asked if he could stay. Said he wanted to be with her a little longer. And that was the part that really stuck with her. Sure he was handsome and then some. They got along so well and everything felt so compatible with him. And that was a problem. Because he wasn’t just some guy. This was Harry Styles. She couldn’t go getting her feeling too mixed up in everything. But he made it hard with the way he treated her and handled her. Like they’d known one another for an eternity.
On their first night together it was clear that what they were doing was just something fun and that was it. Which she was fine with. She happily accepted his terms then. Just as she happily said yes to him staying the night this time. Whatever he wanted she was fine with it. Well, she hoped she’d be fine. Because she was sure he’d never get his feelings mixed up with sex when it came to her.
Gently putting her fingers into his hair she saw his eyelids move and then slowly he graced her with his gorgeous eyes and then a soft smile.
He didn’t say anything before he dragged her the short distance to rest her head on the pillow his head was on and kissed her.
And it went from a quiet soft morning make out to Harry’s erection poking into her hip and then scrambling for a condom with messy hair and soft sighs to a slow break of day fuck.
The springs in her bed bounced gently with every thrust of his hips. Harry kept his mouth glued to hers as he drove into her soft, wet pussy. All of her blankets had been kicked to the floor in a rush for the condom and switching positions on the bed and now it was just two bodies at the center finding relief and catching an early orgasm before their day began.
Harry rocked into her, his cock so hard and thick she felt every single inch of him moving into her and slipping back before he languidly pushed in until his hips met hers. She had her ankles crossed over his back and Harry had one hand cradling the back of her head, his mouth covering hers while his other forearm kept himself held up slightly, his chest against hers.
She gasped under him, reaching for breath every time he thrust into her. His own panting grew more desperate and soon the first sound of his voice was heard for the day, a whimpered moan falling from his throat as he felt her walls taking him in with a decadent squeeze and wet squelch.
Morning sex was always Y/n’s favorite, but it turned out it was Harry’s too. It was less fussy really. Just two tired bodies wanting to connect and feel pleasure in the golden morning light. No preamble or big to-do. Just soft morning sex and a delicious orgasm to get the day started off right.
The moment Y/n’s moan grew loud and Harry felt her cunt spasming and pulling him in deeply he let go, spurting into his condom and licking into her mouth as he throbbed in ecstasy.
And just like the night before and the first night she’d spent with him, she was amazed. Maybe it was the shape of his cock or their natural chemistry. Or maybe it was just Harry, but somehow the sex with him was beyond just good sex. She was going to be haunted by this man.
When he pulled out he held her thighs apart and lapped at her gently, just for a taste. Just to enjoy one more little squeal from her throat, which she immediately gifted him.
“Harry stop! I’m too sensitive!” She pushed at his forehead and he smiled up at her before collapsing onto the bed next to her.
He hated navigating relationships because being famous already put his life under a microscope. Most of the time it wasn’t worth it to keep seeing someone for sex unless it was a person he knew feelings would never be a problem with, and they could both have the understanding that it was just sex. But that was rare for him. Harry was all or nothing with sex usually. It was either a one-time deal or he’d want a long-term committed relationship. And the latter was complicated for someone with his lifestyle. His last long-term relationship was something he’d take with him forever. He considered it a lesson learned. And for him that meant needing to be very picky and selective about whom he let into his heart.
No more mixing business with pleasure and then taking on the guilt of having a public break-up. No more women with super complicated lives that he could get mixed up into.
He felt like he was treading dangerously with Y/n. He didn’t want to hurt her and he didn’t want to get himself hurt either. But he could see himself being with someone like her. He liked her spice and her straightforward demeanor. She was confident and funny. She wasn’t the type that he’d be able to keep his feelings separated from the sex with. He was already getting attached.
“What?” He asked her. She was lying next to him, they were sharing a pillow and she had a small smirk on her face as she gazed over his features.
“Nothing. It’s stupid,” her grin didn’t fall off her face.
Harry brought a hand up to her jaw and he thumbed gently toward her temple, “Tell me. I like stupid sometimes,” he laughed.
She bit her lip and looked away from him for a few moments before putting her eyes back on his, “Your song, Watermelon Sugar. It’s about cunnilingus?” Her smile widened feeling ridiculous asking him such a question but she couldn’t get it out of her mind. Ever since the night before when he made her come from eating her out (a rarity for her) and then that morning after they’d had sex when he went in for a quick lick.
Harry laughed and nodded, “I guess. Yeah. Why?”
“Cause you just seem to really like it.”
Harry took in a deep breath and moved his hand down her side, “I love it. Is that okay?”
She looked at him like he was crazy, “Of course it is. Very much so.”
She wasn’t ready to say goodbye. Harry had been fun and sweet. And to know that this famous man could have anyone he wanted yet he chose to spend the night with her felt like something quite special. Something she wouldn’t get the chance to do ever again. To have him in bed at all was a crazy notion. But to have it happen twice?
“I want to see you again. When I get back to LA in a couple of months. Is that okay?” He said as he pulled her in for a hug before they left her bedroom. His car was waiting for him.
His words shocked her. Again?
“Oh. Yeah… Sure. That would be fun.” She was surprised. Stunned. If he wanted to see her again what did that mean? Was he thinking of her as more than just someone to have sex with?
“Well, geez. You don’t sound very enthusiastic about it,” he laughed as he pulled back from the hug.
Shaking her head she grinned, “Just didn’t expect you to want to see me again. You’re gonna be gone for months. I mean… I’d love to. Of course. But you know… No pressure.”
“Of course, there’s no pressure. I’m just saying I’d like to see you again if you’re free when I return to LA. That’s all.”
Letting out the breath she’d held in she nodded, “Yes, Harry. I’d really like that.”
Harry smiled softly and put a hand up to her face to press his palm over her cheek as he looked her over, “Gonna miss you, angel. Wish I could take you with me.”
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moominsuki · 1 year
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✎ᝰ BAKUGOU KATSUKI ; — katsuki still hates valentine’s but he’d rather die than let you get wooed by some second rate hero.
࿄ ! warnings — none. very sweet & fluffy. suggestive if you squint. / note. part 2 to the valentine’s day drabble. my anti shindo yo agenda always comes through hehe.
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when bakugou walked into his agency on the early morning of valentine’s day, he hadn’t expected to see a mop of black hair lingering around your office. your door was closed, which was uncharacteristic of you, and bakugou knew you didn’t start work today until at least 2 hours after he arrived.
“yo, what’s up, dynamight! long time no see. came here to drop some paperwork off but might as well drop a few other things while i’m here,” shouts the hero grand and bakugou thinks he’s unable to hold back a visual shiver of disgust. shindo is grazing around your desk and bakugou notices the huge bouquet of roses in a velvet box and a small pandora bag.
“what d’ya think you’re doing in y/n’s office, exactly? she doesn’t clock in ‘til 9,” bakugou says, prodding at shindo verbally. the black haired man laughs at bakugou’s accusatory tone and dismisses him with a wave of his hand.
“a little birdie told me that you hate valentine’s day, which i mean, to each your own, but what kind of man wouldn’t shower a beautiful woman with gifts on this wonderful day?” shindo practically sings and bakugou wants to punch him for even talking about you. as if you’d ever like him… right?
that would be silly, bakugou thinks. you’d have to be completely different from the girl he knew knows to ever indulge the likes of yo shindo.
“it’s a shame, really, you know, that you can’t get y/n anything. you know, cos you’re her boss and all. and she told me just how much you think it sucks. at least i’m here to save the day, right?” shindo bites and every word referencing you feels like a slap to bakugou’s face.
at this point, bakugou has had enough of the man, “think you’re forgetting you came to my agency unannounced so i suggest you just drop your shit and leave. next time, get your assistant to do your dirty work,” grumbles bakugou and shindo laughs all boisterous at the brimming anger in the blond’s tone.
“i’ll get out of your hair, dynamight. by the way, you don’t need to tell y/n to check out the gifts. i want it to be surprise, ya get me? thanks bro,” says shindo as he walks from your desk and attempts to pat down bakugou’s chest in ‘good fun’ but bakugou swerves the man and goes to your vacant desk to pick up his paperwork.
shindo chuckles breathily to himself and bakugou doesn’t grace him with a look until he hears the man’s steps fade away. bakugou finally exhales a breath he didn’t know he was holding in and drops the paperwork down to scope out shindo’s gifts for you.
in bakugou’s opinion, they looked like shit. coloured roses in a box is extremely tacky and wouldn’t last even two weeks before rotting. bakugou attacks the pandora bag and opens it in a hurry to see a black ring box holding a silver, halo ring. bakugou scoffs at this: for a man who wanted so badly to prove himself as superior to him, shindo was sure blind to the tastes of a woman such as yourself. bakugou was pretty sure he’d never even see you wear a piece of silver jewellery and you once told him that halo rings were “tacky and so 2012.”
if shindo wanted to play this game, then bakugou would beat him so severely and it wouldn’t even be close. yeah, maybe you were right - maybe he did hate valentine’s day. but he’d enjoy the shitty day if it meant you’d want him over that idiot. and even though he despises fighting for someone’s affection, he hopes that maybe you’ll want him just as much as he wants you.
“morning, y/n! hope you had a good lie in,” chirps bakugou’s secretary gleefully and you smile at her.
“honestly, i needed this. even though i did wanna be here for the early valentine morning, i would not trade my extra sleep,” you laugh, “that reminds me: did you get anything for valentine’s?”
bakugou’s secretary giggles in delight as she stands up to show multiple bags filled to the brim with gifts and you gasp in a mixture of shock and envy.
“you know that gucci bag i wanted? he got me the bag! he really does get me,” sighs bakugou’s secretary and you have to hide a twitch in your eye as you clap your hands together and look among the bags of chocolate, flowers and cards.
“i’m so happy for you!” you exclaim and you hug when kirishima comes in earshot.
“happy valentine’s day, you guys! have anything planned, y/n?” kiri asks and you shrug, all non-committal.
“not much on the agenda for me, ‘m afraid. just gonna finish up a few assignments and swallow down the pain,” you say jokingly and both of your coworkers look at you sympathetically and you want to slap them for pitying you.
“valentine’s isn’t just about romance anyway! you’re loved by all of us,” says bakugou’s assistant and a part of you wants to argue with her for treating you like a petulant little girl.
“guys, ‘m fine, seriously! i’m just gonna head to my office and finish up some things. who knows how the day’ll turn out?” you say, with a slightly embittered tone and it sounds like you’re trying to kid not only the others but yourself too.
you wave the two goodbye and make way to head into your office. huh. that’s strange. you usually always keep your door unlocked after every shift just in case kirishima or bakugou wanted to sift through any missing paperwork.
“whatever,” you think, “maybe the cleaners locked up last night. let me just fish the keys out my bag.”
after grabbing your keys and making note of which one unlocks to your office (you remember half way through jingling your keys around that bakugou painted it orange and red), you open the door haphazardly; simultaneously trying to stuff your things back into your handbag and move in with one leg. when your bag is in good shape and your loose tissues aren’t falling out, you look up to your workspace and your eyes are so wide it’s almost comical.
a bouquet of baby’s breath, pink tulips and snapdragons sit in a bouquet of blue and white tissue paper and a gold looking chain looms the flowers together. there’s a little card situated amongst the flowers and you go to touch it when you see a box and a big, blue gift bag on your desk and chair.
you cover your mouth and gasp in attempt to hold back your shock and delight as you see the bag is labelled “Tiffany’s” and you pull out two velvet boxes: one for a gold necklace with a red heart detail and the other is a gold Tiffany heart ring.
holding almost all your gifts, you decide to take apart the box, sheathed in heart patterned wrapping paper and a box of your favourite pastries sits in them. at this point, you feel like you could cry. who was this person? why would they do all this?
at that moment, you stupidly remember the card in the bouquet and pull it to see scrawny handwriting:
“dear y/n,
happy valentine’s day. hope this will do for all the work you do for me.
love, katsuki,”
you smile and only then do the tears start brimming as you hug the bouquet close to your chest.
when bakugou heads back from patrol, the office is rumbling with gifts and chatter. he rolls his eyes at this but he entertains the lovesick behaviour of his employees anyway - he even let denki paint his pinky nails pink to “embrace the loving spirit” as denki would put it.
“bakugou! here, come quick!” yells kirishima as he beckons his blond friend over to him by the front of his office.
“what d’ya want now? can’t you lot just celebrate this day without bothering me? ‘already let that idiot paint stupid hearts on my nails,” grumbles bakugou and kirishima shushes him.
“it’s not about that, but you didn’t have to paint your nails - ok, sorry, wait-” kirishima grabs bakugou back and practically whispers (though not discreetly by kirishima fashion), “did you see what y/n got in her office? someone just bought her a shit ton of things!” exclaims the red-head and bakugou shrugs nonchalantly.
“good for y/n. why you telling me this?” bakugou asks suspiciously and kirishima beckons him over with another wave of his hand to whisper again.
“apparently it was shindo yo who got her all that fancy stuff. who would’ve thought, right?”
bakugou’s eyes bulge out his head and his face almost turns as red as kirishima’s hair.
“what?! i mean - ‘s not like i care but where’s y/n right now?” interrogates bakugou and kirishima smiles knowingly but stops to prevent bakugou from being suspicious.
“luckily for you, she’s in her office! you should definitely go to her right now,” kirishima says, pushing his friend towards the office door and nodding at him.
bakugou takes a deep breath before knocking and opening the door, not waiting for your reply. he slams the door in kirishima’s face - you know, as insurance against his prying eyes.
“hey, y/n?” says bakugou slowly and you’re typing away at your desk. the box of pastries he bought you sat next you and were half eaten and the flowers he bought you sat prettily in a vase on the edge of your desk.
as soon as you hear bakugou’s voice, you look up and basically run over to him to throw your arms around his neck. albeit, it’s slightly difficult due to his neck piece but you make due and hug him anyway. bakugou is stiff when he feels you press into him and you pull back to see his somewhat confused expression and you move back at his lack of reciprocation.
“sorry for that - it’s just, thank you for the gifts. i loved them, really. everything was beautiful, especially the necklace,” you say, pulling the necklace out of your white collared shirt.
bakugou narrows his eyes, “you know i got these for you?”
“yeah?” you say and it’s your turn to be confused, “unless there’s another bakugou who put his name on the card and the receipts-”
the cogs turn in bakugou’s head and curses at kirishima in his head, “‘m gonna kill shitty-hair one of these days,” bakugou sighs and you raise a brow.
“why would you do that?” you ask and bakugou shakes his head.
“doesn’t matter. and you’re welcome, by the way. it’s what you deserve,” bakugou curtly nods and you smile so prettily at him and he wants to kiss you so bad. he regrets not hugging you back just now and he’s not sure how to initiate it again.
“you really shouldn’t have spent so much on me, really!”
“tsk, there’s a lot more i wanted to get you, princess,” and it slips out before bakugou could stop it from coming out of his mouth. he’s about to apologise until he sees you look at him with stars in your eyes and your bottom lip is tucked under your teeth.
“oh yeah, like what? what does a ‘princess’ like me deserve?” you entertain him and you test the waters by walking closer to him and bakugou groans and swipes a hand across his face in embarrassment and to prevent you from seeing his face from getting redder and redder.
“i would’ve gotten you the world and it still couldn’t be enough for someone like you,” he breathes out and bakugou closes the gap between you, your chin up to his chest.
“i don’t think i know what i’ve done to deserve this praise,” you whisper and you rest your hands on the planes of his widely built chest and he tenses but quickly relaxes so as to not ruin all the momentum built up at this moment.
“you deal with all my shit even though you don’t ‘ave to,” mumbles bakugou and his hand lifts at your jaw slightly so you’re only a breath away from his cupid’s bow.
“you’re right that i don’t have to. but i like dealing with all your shit. means you trust me,” you say in a hushed tone and both your bated breaths are mingling on each other’s lips.
“trust you more than anything. d’ya trust me?” bakugou asks and you nod at him, wide eyed.
however, this doesn’t satisfy the man and his thumb grazes your jaw and you sigh.
“wanna hear you say it,” bakugou contends.
“trust you with my life, katsuki,” you murmur and bakugou leans in to capture your lips in a passionate kiss.
his hand sits on your chin and your hands pull at his black shirt when you feel him nip at your bottom lip and suck your tongue. the kiss is way too passionate for the workplace and you can feel yourself go numb in the legs.
it’s like bakugou has a sixth sense because he swoops in to sit his large hands to your waist and you to softly pet at his face and his neck. it’s akin to a competition of who can feel the most of each other without bordering on inappropriate but you both can’t get enough. it’s only when you’re out of breath do you pull back and bakugou blinks at you, all dumbstruck like a teenage boy. you giggle a little at him and bakugou playfully pinches at the fat of your hips while you yelp.
“whatchu laughin’ at me for?” he grunts and you pull at his cheek in return.
“it’s nothing, it’s just - this whole time, i thought you hated valentine’s day. what gives?” you inquire and the man ponders a little - though he knew you both knew the answer.
bakugou knocks his head on yours and you pout and he chuckles at you, “‘s like shitty-hair said. didn’t know the right person was always in fron’ of me.”
you ‘boop’ at his nose and bakugou’s face visibly scrunches, “you thought wrong. still, thank you for putting up with my… things. even though you can say you like the decorations, i can see right through you,” you say, matter of fact and bakugou groans.
“yeah, yeah, you got me there. i hate all that extra shit. but if it makes you happy, then i’ll hate it in privacy.”
you smile warmly and pull him down to give him a few more kisses. best valentine’s day ever.
“and by the way, kiri told me that shindo came over by the office today but i wasn’t in. did he need something important?” you ask the blond over lunch in his office and bakugou shakes his head.
“fuck if i know, princess. dunno why he was in there but it was just some paperwork and i dealt with it for you,” mentions bakugou offhandedly and you ‘aww’ at him before kissing his cheek and feeding him some of your onigiri.
“are you sure this is the right place? kacchan gave us strict instructions to discard of this discreetly,” asks deku and todoroki nods.
“yeah, this is the exact coordinates… now that i’m looking at it, what kind of uncultured idiot would buy roses in a box? they go stale after a week,” chastises todoroki and deku taps his foot in agreement.
“well, let’s do it in three, okay?”
an explosion goes off in the distance and you look at bakugou confused and then disappointed.
“you’d think villains would take a day off even on valentine’s day!” you lecture, mouth full and bakugou makes a noise of consensus and pokes at your food-filled cheek with one hand and texts a thumbs up to deku and todoroki with the other.
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࿄ ! — all rights reserved © moominsuki. please do not copy, translate, repost nor recommend my work outside of tumblr. this is strictly prohibited.
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yaksha-lover · 5 months
Track #2: Sunlight - Hozier Drabble Masterlist
Azul Ashengrotto x Reader
Summary: Azul treats everyone as a business arrangement. He thought it would be the same with you, until he realizes he’d much rather have you than your resources.
i. all the tales the same
An octopus has three hearts - that’s the explanation Azul’s mother would always give when he’d come home crying as a child. It was comforting, to explain away his sensitivity in a single phrase. You have to be more careful with yours, Azul, she’d say, rubbing his back. There’s more of you to break.
He understood what she meant far too well. Every tease, every taunt, every comment muttered behind his back (and most of the time to his face) was far too much for him to bear. They were only children, but so was he. Is it any wonder he’d stopped seeing people as more than transactional when all they’d seen him as was a joke?
If he didn’t care for them, if they were reduced to nothing but an inky signature, how could their words hurt him? They were nothing.
He thought you’d be nothing too.
You started off like most ‘relationships’ in his life; a business transaction. At least, that’s how he’d thought of you.
You, who was so blissfully kind and innocent, doe-eyed and naive, thought of him as a friend, and then eventually, more.
To him, you were easy prey. It would be simple to gain your friendship, your trust, maybe even your heart if he was so lucky. Then, it would be oh so simple to gain access to all that you could do for him.
ii. told before and told again
The plan requires more commitment than he’d realized, but he knows it will be worth it in the end. You, the sole heir of your father’s estate, will be in a position to let Azul gain access to a brand new market he’s been looking to expand into. If he has to play friend, he’s willing to do it.
You’re…lonelier than he expects. Azul isn’t exactly a social butterfly himself (at least, for non-business related reasons), but your eagerness to spend time with him certainly stems from more than just his ‘great companionship.’ He almost feels bad, for a moment, to lead you on, but he steels himself with the justification of his success.
You won’t mind, right? He gets your help, you get his friendship, even if it is manufactured. It’s an equal trade, he tells himself.
Spending all this time together, he learns things about you. Things that are disconcerting.
Azul hasn’t had trouble sleeping since he was a child. Everything he did was perfectly scheduled; how was he to function if not by keeping up a meticulous sleep cycle which guaranteed him a satisfying eight hours of rest per night?
He thinks you’re the reason he’s started lying awake. He can’t stop thinking about the things you’ve told him - maybe ‘let slip’ is the better term.
He’s used to coaxing information out of his clients; it’s good for business. Now he only wishes he wasn’t so good.
They aren’t so much secrets; it’s not as though you’ve made a great effort to hide them, only that no one has made an effort to look in the first place.
He’s played the dutiful friend long enough to know how…pitiful you can become after a night out or a hard day. He’s been there to take care of you, always making sure you get home safe or that you’re well fed. You’re a poor, unfortunate sight; you’re lucky it’s only Azul taking advantage of your resources and not someone much worse. His stomach churns at the thought of it - that’s one of the many things that keeps him up. It’s not that he’s worried; no, no, you were only a business arrangement of his. If anything were to happen to you, his whole plan could go to ruin.
That’s why he stays the night in your apartment, sleeping on the couch so he can check on you despite the fact that the commute will make him late for work and his back will hurt all day from the lumpy sofa. That’s why he can’t sleep, forced to make sure you’re sleeping soundly every few hours.
You’ll apologize in the morning for being a mess; you always do. The two of you put on a charade of sorts - you promise it won’t happen again, that you’re sorry for forcing him to take care of you (although you’d never asked a thing from him) and he pretends that none of it matters, that it’s not a big deal.
It’s only for the sake of business when he asks you to spend more time with him; if you’re not with your undesirable friends (who only get you into trouble, he thinks) then you (and his deal) will be safe. It’s certainly not because the last time he’d come to check on you, you’d had light bruises peppering your neck, almost as if someone had nipped at your skin gently and-
Azul perishes the thought from his mind. So what if he hasn’t won your heart? That’s not his goal, he doesn’t need your love to get your help, he’ll just-
iii. a soul that’s born in cold and rain
You kiss him, one night. You’re at his apartment, and it’s been a peaceful evening. He’d invited you over for dinner, cooking you one of the most recent dishes he’d been testing for his restaurant chain. The two of you had settled into his sofa, a movie playing in the background.
He noticed you hadn’t been paying attention; he was watching the screen, but you kept sneaking (not so subtle) glances at him every few seconds, putting him on edge. He turned to you, about to ask what was wrong, when you kissed him.
Your lips brush against his lightly; he almost wonders if he’d fallen asleep and was only dreaming the whole thing. He’d only just closed his eyes when he felt you pull away and begin to apologize for kissing him without asking. He can’t even form a response, only pulling you in to continue what you’d started.
