#which sounds mean. sorry. but i just mean really that like. there's nothing to add bc it rly is just already There
sulumuns-dootah · 1 day
Your work inspires me so much!! If its ok, could i request something…? I´m in need of some angsty headcanons, since i dreamed about this particular scenario… How would the kings (who are deeply in love) react after discovering that his beloved MC is madly in love with one of their most faithful subordinates? MC has rejected their romantic advances before, but they are only now realizing why… And that… Hurts. I imagine would be Satan-Sitri, Beel-Bael, Levi-Foras, Mammon-Bimet?, Luci-Marbas? (my heart can't do this with Gami, its his little broo), and Belph-Beleth. Sorry if my english is bad, but thank you so much for your hard work!
WHB kings reaction to their crush liking someone else
⟡ Masterlist ⟡ 
A/N: Aw, thank you and dw your english is good! ^^
Warning: Some of these get a bit yandere :)
─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ───
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Well, Satan is seeing red
He's unable to look at Sitri the same
In doing so he spends more time with Amy, which makes Sitri mad
The two eventually end up having an argument about it and if you haven't told Sitri yet, he's in for another shock
Being the good king he is, he won't stand in your relationship as long as you hide it in front of him
If he sees you two together without leaving a space for Jesus, one of you is getting kicked across the whole Hell
Also to add onto the angst: his visits to pubs and heavy drinking get more frequent
At some point it gets so bad that the smell of alcohol just carries with him, but his mind is still sound enough to be a king
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Well, this is a first
Wanting something, but he can't have it?
So this is what it's like to be a common peasant
Mammon hates the feeling of that
He would never hurt you, you're his master and you're free to do what you want
Still, that doesn't mean that Bimet won't feel the sting of it
So Mammon gives him less and less change
Bet you feel stupid now, since Bimet has barely any money
Oh, and look... Mammon just so happens to be very hot and fanning himself with a stack of money
Care for a 5* hotel stay at the most expensive spa in all of Hell?
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Full Yandere mode
What, did you expect anything less from the king of Envy?
How foolish you are, really...
Leviathan gets commisioned a golden cage that's installed into his bedroom and that's where you stay
If you try to escape too many times, he'll even go as far as chaining you to the metal construction
For extra security, while he's away, there's at least five of his servants guarding you
If you're to go somewhere, it's only with Leviathan himself
Even Barbatos and Glasyalabolas can't be trusted
Oh, and Foras? He's lucky to even be alive
Anytime they cross paths in the halls, he's hanging from the cieling in a matter of seconds and isn't let go until he's passed out from the lack of oxygen
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Ahahah, nope
That doesn't stop Beel
No, he dosen't even acknowledge the fact
You're his
Bael? You fell for him while he was dressed up as Beel and now you're just confused, silly Y/N.
Is he gaslighting you or himself? Kinda both, actually
Poor Bael is just witnessing the whole thing and can't do anything about it
Beel is just an unstoppable force and nothing can change his mind
It's probably best to just let him forget about his feelings towards you
Let's hope that'll happen within your lifetime, otherwise youv'e got a stalker that defies all natural and supernatural laws
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Now, Belphie might be asleep most of the time, but that still doesn't mean you get to just run around and wanna be with anyone else
Oh, it's Beleth you're into?
Hm, looks like Belphie has to have a lengthy talk with him about it then
Since he hates long convos, it has to be short, sweet and straight to the point
And that's how Beleth finds himself smothered by the king's power as he's practically threatening to make him evaporate if he doesn't back off from you and reject all your advances
(Actually, you can still be in relationship with Beleth outside of the king's palace, but if Belphie finds out from someone else or smells your scent on Beleth, you're both gone)
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Lucifer tries to be as mature as possible, but there's still this jealousy gnawing on him from the inside
Asks Buer to help him with some meditation and breathing excercises to chase away his feelings and the thoughts
As one of the Seraphims, he had to learn to share God's love and this comes in handy
Actualy, what's wrong with having more than one partner? This is Hell, afterall...
The rest of his nobles know not to bring up you or Marbas in the same sentence or even the same context
Luci, being the demon of pride and all, firmly believes, that your feelings for Marbas are just temporary and soon you'll come to realise which demon is superior to that sex-crazed maniac
If things take a little too long for his liking, however, he's not against serving you a special type of tea strained through his underwear to speed things up
But don't worry, he's doing this for your own good :)
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alisaint · 6 months
sometimes characters are written so spectacularly that it's almost like there's nothing for anyone else to say bc the author already said it all. like what analysis can you provide that the author didn't already weave into their work. characters that are written so well that all you can do is carry them with you because they speak for themselves. characters that are so wonderful you don't even feel the need to come up with headcanons or anything bc the source material already fed you and stuffed you. i'm speaking of ms katniss everdeen here of course btw
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snowballseal · 10 days
Tipsy Tricks
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Sylus X Reader
Summary: You and Sylus agree to focus on work for a little bit, meaning you don't have time to see each other. That is...until you get a panicked call from the twins saying their boss is drunk and needs someone to cuddle with.
Word Count: 1836
Note: FLUFF - Sylus is drunk, but honestly, I feel like he can handle his alcohol well so he does a bit of acting. It's all just to get your attention and he's a little more clingy. Also, Luke and Kieran my beloveds.
“Miss, we need your help!”
You blink at the sudden shout that comes through your phone the moment you answer it.
“Please Miss! Boss is not acting himself!”
“Kieran? Wait- hold on, just-”
“Ah! We’re too late!”
“Please Miss, come save us!”
You blink again as the call ends just as abruptly.
What the-?
You stare at the now dark screen for a long moment, just trying to process what happened. It’s late, late enough that you’re already dressed in your pajamas and winding down in bed. The last thing you were expecting was to get such a panicked call from Luke and Kieran.
What were they even talking about? Why do they need saving? Is something wrong with Sylus?
The thought wedges into your chest like a thorn, sharp and uncomfortable. You hadn’t heard from the Onychinus leader - your lover - in a few days due to his busy schedule. Neither of you liked it, but you agreed it was best he just focus on work, and you’d do the same to keep yourself occupied.
Getting a call like this only makes your anxiety skyrocket.
You don’t even bother wasting the time to change, throwing a coat over your pajamas and snatching your keys as you hurdle out the door. 
“Miss!!! Oh you’ve come to save us, thank you!”
Luke and Kieran throw the door open before your knuckles even touch it. You jump back, chest heaving from having run all the way from the transport station. They look just as frazzled, well, as frazzled as two men in masks can look. 
“What’s wrong? Is Sylus okay? Why are you guys freaking out?” You shoot out questions quickly, grabbing one of the twins by the shoulders. “You guys were infuriatingly cryptic over the phone! Seriously, who calls in the middle of the night like that?”
“We’re sorry,” Luke leans in, trying to rescue his brother from your vicious grip, “We just didn’t know what to do. Boss hardly ever gets like this!”
“He kept talking about you so we figured you could help us,” Kieran insists, ducking away with the help of his brother.
“Okay, but what’s wrong? Is he hurt?” You press for more details, concern only growing. “What happened to make him act weird?”
“He’s drunk.”
Your jaw shuts with an audible click, going tense as you stare at them incredulously. Seriously? All of this, all of the panic, the urgency, because Sylus got drunk? You take a deep, slow breath, trying to ease the immediate desire to knock their heads together.
“Let me get this straight. You’re telling me that you called me. In the middle of the night. After I had settled down for bed. Screaming bloody murder over the phone. Because Sylus had too much to drink?”
“That’s right.”
You close your eyes. Another deep breath. Slowly, the panic that had washed over you recedes, leaving a sliver of irritation and amusement. You really should expect nothing less from them.
“Okay,” you sigh and prop your hands on your hips. The two seem to relax, like they had actually expected you to smack them. Which you might have, if they hadn’t sounded truly distressed earlier. “So why is this such a bad thing? Sylus is an adult, he can handle being a little drunk, but you two are acting like the world is ending. Why?”
“Well you see-”
“Boss gets incredibly physical when he’s drunk-”
“Not in a violent way-”
“Unless he’s around people he doesn’t like.”
You blink slowly at them, “...so?”
“It’s scary!” Kieran crows.
“It’s like having a kodiak bear trying to give you a hug!” Luke adds, curling his fingers in a gesture you’re sure is meant to mimic said bear.
“We love the boss, but we can’t handle him like this.”
“And he kept asking for you! So we called.”
You take a moment to really process all of it. Sylus is drunk. Sylus is a touchy drunk…
It’s too good to pass up on
“Alright, boys,” you hum, an excited grin slowly spreading across your lips. You clap both of them gently on the shoulder. “I’ll take it from here. You can go hide wherever you usually do.”
“Thank you, Miss.”
“We knew calling you was the right decision. Please take care of our boss.”
“I’ll do my best.”
The twins skitter off as soon as you let them go, leaving you alone in the foyer. You quietly slip your coat off, hanging it up properly before making your way further into the base. Not knowing exactly where Sylus could be, you check all the obvious places. The bar. His bedroom. The kitchen. All of which are empty.
Finally you come to the den. Each step makes your heart race a little quicker, the thick silence putting you on edge. A drunk person shouldn’t be so hard to find. But as you step into the room, looking over every nook and cranny (despite how large the man in question is), you once again find it empty.
Where on earth could he be?
“My, my, a kitten’s wandered into my home.” You nearly jump out of your skin when an arm curls around your waist, drawing you back against a solid chest. The familiar warmth of his touch is like a balm to your nerves. You glance over your shoulder, gaze meeting a pair of sleepy vermillion eyes, their depths hazy and dark. “You broke our agreement, sweetie.”
You bite back a smile, “Maybe I wouldn’t have had to if a certain someone hadn’t gotten tipsy and scared the boys.”
Sylus huffs, his face dipping to nuzzle into the crook of your neck in an uncharacteristically soft show of affection. His breath is dizzyingly warm against your skin, his nose tracing featherlight along the column of your throat, like he’s breathing you in. It makes you feel dizzy. You clutch onto his arm to anchor yourself, breath hitching when his lips press tenderly against your racing pulse. 
“I’ve missed you.” 
The words are a mere whisper, the sound rumbling through his chest, so deep you can feel it with how his body leans into yours. You let out a shuddering breath, eyes flickering shut.
“I missed you too, Sy.”
So much. You didn’t want to admit to yourself just how much his absence had been wearing you down. Little by little until you could feel the gaping emptiness, like a stream carving a canyon. You were homesick. And it makes your heart flutter to know he felt the same.
“How about we sit, huh?” You suggest softly, and his arms tighten. Turning your head, despite the awkward angle, you press a reassuring kiss to his silvery locks, “I’m not going anywhere, love. I can’t support your weight much longer, though.”
Seemingly appeased, Sylus lets out an understanding hum. In a puff of black smoke, you find yourself settled on the couch, your back pressed into the soft leather with Sylus laying on top of you, his arms still curled around your waist, head resting on your chest. He nuzzles into you like a cat, letting out a long, drawn out sigh.
It’s adorable really. And jarring. While Sylus has never shied away from being affectionate, it’s always been in his rough, teasing way. This feels tender. Vulnerable. While you were originally planning to tease him to no end, you find yourself overwhelmed with a gentle kind of adoration for the man, your fingers softly fussing with his hair.
“You know, I think I like this side of you.”
“Hmmm, is that so?” Sylus mumbles sleepily, his eyes barely open as he gazes up at your face.
“Yah,” you breathe, tracing the relaxed line of his brow, fingers skimming down his cheek to brush the corner of his lips, “You’re acting so cute and docile. Maybe I should start calling you kitten.”
Even sleepy Sylus won’t let that stand. The second your fingers graze his lips, he nips at them, not enough to hurt, but enough to make you snatch them back, inhaling sharply. Heat curls in your chest, matching the heat burning behind his gaze as he flashes you that lazy yet dangerous smile.
“Don’t mistake my affection for passivity, sweetie,” he rumbles, pushing himself up just enough to graze his lips against yours, the smell of expensive alcohol and his rich cologne clouding your senses. “You should be more wary of a man when his restraints are loose. There’s no telling what he might do once you fall for his trap.”
Ah. You hold back a giggle, eyes narrowing up at him with mirth. So that’s what this was all about.
“Trap, huh? Is that what this was? Did you get tipsy and scare the twins on purpose so they’d call me?”
Sylus doesn’t look ashamed for even a second, offering a nonchalant shrug. The way his ears go red, though, tells you that you’ve hit the nail on the head.
“Aw, you did all that just cause you missed me?” Reaching up, you loop your arms around Sylus’ shoulders and draw him even closer. Your lips brush his as you murmur, “You could have just called, pretty bird.”
“And what fun would that be?” Sylus tilts his head, eyes flickering down to your lips. 
He wants to kiss you breathless, the sensation of your lips ghosting against his driving his already muddled thoughts wild. The way you look under him, hair a mess, dressed in such cute pajamas, is a perfectly tempting image, but it’s the fact that he can’t quite think straight that makes him hold back. While getting drunk was certainly a good way to get you here, it was not conducive to anything else he might want.
And simply having you by his side is enough.
You sigh as Sylus presses a sweet kiss to your lips. Unlike most of your kisses, this one isn’t about passion or hunger. Intense, yes, but intense in a way that feels like devotion. It’s reverent and slow, leaving a lingering hum under your skin as he draws away.
“Will you stay?”
