#‘’hey check that one out! that guys last name sounds funny”’’
algrenion · 1 year
You know something? I really do not like the way Netflix and other streaming platforms automatically skip the credits. I don’t like how I only get a ten second window to say “yes” to seeing all the names of the people who put their lives and expertise into producing something that has entertained or educated me in some way.
The least they could do is make me fast forward, if I really don’t want to see them.
But generally speaking, for me? I want to see those names.
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sixosix · 10 months
and his voice is a familiar sound | scaramouche
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forced proximity + childhood friends reuniting, humor, kissing and tension. suggestive implications and suggestive humor, a bit of scara’s mommy issues, wc 5k
ft. a down bad jealous bf scaramouche, bffs heizou and kazuha, and aether bc aether always has to be there
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“If I ask you to come with us for a vacation, would you say yes?”
Your bedroom was already too cramped for one person, with what you could afford with your money after quitting your part-time job. It made it incredibly difficult for all parties involved when you invited someone over, especially when that person had no concept of personal space. You barely looked up from the pages of your book, humming halfheartedly to whatever Heizou is saying. You heard vacation and instantly decided to not waste your time.
Heizou must have sensed these thoughts, too, because he forces himself into your field of view by nearly climbing over your lap. “Hey, look at me. Would you say yes?”
“Heizou!” you hissed, pushing him off before Heizou could wrinkle the pages of the book that’s definitely overdue for borrowing time. You started to think about taking another part-time job if your friends kept inviting themselves over and invading your personal space.
Heizou looked at you, his face doing a complicated combination of a frown and a smug grin. “Come on. You never join us on trips…”
“For good reason,” you said, gesturing to the lapful of Heizou you are currently getting bombarded with.
“You’re so mean,” Heizou laughed, thankfully getting off your lap. He refused to let go of you, however, immediately wrapping an arm over your shoulder and pressing up against your side. This must be one of his techniques to make the people he was questioning feel restricted. It was working. “How will you get yourself to settle for a nice, young man with that attitude? What are you even reading?”
“I grabbed whatever book had a pleasing cover so I can tune your nonsense out.” It wasn’t exactly a lie.
“What?” Heizou clapped the book shut and turned to you with the eyes of a reprimanding mother. “I swear I’m being serious. Can’t you consider it for even a minute? You’re breaking my heart. Plus, Kazuha’s the one who’s inviting us out.”
Hmm. What a compelling argument. Heizou knew that no one could ever say no to Kazuha. You wouldn’t really care if your absence would break Heizou’s heart, but Kazuha’s disappointed eyes were enough to put a god to their knees.
You zeroed in on Heizou’s wording. “Who’s ‘us’?”
Heizou started listing each with a raise of a finger. “Just Kazuha and Aether—and a friend we met recently. Kazuha invited him.”
You frowned. You didn’t know Aether visited again. “How the hell did Aether get invited?” Then, upon careful reflection: “And who’s the new friend?”
“If he was around, why not, right?” Heizou laughed, carefully setting the overdue book aside from your view. “The new friend’s Scaramouche. Have you met him before?”
What a strange name. Kazuha always managed to befriend people from all over, like a child bringing home turtles and a new species of bugs. You made a note to look him up. “Never heard of him.”
He hummed. “Said he came from Sumeru but he looked pretty Inazuman to me. Funny guy. He’s like a disgruntled baby brother.”
“And you only met him, what, recently? Why is he invited to our group already?” you asked, like the territorial person you are. How come it seemed like you were the last to know about this guy?
Aether was alright. Aether came back every few months to check up on everyone and got roped into all kinds of things with your friends, so you knew him well enough already. You liked his long braid. Heizou and Kazuha had been your friends for as long as you could remember being a college student.
Heizou grinned, patting your head. “Scaramouche’s nice, I promise. You wouldn’t even notice he’s there.”
At your dubious stare, Heizou amended, “C’mon, do you think I’m the type to befriend an asshole?”
Yes, but Heizou wasn’t the type to befriend a major asshole whose opinions he vehemently disagreed with, and he thought belonged better in jail, so you had to think about it for a bit. At the very least, this new guy didn’t seem like a criminal.
Your friends loved traveling, with Kazuha mostly being the culprit, but you liked staying inside most of the time. They never forced you to go with them, so why was Heizou being suspiciously persistent today?
“I think he’s your type,” Heizou finally said, caving in.
“You’re trying to hook me up with him?”
“Not exactly… but you two would seem cute.” He went silent for a thoughtful moment. “I mean, I wouldn’t be opposed if you slept together.”
You made a face.
Heizou laughed brightly. “Alright, alright. You can go back to being the good poster student you are if you promise to think about it. Seriously. Kazuha’s moving to Liyue soon—he’s probably inviting us out because of that.”
“I’ll think about it,” you said, reaching around for your book.
You would. What Heizou said about Kazuha made you remember that there are only a few weeks left until this is all over—then, after that, you all might go your separate ways. That thought floated around your mind for a little while as Heizou made himself comfortable on your bed, sighing before he dozed off.
You sighed, shuffling to give him space. “If this is your way of trying to make me get laid, try to at least be subtle and not weird me out before I even meet the guy.”
You stalked Kazuha’s Insta to search up this Scaramouche guy and nearly dropped your phone.
scaramouche11206. It was empty, entirely useless for your research. Scaramouche’s profile was a public account, had zero posts, and had four people he was following. It was Kazuha, Aether, Heizou, and a Vahumana Darshan update page.
You checked the tagged posts, and your jaw dropped to the ground.
Scaramouche was Kunikuzushi.
Heizou was taking a group selfie in the image, his tongue stuck out and winking while the camera showed two other men. On the left was Kazuha, with his ever-polite smile, then on the other, with the all-black getup was what the tags said was scaramouche11206.
It was a little difficult to tell why you were enamoured with the masked face with a short hime cut for a moment, but the piercing stare to the camera couldn’t be mistaken. It was a minute of staring before it clicked. This was your Kunikuzushi.
You dialed Heizou before you could even think about it.
“What…? It’s five a.m.” He sounded like he just woke up, “What’s up?”
You swiped back to the image of Scaramouche, as if staring at it any longer would imprint each pixel to your brain and bring him to life before you. “Hey, where’s Kazuha? Tell him I’m going.”
Summer. The cicadas rang in your ears. They chirped about as you and Kunikuzushi trudged further into the forest. Sunlight peeked through the leaves, splashing Kunikuzushi’s beautiful face in a delicate glow.
Komorebi. Shadows scattered on the ground. Kunikuzushi lifted his head and turned to you. “Why are you looking at me like that?”
His voice was quiet, but even with the wind and the singing cicadas, you could hear him loud and clear. You could pick out his voice from a crowd. Your heart would know where to find him.
“I like looking at you,” you said. “I like you.”
He accepted the answer and continued walking. You beamed. Usually, Kunikuzushi would scoff and bat your words away, hiding his flustered face. But he didn’t.
Longing. Kunikuzushi turned back to you, stopping in his steps. You nearly bumped onto his back. “Do you like me enough to marry me?”
Was this a marriage proposal? You tried to think of you and Kunikuzushi, walking down aisles and reciting vows, and almost laughed. But then you tried to think of anyone else. You tried to think of a life without Kunikuzushi.
You thought of Kunikuzushi with anyone else and nearly threw up in his face. “You’re the only one for me.”
“Even if I hurt you?”
You frowned. “You would never hurt me, Kuni.”
Kunikuzushi’s expression crumpled. He could never hide anything from you; he was too expressive, eyes round and lip trembling. Your heart sunk to your stomach. You reached for his hands and forced him to look at you. “Kuni, what’s wrong? Did something happen?”
He looked at the ground. “I said I didn’t want to live with her anymore. I didn’t really think Mom would make Aunt Nahida take me.”
The cicadas faded. The world fell into a hush. Your grip on his hands grew weak. “What?”
Kunikuzushi didn’t have a good relationship with his mother; you knew that. They were complicated. They always fought and he grew up to loathe her. You knew that. But you didn’t think…
You breathed in deeply. It was not Kunikuzushi’s fault. It was not Ei’s—and definitely not Nahida’s fault. It was just the way things go sometimes.
You forced a laugh, hoping to ease the troubled expression on his face. “Were you proposing because you’re moving away?”
Kunikuzushi blushed. “Shut up.”
Your face softened. He was always so cute when his face was as red as the red by his eyes.
Kunikuzushi inhaled sharply, taking your hands and looking at you with a determined glint in his eyes. “If I were going to ask you out, I would do it better than anyone who would try to marry you. So don’t entertain them.”
The trip’s plan was basically swimming when you could, staying at a hotel, driving out of the hotel to eat somewhere cheaper, and it would be stretched out for a few days. All in all, it didn’t sound too bad. With the type of people you were going out with, you were expecting a lot more drinking (Kazuha) and near-death-related activities (Aether). Although Heizou said it was Kazuha’s trip, he was apparently mistaken.
“It was originally for Scaramouche and his family, but his mother had last-minute changes and couldn’t go,” Kazuha explained as he helped you fit your luggage in the trunk of Aether’s car. “Scaramouche said it would be a waste and told me to invite my friends.”
“Woo-hoo, Scaramouche’s mom!” Heizou cheered.
“When we met her, it seemed like you hated her,” Kazuha mused as Heizou climbed inside the car. You were in the passenger seat while the two were shoved in the back. It seemed that even if you moved to a bigger apartment, you’d end up suffocated by Inazuman men either way.
“Hard not to after hearing Scara’s contempt for her. I’m an empath or something.” 
Aether adjusted the side mirrors. “Are we forgetting anything?”
“Where’s the Scaramouche guy?” you asked.
Heizou cast you a sly smile. “He’s already at the hotel, probably buying us other rooms.”
At least another thing about him hadn’t changed: he’s still disgustingly rich. You did some digging about the hotel, and it was the kind of place you could only dream of even looking at. You suddenly felt severely underdressed for a five-star hotel, with only sweatpants, a duffle bag, and a dream.
“Hmm, I don’t think so,” Kazuha said, and weirdly enough, you caught him looking at you curiously from the sideview mirror.
“No?” Heizou crossed his arms behind his head. “I doubt Scaramouche’s the type to willingly share a room with anyone.”
Aether scoffed, laughing under his breath. “Definitely not with us.”
You looked outside to hide a smile. It seemed that your Kunikuzushi hadn’t really changed drastically. This made you feel better about meeting him again.
“What made you change your mind?” Heizou asked.
You sighed and fell into step along with him as Kazuha and Aether went on ahead. There are families crowding the lobby, draped in gold that matched the fabric of the chandeliers overhead. Their jewelry was brighter than your future. Even the floor smelled expensive.
“Scaramouche did,” you mumbled.
Heizou’s brows lifted to his hairline. “Oh?”
“I mean—I don’t know, I’m not sure yet.” You were absolutely sure, but it’d be embarrassing if he didn’t recognize you at all, and Heizou would think you were just lying. It had been years.
Heizou tilted his head. “Well, whatever it is, I’m rooting for you. And if he fucks up, I know how to pack a punch.”
You didn’t doubt it. Heizou definitely knew how to pack a punch.
The hotel was so fancy and so meant for only rich kids that you and Heizou stood out like sore thumbs by looking around. Some woman your age walked past, her chin high and her steps light. You and Heizou looked at each other, then tried to mimic the same grace as you pair sashayed towards the desk.
“What are you idiots doing?” Aether asked as you reached them.
“Fitting in, unlike you,” Heizou said.
A new voice cut in. “Took you losers long enough.”
Scaramouche turned around after speaking to the clerk, his mouth in a thin line and his stare piercing. He also stood out next to the men in polo with his fingerless gloves and gold rings. He looked like he belonged better on an Inazuman fashion magazine cover than on a hotel vacation with a bunch of losers.
Heizou beamed. “Scara!”
“Hey,” Scaramouche said, then his eyes landed on you.
It was hard to tell if there was any reaction on his face because Heizou went up to him to ruffle his hair, stealing away his attention.
“Thanks for inviting us out. I didn’t know you were the type to want to snuggle with his friends.” Heizou waggled his eyebrows as Scaramouche pushed him away with a hand to Heizou’s face.
Scaramouche wrinkled his nose. “I am not sharing a room with any of you three. You snore, Kazuha snores louder, and I would wake up to Aether’s leg on my stomach the next morning.”
“That was one time,” Aether muttered, blushing.
“How many rooms are reserved?” Kazuha asked.
Scaramouche sighed, craning his neck. He had a really nice side profile. “Still two. The other one with a king and the other with two queens. I was supposed to have the first, but you didn’t tell me you were inviting someone else. This shithole’s booked full now.”
Your gaze fluttered away as they all turned to you. You bit your lip, frowning. Did Scaramouche not recognize you? He was acting like he didn’t. He was treating you like he would any stranger. That upset you, but for the entire car ride, you were also preparing for it. It probably would’ve hurt worse if you hadn’t mentally prepared yourself.
Heizou grinned, slinging an arm over Scaramouche’s shoulder. “I suppose you have no choice but to share a bed with us.”
“No.” Scaramouche picked up his luggage and started rolling away. “Heizou, Kazuha, Aether, you share the king.”
The three men turned to you instead, surprise visible in their expressions. It was exactly because Scaramouche decided to share a room with you, whom he never acknowledged since you arrived.
You wanted to protest. If Scaramouche didn’t recognize you and opted for a choice that didn’t involve sharing a room with anyone, you’d rather sleep on the floor in Kazuha and the others’ room. But Scaramouche was already stepping inside the elevator and was holding the door for you.
You held your gaze to the floor the entire time as Scaramouche pointed at a room and told the three they would sleep there. Scaramouche flashed the card against the door of your room, then stepped inside.
“This one’s ours,” Scaramouche said. You couldn’t detect any hint of emotion.
The room was bigger than the two rooms at your apartment. It had two beds, as Scaramouche said, and a TV across. The room was cold as fuck. You shuddered, and Scaramouche remained unbothered with his layers of clothes that probably cost more than you.
As Scaramouche set his luggage on the bed closest to the window, you gathered the courage to not make this trip any more awkward.
You breathed in deeply. “I’m Y/N—”
“I haven’t forgotten.” He arched an eyebrow as he sat on the edge of his bed, staring at you. “Have you forgotten about me?”
“No, no, of course not,” you said. “I could never forget you, Kunikuzushi.”
You stiffened, thinking it was a mistake and there must’ve been a reason he was called by another name, but you took a look at him and got distracted. His face relaxed when you said his name.
I could never forget you. It was sickeningly true. You can never forget about Kunikuzushi. He was your first love. He was so cute with his wide eyes; and he was very clingy, too, which made him all the more endearing.
But looking at the present Kunikuzushi, with his intense stare and permanently bored expression, he was hot, and you started to think that maybe your type was just Kunikuzushi.
Horror settled in your stomach as Scaramouche flashed a wicked grin.
“Then you wouldn’t mind sleeping with me, would you?”
“He said what?” Heizou cackled, hitting the wall as he threw his head back, laughing.
Scaramouche meant it as sleeping in the same room, but he could have— no, should have worded it better. Scaramouche laid down on his bed right after and went on his phone as if he didn’t say anything at all. You blurted some half-baked excuse and left the room to cry about it in your friends’ room.
When Scaramouche said their room was assigned a king bed, you didn’t expect it to fit five people—and Scaramouche said he wanted it for himself? The bed was incredibly big, almost in a lonely way. You have never seen an Alaskan king bed before, but now, sitting on the edge of it, felt as if you could fit your entire apartment on it.
Kazuha was in between Heizou and Aether, their backs resting on the headboard. They were about to sleep, too, but as soon as you burst in, they settled into position and listened intently. Except Aether, kind of; he was texting his sister, who was demanding a room tour.
“I never thought he would be this bold. I mean, demanding to share a room the moment he laid his eyes on you? Wow,” Heizou said, looking terribly criminal with his expression.
“It is surprising,” Kazuha mused. “I’ve witnessed how women flock to his feet and how he bat them all off like he never saw them.”
An unpleasant feeling washed over, which was weird because why would you be upset? Of course they’d flock to him—with a face like that. He had the looks and the personality that would garner him a lot of masochistic fans if he were a character in a drama.
“Does that happen a lot?” The way you spat it out spelled exactly how upset you are.
“No need to get so jealous, now. After that display, I’m positive that he wants as much as you want him,” Heizou laughed, falling forward and resting his elbows on the mattress. He moved his chin to his palm. He looked like he was going to ask if you wanted to paint nails and curl hairs the next second.
Your face felt hot. What was this conversation? You’d much prefer painting nails than talking about this. “I don’t want him!”
Heizou arched an eyebrow. “No?”
Even Kazuha looked doubtful, which was enough of a blow.
“I’m just confused,” you insisted. “You know what happens when you’re in a room alone with an objectively attractive guy? You get confused.”
“I get it,” Aether said, setting his phone aside to share his insight. “This is your sexual awakening.”
“What? No!”
“It definitely is,” Heizou agreed. “Why else are you crying about this to us?”
There was a sense of impending doom at realizing that Heizou was brewing some horrible, horrible thoughts in that head of his. “To stop feeding into my madness!”
Heizou clicked his tongue. “How do you think he feels? His childhood best friend came back to his life looking like that—I’m surprised he hasn't eaten you right up yet.”
You didn’t know what was more horrifying: Heizou implying he thought you were hot, or him implying that he thought Scaramouche thought you were hot.
Your face must’ve looked like a constipated mix between flustered and horrified; Kazuha chimed in to tell Heizou, “You should be more careful with your words. I’ve never met anyone as possessive as Scaramouche.”
“It’s already a miracle he even remembers me. He wouldn’t get jealous. I doubt he actually wants me that way,” you sighed.
“Oh, but you want him that way?” Heizou asked.
You wanted to slap that expression off Heizou’s face. “Of course I do. He was so cute when we were little—I already liked him then. I didn’t think he’d grow up to be so…”
“Sexual awakening,” Aether said again.
“Ow,” Aether whined when you hit him square on the head.
Reluctantly, you returned to your room. Heizou, Kazuha, and Aether told you to get your shit together and face this not-sexual-awakening like a man. Kazuha didn’t say it, but you could feel that he was also thinking it. And if he ever said it out loud, you’d tell him to go fuck off to Liyue already.
Scaramouche was awake. The door clicked shut, and you faintly felt like those heroines locking themselves up in a room to hook up with someone who they didn’t think was the murderer on the front page right now.
“Where did you go?” he asked.
You tried not to let your surprise show, but Scaramouche was staring so intently that you would’ve failed miserably either way. “The other room.”
The longer you looked at him, the more you realized that Kunikuzushi felt like a fever dream. Being only a few feet away from the guy you used to be so fond of, now grown and had an air of haughtiness that would’ve been a turn-off had it been anyone else— it was doing things to you.
“Are you scared of me?”
You laughed and nearly choked on it when registering that Scaramouche was still looking. It wasn’t something like embarrassment. It was more like laughing unabashedly and then sensing that your hallway crush walked past. Maybe it was a bit of embarrassment.
“No. No, I’m not scared.” You moved to sit on your bed, eyes trained on the wall. “You didn’t tell me you were back.”
“You changed your number. You moved out.”
“Oh.” You did do that. Your apartment was very far from your home.
“And I figured you forgot about me or wanted to forget about me because of what I did to you.”
“Oh.” You wanted to say that he didn’t affect you that much. Life goes on; you meet new people and lose them every day, and all that. But Scaramouche was affecting you that much, especially when he’s only a few feet away from you, looking like he wanted you to pounce him.
Scaramouche grinned lopsidedly. “But I guess I don’t have to worry about that anymore.”
What the hell does that mean? Your heart skipped a beat. Did he figure it out? Were you that obvious with your thoughts about pouncing?
Scaramouche stood up from his bed, moving towards yours slowly. “Are you seeing anyone right now?”
You tried to avoid getting too close by leaning back, but he kept drawing his face closer, bending towards you. You’re one last tilt away from him pinning you down on the bed.
“No,” you blurted before you could even think about it. It was a little difficult to think about anyone else when you were a breath away from kissing. “Why?”
Scaramouche’s eyes narrowed, electric indigo. “Do you still have a crush on me?”
“You’re asking too many questions.”
“We’re catching up. This is how it works, doesn’t it?”
No, it was definitely not how this worked. Your neck was starting to ache with this awkward angle, and he hadn’t even answered your question.
“Do you?” he repeated, hovering above you.
You gave up on the painful angle and laid flat on the bed, frowning up at him. You crossed your arms to achieve the stance of someone who will not back down easily. “How are you so sure I even had a crush on you?”
“You’re telling me I’m wrong?”
What was this? Some fucked up game of 21 questions, but Scaramouche was too high and mighty to follow the rules? You didn’t know what to say to that. You wisely decided to stay silent, glaring up at him.
You probably didn’t look intimidating at all. Scaramouche smiled, much less sharper. Almost fond as his eyes flicked down to somewhere below your nose. “Am I still the only one for you?”
Okay. You would back down easily if he kept looking at you like that.
“You didn’t hurt me, Kuni.” You sighed. “You never could.”
Scaramouche straightened, his face carefully blank. It was much harder to read him like this. You sat up, wanting to ask if it was the wrong thing to say. You couldn’t get the words out because he lunged for a kiss.
You might have gasped. You might have made some embarrassing noise while a laugh rumbled from the back of Scaramouche’s throat. But that was all thrown out the window the moment your eyes fluttered shut and you lost yourself in the sensation of his warm mouth on yours.
He pushed closer, and you were pulled back on the mattress, his arms on either side of your head. Your eyes flew open when Scaramouche nipped at your lip. As if suddenly remembering where and who you were, you forced his chest back and gaped.
“What?” He looked irritated you interrupted him.
“At least say it back!”
“You didn’t even say it,” Scaramouche said, one eyebrow raised.
“I like you, Kunikuzushi.”
Scaramouche turned red and then looked humbled that you saw it. “I still like you, too.”
You looked at him up and down. You asked, but you didn’t want to hear the answer. “And you didn’t have anyone while you were in Sumeru?”
“Of course not,” Scaramouche scoffed. “You think anyone there was worth my time? You think I’d settle for less than you?” He scowled. “How about you? Nevermind, don’t answer that. I don’t want to know. I’d do it better than any of them.”
You laughed, tugging him close with your arms around his neck. If anyone were to come in, they would assume the worst. Then again, maybe Scaramouche had plans to indulge in the worst.
wake up! let’s eat breakfast at the restaurant we saw yesterday!
ask scaramouche. so he can pay for us
Despite the freedom and space of lying on separate queen beds, you and Scaramouche were huddled and pressed close. And despite books in your bag, you were occupied with huddling and pressing close against Scaramouche. You were lying on his chest while he had an arm resting on your stomach.
