#yes i still get super dysphoric about the way i look but i also feel comfortable enough to dress and things like i have always wanted to
simp999 · 1 year
Saw that your TF2 requests are open :) could you do some relationship headcanons with Demoman x Male reader?? If you don't want to write headcanons you can do whatever you feel most comfortable with, I don't mind :)
Have a good day!!
AHHHH DEMO MY BELOVED <333 thank you so much for requesting!!! I needed this for the soul, as an enby who likes being seen as masc www
Tf2 Demoman x Male! Reader Headcannons + Mini Drabble
Wc: 0.8k
-I like to think that Demo’s very touchy-feely. Not in a weird way, it just makes him happy having an arm wrapped around your shoulders, or even simply having linked pinkies under the table.
-Like, bro-type affection if that makes sense?? He likes being gentle with you at times of course, and very much cherishes those moments, but there’s something about being able to pick you up and squeeze you tight, or pushing you around then having you giggle because of it that’s special to him.
-Back to those soft moments, he loooves hugs and cuddles, but especially when you two are super close. Like you two can be hugging for an extended amount of time and feel comfortable, then you look up at him and smile (as he melts)
-And it’d just be wrong of him to not give you a kiss right then and there, right?
-Speaking of, TONS of forehead/temple/hairline kisses. They’re his favorite to give.
-He loves any of your kisses of course, but kissing him on the jaw does something man
-Friends to lovers 100%
-He’s your #1 Hype Man tm for sure!! You do anything, it doesn’t even have to be remotely cool and he’s like “HELL YEAH! THAT’S ME BOY!! MY BOY, AAAALL MINE!!”
-Also, since magic is canon, it’s possible he believes that you’re his soulmate. Or at the very least, his good luck charm <3.
-One thing that gets me totally soft is the idea that he drinks less around you, so that he can remember special- or any- moments with you better. 
-If you enjoy drinking as well, there’s sure to be nights where you two just enjoy the night and drink together.
-Though, dating him definitely involves taking care of him. 
-Everytime he wakes up to you caressing his face while he has a miserable hangover, he swears he falls for you even more.
-The fact that you’re a boy wouldn’t change anything really, love is love. That’s just how Demo grew up.
-He’s not afraid to show you off to others, being so proud of you!!
-"Look at my handsome boyfriend!! Isn’t he the cutest?!"
-Speaking of praise, he gets extremely emotional about it when he’s drunk;
“Why’re ye looookin’ at me like..like that, luv?” He sways a bit as he speaks, while he sits on his bed, with you comfortably tucked in his arms. 
He had drank more than usual tonight, wanting to celebrate the impressive win you had earlier that day. The celebration had ended almost an hour ago, but the two of you still wanted to spend time together.
“Am I not allowed to admire my pretty boyfriend?~”
It takes a few moments to comprehend and then put together your words, but you can see the way his face heats up. He quickly tries to hide it by hugging you, and nestling in the crook of your neck.
The two of you lay like that for a while, the position being comfortable and warm. You could easily fall asleep on him, but he backs away before you could. His voice is much quieter, and the way he mumbles makes it tough to discern what he’s saying.
“Aye, luv… ye really think I’m pretty?”
Without missing a beat, you carefully bring your hand up to caress his face, and give him a short kiss.
“The prettiest.”
Extra trans male headcanons for the soul:
-If you’re trans, he is the most reassuring and comforting man you’ll meet.
-If you ever feel dysphoric, he’s so quick to shut it down.
-No!! You’re the most handsome, strong, boyest boy he’s ever met. (Yes, that’s something he’s told you.)
-I highly doubt any of the mercs would misgender you, and none of them would ever do it on purpose. But let’s say you did run into some transphobe douche while you’re out and about, I can promise that Demo would have a short fuse. (Pun intended-)
-He’d quickly passive-agressively say that you’re his boyfriend. 
-And if the ass doesn’t get the hint? Well, you won’t have to worry about them for long after they get blown up.
-If you bind, he will not allow you to do so during battle. He assures you that you can wear the binder whenever you’re out and about, or even as soon as you get back to base if it makes you feel better about yourself.
-He’s always on your ass about taking breaks and stretching, but he does it ‘cause he loves you. :)
-If you had top surgery, he LOVES kissing your scars. Or even tracing his fingers over them, through a shirt or not. 
-He totally loves getting you trinkets or literally anything with the trans flag or trans flag colors on it. He buys so many stickers and pins, and even a white, light blue, and light pink plushie he found.
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You're Still Beautiful to Me (Sarah Sanderson x reader)
Description: you had prepared for Sarah to be upset when you told her you were a guy, but her reaction ends up being the complete opposite to what you'd thought it'd be
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A/n: I know a lot of the queer girlies have been writing some wlw fics with Sarah, and while I love those I've been feeling kind of dysphoric lately so I've decided to write one where the reader is a trans guy coming out to her instead. Enjoy 😌✌
Warnings: modern au where the sisters were brought back but didn't die (also they don't eat the souls of children anymore btw if you liked them better when they did then I'm sorry), transmasc reader, coming out insecurities, Sarah is pretty heavily implied to be on the bisexual spectrum (and she might also be slightly out of character since I've never written for her before)
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Today was the day. You were finally going to do it. You were going to tell your girlfriend you were trans.
Of course, since she was from another century, you'd most likely have to word it more in a way she'd understand, but that was besides the point.
When you arrived at the small cottage she live in with her sisters, you found that she was outside, frolicking in the grass.
"Amok, amok, amok, amok, amok," she said to herself over and over again, dancing about as she did so.
"Hey, Sarah," you called out, greeting her.
Her face immediately lit up the moment she heard your voice, and she traipsed over to where you were, wearing the biggest grin while she did so.
"Hi, sweetie!" Sarah waved at you, giving you a hug before she began happily bouncing around the yard.
You watched her with a smile, having to mentally remind yourself why you were there in the first place.
"Sarah, I have something important I need to tell you."
"What is it?" She only paused her excited jumping momentarily, letting you know you had caught her attention before she started bouncing around again. "What is it?" She repeated. "Tell me, tell me, pleaseee."
You let out a somewhat nervous laugh at her silly shenanigans before continuing. "It's about... it's about me, and who I am."
"Oh?" She looked at you quizzically while tilting her head.
"I, um, I don't think I'm a girl anymore, actually. I think I'm a guy. I hope you're okay with that." You closed your eyes tightly, bracing yourself for her reaction. It was quiet for a second, before you heard her give out a very loud exclamation of joy.
You opened your eyes to see Sarah doing cartwheels all around you.
"Wait, you're- you're okay with it?"
"Of course I'm okay with it, silly!" She insisted, stopping in front of you. "This just means that now instead of having a super awesome girlfriend, I have a super awesome boyfriend!" She giggled. "Either way, you're still beautiful to me."
You gave her a heartfelt smile. "Aw, thanks, hun."
She squealed again before wrapping you in the biggest bear hug ever. "I love the twenty first century! We never got the chance to change our genders back in the olden times!"
Laughing, you hugged her back. "I'm just glad you accept me for who I am, unlike some people."
She let go of you, looking at you with a somewhat serious expression on her face, which was incredibly rare for her. "What people? What kind of people don't accept you? Just tell me who they are, and then I can go get Winnie and Mary to help me deal with them for you."
"Sarah, no. We've talked about this, you can't just use your magic on every single person who upsets you," you gently scolded her.
"Sarah, yes," she grinned, a glint of mischief in her eyes.
"Sarah, no."
"Aw, but- it's fun," she pouted at you in an attempt to get you to change your mind.
You simply shook your head at her in disbelief. "What are earth am I going to do with you?" You playfully asked.
"Love me to bits," she responded before giving you a sloppy kiss on the cheek.
And indeed, you did.
{Divider by @silkholland}
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lizardinkart · 2 years
Lizard Reads Ward
Arc 1: Daybreak
Lizard’s Cry Counter: 2
TL;DR: A Victoria-focused arc that dragged a bit in places but ultimately felt like everything we needed to know about her (and more). I wished it’d started closer to the fight but having the fight, the trauma, and the family drama laid out felt like the groundwork that was missing from the prologue, especially with the shifted role of Amy. Wish that we had a little more about the other characters introduced in the prologue tho. 8/10 Aight! Let’s get wormin’!
So in my brain I’ve split the arc in to 3 parts, pre-fight, fight, and post-fight, so I’ll talk about the arc in terms of those mini-arcs. Mini-Arc 1: Pre-Fight (Victoria, not Glory Girl)
Ok the fact that the city is Gold colored is hilarious to me. This is Children’s Hospital Red™ levels of awful design choices, somebody really just said color theory in context is fake. I also appreciate the later indications that most of The City is in fact shittily built but hey shitty shelter is better than no shelter I guess (also relatable as someone looking at apartments). Other worldbuilding things I was thinking about since Wildbow really wants us to see the cool world he built (but it’s not really about the world tbh)- the technology of post-GM is so weird. Like you have dial-up internet but it also works perfectly fine and technology works when you need it to. Like I’m sorry but Reddit-AOL would be so much buggier. But all that being said, it’s really funny to see the irl jump in technology from when WB was writing Worm to when he was writing Ward, because Taylor’s flip phone vs smartphone drama was so real and relatable, and now dial-up internet just works on smartphones...I’m baffled. anywho! Onto Victoria lol. So Victoria is working with the new kiddie PRT- awesome, very cool. I appreciate the focus on her wanting to still feel heroic even if she gets that massive body dysmorphic/dysphoric (yes, both) feeling from actually using her powers. Though I also appreciate the small touches we see when she’s on her way to work with a much better mirror scene than the opening of Worm, her interactions with the one hero during the obelisk incident show that she still gets heroes and feels bad for the shit being thrown their way (idk, it gave me big closeted queer energy, queer-to-queer communication in a queerphobic environment one might say). “Nice response time” really is the dorkiest shit to say tho and I appreciate it. Victoria is a dork.  I also appreciate the setup with her parents, laying the groundwork for what’s to come later. Also that she enjoys working with the disillusioned and directionless kids/teens, cause that really is a thing that is the kind of selfless-selfish pull that I think Victoria is shown to be struggling with (finding the balance in the healing process is difficult!). While I felt like this part really did drag the most in the arc, I think there were some really good parts that make it worth it. And it leads into the first Wildbow fight of the story! Woohoo!  Mini Arc 2: The Fight (The Trauma Hammer)
Oh boy I do love me some Wildbow fights. I felt my little storyboarder brain light up because there were some God-tier moments in here that I wanted to draw sooooo bad. But alas, too many, not enough time. 
Crystalclear is cool as hell and I think he may be one of my faves of the new powers so far, he’s a very Wildbow-concept hero and I do really appreciate the man’s flare for the complex and flashy. Tempera is also cool, and Fume Hood is a snarky bitch and I love her. What a queen. She did not deserve to get shot (maybe a little tho).  
