#wow i did a ‘backround’
justwonder113 · 5 months
Hi! I came across your blog and I literally had a reading marathon! The way you write is just *chefs kiss*
can I request female reader x han, where you’re in his room doing each others makeup and you end up kissing and teasing each other and making a mess with the makeup, then a member walks in on you straddling his lap but nonethless they’re met with such a cute sight 😌
Aww I can not simply describe how much it means to me that you like my writing. Thank you so much for reading my work and requesting such an adorable fic idea!!!! I loved writing every second of it and I really hope it is what you had in mind and that you will like it.
Warnings: I don't think there's any? Please tell me if I missed anything Reader being whipped and showering Hannie with affection. Not proofread.
word count 1 k
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Soulmate- a close friend or romantic partner with whom one has a unique deep connection based on mutual understanding and acceptance. Well it is how meeriam webster's dictionary describes it. But it it so much more it can not simply be described by words. The Greek philosopher Plato wrote that humans once had four arms, four legs and two faces. He explained that Zeus split us in half as a punishment for our pride, and we were destined to walk the Earth searching for our other half. Some people spend their entire lives searching for their soulmate. Some people have the pleasure of finding their other half, some don't. Some of them are so skeptical they give up on the whole idea of it.
You were always curios about who would capture your heart and who would be the one who made you feel so complete and full of love that you could call them your soulmate. You have always wondered how you would find out that they, they are the one, that's my soulmate. That's who I want to bond my life if.
Never in your wildest dreams would you imagine that you would realize you've found your soulmate, in the middle of the night, with your room dimly lit and music softly playing in the backround, laid across your bed trying to hold in your giggles as your boyfriend, the chaos incarnate, aka Han Jisung is trying to to put makeup on your face. This whole situation is ridiculous but you've never felt more at peace. You're sure now. This is the one you want to spend your life with. This boy who managed to capture your heart with his boba eyes and gummy smile is your soulmate. To think that you would realize this in such a ridiculous moment like this.
You don't need a mirror to know what you look ridiculous. You knew both of you would end up looking like circus clowns before you even took your makeup brushes out. That's why you went all out on his face and my god did he look ridiculous. But hey, you were also ridiculous, because looking at him, all dishelmed and with caked on makeup, messy hair and mischevious glint in his sparkly eyes, prettiest smile on his face as he proudly gazes at his own art, you have never been more in love.
"We need to even out the lipstick now." He looks away for a second and that's when you seize your chance. With one swift movement you switch your place with him. Han lookes up to you with wide eyes, clearly not expecting you to overpower him. "Wow this was really hot not going to lie!" He breaths out after a second, you can't help but roll your eyes.
"What a dork." You lean in and seal your lips together. You feel like you're overflown with love and all you want is to show him just how much you love him. You place gentle but firm kisses against lips, absolutely loving how he immediately responds to each and every one of them makeup long forgotten. You love how tightly he's holding onto your lips and how he chases after your lips when you lean back to let both of you breathe.
Sometimes you really can't believe that he's actually yours. You always get so owerwhelmed with love all you want to do is to shower him all the affection. And that's what you're set on to do. Feeling satisfied on the amount of kisses you left on his lips you decide to migrate them a little. Softly cradling his chubby cheeks you migrate your lips to his chin, his jaw, his cheeks, his nose, his forehead, everywhere you can reach. You want him to know just how precious he is to you. God you feel like you're under some type of love spell. You just can't stop kissing him.
And how can you when he looks so delicious? You could eat him up if you could. His hair is even more messy, his whole face is covered in your makeup and you can swear that red has never looked more better on anyone. His breathing is a little bit rugged, his skin is all flushed, which is apparent even under all that makeup, he has this lovesick smile while his eyes look a bit dazed while still shining like the brightest star for you. Does he even realize what he does to you?
"What brought this on?" He asks after he finally catches his breath. He leans up a bit so now you're in his lap, his arms tight around your waist.
A smile creeps up on your face, you gently move the hair out of his forehead and leave a little kiss there, smiling even more at the imprint of your lipstick on the center of his forehead. Just how much lipstick did he actually put on your lips?
"You make me believe in soulmates." Han looks surprised at fist, then unsure how to react before the brightest smile creeps up on his face. Suddenly your positions are switched yet again and you're on the bed while Han is the one covering your face with millions of kisses while muttering between each and every one of them just how much he loves you.
Unbeknownst to you, while you're all lovely dovely Chan had opened the door to Han's bedroom wanting to ask him something, let's just say there's this video going around in your friend group now where you look like two idiots in love. You wanted to die of shame when you saw it the first time, but upon closer inspecting it, the way you two looked at each other... You really found your soulmate.
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sl8yter · 3 months
Apparently - Mühl Pt2. to Get It Together
Nika realizes her mistake at the last minute and opens up only to realize she was wrong.
Nika Muhl x Fem Reader
“Wow twin you’re an asshole” Paiges vocalizes in a brash tone
Nika had come to her friend’s dorm seeking advice on how to proceed after the fallout of her and her girlfriend’s fallout. She had found Paige, KK, and some other teammates hanging out after hours building legos and stuffing their faces with food.
“I dont know what to do. I really do love her I just dont know how to tell her. Nahiem is just a friend she doesnt understand that. She never does.” Nika nervously states as she paces around the table in the middle of the main area as her teammates brain storm solutions for her as they lounge on the couch.
“Okay well first of all stop doing that” KK speaks up
“Doing what?”
“The way you say that she doesn’t understand seems so bashing. Like girl, of course shes gonna kick you out after you talk to her like that. So don’t act surprised” KK’s lack of goofiness acts as a reality check to Nika. Her pacing ends abruptly as she stops to look up and cover her face as an attempt to stop her tears from flowing.
“I could text her to meet up and then Nika could like surprise her with flowers and stuff” Paige says zoning back into the conversation with her faulty solution
“Flowers isnt gonna fix the fact that (yn)s been feeling ignored and how she most likely thinks you’ve been cheating on her. But we can use the first part of Paiges plan. Did you atleast try and text her before you left?” Inês states promptly looking at Nika whos cheeks were wet as she sat down on the couch in between KK and Paige.
“No I came straight here.”
“Oof not good.” Aaliyah butts in
“Why. Please dont make me cry anymore” The Croatian girl says her voice breaking softly towards the end.
“Well if I was her and I already was thinking it. I would personally think that you went to Nahiems. Thats just me though. Maybe (yn) doesn’t jump to conclusions as fast so don’t sweat it.”
“Girl boo, shes already crying about it what do you mean dont sweat it.” KK frankly puts her thoughts out as she wraps an arm around Nikas shoulder, a flimsy attempt to try and comfort the crying girl who’s heart broke a little more with KKs retort.
“I can post to my story and Nika can be in the backround looking all sad.” Paige tries to help
The group looks to Nika who had a contemplating look on her face which contrasted with the pink hue around her eyes and water marks down her cheeks. Her silence deafens the room before she shakes her head up and down.
As Paige takes and post the photo to her instagram story, Nika and the rest of her teamates come up with a plan to try and get (yn) to meet up with Nika in order for them to talk it out. It only takes 20 minutes before (yn) viewed the blondes story and it only took a second for the same blonde to text (yn) to meet up with her at the park 10 minutes away saying it was an emergency.
"Paige" I whisper yelled as I walked through out the empty park. Paige had only texted me a cryptic message telling me it was an emergency and to meet her at the park near the dorms.