As soon as Heizou’s texts appeared on the top banner of your screen, you looked up, and Scaramouche looked like he was going to murder someone.
“It’s a joke, probably,” you said. “They don’t see you as a wallet.”
“It’s not a joke,” Scaramouche said. “I don’t really care about that. You and Heizou close?”
“He’s the one who introduced me to Kazuha and the others.” You sat up from the comfortable position and stretched.
“So you’re close.”
“Oh, very much so.” Then you laughed at Scaramouche’s thunderous expression. “Idiot. Why are you jealous? He’s not the one I’m sharing a room with and was making out with last night.”
Scaramouche’s gaze cut down to your neck. He looked extremely pleased.
You and Scaramouche took the elevator down, holding hands throughout. You felt a little giddy. What must this look like to everyone else? They’d all assume you were out with your boyfriend. As you reached your friends, Aether had just started the car. Kazuha slipped into the passenger seat, and Heizou waved at the both of you.
Then Heizou gasped. Aether turned to you and gasped as well.
“What happened to you? You look like you were mauled by a tiger,” Aether asked, scandalized.
“If the tiger had a short hime cut and a thick wallet, maybe,” Heizou mused. You flipped him off and climbed inside the car. Heizou laughed and sat beside you.
Aether frowned. “What kind of tiger would that be?”
You groaned, burying your face in your palms and wishing that lightning would strike you down. You needed coffee. Or a beer. Maybe if you bat your eyelashes and kissed him on the lips, Scaramouche would buy you bottles of wine.
As if summoned by your thoughts, a figure forced himself in between you and Heizou. Scaramouche worked fast. He glared at Heizou and tugged you away from him.
Heizou’s eyes went wide. “What’d I do?”
“Know your place, Shikanoin,” Scaramouche said. You just wanted to at least not be half-sitting on his lap, but he was proving a point and didn’t let you budge.
Kazuha smiled. “I warned you, Heizou.”
“Damn,” Heizou said. He looked exhausted. He was the one who suggested you and Scaramouche hook up in the first place—did he not expect his intuition to be right this time? “Didn’t take you for the clingy type. Two more days of this?”
“This is not some fling,” Scaramouche hissed. “You think I don’t take this seriously?”
You smiled as your heart fluttered. Scaramouche could be so unintentionally sweet sometimes, not that you’d tell it to his face, because he would grumble and hide his face. You rather liked his face. It was pretty, and you knew that if you tugged his hood down, you’d see a bruise on his neck as well.
“Didn’t take him for a romantic as well,” Kazuha said, thoroughly entertained.
“Wait, are you actually a thing now?” Aether made a face. “What the hell happened in that room?”
Scaramouche smirked. “You sure you wanna know?”
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a/n it was already so hard for me to not turn it into a heizou fic dude. That entire first part was so unnecessary i was just hopelessly infatuated. BUT ANYWAY!!1 thank you so much for reading i hope u liked it <3 if u do, leave a comment or a reblog so i can see your thoughts :DD
also, another note: on the day i wrote this fic the insta acc of scara didnt exist. so if it does by the time youve read this fic, its pure coincidence and i have nothing to do w it. or maybe i did, because i came up w the name HAHA
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seouljazzbar · 3 months
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☆ BUNK 19
ABOUT 𓂃 ࣪˖ what happens in bunk 19 does in fact stay in bunk 19. and the boathouse. and the dining hall. and the tennis courts. and the counselor jacuzzi.
WARNING 𓂃 ࣪˖ language, fake camp name, aespa + nct appearances, a smidge of angst, penetrative sex (f. receiving, both vaginal and anal), lots of spitting, a challengers reference if you squint, object insertion (do not try this at home), unprotected sex, daddy kink, random fluff, two seconds of physical violence
PAIRING 𓂃 ࣪˖ camp counselor!eunseok x camp counselor!reader (camp counselor au, summer fling to...?)
WORD COUNT 𓂃 ࣪˖ 8k of wickedness
THIS FIC FEELS LIKE 𓂃 ࣪˖ buzzin by shwayze
“Who else is here?”
It was the first question out of Eunseok’s mouth when he got settled into his cabin for the summer: bunk nineteen. That was the very first bunk he stayed in when he became a counselor freshman year of university. Now a recent graduate, this was going to be his last summer at Camp Watauga before entering the workforce. He intended to soak up every minute of it with no regrets.
“The staff are filtering in slowly, but not too many counselors just yet. You, Mark, and ___.” 
His ears perked up at the mention of your name, but he kept a cool exterior. “Oh, really? Not too many indeed.” His hands made home in his pockets as Director Irwin led him to the main hall. There was nothing but the echo of footsteps and birds chirping just outside as they walked to the break room, and that’s when he heard it. Your voice. 
Mark was laughing at something you said, something Eunseok missed entirely. “Hi, ___. Mark.”
You spun on your heels without thinking twice, eyebrows shooting up at the sight of all five eight and eleven inches of him. He looked different— hair lighter, jaw sharper, shoulders wider. But you didn’t let yourself focus on him for more than the appropriate amount of time to stare at your coworker: one and a half seconds, exactly. “Eunseok, hey!” Your tone was light, casual. Easy breezy.
“Alright, well now that you’re all checked in, you’re free to roam! Kitchen’s doing meals same time as regular camp hours, if you get hungry. Just, please, no illegal substances where I can see ‘em. I wanna be able to keep plausible deniability.”
Director Irwin left without a glance back at the three of you, all of you erupting into a fit of giggles the second you heard the door shut. “Dude, he’s so funny without even trying to be.” Mark nudged at your shoulder, looking at Eunseok with a goofy grin on his face. “Right?”
“Yeah, I always forget just how weird he gets,” Eunseok returned the smile, looking over to see if you were smiling too. That gorgeous, sparkling smile. “What are you two gonna get into for the rest of the day? At least until dinner.”
Mark stretched his hands in the air, his shirt riding up just enough to expose his taut abs. Eunseok noticed your eyes on Mark’s skin, your teeth sinking into your lower lip. “I was thinking about going into town, getting a couple cases of beer or something for the kickback tomorrow night. Minjeong, Jimin, and Haechan get in tomorrow and we’re gonna have a pre-camp rager. You guys down?”
“Ooh, I’m always down for a party with Jimin. She knows how to let loose.” You winked at Mark, blush instantly striking his cheeks.
“Alright, cool, I’ll make sure to get enough then,” His head turned over to Eunseok, “What about you, bro?”
A party was not his plan for tomorrow night, but he figured it’d be easier to play along for now. “Yeah, sounds fun,” He pulled his sunglasses down over the bridge of his nose, “I like Modelo.”
Mark laughed, heartily. He was so easily amused. “Alright, I’ll catch y’all at dinner?” He was out the door after two quick side-hugs, shaking his keys all the way to his car. The engine was loud as it started up, and you could hear the car shifting its way up the gravel driveway. The hall was quiet otherwise, just the smacking of Eunseok’s chewing gum, the minty peppermint wafting far enough for you to smell it on his breath. 
You moved first, pushing him by the shoulder as he kept his arms crossed against his chest. “Oh, c’mon. You can’t really think I want Mark.”
“Coulda fooled me.”
“I mean, he’s cool and all. And really hot, but… you’re sluttier.”
Eunseok rolls his eyes, closing the gap between the two of you, caging you against one of the break benches. “Hm, that’s it? You only want me because you think I’m a sure thing? Well I never!”
You giggle, glancing around the break room before swooping in for a kiss. Sweet, soft lips that you had been dreaming about for nine long months. His sunglasses smushed against your face but you ignored the slight discomfort as his hands found your ass. A handful for each of his palms, fingers kneading into each cheek with appreciation. You could feel your nipples hardening against his chest, the paper thin material of your bra heightening the sensation of his firm pecs. Eunseok was making you all warm and fuzzy again. “I missed you.”
“Yeah? You sure? Sure you didn’t miss Mark Lee more?”
“You’re so annoying! Wasting valuable time talking about a nonissue.”
His hands spread your cheeks apart just barely, just enough for you to take notice. “Valuable time? What else do you reckon we could be doing right now?”
Your mouth fell open as he kissed along your jawline. “W-Well I was thinking…”
He took a detour down your neck, floating right to your sweet spot just beneath your earlobe. “The counselor cabins are really close by, i-if you’re free.” Keeping your eyes open was a chore as he nipped at the skin of your neck erotically. “Eunseok, seriously. We’re gonna get caught.”
“What, that doesn’t turn you on anymore?” His palm revved back to strike your ass, squeezing afterwards to soothe the skin. “You know I’m always free for you, ___.”
Eunseok could smell your arousal through the thin material of your panties and shorts, his eyes rolling to the back of his head as all the blood in his body rushed to the front of his pants. Any notion of taking it slow with you went out the window as he grabbed your wrist, pulling you in the direction of BUNK NINETEEN. Since Mark had already started his journey into town and Director Irwin never left the movie room during his downtime, Eunseok didn’t feel the need to be sneaky while getting you into his cabin.
Sure, there were unspoken rules about how awkward it would be to have counselors wreaking sexual havoc for three months straight, but nothing in the handbook. The secrecy derived from how private both you and Eunseok were with your personal lives. It was nobody’s business who you were fucking, and if you two ever decided to stop, you didn’t want relative strangers feeling emboldened to ask questions. Plus, the sneaking around made everything that much hotter.
The cabins had been updated in recent years, and with that came much needed aesthetic and technological improvements. A few touches made the bunks a little less shabby chic and a bit more glamping. It was still ‘granola’, so to speak, but the doors locked automatically behind you. The interior was softer around the edges, no chances of splinters or wolf spiders keeping you up at night. Eunseok had made sure to make up his bed when he first unpacked an hour or so ago, knowing that he’d have company in the form of his summer lover.
“Cute sheets.” They were the same sheets he’d brought to camp for the last four years, with a flower you’d embroidered for each year you and Eunseok had done camp as counselors together. Three wacky looking blossoms in different colors with the years stitched beneath them, a little reminder of your place in his life. You couldn’t wait to add this year’s.
“Thanks, this girl I’m seeing really likes stabbing at it every year.”
He grabbed onto your arm as you shoved at his chest, pulling you into him. “Shut up, you like it.”
“Never said I didn’t like it.” His mouth was warm against yours, lips still wet from the kiss in the break room. Your nerve endings were on fire now that it was truly just the two of you, no chance of being interrupted. Swallowing the taste of your cherry cola lip gloss, a long lasting favorite that Eunseok mentioned liking the first time the two of you kissed back when you were mere campers. A clumsy, barely there kiss during a game of spin the bottle. ‘Wow, delicious’ he said offhandedly, making everyone giggle and making you quite popular with the guys that summer. Everyone wanted to get a taste of your fizzy lipsmackers. “Tastes so good.”
Your cheeks ached as you smiled involuntarily, his compliment flying straight to your ego. The idea that he craves you when you’re apart made you feel powerful beyond comprehension. “What, none of your little Stanford groupies wear lipsmackers?”
“What groupies?” His slightly calloused hands eased up your torso, fiddling with the fabric of your bralette to roll it up above your chest. Your breasts felt so heavy in his hands, full and swollen just waiting for him to play with. “No groupies. Just the memory of you and my right hand.”
He lifted your shirt clean off of your body, leaving your chest exposed to the balmy air of the cabin. “I always took you for a lefty.”
Another fit of laughter befell the two of you as he pinched your hip, kissing you with resumed passion. The way the sunlight hit you through the moss colored blinds made his heart skip a beat, the golden flecks in your skin glittering for him with radiance. “Take off your shorts for me. Slowly.” 
A string of saliva fell onto your chin as you stepped away from him, eyes on his that were already watching you as your hands pushed down atop your cotton shorts. You were slow, following his instructions exactly and leaving your panties on underneath. The material hit the wooden floor with a dense thud, your gaze never leaving Eunseok. Your bralette rested awkwardly beneath your armpits for just a few more moments, Eunseok moving just enough to pull it off for you. And there you stood, almost completely naked in your Birkenstocks while he was fully dressed in his usual Camp Watauga garb. “You’re a siren sent for my demise.”
He was sincere, eyes glinting in their candor. “You’re spoiling me.”
“Because you deserve it.” Eunseok kicked his shoes off as he walked the two of you to the bed, his touch tender as your back hit the mattress, careful not to bump into you roughly. The wet patch of your underwear was blatantly obvious as he got a flash between your legs, and it turned him on even more to know you were just as worked up as he was. “What do you do when you think about me?”
You shuddered under the intensity of his leer. “W-what makes you so sure I think about you?”
Eunseok scoffs, lowering his hips to press them square against yours. “Please, I’ve heard the audio messages you send me at two in the morning. You’re so wet the microphone picks it up. I swear, the way you cry into your phone just thinking about what I’d do to you is louder than how you get when I’m actually with you.”
The feeling of his cock swelling against your thigh made you wrap your legs around his hips, locking him flush against you; nothing but thin panties and his basketball shorts keeping you from what you really came here for. “Mm, okay, so what. You win. I think about you. You get my fingers nice and sticky.”
“So show me… tell me what you think about.” He sat back to pull his shirt off, chest exposing a well hidden surprise. 
Your fingers flitted across his nipples, both of them sporting little silver hoops pierced through them. “Woah, Seokie, I had no idea how hardcore you were.” In the roughly forty weeks that you were apart, he’d gotten drunk on a night out and got his nipples pierced.
“Make fun all you want, but I know you like ‘em.” Your tongue replaced your curious thumbs, swirling around the jewelry like you were trying to find the center of a tootsie pop. Eunseok’s hips undulated your drenched underwear while you got lost in sucking his pecs, giving each one equal attention until tugging at one with your teeth. He hissed, bucking against your pussy harshly at the sting. “Ah, fuck, ___. That hurt.”
Kiss swollen lips all moistened, you pulled away from Eunseok’s chest with a sardonic grin. “What, that doesn’t turn you on anymore?” 
His hands shoot out to pin your thighs to the bed, leaving your cunt exposed for him to grind against in a choppy rhythm. “You’re feeling feisty today, aren’t you?”
“Just like messing with you, s’all.”
Eunseok wasn’t in any mood to punish you, using his fingers to feel the outline of your pussy lips through the flimsy cotton. “I’ll give you a pass. Reunion immunity, or whatever.”
“Thank you, daddy.” 
He was instantly smug at the name rolling off your tongue, chest swelling with pride as you pawed at the waist of his basketball shorts. “Can only call me that if you’re gonna be good the whole time. Are you gonna be good?”
Eyes aglow with mischief, teeth sinking into your bottom lip, you nodded. It was hard to promise obedience when you were so used to being defiant with him, so used to being a brat because Eunseok always has so much fun taming you. But you’d try, if it was what he wanted from you.
“Wanna hear you say it for me, darling.”
His fingers were no longer idle by his side, instead cupping your mound as he waited for you to speak. “I’ll be good, daddy, I promise.” A sharp tug at your panties threatened to tear them but he stopped his movements just in time. Your wetness was the star of the show, glistening in the bright light of day for Eunseok to relish in. Basking in just how riled up you were, leaking with arousal without him really getting to touch you. He slid your panties down your legs, tossing them just over the edge of the mattress so you wouldn’t have to go searching for them later. “Wan’ you to finger me.”
“Thought I told you to play with yourself for me,” Another gush of wetness dribbled out of your core as he blew at it. “Though it doesn’t look like you really need it, you could take it all in one thrust.” 
You pulled at the hem of his shorts so they’d hang lower on his hips, the base of his cock visible from the way they hit his thighs. “But, daddy, I want it.”
“You’re so full of it, ___, you said you’d be good for me,” Eunseok pushed away from you just long enough to pull his basketball shorts off. “You’re awfully greedy, like you haven’t been fucked properly in far too long.”
His cock bobbed as it was released, twitching at attention while you drooled at the sight of it. “It’s been so long, Seok.”
Eunseok decided in that moment to give you what you’d been begging for, slathering his cock in the wetness that was smeared across your pussy lips. He was completely soaked in you without even putting it in yet. “Think you can take it all, baby?”
He knew you could, you’d been taking his cock like a sleeve for the past four years. But watching your bottom lip quiver in anticipation, nails gripping into the mattress, arms propping yourself up so you could have an unobstructed view to him fucking you open; it made him want to perform for you, give you something mouthwatering to remember him by. 
Your body welcomed him like it had a hundred times over. It felt like coming home, having him stuffed inside you again after dreaming about it for so long. Eunseok always fit so perfectly inside of you, like you were a match made in heaven blessed to find each other in this lifetime. Your mewls were a forgotten melody against his ears, his stomach turning at the sight of you underneath him again. “More.”
“Take what I’m giving you like a good slut and I’ll give you more.” Your nose was buried in his neck as his body caged you against the mattress— completely drenched in him as his skin fused to yours, the slight tackiness of sweat emboldening the waves of Eunseok enveloping your senses. That winsome and creamy essence would always remind you of his hips grinding against yours, deep and slow just to tease you. Just to make you gasp out beneath him and beg for more. And begging wouldn’t be a problem if he wasn’t so damn cocky.
Eunseok was so good at talking you through his strokes, the vibrations of his voice louder against your chest than he was in your ear. It was so easy for him to make your mind feel all fuzzy just by being around you, that sweet peach smell so specific to him. You liked being so inundated by him, liked feeling like you were drowning in a sea of nothing but him all the time. Loved not knowing where he ended and you began because he was just so all consuming. You loved being his. “You look so beautiful like this.” Your breath caught in your throat, fingernails digging into his bicep as his lips ghosted your cheek. You were convinced he’d never felt this good before. “So pretty.”
“Fuck me hard,” your voice was whiny and pathetic, just the way Eunseok liked it (even when you were defying him). “I’ll be prettier— I-I’ll be prettier if you fuck me harder.”
Something flashed across his face far too quickly for you to catch it, his eyes widening just for a moment as he faltered from the leisurely pace he’d set. Eunseok was trying his hardest to be a little gentler with you since so much of your sex life was rough and fast. He didn’t mind slowing things down and showering you with a bit more affection and flowery sweet nothings. But he was only so strong, couldn’t resist you pleading with him, voice so desperate. How could he possibly deny you when you asked him like that?
His hips snapped forward as your hands snaked down his back, mouth cracking open at the delicious change in rhythm. “Yeah? Want me to fuck you dizzy?”
A whimper escaped your throat as one of his thumbs flicked at your pert nipple, toying with it like he usually toyed with your clit. “Fuck me dizzy, daddy,” His jaw clenched as you spoke, your tongue licking at the shell of his ear like you had dozens of times before. “I'll be so good for you, please.”
The bed creaked obnoxiously as he forced your legs back as far as they could go, pinning them out of his way so there was nothing holding him back from absolutely battering your cunt. You were certain that the wet smacking sound of his hips meeting your soaked center could be heard from just outside the cabin. Your body was suddenly hotter, the air thick with humidity, sex and oh so sweet Eunseok. It was moments like these where you thought you’d do absolutely anything for him, no matter how dark, if it meant he’d drill into you like this whenever you wanted. You’d consider signing your life away to be his own personal cocksleeve.
“Gonna fuck you ‘til you can’t walk anymore. Show Mark that you’re taken.”
With the way he was fucking into you, that wasn’t too far off. He shifted his weight to his knees so he could wrap his hands around your hips, dragging your body down on his cock in time with his thrusts. Your stomach coiled with hot orgasmic bliss as he angled his hips to rub your clit with each thrust, the pressure taking over your entire body in the form of mind-numbing pleasure.
“Yes, yes, yes.” Your body twisted in on itself as he pinched your nipples, applying just enough force to throttle you over the edge. “Fuck!” His lips met yours in a heated kiss that you were too fucked out to reciprocate, just moans and whimpers tumbling out as he licked into your mouth.
You were barely restored from your orgasm before he was bucking into you again. “Tell me, ___, tell me about the guys you slept with while you were waiting for me.”
“E-Eunseok!” It wasn’t a secret that you weren’t committed to one another, but telling him the details was going too far. You certainly didn’t want to hear about all of the girls he was railing at Stanford. “Too embarrassing…”
He stilled your hips flush against his pelvis, the tip of his cock kissing your cervix. “Tell me, or I’ll stop altogether.”
Catching your breath, gasping for air you didn’t even really know you were deprived of, you opened your eyes to face his demand, “It was only two, I swear.”
Eunseok grunted, resuming his thrusts with exaggerated force. “Were they keeping you satisfied?” Your cheeks burned with embarrassment, not wanting to think about the meaningless hookups that you only went through with because you were horny. “Or were they greedy? Huh? Were they taking care of my baby the way I do?”
“Mnh, no! The first guy was terrible, nothing compared to you.”
He slowed his thrusts, gripping onto your thighs a bit harder. “And the second guy?” You didn’t respond as quickly as you had the first time. In fact, you didn’t speak up at all. Eunseok was starting to think you didn’t hear him.
“Ma— The second guy was… he took care of me, daddy.”
Eunseok wasn’t expecting you to say that at all. He was expecting you to wax on about how nobody was better than him, but this threw a wrench in his plans. “Turn around, get on all fours.” His cock slipped out of you unceremoniously, his jaw clenching as you scrambled to turn over.
“I’m sorry, Seok, it didn’t mean anything.” 
He folded you in on yourself, leaving your ass perched in the air for Eunseok to play with as he saw fit. His cock lodged back in your cunt in one motion, filling you to the brim like he’d never pulled out. Your cries were muffled by the pillow your face was pressed up against, arms limp above the mattress as Eunseok fucked you like a rag doll. All of your neurons were short circuiting at the same time, leaving you a braindead slut for your camp boyfriend’s fat cock. Drool soaked the pillowcase beneath you, and it only made Eunseok laugh at your tremors of pleasure. 
“Remember what I taught you last summer?” His deft fingers fluttered just over your puckered hole, laughing as he watched you jerk at the featherlight touch. “Yeah?”
A rivulet of his saliva dripped onto your hole, his index finger stretching through the ring of muscle. The fit was tight and you arched your back at the intrusion, a shaky moan rolling off your tongue. “E-Eunseok…”
He was still thrusting into your cunt shallowly, rocking forward just enough to prolong the pleasure. “Don’t tell me,” His long fingers slapped your opening harshly, sending down another glob of spit. “Was all our training for nothing? Am I the only one who’s fucked you here?” One more dribble for your entrance before he added another finger, pressing them against your walls that were still wrapped around his cock. “Hm? Am I the one and only, baby?”
You whimpered at the memory, his fat cock splitting you open in a way you’d always swore you’d never do. But he was just so charming and intoxicating, his charisma your fatal weakness— you’d never dream of saying no to Song Eunseok. 
“Y-yes. You’re the only one.”
