#⌜ interactions ⌟ ✦ * ·  ˚ spotlight and center stage .
sensualnoiree · 1 month
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1st House: The Helm This is where your spiritual energy and identity take the spotlight. The 1st House governs your appearance, personality, and vitality—the essence of how you project yourself to the world. It’s your steez, your approach to life, and the first impression you make on others. The 1st House is all about beginnings, the mask you may unknowingly wear, and how you come to know yourself on a deep authentic level. The captain of this ship is the ruling planet of the zodiac sign residing there.
2nd House: Gate of Hades Your values, self-esteem, and ability to attract wealth are all tied to the 2nd House. This is where your personal resources, possessions, and financial matters come into play. The foods you eat, your saving and spending habits, and your sense of self-worth are all part of this house. It’s where your style and material wealth are rooted, reflecting how you value yourself and what you own. This house represents how you sustain for yourself, how you support all that the first house needs of you to be who you are.
3rd House: Goddess The 3rd House is the domain of communication, early education, and the mind. It governs how you gather and process information, your intellect, and your interactions within your community. This house also encompasses your relationships with siblings, short travels, and technical skills. It’s the space where your to-do list and daily mental activities take shape.
4th House: Subterranean Deeply connected to your roots, the 4th House represents your home, heritage, and ancestry. It’s where your inner life and sense of security are nurtured, influenced by your upbringing and relationship with your parents—especially the mother. This house also relates to land, generational gifts, and knowledge passed down through the family. It’s a space of femininity and the feminine energies in your life. This is the lowest point of the birth chart and can be fairly private and personal-as opposed to the 10th house. It holds up the rest of the chart and is incredibly important in terms of learning about our sense of security/stability emotionally, spiritually, and physically.
5th House: Good Fortune Joy, creativity, and self-expression flourish in the 5th House. This is where you experience the pleasures of life—love affairs, children, art, and entertainment. It’s the house of flirtation, play, and drama, where your passions come to life. The 5th House also governs leisure activities, fertility, and the pursuit of happiness through creative endeavors. A sense of nostalgia lives here too.
6th House: Bad Fortune The 6th House deals with work, health, and daily routines. It’s the space of labor, servitude, and the duties that never seem to end. This house also governs how you care for your body, deal with illness and injury, and interact with employees or pets. It’s where the unexpected challenges in life arise, requiring your attention and resilience. Look here for understanding on what great works you may find yourself committing to.
7th House: Setting Place Relationships take center stage in the 7th House. This is where you finally begin to truly engage with others, forming long-term commitments, whether in marriage, partnerships, or friendships. It’s the house of open enemies, where you face the other in life. The 7th House also governs relaxation, romance, and the deep bonds that define your connections with others.
8th House: The Idle Place Death, transformation, and shared resources are key themes in the 8th House. It’s where you confront karma, contracts, and generational lessons. This house also deals with loans, debts, and the deep psyche—the mysteries and fears that lie beneath the surface. The 8th House is a place of soul material, where you explore the unseen and the unknown. Here, you face all consequences-positive & negative- of the 7th house and the relationships, contracts, and potential enemies made there. This is the house of others esteem of you, opposite of the 2nd.
9th House: House of God The 9th House is your portal to higher knowledge, philosophy, and spiritual exploration. It governs your worldview, ethics, and the pursuit of truth through study, travel, and discovery. This house is where you connect with religion, spirituality, and the higher mind, expanding your understanding of the world and your place in it.
10th House: House of Praxis Your public life, reputation, and career are shaped by the 10th House. It’s where you strive for honor, recognition, and achievements that define your legacy. This house also relates to your relationships with authority figures, particularly the father, and how you navigate the public sphere. The 10th House is where your goals, fame, and business acumen are realized. Sitting at the very top of the chart, like the sun at noon high in the sky, all can see you here.
11th House: Good Spirits In the 11th House, your hopes, dreams, and social networks come to life. This house governs your friendships, group affiliations, and the communities you belong to. It’s where you connect with humanity, receive sudden blessings, and find support in your aspirations. The 11th House is also associated with gifts, riches, and the imagination needed to dream big.
12th House: Bad Spirits The 12th House is a place of retreat, isolation, and self-undoing. It’s where you confront your inner shadows, secrets, and hidden enemies. This house governs institutions, mental health, and the need for solitude or seclusion. It’s also a space of psychological development, where you deal with endings, sickness, and the unseen forces that shape your life journey. This house is in a blind spot to the first house of Self and that is why we can be blind to the very things that reside here. Its not so much that these things seek out to destroy you but any area of your life your are deeply unaware of can come back and disorientate you from who you believe yourself to be.
follow for more astro insights like this and head on over to @quenysefields or my etsy --> sensualnoiree to grab my new astrology guidebook on reading your own natal chart :)
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verncnduke · 2 years
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kleopatra45 · 2 months
Ascendant in the Solar Return Chart
The Ascendant in your Solar Return chart sets the tone for your year ahead, highlighting the themes and energies you'll encounter. This key placement shapes how you present yourself, initiate new beginnings, and approach the world during this specific year.
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With Aries rising, this year is all about new beginnings and taking bold actions. You’ll feel a surge of confidence and assertiveness, ready to tackle challenges head-on. This is a year to initiate projects, embrace your independence, and lead with courage. Expect dynamic changes and opportunities to assert your individuality.
A Taurus Ascendant brings a focus on stability and building solid foundations. This year emphasizes comfort, security, and enjoying the finer things in life. You'll seek to create a sense of peace and contentment in your surroundings. Financial matters and personal values will take center stage, urging you to cultivate patience and persistence.
With Gemini rising, communication and versatility are key themes. This year encourages curiosity, learning, and social interactions. You’ll find yourself exploring new ideas, connecting with others, and embracing a more adaptable approach to life. Stay open to new experiences and be prepared for a lively, mentally stimulating year.
A Cancer Ascendant brings emotional depth and a focus on home and family. This year, you’ll prioritize your emotional well-being and nurturing relationships. Creating a supportive and comforting environment will be important. You'll be more intuitive and sensitive, drawing strength from your inner world and close connections.
With Leo rising, this year is all about self-expression and shining brightly. You’ll feel a surge of creativity, confidence, and a desire for recognition. This is a time to embrace your passions, take center stage, and lead with your heart. Expect opportunities to showcase your talents and step into the spotlight.
A Virgo Ascendant emphasizes practicality and attention to detail. This year, you’ll focus on improving your routines, health, and daily responsibilities. Efficiency and organization will be your guiding principles. You’ll seek to refine your skills, serve others, and create a sense of order in your life.
With Libra rising, relationships and harmony take center stage. This year encourages cooperation, balance, and cultivating meaningful connections. You’ll strive for fairness and seek to create beauty in your surroundings. Social interactions and partnerships will play a crucial role, urging you to find equilibrium in all areas of life.
A Scorpio Ascendant brings intensity and transformation. This year, you’ll delve deep into your emotions and seek profound changes. It's a time for releasing old patterns, embracing your inner power, and undergoing personal growth. Expect to uncover hidden truths and experience significant emotional breakthroughs.
With Sagittarius rising, adventure and expansion are key themes. This year, you’ll seek new horizons, knowledge, and experiences that broaden your perspective. Optimism and enthusiasm will guide you. Travel, higher learning, and philosophical pursuits will be highlighted, encouraging you to explore the world and your beliefs.
A Capricorn Ascendant brings a focus on ambition and long-term goals. This year, you’ll prioritize discipline, responsibility, and building a strong foundation for your future. Career matters and personal achievements will take center stage. You’ll be determined to reach your objectives and gain recognition for your efforts.
With Aquarius rising, this year emphasizes innovation and individuality. You’ll seek to break free from conventions and embrace your unique path. Friendships, social causes, and visionary ideas will be important. This is a time to explore new technologies, embrace change, and connect with like-minded individuals.
A Pisces Ascendant brings a focus on compassion and spirituality. This year, you’ll be more in tune with your intuition and inner world. Creativity, empathy, and a desire to help others will guide you. You’ll seek to transcend the material realm and find deeper meaning in your experiences. It's a year for dreaming, healing, and embracing your spiritual journey.
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femmefatalevibe · 1 year
Femme Fatale Guide: How To Validate Yourself & Stop People Pleasing
A comprehensive guide to learn love & trust yourself and break out of your people-pleasing identity. Hope this helps xx
Remember the longest relationship you have in life is the one with yourself. While we all need an external support system to be well-rounded & healthy individuals, no one else will be with you throughout your entire life except for you. So, acting as your own best friend is the secret to living your happiest and most fulfilling life. You ultimately need to do what's best for you. Otherwise, you're damaging the only relationship you will have to confront in every aspect and stage of your life.
Acknowledge your humanity and fundamental right to have needs, goals, and personal desires. Validate your personhood and individuality. Remember you're only human and are bound to have your own physical/emotional limitations and preferences. If you would be willing to cater to others' schedules, boundaries, and limitations, give yourself this equal level of respect and expect others to do the same.
Know everyone is self-centered to a certain degree. No one cares about your happiness as much or is watching you as closely as you are. They all have themselves and their lives to worry about. People are paying attention to their own self-interests (or want you to accomplish things to boost their own credibility or self-esteem). Being your greatest personal cheerleader is the only way to fully give yourself the praise and spotlight you deserve for your accomplishments.
Self-confidence is magnetic. It is the secret to showing up as your best self in all areas of life. Being secure in yourself makes you a better friend, family member, lover, partner, spouse, professional, conversationalist, etc. Validating yourself will make you feel good, but also radiates into every relationship or interaction in your life.
Discover what you love about yourself. Reflect on the personality traits, skillsets, and behaviors you know to be admirable about yourself. Are you constantly making others laugh? Do you get endless praise for your cooking, drawing, singing, or problem-solving skills? Would people come to you first to manage a crisis like a champion? Are you a master disciplinarian when it comes to going to the gym or reading? Do people regularly compliment your outfits or nails? Think of all of the aspects of your being that make you unique and help you to feel content with your existing, authentic self.
Take control of your life to cultivate your ideal self. While you should consistently praise your naturally admirable qualities, remember that you always can change aspects of your life that will help you feel like your best self. Know that you're in control of your decisions and have the mental freedom to think & act in any way you desire to reach any goals or implement lifestyle changes to feel like the person you feel destined to be.
Block out the noise and negative self-talk. We're (almost always!) our worst critics. Consider every new experience or interaction as a learning opportunity. Mistakes and failures are life lessons that facilitate self-reflection and opportunities for growth. Remember not to beat yourself up for past mistakes: You did the best you could with the information you had at the time. If you weren't embarrassed by your past self, you never gave yourself the chance to evolve and grow. Every success, failure, and new life stage offers its own lessons and teachable moments. Remember that we're all our own unique life paths. Comparing your life to someone else's is like comparing apples and oranges. Both entities may be fruitful but have vastly different flavor profiles, growing seasons, and rates at which they ripen. As Dita Von Tesse shrewdly said: "You can be the ripest, juiciest peach in the world, and there will always be someone who hates peaches."
Acknowledge that people-pleasing is a form of self-neglect. By prioritizing another person's desires or approval above your own, you're ultimately neglecting your physical, emotional, energetic, or spiritual needs. Consider acting in your best in your own best interest as an act of self-care that safeguards your well-being.
Set boundaries. State your limitations, calmly, clearly, and directly. Understand that boundaries are your response to other people's actions, not a means to control other people's behavior. An expectation would be to ask someone not to call you during the workday. A boundary is stating that you will not pick up the phone during the workday and will only make/return calls in the evening after leaving the office.
Communicate your needs & expectations clearly. While you can't control what others will do, being upfront with your needs and expectations can eliminate unnecessary stress, logistical issues, misplaced hurt feelings, or disappointment in any type of relationship. Direct communication between parties will allow you both to respect each other's boundaries and to prioritize interactions that are mutually more positive, helpful, and emotionally nourishing.
Express your "no" freely (and without over-explaining). Remember that "No" is a complete sentence. You do not owe someone your time or emotional energy simply because they asked or expect you to do something/attend an event out of perceived obligation/guilt or simply to make someone else happy. Making sure you're okay is your first priority. Feel free to say "no" to any requests that would emotionally drain you, make you overextend yourself, or compromise any of your personal values/goals/priorities. You don't need to justify your needs. Just kindly decline, and let it be.
Remain consistent with your boundaries & priorities. People will treat you how you let them treat you. Once you set a boundary or share your priorities will someone, stick to these words through your actions to show you're serious about how you expect to be treated. Teach people how to interact with you in a way that doesn't feel self-sacrificing. No one will respect your boundaries and priorities if you don't and are easily swayed to forgo these self-imposed standards on a day-to-day or case-by-case basis.
Consider the long-term consequences of people-pleasing. While it may appease immediate conflict or anxiety, people-pleasing offers a one-way ticket to resentment and misplaced anger. By ignoring our own needs for the sake of others, we place unspoken expectations on these individuals' obligations to reciprocate our emotional labor – whether it be with their future actions or matching our generosity with unprompted favors or emotional support. We start keeping score as we continuously give ourselves over to others of perceived obligation. When someone doesn't return the favor, we get upset, despite never expressing this expectation of someone else or that we're even self-sacrificing in any way. This can lead to us feeling depleted or guilt-tripping others, and from their perspective, seemingly out of nowhere. It is best to remember we always have a choice whether to give to others and it should be of a genuine desire, love, or support for the other person – not as a way to gain external validation or manipulate a situation to create a false sense of obligation that we keep ourselves or the receiving party beholden to. Think of your energy, time, and personal resources given to others as a gift, not a bargaining chip.
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mochinomnoms · 11 months
Hi hi friend,
If it is not too much trouble I would like to make a request for your event? I think I would like Floyd with prompt 14- “I'd rather have the thorniest, pesticide ridden roses grow in my mouth before I'd ever admit having any sort of affection for them!”
They/them for Yuu is fine with me, I was thinking romantic? Where maybe it's obvious to everyone but Yuu how requited their feelings are.
I've really liked reading your writing and hope you continue to have fun doing it (♡°▽°♡)
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floyd leech x gn!reader [tags] – fluff, mutual pining [wc} – 3,659 prompt 14: “I'd rather have the thorniest, pesticide ridden roses grow in my mouth before I'd ever admit having any sort of affection for them!” note - hahahahahhahahahahaha i did not mean to write so much but i went a little buckwild and i think floyd deserves to be allowed to be soft sometimes a floral inconvenience
Lavender roses - Introduced in 1900, lavender roses represent love at first sight. They’re often given to someone to convey that the giver was immediately smitten and fell in love. 
You’d decided to attend a karaoke event the Mostro Lounge was hosting to introduce the new spring menu. It was meant to be a nice, relaxing hangout with your friends from Heartslaybul as you listened to your friends attempt to show off their mediocre singing skills. 
Ace was in an especially good mood, happy to tease you as you waved happily at Floyd, who’d returned your affections. 
“Oi, oi, oiiiiiii, Prefect? When you gonna say something? Kinda tired of dealing with you puking petals every—OW!”
You snorted as Deuce smacked Ace upside the head, muttering about him being an asshole. 
“Leave them alone Ace, unless you want to be collared for harassing a member of the student body?” Riddle reprimanded, giving Ace a harsh glare as he turned to you instead. 
“You can ignore him, Prefect, you don’t have to say anything to that good-for-nothing merman! I’m sure you could do much better anyways.”
You chuckled, enjoying the soft banter between the group. It was particularly nice seeing Riddle interact more casually with his peers, even if you weren’t able to convince him to sing with you. 
“Are you sure you do want to go up with me?” You pouted leaning in close to the red-headed housewarden. “I’ll even let you pick the song—”
“Out of the question.”
You sighed, resting against the plush cushions of the booth while Ace and Deuce bicker about which song would be better for a duet. This was nice. 
It was nice, up until Floyd decided to take part in the festivities. Somehow he’d snuck behind you and Riddle, snatching up your friend with a gleeful cackle as he screeched. 
“Nah, it’s fine Goldfishie, I need ya for just a sec!”
Floyd placed Riddle in a seat, front and center at the stage, as he climbed up. The cool blue spotlight suited Floyd’s features as he grinned. 
Picking up the mic from its stand, Floyd announced, “Alright! This song is for my favorite little fishie in the whole entire school, so you all better enjoy it!”