"Paige come out it's to cold for this." I yelled only slightly louder before a hand had grasped my shoulder causing me to release a yelp and break my neck to look behind me. Only to find the last face I wanted to lay my eyes upon.
"Nika what the fuck are you doing? I thought you were gonna kidnap me. Where's Paige?" I asked, scolding Nika for the scare.
"I couldn't wait until tommorrow to see you. She only texted you so I could meet up with you. Listen to me I-"
"I'm gonna stop you right there before you try to say things I've heard from you a thousand times. I'm tired of us having the same conversations over and over again. It never goes anywhere Nika. Now like I said before go and get some sleep so we can both talk about this with a clear head." I state, exasperated at her mood of just now wanting to talk about things when she had so long to do so.
"Listen to me please bebo you can break up with me, yell at me, or call me every dirty word you know just please let me talk to you. You don't even have to face me. Just hear me." Her voice breaks between most words causing her accent to slip. The begging insanely out of character from the confident girl you usually knew.
"Okay. Just tell me what it is. Tell me why you've been such a dickhead to me." I tell her as I walk to a nearby swing to sit. She quietly trails behind me until I hear the clanking of the metal on the swing adjacent to mine. I refrain from looking over to her as I can feel the intensity of her gaze on my features. If I look, I know I'll cry but I have to let her know in someway that I'm going to stand my ground this time. No matter how much it hurts the both of us.
“Im so so sorry bebo. I never meant to hurt you. I never meant for any of this to happen. When we first started dating I seen how amazing you are and how you were so happy all the time and how you always light up a room. Graduating and the draft has been driving me crazy since the start of the year. I felt so pressured to perform my best that I started doubting myself and I started to think that you were too good for me and-“ Her voice breaking as she stops for a moment to catch her breath. She stops looking at me to look at the sights in front of us, her shame showing in her body language
“That I thought I was gonna be a burden to you. Nahiem would help me. We would just go drive around and drink and do all this dumb stuff. It took the edge off and now I see how bad it was. How it lead me to start acting like you weren’t there. I use to think that my biggest fear was not achieving my dreams after I worked so hard for it, for everything. But in truth my biggest fear is achieving all my dreams and you not being there beside me. You’re so selfless that you constantly put up with me no matter how I treated you. I need to treat you better. I want to treat you better. I know I dont show it a lot but i love you more than anything, more than anyone. You believe in me bebo and I love you for it.” She finishes her voice shaky and her eyes somehow pinker than they were before.
“Of course I believe in you. Youre Nika Mühl. My girlfriend and future WNBA star. Youre so much more than you see Nika. Youre the reason I love to love.” I answer, not realizing I was crying as well until a tear drop fell from off my face.
Nika is silent as she wipes her face and quietly clears her throat before looking at me once again.
“You don’t hate me?” Her tender voice somehow making me forgive her within four words.
“I could never hate you. I love you.”
“I love you more” She says before suddenly standing from her seat and lunging at me causing us both to fall into the mulch below us. Her hands hold my waist as my arms wrap around her neck.
“Im so sorry.” Her soft voice fills my ears as the smell of her shampoo invades my brain.
“I forgive you.” Whispering back to the girl on top of me.
“Can I take you to the dorms?” She asks louder this time as she retracts to put her hands on either side of my head to hover above me.
“Only if you stay the night.”
To my response she quickly leans down to capture my lips. I can feel her slightly whimper at the contact. My hands quickly get lost in her hair as she lowers herself to lay between my legs as she continues to assault my lips slightly opening her mouth to encourage me to go farther. I can feel her heart pounding as her chest is flush against mine.
I gently push her off me as I go to sit up, suddenly remembering that it was 2 AM and we were in a public park.
“Take me home and then I’ll see if I want you to go further.” I tell Nika as shes on her knees infront of me, rubbing the sides of my thighs with her large hands.
To my statement Nika swiftly picks me up wedding style and starts jogging to my dorm building. Her antics make me laugh with mirth as I see her small smile, her eyes glancing at me as we lock eye contact for a second that I wish could have lasted forever. Her strength and her athleticism made me thank her coach as it was only helping me in forgiving her completely.
I kiss her cheek softly as she continues her jog.
“I love you so much Nika. I want you to come to me first whenever you have doubts or whenever you start thinking things like that ever again. I love you, I care for you, and I want you to be happy. You mean everything to me.”
She stops jogging for a second to put me down as she grips my waist with speed to pull me into a kiss. Far more passionate than any weve had before. My hands wrapped around her face holding her as if she were glass. Her hands explore my waist, rubbing and squeezing slightly. I caress her jaw moving one hand farther back to play with her hair at the base of her neck.
We both pull back to rest our foreheads against another, our mouths agape catching oxygen as our exhales mix. The lack of space between us was tantalizing as it was obvious both of us wanted more. The only thing stopping us,being our lung capacity and the open space.
“I dont think I can wait much longer for you” Nika admits her eyes dark with a familiar cloud of lust. The breathiness in her voice causing a feeling that Nika was all too well associated with inside my body.
“Then lets hurry up.” I say tauntingly as I knew she was gonna be the one running us both back to bed. I knew she could do it, she knew I could match her pace and run along side her, but we both knew how much hotter it would be if she did all the work and how much better it would be in bed.
Changed my mind, tried writing a smut for this but then I was like rereading it and ts was so toxic. Oh em gee. Like on a deep level if yall like ts great for you I just cant post something like it n be okay with myself after 😭😭🙏
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kalims · 1 year
⊹ sworn secrecy
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premise. there has been an increasingly concerning amount of random notes you encounter quite literally everywhere, everyday. of which you can't seem to find who exactly keeps posting these.
when there's little wholesome messages for you wouldn’t you be curious as to who it's from?
after asking around, why does everyone saying different names..
content. gender neutral reader, fluff
characters. dorm leaders
cw. none
note. happy birthday to kween vil
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"the first note I ever saw was right outside my locker,"
"oh by the hallway to turn right for the cafeteria? it sounds crazy but riddle rosehearts has been there early, always. maybe you should see if it's him?"
riddle rosehearts
first thought was that the statement of that person was absolutely wrong. you don't care if they've seen riddle around your locker early in school, (of which is actually perfect time to sneak in notes) nope. nu-uh. for the sake of your sanity you refuse to believe it.
if there was a person asking you who'd you'd think it was riddle was last on your list. you're pretty sure the guy literally hates you. why would he even bother to take out the time in his tight schedule to leave a 'you look enchanting today' , 'you're doing great' , or a 'if you're not too fond of these just say so, I don't know how else to express my affection' note in your locker that's just.. bizarre.
with the knowledge that riddle is possibly the same person you're looking for makes your interactions all the more awkward. at this point everyone's noticed the agonizingly dry, and tense silence. did you seriously just ask how the weather is doing?
clearly no one likes you because the teacher somehow got the highest thriving student in academic means to tutor you (who was admittedly failing class lately) so what do we have? more pain!
well that's what you honestly thought.
despite you thinking the sessions are just gonna be 95% anger and impatience it was surprisingly.. calm.
riddle was patient and polite enough to intake sharp breaths to contain a burst that could have possibly pop but you think he held back for your sake.
"my bad.."
"it's fine just. listen," he exhales.
then he just closes his eyes and takes several breaths. like he was calming himself and next thing you know he's going over what he said, slowly, carefully and more simple for you go understand.
after weeks of meeting with him for studying you just decide to ask one afternoon.
