#why do i need to learn about photosynthesis
theparadoxmachine · 2 years
Sometimes design and fashion people, I swear....
I just read an article where a person living in a studio apartment let an interior designer critique her apartment. He didn't like that she kept a plant in her window because, idk it created visual clutter or blocked the view or some shit and suggested she move it elsewhere.
Dude. Guy.
It's a plant.
You know they're...alive...right? People put plants in windows because they need sunlight. Because that's how they live????
This Guy at 13 Probably: Ugh I'm going into interior design why do I need to take stupid biology?
Also This Guy: lol why do people keep putting plants in windows??? Dont they know they look much better in that shadowy corner behind the chair?????
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reasonsforhope · 9 months
Ancient redwoods recover from fire by sprouting 1000-year-old buds
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Article | Paywall free
When lightning ignited fires around California’s Big Basin Redwoods State Park north of Santa Cruz in August 2020, the blaze spread quickly. Redwoods naturally resist burning, but this time flames shot through the canopies of 100-meter-tall trees, incinerating the needles. “It was shocking,” says Drew Peltier, a tree ecophysiologist at Northern Arizona University. “It really seemed like most of the trees were going to die.”
Yet many of them lived. In a paper published yesterday in Nature Plants, Peltier and his colleagues help explain why: The charred survivors, despite being defoliated [aka losing all their needles], mobilized long-held energy reserves—sugars that had been made from sunlight decades earlier—and poured them into buds that had been lying dormant under the bark for centuries.
“This is one of those papers that challenges our previous knowledge on tree growth,” says Adrian Rocha, an ecosystem ecologist at the University of Notre Dame. “It is amazing to learn that carbon taken up decades ago can be used to sustain its growth into the future.” The findings suggest redwoods have the tools to cope with catastrophic fires driven by climate change, Rocha says. Still, it’s unclear whether the trees could withstand the regular infernos that might occur under a warmer climate regime.
Mild fires strike coastal redwood forests about every decade. The giant trees resist burning thanks to the bark, up to about 30 centimeters thick at the base, which contains tannic acids that retard flames. Their branches and needles are normally beyond the reach of flames that consume vegetation on the ground. But the fire in 2020 was so intense that even the uppermost branches of many trees burned and their ability to photosynthesize went up in smoke along with their pine needles.
Trees photosynthesize to create sugars and other carbohydrates, which provide the energy they need to grow and repair tissue. Trees do store some of this energy, which they can call on during a drought or after a fire. Still, scientists weren’t sure these reserves would prove enough for the burned trees of Big Basin.
Visiting the forest a few months after the fire, Peltier and his colleagues found fresh growth emerging from blackened trunks. They knew that shorter lived trees can store sugars for several years. Because redwoods can live for more than 2000 years, the researchers wondered whether the trees were drawing on much older energy reserves to grow the sprouts.
Average age is only part of the story. The mix of carbohydrates also contained some carbon that was much older. The way trees store their sugar is like refueling a car, Peltier says. Most of the gasoline was added recently, but the tank never runs completely dry and so a few molecules from the very first fill-up remain. Based on the age and mass of the trees and their normal rate of photosynthesis, Peltier calculated that the redwoods were calling on carbohydrates photosynthesized nearly 6 decades ago—several hundred kilograms’ worth—to help the sprouts grow. “They allow these trees to be really fire-resilient because they have this big pool of old reserves to draw on,” Peltier says.
It's not just the energy reserves that are old. The sprouts were emerging from buds that began forming centuries ago. Redwoods and other tree species create budlike tissue that remains under the bark. Scientists can trace the paths of these buds, like a worm burrowing outward. In samples taken from a large redwood that had fallen after the fire, Peltier and colleagues found that many of the buds, some of which had sprouted, extended back as much as 1000 years. “That was really surprising for me,” Peltier says. “As far as I know, these are the oldest ones that have been documented.”
... “The fact that the reserves used are so old indicates that they took a long time to build up,” says Susan Trumbore, a radiocarbon expert at the Max Planck Institute for Biogeochemistry. “Redwoods are majestic organisms. One cannot help rooting for those resprouts to keep them alive in decades to come.”
-via Science, December 1, 2023
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weirdmarioenemies · 1 year
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Name: Pit Plant
Debut: Mario Kart: Double Dash!!
This Piranha Plant has bright green, ridged lips. That's how you know it is from the GameCube! Did you know? The abbreviation often used for the GameCube is "GCN", which stands for "Green Clothed Nibbler", referencing the green lips of the Piranha Plants. The mouth is the nibbler, and of course, the lips are the clothes of the mouth, keeping it closed and appropriate. Green clothed nibbler!
Unfortunately, Pit Plant's story is a bit of a sad one :( let's learn why...
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This is Dry Dry Desert! It is a desert, it is dry, and it is dry again as well, wouldn't you know it. It is not to be confused with the many other Mario deserts named Dry Dry Something. But it's hard to get this one mistaken for another, because it is so incredibly distinctive! The sun and the sphynx are looking down upon us with funny Mario object eyes, which are also present all over the place, as with any Double Dash course.
Dry Dry Desert is also distinguished by its Danger! There are Pokeys, sure, but also roving whirlwinds, and best of all...
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Pit Plant! A unique green Piranha Plant with yellow spots and brown spikes, which sits at the bottom of a conical pit of sand. I know what this means. You know what this means. Let's sing it together!
If you slip down the sand, get chomped, and start dyin',
You, my friend, were caught by the antlion!
Pit Plant is based on antlions! The insect that, in its larval form, sits at the bottom of a pit just like Pit Plant's, waiting for poor bugs to lose their traction on the sloped walls. Once they get in the center, the antlion will chomp its prey and slurp its insides through its hollow mandibles! This is not like what a lion does at all.
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In case it was not obvious by now which I sincerely hope it was, Pit Plant is Dangerous. There is even a billboard warning everyone about it! Not just a sign, a BILLBOARD. A very prominent, permanent fixture. They know about the danger Pit Plant causes, but it is just a native plant, living its life! This is its home, and it is your own fault if you get eaten by it.
We only see Pit Plant's head, which is the flower, so there is so much lurking underground that we cannot see! No leaves to speak of, but there is no need for much photosynthesis when you can and do eat an entire Waluigi. Probably a Stomach of some kind down there, since Piranha Plants have those. Most intriguing is how it made this pit in the first place, though! Maybe it uses its roots to dig, or there are indeed some leaves underground, modified for burrowing! I like to think that the architecture of the entire pit is formed by its roots, keeping the shape anchored securely even if the sand is blown all over the place.
I am sorry, but it is time for the sad part.
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Here is Dry Dry Desert in Mario Kart 8. It's just one angle, so there's not much to judge from this image, though I like the Hammer Bro-looking sphynx, a nice reminder that this is a turtle world and we're just living in it. But such realistic clouds... these ones would never have eyes, and neither do the realistic pyramids... it already feels kind of lifeless compared to the original, and that is worrisome. The tornado is even gone! What's the deal? Take me to Pit Plant! I need to see my friend Pit Plant, and maybe toss some raw chicken into its mouth from afar!
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...It's gone. Pit Plant is dead. In its place? Nothing. Just a hole. This is a remake! Isn't it supposed to IMPROVE on the original? I like the oasis, but other than that, this remake feels so lifeless. If you fall in the hole, Lakitu takes you out, and that's it. They could have still had Pit Plant! Just have a brief fade to black and Lakitu dropping you back on the track! And the billboards, now purely advertising. I don't think Red Shell Strike Equipment is behind the removal of Pit Plant, but I will forever associate them with it. You know who's not innocent, though?
