#yes it is 1:30 and I have to be up in 6 hours
lvl10gojocoper · 3 days
Motion Sickness: Chapter 2
Synopsis. Tokyo is still the same way you've left it. Along with the parts of yourself you didn't think to see again. Note: Again, lots of plot building in the first parts :)
a/n: angsty.
Chp.1 Chp.2 Chp.3 (coming very soon)
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The air here is different from the air in Kyoto. It feels cramped , less crisp. Busy, is the word. Everyone here moved faster, always having somewhere to be. Even when I younger, I remember always feeling a rush of something every time I stepped out the confines of my home when I still used to live here. But still it feels too familiar to not relish.
My E.T.A. should be at 18:30 hours. With that in mind, I tug the sleeve over my watch to check the time and sure enough I was just over 10 minutes early. I tuck my watch back under my jacket, picking up the black duffle bag I brought with me. I haven't packed a lot, I don't plan on staying too long. I'm only here for two nights then I'll be back to Kyoto before I know it.
My bosses back there had assigned me to a mission, something they say should be worth investigating. I remember almost telling them no, that's when I get a call from the man himself, Principal Yaga. He made me say no out loud.
But he knew it wasn't hard to sway me. Money talks, and he says I would get a bonus if I went so here I am. Life in Kyoto is expensive, and I'm not exactly rich. Again, I'll be here 2 days maximum, so really it's not a big deal, is what I remind myself. So with the little information I was given, I got on the next train.
"Unnamed, we assumed it was a grade 3 curse, but 10 casualties in total in a span of a week is concerning."  I feel his eyes on me.  "The bodies, or remains, of 6 people were found in abandoned building.  The only thing found connecting these people is that they were all seen around Tokyo's Red Light district at some point around the week. What's worse is that people are noticing. This isn't only a problem with the safety of civilians who don't understand what happened, but the attention it's gathering from outsiders jeopardizes-"
"Us." I finish, half present and half spaced out. My eyes meet that of his, and I mildly shake my head to clear my thoughts out almost physically. "Sorry."
He huffed, leaning back. "It's fine, at least I know you were listening, for a second I thought you were somewhere else completely." The air is a bit tense, so quiet that the squeaking of his chair can be heard from each shift he makes in his seat.  He brings his hands together, "Any questions?"
My mouth opens and closes, trying to utter the words that won't come out until eventually, it does. "Just one." He nods his head, allowing me to continue. "Why me?"
There's a short pause on his end, almost forcing me to explain my question even further but he responds soon enough. "Well, it's because we needed a special grade sorcerer for this one." He replied, as if it were simply that.
I squint my eyes just enough for it to be mistaken as a twitch, "Yes, but...well I'm from Kyoto, it's quite a great distance to look for one special grade sorcerer for just one mission."
He nods as if he was expecting that from me. "Mostly because most of the teachers here are occupied. We're short staffed, especially on special grade sorcerers. We're lucky enough to have two but even he's occupied." Of course he is. "And I've already tried. If he was free, or well if he wanted to, I would've called on him."
I chuckled, "Glad to know I'm your second choice."
"Well, realistically, you're the one I can count on for this one—since you follow what I say a lot better," He smiles at me as if it's a good thing.
I smile back, "Glad to know I'm your first second choice."
He nods, "That's all then, yes?"
"I'll find it." I reply, my grin painfully fake.
It isn't surprising that a place like Tokyo's Red Light district becomes occupied with the likes of cursed spirits. A hotspot, you could call it. The things that happened here could be enough to supply a curse with as much energy it chooses to feed on. That was the first thing I thought about as soon as my shoes touch the path leading to the location I was given.
Neon lights reflect on puddles scattered on the road, and despite it being a Wednesday, the music from some clubs nearby all jumble up into an amalgamation of noise. Behind one of the clubs is the building. The abandoned one. It looked like it was once a parking, the following floors had openings and no windows. As I neared it, uneasiness creeps into my stomach but I push it back, instead certainty replaces the feeling. This was definitely the place.
It's as run down as one could imagine. I feel it's remnants in the air, it's stuffiness and the stench. Moldy and foul like rotten and burnt flesh mixed together. There isn't much until you get to the corner first floor near the entry to the basement. From where I stood there was police tape in one corner in particular, an area already searched.
I take it upon myself to go downstairs, the scent growing worse as I walk closer. Again, more police tape, but judging from how it's only at the entrance, I don't think they tried searching it. I pull it down and go inside. It's eerier, I understand why they wouldn't wanna search it and you barely see anything other than the light from spots where the ceiling's caved in.
"You're not supposed to be here." A voice, distorted and low stops me in my tracks. I dare myself not to turn when my shoulders tense up. "What? are you afraid?" I turn and my face twists at the smell.
"So that's where it was coming from." The documents never said anything about what the curse looked like. I thought it may be humanoid, but no human bodied creature could do that to 6 other bodies, discarding of their parts as just scraps from their dinner. Instead this curse was wretched and ugly, it definitely didn't look grade3 nor 2 even, but it also definitely wasn't impossible.
"Just in time too, a curse like me itching to get out after years, I get pretty bad cravings." The curse gurgled, "My victims never really walked straight into the lion's den. Today must be my lucky day!"
I smirk at its incessant noise, "Lucky? Hardly." I launch my cursed weapon at its wide open and toothy mouth, choking before spitting it out, it gurgles some more.  It looks at me in surprise before one of it's arms try to launch an attack of its own. I dodge its grotesque limb, quick but just barely.
Before I'm able to counter,  my body starts to feel heavy, like my arms feel like they're being dragged in order to move. Black spots appear in my vision, panic rises in my throat. Then I see nothing.
Until eventually, everything.
I heard before you die, your entire life quite literally flashes behind your eyes. Is this what it is then? Dying?
I feel it again. The same level of dread I once felt before. I used to say dying would be a lot worse than how I felt then.
Now I know what it's like, I'm not so sure anymore.
4 years ago
The blue in the sky was nearly black, consuming nearly what my peripheral vision could see. But I'd much rather look straight than there.
"You're impossible."  I hear him say, and I scowl back at him.
"I will, when I'm strong enough." He sits up at my words but he doesn't look back at me. Instead he ruffles his hair, clearly annoyed.
"You are so childish." I couldn't help but laugh at his words. He gets up, dusting himself and standing up, ready to walk away. He always does.
"Me? I'm the one being childish?" I quickly get up myself, running after him, he walks faster. "You have no right, look at you! You're the one walking away. You-I don't believe you!"
He abruptly turns back, standing tall in front of me. "Well believe it."
"I don't." I rebut.
"I don't love you anymore." He says, and it's starting to get annoying.
I take a step towards him, he steps back. "The more you say it, the less it means anything. You can't even explain-"
"You- you're not what I want, okay?" The moments that followed were a blur. Some though were too vivid to forget.
I'm quiet for what feels like the first time but a million thoughts circle in my mind, What did I do? How do I fix it? Fuck you. I hate you. What changed? I look down at my feet, my bruised fists and his ripped pant leg.  I have so much to say but nothing comes out other than, "Why?" It was quietly spoken, almost like I didn't want to ask. And maybe I didn't, knowing no answer would make me feel any better.
His tone is flat, unlike how I'm used to. "I can't keep...fucking around."
I pick up my head, "So we were just fucking around?"
He continues, "I'm graduating, and you'll still be here and after then what? You can pick any direction you want to because that's what you're used to. Your responsibilities aren't the same as mine. My clan relies on me and yours-"
"Abandoned me." I interrupt, "Right? Okay, I see."
He shakes his head, "It's not just-"
"And since when did you care so much about pleasing people?"
"Why can't you just accept it?!" He yelled, "I can't just throw away what I worked years for. You don't know what it's like to make the same kind of sacrifices as mine, so just—" his voice breaks for the shortest moment, "Please let me do this one thing."
I can make out the shape of his brows, how the line between them appears when he's concerned. It was the only string of vulnerability he showed that day.
"Satoru..." I try reaching for his hand, but I feel a strain, like I have to drag my arms in order to move them, until I realize I can't touch him at all.
I look back up at him and he's looking opposite to me. My eyes sting and my words are stuck in my throat as I'm pulling back my hand. Even if he didn't turn his infinity on, the wall between us had been put up regardless. I tuck both my hands in the pocket of my pants, feeling less of who I was just seconds ago.
Slowly, I step back, "I made sacrifices too you know." I could choose to fight it, but I'm just being desperate now. So I swallow my pride.
"Only difference between ours is that nothing good came out of mine. Stupid of me to think choosing you would be any different"
Note: In this story, you're 2 yrs. younger than Gojo :]
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I see my post from April 28th finally took off ... /lh
If you followed me, I will say that I'd like it if you read my carrd!! I'm going to bed, rn, but I wanted to make that known before I went to sleep.
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wellthatschaotic · 18 days
neurotypicals are so frustrating,, i keep forgetting that "can you do x" means "go do x"
#yesterday i was At Work#i opened alone (we are so fucking understaffed)#at like 945 (coworker came in at 10) these two women-#who until now have done NOTHING managery. they have walked around and talked to each other and asked questions#come up and in a pissy voice like um why hasn't group started#i say i'm the only one back here#'well can't you start ONE group?'#no...im the only one back here#'can you start individuals?' yeah i'll ask [host lead]#(annoyed voice) 'um why do you have to ask her?' because i'm not a lead so she's in charge?#(angry voice) well WE are GENERAL MANAGERS and we are TELLING YOU to do SOMETHING like START INDIVIDUALS#like. chill i am literally just some guy and i am the only guy back here#i also feel its worth noting that apparently since they caught me in the hallway they assumed i hadn't been doing anything#when in reality i hadnt sat down since i got to work. all i did was doing things. there is more to my job than Watch Dogs. especially when#im the only guy doing any of the anything#and i couldnt start individuals immediately because i had to do spot cleans. because i prioritized Not Letting Dogs Sit In Their Own Shit#before dog getting some playtime#like. yes i am a Lower Level Employee. yes i havent worked here that long. but i have worked here longer than you#and im gonna take a wild guess that i care about the dogs more than you#also worth noting that i got no breaks that day (if you work a 6+ hour shift you get a 30 and a 15 at my work)#so i sat down for a total of 5 minutes and that was to take a piss#for context. i worked 7 hours. 6:15am to 1:15pm.#so i have a Bad Feeling about these new general managers. really hope im wrong and this is a one-off thing but. ohhhhh boy
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ros3ybabe · 6 months
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Winter Break Goals/Habits/Things to Begin
So, my winter break begins Saturday officially, even tho I finish all my schoolwork by tomorrow/Thursday. I figured to keep me on track with my goal of being a better me in 2024, I'd make a list of some things I'd like to incorporate into my days during my 6 week long winter break! Not everything will be accomplished, but I'm going to try my hardest.