"those notes are not from me," riddle says. holding a stony face devoid of anger but a meaningful voice. "but I cherish the time we spend together,"
rarely do you ever see riddle adorn such a gentle face with even softer eyes. so safe to say you're completely stoned after registering the genuineness.
oh wow great. riddle isn't the person giving the notes, but he just hinted that he likes you? or.. well on his way to be cause there's no way the strictest guy in the world would casually say that.
"hey did you see anyone stick a note to my backpack?"
"note? where—oh by that bag, right. sorry I didn't I was picking out herbs for potionology. if it helps the only person around here other than me and you is the savanaclaw dorm leader,"
leona kingscholar
okay this is just crazy. riddle being one of the names being mentioned during your 'investigations' was shocking already to say the least but to hear the name of leona kingscholar get thrown around like that is just bizarre.
seriously? that guy looks like he does not know you even exist. heck, you're pretty sure you're one of those people that he sees, and then forgets. a backround character of some type, him being the one behind the notes is beyond you.
you're not even gonna attempt questioning him about it cause you're sure that all you're gonna get is a dead stare, and possibly, a load of mean words.
so you made up your mind.
leona kingscholar is out of question. therefore you're going to avoid him. surely it's just coincidence that his napping spot is near where you hang out after class, right?
isn't he apart of the magishift club? so why in the hell is he doing in your club room? playing with one of your members and actually beating them?
when you see his bored gaze skim around the room and land on you.. you just blank and wish you never joined the club.
"care for a match? you seem like you've got a smart little brain there," he drawls out, giving the student on the opposite seat a stare and they immediately rush away.
you swore your eye just twitch and he noticed because he just smirked. when you realize he's talking to you, you fumble. "uh—no thank you," your lips twitch into smile before dropping the next second.
his green eyes bore into you. "i wasn't asking,"
in the end you managed to beat him in a close match. clearly, that was your mistake cause now you're in a match with him nearly every time of the day since he's so adamant on beating you now.
one thing you learn is that he doesn't really like to lose. especially, in something he's confident he excels in.
the question lingers in your mind. maybe the timing in the botanical garden was coincidental but how can you think that way now that your encounter in the club room just really proved that theory wrong?
"so it isn't you?"
"no," leona says after a while. "I'd never do that,"
well what now? that's two wrong possible suspects. you thought he was done but no apparently. "I have.. other ways in showing my affection," he narrows his eyes. "take you for example,"
you snap your head to him. "excuse me?"
"oh hey! we met before didn't we?"
"yeah. you asked me about the note but I figured you'd want to know that azul's been.. kind of sketchy lately,"
azul ashengrotto
you know azul very well, contrary to your.. previous encounters. seeing as both of you are in the same club, it's privy to see each other daily and you can say that you're both in good in good, friendly terms but you can say that even asking the question you've asked the other two might just shatter that friendship.
also it's just weird to imply that seeing as azul is one of the people you've told about a note to, just one though and it would be embarrassing if he's actually the sender—and.. you just ranted to him about his notes.
well that's just another theory so!
out of everyone in the club he's probably the greatest. if you managed to beat leona you've no doubt that he can too (well. atleast if he puts his mind to it.)
it would be hard to hide your true intentions from azul. he himself has admitted that he's great at reading people and proved that point to you when he just points out the habits you do during games.
it just so happens you both play regularly hence how he notices.
"I know you're bluffing when your face is oddly serious because I know you're just pretending to be 'unreadable' to mask the results you're faced with,"
and he was completely right because you do shift your face into something stony so he wouldn’t be able to get a read on it but that completely had gone to waste..
it can't be azul, has he admired you all this time?
it can't be azul because he's like a daydream. like a cloud. when you'd go out for a walk, look up and try to grasp it but you can't because it's too far away. too perfect to hold in your hands and cherish so you'd just settle for admiring it from afar.
"I don't subject myself to feelings a lot. I'm a professional and I wanted to keep it that way," azul's face burns at the thought that flashes in his mind and the very next words he's about to say. "but I can't seem to do that with you," he admits.
it feels like he's going insane from every time he tries to not let you win, staying silent when there's a key point you're giving out from your face or when you beam at him.
you stare dumbly feeling your cheeks warm. an indirect confession?! another one?!
"don't you think dorm leader kalim might be the one behind it? I mean, out of everyone in NRC we're a little too prideful for something like that.. well him? isn't he perfect for it?"
"I'm starting to get suspicious with what everyone says,,"
kalim al asim
you know kalim al asim but you're not sure that he knows, knows you. he's like an angel to practically everyone, including you. and he can't exactly remember everyone he spares his kindness to so why should he remember you when all he did was share his 'secret spot' in the library?
you didn't exactly expect kalim to be interested in books, but he just says that he doesn't use it for reading but rather a quiet place to simply relax and bask the silence in.
wow. you suppose even guys like kalim get tired and indulge in a little escape.
you did not want to use his spot cause it's called his for a reason! and it feels like you're literally trespassing but godbless kalim because he really didn't mind and that offer was way too attractive to ignore.
sometimes you question how you even missed that heavenly corner in the library.
you yourself didn't particularly expect to end up in the library yourself but exams were coming up and you didn't want riddle's effort in tutoring you ultimately end up in waste. (also the amount of times he didn't snap at you.)
"hi there! I see you're enjoying the spot I've given you," kalim jokes. inclining you to tear your eyes away from the sentence you've been re-reading far too many times.
kalim is sitting on the other chair which normally you'd be bothered with but this is technically his spot so you don't mind. the fact that he remembers is the least of your worries. "hello. yes, thank you. this place is heaven on earth," you smile.
"right? it's perfect," he shines down a bright smile at you. though blinded by it you still agree. it's right by a window with a great view of the campus, nearly no one is near it so it's really quiet, and. surrounded by cute little plants!
you bid kalim goodbye after he says that he just wanted to check if you've really been using it. seeing as he's got a class upcoming (which he actually almost forgot but good thing you asked if he just got out of one.)
in the end he drops by and chats with you everytime he can. sometimes you're the one running into him at the same spot, and he just so happened to arrive earlier.
you can say that you've gotten to be good friends.
to the point where his friend jamil comes and has to drag him away because apparently he's been skipping a lot of stuff just to come and talk to you and you've no doubt he's being serious when he yells that he'll come back as he's being hauled away by jamil and then reprimanded by the staff of the library.
"I've come back," he huffs proudly. kalim smiles brightly at you. "also sorry, I accidentally read a note that was stuck on your umbrella,"
... that one was, 'i really like you' wasn't it? if kalim's saying that then doesn't it mean he isn't the sending them?
then he laughs, "I'd have to agree with them! I do like you a lot too!"
your jaw drops. how can he say that so casually?!
"what do you mean?"
"maybe you're looking at the wrong places? maybe all these people being there are actually just coincidence. they're obvious guesses, no? if you asked me I'd look for people that usually have zero presence. they're the most sneakiest,"
idia shroud
okay you admit that was one of the smartest thing they've ever said even though they made.. like what? 2 wrong guesses on whoever? at most you don't really know a lot of people that could count as zero presence cause..
nearly everyone you know has some type of charm that attracts attention to them, be it intentional or not they have certain aspects that demand not to be ignored.
though in terms of reputation only one person comes into your mind.
