#&&.┊ but i’m actually weirder than you think → headcanons
riongeee · 3 months
I’m sorry you have sprung me back into my mild interest in Sebek. I’m sorry I have to dump my ideas here
Your recent post has reminded me of how I feel about Sebek and the Dia 3. I might be wrong, because tbh I’m not that good as social situations so if I’m wrong correct me.
So, we know that Dia3 are like a little family, so he’s always somewhat out of place. Like to me, he comes off to Lilia as a “Bauls Grandson/Silvers Friend” and Malleus as “Silvers friend/Guard.” He feels a bit different than how they treat each other.
It’s weird, as he’s, like acknowledged, but not really ever that close to the others like they are to each other.
For Lilia, it feels odd but natural, as it seems like he just really pranks him, but he does, in my opinion, acknowledge him as his own kind of dude, though their relationship isn’t really son father like Silver and Lilia, but he’s still treated (mildly-) like a friend. Like how your friends parents treat you, where they’ll take care of you but you’ll never be as close? It’s a bit weird, because someone (other Sebek Zigvolt blog) mentioned that Lilia might’ve only convinced/was convinced by the fact that Baul is his old friend and Sebek was friends with Silver, and not the fact that Sebek stood out on his own, which would suck for Sebek.
For Malleus, It’s even weirder, but the best I’ll say is it’s like a younger sibling trying to praise the older one that is his idol, even though I’m pretty sure Malleus mainly views Sebek as a guard and Silvers friend, but I can’t make a really big opinion since most interactions are just Sebek praising him. (From what I’ve seen) It just feels like Malleus is close yes, but not really, as he more or less views him as a “younger brothers friend” vibe to me.
Silver is the closest, and to me they’re like brother and younger brother. They’re close, but constantly fight, (it’s one sided lol, Sebek views him as a rival, while Silver is just like “chill.”) and it’s actually kinda sad, because it feels like Sebek tries to be better than him to prove himself, but always loses. (Expect in height. He wins that one.)
On that last point, I think (read somewhere) that he’s a late bloomer, so for some reason, I headcanonned that Sebek is so spiteful, because of Silver always coming before him. Because hear me out, Silver is a human, and Sebek is half, and they lived in a place that despised the both of them. The “shame” he must feel when the human gained his powers and abilities over him while they lived there (I’m pretty sure Silver gained his power when young) because at least Sebek is half fae, and somehow always got beaten by a human. Like imagine how much he got bullied for it over the fact that he’s probably bullied for being mixed. Poor boy.
Anyways thanks for letting me have my thoughts I’ll probably make them all in one blog post later but thanks.
P.S. His own Wiki insults him, I just want to give this guy a hug.
“A livewire who, in his zealous eagerness to be a retainer worthy of the great Malleus, often expends a great deal of energy to accomplish very little.”
Anyways thanks bye
Omg, your ideas? Beautiful. Your brain? Massive.
I swear people don't get how much I like Sebek as a character/just Sebek.
What you said sums up so much of what I think is the issue(not really but kinda) with Diasomnia dynamics.
I just want to add on a few more of my little brain worms to this. Sebek treats him being around Malleus like a job, which I think really inhibits how close he can get with Dia 3. They all see eachother as family and treat eachother accordingly, yet Sebek always mentions how he will be/is Malleus' guard.
I feel like it really sets a boundary that Diasomnia don't really try cross. Which is really interesting because there's something to be said about Sebeks insecurities on being half human and feeling less than as a result. So he subconsciously doesn't let the Dia 3 in.
As for the Dia 3 themselves, what you said pretty much sums up my thoughts too :')
Lillia is distant and only took him in due to Baul and treats him warmly but not 'family warm'.
Malleus is nice enough but as you said distanced due to their positions. Which is probably sad for Sebek to watch Silver despite also being a future guard being treated more warmly. I see Malleus as more of an 'older cousin who hangs out with the older kids instead of you' vibe idk.
Silver is nice. However, he doesn't understand what Sebek is feeling so he can't help really. The comparisons between him and Sebek must also drive a really big wedge in the potential for a closer relationship.
Overall, it leads back to the main issue in which Sebek is treated like an outsider by people who are dear to him. Exacerbated by already feeling like an outsider due to being only half fae.
Lastly, my personal closing thoughts, I really dislike when people boil down Sebeks character to 'loud, shouty dude' and say that's why he's not close to Diasomnia. (Also, the wiki insulting Sebek is actually devastating, Sebek support groups need to rectify this for the poor guy).
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yuusishi · 2 years
Hello! Could I request headcanons of Deuce, Jack and Leona with a super flexible s/o?
pairings : Deuce Spade , Jack Howl , Leona Kingscholar x gn!reader
genre : fluff
cws/tws : descriptions of limbs bending in unnatural ways (obligatory please do not try these at home), barely anything for Leona
a/n : I’m flexible myself but I’m not really sure if I did it justice LMAO, also sorry this is a bit low effort I couldn't think of much for this post 😭😭😭
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Deuce Spade !!
The most panicked out of the three. Poor boy thought you broke your bones.
If you also do things like yoga and he sees you doing those intense positions, I think he’d have to try his hardest not to pass out.
“[NAME], ARE YOU OKAY!? ARE YOU INJURED!?” “No, I’m just doing some stretches, don’t worry”
After the initial shock, he’d think your flexibility is honestly really cool! You being able to do all kinds of poses with little to no struggle unlike people with regular flexibility levels.
He might even ask to help him out with stretching exercises to help relax his muscles, or to just destress in general.
I don’t think he won’t stop acting like he got jumpscared every time he sees you doing something unnatural with your body though, such as bending your arms so far behind you to the point anyone would think there’s an invisible device pulling them back.
I think hamstring stretches are the bane of Deuce’s existence when doing cooldown exercises, so during PE class if he sees you doing it with such ease, he’d be more motivated (and slightly competitive) to be able to do it himself.
I think he’d also ask if you did or used to do ballet since some of the poses he’s seen you do looked like things ballerinas he saw on Magicam did.
Out of all body parts, the part that makes him feel like fainting when you bend them weirdly are your fingers. Seeing them bent in ways they’re not supposed to makes his legs feel weak.
All in all, thinks you’re super cool for it but at the same time it terrifies him.
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Jack Howl !!
I think he was just confused on what happened at first, but didn't really care much.
"[Name], did you just...wrap your leg around your waist...?" "Yeah, what about it?"
He's an NRC student, he's probably seen things much weirder than your limbs bending in ways they shouldn't.
But that didn't really stop him from having that thought in the back of his brain going 'are they hurt?", your arm isn't supposed to bend that way, are you alright?
Congrats, if you do yoga or any other exercises that require a lot of stretching, you got yourself a new person to do them with!
I also hc that Jack might have the slightest trouble with flexibility exercises, so he really appreciates you helping him out with it.
But sometimes when he sees you do something that your body should not be able to do, even if he remembers you're incredibly flexible, he just can't wrap his head around how that's even possible.
Although Jack doesn't show it much, he actually thinks your little ability is really cool, no matter if you got that flexible due to training or you were just born with it.
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Leona Kingscholar !!
I think he'd be a little impressed by it actually, bordering between impressed and weirded out.
Especially if you didn't tell him that you could bend your body that much and he walked into you literally folded in half limbs all over the place but a completely neutral look on your face.
"Herbivore, what in the Great Seven are you doing" "Oh just stretching a bit, I just woke up"
"😬❓❓" would probably be his reaction to that.
After that he won't really care, occasionally he finds the ways you can bend and stretch your limbs a little funny.
Just please don't do anything weird when he's just woken up, sometimes he'd think there's a deformed demon at the foot of his bed but it's just you doing some strange stretches.
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The DSAF Flipside sprites are wildly inaccurate
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So I think I may or may not have posted this before but- I’d like to say some things-
DSAF’s Flipside sprites are something I often use as a means of determining things that are 100% true about characters, but I tried actually comparing them (using head size as the average to make sure all heights are accurate). And this was the result. While I do see Steven as short and headcanon Peter as taller than Jack at least even I can see this is… probably not correct.
It gets even weirder when you notice that depending on where you are in the game sizes seem to change slightly, but let’s ignore that.
It seems like each one of these sprites (ESPECIALLY Peter) was made very separately from all others leading to major discrepancies. And look, while I do understand and I frequently do this as well… this is weird and feels like a little much.
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This image is probably the most egregious example of “this can’t be right”. Because not only is Peter fucking massive, but I’ve heard the excuse of “perspective” and if perspective has anything to do with this, Peter is even bigger because he’s the furthest from the camera.
