#yeah i’m putting it in the tag even though i don’t go into the gay shit much. it’s the motherfucking fridge scene
gnomeniche · 2 years
the fridge scene and the themes of dhmis
hi. i think the fridge scene is thematically relevant to dhmis and it's about time i explained why. this is a long one because i have a couple different angles i’m bringing to the table.
first, i need to recap how the blackout scenes as a whole function. these are some of the only times we see the students acting in a space mostly free from the show-world's whims. it gives us a lot of insight into the closest thing to "true selves" they have. the music and the lights and even the set itself drops away, and what we are left with is just them. most teachers are ineffectual, glitched, or dead here, so they can express what they think without risk of being hurt.
the fridge scene is set in this brief moment of freedom. this is very important to remember.
now, on with the post.
"i like looking at you": seeing versus knowing
"i like looking at you" is a rare moment of real affection between the main characters, but i want to focus on the word "looking." there are a lot of ways to express affection for someone. why did the writers choose that specific phrasing?
well, the students live in a tv show. the idea of "looking" has a strange sort of intimacy in a tv world, where the students are constantly being subjected to a gaze they cannot control. that gaze dictates what they are allowed to do, and it is often actively hostile to what they are beneath their performance.
but looking at each other is a mutual and willing observance. it's a way to take agency for themselves (to be the one who is looking rather than being looked at, and to have the possibility of being seen as they are) and a way to acknowledge that there may be something more to each other beyond the performance. "i am an equal to you, i like what i can see of you, and i want to see more of you."
however, there's an irony in how this sentiment can only be expressed in the darkness. though they wish to be real friends, they can't in a world like this. they can only look at each other in a place where they cannot be who they are, while they can only reveal themselves in a place where they cannot physically see each other.
despite the power that comes from looking, it is not the same as knowing. it's a desire to know, and that still matters, but their circumstances prevent them from really understanding each other. they like what they are allowed to know of each other, and they would like to know more, but they can never be sure what each other are really thinking because the world won't let them.
and they know that they don't really know each other. red, in initiating the attempt at connection, does so quickly and tentatively, unsure what will happen. duck's reaction is disbelief; he's aware that he doesn't really know what's going on in red's head. but upon realizing that the sentiment is mutual, the two of them try to speak more frankly about their lives and their relationships to yellow. ultimately, even limited as they may be, knowing that someone else wishes to really see them emboldens them both.
the other ones: the will to look closer
there's another way this scene works: it helps to communicate the difference between the warm curiosity that still remains in our guys and the rote coldness enforced by the world.
given the cuts between yellow encountering the ones upstairs and the blackout scenes, there is a noticeable juxtaposition between the showboating cruelty of the other reds and ducks and the understated affection of the fridge scene, isn't there? even the staging is different: while our two are in a massive, dark expanse, the higher floors are each a single room flooded with stage light that reaches into every corner.
so, what's different about our red and duck?
the ones upstairs have lost any inclination to try and see things as they are. they believe they've found the ultimate truth and thus accept what they are given at face value, and they speak in performative, self-consciously grandiose ways. they reject any attempt to reach beneath the surface, whether it's in questioning their lessons or trying to be kind outside the toxic narrative, and they don't show much interest in each other or yellow besides as something that needs to be there for the lesson to start. even when the bigger boys get that one experiment joke, the idea is immediately rejected.
meanwhile, despite their earlier abrasiveness and fear of the unknown, our red and duck want to look deeper. their willingness to break from the lesson brought yellow the batteries he needed to go upstairs and landed them in the blackout in the first place. and in the fridge scene, they come closer than they ever have to finding something true by themselves. they're still not able to fully express themselves; they're limited by how they have been taught, and they can't quite conceptualize something better beyond the house, but they are trying to talk about how they feel and what they want. they are attempting something vulnerable, kind, and unfamiliar as best they can.
the dangers of swallowing harmful "truths" that the world presents you without question and the alienation that results are recurring themes of dhmis. the fridge scene shows that our red and duck, even as incurious as they are in this episode, still have the desire to dig into what they see and reach out toward each other, and dhmis presents that as gentle and honest. the harsh performativity of the higher floors is the consequence of losing the will to look closer; the world wants our red and duck to lose that will as well, but this scene shows that they can and must keep it.
but here's the thing:
the rare affection here shows one way the students could possibly find something better. aiming for escape is possible but risky, but perhaps they can find another way out by uniting.
the only problem is that the world won't let them do either. do you remember what comes directly after the fridge scene?
when the stage light creeps back in, they immediately lose the ability to show themselves to their friends. they never get to talk to or about yellow honestly. they get pulled back into their roles, where they do the single cruelest thing they've ever done to yellow.
"transport" shows how the world subverts physical escape, and "electricity" shows how the world subverts any attempts at unity between the three of them. no matter how much they wish to understand each other and be real friends, the show will always bring them back under its sway. the very sweetness we saw them show makes the ending all the more bitter.
so where do we go from here?
i don't want to end this on this dark note. i just wanted to discuss how the scene functions in the context of the show; what it tells us, what it adds to the themes, and what it does to us. but what it does to us is give us hope for the characters and leave us devastated at the ending.
so… i will turn in a slightly more speculative direction. the world’s aggressive attempts to keep them apart means that the world is just as afraid of the three banding together for real as it is of them escaping. that means, if it turns out that escape to the outside world isn’t possible or desirable after all, the three of them retaining themselves and genuinely bonding will be involved in how they find something better. the way this scene is shown as a moment of freedom from the show's artifice leaves me with no doubt.
so have this one sartre quote about no exit that i keep using for dhmis. i have to believe that they will eventually get to care about their fellow beings.
“Hell is other people” is only one side of the coin. The other side, which no one seems to mention, is also “Heaven is each other”. Hell is separateness, incommunicability, self-centeredness, lust for power, for riches, for fame. Heaven on the other hand is very simple, and very hard: caring about your fellow beings.
thematically, the fridge scene contributes to the idea that a restrictive, performative world like this tries to keep people from understanding and loving each other. however, that means that a way to obtain some kind of control in this world is through love for other people. performance is one thing, but they've got to try to look past that, at each other. REALLY look at each other and understand each other. then, they might be able to break the cycle of their uncaring world and stop hurting each other.
(also, gay puppet rights)
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steviewashere · 28 days
What's A Boy in Love Supposed To Do?
Rating: Teen and Up CW: Biphobia, Eddie Being Kind of an Asshole at First, Use of the Word Queer (But not as a Slur) Tags: Post-Canon, Angst, Hopeful Ending, Aware of Own Bisexuality Steve Harrington, Gay Eddie Munson, Angry Steve Harrington, Pre-Steve Harrington/Eddie Munson, Temporary Unrequited Love/Feeligns, Rejection, (But not completely because Eddie doesn't know how he feels yet), Steve Harrington Loves Eddie Munson, Confident Steve Harrington, Bitchy Steve Harrington, (And he deserves to be here), Eddie Munson Being an Idiot, Eddie Munson Figuring Things Out, Eddie Munson Has a Crush on Steve Harrington, (But He's Not in Love Yet), Mild Resolve, Dialogue Heavy, Author is Bisexual For @steddieangstyaugust Day 24 Prompt: "Go, see if I care." Title from "Oh l'amour" by Erasure
🏳️‍🌈—————🏳️‍🌈 “As flattered as I am, Steve, I don’t want to be somebody’s experiment.”
He blinks at Eddie. Rigid to the cushion he sits on. It’s an instantaneous reaction: the flush of his cheeks, the pull to his lips, the narrowing of his eyes. A rage, he doesn’t think he’s felt since Jonathan Byers and his camera, begins to fill him. Can feel it low in the pit of his stomach and pulsing in the center of his forehead.
The gall of this asshole, Steve thinks, I can’t believe this shit.
Steve clicks his tongue on the back of his teeth. “Excuse me?” he asks thinly, “what the hell are you talking about?” His hands lay on his knees and squeeze harshly, fingernails digging through the denim of his jeans.
Eddie’s mouth twists. A sharp breath shoots through his nose. He looks away from Steve’s face, shrugging. “I mean,” he says slowly, “I mean…you like girls, Steve. This could just be a fluke. Like a…like maybe you should put more thought into this.”
Can’t help himself, Steve scoffs loudly. “Genuinely, Eddie, what the fuck are you talking about? I come out to you, I tell you that I like you, and you—what—turn this around as if I’m stupid about my feelings?”
“I guess?” Eddie answers, honest in a way Steve thinks he shouldn’t be. “You’re just…you’re confused. You’ve got some wires crossed or something. Maybe it’s just because I share some features with Nancy. But you don’t like me, Steve. Not really.”
He’s honestly not sure how to respond to that. Part of him is wilted. Part of him is alive with fury and flames, with tension, and unease. This feeling through him is the thing he doesn’t know. Steve falls back into his seat on the sofa, arms crossed over his chest, and avoiding all of Eddie he’d be able to see.
“Can’t believe this,” Steve mutters, “can’t believe you’re treating me like this, too. Why does everybody think that.”
“What do you”—
“I’ve been to queer bars, y’know,” he explains bitterly, “been in there searching for people who catch my eye. Because, get this if you can, I’m not a picky person.” Steve glares daggers at Eddie. “Because, and if you can believe me on this, I know what I want. Surprising, I know. But you wouldn’t know that because you treat me like everybody does—like I’m some brainless fucking low-life who only knows how to use his dick and bat his eyes.
“I go out and tell these people at the bars that I’m bisexual. That I’m into guys, that I’m into girls. Tell ‘em that, yeah, I only have experience getting in bed with a girl. But it’s not like I’m not interested in that aspect with guys, too—I just haven’t had the chance, you understand me on that, I’m sure.” And that maybe hits a little too hard; knowing that Eddie’s gay and that his experience with sex is very limited. He continues, though, “Yet, as soon as I try and explain myself, I get pushed away. I get looked at all weird. One time, a guy told me I wasn’t queer enough to be with him. Like…what the fuck does that even mean?”
“Steve, I”—
He points a finger in Eddie’s face, hand shaking and palm sweating. “Don’t interrupt me. You came out to me and I listened all the way through; you get to hear me out, too.” Steve huffs. Draws his hand back towards his lap, immediately going to his habit of picking at his fingers. Trying to allocate the nerves he has, the ones that were so intense a few moments ago. “How queer do I have to be to want to kiss a guy?” he speaks rhetorically and quietly, “how queer do I have to be to appreciate the way they smile at me? Or…or how queer do I have to be to want to hold your hand, Eddie? Seriously. What’s it gonna take? Is it ‘experimenting’ if I know that I want it? Is it ‘experimenting’ if I know how much I already love you?
“Because I do, if you can believe that. I fell in love with you before I really had the words. And I fell in love with you before I came to the realization that I like guys, too. But I know my own feelings. I’ve been in love before, I think I can understand that part of me.” He looks down at his hands in his lap, eyes burning, throat stinging, and face flushing hot. “I wish I didn’t have to explain something I already know. But I guess I will for however long people question the authenticity of my sexuality. Including you, I guess.”
The room fills with tense silence after that. Air so hot and so thick, he can feel it heavy on his shoulders, weighing him further and further, and making him sink deep into the cushion underneath him.
Sure, this isn’t the first time he’s been rejected. Nancy did. Robin did. Now Eddie is. He’s been rejected by guys at the bars and clubs. Maybe he doesn’t have the whole knowledge or ‘etiquette’ to this yet, but that doesn’t mean he doesn’t want to learn. He wants to call a guy his baby, hook his finger into their belt loop, drag them into a dark corner and kiss them soundly and breathlessly. Wants to take a guy home at the end of the night and hold his hand as they figure out each other’s bodies. Kiss him in the morning, if the guy sticks around. Wants to relish in the scratch of facial hair on his sensitive skin.
He could see himself with men, that’s the thing. He knows that in his fantasies—whether it be imagining himself with the men in the centerfolds of gay magazines, or the daydreams of being in love with Freddie Mercury—that he’s completely comfortable with the thought of being with a man. Loves the thought of it so much, that he finally realized he wanted that with Eddie especially. Because a night-in with Eddie, watching a movie, arm around his back, cushioning his cheek on Eddie’s shoulder, kissing each other slow and soft—all of that sounds like heaven, a dream that could animate and he could make real.
On the couch, distance between them, Steve’s never felt so far away from a dream of his. Even that initial daydream with Nancy sounds more probable than falling in love with Eddie slowly and surely. He sort of, really, hates that.
“Steve,” Eddie breathes. “I don’t know what to say.”
An apology might be nice, Steve sourly thinks. He just shrugs, though. “I don’t know what I want you to say, so,” he states quietly.
Out of the corner of his eye, he can see Eddie give one sharp nod. “This is…a lot to take in. I should just leave.”
Of course. Run away, Eds. Run away like you always do. “Go. See if I care,” Steve murmurs. Face at his lap still, tears ready to spill down his cheeks. A part of him thinks that he’ll never see Eddie again. He doesn’t want that. But maybe…maybe it’s for the best? It’s the one thing he doesn’t know.
Eddie stands up, walks towards the door, but stops in the doorway to the living room. He raps his knuckles on the doorframe. Steve can’t help but look up. “I accept you,” Eddie says quietly, “even if it’s too easy to say or too easy to hear, but I do. Just let me have a little bit of time to think about your confession, Steve. I think I feel the same, but I want to be confident like you. I don’t want to hurt you again.”
He inhales slowly and lets out a soft breath through his mouth. Steve wants a better apology, but one thing at a time, he supposes. It was hard when he figured things out for himself; it’s harder to hold a grudge against somebody doing the exact same thing. “If you find out you feel the same,” Steve says hopefully, “can we hold hands?”
“Stevie, when I’m confident about how I feel, we can do whatever you want. I’ll be back, I promise. I’ll have better words and a better apology, too.” He lets go of the doorframe, where he rested his hand after knocking on it. But before he can leave, he looks Steve directly in the eyes. Says, “And there’s no such thing as ‘queer enough’. You’re perfect as-is, Steve. I’m just stupid. And those other guys are complete assholes for not even attempting to get their heads out of their asses and go out with you.
“You deserve the world. And I want to give that to you.”
“Let’s cool off first.”
Eddie nods again, smiles small, and Steve returns it. “Yeah, we should do that,” he whispers. Lets out a deep sigh. Softly, “Take care of yourself tonight, okay? I’m sorry for…I’m sorry for being an ignorant pile of shit. I’m gonna do better, no matter how long it takes to prove myself to you.”
After that, Eddie lets himself out. And Steve lets him leave, doesn’t chase after him, even when every part of him panics about letting Eddie get away. But this is for the better, he thinks. Knows that not everything works itself better overnight. It’s a start, though. Not a satisfying one, but it’s the beginning of something.
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imisscherryboy-blog · 11 months
running back 2 u
enemies to lovers - football player. ajax x sports med! gn reader
part 1, part 2
spotify playlist (it's good i swear)
story: you and ajax have known each other since elementary school. those years haven't been always the best, as you both parted ways due to your differences in personality. that is, until one hot august night, where the stadium lights illuminate the turf, you find yourself running back to him again.
notes: SMUT, enemies to lovers, modern au, gender neutral reader, childe is referred to as ajax, last name tartaglia, all characters are 18+ as seniors, highschool setting, part 3/3, gn reader, ajax is bi (since it's gn), alhaitham and kaveh are gay, california coded
smut tags: first time, dom ajax, penetration, oral fixations, praise, pet name use, protected sex, oral (we get head), bruising, rough sex, after care
side characters featured: kaveh, alhaitham (alhaitham x kaveh),
warnings: mature themes!!, themes of sexual harassment (not described), drugs, alcohol, smoking, swearing
★ part 3 (last part) ★
Tumblr media
ajax came back down with the tylenol and tossed it to you. you caught it and took out two pills.
“water?” you looked at him with a deadpan expression.
“you have cereal milk right in front of you.” he responded with a look that would make anyone want to punch him in the face. you scoffed and took the tylenol dry. it was about 8 am now, and alhaitham came down the stairs.
“you’re still here.?” he asked as he made his way over to the box of cereal.
“someone (you looked at ajax) didn’t let me leave.” you responded.
“…what the hell man let her leave.” he said as he poured out the cereal.
“we uber’d here, ajax offered to drop us once kaveh wakes up.” you responded.
“that’ll probably be a while.” alhaitham nonchalantly said, taking another bite of his cereal.
“it won’t!” you heard kaveh yell from upstairs. it seemed like he was getting his stuff together. you sighed, you just wanted to go home. it would take a minute for the tylenol to actually work, and at that point, your headache was still pretty bad. ajax was on his phone, most likely waiting for kaveh to come downstairs.
“oh, by the way. i’m taking kaveh to homecoming.” alhaitham said. you and ajax both questioned him in unison. “is there something wrong..?”
“yeah- what am i supposed to do??” ajax asked.
“what, you don’t have a date?” you asked teasingly.
“i— not yet- but i will!” he said, clearly pissed off. “we were supposed to hang out!”
“i know, i’m sorry. just happened. i’m sure you’ll find someone.” alhaitham reasoned. “just take y/n with you.”
your face involuntary heated up as you both shouted ‘no’. alhaitham was a funny guy.
“y/n, do you even have a date?”
you paused for a moment, weighing your options. you did in fact have a date. he was some scrawny kid in your english class. he wasn’t bad, but obviously not ideal. it was your senior year and you wanted to say you went to homecoming with someone. if you did say yes, you knew ajax would be jealous; seeing as though he didn’t even have a date in the first place.
“yeah, i do.”
“huh?” ajax said. you had him hook, line, and sinker.
“something wrong?” you asked smirking.
“n-no.” he stammered and just let it go. you had won that one fair and square. just then, kaveh finally came down the stairs.
“well it looks lively down here.” he stated, putting his things on the counter.
“i’ll drop you guys.” alhaitham said, dropping his dish into the sink.
“nuh uh, i said i would.” ajax reasoned.
“you drank last night.” alhaitham stated. alhaitham didn’t drink.
“i slept it off.” he responded.
“you can’t sleep off alcohol bud. i’ll take them.” and just like that, alhaitham grabbed his tesla keys and headed for the door. kaveh said bye to ajax while you just left.
you and kaveh got in the car, kaveh sitting passenger while you sat in the back.
“where are we going?” alhaitham asked kaveh.
“my house, y/n’s car is parked there.” kaveh responded. alhaitham just nodded and left, kaveh giving occasional directions.
“so.. homecoming.” you interjected.
“yeah.. about that.” kaveh started before you told him you already knew.
“well, you’re free to come with us!” kaveh said.
“mm.. you guys aren’t really his crowd. don’t worry about it kaveh. i’ll catch you at the after party.” you said. you felt a little bad, but you weren’t expecting kaveh and alhaitham to really even happen. your logic pinned it on ajax for tearing his acl.
you arrived at kaveh’s house and said bye to alhaitham before going inside to get your keys. inside, kaveh stood by the doorway.
“you’re not mad about me going to hoco with alhaitham.. right?”
“no—kaveh, if anything i’m happy for you. you’ll have a lot of fun, trust me.” you brushed it off, making your way to the door.
“okay, i’ll see you at school then.”
“yeah.” you said as you left his house and got into your car. you waved to him from the car and backed out of the driveway, starting for your house. you felt bad, and you could tell kaveh did too, but there really wasn’t much you could do. after all, homecoming was next week.
the week went by normal. you only saw ajax in passing, he’d stare at you, then look away. he never tried to talk to you. after all, the party was probably the most you two ever talked in a while, and you honestly would be okay to keep it that way—but something in you really doubted that.
homecoming arrived, it was on a saturday at 7pm. kaveh told you that you both could meet up after it was over to find a party to go to, but you highly doubted that would happen. not with alhaitham in the picture. you dressed up, almost over dressing, but just enough to stand out. it was your last homecoming, so you might as well make it a good one. it felt different not being able to get ready with kaveh, like you usually would. but you didn’t let it bother you as you got a text from your date, saying he was outside.
looking your very best, you walked out of the door to see your date—in probably the ugliest car you’ve seen. it was a jacked up camry, with scratches and dents on the side. suddenly, you wished you just took your car there. the night was off to a great start!
the two of you got to the venue, it was beautiful to say the least. it was a hall, just right next to the water. the lights illuminated the water, giving a faint glow to bay. the sun was almost set, painting the sky a hue of blue and purple. you stared at the moon, it was fairly bright. admiring it, you stared at it for a couple more seconds before being snapped out of it by your date.
“my friends are already inside.”
“oh. okay.” you said. he wasn’t much of a talker. you both walked in, noticing the amount of people already there. you felt people staring at you. you couldn’t tell if it was because you looked good, or you went to hoco with an absolute loser. you scanned the room for kaveh and alhaitham, and spotted them near the bar. once kaveh saw you, his jaw dropped, supposedly at how good you looked.
“you look so good, y/n.” kaveh said giving you a hug.
“thanks kaveh, you too.” you smiled. you noticed him glaring at your date.
“well, i’ll see you later, okay?” he said, giving you a reassuring pat on the shoulder. “don’t have too much fun without me.” you nodded and left with your date. you waved to alhaitham, using it as a chance to look for ajax. he was no where to be found.
for the next hour, you couldn’t help but watch the entrance to the hall. your date was practically with his stem friends the entire time, only asking you if you wanted something to drink. you said no every time. sitting on the folding chair, you waited. you didn’t know exactly what you would do if you saw him, but you continued to watch the door, until your date rudely interrupted you.
“waiting for someone?”
“okay.” and just like that, he left. you looked back to the door and saw none other than ajax. you cursed your date for taking your focus away from the door. he was wearing his hair slicked back with a small strand in the front. he had a black-silk button up on, with the first three buttons undone (whore). the silver chain undoubtedly brought the whole fit together. unlike the times you’d pass each other in the halls, he spared you no glance. this time, he was with a brunette haired girl on the cheer team. big shocker, you thought to yourself. you quickly got up and joined your date with his friends, still looking at ajax and the girl he was with. your date’s friends just gave you a weird look and continued talking. every time you would sip your drink, you’d sneak in a quick glance.
narrowing your eyes, you noticed that the girl he was with.. looked drunk? you thought maybe the pre-gamed? but ajax looked perfectly sober, in fact he looked almost annoyed. you would pretend to look busy with your date, then look back at ajax. he was now with alhaitham and some of his other friends. his date stuck to his arm, though. she looked far too gone for anyone sober to actually tolerate.
what you didn’t notice, was alhaitham telling kaveh that he kept noticing ajax’s eyes wandering back to you. god bless alhaitham for being the middle man. but that news wouldn’t get to you until far later.
for now, you babysat your drink, until the lights started to dim. ugh, it was slow dancing time. at that point, you and your date, alongside his friends all sat at a table. you sat next to your date. you could feel his eyes boring into you, knowing he was gonna ask to dance. you really didn’t want to. you tried looking for ajax again, noticing he was gone. you felt a nudge on your arm.
“wanna dance?” his face got closer and closer as you got further and further.
“um..” you said, reeling back. he was not getting the hint by any means. all of a sudden, he leaned in for a kiss. you immediately pushed him off of you, standing up and walking away. that was your breaking point. this homecoming could not have been any worse. you’ve spent the entire time just spying on people and pretending to look interested in whatever the hell your date’s friends were going on about. you wished you’d never told ajax and alhaitham you had a date. you wished you were just with kaveh.
like clockwork, japanese denim by daniel ceaser starts playing as you’re heading for the exit. what great timing. you pushed the door open and were met with a cold breeze. it was freezing, but you didn’t care. as long as you were away from everyone for some time, you were happy. kaveh and alhaitham were probably dancing the night away. you found a bench outside near the hall and sat down. the waves of the bay behind you calmed you down a little. but you could help but shake the fact that your last homecoming was a mess.
“well someone looks like they had a shitty hoco.” the guy you’d been stalking for the past hour was now right behind you. (he was doing the same thing so dw) you turned around to see ajax leaning against a wall, next to the bench you were sitting at. how did you not see him?
“yeah. why’re you here?” you stumbled over your words a little, not expecting him to be here at all.
“shitty date, shitty day.” he tossed his cigarette on the ground and crushed it with his shoe.
“smoking outside of the school event is crazy.” you said laughing.
“i told you, it’s medicine.” he said sarcastically. the faint chorus of the daniel ceaser song could be heard from all the way outside. “can i sit?”
“i guess.” you said, trying to keep up the cold front. it didn’t really work, but you figured you’d at least try. after all, you guys hated each other. he took the spot next to you, and stared off into the distance.
“so.. who were you with?” he cut straight to the chase.
“what’s it to you?”
“it physically hurts to see someone so good looking with some fuck ass loser.” well that was harsh. well, anyone that tries to force themselves onto someone deserves that title.
“you’re saying i’m good looking?” you laughed, knowing he’d come up with some stupid excuse. instead, he nodded his head and just looked away. you could’ve sworn you were seeing things.
“anyway, you going anywhere after this?” he asked, lighting another cigarette.
“no, i don’t think so.”
“kaveh said you were going party hopping?”
“i highly doubt it.”
when you two went back and forth, having a normal conversation, it felt like old times. it made you feel like you were talking to your best friend of years. and ultimately, that’s what you guys could’ve been, but it never was.
“what a waste of a lovely night..” he said to himself, looking up at the sky above him.
“was that a la la land reference?” you asked, laughing.
“maybe.” he smiled at you.
“you’re still a movie nerd?”
“yeah, why wouldn’t i be?” he laughed. it went quiet for a second until you finally decided to ask.
“so, what happened with your date?” you asked.
“i felt like i was babysitting teucer the entire time. didn’t want that to be how i remembered my last homecoming.”
“i get that.” you responded.
it was quiet for a couple seconds again until he took the cigarette out of his mouth and had it in between his fingers.
“you wanna ditch this place?” you almost didn’t believe what he was saying.
“anywhere is better than here right now.” you admitted. even if you ‘hated’ ajax, you’d rather be somewhere else.
“kaveh won’t get mad?”
“i’ll let him know.”
and just like that, ajax took his keys out of his pocket and twirled it around his finger.
“where to?”
“anywhere.” you said.
“you got it.” he got up and made his way to the parking lot. you followed closely behind him, suddenly getting hit with the relentless ocean air.
“cold?” he asked.
“i’m fine.” you lied.
you opened the passenger seat to his car and sat down. he reached into the back and grabbed a hoodie that had his number (11) and the logo of your highschool. he threw it onto your lap without a word. you defeatedly put the hoodie on, fitting a little too big for your usual size. but it did the job. he started the engine, and it immediately began to get warm.
“you said anywhere, right?”
minutes passed rather quickly as the two of you just reminisced on past memories of middle school. he didn’t feel like ajax the school whore, but he genuinely felt like your best friend again. it was undeniable that it felt a little more than that. you really had no idea where he was taking you, but you trusted him. and he needed you.
after about twenty minutes, you pulled into the driveway of a large lake house. it was gorgeous to say the least. you knew ajax had money, but damn did you not realize the extent of that. you recalled he has mentioned this house a couple times, but you never actually saw it until now.
“this isn’t even the best part.” he said, turning off the engine, and getting out of the car. he seemed like a little kid again. he took you to the back of the house which was the lake. it was dark and still cold, but something about it didn’t bother you. you and ajax looked out into the large lake, the moon shining down on the water, creating the appearance that someone dumped glitter into the water. needless to say, it was beautiful. he sat on the sand, and you sat next to him.
“i remember you talking about this house.”
“yeah.. i’d come here every summer.”
“not anymore?” you asked to which he nodded his head.
“family shit. it’s not fun anymore.” he stated, looking off into the water. “when i tore my acl, i realized i’ve just been taking everything for granted.” he sighed.
you simply listened to him rant.
“i don’t know, it just feels like i keep hanging onto things that make me happy for two seconds, then moving on and finding something else.”
you honestly wanted to laugh at him just because of how ironic he sounded, but there was a time and place.
“like, being with all my siblings make me happy no matter what. but i keep chasing things that really only keep me sane for so long.”
“like drugs?”
“yeah, like drugs. when i saw my date acting like that, i realized why do we even do it?” he started to draw small shapes into the sand, it was a habit he had when he’d talk about things. did he think you were a genuine source of happiness for him? or was he truly just reminiscing on something else.?
you dropped your arms to your sides and sighed. “why don’t we just forget about everything. for one night.” you proposed. “it’s our last year, might as well save whatever is left of it.” you looked at him to see staring directly into your eyes.
“not a bad idea y/n. that’s rare.” you pushed him at his response, you both laughed. he was staring at you again, you looked back at him. it felt like both of your breathing fell in sync. all it took was one glance at his lips for him to close the distance between the two of you. he turned your head towards him as he kissed you. you didn’t want to think. you decided to fuck repercussions and fuck getting hurt, all you wanted was to be with ajax in that moment. so you kissed him back. your hand went up to his head and the other went to his shoulder. his hands brought you closer to him, to where you were almost on top of him. you broke the kiss for a moment.
“you don’t know how long i’ve been waiting to do that.”
you smiled and found yourself straddling him now, with both of your hands on his face, with his hands at your waist. it felt natural to be completely honest, like you knew exactly what to do. “wait—” he said before looking at you again. “you wanna keep going.?” you swallowed thickly. you had never done it before. but who better than to have your first time with than ajax?