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I blame the tourism department! Could it be a coincidence that once the most notable dangers subsided, Dry Dry Desert started being advertised as a tourist destination? Maaaybe Pit Plant reached the end of its natural life cycle, but the tornado is gone, too. Maybe that went away on its own, and then some heartless CEOs were thinking "Now all that's keeping people from visiting is that pesky Pit Plant..." I don't want to imagine it!
I really am so sad about Pit Plant's removal. I have not even played Double Dash, but I don't need to in order to recognize the whimsy and creativity that was lost. Dry Dry Desert went from being extremely distinct to perhaps the most aesthetically standard a Desert Course could be. Can't you so vividly see Pit Plant as the featured element on its course icon, in a better world?
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Wherever you are, Pit Plant, I hope you are happy. I hope you're eating clumsy angels that fall into your cloud trap. Who knows! Maybe you even ate God, and became the new one! I'd like to think so. I feel you smiling down on me.
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sweet-honey-tears · 9 months
Sugar Doesn't Rot
. Shinso x GN!Reader
Reader is kidnapped and Shinso saves them
Hello! This was a request from one of you beautiful people! I hope you like it 💫
Warning: Mention of blood, bruises
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Anyone who didn't know you would probably be concerned about how much sugar you ingested. Hell, Shinso once saw you open three sugar packets and pour them straight into your mouth, watching how your body shivered in likely disgust. It was like a daily vitamin for you. You had your healthy everyday gummies, some Vitamin D, allergy pill, whatever else, and then at least three sugar packets. Not counting the ones you'd ingest later before training, or in the middle of training.
Your quirk allowed you unbelievable speed, but at the cost of sugar or really the glucose produced (I don't know biology please don't kill me if this doesn't make sense). You could run almost a mile in your first UA years, close to topping Lida's best speed. That was until you inevitably crashed. Body collapsing into a tired delirious state. In one instance going cold, and becoming lightheaded- your sugar level had dropped too fast for you to even notice and stop.
“ Hero Photo at your service!'' Your hero name, to your absolute corny pleasure, was short for photosynthesis. A joke about how your body turned the sugar into liquid fuel like a plant— Shinso smiled lightly when you told him the reason why you chose such a name. “I don't want some poor parents having to worry about their toddler downing sugar packets because they see a hero do it. So, let's just make them think I get my energy from the sun!”
“Ironic considering the amount of vitamin D I see you take.”
“Oh shut it Shinso!”
Shinso smiled warmly at you from across the table. The warmth of the morning light on you causing an ethereal glow as you pour what you had believed to be sugar into your hot coffee. But the twisted look on your face and splash of coughing told him otherwise. A wicked smirk playing on his lip, “Salt?”
“Shut it!”
Curled up with him under a blanket, your face puzzled as you stared at the half-completed sudoku puzzle. Shinso watched you with a lazy smile as you filled in more squares. It was one of the hardest puzzles in the book. He'd need to get you another one, maybe as a gift? Your birthday was too far away and he wanted to get you one of the stupidly hard wooden 3D puzzles he saw on YouTube. He remembers the stars in your eyes as you watched the man struggle to open it.
“Go in around the back. Denki along with Uraraka takes the left flank. Uraraka you'll lift the metal materials in the air and ensure they don't touch you or any civilians. Denki, try and channel your spark to hit the metal scraps as a conductor. While that goes on-” Shinso watched from the back of the room as you schooled the loud, irritating Bakugou on his battle plan.
“They were taken, not sure by who, likely (Enter Villians, maybe Lov? Up to you).”
“Three days ago”
Shinso was silent, Aizawa watching him, his fingers twitching as he waited for his student to crack. “Why wait so long to tell me?” It wasn't a fair question and Shinso knew that. While sections of people knew you were an item, larger ones didn't. And there wasn't a reason to tell him of your disappearance, he was only a student.
“Their quirk, we know you know more about it.” Aizawa scuffled lightly, regardless of your ranking, you were still a student and a child no less. How did they not know more about your quirk? Or did they not care to learn about you?
“We know they use sunlight-”
“No” Shinsos voice was strained, anger washing through him. “Their quirk evolves around sugar”
You rested, eyes closed in the darkness of the room. Pitch dark, not even possible to see your body that rested tied in the chair. Your body felt stiff and sore, bruises forming on your pale cheeks and ribs from the beatings. No, the lack of light didn't affect your quirk, your immune system, and overall emotions, yes. It was like a void, a cold room where you questioned if your icey body even was touching the wooden chair. But the lack of food played heavily. Regardless, even if your captors were right about the darkness, the lack of food would weaken anyone. Your body, after all the training and muscle growth, needed more food.
Drool dribbled from the corner of your mouth, body slumped in exhaustion. It took too much energy to even close your mouth.
Another day, another unanswered question, another beating. Every once in a while they'd ask a question you would know an answer to, but even then said you were clueless. How many days have you been in this room? The lack of light messed up your clock, to where time felt pointless. You struggled to latch onto hope. Days must have passed, and you were feeling closer and closer to death. Withdrawing from your superfood, sugar, torturing your body. You had never gone so long without it. And for a moment, you wondered if your body could. Your mind flashed to the doctors telling you to ingest as much as you could, the irrigation in their voice as they backtracked on every once of advice they had ever given. “Your energy, not just your quirk, depends on it.” interesting… You were so young when you heard that information, and you only remember it now.
10 days. Shinso rested in the car, body stiff and tense. Eyes set on the headrest in front of him. Eye hollow, yet filled and swirled with sickening fear and anguish.
12 days. The door swung open, shining blinding light onto you. A high-pitched cry left your chapped lips as it flashed your unprepared eyes. It felt like your skin was melting at its harshness. As though it was a flame held up to your skin. “Y/N '' a voice nearly screamed. Your head swirled up, vision blinded by the light and head now pounding, what little energy you had straining. “In-show?” your small voice cracked. Swollen tongue struggling to say the name. “I'm here! I'm here! I got you!”
Shino's eyes watered lightly at your appearance. Pale, you were sickly pale. Your hair was greasy, which he cared little about, except that it seemed matted with blood. Your cheeks were bruised and your eyes sunk in. And you were cold, so cold.
Then you cried, whimpering out in vain as you tried to grasp onto him once free. He held you close, your two bodies resting on the ground for a second as he cradled your frail self. “I love you - I love you” he repeated into your hair, not caring at the smell or cracked blood.
You lay in the hospital bed, sugar packets and sugar bags splayed open. You looked healthier and more alive. Your colors coming back and your bruises slowly fading. Shinso sat beside you, fingers carefully rubbing your hand. Too worried to fully hold your hand due to the red marks you received from struggling in your binds. “I love you,” you whispered out through cracked lips.
Shinso smiled, leaning down to kiss you until you moved your head away. “N-no.” He froze, fear raking his body. You must have felt it, the sudden tension in his body, and quickly you spoke. “My- my lips are cracked and- and I smell awful.” he won't lie, you kind of did. You smelt like a sterilized hospital room, like the cheap but effective soap the infirmary used. He cocked an eyebrow and laughed slightly.
“And I'm supposed to care?”
“Sh-shut it!”
Azawia leaned into the small area you two shared, making sure both of you were okay. The image of Shinso's red eyes and angered face never leaves his mind. How he carried your nearly limp body in his arms, your skin bruised and the usual smirk you so often had gone and replaced by a busted lip. But now, instead, he found you nuzzled into Shinso’s shoulder. The lanky male hunched over your bed, arms wrapped tightly around you as he buried his face into your hair. Azawia looked away and walked out of the medical wing, his body finally relaxing. You both where safe, you both were okay
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tassodelmiele · 5 months
Noisy little mess
Hi sweetie ⁓
Here we are, it's finally monday and we can hope again in having a good, productive week (please let it be a sunny one too I can't hibernate in April I need my photosynthesis).