Things only seem to spiral from there. Azul is, admittedly, a sensitive soul, perhaps too sentimental for his own good. He’d vowed to be utilitarian about his relationships; to view everyone only per their use value, and thus to never have to care. Caring, for him, typically meant getting hurt in some way, but he can’t quite help himself with you.
Your affection feels good. Your love is addicting. He refuses to let either of them go, thoughts of business and markets pushed to the furthest place in his mind.
It’s only natural, then, that the two of you quickly become closer than ever before. A toothbrush at his apartment quickly becomes you moving in; he’s a busy man, after all. What better way to see more of each other than living together (you practically spent all your time with him, anyway).
If you depend on him, that’s okay. That’s how it’s always been with the two of you, hasn’t it? He takes care of you, he always has.
iv. knows sunlight, sunlight, sunlight
He’s drifting off to sleep with you in his arms when he hears you speak.
“Yes, darling?”
“I’m sorry.”
That makes him open his eyes. He moves to turn on the lamp, but you stop him. “Sorry? For what?”
“For taking advantage of you.”
That almost makes him laugh. “Pardon? I don’t seem to recall such a thing happening.”
“I know, Azul. You…you don’t need to pretend that you like me. I know you just want access to my father’s contacts. I knew since the beginning and I should’ve put a stop to it. I’m so, so sorry I just - you were so kind to me, and I couldn’t help but bask in your sunlight a little. But it’s gone too far. Look at us. You never should’ve had to become so close with me, it was wrong for me to hold on. For that, I’m sorry. There’s no need for us to continue this charade, I’ll give you the contacts you want. And…and I’ll be sure to get out of your life…”
Azul is silent for a moment, before he can’t hold back his chuckle any longer. He tries to contain himself once he sees the tears begin to pool in your eyes. You start to pull away, but he pulls you close with one arm, wiping away your tears with the other.
“Oh dear, you’re truly serious! You’re laying in my bed, in my arms, and you think you’re taking advantage of me? You thought I only wanted you for your resources and yet you feel sorry? I suppose your tender heart and naïveté are endearing, but it won’t do for you to be so vulnerable, my love. It’s a good thing I love you so much, any less and I might truly be tempted to take advantage of such a poor soul like yours~”
You look at him in confusion. “You mean it…but how can I trust you, Azul?”
His arms move to slip around your waist, pulling you in close to him. You can feel the heat of his smooth skin move against your body, the warmth of his breath on you face.
“How indeed, my love? I suppose I’ll have to show you, then. Actions speak louder than words, after all.”
With that, Azul lifts himself off the bed, drawing you under him and capturing your lips once again.
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zepskies · 4 months
In the Dark
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Pairing: Soldier Boy/Ben x F. Reader
Summary: You and Ben have tackled the insurmountable together, but no one said the recovery would be easy.
AN: Another story for the BMD-verse! This was requested by @sl33pylilbunny. It’s set in the six-month time gap after Part 17 and before the Epilogue of Break Me Down.
Word Count: 1,500 Tags/Warnings: Angst, traumatic memories, hurt/comfort and feels.
Read more of the BMD-verse: ⤵️
💚 Break Me Down Masterlist
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The building was falling apart.
You couldn’t remember why, but you were deep in a labyrinth. The only way out was further down, into what felt like an immense basement, wading through debris and pieces of the ceiling threatening to crush you at every turn.
You hadn’t stopped running and your lungs were on fire. Your heartbeat was loud in your ears. You had an iron grip on your friend’s wrist, so you wouldn’t lose her or her son in the chaos.
“Keep going,” you told them. “We’re getting out.”
A hand on your shoulder stopped you from moving forward.
And three shots rang out. You ducked and took your friend down with you, but you choked on a gasp when you looked back…
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You woke with a sharp inhale.
Your eyes blinked wide and bleary in a pitch black room. You couldn’t see, but you could still hear your wild heartbeat echoing between your ears.
The more you blinked, the more your eyes adjusted. You could make out the familiarity of your bedroom. While you tried to calm your breathing, you turned onto your side, slowly.
You found Ben, asleep.
His mouth was parted as he breathed. His hair had fallen over his brows in sleep. You almost smiled…but you weren’t quite able to.
You carefully brushed the stray locks away from his forehead. Then you slid out of bed so you wouldn’t disturb him.
This had become your habit over the past couple of weeks since moving into this new apartment. You loved it, but it was hard for you to stay comfortable at night.
Though I don’t think that’s the apartment’s fault, you thought wryly. No, it was just your fucked mental health.
Shaking your head at yourself, you went down to the kitchen and made yourself some chamomile tea. That was Step 1.
Step 2 was sitting on the couch with your laptop and your headphones. You kept yourself up with YouTube videos and answering work emails. By now, they knew not to ask why you were sending them at three in the morning.
This time, however, you made a mistake.
Instead of going back to bed and lying awake for another hour until your alarm went off…you fell asleep on the couch.
You must’ve been more exhausted than you thought.
The next time you woke, it was to the odd sensation of floating. Or rather, being carried. You blinked up at Ben, whose brows were already furrowed.
“Hey,” you said, a bit sheepishly.
He didn’t answer you, nor did he set you down until he’d walked you back into the bedroom and laid you down on your side of the bed. It was still dark in the room, which meant you couldn’t have been asleep for more than an hour or so.
Ben slipped back into bed, and you turned toward him under the covers.
You felt bad about waking him up. He had his own bouts of insomnia, but it had been starting to get better, ever since you two moved in together permanently a couple of months ago.
You scooted closer to him, resting your head against his shoulder when he shifted onto his back. His arm came down around your waist, a comfortable weight that made you feel more secure.
“When was the last time you slept through the night?” he asked.
You breathed in deeply…and you let it out.
“I don’t know,” you replied.
He paused for a moment. Then he hummed in understanding. His hand moved slowly up and down your back.
You closed your eyes, but he still fell back asleep before you did.
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Both of you had to work in the morning. Ben watched you out of the corner of his eye as you got ready for the day.
He’d been waiting for you to come to him with whatever was on your mind, but you were keeping it to yourself. He didn’t push you. You were smart, and whatever you needed to work out, he would let you deal with it your way, as you so often did.
It didn’t seem to affect how you did your job. At Supe Affairs, no one was the wiser. They didn’t know about the concealer covering the bags under your eyes, or that you were adding a couple shots of espresso to your usual latte every morning.
No, the fun came long after your day was done. After you had showered and dressed for bed, with a silent undercurrent of anxiety hovering in the back of your mind.
Another night, another pain in your ass.
You kept your eyes open for as long as you could, but at 2:00 a.m., you couldn’t take it anymore.
The darkness claimed you.
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Three shots rang out. You ducked and took Yvette with you, but you choked on a gasp when you looked back…
Jon, your father, had a gloved fist punched through his chest cavity. 
You watched with wide eyes as Black Noir revoked his arm from your father’s body with a wet, horrific sound. You gasped when Jon fell to his knees.
But to your shock, the supe glanced right past you, Yvette, and Devon. His pale gray eyes focused on only the men in the room. He then strode forward and began picking them off one by one.
You shakily pointed out a large aisle of A-Train merchandise for your friend to hide behind. Yvette pulled her son in that direction, while you went to your father where he laid on the ground. 
With difficulty, you rolled him onto his back. You then laid a hand on his shoulder, while the other hovered over his chest. Blood pooled through the gaping chasm in his Vought-issued black jacket. 
Your lower lip trembled, and you realized then that you were crying as he struggled for breath. Even after everything he’d done to you—to your family—it still hurt you to see him like this…to know that he was dying. 
And there was no time. Not to save him, or for resolution…
“Dad,” you tried, but he stopped you. His brows were furrowed with pain, but he gripped your wrist tight. 
“Run,” he said. He held on for a moment or two longer, but when the light faded from his eyes, you closed yours. 
Your eyes wrenched open when a hand gripped your throat.
It was Black Noir, brandishing a katana between your eyes.
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“…ake up.”
Words that just barely registered as you sucked in shallow breaths.
A solid pair of arms were caging you, and you instinctively fought the hold, uttering a whimper.
“Hey,” he said firmly. “It’s me.”
You gasped and finally found Ben’s face in the dark of the room. You heaved for breath as you stared up at him.
Despite your relief, tears brimmed in your eyes. Your grip tightened on his arms as your lips trembled. You opened your mouth to speak, but all that came out was a sob.
Ben slid onto his side instead of looming above you. He guided you more securely into his arms, and you let yourself rest against his chest. You buried your face there and wept.
His fingers sorted through your hair as he tried to calm you.
“I’ve got you,” he rumbled. 
Your body was exhausted. Your chest was filled with anxiety, the remnants of fear, and frustration at yourself, that you couldn’t just get over this.
But you felt his lips at the crown of your head. The sound of his steady heartbeat beneath your cheek drowned out the sound of your rapid one, and it served to steady you too. Your hand splayed against his chest, connecting you with his warm skin.
You began to calm in his arms.
“I see my father die every night,” you whispered.
Finally, you admitted the things you hadn’t been able to for weeks.
“Black Noir, Vought crumbling, trying to find you,” you said, even though your voice was shaking. “Everything, all over again…except I never make it out.”
Ben let out a deep sigh. He nodded, his lips still brushing against your forehead.
“It’s just a dream,” he said.
You shook your head. “No, it’s not.”
He could concede to that. He didn’t know what else to say to you though. All he could think to do was hold you a bit tighter.
“It’ll fade,” he said eventually. “Give it time.”
You squeezed your eyes shut. A few tears fell through, but he brushed those away from your cheek.
When you were able to look up at him again, you asked him, “Has it all faded for you?”
Part of you already knew what he might say. As a result, you expected the way he hesitated.
“You know the answer to that,” he said. His fingers continued to sift through your hair, and you breathed easier at the pleasant sensation.
“They’re like battle wounds,” he continued. “They’ll just become scars.”
That wasn’t anything new for you, he knew. You’d had scars long before he met you.
You seemed to let his words sink in though. You nodded and pressed a kiss to his chest; a wordless thank you.
“Close your eyes,” he said, low and steady.
You hesitated, but you did as he said. You closed your eyes.
And when your breathing gentled into the deep calm of sleep, Ben allowed himself to try and do the same.
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AN: And there we have it. Short and angsty lol. But I can't write angst without a little hurt/comfort. 💚💚
I hope you liked this!
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Series Masterlist
Soldier Boy Masterlist
Main Masterlist
BMD Tag List:
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@spnfamily-j2 @im-a-slut-for-fluff @lacilou @venicesem @mimaria420 @tearsfortheyouth @agalliasi @chriszgirl92 @kazsrm67 @deansbbyx
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jinisnuggets · 2 months
Hello can I ask for a Doyoung smut, I haven't been seeing new fics of doyoung these days 🥹 tysm
𝑶𝒏𝒆 𝑺𝒊𝒏𝒈𝒖𝒍𝒂𝒓 𝑵𝒊𝒈𝒉𝒕
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“Hey… it's late, is everything alright?” You called through the phone after not hearing a response for a concerning amount of time, he had called you so you didn't know if it was much of a real call or more of a prank call.
“Hey, the boys are gonna go eat somewhere but I honestly wanna just lay in bed and sleep. The company's too far and I know you live nearby- mind if I spend the night?” you could hear his croaky voice from the other side and you honestly couldn't help but feel pity for him, you didn't see the problem in letting your boyfriend come over in order for him to just immediately lay in bed and knock himself out, it was just one night and you didn't seem to find a problem with it.
“Doyoung - you don't need to ask, just call me and say you're coming over. My house is your house.” You calmly responded, “Ok, ok, my bad, I'll be there in 10” he responded, half chuckling while you heard the familiar beep and then the line went dead.
Part of you was nervous about him coming over to spend the night, but what was one singular night gonna do? Nothing could happen in the span of those 12 hours that he'd be coming and sleeping over. He had practice the next morning, which meant that by breakfast hours at the company, he should already be there and ready for practice.
So you waited until you heard a knock on the door, you slowly walked to the fronts of your apartment and looked outside the peephole. It was the habit you couldn't get rid of as well as the one people always found themselves questioning you for, to which you always responded with.
“Better to be safe than sorry.”
Once confirming that it was indeed Doyoung, you slipped open the door and allowed him to enter the cozy setting, you greeted him and escorted him to your room.
“Since I live in an apartment- I unfortunately don't have any guest bedrooms, but you can rest in here and I'll be on the couch.”
Doyoung took the little energy he had in order to glance at you and turn his full body to face you, he looked a bit disappointed and a little annoyed.
“Why don't we just sleep together?” He responded. Now you were sure that your cheeks were flushed red judging by the burning sensation you had in them, you cleared your throat and made eye contact with him which was quickly broken by whatever reason you may have made in your head.
“I don't know about that-”
“Why? We're dating and from the looks of it, your bed is big enough to fit 2 people. I don't see a problem with it.”
You turned your head and thought for a moment, although you also didn't really have a problem with sleeping together, your conscience wouldn't really leave you alone if you dared to lay in the same bed as him, especially since in the recent Treasure comebacks he was really putting it off with the visuals.
“I probably won't keep my hands still if we do-”
He completely disregarded your comment, probably because he didn’t hear you or he just didn't pay attention, nevertheless it was one of the two. “It's only one singular night, I think we should be fine-”
Hesitant, you nodded, having already brushed your teeth, you asked him if he had brushed his, to which he simply nodded and fell onto the bed… to which you followed right after.
It had surprisingly worked out at first… both of you were sound asleep in a matter of minutes, and to be honest, you slept like a baby for those couple of hours that your eyes were shut, which felt weird since you hadn't slept like that in ages… maybe it was because Doyoung was next to you.
But you had woken up to the sound of Doyoung groaning, and of course it caught you off guard. Your eyes immediately widened and you saw yourself laying on top of your boyfriend, you figured you had just somehow shifted into that position during your sleep since you definitely did not remember falling asleep like that. Therefore you didn't think much of it, that was until you felt Doyoung's hand grab onto your shoulder and attempt to push you off lightly.
“Y/n… can you stop doing that please…?”
Confused, you looked at your boyfriend as if he was out of his mind, “I'm not doing anything…?” You lightly said, trying not to disturb his still tired side that had yet to woke up completely, and you could only imagine how much more confused he became when his groaning shifted to moaning.
It took you a while to realize that your knee was in a place where it shouldn't have been…
“Crap! I'm sorry!” you said, feeling Doyoung's arms wrap around you as you could feel his slow but repetitive breaths lightly caress your skin.
“Y/n… I'm tired. Let's forget this and go back to bed.” You could hear his shaky yet desperate voice, that same voice that was probably about to fall asleep any moment now. It took you a while to realize that the reason you had probably felt so uncomfortable around him lately was because you were turned on by him in a way, which had you wondering how you hadn't noticed earlier.”
You heard a groan come from his mouth, which left a smirk tracing on your mouth, satisfaction running through his body as his back slowly arched. Your hand had traveled over to his tighted pants and gently squeezed him, making him moan ever so slightly.
His breathing became more regular, becoming a mix of breathing and moaning “Y/n… you shouldn't do this here…”
“What are you so afraid of?” You muttered lightly, not daring to leave out the mocking pitch, knowing he wouldn't be able to do anything about it since it was technically you in full control.
“Y/n- I have practice tomorrow” he whined, but your grip only got tighter. Doyoung’s moan got cut off by your abrupt kiss when you leaned up and connected your lips together, giving him a passionate and wet kiss.
You lifted his shirt to reveal his small and skinny figure along with the small shape of his forming abs, chuckling a bit, you licked his chest in which he lightly groaned and looked at you.
“Doyoung- you really have no idea what you've been doing to me lately.” You muttered, unzipping his zipper and massaging his crotch, using the little fabric that was his only advantage against him… no matter how much he wanted to deny it, he was turned on, and you were the cause of that.
There was no need for permission, your hand was already sliding up and down his bare cock, as his dick grew in your grip.
“You're all out with the teasing today aren't you?” he commented, chuckling at the act along with you. Ignoring him, you brought your free hand onto his stomach and gave him small belly rubs, you felt his hand travel to your back and down to your waist, as he held you in place to prevent you from falling. His eyes were shut as he was beginning to relax at your every move, still letting out small groans at the feeling of your hand sliding on his cock.
And you surely weren't expecting him to have such an impressive girth, you felt he was thick but you didn't expect him to be that thick.
“Y/n… please let me feel you-” he moaned, words barely forming and escaping his mouth. Hearing it for sure drove you crazy, so you nodded and turned around which was the first time you actually managed to get a good look at his dick.
“Doyoung, I hope you know that with this dick you're just gonna make me want you more…”
“If you want me, then claim me.”
The response took you by surprise, sure your boyfriend was flirty with everyone but this was different, and you knew that he had caught onto you and decided to get revenge for all the teasing you yourself was guilty of.
“You think I won't?” You smirked which made his cock grow stiff, he liked it.
“You like it when I tell you things like that?” You muttered softly, he shaked his head, a bit ashamed before ultimately nodding, which only earning a small giggle from you.
The both of you pulled into a wet kiss, tongues intertwining and transferring all your love to each other with that one singular kiss, morning practice was the last thing on his mind now, almost completely forgetting about it. Once the kiss was separated you took the moment to look at your boyfriend, who was making eye contact with you intimately.
“Get on me…”
“Doyoung- you feel good…”
Taking a moment to process his words before smiling, bringing yourself over to him as he slowly removed the shorts which surrounded and highlighted your waist, following his instructions and lining yourself up with him.
Doyoung fluttered a bit and you felt him twitch inside of you, you gave Doyoung a moment and started grinding yourself on him, allowing him to feel all the pleasure as you both shared knowing sounds and moans.
“Y/n… you-”
Unable to finish his sentence, you cut him off by leaning down and kissing his chest, trying your best to limit your moans and allow him to do all the talking, you allowed yourself to suck his nipple and play with his other as you picked up your speed, pressing his on parts onto him.
“You can't get any better at this can you…?” He commented, completely out of breath and with sloppy speech, hearing him being so distraught really did something with your subconscious, enough to make you pick up your speed once more earning a growl from him.
“Fuck Doyoung… you really know how to mess with my feelings don't you?”
“I really don't mean to…”
Feeling his dick once again begin twitching, you brought yourself off of him, having a gut feeling that he was close and which was proven to be correct shortly after.
Small bits of precum leaked out of his dick, which was proving to your theory furthermore.
“Y/n… I'm close… please don't stop.”
“I'm not going to, I wanna show you satisfaction to the fullest.”
He didn't know what you meant, that was until you flicked his crotch allowing him to feel a small moment of both pain and pleasure at the same time, all feelings overtook him as his eyes rolled back and mouth watered at the feeling of his cock being distributed from it's original state and ending up with a small mark.
And that only got worse, as it started with small flicks to full on slaps, you slapped his dick harshly yet still with caution as you knew you there was a higher possibility that you'd hurt him than actually please him.
“Fuck…!” He whined, his whimpers got loud as he attempted to limit his volume, for a moment forgetting you lived in an apartment building with neighbors on all sides of your room. “Y/n! Stop! Please!” he once again whined, which just made you slap him slightly harder.
Tears began forming in his eyes as he felt the feeling of his dick slapping against his stomach and being brought back up to your hand for you to just repeat the cycle, his tears streamed down his cheeks and his mind became overwhelmed with thoughts.
How was the feeling of both pain and pleasure all at once was darn addicting?
His mouth watered, as he picked up the nearest pillow and brought it to his face, all his cum leaked out of him the moment your hand allowed his crotch to breathe.
“Was I too harsh on you?” Pity finding your voice as you saw the mess your boyfriend had done.
You both had been virgins up until that point, and the feeling of something like sex was truly just so overwhelming, the feeling of each other's touch in such an intimate way just really fluttered both of your hearts.
“No… it felt good…”
“Can try cock warming in you…?”
“Of course…” you lightly responded, reading his excited expression, he smiled lightly and brought a himself inside of you once more.
It was truly when you realized that one singular night was truly all it took for something so unimaginable to happen to two individuals.
Just one singular night.
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sofiareidings · 9 months
Drunk Words Are Sober Thoughts Pt. 2
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Summary: After kissing your coworker while incredibly drunk. You now have to deal with the consequences.
A/N: @thefoxfromfantasticmrfox suggested a part two to the one-shot from the other day so here it is. Sorry, this post is a little late, btw. Find part one here!
Word Count: 1.2k
Song Suggestions: Back To December (Taylor's Version) by Taylor Swift
Your morning alarm went off and you let out a groan while shutting it off. It’s New Year’s day, why is it you still had to work?
The pounding in your head did not make it any better but you managed to get to work somewhat on time but, incredibly tired. Slumping down at your desk drinking a coffee you can already sense Derek’s chair spinning around.
“Well someone had a little too much fun last night. What got into you?” He laughed to which you replied with an annoyed grunt. “Okay, okay. I get it, someone’s a little grumpy.”
“When I have enough energy I am going to smack you Derek.” You heard some footsteps behind you and turned in your seat to see Spencer walking in. He didn’t drink last night yet he still seemed more unwell then you did. You had a vague memory of him taking you home last night but he seemed strange, he barely looked at you and sat down practically ignoring everyone.
“What’d you do last night pretty boy? I didn’t see you drinking yet you look worse than Y/N here.” You cut in with a little comment before drinking some more coffee. Spencer just nodded to Derek while looking at a book. Something was off for sure. His book had been open to the same page for almost two minutes.
“Spence you okay?” You sat up a little more straight and looked at him a little more seriously. Before he could answer, Hotch motioned everyone to come get briefed for a case.
The case was in New York, you and Spencer were told to work on the geo-profile and talk to victims' families. What that meant was you were both crammed into a small room in a police station working together while there was uncomfortable tension between you two.
After almost two hours of him almost completely ignoring you, you decided to speak up. “Did I say something last night? I don’t remember much other than you taking me home. I feel like I did something and you won’t tell me what it is, Spence. I’m sorry if I did something.” He stayed silent for a minute then put down whatever was in his hands.
“You really don’t remember?” The emotions in his face almost seemed…disappointed. “I’m not upset with you. I got home late and couldn't sleep, that's all.” He sighed, almost like he was debating what to say. “If you want me to be honest, all you said last night was just some embarrassing things you did as a kid. I don’t even remember what you said exactly.”
“Oh, okay…” You tried to seem like you believed him. He was obviously lying but he also clearly didn’t want to talk about it. You decided it would be best to go back to working and give him space.
While also trying to figure out whatever you did last night.
The team had just presented the profile and finished up what you could do today which meant it was time to go back to the hotel until tomorrow.
You were much more clear-headed now and some things from last night were coming back, but none of them had anything to do with Spencer. You had been thinking about it almost the whole day and now you were honestly concerned about what you did. Spencer was one of your best friends and if you said something to ruin all of that?
Swiping your keycard to open your room something finally clicked and you were shocked.
In a moment of drunken boldness, you wrap your hands around his neck and press your lips against his. He’s shocked and stumbles back a little, not sure what to do. You can feel his arm wrap around your waist tightly. After a couple of seconds, you let go and stagger backwards, smiling. “Happy New Year’s.”
“Oh my god…” Whispering to yourself, you stood in the doorway almost frozen. Not sure what to do. Before your brain could even catch up with what you were doing, you were running down the hall to Spencer’s room. When you started knocking on the door, you panicked because you didn’t even know what you were going to say.