You expected him to start singing a silly pop song, one with high energy and beats. Or one that became a meme on Magicam last week, something about flamingos and turning pink. 
Instead, the upbeat, suave tunes of a familiar song started playing. A familiar love song. 
“Is…is this ABBA?”
“Who?” Cater asked, recording the scene with a stifling giggle as Riddle turned redder and redder in embarrassment (and most likely rage) as Floyd continued to serenade him. 
“This is ‘Lay Your Love’ by BABA, a classic from the 80s—”
“No it’s called ABBA back home—wait, WHY IS FLOYD SINGING A LOVE SONG TO RIDDLE!?”
Your screech startled the surrounding tables, drawing attention that you were too jealous to focus on. Floyd made eye contact with you, hearing your yelling. Continuing to sing—quite nicely you’d hate to admit—the eel mer winked and smirked, drawing an ire that you didn’t know you had. 
“What the hell? Floyd!” With the vindication of a scorned lover, you stomped to the stage and swiped the microphone from Floyd’s hands. 
“Floyd, what are you doing?” you spoke into the mic, glaring daggers at the tall beanpole of an eel turned man, who looked unbothered at your angry presence.
Floyd took the mic back and answered, “I’m trying to win my mate back—DON’T GO WASTING—”
“What mate?” You yanked the mic back while Floyd followed suit, though this time you kept both hands on. It became a tugging match as you both tried speaking into the mic before the other took it back. 
“Goldfishie.” You could hear Riddle scream at that. 
“Riddle’s not your mate! I’m your mate—” You snapped your mouth shut, the mic feedback and your last words echoing through the lounge, mocking you. 
Floyd had a large, smug grin on his face, his sharp teeth gleaming under the bright lights of the stage. You were now very aware of the packed lounge, and of the students spectating. 
The mic was slowly pulled back to Floyd, who gleefully asked “Oh~ Say that again?”
You shook your head furiously, trying to pull back in order to run off and curl into a hole from embarrassment. Floyd’s grip on the mic and your hands tightened, preventing your escape. 
“That’s fiiine,” Floyd pulled out a small device from his pocket, lightly tapping it on the mic. “I have it riiiight ‘ere.” 
Suddenly, a recording of your voice looped into the mic: 
“I’m your mate—I’m your mate—I’m your mate—”
He recorded it. 
“Oh my god…” You looked at Floyd in horror, who was still grinning ear to ear, like a cat that got the mouse. 
“HehehehehehahahAHAHA!” Floyd’s giggle turned into a cackle as he launched at you, mic and recorder abandoned on the floor. Between the ear-splitting squeal of the mic hitting the ground and a 6’2” man tackling you, there was little time for you to defend yourself as your lips clashed, teeth clattering against one another from the brute force.
His long arms wrapped themselves tightly around your waist, dipping you down dramatically as he broke your kiss to instead leave wet kisses on your cheeks, nose, forehead, and every other piece of skin not covered by clothes. 
Ace and Cater’s cackles could be heard amongst the now growing laughter, whistles, and jeers of the crowd. You think you could even make out someone yelling at your two to get a room. 
“—off the stage! Get off the stage, both of you!” 
Ah, it was Azul. Who was stomping over the shoo you both off the stage, giving Floyd a particularly harsh whack on the head with his staff. 
“Ow, fuck that hurt!” Floyd whined, scooping you up with his left hand and cradling you to his chest. “Cool it Azul, don’t harsh my vibe—”
“I don’t care! Go make out in your room! This is a lounge not a brothel!”
“Fiiiiiine,” Floyd adjusted his grip to instead throw you over his shoulder, amused by how limp you’d gone in his grasp. “Come on Shrimpy! I got something fun in mind~”
His sentence and teasing tone made you flush, images of you and him in bed flashing through your mind. 
“W-wait, Floyd, what are we gonna do?”
“You’ll see, ahahahehe!” Floyd’s giggled echoed through the hallway as he quickened his pace. It was only a few minutes before you realized that you two had made it to the dormitory halls. 
Floyd kicked open his door, the hinges squeaking from the force. He marched over to his bed, grabbing at your waist to no doubt throw you on it before pausing. 
“Oh yeah.” Like a sudden realization hitting him, Floyd grabbed the corner of his bedsheets and shook them, clothing, books, and crumbs no doubtedly flying off. 
Once satisfied, Floyd hummed and once again grabbed your waist, this time committing to throwing you on the bed, which bounced under you. 
“AaaAaaAAAah—FLOYD!” You yelped, face turning redder as Floyd caged you to the bed. He looked at you with a hungry expression, licking his lips at the sight of you. 
“Wait-wait Floyd, gimme a sec—” you stammered, crawling backwards until your back hit the headboard. “—this is all very very sudden, I—wait!”
Floyd crawled after you, trapping you with his long arms, leaning down until his lips were lingering over yours. You shut your eyes in anticipation, waiting for his hands to grab at your clothes and tear them off. 
A soft, tender meeting of the lips. Floyd pressed his mouth against yours, swiping his tongue into your mouth, to which you returned with flustered confusion. The kiss was with such gentleness that you had to open your eyes to confirm that it was indeed Floyd kissing you. 
Olive and yellow eyes were closed, a blissful smile on his lips as he broke your kiss, instead pressing almost chaste pecks to your cheeks, down, your neck, and over your shirt where your heart was beating away. 
Floyd pressed his right ear to your chest, listening to the increasingly rapid pounding against your rib cage. His arms moved from trapping you against the bed to trapping you against his body, wrapping around your back and tightening while his lanky legs tangled between yours. 
You weren’t sure what to do with your own hands, once he had settled laying on you. Hesitantly, you reached to lace them through his hair, pushing the strands back to get a better view of his peaceful face. Admittedly, seeing Floyd in such a state, blissful and sweet, was beautiful. 
His smile grew slightly as you combed through his hair, nuzzling his nose into your chest. Into your heart really. 
“Hmm? What’s wrong?” Floyd opened his yellow eye, gleaming at you in amusement. “I just wanted to cuddle, did ya have somethin’ else in mind? Haha!”
He moved to prop up his chin, smirking at you as he teased, “Didn’t think ya had sucha dirty mind, if you wanna ‘do it’, all you had to do was ask—”
You shoved his face back into your chest looking away in embarrassment, feeling his giggles vibrate through you. 
“Shut up, ugh!” You pouted, grumbling, “You set me up! Ugh! How’d you even know that would work?”
“I heard you.”
“Talkin’ to Lil Goldfishie,” Floyd moved so that instead of laying on top of you, he was curled into your side with his head nestled at the crook of your neck. “When you got the flower sickness.” 
You looked at him with shock. That conversation with Riddle happened nearly three months ago in between classes. 
Specifically, it happened a few weeks after winter break, when you were catching up Riddle to your “adventure” in Scarabia, after which small lavender roses started blooming along your freckles, their thorns scratching your skin.
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“And then, he launched us waaaaaay into the desert!” You animatedly waved your arms around as you recounted your fiasco over winter break. “We were trapped, but then Kalim used his unique magic to fill a dry riverbed with water and then!”
Riddle raised a brow at you as you began gigging with a soft blush. “Jade and Floyd had to turn into their merforms, so me and Kalim had to hold on to his back, but when I wrapped my arms around his chest, and he held my hand to steady me! ”
Your friend rolled his eyes as you started to silently squealed in your seat, sighing.
“Are you going to finish? I have better things to do than listen to you babble about Floyd of all people. Honestly,” Riddle huffed, “I don’t understand what you see in that riffraff!”
“He’s not a riffraff!” You quipped, frowning as you crossed your arms. “He’s actually really sweet if you give him the time of day, Floyd just likes being able to have fun with others you know!”
“Even then, his mood swings don’t terrify you? He gets rather violent sometimes.” Riddle took a sip of his tea as you shook your head. 
“No, I mean if you just go with the flow it’s fine, plus that just makes him more exciting to be around! Plus we’ve been getting closer ever since Azul’s overblot…”
You smiled softly as you looked down at your lap, fondness growing in your heart like blooms on a warm spring day. 
“He can actually be quite sweet, once you get to know him…you just have to give him a chance.”
The two of you remained quiet, the only coming from the distant chatter of other students in the more populated areas of the guest lounge.
“I’m safe to assume then that he is the reason you’ve started sprouting the roses?”
Your soft pink blush deepened as you nodded, picking at the small flower that began blooming on your cheek. 
“When will you confess, then?” You looked at Riddle in shock, who seemed confused at your distress. “What? It’s obvious that you have strong feelings for him, and even I notice how especially clingy he is around you.”
You shook your head, stuttering, “Well, yeah but that’s—”
“I’ve even heard him refer to you by name, he only does that with Jade and Azul you know?”
“You don’t understand Riddle.” You tried to interject, growing more flustered by the second. “I don’t think I could—”
Riddle continued, “As much as I disapprove, it does seem that you two genuinely bring out the best in each other, he does seem softer when you’re around—”
“Oh my—Riddle, stop—”
“—And you’ve gotten more outspoken, I remember how shy you were—”
“I’m begging you—”
“—Besides, according to the Queen of Heart’s rule number 478, any romantic feelings must be confessed approximately 12 days upon their discovery or the individual in question obligated to deny—”
“I said stop, Riddle!” You yelled at the top of your lungs before choking on rather large bouquet of lavender roses. Leaves and petals fluttered all around you as you continued to let out rough coughs, phlegm and saliva making a mess. 
Your yell startled the red-head so much that he simply started at you with a red face and thinned lips, too shocked to properly yell back at you for raising your voice indoors. 
Instead, he carefully placed his tea cup on the table between you two, folded his hands in his lap, closed his eyes, and took a deep breath. You on the other hand, peaked around the dividers separating your nook from the rest of the lounge. 
Ace and Deuce looked over in concern as you continued to cough out more roses, walking over before you shook your head and gave them a thumbs up before shooing them away and turning back to Riddle. 
“...sorry Riddle.” You whispered, looking at him nervously. “I didn’t mean to yell, don’t be mad?”
“It’s…fine.” He replied with a strained voice, taking a final inhale before opening his eyes again and making eye contact. “You shouldn’t have yelled, and I shouldn’t have pushed.”
Riddle sighed, relaxing into the soft lounge chair. Though he would deny when asked, the chair that he helped you pick for the guest room was is favorite spot to sit in, as it surprising comfortable. 
“May I ask why you refused? It’s quite obvious to anyone that you care for him immensely, for some forsaken reason, and I would even say it’s quite mutual.”
You avoided eye contact as he resumes sipping from his tea, a lemon tea with 2 sugar cubes for his post meal tea. 
“Yeah…that’s what the other first-years say too. Even Jade’s been dropping hints on mer courtship gifts.”
“Then? What’s stopping you? 
A pregnant pause was in the air as you open and closed your mouth, attempting to figure out what it was that scared you. 
“What if…he gets bored?” 
Riddle furrowed his eyebrows as he leaned in, barely able to hear you. 
“What if he what?” He sighed, a bit irritated. “Speak up Prefect, I know you can, you just did earlier.”
You groaned out, “What if he gets bored with me? I’m fun and interesting now, yeah!”
Your friend watched, and you began pacing around the room, holding his head in his hand as he watched and listened to you vent. 
“I’m just a silly little magicless human that got transported from another world! Big whoop! What happens when that novelty wears off? You've heard him, he only likes to do things that are fun and interesting to him, but I won’t always be fun and interesting, eventually he’ll get used to me and get bored.”
You turned to look at Riddle with a teary-eyed, but firm look. “He’s get bored and leave me. I can’t handle that! So I just won’t be with him. In fact, I'd rather have the thorniest, pesticide ridden roses grow in my mouth before I'd ever admit having any sort of affection for him!”
Your voice began to crack as you stated your final sentence, snapping your mouth shut before you got begun crying. Riddle stood up and walked over to grasp your shoulders, looking at you with an understanding smile. 
“The sort of person that would abandon a lover simply because they’re bored never deserved one in the first place.” 
Riddle hummed in agreement as you sqeaked out a ‘really?’, giving you a soft pat on your shoulder. 
“Of course, I can’t say I don’t understand your hesitance, Floyd is…Floyd, after all. However, he is not my friend, you are. If you choose to forfeit your right to confess, then so be it.”
You smiled as he dragged you back to your seats, giggling as he continued, “I personally would say it’s no lost on your part, he’s not exactly the most prime candidate for your life partner should you be stuck here in Twisted Wonderland, may I suggest one of the many more suitable providers?”
“Pfft-like who? You?” you cackled as Riddle looked at you in mild horror. 
“Oh dear, of course not! I admire you as a friend, but I have much stricter standards for a partner.” He snapped his fingers in revelation. “Perhaps Ace or Deuce, you are rather close to them—”
“Ewwwww, pass. They’re like annoying brothers!” 
Riddle snorted before covering it up with a cough. “True. Trey?”
“If you’re just going to suggest your dorm members, maybe we should switch the conversation to something else.”
“Well I think my dorm produces only the best and most gentlemanly mages of all of NRC, so excuse me if I’m simply trying to give you the best options!” 
You and Riddle shared some laughter, a flash of teal catching the corner of your eye. But you saw nothing, so instead you focused back on Riddle as he began recounting his own winter break activities.
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You remained quiet as you processed your thoughts, finding the lilac ceiling to be particularly interesting. 
Floyd also stayed quiet, still curled into your side as he breathed in your scent. You’re sure that with all of the flowers you’d started coughing up in the last few minutes, you smelled strongly of the lavender roses. 
“You know…I was gettin’ real mad when you wouldn’t confess to me.” Floyd whined, propping his head up with his hand to look at you and your pink face. 
“I thought it would be nice to get a cute confession out of my little shrimp,” He pinched your nose and forced you to look at him. “It be real fun! Like those cringy romcoms landfolk like so much!”
You replied, nasally due to your pinched nose, “Wait, is that why Jade was telling me about mer courting methods?”
“Haha! Yeah, I was hopin’ that you’d bring me a pretty seashell or somethin’ cute so Icould make fun of ya for later.”
You let out an indigent huff, smacking Floyd’s hand away as he laughed. 
“Really? So what made you change your mind?”
“Hearing ya talk to Goldfishie. It pissed me off that you’d think I’d toss you out like humans at sea with their trash.”
Floyd’s tone changed, looking  visibly annoyed as he continued. 
“Mers mate for life, and I wouldn’t choose someone I’d get bored with.” He sat up as his mood continued to sour. “It pissed me off, and it hurt, that my Little Shrimpy would think about me like that.”
“Oh, Floyd,” you sat up with him, guilt seeping in your bones as you looked at his angry face. Though, with the small tears forming in his eyes, Floyd looked more frustrated than anything. 
“I’m sorry, I-I didn’t think—it didn’t occur to me that you felt the same—”
“Well I do, and it’s not fair to me that you wouldn’t even give me a chance.” The way Floyd said that so matter of factly made you snap your mouth shut again, looking down at your lap instead. 
“I’m…sorry, Floyd. I wish I could make it up to you—”
Floyd interrupted, moody demeanor brightening suddenly. “No worries, I got just the solution!”
Crawling over back to you so that your back met the headboard again, Floyd grinned maliciously at your curled form. 
“Say it.”
“Say it. Those three little words.” Floyd held up three fingers to emphasize his point. “The ones that will make all those little flower go right away, the ones you need to say to me.”
You stiffened, leaning away from Floyd as he leaned in. “I don’t know if I can—”
“Say it, Y/N.” The use of your name startled your attention back to his face. He looked unusually serious, peering his heterochromic eyes into your own. If you didn’t know any better, you could’ve mistaken him for his twin. 
You whispered, prolonging the inevitable, “What happened to Shrimpy?”
“Shrimpy was Shrimpy, but now your Y/N. And Y/N is Y/N…”
The two of you shared a smile as the distance between you two continued to close. You couldn’t remember what was so pressing earlier, why you were so anxious when the yellow eye of the man in front of you produced nothing but adoration from your heart. 
“Please…” From the uncharacteristic soft murmur to the eyes darting down to your lips and back to your eyes, Floyd drew you back in with a hypnotic ease that only the most alluring of mythical creatures could even hope to imitate. 
The two of you leaned in as you placed a hand on his chest, his own left hand coming to cradle your own. 
You craned your head back to hover your lips under his, uttering the words you swore to never let leave your mouth. 
“I-I…love you, Floyd Leech.”
