#working class music
maybeinanotherworld · 9 months
physics professors are really going through it- every day, I think about my quantum physics professor who once went on a rant about how there's too many types of mustard these days followed by the words "well, at least quantum physics is less complicated than the mustard aisle" followed by one of the most cursed derivations I have ever seen
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comradesummers · 1 year
i don't think the spike girlies talk enough about how he was an upper-class posh dude who reverse my fair ladied himself so that he would sound cooler. like do you think he sat around practicing "the rain in spain" to make himself more cockney?
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saltfics · 2 months
Okay I know tumblr is treating EPIC as if it cleared their skin and watered their crops and I genuinely really really like it the music is excellent but I gotta say this:
I HATE the way it's presenting odysseus' arc and flaws with polyphemus. Like the problem wasn't that he was too NICE?? Where did that come from? The problem was that odysseus was a cocky lil shit and even though he had managed to get away with the nobody trick he went like "actually you got your ass beat by odysseus lol loser". Hybris-nemesis-catharsis is homer 101 and I'm SO annoyed that an entire generation of teenagers is getting this interpretation of the text. A hero giving in to being the "monster" and losing his kindness is a great arc but there are 700 other heroes you could have done that with - not odysseus.
On the other hand, how catchy is Ruthlessness, amirite?
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yourlocalabomination · 3 months
Sometimes even sleazeball’s get lucky.
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+ Bonus:
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ffcrazy15 · 10 months
I need a whole fic where the Cerritos is mistaken for the Enterprise by some type of alien with very high intelligence but very poor visual recognition, for whatever reason.
And Freeman either can't or is too scared to convince them that they're not the Enterprise, so she starts desperately assigning everyone to various roles. Boimler gets assigned as Data, and since he and Mariner are the only people on the ship who play string instruments, the captain orders them to put together some sort of "symphony" because the aliens have heard that that's a thing on the Enterprise.
And it's just Mariner and Boimler frustratedly trying to figure out how to combine her electric guitar skills and his traditional violin skills into something suitably "symphonic" (i.e. thematically trying to combine her more lax/modern way of doing things with his more strict/traditional way).
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owlsinleatherjackets · 4 months
regular D&D game except every time I’m about to roll a d20, I break into a full rendition of “Luck Be A Lady” from the 1950 musical Guys and Dolls, complete with choreography (backup singing from other players optional)
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yellowplumfruit · 4 months
something i made for one of my classes!
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livwritesstuff · 6 months
So I’ve made a few references to Steve being an Excel guy as an adult (because someone had to be in charge of Steve and Eddie’s money and it certainly wasn’t going to be Eddie).
He’s got the classic spreadsheets – monthly budget, college savings projections, income tracking because he and Eddie both work jobs with variable incomes (Steve is a counselor and Eddie is an author), the whole nine yards.
Steve also has some “extracurricular” spreadsheets. I’ve talked about how Steve has a spreadsheet tracking the combinations of Mario Kart racers/vehicles he tries out (there’s a ranking system involved, it’s very complex). He’s got one for his fantasy football league, obviously, and he and Moe put money on their March Madness brackets so there’s a spreadsheet for that too.
Eddie’s personal favorite is the one comparing monthly expenses by kid, which isn’t exactly a necessary metric per se, but from it stems a game Steve and Eddie secretly play: who is the most expensive Harrington daughter?
The winner tends to rotate throughout the year, but Hazel is usually their least expensive child in the long run. She does ballet, which isn’t too bad when she’s little but then she graduates to pointe shoes, and Steve had no idea that not only do pointe shoes set you back $100 minimum, they also wear out ridiculously fast, and, as he’s been told many times, you can’t wear the dead ones.
Moe usually takes that top spot in the winter – elite basketball teams aren’t cheap by any stretch of the imagination, and then in high school she gets into snowboarding, which is somehow even more expensive. She’s also consistently the reason they hit their health insurance deductible every year. 
Robbie is their overall most expensive kid by a mile. She drove up their car insurance by getting into an accident a month after she got her driver's license, had braces for five years, and the prescription on her glasses has changed every eighteen months since she was seven. She’s notorious for breaking her phone, so she racks up quite a tab in that regard too (the one year they got a protection plan was also the one year she had no phone-related incidents, so they didn’t even bother renewing it – they just make her suffer with a cracked screen for a few months before they finally drag her to the mall to get it fixed). There’s also the year Eddie bought her an electric violin which was, naturally, not cheap (Eddie argues it shouldn’t count because he was the brains behind that operation).
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pettyoddity · 7 months
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emimii · 2 months
GASP WHAT WOULD HAPPEN IF MISTO SHOWED POUNCIVAL THE BUG TRICK?????? Absolutely unbridled chaos would ensue I believe it entirely
oh absolutely,
but pouncivals having a good time!
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bulkhummus · 9 months
there has been a truck on my street backing up OVER AND OVER AGAIN for the last HOUR AND A HALF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! just a constant BEEP BEEP BEEP BEEP BEEP BEEP BEEP pauuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuusebeautifulreliefbeautifulsilence- BEEP BEEP BEEP pausseeeeeeeeeeeeeeeohyay BEEP BEEP BEEP BEEP BEEP BEEP BEEP. im going to fucking lose my mind its just loud enough that its making it IMPOSSIBLE FOR ME TO FOCUS ON ANYTHING IM GONNA LOSE IT FUCK FUCK FUCK I NEED TO BLOW THE TRUCK UP BEEP BEEP BEEP BOOM
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thoughtportal · 10 months
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Please please please post your Jeff Winger analysis that you wrote for your college class
fine. here it is.
for those of you that don't know, this my final paper for my abnormal psychology class I took last spring (at a community college lmao, I have since graduated and am now in university studying something completely different.) the instructions were to play therapist and write a case study on one of your hypothetical clients. we were supposed to make up a person and diagnose them with something. naturally, instead of making someone up, I chose a sitcom character to dive into. I somehow got 100%. read if you so desire, it's about 1600 words.
I wrote this in literally an hour! it's Very Rough! that's not me being humble! that is an objective fact! please just accept right now that the grammar and syntax are sloppy as hell that's just How It Is
I changed Jeff's name to something stupid, I don’t even know what it was, just so I’d have less chance of being caught lmao
I stretched some canonical truths and made some shit up that doesn't necessarily apply to Jeff. I did this because the paper was due at 11:59 and I needed to make a compelling argument quickly. so I somewhat warped Jeff to be what I needed for the paper. it's still mostly canon compliant but just beware and don't come after me for any inaccuracies okay I did it on purpose
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goldensunset · 2 months
i don’t think people appreciate enough how much restraint it takes sometimes to avoid biting people when even remotely overstimulated
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kropotkindersurprise · 2 months
Oy, Ir Narishe Tsionistn / Oh, You Foolish Little Zionists performed by Oy Division, Daniel Kahn & Psoy Korolenko
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dollchasermn · 2 months
Huge shout out to the No Spectators Zine for featuring Working Class Anthem as their Song of The Day! We're super flattered!
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