He loved that answer. He wasn’t stupid, he knew you were fucking people the other three seasons out of the year. But there was a very large part of him that took pride in knowing there was something reserved just for the two of you, something no one else got to experience with you. It made him slip his cock even further inside of you, testing out a third finger as you bit into the pillow beneath you. “That’s what I like to hear, baby,” Gliding his cock out of your heat and tapping the tip against your hole, gaped open by his fingers that were still pressed inside. “You ready for me?”
You nodded slowly, nervous to take him after such a long time without it. “Slowly, Eunseok. I’m scared.”
Eunseok ducked his head so his lips were pressed right against your ear, “Baby, you know I’m always gentle with this one.” His free hand wrapped around your ponytail, pulling you towards him to arch your back at just the right angle. You barely registered the switch from his fingers to the head of his cock, his touch so delicate and the added gloss from your juices making it so seamless. “God, baby, you’re so hot.” His hand snaked around to your breasts to fondle them as a distraction to his length sliding deeper inside of you.
“Oh, fuck,” so that’s what you had been missing this past year, “oh, Seok, I’m so full.”
He’s never been shy around you, groaning out curses and moaning your name as he so pleases. His voice sends vibrations through your head, and all you can focus on is trying to breathe right. You were so overwhelmed with the feeling of Eunseok inside of you, you felt like you were pulsating. His hand in your hair tugged at you so you’d turn towards him, whining into your mouth before locking you in a sweet kiss that tastes like peach rings. “I’ve thought about this… everyday for the last nine months.”
That was true, or at least you wholeheartedly believed it. Very rarely, once every few months or so, Eunseok would text you into the wee hours of the morning, checking to see if you were awake. And every single time, you were. It was like you could sense that he was going to text you, your body wide awake until the very moment the text came through. It always ends with the two of you on the phone, talking each other through a filthy orgasm or two. You’d actually catch up once you finished, mesmerized by the facets of his life that you’d never seen before. And then you wouldn’t hear from him for another two or three months.
And when the wait was over, you were back in his arms, breathing in the sweat canvasing his body as he fucked you like his own personal toy. You were so pliable, so obedient, so in sync with his every desire; you were the high he chased September through May.
“Put your fingers in your pussy.” A quick slap to your ass before grabbing onto it, “you were dying for it earlier, go ‘head.”
You didn’t even have to move your fingers once they were inside of you, Eunseok’s thrusts providing enough friction to stimulate your g-spot. “Oh, fuck, baby, I’m gonna cum.”
Pumping two fingers inside of yourself, Eunseok added two of his own as he rubbed at your clit ruthlessly, thrusting into your ass still just as deep as before. The wave crept up on you in an unforgiving crescendo that raptured your soul from your body. Your body convulsed uncontrollably, hips thrashing against Eunseok as you squirted all over the sheets. The fingers crooked inside of you were a mess, covered in both your juices and cream from fucking yourself on them. You could just barely hear Eunseok hissing at how tightly your ass was squeezing him.
Eunseok was able to hold off on his own climax, thrusting shallowly into you until your tremors subside. “Felt good?” He took the risk of ruining his camp shirt by wiping his cock down with it, leaving your holes filthy and empty as he took an intermission for cleanup. “I thought about you every night at school, wishing my hand was you. Imagining pumping your sweet little pussy to the brim with my cum. Or painting your pretty face with it. Sometimes both,” His fingers curled inside of you and your eyes flittered shut. “Would think about you in my dreams, too, fuck. Had to jerk off before class because you’d get me so worked up.”
When Eunseok got like this— messy, generous, overruled by lust— there was no stopping him. You knew that you were effectively out of commission for the rest of the day.
The marathon fuck-fest went on for all three days you had before camp started, sneaking away to grab food at the very end of meal times, doing everything in your power to avoid everyone else. The days spoiled you, the reality of the situation escaping you until you were forcefully faced with it. The beginning of camp meant having no time designated for private moments tucked away with Eunseok. It was all about finding time throughout the day for stolen kisses, coordinating bathroom breaks so he could finger you hastily, slinking out on late night smoke sessions with Haechan and Minjeong to ride Eunseok until you passed out. The only guaranteed time you had with Eunseok was after campground curfew if you weren’t on cabin watch.
The nightly routine was the same— at eleven o’clock on the dot, you were knocking on his cabin door. The lights were already off but Eunseok would take the time to make sure every single light including the porch one was out. That’s when he’d open the door, just enough to peek out and ensure no one was watching before pulling you inside. It was the same for when you left, and all the hoops you had to jump through was just part of the fun. Having a three step plan before even being able to kiss him was worth it when he put his hands on your body, lips on your skin, knees knocking yours. He was yours only in private moments, but yours nonetheless.
Eunseok kissed you like you were the antidote to his incurable desire, and that wasn’t something you were willing to give up (even if you couldn’t tell anyone). But this summer was all about risks, evidently, as the two of you were quick to jump each other’s bones all across the campgrounds. Something about the looming threat of never being back at Watauga again made the two of you much more willing to test your luck.
Your panties in your mouth was the only way you were able to muffle all the noises you were making, your ass sore from the way Eunseok was fucking into you. There wasn’t a sturdy enough surface for you to grab out for so you settled for pressing your hands against the wall, eyes trained on the rest of the counselors outside. The window was tinted, and small enough that they wouldn’t be able to see anything, but you couldn’t help but wonder; did they know? Know the reason you and Eunseok stepped away at the same time? 
“Look at them. So clueless. Minjeong has no idea you’re getting your little pussy pounded right now.” His head rested in the crook of your neck, careful not to leave any hickies with his kisses.
“Oh, please, Seok, let me cum.”
The vibrations from his laughter permeated through your skin, “you wanna cum? Play with your clit for me. Rub it like I would.” Your eyes rolled back so far you were sure you’d go cross eyed, scorching hot bliss consuming your body as your orgasm swallowed you whole. The fear of being caught was the greatest aphrodisiac Eunseok had ever served you, the feeling reaching down to the tips of your toes as you curled them in rapture. “I know, baby, I know.” Quick fingers swirling around your clit as you spasmed on his cock, his own legs buckling in weakness. His arms wrapped around your torso, keeping you steady as cum spilled right into your cervix. 
He pulled out before he went soft, cum hitting the floor with a quiet splat. You turned at the sound, mouth ajar as he looked back at you with eyes wide as saucers. “Eunseok!”
It wasn’t on purpose, but you definitely didn’t stop him from peppering kisses along your neck and jaw as you filled the juice dispenser with ice. You wouldn’t bother getting fully undressed, lulling articles of clothing to the side amidst the grinding and heavy petting before he entered you smoothly. “So good for me, letting me fuck you out here.” His hands clasped atop yours as you gripped the dining hall counter, the prettiest gasp torn from your throat as he bottomed out. 
Eunseok’s chin rested in the juncture of your neck and shoulder, warm breathing fanning the side of your face as your eyes screwed shut from the pleasure. His arms move to wrap around your neck as you let your head fall back onto the table, mewls slipping past your lips as he rammed against your g-stop. “Feels good baby? Want more?”
You frantically nod because you could never say no to more from him, back arching as his hands fondle every erogenous zone he could reach; nipples, chest, lower tummy, inner thighs. That paired with his deep thrusts sends you over the edge briskly, your cup of bug juice spilling over from the way you were thrashing in his hold. Your orgasm triggers his own, his teeth sinking into you as he fills you up to the brim. 
Twice a session, Camp Watauga organized Field Trip Day. No counselors ever want to go on the first trip, but you and Eunseok were smart— make the sacrifice for the first trip so that you both could hang back together when all the other counselors had to go on the second trip. It was the smartest thing you’d done in all your years at Watauga. The campgrounds were like a deserted island, just you, Eunseok, a few staffers, and a first year counselor whose name you kept forgetting.
“Would you let me fuck you with a racket?”
You didn’t need too much time to think about it. “Mm, a fresh one, yeah. If you really wanted to.”
Eunseok dug his hand through the duffel bag he brought out with him, “Like the brand new one I washed this morning just in case you said yes?” He wasn’t kidding. “I wrapped it in a clean towel to be extra safe.”
“Okay, I was under the impression the question was hypothetical.”
His head tilted to the side as he shrugged, a little embarrassed to be shot down so quickly. “It still can be. But I really want to.”
“How thick is that thing, anyway?”
A wicked smile spread across his lips— he knew he had you. “It’s thinner than my dick, if that’s what you’re worried about.”
And he was right, your skirt pulled up and your panties to the side testing your entrance with the edge of the racket. Your pussy opened up for him slowly, taking every centimeter of the racket that he sank into you as he tested the waters. Light, precise thrusts to get your body used to the feeling. “Feels…” 
“Good? Do you want me to keep going, or do you wanna stop?” Eunseok halted his movements as he waited for you to respond, smiling like he’d won the lottery when you urged him to continue. “Be as loud as you want, baby, no one can hear us out here.”
Out on the tennis court, the very one you used to play on when you were a camper, you let your guard down. You leaned back into Eunseok’s chest, head resting on his shoulder as he worked you open with the racket. The ripples of pleasure already had you squirming in his hold, having to force yourself to calm down— he was just getting started. With Eunseok wrapped around you taking care of your sodden folds, you crept your hands beneath your shirt to fondle your breasts. The attention made your hips buck into the racket, a sharp cry soaring from your throat. “Fuck, the felt good. Aim it higher.” He did as he was told, in awe of your transformation from hesitant to in charge. The grooves on the handle added extra sensation, that soft spongy spot flourishing under all of the attention the racket was giving it. Your orgasm was rushing in on you hard and fast, and you couldn’t stop yourself from fucking the racket back. “Faster, fuck, right there! ‘M so close.”
Eunseok altered his position before granting you your demand, fisting the racket handle with one hand and caressing your clit with the other. You were unreservedly exposed to the woods before you, but the way you were spreading your legs suggested that you didn’t care. Another gush of wetness leaked out of you at the thought of a random hiker seeing you splayed open like this, drinking in your pussy like a pervert. You were gluttonous, your appetite for euphoria unappeasable; it was complete benediction that you’d found Eunseok to not fulfill your desires, but tempt you with entirely new ones.
“Give it to me, angel,” A string of spit dripped from his lips onto your cunt, “Wanna see you cum all over this racket like the hungry little slut you are.”
It was the kind of orgasm where you thought you might die, the ecstasy too much for your body to handle. Bathed in direct sunlight, heart racing like a marathoner, brain utterly devoid of any thoughts other than Eunseok, Eunseok, Eunseok! 
The racket slipped out of you naturally as Eunseok loosened his grip and your seizing pussy pushed it out. Eunseok was hard as a rock as he watched you come to, your sweaty palms reaching out for him. “Just so you know,” your voice was hoarse from all the screaming, “I would’ve never let those other guys put a racket in me.”
The perfect goodbye, in Eunseok’s words, was a tryst in the coveted counselor jacuzzi that required special permission from Director Irwin. “We won’t have to ask if we go while he’s asleep.” And just like everything he’d ever talked you into, you couldn’t say no to Song Eunseok.
Eunseok was already waiting for you at the jacuzzi when you arrived, arms spread out against the rim as the beginning flecks of sunrise teased the horizon.
It felt different than all the other times you guys had been together, except one— your first time with him. Neither of you were virgins when it happened, but he was so tender with his every touch. Gentle with the way he spoke to you, soft in the way he praised you. Sleeping together sprang from carnal desire, but his manifested delicately. All of those feelings came flooding back as he talked you through this time, lips sucking on your earlobe as you twirled your hips with his. Hands pressed to your back, tongue crying out about how beautiful you were. It gave you déjà vu. 
And there, with your cheeks flushed and your hair pulled away from your face. With sweat dotting your hairline and your lips three shades darker. It had never been clearer to him. “I love you,” The sound of the jets in the water almost muffled him. “And I don’t want you to say anything just yet, alright? I really want you to think about it because I really think you might be the love of my life, and I don’t wanna rush through that. Just… think about it.”
Your head bobbed in understanding, not knowing how to just continue after a confession like that.
“Alright, let’s get out of here. Before someone catches us.”
It was the only time Eunseok had ever left you high and dry, and you were too frazzled to finish yourself off. You walked back to your cabin in a trance, combing over every moment you’d spent with him under a microscope. He loves you. Not just into you or in love with having sex with you. He loves you.
There wasn’t much for you to think about, but you’d already decided to humor him. You’d take the rest of the day leading up to the going away party to ‘ponder’. 
The annual (unofficial) going away party for the counselors always took place in the woods, keeping the debauchery far away from the campers who liked to test their luck with curfew since it was the end of the summer. It was a childish celebration of all the time spent at Camp Watauga, but you wanted to entertain it, anyway. It was your last summer, after all.
Eunseok didn’t want to play Never Have I Ever, knowing that it was gonna leave him hungover the next morning since everyone liked to play dirty. He resigned to finishing his drink leaned up against a tree, soaking in the picture of all of you together for the last time. Sure, he was staying on the East Coast, but it wasn’t a guarantee that he’d be able to keep in touch with everyone. Although, the only person he really cared to stay in touch with was you.
“Okay, never have I ever hooked up with someone in the circle.” Giselle giggled at her own addition, knowing for a fact that several of her friends would have to drink. Minjeong and Jimin rolled their eyes as they took a sip, their relationship being a dead give away that they’d hooked up before. But Eunseok was far more concerned with the sip that you took than anyone else.
He wanted to say something, but he knew it would give him away immediately. So he was relieved when Jimin spoke up for him. “___! Someone in this circle?”
You cleared your throat, obviously avoiding Eunseok’s gaze as you tucked your hair behind your ear. “Um, yeah. Just a couple times, nothing crazy.”
“A couple times? Who?”
It was painful as you polished off the rest of your drink, fidgeting with the fibers of the rug you were sitting on. “Mark.”
Oh. Oh. The same Mark you’d told Eunseok you wanted nothing to do with, that Mark? Mark Lee who’d had a thing for you since you were a shy camper, nervous about spending the night away from your friends and family? Eunseok could kill him. “When was this? Was it right under our noses?”
“Eunseok—” You knew you shouldn’t have said anything, but lying would’ve been just as bad. Mark could’ve chimed in at any moment, and he wouldn’t have been exaggerating. Sure, the two of you knew it was just sex, but you never told him to keep it a secret. You weren’t ashamed of your sexual history with him, but you were afraid of how it would affect Eunseok. 
“No, please, tell the class. I think we’re all just curious.”
You couldn’t feel the night breeze anymore, white hot humiliation burning you from the inside out. “It wasn’t a big deal. It was when Mark moved back to Connecticut for a few months for work. His apartment was like ten minutes from campus and he asked if I wanted to meet for a drink.”
“We never did get that drink, now that I think about it,” Mark chuckled to himself, locking eyes with Eunseok, “Never made it out of my apartment that night.”
The difference between humans and animals is quite simple; logical reasoning. Humans can think about certain things and are motivated by their instincts, intellect and logic. Animals are incapable of reasoning and are simply motivated by their instincts alone. Eunseok, by definition, was an animal. His fist cut through the air and into Mark’s jaw without a second thought. 
You were almost certain you heard a crack upon impact, but Mark barely flinched. Like he was expecting it. He was ready to fight back with his hands curled into fists, fractured jaw bone an afterthought. Everyone else was shuffling to get away, screaming at the two of them to knock it off. The only person to jump in the middle was Haechan, arms flexing every muscle possible to keep Eunseok and Mark off of each other.
“Guys, stop! Why are you fighting?” Their fight was lost on everyone but you, the guilt you’d shoved down bubbling to the surface as you watched them claw at each other. 
Haechan was able to get a handle on Mark, leaving Eunseok open for you to shake some sense into. He was so hurt as he finally looked at you, shoulders slumping as his chest heaved. “Eunseok, stop it, why are you getting so worked up about this?”
Mark was out for blood, cradling his jaw as he said what everyone was thinking. “Because everyone knows he wants you but he can’t admit it.”
“I have her! She is mine! I belong to her!” The hush that fell over the room was eerie, not a single peep out of anyone as you watched Eunseok with bated breath. “You guys might have fucked a few times, but she’s mine. Has been since year seven. Just because we set each other free from fall to spring doesn’t mean I’m not hers.”
So much for keeping it a secret. Everyone gawked at you, the shock of you and Eunseok actually being a thing greater than the shock of Eunseok punching the shit out of Mark. Like clockwork, everyone gathered their things and fled the area, whispering about how they’d never seen that side of Eunseok before.
You were still startled. “What was that?”
“Oh, don’t start. You’ve been nothing but distant this whole summer, you let me hang around Mark looking like an idiot, you made me feel fucking stupid!”
“Distant? Eunseok, we’ve spent everyday together. You’ve been my entire summer. And of course I didn’t tell you about Mark, there’s nothing to tell! We only hooked up like three times, and it was mainly because I was missing you,” He moved to interject but you cut him off with a wave of your hands, “Do you know how selfish it is for you to tell me you love me, tell me not to respond, and then accuse me of keeping you at arm's length all in one day? To paint me out to be this heartless tramp when I’ve only ever loved you?”
He kicked at the twigs by his feet, hair on the back of his neck standing up at those last two words. “You love me?”
“Does… does this really sound like the time for that? I’m in the middle of tell you that I’m pissed at you.”
That cocky smirk was back on his face, his front teeth gnawing at his bottom lip. “Yeah, but you love me.” He took his bruised hand to grab your chin, forcing your focus on him. “Say it.”
“Eunseok…” He hummed at the sound of his name in your mouth, angry demeanor nowhere to be found. “You big, dumb idiot, I love you.”
He kissed you like he was afraid he might hurt you, cradling your head delicately as you let yourself simmer in the feeling of love. The feeling of your fingers in his hair, his heart beating at the speed of light against your chest. It was a feeling you’d pushed down year after year, too afraid to confront the possibility of losing him. And now, wrapped in his arms post love confession, you weren't afraid of anything.
So, yeah. Maybe you felt a little corny walking into the dining hall the next morning with Eunseok’s arm thrown over your shoulder. But you’d do way cornier things for Song Eunseok.
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mvltisstuff · 1 year
hi hi
idk if you’re accepting requests but if you are pls could i request an evan buckley where he has a gf/wife and a baby but the 118 doesn’t know, and maybe one day reader/kid is injured and they either turn up at the fire house or the 118 is called to the scene and buck has to come clean about his secret wife/gf and kid?
thank you bestie, i love your writing <3
lover - e.b
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summary: request
evan buckley x reader
gif from @eddiemunsens
a/n: what tswift album do u guys think the 118 are 🤭 also what happens to yn is inspired by an episode of s19 that i love sm it’s so funny :))
buck knew the second y/n got pregnant that he wasn’t leaving. two years of dating is a short time to have a child, but they loved each other more than anyone. they knew they could give a child a good life, so they went with it.
all three of them moved to la, so buck could work with the LAFD and y/n could get to a higher position at work. their life there was immaculate. their little family was thriving, so buck put a ring on her finger. he didn’t even hesitate to buy the biggest one he saw, because he loved y/n the second he met her, and he emotionally couldn’t wait anymore. the words husband and wife rang in his ears, making him drop a dumbfounded grin.
no one at work knew, he didn’t really know what they thought of him. his team knew he was too fine to not have anyone, so they figured he was just with some girls here and there. the last thing they expected was a child and a fiancé along with it. it never came up in conversation, but buck still didn’t bother. he didn’t want to face any judgement from people that he didn’t already get from his family. the constant scrutiny about his age and his girl was exhausting.
now, neither of them would’ve changed it for the world. buck can’t imagine himself happier or in a life without them. it hurts him to even consider what would happen if y/n and his little boy weren’t there. he always gazed at them playing, sometimes just wanting to observe their brilliance.
buck knew he would have to explain to his team that he’s married, and that doesn’t mean he’s ashamed. he wants the world to know, but he doesn’t want y/n to be hurt by opinions from other people. he didn’t realize how soon he would have to until the alarm rang and until dispatch came through with the address. it was their house. the house where buck and y/n raised their son and the one where either could be hurt. every single scenario waved over buck, making him panic more by the second.
“you good, kid?” bobby asks, taking note of his bouncing knee.
“uh.. yeah! yeah, i’m fine,” he lies. buck hasn’t been with them for more than a year, so they just pass it along, not knowing any better. buck climbs out of the truck, grabbing a few tools before sprinting toward the house. now, the teams more alarmed. what is it about this house is making him act like a maniac?
“y/n?” buck calls out, running around trying to find her.
“kitchen!” she yells out, sounded distressed which only makes buck move even quicker. when he walks in, he immediately notices her leaning over the sink, her hand in the disposal. bobby and the rest of his crew walk in behind him, the four of them standing in the kitchen staring at her. “well?”
“oh-“ bobby moves, starting to gather some more tools out of his bag.
“what the hell happened?”
“i dropped my ring down, and i was trying to make him lunch,” she nods to the baby, sitting on the floor happily, clearly having no idea what’s happening. “i don’t even know why i tried to grab it, like some idiot!”
“hey,” buck says, walking over to her and placing a hand on her shoulder. “you’ll be fine, y/s/n is fine, yeah?” she looks up at him and nods, brushing her hair with her free hand.
“should we know the kids name too?” chim asks, giving buck a completely bamboozled expression. y/n passes buck the same face as hen walks over to check her hand. buck can’t get around it this time, and he wants them to know for once.
“um, guys,” he starts. “this is my fiancé, y/n and my son.”
“your what?” hen shouts, peeking her head out from behind y/n’s shoulder. she gives hen an awkward smile and buck stands there stiffly, worried about their reaction. everyone looks around at each other in shock that buck has his own family, and they didn’t even know.
“why didn’t you tell us?” bobby wonders.
“because i didn’t know how you’d react! i’ve heard it all from my parents, i didn’t need any more.”
“buck, we would’ve welcomed you no matter what your home life is. we’d love to get to know you and your family despite how it might’ve happened,” hen tells him, kindly. buck is confronted with immediate love, something he’s not to familiar with other than when his shifts end and he’s in y/n’s arms again. he’s surprised to say the least. he expected at lease some judgement, but there was nothing of the sort in the room.
“i’m thrilled you’re all having a nice moment here,” y/n interrupts. “but can we maybe get my hand out of my sink?”
buck and bobby pull the cabinets open and start drilling at the pipes underneath. buck secures the ring in his fingers before beaming up at y/n, showing her that he found it. “i got it!” he replies excitedly. “thank god, i don’t know if i have insurance for this thing. cost me my left leg,” he whispers to bobby. once they fully disconnect the system, hen slowly drags her bloody hand out and wraps it up. she hisses at the contact of the gauze and antiseptics. chimney starts to clean up the rest of the supplies, as hen treats the wound.
“so,” chimney begins. “when’s the wedding?”