🩷 My Winter Break List 🩷
consistent workout routine 3-5 days a week
try out a pilates class (local studio)
study japanese/spanish every day (create a new routine for studying either)
consistent sleep schedule (10pm - 6am)
daily afternoon hot girl walks (30+ minutes)
daily gratitude journaling
answer a journal prompt daily
read every day, 1 chapter of a book minimum
pick up a hobby and practice it several times a week (drawing, crochet, etc)
daily morning and night skincare
daily meditation (in the morning)
educate myself on healthy financial habits
drink electrolytes daily
watch one episode of a TV show minimum (NOT American Dad - thats my comfort sho)
clean bedroom and do laundry often, weekly at worst
get ready for the day, every day (do my hair, wear clothes I DIDNT sleep in, maybe some light makeup)
eat breakfast every day
meet my protein goal daily
track all my habits daily
it seems like a lot, yes, but it is completely doable as some of these habits take 10 minutes or less and I have 24 hours in a day to fill up. I get bored very easy si if I don't set goals, I'll end up staying in bed on my phone all day long and that's not healthy or productive whatsoever. I'll include these in my daily challenge updates too to keep myself accountable!!
here's to trying ro be a better me!
til next time lovelies 🩷
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cameronluvr · 15 days
JAILED PART 2 — toxic!rafe x fem reader
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summary: part one here — rafe gets out of jail the next morning after his dad bailed him out, and he is forced to apologize to you.
warnings: none in this one! rafe is much less toxic than in part 1.
after spending a few hours in jail, rafe’s dad bails him out after signing tons of paper work and hours of talking to the officers.
: ̗̀➛ 𝓶𝔂 𝓶𝓪𝓼𝓽𝓮𝓻𝓵𝓲𝓼𝓽 ⋆.ೃ࿔*:・
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“come on, cameron. you’re free to go” an officer begins opening the cell, watching as rafe grabbed his stuff and walked out. he greeted his dad at the end of the hallway, who looked less than amused.
“hey dad” rafe says, but ward didn’t have a response. the disappointment look on his face said it all. “really? nothing?” rafe asks as the pair begin heading out of the building and into ward’s car.
“rafe, it’s 6am. do you really think i wanna be here right now?” ward replies, swinging open his car door and angrily shutting it after he got in. rafe got in the passenger side. “i’m sorry” rafe says in a non-meaningful way, but at least he said it. “don’t say sorry to me, say it to y/n.” ward tells him, turning the engine on and driving away.
“y/n? is she at the house?” rafe asks, looking at his dad who isn’t looking back at him. “yeah, she’s at the house. she came in last night crying her eyes out because of you” ward says, taking a quick glance at his son. rafe doesn’t respond, he just looks down in his lap to rethink about what he did, and how he made you feel.
“huh, you gonna say sorry to her?” ward asks, almost in a demanding way in which rafe doesn’t have a choice. “yes, dad” he nods. “good. she’s staying in your room, so don’t go in there until she’s awake.” ward tells him, making him frown.
“but it’s my room..?”
“don’t go in there until she’s awake. you hear me?” ward repeats, not owing his son an explanation. “fine” rafe rolls his eyes, finally agreeing.
“she’s a good girl, rafe, what the fuck are you doing?” ward asks, needing to know the reason as to why his son is abusive towards the girl he loves, the girl who cherishes him.
“i don’t know, dad, alright? we just had too much to drink.” rafe blames it on the alcohol, but he’s just as much the same when he’s sober. “so you got in your car and proceeded to drive with her shit scared in your passenger seat? begging you to stop?” ward argues.
rafe sighs loudly and rolls his eyes, not knowing what to say now. “you could’ve killed her, and yourself!” ward continues to argue, wanting to know why his son is the way he is. “yeah, i know!” rafe argues back. it’s done now, it’s in the past you could’ve died, but you didn’t.
the rest of the drive home was silent. neither of them wanted to speak to each other, nor about the situation to avoid more arguments. when they finally got back to tannyhill, it was around 6:30 am, rafe got out and slammed the car door moodily.
“hey, watch it.” ward scolds him, pointing a finger at him as they both walk into the house. rafe avoids his bedroom with you in it, walking past it to get to the guest room. he didn’t get any sleep all night, so he decided to have a nap.
when he woke up, it was almost 10 am. he got out of bed and left the guest room, checking if his bedroom door was open yet. and to his surprise, it was. he peeked into the room, only seeing you nowhere. moments later, he hears the sound of your voice coming from downstairs.
he makes his way down the stairs, where your voice gets closer and closer. finally, he spots you in the living room, sitting on the couch with his sister, sarah. you were really close to sarah, so obviously you’d already told her what happened last night. when you both saw rafe come into the room, your mouths fell silent. sarah’s eyes darted at rafe, giving him a look of disgust.
“hey y/n” he says, “can i talk to you?” he asks, eyeing his sister to get her to leave. “whatever you have to say to her, i wanna listen” sarah says, not moving from her seat. “no, get out” rafe bickers with her.
“no, i wanna listen too.” ward’s voice suddenly says as he walks in from the kitchen. rafe rolls his eyes at the fact his dad and sister wanted to hear his apology for themselves. he accepts that they aren’t going to leave, and he sits down next to you.
“y/n, i’m sorry” he says, more sympathetic than he was with his dad in the car. you didn’t know what to say, because it certainly wasn’t ok, but you still loved him regardless. “i didn’t mean to scare you like that, or hurt you…” he went on. after a little, sarah and ward could see he meant his words, and they didn’t need to be there anymore. they both got up and walked out, leaving you to be alone with rafe so you could talk it out.
“i know…” you respond quietly, looking down at your lap and fidgeting with your hands. “no, hey, i really mean it. i love you, i didn’t mean to act like that…” rafe grabs your hands, holding them which made you look up into his eyes. “i love you.” he says again.
“i love you too, rafe. i just wish you would’ve said sorry before you got arrested and spent the night in jail. i stayed up for most of the night feeling guilty.” you huff, knowing you shouldn’t feel guilty but you were unsure if you made the situation worse or not.
“don’t feel guilty, baby. none of it was your fault” he tells you, which calms your mind a little. “i didn’t mean to make you mad at the beach, it’s just, i—” you begin to explain, but he cuts you off. “no, no, shh. i shouldn’t have gotten angry at you, it was my fault.” he says, his hands still holding yours and rubbing them softly.
“i’m sorry baby, do you forgive me?” he asks, watching as you struggle to find the right words to say. “…yes, i forgive you. just, don’t do that shit again. you really scared me” you sigh, tearing up just thinking about the whole situation.
“hey, i know. shh, come here” he comforts you, pulling you into a hug. you rest your head on his shoulder, side hugging him back. after a few moments of silence and just hugging each other, ward walks back into the room to see how it went.
“everything ok in here?” he asks, seeing rafe nod in response. though he isn’t looking for rafe’s answer, he wanted yours. you look up at him, sniffling and wiping your tears away. “yeah” you tell him, he watches as rafe rubs your back to comfort you.
ward nods, seeing as you put your head down to look into your lap, he looks at his son with daggers to remind him to behave. you dread to think what he would do if rafe did something mean to you again.
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THIS WAS SHORT. but as requested, here’s part 2! rafe is much less toxic in this one, obviously:) hope you guys enjoy! <3
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jackmanbj · 8 months
home surprise
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jack was on his was back, he was finally done with tour and was exhausted, he had been working so hard and you could tell from phone daily phone calls he wasn’t getting all the sleep he needed.
“jack baby please rest before you come home” jack sighed and looked at you through the phone, his dark eye bags showing heavy “baby, i have been getting 4 hours a sleep” “jack! your saying that like it’s a good thing you need more rest! when you come home your going straight to bed!” “not before i fuck you” “yes before you fuck me! i need you to be rested up!” “fine baby, im about to start packing and ready for bed, i loveeeee youuu” “i love you so much more! now get some rest!” “i love you more tho” “jackman dont start.” “yes ma’am, and you better be sleep when i get there!” “of course baby”
you hung up the phone, of course you weren’t going to sleep you immediately went downstairs and cleaned it a up then started taking out the meat to defrost for jacks favorite meal then going to the living room to get snacks ready and movies planned out.
of course jack would get all this after he rested or he would quite literally pass out from exhaustion.
you checked the time 1:30am, jack would be back around 7am.
jack knew new you usually woke up around 8 or 9 so he wanted to make sure you were sleep to surprise you by you waking up to him.
you were going to wake up at 5:45am just to make sure jacks food was nice and ready for when he got back.
you set an alarm for 5:30am and fell asleep.
once it hit 5:30 you alarm went off waking you. you quickly got up and showered, brushed you teeth and started makings jacks food.
it was a quick easy mean so you were done by 6:48 jack had landed around 6:48 and would be here around 6:50 or 7:00 so you started putting the food on his and urban’s plate and placing them into the microwave.
when 7:05 hit you heard keys jingle so you quickly took the food out checking to see if it was still hot and they were so you placed it down in front the two chairs where jack and urban usually sat and got some forks for them.
“hi boys!” you gave urban a hug then went to hug and kiss jack.
“baby i told you to be sleep when i got here.” “i know but i made your favorite meal!” “did you even sleep baby?” “yes j, eat please!”
urban and jack sat down and started eating while you started cleaning up the rest of your mess.
“baby your not eating?” “uhmm not right now” “mk” once jack finished you took his plate for him and washed it and once urban was done you washed his to.
while you were finishing up the dishes jack came up behind you and rubbing on your lower thighs kissing your neck
“mm jack” “baby you can clean up later, lets go lay down hmm?” “im almost done, and i told you no sex till you sleep for at least, 7 hours. minimum!” “ baby.. i haven’t seen you in monthsss i miss you” “and i miss you to baby but where not having sex right now, ill be in the bedroom soon to help you unpack” “finee”
jack slowly walked up the stairs waiting for you to change your mind, but of course you didn’t.
once you went upstairs you seen jack unpacking.
“you need help baby boy?” “yes babe!”
you finished helped jack unpack and he went to go shower while you got his sweatpants out since that was all he liked to wear for bed anyway.
once jack got out he quickly put on his pants and laid down next to you.
“i missed you baby” you started playing in his damp hair and kissing his forehead “miss you so much” jack responded in soft snores. he was face first in your boobs drooling so you kissed his forehead once more and fell asleep with him.