“first time?” it’s like he took the words out of your mouth (literally)
you nodded your head to which he smiled.
“you’re so cute.”
“shut up.” you said before kissing him again to be abruptly stopped once again.
“is that a yes?”
“yes dummy.” he smiled and picked you up with ease, putting in a code to the house and taking to you to his room. the house was dark, most likely because no one had been in it for a while. the two of you got up the stairs giggling before reaching ajax’s room. not even bothering to close the door, he laid you down on the bed and wasted no time in getting his lips back on yours. knowing he had your consent, he didn’t hold back. gasps in between each kiss meant one piece of clothing to come off. first was your hoodie, then it was the rest of your clothes. leaving you almost naked aside from your underwear. ajax unbuttoned his shirt, throwing it to the side. he was in between your legs, simply admiring the sight below him. he ran a hand down your waist and to your thigh.
“i’ll take the lead, okay?”
you eagerly nodded your head. you weren’t afraid if you knew it was ajax who’d be taking care of your. slowly, he parted your legs, caressing your thigh. he took the rest of your clothes off, leaving you naked, while ajax still had his boxers on with an obvious tent in them.
“shit—” he cursed to himself at the sight of you.
“i need you, ajax—” you looked at him with pleading eyes. you didn’t want to wait any longer.
“someone’s needy.” he ran his hand down your sex and collected the stickiness already forming. your back arched into his touch, you’d never been touched like this, and you only wanted more. your mouth made an ‘o’ shape as you screwed your eyes shut. you could hear shuffling on the bed as he leveled with your hole. he was eating you out already? did he do that with the other people he’s fucked? that’d be a question for later. your fingers made contact with his orange hair as you tugged on it. you could’ve sworn you saw his eyes roll to the back of his head for a second.
he latched his mouth onto your hole, lewd noises echoing throughout the dimly lit room. one hand was guiding his head while the other muffled your moans.
“ah- a-ajax—!”
you’ve never gotten head from someone, but damn did you know that he was experienced. circling your sensitive spots with tongue made you throw your head back in pleasure. he knew what he was doing and wanted to make it known.
“don’t tell me you’re close already pretty.” he said pulling away for a moment. you were in fact close, but who could blame you? it seemed like he only went went faster at hearing your moans. unbeknownst to you, he was using two fingers in unison with his ministrations on you. you hardly even noticed at how wet you were for him already. you noticed ajax grinding his hips into the mattress, supposedly chasing his release as well.
“m’ close!” you yelped out as your moans got louder and louder at the edge of euphoria, before no longer feeling him on you. your glossy eyes looked at him in the eyes, and he swore he could’ve felt bad.
“sorry pretty, can’t give it to you that easily.” he smirked, taking his fingers into his mouth, licking them clean. you honestly couldn’t blame him, you’d probably be too sensitive to keep going if he let you.
“who knew you tasted this good, любовь?” his chin was covered with your juices, and his eyes were dark. remember how his hair was slicked back when you first saw him? yeah, not anymore.
“you’re so mean.” you sniffled. he ran a hand through his hair, and at the sight of your fucked out look, he went back to your lips. you could taste yourself on him, it only made you want him more. you tried bucking your hips up for any sort of friction, before he pinned your hips down. he whispered lowly in your ear,
“i’ll take care of you, don’t worry.” he went from your lips and now to your neck, nipping and sucking on it to form a bruise. he felt a sense of pride in doing it. he didn’t want to go from girl to boy anymore. he wanted you, and only you. he wanted to make you his.
“w-what about you..?” you asked.
“what about me y/n? it’s your first time, not mine.” he said. you felt bad and wanted to give him a hand job at least, but he squeezed your hand in reassurance that he was fine. “you ready f’me?”
as he asked, he finally took his dick out of his boxers, and you could’ve just up and left. not in a bad way of course, but he was big. you worried you wouldn’t be able to take him. your mouth was just open.
“y/n.?” he asked, ripping a condom out and rolling it on.
“i-i don’t think that’s gonna—”
“i’ll make it fit, don’t worry angel.” well that was a new one. “need me to hold your hand?” he smirked.
“fuck off— ngh—!” your eyes screwed shut at the feeling of his tip in you.
“relax pretty, loosen up for me, yeah?” he said running a hand through his hair, obviously feeling the tightness already. “so tight..”
you eyes were slightly opened and your mouth was parted as you nodded, refusing to watch ajax bully his cock into you. you didn’t want to just give up either, you did as ajax told you and relaxed a little, allowing him to slide into you easier. his eyes were concentrated on getting himself inside you, while your hand covered your mouth and another gripped the bedsheets below you.
“you okay?” he was mostly in, with just the base of his cock out. involuntarily, a tear rolled down your face at the stretch, but you nodded yes. his face went into your shoulder as he felt you tighten up around him, groaning into your skin.
“you can move.” you said quietly.
“you sure?”
“yeah.” with that, he had one hand on the bed frame and the other on your hip.
“i’ll be gentle, don’t worry.” he slipped out of you, and back into you in one swift motion. you moaned out, anyone that was nearby would most likely hear you. he started keeping a steady pace, eliciting lewd moans from you.
“that’s it, you’re doing so good angel.” he said, cursing under his breath. he truly meant it. he really didn’t think he was gonna fit either.
“ngh— faster ajax—!” you said, chasing the pleasure you were beginning to feel. he cautiously sped up his pace, being sure not to use too much force. he treated you like a little glass doll. his hand gripped the bed frame, as his thumb came up to your face to wipe your tears.
“so—fucking good for me, keep taking me like that pretty—” mixes of low moans and pants could be heard from him, most likely not used to virgin pussy.
you couldn’t think straight, all that left your lips were broken moans and his name. his hand ran over your stomach, a noticeable imprint of his cock was splayed over you. he looked at it with wide eyes, and as if something snapped inside of him, he got even faster. your hands went to his back, marking him in your own ways.
“keep tightening around my dick like that— shit, you won’t even remember your own name angel.” his grip on your hip only got tighter. the contrast of his words in unison with the pet names brought you closer and closer to the edge.
“f-feels so good! ajax—!”
“i know it does. you gonna cum? cum with me, ‘kay?” he moaned loudly as you felt his dick twitch inside of you. he was almost louder than you. he was at a ruthless pace, but you didn’t want him to stop. you nodded your head, feeling your nerves about to snap at any moment. “say my name y/n.”
“ajax—!” you moaned loudly before climaxing, feeling the condom fill up inside of you, a lot. “fuck—” you said as you sighed, flopping down onto the bed, slowly coming down from your high. your breathing was still heavy, and so was his.
“you took that like a champ.” he said, pulling off the condom and disposing of it.
“no fucking way you just said that.” you said looking him dead in the eye. he just laughed as he laid next to you on the bed.
“shit, didn’t know you had that in you y/n.” he stated, playing with your hair. “never imagined fucking my childhood best friend into oblivion.” you shoved him in response for the second time that night. “you sure that was your first time?”
“ajax i was literally crying as you put it in i don’t know what to tell you.” he laughed even harder at this. “i’m surprised you didn’t tear your acl even more.”
“no, i think you made it better.” he gave you the most cheesy smile. “anyways, you need help?”
“help walking.” he asked dead seriously.
“no i don’t need fucking help walking.” you got up, your knees buckling under you, immediately reaching for the bedside table.
“oh what was that? don’t need help?” he teased as he came to your side and helped you. you showered and ajax found you a big t shirt for you to change into, leaving it by the bathroom. he wanted you to stay, he really did. his football season was fucked, that was for sure. but at least he had his little medic to help him recover in— other ways. he lit a cigarette to help with the serotonin production and sat scrolling through his phone. he saw a text from alhaitham that read:
myqb😘: i’m with kaveh i’ll pass on the party tonight
myqb😘: i hope you got laid man ik tonight was rough
myqb😘: nothing fucking can’t fix 🤑💸
ajax decided not to respond to alhaitham’s message and threw his phone on the nightstand. you got out of the shower wearing his t-shirt.
“i could fuck you again right now.” he said at the sight of you in his clothes.
“give it 1-2 business days.” you laid down on the bed as he put out his cigarette, walking towards the shower.
“don’t miss me too much while i’m gone!” he yelled from the shower.
“oh i won’t!” you responded. you looked outside the large windows in his room. it was a really nice view. you checked out the shelves and found old kids books, probably from when he was little and would spend his summers here. you wondered if his siblings also had separate rooms. you did all this thinking but were reeled back into what just happened a couple of minutes ago. you just fucked your childhood best friend. and it felt really fucking good. you felt a wave of tiredness fall over you. you texted kaveh that you wouldn’t be able to see him tonight, alongside that there was a LOT to tell him. you figured he was with alhaitham so you found a charger and plugged your phone in. you looked at the bed and figured you probably wouldn’t want to sleep on those same sheets, so you took some sheets off of the vacant room next to ajax’s and replaced them. then, were you able to peacefully get into bed. ajax came out of the shower in just his boxers and immediately fell down next to you.
“so.. what are we.?” you decided to ask.
“let’s talk about it in the morning, yeah?”
“okay.” you said.
“all you need to know is that i’d be down to do it again.”you laughed.
“goodnight ajax.”
“goodnight y/n.” ajax wrapped his arms around you, your head was on his chest.
“thanks for saving me today.” you said quietly.
“it was nothing.” he responded, brushing a piece of hair out of your face.
“i just hope you’re day wasn’t entirely screwed up.”
“you made it better.” you admitted.
“i’m glad.”
you shifted your leg, and accidentally hit his knee.
“ow, fuck y/n—”
and to think it all started with a torn acl.
the end!
tag list:
@zamorazz @a1-ic3 @hexipessimistic @kentply @moloteco-real @lacy-lady @korunimi @nOrm4p30p3th1ng5 @tseleven @peonies4pearl @beabadobeee @ukinya
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ladykailitha · 2 years
A Valentine’s Day to Remember Steve’s POV Part 1
I decided to do a Valentine fic for steddie, because I was seeing all the “Eddie has never been anyone’s Valentine” or “Eddie hates Valentine’s” fics and wanted to see one where Steve hates Valentine’s day. And it spawned a 5000+ fic with feels. But then I wanted to see the same story from Eddie’s POV and so I’m in the middle of that one.
I will post Steve’s POV in three parts until Valentine’s day. And then start posting the Eddie POV on Valentine’s day. I will have a tag list for both if you want in on that.
Steve Harrington loathed Valentine’s day when he had a girlfriend. All that pressure to perform. Have the right flowers, the right chocolates, the dinner reservation. No home cooked meals, no freshly picked flowers, no (insert favorite treat here). It had been drilled into his head by friends and girlfriends alike.
But he absolutely hated it as a single person and one couldn’t just ask someone for a date on Valentine’s because the person would assume it was more than a one-night deal.
“I’m just going to work and then hide in my room until the fifteenth and hope to hell not too many couples come in looking for a romantic movie to ignore after fifteen minutes while they make out,” he was telling Robin the week before the dreaded date.
Just then a voice sounded behind them, “Doth my cynic ears deceive me or doth Sir Stephen not have a date for Valentine’s day?”
Steve sighed and turned around. “Hey Eddie.”
Eddie grinned, dimpling his cheeks in that way that made the butterflies in Steve’s stomach take off.
“Seriously though, man,” Eddie said. “You really don’t have a date?”
“Dingus here hasn’t even flirted since Christmas,” Robin helpfully supplied.
He turned to look Steve up and down. “Why not?”
Steve looked over at Robin and then to the floor. “The last girl I went out with kept asking me to put a scarf around my neck even while we were inside so she wouldn’t have to see my scars.”
Eddie’s eyes went wide. “What?”
Steve looked up through his eyelashes. “I broke up with her by taking off my shirt and telling her that if the neck scar bothered her so bad, she should see the really gnarly ones.”
Robin made a disgusted face. “I found her puking in the hydrangeas.”
“And that is why I don’t date anymore,” Steve said with a flourish.
Eddie jumped up on the counter and sighed. “I hear that. Being gay in white Christian Hawkins was hard enough, but add the Satanic panic and that well has truly fucking dried up.”
Steve patted Eddie’s knee. “I’m sorry. You’re problems are so much bigger than mine. I really don’t have room to complain.”
Eddie covered Steve’s hand with his own. “Hey, don’t think like that, man. Your problems are different. Not bigger, okay?”
Steve nodded. “I guess we all can’t be as lucky as Robin.”
Eddie raised an eyebrow at her. “Does Birdie have a date? For Valentine’s?”
Robin blushed. “A girl in my economics class at the university. We’ve been dating a couple of weeks. Apparently she has something fun planned.”
Steve waved his hand at her in annoyance. “See? She’s even more lucky because she doesn’t have to plan the damn thing.”
Eddie frowned. “You’ve always had to do the planning?”
Steve sighed. “The downsides of being a raging heterosexual; being expected to do all the planning, pay for everything, and hope for at least a kiss at the end.”
“I thought you were bi,” Robin said.
“Oh I am,” Steve said, “but all that was from before I realized what I was.”
Eddie licked his lips. “So let me get this right, you’ve never had a Valentine’s day where you weren’t the one doing on all the planning. You’ve never been on a date with a man. And you don’t have a date for Valentine’s day. Do I have that right?”
Steve nodded. “Pretty much sums up the whole fucking ordeal, yeah.”
Eddie grinned. “Then you are in for a treat, pretty boy. I’m going to give you the best Valentine’s day you’ve ever had.”
Steve let out a choked gasp. “What?”
Eddie jumped down from his perch on the counter. “What time you off on the fourteenth?”
Steve looked at Robin in shock, not being able to find the words.
“He’s off at 3pm,” she said helpfully.
Eddie patted Steve on the cheek. “Perfect, pretty boy. I’d have someone else take you to work, because I will be picking you up.”
“But I’ll be all gross and want a shower before we do anything...” Steve complained.
Eddie grinned. “Don’t worry that gorgeous head of yours, darlin’. I wouldn’t let you get all upset over something like that. Just trust me.”
Steve gulped as his mind filled in with some of his dirtiest thoughts.
Eddie winked. “See you around, sweetheart.” He waved goodbye over his shoulder and sauntered back out the door.
Steve turned to Robin. “Did that just happen?” He pointed at the door in shock.
Robin grinned. “Yup!”
Steve was going to be in sooo much trouble.
Monday morning Eddie came bounding into the Family Video, the biggest grin on his face.
“Hey, Eddie!” Robin greeted.
“Is Steve here?” he asked, leaning on the counter.
“He’s restocking the romance section,” she said jutting her thumb behind her.
“Thanks!” he chirped and bounded off in the direction she indicated.
He rounded the corner to see Steve kneeling on the ground a large stack of tapes next him.
“Stevie!” Eddie greeted, throwing his arms open wide.
Steve turned and smiled up at him. “Hey, Eds. What brings you to Family Video on this horrible Monday morning?”
Eddie tilted his head to the side. “Aww...it’s not so bad.”
Steve stood up with a grunt. “It’s a triple strike. It’s February. It’s a Monday. And it’s cloudy with no chance of actual snow making it all the more depressing.”
Eddie grinned. “Yes...but I’m here!”
Steve laughed. “Yes, yes you are.”
“So...” Eddie said putting his hands on his lower back and hopping up and down on the balls of his feet, “whacha’s favorite flower?”
Steve’s shoulders slumped. “You don’t have to buy me flowers.”
Eddie wagged his finger at Steve. “Tsk, tsk, tsk, Stevie. Answer the question.”
Steve rolled his eyes and huffed out a sigh of annoyance. “They’re called alstroemarias. They look like little lilies and are readily available in winter.”
Eddie blinked at him. “What now?”
Steve sighed and began to walk back to the front. “Alstroemarias. I saw them at a cousin’s wedding when I was nine or ten. Really pretty flower and they come in all sorts of colors.”
He got behind the desk and wrote it down. He turned to Eddie who had dutifully followed him and handed him the paper.
Eddie took the paper. “You surprise me, Steve Harrington,” he said softly. “I thought for sure that you were going to pick something like sunflowers or orchids, some shit like that. But instead you hit me with a flower I’ve never heard of.”
Steve blushed. “I hope it’s okay.”
Eddie smiled fondly at him. “No, it’s perfect. Unique. I like that.” He stood there a moment looking at the paper in his hand. He coughed and straightened his spine. “Um...I’ll just be...yeah. I’ll see you later, Steve.”
He left and Steve stood there a moment before he banged his head on the counter with a loud moan of distress.
“What’s the matter with you? she asked.
Steve lifted his head and sighed. “He’s just doing this as a friend, Robs.”
Robin blinked at him a moment. “What’s wrong with that? I think it’s kind of cute that he’s going out of his way to give you the best Valentine’s you’ve ever had.”
Steve propped his head on his hands. “The problem is that I wish it was all real. That it was a proper date. That it wasn’t pretend.”
She put her arms around him. “Oh, Steve...”
He wrapped his hand around her wrist and held on. “I keep thinking what it would be like if we actually dating. That we were planning this together.”
“You should tell him that,” Robin murmured.
“What if he doesn’t like me like that?” Steve asked. “How can I possibly risk our friendship over me being mopey about a dumb holiday?”
She pulled back and began to run her fingers through his hair. “I’ll tell you what. Go on the date. You treat it like it’s the real thing and see how he reacts. If he shies away then you know he just wants to be friends. But if he leans into it, then you go for a kiss at the end of the night.”
Steve raised his head. “Yeah?”
“Yeah,” Robin said firmly.
Steve nodded. “Yeah. I can do that. Thanks, Robs.” He kissed her cheek and went back to work.
She watched him go with a shake of her head. “Dingus.”
Part 2 Part 3
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bwabys-scenarios · 10 months
Fixer Upper
Part 27
Perv!Kurapika x Fem!Reader
Part 26
Part 28
warnings: drinking, characters get high(weed), killua and Kurapika get into a fist fight, Reader is mentioned to have attempted suicide, mentions of Kurapika planning to kill himself after he finds all of the scarlet eyes
A/N: everyone thank Bug for not only the idea for this chapter, but also for helping to write several scenes!! Without her, Fixer Upper wouldn’t be possible <3
taglist: @fabitheraven @tsukilover11 @ashdownunderscorebeloved @lemonslut @homeinmydreams @superweeniehutjrsblog @bugmomwrites @heartsforseo @lixiawinter @altaircc @itszenava @fiightforlovee @mimi-sanisanidiot @monainanuttshell @wow-im-gay @whorermoviestar @lightshowerrr @mama-m1na @nenggie @wicked-binch @jamayah @themanicwriter01
If you’d like to be ADDED to the tawglist, please comment a red heart ❤️, make sure you’re able to be tagged/mentioned, and have your age in your bio(IF YOU ARE ALREADY ON THE TAGLIST, YOU DON’T NEED TO ASK TO BE ADDED AGAIN!!)
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(Name) set the turkey to bake the night before the gathering, and after that, she went to sleep. She would be waking up in the early hours of the day to cook and do some last minute cleaning, so she would need her sleep.
An alarm was set for 6 am, where she would wake up to check on the turkey before getting everyone else up.
“Kurapika, it’s time to wake up.”
The blonde groaned, sitting up to see (Name) standing at his bedside, looking exhausted. She gave him a smile that didn’t quite reach her tired eyes, before gently brushing his hair out of his face. “Todays the big day. Let’s get ready, okay?”
He followed her downstairs, where everyone else was already awake and yawning. (Name) stood in front of everyone, wearing her pajamas. “Okay guys, I’m going to give everyone a task that you’ll need to complete before guests get here.”
“Um, (Name), a guest is already here.”
(Name) looked to where Gon was pointing to see Bisky sitting on the couch next to Leorio, eyeing him up. “Hey sweetheart, I decided to get here early, I hope you don’t mind.”
“Oh um, I don’t mind at all. Please excuse the mess, we’re still getting-“
(Name) watched as Bisky pulled out a wine glass and bottle of wine before pouring herself a drink. “Oh don’t worry about messes, (Name). I’m sure those boys are to blame anyways.”
Killua and Gon shrank under her gaze, the former sticking his tongue out at her. Leorio scratched the back of his head. “So what are our tasks, sunshine?”
“Oh, right.”
Killua and Gon were put on cleaning duty, Leorio and Kurapika were asked to do grocery runs and get the little fire pit ready outside, and Alluka was sat at the kitchen table to help (Name) cook. “I thought Bisky came to help with preparations, but she’s just drinking and watching hallmark movies.”
Leorio walked in, wearing a look of confusion on his face. “So is no one going to stop the 12 year old from drinking her weight in wine?”
“Are you talking about Bisky? She’s nearly 60.”
“60? Yeah and I’m 42.”
Alluka and (Name) glanced at each other then him. “You… look like you’re pushing at least 30, Leorio.”
“30!? IM 21!”
(Name) watched as he sulked out of the room, trying not to laugh. “You’re handsome though!”
The two got back to work, smiling and laughing as they cooked. “Okay Alluka, Zushi is going to be here soon so you two can go play, alright?”
A few hours passed, with (Name) finishing up most of the cooking besides a few items. Unfortunately she wasn’t able to make another cherry pie last minute, but she was able to make another batch of macaroni. She still set Kurapika’s version on the table though, even when Killua walked up and scowled. “Mom, that’s going to give someone food poisoning.”
She raised an eyebrow at him. “Killua, be nice. Kurapika and-“
“Oh I am being nice, that shit looks like it’s going to come alive at any moment and beg for death-“
“Does it really look that bad?”
Killua paused his rant when Gon appeared in the doorway, looking a little hurt. “I tried my best…”
“Oh, Gon…”
(Name) patted his back, letting him sniffle. Killua grabbed Gon’s sleeve and tugged him away, (Name) watching them go. Ever the curious one, she snuck around the corner to listen in on their conversation.
“Gon, I didn’t know you were the one that fixed it up. I was being too harsh b-“
“Because you thought Kurapika did it? That’s not very nice, Killua.”
She could hear Killua sigh, smiling to herself. She could almost picture his cheeks puffing out in a pout as he looked at his friend. “Well… I just don’t really like him all that much.”
“You keep saying that, but you never tell me why. What did he do to make you hate him so much? He’s never done anything to hurt any of us!”
Killua stayed quiet, (Name) holding a hand over her chest. “I just… don’t like that he can’t just tell mom how he feels. He says he wants to ask her out, but he keeps chickening out. Kurapika is selfish too, he expects her to wait for him forever…”
(Name)’s eyes widened. ‘He… he likes me? He’s been trying to ask me out on a date?’
Her face felt hot, and she stopped listening for a moment until she heard something else of interest. “Come here, Gon. Let’s get back before everyone gets suspicious.”
“Yeah. I love you, Killua.”
“I love you too.”
(Name) peeked her head around just in time to watch Killua give Gon a peck on the cheek, both of the boys blushing. She stared open mouthed for a split second before rushing back to the kitchen.
The guests started arriving soon after that, the first being Wing and Zushi. Zushi immediately left with Alluka to play outside, while Wing walked into the kitchen to greet (Name).
“Miss (Name), it’s good to see you. Thank you for watching Zushi last month, he really enjoyed it.”
(Name) smiled, shaking his hand. “Oh it was no problem, and just (Name) is fine!”
Wing left to join Leorio on the porch, Kurapika peeking into the kitchen soon after. “Angel, I got the milk and eggs.”
“Oh wow, he came back with the milk. Surprising.”
Kurapika scowled at Killua, narrowing his eyes. “Of course I did, (Name) asked me to.”
“Uh huh. It’s just a bit of a shock to see you doing anything useful around here. Usually you stand around like an idiot while (Name) does all of the work.”
Kurapika’s grip on the shopping bags tightened, (Name) rushing forward. “You two need to stop, you’re being childish. Anymore of this fighting and you’ll both be washing all of the dishes after dinner. And I mean all of them.”
Killua shuddered, looking at the various pots, pans, bowls, and plates littered across the kitchen. “… point taken.”
Kurapika set the groceries on the table, helping to unpack them as (Name) smiled. “Don’t take him too seriously, he’s trying to get under your skin. If you ignore him, he’ll stop eventually. You have to stop giving him a reaction.”
“You’re acting like he’s some kind of wild animal that can’t be tamed. He’s a kid that needs some discipline, you let him get away with everything.”
(Name) scowled. “I don’t let him get away with everything, he usually is really well behaved whne you’re not around. Have you ever thought it’s not him, but you that’s the problem?”
Kurapika paused, feeling a bit hurt. “What did I do to deserve-“
He stopped, sighing softly. They both knew what he did to upset Killua, but Kurapika had hoped he would be past that by now. But at that thought, Kurapika cringed. ‘Oh course he isn’t over it, who would be? (Name) didn’t deserve that…’
Kurapika sighed, throwing the empty shopping bags in the trash. “Is there anything else you need me to do?”
(Name) looked up, humming. She had already went back to mashing up potatoes while he sulked. “You can make sure Leorio doesn’t get high before dinner.”
“On it.”
More guests arrived, in the form of Knuckle, Shoot, and Morel. They all brought desserts, which were much appreciated since Kurapika burned the cherry pie. “Aww, these look great!”
“Thanks, we got them from the bakery down the street.”
Morel and Shoot joined Leorio on the porch while Knuckle sat at the kitchen table, watching her cook. “You’ve been working hard, (Name). You made all this?”
“Yeah, but I had some help from Alluka and Menchi-“
“I can tell you did most of the work, (Name). Don’t sell yourself short.”
She nodded, her cheeks warming at the compliment. (Name) leaned towards Knuckle to give him a kiss on the cheek just as Kurapika rounded the corner to ask if she needed any help.
The blonde stared at the two, his eyes gone scarlet. Knuckle was the first to recognize the intense bloodlust emanating from behind him, seeing Kurapika when he turned around. (Name) spotted him as well. “Oh, hey Kurapika!”
Kurapika didn’t respond, only walking over to get, grabbing her arm. “(Name), I need to speak with you for a moment.”
“B-but I have something in the ove-“
Kurapika continued to pull her away, his heart racing and his stomach churning. He couldn’t stand seeing her lips touch another man, it made him seethe with rage.
“Kurapika, what is so important that you need t-“
“Why were you kissing him??”
Kurapika grabbed her by the shoulders, meeting her (e/c) eyes with his scarlet ones. She blinked before answering. “Huh? Because he was being nice to me. It was just a kiss on the cheek, and I can kiss whoever I want.”
His grip tightened slightly, the blonde biting his lip. “(Name), I-“
A knock at the door interrupted the two. (Name) used the small distraction to duck away from Kurapika and towards the door. (Name) wiped her hands off on her apron. “Coming!”
Kurapika followed behind her, attempting to get her attention again as she opened the door. Neither of them were mentally prepared for who would be behind it.
“Hello, (Name). It’s a pleasure.”
Pariston stood behind the door, holding a box of gourmet chocolates, likely bought from the local bakery. He handed them to (Name) before pushing past her into her home.
Behind him was Cheadle and several other people (Name) assumed were zodiac members. She could almost feel Kurapika tense up behind her.
“Chairwoman Cheadle, what a-“
Cheadle sighed as Kurapika began to ask her a question. “When you mentioned the get together (Name) planned, Pariston was determined to attend. I didn’t want those two to cause too much trouble, so I and a few of the Zodiac came as well.”
“Those two? I only saw Parist-“
“Hey babe, miss me?”
(Name)’s face scrunched up in disgust when Ging walked up her driveway, giving her a sly smile. Cheadle slapped a hand over her forehead, rubbing at her temple as if she already had a headache from his presence alone. “Yes, those two.”
Ging walked in, walking over the welcome mat without wiping his feet. He ended up tracking in a lot of mud, causing (Name) to twitch. Cheadle hit Ging on the shoulder. “At least act like you have manners. Take those off on the porch!”
Kurapika seemed tense, the corner of his mouth twitching downward into a nervous frown. (Name) placed a hand on his shoulder to attempt to comfort him, but he shrugged it away. She sighed, putting on a smile for the Zodiac members.
“Well, welcome everyone. Please, take a seat. There’s drinks in the cooler outside.”
They walked in, and Kurapika noticed it was all the members that had been at the meeting the other day. Pyon, Gel, Mizaistom, and Zanzai, along with Ging, Cheadle and Pariston. ‘A bit of a handful, but if everything goes well, maybe this would be a good opportunity to prove that (Name) isn’t a bad person!’
(Name) got them all drinks, smiling sweetly and making idle chat as she did some tidying up. “I’ll be back in a little bit, please make yourselves at home!”
She wiped her hands on her apron before leaving to the kitchen, Kurapika’s eyes on her ass as she left.
“She’s got quite the figure, doesn’t she?”
Kurapika’s cheeks turned bright pink when Pariston sat beside him, following his gaze. “I can see why you like her so much, not only is her nen powerful, she seems like you could put her body to use as well.”
The blonde felt his blood boil. “Don’t you dare speak of her in that way, she’s not an object.”
Pariston laughed, patting Kurapika’s shoulder playfully. “Oh my dear friend, she’s the object of your desires, is she not? You were look at her too, you sly dog. Funny, I thought you were supposed to be the rat zodiac.”