“time and place, chim,” hen tells him. “time and place. but, yeah, are we invited?”
“yes,” buck says, obviously. “you’re invited.” he moves over to scoop his baby off the ground, carrying him over to his friends. they all speak to him in their little baby voices, and y/n watches with a shining smile on her face. buck knows he did the right thing, but he wishes he didn’t wait as long. now, he is certain that he has two solid families.
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bubbleddisasters · 4 months
(Can’t believe I’m writing my first ever x reader (kind of) this but the Self Aware Au is so interesting to me)
Code Escaping: Heartstabyl Edition.
(All Students (can be viewed as platonic or romantic, Orthos is strictly platonic though)
Gender Neutral Reader!
After several attempts, and failures, they finally succeeded.
They got through
To your world.
What next? Try and Find you, Rush to your side first thing and try to casually explain that a video game character broke out of their code to see them?
Maybe set things up first? Comfy living, then an easy way to find you? Or go off clues from things you used to say or areas he saw behind you? Or did he get lucky and he’s two feet away?
Man, He should have checked the code for your location…..No time to lose!
𝑹𝒊𝒅𝒅𝒍𝒆 🌹
Truth be told, he got quite lucky.
A library is where he arrived, one he recognized as your hiding spot to study, or simply relax.
So, he found every tome he thought relevant on what he needed to know of the basics of your world, aswell as the one he last witnessed you study, and sat himself in the seat next to where you usually did, awaiting your arrival.
Was it timely? Perhaps, Perhaps not.
You’d been slightly (Very) annoyed that for some reason, none of your Riddle cards would show his appearance. The Chibi was no where to be seen, and your homescreen vacant of him.
So as you made your way to your spot, you nearly shrieked because either thats a damn good cosplay or Riddle Rosehearts was very casually reading the history textbook your teacher assigned while sitting four feet away from your usual spot.
Steel blue eyes scoped to check the noise, and sat up instantly.
“Just as I expected, you’d arrive here sooner or later. You certainly took your time, however.”
Before you could process the fact he sounded suspiciously like Ciel Phantomhive, he quite literally summoned a tea set. Out of thin air.
And was just staring. Most definitely waiting for you to sit down casually like he didn’t summon an entire china set with piping hot tea in a magicless world.
This was the real deal. Mommy Issues Supreme was now officially your problem. Good Luck.
He remembered the name of the bakery down the street you visited.
As a joke, when you’d finished book one, you’d ordered a Strawberry Tart. He couldn’t exactly remember if you actually ate it, or gave it away, but it was funny, regardless.
Using Paint the Roses, he altered a napkin into a very nice resume, and he got a job there.
When Trey up and vanished from your homescreen, you’d gone to get a pastry to cheer yourself up. Not the best coping skill, but hey, it works.
It was pretty late, and it seemed they were closing up, so you planned to just be in and out, not wanting to make their job any harder.
The little bell rung as you entered, and the little alarms in your head went off when you arrived at the counter, and a-wait, why would someone cosplay at their job? Trey and working at a Bakery fit together, but…wait a second. Thats not a wig, and thats not contacts either.
If Ingame Trey was missing, and this guy looked exactly like him…..Nope, Not Possible.
Trying to play it casual , you ordered the usual and once you had it, sat down as you normally would.
But when you took a bite of your treat, it tasted like….Strawberry. Then Chestnut. What the hell.
You unintentionally had an odd staring contest with the current cashier, who then held out a scarily familiar pen, chuckling a bit as he placed it on the counter.
After making his way around the counter, he sat down on the other side of the table, doing his best to not freak you out too much.
“Yea, I know this might be a bit confusing, and It’s probably not easy to process all this, so take your time, and I’ll answer any questions you have.”
Great, because you had several.
Social Media Stalking but not Stalking was his forte.
The first thing he did was make pretty much every account he could on medias he knew you had. Like Tumblr.
He decided it would be way too freaky to just pop up out of nowhere, so as he was thinking and exploring, he took a few selfies and photoshoots here are there.
And WOW. They blew up. At first he thought it was the general math of Attractive Guy + Good Photos of him = Alot of Views. He had sorta kinda forgot other people knew about Twist until he noticed the flood of “Cater IRL” and “THE Cater Cosplay” comments. Which gave him an idea.
After the annoyance of all your Caters being lost in the code sauce, you messed around online until you accidentally pulled up a page with the greatest Cater Cosplay you had ever witnessed.
You had to do a double take when the follow button said “Follow Back”. You complied with the buttons wishes and followed them back.
After a while, you somehow ended up dming back and forth with him, and his strangely Cater coded texts. You also discovered that it apparently wasn’t a cosplay, and just his natural appearance was scarily similar to Caters..and his name was Cater, which was accidentally revealed by a Starbucks barista calling out after finishing making his drink while you were calling.
Part of you suspected that this could be the real Cater, with all the math adding up, and the other half of you called you a fucking idiot for that.
Little did you know the first one was exactly what Cater was hoping for.
With that, he managed to do some kinda social media stalking ( but not like, Rook Levels, DW) and found your general area based on area matching (TY Google Maps!) and nearly jumped for joy when he realized it was where he was too.
He subtly managed to sneak that in conversation, and set up a meetup between you two, a brunch and phone shopping. Weird Pick on the last one, but you decided not to judge.
The first thing he said when you arrived confused you, alot.
With a bright smile, he waved you over.
“Hey! Long Time no see!”
Ignoring the aggressive red flag in that statement with a simple “Maybe he meant since we called” as if you didn’t call him last night to plan this out, either way, you scooted in.
You two got so distracted chatting, at one point making up a game of fake gossiping the craziest things to see if anyone reacted, and for your own entertainment.
Because of that, your drink went warm, and as soon as you mentioned it, you got your answer to the “Where did my Caters go.” question.
Why? Because, as if this had happened before, he simply refroze it. Magically.
As you stared in pure awe and confusion, he grimaced upon the realization his cover was pretty much blown.
“Whoops…Lets just pretend that didn’t happen, and I’ll explain later, ‘Kay?”
You just had to pray nobody witnessed that, as Area 51 did definitely did not sound like Cay-Cays ideal Vacay.
He thought it would be fucking HILARIOUS to prank you, as, unfortunately for you, he ended up in your house, only to find out you were asleep, which gave him the opportunity to PUA (Prank Upon Arrival)
For the next several hours of your waking life, Ace of Hearts playing cards of varying sizes would be infesting your house, or when you’d put something down and look away, there was either a card on it or it had been replaced by a card.
You were also robbed of leftovers you’d been saving, and a few snacks by this card demon.
After you left the house vacant (you fool), the Knave struck again, this time sneaking out and guessing your next move, heading off to a cafe because you needed caffeine after the card madness, until you had already ordered, and you had turned on Twist while waiting for your drink.
Quietly, he slid into the chair infront of you as you grumbled.
“He’s not on the homescreen either—Where the hell are all my Ace cards?”
Hehe, Infront of you. This is the best setup ever.
Leaning back on the chair, he couldn’t contain a grin as he faked obliviousness.
“I dunno. Maybe try looking around a lil’ more?”
Not paying much attention to who was talking to you in your moment of despair , you sighed, swiping back to the home screen.
“They’re not those kinds of cards.”
“Aren’t like, five of them card themed?”
“Four right now, since Ace has seemingly gone and fucked off to another dimension:”
“Yeaaa, about that. It was not as easy to do as you’re making it sound. Just saying.”
You looked up for a split second, then did a double take and nearly skyrocketed out of your chair, making indecipherable confusion noises while he laughed his ass off, totally soaking in the success of his perfect surprise you had unintentionally enabled.
While you stood frozen in shock, he simply grabbed your things, put them in your hand, S̶t̶o̶l̶e̶ grabbed your coffee, and whisked you out the door.
I pray for you, good luck dealing with him.
Woke up in either your garage or kitchen, and was confused. Rightfully so.
Since he couldn’t really find you around, but at least recognized this as your house, he just waddled around more or less, fixing random things here and cleaning up there while trying to find clues to where you might be, or if he should just wait here.
He finally found a grocery list, which you had forgotten, and spent the next 10 minutes trying to find the nearest grocery store while unintentionally locking himself out of the house in the process, so made the genius decision to hope you were still at the grocery store and dashed over.
You’re doing great, dude.
Anywho, he got lucky, because in the middle of carrying off your shopping bags, your notification that your AP was full went off, and as you went to use it, you noticed a severe lack of Deuce on your homescreen.
This lead to sitting on a bench and getting distracted trying to figure out why the hell this glitch had only affected your Deuce cards, so you weren’t paying much attention when you heard a voice somewhat far off but close.
“Oh hey! There you are!”
Assuming it was for someone else, you continued trying to fix the “glitch”, then paused when you heard the voice from before right infront of you.
“Do you need help with carrying those bags?”
The words “I’m good, thanks.” died on your tongue when you looked up, only to be face to face with the guy you’d been suffering trying to figure out where he went for 20 minutes. Ingame. In a VIDEO GAME.
Internally, you practically short-circuited, after you panicked, he started panicking, and you both ended up in a weird confusion panic that had the energy of the spidermans pointing at eachother meme.
Great job! You have now acquired a German Shepard Golden Retriever mix in human form.
Bonus :
Unlike most of them, he had absolutely zero trouble hopping into your world.
However, instead of revealing himself right away, he decided to be the ghost of good deeds and mischief. And a random black cat you’d suspiciously find on your window sill demanding pets or cuddles.
Luckily transforming, flying, invisibility, and the rest of his magic ability seemed to work just fine.
Sometimes, you’d randomly find things placed in unusual places, spoons on the ceiling, for example, the paintings or pictures sometimes randomly taking on very funny faces, teacups and plates floating around at 2am, leaving you to assume it was a sleepy hallucination.
Other times you’d be aggravatingly trying to fix something, look away for one moment, and not only was it fixed, it looked almost brand new. Or you’d open the fridge or pantry, and notice the lack of food, then open it again, and i’d be filled to the brim.
You never noticed anything too strange on Twist itself however until you got bored one day, and decided to replay Heartstabyls chapters, only to realize Che’nya was…completely missing.
Out of sheer curiosity, you checked his Pomfieore Chapter appearance. Nothing. Gone.
Trying to see if it was just the WIFI connection, you moved rooms, only to see a blink of purple in the corner of your eye.
Lounging in the air by the window, tail swaying lazily, he peeked over, then grinned his signature grin.
“Nya-ice to meet you~”
Yay! Thats all!!
Holy shit I can’t believe I wrote this, feel free to take me out (Date or Assassination I really don’t care)
Alright! I might do more but they might not be in dorm order, see ya!
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willyoubemycherryy · 4 months
Order➬𝒇𝒓𝒖𝒊𝒕𝒚 𝒍𝒊𝒕𝒕𝒍𝒆 𝒕𝒂𝒓𝒕 ❥❥ 𖤐๋࣭ ໒꒱ 𐙚˙⋆.˚. . @pm0544 “𝐼 𝑐𝑜𝑢𝑙𝑑 ℎ𝑒𝑙𝑝, 𝑦𝑘𝑛𝑜𝑤…”
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𝑰𝒏𝒈𝒓𝒆𝒅𝒊𝒆𝒏𝒕𝒔: 𝒐𝒉 𝒅𝒆𝒂𝒓 𝑰 𝒎𝒊𝒈𝒉𝒕 𝒉𝒂𝒗𝒆 𝒍𝒐𝒔𝒕 𝒎𝒚 𝒎𝒊𝒏𝒅 𝒐𝒏 𝒕𝒉𝒊𝒔 𝒐𝒏𝒆 𝒂 𝒍𝒊𝒕𝒕𝒍𝒆, 𝒉𝒆𝒓𝒆 𝒘𝒆 𝒈𝒐, 𝑩𝒖𝒄𝒌𝒚 𝒙 𝒗𝒊𝒓𝒈𝒊𝒏 𝒏𝒖𝒓𝒔𝒆 𝒈𝒊𝒓𝒍𝒊𝒆, 𝒄𝒉𝒆𝒓𝒓𝒚 𝒑𝒐𝒑𝒑𝒊𝒏𝒈, 𝒇𝒊𝒓𝒔𝒕 𝒕𝒊𝒎𝒆, 𝒆𝒔𝒕𝒂𝒃𝒍𝒊𝒔𝒉𝒆𝒅 𝒓𝒆𝒍𝒂𝒕𝒊𝒐𝒏𝒔𝒉𝒊𝒑, 𝒌𝒊𝒔𝒔𝒊𝒏𝒈, 𝒇*𝒓𝒆𝒑𝒍𝒂𝒚, 𝒎𝒖𝒏𝒄𝒉𝒊𝒏𝒈 𝒚𝒐𝒖𝒓 𝒉𝒐𝒖𝒔𝒆 𝒅𝒐𝒘𝒏, 𝒔𝒘𝒆𝒆𝒕 𝒍𝒊𝒕𝒕𝒍𝒆 𝒕𝒓𝒊𝒑 𝒕𝒐 𝒑𝒐𝒖𝒏𝒅𝒕𝒐𝒘𝒏, 𝒌𝒊𝒔𝒔𝒊𝒏𝒈, 𝒅𝒊𝒓𝒕𝒚 𝒕𝒂𝒍𝒌, 𝒎𝒖𝒍𝒕𝒊𝒑𝒍𝒆 ✪𝒓𝒈𝒂𝒔𝒎𝒔, 𝒖𝒏𝒑𝒓𝒐𝒕𝒆𝒄𝒕𝒆𝒅 𝒅𝒐-𝒔𝒊-𝒅𝒐𝒊𝒏𝒈, 𝒂𝒏𝒅 𝒎𝒖𝒄𝒉 𝑴𝑼𝑪𝑯 𝒎𝒐𝒓𝒆😭𝒆𝒏𝒋𝒐𝒚 𝒚𝒐𝒖𝒓 𝒕𝒂��𝒕𝒆 ♡︎!
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✩last warning, you really might need to take 15 after reading this😭⚠︎︎
It’s cliché to say that it all started with a kiss but here you are.
Weeks of flirting and spontaneous dates with the official also played a role in leading up to right now. You remember the first time he walked into the infirmary, he was there to check on one of his boys that was admitted earlier and locked eyes with your wide ones. He was an absolute unit, undeniably gorgeous. Roguish and strong, you had no idea eyes could be that shade of blue and you didn’t know you were staring that obviously until he winked at you, making your cheeks flush with heat.
You heard of him but you never saw him so this? It was automatic electricity and conflicting feelings. Your already pounding heart quite literally jumped in your throat as he made his way over to you.
Jesus Christ on a bike, he was tall.
“One kiss from you and every injury I’ve ever had would be all better”, he’s smooth with it, enjoying the way you fidget.
You were pretty, real pretty and he’d try his best to at least get you to let him take you out sometime. He gives you his name and holds out his hand. You’re timid when you tell him your name, placing your hand in his bigger one, his palms rough and warm.
You let out a soft startled gasp when he raises your hand to his lips, looking you in your eyes as he bends and kisses the back of your hand. Strange warmth fills you as you stare back and John knows in that moment he needed to have you.
“Certainly a pleasure meeting you. Hey, later if you’d like, how’s about we go out about the town? Grab a few drinks, get to know each other?” He asks, licking his lips and your eyes follow the motion, acutely aware that he’s still holding your hand before looking back up to his gleaming eyes. Determined not to let your shyness ruin it, you decide to be bold in a way that’ll change your life.
“How’s about an hour from now? I’ll even buy the first round?” John barks out a laugh. Maybe he underestimated you. Nodding along, he smiles.
“An hour from now it is. See ya then, toots” and then he’s gone and you are smitten.
That date as well as the other ones, go wonderfully and he’s not only gorgeous, he’s also funny, witty, charming, strong, and a natural leader. You learn so much about each other and it’s great but you’ve never gotten further than heated kisses.
John didn’t mind since he was simply following your lead, but he couldn’t help but wonder if you were…comfortable, with him.
So one night after seeing a jazz band, you found yourselves back at his room. You were in a fabulous mood, draped across Bucky’s lap as you rambled about how fun it was and what you guys should get up to next when he kisses you, effectively silencing you.
You cup his face, kissing him back as you tilt your head to deepen the kiss. His tongue slides in your mouth and you moan, the sound makes Bucky’s head spin as he moves you so your legs are on either side of him and grinds up against your center.
His hands feel so good all over your body, that same strange warmth surrounds you making you shiver as you pull away with a gasp, resting your forehead against his.
It usually ended like this, you stopped before things went further so John has to know.
“What’s wrong, bunny? S’ it something I’m doing wrong?” He asks you, softly. Nudging his nose against yours and embarrassment fills you. It’s not like you didn’t want him, you’ve just never…. So you don’t exactly know how to go further and the last thing you want is for him to think he’s the problem.
“N-no. I haven’t…or yet-“ you let out a frustrated sigh and try to best convey what you’re trying to say, “nobody’s-er..I mean, I’ve never gotten this far…” your voice trails off and John freezes as it dawns on him. Suddenly your shyness makes a whole new kind of sense and now he’s harder than a full day of 9 hour drills on 45 minutes of sleep when he asks,
“You’re a virgin?”
You duck your face into his chest, shifting in embarrassment. John groans when you move on his erection and you’re struggling with the feelings the sound arises in you.
“Yes..but it’s not for total lack of interest-! I just don’t know how to, you know, and there was never anyone I liked enough to let them-” Bucky cuts you off with a searing kiss, taking your breath away as his tongue ravages your mouth before he pulls away.
“Sorry, shit…,” he clears his throat and your reeling, “if you want to, we can. But if you don’t, that’s fine.” Bucky’s turned on something fierce but he wants you to be comfortable more than anything, so he’s giving you an out.
But you want him, no out needed.
You’re shy when you look up at him through your lashes, making John’s blood hot.
“..and if I want to? And what if I want you to show me?” He sucks in a sharp breath, you were more tempting than you knew, leaning down to whisper against your lips.
“Then I could help…”
This time, you’re the one to kiss him first. The slow, tentative, almost sweet movements of your mouth drive him wild. Bucky sets a hand on your waist and squeezes making a shudder wrack through your body. He kisses you back a little harder and eventually your falling into a easy rhythm, your hips unconsciously rolling into his, moaning in unison at how good he feels bumping into your pussy. You pull away slowly, looking into his eyes as your heart pounds.
“What now?” Bucky curses at how innocent you sound, needing him to show you. Suckling wet kisses down your throat, you gasp when he rasps a deep ‘lay down’ in your ear.
Pillows surround you as you look up at his broad body on yours, clenching your thighs together with nerves filling you. John raises to his feet to undress, getting completely naked and your dizzy as you take him in.
Crawling back on top of you, he’s back to kissing your neck, hot tongue laving over your cleavage. Your back arches and you whine at him. He tugs the hem of your dress and you nod eagerly. You’re naked in less than a minute with him licking down your body as you melt under him, breathless cries of pleasure spilling from your throat.
Bucky’s hands are everywhere, setting your body on fire before spreading your legs. Looking at your tight, dripping hole, and you look utterly delicious.
“You’re so perfect, bunny. So wet f’me…anyone ever kiss you here?” You’re shaking due to how anxious you are but you’ve never wanted anything more.
“No…no one’s t-touched me there”, Bucky groans and can’t hold back anymore, mind gone as he swallows you whole.
He doesn’t give you time to adjust to the sensations before he’s licking you up and thrusting his tongue inside your sopping cunt, mouth moving in tandem with his sucks. Pleasure ricochets through you sharp enough to leave you gasping for air.
“Oh god!” You cry out for him, fingers twisting in the sheets. “Buckyy-! Please!”
You don’t even know what you’re begging for but Bucky seems to and he can’t ignore your request, not when you’re breathing it so sweetly below him, voice wavering, syllables drawn out as though you can’t quite stop herself. He continues slipping his tongue in and out of you, jaw widening as he curls it up inside you. You’re beyond wet and the taste of you is sharp in his mouth, filling his senses and his cock with its headiness. He feels your thighs shaking on either side of his head, the muscles twitching as you raise your hips and meet his thrusts halfway, and he knows you won’t last long.
When he draws his tongue out, you sigh, the sound high and almost keening, but it turns silent as he slides his mouth over your clit and sucks gently. It drives him half-mad to know he’s giving you so much pleasure and it’s his own selfishness that compels him to slip two fingers inside of you, battering his thick fingers right against somewhere you never even felt before and watch you fall apart.
“What-! Oooh-oh my GOD! Bucky!” You moan his name, drawing it out as you jerk and push against his mouth and hand, coming with a squeeze of the muscles around his fingers until you drop your hips back to the bed, body slumped in pure exhaustion.
He pulls away, dropping a kiss to the knee over his shoulder before slotting himself between your thighs. Sliding himself in your juices.
“How do you feel, angel?” He coos and you’re in heaven. You feel so good you worry you’ll float away before you can go all the way.
“So good…you feel so good”, your honeyed voice praises him before motioning him down for another heated kiss, tasting yourself on his tongue as the muscle fills your mouth until he’s pulling away.
“Good. Now, I go inside of you. It’ll probably hurt a bit at first but after, it’ll feel so good,” he pauses at the worried look that crosses your face when he says hurt but he’s quick to soothe you, “but if you want me stop at any time, just say the words. Okay, sweetness?”
Taking a deep breath, you nod and Bucky holds your hand as he slides in.
It burns.
The pressure alone makes you lose your breath while you grip his hand, scrunching your eyebrows through the seemingly never ending stretch.
Bucky leans down to suckle at your sweet spot behind your ear, bottoming out as you gasped and shivered beneath him. Rolling his hips softly into yours to slowly get you used to the intrusion, he closes his eyes to try and calm himself. You were so soft and warm and so goddamn wet, choking his cock with your walls.
You shift your hips up to get comfortable, making Bucky hit your clit with each rock and you choke. The simmering heat suddenly boiling, while you squeal, getting his attention.
“Move, please”, and he’s unsure.
“Yes! More-!”
You’re cut off as he suddenly pulls out before slamming back in, the fat head of his cock kissing your g-spot with each thrust, you’re leaking like a faucet. You really didn’t need to tell him twice. He’s been wanting to fold you in half the minute he laid eyes on you in the med center.
Gripping your hips in both hands he draws out his cock, greasy and dripping in a mix of your juices, until only the head is spreading your deliciously raw hole open. Then he slams in, hard, sending the most gorgeous shriek rolling from his pretty nurse’s tongue. Your body shakes with dry, heaving sobs, insides fluttering and clenching impossibly tight.
“John, so-s m’ ah! Biiiig!” Your slurred voice drawls listlessly. The pleasure has your mind fading. As soon as Bucky laid hands on you, your brain had switched off, leaving you registering only the most carnal of sensations. Your fingers grapple weakly at the bed, floating away entirely.