I'm wondering what do you think of this little work of mine, so if you feel like it you can write me whatever comment/question/any various and possible magical shit.
Have a good chocolaty day ⁓
DISCLAIMERS: little bit of touching and hints about sub/dom relationship! Finally my kinks are emerging! (evil laugh); Ghost-who-needs-to-make-peace-with-his-brain x Reader-who-needs-to-learn-how-to-shut-up; "How to be a psychologist without a degree" (by John Price); embarassing mission I hope does not exist in reality, but i needed it for plot's sake; little bit of wounds and scars (Doc.'s gonna tie you and Ghost up to a chair for the rest of your life); yelling and fighting and arguing (you're used to it by now).
Fourth part here:
«Why the hell you've let her-»
Price swallows through the smoked breath, clenching his fingers around the consumed cigar just to distract himself from the willingness to punch a wall, or the Sergeant's face.
«I've already had Ghost yelling at me for half an hour. Spare me»
«Then explain yourself, Cap.»
«I can't. I've no explanation. She'd done it by herself»
«She's no insubordinate»
«Not in that sense». He sighs. «I told her no. I knew it was too much for a rookie». He chews the extinguished cigar for a while, taking his time. «Laswell agreed. But that goddamn girl managed to convince Kate, somehow»
«How come?»
«Dunno. But she's already feeling bad enough, and she was the one who's got to rescue the girl»
«Laswell?? Ye serious?»
Price nods, eyes locked at the door in front of them. The doc entered almost one hour ago.
«And» Soap dares to ask «is Laswell…uhm…»
«She's ok» the Captain anticipates him. «Nothing broken. But the rookie…». He sighs again, scratching the bridge of his nose, pushing lightly his digits on the eyes. «I don't like soldiers wasting their lives like this. Especially good ones»
«The mission had to be done anyway»
«We could have waited for a better plan»  
He takes a last chew on the cigar, spitting it on his glove before squeezing the leftover crumbles in his fist. He throws everything in a trashcan, then gazes at Soap.
«We've got shit to do, Sergeant. We'll come to check her later»
«They've done something bad to her». That wasn't really a question, even if Soap hopes to be wrong. «Am i right?»
«What came up in that bloody lil' head of yours?»
Three gunshots in your arm (the right one, 'cause luck kicks you in the ass as always), one blade wound and various bruises, just to complete the masterpiece. Doc sent you out of the bed with a promise: to try to not touch the medications.
One in particular.
You didn't even want to eat, but you need to. So breakfast has started, with chocolate scent, closed stomach and two pairs of gaze on your red face. You've tried to avoid contact with every human being in the base, but someone's got a good sense of smell for you. And you eventually end up with Soap and Gaz surrounding you with their (legitimate) questions.
You're blushing like hell, stirring oatmeal crumble in the mug with your eyes drowning into it.
«…I've thought…i could be helpful»
«You're a brave kid, but that was-»
«Stupid» Soap ends the sentence. «To say the least». He finishes his coffee in a sip, swallowing the hot liquid in a rush. «It wasn't a rookie's work, ye should've known» 
You nod in embarrassment. «I did know»
«Then why?»
«'Cause…» you swallow, burying your eyes more into the mug, scratching the cuticles skin out of the nails. «…a girl was required. For the mission»
«Hold on» Gaz grabs your shoulder, lowering his voice. It was a confidential subject, not the one to speak about in a crowded dining room. But he keeps on with his curiosity anyway. «It was about weapons traffic, wasn't it?»
You nod.
«Then why a girl?»
You're about to answer, your mouth's already open even if you're not sure if filling them with a temporary lie, or just spit the truth.
Another sudden press on your shoulder takes you off from every doubt.
A big hand grabs you firmly, squeezing skin and bones underneath your uniform. Your body instantly shivers, tightening under the hold. You raise your head a little, but you know whose mask you're gonna jump into.
Ghost has the magical power to bring back the silence. He doesn't even have to speak, just a glare of his is enough. His look hits Soap and Gaz as to say: shut your bloody mouth; and they just roll their eyes at the ceiling, as to say: but we wanna know 'bout her mission, damn it.
Then he lowers on you just that tiny bit that's needed to let you feel his body heat closer, so warm against your cold limbs.
«Your presence is required» he says quickly, almost murmuring against your ear.
And here you are, walking behind his massive figure with eyes lowered on the ground, following his feet at a security distance through the base. He stops a couple of times to talk with someone, moments in which you play camouflaging with the wall; then you two reach a door, and you're so into not-seeing in front of you that you don't even look at where you are. 
He closes the door behind you, and only after a few seconds of embarrassment you find the bravery to mumbling:
«W-who required me?»
«I do»
Your heart skips a beat before your ears could collect his voice and your synapsis could elaborate its meaning. That's when you suddenly raise your sight, finding him clinging on the desk while looking at you through the mask, and even if you can't see his face it's pretty clear that he's judging you. You can read it on the skull, as there's an imaginary -but very perceptible-  neon writing saying: You're a bloody stupid gnome.
Voice escape through your lips automatically: «I'm sorry»
«'Bout what?» he kinda calls you out, pressing with his sternness on your pathetic whimpers.    
Your eyes lower again.
«…causing trouble-»
«Just that?»
You nod. You don't wanna talk about what kinda trouble; but he does.
«Take off your shirt»
Your brain flashes a sudden error signal, allowing you to shiver and wrap your arms tight around yourself. 
Stupid question. You know why he's asking, the goddamn doctor had probably told him.
«Your shirt» he repeats, not moving from his place.
Two days ago, you would have started a war about this, yelling at him without regrets, brave enough to fight against your superior like two children between one small bucket. 
Not now. Now you just stand in your special spot in the office, allowing your body to move just what is needed to breathe, eyes locked on the floor. You feel him growing impatient, sighing through the mask as you're disappointing him.
«'K. If that's so…»
The sentence remains hanging in the air, and in a matter of seconds, without getting aware of how fast he came toward you, his hands are on your shoulder. You instantly panic but you're too small to fight against his weight that's pushing you against the door, pinning you still with an hand on your breastbone while the other runs to your shirt's hem.
You grab his wrist in a stupid attempt at stopping him, but he lifts the shirt up in one movement, revealing bruises, a bloody bandage, and…a little scar slightly under the belly button, fresh from the oven and still shiny from some medical gel: the writing made out of fire burns on your skin in an elegant gothic style. 
He stares at it, contemplating that swallowed piece of tattooed skin. Your face becomes so red you could spontaneously combust in this exact moment.
«Who made it?» he burst out, whispering harsh words.
You swallow hot air, digging your dry throat and hoping that whatever's gonna come out of your mouth will be the most sensible as possible.
«It's…it…traffic wasn't just 'bout weapons»
«Humans» he talks over immediately. 
You nod your head, specifying with a swallow: «women» 
«You've sneak in as a good to be sold»
«There was no other way to-»
«And they've marked you» his voice's not that high, but you're whispering enough to make it easy for him to have the upper hand on you. You become quiet, avoiding his sight, with your hands still wrapped around his wrist.
«Are you proud?»
The question wasn't expected, spitted roughly through his mouth. You clench your digits, digging in his gloves.
Then you nodd.
«Yes» the answer is a breath, warmth by your boldness and the consciousness that you've done what had to be done. And none would have taken that awareness from you. You eventually lift your sight a little, meeting his mask, letting the skull shape fill your eyes.
«Yes, I am»
You know he's looking at you as if he's got an idiot under his sight. You feel him judging, investigating your behavior, interrogating your posture. And you, trapped between a scary giant and a door, with his cold glove pressed where your belly still hurts, you dare to stare at him for one whole minute.