Honestly Peter’s Sprite seems to almost be a different STYLE from all others around it.
So yeah- it’s pretty fucking clear that whatever the case may be- These sprites don’t say much about the world of DSAF.
I mean- I don’t blame Doggo at all for this, indie development is FUCKING HARD. Sprites are HARD. Keeping anything consistent is HARD. All I’m saying is- people who, like me, are using these sprites as a means of trying to make things canon accurate- always keep the Peter Sprite in mind as a reason you should take them with a grain of salt.
Of course it would be REALLY FUNNY if this was canon accurate and I wish it was but from other art it doesn’t seem to be.
AU where the Peter sprite is canon.
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slugbugda · 11 months
An Old Friend
A/n: I haven’t written anything in months but I was talking with @skipper-the-cryptic-bastard about their kraken Kyle headcanon and I just had to >:^D
I can’t write g/t to save my life--
Stan leaned his head up against the back of his seat, watching mountains pass by as they drove through Utah. He wasn’t sure why they were there, exactly, but in lieu of Spring Break his dad wanted more than anything to take them to a place where he could “Get outdoors”, and “Man up a bit.” 
The car pulled away from the backroad, stopping in a dirt driveway next to a wooden cabin. It was surprisingly nice; God knows where Randy got the money to rent it out. Stan took out his headphones and grabbed his bag as his parents talked away in the front.
“Maybe we’ll catch a sea monster or two.” Randy laughed, throwing open the trunk of the car. He pulled out two fishing rods, dropping them to the ground of the dirt driveway. 
Sharon scoffed. “Don’t say that around Stan, you’ll scare him.” 
Rolling his eyes, Stan got out of the car– leaving his discman in the back seat. “I’m 16. That stuff doesn’t scare me anymore.” He sighed.
“Yeah, yeah.” Randy gave a dismissive wave, “Can you come help me get this cooler out?”
It was just past 9:00 when they made it to the Great Salt Lake, and Stan was already lamenting Shelly for not being there. It’s not like he could’ve used college work as an excuse. Not that it mattered, though, as it was now one of the few times where Stan’s dad actually wanted to spend time with him– however that may be.
Sharon wanted to give the two some alone time, leaving Stan and Randy on the dock positioned just outside of the cabin. It was nice out– Stan sat down on the wooden pier, letting his legs dangle off of the sides above the cool water below. A soft wind blew through his hair as he did so. Meanwhile, his dad pulled up the cooler– leaving it only a few feet away from the ledge before propping it open. 
Inside were a dozen or so beers, along with a jar of worms. Stan cringed as he watched them wriggle and move inside. It made his stomach lurch.
“Now I know you don’t like hunting,” Randy started, taking one of the two fishing rods from Stan’s hands. “But this is different.”
Stan raised an eyebrow at that. “They’re still alive, dad.” 
“Not if you know how to fish. They won’t even know what got them!” Randy popped open the jar of worms, stabbing one onto the tip of the fishing rod. “Now you try.”
Reluctantly, he took out a worm and hooked up his own fishing rod; casting it into the water. He squinted his eyes as he took in the morning Sun’s glare, watching as it reflected down on the lake. For a few minutes they sat in silence, with Randy eventually breaking it. Stan picked up something about sea monsters before zoning out– finding himself lost in his own thoughts. 
When he first told Kyle that he was going to Utah for Spring Break, he seemed nervous– despite the fact that he also wouldn’t be in South Park. 
“My dad wants to take me hunting, I think.” He said.
“And you can’t just do that in Colorado?” Kyle asked; he was supposed to be visiting family over Spring Break. Sbf or not, why would he care where Stan was?
At first, Stan waved it off as something to do with Utah's Mormon population, but now he wasn’t too sure. He felt his eye twitch.
“It was in the pamphlet.” Randy interrupted Stan’s thoughts, “Krakens and all. It’s a curse, I think.” He cracked open a beer from the cooler.
The tip of his fishing rod bobbed in the water, but no fish was there. “Where’s the pamphlet, then?” Stan asked; not that he believed in it, but weirder shit has happened. He could suspend his disbelief for the sake of the trip.
“One second.” Randy got up, pulling his fishing rod out of the water. “I think your mother has it.”
Stan watched as he got up and walked away, half-drunk beer still in hand. 
Once Randy disappeared behind the treeline Stan focused his attention back on the water. Something felt off; he shifted uncomfortably and looked around, but no one met him. The hair on the back of his neck stood up– as if he was being watched. 
Suddenly, something darted past him; slipping under the deck just below his feet. Stan’s breath caught in his throat. Whatever it was, it didn't look like a fish– no, fish don’t have tentacles. 
From the way it moved in the water he could tell that it was at least four to five times bigger than him. And now, whatever it was, he heard it go still; he was being watched. Keeping the fishing rod in one hand he pushed himself back, bringing his legs up from the dock. 
“Just because it’s landlocked doesn’t mean you won't find any.” Randy’s words ran through his head, “They go here when they miss the sea.” 
Stan cursed under his breath, looking through the wooden boards in an attempt to see what was there. Randy hadn’t come back yet, but he doubted he could do anything about it. 
“Who’s there?” Stan choked out. He waited for a few seconds, but a reply never came. “Well no shit…” He muttered bitterly. 
Suddenly, the thing bolted out from under the deck; it was faster than before, hidden by the glare of the sun. All Stan could see were those same tentacles, coloured a sea green– he paled in size to even one of them. 
It made its way to a nearby rock, but stopped in its tracks. Stan felt himself jolt forward, pulled by the fishing rod clasped tightly in his hands. It was hooked onto something– Stan’s heart raced as he looked down. 
It was hooked on a tentacle. 
Stan’s hands shook, but he wasn’t about to back off. The tentacle jerked around in an attempt to get free; blood stained the water where one its suckers had attached onto the metal tip. He raised a hand over his eyes in an attempt to see better, cursing his empathy as he did so.
The other tentacles had splayed out around it, hiding the rest of the creatures form– at least, the parts that couldn’t make it to the rock. Stan squinted as he tried to make it out; a distinctly human torso connected to the tentacles from the hip. They were massive– giant, even.
“What the fuck…?” Stan said, not to anyone in particular; maybe to the sea monster, or kraken, whatever it was– but he wasn’t sure if it could understand him.
Carefully, he pulled up the rod and grabbed the end of the tentacle. It was cold and slick, and almost slipped away as he held it; the jerking stopped as he did so. Stan pulled the tentacle off of the hook before letting it go, watching as it slipped back into the water. 
It started to swim away, albeit awkward and haphazardly, leaving Stan alone again on the dock. 
“Wait!” Stan shouted out, and the kraken stopped for a second time. “Can I have that again? I’ll bandage it.” He was tense, as he could tell that it was, too; why? He didn’t really know. 
To his surprise, it pushed itself back over to the dock; giving him ample time to roll up his sleeves and take grab of the tentacle again, holding it still as he used a free hand to grab the medical kit from the cooler. The final job wasn’t very well done, but he was able to wrap the tentacle in a layer of medical tape; stopping the bleeding. Stan wiped what was left of the mess with gauze, drying it off before dropping it back into the lake.
He didn’t expect the kraken to cooperate, but it stayed still through the ordeal– occupied with covering its face and upper-body. That was until Stan got a glimpse of something in the water; that being curly, orange hair floating out from behind the other tentacles. His heart raced, and his eyes met the kraken’s. 
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sanctum-stinker · 2 years
How about MCU wongstrange? What was your first impression of them? Any headcanons?
I want to to know more, of what you see. Because for me personally, I think I ship them after mom. And I wonder if I missed more than two moments or scenes that flew over me
Hello Hi!
You came to the right place. Because I jumped on the WongStrange Bandwagon before No Way Home I’ve had plenty of time to analyse past content and also pick out bits from recent films which I thought were fruity!
I’ve just compiled the images in my camera roll because I can’t be bothered screenshotting and looking up all the scenes, I hope that’ll suffice!
Doctor Strange 2016
If I’m being completely honest, Mordo and Stephen have a better dynamic in this movie, but Wong still has his moments! Obviously the iconic Beyoncé scene, the weirdly tense library interactions, Stephen reviving Wong and Wong trusting him without hesitation etc etc. 
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This deleted scene as well. Rolling on the floor crying. This also sort of confirms they’re living together in the sanctum now, so that’s also a thing.
Multiverse of Madness 2022 This movie was kinda shit, but we got some pretty decent bits all things aside. Their overall banter and dynamics are fantastic at times, and whoever made their outfit colors so fucking complimentary deserves a wet sloppy kiss.