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joedirtymadre · 2 months
LAW X READER! FLUFF! (Please send more requests! 😭😭😭🙏🙏)
“So… let me get this straight…” you started as you stared at the scene in front of you. “You went to town to Finn’s some herbal medicine, and met a witch doctor…? Who tried giving you a deal on some ginseng, but you told her she was scamming you. So in response she… used her devil fruit power on you…?” You asked. “Well look at us…” the two captains said as they stared at you.
“I mean I can see the two of you, but really? You messed with a witch doctor and she split you into two,” you said as you tried to hold in your laugh. “This seriously isn’t funny (Y/N)-ya,” one said, annoyed by your expression. “I had to buy the ginseng from her to reverse this… but she said this won’t reverse back until it’s been 24 hours,” the other one sighed. “That’s crazy… so she did end up scamming you,” you laughed. You quickly shut up once you saw the dark glare coming from your captains.
“This kinda sucks… I planned the whole day for us,” you sighed. “You did?” They asked in unison. “Well, our anniversary is coming up and I was hoping to surprise you with a fun day,” you said. “Well we can still do it,” one of them said. “O-Oh, uhh… so… who do I go with?” You asked. “Me,” they both said. You watched as they quickly glared at each other. “We both know I’m the original one, so I’ll be going with her,” one of the Law’s said as he pulled you towards him. “Whatever, come here (Y/N)-ya. Let’s go,” the other said as he reached out for you.
You were stuck in the middle of the two, feeling the intense pressure in the room. “H-How about we all just go together…” you sweatdropped. “I guess,” one of them glared. “Fine…” the other one sighed. You let out a sigh of relief, “But before we go we have to make changes,” you said as you jumped out of their hold. You ran over to the closet, “I need to tell you guys apart, or this’ll get super confusing for me,” you pointed out. “So, you get to wear a navy sweatshirt, and you get black,” you said as you handed the shirts to them.
They shrugged and quickly changed. “Now… do I call you Law 1 and 2?” You asked. “No,” they said in unison. “Umm… Oh! How about I call you honey and babe, since I usually use pet names,” you smiled. “Alright,” Law (babe) said. “No, babe sounds more lovey than just honey…” Law (honey) glared. “Jealous?” The other saw smirked. You sighed, “Alright then… you’re dear.” “Better,” Law (dear) smirked. You rolled your eyes and you all headed to the destination you had planned.
“A carnival?” Law (babe) asked. “Yes! Cause I wanted to try to win you this!” You said as you pulled both of them towards a carnival game stand. It was a ring-bottle toss game, but the prizes were giant polar bears. “Doesn’t it look like Bepo?” You asked them excitedly. “It does,” the two said as they stared at the bear. “Can we get 6 rings?” You asked the vendor, he nodded and handed him the money. “Ok, babe and here dear, try it!” You grinned. You handed them each 2 rings and you all tossed them, kissing each bottle. “I didn’t realize how hard this would be…” you groaned.
“Well if you want I could just give you a bear, my treat,” the game vendor winked. “Oh really? That would be-“ you suddenly felt a dark presence behind you. “No thanks,” Law (babe) said coldly. “We’ll win her one,” Law (dear) added, as the two glared at the poor vendor. “T-Thanks for the offer…” you said softly. “10 rings each,” they both said as they slammed money on the counter.
“Laws… we’ve been here for 30 minutes… I had other stuff planned…” you groaned as you watched your boyfriends struggle with the carnival game. “I almost got it,” they both said as they tossed their last ring. You watched as they both completely missed the bottle. “This stupid game is rigged!” Law (dear) shouted. “You just suck,” Law (babe) sighed. “Like you’re any better,” Law (dear) responded. The two glared at each other, you sighed and decided to go find a cotton candy vendor.
“Thank you!” You smiled as the vendor handed you a large cotton candy cone. You turned to see your boyfriends, looking disappointed. “No luck?” You asked. You noticed the two avoided your eyes, as they held out their hand. You noticed a small polar bear in each hand, you quickly tilted your head in confusion. “The vendor said we spent so much money that…” Law (dear) began. “We automatically get a small polar bear,” Law (babe) finished. You stared at the bears and began laughing. You clutched your sides as you noticed the two blush at your reaction. “How much money did you spend?” You asked in between laughs.
The two blushed even harder, “That doesn’t matter! Just take it!” They said in unison. “Thanks… I love them,” you said as you wiped away your tears. “So what’s next?” They asked. “Well, I think we’ve been here long enough. Come on!” You said as you dragged them to the next location.
“Alright we’re here,” you smiled. “A park?” Law (babe) asked. “Mhmm, follow me,” you said excitedly and lead them to a secluded spot with a picnic basket. “Come on, I planned a small picnic,” you said as you walked over to the picnic table. The other two rushed over and fought over who would sit next to you. “How about we just sit on the floor in a circle?” you sighed. You laid a small picnic blanket on the grass and you three sat in a small circle.
“Here you go babe, here you go dear,” you said as you served the two a small lunch. “Thanks (Y/N),” they said and began eating. You watched as the two calmly ate their rice balls and enjoyed the slow breeze. You giggled softly. You all finished the lunch and quickly packed up and headed back to the submarine.
“Today was… an interesting day,” you laughed. “So, is that the end of your itinerary,” Law (dear) asked. “O-Oh… well…” you trailed off, feeling your face heat up. The two stared at you. “U-uh yes, yeah I guess that’s it,” you said as you avoided their gaze. “Ahhh,” the two hummed as they looked over at you. “Haha… so I guess I’ll see you tomorrow when you turn back into one,” you laughed awkwardly as you tried to head to your room.
You were quickly stopped with a hand on both shoulders. “No, it’s fine,” Law (babe) said. “We have to finish our anniversary itinerary,” Law (dear) added. “Umm…” you gulped. They said as they dragged you down to his bedroom.
Part 2 Coming Soon ❤️
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kamii-2 · 2 months
omg!!! you should do a paige x softball player!reader fic where paige and the reader are in situationship and reader wants to make things official and paige doesn’t fully know what she wants until it’s like one of readers big games and paige is there in readers jersey and asks her after they win!
i read your kk hcs and saw the a/n and was like omg i love that bc 1)i’m a softball player 2)i love paige sm!
hi anon! i love this idea so much but im gonna change it up (i dont like the idea of paige wearing readers jersey but i like everything else) sorry if its nothing how you wanted it, if you want me to redo it just ask :) !!
warning(s): none (surprisingly)
genre: fluff
pairing(s): paige bueckers x softball player!reader
not proofread (i keep forgetting to add this 😭)
today was senior night and one of the most important softball games, paige and a few of your other friends were coming as well. you and her had been messing around for a few months now and you were starting to fall deep in love with her.
everything about her made you feel weak in the knees. her smile, her voice, the way she treats you, everything.
it was and hour and 30 minutes before the game and you were in your off-campus apartment getting ready. you were putting all of your things in your bag when you got a facetime call from paige. you answered and propped your phone up on the desk in your room, continuing to shove things in your softball bag. “hey.” she said with the phone set up in kk’s room somewhere. “hi.” you say back, “why’d you call?” you asked her. “to tell you that ice and kk are coming with me.” she answered, you smiled and said “okay, well i have to go get dressed so i’ll talk to you later. bye!” you said before hanging up.
you walked over to the uniform sprawled all over your bed and put it on. after you put it on you went in the bathroom and put your hair in a low ponytail. when you were done you put on some slides, grabbed your phone and keys, then went to your car to head to the field.
when you got to the field the game was starting in an hour and 13 minutes. the field was ready and most of your teammates were there. “hey y/n.” one of your teammates said as you walked in the dugout. “hi.” you said with a smile and clipped your bag to the fence, grabbing your cleats out and sitting on the bench to put them on. “are you ready for senior night?” another teammate asked you while sitting down next to you, “yes but i’m gonna miss you guys.” you said in a sad-ish tone.
after you got your shoes on, you talked with your teammates and coaches till the other team arrived at 5:00. the game started at 6:00 so this gave both teams an hour to practice before it started. you got a catching partner and threw back and forth till your coach called you guys over to practice batting and fielding.
it was currently 5:55 and both teams were in the dugout waiting for the game to start. when paige, kk, and ice got there you came out the dugout and said hi and giving them each a hug then going back in.
since you guys are home team you’re in the field first. you waited for coach to you where to go, “y/n, you’re gonna pitch.” he told you, you nodded and put your glove and face mask on.
you got some practice pitches in and the in and out fielders threw a ball around. at 6:00 the first batter walked up and got ready, you pitched right down the middle, she she swung and it went straight to you. you caught it and she was out.
in was now the last inning and you were on third base. your teammate had one more strike before she was out and you guys lost. the pitcher pitched a perfect pitch and your teammate swung, it went in between second and first and you ran to home. the pitcher had the ball when you about to be at home so you slid and the pitcher tripped and landed on you really hard, her face mask flew off her face.
you were safe but your hips hurt really bad and you were gonna be bruised and hurting worse for sure tomorrow. besides everything that jsut happened, you sat up after the other girl got up and cheered, winning one of the most important games of the season.
you were in the dugout sitting on the bench with your head thrown back, when ice and kk came in. “where’s paige?” you asked as they sat next to you. “she had to go back to her dorm real quick but she’ll be back in a little bit.” kk said. “i bet your hips hurt.” ice said while looking at you. “they do and bad but it’s fine it’ll go away.” you said while standing up, wincing in pain.
they got up and walked out the dugout while you put your stuff in your bag and said bye to them. now it was time for senior night.
“first up we have y/n l/n, she can play any position and is one of your best pitchers. despite being super clumsy and somewhat reckless, she’s one of our best players.” the coach looked over at you and you limped over to her, stand next to her at the pitching mound. “now on to her stats.” she said as she flipped to a page full of numbers, “she has played all 20 games we’ve been in so far, batted 28 times, struck out twice, hit by pitch 6 times, got on base by hitting 16 times, and got on base by balls 4 times. her highlights of the season are hitting 3 home runs, 1 grand slam, and been the winning runner 4, now 5, times.” your coach informed everyone while you stood next to her smiling super big. “y/n is a great player and i’m gonna miss her when she leaves.” your coach was tearing up and she turned to you and gave you a big hug, and you returned it, starting to cry too.
your turn was done so you walked back into the dugout being hugged by everyone and staying for everyone else’s turn.
it was 9:04 and you were walking out the dugout going to find paige and her friends. they were standing by the bleachers talking, “hey guys.” you said to them and they went up to you and said hi and gave you guys and were talking about the game. “are your hips okay?” paige asked you, “they hurt alot but it’ll go away eventually.” you said while placing your heavy bag on the ground.
“well me and kk are gonna go back to our dorm, our uber is here.” ice said and she game you one last hug before walking away, kk giving you a hug and leaving.