You’ll never be the same after this. You don’t want to be. Is this what you were missing?
John groans over your, powerful hips starting up an unforgiving pace. With each thrust you grow limper, melting like warm cream beneath his hands.
“John,” you whine, thrusting his hips back against the bruising thrusts. “So good, please, deeper –,”
“Yeah? Whatever you want, y’ so good f’me baby,” Bucky growls. He grips your hips and bends himself over the your pliant form, using his weight to drive the full force of his thrusts deep into your spasming pussy, licking a rough, wet stripe from your erect nipples to your neck. At the shift of angle you let out a weak scream, shoulders shuddering. “You were made for me.” All his. “Say it baby…”
“I was made for you!” You cry, voice hoarse. “I think-! S-somethings! I’m-unghh –,”
“Fuck-! Just like that baby, wet my dick up..”
And just like that you’re cumming. Clenching so tight he can’t breathe.
John’s mouth hangs open as he gasps for air, drawing deep, ragged pants as he fucks hard and fast into you, sweat coursing over his skin. He’s coming then, melting along with you.
His muscles pull tight while he fills you up as he feels you cum again below him; for all the life he just railed out of you, he half expects you to begin foaming at the mouth, but all that spills from your pretty lips is drool. Your cute face contorted in pleasure, hair glowing and dishevelled, body shining and slick with sweat and cum as you twitch beneath him, hips humping wildly on his cock, spraying that sweet liquid, drenching you both to the point where you’re dripping all over the bed.
A sound leaves you – soft and breathy – as he slips out of your dripping hole, pulling you on top of him, waiting for you to catch your breath.
It’s a while until your soul finds its way back to your body, but when it does, you’re beaming at him drowsily from ear to ear. John huffs out a chuckle, leaning up to kiss you between your eyes. Asking the same question as earlier.
“How do you feel? Anything hurtin’?”
You shake your head and snuggle back into his chest, relaxed like never before.
“Mmmhm, I’m good. Great, even..sleepy too.” He hums, he could’ve figured that.
“Then sleep, sweet girl. I’ll be here when you wake up.”
♡︎ɪꜰ ʏᴏᴜ ʟɪᴋᴇ ᴍᴇ, ᴜ ᴄᴀɴ ɢɪᴠᴇ ᴍᴇ ᴀ ᴅᴏʟʟᴀʀ😌
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mintsturniolo · 3 months
it's just a prank (c.s)
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bf!chris sturniolo x f!reader
a/n: i'm actively working on my requests
summary: maya decides to prank her boyfriend chris
Maya sat in her car checking her makeup in the mirror before picking up her camera. She’d decided to prank Chris that she’d gotten jumped while she was out. “Looks realistic,” she muttered to herself as she set up her camera. “Hey guys. What’s up. It’s Maya. Today I’m going to be pranking my boyfriend Chris. I got a lot of comments on my last video asking me to do this one. I’m kind of nervous about how Chris is going to react. Chris is currently in his room gaming downstairs so I’m going to go inside and turn that camera on real quick. Matt and Nick went out so it’s just the two of us.”
Maya made her way inside and set up the hidden camera. After one last look at her makeup, she went to the entryway and slammed the door. “CHRIS!” she screamed running to where the camera was set up and collapsing to the ground. “CHRIS HELP!”
Chris put his headset around his neck when he thought he heard his name. “CHRIS WHERE ARE YOU?” his girlfriend’s voice sounded from upstairs.
She sounded hurt. Chris jumped up from his desk, hurrying up the stairs. He gasped when he saw Maya laying on the ground almost in the fetal position covering her face. “Maya, what happened?” he asked kneeling beside her.
“I don’t know,” Maya sobbed. “I went out to get us groceries like I said I was going to and this group of guys jumped me. They took my bag and my phone and stuff. My face hurts Chris.”
Chris gently lifted Maya into a sitting position and wrapped an arm around her. “Let me see your face, baby,” he said gently.
Angry as he was, he was first going to check to see if his girl was okay. “No, I don’t want you to see me like this,” Maya sobbed into Chris’s chest.
Chris gently put a hand under Maya’s chin and made her look at him. “Oh princess,” he said sadly when he saw the bruises on her face. “Where was this?” he asked, starting to get agitated. “Do you know what they looked like?”
“No,” Maya choked out between sobs. “I don’t want you to get hurt too.”
“They’ll be the ones getting hurt. Are you kidding? Look what they did to you. They aren’t getting away with that,” Chris said, his tone becoming more aggressive.
Chris was about to say something else when Maya cried out in pain, gripping her left side. “What?” he asked worriedly.
“Chris it hurts,” Maya groaned.
As much as Chris wanted to go out and find out who did this, he knew he needed to focus on Maya. “Come here,” he said, as he gently lifted Maya to her feet.
Chris frowned when Maya started laughing. “What?” he stuttered, confused about why Maya would be laughing, when she was in so much pain. “What’s so funny Maya? I’m worried about you?”
“I’m okay,” Maya said as she wrapped her arms around his neck.
“No you’re not,” Chris said. “Look at you.”
Maya kissed Chris’s cheek, still smiling. “I’m fine, baby. It was a prank.”
“You’re lying,” Chris said plainly. “We need to go to a hospital.”
Maya went over to the hidden camera and pointed. “Say hi to YouTube,” she said excitedly. “They requested this prank.”
Chris didn’t know how to react as he looked Maya in her eyes. “So you’re okay?”
Maya nodded and dampened a paper towel. She wiped the makeup off her face, earning a relieved sigh from Chris. “See. I’m okay my love.”
Chris pulled her into an unexpected hug and she smiled at the camera. “You don’t want to know what I was about to do to whoever hurt you,” he said. “Don’t do that again.”
“I love you,” Maya said with a smile.
“I hate you,” Chris muttered, but didn’t leave the hug.
@adirtylittleheart @sturniolo04 @yourenogoodforme
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sorreysorren · 4 months
shoulder angels don't exist
the cause of your misery at ungodly hours.
you hate (love) him for it.
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“ –what the hell! you said this was a date!”
you hadn’t been paying attention to the scene in front of you until you heard the sound of a slap. you’d been standing behind isagi when you chose to look up. 
“don’t touch me, you cheater!”
“aiku?” isagi and his friends questioned out loud.
“huh? oh, hey guys.” this ‘aiku’ spoke casually, while rubbing his cheek.
you remember giving the hardest side-eye. it was instinct, really.
that was the first you ever heard and knew of oliver aiku.
due to that, of course, your first impression of him was sour. so sour you think of a green apple. you even visualize a green apple considering his hair dye choice– that stupid yellowish-green shade he was so passionate about. 
you tried to push the thoughts of aiku away as you tied the laces on your boots. you deemed it pointless as the thoughts would soon resurge since you were getting ready to pick him up, after all. it was a disturbance of your precious time. 
he calls, you answer. he asks you for a favor, but can you refuse?
but it’s hard to do so when it’s oliver. not because hearing him plead tugged on your heartstrings, but because he’s your friend. you knew what you were getting yourself into by including aiku in your life. those other girls didn't. which is why you knew not to date him. 
you grabbed your keys and shut the door, texting aiku that you were on your way.
it was a 20-minute drive to the house party and the music could be heard down the neighboring street. you scrolled mindlessly through your phone. you checked your social media, but there was nothing new. you checked the weather app– summer always had the worst weather. 
sighing in frustration, you waited in your car another 5 minutes hoping he’d finally see the <come outside> text you’d sent. you didn’t think you’d actually have to go inside.
inside the house, it was loud, not hot– but warm, and humid. the smell of alcohol, weed, and sweat mixed in the air. it was disgusting. you’ll never understand how he enjoys going to these things. 
you tried avoiding any sort of contact with anyone but ended up having to push past people anyway. some random chick had even spilled some of her drink on you. sure, she apologized hastily, but you ignored her and continued looking for aiku.
and there he was.
standing on a table, being the life of the party.
he didn't drink much.
but when he did, he drank like it was his last day on earth. 
you reluctantly walked up to the table, holding on to your keys as tightly as you could, as if they were the one thing grounding you.
“aiku.” you called.
he continued his conversation with the people in front of him. you assumed he didn’t hear you, so you began preparing yourself to call his name a little louder. 
as if on cue, you heard him yell out, “y/n!”
the people around him turned to look at you.
“aiku, get down.” you spoke through lightly clenched teeth. 
you thought this would be a quick and easy ‘let's go!’ and ‘ok!’, but you now knew it wouldn't be. it never had been before, so you don’t know why you’d been expecting any different this time. you needed to stop assuming.
at least he did get down. he walked up to you with a funny expression on his face. “have you been drinking?” he asked.
it was then that you noticed you reeked of alcohol. “no, there was–”
you were cut off by the music suddenly stopping and screams filling the room.
“some bitch called the cops!” a voice yelled.
you took a deep breath. “fuck,” you muttered, “aiku, we have to leave now . you can’t be caught here.” 
if he were to be caught at some stupid party like this, drinking underage, it could ruin his future. 
the both of you looked around the house. an officer stood at the front door calling for backup, as the back exit was crowded with people trying to leave. 
you pulled aiku’s arm, rushing upstairs. you stopped at the first window at the end of the hallway. you opened it. 
“okay. i know this is pretty high, but just…” you trailed off. you don’t know how to use words of encouragement.
“chill. i’m not afraid of heights” he leaned on the wall.
“stop acting so casual! hurry! and i know you aren’t, just don’t be an idiot and fall. you have to be extra careful considering your state.”
“yeah yeah” he climbed out of the window. 
it was slightly quiet. you turned around once you heard footsteps rushing up the stairs, along with the static of a walkie-talkie. 
i can’t believe i’m doing this, you thought as you took a deep breath and quickly turned back around to shut the window. i’m gonna kill him if he fucking falls.
when you turn around again, you’re met with the face of an officer. 
you were sure you heard a thud from outside. you visualized aiku rolling down the roof in continuous thumps, and then landing on the grass with a final, softer thud. 
you'd imagined going to jail before for many different reasons and you'd be lying if you said it never crossed your mind that you'd have to go to jail because of aiku.
if you could kill him, you would.
in the cop car, you thought of elaborate plans to murder him in the cruelest ways possible. again, not that you actually would. it's aiku.  
and, you know. you had to re-emphasize that in your head just in case this cop happened to be a mind reader and was hearing every thought you had.
you kept looking out of the window. at the moment, it was funny seeing the cop lights flash red and blue and seeing hordes of people in the street run from whatever they were doing, though you were also hoping none of them would get arrested since you didn’t want to spend the car ride seated next to a stranger.
you had to spend the night in a little cell and god, you had to pee but there was no way you were going to piss in a place with a free for all view. more than one is a crowd and this was not an orgy.
community service. court-ordered community service.
you got inside aiku’s car.
just a few days ago, he’d shown up at your door during an ungodly hour of the night, apologizing profoundly over a dozen times until you finally said you forgave him. (you’d already forgiven him the night of the incident, while you were in the jail cell.)
he was driving you to the facility where you were supposed to… do service to your community? you don’t even know what the place is. aiku, out of pure “generosity” (more like guilt), had decided to sign up along with you. 
the first floor was the dressmaking section. it was filled with dressmaker's dummies and naked mannequins. you cast a look at him, already knowing the vulgar jokes he’d make before he even began speaking.
“hey, i didn’t say anything”
“but you thought it.”
the both of you took the elevator to get to floor c, as instructed by the sticky note in your pocket. the smell of burnt food immediately met your nostrils as you stepped out of the elevator.
the entire room was built like a large kitchen, 
you turned to look at aiku, but he’d already been looking at you, equally as confused. 
“you must be the new people!” a man with a chef hat exclaimed once he noticed you and aiku.
you were stuck washing dishes, or as aiku liked to call it, “busboy duty.”
at least gloves were given to you.
you died inside a little at the thought of touching dirty dishwater.
the good news, though, is that as soon as you’re done with the dishes, you get to join aiku and the others out in the kitchen, cooking actual food.
the bad news? you weren’t sure if the good news was actually good news because you’re a terrible cook.
you were next to aiku, watching him knead the remaining dough. he told you to cut the pork while he focused on getting the dough right. 
he was surprisingly good at cooking.
you know, considering most of the time he’s eating spicy ramen. cup noodles, to be specific.
“if you take a picture, it’ll last longer” he teased.
you scoffed, but you didn’t say anything. you only continued to chop away.
the past 2 months passed by quicker than you realized and you finally completed your 100 hours of community service.
you were just about to sleep when as if on cue, you received a call. of course, you already knew who it was, and by the time you knew it, you were already out the front door.
sometimes it genuinely pisses you off. not just because you’re the one he calls– (and you’re always the one he calls) – but because when he drinks, you’re always the one who has to take care of the mess. and you’d also thought he learned his lesson after last time, but of course he hadn't.
he stumbled into your car, without a word.
you had the radio playing at a low volume, making up for the silence in the car.
“you know, throughout the entirety of these 2 months, i haven’t slept with anyone” he blurted. as if he just had to clarify that. 
“i know, oliver.”
the car was silent for a while until he spoke up again. 
“i’m hungry.”
“great, what do you want me to do about it? i’m dropping you off straight home”
“can we get food?” he asks, “please?”
fine. fine. you answer only in your head.
you stay silent, but he hums happily, knowing you gave in.
you stop at the first food truck you see. 
you walked while he followed behind and the both of you waited in line.
once it was your turn, you turned to oliver to ask him what he wanted. 
first, you had expected him to make some sort of move on the lady, but he didn’t– which if you had to admit, weirded you out.
second, usually, he would order, but right now, the only thing you wanted to do was get this over with and go home. 
third, you might as well order something for yourself. 
you turned back to the lady taking the order and said, “two pizza pretzels, and two dr.peppers.”
“alrighty, cash or card?” 
“card,” oliver answered for you while taking out his wallet.
the woman told both to wait by the side. 
“excuse me?” the concession lady called for your attention, “we only have one pizza pretzel left. i’m sorry about that, but is there anything else you’d be interested in getting? or would you like a refund?”
“a refund is fine.”
the lady handed you the drinks and the single pizza pretzel, “have a nice day, the two of you!”
“man, that sucks. here” he extended his hand, offering you the pretzel.
“no, you paid. you can have it”
“but i owe you”
“you don’t”
he did want the pizza pretzel a lot , but he also wanted you to have it. so he did the next best thing. he split the pizza pretzel in half, “okay then still, i want you to have it.”
you happily took the other half of the pretzel, “thanks.”
once inside the car, you changed the radio station. then again. and again.
“you could just connect your phone instead” 
“don’t feel like it.”
you finally stopped at some random classic rock station, having vaguely recognized the song.
you heard a tap, then another beside you, and another above you, and then multiple in all directions. you realize it started to rain. the rain quickly turned into a heavy downpour.
you were initially going to deny oliver’s request.
but your apartment was pretty far and the rain was supposed to worsen.
he suggested you stay at his place, just in the meantime. 
“just… just until the rain stops” you tell him. 
“it’s surprisingly clean in here” you observed out loud.
oliver crashed on the sofa as soon as he stepped inside. “yeah, had to” his voice was muffled by the pillows, “my family visited. birthday stuff. higher flight prices in the summer and stuff.”
“hm.” you took off your boots, shivering slightly, due to the cool air conditioning. 
“you can change if you want. you know where my stuff is.” he yawned.
“ you should change too. you’ll get sick or something.”
you changed first.  you took the first clothes you grabbed, and by the time you were back, he was sitting up on the sofa. he went to his room to change, but he didn’t return.
you knocked on his door, unsure of whether you should open the door without notice or not. 
when he didn’t reply, you slowly pushed the door open, and you found him sleeping soundly in his bed. he was snoring lightly, but you found it (endearing? amusing? you weren’t even sure of the right word yourself.) you quickly snapped a picture, then went back to the living room.
you checked the time on your phone: < 2 am>
it was still raining. not as heavy as before, but still.
you were unsure of whether to go home or not. you stood up and paced around the living room in a circle. you made a beeline to the pantry. it was stacked with spicy ramen cups which didn’t surprise you in the slightest. 
you put water in the cup and microwave it for 3 minutes. to be fair, thinking on an empty stomach wasn’t ideal. you sat on the counter, listening to the tv play in the background. 
you rushed to the microwave, quickly pressing the ‘stop’ button. you’d meant to stop it when there were still a few seconds left, but you ended up forgetting. 
at least oliver was a heavy sleeper.
you skipped through random channels on the tv, yawning, and eventually stopping at one playing some wild kratts episode about snakes.
you opened your eyes, suddenly sitting up after you remembered where you were. 
you didn’t remember falling asleep– you didn’t even remember being too tired (tired enough to fall asleep.) the tv was off, the cup of noodles was gone, and there was a blanket covering you. 
you took notice of the sticky note placed on the tv remote on the small table in front of you.
you grabbed it, squinting at the terrible handwriting. it read:
“thanks for helping (again). i meant it. i owe you (again). i’ll be at practice by the time you see this, so make sure you lock the door. "
you snickered as you noticed the handwriting getting smaller. he started running out of space because he wrote too big at first. you continued reading:
“p.s. i made you breakfast (even though i was running late) i added a shit ton of chocolate chips, you’re welcome. 
p.p.s. i love you, but don’t eat my ramen again.”
the pancakes were cold, but you ate them with a smile on your face.
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b4mpyre-k1zz3s · 9 months
Hey! Could I request a fic with Bam where the reader is a female skater?
Maggot’s Kiss
Being apart of Tony Hawk’s skate team sounded like a dream to Y/N- that is, until she met Bam, and an innocent thing turns into something darker.
Bam Margera X Fem!Reader
(Fluff, Angst)
2.6k Words
Warnings: Enemies to lovers, jealousy, crude language, very suggestive content, bullying, hate makeouts, nudity, fake dating, flirting, accidental vouyerisim, injury, blood
An: Thank you so much for your request and happy new year!! I decided to combine my love of darker fics and slow burn to create this for your reading pleasure ;) I just love writing banter like what Bam and Y/N have in this fic hehe XD This fic was also inspired by this amazing fic (one of my favorite Jackass fics on this website) by @asskickedbygirl, so please go check her out!! According to one of my beta readers this is one of the steamiest things I have ever written, and that was just based off of the first three paragraphs, so do with that what you will! Anyways, thank you for sending in requests and please keep sending more!! I love to read them and I enjoy writing them even more :)
You hated him. His edgy, crazy, rich boy schtick made you almost embarrassed to be touring with him and the rest of Tony’s team, knowing that no matter what, the spotlight was always on him. It was never Team Adio or Team Element- it was Bam and Company. Every time you saw pre-teens fighting tooth and nail over who got his autograph first or when chicks threw themselves at his feet for a chance to be graced by the presence of his less than average dick (you see a lot being on the same tour bus for two months), you gagged a little. You were seemingly the only person in America that didn’t fall for Bam Margera’s bullshit. Maybe hate was an understatement.
It was the evening before some exhibition you were supposed to do in the parking lot of a mall that you were pondering all of this, seething quietly in the tiny tour bus bunk bed you were trying to get some shut eye in. Trying being the key word, seeing as you weren't very successful at it. Sighing, you wriggled out of your middle row bunk, carefully stepping down and stretching, the claustrophobic sleeping conditions doing nothing for your already not great posture. There was a row of leather seats in the back of the bus you and the guys would usually sit around and play cards in or watch TV when you were on the road that you made your way back to, feeling around in the pitch darkness as a strange chill struck you. The only thing you could see was the glowing, orange tip of a cigarette as you sat down, knowing exactly who it was.
“Close the damn window. S’freezing.” Mumbling, you crossed your legs, tucking your feet into the backs of your knees to warm yourself up. He chuckled, taking another drawl on his cigarette, the embers glowing intensely for a moment before he exhaled, “Might wanna think ‘bout wearin’ a bra ‘round here.” You could practically feel Bam’s eyes on you through the darkness. “I had no idea y’were so fascinated by my tits, Margera.” His last name came out of your mouth like it pained you to say it, acrid on your tongue. Scoffing, you cooed with faux sweetness, sliding closer to him and whispering in his ear, “I-I mean, if you really wanted, y’could give ‘em a feel…” Two can play at that game. Bam found your jab funny, laughing bitterly as he playfully shoved you away, “Oh, no way in hell am I touchin’ you.”
So after a few minutes of small talk, you went back to bed, and so did he, but that exchange didn’t leave your mind. There wasn't an atom in your body that wanted to be felt up by Bam of all people, but you were still pissed that he wrote you off that fast. You saw the girls he took to the bathroom of the tour bus every night and they had nothing on you. Then there was the matter of why he was staring at your tits in the first place. Was he checking you out? Something hot bubbled in your stomach that you were sure was hate at the thought of that. God, it was too late to be thinking like this, you thought, pushing it from your mind and burrowing deeper into your sheets as you tried to get some sleep.
You felt like shit the next day, but the show must go on, three hours of sleep or not. Thankfully, the bus stopped at a Love’s truck stop on the way there- you would be surviving on a gas station coffee and a prayer. Everyone filtered out of the bus, buying snacks and toiletries or whatever they needed. That left you, lingering by the trucker showers with Mike Valley. You split a bag of Hostess Donettes while he waited for his turn, discussing some fight he got into at the bar last night. Smiling, you licked the powdered sugar off of your fingers and joked about it being the breakfast of champions. He laughed, but just as you looked back up from the now empty bag, your eye caught something.
Perfect fucking timing. The door to the men’s swung open at just the right moment for you to see Bam in all his naked glory, thankfully only from behind. It wasn’t rare for you to see him shirtless, especially when you were skating together in the heat of touring season, but you only just now realized how muscular his back was. His tan skin had contours like a bronze sculpture, shitty black fleur de lis tattoos winding down his sides as he toweled away the last glistening remnants of his shower. Before your eyes reached his ass you tore your gaze away, gagging in mock disgust, crumpling up the empty bag and throwing it in the trash.
There was this weird look in Bam’s eye as he handed off the shower key to Tim, taking his place next to you on the beige wall as he pulled his shirt over his head, “You got a little something there.” He gestured to the side of your face and you licked off the remaining powered sugar, cracking a smile as you mumbled, “Oh, fuck off.” Bam held his hands up in mock surrender as you could hear the shower turn on in the other room, the only noise in the otherwise silent hallway, “Hey, no need t’get all defensive! I mean,“ You could feel his long, half-wet hair dangle on your forehead as he leaned in closer, his voice teasing as he reached down to do up his belt, “especially with how you were pervin’ on me in the showers. I’d say you owe me an apology.”