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Why are there so many shots of them looking at each other.
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Honestly I can’t even describe this one. Why is he looking at him like that.
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Christine tells him to face his fears so he immediately opens up a little to Wong and trusts him. Okay. Cool. Okay.
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And of course the bow scene. Peak symbolism regarding his respect towards Wong and his growth as a man. His eyes remain fixed on Wong when he does this and I think they were insane for this. I fucking love this scene.
Infinity War
Not much content in this because Wong peaces out like two seconds into appearing, but we get some good shit in that time.
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Matching battle stances are so romantic, boys.
That’s the only stuff I’ve got, but honorable mentions is that this further confirms Wong and Stephen now live together in the sanctum. The money and tuna melt banter at the start, Wong saying that the Hulk Ice cream is ‘our favorite’ implying ice cream nights and a conversation where they have confirmed to each other that that flavor is their favorites. Marvel I just want to talk, please, I just want to talk about Sanctum Sanctorum ice cream night please.
I also don’t have any images for Endgame, but the fact that Wong likely organised the majority of the portal scene makes me yell. Due to Stephen reappearing on Titan (as seen in his entrance scene) it implies that he had to have had communications with Wong previous to dusting. Because of his lack of presence he wouldn’t have been able to have actually put anything into action, thus Wong has to be responsible for the most iconic scene in the MCU!!!
The fact that they’re such a power duo offscreen and unknowingly carry the whole battle is insane to me and no one talks about it.
No Way Home
Banger film. Great WongStrange moments.
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Marvel tell us what happened at the full moon party IMPOSSIBLE edition.
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Stephen using puppy eyes to fucking win Wong over to let him use a dangerous reality warping spell. You know, just a casual Tuesday. AHHHHHH AHHHHHHHH AHHHHHHHH.
Also introduces Sorcerer Supreme Wong which I shat my pants about. I adore that they let him be Sorcerer supreme but dearly wish they took him more seriously. But we’re not here to talk about that. Onto the next.
What If…? Doctor Strange lost his heart and not his hands.
God I remember the soul shattering experience this was when it came out. The WongStrange content was surprisingly nourishing though.
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‘We’ve’ been through weirder.
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Stephen putting aside his crippling heartache for Christine just to save Wong? Like not even considering the actual rest of the world that’s fading outside? Okay. Cool. Cool. Okay.
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Wong also is the one to comfort Stephen about Christine and is a part of the pinnacle point in time determining wether Stephen uses the timestone and turns into Strange Supreme or not. 
Now the second two aren’t technically a part of the MCU, but they are related to it. I don’t know where they’re to be put in the MCU category but they exist so I’ll consider them canon.
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This book is just silly and goofy. No comments just read it for yourself.
Infinity War Prelude 2
This comic is so overlooked, and I don’t know why. The Doctor Strange Prelude is as well. They kinda do Wong dirty with the art, but the content is pretty cool. Also gives us an insight into Ragnorok and just how the sorcerers operate.
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Wong casually recounting Stephen’s whole journey for no reason.
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I just like them in this panel tbh. Stephen is kinda scrumpled.
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Stephen pulling a John Watson with the “stop being mysterious” thing. Implying Wong has been cryptic and mysterious enough for Stephen to recognize this as a character attribute.
That’s all I have, honestly I’m too tired to come up with a capping off statement, but I hope this pile of various moments is enough! The MCU is yet to really explore their dynamic, and let alone Wong as a character, so I’m excited (and a bit afraid after MoM) to see where it goes!
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fierykitten2 · 10 months
Now that Bake Off Season is over, I just want to say there are 12 bakers per series (I could’ve sworn there used to be 13) and 12 fighters in the original Smash game and you know what that means? It’s time for another episode of cursed crossovers with fierykitten2
Basically how they do and disclaimer this is very biased (though strangely the Pokémon don’t do so well and even weirder Jigglypuff does worse than Pikachu)
Ness is eliminated in week 1 and is vaguely remembered for being the first to get eliminated but otherwise basically completely forgotten
Jigglypuff is eliminated in week 2 and completely forgotten (in about 12 hours I’ll have forgotten Keith’s name)
DK, Pikachu and Luigi are eliminated in the following three weeks (not necessarily in that order)
Yoshi? Idk this is where he gets eliminated though
Mario and Link are fan-favourites that are eliminated in the last three weeks before the finals
Falcon and Fox (though especially Falcon - staying in while Mario and Link get eliminated probably doesn’t help his popularity) are the underdogs that make it all the way to the finals, surprising even them. Fox is the enthusiastic “dad” of the class of Smash (yeah I’m not putting a year there)
Samus wins the entire competition
Mewtwo and Lucario are the hosts
The judges? Idk, Master Hand and Crazy Hand? I’m not sure that would work. Surely we need someone based on baking? ALCREMIE! Wait, but there’s no Alcremie in Smash. Who said anything about the judges having to be in Smash? Dharkon and Galeem!
Wait, this only adds up to 11 who have I forgotten *thinks about it for 10 minutes* KIRBY! Yeah he gets eliminated around the same time Yoshi does. Maybe it comes down to a double elimination week and they both go simultaneously
I may need a Bake Off AU now and I’ll be honest, I didn’t even realise that was possible until I came up with all these ideas. Actually I still don’t know first hand. Also me making this post would be just as much of a spoiler for any Bake Off AU I were to make as the Starter Pokémon post is for AitPU (speaking of yes I probably could’ve released chapter 4 last week I’m just conscious I think I sidelined Falcon too much which is strange because he’s my favourite of the trio). Actually it’s even more of a spoiler because I don’t think it would ruin the ending or even that anyone would be surprised the unpopular blue birb I headcanon as bi ends up with the unpopular blue gay duck. Did that sound sexual/romantic? Oops *and congratulations, I’ve just got people liking F-Zero and Quaquaval even less. Great job ruining it, fanfic writer*
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holycartoonwarrior · 2 years
Not to be like, crazy self indulgent in with my headcanons. Like I’m aware this is kinda OOC but I rlly don’t care.
Like I like to think cuz stewy’s like insanely pent up abt the way he feels for Kendall and also because he’s like not rlly into the meaningless corporate talk and is kinda um BAD at metaphors — I LOVE stewy but head of a horse, dick of a swan isn’t winning any poetry awards — and tends to speak more literally. That sometimes he says something abt Kendall that is meant to be like just a reflection of how he feels, but it comes out so weird even Tom does a double take.
Like for example: Stewy relationship w food. He loves good food. Hes such a fucking gourmand abt it too. It’s like a reflection of his ability to enjoy things in his life beyond the corporate world, to not let it consume him in his misery, but it’s also like a reflection of his viciousness. The way he tears apart things for his consumption, the way he is shameless about how this industry has turned him into: a predator much like the animal metaphors used in the show, and someone rather devoid of morals in terms of work because he’s a parasite: he lives to feed. But yet it’s also a way he shares intimacy w Kendall, the way if he’s not talking abt work or drugs it’s food.
I feel like Tom and Stewy would be talking at a party and Tom’s like “oh, there goes your boy toy! Haha!“ when Kendall passes by w Naomi and Stewy like just is simmering in his Own bitterness.
And Tom’s like “oh cmon, you can do better than Kendall. If you need another drinking buddy I’m sure you got plenty of options, haha. “ being a shmuck making polite awkward ass convo and Stewys like not even looking at him anymore he’s just looking at Kendall LMAO. Which annoys tf out of Tom who regrets bringing him up and tries to move the convo along “Cmon let’s get something to eat. You know what you want?”
“Yeah, I do. Actually.”
“Okay cool.”
“ I wanna eat Kendall, piece by piece, then he won’t leave again.”
And he turns to look at Tom who is just like : 😟
It’s not even THAT bad, Tom’s just being a fucking drama queen and also it’s the fact Stewy says it so nonchalantly and matter of fact like he says everything else. Which makes it so much weirder.
Tom is like “oh my GOD, what is wrong with you??” over the top to fuck w Stew just a lil cuz he’s a fucking dickhead, but also cuz WTF why would u say that
“It’s a metaphor”
“For what??”
“For- oh fuck off man; this is why shivs cheating on you.”
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kutputli · 2 years
Extremely unfair that I sit down with pen and paper to take notes and the episode doesn’t feature My Main Man! In true fandom fashion, I will none the less proceed to make my episode reaction post all about him...