“y/n i have a question for you and something for you in my car.” paige said as she grabbed your hands. “what is it?” you asked her. “y/n l/n will you please be my girlfriend?” said asked with a smile and grabbing your waist softly so she didn’t hurt you. “yes, yes i will!” you said as you gave her a kiss.
she kissed back then quickly pulled away. “i have a big as basket full of stuff for you. i had nika and azzi help me pick out things for it.” she said as she held your hand started to walk. you grabbed your bag and followed her, “im excited to see it.” you replied as she took you to her car to get the basket. she opened the car door and handed the basket to you.
“thank you so much p.” you said to her giving the taller girl a kiss. “you’re welcome baby, ill see you tomorrow.” she smiled and got in her car to leave.
sorry if this sucks 😭 but anyway i hope you enjoy, have a good day/night, love you 💋💋
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redflagshipwriter · 3 months
Hot Ghouls in your area ch 6
part 1
Danny felt like something scraped off the pavement. Through an act of absolutely heroic willpower (and outright fear of Jazz trying to help him rebalance his workload) he made it through his morning classes.
He staggered away from campus, brain buzzing tiredly over numbers and formulas and also his accidental concubine.
Nope. He shook his head rigorously. “I need a pick me up,” Danny decided. He ignored the common sense that said ‘coffee isn't going to fix this.’ Sure. That was true. But it wouldn't hurt, would it? And he was way overdue for the first meal of the day.
He shouldered his way into a café near campus. This wasn't one of the most convenient ones or one of the trendy ones with different seeds or organic whatever baked goods on rotation.
Nah. It was dark, mostly empty, and multiple tables were along the wall with nice views of the windows and door. The only other customers he had seen in this place were 50+. Well, there had been a high school girl inside once, but she'd clearly come in because her grandmother was the owner. Danny beelined to his preferred table and unloaded his backpack onto the spare chair before he gratefully collapsed.
Ah. Dark. Quiet. He slouched onto the table a bit.
“You look tired,” said the owner.
Danny lifted his head just enough to give her a cheesy smile. “Can I get a coffee, please?” He croaked. “And- is it still lunch hours?” They stopped doing lunch at two, didn't they? Shoot. What time-
“I can do lunch,” she reassured. She scribbled something deftly onto a pad of paper. “Roast beef sandwich set?”
“I will protect you with my life,” Danny vowed.
She laughed and turned away, but he was for real for real. Danny forced himself to sit up enough to look around his surroundings. He wanted to stay awake. He had just one more class today - a 4 to 5:30 lab. Once he got through that, he could go to bed.
He accidentally made eye contact with a young guy holding up a book. Danny lifted a single wave and then looked away awkwardly.
‘Wait a second.’
Danny did a double take.
Yes. Yes, that fucker was holding up a copy of a book from the library in Pariah's keep. It had ghost writing on it.
The guy slowly, pointedly lifted an eyebrow. He was- he was hot and huge and Danny had seen him lift like 200 lbs of books like they were nothing at all.
Danny flushed bright red and buried his face in his hands.
Okay. Okay, so that was Jason's face. How had he found Danny??? That was absurd. …Was it a threat? It felt kinda threatening. Was he in like, danger? Danny pulled his hands away from his face and squinted as subtly as he could at his hellion of a ghost spouse. What kind of sick mind game was it to lurk along his daily route and passive aggressively remind him that he should be working on their divorce?
Worse than that. This was the fastest anyone had ever found his personal identity. Fear and confusion trawled around his gut. How? Literally how? Danny raced back through his memory of their conversation and kicked himself over every misstep he could remember. Clearly, Jason had been prodding him for enough information to trick him into doxxing himself. It was a betrayal, honestly.
Wait. The burner phone. Danny didn't know how, but Jason must have been able to track it. It was a trick.
Danny gave him a nasty look when he figured that out.
Jason pretended to be absorbed in his book. The bastard!
Danny got tenser and tenser, the tendons in his hand flexing into visibility on top of the table.
He felt guilty about not dropping everything and then resentful that apparently Jason wanted him to. He had other things to do, okay? His school life was important.
“Here's your coffee.”
“Thanks,” Danny said automatically, and moved his hands to free up space for the cup and little container of cream. He immediately spooned in sugar and dumped in all the cream. He was way too grateful for something to do with his hands. He breathed in steam and then took a careful sip. It was a good chance to steal another glance at Jason through his lashes.
Jason was still pretending not to pay attention to him.
What was his deal?
His plate came. Danny ate mashed potatoes and gravied meat with more viciousness than usual, casting dark looks at Jason over the vividly orange carrots he speared into his mouth.
The sugar, caffeine, and confused anger hit his nervous system and converted itself helpfully into energy. Danny buzzed with energy. He was going to tell Jason to back off, he decided. The guy still hadn't moved other than to sip at what had to be ice cold tea by now.
“Do you have a problem?” Jason drawled. For the first time, he shut the book and fixed his green eyes directly on Danny.
“I was wondering what your problem is, actually,” Danny shot back. He gave a pointed look to the book. “Real funny bringing that out in public.” His gaze tracked back up to make eye contact and then his brain stuttered.
Holy cow. That was an ecto sheen on his eyes.
‘... I've already contaminated him?’
“It's just a book,” Jason said, voice full of fake confusion. As if he hadn't brought it there to make a point!
Yeah, okay. Danny scoffed. “Whatever, asshole,” he dismissed. He dug money out of his wallet and slapped it on the table to cover his lunch. He barely remembered to grab his backpack through the haze of anger. “I'm sure I'll see you soon.” He took the time to aim an ugly face at Jason on the way out, pulling his lower eyelids down and sticking out his tongue. He barreled out the door while Jason was still sputtering in his fake ass shock.
Boo! That jerk!
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dewdropdinosaur · 3 months
Falling for You
Summary: You are Vox's assistant and maybe tripping isn't so bad in the work place.
Warnings: None. Just Vox being egotistical(I tried to keep it canon but I am sorry if it's not exactly) and lots of pining.
Keep in mind that REQUESTS are OPEN!!
Vox stepped out of a black limo and stood up, revealing his seven foot figure as a crowd of demons rushed over to either take pictures, ask questions, or get an autograph…which he had completely ignored all their attempts to try with a disgusted look on his face. Stepping out of the limo along with him, clutching your pen-pad you strode beside him as he walked into the large VoxTech building. 
You knew he had secretly enjoyed the attention he was getting very much from the crowd. It made him feel powerful. You swore you could have seen him flash a light blue toothy grin at times.
“Sir, Zestial, your 3 o’clock is waiting in the 10th floor lounge to discuss recent sales and advertisements on 666. And your 4 o’clock canceled so your 6 pm is now moved to that slot. Valentino wants you to visit his studio apparently he is pissed and oh Velvette is having none of it—”
“Relax darling, I’ve got it handled.” Vox smirked down at you, cupping your chin in his hand in dominance. You breathe out a heavy sigh once he removes his hand, hiding a small blush that graces your cheeks hoping he didn’t notice. He does though, always has. The way your eyes light up when you look at him, the small tint of color that reaches your nose when he compliments you, he sees it all. And he loves it. 
Entering the elevator, you press the button for the 10th floor; relaxing as the metal doors close shut and you are away from the loud crowd. It continued like this for the rest of the day. Meetings, interviews, coffee break(that was more like a coffee second than the actual 30 minute lunch session), writing reports, adding to Vox’s calendar, writing more reports, making sure Valentino doesn’t blow up another employee…and so on and so forth. 15 hour days were now your specialty after working with Vox for so many years and yet some days still drug on longer than one would have appreciated. 
Sitting at your desk outside Vox’s office, the small light of the lamp illuminated the darkened area. You rub your eyes in exhaustion, peeking at the monitor to see it read ‘1:26 AM’. Deciding that five hours of sleep was better than none, you switch off your monitor and stack your paper reports neatly on your desk for later that day. Flicking off the lamp, you knock softly on Vox’s office door and allow yourself in. 
“Sir, I just finished up. I’ll see you at 7 AM.”
“Mhmm, another late night?”
“Could say the same for yourself boss.”
“Y/N, it’s past work hours. You know how I hate paying your overtime.” 
“And yet, without fail, I see that nifty little add on each week.”
“Well, you are one of the few competent assholes in this place”
“Was that a compliment sir?” 
“Don’t push your luck darling.”
Vox turns his chair around to face you, a large cup of coffee steaming in his hand as he sips it with a smirk. Crossing your arms with the chuckle, you liked this banter. You and Vox had always had a good working relationship, sassing each other back and forth while still toeing the line between professionalism and flirting. Taking a step forward, you stop right in front of his desk.
“You know me Vox, I am always pushing the envelope. So, was it a compliment?”
“Ah yes, always so pushy. Really shouldn’t be a quality you brag about.”
“But it’s why you like me~. The pushing, always getting what I want to know.”
“I will neither confirm nor deny the fact that you may have more tact than most in this shithole.” 
Biting back a laugh at his playful attempt at professional language ruined by the vulgarity, you place a hip on the desk; sitting casually. The large aquarium was a nice backdrop and you could see why Vox spent a lot of time here. Other than working himself to the bone to maintain his image/the company or hunting down the Radio Demon on any available CV camera, looking into the aquarium was a nice activity you assumed he might partake in. 
“Something on your mind Y/N?” 
Snapping your head back to his and reality, you offer a sheepish smile and a shake of your head. 
“No, no. Just admiring the aquarium.”
“It is pretty nice, I built it myself. Should have seen it, it didn't take more than a week.”
“Truly humble boss, truly humble.” 
“Now is that any way to speak to your employer?”
“My apologies. I didn't realize stroking your ego was in my job responsibilities.” 
Standing up from the desk, you accidentally catch your foot on the wires underneath. Bracing for the impact, it doesn’t come. Instead, you are caught as a small yelp leaves your mouth. Looking up, Vox has caught you with one hand; holding you in a dip. The world freezes for a few seconds as you take a moment to look at his face, the feeling of his hands on your hips, it all felt…right for some reason. 
Clearing his throat, Vox pulls you up and removes his hand. You could have sworn you saw a small flush on his screened face before he spoke. 
“Tch, women. Always falling for me.”
“Again…really humble boss.”
Heat still crept onto your cheeks as you long for the feeling of his hands on your waist, how warm they felt, how safe it made you feel. Adjusting your blouse, you excuse yourself and walk home; mind running with all the possibilities and recounting every second of the encounter. 