Fondly, you rub your nose against his ever so slightly, “Of course.”
Sylus lowers himself back into you, face nuzzling into the crook of your neck. Your arms loop around him, fingers going back to his hair. The silence that envelops you is comforting, the only sound being that of your mingled breath. His warmth covers you so completely, you can’t help but relax, eyelids growing heavier with each second that ticks by. Sylus’ breathing steadily grows deeper, lulling you further and further into sleep. Until you slip under, your lips pressed to his temple as you fall asleep.
And that’s how Luke and Kieran find you the next morning. Cuddled up, with their boss curled around you protectively, like two lounging cats.
You wake up to a notification on your phone.
The picture immediately becomes your new background.
(And secretly, Sylus also makes it his, too.)
Hope you enjoyed, my lovely fishies!!!
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hedgehog-moss · 1 year
I decided to dedicate a post to Mama Pampy! Who rarely gets the spotlight on this blog, because well-behaved llamas seldom make history... I mentioned yesterday that she's the matriarch of her little herd (for new followers: Pampelune aka Pampy is Pampe's mother and Poldine's grandma), but I didn't really go into what that entails. It means she's a precious help to me when it comes to curbing Pampe's fight for freedom, because she has the authority to call the other llamas back when they wander too far away from her.
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(Note that this didn't apply when Pampe was a teenager. Teen!Pampe obeyed her mother rarely and/or accidentally and thought nothing of wandering away all on her own. But ever since becoming an adult and having her own baby, she's slowly started paying more attention to Pampy's alarm sounds and other commands. She grudgingly accepted the bare minimum amount of responsibility required to keep her child alive.)
If the other two llamas wander off and Pampelune is able to follow, she'll follow in order to keep an eye on them; but conversely if you make sure Pampy can't follow, then the others won't stray too far. So I can let the llamas out to trim the grass around my house without haltering Pampe or Poldine; I just have to keep Pampy close to me. To no one's surprise, she keeps her eye on 1 llama in particular—
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If her daughter wanders too far, Pampy will utter a firm "muh!" and Pampe will reluctantly return. (It's more of a "moo", really, but since llama and cow languages are clearly not in the same family and probably don't have mutual intelligibility, I'll use different spellings so it's not confusing.)
Pampelune knows who is and isn't part of her herd. The hens are outside of her jurisdiction but Pirlouit is not—she doesn't talk to him, because he never muhs back, but she does spit on him sometimes which means he is an honourary llama to her (a dubious honour, if you ask Pirlouit) and she also quietly checks on him, especially when she's out of the pasture while he is stuck on the other side of the fence, alone.
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I hope this foray into llama herd dynamics isn't too boring; I'll add that I can't let Pirlouit free roam along with the llamas because he would follow Pampe if she starts wandering off, and Pampe loves having Followers. It immediately goes to her head and she'll often stop listening to her mum and trot away if she's managed to recruit disciples (that's also why Pandolf is not in these pictures. He's locked in the kitchen because he would not only follow Pampe but heartily encourage her to go somewhere. Pan is a rule-follower but within the realm of reason, i.e. if going for a walk is wrong then he doesn't want to be right.)
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Poldine following Pampe isn't a problem though, because she is very respectful of her grandma's authority, so if anything she's a good influence on Pampe. At some point she wandered a bit too far while grazing and a stern "muh!" was heard, and she immediately came back and stood at attention behind her chief.
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Her attitude with regards to her grandma / matriarch reminds me of this kid:
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It's not all work for Pampy, she does get to eat too, but always with one ear angled in the general direction of Pampérigouste.
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Meanwhile I read and have a glass of apéritif—llama outings usually happen in the evening as an extra precaution (you can never be too prudent when you let Pampe free roam)—the llamas don't like being out of their pasture at night, so they'll go home without a fuss when it starts to get dark.
Sorry for the poor quality, this is extra zoomed in, but I just realised I managed to capture one of our elusive cow neighbours in this one photo!
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One of the few advantages of an abnormally warm autumn is that the herds are still out... You can hear the clarines (cow bells) in the distance, it's such a peaceful sound. Besides the bells, evening bird calls and Pampy's disciplinary muhs, the only other sound is the occasional heart-wrenching braying from Pirlouit. Stuck in the pasture all alone. Deprived of grass, empty of hope, unloved. (He gets to go out for frequent donkey-only outings but that doesn't make the present unfairness of his situation sting any less apparently)
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Bringing everyone home when my apéritif is finished is quite easy, all I have to do is offer some muesli to Pampy. No matter where she is, Pampe's head will spring up, indignant.
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Pampelune isn't even really into muesli, she prefers fresh fruit peelings, but Pampe won't take any risks.
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(Pampe's nose is all scratched because she got very annoyed with flies last month and kept rubbing her face on things to remove them... Thankfully now that the nights are colder, she's finally rid of them!)
Once Pampe is back in the pasture I can let Pandolf out! He'll run a few circles around Poldine then escort her back home, not that she wouldn't follow the other llamas without any prompting, but you've got to let Pan be a sheepdog sometimes, he's so happy to contribute. Sometimes I even let Pirlouit out so that Pan can immediately bring him back in. Once all four animals are in the pasture he'll turn to me like "Everyone's home safely! Just before night! Thanks to me, Pandolf" and I'll make amazed noises at his excellent herding.
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luveline · 11 months
hi honey, i love you so so much!!
what about stripper!reader with derek morgan?? he's on a case where strippers are being murdered, and while hotch is driving morgan calls you and tells you not to go into work because of what's going on, and emily is listening in on the conversation from the backseat and they tease him
thank youu!! love you!
ty for requesting lovely!! ilysm ♡
"I know you don't like listening to me, but could you do me a favour? Just this once?" 
Emily leans over in her seat so Spencer can see her side eye. "Who's Morgan talking to?" 
"Stay home tonight. No, this isn't a jealousy thing, you vixen–" 
Spencer shrugs. "No idea. But–" 
"But," Emily agrees. They've just left a crime scene with a specific victim, and now Morgan's on the phone asking someone to stay home. That someone would have reason to visit said crime scene's location, and the word vixen suggests female rather than male, which means, "Morgan has a secret stripper girlfriend." 
Spencer's entire face takes his frown, eyebrows pinched, mouth quirked into a telling line. "I like the implausible," he murmurs, "but that feels illogical. Where would they have met?"
"Uh," Emily says, widening her eyes at him. "Where do you think, Spence?" 
"Morgan doesn't need to go to a strip club." 
Emily understands what Spencer's saying. There are lots of reasons that people frequent strip clubs or gentlemen's clubs and none of those reasons apply to Derek. It's possible he could go socially, but it's just so unlike him, it doesn't add up. 
"I'm telling you the truth. I can't give you more detail than that, I just need you to stay home tonight." Derek pauses, laughs. "Alright," —his voice takes on a mechanical rendition, clearly having been fed a line he has to repeat aloud— "I, Derek Morgan, am an ignorant, jealous man, who can't cope with the fact that you don't want me, and am making up sad and childish lies to get you to stay home from your job. Is that what you wanted? Yeah, laugh it up." 
Emily laughs and grabs the headrest as he hangs up on you, pulling herself forward to taunt him as is required. "Care to explain yourself?" 
Derek sighs. "This is why I didn't tell you guys." 
"What!" Spencer says, though his smile is more audible than his incredulity. 
"So you have something to tell us?" Emily asks. 
Derek knows he can't weasel his way out of telling them, and he doesn't really want to. "I don't have a secret stripper girlfriend," he says, rolling his eyes, "she's not my girlfriend. She is an exotic dancer at one of the clubs downtown, and I met her at Home Depot." 
Emily isn't perturbed that Derek heard their gossiping. She's shameless. She doesn't even care that Hotch is frowning behind the wheel. "What was an exotic dancer doing at Home Depot?"
"Weirdly, Emily, she has a home. She wanted help finding renter friendly flooring." 
"Can we meet her?" 
"Never," Derek says with a smile. Emily couldn't know this, but he really likes you. You're sweet, super funny, and yes, you're a stripper. You work hard. Pole dancing is as physically demanding as any manual labour and you're damn good at it. "Ever." 
Spencer interjects the ensuing argument with a statistical analysis of strippers who are homeowners (unfairly few), but Morgan doesn't answer, trying to read a new text from you discretely. 
Sorry if I embarrassed you at work :( is it really not safe to go ?? Maybe u can come and be my bodyguard. I won't even make u tip me 4:10PM
He sends back, Really not safe. Stay home for me, relax for a few days. Call you tonight even if nothing changes 4:11PM
My hero <3 I trust u, but be careful OK ? and pls if it isn't too much trouble can u bring back some of those weird candies again? thank u thank u <3<3<3 4:14PM
Hotch makes a quiet sound of approval, eyes on the road. "The same girl you were with at Docklands? Rossi said she was cute." 
"She is." 
"Rossi met her?" Emily asks. "Oh, you're the worst."
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38riku · 2 months
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𝐁𝐃𝐀𝐘 𝐕𝐎𝐈𝐂𝐄𝐋𝐈𝐍𝐄𝐒 𝐏𝐓.𝟐 ˗ˏˋ ꒰ 🎂 ꒱ ˎˊ˗
includes ace and deuce (i was gonna add more but i hate it when i have a lot of drafts) this is part two. you can read part one here
warnings // none.
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Hey, Prefect, guess what day it is. I'll have you know it isn't an unbirthday—it's MY birthday! Which means I'm the star of the day. Wonder what kinda fun things are in store.
to his surprise the two of you had a similar idea of fun. in hindsight it isn't that much of a shock. you guys are together 24/7! as a group, not one on one like now.
there's really nothing different about it.
sure, it's nice having your undivided attention without a pesky feline hogging it. plus he can actually hear your laugh when he jokes. was it always like that? a funky yet endearing sound? probably.
he's starting to notice things that he should've a long time ago and it makes him feel weird.
you're thoughtful, to the point it makes him wanna gag.
"this place better be good. it's my birthday after all so i'm head honcho!" he exclaimed, taking a seat on the opposite side of the booth you shared.
"cater recommended it. i asked him what place in town had the best burgers and viola." you were too busy looking over the menu to see his face, and thank the seven you were, otherwise, you would've notice him gaping like a fish.
"oh! and they serve cherry pie! you think it's as good as — what's wrong with your face?"
jaw on the floor.
he was positive he only mentioned his favorite foods once or twice, yet, you remembered it.
and for a second time, he brushed off the odd feeling bubbling in his chest.
the last time was hard to ignore. you sprung a gift on him last minute before entering campus. it was, ironically, a deck of cards.
"learn a new trick other than a basic sleight." you joked, nudging him slightly. "oh! and don't let riddle see these. all the aces are an ace of hearts." winking, you bid him one more 'happy birthday' before leaving.
they were just a deck of trick cards. it wasn't anything special.
so why was his heart racing?
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Do you have plans later? Actually, no, I should get straight to the point. We're celebrating my birthday at Heartslabyul today. Would you come to the party?
he did it! he asked you, personally.
it may not seem like a big deal but riddle threatened to off his head if he didn't stop pacing. apparently it's against the rules to have inner turmoil on your birthday.
ace asked him why he was nervous. 'it's the prefect, we hang out all the time!' and yes, why that might be true, deuce had never invited done something like that.
delinquents don't have many friends. let alone birthday parties.
"happy birthday deuce-y!" the nickname ricocheted off the walls as you successfully stole the spotlight. "sorry i'm late but riddle said i had to be properly dressed or whatever."
your rant went in one ear and out the other.
he's never seen you dressed up and wow, you cleaned up nicely.
was it shock? freezing up, cheeks flush, trouble speaking, sweaty palms — his symptoms all align with shock. that has to be it.
"thanks for still showing up." he spoke after regaining basic functions. it didn't last long because you hugged him. arms around torso, face to face, lasting more than three seconds hug.
friends hug all the time. he's shared a similar embrace with ace, albeit riddle forced them to, but this is was not like that.
"course I showed up! fancy clothes wasn't gonna stop me from celebrating one of my best friends." your smile reach ear to ear and he struggled to remember if it was always that bright and pretty.
"we both know you're more tenacious than that."
deuce now understands why he was nervous.
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© 2024 — 38riku. Do not copy or repost or plagiarize my work. All Rights Reserved.
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sanguineterrain · 3 months
could I request a fic with insomniac!reader and tim? i love your writing im excited to see how you make his character your own! <3
thanks for the request! first time writing tim... kinda nervous like I'm on a first date 🫣 hope you like! this one isn't as mushy gushy as my usual fics (jason) so yeah. also my knowledge of yj is purely through fic 🤙
tim drake x gn!reader. tw insomnia, tim being so awkward but maybe... there are feelings... who can say. tim's character is so interesting to me (probably because I identify with him the most lmao).
It's really, really nice of the team to let you stay over tonight. Like, really nice.
You haven't even done much. You're pretty much a nobody in the superhero world, not even a D-list hero. Certainly not anybody that should be hanging out with the likes of Wonder Girl and Superboy and, God, Tim freakin' Drake.
Kon was just overly generous in his cool, brash way, herding you into a spare room after last night's battle. After tonight, you'll politely break away from the team to give them some reprieve. It didn't escape your notice that they didn't hang out last night like they usually do.
You've been awake for an hour now, listening for sounds of life in the corridor. If you were home, you'd already be on the couch watching crappy TV. But you really don't want to run into anyone here.