“What is it? Oh…Y/N.” There he stood. Your coworker and best friend. The silence was long, you didn’t know what to say or how to say it but luckily he did it for you. The expression on your face told him that you knew. “You remember, don't you?”
“Yeah, I do. I’m so sorry, Spence. I don't know what came over me and it’s not fair that I did that and you had to deal with it all today. I just…I’m sorry.” He stood there just listening before making way for you to move inside the room and shutting the door behind you. Just in case someone heard. “Can I do anything to make it up to you?”
“Did you mean it?” His question came out blunt and caught you guard.
“Did you mean it? Did it mean something to you or were you just drunk and didn’t know any better? I need you to answer me because honestly, I need to know the truth. I’ve spent all day trying to figure out if maybe there were some actual feelings behind what you did and if you don’t tell me…then I don’t know what else to say. I know you were drunk and didn’t know any better but that still doesn’t make up for what it meant to me. I like you, a lot. But if that didn’t mean anything to you I get it. Just tell me, did it mean anything to you?” You were taken aback by his question, not sure how to answer. He must’ve thought your silence meant that you didn’t mean it and his face fell. “Oh…okay. You know what, I’m actually really tired so it’s probably best if you just left…”
“Yes what?”
“It didn’t mean anything. But it means something to me now. I regret doing that because I didn’t want this to be found out like that. I’m sorry that it’s gone this way. I like you too, a lot. So yeah, it means everything to me.” The words came out desperate, like you needed to say it or else you would never forgive yourself. Because, he meant everything to you. “And I get if what I did ruined everything. I understand if you won’t forgive me because what I didn’t wasn’t fair to you. And I’m sorry I keep saying the same thing over and over-”
Your sentence was cut off by his hands cupping your face and kissing you. You froze before kissing him back. After a couple seconds he stepped back, catching his breath and moving his hands from your face. “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to.”
“Shut up.”
“Just, shut up and kiss me.” Saying that he paused but then listened. Leaning down and kissing you again. The feeling of his hand around your face and your lips against his was what you needed. What you both needed. Everything from last night didn’t matter anymore.
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silentglassbreak · 4 months
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Noah Sebastian x OFC
I’m getting more readers, which makes me so excited! We’ve got to dig in on this one. We’ve got a ways to go. Thanks for reading!
Warnings: Alcohol abuse, overall abuse, mild violence (ie. bar fights), smut, swearing, and altogether just a lot of fuckery.
+It goes without saying, this is a work of fiction. All of my words are my own. Plagiarism is a crime.
Taglist: @flowery-mess
Part 6 - Kingdom of Cards
When my eyes finally cracked open, Angel’s cold nose was touching mine, his eyes brightened by the sunlight peering in across the living room. It took me a moment to adjust to my surroundings, but the night before came flooding back all at once.
I shifted my legs, reminding myself that I was indeed naked from the waist down. I felt an uncomfortable moisture between my legs, which made me groan out loud.
“Well look who decided to join us, Angel.” His voice floated across the living room from the kitchen. I caught a glimpse of dark hair out of the corner of my eye, walking toward me with two mugs in his hand.
He was still shirtless, but had his pants on. That felt wildly unfair.
“I hope it’s alright, I made us some coffee.”
I pulled the blanket up to my neck, my eyes still squinting while adjusting to the sunlight. He set the mug down on the coffee table in front of me while I nodded in response.
He sat down on the couch near my feet, only perched on the edge. “I also hope it’s alright that I stayed over last night. I fell asleep before the movie ended, and didn’t realize until this morning.”
I couldn’t process that right now. “What time is it?”
“7:30, do you work today?”
“Ugh! Why are we awake at 7:30AM?” I pouted at him.
He laughed. “Sorry, I’m an early riser, and Angel had to use the restroom. He pawed at my arm until I woke up.”
I glared at my hound, irritated that he made me start this day before life was meant to be awake.
I rolled my body toward the back of the couch, yawning and fixating myself until I was comfortable.
“I don’t work today, therefore I am going back to sleep.” I mumbled.
I felt Noah stand off the couch.
“Okay, I guess I’ll head home once I’m done with my coffee, then.”
My eyes popped open, something about that idea not sitting well with me.
“Wait.” He looked down at me, already moving toward the kitchen. “When do you leave for tour?”
“Monday.” He said between sips of coffee.
I sat up, pulling the blanket over my lap, and stretched my arms over my head before speaking again.
“So you’re probably super busy with getting ready and stuff, huh?” I said mid-yawn.
He smirked. “Kinda sorta? Tomorrow my schedule is full of last minute packing, getting the house ready to be gone, arranging schedules, and all that bullshit. Sunday is panic day.”
My eyebrow quirked. “Panic day?”
He walked back over to the couch and sat next to me. “Mhm,” another sip of coffee. “See, the day before we leave, I always set aside to panic about stupid shit. What am I forgetting? Who do I need to call and check in on? Do we have enough food for the bus? That kind of dumb shit. Helps me not to panic after we leave.”
I nod. “That’s really smart.”
“I know.” He tipped his cup toward mine, and I picked it up, sipping the warm brewed coffee, letting it wake me a little more.
“Today, though, all I have to do is meet with my tour manager at 2, so we can make sure all the deposits were paid and the gear is loaded.”
I glanced down at my cup.
“Well, I don’t have plans today - like most days. You don’t have to leave right this second.” I glanced up at him. “Unless you want to.”
His grin was genuine. “I don’t.” He set his coffee down. “I already let Nick know I was okay and didn’t fall off the wagon. Let him know I was here.”
This piqued my curiosity. “You didn’t lie and tell him you were somewhere else?”
He shook his head. “I don’t like lying to Nick. He gets pissy for way too long once he finds out.”
I like Nick. He’s good for Noah.
His voice pulled me from my thoughts. “So…” I peered back at him. “We going to talk about last night?”
This made me squirm uncomfortably. The memory infiltrated my brain, making the moisture between my legs more pronounced.
“Uh…” I set my coffee down and shifted so my legs were crossed and covered.
He softened his eyes, looking at my face. “We don’t have to.”
I groaned, reaching over to the pillow on the edge of the couch and pressing it into my face. My voice came out muffled.
“Yeah we do.”
I heard him laughing now. Glad he found it amusing.
“I mean, if it was that bad, you can tell me. I’ve got thick skin.”
This made me snap back up, disbelief painting my features. “What?!”
His expression was smug, but not enough to annoy me. “I mean, be honest with me.”
I chucked the pillow at him then, him deflecting with his arm while he roared with laughter.
“You jackass, it was great!”
This made the smug grin on his face widen to the point I thought maybe he would break his jaw.
“Don’t get too excited. We shouldn’t have done it.”
This made his face fall, and I cursed myself internally for making him look like that. Before I could speak again, his brow furrowed.
This took me back. What kind of question was that?
“Because I’m your sponsor, Noah. It’s so heavily frowned upon.”
He contemplated this. I kept my tone even, strict but not stern.
“So, you won’t be my sponsor anymore.” It wasn’t a question.
I sighed. “You need a sponsor. You still need support.”
He sat back, closer to me now. “Okay, so I ask Nick. He already offered. I just needed an excuse to call you every day.”
This made me still. Is he openly admitting that he has wanted this? I get what he said last night, but I figured that was just in the heat of the moment.
He reached over, then, pulling my arm over so he could grab my hand, sliding his palm over mine.
“I know it isn’t right. I was with Lily, so I told myself it was just me needing my sponsor.” He looked away from me, staring at our hands that were neatly placed on top of each other. “But after a while, it was pretty obvious that it was more than that. And then the problems with her started…”
He trailed off. We needed to talk about this.
“What happened, Noah?”
He chewed on his bottom lip. “You remember when she backed out of the tour?” I nodded. “Well, that was when I felt like we really started to disconnect. Lily and I were together for almost a year, and I really did love her. We had been friends for so long before, it just seemed natural.”
My stomach dropped a little, but I let him go on.
“But a big part of our relationship was the drinking. I wouldn’t say she’s an alcoholic, but I was. And it was clear, it was just never talked about. When I finally figured it out, she told me I was fine. I was just getting it out of my system before I ‘grew up’. It felt weird, like she didn’t care about my wellbeing.”
“So anyway, last night I called her and asked her to reconsider coming on tour. My feelings for you were getting stronger, and I was afraid if her and I didn’t re-establish our connection, we’d lose it altogether.”
Noah was so good. No one deserved him.
“She shut me down. Told me I needed to focus on the shows, the tour, and maybe not so much on my ‘recovery’, her quotes, not mine. She doesn’t believe I have a problem, but that I’m looking for an excuse to get attention.”
This made a hot feeling rise in my throat. I was enraged. But I bit my tongue, wanting to leave the space open.
“So I snapped. I told her she either needed to accept who I was, or leave. She didn’t even hesitate. She told me to ‘call her when I’m over this phase’.”
I squeezed his hand, signaling that I had him. He was safe.
“Noah, I’m so fucking sorry. I can’t even believe that.”
He shook his head. “It’s for the best.” He looked up then, smiling tiredly at me. “Besides, when you told me to come over, I figured that was the universe’s way of telling me the path I’m supposed to be on.”
I couldn’t help but smile at that. It was hard to deny that being around Noah felt like it just fit. Like something that was missing, had suddenly appeared. I never let myself think about that, though.
“Well…” I thought out my next words carefully. “we can…try. I don’t know how well we’ll do, but you have to promise you’ll find another sponsor.”
His teeth flashed at me, elation rising.
“But, I don’t want anything official. You’re about to leave for two months. Let’s just see what happens, okay?”
His expression mimicked what I would expect from a child on Christmas morning.
“Yes ma’am.” I felt a tingle in my stomach at that.
He reached over to me, ever so gently brushing his lips to my cheek, leaving a small kiss that had me blushing.
“You’re still insufferable.” I shook my head and stood up, pulling my shirt down over my bare ass. I caught his eyes watching me, now looking a little hungry. “I need a shower. Then, if you want, you can join Angel and I for a walk.”
He licked his lips. “Would it be wildly inappropriate for me to ask to join you for the shower?”
I hid the shiver that crept up my spine, smiling wickedly as I walked toward the hallway. “Yes, it would be.”
I watched his disappointment turn his lips down.
“Luckily for you, I like inappropriate.” I quipped before turning down the hallway.
The water sprayed down my back while my I stood under it, his lips going to work on my neck. I moaned loudly while his fingers slid in and out of my pussy, making my legs shake.
“Jesus fucking Christ, I’m going to fall over.”
His arm snaked behind my waist, his teeth now tugging at my earlobe. “Nah baby girl, I got you.”
His voice was so low, so raspy. I could barely keep myself from finishing right here. I rolled my head against his chest, mine heaving with my erratic breaths.
I glanced down, watching his erection stand at attention, begging to be touched. I reached my hand down, wrapping my fingers around his shaft, tugging gently, listening to his breathing hitch.
“Mm, do you have any idea how difficult it is not to just fuck you right here?” His eyes were pressed closed, focusing on keeping his hand steady while I worked him over.
“I haven’t figured out why you’re not.” My voice was barely above a whisper.
This made him look over at me, eyes black as night, his mouth closed in a tight line. He reached behind me, shutting the water off quickly and pulling me in, capturing my lips with his.
Exactly the same as the night he first kissed me, he grabbed my ass and lifted me up, my legs wrapping around his back instinctively. Our kiss broke for only a second while he stepped out of the shower, walking cautiously slow out to the bedroom so we didn’t slip. I used this time to latch onto his ear, sucking and kissing red marks into the tattoos on the side of his neck.
He sat down on the bed, leaving me room to straddle and grind against him. We moaned in unison, the friction too sweet.
He suddenly went still, causing me to freeze.
“I don’t have a rubber.”
I pulled back to look at his face, searching my brain for where I left the box I bought forever ago.
“I have some in my closet, but they’re pretty old.”
“How old?”
“A year? Maybe more?”
He pursed his lips. “Get them?”
I jumped off of him, and he leaned back on his hands, watching me intently while I turned and jogged to my walk-in closet.
I had to dig around on the shelf a bit before returning with the foil pouch.
He ripped it open with his teeth and inspected it, running the pad of his thumb over it.
“I think it’s alright?” He raised an eyebrow at me for approval.
I grabbed it from him, checking for myself before being satisfied and reaching down to apply it to him. He watched me, likely insuring I put it on correctly. Once I had let go of him, he grabbed me, causing me to squeal while he flipped me on the bed. His arms grabbed me by the hips, pulling me to the edge of the bed, his feet firmly planted on the carpet.
My mouth hung open, patiently waiting for him to line himself up to my entrance. I sighed with satisfied relief when he pressed himself in slowly, giving me a second to adjust to the feeling. It had been such a long time since I’d felt anything like this, it had me swimming in oceans I’d never known existed.
“Fuck, Leena. So fucking tight.” I snuck a glance at him, his eyes closed, bottom lip caught between his teeth.
I adjusted my hips, giving him more room to lean down on top of me. He backed out slowly, leaving an empty feeling before slamming back into me with full force, pulling a scream out of my throat.
His rhythm was relentless, pressing deep into me with each hard thrust. I lifted my legs to hook around him. His mouth attacked mine again, pressing his tongue into my mouth hungrily.
He pulled away, and looked down at me, his teeth gritted together.
“Touch yourself.” There was no asking, with Noah.
I let my hand wander down between us, him lifting up slightly to give me room. I let my fingers roll over my clit, breathing hard at the sensation.
“That’s it. Come on my cock, baby.” I couldn’t tear my eyes away from his face, sweat forming near his hairline. He was so delicious. So unbelievable.
I felt myself get so close, I had to grab onto his shoulder to ground myself.
“Fuck Noah, I’m going to come. I’m going to come so fucking hard.”
If it were somehow possible, he sped up, slamming his hips into me, partially lifting me to get a fresh angle.
His eyes began to roll back and his mouth fell open.
“Fuck, fuck, I’m coming, holy fuck.” His words only brought me over the edge, stars exploding behind my lids.
He slowed his thrusts, riding me through my orgasm before stopping entirely.
I watched Noah’s SUV back out of the driveway, a small pull in my chest tightening. It wasn’t fun, feeling like the bubble of safety we had been in for the last 13 hours had burst, but it had to happen eventually.
I had no idea what this meant, or where we would go from here, but I did know that I didn’t want to spoil it by talking about it with anyone, or getting too excited.
Noah was interested, that much was abundantly clear. I was still concerned that his attachment to me was driven by his addiction, though. What would it mean if I wasn’t his sponsor anymore, and I wasn’t his person to run to when the cravings hit? What if he only grew these feelings because I was a safe space for him? And now I’m not that?
What made me so fucking special?
I asked myself all of these questions as I pattered around my home, running laundry, washing the few dishes, sweeping the floors.
I had to put my sheets in the wash after this morning, which made me stop and smile at the thought.
After about three hours of being alone, and realizing I had been spacing out, my phone chimed.
Noah: Is it weird that I feel really out of place at home, now?
This made me smile, but also raise an eyebrow. He had only been gone a few hours.
Me: Maybe a little.
I followed it up with another quick message.
Me: Is it weird it feels empty here now?
His response came only seconds later.
Noah: Can you come over?
Noah: I could use a snack. ;)
I felt the warmth grow in my belly, shaking my head and chuckling.
Me: Baby, you need to get ready for tour.
Adding the pet name had me slightly horrified. It was an experiment. See his reaction. His text took exactly five minutes to come in, which knotted me up waiting.
Noah: You could help me.
I sighed. My phone vibrated again.
Noah: Baby.
“Oh, I am so fucked.”
The drive to his house took me sixteen painfully long minutes. When I hit the button for the gate, and it swung open after a few moments, I parked and saw a grinning Noah waiting for me at the top of the drive. I hopped out of the vehicle, Angel trailing behind.
“Did you walk here?” He padded over to me, wrapping his unnaturally long arms around me. His head dipped down to place a soft kiss on my lips, lingering for a few seconds. I inhaled, smelling the scent of fresh shampoo and some unknown cologne. He smelled so unique. So very Noah.
“Get a room, ya freaks!” I pulled back instinctively, my head whipping over to the voice.
Folio stood by the large red pickup truck parked just outside of the garage. I bowed my head sheepishly and Noah smiled, lifting a finger at him before grabbing my hand and leading me inside.
“Sorry, he’s just mad that he hasn’t gotten laid in a while!” He said unnecessarily loud, tossing a glance toward his band mate who only stuck his tongue out in response.
“You’ll have to excuse the mess, it gets pretty crazy right before we leave.” The living room was littered with bags of varying types; suitcases, backpacks, trunks with wheels on them. The couch was covered in laid out merch, shirts being draped over the back. I stopped to look at them for a moment.
“Want one?” He stepped over, picking up a black shirt with the image of a girl licking a samurai blade. The back listed their tour dates. “These are the new ones, we get samples sent over to give out, or wear, or whatever.” He sifted through the stack, picking out a medium, and handing it to me.
I held it up against myself, noticing it may just barely lift over my D cup breasts.
“Uh…could I get an XL? If you have one?” He snatched the shirt back and handed me another. I flung it over my shoulder as he went back to looking through them.
“What size does Laura wear?” I quickly told him the medium would be fine, so he handed it to me. “Those aren’t even released yet, so you guys are extra special.”
I smiled and feigned amazement. “No way!”
He shook his head and waved me over. “C’mon.”
Angel and I followed him upstairs, my dog obediently staying at my side. Noah opened the door just at the top of the staircase to a darkened bedroom, only lighting coming from his computer desk in the corner. His bed was, I guessed, a queen size. A large flat screen covered the wall adjacent. Aside from that, his room was relatively bare. He flipped on a light.
Pointing his finger and snapping, Noah barked out, “Angel, bed.”
My dog jumped on the mattress happily, stepping in a circle before curling up and plopping down.
I raised my eyebrows. “Did you just command my dog?”
Noah sat next to Angel, scratching the top of his head. “He likes me.”
I slipped my bag off my shoulder and walked over to his computer chair, setting it and the shirts down, and stepping back over to Noah, invading the space between his legs.
“So.” I stated, dropping my hands on his shoulders. His fingers gripped my hips, eye level with my breasts and taking in a full view.
“So…” His eyes roamed over my body, hands sliding up and down my legs.
“You wanted me here.” I smirked. “Here I am.”
“Right, right. What ever could we do?” His voice was deeper, his intentions clear.
I reached down to connect us, our mouths now molding together. I lifted one knee up on the bed beside him, pressing myself into his torso.
“Yo, Noah!” A male voice called from downstairs. He didn’t react, and when I tried to pull back, he held me firmly in place, bringing his kisses down to my neck and collarbone.
I swore I heard a thumping on the steps, but I couldn’t identify any sounds right now, not with his tongue tracing circles on my neck and his lips pulling at my skin.
“Dude, you need to - oh fuck! Excuse me!” I jerked back, Noah having the same reaction. We both snapped our heads to the doorway, seeing a very embarrassed Nick diverting his eyes. “I’m so fucking sorry.”
I snickered and looked away.
Nick waved nervously, without looking at me. “Hey Leena.”
I smiled at him. “Hi Nick.”
“Dude, kind of in the middle of something here.” Noah’s voice was annoyed, his hands still firmly gripping my sides.
“Sorry, but we need help loading Jolly’s amp into the trailer. Fucker’s so heavy.”
He shrugged, dropping his head between us.
“If I tell Angel to sick’em, will he?”
I giggled. “It doesn’t exactly work like that, babe.”
Nick cleared his throat. “Sorry, but this should’ve been done yesterday. We’re running behind.”
I moved my leg off the bed and stepped back, giving Noah room to stand up.
I heard him grumble as he walked past me. “Fucking dickhead.”
I called Angel and we followed Noah out of the bedroom.
Monday came way too quickly, and I hadn’t seen Noah since Friday night when I left his house. After ‘supervising’ the guys load up their equipment, and helping Noah work on some packing, Angel and I had headed home without any additional extra-curricular activities, unfortunately.
Saturday was a blur. I had met up with Laura to give her the new shirt, sending Noah a picture of us both wearing our new merch. He said he was glad Laura loved it, and made some rather unspeakable remarks about how I had better be wearing only that the next time he saw me. Laura and I went to dinner Saturday night where I gave her the diluted version of what happened; Noah and I were no longer in a sponsor/sponsee relationship, but were also not in a real relationship. She said I was avoiding it, I told her to leave me alone.
Sunday was spent on the phone with Noah most of the day while he did exactly as he had warned me; panicked.
“I can’t find my Docs. I need them. I wear them on stage!” They were in the closet.
“What if the bus breaks down like it did last time? Does AAA do roadside assistance for tour buses?” They do, I called and checked.
“I didn’t pack enough jackets. Colorado is always so cold.” It’s May.
“Folio stole my god damn ski mask!” He didn’t. Noah’s was in the washing machine.
Once he stopped having ‘real’ things to panic over, he began the really sad stuff.
“I’m going to miss you.”
“How am I going to handle being away from you for two months?”
“Can’t you just come with me? Angel can come too!”
After much reassurance, and declining to quit my job and up and leave my entire life to join him on tour, I had finally talked him into bed and waited on the phone while he fell asleep.
Currently, I was sitting at my desk, counting down the seconds until I got to go home. Work had been exhausting, and I was so ready to take my bra off and lay in my pajamas.
I clicked open my phone, not having missed any texts and feeling depressed about it. I hadn’t heard from Noah since 7AM when he sent me a video. I pressed on the video to play it for the hundredth time today.
“Hey babe!” He stood outside his house, coffee in his hand, the large bus sitting behind him. “We’re heading out here in a second! We’re headed to Greenwood, but won’t get there until about 9 or 10 tonight. I may not get service, but I’ll call you when I can! Have a great day at work.” The video ended with a large grin on his face that made me smile to myself.
“What’s got you so giddy?” I looked up to see Sam, my not-so-favorite manager standing on the other side of my desk. I popped my AirPod out, looking up at him.
“What?” I asked him to repeat, not that I hadn’t heard him, if only just to annoy him.
“What has you smiling all day?”
I checked the time on my computer and saw that it was 5PM, so I stood from my desk and grabbed my purse.
“Nothing exciting. Funny TikTok.”
Sam nodded, his eyes roaming over my blouse, down my tight-fitting slacks. I internally gagged and began moving around my desk.
“Hey, Leena,” I turned to look as I passed by him. “You want to grab dinner or something?”
The shock and disgust must have not shown on my face, because he just stared with a toothy grin, confidence rolling off of him.
“I, uh…” My voice stammered, wildly aware how much taller and larger he was than I. “I can’t.”
“Why not?” He seemed bewildered, as if he couldn’t believe someone would turn him down.
“I’m involved with someone.”
He snorted at this. “Since when, Celibate Susie?”
I narrowed my eyes at him. This fucking asshole.
“That’s none of your business, Sam. And I don’t think HR would care for that nickname.”
He rolled his eyes.
“Now if you’ll excuse me, I need to lock my office.”
He swaggered past me toward the door, turning back around swiftly, causing me to stop short.
“Well, if you change your mind, you’ve got my number.” He was so close that I could still smell the pastrami on his breath from lunch and I almost gagged.