But overall there was some great tension in the ticking clock leading up to the fight, and seeing how shit played out was super fun as always, I was not expecting the 18-wheeler to come out of nowhere but it was a very fun time. I gotta say tho, I know Lord of Loss and Snag are important, but I for the life of me could not keep them straight in my brain since Snag made Victoria feel Loss, but like, that’s LoL’s name lmao. 
And on the topic of loss: oof. I did not call this the Trauma Hammer for nothing lol. This is where things went from meh to great for me in this arc, because since Victoria’s story was so ancillary to Worm, I had 1) forgotten how she triggered, and 2) didn’t really remember too much about the specifics of her story outside of the hospital interlude. But god, just sitting in her shoes through falling in love with Dean, losing him, losing her family, feeling inadequate to the rest of her family, and the ever-present looming threat of Her (that we will get to, don’t worry lol), it was just so helpful in really honing in on Victoria’s entire ish that is rattling around in the background. As someone who does characters like this, esp in TTRPGs, having that context of someone’s thought process really is helpful to have in understanding how you’re supposed to interpret the character, even if you’re already in their head (since characters and people lie to themselves, see: Taylor). But yeah, since Victoria avoids those thoughts anyway, it was clever to give them to us up front. And the fact that it happened while she was being a hero again? Kickass. Loved it. 
Mini Arc 3: Post- Fight (Her)
Oh my god this family is messy. I have essays I could write on Carol Dallon and just the Dallons in general but I think I’ll get the chance to eventually cause this is already too long lol. But oh my GOD I truly was thinking “yeah this is gonna go poorly, maybe some passive-aggressive family stuff, getting overwhelmed, getting pie and then leaving”, but holy SHIT the fact that Carol really just ambushed Victoria with lawyer speak and finessed the entire narrative of what was going on- jesus. Manipulative ass snake, but in such a relatable way. 
Once again, have been in that situation before and the way that Victoria goes from like a 2 to 1000 in 0.2 seconds when all the pieces come together- holy shit if that is not the exact feeling of trauma. I know the “#triggered” discourse is old hat at this point, but man I could feel myself get short of breath and panicky when Vicky got trauma triggered in this chapter (this is the spiritual Cry Point). It was so convincingly written that I wanna hold Wildbow in my hands to make sure he’s good.
But I’m proud of how Victoria handled herself, definitely snaps for that therapy working its magic, but man. The Amy Ambush (an Am(y)bush if you will, yes haha joke away), was so something I did not see coming this early, but I’m glad that it did because holy fuck. Victoria talking about moving on and then her family (mom) “moving on” but in a “forgive with an emphasis on forget” kinda way really does leave Victoria in a place that proves all that feeling of inadequacy right, and it’s crushing. But it provides that big stumbling block for her to overcome esp when she finds her new group. 
And seeing how many times she was forced to confront her worst moments and she still actively avoided Amy... oh baby. As an Amy Enjoyer (less “condoning her actions” more “study her like a bug”) I am highly intrigued in how this is gonna go. This is 7 levels of Fucked Up. 
I screamed with joy when Dr. Yamada showed up, I am in love with her and think she is wonderful, and also a great addition to the central cast of this story (esp in a story about healing from trauma? YES get the therapist in there). Also Crystal is wonderful and a good ally for Victoria, and I appreciate Victoria’s need to scrutinize both public and private Aesthetic (shoutout to me and Crystal vibing as 2 fun ADHD individuals). 
Also a shoutout for Gilpatrick because he’s cool and funky and a good boss. Get u someone like Gilpatrick. 
Bonus: The Interlude!
I would give my left kidney for Moose. I’m kicking Prancer’s ass, and I hope Velvet keeps her truck forever and ever. A better love story than her and Prancer tbfh. Also Nursery is so cool guys, she’s so neat. I love the weird shit being done with powers so far in Ward. 
AND A MARQUIS CAMEO HELLO???? HUSBAND?????? Sorry I really like Marquis lol. 
Final Thoughts
The only things I would criticize this arc for that lowered it a bit in my eyes is that the prologue really didn’t do a fantastic job of prepping us to only focus on Victoria. I wished we had sped things along a bit with getting to the others from PHO, even with little PHO interludes interspersed in to let us know what these guys were up to. Bc like, this really did feel like 3 arcs so I feel like we could have used another interlude or 2, just for spice and to break things up a little. Like a commercial break!
The other thing is Wildbow’s uh... underlying ish breaking through. I know Ward was written in the shadow of Worm for him, but there are some parts of these chapters that just feel very mean-spirited and pointed towards people who enjoyed certain parts of Worm. Mainly stuff that could be construed as “fandom” things, or things that fandom would like, that Wildbow seems to be very overt in saying “hey, fuck you for liking/engaging with this.” I dunno, it may just be me, but that kinda attitude cropping up often enough for me to notice the pissed-off hand of the author was off-putting and distracting from I think the greatest parts of this arc. Because it is a good story, it just feels like the occasional potshots WB takes are more coming from his own bitterness than Victoria’s, and are ultimately detrimental to the story as a whole. Idk, I will try not to bring it up so often, but it’s definitely something that’s running in the back of my head and I hope that it subsides soon-ish. 
But all of that to say, I enjoyed the arc! It was a solid opening that’s got me really excited to read more (which by this point, I have, and I will be writing up my arc 2 thoughts shortly lol), and the Trauma Hammer really hit home in a way that felt earnest and really earned. 
That’s all for now tho! As always, I’m happy to discuss stuff wherever, so let me know what you thought of the arc if you’ve read Ward! 
Until next time: Ward out ✨
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bigbarabelly · 7 months
I love your mpreg art. It gives me like gender euphoria. I'm filled with the urge to get knocked up and be a dad. It's a bit confusing because I'm a Cis dude, but I'll figure it out. You're awesome.
AAAAAAAAA anon ;; LISTEN OM REALLY GLAD like whether y’all take my art as just spank bank fodder or more I’m still very grateful for the impact and reach it’s had letting ppl figure their shit out like I did. Gender is weird even when you align with your shit. Like when I first started transitioning and figured out I was trans yearssssss after discovering this fuck ass kink LMAO. I didn’t know a lot about the whole spanse of identities and chromosomes and intersex stuff. There’s so much overlay into everyone’s unique circumstances from hormones and genetics alone to how you were raised and what you were exposed to at pivotal development points, and then the broad overlapping distinctions and identities that give us closure and group support of ppl in the same or similar niche coming together. I get dysphoric still over my body but at the same time I’m cool with it most of the time and that in itself helped me understand trans is all over the place. You don’t have to be super dysphoric or dress to fit the look. You just be.
and preg as a kink/fetish/interest what have you is just an idk deeper look into our mortal animal need to breed and the deeper psychological need to create family and social support around us because at its core we crave contact and acceptance from each other and instincts to make a better generation. Not including the separate just kinky want to breed without committing to domestic life family LMAO. But ye Call me a man but my genderqueer ass is still ok, and wanting, to like embrace that part of what’s considered a “female” thing to do of raising kids. I’d still like a dope ass penis but I’m also ok indulging this fuck ass pussy and just enjoying being here.
A lot of this is a jumbled mess so take from it what you will and ask any clarifying questions on my opinions LOL but like tldr wanting this is not as crazy as it seems???? LMAO its closure in a sort of like new exploratory way as you figure out yourself, whether you change labels or not, but it feels good and right just being yourself. And I personally think it’s super cute and wholesome seeing that want in others over something as raunchy as preg kink to as simple as just wanting to be a parent and carry your own child regardless of the genetic organs you’re dealt
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manicgoblin · 10 months
whole lotta new music courtesy of ru 🥹✨
love my friends so much fr. had a really warm and tender night. got home from work, cleaned my whole apartment cuz I was slacking the last half a week or so. listened to music and shared songs back and forth with ru. kinda half assed planned a trip to chile/stay with their aunt for the summer when their semester is up. Gotta get a passport by March so we can go. talked to my sister for a while, that was nice. He came over and we made dinner. he wanted yellow rice, so I got that goin, and he made us tuna steaks and a whole lotta veggies. we snuggled in bed and watched samurai champloo and she’s the man (i was super anxious from the gummy he offered me, but we made it thru LMAO) woke up this morning to a clean space and Tsuki giving us a good morning snuggle. gotta shower, do a couple dishes, and then head into work. todays going to be good. I got this.
as a side note…
this period has been killer on my mental health. I should really look into something for it at this point. with a solid routine and keeping up with my shit consistently for like 8 months now I can actually tell when it’s getting bad again, and it’s always the week before/during my period. the depression is so much worse. the brain fog. the pain. the hopelessness. the mood swings. the flashbacks and anxiety. my ptsd/bpd symptoms are there otherwise throughout the month but for those 1.5-2 weeks it’s hell, and it’s every. single. month. I’m exhausted. I know treating pmdd is learning what works, diet changes, managing a schedule so there’s less going on that triggers the mental health symptoms, and maybe antidepressants, but something’s gotta give. having to deal with this for the rest of my life is unimaginable. it’s not exactly gender dysphoria, but I am extremely dysphoric about my period now. my gender dysphoria is so much worse during these weeks. I hate my body and the way I present around this time of the month. I really do feel hysterical sometimes. like yes whoever said your uterus was in your throat, go take a day by the seaside and bring this vibrator and cocaine with you, WAS RIGHT lol. gotta go back in to see my docs soon and talk about reworking some med options. maybe a Wellbutrin rerun. and a new adhd test. finding out that my mother has it, and that that was my first diagnosis as a child has me like “yeah hello that was the problem the whole time and then y’all traumatized me and I got personality and trauma disorders” :/ I don’t think they’ll give me adhd meds with my history of drug use, but Wellbutrin might help again…idk. one step at a time. starting a course in Jan for this certificate, working two jobs, taking my permit test real soon now that they mailed me a new test date. everything is going to work itself out because I’m taking steps to get there. some days, some weeks are hard, but I haven’t let up in the face of that. I’m proud of myself. It hurts, I’m angry, I’m sad, I’m grief ridden still, but I’m also finding joy and I’m determined. I’ve gotten better. I have to see that. On the days when it’s dark, I have to remember how far I’ve come. How much I’ve done for myself, by myself. It’s been a long road, and it’s only getting longer, but damn it the scenery is beautiful for once, I can see the scenery for once. and isn’t that the point? picking wildflowers on your way? noticing the trees sway as you move past? pointing out the mushrooms on the side of the road, watching the ants crawl over a branch, sharing bread and fruit with your friends and holding hands while you walk? my body aches, my mind aches, but I’m not alone, and the trees are swaying with me. we’ve always been in synch. I’m being held by the earth everywhere I go. I’m holding myself. I’m holding my friends. I’m holding space for the trees around me. Things are okay, even when they’re not, even when they’re unbearable, things are okay. Life goes on. I keep getting older, so does the soil and the birds and the trees.
