#<br> cutting master 3
echoequinox · 1 year
(Parts 1-3 are here :3)
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With the path south open I bumped my way down to Vermillion and poked around a bunch. Grabbing the Old Rod from this guy made me go back to Cerulean to do the Old Rod quest and I started working on quests in Vermillion as well, lots of back and forth fetch-questy stuff but it felt good
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I also used the PokeRadar to find a Fletchling, which meant this bad boy got me a quest to show off a Water/Fire type AND to trade in Cerulean to grab Bulbasaur! Which I fused with another Fletchling to make Fletchsaur but he was too ugly to put on camera 😔
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Slowper is different though :) He deserves lots of screentime
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And now I'm aboard the S.S. Anne! I did a lot of running around, back to Vermilion and Pewter City and shit for quests before finally making my way here. I cleared out every room I could find in the ship, just kind of grinding my way through guys, and my little waifish trainer is between these two big sailors 😳
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Also this is the Super Nerd who gave me the dome fossil back in Mt. Moon! He gave me the claw fossil this time :)
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Interrupted some Girl Bestie Moments on the expensive cruise ship... 😳
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I love the fact that the rival and most of the gym leaders have really excitable, upbeat looks and Daisy's face is just SHADOWED like there's nothing behind those eyes, Quinn is full puppet-master mode at this point
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AND THEN! An uneventful bit and then I fought Lt. Surge as well! I wish they'd made the trash can buttons a little less shitty but. That is truly the Vermilion Experience, I suppose.
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AND I beat him first try 😎 It helps that I had Bellrow as my ground sweeper but also Polichu came in and did some work too
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From finishing the S.S. Anne I got Cut, and for finishing Lt. Surge's gym I got the ability to use the HM Teleport! Which is just fly! So I've just been bouncing all over the place cutting trees and shit.
First was Pewter City where I got my dome and claw fossils resurrected, AND there was a lady in the back who asked me to help her get some Old Amber in Viridian Forest. It was overrun by Beedrill so we had to take them out 💪😤
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I thought it was funny to see that someone just had a Pokemon named Sandra. :)
Earlier I caught a Buneary through the PokeRadar, and I thought "man that would be a fun Gardevoir fusion, but I'm terrified Lopunny would be too sexy..." But I decided to try anyway, and... my god.
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MY WIFE. QUINN SHE IS SO BEAUTIFUL... I considered switching her back, especially because Normal/Fairy is a pretty mid combo and doesn't give any STAB bonuses to Psychic moves but...... I want to keep her for a bit. Aftercare for Daisy's excruciating spider hypno antics
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Also I found an egg in the Dark Cave and when I had it in my party it came up on the Teleport HM quickbar?? I thought that it was maybe an Abra in there but later it hatched into a Machop/Geodude which was lame and I boxed him lmao. Just a glitch I guess
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It took me a couple tries entering and leaving but I did make it through Dark Cave and made it to Lavender Town! Always loved the aesthetic and the custom music they have for it has a sort of Minecraft-y vibe to it.
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Also this kid said that the odd keystone let him talk to his dead grandma 😨 So I snatched that shit up and I'm gonna make a Spiritomb >:3
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Earlier I grabbed the shears outside of Pewter City and I just got the pickaxe as well, which are little HM tools so I don't need to actually have a Pokemon with Cut or Rock Smash. Which is nice!
Also. I'm sorry for who I am as a person but this is kind of a weird kink run. I kind of really enjoy the idea of Daisy as the team's HM slave. Like realistically Quinn is the trainer and Daisy is there as more of a figurehead kind of thing so her being the one to use the HMs is very funny and makes sense to me.
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Also I played so much blackjack... bro I love blackjack so much, I would absolutely gamble irl if I had any less self-control (the hypno girl has self-control, shocking, I know)
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Took me a little while to grind out all the trainers (because I really like that it gives incentive to fight AS MANY as possible, not just for EXP but for potential trades, gifts, and rematches too!) but I made it to Celadon!
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First I found a DITTO in a trash can!! Incredibly sad but mine now :) I'm gonna have a whole team of Gardevoirs lmao
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I also really like this lady! She just kind of lives alone and has her Pokemon take care of her which I think is really cute.
Daisy 🤝 Her Pokemon Symbiosis
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Also I just wanted to point out the writing in this game. As a creative writing major, I wanted to say that it's really neat what they did! The lore and gameplay interweave and make a lot of sense together, and also like! Writing for small text boxes is HARD. Big studios get around it by just. Making text boxes bigger, or text smaller, but being forced by constraints of an existing engine, and making it flow and feel good and funny and in the spirit of the original games takes some doing, AND it always feels like they inject a bit of their own personal character in as well.
(Like in addition to this funny rat line, there's a couple TV lines where it's like "There's a sitcom playing. The laugh track lets you know it's funny." and "There's a political debate on TV. ...Well it's time to get going!!" and it's always very fun)
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I ended my adventure here at Celadon shopping center and my CURRENT TEAM IS THUS:
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The Growlpix is the only thing that may go, as I may fuse Gardevoir with either an Arcanine or Ninetales depending on how I'm feeling.......
I also wanna start doing more LORE for Daisy and Quinn, like how I did this little lore post about how Daisy looks after the first couple of gyms.
I think maybe after every two gyms, something about Daisy changes to accommodate Quinn. The first two gyms saw Spider Quinn where she was mostly Spinarak and Ariados, and her spider-web puppet strings created psychic scarring along Daisy's arms and fingers to make her look more like a marionette, and I'm thinking perhaps this new bunny look may influence her as well in some way... we shall see.
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infernwetrust · 4 years
The Devil In Me [Michael Langdon x Fem Reader] Part 1
Plot: What if we took the Antichrist, Michael Langdon and turned him into founder and leader of one of the largest cartel’s in California? And what’s even better, is that you’re by his side through it all.
Summary: Michael has some business handled at his California home.
Warnings: violence, swearing, fluff, a lil smut, MURDER, some graphic descriptions
WC: 3.1k
A/N: I thought long and hard about starting this, but I’m gonna go ahead and give it a shot. Outpost Michael fits this perfectly of course, but he’ll cut his hair every now and then lol. This will have it’s own bracket on my master list. Thank you for reading! -Juno
The air was cool. The evening was just right. Your husband Michael had decided to throw a small party that consisted of only close friends, family members, and some staff from your residency and Michael's line of work. Party music played moderately in the background as the backyard of the Santa Monica Villa you and Michael purchased this same year was filled with laughter, dancing, and casual conversation. Servers carried around platters of the most delectable finger foods. Drinks were also being served. Cars were lined up in the driveway, late arrivals having to park on the side of the road. Luckily, Michael always sent one of his guards on a golf cart to pick up his guests that had to park far away.
Michael laid in his hammock, across his rather large pool so that he was away from everyone else. Michael dressed comfortably. He wore a beautiful salmon pink floral shirt and white slacks, with a white belt. No need for shoes. Around Michael's neck was a platinum rope chain that glistened when the light shined on it just right. Around his wrist was a platinum iced out Rolex watch, his name engraved on the inside, one of his favorite gifts from you. The only ring he decided that he wanted to wear today was his wedding band, which shocked you. Michael always wore all of his rings.
Curled up against Michael's chest yours and his beautiful 1 year old boy, Malcolm. He was blessed with a full head of hair, just as blonde as his father's. He took after your eye color, but his resemblance to his father was unmatched. No worries because in his twin brother's arm was your handsome 3 year old son, Michael,who captured most of your features. All really, but your eye color. Michael won that fight again. Junior, is what everyone calls him. On the opposite side of Michael, still in his hammock was you, dressed in that sundress Michael loved to show you off in. Your wedding ring glistened on your finger, no matter what time of day it was or where you were. Michael made sure of that. Around your neck, your favorite Pearl necklace.
You lay head your head on Michael's chest, rubbing your hand gently against the back of your one year old. Michael raises his arm slowly as to not alert the sleeping child and takes a sip of his whiskey. He's glaring at someone, hard. And you know why and who, but you rather choose to not address it. All you were waiting for were the words.
"You know, brother." Jim said to Michael, using his free hand that wasn't holding Junior, to also take a sip of his drink. "I don't see how you do it."
"And what is it that I do, Jim?" Michael questioned, turning his head slightly to meet his brothers gaze. Junior nestled his head back into Jim's chest, mouth full of goldfish out of the bowl he was holding. Jim sat in a chair, adjacent to Michael's hammock.
"How you stay so calm and collected about things."
"Dirty work is not something I'm a fan of."
"But I am."
"I know, so that's why I gave this task to you."
"You know I'll do anything for my family."
"I just don't see why we can't just kick them out." you mumbled, watching as Malcolm grabbed your finger in his sleep as you tried to put your hand back down from his back.
"Because in this life, lessons have to be taught." Michael answered you, putting his glass down to wrap his arm fully around you. Michael made eye contact with his other twin, Duncan, who sat amongst a group of women, one of them in his lap, stroking his hair. He nodded, giving Michael the cue. "Will you go ahead and take the kids inside?" You sighed, sitting up, looking Michael in his soft blue eyes.
"Baby, you don't have to-,"
"One day you'll understand, Y/N." Michael said, cutting you off, grabbing one of your hands and giving it a few small kisses. Getting up, you gently picked up Malcolm, holding him close to you.
"Come on, Junior."
"Nooooooo." Junior whined, not wanting to leave his Uncle's side. "Don't wanna."
"Hey." Jim said, playfully grabbing Junior's tummy, causing him to giggle. "What was that phrase I taught you?"
"The first time." Junior responded happily.
"The first time what?"
"Listen!" he clapped, letting go of his bowl which Jim quickly caught before it fell to the floor.
"Smart boy. Now go with inside with your mommy. We'll play later, yeah?" Junior quickly nodded, scurrying off of Jim's lap and to your side, grabbing your hand. He turned around momentarily to look back at Jim, who shot him a quick wink before you took both boys inside. You also managed to scurry up the other children as well, promising treats and a good show on TV. You had them at treats.
"He loves you so damn much." Michael said, sitting up, hanging his feet of his hammock to come face to face with his brother. "Sometimes I swear he thinks you're his father."
"I mean. I could be. We're twins."
"Watch it, playboy."
Jim chuckled, reaching for his drink to take another sip. He dressed in a dark blue polo shirt, black slacks, and a pair of dark blue dress shoes. A black Louis Vuitton belt, midnight silver buckle, lined his waist. He sighed, reaching for his pistol that was tucked neatly behind him is waistband. He quickly removed the clip, checking it, and popping it back in before setting it down on the table next to Michael.
"Are you sure you want me to do this?" Jim questioned. "He's been with us for a few years, Mike."
"All the more reason to get rid of him. I've taken care of you for years and you betray me like that?" Michael answered. "He knows too much and has seen too much."
"That's true." Jim mumbled, rubbing his hand underneath his chin. "What are they doing with his body?"
"Burning it." Michael said quickly, squinting his eyes at Jim. "Like we do 90% of the time. Do you not want to, Jim?" Michael's question caused Jim to laugh as he got up, returning his shirt back into his slacks. He grabbed his pack of cigarettes off the table, taking one out, placing it between his lips and giving it a light, tossing the box back on the table. He inhaled sharply, before exhaling lengthy.
"You and I both know, Michael." Jim began as he took another hit of his cigarette. "That I shy away from nothing. Especially not an, how do I put this, opportunity." Jim tucked his gun back into his waistband.
"And speaking of opportunity." Jim continued, looking out into the body of people before hitting his cigarette one last time and then handing it to Michael. "Here's mine."
Jim made his way, at a decent pace, back to the other side of the pool, where all the party goers stood. He took his time, waving and smiling at familiar faces. Spotting his target, he moved with just a little bit more urgency. It's such a shame that Bryce had to go. Michael watched Jim as he moved, continuing to sip his drink. Part of him wanted to look away because this hurt him as much as it was going to kill Bryce. Bryce was one of his favorites.
He remembered when he stumbled across Bryce who limped out of an alleyway, screaming for help as Michael closed up his bar. When Michael laid eyes on him, his clothes were completely ruined by blood. He held onto his stomach, collapsing onto the sidewalk, coughing up more blood as he spoke. Michael made his way over to the boy, kneeling down by his side, removing his hand from his wound, watching as the he poured out.
"How bad do you want to live?" Michael asked, cocking his head at the boy.
"What the fuck is up with you man?!" he questioned. "Help me!"
"I asked you a question." Michael spoke again. "You want to live right? I could just let you die, here."
"Um, kinda, yeah!"
"Then tell me how bad you want to live."
"Bad man! Bad! I want to fucking live bad! Please don't let me die!" Michael grinned. How fragile life was, he thought. How it could just be taken from you at any moment. Moments like these.
"What's your name, kid?"
"Br-Br-Bryce." he responded before blacking out from the pain.
"We're going to get you alllllll fixed up, Bryce."
Michael took Bryce, not to a hospital, but instead back to his property, where his own private doctor could deal with Bryce. They managed to take care of what they discovered was a gunshot wound instead of a stab wound like Michael originally thought when he found Bryce.
"How's he doing?" Michael asked Dr. Joseph as he stepped into the rather large, renovated, shed he had given to his doctor for his medical practices. He even was nice enough to give him a little office space as well.
"Well. He's very lucky considering how much he was bleeding." he answered. "Those two bullets I removed barely missed his vital organs, but he'll make a full recovery."
"Which room do you have him in? Is he awake now?"
"Room 3. It has the most room. The last time I checked on him, yes."
Michael nodded at his words, making his way over to the room. He entered quietly, not wanting to startle, Bryce. Bryce sat up in the bed, sipping on an ice cold water, scrolling through the movies on the flatscreen TV Michael had gotten installed in every room. Jim's idea, of course. There was an awkward silence in the room as Bryce didn't know whether to thank him first or say fuck him for waiting until he passed out and asking him all those stupid questions.
Michael didn't say anything as he walked around to the side of Bryce's bed, pulling up a near by chair to sit closer to him. Michael leaned back in his chair, throwing a leg halfway over his knee as he clasped his hands together. Bryce never took his eyes off of him, not sure what his next move would be.
"You're welcome by the way." Michael said. "Isn't it nice having someone take care of you without all the pesky need for insurance information or just a bill in general?"
"Why are you doing this?" Bryce questioned.
"Answer me this, Bryce." Michael leaned forward in his seat. "What if I offered you a chance to start over? A new chance at life. Somewhere, where you could be safe, your meals paid for. And all you have to do is stay by my side, loyal to me."
"I'm not gay, man."
"Who said anything about being gay?" Michael questioned, raising his eyebrow. "And what if I was?"
"Listen." Bryce breathed out. "I didn't mean to offend you. Look. Thank you. For bringing me, to, well wherever we are, and helping me. And once I'm all healed up, I'll be all out of your hair."
"Do you have any family, Bryce?" Bryce's whole attitude changed. He looked softer.
"No..." he answered silently.
"Well you do now."
Jim was just a few feet away from Bryce now when the two made eye contact. And when Jim reached, rather quickly, behind his back, Bryce knew. Of course he knew what he had done. Bryce turned around to start running, when Jim quickly cocked his gun and fired two shots, both at the back of his legs. Everyone stopped what they were doing, in shock, but not enough shock to runaway. It was Jim and who dares question one of Michael's brothers. Everyone watched as Bryce fell to the floor, screaming bloody murder in pain. Jim continued to walk at his leisurely pace to him, standing in front of him.
"Now." Jim said aloud, over the groans and screams of Bryce. "I know you all looked at Bryce as family, right? 4 years ago my brother found this piece of scum bleeding to death, begging for help. And of course Michael helped him."
"I'm sorry!" Bryce yelled, hands reaching out to grab Jim's ankle and it took everything in him not to kill Bryce right then and there, but he wanted to get his point across.
"And with the help of our wonderful Dr. Joseph, he was taken care of, free of charge, can you believe that?" Jim continued. "And all we asked for in return was just his unwavering loyalty." Jim snatched his ankle away from Bryce's hand, stepping on it, instead, causing him to scream out again as his fingers were crushed.
"But when you lie to AND you steal from the hand that feeds you." Jim looked around at everyone as he said this. "There are consequences." Jim kneeled down in front of Bryce who looked up at him, his eyes filled with tears, pleading with Jim.
"Please..." Bryce whispered to Jim, grabbing ahold of him again. "Please Jim, I'm sorry. I was desperate."
Jim grabbed him by his face, snapping his head up to look all the way at him. He looked at the gun in his opposite hand, before looking back at Bryce. The small breeze that was in the air had come completely still, everyone virtually silent as they watched the events unfold. When things first went missing around the house when Michael would hold meetings, they didn't even think to look at Bryce. Not until Michael had trusted him enough to appoint him as Duncan's right hand man. Duncan handled all of the cartel's finances and when he kept coming up short on the days just him and Bryce would do the counting, he caught on rather quickly.
"I liked you Bryce." Jim said, jaw clenched. "I really did. We all did. We loved you almost, but you know the rules, don't you?"
"Jim please..." Bryce whined, starting to cry his eyes out, but only enough for Jim to see and hear. "Please man. I'll do anything. Anything please!"
"What did I tell you happened to those who betrayed the cartel? What is your own way out once you're in? I mean I could just let you go, yeah? But once you walk out those doors you become a liability to me, my brothers, and my family. And I just can't have that."
"Death..." Bryce mumbled. "But we can work something out, please!"  Jim chuckled as he let go of Bryce's face, quickly cocking his gun again, before holding Bryce's face up again. He put the gun inside of Bryce's mouth, looking him dead in his eyes.