Little did you know, Vox was doing the very same. Replaying the event on his monitors, reviewing every second and every flush of your skin. The way your eyes widened and looked up at him with such hope, it made his circuits buzz a little. He wouldn’t deny it, he had always found you attractive. Definitely helped in meetings with other Overlords to have a pretty face moderating. But he would be wrong to say that was the only reason. You were hardworking, almost as driven as him and that is saying something. You flowed effortlessly around the office, directing everything to its natural and needed space. And the way you smiled for the camera, gosh he wished you would smile at him like that. That pretty pearly white smile. 
Looks like this might not be the professional relationship it had started out to be. Neither of you wanted to keep it professional anyway. 
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shanastoryteller · 11 months
Happy Pride! One of the genderbendy stories, please? Lady Mo, maybe?
a continuation of 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40
Xuanyu groans and rolls her eyes when Lan Wangji insists on treating her wounds before they continue, but apparently decides she's tested his patience enough for one evening because she says, "Fine," and and begins to untie her robe.
He steps closer and grabs her wrists. "What are you doing?"
She looks up at him and this close he can see the exhaustion lingering in her dark eyes. "You just said you wanted to bandage me up before we left again!"
"You cannot undress in front of," he gestures around them.
She frowns, following his hand, and then looks down at herself. "Oh. Right, forgot that mattered now." He quirks an eyebrow and she blinks, face going a shade paler before she pastes a too wide smile across her face. "Okay, well, the carriage then?" She doesn't wait for him to answer, instead raising her voice to shout, "Sizhui, make sure our guests get something to eat before we get moving."
"Yes, Lady Xuanyu," Sizhui says, more formerly than he would normally, but Sizhui takes after him in that he tends to fall back on formality when he's feeling out of sorts.
Lan Wangji sighs and leads her to the carriage with a hand on the small of her back. His instinct is to grab her arm and drag her there, but she gets squirmy and argumentative, and he's had quite enough of both.
She hops into the carriage, only wincing at little at the sudden motions, and he follows her in, setting down the supplies he'd grabbed and then closing the doors firmly behind them.
"It's really not that bad," she says as she undoes her robes and slides them down her shoulders. "We'll have time to bathe when we arrive at Koi Tower and I could have just cleaned them there. They don't really need bandages."
He ignores her and doesn't let his eyes linger on her breasts even as he gets flash of memory of closing his lips around a small, dark nipple and biting, his tongue running the indents his teeth had left in soft flesh.
"You didn't need to go running off alone," he says, hoping it's dark enough that she doesn't see the flush he can feel crawling up his neck.
She scoffs as he presses a damp cloth against the stab wound between her shoulder and collarbone, cleaning away the tacky blood. "Song Lan needed help and he's my friend."
Lan Wangji wants to ask once again how in the world she knew were Xiao Xingchen was, how she'd been able to lead Song Lan right to him, but one issue at a time. "You could have told us that and we would have helped."
"Uh huh," she says.
He presses down harder than he'd intended and she hisses in pain. He pulls back, grudgingly admitting to himself that she was right. The wound has already closed and the bruises covering her chest have turned a sickly yellow, looking days old rather than hours. He's never seen anyone improve a golden core so quickly before, especially using such dubious methods.
He doesn't want to say the wrong thing, so he gives himself time to gather his thoughts as he wrings out the cloth. "We are not the Mo. Or the Jin."
"Uh, yeah? I noticed," she answers, pulling her robes open even wider to reveal even more bruised skin and the curved slice around her right hip.
"Have you," he asks quietly, keeping his touch gentle as he cleans the blood from thigh. "You are not - you don't have to," he stops, taking a deep breath and pausing his motions so he doesn't accidentally hurt her again. "You are not required to tell me anything that you don't want me to know. However. I am your husband."
"I noticed that too," she says, voice coming out low, and Lan Wangji does not allow himself to be distracted by the fact that he's kneeling over his mostly naked wife, her body small and soft and strong, evening bleeding and bruised.
"Then you should act like it," he returns, and odd reversal of their argument after the waterfall. "In the Lan you are not a bastard daughter but my legitimate wife. If you'd told me you wished to assist Song Lan, I would have helped you, and others would have volunteered to accompany us. You would not have needed to go alone. "
Xuanyu glares at him, somehow even more compelling with the anger brightening her eyes. "I was fine alone. I didn't need you."
"This is not about needing," he says softly, "but about having. Whether you need me or not is irrelevant. You have me. Next time I hope you remember that."
He ties her inner robe together before jumping out of the carriage, leaving her to redress herself. He feels the weight of her gaze on him, but she doesn't say anything.
Lan Wangi sighs, rubbing at his forehead. He drops into the seat next to his brother, noting Sizhui and Jingyi sitting at the same table as their guests and insistently putting more and more food on their plates over their protests. Well, Song Lan and Xiao Xingchen's protests. A-Qing seems quite happy to eat everything put in front of her.
Xichen raises an eyebrow.
"How long did it take Jin Guangyao to trust you?" he asks impulsively, regretting asking almost as soon as it's out of his mouth.
Xichen sighs, "Oh, Wangji," and doesn't answer.
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AITA for demanding a kid's mother compensate me for the expensive protective screen he ruined?
I (24F) used to work in a tutoring center with two classes, my class had around 8 kids, the other class had more because the tutor there is more experienced. I was having trouble managing my time and keeping up with all the classes the kids had. There was this one kid Mike (6M) who is a good kid but slightly mischievous, but I had a lot to say about his mother, I don't like her because she doesn't care. For example, the center closes at 6:30 and she's always like 1 hour late to pick him up, sometimes when I'm in a hurry to leave, I end up having to give him a ride myself because I can't just leave him alone and she doesn't pay me for the extra work. She even started to expect me to give her kid rides whenever she has plans, and never offers to pay. I could've been more strict with her but unfortunately I have social anxiety and have trouble asserting myself, but it's common sense to pay people for these sort of things.
Sometimes she even leaves for a trip OUTSIDE OF THE COUNTRY after she drops him off at the center (for her job- but it's her personal business and she could literally choose a different time or at least arrange for a pickup for her kid??)
Also Mike has two smartphones that he brings with him everyday and is very protective of them. I have no idea if both of them belong to him but that's irrelevant, the point is somehow he's allowed to carry two smartphones at the age of 6, I find it weird. And apparently the mother isn't even aware of it?! (As will be explained later)
It's been a minute so I don't remember what else I didn't like about this mother but there WERE other issues.
Anyway, the center was unofficial and there weren't any real guidelines for me to follow and I was new and very inexperienced so I often went to the other tutor (36F) for advice and copied her teaching style. For the poems and songs the children had to memorize, she suggested I use a recorded audio on my phone to help them with it instead of having to reread the entire thing for them over and over.
So I used this method a lot. At first I used to hold the phone for them and stay near them, but as time went to I started to trust them with my phone as I see how they handle it but I stay close to it. This continued for like a month and nothing happened to my phone. Sometimes when they are done and waiting for their rides I even let them play games on my mobile sometimes and yet nothing happened.
But one time there was a lot of homework so for Mike and another kid on the same grade I played the audio on loop and left the phone next to them, I warned them from messing with it and left to help another kid with her homework.
As I'm busy with this other kid go back to Mike and I find out he peeled the my phone's protective screen on purpose and he was laughing? Yes he's 6 but he knew exactly what he was doing. He often didn't let anyone touch his phones and often checks for damages and goes on rants about how handle a phone.
I went to the other tutor for advice and told me that was unacceptable and the mother should compensate me for it, so I decided to finally assert myself and immediately messaged her to tell her what her kid did and told her the screen costed me over 100$ (which is a lot of money in our currency) and my job was part time so my monthly salary was only about 660$ and it was the only job I had so obviously I couldn't afford it on my own.
She responded by telling me her a 6 year old doesn't understand the value of these things and it was my fault for lending him my mobile. I replied that I only allowed him to borrow my phone because I saw how he treated his two phones and listed several examples of how he handles them and takes good care of them and understands what damages them.
Her only response was: "Who said he has two phones?"
I was so done that was her only argument, but before I could reply she called management to complain about me demanding her money, they promised to resolve the issue and hung up to hear my side of the story.
My boss told me I was very bold to assume the mother would pay me, while the other tutor was on my side, and I learned in a private conversation with my boss that she wasn't a fan the other tutor's teaching methods.
Needless to say, I quit, for many reasons but this was a big factor so AITA?
What are these acronyms?
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antimony-medusa · 5 months
MCYT on Ao3 — January '24
The state of MCYT on Ao3, just for fun. Yes I do this every month, I like numbers. This time the period we're covering will include many holiday exchanges, so I'm excited to see if that's represented!
The Cube SMP (8 works)
Slamacow Minecraft Animations (Web Series) (10 works)
iDots SMP (23 works)
30 Day SMP | Free Trial SMP (27 works)
Legacy SMP (28 works)
Cogchamp SMP (29 works)
Content SMP (30 works)
Epic SMP (32 works)
Art of Survival SMP (36 works)
Dominion SMP (38 works)
Shady Oaks SMP (49 works)
X Life SMP (51 works)
100 Hours Hardcore SMP (54 works)
IvoryCello's Prison Escapes (Web Series) (56 works)
Bear SMP (60 works)
SadSMP (66 works)
My Inner Demons - Aphmau (Web Series) (67 works)
Mer SMP (82 works)
Area Unknown SMP (89 works)
Kaboodle SMP (91 works)
Tortillaland SMP (115 works)
House Builder Gang SMP | HBG SMP (135 works)
New Life SMP (169 works)
Slimecicle Cinematic Universe (Web Series) (174 works)
WitchCraft SMP (182 works)
Pirates SMP (213 works)
Rats SMP (234 works)
SMPLive (295 works)
SMPEarth (304 works)
Mianite (Web Series) (379 works)
Outsiders SMP (393 works)
Afterlife SMP (395 works)
MindCrack RPF (504 works)
MyStreet - Aphmau (Web Series) (543 works)
Evolution SMP (693 works)
Minecraft: Story Mode (Video Game) (824 works)
Karmaland SMP (842 works)
Fable SMP (1,012 works)
Lifesteal SMP (1,546 works)
Origins SMP (1575 works)
The Yogscast (3,215 works)
Empires SMP (6,408 works)
QSMP | Quackity SMP (7,375 works)
3rd Life | Last Life SMP Series (10,336 works)
Hermitcraft SMP (20,093 works)
Dream SMP (85,051 works)
Minecraft (Video Game) (110,119 works)
Video Blogging RPF (279,422 works)
Some notes:
No new tags that I saw this month, though as always I could have missed something! As you can see, we already have quite the assortment of canonized tags.
Fics are still primarily in english, but we have three exceptions with significant spanish fics. Karmaland (740 of 842 are in spanish, from 731 last month), Tortillaland (110 of 115 are in spanish, the same as last month), and QSMP (752 of 7,375 are in spanish, from 668 last month.)
