#writing-related musings
Writing Ángel outside the simulation is so hard because I always feel like he’s out of character, but at the same time, I’m taking him out of the traumatizing situation he’s in in season 1, therefore making him out of character to how he is in the series. A whole lot of the way Ángel acts in season 1 could be a trauma response, and I’m willing to argue a lot of it is. But we don’t know what aspects of his character are due to trauma and what aren’t! What aspects he might not display in a less stressful situation and what aspects he would, to what degree he’s in control of his actions and emotions as we see them in the episodes he appears in, and we don’t get a glimpse of what he’s like outside of this traumatic situation except for what Ramiro says (which isn’t much)
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lipikkawrites · 24 days
A lot will go wrong before everything goes right.
Keep moving forward.
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minimalist-quotes · 19 days
A lot will go wrong before everything goes right. Keep moving forward
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meanwhilepoetry · 2 years
Every woman I have ever loved is still working out how to love herself. Has a closetful of ghosts and has been to a hundred funerals of the women she used to be. Wonders what wounds her mother carries that she will never know about. Hopes that the weight of the world doesn't eventually crush her, that she is strong enough to handle it all. Wishes a day will come when she can put it all down, give her aching shoulders a rest. Wants someone to truly see her and not make a feast of her kindness and dreams. Is forever hiding a secret hunger for what calls to her in the dark. Holds a universe inside her, but has been told to make herself smaller despite the paradox. Praise be that universes are not in the business of listening to anyone but themselves. Every woman I have loved has thought about it. The art of disappearing. To be here one day, and the next, like smoke, simply gone.
- Nikita Gill, Every Woman I Have Ever Loved
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shelbyatwar · 2 months
Dear me,why do you fear the pebbles in your path when you have already moved mountains and paved the way?
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elle-rph · 5 months
❝ I’m addicted to the if only. ❞
— Taylor Swift, “I Look In People’s Windows”, The Tortured Poets Department
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herhurthoneyheart · 2 months
If I never speak your name again, will you eventually mean nothing to me..?
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tearsoftime0086 · 1 year
I was talking about this to a friend a few weeks ago, but I love how Kamille basically starts and ends Zeta Gundam with the same motive - righting a wrong - but the way he internalizes it shows how much he's grown (spoilers below).
Like, when he goes awol and steals the MK II, he's solely in it to pay back the MP who physically assaulted him (which also I could go into a whole other conversation about... dude why did you turn back around when a gundam crashed into the military facility???? anyway). He wants to get revenge for being looked down on, from being toyed around with by the officers on the sidelines. It's a very self-centered and almost egotistical drive.
By the time he's fighting Scirocco however, the rationale is different. Yes, he's still calling out Scirocco for doing much of the same as the MP - watching from the sidelines, messing with people - but Kamille's a changed man. He's now a formal pilot, but he's also learned to love and to lose people, and he's learned that he has the potential to be something more for them. And so he couches this intent in the framework of "sacrificing his life" for it - for a bigger cause, for the people who he cares about.
Until it swallows him whole.
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ciircex · 3 months
|| ♡ I'm starting fresh with a starter call! I deleted my other ones just because I cannot for the life of me recall who I did and who didn't. So yeah, like for a starter <3 may be iconless because I'm on mobile.
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stood-onthecliffside · 3 months
thinking so much about folklore and evermore nowadays... especially how folklore deals with 'teenage' themes (at least the love triangle) and how easy it is to ask for forgiveness and forgive and just being honest about your feelings after allowing yourself to process it and having an upfront communication about everything including missing the childhood that you had/ the friends you were once close with and being open about it ... while evermore being the adult stories was just unresolved issues, love and infidelity (which is both a young and old age thing yet the way it is handled is so different- perhaps for the better because there is some accountable during the latter stage). and just keeping everything inside never telling anyone how you feel and somehow you're at the restaurant and on the run together (because healing is never linear and always messy). so in the end you have to strip yourself to the basics (your younger self and be a bit fearless and wild) to deal with emotions and life. everything comes out teenage petulance indeed.
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lipikkawrites · 5 days
Today, take a few minutes to sit quietly and be thankful for all that you have.
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letstrywritingmaybe · 3 months
Summary: It’s only a mistake if done once, when it continues it’s done on purpose.
Prompt from @promptlyprompting on tumblr:
“We need to talk about the kiss.”
“What’s there to talk about? Everybody makes mistakes.”
Rated M
Some warnings: canon ship mentioned, slight cheating but not as bad as my other verses
Art by the ever lovely @vordark thank you for the motivation and always providing inspiration! I love you lots! <3
Posted on ao3 <3
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meanwhilepoetry · 2 years
Have you ever felt like you are the quiet ghost everyone can see but chooses to look through. Like your body is there, just transparent, you speak but no one hears you, not really. The act of disappearing is not so hard truly. You can do it even in a room surrounded by people who love you. Just pretend you aren’t there, and everyone around you will pretend you have vanished too.
- Nikita Gill
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misc-muses · 3 months
Beep! She's going around putting stickers on people's clothes, specifically picked out just for them!
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bylightofdawn · 9 months
I survived work somehow. I am still plagued with this insane, constant sense of exhaustion and tiredness. I cannot for the life of me figure out what is wrong.
I was reading a Hakoda/Bato fic at work today. (I might be doing that Avatar rewatch I was talking about) and the author pulled a really interesting take on soulmates who see in color the first time. In that...your first soulmate dies and your ability to see color fades back into gray until you can suddenly see color again because you have a second soulmate you never considered or realized was out there because you thought you only got one.
And I high key am buzzing cause one...the angst potential to begin with in not only losing your soulmate but the literal light and color of your life is just...mnnnnn that's that good angst shit. And then, on top of it, finding a second chance at happiness.
I've been racking my brain trying to come up with a suitable pairing to inflict that evilness onto someone. I'm thinking maybe CodyWan in that Obi-Wan and Satine were soulmates but she dies (stupidly and unforgivably via canon) and then maybe he discovers Cody was there all along. Like maybe they were one of the super-rare couples who were fated to be a triad or something but alas that never happens because there was no time.
The only problem with that is there's not a whole lot of TIME for that to happen, considering the canon timeline. Though imagine Obi-Wan and Cody meeting up again on said Tattooine or something and Obi-Wan's shock at suddenly seeing colors. Meanwhile, Cody has been able to see color this whole time and knew Obi-Wan wasn't dead because of it etc.
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herhurthoneyheart · 5 months
Be my peace.. I have enough pain..
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