#who the fuck makes assignments like that. literally any form of a prompt would be great thanks!!! i need at least a little structure!!!
kalashtars · 2 years
this week on is it a side effect of testosterone or just season depression: my midterm essay for a class was due two days ago. i have not started it. normally i would feel anxiety about this but i feel distinctly numb about it.
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seancamerons · 1 year
1, 10, 15, 16
Thanks for leaving me some fanfiction asks too!!
How long ago did you start reading or writing fanfiction? Damn, I had to been when I was around about twelve or maybe thirteen. I don't know if anyone remembers the-ndotcom message boards, various Degrassi message boards (mainly Degrassi boards aka DB, anyone around, I honestly doubt it?), and of course, fanfictiondotnet my online life in the mid-2000s.💗
When I was third grade, I remember writing things that resembled fanfiction. Typically based off of some shows I saw (such as Sabrina the teenage Witch, TGIF line up was awesome) or books I read like The Boxcar Children or Junie B, for these writing journal prompts for school the teacher would assign us. When I say it's all cringe and embarrassing as hell, Let's just say I'm glad no evidence of that writing existed. That wasn't even the tip of the iceberg there, I also wanted to *be* a friggin' author. I'd even include these cheesy bios for each 'book' I would make for myself bc I'd always see them in books I read in childhood.
Fast forward to 2003, my first fanfiction (when I knew I was writing fanfiction) was a doozy for Degrassi written about Sean, Craig, and Emma in some weird season 2 timeline with a love triangle, an ill-fated camping trip, Sean's newly sober mother made an appearance in the form of a camp organizer desperate to reconnect with her son and bring him home much to his chagrin, and other things I forgot about and wouldn't wanna think much on. I was basically winging it. I'm afraid it's gone. I had notebooks and notebooks filled with stories around this time.
10. Worst writing habits? Abandoning and giving up without a doubt. A horrid habit that becomes tempting when I get writer's block, and then I just start the hell over and make something totally new and forget about it drop it like a bad habit, and the cycle comes back around like a shitty boomerang. I then will read the old one months or even years later and be filled with regret or have five million new ideas for said abandoned story. Maybe then I rework it in the future someday or in a whole dif story which has been done before. I am already my own worst critic, but I hate super flaming, negative criticism that shit doesn't help anyone except be tempted to give up.
Some fic I abandoned needed to be, such as the Zoemund vehicle in a weird alternate season thirteen titled The Starlet and Dealer. Not that I need to explain myself, but I didn't feel right writing something portraying a couple with literally no chance on any planet, not even interested in men on the whole didn't make much sense. Also who would read that considering all that? It's available on fanfictiondotnet who cares? I moved on it's never gonna have an ending.
Backtrack has more of a chance of getting an ending, and yes, it's an *almost* ten-year-old fic, just saying.😄😄😄
Another habit is simply beating myself up, comparing myself and just simply hating on myself which I gotta stop doing. Honorable mention, stuff like not being in the mood to write, or getting too much on my plate and then not writing.
15. One-shots or multi-chapters? Multichapters Angst? Yes. Fluff? Yes. Smut? I'm not that brave ha, not for a lack of trying. I usually do the ol' Disney-style cut away. I'm so lame. Hurt/comfort? Yes. Fantasy? Nah. Romance? My bread and butter🥰. Which one is your favorite? Hmm I'd say romance with multiple chapters all the way! Which one is your least favorite? My least favorite is when the protag gets pregnant and the whole story is just fucked after that because it just doesn't interest me. It's just so unoriginal and a little predictable. Unpopular or popular opinion who cares, not every love story or romance ends with a baby or a pregnancy 🤷‍♀️. I'm down for a wedding that would be something fun to tackle in writing. No, really though, out of the listed, I'd say I don't care for fantasy.
16. What’s your favorite headcanon or trope? For semma related fic's stories, I like incorporating things such as emphasis on photographs, flashbacks to past events, and some other memories from their past relationships with one another or things we didn't get to see. For example, Emma had this little box with moments like movie ticket stubs, Sean's old denim jacket (before he started wearing hoodies), Emma's retired dolphin pants, obviously photographs, a few burned mix CDs, letters, and or notes passed from class, and more miscellaneous items.
As for Emma and Jay another Degrassi pairing I write often, for example, I like including a treehouse motif. It's a long story, but in my invented backstory for Jay, Connie (Fancy) is his mother, She left his father for Mr. Edwards (Darcy and Clare's father) she met at the strip club. They had an affair resulting in pregnancy so there's a drama with that. Obviously, Jay and Darcy clash (naturally) and act like they're not related at school is an arrangement beneficial to both for Darcy's popularity and Jay had a reputation to uphold and also there's Jay's young maybe five year old half-sister from Randall and Connie named Christina affectionately nicknamed Chrissy. Jay resents his mother for leaving their father and making this new family with these stuck-up people he seems to detest and what it did to his father who had fallen in a reclusive depression since their divorce.
Chrissy idolizes Jay and serves as an honorary shipper for Emma and Jay, and sometimes provides comic relief. At Jay's dad's house is where the treehouse comes in, and Jay's super attached to it and his father too who he is still close with. The treehouse is a special spot for Jay. He eventually brings Emma into his world and treehouse, and the setting symbolizes a lot in their relationship. All this lore was created long before Jay or Darcy had a canon backstory or last names purely based on speculation. There's also related Jay/Alex lore about their past relationship, invented things from their dysfunctional childhoods. I also have a host of headcanons for Emma, Manny, and JT's childhood memories growing up together.
For tropes, I dig the first love/true love, mutual pining, enemies to lovers, slow burns, and secret relationships/forbidden love is always fun to write. I recently attempted a fake dating story Faking It/(a03)
This all is a lot of fun to write. Thanks Emma! I hope you also like writing responses to these type of questions! I’m always available and down for more questions about fanfiction! 💌
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parkersbliss · 3 years
Part of The Crows
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pairing: the crows x reader (all platonic)
warnings: shadow & bone spoilers? cursing?
wc; 800 ish
synopsis: the life of a crow trying to kidnap the sun summoner is not easy
a/n; this was fun to write will probably do more if anyone likes it :D
Masterlist | Taglist | Prompt List
first things first
how did you become a part of this?
lets just say you were an assassin
like the best one in ketterdam
and assigned to kill mr. brekker himself
you have full confidence that you can
but when you sneak into his office
he’s just standing there, leaning on his cane
“whatever he’s paying you, I’ll double it.”
“join my crew.”
“you do understand I’m here to kill you, right?”
kaz shrugs, sitting on his desk
“I’ll double it.”
you were never going to say no
no one says no to kaz brekker
“yes, okay.”
“good. first assignment, go kill your old boss.”
and now you’re kaz’s personal assassin
you met jesper the next day
the first thing you do is fawn over his gun tricks
and he is more than happy to show off
“someone here finally appreciates me.”
kaz rolled his eyes
“is he always like that?”
jesper shakes his head. “he’s worse.”
then, you met inej
and as soon as kaz lead you to meet her, it was awkward
not awkward for them
but for you as you stood there and watched them just look at each other
there was something there
you coughed
“right. this is inej.”
you two instantly became best friends
you loved going places with her
more specifically, missions
she did the spying, you did the killing
and of course, we come to the big reveal
“one million Kruge?”
“to cross the fold?”
“money isn’t anything if we’re dEAD”
kaz shuts both you & jesper up with one look
“I have a plan.”
“do you now? just a reminder cant exaclty just walk through it.”
sometimes kaz wishes you came with a “very sarcastic” warning
obviously you guys take the job
and spend the entire fucking night trying to find a way across the fold
that’s eight hours of sleep you wasted with kaz of all people
running around ketterdam
which turns from let’s find a way across the fold to heartrender
and then you find the heartrender
take her to dreesen
you resist the urge not to laugh
was it THAT obvious?
“mr. brekker, no business man worth his salt hires his first applicant.”
*cue threat from kaz and jesper showing off his gun*
“you wouldn’t.”
“no business worth his salt would bargain for what he could take.”
you cross your arms, smirking
oh it felt good to be the ones in charge
“two weeks ago he crossed through the fold on foot.”
your eyes bug out of your head at that
and now you’re supposed to kidnap the sun summoner?
you, jesper & kaz share the same look of “utter bullshit”
“her name is alina starkov”
milana screams
no one else flinches
“you have until sunrise.”
oh great, another late night expedition
“he doesn’t have a way across the fold, you guys know that.”
you shrug, “it’s kaz.”
“just take the bet,” jesper whines
inej takes a shot
“he’s obsessed with taking down pekka rollins.”
“well of course he’s obsessed with taken down the guy who’s paid off stadwatch to get away with murder.”
“It’s more than that. I’ve seen the way kaz looks when he says his name. He wants revenge.”
you raise a brow at jesper, you thought kaz might’ve told her already
then inej is being summoned
“you want company?”
“I meant to-,”
“Just shut up jesper,” you said, patting him on the back
then in strolls mr. brekker himself
you don’t comment on the bruise forming on his face
“you all right, boss?”
kaz takes a shot, one that was YOURS
but you don’t say anything
“no. we’ve been wanted off the job.”
“by who?”
“who do you think?”
“did he recognize you?”
“if he did, I’d be dead.”
kaz checks his watch, “five hours till sunrise.”
“we’re off the job tho, right?”
god, that boy is so stupid
“never make a decision out of fear jesper, only out of spite.”
“well, greed always worked for me.”
“I prefer for the fun of it. or you know, sweet revenge.”
“you just like showing off your skills.”
“so do you.”
silence then “both of you, leave.”
you roll your eyes, nudging jesper
“lets go before kaz has both our heads on spikes.”
you’re functioning on no sleep running around ketterdam
and then inej asks jesper to kill someone for him
and then kaz finds a lead
and now you’re playing distraction with jesper as charming as ever
you’re so lucky you found the conductor
only after inej almost killed him
I mean seriously
“Don’t,” Kaz said
and then there’s a knife like inches from your head
“I’ll need 20 pounds of alabaster coal, a pack of majdaloun jurda and uh… a goat”
you begged to go get the goat
I mean literally begged
“Mate just let her go get the goat.”
“You’re with me.”
“Oh for fu-”
anyway you get the goat
kaz grips his cane and looks at you with raised eyebrows
you’re just like clutching this little goat
with all the love in the world in your eyes
and kaz cannot understand WHY
but that’s kaz
then of course you see the conductor making deals he shouldn’t
“kaz you have your scheming face.”
“I’m not-”
“I don’t like that face.”
“For the record, you don’t like any of my faces.”
“I dislike this one the most.”
if kaz could, he would punch you
addiction is real
jesper is a perfect example of this
land mine go boom
“please tell me you have 20 pounds of coal?”
“so slight snag in the plan…”
“we know you gambled it,” kaz deadpanned.
“I lost a little bit of money”
kaz gives him the look
“I lost all of the money, BUT I managed to steal 20 pounds of alabaster coal”
“this is sixteen”
“SIXTEEN pounds of alabaster coal”
“can we do it in sixteen?”
“never been done before.”
cue the dirty looks from everyone at jesper
you sit across from inej next to kaz
and then the tracks aren’t connected
mass panic, mostly from jesper
arker explains that it’s all fine as long as the volcra don’t attack
spoiler alert, they do
and one gets stuck on a spike
it just goes downhill from there
the coal is gone
“tHiS iS hOw wE dIE”
“jesper, gRAB THE GOAT”
“I’m not throwing out the goat”
inej grabs her knife and starts praying
and then arker casually says you’ll definitely die with the volcra weight
so now everything is fine
then a volcra rips open the top
and now arker is screaming
Inej is praying
jesper might as well be aLMOST crying
kaz looks unfazed
and you’re
well you
you’re screaming AT kaz
you don’t die
jesper shoots it
you lived
for now
you get off the train
brush yourself off, pretend like nothing happened
kaz coughs looking at you
“my promise stands true, by the way”
“is that so?”
“I will haunt you if I die”
“I have no doubt”
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mypoisonedvine · 4 years
It’s Always The Quiet Ones... | college AU dark!Peter Parker x (slightly)naive!reader
for @nsfwsebbie​​‘s dream fic challenge, I was assigned to write something for @harryspet​​ which was vv exciting bc I love her stuff ;-; no pressure right? lol (also thank you to @evnscvll​​ for being my proofreader, sounding board, and partner for some very strange texting for the purpose of screenshots!)
Here is the prompt I got: peter is a dork and is weird and quiet, and the readers friends dared her to sleep with him. turns out he was really kinky and is really good at sex. can be dark.  And hoo boy, did I run with that.  I hope you like it!!
Word Count: 4.4k
Warnings: smut (it’s consensual but with dubcon undertones, manipulation, and implied coercion/dubcon at the end), stalking, blackmail, voyeurism, and general creepiness.  Oh yeah and there’s some degradation and dacryphilia in there for good measure.
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You and your friends were in the middle of your daily cafeteria lunch, chatting about the same sorts of small talk you always did.  
“Oh god, it’s that weird guy from class!” Jackie blurted out suddenly around a mouthful of fries, pulling you out of the conversation you’d been having.  Everyone at the table whipped around and your eyes went wide. 
“Come on, don’t look all at once,” you hissed.  
“Who is this guy?” Cody asked, looking around with confusion.
“The guy in the blue hoodie over there,” Jackie answered, motioning toward him with her head.  It was Peter, setting down his tray of food and opening up his laptop, putting earbuds in.  He was pretty much always on his laptop, it seemed like.  He took a bite of his pizza before getting back to whatever he was working on.
“He looks normal, or normal-ish,” Mia shrugged.  
“No, no, you don’t get it,” you shook your head.  “We have him in Computational Physics on Tuesdays and Thursdays--”
“Plus Friday lab,” Jackie interjected.
“--and he’s… kinda…”
“Creepy,” Jackie concluded.
“No,” you denied, “not creepy.  He’s just… a bit awkward, I guess.”
“And he stares at you, like, the entire time we’re in class.  But won’t even talk to you.”
“Oh, that’s weird,” Mia agreed with a shudder.
“I don’t know,” you shrugged, “it’s kinda… sweet, maybe?  I mean, he’s just shy, right?”
“Oh my god you are such a slag!” Jackie teased, shoving you on the shoulder.  “You’re into him, aren’t you?”
“No!” you denied with wide eyes.  
“You’re just into the attention,” Cody rolled his eyes.
“I mean, it’s kind of flattering, isn’t it?” you admitted.  Jackie laughed.
“You should go over there and talk to him,” she decided.
“Nooooooooo, no way,” you shake your head.
“I kinda wanna see this,” Cody smirks.
“Literally just go over there and flirt with him, his head would explode,” Jackie suggested excitedly.
“I don’t even know how to flirt,” you chuckled.
“So you’re considering it!” Mia accused.
“I didn’t say that!” you squeaked.
“Pleeeeeease,” Jackie whined playfully.  “It’ll be funny.”
“I don’t usually sleep with people for comedic effect.”
“I’ll chip in $20 if you do it,” she offered immediately.  She turned to the rest of the table, “come on guys, we need to pool together and make her do it.”
“I’ve only got a ten,” Cody mumbled, pulling it out slowly before Jackie snatched it away.
“Okay, $30, who can make it $50?”
“Jackie, calm down,” you hissed.
“You’re telling me you wouldn’t sleep with him for $50?  He’s cute!”
“I have $35 and 67 cents,” Mia counted, shuffling through her wallet.
“Oh my god,” you groaned, your head falling into your hands.
“Just do it, for me,” Jackie said, suddenly sounding oddly serious.  You didn’t understand why it mattered so much, but you decided it couldn’t be that bad if you just did it.
“Fine, fine, just shut up and don’t stare at us,” you instructed, getting up to a ruckus of cheers.  You didn’t even take the money.
You walked across the cafeteria, messenger bag slung over your shoulder, and hoped you wouldn’t totally make an idiot of yourself.  If you hadn’t already just by talking to a guy over a dare.
He didn’t seem to notice you when you stood by his table, still focusing on his computer.
“Um, hey,” you waved, and Peter looked up at you as he took out his earbuds.
“Hi,” he replied quickly.
“What… what are you working on?” you asked, motioning to the laptop.  He didn’t stop looking at you, and he didn’t say anything.  “I… we have comp together?  You know who I am, right?”
“O-of course I do!” he suddenly perked up.  “Yeah, I just…” he trailed off and turned to his laptop.  “I was just working on this model.”
“Can I take a look?” 
He smiled a little, and moved his backpack out of the seat next to him.  “Go ahead!”
You sat down and leaned in to look at his screen.  
“It’s-- it’s not finished but, basically I just put the kinetic energy of an object on the x-axis, the potential energy on the y-axis--” 
You used the laptop’s touch screen to move the model around, impressed with his work.  “And the z-axis is the conservation of energy for work done on an object,” you finished.  
“Uh, yeah, exactly,” he nodded.
“It’s beautiful!” you realized, appreciating the variety of colors as each data point was suspended in the graph.  
“Do you do any modeling?” he asked you, and for a hot second it felt like a line.
“Um,” you laughed, “no, not much at least.  Nothing extracurricular.”
“I’m more into abstract math, if I’m being honest.”
He smiled.  “Oh, you’re one of those.”
You laughed, shoving him on the shoulder playfully, but regretting it as you saw his smile drop a bit.  “People are so judgmental about abstract math, as if it isn’t the study of the founding principles of mathematics.”
“So you think adding a pineapple and a banana is the foundation of mathematics?” he quirked an eyebrow.
“Okay, there’s so much more to abstract mathematics than weird variables,” you frowned.  “Like basic functions on matrices!  Don’t act like it isn’t dope as fuck to add, subtract, multiply and divide matrices.  If you saw my whiteboard in my dorm you would understand.”
“If I had a whiteboard now I could prove to you that abstract math is overrated,” he countered.
“I’d love to see you try,” you scoffed.  You hadn’t really meant it literally.  
“I don’t have anything for the rest of the day,” he shrugged.  It took you a moment to realize he was suggesting to actually come to your room and talk about math.  You weren’t sure if that was even what would happen if you went back to your dorm…
You opened your mouth to say that you were busy, that you couldn’t, that you shouldn’t, so you were a little surprised when you heard yourself say “sure” instead.
And that was how you ended up sitting on your kitchen counter with Peter Parker between your legs, kissing you like you’d never been kissed before.
It sort of happened all at once.  He just grabbed you and you were confused but went with it, because life is short and he was cute and his hands felt unexpectedly wonderful as they gripped your back.
You gasped a bit when he started to pull your shirt over your head but he didn’t slow down, quickly removing his own-- oh, hello there six-pack, nice to meet you-- kissing you again as he wrapped his hands around your waist and slid you off the counter, guiding your legs to wrap around his hips.  He carried you to the bedroom with unexpected grace; he was so much stronger than he looked.  And he looked different than he ever had before as he tossed you down onto your bed and started to kiss his way down your abdomen while his fingers slipped under the waistband of your shorts.
“Oh god, Peter!” you yelped as he kissed along your thighs, pulling down your shorts and underwear and tossing them to the side.
“Say my name again,” he demanded before instantly latching onto your clit, sucking and licking directly onto the bundle of nerves.
And you really had no choice in the matter, his name pouring from your lips over and over, accentuated with a yelp as he shoved two fingers into you, finding and massaging your g-spot before you could even process everything you were feeling.
“Oh my god, fuck, Peter!” you hissed, your head falling back onto the mattress so hard it bounced a little.
You were barreling towards an orgasm faster than you probably ever had before.  This was nothing like the few other hook-ups you’d had since starting college-- it wasn’t even like the times you’d been alone with your hand or a vibrator.  This was like an assault on the senses, so powerful that you couldn’t even really keep track of the sounds you were making or anything that wasn’t his mouth on you and his fingers in you.
“I’m gonna come, oh my god, I’m gonna come don’t stop please--” you moaned as your words turned into mostly incoherent nonsense.  How could you be expected to form a sentence in these conditions?
Thankfully, he didn’t stop.  He kept lapping at your clit as if he hadn’t even noticed your pleading, his fingers twisting inside you even as your walls clenched so tightly around them that it became difficult to keep up the pace.  Your hips involuntarily bucked against his face, your legs quivered as he refused to give you any reprieve from the sensation, but he kept going.
“Oh fuck, fuckfuckfuck Peter I can’t-- it’s too much-- oh god,” you babbled, but it fell on deaf ears.  A small part of your brain was confused why he wouldn’t stop-- you hadn’t told him outright to stop but it was kind of implied, right?  Wasn’t it some amount of not okay that he was still going?  It made your gut sink in a way that was equal parts disturbing and erotic.  
You were trying to pull away but his arms wrapped around your thighs and held you down.  God, he was strong.  He looked kind of skinny in those hoodies he was usually wearing, but now that he was actually exerting some force he was clearly muscular.  You felt helpless and it, oddly enough, turned you on.
“Peter, please, oh my god, slow down I-- I can’t take any more,” you whimpered; your voice came out all high-pitched and squeaky and it would’ve been embarrassing if you had enough brainpower left to care.  
He groaned against your skin but said nothing, using his teeth to lightly graze your clit.  Your whole body jerked at that, a sob tearing from your lips suddenly.  It felt like you were past the point of orgasm now and just lost in some sort of aggressively intense world of pleasure-- it neared pain, really.  You had never been pushed to your limits like this; you hadn’t even realized that there were limits which one could be pushed to this way!  It was exhilarating and exhausting and overwhelming.  You fought tears from forming because it would be so embarrassing to cry right now, and he would probably freak out and think you were hurt or something… maybe you were hurt, you couldn’t even tell at this point.  But at this point, it was unstoppable.  You were fucking crying from the overstimulation and he hadn’t even put his cock in you yet.  Your face was so hot that your own tears felt cool as they poured down your cheeks.
Finally, he stopped when he heard your sobs.  But instead of concern or fear or confusion, his expression was simply joy.
“Oh, you look so cute when you cry,” he cooed, sliding back up your body to kiss your tears away as they fell.  Then he kissed your mouth, open and sloppy and aggressive, and the taste of yourself on his tongue made your head spin.
Before you could collect your thoughts, he pulled back and made quick work of his jeans and boxers-- fuck, he was big.  
“You’re too kind,” he grinned, discarding the clothes and stroking his cock a few times.
You hadn’t realized you had said it out loud, and you felt a little nervous but then he was on you again, kissing you roughly and forcing his tongue into your mouth.  You felt him reaching down, gripping his cock and rubbing it through your folds.  You were soaked, and swollen, and nearly sore.  Every time the tip slid over your clit, you jumped a little.
He pushed into you ever so slightly, moving the head of his cock inside you and nothing more.  You whined with confusion and anticipation, but he continued on teasing you.
“Please,” you whimpered into his kiss.
He pulled back and looked down at you, his eyes blown so wide that they looked like they’d gone black.  “What was that?” he asked, and you sighed because you knew he could hear you the first time.
“Please, Peter,” you repeated, louder, “I need more.”
You sobbed with frustration, and desire.  “Fuck me, please.”
He thrusted forward and you groaned as his cock stretched you open.  It was like night and day, how he went from slowly teasing you to slamming into your eager walls.  You cried out and gripped at his arms, just trying to steady yourself and maybe stop your skull from whacking the headboard if possible.
“You love it, don’t you?  You love my cock,” he growled.  His voice was lower, gravelly.  He sounded like an entirely different person.
“Yes,” you replied weakly.
“Say it,” he demanded.
No one had ever talked to you like this before and it made your cheeks burn.  “I-- I love your cock,” you stammered.  
He smiled and you hoped you’d done it right, and that he wasn’t smiling at your obvious nervousness or lack of experience.  You didn’t understand how this was normally supposed to go, because you didn’t normally hook up with people so casually-- you had just never really been interested in it.  But now that he was fucking you so hard you could barely breathe, you were starting to get the appeal.  God, your last boyfriend hadn’t even made you come in five months of dating, meanwhile five minutes with Peter had made you a sobbing mess.  Even now you were biting your lip to hold back your tears from the sheer intensity of the sensations you were experiencing.
“Oh, you poor thing,” he pouted condescendingly.  “You don’t wanna cry but you can’t help it, huh?  You’re my dumb little crybaby aren’t you?”
You tried not to react to that but you knew he felt your walls clench suddenly.
“You like that?  You like being my stupid whore?”
“S-stop,” you begged weakly, feeling beyond humiliated.
“But you like it, angel, I can tell.  Don’t lie to me.”
He reached down to swirl his thumb over your clit, laughing at the way you tensed up and tried to squirm away.
“Is it too much princess?” he asked, but the nickname read less sweet and more mocking.  “Isn’t this what you wanted?  You asked me to fuck you.  Begged me.  Now you act like you can’t take it, like you’re this delicate little flower and not the dirty fucking whore I know you are.”
“I-- I’m not a whore,” you denied even as you struggled to suppress your obvious arousal from the derogatory nature of his words.  You felt a little guilty for being into it, and slightly insulted, but fuck if it didn’t make your back arch and your throat dry and your pussy so excessively wet.
“Oh, don’t play dumb,” he scoffed.  “But, maybe you’re not playing.  You really are dumb, aren’t you?”
You logically knew that it was too late to deny anything he said, but you still clung onto your dignity as best you could.  “N-no!”
“Not all the time, just when you’re wet.  Isn’t that right?  You get so desperate for cock and you don’t wanna be smart, you just wanna be somebody’s brainless fuckdoll.”
That sounded so appealing in some forbidden, filthy way and all of a sudden you were going to come again, any second now.
“Yes!” you nearly screamed, falling into your pleasure.
“Come on my cock, baby,” he encouraged, “come for me.”
You didn’t even sound like yourself with the noises you made, or maybe it was just that you’d never had the chance to make noises like that before.  Either way, your orgasm crashed through you and nearly punched the air out of your lungs.  Your toes went numb.  You didn’t even know that could happen.  And most important of all, your walls tensed and fluttered so hard that he began moaning into your ear.
“Fuck, ‘m gonna come inside you.”  You couldn’t tell if it was a warning, like he was asking permission, or if he was just informing you of his intentions which you would be powerless to stop even if you told him not to.  You didn’t have to find out because you were on the pill, but it made you realize all too suddenly that you should’ve had him put on a condom-- how could you have forgotten?
His moans turned hoarse and with a growl and a tightened grip on your hips, he spilled deep in you, coating your walls as his length flexed and twitched inside you.  For a moment you were just stuck like that, his weight holding you down as he caught his breath, and finally he rolled to the side and you could breathe cool air again.
“That was…” he began but trailed off, pulling you closer and kissing your shoulder.  “You’re amazing.”
It was quite the shift from how he had been talking before.  It was comforting, but you were still a little confused.  “Really?”
He laughed softly.  “Did you not notice?  God, I’ve wanted you for so long…”
You were curious about where he was going with that, but then he suddenly sat up.
“Do you want some water?” he offered.
“Uh, yeah,” you smiled.  “The cups are in the cabinet just to the left of the microwave.”
He nodded and gave you a quick peck on the cheek before sliding out of the bed, slipping his boxers on over his still-hard cock which was now coated in your come and his, and dashing out of the room.
You were mostly content to just lay there, although you felt uncharacteristically sore between your legs, and quite… sticky.  You glanced over to your whiteboard and realized he never had any intentions of talking with you about abstract math.  Was this just a one-time thing, or was he going to come back and ask you out?  Were you boyfriend and girlfriend now?  Or were you just a clueless romantic who thought that sleeping together meant more than it really did?