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Sometimes it’s the little things that make all the stressful shit I’m dealing with lately a little less shitty, like the student union using the right pronouns when sending emails on my behalf. Like it shouldn’t be a big deal, but it really is 🥺
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endobiologist · 3 years
Trans Guy Tips #5; Dressing Good
Today, we're going to talk about basic fashion, and some things trans guys specifically need to know when buying a new wardrobe.
Some of these rules can always be broken, it's your body and your choice what to put on it!
However, this is a guide for passing better, so feminine and androgynous looks will not be covered here, only the traditional masculine. I will most likely make a guide out on dressing that way later.
1. Match colors, but don't be afraid to throw in some accent detail colors! Usually when you think of fashion, you think of making everything match, however some things will go better with some contrast rather than plainly matching!
As long as it still has some similarity, it doesn't have to be the same.
The most basic rule you need to learn dressing as a man, is that you wear your belt to your shoes.
If your belt is brown, so should your shoes be.
If your belt is black, they should be black.
Usually most fashion rules can be broken, but this one seems to be very important, as it can throw off the whole appearance of an outfit to have mismatching shoes and belt.
2. Use what I call the finger trick.
When selecting a shirt, specifically a dress shirt, put your fingers in the collar between your neck and the collar.
If you can comfortably fit two or even maybe barely three fingers in there, then that's a perfect fit shirt around your neck.
If you can fit four or more fingers, it's loose and will make you look baggy and overweight.
If you can fit only one, or feel any pressure on your throat, you need a looser shirt because it's too tight.
3. Somewhat similar, but when buying pants, this may be the most important thing of all.
If you get the right set of pants, it can disguise even the biggest of curves.
You want to get what's known as a straight-leg jean pant, you can make it a cargo pant if you wish, either one looks very masculine and good.
I would usually recommend bootcut pants if you wear longer shoes, like boots, or combat boots, or anything you need to tuck the jeans into.
Always get pants that don't feel constricting, and always get them where they fit comfortably with a belt, but don't need a belt due to fitting good already.
But straight-leg type is so important to go for, it's one of the things that makes a boxy figure like a cis man's.
4. I'm not sure if this is obvious or may come as a surprise to some people, but even if you like dressing femininely, if you wish to pass, I would suggest always shopping in the men's section.
They have shirts and pants and everything else under the sun that shaped specifically for men's bodies, making yours look even more like a cis man's, which is very gender affirming. Also women's jeans are made to support the butt and make you look feminine and curvy, while men's are designed to be straight, boxy, and comfortable, usually with deep pockets too!
5. Similar to the matching rule before, you can match a busy pattern shirt with a plain pair of pants, or busy pattern and pants with a plain shirt. However if you put too many busy patterns, or too much plainness, either way makes you look not as good.
Try to balance the detail with the simplicity.
6. Overall the most masculine thing you can wear especially pre-t, is either a formal or casual suit.
You can even wear just a dress shirt with a tie or bow tie, with some dress shoes and pants, and you're good!
This just generally makes you look super masculine and it's hard to mistake.
7. if you're like me, where you like to dress flamboyantly, but you're also super dysphoric about it, wait until you get testosterone therapy.
If you end up having it and you start seeing positive effects before dressing femininely, it's great!
I did this and now I feel totally comfortable with it, as no one ever misunderstands me even if I wear the most feminine things ever.
So if you're going on t, feel free to dress more extravagantly during because you will pass even so!
8. Another way to check shirts that are long sleeved, particularly dress shirts, is to tuck it in like usual, and then lift up your arms really high like you're reaching for something.
If it untucks or lifts the fabric in an unflattering way where your armpits look huge, it's cut wrong and is not something you should buy.
9. This may be surprising to some, but yes, cis men will wear feminine designs on masculine outfits.
I can't count the number of times I've seen men wearing bright pink suits. Other times there's been crop tops, painted nails, hair done, everything.
So if you really like that button up with the flowers on it, but are feeling hesitant due to the feeling that people might judge you, don't worry!
Maybe some will, but a lot of people wear unique clothing, and no one will be as bad as what your thoughts say to you.
10. I have somewhat of a warning, as good and fun they are, t-shirts can be very revealing when it comes to showing your chest, even through your binder! Something about them isn't cut quite right, even if they come from the manliest man's site or store.
If you still wish to wear t-shirts like I do, I would recommend getting a short-sleeved or long-sleeved Dickies button up jacket/shirt that you wear open over it. Or any jacket thing, really. This covers your chest completely and negates that effect.
11. This is sort of more hygiene base but still has to do with getting dressed. Always use men's soap, and men's cologne, and men's essential oils, and men's lotion, if you have them.
Also use some aftershave, it's helpful if it has lotion mixed in and moisturizes as well.
You can even shave even if you're pre-t, due to it making a clean feeling due to there being no feminine peach fuzz on it. This can help support dysphoria relief, as well because it feels like you're shaving a beard, at least until it comes in.
When your moustache and beard do come in from testosterone, if you take it, make sure to oil it lightly with natural oils like argan oil or coconut oil, the stimulates hair growth and follicle health.
And I would recommend shaving just once as it starts developing, so it develops thicker, stronger, and more handsome.
12. If you're planning on going on t, buy at least some of your clothing a size or a few sizes up, or getting a duplicate that's larger.
You will grow, so if you buy all your clothing in a smaller size, you'll probably end up unable to use any of it.
13. Always position your belt buckle in the center of your stomach, the way you can tell if it's positioned right is if it lines up with the buttons of your button up perfectly.
14. When wearing a suit try to always keep the bottomless button unbuttoned. That button isn't actually there to be used, it's meant to be unbuttoned and it makes it look so much better.
The reason it looks so much better is because it makes it flattering and thinning. If you button all the buttons, it will make you look heavy due to it tightening around your waist and stomach.
15. You should always have at least two pairs of dress shoes. one pair that's black, and one pair that's brown. Same with belts. It's also recommended for summer that you keep one pair of masculine flip flops or sandals or sneakers around.
16. This is more of a suggestion than anything, however it's manly as fuck, and people love it.
If you carry a work knife, a pocket watch, a small portable multitool, and a handkerchief.
Possibly even a pen and small notepad with you at all times.
This may seem odd at first, but it's what men used to do constantly in the older days.
These items can come in very useful. A work knife can open packages, open letters, be used in place of scissors occasionally, and even used to defend yourself and others.
A pocket watch is just fancy and shows you're always trying to be on time.
A multi-tool shows you're ready for any task, and it can be a lifesaver in many situations!
Meanwhile a handkerchief is important, because if you ever come across someone crying, or someone wounded, you can lend them or give them your handkerchief, which is a very gentlemanly thing to do, and it can help you pass better, as well as it just being a kind thing to do for someone.
The pen and small notepad is always good to carry on you regardless of any gender, due to you needing to write things down often.
17. Ironically, although socks with sandals seems to be a fashion 'no-no' to most people, I quite like them, and it seems like I pass better with them.
Men tend to wear those slip-on flip flop things, and when you wear socks with it it makes you look very masculine, even if it may look silly to some.
Personally I like it a lot.
18. If you do wish to do makeup & nails, I would suggest doing it as black and gothic as possible, as that's the most common style guys do it as, and if you do it in a certain way, it can come out looking way masculine.
And that concludes my fifth part of this Trans Guy Tips series!
Thank you for reading, and I hope anything I said helped!
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gallys-wife · 3 years
can you maybe do a tmr characters help y/n with dysphoria ? im havin a bad day and theres literally no trans y/n content out there 🙁 if not thats totally fine i get its not everyones thing !!!!
Maze Runner Characters Helping You With Gender Dysphoria
I would love to do this one, and it is certainly my thing seeing as I am nonbinary! I tried to make this as inclusive of all trans people as possible because you didn't specify trans woman/man/nonbinary.
Also sorry this is so late, I put it in my drafts and forgot about it 💀
Makes a point to refer to you by your preferred pronouns/name at every opportunity but somehow manages to make it sound natural/not forced or patronizing.
(Side note, this man will wreck anyone who purposefully deadnames/mispronouns you.)
Gets you your favorite foods and offers to read you allowed your favorite book
Anything to get your mind off it
Listens to you vent about it, visibly interested and asking questions so he can better understand and help you feel more comfortable
Helping you with styling hair and doing your makeup.
If you're trans masc the two of you raid Jorge's closet and try on his clothes (she turns around every time you change, even if you don't ask her to, just to make you more comfortable) and if you're trans fem she the two of you raid her closet instead.
Tries to be super subtle about it, casually giving you gender-affirming compliments.
“You’re looking exceptionally beautiful/handsome/preferred today”
“That shirt looks very feminine/masculine/preferred on you”
Notices immediately but doesn’t comment on it unless you mention it first. Reassures you that you’re passing whenever you start to get doubts.
Offers to do all of your favorite things with you to get your mind off it.
Gives you some of his clothes to wear so they’re extra baggy/less form-fitting.
Basically babies you and makes sure you’re comfortable and don’t need to lift a finger to do anything all day.
Incredibly sympathetic, giving you back rubs and trying to offer up comforting words like:
“I’m sorry this is happening, angel.” “That sounds awful.”
Suggests distractions like playing card games or organizing the stocks in the med shack with him.
Doesn’t go very far from you all day.
Literally threatens anyone who misgenders you or deadnames you, whether they said it on purpose or on accident.
Hours of nonstop talking with you to keep your mind off of it.
Newt has a whole system. He gets Frypan to make your favorites, spends all day doing your favorite relaxing activities, and is incredibly respectful and understanding if you don’t want to be held/touched during this time.
Listens all the way through you telling you how you’re feeling before asking if she can hug you. If you say yes, she holds you gently and kisses the top of your head before telling you your feelings are valid and that she loves you.
Suggests just going back to bed and spending the day together lounging in bed, relaxing.
Never tries and tells you you’re wrong about your feelings, instead saying things that reassure you like if you’re transmasc but feel like you’re not looking masculine today he’ll say, “well, you’ll always be one of the boys to me” or if you guys are together “you’re still my boyfriend, no matter what you look like.”
Readily avoids gender-specific compliments, instead saying things like “You’re such good company” and “you’re so smart”, basically spends all day praising you for every little thing and making you feel good about yourself.
Asks a bunch of questions about being trans, and about your gender dysphoria so he can better understand how you’re feeling and how being trans affects you then brainstorms the best ways to make you as comfortable while you’re feeling dysphoric, from sharing his clothes (or getting Teresa to share her clothes) or his blankets, to getting you out of your day’s work so you don’t have to be around all the others while feeling dysphoric.
