#xenopronouns nonbinary
zestyxwesley · 2 months
not all nonbinary people go by they/them or are strictly gender neutral
nonbinary people can go by he/him she/her neopronouns xenopronouns object pronouns
literally any pronouns they want
because nonbinary (to alot) isnt a gender
nonbinary folks can have any pronouns they want any name they want dress how they want gender affirm how they want
they can do anything they want
they can do what they want gives them gender euphoria and makes them happy
im nonbinary and my primary pronouns are he/him because it makes me HAPPY and EUPHORIC
nonbinary is not strictly gender neutral
it can be ANYTHING
nonbinary folks can also be gay or lesbian
not every single one of us is bi pan omni or poly(sexual)
the amount of times ive seen people say nonbinary folks cannot be lesbians because they arent women is BAFFLING
someone said that i cannot be gay because im not a man and am nonbinary (they were a fujoshi though so not very surprised)
gay means man or nonwoman strictly attracted to only men and or nonwomen
lesbian means a womam or nonman strictly attracted to women and or nonwomen
lesbian and gay are not strictly cis or trans terms
on behalf of all my nonbinary siblings brothers and sisters
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your-rutherfurr · 6 months
Just a wee reminder that the first recording of neopronouns was 1789, one of the oldest noted examples of neopronouns were 'thon'! And also remember the key word 'recorded' so that means neopronouns could've existed even WAY before that
(Edit! Thon was actually created in 1858! And in 1789 it was 'ou', sry for not updating that quick enough 😅)
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its-kayyyy · 9 months
(please reed all of this)
trans men are men.
trans women are women.
trans children are valid.
cis or cisgender isn't a slur.
nonbinary people are valid.
genderfluid people are valid.
agender people are valid.
aromantics, asexuals, and aroace people are valid.
bisexuals are valid.
pansexual are valid.
polyamorous people are valid.
neopronouns are valid
xenopronouns are valid
xenogenders are valid.
they/them pronouns are valid.
it/its pronouns are valid.
therians are valid.
furries are valid.
otherkin are valid.
neurodivergencey is normal.
stimming is normal.
autism is normal.
adhd is normal.
systems are valid.
age reggresion is valid.
witchcraft is completely fine to use.
paganism is valid.
theistic satanism is valid.
polytheitic satanism is valid.
luciferianism is valid.
demonalotry is valid.
worshiping deities or ancient gods/goddesses are valid.
this should be common sense but to some people it isn't. if you do not agree with one or more of these please don't interact with my blog. If you agree with these feel free to check out my blog. i am a agender cupioromantic pansexual minor named kay. I love mushrooms, bluey, melanie martinez, and gravity falls. im also a fictionkin and a polytherian. if you are interested in my blog , read the dni (should by at the top, i pinned it) and follow me!
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more of a serious question, but I was doom scrolling on TikTok, and there was this person (thetruthaboutwo) and after watching several pretty eugh videos, I have a question
so, I fall under the trans umbrella. I use neos and they/them. I do not care if you put me under the trans umbrella or not and say i'm something else or whatever. but, because i'm not ftm or mtf, I have a question
Do you need to have dysphoria to be valid? is saying "if someone says they're trans, then they're trans" a harmful thing to say?
Hi my funky-gendered individual!
No, you don't need binary dysphoria, or any dysphoria to be trans, you are trans if that's how you choose to label yourself, but no one can put a label on you or take it away from you.
Some trans people (binary or not) experience no/hardly any dysphoria and others experience loads, and that's ok.
Oh btw neos are awesome, are there any you prefer to others? And pleaseee stop doom scrolling <3
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gobworm · 9 months
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our wooden pronoun pins have just been restocked with new designs!
get them here!
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sirenium · 1 year
I don't know who needs to hear this, or if it will even reach an audience at all, but you're valid. I'm talkin about the people who are constantly told they aren't valid by their own community: the lesboys, mspecs and everyone of the like. Those of us with 'contradictory' identities. The people who use neopronouns, nounself pronouns, emoji pronouns, and/or xenogenders. You're just as valid as the people who fit neatly into simpler, more 'acceptable' and 'normal' identities. And don't let anyone tell you different.
I know it's hard. I've witnessed a pan lesbian get doxxed on Twitter all because they identified as such. You see, people like us aren't what's harming the community, but some people will try to make you feel that way. Try not to let it get to you.
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you just used they/them like, 5 times
2. yes i am multiple people actually
3. and yet when someone uses neopronouns you shit your pants
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paradox-swan · 10 months
I am completing an epq which is a essay type project on a topic of my choice. I chose to do mine on neopronouns. I have created a survey as a part of research for this. It is completely anonymous so if people could complete and/or share the link that would be appreciated. Tho don’t feel pressure to do so. The survey closed at 4pm BST (UTC +1) on 28th August 2023. Tho may remain open for a few extra days/weeks if I am struggling for responses.