... getting into ignihyde is one thing, coaxing the dorm leader to actually come talk to you, socialize is a whole 'nother story.
so you just settle for asking ortho for his game ID in a game you do play. you've only talked with idia a few times buy enough for you to say that you're atleast acquaintances.
most of the time you meet with him is pure coincidental. since both of your classes align to end and the others next one is the one the previous was in (to make it short you'd basically just switch rooms) so you'd stumble upon the other on the way there.
well not literally idia but just his floating tablet. you're nice enough to spare him a greeting and a little small talk even though most of the time it's you speaking.
to be fair he did stop to listen to you I that counts for anything at all.
ortho was nice enough to let him know about the pending request. probably because idia would have just ignored it. so for that you've officially succeeded in becoming friends with the.. top 1 player world wide with thousand of hours in the game.
you don't mention it when you join him for coop mode but the only thing that pops in your mind is;
"how do you get that crown?"
the chat bubble appears, then disappears before a message pops up. "srsly? this was literally a free item a few years ago *sighs* you only needed to log in to get it,"
you grumble. "I wasn't playing the game at it's release," no life. you twitch to add.
you've joined idia so many times that even he is comfortable enough to pop into your world and start picking out the flaws in your realm. he was all; "who even uses green and red together?"
you protested with great offense. "it was christmas back then!!"
he robs you of the materials you need which you regret telling him at all and leaves the one you don't need. (you don't know if it's all good or not because he let you rob his in turn and gave you 10x the amount you need saying this was from robbing other players)
you've never really envisioned getting so close to a person before. well, atleast you feel close to idia but you're not sure if he feels the same or would even like you admitting that.
which you won't! for the sake of your sanity and relationship.
he takes about a full two minutes to write a reply. deleting, re-writing it several times before he decides on one. "I knew someone as rare as you would get a lot of fans," it read. "I'm a fan of you too. I'm the biggest fan!" coupled with an angry emoji.
and there's the very same crown you liked the day you met in his world.
(the rarest item currently)
you don't wanna assume but the pack of sticky notes that tall, horned person just stuffed in their pocket is really familiar. almost like it's the one you receive everyday, only difference is that theirs is blank, and yours are filled with messages.
"hey! you—yes you! could I uh.. you're my friend now,"
malleus draconia
usually you're more level-headed than adopting random strangers in the halls and claiming them as your friend but after all the guys that were apparently not the perpetrator? you're pretty desperate at this point.
it was.. not like you at all, that you'd admit but it just stuck out to you (haha stuck-stick) so much that it was hard to ignore seeing as it was the same size.
(and no, the sticky notes for you aren't the bland, square ones but some type of luxury brand you're not sure yourself. also.. since when did sticky notes even have a fancy variant?)
this guy seemed like he's shocked by your audacity or just.. shocked in general because he stared at you so hard for about a minute straight before slowly saying;
"are you jesting?"
"no," you answer in a heartbeat.
oh well. you do need a new friend to bother and this guy will do.
(social anxiety is scared of this MC fr)
even though the initial shock wore off he smiled pleasantly at you but the surprised look on his face instantly came back when you introduced yourself and asked for his name.
something mischievous flashes in his eyes and you only realize that he's trailing after you without question. "you really don't know who I am?" wait should you?
you deadpan. "uh.. not really. that's why I asked you,"
he just hums.
his dog was really scary. you think his name was sebek but you don't wanna bother remembering when the first thing he gave you was a disturbed look.
tsunotaro (temporary) was a mysterious person by nature. you're by no means slow and is starting to pick the pieces together. was the reason he looked surprised by your sudden claim on him as a friend was because no one would talk to him?
heck. when you invited him to sit next to you in lunch your friends shared a collective glance and gave you some kind of excuse to leave.
the unbothered look on tsunotaro's face makes you question how many times exactly this has happened for him to be so casual about it.
"I'm sad for you," you slump and tsunotaro raises a brow at you.
"are you upset?"
"no—you don't seem to be upset by them blatantly showing that they wanna be around you," honesty! least they could do was be discreet about it. you wouldn't have questioned it if it hasn't been 5 times straight that they've left.
tsunotaro smiles at your look. "do not waste time pondering about it. I'm already used to it so it's alright,"
that's the thing he's supposed to be upset about it.
you shake your head. "since you don't wanna be offended I'll be offended on your behalf and be sad on your behalf,"
you miss the look on his face.
the heart feels so if you're feeling for him aren't you his heart?
eventually you found out that the sticky notes wasn't even malleus' but something a 'friend' of his requested. so he does know people other than you..
you didn't really want to let go of this thing you established so you didn’t, you held onto it in a vice-grip. sure. it might have started even though your intention was just the sticky notes but now that you had gotten to know him why would you let him go?
you're not sure just how exactly you got into this predicament.
he looks at you firmly. "my name is malleus draconia—" he pauses. "and i would like to be yours,"
... you're counting six people that were not sticky note person and somehow now like you too.
"ugh. you again, you're wrong again! I'm never listening to you. nope. my ears are sealed right now so don't even try,"
"oh? my bad then. I have some interesting news to share to you. I've seen vil around your locker lately, and not just lingering! he's actually staring at the notes! suspicious, right?"
end notes
vil schoenheit
okay so the others were clearly proven to be false and you've lost all hope now so you aren't even gonna try investigating this one cause you already know that it's false.
the vil schoenheit is not the sticky notes person.
maybe you're in denial but out of everyone he's the most prominent person. he did not just use his time to write sweet messages for you to read in his spare time does he? if he does he must have a lot of spare time.
compared to him you're like a lone star next to a moon. he shines the brightest and will continue to soak up the eyes of everyone else. you're just something people would look at for a second and forget.
meanwhile the beauty of the moon will remain and be admired.
you like to say that you were just being curious when you wake up extra early to linger in a corner where you could peek to see into the hallway where your locker way.
to your surprise he was really there. standing beautifully and staring at the sticky notes in a certain way you can't comprehend.
longing perhaps? a voice in your head suggests but you shake it off. why would he be longing?
you don't know what to do when he turns and meets eyes with you.. and you're.. currently peeking out the corner like you're stalking him.
maybe you hallucinated the flash of amusement in his eyes. "it seems as though I have a fan, won't you come out?" he abandons the locker completely and takes a look at you.
quietly you shuffle over a considerable distance in front of vil.
vil's face flickers in surprise. you feel like you just caught him red-handed.
"I know you,"
"... you do?" he does? you nervously point at yourself. is that even good or bad?
vil pursues his lips and looks down. he looks oddly soft. "we were casted into a movie together," he explains shortly. smiling thinly at the faint memories.
memories of you.
but you don't remember that at all, but it doesn't really give you an explanation as to why he'd gain a sudden interest. you were just a mere co-worker.
"you said you liked me back then,"
he ignores the flabbergasted look on your face. "normally I would have not cared much, I get told that everyday. but you were persistent in your efforts, as annoying as it was,"
okay should you be freaked out right now or horrified? you did not want to hear that because it just made you seem.. obsessed. and you don't wanna get interpreted as that!
especially by someone as amazing as vil.
"you told me you liked me for me, and now I like you for you,"
"so.. you're the person that's been using the sticky notes?" you widen your eyes when he nods.
gods. of course out of all people it just had to be the person you were in denial about.
you furrow your brows. "but that's not enough for you to suddenly reciprocate. it was years ago,"
vil blinks and casually tears off a sticky note stuck in your locker. "I told you already. I don't like the memories of you. I like you,"
vil's lips quirk up into an easy smile, one you could call that you'd be enchanted with. alluring and beautiful in itself. he pulls out a piece of a sticky note, writes in it before sticking it in your chest.
you're too frozen to register the implication.
that he was the sticky notes person.
slowly you pick it off and he watches you. 'this will be the end of this' presumably referring to the notes. 'because there's no need for it when I can express my like for you freely now'
he tilts his head at you. "my, this takes me back. why don't we catch up over a cup of tea?"
you just let him usher you away.
now that you think about it you're just glad that it was way too early in the morning or else another person would have witnessed that.