Maybe you have some chamomile tea leftover from the last time you stayed over. You hadn't stayed the whole night, slipping away without interference as most of the team had gone to their own homes.
You get up, stretching and popping joints. It's always a little cold in the Tower, and it wakes you up as you walk to the kitchen first. You're as quiet as you can be in heating the water and finding the tea.
You take your mug and head to the den. As you enter, you freeze.
Tim turns his head from his place on the couch. The blue light from the TV makes him paler, and his eyes bluer. Sometimes, he looks so much like Bruce Wayne, it startles you.
"Oh," you say, unsure what else to say. Your brain is tired and fried. "I... was just looking for my watch."
That's definitely your dumbest lie. You don't have a watch. Tim sure as fuck knows that.
His eyes flick to your wrist, as if reminding you both how stupid your lie is, then to your mug. He mutes the TV.
You stay where you are. Tim stands, obviously shouldering his own bout of insomnia.
"It's... you can come in," he says, just as awkward as you.
That's comforting. Tim's usually so suave, the few times you've interacted. He's all Gotham Heights, his upbringing never quite sloughing off no matter how many times he's probably tried to blend in and not be so... private school.
"I was just going to bed," he says quickly.
"No, you weren't," you say. You don't mean for it to come out so shrewd. Tim looks a little startled.
"I mean, you don't need to go," you add. "I'll take this to my room. It's fine. Sorry."
"No, I've been here too long anyway. I should work on my case."
Here's the thing. It's not that Tim avoids you because in order to do that, you'd have to see him more than three times a year.
But there's a distance. You've tried not to take it personally, tried to chalk it up to the fact that you're introverted and Kon and Bart are Kon and Bart, and Cassie's too straightforward to beat around the bush, and you've somehow won her over, which is nice.
And Tim is just... cautious. Paranoid.
Those are understatements, and you can't imagine the psychological damage caused by being raised by Batman, but, well, you've seen the previous and current Robins, so you can hazard a guess.
Anyway, Tim kind of acts like an unsocialized cat with you. You once mentioned it to Kon, in nicer words, but he dismissed you, saying, "Whaddya mean? Rob likes you!" Which had assuaged nothing, but whatever.
"I won't be here long," you say, as a last-ditch effort to not make it feel like you're kicking Tim out of his own space. "I just, uh, couldn't sleep."
He watches you in that freaky Bat way, like he's trying to determine if you're a threat or not. Jesus.
"It's hard for me to sleep after a battle," you add, trying to show your belly. That's how it feels, being around Tim Drake. Like you always need to be vulnerable first. Like you're in a battle of wills you didn't know you entered.
He doesn't sit down, but he does say, "Me too."
You nod and drink your cooling tea. "There's more tea in the kitchen if you want. Chamomile."
"I'm... good. Thanks."
You edge over to the armchair diagonal to the couch and sit.
"You can work in here," you say. "Unless, uh, it's too distracting. I'll keep the TV muted."
His laptop is on the other side of the couch. Tim is still, only his eyes moving from you to the laptop.
"I don't wanna push you out," you say.
"It's really fine," he replies immediately.
It's so not fine. This isn't boding well for your insomnia. You're definitely going to be agonizing over this interaction all week.
"I won't bother you," you say.
"I didn't say you would."
Then what's the problem?
Slowly, Tim returns to the couch. You look away, so it doesn't seem like you're watching his every move (you are), nor is Tim clocking your every move (he is).
He settles on the couch and opens his laptop. You drink and try to figure out what's playing on TV. It looks to be a rerun of Columbo. You smile.
"You like Columbo?"
Tim looks spooked that you're still talking to him, but he answers. "Yeah."
"Me too."
You watch Columbo silently look for clues. Tim types, fingers flying over the keyboard. Then his fingers pause.
"I used to watch it with Dick," he says. "When I first became Robin."
You nod, giving him your full attention. "Yeah? He seems like the type."
"He does a pretty good impression of him. He likes detective shows."
"You don't?" you ask.
Tim shrugs. "They're fine. I guess I just hate how predictable they can be."
"Of course the boy genius would say that," you say, smirking.
Instantly, Tim's face turns to stone. He hums, looking back at his laptop. You blink. What happened?
"Sorry. That was a joke," you say.
"I know," Tim says, any trace of warmth gone.
You're startled by the shift. "I don't—I wasn't making fun of you. I mean, you are smart. Really smart."
Tim carefully looks at you. "...Thanks."
You nod clumsily. You should've just stayed in bed.
It's quiet for a long time. You're trying to muster up the confidence to escape to your room when Tim speaks again.
"People have said stuff like that to be facetious. I... reacted without reading your tone."
It's not an apology, but it's probably the closest thing you'll get.
"It's okay," you say.
Tim nods. His shoulders aren't so tense, though his posture is atrocious when he's off-duty.
He gets up and gives you the remote. You take it, smile small. Tim retreats.
"You can unmute it if you want. I don't mind."
So you do, and you and Tim spend the next hour half-watching Columbo and half-watching each other. Eventually, your tea finishes, and the episode ends, so you get up.
"I think I'll try and sleep," you say.
Tim nods. "Good luck."
You hum. "Thanks. Good luck with the case."
"Yeah. Thanks."
You wash the mug and leave it on the dish rack. Then you escape back to your room. You really do feel like you could sleep again. Maybe Columbo reruns are the magic ingredient to a good night's sleep.
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singmyaubade · 11 months
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James Potter x Female!Reader
A/N: Hi there! I haven't written in a while, but this idea just struck me, and because I've been struggling with writer's block, I really needed to write it. In a way, it's my salvation. This is the first series I am starting, but I will be finishing and starting others.
IB: The Other Zoey by Sara Zandieh. (This movie so good by the way).
Summary: James could never forget a love like yours.
Warning: It may contain swearing and soon-to-be smut.
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There were three things that you couldn't stand.
One was really cold classrooms, which not only made you sleepy but also made it difficult to concentrate on your studies. As a result, you started carrying a jumper with you everywhere you went.
The second was being sick; you detested missing out on opportunities and activities due to circumstances beyond your control, as well as how awful it would feel and how little you could do about it.
Three was crying,
Since fifth year, the idea of crying had both repulsed you and made you dislike how vulnerable everything was, as well as when someone felt sorry for you.
Of course, others could cry in front of you and you would give them comfort but you didn't want people to see you in pain and you making it everyone else's problem.
It wasn't right in your book.
But those were the three things you absolutely despised. They were all simple things you could avoid if you truly tried and you had for years.
But if we wanted to add a bonus point,
You would add James Fleamont Potter.
Quite ironic to hate "The Golden Boy,"
It was one of the most funniest cliches that even you could think of.
The girl who basically had no friends or social standing versus the most popular guy in Hogwarts.
Sounds about right.
But the reason that you couldn't include this in the things you couldn't stand is because it was complex. It wasn't simple and it wasn't something that you could easily describe nor avoid.
You couldn't say that you weren't being immature but what James had done had completely indescribably affected you.
To be fair, it was in fifth year and you were now on your seventh year which means the hatred is pre-historic but when 'The James Potter' cheats on you with Jade Davies AKA the girl you despise that has bullied you since first year,
It gets pretty intense.
Since then, you had refused to talk to James and he let you have your space.
Unfortunately, it didn't mean that Jade would stop bullying you but it only meant that she had more material to bully you with but James did his best to help you avoid her by distracting her when you came by or kissing to distract her.
But you weren't thankful for his gestures, you wished nothing but a quaffle to be shoved up his ass in all honestly.
Then again, it was all so long ago and you wanted to let it go and just have fun for your last year.
Which is why you attended the first Quidditch game of the season.
You were practically freezing, hugging your cheeks with your palms. It was especially cold and you forget to bring another jumper to top over the one you had now.
There was loud cheering all around you as you heard a few chants for James as you saw him dive for the golden snitch.
At the same time, the quaffle came fast in the same direction, colliding with James's head.
He went into instant unconsciousness as he was about to dove straight in the ground.
The crowd went silent as James fell in the air but it felt like he was already moving in slow motion.
Your instincts kicked in as you stood and grabbed your wand from your boot "Arresto Momentum!" You yelled, pointing your wand at him as his movements slowed and he hit the grass floor lightly.
You gasped as everyone watched you, their mouthes agaped but a small part of you only cared if James was okay.
You heard people yelling and whispers asking if he was okay and parts about how you had saved him.
But it wasn't your problem.
You grabbed your bag, moving from the stands as you made your way to the castle. Your feet rushed over to your dorm, trying to make it there as fast as you can.
"Y/N!" You heard someone yell as you looked behind you to see Lily.
You looked ahead of you, trying to rush faster and then Lily said, "You saved him," She panted as a few seconds of silence went.
"It wasn't intentional," You responded, rolling your eyes.
"But you did it instantly," She replied, "You saved him," She looked at you as if she was trying to figure you out.
You stuttered, "Y-You said that and shouldn't you be with him?" You questioned, trying to keep your composure.
"You should come with me," Lily said.
"No, that's a bad idea," You declined, "Jade should already be with him," You cleared your throat, setting your book bag on your shoulder again.
"They aren't together," Lily mentioned, "He wants to see you,"
You raised your eyebrow in confusion, why would James want to see you?
"Lily I don't think-" You tried,
"You must!" Lily responded.
"But-" You tried again.
"You have to," Lily sternly said.
"If I do, will you leave me alone?" You asked, her face lighting up as she grabbed your arm dragging you into infirmary.
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You both entered the infirmary, surrounded by hospital beds. You looked around at other sick students as Lily dragged you over to where James was laying.
Sirius, Peter, and Remus were around him, quietly talking as you approached him.
He had a harsh, purple bruise on his temple that was the size of your hand and a bandage wrapped around his head.
"James, I got her for you," Lily said as James groaned, blinking to take a good look at you, his eyes still squinting from the light and how much his head hurt.
"Baby," He sweetly said, a wide grin appearing on his lips as he squinted.
He hadn't called you that in so long.
You flinched, trying not to show how taken aback you were in order to not freak him out but you were. You looked at the three boys in front of you but they were equally confused too.
"Potter, have you lost your-" You said as Lily elbowed you, earning a hiss from you.
"Play along," Lily mouthed, making you even more confused.
"But-" You were about to speak before Lily pushed you in front of James.
"Um, are you okay?" You asked, looking at him awkwardly.
"I'm amazing now that you are here," He said, smiling.
"Oh that's great!" You fake excitingly said.
"I missed you so much," James took your hand, rubbing it as your face was hit with surprise, "I heard you in my dreams," He dreamingly smiled.
"That's nice," You awkwardly laughed, "You should sleep, your head is probably pounding," You said, patting the back of his hand as he only caressed yours.
"Stay with me?" He asked, drifting into drowsiness.
You looked around at his friends as they urged you to say yes, "Sure," You sighed.
James's eyes closed as you laid his hand next to him on his bed. You watched at how pretty he looked sleeping, his eyelids fluttering but that was before you snapped into reality.
"What is going on?" You asked sternly, crossing your arms.
"Well," Sirius was about to start but Remus continued for him.
"James had called your name on the field after you performed that spell for him," He explained, making you blush, "And he wouldn't stop calling your name until the nurse gave him a drowsy potion,"
Your eyebrow raised, why was James Potter calling for you out of all people? You couldn't help but question the entire thing.
"And why was he calling my name?" You asked.
"We don't know," Lily answered.
"Well, I can't be with him when he wakes up," You said, looking off.
"You have to," Sirius answered, "Prongs can't be stressed out, it will only worsen his brain and he will end up like a pound of sausage," He said, confusing you.
"Great analogy but I really should be-" You started as you were interrupted.
"James!" Jade yelled dramatically, running over to him, "Oh will he make it?" Jade asked, fanning herself as the group rolled their eyes.
"He will be fine," Remus said.
"But I think seeing you will make it worse," Sirius added with a smile.
Jade scowled at him before looking at you, "What is she doing here?" She furiously said.
You were about to speak before Lily did it for you, "He called for her,"
"No he didn't," Jade laughed, dismissing the ridiculous thought.
"But he did," Peter said as Jade has a disgusted look on her face.
"Well I'm his girlfriend so I'm sure he will want to see me," Jade boasted as if she only cared about the label and not the fact that James had truly gotten hurt.
"You guys have been broken up for six months," Sirius scoffed.
"I would prefer on a break," Jade corrected, glaring at Sirius.
"Okay well, this has nothing to do with me," You said, trying to move past Jade but she blocked you.
"What do you think you're doing?" Jade asked.
"Moving out of the way so that you can coddle James and kiss his boo boo's away," You mocked.
"Honestly, I keep forgetting that James chose me over you, it's actually quite hilarious," Jade smirked as you rolled your eyes.
"Congrats on being easy, it's one of your best accomplishments," You insulted, trying to move past her but failing once again.
"Nice of you to assume that James was only with me because I'm "easy," She gaped, causing you to step back.
"Seriously bugger off Jade," Sirius defended.
Jade kept going, "Or are you sure it's not because I'm better than you in everything I do and that James couldn't stand to be with you for another second with your daddy issues and a failure at everything," She aggrieved.
Your eyes watered as Madam Pomfrey came in, "Oh Mr. Potter must have a lot of admirers," She joked as you only smiled in return, "Which one of you is the famous Y/N?" She asked, looking between you, Jade, and Lily.