A single lavender rose grew between your palms, as two longing hearts met as one.
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princessaxoxo · 8 months
⟡₊ ⊹ 𝒶 𝓉𝒶𝓈𝓉ℯ ℴ𝒻 𝓈𝓊𝑔𝒶𝓇: 𝓅𝒶𝓇𝓉 𝐼 ⟡₊ ⊹
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sugar daddy!henry cavill x burlesque dancer!curvy reader
✧˚ ༘ ⋆。♡˚
❥ 𝘴𝘶𝘮𝘮𝘢𝘳𝘺: an enticing encounter at a burlesque club leads to an interesting offer.
❥ 𝘸𝘢𝘳𝘯𝘪𝘯𝘨𝘴: 18+ only, mentions of nudity.
❥ 𝘸𝘰𝘳𝘥 𝘤𝘰𝘶𝘯𝘵: 1.8k
✧˚ ༘ ⋆。♡˚
It was the first night of your performance, and your heart anxiously hammered against your chest. For weeks, you practiced your routine, planned your outfit, and selected the song you would use. As you peaked through the curtains to take a look, you saw how packed it was tonight. “It’s time, sweetie," the owner, Beatrice, of the Kitty Écarlate club said to you.
You took center stage as two of your coworkers stood behind you.
The purple velvet curtain opened, and Marilyn Monroe's "I wanna be loved by you” began to play. Adrenaline ran through your veins as you felt the bright spotlight come over you, and you forgot why you were nervous in the first place. On stage, you exuded a confidence that you had never felt before.
Henry’s eyes lifted to the stage as the spotlight hit you, your body seductively moving in tune with the song as you sang along. He placed his glass of whiskey down, and fascination filled him as he took notice of your look in detail. You had your hair styled in curls inspired by the forties and a simple makeup look that made you glow, consisting of a red lip, followed by a beauty mark underneath your eye on your left cheek, and some shimmer on your cheekbones. The curves that you displayed did not go unnoticed by him; in fact, he wanted to see more and trace them.
Teasing the audience to see a portion of your breast, you delicately dragged one feathered fan down the length of your arm. At the lyric, "I couldn’t aspire to anything higher than to fill the desire to make you my own!” The other one was pulled away by one of your backup dancers, and you looked back at the crowd with a surprised expression as you quickly covered the rest of your body.
As part of your performance, you strolled through the audience, interacting with every customer. Henry couldn’t take his eyes off of you as you made your way around the room, up until you were right in front of him. You looked at the slightly older man in front of you; his hair and beard held specks of silver.
Carelessly, to the tune of "I Wanna Be Kissed by You, Alone!" by Marilyn, you bent over as though you were going to give him a kiss and met his blue eyes, which had a tiny bit of brown in the left. And as you started to back away to return to the stage, he looked after you with longing.
At the end of the song, the last feather fan was pulled away, and both of your back-up dancers covered the front of your body as they shook the feather fans by their sides. When the curtain closed, your smile remained unwavering. With a broad smile and a silk robe, your boss ran over to you. "Sweetheart, you did a fantastic job; I’m so proud of you!”
All of the girls at the club showered you with love, and when you went back to your station in front of your mirror, there were a dozen flower bouquets and sweet little notes from all the girls that worked with you.
With a gleam and a playful smile on her face, Natasha hurried over to you and exclaimed, "A hot silver fox gave me this business card to give to you." And you turned to look at the back of the card, where the words, "I wish to meet with you. Call the number, HC," was written in cursive. When you turned it over to face forward, a number was displayed. That stranger, the attractive older man, was the first person that came to your mind.
Looking back at Natasha, “Is he still here?” you asked, and she shook her head, explaining that he left after she received the card from him. So you decided to keep it, but weren’t sure if you would call.
You couldn't stop staring at the number that night as your mind raced with images of him. You could still see the desire in his blue eyes as he looked back at you. Natasha's voice, urging you to phone him or else she would call on your behalf, lingered in the back of your mind as well.
A week later, as you pulled out your wallet to pay for your coffee, you spotted the card again. Although you’d forgotten, you dialed his number as soon as you picked up your coffee cup and sat down. At first, you assumed he wouldn't answer, but after a few rings, you heard "hello?" from the person speaking on the other end.
Immediately you perked up and said, "Hello, um." You tried not to seem stupid, but you failed, so you shook your head at yourself and carried on. "You wanted a call from me? At the club where I work, you gave your card to a friend of mine."
On the other end of the line, there was a moment of silence. “Yes, I would like to meet with you, if you’re interested.” Now it was your turn to take a moment of silence. “Yes, of course."
Feeling that you sounded overly eager, you smacked yourself. "When are you free?" Over the phone, his deep, husky voice warmed your body. "Tomorrow, I am." He agreed right away and texted you an address and code. "Open the gate using the code."
Feeling foolish for changing your clothes three times, you scoffed at yourself. Every time, you looked cute, but not exactly how you had hoped to look to see him. You left the house for what would turn out to be the most intriguing meeting of your life after finally deciding on an outfit that fit your style: a long-sleeved beige sweater with a black skirt and black stockings underneath, along with black heel boots and silver earrings.
To let him know you were on your way, you sent him a message. The trip from your place to his took thirty minutes. Nerves and excitement were all you could feel as you pulled up to his gate. The gate slowly opened when you entered the code, and when you pulled up and saw his house, you gasped.
To put it mildly, the home was stunning; it was both modern and classical in design. You immediately began to feel less. You drove a 2014 Toyota Corolla and lived in a studio apartment that you could barely afford. That's when you started questioning why this stranger would want to become acquainted with you at all.
Once your car was parked, you took a moment and mentally prepared yourself. After that, you got out of your car with confidence and knocked on his door three times. A woman who appeared to be a housekeeper answered the door and greeted you warmly inside. "It will only take a moment to notify Mr. Cavill of your arrival."
As she left, fidgeting with your hands, you glanced at what little you could see of the inside of his home. It didn't take long for you to hear footfall on the hardwood floors. You turned quickly, and for the first time in a week, you saw the handsome stranger you had initially encountered.
As he motioned for you to follow him, saying, "This way," you took notice of his navy tailored suit that fit him perfectly.
After following him up some stairs, you came to a patio overlooking his backyard. Beautiful flowers that were well-kept and trimmed surrounded a lovely garden.
"Here, kindly have a seat." When you looked back, you saw that he had pulled out a chair for you. Once you took a seat, he moved around the table to take a seat across from you. "Ever since I saw you at the burlesque show, I have been captivated by you," he declared. "Which is why I'm making you an offer, which I hope you'll accept." You recognized the document that slid in front of you as a contract.
Staring back at him confused, he said, "It's an arrangement, a paid relationship.” He then continued, “If you'd like, we can conduct formal introductions, but it's okay if not. I would need specific information about the costs you may be facing or require assistance with. We will also decide on your monthly payment amount for the aforementioned bills as well as any purchases you would like to make for yourself.” You understood what he said. "So, basically, you want to be my sugar daddy?"
He gave a little laugh and nodded his head. "Yes, to put it in simpler terms."
This arrangement could help you in more ways than one. You had student loans to pay off, and you wouldn’t be late on your rent any longer. Not to mention, he would spend money on you himself. And you enjoyed his company thus far.
“You may give it some thought.”
But you had already made your decision as you reached your hand across the table for him to shake and formally introduced yourself to him. A smile was returned to you. "Henry,” he said as he shook your hand. His hand was smooth and hefty, with long, tapering fingers. You could see how strong he was from the veins in his hand, which made you melt.
“Shall we get started?” He asked, and you nodded your head with a nervous smile at his question.
The rest of the morning was filled with questions about how much you pay on your monthly bills and what type you have. Indicating if any sexual activities will be included and agreeing on how much you’ll get paid and what days of the week you are free. Henry further proclaimed that you should never be afraid to ask for additional money.
Afterward, the both of you fell into natural comfortability—the kind of people who have known each other for years, not strangers that are just meeting officially, asking small questions to learn a bit about each other.
The time flew by in an instant, it seemed. Neither of you noticed it was noon until your stomach rumbled in front of him, and you apologized while becoming embarrassed.
"Don't apologize; we should eat." Henry took a look at his watch and saw it was around twelve. His laugh was full of warmth and life, as he requested some food be brought to the table.
Like a gentleman, he escorted you back to your car after lunch and opened the door for you. “I’d like to take you out for dinner on Thursday at 6.”
“What is the dress code?” you jokingly asked. "Dress however you please; I will never advise you on what is appropriate or inappropriate," he said as you got in the car, closing the door. The notion of seeing him again heated your body, and a faint flush crept into your cheeks.
˚₊⭑‧꒰ა [Tag list] ໒꒱ ‧₊⭑˚
@shellyshellshell @ellethespaceunicorn @beck07990 @ktficworld @chloe92 @kingliam2019 @juliaorpll78 @armystay89 @nighttimestan @identity2212
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xtra7s · 8 months
hello!! i adore your writing style and wanted to ask if you maybe would like to write a reneé rapp fic where instead of lola tung she takes fem!r to the stage and sings one less lonely girl?? and they could already be in a relationship or not either way i think that could be cute!! thank you<33
𝐎𝐧𝐞 𝐋𝐞𝐬𝐬 𝐋𝐨𝐧𝐞𝐥𝐲 𝐆𝐢𝐫𝐥 ─── 𝘙𝘦𝘯𝘦𝘦 𝘙𝘢𝘱𝘱 𝘹 𝘙𝘦𝘢𝘥𝘦𝘳
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Synopsis: Renee sings to her girlfriend on stage during her Halloween show.
Content: Renee Rapp x Fem!Reader, fluff, Renee is Justin Bieber(confirmed)
Word Count: 700
a/n: AHH THIS IS SO CUTE, im sorry if its too short, tried to add more to make it longer. hope u enjoy gorg!
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The atmosphere was alive with anticipation as the grand concert hall brimmed with eager spectators, all awaiting the entrance of the night's headlining act — Renee Rapp. The air was thick with excitement, whispers of admiration echoing through the venue. Little did the audience know that tonight's performance would be unlike any other, a tale of music and love waiting to unfold.
As the lights dimmed and the first chords of the music reverberated through the hall, Renee made a spectacular entrance, clad in the unmistakable style of Justin Bieber. The crowd erupted into cheers, their excitement reaching a crescendo as Renee took command of the stage with a magnetic presence.
Renee's performance was nothing short of mesmerizing. Her voice soared, effortlessly hitting every note, as she flawlessly navigated through a setlist that spanned genres and emotions. The audience was caught in the spell of her musical prowess, every song a testament to her versatility as an artist.
Throughout the performance, Renee danced and interacted with the crowd, creating an electric energy that charged the room. From high-energy pop anthems to soulful ballads, she showcased the depth of her talent, leaving the audience in awe of her captivating stage presence.
As the setlist reached its zenith, a hush fell over the crowd, and the opening notes of "One Less Lonely Girl" began to play. The audience erupted into cheers, recognizing the iconic Bieber tune. It was then that Renee's mischievous smile hinted at the surprise that awaited.
Midway through the song, Renee's gaze shifted to the front row, where Y/N, her girlfriend, stood among the enchanted spectators. With a twinkle in her eye, Renee descended from the stage, capturing the attention of everyone in the room.
Taking Y/N's hand, Renee led her onto the stage, seamlessly blending the line between performer and audience. The crowd erupted into cheers, their excitement now intertwined with the unfolding love story. Renee guided Y/N to a chair that had mysteriously appeared at the center of the stage, setting the stage for a moment that would be etched in the hearts of those present.
As Y/N settled into the chair, Renee took a step back, gazing at her with a mixture of adoration and playfulness. A girl rushed on stage and handed Y/N flowers, making Y/N's mouth open in shock as the spotlight focused on Y/N and Renee as she began to sing the heartfelt lyrics of "One Less Lonely Girl," pouring her emotions into each word.
The audience fell into a loud cheer as Renee's voice filled the space, creating an intimate atmosphere that transcended the boundaries of the stage.
With every verse, Renee moved around Y/N, her movements choreographed to express the depth of the song's sentiment. She would occasionally reach out, gently cupping Y/N's face or intertwining their fingers, creating a palpable connection that resonated through the venue. The crowd, initially swept up in the spectacle, now watched in awe as this private, intimate moment unfolded on the public stage.
As the song reached its pinnacle, Renee knelt before Y/N, holding her hand and serenading her with a tenderness that resonated through the venue. The crowd, initially swept up in the spectacle, now watched in awe as this private moment unfolded on the public stage.
In the final moments, Renee rose to her feet, her eyes never leaving Y/N's, the concert hall erupted into thunderous applause, appreciating not just the performance but the genuine connection that had unfolded before their eyes.
Still holding Y/N's hand, Renee delivered the closing lines with heartfelt sincerity. The crowd erupted into thunderous applause, appreciating not just the performance, but the genuine connection between the two women who had shared a musical love story on stage.
As the final notes faded away, Renee and Y/N shared a knowing smile, their hearts entwined in the melody of love that echoed through the concert hall, leaving an indelible mark on everyone fortunate enough to witness the enchanting performance.
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theprice-if · 1 year
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Roaring stadiums, filled to the max with screaming fans, as you stand with a microphone in hand. Your heart pounds against your chest as you get ready to perform. Shouts of adoration filter past your ear as the lights finally turn on; the show truly begins. With you in the center of it all.
Except… that isn’t you. You’re to the side, watching it all, with a clipboard pressed to your chest. Making sure that nothing was out of place.
You’re just an assistant, an assistant to the biggest star gracing the stage in the past decade, but still just an assistant.
That is until you woke up alone in a room that was way above your pay grade; with a shiny ring on your finger. Your new spouse? The very star that you have been working for, for the last two years. The same star that many believed would never settle down— until you came along.
These rapid-fire events thrust you into the spotlight. Rocketing you towards the twinkling lights of stardom as you desperately try to figure out how to come to terms with everything.
The media and tabloids are just the tip of the iceberg. The very star you’re married to offers you the deal of a lifetime.
Stay married to them for a year and get a record deal; the biggest reason you moved to L.A.... All of your dreams will come true after twelve months.
If only you had known what the price of stardom truly brought.
The Price is rated 18+ for explicit language, sexual themes, alcohol/drug use, questionable behavior, and more!
★ Features ★
Customizable MC: name, gender, appearance, facets of your personality, hobbies, and more!
Get into the studio and start preparing for what will come when the year is up. Find the voice that you have always wanted to showcase in the industry!
Create your own music! Cultivate your debut album and show the world what it's been missing!
Interact with your fans and the music industry as a whole through social media! Will you become an upcoming star that the media loves or a black sheep that'll keep them returning for more?
Engage in romance with a variety of characters. Will the fake one become real with your pretend spouse? Or perhaps you'll find passion building with the less complicated-- and fun-loving-- photographer?
Discover what truly happened the night of your marriage. Or, if you choose to do so, leave it as the hazy fog in the recesses of your mind.
And much more as the story continues forward!
Are you willing to pay the price for your dream? Will that dream change over time?
★ The ROs ★
Adrian/Ariana Ocean ★ He/Him or She/Her ★ 28 ★
Your boss, and also your spouse, the most sought-after star in the entertainment industry. With a reputation as spotty as one would expect with someone at the top. However, with the news of your marriage, people seem to be seeing them in a new light; something that they’ve been wanting for a very long time. Let’s hope it’ll last.
Blake Turner ★ He/Him or She/Her ★ 28 ★
A Hollywood starlet that’s coming off their recent Oscar win; who also happens to be your ex from college. An ex that dumped you when they dropped out of college to become a star. A story that you never truly got to hear the entirety of. And suddenly, just like that, they’re back in your life with the same smirk from before. The one that made you fall in love with them, to begin with.
Liam/Leah Shaw ★ He/Him or She/Her ★ 29 ★
Your newly assigned bodyguard, you still have to get used to that, who is supposed to protect you whenever your spouse can’t be with you. You just weren’t expecting them to start affecting you the way that they have. Their warm smile is like a beacon in this unfamiliar world.
Isaac/Isabel Carnell ★ He/Him or She/Her ★ 27 ★
The photographer who is tasked with taking lovely shots of the newly wed couple. One of the only people, besides management, that actually knows what the hell is actually going on. Their general cheerfulness does wonders to lighten your spirits. Not to mention the pictures they take are absolutely divine.