I just glared at him for a beat before he walked away. I locked my office door hurriedly and nearly sprinted for the building doors. Right as I reached my car, I felt my phone vibrating in my bag.
I cursed, struggling to fish it out before Noah’s face flashed across my screen. I swiped the call open and he began speaking before I could greet him.
“Hey babe! We’re stopped for gas and I’m just outside stretching. Sorry I haven’t called. Service has been weird all through Utah. We’re in some backwoods ass town called Green River, I think? It’s kind of creepy, really. Some real Hills Have Eyes stuff.”
“Anyway, how was your day?”
I sighed, now sitting in the driver’s seat of my car, listening to the melody of his voice ramble.
“Ugh, I miss you so much already.”
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filthyjoetini · 1 year
Love is in the Air(BnB)
a/n: This one was a bitch to write. It took me a while. Sooooorry! The usual thanks goes to my lovely beta-reader as well as my kick ass editor (hehe) @barfightzanddiscolightz ! Also, Wes is back in action!
warnings: none
wordcount: 5.5k
part 1 - Friday night - part 2 - Saturday - part 3 - Sunday - part 5 - Tuesday - part 6 - Wednesday - part 7 - Thursday -  Epilogue
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“Hello there, love.”
You let your shades-covered eyes move up and saw Wesley standing in the doorway between the living room and balcony, looking like he had just gotten out of bed. You were sitting on a lawn chair, feet tucked under your bum, sipping your tea while you enjoyed the warm sun. The weather really meant well for you the past couple of days and today should also be warm enough to finally wear proper summer clothes. You were used to London’s sky being covered in clouds, foggy alleyways, and rain-soaked pavement. But not this time; this time you were graced with sunny skies and warm air. You pushed your sunglasses up to your hair and greeted Wesley.
“Good morning…. Or rather noon, Wes.”, you corrected yourself after glancing at your wristwatch, which showed you that the time was 12:18pm., “Did you sleep well?”
He nodded and sat down in the chair next to you, rubbing his eyes.
“Yup.”, he yawned. “Like a log…Do say, what’s on your itinerary for today? Planned anything exciting?” He turned to you with a small smirk on his lips.
You didn’t really have an itinerary for this trip. The only thing you really had planned was the play you wanted to see, which you did last night. Other than that, you would just do things spontaneously.
“Not really.”, you replied honestly, “I thought I’d hit the city to do some light shopping, you know?”
“Yeah, I know. Except you won’t.”
Wesley’s statement made you look at him in confusion. He wasn’t even looking at you, he just picked at his nailbeds and stared across the rooftop of the house next door.
“I won’t?”, you questioned him with one eyebrow raised, “And why is that?”
“Because!”, he turned to you, a big grin on his face, “It’s my day off and you’re coming to the lake with me. Joe will be joining us later in the afternoon and the guys and Becky will also be coming after they’re done with work for the day.”, he explained as he suddenly got up to lean against the balcony’s railing. “I usually go alone and just wait until everyone arrives but you’re here now so you can keep me company. I really hope you packed a swimsuit.”
For some reason, unbeknownst to you, you did in fact pack a bikini. You remembered holding it in your hand whilst packing and almost putting it back. Something within you told you to pack it so you threw it in your suitcase.
“I packed one, yes. I don’t have a towel though.”, you remarked.
“No worries, you can borrow one of my beach towels.”, Wesley replied as he let go of the railing and walked over to you. Stopping next to you, he motioned for you to get up. You slowly untucked your feet, letting them down onto the ground. You placed your hands on the chair’s armrests and pushed yourself up. Your movement made a small clang sound which made both Wesley and you look down to where it came from. It was the wooden beaded bracelet you had put on while exploring the flat yesterday.
Wesley narrowed his eyes at it and then moved his glance to your face.
“Hey…where did you get that?”
“Uhm”, you started, suddenly worried you had done something terribly bad by putting on the bracelet. You swore to yourself you would put it back again, but it had slipped your mind that you were wearing it. “I…I found it on the commode in the hallway. I swear it was never my intention to keep it. I just…forgot about it. Sorry.”, you clarified, a small frown grazing your lips as you slid it off your wrist, holding it out for him to take.
Instead of grabbing it, Wesley suddenly burst out laughing which irritated you to no end. He was such an unpredictable man. One day you’d get sweet and caring Wesley; you experienced that Wesley on the evening you arrived as well as the day you had to move to the living room. The other, you get the jokester who was just waiting to catch you off guard like on Saturday. Today must be yet another jokester day. You really hoped Joe wouldn’t catch Wesley’s mood and team up with him, as he was a bloody menace on his own and you had already blushed enough for a lifetime.
“I’m just taking the piss, love!”
Oh, I figured, you thought while he was still howling with laughter. He finally took the bracelet from you but instead of keeping it, he put it back on your wrist. “Christ, you should’ve seen your face. All worried.”, he giggled and took his hand in yours. “I’m sorry, but I had to…also, keep it. Consider it a token of our friendship.”, he winked and let go of your hand to walk inside the flat again. You were just standing there, looking at the bracelet with a soft smile on your face. Friendship… Wesley considered you a friend.
You heard him yell from inside the flat which startled you a bit.
“COMING!”, you shouted back and stepped inside the living room, closing the French doors behind you.
Huge beach bag slung over your shoulder and the opposite hand holding onto a cool box, Wesley and you exited the supermarket next to the train station. He was carrying two shopping bags filled to the brim with drinks, snacks, and foods to put on the grill in the evening. The group had decided to throw their first barbie of the year at the lake and had appointed Wesley as the designated food-and-drinks-provider. He had a list of everyone’s favourites on his phone and even asked you what you wanted. When you had said you’d eat anything, he got offended and forced you to tell him your preferences. At first your stubborn arse didn’t want to be a burden, but he just kept on bugging you until you caved in.
The beach bag, whose weight was currently pulling you down, was almost bursting from the number of things you had packed. You usually packed lightly, but Wesley insisted on taking basically half of the swimming inventory they owned. Apart from the towels and sunscreen, he demanded you also put in a deck of UNO-cards, a half-tent, snorkelling equipment, flippers, and even sand toys. It was beyond you as to why they even owned sand toys, but all he had said was that you would see, while grinning like a maniac. You assumed there must be a patch of sand at the lake.
Wesley led you into the station’s building where you got your tickets. He had explained that the lake was a little outside of London and taking the train would be the fastest way.
Once you got off the train it was only a five-minute walk until you were able to spot the lake. It was surrounded by a park-like setting with a playground, a children’s pool, barbeques, picnic tables, and changing facilities.
Wesley led you away from the facilities to an area almost at the end of the lake underneath a huge tree. It was the perfect size and even lent some shade so you wouldn’t be completely exposed to the sun. You put down the cool box close to where Wesley had placed the shopping bags. He immediately started to fill it with the ice he had bought and placed everything that needed to be kept cold inside.
You busied yourself with unpacking the beach bag. Once everything was placed around you, you called Wesley over.
“Where do you want all this to go?”
“Uh…. the half-tent can go by the shore, it doesn’t need to be under the tree.”, he explained whilst grabbing the sand toys and bringing them to the cool box, where he crouched down and placed them neatly next to the paper plates, plastic cups, and disposable wooden cutlery. What the hell is he doing with those?, you asked yourself and eyed him suspiciously. “Everything else, we don’t need yet. You can put those back in the bag.”, he instructed and got up again, hands now on his hips while grinning at you.
You took your eyes off him and shook your head, starting to put the snorkelling equipment and UNO-cards back into the bag. Suddenly, a hand shot out next to you and grabbed one of the beach towels that were lying on the grass next to the beach bag. You knew it was Wesley because no one else had been there with you, but he still made you jump a little.
“Sorry, I didn’t mean to startle you.”, he apologised, balancing the folded-up beach towel in one hand. The towel was a well-used The Lion King one from the 90s with thousands of loose threads, seams that were coming apart, and frayed corners. Back in the flat, whilst packing, you had asked him why he still had it and didn’t just throw it out. He explained that it was the first thing he had ever bought with his pocket money and that’s why he kept it. Then he wanted to impose an ancient Princess Belle beach towel on you which he explained belonged to his older sister. You had declined his offer politely with your nose scrunched up while he was laughing his arse off. You ended up opting for a simple one with a pretty shell pattern.
Grinning you accepted his apology. He then smiled at you softly, turned around, and placed his towel on the ground a little further away from you, making himself comfortable.
You decided to place yours next to the beach bag and took off your shirt and shorts and stowed them away in it, leaving you dressed in only your bikini and the sunglasses on your nose. Just as you wanted to lie down on your towel, a shirt was thrown at you followed by the word catch!
“Christ, Wesley!”, you exclaimed in feigning frustration. Picking up the shirt and scrunching it up in your hands, you got into position to throw it back at him when he held his hands up in surrender. Instead of going through with it, you let it drop into the bag and stuck out your tongue at him. He mirrored your childish gesture while laughing wildly before he planted his bum back on his towel. Laughing almost maniacally yourself, you finally lay down on your back to soak up some rays of your own.
Joe joined Wesley and you shortly before 3:00 pm. You saw him slowly approaching. He was dressed to the nines in slacks and a dress shirt. He had ditched his suit jacket, which now hung limply from his arm. In his other arm he held his own towel, swimming trunks, and a bottle of sunscreen. As he was passing by you, he looked you up and down over the rim of his sunglasses, clearly checking you out. You acted like you didn’t notice but your squirming body betrayed you. Yesterday’s bathrobe incident and his very obvious arousal because of it was still fresh on your mind, so you tried to cover yourself up a little. Joe though, picked up on your movements and grinned to himself as he made his way over to Wesley, who had his ear-buds in. He bent down to his knees and flicked his best mate’s nose with his fingers and pat him on his shoulder. Wesley, acting like the nose flick had hurt him immensely, flipped him off before he pushed away a giggling Joe who stood up again and made his way back to you.
“Hi.”, he greeted you as he placed his towel right next to you.
“Hi.”, you replied, smiling., “You look like you just came from a photoshoot...”, you continued, sitting up a little whilst pointing at his attire.
“Well.”, he said, “I actually just came from one...and an interview also. May I put my things in here as well?” He held up the beach bag in his hands.
“Ohhh...right. I keep forgetting what your actual job is… sorry. And yes, you may. It’s Wesley’s bag after all.”
He thanked you, stuffed his jacked inside, and placed it back on the ground.
“I’m going to get changed real quick.”, he stated and pointed towards the facilities, “I’ll be back in a second.”
Before you could answer him, he took off and disappeared into the changing room. You lay back down again and studied the tree’s foliage above you for a little bit before you turned your head towards Wesley. Eyes closed, he seemed like he was totally engrossed in his music or whatever media he was consuming. Since you didn’t want to bother him, you turned your head in the other direction and kept your eyes on the door, which Joe had just gone through.
After about three minutes, not that you had counted, he stepped out into the sunlight again. Bare-chested, swimming trunks on, and sunglasses covering his eyes, he strolled over to you.
As you were gawking at him, your almost-collision in front of his bathroom on Saturday morning crept back into your mind, making your face heat up again. As he got closer you couldn’t help but stare at his groin. Luckily, he had a towel around his waist that day, otherwise you would have probably fainted on the spot because he was packing. As much as you wanted to, you couldn’t tear your gaze from him. You fortunately were wearing sunglasses, so your ogling wasn’t that obvious…at least you hoped it wasn’t.
As Joe approached you, he threw his clothes haphazardly on the bag and his bottle of sunscreen on his towel. Then he sat down on it and turned to you.
“My eyes are up here.”, he declared, grinning at you. You slowly peeled your eyes from the lower part of his body and lifted your head up to his face. Motherfucker, how did he even notice?, you thought almost panicky, while the heat that threatened to creep up your neck to your face now did exactly that.
“I could see your eyes from the side of your shades.”, he commented, as if he had been able to read your mind, which made you cover your face with your hands in shame.
He let out a chuckle and you suddenly felt a hand on both of yours as they were peeled away from your face with a soft tug. You looked over and saw Joe’s face dangerously close to yours.
“Don’t be ashamed…we all constantly stare at other people. It’s just what people do.”, he whispered. “And…some stares bother me, and some don’t. Yours sure as hell don’t. So, keep on staring, darling.”
All you could do was nod and let out a choked-up chuckle. Joe let go of your hands and you pushed yourself up once again, almost headbutting Joe in the process. Joe leaned back a little to avoid getting hurt and you gasped out an apology, which made him giggle softly.
“Uhm…you have some sunscreen on your cheek…here, let me.”, you breathed, bringing one of your hands to his face, gently rubbing your thumb over his left cheek. Your tender touch made him close his eyes and lean into it. You both stayed like this for a while, not daring to move.
“Speaking of sunscreen,” Joe suddenly spoke up whilst you still had your hand on his cheek. “Would you mind helping me with my back? I couldn’t reach all parts of it.”
“Sure.”, you replied, slowly taking your hand from his face and sitting up straight. Joe turned around so his back was toward you and handed you the bottle. You squeezed a good amount of it onto your hands and then slathered it across his back. As you were thoroughly spreading the sun protection on his back, you noticed that he had freckles on his shoulders and neck. A little further down were a couple of birthmarks and moles. Mesmerized by his back, you started to massage the white liquid into his skin which elicited a mixture of a groan and a moan from his throat. The sound made you stop your motions momentarily and you felt a small flicker of lust forming in your lower abdomen. Pressing your thighs together you quickly finished your task.
“All done.”, you announced taking your hands off his back and rubbing the leftover cream onto your arms. He thanked you with a grin, turned towards you, and held the sunscreen bottle to you questioningly. You shook your head.
“I’m not due for another round yet. Wesley just helped me a couple of minutes before you joined us.”, you explained.
“Alright.”, he replied, dropping the bottle onto the pile of clothes which sat on top of the bag. Then he lay down onto his towel and slightly turned his body towards your still sitting one. “If you need another round, let me know. I’ll gladly help you.”
Breaking through the water’s surface you threw your head back and with it your hair. The water was still very cold, and you kicked your legs to keep warm and afloat. Swimming closer to the shore you heard someone yell at you.
It was Wesley, who was still sitting on his towel, clapping enthusiastically at your show. He then said something to Joe you couldn’t hear, got up, and walked down the narrow dirt path where the playground and other amenities were located. You chuckled and shook your head as your feet found the lake’s sandy ground and waded out of the water. Joe who had moved his towel around to always get the most amount of sun, ended up next to Wesley when you had decided to take a quick dip in the lake. Now he was just putting it back down next to yours and made his way towards you.
“It’s freaking cold.”, you warned him when he came to a halt in front of you.
“Is that so?”
“Yes! Look!”, you retorted, teeth clattering. You quickly grabbed his forearms with your cold and wet hands, and he let out a small yelp.
“Fuck, darling. A warning would have been much appreciated.”, he chided faintly with a frown on his face, and you let go of his arms. Then suddenly, his expression changed into a mischievous one and you started to panic.
“What are you doing?”
“Me? Nothing. Why do you ask?”
“Joe…please…what ar ̶ AHHHH”, you screeched as he picked you up by your waist and slung your body over his shoulder with an oof. You slid down his back, head almost hitting the ground below you. Fortunately, he noticed and pulled you up a little before he started running towards the water.
“JOE!”, you shrieked, as his body slowly submerged into the water. “LET GO OF ME! I SWEAR TO GOOOO ̶ “
Before you were able to finish your sentence, he pulled you off his shoulder, wrapped his arms tightly around your waist and took a dive.
When you both re-emerged you were coughing and spluttering, and your hair was covering half of your face. Joe was cackling like a mad man, breathing hard. You had your body wrapped tightly around his with your thighs around his waist and your arms around his shoulders. To keep you up, Joe had placed his arms under your bum, holding onto you.
When your coughing didn’t subside, his laughter stopped, and his face turned serious.
“Are you alright, darling? You’re holding onto me like a spider monkey.”
Still coughing, you shook your head. One of his hands came up to your face to wipe your hair from it. Your eyes were closed when he gingerly rubbed his thumb across your cheeks.
“I’m sorry.”, he apologised cautiously, moving his hand to your neck and shoulders to continue rubbing there.
The pressure on your neck felt nice and you let out a small whimper as you took deep breaths. When your breathing returned to normal, you opened your eyes and saw Joe’s worried chocolate ones.
“It’s OK.”, you whispered, fearing your voice would crack. Then you suddenly grinned at him, pushed yourself off him, and dunked him under water by his shoulders.
Cackling like a maniac you swam away from him to the shore. Joe quickly came up again and shouted, “You cheeky minx!”, and came after you. To your misfortune he was a better and faster swimmer, so he caught up to you rather quickly. Just as you wanted to run through the soggy ground out of the lake, he grabbed you around your waist and swung you back. You shrieked with laughter, begging him to put you down.
Wesley came back just as Joe lifted you up, followed by Rebecca, Dan, Felix, Oliver, and Jack.
“Have they kissed yet?”, Jack asked Wesley to which he shook his head.
“Ugh, I wish they’d had. It’s annoying how they tiptoe around each other.”, Wesley replied, rolling his eyes. Cupping his hands over his mouth he took a deep breath and shouted:
“Hey! Lovebirds! The party’s full! Time for supper!”
Joe and you promptly halted your movements and let go of each other, protesting Wesley’s collective nickname for you.
With Joe hot on your heels, you stomped out of the lake towards your towel to dry yourself off. When you picked up the bag with your belongings, Joe’s clothes fell to the ground.
“Shit. I’m sorry.”
“It’s fine.”, Joe said and picked them up, putting on his dress shirt without drying off first. You slung the bag over your shoulder and picked up your towel. Then you turned to the others.
“Hey guys! Becky! Nice to see you.”
They greeted you back in unison, each of them had a huge, suspicious smile on their face. You scrunched up your face in confusion and then turned to Joe again.
“Uhm, I’m gonna go get changed. I’ll be back in a few.”
Smiling, he nodded at you, and you walked off.
You returned to the group about 15 minutes later, freshly showered, dressed in your shorts and a t-shirt, your hair hung loosely and almost fully dry off your shoulders.
When you placed the bag back down on the ground, you saw that everyone was sitting in a circle, the sand toys and the UNO-cards laying in the centre of it. Confused, you joined them and sat down next to Joe. You looked up at him with questioning eyes.
“It’s a drinking game.”, he explained as he picked up his hand of cards, “You basically play UNO and when someone wins, the others have to drink. The person with the most cards in their hands has to drink out of the bucket, the person with the second most out of the castle mould, and so on…Do you also wanna play?”
“Oh, yes, that sounds fun.”, you answered as Oliver handed you your cards.
After a couple of rounds everyone had a good buzz in. Some more, some less. You were on the ‘some less’ side of the group and giggled at the ones who tottered around after what Wesley had decided was the last round. Joe, who was equally as tipsy as you, grabbed you by your arms to pull you up, when Wesley walked over to the both of you.
“Hey, Wi-Fi. Can you come help me with the food, please?”
“Wi-Fi?”, you asked, giggling, turning to Wesley.
“Yeah. Look at his fucking forehead, man. A bloody Wi-Fi signal… it’s not that strong, but it’s there.”, Wesley explained as Joe slapped the back of his head.
“Shut the fuck up, mate.”
“WI-FI!”, you yelled as you burst out laughing, holding onto Joe’s arm with both of your hands, swinging it back and forth.
Following Wesley, Joe pulled you with him since you hadn’t let go of his arm. You insisted you also wanted to help with the food. Eventually you let go of him so he and Wesley could handle the barbie while you, with Becky’s help, were setting the picnic table which was located a bit further away.
“Soooo, tell me. What is going on with you and Joe?”
Becky’s question made you stop in your tracks, pulling the stack of paper plates to your chest.
“Uh, nothing.”
“Ah, stop lying to me. I can sense that there’s something between you two from a mile away.”, she replied smirking, not buying your answer. You blushed lightly at her statement, and she walked over to you and rubbed your shoulder gently.
“Go for it.”, she encouraged you.
“I can’t. I’m going home soon…how are we supposed to make it work?”, you asked, frowning deeply.
“You’ll make it work.”, she explained, rubbing your shoulder once more. “If you don’t make a move, I will force him to.” Her voice changed from encouraging to threatening in an instant and you chuckled and nodded nervously.
“Good.”, she said as she finished placing the last of the wooden cutlery on the table. Without further ado, she walked off to join Dan, Felix, Jack, and Oliver, who were all trying to pile themselves into the half-tent. She yanked them out of it one by one and scolded them, demanding they all go sit at the table. You quickly finished setting the table before any of them could sit down and walked over to Joe and Wesley who were just finishing up at the grill.
“Hey there, love.”, Wesley greeted you as he placed sausages and burger patties on the platter Joe held out to him. “What were you and Becky talking about?”
“Nothing.”, you replied nonchalantly.
“Hmmm…”, he hummed. “Alright…didn’t seem like nothing.”
“It really was nothing. Just girl talk.”, you firmly answered, ending the conversation. Wesley placed down the tongs and held up his hands in defeat, lips in a thin line.
“Alright. Sorry.”, he apologised and walked off towards the table sitting down between Oliver and Jack with Felix on the far end of the bench.
Joe, meat platter still in his hands, still stood next to you, a concerned look on his face.
“You alright, darling?”
You gave him a quick nod and made your way to the table as well. The only two spaces left were next to Dan and Becky, so you sat down next to Becky. Joe followed you quickly and placed the platter in the middle of the table. Before his behind had the chance to touch the bench, the guys were already grabbing various meats off the platter and Becky chided them loudly, even slapping their fingers away. You came to the conclusion that Becky was most certainly the mum of the group and without her, nothing would get done.
Joe’s thigh brushed yours as he finally sat down, and it made you jump a little. Automatically, he placed a hand on your thigh to keep it from bouncing up and down and you instantly stiffened. Becky, who was sitting right next to you noticed the change in your body language and smirked to herself, looking down at your thigh where Joe’s hand was still positioned. You looked at her and she had the audacity to wink at you. Swallowing thickly, you tried to relax, which you eventually did. Joe rubbing his hand slowly up and down your thigh also helped, and you felt yourself zone out a little.
“…Sausage, burger, or chicken skewer?”
“Huh?”, you asked looking to the person who asked you the question. It was Joe who pointed to the platter with one hand, while the other one still unconsciously rubbed your thigh.
“Oh, uh…I’ll take a burger, please.”, you answered softly. He took his hand off your thigh to shovel a burger patty onto your plate and then helped himself to two of them. You pushed up a little and helped yourself to the various sauces and salads that were scattered around the table.
Dinner went by smoothly with lots of laughter, jokes, and more alcoholic beverages. By the time everyone had finished eating, it got quiet around the table and the temperature had dropped significantly. Joe had even put on his suit jacket again. When he noticed you shivering next to him, he took it off and placed it around your shoulders. Perplexed at first, you eventually wrapped it around yourself, soaking up his body warmth and smell.
To set the after-dinner mood, Wesley had put on some low music to be played in the background. Becky put Felix and Jack in charge of cleaning up and throwing away the disposable dishes and cutlery. After much resistance, moaning, and threatened punches, they eventually started cleaning up under Becky’s constant observation.
Joe, lit cigarette dangling from his lips, was immersed in a conversation with Wesley, Dan, and Oliver. You didn’t really understand what they were talking about, so you just sat there, watching everyone silently.