You spoke, "I am,"
She smiled at you, "He had been calling you for ages, what a beautiful girlfriend he's got,"
"I'm actually not his-" You started but the nurse kept going.
"Mr. Potter will be fine but a few things are jumbled in there" She said, checking his vitals, "It's best if he isn't stressed out or confused because it could only make matters worse," She finished, looking at all of you.
You all nodded in reply, "Other than that, he is good to go tomorrow morning but he can only have two visitors tonight," She mentioned, exiting.
"Y/N, you should stay with him," Peter said shyly.
"I don't think-" You started before you were interrupted.
You were getting tired of being interrupted.
"No, James would wanna see me," Jade almost yelled.
"You will only give James more brain damage, Y/N stays," Lily spat, clearly annoyed by Jade.
Jade huffed, "I will be back in the morning," She stomped away.
"We'll leave you to it," Remus said as Sirius smirked, leaving with the group as Lily squeezed your shoulder before exiting too.
You sat on the chair next to James's bed, wondering how you got in this situation in the first place.
And then you wondered how you would get out of it.
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lostgirlmuseum · 11 months
Pulse 💗
Summary: Bucky can hear your heartbeat through the wall, and he can tell everything isn’t alright.
Pairing: Bucky x gn!Reader
Words: 600 (exactly 600, holy moly)
Warnings: None really, just mentions of anxiety and adhd. Wrote this within an hour, sorry if its bad
A/N: Self indulgent fic alert! This goes out to all my peeps who struggle with ADHD/anxiety. It sucks, but hang in there!
Divider credit: @saradika
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Knock. Knock. Knock.
“Come in,” you called, not looking up from the papers on your desk.
A brief second passed, and the door creaked open. A cautious Bucky peeked his head in.
“Hey, are you okay?” He asked.
You suddenly became aware of your leg bouncing 70 miles an hour, and forced yourself to stop. 
“Yes, why?” You replied, ignoring the urge to get up and walk around.
“Well, I—” he hesitated, and brought his hand to rub the back of his neck, “I was passing by and I heard your heartbeat going really fast—super hearing and all that,” he awkwardly chuckled.
“120,” you stated, glancing at your watch.
“My heart rate is 120 right now.”
“That’s pretty high for just sitting,” he responded, having a hard time hiding his concern.
“Well, y’know, anxiety,” you breathily laughed, but it wasn’t that funny.
“What are you anxious about? If you don’t mind me asking.”
“Nothing.” You sighed, lowering your pen and facing him. At this point he was now in your room, perched in front of your door.
“Doesn’t seem like nothing.”
“Seriously, I’m kinda freaking out over nothing right now.”
“C’mon, you’re always telling me I’m valid for having concerns, you are too.”
“No, I mean there is literally no singular thing I’m anxious about right now—it’s just physical anxiety, the general feeling that I’m going crazy, or dying, I don’t know, both I guess. That sounds so dramatic. I really am fine. I mean, I’m not fine, but I am, yeah?” You rambled on and on, and cursed yourself when you noticed your leg had started bouncing again.
“I don’t think you’re okay, do you want me to bring you to Dr. Cho?”
“That’s sweet of you, but I don’t think there’s much she can do. The worst of this should pass in thirty minutes anyway, it’s just my meds.”
You could tell Bucky wanted to ask more, but wasn’t sure if it was polite.
“I have ADD. ADHD, whatever you want to call it. So I take medicine so I can focus on certain tasks, like these reports. And it does help me focus, but it’s also a stimulant, so it also gives me a lot of anxiety, which is totally awesome!” You scoffed.
“Why do you keep stopping your leg from bouncing?”
“I don’t know, I don’t want to annoy you.”
“If bouncing your leg makes you feel better, it doesn’t bother me.”
“I feel like I’m embarrassing myself,” you whined. 
You looked at your watch.
“Oh, look at that, 126!”
“Do you—would…would a hug be something that would help you? Calm you down?” He offered, casually putting his arms out for emphasis.
“Sure, Bucky,” you smiled, and stood up to meet him halfway. You knew it wouldn’t fix it, but it certainly couldn’t hurt.
Bucky wrapped you in a big embrace, and you were shocked by how warm and teddy-like it was. You gave a small sigh, and rested your face in his neck, knowing you weren’t going to be the first to let go.
He held onto you for longer than you expected, just calmly swaying together in your room. 
To your dismay, he eventually let go of you. You were about to thank him and return to your work, but he gently grabbed your wrist and brought your watch to his sight. 
“107. Good, but I think we can do better than that,” he sweetly smiled, and wrapped you back up into his arms. 
“It might take a while.” You mumbled into his shirt.
“As long as it takes.” He cooed.
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A/N: Should be either A) studying for a history exam I have tmw, or B) writing my stupid essay that the rough draft is due tmw, but I wrote this instead bc I’m procrastinating  HELP ME
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bluesidez · 4 months
HEY POOKS. Could you write a DBF!Miguel x dancer!reader. He just loves to watch her dance in competitions and recitals and helps her practice her routine by counting out 8’s for her <333
( maybe he can give reader a reward for doing so well but idk 🤭 )
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lab tester: Anonymous Participant (Hi @snails-doodles22) 🩻
summary: Miguel keeps you grounded as you prepare for a dance competition. 
content warning: age gap (abeg she’s 21+), secret relationship, fluff, like two suggestive?? lowkey explicit scenes so MINORS BEWARE, a few thoughts of frustration/failure but nothing serious just the thoughts of an artist
word count: 1.9k, halfway proofread
a/n: Hi hi!! This one was really a challenge for me!! and Idk if I’ll write DBF again ngl Nonetheless, I hope you enjoy it! I leaned more on the age gap aspect of the relationship and pulled from how I felt when practicing for my own recitals/competitions 🤠! (I get extremely snappy and mean lol)
A Grand Adage (as best as I, not a professional ballerina but I practiced for 3 years, can explain) is a slower dance move where you stretch your leg to the front, side, and back without losing your balance. You also have to switch legs…I think. It looks like it takes a LOT of core strength, especially without a partner.
I don’t think I mention it in the story, but I’m imagining this Miguel to have salt and pepper hair, but like, in its early stages. So only a few strands of gray. 
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“Damn it.”
The music started to sound more and more jaded as you failed another Grand Adage after powering through the more fast-paced part of your routine. 
You don’t know why you had the bright idea to add the most pain-inducing ballet moves to your contemporary piece, but you were starting to hate yourself for it. It was supposed to represent a crash and burn of rushing perfection which was ironic because you were feeling those emotions tenfold.
“You’re not going to get it if you keep trying to force it like that.” You heard Miguel from across the room and the music finally stopped. “It’s a pause between those last two counts. You know this, chiquita.”
You huffed out a chuckle as you got up, “Knowing and doing are two different things. I know what’s coming, which is why I keep anticipating it and messing it up.”
“The studio is all yours for a few more hours,” Miguel sighed. “Take a breath and try it again.”
“That’s so easy for you to say. You’re not the one busting your ass,” you mumbled as you got back into your starting position. 
Miguel crossed his arms, head leaning on the wall above the barre, “You want to say that again?”
You dropped your arms and stared at him, face blank. 
After a minute or so of you going silent, he unfolded his arms and beckoned you towards him. 
You dragged your feet to get to him, hands hugging yourself. 
“I know you want this to be perfect, but snapping at me isn’t going to help that.” His hands made their way to the back of your thighs, rubbing up and down the tightened muscles. 
“I’m sorry, I just-” you rubbed your eyes with your palms. “The competition is so soon and I keep fucking the routine up.”
“And you’ve also done it perfectly countless other times. You’ve got this! I know you do. I’ve seen how much work you’ve put into dancing and that’s not going to change.”
“But Miguel-”
“But nothing. I’ve seen how you become a new person on the stage. You demand the attention of your audience in a way that your peers can’t. You’re captivating and alluring so I’m not going to sit here and let you think otherwise.”
You look at him with a face that says “I know you’re right, but I don’t want you to be,” and just fall onto his lap, wallowing in his arms while you breathe in his cologne. 
He nuzzled you on the head, hands patting at your ass, hands warm and firm through your tights, “Now can you try again for me?”
“Can I have a kiss?” you say, lips rivaling a rubber duckie. 
He chuckles at you but obliges, heart too soft when it comes to you. 
You get up with new ambition, taking a deep breath as you stride back to the middle of the room. 
“I’m going to count out loud for you this time, is that ok?”
“Yeah,” you reply, arms molding into a sharp form. 
When the music starts this time, you hone in on Miguel’s voice, taking leaps and turns with his timbre. Your heart thumps all the same, but your brain isn’t as loud. 
As the Grand Adage comes again, Miguel’s voice stays calm, never wavering. You tighten your core and lift your leg high, hands framed beautifully and foot pointed sharp as you hold your arms above your head. As you bring your leg back down to begin to turn, your heart almost stops when your body remains stable and strong. You can’t believe it but try to keep the piece's emotion steady. 
You switch legs without trouble, eyes catching Miguel watching your form in the mirror. His face is serious but you can’t hear that in his voice, making you feel fuzzy. You keep up the pace, repeating the same move but gearing up to do an Illusion.
Like a flash, you bring your leg down and bend your body, foot spinning swiftly to perform the trick. Your heartbeat is roaring in your ears as you move through the rest of the routine, mind too excited from your success to completely portray the ending emotions of dance. 
Once you finish, you’re quick to get out of your position, face lit up as you turn to Miguel. When you run to him, you’re screaming with glee. He only stumbles a bit when you jump in his arms, body wrapped around him like a koala. 
“Miguel! Did’ya see it? Oh my god, I can’t believe it,” you laughed as he spun you around.
“I told you you could do it, amor. You just needed to get out of your head.”
“Ok ok, three more times and I think I’ll be ready to leave.”
“Well let’s get busy, chiquita. We’ve got work to do.”
You run through the routine again and again, becoming more confident each time. After every successful routine, Miguel’s praises get more and more loving. First a deep hug, then a few pecks to the lips, then a makeout session that has you squirming for more. 
“Is your dad picking you up today?” he said, lips on your neck.
You turn your nose up at the mention of him, “No, I took the bus.”
“Could have asked me to drop you off.”
“You were at work, Miggy. Didn’t want to bother you.”
“You’re never a bother,” he stopped to move his forehead to yours. “You can come over tonight. You need to relax after all of this hard work.”
“And what do I tell my dad when he asks where I am?” your eyes pan from his eyes to his lips, fingers reaching up to go through his hair. 
“Tell him you’re at a girlfriend’s house.”
You twist your mouth to the side, pretending to think.
“How are you planning to relax me?”
“A hot bath.”
You snickered, knowing better than to believe that was all he was planning to do, but taking his word for it. 
Hours later when you were laid on your back, hands gripping the sheets below you and Miguel holding your legs up as he stroked deep inside, your suspicions were confirmed. Your skin was soft from the bath and your muscles were like jelly after he spent an hour massaging every tight muscle out of you. The room was full of him, his smell surrounding you, and the noises of him attending to your every need. With every cry of his name, he brought you closer to the horizon. 
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On the day of your competition, you didn’t even look at Miguel before you went on, nerves too bad. If he gave you a pep talk, internally, you would be appreciative, but externally, you might tell him to leave you the fuck alone. 
Knowing how you get, he supported you in the best way he could by sending you messages and a light breakfast in the morning. 
“Break a leg, chiquita”
“Not literally of course”
“I’ll be waiting for you once it’s over”
“With a surprise :)”
It was enough to fill you with anticipation, ready to give it all on the floor.
Once your number was called, you went to the center and got into position. The crowd was dark enough to feel like it was just you in the room, but your heart knew otherwise with how fast it was beating. 
When the music starts, it’s like Miguel’s voice is a soundtrack playing through your memory. You can’t see him, but you can feel him in the crowd cheering you on. Your feet move across the floor, body tightening and relaxing when needed. Your face wears a frustrated expression, portraying the sentiment of everything falling out of control. Your leaps and turns come one after another moving your form across the stage. 
The Grand Adage comes to you like lightning, you don’t even notice you’re doing it until it happens. The muscle memory takes over and you transition to the Illusion like it's nothing. Your mind wanders as you go through to the end of the routine, finishing strongly with your pose on the floor.
The cheers of the audience are what bring you back to reality. A feeling of relief washes over you as you stand and bow, smiling brightly. 
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Standing with the other dancers from your category, you don’t expect the judges to call your name for first place, so when they all turn to look at you, you feel like you might have walked out in your underwear by accident. 
It isn’t until you’re handed a bouquet of flowers and a trophy that it dawns on you that your hard work has paid off. The check was no measly amount of money either. 
Looking out to the crowd, you can see Miguel standing up with his hands cupped over his mouth as he yells. Your family is standing next to him cheering as well. You wave at them, jumping up and down in excitement. Only you can see the wink Miguel gives you. 
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When you meet them out in the lobby, you have to stop yourself from keeping your attention on Miguel. 
“You did amazing, honey,” your dad says, squeezing the life out of you. “That flip thing? I don’t know how you did it, but wow!”
“It’s called an Illusion,” Miguel shakes his head. “Keep up.”
“What are you, her coach or something?”
“C’mon you guys,” your mom fusses. “Don’t start bickering in the building. At least wait until we get dinner.”
“‘M gonna ride with Miguel,” you say to them. 
Knowing how much you like his car, your parents think nothing of it and walk out to their own car. 
