#yeah mine behavior
todayisafridaynight · 2 years
What if Mine was into creating his own art and was making tons of pictures of Daigo and trying to hide it from him. What if cheesy trope where Daigo ends up modeling for Mine's artwork. What if I stopped having ideas pls help
no please i love the idea of artist mine too keep going
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ttrpg-smash-pass-vs · 8 months
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On the left, Orog! 7 ft (2.1 m) tall, they're basically the underdark version of the mountain orc. However, while everyone else who goes to the underdark turns evil, these orcs just improved thier smithing and came back basically the same. just got a trade degree and a bit pale. Tougher and more knowledgeable than the average orc, that's the power of an honest education in a trade you enjoy. If you're interested in an orc that would be forklift certified, this one's for you!
On the right, Death Knight! Corrupted paladins brought back by dark magic. Used to be fighters and rangers too, but 5e changed that. They can't heal anymore, but spells like Hold Person or Command might interest you! The most famous knight even turned into one of this due to a tragic romance, they've got that corrupted good thing going on!
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desi-lesbian · 3 months
“Would you love me if I was a worm?”
Baby, I would love you even if you didn’t exist because you are the kind of woman I usually daydream about coming home to..
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thecruellestmonth · 4 months
"Jason isn't the only one to die and return from the dead. He's not special, so he shouldn't be treated as special. He's not the first, and he's not the last."
"How could Bruce ever anticipate that Jason would return from the dead? Bruce coped how he needed to. The dead aren't supposed to judge how the living treat their memory."
🗣️📣 You can't pick both.
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caelumsnuff · 3 months
Okay but for real if just seeing the tags on a fic triggers you and leaves you in a state of distress so bad that it ruins your day and you end up thinking about it for several days, then you should seriously consider searching for a therapist and looking into trauma therapy. Ruminating (instead of using a healthy coping mechanism to calm down and manage your emotions) is incredibly unhealthy and maladaptive.
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ibis-gt · 1 year
hey, a genuine plea from someone who used to love this space: please learn to treat artists & writers as human beings and not factories.
part of what drove me away was the absolutely constant push to be making new things. i’d post a piece of art or a comic or a fic and get tons of people asking for what was going to happen next, just more more more nonstop, and it was overwhelming and so discouraging. it didn’t matter how long the thing i’d just posted was, people just wanted more. when i went on my hiatus because i felt totally tapped out, i got asks & requests STILL asking me to make more things, telling what of my stuff they missed, keeping that pressure on, and it SUCKED. i couldn’t even rest on my break because of that and along with other huge problems in the community, it made me quit this place for good.
just, please learn some etiquette about how to engage with art and writing, please stop asking for more all the time. if you want something you need to either learn to make it yourself or put your money where your mouth is and pay for it. if artists or writers ask for requests then it’s okay to ask for things for free, but don’t assume that’s the case for every single creator out there. for the love of god don’t read someone’s fic and then say ‘what if you wrote this again, but with this different thing that i like more’, because you sound like an entitled child.
PLEASE remember we’re human beings with lives and other circumstances, we need to make money to live or we need to go to school or take care of ourselves and our families. we are more than the drawings or stories we create and if you treat us like factories, you’re just going to burn us out. we are not ‘content creators’. we are PEOPLE.
and hey! for any other creatives out there who feel this way, feel like your audience is draining you dry or a community isn’t treating you with the respect you deserve? there is nothing wrong with dropping that space and moving on to something else, something better. sometimes things can’t be fixed or reformed or shaped up. sometimes the rot is so deep that it’s not worth breaking your back trying to pull it out. If a space isn’t good for you, save your mental and physical health and leave. i’ve been in a much better place in almost every aspect of my life after getting out of this community. you don’t have to stick around if you don’t feel valued. anyone telling you otherwise is thinking more about themself than about you, so fuck ‘em.
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dimonds456-art · 4 months
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Maladaptive daydreaming.