You rolled over and saw Peter’s phone resting on the bedside table.  He must have set it there when he was stripping quickly while you two had been making out-- or that’s what you were pretty sure the order of events had been, it had all happened so fast…
At that exact moment, the screen lit up with a notification.  You were about to roll back and not look at all, until you got a glimpse of the words.
PHYS 507, row 3, seat 14
You furrowed your brow.  It looked like an alert for an upcoming class, except that this was your class, the one you had with him, and it wasn’t until tomorrow.  No assignments due today, either.  And what was with the row/seat thing?  Peter didn’t sit in the third row… you did.
You picked up the phone just enough to angle it to see the rest of the notification.  It wasn’t a calendar alert; it was a text message.  “PHYS 507, row 3, seat 14” was the contact name.  You could only get a preview of the message…
okay, it’s done isn’t it?  can you please delete those pic….
You were curious, or maybe just concerned.  Was the seat number supposed to be the person texting him?  How were you supposed to keep track of who sat where to know who it was?
It had to be somebody from your row, but it was just you, Jackie, and a bunch of random dudes that Peter had never seemed to have any interaction with.
You assumed you wouldn’t be able to unlock the phone to even try to snoop, which you didn’t want to do anyways, but when you slid your thumb over the screen, you gasped when it opened straight to the conversation.  Who didn’t put a password on their phone?
okay, it’s done isn’t it?  can you please delete those pictures now?  I did what you asked.  I won’t tell anyone.  just send me proof that the photos are gone, please.
You felt a little sick.  You had no idea what this meant but it scared you.  You saw the conversation from before but it didn’t make any sense.  You scrolled back up to try to figure out what they were talking about and gasped when you saw a picture Peter had sent to the contact.
It was Jackie.  But she wasn’t alone.  She was on her knees in the lab room, and you gagged when you realized what she was doing-- or really, who she was doing it to.  
She’d told you she had a casual thing with a new guy but refused to say who it was.  You realized why now.  She was fucking your professor, and you just knew she was doing it to get a better grade.  You had been trying to figure out how she was earning higher marks than you but never seemed to be able to discuss the class material.  It all made sense now, but it wasn’t a comforting feeling.
You scrolled down a bit to see the conversation after the photo, and your blood went cold as you read it.
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You saw several more messages but you couldn’t bring yourself to read any of it.  You knew everything you needed to know.
You weren’t sure what inspired you to open his camera roll… of course you wouldn’t find anything comforting there.  But you had to see for yourself.
It was just a list of folders, so many you could keep scrolling for ages.  Each had a label and a thumbnail image.
The thumbnail of Jackie on her knees jumped out first.  PHYS 507, row 3, seat 14.  45 images.
A girl in a lacy bra posing for the camera.  PHYS 509, row 1, seat 8.  12 images.
Two girls making out in a crowded room, holding red solo cups.  ENGL 104, row 12, seat 5.  6 images.
A nude selfie in front of a mirror.  PHIL 108, row 2, seat 2.  14 images.
And then the one that made your heart stop.  It was a picture of you in a bikini, taken by a friend on spring break.  PHYS 507, row 3, seat 13.  1 image.
The second you jumped up, dropping the phone, he was there with your promised glass of water in hand.  
“What’s wrong?” he asked innocently.  Just a second of silence was enough for him to pick up his phone from the floor and realize what had happened with a grin.  “Oh, that,” he sighed, slipping it into his pocket after looking down at it with a sort of loving look, like he was proud of his work.  “I suppose it’s my fault for leaving my phone right there, without a password, knowing I would get a text from Jackie any minute.”
“You wanted me to see it,” you grimaced, “you wanted me to see what you did to my friend.  What you did to all those girls.”
“I didn’t do anything.  They do all the heavy lifting, I just hack them and get pictures of it.  Or, in your friend’s case, I hack them, find out they’re fucking the professor, and follow them to their next rendezvous.”
“You’re fucking sick,” you spat, and he just shrugged.  “You’d better delete those photos of Jackie.”
“I will, don’t worry,” he soothed.  “It’s a shame though, she was pretty prolific.  You, on the other hand, you’re a good girl.  You even had pretty good security, I respect that.  Here’s a tip: your ISP creates the intranet that your wireless webcam uses to connect to your laptop.  It’s password protected, but it defaults to your phone number, and most people never change it.  Including yourself.”
You shivered.  “You watched me with it, didn’t you?”
“Well, I had to since you didn’t have any good photos of yourself.  And you do a decent job of erasing your porn history… but not a perfect job.  You watch some interesting stuff.  And you look so hot with your hand stuffed in your panties, rubbing yourself to whatever nasty shit you’re watching...”
“Shut up,” you demanded, covering your ears, “stop, please.  This is so fucked up.”
He laughed a little.  “You look better in person though.  A webcam could never capture how perfect you look when you come.”
“Please just stop,” you sobbed.
“Stop what?  I’m just telling you the truth.”
“I should’ve listened to my friends.  You’re a freak.”
“Hmm, you seemed to like it before.”
“Just delete those pictures of Jackie… and let me go…” you seethed.
“I will,” he promised.  “But, I need something to make up for the loss of some great spank bank material.”
You felt sick.  But what else was new?
“I need to finally get some good pictures of you.  Come on, isn’t it sad that your folder is so empty?” he pouted, pulling the phone back out from his pocket. “I could ruin a lot of lives with these folders.  Just let me take a few photos and you can spare them all the humiliation.  Nothing I haven’t seen you do before.”
You really really wanted to just deck him, but you knew he could probably release those photos with just one push of a button.  He was prepared.
“Don’t post them,” you pleaded.
“You’ll be good?”
You clenched your jaw.  “I’ll be good,” you answered through your teeth.
“Oh, look at you,” he cooed, “such a sweet girl you are.  Helping out your friend even after she threw you into the lion’s den to protect her secret.”
You hadn’t thought about it that way.  A pit formed in your stomach.
“Now come over here and get on your knees,” he grinned, turning on the camera.    
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intynidad · 4 years
Hi hi!! Could I request the dorm leaders (if that’s too many, your favorites!) with a child MC? (Parental or older sibling sorta relationship) (also by child I mean 8-10 years old) Have a wonderful day, drink some water and eat protein! 💕
@moomoo-mochi OMG THANK YOU??
I love this so much I’m just a sucker for this kind of prompt!!
Also, this will be based on how I acted as a toddler (spoiler I was a stupid kid)
a health potion with risu giggles for a fellow merchant!
(also sorry I didn't know what to write for iidia or vil and I didn't want to write something that I wasn't satisfied 
The beginning 
-you careless puppy, How many times I told the two of you to be careful!- professor crewel was scolding you and your lab partner...well at your lab partner more than you, you were kinda busy trying to get out of the cauldron to listen 
You and your lab partner were assigned to do a regression potion that was supposed to work in reviving dead plants or turning rotten food into edible again but when you were measuring the exact amount of the last ingredient to finish the potion, somebody accidentally pushed you making you spill all of the ingredients...and yourself into the cauldron.
so now there you are extremely confused about what just happened and incapable of taking care of yourself for the 3 days the potion was supposed to last and now your lab partner has to take care of you until the potion wore off or mister crewel finds an antidote
Riddle Rosehearts
Riddle has an abusive mother and no younger siblings so our dear tomato is lost, he doesn’t know any rules that would help him take care of a little child so he asks trey for help (like most of heartsalybul when they have problems).
trey lets you eat pastries while riddle does his dorm leader duties but he looked away for a second and oops no child in sight...ok time to panic.
riddle was scolding some heartsalybul students that spilled all of the red paint in one of the chairs so now not only the other members of the dorm couldn’t continue painting but now the unbirthday party had to cancel and you know what happens when you break one of the queen’s rules
-OFF WITH YOUR- Riddle swung his magic pen
-wead!- riddle turn around to see you with a rose in your hand pretending it to be a magic pen
-off widd your wead!- you repeated swinging the rose up and down
riddle was stroked by your cuteness like a truck; he was speechless (also because picking roses was against the rules but lest ignore it) the two students he was scolding ran away because their dorm leader was picking you up and giggling at your little imitation of him 
-nono Off, with, your, head!-
-off wid your wead!-
Leona kingschoolar
-agh how annoying- the savanaclaw dorm leader wasn’t a big fan of children and much less taking care of them, he probably was gonna throw you at Ruggie or jack, both of them had younger siblings so they could probably take care of you better but there is one thing he didn’t count off
-LEONA OJI-TAN-...fuck, today was the day Cheka came to visit his dear oji-tan, now Leona is not only stuck with a brat but with a furball too.
-who are them uncle?-(owo who this) Cheka waved at the child that was behind his uncle’s legs-hi I am Cheka, wanna play tag?!-oh ho ho this gives him an idea
-Cheka this is Y/N, your new playmate-the lion cub had a little sparkle in his eyes
-you two can play all day and ill be watching you from that tree so have fun-hell yea he was a genius Cheka and you are entertained, and he can nap is a win-win situation for everyone
-WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHH- and there it goes his perfect plan
-oi, what happened- you were in  sitting on the ground while hugging your knee and crying your heart out and Cheka kneeled beside you trying to comfort you 
-I’m-I’m so sorry I didn’t mean to push you it was an accident- now he looked like he wanted to cry 
-agh you two cut it out-Leona said in a low growl while kneeling beside you-is just a scratch don’t worry just let me-he picked you up.
now all of you were in his room he gently  bandages your knee while Cheka was holding your hand for “moral support”
-kiss to make it better Leona oji-tan!-
-only if both of you promise to be more careful-Cheka nodded- ok “pain, pain go away *woshh*, there you go- you moved your knee and started to giggle while Cheka was already dragging you to continue playing, the two of you were lucky that both were cute because not everybody can see this side of Leona and live for telling it 
Azul Ashengrotto
-Come, come everyone!-the leader of octaville tapped his fedora-For the price of 25 madol you can have for a limited time only a  photo of our dear Y/N as a toddler!-
and of course, our dear capitalist Ursula is taking profit from this situation.
you were sitting in a little chair all dolled up while jade took pictures of you with different students and Floyd was taking the money from dose poor unfortunate souls
An hour passed and there were still about 50+ students in line for a photo when Azul notice something about you.
your hands were in the form of a tiny fist and your eyes were watery and you haven’t smiled at the camera for the last photos even when Floyd made funny faces behind jade you weren’t enjoying this.
usually, he wouldn’t care about it, he was making some good money and that was the important thing but you were different, you were his friend
-the lounge is closed, everyone get out, Floyd take care of that and jade-he looked for a second at you-make something warm for our little guest-
all of the students in line emitted different protest sounds but a look at Floyd grin and everyone was already on the exit
-sorry for all that little one- he lightly patted your hair-what about I pay you for your work with some treats?-
-*happy gasp* YESH!!-you hugged his leg with a strong grip-
-nee~ nee~, why Azul can have a hug from shrimpy and I cant?-
-FWOYD!! :D-
Kalim al asim
-Kalim, please calm down-Jamil said looking like he is gonna pop up a blood vessel
-Remember to breathe Kalim and please calm down you are scaring them-Jamil said while kneeling to be on your level
-*gasp* I’m sorry y/n, I’m just so happy to be with you, are you hungry?-you give a quick nod
for the surprise of Jamil, the fact that you turned into a child made Kalim more independent???
he knew that crewel sensei asked Kalim to take care of you but he kinda assumed he is the one who will end up taking care of both of you.
-emmm Jamil-and here we go-have you seen Y/N around?-
-excuse me whAT??!!- Jamil shouted- HOW DO YOU LOSE A CHILD?-
-I didn’t lose them I just….temporally misplace them...OK YES, I LOST THEM BUT IS NOT MY FAULT WE WERE PLAYING HIDE N SEEK!-
-sure sure Kalim never anything is your fault-Jamil said between teeth-
Kalim could be a literal ray of sunshine but one of his bigs flaws were his “rich person behavior”
because he was spoiled and lived in a bubble he didn’t understand that his actions had consequences, in the good side he was working on it.
two hours had passed since that moment are you were nowhere to be found
now the scarabia duo was starting to panic
-Jamil,...did that pillow made a sound?-
-I think so ?-
and there you were sleeping under a big mountain of pillows you fell asleep while playing so that, why you didn’t, respond to the calls of the two boys
-ok Kalim we found them and I hope this had taught you a lesson about taking care of things...well taking care of people-
-oh for the great seven I thought I was gonna have a heart attack-
-now you know how I feel and I really would appreciate it if you used this experience to-
And now Kalim was sleeping beside you
great seven give Jamil patience and have mercy on both of you when morning comes 
Malleus draconia
-arent you a little thing fufufufuf-
-old man be careful with them-silver said
you might be wondering, I thought malleus would take care of toddler Y/N?
Well, that was the plan...malleus is a reserved man, with no friends more than his two guards and the older fae that raised him, that was until he meets you, you looked at him in the eyes with no fear just a hint of curiosity.
you gave him his first nickname,”tsunotaro” a childish name that was almost disrespectful to the heir of the valley of thorns and one of the most powerful wizards of all twisted wonderland, yet you called him that silly name, you hugged him, you listen to him and he listened to you, you were his friend and precisely because that he left you at the care of Lilia, the mere thought of you screaming and running away from him made his heart ache
that always happened…
Malleus is used to that, since he was a child people looked at him with fear or caution but never with kindness except for one person, you
and he was determined to let that like that, but he couldn’t stop thinking what if something happens to you?
what type of friend he would be if he lets somebody take advantage of you in this vulnerable state?
a peek wouldn’t hurt
there you were, in the flower bed of ramshackle dorm both planted, taking dandelions from around and with inexperience and tiny hands crafting a flower crown too small for anyone except you.
he looked at you from the shadows carefully to not being spotted warding you like the dragon he is.
-hewo-small and tired eyes fixed behind a large tree
malleus was behind that tree…
-whats yowr name?-now standing up and slowly walking to the tree in question-are you shy?, is oke I won’t hurt yow-
like if a child could do any damage to him
-I made thwis fow you-you said reveling a second flower crown that was just a little bit bigger than the one in your head 
you let the flower crown on the floor near the tree and waited, malleus knowing how stubborn you were he knew you wouldn’t leave so he left his hiding spot thinking about the screams and the fear your little face will have
-waaaa, you big! (giggles)-again, no signs of fear-uppa uppa!-you said while rising your hands to the sky and opening and closing your little fists
malleus emitted a low chuckle and picked you up, when you got to his eye level immediately went for his horns  touching and grabbing all your little hands could
-you sure are a strange thing, little child of man-
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All In
F/M Pairing: Fem!Reader x Chan x Changbin (SKZ)
Genre: Established Relationship AU
Warnings: Oh. My. The Smut!! Language, alcohol use (minor), and please let me know if anything else needs to be tagged.
Word Count: 8.5K
Summary: Where you find yourself quite literally in the middle of Chan and Changbin, your two boyfriends who sometimes fight over what’s best for you.
A/N: Inspired by these asks from a lovely anon: here, here, and here!! Also, nobody on this Earth can tell me that they wouldn’t love to have both Chan and Changbin as their boyfriend.
Tagging @skzwriternet​
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There were less than one hundred words to type for your latest freelance assignment, but you were bored with the project - a mundane piece about the effectiveness of self-driving cars.
But you always had two people who could brighten your afternoon, and you just so happened to stumble upon your most recent text conversations with Changbin while scrolling mindlessly through your applications. You smiled at the message you had composed for him, knowing that he wouldn’t take well to your teasing:
To Changbin:
Binnie, I’m wearing the lingerie you bought for me.
You giggled at the obvious flirtation, but you also figured that Changbin was too busy to respond, and you were ready to put your phone away when an unexpected message flashed across the screen.
From Changbin:
Show me.
You swallowed hard at the request. Did he really mean that? Could you sneak away from your writing and snap a few pictures for your boyfriend?
Of course you could. It wouldn’t be the first time that you entertained Changbin’s demands to see you all dressed up for him. And in consideration of the all the nice things he did for you on a regular basis, you could sacrifice a few minutes of writing time to indulge his fantasies.
Plus, since you were home alone, you had no issue taking off your t-shirt and sweatpants, exposing the saucy lingerie you wore underneath - a cute black thong and matching bralette that complimented your figure. It was clearly everything that Changbin loved to see on you according to his preferences, and you experimented with different angles, holding out your phone as your spread your legs across the couch, giving Changbin a perfect view of the tiny piece of fabric cupping your heat.
And after your impromptu photo shoot, you scrolled through the snapped pictures, picking the best ones, and nodding in satisfaction at your careful selections before sending the images to Changbin’s awaiting inbox.
From there, it only took five minutes for him to respond, and you glanced at the delivered message from him and shivered:
From Changbin:
Oh, princess, I’m gonna ruin you.
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The message held all sorts of ominous implications, and you made sure to greet Changbin at the door because he was inclined to give you the cold shoulder if you ignored him.
You smiled at him as he removed his coat and tie, allowing him to corner you against the wall, accepting his eager kisses as his hands dug into the meaty part of your thighs. “Come here,” he said, crooking his fingers at you while you proceeded to follow him into the living room like a well-trained dog.
You watched as Changbin took a seat on the couch, patting his lap to show you where he expected you to sit, and you were more than eager to straddle his thick thighs, wrapping your arms around his neck as he reconnected your lips. The taste of him was like the literal embodiment of passion, and you were moaning across the seam of his mouth while Changbin hiked your skirt further up your legs, groaning when he spotted a flash of black, hands kneading your ass as he rocked you against his hardening erection. “That’s a pretty sight,” Changbin said, and he connected your lips once more, kissing you with all the romance and care that defined Changbin’s affectionate side. 
It reminded you, however briefly, that Changbin’s demonstrations of love had always stood in stark contradiction to Chan’s rough and aggressive treatment because it was often very difficult to even beg a compliment from your older boyfriend. “Your mind is somewhere else, princess,” Changbin interrupted your thoughts, tapping his fingers against your forehead to bring you back into the moment with him. “What were you thinking about?”
“You, of course,” you told him, running your hands down his shirt-covered chest, feeling the buttons as they crossed your palms.
“Good,” Changbin growled while he managed to successfully tuck your skirt around your delicate waistline, leaving you almost fully exposed where he clearly wanted you the most. “You sent me those pictures in the middle of my meeting,” Changbin continued, and you gasped when one of his fingers defied the barrier of fabric contouring your lower half, sinking into your warm heat with a sudden penetration.
“Changbin,” you whined, burying your face against the spot between his neck and shoulder, moving your hips to fuck yourself down against his finger because it was becoming clear to you that it would be all you were getting from him - a punishment for your earlier actions. “M’ sorry,” you said, breaths coating his skin with a thin sheen of perspiration while you tried to take him further inside, sitting down and enjoying every bit of friction as he scraped his nail against your sensitive walls.
“We’ll see how sorry you are,” Changbin said, latching his lips against the front of your throat to suck the skin between his teeth, determined to leave a mark. 
And you would’ve complained about the red blemish that he was going to leave behind had it not been for the sound of the door opening as your other boyfriend returned home. But he was earlier than you expected, not that it deterred Changbin in the slightest who didn’t even seem to notice that Chan was standing in the entranceway to your shared living room. Eyes narrowed as he took in the scene of you being split apart at the seams.
“You both knew better,” Chan said, and it was an unusual greeting that prompted you into attention, realizing that something was wrong when Chan tossed his expensive leather briefcase onto the counter before rolling up his sleeves - something he only ever did when he was trying to be more intimidating. “Did you forget our plans for tonight?”
You gasped and froze in Changbin’s lap, suddenly feeling every bit like a bolt of electricity had just run through your entire being, switching off your arousal-addled brain even while Changbin seemed to be on a totally different wavelength, adding yet another finger and filling the room with loud squelching sounds. 
It only served to piss off Chan even more, and you squealed when he interrupted Changbin to lift you up beneath your arms, tossing you over his shoulder with your thong-clad ass still on full display. 
“Hey!” Changbin protested, fingers shining with the evidence of what he had just been doing to your poor throbbing pussy.
“You both knew that we had dinner tonight,” Chan called back over his shoulder, and his tone carried an obvious warning. 
But Changbin wouldn’t be the one to suffer the consequences, and you were already dreading whatever Chan had planned when he dumped you unceremoniously onto the mattress in the master bedroom.
“Bend over,” Chan growled, and you whimpered but obeyed him, bracing yourself higher using your forearms for support. His hand twisted itself into your hair, turning your face to the side so that you were forced to look into his eyes. “What do bad girls get, Y/N?” 
“No, Channie,” you whined because the thought of going to this expensive dinner tonight with a sore ass was not high on your list of priorities.
“No?” Chan repeated, and you hated to hear him so furious, landing a hard smack to your backside without any prior warning. “Do you want to try that again?”
“I’m sorry,” you cried, wincing at the sting. “I forgot about the dinner.”
“You forgot?” Chan scoffed, and you knew that you had just dug yourself into an even deeper hole, wrestling against Chan’s hold even as he allowed three more firm hits in quick succession. “Why is that, baby? Did it slip your mind when you were letting Changbin finger-fuck you into oblivion?”
“It’s not her fault,” came a much-needed interruption from the man in question, and Chan turned around with a glare to look at Changbin who had joined the two of you in the bedroom. “I forgot about it too.”
Chan scoffed in disbelief, running a hand over his face with a growl. “Were you both ignoring me for this entire week? Or, did you think I was just making up stories about the dinner that my office was hosting for our big case?”
“Lay off, Chan,” Changbin muttered, and you were only slightly relieved when you felt him soothe his hand across the burning skin of your ass. “We only have an hour before we have to leave.”
You watched as Chan paused, looking at nothing in particular, but it was something Chan always did whenever he had to begrudgingly agree with Changbin, even when it meant interrupting whatever punishment his sadistic mind had concocted for you. Because Chan hated to be interrupted, almost as much as he hated being left out or forgotten. He always made these things into a much bigger deal because he had a rough past where he was frequently neglected and ignored. It manifested itself into bouts of frustration that evolved into situations like this with you hunched over in place, praying that Changbin had gotten through to Chan and your boyfriend would forget all about your stupid mishap.
“Hurry up,” Chan eventually conceded, and you breathed a sigh of relief when he left the bedroom.
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Chan was a big, fancy lawyer upstate with a bunch of older partners who had willingly taken him under their wing when he graduated. However, back when you had first met Chan in college, he was much quieter and withdrawn, and you couldn’t even imagine how he would ever become a successful lawyer. But he changed, much like most people do during those formative years.
Chan was a lot more confident in several aspects of his life, including his job and the relationship he had joined with you and Changbin. But you might never get used to how he exerted himself around others, with a degree of self-assuredness that spoke to his accolades. For example, Chan’s introduction of you when one of his colleagues opened the door to their fancy penthouse suite, examining you and Changbin with scrutiny while Chan offered your names and proceeded to make you both seem far more important than you really were...not that Changbin’s office job was anything to be ashamed of, but Chan would really play up the two of you when he was looking to impress.
“Your girlfriend is beautiful,” the man at the door offered, eyeing you with an interest that you didn’t appreciate, especially when Chan tried to tug you away from Changbin and closer to himself....and the pig eyeballing your chest.
Which is why you hesitated, clinging even tighter to Changbin’s arm, but Chan shot you a warning glare, and you reluctantly offered your hand to him which he held in a firm grip. “Hello,” you said to the Senior partner who smiled and forced a wet kiss to the back of your outstretched hand.
“It’s a pleasure to have you here,” the man continued. “Come inside, we have plenty to drink.”
Chan laughed at the rather unfunny quip, waiting for the older man to head back further inside before turning on you and Changbin. “Behave,” Chan snapped, looking between you and Changbin with a fierce glare. 
“Whatever,” Changbin grumbled, which you could tell that Chan didn’t appreciate, but he withheld the urge to argue.
Instead, Chan led the two of you into the outlandishly decorated penthouse, and you swallowed hard at the appearance of a golden chandelier hanging down from the ceiling - perfectly affluent in every means of the word. “Damn,” Changbin whispered, and you could tell that he was just as impressed as you.
And your open-mouthed wonder of the lavish space persisted throughout the rest of the evening - every time you tasted the sweetest champagne, nibbled on the most extravagant finger foods (caviar???), and indulged in the sweet little chocolates as they passed you on the trays of the smartly-dressed waiters. It was good enough to keep you entertained while Chan flitted from person to person, eventually leaving you and Changbin behind in the living room to go outside onto the balcony and enjoy a pricey cigar with some “very important” people.
Changbin sighed as he caught sight of Chan outside, craning his head back in laughter and smoke exhaled from his nose. “I don’t get why Chan wants to impress all these assholes,” Changbin said, tipping back his champagne to finish off the rest. “That old bastard over there in the corner? He hasn’t stopped looking at your tits since we sat down.”
“Changbin!” you hissed, incredulous that he would say something like that aloud.
“What? I can’t blame him,” he said, eyeing the swell of your breasts with obvious interest. “How fast can I make you cum from playing with your tits if we snuck away into one of the bathrooms, princess?”
“Chan wants us to behave,” you replied, even though you were very much weak for Changbin’s lips wrapped around your sensitive nipples.
“He won’t even notice,” Changbin grumbled. “But at least he’s in a good mood. It’s a nice change from hearing him bitch all the time when he comes home from work.”
“It’s a stressful job,” you tried to defend your older boyfriend, but you and Changbin both knew that Chan was taking the extra work on purpose, hoping it might land him a promotion.
“You hate it just as much as I do,” Changbin argued, snatching another flute of champagne from a startled waiter, downing the contents in two sips.
“It makes him happy,” you said, shrugging while playing with the hem of your dress - an adorable satin present from Chan for your birthday this past year.
“So, we can’t be happy?” Changbin asked, and it was a fair question considering the amount of arguing that your boyfriends had been doing for the past several months. Everything from serious issues like buying a new apartment, to something as inconsequential as the quality of your kitchen silverware.
“This promotion thing can’t last forever,” you pointed out, ever one to be optimistic even when things seemed less than ideal.
“I just want to get out of these clothes,” Changbin complained, pinching at the tight material hugging his thighs. “I wear suits to work everyday, and I hate being forced to keep them on for shit like this.”
“Well, I’ll make sure to take it off for you when we get home,” you purred into Changbin’s ear, brushing your nose across the lobe.
“You better keep that promise,” Changbin growled in return, and you were thrilled by the look of lust in his gaze. Even more so when Chan finally returned to you both with a bright smile and glossed-over eyes, clearly the result of too much alcohol.
“Ready to leave?” he asked you both, and you had never seen Changbin more impatient to escape a party.
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Once you were home, it didn’t take much to convince your boys to join you in the master bedroom - a few stray touches over clothes, whispered filtrations, and a quick flash of the expensive lingerie you wore underneath your dress before you found yourself kneeling between them on the bed.
Changbin had taken the initiative, kissing you like he was picking back up from where the two of you had left off from earlier that afternoon. And with some convincing, Chan agreed to share you tonight. Even though he still seemed grumpy about the fact that he couldn’t have you all to himself, but you were just glad that Chan was in a better mood, mouthing at your neck while Changbin unzipped your dress and drug it down your spine with his fingertips following the same direction.
“So good for us, princess,” Changbin said, taking a moment to look at you while Chan groped at your breasts through the thin material of your bra, nodding furiously when Changbin unlatched it from the back.