"Maybe in another life." And with those words said, Jim pulled the trigger, the sounds of bloods and mush splattering across the ground. A few turned their heads, not wanting to see the sight. Jim looked up and back across the pool at his brother who downed the rest of his drink, nodding at Jim.
"Clean it up." Jim said to the disposal crew who stood near by, rising to his feet, and tucking his gun back away. "Everyone else can carry on."
The warm water danced on your skin as you stood in the shower, washing away all events from today. You put your face underneath the water for a few seconds before running both of your hands through your hair. When you turned around you were startled by the presence of your husband, Michael, who stood behind you, a little soaked from the backlash of you being underneath the water. His vibrant blue eyes were now several shades darker as he was out of the sun light. He simply just stared at you.
You offered to trade him positions under the water so he could get completely wet too and of course he didn't object. You were now staring at him as he stepped underneath the water, sighing as it hit his skin. He ran his hands over his face as he turned around to face you, getting off as much water as he could before he opened his eyes again to look at you. Water dripped off his skin and your eyes couldn't help but trail all over him. He was so beautiful. His long blonde hair, over shoulder length, completely wet now as the water continued to pour down on him. You almost smiled, remember when Michael told you that he was going to start growing his hair out. He cut it every now and then, but nothing compared to long haired beauty.
"I'm sorry." he spoke, running his hands over his face again. "I know you don't like when.. you know." You walked over to your husband, pressing your forehead against his, throwing your arms around his neck, pulling him closer to you. His large hands found their way to small of your back, pulling you even closer.
"I know..." you mumbled, using your thumbs to rub the back of his neck. "I'm not mad at you, Michael. I just don't want you to become... emotionless."
"Everything I do is to protect you and our boys. Without my family, I am nothing. This empire? We built it, Y/N. Not just me. I'm still here emotionally, but you know it works. He was too much of a liability to just let go. And when the right information gets into the wrong hands, I'm only sure you can imagine what happens."
"Do you ever get afraid, Michael?"
"Only if it deals with you and my sons." he said, looking down at you, smiling. Cheeky bastard.
"I'm being serious. What if one day you go out and don't come back home? What if we get attacked here? What will I do? What will I tell our children?"
"Don't you ever worry about that, my love." Michael reassured you. "As long as my brothers and I are alive and breathing, no one will be in any kind of danger. I promise." Michael brushed his lips across yours as he finished his sentence. You pulled him in for a kiss. A hungry one, it was, as your tongues wasted no time entering each other's mouths, Michael's dominance showing as you basically let him devour you, melting away at his touch. He backed you up against the shower wall and you gasped against him as it was cold. He picked you up and you immediately wrapped your legs around his waist, holding onto him like your life depended on it. 
"Let me help you forget..." he said against your lips, brushing his nose across yours and you remembered, just how in love you are with Michael.
Taglist: @angelicmichael @whatcodysaid @9layerdevilfoodcake  @xavierplympton @jimmason @theneverendinghunger
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greytoiletpaper · 4 years
Out on Allen Street, it’s 7 in the Morning
Set in the same-ish street-siblings universe as First Contact by @cryptids-and-muses and @a-sketchy-character @streetsiblings (they’re still awesome). Now, the pieces start falling into place or smth lmao :))
Drizzle | Deluge | AO3
Chapter 3: Squall
Did they get rid of her?
He dreads to think of it, but there’s nothing else he seems to be able to pick out from what information he gathers. Three years after he died, Cass (who hated killing, would never do it even for the worst of the worst) had nearly murdered the Joker. She almost finished the job until Batman saved the madman and subdued her. After that,
Not a single report on Batgirl. Nor a photo of Cassandra Todd. Only two traces he could find. One a significantly sullen Wonder Woman (he and Cass had liked her, and she, them). The other an interview of Bruce, repeating that she’d gone to ‘travel the world’.
Jason knows a lie when he hears one.
“It’s – It’s like she just disappeared,” He’s gripping his head, rocking back and forth while Rose smooths out his hair. “He cut her out of the family and then what?”
He remembers a promise, a vow Bruce had made with him. It had meant the world to Jason.
Bruce had broken that vow. Torn it apart and stomped all over it.
Rose watches him as he breaks down with no judgement in her gaze, just holds him close as his world crumbles around him again.
There’s a child in Nandra Parbat, and Jason has to train him.
“This is my son, Damian,” Talia had said to him, showing him some new kid as if he hadn’t just killed three assassins in the space of a minute. He would have said as much if she didn’t immediately order him to be the kid’s new teacher.
Looking at him now, all Jason can see is a small girl with a crooked smile mouthing his name. He blinks, and he’s met with a scowl and sapphire eyes (eyes just like Br-).
“Mother has requested you to be my instructor,” The kid repeats and lord, his voice is nasal. Jason chooses to stare at the kid, who fidgets. If he looks close enough, he could swear Damian’s scowl looks almost precisely like-.
“Is he mute, Mother? I do not see how an invalid could assist me,” He can tell by the way Rose’s head shoots up and glares at Damian whose side she would choose if this escalates. A flare of anger rises in Jason’s chest; his eyes start to flash a sharp emerald. Still, he pushes it down and diverts it to strengthening his stare, dominating the room.
He can’t read people the same way Cass can, but Jason could swear that the kid’s composure cracks at his uncertainty.
“Wanna repeat that for me?” Jason’s voice is low and even. He can tell the kid recognises the threat in his tone. To his credit, Damian hesitates before he honest to god tts, like every single other haughty, uptight rich boy.
“Regardless, habibi, you will treat your new instructors with respect,” Talia speaks, gesturing to him and Rose. “The quality of your instructors was incredibly subpar, and you have them to blame for killing the previous masters beforehand.”
“I do not think that a lowly thug and his harlot-,” Jason’s arm shoots out in an instant, clasping his hand over Damian’s mouth and clenching. Indignant fury flares in the boy’s eyes as Damian tries to slap Jason away. It does nothing, unsurprisingly.
“So long as you are under my tutelage, you will never speak that way to any woman. That is no way to speak to anyone, regardless of what they do for a living,” Somehow, the kid actually listens, the flinty look in his eye lessening somewhat. “I bet your own mother had to pull a fuck ton of strings just to make sure this meeting even happened in the first place.”
Jason glances up to Talia, expecting a reprimand. What surprises him is how genuine the approval she emits is. It hits him that he has literally confirmed to training Damian. He coughs.
“You should know,” Talia pipes up. “His full name is Damian Wayne-Al Ghul.”
Jason stares at the ceiling and curses the rain as it tap-dances with the universe, mocking him.
“All right, then, I’ll go to hell.”
Cassandra shakes herself from the nerves and rings the doorbell. The last time she had been here, she had kissed Alfred on the cheek and let him drive her all the way to the airport. That was only two months ago. Two months away from Gotham, away from Batgirl, away from-.
Bruce. He’s standing in the foyer, his gaze cold, but his body… his body seems unsure. She doesn’t know what to make of it. She half expects him to turn her away, but he moves to the side. He opens his mouth.
“Cassandra!” Steph darts from behind Bruce’s body, all flailing limbs and mismatched socks. “You’re here!”
The girl grins, periwinkle eyes dazzling (They’re from the same cloth, just not the proper stitching) as she drags Cassandra away.
“So… how’s life in Hong Kong?”
“Peachy,” Cass answers honestly.
“Think of any names for your new identity?” Steph gesticulates to nothing, but her body language is focused on questions. So, she doesn’t give the girl any. They walk a little more until Steph decides to fill in the silence again.
“Tim’s dad found out about the vigilante business,” Cass nods as Steph talks. “Wants him to quit being Robin and Bruce doesn’t seem to know what to do about it.”
“His problem.”
“Well, duh. It’s just that….” Steph rubs her arm shyly, the same way she always does when she’s afraid of what she will say next. “When I was growing up, with my villain dad and addict Mom, I always imagined that Batman and Robin would save me. I’m here now, and….”
“You want to be Robin.” Cassandra deadpans, even as Steph whirls to gape at her. Really, it’s not like she wasn’t obvious. “Why not go for it?”
Silence for a moment. “Because I’m afraid.”
Cassandra looks at the blonde sharply. Stephanie Brown? Intimidated-by-Batman-and-joined-vigilantism-anyway Stephanie Brown was afraid? She doesn’t know what to think. That is until the dots connect in her head.
“You’re afraid that you won’t be able to help as much as you want to,” Steph scuffs the carpet glumly.
“With Mr. Anal-retentiveness-to-the-9’s? Yeah, that’d probably happen,” Steph sound so defeated and desperate that Cass curses because apparently, fate chose now to be when Steph is truly like Jason.
“Then don’t wear it,” Steph’s scuffing gets a little stronger. “I, for one, think you’d be a really good Batgirl.”
Steph makes an incredible impression as a fish and stares at Cass, barely wheezing as she gawks. “But Bruce -.”
“Bruce doesn’t have autonomy over Batgirl,” Cass smiles sweetly, echoing Barbara. “It’s your uniform now, and no one can take that from you but yourself.”
Her friend squeals loudly and squeezes Cass, gushing her gratitude over and over. Cass hugs her back, pretending it’s Jay she’s holding in her arms, giving the assurance of family she failed to keep.
He’s only trained with Damian for a few months, yet he’s seen more than he really should from the boy. His younger brother (the kid’s only a child, it doesn’t matter what Jason’s previous misgivings are) has been raised in the League of Assassins since birth. He can already use a sword with deadly efficiency at eleven years old. His attitude's as ruthless and condescending as every other assassin in the compound.
However, what is an exploitable weakness for Damian is the fact he’s only just started puberty. Most easily demonstrated when Rose makes a suggestive pose before tackling the boy and pinning him in place. Jason whistles because he’s fond of her, an asshole like that. Rose flips the bird at Jason and sticks out her tongue, now lounging casually on Damian’s squirming body.
It’s cute, the scene, but Jason knows how wrong it is. As long as Damian is with the League of Assassins, he won’t live normally. To find his own love, his own family. Even as the child wrestles with Rose and yells at him to help, it won’t ever be enough.
He’s not projecting.
He’s not.
He’s going to concoct a plan.
Ravi, Damian’s caretaker, has that air about him that Jason has only ever seen come from Alfred. So, he guesses trusting Ravi with this is more than okay. The man may be blind, but with him, they manage to smuggle Damian through the channels of the League, avoiding everyone who could threaten their goal.
“If I may ask, Mister Todd,” Ravi says as they reach the last legs. Jason nods. “Why are you doing this? To what gain is rescuing this child for you?”
“I don’t do this because I want to gain something,” Jason replies immediately. “No child deserves to grow up in this place. He deserves to have as good a childhood as he can get.”
Ravi stares patiently, hearing what’s unsaid.
“Sound reasoning,” Talia’s voice echoes around them. Everyone tenses. The woman steps out from behind the pillar ahead of them, alone. “And where, may a mother ask, are you taking my son?”
The woman’s voice lacks her usual veneer, sounding so genuinely earnest that he can’t help but blurt out: “Gotham.”
“Gotham,” Talia repeats, her forehead pinched. “With him?” With Batman? Jason bristles. “Might I remind you; he left your death unavenged and replaced you in mere months.”
“Fuck that,” Jason snarls. Ever since he came out of the Pit, madness clings to the edges of his mind whenever he thinks of how Bruce replaced him. This time, it only flickers. “What I want doesn’t matter when Damian needs his father figure. I’m – I’m not stopping him from having that.”
“So, you no longer wish to kill him,” Talia states. He sighs.
“I guess not,” Jason frowns, considering her presence. “Want to take him to Bruce?”
If Talia is surprised, she doesn’t show it, only beckoning for Damian to follow her. As the kid moves, Jason realises this might be the last time he’ll see Damian on the same side of the fence. He grabs the kid’s shoulder, who oddly doesn’t resist.
“Look, Damian,” Jason starts as his younger brother stares up at him. “Doing right is right, and wrong is wrong. A body ain’t got no business doing wrong when he ain’t ignorant and knows better.
“Living with your father, it’s rules like that he follows like gospel. He’ll love you; I know he will, but with him it’s always on the condition that you adhere to his principles. Can you promise something for me?”
Damian nods, soaking every word in.
“I need you to keep an open mind with what he says, but I don’t want you to follow them like gospel the way he does. You’re more than his soldier, you’re my brother, you’re his son.”
The kid nods again, shifting on his feet.
“And – And look after yourself, okay? And -,” The words that come out of his mouth feel like hot coals, but he has to say them. “And if somehow Cass is there, can you look after her too? For me?”
“Of course,” Damian answers softly before throwing his arms around Jason’s waist. “I will find your ukht, ahki, and make sure she is well cared for.”
Jason smiles. It's a broken, weary-looking thing.
“And Todd?” Jason raises his eyebrows. “You should confess to Wilson about your ridiculous affection. It is sickening to watch you two dancing around one another every lesson.”
Jason can’t help it; he laughs and lets his little brother go, his tears like raindrops.
Cass leaves the fresh hydrangeas on the headstone. It stares back at her, its date (four years) seeming to mock her from beyond the grave. Literally, Jay says in her head, which has her biting back the laugh that builds in her throat.
Bruce’s son had come in a few days ago, obviously an assassin child, yet he’s still… subdued, somehow. She knows the boy is there, at her brother’s grave, and that he follows her all the way to the manor. Even then, Cassandra lets it go. He probably took all his cues from Bruce anyway.
It’s when she’s sitting at the new memorial for Jason, a small statue of an apple with a plaque underneath, that Damian approaches her.
“It’s Todd.”
Something crosses the boy’s face. She can’t tell what it is.
“Todd,” Damian says, his eyebrows pinching like a mini Bruce. “What is this?”
“It’s Jason’s memorial,” Cassandra traces the words on the plaque, a quote, one whose meaning she had struggled with a lifetime ago. She gestures to the book in her hands. “I read to it, every time I’m here.”
Damian looks like he’s about to say something about that, but he withholds it. Instead, he sits down with her, his head upturned, not unlike a bird.
“What was he like?” The boy asks, the words seeming to grit out his teeth.
“He was amazing, and we loved him so much,” Dick speaks up, out of nowhere, cutting Cass off before she can even begin. “I had a few issues with him, but I promise that I’ll be as good a brother to you as he was to us.”
Cassandra snorts, and Dick’s smile falls off his face.
“Cassandra, come on, I was just-.”
“You weren’t even a good brother to me or – or him.” She says quietly, because why is he even speaking now? “Why are you trying now? Why not before?”
“Like I said, I had a lot of issues with -.”
“I don’t care, Dickface.” Does it hurt to say Jason’s old nickname for the boy? Yes. Does she draw satisfaction at how much he flinches? Also, yes.
Barbara chooses then to speak up.
“I don’t think that’s fair for you to say, Cass.”
She freezes. The fact that even Damian, who hardly knows her, does the same with the others means they know how huge an error they’ve made.
“Don’t call me that,” Cassandra snaps, voice desolate and lethal, thoughts squalling and refusing to calm down even as she buries her head in the book in her hands.
Barbara sighs and calls Dick away to discuss the mysterious hacker that’s been pulling information from them. Damian, seeming to recognise her desire to be alone, follows him. Good. Cassandra’s mind falls in and out of a lull as her eyes try to refocus. So, she caresses the edge of the apple reverently. In its reflection, tears run down her cheeks. She can’t feel them.
“The information breaches just keep searching for Batgirl,” Barbara says, snapping Cassandra from her stupor. She pulls up a list; every entry confirms Barbara’s statements. Every entry, that is, except for one that catches her eye. The text flashes brightly, making her head spin, and she can’t look away because printed in the bright neon text is-.
There’s a memory, one she’s locked in the far recesses of her mind, where things like the Joker and David and all her other demons live. She remembers Faizul asking who her mother is.
David smirks, a savage thing he does whenever he’s about to order her to do something (murder, as it turned out, then) and says:
Sandra Wu-San | Lady Shiva
The words blare in her mind, bouncing round and round and blocking out all sounds in the cave. It certainly explains a lot; only Shiva can read the body like a novel. Plus, Cassandra isn’t sure that assassin skills are genetic but having two master assassins as biological parents should factor somewhere. It also opens a new avenue of thought. Why? Why did she give her up and never look back? Why did she leave her with her monster of a father? Cassandra craves needs answers, and she needs them now.
Staring up at the name printed on the screen, Jason once asked himself the same questions.
While the others discuss what to do, Cassandra has already listed Shiva’s last known locations and activities. They don’t notice she’s going to leave until she revs the engine of her bike. She sees them open their mouths, but over the sound of the motor, their voices fail to reach her.
All except, somehow, for Alfred and if there is anyone in this family Cass will listen to; it’s the one Jay loved the most.
“If you do pursue her, Miss Cassandra,” The butler has never been unkind to her, yet she can’t help but feel like he’s trying to keep her in place. “I am not sure if you will find what you are looking for.”
She leaves anyway, soaring underneath the tresses of Gotham as they settle around her, the mist obscuring everything but her path forward.
“Damian probably landed in Gotham last week,” Rose says casually. Too casually, she realises. Jace side-eyes her and snorts in response. Damn him and his ability to pick apart what she’s asking. Four years constantly in one another’s presence would do that to people with his life experience. Yet, as much as Jason can read her, she can’t say she can do the same for him.
Something about him seems fragile, like plaster covering a beautiful and distracting collage. Rose wants to dig past that plaster, through the collage and see the mind that is Jason Todd.
She has seen him at his highest and lowest points and always makes sure to stay by his side, as she does now. He’s her best friend; he might not know it, but he’s kept her sane (reassurances her father will not find her come to mind) just as much as she’s done for him.