It seems enough: he lets you go, shaking your hands away from his wrists as he stands in all of his height against you.
«Good soldiers come home alive, little gnome»
«…it's a curious scolding from one who lives a dangerous life»
«I've already told ya: you don't know me»
«But i'm neither deaf nor blind»
«Buy a bloody mirror then». He takes two steps back, letting you breathe freely for the first time since you've entered the room. «Ya can say you see us clear, but speaking of seeing yourself…I can't say the same»
«I know me»   
«It seems not»
Blood starts to rush to your brain as the embarrassment turns into a mixed spoonful of anger and bitterness. You follow him, still at security distance, toward his desk. «Why? 'Cause you've caught me touching myself once and I made one bloody moan?»
«'S not that, and we've already talked enough 'bout it» he mumbled, pretending to not pay attention as he looks through some documents on the table.
«Oh, oh sure! Now we've talked enough about it» your arms end up crossing on your chest. «after you've ripped my elbow»
«It was just a nerve»
«Judicially irrelevant» 
«Shut your bloody mouth»
«Why? 'Cause you've told me s-»
You freeze; that was a cold, hard stone order. He's got his knuckles clenched on the table, his back's muscles are visibly breathing under the pressure of maintaining a glint of calm. 
«You» he turns at you, pointing a finger at your freezed face «you are a goddamn idiot, one of the worst species. I've tried to convince myself you weren't actually so stupid but, damn god, was i right in the first place»
Guilt assaults you with a knife at your throat, for reasons you don't know. And you find your eyes lower, your spirit evaporated, your anger extinguished under his glare. You try to mutter:
«I've just done my duty-»
«You threw away your life»
«The mission had to be done, that was our last possibility to catch that damn illegal traffic» you rush, raising your voice to grow some confidence in your speech «Laswell needed a woman and i just did my damn work!»
And he almost barks back, raising stern and furious eyes at you: «than what 'bout asking someone more experienced, you bloody asshole?!»
«'Cause it was needed a woman with-!». You suddenly stop, biting your inner cheek as a last word slips, almost like a whisper, through your lips: «…inclinations»
He's left speechless for a while, standing in front of you with the finger still hanging toward your figure. You swallow; you know he's going to ask more, and that's just 'cause you can't keep your mouth shut.
As if you've called it, he spit out a terse: «Explain»
You sigh. This would be a great time to sink ten meters underground.
«I» you start gesticulating, drawing figures in the air with your hands «I am…i-»
You expect him to joke about your incapability of connecting two words together; but he remains silent, looking at you almost with curiosity. And you're forced to keep on talking.
«…I like certain things people don't usually…agree to do» you force words outside your mouth, with cheeks on fire and eyes buried on the pavement.
His conclusion wastes no time to come:
«You're a submissive»
It's not a question, it's a truth and it hits you like a brick in the face, as if he'd already understood your particular nature till the beginning. There's no need for more explanation: you know what kind of submissive he's referring to, and he evidently knows just enough about the subject to grin, just a little, under the mask.
«The target was known for his…peculiar sexual tastes». The additional clarification was not necessary, but he gives it anyway. He let out a soft chuckle, almost like he's having fun thinking about it. «I can't believe that Laswell really rely on this stupid trick»
You would really clarify how much Laswell fought against your will to volunteer for that risk, but your voice is gone under the embarrassment. Your digits are digging into cuticles again, and you're about to pretend to not exist, turn your heels and just go away.
And you don't even notice he's got closer again, till he forces your face up by roughly grabbing your cheeks in one hand. 
The disappointment is palpable.
«You've run into that perv's den alone, risking yourself for a mission you knew you couldn't handle…just to satisfy your throbbing cunt?»
That hit you worse than every other thing he's thrown at you till now. Your cheeks catch fire in his hands, guilt choke air in your lungs and poisonous butterflies eat your stomach, whispering through the entrails: he's right.
But you don't want him to be right.
«I've just decided to put every weapon I've got at your service» you spit out.
His grip gets tighter. «Sure thing. And what have you gained? Apart of a saving operation that wasted everyone's time, of course»
«Mission was completed»
«We would have found another way to do it, rookie»
«But I did it» you grab his wrist, trying again to escape from his hold. «And i'm alive, so why the hell are we even talking about-»
It happens all of a sudden: he pushes you again against the door, harder and roughly enough to make your spine squeak on it. You hold a yell, and one second after you can't breathe anymore.
He holds you by your mouth, pushing on your face with his whole hand open, while the other runs down right under your belly, squeezing on your crotch like it's made of play dough.
«This is no playfield». His voice is almost a growl murmur in your ear as he lowers enough to overcome you with his bigger body. «Soldiers have morals. And dignity. Maybe 's not clear to your pretty little brain. So: watch» and he speaks slowly, growling coldness with tongue maid of sharp metal, his eyes on you with that goddamn mask supply (and you're sure you're gonna dream about his sight forever) «your. Bloody. Mouth. Kitty» 
The nickname, the grip on your pants, the fact that you're breaking your personal apnea record…just burn your brain. And, in a loss of breath, trying so desperately to find a way out of that embarrassment while freezing your hormones that are already running too low on your body…
You bite him.
You sink your teeth in his glove as hard as you can, ripping off that goddamn dignity he was speaking about, letting the residual rage work as a fuel for your mouth. He suddenly jerks with a step back, catched by surprise, tearing his hands away, and to do so…he pushes with the other hand on your lower belly.
On your goddamn freshly engraved and barely healed tattoo.
On the scar the doc pleaded with you not to touch.
You spit his glove out of your mouth, yelling like your vocal chords have turn into a megaphone.
Ten minutes later, you two are waiting outside of the infirmary.
The knock on the door doesn't distract him, too focused pretending to find his paperwork attractive.
Price gets in without invitation.
«Just a word» he sits at the desk, usual hat at his place and cigar climbing from his lips «between me and you»
Ghost doesn't lift his sight.
«I've talked with doc-»
«I don't need to be scold 'bout it, if that's what ya'r here for»
Price sighs a low, maybe a little bit too paternal: «Ghost-»
«If you two» Simon raises his voice a little «believe in trusting every goddamn rookie, sending them risking their bloody neck just 'cause they've told you how good they are at shaking their ass-»
«You've already yelled about it, give my ears a rest. In any case, Laswell made the best choice in her position» Captain talks over him. «And I agree with her. We couldn't lose that opportunity, Simon»
«She didn't even managed to end the mission alone»
«But the rookie did a great job. Only problem was taking her out of that shit»
«You can't seriously call a kink exploitation one "great job"»
«She's a soldier. We're not here to babysit, risking our life 's part of our contract»
Price starts to get nervous, feeling some mixed emotions that he really can't stand at six in the evening. He suddenly stands up, patting both hands on the desk, taking a deep breath before exhaling a long, almost exhausted: 
«There's nothing bad in making friends with your allies…»
Ghost is already rushing an "i don't need friends" kinda sentence, but Price anticipates him:
«Me too, i've made friendships on the battlefield that i hope will last as long as my bones will walk on the dirt. Then, we could die together and be happy in whatever hell God'll decide to send us. But» and his "but" was final «i know what you're doing here. Stop it. It's gonna be draining, for the both of you»
Ghost spits out: «I'm doing nothin'», too rushed, then muttering: «Don't even like her»
«I don't care who you like. You can marry whoever you want, you've got my approval»
«For fuck's sake Price-»
«Wanna delete her from your eyesight? Just look straight in front of you from now on. Wanna keep an eye on her?» John raises his hands, throwing Ghost's embarrassment in the air while admitting with the most honest attitude: «Sure. Ok. I keep an eye on you all every goddamn minute of my life. She's not a princess, though. And ya'r not a bloody knight»
Silence becomes again the king in the office. Price is still fixed in his extreme openness, ready to give his Lt. the best suggestions on how-to-not end up again at the infirmary with that goddamn rookie (before the doc kills the both of them).