You allowed it to fall down your arms, leaving your entire upper half completely bare while you let Changbin drag you down onto the bed so that you were lying on your back with Chan dragging your panties down your legs. And Changbin had wrapped his arms around your torso, thumbs circling your nipples while he held you in an upright position, touching his lips against your shoulders.
“You made a mess, baby,” Chan remarked, and he spread your legs wide so that he could fuck into you with a grunt, starting an urgent pace from the second the head of his cock split your tight walls around him. 
“Oh!” you gasped, loving the rough handling from the very start, feeling yourself press back against Changbin with every thrust, nipples brushing across Chan’s abdomen as he held himself over you. 
It was pure heaven to be trapped between these two men, strong arms adjusting you to their liking, and thick cocks reaching places inside of you that had never been accessed before. 
“Does he feel good?” Changbin asked you, collecting the tears streaming down your face as you savored the glide of Chan’s cock between your folds. 
“Yes,” you managed between moans, reaching down to knot your fingers through Chan’s curls while your legs wrapped themselves around his waist, holding on for dear life as he used you to get himself off as quick as possible, cum dripping down onto the blankets underneath you.
And you came at the same time as your boyfriend, gasping for breath as Chan pulled out with a groan, supporting himself back against one of your pillows while Changbin brought you into his lap for his gentle touches, kissing the wet skin under your eyes and patiently waiting for your permission before he took his turn. 
Oh, but you never minded these nights when your boyfriends were compliant enough to share you, taking their turn fucking you until you were barely coherent. 
“Changbin,” you whispered to him, reaching down for his hard cock and giving his thick erection several strokes before guiding the tip to your entrance. 
“Green?” Changbin asked, checking in with your colors because he was always so considerate whenever the three of you had sex.
“Green,” you confirmed, and he was using raw power to lift you off his lap, biceps straining, moving you up and down his cock without any resistance.
“Oh, fuck, princess,” Changbin groaned, looking down at the place where his cock disappeared inside your pussy with longing. “Even after Chan fucked you...how can you be this tight?”
You whined at the comment, bracing your hands on his shoulders as he powered his cock between your pulsing walls, swallowing his cock and urging him to take you even deeper, kissing the head of your cervix with a delightful prod of his tip.
Changbin was built so strong - after all, he worked out every afternoon - but it was almost ridiculous how easily he handled you, forcing you along his cock with complete ease...like you weighed absolutely nothing. But it was unbelievably hot, and you could feel your thighs straining with the effort of holding yourself up in place, even if he was doing most of the work.
But he was hitting all your best spots from this angle, and you had almost blacked out after Changbin started furiously stroking your clit, sending you into another high that pushed your head right through the clouds. 
His cum joined Chan’s inside your sore pussy, and you could feel him softening despite the fact that your walls were still milking him for everything you could get.
“Greedy pussy,” Changbin panted, and you were almost proud of the fact that he looked just as exhausted as you did from your insane round of sex.
You were still breathing hard after your second orgasm of the night when you could feel the bed shift as Chan’s fingers dug into your hips, trying to force you away from Changbin. You whined in complaint because you weren’t quite ready for another round, squirming away from Chan and burying yourself even closer to Changbin’s warm chest.
Chan growled at your aversion, and you hesitantly glanced back over his shoulder to see that he wasn’t very happy with your unwillingness to let him have his next turn. “Gentle,” Changbin chided, and you whimpered when Chan’s strength won out and he manhandled you onto all fours, mounting you from behind before fucking his cock back inside without waiting for your compliance.
“Yellow, Chan,” you said, hoping that he would slow down, but it only seemed to spur Chan on even more, and he was practically bending you in half, pressing down on your lower back as his hips slammed against yours with every thrust.
“Stop,” Changbin snapped, and he shoved against Chan’s shoulder who wasn’t expecting the sudden weight, falling back onto the bed as his cock slipped free. “You’re being too rough,” Changbin said, and his eyes were narrowed at Chan as he pulled you closer, wrapping you into his arms and shushing your whimpers.
But Chan was even more pissed at Changbin’s interference, and you could only imagine the nasty look on his face as he spoke up from the opposite side of the bed. “You coddle her too much,” Chan said. “I know our limits.”
“Really?” Changbin snorted. “What kind of world do you live in where yellow means faster?”
“I would’ve stopped if she asked me to,” Chan said, and you were panicking on the inside because this sounded like the beginnings of another infamous fight between Chan and Changbin, and the two men were both stubborn and proud which meant that they could hold a grudge for weeks after an argument.
“Fuck, you just let her get away with whatever she wants,” Chan huffed. “She needs discipline!”
“She needs affection!”
“What the hell ever,” Chan snapped, and you watched him from the corner of your eye as he snatched his boxer shorts from the ground. “I can’t stand to look at you anymore tonight.”
“Good, maybe Y/N can have some peace without your negligent ass in the same room,” Changbin said, frowning when Chan shot him the middle finger over his shoulder on the way out, slamming the door to the bedroom closed with enough force to shake the entire apartment.
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It wasn’t the first time that Chan and Changbin had fought with each other, and it certainly wouldn’t be the last. But that didn’t give you any solace in the present, especially when fights between your boyfriends meant that your time was increasingly monopolized towards making sure that they didn’t do anything they might regret.
Of course, coming home after lunch with a friend, you weren’t expecting the detailed spreadsheet taped to the door of the master bedroom where you had been hoping to take a much-needed nap. “This is new,” you sighed, studying the worksheet outside the bedroom where a strict schedule dictated which of your two boyfriends would be sleeping with you - probably a product of Chan’s analytical brain.
On most occasions, whoever happened to fall asleep first would end up sleeping next to you in the bedroom, which had lately been Changbin because Chan often stayed up late to finish his work. However, given Chan’s competitive edge, you had a feeling that the two fought over this as well, resulting in the strict schedule that they would just expect you to accept.
“Chan!” you yelled, snatching the paper from the door while trying to track down your boyfriend. 
You walked out into the living room, discovering Changbin standing next to the large sliding glass door which led outside to the veranda - glass of wine in hand. “Probably in his office,” Changbin muttered. “He’s had a stick up his ass all day.”
You rolled your eyes, even though you thought you had gotten used to Changbin’s dramatics. “Are you really drinking before noon?”
“I needed it,” Changbin whined, holding out an arm so that you could slide into place next to his side, snuggled against his broad chest. “I think it’s fine to celebrate a day off from work with wine.”
“Let me taste,” you said, allowing Changbin to tilt the glass against your lips, swallowing down the grape-flavored liquid, until the sight of Chan walking around the corner had you choking around your mouthful.
“Careful, princess,” Changbin chuckled, frowning when he met Chan’s gaze.
“You called me,” Chan said, holding a bag in one hand, and using the other to snatch you away from Changbin, pulling you down onto his lap on the couch as he kissed you fiercely, keeping Changbin within his sights.
“Yeah,” you said, gasping for breath when you were forced to part from him. “I found this on the door?”
You held up the spreadsheet, arching one brow in question, but Chan merely shrugged and ignored the piece of paper as he reached into his pocket for something. “Look what I got you,” Chan said, opening the velvet box to reveal a gorgeous diamond necklace inside.
“Channie,” you whined, allowing him to fuss with the clasp as he hooked it around your neck, letting the diamond fall against your collarbone. “You shouldn’t have.”
“Why not?” Chan asked, pulling you even closer when Changbin sat down his wine glass on the side table. “I wanted to do something nice for you, baby.”
Oh, so this was the version of Chan you were getting? The one who demanded all of your attention in a petty attempt to keep you away from Changbin. Too bad your younger boyfriend didn’t get the message, looming over the two of you as he crossed his arms over his chest. “Are you done?” Changbin asked. “We had an agreement.”
“Duh, I’m not an idiot,” Chan snarked, keeping a smile on for you even as his shoulders tensed in anticipation of another brush with Changbin. “I’m with Y/N right now.”
“But it’s my night!” Changbin argued, and you felt like the metaphorical toy animal being torn in half by two less than willing siblings.
“The fucking sun is still up, smartass,” Chan said, sneering at Changbin as he dug his fingernails into your hips - a possessive gesture.
“You’re the one who thought making that stupid schedule would fix everything,” Changbin returned. “Y/N is mine!!”
“Boys!” you finally shouted, startling both of them as you forced yourself from Chan’s lap. “We’re not going to start this shit again, okay? I hate it when you both do this to me!”
“Princess..” Changbin whined, but his refusal to see reason wasn’t stopping your tirade, putting your foot down and ending this stupid argument before it got even worse - and it always did before there was any chance of it getting better. 
“No, Changbin,” you said, keeping your tone stern. “Last night was everyone’s fault. We know better than to just walk out without communicating - you both agreed to talk to each other whenever you disagreed on something. And I’m not just gonna sit here this time and watch you two treat each other like shit until someone breaks down to apologize! This fight is pointless, and I’m not about to let the two of you dictate my time because you can’t get along! Fix this shit now or you both sleep in the living room!”
You exhaled loudly at the end, taking deep breaths because you couldn’t remember the last time you had felt so agitated. But that’s what your boyfriends brought out of you in situations like this, and you left them behind to work whatever problems they had between each other before barricading yourself in the bedroom with a cold bottle of water and some ibuprofen.
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You didn’t cry over them this time; after all, plenty of their arguments in the past had driven you to tears and you were tired of it. Instead, you ruminated in silence, staring up at the ceiling of the master bedroom while waiting for the day’s exhaustion to finally catch-up to you.
However, you certainly didn’t anticipate a knocking at the door, followed by the sudden penetration of light from outside as Chan and Changbin both entered the bedroom while wearing matching looks of shame. “We’re sorry, princess,” Changbin said, keeping his head down as Chan sighed.
“You’re right about us fighting,” Chan said, and he walked over to the edge of the bed, brushing his fingers across your arm. “We talked about it, and we both know that it was a stupid fight. You didn’t deserve to put up with our mess.”
You snorted in agreement, patting the bed on either side of you as Chan and Chan eagerly snuggled against you from both sides, even if it was a tight fit on your queen-sized mattress. “S’ okay,” you said, allowing them both a kiss. “I went overboard too.”
“Not as much as us,” Changbin said, and his hand was gripping tightly to one of yours. 
“I’m used to your fights,” you said. “I just wish they wouldn’t happen.”
Changbin whined while Chan sat up a little to look down into your eyes. “You’re right, baby, and we’ll do anything to make it up to you.”
“Maybe even right now,” Changbin said, and his fingers teased the hem of your nightgown. “I think Chan and I can prove to you that we know how to play together.”
“I don’t know...” you trailed off, knowing full well you would eventually relent, especially once they started touching you - Changbin skimming his fingers across your thighs while Chan found your clit between the silky fabric of your gown. “Do you want me from both ends?” you asked, and you could tell that they both liked that idea.
“Let’s make sure you’re ready for us, princess,” Changbin said, and you moaned when his fingers disappeared under your gown to fill your pussy so well, working on stretching you for his impossible girth.
“Good boy,” you said, just to see Changbin blush while Chan worked hard to remove his clothes, fisting his cock as you let them both move you into position, helping Chan kneel down in front of you so that you could wrap your lips around his cock, tasting the precum already beaded on the tip.
Chan threw his head back with a groan as you bobbed your head up and down his cock, trying to ignore Changbin from behind you as he opened the bottle of lube, applying a liberal amount to his fingers before inserting his fingers again, moving along the walls of your tight cunt. 
“I love your mouth, baby,” Chan said, staring down at where you were hollowing your cheeks, taking him so well as the tip of his cock repeatedly hit the back of your throat. You tried not to gag, even as saliva pooled from around your lips, dripping down your chin and Chan’s cock.
“Are you ready for me?” Changbin asked, and you whimpered when Changbin’s cock penetrated you as you sunk down on him, groaning as his thickness stretched you to the point where you felt like he was in your stomach.
Chan was surprisingly gentle as he waited for you to adjust, only moving his hips at the same time as Changbin, and the three of you fell into a rhythm: once Changbin thrust his cock into you, Chan pulled you even further down his own erection, stuffing your mouth to the point where you couldn’t even hear yourself moan.
They used you like you were pliable, simply existing to satisfy them as you moved back and forth between the two men you loved. “You like this, don’t you, princess?” Changbin asked, grunting low in his chest as he started to pick up the pace, making it even harder to handle Chan’s full length in your mouth, sucking on his pulsating erection like your entire life depended on it. 
“She does,” Chan replied for you, since your mouth was full of him, but you could tell that he was close, supporting yourself against his thighs as you waited for him to spill down your throat.
“Touch her clit,” Changbin said, holding your hips to help piston his cock at just the right angle, and you were barely coherent when Chan instantly obeyed - bringing his thumb down to rub circles on the little bud that always brought you the most pleasure.
Full at both ends, with your clit and g-spot being stimulated just right, you were barely hanging on by a thread. But you didn’t want to cum first; thankfully, Chan came just before you failed to keep yourself together, emptying his release down your sore throat before focusing entirely on getting you off. And when Chan was determined to do something, he was always successful.
“Channie!” you cried, reaching a bombastic orgasm that had you nearly blacking out because Chan was still working your clit while Changbin continued to pound your little ass, working himself to fill you up with his cum.
“Changbin,” you gasped, trying to hold on so that he could release where he wanted, and it only took a few more pumps of his hips before his cum was filling you to the brim, leaking down your thighs as soon as Changbin pulled himself free, collapsing next to you on the bed.
“Fuck that was amazing,” Changbin said, and both he and Chan helped clean you up before holding you as best they could between one another on your too-small bed, but the lack of space did nothing to deter the fact that it still was the best aftercare you had ever experienced. 
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But here’s one argument you could prevent in the future: who gets to sleep with you at night without forcing everyone to deal with a cramped space.
After your night of passionate lovemaking, you convinced Chan and Changbin that it was time to invest in a bed big enough for all three of you to share at night. Which is why you found yourself in the middle of a furniture store, perusing the endless options while Changbin quipped about the music selection playing overhead.
“What about this one?” you gasped, falling in love with the mahogany-colored wood frame, running your hand along the smooth surface before falling down onto the mattress, giggling when Changbin joined you.
Chan sighed as he scrutinized the display sign while you and Changbin rolled onto the bed together, stretching out your limbs because the king-sized mattress was enormous! “It’s amazing,” you continued, trying not to scream when Changbin started to dig his fingers in your sides playfully.
“You’re gonna get us kicked out of here,” Chan said, ever the responsible adult between the three of you.
“Well, we have to see if it works,” you pointed out, patting the space behind you as Chan rolled his eyes but crawled in next to you, warming you from behind while Changbin nuzzled into your neck. “This feels nice,” you said, allowing your boyfriends to spoon you from both sides.
“I like it too,” Changbin commented, smooching a kiss across your lips when you weren’t expecting it, whining because it was wet and messy.
“It’s a little out of our price range...” Chan ventured, but all you had to do was turn to look at him with your best pleading expression, and he was breaking down with a muttered curse while reaching for his wallet.
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The next morning, you woke-up with Changbin holding you from behind, frowning when you realized that Chan must’ve stayed up late to finish his cases.
It defeated the purpose of waking up together, but at least you had fallen asleep with both of your boyfriends, and that was as fine of a start as any you could imagine. Hopefully, when Chan managed to calm down at work, you could enjoy those mornings you were imagining, smiling at both Changbin and Chan as you exchanged kisses and cuddles under the warm blankets.
“Mmm,” Changbin hummed from behind you, squeezing your waist while trying to open his eyes. “What time is it?”
“9,” you said, pecking his nose as he reluctantly let go of you, realizing that he had to be at work soon.
“Shower with me?” Changbin asked, and you hardly needed any convincing to join your muscular boyfriend underneath the warm pressure of the water, allowing him to run a bar of soap over your body, lingering around your breasts and the needy heat between your legs.
Afterward, the two of you walked into the kitchen together, and you discovered that Chan was already waiting with breakfast displayed on your finest plates. He watched you both as Changbin sat down at the table first so that he could perch you on his lap, holding you close while reaching for one of the croissants from the center basket. He started breaking off little pieces, bringing them up to your mouth to feed you while Chan seethed at the affectionate display.
“You’re being too nice,” you commented, allowing him a single kiss before he continued to dote on you, ignoring Chan who was mumbling about how there was a perfectly fine chair that you could sit on.
“Anything for my princess,” Changbin said, and you sighed because it was incredibly cheesy, but that was an endearing part of Changbin’s flirtations.
“Thank you, Binnie,” you said, puckering your lips for another kiss while you heard Chan muttering a curse from across the table. “Shall I clean up?” you asked once both men had their fill, grabbing the dirty dishes and carrying them over to the sink so that you could take care of them later.
In the meantime, you thought it might be nice to sit with your boyfriends for a while before they left for work, but you soon realized that a pleasant conversation was the last thing on Chan’s mind. And you gasped when Chan turned you around, bending you over the table and pulling your panties down your legs, spreading your thighs with his feet as he worked on his belt.
Changbin simply smirked at Chan’s actions, reading over the newspaper that he had stolen from Chan while sipping at his coffee - like it was just another casual morning in your shared household.
Perhaps it was true, but you couldn’t help the first moan that slipped free from your lips when his cock filled you with a pleasant stretch. “How does that feel, baby?” Chan asked taunting you with little rolls of his hips that were far too teasing for your liking.
“Faster,” you begged him, and he seemed to be in one of those moods where he ignored what you wanted, pulling out slowly and repeating the sensual motions over and over again at a snail’s pace, keeping you just dangling from what would drive you to the edge. 
But Chan was being petty after putting up with Changbin’s doting, refusing to just give-in and pound you onto his cock like you knew he could. Instead, you could tell that he was punishing you for not sitting at the table earlier, forcing him to watch you swoon over Changbin. And jealous Chan was a greedy lover, which meant that every time Changbin so much as glanced in your direction, Chan was trying to shield your body from his gaze, burying his face into the side of your neck as his cock stroked your insides so well.
“Don’t get cum on the floor,” Changbin said, peeking at you from over the top of the paper. “It’s hard to clean.”
It was a throwaway comment, but Chan didn’t take well to Changbin’s interruption, and he started moving even faster, forcing more moans to leave your lips as he started hitting your g-spot perfectly on every thrust. “Like you haven’t done it before,” Chan growled in return, hands holding your hips so tight as he pummeled you against the table, bruising your hips on each stroke that forced you to collide with the rough wood.
It felt so good, even the pain from his touch and the table, and the added stimulation of Chan’s fingers moving messily around your clit - everything was guiding you by a string to the precipice. And you were more than willing to follow that string to the end, falling off the edge with an explosion of ecstasy, coming around Chan's cock with a stuttered gasp of his name. 
Your boyfriend grunted when you squeezed his cock so good, lips pressing against the back of your neck as he came inside, and you both remained in that position for a few moments longer, savoring the delicious release, until Changbin slammed down the newspaper and stood up to get you both a towel.
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The remainder of the day progressed uneventfully, and you were still preoccupied with your freelance work by the time your boyfriends came home.
Chan must’ve went straight to the office, but you followed your nose to Chanbin who was standing in the kitchen over the stove. “Are you cooking tonight?” you asked Changbin, leaning into his weight as he smiled and offered you a gentle peck in return.
“Well, it was supposed to be Chan’s night, but I didn’t want to bother him when he got home,” Changbin explained.
“He must be in a bad mood,” you remarked, keeping yourself perched on the counter-top next to Changbin as he grilled.
“Go check on him,” Changbin suggested, giving your ass a teasing slap when you hopped down from the counter.
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But it was far too quiet when you stood outside of the office, holding your breath once you knocked and received no response.
“Chan?” you asked, opening the door to the office so that you could step inside the room.
You frowned when you discovered that Chan was sitting at his desk, eyes glued to the computer screen as his fingers made a mess of his curly locks. “Are you okay?” you asked him, and the sound of your voice interrupted whatever strange reverie he must’ve been locked inside.
But the look on his face sent a shiver down your spine. “What did I say about interrupting me while I’m working?” Chan growled, forcing you to bend over his lap as he pulled up the hem of your t-shirt, exposing your ass to him. 
“Y/N,” he replied, and you relaxed when you realized that his tone wasn’t angry - he was just looking for a way to relieve his frustration.
“I’m sorry I came in here,” you said, playing along with his charade.
“It’s too late for apologies,” Chan said. “How many do you think you deserve?”
“Ten?” you asked, wincing when Chan hummed in response and started to rub his hand over your ass.
“I think that’s sufficient,” he agreed before giving you the first slap - a sharp stinging pain that went straight to the wet arousal decorating the front of your panties. “Make sure you count for me.”
“One,” you whispered, closing your eyes and relishing the closeness to your boyfriend’s evident excitement - erection already straining through his jeans.
“Good girl,” Chan said, and the next three hits were much harder than the first, filling the room with the sound of skin-on-skin and your stuttered counting, gritting your teeth through the pain laced with something erotic.
You wondered if Changbin was curious about your absence, or if he just assumed that something like this would happen: you stretched out across Chan’s lap, his cock digging into your stomach, while he imprinted his hand across your ass. 
“Ten,” you eventually exhaled, sucking in a sharp breath when Chan grabbed you by your hair, curling his fingers through the strands while forcing your head to look at him, colliding your lips together in a messy exchange of tongue and teeth.
“Look at you,” Chan said when you broke apart for air, hoisting you higher on his lap to bring your back against his chest, shoving his hand down the front of your panties to run his fingers through your wet folds.
“Right there,” you gasped when he inserted an index finger to the knuckle, using his thumb to canvas rough patterns of circles against your throbbing clitoris.
“I’ll finish you off, baby,” Chan growled into your ear. “But I expect you to return the favor.”
“I will, Channie,” you promised him, whining when he pulled his fingers from your panties, gripping you beneath your underarms to help you turn around on his lap.
“At the same time,” he said, reaching down to unbuckle his pants and free his engorged length. 
You moaned when he held himself at the base of his erection, rubbing his tip against your clit, stroking himself with a tight fist while you used one hand to ground yourself against his shoulder. 
Eventually, you took over from him, pleasuring his cock so that he could return his attention to your needy cunt, inserting two fingers this time and giving your clit the pressure you needed to cum spiraling out of control, dropping your head against his chest as you finished him off - feeling his release drip down your hand.
“Y/N,” Chan grunted, and you managed to look at him when he kissed you again - something sweet and soft that melted you. Because kisses like this were rare from Chan, and you figured it had something to do with the fact that Changbin wasn’t around to tease him. 
“I think dinner will be ready soon,” you whispered against him, leaning back to offer him a smile since the one you received in return reached every warm part inside of you.
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When you and Chan emerged from the office, Changbin made a grand ceremony out of his latest concoction - some kind of stew that was meant to be really healthy.
But the smell was questionable, and Chan grimaced after his first bite. “Uh, what the hell is this supposed to be?”
“You don’t like it?” Changbin asked, looking at you for a second opinion, and you forced a smile while taking another bite.
“It’s good, Binnie,” you reassured him, and Chan frowned at your blatant lie while Changbin smirked in that self-satisfying way of his that always promised a good time for you later on.
Still, the three of you managed to have an amiable dinner, talking about everything from Chan’s work to your latest freelance projects. There was a good atmosphere following the end of your meal, and you promised Changbin that you would help him clean-up, following him into the kitchen with a smirk.
You both started on the dishes together, but you made sure to tease him at every opportunity, brushing your hands and fingers together when he handed you a plate, or rubbing your chest against his back whenever you walked between the counters.
Eventually, Changbin gave-up on his practiced indifference, looking at you with a playful gaze. “Is there something you want?” Changbin asked, and you didn’t even need to say anything as you dropped down onto your knees in front of him. “Did you like dinner that much?” Changbin chuckled, but you ignored him while working down the zipper of his jeans, reaching inside for his half-hard cock before giving yourself a taste of his beading precum.
Changbin inhaled at the first touch of pleasure, bracing his arms back against the counter while he watched you work your magic with hooded eyes. “Was this your plan all along, princess?” he asked, but you knew that Changbin was a big talker whenever it came to one of your legendary blowjobs, and you continued to ignore him while taking as much of his girthy length as you could manage, feeling your lips part around him as you relaxed your jaw and throat.
“Can I takeover?” Changbin asked, and you gave a quick nod before one of his hands was coming down to grab your hair, thrusting his hips to force the rest of his length into your warm mouth, forcing you to gag at the sudden intrusion. “So good,” Changbin whispered, throwing back his head with a moan. 
It made you feel good too - knowing that Changbin was taking so much pleasure from your mouth, tongue tracing the slit at his tip because you knew that he was extra sensitive there. And Changbin reacted just as you thought he would - growling out your name as he lost all control and jerked his hips back and forth to get the most out of what you were offering to him.
You would have a killer sore throat in the morning, but it was worth it to see the blissed-out look on Changbin’s face, watching him cum with a mumbled curse around your name.
“I guess I’ll have to cook more often,” Changbin remarked, pulling you up onto your feet to kiss away your tears.
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Later on, you sat between your sated boyfriends on the couch, watching some sort of Christmas movie on TV while disregarding the popcorn that Chan had made.
But your eyes were starting to grow heavier, leaning more of your weight against Changbin as you tried not to fall asleep. It was starting to get late, and you knew that Chan had noticed the signs of your exhaustion when he turned to look at you for a moment before looking back at the film. “Bed, Y/N,” Chan said, still staring at the TV and ignoring the way you cuddled even closer to Changbin.
“She can stay up until the movie ends,” Changbin said, carding his fingers through your hair.
“She’ll feel like shit when she wakes up early in the morning,” Chan retorted.
You frowned when you sensed another argument between them. “Let’s have a bath together,” you suggested, breathing a sigh of relief when they both reluctantly agreed.
“But then you’re going to bed,” Chan inserted, and you rolled your eyes but agreed with him.
It was just Chan’s way of looking after you, and the three of you walked to the bathroom together, Chan working on getting the water to the perfect temperature while you and Changbin made a big show of taking off the other’s clothes, running your hands across bare skin and kissing him with tired eyes.
“Go ahead,” Chan said, starting to remove his own shirt and pants while Changbin sunk down beneath the water first with a groan, holding out his hand for you.
“Thank you, Binnie,” you said, feeling nothing short of affectionate as you offered him another kiss before you sensed Chan making himself comfortable behind you.
You squealed when Chan wrapped an arm around your waist, pulling you against his chest while Changbin reached for your discarded razor from the sink, supporting one leg against the tile while he started to run the blade across the expanse of your skin. 
“Comfortable, princess?” Changbin asked, and you nodded your head in agreement.
“We should do this more often,” you said, smiling when Chan started to massage some of your shampoo into your hair.
“But not too late,” Chan reminded you, but you couldn’t find it in yourself to be annoyed by him; after all, he was only trying to take care of you - they both were - and you could think of no better ending to a chaotic afternoon than the situation you found yourself in - enjoying the presence of both your boyfriends as they showed you just how much they loved you. 
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But you hate each other - Tierna Davidson x Reader
Prompt: I’m horrible at prompts but a baby T imagine where the reader and her are college rivals? or something along those lines. 
Not sure if this is what you wanted, hope I am close.
“Y/L/N and Davidson,” one the of the team managers called out the room assignments for the camp that all the players just arrived for.
Y/N and Tierna both slowly stood from their chairs in the boardroom, walking to the front to get their room keys.
The rest of the players sharing brief looks, knowing there was some animosity between the two players. They had played for years together at Stanford, always an under lying tension simmering. Y/N and Davidson got along, for the most part, but there was definitely some form of rivalry between them.