“What do you think of the new Batgirl?” This time, she means to be conversational. When they stumbled across the profile of Cass’ successor, Jace had shaken his head and laid out half-heartedly into a punching bag.
“I don’t hate her, if that’s what you’re thinking,” That response was… not unexpected. But, when she raises her hickory eyes, Jason has his head raised to the sky. “I looked into her, and – and she’s like us.”
“Girl’s from the Narrows. Didn’t live on the streets, but from her background, her home life definitely wasn’t that great growing up either.”
His hand is trembling, so Rose grabs it and tries to keep him steady with all the power in her.
“She’s going to do Batgirl proud,” Jason says shakily. “I think you’d agree.”
They stand there, leaning on each other, tranquillity settling around them as Jace lets his tears flow. It occurs to Rose that she never let his hand go. She doesn’t plan to. The feeling makes her feel warm inside, and as much as she wants to go further, she also doesn’t want to push her best friend away.
In the distance, the outline of a jet approaches the runway they’re on. It is time.
“You ready?”
“You wouldn’t believe me if I said yes.”
“Fair enough.”
“Hey,” Rose looks up at him, waiting for him to continue. “If anything goes wrong, I want you to stay out of sight of the others and get away from Gotham.”
Rose growls. “No way, there is no fucking way I’d leave you alone with them.” She steps closer, jabbing her finger on his chest. “I didn’t train with you for the past four years for it all to be thrown away just because Batman is an asshole. My dad’s just as bad, remember?
“You’re stuck with me no matter what Jace. Deal with it.”
He gives her a wry smirk that has her heart fluttering as much as her returning grin is sharp. Even as the plane touches down, she realises that he hasn't let her hand go, and neither has she.
In the next week, Red Hood and Ravager will carve their way through the deeper bowels of Gotham’s stomach, a bag of heads linking their iron fists.
For now, Rose breathes in the moist air as a drizzle begins.
Mad Dog, Cassandra muses, is a morbid reminder of what she might have become if she stayed with David. He doesn’t have her abilities, but he has more physical strength in spades; his movements are so strange, so unpredictable, that it’s not like it matters.
A deft swipe narrowly misses her throat, and Cassandra cuffs the man in the jaw with her knee, knocking him back.
She had definitely found Shiva. Tracked her all the way to some subset of the League of Assassins. The woman had only gazed coolly at her and set Mad Dog on her.
True to his name, the assassin growls and leaps at her, fury behind each of his strikes. Cassandra dodges one of these, the fist cratering the cement wall, and gets socked in the chest for her trouble. The force of the impact sends her flying metres away.
Getting up from the blow is a chore, and she can feel the agony her body is in, feels the blood run down her mouth as she rises. Her fist is shaking; her stance is uneven. Mad Dog notices, and he grins like David, drawing a jagged sword from his sheath and charges.
Cassandra darts past the assassin. She knows she can win this. Even though his movements are swift and deadly, she manages to outpace him. His sword strikes aim to draw blood as he swipes at her, but she’s still managed to weave her way around them, causing sparks to fly into the air. When he tries to hit her, she still uses his momentum against him and knocks him down.
Yet, Cassandra can feel herself getting slower now; her arms are still shaking. She dodges another strike, but it’s a feint, and Mad Dog grabs her by the hair and slams her onto the ground. Hazily, she watches his wicked grin widen as the assassin raises his arms and prepares his blade.
As Mad Dog is about to drive it into Cass’ chest, she thinks (This is it. It’s all over. It is time.) of a boy in an alleyway, an apple in his hand and a smile on his lips.
She closes her eyes and listens to the sprinkling outside.
“Do you think we were unfair to them?” Dick seems to ask to open air, but Bruce knows when his sons want a genuine response. “Like, that we didn’t give them enough credit for what they could do. And because of that, they’ve never had anyone but each other?”
Dick slumps. It looks so wrong on him that Bruce wraps his arms around him, especially careful (As a real father would. An insidious voice in his brain sneers). “Do you think, that if maybe we treated them so much better...” His boy is crying now, usually joyous lapis eyes cold and red-rimmed. “That they’d still be here?”
Bruce only grunts because not one of his answers is what Dick wants to hear.
On a slab of stone, the petals on the hydrangeas wilt, droplets dappling their edges.
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ahsokathegray · 4 years
how did you link your AO3 and master list in your bio?
hey nonnie! sorry for getting to your ask so late. I saw it this morning before I left for work I promise you didn’t go unnoticed! today was my first day back at work, as well as my dad’s bday so I thank you vm for being so patient!!
as for your question, it is quite simple! I will insert a step-by-step process below the cut :)
1.) go to your tumblr url page on DESKTOP not on MOBILE. this is not your tumblr dashboard or your profile. you’ll go to https://yoururl.tumblr.com (for example) mine would be https://ahsokathegray.tumblr.com
2.) next you’ll click the painter’s board icon in the top right of the page.
Tumblr media
(the middle icon)
3.) once that is opened, you’ll see your bio on the left hand side. this is where the important part is. the coding. below is the code to insert links into your bio, along with the desired word you want to attach it to. here is mine (in full) for example as to what it should look like when you're finished!
<a href="https://ahsokathegray.tumblr.com/post/619500323483074560/rexsoka-masterlist">masterlist</a>
<a href="https://archiveofourown.org/users/ahsokathegray/pseuds/ahsokathegray">ao3</a>
4.) use the code <a href=“the url you want the link to direct someone to”>the word you want to attach it to</a>
5.) save and update preview and it should work! double check your mobile page to see if it works there as well and if you need it, <br> is code for ‘next paragraph’ so you can stack stuff in your bio the way you want
I hope this helps! I remember thinking this was v difficult when I first learned so if any of this confuses you, don’t hesitate to ask for more clarification! I also hope this helps anyone who is maybe wanting to do this as well :)
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studythenight-away · 5 years
i’m going to be taking the lsat in two years and i was wondering if you have any study tips? i’m going to be starting prep in january but i don’t think that’ll be enough :( i love your studyblr btw
Hey there anon! (aww tank you *blushes*)
I don’t know if I’m qualified to be answering this now as I haven’t taken the test yet and don’t know my score (but I did take the test once last June and got in the 97th percentile, so hopefully I sort of know what I’m talking about). I’ll do a more in-depth post if I get my score back and turns out my studying method actually worked. 
Here’s some tips in the meantime ~
Two years is more than enough. Be calm! The brain is like a muscle and if you don’t use it constantly that reasoning part you’ve worked so hard to develop might go away. So studying too far ahead of time is not that helpful. For last year’s test I studied twice a week for three months and then studied 15 hours a day for a week. Not a good idea. You need consistency. This time around, I’m studying every day by doing at least something(timed section, review incorrect answers, etc.). I work full-time so can’t be studying much more than that on the weekdays. On the weekends I take a practice test in the morning, do a blind review, then review incorrect questions.
Be careful of burnout. Last year I took 3 practice tests a day for a full week before the exam. WOW. I hate past me. Granted my practice test scores did go up (by 7 points over the week omg), but I didn’t perform that well on the actual test because my brain was tired… Give yourself space between practice tests to recover.
Don’t be afraid of practice tests. Some people are really afraid of taking practice tests because seeing that score is just terrifying. It’s just a score. The point of practicing is to improve so of course your scores aren’t going to be pretty until later in the game. It helps so much with building stamina which you really need for the LSAT - 35 minutes x 5 of pure focus??? You can’t just come up with that mental endurance out of nowhere.
Blind review. Honestly 7sage’s article here spells it out really clearly. I didn’t do this last year and really wish I did. Even though my recent practice test scores haven’t been going up (and have been going down…), my BR score has consistently improved, which shows me that I’m actually improving and just need to work on thinking clearly under pressure.
Online resources. Get a 7sage account. You can grade your tests (with BR) and track which types of questions you need the most help with. They also have video explanations for all logic games that are super helpful and clear. Use Manhattan Prep and Powerscore forums to understand the reasoning behind questions you get wrong.
Make a wrong answer book. I cut out the LR questions I get wrong and paste them into a notebook with the reasoning behind it in a different color pen. It makes it so much easier for me to go through and see what I struggle with and be reminded of the typical kinds of reasoning/LSAT language that messes me up.
General note about studying. Try not to get upset if your practice scores aren’t constantly on an upward trend. The LSAT is designed to get you. Not every test has an equal amount of questions that happen to be in your weak area. Sometimes you have an off-day. Some series of tests are just trickier than others. So many reasons. Just keep going and try to master as many types of questions as possible. You can do it!! 
Wow now that I’ve gotten started I feel like I could say a lot more, but again - who knows if my tips should carry any weight whatsoever. If I do well in October (T-24 days *screaming*) I’ll make a slightly more organized/insightful post. I hope these random tips help!! Good luck my friend! Reach out whenever for support ~ The LSAT sucks and I’m here for you.
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64-bitsims · 6 years
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Here are eight female sims for download inspired by @gloomfish’s Songs as Sims challenge. I have always loved the song God Bless America- And All of the Beautiful Women in it by Lana Del Rey because it really feels like a feel good girls anthem about how we all need to stick together and lift each other up which I strive to do.
For these sims I really tried to do many different body types-- Nikki is very much a pear shape whereas Noelle and Naomi have more of a slender build, for example-- and have many different races and ethnicities, too. Noelle was originally going to have more Hispanic inspired elements in her features, but in the end I think she looks more Native American. I really did try and make them all have their own personalities and stuff like that, so I hope they shine through.
For the nitty gritty details:
the tray files are separate for each girl on sfs
each girl will have their own cc lists under the cut (as i decided to upload these i tried cutting back on cc but the ones from the beginning when i was just going to do an edit have more than the others fsafdsaf)
feel free to use them in any way, and please do show me what you do with my babies by tagging me!
unfortunately i can only mention so many cc makers bc tumblr limits mentions so if I don’t tag everyone, thats why! i’ll still mention them but it wont link-- however you’ll still be able to use the direct post link in the (x).
CC lists and download [sfs, no adfly ever] under the cut!
CC used for all sims: Smoothish II skin, TIT-E, Yume Eyes v2, No EA Lashes mod
Alexis Chance- Download
Chief of Mischief aspiration; Bro, Kleptomaniac, Vegetarian
CC Needed: @toffeetip‘s Girls Girls Girls Blush (x), @cherrypiesims‘ Sunshine Blush (x), @prxnce‘s Mami Eyeliner (x), @weepingsimmer‘s Apricot Blush (x), @pictureamoebae‘s Real Lips revisited (x), @simlaughlove‘s Love Me Knot top (x), @solarlemonade‘s​ Simple Eyeshadow 1 (x), @blogsimplesimmer‘s Rachel Hair (x), @tukete’s MH Button Tank recolor (x), @hollowsprings’ Leah Shorts (x), @nolan-sims‘s Witchy Dress (x), @trillyke’s Puzzle Pants (x), @rusty-sims’s Nightwear Top (x), @sagittariahx‘s Giulianna Lipstick (x), @aristavyr‘s Pure Gloss Lips (x), @wildspit‘s Angelic Hair v2 (x), @pickypikachu‘s Sabrina Pumps (x), @grimcookies‘ Catty Eyeliner (x), @mysteriousdane‘s Too Faced Natural Eyeshadow (x), @heihu‘s Overlay Collection [forehead] (x), @bustedpixels‘ Kylie Lipstick (x), @renorasims‘ Greta Shoes Recolor (x)
Packs used: Get to Work, Spa Day, Bowling Night, Get Together, Parenthood, City Living, Luxury Party, Seasons, Movie Hangout
Blair Mead- Download
Master Mixologist aspiration; Insider, Perfectionist, Goofball
CC Needed: @ratboysims‘ Roxie Blush (x), @trillyke Latata Shorts AND Bra with straps (x), @femmeonamissionsims Timothy Glasses and Sunglasses [you need both] (x), @sagittariahx‘s Dolly Eyeliner (x) Norvina Eyeshadow (x) Sultry Eyeshadow (x) and It’s Cold Outside Baby Blush (x), @bookwormsims‘ Roxanne Eyeliner (x), @weepingsimmer‘s Sephora Lip Stains (x), @wondercarlotta‘s Leila (x), @heihu‘s overlay collections [mouth crease] (x), @mortimergth‘s Cindy Heels (x), @simtone‘s Sharp Heels (x), @deetron-sims‘ Spring Dress from Spring Fling Stuff (x), @cabsim‘s nose freckles (x), @joliebean‘s Pumpkin Latte Coat [the one with the same colored sleeves] (x), @foursims‘ Madeline Top (x), @renorasims‘ Pearl Hoops (x), @shespeakssimlish‘s Carli Hair (x) and Okurrrt Hair (x), LunarLake’s little hoops found at @losts4cc‘s blog (x), @forgiveusoursims‘ 300 Follower Gift Lipstick (x), @cakenoodles‘ Thorne Top (x), @blogsimplesimmer‘s Leaf Earrings [both] (x), @stephanine-sims‘ Alexia Jeans [ripped] (x), @simlaughlove‘s Funky Sneakers (x), @sim-sa’s Kick It To Me Eyeliner [deactivated; I’ve included the file within the Zip download for this sim; if you are Sim-sa and wish for it to be removed please just ask!], @lehgaming‘s DA:I Brows [i think its #1] (x), @wildpixel‘s and @aharris00britney‘s Phoebe Dress (x), @leeleesims1‘s Up and Out [short] (x)
Packs used: City Living, Jungle Adventure, Outdoor Retreat, Spa Day
Carly Hawk- Download
Friend of the Animals aspiration; Non-Committal, Dog Person, Creative
CC Needed: @madlensims Vera Boots (x), @sagittariahx Berry Stain Lipstick (x), @nords-sims AH00B Choker Recolor [black] (x), @heihu‘s overlay collections [mouth crease] (x), @dkirko-n-wuciwuger Blush 1 & 2 (x), @squidinkbook’s [deactivated] Rough Stone Earrings (x), @crypticsim‘s Goddess Collection [you need both items] (x), and Passionfruit Liner [I have the merged version] (x) @cabsim’s Younzoey Beanie Recolor [there IS a working link to the needed mesh on the post] (x), @lightdeficient‘s Natural Eyelid Tint [I think it’s been taken down as its nowhere to be found on google or the blog itself; I’ve included it in Carly’s Zip folder-- @lightdeficient if you would like me to remove it and give a working link I will be happy to update this list and the file!], @leeleesims1‘s Takes Me Back Swimsuit [Full Body] (x), @sentate‘s Sassy Pumps (x), @blogsimplesimmer‘s Leaf Earrings [both] (x), @solarlemonade‘s Angelic Blush (x), @sondescent‘s Sim Stretch Leggings (x), @kotcatmeow‘s Eyeliner (x), @stephanine-sims‘ Phi Outfit (x), @pictureamoebae‘s Real Lips revisited (x), @alf-si‘s Eyeliner 4 (x)
Packs used: Get to Work, Spa Day, Get Together, Luxury Party, City Living, Fitness Stuff, Seasons
Miranda Holt- Download
Super Parent aspiration; Jealous, Music Lover, Clumsy
CC Needed: @crazycupcakefr‘s Shades of Red Lipstick (x), @aharris00britney‘s Em Hair (x), @leeleesims1‘s City Living Jean Recolors (x), @wyattssims‘ Athletic Jacket + Sweater from Winter Wear Stuff (x), @prismaticsimmer‘s Very Berry Eyeshadow (x), @imvikai Marion Hair (x), @heihu‘s Overlay Collection [forehead] (x), @cakenoodles‘ Daisy Jeans (x), @dogsill‘s Millie Hair (x), @pinkzombiecupcakes’ Madlen Cosette Recolors (x), @colorfulplumbobs Classy and Chic Shirt (x)
Packs used: Get Together, Jungle Adventure, Vintage Glamour, Movie Hangout, Spa Day, Backyard
Monique Dupree- Download
Leader of the Pack aspiration; Insider, Dance Machine, Gloomy
CC Needed: @its-adrienpastel‘s Rosie Blush (x), @crypticsim‘s Blue Honey Eyeshadow (x), @lightdeficient‘s Natural Faded Blush [I think it’s been taken down as its nowhere to be found on google or the blog itself; I’ve included it in Monique’s Zip folder-- @lightdeficient if you would like me to remove it and give a working link I will be happy to update this list and the file!], @mysteriousdane‘s Nude Tude Eyeshadow (x), @storylegacysims‘ Famous Skinnies (x), @theweebsimmer‘s Hey Cupid Jeans (x), @voidboredom‘s Simple Liner (x), @alf-si‘s Eyeliner 3 (x), @blushchat‘s Begonia Jacket (x), @crazycupcakefr Eyebrow Mega Set [5] (x), @deetron-sims Sample Pants from PTS Happy Apple Day (x), @elisaisms‘ Sunset Lipstick (x), @forgiveusoursims‘ 300 Follower Gift Blush (x), @grimcookies‘ Lipstick 1 (x), @hazelios Taylor Top (x), @heihu‘s Overlay Collection [forehead] (x), @leeleesims1‘s Folding Under Pressure (x), @renorasims‘ Greta Shoes Recolor (x), @sagittariahx‘s Superstar Lipgloss (x), @blogsimplesimmer Camilla Hair v2 (x), Aurora-sims4 Vitiligo [potentially lost? unable to find a link; this has been included in Monique’s Zip folder. If you are Aurora-sims4 and would like this to be removed from the file and provide a working link, I will be happy to remove it!] @wondercarlotta‘s Lola hair (x) and Sonia hair (x)
Packs used: Get to Work, Outdoor Retreat, Laundry Day, Get Together, Spa Day, City Living, Vintage Glamour, Seasons, Fitness Stuff
Naomi Vo- Download
Computer Whiz aspiration; Art Lover, Ambitious, Romantic
CC Needed: Dachssims’ Lemonleaf Blush converted to S4 (x), @blogsimplesimmer Accessory Shirts and Jackets [Sleeveless cardigan] (x), @nords-sims‘ Tenderpuff Lipstick (x), @mangosimcc‘s Seesaw Blush (x), @bookwormsims‘ Roxanne Eyeliner (x), @bustedpixels Spa Day Bikini (x) and Kylie Lipstick (x), @storylegacysims‘ Famous Skinnies (x), @trillyke‘s Latata bikini bottom (x), @misskweell‘s Petrose Leggings (x), @mysteriousdane‘s Color Pop Pressed Shadows (x), @grimcookies‘ Nina Dress (x), @heihu‘s Overlay Collection [forehead] (x), @hypergnomesimblr‘s No Nyans shoes (x), @forgiveusoursims‘ 300 Follower Gift Blush (x), @sulestial‘s Bella lip (x), @sagittariahx‘s Lilith Lacquor Lipstick (x), Warmy Jeans (x), Pink Lip Stains (x), Planet Pastel Goth Eyeliner (x), and Honeycomb Lipstick (x), @cabsim‘s Moles (x), @teanmoon/PTS’ Sarahtacular Bowstrap Shoes (x), @amygdelights‘ Glossy Lipgloss (x), @saurussims’ Lucian Shoes (x), @kotcatmeow‘s Eyeliner (x), @leeleesims1‘s Bean There Done That Beanie (x), @isjao‘s Maple Hair (x), Mol Top (x), Molly Dress (x)
Packs used: Get to Work, Outdoor Retreat, Get Together, Spa Day, City Living, Seasons, Movie Hangout
Nikki Zavala- Download
Friend of the World aspiration; Outgoing, Genius, Childish
CC Needed: Dachssims’ Lemonleaf Blush converted to S4 (x), @shinasims’ [unable to tag?] Oh So Sweet Dimples (x), PTS Cottage Garden Stuff Movie Hangout Boots Recolor (x), @joliebean‘s Robin Top (x), @nolan-sims‘ Freckle Overlay (x), @simandy‘s Lomri Eyeliner (x), Niranin’s Duality Eyeshadow (x), @purrsephonesims‘ GTW Shorts Recolor (x), @crazycupcakefr‘s Huda Inspired Lipstick (x), @wyattssims‘ Loose Jacket and Turtle Neck from Winter Wear Stuff (x), @sagittariahx‘s Geometric Shorts (x), Burnt Wood Lipstick (x), It’s Cold Outside Baby Blush (x) Planet Pastel Goth Eyeliner (x), @mangosimcc​‘s Seesaw Blush (x), @streneesims‘ Stiletto Straps (x), @onceabluemoonsim‘s Ellie Eyeliner (x) and Autumn Blush v2 (x), @bustedpixels‘ Jefree Star Lipstick (x), and Mesh Top Recolor (x) @krispycandymoon‘s Mafer hair (x), @pinkzombiecupcakes’ Madlen Cosette Recolors (x), @greenllamas‘ 90s Crop from Pool Party Stuff (x), @pixelunivairse‘s Sunny Swimsuit (x) and Axe Leggings [a must have tbh] (x), @weepingsimmer‘s Julianos Eyeshadow (x), @bramblefinch‘s Lace Layers (x), @lightdeficient Low Maintenance brow [I think its #2 but I have the merged package so I dont know for sure] (x), @magicallyspicedsugar‘s Peekaboo top (x), @flafullsims’ Basic Liner (x), MissParaply’s Luna Top (x)
Packs used: Get Together, City Living, Season, Spooky Stuff
Noelle Craven- Download
Archeology Scholar aspiration; Loves the Outdoors, Active, Cheerful
CC Needed: @bookwormsims‘ Roxanne Eyeliner (x), @simtone‘s Daughter Jeans Shorts (x), @dogsill‘s AnnaSophia hair (x), @wyattssims‘ Multi-Bracelets from the Menswear Pack (x), @ridgeport‘s Monstera Top (x), @squidinkbook’s [deactivated] Rough Stone Earrings (x), One-Shoulder Dress Get Famous Recolor [solids] (x), @nolan-sims‘ Pros and Cons Top (x), @voidboredom‘s Smokey Eyeshadow (x), @heihu‘s Overlay Collection [forehead] (x), @sagittariahx‘s Warmy Jeans (x), @saurussims’ Lucian Shoes (x)
Packs used: Spa Day, Get Together, Parenthood, Seasons, Vintage Glamour, Outdoor Retreat
134 notes · View notes
niuttuc · 6 years
Niuttuc’s Fanwalker List
Short bios and description of my fanwalkers, since it was a little weird to refer to an ask every time. Also updated! Since my roster has expanded significantly since this post was first made, I’ll only put my “core” characters into a first short list, and the rest below the cut. Note that I do still occasionally develop and do appreciate questions beyond the core characters, I just decided to separate things for ease of read.