As you sat there, lost in thought, your earlier conversation with Becky came to your mind again. Joe and you had gotten really close over the past couple of days. The touches, the hugs, the soft kiss to your hair, the teasing, the way he held onto you in the lake this afternoon, hell you even kissed him on the cheek last night, that must mean something, right? Well, to you it did. You weren’t sure if he felt the same though. Maybe it was just playful banter for him. But if it was, he wouldn’t act this way, right? As if he were in love.
Frustrated with your thoughts you let out a deep sigh.
Excusing yourself, you got up which made Dan, Oliver, Wesley, and Joe stop their conversation. Wesley noticed the pout on your face and frowned.
You walked towards the lake’s shore where you sat down on the small patch of sand between the grass and the water. Digging your fingers deep into it, you let out a defeated groan as your eyes welled up with tears.
At the table, Wesley stared at Joe and nodded in your direction.
“Mate, go after her!”, he hissed, Dan and Oliver mouthing go, go, go as Joe put out his cigarette and got up, almost jogging after you.
You heard footstep behind you and looked up to see who had followed you. It was Joe. When he saw that you had tears in your eyes, he frowned deeply and sat down next to you.
“Hey. Are you alright?”, he asked, pulling your fingers from the sand, and taking your hands in his. You shook your head slowly, tears now flowing freely down your cheeks and dripping off your chin.
“Whoa, hey. Darling, what’s wrong?”
He tried to pull you into his lap, but you resisted and pushed him back a little, so he let go of your hands.
“I don’t know what to make of you.”, you replied honestly, and confusion set on his face.
“What? What do you mean?”
“I…”, you started, letting out a shuddering breath. “I’m not sure what you want from me, and it’s driving me insane.”, you continued, wiping the tears off your face. “The way you tease me, the touches, the embraces…your eyes. Oh my God. Your eyes. Joe, they hold so many emotions and I just can’t pinpoint them exactly. I’m scared…”, you rambled on, voice barely a whisper.
Joe stared at you, mouth hanging open, unable to answer you.
“I’m scared, because I’m leaving in a couple of days, and I don’t want this to just be a fling. And I’m scared that if we give this a go, distance will tear us apart. I’m scared Joe, so fucking scared, because I’m slowly but surely falling for you.”, you kept explaining in a whisper, still wiping your face. “Hell, I don’t even know if you feel the same. I am really putting my heart on the line here…”
Joe, totally stunned by your confession, scooted closer to you. Then, all of a sudden, he grabbed your tear-stained face in his hands and leaned in close.
“Babe, if I didn’t feel the same, would I do this?”, he asked, pressing his lips to yours. You immediately kissed him back and slung your arms around his shoulders and he finally pulled you into his lap. As your kiss grew more passionate, he let his tongue swipe across your bottom lip, and you slowly opened your mouth to let him deepen it. You kept on kissing until you ran out of breath and both your lips were bruised and swollen.
He reluctantly pulled back and grinned against your lips, wiping away the last of your tears with his thumbs.
“You’re such an idiot for ever thinking I wouldn’t feel the same.”, he whispered against your lips, pecking them softly. “A total and utter idiot.”, peck. “The biggest idiot of all idiots.”, peck.
“I got it, I’m an idiot.”, you giggled against his lips between pecks.
Wesley was shouting, pumping his fist into the air whilst the others where whooping and hollering behind him.
Joe lifted his hand and flipped them the bird before he leaned in to capture your lips with his once more.
@ohmeg @daleyeahson @lma1986 @palomahasenteredthechat​ @mandyjo8719​ @aysheashea​ @eddiebaemunson​ @xlilithb​ @freakymunson​ @sidthedollface2​ @i-wont-run-this-time​ @plk-18 @avatarghost666 @kylakins88​ @deadspellz @thehillzhaveeyez​ @kayleeelena97​ @foreverjosephquinn​ @punctualhowell​ @icallhimjoey​ @ghostinthebackofyourhead​ @siriuslysmoking​ @hollster88​ @cancankiki​ @definitionwanderlust​ @eriancrow 
the ones who are crossed out are the ones I can’t tag, soz
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kernyen-xo · 1 month
Here we go. It’s a long one.
My aunt is dying. Any day now, her son told the family. So, everyone flocked to see her, including mom, which entailed a 17-hour train ride from San Diego to Sacramento. My brother and I usually meet up in Bakersfield to deliver the momster because she refuses to fly and now refuses to take the train. Of course, doing the Bakersfield thing is a pain, especially if you’re not a morning person because I have to leave by 4:30 am to make sure I’m in Bakersfield by 10. Now, really, I’m glad for it in the end because I’m back home by 2:30-3p.
This time around, mom had to take the train because she was afraid her sister would die before she got to see her. So, mom was insistent she had to leave asap, which meant no Bakersfield trip since my brother and I had to work.
That is, except this last weekend. Mom arrived Friday night near midnight (17-hour train ride, remember?). The next day we see Auntie Sally. That night, I go to the birthday celebration for me, the kid, and grandkid. Mom didn’t want to go.
I assumed my brother and I would meet up in Bakersfield the following weekend, which is a-ok. I have plenty of time to rest and mentally rev myself for the trip, which is something I need to do. Otherwise, without this precious time, I don’t handle it well.
Guess what? Mom wants to leave the next day. I’m like, wait, what? But, I just say ok and quietly freak out inside. This really changes everything. I tell my granddaughter, who is staying the weekend with me to shower at night, that all she has to do is roll out of bed the next am and get in the car where she can sleep.
Easy-peasy, right?
Except, when we arrive in Bakersfield, my brother is not at our meeting place. He’s always there first - always. The guy is an extreme morning person, up every day by 4am. In fact, I thought it was weird that he didn’t call once asking me for an update of my progress.
Long story short. I know, too late.
He thought the mom delivery wasn’t taking place until the following weekend. I was thinking, ok, we’ll head back home and try this again next weekend. But mom? No way. She refuses to go and suggests I leave her there to wait for my brother. Really? Like, I’d do that, and she knows I’d never do that.
So, after drinking a lot of beverages, shopping at WalMart and Nordstrom’s Rack, my brother arrives. He must have booked it because what’s usually almost a 5-6 hour drive, he made it in 3.
The grandkid and me were home by 6:30. I apologized to her for how the day went. She said, what a day! I agreed. We really didn’t get to spend quality time together. I was supposed to take her home that night, but I was so exhausted that I asked if the kid could take her instead, which she did.
The last-minute trip was hard on me. I remember the days when I could drive in a pinch no problem! Those days are gone. I missed work on Monday to recuperate. Ya, this old gal ain’t what she used to be.
And now, I need to get ready for work.
Thx for reading.
Have a good day :)
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badsanspoly · 5 months
Day 2 - Romance
Horror x Cross short oneshot
(Ignore some mistakes I made this was made in a rush 🙏 sorry guys! Also i know its not the second anymore, hushh)
It was early in the morning, and hearing Cross exercising in the training room was no surprise to Horror. As he exited his bedroom, Horror could hear the loud grunts echoing through the halls of the castle as Cross practiced his fighting skills with a dummy. That poor dummy must’ve gone through some things, it was completely torn in different places and overall completely demolished, yet Nightmare refused to get a new one. He said the current one could still be used and he’d get a new one once this one was beaten to a pulp.
The ex-guard finally stopped slashing at the dummy after a few minutes, panting loudly as he let his comically large knife slip out of his hand and dissipate into thin air. He rubbed his forehead, wiping the beads of sweat on it as he tried to catch his breath.
Horror admired Cross, very much so. When he first met the other he had already noticed how professional and precise he was. It was sort of expected that Horror eventually found himself with feelings for Cross, which ended up being the case for the others too. How could someone not like a man like him? He was kind, did everything he could for his loved ones, and was extremely attractive. Cross was the kind of guy that girls would go crazy about in high school.
Horror got pulled back to reality as Cross went to the other side of the training room to get a bottle of water, which caught Horror’s attention. He finally remembered why he was here: to get Cross to bed.
He pushed the door open further and walked in, quietly making his way behind Cross until he stood behind him. Horror swiftly had his arms wrapped around Cross in a hug, which made Cross smile softly. He put his free hand on Horror’s arm, tilting his head up to stare at his taller boyfriend. “Hey,” Cross said with a sleepy look on his face. Horror squeezed Cross gently, pulling Cross closer in the hug; the action made Cross smile more. “Hey, muffin,” Horror responded, nuzzling Cross’ head with his nose.
“You’re supposed ‘t be ‘n bed,” Horror scolded, keeping Cross in place even as he tried to put his bottle down, he instead took another sip of the water. “I know.”
After a little bit of squirming, Cross finally managed to get out of the tight hug so he could put his bottle on the bench. Horror couldn’t help but think something was wrong, Cross was always one to take his emotions out in the gym, especially very early in the morning.
“Somethin’ wrong?” Horror asked, staring at Cross’ back as he didn’t turn to face him. “I’m okay, H. Don’t worry about it,” Cross said after a sigh, wrapping his arm around himself, basically hugging himself. Horror wished Nightmare were awake, as he was MUCH more experienced with this kind of thing. But he was having a nice and peaceful sleep, Horror could never interrupt that. The way Horror comforts people is with physical affection and food, it seems to work mostly. Sometimes not so much. Horror was unsure if it’d work in this situation, but it didn't hurt to try.
“Alright,” Horror sighed too, looking away for a second. “Wanna get food, since you’re awake? I’m pretty hungry.
Cross chuckled at that, Horror was always hungry. “Sure, I’m a bit sweaty, though,” Cross looked down at himself, releasing his hands from his arms to look at them. His black shirt was drained. “Let’s get ya cleaned up first then,” Horror said, pulling Cross in another hug that Cross couldn’t get out of anymore.
There was a convenient shower room attached to the training room, one that Cross or the rest of the group used after working out or training. Cross protested as Horror took him to the shower, Cross thought that ‘getting him cleaned up’ meant using a wet towel or something. He was wrong and was pushed into the shower with Horror joining him. This wasn’t the first time any of them had showered together, it was a common thing they did for either fun or just for the company. Horror didn’t necessarily need to shower, but he wanted in any way, making Cross blush throughout the whole thing as Horror ‘showered’ him with love.
Once they were out of the shower, Horror took it upon himself to dry and dress Cross before doing so himself, planting many kisses on Cross’ face as he did so. Despite Cross often being the professional little ex-guard he was trained to be, it was easy to fluster him. Horror loved seeing that handsome face light up like a gyftmas tree with just the smallest action of affection.
Cross was now dressed in a white t-shirt with shorts, and Horror wearing an oversized grey shirt with shorts, they were both extremely comfortable. Horror held Cross’ hand as they walked down the stairs in the direction of the kitchen so they could get food for themselves. At this point, Horror didn't care about bringing Cross to bed anymore, only to love Cross and distract him from whatever was bothering him. It seemed to be working, as Cross had completely forgotten what he was upset about.
Horror lifted Cross from the floor and placed him on the counter, giving him one last kiss on the lips before going to the fridge. Horror had decided to feed Cross and himself fruits, fruits were always good. He retrieved two translucent containers that held strawberries and grapes in them from the fridge and placed them beside Cross on the counter. He opened the container with the grapes in it and offered it to Cross, who took it with a smile.
“Thanks, H,” Cross said after a bit of silent eating, looking at the other who leaned back against the container as he ate a strawberry. “Hmn? For what, muffin?” He asked, making sure not to talk with his mouth full as he turned to Cross. “For… all this. The shower, the food, ... you.” Cross’ face turned a little purple again with blush as he said this, turning his head away from Horror so he didn't face him. Horror smiled brightly, if he possessed a tail it would definitely be wagging at rapid speed. The container full of strawberries was quickly set aside before Horror gently grabbed Cross’ face and kissed him. The action surprised Cross for a moment until he started kissing back, setting his container aside too as the two begun kissing passionately.
Horror had leaned into Cross, Cross having his arms wrapped around Horror’s neck as they stayed pressed against each other for a long time. Breath? Never heard of her. They didn’t need to breathe, they could survive as long as they were together.
The intimate moment was soon interrupted as they heard footsteps approaching, both of them having to sadly pull away from each other. They both knew who had come inside the kitchen, Killer. They both turned their heads to face the skeleton who wore nothing but just boxers, meaning he had woken up before Dust and Nightmare.
“… That was hot, dude,” he said softly, but loud enough for the duo to hear.
Cross grabbed a strawberry and threw it at Killer’s face, it splashing on his forehead.
“Hey!” “Dude, get out!”
THE END (╹◡╹)
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luvyblossom · 10 months
Love me (not) (Pt.2)
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Hello Lovelies!
This ended up being way longer than I intended it to be. The drama has started!! As always please let me know what you thought and interact with this work. Reblogs are always appreciated!
Enjoy Part 2
Warnings: none in this chapter but series contains smut (MDNI)
Series Masterlist
The next morning, you woke up to find that Hyunjin hadn’t cuddled up to you during the night. He was always a clingy sleeper so it was odd to see his back turned to you. You always woke up before the alarm usually staying still so Hyunjin could sleep longer but today you were able to get up. You sat up, the movement of the mattress letting Hyunjin know you were awake. 
He was awake too. He turned quickly towards you. “ Good morning.” 
“Good morning,” you said with the warm smile that was all the sunshine he needed. Before you could get up he pulled you back down to the bed and into his arms. You let out a whine but did not fight him. 
“Just 5 more minutes. I didn’t sleep well.” Hyunjin whispered into your hair. Your heart did this silly little thing where it skipped a beat and then sped up until it was pounding in your chest as if it was trying to run away. The loud thuds of your heart were the only thing you could hear, you worried they were so loud that Hyunjin could hear too. Your heart often did this around him.
You gave Hyunjin his allotted 5 minutes and then wriggled out of his grasp, relieved to be able to breathe again as your heart beat slowed down. He tried to grab at you again whining, "You don't want me to get any sleep."
" I have class Hyunjin," you laughed after looking at him pouting, still in your bed and still with his eyes closed.
"Skip class. You're ahead anyways. I need a nap." Now his eyes were open looking at you.
" Then take a nap."
" I don't like to sleep alone," he said this quieter. You hadn't known that about him. You thought he usually came by to get a break from all the boys.
You tried not to read into it too much. " I'm sure you can find someone to sleep with," you laughed, "but please not in my bed."
Hyunjin sat up. "I've never actually slept with any of them. They usually leave and I don't let them stay." You learned another thing you hadn't known about your friend. Again, you decided to let the confession go and not read into what it meant that you were the one he slept with. You could never let yourself think too much when it came to Hyunjin, you would go crazy if you did. Instead of giving him a reply you walked to the kitchen and started your coffee maker.
You heard a groan and then the creaking of the bed as Hyunjin got up and joined you in the kitchen. You started cooking Hyunjin's eggs the way he liked them. It was Friday which meant Hyunjin likely had some party to go to and he wouldn't be staying over.
"You're not coming over tonight right?" You asked as you put his breakfast in front of him.
"We're hosting a party at Sigma Chi tonight," he confirmed. "You know you're always invited."
You had absolutely no desire to attend any of those parties. You didn't mind drinking but the atmosphere was always overwhelming and there was always a tipsy creep around. "You know I don't like to go to those. Plus I have a bunch of work to catch up on."
" You should let loose once in a while. You're always working and you never do anything else with me but study," Hyunjin was giving you a little pout. He had tried to get you to attend so many parties. You always denied. What you would dread the most is when Hyunjin would inevitably disappear with some girl for the night and leave you to fend for yourself. It was the being alone part that bothered you, you assured yourself.
"It's not really my thing Hyunjin. You know that."
"If you come I'll show you the piece I'm working on."
That was an intriguing offer. You had never really gotten to see any of Hyunjin's art, only a few projects he's done for his classes. " Can't I just come to see it when there's not a party? You're going to be preoccupied anyways."
"You have to earn a private showing," Hyunjin winked at you. " And I will make sure you have fun, I won't leave you alone."
You weighed your options. You knew that some of your girlfriends were going as well so you wouldn't have to be completely alone. " I'll think about it."
"Hey" you greeted Felix as you rushed into your lab. You had just barely made it in time.
"Hi" Felix gave you his bright smile and began to pull out the things you needed.
"I don't know how you're so cheerful this early in the morning," despite saying that you smiled back at Felix, his smile making yours come easy.
"It's easy when I've got you as my lab partner."
That made you blush. Felix periodically said these sweet flirty things that made your ears turn a bit red. You always brushed it off not knowing what to say in return.
"Okay our percent yield isn't bad" you showed Felix the calculations to confirm it was right.
"Yeah it looks good." You both packed up and started heading out. Before you could part ways, Felix turned to you, " Are you and Hyunjin a thing?"
You were used to this question. "No we're just good friends."
"Okay. I'll walk you to your next class." Felix was really quiet as he walked by your side, swinging his arms nervously. "Are you going to the party at Sigma Chi tonight," he asked after what seemed like an eternity of silence.
"I don't know. I don't usually go to those types of things."
Felix didn't respond for another stretch of time. It was strange to have him so quiet. He usually would talk your ear off.
"You should come," he finally said, " Um, we could go together."
You thought about it. Felix's company would get you through the night. You would get to see Hyunjin's art and he would get off your case about 'letting loose.' "Sure, come for 9?"
Felix let out a large breath of air. He had been holding it in waiting for your reply. You made him so goddamn nervous. "O-okay great, yes. See you tonight y/n," he gave you a big grin as you walked into your class.
You slipped on your sneakers when you got the ‘I’m here’ text from Felix. This was the first time in a long time you had taken the time to get ready. You chose to wear a black crop top with a short pleated black skirt. Spending time on yourself, doing you makeup and your hair had actually been fun. You walked out of your apartment feeling confident.
Felix was waiting for you right outside your building. You smiled and waved at him as you walked up. He was in all black like you. A t-shirt that hugged his arms but was slouchy in the torso and black pants. He had a sort of long mullet that really suited him and he was standing there - waiting for you - looking, staring at you as you walked towards him.
“Hey” that’s all he could say. Too nervous to say anything else at the moment. The walk with Felix was so quiet. You didn’t know what was up with him today. You decided to start the conversation.
"So, what do you do aside from bio labs?" Although you had spent hours with Felix weekly, you didn't know much about him.
"I do taekwondo. I have a few matches coming up so it's been busy."
"I know who to go to for self-defense lessons now."
He turned to you with a smile that lit up his eyes. It was so excited and genuine that it caught you off guard as his eyes looked into yours. " I would love to teach you!"
Your heart pounded for the second time today but caused by a different catalyst. You didn't have to suffer too long because you both had reached the party.
Loud music and so many people, you would need alcohol to make it through the night. You turned to Felix, "Drinks?"
He nodded and you began your trek through the crowd of drunk students to the kitchen. On the way, Felix had been stopped by three different girls asking him to join them or dance; he had respectfully declined all of the offers. When you finally got to your destination you were greeted by a table full of alcohol and Seungmin "Hello pretty lady! Nice to see you finally join us," he said as he gave you a quick hug and handed you a glass.
Seungmin was one of the members of the frat and a good friend as well. He looked over at Felix and gave him a quick greeting and a drink before getting close to you,"Brought a date?"
You elbowed Seungmin which was enough to get him to cut his teasing short and leave you and Felix.
"Sorry about all that," Felix nervously scratched the back of his neck again. You understood he was referring to all the times he's been stopped by girls in the crowd.
"No worries, I'm very used to it," you laughed. It hadn't bothered you but you had heard Felix quietly tell them that he was already here with someone and that had made your heart beat a little bit faster. You weren't sure if this was a date or if you were here as friends; you didn't know the answer to Seungmin's question.
While Felix and you spoke and drank you looked into the crowd trying to see if you could spot Hyunjin. When he did finally come into view you saw him with his arm around Jess's waist. You felt a knot in your stomach. You chose to ignore it and turn your attention completely to Felix, hoping he would once again be the perfect distraction.
"Do you want to dance?" The alcohol had given Felix some confidence and allowed you to loosen up.
You followed him to the makeshift dancefloor that was made in the living room by pushing aside all the furniture. It was crowded, forcing you and Felix to sway close to one another. After the first song, Felix found the courage to place his hands on your waist and pull you a bit closer. It felt natural as you placed yours onto his shoulders now swaying to the beat of a slower song.
Felix had held you with just his fingertips but as you placed your hands on him, grazing the back of his neck, he allowed his hands to rest on your waist. His palms were hot against the exposed skin of your back but they gave you goosebumps like you had just been hit by a chill. He pulled you even closer, your chest now touching his and sending another chill through you. The alcohol in your system allowed you to keep swaying as you ran your hands first down his arms feeling his toned biceps. Then you ran them back up to trace over his collar bone before dragging them down his chest. His chest was hard and as you moved down you could feel the definition of his abs. You didn't know he had been hiding all that, it made sense that he did taekwando you thought to yourself. You ran your hands back up his chest before tracing over his neck and finding your way to the back of his neck to tangle into his hair.
The whole time Felix's eyes focused on you, taking in the way you admired him. When he felt your hands tug at his hair he let out a sharp breath, not knowing that he had been holding it in. You looked at him, studying his features. Moving from his eyes to the freckles that peppered over his cheeks and nose until finally landing on his pink almost pouty lips. "You're so pretty," it came out hushed as you moved your fingers to trace over his jawline.
Felix let out a chuckle that sounded like it had a hint of a groan, "I should be saying that to you-" He stopped speaking as you moved your fingers up to trace his lips. You looked back into his eyes, your thumb still making its way across his bottom lip which was now slightly parted. You could feel your heart pounding, drowning out the music and noise around you as you continued to match his fiery stare. Felix followed suite as he brought one of his hands up to your face to gently move a stray piece of hair behind your ear. He ran his finger down to your chin, tracing your cheek before tilting your face up to him. His face moved closer to yours at an agonizing pace. Finally his lips hovered right by yours, almost touching-
"Ah!" You yelped as you felt a hand snake around your waist and pull you back. You collided into something hard behind you. As you recovered from your surprise, you looked at Felix to see him looking behind you. You turned around to face a muscular chest before pushing away from the assailant to see who it was. You looked up to see Hyunjin glaring at Felix. He looked down at you as he felt your push.
"Y/n, you didn't tell me you were coming." His eyes were dark pools. His words sounded harsh making you feel as though you had done something wrong.
You glared back at Hyunjin recovering from the surprise. You mouthed to him ' What the fuck??' You turned around to face Felix, there was a significant distance between the two of you. You pushed against Hyunjins forearm, that was still wrapped around your waist, to walk towards Felix. Hyunjin just tightened his hold on you pulling you closer against him, "I promised I'd show you my paintings." He started to turn with you pressed against him to get off the dancefloor.
Before you were forced to follow you turned and gave Felix an apologetic look. "I'm sorry! I'll be back," you shouted so he could hear you over the music. Felix gave you a little smile and a nod before you were quite literally dragged out of his view. Hyunjin didn't let go of you until you reached his bedroom. He opened the door and lead you in, finally letting you go and closing the door behind you two. Before you could start to go off on Hyunjin you were stopped in your tracks. Jess was perched on the end of his bed as if it was her place.
"What are you doing here?" Hyunjin asked. Jess walked past you slightly pushing you as she went and draped herself on Hyunjin.