Neither of the soccer players said anything, each taking a key, continuing to the elevators to their room.
“Remember, bus in half hour for training!” Vlatko called after all the retreating players.
The elevator ride up was in silence, everyone unsure of what to say, sensing the tension.
 Half an hour later, the team was on the bus making their way to the first practice of camp. The roommates now separated, the tension gone.
The tension returned near the end of practice during scrimmage, Tierna at defense and Y/N at forward, the two regularly facing each other.  
The two battled the entire scrimmage, neither letting up.
“It’s practice Davidson, chill the fuck out,” Y/N said, getting up from another slide tackle from Tierna, frustration evident.
The defender just rolled her eyes, ignoring the forwards comments.
Everyone watched on as the two challenged each other for the scrimmage, waiting for the tension to become too much. Neither player pushing the other too far, just enough to frustrate the other.
After practice, everyone made their way back to the bus, todays practice had been relatively easy, meant to ease the players back in, tomorrow would be fitness testing however.
Y/N and Davidson had both been quickly swooped by other members of the team after returning to the hotel. Everyone having the same mindset, wanting to avoid any potential conflict between the two.
While the team knew there was some unspoken tension between the two, no one had been bolded enough to ask where the tension came from, surprisingly.
“Alright Baby T, what is the deal with you and Y/N?” Julie asked while they lounged in her room later that evening.
“What do you mean? Her and I good,” Tierna replied, confused, focused on her phone.
“What do you mean what do I mean?” Julie commented again, “the two of you look like we shouldn’t even trust you guys to room together.”
“Y/N and I are a little competitive together, that’s it,” Tierna commented again, shrugging her shoulders, smiling at her phone now.
“If you say so, you guys just looked ready to take each other out at practice this afternoon.”
Julie dropped the subject for now, knowing she would still keep an eye on the two younger players.
 “How long do you think they’ll go?” Sam whispered to Rose.
The team was doing the beep test, Y/N and Tierna were the last two running. Both exhausted, pushing themselves well past their limits.
As they each approached the line again, they glanced to each other, giving each other a small nod, they ran again.
Both had far surpassed the mandatory level, Dawn watched the players closely, debating how far to allow the players to push themselves.
Watching them go one more, both of them struggling to get full breaths. Dawn decided enough was enough and called them off.
“Alright thing one and thing two, that’s enough. I don’t know what competition you have going on but it’s done.”
The two stood next to each other, hands on their knees catching their breath. They both glanced to each other, sharing a small nod and smile.
“They smiled at each other, they can’t totally hate each other,” Rose whispered.
 Camp continued the same. Y/L/N and Davidson continue to battle each other at everything; getting on the bus first, finishing eating first, getting to the room first to shower, everything. Practices were brutal between the two, neither working to injure the other, but challenge the other.
Vlatko had kept them on the same team for scrimmage this practice. As much as the two seemed to have a strong distaste for each other, they worked incredibly well together. Connecting passes easily, reading where the other would be, meshing incredibly well.
Everyone was stunned watching the two, not expecting the two to play so well together. The two may have played together at Stanford, but watching the two play after seeing how much tension there seemed to be was nothing short of incredible. The two played together flawlessly. Y/N had even managed to help Tierna score during the scrimmage.
 “What the hell was that?” Julie questioned as soon as they sat on the bus.
“What was what?” Tierna questioned, not looking up from her phone.
“You really need to stop answering my questions with a question! And who are texting all the time?” Julie challenged, frustrated.
“I really don’t know what you’re talking about JJ,” Tierna said calmly, glancing up from her phone, avoiding the second question.  
Julie just rolled her eyes.
“How the hell do you and Y/N go from looking ready to tear each other apart to playing like?”
“We played for four years together at Stanford, obviously we are good together,” Tierna shrugged, going back to her phone.
“You are impossible! The two of you ran each other into the ground during the beep test, now you’re sending her passes without even looking!” Julie countered, frustration mounting.
“Don’t know what to tell you,” she just shrugged, cutting off the conversation.
Julie flopped back in her seat, aggravated.
“What are you up to tonight? I think a few of us were thinking of watching a movie,” Julie tried to change the subject.
“I’m pretty tired, I’m just going to spend the night in my room,” Tierna replied.
“You and Y/N going to manage not to kill each other?”
“I’m sure we’ll manage.”
 Once at the hotel, everyone made their way to their own rooms.
“Seriously Dunny, it’s not right. How do they play four years together, but hate each other so much?” Julie ranted to Crystal in their room.
“I don’t know Jayje, maybe something happened while they played. You saw them today, they work well together, last week they broke the beep test record, I wouldn’t worry about it.”
“Nope I don’t like it!” Julie expressed, jumping off her bed and making her way to the door.
“Where are you going?” Dunn jumped up as well, following the blonde.
“To make them be friends!”
Julie stormed down the hallway to Y/L/N and Davidsons room, stopping briefly at the front desk for a copy of their room key. Bending the truth slightly to convince the person there to give her a copy.
“This ends now!” She explained, pushing the hotel door open.
Barging into the room, Julie stopped at the edge of the bed.
“You have got to be kidding me!” She exclaimed, when she saw the two women.
Y/N was laying on her back, looking confused having just been woken up. Tierna slowly pushed herself off Y/N’s chest, just waking up as well.
“What?” Y/N asked confused, voice gravely with sleep.
“You hate each other!”
“It would be really weird if I hated her,” Tierna sat up fully, rubbing her eyes and yawning.
“That’s literally the opposite actually,” Y/N sat up as well, adding her own yawn.
“Wait, what?”
“Hate is the opposite of how I feel about Tierna,” Y/N smirked.
“Quit toying with her,” Tierna smacked Y/N on the chest. “We have been together since Junior year at Stanford.”
“Wait, what?” JJ repeated.
“We don’t hate each other, we having been dating for several years, she plays in Chicago, I play in Houston, we live together in the off season in California,” Y/N sits up fully, clearly explaining what’s going on.
“Wait, what?”
“What else is there to understand? We are competitive together, neither big fans of PDA, don’t know what else to tell you,” Tierna shrugged as well.
“Congrats?” Julie said hesitantly, still seemingly confused.
“You staying? Or can we go back to sleep?” Y/N asked, sliding back down to go back to sleep.
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halpertstuna · 4 years
Could you do 8 and 10 on the prompt list with JJ?
A/N: i’m so sorry it took me so long to answer, i’ve been pretty occupied lately and so i didn’t really have time to write and when i did it was for ‘someone to stay’, anyway, here it is i hope you’ll like it🥺
and PLEASE don’t hesitate to send me requests, questions, messages whatever you want. i would love to make friends and mutuals on this platform plus i love feedback and would really like to hear your opinions(:
also, this turned out way longer than i intended it to be, it was supposed to be a blurb but i guess i’m just gonna turn it into a whole ass imagine cause why not
-> prompt list <-
word count: 1,899 (oops... guess i got a bit carried away)
prompts: “i’m not jealous!”, “you’re hot when you’re mad”
pairing: jj x kook!reader
warnings: a pretty heated make out sesh, jealousy?, platonic Kie, Pope and John B. oh and typos probably.
btw, i was kinda in a rush to post this so please forgive me if it’s not that good, i’m too lazy to edit this again (and this is the first time i wrote something that’s kinda smutty? i mean this isn’t really smut but you get my point. don’t know how i feel about it), anyways, if you’ve made it this far in my insanely long intro congrats! enjoy <3
-> masterlist <-
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(gif credit: @anakin-skywalker )
It’s been almost two years since you started attending the kook academy, almost two years since you became one of the pogues.
On your first day there you met a brown haired hippie chick named Kiara. The two of you had chemistry together and were paired by your teacher to be lab partners.
On your first encounter you didn’t really talk, and on the following couple of lessons it developed to only small talk and warm smiles if you saw each other in the hallway.
Kiara didn’t like kooks, even though technically she kind of was one.
Judging by the way you dressed and the people you surrounded yourself, she didn’t think you were really the type of person she’d get along with.
But when the two of you got assigned to do a project together, you instantly proved her wrong.
You met up with her at the wreck, the two of you talked about the project then yourselves and bonded almost immediately.
You revealed that you actually hated the people you usually associated with, thinking they were all fake, stuck up snobs with their heads way too far up their asses, and the only reason you hung out with them was your parents.
You turned out to be really reckless and funny which she wasn’t expecting at all, but she liked, it kind of reminded her of someone, her best friend, JJ.
She was quick to introduce you to the rest of the pogues and they welcomed you with open arms into their group. You instantly befriended them and vice versa.
Just as Kie suspected, you got along extra well with one particular blond.
The two of you had a lot in common; you were both hot headed and impulsive which often got you into trouble. You two were pretty competitive, always challenging one another.
You being so similar was the reason you got along so well, but it was also the reason you fought a lot, neither of you ever willing to admit you’re wrong or be the first one to apologize, but you couldn’t stay away from each other for too long. The sexual tension between you two could be cut with a knife.
Hungry glances, longing touches, needy desires that were transparent on both your faces.
Everyone on the island could see it but you. You were both so terribly oblivious.
You tried treating him like the rest of the pogues, you pushed your feelings for him to the back of your mind, thinking he was just being friendly, knowing he was a flirt, and for almost two years, it worked.
But seeing him flirt with Harleen tonight was literal torture.
Harleen was your neighbour and former best friend. A tall, tan brunette you hated with all of your heart.
The two of you have known each other since birth, you were practically inseparable, but as you grew up you noticed she always wanted what was yours, and she always did whatever it took in order to gain it. Whether it was the new shoes you got for your birthday which she bought herself the following day, or the guy you told her you liked in middle school the week prior to her dating him.
With time your friendship grew toxic and you felt like she was bad for you, constantly bringing you down and never caring.
So you decided to defriend her and ever since that moment you despised each other.
You were sat on a log beside Kie at a kegger, Pope next to her as they argued about god knows what. You tuned them out, far too focused on each and every one of JJ’s actions, watching as he whispered in her ear.
He probably said something funny since she started laughing, leaning forward and grasping his bicep for balance, which made your blood boil, you felt like history was repeating itself.
The grip on your red solo cup tightened, you stared and it seemed as if lasers were about to shoot out of your eyes and burn her pretty face off, but you diverted your gaze down to your hand, jumping up slightly when you felt a cool sticky liquid on your fingers, noticing you accidentally created a hole in your cup of beer with your milky white painted nails.
“Wow, what did the poor cup ever do to you?” Pope joked, his and Kie’s attention averted to you the second they heard a pop coming from your direction.
“Huh? Oh, well it didn’t tell me how pretty I look tonight, take that as warning sign” you trailed, trying not to look suspicious, “are you sure it isn’t because JJ told that to the girl beside him instead of you” she implied winking, causing Pope to cackle with laughter.
“What was that?” You asked rhetorically trying to act intimidating, “oh nothing” she gave you an innocent look.
“Anyways... i’m gonna go get a new drink” you swiftly stood up and started walking until you made out John B. from afar who was stood by the keg.
“Refill?” He questions once he spotted you making your way towards him.
You nodded “I accidentally poked mine” you admitted lifting the ripped cup in your hand and pursing your lips as you came to a stop beside him.
As he poured you a new cup of beer with the tap head connected to the keg by a tube, you searched the crowd with your eyes and focused your attention on JJ again.
You’ve seen him flirt with a countless amount of chicks before - kooks and torouns mainly, but none of those times pissed you off os much as seeing him flirt with Harleen did.
I mean he probably didn’t even like you back, so why where you so pissed? It wasn’t different from any other time, except that this was Harleen. She was a bitch. But he’d probably catch on quickly, right?
He placed his hands on her waist and you clenched your jaw at the sight grinding your teeth, you were irritated by the whole situation.
John B. noticed, a sly smile spreading slowly across his face.
“Hey, want some peanut butter with that jelly?” You turned to face him, a dumbfounded look on your face, “what are you talking about?” You raised an eyebrow at him.
“You’re obviously jealous”, he chuckled at the bewildered look on your face and you felt your cheeks heat up. “am not!” You denied huffing.
“Tell that to the vein popping out of your forehead” he teased.
You gasped and jabbed his chest playfully with your elbow, you mumbled a “shut up” then channeled your attention back to the two.
Her hands were rested on his chest, like that wasn’t enough already to send you off the edge. But when he pecked her cheek you lost it.
Abruptly you stormed off from where you were stood, John B. shouted from behind you “where are you going?“ but you ignored him.
When you approached JJ and Harleen you clutched onto his wrist dragging him away from her towards the chateau, ignoring both her and his protests. You led him inside then turned around to face him.
“Hey! What did you do that for? It was going really good for me! This better be an emergency” he sneered.
“Are you fucking serious? Out of all the people in the party you chose to hit on Harleen?” You scoffed.
“What’s the problem with that?” JJ was clueless, he knew nothing about your and Harleen’s rivalry. You never told any of the pogues, well except for Kie but she didn’t recognise her as the one flirting with JJ.
“The problem is Harleen hates my guts and the other way around. We used to be best friends but she became toxic, trying to take everything that I had and I’m not going down that road again JJ”
Your words confounded JJ, what did you care if she flirted with him? It wasn’t like he was yours, although he really wanted to be.
Does you caring about whether they end up together or not mean you wanted to be his too?
Then he noticed what emotion your eyes held, he’d never seen it before on your face, but he immediately recognised it.
“Wait.. are you jealous?” He questioned, the corners of his lips perking up into a smirk when he noticed the furious look on your face from his revolution.
“I’m not jealous! Would everyone please stop saying that?! I’m mad ok?!” You defend.
“Ok! Ok!” He surrendered lifting his hands up in the air “but just know, you’re hot when your mad”. Your mouth slightly agape as you weren’t able to form words to deny, far too transfixed under the fact he directly called you hot.
He started walking towards you slowly, you didn’t want to cave, to admit you have fallen for his charms, so you backed up until you felt your back gently hit the wall. Chest rising and falling quicker as your breathing started getting heavier and your heart beat faster.
The second his hand landed on your waist you felt a million butterflies erupt in your stomach, he tenderly stroked the exposed skin of your v line between your low cut shorts and crop top. You felt as if the skin under his finger was being set on fire.
He brought his other hand to rest beside your head on the wall, he leaned in, inches away from your face. His breath mingled with yours, fanning your lips, it smelled of cheap beer and weed.
He slowly moved to your ear and extolled in a low voice “I mean, really hot”, his warm breath sent shivers down your spine.
He left a sloppy, open mouthed kiss on the skin under your earlobe and you could’ve sworn you were seeing stars.
When he detached his lips you bit down on yours holding in a whimper at the loss of contact as he brought his face back to yours.
His blue orbs gazed into yours, they seemed darker than usual, lustful.
He waisted no more time and captured your lips with his. You didn’t hesitate to kiss him back.
You wrapped your hands around his neck and pulled on the edges of his hair deepening the kiss. As your tongues fought for dominance, he brought his other hand to your ass and squeezed it causing you to moan, he took the chance and slipped his tongue in.
you tugged on the hem of his shirt and he got the message. He separated his lips from yours and within less then a second, practically tore it of his body and discarded it on the floor. The two of you were panting at this point, completely out of air but you didn’t care. Breathless, you reattached your lips to his, desperate to taste him again.
You caressed his much bigger length with your petite hand, signalling you wanted more and he groaned into the kiss.
“Up” he demanded mumbling agains your lips. You jumped up and wrapped your legs around his waist, he grabbed your thighs and without breaking the kiss led you into the spare room.
Almost two years of yearning and craving dissolved in that night at the chateau, and to think it happened because of Harleen.
As much of a bitch as she was, you did owe her that.
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knuffled · 4 years
Just Practice - Chapter 14
here’s the latest chapter! hope you all enjoy it! if you could leave a comment, it would mean the world to me! not that many people commented last chapter sadly. 
ao3 link for people on mobile
Out of all of Annabeth’s friends, Piper undoubtedly had the largest house. It was a beautiful three story house with a modern minimalist aesthetic, but it somehow also managed to retain a homely atmosphere. As an aspiring architect, Annabeth thought that it was a feast for the eyes, but Piper had never liked it, mainly because her father was hardly ever home. That was ideal for someone like Annabeth, but Piper was a huge extrovert so she found it unbearable having such a huge house to herself. Piper did her best to circumvent that by having friends over whenever possible, a role that usually fell on Jason’s shoulders, but Annabeth had dropped by after school instead to work on a partner project that they had been assigned for their history class.
Piper greeted her at the front door, practically half-asleep. She was wearing pajamas that had smiling cartoon cupcakes printed on them, her choppy hair was thoroughly disheveled, and her eyes were dazed and unfocused. Annabeth was particularly amused by the impression left on her face from sleeping with her cheek pressed against the seams of two sofa cushions.
“You look positively glamorous, darling.”
Piper half-heartedly rolled her eyes and led her to the living room. “Shut up, I was doing hot girl shit.”
“I didn’t know napping qualified as ‘hot girl shit’,” Annabeth said, making air quotes.
“There’s a reason they call it beauty sleep, babe,” Piper said.
They stopped at the living room, and the sight there only made Annabeth’s smirk widen. It was a complete mess, strewn about with empty bags of cheetos, bottles of kombucha, and half-empty oreo trays. Annabeth crossed her arms over her chest and gave Piper a significant look, wondering what sort of excuse she would come up with, but Piper just flipped her off and dove belly first onto the sofa.
“Before you ask, I was too busy to clean,” Piper said, voice muffled by a sofa cushion.
“Busy doing hot girl shit?” Annabeth prompted innocently.
Piper turned her head to glower at her. “You’re such a bitch sometimes.”
Annabeth bit back a smile and lifted a half-empty bottle of kombucha from the coffee table. She gave it a ginger sniff and gagged at the fermented smell.
“I don’t know how you can drink this stuff.”
“It’s good for your digestive system,” Piper said, sighing.
“I hate to break it to you, but I don’t think it’ll be enough to offset the fact that your diet consists solely of flaming hot cheetos and oreos.”
“I’m seriously like ten seconds away from kicking you out of my house,” Piper warned.
Annabeth laughed and said, “Alright, alright, I assume that means you’re ready to start working on the project then?”
Piper groaned into the sofa and forced herself to sit upright. “You’re an absolute menace.”
Annabeth rummaged through her backpack for her laptop and the project rubric instead of looking at her. “I love you, too.”
Piper sighed melodramatically and cleared the coffee table of its aforementioned debris so that they had a place to work. They spent nearly two hours researching content for their project, and Annabeth was happy with the amount of work they were able to get done. For all their bickering, she and Piper had always made an excellent team, and this project was no exception. That being said, by the end of the two hour mark, Piper was beginning to burn on fumes.
“God, why on fucking earth did I ever think taking AP Euro my senior year was a good idea,” Piper groaned, burying her face in her hands. “Spring break can’t come soon enough.”
“It’s still over a month away,” Annabeth laughed. “We could take a break if you’d like.”
Piper looked up at her abruptly with wide eyes. “Who are you and what have you done with Annabeth?”
Annabeth rolled her eyes and said, “We got a lot of work done, so it’s fine if we chill a bit.”
Piper pressed a kiss to Annabeth’s cheek before she could react and beamed at her. “Want something to eat? I’m getting hungry.”
Annabeth scowled and rubbed her cheek. “Uh, do you still have Oreos?”
“Of course, I do,” Piper grinned. “I’m not a heathen.”
Piper pretended to wipe a tear from her eye. “Oh, Annabeth, I am so proud of you.”
“Oh my god, shut up,” Annabeth laughed, shoving her.
Piper danced to the kitchen and came back a short while later with a fresh box of oreos and two glasses of milk. Annabeth’s step-mother was a health nut, so they never had junk food at home. She also had to adhere to a strict-ish diet because she was an athlete, so this was the first time in literal years that Annabeth had had the chance to eat an oreo.
“These are a lot better than I remember,” Annabeth said.
“You’re goddamn right. Oreos are gods gift to humanity,” Piper said.
Annabeth smiled. “Now, I wouldn’t go that far.”
“So ungrateful,” Piper sniffed. “You can get sent to hell for that sort of thing you know?”
“For not being obsessed with oreos?” Annabeth laughed.
“For having bad taste,” Piper said, giving her a significant look.
“Guilty as charged,” Annabeth sighed. “I mean, I’m friends with you after all.”
Piper groaned and shoved her. “Bitch.”
“You started it,” Annabeth laughed. “I was just enjoying my oreos in peace.”
“I have been nothing but a gracious host, and yet you come into my house and insult me and my all time favorite snack for good measure,” Piper said, shaking her head. “This is why whites don’t deserve rights.”
Annabeth raised her glass of milk. “I’ll drink to that.”
“Sometimes, I honestly wonder how Percy puts up with you.”
“Easy, he’s a lot nicer than you, so I don’t feel the need to sass him,” Annabeth said, shrugging.
“Sounds fake, but okay.”
“You’re just in denial,” Annabeth teased.
Piper rolled her eyes and said, “How is he doing by the way? I haven’t talked to him lately, but I know State is around the corner.”
“He’s doing okay, I think,” Annabeth said. “I haven’t really asked him about it.”
“No Valentine’s Day plans, I’m assuming?” Piper asked, wiggling her eyebrows.
“Nah, I don’t want to break his concentration,” Annabeth said, shaking her head. “How about you and Jason? Got a hot date lined up or something?”
“We were just thinking of getting dinner some place nice,” Piper said, shrugging.
“So that means Taco Bell is a no, then?” Annabeth asked, grinning.
“Very funny,” Piper said, narrowing her eyes. “I think we’re going to some Japanese place downtown or something.”
“Hmm, sushi sounds nice.”
Piper shook her head and said, “It’s honestly impressive how you somehow always forget that I’m vegetarian, even after all these years.”
Annabeth’s face turned pink. “Oh, right, sorry.”
Piper knocked elbows with her instead of saying anything and reached for another cookie. Annabeth watched her dunk the cookie in her glass of milk a little too vigorously, causing some of it to spill onto her pajama bottoms, and couldn’t help imagining how Jason would have chided her for it if he had been here. It was still endlessly bemusing to her how two people so diametrically unlike one another had so much romantic chemistry together.
“You ever think about how wild it is that you and Jason have been together for four years now?” Annabeth asked.
Piper laughed and said, “Definitely have a lot more since graduation is coming up soon. It’s pretty insane to me too.”
“What’s your secret, oh wise one,” Annabeth asked teasingly.
Piper rolled her eyes and said, “We just communicate really well, ever since day one. Neither of us hide anything from each other. If we are bothered by something, we talk about it. Sometimes that means we get into fights, but it’s still better than bottling everything up.”
Annabeth’s heart squeezed a little in her chest. In contrast, she and Percy hardly ever spoke openly anymore. The weight of all the things they had both left unsaid had snowballed and taken on a line of its own. She didn’t think it had brewed into bitterness, but it felt like ice on the surface of a pond. Shallow and liable to break at any moment.
“We also just genuinely like each other too,” Piper said. “There’s no way we would have lasted if we hated each other’s guts or got bored of each other. Kind of the opposite honestly. The more I got to know him, the harder I fell for him.”
“How could you tell?” Annabeth asked. “Was there a specific moment you realized or something?”
Piper hummed under her breath and stared up at the ceiling. “Hard to say. It wasn’t anything big or dramatic, just little things piling on top of each other, until one day, I just knew. Kind of like getting taller or falling asleep. You don’t notice it when it happens only when you look back.”
When Annabeth was silent, Piper continued and said, “I will say that the first time I can remember consciously thinking it was after a meet sophomore year. Don’t remember how it went, but I can still picture how he looked after the race. He was all gross and sweaty and caked with mud, but his cheeks were pink from all the running and it just made him glow. And at that moment, I just remember thinking ‘Wow, I’m actually in love with this guy.’”
There was something about the way Piper spoke that even Annabeth could hear how much she loved him just by her tone, that it made a lump form in Annabeth’s throat.
“I’m so happy for you two,” Annabeth said softly. “You are both two of the most amazing people I have ever met, so I’m glad you are together.”
Piper laughed and said, “It’s weird to hear you pay me a compliment, but thanks.”
“After that shameless display of ungratefulness, I would suggest you don’t get used to it,” Annabeth said, crossing her arms over her chest.
Piper rolled her eyes and sank back into the sofa. “Is there something going on with you?”
Annabeth furrowed her brow. “What do you mean?”
“You tend to ask lots of questions when you’re upset about something,” Piper said, shrugging.
Annabeth blinked. She had no idea that she did that.
“Nothing in particular,” Annabeth said carefully. “Just wanted to hear from someone that’s been in a relationship for four years. I’m still new to it, and I don’t want to fuck everything up.”
“Learn anything useful then?” Piper asked, raising an eyebrow.
Annabeth was quiet for a while and tried to choose her words carefully. “The part about communicating was helpful.”
Piper gave her a knowing smile. “Really? Well, I’m glad to hear that.”
“I feel like it was easier when we were only friends,” Annabeth said.
“Hmm, Percy was just doing a lot of work behind the scenes for you to make you feel that way. Now that you’re in a relationship, it’s harder for him to do that, so it’s only exposing issues that were already there,” Piper said.
Annabeth frowned. “What do you mean?”
Piper shrugged and said, “Well, part of it is that Percy is stupidly empathetic, so he would anticipate your emotional needs and provide for them with you having to do much. The bigger problem is that you don’t really understand the way he thinks, so you are incapable of doing the same for him.”
A spark of anger lit in Annabeth’s chest. “Well, why don’t you spell it out for me since I’m apparently so ignorant?”
“Annabeth, chill. I’m not saying you’re a bad friend or that I know more about him than you do,” Piper said, holding her hands up in surrender.
“Then what are you saying?” Annabeth hissed.
Piper sighed again and said, “Look, I love you and everything, but you don’t fully understand that other people don’t think or see the world in the same way you do. I’ll give you an example. What do you usually do when you’re really upset about something?”
After a moment, Annabeth said, “I give myself some space until I am ready to talk about it.”
“Exactly,” Piper said, nodding. “Percy is not like that. When he’s upset, he wants someone to press him about it, like really press him. There are a lot of reasons for it, but one huge reason is that he doesn’t feel like his problems are worth anyone else’s attention, so you have to convince him otherwise.”
Annabeth was stunned. That had legitimately never occurred to her. She had always assumed that Percy would come to her if he needed to because that’s what she did whenever she was upset. She whenever she had given him space in the past, thinking it would help, it had looked like callous silence to him instead, a sign that she didn’t care enough to hear what was going on.
Her mind raced. How many times in the past had she fucked up monumentally because this had never occurred to her?
“Do you get what I mean now?” Piper prompted.
Annabeth nodded slowly and said, “I- I had no idea. I just sort of assumed he was like me.”
“That’s a perfectly normal thing to do,” Piper said. “Like I said earlier, I’m not telling you this because I think you’re a shitty human being or whatever. I’m telling you because the way that you and Percy communicate has some really deep, fundamental issues, and that it has been that way for years now.”
“Then why didn’t you say anything sooner?” Annabeth asked, trying not to let anger creep in her voice. “I could have done so much more to avoid hurting him.”
“Because you wouldn’t have listened to me,” Piper said, crossing her arms over her chest. “Your relationship with Percy is something sacred to you. You take pride in being close to him and knowing him really well. If I had said something contrary to that, you would have gone ballistic. You getting mad earlier was more than enough proof of that. I can only tell you now because you’re finally starting to notice issues for yourself.”