QSMP also shows 39 fics in French, up from 30 last month, and 405 in Brasilian Portugese, up from 375 last month. While I did not check every language this month, I checked on the languages I knew had a fic in QSMP and we see 1 fic in ASL (probably a misclick as it appears to be in english), 1 fic in Bahasa Malaysia, 1 fic in German, 1 fic in Esperanto, 1 fic in Filipino, 5 works in European Portugese, 5 fics in Русский (Russian), 1 fic in Suomi (Finnish), 1 fic in Tiếng Việt (Vietnamese), and 3 fics in 中文-普通话 國語 (Mandarin Chinese, I believe), all the same as last month. New is two fics in Polski (Polish), one fic in Svenska (Swedish), and one fic in Dansk (Danish).
In the small and micro fandoms (under 200 fics), some of the most active small fandoms have grown out of this category so we only saw small amounts of growth. The standout fandoms all saw an increase of 6 works, and that was a tie between Content SMP, New Life SMP, and Witchcraft SMP. Note that Content SMP was coming up from only 24 works, so 6 new works is an increase of 25% of the fandom, truly impressive.
In the midsize fandoms (200-1000), Fable SMP has broken that 1000-fic mark and can no longer qualify for our standout fandom! Instead, our most active fandom was Evolution SMP, with 33 new works, followed by Mystreet with 20 fics and Minecraft: Story Mode with 24 fics. Mystreet and Story Mode are both new fandoms so it's unclear whether that's people retagging old work or true new fics.
For the post-canon big fandoms: Empires went up by 178 works, singificantly more than last month's 117, but not beating the previous month's 240, and Dream SMP's increase of 918 beat the previous month's 767, but is still only the second time I've seen this fandom fall under a thousand works plus a month. Hermitcraft is between seasons right now, but still experienced that holiday exchange boost, as its increase of 784 beat both last month's 574 and the previous month's 651. For active fandoms, traffic series posted a staggering 831 fics, which is its highest ever number, beating April 2023's 671 fics. QSMP saw 865 fics, which is part of a three month decline (894 last month, 913 the month before), but still posting numbers that are only exceeded by DSMP.
Overall, the number of fics posted under Video Blogging-RPF (the umbrella fandom that contains all MCYT) is 4,223 fics, a significant increase from last month's 3,489, and the previous month's 4,035, but still exceeded by October's record 4,702. Notably, it's higher than the summer numbers and almost exactly the same as the number we saw last January, 4,235 new works.
Detailed breakdown under the cut
The Cube SMP (8 works, 8 last month, 0-fic increase)
Slamacow Minecraft Animations (Web Series) (10 works, 10 last month, 0-fic increase)
iDots SMP (23 works, 22 last month, 1-fic increase)
30 Day SMP | Free Trial SMP (27 works, 27 last month, 0-fic increase)
Legacy SMP (28 works, 28 last month, 0-fic increase)
Cogchamp SMP (29 works, 29 last month, 0-fic increase)
Content SMP (30 works, 24 last month, 6-fic increase)
Epic SMP (32 works, 32 last month, 0-fic increase)
Art of Survival SMP (36 works, 36 last month, 0-fic increase)
Dominion SMP (38 works, 33 last month, 5-fic increase)
Shady Oaks SMP (49 works, 47 last month, 2-fic increase)
X Life SMP (51 works, 50 last month, 1-fic increase)
100 Hours Hardcore SMP (54 works, 54 last month, 0-fic increase)
IvoryCello's Prison Escapes (Web Series) (56 works, 54 last month, 2-fic increase)
Bear SMP (60 works, 59 last month, 1-fic increase)
SadSMP (66 works, 66 last month, 0-fic increase)
My Inner Demons - Aphmau (Web Series) (67 works, 64 last month, 3-fic increase)
Mer SMP (82 works, 80 last month, 2-fic increase)
Area Unknown SMP (89 works, 87 last month, 2-fic increase)
Kaboodle SMP (91 works, 87 last month, 4-fic increase)
Tortillaland SMP (115 works, 115 last month, 0-fic increase)
House Builder Gang SMP | HBG SMP (135 works, 134 last month, 1-fic increase)
New Life SMP (169 works, 163 last month, 6-fic increase)
Slimecicle Cinematic Universe (Web Series) (174 works, 169 last month, 5-fic increase)
WitchCraft SMP (182 works, 176 last month, 6-fic increase)
Pirates SMP (213 works, 195 last month, 18-fic increase)
Rats SMP (234 works, 229 last month, 5-fic increase)
SMPLive (295 works, 286 last month, 9-fic increase)
SMPEarth (304 works, 289 last month, 15-fic increase)
Mianite (Web Series) (379 works, 373 last month, 6-fic increase)
Outsiders SMP (393 works, 374 last month, 19-fic increase)
Afterlife SMP (395 works, 390 last month, 5-fic increase)
MindCrack RPF (504 works, 503 last month, 1-fic increase)
MyStreet - Aphmau (Web Series) (543 works, 523 last month, 20-fic increase)
Evolution SMP (693 works, 660 last month, 33-fic increase)
Minecraft: Story Mode (Video Game) (824 works, 800 last month, 24-fic increase)
Karmaland SMP (842 works, 824 last month, 18-fic increase)
Fable SMP (1,012 works, 945 last month, 67-fic increase)
Lifesteal SMP (1,546 works, 1,461 last month, 85-fic increase)
Origins SMP (1,575 works, 1,541 last month, 34-fic increase)
The Yogscast (3,215 works, 3,213 last month, 2-fic increase)
Empires SMP (6,408 works, 6,230 last month, 178-fic increase)
QSMP | Quackity SMP (7,375 works, 6,510 last month, 865-fic increase)
3rd Life | Last Life SMP Series (10,336 works, 9,505 last month, 831-fic increase)
Hermitcraft SMP (20,093 works, 19,309 last month, 784-fic increase)
Dream SMP (85,051 works, 918-fic increase)
Minecraft (Video Game) (110,119 works, 438-fic increase)
Video Blogging RPF (279,422 works, 4223-fic increase)
192 notes · View notes
cafecourage · 2 months
Speaking of sleepy, caring for sleepy Chain
We worked on this on stream long ago. I also made this also one bed. Part 1 has Time, Twilight, and Warriors
There was a common issue among some of the chain where most all of them have the fatal flaw of not being able to sleep. Some had issues waking up like Sky, Wind, Four and Wild. You quickly found that Legend was among that group but given the incident he went into the latter issue. Which was annoying when dealing with. It was completely opposite problems.
It was always hard to tell if the Old man was tired as he seemed to be always absolutely exhausted. Which was fair enough since he was dubbed the dad friend in the group thus making him the main person to go to for everything. It’s a wonder how he hasn’t just slept for 7 more years yet.
Still the Hero of Time was probably 3 days in without sleep and thats what you observed. Granted you should have stopped him by day 2. But you weren’t sure if he slept on the days you seen him take first shift and wake up with him being on last shift.
The other boy’s notice it too and while they all appreciate the extra sleep it’s unfair for Time. Warriors is typically the only one that speaks up about it since he isn’t phased by the Older Link’s tough exterior. While it would be embarrassing in hindsight you had to drag Warriors aside to push for you and Time to be in the same room. “I have a plan” is what you tell the captain not letting him know that you in fact, dont have a plan.
Truly the plan is fist fight the old man until he actually sleeps, or lecture him whatever you feel like. At least you will be here in town for a few days to gather supplies and information. So you can at least fix Time’s sleep schedule.
You’re plotting came to an extreme halt as you step into a room with one bed. “This can work.” You say out loud as you dropped your stuff in a corner of the room. “We can share the bed.” It’s not even up for debate at this point.
“Can we?” Time asks as he closes the door “wouldn’t that be uncomfortable?”
“Uncomfortable?” That wouldn’t be the word you would use. “Nah. Unless it makes you uncomfortable. Then I can take the floor.”
The hero gives you a look, one to even dare you to say that again. “If you don’t mind, then I don’t see why fight over it.”
“It I am being real.” You stand up and stretched “you do need it more.” It has been decided. You are lecturing him. “When is the last time you slept a full 8 hours? Heck 6 hours I would accept.”
An eyebrow was raised as he heads inside “I have been fine with the sleep I’ve been getting.” He takes his armor off putting each piece down carefully before finally sitting on the bed. He pats the spot next to him.
You follow his lead as you prepare a long argument. “Ah, yes the zero hou- Ack!” What you didn’t expect was Time to drag you into his lap and lay down.
Your face exploded in a blush as you were now basically his teddy bear. “Don’t you think I haven’t noticed you also have trouble sleeping.” He whispered as he was already in the process of wrapping the both of you in the blankets. “Let’s take a nap for now…”
Well… This backfired successfully.
Twilight was one of these Links which, made sense but also didn’t when you found this out. He tries to older brother everyone, he makes sure everyone is asleep before he does. Which takes forever to do and your patience for this man is thinning.
After stopping in a town from a long trek. The group decides to go to the Inn to set up shop. You were already on Twilight to take a nap before dinner. “No. We are going to eat in like 30 minutes.”
He isn’t getting out of this and you don’t care you’re in the middle of the lobby. There was something that the chain has yet to learn about you.
You might be short.
But you are strong.
So you marched up to Twilight and despite his struggling you throw the hero over your shoulder and went directly to the room angrily. “Let me down!” Twilight demands of you. However you couldn’t care about it as you open the door kick it close and threw him on the bed. “That was unnecessary.” He said getting up.
“It was very necessary!” You argued back crossing your arms. “When is the last time you properly slept?”
Twilight stays quiet and looks away. He looked like a kicked puppy. “I get enough.”
“According to who? Because everyone else can make an argument that you’re barely getting any to function.” You let out a huff as you should probably be more lenient with him because it’s not really like he is doing something bad. You know from experience that the body could function with little sleep if it’s used to it but it’s not healthy! You didn’t go through classes with a clear mind but you should have! “We are just worried about you.”
The Hero stays quiet but sighs “ok. I understand.” He seems to give up at this point. But he reaches out to take your hand finally letting himself looked exhausted “but… can you stay with me?”
Your eyes soften as he seemed to be more tired than you thought. “Of course I will. Someone has to make sure you stay put.” He teases you.
After a long day of traveling an inn was a welcoming sight. Since there were ten of you now each room had to have 2 people. Which was sometimes unfortunate for some, but for you in this current moment?
You couldn’t ask for a better opportunity since you (forcably) asked to be Warrior’s pair, only to have there only be one bed. 