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dervampireprince · 3 years
Oh- oh that last post is very gender- I like it, I like the description- when I feel this way I tend to just think "It gives me femme fatal vibes so I must be fem at the moment" which is really false but er-brain is deep in denial about lots of things-
Also I find it funny because right now I feel almost the opposite gender ? I guess ? Like the chaotic good enby with a cutesy aesthetic from the hero team, who's really kind, too kind, so they would 100% help the villain too if said villain was in great danger and I find they have good reasons to be a "villain"- basically "what do you mean I shouldn't help this person who's really hurt because you believe they're bad? They're still a person and deserves assistance!"
On a side note : Genderfluidity is tricky because you can be one gender for years and suddenly it changes..? So I just believe that whichever label makes you comfortable is correct and yours and you are able to use it even if there are some specificities. (Also I love boys with 'fem aesthetics' or clothes a tad bit too much and my friends think it's weird but they don't understand the ✨potential✨and the feels it gives me like- boys really have too much power over my heart)
(sorry I started to ramble-) 🌸
that's exactly it! i feel femme fatale but not super femme. (i do have a pin that says 'them fatale') and yeah it's hard when you're like "do i feel less masc because i'm less masc right now, or do i feel like i have to feel less masc because i look more fem right now" and the later is bad and not true but you know
omg yes please you can be my hero, that's adorable
yeahhhhh it sure makes my brain hurt to think about. i switched constantly at first, and sometimes thought i was a girl because i was in denial, and for many years just went 'well if i don't feel like a boy i must be a girl' because i just couldn't understand or accept that i could feel non-binary. it's also like... i'm aware sometimes i look fem to others but at those times still feel very masc? like to me fem and masc isn't about clothes but how i act and feel. i'm also having to try and like the word fem more without is sounding dysphoric cos i'm like no i'm not feeling fem am i?? well shit that is the opposite of masc.
but yes i used to switch a lot then had like uh the past 3 years being a boy all of the time apart from like maybe less than 72 hours feeling enby. and right now even though i feel enby i'm still like good with masc terms and want to refer to myself as a non-binary boy. it's hard when you're one for a long time, or even a short time but it's easy to get in your head like "wow i'm x right now... guess i lied when i thought i was something else" like no i wasn't lying and no i wasn't figuring things out or having a phase.
there's so many labels that i fit into a lot of them. i'm trans of course, and while some say i'm not allowed to use 'trans man' like shut up i'm afab and i identify as male 99% of the time. i'm genderfluid, genderfaun is a subset of genderfluid where one only switches between male/masc and non-binary/androgynous genders but never feels female. i don't use boyflux (which itself is a subset of genderflux) for myself but that technically its as it's a sliding scale between boy and agender, just more or less intense feeling like a boy to non-binary or agender, and then demiboy technically also includes all of those things.
gender's hard. i try not to psychoanalyze my feelings on gender but i do it all the time until my head hurts. gender is a feeling, it's hard to explain, and if the only way someone can explain it is with aesthetics or colours or music or fem/masc/andro then like whatever if that's the only way they can explain what's wrong with that.
i didn't have as much trouble in the past being a boy and feeling fem, i wonder if its just being comfy feeling masc for so long or worrying about misgenderings or stuff. cos i used to wear skirts sometimes and now i havent in almost a year because i don't feel secure doing so. maybe yall can help me gain confidence back with that.
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the-ghost-king · 4 years
you have any nico headcanons where he’s ftm trans but then realizes he’s also nonbinary (he/they/she)? just struggling with gender identity lately ig.
Alright, anon, I hope these help you some, my gender has been rather ~~~ lately, if that makes any sense... I would also like to remind everyone to bind safely and if you need resources on how to safely bind without a binder feel free to reach out to me:
Nico always just knew he was a boy, dresses were a no-go, couldn't stand to wear anything that wasn't undeniably boys clothes
In the beginning Maria thought maybe it was just a texture problem, but when Nico was three she came home to see him cutting all of his hair off she knew it was deeper
This is why they ended up moving to America eventually, Maria decided that if they started over then Nico would be able to be himself
Bianca named him on the way over, she liked the name because they were "winning" by leaving Italy
Nothing really signifigant happens in regards to Nico and his gender through this point, he is able to play freely with other boys, and he goes to school with them and such
The same in the Lotus Hotel, nothing signifigant
When he and Bianca go to Westover Nico is kind of scared the whole time, because he is worried about being "caught", changing for afterschool soccer games and having communal shower spaces at the school is difficult for him to feel comfortable
He usually tries to shower late at night or early in the morning when nobody is around, and that works out okay for him
His chest starts developing around this point and he freaks out, he has no clue how to hide it or how to deal with the new stress
He ends up trying to find Bianca one day, and they do all sorts of crazy stuff to see if they can help, eventually they figure out how to use a piece of cloth they sew together
When Nico ends up at camp alone without Bianca, there's the problem once again of communal showers and they're rarely ever empty
This is how he befriends the Stolls
At some point the pair of them notice Nico is weirdly panicky about the bathrooms so they go stand outside and keep people out when Nico's in there... It's honestly how they perfect their pranking techniques
When Nico runs away from camp upset, just the day before his binder had quit fitting and he had been upset by that because he had to make a binder again
Although his sister dying pushed all other thoughts out of his head, the emotions from previous events were still leftover
This is why he buys his jacket TM, because the layers help hide his chest more and the weight is comfortable
At some point during the Labrynth he ends up binding with ace bandages (AN: Don't do this)
He also starts his period at some time around this point and kind of freaks out "oh no" and it's not entirely that his period bothers him, but more so that he just doesn't know how he's supposed to hide it
He also realizes at some point around here that he likes Percy, which makes him feel odd and more freaked out
He's struggling because "boys are supposed to like girls" and also he's struggling because if most boys oon't have periods and he does... why doesn't his bother him?
Despite Nico himself being trans, he doesn't have the vocabulary to describe anything he's going through, and he doesn't know there's other trans people, or even queer people of any sort
So he sort of begins to question "am I really a boy?" but there's so much going on in the world and he's got so much to do, so he can't really devote much time to thinking about it
Everything continues about canonically until he's in the jar after Tartarus
During a fight with a monster or something he was knocked over, and combine this with the fact that Nico was binding with ace bandages, he definitly breaks a rib
Which makes breathing with little air a lot harder
Eventually he's saved and through ambrosia and nectar Nico manages to heal his ribs a little
He isn't able to bind that whole time though, so he does his best to keep away from The Seven
After Cupid outs him to Jason, Jason asks a few days later if he wants to talk about it, at first Nico is like "no go away I don't like you don't talk to me"
But eventually he opens up to Jason, because Jason was like "I'm sorry you had to do that I promise I won’t tell anyone and if you want to talk we can talk"
Anyhow eventually Nico kind of just breaks down and he's like "I don't know if I'm a boy or a girl? I think I used to be a girl, but now I am a boy and I don't really remember how it happened” or something similar
It takes Jason a moment but eventually he’s like “Oh you’re trans?”
And Nico;s like “heh? What’s that?
And so him and Jason talk, but Jason is only kind of well versed in this topic, so he only covers “basic” MtF and FtM transition because he doesn’t really know enough about other genders to feel comfortable explaining it
And Nico’s like “there’s people? Out there?? Like me??” and he’s just Happy Nico ™
Nico is like “and there are people like me who like boys?”
And Jason is like “Yeah totally!” but internally he’s like (I think so??)
Anyhow Nico feels a little better, but he doesn’t feel perfect, he’s still struggling a little bit internally to recognize that there’s other people like him and he’s not wrong for being him
Anyhow, Jason doesn’t know enough about this stuff to know binders exist, Jason just has a little bit of secondhand information from tv shows and from being from California… He promises he’ll look into various things more when he’s back at camp or has decent access to internet
On Nico’s quest with Reyna and Hedge he obvious evaporates Bryce, and Reyna and Hedge find out
They find out he’s gay as in canon, but they realize he’s trans when caking him in mud
Hedge just goes into dad mode about the situation and is like “son”, “sport”, “kiddo”, “my male child” etc
Reyna knows a little more about trans stuff than Jason, but she’s kind of in the same “ehhh I’m not really sure of a few things” boat, but she’s supportive and she’s like “I will beat anyone who gives you a dirty look up so fast”
Eventually they get to camp, and all that happens
Three days in the infirmary happens, and basically Nico has to tell Will for medical reasons that he’s trans because Nico needs stitches or something
Anyhow Will is like “Oh yeah cool me too, can you take your binder off now?”
And Nico is like “heh???”
Anyhow Will finds out Nico is binding with ace bandages and he’s like “no, don’t do that” and then he goes and finds a proper binder in Nico’s size which he gives to him after his stay is up
When they befriend one another they have a short conversation about gender and Will is discussing like gender theory 101 type stuff, and he’s like “wait why dont you know this- oh yeah you’re from the thirties- wait do you even know what nonbinary means??”
And Nico is just staring at Will like he has three heads for the whole conversation
So Will teaches Nico about gender and pronouns, and gender presentation vs gender identity, etc
And so Nico goes “wait so there are people like me who are also gay?”
And Will is like “I like boys and girls and everything in between so yeah”
And the whole enby thing doesn’t really stick with Nico at that point he’s just like “hmm interesting, so testosterone?”
It’s just not his biggest concern, he’s just happy to know there are in fact others like him, and no he’s not crazy for not being dysphoric over his period, and that’s normal too
And he’s just like “oh so that’s top dysphoria?”
And Will is like “yeah :/”
“Oh :/”
“Mhmm :/”
Anyhow they become like good friends and they start dating sort of on accident, like they’re too close to just argue they’re friends anymore, and at some point Will just shows Nico how to give him a T shot and it’s like chill, they’re chill
Anyhow one day someone is kind of confused by Nico’s gender so they use the word “they” and it makes Nico really happy for some reason, so he goes back to Will and he’s like “tell me about this whole nobinary thing again?”
And Will is like “yes absolutely”
And Nico goes “I think I might be nonbinary can we try new pronouns?”