Then Ghost finally raises his gaze.
And Price has a bad sensation in his guts, almost like he'd said something he shouldn't have.
«Keeping…an eye on her» Simon repeats, lost in thoughts.
John nodds, hesitating before leaving the office.
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ahungeringknife · 1 year
365: January 18
And this is why I can't be trusted to write original stuff without a prompt. I just get INTO THE WEEDS fuck
Zy’ko cocked their head to the side watching the lower marshal organize a bunch of strange materials be accumulated and assembled in the colony’s outer ring. On the surface no less. “Is there a reason for this?” Zy’ko asked the marshal who was directing laborers. They could also see an architect and foreman bent over a inscribing table at some building plans. Now and then their antenna changed color as they agreed or disagreed on something.
“Monarch sent for aid from the Federation,” the marshal said.
“That doesn’t explain this.” Zy’ko had also not heard of this. They’d expect to hear from their parent about this but Zy’ko was the twentieth child so maybe not. Twentieth child who’s responsibility was the outer ring. There were more unsavory duties to give the Monarch’s child. One of their older siblings ran the sewage system and waste collection. They loved it apparently? Zy’ko would rather eat their own hand than do that duty.
“The only species that responded in dealing with the native fauna were… homo sapian,” the marshal said slowly. “They are surface dwellers and the Monarch wants them comfortable.”
“Homo sapian? What’s that?” Zy’ko asked.
“Beats me. Looked them up on the web and they’re new space farers. But they can breathe this planet’s atmosphere so it will be easy to deal with the fauna.”
Zy’ko’s fluffy antenna turned yellow, “Do they know we’ve been attacked by them?”
“I suppose so. Homo sapian are good at killing. Heard their planet is death zoned. Homeworld and some ice ball moon are the only ones with life. On the web it says they purged their system of all other life they didn’t like. So they know how to deal with these jaigon,” the marshal shrugged with his lower arms.
“I see,” Zy’ko said slowly and worked their hands across each other in concern. “We’ll see when they arrive,” they allowed.
Zy’ko wasn’t expecting how small these homo sapians were when they arrived. Their ship appeared massive in the sky above the colony and so did their transport ships but the species that came out were so small. The size of children. The Monarch had adjusted Zy’ko’s responsibility of the outer ring to also include the surface. It meant these homo sapians were their problem to maintain. They were so small they probably didn’t eat very much.
They wanted to be a good host though. Their parent and teachers had instilled in them good manners and so while waiting for the homo sapian ship to arrive Zy’ko had taken it upon themselves to learn the dominant language of those aboard this ship. Zy’ko had no lips so some sounds were impossible but they did as well as they could. They’d also had some laborers dig up and prepare a large portion of farm land for them as Zy’ko had learned homo sapians were omnivores and needed plants to maintain a healthy diet. The houses were arranged in a pleasing manner Zy’ko approved of and were powered by the plants atop the roofs that turned photosynthesis into electricity. The same thing that powered the entire colony.
Zy’ko went out to meet them with members of their cabinet who helped them manage the outer ring and now the surface. “Greetings,” they said as they approached the group of homo sapians leaving the transport ship.
“Howdy,” one with hair on their face said. “You folk are bigger up close huh?”
“And you are smaller,” Zy’ko said. They’d done extensive research on how to hold a conversation with homo sapians.
The others humans laughed. The one with hair on their face held out a hand, “I’m Captain Gustavo Ranger. You’re the Monarch’s kid right? Zy’ko?” and Zy’ko was pleased by how easily Captain said their name. Zy’ko had interacted with other species before and they had difficulties saying Dhissu words and names.
“Yes. That is I. Zy’ko, twentieth child of Monarch Gei’fan’tay, Grand Marshal of the Outer Ring and the Surface.” They grabbed the Captain’s hand in a gesture they knew was accommodating to shake. “Welcome to the first Dhissu colony of Vinuruta.”
The Captain introduced the rest of his own cabinet and said they had a bunch of colonists ready to put their teeth into the task of the jaigon. Zy’ko certainly hoped so. They’d been dealing with jaigon deaths in increasing rates lately. But first everyone had to be brought to the surface once the Captain and the others were sure everything was ‘above board’, whatever that meant. The Dhissu didn’t build with wood if they couldn’t help it so there were no boards or things to be above them. Zy’ko hoped that wouldn’t be a problem.
After looking through the new, empty, colony the Captain decided everything seemed good and they boarded their transport ship and went back up to their ship in low orbit to bring the rest of their people down. Zy’ko’s fluffy antenna were positively red with delight by the time they were leaving. They couldn’t wait to see how these dead zone system people dealt with those horrible jaigon.
It took a few months before Zy’ko saw any progress from the homo sapians. They left them mostly to themselves as the homo sapians were self governing and didn’t need to be monitored. That and Captain Gustavo said homo sapians didn’t like being managed ‘to hell and back’ a term Zy’ko had learned meant ‘to an overbearing amount’. So they left them alone, checking on them periodically. Captain Gustavo always had good reports about the jaigon despite the rising death rates amid the worker Dhissu. They’d found nests. They’d captured. They were studying the creatures. All good things to Zy’ko. Hopefully they’d rid Vinuruta of these horrible creatures soon.
So they were shocked when they left the outer ring for the surface and found the homo sapians had tamed the jaigon! And they knew that because as they were leaving the colony one went by them riding them.
Zy’ko went right to Captain Gustavo to demand answers.
Captain Gustavo came out of his office when Zy’ko arrived, the building too small for them. “Zy’ko, my friend, what can I do for you?” Captain Gustavo asked.
“What is the meaning of this?” Zy’ko demanded.
“That!” and they pointed at one of the women of the colony walking a herd of baby jaigon on leads.
“Oh. Part of the plan, Grand Marshal, nothing to worry about.”
“I am deeply worried, Captain,” Zy’ko said. “We brought you here to deal with the jaigon problem, not make them into pets!”
“And that’s exactly what we’re doing,” Captain Gustavo said.
“I fail to see how this accomplishes what your charter dictates,” Zy’ko said, irritated beyond belief, their antenna a furious purple color.
“Just cool your fluffy self down, Zy’ko,” Captain Gustavo said. “Lemme tell you about what humans did on Earth. We have a creature on Earth called a wolf. Wolves are pack hunters who often killed humans’ livestock and sometimes even people. So a long long time ago humans captured wolf babies and started raising them around people. The wolves became obedient and learned to live with humans. Over wolf generations we bred them into all sorts of shapes for all sorts of jobs and call them dogs. One being to guard against wild wolves. There are several breeds of dogs who’s only job is to protect livestock and kill wolves. Now these jaigon are a lot like wolves,” he motioned to a field across the way where some homo sapians were teaching jaigon tricks, like how to sit. It was comical because of how large the jaigon were. “Just big.”
“And killers,” Zy’ko said. “They’re killing our workers.”
“Yeah. And give us a year or two with these jaigon we raised from babies and you’ll find no better jaigon killers than a tamed jaigon,” Captain Gustavo said.
“We don’t-
“Zy’ko, I’ve already discussed this with the Monarch. Everything’s fine. This is the plan. This has always been the plan. Now calm those purple bits of yours. Everything’s proceeding on schedule. Who knows, in a few years you might have your own pet jaigon.”