You couldn't do this. You were fuming as you walked out of his room, slamming the door behind you. You had maybe had a bit too much to drink you realized as you stumbled down the stairs. You decided that it was not enough by the time you reached the last step, proceeding to the kitchen and downing some shots before finding your way to a beer pong table where Felix was expertly aiming his ball. He stopped when he saw you and held out the ball gesturing you to join him. You grabbed for the ball but ended up missing completely and stumbling into him.
"Are you okay?" Felix asked, his face was painted in concern as he held you up.
"I'm fine," your voice betraying you as your words slurred and tears started to blur your vision.
"Let's get out of here?" It was more of a statement than a question but you nodded in agreement. Felix helped you out the door and to the sidewalk where the music was no longer ringing in your ears. "What happened?" He looked at you as he wiped away the tears that had streamed down your face.
" Hyunjin is an ass." You said conclusively. You sank down to your knees, feeling so exhausted. You could feel the concrete on your bare legs. You were too tired to move, too tired to cry and too tired to feel. You would have laid down if Felix wasn't holding you up.
"Y/n, get up. We need to get you home."
"I'm tired," you made no move to get up. "Home is too far."
"I live close to here. C'mon." Felix was kneeling in front of you so you could climb onto his back. You used the last of your energy to climb on, greatful for your saviour.
" You're stronger than I thought you would be," you slurred on and let your hands briefly feel his chest. " So muscular." Felix chuckled in response.
He didn't make you walk at all. You don't know how but he maneuvered his door open and carried you into a bedroom allowing you slip off him and onto the bed. You felt him take your shoes off and then he left the room. You were already dozing off when Felix returned. You felt something wet on your face making you whine as it disturbed your sleep.
" Shh. I just have to take your makeup off and then you can sleep." Felix hushed you. You opened your eyes to see Felix focused on carefully wiping your face. You smiled. " What?" Felix asked, seeing you staring at him.
" You're like my hero. Thank you." Your words were genuine despite coming out slurred.
A blush set over Felix's face as he continued wiping away your makeup. " Okay all done. Sleep tight y/n." He pulled the covers over you and turned off the light before leaving the room.
Your head was pounding. You squinted as you opened your eyes, the sunlight pouring in through the window was too bright. Your eyes adjusted as you rose up onto your elbows and looked around. You were not in your room. The room you were in had a desk with a full gaming set-up. There was a shelf crowded with medals and books and the rest of the walls were covered in band posters. You found the strength to get out of the strange bed and venture out. You were met with an unfamiliar man sitting in the living room only further confusing you.
" Felix, she's up." He didn't bother greeting you but you were happy to hear a familiar name. Felix popped his head out from under the kitchen island which was right behind their living room.
"Y/n, how'd you sleep?" He asked as he walked to you and handed you a glass of orange juice and an aspirin. He guided you to sit on the couch. "This is Minho, my roommate." Minho gave you a small wave but didn't bother to look at you.
You took the pill and gulped down the orange juice. As you sat you started to remember your night. The almost kiss, Hyunjin and Jess and the stuff you said to Felix. You started to turn red, feeling embarrassed at the actions of drunk you. "I slept okay. I -uh sorry."
"I don't mind, it's not everyday I get to be someone's hero," Felix teased.
You groaned and buried your face in your hands not wanting to look at him. He just laughed at your reaction before getting up. He placed a plate with pancakes on your lap when he returned. "I don't think I can eat," the embarrassment and alcohol making you queasy. Felix however, did make sure you ate and drank a bunch of water before letting you leave.
“Thank you for everything." You said as you opened the passenger door. He had also insisted on giving you a ride home. As if he could get any sweeter.
" I hope you figure it out with Hyunjin." He gave you a soft smile that didn't quite reach his eyes.
"There’s nothing to figure out. He shouldn't have dragged me away like that." You started to feel the anger again as you rubbed your temples. " I owe you one."
As you got into your elevator you finally checked your phone. Felix had charged it overnight to make sure it wouldn't die. You had 20 missed calls and atleast 10 texts from Hyunjin. You decided not to open them until after you'd had a shower and maybe a nap.
You opened your apartment door to be greeted by Hyunjin. He had dozed off on your couch, still in his clothes from last night. Your heart softened just a bit, feeling bad that he had come looking for you.
Your entry into the apartment had stirred Hyunjin awake. " Y/n?" he asked as he rubbed the sleep from his eyes. He saw it was you and he was fully awake now. He stood up. "Where The Fuck Were You?"
Hyunjin had never raised his voice at you before so his tone took you by surprise. His question managed to wash away the slight bit of sympathy you had felt for him earlier, replacing everything with rage. You didn't shout. " That is none of your business."
" What the fuck do you mean it's none of my business?" Hyunjin walked over to you, your strong front beginning to dissolve as he moved closer. He took a deep breath and let it out, softening his gaze as he moved his hand to your face to gently move a stray hair out of your face. "I was so worried about you," he said in a much softer tone that sounded like your Hyunjin.
Your anger had completely dissipated at this point, your breath hitching as you tried to find words while he stood this close to you. You instead chose to bury your face in his chest so he'd wrap his arms around you. You were still exhausted and just wanted comfort. Your heart had been doing somersaults consistently for the past two days and you needed everything to be calm. It was a marvel how this man could make your heart jump but put you at ease so easily.
Hyunjin let you relax in his arms. The conversation wasn't over but he felt your exhaustion. He was tired too having barely slept last night while trying to find you. You looked up at Hyunjin torn between staying the way that you were or going to bed. " You can shower first," you decided bed was the move.
You crawled into the covers next to Hyunjin, your hair still damp because you had been too lazy to blow dry it. You were ready for a real rest until it was interrupted by Hyunjin, "We still need to talk."
You didn't look at him. "About?"
"About where you were last night and why you ran off."
You were only ready to answer one of those questions. "Stayed over at Felix's place."
Hyunjin tensed. That was what he had dreaded hearing from you. He tried to keep his tone even, "Did anything happen?"
You turned over onto your stomach propping your face on your arms so you could look at him, "Why are you being so nosy?"
"I don't like him."
You rolled your eyes. " Is that why you dragged me away last night?" Hyunjin refused to reply. "I'm not crazy about your hookups either. You'll live. At least he tries to be nice to you."
"What happened?" Hyunjin wouldn't drop the subject.
"Does it matter?"
"Yes - you were so drunk. Could you even consent?" Hyunjin was so tense waiting for an answer from you.
"Jeez. He was a perfect gentleman and nothing happened. He carried me cause I was so tired, let me take his bed, removed my makeup, made sure I ate breakfast and drove me home." You couldn't help but smile as you thought about how sweet Felix had been. You knew he was nice but he had been so gentle and caring with you.
Hyunjin should have been relieved, happy to hear what he had wanted. But a sinking feeling grew in the pit of his stomach as he saw you sit there grinning while talking about him. Was it because he was too used to you only smiling at him? Hyunjin tried to get rid of his thoughts. He was the one with you, Felix had not even been invited up. He dragged you in towards him, holding you tighter than he usually did causing you to yelp. "Time to sleep."
You woke up as the sun was setting, a bit disoriented from the prolonged nap. You grabbed your phone from your beside table opening it to see a text from Felix: Hope you got some rest, are you busy next Friday?
No, I don't think so
His reply came quick. Do you want to go on a hike?
I would want that
I'll pick you up at 6. We can watch the sunset
You let out a giddy giggle as you kicked the air. Butterflies were fluttering in your stomach. Your outburst woke up Hyunjin. He groaned with his eyes still closed and pulled up the blanket to cover his face. “What?”
“Guess what”
“ What?” He said not moving.
“I think I have a date.” You were still giddy. “ It may not be a date though,” you weren’t sure if maybe Felix didn’t feel that way about you.
Hyunjin’s eyes opened and he shot up when he heard you say the word ‘date.’ “ With who?”
“Felix. I mean he asked but maybe he doesn’t like me like that. What do you think?” You opened up your texts and shoved your phone in Hyunjin’s hand.
He read the very short conversation with his brows furrowed. He looked at you now, his chocolate brown eyes filled with dismay.
“What? Do you think I misread the situation?”
Hyunjin looked away from you. “ Uh- no I don’t think you misread the situation. You want to go out with him?” He avoided your eyes not wanting to give away the bitterness that was spreading through him.
“Yes I do. I think I really like him.” You hoped the feeling was mutual. You weren’t sure what you expected, but you liked him and it was nice to feel special to someone. “I will make dinner tonight!”
“I should get going I can’t stay over tonight. I told Jess I’d see her.” Hyunjin got out of bed and slipped on his hoodie, still avoiding your eyes.
"I’ll talk to you tomorrow then,” this time you were able to stomach her name. Felix was the right choice, you didn’t have to push away any feelings.
Hyunjin said a quiet goodbye to you before walking out the door.
He didn’t call you the next day.
End of Part 2
This is an original work. Do not republish or repost this work in any form, including translations.
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spine-buster · 1 year
Lost in the Memory | Ryan O'Reilly | Volume III
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gif credit @/heddy
A/N: This is just porn, basically.
“It’s gonna be good to be fuckin’ home, I can tell you that much.”
A delay at the airport meant that Ryan and the boys didn’t land in Toronto until the middle of the night.  Factoring in the drive from the airport to Summerhill, he didn’t walk through the door until almost 2:30 in the morning.  He walked in to the low hum of the TV, an old episode of Law and Order: SVU playing.  Whitney was asleep on the couch, clearly having tried to wait up for him, but failing.  She looked cozy under the blanket, and so peaceful that Ryan almost didn’t want to disturb her.
Though he had been living in the house since being traded, for what felt like the first time since he moved, he took a long look around the main floor.  It had been Whitney’s and Whitney’s alone for the past ten days.  Truthfully, it had been Whitney’s and Whitney’s alone since he bought it for her.  When he bought it, he did so because when he and Whitney saw it, she fell in love with it.  It reminded her of the house she grew up in, just that it was in a city, and Ryan wanted her to have it.  During the restoration and renovation, and over the years, she had truly put her mark on it.  Her stamp was everywhere, and that’s what he loved most about it.  It was a home for her, and it was a home for him, too, because wherever Whitney was, was home. 
Ryan bent down so he could be near eye contact with her, taking in her features.  Her beautiful long lashes she’d had since they were kids.  The littlest scar on her chin from when Owen accidentally hit her with a ministick.  Her perfectly shaped lips he loved to kiss whenever he could.  Her long, beautiful hair he loved to run his hands through.  He did just that, as softly as he could, to wake her up.  “Whitney…sweetness…” he cooed.  She didn’t wake up at first.  “Sweetness…” he was slightly louder.
Her eyes fluttered open, looking almost in disbelief that he was in front of her.  “Snook…” she mumbled.
“Let’s go to bed,” he said.
“I tried to stay up, Snook—”
“—Don’t apologize, sweetness.  It’s okay.  Let’s just go to bed.  C’mon,” he said, grabbing at her arms and wrapping them around his neck.  He proceeded to pick her up bridal style and carry her up the stairs to her bedroom.  Their bedroom.
Whitney was smart and had already changed into her pajamas.  After he laid her in bed, Ryan stripped out of his clothes quickly, leaving only his boxers on before her crawled into bed and pulled the sheets and comforter over their bodies.  “D’you want me to make you some French toast tomorrow morning?” she asked.
“Shhhhhh,” he cooed, snuggling up behind her as the big spoon.  She had work tomorrow, so he didn’t even know why she was offering.  Well, that was a lie…he did know: because she was Whitney.  And they always looked after one another.  But he wasn’t going to be that person – waking her up at 2am only to agree for her to wake up early to make him breakfast.  What was he, a chauvinist?  “Go to sleep, sweetness.  Don’t worry about tomorrow morning.”
He heard a little sigh leave her.  “I’m so happy you’re finally home, Snook.”
“Me too.  Me too.”
When Whitney got home from work that Monday, Ryan was making dinner.  She walked into the house smelling like homemade chicken soup, which she loved.  It reminded her of growing up.  And though she was grown up now, she was always nostalgic for her past; she thought most people were, especially if they enjoyed their childhoods.
“Welcome home,” Ryan was already looking over his shoulder at her as she made her way into the kitchen. 
“Thanks,” she smiled.  “Damn Snook, I could get used to this.”
He smiled.  “Smells good?”
“When you’re my husband I hope the house smells like this all the time.”
Whitney didn’t realize exactly which words were leaving her mouth when she opened it.  But when they finally came out, she couldn’t believe her mind strung the sentence together.  It was as if her innermost thoughts were starting to overpower her conscience.  She watched as Ryan chuckled slightly.  “I have some good news,” he immediately changed the subject.
Whitney gulped, pushing everything down.  “What’s that?”
“I get my cast off soon,” he revealed.
Whitney smiled wide.  “You can finally put that hand back to good use.”
“You mean, like, by scoring goals?”
“Obviously.  It’s not like it’s useful for much else.”
Whitney yelped as Ryan grabbed hold of her and pulled her towards his body, wrapping his arms around her midsection so she couldn’t escape.  “You take that back right now,” he grumbled playfully.  “These hands have probably done more to pleasure you than your own hands.”
“You severely underestimate how I often I masturbate to the thought of you fucking me,” she kept playing her game.
“You’re a sexual deviant.”
“You started it,” she winked.
Ryan peppered her face with kisses.  “I’m so happy to be home with you, sweetness.  How was work?”
I’d rather be taking care of our kids right now.  “It was fine.  Same old.  Can we cuddle on the couch tonight while watching episodes of SVU?”
Ryan smiled.  “I don’t want to do anything else.”
After eating their chicken soup and cleaning up the kitchen, Ryan queued up episodes of Law and Order while Whitney washed her makeup off and changed into something more comfortable.  When she emerged from the bedroom, Ryan was already on the couch and ready with a blanket.  She was wearing a pair of bike shorts and one of Ryan’s newest Leafs workout shirts.  While it was no doubt big on her, it was tight around her chest, making it very obvious she wasn’t wearing a bra and very obvious she’d appreciate the warmth of his body and the blanket.  The Adam’s apple in his throat bobbed dramatically when he saw her.  Without even trying, she was so incredibly sexy to him. 
“Ready?” she asked.
He nodded.  “C’mere, sweetness,” he opened up the blanket, allowing her to crawl in and snuggle up next to him, draping her legs over his.  After placing one of his hands in between her thighs, he pressed play. 
It was about halfway through the first episode they watched that Ryan’s hand began massaging between Whitney’s thighs.  She didn’t think much of it – he massaged her thighs all the time when they were cuddling like this – but then ever so slowly it began to move up.  By the time the second episode started, his hand was right near her core.  She looked over at him at one point, a small smile playing on her face.  “You can put your hand down my shorts, Snook.  It’s been ten years – you don’t have to ask for permission.”
“Yes I do,” he said quickly, moving his hand quickly so it slipped underneath the waistband of her shorts and back down to between her thighs.  He cupped her core briefly before his fingers played with her lips.  Slowly.  Painstakingly slowly.  As they watched the next episode, he teased her pussy much longer than Whitney was anticipating, though she wasn’t complaining.  Eventually, she almost couldn’t focus between her hero Olivia Benson and what Ryan was doing.  She’d close her eyes to focus on the feeling, then open them to focus on the show, rotating back and forth.
“You coming to Toronto was the best thing to ever happen,” she sighed out, her eyes closed.
He giggled at her words.  “Oh yeah?”
She let out another sign.  “Can we…” she began before trailing off.
“Tell me sweetness.  What do you want?”
“D’you remember when I came to visit you in St. Louis the first time after you won the Cup and we—we were cuddling on your couch watching TV and we—we—”
“Lie down,” he whispered, knowing exactly what she was referencing.  “Get comfortable, sweetness.”
His hand left her hot core as she lay down on the couch how she wanted.  Ryan got right behind her, his body flush against hers, mimicking every curve before he pulled his sweatpants down to free his cock.  He stroked himself quickly a few times before pulling her shorts down enough that he could slip his cock between her thighs and slowly into her core to cockwarm.  Whitney let out a satisfied sigh at the feeling, and Ryan could feel her body fully relax into his.
The sigh she let out was long and cathartic, as if all the strains and stresses of the day were released with it and she was finally at peace.  “That feels so nice,” she whispered.
“We haven’t done this in a while,” he commented, combing some of her hair back with his fingers. 
“I know.  Does it feel nice for you too?”
“Of course,” he replied.
“You’re so good to me, Snook.”
Ryan kissed her temple before draping his arm over her body, queuing the next episode of SVU to start.  They lay on the couch together in that position for at least two more episodes, making light conversation or commentary on the episode every so often.  Every time she moved slightly, Whitney was reminded of how good it felt to have Ryan inside her so intimately, even if it wasn’t sexual.  While she knew it was probably going to end with them making love eventually (at least it did last time), she truly valued just being like this with him.
While Benson and Stabler were trying to solve a case, Whitney could feel Ryan begin to slip his hand under her (his) shirt.  His hand eventually cupped one of her breasts, taking his time to knead it softly before he began to pinch her nipple.  Ryan could feel her chest rise and fall, little sighs escaping her.  Then, he began to kiss the exposed skin between her neck and shoulders, and there were more little sighs coming out of her that he could feel made his cock harden.  Eventually, neither were preoccupied with the crime Benson and Stabler were trying to solve; they were only preoccupied with each other.
“Make love to me, Snook.  Nice and slow.”
Ryan peppered her exposed skin with more kisses before he began to move his hips so he could pump his cock in and out of her in their spooning position.  He took it nice and slow, just like she wanted, because her sighs were driving him absolutely insane.  To him, they were worthy of the finest orchestras in the world.  “S’at good, baby?”
“Yeah, Ry.  It’s so good.”
“You need it like this?” he asked.  Whitney nodded her head.  “Tell me why.”
“Because I’m at work all day and all I can think about is wanting to be with you,” she said.  “And when it’s like this it’s so nice because it’s so…soft.”
Ryan couldn’t help but smile, kissing her again, making sure he didn’t get too far ahead of himself and go any faster than she wanted.  She felt incredible as always, and he was going to take advantage of being inside of her for as long as possible.  “Reminds me of the first time it happened on a couch,” Ryan whispered in her ear.  “Remember?  My parents were at a show here, Shannon was at a sleepover, and we were doing our best to watch that movie we can’t even remember.”
Whitney smiled.  “I remember.  I ended up on your lap within the first ten minutes.”
“That’s right,” Ryan chuckled.  “Couldn’t keep your hands off me.”
“If my memory serves me right, I’d say it was the other way around,” Whitney said.  “You were the one unzipping my shorts.”
“Those itty bitty jean shorts you used to wear?  Can you blame me?  Your ass looked great in those.  Come to think of it, they barely covered it.”
“That was the first time I let you fuck me without a condom, too,” Whitney mentioned.  “Remember?”
He did.  They’d been having sex and Ryan was using a condom religiously, and Whitney said the only way they could have sex without one was if they both got tested for STIs.  That’s what her parents taught her if she was going to become sexually active, and she was sticking to it.  Ryan didn’t put up a fuss about it at all.  He went to his doctor, got the required test, and showed Whitney.  Whitney did the same, even though Ryan knew she was fine since she had only ever had sex with him.  “Of course,” Ryan breathed out.  “How could I forget?”
Ryan continued to move in and out of her, his hand moving down her body and to her clit where he began to rub lazy circles, causing Whitney to squirm and let out some more sighs.  Though they were taking it nice and slow, Whitney could feel her orgasm building just as slowly, her body feeling hot after so much time of being engulfed in one another’s bodies.  She put her hand over Ryan’s, still rubbing circles on her clit.  “You take care of me in every way, Snook.  I hope you know that.”
She was met by silence from Ryan.  And in that silence, her mind began to wander.  Why wasn’t he answering?  Why hadn’t he said anything in return?  All he did was continue his movements to make her feel good, which was always nice, but…why didn’t he say anything?  Does he not believe it?  “I’m close, Ry.”
“Yeah?” he finally responded.
“Yeah.  I can’t wait to feel you come inside me.”
Eventually, when Ryan felt her entire body shiver, he knew her orgasm was running through her.  Only then did he allow himself to come too, letting all his pent-up energy release inside of her.  He made sure to continue rubbing her clit to make her orgasm last longer, until he felt her hand that was over his squeeze it to get him to stop.  “Goooddd, Snook,” she sighed out.  “That was so good.  So nice.”
“I know,” he nodded.  His cock slipped out of her but was immediately replaced with his hand, feeling her wetness on his fingers before Whitney switched positions so she was facing him instead of having her back towards him.  He brought his hand up and sucked on his fingers, tasting her like he wanted.  She kissed him immediately after.  “You’re so sweet,” his voice was barely above a whisper, considering they were so close physically.
“Will you kiss me, Snook?”
Their lips met and they continued kissing for so, so long, completely lost in each other as the hum of the TV played in the background, Benson and Stabler starting to solve yet another case.
Whitney looked at herself in the mirror of her ensuite bathroom, wearing another one of Ryan’s Leafs shirts – this time in white – her jersey with his name on it draped over the door.  She was wearing a pair of black lace underwear that made her ass look extra cheeky.  Her nipples were already poking through the material of the shirt, but she knew she could do better.  She looked towards the shower and thought, well, that’ll be pretty hot.  She wet the t-shirt with the shower head, so much that it clung to her body, showing every curve.  She went back in front of the mirror and began to pose, taking pictures of herself for Ryan.
She was going to tease him within an inch of his life.  Why?  Because she wanted to.  Because she was still thinking about how he didn’t respond to her when they were having sex on the couch and she said, “You take care of me in every way, Snook.  I hope you know that.”  All she could think about for the past few days was how he didn’t respond.  Did he not think that he took care of her?  Did he not want to?  Did he not want to anymore?  When Ryan said he’d always take care of her, did that mean marriage?  Did that mean children?  Did that mean a life together?  He didn’t answer, so maybe it didn’t.  Maybe it did.  She didn’t know anymore.  It was all so confusing.  What she did know was this: she was going to take care of him and his ego tonight, that was for sure.  Maybe it wasn’t the right thing to do, and maybe she should approach it in a different way; maybe it wasn’t mature and maybe it wouldn’t do anything in the grand scheme of things, but God damn it, this was how she was going to do it. 
Ryan had already left for the arena for the game against the Panthers, and she would be making her way down in about an hour.  She would be meeting Bee and Aryne before the game for some dinner and was mostly ready, except for the fact that she was taking pictures of herself as if she were competing in a wet t-shirt contest.  When she was done with the wet t-shirt contest, she tossed it in the shower and put on his jersey instead.  It was oversized, but she still knew she could make it look sexy.  She made sure her underwear was visible as she made her ass was front and centre since not much else could be seen.
When Whitney was actually ready – in her clothes she had planned to wear to the game, and not the clothes she had planned to tease Ryan in – she texted Bee that she was leaving her place and on her way to Chotto Matte, the Japanese-Peruvian restaurant that the boys had apparently been frequenting as of late.  When Bee realized that Whitney’s office was only a few blocks away from hers, she resolved that they get together more often, starting with dinner before the game with Aryne and Aberdeen.  Whitney and Bee were the same age, only three days apart – Whitney born August 28th and Bee born on August 31st – and so Bee made a conscious effort to be friends with her, and Whitney appreciated the effort because she liked Bee (and all the other women) since the day she met them.