And so they go through all sorts of new pronouns, and Nico decides he still likes he/him but he also likes they/them and xer/xem… They likes she/her too but Nico finds it too uncomfortable sometimes because it reminds him of dysphoria
Nico decides xyr uncomfortable with using she/her but they like using female gendered terms so he does that
(Listen, I know Will saying “this is my boyfriend” was a big moment but Will calling Nico his “wife” is 10/10)
Nico’s friends are all super supportive and they do their best to learn more about gender and such things in order to better support and care for Nico
They all use different pronouns for xem and some people alternate pronouns too, but Nico knows that takes more practice
But it’s just like good and positive in Nico’s life
And he begins to play with fashion a lot and xe finds out xyr love of skirts with tights and combat boots because it’s 10/10 the best fashion
Nico also loves their big jackets and they just looks so comfy all the time everyone is like “I want to be him” and Nico grows their hair out long again, and gets his ears pierced and xe’s just a nonbinary fashion icon
They are just so cool once they figure out gender more and Nico’s just happy to play around with xyr gender and he just enjoys it
Will doesn’t play around with gender so much, he’s 100% a binary trans guy but T helped make him comfortable enough in his femininity to wear skirts a little bit on the occasion (Will in a cat maid dress 10/10), but heels and skinny jeans for some reason are still big dysphoria triggers for him so he does have some limits on what he’ll wear
Will gets top surgery when he’s like 17 because Naomi is an extremely supportive parent
So that’s how Nico meets Will’s mom and she’s like “it’s so nice to finally meet you!” and Naomi just immediately falls in love with xem and Will is like “I know they’re amazing”
And Nico is just really supportive and they sort of role reverse and Nico plays nurse while Will recovers from top surgery and they has to like brush his teeth and stuff
The experience (despite the fact that Will had an easier recovery) assures Nico in how much he wants top surgery, and he’s sad he’ll have to wait another year until he’s 18 to get it done
Anyhow Hades finds out and agrees to sign the wavers, so once Will is healed up enough to wear he can put his own clothes on and stuff, Nico decides to go through with xyrs own top surgery then too
Reyna comes to help Will take care of Nico, and Jason does too
Originally Will was supposed to help more with Nico’s care but he wasn’t able to do as much as he thought so they had to phone their friends
Eventually they both heal up really well and they’re happy to be done with that
Nico spends time debating testosterone, while Will spends time debating lower surgery
During this time Nico starts art school and Will starts medical school
Meeting more nonbinary people makes Nico feel at home and he determines that xe doesn’t want to go on testosterone but it’s still a maybe in the future
Will however decides he does want lower surgery, so Will and Lou Ellen decide to get lower surgery together as friends so they can share in the pain (Lou Ellen is a trans woman as far as I’m concerned this is canon)
Nico takes some time off to do school from home so he can help the two of them, and Naomi comes to live with them as well for a bit
Will and Nico both finish school eventually and they decide to adopt trans kids to help them out more
Anyhow, I hope you enjoy all of that anon! I'm all ideaed (idea-ed??) out and so I hope this is at least similar to what you were looking for, and this is helpful with your dysphoria somewhat <3
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living-with-pmd · 3 years
11 Women With PMDD Share What It's Really Like
Premenstrual dysphoric disorder is the evil cousin of PMS. They share the same types of symptoms—moodiness, increased hunger, cravings, fatigue, cramps, pain, brain fog, and depression, among others—but for PMDD sufferers, those symptoms get so bad they can cripple a woman's ability to lead a normal life.  
While up to 85 percent of women get PMS, according to the US Department of Health, only about 5 percent of women experience PMDD, according to the American Journal of Psychiatry.
We asked women with PMDD what it's really like living with the disorder. Here are their stories:
"I was diagnosed with PMDD last summer. Six months prior to my diagnosis, I started taking a certain birth control and soon every month I was experiencing severe PMS issues. I am a generally happy person, but during those few days I was someone entirely different. I was extremely depressed and anxious, having much more frequent panic attacks, and was super sensitive and lonely. I was even suicidal, which was terrifying. And the worst part was I was convinced that I had always been this miserable, and that I would always be this miserable, and it was never going to change. It felt as if someone had completely burned out the light in me and all happiness and joy and hope was gone. I didn't make the connection that it was related to my period but thankfully a close friend did. I have since switched birth control, which helped a lot, and increased the dosage of my anti-anxiety and anti-depressant meds. Most importantly, I am aware of the way I feel those few days so I know to expect it, and I can logically remind myself that I will stop feeling that way soon. Looking back, I realize that I've probably always had pretty bad PMS or PMDD. The birth control worsened it but it was also causing a lot of issues I wasn't aware of previously as well." —Katherine H., 22, Edmonds, WA
"PMDD is out of control. I cry really easily for about a week. My biggest issue is that I am convinced that I am failing at everything—being a wife, a mom, work projects, fitness, my whole life! And even though it feels so real I constantly have to question if my feelings are valid or if they are amplified by my cycle. I just set an alert in my phone to remind me to consider my hormones the next time I feel that way." —Krysten B., 32, Toronto, CA
"A week before my period, I become a complete psycho, completely unlike myself. I'm tearful, want to eat everything that's sweet or salty, have absolutely no tolerance for anything other than perfection, and prefer to be left completely alone. I already take an antidepressant but my PMDD was a complete nightmare so my doctor gave me Prozac to take for just 10 days a month. Basically, I start it when I start to get that irrational feeling and keeping taking it until my period starts. And that's just the emotional stuff. On the physical side, I have debilitating cramps, backaches, and headaches that last for days. Yep. I'm a peach." —Kristen L., 40, Knoxville, TN
"In the past, PMDD almost made me suicidal and totally broke my spirit. Yes it wasthat bad. Every month. Eventually I got tired of being a 'crazy PMS woman' and decided I needed to fix this. Since I don't like to take pharmaceuticals, I branched out to homeopathic remedies and I discovered St. John's Wort and essential oils, especially clary sage and Doterra Calm-Its. It's a lot better now but I still have my hard days." —Amy S., 43, Zebulon, NC
"My PMDD got so bad I had to go to a psychiatrist and be put on Prozac along with another antidepressant I was already taking. I was a mess—anxious, crying randomly over the smallest thing, and eating everything in sight. One example is someone made a YouTube mashup of the Age of Ultron trailers with Pinocchio footage and the 'I've got no strings on me' song and that wrecked me for weeks. Every time I thought about scenes from Pinocchio I would start panicking and crying at my work desk. It's been a few years and I'm better now. I'm off birth control and weening myself off the Prozac. I notice a week before my period I will sob during any sad part in a movie or book I'm reading, and a day or two before, I notice I'm more likely to be anxious." —Kate W., 36, Alaska
"This has impacted my ability to work effectively. My pet peeve is when people say 'it must be close to your time of the month' when they simply don't like what I'm saying. I have run into that problem a lot at previous jobs and it makes it really hard to be taken seriously. It's bullshit because my feelings are valid regardless and also PMDD is not a joke. I am so lucky now to have a male boss who understands but it wasn't always that way. I have also have found a lot of relief with naturopathic and herbal remedies." —Amalia F., 28, Vancouver, Canada
"My PMS was tolerable until my second child was born and then everything went off the rails. I'd be looking forward to plans with others, happy, and then about 10 to 14 days before my flow would start, my mood would turn on a dime. I'd be horrible—crying, screaming that ~nobody understands~, just so much emotional pain. I'd basically lock myself up in the bedroom for a full day to cry, get angry, and feel sorry for myself. It took three doctors before I finally found one who would listen to me before I was finally diagnosed with PMDD. I took Prozac for three years for it but it made me feel numb, like a zombie and not like myself. So I quit and my family just deals with me now. As I've gotten closer to menopause the PMDD is not as bad, but can be very unpredictable due to hormonal swings from perimenopause. The worst part now is I feel like my friendships have suffered. I always seem to have episodes around major holidays and events and I end up bumming everyone out if I do show up so I end up staying home a lot." —Colleen T., 50, St. Paul, MN
"I'm overly emotional for the week before my period. Saying that makes it sound like it's not that bad but I get so distraught that my fiance has actually scheduled it in his phone as 'blood sport' to remind himself what's coming. I'm thankful that he's patient because I also feel like everyone hates me that week, too." —Kenlie T., 36, New Orleans, LA
"All month long I'm fine and feel even and calm and then suddenly, the week before my period, I can't handle even the tiniest little thing. My irritability goes through the roof (which is not great since I have a 5-year-old) and I feel like I have no friends. It really makes me sad." —Jessica S., 28, Broomfield, CO
"I know my period is coming because all of a sudden all of my joints hurt, especially my knees and ankles. I also get crazy gnarly cramps and once I even had a cyst that ruptured while I was on a date and the guy had to take me to the hospital! It was so embarrassing. Thankfully my husband now is very understanding when this time rolls around each month. The worst part is people who just think I make this stuff up. Some months are better than others and sometimes the pain is completely debilitating! My emotions are also a rollercoaster. Anytime I see something cute or inspiring, I burst into tears." —Ivie C., 21, Rexburg, ID
"My PMDD manifests in both mental and physical symptoms. From the time I got my period at age 12, I've had extreme cramps and heavy bleeding. I'd leak at school through a super maxi pad every class so I'd tie sweatshirts around my waist and have to scrub my clothes when I got home. It was super humiliating. I'd have to take six to eight ibuprofen at a time to deal with cramps, and if I didn't I'd end up on the floor sweating like I had the flu. Sometimes I'd even throw up. This meant I ended up spending a lot of time sick in bathrooms and knew where every restroom was at all times. Birth control helped manage the PMDD and other issues, but as soon as I was done having kids, I had a hysterectomy. That was the best thing I've ever done." —Mandy P., 39, Mendon, UT
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sohin-ace · 4 years
May I request Brunos gang headcannons with a new transgender male member? It doesnt have to be romantic and id rather it not be. Please message me if you have questions. Some details id like to see: He is around the same age as Trish and no longer can live with his parents. He doesnt have much money so he binds his chest with bandages and fabric he can find. He hasn't transitioned at all and his gender isnt obvious. his hair is cut poorly due to cutting it himself. i hope this is okay!
This was hard to do. Trans identity is tricky to write as a non-Trans writer. Hopefully I did you justice!
Non rom.
Bucci gang w/ a Transgender male member HC
The most understanding of the group.
He's horrified that such a young person has to live by themselves, especially if your gender identity is the reason you have no caretakers.
He makes sure to introduce you properly to the team and makes them understand your situation, so that you feel comfortable around everyone.
You're part of the family now, it doesn't matter what you look like or what you identify as.
Will ask you if it's okay for you to go undercover as female for specific missions, or it's that's too uncomfortable.
If you'd rather not it's okay, Fugo will do.
He comes back one day with a package on one arm.
Turns out it's a custom made binder, all perfectly fitted to your specific body type and size!
So that's why he was so insistent on taking your measurements, without ever explaining why... That sly man.
Still, you couldn't be more grateful. Those things were so expensive.
"As long as you feel comfortable and stay in good health, I'm satisfied, Y/N."
He's the last one to care.
If anything, the thing he hates about you is that offensive hairstyle, are you kidding him?
Boy, girl, mischief, he doesn't care what your gender is or what's in your pants, he just doesn't want you to disrespect his eyes with such a horrendous haircut.
Like, seriously, who hurt you?
Takes you apart and forces your ass on a chair to actually give you a proper cut/shave.
Bucciarati is here too, to give advice on what looks good and works for your face shape and hair texture.
Abbachio has a fairly feminine appearance himself and hardly ever follows gender norms, so he's not fazed by your own neutral or 'confusing' physique.
Just tell him your pronouns already, or else he'll call you 'Brat' out of doubt, that's pretty gender neutral.
