#why do i attract women
skateisawesome · 4 months
i really dont want this to come across as homophobic but i have lifelong issues with tone so if it does can someone tell me and ill fix it!
so i have spent the last 4 years of my life coming out as a straight person. sounds stupid.
but basically i have had so many dating rumours surrounding me and my friends that i used to get asked at least once a week if i was gay. i dont know what im doing thats making everyone think im dating my friends but apparently i do it to everyone. i have been the queer awakening for several of my close friends who fell in love with me and through that discovered that they liked girls.
all of that is fine and i can deal with it. im happy to keep correcting people and i've been working on being less flirty with my friends and putting effort into it. what's been pissing me off for the last year or so is the ongoing assumption that i am gay and i just dont know it yet.
i have been outright told by people "one day im going to kiss you and youll discover you like girls"
it made me feel uncomfortable and weird and im gonna be so honest here. i just dont think i like girls that way. i really thought about it and i dont. but i would (and still am) getting told by my close friends that one day when i 'eventually come out' they are all gonna sit around and say i told you so.
but i also wanna say that if i ever was to discover that i was not straight, it would be pretty hard to come out to any of those people, to any of my friends. theyd be so aggressive and constantly tell me that they knew or that it was old news. and so it kinda feels like even if im questioning things, ive been forced to reiterate that im straight so many times that being queer doesnt feel like an option anymore. its like i was forced to decided gay or straight when i was twelve and then people have harassed me ever since and now im not allowed to change what i chose even if i was to be seriously considering not being straight.
to me that feels really fucking toxic and its just upset me for the longest time.
and at this point i dont know what to do. like i cant really retaliate or say anything without people thinking im homophobic (which i swear to you i am not and my intention is not ever to harm that wonderful community in which so many people i love exist). i never want to hurt anyone but like what the fuck do i do!
im so sick of this. its also so weird and i kinda doubt that anyone else has really had this problem lmao.
i would love some opinions. look idk why im posting this. i dont care. i want people to tell me im justified but i also want people to tell me why they think im not. i want someone else to tell me what to do because i dont know.
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yakityyaku · 4 days
very funny (irritating) to me that everyone whined and yelled about stupid rainbow capitalism and how performative wokeness/allyship is a net bad we should all refuse to support and now like.
tumblr is doing nothing for pride and target isn't selling much (if any) of their pride collection offline except at certain stores (in democratic areas, basically) and build a bear has a much tinier collection than normal and all the actual pride stuff is on their "adult" website (not sure if it's in stores, but pride = adult is a hell of a message)
there are genuinely good criticisms for performative allyship in all its applications. it shouldn't be the only thing we expect from people and companies. but if all the shit I see being called performative stopped tomorrow then in terms of the LGBTQ+ community especially we just. wouldn't talk about queerness or queer issues or celebrate pride or do anything.
open your fucking eyes. we are very close politically to having gay marriage rolled back. now companies are basically being let off the hook to even make a miniscule effort (which matters to the people who don't have access to any other kind of support in their communities! which normalizes the community in public spaces!) because the only reaction they have gotten over the last few years are negative ones from BOTH sides.
we are so entrenched in discourse at all times for the sake of our OWN performance of who is the wokest and who is REALLY an ally or a good community member that we have basically handed over all the work of activists of the last several decades to the other side because we'd rather scream at each other over fucking chicken restaurants and shit than the real life backsliding that's happening.
and this goes for other shit too. feminism, poc rights, all of it.
also. trans rights aren't discourse and aren't just culture war arguments. in case any terfs think they can spin this to be antitrans.
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nightlocked-in · 2 months
“peeta is bisexual” you guys are losing the vision. peeta isn’t even straight. katniss INVENTED sexuality for him. whatever katniss identifies as, he’s like “yeah, i’ll take that one” no questions asked
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housecow · 20 days
Girl please stop romanticizing obesity, it will literally kill you eventually (and I know it’s not the first time someone says it to you). Like are you even ok? Romanticizing being immobile & being humiliated on the street? Why would you even aspire to this? For some attention of questionable men on this app? Girl they don’t deserve you. This message comes from a place of concern, it is not intended as an insult. You said you want a career in the future, maybe focus on that, I’m not sure how possible it is do all that while being immobile or having whatever condition.
omfg 😭 i apologize for writing little stories to get myself off, i guess?? lmfao. i have a fetish. i state clearly in my bio that this is what to expect. sorry im horny posting anonymously on tumblr.com ???? stop being weird when u don’t even belong in these spaces
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silvermoon424 · 7 months
It fucking blows my mind how so many men will just see a picture of a woman and feel compelled to publicly announce whether he finds her fuckable or not. This happens on basically every social media site and also irl. Like, did you ever consider that maybe she's not desperate for the approval of random men and she doesn't care if you think that she's too fat or her nose is too big or whatever?