You turned to him, glaring at his stupid grinning face under the fluorescent lights, “First of all, it was an accident. Second of all, I can barely stand the sight of your naked ass without hurling!” He just snickered at your joke that wasn’t even all that untrue as you rolled your eyes to keep them from lingering on the heartagram splayed out on his lower stomach, “And pull your damn pants up. Hope you bust your ass out there today.” Bam shrugged, walking down the skinny hallway, “Sure. Don’t break a nail out there, sweetheart.” That just left you, watching him leave.
The next time you saw pretty boy was under the signing tent, a respite from the blazing sun and asphalt. Your seat just had to be next to Bam, all sweaty and glistening from skating yet somehow not looking as gross as some of the other guys did. MTV star magic, you guessed. You were wondering why the hell you needed to do skate exhibitions in the ass crack of summer when some nerdy looking teen girl handed you a board to sign. Sure, you weren't Tony or Bam, who each had a line of their own nearly twice the size of the rest of the team’s, but you were generally pretty popular. The girl with the glasses was all smiles, leaning in close to you like she was going to ask you something secret, “Hey, I read somewhere that you and Bam, uh- that you had a thing together. Is that really true?”
Bam, who was sitting next to you and well within earshot, scoffed, leaning over with a sneer as you scrawled silver sharpie onto the board, “I’d rather tongue a maggot than Y/N.” You scoffed as you popped the cap back on the pen, “Yeah, the only maggot here’s that thing in your pants.” It was then, as you turned back to the fan who was awkwardly standing there, watching your little lover’s quarrel go down, that you got an idea. A malicious grin spread across your lips as you handed the signed board back to her, “But if you were wondering, I am dating Tim O’Connor. Thanks for being a fan!”
God, if you could see Bam’s face. As much as it pained you to not look over at him, you didn’t, knowing it would be impossible to keep a straight face seeing him all slack jawed. The best part of it was you weren’t dating him- well, not yet, but you didn’t even need to for what you had in mind. Hell, knowing Tim, he’d be game for fucking with Bam any day of the week, even if it mean having to hug and kiss and pretend flirt from time to time. This was the ultimate way to get back at Bam for fucking with you for so long, you thought- your ace in the hole.
You told Tim your plan and he was more than eager to get in on it. You would come up with ideas on the fly whenever you knew Bam was watching, whether it was having you wear one of his shirts on the bus or you giggling when he messed up your hair while you stopped for food on the road, or even the night you shared a bunk- one of your favorites, especially with how pissy Bam looked as he angrily slid the curtain closed on his bed when he saw the two of you. Basically anything you would see in a cheesy romance movie, you did.
But if you thought Bam was a childish asshole before, you had no idea how much worse he could get. No matter where you were, he always seemed to have his eyes on you, glaring under heavy lids across the room. Even though he was still performing well, off the ramps he was this little ball of rage, quietly observing with raised hackles. Gone were the pranks with the team and the playful banter between the two of you. Bam was a tyrant before and even more so now, only a little quieter. He avoided you like the plague, so the only form of communication between the two of you was the sporadic spitting of insults at one another just short of an argument- he’d say something about your appearance, you’d jab at some trick he messed up, and then he’d tell you to fuck off.
His behavior became so uncharacteristic that, at one point, Tony, who was often the only voice of reason, tried to take him to an urgent care because he was obviously sick. Yeah, maybe that’d be a good idea, you thought, a medical professional would probably know how to get that stick out of his ass. No, not in the slightest did you care that you hurt Bammy Boy’s precious little feelings. He was a jerk to everybody, you thought, so he deserved it. It was only after a few weeks of this charade that you started to wonder why the hell he was being such a baby about all this. Bam just seemed to radiate jealousy, especially towards Tim, but there was no way that was the case. It sounded like something straight out of third grade- that boys are mean to girls they like. But, knowing Bam, you couldn’t write that off immediately.
All this tension kept building for a while until it reached a fever pitch. The team had an off day so you all decided to stop by a skate park late in the day to kick back and chill for a few hours before you needed to get back on the road again. The chance to bust out a few tricks without the judging eyes of thousands was a breath of fresh air and everyone was all excited as they filtered out of the bus onto the concrete- that is, everyone except Bam. The little prince of darkness shot you a scowl before he ran off to the bowl with the rest of the guys while you ran off on your own. You were on the mini ramp, enjoying some rare alone time while doing a few simple tricks and thinking about how you could probably run to the Wendy’s across the street to get dinner- one of those baked potatoes would really hit the spot. It was in the midst of that thoughtful silence when you were poised on the coping in a nose stall that the clatter of a board slamming against the ground behind you hit your ears.
You were startled and, turning towards the sound, you felt the ground slip out from under you as you shifted your weight ever so slightly. The world seemed to freeze for a moment as you plummeted to the ground, landing square on the lip with a blunt packing noise, busting your cheek open. The air was knocked out of your lungs as a choked gasp escaped you, reaching up to grasp the raw skin pounded flat against your throbbing cheek bone. Your vision was a blur of orange from the setting sun as you wrenched your eyes open, tilting your head up towards the source of the shadow that looked over you.
“Nice spill.” Struggling to your feet, Bam didn’t even offer to help you, just standing there with his hands in his pockets, watching. Something red hit the concrete when you spit, rubbing off some of the hot liquid from your cheek as your gaze met his, “The fuck’s your problem?” Coughing, your voice was rough, words punctuated by heavy breath as you continued, “You’ve been all pissy for weeks, man. What’s goin’ on?” There was an edge to his voice but he still sounded calm as he reached into his pocket for his pack of Marlboro Lights, still not making eye contact, “Maybe I don’t like seein’ you and Tim eatin’ each others faces- ever thought about that?”
Snatching the cigarette from his fingers, his fingernails painted in that stupid black nail polish he always wore, you growled, “Is that it? Really?” You got all in his angry little face, close enough you could smell the shitty cologne he wore to impress chicks that always made you gag. MTV fuckin pretty boy, always looking his best. Your voice dropped low, murmuring close to his skin, “Maybe you’re just jealous’a him. That he gets to have me and you don’t.” Bam finally met your gaze, staring at you with newfound intensity as the lines between teasing and flirting blurred. He spoke through gritted teeth as he glared down at you bitterly, “Oh yeah? Yeah? You think I can’t fuckin’ have you?” You said nothing, defiant.
Time stood still, but in a second, he was on you. Bam’s hands seized you, tugging you impossibly close to him as his calloused palms traveled up and down your body possessively. It was like something snapped inside of him that was holding him back. You could feel the muscles under his clothes flex as your breath hitched, one of his hands tangling in your hair and pulling you closer. Bam kissed like a starved man, his tongue moving against yours in a lecherous mess of teeth and spit and a little blood on your part. The air swam with a mix of rage and lust as you pulled away from each other after what felt like an hour, catching your breath. Your eyelids fluttered as a weak smile spread across your kiss-sore lips. Whispering under your breath, you leaned your forehead against his, “Holy shit…”
Glancing down at the cigarette still in your hands, you slipped it between your teeth, looking back at him, “Gotta light?”
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berylcups · 4 months
PT 1-How La Squadra react to you calling them their nickname/term of endearment:
CW: suggestive content
Notes: Here's something small to help with my writers block. If any of you all have any small asks like these send them to me so I can fight this block! I really wanna continue my perv series! Also pt 2 of this HC will be done soon. I want to add a lil something but don’t want to rush the rest of the guy’s entries. Next part will have risotto, prosciutto, and…. Sorbet & Gelato! 🤗 I’m going to try writing for the 2 lovebirds in my HCs now. Well it’s not much but I hope you enjoy regardless! 💜 Beryl
Formaggio: “Maggie moo, you ding dong! You bought the wrong cat food again!” you huffed.
“I did? I’m sorry sugarbunches, which one did I buy?” he asked, trying to think of what food he bought.
“You bought the regular seafood flavored cat food. Miss Priss likes the seafood flavor but has a sensitive tummy and needs the sensitive stomach formula. Now she’s gonna get diarrhea!” you explained.
“Oooooh, I see where I went wrong. My bad, babycakes. Also can you call me the other nickname? I think it sounds cuter.”He requested.
“Oh ok, which one?” you asked. “Maggio-o’s, Maggie May, Cheese Nips, Lil Peets, Cat Daddy, Big D Mcgee, M-”
“Ahem.”a voice stopped the nauseating chain of names.
“........Can we get back to the meeting please?” Risotto asked, trying to hold back a gag.
Formaggio loves pet names and doesn't give a shit who hears them. It just shows how much you love him! He will give them back with just as much enthusiasm.
He’ll ham it up with the PDA to make you feel good and to gross others out, he thinks their disgust and jealousy is funny.
He calls you the most diabetic inducing nicknames like Sweetie baby, sugarpie, honeybuns, sugartits(yes,even if you don’t have them, you’ll have to correct him on that!)
Illuso: “Rubin.(Ruby) did yo-”you got cut off rudely “EUGH” he gags.
“Really mature.” you growled. You were trying to show him a little affection and he’s being an ass. “As I was saying, Rubin did you tak-”
“Disgusting! Ew. you’re calling ME, Illuso of the Mirror THAT Filthy name?” he asked, feigning disgust.
“Sigh…Hey ASSWIPE! Did you take my shampoo?! It feels a shit ton lighter than it did the last time I used it!!!” you hissed.
“Oh, why yes of course. I did. You have good taste, you know. Look at how shiny and silky my hair looks.” he said smugly.
“You owe me 34 Euros then…”You said coolly as you walked off irritated by his behavior.
“Way to go, dumbass. They were trying to be affectionate towards you for once and you blew it.” Gelato said while snuggling into Sorbets lap.
“How do you know? When hasY/N EVER been affectionate?” Illuso brushed him off.
“Uh, that’s exactly my point. They’re so shy it probably it took everything out of them to call you that. They called you “Rubin” aka-RUBY, because your eyes are red. THEY LIKE YOUR EYES. Do I need to get some crayons and draw it out for you?” Gelato said snarkily.
“...Oh. “ he realized his own stupidity for once.
He follows you to your room to beg for forgiveness. Illuso has pride but he’ll put it aside when it comes to you.
“C’mon bambina/o, I’m sorry. I didn’t know you were trying to be sweet on me. Really! Please forgive me.” he said looking at you with his big pleading red eyes.
“Oh…ok fine. But don’t do it again. That was embarrassing.” you said letting him hug you.
Depending on how you are he’s either going to pretend to be disgusted and be grossed out when you call him super mushy pet names. But the super romance-y ones he’ll tolerate in public…if he understands them(let him know in advance to prevent the situation above).
He doesn’t really give out pet names in public but he gives them out generously in private.
He’ll call you flashy names like Diamond, Stella, and Luna.
Pesci: “Lil’ Guppy! Check out this Cruise! We HAVE to save up for this so we can go on vacation!” you jumped up and down excitedly showing him the page in the magazine.
“O-oh uh ok.” He stuttered. He was embarrassed by the nickname being used in front of the guys but didn’t have the heart to tell you not to say it in fear of being mean.
“Lil’ guppy??? How cute.” Illuso snickered.
“Uh…Y/N? Can I speak to you…alone?” he asked nervously.
“Yeah! Hmm? Whats wrong?” you looked concerned.
“Um uh I-....Uh could you..? Could you not call me that in front…of the guys?” he asked, fidgeting with his fingers.
You looked hurt, you could feel the tears form but fought them back. You understood, he was an easy target to be made fun of.
“Oh uh…Ok. I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to embarrass you.” You whimpered.
“No no! Please don’t cry! Im sorry!” he hugged you tightly. “Don’t cry my precious little pearl!’
“No its okay! Honestly! I understand. The guys are kinda mean, and like to pick on you. You’re trying your best to not be seen as a mammoni and I need to help with that so I’m not gonna call you that-in public.” You said hugging back.
“Thank you Y/N. You’re so nice and understanding. I’m glad I have you as my partner.” he beamed.
He can’t be seen as a mammoni. As much as he loves to be loved, he has to keep away from the PDA!
He’ll love and cuddle you in private and do whatever you need when you two are alone.
He loves to call you names related to the sea. He likes to call you his pearl, Mermaid, Angelfish
Melone: Melone was busy on his laptop completely unaware of your presence. “Melone.” no answer…”melone.” nothing. “Mel.” nope. “MELONE.” Is he ignoring you??? “Honeydew~!”
“Yes Amore~?” he purred looking up at you.
You scowled and folded your arms. “Where's my underwear?”
“Which ones?” he asked, trying not to smirk.
“The _______ ones. They have the ____ on them. They were very EXPENSIVE.” you said firmly.
“Oh those…I’m wearing them,” he said casually.
“Bad Honeydew.”You took out the spray bottle of air freshener and sprayed him twice.
“Not in the eyes!” he coughed.
“This is getting weird...I’m gonna leave now.” Pesci slowly got up and cautiously snuck off.
Melone LOVES terms of endearment and nicknames. He actively encourages it and won’t answer you sometimes like above until you say it.
As a PDA lover he’ll call you lots of pets names with much praise.
“You look handsome/beautiful today Mama/Papa!”
He likes to call you parental related names (not in a sexual way) because he dreams of having children with you someday! Or if you’re not interested in children, maybe some cats and dogs. Or reptiles and his Juniors(He’ll make sure they won’t harm their 2nd parent he promises on his own life!) He calls you Mama/Mommy or Papa/Daddy, or Zommy/Zaddy. He’ll respect your gender of course.
Ghiaccio: “Kě’ài Bǎobèi~!(cutie baby) Welcome back! How was your mission? You’re unharmed and in one piece, I assume it went very well.” you jumped off the sofa and gave him a death gripping hug. The guys snickered, watching you nuzzle your face in his chest. “ I miss miss miss miss miss miss miss miss miss miss missed you!”
Ghiaccio’s face was as red as his glasses. “ Goddamnit Y/N! They know that means something mushy! you can’t call me that in front of everyone!” he yelled not in his usual angry tone but in an embarrassed and annoyed tone as he tried to gently but firmly nudge you off.
The guys would tease him and call him the same name you call him.
No worries, he can handle his own. He would threaten to beat them with an inch of their lives...and they know he would.
He won’t admit it but he likes the cute nicknames you give him, especially if they are other languages since he has a fixation on language.
In private he’d blush and try not to smile…but he fails at that.
He’ll call you his own favorite pet names and give you a hug and a kiss on the forehead.🥺
He doesn’t look like the type but hes got a few cutesy names too like snow angel, powder puff, and snowflake.❄️
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callofdudes · 1 year
More ✨ incorrect cod quotes!! ✨
Ghost: We need a distraction.
Price: Is anyone here good at jumping up and down and making weird noises?
Soap, whispering: My time has come
Soap: Do you need help getting up?
Ghost: Nah, I'm cool down here on the floor
Ghost: What did you order this morning?
Soap: What do you mean?
Ghost: I heard you answer the door, and I sensed food.
Soap: So... what’s goin’ on?
Ghost: You want the long version or the short version?
Soap, hesitantly: The short one, I guess?
Ghost: Shit’s fucked.
Soap: Oh. Well, yeah, that’s definitely not an optimal situation.
Soap: *in a jail cell* What about my Miranda rights!? You’re supposed to say I have ‘the right to remain silent’”! NOBODY SAID I HAD THE RIGHT TO REMAIN SILENT!
Ghost: *in the cell next to him* You have the right to remain silent, what you lack is the capacity.
Ghost: At least try to sound slightly more sophisticated when you threaten someone.
Soap: Oh, I'm sorry. I should ask; dost thou want to engage in a duel, my good bitch?
Ghost: Somehow that's worse.
Soap: What do I get?
Ghost: A night of fashion, mischief, mayhem, and possible death.
Soap: Ooh, check, check, and check; not sure about that last one.
Ghost: It won't be you.
Soap: I'll get my coat.
Soap, shooing Ghost away: Can you go be depressed over there? You’re bumming out my whole area.
Soap: Hey, wanna hear a funny joke?
Ghost: I only like dark humor.
Soap, turning the lights off: What do you call a fake noodle?
Gaz, gesturing to Price: Ghost, look what you did! You made Mom upset!
Soap: Mom, please don’t cry, we’re sorry!
Ghost: I’m sorry Mom... :(
Price, filling out legal paperwork: Were you guys born AMAB or AFAB?
Soap: Bold of you to assume I was born at all.
Ghost: I personally was created in a lab.
Gaz: I just straight up spawned lol.
Ghost: I have the sharpest memory here - name one time I forgot something!
Gaz: You left me, Soap, and Price in a Walmart parking lot at 2am a day ago.
Ghost: I did that on purpose, try again.
Soap: So, what, now I'm just supposed to do anything Gaz does? I mean, what if he jumped off a cliff?
Price: If Gaz were to jump off a cliff, he would've done his due diligence regarding the height of the cliff, the depth of the water, and the angle of entry, so yes. If you see Gaz jump off a cliff, by all means, jump off a cliff.
Ghost: You jump off a cliff!
Price: Gladly, provided Gaz did first.
Ghost: ARE YOU-
Soap: Fucking.
Soap: Fucking.
Ghost: IDIOT!
Gaz: …What was that?
Soap: Price banned Ghost from swearing, so I’m helping them out.
Soap: *falls down the stairs*
Price: Are you okay?
Gaz: Stop falling down the stairs!
Ghost: How’d the ground taste?
Gaz: Hey Soap, wanna third wheel on my date with Price tomorrow?
Soap: Sure.
Gaz: Ghost! Wanna third wheel on my date with Price tomorrow?
Gaz: Great! I've always wanted to go on a double date!
Soap and Ghost: ...
Price: Gaz...
Price: Time sensitive question how flirt boy.
Soap: Throw rocks at he.
Gaz: Hot Dogs.
Ghost: Kill him.
Price: Thanks guys.
Soap: Made you all playlists!
Soap: Ghost, yours has only heavy metal, and is dark like your soul.
Soap: Gaz, yours has sad songs and blues to pair with your crippling depression.
Soap: And Price has the ABBA Gold album.
Gaz: *about Soap and Ghost* They make a cute couple, huh?
Price: They certainly are standing next to each other.
Price: *aggressively throws water bottles*
Ghost: Uh... what's up with him?
Gaz: He's trying to yell mental health and wellbeing into us.
Soap, crying: It's working.
Soap: Ghost, come out of your room right now!
Ghost: You're not my dad!
Soap: Yeah well I can hit like him!
Soap: Ghost I-
Ghost, slamming his door open: You have three seconds to run.
Soap: L-look at you... o-out of your room..
Soap, screaming as Ghost chases him down the hallway:
Price: Yesterday, I watched Ghost try to eat a decorative rock from Soap's potted plant. Gaz caught him, and told him he can't eat rocks. Ghost started whining something about no food being in the house before walking away.
Gaz, watching Soap and Price fight: Are you sure they should be fighting? What if they get hurt?
Ghost, not bothered by the chaos: It’s fine. They’re too evenly matched to hurt each other.
Gaz: Then... who’s the strongest out of you three?
Soap: Ghost.
Price: Ghost.
Ghost: Me.
Gaz: What’s it like being tall?
Soap: Is it nice?
Gaz: Can you reach comfortably for the cupboards?
Ghost: We live in constant fear of the short ones who, in my experience, will climb four chairs, two boxes, a small coffee table, and six oddly placed stools to get what they want.
Soap: My stomach growled super loud in French.
Soap: I would like to clarify, my stomach did not speak in French. It growled during French class.
Gaz: Bonjour.
Ghost: Le growl.
Gaz: Hon hon hon, feed me a baguette.
Ghost: I told Price to grab snacks for everyone.
Gaz, looking through the options: Why did you grab fruit snacks? Are you five? Who even likes Fruit Snacks?
*Ghost, Price, and Soap raise their hands*
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ladamedusoif · 10 months
Hot Chocolate (Marcus Pike x gn!reader)
A Merry Fic-Mas - December 3
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Part of A Merry Fic-Mas: A Holiday Fic Calendar - click for masterlist. FYI: I'm having so much trouble with taglists at the moment that I'm not going to use them for now - if you want to keep updated, turn on notifications for my posts.
Pairing: Marcus Pike x gn!reader
Rating: Mature
Word count: 1280 words
Warnings: Implied smut, some heavy making out, Marcus being an adorable foodie romantic art nerd, fluff city. No use of Y/N and no physical descriptions of Reader whatsoever. 
Summary: Snowed in and forced to stay over at your colleague’s Georgetown apartment, Marcus whips up a sweet treat to keep you warm.
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“I don’t have much by way of dessert,” Marcus muses from the kitchen, where he’s peering into his fridge. 
You finish gathering the last of the takeout boxes from his dining table and begin cleaning them out at the sink. “You’ve given me a room for the night, Marcus, I don’t need dessert. Hey, where’s your recycling bin?” 
He gestures to a cupboard near the sink and leans back on the counter, thinking. “Actually, would you like some hot chocolate? I think I’ve got everything I need.”
Everything he needs?, you think, wondering what more you could possibly need for hot chocolate beyond some powdered mix and milk. Marshmallows, if you were feeling fancy.
“Sure, sounds good to me.” 
He grins in delight and starts rummaging in a cupboard, emerging with bars of dark chocolate and a jar of ground cinnamon, before delving into the fridge and retrieving milk and heavy cream. A heavy-bottomed saucepan is produced and positioned on the hob as Marcus mutters something about finding his grater.
This isn’t going to be cheap-ass powdered mix, is it.
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Alright, full disclosure: if someone hooked you up to a polygraph machine and asked you if you had a teeny tiny harmless little workplace crush on Marcus Pike, you’d have to answer in the affirmative.
And who wouldn’t? He was kind and funny, and smart as hell, quietly undertaking a PhD in art history and cultural policy at Georgetown while continuing to work full-time. He was one of the few people in the team who actually kept up with the art world, regularly seeking you out after a new show opened at the National Gallery to exchange your thoughts on it over coffee in the canteen. 
The fact that he was also really cute didn’t hurt, either. 
When snow and ice blocked the routes out of DC back to your place in Alexandria, leaving you stranded, Marcus immediately suggested that you stay over at his place. See? Kind. 
“I’ll be fine, Marcus, really,” you’d protested, searching for hotel rooms in the city and recoiling when you saw the prices - and the lack of options. “Anyway, isn’t your place a one-bed?”
Marcus shrugged. “I’ve got a big couch, spare blankets and pillows, and I won’t stand by and see you hunkering down here for the night. C’mon. We’ll get takeout - I know a great little Korean place.”
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He carefully grates the dark chocolate into a bowl while you whisk most of the cream. 
“Y’know, I really thought you were going to pull out a couple of sachets of Swiss Miss? I should have known better.”
Marcus chuckles to himself and checks the saucepan of milk. “Usually I’m a Swiss Miss kinda guy, I have to admit. But when you have guests, you do the Viennese hot chocolate. I like to make a fuss.”
You hold out the bowl of cream for him to inspect and he nods, eyes crinkling as he smiles at you. You put it down and fold your arms as you watch him work.