Carson/Cara Madden ★ He/Him or She/Her ★ 33 ★
The lawyer that is making sure everything goes smoothly; while also trying to not get gray hairs throughout. An aloof individual that only cracks a smile around a select few people. However, they’re good at their job and that’s what should matter most to you. Even though you sort of wish they’d smile at you. At least just once.
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shitsndgiggs · 21 days
I request where kenan and yn is dating and have for 2-3 months but keeping it secretly, cuz of his career, and kenan and his friend cubanito doing a livestream, and kenan gets spammed if he’s seeing someone, but he tries to keep it private and try to dodge the questions, cuz its rumored he’s dating someone that is not YN that the people suspect, but he is seeing YN, and his friend try to confirm he’s not seeing that girl, but kinda seeing someone else? which is YN
Hope it makes sense🫶🏼
Kenan Yildiz x fem! reader
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Kenan and I had been dating for about three months, and though everything was going well, we’d agreed to keep our relationship under wraps.
It wasn’t that we were ashamed or uncertain about each other, but with his career and the constant scrutiny from the public, we wanted to enjoy the early stages of our relationship without interference.
But lately, rumors had been swirling, suggesting that Kenan was seeing someone else—a public figure, someone in the limelight. Every time a new story came out, I couldn’t help but feel a little pang of anxiety.
We’d talk about it, laugh it off, but there was always a part of me that wondered how long we could keep our relationship a secret before something slipped.
One afternoon, I was sitting on the couch with my phone, watching Kenan and his best friend, Cubanito, doing a livestream together.
It was a typical thing for them—playing video games, joking around, and interacting with fans. I wasn’t expecting anything out of the ordinary until I noticed the chat.
The comments were flying in at an incredible speed, most of them centered around one question: “Kenan, are you seeing someone?”
I bit my lip, my heart pounding a little faster. The rumors had been gaining traction lately, and I knew this was the last thing Kenan wanted to address, especially during a livestream.
He’d made it clear that he wanted to protect our relationship, to keep it out of the spotlight as much as possible.
On the screen, I could see Kenan glancing at the chat, his expression slightly uncomfortable as he tried to focus on the game. But the comments kept coming, and even Cubanito seemed to pick up on it.
“Hey, man,” Cubanito said, chuckling as he glanced at Kenan. “Looks like everyone wants to know if you’re dating someone. You’ve been quiet about that lately.”
Kenan shot him a look, clearly caught off guard. “Uh, yeah,” he mumbled, rubbing the back of his neck. “I mean, it’s just… not something I really talk about, you know?”
Cubanito grinned, clearly enjoying the situation. “Come on, bro, you gotta give them something. They’re dying to know if those rumors are true.”
Kenan shook his head, trying to brush it off. “Nah, those rumors are all over the place. People just love to speculate.”
My heart skipped a beat as I watched, hoping Cubanito wouldn’t push too hard. But of course, being his best friend, Cubanito wasn’t going to let it go that easily.
“But just to be clear,” Cubanito said, turning back to the camera with a mischievous smile, “he’s definitely not seeing the girl everyone thinks he’s seeing. Right, Kenan?”
Kenan’s eyes widened slightly, and he laughed nervously. “Yeah, yeah, that’s true. I’m not dating her.”
“So, you’re seeing someone else then?” Cubanito teased, raising an eyebrow.
Kenan hesitated, glancing at the camera before looking away. “I mean… I’m not really talking about my personal life right now,” he said, his voice carefully measured.
Cubanito, however, seemed to have a different plan. He leaned back in his chair, smirking. “Come on, Kenan, you know you can trust me with your secrets. We’ve been through a lot, man.”
Kenan shot him another look, this one more serious. “I know, man, but it’s just… not something I want to discuss publicly.”
Cubanito sighed, clearly enjoying himself, but he nodded. “Alright, alright, I’ll stop messing with you. But for the record, he’s not dating that other girl. So you guys can stop asking about that.”
The chat erupted with more comments, some relieved, others more curious than ever. Kenan quickly steered the conversation back to the game, trying to distract himself and the audience from the topic.
I couldn’t help but smile to myself, feeling a mixture of amusement and relief. I knew how much Kenan valued our privacy, and it was comforting to see how carefully he navigated the situation, even with his best friend teasing him.
But at the same time, a small part of me wished we didn’t have to be so secretive. I wanted to be able to hold his hand in public, to share our happiness with the world.
I knew the day would come when we’d be ready to go public, but for now, I was content knowing that he was doing everything he could to protect what we had.
As the livestream continued, I watched Kenan relax a little, the tension in his shoulders easing as they got back to their usual banter.
But the thought lingered in the back of my mind—how long would we be able to keep this up before someone figured it out?
Later that evening, after the livestream ended, Kenan called me.
“Hey,” he said, his voice warm and familiar. “Did you watch the stream?
“Yeah,” I replied, trying to keep my tone light. “You handled that pretty well.”
He chuckled softly. “I hope so. Cubanito was trying to get me in trouble.”
“I noticed,” I said with a laugh. “But don’t worry, you did great.”
There was a brief pause, and then Kenan’s voice turned a little more serious. “I just… I hate that we have to keep this secret. I want to be able to tell people about you, about us.”
My heart swelled at his words. “I know, Kenan. I want that too. But we’ll get there. When the time is right.”
“Yeah,” he agreed, though I could hear the longing in his voice. “I just hope that time comes soon.”
I smiled, even though he couldn’t see it. “Me too. But for now, let’s just enjoy what we have.”
He sighed, but it was a contented sigh. “You’re right. And I do enjoy every moment with you. Even if we have to be a little sneaky.”
I laughed softly. “Well, I think we’re doing a pretty good job so far.”
“Yeah,” he agreed, his voice lighter now. “But one day, I’m going to show the world how lucky I am.”
My heart fluttered at his words, and I couldn’t help but feel a surge of affection for him. “I can’t wait for that day.”
“Me neither,” he murmured. “But until then… I’m all yours.”
“And I’m all yours,” I replied, feeling the warmth of his love wrap around me, even through the phone.
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azaliyas · 1 year
summary : after studying the guitar since you were a kid, you were now ready to start a band and let your music be known to the big public. thanks to an online announcement you posted, you found him as your bandmate.
word count : [ to be added later ]
genre : modern au, fluff.
cw / tw : mentions of drinking.
characters : 6reeze boys.
note : had to change the order because of the way i keep my posts in order, sorry for the inconvenience ^^;
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aether — the keyboardist
if you had to describe aether in one word, it would have been "puppy", always so cheerful and easy-going. it was easy to befriend him after you guys met for the first time for a trial rehearsal and see if you two could work well together. his friendly and kind personality had you, too, smile brightly at him. and that pulled his heartstrings in a way he had never experienced before.
his slender fingers, you were sure of that, were blessed with a talent and a discipline you have seen in such a few people it was more unique than rare. the keyboard really came to life whenever he played, each note an arrow going straight to your fans' hearts. he had this natural charm that draw people to him to watch closer, and staying to have more.
aether was kind with everyone, but with you, he was such a gentleman, always ready to come to your aid even outside your music business. he was your dearest friend, the person you held in high regard, and the same was for him. he couldn't help the fondness in his voice when talking about you, be it with his friends or fans he met in the streets, a special kindness enveloped your name every time it left his lips.
of course, fans were quick to catch up on it and start spreading the "y/n x aether" agenda, heart-shaped eyes looking at every little interaction between you and the blonde guy, be it off stage or, more often, on stage, when his golden eyes were glued on your form, following you around, his voice soft and tender while singing his parts.
ah, but it was such a shame you didn't notice any of this. how wonderful would it have been, dating you, call you his significant other, his lover, the one he oh so tenderly loved and cherished... but that had to wait. he had to make you aware of his feelings in a less direct way first in order to see if you too felt the same way as him. but until then, he was happy even with just holding you close to his chest after another night of successful concerts, sleeping soundly on his lap.
just wait a little longer for him, will you?
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heizou — the dj
you weren't exactly a fan of electronic music or whatever kind they played in nightclubs and similar places, but after meeting heizou, you had a change of heart.
the maroon-haired guy was like a tornado, strong and passionate and unstoppable when his mind was set on something. and that something was forming a duo with you and have your music climbing the charts. he surely was ambitious, but you didn't mind, he got the spirits and that was what was important to you.
with heizou's influence your music grew artistically and in terms of listeners on the major streaming platforms, thanks to his fame as an already well-known dj and a few semi-important collabs he had. from covers to mix-ups to original music, your virtual library grew exponentially. you two featured in many playlists, sometimes even those ai-generated, or the most mainstream ones along with much more famous artists. and you were the center of it.
heizou did whatever was in his power to have you in the spotlight, always talking so fondly of you fans couldn't help it but start shipping you two. and how could they not, when every single damn occasion was as good for him to mention your name.
but you were pretty dense, weren't you? thinking it was just for advertising purposes, his shameless flirting for you, but if he did that only with you, then why weren't you catching on his attempts?
a shame, truly, because you two looked so good together, have it in real life or in the numerous pics of you guys circulating on the internet. but fret not, heizou was confident you would eventually fall for him one day, he could have you in his arms even in a romantic sense, and not only literally, like right now, while he was carrying you in your bedroom after he found you asleep on the couch of your shared apartment.
working late into the night wasn't for you, you know?
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kazuha — the bassist
the first time you met kazuha, the impression he left you was quite strong despite his calm, comforting aura. maybe it was right because of that aura of his, such an opposite to his on-stage self, wild and crazy, a side of him only during concerts you were able to see. his fingers were rough on the bass chords, plucking them with harsh strength to keep up with the exciting and fast music you composed together, going so far he had to wear bandages to avoid hurting his fingers.
off-stage, on the other hand, kazuha usually kept to himself, notebook and pen by his side, writing poetry and lyrics. having him around you was like walking on the clouds, feeling so warm and comfortable. and he felt the same with you, so of course your relationship bloomed outside of music, becoming friends.
the white-haired boy was such a softie he had you cooing over him like most of your fans, although they did so both for him and for the romantic relationship they thought you guys were in. and no one could blame them to think so, with how kazuha seemed to have eyes for you only, or with how he was glued to your hip when on stage, foreheads pressed together while playing, lips inches away with only a microphone stopping him from kissing you — the crowd surely wouldn't have complained.
kazuha didn't hide the bluntness of his feelings, but he never explicitly said he was in love with you either. it was in the loving embrace you were always welcomed in, the gentle touches of his fingers littering on your skin, in the quiet voice whispering sweet nothings in your ear while asleep, hoping to give you pleasant dreams.
one day, kazuha told himself, he would have been able to tell you such words while you were awake, not sleeping clinging to his side, hands around his waist and one of his was in your soft hair.
one day, his muse shall know the truth.
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venti — the singer
although venti wasn't exactly your usual rock singer, he quickly adapted to your style, but so you did to his. this perfect molding brought you two leaning towards a kind of rock music with classical and ballad influences, creating quite the sub-genre per se. and your growing fans seemed to particularly appreciate such fresh and new stuff.
over the years venti grew quite fond of you and viceversa, so much you two became each other's closest friend. your chemistry was something you didn't get to experience every day, and whoever got to know you and him knew that at first glance.
he was a playful and flirty friend, bringing that same behaviour on stage, knowing way too well it had your fans swooning over him — or maybe on you two, since this flirty behaviour of his was mostly directed at you. arm snaking around you, or cheeks pressed together, or foreheads resting on each other, the boy always managed to have contact with you while his sweet voice echoed in the hall along your guitar. touchy, but you didn't mind, that was his persona after all.
or wasn't it?
off stage venti was calmer, but still always seeking your companionship, almost as if you were his cuddly teddy bear. what you didn't know was that it was his way to have you close, to push away those who tried to flirt with you, to satiate the love he had for you.
yes, venti loved you, dearly, deeply, but most of all quietly. he knew you saw him as a friend only, a dear one, but a friend nonetheless. this knowledge had his heart ache, but he was resolute in not letting you know about his feelings, ever. otherwise, he feared he wouldn't have been able to hold you like this, your head in the crook of his neck and his arms around your waist as you slept, ever again.
you were everything, he couldn't possibly let you go.
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wanderer — the drummer
kunikuzushi, known as "scaramouche" (from his previous membership in another band) or "wanderer" (adopted for his solo career), wasn't actually the bandmate you would normally expect. sure, he was one hella good of a drummer and his previous fame helped yours skyrocketing, but except for this he wasn't particularly inclined in dealing with you outside music business.
of course, you weren't expecting to become best friend with the indigo-haired boy, but at least a relationship of close acquaintances was the least, in your opinion. you thought that his "bad boy" persona was just a facade for the fans, but his coldness toward you sometimes had you second guessing.
all of this changed whenever you two were inside the studio or, more often, on the stage. there, kunikuzushi seemed to turn into a totally different person. his deep and raw voice would draw your attention to him, eyes locked together singing at the top of your lungs, music blasting all around you.
what you didn't know, however, was that kuni held such contrasting behaviours toward you for a single, simple, yet stupid reason: he was in love with you. a deep, warming love that swelled in the depths of his heart, away from your knowledge.
loving you inspired him to write those tooth-rooting kind of songs you seemed to like, but they were too obvious regarding your persona to be sang in front of a crowd. he poured his heart in those lyrics, they were personal, for him only — no, not even you.
all the years he spent wearing that stupid "bad boy" mask convinced him he was, indeed, not good enough for a serious relationship so, how could he enter one with you?it was better to leave you alone, but your figure sleeping soundly by his side after another night of concerts, snuggling against him for warmth in that cool night, was giving him a hard time doing so.
you were such a temptation.
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xiao — the guitarist
when posting that announcement for a band member, surely you didn't think you'd meet "alatus", a guitarist with a well-known reputation on the underground scene.
xiao was a guy around your age, not particularly expressive but with an impressive knack for music. all of his emotions and feelings were poured into the lyrics he wrote for your band. yours to write was the melody for his words.
this partnership of yours was quite fruitful as, even with you two leaning more onto the underground scene, the virality of your music earned you guys quite the fame even on the mainstream side. and not only because of the excellent and expressive music you and xiao produced.
many of your fans actually shipped you guys really hard because, according to them, the chemistry between you and xiao was one of a kind, more unique than rare. whenever there was a short video of you two back to back, playing the shit out of your guitars, heads leaning on each other's shoulder as the music took over you, your fans would be squirming in place, giggling and kicking their feet.
you, on the other hand, didn't quite understand their excitement. sure, over the years you and xiao spent together had become friends and got to know each other pretty well, not only to find a chemistry to be able to work together, but also because you really enjoyed having the black-and-teal-haired boy by your side. you considered xiao a dear friend, too dense to notice his eyes softening whenever they were on you.
how could you not notice his eyes sparkling when smiling for you, those tiny but genuine smiles only you could pull out of him? or his thoughtfulness about you even outside work, well behind the care a normal friend would have for you?
he sighed to himself, thinking that, one day, he will confess to you and have you two being a couple even outside the band. but for now he was happy like this, your head resting on his lap, knocked out cold after your usual post-show drinks.
what a lightweight you were.