Once they’re out the door, he turns and gives you a deep kiss, “You did such a good job. I’m so proud of you.”
“I just remembered what you said. Kept it in the back of my mind while I performed.”
He smiled and wrapped his hands around your waist, “Yeah?”
You nod and bring his lips to yours again. 
“Where’s my surprise?”
“Always so impatient.”
“You wouldn’t like me any other way.”
“Tienes rázon,” Miguel chuckled. 
Miguel brings a sparkly gift bag to your attention, placing it in your hands. You reach into the bag, tissue paper falling to the floor. You pull out an envelope and a long velvet box. 
You open the box, eyes glittering when you see the necklace inside. 
“Miguel, this is adorable!” 
“Here,” he takes the necklace out of the box. “Let me help you put it on.”
You turn and focus your attention on the envelope, fingers sliding under the sealed flap. 
Your breath halts when you pull the tickets out.
“To Paris?”
You turn to him once your necklace is latched together, eyes teary from happiness.
“You’ve been doing so amazing, I wanted to treat you to an amazing trip.”
“How much did this cost?”
“Nothing that you should worry your head about.”
You crowd his space, kissing his face all over, “Thank you so much, Miguel.”
“Of course. Anything for my girl.”
“I don’t want to go out to dinner now,” you sigh dramatically.
“Yeah? You know we can’t bail, though.”
“Not even if I give my thanks to you in the car?”
Miguel bit the inside of his cheek, watching you grin at him. He’s really way too soft when it comes to you. 
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As always, like, reblog, and COMMENT. Let me know how you guys feel! 🩵
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thewritetofreespeech · 7 months
Could I request Astarion's s/o avoiding him to prepare a Valentine's Day surprise feasts for him? Nothing angsty however, she just makes up excuses to throw him off.
Astarion x Reader - Valentine's Day
It was official. [Y/N] was avoiding him. And Astarion couldn’t figure out why.
He assumes he’s done something wrong. He just couldn’t figure out what. For all his social graces, charm, and etiquette training to seep in with the noble lords, he still had the incredible knack of saying the wrong things at the wrong time with this group of people. No one seemed to get his biting wit or rapier sharp jabs, usually with their literal counterparts. Except for Shadowheart and Lae'zel, but…that really didn’t add credibility to his argument.
At first, he hadn’t noticed. Astarion wasn’t some puppy that followed them around camp, like that mutt they picked up. He had his own entertainments and [Y/N] had their own business to attend to. It was a lot of work keeping their once neat little conclave turned full blown circus in line, but [Y/N] seemed to manage. Astarion often thought during lost moments that if anyone really wanted to take over the world, they should study and harness whatever power it was they had to keep drawing people into them. Forget the tadpoles. Much less slimy as well.
Still, he wasn’t immune to being ignored. And after a while he started to wonder what could be so important. Not that he was looking for attention. To reiterate, he was not a lost puppy following them around. Astarion was just….curious as to what could have bedazzled their focus so.
Stealthy as a cat, he followed after [Y/N] as the snuck off into the forest around their camp. Their third time out there, if his observations were correct. Silently and cautiously, he followed. Until he felt it was the perfect time to announce himself with an accusatory, “what are you doing out here?” as he stood to make his presence known.
“Gah!” [Y/N] exclaimed in a startled sound. Prone, for a moment in surprise as they turned to face him. Astarion had never seen this expression before. In battle, they were always so fierce and focused. Even when he ‘surprised’ them on one of their early nights together, hungry and asking for more than he probably should have, they still had this spark of defiance & fight about them. But genuine surprise? Now he had to know what was going on.
“I said, what are you doing out here?” He repeated in case they missed it in their shock. “Why are you slinking out here in the middle of the night like some manner of shade? Surely you can’t be coming out here to relieve yourself that many times. Wyll’s cooking isn’t that bad. And why haven’t you talked to me at all today? It’s very rude.” Looking into their eyes, which had softened out of surprise into their usual fair expression, Astarion realized he was scolding them for something he was upset about and took a deep breath before he apologized. “Look…I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to snap at you. It’s just that...I don’t like secrets darling. So if something is wrong, or if I’ve done something incredibly foolish, just tell me so we can move on from it.”
“….it’s not really a secret…” Astarion arched a brow at their reply, then watched them move to the side to reveal a blanket, candles, and what looked like one of the better bottle of wine they’d abscond with from a pillaged merchant cart they rescued. “It was…more meant to be a surprise. To celebrate.”
Astarion was racking his brain at the moment to think on what they could be celebrating. Of course, every day they were alive, kicking, and not turned into mind flayers seemed a good enough reason to celebrate, but this seemed more formal than that. He tried to think about what it could be and then he suddenly realized. ‘Oh shit’. It was Blessed Hearts Day.
A frivolous feast day where lovers would croon and swoon at one another, give horrible tacky gifts, then drunkenly stumble down the streets to fuck like rabbits, which was probably the only reason it was on the cusp of spring.
Astarion had never paid much attention to it. Besides it being a frivolous holiday, he never had any reason to pay attention to it. Other than the fact that around this time of year he could pull in 2 or 3 victims a week, rather than his usual 1, for Cazador, if he played his cards right. Everyone was searching for love around this time of year, and Astarion was happy to provide.
Well, not happy, but obliging.
Well, not obliging, but amenable.
He never would have thought that someone as steadfast & stalwart as [Y/N] would be interested in something as foolish as Blessed Hearts Day. But, then again, he never asked. So who was the real fool here?
“I’m sorry, my love. I didn’t get you anything.”
“It’s alright.” They reply with a smile. And Astarion felt that it was very much not alright. They had given him so much, kept giving him so much, and he continued showing up empty handed at their door. He’d never felt so much like a cad. “This was just something I wanted to do. I’ve never…had someone…to share Blessed Hearts Day with.”
Suddenly he wished for the ground to open up like one of those portals and swallow him up. Astarion couldn’t feel any lower than if he was under Avernus. But then all their hard work would go to waste, and they couldn’t have that.
“Well, it seems we’re in agreement again my dear. I’ve never had someone to truly share the holiday with either. Pawns and playthings, sure. But a true someone,” Astarion stepped closer to press his hand against their cheek, “my someone, well…that will be a new experience for me. It seems every where I turn, you’re always giving me new experiences.”
They seemed pleased by his words. Which was good because that’s all he had at the moment to give them. And his heart. Such as it was.
They spent the evening together under the stars. Talking some, but mostly quiet. Falling into each other’s arms much later and wrapped up in their picnic blanket in the cool grass before the night was over. He still thought it was a frivolous holiday, as he intended to spend everyday reminding [Y/N] how much he loved & how much they had changed him, but he supposed he could see the appeal now.
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staryuee · 2 years
— a lifetime of love awaits, will you marry me?
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꒰warnings꒱ {edit} I HAD TO ADD SCARA OKAY
⠀꒲ ` synopsis . . . how would they propose to their beloved?
⠀꒲ ` characters . . . tartaglia, venti, eula, kazuha, yoimiya, kaeya, ayato, zhongli, scaramouche
⠀꒲ ` notes . . . FINALLY IM FREE FROM THESE CHAINS !! lana can finally stop bullying me :( — this won’t be the end, i’m planning to write wedding/marriage hcs w these lot too ♪( ´▽`)
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when did he realise he wants to marry you?
ajax realised when you came over to see his family for the second time. the way his siblings rushed over to greet you, each of them stumbling around because they want to be the first one to hug you, your bright yet gentle smile as you squeezed each of them tightly and peppered their faces with kisses — it all sent the most electrifying butterflies to his stomach. seeing the way you handle his energetic siblings and the way his parents have clearly welcomed you in as part of the family, it really made him think “i want to be with you forever.”
did he nearly reveal his plans by accident?
he’s a fearsome fatui harbinger, do you really think something as special and important like this will easily slip out? yes, absolutely. he cannot for the love of the tsaritsa herself shut the fuck up. he’s obviously already talked to your family and some friends of yours he knew he could trust but at this point everyone practically knows his plan with how much he’s been talking about you. honestly, speaking to yours and his family was his first step — he just wanted to make sure he had their blessings!! (as cliche as that sounds). with how overly-nice and generous people have been to you, you were starting to garner suspicions however tartaglia always has his special ways of distracting you~
you’ve just finished a lovely dinner with tartaglia’s family, his siblings were surrounding you two near a fireplace, the snezhnayan winter was being extremely unforgiving that particular evening with snow pouring down onto the ground, creating a massive winter wonderland. “did you know, [name] took me around liyue harbour again!!” teucer jumped onto your lap holding his lil’ ruin guard ehem ‘cyclops’ plushie in his hand, his bright eyes shining with delight. “alright, alright now teucer, i’m sure ajax and [name] are very tired from their journey and don’t want you jumping around on them. why don’t we all take a nice little breather outside?“ tartaglia’s mom intervenes, gesturing to the rack of coats.
snezhnayan winters were absolutely breathtaking, despite the snow engulfing you in cold, the pure sight of the kids playing and building their cute lil’ snowmen was enough to warm you inside and out. of course ajax didn’t get the atmosphere as he decided to come up and put his cold ass hands on your cheeks. “ajax!!! you absolute bi-“ you squealed as a shiver went down your spine. honestly you couldn’t get angry at him with the way his smile and laughter made you completely forget yourself. however, that didn’t make you want revenge any less. therefore !! you decided to start a harmless snowball fight with him.
while you and tartaglia were having a not-so friendly snowball fight, tonia finds a way to sneak up behind you and tug on your coat for attention and so, being the sweet person you are, you looked down at her… which ended up with you getting hit in the face with a snowball and ajax laughing it off by giving you small kisses. “sorry [name], uhm i just wanted to show you our snowmen! we just finished (。・ω・。)” she smiled up at you. god you felt your heart absolutely explode that snowball meaning absolutely nothing to you at that moment. taking her hand into yours she leads you to the place her and her siblings built the snowmen.
and who would’ve thought the little angels built the snowmen to resemble you and ajax <3 they had a small pebble heart around it with some local snezhnayan flowers scattered about and … some carving in the snow which read “turn around :)” as you did, your eyes instantly brimmed with heated tears. ajax was down on one knee, a beautiful ring imbedded with the finest jade in one hand while his other one reached out for yours.
“i love you with my entire heart and i wish to spend my entire life with you, [name], will you marry me?”
VENTI — 温迪
when did they realise they want to marry you?
better question: when did he NOT think about marrying you? it’s impossible to pinpoint just a specific moment where he thought about putting a ring on your finger. everyday he’s latched onto you like a personal heating pack whether that’s just him holding your hand, kissing you, hugging you etc he always has some part of him touching you. therefore, one of the more prominent times where he thinks of marrying you is when his heart actively yearns for you during the times you’re apart from one another. they do say “absence makes the heart grow fonder” and well venti takes that to the extreme.
did they nearly reveal their plans by accident?
venti is an ancient beloved god, he has absolutely no problem keeping his plan a secret from you! well, perhaps he can keep it from you verbally, ehem minus the few minor slip ups, he does make it quite obvious at times when he starts playing with your hands more often or stops frequenting the tavern to “focus on something more important” - his words not mine. he definitely tries his best, and to be fair he absolutely succeeds given with how loud and talkative he is you’d think he’d let it out eventually however, he wants this to be a complete surprise :)
the unfortunate ending of the weinlesefest was drawing nearer, yet the abundant love - platonic, familial and romantic - was filling the air with a sweetened fragrance. or perhaps that was just the scent of your boyfriend who had downed a couple bottles of diluc’s finest wine earlier that day. either way, your heart was brimming with everlasting joy.
venti held your waist with one hand, while his other hand rested on the top of your head to push you ever so closely. starsnatch cliff was the perfect place to wind down at , nothing but the tender autumn breeze and the silent brushing of the grass against you while you stared up at the glowing sky. although the day seemed to be perfect, you suddenly remembered that venti looked somewhat worried all day - consistently looking nervous and pondering over things that you couldn’t quite decipher.
you gently pushed yourself off venti and he gave you a perplexed look, “what’s the matter, windblume?” you just took him by his hands and told him to take a few deep breaths and appreciate the scenery. “venven, you looked so stressed the entire day, whats been on your mind?” he took a small step back from you and averted his gaze, subconsciously starting to fiddle with his braid.
taking a final deep breath, he looks you in the eyes cups your cheek and gives you a gentle smile. “mh, guess theres nothing i can hide from you is there, my warrior?” he takes his hands into yours.
“you know that i love you more than words can describe, you’ve changed my heart and life for the better and whenever im without you it feels like i've lost a part of myself. i’ve seen your kindness and your strength, as well as your fears and sorrows. you are the love of my life, i cannot imagine a life without you. i could tell you i can’t love you more than i do now, but i know tomorrow i will even more. my heart sings a song that’s only for you to hear.”
while hot tears brim at the corners of your eyes and spill out slowly, venti gets down on one knee and reaches into one of his pockets - your free hand flew to your agape mouth in an instant. “[name], windblume, my love, my shining star, will you marry me?”