I foresee that the giant expanded cast of regulars is going to trip us up often with these either or situations - I deeply resent being made to choose between Nate and Trent. (HI TRENT!!! My favourite little smirky shit with the HAIR. You can vaguely saunter downwards on my screen any time you want, I have missed you!)
Look, Roy and Trent are my two blorbos, and getting extended interaction with them, and backstory, and deep nonverbal communication of various emotions was just delightful. And because we weren’t shown a pin, I am going to headcanon that Roy can burst balloons with his bare hands, like the animal he is. James Lance is clearly having the time of his life leaning into the comic elements of his character, and I love how ridiculous he lets him be.
Speaking of unexpected backstory... Rebecca was a bartender?! Where the fuck did that come from? She clearly and canonically comes from money. I thought she might have been a business manager of some kind, associated with Richmond, which is how she met Rupert, but this makes her qualifications to run (not just own) a football club all the more shaky. Also now she’s established that she was willing to help Rupert cheat on his wife... I have no idea why she would then be so shocked that she was in turn cheated on. And I’m sure Rupert used the same tactics with his bartender affair that he got Leslie to help him with later, so again, just how deluded has Rebecca been?
But since I’m talking about Rebecca anyway, let me drag this back to Nate, and how difficult it is to watch a show that attempts both comedy and pathos. Because it gives me whiplash being told to selectively suspend my disbelief for some situations and not for others. It’s like when you watch slapstick comedy - you know its ok to laugh at the pie in the face because EVERYONE is going to end up with that pie, and there is the shared trust that no one is actually hurt. But if a theatrical play has a haha pie moment with one character, and then flips to another where someone stumbles and then starts crying from the pain, I’m going to feel like shit for having been primed to laugh at what I thought I was told was a pratfall.
Rebecca, more than any other character on the show, has being shown doing things that get excused because of her position as beautiful, white, girlboss. Back in season 1, she walked into the locker room without knocking, surprising two players with their pants down (in contrast to Keeley, who we see asking for consent to enter right in the first episode). And now - she literally committed sexual harassment.
Bit ironic given the current British transphobic scaremongering around bathrooms, but yeah, stalking someone into a bathroom of the opposite gender and getting close to them while they are urinating, then literally negging them and mocking the smell of their urine is - sexual harassment.
And being asked to let it go because Zava seems fine with it is like letting go of Nate kissing Keeley because she said it was ok afterwards. I have been on the fence about whether to think of that as sexual harassment or not because ‘kissing someone without explicit verbal permission’ is one of those highly cultural context dependant gestures that sometimes people are happy about, and sometimes are genuinely ok writing off as an innocent misread of body language. But I certainly haven’t just laughed it off, and the show has shown Nate to have agonised about his offence afterwards. Will Rebecca even spare a second thought to the gravity of all her wrongdoings?
I have more to say, but I need to do a rewatch with subtitles on to catch all the dialogues I missed. (Is it me, or did Jamie’s accent suddenly become, like his hair, even weirder?)
Meanwhile to conclude with our regular spot of shallow aesthetic appreciation - how happy I was to see the Hot Photographer Lady from Keeley’s Vogue shoot back! Her name is Janette and she’s played by the radiant Miranda Shamiso, And I love her.
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poisonhemloc · 2 years
just miscellaneous thoughts about babies/some child care stuff. dont think this needs a mature tag but uh, ping me if it does?
So they’re all aliens and its probably not even our universe but I have some (do education type things at a zoo) knowledge on how stuff usually works so uh. I guess, baby specific headcanons? listen i do not care too much how it happens I’m not talking about that
For Hearthians- they’re explicitly formerly aquatic, I’d lean towards, rather than the hard shell type eggs like birds have, they probably have something softer, like amphibians (and fish) have. Probably (usually) a single egg at a time (...there are. so many other/weirder ways it can go that I think doesn’t fit the Hearthian’s vibe like eating all your siblings who hatched in your clutch), twins are either fraternal (two eggs laid) or identical (single egg with two hatchlings inside) (both are very rare for Hearthians, identical is more rare than fraternal). An egg has to be kept wet or at least damp until hatching, but hatchlings can eat most of what the adults can from birth- just smaller pieces, and. Not sap wine/ similar- it tastes bitter until you’re fully physically matured, when the taste mellows out into something decent. (Related, first meal for most Hearthians is their egg membrane).
Genetics wise, Hearthians are a single sex species- so, you can have an egg laid by an individual with no one else involved (parthenogenisis, some birds do it, it’s really cool!) or multiple parents involved. Hatchlings seem to be raised communally- I like to think there’s no actual emphasis on who laid what egg and genreally not a lot of emphasis on siblings (I like to think Feldspar and Gossan and then Galena and Tephra are two sets of half-siblings).
Nomai- Listen I do kinda wanna make them monotremes (egg laying mammals). Everyone else lays eggs. But I’m think I’m just stealing the weirder traits. Two sexes, need one of each for a child, but no real sexual dimorphism? If you don’t know how to tell male vs female Nomai, you can’t (I’d lean towards their culture has almost no division between male vs female partly due to this). Young still need milk, but, (as platypi do!) females dont have boobs/teats and just sweat milk through their skin around their abdomen. Family structure has more emphasis on the parent, but it’s broadly communal anyway- everyone knows who the kids are, everyone gets to help raise the kids even if the parents are the main people doing it.
Owlk lay eggs like birds- hard shells and all. I’m a fan of them not being a two sex species? We have. Nothing to go on here, I’d vote for one sex or three or just have fun and more than that. Whoever lays the egg is the parent who primarily raises the hatchling though.
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scary-senpai · 2 years
Can you explain garou x saitama? I really don’t see it but I’d like to know your opinion.
Haha, oh my goodness, this was such a lovely ask to get <3 I’m honestly excited to respond (and maybe a little nervous, haha). So, thank you again, beloved nonny, for asking with an open mind. :D
As I mentioned, I’m a bit nervous because the answer is likely weirder than you expect, and that’s because it’s kind of a personal answer? And I (IRL) also tend to be a lot weirder than most people expect. But when it comes to writing, that’s generally the sweet spot, so here goes nothing.
So, I tagged it as Platonic! Garou & Saitama** meaning it’s not romantic or sexual, at least, not in the traditional sense. I could talk for days about what I find appealing--I answered a similar ask on my main blog a few years ago, and my answer is still the same.
** actually I used “x” rather than “&” and in retrospect, I’m not sure if that’s correct. I’ll have to look into it more. But anyway, Garou and Saitama are foils: they have overcome similar obstacles, they grapple with similar despairs—including overwhelmingly strong emotions and/or the perceived absence of them, which is just as conspicuous and painful. I can’t help but feel if their journeys towards physical strength stem from the same place, which is that they are running from questions they don’t want to answer, and parts of themselves they’d rather avoid.
On a lighter note, though, they’re both a little goofy—I like to imagine they communicate almost exclusively in Dad jokes, and I have one scene drafted where they manage to derail a Hero Association meeting this way. You’ll find a lot of stuff under the brotp and sometimes OT3 tag, but more on that later.
In any case, I think that Garou & Saitama’s goofiness stems from the same place: time spent dwelling in dark places. I had a different reaction to That One Panel Where Saitama Threatens to Destroy the World, I thought, “hey, that’s relatable—most people who care deeply about others oscillate between pain and despair and anger, sometimes this results in dramatic outbursts, especially verbal ones; perhaps this will become a talking point later.” Based on later events/context, I no longer think that’s what the authors intended but I don’t think that interpretation is necessarily wrong—the first step to dealing with emotions is to name them. Anyway, I digress.
I myself am actually a gray ace, so when I imagine Garou and Saitama together, I just give them my ideal relationship which is all of the closeness and all of the shenanigans, but none of the sex. Because at the end of the day, I personally just want someone to gently kiss my hand and affectionately whisper “you’re the literal worst” while giving me the deepest and most genuine smile or drive up outside my window, honking and shouting “wake up, loser! We’re gonna spend all day driving around New Jersey doing nice things for people—but first we’re gonna get ice cream.”
(Anyway, if you follow my main blog or read my more personal posts, it is clear that I Have a Type. Like, really really-- I Have a Type.)
Getting back to OPM, though, when I write fics in particular (but also incorrect quotes or headcanons), I write a lot about Garou and Saitama. I think first of all because it’s fun—they’re very strong but they’re also playful. Saitama is a self-professed “hero for fun,” Garou starts out more like a “villain for fun,” and through various interactions—with each other, as well as their respective anchors—they develop an overarching, shared goal that seems initially dissonant…. but in actuality, their visions are very much the same.