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© azaliyas 2023 do not copy repost translate or feed to ai
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sensualnoiree · 2 months
can you please talk about leo season for each rising 🙏🏻
hey hey lovely of course we can get into it!
aries rising (5th house)
focus: creativity, romance, children, fun influence of leo: leo's vibrant and playful energy infuses your 5th house, amplifying your creative expression and bringing a spotlight to your romantic life. this is a time to embrace joy, indulge in hobbies, and let your inner child come out to play. leo's influence encourages you to take bold, confident steps in love and creativity, enhancing your charisma and magnetism.
taurus rising (4th house)
focus: home, family, roots, inner security influence of leo: with leo's regal energy in your 4th house, you are inspired to create a home that reflects your personal style and pride. this is a time to nurture familial bonds and take on a leadership role within your family. leo encourages you to infuse your living space with warmth and creativity, making it a true sanctuary. embrace your role as the heart of your home.
gemini rising (3rd house)
focus: communication, siblings, learning, local community influence of Leo: leo's dynamic and expressive energy lights up your 3rd house, enhancing your communication skills and bringing a dramatic flair to your interactions. this is a perfect time for writing, speaking, and teaching, as your ideas are likely to captivate others. leo encourages you to take pride in your thoughts and share them with confidence, strengthening your connections and influence in your local community.
cancer rising (2nd house)
focus: finances, values, self-worth, material possessions influence of leo: with leo's bold and generous energy in your 2nd house, you are encouraged to take pride in your personal values and financial achievements. this is a time to reassess your self-worth and ensure it aligns with your true worth. leo's influence brings a sense of confidence and determination to your financial pursuits, helping you attract abundance and invest in what truly matters to you.
leo rising (1st house)
focus: self-identity, personal goals, appearance, vitality influence of leo: as the sun moves into your 1st house, leo's radiant energy enhances your sense of self and personal identity. this is your time to shine and showcase your unique talents and leadership qualities. embrace the spotlight, pursue your goals with determination, and express yourself fully. leo encourages you to step into your power and lead with confidence and charisma.
virgo rising (12th house)
focus: spirituality, solitude, healing, hidden matters influence of leo: with leo's illuminating energy in your 12th house, you are encouraged to explore your inner world and connect with your spiritual self. this is a time for introspection, healing, and embracing solitude. leo's influence brings a sense of courage and strength to face hidden fears and release old patterns. use this time to recharge and prepare for a new cycle of growth.
libra rising (11th house)
focus: friendships, groups, aspirations, social causes influence of leo: leo's social and charismatic energy lights up your 11th house, making this an ideal time to connect with friends and engage in group activities. your leadership qualities shine in social settings, and you are encouraged to pursue your long-term aspirations with enthusiasm. leo's influence brings a sense of pride and determination to your social causes and collective goals.
scorpio rising (10th house)
focus: career, public image, responsibilities, achievements influence of leo: with leo's ambitious and confident energy in your 10th house, your career and public image take center stage. this is a period of increased visibility and recognition in your professional life. leo encourages you to take pride in your achievements, step into leadership roles, and pursue your long-term career goals with passion and determination. your efforts are likely to be noticed and rewarded.
sagittarius rising (9th house)
focus: travel, higher learning, philosophy, beliefs influence of leo: leo's adventurous and expansive energy lights up your 9th house, inspiring you to broaden your horizons and seek new experiences. this is a perfect time for travel, higher education, and exploring new philosophies and beliefs. leo encourages you to embrace your sense of adventure, pursue personal growth, and share your insights with confidence and enthusiasm.
capricorn rising (8th house)
focus: transformation, shared resources, intimacy, deep psychological matters influence of leo: with leo's transformative and powerful energy in your 8th house, you are encouraged to dive deep into matters of intimacy and shared resources. this is a time for profound psychological work, healing, and letting go of what no longer serves you. leo's influence brings courage and determination to face your fears and embrace transformation, leading to deeper connections and personal empowerment.
aquarius rising (7th house)
focus: partnerships, relationships, cooperation, contracts influence of leo: leo's warm and charismatic energy lights up your 7th house, bringing a focus on partnerships and relationships. this is a time to strengthen your connections, whether personal or professional, and approach them with confidence and generosity. leo encourages you to lead with your heart, embrace cooperation, and ensure your relationships are balanced and supportive.
pisces rising (6th house)
focus: health, work, daily routines, service influence of leo: with leo's disciplined and energetic energy in your 6th house, you are encouraged to focus on your health and daily routines. this is an excellent time to establish healthier habits and bring creativity and passion into your work life. leo's influence brings a sense of pride and determination to your service to others, helping you maintain your vitality and achieve a balanced lifestyle.
hope this was a insightful!
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kleopatra45 · 3 months
Sun in the Houses
In astrology, the Sun represents the essence of our being, our core identity, and vitality. As it moves through the twelve houses of the zodiac, it casts its illuminating light on different aspects of our lives, shaping our personality, ambitions, and experiences in distinct ways.
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1st House: The House of Self
When the Sun resides in the 1st house, it shines a spotlight on your identity, physical appearance, and how you assert yourself in the world. Individuals with this placement often have a strong sense of self-expression and are seen as confident and assertive.
2nd House: The House of Values
Here, the Sun emphasizes your values, possessions, and sense of self-worth. It highlights your material goals and how you seek security and stability. People with this placement often have a strong desire for financial independence and may excel in endeavors related to money and resources.
3rd House: The House of Communication
In the 3rd house, the Sun influences your communication style, intellect, and immediate environment. It emphasizes learning, networking, and sharing ideas. Those with this placement are often articulate, curious, and enjoy mental stimulation through diverse interests and social interactions.
4th House: The House of Home and Family
When the Sun occupies the 4th house, it illuminates your roots, emotional foundations, and sense of belonging. It signifies your relationship with family, home environment, and private life. Individuals with this placement often prioritize emotional security and may have deep connections to their heritage and upbringing.
5th House: The House of Creativity and Romance
Here, the Sun radiates creativity, self-expression, romance, and pleasure. It emphasizes hobbies, artistic talents, love affairs, and children. Those with the Sun in the 5th house often have a flair for drama, enjoy being center stage, and seek joy through creative endeavors and passionate pursuits.
6th House: The House of Service and Health
In the 6th house, the Sun highlights your work ethic, daily routines, health, and service to others. It emphasizes practicality, efficiency, and attention to detail. Individuals with this placement often find fulfillment through helping others, maintaining order, and achieving personal wellness goals.
7th House: The House of Partnerships
When the Sun moves into the 7th house, it emphasizes relationships, partnerships, and collaborations. It highlights your approach to one-on-one connections, marriage, and the balance between self and others. People with this placement often seek harmony, fairness, and companionship in their personal and professional lives.
8th House: The House of Transformation
In the 8th house, the Sun delves into deep emotional bonds, shared resources, intimacy, and transformation. It signifies psychological growth, power dynamics, and the mysteries of life and death. Those with this placement often experience profound changes, inner strength, and may be drawn to occult or metaphysical studies.
9th House: The House of Philosophy and Higher Learning
Here, the Sun illuminates your beliefs, ideals, higher education, travel, and spiritual quests. It emphasizes expansion of the mind, cultural experiences, and philosophical pursuits. Individuals with this placement often have a broad worldview, seek meaning through knowledge, and thrive in exploring different cultures and belief systems.
10th House: The House of Career and Public Image
When the Sun reaches the 10th house, it highlights your ambitions, career path, public image, and reputation. It signifies your professional achievements, authority figures, and how you contribute to society. People with this placement often aspire for success, recognition, and may excel in leadership roles.
11th House: The House of Community and Aspirations
In the 11th house, the Sun emphasizes your social circle, friendships, group affiliations, and long-term goals. It signifies humanitarian efforts, innovation, and collective endeavors. Those with this placement often value friendship, progressive ideals, and may be drawn to activism or causes that benefit society.
12th House: The House of Spirituality and Inner Life
Here, the Sun illuminates your subconscious mind, solitude, spiritual pursuits, and hidden strengths. It signifies introspection, compassion, and the connection to the universal consciousness. Individuals with this placement often have a rich inner life, empathy for others, and may find fulfillment through creative or spiritual retreats.
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femmefatalevibe · 1 year
Femme Fatale Guide: How To Master The Art of Self-Validation & Stop Caring What Others Think
Remember that you have the longest relationship with yourself in this life. Friends, family, lovers, partners, spouses, mentors, etc. will come and go. Ultimately, though, you have to live with the consequences of your actions for the longest – whether they be positive or negative.
Everyone is self-centered to a certain degree. No one cares about your happiness as much or is watching you as closely as you are. They all have themselves and their lives to worry about. People are paying attention to their own self-interests (or want you to accomplish things to boost their own credibility or self-esteem). Being your greatest personal cheerleader is the only way to fully give yourself the praise and spotlight you deserve for your accomplishments.
Self-confidence is magnetic. It is the secret to showing up as your best self in all areas of life. Being secure in yourself makes you a better friend, family member, lover, partner, spouse, professional, conversationalist, etc. Validating yourself will make you feel good, but also radiates into every relationship or interaction in your life.
Discover what you love about yourself. Reflect on the personality traits, skillsets, and behaviors you know to be admirable about yourself. Are you constantly making others laugh? Do you get endless praise for your cooking, drawing, singing, or problem-solving skills? Would people come to you first to manage a crisis like a champion? Are you a master disciplinarian when it comes to going to the gym or reading? Do people regularly compliment your outfits or nails? Think of all of the aspects of your being that make you unique and help you to feel content with your existing, authentic self.
Take control of your life to cultivate your ideal self. While you should consistently praise your naturally admirable qualities, remember that you always can change aspects of your life that will help you feel like your best self. Know that you're in control of your decisions and have the mental freedom to think & act in any way you desire to reach any goals or implement lifestyle changes to feel like the person you feel destined to be.
Block out the noise and negative self-talk. We're (almost always!) our worst critics. Consider every new experience or interaction as a learning opportunity. Mistakes and failures are life lessons that facilitate self-reflection and opportunities for growth. Remember not to beat yourself up for past mistakes: You did the best you could with the information you had at the time. If you weren't embarrassed by your past self, you never gave yourself the chance to evolve and grow. Every success, failure, and new life stage offers its own lessons and teachable moments. Remember that we're all our own unique life paths. Comparing your life to someone else's is like comparing apples and oranges. Both entities may be fruitful but have vastly different flavor profiles, growing seasons, and rates at which they ripen. As Dita Von Tesse shrewdly said: "You can be the ripest, juiciest peach in the world, and there will always be someone who hates peaches."
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charincharge · 3 months
I Don't Want To Wait, seventy-four
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rowaelin high school bff au masterlist
AN: Well, babes, this is it. The final effing chapter of IDWTW. When I started writing this, almost exactly four years ago (chapter 1 posted on may 29, 2020!), I had no idea what it would become. I thought it was going to be vv casual prompt-based high school pining vignettes, simply to rewrite my own version of Dawson’s Creek – if you’ve ever wondered why it was called IDWTW, that’s why! It was a temp title that stuck! – but 375k+ words later… it’s become so much more. And that is because of YOU. Whether you have been here since 2020 or you joined along the way or you're finding this years after the face, I am infinitely grateful. I don’t know that I would have been able to pull through the last few years without your kindness and enthusiasm for these two idiots (and their friends and fam). I have loved telling this story, but mostly, I’m grateful that this journey introduced me to so many incredible humans and created a community of babes I will hold near and dear to my heart for literally ever (it’s true, I loved one of you so much that I drove across the country to meet her, and in a few short months she will be my WIFE!). This story brought so much good into my life, and I am hella proud to finally conclude it. From the incredible creators who made fanart, to the essays of comments on each chapter, to the back and forth of discussing consent, sexuality, and reproductive rights in my inbox, every gif, comment, reblog, message, ask, and interaction of any kind has been a joy. Thank you.
With all of that said, let’s wrap this mother up.
A soft glowing circle lit up the black beneath Aelin’s feet. Her stomach tightened as she rested on one leg and hitched to the side in a slow exhale. Her breath centered her as she pulled her pointed toes up her calf until it extended into a slow and steady develope. Just as she had barely met the apex of her leg’s vertical reach, she exhaled again and twirled to the floor. The music cascaded over her as she continued to move, her muscles moving on autopilot into seamless choreography. She had beaten out several far more senior company members for this solo and had practiced it so many times that it lived within her, sure to remain there for the rest of time.  With each of her graceful steps, the spotlight followed her and swathed her in its golden column, as if she were being beamed up into the sky above. With how much lift she got in her leaps, she felt like she was, too. Finally, the bass came in signaling the end of her solo and for the rest of the company to join her on stage, but even as the spot widened until it cast a bright haze across the floor, the floor remained empty.
Confused, she looked into the wings, but all she saw was blackness, not even the barely there violet glow of the stage manager’s lamp. She was grateful for her muscle memory, as her limbs continued their practiced movements as her brain whirled in confusion and panic. She was mid-twirl when the music came to an abrupt stop, and she had to put her entire energy into not tumbling over her own foot. When she finally regained her balance, she looked up and around in confusion. The audience, which she’d thought was packed, was emptied out, only one solitary figure remained. Even barely lit and in silhouette, Aelin would recognize her mother’s haughty posture and signature bouffant. Her slow, delicate clap was a stark contrast to the thrumming pulse of Aelin’s heart pounding against her rib cage.
“Mom?” she breathed, barely a whisper but it still echoed through the empty theater.
“A child bride,” Evalin replied with disgust.
Aelin’s brow shot up. “H-how did you—?”
Evalin cut her off. “You thought you could steal my wedding dress from my closet, and I wouldn’t know about it?”
Aelin looked down in confusion, but sure enough, her recital clothes had transformed into the ivory strapless column sheath she used to admire as a small girl. Rhoe had kept their wedding photo in his bedroom long after Evalin left, only removing the photo when a young Aelin commented with a wistful sigh that she’d never seen Rhoe smile the way he did in the black and white snapshot. The dress was stunning in its simplicity, all clean lines and structured satin.
Her hands pressed against the fabric, as if knowing this wasn’t right, but unsure of the how or why. A soft tinkling laugh drifted across the room, and Aelin’s eyes darted to the noise, hopeful that someone had come to save her from this bizarre encounter and nearly collapsed in relief when Rowan’s shock of icy hair appeared in the doorway.
He looked as handsome as ever in his lacrosse jersey, a wide grin on his face and a giant trophy in his hands. Her smile matched his, realizing that he must have come here straight from his championship. Winning his championship.
“Rowan!” she called out, but he didn’t look up. Instead, he offered his free arm to the source of the tinkling laughter. A beautiful woman accepted his bicep and wrapped both her manicured hands around his forearm possessively. He leaned down and brushed his lips against the top of her head in a gesture so familiar that it physically hurt Aelin to watch. “Rowan?” she called out again, this time much quieter.
Evalin’s cruel bark of laughter was the only response she received. “You offered him everything, and it still wasn’t enough. You’ll never leave this small town. You really are your father’s daughter.”
“No,” Aelin told her mom emphatically. “NO!”
“Yes,” she said simply.
“NO!” Aelin screamed again as unwitting tears streamed down her cheeks, hot under the persisting spotlight. “R-rowan!” she choked out, but he couldn’t hear her, too enraptured by the woman in his arms, eyes — and ears, apparently — only for her. “Rowan!” she sobbed. She went to leap off the stage, but she was caught mid-air, her back hitting something with such a force that it knocked the wind of her.
“Ace?” Rowan’s voice was in her ear, his hand rubbing at her back as she gasped for air. She cracked her eyes open and sagged as she realized that she was safely wrapped in Rowan’s firm embrace. “Whoa, you’re okay.” His voice was a reassuring balm to her heart, which felt bloody and bruised.
“I’m okay,” she forced out, though it came out so shaky that Rowan pulled back to peer into her eyes. She wanted to avert her gaze, hopeful that he wouldn’t be able to see the panic that was still coursing through her body, but the dark green of his irises calmed her, so she stared and focused and thought of things that reminded her of the deep shade of Rowan’s eyes. Emeralds. Yulemas garlands. The long row of lockers in their gym room. Grass and trees in the setting summer sun. The jade plant that Maeve claimed brought her good luck that sat on her kitchen counter. Moss. Green tea leaves. The fake snake he’d placed in her bed every prank week. That knocked her out of her tranquil stupor, and she couldn’t help but frown at him.
“Yeah, you’re okay,” he said, but continued to rub circles into the tense space between her shoulder blades. “Do you want to talk about it?”
Aelin shrugged. “It was weird.” She paused for a long while, trying to think of how to tell him about it. “My dance showcase went off the rails?”
Her admission had its intended effect. He squeezed her tightly and kissed the soft spot of skin behind her ear. “Well, that’s silly, brain,” he said, letting his kisses trail up to the side of her temple. “You already crushed your showcase.”
She grinned in response. It was true. She had crushed the showcase, and Rowan had been there just as she’d dreamed in his jersey and trophy in hand. They’d gone into double overtime, and he’d barely made it to her opening solo. With seconds to spare, he’d slid into a seat in the front row, so she’d be sure to see him cheering her on. But she’d known it the whole time. She could feel his gaze on her as she twirled across the stage. The end of that performance had been, well… not the same as her brain had rewritten it. But, Rowan was right. Her brain was being silly.
“Maybe it’s just acting out because someone kept me up all night,” she said, loving the way that Rowan’s ears still turned pink.
“It’s not my fault,” Rowan said, but his blush said otherwise.
“Sure it’s not,” she said with a lascivious smile.