Kurapika was visually uncomfortable, his hand gripping the fabric of his pants. No, Kurapika didn’t just see her as an object to own, he loved her. He was nothing like Pariston!
He looked up, relaxing ever so slightly when he saw (Name) walking back in. She was carrying a bowl of peach cobbler and ice cream in her hands. “I got you a little snack! I saw you didn’t eat breakfast, so I cut into the peach cobbler a little early.”
He felt his heart melt, the blonde sighing happily as she handed the bowl to him. “(Name)…”
Like the last time it was given to him, the peach cobbler was shaped into a heart, with generous scoop of vanilla ice cream on top. Pariston snickered next to him. “Wow, it’s even heart shaped. How… cute. You two… must be very close. That’s interesting, really.”
Kurapika’s eyes narrowed. He didn’t like the things Pariston was insinuating, or the sinister look in his eye. “We’re not that close.”
Kurapika said this to be cautious, but (Name) tensed behind him. “I… made it how you like it.” she said softly.
Kurapika’s grip on the bowl tightened, and Pariston decided to keep going. “That wasn’t what you were saying in the meeting. Don’t you lo-“
Pariston grinned when Kurapika covered his mouth, the Kurta’s eyes scarlet with anger. “Keep your filthy mouth shut, Pariston.”
(Name) glanced at the other Zodiacs, who all looked bored, besides Ging, who was walking towards her bathroom with a groan.
“Um… I’m going to go… finish dinner.”
She gave Kurapika a reassuring squeeze to his shoulder before leaning down to kiss his cheek. “I’ll be in the kitchen, okay Pika?”
Kurapika nodded, his eyes half lidded and face red as she left. Her touch could always calm him down, and the blonde couldn’t help but watch her leave with a yearning in his soul.
“Your face is as red as your eyes, lover boy.”
Pariston laughed at Kurapika, crossing one leg over the other. “You look like your husband just left for war. I never thought you would be the clingy type, but here we are.”
“I’m… I’m not clingy. (Name) is just important to me…”
He ate his cobbler in silence, pouting. Maybe if (Name) hadn’t made him something and kissed his cheek, he wouldn’t have been teased so much. ‘I’ll just talk to her… Leorio said communication is key.’
The blonde finished his cobbler, standing up and walking towards the kitchen. He opened the door, glancing in to see (Name) humming to herself as she chopped up celery. “Kurapika? Did you enjoy the cobbler?”
He was quiet as he set his bowl in the sink. He turned on the water, filling the bowl so it could soak to make it easier for whoever washed dishes later.
She looked up, swiping the chopped celery from the cutting board into a strainer with her knife. “Yes, Pika?”
(Name) looked awfully cute in her pink, frilly apron, making the blonde short circuit for a moment before he was able to answer. “Can… can you not embarrass me like that?”
The woman paused, giving him her full attention. With an unreadable expression, she replied. “Excuse me?”
“W-when you kissed by cheek, it was a little embarrassing. The Zodiac are my prestigious colleagues, I don’t want them thinking lesser of me. Showing weakness in front of them isn’t very-“
Her expression was now very readable. She looked hurt and upset, the soft smile she’d been wearing before completely gone. “… think lesser of you? What do you even mean by that? Am… I embarrassing to you?”
Kurapika knew he fucked up, the blonde trying his best to backtrack. “No, no you’re not embarrassing, it’s the way you act that’s emba-“
He cursed to himself, he was just digging himself in further. (Name) stared at him in disbelief, hurt evident on her face. “Are you… being serious, Pika? You think I’m embarrassing?”
He froze, his mind racing as he tried to think of a way to explain himself, but he wasn’t able to get anything out. Kurapika stuttered, face flushing in embarrassment as he tried to justify what he said. “Well, it’s just that sometimes you can do things that e-embarrass me. I…”
He went quiet. There were tears pooling in the corners of her eyes, and her lip was quivering. “Sorry, I’ll keep that in mind, Kurapika.”
Kurapika flinched. He wanted to grab at her sleeve and apologize, try to explain himself better, but she was already giving him the cold shoulder, refusing to even look at him. He hated seeing her cry more than anything, especially when he was the cause of her tears.
“(Name), please, I… just listen to me.”
“Sorry, I’m too busy being embarrassing to hear you.”
He reached out to grab her shoulder to MAKE her listen to him, but before he could the bathroom door opened. Ging walked out, holding the bottle of Febreze and spraying it. “Yeesh, I feel 10 pounds lighter. Hey (Name)!”
He turned to them, laughing. “Ah, they you are sweetheart. Shitters full, hope ya got a good plunger.”
He patted her shoulder then walked off, leaving both of them grimacing and covering their noses.
“And I’m the embarrassing one? So much for the Zodiac being prestigious…”
Kurapika grimaced. He couldn’t really argue with that, and he didn’t want to either. There was the fact that Ging wasn’t a Zodiac member anymore, but he had been one for a while. There was no excuse, really.
“Leorio, toilets clogged!”
(Name) sat in the kitchen, angrily stirring a pot of cabbage. She hadn’t spoken to Kurapika since he claimed she embarrassed him, and the blonde was currently an emotional wreck. He couldn’t even pretend to keep up appearances, Kurapika openly sulked on the couch as the other guests loitered awkwardly.
“Kurapika, you’re bumming everyone out. What’s up with you?”
The blonde groaned, his head in his hands. “I’m an idiot. The worst.”
“Oh fuck, what did you say to (Name)?”
Kurapika looked up at Leorio, his face miserable. “Why do you think this has to do with (Name)?”
“Because you’re an idiot when it comes to her.”
Leorio wasn’t wrong, Kurapika’s brain did always turn to mush when (Name) was around. “I… said she was embarrassing.”
“Just when I thought you couldn’t say anything worse than the shit you said in York New, you just… go above and beyond.”
A groan left Kurapika’s throat, causing Bisky to glance in his direction. She gave the boy a sympathetic look. “Girl troubles? (Name) told me everything. I should be angry with you but…”
She crossed her legs. “If I’ve learned anything in my old age, it’s that no one would act the way you are now unless they were in love.”
Kurapika nodded slowly, his cheeks flushing a soft pink. “I do love her, I just… I say stupid and hurtful things I don’t mean. I’ve made her cry, now I can’t say I love her. Who makes the one they love cry and think all they are is an embarrassment?”
Bisky placed a reassuring hand on his shoulder, gently rubbing it. “Everyone says things they don’t mean sometimes. What’s important is fixing that mistake and making sure the person you hurt knows that you care about them. Just talk to her, tell her how you feel.”
Kurapika scowled. “That’s the problem, she isn’t talking to me now. Every time I try to talk to her, she turns up the music on her headphones or gives me the cold shoulder.”
“Yeah, that’s to be expected. Hell, if you called me embarrassing I would have broken up with you then and there.”
“… we’re not dating.”
Bisky blinked a few times. “Ah… with the way you two look at each other, I thought… never mind. Obviously you haven’t gotten lucky yet.”
The pink on Kurapika’s cheeks turned to a bright red, Leorio trying not to crack up beside him. “Th-that’s none of your business!”
Kurapika crossed his arms, looking away as Leorio stood. “You have fun sulking, I’m gonna go get the fire started.”
(Name) sighed in relief, placing the last dish on the table. The food was finally done, all she needed was to cut everything up and set out paper plates for everyone to use!
“Need some help with that, (Name)?”
Kite was leaning against the doorway, giving her a soft smile. It took (Name) a minute to process their presence, and when she did she broke out into goggles. She ran over to hug them, looking up at them with a big smile. “Kite, you made it!”
“Of course I did, wouldn’t miss it for the world.”
They helped (Name) get the turkey cut up, along with placing a serving spoon in each dish. She sighed, wiping the sweat from her forehead. “Finally…”
They ended up having to put two tables together to fit all of the food, and it looked like a feast for a king. If only Menchi could see it, but unfortunately she could only be there the day before the event to help. She had a lead on a new ingredient, and wouldn’t be able to make it.
“You did this all by yourself, (Name)?”
Kite looked over the tables, their red hair tied up into a ponytail to keep out of their face. (Name) leaned against their shoulder. “Mmm, I had some help, but most of it, yes. Thank god for Alluka and Menchi, they were both big helps.”
A soft smile took over Kite’s face. “It’s nice to see you’re allowing yourself to rely on others, (Name). It’s good progress.”
(Name)’s face heated up at Kite’s observation. Recently, she had been asking for help more often, without even realizing it. “I guess… I just have people I can rely on now.”
The two smiled at each other, before she stretched. “Well, let’s not keep the hungry people waiting.”
Kite caught her wrist before she could walk out. “(Name).”
They turned her so she was facing them. “Are you alright? You seem a bit… distracted.”
(Name) looked away from their eyes, puffing out her chubby cheeks in a pout. “I’m fine… it’s nothing.”
Kite raised an eyebrow before grabbing her cheeks in their hand and squeezing her face. “You’re fine? Why are their tear stains on your cheeks then?”
With a defeated sigh, (Name) told them what happened between her and Kurapika earlier that day. Kite nodded along, listening intently. “I see… that would be a quite upsetting situation to be in. Have you tried talking to him? From what he said, perhaps he said the wrong thing.”
(Name) huffed as she buttered the rolls. “I’ve been way too busy to deal with him. If he wants to man up, apologize, and speak to me, he can.”
Kite blinked in surprise. “(Name)…”
They smiled, patting her shoulder. “You’ve really grown, haven’t you?”
She nodded, finishing the last roll. “I… I’m not as much of a pushover as I used to be. I have friends now, friends that will back me up if I need them to. I don’t… I don’t have to put up with people mistreating me anymore.”
Kite patted her head, ruffling her hair a bit. “That’s good, name. Good girl.”
She melted at the compliment, leaning into their touch like a puppy being told how good it is. “Thank you, Kite…”
(Name) pulled away, her face a little warm. “Alright it’s really time to tell everyone it’s ready.”
The living room was occupied by the Zodiac, along with Bisky and Gon. Ging was nowhere in sight, possibly hiding from his son. “Hey guys, the food is ready, feel free to make yourself a plate!”
Cheadle stood, giving her a polite smile. “Thank you for this (Name), I know having to cook for so many people last minute wouldn’t be easy.”
“It’s fine, please, there’s plenty of food. Make yourself a plate!”
The zodiac were pleasantly surprised by how soft and sweet she was. Pariston smirked as he passed her, his hand brushing against her hip. “Thank you, princess. It smells lovely.”
She shivered, quickly retreating behind Kite, who kept their eye on the former rat zodiac. “It’s okay, (Name). He won’t bother you any further than that.”
The two made their way to the porch, where Leorio, Wing, Knuckle, Morel, Shoot, and a very awkward looking Kurapika. They all had a bottle of beer in their hands, though Kurapika had barely dipped on his.
Once the blonde spotted (Name), he looked away, seeming embarrassed and shy. Kite noticed this, glancing between the two. ‘Ah, they like each other.’
“The food’s ready, guys.”
Knuckle cheered, patting her shoulder as he walked past her. “Thanks, (Name)! Man, I’m starving!”
Morel laughed. “It smells nice, thank you for your hard work.”
He ruffled her hair, Shoot following behind him. The purple haired man gave her an appreciative smile. “Thanks, (Name). We’ve been looking forward to your cooking all year.”
She flushed over their compliments, waving her hand. “Oh, thank you… you’re all so sweet!”
Wing, who left to grab Alluka and Zushi, smiled. “Zushi always gets excited when he gets to come over. Also, I wanted to personally thank you for making the food nut free. It’s very kind of you to take Zushi’s allergies into consideration.”
“It’s no problem, really. He deserves to have a nice dinner too!”
Zushi and Alluka were both filthy, their hands and clothes covered in dirt. (Name) smiled, finding their dirty faces endearing. “Leorio, you guys go eat. I’m going to get the kiddos cleaned up.”
Leorio nodded, cupping her cheek to keep her in place so he could kiss her forehead. “You’re a doll, (Name).”
She sighed happily, leaning into his calloused hand. Leorio was always a warm and safe place for her, and when he held her so tenderly, it made everything a little easier.
Kurapika watched this interaction with a dull ache in his chest. Leorio was always able to give her affection without being awkward. Maybe he should try as well!
He stood up to say something, but from the look (Name) gave him, Kurapika knew he wasn’t getting any kisses. “Th-thank you for your efforts…”
(Name) nodded, turning on her heels. Kite gave the boy a sympathetic look before following behind her, the two kids being led by (Name) to the bathroom.
“Kite, could you keep an eye on the kitchen to make sure… some people don’t mess anything up? I’ll get the kids clean then come make myself a plate.”
Kite nodded. “If you mean keep an eye on Ging and Pariston, I’ve been doing it the entire time.”
She sighed in relief, giving them a smile before taking the two kiddos upstairs. (Name) was surprised to see Killua sitting on her bed, listening to something with headphones on. He glanced up when she walked in, reaching out his hand for her. She walked forward and took his hand, gently squeezing it. “Overstimulated?”
Killua nodded, glancing behind her two see the two filthy kids behind her. “Did they roll around in dirt?”
(Name) snickered. “That’s what I’m assuming happened. I’m going to get them washed up. Do you want to go make your plate now, or do you want me to come with you?”
He ran his thumb over the back of her hand in thought. “Could you… make me a plate and ask Gon to come upstairs with me when you’re done?”
She nodded, ruffling his hair. “Of course. Just relax, getting them tidied up shouldn’t take long.”
(Name) sighed as she wiped Alluka’s face with a warm, damp rag. “Girl, you’re filthy. I expected this from Zushi, but usually you don’t like getting dirty.”
Alluka leaned into (Name)’s gentle touch, nuzzling her hand. “We were playing a fun game! I don’t like getting dirty, b-but it’s okay when it’s for a fun game!”
“Ohh, I see. Well, your nice dress will need to be washed now. How about we put you in some overalls, so you can play better?”
Alluka nodded enthusiastically. “Yeah, yeah! That sounds like so much fun!”
(Name) took off her dirty dress and set it in the hamper, then dressed Alluka in a pink sweater and jean overalls. She changed Alluka’s Mary Janes to a pair of sneakers and put her hair into a ponytail so she would be able to play more efficiently.
“There we go, all done. Look at how cute you are!”
Alluka twirled around, giggling. “Thanks, big sis! I’m so excited, I want to play now!”
(Name) laughed, pulling the girl in for a hug. “You have to eat first, okay?”
When the girl looked up, it was Nanika. “Mama… want to sit with you.”
She scooped her up, balancing her on her hip. “Okay, that’s fine with me, sweetheart!”
(Name) walked down the stairs, spotting Zushi making his plate. He was all clean now, wearing a pair of Killua’s play shorts and a shirt. “(Name), thank you for getting me all cleaned up!”
Nanika smiled, nuzzling her face into (Name)’s shoulder. “Love you, mama…”
She kissed the top of Nanika’s head. “Love you too, sweetheart.”
(Name) sat Nanika down at the table, making her a plate of food before she made one to bring up to Killua.
The boy looked up. He and Kite had been catching up when (Name) walked over. “Hi (Name)! The food is so good, you did a great job!”
“Thank you, Gon. I just wanted to tell you Killua is upstairs, and he asked if you could come eat with him.”
Gon jumped up immediately, grinning. “Sure! Is that plate for him?”
“Yeah, it is. Would you mind taking it up to him?”
Gon took the plate, smiling. “Of course not, Kite, come talk to me before you leave, okay?”
(Name) began to make her plate, spitting a certain blonde walking into the kitchen. Kurapika paused, wondering whether he should stay and make his place, or if he should leave and give her some space.
“It… all looks really good, (Name).”
She hummed in response, placing a piece of turkey on her plate. Kurapika grabbed a sturdy paper plate as well, standing near her as they made their plates together. Even when (Name) was mad at him, she still gently took his hand and guided him to the food she thought he would like. “Try this, I think you would like it.”
(Name) seemed to have an endless amount of patience and kindness. Kurapika did as told, trusting her completely. He looked up just in time to see her placing a helping of the macaroni he made onto her plate. “(Name), you don’t have to. It’s probably not that good.”
She glanced at him, a slight softness in her eyes. “You worked hard on it. It doesn’t matter if it’s good or not, I’m not letting your effort go to waste.”
This made his heart race, his face turning red once again. She was so good, so sweet, he truly didn’t deserve her. ‘Oh, (Name)…’
He truly loved her so much, even when she was upset at him he still couldn’t help but melt in her presence. “Thank you… you’re such a sweetheart.”
(Name) paused as she was walking out the door, her face heating up. She didn’t respond, but felt her heart speed up.
She sat with Nanika in her lap as she ate, making small talk with the other guests. Most of the Zodiac members were keeping to themselves, but now they had spread out.
Kanzai seemed to be getting along well with Knuckle. Pyon and Gel sat together with Bisky, drinking wine with their meal and watching some hallmark movie. Mizaistom was chatting along with Kite, the two seemingly debating something.
‘Well, I’m glad they feel more comfortable,’ (Name) thought, feeding Nanika a bite of turkey. The girl munched happily, before burying her face in (Name)’s shoulder.
“Happy… mama, Alluka wants to go play…”
Nanika looked up at her, gently nuzzling her cheek against (Name)’s. The girl was very affectionate, which (Name) didn’t mind one but. “Okay, okay. You finished your food, go have some fun.”
When the girl looked back up, it’s was Alluka. “Yay, thanks big sis!”
She hugged (Name) before she ran off, giggling. “Be careful, and don’t get into too much trouble!”
(Name) finished her plate before she went back to the kitchen. She looked over the feast she made. There was still so much food left, even after everyone had made their plates. ‘This is going to be a pain to put in the fridge later.’
Kurapika sat on the couch, mindlessly a scrolling on his phone. (Name) has introduced him to social medias a week or so ago, and he really enjoyed TikTok. The nature themed videos where Hunters showed the places they were exploring interested him greatly, along with fun history videos. He had seen a few inaccurate history facts that had him ranting to (Name), though.
‘Ah… (Name)…’
He was thinking about her again, and how he pretty much fucked up his chance to ask her out at the party. Kurapika sighed, turning off his phone and glancing around the living room. It was crowded, but there were also quite a few guests missing. He spotted Ging sneaking around. So far the deadbeat had been able to avoid Gon’s detection, and it seemed he was going back in for a second plate now.
“Wow, you really are pathetic, aren’t you.”
Kurapika looked to his left to see Killua peeking over his shoulder. The blonde scowled, his eyes narrowing. Usually he would take it in stride and just leave the room, but today his mood was sour and patience thin. “What the hell do you want, Killua?”
“Wow, touchy. Guess making a complete idiot out of yourself in front of (Name) can make you pretty grumpy, huh?”
Kurapika’s eyebrow twitched. “I’m really not in the mood for this today, Killua. Don’t you have someone else to annoy?”
Killua didn’t answer him, only moving to sit across from him. “Tell me, Kurapika. Do you plan on making mom wait forever? Do you actually think she would wait that long?”
“Excuse me?”
Killua sighed, shaking his head. “Figures. If you haven’t been able to figure it out yet, mom is very popular. Take Knuckle for example. He’s a nice guy that likes mom, but she hasn’t given him a chance because she likes someone else.”
The white haired boy stared at Kurapika. “Unfortunately for all of us, that person she likes is you. It’s a tragedy, really. I really wish my mom had better taste.”
Kurapika was both flustered and pissed off. He was just about tired of Killua belittling him every chance he got. “What the hell is your problem? At this point it feels less like you’re defending (Name), and more like you have some personal issue with me.”
Killua laughed. “Are you joking? Fuck, I knew you were selfish and an asshole, but I didn’t know you were delusional too. I can count on a single hand the amount of times you’ve done anything for the group. Though, that number is smaller if we take into account whether it was for your own benefit or not. Mom has helped others for nothing reason other than being a good, kind person. Not only do you not deserve her, she doesn’t deserve to be taken advantage of by you.”
Kurapika was shocked, his mouth agape. “Taken advantage of by me? What the hell are you talking about?”
“Her kindness, Kurapika. You take advantage of what a good person she is. Like a parasite, you’ve latched onto her because she makes you feel a little less pathetic than you are. You can’t love others, so you find people that can and attach yourself to them.”
“That’s not true, I do love (Name)!”
“Really? Does someone in love make their loved one sick with worry? Do they make their loved one so depressed after they leave them that they fall into a depression so bad that Leorio had to take an entire month off of college to make sure they are taken care of? Fuck, Kurapika, do you not understand the absolute hell you put mom through?
You’re fucking selfish, and now that you’ve been given a second chance you can’t even make her happy when you actually try. I think that’s what pisses me off the most, the fact that mom is kind enough to not even mention the shit you’ve done and just allow you to stay here, and you can’t do something as simple as ask her out. You’re a coward, a selfish, pathetic coward.”
Kurapika crushed the cup he was holding, glass shards flying as he stood. “That’s it, I’m sick of this. You don’t know anything about me or how I feel. Do you understand how hard it is to try and love someone after losing everyone important to you, how terrifying it is to realize that my love for her could get her killed? My clan-“
Killua groaned. “Your clan is gone, Kurapika. At this point I think you’re using this bullshit as an excuse to distance yourself emotionally. Your mission, your dear clan, blah blah blah. Who fucking cares? They’re gone!”
This sent Kurapika over the edge. He launched himself over the table, his eyes glowing scarlet as he grabbed Killua’s shirt. “Don’t you ever talk about my clan like that, you fucking-“
Killua ripped his hands off of him, laughing. “Oh, are you going to fight me over it? Go ahead, Kurapika, hit me.”
And Kurapika did just that, punching the white haired boy in the face.
Leorio sat on the porch with Wing as Zushi and Alluka searched the garden for more creatures. He took a sip of his beer as the latter army crawled out from under the porch, tiny fists balled up and caked in dirt as she made a beeline to the little picnic table in the distance. Zushi smiled, flipping to a random page in a coloring book he packed.
“Perfect! Worm Court is open for business. Time to assemble the jury.”
And just like that, two little sets of hands tried to place the various critters in a two-by-six array on the wooden surface. None of them were staying put, wriggling around and falling off. Amidst their cries of “contempt of court!” and “Order! Order”’, Wing finally hazarded a glance over to Leorio.
“Were kids’ games always that…”
“Strange? I don’t question it anymore. They’re not hurting anyone though, so that’s good.”
As soon as Leorio turned away, Nanika reached under the bench and pulled out a rusty hammer. How long it had been there was unknown, and she plopped it unceremoniously onto the bench before Alluka returned again.
“That’s a relief. I know Zushi wanted to teach her more about nen this weekend, but I feel like it’d be too stressful at a large gathering like this.” Wing nodded in understanding, sipping his beer. “Speaking of mastering nen, a little bird told me you’ve improved by leaps and bounds in your own journey? How’s that working out for you?” Leorio lit up at the praise, trying to rein in his excitement with a cough.
“Oh! Um, yeah. Yeah, I think I’ve figured out how to use my nen effectively enough for healing”, Leorio flushed a little, clearing his throat. It wasn’t every day a nen master praised your hard work after all.
“That sounds like a great application for it, I’d love to see it in action sometime.”
Leorio smiled, happy to share all the ideas he’s come up with so far.
“It’ll really come in handy for medical sc-“
The screen door slammed open, the wooden frame snapping in the middle and rattling the side of the house with sheer velocity. Fists were flying in a tornado of white, gold, and blue, and the men jumped back on reflex.
“Hey, HEY! What the hell is going on h-WOAH!”
It slowed down enough for Leorio to notice the two instigators as none other than Kurapika and Killua, and when he went to pull the latter back by the collar of his shirt he ducked out of reach, paying no mind.
“You mother FUCKER-“ Killua picked up the blonde by his tabard, only for him to spit out a little blood, scarlet eyes glowing with fury and…mischief? Kurpika, bruised and bloody gave him a shit-eating grin before he finally spoke.
“I sure am, what about it?”
The words took a moment to register in Killua’s head, but as soon as they clicked into place, he saw nothing but red.
Killua tossed him backward into the fire pit (Name) had dragged out to the porch for special gatherings, but Kurapika grabbed onto the boy, sending both of them tumbling off the porch as the railing splintered beneath their collective weight. The fire pit rolled into the flower bushes, and the rose bush was engulfed in flames, burning steadily as they traveled up the plant. A few feet away, not even acknowledging the accidental arson, Killua rolled over to pin Kurapika to the ground, fists flying as he wailed on the man below him.
“YOU”- he punched Kurapika, punctuating his words with blow after blow. “LEAVE”- a hand came up, trying to shove him off but he pushed it to the ground, standing up. “MY MOTHER”- another haymaker to the temple. “OUT OF THIS!” Killua finished with a solid kick to the groin, reaching for a split wooden beam and raising it to strike. In a flash, Kurapika blindly kicked him in the leg to fall on his ass with a dull thud.
Killua looked up just in time to see Kurapika grab a shitty plastic chair by the headrest, the latter chuckling dangerously as the cheap red material quickly began to dull in comparison to the scarlet rage overtaking his irises. He waved the 2x4 menacingly, almost daring the blonde to come closer.
Wing and Leorio watched, horrified as the two of them battled it out. Not with nen, like one might see in a clean fight, or normal blades like that of a sparring match- but with scattered debris, bloodied fists and all of the finesse and gracefulness of a couple of drunken sailors. Realizing they need to put a stop to it before it got any worse, Wing stepped forward as Leorio attemptsy to stomp out the blackening shrub.
“That’s enough! This is no way for dignified hunters to act, especially a couple of nen users such as yourselves. You two ought to be ashamed!”
Kurapika, too far gone to pay attention to much else, swung the chair at Killua menacingly as the younger one parried it with the splintered 2x4. The trajectory and force were enough to knock not just the glasses off of his head and onto the lawn, but the beer right out of his hands as well. The bottle ricocheted off the chair, flying towards the large oak tree before shattering into a million pieces like some sort of horrible glass baseball.
It left a dark stain on the trunk in its wake, trickling down the bark and down into the pile of shards left behind. Despite the impact, Kurapika never faltered, either unaware of what just transpired or completely indifferent.
‘They’re not even using nen, they’re just fighting dirty…it’s like they want to revel in the destruction, to feel the blood on their hands themselves.’ Wing felt around his immediate vicinity for the frames, before Leorio spotted them a few yards away. Placing them back on the man’s face and helping him up, he patted his shoulder and shot a glare at the duo, seemingly out for blood.
“Wing, the hose is on the left of the house. Put the flowers out, and I’ll see if (name) has some frozen peas you can put on your bruise.”
He nodded sprinting across the floor porch as Leorio hurried in to see (Name) minding her own business, putting up the food. He glanced back over to the door again, little more than a pile of mesh and scrap wood. Between the stress of cooking, company, and cleaning, (Name) seemed too preoccupied to notice the damage. He silently thanked the stars above
‘They’ll sort it out themselves, the last thing she needs is more stress’, he thought to himself. If Kurapika wanted to make an ass of himself in front of the Zodiacs by decking a 14 year old, then that was his problem. Right now, he needed to find something cold for Wing to use as a compress.
She had sent mostly everyone out, claiming the kitchen tended to get chaotic, and he would have laughed at the irony if he wasn’t so worried about the fiasco going on just outside. Her hair was a mess, favorite apron is covered in various stains and spills, and plates upon plates were scattered onto various surfaces. He nearly left undetected when she sensed his aura, turning her head.
“Hey Leorio, what’s up?”
His mouth was dry, trying to figure out the best way to explain himself and possibly buy some time when she paused and frowned. Leorio tried to follow her line of sight and saw Wing by the window, followed by… a garden hose?
“Oh, did Alluka get all muddy from worm hunting under the porch again? I thought I told her not to do that until after dinner.” As soon as she said that, the oven went off, and she slips on a pair of Hello Kitty mitts, sliding the pie dish out and closing the door with her hip with a practiced ease. Placing it onto the burners to cool and slipping them off again, she offered them to Leorio. “Could you hang these up for me? “
Leorio realized what she saw just a second too late, powerless to stop her as she turned the stove off to rush past and see what was going on firsthand
“Leorio, what’s going on? And why do I smell something burning?!”
“Nothing! It’s just the kids get a little rowdy is all, and Wing needed an ice pack.”
Ging’s voice tore through the clattering of pots and pans like a warcry for deadbeat dads from the porch.
By the time (name) made it to the front door (what was left of it anyway), she was met with Wing frantically trying to put out the last of the fire as Leorio pulled the broken pit away from the bushes. The railing was completely destroyed on one side of the steps, and there was scorch marks all over the wood. Finally, Leorio cleared his throat.
“Thats not…what we called you out for”, (Name) followed the man’s gaze, before landing on Kurapika and Killua rolling around in the front yard in a mess of flailing limbs and screaming. This time, however, it looked as though Kurapika finally got the upper hand.
“You little bastard, have you always been this insufferable?! You just couldn’t keep your mouth shut, could you?!”
Without a moment’s hesitation, Killua sunk his teeth into Kurapika’s arm, relishing in the anguished scream that rippled from the man’s throat.
“You think I’m afraid of your goofy ass Ghost Of Christmas Past attacks!?”