#daydreaming#maladaptive daydreaming#maladapting daydreaming disorder#maladaptive behaviors#maladaptive coping#dissociation#immersive daydreaming#dimond speaks#yeah so adding this to my list here lol#my therapist helped me realize i dissociate a LOT and the primary way i do it is through vivid daydreams#they usually happen at work but they also pop up if i'm having a bad day or... anytime really.#i've also come to the realization that i have at least one of these a day which is not good fgsjh#my therapist says they're not inherently bad especially since they do have a positive effect on my emotions (if its a good daydream)#but it's gotten to the point that it's affecting the way i work#and they can last for a LONG time too#i haven't timed them but i do know they've been over 30 minutes at work before#this is either due to ADHD autism PTSD or a mixture of the three lmao#weeeee#anyway. this post isn't really intended to be a vent post#it's more like a 'this is my experience' type post#it just kinda comes across as somewhat vent-y#but that was because i wanted to try and immerse the reader into what its like to have these daydreams#like mine look NOTHING like this but making it more generic would help others understand it#the void is the general dissociation from reality#then you emerge in the dream#i can feel things as if i'm there- the sun the wind and sometimes even physical touch#and i'll stay there until something snaps me out#strangely i can get my work done while i'm doing this- i just wont have any memory of doing so. it's like being on autopilot#anyway. I hope this post was helpful to someone out there#if you also maladaptive daydream YOU ARE NOT ALONE! it's valid and you're not 'faking' anything. it's a genuine trauma response.
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anti-dazai-blog · 4 months
36- Playing dead (and other complaints)
Welcome back to the Anti-Dazai Series!! Please be proud of me, I’m sticking to my self-imposed once a week schedule. 
When We last left off, Akutagawa and Atsushi were fighting Francis on top of the Moby Dick. Meanwhile, Kyoka is trapped as a captive in a small government plane. Things are not looking good for our protagonists.
If you’re reading this, you already know what happens afterwards: Akutagawa and Atsushi defeat Francis, retrieve the control device for the airship, and manage to stop the countdown. Some mysterious person from the shadows hacks the device and the airship nearly crashes, but Kyoka is willing to sacrifice herself by crashing the military plane she’s on into the airship. 
She goes through with her plan, and Akutagawa and Atsushi make it safely back to shore.
Naturally Atsushi is traumatized. Not so much from the fight with Francis, but rather from the one person he managed to save killing herself for his sake. 
When he first met Kyoka, she was about to sacrifice herself for the sake of the mafia, and then for the sake of the civilians on the train. Atsushi managed to talk her out of the former and protect her from the latter. Then, the agency was going to hand her over to the police, who would execute her for her crimes. Atsushi begged them to give her a chance and allow her to stay in the agency. Even Kyoka herself tried to turn herself in for her crimes. Then she was captured by Akutagawa, and tried to sacrifice herself for the fourth time in two days by trying to blow the ship up with explosives. (This girl is one of the most suicidal characters in the series, and Atsushi and Kunikida are close behind her.) Going against Kunikida’s orders, Atsushi went back and saved her.
And after all of that. After Atsushi has devoted himself to trying to save this one person—to try and do whatever it takes to show her that life is worth living and there is no need to sacrifice herself when she has the agency to rely on—she goes and sacrifices herself.
And Dazai—knowing full well about Atsushi’s past, knowing full well of Atsushi’s devotion to saving Kyoka, and knowing full well that Kyoka survived—shows up and says “It was all for the best, Atsushi-kun. Kyoka-chan conquered herself and saved the city.” He looks Atsushi dead in the eye and says “It was a painful way to end it, yes. But there was a reason why it had to go this way.”
He knows that Kyoka’s alive. For the sake of amusement, or a dramatic reveal, he finds it necessary to say “lmao yeah that sure is a painful way to die. Sucks it had to end like this but y’know. It do be like that sometimes.”
Regardless of whether or not Kyoka died, playing along with it for even a second would cause lasting trauma. There’s a reason the American government is beginning to look into what laws to pass surrounding lockdown drills [for non-Americans: practice drills in case of a school shooting]. There’s a reason why the state of California is trying to ban schools playing gunfire sounds during lockdowns—the students are unaware if the drill is real or fake, and by making it appear real, it will form as the same trauma that an actual school shooter would give them. Telling those students afterwards that it was all fake doesn’t mitigate any of that.
Likewise, pretending someone is dead, even for a second, doesn’t mitigate the trauma caused by it. Atsushi will permanently have this trauma of losing Kyoka. This is not something that will easily be brushed off. 
And now that Dazai’s done traumatizing one half of the duo that defeated the guild’s leader, he has to get started on the other half. 
Akutagawa fought hard. Akutagawa could desperately use some reassurance from a certain former mentor of his—and logically, that mentor has every reason to give it. Akutagawa fulfilled what he was set up to do—he partnered with Atsushi and worked together to combine their abilities and defeat an enemy leader. 