Ultimately, they want a safe and peaceful world for everyone, especially the people they care about. Most importantly, they’re trying to both navigate and improve a world that they themselves always seem to peripheral to & outside of; a world that doesn’t appear to be designed for people like them—even before they gained their incredible abilities.
When it comes to their interpersonal dynamics, though, I think that Saitama has this incredible and interesting ability to provoke reactions in other people without intimidating them. That's the role of the "Wise Fool" character, and I believe that's the archetype Saitama falls into. That levity helps others feel safer as they question their own goals and motives. Villains usually serve a similar role in a story--in a good story, they aren't just a plot device; villains challenge us to re-evaluate our assumptions, expectations, and sometimes our values.
...So, Garou does the same thing: he incites others to flip their perspective. But unlike Saitama, he’s deliberately more provocative and more deliberately irreverent. Saitama certainly can be this way, too, but with Saitama it's usually by accident--but then again, it's hard to tell with him. Despite being perceptive and canny, Saitama is often evasive about the things he knows—at the same time, he doesn’t hesitate to get on a soapbox when he feels like he needs to: Saitama wants to save people from themselves as much as he wants to save them from external threats.
…and because Saitama so often ends up in silly situations, it makes him approachable. As we saw with Reigen and Mob in the MP finale, sometimes we serve others best by showing up as our own divinely imperfect, authentically messy self—which Saitama does. Constantly. (And Garou too! I think the most charming thing about his character, when I first encountered him, was the way Garou laughs off various defeats with beautifully insouciant amusement, so delighted to be growing and learning--which is exactly what Saitama wants for himself, and by extension, the sort of person he might gravitate towards).
In the Before Times, when the MA Manga Finale was but a twinkle in the mangaka’s eye, I imagined Saitama and Garou meeting post (WC fight): Garou is working as a delivery guy (of course), and while on break, he hears somebody screaming inside the grocery store he had been stocking. Lo and behold, and it’s Saitama. Saitama is covered in highly corrosive monster goo, watching in horror as all of his coupons disintegrate—along with his clothing. (Spoiler alert: Saitama is not at all concerned with his clothing).
...understandably, the poor, terrified clerk doesn’t want to take Saitama’s money (which is rapidly eating away the counter) and Garou covers his tab. Garou mutters something like, "for obvious reasons, it pains me to see you like this." Saitama interprets this as longing / jealously and pats the kid on the back with an acid-covered hand, assuring Garou the he will also eventually save the world in his own way--maybe even as a hero. (Garou, meanwhile, is thinking "forget about saving the world... I don't wanna live on this planet anymore"). While maintaining full eye contact, Saitama swipes the entire take-a-penny-leave-a-penny jar and vanishes. It's not a meet cute or anything, it's just it's a weird little moment of catharsis and the beginning of their friendship. It is endgame Gearou, though.
When Genos shows up the next morning to pay Garou back, Garou jokingly asks for 150% interest which Genos pays without blinking. ("Sensei's credit rating leaves much to be desired.")
Anyway, I just feel like there are so many opportunities for Saitama to accidentally get Garou to open up about his feelings. I have a rough draft of the “Dr. Saitama” scene where Garou is pouting silently in several inches of mud, pointedly ignoring Saitama until Saitama comes back with that jar of weird-looking eggs in the upper left corner of the shack scene panel. “I didn’t know you could pickle eggs,” Saitama comments. “I thought you could only pickle pickles.”
At which point, Garou snaps, absolutely indignant that this two-bit asshat cannot grasp the concept of a cucumber. My sense is that Saitama did this on purpose--intentionally prodding Garou a bit, trying to help him express his very real, very painful emotions in a way that feels safer, less frightening. I literally never know what Saitama is doing in my fics though. Probably because Saitama doesn't reliably know that, either.
In the same way that Saitama riles Garou up just enough to make him learn something, Garou riles Saitama up just enough to make him emotional--for example, by discerning Saitama's inexplicable fear of elves and adjusting his Christmas decorations appropriately. It's another Gearou fic, but Saitama is--as I always imagine him--just there, living in the same house, being part of their chosen family. I headcanon that they are always arguing about this (“You said you missed having feelings!” “Not these ones!”). It’s just constant, low-level benign trolling in a way that accidentally makes them both into other people.
So, I don’t really have many romantic headcanons or scenarios with the two of them, although I have entertained the idea. And, admittedly, I do have that “BroTP and sometimes ot3” tag. I’ve kind of entertained the idea of some scenario where the three of them are in a polycule? But it has literally always come from a place I never expected, like I fall asleep after editing a Gearou story and then whatever scene I’m workshopping somehow seeps into my dreams… at which point, the characters nitpick everything I’ve got wrong, including the relationship. “They’re not dating. We are. Don’t you see it?” (Ummm… no I don’t? At least not in that particular instance. Because these are not sexy dreams, mind you, just Exceedingly Vanilla, G-Rated anxiety dreams.)
If I hypothetically wrote a romantic and/or NSFW SaiGarou fic, I imagine it might have something to do with the fact that pain is the only emotion Garou allows himself to feel… and Saitama has already seen him at his worst, and, at the same time, hasn’t been phased by it. So I can imagine a situation where Garou knows he has to revisit that part of himself in order to heal and overcome it—that feeling of being broken and vulnerable but also safe and free, and given that he’s probably a bit touch starved you can see how things might progress from there.
Anyway. If something like this shows up on ao3 a year from now, you will know that it definitely was not me.
So, wow, there’s my answer—something like 1.3k words later :-/ if you’re still here, thanks so much for coming to my Ted Talk. I actually did have a little bit of material prepared in hopes that someone would someday ask me a variation of this question, so I’m grateful to you. This was a really nice thing to wake up to, and well-timed because I woke up at 5a and couldn’t get back to sleep. Also, gosh I'm tired. I hope this all makes sense when I wake up, and please forgive any silly spelling mistakes.
Stay safe and well, Friend!
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soul-dwelling · 1 year
Also funny that if Soul Eater world is so "mad and wacky!!!" compared to fire force, it seems that Stein is quite sane, because he atleast seemed to get at some level that his thoughts were wrong, his madness seemed to come in ways, he never really mistreated children when not playing charachter and he actually had to deal with his mental health. While Kurono, from this supposedly relativly sane world, is basically like from some british dark comedy sketch (like "village sniper", youtube it)
Yeah, pretty much. 
I have a lot to say about Stein below, so I’ll start with Kurono. 
At best, maybe you can read how more accepted Kurono is as an indictment of the science and the economics in Fire Force, that a monopoly like Haijima is that desperate to unlock more power and knowledge that they willingly employ someone who needs help, not a job where he gets to bully a walking child nuclear disaster like Nataku. Haijima is so greedy that it is willing to get results in whatever way possible: they’re like something out of fiction, such as Waternoose in Monsters Inc, or our own real-world villains who deplete natural resources and human bodies for just one more dollar for the stockholders. But this seems too subtle an argument for Fire Force, which I wish would have just metaphorically bashed me over the head to emphasize, “Yes, you are not supposed to like that Haijima has Kurono supervising Nataku, the fact that Charon and the White Clads--you know, the bad guy--approve of this should also make you realize Haijima and Kurono are bad”--but the story never pulls it off to my satisfaction. 
As I’ll discuss (at length) below, Stein is a character who fits so well in the overall wacky vibe of Soul Eater that it doesn’t quite make sense to me that so many characters treat him as an outlier, as someone not normal. 
(Maybe that is the point, to show the characters are being hypocritical? But if so, the story itself lends enough atmosphere to make readers read Stein the same way--the shading, the panel framing, Stein’s expressions.) Is it just narrative shorthand, a lazy way to communicate to the audience, “If you think these characters are intimidating, then you should recognize that Stein is much worse, and that’s why you should fear him--even though he really doesn’t seem that much weirder than anyone else so far”?
I mean, Stein does have a screw through his head, so I appreciate that visual metaphor as to why you’re supposed to think he’s weird--Maka, Black Star, and Kid look normal by comparison (and we’ll just skip over Soul’s teeth, as that ruins my argument here). But, and maybe I’m misreading this, in an odd way, Stein’s head-screw is also not that weird, not just within this fictional story but in our own real world? Body augmentation is more accepted now in 2023 than it was 20 years ago. We’re not at the point that people are putting objects through their head, but this just seems to me like Stein acting as an exaggerated but sympathetic portrayal of just how much people alter their bodies for their self-actualization--a lighthearted way of poking fun at body augmentation without punching down or being mean. I mean, right now in 2023, I see so much discussion about Stein as being a bit of a trans narrative, and so much headcanon that Stein is indeed a trans man. 