She got about four steps forward before a jet stream of water shot out from behind her, soaking the boys as they froze up instantly. Wing held the hose and glared at them, and white hot shame crept up upon both of them.
“If you want to fight like animals, you’ll be treated as such.
It quickly turned to dread however as soon as Kurapika noticed (Name) marching over, brandishing a wooden spoon and a scowl that somehow manages to chill him even more than the garden hose. Leorio had given her a quick explanation, along with Bisky who had heard what happened inside.
“(Name)! I can explain”
“Killua, you didn’t need to bring his family into this. You know it’s a sore subject.” The boy in question was pouting as she flicked his forehead. Kurapika snickered but it died down instantly when she redirected her ire to him.
He yelped when she smacked him over the head with the wooden spoon. “And YOU’RE not much better. Who the hell throws hands with a child, Kurapika?! You’re a grown man. Come on.”
She narrowed her eyes at the two, who couldn’t even look her in the face. “Don’t you ever think about hitting each other again, we’re friends. Act like it.”
They nodded, and (Name) sighed.
“Both of you can do the dishes. I think that’s fair. Maybe it’ll teach you to get along too.”
The two grumbled, but quieted down when she pointed to the kitchen using her wooden spoon. “Go, now. I want them done within 30 minutes, or neither of you are getting any dessert.”
The two stood in the kitchen, silent as they both washed dishes. They got a system going, where Kurapika washed, and Killua rinsed and dried.
(Name) had healed their injuries to the best of her abilities before they went inside, getting all of the big wounds and gashes dealt with. Now they were covered in bruised and little scratches, but were overall okay.
Kurapika glanced out the window to see (Name) walking to Leorio, Kite, and Wing, the woman looking distressed. When she started to talk frantically, Leorio pulled her into a hug. Kurapika felt awful for causing her trouble, and when he looked to his right, he saw he wasn’t alone in that.
Killua also looked guilty, looking at (Name) with soft, concerned eyes. Though they were different, Killua and Kurapika shared one thing.
They both loved (Name).
The blonde sighed, setting down the rag for a moment. “Killua… I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have let my anger get the better of me, hitting you was unacceptable.”
Killua was quiet for a moment before he nodded slowly. “I… I’m sorry too. I… was just so angry when I saw (Name) upset again over you that… I snapped. You were right, I… don’t know you or how you feel, and saying that about your clan…”
Kurapika shook his head, patting the boy on the back. “It’s alright, Killua. Water under the bridge.”
The two smiled at each other. “Okay, okay… and I have to admit, you’re pretty skilled, Kurapika. That’s the most fun I’ve had during a fight in years.”
The two laughed, laughing and joking like old times.
It calmed down a little and Killua sighed, trying to be serious. “Can I ask you a question? Man to man?”
“Hm? You’re fourteen, I’d hardly call that a man. But go ahead.”
Killua glared, but elected to ignore the remark in favor of getting information out of him.
“You love (name), don’t you?”
His silence spoke volumes, but Killua already knew his answer before then. He was just looking for confirmation.
“She let you back into her life, and I know she forgives you. Not that you deserve it, but a second chance just fell into your lap. I feel like you’re still holding her at arm’s length though. And don’t think she doesn’t notice, because she does. She’s a lot more perceptive than people give her credit for.”
“I…even if I were to stay in her life, I don’t deserve to be that close to her. I’m lucky to be her friend.”
“You don’t even want to try? Like at all?”
“Killua, it’s not that simple.”
“If it’s because you think you don’t deserve her, shouldn’t that motivate you to WANT to be better? And become someone she deserves?”
“People can’t change. If I get too close, I’ll lose my rage. That’s the only thing keeping me going right now.”
“Oh noooo, I can’t be around this person because they make me less angry~!” Killua replied mockingly, putting his soapy hands up in defense when Kurapika glared at him. “That’s called being comfortable around someone. And people can too change, genius.”
“The spiders will always be cold blooded killers. There’s no room for redemption.”
“Okay, maybe not everyone”, Killua rolls his eyes, of course Kurapika had an exception up his sleeve. “But for the most part, we do. (Name) told me once that stagnation is a fate worse than death. If you aren’t evolving as a person, then what the hell are you doing?”
Kurapika blinked in surprise, putting the plate down and grabbing a cup to wash. “I…guess that makes sense? You’ve mellowed out a bit over the years Killua.” He didn’t want to outright admit that Killua had matured, or he’d risk him getting a big head.
“No shit Sherlock. She gave me a loving home and enrolled me in therapy. Being loved didn’t nerf me, if anything it made me stronger. Now I’m emotionally stable, nourished, and thriving. I stand a way better chance at kicking someone’s ass now.”
The last dish was dried and put away, and the two of them came out to the living room where everyone is huddled on the couch or near it, the TV playing some sort of holiday special. (Name) noticed them, and waved them over. He noticed she changed into something more comfortable, but when he recognized the faded pattern on the sleeves he had to do a double take.
It was the same one she had during the hunter exam, but back then it was much newer and vibrant.
“You’re just in time, we were about to start Charlie Brown!” Killua joined her, and like clockwork she removed the sleeve so he could put half of it on like an oversized blanket. “This thing is kind of old, (name). It’s cozy, but definitely seen better days.”
“I know, I mostly wear it to bed or knocking around the house, but I love it too much to get rid of it. It’s one of the comfiest things I own, even if it’s golden days are long gone”, she ruffled his hair and Kurapika joined her on the other side.
“It still serves its purpose, Killua. We don’t all need a giant wardrobe”, Kurapika teased good-naturedly, and the boy in question lifted his head to stick a tongue out at him.
“It’s one of those that gets softer the more you wash it”, (name) helpfully supplied. “It just means it’s well loved, and it loves you back. Time is irrelevant when you’re this cozy.”
Kurapika hummed, leaning a head against her other shoulder. A few minutes into the movie, his phone pinged with a message from Killua, who sighed in contentment before closing his eyes. Kurapika opened up the message and saw attachment: 1 image.
Wholly expecting another stupid meme, like that god awful Megamind “no bitches” thing he got like clockwork every time he did something bad in front of (Name), he sighed and opened it intending to leave him on read. Instead, he was greeted with a side by side comparison of what looked like a couple of plush Garfield cats. One plush looked brand new, while the other was worn down from use. The text said “to be loved is to be changed.”
He thought back to what Killua said earlier about how stagnating was a fate worse than death.
He knew his mission was dangerous, but at the same time, would it really be okay for him to get close to (name)? It was just a stupid Garfield meme, he shouldn’t be reading this much into it, but before he realized it he was tearing up. (Name) looked over and frowned.
“Kurapika, are you alright? What’s wrong?”
A gentle hand cupped his cheek, her thumb swiping away his tears. Kurapika sighed in contentment, leaning into her touch. “It’s nothing, just… thinking about things, what I want to do with my time.”
(Name) nodded, retracting her hand and allowing him to lean back against her shoulder.
She seemed a bit more relaxed, the two not knowing she was watching their little interactions just moments before. “By the way Kurapika, Leorio wanted me to tell to meet him on the porch asfter this movie.”
The blonde nodded, looking down at her. “(Name)… when I get back… we need to talk, okay?”
(Name) paused, Killua giving him a thumbs up from behind her. “Oh, um… alright.”
She sounded hesitant, but it was an improvement from her ignoring him. The three watched He gave her a sneaky kiss to her cheek before walking out to meet Leorio.
Leorio and Kite sat on the front porch. It seemed most of the guests had gone home. Knuckles, Shoot, Morel, Pyon, Gel, Kanzai, and Mizaistom were gone already.
“Kurapika, sit.”
Leorio gestured for a wicker chair sat next to the two. The blonde took it, glancing between the two. “What did you call me out for?”
“You seemed pretty… antsy earlier,” Kite explained as Leorio rummaged a small metal box.
“Antsy is an understatement, you looked insane. I really thought you were about to start growling and foaming at the mouth for a moment there.”
Kurapika flushed at Leorio’s words, feeling ashamed of his actions. “I know, I’ve already apologized to Killua.”
“Shit, he wasn’t much better. Trust me, I know Killua, he can be a real asshole, but he’s still a kid.”
Kurapika nodded, looking at his lap. Leorio was right of course, he usually was. “So, what did you want?”
Leorio smiled, finishing his task and pulling out a blunt from the metal box. “I want you to relax and smoke with us. Take a breather, chill with the boys- or well, Kite and I.”
Kite rolled their eyes. “I told you I don’t care what you call me, Leorio.”
Leorio blushed, waving his hand apologetically while Kurapika processed what the dark haired man was offering. “You want me to get high with you? Is that smart, considering I pissed off (Name) enough today? She hates when I smoke.”
“See, you need to relax. Stop worrying about (Name) for a minute. You worry so much that you stress yourself out, making you snap at others. You’ll be way better to (Name) if you learned to chill out and take care of yourself every one in a while.”
Kurapika leaned back in his chair as Leorio lit up the blunt, taking a puff before passing it to Kite.
“Come on, Kurapika. It’ll help you relax.”
Kite held out the blunt to Kurapika, smiling. The blonde stared at the two. “Am I being peer pressured right now?”
“Yes,” the two said in unison.
He groaned and took the blunt, holding it out. “Just one puff.”
(Name) looked up when Kurapika stumbled into the house, a dopey smile on his red face. Once he spotted her, the blonde made a whining sound, immediately clinging to her as he rubbed his cheek against hers. “Mmm… (Name)…”
The woman squeaked, squirming in his strong grip as he pulled her closer, peppering kisses into her cheeks and neck. “K-Kurapika, what are you-“
She paused, sniffing his shirt. “Oh god damn it, are you high? Leorio did this, didn’t he?”
(Name) huffed as Kurapika nuzzled his nose agaisnt hers, clinging to her like she was his lifeline in a storm. “Just want you… lemme hold you, ‘kay?”
She didn’t protest, leading him to the living room so he could snuggle her on the couch. He seemed so attached to her, and as soon as they laid down he squished his face into her chest, nuzzling until he was comfortable.
The woman wanted to pretend she was annoyed, but honestly she found him cute when he was like this. Whenever he was inebriated, Kurapika could let go of all of his limitations and do what he really wanted. He wanted to be near her, for every part of his body to be in contact with hers. It made him so happy to lie on top of her, his face in her breasts and arms wrapped around her.
She hummed in response, running her fingers through his blonde hair. “What is it, Kurapika?”
He looked up at her, his eyes a little red from smoking. “I’m really sorry… I know… I say stupid and hurtful things sometimes… but just know…”
He blinked at her sleepily, leaning forward to the point their lips were only an inch apart. “I care about you… a lot… so, so much…”
(Name) sighed happily when he kissed her, feeling his tongue gently lap at her lip, asking for forgiveness and acceptance. With a little nip to his lip, she allowed him in, holding his face tenderly.
Though their tongues danced and their breaths were heavy, the kiss wasn’t arousing. It felt loving, sweet, a kiss people who loved each other would share. When they pulled away, Kurapika’s eyes were soft, looking into hers with so much love (Name) felt her body would explode. “Mmm…”
He laid his head back down, his lips pressing kisses into her neck sleepily. ‘I love you…’ he thought, his hands gently caressing her sides.
The two soon fell asleep on the couch, being covered up by Leorio and hour later. Guests left, leaving Kurapika and (Name) in peace.
Leorio, Kite, and Bisky sat on the porch, talking as they drank. “It seems those two have made up.” Bisky said with a laugh, swirling her wine glass.
“Yeah, it seems so. They both looked pretty happy.” Leorio agreed, staring into the neck of his beer bottle. Kite only sighed, leaning into his chair.
“Does he still not know about the Chimera Ant situation?”
The other two went quiet at Kite’s question, not daring to look up. “He doesn’t, does he?”
“No, he doesn’t even know about the letter, or the fact she nearly killed herself after what he did in York New,” Leorio said gravely, setting down his drink. “She said it would absolutely destroy him. Sometimes I hate how she always thinks about others before herself.”
Bisky nodded. “She cares about Kurapika so much, she won’t even tell him just how badly his actions affected her in fear that it would push him over the edge. Apparently, when she would sleep next to him during the Hunter Exam, he would talk about ending his life after finding the scarlet eyes in his sleep. It really messed with her head.”
Kite cleared their throat. “Well, it has to come out eventually. Keeping all of these secrets helps no one, especially the fact that (Name) has worked with the Phantom Troupe. If he finds out on his own, he might assume she’s a traitor when she’s actually been helping him by being getting information. He gets too angry, he wouldn’t be able to comprise with them.”
Leorio sighed, the man looking much more tired than before the conversation started. “Yeah, I know. I just hope Kurapika is ready for all of that information. Hell, Gon doesn’t even know any of it, he doesn’t even know Kurapika’s the one that broke (Name)’s wrist.”
The three sat in silence, knowing that eventually, these secrets would come to light.
They were just hoping it would be of (Name)’s own free will.
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drabble #3 - can’t help that i love you
kai parker x reader
summary: while you and kai aren't necessarily in a relationship, no one can ignore the way you are together. it started with kai's nightmares, bringing you to his side for nightly comfort. soon, gentle touches on his back led to full blown hugs and forehead kisses; simple conversation turned to long talks, and you're only getting closer every day. kai feels safe with you, and you're falling for him. maybe he's falling for you, too. this is why your "thing" needs to stop. right now.
tags: fluff, parker siblings meddling in your business, soft!kai
word count: 463
a/n: i have been totally MIA bc life has suddenly gotten so, so chaotic, and i feel awful that i haven't posted, and sad bc there's nothing i love more than writing, but here's a little gift (🫱🎁🫲) {*hands you gift*} in the meantime. 😘 ily all and i'm sorry for my absence. though I'm going on vacation next week, so hopefully time off work and life gives me time to write! (it's a family reunion {urghhh}, but i wake up at 5:30 and everyone else around 9, so i'll be tip-typing away!)
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The moment you wake up, you feel a presence in the room with you. Flipping onto your back, you focus your eyes on one blurry, exasperated, Luke Parker. He speaks before you can even ask what he wants. 
“This thing with Kai needs to stop.”
“What do you mean?”
“You know what I mean. Your thing with him - whatever is it.”
You internally groan, knowing this day would come. 
“You’re gay, right?”
“Aren’t you gay?”
“Yeah, why?”
Without further question, you take off your top to reveal your bare chest, before putting on a bra and a new shirt. You slip on a pair of panties under your sheets, then proceed to walk around the room to find a pair of shorts to wear. Luke half-watches while trying to explain “your thing” with Kai, and why it “needs to stop.”
“-just, you’re in danger, and you’re putting other people in danger, too.”
Now dressed, you give him your full attention. “I’m pretty sure I’m one of the only people to ever give him any attention in his life, so how would that put me in danger?”
“Because he’s a sociopath and doesn’t know what to do with attention. The minute you take it away, you’re dead.”
“Well I’m not going to ‘take it away’.” He sighs, but you’re not finished. “Listen, Luke, I can’t stop feeling what I feel for him. And as long as I…” you pause, getting a taste of your words before saying them, and wondering if you should. Your eyes drop to the floor. 
“As long as you…?”
Looking directly at him, you decide to admit it. “As long as I love him, everyone’s just a tad bit more safe now, don’t you think?”
Love. The word dances in the air above your heads. 
Luke is speechless, and doesn’t even follow you out of the room. You pat his shoulder on the way out, giving him a small, victorious smile. 
Unbeknownst to you, Kai heard the whole conversation. Right before you opened the door, he managed to sneak away unheard.
As soon as you come downstairs, brotherless, he surprises you by wrapping his arms around your waist. His head rests on your shoulder and a deep breath exhales his body. 
“Hi, puppy,” you greet, kissing his head. “How are you?”
If it’s even possible, he melts even more. “Good,” he mutters. 
“Good. Want some coffee? You can still hug me while I make it.”
A contented groan falls from his lips before he can stop it. Part of him expects you to push him away because of it, but instead you just pull him closer for another forehead kiss. As promised, you let him koala-style hug him during your whole coffee-making process. He’s never felt more at peace in his life than when he’s in your arms. 
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mrprettywhenhecries · 7 months
don’t waste your time (on me) [g.t]
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06. | 99 Problems
Gator Tillman ✘ Win Lewis (OC)
⇾ w.c. 4.1k words ⇾ tags/warning(s). canon x oc pairing, f!oc, misogynistic themes, mentions of injury, derogatory use of the word gay, blow jobs (m!receiving), hurt/comfort ⇾ a/n. Comments and reblogs are greatly appreciated! 💚
Gator gets his arm broken and Win gets protective.
[ masterlist • win bio ]
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The weeks following Win’s visit to the ranch slipped by and life almost fell into a semblance of normalcy.  Despite the days growing shorter and the nights growing colder, not much of any real consequence happened to distinguish one day from another, and Gator began spending nearly every night at Win’s, even if all he did was crawl into bed next to her after a long shift to fall asleep in her arms.
The more time that passed, the less Win thought about Roy’s threat, but it was always there in the back of her mind, a lurking unease, as if she were just waiting for the other shoe to drop.  Gator, on the other hand, was blissfully oblivious and Win envied him that.
The end of October was drawing closer, Halloween practically around the corner and Win’s house was already decked out for the occasion–she and Gator joining forces to decorate.  It turned out the holiday was Gator’s favourite too.
Win was just adding some more fake spiderwebs to the drop down lights hanging over the kitchen island when her phone rang, Gator’s personal ringtone playing through the speakers.
Letting it ring for a second as she put up the finishing touches, it abruptly stopped and started again, Gator having called back almost instantly.
“Okay okay, I’m coming,” she huffed, climbing down from the counter to reach for her phone, bringing it to her ear.
“Y’ello?” she answered, half paying attention as she opened the fridge to reach for a pop.
“Win?” Gator’s voice sounded through the phone line, but there was an edge to it.
“Yeah, what’s up, babe?” she replied, bumping the fridge door shut with her hip, opening the can one handed.
“I don’t wantcha to freak out or anything, but… I’m in the hospital—“
“What?” Win yelped, nearly choking on her drink, panic flooding her for a moment, Roy’s words flashing through her head.
End things or there will be consequences.
“Win.  Win!  It’s okay, I’m okay!” Gator assured her hastily, his voice pulling her back to the moment, though her heart still felt lodged in her throat.
“I broke my wrist, that’s all,” he elaborated and Win let out a heavy breath. 
“How?  What happened?” she demanded, but a commotion on the other end of the line seemed to pull Gator’s attention and he answered a question she couldn’t quite hear.
“I gotta go, they’re gunna put the cast on now, but I’ll be over as soon as I can.”
“Wait, Gator—“
“I promise, I’ll be over as soon as I’m done.  Don’t worry babe,” he assured her before the line clicked and Win frowned, fighting the urge to throw her phone across the cramped kitchen.
“Fuck that,” she hissed under her breath, grabbing her keys and rounding the counter to the door, not content to sit around and wait for him show up while her anxious mind ran laps.
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“Hi, I’m here to see Gator Tillman,” Win exclaimed, approaching the front desk, drumming her fingers against the counter anxiously, looking around for anyone she might recognize in the waiting room, though she didn’t know whether he’d been hurt at work or at the ranch.
The woman behind the desk glanced up from her computer monitor and frowned.  “You a family member, hon?”
“Oh, uh no,” Win faltered, chewing the inside of her lip.  “But–”
“Then I’m sorry, but you’ll hafta wait.  Only family can go back right now,” she explained, her eyes flicking back to her screen.  “Although, it looks like he’ll be out soon, they’re almost finished setting his cast.”
Win nodded, pushing away from the counter to hover by the double doors to the emergency room entrance to wait for Gator, fighting not to pace while chewing her thumbnail.
When the doors opened with a clang, Win gave a jump and turned to see who had emerged, expecting her boyfriend, only to come face to face with his father, her expression souring further.
“What’re you doin’ here?” Roy grunted, fixing his coat collar before turning his full attention on her.  “Thought the boy told you to wait at your place.  You got a problem doin’ what you’re told?”
Win huffed incredulously, crossing her arms over her chest.  “I don’t do well with orders, or have you forgotten that?”
Roy let out an unamused snort, looking her up and down.  “Nope, you’ve made that more than clear,” he muttered, moving to step past her.
“Wait!” Win exclaimed, stepping in front of him to block his path.  “What happened?  How’d he break his arm?” she demanded and Roy rolled his eyes.
“Well, what can I say?  The boy’s a little… inept sometimes when it comes to his job.  Not my fault he got cocky and let his guard down at the wrong time.  Maybe the pain’ll help him learn his lesson,” Roy muttered, shaking his head, his eyes meeting Win’s.
“He should count himself lucky it was only a broken wrist.  After all, I’m sure neither of us would hate to see anything worse happen to him.”
Win held Roy’s gaze despite the chill that ran through her at his words.  Maybe it was just her imagination, but it felt like there was a threat hidden within them.  Surely the man wouldn’t hurt his own son just to get to her…  He wasn’t that twisted, was he?
“Now, if you’ll excuse me, I’ve got work to do.”  Roy stepped around her, leaving her to ponder his words, her stomach churning.
Nearly as soon as he left, however, the emergency room doors swung open again to admit Gator, the sight of him sweeping Win’s worries aside for the moment, and she practically knocked the wind from him as she rushed to his arms.
“Win?” he exclaimed, wrapping her into a hug despite his surprise, his cast pressing awkwardly to her back.  “I told you I’d meet you–”
“I know,” she huffed, pressing her face against his chest before pulling back to look up at him.  “I couldn’t wait, I had to see that you were okay,” she insisted, her face warming at the smug grin that spread across Gator’s visage.
“You were that worried about me?” he teased, earning himself a poke in the side.  “Ow!  Hey, I’m injured, remember?” he whined, holding his arm up as a reminder, though he still wore a small smirk.
“Keep teasin’ me and you’ll end up worse,” Win warned, though her words held no heat.  “C’mon, I’m takin’ you home,” she said decidedly, hooking her arm around his and leading him to the parking lot.
“Yes ma’am,” he murmured, knowing better than to argue.  “You gunna take care of me?” he wondered hopefully, looking forward to a little pampering.
“That depends,” Win replied, opening the passenger door for him before rounding the Chevelle and slipping behind the wheel.
“On what?” Gator yelped, awkwardly trying to buckle his seatbelt until Win turned to help him.
“On whether or not you tell me how this happened,” she replied, glancing pointedly at the cast on his arm before fixing him with a level stare that he shied back from, chewing the inside of his cheek, as if deliberating on what to say, torn between his father’s need for secrecy and his desire for Win’s attention.
“This guy got the jump on me is all,” he muttered, reaching for his vape pen to take a long draw, puffing on it indignantly.  “It coulda been worse, but it wasn’t, okay?  The asshole killed a couple of our guys before he got away,” he huffed and Win wasn’t sure if he was angry with her for asking, or at himself for messing up.
“So he’s still out there?” she asked and Gator winced.
“Yeah, but the shitbird’s in the wind.  I doubt we’ll be seein’ any more of him,” he exclaimed quickly.  
“Why not?” 
“Cause he knows I’ll be waitin’ for him if he ever shows his cowardly face again,” Gator scoffed.
Win looked doubtful, but didn’t say anything as she drove back to her place.
“C’mon, let’s get you comfortable,” she said, leading him inside and crouching at his feet to untie his boots.
As soon as she dropped to her knees, Gator’s brows raised and he had to clear his throat, awkwardly adjusting his cargo pants as the fabric at his crotch started to tighten.
“Don’t tell me you’re getting turned on like this,” Win teased, tilting her head back to look up at him, a knowing look on her face.
“What, you look nice on your knees,” Gator scoffed, warmth suffusing him.
“Mhmm,” Win hummed amusedly before straightening and helping him balance as he toed his loosened boots off.  “You go sit down, I’ll get you a drink,” she said, pointing to the couch before heading to the fridge to grab him a cold Mtn Dew.
Gator obeyed, shrugging his Sheriff’s vest off and plopping down on the couch, kicking his feet up on the foot stool, groaning softly as a dull pain flared through him where Munch had kneed him.
“What’s wrong?” Win asked, noticing his discomfort as she set the glass of pop next to him on the end table.
“Fucker kneed me in the groin,” Gator mumbled, rubbing at the area with a wince.
“I’ll get some ice,” Win offered, not waiting for him to argue before heading back to the freezer for a bag of frozen peas.  “Hope your junk still works,” she teased gently, dropping the peas on his crotch as she sat down next to him.  “That’d be a real shame otherwise.”
“Don’t worry, Princess, it still works just fine,” Gator huffed, moving the peas up and over to the left side of his pelvis.  “He didn’t hit my junk, just… nearby,” he muttered.
“Well, that’s a relief,” Win replied, her teasing grin melting to something softer as she watched his profile.  “Do you need any pain meds?” she asked, glancing down at his blue gauze wrapped cast.
“Nah, I had some at the hospital.  I can take some more later,” Gator answered, taking a sip from his glass and letting out a sigh.
Win nodded, fidgeting with the corded bracelet around her wrist for a moment before loosening the knot and slipping it off.  “Here,” she murmured, reaching for his uninjured left arm and Gator frowned in confusion as she slipped the bracelet around his wrist and pulled the cords snug, nestling it next to his watch.
“The fuck’s that?” he asked, looking down at the little blue glass eye that stared back at him.
“It’s my evil eye bracelet.  I want you to wear it,” Win mumbled, ducking her head and tucking her hair behind her ear.  “It’ll protect you.”
Gator frowned, his brow furrowing.  “Isn’t it kinda gay?  The guys’ll never let me hear the end of it if they see me wearin’ this thing,” he scoffed, though he didn’t make a move to try to take it off and Win stiffened, her own brows pinching.
“Fine, I’ll take it back!” she huffed, trying to hide her hurt behind indignation as she reached across him for his arm.  “See if I fuckin’ care!”
Noticing the hurt look that crossed her face, Gator’s stomach twisted and he pulled his arm back, keeping it just out of her reach.  
“Wait, okay!  I changed my mind, if it means that much to you, I’ll wear it, okay?  M’sorry,” he exclaimed, waiting for her to stop reaching for it before he dropped his arm, giving the bracelet another once over. 
“So what exactly is it?  You called it… an evil eye?  That sounds like a bad thing,” he said.
Win let out a heavy breath and sank back into the couch cushion.  
“It’s supposed to ward off bad luck and keep you safe,” she explained.  “I know it’s superstitious and shit, but… I dunno, if there’s any chance it’ll help, I’ll take it,” she muttered, avoiding his gaze as she picked at her chipped nail polish, and Gator softened.
“What’s gotten into you, huh?  I’ve never seen you this worried before,” he pointed out.
Win chewed her lip, trying to decide if she should tell him about Roy’s threat or not.
“Yeah well, you haven’t been hurt like this on the job before,” she exclaimed instead.  “As much as I hate to admit it… I care about you, and your job is fuckin’ dangerous.  I mean, you got assaulted today, your arm is in a cast for Chrissakes!  And you said several other guys ended up dead!  I don’t want that to happen to you!” she cried, the words flying out of her in a rush.
Gator grinned, turning her face toward him.  “Aww baby, you don’t gotta worry.  I’m a badass.  Fucker got the drop on me, is all.  If it woulda been a fair fight, I’d have wiped the floor with him,” he assured her, running his thumb across her bottom lip.
“But it’s pretty cute you’re worried an’ all,” he drawled, making Win roll her eyes.
“Gator,” she groaned, trying to pull away, torn between being angry at him for making light of the situation and annoyed at his teasing, but he didn’t let her get away, leaning over her to steal a kiss, only to wince in pain when he put his weight on his bad arm, already having forgotten about it.
“Careful,” Win murmured, pushing him back gently, and he let out a petulant huff.
“M’ fine,” he grunted.  “I told you, I’m tough.  Besides,” he added, stroking her cheek with a calloused thumb, “you’re my girl, and that means it’s my job to protect ya.  I gotta be tough to protect what’s mine,” he boasted.
“What’s yours?” Win repeated, knowing she should probably be offended by the statement, but couldn’t quite bring herself to be.
“Yeah, you’re all mine,” Gator drawled, holding her gaze possessively.
“I… kinda like the sound of that,” Win admitted reluctantly, surprised at the way her heart fluttered at his words before frowning.  “But by that logic, that means it’s just as much my job to protect you,” she countered firmly, just daring for him to disagree.
Gator looked doubtful, and for a moment she thought he was about to argue when he suddenly sighed, the air rushing from his lips loudly.  Even if he didn’t completely agree, he knew better than to voice that opinion.  It went against everything his father had taught him about being a man, but then again, Win wasn’t like any woman he’d ever met–she was capable and fierce–and to be honest, the thought that someone cared enough about him to want to protect him made his chest feel tight in a way he wasn’t used to.
“Alright, I guess I can live with that,” he mumbled, hoping she wouldn’t notice the way his face warmed.  
“Good,” Win countered, patting his cheek and wrinkling her nose.  “Just promise me you’ll be careful, okay?”
Gator snorted, dropping his hand from her jaw.  “I promise I’ll be careful and I won’t take off this stupid bracelet if it’ll make you feel better,” he said, flashing her a wry smile.