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xxbl00dsh3dbunnyxx · 19 days
I made another Blog!
Go follow it!! <3
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xxmia0wm4yh3mxx · 1 year
I made a Core Aesthetic thing personified, it waz a aesthetic very close to me CRINGECORE!
Its all about being yourself even if its seen as "cringe" and embracing it, you should always love urself even if your weird <3
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(Also I don't think Xenogenders, trans, furries or therians are cringe I'm just saying you should embracing the things you love and the things you are even if people think its weird, I luv u all <3)
Iv been bullied and teased for being the weird furry girl in southern North America so Being on online and seeing other people like me is just so amazing and inspiring for me
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noahizslay · 2 months
hey my dear humans!
i just want to tell y'all that emojiself pronouns are just so cool and if you use them you're also cool and valid as fuck!
don't let other people tell you that you're "mocking" trans people because of the pronouns you use.
like can't y'all understand that pronouns are literally just a word that we use instead of your name because this way we don't have to repeat it constantly or because we don't even know your name?
also does someone using pronouns you're not familiar with hurt you? is it that difficult to use? can't you waist 5 min of your life learning about them so you can respect people?
also don't forget that emojiself pronouns are meant to be used online only! also most of people who use them use other pronouns as well. same goes with neopronouns, nounself pronouns, etc. people who use them also use other pronouns.
just respect people's pronouns ffs!
have a great day :)
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olicutterartorsmt · 11 months
Beartrapgender: a gender where your gender feels in pain and trapped
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cherrytea556 · 2 months
Wild to me that people, even now, are offended and want to gatekeep over other people's existence or harmless things that may seem cringey/discomforting to you. A non binary person isn't gonna spoil your pie, a man wearing a dress isn't gonna burn your eye sockets, a person using neo/xeno pronouns isn't gonna set your house on fire. Relax.
"oh but they wanna identify as a cat!" Don't care, that's a cat issue.
"b-but furries!" Like I said, a them issue. If they wanna wear a animal costume all day out the sun, thats not something I gotta be concerned about.
"Wait! What about pe-" Hey! I said HARMLESS. Pedos, zoos and necrophiles obviously don't count. Stop with the slippery slopes and fear mongering you got going on. If it's not already there, then it probably never will be. Relax. Stop shaking your boots over something unrelated to any of your shake bootery.
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little-cowby · 11 months
you ever use they/them in a way where like, you're other pronouns are either too complicated or seen as "too weird" so you just settle on it?
like, yeah, they/them is fine but it still feels dysphoric and just doesn't fit, ya know? :/
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Hi. My name is Angel, I go by all pronouns (neos & xenos included), I'm genderfluid and I'm 16 years old.
This is an interesting experience of mine, because I reflect about it and I realise “wow, if my parents raised me with both girl and boy shit, maybe I would have realised I'm trans sooner”.
Basically, I was raised as a girl all my lifetime. From my childhood to now, I'm raised and referred to as a girl even tho I already know I'm not. But here's a tiny little event that happened to me when I was 8 and in 3th grade:
There was a gymkhana at my school, and there was a crossdressing challenge. Boys would wear girls clothing and vice versa.
When my class was preparing, they choose me to use the boys clothing (it was my fault by the way, because my curious ass was the nearest to the box that had the outfits 😭) and I was like: “What? Why me, I ain't got nothin to do with this shit! >=(” I tried to protest, but they shushed me because we had little time.
And that's how I was Pedro for the first and last two minutes of my life.
I was angry, obviously. But the difference is, I thought it was because they were masculine outfits and not because I was floating in these senseless game, specially after I overheard my dad and my brother talking about how sinful it was to use clothes for the opposite gender. I deadass thought the gymkhana forced me to sin, whathafuckkk☠️☠️☠️☠️
But in reality, I was like “Quit this drama, crunchy looking ass.” when a boy said he felt ridiculous when wearing the women's clothing.
That teenage boy was having gender dysphoria over the opposite gender clothing. I wasn't. Every other cis person was uncomfortable wearing clothes they normally wouldn't wear at that situation. I was the only one who was upset over being shoved onto something I had nothing to do instead of the outfit I was wearing and the name I was using for two minutes.
And looking back, I realise that I didn't show many genderqueer traits as a kid because I wasn't able to, nor given the opportunity (the only time I did that as a child was walking on the streets shirtless and I got reprimanded by my parents for that (understandable, on the one hand, cause my breasts were starting to develop and I had gone to a neighbor's house that they didn't trust)). I didn't show genderfluid traits as a kid because the only option I had was femininity and nothing else.
Help, in conclusion, I was never a cis girl after all. I was always trans. And even if Pedro didn't had much effect on my journey, I really have to thank him for this experience and the reflections around it. =3
I'm glad you have worked out who you are, thanks for sharing your experience!
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punknicodiangelo · 11 months
I want to start a new tag game, assign neos to the person you reblog from
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