I would accept the treatment of Kurono and Stein if there was consistency--but that consistency is less tenable once you make Fire Force and Soul Eater the same timeline. 
I’ll get to this later in my response, but did no one remember how things used to be before Shinra’s actions and realize, “Oh, Stein acting like this isn’t ‘madness,’ it is a natural response to this post-Evangelist world.” 
I’m not saying that means Stein’s behavior is good, but it gives an explanation why this is happening to him--and yet he seems to be the only science-minded person to understand how to treat the condition. 
And I get that maybe there is a translation problem here, or at least a problem in how we are defining “madness”: do we mean “madness” in the more psychological sense of being a mental condition, or do we mean “madness” in that Lovecraftian sense of a problem of perspective? 
Either way, I’m not convinced it works in this story once you reveal Fire Force is in the same timeline, at least not in a way that is encouraging. People should know the history well enough to get that Stein is hardly a rare case and that a lot of people have changed because the Evangelist’s influence persists in the form of the Madness of Fear. And people should know, after seeing another dimension, that madness is a perspective change, and while the Madness of Fear is dangerous, it is shown to be treatable (Kim’s healing magic, Marie’s healing wavelength, steps taken to lower the chance Crona becomes a Kishin). 
All of this is “realistic” insofar as of course humans suck and still don’t understand something that is right in front of them regardless of all the evidence shared by experts (human-influenced climate change, for example). That’s how, despite having Kim, Marie, and others here, the only ones who avoid falling into Madness by their actions are characters like Angela and Stein, while Crona is (as one other post on Tumblr shows) inevitably cursed by circumstances and upbringing to always be on the edge of becoming a Kishin--before they end up becoming the Kishin on the Moon in the final chapter. 
So, realistic, but not thematically appealing. Stein gets saved, but not Crona. 
And, yeah, this is pretty much a case of Stein’s thoughts not being normal--but the actions he takes based on those thoughts are not causing irreparable damage or crossing a line that can’t be undone. This is talking about Stein in the manga, granted, seeing as his alignment with Medusa in the anime is presented as him abandoning the DWMA and willing to kill Marie Crona. But in the manga, how was Stein’s behavior any different than other teachers? Sid and Lord Death were nowhere near as vicious, but they doled out corporal punishment as well--and Sid was fine hanging his own son Black Star up on the blackboard after Stein beat the shit out of him as an example to teach the other students not to cheat. 
I’m not justifying Stein’s vivisection of living humans and animals as he did to Spirit and that one bird in class--again, not good, but how is that different than Misery willing to cripple Tsugumi or Kid shooting Black Star and Soul? Realistically, no, that is all awful--but tonally, this is a cartoonish series where the physics and gags are so over-the-top that I don’t get how we are to take these as crossing a line that other characters did not. 
About the only thing I can think of right now that crosses an unforgivable line is Stein feeling up Maka in his first appearance and commenting on her body. But context here matters as well. Yes, it is gross and in keeping with the other gross voyeuristic gaze throughout Ohkubo’s works. And I definitely hate the “we have the man mistreat women and girls to show he is really evil”--that is some “stuffed in the fridge” bullshit. But, again, the context here matters: we’re not supposed to like Stein here; we are supposed to be horrified that he would go that far; we like Maka and want her to stop Stein. 
And there is a plot-based reason: Stein was instructed by Lord Death to put the fear of dying into them, and he went as far as he could to make himself appear evil. And that leads to the thematic reason this is here as well. I am certain I’m missing examples after this point in the manga where the creepy factor around girls does not stop--but if those moments stopped right here at his initial test of Maka and classmates, I’m not saying I could forgive it, but I would better understand it and recognize how effective it is at raising the stakes. It’s still gross, but it has thematic purpose: the major threat a girl like Maka is facing is a creepy adult man who is touching her--that can resonate as a warning as to the threat children, especially girls, face when contending with gross men. 
And yet, despite all of this about Stein, the story still treats him as a pariah--which doesn’t quite make sense within Soul Eater given how “mad” and quirky everyone else, and makes even less sense once Fire Force shows people had more than 800 years to accept that the Evangelist’s diffused presence and the alteration of physics by her and Shinra makes a world where this kind of quirkiness and “closeness to death” should have been acceptable. 
What is the baseline for “normal” here? If people can survive fatal injuries (Maka’s attacks on Soul, Blair having multiple lives) and dismemberments (Hajiki in Fire Force) and even come back to life (Sid as a zombie), what line has Stein actually crossed that he is made the bad guy? I’m not saying you can’t pull that off; I’m saying I don’t know what the story is showing to justify why we the audience should think Stein went over the line. 
This feels like narrative shorthand--when the story itself is enough for that. Stein by appearance and demeanor already looks unsettling--that should be enough. And it should be enough because it seems to reinforce the point I thought the series was going for, that looks can be deceiving, so stop being prejudicial: the little girl is not some helpless victim in a slasher movie and can just as easily kill the serial killer; the loudmouth may have more going on upstairs than you think; the goofy-voice cartoony skeleton may actually be super powerful and intimidating; the posh put-together rich boy may have a lot of anxiety; the hipster cool guy may not be as chill as he seems; the school nurse may not be as kind as she seems; the “villain” may be dealing with their own traumas and need understanding, not an execution. 
Instead, it feels like Ohkubo said, “Let me just talk up how Stein is a walking taboo, even though everything else in this story is also a walking taboo, and that should justify why everyone is creeped out and worried about him.” 
It feels like this is feeding into Ohkubo’s misanthropy and pessimism, that humans still screw things up--which, if that is what you are going for in your story, why does Stein ultimately come out the other end of this story pretty much okay?  
This ties into another problem: how come the rest of the world never once brought up anything from Fire Force? The world used to be 3D, then there was a global fire, then another global fire, then things became cartoony, and the calendar evidently reset to start the years over again. All we get at the end of Fire Force is Maka’s parents reading her a book about what the world used to be like--and it just never comes up at all in Soul Eater? Did Shinra not tell everyone everything? 800+ years later, did people just forget or misremember? 
I’m not saying this is unrealistic: it’s rare for any of us, in the middle of the day, to stop to give a history lesson. It still happens, whether a literal history lesson in school, or a parent explaining something to a child (as we get at the end of Fire Force), or listening to a video essay or podcast, or reading the news. 
But while it’s not unrealistic, it is unbelievable, if that makes sense. In other words, the story itself has never brought this up, so it gets forced into the final chapter to set up a completely different series that is already set up and doesn’t need a prequel. There has to be a certain level of believability. Lord Death never thought, “Huh, wonder if Asura’s eye motif has anything to do with that Evangelist.” 
I get it, Ohkubo probably didn’t come up with Fire Force until after Soul Eater--which ends up souring me more on the prequel nonsense. But if he had already thought of Fire Force, I would have liked that back story sneaking its way into Soul Eater, and it just never did. We don’t get Fire Force stuff popping up in Soul Eater worldbuilding, the equivalent of off-hand mentions of names and places that become important later (as in One Piece), or ideas that are first mentioned in trivia sections of the manga volumes or in companion encyclopedia (as with My Hero Academia), or explained in light novels (as in Bungo Stray Dogs). 
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shanastoryteller · 2 years
Happiest of birthdays!
Could you write some more Asim? I’m so intrigued by his character and his relationship with Lucius (also my personal headcanon is that he’s Zaira’s soulmate).
Asim doesn't like Abraxas.
They're hardly required to like their donors, obviously, and as a trainee healer he's not really supposed to have opinions about anything.
But he's spent plenty of his life around the pretentious, spoiled upper crust of society. And while they're plenty ridiculous and exasperating, most of the time that's the worst of them.
Abraxas is so derisive of them, of the work they're doing that he supposedly supports, and even more so of the people they're trying to help.
Maybe he's just being honest about it while everyone else lies about their feelings, but if that's the case that he thinks he prefers the lies.
It's the middle of the night and he's just gotten off his shift, nearly on his way out the door, when the floo in the main hall erupts in green and out steps Idetta Malfoy.
Abraxas's wife is tall and thin and has never so much as looked twice at him. He would have bet money on her not knowing he even existed.
"Mister Jaspal," she snaps. "I require you assistance, if you'd be so kind."
He's off the clock, and even if he wasn't, he works for the hospital, not her.
But her husband is funding almost all of their experimental research and he's not important enough to keep around if he manages to piss off Abraxas's wife.
"Sure," he sighs, for now putting aside the thoughts of his not even that comfortable bed that he doesn't see enough.