Annabeth grit her teeth and stared down at her lap. Piper was right. She was right, but it was so crippling to hear that Annabeth had been such a god-awful friend. Annabeth did take great pride in how well she thought she knew Percy, but ever since they had started fake-dating, she had started realizing she had deluded herself the entire time. It was incredibly jarring for her to realize that her vision of him compared to reality was so off, especially when she prided herself in the keenness of her judgment and intellect.
Piper squeezed her shoulder and said, “Look, I know this must have been a lot for you to hear, but you’re not alone. Almost everyone has trouble seeing people distinctly, as they are. People like Percy who do it naturally are the rare ones.”
“Then what should I do?” Annabeth asked tersely. “I feel so stuck.”
“Don’t assume so much. If you’re upset, tell him. If you want him to open up, ask him to. The only way to know what’s on his mind is to ask him. You don’t have to try so hard to read his mind for him,” Piper explained.
Annabeth nodded curtly and said, “I’m just so mad at myself.”
“I get it, but it’s not all on you. Percy also shoulders some responsibility, but it’s hard to blame him. Lord knows how much he has done for us,” Piper mused. “Besides, he has his own issues that he needs to deal with.”
“I-I’ll do what I can,” Annabeth said.
“If it’s you, I think you can do it,” Piper said, smiling softly.
As nice as it was to hear that, Annabeth had no self-confidence in her ability to be a good friend, not anymore. Still, Piper was right. Percy had done so much for her. If this could help him somehow, then she was determined to do her best.
After a few more minutes of silence, Piper said, “We should probably get back to the project.”
Annabeth smiled despite herself and feigned wiping a tear from her eye. “I never thought I’d live to hear the day you’d say that.”
In keeping with tradition, Annabeth still somehow managed to find a way to be late to the State Swimming Championship. It was held at a neighboring high school not far from Westwood, but she had stayed up all night the day before painting a sign for Percy, which led to her sleeping through her alarm. She had brushed her teeth and taken as quick a shower as she possibly could before dashing out of her house, sign tucked beneath her arm.
By the time she made it inside, the first heat was already over. Annabeth scanned the bleachers and found all her friends sitting next to Sally. She took the steps three at a time and took a moment to catch her breath before she took a seat between Sally and Piper.
“Where’s Estelle?” Annabeth asked.
“Paul took her to go back some snacks at the concession stand. How have you been, dear?” Sally asked.
“I’m good. School is getting busy, but I’m getting by,” Annabeth said. “How’s Percy doing?”
“He seemed ready. Cautious, but focused,” Sally said.
“That’s good to hear,” Annabeth said.
Estelle and Paul returned with bags of snacks for everyone. They passed them around to all of Percy’s friends and squeezed past to sit next to Sally. Estelle was thrilled to see Annabeth and threw her arms around her neck.
“Annabeth!” Estelle squealed.
Annabeth laughed and hugged her back. “How have you been, Stella?”
“Good! I just lost a tooth last night. See?” Estelle said, giving Annabeth a toothy smile.
“Wow, did you get a visit from the tooth fairy?” Annabeth asked.
Estelle nodded vigorously. “I got five whole dollars!”
“What are you going to spend it on?”
“She used her money to buy snacks for everyone,” Paul interjected.
“Daddy!” Estelle huffed.
Paul held his palms up in surrender. “Oh, sorry, she told me not to tell anyone about that.”
“Thanks, Stella!” Annabeth said, smiling. “She’s a good kid.”
“She is,” Paul said proudly. “It’s the Jackson genes, I’m telling you.”
“Oh, hush,” Sally said, though she looked pleased anyways.
Paul grinned at her and turned to Annabeth. “It’s been a while since we have had time to catch up, Annabeth. I heard you got into Berkeley! That’s amazing!”
“Yeah, thank you,” Annabeth said, hiding a smile.
“It’s a wonderful school. I’m sure you’ll love it,” Paul said.
Annabeth was about to thank him, but they were interrupted by an announcement that the next heat was to begin for men’s free style. The State tournament was different compared to other tournaments held during the regular season. There would be a preliminary round of ten heats of six swimmers each, and then the top six swimmers would be selected based off their times to participate in a final round. The winner of the final would win the entire competition. It was therefore possible to have the best time in the prelims and still lose if someone placed higher than you in the last round. Annabeth had never been a fan of the way the tournament was run, but there was nothing anyone could do about it.
Percy was going to be in the penultimate heat, so there was still time before he participated. In fact, he wasn’t even out of the locker room yet. Annabeth knew that he was staying inside to maintain his focus until the start of his heat. She recognized one of his teammates that was in the next heat, so she paid attention to him even though it was hard to feel interested.
After the heat began, Annabeth was once again reminded of how much fiercer the competition was at State compared to the other meets. Percy hadn’t competed against many of the swimmers here because they lived on the other side of the state. It might have been a function of the fact that it was her first time seeing some of them, but the competition looked stronger this year than it had in previous ones. They were so skilled that Annabeth wasn’t sure Percy was a shoe-in for first like she had initially thought.
There was one swimmer in particular from the sixth heat, Castellan, that was particularly scary. The effortless, graceful way he swam reminded her a lot of Percy’s form, and he managed to win his heat by a wide margin. She had never seen him before in any of the other meets or from previous years either. He must have moved to the State sometime this season. Nevertheless, it sowed a seed of worry in her mind that continued to take deeper root even after his heat ended.
Eventually, Percy finally made his way out when his heat was announced. Annabeth was relieved to see the familiar cold intensity on his face that she was accustomed to. After the last meet, she had been afraid that his focus would still be shaky when State finally rolled around, but instead Percy looked more focussed now than she had ever seen him before. Everything about him gave off the impression that he was going to win.
When his heat finally began, Percy dove into the water clinically and quickly pulled ahead of the competition. Annabeth and the rest of their friends cheered loudly for him as he touched off the other side of the pool, almost a full body’s length ahead of the person in second. The rest of the race only solidified Percy’s lead as he pulled further and further ahead.
Once he touched the opposite wall, Percy burst out of the water and took a moment to catch his breath, but then he looked over to the opposite end of the pool and pressed his lips in a thin line. Annabeth was confused at first because his time was fantastic, and he had done so well in his heat, but then she realized his time had been slower than that swimmer from the sixth heat. Although it wasn’t an indication of how the finals would go, it was still damaging to realize that someone had done better than you in the prelims.
Annabeth worried her lip and turned to Piper when she felt her hand on her shoulder. “Why does he look so annoyed?” Piper whispered.
“That guy from the sixth heat, Castellan, had a better time than he did,” Annabeth muttered.
Piper blinked and looked back down at Percy. “Wait, really?”
Annabeth nodded. “Yeah. It’s not the end of the world or anything, but it’s gonna pile some extra pressure onto his shoulders.”
“He’ll be fine,” Jason ventured, from beside Piper. “If he keeps his cool, he can put up a good fight. Besides, I don’t think their times were off by a lot.”
“True,” Annabeth agreed. “It would have been a lot worse if it was a blowout.”
“There’s a break before the finals start right?” Hazel asked, speaking across from Jason.
Piper looked at the meet schedule and nodded. “Yeah, there’s a half hour to give the competitors from the later heats time to rest before the finals.”
“Should we go see him or something?” Hazel asked.
Jason shook his head and said, “No, there’s a chance that we just make him lose focus. Besides, there nothing we can really say to help him.”
“Well, that fucking sucks,” Rachel huffed.
Hazel nudged Rachel with her elbow and whispered, “Don’t swear! Estelle is here.”
Rachel winced and said to Sally, “Sorry, Mrs. Jackson.”
Sally gave her a mischievous smile and said, “You should be, dear.”
That got a laugh out of all of them, much to Estelle’s confusion. They talked amongst themselves during the break before Annabeth realized she needed to run to the bathroom. Annabeth wasn’t gone long, but on her way back, she ran into someone walking the other way.
Annabeth stumbled back and rubbed her shoulder. “Sorry, are you okay?”
“Oh, hey, look who it is,” Percy said, smiling down at her.
“Oh, hey,” Annabeth said, blinking. “I was just coming back from the bathroom.”
Percy laughed and said, “Yeah, I kind of figured.”
There was an awkward pause where Annabeth debated if she should continue talking to him or if that would break his focus. His body language was relaxed, but Annabeth could tell that there was some tension in his shoulders. The way he lingered there gave her the impression that he wanted to talk to her, so she figured it was alright to say something.
“How are you doing?”
Percy coughed and looked away surreptitiously. “Fine.”
Annabeth crossed her arms over her chest. “You don’t look fine to me.”
Percy blinked like he was surprised she had called him out. In the past, Annabeth would have ignored the signs under the assumption that he didn’t want to talk about it, but after her conversation with Piper, she didn’t want to keep making those mistakes anymore.
Eventually, Percy sighed and rubbed the back of his neck. “Did you get a chance to see that Castellan guy from the sixth heat?”
Annabeth nodded and said, “Yeah, he seemed pretty good.”
“His time was pretty insane,” Percy said slowly. “Better than my PR.”
“It wasn’t that far off though,” Annabeth said, leaning against the wall.
Percy rubbed his chin. “That’s true.”
“If I didn’t know any better, I would say you don’t think you can beat him,” Annabeth said softly.
Percy looked up at her abruptly with wide eyes. “Uh...”
“Guilty as charged, huh?”
There was a pause before Percy laughed humorlessly and ran his fingers through his hair. “I don’t know. Usually, I never think about that sort of thing at meets. I’m only focused on doing my best. But now, I can’t help wondering if my best would even be enough.”
“I wish I could be super peppy and say that it definitely is, but I’ve had those thoughts too many times to say that to you. It would feel fake and you’d know it,” Annabeth started.
“That’s not exactly making me feel better,” Percy joked half-heartedly.
“Shut up, I was getting to it,” Annabeth said, knocking elbows with him.
Percy made a show of rubbing his elbows, which made her roll her eyes before she continued.
“Remember how you told me after the invitational that I had to believe that I hadn’t hit my limit yet, that I could still do better? I’ve been thinking about that a lot lately, and I’m realizing that you were right. I’m killing any chance of improving if I believe it can’t be done. At the end of the day, I still want to keep competing, so I might as well believe in myself and keep trying.”
Percy was silent at this, so Annabeth continued. “My point is, you’ve gotta have faith in yourself. If that guy is better than you, make him prove it. Don’t do that work for him. You’re an insanely good swimmer. I know you can beat him. That’s not me saying that as a friend, but as another athlete. I know you have what it takes. Only question is: do you?”
“It’s not that I don’t think I’m good,” Percy said. “If it was just me, I wouldn’t be so worried, but so many people have put so much effort and faith in me that I can’t let them down. Like, I’ve always disappointed people, all my life, and there’s a voice in my head that tells me this time won’t be any different.”
“Fuck everyone else,” Annabeth said vehemently. “The people that care about you just want you to try your best.”
When Percy remained silent, Annabeth framed his face with her hands and forced him to meet her eyes. “Listen to me: all you have to do is go out there and swim. Nothing else matters. Okay?”
Percy was quiet for a while before he nodded slowly. “Okay.”
“You got this,” Annabeth said, squeezing his shoulders. “Give ‘em hell, Perce.”
“I will. Thanks, Annabeth,” Percy said, smiling. “I’ll see you after the finals are over?”
“I thought that went without saying,” Annabeth grinned. “There’s a chocolate milkshake from Martha’s with your name on it, after all.”
“Finally, something worth fighting for,” Percy sighed melodramatically.
Annabeth laughed and pushed him towards the locker room. “Alright, get going, champ. I’ll see you on the other side.”
Percy took a deep breath to steel himself and gave her one final nod before he made for the locker rooms. Annabeth waited for him to leave before she headed back to the bleachers. Piper gave her a questioning look as she sat down, as if to ask what took her so long, but Annabeth shrugged and remained silent.
The participants of the final heat left the locker room shortly after and stood in front of the pool. Percy’s lane was in the middle, right next to Castellan, from the sixth heat, but he looked composed and concentrated.
The swimmers stepped onto the diving boards and took their starting positions, bodies taut with anticipation. At the official’s whistle, they all dove into the water in unison. Percy and the other boy both quickly pulled ahead of the other four swimmers, but Percy lagged behind him ever so slightly. Annabeth leaned forward, forgetting to cheer, and worried her lower lip. She could tell Percy was trying to surge ahead of Castellan, but no matter what he did, the distance continued to remain unclosed for the first hundred meters.
Before they both touched off the wall for the final fifty meters, Percy seemed to lag further behind than he had all race. Annabeth’s heart sank, but somehow Percy surged forward on the last twenty meters and managed to pull alongside Castellan. At the end of the race, it was too close to tell who had won because they both appeared to finish at the same time.
Annabeth whipped towards the board on the far end of the pool and waited for the times to show, heart thundering in her chest. The subsequent seconds stretched like an eternity, but then numbers suddenly flickered on the board. It took Annabeth a second to process the results, but once she did, her heart soared in her chest.
Percy had won, but it had been unbelievably close.
Immediately, she looked back down for Percy and noticed the incredulous look on his face. It took his teammates tackling him for him to realize that he had won, a dumbfounded smile blossoming across his face. Annabeth clasped her hands in front of her mouth and tried to ignore the way her face hurt from smiling so hard. She could hear Piper and the rest of her friends going crazy beside her, but the noise felt distant like sound traveling through water.
They all made their way down to him, and Estelle and Paul were the first to speak to him before Sally pulled him into a fierce hug with misty eyes. After that, Piper jumped on his back and cheered while Jason congratulated him. Rachel and Hazel went next, followed by Frank and Leo, and through it all, Annabeth watched off to the side and tried not to tear up.
She felt so incredibly proud of him. All those years of grueling practice, nights spent staying late to get in extra laps at the pool, managing the pressure of his captaincy - all of it had paid off in the end, and she was so happy it had. He deserved all of it.
Finally, Percy locked eyes with her and slipped out of the arms of their other friends and wordlessly opened his arms. Annabeth didn’t even realize she was moving until she tackled him in a hug. He was still sopping wet from the race, so her shirt got wet but she couldn’t bring herself to care. Annabeth buried her face in the crook of his neck and squeezed Percy as tightly as she could.
It was hard to say how long they stayed like that, but eventually, she pulled away from his arms and looked up at him with a stupid grin on her face. “You did it! I’m so happy for you!”
Percy offered her an incredulous smile. “Somehow.”
“Shut up, you deserved to win. One hundred percent,” Annabeth said, poking his chest.
Percy’s ears turned red, and he tried to look away from her. “It was all thanks to a certain someone’s pep talk.”
“You’re giving me too much credit,” Annabeth said, but her heart felt ten times larger in her chest anyways.
“Seriously, I was really freaking out,” Percy said earnestly. “So thank you. Seriously.”
Annabeth bit back a smile. “You’re welcome. Seriously.”
“You never make things easy for me, do you,” Percy said, sighing melodramatically.
“Of course not,” Annabeth said. “I thought you would have figured that out after all these years.”
Percy shrugged. “What can I say? I’m a slow learner.”
“At least you’re not a slow swimmer,” Annabeth teased.
Percy rolled his eyes and said, “So what next? Martha’s?”
“You sure you want to celebrate with me and not your family?” Annabeth asked, raising an eyebrow.
“Oh don’t worry about that,” Percy laughed. “I know they’ll monopolize me later today. But first, I want that chocolate milkshake you promised me.”
Annabeth bit the inside of her cheek and tried not to get carried away by what he was saying. Still, she couldn’t help the feeling of exhilaration washing over her.
“Alright, Martha’s it is,” Annabeth said. “Go finish your shower and get dressed. I’ll be waiting for you.”
Percy nodded and left to tell his family their plans and to say goodbye to the rest of their friends, who were getting ready to leave. Piper gave her a knowing look on her way out, but Annabeth made a show of pointedly ignoring her.
A short while later, Percy met her at the entrance to the parking lot, his hair still wet from the shower. They drove to Martha’s in silence, only accompanied by the feeble radio in her dad’s car. The sun was just beginning to set, diffusing pink and blue across the spread of the horizon. At that proximity, Percy smelled distractingly of body wash, making Annabeth’s face prickle.
“I meant what I said earlier, you know?” Percy said, breaking the silence.
Annabeth glanced at him. “Hmm?”
“What you told me really helped,” Percy said.
“You’re being too nice,” Annabeth said.
“No, seriously, I was pretty sure I was gonna lose. Like on the last hundred meters, I kept thinking that it was only natural that I would let everyone down again, but then I heard your voice in my head, saying ‘All you have to do is go out there and swim’. I don’t know how or why, but that got me out of my own head and helped me win,” Percy explained.
Annabeth’s throat was dry. “I’m, uh, glad it helped.”
She caught his soft smile in the mirror. “Yeah, me too.”
“It’ll be your turn in April,” he said. “You’ll win State too, and then I’ll have to be the one buying milkshakes next time around.”
“Damn straight,” Annabeth said. “I can’t rest until I kick Reyna’s ass.”
“I can’t tell if you hate her or adore her,” Percy said, smirking.
“A little of both,” Annabeth admitted. “People that have never lost once in their lives piss me off, but Reyna’s a good person and fun to be around.”
“I did beat her at the batting cages,” Percy pointed out.
“Doesn’t count unless I’m the one doing it,” Annabeth said, shaking her head.
Percy’s grin grew wider before he turned away from her, making Annabeth scowl. “What’s so funny?”
“Nothing, I just thought that was a very ‘Annabeth’ thing to say,” Percy said, shrugging.
“Is that a good or a bad thing?”
“Hmm, I wonder,” Percy said, still grinning.
“Asshole,” Annabeth huffed.
There was a lull in the conversation while Annabeth began to turn something over in her mind. At first, it had seemed like a stupid idea, but the more that she thought about it, the more she wanted to go for it.
“H-Hey, I know you said you’d get me a milkshake if I won and all, but is it cool if I ask for something else instead?” Annabeth asked, fingers curling tighter around the steering wheel.
“Your wish is my command, your majesty.”
“Shut up, I’m being serious,” Annabeth laughed.
“Sure, I don’t see why not,” Percy said, shrugging. “What did you want instead?”
Annabeth swallowed and said, “I’ll let it be a surprise for now. Just promise not to chicken out when the time comes.”
“You’re not gonna ask me to like run around school naked or something right?” Percy asked, raising an eyebrow.
Annabeth barked a laugh. “Tempting, but no.”
Percy hummed to himself for a while before he sighed and said, “Well, I suppose I’ll just have to trust you not to make me do something embarrassing.”
“Don’t worry so much. I promise it’s not that bad. Just wanted to ask you something. Besides, there’s no guarantee that I’ll even win, after all,” Annabeth said.
Percy yawned and curled up in his seat and closed his eyes. “I don’t know, I’m pretty certain you’ll win.”
Annabeth glanced at him. “Yeah? What makes you say that?”
“Dunno, I just believe in you,” Percy said simply.
Annabeth bit the inside of her cheek and resisted the urge to tell him that he was making a mistake. Honestly, she didn’t think she had a snowball’s chance in hell of beating Reyna at State, but she would still try her best to repay Percy’s faith in her. As a fellow athlete, he wouldn’t say something like that just to be nice. If he thought she had a shot, then maybe he was seeing something in her that she couldn’t.
The sky continued to darken, and Annabeth found herself thinking that even if she couldn’t believe in herself, maybe she could believe in how much Percy believed in her instead.
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kenanda · 3 years
It was hard to decide but... 101 for smut prompt please? 👁️ (do I need to write lonelyeyes or is it default?)
Prompt: 101 - “you’re not wearing anything under that, are you?”
Eye, you absolute genius! Thank you for the prompt and for the beta read! I hope this is to your liking; I certainly had a grand old time writing this piece!
Disclaimer: These characters AREN’T mine. They belong to Rusty Quill’s The Magnus Archives. 
Warning: This work ISN’T SUITABLE for minors. It’s a NSFW piece of slash fiction. Therefore, if you’re a minor or in any way squicked by what’s in the tags, DO NOT READ!
WORTH THE WAIT Words: 2,9k Pairing: LonelyEyes; Jonah!Elias / Peter Lukas Rating: EXPLICIT  Tags: established relationship, University!AU, Young!LonelyEyes, unrequited crush, drinking, rimming, handjob, exhibitionism, mild dirty talk, rutting, fingering, touch averse!Peter, Slut-&-Proud! Elias, prompt fill
There has to be some sort of cosmic joke at play for Elias to develop a crush on someone from his uni class and that said someone happens to be Peter Lukas. 
Because you see, as likeable and polite as Peter is, there’s something about the guy that keeps people at a distance. Try as he might, Elias never seems able to bridge that gap, much less make it understood that he wants Peter as more than a colleague or a friend. 
It has occurred to him that Peter may not be interested in romance or sex at all. The first seems more feasible; the latter, not so much. Elias is always keeping an eye on Peter (perks of living across the hall from one another) and has seen him bring people to his room on more than one occasion. 
Not often, no, but enough to make Elias wonder — about Peter, about those people, and what they could be doing together just across the hall. It takes Elias a while to fall asleep on those nights.
In class, Peter sits next to him and makes light conversation, but it never goes beyond that. Elias is annoyed that Peter doesn't seem to have any interest in him, especially when Elias is handsome, manly, and has an ass that looks great in joggers — which he makes a point to always wear to their study sessions.
If anything, Elias is patient. If he has to keep wearing joggers and asking Peter out with hopes that he will one day finally say yes, then so be it. Though that isn’t to say Elias will breeze through his trials with a smile on his face: by the end of another month of repeatedly getting turned down, Elias is snapping even at his mates.
It's surprising that this mood is what causes Peter to initiate conversation that’s not about class.
"Something bothering you?"
Elias blinks a few times because he isn't sure he heard it right. 
"A few things, yeah."
"I've got something for that in my room. Come by tonight if you want. Will help you relax a bit."
Elias hopes that it isn't too evident that he’s essentially dancing in his seat from then on. Talk about a mood change: one could even call him cheery.
When night comes and the halls are quiet, Elias showers with such intent that his skin becomes red; he scrubs every nook and cranny, but doesn't apply perfume. He knows that Peter doesn't like it. 
Elias puts on something easy to remove: grey joggers, a sweatshirt and nothing else. At least he can pull the sweatshirt down and hide the fact that he's half hard (he’s been on the very edge of horny from the moment Peter asked him out). 
He never considers the possibility that Peter might have meant anything other than sex. When he gets there, Elias is hit in the chest with the sight of a cramped room. Four people are there besides Peter, sharing a now half empty bottle of vodka.
Elias' mood sours.
"There's the man! Mr. Bouchard! Took you long enough mate, thought you weren't coming," chimes Tim, a chipper guy from their class that Elias has no idea why Peter is even friends with.
Elias does his best to smile. "Yeah, I overslept a bit."
They welcome him inside with friendly pats on the back. Peter eyes him curiously, but doesn't say anything.
Elias wants to storm off and find better things to do with his joggers clad ass. But he's here already, isn't he? One doesn’t always get a chance to drink expensive vodka.
It doesn’t take the six of them long to finish the bottle. When midnight rolls around, Elias has had time to allow his alcohol addled thoughts to simmer. He can't believe he had hoped today would finally be it. Look at him now! This is so humiliating that he almost feels exposed, knowing that only a flimsy piece of fabric keeps him from being butt naked among these guys.
"Right," Tim says at some point. "I've got an assignment due tomorrow that I need to finish up."
“You mean due today,” Peter points out, and the others laugh. Elias rolls his eyes.
Tim’s departure is their cue to go as well, but Elias stays behind (perhaps due to some remaining fool’s hope). He knocks back whatever vodka is left in his cup and puts it aside, savoring defeat. He stands up. 
"Well, I don't suppose you have another bottle hiding somewhere, so I guess I'll be going too."
Peter smiles. "I don't, but I don't believe that would help you."
"What do you mean?"
Peter scoots to the edge of the bed. 
"I'm just saying you look as constipated now as when you first came in."
Elias can't help but laugh, and Peter’s grin widens. 
"You have yourself to thank for that."
"Oh? What did I do?"
Should Elias tell him? Should he really dig a deeper hole for himself? Well, fuck it, he’s here already. And to make it worse, he is just on this side of drunk.
"Better yet, what you didn't do. Are you daft or what?! I thought I've been quite clear up until now. 'Something to help you relax'. Bullshit. You're full of bullshit, Lukas."
Peter's frown only lasts a second before realisation hits him, followed by the same old amusement. If Elias didn't spend most of his time wanting to blow the guy, he would've punched Peter in the throat.
"Oh god..." Peter says. 
Elias clenches his jaw and juts out his chin. "Took you long enough," he spits out, but Peter's caught up on something else. 
"You're not- You're not wearing anything under that, are you?"
Elias does his best not to wobble, but the wave of dizziness that hits him is real; his stomach sinks. He had somehow forgotten that fact.
"What if I’m not?!" He growls defensively. Why should he be the one to feel embarrassed when Peter was literally an oaf? "Hell, I'm out of here."
"Hold on," Peter calls, because Elias essentially bolts for the door. Elias pauses with a hand on the handle.
Peter sighs audibly. 
"I figured. I mean, I had a pretty good guess when you kept showing up all commando, but I thought 'hey maybe the guy needs more room down there',” he snickers.
"Fuck you, Lukas."
"Sorry. I know." 
What he says next is something Elias never thought he'd hear. 
"Let me make it up to you."
Elias turns around with both arms crossed. Peter beckons him closer with a no-nonsense look. 
Elias goes. Apparently, he's just that stupid for this man. He doesn't know what it is about this Lukas guy that has him betraying every single one of his self-preservation rules, but he finds himself breaking them more often than not. Maybe it's that gentle voice that Peter never raises, or the sharp wits and strong build. Perhaps it's the fact that even after a year, Elias hasn't managed to learn any more about him than that.
Peter is a mystery, and Elias is nothing if not curious. 
Elias stands in front of Peter, who leans back a little in bed. 
"Hell, you are pretty to look at."
Elias only raises his eyebrows. As if he didn't know. 
"Come on. A man has to play safe."
"Don't bore me with politics, that's your family’s business." 
Though, if he was being honest, the praise did feel good.
Peter smirks. "Take your top off."
"You want this, don't you?"
Elias ponders for a moment. Yes, he very much does, even if he's angry. The setting isn't great, so he'll have to work with what he has. He only wishes that Peter weren't so smug about it, because it's making Elias want to make him regret it.
When Elias goes to take it off, Peter tells him that there's no rush. His voice is calm, but the command is clear enough. 
Elias takes a deep breath to ground himself and throws the sweatshirt next to Peter. Elias knows that he paints quite a picture even if he isn't ripped or anything; he still has a bit of a tan from his last vacation, and Peter eats it all up: from the eye tattoo on the centre of his stomach, to the tiny studs piercing both his nipples.
"Nice," Peter says. 
"I know."
Peter smiles at him and Elias takes note. So he enjoys show offs. Well, good for them both, Elias had never been the shy type. 
"Put a hand in your trousers," Peter tells him. 
It's clear that Peter wants a show. Elias can sympathise, for he himself enjoys a bit of watching, too. 
Elias doesn't get to do it much these days, but whenever the bathrooms are empty, he pulls himself off in front of the mirror. He knows exactly what to do to make it good, and the risk of getting caught has him coming harder and faster than usual.
He slides both hands down his chest and abdomen, keeping one at the waistband of his joggers while the other disappears beneath the fabric and takes hold of himself. He's half-hard and every one of his motions is clear, so he takes his time.