Would appreciate it if you trusted him enough to confess about your dysphoria, as he is victim of it as well.
Yes, even a Cis-man can feel dysphoric from time to time. Please pull each other up.
As expected of him, he is very respectful.
The very first time he mistook you for a girl, but immediately apologized for his mistake and never got it wrong again.
In fact, he was so kind and polite about it, it's impossible to stay mad at him.
Afterwards he asks a lot of questions to be sure to know the boundaries you set, what is okay and not okay to talk about or do.
Will help you style your hair in the prettiest way and adds a lot of flowers on top of it.
He is a very feminine boy himself and will make you feel handsome and confident about your more feminine traits, just the way you deserve to be treated.
If he can rock the long hair, pink clothes, cute flowers and ladybugs ornaments and still look handsome as hell, then you can perfectly rock whatever physical traits you have. He believes in you.
Uses Gold Experience on you when you're on your periods so that it last shorter.
Helps you bind your chest until you can get a proper binder, and makes sure to be very gentle with you.
Has stolen Testosterone for you, and will do it again.
The most oblivious to your gender at first.
He can't tell if you're a boy or a girl and asks you a bunch of dumb questions without really thinking of the behinds of it.
If you get offended he'll just tell you he's trying to understand and is so confused.
It takes time and a lot of explaining, but he eventually gets it and, even though he still has a lot of questions, he decides to shut up.
Hey, you were pretty nice and funny and your Stand powers were dope, so at the end of the day, who cares?
He may be a bit of a dummy, but Mista is kind. He teaches you to shave in case you grow facial hair in the future.
He'll tell you all those grown up advices about how 'You start off with small peachfuzzes and before you know it, you got a full grown ass beard'.
Goes full Big Brother™ on you.
In fact, he barely calls your name at all, only calls you 'Bro', 'Fratellino', 'Mini me', 'Bambino', 'Big guy', or anything of the caliber.
Makes you workout with him to get those big ass guns and broad shoulders (or just... Your desired body type).
Oh god, you don't have to fret about a thing.
He's just like you and gets misgendered All. The. Goddamn. Time.
His appearance is effortlessly androgynous and he sounds fairly prepubescent as well, so you're in the same boat here.
He doesn't really care and would love it for you to not care as well. He's used to it anyways.
It's not like your gender identity is gonna stop him from dragging you into his shenanigans and make you bust the sickest moves he knows.
You two are out together and get cat called by some obnoxious dudes on the streets.
You have to stop him from blasting them with Aerosmith because, as much as he's used to being called a 'She',
He WON'T stand other people misgendering you.
"HEY! SHUT THE FUCK UP! I'LL FUCKING KILL YOU! Y/N, tell him to go suck your dick! Oh- you don't have one yet? Huh... Well uh... SUCK MY DICK, ASSHOLE! Sorry about that Y/N."
Tells you you're lucky you don't have balls because those hurt really bad sometimes.
Is too shy to ask too specific questions about your body or sexuality, but would love to know everything about it.
Especially the more psychologic aspect of your gender identity. How it affects your mental state, how you feel, what made you realize you were trans etc.
He may seem insensitive about it, but he's really not. He's just interested and takes it with a very scholar approach.
He pretends he really doesn't care at all, but he does a lot of research and harasses Bucciarati with questions about you.
You ask him to help you bind your chest one day and he becomes a blushy mess.
He'll help you anyway though, trying to be as neutral as possible out of respect for you.
He doesn't want to get flustered and let you imagine that he sees you as 'a girl', so he plays it cool.
It's... It's just a chest right? No big deal...
He slipped up one day and almost called the wrong pronouns and when he does, he just screams. Loud.
"Let's go ask Y/N then, where is sh-hhhhhhiiiaaaaaaAAAAAAAAARRGGHHHHH!!!!!"
He doesn't know how to come back from these mistakes and he's so embarassed.
You two have so much in common, surprisingly.
You're both young teens and your parents have left you down. You could only lift each other up.
She immediately knows you're a boy and gets so confused when people misgender you.
I mean... You look a bit feminine, yes, but there were plenty of men like this. And more so than you'd ever imagine. Especially at only 15.
Also, you introduced yourself as 'Y/N', that's pretty much masculine, or at the very least, gender neutral.
"Pfft, don't listen to them, Y/N. They're so darn stupid."
Helps you voice train, e-v-e-r-y-d-a-y.
She knows a lot of vocal warm ups and exercises to not strain your vocal chords and helps you get that perfect deep voice you try to achieve.
It's just like singing in a way, right? She helps you find your vocal range to expand it and lower it to your prefered pitch.
She's so proud of you when you manage to finally use a much deeper and manly voice!
She has very short hair herself, and she'll defintely help you style yours properly and take you to her personal hairdresser (a very kind femboy who's super funny and who's gonna love you to bits)
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quasieli · 3 years
top six: fictional characters that give you gender envy, flowers, little things that make you happy and d&d moments :D
Ooh lotsa questions!
Gender Envy:
1) Bow from She-Ra (2018). Something about buff athletic dude who wears crop tops and is soft as hell is very Gender to me.
2) Vax from Critical Role. Pretty boy, kinda goth rogue? That’s sexy as hell and I wish that was me. 
3) In a wildly different idea of gender envy, I’ve been thinking about it lately and @quantum-lesbian’s character in the Frostmaiden game I’m in with them, Ambrose, is Big Gender. Beautiful non-binary drow with a starry and kinda witchy aesthetic that dresses super grandly and ostentatiously no matter the occasion? Yes please.
4) Pete from The Unsleeping City, specifically season two. I adore season one Pete but season two Pete that works in a queer bookshop and has a teapot arcane focus, is artsy and is unapologetically a trans man who doesn’t give a shit about gender roles? Sign me the fuck up.  
5) Beau from Critical Role. Buff GNC lesbian mixed with academia, but like academia from the prospective of a grad student with ADHD trying to learn everything about their special interests? A+, I love her and I’m jealous. 
6) I’m gonna cheat a lil bit for this last one. I know the prompt is fictional characters, but Julia Lepetit and Jacob Andrews in their Hitman streams? Simultaneously both of them were Gender for me. Jacob esp felt like that for me, which is weird cause dresses can make me dysphoric, but I am also slightly envious of the Dude in a Dress type of gender presentation. 
Can you tell that I’m a confused trans masc enby
Gonna put it under the cut from here cause oof, there’s still a lot more.
1) Big slut for Sunflowers, always have been, always will be.
2) Fun fact, my dad’s family used to own a flower shop (in like the 70s, so I never got to see it :(), and one of their big things was hydrangeas. My dad has always loved them and now I love the snowballs too!  
3) A recent favorite, the Baker’s Globe Mallow. It’s a type of flower that only grows from the soils of forests that have been affected by wildfires. It’s a simple little flower but I love the idea of something beautiful rising from the ashes after tragedy. A little dramatic, but I’m queer, ofc I’m dramatic.
4) Roses are another important flower to my family (Rose was a family name for a couple generations), and ya know, they’re a classic. 
5) There’s this beautiful magnolia tree in front of my house that blooms with the most beautiful white and pink flowers every spring, and it’s one of my favorite things to see every year. 
6) There’s so many different types of Lillies and they’re all very pretty, but the Purple Stargazer is prob my favorite.
Little Things That Make Me Happy:
1) My cat, Maddie. She may be a cranky girl at times, but she is also very sweet and will always be my baby (even though she is 12). 
2) Not a little thing really, but my best friend. Just getting a sweet/silly text from her or the two of us chilling in a room, sitting in a comfortable silence because we just like being together, nothing better. 
3) Baking, esp if I’m doing it for others. I’m not much of a sweets person myself, a little treat every once in a while type person, but I love baking. It’s a very relaxing process for me, even when it can sometimes get stressful, but seeing people enjoying something I made, especially something that brought me great joy to make, is simply the best. 
4) In the same sorta vein, crafting and other art, but that’s a bit more personal. I love making things for others, but art, particularly drawing, is something I do more for me. It’s such a great feeling when you can get into a really good art mood and just sink yourself into a project. I love it.
5) My plush toys. Yes, I am a 23 year old, no I will not stop loving my plushies. I just got a few new friends, which I made a post about recently, and they such good cuddle buddies. However, there is one king amongst them all. I have this old, beat up christmas puppy beanie baby, on his tag named Jingle Pup, but I just call him Jingle. I had one version of him since I was like 6, but he currently lives on a shelf cause he is very beaten up and fragile, but his “brother”, who I got when I was 8, is still in kinda good shape and is currently chilling on my chest as I type this lol.
6) Again, not a little thing, but it’s important to mention; D&D. The game itself is such a joy, but truly the best part of it is the people. I love creating stories and memories with people through this weird little game. Truly one of my favorite things to do.
D&D Moments:
These are all gonna be personal moments, rather than anything from actual play shows/podcasts. RC is Reforged Campaign, where I play Saube, and FM is Frostmaiden, where I play Sparks.
1) RC - Meeting Mahety, Saube’s girlfriend. We met her way back in session 12 and we are now up to like session 73. Saube saw her and was immediately big heart eyes at her but also felt a bit awkward and shy. So, being a game a dice, I decided to roll. 10 or higher, Saube would talk to her, 9 or lower, she’d stay put. I rolled a 17, 17 is now a lucky number for me. I love Mahety and I’d die for her. 
2) FM - This was an insane fight that should not have been so crazy, but in a fairly early session, my group went up against an angry druid and her awakened animals. So much batshit stuff happened in that fight, and we unfortunately lost our bread loving bard (RIP Agneyis), but one of my favorite combat turns happened in this fight. Our artificer, Omaren, has a robe of useful items and one of the patches on it creates a large pit. Thinking quickly, Omaren tore off the patch, slid it under one of the dire wolves we were fighting and created a looney tunes style pit under it, allowing us to take it out easily via pot shots. Such a clutch move and such a funny visual, especially because the dire wolf kept failing the checks to get out of the pit.  
3) RC - Saube’s Zebrith (I will never remember how this actually spelled RIP). So, for context, Saube ended up with a death curse (long story) that mechanically meant they had disadvantage on any death saving throws. Scary as hell, need to get that fixed! So, Saube and their party had to be smuggled into another country to talk with some religious leaders of a goddess known as The First, the goddess of death. They were told that Saube would have to go through the aforementioned ritual, which included her soul leaving her body for a short period of time. During this ritual, her friends had to call back to her, to say things that would bring her back to her body and I still cry thinking about that game. That ritual was not only important for Saube bodily, but spiritually as well. After that ritual, Saube officially became a cleric of The First! 