Akuatagwa tries to present himself to Dazai as a stronger person than he was when they last spoke. Akutagawa says that he’ll show Dazai his strength. Yet Dazai’s first words are “will you now? Aren’t you at your limit?” The first words out of his mouth are a petty insult—after everything Akutagawa has done— and the only thing he get is mocked by his former mentor. 
Of course the next words out of Dazai mouth are “you’ve gotten stronger, huh?”
In flirting terms, this would be called negging. 
For those unfamiliar, negging is “an act of emotional manipulation whereby a person makes a deliberate backhanded compliment […] to another person to undermine their confidence and attempt to engender in them a need for the manipulator’s approval.” [Wikipedia, also I hate citing sources, this is not an academic paper, leave me alone]. 
Dazai first makes a backhanded comment about Akutagawa’s current (weaker) state, before giving him a halfhearted compliment on his strength. This is like saying “eh, you’ve done well this time, but could be better. I’m sure some people (like Atsushi, for example) could fight an overpowered ability user, win, and then NOTnearly pass out afterwards. Maybe if you were like that, I could give you a real compliment”
This is another move to drive Akutagawa to push himself harder (harder than he needs to. Harder than he should. [especially given his lung condition]), and to have him devote himself and his life to winning Dazai’s approval. Which, of course, he’s already doing. But it never hurts to increase your disciple’s devotion tenfold, right?
After all of that, Akutagawa does in fact pass out. For funsies, Dazai moves out of the way (we can’t be catching our formers mentees in front of our current mentee—how scandalous!), and allows Akutagawa to slam into the concrete.
If this were more medically accurate, Akutagawa may have lasting brain damage from hitting his head like that. Luckily we’re playing by manga logic here (we weren’t when Akutagawa lost his fight to Atsushi in season 1 and had a hundred broken bones, but we’re nothing if not inconsistent). So we won’t hold Dazai to such a high standard of trying to mitigate brain damage, since brain damage might not even exist in the bsd world. 
And that’s that for this week’s entry!! Join me again next week to get right back into the Kyoka content (I’m pretty sure that’ll be the main thing in next week’s chapter). Writing this one has made me think about Kyoka more than I ever had in the past and I’m pretty concerned about how self-destructive she is. This girl would take any opportunity to die.
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iwanttobepersephone · 5 months
Rant about Harry Potter and JK Rowling, stick with me here
Ok, so, I hate JK Rowling. I feel like that's a given, right? Like, she's a transphobic homophobic bigot who hides behind feminism and routinely denies massive parts of the holocaust, and I despise her in ways that I don't think words can even express. I can't stand her, but y'know what I also can't stand?
When someone implies that my mother, who is one of the most supportive people I know, and a massive part of the founding, organization, and actions of a local group made specifically to fight Moms for Liberty and school boards in our area trying to harm trans and queer people, is transphobic because she likes Harry Potter
Wanna know why my mom likes Harry Potter? Because when she discovered the series at 12 years old, she quite literally lived in a cupboard under the stairs and was in an abusive household. The magic of the wizarding world or whatever was her escape, it's the reason she's still alive, and by extension, the reason I was ever alive.
But, sometimes, not even often, when I try to express even the most minimal amount of appreciation of that, someone says to me "but isn't JK Rowling transphobic? Why would you support someone like that? Are you transphobic?"
Which pisses me off beyond belief, as one might imagine
In this situation, "separate the art from the artist" isn't exactly a good phrase to use, given the fact that the goblins or whatever run the bank are Jewish stereotypes and the house elves generally being happy to work under their masters being a straight rip from the whole happy slave myth, and those are very very important things to recognize and understand, among others
I feel like it's a lot closer to "separate the hundreds if not thousands of lives she's helped from the hundreds if not thousands of lives she's ruined", or even better, understand that the good she's indirectly done for people makes all the bad that much more horrid
My mother is the closest thing to a hero in this entire world and I will not stand to hear one more person accuse her of being transphobic purely because she thinks fondly of a book series that saved her life. I will not stand for people saying she's just as bad as a holocaust denier because she owns every book in the series. I will not stand for anyone going entirely against their point of not judging a group as if it's monolithic by saying all Harry Potter fans are bad people, including my mother. And, once again, it's not often at all that this happens, but it happens and I'm pissed about it and needed to rant
Anyways rant over JK Rowling sucks don't believe a single thing she says and don't support her unless you wanna support someone actively trying to make the existence of queer people illegal
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binders-and-beanies · 3 months
Didn’t wanna say it on someone else’s post but that post about the shitty behavior of a handful of transmascs being generalized to the entire community made me think like. Yes and also a lot of times the “shitty” behavior in question is just transmascs existing.