It doesn't feel good at first. The build up has been all wrong, and the fact that his hands are cold and dry doesn't help. But then he takes one look at Peter and the thrill of being watched sparks it all to life. 
Peter doesn’t take his eyes off of him; his own hand is working in his trousers. He's big, Elias notes, and the thought has him fully hard in seconds. It doesn’t take long for a wet spot to form on the front of his joggers. 
When Peter tells him to stop, Elias obeys, hoping that this is when Peter also has him kneel and put his mouth to work. Instead, Peter asks him to turn around. 
"Show me," he demands. "You know how."
Elias slides his trousers down with a sigh. He hears Peter shuffle forward behind him. 
Elias would hate it for Peter to miss any details, so he grabs his buttocks and kneads them open, stepping astride to let Peter see it all. Elias a bit damp down there, but he keeps himself shaved as a rule, and that earns him some praise.
"Oh fuck," Peter breathes. "Bend forward a bit."
"Like this?" 
Elias doesn't expect an answer. Peter's hand is working fast and from the sound of it, his cock is very wet. 
"Yeah, just like that. Put a finger in."
Elias teases, but doesn't. "Can't. Too dry."
Peter curses softly. "Get over here."
Elias is almost shaking with anticipation. He hasn't been eaten out in ages, and he's so here for this.
"You O.K. with spit?" Peter asks. 
Peter grunts in approval, then spits right onto his hole. Elias lets out a shuddery breath, then slowly works a finger in. It's hard doing it all by himself, and soon his arm gets tired; he flags a bit, lets his head hang. 
"You gotta give me something here," he tells Peter. This isn't begging, he tells himself. This is negotiating. 
"I know. Fuck."
Elias straightens up and gives Peter a side glance. "Problem?"
"See, usually I don't touch them."
Elias frowns. That's news. 
"So you just-"
"I'm not a fan of touching, let's put it that way. And it's enough to just do this. Most of the time, that is."
Elias nods, but there's something to unpack here. "Well, you are turned on. Why isn't it enough?"
Peter's hand, motionless for a while now, withdraws. 
"You, I guess."
Elias scoffs. "I'm sorry my asshole isn't to your tastes."
"I haven't tasted you. That's probably why."
Elias has the decency to blush. His heart has never beat so fast with anyone before, but he tells it to get a grip.
"Well I'm right here, aren't I."
Peter takes a deep breath. Elias can almost see the moment that his resolve locks into place. 
Peter doesn't go straight for it. He places both hands on Elias' hips and caresses his sides, making Elias aware of him (as if he isn't already). The act makes goosebumps rise on the skin, and Elias’ cock fills out again. 
Peter kisses the low of his back and up his spine, where he can reach from a sitting position; then his cheeks, against which his shallow beard feels rough. Peter sinks his teeth into them, just enough to make it twinge. Just enough to make Elias' cock twitch and invite a hand to wrap around it. 
Peter takes his sweet time biting his ass and pulling him off. Elias is ready to drive nails by the time Peter finally makes him bend forward and starts working on his hole. If Elias moans and pushes against his tongue, well, he's only human.
For someone who doesn't like touching, Peter is surprisingly good at this. Instinct or perhaps patience makes him into quite an attentive partner; he'll stick to any actions that elicit a more intense reaction from Elias; it isn't long before Elias loses it and reaches behind himself. 
"What are you doing?" Peter rasps. 
"I need-" Elias breathes, pushing a finger inside. "Keep going."
Peter does; they work together, establishing a rhythm that feels comfortable for them. 
Elias will come from this, that is for sure, but it will take a while to get there. His arm keeps getting tired, which forces him to slow down. If Peter would just- If he'd just- 
"Come on, come on," Elias whines in frustration. "Fuck me."
Peter grunts, burying his face deeper into his ass. Elias removes his hand and locks it around Peter's nape with a tight fist in his hair. 
That's it, he thinks, and pushes Peter’s hand out of the way to give his cock what it actually needs. 
Peter pulls back and sticks a finger inside. The girth of it is a perfect stretch, it makes Elias let out a broken curse and come a little just then.
"Shit, you're so hungry for it," Peter says. "Bet if I put my cock in you, you'll come right away."
Elias smiles at the idea. "Wanna bet?"
Peter snorts. "Another day, yeah. Wanna take my time with you."
"It's a date then."
Peter works his finger deeper, finding Elias' sweet spot. 
"Here?" he asks, but the soft whimper that Elias lets out leaves no room for doubt. 
Elias bears down on it. "Keep doing that. God, just- oh." 
Maybe he had underestimated how turned on he was. He comes, sudden, dripping all over Peter's floor. It's so thick and heavy that Elias is somewhat embarrassed. 
"Holding back, have we?" Peter observes. 
Elias would kill him if he wasn't thrusting inside him so good. 
"You would too if you had a schedule like mine."
Peter hums. "Drop by when you feel like it. It'll be my pleasure to help."
Peter pulls his finger out and stands up. Gently, he brings Elias to himself by the hips. 
Elias lets him because fuck, Peter is so warm and large...The way he’s kissing Elias’ nape is sending shivers up his spine. Funny though, it’s almost as if Peter is unsure about it. 
"First time doing this?" Elias asks. It couldn't be. 
"No. But it's been a while." 
Elias hums. Peter's cock is pressing against his ass and that’s quite distracting. "Want some help with that?"
Peter groans and rests his forehead on Elias’ shoulder. "Fuck. Can I- can I come on you? I won't put it in, just rub it against you."
Elias would be very much down to taking Peter all the way if he weren’t so spent. He had come here ready for it, anyway. Right now though, he’d have to make do.
"Sure," Elias says. He shuffles onto bed on his knees, spreads his legs and presses his chest to the mattress, to give Peter full view and access.
"Fuck, you don't hold back, do you?"
"Scratch my back and I'll scratch yours, love."
Peter doesn't hesitate, only pulls his trousers down, holds Elias by the waist and starts rutting against him. 
It feels brilliant even after coming. Elias moans into the mattress, getting off on imagining the picture that they must paint. 
Peter taps his hole with the tip of his cock, grazes against it. Elias never would’ve thought that Peter was the cursing type, but tonight is proving otherwise. 
When Peter comes, Elias can feel it dripping down his balls and onto bed. They're both breathing heavily, but once Peter recovers, he pulls up his trousers and grabs some tissue to wipe Elias. 
Elias had half-hoped that Peter would lick him clean, but maybe that was pushing the boundaries a bit too far for a single night.
Elias gets dressed and they face each other. Peter seems awkward — who would've guessed, when he seemed so in charge earlier.
"So," Peter says. "Hope I made it up to you."
"Are you fishing for compliments, Mr. Lukas?"
Peter laughs and scratches the back of his head. 
"If I am, will you tell me?"
Elias considers it. "No. Maybe. Say pretty please."
"Goodbye, Elias." 
Peter shows him to the door. They don't kiss; that would be a level of sentimentalism that might make Elias gag. That is, any other time it would have. Now though, they say goodbye and Elias goes back to his room wishing that they did.
36 notes · View notes
Soulmate September - Day 14
Day 14 - The first words you hear your soulmate speak are written on your arm. 
Pairing(s): Familial Moxiety, Romantic Dukexiety, Romantic Logince, Romantic Moceit, Familial Roceit, Familial Dukeceit
TWs: swearing, fight mention [not graphic really just a heads up], panic attacks, childhood trauma mention, neglectful parents mention  
Patton knew he had to prepare for the day he met his soulmate. It was literally written into him - in such faded, gentle text too - just how much his soulmate needed love and reassurance;
“I’m sorry, I understand if you don’t want me anymore.”
The second they’d appeared on his 18th birthday, Pat dedicated himself to being the best soulmate possible; he taught himself every form of comfort and reaffirming technique he could find, he prepared his home to be as comfortable and safe as possible, and he even went the extra mile of buying soothing scented candles and a variety of calming teas.
When it came to his destined partner, Patton spared no expense. 
Only, no matter what he did, Patton couldn’t seem to cut it when it came to romance. Not that he didn’t feel attraction to the men he approached - lord knows he could feel his heart racing in hopeful anticipation every time - but none were his soulmate. They were always either polite in their rejection or just outright dismissive of him when his words didn’t match their soulmarks.
By his late 20s, Patton decided that he would instead pursue his second greatest dream; adopting a child. 
Ever since Pat was a teenager, the idea of being a parent had been something he’d dreamed of. Just he, his soulmate, and their child. But since time was marching on without any luck finding his cosmic match, Patton decided he would rather be a happy single pappy than spend his days entirely alone. 
That wasn’t to say he wasn’t beyond nervous once the process had begun. Even though he’d checked his financial stability, even though he’d sacrificed his comfy home office room to make way for a child’s room, Patton still worried that it all wouldn’t be enough. Or perhaps the idea of being rejected even by the child he hoped to adopt was just too much for him. Either way, he sat behind the wheel of his car and took a deep breath. The agency had invited him to one of their bonding events to meet the child they thought would best suit him, and Patton truly hoped that he would make a good impression.
Locking the car behind him, Patton approached the sign in table; the warm summer breeze made it the perfect day for an outdoor sports day event. The smell of the food stalls and fresh fruit mixed with the scent of grass, which helped calm Patton’s nerves as assigned social worker, Emile, waved him over.
“Patton, excellent timing!”, he beamed, looking towards someone hiding behind his back, “It’s alright, Virgil, this nice man is the one who’d like to be your dad!”
Patton watched as a young boy cautiously peeked out from behind Emile. His dark fluffy hair hid his eyes a little, but Patton could still see him observing his every movement. Despite the heat, the boy wore an oversized child’s black hoodie that still dwarfed his frail frame and left him with a case of sweater paws. It took the boy a minute to fully emerge and nervously offer Patton a hand to shake. Aww, so formal! Patton crouched down and gently shook his hand,
“Hi, kiddo! It’s great to meet you- oh!”
The boy scrambled back behind Emile and Patton gave the man a worried glance. Emile shook his head reassuringly, “Don’t worry, Virgil’s just been through a lot, he’s been excited to meet you, I promise!”
Patton wasn’t entirely reassured, but he needed to trust Emile’s judgement! So, he went with Emile and Virgil to get their numbers for the events. In that time, Patton learned a great deal about Virgil from Emile; the lad was selectively mute - a defense mechanism he’d picked up from living with neglectful parents who were quick to snap at him - but that didn’t bother Patton in the slightest. As long as Virgil was comfy to just show instead of telling, Patton didn’t mind! It became apparent from his shy mini-conversations with Emile that Virgil loved Disney, especially the darker, spookier movies. 
Most of all though, Patton found that he and Virgil were really warming up to one another. They’d tried a number of different events from playing frisbee, to soccer, to a number of parent-child oriented races, and despite Virgil not saying a word the entire time, it was clear by the boy’s bright smile and joyous laughter that it was going well.
They took a break and Patton treated Virgil to an ice cream as a treat. 
“So, are you having fun, Virgil?”
The boy nodded shyly, but he looked a lot less anxious than he had that morning. Virgil used one of his little hoodie paws to push the hair out of his eyes for a second, letting Patton see that they were both different colours; green and brown. Patton had a small moment of doubt strike him; Virgil really did look rather different compared to him, with paler skin, pronounced freckles, and dark hair and eyes that didn’t match his own. Would Virgil just have a hard time if Patton adopted him?
No, he couldn’t think like that. He needed to believe he was going to be the best parent Virgil could ask for!
Patton turned toward Virgil just in time to see the young boy drop his ice cream. Confused, Pat went to ask what was wrong when Virgil’s hand grasped his shirt. The strong grip and sound of panicked breathing alerted him to what was up; a panic attack. Emile had warned him that Virgil experienced them, but it took him a moment to realise what’d set the poor boy off. Just in front of where they sat, a young couple had begun arguing rather intensely, right within Virgil’s eyeline. 
Thinking fast, Patton pat Virgil’s hair and gently reminded him, “It’s okay, Virgil. You’re gonna be alright, I’m here.”
Virgil shakily looked up at Patton, the look on the poor kid’s face broke his heart on the spot. 
“Can you count five things you can see, Virgil?”, he softly prompted.
Virgil found it hard to answer, but he raised a hand to point to Patton, who gave a smile, “That’s one. You got this, kiddo, just four more...”
It took a little bit of work, but Virgil managed to calm down, finally breathing easier as he clung to Patton’s arm. Patton was about to get up to get Virgil some water, assuring him “I’ll be right back-”, when Virgil made a small whining noise. Confused, Pat stayed to be sure he was okay and was stunned as the young lad finally uttered, quietly,
“I’m sorry,”, he sniffled, ”I understand if you don’t want me anymore..”
Of all the contexts Patton had imagined he’d hear his soul phrase, he hadn’t expected it to be in regards to the son he would adopt, but if fate was telling him that what he needed was to be a father, then who was he to argue? He talked to Emile about adopting Virgil as soon as possible and eventually welcomed the young lad into his home.
Patton twirled around the kitchen, excitedly mixing pancake batter; sure, they both knew what Virgil’s soul mark would likely say; “Hi, kiddo! It’s great to meet you- oh!”. He recalled their meeting like it was just yesterday, not twelve whole years ago now. A blossom of pride bloomed in Patton’s chest, Virgil had grown into a sweet, sensible, if a little paranoid young man. Pat had been worried at first about his fatherly abilities, but the slew of “Best Dad” gifts he’d received every father’s day without fail reassured him that he was doing alright.
“Morning, Popstar.”, Virgil yawned as he dragged himself into the kitchen, the ribbon he tied around his arm still in place. It was a tradition for Patton’s family to keep their soulmarks a surprise until the morning and thankfully Virgil hadn’t minded despite things being more obvious.
“Morning, kiddo!”, Patton beamed, pouring out a bunch of small pancakes into the pan, “Sleep well?”
Virgil nodded, looking from Patton to the ribbon, “... Can I-”
“Of course!”, Patton smiled, “Sorry I couldn’t be more creative with-”
“What the fuck?!”
“Shit, sorry-”
Virgil took a second to recalibrate as Patton sat at the table, “Look.”
Pat watched as Virgil turned his arm towards him, expecting to see his own words, but instead he read, “How dare you!?”.
“How… Dad, how’s that possible?!”, Virgil asked, perplexed.
Saying Pat was stunned was putting it lightly. How could their marks differ!? Unless..
Patton rolled his sweater sleeve up and gasped upon seeing new writing;
“Well, I was totally expecting that.”
Patton didn’t know whether to celebrate or not; he’d spent the last twelve years coming to terms with the fact he wouldn’t likely have a romantic soulmate, but now in much bolder text than his son’s had been, he had a new message.
Virgil on the other hand was absolutely caught between excitement and panic.
“Sorry!!”, Virgil wheezed, still wrapping his head around things, “I have a soulmate!! I mean, a romantic soulmate!! Holy sh- damn!!!”, he corrected at the last minute. Both father and son were so shocked that neither one noticed the pancakes were burning until the smoke detector went off…
That morning, Virgil arrived at school with a nervous churning in his stomach. The idea of talking to other people still scared him, but even more scary was the idea of meeting his soulmate. There were many boys in his year he hoped it could be, but they all surely wouldn’t be paired with him. Who would want a soulmate like him anyway?...
Virgil shook his head, trying not to think of the worst outcomes when he collided with another student. Instinctively, he apologised, “Shit! Sorry!”
The boy, clad in a white and red letterman jacket paired with a crimson face mask scoffed, “How dare you!-”
They locked eyes for a second and - in perfect sync - checked their soulmarks. Virgil locked eyes with his soulmate, noting the smile lines appearing at the corners. 
“Well! This sure is an odd meeting but it’s good to see you, fair soulmate!”
He sounded insufferable, but Virgil loved it. He smirked and accepted the hand up his soulmate offered. 
“Thanks, Shakespeare. What’s your name?”, he asked, nervously letting go of the offered hand, “I’m Virgil.”
The boy reached out to take the hand once again, and despite wearing a face mask, pressed a kiss to Virgil’s knuckles through the fabric. “Roman. At your service, my prince.”
Ugh, he’s so cheesy. Perfect.
The rest of the day, the two met up to talk about their interests, both gladly noting a love of My Chemical Romance. As the day came to an end, Virgil wasn’t able to catch his soulmate before his father came to pick him up, but he was so delighted that he all but threw himself into the car to tell Patton about his day. Patton was so happy for Virgil, he sprung for a pizza and the two of them spent the night watching movies until late while Virgil enthusiastically talked about his soulmate long into the night.
Patton wasn’t sure what he expected when he turned up at the school’s office, but his son sitting there with a bruised eye and several bandages covering his cheeks and knuckles wasn’t it.
As soon as Virgil clocked Patton, he saw the kid slump in disappointment with himself. Well that won’t do. He sat down next to Virgil and put an arm around his son, “What happened, kiddo? If someone’s picking on you, you can tell me-”
“My soulmate did this.”, Virgil spat quietly, bringing his knees up to his chest with a groan of pain; whether it was from putting his bruised cheek on top of his knee, or the emotional pain, Pat wasn’t sure. But having your soulmate do something so cruel!? Why!?
“Virgil.. What happened?”
Virgil whined in his throat but eventually relented and explained the situation to Patton…
He’d entered the hallway after lunch, not having seen Roman all day until he spotted him talking with a tall, serious looking boy wearing dark blue glasses. Virgil made his way over, only to feel his heart sink as Roman kissed the taller boy’s cheek as he left for class. What the hell!? Feeling hurt, Virgil shook with each step on the way to Roman,
The boy turned to him, “Yes? What do you want-?”
“Are you kidding me!?”, Virgil couldn’t help the outburst, “We’ve been soulmates for less than a day and you’re cheating on me already!?”
Man, Roman really wasn’t tooting his own horn yesterday; his confused face looked almost real.
“Who-?? What in the name of Heather Chandler are you talking about!?”
“Are...Are you messing with me?! I just saw you kiss that guy!”
“Yeah?! He’s my soulmate!?”, Roman sounded angry which only made Virgil angrier.
“But you’re MY soulmate?! You-!! You spent all of yesterday with me, you asshole!!” 
He wasn’t sure if the tightness in his heart was betrayal or a panic attack oncoming, but Virgil couldn’t fight the tears threatening his eyes. Roman furrowed his brow, having the audacity to look concerned for him.
“Look, I don’t know who you are but maybe you’ve got the wrong person-”, he went to put a hand on Virgil’s shoulder to calm him down, but Virgil slapped it away angrily.
“Don’t you DARE try that shit with me! It was you- You know what, fuck you! Go enjoy your little cheating buddy, I’m done with this soulmates shit!!!”
He turned to leave when Roman went to grab his sleeve in frustration, “Hey, don’t-”
Virgil didn’t remember pushing Roman that hard, but the next thing he knew, the stronger boy was holding his nose that’d hit the wall with a little bloody splat from the impact. Oh dear. The little remaining colour in Virgil’s face drained as he realised he’d have to escape or risk a fight with a guy who looked like he could drop him in one punch.
But his stupid body wouldn’t move in time. 
“.... And then we got into a fight in the hallway, then the principal came along and-!”
Patton wrapped his arm around Virgil’s shoulders, gently soothing the poor kid.
“It’s alright, kiddo, I’ll talk to your principal and do what I can, okay?”
Virgil nodded, clearly still anxious, but as the principal’s door opened and Roman stepped out looking like he’d been six rounds with a tennis ball launcher. He’d never admit it out loud, but Patton was secretly impressed with how much of a fight Virgil must’ve put up. Roman’s glare found Virgil while he sat as far opposite he and his father as possible, muttering under his breath,
“I can’t believe I have to put up with this travesty-”
Enraged, Virgil hissed at him, “When are you gonna stop pretending you don’t recognise me!? Just admit you’re a cheating asshole!”
“Oh for the love of-!”
Removing his letterman and rolling the sleeve of his maroon shirt and all but shoved his forearm into Virgil’s face. To Virgil’s horror, it had changed, “Falsehood, this is physics.”.
“... That…. That’s not...”
“Not what?! Not the right soulmark!? How surprising! It’s almost like I told you hundreds of times I wasn’t your goddamn soulmate, you violent lying heathen!”
“I’m not lying!!”, Virgil protested, his frantic stare looking between both Patton and Roman, “It really did say something else yesterday-”
“Your deception is so blatant, it’s laughable.” 
They all turned in time to see a figure Virgil recognised all too reluctantly. The boy Roman had kissed earlier had arrived, meeting Virgil’s form with a scrutinising gaze that held nothing but contempt. 
“Roman was absent yesterday.”, he explained, “I have the texts he sent me in advance to prove as such.”
Virgil hated his condescending tone almost as much as he hated how much his stomach clenched in pain seeing the adoring smile on Roman’s face.
“Thank god you kept them, Logan.”, Roman sighed, “Otherwise this lying ruffian would-”
“That’s enough!”
Even Logan flinched at Patton’s outburst. There was only so much he could take, but calling his son, his pride and joy, a ruffian!? A liar!? That was too far. 
“I dunno whats going on here,”, he began, voice firm and scolding, unmistakably a fatherly tone, “But I know my son, and there’s no reason for Virgil to lie about this. Honestly, you both look like smart boys, what reason would Virgil have for being so persistent?”
Roman and Logan shared a glance, the latter stoic as ever while the former tried to explain the discrepancy away, “He… Perhaps he’s delusional...”
Patton wasn’t amused. 
“Try again.”
Virgil was stunned to hear his father sound so stern, unable to keep the smirk of pride off of his face.
“Then he-! He must be doing it for attention-!”
“Virgil?“, Patton asked, not missing a beat and unbreaking with the eye contact with Roman.
“Yeah, Popstar?”
“You said it was just you and Roman when you confronted him and when you ran into him the first time, right?”
“Yeah, basically.”
“Then it wouldn’t have been for attention, surely.”, Patton explained, “If anything, it’s shaping up to look more like you were really playing a mean trick on Virgil..”
Roman shuffled uncomfortably, causing Logan to butt in to try and defend his soulmate, “If you will kindly refrain from badgering Roman, I would like to point out that Roman is not the type to attempt this kind of mean spirited prank. Also, you are being rather biased in your opinion-”
“And you’re not?”, Patton retorted, “I don’t mean any offense, Logan, right?”
Logan nodded.
“Well, Logan, you’re Roman’s soulmate, correct?”
“Then you’re also biased. So what’s the difference?”
The flabbergasted look on Logan’s face was priceless to Virgil who looked to his father like he was a God among men. His dad is so COOL. Just then, the principal opened the office door, 
“Sorry to interrupt but like, Virgil, I’ll need to talk to your father now.”
Oof, there goes that fleeting serotonin. Patton nodded and got up, ruffling Virgil’s hair, “Try not to get into another fight in the meantime, okay kiddo?”
Virgil avoided looking at Roman or Logan, “.... No promises.”
For a good few minutes, the three of them sat in silence, Virgil hiding in his hoodie like a lifeline to avoid looking at his soulmate-but-not-anymore. Just hearing them quietly talk to each other so softly and affectionately made him want to be sick. Why did the soulmark change? Could Roman really have just been playing a shitty trick on him? As much as he hated to admit it, every time Roman looked his way now, Virgil could tell that the guy felt awful. Whether it was guilt over a joke too far or for Virgil being so convinced and turning out to be wrong, the emo had no idea.
Virgil’s brain tuned into the conversation between the two boys across from him, catching the tail end of an unrelated conversation.
“Oh, Roman, I didn’t see Remus this morning, would you mind returning the book I borrowed last week back to him?”
“Don’t bother, he’ll be here pretty soon anyway.”, Roman groaned and slumped in his seat, “He’s at the dentist but dad should be bringing him along-”
“Hold up.”, Virgil finally spoke up, cursing how rough his voice sounded as the two looked his way, “Sorry but um, did you just say you have a brother?”
“Yeah?”, Roman crossed his arms, trying to seem pissed still.
“Does he happen to look like you?“
“No shit, we’re twi-”
From the mutual horrified look they each gave the other, they had both figured out the problem just as a man walked into the office in a rather expensive looking business suit followed by what could only be described as a near perfect clone of Roman; only instead of Roman’s signature reds, golds, and whites, the chaotic looking boy sported a mix of blacks, silvers, and greens. Without either of them having to say another word, their theory was confirmed as Roman’s twin, Remus, grinned brightly, “VIRGIL~!!!!”, making a beeline for the stunned emo.
Virgil didn’t have a second to think as Remus scooped him into a hug. Yeowch, what a grip. 
“Dude, my ribs-”
“Whoop, my bad- Hey what the fuck!?”, Remus put Virgil down in time to realise he was covered in bruises, “Who did it?! They’re a deadman, just say the word, Virge-”
The man from before cleared his throat, “Remus, please do keep us all in the dark. You know I enjoy being confused.”
Remus turned to the man just as Patton’s father walked out of the office into the commotion and gestured to Virgil like he was the holy grail itself, 
“Dad, he’s my soulmate!! It’s kinda a long story, but since Roman was out sick, I figured “Hey why not see if I could be Roman for a day?!” but then I met Virge here and I had to keep up the Roman shtick, but then I wanted him to see me without all the Roman getup but by then I couldn’t find him again!”, he turned to Virgil apologetic but no less chaotic, “I wanted to say something before but I figured you’d think I was super crazy!”
Both parents were rather stunned to say the least.
“Well, I was totally expecting that.”, Janus murmured.
“Yeah, me neither.”, Patton agreed.
Both men turned to each other, ignoring their respective sons at the moment in favour of sharing a surprised glance. Patton couldn’t help but note how handsome the man was; beautiful piercing green eyes, tanned skin with patches of vitiligo, honey brown hair that stayed tucked neatly under his bowler hat. If Patton had known his soulmate would look this handsome, he’d have worn more than just his grey cardigan, blue polo shirt, and khaki shorts. However, the handsome man didn’t seem to mind, if the affectionate smirk he sported was any indication. He took Patton’s hand and lifted it to his lips, kissing it softly,
“Janus King,”, he uttered with a silky voice that set Patton’s heart aflutter, “Had I known my soulmate was so breathtaking, I’d have sought you out sooner.”
Patton’s face flushed bright red. He needed to take a second before he could answer, “Pa...Patton Sanders.”, he smiled bashfully, “I ought to be careful, I guess. I don’t wanna go to jail for theft.” 
It wasn’t his best joke, but Janus’ shoulders heaved in a silent chuckle, “Don’t worry, I wold be happy to defend you in court-”
“Uuugh, get a room.”, both twins groaned in unison; Roman still leaning on Logan while Remus was peppering Virgil with kisses.
Their father affectionately flipped them the bird while Patton shyly rubbed the back of his neck. Through the silence, the headmaster cleared his throat, “Like, I wanna go home sometime today, so like, if you all have your shit sorted then that’s great. Now go. Shoo.”
They didn’t need to be told twice; the ragtag group all made their way home once Janus and Patton had exchanged details and finally pried Remus off of his overwhelmed but adoring soulmate.
Day 14, and I’m stll gonna try and get this all done, juST WATCH MEEEE
Fun stuff I wanted to include but couldn’t find the time to put in:
- Logan’s soulmark was “Why do you have those [science textbooks]? This is History right?”
- As you can guess, they met when Roman came to the wrong class and noticed Logan whipping out the Physics textbooks
- The reason fate made Patton adopt Virgil first was because without Virgil, Patton would’ve never crossed paths with his soulmate
- While Virgil is adopted, Janus used a surrogate and wasn’t expecting twins but he’s no less delighted to be their father. Even if they’re little shits.