It was instant that you had grabbed Warriors tunic and almost thrown him on to the bed. “Didn’t know you wanted me on the bed that badly, doll.” He was laughing. This man was laughing and he looked like hell. Probably felt like it too as the ever polished captain was showing dark circles under his eyes. His smile was sluggish and his eyes weren’t as sharp as they normally were.
“Very funny.” You rolled your eyes as you headed towards him again to help him out of his armor. “You should take better care of yourself. 3 days of barely any sleep? What were you thinking?!”
“That the other boys need some sleep.” There was no hesitation as the stubborn man is proud of himself for killing his sleep schedule. “It’s fine.” “It is not fine.” You didn’t mean to throw his shoulder plate on the carpet. “You better take your chainmail off before I do it for you.”
“What if I rather you do it for me?” The captain fire back without missing a beat. Instantly his face paled “wait-“
“Nope to late come here.” You take his tunic and just… thew it off of him. “Do you want to continue?” This was a threat.
“no…” Warriors voice was silent as he finally got out of what armor he had left. “I should sleep on the floo-“ that suggestion was instantly silent as you glared at him.
Finally when both of you were ready for bed you had put your self on top of him. Cuddling but also if he was going to escape he will have to wake you up first. “this is so you don’t escape.” You said.
“I wont. I wont.” Warriors was a bit hesitant to wrap his arms around you “Thank you.” He whispered as he finally started to relaxed.
“Don’t rely on me to fix your sleep habits.” You said poking his cheek “good night Captain.”
“Good Night Sweetheart.”
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kpop---scenarios · 3 months
Obsession (1)
Tumblr media
Pairing: Chanyeol x Reader
Warning: Smut, Stalker
Genre: College! Au
Word Count: 3.4k
Fuck. You really should have declined this fucking date.
You were in your second year of University, now you were currently hours away from your friends and family now, but you needed it. For your first year of University you had gone to one closer to home, and while the school was good, you were miserable. You lived at home with your overprotective parents, who didn't allow you to go to any parties, join any clubs, or do anything you wanted. They were smothering you and you felt like you couldn't breathe while being around them. You needed to leave, so when you heard you had been accepted for your second year, 6 hours away, you were so fucking delighted.
Here you were, at your new school for 4 months and you had only managed to make one friend. Everytime she invited you out with more people, something came up and you hadn't really been able to meet more people who you vibed with. Lisa had quickly become your best friend. And while you loved this school, you almost regretted transfering, due to your current predicament. When a guy from one of your classes, Mark, had asked you out, you hesitantly accepted. He was nice enough in class but now he was weird and making you uncomfortable.
“What kind of things do you like to do?” You ask, trying to bring on some kind of conversation.
“I'll like whatever you do.” He smiles, reaching over the table to grab your hand. You quickly pull it back, pretending to itch your leg.
“You don't have any hobbies?” You ask, raising an eyebrow. You wanted to get the fuck out if here.
“You. You'll be my hobby. I could look at you all day.” He smiles. That made you groan.
“I think you need to have your own hobbies. Staring at me is not a hobby.” You say, checking your phone. You quickly typed a message to Lisa, begging her to call you with an emergency. It's only been 30 minutes of this date but you couldn't do it anymore.
Seconds later your phone rang, Lisa's name popping up on the screen. You gave Mark a slight smile before answering. She was laughing on the other end, but you put on a pretty convincing performance.
“What? Oh, Lisa!” You exclaim. “Yes of course, I will be right there.” You finish.
“Meet me at the Rook.” She says before hanging Up.
“I'm so sorry Mark, I have to go.” You tell him, grabbing your purse. “There's an emergency.”
“What happened?” He asks.
Fuck, you hadn't thought that far.
“Her…dad was hit by a..dog.” You stutter. “Yeah, just zoomed right under him, took him right out. He's in the hospital.” You say. “Thank you for a..evening.” You finish before darting out of the diner. You decided to walk, since you weren't far from the bar she wanted to meet at.
Pulling open the doors, you're met immediately with Lisa at a table with a few others you hadn't met yet. Others that would soon become just as close to you as Lisa.
“Y/N!” She screams, giving you a giant hug. “This is Jennie and Rose, Jongin, Kyungsoo, Baekhyun and Sehun.” She smiles introducing you to everyone. “So, how was your date?” She asks. You settle in at the table and begin telling them all about the 30 minutes you had just spent with Mark.
“He kept trying to touch me, saying that he'd do whatever I wanted him to do.” You sigh. “It was all very weird and he made me extremely uncomfortable.” You finish, finishing off your drink.
“Who made you uncomfortable?” You hear a deep voice from beside you. You glance over and see quite possibly the most attractive man you'd ever seen. He was tall, black hair parted just right. He wore a nicely fitting shirt, dark ripped jeans. He pulled up a chair beside you, sitting down and smiled at you.
“Ah, Y/N, this is Chanyeol.” Lisa smiles. “Y/N was just telling us about her date tonight.”
“If you could even call it that.” You laugh. “I only lasted 30 minutes before Lisa called me with an emergency.”
“Speaking of, what did you tell him the emergency was?” She asked.
You covered your face in embarrassment.
“I never said I was good at lying.” You start to defend yourself. “Your dad was hit by a dog.” You start to laugh. “It zoomed under him and took him out.”
Everyone stared at you before the table erupted in laughter.
“Oh my poor dad.” She laughs.
A few hours and a few drinks later, you were all paying your tabs, but first exchanging numbers with everyone at the table. You'd all made a plan in a few weekends to get together, there just happened to be a party at the EXO frat, and you, Lisa, Jennie and Rose were going to attend. You were happy to finally be making some new friends.
“Are you sure you're okay to get home?” Lisa asks you, as you sway outside the bar.
“I um, think so.” You giggle.
“Yeah okay.” She laughs. “Jongin?” she says, motioning towards you.
“I'll happily get her home.” He smiles, fuck he was hot. You glanced over at Chanyeol, but he had already turned to walk away.
Jongin wraps his arm around your waist, heading in the direction of your address, that Lisa had told him.
You shouldn't have drank so much
Before you knew it, you were standing in front of your apartment door, trying to unlock it, but it really didn't help that you were seeing two of the locks.
“Here.” Jongin laughs, taking your keys from you. He unlocks your door, allowing you to stumble in. He hands your keys back to you. You mumble a thank you as you walk in and crash on the house. You can faintly hear Jongin chuckle as he closes your front door. You wanted to get up to go to your bed, but unfortunately your body was already down for the count. You snuggled into the couch and very quickly drifted off to sleep.
You swear to god you felt like you died. You rolled off the couch, your neck was stiff, your body hurt. This is why you never slept on the couch, you felt like an old, frail woman after whose body was failing her.
“Fuck.” You cry out, trying to move your neck around as you make your way to the bathroom. You turn on your shower, as hot as you're able to stand before checking your phone. You'd been added to a group chat with all that you met last night. They were talking about their upcoming week, until Jongin asked about you.
[From: Jongin 10:08am] How are you feeling this morning, Y/N? 🤣
[From: Lisa 10:08am] she probably feels like shit lol
[To: Group 10:10am] hangover wise, I feel great. Body wise? I slept on my couch and I have a hunchback now.
[From: Baekhyun 10:11am] don't die on us now
[To: Group 10:12am] no promises. I'm pretty fucked up ha.
[From: Jongin 10:15am] I can straighten you out if you need
You stared at your phone with your mouth hanging open. Did he? Was he really hitting on you? Your phone dinged again.
[From: Lisa 10:16am] I'M SORRY WHAT
[From: Kyungsoo 10:16am] I'm going to throw up my breakfast.
[From: Jongin 10:17am] STRETCHING. You fucking pervs. But I mean.. 😉
You set your phone down, and got into the shower. Would you take Jongin up on the stretching? Probably not, the hot water was already helping. However, would you take him up on sex if he offered? Possibly, but there was one face you just couldn't get out of your head.
The weeks went by, and you spent more and more time with Lisa, Jennie, Kyungsoo, Baekhyun and Sehun and Chanyeol. You didn't see Chanyeol as much, but you would see him around school every once in a while and when you would see him, you were met with a smile and a wave. You really wanted to hangout with him more.
The night of the party finally arrived, you were getting ready with Lisa, Jennie and Rose. The way you all acted together, no one would have known that you had only met the other two a few weeks ago, it was like you'd known them for years. Music blasted through Jennies apartment as you all danced around while doing your makeup, hair and getting dressed. Pre-drinks flowed and already you were having so much fun, you couldn't wait to see what the rest of the night had in store for you. An hour or so later, the four of you walked into the house of EXO, immediately met by the smell of weed and sweat. People were drinking, smoking, dancing and it looked like everyone was having fun. You and Lisa made your way to the kitchen to grab a drink while Jennie and Rose went to talk to some people. After a few more shots, Lisa dragged you to the dance floor, where you both let loose. You felt a pair of hands slide behind you, grabbing your waist tightly. You looked up at Lisa who had a weird look on her face. Turning your head, you looked to see who was behind you. Immediately you were uncomfortable. It was Mark.
“Hi, baby.” He whispers into your ear. You look at Lisa with wide eyes, mouthing “help” to her.
“Bathroom break, c'mon Y/N.” She says, grabbing your hand to pull you away from him. She pulls you upstairs and into the bathroom, slamming the door behind you.
“Oh my god, thank you.” You breathe.
“Ew, what is he doing?” She says. “What did he say to you?”
“Hi baby.” You gag, remembering the feeling of his breath in your ear.
“Oh that's fucked up.” She laughs. You both wait a few minutes before you head out of the bathroom, looking down the hall to make sure he's not waiting for you. Luckily he isn't upstairs, and when you went downstairs, you didn’t see him. You breathed a sigh of relief. You and Lisa got another drink, heading back to the dance floor where you met the rest of the group. Hours had passed and you had forgotten about your little interaction with Mark. You had left the dance floor, sitting on the couch with someone you didn’t recognize immediately. He wore a sweater, ripped jeans and a hat that almost covered his face.
“You want a hit?” he asks, passing you a blunt. You’d smoked a few times before but not very often because of your parents. You happily took it, taking a few puffs before handing it back. He looks over at you, giving you a smile and that's when you saw.
“Chanyeol.” you smiled.
“Having fun?” he asks. You nod your head as you feel the weed mixed with alcohol hitting you.
“That may have been a bad idea.” you giggle. Chanyeol smiles at you. Before you can say anything, you’re being pulled off the couch by Jongin, who insists that you dance with him, so you do. His hands on your hips as you grind your ass into him, but your eyes never leave Chanyeol. He adjusts his hat, showing his eyes that are set on you. Chanyeol licks his lips as he watches you dance with Jongin, his hands moving up and down your body. Chanyeol leans forward, his eyes still trained on you, his arms now resting on his thighs.