EULA — 优菈
when did she realise she wants to marry you?
probably the first time she ever allowed herself to be vulnerable next to you. eula loves equivocation so unless you’re down to become a professional literature and language analyser , understanding her true intentions is rather difficult. but! that doesn’t mean she doesn’t have her moments where she allows her façade to be broken down, she’s human after all and everyone needs support once in a while. those few times where she simply rests on your shoulder, hugs you tightly and sheds a few tears with you whispering words of comfort — those are the times eula fully cherishes her love for you.
did she nearly reveal her plans by accident?
she’s a bit of a tricky one to decipher as on one hand i’d feel like she’d become so much more hyper-aware of people and of her surroundings and she’d absolutely refuse to talk about her plans to anyone except maybe amber while on the other hand, i feel like she’d have the attitude of “if you find out, you find out and that’s that.” eula does try her best to hide her intentions and though her attempts at stopping your suspicions are futile it’s cute to see her focus on something so intently.
blanketed by a starlit sky at brightcrown canyon’s coast, cider lake glistening brightly and mirroring yours and eula’s forms as she swayed you to the melody of your hearts - a soothing lullaby as she called it - everything was all so mesmerising.
“i didn’t know the the leader of the reconnaissance company could be so romantic.” you giggled, she shook her head proceeding to give you a harmless glare that made you laugh once again. eula dipped you down with the grace of a true efficient professional , staring into your eyes with a sort of mischievous expression.
“i’m starting to think you say these things on purpose, my dear.” she gave you a light peck on the corner of your mouth, actively avoiding your lips to tease you. “eulaaaa..” you whine pulling yourself up closer to her. she only chuckles at your complaints and pulls you back up.
“come on my love, we can’t have the dinner getting cold can we?” taking you by the hand with a complaisant and gentle smile, eula leads you to a lavish and fragrant dinner in front of cider lake. like the classic gentlewoman she is she pulls out the chair to help you get seated. despite literal years of being together, her romantic etiquette has never failed to swoon you.
“it’s rare to see you with so much ebullience, love mind telling me what’s gotten you in such a good mood?” she simply hums in response and sits down opposite you. unbeknownst to you, eula’s mind was in total frenzy and while not being a woman of many words her face currently held more emotions than a sentence could handle.
eula cleared her throat, “[name],” her gaze flickered between you and the floor before finally settling on you, “i know it must get extremely draining having to constantly deal with me, but i am thankful each day that you’ve stuck with me and loved me.” you could see a prominent blush form on the tips of her ears. “my dearest, i can’t imagine what i would be like without you, i want to be there for you when no one else can, therefore,” she finally places her hand on the table revealing a silver ring with a jewel that matched the colour of your eyes, “will you marry me?”
K. KAZUHA — 枫原万叶
when did he realise he wants to marry you?
kazuha is innately a romantic, ask him this question and he’ll laugh it off and tell you that every passing second of his was spent thinking about being with you — and while that isn’t inaccurate, he definitely recalls this one memory where he felt his entire world slow down to appreciate you. of course, he’d never tell you it though!
did he nearly reveal his plans by accident?
once or twice he may have accidentally sent you the wrong letter where he specifically mentions his plans of proposing to you (all of which were meant to be sent to his mama beidou btw) but best believe he retrieved those letters as quick as he sent them. this is such a significant part in both of your lives were the ink in your chapters begin to spill into one another, where the string of fate tightens to emphasise your bond and, more simply, were your souls become one - he needs this to be absolutely perfect.
kazuha is a man of classical romance, i mean not only does he write endless haikus for you, send you letters while he’s out on a voyage (when it’s only been like a couple hours), he is also covered in maple leaves which themselves are woven in love — therefore it wasn’t much of a surprise when he asked you out on the third date of that week.
what was a surprise on the other hand, was the place he took you. it was the same place you two had first met, a lovely area that was abundant in peaceful joy and tranquility: amakane island. the night submerged the beautiful city of inazuma in a comforting silence with only the hums of the wind echoing in your ear. kazuha led you hand-in-hand to a small picnic he had prepared earlier that day.
from where you were sat you could clearly see the gorgeous stars scattering the glowing sky like lanterns. even when presented with such a view, kazuha’s eyes were still gently fixated on you. “you are absolutely breathtaking.” your cheeks heated up in embarrassment, how could he say such things so nonchalantly AND to your face at the same time? kazuha gives you a closed eyed smile and rested his head on his palm.
“you make me complete.” he looks at you with one eye open. in an attempt to recover from your flustered state you sigh and decide to sit back and enjoy kazuha’s delicate teasing and compliments. he begins fiddling with your hair, “without you i am not whole.” you closed your eyes as his calming voice lulled you.
“dove, please marry me.”
you’ve never sat up so fast before.
when did she realise she wants to marry you?
much like venti it’s practically impossible to narrow down one memory with you. some reoccurring moments have always made her ponder her future with you therefore, it’s not really a realisation more so a confirmation the person she wishes to spend her days with till old has to be you. memories she recalls that definitely emphasised her love for you all include you smiling. the knowledge she makes you just as happy as you make her is enough of a reason to put a ring on your finger. :)
did she nearly reveal her plans by accident?
listen she really tried her best to be more organised and seemingly unbothered by her internal disorder, she wanted to keep her plans a complete secret from you to serve as a cute surprise however… she was almost completely sure you heard like the majority of her plans with how much she had to yell instructions and ideas to her dad. none of that dimmed her enthusiasm though! no matter if you found out about her plans, she knew the actual proposal would still leave an impact in your heart.
“yoiyoi…pleaseee we’ve been walking for ages! can’t we go sit down or something.” yoimiya continues dragging you past the bustling city of inazuma. you really don’t understand why she was so insistent on seeing the fireworks with so many people around, but you’re weak to her puppy eyes so you couldn’t refuse.
while the city itself was crowded with joyous laughter and sweet kids running around and causing headaches for their parents - the bridge was rather empty and calm. at last you both came to a stop. you hear yoimiya giggle ahead of you, swiftly twirling around to once again drag you to the bridges barrier. “this is the best place to watch the fireworks!” well you dare not doubt her claim.
yoimiya’s cheeriness was so infectious you didn’t even notice the corners of your mouth rising as you watched your lover gaze up at the stars of teyvat with such excitement. “yoi-“ she cut you off with a surprising kiss.
“look up, the show is starting soon!” her eyes shined brighter with every word, you couldn’t help but laugh at her silliness. in a mere number of seconds the sounds of fireworks could be heard from all over inazuma, the splashes of vibrant colour painting the sky in a loud yet melodic harmony. while the show seemed normal, your eyes caught sight of some bright kanji exploding into the sky rhythmically: 異体同心 [“two bodies, same heart.”]
albeit a bit vague, your heart was pounding into your chest and echoing in your ears as something in you begged you to turn around. as you did, all your emotions freed themselves. yoimiya was down on one knee, ring in one hand with the brightest grin adorning her face. “[name], will you marry me?”
KAEYA — 凯亚
when did he realise he wants to marry you?
when you truly felt like family to him. kaeya has been through a shit ton of travesties, things that still to this day keep him lying awake in cold sweat as his headache gets more intense. multiple people have left him, whether they perished in the cold hands of death or abandoned him callously he’s seen how cruel the game of life can be. he has clung to fate and blamed it when things refused to go his way — however, oddly enough he now praises fate for giving him a chance to meet you. waking up in the morning with you evokes such a gentle feeling of completion.
did he nearly reveal his plans by accident?
absolutely not! he’s so good at keeping his mouth shut and purposefully misdirecting people, and even you on the occasion, it’s to no surprise no words of his proposal comes out. that, and, he personally didn’t put that much thought into the whole ordeal. it’s not because he doesn’t appreciate you, it’s because he wants his words to just naturally flow out, he sees more sentimental value in things that are said in the moment (probably why he drinks so often even while being with you lol).
“klee! please stop running around you’ll hurt yourself!” you catch her in your arms as the crayons in her hands proceed to fall onto the hardwood floor. she simply giggled and jumped up to hug you, you couldn’t help but sigh with a smile on your face as staying mad at her sweet face was pretty much impossible.
klee plopped herself down next to the messy piles of paper and the scattered crayons, picking up some specific colours to use for later. kaeya sat on the couch, resting his head on his palm, quietly enjoying the whole fiasco. he chuckles, “told you she’s a very energetic child.” ‘energetic’ might be a tad bit of an understatement. you join kaeya on the couch, nuzzling yourself into his side comfortably.
despite the massive headache you were forming from all the running around, the atmosphere stayed rather relaxed - getting to spend time with your boyfriend as well as klee made it feel like you were a lil’ family. with the warmth from kaeya lulling you with the addition of your prior fatigue, you were feeling rather drowsy but before your head could fall onto kaeya’s shoulder klee started tugging on both yours and his clothes. “come with me pretty please! i need a uhm reference! (∩_∩)” now, who could refuse that even while in a state of sleepiness ?
you all sat around a table, kaeya directly opposite you and klee sitting in the middle with her paper that she was suspiciously hiding from you. every few seconds she switched her gaze to look at you and then kaeya while scribbling in some details. she smacked her hands onto the table excitedly, “done!! mr kaeya can i show [name] now?” she gleams up at him. he gives her a gentle nod with his eye(s?) closed.
“look [name]!” she shoves her cute drawing your way expectantly, you could practically see a sunshine and rainbow form behind her as her childish wonder blinded you (in a good way of course).
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transcript: mr kaeya wants to ask you a question
the drawing itself was absolutely adorable: you and kaeya holding hands and klee looking endearingly menacing in the background was a perfect depiction of your relationship. what caught your attention was the text written above the rest of the drawing, at first it was hard to figure out (bless klee’s heart), but soon enough you managed to read it and with a grin you turned to kaeya, “what’s the question you have for me, mr kaeya?”
leaning over to you quietly, he says in his usual calm and frosty tone, “will you marry me ?”
K. AYATO — 神里绫人
when did he realise he wants to marry you?
immediately when he started absentmindedly acknowledging you as part of his family — whether that’s including you in familial outings with ayaka, or sharing embarrassing stories from childhood. he already treats you like you have the kamisato name, so why not make it official?
did he nearly reveal his plans by accident?
with how goddamn dramatic he is you’d think so however, with the aid of the entire yashiro commission (it was mostly just thoma, bless him..) he was able to keep any words of his proposal plans from spreading. he may be quiet about it while he’s planning, however when it’s all set in motion and he’s gotten your response you best believe every single person in teyvat is at least vaguely aware of your engagement.
ayato has been very secretive over the past few weeks, you were used to this behaviour with him working in the yashiro commission and with the shuumatsuban , but it’s like its been completely amplified. you weren’t even able to process any of these changes either since every time your suspicion grew, ayato would whisk you away for a date.
speaking of whisking you away, ayato had “randomly” decided to take you on a vacation to fontaine. to say the least, you were absolutely ecstatic!! the beautiful nation of fontaine, filled with endless waters and buoyant sea creatures seemed like a perfect contrast to the perpetually thundering inazuma and was exactly what you needed as a break.
while the journey itself was rather chaotic, arriving at your destination and taking a deep breath in of the morning air was gratifying. “ready for today, my love?” ayato gently took you by the hand, guiding you off the ship, with that phrase alone you knew you were in for a long yet fulfilling week.
and that you were — ayato planned out an entire few days worth of activities just for the two of you. most of them consisted of intimate time together which you did not mind the slightest. every day felt like a mere second, each touch and kiss felt like a fleeting moment that would disappear and before you knew it, the end of the week dawned upon you.
despite that, this absolutely wasn’t the end of the festivities as ayato had something very special planned for this particular night. after a time at the spa and some minor shopping trips, ayato had asked you to wear something formal - you obliged, albeit with a raised brow, nothing good usually comes with ayato telling you to ‘dress up’ (last time he forced you to come to a several hour private discussion within the yashiro commission..)
as soon as you finish getting ready, ayato gracefully placed a piece of silk on your eyes, “ayato what in the name of teyvat are you planning?” he simply chuckled in response and gave you a light peck on the corner of your mouth. “don’t worry, dear you’ll be fine just follow my lead.” with a nod of your head ayato proceeded to help you walk.
“honey, are we there yettt?” you groaned. the silk finally lifted and as your eyes adjusted to the sudden lights you were in utter awe, turning around to hug him in thanks, ayato finally broke his silence, “this isn’t even the best part my love.” you cock your head to the side in confusion, how is a private and secluded dinner in front of the starry sky NOT the best part?
“you already know how much i cherish you, how i would take down the sky for you, i’d gift you the stars if you asked. with this hand i vow to protect you until my dying breath, with this hand,” ayato pulls out a box from his sleeve getting the hint at what he’s about to say, salty tears begin piling up in the corner of your eyes, “i ask you to be mine, the light in my life, will you marry me?”
when did he realise he wants to marry you?
it was quite a long process, he wanted to make sure he was worthy of you — a god accompanying a mortal throughout their entire lifespan is not only an extremely honourable thing, but it’s also a tragic circumstance. but alas when the world paused for a moment to allow him to think about both of your futures, he desperately yearned that he was still in yours. he doesn’t want to waste your time and energy, after all you only have so many years to spend with him, this is one way he could show you that he truly cares for you and loves you.
did he nearly reveal his plans by accident?
he’s old as shit and talks way too much so yeah. he didn’t necessarily try to even hide it from you, he just refrained from talking about it but occasionally it slipped past and well, he acted very nonchalant, not really seeing a massive deal in it, while you, on the other hand, were having a flustered breakdown. he does hope you forget about it so he gets to see the genuine excitement in your eyes when the time comes.
the peak of guyun stone forest. the perfect place to reminisce on the old memories and rejoice the new ones you’ve made — which was exactly what zhongli took you here to do oddly enough. you were quite prone to his sudden outings, he’d always ask you if you’d like to join him and well you can never resist this man.
even with the chilly breeze of the mountains, with zhongli by your side you managed to find comfort in the winds flurry. “if i did anything in my life right, it was when i gave my heart to you.” god this man really choses the most random times to make your heart skip a beat. you gleam up at him with a jovial smile, leaning your head on his body to relax, he placed his hand on your waist to pull you closer.