- Probably obvious but the headmaster is Remy because heck it I love him.
Taglist: @somehow-i-got-an-account   @cateye-glasses   @fandomsofrandom
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how many wips do you have? like what are they all, and not the number of wips in a fandom? what are all the names?
okay. fuck you. fuck you so much. fuck you.
i’m putting this under a read more cut no one else deserves to see this shit. a lot of these are requests, and for those i will just write out the request itself
domestic polycule fluff with tem, jessa, and will because im not a coward
- hehe hoho i request destiel hehehe
- request 61/? cai cai cai cai i need you to rewrite the destiel scene but yk. GOOD. not like i'm in the know about the spn fandom or anything, it's been years for me. but DO IT
Bright Sessions
- caleb/adam grisha AU
- mark bryant vs. united states aka sue the AM
- caleb/adam college fluff
Umbrella Acaademy
- request 31/? i want a ben and klaus drabble please spare me some brotherly bickering
- AND SO BEGINS NIGHT 4 with request 13/? oooh oooh can i get a raymond and allison playlist??? i think their vibes together would SLAP
- hi there night 2 is technically morning 3 but who's counting not me anyway request 5/? can i get a ben moodboard? gotta rep my tua bb
Percy Jackson
- request 9/? can i get a percabeth moodboard or quote edit?? like god they're the og couple goals take me back to high school cai
- For the 100 follower things :D Jercy getting caught in the rain
- request 29/? a drabble about literally anything to do with pjo. i’ll be happy with anyone and anything i’m love these children
- *somersaults in like I’m a real fancy acrobat* hello ello ello may I request some camp half blood chaos possible involving *does a flip* ✨side characters✨ <3
Penumbra Podcast 
- request 52/? drabble about the penumbra podcast. this is for ren bc ren likes it and i don't actually know anything about it. juno? i think? that's the one ren likes. write it for ren
- Tpp ghost hunting / buzzfeed unsolved au
- sad juno smut
- final resting place fic go brrrr
- request 6/? i'm going to my roots y'all can i get a spider-man playlist? if not a playlist then i'd honestly be happy with literally anything involving spider-man
- request 15/? i'm going crazy this is recorded evidence of me actually losing it ANYWAY can i get a quote edit for something from iron man? literally anything that man says is gold so cai's choice :D he deserved better in endgame i'm still bitter
- request 42/? do another spidey thing that differs from the other spidey thing
- request 73/? you have Opinions. rant about infinity way and/or endgame. go.
- request 74/? quote edit for deadpool!!
- spideytorch relationship character study
- peter parker as a tired grad student monitoring the young avengers (send help)
Six of Crows
- okay listen i wasn't going to request anything bc i worry about you but also? if you want to/have the time hit me with a playlist for our girl nina zenik
- request 43/? fuckin give me the ending anya should have had. she is alive and with her new son and having a great time
- request 45/? inej moodboard?
- request 47/? will you make literally any meme of your choosing for six of crows?
- request 48/? write a drabble for kaz, my favorite bastard
- okay so i don't actually like nina or mattias that much but i still wanna hear about your thoughts (and also see if you'll change my mind)
- kaz brekker turning 18 fic. birthday party, everyone singing, whole shebang. i need it stat
- religious trauma fic aka i started shipping kaz/alina/inej and i can’t stop
- kaz trauma soup (he has D.I.D. and you can’t prove me wrong)
- my two redacted fics for @grishaversebigbang​
- wesper fake dating
- six of crows bright sessions crossover: everyone gets therapy
- uhh... s1 gang having a nice time? melanie getting to have some Pride™️? some "fun" horror thing?
- request 7/? spare steph and jason bonding? please sir? spare some for a humble child such as myself?
- okay so this was meant for night 3 but i had midterm shit SO this is honorary night 3 let's DO THIS request 8/? i want a moodboard of extremely out of context magnus archives shit like i mean confuse the FUCK out of me i don't go here i know Nothing about it
- request 11/? OKAY so i need tim stoker meeting tim drake now i need my timmy to meet your tim plus i want to see character differences no i'm not trying to create a tim stoker in my head so i can read a's fic while NOT thinking of tim drake whaaaaaat you're crazy
- request 18(i think)/? i need a quote edit of every time within the first like. 15 eps of tam where jon is like “sounds fake but go off” thank u bb
- request 40/? i challenge you to write a tma drabble based only on the episodes i've heard. i'm currently halfway through episode 23
- Jon being lovingly bullied into taking a break. I'm aware this has been written a million times but it is one of my favorite things.
- spiral!sasha AU
- extinction martin go brrrrr
- high school era timsasha. they've both been friends for years, and everyone always asks when they will be a couple. they decide to fake date, to prove everyone wrong and show what a bad couple they would be. turns out that's a bit trickier than they thought
- after sasha comes back, tim is broken. he can't let go, scared that if he looks away for even a minute he'll lose her again. sasha suggests shibari as a way for him to give up control
- sasha pov mag 19 au, sacrificing herself to save the others, knows that if she gives herself up to the not!them it will let the others live
- this is the "tim finds a polaroid of sasha" trope
- early archives days,, long nights in research,,, clothes sharing,, somft. late nights and falling asleep at their desks warm and safe in the other's presence
- two parts: timsasha as kids, each picking a constellation that is "theirs". just soft kid antics. tim at sasha's grave glancing up to see their constellations
- continuing your job’s a joke (you’re broke)
DC Comics
- my redacted fic for @batfam-big-bang​
- request for you to get a decent amount of sleep? serious answer, dickkori, SAL's Venus
- request 4/? timsteph morning after 👀 mayhaps?
- a concept: nonbinary stephanie brown
- teehee hi mom, you don’t have to do this if you don’t want to, but can i request damian angst for your accomplishments 100 followers?
- hi you can ignore my first request if you want, or you can ignore this one. but bls possibly write some bikini ra’s? -the bikini bitch
- request 27/? jay is asking through me for a jondami playlist but tbh i also want it so win win yk?
- "I don't know how to help you but I can help you find someone who does" with bruce and jason? im just craving bruce being a good day to jason for once
- “I am putting you in time out because you need to understand the consequences of your actions.” with steph and jason as dumbass disaster bi best friends pretty please?
- request 32/? timsteph patrol date!!!
- request 33/? timsteph *gala* date? mayhaps??
- request 37/? tim drake drabble but make it Edgy cai
- request 39/? drabble of a prank war between tim and damian
- joyfire cuddly fluff please? or like just any outlaw fluff if joyfire isnt your thing (feel free to add every member of the outlaws, dont feel like u gotta stick with jason, kori, roy i love them all)
- barbara and robin! jason fluff? bonding over books or something?
- request 62/? i need a drabble about the chaotic trio jason, tim, and steph i'm love them ty
- request 63/? batfam x mcu crossover. batfam meets ironfam. give me ALL the cliches. ALL OF THEM
- request 64/? young justice x young avengers - jay cuz idk SHIT about the young avengers
- request 66/? jondami moodboard pls and ty
- request 67/? timsteph moodboard!!!!!!
- request 69/? HEHEHE kinky 😏 i would v much like a timsteph drabble of the almost first time. does that make sense? like i don't want you to go all the way NSFW cuz i know that's against the rules and i'm a rule follower. but like they *almost* go all the way. this could be fade to black or some shit i don't care just make it a lil steamy and have Fun
- i request damian angst! all of it
- hmm... maybe i request? jondami?
- mayhaps,,,,some batfam,,,,,committing crimes? ily be gay do crime <3 - lu
- How about a ficlet with Steph and Cass?
Found Family Bingo Prompts
- no powers au
- tunnel
- first day
- join the club
- hurt/comfort
- experiment
- playing favorites
- hold on
- possession
- 10 o’clock
- singing
- road
- snitch
- curfew
- timer
- fantasy au
- zombie au
- dreams
- campfire
- are you okay
- movie night
- games
- scared
- a request: Write A Drabble, Coward
- is it too late to request a moodboard for me?
- request 20/? i’m going off book because i’m in a Chaotic Mood™️ can you just absolutely vibe check me like go off cai demolish me
- request 21/? i formally request that you pick a favorite cai. i don’t care what that favorite pertains to, just pick a favorite something
- request 23/? roast me
- request 24/? can i have a buzzfeed unsolved spoopy playlist but spoiler alert it’s not spoopy bc shane doesn’t believe does this make sense it has been a Day™️
- request 25/50 i want a jake and amy fic make it Soft cai i’m love them b99 is so good
- request 28/? i know nothing about the lord of the rings so make something that will confuse the shit out of me
- request 34/? malvie and jaylos moodboards 😈
- request 35/? a moodboard for the bbb mods!! perceive all of us!!!
- request 36/? moodboard for the tua mods too???? mayhaps??
- request 41/? doctor WHO? idk but i want a drabble of him and the one character i know from doctor who which is rose
- request 46/? make an alignment meme with our group, have fun!!!
- request 49/? i want you to kin assign me a character from every fandom you can/want to. go feral
- request 50!!!!/? this is a special request. the most special request. can you make a bastards tbh playlist? i want our vibes encapsulated. i want us in music form. i want to hear those songs and be like "that's me and cai" and smile.
- requests 51/? i know jack shit about good omens. explain it to me in the most confusing way possible. make me know less by the end than i know now
- request 53/? can you write a mel aesthetic? i'm Curious
- request 54/? give me a list of book recs cai i want some good book recs pls
- request 56/? edit a picture of US together too
- request 58/? oooh can i have a disney edit? like. hm. i just really love disney and i want anything to do with disney. like a quote or an aesthetic or an aesthetic edit i just want disney.
- request 59/? i would v much like a recipe for carbonara. i've never had it but it sounds fucking delicious
- request 60/? ooh hey can i get a makeup tutorial? i know you like makeup, i'm shit at doing makeup. teach me
- request 65/? i need the most emo playlist you can make that vibes with dear evan hansen thank you
- request 68/? i want a superwholock moodboard. this can be serious, with the actual fandoms in mind, or literally what the era felt like. the insanity. the horror.
- request 70/? ooh ooh ooh do you have a good bread recipe?? i wanna get that bread
- request 71/? i want a playlist with the vibes of summoning a demon. please don't ask questions. i don't have answers. and if i do, no i don't.
- For the requests, how about writing something based on a friend?
- request 75/? MMMM i want literally anything to do with natasha, pierre, and the great comet of 1812
- request 76/? i want some healthy recipes. help a girl out
- a feral bbb quote or two?
- you perceive my plant but now I dare thee to perceive mine own visage
- okay this is a two for one request. 1. you did the bee movie script so now we need a shrek two script edit 2. sleep please
- Pansexual mb for my lil queer soul?
- my (probably) final request is just for you to ramble about something, i don't really care what
- HI ILY CONGRATS AS WELL CAUSE IM LATE BUT CONGRATS. could i request a pirates of the caribbean (or just pirates) or whatever you what to do, free range.
- mood board for the beluga whales who got brought to the animal sanctuary in Iceland please?
- 100 follower request: Moodboard for my stuffed cow Oaky?
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siorca · 3 years
Autobots set up cameras to spy on the Decepticons but they instead witness Momma Soundwave (any verse)
Anon I have no idea why you send me this prompt because I literally have not written in years, but I felt inspired. Didn’t edit, might fuck around and put a proper version on my AO3:
“What are you doing?”
Ratchet was tired, and the throb of a processor ache buzzed between his optics. His voice echoed his state, dull and unperturbed where he might have shown a level of concern on a good day. Meetings with Prowl tended to do that. Primus, did he have respect for that mech, but how frustrating it was to sway his stubborn nature on issues of medicine.
Sideswipe spared him a passing glance, returning to his task with added fever, as if completing it quickly could keep Ratchet from spoiling his fun. Ratchet had pulled rank on him for more minor infractions before. In a rare case of fortune, Ratchet had no interest in the resulting paperwork today.
Laid before him was one of the few drones that the Ark still had left, between the crash, Decepticon interference, and drunken Autobot hassling. Its simple processor was split open neatly, and Sideswipe moved between its internals with precision. In another life, Ratchet would have gladly mentored him as a junior surgeon for such a display, but knowing what he knew of him after millions of years, he could only muster a vague sort of impressed detachment.
Sunstreaker was only a few feet away, not contributing much, aside from a cool atmosphere, leaned against the wall like he was the last line of defense before a sudden collapse. While Sunstreaker rarely participated in Sideswipe’s more mischievous endeavors, he was never far behind to witness the fallout, like a specter of misfortune. A classic form of sibling bonding, in Ratchet’s experience.
He locked optics with Ratchet, raising an expectant optic ridge, the edges of a smug smile pulling at his lips. Ratchet waved at him in polite greeting.
Sideswipe let out a loud huff, hovering over his pet project protectively when he realized Ratchet wasn’t moving - mostly because a majority of the hallway had been turned into a makeshift workshop and Ratchet ached in too many places to try maneuvering around the little space left for travel.
“I’m winning a bet,” he said, oozing the brand of determined confidence that only Sideswipe was foolish enough to exude. Ratchet rubbed his optics, unimpressed, trying to keep his processor ache from spreading. Deflated, Sideswipe fiddled with his screwdriver a moment more, ducking back into his task, neatly and swiftly installing a small camera in the midst of the fissures he had created in the cranial unit.
“And what bet involves you vandalizing Autobot property?”
“He thinks the Decepticons have a pet sea monster,” Sunstreaker supplied, helpfully. “He got hooked on one of Hound’s stories about Earth creatures.”
“What?” said Sideswipe, incensed. “Just because the humans haven’t been able to get much scientific proof, doesn’t mean the Decepticons haven’t discovered something they missed. They live down there, for Primus’ sake!”
“Don’t you think they would have managed to outfit it with some sort of Cyber-tech to make our lives more difficult by now? Megatron would have at least called to brag the first deca-cycle they captured it.”
“Maybe they’re saving it for a secret mission? You never know!”
Ratchet’s shushed them, waving his hands frantically to avoid a brawl. Sunstreaker still looked unperturbed, but Sideswipe’s hackles were raised enough to hint at an inevitable pounce. Sideswipe pouted, welding the suffering drone back together with far more force than was necessary. The camera poked out of its head inelegantly, though blinking steady enough to prove that it worked.
Ratchet held onto only enough processing power to put the pieces together.“Are you...planning on breaking into the Decepticon base with that? To see if they have a sea monster?”
Ratchet was impressed, truth be told. This sort of ingenuity was something that Jazz would be interested in. It was almost a shame that Sideswipe was not cut out for Special Ops. Still, he could appreciate the craftsmanship, not to mention the sheer absurdity of going to these levels for the sake of pride. It reminded him of something Wheeljack would do, and it was only the fond thought of his conjunx that fueled his further investment.
“Yeah. Good to make sure the ‘cons aren’t planning anything.” Sunstreaker scoffed behind him. Sideswipe shot a glare over his shoulder.
“Huh,” said Ratchet. “If only you could muster this much effort on any of your assigned projects.”
Sideswipe sputtered in indignation, standing from his crouched position. He naturally towered over Ratchet, but knew better than to use his bulk for intimidation where Ratchet was involved. Sunstreaker snickered behind him. The drone, which had finished powering up, chirped, hovering around Sideswipe’s knees like an eager youngling.
Sideswipe gathered himself, brushing past
Ratchet brusquely. “Excuse me, I have a point to make,” he shot over his shoulder. The drone chirped again, matching his pace quickly. Sunstreaker peeled himself away from the wall, trailing behind him, sighing dramatically.
Ratchet looked down the empty expanse of hallway, his quarters tantalizingly close. The processor ache was starting to fade, replaced with a dangerous curiosity. “You doing this now?”
“No time better.”
“Curfew is soon.”
“So?” said Sideswipe, crossing his arms in a defensive manner.
Ratchet sighed, cursing every weak process in his body that caused him to make equally as foolish decisions as those around him. “So, it’s best to have an officer escort you. After all, said officer might be able to cover for you if you happen to be late.”
Sideswipe grinned. “Oh yeah?”
“Yeah. I’m more so interested in seeing if your monstrosity can get the job done.” Said monstrosity beeped irritatedly, as if its neglect was a personal affront to something that held no personality.
Sunstreaker groaned. “Don’t encourage him. This is only going to end badly.”
“Most likely, but what else do we have to do right now?” said Ratchet, trailing after the strange trio and out of the base.
The sun was just beginning to set by the time they made it to the shore, the pinks and oranges of the sky reflecting on the ocean in a dazzling kaleidoscope. In the distance, the one moon was beginning to peek through the clouds, struggling to outshine the fiery final performance of the sun. Humans found something romantic in such periods of transition. Ratchet, of a species who built their existence out of transformations, remained nonplussed.
“Mirage mentioned a security loophole near the back hull of the Nemesis a while back. Fancy words for ‘there’s a hole in it.’ Salt water makes it difficult for repairs to take, I guess.” Sideswipe placed the drone near the edge of the water, facing the general direction of where the Nemesis lay dormant. The drone did not move, ever eagerly awaiting orders.
Ratchet made a humming noise. On the other side of the beach, Sunstreaker was hassling a tiny crab that didn’t make it back to the water before low tide. It couldn’t harm him, yet it’s posturing begged to differ. If force of will could kill a mech, Sunstreaker would be in critical condition right now. Sunstreaker smiled crookedly at the creature, taking care not to accidentally step on it.
Sideswipe reached into his subspace for a datapad, tapping at it with his stylus in a rhythmic manner while he waited for it to fully boot up.
“Rigged this up.” Sideswipe waved the awakened pad, the crisp image of the sunset on full view.
“Clever,” said Ratchet. “You even sure the drone’s going to survive the water?” Most Cybertronian tech did not play well with salt water. One of the drawbacks of being born on a planet that was not intimate with the substance.
“It’s survived this long. Seems to be made of sturdier stuff than the average drone.” Sideswipe patted it good-naturedly on the shoulder.
“If you say so. Let’s get started before a ‘con patrol shows up.” Ratchet waved Sunstreaker over. He grumbled something too low to hear, moving down the beach. Once reunited, he folded his arms, cocking one hip to the side in his usual aloof stance, shooting his brother a challenging glare. Sideswipe stuck his glossa out at him in retaliation.
Sideswipe turned his attention to the datapad. He nudged the drone with his foot. It beeped, inching its way forward slowly. He nudged it again, the drone making a more affronted noise, quickening its pace.
There was a palpable tension as the drone immersed itself, the watery image of the Pacific melting into itself as the camera adjusted to its new temporary home. The image crisped the deeper it went, the shapes of small fish, scampering away from their newest visitor, becoming clearer. Sideswipe let out a whoop of excitement, the drone dutifully fulfilling its task and Sunstreaker huffed in annoyance.
“Well I’ll be slagged,” said Ratchet, placing his hands on his hips in astonishment. Autobot ingenuity was truly only at its best when petty pride was involved.
The drone traveled deeper, the pressure of the depths squeezing around the hydraulics in its lower half, slowing its momentum only slightly. The remains of the Nemesis were laid deep, near to the point where light had difficulty penetrating to the sea floor. Just enough sunlight peeked through to illuminate the remains of coral and the clinging vines of seaweed crisscrossing the outer hull. It looked monstrous in the semi-dark. If any sea monsters were lurking here, the Nemesis could certainly qualify as one with the right argument.
A large hole, poorly obscured by a large wad of algae, pocketed the side, toward the back. Small creatures hovered near it, mistaking it for a haven from the larger predators. The drone made its way through the throng, scampering up the remaining shrapnel that passed for a crude ramp into the interior. Inside, the Decepticons had managed to use some feat of engineering to stave off the water after a few feet. The result was a lagoon in the middle of what Ratchet would assume was the remains of part of the cargo bay.
Emergency lights flickered overhead, bathing the otherwise empty space in an eerie, energon-pink glow. The bay was smaller than expected, only made more obvious by the tall wall of concrete, sectioning off one side, no doubt to protect their precious mechanical stores on the other side. The drone gave a quick sweep of the area.
Sunstreaker tapped his foot impatiently. “Nothing here.”
“Yeah, yeah, we just got here,” shushed Sideswipe.
A convenient ventilation shaft lay across the room, wide enough to pass through. The drone meandered its way there, clambering inside with little effort. The tunnel was dark, but the basic night vision on the drone could make out the forward path.
“They probably have it stored somewhere where they can keep an eye on it,” said Sideswipe, matter-of-factly.
Ratchet kept a close optic on the screen, his sharp senses picking up the tell tale notes of conversation. Up ahead, a vent peaked out into a hallway, somewhere near the living quarters. Ratchet hushed them, pointing at the screen firmly. Valuable reconnaissance was important, regardless if sea monsters were involved or not.
Sideswipe commandeered the drone toward the vent, tilting the datapad to encourage the drone to look through the grates. It pressed up against them firmly. Even distorted, the distinct, blocky shape of Soundwave was hard to mistake, two smaller bodies with him that could only be his own pair of twins.
One brother was cradled in his arms with a painful looking dent in his right cheek. A sour frown marred his face while his body sagged in an overdramatic sprawl over Soundwave’s arm. The other had his arms crossed over his chest, his visible forearm sporting a nasty scratch, petulant scowl twisting his features.
“You must mind your strength, Rumble. You nearly cracked Frenzy’s optic,” chastised Soundwave, gentle and firm in only the way a creator could manage. There weren’t many of those left, between the two armies, and it only made it extra bizarre to hear such a rare tone from Soundwave, of all mechs.
It was obvious that the drone had stumbled upon some sort of familiar conflict. Perhaps not imperative to the war effort, but tantalizing all the same.
“Should they be doing this out in the hallway?” said Sideswipe, absentmindedly.
Sunstreaker shrugged. “Maybe it’s a Decepticon thing.”
On the feed, a loud huff came from Rumble. “Well, he started it!”
“And yet I have told both of you multiple times to stop rough-housing.”
“Soundwave, I’m fine,” piped up Frenzy, drooping further down Soundwave’s hip. He seemed to be trying to turn himself into pure liquid in order to escape his creator’s arms. Soundwave only tightened his hold.
“That is not the point. You will seriously hurt each other one day. Last week, you nearly blew out Rumble’s audials. What will it be next time?” Soundwave’s words must have struck a nerve. Frenzy had the decency to look bashful, pausing in his squirming. Rumble simply pursed his lips.
“Both of you must be more careful until you have better control of your sigma abilities.” Soundwave finally freed Frenzy from his makeshift prison, who promptly scampered to his brother’s side.
Soundwave’s concern was familiar to Ratchet, echoing a time long ago when creators used to bring their Outlier sparklings to his Dead End clinic. Those whose abilities were extreme enough to affect their health or those around them and the rarer cases of those that thought he might be able to help control their abilities.
He empathized with him. Soundwave himself was an infamously powerful telepath, and it was only logical that his creations would inherit some sort of power. The proof was in their terror on the battlefield, the few times that they had participated in the more small scale scuffles. He had nearly forgotten how this would reflect in what would pass for home these days.
Soundwave sighed, for the moment deflated. “Go to Hook. He owes me a favor. Make sure to behave yourselves.” The twins nodded, for now behaving themselves as they made their way down the opposite side of the hallway. Soundwave, himself walked a few doors down, assuredly to his own quarters.
Sideswipe pulled the drone away from the grate. “Give them a few days, they’ll be right back to trying to kill each other.”
Sunstreaker grinned. “Wouldn’t be surprised if there’s a round 2 before they hit the medbay.”
Ratchet barked a laugh. “Probably.”
“Now to find that sea monster.”
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ofclaires · 3 years
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PAST SELF PARAS: april 2020 / september 2020 / march 2021. 
hi, before the read more i just wanted to say THANK YOU. getting to play claire has been absolutely a treat, a challenge, and genuinely, a huge part of my life for the past year and a half or so. it occurred to me when writing this and looking back at other things i’ve written for claire that i didn’t just feel like i was writing this for myself or for claire ; but i was writing it for you guys, too ! that has been one of the most special things about gallagher for me is the writing community that i feel like we built, taking such a huge investment in our characters and everyone else’s writing. i feel like i’m writing with and for some of my best friends. i also feel like i’ve grown so much ( ok, i actually don’t just feel like it, i can look back at those three paras and SEE how my writing has improved. ) i am so blessed to have gotten to write claire with all of you and to share her story, i feel like she has been so fucking beloved & it’s given her so much life. i am so proud of her and it’s really bittersweet that i’m finally saying goodbye to her as well. so, thank you all so, so much, gallagher has been a writing experience like no other for me & i love you all ! 
trigger warnings : domestic violence & abuse, death
The trailer that Claire spent the back half of her childhood in never felt like home. Maybe because trailers are made to be temporary, or the fact that if she accepted that this was where she belonged, she’d have to give up hope.
It’s normal Maggie Walsh to be out late, Claire’s usually cleaned up the kitchen and tucked herself into bed by the time her mother comes in the door – but she’s not sleeping. She’s always had trouble with that, brain bouncing around from one thought to the next until eventually she hears the creak of the door.
Her mom’s home.
She hears the usual stumbling, the clatter of dishes falling from where she’d neatly placed them on the drying rack. Maggie’s drunk, Claire’s sure of that. Ten years old and she knows what it means to be so drunk that you can hardly see straight, that the words you say under the influence are a different reflection from the person that you really are. She inhales deeply and crawls out from under the covers to check on her. Ten years old and she knows the steps: Help her take her makeup off, make sure she sleeps on her side, glass of water on the bedside table, trash can on the floor. Maggie is only twenty-six years old herself now, not done with her childhood by the time that Claire was born, not ready to be a mother. Claire’s had to figure it out most of it herself.
“Mom?” Claire knocks on the door lightly, plastic cup full of water already in hand.
“Don’t – don’t come in!” Maggie sputters, and Claire’s confused. She defies her request and opens the bedroom door the rest of the way. When she sees her mom, she drops the cup on the floor, small hands curling into fists.
“What happened? Who did that to you?”
“I told you not to come in here, Claire,” Maggie repeats, but Claire has always been on to disregard commands. She learns at a young age that authority only means older than you or some assigned title, not that they know best.
“Who did that? Why?” She repeats her questions. Despite being mature for her age, it’s hard for Claire to wrap her head around the black eye obscuring Maggie’s face, and the swelling on her cheek.
“It doesn’t matter,” Maggie sighs, dejected as she flops down on the bed. Even in her state, she knows that there’s not much use telling Claire to back off or go away once she’s decided that she’s not going to. Her little girl is a spitfire, strangely enough reminds Maggie a lot of her own mom, like living with a miniature version of her. Maybe that’s why Claire wins most arguments. “Come here.”
Claire walks closer to the bed, kicking the cup aside on her way for no reason other than to kick something. She crawls into bed next to her mom and looks up at her, waiting for more of an explanation or literally anything but silence. 
“I don’t know why I keep looking for a happy ending. I leave you home alone, I come home like this...not helping either of us,” Maggie presses a kiss to the top of Claire’s head, runs her fingers through her daughter’s hair. It’s so soft and Claire is so little, she can’t help but look at the spilled cup on the floor with a pang of guilt. “I’m sorry,” she adds, voice choked up and words a little slurred. Tears squeeze out of the corners of her eyes when she closes them, hugging her daughter closer, “I’ve blamed you for my fucked up life for so long...that’s not fair.”