Anedia Kosel (UB): She/her, Human, overt dimir reporter and (rarely nowadays) covert dimir agent. Sleep mage. From Ravnica. After WAR, now writes a column on planeswalkers and other planes, while still hiding her own status as one.
Ivegard ( R ): She/Her, Flamekin empath from Lorwyn. She often works as a courier to find new places to go. Trained swordfighter.
Nyrhen (G): He/Him, Elf Jerk from Lorwyn. Potential/true self magic. Seeks people who know who they are. Current home set up in the Wilds of Eldraine, but he doesn’t spend too much time there.
Vaalin (WUR): He/him, half-merfolk half-human, Tolarian scholar from Dominaria. Magic allowing manipulation of the perception of time, and for him to slip between moments.
Dancing-Hands (WU): He/Him, Kitsune with origami-based animating magic and short range telekinesis on non-living objects. From Kamigawa. Former follower of an Ojutai dragon.
Dolores (BR): She/Her, demon with pain-based magic. Resides and work in New Capenna as torturer, mainly for the Maestros. From a fan-plane.
Arnoss (RGW): He/Him, Ghavalek (Gharial-based person) with enhanced strength and protection based on others’ need for his help. From a fan-plane. Fully amphibious.
Lhur (B): He/Him, Giant from Fiora. Ruler of a small kingdom far away from Paliano. His magic is rooted in manifesting what people want or desire.
Farell Bassola (U): Most often uses He/They. Shapeshifting duelist from Fiora, copying their opponents’ appearance and skills. Doesn’t try nor like actually trying to impersonate others.
Link to a spreadsheet for easy reference
Bios for those under the cut, then the rest of the cast:
1) Anedia Kosel (UB): Anedia is an ambitious, overt member of House Dimir living in the Fourth District of Ravnica, and working as a reporter. Anedia’s decent mastery over sleep magic has also earned her a name among covert Dimir operations as a freelancer of sorts, as the Sleepwalker.
However, in the last couple years, she’s found herself doing less and less covert work and focusing on journalism. Her dossier on the War of the Spark earned her attention well beyond the Fourth District. She used it as leverage to get a column to herself, In Other Worlds, bringing to the average Ravnican interviews of planeswalkers and short overviews of other planes, which definitely found an audience. She claims to get information from “planeswalker sources” among which are some of her interviewee, since she hides the fact she’s a planeswalker herself. She’s a private person, despite being very curious herself.
2) Ivegard ( R ): A flamekin from Lorwyn, Ivegard started her pilgrimage to find a path for herself between a martial career or more spiritual one. She found a path doing neither and both, traveling the Multiverse and seeing all its marvels, people and marvelous people. As is traditions for flamekin pilgrims, she often works as a courier, transporting messages and items. Except her range extends to the entire Multiverse (minus maybe underwater worlds).
She’s a pathomancer, capable of perceiving people’s emotions and amplify (or sometimes calm them), including her own, and a trained warrior beyond that. Most of her equipment was created by her brother, Keart, a Brighthearth master smith she’s very proud of. Among it a sword Ivegard simply calls “Girl” that’s made of the same living rock as flamekins’ skin. Ivegard is generally a pretty positive person, being able to empathize with most, who tends to throw her all into anything she tries.
3) Nyrhen (G): Nyrhen is from Lorwyn (pre-lorwyn/Shadowmoor blocs), very full of himself and a jerk all around. His magic makes people what they truly are (or deeply think they are), with limitations, and over the years this magic and his high opinion of himself and elves in general kept him alive and “perfected” him slowly in his eyes.
He’s powerful and fickle, seeing most of everyone else in the Multiverse as inferior to Lorwyn elves in general, and himself in specific as a beyond perfect example of those. He will kill whenever convenient, and obey no law but his own whims. However, his interests are limited to relatively small scale, searching for “True” people that know exactly what they are and his magic doesn’t affect. He wants to recruit them and convince them to let him remold them into Eternal elves like himself. So far no success.
4) Vaalin (WUR): Vaalin is a Dominarian half-merfolk, half-human, and lived most of his life at the underwater Tolarian Academy of the Depths. Suffered from Vodalian xenophobia despite Tolaria somewhat sheltering him from it. Expert in temporal mechanics, and more specifically non-physical temporal modifications. After sparking, he helps Tolaria gather data about temporal anomalies on other planes, along with furthering his own research. He also has established correspondance between a class of Strixhaven and one back in Tolaria, carrying their letters back and forth about once a month.
His own magic allows him to manipulate the perception of time, most often giving him all the time he needs to study any phenomenon or reach a decision. He can similarly hasten his body, but nowhere near what he can do to his mind, leaving him “trapped” in his own body to think for as long as he wants. Ge can also do that to others but not to as extreme an extent. After an encounter with and befriending an Eon Frolicker on Ikoria, Vaalin also learned to “slip between moments” freezing time completely and allowing him to move around, though not interact with much in this state. It doesn’t take effort to maintain, but it does to enter and exit. Vaalin still doesn’t understand this perfectly, but he’s being careful with experimenting. Depending on the situation, Vaalin can seem very focused or very easily distracted. He’s averse to most forms of combat, but a great problem-solver, considering he has all the time in the world and a magical whiteboard of sorts.
5) Dancing-Hands (WU): Dancing-Hands is a Kamigawan Kitsune who was very good at most things he tried from a young age, and grew to be arrogant as he developed his own style of art and magic. His sparking humbled him, and he spent the next few years as part of the Ojutai, learning from the Skywises’ teachings. Some time ago now, rejected his Skywise that saw him as an asset more than anything, and has since been bouncing around, anchored only by helping his partners’ (@nine-tailed-cat ‘s Epnu and Tasaba Nef) home of Amonkhet and helping them figure out parenthood.
He has access to an innate and powerful but very short-ranged telekinesis, that he uses both for combat and to help him with his kanji magic, drawn on paper origami to animate them or give them special properties. He sees paper origami superior because more versatile than the inspired technology that emerged on Kamigawa. He tends to be very level-headed and calm, even when he’s being facetious and the faintest smirk breaks his facade.
6) Dolores (BR): Dolores was an Azra from Ferely, a skilled torturer using pain manipulation magic to get information cleaner and often faster than most of her colleagues. She spent a couple years on Fiora, before getting stabbed in the back there (not even metaphorically) and having to find greener grass somewhere else. She found somewhere for herself on New Capenna, and is trying to be more loyal to one faction this time to avoid the aforementioned backstabbing.
After some developments, something that started on Fiora bloomed fueled by Halo, and Dolores permanently became a full-fledged demon. She’s had to adapt to the situation (and renew her wardrobe), but overally she likes the change, she’s more powerful than ever and still convinced she’s the best at her job. Also, and it’s a common misconception, despite torturing people for a living, she doesn’t draw joy from hurting other people, it’s just what she’s good at, and everybody gotta eat.
7) Arnoss (RGW): He’s a ghavalek (big Gharial-looking people) planeswalker, from Ocaelum, @land-ofthebooty ‘s underwater fanplane. His people are rare enough that he doesn’t know everything about his own species, as he was bought in the egg from another caravan (a common practice among the World Family). Arnoss sparked after losing his caravan and family to merfolk raiders, something he still partly blames himself for. Often found in the Multiverse doing bodyguard work, but it’s generally just an excuse to get some money doing what he wants to do anyway, protecting people in danger.
Arnoss can’t really do magic aside from some minor cantrips. An enchantment was woven into his scales, making him more resilient and stronger based on how many and how much people need his help in his surroundings. Despite his appearance scaring some people, he’s a gentle giant and a sweet guy. Not the most educated or fast-thinking person. He trusts easily, sometimes people he probably shouldn’t.
8) Lhur (B): Lhur is a Fioran giant, but far from a typical giant. His words and magic are as much to respect as his skills and strength. Born to a warlord who conquered a small country (far from Paliano and what we know of Fiora) and declared himself king. He was trained harshly from a young age, which led to him resenting his father and his politics alike. Lhur eventually joined a revolution against his own father, and killed him in single combat (if you believe the stories on the street at least). He now advises the councils of the former city-states that made up his father’s kingdom as they try to figure out the next steps, who keep him around because he’s beloved by both the populace and recognized as “king” by his father’s former armies. That’s how he tries to maintain his rule, needed and liked enough that getting rid of him would be much worse than the alternative.
As far as his magic, Lhur learned his magic from a demon “hired” by his father, and can channel it to create and manifest people’s wants and desires, though in a very tiring and involved way for him. Obtaining things the regular way is usually easier. Lhur’s weapons of choice are a variety of pole weapons, taking further advantage of his reach to defeat most opponents before they even get the chance to strike a blow.
9) Farell (U): Also from Fiora, Farell is a shapeshifter, taking other people’s appearances and having none of his own. Farell is an illegitimate son of a freshly-noble family, born from a shapeshifter’s deception of his mother. Regardless, both his human parents raised him with love and full knowledge of the fact he would be kept out of inheritance. He grew up to become a master duelist, with the wit and skills to back that up. He and his younger brother were inseparable and Farell most often used his brother’s likeness, up until said brother got caught in Fioran politics and killed. Nowadays, Farell avoids Paliano altogether if he can. When money gets tight, he’ll sometimes offer his services as a private tutor to people young and old who want to learn to fight or duel.
While Farell is a shapeshifter, he doesn’t want to impersonate anyone, and as such, always has a mark identifying him as different from the original, most often a visible blue strand of hair. For shapes without hair, an armband or flower of the exact same shade of blue. If he doesn’t dislike someone, he won’t use their form at all without consent, and he likes to stake his right to use someone’s likeness for himself in a duel. He can use magic to copy more than appearance of someone, being able to copy their skills and training if in close proximity, though those copied skills fade in a matter of hours. He might be able to learn enough from it to practice it later and figure it out more permanently though. Farell is somehow both boastful and often self-deprecating, he likes being the center of attention and to impress, while always proving himself.
  Other fanwalkers that are currently somewhat “active” around the multiverse:
Arega (GU): They/Them, Lorwyn Changeling modified with old Simic biomancy. Arega can switch bodies between different krasises they pilot, but their original body is always safe and encased in a cocoon. The one they’re typically seen as is a prototype Guardian they believed was their real body for years.
Zarunpel (G(BW)): She/Her, Human Knight of Garenbrig, from Eldraine. Rapunzel-inspired, has long, heavy and indestructible hair she uses as blunt weapons and protection and access to some light protection magic.
Kinahel Varelli (RW(U)): They/them (and more depending on the incarnation), Phoenix Aven, from Zendikar. Can generate fire on contact and have healing capabilities. Carries around Worldslayer and tries to protect it from being used.
The Cursetamer/Ange Casselant (BUG): She/Her, Human Lich, soul-manipulating and curse-borrowed powers, from a fan-plane, resides on Innistrad. Fancies herself a researcher.
Ranek Stormplate (WR): He/Him. Dwarf from Kaldheim. His “plate” is more of a small mech of shifting, enchanted plates, made to absorb and redirect danger. Determined to have sagas told of him in all fields except one, hoping the sagas reaches their partner in Starnheim.
Sezashi (UG): He/Him, Orochi from Kamigawa. His kami-granted magic allows him to manipulate life and objects by doubling or halving them or some of their characteristics. Trying to figure out what kind of world Kamigawa might one day become from the Merge and help steer it towards the better outcomes of it.
Icalia (W): She/Her, Eagle Aven with Silence magic, from Dominaria. Resides in a fan plane, where she established the Haven as a neutral ground and safe place for planar travelers. Former oldwalker.
Szyra (BGU): She/Her, Nantuko, capable of summoning or temporarily transforming objects and beings into their version from alternate realities. From an alternate timeline of Dominaria, was transported over during the Rift era.
Odomi (Colorless+): He/Him. Faerie. Has the ability to do what is widely told he can do. Mischievous, dangerous, has been sealed for millenia once. From Eldraine.
Exemplar Iren Balard (WUB): She/Her, human from @socialpoison‘s fan-plane of Vestria. She’s a therapist and a mind mage, only ever using her magic for the good of her patients. Exemplar is a title.
Jibea (WUB): They/Them. Human from a fan-plane suffering a slow apocalypse. Their magic is gravity-based. They go to other planes to experience and note down what has been taken from theirs.
Eternity (who’ll probably pick a different name later) (): They/Them. Result of the fusion of two oldwalkers tainted by the Blind Eternities during the Mending. Now resides between worlds. Powerful and unintentionally destructive. Depending on the nature of Eldrazis, might qualify as one.
Nksdv/Alamir (Colorless/U): Licid and its Metathran host, from Rath and Dominaria respectively. The Licid is a planeswalker. Can transport its host, but not without damages that are lethal to most, and heavily damaging to Alamir. Icalia’s chief of security.