“i love you, my dearest. the privilege of seeing you at your best and your worst, and the privilege of guiding you through those times when fate is rather cruel is something i withhold deep in my heart. the world in which we are born into intoxicates us with its glacial and vicious atmosphere, forcing us to claw at fate to beg for mercy. yet, the chest of a beloved so easily entraps you in comfort and a gentle feeling of softness in one’s heart. i wish nothing more than to be the person in your future that holds you close and shields you from the worlds most unsightly of occurrences.” at this point you were already in absolute tears, the fact he could go on such long tangents to explain his adoration for you was enough to sweep you off your feet.
“i want to be all your firsts and all your lasts, your everything until the end of time. will you—” you very abruptly say yes probably a million times over yet the archon continues, “—marry me? i promise you my beloved, no matter what things you face i will be there to aid you, i can’t promise to solve all your problems but i can certainly promise a future where you won’t ever have to go through anything on yo-“ you kissed him, putting a sweet and quick end to his long rant. was he going deaf due to old age? perhaps.
“zhongli, my beloved and my most dearest, i’ve already said yes!!”
when did he realise he want to marry you?
you made him feel human, like he belonged. he felt a nonexistent heart beat a melodic tune, one that copied yours, perhaps because he knew no other rhythm or because his love for you surpassed his forged marionette. even on his road to godhood you were there, during his tragic downfall you were there; catching him in your arms, ignoring the incessant worried yells of the traveler. with months of constant nurturing and desperate tears that fled from your hopeful eyes, he was sure you’ve grown tired of him, you’d abandon him just like those before you. yet you didn’t, of course you didn’t. maybe that’s when he realised that in order to rid himself of an everlasting, dreadful reminiscence of the past, he’d have to replace those taunts with a tangible memory of your love.
did he nearly reveal his plans by accident?
he is able to keep anything from you — i mean you didn’t even find out you were ‘dating’ until one day he referred to you as his s/o and from that day forward it became your duty to positively annoy him with affection! the only person he probably turned to for help was his auntie nahida, but she wasn’t too much of help emotionally.. her words and plan definitely reassured one thing - a proposal should be surprising and heartfelt.
a glistening divine light beamed from the statue of the seven, illuminating scara’s anxious and pensive expression. “feeling alright, honey?” you touch his cheek, his eyes darting to yours in an instant. scara let out a discomforted sigh, “yes, i’m fine, let’s go.” he abruptly intertwines your hands together and leads you towards the verdant flowery path of vanarana.
while you were rather suspicious on the lack of aranara idling about, you were much more concentrated on enjoying this once in a lifetime moment — scaramouche taking the initiative and preparing a date. well, that IS what he called it, but you weren’t sure whether he was planning to bury you with the padisarahs or coddle you, because the distance you were walking was oddly alarming. ‘surely we must’ve passed many great spots by now..’ , yet kept your tight hold on his hand - having trust in him.
making a subconscious effort to avoid the pond of mossy water, you squeeze yourself closer to scara, he can only smile to himself. your eyes trailed along the bright flowers that sprouted from each patch of grass , keeping a mental note on every sumeru speciality in sight (listen that shits HARD to farm ..). scaramouche’s eyes dart around so fiercely you were almost convinced he’d pass out from dizziness. you were so entranced by scara’s beauty as well as conspicuously bizarre behaviour, you didn’t even realise he had come to an abrupt stop (impromptus you bumping into him ..). you let out a contented sigh, “are we th-“ — “no. not yet.” he interrupts as he nods at something afar.
after some final groans from you and begrudging steps, you had (hopefully) came to the place you were meant to — which ironically was the same place you started at. “scaramouche don’t tell me we did an entire circle around vanarana for no reason.” he shakes his head and rolls his eyes, “of course it’s not for no reason, you idiot” he murmurs.
he shifts to face you, “close your eyes.” it was best not to argue with him with questions of ‘why’. he took hold of your hand once more to guide you, albeit roughly, down to the middle of the vanarana pond. compared to the prior echoing silence, there was a lot of shuffling and some hushed giggles that were increasing in volume with every step. the water seeped into your garments but currently that was the least of your many worries…
“y-you can open your eyes now.” scara stammered, his head filling with excruciating heat - and you did so. your eyes widened in bewilderment.
“aiya, what’s goi-“
“marry me.” scara cuts in.
“SORRY-?” i mean you were going to guess that’s what was going on, considering the many aranaras gleefully surrounding you with flowers and or flower crowns in their tiny hands - as well as the not so hidden lesser lord kusanali with a ebullient smile spreading on her face - BUT YOU DIDN’T EXPECT IT SO SUDDENLY?
your silence was feeding scara’s fears, and so he does what he always does: gets grumpy. “are you going to keep staring at me while flies go in your mouth or are you going to answer me.” cue you pouncing on him with the most joyous laughter and tears, the melody of your happiness made him subtly smile.
“i love you so much.” you tightly hug his frail form, his head drops down to your shoulder so his answer muffles, “i…love you too.”
past his unsavoury words was a heart that beat for you, and only you.
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©STARYUEE do not copy, steal or repost <3
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whimsyfinny · 8 months
Pairing: Dean Winchester x Reader
Summary: Charlie discovers the Winchester boys to be struggling with keeping the bunker tidy, looking after themselves and being able to do their job simultaneously. Luckily she has a friend who’s from a Hunter family that is in need of work and can help them with research. Or so she thought that’s what her job would be. When Dean sees your more domesticated side, his head won’t stop swimming with all the wrong ideas.
Slow burn, enemies to lovers, smut
Warnings: stalker/ unsuccessful kidnap, violence, depictions of blood and assault (let me know if I should add more)
Chapter Word Count: 2318
A/N: Sooooo I’m sorry it’s not spicy like I said it would be… But I absolutely promise the next one will be! Chapters 5 and 6 were supposed to be just one chapter but it got too long so I had to split it… And again please let me know of any errors because this is only proof read by myself.
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Please Read the Below First:
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
I’m Not You’re F*cking Maid
Chapter 5
After thorough interviewing of the staff and regular patrons; long searches through copious auction records and meticulous studying of the items in the shop we narrowed our search down to one item: an old jade hairpin. The hairpin belonged to a young lady who was given the gift as a wedding present, however when she found out on her wedding night that her new husband was having an affair, she stabbed him to death with it before jumping to her own demise from their third floor balcony. That was just over a century ago, and she was still wreaking havoc on unfaithful men to this day.
“I mean I get where she’s coming from,” I shrugged as we walked back to the motel. Both brothers turned to look at me with concern smeared over their features. “OBVIOUSLY I don’t agree with all the murder,” they breathed a sigh of relief, “but you can’t hate her for being mad. I would be too.”
“Remind me never to get on your bad side,” Dean said, raising his eyebrows a little and holding his hands up. I gave him a look of bewilderment.
“What side do you think you’re on, Dean? Because this,” I gestured between us, “isn’t my good side.” He mumbled something incoherent as we got to the motel so I chose to ignore him completely.
“So what’s the plan? It’s getting late and we can’t really do anything now until that charity event taking place at the auction house tomorrow. We’re already pretty clued up on how to get rid of ghosts so there’s really not much to do except to get both your names on that guest list,” Sam patted his laptop, looking at both of us.
“Food?” Dean and I said at the same time.
“Food sounds good,” Sam nodded. The boys turned around to leave when I stopped them.
“Just whilst we’re still at the motel, I’m just going to freshen up real quick.”
Dean rolled his eyes, “really?” I flipped him the bird.
“I can just meet you there? There’s like only one diner in this town and I know the way. I won’t be long.” The brothers looked at each other for a few seconds before Sam looked at me and smiled.
“Sure ok, we’ll get a seat in the window so we can see you coming.”
“Great! I’ll see you soon,” I grinned at the younger Winchester before turning away and letting myself into my room.
I had the worlds quickest shower and threw on some clean underwear and a clean top, feeling better after getting the grime from the day off. I pulled on my jeans, socks and boots, applied a small amount of eyeliner and mascara and tidied my hair the best I could before slinging on my jacket and applying some perfume to my wrists and neck. It was one of my favourite scents: I’d bought it from some lingerie store a year or so ago and it’s apparently one of those aphrodisiac perfumes, however I have no idea if it even works or not. It’s probably a scam, nothing works that well in real life.
After I’d finished sorting myself out - which took no longer than half an hour - I grabbed my phone and keys and left the room, locking up before making my way towards the diner. Night had descended, the air turning cold against my warm skin and the usually busy streets now lay deserted and car-free. It was only about a five minute walk or so from the motel and I was now only about a minute away when I noticed that I wasn’t alone. I’d caught a glimpse of a figure dressed from head to toe in black in the reflection of several shop windows, and they were following my exact trail. I sped up, walking faster down the empty main road and hoping it was all a coincidence as worst case scenarios started to race through my mind. It wasn’t long until the diner was in sight and I breathed a sigh of relief, however the relief was short lived when those footsteps were getting closer and closer, quicker and quicker right behind me. It dawned on me that this wasn’t a coincidence at all - I was definitely being stalked. I started to run, my legs moving before my brain had kicked into gear and I was only inches from the front door when the stranger caught up, slamming me against the wall of the building and putting a knife to my throat, covering my mouth with a gloved hand.
“Don’t make a fucking noise - you’re coming with me,” he said aggressively yet quietly. I could feel the blade of the knife pressing against the soft skin of my neck and I couldn’t help but feel tears well in my eyes, my breath turning shaky as my heart hammered in my chest. I couldn’t even get any words out as his hand was too tight over my lips.
I wanted to cry out for help so badly it hurt.
I squeezed my eyes shut, wishing that this was all a bad dream. My cheek was pushed into the rough brick which grazed my skin, and I silently prayed for my attacker to just let me go or for some hero to come and save me. At that very moment I heard the door to the diner and my eyes shot open, instantly connecting with Deans. I watched as surprise turned to horror which then turned to pure feral rage on his face and before I even had a chance to blink he was gone from my line of sight - but so was the pressure keeping me pinned against the wall. I spun around and I watched Dean throw the stalker to the floor with more force that I thought he could muster and tower over him. Dean didn’t say a word, but the stranger let out a sharp cry of pain as Dean instantly brought his boot down on his ribs. There was a CRACK. He did it again.
And again.
And again.
And then he got down and pinned my attacker flush against the tarmac before he brought a closed fist down on his face over and over and over again, cracking his jaw and breaking his nose. Dean didn’t stop until the man was totally unrecognisable and unresponsive. Standing up off of his limp body, he looked over to me, his furious, almost animalistic stare softening instantly, even through all the blood that now painted his face. He took one step towards me before my feet worked on their own and carried me straight to him. I put my arms out to reach for him and he grabbed my hands and pulled me into his chest with zero hesitation, his arms circling me and his blood-soaked palms gently stroking my hair. I sobbed. I sobbed from the fear I felt, I sobbed for feeling like such a victim and I sobbed for the relief I now felt flooding my veins as Dean held me, not saying a word. Listening to his heartbeat with my ear to his chest, I felt so safe and secure that it made me want to sob even more.
Dean ended up taking me straight back to my room - he called Sam to tell him what had happened as he wasn’t going to be returning to the diner. I had my second shower of the day as soon as we returned, wanting to scrub everywhere that horrible man had touched. Whilst I was washing, Dean had headed back to his own room to shower off the layer of blood coating his skin. After I was satisfactorily clean, I dried myself and dressed in that old T-shirt I wore the night before, pulling on some fresh underwear and perching on the end of the bed. I picked up the remote and started mindlessly flicking through channels, hoping to find something to distract my racing brain.
I’d been sitting in the same position for around ten minutes when there was a gentle knock on the door. I held my breath as I got up and walked over, looking through the peephole. It was Dean. I released that breath as I opened the door and let him in. He’d changed from his usual gruff attire to something way more comfortable - a plain white T-shirt and a pair of plaid pyjama bottoms. He smiled at me. A kind smile, nothing like those teasing and sly ones we’d been throwing at each other since yesterday. This one was genuine, and it made my chest feel warm. He locked the door behind him as I padded back over to the bed and climbed on it, sitting right in the centre with my legs crossed. I pulled the T-shirt down to cover my dignity as Dean placed a carrier bag in front of me. I peeked inside. It was full to the brim of all different types of snacks and I grinned up at him.
“You sure do know how to treat a girl, Winchester.”
He let out a soft laugh and looked down at the floor before taking residence beside me.
“You’re the first one who thinks so”.
“Oh yeah?”
“There’s a long line of women who definitely think otherwise,” he smiled a slightly sad smile. We both paused before I continued.
“Well if it means anything, what you did for me today, I-” he held a hand up to stop me as he saw the look of fear flit across my features again, the horrid memory bubbling to the surface.
“It was the least I could do,” he said softly before his brows furrowed, “but to be honest I should never have let you out of my sight.” The almost protective tone of his voice made my heart flutter a little, but It was my turn to reassure him as I placed my hand on his shoulder delicately.