To celebrate their final week of high school, Aelin and Rowan had planned a movie marathon on Maeve’s rooftop. It included a trifecta of essential graduation movies: Can’t Hardly Wait, Booksmart, and Grease. But what she hadn’t realized was that Rowan wouldn’t be able to help himself from singing along. And he knew what his singing voice did to Aelin’s libido. She couldn’t help herself. Somewhere in the middle of Greased Lightning, the movies were all but forgotten as the pair tangled themselves in each other.
Stretching his limbs to the sky, Rowan looked like a literal god. The early morning sun cast a glow across his stern brow and strong nose, making him look as chiseled as a marble statue.
“If you keep that up, I’m taking you right back to bed,” he said of her lusty gaze and hooded eyes. He poked her side, eliciting a loud squeal.
“Whatever,” she laughed. “It’s not like we have anywhere to be today.”
It was true. Today was the last Monday of the year. AKA, senior skip day. And she’d purposefully not committed to joining anyone’s plans, so she and Rowan could extend their marathon if they wanted to – she also had High School Musical 3, She’s All That, and Dazed & Confused lined up — or just laze around all day. But they had time. Considering where the sun was, it was still very, very early. She imagined Maeve would be in the midst of morning service and briefly considered heading downstairs to grab them some coffee and croissants, but instead she laid back onto the mattress and fluffed a pillow beneath her head. Rowan followed, nuzzling onto her chest. She stroked his hair, not wanting to separate herself from him with the tendrils of her dream still lingering in her consciousness.
“Last week of senior year,” he said. “In three days we’ll be high school graduates. How do you feel?”
“Terrified,” Aelin said, the word blurting out before she could filter it back. Damn that coffee-free brain.
She could feel Rowan tense slightly, but he let her early morning admission slide, and she was grateful for it. “Mm, me too,” he agreed. “The lacrosse boys signed up to do a car wash for community service day, and I’m worried I’m going to see things I can’t unsee,” he said with a shudder.
Aelin couldn’t help but snort. While today was a skip day, tomorrow was a service day. Each senior had to do some sort of community service in order to graduate. Ridiculous. Not like they hadn’t all passed their classes already. She supposed the sentiment was nice, but as someone who’d been volunteering with the hospital for the last two years, it felt a bit shallow. Unauthentic. Forced, if you will. And the athletic teams always used it as an excuse to strip down to their skivvies and wash horny housewives’ cars for an exorbitant amount of money. At least it was better than the Boy Toy auction Lorcan had told them they’d finally outlawed because of the gross raunch factor.
“Just tell them to use a sponge and that their junk isn’t for rubbing against dirty cars,” Aelin advised. Rowan groaned loudly.
“Great, now I can never close my eyes again,” he whined.
“Are the cheerleaders also doing the car wash?” Aelin asked, definitely not thinking about her dream at all. But Rowan was definitely not going to let that comment slide. His head popped up, and she found herself ensconced in his shadow as he peered down at her with an accusatory glare.
“I think a few of them are,” he said. “But… you remember that I’m about to marry you, right?”
“A lot of married people cheat, Rowan,” she said, pushing him off. She hadn’t meant to be so pouty about it, but she couldn’t get the image of his arms wrapped around that dream woman out of her mind.
Rowan looked rightfully hurt, the corners of his mouth turned down and his brow furrowed as he stared her down. “You cannot be serious.” He knocked at her temple. “This has gone beyond your brain being silly. We are so many years beyond this. Do you have amnesia?” He knocked again. “Helloooo, Aelin, are you in there? Have you been possessed by the ghost of your past self?”
“Shut up,” she mumbled, pushing his hand away, but he persisted.
“No,” he said, pulling his pants from last night on. He searched for his shirt briefly, but unable to find it, he simply turned toward Aelin in stoic silence, arms crossed over his bare chest and face looking discontent. “I’m not going to let you say shit like that, Ace. That’s…” He pinched the bridge of his nose in exasperation. To be fair, she was exasperating. “That’s hurtful. To me. I know you’re scared about the future, but I thought we established that I’m in this with you.”
Aelin scrambled to her feet. “We did.”
He stood there, tapping his fingers against his bicep which was curled protectively around his torso still. Not letting her in. Waiting.
But she couldn’t explain it to him. That lingering nagging feeling of insecurity and worry and failure. So instead, she apologized. It wasn’t what he wanted, but it was good enough for now.
. . .
Instead of spending senior ditch day in bed, Aelin and Rowan joined their friends for a never ending picnic day in the park. Which wasn’t exactly what Aelin had wanted, but she had a feeling that she needed to loosen the reins on her panic, lest she piss him off even more. She had a feeling that maybe she’d loosened things too much, though, when she realized midway through her community service day that she hadn’t heard from Rowan in hours. She’d been helping the hospice section of the hospital, which was designated for those who needed round the clock medical care. Their rooms varied from being fully decked out with medical equipment and monitors to the one she was in, which simply had a low bed, a tv, and a chair. Not a monitor in sight. Had she not known the woman needed constant care and surveillance each time she rose from her chair to go to the bathroom, she would have thought she was in someone’s grandmother’s house. As the woman made her tenth trip to the bathroom, Aelin took out her phone. Just to peek. There was no text from Rowan, btu there was one from Dorian. It was a link to a TikTok with the side eye emoji, and she clicked it quickly.
She watched as washboard abs and pecs were drenched with soapy suds as they washed dirt-ridden cars. She bit her lip as Rowan came into view, his muscles rippling as he reached across the hood, his biceps flexing and unflexing with each wipe.
“Mmmmm,” Aelin’s elderly patient hummed appreciatively over her shoulder as she exited the bathroom and spotted the phone screen. She scrambled to put it back in her pocket, but her patient simply chuckled dryly as she snatched the phone into her wiry grasp. “A friend of yours?” she asked curiously, peering up from the screen where the video was replaying.
“Boyfriend,” Aelin admitted, her cheeks burning.
“Lucky girl,” the woman giggled, her hazel eyes alight with joy as she handed the phone back to Aelin where it made its way back into her pocket quickly. “What are you doing spending your time here with an old fuddy-duddy like me?” Aelin was about to protest, but the woman continued. “What’s his name?”
“Rowan,” she finally said as the woman wrapped herself in a thin blanket and tucked herself into her favorite upholstered rocking chair.
“Rowan,” she repeated back. “That’s a good name. A strong name. A reliable name.”
Aelin frowned. “Reliable?”
“Well, isn’t he?”
She nodded. “Yes.”
“Sturdy,” the woman continued. “In more ways than one. I can tell.”
Aelin gasped, chastising the woman for her forwardness but she simply laughed it off.
“You’re right,” she whispered, as if she were letting her in on a big secret.
“Go, get out of here,” the woman laughed.
“But I still have two more hours?” Aelin said of her unsigned sheet of volunteer paper, but the woman simply shook her head and beckoned for Aelin to come closer.
“I appreciate your service,” she rasped, “But I just want to nap, and it’d be a shame for you to watch me sleep for two hours. You’ll have the rest of your life to work,” she said signing and dating Aelin’s paper for two hours in the future. “You can fuck around for a few hours.”
Aelin gasped again at the profanity, but smiled regardless.
“Thanks,” she said, but the woman had already nodded off in her chair.
. . .
“Droooooool,” Lysandra laughed as she poked Aelin’s side and pulled her out of her skin-induced stupor.
“Were staring?” Lys cackled, following Aelin’s eyeline to where Rowan was clad only in his old red lifeguard shorts. The backs of his thighs were exposed, the hem of the shorts riding up as he leaned down to clean the back bumper of a particularly dirty sedan. Unlike his teammates who were filming each other and tossing sponges back and forth, Rowan was focused on the task at hand, making sure that the car he was working on was well-cleaned. “I hate to interrupt your literal wet dream,” she continued, “But, I wanted to invite you to a party.”
Aelin grabbed the paper from Lysandra’s hands and looked down at it.
“You’re having a party?” Aelin asked, surprised by the idea of her sober friend having the graduation rager she’d always wanted to throw.
“It’s gonna have booze,” Lys said, “But… I will not be partaking.” She cleared her throat. “I know that this year is not at all what I imagined, but I finally feel like I’m okay, and I would feel like shit if I didn’t throw the graduation party of the century.” She flicked her brown curls over her shoulder. “Just because I’m sober doesn’t mean I can’t party.”
“Certainly not,” Aelin agreed. She looked at her friend who’d been through the wringer and spit out again and had come out seemingly unscathed and couldn’t help but wonder… “Hey, Lys?” she asked before her friend could move to the next person. Lysandra looked up, eyes curious. “Do your parents know you’re having this party?”
If Lysandra was surprised by the question, she didn’t show it. Instead, she half shook her head and half shrugged. “No.”
“Should I be worried about that?” she asked, but to that, Lys gave a hard head shake.
“But you haven’t reconciled with them?” Aelin didn’t know why she was asking these questions, but at the same time, the answers seemed all too important.
“It’s hard to reconcile with someone who doesn’t care,” Lysandra finally said. “But, I will say that I’ve let it go.” She cleared her throat. “The needing them to care.” She smiled then, a small curve but Aelin saw it regardless. “I wanted them to care for so long,” she admitted. “For too long, probably. So I acted out. A lot. Willing them to pay attention, at the very least. But you can’t will someone to care, even your parents,” she laughed softly. “And I’ve been through enough therapy now that I’m starting to realize that as much as that hurts, it’s okay.” She paused. “I don’t need them to care. Because I care enough for all of us. And I realized there are a lot of people out there who care, too.” She paused, looking at Aelin, as if trying to cut through the bullshit and tell Aelin exactly what she wanted to hear, and in that moment… she did. “Does that make sense?”
Aelin nodded. “It does.”
Lysandra tapped the paper in her hands. “Immediately after graduation, and we’ll go all night. Bring your bathing suit,” she said.
“Will do,” Aelin laughed, but she couldn’t help but let her mind wander to Lysandra’s words. Her friend had laid it out plainly for her. What she’d been afraid to admit all along. That she maybe really seriously actually needed to go to therapy. The wounds her mom had imparted on her psyche ran deeper than she knew how to deal with. If her dream was any indication, her mom still controlled some part of her identity, and she needed to release that. Because that had nothing to do with who she was as a human. Not at all.
After the dream, she had thought that maybe she needed to call her mom and let her hear her thoughts, but Lys was right in her assessment: it was impossible to control someone else’s feelings. Even your mom’s. Yes, she wanted her mom to love her and want the best for her, but truly, her mom barely knew her. All Evalin knew was propriety and etiquette and history. She didn’t know that her favorite color was green, like Rowan’s eyes. She didn’t know that her favorite food was Maeve’s chocolate cake. She didn’t know that she was thinking about a career in medicine and how much she loved helping people. And she certainly didn’t know that Aelin wanted at least five kids and to make sure that every single one of them felt loved and adored by both their parents. No. She couldn’t make Evalin care, or pay attention long enough to even try to care. And she had to let that go. It would take a lot of work, but she had to.
With that in mind, she called out Rowan’s name, followed by a whoop and a loud expletive. His answering blush and crooked finger, beckoning her to wrap herself in his half-naked embrace was all she needed to know that she’d been forgiven. But she knew she had to explain anyway. He let his teammates know that he would be back in a minute and let Aelin pull him away from the long line of cars still waiting to be washed.
“I’m sorry,” she apologized, tilting her head upwards where he loomed over her. He softly kissed the top of her head, warming her even more than the mid-afternoon sun. “I could say I don’t what came over me yesterday, but… that’d be a lie,” Aelin continued.
He squeezed her side in response, not interrupting her but acknowledging that he was listening and waiting.
“Did you know that the morning of my sixteenth birthday I woke up and resolved that I would kiss you that year?” she asked, and he barked out a confused laugh.
“Um, what?”
“I was so determined to do it, too. And do you know why?” she asked as she let her hands trace small circles into the soft skin of his back.
“Because you knew you wanted to be with me forever and ever and that we’re perfect together and meant to be and we’re each other’s soul mates and other halves and one of us just needed to make a move?”
Aelin snorted loudly. “No,” she laughed, screwing up her face. “Not at all.”
Rowan’s forehead wrinkled as his brow transformed into a deep furrow. Clearly her words weren’t at all what he expected to hear. But, she knew she needed to get this out.
“When I thought about why I wanted to kiss you so badly, I realized that it was a test. If I kissed you and blew up our entire friendship, then I’d be right about everything I thought about myself. That you could never love me as much as I loved you. And so obviously you’d leave. Because everyone leaves.”
Rowan’s grasp tightened around her waist, locking her against his chest. “But I’m still here.”
“You are.” She paused, finally letting the words come to the surface. “I think…” She shook her head. That wasn’t the right start at all. “I know… that my mom deeply screwed me up.” She took another deep breath. “And watching you get recruited and this whole college limbo thing has made it so much worse. Because every day it feels like I’m just waiting for you to get up and realize that you’ve outgrown me. But you haven’t done anything to make me feel like that at all. And so, I’m really sorry. My issues are my own, and I’m going to work on them.”
“Thank you,” he said. “For the apology, and for letting me know what’s going on in there.” His fingers tucked under the hem of her shirt and matched the circles she was placing on his back. “I’ll try and remember all of that when you inevitably freak out again, but I look forward to proving you wrong every day for the rest of our lives. Because I’ve said it a few hundred times before, but I’ll keep saying it until you believe it: you’re stuck with me. Forever.”
“Forever,” she echoed back.
“Whitethorn,” a rough voice called out. “We need you back!”
In his absence, the line of cars had somehow grown impossibly longer. “Looks like you’ve got work to do,” she said, raising her brow.
“Will I see you later?” he asked, and Aelin couldn’t help but scoff.
“Oh, you thought I was leaving?” she laughed. “Don’t be ridiculous. I’m going to snag a prime spot for ogling and then maybe we can hop into the jeep when you’re finished.”
“Really?” he laughed. “Even smelling like sweat and sunscreen?”
“Ohhhhh yes,” she said, practically drooling as he let her hands climb up the ridges of his defined abs. “That’s even better.”
He responded with a deep kiss that set her body ablaze, tingling from head to toe, that was interrupted by more panicked calls from his teammates. After prying himself away, Aelin found a spot on a nearby bench, giving her the perfect view to fawn over half-naked and half-wet Rowan for the next few hours.
. . .
The next morning, Aelin was awoken much too early. She was pulled from her easy slumber with a dance remix of Pomp & Circumstance coming from her phone alarm. What the hell? As she slapped at the table next to her, attempting to turn off the too-loud music in vain, she felt her dad’s hand cover hers and lead it to the offending object.
“Congrats, graduate,” Rhoe’s warm voice lilted as he gently rubbed at her shoulder.
“Dadddd,” she groaned as she attempted to put her pillow over her head. Now that that music was off she could go back to sleep. Or so she thought. She should have known better than to play tug of war with a man who could bench press and carry three times her weight. Rhoe’s soft laughter was a stark contrast to the forceful way he wrenched the pillow away. She managed to keep it within her grasp, but Rhoe’s strength kept it locked at a significant distance from her face. She tried to pull it closer, but Rhoe wasn’t letting that happen. She guessed it was time to wake up, per Rhoe’s request.
Defeated, Aelin let her fingers drop from the pillow, and finally cracked an eye open. Behind her dad’s head was a swath of green and gold, and she focused she could see that nearly ever inch of the room had been filled with balloons.
“Happy last day of high school,” her dad said with a too-wide smile given the early hour. When she opened her other eye, his smile widened even further, showing off two deep dimples that she recognized from her own reflection.
“It’d be happier if I could sleep more,” Aelin grumbled, but it wasn’t with any real mirth. Hung on the outside of her closet door, Rhoe had steamed her deep emerald graduation robe.
“I have one more day left with my high school student, and I plan on making every second count,” Rhoe said, causing Aelin to smile in reply.
“Tyrant,” she laughed. But she was grateful.
After allowing her to get ready, the pair made their way to Maeve’s, where she’d saved a two top for them by the window. Within seconds of sitting, a large hazelnut coffee and platter of stuffed French toast and bacon appeared in front of her. Yes, being in a small town was sometimes annoying – but no matter where she and Rowan went in the world, she knew a plate of Maeve’s home cooking would be waiting for her when she came back.
She and Rhoe enjoyed a lazy brunch, ordering second and third cups of coffee.
“Fourth?” Rowan asked, coming around with the coffee pot.