Win rolled her eyes, but smiled in relief, leaning forward to kiss his forehead.  “Thank you for humouring me,” she murmured and Gator sighed, letting his eyes slide shut at the feel of her lips.
“Yeah, yeah, you’re lucky you’re so cute,” he muttered, earning a smug grin from Win as she pulled back.
“Can I draw on your cast?” she asked, eyeing the expanse of blank canvas and Gator snorted.  
“You’re not gunna draw anything stupid, are ya?”
“Course not.  Please?  You’ll love it,” she insisted, tilting her head and pleading with her best puppy dog eyes til Gator softened, feigning exasperation.
“Yeah alright,” he relented, grinning to himself as Win jumped to her feet to fetch a sharpie from the desk.
“I’ll make it look pretty,” she teased, pulling his arm into her lap as she jumped back onto the couch, bending over his cast in concentration.
“If the guys give me shit about this–” Gator began only to be silenced with a sharp look.
“Don’t you trust me?”
Gator knew the question was a trap and he let out a huff, deciding better than to walk into that one, bringing his glass to his lips and taking several long gulps of the neon yellow soda.  
Win wore a smug grin as she began to doodle, drawing a sheriff’s badge and rifle beneath a little alligator, adding a cheeky “property of Win xoxo” as her signature while Gator craned his head to watch.
“Really?” he asked, raising an unamused brow at her.
“What?” she replied coyly, glancing up at him, a mischievous light to her stormy eyes.  “Thought you belonged to me now.  Don’t you want everyone to know it?” she teased and Gator grunted, biting back a reluctant grin.
“So, there’s this Halloween party my friends and I are gunna be performing at this weekend, just some cover songs and shit, nothing major, but I was hopin’ you’d wanna come,” Win ventured, her gaze flicking to his for a moment before returning to her doodles.  “Thought you could meet my friends and watch me play,” she murmured with a shrug, half worried he’d tell her he didn’t wanna go.  “I mean, if you’re off duty that night…”
Gator watched her, affection washing over him, taking him aback.  
She wanted him there.
“Yeah.  Hell yeah I wanna go,” he insisted. 
“Really?” Win asked, sitting up straighter and searching his face, finding only honesty in his expression.
“Great!  It’s a costume party too, so I was thinking we could do a couple’s costume,” she added.
“Yeah?  What’chu have in mind?” Gator asked, Win’s excitement rubbing off on him.
“I was thinking of going as Sally from the Nightmare Before Christmas, so maybe you could be my Jack?”
Gator grinned.  “That’s perfect!  I’ll stop at that Halloween store at the old K-mart tomorrow and see if they have any Jack Skellington masks.”
“Awesome,” Win replied, finishing up her masterpiece on his cast and tossing the pen aside.  “Is this your jerk off arm?” she asked after a moment, her lips curling in amusement.  “Might make things difficult for you,” she teased.
A snort ripped through Gator’s nose and he pulled her into his lap, this time minding his injured wrist.  “Why would I need to jerk off when I have you?” he scoffed, his brows raising as if he were just waiting for her to argue, a hungry light flashing in his eyes.
“Oh, I see how it is,” Win laughed, slipping her arms over his shoulders.
“Yeah, your hands are much nicer than mine,” he drawled, tilting his chin up to capture her lips in a slow delving kiss.  “And don’t even get me started on that mouth of yours, or your sweet sweet pussy,” he breathed, his eyes flicking up to hers as he shared her breath, his lips barely brushing hers.
Win swallowed, admiring the needy look on his face, his large brown eyes blown wide with want.
“Hmm, I guess you have a point,” she hummed, tilting her head to kiss his jaw, her lips dragging down his neck while her teeth grazed his flushed skin and her hands dropped to his belt, deftly unbuckling the black leather strap.  “Since you’ve been such a brave boy, I suppose you deserve a little treat,” she purred, playfully licking into his mouth before slipping from his lap to settle on the floor between his knees.
“You’re damn straight,” he groaned, leaning back against the cushions and letting his head loll back, though his eyes stayed trained on Win as she undid his cargo pants to free his throbbing length.
As soon as she wrapped her hand around him, Gator’s breath hitched and Win smiled at his reaction, stroking him slowly–enjoying the way his long lashes fluttered with each pump of her hand.  Sitting up on her knees, she held his gaze as long as she could before pressing her plush lips to his pretty pink tip, her tongue peeking out to lap along his slit, catching the clear bead of pre-cum that had wept out.
Humming softly, she swirled her tongue around the ridge of his head before returning to his slit, teasing it with the tip of her tongue, and Gator groaned louder.
“Such a fuckin’ tease,” he growled, though his voice held a hint of a whine and Win huffed a laugh through her nose.
Instead of responding, she glanced up at him pointedly before tilting her head and licking a broad stripe up the thick vein on the underside of his length.
Gator swallowed, watching her intently, his mouth falling open when she finally wrapped her lips around him, taking him into her mouth.
“Oh fuck,” he gasped, his voice coming out breathy and hoarse, and Win hummed again in response, the vibrations sending a shudder through him, the spring in his gut constricting tighter.  “Shit, feels so good, Winnie,” he groaned, stroking her hair before threading it through his fingers and resting his palm against the back of her neck, urging her deeper.
Win moaned, Gator’s praise and the thick weight of his cock against her tongue sent arousal pooling between her legs.  Taking a deep breath through her nose, Win cracked her jaw wider, letting Gator push her head down farther.  Swallowing nearly all of him, her nose buried in the coarse dark hair at his base she fought not to choke, tears springing to her eyes and gathering in her lashes.
Wrapping her hand around his base, she began to pump her fist over the length she couldn’t fit in her mouth in time with each bob of her head, saliva running down her chin to pool messily at his base and drip down his balls, but she didn’t care, focusing only on trying to breathe and not choke each time he rut his hips eagerly, bucking deeper down her throat.
“Oh fuck.  F-fuck, Winnie–little cockslut, oh–!”  
Gator’s praise soon turned to a babbled string of sharp curses interspersed with his sinful moans of her name. 
“Shit baby, I’m gunna–” he whimpered, his fist tightening in her hair and Win squeezed his thigh, letting him know she was ready, moaning around him for extra stimulation.  
With the loud keening cry, Gator tensed, his cock spasming in her mouth as he came, spilling his load down her throat, but Win didn’t stop, hollowing her cheeks to suck him clean, leaving him squirming and whimpering from overstimulation before she finally pulled his softening cock from her mouth.
Her eyes found his, as she opened her mouth to show him his mess before swallowing it down and wiping the drool from her chin.
“Oh fuck, I lo–love how good you are at that,” Gator groaned, going limp in his seat, his face flushed and his breaths heavy, hoping Win hadn’t caught his near slip up.
Win’s lips curved into a proud smirk and she pushed herself up, stealing a kiss as Gator tucked himself back into his boxers.
“I know,” she purred, plopping back down on the couch and reaching for the remote.  “C’mere,” she said, patting her thighs as she got comfortable, propping her legs out on the foot stool in front of her and Gator obeyed, stretching out along the length of the couch and resting his head in her lap with a contented sigh.
“That better?” she asked, scratching her nails lightly through his hair as she settled on a movie.
“You have no idea,” Gator murmured, his eyelids already slipping shut at the calming way her fingers moved through his hair, working it loose of it’s stiff gel.
Win huffed a soft laugh.
“Yeah well, don’t get too used to it,” she teased, too busy watching the soft slope of his freckled cheek to pay much attention to the movie she’d picked, finally feeling at ease, knowing at least for the moment, he was safe in her arms.
Gator snorted, cracking an eyelid to peer up at her.  “Dunno, seems like you don’t mind it that much,” he pointed out smugly and Win flicked his ear with her finger in return, laughing at his indignant yelp.
After a moment, however, he sobered, carefully keeping his gaze straight ahead.
“Thanks for taking care of me,” he murmured and Win softened, her breath hitching in her throat.
“I’ll always be here to take care of you,” she whispered, stroking his cheek. “Just don't make it a habit of getting banged up like this.  I don’t think my heart could take it.”
Gator closed his eyes against the wave of emotion that threatened to choke him.
“I’ll do my best.”
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⇾ taglist. @super-unpredictable98 @heartbreak-sandwich @b1tchywheeler @babydollbaron @girlwiththerubyslippers
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poisonedspider · 5 months
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poisonedspider: INDIE roleplay blog for ANGEL DUST (ANTHONY) from HAZBIN HOTEL. Incredibly NSFW muse. DEAD DOVE: DO NOT EAT. Spoilers present. Canon divergent. Semi-selective. Medium activity. Multipara/Novella literate writer for 20+ years. Multiverse and multi-ship. Mostly head canon based representation of (one) famous porn star. Mature and triggering content present, must be 21+ to interact. Blog will explore extreme trauma, abandonment, s*xual assault, physical violence, death, etc. Mutuals only, please! Authored by Strode, he/him, 30+. Re-established April 2024 (originally wrote in July 2019). Please read rules under the cut on this post.
Stand-alone blog, not strictly affiliated with the Hazbin/Helluvaverse and community (and certainly not in support of Vivzie). Open to any and all characters and interactions. Let it be known I am NOT AN ASK BLOG. Personals are allowed to follow, but will not be followed back and will be BLOCKED if they keep interacting with my stuff. Do not reblog this post.
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Angie's main bitches: @featheredbarkeep, @sirserpentine, @veelentino, @hazbinned, @mothvalentino, @widdlestwucifer, @doublejango, @grimowled, @voxxisms and @hzbinsouled.
Don’t be an asshole. Literally my number one rule, and basically my only rule. This is a hobby. We are nerds writing as fictional characters. I’m too old to feel in high school again. If you don’t like what I write, the block button is a function. Block me, and move along. Forget I exist. I do not participate in call out culture, and will not be forced to choose sides.
Memes are definitely the best way to interact with me. I personally will turn all memes into threads, as I feel that’s the point of them. You don’t have to necessarily continue them, but I’d appreciate if you did because I put a lot of thought and energy into my replies.
Never feel the need to match my length (I write a lot), but also know that I reserve the right to delete a thread if I don’t feel like what you wrote gives me enough information to write a well thought out reply. Also always feel free to delete threads I send to you that you no longer have muse for. This is for fun, it isn’t a homework assignment. You don’t need to explain yourself on your own blog!
I don’t work full-time, but that doesn’t mean I’m not constantly busy. I’m traveling almost every other weekend, and I’m trying to put my energy into being off Tumblr if I can help it. I may not always have the spoons to talk or do replies, even if you see me online. Just please be patient with me!
There will be a LOT of R-rated material on this blog. Almost everything will be NSFW - look at the show content, and especially this character. I do my best to tag all triggers, but please let me know if something specifically triggers you and I’ll edit it to be tagged right away so you can blacklist it. I’m still going to keep writing it, though. This is my blog. It is not my duty to make sure that you have a safe space, and if you don’t feel safe, I will not be remotely offended if you unfollow to keep your dash what you want it to be. It’s kind of impossible to write Angel and Angel’s story without some triggers coming up (Episode 4? Yeaaaah.)
Personals, do NOT reblog things. It already happened from the hour I made this blog, and it will become an automatic block. This is a roleplay blog. Period. I am also not an Ask Roleplay Blog, so while I may respond to some of those things in jest, it isn’t the purpose of this blog. Hazbin fan blogs and whatnot, leave my stuff out of it. If you continue to do this, I will report your blog. 
Angel Dust is gay. He will not be having romantic relationships with any females in the show. The only way he would ever be with a female, is if for whatever reason Valentino decided that he needed to sleep with a woman for his porn. Which I can’t see happening but….yeah. 
Speaking of Valentino, the way I play Angel is him still definitely within the confines of the contract. He might do things he is ashamed/embarassed of and doesn’t want to actually do because of the contract. Dubcon will probably be explored on here to some degree because he struggles saying no to Val. That doesn’t stop him from fighting back, but he’s going to do some gross things because his soul is owned. Also, my Angel does have love for Val. That doesn't mean I ship them AT ALL. It means that I have no shame as a therapist in exploring the cycle of abuse and toxic relationships, and that this is incredibly important to my Angel's story.
This being said, dubcon would be the only thing I'd put under a Read More because I know other people hate it. I don't really intend to write it out, but people could argue that Valentino using his 'poison' is considered dubious consent, and yeah, I'm going to write that and flesh it out a bit. As for other read mores, I'm lazy and it ain't gonna happen. You followed a character who is a sex worker. There's going to be smut. Murder. Cussing. That's the content of the show. I have no shame putting it out in the open. As mentioned, you can check the trigger warnings on my posts before reading something.
I’m a multipara/novella roleplayer. I’ll do some one liners and crack stuff, but it won’t be as common. I want to have elaborate threads. I want to flesh out this character. I’m going to come up with things about him that Vivzie doesn’t and make him a little bit my own. And that comes from writing, writing, writing. If I don't reply to you, it's probably because I can't work with one liners and I am stumped.
All the graphics and whatnot on this blog were either created or commissioned specifically by/for me. (I know I’m not a fabulous photoshop graphic maker but hey I tried). Do not steal from me. If I find out that you have, I will report your blog for theft. Majority of the graphic work on here is done by both @cerberuscommissions and @17webs.
DO NOT GODMODE. I will literally scream, cry, and throw up (okay, not literally). This is my blog, and I want to control Angel in my way. Please and thank.
I don't necessarily need people to reblog from the source, but if my activity is blowing up with the same person reblogging and reblogging, I'll kindly ask you to stop. If you continue, that will lead to a block because I already have hundreds of drafts and don't have time to swim through activity.
Sorry fam, I don't do Discord. I've had a few people ask, and while yes I do have it, I have it with a burning fiery passion. All roleplaying will be done here and here alone, because I like to have a Tumblr blog as a sort of 'archive.'
As for the mains (listed above), to not be discouraged just because I have mains. I was avoiding choosing them for a bit because I hate how it can feel like favoritism, but the fact of the matter is that there are unfortunately people on here that Angel has much more muse for, and that I talk to ooc almost every day. Those people get first priority. Let it be known that does NOT mean they are exclusives. As mentioned, I will be writing with every single character, no limitations. Nor are there any rules specifically associated with my mains. Mostly just means they get priority on things.
I don't have any triggers. Period. I appreciate people asking me if such and such is okay in a thread before we do it, but really, just do whatever your character feels they would do. I'm a therapist. And sure, therapists have their triggers too. But I've been exposed to so much shit that nothing really phases me anymore.
I do not own the character Angel Dust or any content from Hazbin Hotel. I am not associated with Vivziepop and am in fact an Anti-Viv blog (please don't associate me with her). Shocker, I know. But gotta put that on here. 
Tldr; Be chill, have fun, don’t follow if don’t like hypersexuality, severe trauma, or sassy gay men.  
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daynightshipping · 3 months
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💚 Welcome to Daynightshipping 💚
Wowee I’m finally making a pinned post to explain all this!! My name is Ares, I’m 22 and extremely gay. I’ll warn you now I am the literal manifestation of 30 mental illnesses and banned from most public spaces. As John Mulaney once put it, “I also dont want me to be doing what I’m doing”. I’m ADHD and there’s probably some autism in there as well I don’t know anymore. My brain is not normal basically lmfao.
I ship with Jesse Glenn from Bakugan Battle Brawlers. I have loved this fruit since the moment I laid eyes on him at like 12 years old or however old I was when I watched Bakugan lol. About a year ago I got sick with covid, rewatched the show and fell absolutely head over heels again…. I definitely attribute him to being my gay awakening (even though I thought I was just a really fucked up weird straight girl up until after I graduated high school). This blog is for the ship between my self insert and Jesse, although I may refer to my s/i and myself interchangeably.
What is the ship?
Jesse Glenn x Aires Gallo. Aires is a boyfailure brawler who meets Jesse in Bakugan Interspace and finds himself in love and also entangled in an interplanetary war! Fun! Lots of angst potential here if u know the source material lmao
Why the name?
It’s inspired by the song When The Day Met The Night by Panic! At The Disco
I don’t really have a DNI just don’t be an asshole about me self shipping or anything lmao. It’s honestly rare I block anyone but if ur being shitty enough I will 💀
As far as like content and sharing f/o’s and stuff I’ve always been of the opinion that it’s not my place to police anyone and if I don’t like something I may complain bc I’m a complainer, but in reality it’s not that big of a deal and more of a personal preference or something I just need to get over. Obviously not into going out of my way to harass people as long as they don’t harass me lol. That being said, I’m not the biggest fan of Jesse in m/f ships (and just most m/f ships in general UNLESS it’s your self ship or Zelink then I love you mwuah) so, not that I really think anyone would bc this character is so niche in general, dont like tag me or send me that type of stuff. TLDR, keep it at a distance ig lmfao.
Other stuff???
My headcanons aren’t exactly 100% clear and I do like to imagine different scenarios between these 2. One of the divergent paths is where they have a kid together, Zephyr, so I’ll of course post him too. Idk this started off as more of a selfship dumping zone and it still is kind of that.
I have a NSFT blog (gummysharksafterdark) where I do post some selfship stuff too that’s obviously 18+ only.
My ask box is always open, and my dms are too to some extent, although I don’t answer those as often usually. My main is gummy-sharks666 which is mostly Bakugan right now bc that’s what I’m hyperfixated on atm and other general fandom stuff. I look forward to interacting w other oc/canon shippers and selfshippers, esp ones with anime or hobbyani f/o’s, and also obviously Bakugan fans if u care this oc/canon stuff at all uwu.
That’s about it, so yeah
(Art at the top gifted by @ / freaquin)
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indecentpause · 1 month
Find the Word Tag
tagged by @winterandwords to find the words blink, watch, look, and stare! thank!
cw: homophobia, both explicit and implied
from The Black & Blues:
“Oh, um, hi! Did I wake you up?” It’s Josselin. “Yeah, but that’s okay. Hang on, I think I accidentally knocked my glasses onto the floor.” “Okay.” You lean over your bed and feel around the floor until your hand comes across the familiar plastic shape. Once you have them on, you blink a few times and clear your throat again. “Hey! Hi!” you finally manage. You speak quietly so you don’t wake Danny. “Hi! I’m pleased to say the week from hell is over!” “The books are finished?” “Yeah! I think the author is really pleased. I wish I could tell you what it’s about, because it was really good. But NDAs and all. I’ll tell you when it’s released, you can read it too!”
Since practice ends at 9:00 and your meeting usually lasts until 9:30, you can’t visit Josselin on practice days. But the next day, as soon as you get out of work at 6:00, you and your Polish homework and textbook are on the bus, ready to study. It would be so much nicer if these were just visits to mess around and make out and watch movies. But you have to get your grade up. Right now you’re at a B+. 88%. You have to bring it up to at least 90%, because your instructor doesn’t round up. This time, Frankie opens the door. She smiles brightly at you and steps to the side as she says, “Hi, Meara! It’s good to see you; it’s been a while! How are–” But she stops abruptly and her face creases with worry as you stumble inside. “I haven’t been sleeping well. And I’m having some trouble with school,” you admit.
Your soon-to-be-landlord offers you a one bedroom for $700 a month, which is incredible. It’s a little run down and the radiator in the bathroom leaks and the floors are a little crooked, but you can manage that. When you and Danny show up to sign the lease together, he gives you a skeptical look that clearly says, oh, I’m renting to a gay couple? and that he doesn’t really want to. But you’ve already been offered the place and the lease has been drawn, and at least Illinois has housing protection for queer people, so even though he’s wrong about the particulars, he can’t rescind it without risk of a lawsuit. You just stop going to class. There’s no point. You instead spend your time looking for full time work nearer to where you’re going to be living. You try restaurants, retail, coffee shops. You try front and back of house. You try everything. At least you’re still able to work part time in the student center, but you don’t know how long it will last with summer coming up and hours getting cut.
Josselin helps Frankie pack everything up. You slump back into your chair and Danny approaches, putting a hand on your shoulder. “You’re sure you’re okay?” he asks gently. You shrug one shoulder, but inside, you’re trying not to cry. “Josselin and I have had people stare and whisper and stuff. It was going to happen eventually.” Danny jostles your shoulder, friendly, reassuring. “We’ll all take care of you. There’s ten of us, and I know at least half of us are willing to throw a punch if we have to. I’ll bet Sara could take a whole group. She’s scrappy.” He’s just trying to cheer you up. Make you smile. But the idea of any of your friends getting in a fight because of you burns deep in your stomach, like acid.
tagging @the-golden-comet @alloutofgoddesses @bronzebookwyrm @willtheweaver @marlowethelibrarian and YOU to find the words heat, chill, hurt, and heal!
if you don't want me to tag you in the future, just let me know!
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Can I request a tai x van x fem!reader
Reader met Van a while before tai and van like spoke again but when they did they all immediately fell for each other and so when tai says she wants to go to meet Lottie and Misty and Nat tai thinks it’s a good idea for them all to go
Can you do a thing where van tells tai and reader that she has cancer and while they are both heartbroken reader is beyond devastated and can’t stop crying even when Misty comes to them, reader has lost everyone in her life before and she can’t afford lose van or tai
tai x van x reader has me in such a chokehold
pairing: tai x van x fem!reader
word count: 1742
notes and warnings: tw for cancer but that’s it. also yes i named this after a lana del rey song im THAT bitch deal with it
taglist: @ladyveela (gonna tag u w this act bc. cartoonpeoples is deactivated i think lmk if u want off) @thedeconstructionist @cordeliass @paulsonsratched @goodeday2u @christies-fleur @traumatisedfangirl
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The silver stars shone above, fractures of moonlight, broken and shining just as ever, perfect. Like diamonds they glimmered, illuminating the earth, the perfect scene before you.
You sat a few feet away from a fire, out in the fielded expanse of Lottie’s compound. You sat against Van, her arm around you and your head resting in the crook of her neck as the two of you sat against the outside of a small gazebo (A/N: was it a gazebo Van was sitting against?? Idfk but we’re going with it ok). The two of you passed a bottle of vodka back and forth, which you had snuck into the compound from Van’s car when you were supposed to be doing your designated activities.
You’d never felt more peaceful. The two of you had been aching for a getaway for a while, but had never acted on it, and though being dragged to Lottie’s compound due to Taissa’s sleepwalking was less than ideal you had to admit it was a decent escape from normal life. It brought you irreplicable peace to be able to sit with Van by the fire, the vodka gently dulling your senses, a cool breeze interrupting the monotony of the spring warmth.
“I’m glad we came here,” you said quietly. You took the bottle of vodka out of Van’s hands and took a sip.
“I didn’t think you’d be into this sort of thing. And all of the other women, they’re a bit…”
“I like them,” you said, “it’s good to be able to put faces to names. You don’t talk about what happened much, but still.”
You heard the rustling of footsteps in the grass as someone approached, and soon Taissa was sitting beside you. You allowed yourself to relax completely in the presence of both of them. You’d never before felt the same sort of peace that you felt with Van and Taissa — you’d felt it a bit with Van, in a way, unexplainable happiness in your relationship as a couple, but ever since you’d met Taissa everything had seemed to click. None of you had spoken about it, but everyone knew it, that she was what had been missing, everyone needed each other.
You handed the bottle of vodka to Taissa, and she smirked.
“Don’t tell Lottie we have this,” you said, “or, surprisingly, Nat.”
She laughed lowly, taking a drink from the bottle. “I pay for almost twenty years of rehab and it’s a week in Lottie’s cult that fixes everything.”
“I think we all know it’s because Lottie and Nat are gay as fuck for each other.”
Both of them laughed quietly at this, mainly because they knew you were right. Everyone who had eyes could see that Lottie and Nat were obsessed with each other.
“Put a couple of women in a cult together and they all fall in love.”
“I hope so,” you said, sparing a glance at Tai, and part of you hoped she knew what you were implying and part of you hoped your comment had gone right over her head.
“Van,” Tai said with a smile, “your girlfriend’s drunk, she’s trying to flirt with me.”
“Yeah, but she tries to flirt with you even when she’s sober,” Van said.
“Shut up,” you smiled, shaking your head. “Don’t act as if you’re not as guilty of that as I am.”
“I don’t mind,” Taissa admitted, and you watched as Van met her gaze.
You knew neither of them would act on it. If you didn’t act first nothing would happen, nothing would change, and all of it would carry on as usual, all three of you lost in darkness.
The alcohol was giving you more courage than you would’ve liked to admit. Without hesitation you pulled Taissa into a kiss, and though she melted into you you pulled away after hardly a moment had passed, gauging her reaction.
You didn’t know what you had expected, but you certainly had not expected her to pull you back to her, lips crashing against yours, both of you engulfed in momentary euphoria. Her hand rested at the back of your neck, ever so subtly controlling, and had you not been in the middle of the compound you suspected things would have gone quite a bit further.
When the two of you pulled away, regaining your breath, you looked to where Van sat on your other side. She seemed mildly surprised, but her eyes were occupied by blatant longing as her gaze flickered from you to Taissa.
Reaching across you, the two of them collided, and where Taissa had been gentle with you she was not with Van, the kiss rough and eager as if it had been all either of them had wanted for years. They had a history, you knew that, but never had you suspected how deeply things had gone, and the realization intrigued you in the best of ways, exhilarated you.
Tai pulled away first, and everyone was silent for a few moments. When she spoke, Tai’s words were barely louder than a whisper. “I want this,” she said, looking from you to Van, “but with Simone in the hospital, and my son…”
“We have time,” you reassured her, giving her a small smile, though the loose ends pained you. “Do what you need to do, and when you’re ready-”
“I can’t give you that much time,” Van said suddenly, not looking at either of you, just straight ahead.
You weren’t yet sure why, but something about her tone had you feeling sick, and you knew that something was wrong. Not in a way that could be solved easily, but in a way that would haunt all of you, that once you knew the truth it could never be forgotten. “What is that supposed to mean?” You asked, and still she wouldn’t meet your gaze.
“I have cancer,” she said nonchalantly. It was as if she’d told you she had a splinter.
For a moment you couldn’t breathe. It was like you hadn’t heard her right, and you were sure you hadn’t until she finally looked at you, and you could see the remorse, the fear, the desperation she was trying so hard to hide.
“You know when people are all ‘it’s okay, I have cancer but the doctors caught it early,’” Van continued, and her gaze moved to Taissa. “This isn’t like that. I have, I think, months.”
“Jesus fucking Christ, Van,” Tai breathed, and still you couldn’t breathe, couldn’t move, couldn’t think. It wasn’t happening — it couldn’t be happening, because everything had been so perfect up until this moment, and if you heard another word of it you were going to die. “When were you going to tell me?” She asked.
“You showed up on my doorstep, I wasn’t going to tell you at all. We hardly know each other anymore, Tai.”
“What about me?” You asked, only processing that you’d spoken after the words had already come out, and you could see the guilt in Van’s expression. “You weren’t going to fucking tell me, were you?”
“I couldn’t, not will all of the shit both of us have been through. I didn’t want to burden you.”
“And it wouldn’t burden me if I woke up one day to see you fucking dead?” You shouted, and she motioned for you to keep your voice down, which you ignored, or you would have if you’d been able to say anything else. Tears blinded your vision, and your hands were shaking, and all you wanted was for all of it to stop and to wake up and realize all of it was a dream, none of it had really happened.
“Listen,” Van said, one of her hands holding yours and the other running up and down your back, which was supposed to be soothing, but nothing could have soothed a blow such as this. “I want you and Tai to be together. The two of you can sell out the store, buy a nice house. Fuck, you could even stay here at the compound if you wanted. But I want you to be able to be happy when I’m not here.”
There was a certain potency of grief that came with knowing she was going to die. That even as she was sitting there before you all of you knew that in a few months she wouldn’t be, and the entire world would die in your eyes. You would have Taissa, but even then something would be missing, and that something would be unattainable, would be Van.
“Misty’s coming,” Van said, “both of you act fucking normal.”
You knew you couldn’t. There was no reaction to this that was “normal.”
You took the vodka bottle, quickly chugging what was left of it before walking away, going to the edge of the forest and further, letting yourself be taken into its depths. You were vaguely aware that Taissa was following you, and maybe she was calling your name or maybe it was your imagination, you weren’t sure.
Eventually you stopped at a fallen tree, sitting on it, and after a moment Taissa was sitting beside you again in the darkness.
Neither of you said anything for a while. There was hardly anything to say, and you could hardly think coherently anyway.
But as soon as you dared, you let yourself speak the thought that had been haunting the back of your mind ever since Van had told you she had cancer.
“This is what it wants,” you said quietly, and you could feel Taissa tense beside you.
“What are you talking about?”
“That thing, the being… from when you crashed… whatever Lottie invoked in the wilderness that never left.”
“How the fuck do you know about that?” She asked, her tone sharp.
“Van told me.”
“Of course she did,” Taissa sighed. Her words weren’t sharp now, they sounded only tired. “She always believed in all of it.”
“And you don’t?”
“I'm not sure anymore,” she admitted, taking your hand, providing whatever comfort she could.
“It chooses, Taissa,” you said, barely a whisper. “It chose Javi, and it chose Travis, and now it’s choosing her.”
It took her a moment to respond.
“You’re not supposed to know those things,” she said, and by her tone, and the look she gave you, her grip on your hand tightening significantly, you knew it wasn’t her anymore.