Now, Claire is only ten, but those are the kind of words that you remember forever. Still, she smiles. “It doesn’t have to stay fucked up. It can get better,” a childish spark of optimism in her heart that hasn’t yet been put out. It makes Maggie smile back though, kissing her daughter on the top of her head yet again.
“I like that,” she says, and they fall asleep curled up beside each other. Claire sleeps soundly, thinking that it’s possible. Things really could get better, and for a while, it seems like there really is a sort of shift. Maggie starts cooking, cleaning again, and she doesn’t even stay out so late. That’s when she meets Martin.
He seems better than the rest. Until he isn’t.
But Claire does her job as her mother’s protector, just as she’s been doing all of her life, and it’s that event that jumpstarts the rest of everything that happens next.
Claire’s come to the formal conclusion that graduation ceremonies are a waste of time. There’s all this build up, everyone’s so excited, and then you have to sit around and wait for your name to be called so you can spend two seconds walking across a stage while everyone claps. She would have skipped it entirely if her mother hadn’t already come up, and if she knew that people were going to insist. The small talk afterward is even more agonizing than the ceremony itself. It is sort of painful saying goodbye to everyone, and it occurs to Claire that there’s more people that she’s going to miss than she ever expected.
“Callum and his mother are here,” Maggie points out.
“And?” Claire rolls her eyes. Seeing Callum again to begin with had brought up a lot of old feelings, and generally, even though they’d resolved things, she tries to avoid him whenever possible.
“Well, it’s probably weird if we don’t say hello, at least, right? I’m going to say hello,” Maggie interjects, “he’s such a sweet boy.”
Claire’s eyebrows rise on her forehead as she crosses her arms over her chest. “Go ahead then,” she sighs, “I’ll wait right here.”
“Claire,” Maggie draws out her name with a withering stare, but Maggie has never been able to establish that sort of authority with Claire that would prompt any inclination of obedience, so Claire just shrugs her shoulders, unimpressed. She’s not going to budge. “Fine, I’ll be right back.”
Claire’s done her best to put the chapter of their life that includes Martin out of her mind when rekindling things with her mother, and she certainly doesn’t want to stand around making small talk with his other ex-wife, trying not to look at Callum with his matching jawline, trying not to remember everything she hates. It all comes back in a flash. The horrible cracking sound that her mother’s head had made when it connected with the wall, the blood on the marble floor. They say you don’t remember trauma properly, that your memory doesn’t work quite right, but she will never forget the way her fist connected with Martin’s face : like a puzzle piece, like it BELONGED there, and she’d done it over and over again until she heard sirens.
And yet, Claire can’t deny that it’s a part of her life that got her here, where she is today. She thinks life is shitty and random, and that not everything has to happen ‘for a reason.’ Still, she’ll catch Kass’s eye across the room and see her smiling so brightly that it seems impossible not to believe in something. Claire can’t help herself anyway – she smiles back. No one has ever been able to produce Claire’s smile in its truest form the way Kass has, unashamed of being so happy to look at someone. She once thought the idea of looking at a person and seeing your whole future was ridiculous, that you’d have to be stupid to put that much of yourself into someone, but it isn’t like that at all. All of it was unintentional, like by the time she realized it, Kass was already everything. And she feels so safe with that thought that she doesn’t mind at all.
“Am I interrupting something?” A figure steps in front of her, cutting off her line of sight. She’s not really fond of being snuck up on, so she opens her mouth to say something snarky when she’s met with the gaze of Lisanna Harlin, one of last year’s mentors. Her daughter, Elisa, is there, but she’s not graduating, so Claire’s confused by Lisanna’s presence.
“No, Ms. Harlin,” Claire says, though there’s a spark of indignation in her words that practically goes hand in hand whenever an adult commands authority.
“Lisanna is fine,” she says with a light laugh, like she’s amused Claire’s greeted her this way.
“Can I...help you with something?” Claire asks, mostly curious about how long this interaction has gone on. While she’s friendly with Elisa, she was Kass’s roommate last year, they’re not exceedingly close, so she’s not sure what else Lisanna would have to say to her other than maybe a polite hello.
It’s more than a polite hello. Lisanna Harlin works for Lexon Corp in Durham, North Carolina, a private military company that provides armed guards, bodyguards, and guns for hire. They’re the sort of place that would be looking for the best of the best in combat, and they have a bit of a reputation for hiring Gallagher girls. Claire had given up on the job search months ago since the video went out, in fact, she’s had a job lined up for graduation already : at a boxing gym in D.C., where the scene isn’t too bad. It was suited to her, but not exactly the sort of thing that her Gallagher education had prepared her for. Lexon Corp? Everything her rigorous love of January boot camps were tailored to. And they want to interview her.
A month later, Claire’s sitting on the cusp of a completely fresh start. It wasn’t easy to backtrack on the plans that she and Kass had made together, knowing how much was changing for the both of them, it had been nice to have the stable idea of an apartment together on the horizon. Now, she’s a four hour drive away, and she goes home to her one-bedroom studio in Durham after rigorous training throughout the day. But she’s grateful for the chance to work her way back into the field, and she can remember what Lisanna said to her when they gave her the offer.
“We’re aware that with your history that we’re taking a chance on you, Claire,” Lisanna said. “But we think the reasons that made other agencies look past you are exactly what makes you an asset. You care about your jobs, the people that you’re involved in, and you’d have a partner’s back until the bitter end. You listen to your intuition, trust your gut...and above all else, you have follow-through. I’m excited to be able to offer this position. Don’t prove me wrong.”
Claire swears that she won’t.  
Kiptyn isn’t supposed to be in the left hall closet. 
In fact, he’s not supposed to be awake at all. But who can sleep the night before their birthday anyway? Sure, he’ll be thirteen, and that’s probably old enough to have gotten over the magic of it all, but...he’d still been lying awake with excitement, the anticipation keeping his eyes open for hours on end. Well, that and the video game he’d been playing under the covers, but he’d obviously only been playing it because he couldn’t sleep in the first place.
Then he started thinking about the left hall closet and the conversation that they had at dinner the other night. In Kiptyn’s defense, Dahvia – his younger sister – had totally started it and he was an innocent bystander. After all, Kiptyn’s old enough to know that they don’t bring up Claire to mom, because it just puts her in a mood and then you can forget about doing anything else for the rest of the evening. But Dahvia’s ten, practically a baby, and she doesn’t know any better.
“Hey, mom? What sort of accident did Claire die in? Nina asked me at recess and I didn’t know,” Dahvia pipes up, before she’s even properly sat down. Kip visibly cringes. He’s older, wiser, knows this won’t go well. Still, he dares to look at his mom’s face and he notes the faraway look in her eye, like she seems to experience a bunch of things at once. Kip notices how even though her eyes are glassy, she doesn’t cry. Though sometimes, their mom will just cry randomly, like two weeks ago when he asked for help with his Spanish homework and she couldn’t even help him finish the first worksheet.
“It was a car accident,” she says stiffly, “eat your dinner.”
Kiptyn kicks his sister under the table and flashes her a look that says : Great. Look what you did, ruined dinner. Dahvia sticks her tongue out at him.
So, he knows that he’s not supposed to be in the left hall closet because he could ruin many more dinners, but he’s here anyway. He’s been thinking about it ever since they sat in silence for the rest of that half hour, and he’s come to the conclusion – his mother was lying. Because all sorts of things make their mother cry, like a bowl of mac and cheese or Spanish class, or motorcycles, and she won’t let Kiptyn take boxing lessons though his friend Robert is and he thought it sounded really cool, but she doesn’t have any problem with cars or driving, and also, she’s never told them a single thing about Claire except that. They aren’t allowed to know anything about her, especially not anything true, so Kiptyn is pretty sure that’s a lie. There’s just something just weird about it.
So, in the middle of the night before his thirteenth birthday, he looks up a video on how you pick locks and then he figures it out on the door of the left hall closet. He’s there for at least forty-five minutes, practically ready to give it all up when he hears the clicking sound, and then it opens. His first thought is : Woah. This is a load of junk.
And he’s right. There’s boxes upon boxes of paperwork, old clothes. Some things start to click, like when he finds a pair of worn boxing gloves with Claire’s initials embroidered on them. His favorite thing that he finds is the fattest scrapbook he’s ever seen – his mom always makes them, there’s one for every year of his life. Dahvia’s too, they love looking at them. The cover of this one, though, says Italy 2021. It’s all pictures of his mom and Claire, probably in their early twenties. Kiptyn mostly notices his mother’s smile, how he’s only seen her look like that a couple times in his life and yet it looks so EASY here, like she wears it all the time. It’s so strange to him. He sets the scrapbook down and crawls toward the back of the closet. His eyes land on two leather folders with gold embroidery, and he opens up the first one. In big letters at the top : GALLAGHER ACADEMY.
It’s a diploma.
This certifies that Kassandra Sutton has satisfactorily completed the…
“What are you doing?”
Kiptyn yells out like a child, not having heard anyone creeping up on him. He claps his hand over his mouth as if to shush himself. “The door was open! I don’t know how, but I just...noticed it was open and wanted to make sure that...no one was stealing your stuff!” he grins sheepishly, hoping that he can ride on the high of his birthday week to get him out of this one.
“It was just...open?” his mother looks down at him with raised eyebrows before brandishing a twisted paper clip between two fingers. The one that had formerly been stuck in the door. His guilty expression widens, he can’t help it.
“Okay, I might know how it opened,” Kiptyn admits. He hesitates for a moment, before he realizes that he’s ALREADY in trouble, he might as well just come out with it and pray to the birthday gods. He holds up the diploma with her name on it : “What’s Gallagher Academy?”
Kass’s sigh is heavy and deep, accompanied by the amount of exhaustion that comes with raising two curious kids by herself. After Claire died, she moved her family to London to be closer to their aunt and away from everything that reminded her of Claire. She never told her children why. From hiding that world from them, the world that took so many people from her : her father, her ex-girlfriend, and the love of her life. She swore that she would never lose her children to it, too. But Kiptyn looks up at her with wide eyes, desperate to know about his mother and his past, and Kass also knows what it’s like to have part of yourself missing due to family secrets that are being kept from you. He is practically a teenager now. So, she relents.
Kass doesn’t go into all of the details, of course. Just that Gallagher Academy was a school for spies, and that’s where it all started. Kiptyn already knew that his moms met in college, so it’s the spy part that’s most interesting to him. She talks about Claire with a light in her eyes he’s unfamiliar with, how she was one of the best fighters in their year, that she grew up with such a talent in the ring that she probably could’ve gone pro if her life had gone in a different direction. She talks about how they had to part ways after graduation, because Claire got a job in North Carolina and she got a job in Washington, DC, but they made it work, and both got very accustomed to the four hour drive – though it was sometimes closer to three for Claire, because she always drove too fast, even on this big, black motorcycle which Kass swears that she hated. She tells Kiptyn about how they got married, the way she’d almost moved to England for a dream job and that long distance threatened to drive them apart again – until Claire chased her down in the airport with a ring and proposal.  
She also talks about how Claire really died : the abridged version. It was an overseas mission where they’d been cornered, and Claire risked her life to save the rest of their team. There were no other casualties, and the information they were able to bring back helped stop the terrorist organization they’d been chasing to end them for good. Kass tells the abridged version for her son, gives Claire a hero’s death. In some ways, it was. She doesn’t mention the ways that Claire was consumed by the case, it was an organization hellbent on killing spies and it likely reminded her of the brotherhood. Kass had been worried about the case the whole time, because it felt like Claire was taking it too personally. In the end, she may have been right : because Claire had let it take her life in order to close it. She also doesn’t mention that such a sacrificial death means that her wife died fighting alone, swinging her fists until her very last breath. But still, she was all alone.
She had no choice but to take her kids as far away from that life as possible.
Kiptyn tries, but he doesn’t really remember Claire. He’d only been three years old when she passed away, and before then, she’d been so consumed by her last case that she was barely present. Still, he thinks she sounds badass.
He falls asleep on his mother’s shoulder that night, looking through the scrapbook of pictures from their trip to Italy in 2021. He’s animated for the first part, pointing out buildings and asking questions, wonders if Claire was sweating in all that leather, but he slowly starts to drift off. He wakes up on the couch the next morning, no trace of the book or any of the other papers he’d hauled out of the closet the night before. He looks at the closet and there’s an extra padlock. Figures.
It comes up in little ways, like a private joke that he has with his mother, like she’ll say something and flash him a secretive smile. He likes that, and he understands that this is a big secret that he has to keep. It doesn’t come up again until his fourteenth birthday the next year, the summer before high school. It’s a strange letter in a manila envelope, sealed with some expensive red wax, his name written in fancy calligraphy. The most attention-grabbing part, however, is not Kiptyn Sutton-Walsh in big cursive letters. It’s the return address :
learn her skills, honor her sword. keep her secrets.
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lovelyirony · 4 years
@ad1thi and i were having a very enlightening conversation, aka Tony’s bisexual and doesn’t realize it. it was fun! 
When Rhodey first sleeps with Tony, it’s incredibly amazing. They had been talking, getting shakes late at night, and Tony suddenly asks if they can take this upstairs. 
Here’s the problem: Tony doesn’t realize that you can like both guys and girls. 
So when they wake up, and Tony says “You know I’m not gay, right?” 
Rhodey’s kind of in shock. Because he laughs. It’s a funny joke. He literally just slept with Rhodey, and while Rhodey’s still a young guy, he can confidently say that Tony will probably always be in his Top Five. 
Tony’s reasoning is that he still likes women. Rhodey is not completely confident that Tony knows what bisexuality is. 
“You know that you can like both, right?” Rhodey says.
Tony blinks. 
“Let’s not talk about this for another five years. Can you do that thing again with your tongue?” 
Rhodey shrugs. 
Yeah, sure, they can wait. Tony has pretty eyes, Rhodey would prefer to get lost in them. Besides, Tony will figure it out in time. 
About three months later, Tony comes back from a meeting, strange look on his face. 
“Rhodey, did you know about bisexuality?” 
“Considering I’m dating one, yes,” Rhodey says. 
Tony stills. 
“You’re dating someone?” he asks. “Who? Why didn’t you tell me?” 
Rhodey snorts. 
“Tony, you are adorable. You, honey. I’m dating you.” 
“We’re dating?” 
“Considering you always kiss me and hold my hand and call me nicknames and you’ve met my family? Yeah, we’ve been dating.” 
“Why didn’t you tell me?” 
“I figured you’d figure it out. You also told me not to talk about it for five years. So I wasn’t gonna push my luck.” 
Tony pushes his shoulder. 
“Ugh, you suck.” 
“As of last night, that was definitely not true--” 
“Gross!” Tony declares. “Gross! Also, Bruce wants to know if you’re coming to the improv show. Apparently he and Thor are gonna do something really funny with some of the audience prompts.” 
“Yeah, of course I will,” Rhodey says. “Wanna get dinner before?” 
“Already told Nat I would. Apparently she’s bringing a new friend.” 
“A friend she’s interested in?” 
“No, a girl she said eviscerated all of the business guys in her class. She says we’ll like her, especially you.” 
“Interesting,” Tony says. “We’ll have to see her. Any name yet?” 
“I think Virginia.” 
“I’m going to ask her if she has a nickname.” 
Virginia Potts is not exactly sure why Natasha asked her how she felt about chaos. 
“You’re about to meet it in human form.” 
She did not think that the guy in the hoodie with a bouquet of flowers on front and the guy next to him in a plain white t-shirt were chaos. 
At least, that’s until the guy in the hoodie flings a grape across the cafeteria and lands it in someone else’s drink. 
“I’m playing God,” he announces. He zeroes in on Pepper. “Goodness, you look like a goddess.” 
Pepper stills. 
“You’re always like this, huh?” 
“He is,” the guy in the white t-shirt announces. “I’m Rhodey. That’s Tony.” 
“I am literally never going to call you Virginia, I think it’s stupid that you were named after a state.” 
“It’s a family name.” 
“Even worse!” Tony says brightly. 
“He doesn’t mean that,” Rhodey says hurriedly. 
“No, he’s definitely right,” Virginia says. “I hate it. I just don’t wanna go by Ginny because then everyone asks if I like Harry Potter.” 
“Struggles,” Rhodey nods. “I understand. My dad wanted me to go by Jim. I wasn’t aware I was supposed to be eighty right now.” 
Tony snorts. 
“Sit down for now. We shall figure out your nickname in time.” 
They figure out the nickname ten minutes later when Pepper is trying to shake some pepper and salt into her soup and the lid to the pepper shaker falls off and dumps the whole container into her soup. 
“Pepper,” Tony decides. “It’s Pepper.” 
“It is kinda catchy,” Nat admits. 
Pepper it is. 
Despite the fact that she wasn’t exactly fond of the nickname, it sticks. She puts it on assignments, goes by it, and when she loses her college ID, changes the name on it to Pepper. 
“So I was right,” Tony says smugly after the improv show one night. “You do like it.” 
“You’re never allowed to brag again,” Pepper warns. “But yes, I do like it. Now pass me my jacket, it’s cold out.” 
The weirdest part to this whole...thing is that she gets crushes. On both Rhodey and Tony, and she is quite sure they’re dating, although sometimes they both flirt with her, and yeah that feels nice. But she’s not sure if they mean it. 
Meanwhile, Rhodey is having a Crisis. And he’s not the one known for having crises, because that is Tony’s part of the roommate contract. Tony has the crises every two months, and usually about something like his nonexistent problem with his grades or something along the lines of family. 
Rhodey had a crush. On Pepper. Which he should’ve been expecting, because she’s...well, she’s herself. Pepper is most likely the most capable human on the planet, has worn high heels to a full day of classes and not complained once, and can get Tony out of the lab with absolutely no bribery, which was thought to be impossible. 
So he is having himself a bit of a crisis. Because he doesn’t want to stop dating Tony. Tony’s his whole entire world, and he can’t imagine life without him. But on the other hand, Pepper could also be his whole entire world, and he can’t imagine life without her. 
He brings this up to Tony over a lunch at the dining hall. 
“You too?” Tony asks. “Thank god, I didn’t want to break up at MacGyver’s Dive.” 
“You were planning it to be there? I like there!” 
“I know. But I hate it there, so I was planning on being petty as fuck.” 
So it goes. They both come to the mutual decision to ask Pepper out on a date. This is all sorts of nerve-wracking because they want to treat Pepper nicely but she has seen both of them at their absolutely worst fashion choices. 
She’s seen Rhodey wear neon green, which is essentially a war crime in the making. 
You can imagine the sort of stress they are under. 
But it starts with asking her to an evening coffee at a little cafe not too far from campus. 
“What’s the occasion?” Pepper asks. 
“What, can’t treat one of our favorite people on earth to the best coffee on earth?” 
Pepper blushes rather prettily as she sits. Rhodey gets their coffee, and Tony entertains Pepper with a new story about the weird guy on his dorm floor that keeps decorating random doors with different animation characters as part of a school project. 
They all sit comfortably, talking about life and school and the stupid people in Pepper’s communication classes. 
There’s an ease of silence that overtakes them. It’s forty minutes to closing. They need to say what they need to say. 
“So, um,” Tony says. 
Pepper breathes. 
“I like you both,” she says. “And I really wanna see if you guys wanna date.” 
“This makes this so much easier,” Rhodey says. “Tony and I like you, we were gonna ask if you would go to the movie night at the student center on Friday.” 
Pepper grins. 
“Of course I’d like to. Grab dinner before?” 
“Unless you want me to bring soup to the movies? Of course,” Tony says, smiling. 
They go out of the coffee shop with hearts a little lighter, eyes a little brighter. 
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radramblog · 3 years
Rating the letters of the alphabet
I feel like part of my style of comedy is just rambling about shit and making loose connections between things as part of an overall bit. I think. I’m no expert on myself, unfortunately.
The inspiration for the following absolute load of shite is trying to search Tiermaker for nothing. Like, no characters in the search bar. Didn’t come up with anything. Did a search for just a space. No dice. What about just a? Surely that’ll bring up everything with an A in the title. But it didn’t, and I was somewhat disappointed.
Then my head started writing bits about letters and that’s how we got here. This is probably really stupid, but maybe it’ll at least be fun. Wordplay is cool, though maybe not my strong suit? Anyway.
A: A is one of the two letters that’s also just a word, as you’ve just seen, giving it a necessary promotion in rank. Not a lot of things get to double up like that, though with the “an” ligature maybe it’s actually a double or nothing. But because of the confusing common connection crossing contexts for the character, it gets somewhat awkward to talk about the letter in conversation. An A, in my opinion, A does not get. 4/5.
B: B is also just a word letter but unlike A when you write it out you have to stick a few extra letters on to make it work, making it not as good. But B’s association with bees isn’t enough, because in the year of our lord, like, 2019 or something, it would become inextrixably linked with shite memes as the B emoji became king. And I just don’t respect that. It’s otherwise a fine letter, dragged down by its company. 2/5.
C: Oh come on now, the word doesn’t even have a C in it anymore! You can sea the see without any of our tertiary letter’s involvement whatsoever. Not to mention how its two main sounds are just copies from other letters wholesale. C must be confusing to non-english speakers, I’d imagine. C as a grade gets what C as a grade typically entails for many a schoolchild. 3/5.
D: It would be remiss of me not to give a sterling grade to the D. Why, none of us would be here without it. While many a youth may find the D to be quite a humourous subject, I assure you I’m taking it with the gravest of sincerity when I say the D has got to be one of the best letters of all.
And by D I mean deity, of course. Wait, what did you think I meant? 5/5.
E: The absolute absurdity that is the E meme elevates E efficiently enough to excel beyond many another vowel. However, it is also the single most common letter in the English language, going so far as to open the damn name. It’s to the point where someone made a point of writing an entire book without using it, and I think Gadsby is cool but mayhaps avoiding fifth uncial was a bit showy. I can’t help but mark it down for the sake of hipster cred. 3/5.
F: F is for Fuck. I like the word Fuck. F is for paying respects. I think the military-industrial complex has poisoned our cultural landscape to the point that a reference to one of its most prized productions’ awkward moments has become one of the most colloquially used meme letters in existence, And That’s Terrible. 3/5, I’m conflicted.
G: Man literally who the fuck cares about G. What is it even good for. Just an absolute waste of a letter, total shithouse. It’s NATO equivalent is Golf, the Worst Sport, too. Who asked for any of this? Just use a J instead, it’s cooler. 1/5.
H: I’ve seen “Hhh” used enough times in written forms of pornography to not consider it a Horny Letter. That and it, being short for Hentai, is often used to denote adult material in Japan. Basically what im saying is, I think this gets worse the less sex-positive you are. 6/9.
I: I think I’ve said enough about letter words already, but I is another high-tier one because like A I is just it’s own thing. It can also, however, be a bit confusing, looking just like an l a lot of the time, and having to constantly capitalise it is a pain in the ass. I also don’t have a particularly high opinion of myself, so a high opinion of I seems disingenuous. 3/5.
J: Clearly the best letter, hands down. I’m definitely not biased. There are so few letters as underappreciated by J- a fact many a person who’s had to do that “assign yourself an alliterative adjective” icebreaker game has had to reckon with. Because it appears to be a lot more popular with names than with words, and that just kind of sucks. 6/5.
K: K has in some circles managed to bump off its partner to become yet another letter word, though in a very informal abbreviated sense. However, when you’re looking into scientific fields, eventually said partner returns, having lost some weight on the trip down to absolute zero. This all makes complete sense in my head, and I’m sure is a lot less funny to anyone who doesn’t live there. 4/5.
L: I’d argue that L doesn’t cop its namesake. It’s a really useful letter, loads of words use it, especially in pairs, and my ADHD-brain thought it was fun to just say LLLLLLLLLLL for a bit while I was thinking about this so I guess that’s staying in now. Put me down as an L Lobbyist. 4/5.
M: Mmmmmm. M&Ms. But also it’s kind of a pain to write. Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm. 3/5.
N: I’d like to fight whoever decided we should have two letters that sound so similar right bloody next to each other in the alphabet. Actually, who the fuck even decided the alphabet’s order to begin with? Maybe it should go M to N, that’ll bloody show you. 2/5.
O: Our fourth vowel, and perhaps one of the underappreciated ones. O is similarly a letter word, but a much more common one considering its use as an interjection. It’s also one half of a very powerful letter combo, as we’ll see. 4/5.
P: There’s the other half. Many a joke involves OP as a phrase, whether it mean overpowered or original poster, and the letters’ adjacency is a lovely bit of serendipity. Whenever I say P out loud, on its own, I have to resist the urge to do some incredibly shitty beatboxing, which may or may not be a good sign. 4/5.
Q: I was going to write some very harsh words about Q, and its dependency on U, but then I realised that that is probably hate speech against the disabled. It still sucks, though. 0/5.
R: R is the one I am most struggling to think of things to say about. R is another letter that’s just kinda there. I’m sure the Roberts and Rachels of the world would disagree with me, though. It’s also the name of a program that I know has traumatised a lot of young biologist wannabes, slapping us with a whole pile of maths and statistics when we just wanted to look at cool plants and shit. Or in my case, cool cells and shit. 2/5.
S: The most overrated consonant, but also the thing that makes plurals not a pain in the ass. However I’m going to lean towards giving S a positive rating, if only because it’s associated with snakesssss (and serpentine characters who can talk) and I like those. 3/5.
T: I don’t think T gets enough credit as one of the pillars of the English language. A lot of very common words feature it, and yet it feels like it never gets the same level of credit as big shots like S or half of the vowels. T is like the character actor of the alphabet, is basically what I’m saying. 4/5.
U: Ah, the letter Americans hate for some reason. I think this is actually commentary on the history of American politics. Because throughout history, America has been extremely selfish and self-centered, while attempting to present a positive image that people are finally seeing past. They only entered WWI and WWII when it was convenient for them, they started wars and initiated coups in even their allies for petty ideological reasons, and they’ve gone to war with several countries and funded wars with several others seeming just for shits and giggles. Because apparently if you’re not an American, then you’re not one of them, and that means they hate U. 4/5.
V: I actually think V is underrated. It’s a fun sound. That’s it, no joke here. It’s neat, I like it. 4/5.
W: This may come as a shock to you, but double-u over here is actually two Vs! unless you’re writing in cursive, but fuck cursive. The French actually have it right on this one, naming it double-v (pronounced doobleh-vay). Add in the fact that it’s literally just M upside down, and you’ve got a pretty shite letter. 1/5.
X: There’s a reason literally every “A is for Apple” thing you see made for kids uses Xylophone for X, and that’s because there are no commonly used words that start with it. Seriously, it’s all just scientific terms- I’d argue X-Ray is more common than Xylophone in common parlance, but also, who wants to explain imaging to a kid. It doesn’t even get a second page of words on Dictionary.com. X also has implications as a letter word, that I’d rather avoid at the moment. 2/5.
Y: Ah, Ygreck, everyone’s favourite “what the fuck, France?” moment. Between that and being sorta kinda not really a vowel, Y prompts its own question more often than I’d care to admit. 2/5.
Z: As a (technical) member of the generation associated with this letter- on the one hand, I’m sorry, on the other, y’all have it coming. The final letter of the alphabet, one of the other ones worth 10 in scrabble (and yet X isn’t???), and one we probably got pretty sick of in the early 00s when it was everywhere- ironically, when most of the generation was getting born. 2/5.
And that’s the lot of them. I hope this didn’t alienate any non-English speakers too hard. It’s probably fine.
Join me for more bullshit next time I have another stupid idea. I mean, tomorrow.
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