4) A real sappy one, RC - Saube meeting all of her friends. Anyone who follows along with the rantings on my blog probably knows how important this game is to me. I met this random group of strangers on tumblr and formed a D&D party with them and now, a year and a half later, I honestly think it’s one of the best decisions I’ve ever made. I know that sounds silly and dramatic but not only has this game brought me so much joy and comfort, but I also gained a group of really amazing friends who have been nothing but amazing since day one. As much as Saube knows she can depend on SICL, I know I can depend on my group of weirdos lol. We both love our friends very much and even though we’ve all been through some crazy shit, we wouldn’t change it for the world.    
5) RC - Just playing Saube in general. I really didn’t intend for it to be this way, but Saube is very much a reflection of myself. She is the first long term character I have ever played and so much of me is in her. I try not to treat D&D like therapy, because that’s unfair to my DM and fellow party members, but playing Saube has allowed me to work through some of my own problems, especially social anxiety, in a lot safer of an environment. It isn’t so much that I’m asking this game to help me fix my life, but playing out these scenarios that, in the real world, would make me anxious or make me freak out, I can stop, take a moment to breathe and work out these issues in a way that makes sense to me. Playing her has led me to understanding myself a bit better, as well, and that’s truly such a wonderfully unexpected gift from this whole experience. 
6) Lastly, a silly one: RC - Getting a crit 6. The last session of this game got real interesting. Saube’s party ended up in the ethereal plane and magic got real fucky there. So, any time any of us tried to cast a spell, we’d roll a d20, not look at the result, and then try to guess what number rolled. The closer to the number, the better the result. A few times, a few people managed to get within like 3 or 4 of their roll, but oh the power I felt when I rolled a 6 (on Saube’s die!) and guessed it correctly! So, not only did the spell (Bless) work, but it worked super well. So instead of getting +1d4 to attack rolls and saving throws, Saube and two other party members got +2d4 to attacks, saving throws and skill checks. So powerful I broke the rules of D&D lmao. 
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this is like, a super weird idea i've have had in my head for a long time: So, trans Sirius and James are both famous singers (they are together) and Sirius is outed as trans, maybe someone posts and old picture or his dead name, and James is the best boyfriend ever comforting him:) (sorry if i had mistakes, English it's my second lenguage)
((A/N: Warning for forced outing and some mild transphobia- aka people see old pictures of Sirius and assume he’s a woman))
Sirius had made a career out of being a bloke that dressed feminine at times. Technically, he'd made a career out of singing, but more people talked about his outfits, his makeup, and his hair, than his songs. Which was fine by him. He wrote all of his own lyrics, but it's not like he thought they were anything groundbreaking. He'd done three albums so far, and each of them had a single, poetic song that was basically a love letter to James. The rest of the songs on the albums were pop. Maybe pop rock, if the reviewer wanted to be generous. Incidentally, his poetic songs were always the least popular ones, but again, it didn't really bother him. He was a pop artist. He was successful at it in large part because people thought he was gorgeous. It was a nice stroke to his ego, which he always appreciated. 
James had made a career out of actually being a good singer and songwriter, which Sirius thought was hilarious. They were quite a pair. Every time a fan discovered that they were married, they expressed shock at how different their styles were-- usually followed by wondering how the hell they were together; Sirius didn't understand how different musical styles were supposed to make them incompatible life partners, but he thought that was pretty funny too. 
"I don't want to go on tour again," Sirius said with a frown-- not that Benjy could see it. The beauty of phone calls was also the biggest drawback: Benjy couldn't see what Sirius looked like. It meant that he could stay in his pants while talking, but it also meant that Benjy couldn't see his expression and react accordingly. 
"I know you said that, but-" 
"But nothing, Benjy. I've got a husband that I do like seeing every once in a while, and I can start on the next album like you wanted." 
"It's an over exaggeration to say that you starting on the next album is what I want," Benjy, Sirius's manager said. "I offered it as an alternative to going on tour." 
"And I've accepted, so what's the problem?" 
Benjy sighed. "Nothing, I guess. Tell James hullo for me." 
"Will do. And thanks." Sirius knew that he was a pain sometimes, but whenever he was too nice to Benjy, he never ended up getting what he wanted. He once hadn't seen James in person for three consecutive days for a year and a half because he had kept telling Benjy that it wasn't the end of the world if he stayed on the road. 
"Uh-huh. I know it's your time off, but keep in touch, yeah?" 
"Yep. Bye." 
Benjy echoed, "Bye," and they both hung up. 
"Hey sweetheart," James said, putting an arm around Sirius's waist and pressing a lingering kiss to his cheek. 
"You're cuddly," Sirius noted. 
He hummed, not denying it. "Just love you is all." 
"Aw, you love me? How embarrassing." 
"I've always been in love with you, and not once in my life has it embarrassed me." 
Sirius flushed a light pink but pretended like he hadn't. James saw it anyways but kept his mouth shut. There had been times where Sirius didn't like himself in the slightest, but James had always liked him. Every inch. When he had his dysphoric days, James loved him just the same; it helped. 
James was plucking tunelessly at his guitar as he frowned at his music notebook, and Sirius was laying on the ground with his feet propped up on the armchair in front of him. Ah yes, the glamorous lifestyle of popular musicians. 
Sirius was having a pretty good time of it. Doing nothing was quite a bit of fun. It was one of the only things he really missed from their school days. Even on his days off, where he purposefully sat around doing nothing, it felt like he had been run ragged. Sirius loved his life, and he liked performing, but a part of him couldn't wait for the day when he got to retire. They'd be able to sit around like this all day, every day. 
It was as he was having that thought that his life decided to take a dip. His phone was sitting on the coffee table, and it buzzed several times in quick succession from new messages. "Can you kick me my phone?" Sirius asked, not wanting to get up to see if it was important. 
James paused playing, then did as Sirius asked and kicked it off the end where it landed near Sirius. 
He picked it up and unlocked it, then frowned. "What's Benjy texting me for?" 
"Well, he's your manager. I'm sure he has lots of reasons." 
Don't panic. 
Well that was comforting. 
I'll take care of it.
People might say some shite, but your #1 defence is to just not look at it. 
Sirius itched to get on twitter and see what he was talking about, but to date, Benjy hadn't given him bad advice. If he said that Sirius didn't want to see it, then it was probably true. Still, he needed to know what the hell he was talking about. 
What's going on?, he texted back. 
Someone found an old photo of you and James at school. 
Oh. Sirius swallowed. If it was from Hogwarts, then Sirius hadn't come out, and he sure as hell hadn't transitioned yet. James was back to plucking at the guitar strings, evidently coming to the conclusion that if Sirius hadn't told him what it was about, then it wasn't important. It's not like Sirius was going to keep it from him, but he wanted to know what was going on, and James would tell him not to bother with it. He'd tell James what was going on-- as soon as he figured it out himself. 
You're gonna get pissed at me for looking, aren't you? 
Sirius read the text and didn't reply. He wasn't going to look at all the comments-- really, he wasn't. He just wanted to know how this had started. 
It wasn't hard to find. 
Some fan of James's was attending Hogwarts and had recognised him in an old photograph. They'd snapped a picture on their phone and uploaded it. Guys, teenaged James Potter!!! I guess that's his girlfriend before he got married :P Sirius had hair down to his shoulders now, but back then, he hadn't cut it once and in the picture, it was in two low pigtails. He'd had to wear the girl's uniform back then, which meant a pleated skirt and a blazer in red instead of trousers and a yellow blazer like the boys had gotten. He'd hated that uniform. He'd gotten more detentions for wearing the wrong uniform than he had anything else, which was sort of amazing considering how often he'd acted out in other ways. 
Someone else had said that the girl in the picture looked an awful lot like James's husband. 
Someone new put that picture side by side with one of Sirius's current ones. Dude, does @siriusblackpotter have a twin sister or smthn?? He has mentioned "family issues" before... 
It went from there to someone unearthing the names listed for the original picture, to someone pointing out that he never took his shirt off for photoshoots, to someone finding both records of him changing his name. That shite was on public record. The only reason he'd gotten away with it up until now was that no one had thought to look for the first one. 
Sirius exited out of twitter and crawled over to James's chair, leaving his phone where he'd been sat before. 
James stopped playing, peering at him curiously. "You alright, love?" 
"Benjy trying to get you on tour again?" 
James threaded his fingers through Sirius's hair, scratching lightly at his scalp. "Then what's up?" 
"Someone found an old picture of us in Hogwarts." 
There was the briefest pause in James's hand before he resumed. "All over social media?" 
"What did Benjy say? That was Benjy texting you, right?" 
"Yeah. He said he'd come up with a statement or summat, and I should just wait it out." 
"Good advice," James said mildly. 
"You disagree?" Sirius asked, tilting his head back to look at him. 
James gave a small shrug. "I dunno. I'm sure from a PR point of view, that's the smart thing to do." 
"But all I want to do is... I dunno. Something mushy. Let everyone know I love you." 
"Pretty sure they already know that. I think the marriage might've tipped them off." 
"Might've," James agreed with a small smile. With the hand still holding the guitar, he held it off to the side and leaned forward to kiss him. They kept it short since it was an awkward angle, and if James tried to stay that way for very long, he'd probably fall off the chair entirely. It did Sirius a world of good to feel it, brief as it was. Feel him. He leaned back in the chair again, but he kept the guitar away. Evidently, the time for figuring out a new chorus line was done for the moment. 
"I love you," Sirius said. He knew that James knew that. But he liked saying it, and he knew for a fact that James liked hearing it. 
James's eyes lit up like Sirius had given him the world-- just like he did every time Sirius said it. "I love you too. You want to do something fun?" 
"Fun how?" 
"Eh, dealer's choice. We could watch a horror movie and eat ice cream." 
"I hope you realise the only part of horror movies I like is the part where I cuddle up to you." 
"Liar," James said with a grin. "You also like the blood sprays." 
"I just think they're funny is all," Sirius said. 
"Thinking it's funny counts as liking it." 
"Hm, disagree." 
James rolled his eyes. "Does that mean we're on for a horror movie?" 
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gatesofember · 4 years
you make some good points!! i guess i’d just phrase it this way: if you’re not a a transman, then i’m not sure it’s your place to write about a topic like that (i don’t mean for this to sound rude i just don’t know how else to say it!!). i am trans, and the idea of carrying a baby gives me extreme dysphoria. many transmen i know would agree. but, that’s not to say it’s something that can’t happen! it’s fine for transmen to have babies if that’s what they want!! it’s their body and their choice! and you’re right, dysphoria is not a requirement to be trans. (1/2)
however, if you’re not a transman and you’re choosing to write about a transman being pregnant... why are you choosing that route? is it because you believe that they should still be expected to bear children because of their biology? is it because you’re still somehow seeing them differently than you see a cis man?
trans man in real life wants to have a baby? great! good for him! i support that.
author who isn’t a transman wants to write about a character (who isn’t canonically trans) in an au where the character is trans and gets pregnant? not exactly the same.