Before she lost the WiFi service at the station, Whitney took out her phone from her purse and opened the conversation she was keeping with Ryan.
Just on my way to dinner with Bee, Aryne, and Aberdeen.  Can I show you my outfit?  I don’t know if it’s too fancy.  Have you been to Chotto Matte before?
He responded right away, letting her know that he wasn’t doing anything important.  At least not yet. 
Of course.  And no, I haven’t been.
The subway rolled into the station.  Whitney chose the first of the photos she favourited from the array she took, the least risqué of the night.  A photo of her just posing in his t-shirt, her nipples poking through the fabric, a hint of the black lace of her panties showing.  She got on the subway and took a seat, and as the subway began moving towards Rosedale station, her phone buzzed. 
Looks like you’ll be cold.  I think it needs a jacket.
She chuckled.  So he was going to be a cheeky bastard.  Fine.
By the time she made her way to Bay and Front Street, Bee and Aryne were waiting in the vestibule of the restaurant.  Within five minutes Aberdeen arrived and they were seated at their table, ordering drinks and food – Whitney ordered the black cod aji miso on the behest of Aryne.  The girls chatted up Whitney like they were old friends, and not like they’d just met merely a month ago.  Whitney ignored the incoming texts from Ryan throughout dinner and had fun with her newfound friends.
Let me see your real outfit
What are you wearing?
Are you at the restaurant already?  Are the girls there?
Go to the bathroom and show me how sexy you look in your outfit
Whit come on
I’m desperate here
You can’t just send a pic like that and then go silent
He was right.  It was so incredibly rude of her to go silent after she sent him such a picture.  So, as the waiter took their dinner plates away, she quickly got on her phone and sent him a second picture.  It was a picture of her in the same outfit except this time, she had her hand down the front of the black lace panties.  She locked her screen quickly, not giving it a second thought.  Within seconds, a reply flashed on her screen.
What the fuck, sweetness
The girls paid the bill and made their way to the arena on foot, taking the elevator to the family lounge where a few of the other girls were already hanging out.  When she had a moment to herself, she took out her phone and sent another picture, unsolicited: one where she was looking over her shoulder, pulling the t-shirt forward so her ass was in full view of the mirror.
After some small talk with a few of the other women present, another: one where her t-shirt was wet and clung to her body, especially her breasts.
After the Canadian and American national anthems were played, another one: a close up of her biting her lip, her nipples poking through the wet fabric of the shirt.
There’s a lot of guys in here with me
You gotta stop
As the first period went on, another: the wet t-shirt with her hand down her panties again.
Whit I mean it
Right after the buzzer at the end of the period, another: one of her in his jersey, ass in full view.
Holy fuck
She giggled slightly.  At the end of intermission, when she knew all the men he was with would be back, another: her seated on the floor, her legs spread wide, his jersey barely covering up the visual. 
I should come down to the family lounge and fuck you senseless in the bathroom.
Patience is a virtue, Snook
Stop teasing sweetness
That’s going to get you in trouble
If I’m trouble, then maybe you should roll up your sleeves, bend me over you knee, and spank me
Ryan never responded.  Whitney didn’t push it.  She knew she had him exactly where she wanted him and left it at that.  She enjoyed the rest of the game, the rest of the banter and conversation with the girls.  She finished her glass of wine and cheered on during overtime, though the Leafs lost.
When Ryan emerged from the locker room, he barely made eye contact with Whitney.  He greeted all the other women very politely and made conversation with them as they asked him about his finger and what life was like in the press box.  He milked the conversations for as long as he could, until a couple more of the guys emerged, until he finally looked at Whitney.  “D’you want a ride home?”
“That’d be nice.  Thanks,” she smiled.
She and Ryan got into the elevator to take them down to the parking garage.  He hadn’t said a word to her.  She couldn’t help the smile that was making its way onto her face after each passing silent moment.  “How’d you like the game?” she asked.  Silence.  She bit her tongue to keep herself from laughing.  Ryan didn’t even look at her.  “You look great in that suit, by the way.  Very sexy,” she offered.
Only then did Ryan give her a look, and even then – the look sent a shiver down her spine.  She was wholly unprepared for it, and after the shiver came the heat.  She knew she was in for it.  She was anxious and excited all at once.  When they walked off the elevator and started towards his Range Rover, his strides were so long and determined that Whitney almost felt like skipping to stay on pace with him.
Once they got to his car, Whitney decided to strike again.  “Are you mad at me or something?”
They were lucky a lot of cars were parked, because Ryan pulled her in between them and pushed her up against his, pinning her between the car and his body.  “You think you can just send me pictures like that and not have me go crazy?” he muttered, his lips so close to hers she could feel his breath on her skin.
“No, I knew exactly what I was doing,” she said in a hushed tone. 
“You’re a little tease, sweetness.”
“Did you have to go beat one off in the bathroom because you got a little too excited?”
“Oh no no nooo,” he cooed before giving her a hard kiss that took her breath away.  “I’m saving everything for when we get home.”
Whitney smiled from ear to ear.  “Then what are we waiting for?”
“Oh good, their car is still here!” they both her Morgan’s voice yell through the parking garage.  Ryan and Whitney separated at lightning speed.  “You just couldn’t see them because you’re short, bumblebee.”
Whitney and Ryan both emerged from in between the cars casually.  Bee was still a bit far from them, but close enough to not have to yell.  “I just wanted to remind you to text me for dates next week when you’re available for lunch,” she said.
“Of course!” Whitney was chipper.  “I’ll look at my schedule tomorrow at work.” 
Bee nodded as she watched Ryan open the passenger side door for Whitney.  “Drive safe,” she waved.
“You too!” Whitney said before getting in.  Ryan waved to Bee and Morgan before walking around the car and getting into the driver’s seat.
“I was not supposed to see that.  I was not supposed to see that.  I was not supposed to see that,” Bee repeated to herself over and over as she sat in the passenger seat, eyes wide but staring at nothing, waiting for Morgan to get into the car.  “I was not supposed to see that.  I was not supposed to see that.  I was not supposed to—”
“What weren’t you supposed to see?” Morgan’s voice suddenly interrupted her.
It was as if he had just magically appeared in the driver’s seat.  Bee didn’t even hear him get in.  She was too preoccupied with the scene replaying over and over in her mind: seeing Ryan and Whitney kissing in between cars when they thought no-one was watching.  And it wasn’t just some innocent kiss, either.  There was meaning behind it.  History behind it.
“Nothing,” Bee shook her head.  “Drop it.”
Ryan and Whitney rushed inside, their bodies ready to go before they even touched either other.  Ryan pinned her against the wall and kissed her forcefully, greedily, because she let him and because he could and because he’d been waiting hours to show her what he really thought of those pictures.  His knee was between her legs.  “Y’looked so fuckin’ hot in those pictures, sweetness,” he mumbled against her lips.
“Which ones were your favourites?  Wet t-shirt or jersey?”
He huffed.  “How could I choose?” he asked, and he meant it.  He picked her up in one swift movement and carried her up the stairs to their bedroom, setting her back down on her feet.  He grabbed handfuls of her ass with his hands, causing her to make a little noise at how his fingers dug into her skin.
“You wanted to fuck me so bad after seeing them, didn’t you?” she asked.
Ryan didn’t answer.  Instead, he pinned her up against the wall again, except this time, he wasn’t kissing her.  He was looking directly into her eyes as his chest rose and fell with the intensity of his breaths.  “Don’t think I forgot about your teasing that easily,” he warned, his voice low.  He could see the fire in Whitney’s eyes at her tone.  He stopped pinning her against the wall, but she didn’t move.  “You’re in a lot of fucking trouble, sweetness.”
Whitney watched as Ryan backed up further, until he was sitting in his dress shirt and suit pants on the edge of the bed, legs spread so she could see his growing bulge.  “D’you want me to s—”
“You do what I tell you to do,” his said sternly as he unbuttoned the cuffs on his shirt.  “Understood?”
Whitney nodded excitedly, biting her bottom lip.  “Yes.”
“Are you wearing the panties in the pictures?”
He paused for a moment, licking his lips.  “Show me.  Nice and slow.”
Whitney knew what that meant.  She giggled slightly before she began to untuck the rest of her shirt – whatever Ryan didn’t get to downstairs – from the jeans she was wearing.  She watched as Ryan began to cuff the sleeves of his shirt up to his elbows, and she swore she could have come right then and there.  She took off her top to reveal a lacy black bra, one that pushed her boobs up perfectly.  “You like what you see, Snook?”
“Take off your pants, sweetness.”
She unbuttoned them slowly, swaying her hips, before unzipping them.  Before she pulled them down, she took the few steps over to Ryan, just as he was finishing cuffing his other sleeve.  She turned around so her ass was facing him and arched her back so it was in his face, pulling down her jeans slowly to reveal the lacy underwear that drove him crazy.  She kicked her jeans off to the side and before she knew it, Ryan had pulled her on to his lap, wrapping a strong arm around her body so she couldn’t move.  “You think you’re cute sending me those pictures even after I told you there were other people around, huh,” he whispered into her ear, his free hand snaking down to her panties.
“I had a lot of favourites,” she couldn’t help but smile as she felt his hand cup her pussy.
“You’re so fucking bad, sweetness.”
She felt his hand push her panties aside, two fingers teasing her pussy already.  She writhed in his lap, closing her eyes.  “I meant what I said in the text, Snook,” she said.
Ryan paused, as did his fingers.  Using the name Snook said it all.  “Are you sure, Whit?”
She nodded her head.  “Yes.  Please.”
He kissed her shoulder tenderly.  Then he asked a question.  “Do bad girls get what they want?  Or are they going to have to beg?”
It was practically automatic, the way Whitney’s body heat up at what Ryan said.  She closed her eyes again.  “Please Ry, bend me over your knee.”
His arm’s grip on her loosened and he helped move her into the position she wanted to be in, over his lap with her ass exposed and ready.  His fingers went right back to her pussy, teasing her lips only momentarily before he shoved them in.  She let out a gasp at the intrusion, her body tensing in his lap.  “Ry—”
“You’re so fucking needy and desperate sweetness.”
“I am.”
“For what?  Tell me.”
She could feel his fingers curl inside of her, hitting a place that he didn’t normally hit and giving her a feeling she’d never felt before.  For a moment, she almost forgot what all this was for.  “I—I—”
“For what?”
“For you to spank me,” she finally let out.  “For you to make me feel good.”
“What about my fingers, huh?” he asked, curling them in her again, causing her to squirm in his lap and moan loudly.  “They aren’t good enough for you?”
“I want—I want more.”
“More what?”
Whitney was getting more turned on by the second.  She loved putting her pleasure completely in Ryan’s hands, because he was the only one who knew exactly what to do to her, who knew exactly what to say to get her riled up.  Besides, he put his pleasure completely in her hands, too.  “I want more—more—”
“More?  You think you’ve been a good girl who can get what she wants?”
“No,” she shook her head.  “I’ve been bad and I need to be spanked.”
Ryan looked at her ass in full view for him, his fingers leaving her pussy.  He hesitated for a moment, because he wanted to give her what she wanted, but he also didn’t want to hurt her.  They hadn’t done this before, in all the times they’d been together.  Toronto must have really been something special if this is what they were getting up to now that they lived together in the same city.  He brought the fingers that were in her pussy up to his mouth to taste her before he resolved to go for it.  He took one last glance at the excited anticipation on her face before bringing his hand up, then down.  Smack!
Whitney let out a yelp, writhing in his lap.  “Oh fuck,” she breathed out.
“Did that hurt?”
“No no no, it felt so good,” she assured him.  “Do it again, baby.  Please.”
Another yelp, her knees coming together as she crossed her ankles.  He wasn’t spanking her particularly hard, but they’d never done this before.  “Fuck!” she screamed out in pleasure. 
“Feels good?”
“Feels so fucking good Ry, oh my God,” she couldn’t believe it.  “Keep going.”
Ryan caught sight of her pussy again, wet and slick from before and from what he was doing.  He spanked her again and could practically see it throb in pleasure.  He brought his hand back to her pussy, sticking his fingers in with ease since she was so wet, and she cried out at the sensation.  This time, though, he quickened his pace and curled his fingers more often.  Whitney had stopped being quiet a long time ago, but as he did so, she really wasn’t quiet.  It was only after he’d had his fingers back in her for a while that he even realized she was trying to say something.
“What is it, sweetness?  You need a break?”
He was confused for only a second before understanding what she meant.  “Look at me,” he grabbed her jaw with his free hand, which wouldn’t be so free after this if she meant what he thought she meant.  He forced her to look at him.  Her cheeks were so flushed red.  “You want both?” he asked.
She nodded.  “I want both, Ry.”
His Adam’s apple bobbed in his throat as he released her jaw.  “You gotta tell me if it’s too much, okay?”
“It won’t be.  I want it so bad Ry.  I’m gonna come so hard.  I want—I want it so bad.”
Ryan could never say no to her.  The only mode he knew was to indulge Whitney, and that was exactly what he was going to do.  He took a lick of his fingers before sticking them back in her pussy, using his other hand to give her another smack that made her cry out in pleasure.  Her body couldn’t help the movements it was making from the pleasure he was giving her, and Whitney couldn’t control them, either.  Every spank and every curl of his fingers brought her closer to a place where she and Ryan had never been before – an entirely new plane of pleasure they were capable of giving only each other.  “Mmmmm, ohmygod, Ry,” Whitney breathed out before cursing for the umpteenth time.  A new curl of his fingers hit the same spot from earlier, and she was desperate to feel it again.  “Right there, Ry.  Just like that.”
Another curl right on the spot.  Another cry.  Another smack.  Another curl.  Whitney felt like she was losing her breath, repeating his name over and over with every curl and ever smack.  She gripped the comforter for dear life, right before Ryan smacked her and curled his fingers at the same time, sending her entire body through an earth-shattering orgasm.  She’d never felt anything like it before, and she was as loud as can be.  She heard Ryan swear before the rhythm of his fingers changed slightly, slowing down before adopting a new rhythm.  The orgasm lasted longer than so many others, and when most of it finally passed, her hips lowered back down to his lap.
It felt weird.  She couldn’t make it out at first – it was supposed to be Ryan’s dress pants, of course – but they felt different.  Had she really sweat that much?  Had he?  The feeling was different than what she was used to.  “Ry—”
“Holy fucking shit, Whit,” Ryan breathed out.
“Your pants—why do they feel wet?”
“Whit, I think you squirted.”
Whitney’s jaw dropped as she screamed in shock.  Ryan began to giggle, almost nervously and definitely uncontrollably, not believing what had just happened.  He could see Whitney’s eyes, nervous and uncontrollably delirious as his, smiling on their own above her hands that had cupped her dropped jaw and mouth.  “Are you serious Ry?”
He giggled some more.  “Oh my God-d-d-d,” he shook his head.
“I can’t believe I did that,” Whitney shook her head.  She wiggled off his lap and onto the bed as they continued giggling in disbelief.  She looked onto his lap to see the stain on his pants.  “Oh my God.  I didn’t even know I could do that.”
“I wasn’t expec—that was so fucking hot, sweetness.”
Whitney lay down on her side on the bed, shaking her head and covering her face with her hands.  “I’m so embarrassed.”
“What?!  Why?” Ryan demanded, moving so he could hover over her.  He tried to get her hands out of her face, but she kept shaking her head.  “Whit, there’s no way you should be embarrassed.  That was so fucking hot.  Are you kidding me?  I’m gonna be fucking dreaming of that for the rest of my damn life.”
Her chest was still heaving up and down as Ryan finally got her hands out of her face.   “You see what you do to me?” she asked.  “Only you can do that to my body, Ry.  Nobody else.  And you know what’s even better?”
So she wasn’t done.  Ryan bit his bottom lip.  “What’s that?”
“Only you get to do that to my body,” she said.  “You know why?”
“Because you’re all mine,” he huffed, his voice possessive as he stood up at the foot of the bed, facing Whitney as she lay there.  The visual of him towering over her, still with his dress shirt sleeves rolled up and suit pants on almost made Whitney come again.  “All fuckin’ mine.”
“That’s riiiiight,” she cooed.
“You ready to do what I tell you?” he asked, playing with his sleeves near his elbows.
“Yes Ry.”
“Spread your legs for me,” he said.  Whitney did as she was told.  Ryan licked his lips as he untucked his shirt.  “Look at that pretty pussy.  Fuck.  You’re so beautiful, sweetness.  So perfect.”
“You’re not so bad either,” she smiled.
“Touch yourself for me,” he ordered, beginning to unbutton his shirt.  Slow enough to tease her, but fast enough because he couldn’t wait, his hard cock straining his pants.
He watched as Whitney did as she was told, one hand going to her pussy while the other cupped her breast, pinching her nipple.  “I don’t want your hands anymore, Ry.  I want you inside me.  I want you to fill me with your cum.”
“Don’t worry, baby,” he undid his belt.  Whitney almost mewled at the sight of him doing it topless.  “I’ll give you want you want.  What you need.”
“I need it so bad, Ry.  So so so bad.”
Ryan eventually got into bed and grabbed Whitney’s legs, pushing them straight up and grabbing her ankles to rest them on his shoulders.  “I fuckin’ love you Whit.”
“I love you too, Snook.  Ever since we were kids.”
“Ever since we were kids,” he repeated, nodding and kissing her inner ankle.  “You ready to take my cock?”
“Yes, God yes.”
Ryan used his hand to position himself and he slid into her so easily, her pussy still wet from their previous activities.  Like always, she felt like heaven, her pussy hot and completely taking his cock.  “S’at feel good?”
Whitney nodded her head.  “Fuck me, baby.  Take care of me.”
Ryan grabbed her ankles, developing a strong rhythm and thrusting deep inside her as he made her cry out in pleasure.  His own grunts fuelled Whitney too, who couldn’t help but reach out to Ryan’s body, just so she could feel it.  He squeezed her ankles, ensuring they were secure on his shoulders.  “You keep them there.  Got it?”
He leaned forward, his body and her legs getting hooked against her body.  “Oh fuck,” Whitney breathed out.  “Oh God Ry, it’s so fucking deep like this.”
“Gimme your hands.”
Even before she could free them, he grabbed them and pinned them above her head, holding them down with pressure so she couldn’t move them.  His thrusts became even harder, his movements rough but passionate.  She wanted a good fucking and she was going to get it – Ryan always made sure of that.  Whatever her need was, he could fulfil it.  Only him.  “Jeeeeesus Ry, fu—fuck me good, baby.  I need it so bad.”
Ryan didn’t know how he managed to last as long as he did.  Between the little strip show and the fingering and the spanking and the squirting, to now as his cock was buried deep in her pussy as they looked into each other’s eyes and whispered dirty talk to each other, his body was sweaty and practically as wet as his dress pants by the time he felt his orgasm build inside of him.  Whitney hadn’t been silent since he entered her, her voice becoming strained for how long he’d been fucking her and how long she’d been moaning and mewling and crying out and telling Ryan how good he was fucking her and how much she liked it. 
“Baby—baby I’m so close,” Whitney whispered.  “I want it harder.  Go deeper.”  Ryan pushed the final bit towards her body, hooking their bodies even closer together.  She closed her eyes to enjoy the pleasure.  “That’s it, Ry, that’s it.”
“Look at me,” he demanded, and she opened her eyes on the command.  “You love it when I fuck you like this?”
Whitney nodded.  “Always.”
“Tell me how much you love me fucking you.”
“Ever since the first time,” she assured him.  “The first time you touched me, Ry – I knew nobody else could make me feel like you do.  You were made to take care of me.”
“That’s fuckin’ right,” his voice was gravelly.
“Cum inside me, Ry.  Fill me up.  Fill me up,” Whitney begged.  “I know you want to.  And I want it so bad.”
“You want it bad, huh?”
“I need it, Ry.”
Within seconds, Whitney could feel his hot cum explode inside her, filling her up just how she wanted, another intense orgasm flowing through her entire body, from the hairs on her head down to her toes.  Her entire body shook and flushed red.  Ryan was moaning out loudly as he spilled every single drop he had into her, eventually stopping his movements in and out of her.  He loosened his push on her body so she could unhook her legs, and positioned her ankles back on his shoulders.  “Atta girl,” he gave a light smack to where her thighs met her ass.
Whitney couldn’t help but smirk and giggle.  Ryan let go of her ankles before collapsing on to her body and moving so they were laying on their sides, entangled with another.  Whitney was still catching her breath when Ryan slipped out of her.  “That was so good, Snook,” she whispered.
“God Whit, I love you so fucking much,” he kissed her.
“I love you too, Snook.  I always have.”
They didn’t say much else besides other sweet murmurs to each other, and as Ryan ran his hands through Whitney’s hair, she lulled into a deep sleep, thinking about how good Ryan was to her.  As Ryan drifted off to sleep, he kept thinking about how there was no place he’d rather be.
Hockey Night in Canada was a tradition in many households, and growing up, Whitney’s was one of them.  She remembered it being on virtually every Saturday night, Owen and Gareth glued to the TV to watch the Leafs and whoever they were facing.  Oftentimes the O’Reillys and Napiers would get together at each other’s houses on Saturday night, order some pizza, and make some popcorn for all the kids while they watched.  Whitney remembers always sitting in between Ryan and Gareth, and eventually Shannon, with the O’Reilly foster kids all around them starting Go Leafs Go chants.
Tonight, she was in attendance for a Hockey Night in Canada for Ryan, who was playing on the Toronto Maple Leafs.  She couldn’t believe it.
Whitney wore Ryan’s jersey and stood beside Bee, who held Axton up against the glass beside Jace, being held by Aryne on her hip.  John came around to fist bump, the biggest smile on his face as he saw his boys.  Jake McCabe came around too, waving at his kids who were excited to see their dad on the ice.  Jeska Schenn even got a picture of her boys posing with Luke, who gave them a puck from the ice.  Whitney could only hope that this would be her someday soon, bringing hers and Ryan’s children down to the glass to see their dad.
As this was the Leafs’ last home game, there was extra energy in the building.  When the women got back to their section and settled into their seats, they could feel it.  Mitch opened the scoring, and John scored about five minutes later, with a secondary assist from Ryan.  Aryne and Whitney hugged, jumping in unison.  In the second period, when William Nylander scored with another assist from Ryan, Whitney screamed even louder, Aberdeen screaming with her as they hugged too.  In the third period, on John’s second goal, Ryan got his third assist, and Whitney was elated.  The boys played so well, earning a 7-1 win against the Montreal Canadiens in their last home game of the season.  With the team saluting the raucous crowd, the girls clapped and cheered.
“Come to SoHo House with us,” Aberdeen whispered to Whitney as the girls began filing out of the family lounge.
“SoHo House?  Isn’t that members only?”
“Between myself and Bee, we can all get in as guests,” Aberdeen winked.  “And we need to celebrate, don’t we?”
Whitney smiled.  “Of course we do.”
Before Whitney, Aberdeen, and the rest of the girls were able to travel towards the locker room, they were stopped by a familiar voice – at least to Whitney.  “Whitney?  Is that you?”