“Is it really Viennese, or is that just a name they use to make it sound all fancy?”
He laughs and looks at you in mock horror. “Of course it’s really Viennese! I even had it for the first time in Vienna.” Marcus takes the saucepan off the heat and adds the chocolate along with some sugar, a little cinnamon, and a dash of heavy cream. He begins to whisk the mixture carefully.
“It was one summer when I was a student - I had almost no money, but I did have one of those European Interrail tickets and I tried to see as much great art as I could. Took an overnight train to Vienna to see the Klimts at the Belvedere.” He pauses his whisking to assess the texture, then resumes.
“Like I said, I was down to my last few dollars - or Euros, or whatever the currency was at the time - but the one thing I was gonna do besides see the Klimts was go to a real Viennese café.”
The hot chocolate is frothy now, thick and glossy. Marcus nods in the direction of a cupboard and you open it, finding some mugs.
“So I’m guessing you got to a café.”
He turns off the stove and smiles at the memory. “Sure did. Café Central. It was like something out of a Stefan Zweig novel.” He takes a ladle out of a drawer and proceeds to fill the mugs with the steaming chocolate. “And I had a mug of something a bit like this - but much, much better - and a slice of apple strudel, and it was heaven.”
Marcus finishes off the chocolate by placing a large dollop of whipped cream in each mug, and hands one to you.
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“This is…incredible. I don’t think I can ever go back to Swiss Miss.”
Marcus chuckles and sips his chocolate, sitting beside you on the couch. “I’m glad you like it. Perfect drink for a snowed-in night.”
You take another deep draught of the delicious, smooth drink and hum happily to yourself. “And I’m checking out flights to Vienna first chance I get.”
He looks at you intently. “Uh, you’ve… uh…”
You can see a giggle rising in his chest. He can’t suppress it, and he laughs out loud. 
“Why is the thought of me going to Vienna so funny to you?”
Marcus’s expression shifts to one of concern and he quickly shakes his head. “No, that sounds wonderful - you’ll love it - it’s just…” He reaches over and gently rubs the tip of your nose with his thumb, removing a large blob of whipped cream. “You had a little, uh, something.”
“Oh. Oh. I’m sorry.” You look down into your mug, a little embarrassed, but try to lighten the mood. “Feels like we’re in a scene from a cheesy holiday movie, y’know?”
He quirks his head. “How so?”
“Oh, you know. The whole ‘one character has whipped cream or something on their face and the other has to swipe it away and then…’”
You stop short, realising what you were about to say - and becoming very aware of just how close you are to him now.
Marcus’s voice is warm and low. “And then?”
Is he moving closer?
“And then… um. And then they usually, uh…”
He finishes your sentence by leaning in and kissing you, softly, gently at first. Your breath hitches as you feel the softness of his lips on yours. 
He breaks away for a second, staying close. “Is this okay?”
“Yeah, it’s…it’s great.” 
He takes your mug and puts it on the coffee table before cradling your face in his big hands and leaning in to kiss you again: a little harder, now, his tongue seeking entry to your mouth as your hands reach for his body and you lean back on the couch. 
You moan and whine with pleasure as you feel Marcus’s hands caressing your body, taste the bittersweetness of the chocolate on his lips and tongue. As he moves his mouth to your neck, sucking and nibbling and licking his way along the sensitive skin, you begin to unbutton his shirt and reach for his belt buckle.
He looks up for an instant, hair tousled and eyes as deep and dark and shiny as perfect hot chocolate.
“You’re not sleeping on the couch tonight. You’re keeping me warm in bed.”
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Divider by @animatedglittergraphics-n-more
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kidney9-9 · 1 year
Perfect Girl - Tom Holland
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Hi guys, here's a quick little one shot with Tom. This is based off a chat my friend and I had! I hope you all enjoy, thank you for reading :) Tom Holland x Reader Warnings: Smut, masturbation, breeding, pregnancy kink, and cursing Word Count: 1.1k
It started off when he saw you in the grocery store the second time around. You worked there, and he only noticed you when he was in your check out line the second time. You smiled at him as he put the items down on the row. He smiled back momentarily then went back to putting things onto the row.
“Welcome, I hope you found everything alright. Is there anything else you needed?” You ask softly, your voice barely heard over the sound of chatting around the store. He stared at you, surprised at your beauty.
He shrugged back, “Oh, I wouldn’t mind a pack of gum, it’s the one behind you.” He pointed to the gum, and it was barely visible, just right near the ground so he watched as you leaned down and grabbed one of the packages.
“Wrong one, it’s the one next to it.” He spoke up, watching you grab another as his eyes drifted.
He really didn’t mean to. He swore he didn’t mean to. But he started to check out your ass, as you were down there.
And then he noticed it. The little tattoo on your backside, as your shirt rolled up when you were down there.
Both your ass and tattoo was so hot. He felt himself blush slightly as you accidently wiggled your ass, making him wonder what it would be like to grab it. He could feel his cock stir a bit, and he shifted in his stance, thinking, not now…
“This one?” You asked, lifting up the package and he nodded absentmindedly, still staring at your ass. You noticed when you stood up and a faint smile appeared on your lips, thinking it was funny.
“Is that all, sir?” You spoke up, rounding out the last word, raising your eyebrows at him.
“Hm, yeah, uh, what’s your name?” He asked, wondering since he’s seen you before.
You grinned as you pointed to your name tag attached to your shirt that was over your breast. He gulped at it, appearing redder than before.
“Got it, mind if I call you something else, though?”  He grinned back at you, trying to up his game and actually flirt with you instead of just gawking at you.
“Mm, sure thing, what do you want to call me?” You responded, tilting your head at him.
“How about darling? You seem like one to me.” He flirted with you, eyes wandering down your body this time, really checking your body out slowly. Fuck, he thought. You were gorgeous, how hadn’t he realized the first time around?
“Sure, you can call me that, handsome.” You flirted right back, and he smiled even more, knowing you found him attractive. He quickly pulled out his business card and handed it to you, pointing to the second number on the little sheet.
Before he could hand it to you though, you spoke up, “Hey, uh, just so you know and don’t get creeped out, I’m a mom and uh, still married but we’re separated.” Your voice was so sweet.
He blinked in surprise but nodded, feeling his cock start to harden. Shit, you’re perfect! You’re a mother! He thought, and then groaned quietly enough that you didn’t hear him. He stared down at your body, noticing your wide hips, oh so perfect to carry a baby…
He gulped as he realized that you were the perfect girl for him. You were so perfect, just all for him. He couldn’t help but wonder what you would look like full of his cum and belly with his baby. He shifted again, hand going down to cover his erection by putting his hand in his pocket.
“That’s okay, darling. Perfect, actually.” He said, then continued, “Here’s my personal number, call it anytime.” He said, watching as you took it into your hands. You laughed slightly and put it in your pocket, nodding to him.
“Got it, and your total is $98.07.” You said, nodding towards the groceries.
He couldn’t stop thinking about you after he left. He quickly put away his groceries in his apartment and went to his bedroom, laying down on his bed without his pants on. He pulled his dick out of his boxers and sighed as he pressed his hand onto his dick.
“Fucking finally…” He muttered, wrapping his hand around his cock, and pressing his thumb at the top of tip, smearing the pre-cum down around his dick.
He groaned as he thrusted up into his hand, slowly gripping harder around his cock, then he started to imagine you.
“Y/n…ahhhh, darling, fuck.” He moaned, closing his eyes as he thought about undressing you and putting you up on the desk you worked at as the cashier. He could see your bra, and he unhooked it quickly as he pressed a kiss on your shoulder.
Then he pulled the bra off, kisses moving down to your exposed breasts. They’d be plump with milk, full from your past pregnancy with him. He pumped his hand up and down his cock as he thought about how pretty you’d be, sitting there and waiting for him to do the next move.
He groaned as he imagined the noises that would come out of you, “Tom, please, fuck me! Fuck a baby into me!” You’d beg him and he’s having to agree to your demands because of how fucking adorable and pretty you sounded, just pleading him for his dick.
He’d pull of your skirt or rip it off, depending on how greedy he was feeling, and he’d press his face up into your heat, smelling you before he licks your wet cunt. Ohh, how good it would taste, and how fucking wet you would be, dripping down onto his tongue as he licked you up and down.
He’d suck on your clit, hard and fast, making you moan out his name again and your thighs would crush around his head, leaving him to only lick you more. He’d slip a hand up underneath his chin and push a finger into your vagina as he tongued you deeply.
“Baby, you taste amazing.” He would mumble into your flesh, kissing you on your clit as he pulled away and pushed another finger into you, curling his fingers up.
“I need you, Tom. Give me a baby, please.” You’d say, and finally he’d pull out his cock and plunge it deeply into you. He’d go so slow, and you’d beg him to go harder and faster.
“Finally.” He’d pant, and you two would fuck.
Just as he finished, his imagination had him finishing deep into you and pulling out, with you moaning for more.
He panted in real life, sighing as he wiped his hand on his thigh, getting his cum everywhere. He looked down at himself and shook his head at the mess.
Just as he was sitting up, his phone dinged, and it was a message from an unknown number. He picked it up and smiled brightly, realizing it was you.
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Charlie never bringing up the fact that Vinyl is her brother.
Remember those fics of Dadstaticradio where Alastor and Vox shows up that the hotel and Vaggie is confused and Charlie goes, “Oh these are my dads.” Well since Domestic AU is a mixture of that and secretly married, there’s a chance that this happens in Domestic AU as well. And it happens to Vinyl too.
Now, Charlie isn’t hiding the fact she has a brother, she talks about him all the time. (“My brother loves to garden.” “My brother is great with tech.” “My brother can be a bit of a troublemaker at times.” Etc). It’s just that Charlie never says WHO he is or ever uses his name. And no one ever seen him before because they’re both with their own thing, Charlie with her hotel and Vinyl with his popstar career.
So everyone (just Angel Dust, Vaggie, and Sir Pentious) thinks Lucifer and Lilith had a son and he was just hidden from the public for some reason.
It wasn’t until Vinyl showed up out of the blue and started to chat it up with Charlie, that they started to question what was going on. Why was Vinyl, THE Vinyl, a famous popstar at this ratty hotel? It’s not like he could be redeemed, he was a hellborn! And why was he so close to Charlie?
It wasn’t until something was said, that caused Vinyl to put on a shit eating girn, that makes everyone realize it.
Angel Dust: Holy shit, you look like Alastor!
Vinyl: Yeah. People often tell tell me I look like Pops.
Vaggie: Pops?
Vinyl: Yeah. You know, Pops? Papa? One of my dads?
Vaggie: Wait. If Alastor is one of your dads, that would make your other dad…*takes a better look at him*
Vaggie: No fucking way…
Angel Dust: Oh shit, you have bits of Vox in ya! Wait. YOU GUYS ARE THE KIDS VAL WAS TALKING ABOUT!
Charlie: What are talking about?
Angel Dust: Awhile back Val was bitching and moaning about Vox becoming a ‘dilf’. I had no idea what he was going on about, until I heard people talking about Vox having kids. I knew the princess was one of them, but I didn’t think he would be the other. *points at Vinyl* Huh, small world.
Vaggie: Wait. Let me get this straight. You heard about a powerful Overlord having kids, and you didn’t look into that!? You work for the guy’s business partner, how hard would it be for you to check up on that!
Angel Dust: Ah, fuck you! I told you before, I’m not big on politics! And what about you? How come you didn’t know who your girlfriend’s parents and brother were?
Vaggie: That’s-
Vinyl: Probably for your own safety.
Vaggie: What do you-
Sir Pentious: Uh, excuse the interruption. But there’s something I wish to ask.
Vinyl: Shoot snake man!
Sir Pentious: So um, how do you existed? I remember the commotion when your parents had you, but I always wondered how it happened. It is common knowledge that sinners can’t have children, must less between two male.
Vaggie: That, is a good question. How did they have you?
Angel Dust: Yeah! What, did smiles use his freaky shadow magic to bring ya to life?
Charlie: No actually. It was kinda my doing.
Vaggie: What?
Angel Dust: Huh?
Sir Pentious: I beg your pardon?
Vinyl: Uh, Charlie? Maybe you should give them some more details on what happened?
Charlie: Huh? Oh! Right! Um, how do I explain this? While raising me, some of my powers kinda rubbed off on them. One day they were arguing over how they got me, papa saying I came from their static electricity while dad saying Vark brought me to them, when poof! Vinyl came out of nowhere.
Vinyl: I’mma happy little accident! :D
Charlie: Since then, he’s been part of the family!
Sir Pentious:
Angel Dust:
Angel Dust: Vinyl how did you say that last bit?
Vinyl: *shrugs*
Charlie: Hey! How about I show you around? Dad’s working and papa’s on one of his walks, so we have loads of time!
Vinyl: Sounds fun! Lead the way, goat legs!
Charlie: Will you ever stop calling me that?
Vinyl: No ;)
Angel Dust: Seriously, how the fuck is he doing that!
This is so fucking funny I love this, I remember those mini fics vividly they're some of my favorites
Vinyl pronouncing emoticons out loud, Val calling Vox a dilf, this is amazing, also when Vinyl arrives this gave me the same energy as in Loona's reaction to Verosika in Helluva Boss ("YOU KNOW VINYL??")
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blind-alchemists · 4 months
sorry, Zagreus, I've had your sister for five hours and I already like her more than you.
anyway! I did treat myself and bought the game early and. it's just very good!
in somewhat chronological order, my thoughts after yesterday's session
the music! the music is even more amazing than in the first game and if I'm done, I need to listen to the whole OST on loop
the art!! also even better than in the first game!!
Melinoë is a great protagonist
it's incredibly funny the first god we encounter is Apollo, because Apollo is the guy people modded into the first game years ago
... boy, I wonder what the speedrunning meta will look like for this game (I have very obscure knowledge about Hades I speedrunning meta)
I love the little backgrounds that pop out with the art
oh, right, I jumped into the Hades I EA late, so I never saw the place holder graphics in-game before
the environments!! beautiful.
I shouldn't have played the first game last week. It's fucking with me. where's my second dash??? Why do we start with 30 HP??? where are my death defiances??? weapon mechanics???
of course there's a fishing mechanic again.
I like Hecate's design.
saluting??? what's the lore behind that?
OH. this tone of the story isn't ... quite what I expected. A lot more serious. a lot more severe.
Melinoë doesn't remember her family??? Hello??? what the fuck???
and she keeps talking about her task with such a dutiful determination ... no, I'm not crying. But. That's such an interesting conflict.
NEMESIS!! She's holding her sword aspect!! her design!! her resentment!! her vengeance!! her rivalry with Mel. how Mel calls her Nem. please. tell me she's a romance option. PLEASE.
oh, hi odysseus.
hey, there's hypnos! ... why's he sleeping??? (funny thing is, I got the Charon dialogue that implies he's more useful this way lol)
I cannot. Take. Skelly serious. It's worse because Mel does.
I like Moros' design. The long hair going over the horns? Yeah, that's good.
Mel gets an AXE??? a heavy, double-bladed axe??? (I love women wielding heavy weapons, and as long as the rail doesn't make a return, I'm good with anything after enough time)
I like the new art sprites for reoccurring characters!
ahhh, the good old "we don't trust Olympus so we're not telling them everything" line. understandable, but I figure that's going to blow up sooner or later.
I love Mel's bond with Artemis and Selene and the implication that both helped raise her.
... and I like the predominantly female cast so far
Nemesis can show up in Erebus???
why does every chthonic goddess / titaness sound like they have a thing for Persephone. Nyx already had a few lines like that in the first game. Why does Hecate also have these kinds of lines.
the Hecate fight frustrates me to no end, because I'm very used to more dashes, more health, and more death defiances, and very different weapons :( (I have bet her twice in total so far)
unrelated, but I didn't know I needed a sheep in the Hades art style but it's so damn cute and I want a large art print of it
Archane!! I love how her silks change Mel's avatar
Oceanus is beautiful
... except for the traps. Really not digging the traps. or the maps.
CHAOS??? why are you holding your old form's head??? and why is there an embryo coming out of it??? why do you have wings??? why do you wear a suit??? the new design unfortunately checks all the boxes but upon reflection that is because it fits into that very niche character design trope I've seen in manwha recently and I couldn't put a name on it if I tried
on that note, I also adore Aphrodite's new design!!
not quite sure what I think of the gathering / farming mechanic yet
I do like the incantations, magic, hexes, and arcana though!
HERMES! I also adore his design.
wait, what? Mel's going to Olympus? You're telling me one part of the game is descending into the House of Hades and the other is climbing to Mount Olympus?? (that's my speculation, at least.)
god, I hope the cast of the first game is alright/alive. :(
I hope we also get to see Athena, Ares, and Dionysus at some point :(
on that note, I can't wait for Mel to meet her brother and realize he's the opposite of her lol. I love siblings and mirrors.
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hellowhisperingstars · 9 months
All I Want For Christmas
Summary: Christmas is upon you and for the first time in years you head to your Moms for the family Christmas party. Too bad work calls Eddie away.
Pairing: Rockstar/Bar Owner!Eddie Munson x Baker!Reader
Words: 6K
Warnings: 18+, Y/N used, overuse of pet names, dom/sub dynamics, phone sex, masturbation (Male and Female), family, christmas, airplanes, barely edited, please let me know if I missed anything!
A/N: Happy Holidays everyone! Here is my Sugar Cloud Christmas one shot! I hope you all like it! Please let me know what you think!
Likes, comments, and reblogs are always greatly appreciated! <3
Sugar Cloud Masterlist
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This time of year was your favorite time of year. It was the time of warm food, cozy sweaters, your stepdad Joel’s horrible eggnog (which he swears up and down is the best in New York), and most of all… family. This year, like every year, they were gathering at your grandparent's house in Ithaca. It was a time to catch up, exchange gifts, eat too much food, and play games. To say you were excited was an understatement, giddiness rolled through you as you packed your bag for your trip, going over your list just in case you forgot anything. 
The past few years you weren’t able to head to your grandparent’s house due to the bakery needing your attention and your dad being a huge pain in your ass but not this year as you were heading to upstate New York with Eddie. He was officially going to meet your mom’s side of the family. At least that had been the plan. You got a little less excited as Eddie sat on your bed next to your two open suitcases, his own features screwed up in sadness that he was going to miss it.
“I’m sorry baby,” He muttered, grabbing your hips and pulling you between his legs after you placed a wrapped present for your cousin into one of the cases. “I know how much this meant to you.”
“It’s okay,” You said, waving your hand in the air like you were trying to push away your sadness. “There will be more Christmas’. It’s not every year you get invited to play KROQ’s Almost Acoustic Christmas.”
“I told Curtis it wasn’t a good time,” He said, placing his chin on your stomach as he looked up at you. You were sure the angle wasn’t flattering but he didn’t seem to care one bit. “But he pushed it. Even scheduled some interviews with a few magazines and TV spots. I’m about ready to fire him.”
“Please don’t fire Curtis,” You said, pushing your hands through his hair. “He’s doing his best with a needy rockstar like you.”
“Needy?” He asked, his eyes wide, brows hiding in his bangs. “You think I’m needy?”
“Well yeah,” You smiled a little. “I distinctly remember you telling me that you ‘need just one more’ for about two hours last night.”
“Hey, you got to cum like six times. Who got the better end of the deal here?” He laughed, pinching your ass a little so that you would jump a bit. The two of you stared at one another for a few quiet seconds before he sighed. “Fiiine, I won’t fire Curtis. Kinda like the guy anyway.”
Laughing a little you lean your head down to touch his forehead with yours. “We’ll still have New Years.” 
“Wouldn’t want to miss the one year anniversary of meeting you.” He smiled, and kissed you on the nose making you giggle. “Let's finish getting you all packed, you have an early flight tomorrow.”  
Together you moved around your room, both gathering the things on your list, double checking once everything was packed that you indeed had everything you needed for a two week trip to upstate New York. Presents included.
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The next morning Eddie walked with you into the airport in Indianapolis, hand in hand, both of you dragging one suitcase behind you. It was loud in the building, the sounds of planes landing, taking off, people moving quickly from one side of the airport to the other to catch their flights home, or work, or even to just get out of the cold Indiana weather for a few days. Airports always had a funny energy to them. The buzz of adventure. 
“Alright,” Eddie said as he led you over to the line to check in. “Gotta get you checked in. Don’t want you missing this flight, your mom would murder me.”
“No she wouldn’t,” You laughed, leaning your head on his shoulder as he grinned down at you.
The line moved quickly and soon it was your turn. The pretty airport worker gave Eddie a flirty grin, complete with an unnecessary “accidental” hand touch when he passed your ID and his credit card over the counter to her. He had insisted on paying for you to be upgraded to first class for both flights, you had tried to argue but he wouldn’t hear it, it was almost six hours in traveling with one layover and he wanted you to be comfortable. He even made sure your bags were checked and would be transferred to the new plane so you wouldn’t have to re-check them. 
You watched with slight amusement as the girl behind the counter continued to try to get his attention past normal work communication. It didn’t bother you much anymore when people would flirt with him. Eddie made it very clear that he only had eyes for you and when his hand went around your waist to pull you closer, the smile on her face dropped. The rest of the transaction went by with no interest from her end when she passed your tickets over to him.
Once you were all checked in, Eddie pocketed his wallet and grabbed your hand to start walking with you towards your gate. Checking his watch, he handed you your tickets. “We have an hour to kill. Want some coffee?”
“Yes, please,” You nodded, putting your tickets in your purse, you let his hand go so you could wrap your arm around his waist. His arm automatically goes over your shoulder. 
Finding the airport coffee shop quickly, Eddie placed your orders and together you waited until it was ready. Grabbing your orders he walked with you towards your gate, taking a seat facing the large windows so you could watch the planes come and go.
“I’m going to miss you.” You pouted at him, taking a sip of your hot drink. The coffee warmed you from the inside out making you feel slightly better. 
“I know, baby.” He said playing with the ends of your hair with the hand not holding his own cup of coffee. “But it'll only be two weeks and then we'll be together again. Plus you can call me whenever you want.” 
“That’s true,”
All too soon your flight was called over the loudspeaker and it was time to board. Finishing your coffee you tossed the empty cup into the trash can as you both walked towards the gate. Turning you hugged him tightly, giving him a kiss when you leaned back a bit to see him. 
“You have your tickets?”
“Right here.” You said pulling them out of your purse.  
“Call me as soon as you land at JFK for your connection and again when you land in Ithaca.”
“Yes, Sir,” You smiled up at him sadly, you hated leaving him and this time you both would be on opposite sides of the country. “And you’ll let me know when you get to LA right? Don’t make me worry about you.”