It was the other one.
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remember to do the biphobia/queer hangout post!!
i rlly wanna read it!!<3
Assumption Make an Ass Out of You
Prompt by @whomst-the-hell: steve always knew he was queer fic where steve keeps trying to invite himself to Queer Hangouts w eddie and robin and they keep being like “uhhhh this isnt really your scene…” until steve is finally like “listen i get it ok theres all this fucking stigma but you two are the last people i expected this from!” and eddie and robin are like “youre a very good ally and we appreciate it but the truth is you just cannot relate to some of our experiences and you need to accept that!” and then steve is like “woooaaaahhh hold on i think we’re having two different conversations. i thought you were doing that thing gay ppl do sometimes where they treat bi people like we arent really queer or whatever. did you guys genuinely think i was heterosexual? lol that’s embarrassing”
Gave it a spelling and grammar check before putting it on A03: Assumption Make an Ass Out of You - technically-a-writer-technically (RegularRainbow) - Stranger Things (TV 2016) [Archive of Our Own]
Eddie calls Robin: Birdie
Tags: Angsty, probably a bit ooc, they mean well, their tough love is tough though. Original Male Character/Steve Harrington. I tried learning 80s Slang for this, it lasted several hours and then I wrote this all-in-one sitting, so probably not 80s accurate, especially towards the end. Not beta read, we die like men.
1. Never met an Ally so Good
Tall, Olive Skin, Green Eyes, passed Steve a drink, something pink and yellow, blended ice, with a tiny umbrella and a cherry.
“I didn’t know what you were drinking, but I took my best guess” He said, smile bright as fluorescent lights. The guy was cute in a clinical type of way, clean cut, clean-shaven.
Steve smiled, took the straw from his melting ice in a cup, and gave it a taste, twisting the straw around his tounge. “Ah. Tastes Perfect,”
“Oh, you’re a real maneater aren’t you,” He slipped between Steve’s legs, resting his hands on either side of Steve, boxing him in, “Come on Pretty Boy let me take you for a spin.”
Steve smiled, red decorating the tips of his ears and nose. “Sorry, can’t stay that long gotta drive back to nowhere-ville”
“Alright, Just one dance then, and maybe your number?”
Steve bit the corner of his lip, and smiled “Maybe …” All doe eyes, looking up from under his lashes,“ … maybe you could kiss me?”
“Hey, why don’t you back off” said Eddie, stepping between the two, pushing the guy back with an extended hand.
“Really! I don’t see your name on him” The guy squawked, Steve hadn’t even gotten his name.
“That’s not,” was Eddie’s reply, he sighed “look I’m helping you, trust me, he’s just being nice.”
“Looks like a fucking Belle to me,”
Eddie tilted his head and fixed him with a look, throwing his hand up as if to shrug, and said, “He’s just too nice to tell you to go away.”
“Look there are better ways to get dudes off your guy, you don’t gotta lie,” Then he peeked behind Eddie to get a good look at Steve one more time, and with a wink, he said, “If you ever find yourself in need of French lessons you know where to find me.”
Steve giggled, twirling his straw. (Fucking Flirting.)
Then, Steve said, “You really didn’t need to do that Eddie, I was fine, he was fine.”
“No, he was not fine. He was hitting on you, Steve” Robin chimed in.
“Isn’t that, like, the point of all this. Aren’t we here to get hit on? Flirt a little,” Steve leaned in and whispered, “Wave the white flags, you know what I mean?”
“Yeah, but it’s not cool to lead people on Steve, especially not here.” Eddie said.
Steve winced a little, his smile falling slightly, before he picked it back up, “I mean, there’s no harm in flirting, I didn’t know you guys were gonna get all riled up because I didn’t want to take him home.”
“Look it’s not all about sex, this is about community.” Robin said.
Steve sucked his teeth, and took a swig of his beer, “Okay, uh, whatever, I’m gonna pay for my drinks, and uh, sit in a fucking corner I guess.”
“Grow up, King Steve” Eddie said.
“Fuck you, Eddie, King Steve thinks you should find your own ride home.”
“I mean, we should probably leave.” Robin said.
“No, Rob, if it’s gonna be like that, I’ll just wait in the car.” Steve said. He gathered his things, throwing his coat on, fluffing his hair up and out from under the collar of his a letterman style jacket.
Steve stepped out into the cool night air, face hot with fury. He sighed, trying to release the tension that had begun to build.
“Hey, Pretty Boy, I didn’t get your name before your guard dog cock-blocked.”
“It’s — He’s just a friend. And, Uh, It’s Steve, Yours?”
“My friends call me Ian,”
“Well, Ian, thanks for the drink”
“Really,” Ian said, and it was almost a laugh, “I just had the bartender throw something together, I don’t like that fruity shit, I mean not like that, I just don’t like fruit juice, from fruit,” His talking tapered out. “You’re super cute, and it kind of fries my brain. I mean those pants are too tight.” (Ian say too tight, like he doesn’t mean it, like those pants make him think of something else.)
Steve laughed and looked down at himself, before smiling back at Ian. “Still want my number?”
2. Lavender Menace
Steve dyed the bottom layer of his hair purple. The faintest shade of lavender, barely it, In fact, it was practically silver. But, still, he was sure that everyone who needed to know that it wasn’t silver, would notice. They would notice.
“Did you dye your hair, Steve?” Robin asked, leaning across the Book Store counter to get a good look at his peek-a-boo dye job.
Steve resisted the urge to shake his head and show off. It took a long time to get his hair all nice, he wasn’t gonna mess it up for five seconds of Rob’s appreciation, not after the stunt she and Eddie pulled with Ian.
“Joyce helped,” Steve said, and brushed his fingers through the thick of his hair to show off the dye, just a little bit.
“Don’t you think you should have gone with another color,” Rob said, “You don’t want people to get the wrong idea about you.”
“I —“
“The hoard has arrived,” Eddie declared, as Mike, Will, and Dustin ran in straight for the new comic book section. “Whoa, your hair.” he said.
“Yeah, my hair.” Steve felt the weight of a frown pull at the corners of his mouth.
“You sure that’s the right color?” Eddie grabbed a lock of Steve’s dyed hair, and twirled it between his fingers, “You let the toner sit too long, it’s all purple-y now.”
With a huff, Steve said, “I was going for purple-y”
“Yeah?” Robin said.
“Why?” Eddie said.
“Because I want people to know I’m down with Dorthy” Steve said.
“You shouldn’t have dyed your hair purple, though” Eddie replied.
“Yeah, I agree, I think it’s a bit much … you’ve gone a bit too far this time, and after the bar” Robin said
“W-What do you mean after the bar that was all you guys, I was just having a good time.”
Eddie sighed and looked away, throwing his head back, and disappearing down an isle. “You explain it to your pet jock, Birdie, my head hurts.”
“Look Steve, people don’t need to know you’re ‘down with Dorothy’ it’s better if your not loud about it actually, keeps everyone safer anyway.”
Steve gets hot in the face, bright white-hot red in the cheeks, breaks into a sweat, he’s so mad. Then he’s close to crying, clearing his throat some, but it’s closing in on him. He’s so furious, he’s near tears about it. Dancing around breaking into tears.
If they didn’t like his hair, they could have just said that.
“Whatever you say, Robin” he said, wetly.
“Steve come on, it’s not your life, it’s ours” was Robin’s reply.
He doesn’t speak to her for the rest of their shift.
When Steve got home, he dialed Ian’s house. Ian was there in five minutes flat (He lived 15 minutes away).
“Wow,” Ian said, “Your hair”
“Yeah, I know it’s awful” Steve said, the memory of his earlier conversations brought up sour thoughts.
“No, no, you look pretty, a real bodacious babe.”
Steve smiled, for the first time since he got of shift. “Shut up,”
“Kiss me about it,” was Ian’s reply.
3. Steve’s House Doesn’t have a Purple Door.
“You could have your party at my place?” Steve said, “My parents aren’t gonna be home for another like month anyway”
Eddie smiled at Robin,
“Plus, I’m great at throwing parties, you remember my parties.”
“I don’t think we,” Eddie gestured between himself and Robin, “Were ever invited to King Steve’s famous parties.”
“Yeah, sorry about that,” Steve said, “But they were famous for a reason. Have it at my place, it makes sense. The venue is like 50% of a party.”
“I was thinking, no allies though” Eddie said, “Just queer deviancy,” Eddie brought the devil hands up to his head like ears and smiled at Robin. They fist bumped.
What they meant was no Steve it seemed.
“Hey, can you pick us up? Robin voice came through the phone loud, like she was shouting on her end of the line.
“From where?” Steve asked.
“A party,” Robin said, Steve felt her wiggle her eyebrows, and she giggled softly.
“I need the location?” Steve said.
“Oh, um, were near Byrock Ct,”
“Okay, I’ll be there in a few.”
Steve got in his car and drove to the Byrock Bar, with its purple backdoor. Ian took him there once, and they danced. Steve loved dancing, it was nice letting go.
This didn’t feel nice.
Robin and Eddie crammed into the backseat of his car, laughing, tipsy, and maybe a little high. Covered in glitter. Eddie had red lipstick on and smeared down his chin. Robin was wearing, glitter gloss and a silvery highlighter.
“You guys look like you had fun,” Steve finally said, before he pulled off.
“I thought you guys were gonna stay in tonight,”
“Steve,” Robin said, it seemed with no real purpose at all, except maybe to stop Steve from going on.
“No, I remember you guys saying that nothing fun was happening tonight so you guys weren’t going out, that’s what you told me!” Steve said, he was white-knuckling the steering wheel.
“Look, Steve, Birdie’s not gonna tell you, but sometimes we’ve got to leave poor ol’ Stevie at home.” Eddie said, kicking his feet up on the block of an armrest between the driver’s and passenger’s seat.
“Not every night is meant to include you, sometimes daddy’s got to come out and play” He said with a smile and a laugh.
Robin sputtered, “Ew, ew, I never want to hear you say something like that again.”
The drive home consisted of laughter and chatter between Eddie and Robin.
Steve pulled up to the entrance of Eddie’s trailer park, it was a short walk, maybe two trailers in was Eddie’s home. Usually, Steve drove him right up to the entrance, any closer and Eddie would fall into his home after opening the door.
“We’re here” Steve said, and put his car in park.
Eddie balked, “Really, are you being serious right now Stevie?”
“Shut up, don’t call me that.” Steve said, quickly, afraid he sounded like a petulant child, but angry enough that it didn’t matter much. “Get out of my car.” He said each word, one by one.
“Okay, King Steve, I’ll never ask for a ride with getting you your invite.”
“You’re a real fuck head, Eddie.”
“Whatever,” Eddie said, and slammed the door.
“That wasn’t fair dude,” Robin said. “How are we supposed to trust you if-”
Steve turned around, giving Robin a death stare, “Nothing, I don’t want to hear it, I, fuck Rob, I trusted you guys”
“Shut. Up. Shut up.”
He dropped Rob off in front of her house, didn’t even pull into the driveway. He watched her get home safe, same way he did Eddie.
4. Steve’s Queer Agenda
Steve hasn’t been talking to them. He’s not gonna apologize first. And he’s not gonna speak to them until they apologize. Even if he felt like a bitch laying the silent treatment on thick.
Ian was rubbing his back, letting him lay all over him.
He mumbled into Ian’s lap.
“I can not understand jibberish.”
“Play with my hair, loser”
“Ooh, be nice.” Ian said, threading his finger into Steve’s hair.
There was a knock at the door, nice and sweet. Then another, practically knocking the door off its hinges.
“Okay, okay, coming” Steve shouted.
“Harrington residence, how can I help you?” Steve said.
Eddie smiled, pushing himself and Robin into the Harrington homestead.
Ian leaned up, peering over the sofa. He was looking for Steve, evident by the smile on his face, that fell quickly when he saw the culprits making Steve so, well, sad. Sad was the only way to put it. Beneath the quiet anger was hurt, and it hurt more than it made Steve angry. “Well, well, if it isn’t the terrible two-some”
“Bar guy?” Eddie said.
“Ian. My name is Ian.”
“Well, what are you two doing here because I don’t hear enough ass-kissing.” Ian said.
“Look,” Eddie said, looking from Ian to Steve “Maybe we all have the wrong idea,”
“Steve, I’m sorry we told you not to come out with us, and then had you come pick us up,” Robin said.
“Me too, I’m sorry” Eddie said.
“You’re a good ally” Eddie started.
“Are you fucking kidding me!” Steve interrupted. “Why even come if you’re just gonna fucking invalidate me to my face, what’s the point? I get it, I’m bisexual. I’m not gay. Fucking, Steve’s not queer enough to come out with us and get shitfaced. Whatever, call me whatever you want behind my back, but in my house? Really!”
“What?” Robin and Eddie said, practically in unision.
“Look, be biphobic somewhere else, okay. I don’t feel like dealing with this ever again.”
“No, no, I thought you were straight,”, “We,” Eddie gestured between himself and Robin, “thought you were straight.” Eddie practically tripped over his words, he was speaking them so fast.
“Are you fucking with me?” Steve said, “You thought I was straight.”
Eddie hesitantly nods, “We maybe thought you were straight.”
“Fucking, fuck you guys,”
“Yeah, fuck you guys” Ian said, repeated from the couch, laying down ergo he wasn’t visible anymore. “You made my boyfriend cry”
Robin looked horrified, “Steve, I didn’t know, I’m so so sorry. I never meant to make you feel like you didn’t have a community.” She quickly wiped away her tears, evidently determined not to cry right now, as she got red and sniffly. Robin walked toward Steve arms out like she was going to try to hug him. She was.
Robin said, “Can I hug you, Steve”
Steve, who had been trying to keep it all together, sniffled. He wasn’t going to cry if she wasn’t. He was supposed to be mad. He wrapped his arms around her, and buried his head in her shoulder.
Steve wanted to be angry, or he felt like he should be angry. Yet, he wasn’t, he was mad at them for making assumptions, for excluding him.
But, they were family. He’d been mad at them for as long he could, and then he’d taken to gray, blah, sadness. Not crying, but like trying to stave off a rainstorm. There was nothing he wanted to hear more than: we accept you.
It helped take the edge off. He could be mad about it later, take in all their forgiveness now.
“I’m really sorry, Steve, really, really, sorry” Robin said.
“We fucked up, Steve, I fucked up. I’m sorry too. I’m really sorry.” Eddie said.
“Now kiss,” Ian chimed in.
Steve laughed.
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tboybuck · 1 year
wip wednesday
i was not tagged by anybody but because i have finally been given permission to talk about my steddiebang project, i'm goddamn gonna.
Post up to five (5) filenames of your WIPs; not titles, file names.
Post a snippet from one of them. Snippet must be words you wrote in the last 7 days. We’re posting progress here. This is an opportunity to flex your steddiebang - DO THAT.
After you’ve posted, people can send you an ask with one of your file names. You must then write 3 sentences in that file.
That’s it! You can invite others to join in or just post.
*Optional: Respond the the ask with the lines you wrote. (This is me holding myself accountable honestly)
WIPS - all my file names already have titles
batter up! (steddiebang!!!)
greatest hits (final update forthcoming... at some point...)
for the bit (fake dating au, currently going thru a full rebrand)
Early in the week, Wrigley Field welcomes the press for interviews about their upcoming games, the spring season now well underway, and a reporter from ESPN actually has the nerve to ask Steve about it.
“Yeah, of course I’ve listened to it,” Steve tells her, forcing a smile. “Eddie and I graduated high school together. He’s really made a name for himself, huh?”
“Well, you do know what the rumor is, don’t you? It’s been all over Reddit all week.”
Of course Steve knows what the going rumor is. It’s him, he is the rumor. He puts on his best doofus expression. “No, I hadn’t heard. I don’t spend much time online these days.”
He waits for her to say it, for the ESPN reporter he once went down on in the locker room after everybody else went home for the night to tell him that he is the subject of even more gay rumors, less than a year after he’d been caught fucking a teammate in the very same locker room where he fucked her.
What’s her name again…? Shelby? Sara? Samantha? Steve can’t fucking remember. She doesn’t say it, though; she puts a finger to her earpiece and smiles once again at the camera.
“Looks like that’s all we have time for,” she says instead. “This is Simone Tindell, signing off for ESPN.”
Simone. That’s right.
The camera shuts off, and Simone smacks Steve on the arm. “You do know, don’t you?”
“Off the record?” Simone nods. “Of course I know. That asshole hasn’t been subtle a day in his life. The album art? Cheap Cubs uniform? Number seven on his wristband? He practically gift-wrapped the rumors for me.”
“Is it about you, Steve?”
“You think Robin would let me say one way or another?” Steve asks, holding his hands out in a placating gesture. “And you can say as much as you want that you won’t tell anyone if I confirm it, but you’re a reporter above all else, Simone. If you get the scoop, you gotta run it.”
“Can you tell me what your favorite song is, at least?”
“No,” Steve says, short and simple. “I’m not talking about it. If I talk about it too much, the rumors will just get worse, and I really, honestly wanted to keep a low profile this season.”
“Are you mad at Eddie for releasing the album when he did?”
“No comment, Simone, okay? Let it drop already.”
“Are you done flirting?” calls one of his teammates.
“Fuck you, Carver.”
“Fuck me yourself, Harrington,” Jason Carver says with a wink.
“Better stay away from that one this season,” Simone teases. 
“Learned my lesson last year,” Steve says, nodding in agreement.
It got really bad last year. Carver had been deeper in the closet than Steve at the time, with the gold crucifix practically glued to his neck and the sign of the cross in the batter’s box every time he stepped up to the plate. 
The media storm overshadowed the team’s eight-win streak and put Steve in a vat of hot water.
Not both of them, just Steve. Because he already had a reputation before Carver even joined the team. And now on top of being a bitch and a slut, here he was corrupting a good Catholic boy from the Bible Belt, tempting him into sin. The accusations had sent Steve reeling, because they were the very same types of accusations Eddie had gotten after… well, after everything. 
With Carver last year it was never serious, so after getting caught it was easy for them to put a stop to it, but it has been months and they are both still being asked about their relationship. And Jason fucking Carver is still doing the absolute fucking most when there are cameras around that might see him within arm’s reach of Steve. Carver’s stats are garbage, so like… anything to have his name in print, right? Even if the only leg he’s got left to stand on is whatever relationship they may have had last year.
There never was a relationship, is the thing. They fucked around a couple of times here and there, and Steve was finished with him the one singular time he brought Carver back to his condo and watched him push his cat off the bed. Petty? Maybe, but he was never worth the headache in the first place.
In the months since the thing between them that had never even been a thing to begin with, Steve has continued to date around. He went out with a tattoo artist for a few weeks before dropping him when he realized he hated the way the guy laughed. And then there was the girl he’d gone out with a few times that had a cockatiel. He dumped her because she had a cockatiel. 
That’s another thing; Steve Harrington, serial dater, can’t commit.
It was never like that with Eddie. Sure, things between them ended badly, and way sooner than either of them would have liked, but that was justified. When you’re eighteen, threats about college and a beating from your dad outweighs every good thing in your life. Especially when every good thing runs away from the fight and leaves you to deal with it on your own, even after all the promises you made to each other.
Steve doesn’t know if he’s ready to reconcile with Eddie; he doesn’t know if he should. They were good in high school, an unlikely but compatible match in almost every way. They argued sometimes, about what they were to one another, because Steve wasn’t ready to be out, but the time they spent alone together remains some of the best memories of Steve’s high school career. Not even state championships could compare.
tagging literally all my followers and mutuals who are taking part in the bang. please join in, today's the wednesday to do it! even if you're not doing the bang and working on something else, please join in!
21 notes · View notes
bwabys-scenarios · 1 year
Fixer Upper
Part 15
Perv!Kurapika x Fem!Reader
part 14
part 16
taglist: @fabitheraven @tsukilover11 @ashdownunderscorebeloved @lemonslut @homeinmydreams @superweeniehutjrsblog @bugmomwrites @heartsforseo @lixiawinter @altaircc @itszenava @fiightforlovee @mimi-sanisanidiot @monainanuttshell @wow-im-gay @whorermoviestar @lightshowerrr @mama-m1na @aceywaceyboobybear
If you’d like to be ADDED to the taglist, please comment a red heart ❤️, make sure you’re able to be tagged/mentioned, and have your age in your bio(IF YOU ARE ALREADY ON THE TAGLIST, YOU DON’T NEED TO ASK TO BE ADDED AGAIN!!)
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They rode by airship for a day, before switching to riding by train.
(Name) stretched as they excited the airship, now wearing a soft blue sweater with a drop shoulder and bishop sleeves, along with a white, pleated skirt. One of her legs had a knitted white and blue thigh high, the other covered in her white cast.
“That flight was so relaxing!” Leorio said, pulling (Name)’s suitcase behind him.
“Well this time we were in first class, not like when we flew during the exam.” Kurapika said, watching (Name) and Gon with a small smile.
“What are we going to do now?” Gon asked as he trailed behind (Name), holding onto her sweater so he wouldn’t get lost on the crowd.
“Now, we need to find a train.” (Name) said, giggling when Gon jumped in excitement.
(Name) followed behind the two, occasionally being helped up steps by Kurapika or Leorio.
Gon opened the door to their first class room, the group gasping.
“So this what a first class cabin looks like!”
Gon jumped onto the red couch. “Oh this is great, it’s so soft!”
He began sinking, Kurapika walking over. “What’s the matter, Gon?”
“I don’t think I’ll ever be able to get out of this thing.”
“You’re injured, so you should be taking it easy.” He turned to look at (Name). “You too, sunshine. Go ahead and rest.”
She sighed, plopping down on the couch next to Kurapika.
“I was hoping we could go and explore the train together!”
(Name) blinked as she began sinking into the plush couch, hearing Kurapika gasp beside her.
“Are you kidding? What makes you think I wanna do that? You always try to poke your nose where it doesn’t belong, no thanks.”
“So what am I supposed to do then?”
“Why don’t you ask Kurapika or (Name)? Maybe they’ll go with you.”
“Hmm… well Kurapika, (Name), what the-“
(Name) had fallen sideways, pretty much all up in Kurapika’s lap. Her upper half rested between his legs, and when he pulled them up to try and hide himself he kneed her in the face.
“Ahh, (Name), I’m so sorry!”
Gon sighed. “Yeah, never mind.”
Kurapika hovered around (Name) as Leorio held her face. “You’re fine, there won’t even be a bruise.”
The blonde sighed in relief, sitting next to her again. “I’m so sorry, (Name). I didn’t mean to, I-“
She shushed him with a finger to his lips. “I already told you, it’s okay. It was accident, you didn’t mean to.”
He pursed his lips, before realizing it looked like he was kissing her finger. She giggled, pulling away.
“… it still hurt you though, and I’m sorry for that.”
He leaned down and pulled her into a hug. “I want to protect you, always be there for you.”
She patted his back. “Thank you, Pika. I know you would never hurt me on purpose.”
The blonde sighed against her shoulder. “You’re too kind, (Name). Thank you for putting your trust in me, you won’t regret it.”
They pulled away from each other, Leorio stepping between them. “Okay, (Name), it’s time for your medicine. You can get all lovey dovey with each other after.”
“Lovey dovey!?” Kurapika exclaimed, face going red. (Name) glanced at the blonde before her face also heated up.
She took her medicine before sitting back down. “Oh, it’s a pretty high dose… meh, you should be okay. You’ll just be a little…”
It took only 10 minutes for the medicine to take effect. “Leorio… my head feels funny…”
She started to sway, before Kurapika laid her down. “Hey, you should lie down before you hit your head.”
The girl whined, grabbing his tabard and pulling him into his arms. “Pikaaa! Don’t wanna!”
He attempted to break free of her grasp, but couldn’t without hurting her. ‘Looks like I’m stuck here.’
But really, lying next to her as she cuddled into him, occasionally feeling her lips brush against his cheek wasn’t… awful.
In fact Kurapika was enjoying himself quite a bit. She was in his arms, gently holding onto him like he was something precious to her. He found himself returning her cuddles, nuzzling into her shoulder.
The girl eventually fell asleep, keeping a tight hold on him even as she slept. “Wow, look at you Kurapika. Got yourself a girlfriend.”
The blonde flipped Leorio off. “Shut up, she’s asleep.”
“What does that mean?” Gon asked, holding up his middle finger.
Kurapika blinked before hiding his face in (Name)’s shoulder to avoid accountability. Leorio sighed. “Gon, don’t do that. It’s an offensive gesture.”
The boy quickly hid his finger. “Oh, I’m sorry!”
When (Name) woke up, she released Kurapika, but still kept her head on his shoulder. That was, until she needed to use the bathroom.
The other two were getting dressed for the day and brushing their teeth, but Kurapika was helping her stand up. “Do you want me to come with you?”
The still loopy (Name) giggled. “Pikaa, why would you come with me? We can’t pee together, it’s the women’s restroom!”
He blushed, but she wasn’t done. “Well… you do kinda look like a girl…”
Leorio interrupted to save his blonde friend the embarrassment. “Go on, (Name). If you’re not back in 10 minutes we’ll come looking for you.”
She whined. “But I’ll miss my Pika!”
Kurapika patted her shoulder. “I’ll be right here. Just go ahead, the sooner you get it over with the sooner you can lie back down.”
She sighed, walking away slowly on her crutches.
“Will she be alright? It’s hard enough walking while… loopy, but with crutches-“
Leorio snickered. “Why don’t you go hold her hand while she pees if you’re so worried?”
Kurapika huffed, plopping back down on the couch. “You’re so crude. Is it so wrong to worry about a friend?”
Gon smiled. “No, I think it’s nice. You gotta protect her after all, right?”
The blonde nodded, a smile returning to his face. “Yeah, I do.”
Gon held up a roll of tape, already wearing several bits of tape on his face like a beard.
“Gon, that’s going to hurt when you pull it off.” Kurapika said, glancing up from his book. The boy tilted his head, looking him dead in the eye as he sticks another piece of tape to his cheek.
“Don’t come crying to me when your face is red and swollen.” Leorio chimed in.
“Be nice to my baby!”
They looked to to see (Name) poking her head in through the door, pouting.
“We weren’t being mean we-“
(Name) huffed, walking in and plopping down next to Gon. “Excuses. Gon, I think your… beard looks great!”
He beamed, before looking down to her cast. “It sucks that you can’t wear your socks on your other leg, now you aren’t matching.”
She sighed, a pout on her lips as she stared down at her white cast. “Yeah, it sucks but what can you do.”
Kurapika patted her hand before standing up to leave. “I’ll go grab us some drinks. I’ll be right back, (Name).”
(Name) watched him leave, sighing. “(Name), no pouting. He’s not gonna be gone for long.”
She crossed her arms, Gon frowning. ‘What can I do to cheer her up..?’
Gon glanced down at the tape, an idea coming to mind.
He held the roll of tape up to her thigh high, seeing the color nearly perfectly matched the color.
“(Name), can I see you cast?”
Kurapika walked down the hallway, holding a few cans of juice in his arms. He smiled to himself thinking of (Name)’s reaction when she saw he’d gotten her strawberry juice.
“(Name), I’m b-“
He felt his cheeks turn a light pink at the scene in front of him. Gon was putting the final touches on his idea, the girl beaming at Kurapika.
“Pika, Pika look! Gon made them match!”
He looked at her cast, seeing Gon lean back after putting on the last piece of tape. He’d made little stripes along the cast, attempting to match her thigh high. It wasn’t perfect, but (Name)’s excited face made Kurapika’s heart melt.
‘This is the cutest thing I’ve ever seen.’
He walked over, quietly squishing her cheeks. “It’s… it’s cute. Your cast, I mean.”
She giggled, Leorio smacking Kurapika’s arm. “Hey, what are you doing?”
Kurapika blinked, realizing what he did. “Oh-“
He pulled his hands away from her cheeks, the girl immediately reaching out to pull his hands back. “Noo, don’t stop!”
Kurapika’s eyes softened when he saw her lip quiver lightly. “Alright, I won’t.”
He cupped her cheeks again, squeezing gently this time. ‘Soft…’
Leorio groaned. “You two make me SICK! Gon, let’s get out of here.”
The boy giggled, waving to the two before following Leorio out the door.
(Name) seemed perfectly content in that moment, nuzzling against his palm.
And he didn’t mind, not one bit.
They arrived at the town where they would find Kukuroo Mountain. As they excited the train, Kurapika was beginning to realize how much walking they’d be doing.
“(Name), do you want me to-“
She was already being hoisted up into Leorio’s arms. “Come on, princess. You shouldn’t be walking on that leg.”
The blondes eyebrow twitched, and he was a little happy when (Name) began to struggle in Leorio’s arms. “Noooo, I want Pika!”
Kurapika marched over, pulling her into his arms and sticking his tongue out at the taller man. “I’ve got you, (Name). I’m right here.”
Gon tilted his head. “Wouldn’t it be better if Leorio held her, since he’s a doctor in training?”
(Name) teared up, shaking her head. “No! Only Pika!”
“Well, can’t argue with that.”
Gon patted her back. “It’s okay, Kurapika will carry you. He’s gonna keep you safe.”