Pallune (UGr): She/Her. Human from Ikoria. She has the ability to commune and “control” creatures that roughly belongs to one of Ikoria’s five monster clades, and as long as she’s near them, shapeshifts some of her traits to match theirs. Deaf. She can hear if she shapeshifts her ears into a monster’s, but sound tends to easily overwhelm her, so she avoids.
Vedili (WUBG): Genderfluid, tends to shift day and night. Merfolk Vampire from Ixalan. Magic over mists, fogs and other smokes. Seeks an harmony of the world where each can be their best without putting down others. Admires Elenda, who turned them.
Madaya Soari (U): She/Her. Human, formerly performing magician, until the Revolt and people’s attention shifted to actual mages. She dislikes that “mana” stuff and mages. From Kaladesh.
Maladrigol (GBW): They/Them. Treefolk who creates and steers communities over decades and centuries to maximize the mana potential of an area and harvest it for themselves, for mysterious ends.
Silena (UBR): She/Her, Human. Martial mage on Kylem, with the ability to alter water-based liquids’ acidity. From Kylem.
Kolvis (WB): She/Her, Angel, lifeforce manipulating powers, from Grixis (back when it was called Vithia).
Regellen ( R ): Genderfluid, they/them generally works. Dragon, magic focused on light, reflection and magic replication. From Innistrad.
Quzawe (URG): They/Them, Coatl, wind magic, from Ixalan. Regellen’s Partner.Quzawe’s Partner.
Akavoo (GR): He/Him, Kavu, powers based on what minerals he eats, which includes his ability to planeswalk or talk. from Dominaria.
Sky-Eyes (WURG): He/Him. Pheres centaur and unclaimed oracle, can perceive and channel divinities from other planes while he’s on them, regardless of whether or not they have a physical existence on that plane. From Theros.
Elije (WU): He/Him. Human, silver-bordered. Can enforce the rules of Magic: the Gathering within its worlds. From ????. Planeswalker.
Bios for those, and then a few more planeswalkers you’re less likely to encounter:
1) Arega (GU): Arega’s a heavily modified Lorwyn Changeling who owes their current life to the Simic, who they joined since what they consider to be their birth. Thanks to (very illegal) cytoplastic augments, Arega interacts with the world by inhabiting a krasis body at a time, or most often their prototype Guardian body. They lived years being told that one was their “real” body, and still think that way. After the Simic discovered what they were shortly after the War of the Spark, they’ve been under heavy control from the guild. Their destruction was put on the table, but so far, the Prime Speaker has deemed their value as a loyal planeswalker worth the risk of keeping them around.
2) Zarunpel (G(BW)): Zarunpel is a human from Eldraine, though her and her six sisters were “blessed” by a fae with their parents’ approval. Her own was a blessing of beauty that centered on her hair, making it long, near-indestructible and heavy. She used the strength granted to her to haul it around to become a Knight of Garenbrig, using her hair as her weapons and occasional protection, and has learned some magic to temporarily copy its enchantment to other targets. She’s very direct, often underestimated, and willing to do what needs to be done to be free of the “perfect story” that was laid out for her by the blessing fae.
3) Kinahel (RW(U)): Kinahel is a phoenix modified into an humanoid shape in the egg, and raised to wield the Worldslayer to kill an imprisoned Eldrazi (a big one, but not a titan) on Zendikar. It worked too well and destroyed the island, and for a couple centuries since, they’ve traveled with and protect the weapon, trying to guard worlds from it from being used. Don’t mention that one time on Mirrodin. They’re able to create fire on contact (and on contact with that fire) and absorb it, fashioning weapons out of the flames, and their fire can have healing properties. If they use too much magic, they can combust and die (and be reborn). As a phoenix, they’ll resurrect from almost any death into a different shape, an aven based on a different bird. Currently a corvid-like woman after their last death on Innistrad.
4) The Cursetamer (BUG): Ange Casselant of real name, the Cursetamer is a very powerful Lich planeswalker that exploited a magical item’s properties to turn herself into a lich much harder to kill than average, and maintaining her spark. Currently resides on Innistrad with her wife, Annalise, after having finally found a way to bring her back to life in a mostly proper way. She’s handling a small town of refugees/voluntary test subjects in a massive underground complex on Innistrad, and specialized in the study and manipulation of souls for decades. Now that her wife is back with her, she shifted her attention to self-sustaining spell resonances, trying to figure out what causes them and how to control them. One of her arms is gloved and hosts her soul, incapable of interacting with matter but able to grab onto more ethereal things. Her magic includes soul and life manipulation, but also many effects she can replicate of relics she collected and studied.
5) Ranek Stormplate (RW): An old Khaldeimr Dwarf, Ranek’s last name is his armor, an impressive construct of mechanical artifice and runechanting he built over a decade with the help of his partner, an engineer of renown. They later sacrificed themselves to help save the City of Eight Doors, and Ranek is convinced they were accepted into Starnheim. Since, Ranek has tried to perfect his skills in all areas except for mechanical artifice, hopefully enough to inspire Sagas that’d reach his partner in Starnheim. His Stormplate is a wonder, shifting plate summoning more parts of itself stored in aether, absorbing dangers and redirecting them. It is named after the night it was struck by lightning and used the bolt’s power to defeat a troll shaman. When fully deployed, it is closer to a small Kamigawan mech than a plate of armor. A cool uncle to many a dwarf and non-dwarf.
6) Sezashi (UG): A middle-age Orochi and former Merge-Keeper, Sezashi left that life after a Jukai attack on a prototype merge gate, and the resulting disappearance of his bonded Kami, Adima (but not of the magic they granted Sezashi.) Feeling that technology and tradition are both integral part of Kamigawa, but that neither side is properly preparing for the result of the Merge, whatever it may be. Sezashi’s magic and philosophy stems from a Kami of duality, and revolves around doubling and halving concepts and objects. From creating clones to doubling or halving something’s size to turning his four arms into two to be less conspicuous on some planes, he can maintain up to four doubling or halving effects at once, represented and channeled through the magic elements orbiting his neck. He looks for dual worlds and history on how they became the way they are, to inform how to approach the situation on Kamigawa himself.
7) Icalia (W): An aven planeswalker from Dominaria, on a wandering shard of a plane, she guided a society and opened a neutral ground for planar travelers in it, where people can now they’re safe to rest and negotiate. She deals in favors, and her powers are mostly silence-based, both magical and mundane silence. She sparked during the phyrexian invasion and in a grey area of lore that she affected quite a lot. Her Haven’s personnel is mostly constituted of her descendants on various degrees, she was married a few centuries ago but her husband passed away. She’s trying to slowly let the Haven be by itself, but it hasn’t been easy. Linked like a Source Guardian to Moloni after her sparking.
8) Szyra (BGU): A Nantuko that was born in an alternate timeline that was connected to Dominaria during the Rift Era. She was transported as she sparked into our Multiverse, and lives here now. Her life and dementia magic was mutated by her passage through the Rifts, and she now can only summon or transform things into their alternate versions from one specific alternate reality, the mix of Krosan druidic traditions and dementia casting she was taught having been altered by the rifts as well. She very much enjoys this reality where phyrexians were dealt with. They were dealt with, right? The latest Dominarian developments have left her VERY annoyed.
9) Odomi (Colorless+): Odomi was once a very weak Faerie, even as an oldwalker, barely as powerful magically than average mages. He traded his magic away (but not his spark) in exchange for being tied to Eldraine’s very Wild magic. He’s now able to do anything that is widely told and believed he can do, within limits, and he can’t lie. He became powerful enough that a group banded against him and put him to sleep for a few thousand years. Now awake once more, he’s been regaining some of his old powers, but trying to mostly spread his stories among other planeswalkers, to have them affect him on various planes. He’s mischievous, dangerous and sometimes helpful, he just doesn’t tend to think things through, or how they might affect other people.
10) Exemplar Iren Balard (WUB): Iren is a middle-aged human from @socialpoison‘s fan-plane of Vestria. She’s a professionally trained therapist, enough to earn her the title of Exemplar, an equivalent to a Doctor on the plane. She’s also a mind mage, but as an exemplar, had psychic surgery to prevent her from using it except to help, and she only uses it to supplement a more natural and lasting process. Also she’s not related to that other Ballard, as far as she knows.
11) Jibea (WUB): Born on the doomed world of Winrovah after its demise already started, Jibea never knew their plane as it once was in their lifetime. Nevertheless, they rejected the hopelessness and started traveling across Winrovah, preserving sights and stories in sketches and writing with them. They found themselves somewhat naturally protected from the dueling scourges of Winrovah, and got embarked because of that into discovering the sources of those, and removing them from Winrovah. They weren’t unscathed though, half of their face and part of their back got replaced by a shell of Aether containing a core of Void, and their spark ignited. Seeing other worlds intact, they now strive to bring back the sights and hope of those to their home. They have access to some minor gravity-altering magic, though more potent in effect outside their mana-starved home.
12) Eternity* (): Eternity isn’t much of a name, and the entity known as such may decide on another later on. It only came to be recently. Sixty years ago, two oldwalkers that were roaming the Blind Eternities when the Mending hit them, which changed them up until they crashed on the plane of Winrovah, losing memories for one and ability to keep coherent thought for the other. Recently, they were reunited and fused into a much more stable entity of the Blind Eternities, who named itself after those. It left Winrovah, unable to fix all the damage caused but not wanting to make it worse by their continued presence, and spends most of its time in the Eternities, occasionally touching down on planes to try to understand what they now are, and what they can do.
13) Nksdv/Alamir (Colorless/U): Nksdv is a Licid planeswalker that’s sentient and looking for a symbiotic relationship with their host. Currently bonded with Alamir, the metathran chief of security of Icalia’s Haven, and granting to him abilities that of their previous hosts. Nksdv can planeswalk with their host, but the process is generally fatal to said host. Alamir is able to survive such a forced planeswalk (well, it hasn’t killed him yet) but it damages both his body and mind in ways that can take from anywhere between an hour (generally for trips from the Haven since they can prepare stuff to soften the blow) to a week or more. Doesn’t do that often.
14) Pallune (URG): Pallune is from Talejiah, a fan-location in Ketria on Ikoria. She’s no bonder, but she is fascinated by the various clades of monsters. She compleated a quest for Illuna and was granted a wish to understand them, forming in her as a way to communicate with them, and match some of their characteristics, transforming parts of her body to match creatures belonging to the clades when she’s near them. Pallune was born deaf, and that magic also allows her to change her ears to be able to hear when near fitting animals, but hearing overwhelms her quickly, so she only does it when she really needs to.
15) Vedili (WUBG): A former Herald of Kumena’s band, Vedili got disillusioned with the Heralds’ mission and Kumena’s vision both, thinking neither led to a better world, just more tensions. They met with Elenda as she was leaving the Golden City, and after a brief talk, escorted her to the coast. On the way, they discussed and Vedili grew convinced of her ways. They asked her to turn them before she sailed away. Vedili’s magic is over mists, fogs and smokes, and their vampirism extended that power to themselves and blood. They strive to see peace and harmony on their home plane and others, even if personal costs need to be paid for it by themselves or others.
16) Madaya Soari (U): Madaya was a young performing magician on Kaladesh (as in, prestidigitation, sometimes assisted by artifice, not actual spells.) The lockdowns and fighting during the Aether Revolt followed by the liberation, reveal and popularisation of mages and wizards made her without clients of work for a long time. It led to her despising spellcasting, seeing it as just a flashy, skillless trend. While trying to show exactly what she thought of it, she discovered some illusion magic to herself, and the shock of that was enough to ignite her spark. She still dislikes spells and tries to avoid using magic, relying mostly on her deft hands, misdirection and fast mind, though maybe someday she’ll learn to embrace that part of her.
17) Maladrigol (GWB): A very patient and cryptic treefolk, Maladrigol acts with unknown motives. They usually find a place near a cross of leylines, and get some people to establish a community there, then guide and manipulate it from afar for decades and centuries, with the aim of maximizing that area’s mana potential and linking it to themselves. Some call them the Mana Farmer, others only see them as the old tree outside of town. What this mana is used for is a mystery, as is the extent of Maladrigol’s abilities.
18) Silena (UBR): She’s an ambitious human woman from Kylem. Her mentor tried to hijack her body and ignited her spark, and Silena has done some questionable things to retain control of herself. She’s capable of manipulating the acidity of fluids and is a skilled fighter born in the streets of Cloudspire who wants to someday see a statue of herself alongside the other champions of Valor’s Reach. So far, that hasn’t worked out for her, and some of what she’s done might be coming back to bite her.
19) Kolvis (WB): Kolvis is an ancient angel from Vithia, the land that would later be known as Grixis. To survive the sundering of Alara, she accepted the help of the people she protected, giving a small part of her life to sustain her without access to white mana, but this ability of her was exploited by Sedris in his betrayal to steal the life of many citizens of his own country. The combined life energy that didn’t go to the King stayed with Kolvis, and in those oldwalker days, became akin to a spark in her. Since, twisted by the current state of Grixis she still reflects, and relying on the lifeforce of those people she was used to harvest, she’s been roaming the multiverse, joining causes but never for very long. She just can’t find herself to trust anymore, not again.
20) Regellen ( R ): A very old genderfluid dragon usually found on Innistrad. Might not have been born as a dragon, and might or might not be the origin of  the rest of Innistrad’s dragons. They sparked millenia ago when, by accident or intention, their mind got connected to the Ur-Dragon’s for all of one second. In that one second, they lived longer as every dragon in the multiverse than in their entire life to this point, and it changed them forever. Their magic is based on sharing or amplifying others’ own magical skills, sometimes to a great extent. By themselves, they’re also able to do create and manipulate light on top of their natural draconic abilities. In a relationship with Quzawe, and delighted to see them again after more than a millenia of separation. They spent the past millenia mostly asleep in their lair, but now can be seen exploring the changed multiverse with Quzawe.
21) Quzawe (URG): An old Ixalan Coatl planeswalker. They can control winds and are rarely if ever touching the ground. In a relationship with Regellen, and they’re discovering each other anew now that Quzawe’s forced stay on Ixalan ended with the removal of the Immortal Sun. They consume intemperies for sustenance and can command those on a large scale, and they’re enjoying the tastes and skies of many worlds once more.
22) Akavoo (GR): A Kavu planeswalker from Dominaria that eats minerals and gains temporary abilities and features depending of which he eats. Sometimes sentient, sometimes able to talk, depending on what he ate recently. Mutated into what he is today from eating Ikorian crystals given to him by a planeswalker for reasons of their own.
23) Sky-Eyes (WURG): A young Pheres-Band centaur and Tromper, Sky-Eyes’s orbits always contain a view of the sky above, changing with weather and time of day. It was only esthetic for his childhood and early teens, and he became an effective warrior and raider... Until his oracle gift revealed itself, and he was warned against a raid by the voice of a god. His band dismissed his warning, but he was convinced enough to try to stop them. That only got him trampled over by his own band before seeing them be torn apart at the hand of a god’s oracles. He sparked to Kamigawa, where his open eyes could perceive the spirit realm as well as the mortal one, overwhelming him. They healed him and sent him on his way since.
24) Elije (WU): Human planeswalker of unknown age or origin. Not a serious character, and solidly silver-bordered. He fancies himself as enforcer of the Rules of Magic, making sure spells are cast and artifacts are operated under those rules, essentially making other people follow the rules of the actual card game even when they don’t make narrative sense. Can lead to some pretty impressive stuff.
Finally, as promised, a few planeswalkers that have either settled somewhere calm, retired, or similar things that may have them not be seen too much around the Multiverse.
Rizana (GW) - He/him, Selesnya bee-human. Fan plane origin. Settled as a gardener on Ravnica.
Ecxilet (WUB): He/Him, Esperite Vedalken from Esper, has two sentient magical relics, from which he draws most of his magical abilities and training. Married to @rhys-the-redeemable‘s Vahn and mostly stays on Vahn’s home plane of Deka.
Gevon Loosebolt (WR(B)): He/Him, Orc, musician. Has limited control over sand and glass. Married to @northernweird‘s Kilenka. From Deka (fan-plane). Spending time with her there, in between their excursions to see the worlds.
Lia (WG): She/Her. Leonin from Mirrodin, living in peace on Theros. Can manipulate, use and amplify light through reflective surfaces, including her own metal parts.
Hadissen Salissel (WUG): He/him. Naga from a fan-plane, ex-rescuer with magic able to shift objects and people between states of matter harmlessly. Has found a home for himself on Winrovah, helping people on the bleak plane.
Ysara (UR): She/Her. Venerable minotaur from Theros, having grown past most of her people’s violent tendencies. Her magic allows her to make objects and magic stick together as long as she wants it to. Trapmaker. Resides just far enough from a village on Kaladesh.
Cyr (???): She/Her, powerful planeswalker from Moloni, hasn’t been seen in centuries, most likely long dead. A country is named after her, but very little is known of her.
1) Rizana (GW): Selesnya gardener originally from a fanplane, Geonne, with the ability to shift between his human form and a swarm of bees. He’s been appointed as caretaker of an old Selesnya Temple Garden, living in the abandoned temple and taking care of its vegetation as a public park in exchange. A great gardener, that sells the best honey you’ve ever tasted to elite clients (mostly chefs and restaurants) at a very high price.
2) Ecxilet (WUB): An esperite vedalken planeswalker that carries two sentient relics from a fan-plane, Ferely. Has learned artifice on Kaladesh and specialized on using etherium for prosthetics or aesthetics (as opposed to full replacements like on esper). His stash of Etherium was salvaged from Tezzeret’s stash on Kaladesh, people there not knowing its value. Now married to @rhys-the-redeemable’s Vahn. Technically Cethrin and Dulbert, the two relics he carries, are independent characters too but I won’t expand too much on them here. After their wedding, joined his husband’s home town of Deka, and spends most of his time there.