“Doubtful,” Zy’ko said. “Fine. I will trust the process,” and with that they left, still angry but not entirely sure about what. About the jaigon for sure but more that their parent or Captain Gustavo didn’t tell them about the plan. But homo sapians were self reliant. They didn’t need to tell Zy’ko everything, or anything really. They still felt hurt by it all the same.
Zy’ko didn’t put much stock in Captain Gustavo’s promises to tame the jaigon and turn them into jaigon killers. Every month the number of worker deaths fluctuated around the same amount. Maybe one or two extra or one or two less but nothing of significance. They even went to their parent about it. They weren’t the only Grand Marshal to do so either. Once Zy’ko had had to stand in line with three of their siblings to speak with their parent and they all had similar issues with the homo sapians. Their people were still being picked off and workers didn’t want to go and do their duties. One of their siblings told them birth rates were down because so many workers had died. Even ones who hadn’t lost a partner were less likely to have children who might die to a jaigon.
They needed to do something extreme about these jaigon or this colony wouldn’t last.
The Monarch just dismissed them and said they were unconcerned with these problems as they knew the homo sapians would deal with the problem. Homo sapians coming from a dead zone system was brought up but the Monarch would hear nothing about it. And no one else in the Federation was interested in helping a single colony of Dhissu on a new world. They trusted the homo sapians. There was nothing anything of the Grand Marshals could do to change the Monarch’s mind either. The colony’s expansion would slow until the threat was dealt with if it had to.
It took a full year on Vinuruta before Zy’ko was going over reports on workers in the outer ring and found… no deaths from jaigon for the month. Not a single one.  They checked other parts of the colony and found only a few deaths in the entire colony related to the jaigon.
They hadn’t gone up to the surface in almost a year. Captain Gustavo and the Monarch’s dismissal of their concern had spurned them. Now they went up to the surface where the homo sapian colony was and was surprised by what they saw.
It was bigger for starters but that wasn’t what made Zy’ko stare. It was the jaigon. Both living and dead. The homo sapians used the jaigon as beasts of burden but also as quick mounts and they saw a not insignificant pile of dead jaigon outside of town a ways. Homo sapians were using tools to drag the bodies around and gutting and skinning them to put the hides up on drying racks under the sun. The tanning process smelled awful but at the distance it wasn’t too bad. The homo sapians also used two wheeled vehicles to get around but it seemed most of them preferred jaigon.
Zy’ko walked slowly through the colony. Some humans waved at them if they recognized them. A few even called their name and they stopped to say hello briefly. It was surreal seeing the homo sapians and jaigon so casually mixed. And their clothes. They saw some natural fibers but new clothes looked like it was made from jaigon hide. It made their otherwise dull and thin peach or brown skin shiny more like a Dhissu.
Finally Zy’ko arrived at Captain Gustavo’s office, the Captain was waiting for them. “Zy’ko! So great to see you again. How are things? How’s your mother?”
“My parent is well,” they said, feeling so confused. “I got a report there have been only three deaths all months to jaigon.”
The Captain grimaced. “Yeah. We didn’t get them all. Happened during a shift change. We’re more on top of it now,” he assured Zy’ko.
“But… how?”
“I told you didn’t I? We made the jaigon hunt jaigon. It’s not a natural thing they do but these guys will do anything for some belly rubs,” and he laughed when all of Zy’kon’s antenna turned yellow or orange in concern.
“My siblings and I thought you’d kill them like you did all the native species in your system,” Zy’ko said.
The Captain just sighed. “Yeah we didn’t do that. That silly rumor got a bit out of hand. We’d rather work with the natural fauna. Also try and tell Arnold he’s not allowed to pet a jaigon? Guy nearly lost a hand the first time we saw one!” the Captain laughed. Zy’ko didn’t know what was so funny. Arnold’s first instinct on seeing a jaigon was to pet it? This species was insane. “I’ll be some generations yet before they’re fully domesticated but we got tame jaigon now and that should fix your worker problem.”
“Yes. It has. Quickly. I don’t even see you on these thing.”
“Jaigon only hunt at night and you folk are pretty studious about sleeping when its dark,” the Captain said. “Now did you want to see our training course so you can go back and tell your siblings and Monarch all about it and to stop sending me vaguely threatening emails?” he sighed.
“Ah- yes. That sounds wonderful,” Zy’ko said and the Captain went to grab his jaigon skin jacket and led Zy’ko to another part of their small colony to witness jaigon training.
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cattyanon · 10 months
In lieu of me posting art or a fic, I am here to present a new AU that's been sitting around in my head for awhile.
The premise is that Sonic, nearing the end of a fight, loses his footing (or smth like that) and tumbles down a small cliff/hill. But before he can get up a huge boulder lands on his feet and renders him immobile. And due to the fighting earlier, his communicator is broken. A few days go by with Sonic in lots of pain and his Chaos Energy starts to build up. Usually he'd get rid of it by running but uh. Can't exactly do that since he's stuck. So what happens with the buildup of Chaos Energy? Well it starts leaking and taking the form of uncontrollable plant powers.
Meanwhile with the other characters, Sonic has been gone for a concerning amount of time but there's also been strange reports of wild plant growth and people being attacked. To make it worse, the plants are in the general area of Sonic's last known location. Over time it gets progressively worse and eventually Angel Island becomes their home base as it's one of the few places untouchable by the plants. After lots of investigating and coordination, Tails, Amy, Knuckle, and Team Dark locate what they believe to be the source of the overgrowth (an abnormal chaos energy reading) and mount a mission to hopefully put a stop to the plants once and for all.
They tear down and kill all the plants in their path and start to hear screaming. Was there somebody else out here? But why and how? Not only that, but the yelling is coming from the direction of the suspected source. Eventually they reach a clearing and find... Sonic?!
Sonic's legs have been crushed by a boulder, he's covered in plants (the most notable being a giant flower on his back), his body is shaking, seems to be letting out screams in sync with them hurting the plants, whimpering, and has a bit of a blank look on his face.
Oddly, the plants that had just been attacking them began to stop. But it was like an outside source was just barely stopping them from doing so.
As for Sonic, this is the first time he's seen people in what feels like forever and he really didn't want them getting hurt. Because of this he's just barely able and unknowingly stopping the plants from attacking them. The feeling of wanting them to stop attacking was especially amplified upon seeing Tails, although his memory is a bit fuzzy due to the circumstances.
They manage to untrap Sonic and the plants seem pretty docile now and not out of control like before. Of course, they do plan how they untrap Sonic so he's less likely to bleed out or whatever. In the process they discover that the giant flower on his back is attached to him- and is eventually theorized to be part of the reason Sonic lived so long by giving him the ability to photosynthesize.
That's about all I got story wise but here's a little more information on this Sonic:
-Clingy towards Tails.
-Touch starved.
-Completely mute for awhile. Eventually becomes selectively mute and, when he does talk, he speaks in short sentences and not very loudly.
-Has prosthetic legs built by Tails.
-Slowly learns to control his plant powers.
-The reason his plant powers began attacking people was in response to Sonic's own fear over his situation.
-Doesn't need to eat or drink as long as he's got regular access to the sun on account of photosynthesis. Sleeping isn't required either but it has benefits.
-Has a hard time stomaching any food. Not only has he gone so long without it but his body had adapted to living without it soooo...
-He's also gonna have other plant-like qualities that I still need to think about. Like how his anatomy has changed like I mentioned above.
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realjaysumlin · 4 months
Is Racism Just a Form of Stupidity? – Association for Psychological Science – APS
Behavior projection is a mother fucker and I say this unapologetically because it is. For anyone to call themselves white and superior because having lighter skin is about as dumb as anyone can become.