*rook in the trees rn*: right
uhh... vil was always the og sticky notes guy I was gonna do but I wanted to switch to idia then remembered it's vils birthday rn so ion wanna betray him LMAO
I know it's weird that vil's the sticky note person but I just thought it was sweet that he could do something simple like that
maybe it's the most he can express it? no one would bat an eye on a sticky note besides the person that receives it so it's perfect.
I don't rlly like vil's part it has lot holes IMAO BUT IDK
there's open interpretation. you can always pretend that vil isn't the sticky notes person and another character is LOL.
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blueysobssesions · 1 year
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His last moments with you
Angst, Character death
Hobie Brown, Pavitr Prabhakar, Miguel O' Hara, Miles Morales, Peter B Parker, Gwen Stacy
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Hobie Brown
His last moment with you, was him pulling you from the backstage, taking you to the stage while the band played their instruments. Kissing you right there, with his fans watching the two of you. You can hear the lousy screams from the crowd as he held you close, pulling away. "H-hobie..." "Shh, jus' look at me, luv" You locked eyes with Hobie, his forehead touching yours saying "I love ya'"Seems like most of the crowd heard what he said, they were screaming. You were flustered, wanting to go back to the backstage but, he placed a kiss on your cheek before letting you go.
The concert wasn't the same when Hobie took a break... over a month when the 'event' happened.
Pavitr Prabhakar
His last moments with you were after the graduation of the both of you, you two were excited at that moment. 3...2...1! the countdown finished, then everybody started to toss their caps in the air, celebrating the completion of the journey. As the caps fell back down, you locked eyes with Pavitr, leaning into a kiss. The world seemed to fade away in that moment, and all you could feel was the warmth of his lips against yours. Everyone looked at the both of you in awe, one of your bestfriend didn't hesitate to take a picture. "Everyone's looking at us" "Do you think that I care?" he said before pecking your lips.
It was a bittersweet goodbye, this would be the last time you would be together.
Miguel O' Hara
His last moment with you was, at the bedroom, cuddled up together. It was his first proper sleep. You watched as him peacefully drifted off, his breathing steady and his face relaxed. Your fingers slowly stroking his soft hair, while your other hand held his hand. You were happt to finally see him sleep properly, with how much he's focused and stressed... he couldn't sleep. As a wife of his, you need to take care of him and ensure he gets the rest he deserves. 
But now, he's taking care of himself... the word 'sleep' now was nothing to him.
Miles Morales
His last moments with you was having a dinner with you and his parents. Rio already liked you when you started to teach Miles spanish, and you helping jeff solve some crimes here and there. Miles couldn't help but smile at this. Rio was the one who made you come over and have dinner, and of course you agreed. He couldn't help but be flustered when you talked about him to them. "He did great at spanish class" you smiled, before eating your food. "Oh, really? Well, that's indeed great! What did he get?" "I think miles should answer that" you giggled. They turned their head towards them, which miles flinched. "u-uh, yeah... I got an A plus" he said nervously. Rio gasped, impressed "Wow, really! That's great!" "Good job, miles" they said. "Well, Y/n helped me with it. You guys should thank Y/n too" Miles smiled at you, how can he be lucky? You smiled back and blushed a little bit.
And now here... Rio and Jeff comforting their son... holding his phone, the picture of the both of you showing in the screen.
Peter B. Parker
His last moments with you is the both of you danicing in the living room while music plays in the backround. You began to move to the beat, leading him in a slow dance. As the both of you moved together, you both found lost in the moment, forgetting the world outside your own four walls. It was just the two of you, surrounded by love and music. The song ended and you both stood still for a moment before breaking apart and looking at each other with a smile on your face. "I love you," he said as he pulled you into his arms. "I love you too," you replied as he kissed your forehead.
It was the first and last dance for him
Gwen Stacy
Her last moments with you is hanging out with the others for the first time. Going on a picnic with Hobie, Pavitr, You, Gwen, Miles, Peni and Peter with mayday. As the sun set on that memorable day, laughter filled the air as you all bonded. It was a beautiful moment for everyone, the two of you watching the sunset while the others chatter. Your head on her shoulder as you both shared a comfortable silence. 
Knowing that it would be your last moments with all of them.
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cowcat-with-a-hat · 8 months
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Ok so last post i showed off this drawing of MilkCan (the in universe band from ujl) and i thought wow i like this i should make it digital so i did i didn't do any shading cuz i desided 2 emul8 the look of that image on the 3rd slide i actually used that image az inspo 4 colorz and backround cuz i thought it looked cool also i tried 2 go with colored outlinez instead of black 1z that waz fun this drawinv waz really fun 2 do cuz im gonna b real here i don't really like shading 2 much cuz i think that with my artstyle it just lookz odd i guess idk im definetly gonna try more colored outlinez in digital art from now on (don't expect digital art 4 awhile tho cuz i don't have the time or energy 4 that with examz and all hahah) anywayz 1st digital drawing of 2024 yippee
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ma-mariarie243 · 9 months
The year is almost over, so to celebrate ill show the history of my art throughout this year!!
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As you can see, my art has improved a lot hehe
Under the cut will be the full pieces, along with my thoughts on them (this will be long)
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my first art of 2023, i really like it. It shows my improvement. During this time, i was learning to draw more anime-like things. I took great inspiration from shizu (or is it shidu?), the main artist for the kagerou project music videos/light novels. This is marry kozakura in her medusa form.
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my hiyori obsession started rising. Anyway i like this drawing a lot (in a sense that ive improved much). I had a dialogue playing in my head "goodbye hibiya.." while drawing this for some reason (wow i havent said hibiya in a while..). I think about this one often.
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ENE!!! This pose is from "INTERNET OVERDOSE" by Aiobahn which i had an obsession over at the time. I didint really have a good coloring style during these times but it does feel good to look back at it sometimes. Ene was really my confort character during this time, i ♡ her
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As you can tell, this isint finnished. This was supposed to be of my oc kokuta and my bestie raine's oc azalea. There have been changes to kokutas design lol (this is also the first time i did side profile.
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this wasnt finished either lol. This is my girl adachi from adachi and shimamura. I really identify with her so i wanted to try drawing her. It never got finished though, and im sad that it didn't
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haruka!! my boy haruka!!! He is really important to me and i decided to draw him during this time. The hand is surprisingly good?!! I was trying to learn hands during this time. I still used the blur tool wich, i dont think was the best opinion lol
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this is my original character called Undead Angel. I tried to experiment with different color and shading techniques and materials (i used the watercolor brush) I was also expirimenting with undead's design hehe.
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this was my kagerou day drawing (aka august 15th). I was using a new drawing program for this one. I drew actor (or takane enomoto) for this drawing hehe. I like how it turned out tbh
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for this drawing, i drew marry kozakura again. I also exprimented with another coloring style for this one 😎. I really love how the pose turned out, as that was what i was trying to focus on.
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this was a drawing of one of my friend's deamon slayer oc aijurou. It was a gift for her but i never got to finish it. I was also trying a different shading, highlighting meathod.
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my crystal p obsession began, so i tried my hand at drawing the illustration of rb but in my style. I really love this one. I really love how len turned out hehe, i was very unsure of how he would turn out.