3) Gevon (WR(B)): An orc from the fan-plane of Deka, where orcs, known as Osvils, are less aggressive than usual and more known for their musical and poetic work. He’s no exception, exploiting his magic over sand and glass to create temporary floating instruments and melodies. His spark ignited when he protected his village from a sandstorm by creating a wall of glass, while on the wrong side of it. He was trapped on Ixalan, far from his wife, @northernweird‘s Kilenka, for last seven years. They’ve since found each other again, and have happily reconnected, visiting planes together and re-establishing their home life.
4) Lia (WG): She/Her. Leonin from Mirrodin, living in peace on Theros. Can manipulate, use and amplify light through reflective surfaces, including her own metal parts.
5) Hadissen Salissel (WUG): A naga from Moloni, a fan-plane and, ex-rescuer with magic able to shift objects and people between states of matter harmlessly. He left his home plane in search of someplace that felt more like a home to him. He has found one in the strangest of places, on Winrovah, where he can admire the sights, blend in, and help people there.
6) Ysara (UR): Venerable minotaur from Theros, having grown past most of her people’s violent tendencies. Former Trapmaker from Skophos, with magic able to create lasting enchantments that binds objects together with other things or spells. Resides just far enough from a village on Kaladesh.
7) Cyr (???): An old planeswalker that changed the face of Moloni forever, and connected with a few other planeswalkers. Her name is shared with a country, and she’s not been seen in centuries. Presumed dead by most that knew her.
I think that’s all for now!
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lokispettigerr · 6 years
In The Flesh Pt. 3 “Berserker”-Loki x OFC
Part 1    Part 2
Summary: Emile (aka. #140278) finally meets Loki within S.H.I.E.L.D. and together they try to escape. Loki finally begins to understand why Emile was locked away in S.H.I.E.L.D.
Timeline: The Avengers
Words: 2785
Warnings: Violence and Nudity
A/N: Sorry it took a while for Pt. 3 to come out, I was so busy trying to juggle several fic requests and ideas. I hope you enjoy, and I will get Pt. 4 out much sooner!
General Taglist:  @njavezan @arttasticgreatnessoftheawesome77 @avenging-blackwidow @lovelyxserpent-br @kamaroon @britkane-shsl-librarian @not-made-of-glass @archy3001 @witch-loki @purplekitten30 @mad-doctor-mew@bakerstreethound @jmb959 @areschosen @little-moonbeam-666  
@hiddlestoner3059 @bingewatchingmylifegoby @fkngparadise @lucywindigo@screw-real-life-i-pick-fandoms @chocolatealmondmilkk@mellowgirl01 @fyeahlitaajpunk @drakesfiance @wicked-starlight-collector@kenzieam @nothungry4humanflesh @huiflavor @sherlocksuperfan666@confessionsofastrugglingteen @joseyslo @ms-munchkin @saintwiz@thathedonistgirl @thegrandmasterschampion @onelazy-cat
@nothungry4humanflesh @doralupin01  
@hp-hogwartsexpress @lokislilslut @dragon--dragon @scorpionchild81
Taglist: @krystallynx
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An alarm blared overhead and I covered my ears with my hands trying to shut out the triggering, obnoxious noise. 
Well, this was something new, maybe S.H.I.E.L.D. was running some type of test on their facilities? One of those benign siren test that annoyed everyone and was a general nuisance because of the loud interruption to the day.
From my favorite corner in my cage I looked out. Two guards dressed in uniforms barreled past my cell, their guns in their hands, their booted feet making solid thuds on the floor as they ran past.
My curiosity peaked and I got up, my chains rattling as I walked towards the wall of my cage.
Clink, clack, clink.
My bruises and cuts were healing from the abuse I received from Richard; stretching still hurt. I rolled my shoulders, my ribs stretching, and winced from the sharp, shooting pain.
I placed my palm on the cool glass, leaving a mark, and peered out to what lay beyond my confinement.
Another guard ran past in a streak of black.
“Hey! Hey! Tell me what’s going on!” I shouted out, my hand rapping on the glass walls of my cage.
He ignored me, and I pulled again on my restraints, testing them as they bit into my skin.
If something really was wrong, if the place was on fire or they were under attack, I wouldn’t get out. I would die here trapped in this cage, naked, scared, bruised and battered. I would never smell fresh air again, never feel the wind playing with my hair or kissing my skin, never step out in a forest to hear what life sounded like as it hummed all around me. This cage would be my crypt.
While I didn’t know what was happening, I knew one thing for certain; I needed to get out of here. Now!
“Hey! Hey! Someone let me outta here!” I banged my hands on the glass, yanking and straining against my chains as they groaned and creaked in protest, rubbing my skin raw and bloody.
A sudden gunfire erupted and a loud thud could be heard down the hallway.
This couldn’t be good. I continued calling out, trying to get someone to help me, but it was clear no one was coming for me.
Wait… There, yes!  A presence that seemed so familiar, so distinct. It was something I had felt before in the silent solitude of this cell; something with devastatingly powerful strength tether around my own consciousness with a familiarity that echoed my own. The last time I felt it was....When Richard was hitting me and I lost consciousness. Loki?
Some small, scared part of me didn’t want him to find me and I slowly retreated to the back corner of the cage. I knelt down, clinging my legs to my chest, letting my hair fall down around my shoulders to shroud me, covering my arms, and trailing in loose spirals down my back.
If you asked me then I wouldn’t have been able to explain why suddenly, upon feeling his presence, I decided to hide. I wouldn’t have known. Instinct I guess, but something about him felt too familiar to me-- deadly and dangerous, catastrophic even. I felt that he was my reflection, a mirror of a beast struggling to be free; something that simmered bubbling beneath the serene, beautiful and captivating exterior.
Loki could easily lure you, tempt you and coerce you with his charm, his dashingly good looks, and his silver-tongue. And as sure as I knew this, I also knew he couldn’t be trusted. He was a predator. The dream I had recently confirmed this? Didn’t it?
I stopped my introspection and looked down the hallway. There he was! My heart leapt frantically in my chest as if it wanted to join him - a thrall leaping against its prison of flesh and bone to join its master and maker.
He didn’t look so sinister after all. His shoulders were rolled forward and he was staggering slightly as if he had been wounded.
I lifted my head, so I could get a better view. His chest piece was tattered and torn, little holes covering his leathers as if shrapnel had torn it apart. Through the holes I could clearly see his smooth, pale skin underneath. If there had been any wounds at all, it had healed quickly. He looked tired and so weary, and underneath that something else...Worried, like something was plaguing his thoughts, leaving him without sleep--some inescapable thought. What could someone like that ever possibly have to fear?
Loki spotted me and his shoulders immediately straightened. The air around him shimmered green and gold with his Seidr, making him look impeccable again, his clothes in perfect order.
I looked away, my eyes darting to my chains, my hands twisting imperceptibly to try to get out of my thick, metal restraints.
“Look at you, #140278…” Loki crooned. His voice was so enticing, it hypnotized me. “What a lovely name, your parents were so... innovative.
“You’re wondering why I am here, aren’t you?” His steps slowed the closer her got, his arms went behind his back, seemingly a natural pose for him. One that always irked me - it was a pose that reeked of tricks and distrust.
“I’m here for you, of course, #140278,” His eyes glimmered maddeningly and he smirked at me as if he had his own private little joke.
“No, you’re here because Fury’s men brought you here.” I stood to my feet, my limbs uncurling as I reached my full height, my long locks covering my breast and trailing down towards my hips in soft waves.
“Look at you,” his eyes squinted as he focused on me. He looked at me without shame or fear, without a modicum of modesty. “What an exquisite piece for his collection, and quite peculiar. Even your voice, like a siren could drive most men mad with longing and lust for you. Why are you here, #140278?” He turned towards a large stand with many buttons on it, pressing them, his finger gliding over them. He seemed to know exactly what he was doing.
“Don’t want to let me in on any secrets, too soon I see?” he chuckled. “Well, soon enough then.”
The glass door to my cage slid open, luckily I was able to control my surprise otherwise my jaw would have dropped to the floor.
“Well, are you just going to stand there gaping at me waiting for Fury or his little worker ants to come around for you?”
I scowled and gestured to my chains, tugging on them.
“Ah, yes, yes… Should be….” He turned around, his hands darting in his many pockets, he patted himself down, reaching into one on his chest, pulling out a shiny silver key.
He strode towards me, “Allow me, milady,” he bowed tauntingly and began to unlock my restraints as they fell clattering loudly to the floor.
My hands went to my breasts, hoping to cover them.
Loki watched me, his gaze traveling up and down my body, his mouth hanging loosely.
I cleared my throat.
His eyes returned quickly to my face. “Ah, yes, and I suppose you will want something to wear then?”
“Uhm, yeah, that would be preferred, don’t wanna prance around like this.” I waved my hand, indicating my nakedness.
“Very well, come along, your belongings should be over here against the wall.” He led the way, his long coat trailing and fanning out behind him.
I grabbed at my clothes, my hands turning to claws and threw them on. They all felt so foreign to me. I felt every glide of the fabric, making my skin itch. How long had I been here?
Loki looked at me, his eyes resting between my hips. He looked disappointed and unsatisfied.
“Come along now, the jet is waiting at the twelfth bay.” He walked away, not looking to see if I was following. I had to trot to keep up with his large stride.
“Wait, what’s happening? Why should I follow you?” I asked, still running after him, panting slightly.
“You know why,” he retorted in a grumble, not looking back.
“Where are we going?” I caught up to him.
I had grown tired of his clipped manner, his entitled attitude, his inappropriate humor. I pushed him against the wall and he let me.
He hit the wall with a huff, exhaustion coloring his features. He looked so tired, I caught a glimpse of him underneath all of it-- the carefree charade gave way to the viscous, yet worried man before me.
“Tell me.” I gritted my teeth, my eyes boring into him fiercely.
He quickly recovered, “What?” he grunted, pushing me off him and forcing me backwards against the opposite wall, his hand came up and his slender fingers wrapped themselves lightly around my throat.
He laughed mockingly. “Look at you, pet, you want to play?” he spat through his deranged laughter, his sides heaving as he tried to control himself, but his eyes gave him away and showed the war raging in his mind.
His voice shook. “You’re afraid.” He let go of my throat. “I can see it in your eyes, and the set of those beautiful, blood red lips of yours,” he paused. “Good, you should be.”
My eyes shifted away from his face, down the tunnel towards the twelfth bay, the small jet sitting there ready for take off.
“We are leaving. You don’t belong here and I feel the need to bring you with me,” he declared, exasperatedly. “Anymore questions and you stay here. I didn’t come for a child.” He resumed walking but suddenly stopped, rocking back on his heels as he looked over his shoulder. “Anymore questions, kitten?”
I shook my head, realizing he probably couldn’t see my action well through his periphery. “N-no” I rasped.
“Come on then.” He strode forward, and we reached the jet together.
As the jet prepared to leave the bay out of the of the shadows from the tunnel that Loki and I had just come from, Fury appeared, his long trench coat one with the darkness. All that could be seen of him was his rage-stricken face and his hand holding a gleaming gun. Something that looked like a toy from here-- nothing that I was afraid of.
Yet, even as he stepped from the shadows I retreated back into the darkest corner of the jet.
Loki showed no fear and strode forward, smiling menacingly with pride and triumph at Fury’s apparent defeat.
“Loki!” Fury yelled, his neck veins bulging. “You have no damn clue what you’re dealing with!” His gun swung as he spoke and if the bullet would have been released it would have struck me dead center in the chest. I lifted my hand up to cover where it would hit, palm up.
“You are dealing with someone extremely dangerous! You are releasing something uncontrollable onto the people of New York-- the people of the earth!”
Loki’s brow furrowed. He was taken aback and he clearly didn’t know what Fury was referring to.
He recovered quickly. “Farewell Fury,” he smirked, and the door of the jet closed as it took off into the air. Pings from Fury’s gun could be heard hitting the side of the jet and there was a loud groan from the plane. It seemed Fury had gotten lucky enough to strike something important. The jet shook, and Loki moved towards the wall of the jet, standing flush against me-- his arm acting as a restraint across my chest, as if I was some fragile cargo and not some ticking time bomb with a warning sign.
One of the pilots informed Loki that the plane was falling from the sky-- something obvious, and Loki rolled his eyes, looking at me with disbelief, his face speaking volumes, Can you believe this idiot?
The impact from the small jet striking the ground jostled us, but because we had taken off from S.H.I.E.L.D.’s low-hanging aircraft the impact wasn’t deadly.
Loki and I exited immediately to find that agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. close on foot. Fury must have alerted them of our descent.
Loki seemed to enjoy the challenge and pursuit and strode confidently forward, while I remained on the hill the jet had landed on.
More agents continued to appear. From the looks of it, it was approximately thirty against the small handful of Loki’s cohorts on the jet and the two of us-- not that the logistics mattered much.
I stood just outside the doors of the jet, watching curiously to see what would take place.
Without hesitation Loki began to take down agent after agent. The thirty went down to twenty-five, then to twenty, and Loki continued hurling daggers aggressively through the air, showing no sign of fatigue.
The beauty and grace with which he moved made him look like a dancer, the pain and rage fueling it turning him into a deadly weapon.
He cut through the air-- a blade himself.
Sensing my thoughts on him he turned, glancing at me, but when he did this his concentration was broken and the agents were able to swarm around him giving them a break from the storm that was his shining daggers.
Interestingly, he didn’t fight them and just watched me  as if they were nothing to him-- nothing more than a patter of rain or leaves falling onto him. His eyes burned into me and as if he commanded me I walked forward, my long limbs exuding power and grace, the wind blowing my hair as it painted the wind.
My pace increased until I was cutting through the air myself, my feet parting the grass. I stood studying Loki from my place on the hill, watching him as he cut the agents down, rendering them lifeless.
I jumped towards what would be anyone’s death off the hill towards the group of remaining agents. My body was grabbed by the wind and a growl arose from my throat, battling through my teeth to get out.
As my feet left solid ground, I was consumed in black and orange smoke that looked like ash and toxic poison, colored with angered and agitated sparks. It swirled around me until no one could see me, but I could see everything.
The animalistic growl in my throat finally won its battle with my teeth and escaped in a screech so intense and shrill that it pumped blood throughout my ears and my eyes until all that was left to be seen was a world in red; a world covered in blood.
As my feet touched the ground again the smoke poured from me, moving down and resting over my hips and legs. My hands shot out and the corruptive smoke spread from my fingertips and between the spaces of my finger falling to the ground, heavily like a waterfall of death.
As the corruption spread like the disease it was, the agents around Loki fell, blood pouring profusely from their ears, their eyes, every orifice on their bodies. Loki remained untouched in his own way. His mouth was hanging open with wonder, his eyes wide with astonishment and surprise.
I was shaking, consumed with rage and chaos. The smoke continued to roll from me in waves, any soldiers or agents left standing could no longer withstand my brilliance. Another shrill screech peeled from my tongue, my head threw back up towards the sky as I opened up my throat, the air parting from the sound waves that flew out in a high, musical howl. My hair danced, mystically around my head, a crown of daggers or a halo of poison ivy.
When I looked back towards the agents, a smile of menace on my blood red lips as they all lay dead, not one soul left alive. I hadn’t spared a single life save Loki’s.
Loki looked at me, cackling. “Extraordinary,” he breathed. His head tilted, a deranged look on his face as he approached me.
I could see questions floating in his eyes and words wanting to escape his lips, but he held them back. When he reached me his hand came out to grab my chin so he could stare into my eyes for an inspection, but upon the touch from his fingertips my world when dark. The red in my eyes vanished and I fell into a black pit. It felt as if I was floating in space, screaming with no one to hear me and no one to save me. 
Thank you all so much for taking the time to read something that is very dear to me. Please, if you are able take the time to leave me some feedback. I love it!
***If you would like to be on the general taglist or the taglist for a future fic please drop an ask in my ask box– or even if you just want to chat, have any questions, or comments. I love all of this too!
Don’t be strangers, I appreciate you all!
I have venmo and kofi 
Loki’s Pet Tiger
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mysticdragon3md3 · 5 years
Masters of the Universe - Is This Deep or Am I Very Tired? | Renegade Cut by  Renegade Cut
This type of over-analysis is exactly what I’m in fandom for!  *u*  <3  <3  <3  <br>Let’s turn the cheesiest of cheese into super useful meditation for potential Growth!  LOL
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suppjason · 6 years
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Scandinavian Quarter - 2 BR 2 BA
Lot Price: $104,894
Lot Type: Residential
Lot Size: 20x15
If your sim’s family has been looking to make a statement in Willow Creek, look no further. Featuring a large master suite sprawling the second floor, four oversized balconies, a fully converted basement perfect for entertaining, and an ample sized backyard. This 2 BR 2 BA home is a perfect place to call home.
Download and Instructions under the cut.
I really wanted to create a Scandinavian inspired build, but I wasn’t feeling any of the builds that I was creating. After clicking through a bunch of lots, I stumbled on one of my old builds I never finished. I just went with it and that’s when the Scandinavian Quarter was born.
Follow the steps below to install this home in your game!
Step 1: Agree to my TOU.
Step 2: Choose your download method:
Sims 4 Gallery: [Scandinavian Quarter] or Tray Files [Mediafire]
Step 3: Place all extracted tray files into your Sims 4 Tray Folder.