I don't believe in sugarcoating anything that is full of nonsense and ignorance. The natural beauty of photosynthesis is something that everyone needs to understand in regards to how all living things on earth interact with our sun.
We have to have natural diversity or the entire human race goes extinct without it. Diversity isn't what most people think, but one thing for certain; you must have dark skin and it's better for all humanity to have the darkest skin tones.
UV radiation levels isn't something that you want to ignore, unless you enjoy obtaining skin cancer? This is why the lightning of the skin is dangerous and stupid, it really makes better sense to live in a region that fits your skin color hues than one that is opposite.
Dark Skin Humans need sunlight to make natural vitamin D because without it? You become vitamin D deficient and this isn't good for you. If you have light skin your body can make natural vitamin D and you definitely need to drink plenty of milk and stay out of the sun.
You are at a higher risk of getting skin cancer no matter if you live in a region with low UV radiation, sunscreen isn't enough to protect you completely if you over expose yourself to our sun. This is elementary science and I do hope all of you have learned something today?
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fangirls-other-art · 9 months
would you please spare one head cannons for each of these guys and gals (possible non-binary pals)
Sure! (And since they’re my OCs, technically every Headcannon is cannon hehehe)
Anastasia falls in love VERY easily, with anyone really (she’s Bi) but no matter what she tries, she just can’t strike a relationship with anyone 😞 still, she doesn’t let that stop her from falling in love. A lot.
Lloyd tries to pass off as a guy who doesn’t care— But he’s a huge nerd that definitely cares lol. Especially about his best friend, Anastasia. And she knows it, no matter how much he tries to hide it.
(I should also add that Lloyd and Anastasia should not be shipped. They feel more like brother and sister than dating (also Lloyd is gay ^^ (very gay… For Henry—)))
Henry/Ed was an experiment Dr. Jekyll did to see if his ‘condition’ would pass on to his kids. (It did) Rather than abandoning Henry/Ed, though, Dr. Jekyll (and Mr. Hyde) decided to raise them as their own ^^ (this is also why Henry/Ed look so much like their father(s), they’re literally made directly from their genes)
Brenda has a third eye, so she can look into the future :D I can’t guarantee that she’ll actually tell you what’s going to happen or not. If someone is going to do something incredibly stupid, she won’t tell them because they need to learn their lesson. If their life is at risk, however, she’s on top of it, trying to warn them.
Joy used to go to a school in Hell, but was since transferred because her mother thought that she could use a different school and that it would be good for her to meet new people. Joy is still pretty bitter about that. But is there a darker truth to the school down in Hell? 🤔
Polly may look all sweet and innocent, but she can be feral if she wants to :)
Evan can only have food with high amounts of sugar. It’s a play on words because in photosynthesis, plants ‘eat’ something called sugar but it’s not actually sugar we use for baking (idk what it actually is and I don’t really feel like looking it up first thing in the morning lol). So Evan can basically have as much cake and donuts as he wants (I’m jealous)
Bo (is non-binary, yes ^^) loves their dads, but can get pretty embarrassed by them. Sand Mann usually does it unintentionally, but Boogey Mann knows how easy Bo is embarrassed hehehe (but he stops when he’s told to by his husband or his kid)
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nitewrighter · 1 year
What I wanna know with lifeweaver is what’s the deal with his cybernetic bits and pieces. Do they enhance his biolight somehow? Does he need them for other reasons? How and why did he get them, and from who?
And what’s the deal with his right arm? It looks like a prosthetic bc he has robo joints in his fingers, but his dev update calls it a gauntlet and the scene from his origin story where he’s travelling shows him with both arms flesh and in tact, so I have no idea
Well my theory is that the prosthetic arm is kind of the 'final step' in becoming an architech. LifeWeaver says he 'dropped out' of the academy, but his backstory said he would also use his family's fortune to travel and learn about the world during his academy days. So it makes sense that he would still have both arms while traveling. I think ultimately he did get the prosthetic because it was necessary for him to finally manifest Biolight. But as I've mentioned before, he does have lines that suggest more extensive (but subtle) prosthesis and cybernetics. He mentioned that Vishkar would cut off his hands (plural) to get biolight, so that may hint at the fact that more extensive cybernetics were necessary in order to make, what Sigma described, as self-replicating biomass.
My theory for the extensive cybernetics is that biolight replicates both carbon, the most abundant element in living things, and the behavior of cells, and that the prosthetic arms of Architechs basically serve as a secondary brain running the necessary calculations and storing the memory of hard-light structure templates. So basically biolight is actively mimicking both Lifeweaver's own organic cells and arranging itself in the manner of hard-light. I also have this secondary theory that Lifeweaver's big giant petals (that make his hitbox STUPIDLY BIG) are actually solar panels that help drive this process--almost like photosynthesis!!!
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scienceysideblog · 9 months
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A few weeks ago, I saw this book on the library
I tend to pick up anything I can find on autism because there's not much out there and also some of what is portrays autistic people or autism in a purely negative light which I find upsetting and overwhelming to read even if I know it's true for some autistic people.
Anyways, this book immediately caught my attention and then when I read the blurb I knew this was exactly my sort of thing.
Part of the reason I love science is because it helps make things make sense and in a world where for me so many things don't seem to make sense, science is a lifeline that I can understand. Science is a tool I use to understand the world and also to understand more about myself and the way my brain works. When I experienced autistic burnout, when I was feeling overwhelmed and anxious and I didn't know where to turn, I looked to see if I could find any published research papers on burnout. (the lack of research into autistic burnout is something I am hoping to address at some point too). The single study I did find was invaluable to me. Science can provide reassurance that there is a reason and an explanation for things that you are experiencing.
This book seems to be based very strongly on this idea that science can help us understand ourselves and be happier not just through the facts we can learn but through the other lessons those facts can teach us. I knew most of the science already (as the book is directed at younger children) but there were ideas I hadn't thought of before that could actually be very helpful
Some of my favourite ideas were :
The different properties of metal and how this makes them useful is a good illustration of why it is important to have difference
We could model influences and priorities in our life as forces (like a free body) . I love graphs and diagrams and I think they can be useful in lots of situations not just experiments.
We could use our understanding of sunlight providing energy for photosynthesis as a way to consider how different things can give us energy back in our lives eg. Our passions and interests. This also suggests that this is a natural thing to need.
Everyone is adapted to their own personal habitat similarly to different animals being adapted to theirs. Stepping out of your comfort zone is a bit like adapting to a new habitat.
I think that the contents and information in this book would have been more revolutionary for me as a child however now the more revolutionary thing is that it exists, that there is an autistic person, an autistic woman who is living all of my dreams. Because I hope and I do my best and I work hard but in the back of my mind I think some people will think I'll never be a real scientist. Watching a video of Dr pang talking and seeing that her eye contact is different to most people's, but similar to mine. And that that isn't important because she's talking about subjects she's so passionate about. That's what means so much to me. That helps me keep going.
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cybernexus · 2 years
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I've talked a lot about how Raj doesn't technically "need" sleep (except he actually does) and what that does to his body over time, but I haven't really talked about the effects of him not eating.
In this world, nanites produce energy by absorbing sunlight in a process similar to photosynthesis and this energy is then shared with the human the cybernetics are attached to.
Normally, you would not be able to survive off of this energy alone, but because upwards of 90% of Raj's body is cybernetic, he can. But just because he's surviving doesn't mean he's thriving.
Every few months or so he'll get hit with tremendous stomach pains and nausea that actually bring him to his knees; so much so it forces him to eat.
And yet he doesn't learn.