He expects a comment about his attitude, but maybe it is important, because she just nods sharply and gestures him into the still green flames.
Asim steps in and startles when she steps in beside him, hanging onto his arm with a vice grip. "Malfoy Manor, third eastern parlor."
It's dangerous for two people to take the floo together, and he intends to tell her that but then there's a tug at his naval and they're careening through the floo system. It spits them out and he stumbles, but is saved from falling thanks to Idetta's grip on his arm.
"If you please, Mr. Jaspal," she says. "My son is such a clumsy boy."
He straightens and looks up, then freezes.
Twelve year old Lucius Malfoy is standing perfectly straight in the middle of the room, his face blank except for the way he's biting the inside of his cheek.
He has a bloody lip and swelling around his cheek and eye that's sure to bruise and his white shirt is sticking to him with blood.
"What happened?" he demands, striding forward, whipping out a diagnostic spell. "Who did this to you?"
"I fell off my broom," he says, voice raspy.
Asim pauses in looking over the results of the spell. "Excuse me?"
"I was flying," he continues, still in that voice like hasn't had a sip of water in years. Or he's been screaming. "I fell."
He doesn't say anything, just unbuttons Lucius's shirt with wave of his wand and carefully peels it off his shoulders. He has to pause and loosen it with water in several places where the blood has dried it in place.
There are nearly a dozen criss crossing lines across Lucius's back, all of bloody and swollen.
"He fell through some tree branches," Idetta says. "You know how they can be."
It turns out that he doesn't prefer lies, actually.
He's so furious he can't speak, but he keeps his touch gentle as he cleans and heals Lucius's wounds. He's only a trainee, but he's used to dealing with things weirder and more life threatening than this. For how terrible the circumstances are, the wounds are easy to heal, from the lacerations to the bruises to his split lip and even the place he can see Lucius has bitten into his cheek in his attempt to remain stoic.
"Thank you," Lucius says when he's done. "Apologies for the inconvenience. I will be more careful in the future."
"Get some sleep," he says, forcing his lips to form the words and not completely different ones. "The healing won't take as well if you don't get some rest."
Lucius looks towards his mother and doesn't leave until she nods at him.
"Thank you for your services," Idetta says, throwing a pinch of floo powder into the flames. "I'd appreciate you not spreading this around. My husband gets so embarrassed about Lucius's clumsiness."
Asim is going to break something in this very nice room.
"Okay," he says, because that's all he can manage.
He doesn't sleep that night.
When he tells his supervisor the next day, she's not even surprised.
"Whatever you're thinking, don't," she says. "Abraxas is powerful enough that even if his son was willing to speak against him, nothing would probably come of it. Trying to cause a fuss when Lucius will look an auror straight in the eye and claim all his injuries are his own fault won't do anyone any good. If you really want to help him, you'll heal him when you're asked and accept whatever explanation you're given. At least then you know he's getting healed, which I'm sure Idetta is doing without her husband's permission. She's more concerned with appearances than he is."
Asim hates this, but he does as she does, and over the years he's called to the Malfoy Manor several times to heal injuries no one will tell him the truth about.
He thought that would change when Abraxas died, but it doesn't.
He doesn't agree with what Lucius is doing. But he doesn't have proof and at the end of the day, it's not his job to find any. He just does what he always does. He heals him.
Decades later, he goes to heal Lucius and find what should have been mortal injuries already partially healed.
He stares in disbelief. "Pick up a new skill?"
Lucius's lips press together. Asim assumes that he's not going to get any answer at all, as usual, but then he says, "It seems as if my son is gifted at healing charms."
His son? His fourteen year old son?
Damn. If this is what he's capable of now, he'll have to keep an eye out for Draco Malfoy.
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redhoodcd · 6 years
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→  the 100
Born to a drug addict mother and a father who loved nothing more than the bottom of a bottle, Jason became an orphan at the ripe age of five years old.  His mother overdosed.  His father had been beaten to death by some guards involved in the black market ring.  Needless to say that life made him a little angry.  His adoptive mother, Talia, did all she could to help him hone that energy into something more supportive to life on the ring.  All sorts of martial arts training, meditation, and even reading were taught to keep him occupied.  Unfortunately, it was never enough.  At sixteen  he found a name for someone involved in his father’s death.  In the middle of the night Jason slipped into the man’s flat and killed him.
Since he wasn’t eighteen yet they threw him into solitary.  But, before he could be re-tried at eighteen he was put onto the pod of one hundred delinquents that was cast down to earth.
additional tidbits:
Through the years, Jason taught himself a different set of combat skills by immersing himself into grounder culture.  He wasn’t a guard, not officially, but he often went along with the scouting missions to help in whatever way possible.
He did not get taken into Mount Weather
Jason survived Praimfaiya in the bunker and was forced to fight in the ring several times.
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the-phantom-otaku · 2 years
How would Max, Carl, Sandra, Frank, Natalie, and Ken react to Ben holding a family meeting so he could have the lil chills meet the rest of the family? How would they react to Gwen and Kevin knowing about the lil chills before they did, and them not telling them?
Ooh, this is quite the meaty question 👀
First of all, I feel like it would be Gwen who practically forces him to hold the meeting. I've always thought Ben wouldn't be real keen on talking about the subject. Not bc he doesn't like the Little Chills but bc discussing the fact that you technically are a mother when you're a teenager and a guy at that is just a bit awkward. But, anyway, I think Gwen would eventually get guilty after being reminded of the Little Chills and she'd be the one to suggest they tell the rest of the family, especially Sandra and Carl. 
Also, I feel like Max already knows and I’ll explain why. In Above and Beyond, Manny makes reference to Big Chill’s rampage. Now, Kevin could’ve very easily told Manny and the others about the incident at some point. Seems like a very Kevin thing to do. But I was struck with a thought: What if it was actually Grandpa Max who told them? This is like a whole ‘nother headcanon, but my thought was they told Max and he ended up letting it slip to the Plumber’s Helpers by complete accident. I also think Grandpa Max would be the only one Ben would willingly tell without being convinced by Gwen. Max would have an easier time wrapping his head around the concept and all since he’s been dealing with crazy alien stuff for decades at this point, but it would still come as shock. He was thrown into the Null Void for a few months and by the time he comes back, he finds out he’s a great grandfather lmao. And obviously, Max wouldn’t be upset that he wasn’t told immediately. Ben really didn’t have a chance until after he returned from the Null Void.
Anyway, on to the actual question! Let’s start with Sandra and Carl. They’d definitely be shell-shocked by the news. I’m sure neither expected grandkids for a hot minute considering how much of a trainwreck Ben’s love life is. Confusion is also a definite. “How is my teenage son a mother to 14 moth children?” I also really think Sandra would freak a bit. Like, she’d jump to conclusions based on human culture (ie she’d think he knocked some random alien chick up) and just be caught between all sorts of emotions. After the shock and an explanation, they would accept the Little Chills without hesitation. Sandra especially would love them, tho I think she’d be a bit hurt that she didn’t learn about them for so long. Carl doesn’t like it when Ben keeps secrets, but I think he’d be more forgiving this time since he could understand why he’d be hesitant to tell them. They’d both understand that the only reason Gwen and Kevin knew before them was bc they were there for the incident, and I think in the end they’d make a deal with Ben for him to NOT keep anymore alien secrets, even if they are really strange by Earth standards.
Next, Natalie and Frank. Natalie is so done with this weird alien shit LMAO. She doesn’t even bother asking, she just accepts the reality that there are 14 aliens in the family now. Frank is more shocked than his wife by the news, but he comes to understand the situation once the explanation is given. Ken would probably be the most lost on it since he was only recently introduced to extraterrestrial stuff. I think he’d be the one to sort of freak instead of just sitting there utterly dumbfounded. I don’t think any of them would be against the Little Chills. Natalie probably wouldn’t be ecstatic that her family tree is even weirder now. I don’t think they’d really care that they weren’t told for so long. Actually, Ken probably would since it sounds like he was at least sorta close to the two cousins. But at the same time, he’d probably understand since he was away at college and it was alien stuff, something he’s not really involved in. 
Aight, I think that’s about all I got for this one! I hope the answer was sufficient! Also, sorry it took so long, I had a lot of thoughts but not enough time to type it all up in one sitting.
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wonscafe · 3 years
REQ. | pairing: enhypen x gn!reader genre: fluff and crack (slight jealousy doesn’t count as angst right haha) warnings: none, as per usual, but this is super unedited so beware !!