“Dean, none of us knew that would happen. I know you wouldn’t have left me alone if you genuinely thought I was in danger - after all, you DID promise to keep me safe from my own shadow,” I flashed him a grin which he quickly returned, chuckling. We sat for a few moments in a strangely comfortable silence before there was another knock at the door. I went to get up to answer it but Dean beat me to it, swinging it open to show a very concerned Sam stood in the doorway. He looked at me with those big ever-worried eyes and I shot him my best ‘please don’t worry’ grin.
“I’m fine, Sam” I called out to him as I tried to listen in on the hushed words Dean was speaking. They conversed for a while, occasionally throwing glances at me as I rustled around in the bag of goodies Dean had supplied. Growing bored of not being involved with their conversation, I scooted back on the bed to lean back on the headboard and proceeded to flick through dozens of channels until I found something decent to watch. A few more minutes had passed and I’d munched my way through almost half a bag of Doritos when I heard the door close and it was just me and Dean again. He had a paper bag that Sam must’ve passed him, which he held up and pointed to.
“The blood stains came out of my clothes, although Sam said the people in the laundromat were giving him strange looks,” he laughed slightly, those striking eyes of his looking down into mine as he took a few steps closer. I laughed slightly, only imagining Sam’s awkwardness in that situation. I broke my gaze away from Dean for a few seconds, looking down at my hands before looking back up. I could tell he was hovering now, just waiting for me to say something.
“Dean I’m fine, you don’t have to stay.”
“Are you sure? I don’t mind staying for a bit longer if you need me to” his hand ran over the stubble on his chin, his eyes not leaving me.
“Really, I’m ok. I’m probably just going to sit here and watch whatever this is-”
“It’s obviously Men in Black,” Dean scoffed. I smiled, finding comfort in the familiar snarky remark.
“Obviously - I don’t live under a rock Dean,” I rolled my eyes as I stood up, placing my hands on his chest. He was so warm to the touch that it was almost enticing me not to let go. The gentle thrum of his heartbeat was so soothing. But I did let go, and I spun him around to start ushering him to the door. As he was leaving, I grabbed my half eaten bag of chips and started munching again. He opened the door, stepping outside.
“Go back to your room Dean. I promise I’m ok. I don’t want you both hovering over me constantly making sure I’m fine; that will just make me feel worse,” I said as he spun to face me, nodding his head.
“Back to normal. Got it.”
“Great,” I said, sucking the tangy chip dust from my thumb. Dean suddenly reached out and snatched the half-eaten bag from my hand before quickly walking away.
“I’ll see you in the morning!” He shouted back at me before shovelling food into his mouth.
“You ass! I was eating those!” He shrugged in an overly animated fashion, not bothering to turn and look at me as he continued towards his room. I sighed, closing the door and locking it, sliding the chain across this time too. I padded back towards the bed and climbed in, pulling the covers up to my chin. As I started to drift off, the buzz of the movie still playing in the background, I smiled a little to myself:
Fucking Winchester.
Taglist: @creative-writing92 @suckitands33 @jackles010378 @lanassmarty @aliceeinwonderland420 @tina-theslytherin @deans-queen @hell0-ki11y111 @hobby27 @lilcuutiee @sobearcowboy @girls-alias @selfdestructionandrhum @ericasabe @lacilou @littlemadamred @viridiesa @anneanirac @deans-baby-momma @swimregulas @ashdoctor @littlemarvelstan8 @atcamillanorrman @deangirl96 @zannemes @kr804573 @foxyjwls007 @divadinag @ilikw @cookiemonstermusic258 @mysterialee @vsplanet @ababy-girl @joonseuph0ria @mxltifxnd0m @deans-spinster-witch @st4bl3-ch40s @raven-red10
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Up Next:
Chapter 6
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httpiastri · 2 months
❣️ what pet names would ollie, paul, pepe, clem, liam, arthur and dennis call you? (not sure if this is the right way to request, ignore it if i’m wrong)
❣️ – send me a prompt and one/a few drivers and i'll tell you how i think they would react!!
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ollie bearman
oh i totally see him calling you love in his silly british accent. especially when apologizing for something ("i'm sorry for being away for so long, love") or when asking for a favor ("love, could you pass the salt?"). just in general when he's being soft and romantic, to be honest. it just rolls off his tongue so easily, before he can even stop himself, and you always giggle at the fact that it sounds more like luv than how it's actually spelled. he's too british for his own good. i also believe he calls you honey, but more often just hun because it's quicker yet still has the same level of adoration behind it.
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paul aron
i've seen people on here say he would call his gf kallis and i think that's adorable. like yk how he still lives in estonia and probably speaks estonian most of his time, so it would be so natural for that pet name to slip out of him. in english, though, i think he would like to go for something along the lines of my sweet or my dear. especially when hugging you or cuddling you, holding you close and whispering "you did so well, my sweet". he loves to add "my" as a reminder that you're his and no one else's.
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pepe marti
call it cliche but he would totally go for mi amor. i imagine him coming home after a race weekend, when you're welcoming him home in the hallway with a big hug, and pepe kisses the top of your head with a whisper of "i missed you so much, mi amor". corazón could also be one, but i think he would love cariño, and he thinks it's so cute that he just finds himself smiling every time he says it to you.
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clement novalak
mon trésor. he said it once, just to be funny and cheesy, but don't think he didn't notice the way your breath hitched in your throat when the words left his mouth. he doesn't speak his mother tongue often, so hearing him use it just for you? it sweeps you right off your feet. he also loves to go for a good old babe, it makes him feel really cool. especially in front of his friends lol.
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liam lawson
darling. no doubt. it originates in the way that his mother used to call him by that pet name and something about it is just so dear to him. i also see him calling you idiot in an endearing way, like if you do something stupid he will just hug you tightly as he laughs, face nuzzled into your hair as he tells you about how you're "you silly little idiot... my silly little idiot".
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arthur leclerc
arthur goes classic. mon amour or mon bébé all the way. idk what else to tell you, he's just a sucker for those. though i also really see him as someone who wants to call you something in your own native language just to be cute, something along the lines of darling/baby/love etc.
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dennis hauger
excuse my norwegian for being a bit rusty but something along the lines of kjæreste, which (if i'm not mistaken) is the word for girlfriend/boyfriend but means more like "beloved"? i think he would love to speak to you in norwegian, even if you understand nothing of it. i also have a feeling that he would be good at using all kinds of pet names to be honest.
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glittter-vamp · 2 years
Buns |J.B
Warning/AN: Mentions of butts. Bit Raunchy. Some minor vulgar language. Fluffy-ish. Just something to quickly enjoy.
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You couldn't help but to laugh at the tweets you were reading on your phone. Last night your boyfriend Joe, that just so happens to be the star QB of the Cincinnati Bengals had a bit of a wardrobe mishap. It was LSU all over again. One of the players had accidentally held onto his pants trying to stop him from making it to the end-zone with the ball. Which meant, he showed his amazing butt cheeks on national TV...once again. You could only imagine how much the guys on the team were making fun of him. The internet was having a complete field day and many of the jokes were actually funny and you couldn't help but laugh and enjoy them.
"Full moon in Miami last night even though the forecast said rain showers." One of the tweets said.
"Awesome game last night, but totally got blinded by some surprise QB buns. Joe shiesty could use a tan." Another said. They were a bit mean but yet quite funny. 
"This just in, NFL is releasing a line of hotdog bread called Burrow's Buns, Joe burrow sold separately " Said the next. You just couldn't get enough.
You didn't know how long you had been scrolling down the memes and jokes on social media before you heard the garage door open. You quickly put your phone down and paid attention to whatever show was on the tv that you had drowned out in the time you were laughing at the jokes and memes. Joe walked into the house saying a soft 'Hey' and came up to you giving you a sweet kiss. He looked exhausted. "Hey baby, I made lasagna. Want me to heat it up for you?" You ask. "Please, I'm gonna go shower really quick." He says heading upstairs. You went into the kitchen heating up the food for him in the oven. As you wait, you were reading the memes your best friend had sent you about Joe. They had you laughing so hard you didn't realize Joe had came back down. "Whatcha laughing at?" he asks raising an eyebrow. "Hm?" You hum putting your phone face down. "Oh nothing, Taylor sent me some stupid tiktoks." You say checking on the food. "About?" He asks. "Just some dogs being funny." You shrug. You didn't want to lie to him but you didn't want to also add to the fire. I'm sure he got enough shit from the team and the internet for the past 16 hours. 
"Mom wants to know if we can make it to dinner tomorrow? I should be able to get out of practice at 4." He says going to the fridge to grab a water bottle. "Yeah that sounds fun, I work from home tomorrow so I can take you and pick you up at practice." You nod. As you take out the lasagna your phone dings. You make eye contact with Joe before he quickly grabs it and looks at the message. "I knew it! Not you too, What the hell Y/N!" he whines and you giggle. "Baby I'm sorry! but you have to admit...it's a little funny." You say holding in a laugh. "Is not!" He says like a child. 
"Hey look on the bright side, everyone knows you have an amazing ass. Not many guys can say that." You say and he gives you a look. "I thought my own girlfriend would be nice enough to not partake in the conversation and jokes about my butt, but here we are" He shakes his head and you snort. "You said but." You giggle and he gives you a look. "I'm just going to eat my meal in peace, okay?" He says turning to get a plate and you decide you pinch one of his cheeks. "Boop!" You say and he quickly turns around and towers over you looking down trying to hold in a laugh himself. "Okay, okay... I'm sorry! I'm done, it's over." You say trying to stop laughing. He slowly turns around to get a plate and you slowly grab your phone making your way out of the kitchen. "Okay but quick question, have you at least tried making it clap?" You ask and he quickly grabs the paper towel roll and throws it at you like her would a football but you were just quick enough to have it graze your back as you run away laughing. 
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Could you make a oneshot with wenclair x male reader who smokes and skateboards you can add anything you want to it just if R can have messy black medium long hair with purple ends and matching colored eyes
I was hoping I would see this one again I really wanted to do this one before my old account was deleted. I don’t skate so sorry if I sound like a poser.
Sk8ter Love(Male)
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Art by @ellie5756_milky on X
The halls of Nevermore were bustling as per usual. Students talking to each other, cliques walking in groups as per usual, the "mean girls" judging a random passerby, etc. One of these groups suddenly split as you sped down the hall leaving a streak of dark purple. "Watch it!" You yelled out. You were low to the ground on your board a hand on each side gripping the board to help maneuver through the halls, you expertly weaved through the halls having many close calls but you had been doing this for years so it was nothing new. After a few minutes, you reached your destination, your dorm. You power stopped in front of your door unlocked it and walked in picking up your board in the process. Walking in the sound of your roommate playing GTA V filled your ears. "Yo," Your roommate Damien said not looking at you. "Sup, what you doing?" You asked as you sat on your bed taking off your boots and watching the screen to see him get blown up by an oppressor. "I dunno," he responded as he blew out smoke. You rolled your eyes and stood up opening the window. "I thought we talked about smoking with the window closed?" "Forgot," you sighed and grabbed the cigarette from him and took a drag of it before blowing the smoke out the window, "Methonal?" "Yeah, one of the Vamps got it for me," Damien said as you got a text. "You could've asked me to pick some up," you said as you checked the text. It was from Wednesday from the group chat with her and Enid, opening it you saw a picture of yourself blowing smoke out the window. With the text under it reading. "You're smoking already?" You could practically hear her annoyance in the text. You chuckled and responded, "Were you watching my window waiting for me?" "...Just get up here already." "She totally was," Enid texted. You smiled and walked over to your closet. "Imma be at-," "You're girlfriends dorm all day. Don't call or text unless I'm dead," Damien said finishing your sentence. You chuckled tied your hair up loosely and left the dorm with your board.
When you arrive at their dorm you open the door and Enid immediately hides behind you. "Baby, calm her down!" "Mi Amor, please tell the mutt that she can't take the hoodie I took from you for herself," Wednesday said eyes locked on Enid like she was prey, Enid was wearing one of your hoodies which was Wednesday's favorite one of your collection. You sighed and pat Enid's head. "Pup give it back to Wends," you said as Enid pouted. "Why does she get to have one for herself!?" "Cause the one toy usually steal is dirty after you spilled juice on it. Again," you said as Enid groaned and took the hoodie off giving it to Wednesday who was Smirking. Wednesday slipped into it and Enid flopped on her bed and started complaining to Yoko and Divina how unfair you were being. You sat down on Wednesday's bed sat on your lap and took out your hair tie letting your hair fall to your shoulders. She took a strand of your hair and rolled it in between her fingertips. You found out early in your relationship Wednesday loved your hair. Unlike most teens, you keep your hair clean, conditioned, and soft. You always did hair care, skin care, etc. But, Wednesday always loved your hair especially, the way it flowed, and how your hair faded seamlessly into the purple color she came to adore. She loved how it glowed whenever you used your abilities. As she was playing with your hair and staring into your eyes she began to lean in for a kiss but was interrupted when Enid appeared behind you and pulled you down and kissed you first. Enid looked at Wednesday and jumped off the bed grabbing the spare skateboard you kept in the room and began to skate out of the room in an attempt to outrun Wednesday who got off your lap and began to chase Enid with her mace, the medieval kind. Thing crawled out from under Wednesday's bed and tapped the floor a few times. "Yeah... I should probably go after them."
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