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My most recent drawing. This is the version without the effects. I love how i drew the backround and i love how i drew len. I like kaito but he looked kind of off to me 😕. The side profile for len brings me joy i love how i drew him so much. Im going to be proud of this one for a while.
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scorittanius · 1 year
calamityposting again
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wow i actually did a backround this time
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rispwr · 2 months
Sweet mint | YG | MDNI | ch.2
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| Song reccs |
Motion sickness - pheobe bridges
Flaming hot cheetos - clairo
Duvet - boa
Right side of my neck - faye webster
Pairings: | (school board pres) yoongi x (school representative) reader
Genre:soft,fluff, sweet, fast burn
Word count:1k+
Contents: |, curse words, cuddling, pecks or kisses, hardlaunching
“Why? Is something bothering you my sweet mint?” He asks me as he took the phone from my hands “what the fuck.” He said looking at the post, pissed and angry. “Im calling a legal team baby okay? This is an invation of our privacy”
He assured me. As i was still speechless. There were so many words and things i wanyed to say, yet nothing could come out of my mouth, just pure shock.
“Yoongi..im scared, this will affect our school reputation.” I said to him worried.
“Maybe it will, maybe it won’t. Our relationship will bring nothing bad to us okay?” “Just trust me.” He pulled me in for a hug as he kisses my head, reassuring me.
A few days has passed since me and yoongi decided to take it slow. He was actually more than what he shows himself to be.
At his studio.
“Wow yoongi! your music- wahh!” I praised him a little too enthusiastically as i enjoy to the music he just composed.
He looked at me as i enjoyed listening to the track he made. He was so lost in thought looking at me, and admiring me.
“You know yoongi? I kinda did feel dirty after what happened there in the dressing room”
Yoongi looks at me as his heart sank, thinking it was because of him. “Why?” He asks me caressing my hand “i-i dont know honestly..it was my first time and i just felt dirty doing that especially in the dressing room..” i explained to him, looking down “y/n baby im sorry..” he apologized to me “i will never do anything that you don’t like ever again im so sorry..please forgive me” he apologized again looking at me genuinely “no yoongi..it was not because of you really. You were great, like really great at it. It’s just that it was my first time and this time i felt dirty doing it with someone.” I explained to him reassuring him that it wasn’t his fault. “I’ll make it up to you baby, the way you like iit okay?” He said “it’s just that I didn’t feel the love during that yoongi.. is it too much to ask?” I said. “No baby, c’mere.” He pats on his lap signalling me to sit on it “I loved you ever since okay? Everything about you was perfect. Even before i already had a strong admiration for you. I just- i just couldn’t get the courage to tell you since i knew damn well you don’t know me and i just knew you from afar.” He explained reassuring me. I gave him a smile as i leaned in for a pure and passionate kiss.
“Baby, you’re great at anything. I just wasn’t ready that time. My hormones got the best of me and I didn’t know what i was thinking. But this time i wanna do it again with you. I don’t just wanna make sex with you yoongi, i wanna make love to you.” I pulled from the kiss as i explained to him as he nodded. “Such a goodboy hm?” I gave him a smile as i ruffled his minty coloured hair. “I love you yoongii!” I wrapped my arms around him as he wraps his arms around me “i love you more sweet mint”
We then suddenly got caught offguard as flaming hot cheetos suddenly played in the backround
“Just the right moment” he laughs at me showing me his gummy and cute smile.
I burried my face in his neck “i’ll be there cheering for you at your competition. Okay?” I said “okay. I’ll make sure to do well for my baby” he replies to me kissing my head non stop. “I love us like this” i calmly say enjoying this precious moment with him “baby can we take a picture of us like this? I wanna keep it” i asked him “mhm” he hums in agreement to me as i reach out for the polaroid.
I kept oit positions as i click on the shutter. “We’re so cute” i smiled at the picture while he stares at me smiling. He took the polaroid ftom my hands “baby smile!” He takes a picture of me smiling. He doesn’t take a glance at the polaroid picture as he just stares at me smiling genuinely. “My baby is so precious and pretty” he tells me smiling at me, making me turn red as i quickly burries my head into his neck again. He took his phone and takes a picture of both of the polaroid pictures and posts it on instagram with the song motion sickness by pheobe bridgers. “I love her more than anything” he types the caption as he clicks on the post button.
*ping* i heard a notif on my phone, rolled my eyes, slightly annoyed that it ruined my moment with him. I checked my phone seeing the article “President Min and Rep Cheon dating?” Said the caption. As i scrolled down a smile left my mouth.
‘ “I love her more than anything” said on the caption that Pres. Min posted on his instagram. Refferring to Ms. Cheon the school representative. ‘ said the article
I scrolled down on the comments
“The perfect couple ever!”
“They finally found each other”
“They’re so cute together”
“The perfect pair”
Said the comments as i leave out a chuckle. “Babyyyy!!” I whined to him “i love you so much!!” I said taking my head off from his neck and starts kissing his face non stop.
He smiles at me enjoying this beautiful moment. “You’re so pretty baby” he tells me “i’ll treat you the best okay?” He assures me “ofcourse you will!” I tightened my hug around him as he also tightened the hug around me.
0 notes
So reflect this day ...amazing i really suprised myself like iam doing great my day started at 6 i did som yoga in bed and started cleaning n stuff did 3 laundrys repainted my kitchen cleaned my bathroom closet and did som basic cleaning
I put som stuff on vinted n did som art
I bought som stuff i need also som veg n fruits n sugar free cookies
I went to the gym did an amazing workout 1h with focus on belly n hipdip i also was in soli did a nice shower and my hair nice som makeup
Also was in werkstatt it was funny n kinda weird cause safin (i love this name i want to name my kids like this) gave me a stone damn can u belive it lol i was so nervous when he gave it to me lile wow it kinda showed me what i deserve i felt good he told me he knows what i like through my insta lol we talked about work and this girl lea i told him that she said that i was praying like damn girl dif story and that i am kinda cautions about her. ahmend asked if i come tomorrow ohhhh so cute i like him aaa lot period idk like we had met befor really. I kinda think safin likes me he really cares about me last time he let me drove his car it was sooooo fun he took my phone for music and saw my backround and he asked me if i am muslim and i said yes and he said hes proud of me ohhhh we heard music and i drove quite fast as i said it was fun
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minimuii · 6 years
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We can post them!! This was my peice for the @lovebugzine !!!
It was a pleasure to work with such lovely and talented people!
The zine is free to download so please check it out!
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koszmarnybudyn · 2 years
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I was planing on doing evil hermie but then this happened....
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neytirisblog · 2 years
pairings: vinnie hacker x fem!reader
summary: after your friends invite the person you hate the most and ditch you on your 18th birthday.
warnings: angst to fluff.
based off this tiktok —> https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTdtM21Lh/?k=1
A/N: this is my first ever vinnie hacker fic and requests are open :)) also im officially in summer! also sorry this is sorta kinda super rushed.
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it was your birthday and your friends had forced you to come to a restaurant but they hadn’t shown up yet, they even invited vinnie, but you and him never gotten along- both of you being in the hype house.
it was currently 7:35 and they said they would be there at 7:15, you just assumed they were running late and you sat at the large table by yourself.
“ would you like to order yet? " the waitress questioned, making you shake your head. they were going to show up. you thought to yourself.
“ they should be here any minute. “ you chuckled awkwardly, hoping they would actually show up for your 18th birthday.
moments later you received a call from one of your friends, you immediately answered it, hoping she would say she was just a couple minutes away from the restaurant you sat at, alone.