“If I have any more coffee I’ll be peeing every twenty minutes for the rest of the day,” she laughed, shoving him away. Though he hadn’t been able to join them for their breakfast because he was helping train a new staff member for Maeve, he’d dropped a soft kiss on her cheek every time he’d passed by their table. Which. Was a perfect way to enjoy her day. They’d planned to have a celebratory brunch the four of them, since they’d all be going to Lysandra’s (family inclusive!) graduation party following their graduation ceremony, but having it just be Rhoe and Aelin felt right, too.  
“As if you don’t do that already,” Rhoe scoffed. “I’m half expecting you to hop off the graduation stage as soon as they hand you your degree to take a pee break.”
“Dad!” she said, cheeks blooming with redness. Yes, she had brought up peeing first, but she couldn’t believe her dad would talk about her like that in front of Rowan.
“Please,” Rowan laughed. “As if I don’t know about your tiny bladder.”
“You’re both the worst,” she grumbled. “Can we talk about something else besides my pee schedule?”
“Yes, I wanted to ask what you’re wearing under your gown today,” he said before his brain caught up to what he said. “Not in a sexy way!” he said, blush raging as Rhoe raised a pointed brow in his direction. It’d been a while since she saw Rowan look so flustered under Rhoe’s gaze, and she forgot how amusing it was. “So we can coordinate,” he finally said. “For photos.”
“Not in a sexy way,” Rhoe muttered to himself. Something akin to a wheeze came out of Rowan’s mouth as he tried to correct himself again, but Aelin thought it was time to put him out of his misery.
“You can wear whatever you want,” she said. “Because I’ll be wearing a white dress.”
Rowan’s widened eyes darted to Rhoe and then back to her, and she didn’t miss the way his throat bobbed with a nervous gulp.
“A white dress?” he croaked.
“Mhm,” she said. “So anything you wear will go with it.” Her eyes sparkled with mischief.
“Speaking of,” Rhoe said, clapping his hands loudly and breaking them from their joint reverie. “We should head out so you can start getting ready.”
Aelin rolled her eyes, knowing that her dad was teasing her about how long it took her to get ready, but as she glanced at the time she realized he wasn’t entirely wrong. They had been so caught up in their lengthy breakfast that it was now well after noon.
With a small kiss, she told Rowan she’d see him out on the lacrosse field in a few hours. Unfortunately, Galathynius and Whitethorn were annoyingly far apart in their grade lineup, so she wouldn’t see him for real until after the ceremony. But all he did was send her away with a smile and a kiss.
“Can’t wait,” he said.
. . .
Of course they were graduating on the hottest day of the year. Though the weather forecast had predicted partly sunny skies and balmy breezes, instead they received a cloudless sky, still and relentlessly hot beneath the beatific sun. The thick polyester robe in dark emerald green created a tent of heat around her, and she could feel every inch of her skin beading with sweat beneath it. She hoped when she took off the gown she still looked somewhat presentable, otherwise her hours of preparation would be for naught.
True to her dad’s prediction, Aelin had taken a while to get ready, shaving her legs thoroughly and straightening each strand of her long blonde locks. Of course, beneath her cap and combined with the thick humidity, her hair was beginning to show its natural wavy texture again. And she had a feeling that as soon as her cap was off, she’d be pulling her tresses into a giant pile on top of her head, pictures be damned. Luckily, she’d sprayed her face with a few layers of setting spray so no matter how much she sweat, her winged eyeliner and flawless complexion weren’t budging.
Beside her, Dorian swiped a bead of sweat that had fallen down his temple. Not even his mop of thick curls was enough to prevent the amounts of sweat from cascading down his cheeks and neck.
“If this speaker doesn’t hurry up, we’re going to boil alive,” he whispered as their graduation speaker drolled on. The man was supposed to be inspiring — he was an author turned executive, but his slow talking pace seemed to be getting slower with each word. Not only that, but each word seemed to be the same tone with no inflection, and Aelin was worried all of them were going to fall asleep before their names were called. Maybe she’d be more inclined to listen to his words of wisdom if the hundreds of them weren’t swimming in pools of their own sweat.
Somewhere in her musings, she heard a round of applause, signaling the end of the speech. Thank god.
The next speaker was their class valedictorian, slash Prom Queen. None other than Elide.
“On behalf of the Seniors, I’d like to take a moment to thank everyone who has been a part of our success,” she began. “The last four years have been filled with bumps in the road, and it hasn’t been easy. But our success is a direct result of everything you’ve given us. Your care and belief in us and faith when we doubted ourselves have been integral in our quest for knowledge. That includes our teachers, who taught us not only school lessons but lessons in life. Our parents and families, who have been there since the beginning. And the families we’ve created along the way.” She paused, searching for a face in the audience, smiling widely when she found her teal-haired girlfriend smiling back at her. “The bond that links us isn’t one of blood. It’s forged in joy and tears and friendship and respect,” Elide’s eyes found Aelin’s at that moment, and she couldn’t help but smile at her friend. “And no matter where this crazy life takes us beyond today, we will always take this place with us. Because home isn’t just a place. It’s a feeling, it’s a light in the darkness. It’s hope. And so, to the Orynth High senior class, I say, as we forge new paths for ourselves, may we never forget home.” She cleared her throat and smiled widely. “Let’s hold onto the memories and camaraderie and picture-perfect moments, for they made us who we are. Congratulations… we did it!”
The whole class whooped and hollered and clapped wildly, none more so than Manon, who beamed up at her girlfriend from the front row.
And just like that, it was time.
Aelin held her breath as Principal Havillard took the podium and started calling out their names. Her heart raced as her row stood, waiting to take the stage. Her nerves were momentarily squashed as Manon made a lewd gesture with her tongue between her fingers after accepting her diploma. She watched as Lysandra proudly plucked the degree and held it over her head. She knew her friend hadn’t been sure she’d be able to graduate, and it was a relief to hear her name.
Before she could process anything else, she was walking up the stairs and hearing her name being called out. “Aelin Ashryver Galathynius.”
She nearly tripped over her own feet at the chorus of shouting that came from the back of the chairs. She looked over at where Rhoe and Lorcan were shouting wildly and realized that they were accompanied by the entire fire squad. Aelin’s breath caught in her throat at the display of raucous hooting and hollering. These people who had known her since she was a child had come to cheer for her and see her graduate. She had not anticipated that at all. And she found herself completely overwhelmed.
Beside the squad, Maeve cheered, and on the other side of the chairs, down by the W’s, Chaol and Rowan stood and shouted with hands on either side of their mouths. A thrill of love and support rushed through her. She couldn’t believe how many people were here for her.
She grabbed the diploma from Principal Havillard’s hands and raised it into the air, causing the cheering to explode again. She stuck out her tongue and crossed her eyes, making a silly face in the direction of her family.
Elide’s words rang in her ears. Her family. The squad, her dad, Lorcan, Maeve, her friends, and of course, Rowan. That vast group was more support than most people got in their lifetime. She’d never forget that.
She made her way back to her seat, laughing as Dorian flipped off his father and then booked it away from him, cackling wildly. Always a troublemaker, that one. And finally, after what seemed like forever, it was Rowan’s turn.
“Rowan Eugene Whitethorn.”
Aelin shot up from her chair, screaming as loud as she could, and despite being many rows back, she could feel Rowan’s eyes lock with hers. His lopsided grin was just for her, and she felt a thrill of joy run up her spine at the look.
“I love you,” she mouthed to him, causing his grin to widen.
“And with that,” Principal Havillard concluded. “I give you the senior class. Congratulations, graduates!”
Aelin stood and joined in the cheering again, her voice starting to go hoarse with the efforts of her support. They did it.
. . .
“Congratulations, Fireheart,” Rhoe said, throwing his arms around Aelin. Despite the heat, she welcomed his embrace.
When he pulled back, she noticed a large bouquet of her favorite flowers in his hand. He held them out to her, the red and orange flowers flickering like a live fire beneath the late afternoon sun.
“Thanks, Dad,” she said, suddenly feeling emotional.
“I’m so proud of you,” he said, and she could tell that despite his dry cheeks, he’d been crying. “And I love you so much.”
She hugged him again, pulling him tight and not letting go for a long while. After they parted, Aelin was passed around for hugs to the entire squad, each one of them telling her a story of something she did when she was a small girl hanging out at the station, imbuing her with joyful memories.
Then it was Maeve’s turn, who didn’t hold back her tears at all. Fat blobs rolled down her face, and she didn’t both to move them away, seeing as they were coming in a steady stream.
“Oh, hon, I’m so proud of you,” she said as she practically squeezed the life out of Aelin. She was grateful she’d unzipped her graduation robe, otherwise she was sure she would have passed out from heat stroke by now.
“And what about me?” Rowan low voice interjected. Maeve burst into a fresh round of sobs as she pulled him close.
She blubbered into his shoulder about how proud she was of him, of both of them, of all their achievements and how grown up they were, and Aelin could feel her heart expanding. It felt like she was going to burst wide open.
By the time everyone had said their piece, the field had mostly emptied out. Aelin heard a soft ripple of groans as a few of the firefighters took out their pagers.
“Fire?” Aelin asked as she peeled the sweaty gown from her shoulders.
Rhoe shook his head. “Worse. Graduation pranks abound, apparently.”
Aelin laughed, understanding that her dad was probably in for a long night of nonsense work.
“So I shouldn’t expect you at Lysandra’s?”
Rhoe shook his head. “You don’t want your old man crashing anyway.” He narrowed his eyes at her, as if he was blinking back more tears and sniffed loudly. “Have fun. You deserve it.”
“I will,” Aelin said, hugging her dad one more time. As he left her with a wave, she looked around for Rowan, who was standing just a few feet away, talking with Maeve. She took a deep breath and lifted her chin.
“Hey, you” he said, offering his arm out to her with a wide smile. She leaned into his side and took a deep breath, letting her happiness flow through her.
A flash went off in their face, and Aelin knew that whatever moment Maeve had just captured that she’d be framing it.
“You ready?” she asked, and his smile widened.
“You headed to Lysandra’s?” Maeve asked, completely unaware of the real conversation happening between the two of them.
Rowan nodded. “Do you want to meet us there?” he asked Maeve, but she shook her head and waved them off. Apparently she had a big night of dinner service ahead of her, but she sent them off with a joint hug and another tearful smile.
And just like that, it was time.
. . .
 In the days, months, and years that followed, whenever Aelin was asked about her wedding, she would say that it went by so quickly that she couldn’t remember it, and that was mostly true.
From the time the pair entered city hall to when they exited, a total of maybe ten minutes had passed. There was no aisle to walk down, no verbose exchanging of vows, no romantic readings or passages, but it was perfect nonetheless.
Aelin clasped her bouquet of kingsflames in one hand and Rowan’s hand in another, letting her skirt swish as she swayed back and forth. She had no idea what words the city official said. All she remembered was the brightness in Rowan’s eyes as they stared down at her and the way he kissed her when they’d been pronounced husband and wife.
As they made their way back to his car, Aelin was giddy. They rolled the windows down, letting the cooler air whip through the jeep, a wild giggle bubbling up in her throat and fizzing like champagne with each second that passed. Delicious and lightheaded inducing.
They had done it. They’d actually gotten married.
She looked over at Rowan, who was already staring back at her, a soft dreamy smile on his face. She couldn’t help but grin wider at him, laughing again as his smile pressed against hers. She loved when they kissed like this – a smashing of two smiles that wasn’t quite a kiss at all.
The stress that they’d felt over the last however many weeks, months, years, wasn’t present at all in his posture. She glanced down at his hands poised on the steering wheel, his fingers curling around the black leather in a loose grasp and tapping along to some silent tune in his head. The late afternoon sun filtered through the window casting him in a glow that made him look like a bronzed god, and Aelin sighed happily. This man was all hers. Forever.
She’d always known their lives would be intertwined, but to actually make it official was something else. The light turned green and the car lurched forward as he pressed on the gas and began driving again. But the adrenaline surging through her was too much. She couldn’t just sit in this passenger seat, she needed to do something.
“Pull over,” she said, eyes flashing at their surroundings.
“Huh?” Rowan’s head whipped toward hers, confused.
“Pull over!” she said again, louder this time. Verging on panic.  
Rowan’s relaxed posture immediately reversed, the thick corded muscles of his shoulders and neck tensing as he looked for a spot to pull over.
“There!” she said, her pulse racing wildly.
Up ahead was the empty parking lot of the library. Though it was usually sparse there, there was not a car in sight, and Rowan wasted no time swerving into the lot and putting his hands on Aelin’s shoulders, examining her up and down.
“Are you okay?” he asked, green eyes taking in every detail of her body as if searching for a gaping wound or sudden injury.
“I’m perfect,” she replied. And she was. She was elated. Running on adrenaline and joy.
To calm her suddenly worried boyfriend — no, husband — down, she placed her hands on both his cheeks and kissed his mouth in a soft, sweet kiss.
“Keep the car running,” she said, picking up Rowan’s phone where it was plugged into the car and adding a song to his Spotify queue.
“What are you doing, Ace?” Rowan sighed, exasperated with her antics. Panic was nowhere to be seen anymore in his posture, only annoyance. Which only made her smile wider. As the first notes of the song came onto the stereo, she cranked up the volume and hopped out of the car. She smiled up at the sky, swaying to the beat, basking in the first signs of sunset and pink tinged clouds overhead.
To his credit, Rowan didn’t ask any more questions. He simply followed her lead and exited the jeep.
“Husband,” Aelin said, offering out her hand. “May I have this dance?”
Rowan’s returning smile was so large she thought it might crack his whole face. Gods, he was gorgeous.
He pulled her close, swaying with her as their song played. “I can’t believe our first dance is to Dancing In The Moonlight,” he chuckled.
“We wouldn’t be us if it weren’t,” she said, leaning into his chest as his arms circled her waist and pulled her close.
And though the song was upbeat, they stayed embraced and tangled up in each other, slowly swaying, chest to chest, hearts beating in rapid tandem with the beat of the song. They were so wrapped up in each other that Aelin barely noticed the sun disappearing behind an ominously dark cloud until a large raindrop plopped onto her nose.
And another.
And another.
She thought they would run back into the car and seek shelter, but neither of them made a move. In fact, the rain just seemed to invigorate them. Rowan stared up at the sky and laughed, Aelin following right after him. He lifted his hand and spun her in a circle, both of them laughing with reckless abandon as Aelin’s skirt flared out around them. He spun her again and this time ended his flourish with a dip, kissing her deeply.
Time seemed to cease to exist as they danced. Under the raining sky they became a mess of water-drenched spinning, laughing, kissing, and singing.
The skies continued to pour, until they were both soaked through. But as the last notes of the song played, their little magic bubble disappeared.
Aelin looked at Rowan and then back at her white dress, which was now dripping.
“Omg I look like a drowned rat!” she shouted through the rain.
Rowan laughed, pulling her back into the jeep and grabbing a towel from his back seat to dry his own hair off before sliding into the driver’s seat.
“But a very cute rat,” he said, causing them both to burst into laughter once again as they took off toward their graduation party.
By the time they arrived at Lysandra’s, they were still water-logged, giggling messes. Lys gasped at their disheveled appearance, eyeing them up and down with a wary eye.
“Ummm, no,” she said.
“No?” Aelin laughed, feeling drunk on endorphins.
Lysandra’s wary eye morphed into a blinding smile at the pair of them. “Get out of here and go celebrate on your own,” she laughed. “And congratulations,” she whispered.
“For graduating…?” Aelin asked, and Lysandra couldn’t help but snort loudly.
“Babe, you’re wearing a white dress and a shit-eating grin.” She paused. “I’m happy for you.”
She embraced the pair of them. “Now get out of here before anyone sees you.”
Aelin and Rowan didn’t need any more prompting. Apparently they were not subtle enough to pull off seeing other people right now.
“Where to?” Aelin asked Rowan as they slid back into the car.
Rowan smiled back at her. “Anywhere we want.”
“Let’s go,” she said.
And with that, they hit the road. Overwhelmed from the day, Aelin promptly fell asleep in the passenger seat, letting the feel of the car lull her into a dreamless sleep.
. . .
“Aceeee,” Rowan whispered, pulling her from her slumber. It was completely dark outside and the pair were stopped at a gas station slash motel. “You gotta get out of the car and then you can go right back to sleep,” he said softly.