It just gets really disheartening running into this time and time again because it really hammers in the point that far too many men only value women for our looks. Like they have the capacity to comment literally anything and somehow it always comes back to whether a woman makes their peepee hard or not.
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doll-elvis · 9 months
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the way the feminism would leave my body at lightning speed as soon as Elvis asked me to do something…
like cut your toenails? let me go get the clippers sir
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tenderpreyy · 10 months
​I’m thinking again about Astarions sexuality and how I've seen some people (to be fair, just a few) talk about it. Mainly, people pointing out his flamboyant behavior, and that us as players are learning more about his past male lovers than female ones and basically all these things for some people pointing to him being gay or at least not interested in women in the same way he is in men. And him only being a romance option regardless of gender, because, well, all companions are and he is therefore just "playersexual", only showing interest in female player characters because he has to, because of the game mechanics.
I think what really rubs me the wrong way about this topic is that it echoes the kind of things bi/pan people (speaking as a bisexual woman myself) find themselves dealing with irl. Whether through some form of internalized biphobia or from the outside through other people's comments. Of course this is about a fictional character so it’s not like he has any feelings that could be hurt. But when i see people tallying up how often he mentions men vs. how often he mentions women it really reminds me of a way of thinking I sometimes fall into in regards to my own sexuality. This is definitely just an internalized response and not something I actually believe when I truly think about it for a second, but I know these patterns of thought very well. Of observing my own behavior. How often do I find which gender attractive? Am I attracted "enough" to women? Do I talk about men's attractiveness too often? Is it the other way around? Am I only saying this woman is attractive to prove something to myself? I literally have a girlfriend and my attitude towards mine or other's sexual orientation is generally a huge big "whatever, I don't care". And I still have a passing thought like that from time to time.
So seeing people talk about a fictional character in this way really sends home how many people (whether consciously or unconsciously) see attraction as some sort of equation, you can solve, where in the end you get a result of either gay or straight.
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michaelmylove · 5 months
the curse of your favorite ships being gay men but are only able to draw women </3
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yonpote · 2 months
is pj bisexual? i feel like i remember him being bisexual
obsessed with the way you phrased this.
ah yes i remember his bisexuality well i saw it in a dream, a far off vision....
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aemiron-main · 2 years
the ST set design put the word “henry” behind Will’s neck in s4 and yet I’m supposed to believe that the word “women” being behind Mike when he’s upset and talking about “bullshit media propaganda” isn’t supposed to mean anything?
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gmanwhore · 12 days
The doorman: Get behind me girls! I'll protect you! The doorman: The guys uh. You guys can die ig I don't really care :/
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epickiya722 · 8 days
Sometimes it's just so funny to me whenever Miruko is on a poll and people be like "You're voting for the bunny girl"?
Look, if you can find characters attractive what's wrong with Miruko? Okay, she a bunny woman. Oh, wow. Like people haven't been attracted to stranger before. Ain't the first time and it won't be the last.
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evansbby · 17 days
bro now it’s actually pizsing me off the hate this poor young woman is getting for playing Juliet in some random play in London like not even a Hollywood movie but a random play 😭😭
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fbfh · 2 years
i LOVEEEEE the way you write leo <33333 he’s so sweet and perfect and hot and perfect and amazing and perfect
THANK YOU <333333 he literally is the perfect man.
Leo Valdez is the type of boyfriend to take a fuckton of pictures of you, half of which are on polaroids or film cameras bc he likes sticking pictures of you in his phone case. you look so gorgeous, so organically etherial and happy in every shot he gets of you that people think they're like,, those bonus polaroids you get sometimes with albums. they think he got them from pinterest for the aesthetic. he informs those people that "nah that's actually my s/o aren't they so fuckin gorgeous lol" and people don't believe him. all his stem bro friends have no fucking idea how he bagged you, and he's used to guys thinking he made you up until they meet you. they get fucking whiplash when you're like "no no HE'S the catch in this relationship. I would commit war crimes to keep that man happy I love him to death and back. that's not a euphemism." you both just love and cherish each other so much. he talks to his mom about you all the time. anytime anyone who knows him wants to talk to him all they have to do is ask about you or whatever project he's working on and he lights up like a fucking christmas tree. his mom loves you. all her worries that Leo would fall for someone who wouldn't treat him right (which in all fairness he does have a bit of a track record for) fly out the window with you. Esperanza trusts you with her son which is literally the highest honor you could ever recieve. it's not something you take lightly and it's absolutely something you cherish and take care of every day.
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macden · 4 months
it’s always sunny in philadelphia is important representation for idiot bisexuals with eating disorders
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vampyre-kin · 1 year
I hate him. Listen to me, do you understand? I hate him. I hate him, I hate him, I hate him, I hate him.
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[seething with lust]
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