Kurapika felt his chest swell with pride, his tummy full of butterflies as she chose him. She wanted him, and only him.
He couldn’t deny that it felt good to be the one she sought after when she was in need.
“A tour bus?”
“They really have that?”
(Name) grumbled when she heard them talking, burying her face in Kurapika’s shoulder. The woman they’d asked directions from smiled softly at the sight, lowering her voice as to not wake the sleeping girl.
She woke up when she was jostled by the bumpy bus ride. “Ugh…”
She held her head, looking up at the ceiling of some vehicle, feeling herself jump a little.
“Oh, (Name), you’re awake. Did you sleep well?”
She blinked, not answering his question. “Where am I… how am I…”
She looking down, to see her lower half sitting in Leorio’s lap. “Oh, we’re on a bus. We figured lying across us would be the most c-“
(Name) immediately tried to roll off of them, Leorio pulling her back up by the hips until she was sitting upright in his lap.
“Hey, stay still! You’re gonna hurt y-“
He hissed when she began wiggling around, squeezing the fat of her hips until she stopped.
He let go, instead wrapping his arms around her waist. “You can’t be trusted to not fall and hurt yourself, so I’m going to keep a hold on your until we come to a stop.”
Kurapika smacked Leorio’s arm. “Hey, why is she saying ow? Did you hurt her?”
His eyes flashed red, the girl whining and reaching out for Kurapika.
“Want my Pika…”
Leorio groaned. “Kurapika, trust me, you can’t handle all this.”
He gestured to the girls wide hips, that rested right on top of his crotch. Kurapika raised an eyebrow. “And you can?”
Leorio scowled. “Better than you could.”
(Name) eventually fell back asleep, this time looking miserable. “Ya know, she could at least be a little grateful I’m holding onto her.”
“Well she didn’t want you, she wanted me.”
Leorio didn’t quite like the way Kurapika said it with that smug smile on his face. “Uh huh.”
(Name) whimpered in her sleep, hiding her face in Leorio’s neck. He groaned when he felt her lips brush against his sensitive skin.
“What was that?”
Kurapika gave the blushing man a suspicious look. “N-nothing! Just… ready to get to our destination.”
(Name) mumbled something against his skin, Leorio shivering. “(N-Name)? Did you say something?”
She was quiet, and he could feel that her breathing was steady. “Pika…”
He sighed, glancing at the blonde, he was holding onto (Name)’s hand, thumb grazing her knuckles.
‘Can she feel him comforting her, even in her sleep?’
(Name) woke up again when she heard people screaming. She groaned, eyes fluttering open to see she was outside now.
She was being shielded from something, Kurapika crouched over her as something exploded in the distance.
“There’s not a scratch on it!” Gon said.
(Name) rubbed her eyes, slowly trying to stand before Kurapika offered his help. “(Name)!”
He seemed happy to see her awake, offering her crutches. “There you are, (Name). Can you walk?”
She nodded slowly, standing next to them as two people shook down an old man and took his keys. They entered the small doors, the guard sighing to himself.
“Ahh, now they’re going spike Mikes appetite.”
“Doesn’t that sound like the name of a cat?”
(Name) yawned as people screamed from behind the gate, and only blinked sleepily when a claw dropped off two skeletons through the door.
“Alright everybody, time to get back on the bus!” Coco, the tour guide called. Gon only shook his head.
“It’s okay, you go ahead. We’re going to stay here, thanks!”
(Name) sat in Leorio’s lap again as Zebro spoke to the group. She was trying her best to listen, but her head still felt fuzzy. She was able to stay awake long enough for Zebro to finish his explanation.
The keys were a distraction, the only true way to get into the estate was through the heavy main doors.
Leorio handed (Name) off to Kurapika as they walked outside so he could try pushing the gate open.
When he couldn’t, the old man nodded. “This gate is also known as the testing gate. If you can’t open it, then you have no business entering the Zoldyck property. Now if you’ll please stand aside.”
Zebro took off his jacket and tie before pushing open the gate. (Name) gasped. “Wow, you’re jacked!”
Leorio pouted next to her, before attempting to push the gate again.
“You’re a very clever young man, you know that? Never attack anyone that comes through the testing gate. That’s the other order Mikes been giving.”
He smiled at the girl in Kurapika’s arms, who looked perfectly content. She’d fallen asleep again.
(Name) whined a little when she felt something nuzzle into her side. She heard Gon laugh nearby, slowly opening her eyes to see it was now dark, and some wolf like animal was curling up next to her.
The two older boys had their weapons out, assumably ready to defend Gon and (Name) if needed, but the animals seemed to become tame in their arms, a few even surrounding the girl as she drifted back off to sleep.
“Do you think it’s okay to leave her out here?”
“She should be okay, I can sense that none of these animals wanna h-“
“I’m not leaving her out here alone. Not when it’s dark and she’s surrounded by those beasts. One of them chomped on Gon’s head earlier!”
“Aww, but he was just being-“
He was silenced when they watched the wolf do the same to (Name), Kurapika having to be held back to not kill the animal.
(Name) yelped when she was snatched up, the wolves that had surrounded her growling at the blonde.
“Hey Gon, would you like to go in and meet Mike now?”
“Then I’ll open the testing gate so you can see him face to face this time.”
“I’d like that!”
(Name) felt Kurapika hold onto her tighter as they walked the testing gate. When she opened her eyes, there was a beast of a dog staring at them. “Puppy?”
When it made eye contact with (Name), it faltered for just a second, then tilted its head. Zebro seemed surprised, but didn’t say anything. ‘In all my years, I’ve never seen Mike act that way when taking in the scent of someone new…’
“No, (Name), that is NOT a puppy.” Kurapika said, patting her back. “Go back to sleep.”
“Well, we should probably get moving. The servant quarters aren’t too far from here. We’ll put you up for the night, come, follow me.”
(Name) hummed, spotting Gon next to her. “Gon, sweetheart, you getting sleepy?”
She played with his hair, before squeezing his cheek. Gon laughed, leaning into her touch. “Haha, not as sleepy as you I bet!”
She laughed, before Kurapika readjusted her in his arms for the walk to the servants quarters.
(Name) was sat down once they reached the servants quarters, yawning as Kurapika helped her good foot into a slipper. Zebro moved just in time to catch her when all of the others fell.
“What’s with the slippers??” Kurapika asked.
“Oh right, I forgot, they each weigh 20 kilograms.”
Zebro set her down at the table, fixing the group cups of tea.
Leorio gasped when he took the cup.
“Hey, what’s wrong with you?”
“You’ll know soon… enough! Just try to take a sip of your tea.”
(Name) watched as the two struggled to lift their cups before leaning down to lap at it like a cat.
Kurapika pushed her back a little. “(Name), don’t do that. It’s bad manners.”
He instead lifted her cup to her lips, allowing her to sip. She drank, then smiled up at him. “I love you Pika…”
He blushed, dropping the cup. “Love? I…”
She yawned, leaning her head on the table again. He wasn’t sure what to do, watching the girl sleep with his face as red as his new tabard.
“Wow, was the tea that good?” Leorio joked, elbowing his blonde friend. Kurapika didn’t answer, only leaning down to kiss the top of her head.
Gon and Leorio glanced at each other, the boy smiling wide.
When she awoke again, she was sleeping resting in a bed, the sky dark. She sat up slowly, holding her head.
She looked around, wondering if her friends were nearby, only to be greeted by an empty room.
“Gon? Leorio?”
Her voice became more frantic by the second. “P-Pika?”
She stumbled out of bed, yelping when she fell to the floor. (Name) groaned, reaching for her crutches when she heard the door open.
“(Name)- oh no, are you hurt?”
It was Kurapika. He wasn’t wearing his tabard, just his tanktop and pants. Kurapika rushed over and helped her up, sitting her back in her bed.
“I’m okay… but…”
She began tearing up, pawing at his shirt. “You left me all alone… where did you go?”
He sighed, sitting on the bed next to her. “Zebro thought it was best if you slept in this bedroom. It’s the only room in the house with normal appliances, so you can open the door to use the bathroom easily. Considering you need to use crutches and are still taking your pain medication, it’s only fair.”
She whimpered, holding onto his hand. “But why did you leave me?”
He blinked, seeing that her eyes were still half lidded, meaning she was still not fully there. “(Name), I’m… I’m a man, I was sleeping in the same room as Gon and Leorio.”
Tears fell from her eyes as she tugged on his shirt. “But we’ve been sleeping together most of the exam…”
He attempted to reason with her, holding onto her hand. “But (Name), the exam is over. We don’t need t-“
She began fully crying then, pulling away to rub at her eyes. “Th-then you only wanted to sleep with me b-because you had to?”
His blood ran cold at her tears, the blondes hands hovering around her as he frantically tried to think of what to do.
“N-no! I…”
He pulled her into his chest, holding onto her like she was something precious to him, something he couldn’t bare to lose.
“Being… being next to you is all I could ever want. I…”
He went quiet, simply tucking her into bed before climbing in next to her. She sniffles, snuggling up to him as he soothed her, planting sweet kisses on the top of her head.
“Doesn’t feel right without my Pika…” she said softly as she drifted off to sleep. The blonde felt his heart thump against his ribs painfully, resting his chin on the top of her head.
“Your Pika is right here. So no more tears, okay?”
She nodded before leaning up to give him a kiss on his cheek, barely missing his lips. “Mhm… love you, Pika…”
The blonde could barely contain his excitement, wanting to squeeze her tightly and kiss her all over, but she was asleep again. Instead, he wiped away her tears and tried to sleep too.
But it was hard when his heart felt like it was going to beat out of his chest.
“Oh wow, and he calls ME a pervert. I don’t sneak into girls rooms in the middle of the night, but he gets to!”
Kurapika and (Name) groaned at the loud voice of Leorio, the former throwing a pillow at him.
“Hey! Just because you’re tired from your fun night with (Name) doesn’t mean you get to sleep in!”
The blonde sat up, rubbing his eyes as the girl next to him whined, scooting towards him to cuddle into his tummy. This surprised him, causing him to giggle. “Hey, (Name)! That tickles!”
She giggled as well, sticking her tongue out at him. “Now you know how I felt!”
Leorio groaned. “Come on, it’s time for breakfast. Kurapika, let’s leave so she can get dressed.”
(Name) was suddenly wide awake at that. “Wait, no! Don’t leave!”
She wrapped her arms around Kurapika’s waist, staring up at him. He tilted his head, cheeks beginning to turn pink again. “(Name) I have to leave while you change.”
She frowned, but sighed. “Well… can you wait outside the door for me? Please?”
He couldn’t say no to that cute face. “Alright, but hurry up.”
(Name) nodded, moving to throw her shirt off before the door was even all the way closed. The blonde decided to ignore the fact he’d nearly seen her shirtless, sighing to himself. ‘That girl…’
She pushed the door open, Kurapika pushing off of the wall he was leaning against to greet her. Today, she wore another sweater, this one a lilac color. She wore shorts toady, another pair of knitted striped thigh highs.
Or well, one thigh high, since she couldn’t wear one of her broken leg. She looked cute, but he was frustrated for her. It was winter, and she couldn’t even wear pants to keep herself warm. Thankfully, the knitted thigh high seemed to help a bit.
He helped her walk down the stairs, spinning her around a little when he helped her down the final stair.
“Hehe, Pikaa!”
She giggled as he spun her, the blonde soon joining in on her laughter. “Sorry, I couldn’t help it.”
He pulled out her chair for her when she sat down at the table, almost about to feed her, but she shook her head. “Thanks Pika, but I’ve gotta train too!”
“She’s right. We’ll need everyone’s help if we’re going to see Killua before we have to leave!” Gon said, taking a bite of his breakfast.
For a bit, she struggled to lift up her fork, eventually able to lift a bite of eggs to her mouth. Once she was able to do that, Kurapika sighed and began to eat his own food.
(Name) fell over when they put the weighted vest on her. “(Name)!”
She sat up with a great effort, being pulled to her feet by the blonde. “Maybe it’s best if she doesn’t wear-“
“No, I can wear it! It’s…”
She grunted, holding onto her crutches. “It’s just going to take some getting used to.”
Zebro watched the two with great interest. ‘That girl, they worry a great deal about her, but she seems capable to me…’
He didn’t miss the way Leorio hovered around her, the tall man’s eyebrows furrowed. ‘Something else must be causing his anxieties.’
(Name) began training with the group, but because of her injury, she was stuck doing things that allowed her to sit down.
The girl grumbled as she washed dishes, struggling to lift the heavy glass plates.
“You’re doing a great job, (Name).”
The girl glanced up from her work to see Zebro pulling on his jacket. “With your injury, I’m surprised you’re able to do even this.”
She sighed, placing her rag in the water. “Thanks, Mr. Zebro. I’ll continue to try my best.”
He gave her a friendly pat on the back before he left.
(Name) was tasked with cooking dinner, keeping the downstairs clean, and helping Kurapika with any tasks that he had to do sitting down.
Currently, she was making sandwiches. The girl peeked out the window where the boys were training. “Hey, guys, how do you like your sandwiches?”
“I like ham and cheese!” Gon said, smiling. Leorio agreed with him.
“Yeah, me too but add some lettuce on mine!”
She glanced at Kurapika, who let out a tired sigh before smiling. “I’m not picky, but…”
He scratched the back of his head sheepishly. “Could you cut off the crust?”
“Yeah, sure! Gon likes the crust cut off too, Killua as w-“
(Name) went quiet, her face falling. The three exchanged a look before Gon walked forward. “Hey, don’t be sad, (Name). We’re gonna get him back. No matter what!”
She sighed before giving him a smile. “Yeah, no matter what!”
The three continued their work, coming inside to eat lunch.
When it was time for bed, both Gon and Leorio snuck glances at the blonde as he pulled off his tabard.
“Are you you going to sleep with (Name) tonight?” Gon asked after brushing his teeth.
The blonde shook his head. “No, she’s sleeping by herself tonight. To heal properly, she needs plenty of rest and room to move around. I told her as much.”
Leorio snickered. “What did you do to get her to agree to that?”
Kurapika narrowed his eyes, before sighing. “I promised I would… I would cuddle with her before bed.”
His cheeks began to turn pink, Gon laughing. “Aww, you’re so nice, Kurapika. I’m sure she feels nice and safe now!”
Kurapika nodded slowly, climbing into bed. “Yes, I hope she does.”
Leorio pulled off his shirt before turning off the light. “Aight, lights out. Goodnight, guys.”
“Goodnight Leorio!”
They all drifted off to sleep as the moon watched over them.
Kurapika sat in the Kurta Clan Elders room, kneeling on the floor.
‘I’m… here? Why…’
“So, I heard from Pairo that you lied about the outside seeing your scarlet eyes.”
He felt his blood run cold, pale hands clutching at his tabard. “Elder, I… I just wanted to see the outside world, I’d didn’t mean to trick you.”
“You didn’t just trick us, Kurapika. You killed us.”
The man turned around, the blondes eyes going wide with shock and fear. His elder’s eyes were gone, the empty eye sockets crying tears of blood.
“Was it worth it, Kurapika? Was the outside worth getting all of us killed?”
The elder stepped forward, grabbing Kurapika’s shoulder and shaking him. “They desecrated our corpses, took our eyes, killed our children, and you weren’t there. You should have died with us!”
Kurapika shot up, clutching his chest as his heart hammered against his ribs. Tears streamed down his face, the blonde gasping for air as he frantically felt around the bed.
‘Need her… where is she?’
He looked down to the empty spot next to him, remembering he hadn’t slept next to (Name) tonight. Before he could even think, he was walking out of the bedroom door and down the hall.
Kurapika stumbled into (Name)’s bedroom, consequentially waking up the sleeping girl. “Pika? Pika are you alright?”
He didn’t answer, and it was almost like he was on autopilot. Kurapika didn’t fully register climbing into her bed and burying his head into her chest, only able to feel the warmth of her embrace around his body as he sobbed.
(Name) wasn’t sure what was going on, but she knew he was distressed. He choked out a few words, mostly apologies and promises to make things right. She had the feeling he wasn’t saying this to her.
“Shh, shh, just breathe, okay? Deep breaths, Pika.”
He struggled, his breath coming out shaky as he attempted to listen to her instruction. She felt her shirt become wet with snot and tears, but that was the furthest from her mind.
“Breathe with me, okay?”
She cupped his cheeks, wiping his tears as she breathed. It took a few attempts, but he started to follow her lead, taking in a shaky breathe with her and letting it out.
Kurapika calmed down gradually, his racing heart slowing enough for him to breathe normally. After a few minutes, he sighed, leaning into her touch as she wiped away his tears. “There, that’s better.”
Kurapika opened his eyes, seeing her looking at him with those pretty (e/c) eyes. He didn’t realize just how much her presence alone could comfort him, the blonde leaning forward to press his forward against hers.
“You okay, Pika? You don’t have to tell me what happened, but if you want to talk it out I’m here for you.”
He took a moment to respond, his eyelids fluttering shut. “It… it was a nightmare.”
She waited for him to continue, rubbing soothing circles into his back.
“My… as you know, my clan was…”
He began to choke up again, quickly raising a hand to covers his watery eyes.
“You don’t have to tell me, I-“
He shook his head, lowering his hand to give her a soft smile. “No, no I would feel a lot better if I… talked it out with you.”
(Name) allowed Kurapika to take the lead, the blonde gesturing for her to sit up. She did, holding herself back from giggling when he wiggled around to lay his head in her lap.
He stared up at her, those pretty brown eyes seemingly waiting for her to do something.
She giggled slightly before placing her hand in his hair. “This what you wanted, sweetheart?”
He melted under her touch, nodding slightly. In this moment, Kurapika didn’t have the capacity to be embarrassed. All he could feel was the overwhelming need to be comforted.
And she was the only one that could fulfill that need.
“Whenever… whenever my clan was massacred, I was away trying to find a doctor for my friend.”
She frowned, the blonde sighing softly as her fingers combed through his hair.
“Before I was able to leave, I had to go to the outside world and return without my eyes turning red.”
(Name) tilted her head. “Why’s that?”
Kurapika cuddled into her stomach, smilingly lightly when she giggled. “Well, most people fear or covet our eyes, so them being seen by outsiders is considered dangerous.”
She’d forgotten about that. “Oh, yeah…”
Kurapika resisted the urge to plant kisses along her soft skin, instead nuzzling his cheek against her tummy. “Whenever we left, the elder gave us special eye drops so if they turned scarlet they would stay that way until we came home.”
(Name) nodded, brushing the hair out of his face so it wouldn’t get in his eyes.
“My friend switched out the eye drops for water, and when I failed the challenge, my eyes were able to fade back to brown before we got home.”
Kurapika let out a shaky breath, burying his face again. She felt his grip on her tighten, continuing to play with his hair.
This seemed to help a little, and after a few more tears, he was able to speak again. “… in my dream, my friend told the elder about my lie. I… I fear that my lie may have been the cause of their death. The elder… he was angry. He told me it was my fault…”
(Name) pushed him a little so she could look him in the eye. “Pika… let’s talk this out, okay?”
He nodded slowly, giving her his trust.
“Would your friend have done all that he did just to tell the elder you lied about your eyes?”
He was quiet for a moment before shaking his head. “No, that wouldn’t make sense.”
“And would your elder really blame a child for a simple mistake?”
Kurapika shook his head again, his eyes clearing up a bit. “He wouldn’t. The elder was a bit strict, but he was kind. He would never…”
Kurapika sighed in relief, like a burden had been lifted off his shoulders. “(Name), I can’t thank you enough. My mind is much clearer now.”
She smiled, leaning down to kiss his forehead. “No need to thank me. I’ll always be here for you, Kurapika.”
The blonde felt his entire body relax, his eyes softening as he looked up at her. Again, when he was looking up at her all he could think of was how angelic she looked.
“May I…”
He sat up, and fidgeted with her comforter. “May I sleep here tonight? If I get another nightmare, I d-“
She pulled him down again, this time cuddling into his chest. “Let’s get to sleep, or Leorio will scold us tomorrow.”
He wrapped his arms around her, sighing into her hair. “Thank you, (Name). You’re wonderful.”
She laughed, Kurapika unable to keep himself from smiling at the pretty sound. “You are too, Pika.”
As they embraced, Kurapika couldn’t help but sigh. ‘I’m sorry for being selfish, (Name). I woke you up, and now I’m taking up space in your bed again.’
He didn’t say this, though, instead drifting off to sleep as the girl in his arms hummed softly.
8 days passed by, the two now sleeping together every night. It made sense to, since Kurapika had frequent nightmares that could only be helped by (Name), and (Name) didn’t like sleeping alone.
Kurapika was teased a few times by Leorio, but for the most part no one turned blinked an eye at the pair heading to bed together.
They grew closer by the day, now comfortable enough to change with the other in the room. Of course, being the gentleman he was Kurapika always turned away while she changed, but couldn’t bare to leave her alone for too long. He told himself it was for her sake, but even he knew it was a lie. Kurapika wanted to be near her just as much as she wanted to be near him.
(Name) yawned, Kurapika helping her put her vest on after she changed. “I’m getting used to it, but it’s still a hassle.”
He nodded, pulling his own vest over his head. “You’re doing so well, though. The first day, you were barely able to pick up the glass plates, now you lift them with ease.”
(Name)’s face heated up at this comment, her hands playing with the fabric of her knee length skirt.
“I hadn’t even noticed, I guess the change was so gradual that I didn’t register it.”
He patted her head before pulling her to her feet. “It’s hard to notice change in yourself, but others can see it more easily.”
(Name) nodded, grabbing her crutches and standing in front of him. “Yeah, I guess you’re right. I can see you changing too, Pika!”
“How so?” he asked, ever curious.
“Well for one, you’re becoming a lot cuddlier.” she teased, pointing to his hand absentmindedly holding hers. Kurapika dropped her hand, cheeks turning red.
‘Wait, when did I grab her hand?’
Holding her, touching her had become second nature. He hadn’t even realized he’d been holding her hand until she pointed it out.
(Name) giggled at his reaction. “It’s alright, I don’t mind!”
She took his hand again, squeezing lightly. “If it’s you, I’ll never mind.”
That fuzzy feeling returned, Kurapika’s eyes softening as she led him out of their shared room. ‘I don’t mind, either, (Name).’
(Name) cheered as Kurapika opened up the testing gate. “You did it Pika!!”
She cheered, the blonde laughing when she jumped into his arms. “Couldn’t have done it without you cheering for me, (Name).”
They hugged, Kurapika taking in her warmth before letting go. “Alright Gon, your turn.”
Gon opened up the gate last, the other three congratulating him.
They said their goodbyes, (Name) following behind the others as they walked towards the Zoldyck manor.
(Name) winced as she struggled down the rocky path. Kurapika was quick to catch this. “(Name), are you…”
He looked down at the path, sighing. “I should have thought about this. Come here, (Name).”
She did as she was told, yelping when he picked her up, holding her bridal style. “I don’t want you hurting yourself.”
She stuttered out a response as he began walking. “B-but I’m way too…”
He tapped her thigh lightly. “Shh, I’ve got you. I’m not going to drop you.”
Now she was blushing, staring at his hand on her thigh. “Ok…”
Leorio rolled his eyes before picking up her crutches. “Stupid blonde and his stupid natural charisma…”
“What was that Leorio?” Kurapika asked, raising an eyebrow at the man.
(Name) poked her lip out in a pout, the blonde laughing. “Oh, don’t pout, (Name). You need your rest.”
But that wasn’t the only reason he was holding her now, only an excuse for his true intentions. He wanted to hold her.
Kurapika knew that their time together would be coming to an end soon, and when it did, he was afraid he wouldn’t seen her again.
(Name) held onto his red tabard, snuggling into the soft fabric. “Alright, but I get to hold you later.”
“H-hold me?”
His grip loosened, the girl squeaking as she began to slip from his grasp. Kurapika quickly repositioned her, giving an apologetic look.
“Sorry, you… surprised me.”
‘What does she mean by getting to hold me?’
(Name) continued pouting as they continued down the path, Gon occasionally trying to cheer her up.
“Look (Name), a ladybug!”
Although she did smile for a moment each time he showed her a new thing, she always went back to pouting.
Leorio saw a girl up ahead, glancing to (Name) and Kurapika.
“Hey, let’s leave (Name) at a safe location. In case…”
He glanced at the girl waiting for them, then back to (Name). “… that sounds like a good idea. I’ll be right back.”
(Name) blinked. “Wait, why can’t I come with you?”
Kurapika placed her down near a stream, smoothing out his tabard. “It won’t be long, once we find out if the girl is a threat or not, we’ll come back for you.”
(Name) tugged on his sleeve, her lip quivering. “But…”
Kurapika patted her head until she let go. “I’ll be back soon, (Name). Stay here, okay?”
She said watched him go before turning to watch the stream.
The three returned around 15 minutes later, Leorio and Gon being injured.
(Name) was quick to help them. “What happened?”
They explained that the girl they had seen was guarding the gate, and every time they stepped over a line drawn in the dirt, she removed them by force.
“That complicates things. Did you tell her we’re Killua’s friends?”
Gon nodded, staying quiet. He was frustrated, she could tell. She placed a comforting hand on his shoulder, the boy relaxing slightly. “Gon, if anyone can get through to her, it’s you. We haven’t known each other long, but you’re one of- no, THE most stubborn boy I know. If it weren’t endearing it would be annoying.”
Gon cracked a smile at this, glancing at her. “Thank you, (Name). I’ll keep trying.”
“That’s my boy!”
He giggled when she pulled him into her arms, ruffling his hair. Kurapika watched the scene with soft eyes, holding onto his tabard.
Leorio glanced at his blonde friend, face softening when he say Kurapika staring at (Name) with those lovesick eyes.
(Name) spent the next few hours making flowers crowns to cull her boredom. Every once and a while, she could hear the sound of something making impact with something else.
And in her heart, she could feel Gon’s resolve. He was the one being hit, she knew it.
(Name) jolted when she felt eyes on her. “Hello? Is anyone there?”
She grabbed her crutches, ready to use them as a weapon when she spotted them.
There was a child standing on the other side of the stream, staring at her with inquisitive pink eyes.
“… hello.”
(Name) glanced towards the path, estimating how much time it would take her to reach the others if the person decided to attack.
The two stared at each other, the child unmoving. “You are (Name), correct?”
The girl frowned, her grip on her crutches tightening. “Yes, why do you ask?”
The child didn’t respond, continuing to stare at her before turning and leaving. (Name) decided not to question the strange incident. She just kept a good grip on her crutches, hoping her friends would be back soon.
When the sun began to set, Kurapika returned. He gave her a small smile before picking her up again.
“We’re headed to the butlers quarters now. Supposedly we’ll be able to make a direct call to the house.”
(Name) nodded, brushing some dirt off of his cheek. “You alright, Pika?”
He laughed. “Yes, if there’s anyone you need to worry about, it’s Gon. You were right, he is incredibly stubborn.”
This caused the girl to fidget with his tabard uneasily. Kurapika noticed this, sighing. “He’s also alright, just a little bruised and swollen.”
She bit her lip. “Really?”
“Yes, now let’s get going.”
The two met up with Leorio, Gon, and Canary. (Name) chatted with the girl as they walked, Gon joining in as well. The other two stayed quiet, Kurapika’s grip on (Name) tightening occasionally.
‘This could be dangerous. At the first sign of trouble, I’ll run with her.’
He felt a little bad for this thought, but knew his friends would understand.
They arrived at the butlers quarters soon after, being welcomed in like esteemed guests. Kurapika sat (Name) down on the couch, sitting next to her soon after. He kept a hand on her shoulder as he scanned the room.
“Ah, I gotta pee…”
She tugged at one of the butlers sleeves. “Which way is the bathroom?”
The butler gave her a polite smile and pointed to the left hallway. “Thank you!”
Kurapika stood to follow her, but (Name) shook her head. “I’ll be fine! You stay here and make sure Gon doesn’t do anything stupid.”
He wanted to follow her, but wouldn’t go against her wishes. “… alright, but don’t take too long.”
She wobbled away, Kurapika watching her walk away with a sigh. “Oh god if you start sighing again I’m going to throw myself out a window.”
Kurapika scowled at the taller man. “Hmph.”
(Name) walked down the long hallway, occasionally peeking into rooms to see if it was the bathroom. She got a few weird looks from butlers but other than that nothing particularly unusual.
“Weird, there’s no bathroom this way…”
She glanced up the staircase. “Maybe there’s one up here…”
(Name) glanced down at her cast then back to the stairs. “Whelp. Yolo.”
She began walking upstairs, one at a time. It wasn’t easy, but she was slowly getting the hang of it!
That was until her crutches slipped, causing her to lose balance.
As she closed her eyes to brace herself for falling, ready to feel the pain of tumbling down the stairs, she paused.
“Wait, I’m… I’m not falling?”
“Yeah, that’s because I caught you.”
She blinked, opening her eyes to see killua holding onto her arm, looking both mildly irritated and amused.
This expression shifted to one of surprise when she launched herself forward to wrap her arms around him. “Killua!”
He felt tears begin to stain his shoulder, the girl not able to hold back her sobs as she held the boy tight. “You’re okay! Oh my god, I was so worried!”