When the song is over, Jongin asks if you want a drink, you decline, wanting to go back to Chanyeol but you were cut off.
“Hey you.” Mark smiles, stepping in front of you. “Why did you run off?” He asks, tilting his head to the side.
“I've been with friends.” You say, trying to push your way past him, going anywhere else. He grabs your wrist, tightening his grip.
“Why are you trying to leave? I'm talking to you.” He snaps.
“Look Mark, you seem nice.” You say, glancing down at his hold on you. “But it's just not going to work out between us.” you finish, trying to get him to release your arm.
“Why not?” He asks, holding you tighter.
“I'm just not interested.” You say, fighting his grip a little harder now. You were beginning to panic. Everyone was in their own little worlds, no one realizing what was going on.
“You haven't even given me a chance.” he spits. You can't be nice anymore. He just wasn't getting it.
“I don't fucking like you.” You yell, pushing him with your free hand. His grip loosens a little, allowing you to rip your arm from his hand. You turn to walk away, catching the eyes of Chanyeol, who was looking at you with a concerned look. You start walking towards him when you're pulled away, Mark's hand back on your arm, pulling you in the opposite direction, towards the front door. You looked back for Chanyeol but he wasn't there. Mark continues to pull you through the crowd. Panic was really starting to set in, until you came to an abrupt stop.
“Move.” Mark yells. You look ahead, seeing Chanyeol blocking the way.
“She doesn’t seem interested, dude.” Chanyeol deadpans, glancing down at Mark’s hand on your wrist. He grabs Mark’s arm, swiftly moving Mark’s hand from you. “Don't touch her, or we're gonna have a fucking problem.”
Mark stares at Chanyeol for a moment before looking back at you. He gives you a wink before he walks away.
You let out a breath that you hadn't realized you were holding. “Thank you.” You say to Chanyeol.
“Can I take you home?” He asks. You quickly look around for the other girls to say goodbye, but you can't see them.
“Please.” You half smile at him, heading towards the door.
The walk home was pretty quiet, until you were close to your building and Chanyeol spoke up.
“So that guy..” he starts.
“Was the guy I went on a date with a few weeks ago.” You confirm.
“That's crazy.” He laughs. “I mean, I can see the appeal though.” He smiles.
“It's just right up here.” You tell him, pointing to the building coming up. “Would you.. want to come up for a drink or something?” You ask. Chanyeol nods his head, as you both make your way into the building.
You really had planned on having a drink, but as you closed your door behind you, Chanyeol turned around, looking your body up and down. He stepped towards you, you stepped back, backing into the door.
“Just say no if you want me to stop.” He whispers.
You say nothing.
He crashes his lips onto yours, his tongue sliding into your mouth, both of your tongues tangling together as he deepens the kiss, pushing his body against yours. You quickly discard your coat onto the floor, never breaking the kiss. Chanyeol bends down, his lips leaving yours and moving to your neck as he puts his arms under your thighs, effortlessly picking you up, letting you wrap your legs around his waist. He pins you against the wall once again, freeing his hands as you're still wrapped around his body.
“Hope you didn't like this shirt too much.” He groans, Using both his hands to rip open your shirt, buttons flying everywhere.
That was so fucking hot.
He pulls the shirt off of you, throwing it wherever, he kisses your neck, moving down your chest. You flick his hat from his head, upset that you were the only one half naked.
“Bedroom?” he asks.
“Kitchen table.” You breathe.
He smirks, walking you to the table. He lays you down, pulling his shirt off in front of you.
Holy fuck.
He was a lot more muscular than you had originally assumed, he looked so fucking good. He reaches up, grabbing the waist of your jeans, he tugs them down, discarding them on the floor, leaving you in your bra and panties. You place your feet on the table as Chanyeol kneels down in front of you, peppering kisses between your thighs. You're so fucking wet, desperate and needy right now and this was not helping.
“Please.” You pant.
“Tell me what you want, baby girl.” He says, moving closer to your pussy but not close enough.
“Eat me.” You groan, spreading your legs even more. Chanyeol licks his lips as he moves your panties to the side, spreading your lips before he licks a strip up your wet pussy.
“Mhmm.” Chanyeol groans, latching his lips to your clit. You back arches as he continues to lick and suck on your clit. Your eyes are closed as you feel him reach up, grabbing your tits, squeezing as he devours you. Your toes curl as he moves his mouth quicker, your hands make their way to his hair, gripping tightly as you push his face deeper into you, grinding your cunt on his face.
“Oh my fucking God.” You cry out, your orgasm building quickly. “Shit, oh fuck, I'm gonna cum.” You whimper just as your orgasm hits you, your eyes roll back into your head as your body works through the pure fucking euphoria you were feeling. Chanyeol takes one last slurp as he stands up, his rock hard cock pressing against his jeans.
He gives you a cocky smile as you sit up, your head spinning uncontrollably. “Wow.” You whisper, sliding off the table and down to your knees. You fumble with the button of his pants for a second before you get it undone, yanking his jeans and boxers down, letting his cock spring free.
You grab the base of him with your hand, licking the precum from his tip, before letting him shove his cock down your throat, as far as he could. You gag on him as he grips your hair. He thrusts his cock in and out of your mouth, tears falling down your cheeks, making your mascara run.
“Your fucking mouth feels so fucking good.” He groans, giving you one more hard thrust, before pulling his cock out. “I don't want to cum yet.” He breathes. You stand up, staring at him, he takes his thumb, smearing your mascara even more.
“Fuck that's hot.” he groans, bending you over the table. He stands behind you, his hard hands on your hips as he lines himself up with your entrance, his large cock stretching you out.
You cry out loudly as he shoves himself into you as far as he can go. He slowly pulls himself out before slamming back into you. Chanyeol grabs your hair, taking a clump in his hand to pull your head back before picking up his pace. His cock slams into you, hitting the perfect spot to build up another orgasm
“Right there, fuck, don't stop.” You scream. He lets go of your hair, pushing your head down, pressing your face into the table as he rams into you.
“Shit, you feel so fucking good.” He groans, not slowing down. Your apartment fills with the sounds of your skin slapping together, moans coming from both of you. The smell of sex and sweat filled the air as you came all over his cock, tightening your pussy around him. He pounds into you for a few more seconds before he finishes, releasing his cum inside of you.
He stands with his cock still inside you for a few seconds, both of you catching your breath. He pulls out of you, asking where the bathroom was. You continue to lay on the table, pointing in a direction, you weren't quite sure which one but he'd find it. You couldn't move, your legs didn't want to work right now. When he came out, he chuckled at you still laying against the table.
“Need some help?” He asks.
“please.” you half laugh. “I'm weak.”
Chanyeol laughs, scooping you up, taking you to your room, that he saw on the way to the bathroom. He laid you in your bed, covering you up with your blanket. He grabs your phone doing something quickly with it before pulling out his phone. He looks at it briefly, furrowing his brows.
“I gotta go, but I'll text you.” He smiles. You nod your head, your eyes already closed. chanyeol leans down, placing a small kiss on your lips before heading out.
Fuck you wished he'd stay.
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heeracha · 2 years
## end of the line. — p. jongseong
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synopsis: thinking it was a hotline for people who just need someone to talk to, jay calls. but why did a clueless student answer? with jay’s phone call has a time limit, you, the clueless student, insists on staying with him until the end of the line.
pairing: jay x f!reader
content/genre: college au (wow shocking), slowburn, fluff, angst and crack, smau.
warning(s): swearing, mental health deteriorating, lonely thoughts, i'll put it on every chap if there's anything you need to look out for.
note: hahaha im horrible, yes, delaying wob again, im so sorry. i just,,,,, idk lets say this is self-indulgent bcs fuCK its obvious im not doing too well for the past months lmAO AHHSDH,,, anyway,, yep. hope u enjoy whatever the fuck this is T_T. TAGLIST CLOSED. remember my bullshit last night about this not being as angsty as ymtm? yeah i take it back, i have the alt ending written already. HA.
tags: r.asks: eotl, eotl updates, eotl thoughts, eotl spoilers
profiles. / profiles 2.0
ep 1. — the one with the moving in (pilot).
ep 2. — the one with mommy looking for a daddy.
ep 3. — the one with too much workloads.
ep 4. — the one with donald duck.
ep 5. — the one with the hotline.
ep 6. — the one with the ppg leader, blooming.
ep 7. — the one with the style note.
ep 8. — the one with y/n's 15 minute-bf.
ep 9. — the one with reunited by peaches & herb.
ep 10. — the one with sulley and boo.
ep 11. — the one with the ghosting.
ep 12. — the one with the ghosting 2.0.
ep 13. — the one with three am bbq.
ep 14. — the one with bubs coming back.
ep 15. — the one with the cat naming.
ep 16. — the one with the lukewarm coffee.
ep 17. — the one with jay cooking his sadness away.
ep 18. — the one with the giggly simp in sunoo's dorm.
ep 19. — the one with the cream puffs request.
ep 20. — the one with jay's sweater.
ep 21. — the one after the bake sale.
ep 22. — the one with the three boxes.
ep 23. — the one where jay (almost) won.
ep 24. — the one with the backup plan.
ep 25. — the one with the rude girl and the guy with no manners.
ep 26. — the one with the sad face.
ep 27. — the one with the "you too" replies.
ep 28. — the one with the "i fell first, they never did" trope.
ep 29. — the one with jay can't because he's busy.
ep 30. — the one with sunoo blocking jay in his priv.
ep 31. — the one with sunoo leaving the group.
ep 32. — the one with jake throwing a shoe at jay.
ep 33. — the one with bubs' messages.
ep 34. — the one with bubs and honey catching up.
ep 35. — the one with jay trying to talk to y/n.
ep 36. — the one with jay's way of confessing.
ep 37. — the one with jay being so close (for the millionth time).
ep 38. — the one where honey called bubs by her real name.
ep 39. — the one with ur mom vibes.
ep 40. — the one with y/n crying for the hundredth time.
ep 41. — the one where minho gets a headache.
ep 42. — the one with sunoo becoming a caregiver.
ep 43. – the one with the letter.
ep 44. — the one with sunghoon being a drama queen.
ep 45. — the one with the matching icons.
ep 46. — the one during y/n's sad hours.
ep 47. — the one where jay doesn't care about y/n.
ep 48. — the one where jeongin spoils y/n.
ep 49. — the one where they decide they either fix it or have closure.
ep 50. — the one where everything's okay.
ep 51. — the one where minho will airfry jay and y/n.
ep 52. — the one with the ending, but not the end of the line.
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alternative ending. — the one with y/n staying with jay even after the line ended.
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