“ hey girl, something came up and we can’t make it, sorry. " she spoke, you heard the loud giggles of your other friends in the backround, you didn’t even get to say anything before she hanged up, making you frown. wow.
you weren’t even suprised.. they always did this, they always stood you up- but on your birthday? that’s low of them.
you felt your vision go blurred and tears formed in your eyes, you tried to hold them back, it would be so embarrassing crying in the middle of a restaurant.
just as you stood up and wiped a tear that was about to fall, vinnie was right there.
“sorry that i’m- where is everyone? " he questioned, noticing that you were about to start crying.
you got up and tried to leave but he grabbed your face, “ what happened?
“ isn’t it obvious, vinnie? they stood me up. " you spoke, he looked at you, for some reason he didn’t like to see you cry.
he immediately pulled you into a hug as response, “ come on, let’s go get some ice cream or frozen yogurt, you don’t need them. "
you were stunned, why was he being so nice? “ what? why are you being so nice to me? we always fight. "
he just sighed, “ listen, i really like you but im just- okay this is really embarrassing but.. i can’t really talk to girls, i just get so awkward but it’s your birthday and those girls are assholes. "
“ can we maybe just.. put this all behind us? because i really, really, like you and im sorry i didn’t say anything sooner. " he spoke, making you smile and nod your head.
“ i like you too. " you ended up spending the last few hours of your birthday with vinnie and you couldn’t of been happier.
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darksidersshitpost · 3 years
Fury: Why are War and (Y/n) sitting back to back?
Strife: Oh, they had a fight.
Fury: And they're holding hands?
Strife: Yeah. War gets upset when him and (Y/n) fight.
Reader: Not everyone is in love with you, you know.
Strife: Just because you are in denial doesn't mean you should straight up lie.
Reader: Mamma mia!
Deather: Here we go again.
Reader: *genuine surprise* MY, MY. HOW CAN I RESIST YOU!?
Death: No, I wasn't joining in. I said "here we go again" because you've done this several times today.
Reader: I do what I want!
War: *In the backround, used to reader's shit*
Fury: No! You can't just do what you want!
Reader: Uh yes I can! And I have!
Fury: Oh yeah? Like when?
Reader: I mean, look at War over there.
Fury & War: ??
Reader: I wanted to fuck him, so I did.
War: *Chokes and spits out drink*
Fury: You- Wait What?!?
Death: *From a different room* You didn't already suspect as much? They arent very good at hiding the fact that they're dating.
Fury: *Jaw dropped in complete shock*
Reader: Ehehehehe
War: *Blushy boy avoiding Fury's gaze*
Fury: Do you take constructive criticism?
Reader: Babe, I don't even take my meds.
Reader: God I'm so tired.
Fury: Then sleep?
Reader: No Fury MENTALLY tired.
Fury: Then go in a coma?
Reader: Right, we're done here.
Death: Did you drink anything today?
Reader: I drank coffee.
Death: That doesn't count, you need water.
Reader: Coffee has water in it.
Death: Why are you like this?
War: Hey, are you okay?
War: About what specifically?
War: Nothings "normal" anymore, I thought you would have gotten used to it by now-
Reader: Can I date War?
Strife: Hold on.
Strife: *Turns to War next to him* Can (Y/n) date you?
War: Sure.
Strife: *Turns back to reader* Sure.
Strife: What do you get when you mix a hormonally unbalanced, emotionally unstable person with a little ray of sunshine.
Fury: Does it look like I know?
Strife: I'm talking about you and (Y/n).
Death: Stop talking or they'll never find your body.
Reader: Thats the hottest thing I've ever heard I-
Death after you've made a good argument: Wow, I honestly didn't know you had it in you.
Reader: To do what?
Death: Use your brain.
Reader: You're adorable.
Death: I've been accused of many things, but never of that.
Reader: Let me get this straight-
Strife: Good luck with that.
Reader: This'll take so long- Let me clarify. You barge into my house, knock on my bedroom door, walk in, wake me up at *glares at clock* 4:37am just to cuddle?
Strife: *Grinning* Yes, and?
Reader: *Shakes head* My life would be so normal without you in it, Strife.
Strife: I love you too, (Y/n).
Reader: *Crashes into the ground hard*
Reader: I'M ALIVE!
Fury: Are you okay?
Reader: no..
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anynerd · 2 years
Imagine (Eret x reader) Part 2 requested by @emmalikespancakes
Credits to the owner of the fan art:)
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It's been 2 years since the previous incident. During those Years, You moved to L'manburg and fought against the Love of your Life. Eret tried to not hurt you, but he did. You still remember how he accidentally cut a line in your cheek with his sword when you two were having a duel, for the Good.
Well that scar ended up being with you for years now. ── After the War, when Both L'manburg and Dream SMP got what they wanted, Eret searched everywhere for you. But he quickly found out you died in War, when 5 people from Eret's kingdom attacked you and your Family. And Eret has not forgiven himself for that
Eret Became King when the Queen Passed during War, and that added more with Eret's Depression.
It was now the 2 Anniversary of Eret's coronation, when he became King, and he tried to brush off the Problems he had in mind. There were important guests that were Invited, like Dream there. And even his Old Rivals like Ghostbur and Jshclatt.
Sapnap was of course invited, and he came in with a Plus one. His Fiancé "Karl Jacobs" aka the Time Traveler.
"Wow look how the Years passed" Sapnap said and drank his Cup of Champaign. "Yes and I'm very happy about your Whole Fiancé thing.. Congrats" Eret said with a smile. "Wait- hold on.. I'll be getting a real fill" Sapnap excused himself, and Eret and Karl nodded their heads to this, and watched him leave.
"I'm very happy for you two.." The King said and Karl gave him a 'thank you' as he was blushing at the idea of Marriage "I've always thought you two would end up together" Eret said "Really?.. Well I always thought you and Y/n would end up together" He smiled but soon made a mistake when Eret let out Tears, "O-oh I'm so sorry Eret! I forgot-" "No it's okay.. It's okay"
After some time Eret explained his Situation, and Karl suddenly got an Idea in his Head. He told the King about his Powers and said he maybe take Eret back in time to meet Y/n again.
"- Wait really? You would do that" Eret said beaming with Joy, Karl nodded his Head with a genuine Smile "Of course I would! Now come on before someone try's to steal you" He said and springed over to the balcony, with Eret following behind him.
Eret led Karl to his Secret Room, that was filled with Books in the Wall, and a private Garden as well.
What caught the Attention of Karl in the Room was a a Big Picture Frame in the Center of the Wall. A picture of Eret and Y/n with each other, looking happy as ever.
Eret noticed this and cleared his throat. "Shall we begin?" He asked, and Karl nodded, after snapping out of his thoughts.
Karl began to make a Portal and rotated his Arms, with Eret watching in amazement.
Soon a Purple Portal was floating around, and Karl grabbed Eret's hand before he could go inside.
"Eret, there are some rules you need to follow.. Don't eat ANYTHING in the dimension you're going off to, and I mean ANYTHING. second you have a timer. When the Clock hits Midnight, you must leave. And if you don't follow this, you will be struck dead." Karl said seriously, and Eret glanced at the Portal and him.
"When I come back.. Can I bring Y/n with me?" Asked Eret. Karl shook his head in guilt but Eret understood the consequences.
Eret gave Karl one last Goodbye, and stepped into the Portal.