(thank you so much for listening and responding, i really appreciate it. i hope i don’t come across as mean, that’s truly not my intention!) *also sorry if i sent this twice, my internet is being awful (2/2)
@the-ghost-king asked:
Yeah kind of going to disagree with anon on that bit about trans men having kids... As a trans guy I find the idea of having my own kid super empowering, yet I can also recognize why someone else would find it extremely dysphoria inducing. So I'm glad you also took the time to acknowledge it, and understand different people have different wants and interests in regards to aspects of their life in relation to gender
I think the best way to look at is to think about the character "how does Will feel dysphoria? What is he most dysphoric about?" and to go from there... You could always blend ideas as well, maybe Will chooses to have a baby but they end up adopting a runaway kid as well or something..
Of course though your own personal well-being is important too, so if you think writing about a trans character being pregnant would make you uncomfortable, then please take care of yourself first and foremost.
Lots of love and support! As always, I can't wait to see where you take this idea! <3
Thank you for responding! Anon, I don’t mean to attack you or put words in your mouth and I hope this doesn’t come across that way, but honestly, when you say that I’m not a trans man, it sounds to me like what you actually mean is “you’re not trans.” And while I understand the apprehension, that’s just not true. But also, I realize that I could absolutely be 100% wrong to equate my experiences as a nb person with the experiences of a trans man so I apologize if that’s the case. I’m very new to this and I’m still learning. I started questioning my gender years ago, but I only decided “yes I am definitely non-binary” within the last year or two, and for a while, I sort of thought of myself as not really trans, but sort of trans-adjacent? Thinking of myself as trans is even more new for me. Actually, writing a trans character is what made me finally start to realize it (it’s kind of embarrassing but I have a history of accidentally figuring things out about myself through Will). But my point is, I’m afab and I do not identify as a woman, so therefore I am trans, and that’s a new thought process for me. I’ve always felt extreme discomfort that I’ve only recently started to realize is bottom dysphoria, and I have been told, over and over since I was a kid, that one day I will change my mind about having children because it’s a natural part of life. I am NOT a man, but I think in this case, what matters is that we are afab and trans and it would be extremely hypocritical of me to think that trans men should/must have children. (Just to be clear, I also absolutely do not mean to imply that cis women should/must have children either! This conversation is just about trans people.)
Basically, anon, your problem with this primarily seems to be my possible intentions and the fact that I’m not a trans man, but I don’t think you have to worry about that with me. Writing Will has been as much an exploration of myself and experimentation with my own gender as it has been an exploration of him. Will is very different from me—I have bottom dysphoria, he has top dysphoria; I’m nb and he’s a man. But exploring someone different from me has also been a way for me to learn about myself and why I feel the way I do, why other people feel differently, and just what it means to be trans in general. That’s my intention.
However with regards to it not being my place, that’s something I can absolutely understand and there have been multiple times when I have decided not to write about something because of that reason. That logic can also be problematic if taken to an extreme, but I can certainly respect that I should sometimes take a back seat and let people who are directly impacted lead instead, and maybe this is one of those cases.
Anyway I appreciate both of your perspectives and I’m glad you responded to me! I will keep what you said in mind. I’m not actually planning to write a story about this, I just wanted to talk about it here. But for future reference, is there a tag I should use here or on ao3 so that people who do experience severe dysphoria can avoid posts/fics including trans pregnancy or dysphoria?
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maiaphaelsource · 4 years
I was the anon who sent you the trans Raphael headcanons ask on your other blog, do you have any more? With some trans Maia thrown in too🥺 like Magnus being the best trans dad to his son and the love of his sons life and being supportive and loving. Raphael kissing Maia on the forehead and telling her how beautiful she is, you know? Cute shit like that
yes!!! hello!!! i hope you know i love you and you're my favorite person in the world!! thank you so much for this ask!
okay so i’ll begin with the specifics... magnus is absolutely THE trans dad to both of them. not only with practical stuff like offering to help them with glamours, magical transitioning, stuff like that, but just... being so supportive and understanding. he’s always there, and he has so many stories to share, so many people he’s met who had happy lives. he was there for stonewall, he’s met Marsha P. Johnson and Sylvia Rivera, and it’s just so heartwarming for the both of them to talk to him about that, you know? that feeling of not being alone in history, of knowing that there are and were other people like you, that you’ve always existed.... it’s just great
also in maia’s case since she also lives a partially mundane life he just solves all her documentation problems like deadname? gone forever. no registers. you’re welcome. the first time maia sees her document with her name she almost cries and she throws herself in magnus’ arms and magnus is so touched and moved and shocked you know? like the gratitude and the affection and she’s just thanking him and he’s so moved and raphael just watches with a little smile in his face because he knows that magnus is moved by the display, even if he won’t say it. and maybe he tells magnus that later? like, “your kindness means more to others than you imagine,” and of course magnus isn’t important just because he’s kind but he’s used to not being recognized for his services (ahem especially by CERTAIN people) and it’s nice to see that being appreciated, you know?
plus, maia makes it a point to pay him and magnus is all like “i couldn’t possibly take payment for something like that. it’s the least you deserve” so instead maia teaches him her secret sangria recipe. magnus is super pleased but he also jokes that now he has one less excuse for inviting them over. and raphael goes, super seriously, “you never need an excuse” and magnus just melts 
raphael kissing her forehead! yes! tbh i think they both love forehead kisses (as well as hand kisses and shoulder kisses) and sometimes when she’s feeling dysphoric or upset for any reason she likes just... lying down on raphael’s chest and letting him pet her hair and kiss her forehead and tell her that it’s alright, bella, te quiero
and YES he just makes it a point to talk about how beautiful she is constantly and kiss down her whole body (not sexually of course, just sweetly?) and she giggles and it’s fun :’) sometimes things get to her, especially after jordan’s constant transphobic/racist rethoric, and it’s nice that raphael always makes it a point to tell her she’s beautiful and amazing and he loves her. and he always does it in such a matter of fact way, but also intense, you know? he has her close and he says shit like “you’re the most beautiful woman i’ve ever met” and she melts
as for general headcanons!
maia figured out she was trans relatively early in life, and it’s the reason she always knew she’d have to run away from her parents’ house. she was basically only planning until she had enough to be able to survive without them. but also, jordan and wanting to be able to “be with her already” rushed her out of home when she was finishing high school 
raphael and maia are absolutely willing to throw down for each other if someone’s transphobic and that’s that on that. someone being transphobic to raphael? fine, he can handle his own, he’ll end them with his words and do it with a pleasant smile. someone being transphobic to maia? they’ll be met with the usual cutting sarcasm until they back down. but if the other catches you doing that? you’ll be thrown against the wall and threatened/punched in the face so fast you won’t even know what the fuck happened 
a lot of baby trans downworlders start coming to them! they’re already an iconic couple for many reasons, what with being a werewolf/vampire couple, a black/latino couple (we need more black/latino couples okay! desperately! and black/native and native/latino too! i want more poc solidarity and romance!), and an iconique trans couple. people just feel comfortable going to them because they’ve brought so much change and are so accepting you know? 
it still surprises raphael, even after years on end, that so many people come to him for help with that. he never thought that he would be seen as the kind of person people can go to, and yet here he is. after being told for most of his life that he was cold/unfeeling/threatening/weird... it’s nice to be valued like that, to be seen as someone who can be soft and provide comfort and love, too
same goes for maia, who’s also used to be seen as agressive/violent for just defending herself and her people, and just generally reduced to being a “threat”. it’s nice to know that many, many people see her as someone they can look up to, and who they feel safe it
that is not to say obviously that they just love doing emotional labor for other people but like... having other trans downworlders, especially trans downworlders of color, come to them, feels nice. especially people who are trying to figure themselves out and approach them with so much hope and admiration in their eyes you know? the way they always come with a “sorry to bother, but..” ready in their lips and look at them like they are heroes... it’s really something
taki’s slowly becomes a place for trans downworlders to hang out, especially those who don’t enjoy clubs and stuff like pandemonium (which is totally a queer club as well bite me. including for mundanes. with taki’s that’s trickier of course since they have like, blood on their menu lmao but a few trans minors have hung out there and it was cool) for whatever reason. it’s just a cool queer-inclusive space for people who want to hang out, you know? and they love that
the first time maia saw raphael lose his cool was when a shadowhunter made a gross comment about how it’s lucky he didn’t want sex, so she wouldn’t have to deal with that. he almost tore their throat off
raphael just.... loves maia’s shoulders. she was a little self conscious of them, she always made a point to have them covered, but raphael just loves peppering kisses on her shoulders and making her chuckle 
magnus gives maia a bunch of fashion tips similar to the ones he gave raphael, just how to better protect herself and figure out how people are reading her gender and stuff like that, you know?
they do the thing where they show each other pre-transition pics (once they’re comfortable with that of course) just to hear each other be like “*outraged gasp* i don’t recognize you at all” and “oh, look how much happier you are now”, and my personal favorite, “i can’t see a boy/girl in there, i just can’t” (like personally whenever i see pictures of my partners/friends pre-transition i’m just like... i realize this is pre-transition and that you’ve changed a lot but also i’m unable to see an [assigned gender] in this photo). it’s all like “how did people not notice you were a girl? unbelievable” you know. just that sweet sweet trans couple validation ritual
together they have like. all the insufferable pun-happy sexualities (bi[romantic], pan, ace, trans) and you will be hit with those constantly in conversation if you’re a friend of them. raphael in particular greatly enjoys making those puns with the most blase, straight face as he looks straight into your eyes and watches as your soul slowly leaves your body. magnus is so proud and also afraid he created a monster
raphael is that bitch who’s like. “i heard that broccoli has a substance that’s similar to testosterone so i’m now eating 5 bowls of it” and maia wants to tear her hair out because it doesn’t work like that and he’s like “can’t hurt to try. also i’m finally able to eat let me have this” 
maia never got to like... celebrate those small transition moments because she was all alone and felt like she was transitioning in such a rush, you know? and raphael makes it a point to point out the small changes that are still going on with her body, to take her shopping and encourage her to be as giddy about it as she wants to, you know? and it’s nice and fun and he also gets to relive those small gender reaffirming moments and it’s really nice
maia is a huge against me fan!!! like not to project but it’s just... their songs are so great and relatable even when they’re not about being trans at all and laura jane grace’s voice is so beautiful and maia for sure absolutely loves punk, so like. it’s one of her fave bands for sure
she liked them since before laura came out and when she did it was like. oh. oh. so that’s why i always related so hard to her songs. it just... makes sense
while punk is not as much raphael’s style he likes true trans rebel, especially the acoustic version, where her voice just sounds mwaaahhh imo and he can listen to the recording for hours because her voice in there is just... sensorial heaven and maia feels all giddy that raphael genuinely loves a trans woman’s voice so much 
raphael always makes a point to say that he loves her voice just as much, too :)
they are just very trans and really love each other the end
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