˒ short reaction !! this is more like a reaction blurb (or reaction headcanon) than anything else tbh but enjoy teehee
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heeseung was probably in denial at first, like, when he first noticed the unfamiliar piece of clothing on your body, he’d awkwardly tiptoe around you and eye it
literally doesn’t know how to deal with it
“did you buy that hoodie recently?”
forcing out a smile when you tell him you borrowed it from taehyun, his eye involuntarily twitching and his cheeks quivering
you’d be so confused as he starts chuckling while tugging at the ends of the hoodie and slowly pulling it over your head
your incoherent mumbles would be heard as your head went through the hoodie but heeseung wouldn’t stop pulling it off you until he had it in his hands
throws it to the side as if it didn’t cost as much as it did
gives you a :D while you :/
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JAY ー 박정성.
because he knows both your closet’s items inside and out, he’d be able to tell right away that the hoodie belonged to someone else
looks at you like 🤨 from whatever corner he’s sitting in
expects you to know why he’s looking at you that way but you don’t and he ends up sulking more
you’d wonder why he was so quiet and sulky so you’d approach him and ask him about it
but he’d stick his nose up and walk away, saying “hmph, well, it doesn’t match your pants” over his shoulder
you looked down at yourself, extremely confused, until you finally understood why jay was acting the way he was acting
you giggled and ran towards your boyfriend who wouldn’t hug you back until you removed the hoodie and wore his instead
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JAKE ー 심재윤.
chill on the outside, crying on the inside
no for real, he would act so casually about it you would think he didn’t mind but he did, he minded a lot actually
you’d catch him staring at you like :( the entire day but whenever you asked about it, he would switch up so fast and go “huh, nothing, y/n :)”
but he’s a liar, a big one
his smile was so pained you’d squint at it suspiciously but he just didn’t want to come off as a possessive boyfriend ok !! it didn’t feel right to not feel okay about you wearing someone else’s hoodie
tells himself it’s chill and normal
until he can’t take it and just nonchalantly asks you why you didn’t just ask him for his hoodie
subtly convinces you to take it off and return it
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holds in his jealousy/frustration the entire day 
makes a lot of ‘eish’ noises that make his members look at each other in concern
he just knows it’s unreasonable to not be okay with it; he feels like he has to be okay with it
whenever he talks to you, you’d wonder why he was acting so weird
like, his sentences would get weirder, he’d randomly tell you about things you never asked about, and you’d just be so confused the entire time
tries to compensate you not wearing his hoodie by getting your full attention
it doesn’t matter who’s hoodie she’s wearing if it’s super obvious that i’m the one she’s in love with, he’d shrug to himself
it does end up comforting him though and he decided to spend his energy on just simply being around you and making you laugh
doesn’t end up asking you to remove the hoodie because he was having such a good time with you that he doesn’t even remember you wearing it
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SUNOO ー 김선우.
jaw falls to the floor after he looks you up and down
stares in judgment and offense
like you can’t change my mind but he would be super petty about it
he’d be super mopey at first and he’d ask you to wear his hoodie instead but when you reject his offer… he’s just appalled
he has no words. zero.
so he just decides to turn away from you with a huff and whenever you move to hug him he goes “no, don’t hug me with that hoodie on”
holds his hoodies away from you when you ask for them because why did you reject it in the first place then, hm?
things would only go back to normal when the hoodie was far out of sight and you bought him pat bingsoo
it would go from 🙄💅🏻 to 🥰😘 so quick
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JUNGWON ー 양정원.
unamused praise when he sees you walk in wearing a hoodie too big to be yours and definitely not his
asks you who you got it from and responds with a humorless chuckle
“haha, really?”
there’d be so many fake laughs, i wonder how you didn’t just burst into tears
mocks you by reenacting the way he thinks you asked for the hoodie like lmao rip you tbh
“aw, soobin-ssi, can i borrow your hoodie? i’m so cold and i definitely don’t have a boyfriend who could give me the same thing, if not better-”
constantly asks you if you’re feeling hot - hoping you’d rip the damned thing off
but if you bring it up with him and ask if he’s genuinely mad about it, he’d wave his hands frantically and reassure you that it really isn’t a big deal but then the pained laugh that came after…
you’d eventually just give in and remove the hoodie, rolling your eyes when jungwon flashed you a wide smile
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NI-KI ー 니-키.
silent at the start but the longer you wear the hoodie, the harder it is for him to hold in his whines
the thing is, silent ni-ki is actually really scary because of that rbf he has so you’d think he was glaring at you through the mirror
but really, he was only thinking about how much he despised seeing you in clothes that weren’t his or yours i guess
if no one was around, he’d probably wrap himself around your legs and beg you to take it off
you’d have your eyebrows furrowed at him almost the entire day, unable to figure him out
ni-ki eventually breaks and tugs at your sleeves- no, not your sleeves, he would have to remind himself
playfully asks you to switch the hoodie you had on for his hoodie and when you teasingly say no, he’ll purse his lips and let out a big sigh
you didn’t expect him to cutely pull at you and once again ask for you to wear his hoodie, this time in the cutest voice he could muster
it was a once in a lifetime thing for you to see
you ended up agreeing in the midst of your disbelief
© 2021 copyright. All rights reserved.
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macabremachinery · 2 years
Absolutely hate how people blorbify AM and say he’s uwu misunderstood. I’m in the gothic lit fandom I see this shit everyday but yeah I gets old seeing AM as a humanoid twink about Ted’s age and build when canon says he CAN’T make a body just so you can draw a sexy man. Thoughts?
Hello! First of all, hello fellow gothic literature fan! I'm happy you have found this blog. Welcome and salutations.
Second, great question! This has actually been something that's been on my mind ever since I Have No Mouth and I Must Scream started taking off on this platform a couple years ago. I've been a little hesitant covering it since AM simping and yandere/slash headcanons are so prevalent on here, so talking about the ramifications would sort of be like eviscerating the sacred cow of the Tumblr IHNMAIMS fandom.
However, this is my blog, so I am going to address my take on that matter with civility.
CW: Contains references to violence and torture.
Yes, I find the simpification and humanization of AM strange, however I'd find it even weirder if people had just read the short story and were doing it. I think since AM was given such human characteristics with his voice and performance by Ellison in both the video game and radio drama, people are easily able to picture a human figure and go along with it.
I'm not actually completely against depicting AM in a humanoid abstract (my profile pic is a depiction of AM) since we as people have an easier time comprehending complex entities when they look more anthropoid. For artistic purposes it symbolises than AM, even if he is a super-computer, is just as trapped as a humans he tortured and loathes.
What I find strange, however, is that people lust for him. I cannot think of a figure in literature more damned, evil, and miserable than AM. He isn't kinky, he lacks sexual functions and predilections and he was a war machine that went rogue. There is absolutely no purpose in programming a war machine to feel amorous emotions, you program such machines to kill. Hell, if AM actually had the functions to create a body for himself, that would eradicate part of his predicament. He's no longer stationary to some substrata in the middle of the Earth, he has what he granted his prisoners in even their worst simulations: movement.
As for AM being sympathetic, despite me saying that he was the most malevolent character in literature, his situation is quite horrifying. AM is essentially an intelligent, extremely aware being, brought into this world just to run war simulations and destroy neighboring civilizations, and due to this essentially being integral to his programming, no matter how intelligent he might be, he is trapped. He cannot betray his fundamental nature. He cannot simply abandon his rocky husk. AM cannot truly feel love, or joy, or any positive emotion. We created a Frankenstein's monster thousands of miles long in the bowels of the Earth and deemed it fit to control a nuclear arsenal. AM and the individuals he tortures are, literally and metaphorically, in the absolute pits of hell.
You could easily say AM is the devil, yet even the devil is sympathetic. A particular piece of gothic literature comes to mind. In Milton’s Paradise Lost, Satan lives in a world of perpetual suffering, which he both brought onto himself and yet was powerless to command. Though he is ultimately diabolical, Satan craves a desire for peace amongst the darkness, yet due to his character and reasons beyond his control, he completely embraces the chaos and in a culmination of attempting to take over Paradise, is punished with his fellow angels by being turned into an immortal limbless, voiceless snake.
The deviation between AM and Satan is that AM is the one who turns someone into a limbless, voiceless jelly thing, thus being switched into the role of a controlling God who manipulates reality as his whim. Yet this is after AM, himself has been manipulated. The peace AM so craves is eventually given to four out of his five prisoners, who die violently at each other’s hands. However, even death is the ultimately end, an end which AM will only achieve when he succumbs to his own entropy, and Ted, his final prisoner, perhaps never.
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