[MISC Addition]
This is actually what's causing Raj's hair to grow back so slowly! Raj's nanites lack the "training" to grow hair so they're trying their best. Nanites have been successfully trained to grow hair for people with scalp injuries before, and even do so really fast. But because Raj is starving himself and his nanites have no idea what they're doing that's why it's so slow.
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mrthoughtbubbles · 2 months
Hi Yeet,
How are you doing today? I hope that you're okay, that you're resting well, and that you're in safe hands. I thought that I'd bring a topic up today, if that's okay with you? I hope that you're not forcing yourself to post every day. I thought that maybe you're forcing yourself... If you don't feel like posting, it's okay, okay...? I'd still look at your account every now and then when I suddenly thought about you. Either way, I'd still be around even if you don't post, okay...? Since a person can have bad days or times wherein you don't feel like posting, I need to be okay with that scenario... I'd still write a message to you for that day. I'd still be around to show you that I care and that I love you, Yeet, because I want to be your partner for the long run.
As for something that I learned this week, Yeet, I found out that our planet has a way of naturally producing oxygen in the ocean floor. I thought that photosynthesis from plants and algae, or man-made electrolysis that separates oxygen and hydrogen from water. It turns out that we recently found out that manganese modules in the sea floor are naturally doing electrolysis down there, which is the reason why there's higher oxygen levels down there than what our scientists expected. Based on what they said, they thought that as they go lower and lower towards the sea floor, there would be lesser and lesser oxygen levels, but as they went down, the oxygen rose and rose, and they thought that their equipment is busted and sent it back to the manufacturer. When it came back to them, the manufacturer told them that it isn't busted, and when they went down again, the same results came back, and that's how they found out about dark oxygen.
On a side note, Yeet, the reason why I don't write too much about the things I learned about to you is due to the fact that the topics that I like are somewhat controversial, like land disputes or relating to sensitive topics from the past and present, and I don't want to experience what I had to deal with a couple of years ago... I'll only share with you the topics that I feel aren't controversial.... I hope that you'll understand...
I guess I'll end my message here for tonight, Yeet. I hope that you're recuperating well, I hope that you're also resting every now and then, I hope that you're not forcing yourself to post every day, I hope that you feel satisfied and loved by God and the people around you, I hope that you'll always pray/talk to God about everything, and I hope that you'll remember that I love you, Yeet!
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thatlonelycactus · 4 months
I reckon we can learn a lot about our society if we can figure out why we assume that vampires spend their lives attending high school.
Like why? Who thought that was a sane idea?
Seriously tho they have literally ETERNITY to do whatever they want and what do they do with it? Pick up unsuspecting teenagers and do homework!
Any of the Cullens could prob go off and live lives that don’t exist essays and tests and fucking 15 year olds but what do they choose to do? Go through high school over and over and over again. Where’s the sanity in that?
They’re not even learning anything new like how many times do you need to learn about idfk PHOTOSYNTHESIS?!?
Sure they’re vampires and not real or whatever but STILL-
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shadowmaat · 1 year
News of the day
I hardly do anything at all on Mastodon because not enough people I know are on there (or I can't find them). I do, however, follow the World News Bot and it has been really interesting to get my news from a variety of non-US sources. I also learn stuff that isn't necessarily covered here. Examples for the day:
Al Jazeera has an article about "movement" being detected at a South American mine, raising a possibility of survivors. Given that mine collapses are generally popular sensationalist news stories, I was surprised I hadn't heard about it. So I read the article and found out why I hadn't know.
It turns out, for starters, that the miners went "missing" back in May after a methane explosion. The miners were also there illegally, hoping to snatch whatever gold they could find, and as such their status was never reported. No recovery efforts have been attempted yet because the methane levels are still dangerously high. Personally I think this is "banging sounds were heard" scenario where the "movement detected" is likely a natural settling of the rocks/earth. LBR, the chances of surviving for over a month in a collapsed mine full of methane after an explosion are astronomically against you. At least 31 men gone, just like that.
The BBC tells me that over $1M in research samples on photosynthesis (with a look to improving solar panels) was destroyed because a cleaner unplugged a fridge. This happened in Rennselaer Polytech in NY during the Covid lockdown. The fridge was emitting an alarm beep over a temp fluctuation that the lead scientist decided was within safe parameters, but it was going to take a week before anyone could get in to fix the issue so they hung a sign explaining the problem, saying cleaning wasn't necessary in that area, and also said how you could mute the alarm for 5-10 seconds if you really needed to.
The cleaner, apparently, found the sound annoying and flipped the breaker to silence it. My wild guess is that the cleaner might not have been able to read the sign. I admit, though, that it's equally likely they read the sign and didn't care because they were annoyed. Tsk.
The newsbot is also where I read about the Kenyan death cult that cost over 300 people their lives; the rebel-led massacre of almost 40 students at a school in Uganda; the girl in Guyana who set fire to her dorm (full of indigenous girls) and killed 19 children; and about the cops in NSW (Australia) who tasered a 95 year old woman with dementia, leading to her eventual death.
It's also a good place to get "outside" perspectives on what's happening in the US. The sources may not always be "unbiased," but they at least have different biases, which can also tell you a lot.
So yeah, if you're looking for something interesting to follow on Mastodon, try @[email protected]. Or, y'know, just consider skimming through other news sources. BBC, Al Jazeera, and South China Morning Post are among the bot's sources.
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twinhood-2dot0 · 2 years
Cool Biology Stuff!
Good morning, Alia! It’s Thursday and I’m back with a science-ey nerdy post about things I love.
Yes, I will do the punishment, soon. It’s a GREAT IDEA, as I’ve mentioned to you before, and I think it’ll be a delight
And also as promised, I shall deliver the coolest parts about biology other than the ones I mentioned before.
Life kinda did arise by chance.
I don’t know how to explain this one, so as one Reddit user put it “It just seems so complex and it works so well that it seems crazy that all of this stuff could happen randomly.”
But we haven’t exactly gotten an answer for how life began, much less why. Though, if you are curious about how, check out this Ted-Ed video.
Like, yes, it’s a reminder that there’s no objective meaning to life. There’s no inherent reason for the existence of life that way. But somehow, in among the randomness, the “by-chance”, we have ended up with so many weird things – airports, and face-wash and scented candles and, like, pizza??? So much so that we’ve made new fears that are more common than our innate fear of death?!?
“According to most studies, people's number one fear is public speaking. Number two is death. Death is number two. Does that sound right? This means to the average person, if you go to a funeral, you're better off in the casket than doing the eulogy” - Jerry Seinfeld
Heck, we came up with comedy?!
And most importantly, we have created meaning for each other? Dang. Not bad, huh.
OH-MY-GOD-WE-NEED-THE-SUN-SO-MUCH-IT-POWERS-EVERYTHING, a.k.a. the Light Reactions of Photosynthesis
So, remember last time, when I talked about ATP synthase? The motor inside you? That’s part of the Light Reactions, or the first phase, of photosynthesis, and trust me, we’d be starving and dying by the millions if tomorrow, the plants all decided, “Hmm, we’re tired of doing all this turning sunlight into FUEL FOR THE ENTIRE PLANET. Let’s take some days off.”
Life eventually really runs on solar cells, except those solar cells are chloroplasts.
It’s amazing how we can turn light into food for, may I repeat, THE ENTIRE PLANET?
 And yet, life persists. Adapts.
And thanks to gazillions of living organisms, from archaea and bacteria to plankton to dodos not giving up and saying “It’s just too much. I can’t take it anymore”, (as New York Times bestselling author and professional sharpie-facer John Green said as a five-year-old, lying down on his back calmly on the floor of the Miami Airport) we get to exist.
We are the Universe, trying to understand itself.
Well, that’s it for know. Thanks, and RYL, Alia!
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