“You know I will.” He smiled, pulling you close to kiss your forehead as the flight attendants called for first class passengers. Eddie nodded a bit before he looked down at you. Tapping the point of the pick on your collar that poked out a bit from under your scarf he smiled. “I love you.”
“I love you too.” You smiled sadly. “I'll see you in two weeks.” 
“Be safe, be smart, and have fun with your family.” Kissing you once more he moved his arms away from you and put his hands into the pockets of his leather jacket as he watched you take a step back. “Tell your mom sorry I couldn't make it.”
“Break a leg rockstar.” You smiled with a nod once more before you turned and got in line.
He waited until you were through the gate turning back to give him one last wave before watching you walk down that long hall and into the plane. He even waited until your plane was taxiing onto the runway, watching through the large windows as the plane took off, taking you away from him. This was going to be a long two weeks he decided as he turned and left the airport alone. 
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You rarely flew growing up and even less now but when you did most of the time you just chose economy, since you had to pay for it yourself, your father didn’t want to spend any money on a ticket that would take you to his “alcoholic ex-wife”. But now you were practically melted into your first class seat on the second flight heading towards Ithaca and you wondered why you fought Eddie on this. It was so comfortable, the chair was large and could fold out into a bed, plus there was so much leg room just to stretch out if you wanted. No crying babies, no one accidentally elbowing you as they adjusted in their seat, and best of all you were in a window seat, watching as the world below flew by. 
At the start of the last leg of your trip you had pulled the CD player from your purse and put the headphones over your ears turning it on so you could listen to the Corroded Coffin demo that Eddie had given you, for the one billionth time. You loved that you could still hear his voice even though you would be thousands of miles away from him. A tap on your shoulder made you jump a little and when you looked over one of the flight attendants was smiling down at you, so you paused your cd and pulled the headphones from your ears.
“I’m sorry I didn't mean to scare you.” She laughed a little. 
“Oh no it’s fine. I should have been paying more attention.” 
“I just wanted to let you know that we will be landing soon and your tray needs to be in the upright position.”
“Thank you.” You smiled as you turned off the CD player and pushed it back into your purse as you prepared your spot for landing and she walked away to assist the other passengers. With your seatbelt on you watched as the ground grew closer and closer, the town of Ithaca getting bigger and bigger. The plane jolted and the tires squealed as you landed and sighed a small smile growing on your features as your plane was taxi’d to an open gate. 
In a line you followed all the other passengers out and into Ithaca Tompkins International Airport making sure you had your purse securely on your shoulder as you dug inside to turn on your phone. Once loaded you hit Eddie’s saved number and held the phone to your ear but all you got was voicemail. You had spoken to him earlier when you got to JFK but now he must already be on his way to LA. “Hey baby, it’s me. Just wanted to let you know that I landed in Ithaca just fine, going to grab my bags and head to my moms. I love you, have fun at the concert. I’ll talk to you later.”
Hanging up you shoved your phone into your pocket and continued your way down to the baggage claim. As you came through the archway that led to the front of the airport you heard your name be called by a deep voice. Turning you smiled, throwing your arms out into the air as you ran to your stepfather. He looked the same as he always did. Tall, dark, and handsome. Decked out in plaid and denim with his warmest jacket on. “JOEL!”
“Hey kid!” He laughed as he hugged you. “How are you? How were your flights?”
“Good, good, everything was good!” You laughed as you hugged him back. “I'm so happy to see you!”
“You're by yourself?” He asked as he looked around hoping to catch a glimpse of your plus one. “Your mom told me your new beau was coming. I was hoping to meet him.” 
Sighing, you shook your head. “Duty called unfortunately. It's not every year you get picked to play KROQ’s Almost Acoustic Christmas so he had to go. He hated having to cancel on us at the last minute. But you'll meet him in the spring when you and mom come out to visit.”
“Life of a rockstar.” He smiled a bit, throwing his arm around your shoulders in a fatherly way walking you towards the baggage claim. “Let's get your stuff and head on home. Your mom's cooking your favorite tonight.” 
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Christmas in LA was a lot different then Hawkins. No snow covered the ground, there was a slight crispness in the air, and the sun was still able to keep you warm during the day. The only things he hated about LA was that you weren't here with him and the layer of smog that laid over the city. 
Eddie groaned as he lifted his guitar case over his shoulder and grabbed his own suitcase from the back of the van so he could follow the rest of the boys inside of the hotel that they would be calling home for this trip. He was a little jealous of Jeff and Gareth, they were able to bring their girls with them for this trip, watching Andrea and Lizzy talk animatedly about the pretty Christmas decorations made him miss you that much more. Knowing you would be right there with the girls pointing out the cute little snowman statues that sat next to the large decked out pine tree in the middle of the lobby. 
“Just wait here guys. I'll get us all checked in,” Curtis said as he gestured for them to relax.
“You have been pouty the whole way here Eddie Bear.” Lizzy said as she broke off from Andrea to bump her hip into his. “I'm sorry you had to miss Y/N's family party for this. I know how much you wanted to be there.” 
“It happens,” He shrugged using one hand to push his sunglasses up onto the top of his head letting them get lost in his curls. “There will be more Christmas’. We both knew going into this that I would have to fly off sometimes.”
“She call you yet?” Brandon asked from his chair he found to sit down on. 
Looking at his watch he took note of the time. You should be there by now and dropping his arm he reached into his pocket to grab his phone to turn it on. “I forgot to turn it on after we got off the plane.” 
“I'm sure she left a message.” Lizzy said, rubbing his arm a bit. 
Like magic the little notification popped up showing he had a voicemail. Smiling he pressed a few buttons and held the phone to his ear, the robot voice spoke for a few seconds before your voice started. He felt like he could breathe easier knowing that you were safe on the ground and heading to your moms. “She made it. I'll call her once we get into the rooms.”
“Alright guys and gals.” Curtis said as he came back to the band with a packet of key cards in his hand, he started to pass them out to the band while he explained what was happening. “Okay, tonight we have to be at the venue to check in and get settled, tomorrow you play at eight pm, and then the rest of the week is photoshoots, a few late night tv show spots, and interviews. Then home on Christmas Eve.”
‘One day too late to be at the party.’ Nodding, Eddie grabbed the key card Curtis held out for him and followed the group as they moved towards the elevators. With all the people and their luggage all trying to load into the small space a few of the band members had to take a separate elevator. 
Coughing a little to clear his throat Jeff looked over at Eddie as he pushed the button for their floor. “I have an idea if you wanna hear it.”
“About what?” Eddie said, looking over at Jeff.  
“The guys and I have been talking and we think that after the show and a few interviews you should go to Ithaca and be with Y/N for Christmas. You can cut out early on Friday night and be there for the party on Saturday. The guys and I can handle the rest of the interviews and the TV spots.”
“Curtis will be pissed.” Eddie chuckled a bit as he thought about it.  
“We can handle Curtis.” Lizzy said, leaning her head on Eddie’s shoulder. “Plus, you do everything he asks, don’t feel bad about taking time for you.”
Biting his lip Eddie thought harder about the idea. He could do it. He’d have to look up times and spend a fortune to get there but he could do it… and seeing the look on your face would be worth the ungodly long flight and jet lag that he would be dealing with. Looking over at Jeff took a breath. “You sure it’s okay? If I just bail on you guys like that?”
“We want you too.” Jeff nodded as the elevator dinged on their floor. Looking over at Eddie he smiled. “This is your first Christmas with your girl. You should be there.”
Nodding a little the trio moved out of the small space and into the hallway of the hotel. Scratching at the back of his neck Eddie laughed a little. “Looks like I have some flights to book.”
Slapping him on the back Jeff smiled at him before he took Lizzy’s hand and together the two of them walked down the hallway towards their room. “See you later Munson.”
“Later.” Eddie smiled as he started down the other hallway towards his room. 
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You smiled as Joel pulled his truck to a stop in front of the house he shared with your mom. It was a cute two story colonial with a lot of history from what you were told. You loved it here. It looked like a home out of a fairy tale. The four bedroom home was so different then your dad’s grand house in Indianapolis, it was cozy, welcoming, and made you feel at ease. You couldn’t wait to get inside and see your mom. 
“Home sweet home.” Joel smiled before he opened the car door and stepped out to grab your bags from the back of the truck. Looking at the street in front of the house he noticed a few cars sitting on the street. “Looks like your Aunt Lisa is here. Which means Jack and Annie are here. Jack’s been a little punk lately.”
“He’s like what? Fifteen now?” You ask as you follow suit and jump from the car, pulling your jacket closer around you and moving around to the side of the car to help Joel. 
“Something like that yeah,” Your stepdad said as he passed you a bag. 
With both bags now on the ground the two of you rolled the cases up the snow covered pathway to the porch, stepping to the side you let Joel open the door before you both entered the warm home. The fire burning in the fireplace keeps the cold at bay.
 “Honey!” Joel chirped as he closed the door behind you. “We’re home!”
Sounds of excitement echoed from the kitchen as the sound of rushing feet brought your attention to your mom who ran into the room straight for you. “My girl!”
Laughing, you let her take you into her arms to squeeze as you hugged her back. “Hi Mama.”
“My girl! Oh how I missed you! Come in, come in.” She took a step back and looked around the living room. “Where's Eddie?” 
“Work.” You smiled a bit. “He's sorry he can't make it.” 
“Who's Eddie?” Your cousin Annie asked as she looked up from her game console.
“Y/N's boyfriend,” Your mom said, holding her hands out for your jacket. “He's a famous rockstar.”
A snort came from Jack who was lounging halfway off the recliner in the corner of the living room with a magazine in his hands. “Yeah right. A famous rockstar.”
“He is!” Your mom said defensively. 
“It's fine mama.” You smiled at her handing her your jacket and scarf. “We don't have to prove anything to him. Let me help Joel take these upstairs and I'll be right down.” 
“Don't worry about it. I got this. You go hang out, relax, have some coffee. These will be in your room.” Joel said, waving his hand at you as you went to grab one of the cases. 
Rolling your eyes jokingly at Joel, who only chuckled at you as he started up the stairs, you let your mom drag you into the kitchen where your Aunt Lisa was pulling out some homemade chex mix from the oven. 
“Y/N!” She exclaimed, placing the hot pan on a corkboard on the counter before she tossed the oven mitt off and held her arms out for you. “Give me a hug!”
“Hi Aunt Lisa!” Moving over you to her you wrapped your arms around her giving her a big hug. “I’ve missed you!”
“You look great!” She said as she moved back to get a good look at you. 
“So do you! Where’s Uncle Tim?”
“He’s working. Last day before his holiday vacation.” Your Aunt said as she waved her hand in the air. “Aren’t you supposed to have some big rockstar with you?” 
“He’s working too. The band got invited to play a concert for a popular radio station. Couldn’t pass it up.” You smiled with a shrug, you missed Eddie but you were so proud of him.
“Is that something we can watch on the TV?” Aunt Lisa asked as she moved back towards the counter to fiddle with the chex pan.
“No, I don’t think so.” Shaking your head you moved towards the counter leaning on the other side.
“That’s too bad. I would love to see what this guy looks like!” She winked, “Your mom says he’s a really eighties rocker. Got the hair and everything. What did you say his band was?”
“I think he’s hair metal?” Your mom says as she starts up a fresh pot of coffee. 
“Thrash metal.” You corrected as you stole a still hot piece of the seasoned cereal popping it in your mouth. “Like Metallica.”
“Jack listens to them.” Aunt Lisa muttered. “Maybe he's heard of your boyfriend's band.”
“Probably,” You shrugged as you snuck a second piece. “They're pretty popular.” 
“Those are for the party!” Your mom scolded, smacking you lightly with a towel she grabbed from the counter when she turned to see you chewing. 
“Okay, okay..” You smiled cheekily at her before stealing a third piece. 
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The night came and went and the day of the concert was upon the band. They sat in the trailer the radio station had provided for them, Gareth tapped his drumsticks on his leg to keep his hands busy while the others made sure their guitars and Brandon’s bass were in tune. Curtis sat there with his palm pilot in his hands, fiddling with the stylus as he checked on the band's schedule for the next few days. 
The sound of his ringing phone grabbed everyone's attention and Curtis put his phone to his ear. “Hey Allen! Give me one second.”
The band and the girls watched as he left the trailer and as soon as the door was closed Lizzy and Andrea turned towards Eddie. Andrea leaned forward to rest her arms on the back of his chair. “So did you buy those tickets?”
Smiling Eddie nodded his head a little, his hands still playing a few chords on this long loved Warlock. “Yeah. By this time next Friday I will be in the air to surprise my girl for Christmas.”
The girls squealed in joy for a moment before Andrea leaned over the back of the chair to hug him around his shoulders from behind. “Good! I would’ve killed you if you didn’t!”
Eddie chuckled as he placed his hand on Andrea’s arm giving it a few little pats. “Yeah, yeah.” 
Curtis stuck his head back into the trailer after a few minutes. “You’re on deck guys.”
Excitement ran through Eddie's veins as the band stood from their spots and headed out towards the stage. It was always the same, no matter where they perform, no matter how long they’ve been doing it, the adrenaline high they got from being on stage was something that never faded. 
All he had to do was get through this concert and a few interviews and he would be on his way to you.
That’s all he wanted. 
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You spoke to Eddie a little while after the show once he was back in his hotel room, he called you to tell you how awesome it was. He was tired, he always was after a show, he put so much of himself into performing that he was usually left exhausted for a few days but he was also really amped up. You could practically feel the energy coming off him through the phone. 
“I wish you could have seen it baby! It was awesome!” Eddie gushed at you from over the phone as he flopped back onto the bed. “The crowd had so much energy, they made a mosh pit, there was almost a fight!”
“And you didn’t even want to play this concert,” You teased. You were laying on your bed with your Nokia to your ear as you cuddled up under your blankets wearing one of Eddie’s shirts that you stole for comfort.You had even spritzed it with his cologne when he wasn’t looking so it would smell like him.
“Yeah, I would still rather be with you but.. Shit it was fun babe.” 
“I’m glad, baby.” Chuckling you stared up at the ceiling trying to imagine his post concert glow, hair frizzy, covered in sweat, and a smile so bright it could outshine the lights of Las Vegas. You heard him sigh, completely content. 
“How was your day? I didn’t ask you that before I’m sorry.” 
“No, no, you’re fine baby.” You giggled, brushing it off. “Compared to yours my day was pretty boring. Went last minute christmas shopping with mom, there’s this cute little cafe in town that I think you’d like actually.”
“I can’t wait to see it one day.” ‘Maybe next Sunday when I’m in town’ Eddie thought as he smiled to himself. An idea popped into his head as he placed his hand on his stomach, phone sex was always fun. “So not to sound like a total cliche.. But… what are you wearing?”
A smirk pulled on your lips as you looked down at your body, “Oh nothing special. Just one of your shirts and some flannel pants.”
“One of my shirts huh?”
“Is your door locked?”
“It can be.” 
“Why don’t you be a good girl and go lock your door for me hmm? Then I want you to get back into bed and get comfy for me.”
“Yes, Sir.” You hummed as you removed yourself from your warm bed and towards your door, taking a moment to hear if anyone was up downstairs. Thankfully it sounded like everyone was asleep and once the lock was clicked into place you rushed back to your bed cuddling under the blankets again to keep the chill away. “All cozy now.”
“Good girl,” He praised in a sultry voice, still raspy from singing, and you felt heat start to fill your cheeks. You loved when he used that voice. “Now I am going to give you some instructions and you are going to listen to everything I say, sound good?”
“Yes, Sir,” You nodded even though you knew he couldn’t see you. 
“Are you warm enough?”
“Yes, Sir.”
“Good. Here's what I want you to do. I want you to take your pants and panties off, spread your legs, and put your fingers on that pretty little pussy of yours. But you have to be quiet, not a single sound or your can't cum got it? Don’t need to wake everyone in the house.”
“Yes, Sir.” You breathe out as you follow his instructions, holding the phone between your ear and shoulder as you shimmy out of your sleep pants and undies, kicking them to the side as you spread your legs, holding in a little gasp when you place your fingers between your folds. You could feel how wet you were getting just from hearing him command you over the phone. It felt wrong doing this in your moms house but you couldn't find it in you to care at the moment. Maybe tomorrow you would be a little ashamed but not now. 
For the next hour Eddie edged you both. You could hear him groaning, letting out little whimpers, and breathing heavily as he jerked himself off, stopping when he told you to stop so you both were on the same path towards that cliff's edge into complete euphoria. 
He could hear your breathing over the phone, how hard you were working to be a good girl for him. At one point he even had you place your phone by your cunt so he could hear the sounds as you fingered yourself. He knew you were close, he knew you like the back of his hand by now, and he knew you wouldn't survive another edge. “You ready princess? Play with that pretty clit again. Slow circles. There we go. You can make a little noise, baby. Are you close?”
“Uh huh,” You muttered. You hated how wrecked you sounded compared to him. Besides his moaning he sounded perfectly normal. 
“Uh huh," He mocked. “Brains are completely gone now. Countdown from five and you can cum.” 
Your brain broke at his words and you don't know how you did it but you were able to count down between deep breaths and once that little word left his lips you knew you were gonna be a goner. “F-four… Five...”
You did. You both did. You had to drop the phone to slap a hand over your mouth to keep in your loud whimpers as you finally fell over that edge, that twisted coil in your gut now completely unwound. All you could do was mutter ‘Thank you, thank you, thank you’ over and over again brainlessly as you heard him groan over the phone.   
Slowly you moved your hand around the bed to find the phone that was lost in your blankets until you were able to grab it and bring it to your ear again. “Holy shit.”
Eddie laughed as he heard your voice pop back up. “Damn I’m good.”
“God I hoped no one heard that.” You laughed lightly through a sigh. 
“I hope everyone heard that! Fuck should record that for the next album.” He laughed again when you scolded him.
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After that night the days flew by with you wondering around town with your mom and getting your grandparents house ready for the party, while Eddie and the boys were being driven from place to place, photoshoots, interviews, TV spots and by the time Friday night rolled around he was exhausted as he packed the last remaining items into his bags so he could catch his redeye to Ithaca from Burbank. 
As far as he knew Curtis still had no idea and he was ready to have his phone off until he got to Ithaca to give him enough time to come up with what to say to his manager. Zipping up his bag he threw it over his shoulder along with his guitar, did one last check of his room and headed out of the door. 
Jeff was just about to knock when the door opened and he smiled at Eddie. “Ready to escape from LA?”
“Absofuckinlutely.” Eddie said with his own smile. “Get me out of here. I have a girl to see.”
“Curtis is in his room,” Jeff said as he walked with Eddie to the elevator. “Should be there all night, Lizzy is staying back and keeping an eye on him. She’s going to distract him if he starts to even look like he’s going to your room. We want to give you a good head start.”
“Thanks man,” Eddie said as the doors opened and they walked into it. “I owe you big time.” 
“Don’t worry about it.” Jeff shrugged as the doors closed and he pressed the button for the lobby. “Maybe you and Y/N can help me and Lizzy run away for a while.”
The two men laughed as the small room descended, taking Eddie out to the lobby and into a waiting taxi. Jeff waved as he watched the car drive away.
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The day of the family party was here and you had gotten up early that morning to bake a few batches of cookies for the event. Running on a cup of coffee and only a few hours of sleep it was a mad rush getting through the day as you went about making sure you had all the presents, treats, and other things for the party ready to pack into Joel's truck to take over to your grandparents home. 
Throughout the day your family trickled into the small home until the building was so full you could barely find a place to sit. Drinks of all kinds were flowing and the place smelled delicious with all the food your grandmother, mom, and Aunts were cooking up in the kitchen. You took it upon yourself to organize the tables full of treats and other pre-dinner snacks. 
You were pleasantly surprised that not one of your family members mentioned the whole mess with your dad. It was nice to just forget about it. Soon the sun started to set and the stars peaked out through the clouds. You had tried to call Eddie a few times but all you got was voicemail. Looking at the clock you sighed as you pulled your phone out to call again but one of your Uncles came over to give you a hug.
“Hey Kiddo!” He said as he ruffled your hair a bit. “How’ve you been? Still baking?”
“Hey!” You smiled as you pushed your phone back into your pocket. “Yeah, I'm still baking! Got a little shop and everything. I made those cookies you like!”
“You spoil me!” He smiled as he took a few from the plate.
You were about to make a quip back when your phone started to ring in your pocket. Pulling it out of your pocket you smiled when Eddie’s name was flashing on the screen. “Excuse me.”
Moving away from your Uncle you pressed answer and put the phone to your ear. “I have been trying to get a hold of you all day!”
“I saw. I’m sorry baby something came up and I had to turn my phone off.” Eddie said as he pulled his rental into an open spot miraculously in front of your grandparents home. He looked through the passenger window at the crowded living room through the front window. He had to admit he was a little nervous but he shook it off. He wasn’t here for them, he was here for you. Popping open the driver door he stepped out and moved around it to lean on the passenger side one hand in the pocket of his leather jacket. “Can you do me a favor, sweetheart?”
“What?” You asked as you smiled at one of your little cousins who ran by you.
“Can you go to the front yard and just look at the stars for me? I bet it’s beautiful outside.” Slowly he started to walk up the sidewalk to the front door of the home.
“Outside?” You laughed, moving from your spot in the kitchen to grab your jacket from the closet. Slowly pulling on your coat, you waved your mom’s curious look away, as you head towards the front door. Pulling it open you stepped out of the house and stopped as you stared in shock at Eddie who was standing just three steps away from the porch with his phone to his ear. Dropping your phone you squeal and rush from the home watching as he moves forward to catch you when you practically jump from over the steps. “What are you doing here?!”
“I wanted to spend our first Christmas together.” He said as he wrapped his arms around you. Pressing the disconnect button on his phone before he pulled you in for a kiss. Leaning his forehead against yours when you both pulled back.
“But the band…” You asked, your breath leaving you in little puffs. “All your interviews…”
“Coming here was their idea. Curtis is pissed but I will deal with that later.” He smiled back at you. 
“You flew all the way over here just to be with me for Christmas?”
“Baby, I would fly across the world to be with you on a random Tuesday.” He smiled. 
You moved back a little so you could fully see him, the cold was making the tip of his nose a little red and snow was starting to collect in his hair. “How did you even know how to get here?”
“Joel.” Eddie shrugged a little. 
Shaking your head you laugh a little as you pull him back in for a kiss. Mumbling an ‘I love you’ against his lips. 
“I love you too.” He smiled and kissed you a few more times. 
A few wolf whistles and catcalls got your attention and when you both looked towards the front door you laughed as your entire family was standing there watching you, heat flaring in your cheeks as you buried your face into Eddie’s chest. Jack looked particularly shocked when he recognized Eddie. 
Laughing, your mom pushed his shoulder a little. “I told you he was famous!”
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