Whitney turned her head to see a familiar face – Rachael, the girlfriend of Joel Edmundson, who played with Ryan on the Blues when they won the Stanley Cup.  She and Rachael weren’t exactly friends, but they tried to be friendly, though Rachael always had an iciness to her that Whitney couldn’t crack.  She didn’t know if it was just her personality or if Rachael didn’t like her.  In any case, Whitney completely forgot Joel was on the Montreal Canadiens, so it was very unexpected to see her at Scotiabank Arena.  Considering her personality, Whitney was slightly shocked Rachael was even getting her attention to say hi.  “Oh, Rachael!  Hey!” she greeted, smiling.  “You go ahead, I’ll catch up with you,” she said quickly to Aberdeen before re-routing herself towards Rachael.  “It’s nice to see you, Rachael.”
“Nice to see you too,” she said, though she didn’t outstretch her arms for a hug.
“It’s good that you were able to make the game here.  Your sister is studying here, right?” Whitney asked.
“Can’t believe you remember that,” Rachael commented.  “But yeah.  A couple of the girls and I came for the game, but I’m staying to spend some time with my sister.  What are you doing here?”
Whitney thought it was obvious.  She was wearing Ryan’s jersey, after all, which gave it away.  She pointed to the ‘90’ patch on her arm, giggling slightly.  “Ryan got traded here at the trade deadline, and I’m here, you know, supporting him.”
“No, Whitney…I mean, what are you doing here?” Rachael asked again.
“What’s that supposed to mean?”
“I can’t believe you’re still waiting around for him,” Rachael said.
Whitney froze slightly, her eyebrows furrowing at the comment.  “What?”
Rachael rolled her eyes playfully.  “Listen, all I’m saying is…you’re hot, Whitney.  And if it were you, I’d be flirting with Auston Matthews or something, not waiting for Ryan like you always have been.”
“I’ve never been waiting for Ryan—”
“—Yes you have.  We’ve all seen it.  Every time you came to visit St. Louis, Joel and I would always see it, always talk about it.  And I just can’t believe it’s still going on,” Rachael lamented, not bothering to cover the contemptuous pity in her voice.  “I feel bad for you.  If I was waiting this long, I’d want someone to tell me how desperate I looked.  You should have taken that opportunity with Binner when you had the chance.”
Whitney could feel her cheeks flush red.  “How could you even say that?  Binner was so inappropriate with me.  There’s no way I would have even considered it – then or now.”
Rachael wasn’t letting up.  Clearly, she started this conversation with a purpose.  Were these things she wanted to tell Whitney back then and only had the opportunity to do so now, when they were alone, because Whitney trusted this conversation to be a fucking normal one?  “You have to move on and accept the fact that Ryan isn’t going to want you,” she said, her words as cold as ice.  “Move on, Whit.  He’s never going to be with you.”
Whitney narrowed her eyes at Rachael.  It took everything within her not to cry or scream in her face.  Whitney knew there were some…well, characters among the partners of NHL players, but Rachael was playing a dirty game that Whitney didn’t like, that Whitney never considered playing herself.  “Is this why you got my attention?  To tell me how desperate I am?  To make me feel awful?”
“I’m trying to save you a lot of heartache.  Trust me,” she said.  “Auston Matthews is right there.”
Whitney looked directly into her eyes.  “Go fuck yourself, Rachael.”
Whitney turned on the balls of her heels and walked away, disappearing quickly behind a door Rachael wasn’t allowed access through.  Instead of going directly to where Aberdeen and the rest of the women were, she escaped into the washroom, if only to make sure that the tears welling in her eyes and the redness in her cheeks wouldn’t be visible when she saw them all again.
Rachael’s words ruminated in Whitney’s mind and made her stomach bubble as looked at herself in the mirror.  “Stop waiting for Ryan.  I feel bad for you.  Move on.  He’s never going to be with you.”  She wasn’t right.  Whitney knew Ryan loved her, yet for some reason, he didn’t want to be with her.  Ryan adored her, but couldn’t be with her.  Ryan was her forever, and she was Ryan’s forever, but something was stopping him from putting a label on that forever.  She’d cheated on her boyfriends with him.  She broke guys’ hearts because of him, so desperate to be with her that they would have walked barefoot on lava.  But Ryan was her beginning, end, and everything in between, and she wasn’t interested in men willing to walk on lava when she had Ryan willing to do anything for her.
Except be with her.
Except call her his girlfriend.
Except make her his wife.
She burst out of the washroom, walking down the flight of stairs to see Aberdeen and an array of the other girls waiting for the boys.  “All good?” Aberdeen asked.
“Mhm,” she nodded quickly, burying her feelings within her.  “I’m ready to drink.”
Ryan noticed something off about Whitney the moment they got into the car.  Something was off.  She assured him that everything was fine, that she’d just heard a fan say something stupid about him in the stands and it had made her angry, but he knew she was lying.  Stuff like that never bothered Whitney before, so why was it bothering her now?  The drive to SoHo House wasn’t long, but he tried to get the truth out of her with no success.  He resolved to get to the bottom of it by the end of the night, even if he had to pry it out of her.
Whitney immediately approached the bar, ordering a margarita and finishing it within the first ten minutes.  SoHo House wasn’t that kind of scene, of course, but Whitney didn’t care – if she was going to have to drink her feelings away, she would.  Upon ordering her second, she felt Ryan behind her.  “Will you tell me what happened, please?”
“I said it’s nothing,” she said. 
“Then slow down,” he said, watching as the bartender handed her the second margarita.  “I wish you would just be honest with me.”
He’s never going to be with you.  “I am being honest,” she said.  “Please, Snook.  I just want to have a fun night out with the girls.  You’re gone all next week and I’m going to miss you.  I don’t want to start thinking about it now.”
Ryan digressed, because he always did.  He knew how much Whitney missed him when he was gone – he got to see it now when he came home to her.  When they were separated for months, it was even worse.  So he let her be with the girls and he hung out with the guys, and he noticed her get a third margarita, except this time it was after a while and a few glasses of water.  He kept his eye on her, her animated face lighting up at the stories she’d tell or listen to, her laugh loud and rambunctious.
“There’s nothing going on between you two, right?” William Nylander asked as he watched Aberdeen interact with Whitney. 
“Nah.  Why?”
William knew Ryan was lying.  William knew Ryan was lying because William had something to hide once too, and Ryan wasn’t nearly as good or meticulous as he was in hiding it.  Besides, Aberdeen had said she didn’t think Ryan and Whitney were just friends, and William trusted her judgement.  “You’ve been eyeing her all night.  Just want to make sure you look around the room a bit.”
Ryan couldn’t help but chuckle.  “I’m good, Will.  Seems like she and Aberdeen get along great though.”
“Aberdeen loves her.  She’s wondering why it’s taking you so long to make Whitney your girlfriend.”
It was about 1:30 in the morning when everybody decided to leave.  Ryan only had one drink at the beginning of the night and water the rest of the time through, so he was good to drive.  When they arrived home, they walked in without a word to each other.  Both ended up in the kitchen, with Whitney getting glasses and pouring them some ice-cold water to have. 
“I wish you would be honest with me about what was bothering you tonight,” he said, still wanting to address the situation.  He knew it probably wasn’t the wisest thing to do, but he needed the truth from Whitney.
He doesn’t want you.  I feel bad for you.  “I could say the same,” she whispered before taking another sip of water.
It may have been a whisper, but Ryan definitely heard.  “When have I not been honest with you?”
Move on, Whitney.  “You tell me.”
“Whitney,” his voice was serious.  “What the hell are you talking about?  I’ve always been honest with you.  Now will you tell me what’s bothering you?”
Whitney finished her glass of water, wishing it was some sort of hard liquor that would give her liquid confidence.  “Rachael was at the game tonight.”
“Who’s Rachael?”
“You remember Joel’s girlfriend?”
“…Okay,” Ryan said.  “Did you guys see each other?  Did she say something?”
Whitney paused.  It was now or never.  She knew that every thought she ever had about this would come rushing out of her after she started talking, so she tried to compose herself ahead of time.  She didn’t want things to get messy.  “She said she couldn’t believe I was still waiting for you like I’ve always been,” she began.  “She said she felt bad for me, that I should have taken the opportunity to be with Binner when I had the chance.  She told me to move on because you’re never going to be with me.”
Ryan was silent.  The words hung between them as silence filled the air.  ‘”So do you?” Whitney asked out of the blue.  “Do you want to be with me?”
“You—you don’t want to be with me, Whit.”
Whitney couldn’t believe what she was hearing.  “Excuse me?  I cheated on my boyfriends with you, Snook.  And you think that?  You actually say that out loud?”
“Listen, Whit— I’d do anything for you.  You know that.”
“No you wouldn’t.  Stop lying to me,” her voice was getting angrier each passing second.  This was the moment.  This was it. 
“I’m not lying to you—”
“You won’t marry me.  You won’t even call me your girlfriend.  We’ve been doing this song and dance for ten years and you still won’t even call me your girlfriend.”
The words hung in the air again.  Ryan’s heart was almost beating out of his chest.  “You’re right, Whit.  I won’t marry you.”
Whitney could feel her cheeks flushing red.  She’d been rejected plenty of times before – but not by Ryan.  And, of course, never for something so big.  The way he said it made it sound so definitive.  “Why won’t you be with me, Snook?” her voice quivered.
“What is it?  What did I do wrong?”
“Nothing!  Whit—Whit—my god—” Ryan’s voice was frantic.  “Why would you think you did anything wrong?”
“How could I not?” she demanded back.  “Is it because you don’t love me?”
“No!  I love you more than anyone else.  I’ve always loved you Whit.  You know that.  How—how could you say that?”
Whitney began shaking her head.  She didn’t understand why he was saying such things to her.  He wasn’t making any sense.  He loved her, but he couldn’t be with her.  She didn’t do anything wrong, but he didn’t want to be with her.  It was cutting deep; every word that came out of his mouth carving deeper and deeper into her.  She bolted from the kitchen and ran upstairs, Ryan following behind her calling her name.  “What’s wrong with me?  What’s wrong with me that you won’t be with me?” she demanded of him once they were in their bedroom.
“Nothing is wrong with you.  Not a thing.  You’re perfect.”
“Then why!!!” she began to cry.  “Then why, Snook?  We tell each other all the time how much we love each other.  We tell each other all the time that we’re the only ones for each other.  I mean it when I say it, Snook.  Do you?  I want to marry you.  I want to be your wife.  I want to have a family with you, Ry – only you.  I’m not having a family if it’s not with you.  Don’t you want that too?  With me?  Why don’t—why don’t you want that too?”
“I do.”
“You’re not making any sense!” she yelled, trying to wipe away her tears with the back of her hand.  “Why don’t you love me?”
“I love you more than anybody else Whit.  That’s—that’s why I can’t.”
“Why don’t you love me?” she asked again.  She wanted an honest answer out of him.
Ryan’s face was flushed now, too.  “I can’t marry you because of me, sweetness.  It has nothing to with you.  It never has and it never will.”
Whitney paused.  Was he seriously giving her the “it’s not you; it’s me” excuse during the most significant and momentous argument they’d ever had?  “What’s that supposed to mean?”
“I’d ruin your life, Whit.”
Okay, now he truly wasn’t making any sense.  Nothing coming out of his mouth made sense.  “How could you possibly ruin my life when you are my life?” she asked.
Those words hit Ryan hard.  Hard.  Because he knew how true they were.  And for as long as their lives have been intertwined, she had been his life too.  “Whit…” his voice began trembling too now.  “Whit, you don’t understand.  I can’t—I can’t—”
“Ryan, you’re being—”
“—No, Whit, let me—”
“—You’re being irrational—”
“—No I’m not.  It’s not—I’ve thought about this.”
“No you haven’t.”
“Yes I have.  I can’t be with you.  I can’t marry you.”
“Yes you can.”
“No I can’t.  I—I—” he stuttered, not even bring able to bring himself to say the words out loud.  “I’ll hurt you.  Like I did before.”
There was silence between the two as the words hung in the air.  “What?” Whitney’s voice was much calmer than before.  “When did you ever hurt me?”
Ryan looked away.  He bit his lip, chest heaving up and down at how emotional he was getting.  He couldn’t even bear to think about it, let alone say it out loud.  The memories still paralyzed him.  They brought back so much hurt, so much pain.  “The accident, Whit,” he whispered.
“What accident?”
“Tim Horton’s.”
More silence.  The gears were trying to shift in Whitney’s mind, but they were stuck.  “You didn’t hurt me, Snook.”
Ryan finally looked at her again.  “How could you say that?  Of course I did,” he said through gritted teeth, the pain of remembering overcoming him.  “You called me that night to pick you up and I was supposed to keep you safe.  I gave you a concussion, Whitney.  I—you weren’t the same for months, and it was because of me.  I did that to you.”
Whitney began shaking her head, watching him as he sat down on the edge of the bed with his head in his hands.  “Snook, no—”
“I don’t know how I even live with myself after hurting you.”
“Snook, no.  Listen to me—” she got down on her knees in front of him, trying to cradle his face in her hands, but he nodded them away.  He wasn’t deserving of it.  He believed he wasn’t deserving of such affection. He wasn’t worthy. 
“And I promised him,” Ryan whispered, tears falling down his face and evident even in his voice now.  “I promised Gareth I’d take care of you.  And I didn’t.  I did that to you.  I couldn’t—I didn’t—I—”
“—He was dead in the casket, Whit, and I p—I promised him—”
“—Snook please—”
“—I didn’t keep my promise, and what if—what if I hurt you again?  What if—”
“—You won’t—”
“—I love you more than anyone, Whit.  If I hurt you?  I can’t hurt you, and if we—there’s too much risk.  Because of me and how stupid I was.  I could hurt you again and—”
“—You won’t, you won’t, you won’t,” Whitney repeated desperately, hoping it would get through to him somehow.  “Snook, that’s in the past.  It’s okay.”
Ryan shook his head.  “It’s always with me that I did that to you.”
“C’mere,” she urged, and without another word she hugged tightly, his head in the crook of her neck as he cried.  She felt his tears on her skin there as she tried to calm him down by running her fingers through his hair or rubbing his back, but there was no use.  This was something that Ryan had been carrying deep, deep within him for years now, and she had no clue.  The revelation of it being the reason keeping them apart was enlightening, painful, and heartbreaking all at once.  “Let’s pretend it never happened, Ry.”
“I’ve tried.  I can’t.  Every time I try to erase the memory, I get lost in it.  All I can picture is you passed out beside me in the truck, or you in the hospital bed crying.  I hate myself for doing that to you.  I never got over it. I hate—I hate mys—”
“Shhhhh,” she cooed.  “Snook, there’s nobody else for me out there but you.”
“I know.  And I feel the same.  But I don’t deserve you after what I did.  I can’t take care of you.”
“Yes you do,” Whitney said.  “And yes you can.  You’re the only man in this world that can take care of me.”
“No.  No.  No,” he shook his head vigorously.  “I can’t take care of you if I hurt you.”
“Yes you can Snook, please,” she urged, tearing up again.  “Don’t do this to me.  Don’t make me live a life without you.  I can’t live a life without you, Snook.” 
They cried together.  It was the only thing they could do after the catharsis, after the truth had been revealed for both of them.  Ryan pulled her up and into his lap.  Whitney could feel Ryan gripping onto her, his cries still coming.  “I don’t want to live a life without you,” Ryan mumbled, “but I don’t know how I can live a life where I can take care of you how I want to…how I’m supposed to.  Up to my standards.  I promised Gareth.  I didn’t—I didn’t live up to it early on.  What if I never can?”
“I’m telling you that you can.  I’m telling you that you’re the only one,” Whitney said.  “You bought us this house, Snook.  This house is for us, right?”
“Yes.  For you, but for us.  I know it is.”
“Think about the memories we already have here.  And think about the memories we can make here,” she whispered, finally cradling his face in her hands as she stared directly into his eyes.  “The smell of your chicken soup.  The feel of your body against mine in our bed.  Think about it, Snook.  Think about our kids sliding across these hardwood floors.  Movie nights where we’re all cuddled on the sofa together under blankets.  Carting the kids around to hockey practice.  Bringing them up to Bluewater Beach to swim like we did when we were kids.  I want that with you, Snook.  D’you want that with me?”
His breath hitched in his throat at the thought of children – their children, with all their personality quirks and mops of hair and sandy toes from the beach.  “I want that more than anything.”
She made sure to kiss him quickly – a peck so small it almost didn’t register as a kiss.  “Then what’s stopping us?  Why can’t we do it?  Because you don’t feel like you can take care of me even though you have since I was seventeen?  You’ve taken care of me, Snook.  All this time.  You’ve taken care of my body.  You’re the only one that’s taken care of my body.   And more importantly, you’ve taken care of my mind, my soul.”
“I’ve taken care of you because I love you,” he whispered.
“Have I taken care of you?” Whitney asked.
Ryan nodded his head immediately.  “You always have.  Just by being you.  By being there for me.  By being my sweetness.”
“Then let’s do it.  You and me.  Because we love each other.  Because we’ve loved each other since we were kids.  Because we take care of each other.  Right?”
“If I take care of you, will you take care of me?”
Whitney waited.  She waited and she waited and she waited, looking into Ryan’s big blue eyes for a response.  The same blue eyes she fell in love with as a kid.  The same blue eyes that brought her so much comfort and love.  The same blue eyes she could find her own soul in.
Finally, he spoke.  “Yes.”
Whitney had waited a long time to hear those words.  She wanted to make sure she wasn’t hearing things.  She needed to confirm.  “Yes?”
He nodded.  “Yes.”
More confirmation was needed.  “We’ll get married, Snook?”
“That’s all I’ve ever wanted.  I’ve just been scared, sweetness.  We’ll get married,” he confirmed.  “I’ll give you everything.  I’ll take care of you.  I love, you Whit.”
She kissed him again, much more passionately this time.  “I love you, Snook,” she said against his lips.  “I can’t wait to be your wife.  We’re going to spend the rest of our lives taking care of each other, right?”
“Yes.  Yes,” he affirmed, kissing her again. 
Ryan held her tight onto his body as he moved back on to the bed.  They continued to kiss for a long time, long enough that Whitney’s lips got red and puffy, with Ryan whispering “I love you, I love you so much” over and over again like he was reciting a prayer.  To have Ryan be hers was all Whitney ever wanted, and she couldn’t believe they had finally gotten to this point.  After ten years and countless secrets, grief and elation and success, Ryan was able to overcome his fear.  Whitney was able to help him.  They would be able to live their lives now as they always wanted to; no longer in secret.  They could hold hands in front of their parents.  They could give each other quick kisses on the backyard deck.  They could wrap their arms around each other in front of friends.  Nobody would have to second-guess or question their love for one another.  They could just be how they were with each other in front of other people.  Whitney anticipated it to be the most liberating feeling in the world, to be able to proclaim that she loved Ryan O’Reilly, and Ryan O’Reilly loved her, and that they were going to build a life together.  A life they wanted.  A life they deserved together.
“Make love to me Snook,” she whispered in his hear as her hand played with the hair at the nape of his neck.
Ryan took his time, kissing along her jawline before moving down to her neck and clavicle, covering every inch of her skin with his kisses.  He helped her get out of her shirt and bra before she helped tug his own shirt off.  Whitney quickly leaned back so Ryan could take her pants and underwear off – same with him – before she got back into his lap, wrapping an arm around his shoulders so they were physically close.
“I love you, Snook.”
“I love you too, sweetness.”
“You need to know you’ve never hurt me before in my life,” she stressed.  “Not even the accident.  Never, okay Snook?”
Ryan nodded his head.  “Let me kiss you.”
Their lips crashed together again, their tongues stuck down each other’s throats.  Whitney made sure to run her fingers through his hair, because she knew he liked that.  Ryan made sure to drag his hands down to her hips, squeezing at the flesh there and making her grind into his lap before moving his hands onto her ass.  “You need to know something too,” he said, his voice low.
“What’s that?”
“It’s always been you, Whit.  Since we were kids.  I’ll take care of you until the day I die.”
Those were words Whitney had wanted to hear for a long time, considering he was saying them now in the context of her being his wife.  She felt so elated and so happy that it was almost as if the ten years of waiting was worth it.  “Make love to me, Snook.  Like you love to do.”
One of his hands snuck between their bodies so he could position his hard cock at her entrance.  He took the opportunity to tease her only for a few seconds before pushing it in.  Whitney grinded her hips in his lap, getting him all the way inside her.  She paused, her mouth open against Ryan’s.  She didn’t care how many times it happened; every time he was inside of her, Whitney swore she saw stars.  “You’re so big, Snook.  So perfect for me.”
“Love you so fucking much, Whit,” he whispered in her ear.  His hands moved back to her hips, helping guide them as she moved in his lap.
“God you feel so good,” she whispered, leaning back slightly and exposing more of her neck and decolletage to Ryan.  He took the opportunity to kiss her everywhere, leaving some love bits on the way as he licked and sucked at her skin.  Eventually, he made his way down to her breasts, taking a nipple in his mouth and swirling his tongue around it, causing her to sigh in pleasure.  Her nails were digging into his back; she was holding on to him for dear life.  “Keep doing that, Snook.”
He kept up with his kissing and love bites between her breasts, eventually moving to the other and taking the other nipple in his mouth too.  Whitney continued her movements in his lap, and he could tell that she was trying to make this last.  Good.  If it were up to him, it would last all night.  He’d test the limits of what was physically possible.  “You’re so beautiful, Whit.  I could kiss every inch of you.”
“You’re lucky you have,” she couldn’t help but smile.  “And you’re going to get to the rest of your life.”
They looked deep into each other’s eyes then, the heat of their bodies radiating between them.  “I can’t wait for you to be the mother of my children.”
Whitney smiled widely this time, unable to contain it.  “I can’t wait, either.”
“Don’t think I didn’t ever want that with you.  I did.  I always did.  I was just scared—”
“—It’s okay, Snook,” she put her index finger on his lips.  “You don’t have to be scared of hurting me anymore.”
He kissed her, unable to say anything else.  Whitney began running her hands through his hair.  They kissed again for a while, until both could feel their orgasms building.  “I love you, Snook.  Will you come inside me?”
Ryan nodded quickly.  “Always,” he said.  “I’m the only one.”
“That’s right.  You’re the only one that gets to come inside me.”
After some more kissing, both Ryan and Whitney felt their orgasms rush through their bodies at the same time.  Whitney held him close, gripping on to Ryan for dear life, their heads on each other’s shoulders as they cried out in ecstasy.  They let it last as long as possible, riding it out for as much as they could before their breath started to come back to them and they sunk into each other’s arms. 
Whitney was the first to pull back slightly, only to have her lips meet with Ryan’s again in a series of small, slow, lazy pecks.  She could rest her lips on him all night if she could.  “I love you so much.”
“I love you too.”
“Will you hold me in your arms as we sleep?”
Ryan couldn’t help but smile.  “You never have to ask me that.  I’ll always hold you.”
They shifted positions, Ryan pulling the covers off the bed and Whitney getting under them.  She snuggled into his body as he draped the covers over them, and he wrapped his arms around her when he was done, making sure she was comfortable.  “Hey Whit?”
“Yeah Snook?”
“I’m sorry you were waiting for me.”
Whitney couldn’t help but smile slightly to herself.  There was no reason for him to feel guilty.  It took a while, yes, but this was their story.  And it would always be their story now.  “Don’t apologize,” she said.  “I have you.  That’s all I need.”
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