9 times out of 10 if someone is accused of being one of ~those~ toxic masculinity type of trans guys it’s just bc he like,, asked to have his pronouns respected or felt gender euphoria about something traditionally masculine.
It’s to the point where if someone “compliments” me by being like “oh you’re not like Those trans guys” what they’re saying is that I’m feminine enough to be considered a good person. If your way of telling me I’m an acceptable variety of trans man is by erasing my manhood and insulting my fellow trans men then you’re insulting me too
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the-irken-pony · 1 year
Tbh adults who see someone who is clearly a teenager leave an annoying comment on a post and decide to go for a “slam dunk epic roast” instead of blocking or politely explaining why they’re wrong just sound like that lawyer who bragged on TikTok about suing a 9yo
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chatdae · 4 months
The Great Gatsby (1974) au where Gatsby doesn't die and instead Nick takes on the no-paying job of trying to get Jay to move on from Daisy.
Bad ending is Gatsby never does & he and the Buchanans become a never-ending shitshow. Good ending is Jay moves on. Super special bonus ending is Jay and Nick fall in love (toxicity optional)
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clowningaroundmars · 5 months
people shipping kendrick and drake rn in the midst of this feud......... hmmmm. don't like that!
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edbluemel · 5 months
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darlingfreddie · 9 months
Every person who jokes about ‘oh that triggers my ocd so much!!1!1!1’ or ‘my ocd is acting up when you do that!!11!1’ should literally set themselves on fire
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mad-hunts · 4 months
i find it kind of interesting how jack's costume is actually partially modeled after a jester ( his mask has the typical 'horns' that extend out of a jester's cap, except they don't have bells on them most of the time because that would just be VERY inconvenient for him as a thief and they aren't really all that big at all. they just barely reach the crown of his head and then tilt downwards before the ends folds in on themselves. it's basically something that is not too flashy, but also kind of let's him express himself ) and his whole costume just in general exudes the air of a ' performer. ' the fact that he does wear a leotard as part of his outfit while on 'missions' just emphasizes this. though, it does serve a practical purpose as well, of course -- and that is to allow him free range of movement since he is contortionist. so, i think the fact that he has consciously made an effort to make it a bit ' fun ' does say something about his character and i know i have mentioned this before, BUT i haven't quite touched upon this yet.
jack has saved people before that he knew barton would've wanted him to kill because they 'saw too much' or whatever the case may be. anddd i think that this is jack's way of trying to 'make up' for some of the bad thing's he's witnessed + done nothing about, as well as make up for the bad thing's he's done, though realistically -- it's probably going to take a LOT more than jack saving some people to completely ease his conscience and he can never really wipe his hands clean of what's been done. but ehhh, i think that jack treating it almost like it's some sort of ' twisted performance ' in a way is a form of escapism for him, as sad and also concerning as that might sound 😬 but yeahhh. that's likely enough rambling about my favorite mathis family member for now LOL
#OF MONSTERS AND MEN: musings.#like i said jack is my fav. my flavor flav LMAO nahhh but i really do like him a lot. i guess because he is sort of the-#'moral center' of the mathis family like i mentioned before though that of course doesn't absolve him of guilt from all of the bad things-#he's done. it's just that... GAHHH whenever i picture jack i can picture him with SOME antisocial traits but i think that he is definitely-#different from barton in terms of his psyche. because he is driven mostly by a desire to please his father and/or make him proud-#which makes me kind of think that it's more likely that he has BPD with some antisocial traits like i was saying before bc it seems-#like he is very much afraid of being abandoned / left behind and although he doesn't LIKE killing people jack kind of flip-flops#between putting barton on a pedestal and viewing him as the worst human being EVER so there is a fair chance that he has it i think#plus he displays other symptoms of it as well such as impulsive behavior and stress-related paranoia / loss of contact with reality so#yeah. he is still a minor too technically bc he is seventeen and when i think about that it honestly amazes me that jack is doing all of#this bc you know what I was doing at seventeen? well it certainly wasn't being an expert thief and occasionally KILLING people#that's for damn sure 💀 but anyhowww i hoped y'all liked this drabble of mine tehe#tw: mentions of murder.#tw: mental illness.#tw: mentions of disassociation / derealization.
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