He held onto the back of his shirt. “… I don’t understand. Why… why do you care about me so much?”
She sniffled, pulling away a little to give him a warm smile. “Because you’re my friend, Killua. Of course id worry about you.”
He didn’t know what to do, how to react. He could only bury his face in her shoulder, taking a minute to compose himself.
She held him gently as he steadied his breathing. Once he had regained his composure, he pulled away slowly. “… let’s go see Gon.”
The two walked downstairs, Killua keeping an eye on her to make sure she didn’t slip again.
(Name) opened the door, Killua right behind her. Kurapika’s eyes widened, the man shooting up to join her. “(Name)!”
He hugged her, burying his face in your shoulder. “I… you took so long, I was worried.”
“Sorry, Pika. I just couldn’t find the bathroom.”
Gotoh, the head butler heard this. “The bathroom? It’s just beyond that door.”
He pointed to a door on the right side of the room. She cast a glare at the butler that gave her the wrong directions. “I see…”
Kurapika followed her to the bathroom this time, waiting outside the door for her.
The five traveled by bus into town, all smiling and laughing. The group was back together again, and just in time too.
“Hey Kurapika, your flight isn’t until tonight, right? We should all spend the day together, since we’ll be going our separate ways.”
Kurapika nodded slowly, glancing at the girl next to him. “Yes… I think that’s a good idea.”
She snuggled closer into his side. “You know, I’m gonna miss you a lot, Pika.”
His breath hitched, squeezing her hand. “I…”
Leorio spoke up. “I’m starving, what are we eating for lunch?”
Killua perked up, about to speak but was stopped by (Name). “We can’t eat chocolate robots for lunch.”
They reached town soon after, the group splitting into two groups to sight see. Kurapika and (Name) were an automatic pair, the blonde not even considering going with anyone else.
“Alright, I’ll go with Killua and Gon. Kurapika…”
He put a hand on the blondes shoulder. “Don’t get her pregnant.”
(Name) began laughing while Kurapika turned bright red. He smacked Leorio’s hand, unable to even speak.
“Oh don’t tease him, Leorio.”
She looped her arm with his. “My Pika would never have thoughts like that. Right?”
He stuttered out a response. “Y-yes of course!”
They began walking away, Kurapika feeling his heart beat against his chest. ‘Pregnant? That’s…’
The image of her, sitting at the kitchen table with a cute baby bump, making cookies appeared in his mind. “Pika, you’re home!”
She kissed his cheek, giving him that pretty smile that he would never get tired of. “Look, she’s kicking!”
She placed his hand on her baby bump, and he could feel tears brimming in his eyes. “She’s saying ‘hi daddy!’”
“Pika? Earth to Pika!”
The blonde jumped when he saw her hovering in front of him, waving her hand in front of his face.
‘Did I really just imagine…’
“Sorry, what were you saying (Name)?”
The two continued to chat as they walked around town. Eventually, they met up with the others for lunch.
(Name) sipped on her favorite milkshake, kicking her feet. Kurapika smiled, his head in his hand as he watched her.
“Is it good?”
She nodded quickly, continuing to sip on it. Kurapika couldn’t help but sigh dreamily. She looked adorable, really, enjoying her milkshake under the little umbrella over their table.
“Man, I wish I ordered one, you’re really selling it.”
Leorio stared at her milkshake, and (Name), being the sweet girl she is, offered it to him. “Here, you can have the rest! If I drink too much I’ll get a tummy ache.”
Leorio cheered, reaching out to grab the milkshake, but it was quickly snatched away by Kurapika. “Hey! Y-“
He watched as the blonde placed the straw in his mouth while making direct eye contact with him.
“Oh, Pika! That’s not nice.” (Name) scolded, but by the time she did, he’d already sucked down the rest of the milkshake.
“Pikaa, you’re gonna get a tummy ache.”
“And a knuckle sandwich you little-“
The waitress approached their table. “Hi, will you be paying together, or do I need to split the bill?”
(Name) paused, her face going pale. ‘Oh crap, I don’t have any money.’
She made a distressed noise as she began to dig around in her backpack, but Leorio was quick to speak up. “It’s together, I’ll be paying.”
Kurapika held up a card. “No, I’ll be paying.”
Gon pulled out a few bills. “Wait I’ve got it!”
But they all paused when Killua pulled out a card that obviously didn’t belong to him. “Here.”
The waitress smiled and took the card. “I’ll be right back with your receipt.”
Kurapika was pouting. ‘I wanted to pay for her lunch…’
(Name) shyly toyed with her napkin. “Thank you, everyone. I really appreciate it.”
The all gave her a smile, Gon stuffing his money back into his bag. “It’s no problem! I know you would have done the same for me!”
She smiled, reaching over to pat the boys head. “Of course!”
Leorio blinked as the blonde walking next to him groaned. “Are you seriously dragging your feet like a child?”
Kurapika huffed. “No.”
“You are. You are and it’s actually pretty funny. Just because (Name) isn’t around doesn’t mean you have to turn into a brat.”
Just a few minutes ago, (Name) parted ways with them to hang out with Killua and Gon for a bit. They were headed to the arcade, and when Kurapika began to pout about not getting to come with her, she pulled him to the side.
“Pika, I need you to do something very important for me, okay?”
He nodded slowly, allowing her to gently pull him down so she could whisper in his ear. “I need you to make sure Leorio doesn’t get into any trouble, okay?”
Kurapika sighed. “Okay, I can do that.”
She patted his cheek. “Good boy.”
His face erupted into a dark red blush at the pet name. “M-mhm.”
Kurapika didn’t want to leave her side, not even for a second, but he would do next to anything to please her.
“What can I do to get you to stop pouting?”
Kurapika glanced at his taller friend, who was giving him a sympathetic look.
“… well…”
He twiddled his thumbs, staring at the ground as his cheeks turned pink again. “I, um… I wanted to get (Name)… a gift.”
Leorio’s eyebrow raised, the blonde quickly waving his hands. “J-just to have something to remember me by! It’s not anything… anything…”
To help his poor friend out, Leorio sighed. “Yeah, yeah. You want to get her a souvenir, huh? Well let’s start looking.”
The two searched all over town for somewhere to shop for (Name), but their efforts produced nothing.
“Shit, this town sucks. Not a single store that sells her size…” Leorio grumbled. Kurapika nodded, seemingly frustrated.
“That’s stupid. How is it fair that she doesn’t get to wear the same clothing other women do?”
He kicked a rock, Leorio nodding in agreement. “Hmm, maybe we’re going about this the wrong way. What besides clothes would she like?” Kurapika asked.
Leorio hummed, spotting a building in the distance. “Pika, I know where we can go.”
“Don’t call me that.”
The two entered the bright pink shop, Leorio immediately leaving his friend to browse.
That was a mistake.
When he glanced back up to see what the blonde was doing, he had to do a double take.
“… yes?”
“She doesn’t need thirty keychains.”
“Also all of those are hideous. How did you find every single one of the worst keychains in the store?”
He helped the blonde put them up, now pulling him around by the arm. “Here, look in this section. Don’t wander off, STAY here.”
The blonde grumbled while he browsed, but he had to admit, the little trinkets here fit her a lot better. “What do you think she’d like best?” Kurapika asked.
“She likes cute things. Like Sanrio products.”
“Sanrio? What’s that?”
Leorio stared at the man. “Are you being serious? Hello Kitty, My Melody, Keroppi.”
Kurapika gave him a confused look.
“Oh my god, just get her this.”
Leorio shoved a keychain into his hands. It was small, pink, and had a cartoon cat holding a strawberry at the end.
‘She does like strawberries…’
It was getting late. The group planned to take a bus together to the airport, and Kurapika was both dreading and looking forward to seeing her again.
‘Maybe… maybe I could ask her if she’d like to come with me…’
His heart thumped against his heart painfully at the thought. ‘No, I couldn’t ask her to put herself in danger like that… but…’
He held onto his tabard, looking into the distance. ‘I can’t bare to be away from her…’
Leorio was having a similar crisis, tapping his foot against the concrete. ‘I need to think of something, quick…’
He looked down at his phone and stared at his ticket.
As Leorio typed away at his phone, the three arrived at the bus station. Kurapika immediately jumped up to greet them, his eyes softening when they landed on (Name).
He seemed nervous, hiding something behind his back. “Hi, Pika.”
She tilted her head at his shy expression. “Is something wrong?”
“No! No… I…”
He fidgeted for a second more before revealing his hands, showing her the small gift bag. “I… wanted to give you this.”
She stared at the small gift bag, her cheeks heating up. “For me?”
He nodded, not making eye contact as she took the bag. She glanced at him before opening it carefully.“Oh my gosh!”
She pulled it out, her face morphing into one of pure joy. “Pika, you didn’t!”
She giggled, dangling the keychain from her finger. “It’s so cute, I love it!”
He let out a sigh of relief. “Thank god, I-“
He turned red when she pulled him into a hug, planting a few kisses on his cheeks. “You’re so sweet, thank you so much!”
He attempted to stutter out a response, but could only pat her back in return.
The five boarded the bus, and much to Kurapika’s annoyance, Leorio was very adamant about sitting with (Name). “Consider it payback for helping you earlier.”
Kurapika couldn’t argue with that, so he left to sit with the two boys. “Geez, can’t you look at least a little happier to see us?”
Leorio and (Name) sat in silence for the first half of the ride. She could sense something was off with him, sneaking glances every few minutes.
She looked up. “Yes?”
He sighed, running his fingers through his hair. “There’s no easy way to talk about this. I’ve been trying to figure out exactly how to say this to you since the fourth phase. (Name), I…”
He reached for her hand, trying to keep his tears at bay. “I… saw the letter.”
He could almost hear her world crashing down around her. She went deadly quiet, and eyes now staring at the floor.
(Name) had suspected he knew something, but didn’t think it was that. She thought she did a good job at hiding everything…
He squeezed her hand, attempting to kill two birds with one stone by comforting them both. “I don’t think you’re selfish for your feelings, for your pain, but…”
She stiffened when she noticed tears falling from his eyes. “I don’t want you to die. So…”
He wiped at his eyes. “So hear me out, okay?”
(Name) nodded slowly, squeezing his hand back. “Okay, go on.”
“I want you to come with me.”
She looked up in surprise, eyes wide. “Go… with you?”
“Yes. You can stay at my apartment until you… are feeling better. I… I’m sorry to say this but I can’t in good conscience let you leave by yourself. You don’t have anywhere to go to, do you?”
She sighed, pulling per backpack into her lap to hug. “… no, I don’t.”
He placed a hand on her shoulder, giving her a reassuring squeeze. “Could you… give life a chance again? If not for yourself, for me, Gon, Killua… and Kurapika.”
Tears were beading at the corners of her eyes. “Do I really deserve to be so happy?”
“Of course you do!”
He pulled her closer as she cried, letting her make his shirt wet with her tears. “You deserve that and so much more, (Name). So much more.”
He shielded her breakdown from the others, giving her a five minute heads up before their stop. She wiped her tears and tidied herself up as much as possible as to not indicate she had been crying.
Leorio looked her over, grabbing her chin to keep her face steady as he touched up her mascara. “There, all better.”
She smiled at him, pulling him closer to kiss his cheek. “Thank you, Leorio. I love you.”
His cheeks turned pink before he ruffled her hair so she couldn’t see how flustered he was. “Yeah, yeah, I love you too, sunshine.”
When they excited the bus, Kurapika was waiting for her. He didn’t say anything, but the way he smiled when he saw her made her heart race. “Pika!”
She jumped off the last stair, being caught and spun around by the blonde. They both laughed, holding onto each other for a moment before letting go.
“Thanks for always being there to catch me, Pika!”
Kurapika looked at her lips for a moment, feeling his face heat up before he looked away. “You can always rely on me, (Name). I’ll catch you every time.”
They began their journey to the airport, Kurapika stopping midway.
“I’ll be in York New on September 1st.”
They paused, looking back at the blonde.
“Hisoka… Hisoka told me to meet him there then, that he’d have some information on the Spiders.”
(Name)’s eyes lit up, looking up at him. “That means…”
He nodded, cupping her cheeks. “Yes, we’ll see wa h other again.”
He swiped away her tears, laughing when she started crying. “You’re so mean, why didn’t you tell me sooner?!”
He held her as she cried, patting her back. “Sorry, sorry.”
The walked through the airport, Leorio passing (Name) her ticket. “Got you one earlier.” he whispered into her ear. She nodded, giving him a quick hug.
Kurapika was leaving first, so the group gathered at his side around 20 minutes before he’d have to leave. They exchanged numbers and goodbyes, Kurapika saving (Name) for last.
He stood awkwardly, hand on his arm. “I…”
Kurapika wasn’t expecting what happened next.
(Name) stepped forward, looking up at him with those pretty (e/c) eyes. She pulled him down by his tabard, pressing her lips against his.
She pulled away much too soon, looking away from him. “Goodbye, Pika. I’ll miss you!”
He pulled her into his arms, and she could feel his heart racing against her chest. Kurapika couldn’t speak, couldn’t do anything besides bury his face into her shoulder.
He wanted to do more. He wanted to kiss her back, to pull her in by her waist and pepper her face in kisses, but Kurapika was having trouble thinking with all the heat rushing to his face.
“(Name), we have to go.”
Leorio tapped her shoulder, the girl sighing before pulling away a bit. “Will you miss me too, Pika?”
He stared at her with half lidded eyes, face red. “Yes.”
‘Unbearably so.’
(Name) giggled, giving him one last peck on the cheek. “I’ll call you when I land, okay?”
He nodded, watching her and Leorio leave with a sigh. A sinking, unpleasant feeling settled in his chest.
Gon placed a hand on his shoulder, giving him a smile. “It’s just a few months, then you’ll see her again!”
Kurapika smiled back. “Yeah…”
But when he saw Leorio help her put her suitcase up, his hand brushing against her waist, he knew that missing her wasn’t the only reason his chest hurt.
(Name) squealed, burying her face in Leorio’s chest. “Ahh! I kissed him!”
Leorio snickered. “Yeah, I saw.”
The two boarded their airship soon after, (Name) glancing down at her phone with a giddy smile. She swiped through the pictures she’d taken of her friends. Leorio peeked over her shoulder. “Sneaky girl, hit pictures of all of us, huh?”
“Haha, sorry, but yeah. I hope you don’t mind.”
“Of course not, why, I wouldn’t mind you taking some more!”
He posed, and (Name) giggled before taking another picture. “Wow, Leorio, you’re so photogenic!”
(Name) sighed, plopping down on Leorio’s couch after the finally got home. The tall man laughed. “Tired?”
She nodded, groaning against the leather cushion. Leorio pulled her suitcase inside, setting it by his room. “Stay here, I need to get my room cleaned up.”
(Name) sat up, rubbing her eyes as he closed his bedroom door behind him.
Leorio’s apartment was small, having one bedroom and one bathroom with a washer and dryer. There was a kitchen and a living room, and that was it.
The fridge was empty, which made sense. He’d probably thrown everything out before. ‘Looks like we’ll have to go grocery shopping tomorrow…’
Leorio exited his room carrying a trash bag in one hand and a hamper in another. He winked at her before leaving to take the trash out.
When he returned, he was scrolling on his phone. He handed it over. “Here, place an order. I already got what I wanted.”
She nodded, quickly ordering her food before handing his phone back. “Thank you, Leorio. For… everything.”
The taller man plopped down on the couch next to her, allowing her to cuddle up next to him. “It’s no problem, don’t worry about it.”
They were quiet as they watched some TV, waiting for their food to arrive. Leorio wrapped his arm around her shoulder, pulling her in closer. (Name) didn’t seem to mind, humming contentedly when he ran his hand over her hair.
‘She doesn’t like being alone. And especially during a time like this, she shouldn’t be alone.’
The two ate when their food got their, Leorio happily trying her food. It was nice, getting to spend time with her. Just the two of them.
(Name) was getting sleepy, and Leorio was having trouble keeping his eyes open. “Leorioooo!”
He blinked at her sleepily, watching as she yawned. “I’m tired.”
He nodded before standing up. “Alright, let’s get to bed then.”
He helped her to his room, which was now clean. He’d hidden all of his… private things. Like his porno magazines, sex toys, and dirty laundry.
She climbed into his bed, snuggling into his sheets. The tall man pulled his comforter over her form. “G’night. If you need anything, I’ll be on the couch.”
Her hand shot out to grab his wrist. “Wait, I can’t let you sleep on the couch after you took me in. I will.”
He shook his head, sitting down on the bed. “No, you need to sleep somewhere comfortable to heal properly. The couch isn’t a good place for that.”
She held onto his arm, looking up at him shyly. “Why don’t we just sleep in the same bed?”
He groaned, running a hand through his hair. “I’m not Kurapika, you know.”
She tilted her head at that, leaning forward to get a better look at her face. “Why does that matter?”
She gasped when he pinned her down, hovering over her form. Even if the girl wanted to move, she wouldn’t be able to, he was way stronger than her. “I’m not like him, (Name). I have urges.”
Her expression didn’t change, looking up at him with those sleepy eyes. “Leorio…”
She reached a hand up to cup his cheek, the man’s lip quivering slightly. “I know you wouldn’t hurt me. You don’t have to convince me otherwise.”
Leorio sat back, sighing as he slid off of her. “How can you read me like an open book?”
She laughed, patting the empty space next to her. “I can’t, I just know you’re too nice to ever do something like that.”
He sat down, eventually allowing himself to cuddle up with her. She was a bit clingy, wrapping her arms around him, but he didn’t mind.
Not when it was her.
“Goodnight, Leorio. Sweet dreams!”
“Sweet dreams, sunshine.”
Kurapika impatiently waited for his phone to ring, tapping against the table he sat at.
Bzzt! Bzzt!
Kurapika snatched his phone up, butterflies when he saw her contact light up the screen.
He blinked when her face also popped up. “Hey Pika! Sorry for taking so long, had a rough day at work yesterday so I slept in.”
It had been nearly four months since the two had seen each other at the Zoldyck Estate. In that time, (Name) had gotten a part time job while living with Leorio, which Kurapika still wasn’t aware of.
“I see. If you need longer to sleep, we can always call l-“
“No, I’m fine! Please, stay.”
The two stayed in touch through the months, calling and FaceTiming everyday.
“I can stay while you sleep, if that would help.”
She pouted, the blonde unable to hold back a laugh at her cute face. “Pika…”
It wasn’t unusual for them to fall asleep on call, in fact it was more unusual for them to end their nightly call before they fell asleep. It annoyed Leorio, who slept next to her, just a little, but if it helped them both sleep peacefully he couldn’t complain.
There had been multiple times Kurapika had awoken from a nightmare, waking up (Name) with his screams. She would calm him down with breathing exercises before humming lullabies to help him get back to sleep.
“Sorry, sorry. Are you almost packed up?”
She groaned, Kurapika watching as she carried her phone into the bathroom, propping up the camera near the sink so she could talk to him as she washed her face.
“Yeah, pretty much. Now all I’ve got left to do is… move to York New.”
She splashed water in her face then began rubbing her cleanser into her skin. Kurapika hummed, leaning back against his chair. “You live in the same area as Leorio, right? Will he be coming with you?”
(Name) shook her head. “No, I couldn’t ask him for that. He’s busy with school, so I’ll be moving in alone.”
Kurapika was quiet for a moment, but she was quick to continue. “Oh, but Ponzu and Pokkle will be visiting me, so I won’t be alone for long!”
He forgot that (Name) and the couple were closer than he thought. She had kept contact with the two as well, occasionally meeting up to chat and catch up.
“That’s nice, it’s been a few weeks since you’ve last seen them, correct?”
“Yeah, Pokkle’s been pretty busy lately, and Ponzu usually follows him around.”
The two continued to chat, until (Name) gasped. “Oh yeah! Did I tell you I was going to whale island next month to visit Gon and Killua? They have a few things to take care of, then we’ll be meeting on the boat there.”
Kurapika blinked. “Really? That’s… nice.”
He had to try his best to hide his jealousy. After all, it wasn’t her fault the two of them hadn’t been able to meet up. (Name) was more than willing to see him, he was the one that was too busy.
After an hour or so, (Name) sighed. “I have to let you go, Pika, I’ve got some errands to run before I leave tonight.”
He huffed, causing the (h/c) haired girl to giggle. “Sorry, I’ll call you back later, okay?”
He nodded. “Goodbye, (Name).”
“Bye, Pika!”
(Name) groaned, setting her suitcase down before plopping down onto her couch. She’d just moved in, with not much to show for it.
‘This is just temporary. No need to decorate or get any new furniture, I just need somewhere to live while I save up for a house.’
She sat up and started to unpack her measly belongings.
‘I really meant it when I said I would get us a house where we could all live together.’ (Name) thought as she looked over the framed picture of her and her friends.
She glanced at the calendar, smiling.
‘Only three months until I see you again, Pika.’
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orcaofmyheart99 · 1 year
Am I Gay?
Jack always felt a little different, even though he couldn't quite put his finger on it. After Jack met Davey though, his whole world changed. Something just clicked. 
“This is my brother Davey” Les introduced his older brother. 
Jack stared at the taller boy, with kind, brown eyes who was dressed impeccably. There was something about the pressed shirt, clean shoes and tie tucked into the boy’s vest.
“Nice to meet you Davey” Jack greeted him with his usual careless bravado, trying not to let the butterflies in his stomach take over. No one had ever made him feel this way. Not even Kathrine. Jack was both afraid and excited about this new feeling. The best way he would describe it was like seeing snow on Christmas Eve. After selling papers with Davey and Les, Jack was even more certain about his emotions towards Davey. 
After getting back to the newsie’s group house, Jack logged onto the internet to try and find out what was going on with him. He always had assumed he was straight but Davey was making him question everything. This was the first time he had ever considered another boy cute. This was the first time another person had thrown him off his usual confidence The very first thing Jack searched for was “am I gay quiz?” He took the quiz, unsure what the outcome would be. The quiz said he was more likely gay than straight. The next quiz Jack took was “Am I bisexual?” The answer was most definitely yes to this one. After the two quizzes, Jack read some articles about queer identity. If he was gay or bi he thought he should know more about those identities. As Jack was closing the tabs on the laptop, Race suddenly came bursting into the room. Before Jack could slam the computer shut, Race caught a glimpse of what Jack had been looking at. Jack was flustered but tried to remain composed.
“Is there something you need Race?”
Race just stood there, not knowing what to say. 
“Umm, well I did. But now I forget. Why were you looking at that stuff?” Race asked with an inquisitive face.
“No reason. Just bored is all. Anyways I should head to bed. Early morning. Papes won’t sell themselves.”
“Yea I’m sure the papes need all the help they can get. Especially from Davey.”
Jack almost dropped his computer that he was putting away.
Race smirked.
“I don’t know what you mean,” Jack said, trying to hide his blushing.
“Yeah, you do. I mean you were making total heart eyes at Davey today. You could barely muster anything to say to him.”
Jack looked up at Race.
“Was it really that obvious?” He asked, concerned.
“Well, I noticed. And some of the other’s probably. And maybe Davey. But it is good that you are trying to find out your identity.”
Jack nodded
“Just don’t say anything to the others or Davey?”
“Of course not Jack! If you need to talk about anything I am here. Oh and what I was going to tell you was that Spot has been catfishing the Delancy brothers.”
Jack laughed at this.
The next day, the headline was once again about the writers and actors strike. It seemed like it had been going on for far too long. There seemed to be no end in sight. The producers and studio exec seemed happy to just wait out their workers. Which was something not even a certain demon would think of or approve of. 
As everyone was pairing up, Race casually told Les that he could tag along with him and Spot. Les was excited about this opportunity. 
Race winked at Jack, causing Jack to blush.
“Ok, well it looks like Davey and Jack have to team up then. Don’t worry us and Les won’t get into too much trouble.” Race said, smiling at Davey.
Davey seemed alright with this and he and Jack went off to sell some papes. Jack was quiet which was very strange for him. Somehow just being in Davey’s presence was enough to cause him to go completely silent. Davey, who was himself pretty introverted, didn't start any conversation. It was nice just sharing a peaceful walk. Upon reaching their corner, Jack began talking to the strangers on the street, hustling them. Davey watched him work, taking mental notes on how Jack approached everyone differently. Jack was flirting with an older woman, attempting to get her to purchase a pape. Davey felt a little bit of jealousy rise in him. He quickly shook it off. Telling himself that Jack was not interested in men. The other boys had made it pretty clear that Jack was very much a ladies man. The woman bought the newspaper and walked away grinning. After about half an hour, Jack and Davey headed back to meet up with the others. Everyone went out for dinner to Jacobi’s deli. Race made sure Davey and Jack sat across from each other. Jack was feeling worn out. Trying to keep his composure around Davey was exhausting. He hungrily dug into his sandwich and chips. Trying not to make eye contact with Davey. Les and Davey started to head back home to see their folks. Before they could make it too far Race said out loud to Jack 
“So how was selling papes with him? It was better than those stupid quizzes, right?” 
“What quizzes?” Davey asked.
Race started stumbling on his words. He said something to the effect “spot needs me” and ran off leaving Jack completely humiliated. 
Jack could either lie to Davey or come clean. He decided to do the second, knowing that it was a matter of time before the others would hear of his crush on Davey and he didn’t want Davey to hear it from anyone but himself. 
“I have been feeling kinda off my game. I just took some quizzes last night and Race kinda walked in on me.” Jack said, looking at the ground. 
Davey raised his eyebrows. 
“Nothing super weird or anything” Jack added hurriedly. 
“I just ummm. Here is the thing Davey. I thought I was straight but after meeting you yesterday. I know we have only known each other for two days and it seems strange that after just meeting someone you question your whole identity, but that is what you made me do. Fact is, no girl has made me feel the way you do. I don’t really know how to explain it. It’s like this warm strange feeling. Like when I am around you, everything is going to be ok. I don’t know if you feel the same way or nothing…” Jack said trailing off, wishing he could just disappear into the setting sun.
Davey walked closer to Jack.
“Of course I feel the same way. I was really worried that you might not like me. I felt some immediate pull towards you. I can’t quite put my fingers on it, but there is something about you Jack Kelly that I loved the moment I met you” Davey replied.
There was a mutual sigh between them. Both felt immense relief.
Davey gently took Jack’s hands.
“How about we go on a proper date tomorrow? After selling papes? There is a nice deli near my house we can go. Maybe go have a picnic in the park?”
“That sounds great Davey” Jack said grinning.
They parted ways, happy to know that they had found the one person who truly made everything alright.
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lucky-katebishop · 1 year
Casting the Batfamily - Dick & Tim
Hi! I’m very new to the DC fandom so I may be wrong but I wanted to add my own two cents! I watched a video by Nando vs. Movies who did this, and I had some major reservations about his choices so I wanted to throw my hat in the ring! I’m doing Dick and Tim today because I have no idea for the others at this particular moment. Feel free to tell me your own fancasts! Also, I’m tired so my justifications won’t be great, I’m mostly working on vibes. (Also the pics SUCK sorry I made this on desktop)
Dick Grayson
1. Armani Jackson aka Travis from Honor Society
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-this would be a Dick who’s a bit younger, probably when Jason is just becoming Robin
-in Honor Society, Travis is extremely charismatic and he’s sweet but I could see an edge to him that would require him to play Dick
-Travis in the movie kept dating a girl even though he was gay and I feel like Dick would continue to put himself in a situation like that just because it made other people happy, you know?
-He has a really good natured vibe to him that Dick has
-I didn’t originally want to put him because I don’t want well known actors, but I think he’s new enough that it really wouldn’t matter all that much
2. Hunter Doohan aka Tyler from Wednesday
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-Tyler in the show is charming enough for Dick and Dick is a super charming guy
-He’s capable of playing a serious role but he has that sweetness and that feeling of loyalty to him
Tim Drake
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1. Jake Ryan aka Woodrow from Asteroid City
-he’s pretty serious in this role, so I got major Tim vibes
-I’m serious, as I was watching this movie all I could think about was Tim
-so Woodrow in this movie is a genius but he also has a pretty big heart and softness to him (aka Tim)
-he’s around a good age to play Tim, the only reservation I have is the athleticism but, hey, body doubles 
-Woodrow in this movie is surrounded by adults who act like children and children who act like adults so... yeah, basically the batfam
-I see major potential here!!
-you probably don’t know who this is so I’ve enclosed a video clip from the show I’m talking about. This will be a harder sell...
2. Ali Khan aka Joshua from Everyone Else Burns
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-he kind of gives me Wayne Family Adventures Tim vibes
-this would be a Tim where Damian is already part of the family and it’s post saving Bruce from the time stream
-he’s goofy but also can play a serious role, he’s afraid of letting his family down but also he can’t help but go against them when it’s important
-I know he’s not athletic or anything, and Joshua isn’t even portrayed to be a genius and it’s pretty much the opposite of my other choice, but this is a Tim who has mellowed out a bit. He’s older, he’s more hardened and cynical, but he can’t help but be a good person in spite of that
Those are my choices. Argue with me in the tags and comments. Give me your choices. I know I didn’t sell that well, but I can’t stop thinking about this!!
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