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gul-dukat-cc · 5 years
PT Barcelona Report
Shoutouts to Detective Dhaliwal/David Rood for lending me a bunch of cards for the PT, and to Callum Smith for lending me Seasoned Pyromancer on Magic Online. Notes on my modern decklist / choice : I felt with open decklists + london mulligan you had to know your deck inside and out to fully use those systems, you had to know what the mus were about as you had so much agency so I chose UR Phx, I played seasoned pyromancer to work with my leylines vs hoogak so I could mull to 4/5/6 and not die to random bloodghasts which is a real issue as thing/arclight are very weak on very low cards. pryomancer is just very good with leyline. I played gut shot over surgical main because my sb had almost no removal and my deck just wouldn’t sb smoothly without gut shot. plus gut shot is fine vs hoogak stops them convoking and fine in mirrror kills thing. I tried desperate ritual/noxious with aria so I could goldfish turn ¾ vs hoogak but gave up on this cause lazy. I tried dreadhorde arcanist main so I could keep more hands but I found the effect is kinda weak, without open decklists I value cards like flame slash/sinkhole pretty low sine I am mulling to goldfish but with opendecklists I can value these powerful but narrow effects properly, basically like having sb cards main. I played 2 aria main 1 side since I found it is tough to split payoff/enablers, but I felt 3 aria was a bit too much and I would draw aria too much when trying to go off, and it made more hands mulls with the red finale and it being clunky but it was a close call. I also thought about set adrift cause hits hoogak/chalice/aria but My experience in the best with it was not great. I tried titanshift but 0-2d a league vs neoform and mirror, I tried burn but it felt kinda weak to me 3-2d a league lost to uw with timely and rug where they force of negation to blow out my searing blaze on their goyf when I swung with spearo.
I did ~280/300 matches of MH1 Limited in prep for the pt including a trip to GP Seattle where I was granted a nice 12-3 finish (1 bye). I am a newer limited player having only begun really playing it about last year, but since then I have mostly been playing limited as I feel I have a lot more agency in the games and prefer the format. However, since I am relatively new to limited I don’t feel I was able to truly process the amount of information I was receiving as most of what I was learning about in my games, is just what drafting a “master” set is about, and how to handle combat and complex boards in this type of limited environment, so a lot of my attention was drawn away from the actual evaluation of cards and trying to understand how to maximize my value in the game in-game decisions. My plan going into the PT was to soft force black, I wouldn’t just force it if it clearly wasn’t open, but I wouldn’t be shocked if your win rate would be higher taking any black uncommon, or even common over the best green rares and blue mythics p1p1. I found the black decks had so much more synergy and power than the other colors, (I felt the snow decks could trainwreck quite easily and just wasn’t very impressed by springbloom druid) Br and Bu being premium whilst the other black decks were about the same as any other archetype, I wasn’t sure about my read on the format since I am not a limited master and I saw players had different evaluations, but in a practice draft the day before Max Mick agreed this strategy seemed fine, and Malavi/Lars Dam had hit a 2030 elo drafting black every single time. I just found I would win a lot more with black decks and they felt much better, with my previous experience I felt soft forcing black was a reasonable approach. First Draft I get a pretty good BR deck, p1p1 raredraft w6, p1p2 Bogardan Dragonheart p2p3 feaster of fools, black and red cards kept flowing and I didn’t pick up any particular signal except ninjas might be open, pack two I got a pick 4 pashalik mons, but at the end of the draft I probably could have a had a simliar power level ninjas deck but I prefer BR slightly. Round 1 vs Van Vaals, Michael (1966) Michael was in the same Canadian Group chat as me, I was not happy to be paired vs him as in the draft I felt too many good cards were going late and it implied to me the pod mostly consisted of primarily constructed players. Luckily for me he got a bit manascrewed g2 and g3 so I was able to win, he had a BR deck splashing blue for the uncommon ninja and keranos, he also had two hoogaks, indicative of my weekend to come. Round 2 Verdiani, Luca (1869) Versus a UW Flicker deck, not much happened just curved out and stomped. g3 we both mulled to 5, I also played really poorly g2… wake up call for me to not be a doofus. Round 3 Rask, Love (2008) Michael told me there was some insane snow rare deck in the pod his opponent told him about, filled to the brim with rares, I looked at my legion of putrid goblins and they didn’t look too happy, but I trusted in that feaster of fools. My opponent cast a turn 2 bladeback sliver and i’m not feeling afraid anymore, later he curves out hermit druid + dead of winter and I won pretty easily, so I was feeling pretty confident for g3. I had passed a dead of winter in the pod so I messed up a bit g1, it was a bit of a complex line of basically using my Munitions Expert on myself to grow my Scavenger past Dead of Winter, but it could also have backfired in some cases to so it was reasonably hard. After the match my opponent says my deck is insane and his deck is garbage nice.. iirc feels good man. 3-0 Round 4 Maynard, Pascal (1967) Open decklists cool, I see a hoogak deck and look quickly at the manabase and removal spells, g1 Pascal mulls to 5 and I am luckily to kill him on turn 3 or 4 with arclights at 1 life, lucky lucky. G2 my hand was just obscene, looting + 2 arclight + leyline… think there might have even been a force, Pascal just had pretty weak hands so I was able to win. Round 5 Busson, Etienne (2006) Recognized this as the Mono Red player, I was sitting at table 4 and feeling if I win another game or two I could get a feature match maybe so was happy, but wasn’t happy to see this mu. g1 I mulled to 5, game was kinda close, coulda made some slightly different decisions maybe, if I was a bit luckier and hit an extra arclight could have won. g2 turn 1 critter into turn 2 eidolon, coulda maybe ignored the first creature but killed it, interesting choice perhaps, needed to hit an extra arclight or two to win, game was super weird and I tanked the most here, basically opp had an eidolon and I had 2 arclights and I had to decide how to attack and block with the arclights, for example when opp was at 20 life and Iwas at 12 I just attacked with 2 arclights as I felt that was my best chance tow in, was pretty hard, think I made the correct choice, opp agreed game was pretty tricky after. Round 6 Futamata, Yojiro (1798) Open decklists opp is on Hollow Gaak, kinda scared and would prefer a normal Gaak list so I don’t sb poorly or whatever, a bunch of cryptbreakers main and even push. g1 I can’t remember exactly but I think my opp might have mulled once or twice, I had a thing in the ice but opp had push so we move on. g2 I kept with a leyline, opp mulls to 5 I believe, my hand was pretty good, 5 or 6 can’t remember exactly, however as the game progresses I feel I run a bit poorly not being able to trigger arclights or flip my thing for a while,  my opp casts a cryptbreaker and just make zombies and I just whiff and whiff but they mulled to 5 and my hand was good so it runs even plus doesn’t matter to my decisions, coulda made some slightly different decisions in relation to fetching to thin which I normally do aggressively, but not sure felt I played fine at worst, in the end I need to dodge either fatal push or bloodghast for one turn to untap and win but opp topdecks the ghast for exactsies feels bad man but feel I played fine. Round 7 Luong, Marcus (2019) Hoogak Dredge, g1 I needed opp to whiff on their last dredge, they had bloodghast conflag and creeping chill as outs, sadly for me they hit and I died. g2 I kept a 5 or 6 with rav trap and the card just sucks vs hoogak so I fire it off a bit early to not get gaaked and die horrible. maybe Rav Trap gamed me as I kept hands assuming it would do stuff and then it just makes me die. Round 8 Nass, Matthew (2015) Table 69, I tell Matt we have the nicest table in the room, I think he agrees. He is also on Gaak, I lose g1 pretty quickly, g2 I keep a hand of like thing + force of negation, maybe was too weak, I tried to bluff I had a leyline by having 1 card I was about to slam in play. Matt keeps a hand with a lot of removal and floods out pretty hard so I am able to win a game I felt I got pretty lucky to win. but idk. g3 I just have 2 leyline + seasoned pyromancer. Feels bad to go 4-0 into 5-3 but I feel I played fine in my losses, didn’t play perfect but I mostly play magic online and find it hard to process information irl and didn’t feel I made too many savage punts. DAY TWO My draft pod has Javier Dominguez, Raph Levy and various other pros. I am sitting next to vidi, p1p1 I take urza over mob mostly due to being 50$, p1p2 I slam a manowar, rp1p3 there is goblin war party lightning skelelemental and ninja removal spell entwine. I think wow br seems open. I remember the lr advice, I can take one of these nut br cards and get passed an a+ br deck potentially or stay on ninjas and get a maybe b ish deck on average. I took skelelemental but some of my friends who are better said first of all there aren’t many rare blue cards better than manowar so manowar is a light blue signal, second of all they said skelemental isn’t that good and they said thirdly the two blue cards are too good so they’d try really hard to play it. Might have messed up my draft as RB was very very not open, I continued taking UB cards but Vidi was also in UB, p2p1 I took a fallen shinobi and didn’t feel black was being cut til mid pack 2 but was too late then, still I feltmy deck could win games. Round 9 Wijaya, Vidianto (2013) We play a Ninja Mirror, I just wait til he taps out both games and use fallen shinobi, I accidentally stole one of his lands and when I return it to him later he says fucking fallen shinobi. Round 10 Levy, Raphael (2112) g1 was pretty close, I had a choking tethers and every turn just needed him to have 1 less spell to get lethal, he had a marit lage enchantment and kept playing snow lands every turn, I Had 2 strings so I wasn’t too scared but cascade sliver + lots of removal was enough to kill me in a close game. g2 I had 18 lands due to 3 cycling ones, I side out a talisman for a spell snuff since talisman is in my deck to ramp into cards liek pondering mage/urza/first sphere/other nonsense vs more aggresive decks where I need to get on the board, here I want to be aggresive but those cards aren’t that aggresive and I felt spell snuff would be good. I keep a 2 lander with choking tethers as the hand is just good with an urza in it but sadly I get stuck on 2 lands and draw both spell snuffs, i’d sb the same again but felt kinda bad. Round 11 Matsumoto, Yuki (2000) vs BR, g1 my opp casts a silumar scavenger I spell snuff and untap, my board is urza + 5/6 lands with talisman and 2/2 token, my opp has like 4ish cards in hand and board of changelign outcast + bladeback sliver + 5 lands, my hand is like fallen shinobi + strings, can’t remember exactly what else I had in hand, I believe I also might have had a preordain in my graveyard. My deck doesn’t have much removal really outside of 2 strings and choking tethers so I try to be aggresive and close game quickly, I bounce the bladeback with strings and fallen shinobi the urza, Ken Yukihiro sitting next to us laughs,I hit a land and volatile claws *fuck* and pass. opp hardcasts an igneous elemental killing my 2/2 token, I can’t attack with shinobi so I cast urza and pass, they now goatnap shinobi I chump with token they cast dragonheart and suddenly i’m way far behind and feeling terrible, I feel I prob messed up this game somewhere, I just saw an insane line and went for it, coulda thought more but honestly likely would have came to same conclusion, g2 is pretty close but pretty much my opp casts a bunch of big creatures and removal and I die since my deck is just very medium and leaning on fallen shinobi or smoke shroud to win. Feeling pretty bad since my winrate in MH draft is muuuuchh higher than modern but I felt I just need to learn more for next time, feels bad but here we are. I felt my choices were mostly reasonable even if they might not have been the best I tried. Round 12 Vorel, Andrew (1847) VS Hoogak, can’t remember much, just leyline g2 and g3. puts me to 3-2 vs hoogak and I was doing well vs it on modo idk close mu. feels good to win Round 13 Jones, Derrick (1817) Izzet Phoenix Mirror, g1 I go turn 2 thought scour myself mill phx I scried on top, gut shot + bolt your thing in the ice and end up winning by goldfishing better I suppose. g2 my opp has to surgical random things to protect his thing from my flame slash but I am able to have a nuttier hand and win. feels good to be winning in modern atleast today. Round 14 Prosek, Dominik (1969) We get into a disagreement late into g2 whether a card was in my hand or graveyard, I believe I went to cast bolt and grab dice for aria and when I looked again my bolt was in my graveyard and I didn’t say I cast it, but it is possible I just messed up somehow, we end up with like 7 judge calls and with diminishing time extensions get a draw in a g3 I felt very far ahead in (two arias on 5 on turn 5 of time) but opp didn’t slowplay as they also believed they would have won close game, my first really fun game of teh weekend as g2 and g3 were just extremely grindy both players slamming haymakers, mostly said my favorite cause I was just winning a long game. Round 15 Wijaya, Vidianto (2005) I get pretty lucky and win a PHX mirror, I make a small misplay maybe g1, drew my 1 of rav trap g2 and draw pretty nutty, but that’s what I signed up for. Round 16 Stihle, Julien (2008) For 750$, I didn’t know at the time but I sure did after, g1 and g3 I mull to 5 vs UW, still kinda close, feels pretty bad wish I would have shuffled more idk, think I played the games fine,g2  felt pretty good though as I get to use the gy ability of two seasoned pyros and win a drawn out game. kinda bummed at myself for getting a draw in round 14, but I think I played fine, got slightly sloppy when time approached but that is fine by me considering the circumstances, I shouldn’t have spammed the judge calls so much but I don’t play much irl so I learned my lesson. a painful one. also I felt kinda dumb about the second draft but I still liked my decisions based on my previous experience even if I got a 1-2 record. happy with 9-6-1, felt I played ok but I feel next time if I can queue I will be able to focus a lot more. PT was overall more fun than I expected, the venue was a lot nicer than a GP one, you also get to spend a lot of time around die hard mtg players whereas at a GP I feel more like an outcast since I play way too much mtg, here I felt most players also do so. You get lots of cool stuff and etc. Also drafting is fun and you don’t even need to day 2 sealed to do so.
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vandalamagazine · 5 years
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Photo and Article Credit  L. Paul Mann
Hot, dry winds buffeted the Vina Robles Amphitheater during a sold-out Steve Miller concert. The crisp August night came just a week after unusually cold temperatures enveloped a sold-out Avett Brothers concert at the same venue. The weather may be unpredictable at the beautiful mountainside amphitheater, but a good time is almost always guaranteed for concert goers at the most pristine concert venue in Central California. The concert billed as “Classic rock meets classic country,” actually included a good helping of Blues music. That was most evident during a stunning short acoustic opening set by Canadian singer guitarist Matt Andersen. The masterful songwriter may be relatively unknown in this country, but he has been recording powerful music for nearly two decades north of the border. The full-throated singer astounded the audience with authentic original Blues songs leaving the crowd screaming for more at the end of his short set.
Concert goers celebrated the warm summer evening with glasses and bottles of wine from the onsite winery, local microbrew beers and sumptuous treats like wood-fired pizza and gourmet chocolate cake. Marty Smith and his Fabulous Superlatives took the stage next as a setting sun painted the venue in pastel hues. Stuart is a multi-Grammy-winning singer-songwriter with Mississippi classic country roots. Fittingly, he mixes rockabilly, honky-tonk, and traditional country music to create his sound. In the early 1990s, he had a steady string of country hits. Stuart played an hour-long set of his country classics backed by hihttps://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rockabilly band, the aptly named Fabulous Superlatives. The group of veteran musicians took turns showcasing their immense musical talent. The set was filled with 16 songs, including a lead vocal turn for each of the band members. Drummer “Handsome” Harry Stinson sang a classic cover of Woody Guthrie’s “Ballad of Pretty Boy Floyd.” Lead guitarist Kenny Vaughan sang “Hot Like That” while playing wailing guitar riffs. Bassist Chris Scruggs sang Bob Wills’ “The Brain-Cloudy Blues.” While Stuart allowed the other band members to shine, he managed to shine brightest with his witty banter, humorous lyrics, and exquisite picking skills. The veteran performer got his start playing in Lester Flatts’ and Johnny Cash’s bands. His solo mandolin version of “Orange Blossom Special,” showcased his picking skills.
After another break in the music, the summer sun faded, leaving a crystal clear night as a backdrop for Steve Miller’s headline 90-minute set. Miller tours relentlessly, having played the same venue with Peter Frampton last summer. Nederlander Concerts will be bringing Frampton to perform his Finale tour to Vina Robles on October 3rd. Miller’s 17 songs setlist was filled with the classic hits that his fans expect to hear at one of his shows. But the 75-year-old guitar wizard has a way of reinventing each live performance offering up a fresh improvisation on every tour. The Rock and Roll Hall of Famer led a quartet of veteran rockers opening with a Blues drenched version of  “The Stake” from his 1977 album Book of Dreams. Miller used his classic toy ray gun to spice up the hit “Jungle Love,” followed by yet another hit “Abracadabra.” A harmonica drenched version of “Living In The USA” gave the nod to his 1960’s rock roots. The 1969 hit “Space Cowboy followed that.” Miller mixed it up with a deep cut of “Serenade” from the 1977 Fly Like an Eagle Album. The music switched to Texas Blues on the next song a cover of  “But Only You” by Jimmy Reed.
The show then took a turn towards country music as Miller invited Stuart and his band back to the stage to join his group for a mini-set that included  Millers “Lovin’ Cup,” “Going to the Country” and “Dance Dance Dance.” Miller seemed to revel in the moment, bantering with the crowd about the intersections of rock ’n’ roll, country music and the blues. He expressed his admiration for Stuart and the Superlatives before announcing that they had agreed to tour together again next year. Stuart picked away on his mandolin trading riffs with Miller and Superlatives guitar ace Kenny Vaughan.
After Stuart and his band left the stage, Miller launched into a moody “Wild Mountain Honey” followed by a 10-minute jam of the classic “Fly Like an Eagle,” featuring keyboardist Joseph Wooten. The set included several other songs before ending with a bang highlighting  three of Miller’s  biggest rock hits, “Take the Money and Run,” “The Joker” and “Jet Airliner.” It was a fascinating night of American music history with a bit of Canadian Blues music thrown in to spice things up.