“I’m awake,” she mumbled through a wide yawn. “Where are we?”
Rowan chuckled as she practically poured out of the car into his arms. She hadn’t realized how exhausted she truly was until after they’d checked into the motel, which was surprisingly not seedy, and she was sitting back on the bed. Her dress wasn’t wet anymore, but it certainly wasn’t going to be comfortable to sleep in. She wished they’d thought to prepare better for this sudden excursion. Of course, Rowan had.
“I picked up some essentials at a rest stop,” Rowan said, as if reading her mind. He pulled out an oversized tee that read “Geck Yo Act Together,” with a large picture of a gecko on it and tossed it to her, along with a toothbrush, toothpaste, and a little thing of mouthwash. He also pulled out giant sandwiches and chips and bottles of water and a Terrasen mountains tee for himself.
“Smart,” Aelin laughed, realizing the last time she ate was her (albeit giant) brunch, hours ago. “Is that where we are?” she asked, realizing she had no idea where they were.
“No,” he said, grinning softly. “I thought maybe we’d drive south. Explore for a while.”
“Is this our honeymoon?” Aelin laughed, looking around the small, dingy motel room. It wasn’t exactly what she’d imagined, but she also had never imagined getting married at eighteen.
“You told me you wanted to find the continent’s best chocolate piece of cake,” he said, and she couldn’t help but bark out a loud laugh.
“That could take weeks!”
“You got somewhere to be?” he asked, brow raised. And she loved the way his smile promised devious, devious things. And suddenly, she wasn’t so tired anymore.  
“I also got one more thing,” he said. She watched as he pulled a thick gold band out of his pocket, and she suddenly couldn’t breathe. He sat on the bed beside her and slid it onto her finger and her heart nearly stopped as he pulled another to slide onto his own. They were practically matching, except while a red stone sat in the middle of her ring, a dark green one that matched the shade of his eyes sat on his.
“Oh,” she said, her throat feeling remarkably dry. She tried to swallow, but it was too rough. A lump in her throat that wouldn’t abate. She tried again as she stared at the ring on her finger, her heart pounding as the red stone flickered in the dim motel room lighting. Why couldn’t she swallow?
“It’s just temporary,” Rowan rushed out, mistaking her silence as dislike. “The rest stop had a pawn shop, and I just knew we needed them, but they’re just for now…”
She cut him off with a swift and forceful kiss. “They’re perfect.”
“Hey, where’s my phone?” she asked. “I need to take a picture of this immediately.”
“I plugged it in,” he said, pointing to where he’d already set up a little charging station.
She picked it up, intending to take a picture of her ring, but an alert from literal hours ago disrupted that. She couldn’t believe it. An email in her inbox that read: Wendlyn University Admissions Update. Oh gods.
Without another word, she clicked into the email, heart pounding. Her eyes skimmed quickly, hoping to get the band-aid ripped off quickly, but she paused on the word CONGRATULATIONS.
“Oh my god. OH MY GOD!” she screamed, throwing the phone at Rowan. He picked up the phone and smiled widely, whooping and wrapping her into a bear hug so tight she couldn’t breathe.
“You did it,” he mumbled through kisses. “I knew you were going to do it.”
Unable to control themselves, their kisses increased, heating up wildly until his kisses seared through her, worshipping each inch of her skin. She was breathing hard as he peeled her out of her dress and pushed her onto the bed and continued to whisper adorations and plans of their future. How proud of her he was, and how he was never going to let her forget it. She shivered as he let his mouth skimmed against her, and she promised in that moment to never take him or his love for granted. This is why she didn’t need handwritten wedding vows — because they vowed to each other all the time with a simple kiss. And more than kisses. They brought each other to orgasm again and again, until they were both sweaty and spent and shaking with pleasure. They both poured every ounce of joy and relief into their intertwining bodies, finding their own perfect rhythm, until long after they should have gone to sleep. But neither wanted this magical day to end.
He was twirling the ring around her finger when Aelin remembered that she hadn’t taken a picture of it yet. She reached for her phone and started at a text from her dad, which just said: Checking in.
“Oh my god,” Aelin said again, bolting upright.
But Rowan just chuckled sleepily, reaching out with one of his hands to squeeze her bare backside. “Yeah, baby. Oh my god. You’re incredible.”
“NO, ROWAN,” she said smacking his shoulder. “What were we thinking? We got married! And then left home without telling anyone?” She actually couldn’t believe she had done that. What was she supposed to write back to her dad? “Rhoe is going to KILL ME,” she said, finally realizing what had occurred over the last twelve hours. “No, wait. He’s going to kill YOU! He’s going to arrest you for kidnapping his only daughter!”
At that Rowan really did laugh and pulled her back down into his embrace. “Ace, are you serious?” his laughter poured over her, silky smooth. “You think I would marry you and take you out of state without explicitly asking your father for permission and telling him our plans?”
Aelin’s eyes widened as she looked at Rowan with serious eyes. “He knew?”
Rowan kissed her shoulder and mumbled a soft, “Go to sleep. I’ll tell you everything in the morning.”
She paused. “You made a plan, but didn’t think to pack a bag for me?”
He chuckled again, pulling her tighter against his side. “I did pack a bag for you,” he said. ”I just forgot toothpaste and a nightshirt,” he said, his lips loosening as sleep threatened to take him over. “You didn’t need it, though.” And with that, he was asleep.
“I love you, too,” she replied, pushing his hair from his eyes and loving the way he smiled at her touch, even asleep. Unable to help herself, she laced her fingers through his and snapped a quick pic of their intertwined hands before sending it off to her dad. As she rested the phone down and closed her eyes, she felt ready for the next chapter. Except, it wasn’t really a chapter, she guessed. It was the rest of her life. A new book she was writing. She didn’t know what it would entail, but she knew that she couldn’t wait.
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ssruis · 1 month
Re: “don’t people make fun of Tsukasa. Even a little bit”
I’m also guilty of forgetting that tsukasa is generally pretty well liked regardless of his freak behavior and obnoxious personality. However. KAITO comments on his natural charisma in his Kamiyama Fes story:
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And bear in mind, this is when he’s directing a play with his classmates as actors so he’s in his True Freak Element.
In Tsukasa’s Kamiyama Fes card story he shows them Romeo Battle Royale which they all think is Dumb As Hell (fair), but they also think it’s funny & that this is deliberate. They’re not laughing *at* him or mocking him, they’re assuming - incorrectly but he does not gaf - that they’re laughing with him.
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& later on in the card story you, even though they thought he was a weirdo initially, they had fun under his direction and even compliment him.
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Which is kind of a running theme with a lot of his interactions with new people. “This guy is an egotistical weirdo” -> “This guy is an egotistical weirdo but he’s also genuinely nice and a decent guy” -> “He’s a freak but he is also my friend & I have fun with him.” & this has been true from a young age, as you can see in Pandemonium:
Tsukasa: When I first proposed the idea, everyone booed me for not choosing between tag or hide and seek and rattling on about this "show" business...
Tsukasa: However, after I began performing, they quickly followed suit. Through my show, we all had a chance to play both games!
Tsukasa *is* self centered, and he does have a high opinion of himself, but he’s not interested in putting other people down to make himself feel better. In fact, he also has a pretty high opinion of others and isn’t shy about making that known, which contributes to his likability.
(Outside of the main WxS story. Him yelling at Nene there was more out of frustration towards himself and the failed show, but that’s a different and lengthy discussion I don’t wanna get into here. It is important to keep in mind that he definitely became less “I’m the only one who matters here” and more “I’m great but so are other people” after it, though.)
You can see more clear examples of this in Nene’s earlier card stories as her opinion of him shifts to be more positive. From her initial 2*:
Nene: Rui has taken Robo-Nene for upgrades...
Nene: And once they're complete, I'd like to perform together with her.
Nene: (Tsukasa will probably shoot down my suggestion because he wouldn't want Robo-Nene to steal his spotlight.)
Tsukasa: Okay, so we'd be using Robo-Nene for our next play. But what sort of performance do you have in mind?
Nene: Huh?
Nene: (That...was a more positive reaction than I was expecting.)
Nene: Well that... That depends on what upgrades Rui is going to give her...
Rui: If I might offer my suggestion, the play could begin with only Robo-Nene on stage...
Emu: Hmm, yeah! That's cool! Let's tumble with this idea!
Tsukasa: It's let's roll with, not tumble!
Tsukasa: Anyhow, I like the novelty of it. You got me on board.
Nene: That's...cool.
And from her Kamiyama Fes card story:
[After Nene gives her idea for their next show’s plot]
Nene: Um... We're really doing this?
Tsukasa: Hey, what's this now? It was your own suggestion!
Tsukasa: Okay, we've got the basics down. Now to hammer out the details!
Nene: (Th-They're really going with my suggestion...)
Nene: (It might be even more fun if you could get different stuff each day or week...)
Tsukasa: Nene, do you have anything you'd like to add?
Nene: Huh?
Tsukasa: Don't be shy. It's your story after all!
Nene: Um... I-I was just about to say something, okay?
Tsukasa: Nene! I'm going to start writing the script. I need some more input from you.
Nene: Huh? But I already told you everything.
Tsukasa: That couldn't have been everything! This is your chance to make yourself heard and create your very own play. Don't pass it up!
Nene: (What happened to his overblown ego? He's always so pushy about putting what he wants in the script.)
Nene: Fine, I'll see what else I can think of... But you need to contribute too, okay...?
Rui also echos what KAITO said in Kamiyama Fes later in Nene’s Gleaming Stars side story:
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& you can see that this is true with how well he gets along with the other people in the workshop in his own Gleaming Stars card story.
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In Pandemonium, he also gets along well with his own group in his card story despite being very… himself. And trying to make a star shaped cup on a spinning pottery wheel.
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And in the second part of that card story, 1) we learn that he frequently talks with them, and 2) Rui’s group reveals that Tanaka, Yamaguchi, and Fujiwara are all considered popular and cool.
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…which is something Tsukasa evidently does not pay attention to or care about. Guy who is immune to the high school social order because he just treats all his peers equally. They’re all future fans friends to him.
From his Kamiyama Fes card again:
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I think that even if he notices people laughing at him/thinking he’s bizarre, he views it with this mindset and brushes it off pretty quickly. He’s very confident in himself! He likes himself! Why would he pay attention to any negativity aimed towards something he has no desire to change (his personality)? His loved ones (saki, toya, wxs) all like him just the way he is, so he likes himself just the way he is, and that’s all there is to it.
^ That ofc depends on whether or not he even realizes people aren’t singing his praises. Also from is Kamiyama Fes card story:
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Akito & Mizuki are like wow he just said something kinda smart & Tsukasa’s immediate reaction is “they admire me so much I must give them a token of appreciation” (which he also did in Akito’s initial 3 star (?) where he gave Akito & Toya PXL tickets despite Akito pretty clearly not wanting them).
He’s kind of the opposite of Nene, in that Nene enters just about every social interaction going “they’re gonna think I’m so weird what do I even say they don’t want to talk to me at all (spiraling)” & Tsukasa enters every social interaction going “I am so great I bet they’re happy to talk to me (regardless of how they act) and they are enjoying this conversation.” He doesn’t take it seriously when someone like Shiho or Akito are like “🙄 oh great it’s this guy”, and he esp doesn’t take it seriously when wxs poke fun at him.
As readers/viewers who see A Lot of him, it’s pretty easy to go “he is so fucking weird. How do people like him,” but that ignores that most characters find his antics pretty entertaining. Take Mizuki as an example, because even after knowing him for a short period of time she was like “oh this dude is a riot I love it.” As for the characters who found him obnoxious at first, after spending enough time around him to see that he’s a nice guy underneath the ego and attitude, he wins them over (Nene). That, or he earns their respect (Shiho and Akito) which later leads to actual friendship once they’ve built up a tolerance to his personality through repeated exposure.
1) Other characters find Tsukasa funny/entertaining and are able to see that he’s a genuine and kind guy underneath the ego.
2) He’s very extroverted and has zero issues striking up a conversation with literally anyone, whether they’re very popular or someone who doesn’t socialize at all. He treats his peers equally.
2.5) this, coupled with the fact that he’s very friendly, makes people enjoy talking to him and view him as a friend pretty quickly (gesturing at the fact that he still talked to Asahi after Curtain Call and how quickly Bakuno opened up to him).
3) Self confidence will get you everywhere, and he has a lot of that. Some would say too much.
4) Even if someone doesn’t like him very much, he either doesn’t notice or doesn’t give a fuck. People are laughing at him? Well, they’re having a good time and that’s what matters. Denseness + self love is an incredible shield.
Tsukasa is like if you combined a jester/clown with a very extroverted friendly dog. Yes Kamiyama students/fellow actors/his friends/etc think he’s an egotistical weirdo, but he’s THEIR egotistical weirdo, and they (for the most part) enjoy his freak behavior.
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birdybirdnerd · 1 year
👀 bifrost incident stage play????
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youve opened pandoras box my friend. get ready
okay so i had this idea back in 2019 when i first got into the mechs and specifically first heard tbi. im a theater kid and have chronic amv/animatic brain where i visualize things real easy, so when i first listened to this album i was SLAMMED with the realization that, actually, tbi is PERFECT for a stage adaptation
imagine, if you will:
inspector lyf, at his desk side-stage and in front of the curtains. stalking across the stage, talking direct to the audience as he waves the black box, setting the stage and the story ahead and theorizing as to whats going on
the first chords of odins launch speech are heard, and the curtains open wide on the exterior of the train, odin at a podium, and a crowd listening intently
during each of lyfs speaking parts (cold case/person of interest/etc), he walks across the stage and explains things, as the set changes behind him. new characters arrive, spotlights shining as lyf wonders what theyre doing there, if they were the one that sabotaged the train
in the style of kabuki theater, the stagehands are dressed all in black, silently moving the set around the actors, changing things and completely invisible, the audience accustomed to ignoring them at this point
lokis song comes, and the whole time she sings, she is beset by these stagehands, dragging her around like another set piece, harassing her, interacting with her but still invisible to everyone else. sigyn tries to get her attention during her song, tries to pull her into their wedding dance- but the stagehands keep pulling loki into dances of their own, all while sigyn has no idea why her wife wont so much as look at her
losing track, lyf is losing track and the suspects are lined up onstage, singing, taunting as lyf stalks among them, grabbing their arms and faces and demanding answers. as he loses his mind, falling into despair, they turn to him and grab him back, pull him down, yell the only words they have left at him as he despairs.
the live band is dressed in theme, all steampunk-ed up, on a mini stage off opposite lyf with minimal lighting on them, until- expert testimony comes by, lyf bemoans having to go to the imprisoned bandits that annoy him so, as he crosses the stage, only for the lights to rise on the band and guess who theyve been the whole time!
red signal. lyf stands center stage, frozen in place as he chants, summoning that squamous something from beyond the veil, as those stagehands, all-black, all-invisible, shift and change before the audiences eyes, pulling out rainbow scarves, makeup once hidden shining bright and vivid in sudden black light. they dash off the stage as the rip between worlds widens, run amok the audience, slamming through doors and screeching as lyf voice raises higher, higher, until-
and when the audience comes back, the stage is... wrong
more black light, the set has warped and twisted. rainbow lights shimmer brighter on the backdrop, splashing in pools on the stage and the actors faces. the stagehands run free now, the monsters from behind the veil, the unholy things now attacking the actors directly, tearing them apart as the train falls into chaos
thor confronts the all-mother, transformed; she stands at the top of a podium now, the top of a platform while her costume has expanded around her, grandiose robes melting into a massive, writhing puppet manned by the stagehands, a bright and staring eye projected behind her head, staring at the audience, watching. thor fights off the hands, loses, and finally throws his hammer at the eye- replaced with a bright, white crack as the stars claim them both
loki and sigyn share a final tender moment in the engine room, they get their dance in before sigyn slips the line into her wifes arm. they share a final kiss as the curtains close on them, leaving...
lyf, standing center-stage. bottle in hand, exhausted, terrified. he bids the audience good luck, laughs wryly about the bandits disappearing - at some point, the live band quietly disappeared from their side-stage - and slips behind the curtain
the radio static fizzes, and as we hear the panic spread across the galaxy, the curtains part for bows. the bell tolls, flashing that bright, staring eye back as all other lights go off, plummeting everyone into dark and stark relief
so yeah, ive thought of this a normal amount
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