Eret was met in a Ball room, where he and Y/n had first Met.
As expected, Y/n came down the Stairs wearing her Suit, with flowers in her hand, and tears streaming down her face.
He already knew where this was going. Y/n would cry her eyes out when she found out her Girlfriend cheated on her, and she Would Dance with Eret.
Doing just all of that, Eret was Holding Y/n's waist. And it was the part where they were both slow dancing.
The glimpse of them was special, and the music playing inside the Ball room made their Backround, Romantic.
He spun Y/n by her hand, and Y/n did the same thing with him.
Soon they both stopped dancing as the Music has stopped, and both of them went to the Garden.
They layed back down, with their Surroundings was filled with Flowers. And both of them had a deep conversation, as how Eret remembered.
They talked about life, and their problems.
But soon it died down, once Eret remembered the Time limit he had.
He looked at his watch as it said, 11:53
And he panicked.
He went over and Kissed Y/n unexpectedly, and gave her a matching ring of his.
"-listen, love. I'd love to talk more but I certainly do have to go. So. Uhm- BYE!" He said and before Y/n could answer. Eret already ran off.
Eret ran up the Stairs with Y/n following. "But when will I see you again!?" She asked him and stopped on the middle of the stairs to take a breath, "Oh never. NEVER" he said vanished.
As soon as the clock hit 12 Eret was back in the Room where Karl was waiting for him.
Karl looked relieved and hugged Eret. "I'm glad you're back." He said to the King, "Thank you! Thank you. For letting me do that" Eret said, and he promised himself to give Karl and his Fiancé the best Wedding.
"Now come on.. We don't want to keep Sapnap waiting do we?" Eret said and both of them walked out of them room.
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It's so crazy to me that the scene in Chapter 75, where Gojo says "throughout heaven and earth, I alone am the honoured one" is being so misinterpreted. People are assuming that Gojo really has a God complex and say that this scene is proof he's a narcissist and etc.
Those people don't realize that Gege Akutami LOVES researching Buddhism and Celestial beings and has a lot of references and symbolism representing that.
Here's a text excerpt from Qbesent on Instagram who did the research:
"Gojo's hand seal belongs to one of the 12 celestial beings, the gods of Heaven and earth (see where the phrase comes from?) the 12 Deva guardians of esoteric buddhism known as Taishakuten, an invincible god of war, who resides in one of the six heavenly realms and served in the highest position. This is one of 48 hand seals called Taishakuten. Gege Akutami doesn't shy away from buddhism and the celestial beings that represent these, in basic terms, hand seals. I dived into the backround of the hand signs that JJK characters perform that relate to heaven, earth, hell and even the center of the world, the gods and demons"
As you can see, people are taking the manga way too literally and then labeling Gojo based on only the surface of his personality! His entire character is in fact revolving around religious influences.
Even Sukuna's hand seal "represents that of Lord Enma, often called Yama, the God of hell who judges those who've died on whether their souls go to heaven or hell and often cutting off their tongues if they lied. Enma's court also has a special mirror called Jouhari no Kagami which show cases the defendants sins when they were alive. It is said that Enma can traverse freely between heaven and hell"
Qbesent has a lot of interesting background info on Jujutsu Kaisen! Hopefully people will realize that Gojo isn't such a simple character who's super into himself and realizes how complex and layered he is!
About his phrase, Gojo's entire character literally evolves around the heavens and earth. He has the sky in his eyes. The fact that his hair is white (pure) is even more symbolic. And yet people really call him another Kakashi 🙄
Gojo is a walking symbolism just like Sukuna is.
Now I agree about people misinterpreting Gojo as some dude with a huge and a god complex. But Gege basically confirmed it in when said it in that chapter it was said more in an arrogant sense. Still it has nothing to do with him being egotistical.
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And I completely agree that Gojo is a walking symbolism. Jujutsu kaisen is heavily influenced from Buddhism. Honestly I have a hard time understanding everything too but we should take things with a grain of salt. I didn't know about the hand signs and I'm amazed wow just wow. I'm 100% sure behind all that's happened or happening in JKK has some meaning behind it. It's amazing how Gege created Gojo such a complex and well made character. He is wayyy more than just a strong dude. Thank you for sharing your thoughts ❤
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sage-writing18 · 2 years
kai parker- x male reader
warning ⚠️: including oral male sex receiving and giving, anal sex, erection
**BACKROUND: in this universe kai is not a serial killer but a witch and your collage roommate and you are also a witch**
you walk into your door room to see kai sleeping on his bed.
kai wake up you say as you shake him. KAI.
what. his responds. what tf was that last night. you say wydm he says.
you locked me out and not only thst put a barrier spell on the door. you say
i know i know i’m sorry y/n he says
i had to sleep on a community coach and had to cast a invisibly spell on myself so no one would bother me. you say
oh shit really
you nod your head yes
oh i’m so sorry. i just figured you stay at bons and cares. i just needed the room i haven’t gotten any yk in a while and wanted both bed. kai says
it’s okay ig i hope it was wroth it and where did u even get the magic to cast a spell you ask
well i might of maybe siphoned you at lunch…
ik ik im so sorry he responds
and to answer your other no it was not worth she just talked about her ex the whole time “he was a jerk” “ he hated all my friends” blah blah blah. kai said
oh… well i’m sorry u didn’t get any you say you say
yeah u and me both kai responds
well do u want to play some xbox
sure. he says with delight
*30 minutes go buy and the game is over*
you look over and see kai adjusting his dick
woah are u hard rn…
yes he said
um..you say baffled
i’m sorry it’s just im so horny kai says
it’s okay!!! it’s happens. jsut go in the car or something and take care of it you offer
see i would but it’s storming out and there he says
shit your right. okay this one time you can do it in here . i’ll put in my headphones and u can go to town you say.omg thank you so much
you out in your earbuds and causally look over. you see him mouth something
what was that you say as you take out your earbud
i said like what your see he says giggling
um you say nervously
i’m just busting your balls y/n. come here i’m not shy
this is my pride and joy i call him little k
all 8 inches
8 INCHES you say surprised
yes, kai says
you look over that his computer to see he’s watching porn and start to get hard
looks like u need to jerk off too come on whip it out. kai says
well if u insist
you whip it out and start to jerk off
*a few minutes later*
you see he’s getting kinda bored
in a bold move a start jerking him off him responds in a positive way he start to moan
thank you. i really needed this
u bend down to put it in your mouth
wow!!! i’ll let you do this but this doesn’t mean i’m gay or anything
it’s okay just let me
u can do anything u want
he start to lick his huge cock
he lets out a small moan, fuck he says
with lick y/n goes down deeper every time
he starts to control your head
making you go down deeper to stop having a hard time to breath. your so good kai reply’s
do you think we can do some stuff with the ass. kai asked shyly
ofc don’t worry i’m clean :). you say
you pull down your jean and pull down your dark blue Calvin Klein underwear.
put bend down into the doggie style you feel a warm chill on your hole it’s kai mouth
you began going faster and eating the fuck out your ass yo u began moan very loud.
don’t stop fuck dont stop you say
kai takes his mouth away and lines his dick up with your hole.
your hoping he’s goes gentle. but you are wrong
he slams his cock into you he fuck you so hard
you so close to cub you come all his sheets
he continues to fuck you so hard.
i’m about to cum he says
cum in me pls daddy you reply he cums his load into you. you both lay next to each other with his arm around yours thank you, i really needed that. kia says. no problem anytime you say. you both fall asleep in each other arms
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