A Hot Night at the Vina Robles Amphitheater With Steve Miller and Marty Stuart Photo and Article Credit  L. Paul Mann Hot, dry winds buffeted the Vina Robles Amphitheater during a sold-out Steve Miller concert.
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corey-067 · 5 years
Whump Prompt 26 - Shot.
I fear that I'll fail to bring across the depth of what's in my mind, yet again. But here we go! This only took me about 3+ weeks to write.
TWs: Blood, injury detail, PTSD flashbacks, sci-fi violence (Halo-typical) The worst of it is under the cut. I'd like to thank CIA391 from Halopedia for the info and chat we had about the Blamite and how it works, plus the Superfund peeps for keeping me motivated to write when it's been grinding to a halt.
"Arcus Actual, Arcus Two: we've got the spaceport on lockdown. Got a fair few Covie vehicles here, some gear they were trying to get out before we took 'em down."
"Arcus Actual. Nice work, Spartans. We'll be in touch shortly."
The Spartan ducked to the side, his armor blaring warnings at him as a beam rifle strike intended for Commander Lasky struck Corey's chest, his shields taking the brunt of the impact - though he staggered from the force of the shot. Captain Del Rio had sent Lasky and a small contingent of Marines to scout out a former Covenant supply depot - one which supposedly contained a number of Forerunner relics. "Keep your damned head down!" The Spartan-II snapped, suddenly realizing who he was talking to. "Sir." He muttered. 'Spartan time' was in full effect, and he searched for the familiar red glow of the Jackal's helmet, his eyes recovering quickly from the afterburn from the beam.
"Two o'clock high! Suppressing fire!" Corey bellowed into the comms, forcing Lasky into what passed for cover as though he weighed nothing. They could observe proper etiquette when his charge - his friend - wasn't in danger. Shots rang out, followed by the whoosh of an M41 rocket launcher. The satisfaction of the detonation was only surpassed by the squawk of the Jackal in question, and a grim smirk crossed his hidden features. Gesturing for the marines to circle the complex, Corey tossed a pair of grenades into what his motion tracker told him was the last holdout of enemies in play. They detonated, and bodies went flying.
The trouble with motion trackers was simple. They were perfect for detecting incoming threats, and he'd even worked with several of the toys that ONI had developed to identify the electronic frequencies which the Elites' active camouflage gave off. If a second sniper was set back outside of the forty-meter range of his motion tracker, but also immobile, they were incredibly difficult to spot, even for someone with a Spartan's enhanced vision. His hand was still on Lasky's shoulder, keeping the Commander down behind the nanolaminate wall when the shots rang out.
Corey's reflexes were perhaps the fastest of any Spartan-II outside of Kelly, and only Kelly had been able to defeat him consistently in terms of raw speed - with his HERMES-class Mjolnir armor he was practically untouchable. The sound of shattering glass pierced the whine of his shield monitor, as the first of three blamite shards from a needle rifle struck the top of the wall. He was moving, faster than Lasky had seen a human - Spartan or not - move. It wasn't enough. It saved his life, without question - he still had vivid memories of what one of those needles could do to an unshielded Spartan, as Kat had died before he'd even managed to catch her. Corey only managed to move enough to turn a lethal blow into a gut shot, the third needle glancing off of the top of his domed visor.
He dropped behind cover, and Lasky stared at him, calling for a medic on comms, but receiving only static in reply. There was a level of panic radiating from the commander that Corey had never seen, in all the years he'd known the man. "Lasky!" Half a tonne of Spartan slammed into the nanolaminate surface, and Corey could see that Infinity's commander was somewhere else entirely.
He was shocked that the blamite crystal hadn't detonated, the pink-purple shard was pulsing, threatening to do just that, and it'd lodged itself directly beneath his armor plate. It needed to removing carefully, and he didn't have an angle to do so. Lasky was miles, or perhaps years away, and Corey knew that he had to reach him.
"Lasky!" He barked again, with all the authority he could muster. In his mind, it was the voice of Chief Mendez, the authoritative bark he heard whenever he needed to push himself just that little bit harder. The part of a soldier's brain which resonates with that tone, drilled in from morning to night for years woke up, and he blinked rapidly, memories of the bodies of his classmates drifting into the background of his vision, threatening to resurface at any time.
Everything was a blur. Smoke and shadow, darkness lit by streaks of green and pink, the muzzle flashes of ODST's fighting a valiant, losing fight. Mehaffey had been protecting him, as well. "Get to the dorm! Go!" Her gestures were frantic, but she remained in control. "Go! Go! GO!" And then that sound, needler fire struck her chest, her shoulders and took her off of her feet. His mind was on a loop, deafened by the cacophony of this brand new war that had burst into their young lives in a blaze of plasma fire. A hand grabbed him, hard, dragging him into the light...
"Tom, I need you here. Now." Corey was holding the wound closed around the shard, he needed it gone, but it was all Tom could do to look his reflection in the face. He slipped back into it.
It was a nightmare; it had to be. Aliens? Here? Hastati was cut in half, only saved by the timely intervention of Master Chief 117. He never found out his name, if he even had one, just the number stenciled onto his armor. He trusted the Chief with his life, though he couldn't place why, and that trust was well placed, as he took fire, saving them again. Sully was hit but walking. General Black's lifeless eyes haunted him as he dragged his body from his Warthog, and fear kept his head down as he tried desperately to get the vehicle started. And then they were clear. It was incredibly surreal, escaping into the forest, weapons blaring around him as those creatures with shields fell, Chyler putting her years of rifle training to efficient use. They were retreating as the Spartan, and the cadre of cadets sped towards the Pelican. Someone yelled, he wasn't quite sure who, and the vehicle was blasted by the wash of a plasma grenade. The cadet slammed on the brakes, fearing that he'd send them off into the trees if he didn't stop until his vision cleared, the thump of a jackal hitting the windshield reminding him that he needed to get the engine running as fast as possible, but it wasn't working.
The report of a Battle Rifle firing jogged Tom out of his reverie, the Spartan beside him finding it in himself to take out the sniper, despite his injury. The first burst missed entirely, but the next was on point. Three rounds, spread further than usual because he was shaking with the effort to hold himself up pierced the Jackal's skull, killing it instantly. Corey could feel the blood beneath his armor's undersuit, and he dropped. It was far from the most blood he'd lost, but he knew he needed it sealing, and soon.
Gunfire wasn't enough to break Lasky from his waking nightmare entirely, and Corey was running out of options, aside from simply slapping his face.
"Tom? Tom?!" Each moment that he didn't react, Chyler's voice became more panicked. Once he realized what was going on, he screamed for the Chief, but he had no biofoam. They had to get her to the Pelican before she bled out, which would've been a challenge on a good day, and today was definitely not one of those. They ran as best as they could, panting breaths and Chyler's whimpers punctuated only by the staccato sound of 117's assault rifle and the roars of the creature that dwarfed even their savior. Terror propelled them forward, but that adrenaline only carried them so far. They were all exhausted and had been running on fumes since the invasion had started. They were cadets, not ODSTs; they weren't prepared for this. How could they be?
More Covenant troops were exiting the facility, and Corey would've typically used this time to rush the doors, blast his way through the Covie line and get inside, a tactic the Spartans had used to great effect on numerous occasions. His body geared itself up for the sprint, even before the logical aspect of his brain reminded him that he had to protect Tom until the Marines returned, and the pain told him that he was still injured. His shields refused to recharge, likely because of the Subanese shard sticking through his abdomen. Corey released his hold on the crystal, a strange combination of pulsing heat and cold, he pulled the fiberoptic camera from a pouch attached to his armor. The camera displayed on his HUD, and if he'd had more time, he'd have connected the Smart Link from his BR-55 as well, but as it was, he just had to make guesses. At the whine of a plasma grenade on the other side of their barrier, the Spartan covered the Commander's form with his armored body, the detonation shaking Tom out of his reverie, as tears streamed down his cheek, dripping onto his fist that appeared to be miming holding another person's hand.
Corey fired blind, adjusting the angle of his rifle based on the trace of each three round burst. He killed two of the new arrivals, though he managed to drive the rest back into cover, waiting for them to pop their heads up.
"You've seen this before, haven't you, sir?" The Spartan asked, noting Lasky's reaction as his eyes flickered down to the injury.
The Commander nodded; his eyes glassy with tears. Corey recalled John telling him what had happened during their evacuation of Corbulo - the way that his friend had died. Corey winced, though not from the pain. Along with Linda, he'd flown the Pelican out of there, but he'd not met any of the cadets when they reached their destination, not meeting Lasky until years later, during his pilot days.
"I understand that this is painful for you, sir, but I need you to focus." Corey rumbled. "The Marines will be back soon, but we need to take the first steps n- keep your damned head down, sir!" The Spartan's voice was warm and steady, holding a comforting certainty that hadn't been getting through to Infinity's XO until he got snappy. He wasn't feeling as confident as he sounded, but he knew that he needed to project that for Lasky's sake.
Lasky came closer, and as he took a closer look at Corey's wound, the remaining color drained from his face. He looked as though he was about to either vomit or vanish into his head once again, until the Spartan gripped his arm, hard. The pain was enough to keep him focused on the present. "Look, Tom, this won't kill me, but I need your help." He shook the Commander's arm, for emphasis. "Focus on my voice, Tom. Everything will be okay, and I just need you to focus on doing as I say. I'll walk you through it." He paused a moment, switching off his vocoder as he gasped with pain. "Freya, can you make sure that my shields don't recharge? Last thing I need is to be ripped apart because that energy overloads the crystal."
There was a momentary pause, and the alarm cut. "I've disconnected it from your armor's power supply, Corey. Just remember not to stick your head into the line of fire until after we've booted it back up. I'm not a fan of you injuring yourself." Despite the rich amusement in the AI's tone, he knew that she was entirely serious.
"Yes dear." He deadpanned, and for a moment her avatar glowed green on his HUD, arms crossed and shaking her head.
"What do you need me to do?" Lasky's shaky voice cut in. There he was - the soldier that John had described from Corbulo. Brave despite what he was feeling, or perhaps because of it. Corey passed him a biofoam canister, a small model which he kept on his belt for extended field missions, something that came in useful in this case as his suit's injectors were either empty, or the local one was damaged, and he hadn't realized. Ideally, the shard would've been removed with actual medical equipment, but it wasn't the first time he'd had to improvise in the field.
Finding a neatly folded square of slightly grease-splattered cloth in one of his belt pouches, he passed it over as well. Tom was shaking, perhaps too much to do what was necessary, and Corey's eyes darted rapidly from side to side as he searched the officer's face, searching for something for him to hold onto. He couldn't comfort him the way he did other Spartans, it simply wasn't enough for the vast majority of people. "Pop open the biofoam canister, ready to use. One layer of cloth around your fingers, to avoid any potential charge transference," Corey told him, forced steadiness in his tone. It might have been seconds, minutes or even hours since he took the hit, but he could feel that he needed this dealt with now. "Take hold of the end in one hand, slide it towards you, gently, as straight as you can. Biofoam goes in straight after."
"Okay." The Commander breathed, his fingers shaking.
"Tom, look at me. The Master Chief believed in you, all those years ago. If he were here today, he would still. I know that because I do. Right here and now. You can do this." Lasky's eyes hardened, his jaw setting at the mention of John, the confidence that he'd shown in Tom all those years ago still stirred something in him now. He wouldn't let him down.
His gauntlet-clad fist squeezed his battle rifle with enough force that the casing creaked, cracking under his powerful grip, heat, and cold, as well as jolts of electrical charge, coursing through the area of the wound as the subanese crystal shivered its way free. Tom inserted the biofoam end, and the sensation changed, a combination of a crawling itch, pain, and relief blending themselves together as the life-saving substance did its work.
"Save some, Tom." He gestured towards the crystal. "Coat that in it, and let's get it into the canister. It's rare that we see them like this outside of lab conditions, maybe it'll give us new answers." He was in too much pain to smile with any feeling, so out of reflex, two fingers came up in front of his mouth, swiping across quickly, as the Commander frowned, then realization set in.
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the-nysh · 5 years
new episode made me really sad, a lot of scenes with the various heroes were cut out and I waited so long for them to be animated :((( I was really looking forward to seeing Drive Knight transforming and Bone letting a bus crash trough him, but no >:(( Also in the previous episode when a lot of Genos stuff and tournament fights we're removed, but I though they were making room for the S-classes. but no >:( As much as I don't mind the animation and sound, I REALLY don't want hero stuff removed
I noticed but knew it had to happen (so I’m really not upset). I was still thoroughly entertained and had fun with the parts that were shown this ep. (The comedy was still quite hilarious for example.) Knowing upfront this arc was gonna be cut/condensed to 2-3 eps or so, it was not feasible or possible to include every little thing, so it does not surprise me to see many of these side-events removed (like the minor Bone hero stuff). This tournament part of the manga honestly dragged the most, and many readers back then were impatient to resume back to the webcomic’s script (or they altogether stopped reading for a while). However, the payoff for this arc and (in my opinion) the best parts of this season are still yet to be adapted (the cathartic end when Suiryu learns what true heroism is all about, all the later Garou stuff in the forest, then towards the huge EC fight). Those are still the major things I’m looking forward to. The rest looks like it’ll stay as bonus context to enjoy for those who choose to check out the manga. That’s really all I can say about it.
hey, follow-up to my ask, do you know if scenes ever added to the BR release? I know animation and designs get fixed (like with JoJo) and the blur and sound effects will be removed/changed, but I really hope to see more manga things adapted, like the A class and S class scenes I mentioned and also a lot of lines from fights aND I JUST REMEMBERED That the Tank Top Master and Mumen Rider scene wasn’t in the episode!! I really really hope those get animated eventually!             
Hm, I don’t wanna give false hope for anything that may or may not happen, but yeah I’m familiar with those Jojo edits (removing ghosting/improving clarity) and the recent Berserk anime completely overhauling the animation with hand-drawn segments where it was once all low-quality unwatchable cg. But I don’t expect JC Staff to add additional scenes that would change the way the pacing’s already set, but remember all the corrections made after the first trailer before the first ep? I expect more edits kinda like that as they’re needed. The main thing we can do is wait for those first bluray reviews to come in, to see reports for any significant animation changes. That’ll be something to keep a lookout for.
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soundpad-crack-q5 · 2 years
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soundpad-crack-uj · 2 years
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💾 ►►► DOWNLOAD FILE 🔥🔥🔥 SoundPad Crack is a professional and reliable tool for media players. It offers you to play sounds in voice chats without any interruption. This software is lightweight and very fast. It is also a slim CPU, consumes little space, and is a super-fast product. Through this tool, you can also record and edit any media files. The SoundPad Crack has a built-in voice recorder, allowing you to record what you catch. SoundPad Full Version is a practical application for both beginners and experienced users to record and process the sound before using it in more sophisticated projects. Try it, keep some songs or recordings, and experiment with all the effects at your disposal. The application is not only used for recording, but it also comes with many editing options. SoundPad Serial Key Free provides various tools and options for accounts. Stop and essential gadgets are included. You can use both kinds as an expert. Single and group customers can use it. This is an exciting and profitable tool. This site has many outstanding and versatile features and activities to satisfy such an errand. For example, recording me, be that sound, a chronicle, or dubbing. SoundPad Demo It is unnecessary to worry since it takes talented and robust programming to complete such a cycle. Record various sounds on separate tracks. It can be used when making recordings or films. It can be used when making an alternative version of the story. SoundPad Crack enhances sound programming. A variety of master customers use its excellent quality and convenience for the best exercises. Using Pad Sound Download, you can crack the films while dubbing. It will help you learn more! SoundPad Sounds Download is a practical, helpful application for both novices and professionals. It can record and cycle sound files before using them in more intricate projects. As you take it for a spin, it keeps you occupied playing around with a couple of tunes or chronicles and trying different things with the other impacts set up to be at your disposal. Sounds For SoundPad is a blended-media device, not just records. You can use it to change other options. To perform and facilitate that works by instinctive gadgets. During the modification, access the drop and drag devices. These mechanical assemblies drag your archives and drop them into adjusting circles. This is a helpful and lightweight device to perform tune endeavors! SoundPad Steam application is a forthcoming season of creation. It depicts the whole structure and subjects. I let you know that it is a responsive instrument and responds totally to the customers when they manage their endeavors. This is more intelligent and wonderful. You can also visit crackersofts. Customers and mechanical music masters use SoundPad For Mac program. It is proposed by various arrangers for better modifying and changing. With SoundPad Cracked Github, life is exciting and captivating. Every sound and voice can be changed in whole tunes or segments of songs. Any sound or agent can be transformed into another. With SoundPad Torrent can control and manage all your media records during the analysis and testing of the devices. You can also increase the adequacy and repeat of the sounds. Removes the traces of the high bore. It is not wrong to state that a practical gadget improves your efforts in modifying sounds and tunes. SoundPad 3. You will see and understand its bewildering qualities within specific days, then follow it. Soundpad Steamunlocked can effortlessly interface collectors with their devices and record their voices. An essential feature is the ability to modify your voice and sounds after recording. You can use any bits of sound in your assignments if you cut and delete them. As well as for recording, the SoundPad Download Crack application includes some altering options. Please Share it. Sharing is Always Caring. August 2, July 17, Your email address will not be published. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Skip to content Music Converter. SoundPad 4. Table of Contents. Sidify Music Converter 2. Leave a Reply Cancel reply Your email address will not be published. Search Search.
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